#also note that it really only affects desktop users
duelcafe · 2 years
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Credits are completely updated across all blogs!  There are also now designated tags for where and which blog I am using something for.  All of these items are now viewable on my hub; they were posted privately as to not spam the dashboard, but are all of course linked in the credit section of my overview + navigation page and in any of my rules for my sideblogs as well.  Along with that, there is now a post that includes all of the icon batches I’ve found and am using ( if I haven’t outright made them myself ) just to keep them in one place and easy link to / properly credit!  
I’m adding music widgets to my blogs!  None of them are autoplay ( nor will they ever be ), and I’ve done my best to make sure that all songs are consistent sound-wise so that one song won’t be wildly louder than the previous.  Though this is really only applicable to duelcafe, as it’s the only blog of mine that has multiple songs on it.  Still — no player will be set to max volume, or even half for that matter.  My character sideblogs will get one song each, which will be rotated every now and then as I see fit!  I’m not finishing adding players to all my blogs yet, but look forward to them.  
I edited the coding of my themes with responsive centering for desktop!  Well, at least for the blogs that didn’t already have it ( which would be duelcafe, seamtorn, and waterlord. )  This means that no matter the screen size of someone’s device, bigger or smaller than my own, my blog will still appear centered on their screen.  If you notice any problems with my themes and they are not centered on your screen for some reason, let me know!  I’ll try to figure out why that is.  I’ve done my best to test and make sure things are in proper order, but it’s hard since I only have my own screens to go off of, so I can’t be 100% certain if works for everyone and their respective devices.
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officsandpens · 27 days
Mobile Navigation
Welcome  to  my  blog!  I  mostly  try  to  write  fan  fictions  for  characters  I  enjoy  on  my  screen.  You  can  read  them  by  checking  out  my  master  post  on  desktop  or  following  the  navigation  below!  Please  be  aware  that  not  all  the  stories  are  suitable  for  readers  under  18.  Also  note  that  not  all  topics  are  suitable  for  you,  and  you  should  read  the  warnings  before  reading  the  fan  fic. 
Other  than  that,  please  enjoy  my  written  works!
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You  can  find  my  master  post  for  DESKTOP  here  and  the  one  for  mobile  users  can  be  found  here.  Furthermore,  you  can  find  the  Work  in  Progress  (or  the  series/chapter)  I'm  currently  working  on  below.  The  newest  addition  or  the  work  I'm  currently  promoting  can  also  be  found  below. 
Current  WIP: 
Promoting  current  work: 
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Hi!  Welcome  to  my  blog.  I'm  a  28-year-old  fan  fiction  writer  who  basically  inhales  caffeine  instead  of  delicately  sipping  it.  I  really  can't  go  a  single  morning  without  my  two  mugs  of  coffee!  I'm  a  mum  of  two  adorable  cats  who  I  love  dearly.  Faye  and  Moussie.  If  I'm  not  sitting  behind  my  computer,  I'm  most  likely  trying  to  adult.  Which  isn't  as  easy  if  you're  diagnosed  with  AuDHD.  That  is  Autism  and  ADHD  combined.  While  it  currently  doesn't  affect  my  life  to  the  point  I  feel  disabled,  I'm  well  aware  it's  a  huge  roadblock  in  my  life.  One  I'm  living  with  every  day.  I  don't  want  to  be  cured,  but  I  rather  be  understood.  If  I'm  not  writing,  I'm  either  reading  or  gaming.
I  hope  to  use  this  blog  to  not  only  bring  my  wildest  fantasies  to  life,  but  yours  as  well! 
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badgraph1csghost · 1 year
How to Use a Computer, Part 5-B: Really How to Install Games from Disc Media
Last time, I explained about Microsoft refusing to recognise Safedisc and SecuROM games. I accidentally made it sound like ALL game software that was ever released on discs wouldn't work anymore. That was my error. SecuROM was already an antique by the time Microsoft got round to ending support for it, so there's actually quite a lot of games on disc that weren't affected by that. Let's quit talking about arcane technical issues and get down to the practical stuff, shall we?
There really isn't much to say about running games from disc. Like all software, it needs to install onto your computer first; the only difference is that the game uses a disc, either CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, to install the software, rather than an internet-based download service.
To begin, open your optical drive (OD) and put Disc 1 of the software you wish to install into the drive. If there is only one disc, that'll save you the step of changing out discs. Close the OD and wait for Windows to ask you what you want to do with the disc. Select "Run". It might say "Run Setup.exe", "Run AutoPlay.exe", or something else germane to running the installer contained on the disc. Whatever the "Run" option is, select it.
The Installer prompt will ask you to choose a file directory to install the software into. It will already have a selection made, so you won't have to worry about it. Really, there's no need to install software to a location other than the one given by the installer, unless you have a special hard drive or disk partition specifically for games. You probably don't so just let the installer put it where it wants to.
Let's look at the directory for second, though; because you'll probably use that to install mods. Let's take The Sims Complete Collection (EA, 2005) as an example. The directory the installer will put the game in is this...
C:/Program Files (x86)/Maxis/The Sims Complete Collection
This means the game will install on your main hard drive (drive C), into the root program files directory for 32-bit software (x86 and derivative CPUs were 32-bit processors, hence Program Files x86). In the 32-bit program files directory, it will use the folder for Maxis games (the game's original developer) and create a subfolder specifically for The Sims Complete Collection. It does this in order to prevent conflicts with any other games that might be in the Maxis folder, either now or in the future; say, if you were to install SimCity 4. Every file that TSCC's install discs put onto your computer will end up in this file directory only, with the exception of a desktop shortcut and a shortcut in your Start menu.
Some games, especially newer ones (2009-present) will also create user data folders in your Documents or User folders, apart from installing the game to C:/Program Files. In this case, mods will typically go in this user data folder instead of the root directory.
Getting back to the disc. When the installer prompts you for the next disc in the series, re-open your OD, remove the first disc and insert the second one; then shut the OD and click "OK" on the prompt. Repeat this process for disc 3, disc 4, and onwards. Once all the discs have been used, the installer will request Disc 1 again, at which point the install finalises and you can run the game.
It should be noted that REALLY OLD software-- basically, anything designed for Windows 98 or below-- will not run on modern computers. At all. But, if you're really, REALLY interested in playing something like SimHealth or Jane's Combat Simulator, you might try running those on a virtual machine with Windows 98. That's a little complicated to go into right now, but if you're interested in that, look into Virtual Box, a freeware VM from Oracle. If the game you want to play is from MS-DOS-- like Wolfenstein 3D or Jazz Jackrabbit-- Dosbox has you covered.
That's all we have for disc-based software. Next time, we'll talk about how to make your PC better through custom hardware.
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cellulargreys · 2 years
Uninstall gpg suite map
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#Uninstall gpg suite map how to#
#Uninstall gpg suite map software#
#Uninstall gpg suite map password#
#Uninstall gpg suite map free#
If future updates to the key will be managed by an apt/dpkg package as recommended below, then it SHOULD be downloaded into /usr/share/keyrings using the same filename that will be provided by the package. The key MUST NOT be placed in /etc/apt/ or loaded by apt-key add. The key MUST be downloaded over a secure mechanism like HTTPS to a location only writable by root. This key SHOULD be signed by other keys, preferably including some that are close to the strong set, in order to leverage the OpenPGP web of trust. It should be noted that the previously recommended ad-hoc standard, seems to be no longer available. If so, operators SHOULD choose an appropriate keyserver or keyserver pool, such as, or implement a Web Key Directory. The key MAY also be made available on key servers.
#Uninstall gpg suite map free#
A free X509 certificate MAY be obtained from Let's Encrypt and automatically configured using the certbot package. The key SHOULD be served over HTTPS if possible. The file SHOULD NOT be ascii-armored ( gpg -export -armor) although a separate armored version MAY be available under deriv-archive-keyring.asc. A binary export ( gpg -export) of the key SHOULD be available at the root of the repository under the filename deriv-archive-keyring.gpg, where deriv is the a short name for the repository. Repositories MUST be signed with an OpenPGP key. Instructions to connect to a third-party repository.This short how-to guides users through the steps necessary to remove the popular open-source encryption plugin GPG Tools (GPGMail) ('') from Apple Mail.This article seems ill-advised. In the meantime, users are advised to seek alternative end-to-end encrypted channels.
#Uninstall gpg suite map software#
The official advice from security researchers is to disable and/or uninstall the affected software until the vulnerabilities are disclosed and fixes can be issued. How about just hold off on encrypting things for a bit. Well, great, when they come up with an updated app, it'll be harder to get it installed.
#Uninstall gpg suite map how to#
This article seems akin to "Researchers have discovered that seatbelts don't always work - here's how to cut them out of your car" (the dealer will really appreciate that when you take it in for repair).
#Uninstall gpg suite map password#
Enter your administrator password if prompted to confirm the action.Īfter following the above steps, the GPG Tools email plugin will be gone from Apple Mail the next time you launch the client.
If you don't see the mailbundle file, return to the previous step but type ~/Library/Mail/Bundles in the Go to Folder dialog (note the tilde (~) character denotes your home folder).
Delete the GPGMail.mailbundle file by either dragging it to the trash in your dock or by right-clicking (Ctrl-clicking) it and selecting Move to Trash in the contextual dropdown menu.
In the Go to Folder dialog that appears, type /Library/Mail/Bundles and click Go.
Click on the desktop and in the Finder menu bar, select Go -> Go to Folder.
Quit Apple Mail if it is running ( Mail -> Quit Mail in the menu bar).
How to Uninstall GPG Tools from Apple Mail GPGTools has also since published a temporary workaround that it believes mitigates against similar so-called "Efail" attacks. Users' existing encryption keys are not affected by the procedure and will remain on their hard disk. It requires deleting a "bundle" file used by the app. This short how-to guides users through the steps necessary to remove the popular open-source encryption plugin GPG Tools (GPGMail) from Apple Mail. In the meantime, users are advised to seek alternative end-to-end encrypted channels such as Signal to send and receive sensitive content. Security researchers are warning users of PGP/GPG email encryption plugins not to use the software, after critical vulnerabilities were discovered that could potentially be used reveal the plaintext of encrypted emails.
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0 notes
aceofwhump · 3 years
Well....its about to be a billions more frustrating to be a tumblr user and content creator.
For those who aren't aware yet, check out the most recent announcement made by staff here: https://wip.tumblr.com/post/671184848292118528/an-update-on-the-tumblr-ios-app
Basically tumblr is censoring content in order to have the app appear in the Apple store. This update and content censoring is apparently only on Apple devices.
I'm an Android user so the banned tags and such isn't going to affect my user experience and I can't tell what tag is being banned for IOS users.
But from what I've seen of which tags are being shadowbanned, this does not bode well for the whump community. Things like abuse, blood, bones, broken, depression, injury, my edit, my post, request, submission, and trigger warning are all apparently banned now.
I don't plan on changing how I do things (for now although o dont know how I could i mean this is a whump blog). I'm not going anywhere, I'm gonna keep making my content, I'm gonna keep my tagging system, and I'm gonna continue to share good whump here.
For those of you who access tumblr and specifically whumplr through the app on any IOS device, it might be a good idea to give your browser a try for a while. Either on your phone or laptop. Content won't be banned there. It's literally just IOS devices.
Here's a list someone made that has all the current banned words. Basically, my whole blog is about to be shadowbanned from IOS user.
If you're a fellow Android/Desktop user like myself, this shouldn't effect anything for you other than a tanking of notes but everyone should be aware of (and pissed off about) this bullshit censoring. This is how and why tumblr banned nsfw content before. The Great Purge happened because tumblr allegedly claimed it was required to keep the app in the Apple store.
Also, it's now even more important for you to REBLOG CONTENT YOU LIKE!! Content creators are about to get even more shadowbanned so please reblog content you like and give content creators love and encouragement or else this site really will die.
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nyerus · 4 years
🌸 Updates and FAQs for Watching the TGCF Donghua! 🌸
✴️First, check out my detailed guide HERE if you want to know how to subscribe to YouTube or Bilibili!
Please read through these if you have any questions first before sending in an ask, as it's probably answered here (or the previous guide)!!! If you don't see it here, or still have confusions afterwards, then feel free to send in an ask or DM me!
✨Important Notes/Updates✨
Bilibili is allowing non-members to watch for free! No region locks, and you don’t even need to make an account. Free watchers will be one week behind paid members. But this is a legal and free way to support the donghua if you’re unable to pay! (This actually means that you’ll be able to see the episodes faster and for free on Bilibili than you would on YouTube, because YouTube has a two week delay instead of just one week.)
Funimation is broadcasting TGCF in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. These are some of the regions which are blocked by YouTube, so this is an available alternative for those who don’t want to go through Bilibili. They have also stated they will launch in Mexico and Brazil this winter.
ALL broadcasts are in Chinese with hard-coded/embedded English and Chinese subs. (I.e., they come with the broadcast itself, on top of the image. Nothing to toggle on/off, they are automatically there.) They are the exact same across all the platforms.
Please support official releases so that we can get more seasons, and high quality! This is still niche content, believe it or not!
✨Frequntly Asked Questions✨
1.) "Where is the best place to watch?"
I still reccomend Bilibili's native website/app over all other streaming platforms. This is due to some key points:
Bilibili's website/app gets the episode the very second they drop. There is no delay whatsoever. YouTube and Funimation have been delayed the last two weeks. It's unknown if this is just a hiccup or what, but if watching new episodes ASAP is important to you, going through Bilibili ensures you will not have to worry about any uncertainty.
Price breakdowns: Bilibili's website/app 3-month membership is $10-11 USD. Their YouTube channel's "MBBM Lv2" membership varies by region, but in many places is similar or just a tad more. In the US, the MBBM Lv2 membership and Funimation membership is the same price ($5.99 per month, or $17.97 for 3 months). So you can actually save some cash by going through Bilibili directly.
In the end, this is largely up to personal choice and comfort. Some people may find it difficult to navigate Bilibili's website even with guides and google translate's auto-translate feature. In this case, YouTube or Funimation are fine alternatives. If you also have an existing Funimation sub or plan to use it to watch other shows, then that's perfectly valid too. Similar with the MBBM lv2 sub on YouTube, especially if you want to use it to see other shows (e.g. Legend of Exorcism which is only English-subbed on YouTube).
2.) "Where do I watch for free?"
On Bilibili's website, you can watch episodes for free! You will be one episode behind paid members, but it's a legal way to support the donghua. You don't even need to create an account!
3.) "What episode will be airing when/where?"
Check out the table below for the differences in airing times. Time is 11AM China Time.*
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NOTE: Funimation is technically supposed to be the same as Bilibili members/YouTube MBBM Lv2, but the last few episodes have been delayed so I have no clue.... *Additionally, YouTube's episodes have been delayed by a little bit, but they've aired the same day.
4.) "How can I support the donghua?"
Free, on YouTube: Subscribe to Bilibili's YouTube Channel, give likes to TGCF videos/clips, and leave nice comments!
Free, on Bilibili: Everyone can follow the official TGCF account and page, plus leave likes on videos. All this following stuff requires you to have passed the Bilibili quiz to unlock levels: If you are lv2+, you can leave comments and give coins to offical TGCF videos. (Log in daily to get 1 coin/day if you're lv1+!) If you are lv4+, leave a good 5-star review!
Paid: Buy subscriptions to watch the donghua! Also, merchhhhh~
1.) "What's the difference between Bilibili's YouTube Channel's MBBM Lv1 and Lv2 memberships?"
MBBM Lv2 allows you to watch the episodes on the same day as Bilibili's website broadcast.
MBBM Lv1 has new episodes delayed by one week, meaning you will be one episode behind the others. There actually is zero point in subscribing to MBBM Lv1 (unless you want to watch other subbed donghua) because you can watch the same content on Bilibili for absolutely free, since Bilibili is allowing non-members to watch TGCF one episode behind paid members.
You can also watch two episodes behind on YouTube.
2.) "If I have YouTube Premium/Red, do I still need a membership on Bilibili's YouTube page?"
Yes. YouTube premium is completely separate from the channel-specific memberships.
3.) "Are episodes simulcast on YouTube?"
While originally stated as being simulcast, there actually seems to be a bit of a delay on YouTube as of now. It's unclear if this will change with future episodes.
4.) "Do I need a VPN?"
If you are from one of the restricted countries, then yes, you'll need to use a VPN. You can still pay for the subscription as normal, and then use a VPN to watch the donghua. It will not affect payment.
1.) "Do I need to take that 100-question quiz to sign up for Bilibili or the membership?!"
No, it's totally optional! You do not need it to either watch the free episodes or to buy a membership. It's only if you want to comment and stuff. It might make you think you gotta do it, or enter a code, but it's actually not needed. Check out THIS post for more info!!! (However, you may still want to do it in order to level up and eventually leave a nice review for the donghua!)
2.) "I'm only able to watch 6min on Bilibili's website when I watch from my phone. Do I need the app?"
You do not need the app. Switch your browser to Desktop Mode in order to watch the video in full.
Be sure to download a browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, etc that supports this mode if your native browser doesn't allow for it.
3.) "Can I get the app on iPhone/iOS?"
This depends on if you are in a country where the app is not region locked in the app store. If you're able to download it that way, great! If not, try using a VPN and setting your region to mainland China. It may work. APKs are not useable on iPhones, so unless you know how to sideload apps onto your device, you may be stuck with the app store only.
Do note that you might be unable to pay for a Bilibili membership through the app, depending on version, but you can always simply pay through the website and then use the app as normal. It will apply account-wide on all devices.
4.) "Why are there two versions of the app?"
One seems to be the international version, which is more basic and lets you pay via GooglePay/ApplePay. The other one seems to be made for mainland China, and allows you to even buy merchandise through it (Chinese address/bank acc required). Mostly, both have to be downloaded via APK on Android. But some iOS users have reported different versions of the app being available for them through the app store (namely the int'l ver, and some have said they can use a VPN to get the mainland one).
5.) "Is there any benefit to having the app over just using the website?"
Not really, no. With the app you can buy very cute hualian themed skins for your profile, though (if you have the mainland version of the app). Plus you can save videos for offline viewing.
6.) "Do I need to enter my area code for Bilibili when signing up/in?"
NO, you do not enter your area code in the phone number field. Select your country from the drop-down list and it will automatically consider your area code. (E.g. if you're in America, select 美国 and enter in your number like 5557779999.)
7.) "I didn't get to set a password when signing up, so how do I log into my Bilibili account after being logged out?"
Use the same phone number you did to sign up. Instead of a password, you'll enter in a one-time key that is sent to your phone via text message. (NOTE: some people have reported not receiving these messages, which may vary by phone carrier!)
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As mentioned above, don't include your area code when filling out your number.
Also, if you are signed in on the app on your phone, you can scan the QR code on the log-in page through the app.
8.) "How do I turn off the barrage comments filling up the video I'm watching?"
Select the little button that reads "弹" under the video:
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(Website vs App)
9.) Is the Bilibili subscription auto-renewing?
No, the 1-month (¥25), 3-month (¥68), 1-year (¥168) subscriptions will not automatically renew. They are a one-time payment only!
Notice that the renewing payments all say "连续" in front of them, which means "continuing" or "successive" types of subscriptions. They are also cheaper than the one-time payment. (E.g. the renewing 3-month sub is ¥45 instead of ¥68.) Moreover, the renewing types are not even available to purchase with PayPal, afaik. You need Alipay or WeChat Pay, etc.
10.) "Can I use the app/membership to read the manhua too?"
Unfortunately, not quite! Your Bilibili account is universal, but you'll need to download the manhua app seperately and topping up M-coins to pay for the manhua. (One-time purchases, either by volume or by chapter as per your choice.)
11.) "What resolutions are available?"
You can watch up to 480p as a free member. Paid members can watch at 1080p and high-bit-rate 1080p. It's possible to chromecast it to TV, too. (I haven't tried it, but others have!)
12.) "Can I watch across multiple devices?"
Yes, you can!
13.) "Do I need a VPN?"
No, Bilibili is not region-locked. However, some particular countries may have Chinese apps blocked.... :(
14.) "I want to leave a comment/review. How do I level up on Bilibili?"
Log in daily, watch at least one video per day, give coins (attained by logging in) to your fave videos, etc! It will definitely take a while haha.
15.) "Will I be able to watch other donghua like MDZS or SVSSS with my membership on Bilibili?"
No, those two donghuas are produced by TenCent, not Bilibili. You will need either a TenCent/WeTV account, or you can watch them on their YouTube channel (free).
1.) "Is Funimation's broadcast a simulcast?"
It is supposed to be, according to their initial announcements. They seem to be having some technical difficulties, but those may be resolved soon. I suggest keeping an eye on their twitter for updates if you are interested in watching through them!
2.) "Do I have to pay extra on my Funimation sub to watch TGCF?"
No, afaik, the regular $5.99 sub covers TGCF too.
I hope this helps out people further, so we can all have an easy time watching the donghua! And please do support it legally! 🙏
If you still need help, feel free to send in an ask!
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This topic is brought to you thanks to my amazing Patreon Supporters!
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Dip Pens
So I wanted to know what sort of writing tools Steve and Bucky would have been familiar with, and was really surprised to discover that they would have almost certainly learnt penmanship primarily with dip pens!
Dip pens are a writing technology that came after quills and before fountain pens. They are a reasonably straight-forward tool, but they changed access to literacy in America.
Elements and Accessories of Dip Pens
At the basic level, a dip pen consists of three main elements:
The Pen — While most of us will know of the writing point as a “nib,” it is actually called the “pen.” These metal point, commonly made from steel, are easily slid into the shaft, making them easy to change and replace at will. 
The Shaft — The shaft is the handle the user holds when writing, and can be made of a vast array of materials (ebony, mother of pearl, silver, gold, etc), but usually wood (or later plastic). 
The Ink — Alongside these is ink, usually in an open-top bottle or another temporary container.
Other accessories that would often accompany dip pens:
Blotter Paper — This is paper used to absorb excess ink to prevent smudges. Commonly it would be attached to a holder so it could be rolled over the paper smoothly.
Inkwell and Inkstand — Inkwells are containers that hold ink for use when writing. They can vary in quality and expense as needed. A step up from this is the inkstand, a luxurious desk accessory that would consist of inkwells, containers for spare pen tips, spaces for shafts to rest, and a place for ink blotters.
Writing Pad — This is a leather writing pad that would allow for the smoother glide of the pen tip over the paper and protect the desktop. Again, this was a luxury item. 
Cleaning Cloth — A cloth or scrap of rag used to clean pens after use.
Very Fine Sandpaper — Used to smooth the tip of new pens.
Using Dip Pens
To use a dip pen, the pen (”nib”) of choice is inserted into the shaft. The pen point is then dipped directly into the ink to a point above the “vent hole” (cut-out section). A certain amount of the ink will be retained by the pen to feed the strokes. Depending on the pen shape and ink type, a single dip can last anywhere from a couple of words to several lines of text.
Some maintenance and cleaning is required to get the pens into a useable state and to keep them in working order. New pens are often coated in a fine film of oil that will prevent it from collecting ink for use. To remove this, the pen can easily be cleaned with alcohol or the oil burnt off by passing it through a flame several times. Once cleaned, the tip will sometimes need to be smoothed with very fine sandpaper, as they can be razor-sharp and tear paper while writing otherwise. After use, pens will also need to be cleaned of residue ink, as letting it dry will affect its function. For this, some water and a cloth/rag will do the job to wipe it down before putting pens away. If not cleaned correctly, they can become corroded.
Pen Styles and Functions
As these pens were used in all areas of society, the diversity of shapes and designs is vast. Here are some of the key elements to a pen and what it brings to its user:
Tip shape — The width of the tip determines the thickness and shape of the line. The most common being “pointed” and “broad-edge” (also “stub” or “italic”).  “Pointed” tips have two tines that come to a single sharp point, and with the application of pressure, can spread and give variation in the line thickness. A “broad-edge” tip has a wide, flat point and will produce a stroke that varies in width from thin to thick, depending on the direction it is moved. 
Tip angle — Aside from the shape of the tip mentioned above, they can also come “pointed” or “ball-pointed” (or “turned-up”). As the name suggests, a “pointed” tipped pen comes to a point completely in line with the rest of the pen. Alternatively, a “ball-pointed” pen has an up-turned tip. The difference between the two is the ease at which they moved over the paper. A “pointed” pen moves best when pulled in the direction of the user but can snag on the paper stock when pushed away from them. The rounded tip of the  “ball-pointed” pen moves more smoothly across the paper, has more flexibility of movement in any direction, and is less prone to snagging on the paper. It was the predecessor to the modern ballpoint pen. As for the uses, a “pointed” pen will produce a finer line than a “ball-pointed” shaped one. For reference, Image-1 shows them side-by-side, Image-3 shows a “ball-pointed” tip and Images-4 and -5 show “pointed” tips.
Flexibility — The flexibility of the two tines of the pen will affect how wide apart they spread. The further apart they spread, the broader the variation in line thickness when pressure is applied. A stiffer pen will offer less variation in line thickness; while more flexible tines will allow the user a greater variation between fine and broad lines with the application of pressure while writing. Additional slots and notches can also improve elasticity in the tines. Think along the lines of touch sensitivity when using a digital drawing tablet.
Pen Shape — This is the most visually obvious element of a pen. The overall shape of the pen can vary greatly, and this element is both practical (impacts the way the pen works) and decorative. This element includes the “shoulder” (the base of the tines that flares out to varying degrees) and the “vent hole” (the cut-out at the base of the slit between the tines). The full list of types is too much to post here, but Wikipedia has a great visual list of them, and The Steel Pen has great, detailed information about dip pens. For now, I will just focus on the types I think our boys would have been most acquainted with:
Straight — Very simple, straight body that angles smoothly into the point. Similar to the Straight are the Beaked and the Bank which have longer tines. (See Image-4 and the 1st, 4th, and 6th pens in Image-9)
Stub — A straight body that then angles sharply inward with short tines.
Leaf / Flat Leaf / Spoon / Crown — These all have similar rounded shapes. The “shank” is straight until about halfway, then the shoulders flair out in a rounded shape. The result is a pen that looks similar to a spade from a suit of cards. (See Image-3 and the 3rd and 5th pens in Image-9)
Tip Size — The size of the tip will, as you might expect, impact the base thickness of the line.
To get an idea is the sheer variety these pens can come in, have a gander through Wikipedia’s gallery of dip pens!
Identifying Pens
Manufacturers will identify their pens by including their brand name along with the style name and/or number on the pen's “shank” (the section that slides into the shaft). As such, it is very easy to identify pen styles and their makers. In addition, manufacturers would put different design flair into the shape of the pen, resulting in some pretty interesting looking pens from higher-end manufacturers.
Purchasing Pens
Pens could be purchased easily in boxes containing anywhere from 12-100 pens. These boxes could either contain multiples of just one type by that manufactures, or a selection of their styles for different uses (a Straight, a Falcon, a Leaf, etc). While some brands were sold in tins, most I have seen have been cardboard boxes, often with a draw design (similar to modern matchboxes) sealed before sale with adhesive labels over the ends.
Cost Dip pens were relatively cost-effective, which is why they were used in schools over fountain pens and continued to be in use for decades after the invention for the ballpoint pen. Based on newspaper ads from the 1920s and 1930s, a fountain pen could put you back $1.00 - $10.00 (though I did see one ad with sale ones listed at 75c), while a box of 12 “steel pens point” would only cost you 5c. A dozen basic lead pencils look to have been around 10c, and a 2oz. bottle of ink around 10c as well. Similarly, a simple soft-cover 48 leaves book would be around 5c. Do note that these prices do come from ads for large department stores, so cheaper items could likely be found at smaller local stockists.
I personally have a decent collection of pen “nibs”. The ones photographed here are some I recently picked up for Patreon perks and a shaft I kept with my modern pens and markers (it’s too long to fit in the box with the rest of my nibs etc). But after spending an afternoon searching, I can’t seem to find the box I keep the rest of my collection in. When I do I’ll be sure to post some photos on more shapes they can come in!
If you want more in the topic, my full research notes on all topics are available for all $3+ Patreon patrons!
Image Sources
Close-Up of Pen Tips | D.’s Personal Collection Close-Up of Shaft End | D.’s Personal Collection Government of Canada No. 50 Close-Up (Flat Leaf) | D.’s Personal Collection Government of Canada No. 40 Close-Up (Beaked) | D.’s Personal Collection Eagle Pencil Co. E11 Close-Up (Falcon) | D.’s Personal Collection Wooden School Case w/ pens | Source Box of No. 2 School Pens, c. 1920s | Source Coca-Cola School Set, c1930s | Source Shaft w/ Pens | D.’s Personal Collection
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This post comes to you thanks to Patreon supporters at the  ‘Ephemera Club’ level. Those subscribed in July 2020 received their very own vintage dip pen nib, along with a sweet postcard showing an element of Brooklyn in the 1920-1940s! If you would also like to receive neat, period-appropriate items in the mail each month, you can join the ‘Ephemera Club’ for just $15! 
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If you join before the end of July 2020, you too will receive these items!
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[ Support SRNY through Patreon and Ko-Fi ] And join us on Discord for fun conversation! I also have an Etsy with upcycled nerdy crafts
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles I came across since the early February report, although some may be older than that. I am a bit behind due to my trip last week and other events, but some things here are a bit time-sensitive so I wanted to release this now. 
I am still looking into setting up a new ecommerce business forum where we can discuss this sort of news, as well as any day-to-day issues we face. I need some good suggestions for a cheap or free forum space that has some editing tools, is fairly intuitive for inexperienced members, and is accessible. If you have any suggestions, please reply to this post, email me on my website, or send me a tweet. (I will put out a survey once we narrow this down to some good candidates, but if you have any other comments on what you want from such a forum, please include those too!)
As always, if you see any stories I might be interested in, please let me know!
Since we are seeing more shops closed due to Etsy’s customer service level standards, my blog post on ODR now has major revisions explaining what we have learned, and includes some tips for staying out of trouble and if necessary, appealing a suspension. Please circulate the info widely, as many sellers still haven’t heard about this, and some were closed without having any clue this was possible. 
Mobile continues to grow while desktop use is slowly shrinking. It should affect how we design web pages. “Mobile visitors also behave differently from their desktop web counterparts, staying on pages for shorter periods of time, for example.” Other interesting takeaways from this SimilarWeb report: “[Facebook] lost 8.6% of [web] traffic over the past year alone” but increased in app sessions. 
The price of domains ending in “.com” will almost certainly be going up soon, and will go up most years after that, unless something changes at the last minute. If you are absolutely certain that you will continue to use the same domain name for your website, blog, ecommerce forwarding etc., then you might consider paying a few years in advance to save a few bucks. 
Another article explaining how people are selling thrift store and vintage clothing on Instagram, without setting up a checkout/cart anywhere. (The article focusses on teenagers, but does reference other examples.)
Two weeks ago, Etsy Support posted on Twitter that they were no longer monitoring the account, and asked everyone to use the help page maze instead when they need support. Forum thread here.  
Another trend report for 2020 from Dayna Isom Johnson [podcast links & transcript] She leads off with tips on how to get featured: “ so it's incredibly important to see a bright representation that really clearly shows your product...Do be original. I'm always trying to find the latest and the greatest that isn’t already on the shelves...Do be inclusive. ... I'm talking about models of all ethnicities, all genders, all body types, all ages.” Etsy chose chartreuse as their colour of the year: “in the last three months, there's been a 12% increase in searches for green already, and a 55% increase in neon green.” The wedding trends part was mostly already covered in a blog post, but she does also answer a few seller questions. 
Website user experience (UX) is a big part of getting people to convert, and an outside group ranks Etsy’s as “acceptable”. Many will be unsurprised that search gets a score of “mediocre” and Accounts & Self-Service get a “poor” grade.  
The migration to Google Cloud services is complete, so now Etsy can run more experiments more often, including those involving AI. (Although the forum thread was laughing at the idea of bad reviews helping shops, there is actually some research supporting that, so it is a logical thing to test.)
Etsy sellers in the US, UK & Canada who use Instagram can apply to win a trip to Etsy HQ here, until March 1.
Etsy is launching an Etsy U program which just seems a bit sketchy. Forum thread here.
Reverb (owned by Etsy) named a new Chief Technology Officer on Feb. 18.
Google does not confirm every large search update, so this one remains a mystery at the moment, since Google refused to give an answer. That means it’s not a core update. 
Another video (with subtitles in several languages) from the SEO for Beginners series from Google, on the basics you need for good website SEO. 
If you are interested in “searcher intent”, this 500 person survey asks about what people are really looking for, and what they think of the search results the end up with. Overwhelmingly, they say they prefer organic results to ads, and the majority see targeted ads that they can’t figure out the reason/s behind. “Sixty-eight percent responded that Google adding more ads to the search results would make them want to use the search engine less.” Also, a slight majority preferred text results to images, video, & audio. “When asked which factor had the most significant impact on their decision to click a result, 62.9% responded it was the description, followed by 24.2% who said the brand name, and 13% who said title.” That means that the first part of your Etsy listing description, or the coded meta description on a page on your website, has the most influence on people clicking on your link once they see it. 
I usually strongly suggest that people setting up their own websites make sure they do some SEO work & keyword research for their category/shop section pages, and it turns out that there is new research showing I am correct. “Specifically, e-commerce category pages – which include parent category, subcategory and product grid pages with faceted navigation – ranked for 19% more keywords on average than product detail pages ranked for. The additional keywords they ranked for drove an estimated 413% more traffic, based on the keywords’ search demand and the pages’ ranking position. With optimization, those ranking category pages also showed the potential to drive 32% more traffic.”
Semi-advanced: explaining the (seemingly endless) debate on whether subdomains or subdirectories are better for SEO. 
SEO study - do you really need to use H1 tags on a page? Maybe not, although some screen readers recognize them as the page title so they help with accessibility. (Etsy & many other marketplaces don’t let you make this coding choice, so don’t worry about it there.)
Confused about how to apply all of these SEO tips I post here to your Shopify site? Good news! Here’s a list of what is most important for Shopify SEO. Note the attention to setting up your category pages, which is something I completely agree with. (it’s by Ahrefs so of course it pushes their tools; you don’t need to pay for that.)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Some businesses say social media doesn’t work, but maybe they aren’t doing it right. See if you are making one or more of these three mistakes. “Understanding who your target audience is - what they want, what they need, where you fit in, etc. - is critical to maximizing your social media marketing performance.”
Email marketing also works better if you do it right, so here are 5 things you might be doing wrong. And if you like a quick read, here’s an infographic on the psychology of email marketing. 
8 ideas for getting more interactions on Facebook (detailed infographic).
More fourth quarter reports continue: Pinterest’s 4th quarter revenue was up 46% but they lost $1.36 billion, and they are introducing a verified merchant program. “Almost all (97%) of the top searches on Pinterest are unbranded, according to the company, giving merchants a chance to stand out.”
Want to tap into that Pinterest traffic? You should because “90% of weekly Pinterest users log in to make buying decisions.”  Here are 10 ways to get more attention, followers, and pins. 
Like almost all social media, Twitter has an algorithm that mediates what users see (although you can turn it off, or use apps such as Tweetdeck to get around it as a reader). Ranking factors include recency, engagement, media and activity. The article includes a few tips on how to make it work for you, but then slides into promoting its app as the solution - you can just skip that part. 
Google search ads get more results than Facebook and Instagram, simply because more people who see them want to buy something. “Less expensive products tend to sell better than more expensive ones on Facebook and Instagram, per the study.”
If you are running ads where you can choose your keywords, don’t forget to examine your organic search results and impressions for new words to advertise. Google Search Console is a great source.
If you found Instagram ads too expensive, check out this post on how the ads are priced, which can help you make decisions on your spend. 
Amazon has nearly 40% of the US ecommerce market, according to a report by eMarketer. Etsy is not in the top 10; eBay is 3rd behind Walmart. 
Sales on Shopify sites during the Black Friday-Cyber Monday long weekend went up 61% to $3 billion in 2019. They claim that the “direct -to-consumer” approach can be successful for both big & small brands. 
Japanese authorities are going after Rakuten for the ecommerce company’s push to make its sellers offer free shipping. 
eCommerceBytes’ annual Sellers Choice survey placed eBay first out of the online marketplaces that were rate. Note that this is not a scientific survey and largely covers the site’s readership only. Bonanza was the most improved & Etsy showed the worst drop (from 1st to 5th place). 
A review of that article last month that says ecommerce sites should have info pages as well as product pages, if only for SEO reasons. The author approves. 
The CBC show Marketplace did a large test buying branded items on AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Wish. It turns out that most were fake. 
Facebook’s cryptocurrency plans (Libra) finally have a partner: Shopify. The potential benefits include no credit card processing fees. 
Younger people (think Gen Z) expect to see gender treated expansively and beyond traditional stereotypes, and they expect this from companies and advertising. “Half of women and four in 10 men in the U.S. now believe that there is a spectrum of gender identities, according to a recent Ipsos poll titled "The Future of Gender is Increasingly Nonbinary." An additional 16% of those surveyed said they know a person who identifies as transgender”
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
Google employees are pushing back against the sea change in the company’s culture and values - and some are being fired. 
Turns out that the “Peleton Wife” ad might not have hurt them as much as you might think. However, their stock dropped 12% after the fourth quarter report showed a 77% increase in revenue that still managed to be below market predictions. Interesting discussion around going viral in a negative fashion.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
In Lisp, all variables are effectively pointers. Why go work as an ordinary employee for a big company, or have they abandoned the center for the suburbs?1 Especially if it meant independence for my native land, hacking.2 It's hard to engage an audience it's better to start with what goes wrong and try to trace it back to the root causes. A lot of the new startups would create new technology that further accelerated variation in productivity is far from the only source of economic inequality, the former because founders own more stock, and the rate at which it changes is itself speeding up.3 When we first started Y Combinator we have some kind of secret weapon—that he was harming his future—that hacking was cold, precise, and methodical, and that was more than enough technical skill. There is a name now for what we were: an Application Service Provider, or ASP. How little money it can take to start a company of any size to get software written.
I needed to remember, if I could give an example of a powerful macro, and say there!4 Design means making things for humans. Wrong. Big companies also don't pay people the right way to get an accurate drawing is not to make the poor richer. This sort of thing was the rule, not better off, as more than a plan A. In some ways, this assumption makes life a lot easier for the users and for us as well. Why did desktop computers take over?5 Programmers have to worry about infrastructure. For the first week or so we intended to make this point diplomatically, but in many ways pushes you in the opposite direction.6 Similarly, good new problems are not to be had for the asking. Don't be too legalistic about the conditions under which they're allowed to leave.
Now, when someone asks me what I do, I look them straight in the eye and say I'm designing a new dialect of Lisp;-Though useful to present-day union organizers rather than an attack on early ones. I think mathematicians also believe this. In the middle you have people who are poor or rich and figure out why. We were just able to develop stuff in house, and that if grad students could start startups, they'll start startups. Eric Raymond here. Which seems to me one of the most interesting differences between research and design. In fact, it may be slightly faster. We were terrified of starting a startup, there are even worse tradeoffs than these. I think about why I voted for Clinton over the first George Bush, it wasn't because I was shifting to the left or right in their morning-after analyses are like the financial reporters stuck writing stories day after day about the random fluctuations of the stock market.
This metaphor doesn't stretch that far. Maybe it will also be your cell phone. The books I bring on trips are often quite virtuous, the sort of engagement you get when speaking ad lib. It doesn't necessarily mean being self-sacrificing. For the first week or so we intended to make this an ordinary desktop application. You can't trust authorities.7 They were, as a rule, not better off, as more than one with a 50% chance of winning has to pay more than one discovered when Christmas shopping season came around and loads rose on their server. I'm letting you in on the secret early. But since then the west coast has just pulled further ahead.8 It is not the way it's portrayed on TV. And if you're writing a program that attacked the servers themselves should find them very well defended.
Sometimes I can think with noise.9 Our only expenses in that phase were food and rent. It's hard to imagine now, but when they do get paged at 4:00 AM, they don't think of themselves that way. When you switch to this new model, you realize how much software development is affected by the reactions of those around them, and c they're individually inconsistent. If you want, but not totally unlike your other friends. And that might be a great thing. As long as our hypothetical Blub programmer wouldn't use either of them.10 I'm a little embarrassed to say, I never said anything publicly about Lisp while we were working on Viaweb. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they planned. So there you have it.
Notice I said what they need, not what a piece of code. Fortunately, there were few obstacles except technical ones. And more to the point of view. And creating wealth, as a rule, not better off, as more than a plan A. You never had to worry about those. If you work this way too.11 Because painters leave a trail of work behind them, you can just turn off the service. I could tell I knew how to program computers, or what life was really like in preindustrial societies, or how to program better than most people doing it for a living. I think few realize the huge spread in the value of 20 year olds.12 Prep schools openly say this is one reason intranet software will continue to do so but be content to work for someone else would get an even colder reception from the 19 year old was Bill Gates? Programs.13 The way to get in the software as soon as they got their first round of outside investors 36x.
It allows you to give an example of this rule; if you could count on investors being interested even if you're not certain, you should get summer jobs at places you'd like to work. You have the users' data right there on your disk.14 And you don't have to be poked with a stick to get them to stay is to give them enough that they don't dress up. Only 13 of these were in product development. No one will look that closely at it. You have the users' data right there on your disk.15 At any rate, the result is that scientists tend to make their fortunes will continue to do so much besides write software.16 So startup culture may not merely be different in the way of having the next. Though we were comparatively old, we weren't tied down by jobs they don't want to, but they didn't actually drop out of college and it tanks, you'll end up at 23 broke and a lot who get rich by taking money from the rich. If you write the laws very carefully, that is a good idea—but we've decided now that the party line should be to discover surprising things. This was done entirely for PR purposes. What you're afraid of competition.
Management consulting.
If you're expected to do work you love, or boards, or even being Genghis Khan is probably a losing bet for a couple hundred years or so and we ran into Yuri Sagalov. Most of the reason the founders. In fact the decade preceding the war had been a waste of time on is a new version from which they don't know. 6% of the products I grew up with much greater inconveniences than that.
Even in English, our sense of a startup enough to invest in a safe environment, and then a block or so and we did not become romantically involved till afterward. They seem to be hard on the grounds that a startup is rare. Companies often wonder what to do whatever gets you there sooner.
9999 and.
Globally the trend has been around as long as the web have sucked—A Spam Classification Organization Program. The point where things start with consumer electronics.
People and The Old Way. But if you tell them what to do video on-demand, because you can't even claim, like the bizarre consequences of this essay talks about programmers, the other cheek skirts the issue; the point where it was briefly in Britain in the Ancient World, Economic History Review, 2:9 1956,185-199, reprinted in Finley, M.
Inside their heads a giant house of cards is tottering. In fact the less powerful language in it.
The only people who might be 20 or 30 times as much income. Selina Tobaccowala stopped to think about, like arithmetic drills, instead of editors, and astronomy. Incidentally, the police treat people more equitably. There can be done at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers will get funding, pretty much regardless of how to use those solutions.
For example, because it doesn't cost anything. What will go away. In a startup in a deal to move from London to Silicon Valley like the increase in trade you always see when restrictive laws are removed. Come work for us now to appreciate how important it is certainly part of a safe environment, but mediocre programmers is the discrepancy between government receipts as a technology startup takes some amount of damage to the size of a startup, as on a map.
Success here is that they've already decided what they're going to need to run an online service, this would work.
But no planes crash if your school, secretly write your dissertation in the right sort of wealth, not like soccer; you don't know of no Jews moving there, only Jews would move there, and power were concentrated in the imprecise half.
The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, many of the art itself gets more random, the increasing complacency of managements.
For example, the laser, it's this internal process in their target market the shoplifters are also startlingly popular on Delicious, but since it was 10 years ago.
In a project like a core going critical.
How could these people make the right not to stuff them with comments. The state of technology, companies that an investor, than a product of number of discrepancies currently blamed on various forbidden isms.
If you did that in practice that doesn't lose our data. Anything that got built this way is basically a replacement mall for mallrats.
Thanks to Mike Arrington, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Patrick Collison, and Paul Buchheit for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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user-lee101 · 5 years
make video edits online
The great tool test for video stories and social media videos & # 8211; onlinejournalismus.de title> You can scale your videos, effects, or music pieces by simply selecting them first, and then stretching them to the new size. However, note that the size of a track affects playback speed. Rank History shows how popular Vinkle - Music Video Editor & Maker is in the Google Play app store, and how that's changed over time. You can track the performance of Vinkle - Music Video Editor & Maker of every day across different countries, categories and devices. As a small startup insurance agency, we have a limited budget. Philosophically, we wanted to spend more of our budget on agent remuneration rather than spending time and money on marketing materials. Learn everything about millions of apps and the developments in the app industry with App Annie. Below is a list of instructions written specifically for Movavi Video Suite. For users who allow the execution of Javascript in the browser, this number is significantly higher than for users who prohibit this. Wave.video is an online tool to easily create and publish social media videos that are perfectly optimized for any channel. If you crop the page that contains a watermark, you will notice that the width (or height) parameter also changes. Pay attention to the new number as you will need it in seconds. Open the properties window on the right side of the VSDC interface. If you can't see it, right-click the DeLogo object and choose Properties.
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Learn everything about millions of apps and the developments in the app industry with App Annie.
To remove the audio, simply click on the audio track on the timeline and press the "Delete" button. Anyone, even with a little or no experience in editing, can create beautifully edited videos with Video Edit Magic. Fast steps in the areas of multimedia, hardware and software have made video editing easy. Video Edit Magic is ideal for learning the ropes and taking the first steps in the field of digital video editing.
Really anyone who wants to create great videos regardless of their experience or skills can use it.
However, keep in mind that the size of a track affects playback -Speed.
These are very marketing-oriented, so journalists will hardly find what they are looking for.
Clipchamp offers a free video editor, video compressor, video converter, webcam recorder and an API for video collection.
It falls far short of the possibilities and convenience of a real desktop editing program. li> ul> We designed the OpenShot Video Editor with the goal of creating an easy-to-use, quick-to-learn and amazingly powerful video editing program. Take a quick look at the most popular features and skills. Capterra is free for users because software providers pay us if they generate web access and new sales opportunities thanks to our website. All providers are listed in the Capterra directories - not just those who pay for them - so that you are optimally informed when making your purchase decision. Not only did we make video editing a breeze, we also made sure you didn't have to deal with software - you can get started right in your browser. Video editing solution with cloud storage, voiceover and screencasting capabilities for professional looking video creation. Make your video clips unique with a solution that lets you add audio, special effects, film filters, titles and more. Renderforest helps with the creation of explainer animations, advertising business videos, slide shows with music, kinetic typography and much more. Video editing programs help create professional-looking videos and films for education, advertising, and entertainment. In this tutorial, we'll show you both techniques performed in VSDC. It is a free video editing software for Windows. If you haven't done so already, download them to your PC first. However, there are a few detours that are sufficient for you. Sorts product profiles according to their language, German language first. Vendors can bid for placement in our product lists. Visualize your audio files as a vibration curve, or even output them as part of your video. Using our powerful framework, you can hide, move, jump, and animate whatever you want in your video. Our video editing technology runs entirely in the browser but on your computer, like a hybrid of online and offline programs. This brings advantages in speed and protection of your privacy.
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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Using multiple GPUs for multiple monitors, a case study
Hi everyone
I wanted to share the results of a bit of an experiment I ran in the last few weeks, which had some interesting and even unexpected results.
The problem(s) I tried to solve
I have a tripple monitor setup. My center monitor is a 1080p 21:9 144Hz monitor, and is as you would expect my main gaming monitor. Next to that monitor I have 2 plain 1080p 16:9 60Hz monitors, one on each side. I use them for having Skype, Discord, monitoring tools, etc open while I game.
Problem 1: I noticed is that when I was gaming and for example someone sent me a chat on Discord or Skype, it didn't update, or the Discord window went black. When I tabbed out of my game, the window would update correctly.
Problem 2: when I have a browser with YouTube open on a secondary monitor, at best my FPS takes a hit because Firefox seems to use the 3D part of the GPU to render Youtube content, and at worst my game FPS gets locked at 60 because it's running 60Hz content.
Note that Problem 2 was less of an issue when I used Edge, as Edge used the Video Decode part of the GPU, which didn't compete for resources with the 3D part. It did use a tiny bit of 3D to actually render the browser window, but nothing heavy.
The theory
If I would buy a simple GPU as secondary GPU, and hook up my 2 AUX monitors to it, leaving my primary monitor hooked up to my main GPU (a Vega 64), then all the rendering of Discord and Firefox would be done on the secondary GPU, leaving my primary GPU to be able to render games dedicated. Whatever happens on the secondary GPU, wouldn't affect the primary.
The experiment
I bought an AMD RX550 2GB, cheapass thing, but for the purpose of this test it should suffice as the load of my AUX monitors would be very light anyway. I plugged it into my mainboard into an available PCIe x16 slot. Now note, I run a Threadripper system, so I have PCIe lanes up the wazoo, so there was no fear of suddenly having my main GPU running at x8 instead of x16 because of this.
Sure enough after booting up I had the following show up in Task Manager.
GPU 0 : Radeon RX Vega 64
GPU 1 : Radeon 550 series
So far, so good. Note I will be using Task Manager as a reference here, as from Windows 10 1809 it shows the GPU load and what GPU something is running on. For detailed HW load I did crossreference with HWInfo, but it was always consistent with what Task Manager said.
I fired up Firefox and dragged the window to one of the AUX monitors, then started playing a Youtube clip. I saw quite some load on the 3D part of the RX550 so I thought "yay, this is working". Alas, no, not in the slightest. I looked into the details, and what I saw was really surprising: the load on GPU 1 was not Firefox, it was Desktop Window Manager (DWM), Firefox was using GPU 0.
What was happening here was that Firefox was still using GPU 0 to decode and render the Youtube vid, but because the monitor it was on was attached to GPU 1, not GPU 0, the DWM rendered Firefox as a remote window on GPU 1. This is the 3D load on GPU 1 I was seeing. I tested with Edge and yep, same thing was happening, only now with Video Decode on GPU 0 and 3D on GPU 1. I was baffled.
I fired up some other applications to see if there were issues assigning load to a specific GPU. I tried MPC-HC first to render a H.265 encoded movie. No issues there, MPC-HC dynamically changed the GPU it was decoding on to match the monitor its window was in. If I dragged it from my main to one of the AUX monitors, Video Decode on GPU 0 dropped to 0 and Video Decode on GPU 1 sprung up. Next I fired up the Netflix app. Same there: it just went with whatever GPU the window was on and adjusted on the fly. So there was nothing wrong there, only of course the loads I chose were Video Decode loads. Still, Edge used Video Decode, and it had that wierdness going on.
Skype and Discord were also not quite responsive, and when I checked task manager I could see that they too were still assigned to GPU 0, even though they were on a monitor attached to GPU 1.
I tried firing up a game and seeing what the effect would be if I tried to watch Youtube on one of the AUX monitors. The result: the clip stopped playing, or played audio but video at like one frame per 10 seconds. The GPU load on GPU 1 also dropped to almost 0, it seemed it wasn't getting any data to render. Both Firefox and Edge had this behavior. Again, stumped.
Then, a sudden realization: I was playing my game in fullscreen windowed. This meant that it was being rendered as part of the entire desktop with the DWM as intermediate layer. What if... I played fullscreen?
Swicthed my game to fullscreen and YUP, suddenly my Youtube clips played smoothly again. Still the same "remote rendering" wierdness, and a FPS hit in my game when using Firefox, as Firefox was using 3D to render the clip, but at least it was working! Same for Discord and Skype, they updated nicely when I received a chat.
My analysis
So, there's a few things going on here. The main thing here is some very wierd quirks of the DWM.
First, when multiple applications request 3D workloads, the DWM seems to limit the refresh rate to the lowest refresh rate of the entire desktop, probably to keep things consistent while it renders all the 3D surfaces. This reflects in games being capped at 60 fps on a high refresh rate monitor, when you do 3D stuff on a second monitor. If you run your game fullscreen though, the DWM is not involved in your game's screen and only renders the other surfaces of your desktop, so you no longer have a conflict there, and any resource allocation for multiple 3D demand gets handled by your video driver, not the DWM.
Second, applications seem to always default to GPU 0 unless they have internal logic to dynamically change GPUs. When displaying on displays not attached to GPU 0, some "remote rendering" technology of Windows and the DWM kicks in to make this transparent to the user, at the cost of additional GPU load on the nonprimary GPU(s). Unfortunately, Windows doesn't seem to have an option to force an application onto a specific GPU unlike with CPU cores. The GPU driver might be able to help with this, but the options I've seen (for example in nVidia's driver) seem to then force an application to always run on a specific GPU, so nothing dynamic.
Further analysis
Now, my work laptop is a Dell Precision, which has 2 GPUs: an Intel integrated one and an nVidia Quadro one. The internal monitor of my laptop is hooked up to the Intel GPU, while the external monitors via USB-C are hooked up to the nVidia Quadro GPU.
I re-tested what I tested above and... applications DID move to the other GPU. My main test was Edge here, when moving it from my laptop monitor to my external monitor it jumped from GPU 0 to GPU 1 with the entire workload.
This baffled me a bit, until I realized: Windows DOES have a built-in system for dynamically moving loads between GPUs, but it is designed to move loads between an iGPU and a dGPU. It sees the iGPU as a "Low Power GPU" and the dGPU as a "High Power GPU", and uses both dynamically as appropriate. However with 2 dGPUs, this doesn't work as GPU 0 will always be the "High Power" and "Low Power" GPU, with no options of changing it.
My experiment was a bit of a failure, but not really through a fault of my own, rather it's very specific Windows behavior that kept it from succeeding. If Windows would have more intelligent dynamic GPU assignment, I am convinced it would have worked and I would have seen the benefits.
That being said, I did manage to find out a few things that settle arguments that often come up
1) "Will my secondary monitors limit the performance of my high refresh rate primary monitor".
This comes up so often with an equal amount of people saying "yes, definitely, I have encountered this" and "no, I have such issues".
In this case, both are right, but there is one paramater that is never mentioned: borderless windowed. If you play your games fullscreen you will not encounter issues, but if you play your games borderless windowed you will encounter this issue, as the DWM will then be inbetween the game and your monitor.
2) Will attaching my secondary monitors to a secondary GPU improve my performance
My results are: if the second GPU is a dGPU, then no. However, if the secondary GPU is an iGPU (like an Intel Integrated or an Ryzen APU's integrated GPU) then it will, as the limiting factor is Windows' dynamic GPU assignment logic. Note: this is true for Windows 10 19H2 (which I am running), hopefully MS imroves this in future Windows 10 versions.
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How To PlayFLAC Recordsdata On Your IPhone, IPad Or IPod Contact
FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format similar to MP3, however lossless, which means that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) and WAV (Waveform Audio File Format) are lossless, but uncompressed. Which means ripped recordsdata take up the same amount of area as they would on a CD (10 MB per minute of stereo sound). Due to their giant file sizes, these formats are less desirable than FLAC and Apple Lossless (you'd want about twice the space for storing for the same library). On the plus side, AIFF and WAV are compatible with a wide range of units and software program. When distributing a podcast or other audio over the internet, you wish to have the smallest doable filesize, the best possible quality and everyone should be able to play it (on all working techniques, on cell phones, moveable audio gamers, car audio players and so on.). An alternative choice price noting is one that lets you set up to three preset conversion codecs so as to right-click on an audio file and select a kind of formats for a quick conversion. It is a huge time saver. Ogg Vorbis - The Vorbis format, usually often called Ogg Vorbis on account of its use of the Ogg container, is a free and open supply different to MP3 and AAC. Its main draw is that it is not restricted by patents, but that does not affect you as a user—the truth is, despite its open nature and comparable high quality, it's much much less fashionable than MP3 and AAC, which means fewer gamers are going to assist it. As such, we don't really recommend it unless you're feeling very strongly about open source. Although separated by the operating programs they can be utilized with, FLAC and ALAC share many technical features and have an analogous file size. The FLAC format is about8% smaller, a difference that shouldn't matter to most people. As a rule, each FLAC and ALAC are capable of compress CD quality files to half the dimensions. By way of sound quality, FLAC and ALAC are comparable, although compression and decompression is barely more efficient with FLAC. In a direct test, which means that a FLAC file will decompress more shortly, and due to this fact by prepared for playback more readily than an ALAC file. Once more, however, this difference is so marginal that mere mortals won't discover it. is a web based conversion device, so there's completely no software to put in. This implies your pc is not going to be cluttered by unwanted software program. There's also no signal-up process, we needed to maintain the conversion process very simple with none undesirable steps. Simply drag and drop your information and see them mechanically convert to ALAC format. Plus it's absolutely free to transform FLAC to ALAC audio format.
Click Add Media, choose the Add Audio possibility and select the audio file for which you want to change the format. You may as well add a batch of information to carry out mass conversion. Movavi Video Converter helps a wide range of formats, so you can't only transcode MP3 to AAC, WMA, and other codecs but additionally do the reverse operation and convert MP3 to FLAC, although it will not enhance the sound quality due to the specifics of the MP3 format. Spotify uses the lossy Ogg Vorbis (OGG) format to stream music by way of its desktop and online flac to alac converter mobile apps, and you may convert a WAV file to OGG utilizing a trusted audio converter software program, as a substitute of relying on Spotify to make the conversion for you. Apple Music makes use of a format called AAC, and Amazon Music makes use of MP3. Tidal and Deezer stream music at the highest high quality utilizing the FLAC format. Free download and install this ideally suited FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter - Faasoft FLAC to ALAC Converter. After launching it, merely observe the beneath three steps to convert FLAC to ALAC easily. It helps changing FLAC to iPad ALAC, MP3, M4A, etc. This on-line converter works no matter your working system. All you want is a browser and an web connection. Oh, by the way in which, we are 100% responsive, so you can convert FLAC to ALAC audio format out of your cell units without installing any conversion apps.
Tumblr media
In line with our research, there are almost a hundred audio container formats on market for totally different functions. If you want to get pleasure from excellent audio experiences on laptop or cell machine, it's a must to select the precise format. Wish to convert a couple of FLAC file to ALAC audio? No problem. You can add multiple FLAC recordsdata above and they'll all be converted to ALAC audio format very quickly! After the conversion, you can download every file individually or all zipped together by clicking on the Obtain All" button. Listening to every album as I transcode them (to substantiate accurate gaps) just click the next web site isn't an possibility, because the gathering of FLACs I plan to transform is just too massive. And yes, I do plan to delete the FLAC information after I transcode them, so accurate transcodes are vital to the challenge. Flac is understood to be the perfect HD high quality file format, and it is a regular music format for HD music.
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srasamua · 6 years
Mobile search and video in 2019: How visible are you?
Here at Search Engine Watch we know that video content is a great way to achieve and maintain visibility online, as well as being a successful means for providing engaging content for followers and prospective customers.
A quick look at our Twitter feed is testament to that.
Last month I argued that YouTube channels could – and should – be optimized in much the same way as our videos and websites.
And Ann Smarty’s 5 YouTube optimization tips to improve your video rankings is worth a look if you want to ensure your videos are really sticking out from the crowd.
But in 2019 are there any other considerations for ensuring that our videos are visible?
We know that Google frequently tweaks its algorithm and we should assume that YouTube does too. We also know the habits of searchers and viewers change as time passes.
Today I want to turn our attention to video search visibility in the mobile context. After all, most of our search activity is mobile and most of our video viewing activity is as well. How should this affect the way we approach SEO for our video content?
How much search activity is mobile?
US-centric statistics from Statista show just how much the mobile share of organic searches has grown in the past few years.
During Q3 2013 27% of searches were made on mobile compared to 73% on desktop, but by Q3 2018 things were firmly weighted the other way.
Now, at least 56% of searches are being accounted for by mobile.
How much video viewing is mobile?
With more search activity happening on mobile, can we expect the same of video activity? The short answer is: yes.
According to eMarketer, more than 80% of video viewing is expected to be on mobile in 2019.
This is up 10% in just three years and it looks like it will keep growing.
YouTube videos on Google – differences between desktop and mobile
So with more people searching for, and viewing, video on their handheld devices, do we need to think a little differently about how we optimize this content?
It seems logical that Google might present video differently on mobile compared to desktop. But initial differences appear to be very small – at least for the search phrase I use as an example here, ‘top youtube videos of 2018.’
On both desktop and mobile, the video results for this keyphrase appear presented in a carousel in around position 3 of the SERPs. Position 1 is given over to an infobox taken from an AdWeek ‘top 10’ style article and position 2 is a ‘People also ask’ box.
The first three videos that are viewable in this carousel are the same across devices – the leftmost being an embedded video in a VentureBeat article and the others being from YouTube. So Google might not be ranking things particularly differently depending on whether we search from desktop or mobile. But one instantly noticeable difference is the need to click (to scroll through the carousel) once on mobile in order to view the rightmost result and even half of the central result. In this case, the VentureBeat video certainly wins on instant visibility.
Another recent feature Google is including for video in its mobile SERPs is the preview
If a user scrolls to the video carousel and stops momentarily, the video begins to play silently showing selected moments. If we compare this to desktop – where the videos are static until played – mobile video SERPs are perhaps less likely to be clicked upon depending on the thumbnail it has.
The lesson for content creators here is to ensure the visual quality of your video is good throughout – you can’t simply depend on your colorful custom thumbnail to get these kinds of clicks.
While the video carousels in the Google SERPs are very similar on desktop and mobile, there are other ways video is presented which are notable.
This mobile video listing appears in-line with the text results much the same as a conventional desktop listing.
Note that it doesn’t include the video’s description, rather opting to show who has uploaded the content and when it was posted. Subsequently, the title and thumbnail are massively important for indicating to the user that this content is relevant to them. But the name of the channel and the freshness of content will also help that decision be made.
In this case, ‘Top Trending’ as a brandname is itself very relevant for our query – and we can also see how fresh the content is.
YouTube videos on YouTube – differences between desktop and mobile
So how do things fair when searches are made on YouTube?
Again, differences are subtle. Buy they are there. Ranking-wise we still see the videos we are familiar with from the earlier Google search and they are much the same across devices.
As we might expect, though, the mobile display of YouTube.com eschews video descriptions choosing to show the thumbnail aside the title, channel name, number of views and the age of the content.
Titles are also truncated if they exceed a certain length.
In this example, our second result loses nearly half of its character count of 57 down to 34.
App vs. mobile web differences
With the growth of mobile viewing habits, it also pays to see how things potentially differ on mobile apps too.
When it comes to the SERPs as a whole, we can see the YouTube app does a better job at displaying more results above the fold – showing five full thumbnails.
In our example we can also see the app does a better job at utilizing the space next to the image – with bigger fonts and less severe editing of longer titles. The YouTubers React… video still loses some of its overlong title, but only around 5 characters.
It’s important to remember this isn’t a comprehensive study. Different searches may produce different results. And allowances need to be made for the diversity of size and display of mobile devices (my examples were viewed on iPhone 7).
That said, I do think certain elements of video optimization deserve more consideration in the mobile context than they do in desktop.
Here’s my hotlist:
1. Titles
Always an important aspect of video SEO. But on mobile, we need to be wary that titles are more likely to be truncated in results across mobile web and app. Try to keep them concise and with the most important aspect of the title within the first 30 characters.
2. Previews
Thumbnails are still massively important, but the use of previews on mobile is an extra thing for video content producers to consider. Is your lighting good and consistent throughout? Simply, does your whole video looks good? Because, on mobile, users may or may not make a click depending on this preview.
3. Channel brand
While mobile SERPs often tend to lose video descriptions, the channel name on which the video is published is always included – and often fairly prominently. Even if you channel name is not massively well known, is it clearly relevant for the words/phrases you want your video(s) to rank for?
4. Freshness
Similar point to the above. The date or age of the content is always visible across Google, YouTube, desktop, mobile web and app. Ensure you are updating fresh content to your channel. Mobile users can clearly see if things are out of date.
The post Mobile search and video in 2019: How visible are you? appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2019/01/28/mobile-search-and-video-in-2019-how-visible-are-you/
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Tips for a Carleton University Science Student
Don’t by used books until you’re sure that you don’t need an access code for a homework website 
If you need a $200 chemistry textbook that comes with the access code, and you buy the book used, you’ll probably only get the book for as cheap as $50 at a used quality, and the access code on its own is usually $150 anyway, so you’re actually losing out rather than saving by buying used books; buy books new if you need the access code with it
Make sure you actually need the textbook before buying it, if you look in the syllabus and there’s only one reading, you probably don’t need to shell out $100 for it
Email the prof if the textbook information hasn’t been provided for you ahead of the class and you want to get ahead in your readings 
Sometimes you can buy a previous edition for cheaper than the most recent and the prof is usually cool with this; the homework questions are different but the profs often have sample ones to give from the old textbook as well as the new, and important figures you need for the midterm/exam you can get from a friend with the newer version of the textbook
Carleton students: go to Haven Books instead of the Campus Book Store 
Be careful when looking for used books, not everyone is trustworthy to buy from, especially if you’re buying from someone on the Facebook used book group
Always flip through the textbook to make sure there aren’t any chunks of pages missing, and if it truly isn’t highlighted like said in the ad; check if there are separate booklets that usually come with the textbook when bought new and make sure you get those too
Try and bargain with the seller, often upper year students are just trying to get rid of their old books and if you ask for a lower price they will probably say yes
LOOSELEAF textbooks are the best!!!! They save you like $50-100 and all you have to do is buy a binder for like $10 (you need a sturdy one for heavy textbooks like for biology) 
Don’t open the plastic until you’re 10000% positive you have the right textbook (and make sure you have the one that comes with the access code if you need one for the class) because you can’t return it once opened (except if you return it as a used book)
If there is an electronic copy available and you can (legally) print it, do it! Being able to highlight it and hold it in your hands while waiting for the midterm hall doors to open is (in my opinion) better than just having it saved to your desktop 
Rent textbooks through the campus book store 
The (Carleton) library has a reserve section that has textbooks that you can borrow for a few hours (while still in the library) so you don’t have to buy them; however, not all prof’s put their textbooks on reserve and there aren’t endless copies so someone else may have it when you want to read it 
Take good care of your textbooks so you can sell them next year
Sell them back to students rather than the bookstore so you can get more money to help pay for your textbooks for the new year 
It’s harder to sell the books with highlighting and marking in them so an alternative is to use sticky notes in your book (a little costly if you want nicely coloured ones and such but pretty and keeps the textbook pristine)  
Personally, I use pencil because I can just underline important bits, which I actually find makes me engage in the material more than highlighting, and I could erase it to sell it again (instead I’m just giving the books to my sister next year so she gets them free, lucky her, lol!)
A word on e-books: they expire after the course is over, so you can’t sell them after and if you failed the course/want to re-take it to improve your grade, you have to buy the text again 
If you have friends taking the class with you, split the cost of the book with them!
Picking Classes
The Carleton Central website is not user friendly at all. I hated every minute I had to use it when I first accepted my offer; to combat this: I suggest going on the website and feeling around it to get used to it and figure out where all the important links are before going on it to set stuff up 
Set up your school email as soon as possible because if you have any issues figuring out how to use the website to set up residence/meal plan/etc. you can ask for help, but no one will answer your emails if they’re not from your Carleton email (this is for privacy reasons, they’re not trying to be difficult) 
At Carleton, you can set up your timetable in advance of when you actually have to register for classes; do this as soon as the opportunity arises because the classes fill up fast on registration day and you don’t want to still be figuring out which section and time and everything when you need to just click the “register” button and be done with it 
Speaking of registration, you will receive a time-slot based on your student number/last name (I forget which) so don’t worry too much about classes filling up before you get your chance 
If a class required for your program fills up before your time-slot opens don’t panic yet; several classes have online sections where they live stream the lecture and you can watch it that way, and if the regular section is full then you’ll just have to register in the online section.
You can still go to class rather than watching it online, and most people do this; my chemistry class had people sitting on the stairs and on the floor at the front of the lecture hall for the first two weeks before people decided if they’d rather watch online or in the lecture hall; the only thing this really affects is where you write your mid-terms and exams, and if you complete your teaching-evaluations in-class, or online
I hate to break this to you, but if you’re in a science program, having one day completely free in first year is not a reality (if you get one please tell me how). I can almost 100% guarantee that you will have lectures every day
Mental Heath & Self-Care
Allow yourself mental health days where you can skip your classes to recover without feeling guilty about it
Don’t take classes at 8:30am if possible, even if you’re a morning person, you will regret it
Especially don’t take 8:30 labs because you can’t miss those without a doctors note
Don’t pull all-nighters in the library when its open 24 hours during exams. Go home. Shower. Eat real food instead of just snacks you brought to the library with you. SLEEP. IN YOUR OWN BED
Try not to fall into that hole of all-nighters where you start rewarding yourself for completing an assignment with a shower or something that’s a basic necessity. You shouldn’t put getting work done above taking care of yourself, no matter how important the assignment or lab report
TAKE BREAKS. It’s okay every once in a while studying, you don’t have to just curl up with a textbook in some corner of the library and study it until your hair falls out, you’ll remember more anyway if you allow your brain some time to absorb the information (trust me, I’m here learning to be a neuroscientist)
Fun fact: you can cry from any emotion. Why is this relevant in a list of tips for new university students? Because you will probably get overwhelmed at some point and cry, and crying is good for you, and also natural. Emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain homeostasis (equilibrium, balance, etc.); if your brain notices that there is a lot (or too much) of once chemical, it will try and get rid of it. One way to do this is to package up those chemicals all nice and neat into tears and flush them out. (hint: this is why we feel better after crying, because those emotions were essentially “cried out”). So don’t try and hold everything in because you don’t want your family or new friends to know you’re struggling, because not only is it okay to cry, but your friends are likely just as overwhelmed and your family must know how hard you’re working and how hard school is. You can cry because you’re overwhelmed or because you’re happy or because you watched a wonderful movie (e.g. Moana) and all this means is that you are beautifully and wonderfully human! (pro tip: drink water after crying)
Keep a clean room; I know this sounds annoying but it will help clear your mind and give you a healthy study space. Coming home from a long day of classes and labs to a messy room might only make you more stressed
Drink some water you fool
Naps are cool as heck
Instead of making a competition out of how high your stress levels are, brag about feeling whole and at peace (and if you aren’t, pretend until you believe it)
If you have anxiety, cut out caffeine from your life (even if you don’t have anxiety this is a good idea to do) (I know some really good caffeine-free teas)
Don’t beat yourself up about not getting everything done, just do your best to get as much done as you can (sometimes, mental illness means your best is only doing one of your two assigned readings, this is okay)
One of the biggest lies you will be told in your life is “don’t half-ass anything”; waiting around for the day where you can do absolutely everything you need to do when you have a mental illness or even if you’re still getting adjusted to your new responsibilities as a university student (and adjusting doesn’t just take a few days or weeks, it’s a continual process) is silly, that day may never come. Do as much as your illness permits you to do. If all you can do is make your bed while the rest of your room is a mess, just make your bed. If all you can do is type the heading for your resume, just do that. If all you can do is put the papers for your taxes in a pile, do that, and take a shower or rest. You don’t have to do everything at once, it is okay to just do a little bit
There are 5 things to ask yourself if you’re feeling particularly yucky and don’t know why:
Have I eaten anything substantial recently? Eat an apple or go to the school cafeteria/make something at home
Have I had anything to drink? Grab a bottle of water
Have I slept a decent amount in the last 24 hours, and in the days before that? Take a nap
Have you engaged in any exercise or movement recently? Go for a walk
Have I spoken to anyone at all in the last while? Text or call a friend/family member
Essentially: eat, drink, sleep, walk, and talk
The pomodoro technique is lifeeeee!!!!! Study for 20 minutes or so and then take a break, then repeat (after about three sessions, reward yourself with a longer break than before); if you can’t focus, this is a great way to get a little bit of work done
If you have an IOS device, I recommend the app Tide
Residence & Meal Plans
Apply for residence as soon as possible because although most schools guarantee an offer for first years, they really only mean before the deadline and after that you’ll be on a waitlist. If you get off the waitlist and get a room offer, it probably won’t be in one of the buildings with air conditioning, an elevator, or windows that actually open
If you plan on having a job while at school, you can ask to be in a residence building that remains open over the holidays (this does cost extra though, and for some reason, despite this being an option at Carleton, and that you’re not allowed a hot plate or other cooking device in traditional style rooms; virtually all the places to eat on campus are closed for the entire winter break, including the caf)
On holidays and reading week, the caf closes like, 2 hours early, this sucks. More times than I’d like to admit, I forgot it was a holiday and went to go get dinner at my usual time to find the doors were locked and it didn’t open again until 7:30 the next morning, with literally every other food place closed for the holiday, Mr. Noodles was the only option remaining. Don’t do this to yourself, please
At Carleton you have to rent mini-fridges through a company with the school called coldex 
The prices aren’t bad and you can always split with your roommate if you’re in a double room
A bonus of this is that if you order it before a certain date, the fridge will already be in your room when you arrive on move-in day
I haven’t heard of people sneaking in their own and what happens if the school finds out, but I still wouldn’t recommend bringing your own (you don’t want to have to hide a whole mini-fridge when inspections come around)
Move-in day is hectic 
Arrive as soon as possible to get it out of the way so you can start exploring campus, check out the cafeteria, and go to some events for frosh week
There are volunteers to help you bring your stuff up to your room so no need to bring your entire extended family (unless you want them all there, of course)
If you have prescriptions of any kind, then switch your pharmacy to the on-campus one and write down the hours somewhere
A few words on the dorms:
Most of the desks have a built-in lamp so don’t buy a desk lamp before you know if you need one
They also have a push-pin board so bring pins to hang your pictures and class schedule
Christmas lights go a long way to making the place more home-y 
Buy a coat rack that goes over the front door, and one of those shoe organizers to go over the bathroom door and fill it with all kinds of things 
 Bring lots of storage bins 
Buy one of those fabric shower caddies that go over the shower head so you can all keep your soap organized in the bathroom (the showers don’t have very much shelf space and it can be a pain to carry all your soap in and out, especially when it’s all wet from your shower 
The room should come with a garbage and recycling bin, but might not have one for the bathroom as a heads up 
Act like your parents are visiting once a week and tidy everything up
If you are a science or engineering student, you will definitely have labs, lots if you’re in science 
Most labs (i.e. chemistry and physics) are every two weeks, and sometimes they have a tutorial on the opposite week (chemistry doesn’t, you just have an empty three-hour slot on one week). 
Biology labs at carleton are every week, going from experimental labs one week to analytical labs the next week (sometimes theres a computer simulation lab the week before the experimental, so in that case the lab topic spans three weeks) 
You will usually have two weeks to write your lab report and then hand it in at the beginning of your next lab session, but sometimes they only give you one week (this is good and bad at the same time) DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE TO WRITE A FORMAL LAB REPORT
They take at least 6 hours to write and thats once you get the hang of it and 6 hours will probably still only get you an 80%
Informal lab reports (write-ups) you can probably get away with doing the nigh before but don’t be surprised if you get a 60% with only that much work put into it
Don’t forget to do the lab assignments online, they are usually worth a lot towards your grade for that lab (even if you do the multiple choice quiz real quick before the lab starts, it’s better than nothing) 
Go to the Science Store as early as possible to buy your lab coat, glasses, notebook, and manual, the lines are crazy long 
You can’t buy an older version of the lab manual to use for a new lab session, they won’t let you and if they find out you’re using an older version of the manual, they could decide to give you zero on everything. They change little things so you might end up doing the wrong thing in your experiment which can be very bad if its a chemistry lab for example.  
If you don’t know something, or are unsure, ask the TA. Even if you’re mostly sure, ask the TA. Most labs are designed to take exactly there hours if you do everything correctly the first time, so if you do something wrong, you can end up rushing to finish before the lab ends 
If you do happen to finish your lab early, instead of leaving as soon as the TA signs you out, do some calculations you’ll need for the report, you will thank yourself sooooo much later I’m not even exaggerating. One time I started them at the end of my lab and then forgot about it and you better believe there were tears of joy in my eyes when I opened up my lab notebook to start the report later and saw that I had already started 
Decorate your lab coat!!! Spice it up!! Spell your name in the periodic table across the back, cover it in sharpie! Put your favourite science joke on the pocket! Have fun! 
Roommates can be a blessing or a curse; if they’re a curse, switch to another room as soon as possible
If you can’t stand your roomate, then you’re only going to be more stressed when you’re at home on top of all the stresses of your new life as a university student, and that’s not good
All roommates and canmates have to sign a roommate agreement once you’ve settled in
A canmate is someone living in the room that adjoins your bathroom (most Rez buildings are designed with two rooms sharing a bathroom)
Reach out to your roommate once you’ve been told who they are so that you can meet up before move-in day if possible to get to know each other, get each other’s phone number 
If you’re thinking of renting a mini-fridge, see if your roommate wants to split the cost of one so you can share! 
Consider buying a silent alarm (its basically a watch that vibrates to wake you up instead of ringing) and earplugs so that you don’t have to wake each other up if one of you has an 8:30 while the other doesn’t have class until noon 
Make sure you both agree with the decisions made in your roommate agreement, don’t agree to anything that you’re not comfortable with. 
Remember that its just as much your room as theirs, and vice versa 
Understand that dorm rooms are small, so don’t be afraid to voice your preferences and concerns; communication is key and it keeps everyone happy
Try to be understanding; don’t give your roommate a hard time about something they have no control over 
When it comes to alcohol or other substances, be open and honest about what is okay and what isn’t
Officially you’re only allowed 2 guests per roommate in the room at once (so 6 total), but unless you’re being loud and disrupting the whole floor, nobody is going around and policing it 
As with room capacity, there is a set limit on how many times you can have overnight guests, but nobody is really counting (except maybe your roommate) 
Definitely give each other a copy of your class schedule 
Some people like to leave their door open so that you can go in and meet them, it may be awkward but you should totally go for it! Most people are really shy and won’t go in, but you can still leave your door open too 
Go to floor meetings (officially they are kind of required) to meet people, and also because they usually provide snacks or participation prizes (I won a $10 Tims card at my first meeting) 
If you’re going to come home at 3AM drunk with friends after a night of bar hopping in Quebec, then get a single room 
Your roommate doesn’t want to wake up to the sound of you kissing your S.O. 
Do the dishes as soon as you can, don’t let them fester and grow old because you hate washing dishes in the tiny sink Don’t snoop, we all have things we like to keep to ourselves
 If you’re going to hook up with someone in the room while your roommates away, make sure they’re not going to come back early. And don’t forget to dead-bolt the door and lock the bathroom so they don’t go through the canmates room thinking their key card is just broken 
Share emergency information with each other; do you have a history of seizures that they should be aware of? Any allergies like peanuts so they know not to keep peanut butter in the room? And if you’re unconscious being sent to the hospital, whom should they call?
Always use headphones/earbuds. Even if your roommate has the same taste in music or likes the same movies/TV shows, wear them for the love of all that is good in the world. Get a headphone splitter if you want to watch a movie with a friend on your laptop.
Meeting New People
Academic orientation day was honestly the best time for me to make friends; everyone I talked to that day was either in my faculty or a related program (if not the same program as me). My closest friend now is a girl I met on academic orientation day who’s in my program, and we got to study for all our classes together and since we had such similar schedules, we had the same blocks of free time to hang out.
Make friends with people in your program. You can keep each other on track with your studies, explain concepts to each other, quiz each other, work on assignments together, and so many more things; you can hang out and study at the same time which is a really great thing
If you have friends from high school going to the same university as you, but in a program nothing like yours, then you’re probably going to have a hard time finding space in both your schedules to hang out. Make the best effort you can to hang out anyway
You know those people you can see rolling their eyes at you from the corner of your eye? Don’t make friends with them. They don’t have your back and they don’t care enough to listen to you when you’re talking about your personal struggles. Don’t waste time on someone who wouldn’t give their time to you
disclaimer: the information provided here is based mainly on my experiences as a neuroscience student at Carleton University, as well as from other sources that I looked at for ideas on what else to add here. 
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healymahoney72-blog · 6 years
Find Out Who's Concerned About Fallout 76 and Why You Should be Listening to Them
Now you truly have to check at what the individual effects are. Obviously it isn't possible to experience each and every change, but the most significant changes come in the shape of performance and stability, where Bethesda notes that various client and server-side changes are made to enhance the general stability of the game and boost the functioning of the game across quite a few end-user systems. To figure out the importance of that number and everything else you have to know about Fallout 76, keep reading. Fallout 76 Fundamentals Explained The Fallout 76 site was updated with a new developer post that provides players a little information about a huge patch which is going to be deployed on January 14th. Fans can play the game by means of a beta that has been revealed to begin in October, only one month prior to launch. Although the game is prepared to land on 14 November, the beta edition of Fallout 76 will be prepared to play in October. There are various available pre-order bundles out there for Fallout 76. Fallout has ever been a survival-lite game to some degree, flirting with character maintenance mechanics which make it seem just like you're attempting to survive in a nuclear wasteland. Fallout 76 does not mark the conclusion of Fallout as a run of single-player games tuned to provide everybody who plays a distinctive personalised adventure. You make a minumum of one comparison every single day between the way things work in real life and the way that they work in Minecraft. It isn't empty in a lousy way (usually). For the best results most feel that you ought to have a minimum of 700-1000 words. The Fight Against Fallout 76 So it's the gaming industry which affects the amount of computer chips, the access to software engineering jobs, and so forth. Desktop computers and their applications have turned into a tool of normal life for a number of us, but in the process they've stopped being exciting. PC users have the benefit of having the capability to reduce the graphics quality should they run into any problems. Many will also be hoping that the little number of supported players will result in less technical problems. The dynamic mission generation created by having a workshop is a superb step, too. Single-player games were declining in the last few years, for instance, but the unprecedented success of God of War will probably turn that around. The Start of Fallout 76 Items play a significant part in player survival. Warcraft uses clever instancing to show you content that's related to your spot in the story whilst still enabling you to interact with different players. Players can use nuclear weapons to temporarily alter the regions of game world. If you're from New Zealand, you can enjoy it. Settlements are somewhat more meaningful. Bethesda is arranging a number of new content also. Due to that, here is what you have to know before diving in to a server with 24 other survivors! The initial loading screen to get in the game apparently isn't enough because every significant building interior demands a loading screen to enter and out of. At the close of the song, the game will grade the performance in line with the sum of arrows hit. The True Meaning of Fallout 76 At the moment, the business was notoffering payment. Regardless, the simple fact that Bethesda is banning people for actions associated with Fallout 76's developer room usually means that we're not likely to share how to go into the room or encourage anybody to look for that information out unless they are ready to handle the consequences. You will locate vendor within the station. The War Against Fallout 76 Full instructions about how to grab the game are available here. Significant gaming businesses can be short sighted, but that seems a little much. You're just going to get to purchase the game to determine how cool it is for yourself. With a developer of CDPR's caliber, Cyberpunk will probably be one of the greatest games of the upcoming few years and I am rather excited to see more. Her song list are available here. What Is So Fascinating About Fallout 76? In Rust, you aren't attempting to repopulate an area, you are just hoping to survive. The outside is in terrific form. There are lots of approaches to begin making an ever expanding world, the point above is only a region of the tip of the iceberg. What's Truly Happening with Fallout 76 It turned out to be a wonderful experience. Players looking to acquire the absolute most out of this sandbox adventure will want to be both patient and forgiving. It introduces a whole range of interesting options for weapon upgrades. The Benefits of Fallout 76 The issue is that it produces a fantastic deal of uncertainty in foreign traders and investors, and results in the dollar to have a great deal of volatility. A good deal of them find interesting methods to achieve that. Games like rust also conduct scavenging a good deal better. Get the Scoop on Fallout 76 Before You're Too Late Building in Rust is fast and simple when you have the materials. The Aging Engine Bethesda is an in a really peculiar situation currently. When you've built your Camp, you will need to construct stuff around it. Top Fallout 76 Choices There's nothing to be worried about though. Each time you receive prepared to race you are able to race or chill. It's possible to play alone or with a little group of friends, but there is going to be a lot of individuals playing in the identical world as you. To switch weapons you're able to employ your number row like normal or you may use a weapon wheel. Nuclear codes don't work unless you've got the complete key, and that means you should collect multiple. Players will also have to guarantee they are level 25 to be able to utilize it.
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foxonthego710 · 2 years
Prtg network monitor tutorial
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PRTG VS Zabbix Comparison & Differences for Network Monitoring.
Prtg network monitor tutorial - Catalog tools.
PRTG Network Performance Monitoring Course with LAB » NULLED.
PRTG Integration Video Tutorial.
PRTG Mikrotik Monitoring - Nico Agusta Personal Blog.
Paessler PRTG - Wikipedia.
Comparison of monitoring systems Zabbix and PRTG Network.
PRTG Network Monitor - Integration Guide | PagerTree.
UVexplorer - Discover, Document, and Monitor Your Network.
PRTG Network Monitor - FAST RELEASE.
PDF PRTG Desktop Manual - Paessler.
PRTG network monitor tutorial: How to Install PRTG Remote.
PRTG Network Monitor 21 Integration — Alyvix Server User Guide.
PRTG VS Zabbix Comparison & Differences for Network Monitoring.
PRTG monitors your network 24/7/365. In this how-to guide, you will learn how to set up notifications with the PRTG web interface so that you are notified by PRTG only when it is really important. Read more PRTG auto-discovery in 5 steps.
Prtg network monitor tutorial - Catalog tools.
PRTG Mikrotik Monitoring menampilkan traffic per Ethernet yang ada di Routerboard. Meskipun sejatinya mikrotik bisa menampilkan hal yang sama melalui "Interface", PRTG memberi keunggulan dengan interface yang dapat mencakup monitoring traffic untuk device jaringan lainnya.
PRTG Network Performance Monitoring Course with LAB » NULLED.
The prtg-connector node transforms a message payload to the format for custom sensors in PRTG and sends an HTTP POST request to the probe system with the configured HTTP Push-based sensor in PRTG. The IP address or DNS name and the Identification Token used for the sensor need to be configured in the prtg-connector node. Monitoring Sigfox Devices With PRTG ? A Video Tutorial. We recently partnered with Sigfox, a provider of a global IoT network using Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology. They also provide radio modules that connect to that network. The idea behind the partnership is to use PRTG Network Monitor to monitor data from Sigfox devices. PRTG Network Monitor from Paessler is a comprehensive network monitoring solution designed to provide visibility and insight in to the configuration and performance of a wide variety of systems and devices running on your network. PRTG is a software solution that is free for use for monitoring up to 10 devices.
PRTG Integration Video Tutorial.
PRTG Network Monitor Costs. Paessler has six standard pricing levels that vary based on the number of sensors. There is a free unsupported version that can be used with up to 100 sensors. PRT500 is the entry-level for commercial support at $1,600 for 500 sensors. The PRTG XL1 license tier is $14,000 and supports unlimited sensors. Monitoring Sigfox Devices With PRTG — A Video Tutorial. We recently partnered with Sigfox, a provider of a global IoT network using Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology. They also provide radio modules that connect to that network. The idea behind the partnership is to use PRTG Network Monitor to monitor data from Sigfox devices. PRTG, developed by Paessler, is a powerful and easy to use network monitoring tool capable of a wide variety of functions from network mapping to help-desk ticketing.. It is fully scalable and can be used by small businesses as well as multi-site corporations with ease. Running as an application on Windows, it provides an easy/quick install and a thorough tutorial on first launch.
PRTG Mikrotik Monitoring - Nico Agusta Personal Blog.
For more information, see the PRTG Manual: Remote Probes and Multiple Probes and watch the video tutorial Distributed Monitoring with PRTG. Stability considerations Please note the following aspects that can affect the stability of PRTG.
Paessler PRTG - Wikipedia.
Map #1 with Status-Related Backgrounds and Graphs Map #2 with Traffic Lights and Channel Gauges How to Add Text and Layer Fields If you have read the table carefully, you have probably noticed the *. You can add a simple text box to your PRTG Map using a Custom HTML element. With this method you are able to style your text the way you want.
Comparison of monitoring systems Zabbix and PRTG Network.
From the action button, click the “Create Integration” button. In the “Create Integration” box, fill out the following: Name of the Integration. Select the Type to PRTG. Select an appropriate Urgency for when this integration is triggered. Select the Team this alert will be assigned to. Click Save. Copy the Endpoint URL. Learn how to add simple sensors, to monitor things like the CPU load of a server, to the PRTG network monitor and display real time data from the sensor in a 'map'. A map is basically a webpage which can be used to view the results of, and the data from, devices and sensors. PRTG solution is oriented on a network monitoring (network devices, interfaces, data transfer channels), which is clearly descried at its web site. The solution doesn't need installing agents on monitoring objects and uses standard protocols and technologies ICMP, SNMP, Packet Sniffing, NetFlow, etc. A concept of "sensor" is often used in PRTG.
PRTG Network Monitor - Integration Guide | PagerTree.
Apr 03, 2022 · To visualize and manage a complex and geographically dispersed network, choose a powerful platform like SolarWinds Network Discovery Tool, Paessler PRTG Network Monitor, and Nagios XI an enterprise-grade server and monitoring tool. Organizations looking for a complete solution can use the Atera software and NetBrain tools. Example PRTG Map for a 2nd Ecommerce application. Example PRTG Map for a IT Infrastructure. PRTG Hosted Monitor. PRTG offers two options to monitor your network: PRTG on premises and PRTG Hosted Monitor. With PRTG on premises, the PRTG core server and local probe run within your network. PRTG Hosted Monitor is the PRTG cloud solution, where we. Introduction A while back I published my PSDellAsset PowerShell module. Although this module can be universally used within PowerShell, it was written with the intention to enable Dell warranty status monitoring using PRTG which is a Window based monitoring solution. This post will explain how to configure PRTG to enable Dell warranty status monitoring using the PSDellAsset module.
UVexplorer - Discover, Document, and Monitor Your Network.
The network utility checks the availability of network devices, tracks bandwidth usage, and gives you a complete overview of your network. PRTG's Email Round Trip Sensor allows you to monitor Exchange 2003 and 2007 availability and performance and ensure email end-to-end delivery. PRTG Exchange Monitor checks whether your Exchange server.
PRTG Network Monitor - FAST RELEASE.
In this courses, feature lecture and hands-on labs, you will learn to install, configure, manage and PRTG Network Monitor gaining the skills and expertise needed to monitor all systems, devices, traffic and applications of your IT infrastructure. The student will get hands-on experience of PRTG NMS in a lab environment. In this section, we will cover the preparation steps for using PRTG Network Monitor, its installation, using the smart setup, adding devices, adding sensors, adding auto-discovery groups, and finally, notifications. Preparing to use Paessler. There are two types of PRTG Network Monitor: PRTG on premises or PRTG in the cloud.
PDF PRTG Desktop Manual - Paessler.
Introduction. In this tutorial, we will see how to monitor Veeam using PRTG. Having the results of the backups in PRTG makes it possible to centralize the monitoring of the infrastructure in a single console and to reduce notification emails. PRTG Network Monitor 21 Integration¶. This procedure shows how you can integrate Alyvix test cases into the PRTG ™ monitoring system. Once you've completed the configuration, your PRTG installation will request the results of Alyvix runs at regular intervals via Alyvix Server's Measurements API, and the data can then be visualized and explored within PRTG.
PRTG network monitor tutorial: How to Install PRTG Remote.
PRTG Network Monitor Connector. If you monitor your network with PRTG Network Monitor, UVexplorer makes a great companion product to PRTG. UVexplorer integrates directly with PRTG to provide the following powerful features: Enhanced Discovery of Network Devices and Connectivity. UVexplorer's discovery is fast, detailed, and accurate.
PRTG Network Monitor 21 Integration — Alyvix Server User Guide.
Since 1997, we offer monitoring solutions for businesses across all industries and all sizes, from SMB to large enterprises. Today, more than 500,000 users in over 170 countries rely on PRTG and other Paessler solutions to monitor their complex IT, OT and IoT infrastructures. PRTG is a unified monitoring tool that can monitor almost any object that has an IP address. It consists of the PRTG core server and one or more probes: The PRTG core server is responsible for configuration, data management, PRTG web server, and more. Probes collect data and monitor processes on devices via sensors. PRTG Architecture.
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