#also near takes melatonin
miodiodavinci · 11 months
sleep schedules will be so so fragile huh
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onepiece-fics · 4 months
Strawhats' reaction to their S/O napping randomly in weird places
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Summary: Strawhats reacting to their partner falling asleep in weird places in positions randomly.
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader. General fluff. Mentions of gaslighting but in a joking way (incredibly unserious).
Word count: 1126 
Honestly, he’s too stupid to consider that it could be a health issue so he just kinda thinks it’s cute
It’s not until someone like Chopper or Nami asks him if you’re okay that he’s like “Wait a damn minute…. Is my partner okay???”
He’ll confront you about it, super concerned, asking if you’re dying and you’ll be like “ ??? what now???”
He’ll sit with you as Chopper examines you with very stern eyebrows. When Chopper tells him that you’re fine he has the BIGGEST smile on his face.
Would probably either join your naps (and also sleep in weird places/positions) or poke you until you wake up lol. 
Dude will join your naps, no questions asked.
He’ll ask you if you’re okay, but once you tell him that you’re fine he shrugs his shoulders and just lies down near you. 
If you look particularly uncomfortable if you’ve somehow squeezed yourself in between two boxes or something he might pick you up and plop you down in a hammock instead.
Most of the time though he just sits or lays down next to you, with an arm around your shoulder or waist.
He knows you think it's adorable to wake up with him half-snuggled into you <3
Before you start dating she might judge you a little. She might give you a weird look when she finds you hanging from your legs in her tangerine trees lmao.
When you start dating though she’ll find it cute as hell. Whenever she’s just walking around on the ship and finds you in the most random places it’ll make her giggle. 
When she finds you she’ll squat down beside you, move your hair from your face, and give you a kiss on your forehead as you wake up.
“Wake up sleepyhead, surely this can’t be comfortable?” she’ll say teasingly as she pulls you up on your feet (and drags you away to go cuddle somewhere) 
He thinks it’s soooo cute but…. He might jokingly gaslight you about it.
“Oh Y/N? Remember that time I found you sleeping in the Cola barrel and you heat all of Franky's cola up with your body temperature? No? Dang, and Franky got so sad about the Cola too…”
He’ll only gaslight you for a little bit though before kissing you and telling you it’s a joke. He’s not doing it maliciously, he just thinks it’s funny to tease you and make up stories (and tell them to Chopper who totally believes it every time)
Honestly, I feel like Usopp would be the type to tuck blankets and pillows away in the most random places that you tend to fall asleep in, in hopes that you would use them.
He would also tell you to call for him if you start feeling sleepy so he can wake you up! 
In reality though, if you do call for him he’ll just get super soft and cuddly with you and you’d both end up napping together. 
He’d be SO worried about you it’s not even funny
Would be sprinting to Chopper with you in his arms the first time you fall asleep in a weird place asking him to cure you immediately
After an intense check-up from Chopper (with Sanji crying, holding your hand) he’ll be so relieved that you’re fine.
He might scold you if he finds you in positions that look particularly uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t ever wake you up. He’d just pick you up and place you on a sofa somewhere and wait until you woke up to scold you.
Like Usopp, he would also ask you to tell him if you were feeling sleepy, but with cuddling 110% in mind.
If you ever come over to him and tell him that you’re sleepy you best believe this man is dropping WHATEVER he’s doing to pick you up and run somewhere you two could cuddle. 
As a doctor, he’ll ask you some questions about it and be able to give you some advice on what to do.
Might prescribe you melatonin pills to take when you go to bed at night in hopes that you don’t nap at weird times/places.
Would definitely keep an eye on you and might get upset if you nap when he tells you not to (how could you do that to the poor doctor T_T)
I don’t think Robin would be all too worried honestly, I think she’d just find it cute
Similarly to Zoro, I think she might sit/lay next to you if she finds you and just read for a bit, stroking your hair if you’re lying in her lap.
She trusts that both you and Chopper know what’s healthy or not regarding your naps.
She might propose a daily naptime for you lol. Like, just a 40 min nap time where you’re leaning against her in the hammock or something like that.
It takes him a while to notice at first, and when someone tells him they found you under a carpet in the dining room he doesn’t believe them at all. When he goes to look for you and finds you under the dining room carpet though…. He loses his mind.
Honestly, I feel like Franky would just be baffled more than anything.
“But why would you nap there?? Aren’t there better places to nap? What if someone steps on you?” Mans is just incredibly confused. 
Might make you a smartwatch that gives him a notification whenever you fall asleep so he can go get you and put you to bed lol 
After it happens like 10 times he just starts joking about it even though he still doesn’t really understand. 
Another one that doesn’t really reflect on how weird it is lol
If he sees you lying somewhere random on deck he might just laugh at you
Will tease you about it when you wake up, might even make a stupid rhyme about it and get Luffy and Chopper in on the teasing as well 
But it’s all lighthearted at the end of the day!
I feel like Jinbei would be very confused like Franky, but would ultimately find it kind of cute. 
Might pick you up and carry you to your or his bed and tuck you in with a little kiss on the forehead
More than anything I feel like if another strawhat found you sleeping somewhere weird they would come up to him like “Jinbeiiii, they fell asleep on the stairs againnn” like it’s his duty to go pick you up lol. 
He might tease you a little bit about it because he finds it silly, but more than anything he finds it cute. 
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saintescuderia · 3 months
pancakes (pt. 2)
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AKA - the story of how the naive australian rookie befriended the gym junkie F1 hospitality worker with the shoe collection - and inadvertently broke the grid's most treasured and unspoken rule: you don't go for y/n.
series masterlist here :) // the pancakes recipe here :)
A/N: apologies for the delay; was marshalling the aus gp lol. enjoy.
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P2 - hamstring and piriformis stretches
“Y/N Tessio?”
“She works in hospitality.” Oscar clarified without an ounce of stress. He wasn’t embarrassed by this. Yes, he was close friends with a member of the F1 Hospitality. Yes, he was asking that part of his Formula 1 contract include that you become his personal trainer. Yes, he wasn’t going to accept any contract without that condition. 
Otmar didn’t know that last fact when he had laughed off Oscar’s request the last time they had spoken. It was the last nail in the coffin that showed to Oscar what had been gnawing at his gut for so quite some time: this team wasn’t quite right. Now, at lunch with Zak Brown, who had wanted more official meeting in the McLaren motorhome, Oscar laid out the same request. And Zak Brown seemed understand the severity of it: Oscar Piastri would not accept anything unless you were right there with him. 
This morning was only proof of it all. His anxiety had kept him up and it was only after finding you that everything seemed to work itself out. After you had made him run a lap around the track, you promptly dumped some melatonin gummies in his hand and sent him off to bed to sleep. And sleep he did. Oscar had woken up feeling more refreshed than he had in a long, long while. 
Refreshed, Oscar had taken your advice and called Lily. He mentioned love languages and she gushed. The call ended with them sounding more on page and stronger than ever. Oscar also took your advice in calling his dad to ask about a lawyer. His dad had been surprised that his son had been so forward thinking.
Oscar had admitted it was your idea. His dad stopped being surprised; of course it had been your idea. 
“Oh, they’re good people, Osc. The sort you need around you in a place like Formula 1! Make sure you have them on your team!” Oscar was already thinking what his dad was suggesting, agreeing wholeheartedly. He needed you on his team.
And that was before Oscar arrived at the Alpine motor home for one of the staff to let him known that hospitality had delivered some specially made protein pancakes and fresh orange juice for his breakfast. There was a note under cutlery with your scrawl of ‘take magnesium.’ 
He asked his Alpine trainer for some, the very same one you thought was an utter dickhead. Said trainer, François, somehow didn’t have any supplements. Sighing, Oscar dug into your famous pancakes that had the perfected macros for an athlete of his sort. He would just ask you for magnesium later - and take your usual heat of having a “fucking dropkick of a trainer.” It was just more and more proof that Alpine wasn’t looking good for him. Even he knew it was bad for a trainer to not be prepared like that.
Now, in a room full of papaya orange, Oscar looked at the American CEO and waited patiently for Zak Brown to tell him what he thought about the request to have you working alongside McLaren Racing as part of Oscar’s contract.
“What, um, what qualifications does she have?” Zak asked, shifting slightly to type on his computer. Oscar watched as Zak’s eyes grew as he stared at the screen. “Oh, I know her! She makes an solid cappucino!” 
“Melbournian barista.” Oscar smiled. It was true, you had gotten your barista license back when you were living in Melbourne. And if there was one thing Melbournians were proud of, it was their coffee. “She grew up near Albert Park.” Oscar added the tidbit you had dropped upon first meeting and Oscar was basking in the Australian accent. 
"Says she was born in Monaco." Zak said.
"What?" Oscar frowned, completely taken aback at this. You had never mentioned anything to him about being born in Monaco. You were from Melbourne, near the beach. That's what you had told him.
Nothing about Monaco, Monte Carlo.
In Europe.
But Oscar didn't have time to process that because Zak Brown continued on. “Still, it doesn’t say anything about Y/N being trained in anything health or sports-related.” The McLaren CEO said, his eyes skimming over his computer screen that likely read your resume that was stored in the shared F1 database. Formula One Group and the FIA had allowed team principals and CEOs to access these files when they needed to identify a snitch that had violated the NDA.
It was all too often that a team suffered a blow by a Hospo staff member whistleblowing some important fact they overheard while serving the refreshments. 
“She knows about Daniel.” Oscar said. Zak blinked, clearly taken aback. He swallowed and Oscar quickly added, “And no, she didn’t tell me. I figured it out that she knew and told her.” 
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“Okay, you’re right. I do feel better.”
“Better enough to do another lap?” You grinned at your friend whose sweaty face dropped into a deadpan. You had both slowed down as you came to the starting line. Now that was nearing the 6am mark, there were more and more people starting to come out. 
But you were with a driver. You knew all too well that it would be fine. Drivers are untouchable. You wanted to milk this for all it was worth. “Come on, Piazza! A light jog!” You added, wanting to enjoy this just all the little bit more. 
“You’re insane. No.” To prove his point, Oscar actually came down to sit on the road. And then he lay flat on his back. You watched him and exhaled, accepting one lap was all you were going to get. Hell, that was more cardio than you normally did. And besides, you knew Oscar had a rough night and was running in Sambas. Athlete aside, you were just surprised he managed the lap in as is. 
So you came to sit beside him, except you didn’t lay back and try to catch your breath as he did. No, instead you stretched your legs out and then leaned forward to stretch out your calf muscles. 
Oscar looked over at you and rolled his eyes. The ever insane gym junkie Y/N. He knew he should be doing the same. His flexibility had really taken a toll and besides that, he was stiff and restless from all the travelling and the stressful conversations with his girlfriend and team principals. Oscar sat up and brought his legs out just like you and leaned forward to stretch his hamstring. Just like you. 
You said nothing about this but you didn’t need to; the smug grin on your face was enough. You switched legs shortly. Oscar copied. You brought both legs together. So did he. You leaned back and brought your knee up to stretch your piriformis. Oscar begrudgingly did so. And so it went as you and Oscar stretched your entire bodies out right there at the starting line of the Sochi Circuit. It was when they finished the reverse pigeon pose on both sides that you stretched your legs out and made no move for another stretch. You both settled in a comfortable silence and watched the sky. 
Oscar watched the sunrise and smiled, feeling a lot lighter after the run and the stretching. He glanced over at you watching the sun and felt a sense of appreciation for you.
“Think carefully of who you choose to drive for.” You said, breaking him from the reverie. “This will be your first F1 team and it will reflect on how other teams in the future will see you.” Oscar was quiet as he thought about your words. Some birds were starting to fly across and Oscar noted how your eyes trailed them. 
Oscar took a steading moment and then said what had been on his mind the entire night. “Daniel Ricciardo is going to be dropped. Zak Brown wants me to be his replacement.” 
You didn’t react. 
You didn’t have to. 
All you did was keep watching the birds. 
Oscar pursed his lips. Of course you weren’t surprised. You were never surprised. And you already knew about Daniel.
“You know about Daniel and McLaren.” It really wasn’t a question. You offered him a soft smile in response and sat up to stretch out your hand to gently squeeze his. Oscar frowned. 
“My platonic brother in Christ,” you began with a sad smile and he grimaced, “you have a good heart. Don’t let this place take that shit away from you.” 
You let go of his hand and Oscar sat up to face you. “Why didn’t you— you didn’t say anything.” 
“It’s not my place, man, I just make the coffee.” You said with a full fledged smile. Oscar was at a loss for words. You often worked shifts at McLaren - he knew that because those were the days you had double sessions at the gym. Oscar never found it in himself to ask. Now, he did. 
“Do you not like… McLaren or anything?” Oscar asked. “Should I not drive for them.”
You were silent for a moment looking ahead of you before you spoke. “No, nothing wrong with the team.” It was clear there was something wrong with something. Oscar couldn’t ask because you stood up and held out a hand to him. He took it and let you pull him up. “Come on. Reserve drivers are only needed after lunch. I’ll give you some melatonin to help you sleep and then you can call your girlfriend.”
“And find a lawyer.” Oscar added. “But I think Zak Brown could get me one.”
“Always have your own lawyer.” You said with such a firm conviction that it had Oscar looking at you with curious eyes. 
Sometimes, he wondered how you knew so much about the ins and outs of life in Formula 1. 
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“So you’re saying Y/N actually follows the NDA?” Zak asked, bringing his hands together to rest under his chin. 
“Yep. Wakes up at 4am everyday and works out for two hours. Doesn’t drink or smoke and if given the chance, would probably run a half marathon at every track. She's worked with F1 for years so she knows the diet and routine of a driver.” Oscar paused and then tried to remember some more facts now that he had his chance, his opening.
Never mind that he didn't know you were apparently born in the heart of Formula 1.
Though, that reminded him— “She's fluent in French. And Arabic. Which will be good for the Middle Eastern and European races." Oscar added, thinking of your background. Or what he did know of your background. "And she has an international license.” Or he thought you did, vaguely remembering you mention something about cars in Japan. Japan!
“I think she also speaks Japanese pretty good.” Oscar said, remembering Spa last year and seeing you conversing with Yuki Tsunoda as you made him a matcha.
“Hmm.” Zak pursed his lips. His eyes scanned over the resume once more and then nodded. “Look, Oscar, it’s no secret that I want you for McLaren. I think you’d be a very good fit here. If you think Y/N would be a good fit with McLaren also, then I’m onboard with that.” 
Oscar nodded, finally letting himself let go of the seriousness and let out a smile. He honestly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This was actually happening.
But if his father had taught him anything, it was to not get too carried away. Oscar kept composed as he kept his face as neutral as possible and smiled politely. “That sounds really awesome, Zak, thank you. When could we get everything in paper so I can go over it with her?” And his lawyer.
“I’ll speak to some people today and we’ll get a rough contract outline ready. Helen, the PR manager, will send it to you and Y/N,” Zak looked back at his screen, “to the email on the resume here. And then we can organise a meeting and move forward.” Oscar smiled once more, feeling the stress and tension dissipate from his shoulders. 
“But,” Zak then added, “I can’t really promise anything. The lawyers will need to sort this out since she’s already under contract with the Formula One Group and if they won’t release her then there might not be much we can do about it.”
Oscar nodded, frowning slightly. “I understand.” Admittedly, that was something he hadn’t thought about. He’d been too preoccupied trying to get Y/N a place with him on whatever team he joined that he didn’t think about her tie with Formula One Group. 
“If all goes well, though,” Zak was quick to add, seeing Oscar frown, “we could even sponsor some study for her and help her work her way up. If she’s as dedicated as you say, and has that sense of integrity and spirit, then McLaren would be perfect for her.”
Oscar knew Zak was trying to butter him up with the promise of having Y/N. And Oscar had to admit, it was working. This was about you, after all.
There was a knock on the door. Oscar recognised Zak’s PA but couldn’t recall a name. She offered him a warm smile and then apologised. “I’m so sorry to interrupt but Lando wants to speak with you.” 
“Yes of course!” Zak beamed. “Send him in.” He stood up and Oscar’s manners kicked in and he stood up also, assuming the meeting was now over. This reminded Zak of him and he returned his attention at the young Australia. “Unless you had any questions or anything else you wanted to add?” Zak’s question made Oscar want to laugh since they were both already standing up and Lando Norris was already through the door. 
Oscar knew how these politics were going to go. If he did sign with McLaren, Lando Norris was going to be the number 1 in everything. And not just in driver priority. 
“Nope, all good. Thank you again for listening and being so receptive to my request about Y/N.” Oscar held out his hand. Zak shook it and smiled. 
“I have a good feeling about this, Oscar. I’m looking forward to the future.” Zak said. He came around the table to greet Lando and Oscar smiled at his soon to be teammate. 
This wasn’t the first time Oscar had met Lando Norris, such was the small world of karting and racing. However, it was the first time that Oscar had seen Lando since Zak Brown had made it clear that he wanted him to be Norris’ new teammate.
Oscar wasn’t sure how to feel about Lando, knowing that the driver was equal points talented as he was, well, spoiled. Not that a spoiled F1 driver was a novelty, but Oscar had noticed that Y’N’s mornings before a McLaren shift always ended with a long sparring session with the punching bag.  
“Alright?” Lando said with a lazy acknowledgement. “Heard the news.”
Oscar’s kept his face straight. Of course Lando Norris would see no need for subtlety. The PR training all drivers went through for the media usually extended to the Paddock as a whole as conversations were always sanitised. Everyone knew that what you said wasn’t what you meant. Talking around the issue was part of the life of Formula 1. 
Oscar was used to this. So seeing Lando so abrupt about this, and in front of Zak Brown, was quite telling. Especially when it was doubtful that Daniel himself knew anything about his imminent redundancy. 
“Yeah, I’m good. Nice seeing you around.” Oscar said, keeping himself polite and respectful - and making no comment about the news. He looked at Zak Brown once more and offered his thanks before letting the PA show him out of the room. Oscar looked back to see Lando staring at him. Oscar considered just what he was signing up for. 
Still, Oscar could turn around and leave the office with a weight off his shoulders. Even though he knew how it would look, walking out of McLaren, he was surprisingly more at ease than ever. Sure, Oscar knew the fallout of leaving Alpine and joining McLaren would be bad; especially if it meant kicking out another driver - and one that was a personal hero, but he felt a lot more at ease. No matter the fallout, no matter Lando Norris, he knew it would be okay. Because he was going to have you right there next to him. 
There was no way Oscar was going to survive Formula 1 without you. And your gym addiction. 
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@eugene-emt-roe @spookystitchery
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the-moon-files · 3 months
I was actually thinking about this a lot but like as an add on to your humans are hylian space orcs thing. I am in ✨need✨ of reader trying potions. Like;
"This potion will restore your stamina and boost your strength"
"Buddy that's just coffee"
Even worse if when the reader tries it it's just like the most not strong coffee they've ever drank. Makes the guys wonder wtf makes humans need so much energy through out the day.
this is such a cute idea, i love how diet diffs/energy diffs in humans are space orcs aus, so genius to apply to hylians
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the stamnia boost potion tastes just like instant coffee with powdered creamer (the kind at like car dealerships/shitty offices where its not even a little liquid creamer)
and u spit that shit out like wtf is this bs
and Four, poor guy who gave you some after talking a break from walking, is like "oh my goddess r u allergic?? can still breath???"
meanwhile ur like. "yeah this just tastes like shit-"
four: "oh well yeah, all potions do really-"
you: "-ty coffee. this is nowhere near strong enough to get me back on my feet ffs"
four: " 👁️👄👁️"
you: "u got anything stronger? :/ "
four: " w h a t ? "
cue u researching how to make stamnia potions, across the hyrules, and making them 10x stronger so theyre like an actual coffee shop kind of coffee, and the Links are literally lowkey scared
Time forbids you (and the rest of the guys) from letting anyone else try ur "improved" elixir (s)
bc yes, u didnt stop at stamnia
u moved on to healing potions, (u can now regrow limbs and heal broken bones, the hylians can only take like a 1/16th of a sip like once a week, whereas u chug the whole thing, and can do so multiple times a day if needed)
u also moved onto cooking, bc rlly how different is cooking from alchemy?
and goron spice tasted like goddamn dorito chips, so u used essence of literal lava to help make it more spicy,
ur not allowed to introduce this new spice to the gorons, Wild forbid, bc he was adventurous enough (and snuck behind Time and ur backs) to try some spice
(he literally touched the tip of his pinky finger to it, wiped it off, except for 1 like flake of spice too)
and it lowkey nearly killed him 💀
like had to use that 1/16th of ur extra strong healing potion and everything
u felt so bad, but he did do this to himself,
and Wild knew the gorons dont back down from a challenge, esp since it was originally their recipe, so he (and you) didnt wanna kill them on accident
the sleeping potion u found is just like taking a single melatonin gummy, so u ofc make that thing knock even you out after 2 sips,
needless to say, no one is trying that one, not only bc it knocked Rulie unconcious for 12 hours straight (u got him to try it after he exhausted all his magic healing, and so no nightmares)
but bc it knocked u out cold for 9. that was the scarier part to them lmao, was how affected is their human by this?
i like to think thats how they judge unknown foods and liquids too,
like "do you think this tastes unseasoned? ok should be perfect for me then" - every Link
"oh this didnt make u feel sleepy at all/barely tired? great, id love to knock out cold w/no nightmares tonight" - Sky, probably
"this tastes like that thing you call, instant cough? ko-fee? Cool, give me some i need to run up this mountain" - Wild, for the 3rd time this month probably
"this barely healed ur papercut? sweet, give me some my wrists are killing me" - poor Legend, he uses ur extra strength healing potion as a way to treat his arthritis regularly once a month, but the more chill potions for any leftover aches and pains, esp after long fights being hard on his arms
Chain is simultaneously still lowkey terrified u need that much extra oomf, esp when u run out of stronger stuff and have to down like 5 health potions to heal a cut that needed stitches,
and also worried u need that much and also Wild/Wars/Rulie tend to work overtime to make sure they have extra potions for you
and theyre also kind of impressed, bc hey, youre unlikely to get magically poisoned/potion poisoned like them
sorry i couldnt think of as much as i hoped, i think its bc i rlly just need to play/watch more loz games besides botw/totk
i like know the vague plot of ss/oot/mm/tp/ww/hw and og loz games, but havent gotten into details/lets play or anything yet
i hope this was at least a half decent idea to think about/expand on urs, have a great rest of ur week, and thanks so much for the ask!! <33
Peace out,
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cryptidcr3ature · 4 months
Assigning rdr characters zodiacs since they didn’t give us birthdays to do it ourselves
Dutch- I know he’s a Leo, but I feel July Leo. Dramatic ass man.
Hosea- Libra. Theater kid, con man, self confident. I know what’s up.
Arthur- Taurus. He’s suchhhh a Taurus. Hard worker, stubborn, and typically a follower but will stand up for himself. I feel it. May Taurus
Abigail- ARIES WOMAN!!! I love Aries, my best friend is an Aries and they take no shit, especially from romantic partners. Driven, but so caring.
Micah-Sagittarius. I know I said Virgo in my initial post but that’s just my personal beef against Virgo men. He’s nearly as dramatic as Dutch but no where near as suave. He adds to Dutch’s flame till it’s out of control.
John-Cancer. “What choice did I have?” Never taking blame and takes a smack in the face to correct behavior. June cancer energy (I’m a cancer too so I’m calling myself out)
Sean-Scorpio, 100%. Sex driven, emotionally charged, quick to act out, cried after trying to kill Dutch and Hosea. Typical Scorpio energy.
Lenny-Capricorn. Lenny leads with his head over his heart. However, when he follows his heart, dear god get away.
Javier-Virgo. Virgos are always 5 steps ahead of you. I’ve also been burned by more Virgos than any other sign. Still if you got something you need done, a Virgo has a plan.
Bill- Sagittarius. The toxic masculinity and the bluntness of bill williamson makes me lean towards Sagittarius. I feel like maybe he’s a November Sagittarius though.
Trelawney- GEMINIIII!!! I personally love Gemini but everything is a performance with them. Different to the Leo main character syndrome, Gemini try to preform who they think you want them to be.
Charles-Scorpio. This one took a while and a lot of flip flopping but then I realized that Charles is an October Scorpio. Compared to the more open November Scorpio, Charles has a more introverted, bottled up personality. He’s emotionally reserved but once you get to know him, you can tell exactly how he’s feeling and what he’s up to.
Kieran- Pisces. Sweet boy, water sign energy. Slightly pathetic. Definitely March Pisces. 
Sadie- Pisces. February Pisces woman. She will stab you for someone she loves, and won’t hesitate to do it again.
Mary-Beth- Cancer. July in particular and demonstrates the more hopeless romantic and creative nature of Cancers. Also I know she’s got that intuition.
Tilly- Aquarius. She’s reserved but will kill you without warning. Don’t cross an Aquarius.
Karen-Capricorn. Capricorn burnout is so real and Karen is a prime example of what happens when you don’t keep your Capricorn on the straight and narrow.
Molly-Leo. Her last scene, that’s all.
I’ve been working on this for 40 minutes now and the melatonin is kicking in. Enjoy.
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miaclemeverett · 7 months
amazon standing lamp - using drugs and sex and other unhealthy distractions and coping mechanisms to deal with losing people you love out of your own fault. the top-heavy amazon standing lamp part is a really old wilbur joke (back in 2020 he joked about naming a song this) and it also reminds me of how (i think it was him?) he once said that he moves house so often that he loses so many belongings and only has a few things left that he cares about, i think this pairs really well in the song how the artificial meaningless things are all that remain
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mine / yours - the breakdown of a relationship, seeing the warning signs and the things you take for granted assuming a person will stay with you forever despite it all
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around the pomegranate - this song reminds me a lot of "since i saw vienna", when a place (california in this song) becomes so married to a person that it serves as a source of comfort and nostalgia for when things were simple and happier. being on the road you can never set down roots and people come and go from your life
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i don't think it will ever end - he lives life in front of millions of people (chat in this song) watching his every move, like an actor he either has to play the part he's made for himself or isolate himself from this audience, it's a repetitive cycle that sends him downhill
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glass chalet - back in the dark days of 2021 i remember wilbur would always joke (SLASH SERIOUS) about quitting streaming and disappearing off the face of the planet for years without a single word. VERY HEALTHY MINDSET exhibited right here in this song
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melatonin 130 - I LOVE 100 GECS!! but in all seriousness the constant reminder that you have mental illness/anxiety your entire life and you can only cope with it, that it impairs you even when you should be happy cus obviously you're living out what you thought was your dream and everyone else thinks you should be on top of the world duh!
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oh distant you - JUST KILL ME. your sister was right but WORSE!!!!!!!! again you take for granted that someone will stick with you forever and only after it's over realizing that you can't fill the hole where they were. and again we're back on fixating on who is the villain in this narrative
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eulogy - your sister was right but worse 2, this song focuses on the whispers (good and bad) leftover from a relationship. harkening back to screensaver where he says that the subject in talking about their relationship basically makes him sound like hitler, and your sister was right where he talks about the warning signs the subject should have seen, this squarely places the blame on him
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dropshipped cat shirt - I LOVE 100 GECS!!! but anyway the grueling day-to-day of being on the move, singing to people who adore you and make up a version of you in their head, latching onto unhealthy coping mechanisms to keep going, you have everything you ever needed and wanted but you're bored out of your mind
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the median - short but sweet! as i said earlier, wilbur always has to play a part, and this audience projects their version of himself as the truth
trying not to think about it - I KNOW I PUT DAMN NEAR THE WHOLE SONG DOWN HERE BUT LISTEN. again realizing how much you take for granted the assumption that someone will stick with you forever. wilbur has mentioned before how as a hypochondriac, he's never taken seriously by doctors whenever he doesn't feel well. also this idea of romance and love as something just for the aesthetic, not as something that gives you stability and meaning but realizing that it can be that for you until its too late.
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10 week rule - who got him pregnant?? but in all seriousness i think this can be read as a way of turning a new page, but obviously its not as simple as just getting rid of something unwanted
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gatorbites-imagines · 10 months
Maybe The Narrator, Tyler and Male Reader as like a lil throuple or something? it can be anything idm🙏
Jack “The Narrator” x Tyler Durden x male reader
Relationship headcanons I guess?
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I love this gif,,,, whys he wearing his pants like that? who does he want to grab his hips like that, men???
Tyler is a real person in this universe, cuz it’s easier to write.
How tf did you bag not one mentally ill delusional guy, but two? Honestly, hats off to you. Cuz either you have to be just as unstable as them, or be weirdly too stable to even out their crazy.
So, depending on which, Tyler might not even pull off project mayhem if you are there to reel him in like a rabid Pomeranian wearing one of those full body harnesses.
Jack on the other hand just has so much insomnia it makes him kinda crazy, cuz not sleeping for a long time will drive you insane. Get this guy some sleeping meds, a noise machine, a weighted blanket and some of those melatonin gummies.
If you first start dating them after they start fight club, maybe you even met them there cuz one of your coworkers invited you, they’d still be kinda delulu and out for blood this time around.
Jack seems like he falls fastest, but Tyler falls hardest. You either deck both of them into the ground because its your first night at fight club, or they deck you and think you look so handsome with a bloody nose.
They’d keep circling you at fight club every week, in the beginning Tyler only does it cuz Jack likes you, and maybe Tyler is a little jealous you are taking his friends attention. At some point you’d be invited to their place.
Damn bitch, yall live like this? You try to be polite about it, but its kinda clear they live in a shithole. Screw Tyler’s whole, not owning anything and rejecting modern needs, you need a functioning shower and cable tv.
If Tyler bitches too much about your preferences, you just only invite Jack over, which has Tyler reeling too. So, whilst you are on the couch with an arm around Jack, Tyler can sit on his weirdly soggy mattress and pout.
I think we can all agree that Tyler would be jealous and possessive very easily, think a dog that seems chill, maybe a little hyper, but then snarling and snapping at anyone who comes near you or Jack. You are his, and his alone, so everyone else can stay away.
Jack is jealous and possessive too, but he’s less obvious about it, to others at least. You can tell from the way he glares or clenches his jaw, or how he bites a bit too hard when he makes hickeys on either you or Tyler.
Again, you are the most mentally stable out of all three of you, so you don’t get jealous that easily, compared to them. But that also means when you do get jealous, it has both Tyler and Jack climbing the walls, because its so hot to them.
Especially if you had to fight someone because they kept coming onto either of them, seeing you with a sneer and a bloody fist immediately has both these dudes feeling all types of hot under the collar.
Tyler is definitely a sloppy kisser. He kisses like he fights, overpowering and controlling, bites at your lips a bit too hard and grips the back of your neck and only let’s go when he’s gotten his fill.
For Jack it depends on how he’s feeling, if he’s feeling alright, he’s got the more normal kisses, maybe even just pecks. But if he’s wound up, jealous, or sleep deprived its more like how Tyler kisses.
But kissing them is also your best distraction method if either of them are getting a little too out there. Kissing or like, scruffing them or wrestling them a bit. Just keep in mind the last two most likely lead to something more.
Tyler is a blanket hog, whilst also somehow filling the bed as much as possible. Stretches out all his limbs, or keeps scooting closer to you and jack until you two are pressed up against the wall, whilst Tyler has the rest of it.
Jack is sticky when he sleeps, that meaning he’s hanging onto you. Got both arms and both legs wrapped around you, head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat cuz it helps him sleep. Sleeping between these two is hell in the summer.
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cassidymb121 · 1 month
OMG It’s You… (Part 10)
YouTube!Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️Warnings⚠️: sadness, crying, early stages of homesickness??, Chan being turned on🤭, (lmk if I missed anything)
🏷️ : @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone @silverstarburst @jusanontstuff @anxiousskylar @drewsandsebastianswife @amararosesblog @niaalove (Taglist open)
Series Masterlist
(Authors note at the end)
Hearing my alarm clock, I roll over to shut it off. I had a surprisingly restful night's sleep, although I needed to take a second melatonin as the first one didn't help. Fortunately, the airport is conveniently located near my accommodation, and the journey there should only take about 5-10 minutes. After reviewing my flight details, I realized the total travel time would be almost 19 hours. Despite the long journey, I'm relieved there's only one layover before I board the second flight to Seoul.
As I start getting dressed and closing up all my bags, I take one last look around the room, which has brought me comfort and has been the starting point of my journey. Leaving behind a place with special memories is always a bittersweet moment. I know I could still come back and visit, but for now, this was goodbye. I smile, happy that I'm going outside my comfort zone to do something I'm passionate about. As I look around, I bring my bags to the front door.
I had to wake up earlier than planned because my flight was unexpectedly early. My family decided to get up with me to give me a proper send-off. The others were coming to the airport to say one last goodbye. I walked into the kitchen and found my grandmother preparing breakfast for everyone. Seeing my grandfather awake was a pleasant surprise, as his sleeping pattern is usually worse than mine.
“I made breakfast for all of us to eat for the last time together.” I smile at her and thank her for the food. “You know, maybe sometime after I get settled in, you can visit. See South Korea with me. I can also come home anytime I want.” I take her hand and his in mine, I reassure them, "I'm not disappearing forever. I promise to visit as much as I can." They hold on tighter, expressing their sadness at not always seeing me. "I'll have to show him how to FaceTime you," my grandmother says.
“Hey! I know how FaceTime works.”
“Oh really? Then where is it on your phone?”
“Same place it's always been in.” Their playful behavior never fails to bring a smile to my face. I think I'll miss this the most.
As I prepared to leave, my family gathered to spend some final moments with me. One by one, they came up to say their heartfelt goodbyes.“Hey, Y/N/N, you better not be a stranger now. I don’t want to come there myself to teach you a lesson.” I roll my eyes at my stepbrother’s goodbye. “I love you too, man.” My stepsister is next to come up and hug me. “Send me pictures, yeah? And let me know if you meet any cute guys over there. I wanna know all about it!” I smile, her not knowing I’m already talking to two of them. “Hey now! If you meet any guys, I’mma need their information. That means their name, date of birth, social security number, everything!”
“I’m not giving you anything!” I retort back to my stepbrother. He, in return, shakes his head. My grandparents come up next, giving me their hugs and goodbyes. “Make sure you don’t eat a lot of junk food; you must maintain weight and stay healthy.”
“I will, Nanny; I love you.” She smiles, giving me a tight hug for a small woman. “You take good care of yourself. Since we won’t always have you to help us, Y/B/N must do it for us.” At that comment, my stepbrother exploded, saying how he gets left with my responsibilities of caring for my grandparents and how I need to come back more often to help them. I ignore him and move on to my grandfather.
“You stay safe now, okay? I want you to be able to defend yourself in case someone breaks into your apartment. Do you have your stuff?” I nod, telling him I do and giving him a big hug. I am telling him to take care of himself, and if he ever feels up to it, maybe I can get him and my grandmother a trip over to see me. My dad comes up and pulls me into a hug.
“I want you to call me when you get there, okay? So that way, I know you made it there safely.” My dad tells me. I smile, “I’ll call you when I get there, but you have to remember that I’ll be in a different time zone, so it may be late into the early morning hours before I call.”
“I don't care what time it is; as long as I get a phone call from my baby that she’s okay, I’ll be happy.” I hug him long and hard. Being one of my biggest supporters since I was little, it’s hard to say goodbye to him. I could feel my tears starting to surface. Last is my stepmom; she’s already got tears in her eyes, and mine is beginning to fall. She pulls me into a hug, and the water dam breaks.
As I realize that I won't get to see these amazing people every day, doubts start creeping in about whether this was the right decision in the first place.
When she pulls back, it’s like she’s reading my mind. “I understand that it can be daunting to think about not seeing us every day. However, if you don't step out of your comfort zone, you'll never be able to explore the world as you've always wanted. You will surely be missed, and although your dad and I are homebodies, we'll come to visit you. We love you immensely and want nothing but the best for you. It's time to chase your dreams and become the person you've always wanted to be.” I nod my head and give her a tight hug.
I release her and gather my belongings, taking my first steps toward my new future. As I walk away, I look back at my family again. A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I bid them farewell with a wave. I turn back, holding my head high. I've committed myself to the fact that no matter what challenges come my way, I will never give up on pursuing my dream. Although my heart aches now, I know it will slowly heal with time.
“Welcome to Seoul, South Korea! It is currently 2:30 pm on August 16th.” My sleepiness drowned out the rest of the words. I usually don't sleep on planes, but I did this time. I grab my bag from above, leave the aircraft, and move towards the baggage area. Once receiving my luggage, I headed toward the exit, stopping to find something to eat since all I'd had were airplane snacks.
I discovered a cozy restaurant with a promising menu and went to a table, taking a seat to enjoy my meal. I eagerly indulged, savoring each bite as if it were my last. It was a relief to have some time before officially starting my new job the following week, allowing me to settle in and get organized. While I've already started my new job, I don't have to be on-site until next week.
I had compiled a list of essential tasks, including unpacking, stocking up on groceries, and setting up my new apartment. At that moment, my next priority was to arrange for an Uber to take me to the apartment complex where I would be staying.
After finishing my meal, I disposed of the food container and took out my phone to track the arrival of the Uber. I made a mental note to call my Dad once I reached the apartment. When the Uber arrived, I confirmed the driver's name, and they assisted me in loading my luggage into the vehicle.
I provided them with the address, and upon reaching my destination, I expressed my gratitude and proceeded inside to complete the check-in process. The attendant was incredibly friendly, and the paperwork was swiftly handled, allowing me to receive my keys promptly. I lugged my belongings into the elevator and ascended to the fourth floor.
As I reached my apartment door, I eagerly swung it open and lugged all my belongings inside. After securing the lock, a deep sigh escaped my lips. The long flight had left me utterly drained. I quickly dialed my dad's number and left a voicemail, letting him know I had arrived safely. Collapsing onto the nearby couch, I felt the exhaustion wash over me.
Although the temptation to drift off to sleep was strong, I knew I had things to take care of. I reluctantly pushed myself off the comfortable couch, picked up my luggage, and carried it to my room. I was fortunate to have found a spacious two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment with a convenient washer and dryer combo.
I surveyed the array of living essentials I had recently acquired, realizing that I also needed to stock up on groceries. Choosing to address this need immediately, I retrieved my purse and keys and left my apartment, locking the door behind me. Having previously researched nearby markets, I headed to the closest one and embarked on a shopping trip that lasted 30 minutes to an hour.
Upon returning home with bags of groceries, I meticulously organized and stored each item in the kitchen. Subsequently, I assembled the furniture and set up my home office, methodically putting together the bed, nightstand, and desk. As I progressed through these tasks, everything seemed to fall into place seamlessly. However, as the day turned to evening and fatigue began, I succumbed to exhaustion.
After ensuring the door was securely locked, I went to the shower. I was thankful I had taken a shower earlier, as I was too tired to rewash my hair that night. Following my usual evening routine, I finally collapsed into bed. Before drifting off to sleep, I sent a good night message to my family, locked my phone, and surrendered to the beckoning of slumber.
The week flew by, and I was pleased to find that the rest of my belongings had arrived in the same condition as when they were picked up. I made a mental note to thank the CEO of the moving company for their excellent service. My coworkers kindly came over to assist me in moving all the furniture upstairs and arranging it in the best possible positions.
I appreciated the support of others as I tackled the challenge before me. It was satisfying to see everything arranged just as I had envisioned. Adapting to the time change this week has been quite a feat. It's a new experience for me, and although it's been difficult, I'm confident I'll adapt in due time. I've taken the opportunity to explore, but I've been cautious as I don't know anyone here. Watching crime shows has made me more vigilant about my surroundings, and I'm hesitant to engage with unfamiliar individuals.
I could sense that the guys were starting to get suspicious of me because I'd changed my usual texting routine and avoided their calls. I know I'm not improving things, but I have a video next week to explain what's happening. I'm just holding out until the video is ready to be released. Until then, they will have to wait a bit longer.
Third Person POV
The men had every reason to feel wary. It seemed as though she was privy to information that they were not. The other members could sense the shift in their elders, but none were willing to confront the issue. They chose to ignore the obvious problem rather than address it. Chan decided to step aside and call Y/N. He hadn't informed any of the others, especially Minho. He felt guilty for concealing such an innocent action but wanted to keep this secret longer.
Y/N had been behaving unusually lately. She confided in him that she was going through some changes that were causing her stress and exhaustion. He was concerned but didn't want to pressure her. When she answered his call after the second ring, she sounded cheerful as always. "Hi, Channie!" she greeted him with a tone that flushed his face at the affectionate nickname. "Hey, Y/Nnnie, how have you been? I haven't heard from you much," he inquired. Her laughter on the other end was sweet and infectious. "I'm doing fine. I was actually on my way to work," she replied. Confusion crossed his face. 'Work? Shouldn’t she be in bed by now?’ he inquires.
Not realizing she was calling for him. "What do you mean work? I thought you would be in bed by now?" Y/N freezes as she realizes her mistake. She berates herself, thinking, 'Stupid, stupid, stupid,' while hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand. “Ah, well, I'm not uhh… I mean, I am I….URGHHH!” The moment her brain decides to take a break is precisely when she needs it the most. Chan is completely bewildered now, eagerly waiting for her response.
After a moment of collecting her thoughts, she finally admits something. “Look, there may have been some major changes in my life right now, and I wanted to surprise you when the time was right. I have a video coming out today that will explain everything. That's all I can tell you.” Chan nods his head, then forgets he isn't FaceTiming her. “Okay, love. I'll be patient and wait for your video. Afterward, I expect no more hiding things, okay?”
“Yes, sir, you have my word.” Chan shouldn't have been affected by those words, but coming from her, it felt like a shock just went through his body. “Anyways, I have to go, Channie; we’ll talk later, yeah?” After they said their goodbyes, Chan returned to the room with a huge smile and a semi-hard in his pants.
(A/N: I couldn't help myself; I had to do it. Also, I put in a sad, departing moment with the family. I hope you all enjoyed it and look forward to the next chapter!)
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chvnnie · 1 year
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thinking about giving this man ^^^ head in an airplane bathroom.
Jisung is finding it hard to sleep. Adjusting the firm pillow the flight attendant gave him over and over, trying to find a comfortable position. Against the window? No. Reclined back? No, and now Minho is kicking his seat. Resting on the seat in front of him? No, not after Seungmin kicked his seat back.
Fuck, he’s not asking for a lot here. Even just thirty minutes of rest is better than staying awake for the majority of this long flight. Putting the pillow in his lap, he throws his head against the headrest, letting out a quiet groan of frustration. He even took melatonin — why is it damn near impossible?
Not to be dramatic, but he doesn’t even think he remembers what sleep feels like.
You, on the other hand, look like a peaceful little angel. Curled towards him in your seat, pillow against the armrest. You were asleep well before the plane even taxied, snoring by the takeoff.
He can’t help but glare at you, eyebrows furrowed as he stares enviously. You didn’t even touch the pill bottle, it’s not fair that you get to sleep without any assistance.
It’s petty, and Jisung knows it, but if he can’t sleep. Neither can you.
“Baby.” He mumbles, running his fingers softly through your hair. Not wanting to wake you aggressively, but needing you to be up with him.
There’s a cute scrunch of your nose before you start to stir, bringing your fists to your eyes. “Are we there?” Your voice is so groggy, a little whiny from your nap being cut short.
“Not yet.” He keeps his voice low, wanting the conversation to be kept to your shared row. “I can’t sleep.”
You groan, sleepy eyes blinking up at him. “Take more melatonin.”
“I already took the recommended amount. It’s not working.” He takes off his hat, running his hands through the messy locks. “Can you hang out with me for a bit?”
It’s so selfish of him to make you suffer alongside him, but isn’t that what relationships are all about? Mutual suffering on bumpy airplane rides?
With a sigh, you sit up, the sleep still heavy on your face. He’s lucky that you love him, or you would’ve already attempted to suffocate him with your pillow. Lifting the armrest, you scoot closer to him. Jisung lifts his arm to let you lean into his side, cuddling in the small airplane seats.
Immediately he relaxes into the seat, your weight on his body soothing him. You hoist your right leg over his left, letting the limbs tangled together. This feels better, like the soft hand of slumber is finally wrapping around his wrist. Dragging him into the peaceful realm to spend the last few hours of the flight—
—but that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? Sure, it’s nice to feel your body heat, but it also makes his body betray him. Cock starting to swell in his sweats as you adjust in the seat, practically sitting on his lap.
Ah. Fuck. Is this why he couldn’t sleep? Was some part of his subconscious keeping him up for this?
It’s hard to miss the erection; you easily brush against in the cramped space. Tilting your head up from the resting spot on his shoulder, you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, hands starting to wander down your body. Slipping between your legs to pull you closer. “You just feel nice.”
You giggle softly, nudging your nose against the bare skin of his neck. “Is this why you woke me?”
“No, baby, I swear—“
“I’m not mad.” Your teeth scrape beneath his ear, pulling a shaky breath from him. “Do you want help?”
Fuck. Fuck yes, he does. Jisung feels like the wind has been knocked out of him, taking shaky breaths as he nods his head. You peek over the top of the seats, checking to see if anyone seems to be paying too much attention to the two of you.
All sound asleep, a symphony of snores louder than the roar of the engines in first class. Perfect.
There’s no need for a discussion, both of you quickly undoing your seatbelts and moving into the tiny bathroom towards the front of the plane. You enter first, leaving Jisung to stand near the door.
Not necessarily a preferred location for an intimate moment, but when in a pinch, Jisung can’t find the will to care.
You drop to your knees as he unties his joggers, pulling both them and his boxers down in one go. Tongue rolled out, a bit of spit clings to the end of it, dripping onto his shoes.
“Fuck.” He groans at the sight, threading his fingers in your hair as he pulls your head closer. “Come here, sweet thing.”
The second his cock slides in your mouth, your eyes flutter back. A muffled moan vibrating your throat as Jisung slowly starts to move his hips. Maybe it’s the turbulence, maybe it’s the thrill of getting blown thousands of feet in air, but he swears you’ve never felt so good.
“Goddamn it.” He grunts, bottoming out with your nose against his pubic bone. You look so blissful, completely relaxed even as you let out little chokes around his length. “Look at you, swallowing my cock so well.”
That’s when your eyes open, bright and happy from the praise. Oh, you are the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. So eager to just have a taste of him that you’ll take it whenever, wherever he wants it.
He should really take advantage of your mouth more.
When Jisung starts to fuck your face again, it’s rougher. Each thrust hitting the back of your throat, gags getting louder and sloppier. Spit is making his cock glisten, rolling down to his balls and giving him the chills.
Can you believe he wanted to be asleep? What a waste of time.
You ground yourself by holding onto his thighs, nails digging into the skin and causing your partner to hiss. The sting of it makes everything so much better — a bit of pain mixed in with his pleasure. It’s what shoots him higher, body tumbling in outer space and threatening to explode.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum.” He grunts out, head making a thump as it hits the restroom door. The confession excites you, sucking on his cock harder as if trying to force it out of him.
He can’t take it. Fuck, it’s so good, your mouth working like it’s your only job. Bringing him a mind blowing pleasure. Right as his head starts to stretch, ready to blow, he pulls you off his cock. Ropes of cum cover your face in hot, heavy waves. All over your forehead, cheeks, chin. There’s so much of it, painting you so prettily.
There’s not a thought in his head as he hauls you to your feet. Your eyes are shut, careful not get any in your eyes as he switches positions with you. Pinning you to the wall, he presses his body against yours.
Then, you feel his tongue on your face, cleaning his own mess for you. It’s filthy, the way he groans when the salty flavor fills his mouth, warmth sliding down his throat. There’s no way you can keep your eyes shut, blinking them open quickly to see the ravenous look on his face.
Feral. Hungry. So far out of his right mind that you’re almost terrified of what he’s capable of.
“Don’t make a sound.” He whispers, voice darker than you’ve ever heard it. Tongue flicking across your chin, you barely register the hand that’s wrapping around your throat. “Unless you want this entire plane to hear me fucking destroy you.”
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Just thinking about domestic vibes for different fandoms/AUs. So, let's begin with Todoroki Clan:
I'm thinking about yandere parents Enji and Rei, and their teen reader (who they definitely kidnapped as a baby). It's summer break, which means Rei won't have the urge to burn down your school so that you stay at home. No, now she has you all to herself! And despite Rei being Suffocating and smothering, reader does love her mom. Rei is just so soft and kind and sweet, it doesn't sit right with reader to break her heart by saying "no, mom. I just wanna be alone than watch you cook." At least Rei let's you be her little helper, taste the frosting for her, will you?
And summer also means that Rei gets to take you for shopping without you bringing up excuses like "sorry mom, I can't go. I need to study for a test." Now she gets to drag you along to as many shops as she wants, you can literally beg her to stop because you're tired but she'll just give you some homemade onigiris and off you go and change into the clothes she chose for you. Luckily for you, there aren't many luxury shops near you, and they take a lot of time to make Rei's custom orders because your mom never buys off the rack. (Yes girl, you dressed in Chanel and Louis Vuitton because daddy Enji's credit cards buy everything)
Summer vacations means time off from school to reward yourself for all of your hardwork. That's why Rei is making you take daily afternoon naps with her. And you can't say no, mostly because Rei has been mixing melatonin in your food so you tire out easy.
Enji won't lie, but he definitely enjoys your time off from school as well. He gets to see you more often, especially after exam season is over. He gets to take you out on a lot of daddy-daughter dates, which you absolutely enjoy because you get to eat a lot of food without your mom reminding you that she can make so-and-so dish at home and better than Michelin starred chef.
But now that you have holidays, instead of Enji just going around the world on missions and bringing you souvenirs, you now get to go with him and Rei to anywhere you want! Rei is happy because she gets to dress you up in more clothes and do your hair and APPLY SUNSCREEN ON YOU (DO NOT TAKE THIS AWAY FROM HER). Loads and loads of pictures are taken and memories are made, and it's good that Enji's there to hold Rei back from doing normal teenager stuff that she deemed "too dangerous" for you.
Also, Enji and Rei feeding reader together, no matter how old you are. Rei makes the food and serves it to you, Enji keeps on picking out all the good stuff from his plate (sausages, sashimi, eggs, etc) and using his chopsticks to feed it to you🥺🥺🥺
Or or when Rei is doing your hair and you're doing dad Enji's hair, maybe you're just applying a hair mask and massaging it in because Enji works so hard for all of you🥺🥺 of course, he returns the favour by painting your nails (he has gotten better over the years with practice, but it's still funny to see how small the nail polish brush looks in his gigantic hands.
Also thinking about Dad Enji and reader waking up early to make breakfast in bed for Rei for mothers day and Enji's soul leaving his body when a little bit of oil splatters on your hand. And no matter how much you convince hum that you're fine, Enji thinks you're not and now he has you sitting in the corner far away from the stove while he finishes off cooking. And when you two go and surprise Rei, she is so touched and is almost moved to tears until her eyes land on the smallest splatter on your hand (its a surprise she was even able to see it) and now you're wrestled into bed next to her as she ices your hand while scolding Enji for risking your life because "You're the adult Enji. You should know better!" And poor dad Enji is just nodding along🥺🥺🥺🥺
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shibainu2006 · 1 year
Hey, Shiba!! Been a while, buuuut I’m back to bother you with a request! How about Leona, Ace, and Ruggie with an S/O who copes with their shit mental health via energy drinks, coffee and escapism?
They’re always reading and listening to music and daydreaming almost 24/7. They drink water, like, once every 2 weeks (if they feel like self-care) and they rarely ever actually eat or sleep because they feel like they actually have control for once in their life. They also have periods where they drop everyone and it’s near impossible to get ahold of them unless you into their room.
Author's note: If you don't fucking take care of yourself, I'm gonna burn this entire planet into a crisp with you on it. GO DRINK SOME GODDAMN WATER!
Leona Kingscholar
Herbivore... why..?
He doesn't understand why it's so hard for you to take care of yourself, but he has no qualms with either forcing you, doing it himself, or making Ruggie do it.
He let you have coffee in the morning, but after that, you're done.
You're forced to drink water for the rest of the day.
No, you cannot have an energy drink. You abused that privilege.
When you read, he likes to recommend books to you, and he'll even try to find books with uplifting messages to try and make you feel better.
He's not too good with emotions, but he does try his hardest to make sure you're alright.
He'll even cuddle you while you listen to music, and allow you to relax and daydream.
You've been forced to eat and sleep, by the way.
No late nights.
No skipping meals...
You take care of yourself properly, even if he has to make you.
He'll have Ruggie bring in a nice meal for you.
And definitely bring melatonin or sleepy time tea to make sure you get proper rest.
He'll steal you from your class for a nap, too, if he finds that you didn't sleep the night before.
The second you cut the world off, he'll give you time, but eventually he WILL come see you.
Leona knows how hard it is to actually get a hold of you, so he'll just go to you himself.
You only get a solid day to yourself before he shows up to make sure you're healthy.
Leona cares very deeply for you, so don't ever go thinking you can just stop caring for yourself.
Ace Trappola
Dude, you cannot be serious!
Ace is so done.
The second he found out, he was right at your door with a hot meal and water.
Ace will literally hold you down to make you sleep. He will not allow you to go without for even a second!
He even goes as far as to do your school work for you so you can rest.
He'll let you have your music and books.
He'll take you out to the library to read there, too, so you can't cut the world off.
Ace don't play those games.
He'll pester you about your caffeine intake, and if that doesn't work, then he'll just hide it all from you.
No more coffee
No more redbull
Only water and tea.
He'll search up actual good coping skills and give you a horribly written list of things that are far better than what you're doing.
He even offers you a listening ear.
He'll listen to your rant for as long as needed if it'll help you out.
He just wants to make sure you're okay
Ruggie Bucchi
Oh hell no.
The minute he hears about this, you're fucked.
You come back to a nice dinner with WATER as a drink.
A nice bath was waiting for you, too.
There's smooth jazz playing to relax you as well.
The second you ask for coffee or anything caffeinated, he'll shoot you the dirtiest look known to man and tell you no.
He'll have your favorite books set out for you and even bought some scented candles for you.
Bro abandoned Leona to make sure you'd take care of yourself.
That's how bad this is.
The second you even TRY to cut everyone off, he won't let you.
He'll take you to a nice secluded area, and you'll both take a walk there.
Ruggie wants what's best for you, and disassociating is not it.
Ruggie always has a book on hand for you, and he makes sure it's one that's to your taste, so you'll enjoy it.
You can daydream for a certain amount of time before it's time to come back to reality.
Overall, Ruggie is just caring to you.
He becomes a mother hen when you get like that.
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heavenlycloud · 1 year
sharing a bed: le sserafim x 6th member fem! reader
warnings: crying, swearing, nightmares
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when you and your members found out that you were going to be going to the states for a tour you all were stoked. american fans had been begging for nearly a year and finally there were tour dates for an american leg of a world tour. the first stop was new york which yunjin in particular was looking forward to since it'd been almost two years since she'd seen her family in person. originally the plan was for her to sleep at her family's house then you all meet back up as a group two days later for the first stage rehearsals. that being said you and the other girls were planning to just stay in a hotel, two to a room then someone gets a solo room. however, when one of yunjin's family members got sick, plans changed and she couldn't go home for risk of also catching the illness. all of which resulted in you having to share a room with one of your members. the only issue is you have a MASSIVE crush on your now roommate, and you two have to share a bed for the next two days....
you laid stiff as a board in the queen sized hotel bed, nearly falling off the edge because you wanted that much space between the two of you
beneath the covers you were sweating and hoping that she couldn't feel you shaking beside her
but she could because you were shaking like a wet chihuahua arms length away from her
it was already nearing two in the morning and both of you needed sleep but the jet lag was absolutely no help
you held onto the blankets in an absolute death grip, hoping that you wouldn't move closer to her in your sleep
jokes on you because you did in fact move- so much so that you woke up face to face with sakura
your lips were almost touching which jumpscared you awake, causing you to fall off the bed and take ALL the sheets and blankets with you
sakura was woken up by this and didn't add to your nerves when she told you, "come back up here. i want to feel you near me again."
you put up a wall of pillows between the two of you with the shitty excuse of 'so we have equal room'
chaewon literally didn't care if the pillows were there or not so she found it strange that you insisted on keeping them there
she turned to ask you a question and was met face to face with this giant feather stuffed pillow
the pillow wall not only seperated the two of you but also made it hard to hear one another talk
so you were literally sitting there nearly shouting to one another when you knew you had to be quiet because eunchae and kazuha were sleeping next door
*whisper yelling* "what did you say?!" "huh?!" "i said what did you- *loudly* y/n this is so stupid."
chaewon ended up getting annoyed that the pillows were in her way so she threw them aside
you decided that everything would be fine as long as you lay back to her
that fell through when you woke up to her spooning you from behind which sent your heartrate through the roof before you could open both eyes fully in the morning
the two of you had never shared a bed before for this specific reason
you weren't really sure if it was the melatonin gummy your manager made you all eat that caused you to be calmer than normal but you weren't blushing and kicking your feet at every glimpse you got of her for once
not sure who's bright idea it was but the hotel a/c unit was on full blast with no way of turning it down lower
you and yunjin were laying in bed freezing cold but you were NOT about to make the first move for 'im cold ur cold' cuddles
yunjin offered multiple times and you refused
*sniff* '"y/n, you can come closer if you're cold" "no i'm good" "you sure?" "mhm" "okay"
and then fifteen minutes passed and yunjin swore if she heard you sniffle one more time she was going to literally punch you in the nose- "for the love of god. y/n come here."
and that's how you ended up hugging each other like two people freezing to death in the arctic
it would have been cute if yunjin didn't kick in her sleep
you woke up with bumps and bruises on your legs and bags under your eyes because you didn't sleep well...but she did
"wow i slept great last night didn't you?" and you're just standing there with one eye open, a bedhead, and a limp.
the two of you were up late and you were just listening to everything kazuha wanted to say
your japanese was spotty but you did your best to follow because you wanted to make sure that she knew you were listening, and you wanted her to know her voice was always heard
she would finish talking about one thing and skip to the next until she ran out of things to say and that weird silence hangs over the two of you
"are you ready to sleep now?" "yeah, goodnight."
you're not sure how long you're sleeping before you stir awake to kazuha moving around next to you
suddenly she's breathing harder and wakes up with a scream that thankfully nobody else heard in the rooms around you both
your hands are already on her back and you're soothing softly, "it's okay, it's okay. zuha it's just me, it's just me. just breathe...you're with me, it's just us. just you and me, me and you."
when she's calm again you lay back down you feel her hand slowly slip into yours
no words exchanged, there's no need. just the feeling of you both knowing that you're there for one another.
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Hey yeah I'm overanalyzing their rooms now that we cANONICALLY KNOW WHAT EACH OF THEIR ROOMS LOOKS LIKE????? (if i miss anything while combing through these picture lmk!)
First up, Patton's room!
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Lots of plushies! Lovely touch, not that surprised cuz it's, you know, Patton.
Cat statue! (lamp? I can't tell jdjsjsj)
And a cat poster right above his head!
I can't tell what picture that is on his desk :(
But I can tell that his glasses are on there, as well as a plate of two cookies (love that callback) and... A bible. Specifically the Bible Patton swore his oath on in SvS. Interesting touch...
And lastly, the card Virgil gave him during 12DOC (which I find interesting because, to me at least, this symbolizes that Patton still views Virgil as or believes Virgil to still be his best friend which is, uh... Not quite the case right now).
Also notably, Patton doesn't wear his onesie to sleep here?
Alright, next up is Roman!
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Next, his katana right next to his bed which I imagine he uses fairly often because if you'll look in the bottom left hand corner, you can see Remus stealing one of Roman's crocheted (knitted?) stars off of his desk
After that is his poster, which says Adventure Is Out There (maybe an Up poster? I can't find the exact one but knowing Roman it's probably that)
And speaking of Disney, I just noticed that he's sleeping in his Beauty and the Beast onesie oh my gosh
I love the amount of Roman toys he has in his room idjshshs
I can't tell what that bottle is right behind the Roman Youtooz, if anyone can, can you let me know?
[EDIT FOR ABOVE: People have told me that the bottle is pillow spray which, yeah, makes sense for Roman jdjdjsjs]
And finally, the bulletin board! Two pictures of himself, one of Leslie Odom Jr., and 3 Post-Its that read (from top to bottom): "TAKE DANCE CLASSES AGAIN", "YOU GOT THIS PAL", and "WWLOJD?" (which I realized far too late means "What Would Leslie Odom Jr. Do?" idjdjsjs)
Alright, Virgil's room now!!
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It is. So dark. I had to turn my phone's brightness up to max to even be able to see half of it ksjsjsjsj
First off, Virgil wears a Green Day shirt and Thomas's black jacket to sleep! (If you don't remember, this is the same jacket Thomas wore during parts 1 and 2 of Accepting Anxiety and in Working Through Intrusive Thoughts!)
If you'll look right behind Virgil, there's a laptop open to... A YouTube lyric video. Dude listens to emo music without headphones to go to sleep, oh my God /pos
[EDIT ABOVE: According to Thomas, he's watching a Jack the Ripper conspiracy video, not a lyric video! Still, incredibly fitting for Virgil kdjdjsjs]
Now to the darker parts of the room:
He has a whiteboard that says "[Number (it's actually a pound sign but i don't want this to end up as a hashtag jdjsjsj)] of days since last total disaster", with 5 being the number of days. Does this mean that this video takes place five days after WTIT, or is it just an insignificant number?
I literally can't tell what all is on Virgil's desk so if anyone does please let me know, but what I can tell is that he's got an expo marker (for the whiteboard) and (presumably) melatonin, which (alongside the tossing and turning) I imagine confirms that Virgil has trouble sleeping
[EDIT FOR ABOVE: He also has a spider plush, a book of Grimm's Fairytale, fake candles(?) and Patton's card pinned underneath it! That's fascinating to me and I've taken it to mean that Virgil doesn't want to complete throw away his friendship with Patton but he's nowhere near "buddy buddy" with him anymore]
And finally, Logan!
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Look at his blue ass bed and matching pjs and sleep mask I freaking love him
He's got a periodic table poster over his bed!!!
Now let's check out his desk
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He has all five plushies with him!!! Everyone else just had theirs but he has all five! (Angst writers come get your food pspspsps)
They're all sitting on a notebook (presumably the one Logan uses to write down when someone says something stupid?) which is on top of the fanfic Roman gave him for Christmas which i freaking love 😭
His solved Rubix cube is sitting on what looks to be a crossword of the day calendar sort of thing?
Oh my God that is the 10th Doctor Funko Pop right by the plushies
And his flashcards are under his glasses!
[EDIT FOR ABOVE: The notebook above the script is a Journal 3 notebook from Gravity Falls and he also has a TARDIS behind the plushies and a smart lamp! (Hence the clapping)]
Again, if i missed something someone let me know jdjdhs
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samnia · 3 months
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Kurapika sleep HCS Pt.1
Alright, we're going to start this with a sad start. It's a personal headcanon of mine that one of the many things Kurapika salvaged from the kurta massacre was a quilt/blanket. It's one his mother made but never finished, so he decided to leave it like that. it's basically one of Kurapika's comfort items, so he may never share it with anyone unless you have a place in his shallow heart!
Kurapika would get night terrors often, so waking up in the middle of midnight is prone. He's not near land with famliar herbs. That's when he desperately looks for medicines to help and finds melatonin. Kurapika takes one of the candies right before he plans to fall asleep, only when he has no opium.
Okay, enough of the angst. Kurapika lowkey can control his body temperature. One night, he's warm, and another deadly cold. Kurapika's temperature can correspond to how he felt earlier, so now it's your job to figure out which one means which.
The more Kurapika gets to know you, the more he subconsciously opens up (if that makes sense). He can be stiff but sleep talking and saying the most thoughtful things ever. This is super weird, but there's a 50/100 chance you'll be able to ask Kurapika things certain things, and he'll answer. Also, he sleep with his head on your thigh. It's comforting in a way.
He trained his hatsu by enforcing his chains to lock the door and all openings henges shut all night long. No break, Kurapika still does it on the Black Whale to protect Woble and Queen aito.
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transgenbur · 3 months
I continue to wonder since you said fostering au wilbur continues to be entirely in denial and Not Realizing for some time after he and quackity re-meet how exactly DOES the Feelings Realization TM go down qcihdtiwdzgd
OOOH well its very gradual and very much a disaster because. well. its him .
i think i said they remeet when theyre around 22-23, and at the time wilbur was in a really bad relationship that he only breaks off two or so years later. his girlfriend was very controlling and always bringing him down and making comments about him, his appearance, his interests, what he ate, etc. so needless to say wilburs already absolute dogshit self esteem is so further down the gutter it’s actually Wow look it pierced a hole into the ground from how far down it is.
this is important context because it’s part of why he takes soooo long to realise his feelings, he’s just so deeply entrenched in trying to make his girlfriend happy and love him and to appease everyone that he doesn’t realise. its what i call his “ghostbur” era - none of this stuff is actually strictly based on the bursonas, but i find he does follow a similar pattern of evolution, and at that point in his life he’s trying to be the biggest people pleaser possible after realising that being the unapproachable loner he was in high school would only leave him alone (also bc his abandonment issues got worse after sally left). his new relationship makes that worse also.
in the beginning him and q are just sort of awkwardly tiptoeing around each other considering they last left each other with a bajillion things unsaid and they are extremely determined on keeping said things unsaid. they start to grow back into friends, albeit more normal friends than the absolute mess of a situationship/frenemies they were in high school. theyre still themselves meaning they can’t go a second without aggravating each other, but its definitely friendlier.
and as time goes by some of their joke flirting gets a tad bit too real sometimes- quackity will make a joke and stare at him a moment too long, or wilbur will stutter out of nowhere, etc.
but wilbur still has a girlfriend!!! so as usual he shoves his head in the sand and he takes melatonin so at night he falls asleep instantly without having the time to yearn or reflect lmao. (for the record i do not condone this if your feelings change communicate that with your partner etc)
time progresses, every stranger they meet think theyre either married, sworn enemies, or fucking each other. meanwhile wilburs relationship grows worse and worse, he’s fallen deep into an eating disorder (while he was already struggling with bad eating habits pretty much his whole life it gets much worse then), hes struggling with self harm a lot, and its just not a great time. his friends keep trying to convince him to break things off, especially tommy who, since he lives with them, has seen a lot of shit and absolutely despises wilbur’s girlfriend’s guts and makes this very well known.
eventually they do break up (its a longer story than that but it would require its own post) and wilbur falls deep into a depressive episode. it makes him doubt for so long if he did the right thing, if he just should’ve sucked it up and taken whatever scraps of love he was given, but in reality the depressive episode had been a LONG time coming its just his brain was in survival mode. he never felt safe enough with her, so subconsciously his brain only allowed falling into depression again once it was safe to do so.
and so my point is that with all these things happening he’s absolutely nowhere near ready to accept his feelings. meanwhile q is pining hard - that man is going through it LMAO trying to support his friend (they still pretend to be frenemies) whilst shoving down his own shit. he’s one of the few people wilbur feels safe with (even though theyve gotten into fistfights and q has sincerely threatened his life on several occasions), mainly because, in a way, q knew him at his worst (high school) and still came back. so he has more trust in him than some of his other friends because hes convinced he’s manipulated them into thinking hes better than he is.
anyway q is planning this trip for an internship he’s doing for his law degree, and he has to leave for a month or two. wilburs 25th birthday rolls around, and he knows q wont be able to be there. he’s already still feeling shitty, not really entirely out of that depressive episode, and he’s ready to just have a lame birthday and go back to rotting in his bed.
and then (this is so cliché LET ME LIVE) theyre about to do the cake whatever and tommy yells announces they have a surprise and he turns around and wham! quackity standing there looking downright exhausted, with his suitcases around him and the airplane neck pillow still around his neck (he came straight from the airport). wilbur runs to hug him and, to me, that moment is the kickstarter that forces him to start actually realising whats happening.
first off because theyre not exactly huggers but that one was so spontaenous and it felt so right!! second because hes already sad and a bit emotionally volatile and the fact that q cared enough to rush and try his best to make it to his birthday moves him a whole lot. and finally because well yeah he’s madly in love with him but the only thing he says is to ask whether the eyebags q got from jetlag are a fashion statement in europe or if hes just reaching for the raccoon look.
theres definitely more moments after that (they take a LOOONG time to get together. and so much pining. its so bad) but i just think that moment is really sweet and also i love how their relationship progresses over time
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darlingkirstein · 4 months
hiiii just wanna know what's your hc about em and jp love language:))
hi anon!! this is such a fun question, thanks for asking!! :)) this is for modern au because that’s the verse that i predominantly write!
— Eren Jaeger:
I think Eren sometimes struggles to voice his affection, so he loves expressing love through physical touch — he loves cuddling and holding hands and kissing Mikasa, especially since she sometimes struggles with words, too. There's nothing he likes more than slow dancing in the kitchen and keeping Mikasa close against his chest, and ending the night with their limbs tangled together as they cuddle is the best way to sleep, no need for any melatonin supplements.
He loves receiving touch from Mikasa as much as he loves giving it, feeling so loved — but spending quality time with her is also so important to Eren. He likes his other friends, but getting personal time with Mikasa relaxes him. Eren feels most loved when, while rambling about something random, like the quality of the latest horror film in theaters or an awkward encounter at work, Mikasa listens attentively. Eye contact is super important for Eren; looking into her eyes and sensing her genuine desire to spend time with him turns his cheeks red. The best is when Mikasa initiates plans to go out to a new restaurant or to the movies — where they'll obviously be holding hands the entire time.
— Mikasa Ackerman:
Quality time is the easiest way for Mikasa to be affectionate with Eren — she's a very good listener, and Eren loves to talk. Making sure Eren knows he’s being cared for and appreciated when they’re together is feels good for Mikasa. When they’re together, Mikasa’s phone is stashed, ignoring any notifications to ensure that not even a second of their time together is wasted. Though she wasn’t the biggest fan of touch before Eren, she’s learned to appreciate physical touch as well. It makes her happy to see how Eren lights up when her palms hold his cheeks between them or how he blushes when she kisses his forehead, so touch comes easy to Mikasa when they’re together.
She's an introvert, so she always asks to stay inside their apartment. The quiet apartment helps keep her calm, as crowds tend to make her uncomfortable — so sitting on the couch to rewatch her favorite movie for the hundredth time is her idea of a perfect date night. She’s also particularly fond of Eren’s compliments for her, especially when he gets flustered as they leave his mouth. Watching him learn to flirt and discover her favorite pet names makes her heart flutter; Eren’s voice is a great source of comfort for her — especially since they’re so often cuddling, so Eren feels comfortable being sappy when they’re close.
— Jean Kirstein:
Just like Eren, Jean thrives off physical touch — probably even more than Eren does. He’s obsessed with clinging to Pieck in all scenarios: cuddling in bed, hanging out with friends, riding public transportation, and every other chance they can have to be attached. Beyond that, Jean insists on doing whatever acts of service Pieck most benefit from around the apartment — taking care of her any need and doing any chore. Cooking is another way he expresses his love; he’ll make whatever dinner, lunch, or breakfast Pieck requests, something he learned from his mother. He’s the perfect househusband, and he’s almost obsessive with how attentive he is to Pieck’s needs, making sure she’s eating, showering, and as content as possible.
If expressing physical touch is nice, receiving it is damn near heavenly for him. Nothing feels better than Pieck’s fingers in his hair or her arms spooning him and cuddling. He becomes a big baby in Pieck’s grasp, unwilling to leave her arms when he’s in them. Being touched and caressed and kissed makes him feel unconditionally loved. It’s so important to him that he struggles to sleep unless he’s sleeping tangled up with her. Jean also needs words of affirmation — he’s an overthinker, more anxious than he’d like, but Pieck expertly reassures him. Receiving praise, comfort, and validation makes him feel better and more confident in himself.
— Pieck Finger:
Of course she loves kissing Jean and snuggling up to him. But Pieck’s strength tends to be her words, her ability to express herself eloquently. She loves boosting his confidence through compliments and praise, but teasing Jean is another way for her to show love — unconventional as it seems. She likes seeing the way he blushes when she’s playfully making fun of him for being such a baby around her. Her clever tongue expresses so much affection hidden behind jokes. Both Pieck and Jean love taking care of each other — being able to trust Jean and being able to repay him for his generosity makes it easy to express affection. She’s so loving when he drinks more than he can handle, taking care of him at his goofiest moments.
Pieck sometimes struggles to take care of herself. She doesn’t mean to forget to have breakfast, or to pack lunch for work, or any of the million tasks she has to remember. Thankfully, Jean remembers — and he goes above and beyond to make sure she’s okay. His dedication to acts of service eases her mental burden and makes it easier for her to devote more attention back onto Jean, so it’s a win for everyone. She struggles to admit how much she loves how he takes care of her — sometimes it’s a little embarrassing, but mostly, she can’t help but feel so appreciated and loved by Jean whenever he insists on doing the laundry or washing her hair.
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