#also man I forget about 50% of the time to even add the wings so dw bout it
mrpristineblade · 6 months
So, I draw your Hero (because he's so pretty) and not sure about posting it yet but here you go!
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Hope you like it (even though I messed his wings-)
Excuse me, how fucking DARE you make me feel this much joy in my heart??? /vpos /might explode out of excitable whimsy
On a more serious note, I was honestly starting to wonder if I hadn't made the wrong choice to design my voices the way I did or if I should even continue making the other voice designs.
Probably just my low self-esteem acting up again for a bit, don't worry, but these drawings do make me see how much I love my designs at the end of the day, so thank you very much for this. It really reignited a spark that was starting to dim.
Anyways, ending on a lighter note now, seeing our two heroes interact is just the CUTEST THING. Two entirely different beings, yet broken off of the same mirror and staring at eachother in such neurodivergent harmony. 🐦❤️☁️
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messymindofmine · 2 years
I've been rewatching s2 and I can honestly say it is the messiest season in the entire show. I suppose it's kind of understandable since a) the show was still kind of finding it's footing with expanding on characters and plotlines and b) the pandemic really changed a lot of plans. The messiest thing they did though was the entire storyline revolving around Gwyn and Owen.
As much as I liked Gwyn, I never got the feeling even when the season first aired that she was meant to stick around for good and rewatching has reinforced that for me. Considering we barely even got a mention of her on s1, it seems very strange that they would suddenly have her moving in with Owen in s2. I suspect that the real reason she was even brought in is bc both the actress who played Zoe and Liv Tyler decided to leave and bc heaven forbid Owen have one season without a love interest or at least some female character that he has sexual tension with, they decided to bring Gwyn in. I do like that they chose Lisa Edelstein bc her and Rob Lowe obviously have great chemistry and it's a really cool nod to their time on the West Wing. It's actually really cool bc if you watch their scenes in the West Wing, you can kind of imagine them as a young Owen and Gwyn when they first got together. But then they introduced the whole baby thing. And the whole surprise baby storyline has always been my most despised trope in any show bc it is so narratively lazy and 99% of the time adds absolutely nothing to the show. It certainly didn't add anything to this one. There was literally no reason to bring that in especially considering that the plan was pretty obviously to always have Gwn and Owen break up again.
All this storyline did was make both Gwyn and Owen look pretty bad as parents. I usually defend Owen quite a bit (and will continue to do so bc the hate this man gets is truly ridiculous) but I do understand why people were so upset with him in s2. The Owen we saw in s2 was almost unrecognizable than the one we saw in s1. The version we got in s3 was better than what we got in early s2. It's like he literally forgot that he had a son during that time. And the same goes for Gwyn too. Not once did either Gwyn or Owen think about how they were hurting their son with the way they were behaving. The storyline also made no sense from a realistic perspective. Gwyn would've been in her 50s in s2 and at the very least pre-menopausal yet somehow she gets accidentally pregnant? And then the same Gwyn who is shown to be very pragmatic and reasonable doesn't once consider the very large risk factors involved with pregnancy at such an advanced age? Not to mention how that would affect her career at that point in her life? Instead Owen is shown to be the one who's struggling with the idea. Tbh as much as I commend the show for usually dealing with sensitive topics really well, this whole storyline gave me some real "written by men who have no idea how women even work" vibes. It made zero sense to have the storyline at all considering they have Owen and Gwyn break up anyway.
It made even less sense after they decided to kill Gwyn off. And tbh I wasn't even surprised that they decided to do that bc like I said, it was pretty obvious that Gwyn was never meant to be brought into the show to begin with. Even when they brought her back in s3, it was obviously done to fuel Owen's s3 mid-life crisis. In fact, this point is literally stated by Mateo. As sad as her death was bc I did like Gwyn, at least it contributed something to the show itself as well as allow a deeper look into TK's character. The same can not be said for the baby storyline at all.
I know some people have been upset that we don't see or hear any mention of Jonah or Enzo and I do understand why. It does seem really weird. But at the same time, I'm actually not upset bc I never liked that whole storyline to begin with and I'm glad to just forget about it lol. Besides, I feel that the baby storyline is similar to the Iris storyline but in the opposite direction. As in, with Iris they may well have planned something for her in s2 but bc Liv Tyler left they decided to scrap those plans. That's understandable but then by bringing her back in s4, they ended up creating all these plotholes for the previous seasons. But ok, at least Iris's storyline contributed something and we got introduced to an interesting new character. As I said before, I would be down for seeing Iris again. But with the baby thing, it was created pretty obviously for the sole purpose of drama, it clearly wasn't all that popular even at the time and I think the writers probably regretted creating it to begin with. Not that they'd ever admit it since they couldn't even admit that the Iris storyline was not something that they'd been planning the whole time even though it's super obvious. It genuinely feels like they started regretting it very early on but bc it's a procedural show on cable TV didn't feel comfortable really taking the plunge to maybe find a way to get rid of the storyline in a realistic way (eg miscarriage or abortion) and so just ended up going along with it in the messiest way possible. Any mention we got of the baby pretty much from the beginning felt so forced. As if the writers kept thinking "oh shoot we brought this in and now we have to follow it through." But now they have no reason to do so and I suspect that they're perfectly happy to effectively retcon the whole thing and act like it never happened. And you know what? I'm not even upset about it. All things considered, retconning it actually makes more sense that having had it in the first place. At least, they're still including Gwyn and remembering her. To me, that matters more. I'm not gonna tell anybody else what to do but I feel like it might just be better to go with the flow and erase the baby thing from our minds for our own sanity. It's not like the show makes it hard.
Anyway, I just needed to get these thoughts out bc rewatching the first couple of seasons with the hindsight that we have now is truly an experience
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honestlyfrance · 3 years
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it’s fic yeah friday over at @fuckyeahsambucky​​​ so i wanna do a lil something something for the fandom :) check out my #fic rec tag for more! 
enjoy the more than 50 fics listed here :) be careful of the tags!
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I Am Trying to Break Your Heart by Lunar_Pull
Today is the day that Steve received an invitation to the love of his life’s wedding.
Philopatry by Areiton
"I want to be safe," he says. "But I'm not." "Then why come here? Why put me at risk?" Something flickers in his eyes, little boy lost and utterly cold, and it makes Sam want to give the dude a hug and also pull his sidearm. "I have no reason to hurt you," Winter says. "I don't want to hurt you," Bucky adds, earnestly.
farmhouse by Tazmaster
"You know, I think I'd want a farmhouse."
"A what?" Sam turns to look at him, slightly annoyed. This was the first thing Bucky has said in the past hour and a half they've been cramped in this god forsaken car. He had a knack for impulsively voicing his dumb thoughts at the worst times, but whenever you wanted to know what was actually going on in that head of his, he'd never say.
They were staking out the front gate of a large mansion, very much not a farmhouse. It was mind numbingly boring, being stuck in a beetle with absolutely nothing else to do than stare at the gaudy gates of some rich asshole.
"A farmhouse," Bucky repeats nonchalantly, "If we ever get out of this business, or you know, live long enough to retire maybe--- I want a farmhouse. With a lot of animals."
Bucky keeps talking about a farmhouse and it drives Sam crazy, that is until he finally asks why.
Employee Discount by bopeep for queenmab_scherzo
Sam Wilson doesn't love working in a store that makes him wear vanity-sized polos and breathe in clouds of men's cologne like the worst kind of GQ aromatherapy, but the view from his cash register across the mall to the Hot Topic and the sullen Dark Prince of Wallet Chains he loves to hate may just beat the minimum wage blues.
In warm water, swimming down by targaryen_melodrama
“Why are you hiding?””Tired.”Bucky raises an eyebrow. “So you decided to swim.”“So I decided to be alone.”Bucky’s quiet for a moment. “I can go, if you want.”It’s the last thing Sam wants.
I figured out what the slashes mean by Teaismycoffee
Sam, Steve and Bucky are all living together in a safe house. Bucky and Sam discover fan fiction written about them. Steve doesn't approve. Sam and Bucky are really into secretly reading fan fiction together, or maybe it isn't the fan fiction part they are really into.
Chicken Soup for the Soul by bioloyg
“S’not my bed time,” Sam says as he buries his face in Bucky’s upper arm. Bucky laughs. “Tough. You’re sick.” Sam lets out a loan groan and says, “But my bed is cold. I was so warm, why’d you move me?” “Because your neck would’ve hated you if I didn’t.” He tries not to be so amused by how fussy Sam is when he’s both sick and half-asleep. It’s cute. ~ A fic wherein Bucky takes care of a sick Sam.
two nights in L.A. by CapnWinghead
Bucky kindly volunteered Sam to be a groomsman for Scott’s upcoming wedding. Of course, that meant Sam and Bucky had to go to the bachelor party.
at the end of the war (what's mine is yours) by notcaycepollard
They don't talk about it: that's how it works.
I'd Like That by honestlydarkprincess
Sam has been up for over 24 hours and has been dreaming about his Coffee Caramel Fudge non-dairy ice cream since about the 18-hour mark. When he gets to the store, there's only one carton of it left and, unfortunately for the guy innocently holding said carton, Sam's not leaving without it.
Or, the one where Sam is sleep deprived, yells at a cute guy, and gets both ice cream and a phone number out of it.
Ready, Set, Date! by bioloyg
Bucky wants to sleep, Natasha wants to find him a date for Steve's wedding (so he'll leave her alone), and Sam is the best thing about this whole speed dating disaster. But, Sam's not in the speed date rotations - he's at a different table weathering through dates just like Bucky is. ~ "Three dates in, Bucky decides he has made one of the worst decisions in all of his life by coming here. His first date had been an attractive enough man by the name of Greg. He introduces himself as “The Big G,” to which Sam laughs at in the middle of introducing himself to his own date. Greg likes to talk about cars a lot, which is fine. Bucky also likes cars. The only problem is that Greg’s love for cars borders on… erotic."
We'll rise up free and easy by Sarsaparilla, woofgender
Steve and Natasha are away on a mission when Sam receives intel about the Winter Soldier’s location. When he follows the lead, Sam finds something unexpected—but despite his initial impression, it’s certainly not all bad. (Post-CATWS, not AOU- or CACW-compliant.)
__________ "'Jesus Christ,' Sam said, 'Are you planning on fighting an entire army?'
Barnes looked up from examining the sights of a sniper rifle. '...no,' he said, a little guiltily, and adjusted one of the--five? Six? guns he’d already strapped to himself."
love is in the air (i smell coffee) by Flora_K, hermionesmydawg
Sam Wilson - graduate student, part-time barista, part-time salesman, and full-time father - doesn't have time to sleep, much less date. At least, that's what he tells himself.
Up at Night by bioloyg for lunaaltare
With Halloween nearing, Sam is feeling more in the mood for a scary movie than usual. He'd never watch one on his own though, so he invites his roommate to pick one out and join in on movie night. or Prompt fill for Samtember ~ "It’s quiet for a while after that. Like always, the two of them start on opposite sides of the queen sized bed with at least a foot of space between them. And, like always, they drift closer to one another as time passes, though whether it’s habitual or instinctual Sam would never dare delve into."
flowers in darkness, the moon above the sea by 27dis
Sam enjoyed his job, really.
But, not when a certain person came in.
A quick detour and a sudden arrival by iwillnotbecaged for heuradys
He found Wilson shivering in the snow, left for dead. Sloppy.
You couldn’t trust the elements to do your job for you. They were rarely so obliging.
A mission gone awry, unexpected help, and close quarters makes for an interesting couple of days.
Don't lock the door on me by TuskFM
Sam’s desperately trying to sleep when he gets a visit from the Winter Soldier at three a.m., bleeding and asking for help. Sam’s not the kind of guy who let someone bleed out on his front door, even if the said someone threw him off an helicarrier and stole his wheel.
and i run, further than before by hermionesmydawg
"What do they call you?" Bucky carefully pulls out an equal amount of caramel and cheese kernels of popcorn and pops them into his mouth. "Birdman?"
"Captain Canary?"
"Hell no."
"The Winged Avenger?"
"Falcon, dammit, and I am not an Avenger," Sam snaps, and now he's kinda pissed because yes, it's a bird name. He didn't sign up for this kind of ridicule from an amnesiac assassin.
Basically, the 5 times Sam actually found Bucky and the 1 time he tried to hide from him. Don't tell Steve.
Exquisite Flavor by enchantedlightningwrites for honestlyfrance
W&M's Grand Corner's growing to be one of the popular restaurants in New York, where Sam Wilson works as a chef for his sister. A wedding's in a few weeks and he has no idea on what to do about it. Notorious for his picky taste and blunt reviews, Bucky 'Winter Wolf' Barnes pays a visit. Little did he know, food could really win one's heart and lands on his stomach.
He's a Beta, You Hear That? by 27dis
Reasons why Sam didn’t realize Bucky was courting him this entire time: 1. He is a beta 2. He is oblivious 3. He thought Bucky is way out of his league 4. He is a beta for fuck’s sake
See? It’s hardly his fault for not noticing it. Why was Bucky flirting with him anyw—
Oh. Oh.
Or; Bucky swore flirting with someone was never this hard before.
stay where we belong by glittercake
He doesn't know what the hell he's doing when he turns around and shouts, "Yo! You know what—" and Barnes turns on his heel in a flash, "It's getting late, man. Looks like rain."
Sam motions to the grey sky above, and Barnes follows his eyes beyond the hanging Willow branches. "Yeah? What are you saying?"
He's got that terribly smug look on his face, the one Sam can't stand but kind of misses when it's not irritating him. But mostly, he can't stand it, "Nothing! Forget about it!"
Arms Spread Out Wide, Turn Falling Into Flight by irisesandlilies
It was easy, nothing has ever been easy for Bucky. Except this, and that terrifies him.
Years in the making by glittercake
Bucky and Sam meet as two young soldiers, but the time is never quite right to make it anything more. Until it eventually is.
Sam refuses to let himself fall in love while he's deployed. Bucky pines endlessly for years about the prettiest bird he’s ever seen. Sam’s no better.
If At First You Don't Succeed by SonnyD
Bucky finally gains the courage to tell Sam about his feelings. He comes up with a list of methods to woo him that were bound to succeed. He didn't account for each and every one of them failing in unexpected ways. The five times that Bucky attempts to woo Sam and the one time that Sam returns the favour.
if i could take us back, if i could just do that... by safelikespringtime
Bucky laughed, cheeks flushing red, “I’m glad you didn't. Don't know what I’d do without my wingman.” Sam groaned, poking Bucky’s side, “That was awful.” Bucky laughed. “You couldn’t survive without me. We both know it.”
How right he was.
Sam dies. Bucky mourns.
Strawberries and Cigarettes always taste like you by winterscaptsam
There’s a sweet agonizing simplicity in leaving behind your safe haven, like the thrill of adrenaline, reaching the top of Everest, allowed to admire its beautiful icy view but with the everlasting fear of not making it back down. Maybe that's why it was a natural instinct for Bucky to reach out for the closest thing that felt like home, slowly then all at once falling for the sweet warmth of mahogany eyes, what soon became his safe haven.
Baked With Love by Siancore
Bucky Barnes’ family owns a bakery in a small town. High school has long been over, and Bucky is dying to move to the city to pursue a musical career with his band. And his future looks promising, if he can just persuade his father to let him leave his job behind at their struggling family bakery.
It is no secret that Bucky used to love baking with his father, but things change. He just can’t fathom wasting his life away watching rising dough and hot ovens. With his mind made up to leave, Bucky convinces his father to advertise for a replacement. While interviewing candidates to fill the position he has vacated, Bucky meets Sam Wilson: An easy-going guy who is as eager about baking as Bucky is about leaving. They bond over baking and become close. Love looks like it is ready to bloom between them if Bucky, in his haste to escape, does not ruin it.
Beneath this Crown by winterscaptsam
Sam traces his fingers from James’ hairline, down to his jaw, resting the pad of his thumb on James lips. He will let himself relish in this feeling. Not even the sculptors, painters or poets could carve their words and materials to accurately describe this.
“Do you think the history books will remember us?” Sam had once asked. And James’ words were made of the purest of golds, “my love, we will be legends for the children yet to come.”
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes' love story, one a prince and the other a knight.
make my body come alive (i've got a right to hurt inside) by notcaycepollard
The body is weak. The body is hungry and soft and human. He looks at himself in the mirror, the bones of his shoulders, his cheeks hollowed out from hunger, and he thinks, gentle, you didn’t deserve this.
safe like spring time by quidhitch
“I already told you it looks good. What more is there?”
“I don’t know, man, you’re gonna live here. I just wish I knew a little bit more about how that’s sitting with you.”
Sam knows Bucky feels fine. What Sam’s probably actually after is how he feels about the fact neither of them have anywhere else to go, not with Natasha dead and Steve wrinkly. Therapists. Even the good ones, always so circular.
“I like the terrace,” Bucky offers, mostly to appease him.
Airy Laundry by AmarieMelody
Sam watches what happens when Bucky buys a clothesline.
lucky by CapnWinghead
In retrospect, it took Bucky an embarrassingly long time to realize that everyone and Scott's mom thought he and Sam were dating.
not an end, but (the start of all things) by notcaycepollard
They keep driving, for lack of anything better to do. A mission, Sam had said, and maybe that's true; maybe wherever they're headed is the way out, the way up.
So You Run On Gasoline by 343EnderSpark, ABitNotGoodieBag, OriginalCeenote
Bucky may have bitten off more than he could chew with this job, he thinks, as he ambles along the sidewalk to the cafe after leaving campus. He is running off the fumes of exhaustion and hasn’t had more than 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep in the past week. Between his students and his thesis, he knows that it’s foolish to try so hard to hang on to his barista gig, but DC isn’t a cheap place to live and Bucky can’t live with other people.
Bucky is just trying his best, despite being a human disaster.
we could jump the state lines (we only get the one life) by notcaycepollard
It starts in Paris.
“You can’t steal things just because you like them,” Sam tells Bucky, feeling innately that this is a losing battle, and Bucky cocks his head to the side, considers Sam very thoughtfully.
“Really,” he says. “I’m stealing you, aren’t I?”
we were a fire with no smoke by notcaycepollard
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes. Take the boys out of New York but they’re still Brooklyn Catholics, that’s clear enough. Bucky catches the gesture, smirks hard enough Sam can see his eye teeth. It should be dangerous but he’s beautiful, pale and charming and recklessly easy.
“You wanna come in?” Sam asks, ignoring the noise Steve makes, and Bucky’s smile gets wider.
“Yeah,” he says. Steps up close to Sam. “I do.”
Peace Begins with a Smile by Siancore
Bucky just likes the way Sam smiles.
They're Good Drones, Brent by chase_acow
When Redwing becomes infected with an alien A.I., Sam has to balance the needs of the team with his own curiosity about his new partner. Redwing isn’t the only one acting strange, he also needs to get to the bottom of Bucky’s weirdness. It takes a training exercise gone wrong that Redwing and Sam might not survive for their secrets to be exposed.
Wet Asphalt (This Is What Love Is) by ObviouslyOtter
Soft words in the dark tell us all we need to know about love. Better when they come from the person you need to hear it from most. It's crueler when you don't realize it till afterward.
Sam and Bucky go out shopping for candles.
i'm gone by bi_marvel
After infiltrating a Hydra base, Sam and Bucky are sent to a safe house, and there's only one bed. Oh, golly, I wonder what will happen!
Covert Coffee & Flirtation Special by glittercake
The reporter says "—for Captain America to—"
And Bucky rolls his eyes. "Oh, here we go."
Sam looks at him then tips his head sideways, got a weird grin on his face. "Not a fan?"
"Not that. Just… the guy seems too good to be true, right? Wings and a shield? Come on."
"Uh, is that why your eyes are like glued to the screen whenever he's on?" Kate says. "Is that why you call him Captain Tight Ass?"
"He's a goddamn show-off, and you know it. Tight ass or not."
Just then Sam snorts, real loud, grabs his coffee and suffers a horribly controlled laugh on his way out the door.
The Starting Line by birdlight
A Series
Lone and Level Sands by quantum_consciousness
The almost-smile disappears off Sam’s face and he takes a step deeper into the water, and he starts unbuttoning his shirt as he wades further. One look over his shoulder and he chucks the shirt to shore, and Sam dives into the water. The ache in Bucky’s chest deepens as Sam swims. He supposes, Sam has lost a lot more, he supposes, sometimes Sam feels as lonely as he used to.
in which love doesn’t ruin us by joesnick
“Idiot,” Bucky said, so natural and deliberate that she couldn’t hear well but it was there. Relief and happiness under a small light. “Don’t do that to me again.”
“Hey, I’m here,” Sam said, before getting closer and pressing his forehead against Bucky’s. “I’m here.” They ran out of words. They didn’t need them, not at that moment. Their steadying breaths and their tenderness, saved only for each other and fed by each other, was all they needed.
Ride of Shared Melodies by enchantedlightningwrites for honestlyfrance
Two strangers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson meet in an unexpected encounter in the airplane. Over the course of the ride, they discover their mutual love for music and connect.
Let's Fly Away by Unclesteeb
"If I could fly, I could go anywhere. I could do anything.”
Sam’s mom gives his shoulder a gentle pat. “You can in your own way.”
“Sammy, all you have to do to be as free as a bird is to just do the right thing.”
Sam furrows his brow. “What does that mean?”
“Well,” Sam's mom starts. “The right thing is doing nice things for people. It's treating everyone how you would want to be treated. It's going out of your way to help people and love them, even if they're not nice to you at first or at all. People deserve love, and I know you have plenty to give.” She leans down to give his cheek a kiss. “All you have to do to find your wings and fly free is to just do what you feel is right. You have a beautiful heart, Sam. I know you'll use it the right way. Then you'll fly.”
Been one of those days (can I lean on you?) by hazel_eyed_bi
Sam and Bucky wrap up an exhausting, weeks-long mission, only to go back to their mutual pining while forced to share a bed at a crappy motel. Also, Nat knows what's up.
Find your love and fight for it by winterscaptsam
Sam learns to love again, quiet and composed. Love letters stay in between walls and stolen kisses don’t leave his apartment. It's not that it's a secret, loving Bucky the way he does, lord knows he’d scream it from the rooftops, travel all the way to space to let any living life form know it as well. But that’s the problem, he just doesn’t know how and it aches him to his core to keep Bucky like a secret, like this love is something to be ashamed of.
Sam decides it's about time to come out.
Kings of Everything by glittercake
Twenty-five years after the events at a popular New York Bistro, Timothy DumDum Dugan tells the true story of infamous mobster Jimmy Buchanan and the man he gave it all up for.
arson we commit by winterscaptsam
Bucky seeks adventure, reaches out for an adrenaline rush whenever he can get it and he reckons this fellow will be the one to give it to him. All sweet smiled and dolled up figure showing off his attributes. Like he’s daring anyone to take the rush.
So, Bucky goes and gets what he wants.
“What’s your damage, doll?”
Bucky is the hitman and Sam is the target.
The Boys of Summer by Siancore for avintagekiss24
Sam Wilson returns home to the small town he grew up in to complete his med school residency. He hasn’t been back for an extended amount of time since he left for college. While he only consistently kept in touch with childhood friend, Steve Rogers, he was keen to see the people he had grown up with. With the exception of Bucky Barnes. They had a falling out the summer before Sam left for college. What happened between them? Can they move past it now that they’re adults?
Sam's Plan by OhHelloFandoms123
“I have a plan,” Sam said smugly, hands on his hips. “I have a three-step plan for you to marry me.” At first, he thought he was joking. Then, he saw Sam’s genuine smile.
Bucky groaned, “there is no way in HELL that I’m marrying YOU, Wilson.”
Wreck In the West by OhHelloFandoms123 for honestlyfrance
There’s just something about leaning on his chest as the sun goes down and the smell of tea whilst into the air feels so amazing. And he was a wreck because of it, it tore him apart and put himself back together because it was so blissful, he almost couldn’t breathe at first.
Gay cowboy proposal.
Belonging Season by OhHelloFandoms123
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have lived their most happy, married life for 70 years. Death won’t stop them today for living an eternity.
neverending; by glittercake
Sam passes away after a long and happy life with Bucky, but Bucky never ages and life keeps introducing him to Sam's reincarnates for the next 156 years.
Lighthouse by glittercake
This guy’s trouble. Bucky knows that in his bones. It’s not bad trouble, is the problem, it’s good. Sam is so goddamn inherently good and if Bucky even touches that with a ten foot pole—fuck if he even looks at it—it’ll turn to shit.
He can’t afford another move to yet another city because his colleagues started recognizing Brock’s fist prints on his face.
But Sam is a ridiculously bright glowing light, a beacon, and Bucky goes toward it like that idiotic moth to the flame.
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sweetberrysmooch · 3 years
HC: And There Was Only One Bed (Affectionate) [pt. 2]
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(Alright, second part done :V Not much to say here for now, but I hope you’re excited for the upcoming part to come out next ^^ And my ask box is always open, so feel free to drop in and chat any time! I’ll be seeing you :D)
Basic sleeping hcs with ya boys, and for a part two, outside home life? You’ll see what I mean lol 
Characters: Quackity, George, Badboyhalo.
Warnings: Nightmares in Quackity’s part, but besides that we’re clean <3
Song Recommendation: Metamodernity- Vansire
Up Next- Sapnap, Philza, Fundy, Schlatt. 
Enjoy your day guys! I do hope it be rockin :]
Quackity is one floppy motherfucker. You fall asleep with him spooning you, head nestled between your shoulder blades, hands holding yours in front of your middle, legs entangled, the whole shi-bang, but wake up with him starfishing half on the mattress at a weird angle that makes his neck sore for the rest of the day.
Each day is a new position for you to add to your ammunition of teasing against him, but he takes it in stride. He totally doesn’t wake you up halfway through the night by flinging himself over your middle, ‘asleep’ and snoring like a freight train. When you give up halfway through trying to stop him breathing and just fall asleep lying on his chest, he turns to mush and gets distracted playing with your hair. You don’t know why he seems so exhausted the next morning, and he only giggles dreamily at you when you ask.
While he’ll be the big spoon for as long as you want him to, there’s a special soft place in his heart for being the little spoon. Hold him, please. Pull him to your chest and gently run your fingers through his hair, rub his back and kiss every inch of his face until he’s down for the count. The easiest way to make him feel better after a bad day or an argument is to let him know you want him and love him. Just holding him at night guarantees that he’ll bring you a present the next day (like the inner stardew valley house husband he sometimes longs to be lmao).
It’s a 50/50 chance of waking up with Quackity or after him, seeing as he prefers to get up early to enjoy the quiet mornings before the rest of the smp wakes up. He gets ready, makes the both of you coffee (or tea, something to help wake you up), and watches the sky change color while he waits for you to come sit with him in the kitchen. The two of you try your best to assure a moment together before you go about your separate ways, sitting together and talking about what you have planned or what you might have for dinner later. It’s his favorite part of the day, aside from coming back home to your awaiting arms.
Another citrus-y smelling fellow. More orange than lemon, he bathes in the morning after he wakes up. You typically wake up right after he gets finished washing up, walking into the bathroom to hear him quietly humming while drying off his hair and wings. He’ll give you a small guilty grin and a good smooch on your forehead as an apology.
Another poor fellow with nightmares;; They’re a lot less frequent than they used to be now that you’ve gotten together (having someone to talk to and work through each others issues does WONDERS apparently) but when they hit, they hit him hard. You wake up from him twisting and turning right before he wakes up in tears. He doesn’t like to be touched afterwards, drawn in on himself and facing away from you, hiding his crying. When you leave to get him a glass of water and come back, he’s more grounded, crawling into your arms and accepting the drink gratefully. With his forehead pressed to your throat, taking small sips from his cup, he’ll tell you what his dream was about. Sometimes it’s Technoblade, sometimes Dream, mostly Schlatt though. His ex lingers on his mind more than he likes to admit, a deep sense of abandonment showing through his nightmares. Quackity struggles with sleeping for a few days after, afraid of what he might see when he closes his eyes again.
(You’ve fallen back asleep by now, hand paused in its ministrations and resting snugly in his hair. Things are warm and quiet and soft, and he feels safe again. 
The nightmare still hovers fuzzily in the back of his mind, but for now he can ignore it, focusing on your slow breathing as it lulls him back to sleep. 
His last thought before finally letting himself rest is how much he loves you, giving you one last squeeze in his tight embrace before relaxing into a much more stable slumber. ‘Gracias por todo mi amor.’)
Impeccable skill of just falling asleep wherever and whenever. Before the two of you got close and started sharing a bed together, he really left his sleep schedule up to fate. He’d find a comfy spot and crash there for a few hours till he was awoken and would just repeat that a few hours later. Now that he has you, he makes more of an effort to stay awake during the day so he can sleep through the night next to your side. It more or less works, but occasionally he’ll have slept during the day and he wakes up in the middle of the night. As “punishment”, he sentences himself to waiting it out instead of getting up to do something because he truly wants to keep going to bed with you.
Not big on contact, likes having his space when he’s sleeping. Cuddling is nice every once in a while, but he prefers being able to breathe a little bit when falling asleep. He does, however, actively make the choice to hold your hand while he slips into slumberville. His grip isn’t too strong, nor is it very light, but a gentle mix between the two to try and remind you how much he loves you. You’ll wake up before him and his hand will still be holding yours, pulled to his chin as he sleeps. His breath fans your knuckles slowly, face eased of any stress, absolutely content.
George bathes…… probably. I’m just kidding, he fluctuates between bathing at night or in the morning because he just goes through phases of forgetting to when the time comes. His little mushroom home doesn’t come with a bathroom, seeing as its wholly empty (please if anyone has housing information on George or like. Any character at all please inform me please i beg-), so he’s limited to getting clean at a friend’s or your house. Typically yours. He keeps all of his valuables at your place once you start letting him sleep over there, tucking his clothes into your closet or in your dresser when he thinks you aren’t looking, leaving a toothbrush and his soap in your bathroom, hanging his armor up on an empty armor stand you have tucked away, all due to his inability to straight out ask if he can live with you.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to live with you, he practically does anyways, but there’s something in him that worries that you won’t like him if you’re forced to live with him permanently. He knows it can become… a bit much when you have to be around someone 24/7, but doesn’t realize that you pretty much already are around each other 24/7 lmao.
It takes a while but eventually he settles down and over dinner suggest that maybe you two should take it to the next level. His face is flushed pink and he keeps switching which leg he has crossed, but he takes your hand and quietly asks if he could start living with you. It’s a surprisingly sweet moment, even with your confusion (thinking you already DID live together), and of course you say yes.
He looks so relieved when you accept, and is kinda like, “I know this will be a difficult process but I’m very excited to become closer with you.” and then nothing changes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(It’s on the walk home when George finally processes that he now lives with you. It feels heavy on his heart, a mix of nervousness and excitement that makes him swallow hard and tighten his fingers around yours. 
This isn’t the first time he’s spent the night at your place, nor is it the first time he’s crawled into bed with you and slept next to just because you let him, but it is his first night actually living with you. The moment feels brand new, as if it’s his first time visiting your house all over again. 
He begins to wonder if maybe this was a mistake, maybe he’s moved too fast and maybe your regretting letting him live with you already and- He takes a hurried look at your face. You look… unbothered. Happy, even. 
There’s this half hidden smile on your face that soothes his anxieties, drawing out his own fragile smile. He can’t wait to live with you.)
Mmmmm, big man warm. A natural heat machine, no need for lots of blankets or heavier pajamas, Bad will take care of all your cold problems. Every night after you finish your shared nightly routine, you curl up in his arms, immediately becoming over come with his toasty embrace. It like when you get clothes out of the drier and just hug them to your chest, the warm, clean, smell good experience that Bad also delivers.
He’s got a pretty ingrained nightly schedule that he sticks to, and he always invites you to join him after you finish up dinner. It starts by cleaning up the house a little, washing the dishes, setting aside clothes for the next day, taking a quick bath, brushing his teeth, reading a few chapters from a new book he’s picked up, and then settling down to go to bed. He won’t push you to do it with him, but he does try to incorporate you into his routine when he can. Usually it’s just by doing something small, like reading together or massaging your shoulders, but sometimes he’ll ask you to join him when he bathes.
Bad bathes pretty often, always at night, and using a nice smelling soap that he makes himself. Like what was said above, he’ll sometimes ask you to join him when bathing. It’s not ever for any naughty means, but because he sees bathing as a very intimate and vulnerable activity for you to share. He won’t push it, understanding that it can be overwhelming to be so open, but if you do choose to join him, he’s so gentle with you. His hands are worked and calloused, but they’re soft when they run soap through your hair, his nails lightly scratching your scalp and running down the back of your neck. He practically purrs when you return the favor, giggling as your hands brush sensitive spots around his sides. Afterwards he becomes so cuddly and attached to your side, you fall asleep with him curled up on YOUR chest, trapped under him.
That being said, most nights he takes to being the big spoon. It’s more for convenience sake, seeing as he’s a good few feet taller than you are, but he also can appreciate being held and loved on after harsher days. He’s a lot like a weighted blanket, a nice heavy weight that keeps you warm and makes you feel loved <3 love this guy.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), you sometimes have.... Visitors. Bad is a hub for the homeless, bored, and nutty members of the smp. They flock to him like birds to the elderly, which means you have “children” to take care of for a day or two at a time :/. Dream and George aren’t regulars, per say, but Bad has a room set aside for either of them when they come over. To their credit, they do try to be polite when they come over, and will help in cooking dinner or cleaning up. Skeppy, however, is unlike Dream or George, in that he’s more of a third partner in your and Bad’s relationship.
Skeppy up and appears at random, no announcement, and makes himself comfortable any place where Bad is. Be it at your home or his, Skeppy eats your food, lounges on your furniture, hell, he even sleeps with you and Bad at night. You two share Bad’s chest whenever Skeppy is over. It���s so jarring at first, having to deal with having another boyfriend (because Skeppy will consider you to be apart of the thrupple after introductions), but he usually only stays for like 3 days before leaving to do whatever else he has planned. You don’t know if you should be worried or upset or what, but after a while it becomes kinda nice to have him around.
All in all Bad is great to sleep with <3
(Bad blows the lantern out on his bedside counter, shuffling under the cover beside you once the room was fully dark. You slung an arm over his chest instinctively, cuddling up into his side when his arm pulled up around your back and held you even closer. 
You shivered pleasantly when he gently pressed a kiss into your hair, becoming sleepier and sleepier with each rise and fall of his wide chest. He sighs quietly and squeezes you, murmuring softly to you as you both fell asleep. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Sleep well.”)
Have a good evening! Do something nice for yourself tonight. You deserve it.
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t-o-m-hollands · 4 years
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And so finally here it is, the fourth and final part of this series.
Warnings: Smoking, drinking and smut. One scene contains memories back to an emotionally abusive relationship (not between main characters). This is set in Nice in the 1950’s, I have never been to the French riviera and I wasn’t alive in the 50’s, so probably a very inaccurate description of the place (also at times simply just made up). Also features a PROFOUND misunderstanding of Nietzsche’s work.
Summary: Can you and Timothée make a life together?
Themes: Artist!Timmy, period piece (1950's).
this is the final part of this series.
August, 1953
The days are spent like this, one much like the other, settling into life without either one of you ever really noticing. The future is never mentioned more than a few days ahead and all plans are made for the day only.
But without really meaning to, you both make a home out of villa Marguerite.
Timmy buys a vespa from a man in town. It’s rusty and old but steers easily. His sore feet thanks him for no longer having to walk up and down the long hill each time you’ve forgotten to buy something in the village, instead he now just swings his leg over the saddle and swiftly sets out to buy it for you (“unpitted black olives, please”).
Each night you insist on doing the cooking, telling him you find pleasure in it; and well, who is he to deny you anything that brings you joy? So each night you cook and after the food and the wine shared on the terrace he goes back inside to do the dirty dishes. With shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows he sets to work, going over each utensil with great care. Louise snickers at him most nights, tells him there’s no need, that it is her job; looks at him with a knowing smirk he can’t quite translate to meaning. Still, he does the washing up. Wants to do it. Loves the domesticity of it, you cooking; feeding the both of you, and him cleaning after; helping out.
One afternoon as the sky above shifts in shades of pink and lilac Timothée and Marco sit by the square, playing chess. Marco is winning, a habit he has when they are playing together. Timothée in turn is trying not to sulk, something he spectacularly fails at, which is entertaining Marco to no end.
It is not the losing that has got him in such a terrible mood.
You have had to go back to London for a few days, (“there are papers that need to be looked over and signed”).
“Honestly” Marco says, as he takes Timothée's queen. “Why don’t you just tell her you are crazy about her?”
“Afraid that ship’s sailed, mate” Timothée mutters, taking one of Marco’s pawns, a small victory indeed when one has just lost his queen. With his head resting on his folded arms on the table he observes the chess board in front of him with vague interest, trying to figure out Marco’s plan of action.
“Why’s that? She has clearly not kicked you out of the house so she must be somewhat fond of your sulking ass?”
Timothée snorts. “Fond? How nice, the word we save for people we can’t force ourselves to love”.
“Then why do you stay there? Leave. Find another woman, let yourself heal.”
Timothée’s head snaps up, and for a second he’s stunned silent. “No” he says eventually, but not after having first considered the idea. “ No, I can’t do that” he says. It is not as if Marco had suggested something impossible, like walking on water or turning water into wine. Timothée could leave. He could go back to your home, pack his bags and take the first train back to Paris. It would not be an equal action to that of the resurrection. Marco moves his queen across the board but Timothée isn’t looking, has his mind somewhere else; far away. For the first time he truly ponders about the option to leave. To start anew; to forget he ever met you.
But he doesn’t want to.
It’s as easy as that. Living with you, sharing space with you; why would he ever leave that? Even if he’ll never get to kiss your soft lips again he’d still stay. As long as he sees you in the morning, unguarded with tousled hair; drinking coffee he’s made you; as long as his days end with a meal shared with you, drinking wine and talking.
Marco waves a hand before him, a sly smile on his face, “your turn, Romeo”.
Timothée rolls his eyes and moves his king out of Marco’s queen’s way.
“And shack mate” Marco says, a broad smile on his face as he knocks Timothée’s king over with his knight. “Next time maybe keep your focus on the game” he adds, winking at him.
“Oh you fucker” Timothée grumbles, taking a swing from his wine glas.
Later that night as he walks home, having drunk much too much to drive, he hears a small, injured whimper. He stands very still for a moment, trying to ignore all other noise, before he hears the sound again. Following the injured mewling he soon discovers the source. It’s a kitten. Looking not older than a few weeks old and tiny enough to fit in the palm of his hand, with fur completely black from head to paw and eyes shining yellow in the night. It looks strangely like a very small panther. It looks slightly worse for wear as well. Skinny and small and with uneven fur. The kitten looks up at him, opens its mouth and lets out the same whimpering sound once again.
Timothée stands up, presses the small animal against his chest to keep it warm, and takes him home. He lets it sleep in his bed and it curls up beside him and the next day he takes it to the vet; who informs him that the creature, all though underfed, is in perfectly good health.
When you come back from London the next day, face more strained than before but seemingly happy to be back, Timothée tells you the story.
“What have you named him?” you ask, scratching the purring kitten behind his ear.
“Well, I thought that maybe you should be with me on the decision” he says, watching you pet his newfound friend.
“Any suggestions?”
“Well,” Timothée begins, suddenly shy. “I was thinking maybe Chopin?”
You smile at him, with genuine fondness in your eyes, and he feels his cheeks heat up. “Chopin it is. It was very good of you to save him, Timothée”.
And something like hope blooms in his chest.
That night as he lays in bed, Chopin sleeping on his chest, he reflects on his conversation with Marco and the words ‘let yourself heal’ comes back to him. The words had startled him, confused him, and maybe even shocked a little. He ponders over the words, the meaning and the implications, and decides that no. He cannot heal.
Because he is not wounded. He had been, after you left Paris that spring, he had been a wounded thing; a child who flew too close to what he wanted, only to find his wings melting and his body falling down into the sea.
But he wasn’t wounded anymore.
Through the other side of the wall he can hear how you walk around your room, going through the nightly routine. He hears the squeaking sound as you lay down on the big iron bed. Chopin purrs on his chest and Timothée closes his eyes, ready for sleep to take him.
There’s no use in thinking ahead, he decides. What will be, will be.
Late one night Timothée is playing cards with some new-found friends.
Marco had finally given in and arranged a jazz night to Nathaniel’s and Timothée’s great joy. The Milanese jazz band consists of five free-spirited and unbound vagabonds. When they play the whole village square dances. After their performance Timothée, Nathaniel, Marco and the musicians sit down to play cards. The night passes and the rum flows as easy as the conversation. The room is quickly filled up with cigarette smoke and wild anecdotes of past victories. The musicians, although a cheerful lot, have not got much to bet with, so the stakes are kept low and the spirits high.
So how exactly it came about that Marco lost the old piano in the bistro to Timothée no one can remember the following day, for the details are blurry and stained by drink. Nevertheless, as they wave the five musicians off the following morning, it is clear to them both that Marco owes him a piano.
“Ridiculous” Marco grumbles, his Italian accent clearer when aggravated, as he and Timothée push the piano up to the truck. “You can’t even play the damn thing!”
Timothée snorts, “I can learn!”
“Oh really?” Marco bursts out, sarcasm heavy in his words “like how you’ve ‘learned’ Italian you mean?”
Sweat runs down his back, the afternoon sun is bearing down on them and the heat feels like a physical pressure against his skin. “I speak perfect Italian, thank you very much” he defends himself.
It is Marco’s time to snort, which he does with great satisfaction before announcing “speaking French while putting on an Italian accent is in fact not speaking Italian at all”.
His head is pounding; but he is in a good mood and so he laughs. With much effort and even more grumbling from Marco they manage to load the heavy thing inside the rented truck and after having driven it up the hill they carry it into the villa. Deciding to place the instrument in the drawing room they lean on each other’s shoulder for a bit, trying to catch their breath; laughing.
He offers the older man a beer, but Marco declines; has a business to get back to.
So Timothée steps out into the burning sun on his own, the stone floor of the terrace scorching his bare feet. The world feels peaceful in all its golden glory. He can hear the rhythmic waves of the ocean far below, the radio playing in the kitchen; the seagull’s calling in the sky. He takes a deep breath and tastes the salt of sea water on his tongue.
His oil paints and canvas are still where he left them yesterday, a half-finished attempt of a sunrise pictured on it. On the table stand a vase with bright blue hyacinth and blood red poppies that you must have picked.
For a few minutes he just stands there, soaking in the sun. With unhurried fingers he starts to unbutton his white linen shirt. Removing it he lays it on the sunchair beside him and his trousers soon follow suit. Turning away from the sun he walks down the hot stony steps by the terrace and down to the private beach. It’s a long walk down, but he feels a great need to wash himself clean of the sweat, the dirt, the booze from last night.
With his eyes glued on the steps in front of him he makes his way down, and only as he jumps the last hot stone does he rise his head; and he sees you. You are already out in the water, swimming on the spot, your face turned towards the horizon. He clears his throat, not wanting to pry on you, nor does he want to scare you. He fails, as you turn around, startles, and lets out a sharp gasp.
“Hi,” he says, feeling awkward, shifting from foot to foot, aware that he is only in his underwear. “Didn’t know you were here”.
“’s alright” you say, sinking down into the water slightly.
Knowing not where else to look he looks down at the ground, spotting with surprise a white towel thrown on the sand, next to your dress. It is only then he realizes that you are completely naked.
“Mind if I take a swim as well?” he asks. He’s almost certain that you will ask him yes; tell him to wait until you are done but you just shake your head.
“Hop in” you say “the water’s nice and cool”. And so he asks you to turn around, so that he too can rid himself of his last remaining piece of clothing before walking out on the jetty and jumping down into the deep water.
Swimming out to you he keeps a few meters distance out of respect. The water is still somewhat clear, and he doesn’t want to peep, even by mistake.
And so there, wading in the water, avoiding the others eyes, you both watch as the sea and sky in front of you slowly turn from vibrant blue to lilac as the sun begins its journey down the horizon.
“I, eh, I won a piano” he says eventually, wanting to break the somewhat awkward silence. You turn to him, wading the water, surprise written on your face. “A piano?”
“Yeah, put it in the drawing room, hope that was okay?”
You laugh, the sound clear and bright and something flutters in Timothée’s stomach like the wings of a butterfly. He tells you the story of how he came by it and you laugh some more and he can’t help but smile at the sound, can’t help but stare himself blind at your beautiful face.
You swim on the spot and you talk; about everyday life, how you both think Louise has fallen in love with a baker in the village, about Chopin scratching on the furniture, about the pasta you had for lunch. About life in all its domestic simplicity.
You’re looking at the sun. It is the golden hour and it has painted you golden as well. You seem to shine in the light, laughing at something he’s said as you wade the water in front of you, the water golden as way; a reflection of the sky above. It hits him almost with brutal force, how beautiful you are. He looks at you thinks; Aphrodite, who entered the world fully formed, born out of sea foam, the goddess of love and beauty. You blink up at him, eyelashes fluttering like the wings of a butterfly and his chest feels too tight, as if something inside where his heart should be is taking up too much space
Without either one having realized it you’ve swam closer to each other. You are so close that he could easily reach out and touch you; could easily lean in and taste the saltwater on your lips. You are looking at his mouth and he is wondering if that is what you want him to do but he is not sure and because he is afraid to ruin the tender friendship you have built by blundering in - he doesn’t. And you don’t either.
‘But, we used to be lovers’ he thinks. His body used to know your body like it was a continuation of his own. And perhaps that is why it hurts so bad to be parted from you.
“I should get back” you say in the end, avoiding his eyes. “We haven’t even had dinner yet”.
“Alright” he says “I’ll come join you in a minute”. He turns away from the beach, leaves you to get out of the water and get dressed in privacy.
Later that night there is dinner, and drinks, and your bare feet as you dance in the dining room to a jazzy tune, a glass of sangria in hand as Chopin runs circles around the hem of your dress. Later there is laughter as Timothée tries to teach you poker, something you turn out to be disastrously bad at.
And later somewhere in the village church bells are ringing.
One day is much like another. You wake up in the morning and Timothée makes you coffee and you share it on the terrace. Then he paints and you move through the house; going through the things that need to be gone through, doing the tasks of the day. You read your correspondents and write your letters back.
You set out to the market, chat with the vendors. You learn their names and their stories and in turn they share their family recipes for the perfect pasta vongole or ratatouille. You buy your vegetables and bread, your fish and meat, your wine and cheese, excited for the dinner ahead.
Sometimes you go to the tailor and you share a cappuccino in the sun with Claudette, the old woman running it. You chat about clothes, of fashion in the past versus the fashion of now, about the passing of time. She tells you about the war and the occupation. Of the rationing of fabrics and how she has learned how to make each cut of cloth work - wasting nothing.
In her store you pick out a light floral pattern chiffon and Claudette turns it into a beautiful summer dress, so light and different from the heavier material you wore in London.
You buy handmade pottery from the woman in the square. Big pots and jars and urns that she’s crafted with her own hands and with handpainted flowers and patterns on them; made by her sister. You keep olive oil and flour and flowers in them, and place them around the house in their rightful place.
You go to the beach and you collect seashells. Bringing them with you home you tie them up on strings and you hang them by the terrace door and with each dust of wind the gentle noise of the seashells rattling against each other can be heard.
You don’t talk about the future and never plan ahead. You are not together; just two people living in the same house after all.
You watch him, laying on some faded old sheets on the terrace floor, soaking up sun. Timothée approaches sunbathing the way he does everything else in life; with reckless abandon. Despite Louise’s warning words that he’ll burn his pale skin he lays under the scorching sun for hours, wearing nothing on his skin but white bathing shorts. His nose has already turned an angry pinkish colour that will surely change to red soon. Beside him lay an open book, Robert Graves - The Greek Myths. His half-finished landscape painting of today lay abandoned on the table.
In the kitchen you hear the clattering of dishes as Louise does the washing up after lunch. She’s singing along to a tune on the radio and without looking you know that she is dancing.
Walking back into the house, up the steps and into your bedroom, you lay down on the bed. The bedchamber had been your aunt’s at one point and her style still lingers over the room like her old perfume, a bottle of which still lay on the antique vanity. A comforting presence.
Staring up at the white ceiling you’re trying to put a name to the feelings you’ve been having lately.
It feels, you decide, like you’re playing a game with the past and you’re not sure you’re winning. Going back to London had been a mistake. You had walked the same old streets, dined in the same old restaurants and met the same old people as you had when you lived there with Freddie. It had been a mistake to go back, and hear all the tittle-tattle gossip of the divorce, of your absence from the London scene. You had sat there, in the great white dining room of The Luxembourg, you’re back straight and poise perfected, and the gossiping tongues around you had played in your head like an orchestra. You had seen your dinner companions mouths moving, but the words all seemed distorted and slow, coming to you as in a haze. Your face feeling strangely taut, as if you were wearing a mask over your own skin, unable to move the mask's features.
The only success of the journey had been that it made you all the more certain of your decision; to sell the Mayfair flat and rid yourself of the London scene once and for all.
You had visited your parents as well. Had sat through a luncheon with them and calmly listened to their grief and despair over your split from Freddie. Had heard their praises and glorification of your former husband and you had kept quiet all the way through it, poking at your food and feeling rather sick.
In London baron Freddie Fairfax was a constant presence even in his absence.
Your marriage had consisted of days filled with silence. Days spent apart, seeing different people; living different lives. Thought not at all really, since it was all in the same small social circle. Any secret relieved between friends between crystal glasses of wine at lunch would not stay secret for long. By cocktail hour it’d be known by one and all of the tight-knitted, blue-blooded social circle you called friends. Any secret shared to a confidant would reach Freddie’s ears before the sun set, no matter how much time you spent apart; dining and drinking in different restaurants.
The evenings, if shared just the two of you, would either be spent in total silence; during which you would turn on the radio just to fill the space between you. In the night he would touch you, move in and out of you with sharp thrusts as you pretended to be somewhere else, his grunts filling the only sound in the night.
Or, if he was in one of his moods, the evenings would consist of him leaning over your shoulder, wherever you turned. Breathing down your neck. Always ready with a comment, a sly remark on your clothes, your face, your figure; you’re thoughts and opinions. On the things you said, or on your defeated silence. He never asked you any questions about yourself, had no curiosity about who you were or what you thought. The only exception was when he interrogated you about the men you conversed with, or at times about your female friends; how long you’d known them, if they were dating anyone. How attractive he found them.
Your feelings were his to toy with, because in his eyes you were his plaything to do with as he pleased. Because to Freddie love would always go hand in hand with possession and to you love would always mean hunger.
Hunger for something gentler, warmer, and altogether different. Hunger for someone else.
Pictures of dark curls play in your mind. Timothée, his eyes furrowed and a pencil in his mouth, looking at the canvas in front of him with great concentration. Timothée, with blue paint splattered on his pale cheek, the sun shining in through the dirty windows of his artist flat, illuminating him.
Timothée who had slowly helped you put yourself together again when you fled to Paris; thought he’d never asked for glory for his role in the mending of your heart.
Nevertheless, he had. With great care and gentle hands.
Once in Switzerland you had gone with your father to the horologist. Your father was to have his watch repaired. You had watched the horologist with great interest as he sat down by his desk, thick glasses resting on his nose as he opened the back of the clock. The old man had furrowed his grey brows and with great focus and piety set to work with repairing the complicated machinery of the timepiece. Putting it together with the expertise of a mechanic who not only knows how each fragile piece works but why.
That’s how you imagine Timothée loving you; with great precision, knowing just how every piece of you fit.
And so maybe in the end that is what love means to you; not hunger, but being understood.
The windows are all wide opened, but no breeze makes its way inside and the room remains boiling hot under the late summer sun. The warmth feels like a heavy blanket covering you as you lay there in bed, just taking in the sounds of the house. The ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall, the seagulls screeching in the sky, the far-away sound of Louise singing in the kitchen and further away still; the ocean.
The bedchamber remains stuffy and hot.
Sitting up you reach for the cigarette package on your bedside table, discovering that they are Lucky Strikes; instead of your usual Gauloises. Timothée’s cigarettes then. You must have taken them by mistake. Grabbing the package you walk down stairs and out on the terrace again, where Timothée lay where you left him, sprawled out on the floor, the tip of his nose now bright red.
“You’re burning yourself” you tell him, throwing the cigarette package down on the ground beside him. Timothée lifts a hand to shade his eyes, otherwise blinded by the light. He looks at you with a lazy grin, before moving on the sheets to make room for you. Keeping his eyes on you he pats the spot next to him on the floor and so you lay down beside him.
“Think you have my Gauloises” you say, the entire world orange as the sun shines through your closed eyelids. “Must have taken your Lucky Strikes by mistake”.
Timothée hums, before rising and moving into the house. A minute later he is back with your package of cigarettes and an ashtray. Handing you the cigarettes he then helps you light up with his precious silver gift, his dark curly hair falling down his face as he does so. He smells of seawater and turpentine and as you lay down on the ground beside him on the ruffled sheets you feel like you can breath again.
Laying there under the sun you smoke and observe him. His hand with their specks of blue paint left from his work this morning, his legs slightly spread, his chest slowly moving up and down with each breath. His eyes are closed, and the ghost of a smile still plays on his lips. He seems at peace.
You wonder how long this fine line you both have been walking is going to last before one of you tumbles. The fine line between lover and ex lover. You wonder what will happen next.
Or perhaps this is the way things will always be. Each day lived out ad infinitum, one much like the other. A foolish thought; a childish one. For sooner or later he will take another lover, find someone new to cherish. Someone in no need of healing. And you think of Lucy, and her laugh as light as the bubbles in champagne, her easy charm and carefree personality.
You’ll wonder if he’ll take someone home with him one day, make her love to her in the room next to yours. Where he’ll learn her body like he once knew yours .
You wonder if you’ll do the same.
The days are cooler now, still pleasantly warm but not intensely so, and most of the tourists have left the stony shores; leaving the whole village less crowded and easier to move through.
For two weeks Timothée goes back to Paris. He sits in the street and paints the people he sees in their everyday life; reading newspapers on the park benches, friends sipping cappuccinos on rotting chairs outside the café, old women choosing their bread with great care at the boulangerie. He adds no drama or sensationalism to the scenes, but settles for painting the people in all their simplicity and its realism.
He visits his art dealer, who with great astonishment accepts nine landscape paintings and a handful of sketches. “No portraits then, monsieur?”
And Timothée tells him no. He is waiting for the perfect model for the job.
He goes to his artist studio, and is surprised to find that it feels less like home than before. He doesn’t linger for long, and when two weeks are up he books a new compartment on the Blue Train, treating himself with a first class ticket this time.
On his way to the station, his bag slung over his shoulder and a package of new pots of paints tucked in underneath his arm, he walks by a bookshop. Casting an eye at the shop window he stops dead in his tracks. A placard with William’s face stares back at him through the window, his mouth twisted into a wide smile and his hair styled neatly.
Timothée walks into the store and five minutes later he walks out with a freshly printed copy of ‘A siren calls’ in his hands.
He borders the train, lays down in his train compartment and he begins to read. And through the entire journey home he reads.
Villa Marguerite is much the same when he returns from Paris. Chopin greets him as he hears him come in, happily accepting scratches behind his ear as an excuse for his absence. Placing his bag and his paints on the floor, but book still firmly in hand, he walks out on the terrace in search of you, but finds it empty.
Walking upstairs he knocks at your door and upon hearing you call ‘enter’ from the other side he steps inside.
You are laying on your stomach on the bed, wearing your silk canary yellow robe, flipping through a copy of Tatler, the gramophone in the corner playing Chopin. You look up at him, eyebrow raised in silent question.
He clears his throat, unsure how to approach this any other way but straight on. “Have you seen this?” he says, and raises the book for you to see.
“Oh that” you say and sigh. “Yes, he wrote to me informing me of it weeks ago”.
“You knew?” he says, astonished.
“That William’s great piece of literature was going to be about me” you flip a page in your magazine “of course I did.”
Timothée leans against the doorway feeling like the air has been pushed out of him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You look up at him again, and again with a surprised expression on your face. “I didn’t know you wanted to know that” and then “is it any good? The Tatler’s reviewer calls him the new Fitzgerald”, you nod down to the magazine in front of you.
Timothée hesitates, unsure how to respond. “It's, well yes I suppose it’s alright. The prose is quite stunning, if not slightly overworked”.
“But?” you say, sensing an objection.
“He’s made a caricature out of you”.
“He’s written me as he saw me, just as you’ve painted me as you saw me. And you’ve both sold your works for money. On this, if perhaps on this only, you are the same”.
Again he is stunned. Then, voice slightly shaking with held back frustration, he says “please tell me I’m closer to the real you then this” and he holds up the book again “this rubbish. He’s made you out as this, this…” he wrecks his head for the right word before finally settles for the obvious one “siren. This woman he can’t help but love but his love for her is standing in the way for the life he wants to live of unbound pleasures. A siren that keeps calling him back from his path on the search for perfect bliss. This siren that drowns him with her love”.
Silence for a heartbeat, then “you were”. He blinks, and you continue “you were closer to, as you refer to it, the real me. But that doesn’t make his interpretation of me any less real. Like I said, I’m sure that is how he sees me”.
“Well he’s dedicated the book to you”
“That’s sweet”
“I’m not sure it’s meant to be. Before it could be up for assumption who the book is abou. Now it’s crystal clear for everyone to see.”
“You don’t think he’s meant that as a compliment?” Standing up you tighten your silk robe around you. “I think so. I think he’ll consider it a great honour to have a book written in your honour, no matter the subject matter”. You walk past him “but never mind, let’s have drinks on the balcony upstairs, I think it’s going to rain tonight”.
“You never talk about Freddie” he states. It is late at night, rain dipping against the ceiling above, and they are sharing a bottle of wine.
“There’s not much to talk about” you say, avoiding his eyes, eyes set on the rainy scenery in front of you.
“He was cruel to you, wasn’t he?”
“There are others who’ve had it worse.”
“Doesn’t make it less cruel” he says. Feelings are fighting with each other in his stomach, like a nest of vipers they twist and turn inside him, fighting for dominance. Feelings of anger, empathy, sadness and love.
He walks over to you, and sits down on the bench beside you, his warm hand cups your cheek and you close your eyes, looking ready to weep.
“I’m so sorry, ma chérie, I really am” he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, moves his arms so that he holds you to his chest instead. Soon you let yourself cry. He holds you to him, his chin resting on the top of your head and as far beneath you the waves are crashing against the rocks and in the chill evening air he keeps you warm.
He holds you for the longest time and somewhere in the village church bells are ringing.
An early morning some days later you walk out on the terrace. It is decidedly cooler outside this morning and the air feels crisp in your lungs and pulling your robe tighter around you you sit down by the laid table.
Timothée sits hunched over a book, a cigarette in hand, a cup of black coffee next to him. Despite the morning chill he’s only wearing his usual paint-stained linen trousers.
“What are you reading?” you ask, pouring yourself coffee into a small, porcelain cup. His eyes are still on the book, brows furrowed, and so you look around, take in the scenery around you; the cerulean blue sky stretching out over a landscape of hills and pastel coloured villas, and further down - the ocean.
“It’s too early for Nietzsche”
“I never went to sleep” he answers.
You try to keep your eyes on the horizon in front of you, but despite your might they dart back towards the tussle of brown, curly hair on the other side of the table. He’s hunched over his book and it is hard to tell, but you think you can see shadows of blue underneath his eyes. He looks tired.
“And what does Nietzsche have to say?”
“Well” he starts, before going on to read from the page. “Nietzsche claimed that the exemplary human being must craft their own identity through self-realization and do so without relying on anything transcending – such as God or a soul. This way of living should be affirmed even if one were one to adopt, most problematically, a radical vision of eternity, one suggesting the eternal recurrence of all events.”
“What does that mean, the eternal recurrence of all events?”
“That the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space”.
You stay silent, contemplating this momentous new idea.
“You know, scientists say that we are made out of stardust” Timothée says.
You don’t follow his train of thoughts but you go along with it and ask, “how could that be?”
“Well, everything we are and everything in the universe and on earth originated from stardust, and it continually floats through us still. It directly connects us to the universe, rebuilding our bodies over and again over our lifetimes. When stars get to the end of their lives, they swell up and fall together again, throwing off their outer layers. If a star is heavy enough, it will explode in a supernova. The brighter the star; the faster it burns. So you see, most of the material that we're made of comes out of dying stars, or stars that died in explosions. And those stellar explosions continue. And so, we have stardust in us as old as the universe, and then some that landed here maybe only a hundred years ago. And all of that mixes in our bodies.”
You stay silent for a while, him with his eyes stuck on the page in front of him, obstinately avoiding your eyes and you; eyes fixed on him, sipping your coffee.
“I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me, Timothée” you say in the end.
He blinks, eyelashes fluttering over cheekbones delicate like fine china, now tanned after months spent on the riviera. The sun is shining down on the both of you by now, and through tousles of dark curls you can now clearly see the dark shadows underneath his eyes. The wind whistles through the cypress trees.
“Just that there is nothing new under the sun” he says after a long silence. “And I guess that I’m trying to talk to you about destiny; how we are born, and reborn ad infinitum. Again and again and again our dice are cast, casting out our roles in life. We all have our parts to play. Parts that we are destined to play, and they are decided for us. It is beyond our control.”
“And what do we learn from this?”
“Amor fati”
“To love one’s fate?”
“To love one’s fate”.
One afternoon Timothée wakes up from a nap on the terrace. He opens his eyes and for a moment he’s blinded by the light, seeing only silhouettes in front of him. Stretching out his arms and legs, his body stiff from laying on the terrace floor, he groans. His limbs feel heavy and numb and his mind is unusually quiet, as it has a habit of being just after he wakes from slumber. Closing his eyes again he lets the bright sunlight turn the world white behind his eyelids.
Above him the seashells you’ve put up tinkle in the soft breeze. From way down below he can hear the ocean, steady today in this fine autumn weather. But he can hear something else as well. The clinking of a piano being played. Standing up, as in a haze, he follows the sound.
Walking into the house, past the tinkling seashells and white curtains, through the kitchen and hall he follows the sound into the drawing room.
You are sitting by the piano, playing Für Elise with unpractised hands. The sun is coming through the large windows, lighting you up, painting a halo atop your head.
“Can I paint you?” he asks, for the first time in months.
Your fingers fumble with the piano chords for a second before carrying on, showing no other signs of having heard him. You continue playing until the piece comes to an end.
Then, in the silence, your soft voice.
Someone has dug out an old Fletcher Henderson record and the music is blaring from the gramophone as people dance to the old jazz music, one woman has gotten up on the table and is stamping her bare feet along to the rhythm, twirling her dress and swinging her hips. Others are standing in groups, laughing and chatting; cocktail glasses in hand. Others still are sitting by the table.
You can’t tear your eyes from Timothée as he sits leaned back in his chair, arms draped over the railing and head thrown back in laughter. The afternoon light has turned the entire world golden, but Timothée seems to have been more blessed by the light than anybody else; as if he had been picked out and touched by Midas himself. He seems to shine as he laughs with his new-found friends, cheering them with a glass of cheap wine. They’re discussing new revolutionary ideas and he laughs as they clink their glasses in celebration of their own drunken brilliance. He’s wearing his nice white dress shirt and suspenders. The first couple of buttons are undone at the top, and sunkissed skin peeks through. His hair a mess of sea-salt curls, falling over his face, and pearls of water falling from his skin like little stars; the party having gotten back from a swim just moments before. They are mostly Timothée’s friends, though some are yours. Locals, whom you’ve befriended during your time here; with the added number of guests being a couple of british and dutch backpackers Timothée met up with on the way back to the villa.
You look at him, carefree and golden in the sun, and you know the image of him like this will stay with you forever – that you never will see anyone or anything this beautiful again. You don’t think of rebirth, or of reincarnation - of lives destined to be lived over and over again until the sun finally implodes and swallows you all; thus setting you all free from your destinies. You don’t think destined, star-crossed or fated.
Or of amor fati.
Instead you look at him and you think of immortality. Of gods and heroes of the ancient past and of all the holy creatures legends say has roamed the earth since there was anything to roam. You watch him in the golden afternoon light and you think of Achilles and of Apollo and of the archangel Gabriel.
(And you understand why the ancient Greek believed in heroes and god amongst men. You believe as well.)
On the first day God created light.
And so, the scientists say we are all made of stardust. You watch the golden boy in front of you, seemingly shining in the sun, and you wonder to yourself if perhaps the stardust he was made of ever really settled into human skin.
You have never felt more blue, like a sea creature dragged up to the surface against its will; but he is half boy, half ethereal creature. Something Holy. You can almost see it; heavy white wings sprouting out between his shoulder blades, casting a great shadow beneath him, wherever he goes; a golden halo atop the mess of curls on his head. There, at the table under the golden mimosa tree, he throws his head back in laughter again and the sound rings clear over the music, over the other’s voices.
His eyes meet yours where you stand in the shadow underneath the roof and the laughter seems to die in his mouth.
On the third day God created the seas.
The sun goes over the horizon; the golden hour has passed, and everything is set in shadow. You keep your eyes on each other while the rest of the party roars on around you. Their laughter, the clinking of their glasses and the loud music falling on deaf ears as he keeps his eyes fixed on you.
The sun has set, and the boy in front of you is no longer golden for you are all in shadow now; you are both human again.
Yet you still swear you can see the faint light of a halo atop his head and you can still feel the heavy weight of saltwater inside your lungs, taste it on your lips.
Eyes still fixed on his, you raise your glass to your lips, and you drown the last of your red wine. You can feel a drop slip from the corner of your mouth and make its way down your chin, your throat, your chest; down on your white silk dress. You put the glass down beside you and turn away from his gaze, walking away from him.
On the fourth day God created the moon and the stars.
The deep steps down to the water are wet from the passing tide and you move your feet carefully forward as you make your way down to the water. The sounds of music and laughter are soon replaced by that of waves. Passing by the old wooden jetty you walk down to the small piece of stony beach by the rocks. And there you stand. In front of you, a landscape of water so dark it appears black, and reflected on it from the sky above, the moon and the stars.
You hear the creaking sounds of someone stepping on the jetty.
And on the sixth day god created mankind in his own image.
Timothée stands in front of you, hands in pockets, his shirt undone and suspenders slightly astray; looking at you with such intent that you swear there’s thunder in the air, though the sky remains cloudless. Slowly, as if giving you plenty of time to retreat, he moves closer. Then, with his hands holding on to you, he kisses you. It is saltwater and sweet wine. It is red hot and wet and slow, until both of your breaths come heavy and your hands are fumbling over the other’s clothes. You tumble back against the flattened cliff wall behind you and you’re pulling him closer to you, tugging at his clothes until he’s pressed against you, chest to chest. Your hearts as close to each other as can be.
Your hands fumble with his zipper until it finally comes undone, and lifts up the skirt of your dress, pushing down your underwear until they fall at your feet. Hooking your leg around him you struggle for a second with finding the right position. Then, with a jagged thrust he’s inside you and you suck in a sharp breath. “Careful now” you moan in his ear, your arms around him holding onto him tightly. “It’s been a while”.
The reminder seems to soothe him, and the thrusts become slower, more dragged out but deeper too. His hands become gentler, less rushed, but still firm as he holds on to you; each hand pressing into the smooth flesh of your thighs. Your arms are clinging onto his shoulders, painted red nails digging into his back, your own back arched from pleasure. Moans and whimpers are falling from your lips and into his ear; his hair, still wet from the earlier swim, feels cold against your cheek.
There, in the dark; the night only lit up by moonlight, with waves crashing against the stones beneath your feet, he moves in and out of you and the air itself tastes of seawater.
You lean down and kiss his exposed tanned collarbones peeking through his half-opened white shirt and as you gently bite down he hisses and fumbles with the pace for a second, before regaining his posure; pressing you harder up against the wall again.
“That’s right” you moan, hands clutching onto his shirt and your head thrown back. “Fuck, harder!”
And he does.
And when you come it is white-hot bliss. Like the invisible strings holding together reality are all pulled out and you tumble through existence; unsure of where anything ends or begins.
Except that maybe the answer to both of those things are Timothée’s ragged breaths as he fucks you with feverish pace. Maybe there is where it all ends and begins. He comes in a whimper, your hands in his hair, his face in the crook of your neck.
And there you both stand, holding each other; fighting for air, as the waves crash around your feet.
You’re in the market and nothing feels real to you.
It is like you’re watching it all happen on film in front of you, the vendors shouting out prices and shoppers picking out their vegetables. It is like you are watching it all happen very far away.
The sun is high in the sky, and it is unusually warm for a day in late october. Your skin is clammy and your palms feel sweaty; yet you feel strangely cold. And you are trembling, feeling certain that if someone were to prick you with a needle right now – you wouldn’t feel a thing.
You see the people moving, arguing over prices of leek one moment and laughing the next. People carrying wicker baskets filled to the rim with ripe fruit and vegetables. It is like they all move in slow-motion, the sounds they make muffled and far off.
You step away from the crowd but when you turn around you walk straight into Timothée. He stumbles backward a step, unprepared for the collusion. He says something, swears perhaps, but you can’t hear him. There’s a ringing in your ear and the ground feels unsteady underneath your feet, the sun glaring down at you.
Then his hands are cupping your face, and you see him mouthing your name. He looks at you, eyes full of worry. He takes your hand, leads you away from the market and into the ancient church. His hand warm in yours he leads you down the aisle before turning into one of the box pews. You sit down beside him and he takes your hands in his.
“Your hands are cold” he says, before lifting them his his lips to kiss them.
He had been inside you just hours ago. You had cleaned up as best you could, before walking up the stairs again and re-joining the party. You had retired early, claiming a headache, while Timothée stayed out on the terrace with his friends. In the morning you had risen before him, heading down into the market before breakfast.
“Do you think we can ever be happy?” he asks and you want to laugh. Because the question is so precisely what has been on your mind ever since last night.
You think of the ocean; the way it can carry you or drown you depending on its whim. You think of the seawater in your veins, of lungs heaving for air. You think of never ceasing, impossible blue. Of bones engraved with memories from the past. And how all of this is who you are, that it is not a temporary blueness.
“Do you think we can ever be happy?” you ask back.
“I don’t know” he says. The church is cool and drafty, despite the warm weather outside and his hands around yours feels warm and safe. It wakes an unholy sort of wanting inside of you.
“Ask me who I am” he says.
“Who are you?”
“Someone that loves you.” His voice is low. You are not the only two people in church, a few rows ahead there is a woman praying and at the front two priests are conversing with one another. He continues in his soft voice, “I can’t promise you perfect happiness forever, no one can, and frankly; I’m not sure that is what you really want either. It’s perhaps what you think you should want, but that’s not the same as actually wanting it. I think part of you loves your melancholia”.
“Well then, what can you promise me?”
“I promise you that on the days you feel like you’re drowning I will keep us afloat and I’ll hold you until it passes. I’ll keep you warm”.
“And you don’t wish I was more yellow?” you ask, voice sightly trembling.
“You know, I’ve always loved the ocean. I’ve never felt the need to change its hue, despite its darkest blue”.
“It’s that easy?”
“It’s that easy” he says, and kisses your hands again.
On the balcony floor outside your bedroom you both lay that night, spread out on sheets and plush pillows you’ve carried out. You lay there, your head on his stomach, and stare up at the stars. Neither one of you is wearing a thread of clothing, but you are both tangled up in sheets. There’s an empty bottle of wine beside you and in Timothée’s hand his book on Nietzsche’s philosophies.
“So what do you think?” he asks. “Do we have a free will or is it as Nietzsche believes, that the dice have already been cast far before we’re born, leaving us to live out our stories without the ability to ever change the outcome. Leaving us to simply accept our fate; to love our fate”.
“It sounds terribly defeatist to me” you say
“Or brave” Timothée says, “I’m really not so sure which. Perhaps both.”
“So you agree with him? You agree with Nietzsche? We are not ourselves in charge of our lives?”
“No, no not at all” he objects “I don’t believe he’s right. I’ve made my own choices in life. I’ve created my own mistakes and fortunes. And my fate has never been to love you, I’ve done that intentionally.”
You love me on purpose?
Yes I love you on purpose. I chose it, I chose you”
“I chose you too”
Inspirations: Jenny Slate’s tweet about wanting someone to love her on purpose, my own quite frankly disastrous relationships, Johnny Cash saying paradise is “this morning, with her, having coffee”, Anna Karenina, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (OBSESSED with https://www.ntathome.com/packages/cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof/videos/cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof-full-play version, highly recommend renting it), Greek mythology, The Blue Train adaptation by ITV Poirot (season 10 episode 1, watch it, every episode is individually based on one of her books so no need to see it chronologically) that has been playing on repeat and also the fact that for the last month I’ve been thinking of nothing else than traveling to Italy, France and Greece again.
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dovveling · 3 years
Why must you keep giving me opportunities to spam your ask box 😔
❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation?
💍 Which one of them would propose? How would it happen? (or write if you feel like it!)
💋 Who is the best kisser? (if you’d like write a short smooch scene!)
❣️ When did your OC first realize they were in love? How did they react to the realization?
- Unfortunately, it was love at first sight-- Even if Iolas would rather drop dead than admit this. He probably saw the incredibly ostentatious portrait of Lucio in his wing and was taken aback by how attracted he was to this man who was supposedly dead. It only got worse after Lucio got attached to Iolas through the ghost binding within canon-- Iolas the whole time thinks Lucio's romantic advances are just for fun and doesn't expect Lucio to love him at all. All the While he's completely in love with Lucio. (even if he acts like a rude little shit to him 50% of the time) It isn't until Lucio asks him to go traveling in the upright ending that's when Iolas realizes that Lucio is serious about him and even if it scares the shit out of him he can't help but believe him. The events of everything come crashing onto him and he realizes that He's 100% in love and cannot escape it.
💍 Which one of them would propose? How would it happen? (or write if you feel like it!)
(THANK YOU-- I will put this under a read more because the next two answers will be LONg but look under if you wanna see two idiots fall in love)
The sun hung low in the sky as Lucio makes his way to the palace gardens. He has asked Iolas to meet him out by their favorite spot in the garden maze. the blonde smiles remembering how the two of them had found the hidden spot while goofing around and shoving each other into the hedges. It wasn't until one hard push sent Lucio through the hedge and where he expected to land on his ass but he found himself on the other side of a portal with Iolas calling for him from the other side. After Lucio had ushered the other man through the portal the two looked over a hidden meadow that seemed to be somewhere close to the center of the maze.
Lucio could picture it perfectly; the stark white gazebo in the center, the perfect sun rays that sprinkled the fluffy grass, and the willow tree with its small leaves that dripped and trickled. He loved when the wind would blow and the tendrils of the willow would tickle up the wooden beams of the gazebo and scare Iolas into laughter every time the leaves would brush against his lover.
As Lucio draws closer to the portal before he stops and stares at the ring he had spent hours picking out. He had never fussed so much over a gift for someone. He never had to worry about gift-giving, because anything he picked out was glamorous and simply perfect. this however wasn't just a gift. It was a question. It was a statement and soon as he would think he was close to picking he would look and see a flaw and wonder if Iolas could see it and if he did then he'd never get to hear the answer he so desperately wants to hear to the question He'd rather not be asking.
So many times Lucio doubled back on himself about the personal. Is this just too much? could he see himself getting married when his last marriage was such a failure? Then He would hear it. Iolas' laugh and the sunlight hitting his lover's coffee skin and every reservation burned away and was replaced with a deep desire to make this person his and only his.
Lucio steels himself as he pockets the ring, almost dropping the bottle of champagne he forgets he was holding. As he pushes through the portal the blonde's heart skips a little at the sight of his lover resting on the side of the white gazebo, wearing a white robe that Lucio had gotten commissioned to match his iconic white suit. His lover seems to be lost in thought, their crimson eyes gazing over the tree line until Lucio steps closer and knocks on the wood with a playful tune. His wolfish smile triggering a similar one on his lover's face.
"Hi, my Darling--" Iolas starts before pulling Lucio over by his collar to meet his lips. With a giggle, Iolas watches Lucio hop over the median of the gazebo instead of using the very close opening that's just a little be over to the side of them. Lucio tries to steady his face. He doesn't want to come off too excited or nervous. He needs to play it cool so Iolas doesn't suspect anything, but it's too late Iolas gives him a curious look. "What are you planning? I know that look."
Lucio however holds his hands up after he places the bottle of champagne down on the railing in front of them. "Why do I always have to be up to something huh? Can't a man just meet his lover in a secret hole in the woods for some late-night drinking and maybe some late-night macking?" the blonde throws the magician a wink, which is met with a playful smack that Lucio is too found of.
"Did you bring glasses, Oh Count of Macking?" Iolas teases with a click of his tongue and to that Lucio's face freezes for a second because he did not think about the glass part of drinking, but his shock lasts for a split second before he nudges his lover with an elbow and a cheeky grin. "Can't you just magic something up for us--" Before Lucio can even finish Iolas throws his head back, his whole body shakes with a genuine laugh, one that Lucio only sees when Iolas reacts to his particular stupidity. "Absolutely not. I cannot manifest glassware, but fret not Lulu I prepared for this." The silver-haired man stands on the railing of the gazebo and reaches up behind one of the posts and brings down two champagne glasses. Lucio helps the shorter man down before taking both glasses and leaning down to give his lover a short kiss on the head.
Snickering to himself Lucio places the glasses down and pops open the champagne. "See? Who needs magic when you have a lover who has the spirit of a squirrel. Why are those even up there?" Iolas can't seem to hold back his laugher and starts into a long dialogue about how the last party they hosted he was tasked with disposing of all the drinks Lucio downed after getting into a drinking match with Julian and at some point, he got too fed up hauling all the empty glass wear to and fro so he eventually gave up and used the portal which was much closer than the garbage. Soon as he finishes that story Lucio makes note that not only does he not remember this drinking contest at all, but he also notices that the whole upper layer of the Gazebo is littered with small drinking glasses of all shapes and sizes.
This brings the two of them to a comfortable speed of talking, to which Lucio adds more flavor by introducing the drinks. The sun finally settles and the garden lights are now on and thanks to all the glass wear in the gazebo there are small reflected lights scattered within their own space. Slowly the stories of their day dwindle and eventually, they huddle close to each other so they can look under the top of their gazebo and point out stars. Lucio watches the small warm lights bounce off his lover's face and his heart races. He can't chicken out now.
"Iolas." Lucio stops the silver-haired man mid-sentence as the other was just going on about his zodiac sign and how it will be visible in the sky until he hears his name.
Iolas pauses fully, not use to hearing his full name exit his lover's lips unless it was during a more intimate and scandalous situation. So he hides his hesitation with a smile and he answers the blonde with the same tone he just used but extracted with a deeper tone to lighten the mood. "Lucio." The count starts to fidget but just laughs when Iolas mocks his serious tone. "No really, uh... Listen for a second." Iolas' face now turns from curious to worried. " Uh oh. that's a real serious tone. What did you do?" Lucio brushes him off, biting his lip and rubs the back of his neck. He feels so lame doing this, but that's the point.
Lucio stands up straight taking Iolas' hands, looking directly into those red eyes. Something in him wants to run away, but the ring sits heavy in his pocket and he opens his mouth only to close it so he can bring Iolas' cold fingers to his lips. Iolas' however is completely taken aback. His lover has been romantic before but he was much more used to their back a forths of one-upping each other and superficial hyping each other up coupled with nightly flings where he ended up in the blonde's bed. So this sudden tenderness was jarring.
The magician could feel that dark feeling creep to his shoulders that say he shouldn't get his hopes up, that he's happy filling the count's time till he finds a real suitor. Even if Lucio was a temporary General at the palace was still a completely different status then Iolas and Royals don't have court magician as suitors. So he was happy to bid his time with Lucio because even with the teasing and snarky remarks that sometimes hurt Iolas' loved the other man's company, but love doesn't change status. Love doesn't guarantee a happy ending. He knew this from experience and learned his lesson the hard way.
So It was the last thing Iolas' expected when the taller man pulls out the biggest ring the magician has ever seen and gets down on one knee. Iolas' first thought is that he wants to shake his head so he can wake up. Then when air fills his lungs he realizes he is awake and this is happening. More than happening he's been silent for too long but all he can hear is the stinging sound of his fears buzzing in his head. The buzz is deafening and He can see that Lucio is speaking but he can't hear him.
You will just disappoint him. Iolas' thoughts curse. Better yet he'll disappoint you somehow. A shaky breath leaves him and all he can do is blink and look at Lucio with watery eyes. "I-- I'm sorry please can you say that again." Iolas stops and closes his eyes just so he doesn't have to look at the ring that's almost blinding with its meaning.
Lucio's normal wolfish grin falters but only returns once he hears Iolas speak. "I said. We should get hitched, ya know?" Lucio sputters, shit. "Look. Like I was saying we're surrounded by losers, Pet. Who else am I gonna get to match me other than you huh? come on, look at me. Then look at you! we're perfect for each other.. ya know?" Lucio now looks nervous as he speaks. Unable to keep eye contact. ...and.. I love your laugh."
This seems to pull Iolas' from his fears a little even enough to get him to let out a weak laugh. "What? what does that have to do with anything?" Lucio pouts and glares at his lover just a tiny bit. "I love your laugh! and I don't want anyone else to have it. I deserve it, I get you to do it most and I think you owe me. So like.." Lucio ushers Iolas' to the ring, his legs are starting to buckle. "I wouldn't admit this to anyone else but my knees aren't what they use to be so can we--" Iolas stops him with a curt turn, his shoulders shaking.
The blonde stands suddenly, his whole body rigid. This was it. the rejection he warned himself about. He's ruined everything, his heart screams to go back. Iolas is probably laughing at the proposal and Lucio's tacky way of offering himself. It isn't until the sound of a stuffy nose echo through the silent night that Lucio realizes his lover is crying and instantly he steps forward a different kind of fear gripping his heart. " W-wait-- wait, why are you crying? You never cry--" He falters and fidgets his hands around his lover unsure if he wants to be held or not.
Iolas turns finally, his red puffy eyes are turned down in a grimace as they glisten in the dim light. "Yeah, you idiot I never cry and look at what you made me do." His tone is harsh but it's followed by a sad shake that ruins any intention of anger. "Lucio I... I don't know how to do this." Lucio's heart slows but he's thrown for a loop and Iolas can sense his confusion and clears his throat as he wipes his leaking eyes. "No one has ever, wanted me like this before. I don't know if I can-- How do you know you want this? What if I disappoint you? What if you get tired of me and regret ever meeting me? At least if we keep things like before you can just get rid of me if I'm too much and I won't have to--" Lucio stops Iolas this time as he brings his lover close by pulling on his crossed arms.
"You won't have to worry about falling in love?" The blonde answers with his own sense of sadness, his eyes looking down at their feet before meeting with Iolas' who only nods in response. Lucio is a bit thankful that his lover didn't outright say no and is at least contemplating the idea of things. "No I had the same thoughts and honestly I don't know how I'm sure. I just... am." Lucio's normal bravado comes back now that he feels more secure in the conversation. "I know that I love seeing you every day. I know that I love sleeping with you every night. I know that I don't want anyone else to hold you the way I hold you and I know that you feel the same way about me." At that the blonde swallows hoping he isn't wrong. "But mostly I know I don't ever want you to leave. If you were to leave, do you know how fucking boring this place would be? I would set the parlor on fire within minutes of you being gone." The cheeky grin is back and Iolas snorts at the idea and manages a smile as he is now fully embraced by his lover.
Lucio rests his head on the shorter man's head and hums, kissing the top of it. Slowly he pulls Iolas back so he can look down at him. "But it's not just about what I want... you kinda need to want those things too." Now it's Iolas turn to nervously look away and slowly as the shorter man's courage builds he tights his grip in Lucio's jacket and more tears fall down his face as the realization comes crashing onto him that he'd do absolutely anything to be with the man in front of him forever. Before He can answer he shoves his face into Lucio's jacket rubbing his head back and forth on the soft fabric. "You moron-- Of course I want all that."
The blonde can't resist the urge to tease the other man however and laughs to himself. "I'm sorry, could you say that again I couldn't hear you from inside my jacket." Iolas hits the taller man's chest with a laugh before he goes to wipe his damp eyes yet again. "You know for a fact that I said YES-- urgh, gods look at what you did to my make searing the hell am I going to fix this now--" Iolas' whining is stopped short by his lover picking him up in a searing kiss that continues as the blonde twirls them both. With a firm grip on Iolas' was it Lucio Looks up at the magician with a smile that could blind the gods. "I wanna hear you say it." Iolas rolls his eyes, a large pout crosses the silver-haired man's lips as he kicks his legs from his newfound lifted position.
"I have zero ideas what you're talking about--" Iolas protests but Lucio shakes his head. "Say it or you are never leaving this gazebo." Iolas is about to rebuttal but the look in Lucio's eyes is that yes he is serious. Iolas' expression softens, even if it's despite himself. "Of course I'll marry you, LuLu." Lucio bounces in his spot and spins the both of them once again but this time continues to spin around the whole gazebo till Iolas can't help but laugh and struggle against the crazy man holding him. "Stop-- Lulu Stop we're gonna--" but it's too late. Lucio's legs trip over themselves and with zero grace they both tumble onto the hardwood floor.
Iolas rolls onto his back and groans, dizzy and sore his eyes dart over to the man beside him who is just as dazed. slowly Iolas entwines their hands with a smile and Lucio is about to kiss his lover's fingers before he remembers the ring. The blonde springs forward, getting up like the fall meant absolutely nothing but Iolas takes his time sitting up as his lover fumbles to find the ring he dropped.
Soon as it's found Lucio slides over, the scraping sound of the fabric of the taller man's pants on the hardwood makes the magician giggle. Iolas has to give the other man sheer points for his enthusiasm. Pompously Iolas sticks his left hand out, to which Lucio plays along and kisses the other man's ring finger dramatically before slipping the large ring onto Iolas' hand.
Carefully Iolas' holds his hand out to the light and observes the sheer size of the ring and can't help but grin. Lucio practically radiates waves of anticipation on his lover's thoughts "Was this the biggest ring they had?" Iolas wiggles his fingers, acting as if he's unimpressed. Lucio simply feeds back into him. "How dare you." Lucio sneers, pulling Iolas into his lap as he sits, unable to be on his knees any longer. "I had this one custom ordered. Not only is it the biggest ring in stores, but it's also the biggest wedding ring, period." He speaks into the shorter man's neck before he kisses it, The count's tone never faltering while he speaks. This sends Iolas into a giggle fit. He knows for a fact that this ring physically cannot be the biggest but another part of him can see Lucio putting up a fight with store owners about the pitful size of their rings to the point where he just orders them to make him a whole new size.
"Of course, I knew my Lulu would only get me the best. He not capable of anything less." Lucio preens in the praise and Iolas strokes the back of his fingers against his lover's face. For a moment they stay like that, both of them processing what exactly just happened and what this means for their future. Iolas is the first to break the silence with a soft hum as he presses against Lucio's chest. "Thank you... Lucio." the taller man responds by nuzzling his nose into the shorter man's hair with a confused hmm. "I never thought I could do this... but for the first time, I'm not scared." Lucio smiles at that. and squeezes his lover in his arms.
"Good. We can both be fearless together."
💋 Who is the best kisser? (if you’d like write a short smooch scene!)
The sound of wood creaking fills the otherwise quiet room as Lucio pushes his lover against the doors of his chambers. Lucio places on hand on the hip of the man under him and huffs a breath through his nose that leads to a soft moan as their lips bump against each other awkwardly for a second. Iolas snickers within the brief pause and pulls Lucio down by his collar. Now controlling their embrace the shorter man pushes the blonde backward and with a searing bite, he slams the count onto the disgustingly huge bed placed in the middle of his room. Breathless Lucio stares up at Iolas his bottom lip red and puffy from the bite, which only makes Lucio's slurry grin look even more dangerously attractive.
Iolas steps in between his lover's spread legs and uses one of his hands to tip the taller man's head back with a grunt. Lucio's hands wander over the man before him, knowing his place he doesn't try to switch their positions. He loves when Iolas gets pushy he knew if anyone could match him in greediness it would be his lover. Iolas however preoccupies himself with tracing his thumb over Lucio's red bottom lip till his nail presses a little too hard and draws just a few drops of blood to the surface of his lover's pale skin.
At the sight of this Iolas captures The count's lips once against and shamelessly sucks on the blood he just conjured. the kiss devolves as Iolas holds Lucio's head still with the grip on his hair and once the magician pulls back Lucio's face flushes at the sight of his blood dripping from his lover's lips. Lucio's voice comes out breathy and needy as he pulls against Iolas' grip on his hair. "Do that again."
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things2mustdo · 4 years
As you probably have heard in the news, earlier in August a Pennsylvania grand jury handed down a 1,356-page account of sexual abuse which involved around 1,000 kids and 300 priests during a period of approximately 70 years. It is another pedophilia scandal within the Catholic Church that adds up to their collection of countless other ones reported in recent years.
The commie pope—while on his two-day visit to Ireland—begged for forgiveness again, just the way he did in Chile back in January of this year.
You can notice how quick and scathing the mainstream media is to denounce these recurring events, after all we know who owns the MSM and the (real) Church has a long, well-known history of “anti-semitism” and resistance against the tentacles of globalism. I wish the media had the same commitment to inform the existence of other pedophile rings full of high-ranking people as well.
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Is the problem of the church’s innumerous sexual abuse allegations really pedophilia? To me there is a deeper explanation for it, and that explanation is: homosexualism. 81% of the alleged victims are male and three-fourths of them are post-pubescent. As you guys are certainly aware of, the Church has a very big issue with homosexualism among its clergymen.
I have a theory for the high presence of gay men inside priesthood: until not long ago being gay was definitely not ok, homosexuals were not accepted as they are now, so they became priests.
The developed Western world of today encourages people to become gay, it applauds individuals for their gayness, but it wasn’t always like that. Now, try to imagine a closeted homosexual man living in the 50s, for example. What a better place to go than the Catholic seminary? People wouldn’t look you down, you wouldn’t have to get married, the place was filled with other young men (potential sexual partners) and that’s how the Church got corrupted by perverts.
Pedophilia x Homosexualism
One normie could argue “how homosexualism relates to pedophilia?” Any red-pilled person who has ever wondered what causes someone to become gay will notice that there is an undeniable link between pedophilia and homosexualism.
Let’s remember the occasion of Milo Yiannopolous’ resignation from Breitbart over comments which seemed to endorse sex between “younger men” and older men. Something that is—as he pointed out—extremely common among gay men. A 2009 report revealed that 74 percent of bisexuals had been sexually abused as children, I am pretty sure homosexuals follow the same numbers.
I won’t say homosexual behavior is exclusively caused by pedophilia because human (or animal) sexuality is a very complex topic which can certainly involve many variables. I just don’t buy that “born this way” hype, until this day not a single reliable proof of the existence of a gay gene or anything like it was discovered.
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The Vatican once bought a £21 million apartment block above ‘Europe’s largest gay sauna’.
Pope Francis, a champion of the left-leaning agenda inside the Church, has been accused of covering up former Cardinal McCarrick’s abuse allegations (one of the many cases in Pennsylvania). The accusations were made by Carlo Vigano, a former Vatican ambassador to the US, and if it proves to be true–I am positive it is—that should result in pope Francis’ resignation. As a traditionalist Catholic myself I would be delighted with such an event.
Francis has already been complacent with other pedos before. One good example is the 2015 ‘Synod on the Family’ when the pope invited Godfried Danneels, a Belgium Cardinal convicted of covering up pedophiles in the 90s, to attend the meeting. Danneels is a hard-left priest that tries to push the Church ” liberal reformation” and admitted that he was part of a plot against (right-leaning) Pope Benedict and in favor of the election of leftie Francis.
To affirm that the Church’s gay/pedos are exclusively part of the left-wing priesthood would be too Manichean. I am sure there are tons of sick people who lean right also. But it can’t be denied that the liberals make up the vast majority of these issues involving sexual misconduct.
“Religious progressives”
For those who don’t know, the Catholic Church, just as any other political institution, is divided in factions that tend to be more liberal or orthodox. The liberation theology, for instance, is a movement created inside the Catholic Church (and some Protestant denominations) which aims to mix Christianity and Marxism.
Even if you are an agnostic don’t underestimate the influence they played in various regions such as Europe, Latin America and even New England. Brazilian Workers’ Party attributed their success to this movement and Unions.
Be wary of any religious leader that tries to push a liberalization of dogmas and traditions. Because all religions are intrinsically conservative according to their respective contexts, they establish doctrines that dictate sets of rules that must be followed properly in order to attain their objectives (whether is Salvation in Christianity or Nirvana in Buddhism). There are no (real) religions without their traditions.
Whenever you see liberal religious men doubt their characters. There is a good chance they don’t even bother with religion or spirituality, perhaps they are closeted atheist. What they do care about is the religious platform, which can offer various benefits such as large audiences, political influence, money and even sex.
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Estimates of the number of gays in the priesthood are all over the lot, from 20 percent to 60 percent, although a Los Angeles Times poll in 2002 found only 15 percent of priests saying they were homosexual or “somewhere in between but more on the homosexual side.”
Every time pedo priests’ cases pop up in the MSM, secular people are very quick to point fingers and show their moral superiority, but they “forget” the existence of secular institutions that are way more sexually perverted than the “gayish” modern Church, such as Hollywood, the political and corporate world.
Real Church x Sissy Church
It is also important to notice that the Church was emasculated, an emasculation that took place during the process of secularization and establishment of liberal democracies across the Western world (e.g. French Revolution).
The Church had to be softened, becoming an institution that barely resembles the once powerful and great Church of the Crusades or the Inquisitions. This same phenom of emasculation can also happen in other secular institutions too, the Military, mainstream Music, Politics, Sports and even Boys Scouts. And it will only get worse as liberal-democratic globalism advances, so secular people: watch out!
St. Basil the Great, a 4th century bishop and Doctor of the Church, defended that gay/pedo priests should be publicly flogged. That was the (real) Church, not this sissy catholicism created after the Second Vatican Council (a modernist reform imposed in the Church from 1962 to 1965). A lot of things got bad in the 60s.
The (real) Church has a very important and vigorous story in the construction of the West. Always being a target to the globalists and that breed who rules the world, a clear obstacle to their goals.
Examples are many: Gabriel García Moreno, Catholic Equatorian president, who made a terrific job in a Confessional Equator and was killed by the Freemasons; Saint José Sanchez del Rio, who was killed by Mexican secular, freemason and leftist government with the support of the US, for refusing to abbandon his faith.
Inconvenient truths are ignored
The media only goes after what is convenient to their narrative, don’t expect them to expose Hollywood pedos nor the obvious link between pedo priests and homosexualism. The left has already pushed the normalization of pedophilia many times and I didn’t see the indignation of the MSM.
Late Vatican’s Chief Exorcist Gabriele Amorth once said, “The Devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences”.
“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops”. – St. Athanasius
Read More: The Vatican Has Disgraced True Catholic Values
I have noticed that many people have been falsely conflating what comes out of the Vatican as Catholic. Thus it is my duty to present to the esteemed readers of this fine site the true teachings of the Church which stand, ever more so today, in stark opposition to the rot of cultural Marxism and the effeminacy of the Papal pretenders in Rome.
Vicar of Christ?
Church authorities are not legitimate
It is a dogma of the Catholic faith that the Church cannot substantially change. This means that the church cannot contradict nor change her teaching from what has always been universally taught or has been solemnly defined. Any one who claims to be Catholic and knowingly professes a faith which contradicts a teaching of the Church is considered to be a heretic and is considered to have a removed himself from the Church.
As St. Thomas states: “[one] who disbelieves [even] one article of faith does not have faith, either formed or unformed.” This is known as the unity of faith which means that all Catholics profess the same faith. Likewise it means that heretics cannot hold a clerical office in the Church. Thus if a heretic were to be elected even to the Papacy they could not be considered a legitimate Pontiff because a heretic has separated himself from the Church (source).
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Would a real Pope bow to a religion declared false by the Church?
Simply put, you have to be Catholic to be Pope, and the absurdity of a heretic claiming the See of Peter is where we find ourselves today. For just as the institutions in the West have been infiltrated and seized by the enemy, likewise have the institutions of the Church been usurped by apostate forces. The hierarchy currently residing in the Vatican are not legitimate authorities and do not represent the perennial teaching of the Church. Therefore I have listed for your benefit the actual Church’s positions on some current areas of contention.
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The only time Francis has ever smiled at a Crucifix
On Communism
The Catholic Church is vehemently opposed to communism. Without Pius XII valiant efforts, communism would have prevailed over postwar France and Italy. The Pope went so far as to issue the Decree against Communism in 1949 which excommunicated any Christian who professed communist doctrine.
Catholicism is the enemy of Marxism as it teaches that there can be no separation of Church and state, and an atheist government is immoral. Catholicism believes private property is a natural right going so far to say that depriving workers of their wages is a sin which cries to heaven for vengeance (compare that to our socialist tax code!).
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On Migration and Culture
The current Muslim invasion of Europe would be met with the utmost resistance. It has always been the Church which has sought to safeguard Catholic Culture and in ages past has gone so far as to issue a call to arms against non-Catholics who have sought to destroy it.
Pope Urban II issued the Crusades and Pope Leo the great even went so far as to personally travel into the heart of the Hun army—to Attila himself—to deliver Rome from the sack that was to come. In 1571, St. Pope Pius V formed the Holy League that would go on to defeat the great Muslim Turkish Armada that was plaguing the Mediterranean.
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“Then I pointed like so and told them where to take their cultural enrichment”
The tradition of the Church has been to unite the West against external non-christian threats in order to preserve Western Christian culture.
“The natural law enjoins us to love devotedly and to defend the country in which we were born, and in which we were brought up, so that every good citizen hesitates not to face death for his native land…. We are bound, then, to love dearly the country whence we have received the means of engagement this mortal life affords.” – Sapientia Christiana Encyclical Pope Leo XIII
On Abortion and Contraception
So what is the real teaching of the Church in regards to abortion and contraception? The teaching is any member who has an abortion or supports abortion is automatically excommunicated from the Church. That’s right: every single Democrat who claims to be Catholic is actually excommunicated, including Nancy Pelosi who likes to sanctimoniously drone how she is a good Catholic grandmother.
Contraception is also considered a mortal sin because it is an unnatural stoppage of life.
“Hence, after the sin of homicide whereby a human life already in existence is destroyed, this type of sin appears to take next place, for by it the generation of human nature is impeded.” -St. Thomas Aquinas.
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I know this is unpopular with the readers, but the teaching is that those who engage in contraception have already committed murder in their heart. Contraception is what allows people to engage in recreational sex, because the natural end of sex has been set aside so too then has the institution of marriage, whose end is children.
Likewise, because we have committed murder in our hearts, we have become a petulant, immature, vain, and a sterile people similar to any other people who have taken the risk from reward or the consequences from pleasure. This is the most difficult pill to swallow.
On Feminism
The Church condemns feminism in the strongest terms. There cannot exist feminism without birth control.
“…any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin.” -Pius XI Casti Cannubi
The Church asserts that Man is the head of the household and that a woman finds her vocation from being a good mother and housewife:
“This … does not deny or take away the liberty which fully belongs to the woman both in view of her dignity as a human person, and in view of her most noble office as wife and mother and companion; nor does it bid her obey her husband’s every request if not in harmony with right reason or with the dignity due to wife; … For if the man is the head, the woman is the heart, and as he occupies the chief place in ruling, so she may and ought to claim for herself the chief place in love.” -Ibid
The Pope has even gone so far as to condemn women’s suffrage:
“Woman can never be man’s equal and cannot therefore enjoy equal rights. Few women would ever desire to legislate, and those who did would only be classed as eccentrics.” -St. Pius X
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On Pacifism
The Catholic Church is not simply just a religion of love and mercy. Christianity is not a weak religion, for our God is a God of Battles. Catholic Tradition encourages us to live our lives in the manner of our Lord Jesus who spoke of the struggle that his Church would have to endure.
“Do not think that I am come to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.”-Mathew 10:34
Christians are not meant to sit idly as bystanders to the great struggle of good and evil in this world.
“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood: but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness: against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” -Ephesians 6:12
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klonoadreams · 4 years
You were right. Raihan is a total sweetheart that looks like a bamf. He totally encompasses that meme that says ‘get someone who can do both’. I recently beat Shield and it just confirms my belief that Rose was just misguided. Like yeah, I get that he cares to the point where he wants Galar to thrive even a past a thousand years but I wonder what made him think he needed to rush or that he had a time limit? Is his health bad? He doesn’t seem that old? Maybe 40-50s is my best guess?
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First off, yeah, Rose is just misguided in how he goes about doing things. He means well, but he’s also very much impatient and reckless (but not too reckless, that he doesn’t have a backup plan in mind - it’s just that Eternatus was THAT strong, so the backup failed).
Anyways, it’s been a while since I last talked about Rose, but like...I’ve done a lot of thinking since then. Now this is coming from a perspective of how children are usually expected to fix whatever mess the adults have left for their generation. And like, most of the Pokemon games are young Trainers having to fix a mess that these adults have made for them.
Even though they’re just kids...which is why Leon jumping in to deal with most of the mess in Sword and Shield is VERY important, because it’s the adults who are hard at work for once, so that the kids can be kids.
This is why I feel that Rose’s impatience and recklessness comes from him wanting to fix everything within his lifetime. He’s already done so much for Galar, but he doesn’t want to stop there.
He has the means and resources to do it himself, and he uses them as best as he can, to avoid letting the issue fall on someone else, in the far future. But because he looks too much into the future, he forgets to live in the present. And I feel that’s what made him think that he was on such a time limit, because that’s not a healthy mindset to have.
Rose isn’t a bad person. He has his flaws, yes, and he did put a lot of people at risk, but he never did so intentionally. Of course, that doesn’t excuse his actions, and Rose knows that himself. It’s why he turned himself over to the authorities after Eternatus was caught. He’s taking responsibility, instead of avoiding it entirely, by using his money to bail himself out.
The fact that he willingly turned himself in is what made me like him as a character. Because it reinforces every good thing that was ever said about him. None of it was ever an act.
That’s just who he genuinely is, and Twilight Wings continues to add to it. And honestly? I like that.
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bronsonthurman · 3 years
Don’t Underestimate Salad for a Quick, Amazing Meal
It’s summer time, reaching ninety degrees out, and no wants to cook. But some people will have chips for dinner because they are afraid of salad. Maybe they’re afraid they’ll go hungry. Maybe they’re still suspicious of vegetables. Maybe they’re afraid someone will think they’re, gasp, vegan. The horror!
Seriously, did we mention it’s hot out? We’re hot, we’re hungry, and we don’t want to spend afternoon at the lunch table when the beach is calling. We’re throwing together a salad because it’s good, it’s fast, it’s cold, and it’s now. Here’s a few reason why hungry people are missing out if they’re dismissing this humble but powerful meal.
An Easier Sandwich with Less Carbs
A sandwich is often held up as the epitome of a quick, handy, and complete meal. Honestly though, look at a sandwich: it’s just a salad with too much bread. Plus, you’re going to dirty a cutting board, a spreading knife, and a cutting board all before you even put your meal on the plate, probably more if you’re using proper cross-contamination prevention with meats and cheeses. Instead, just throw your ingredients in a big bowl, toss with a fork, and eat. What you say, you like bread? Us too--tear a piece up and throw it in after tossing, fork a piece before each bite. All the parts of a sandwich, with less dishes and a more reasonable serving of carbohydrates. Never forget to wash your hands properly when handling food--it’s harder to overlook when your ingredients are going straight from hand to plate.
No One Said You Can’t Have Carbs
If you’re used to a higher volume of calories, you might be concerned that a salad will soon leave you hangry again. If your experience with veggies is a side salad of iceberg lettuce, that’s understandable. But this is YOUR salad--go ahead and put something filling on it. One upside is you’re not limited to bread, the whole world of crunchy snacks is available. If you were going to eat them instead of a proper meal, you can instantly improve your meal by using them as a salad component. Many common corn or wheat based snacks are much healthier than you might expect, the main concern being less-friendly oils and a possible excess of salt--but check those ingredients, there is a world of difference between Fritos and Doritos, and some snacks are a garbage heap of fillers, sugar, and preservatives.
No One Said You Can’t Have Meat
Meat goes great on salad. Even better, a healthy portion of meat goes great on a salad--meat proportions in America are usually excessive for health or comfort. Keeping the meat modest helps keep you on your feet and on to your favorite activities, instead of sleeping your meal off on the couch.
Your favorite cold cuts will help you keep it easier-than-a-sandwich, or if you are a grill master, you’re in a great position to prepare and slice your favorite cut of beef or pork to properly refrigerate and add to salads over two to three days. The addition of chicken to a caesar is an obvious option, but don’t limit yourself. If you were planning to eat some wings, throw them on some lettuce. Seasoned wings will have all the flavor a few leaves in each bite need and picking up a wing in a bit of lettuce helps keep the seasoning in the bite and off your fingers.
I recall a sandwich customer offended that I would offer him “rabbit food” to go with his beef sandwich; it’s hard to understand how some imagine themselves to be “carnivores” as a diet, including myself as a young man in that category. You don’t want to know how real carnivores such as wolves or tigers get their balanced diet, but suffice to say, meat on the bone is not what they eat first. Trust me, you want your roughage in the form of fresh greens, not the way carnivores get it.
Salads Can Be Crunchy
We’re not just talking about lettuce here either, though greens do provide a nicely crisp bite. Those salty snacks we mentioned earlier bring crunch too. But that’s not all, there are a lot os suitable ingredient when you’re looking to add new textures to your salad. Some people like various cold beans. Corn kernels serve this role too, even outside of a traditional corn salad, though canned corn is not so appealing as freshly cooked. Just adding a cob is also nice, particularly with a unified butter-based dressing
If You’re Bold Enough for Hot Peppers, You'll Love Spicy Greens
If you’ve expressed a love for hot sauce, you should be eating watercress--it’s about the most nutritious thing you can eat, and it’s nicely spicy. This ingredient has somewhat disappeared into the tradition of the cress tea sandwich--don’t be fooled, this is a powerful staple food if you enjoy piquant foods Some paler varieties are less intense; the spiciest stuff announces this right up front if you give it a smell. Arugula-Rocket and mustard greens are also known
Dressings Are Indulgent Wonderland
It’s true some greens can have a bitter initial bite--luckily for us, we can sooth those flavors with dressing. If you’ve ever looked over a shelf of marinates in wonder, you’ve got a whole new world ahead of you. There’s probably a favorite you’ve discovered already, even if you were just trying to get through a salad that was forced on you. But don’t stop there! Where meat condiments tend to lean very heavily on tomato and soy, salad dressing is ahead of curve when it comes to foodie-innovation. Fruits are not as nutritious so much as they are relatively benign; a dressing can bring a little bit of fruit to the meal without replacing a lot of the nutritious content. Increasing variety has blown up the grip oil-vinegar-cream traditionally has had on selection with tahini, poppy seed, flavorful boutique vinegars, or other obvious ingredients back to the bottle. Just look at the ingredients. Sugar is becoming ever more ubiquitous and it can mute strong flavors, for better or worse. The key to a salad is balance--modest indulgence goes a long way to enhance a healthy meal.
Superfoods are Salad Foods
The Center for Disease Control has done an analysis of actual nutritional content per weight to focus attention on “powerhouse” foods, which it scores and publishes as a ranked list. High nutrition content is a crucial thing to consider, as contemporary agriculture has generally reduced nutrient density, making many traditionally nutritious foods less so.
Watercress sets the upper limit at 100 and every food scoring above 60 is a leafy green vegetable. Grapefruit defines the bottom of the CDC’s list with a score of 10. Kale and broccoli might surprise you by falling below 50, but all of the foods included are extremely healthy. Salad staples like spinach, romaine, scallion, cauliflower, carrot, tomato, lemon, strawberry, radish, orange, lime, turnip, and blackberry are all included. With the modest addition of carbohydrates and proteins it is extremely easy to make an extremely healthy salad.
Have the list handy in case your grandmother tells you these ingredients are all just empty calories and water. There are some very outdated notions of what is nutritious floating around.
Leaf Lettuce is Surprisingly Nutritious
One strike against salads is that healthy greens are associated with bitter flavor. Surprise, you throw basic lettuce in to dose your food with nutrients. Red leaf lettuce will be healthier, being more mature, but won’t last as long as green leaf. Romaine and even iceberg lettuce both also make the CDC’s list. So there is no problem finding nutritious greens even if you are looking to keep the flavor mild.
Some Tips for Greater Salad Success
Lettuces don’t keep particularly well--buy lettuce with the intent to eat it within the next three days, tops. If it’s much of a commute to the store you’ll probably want grocery day to start the salad part of your week, then switch to more durable foods in the days leading up to the next shopping. If you do enjoy bitter greens, these tend to keep a little longer. Red leaf lettuce is just riper leaf lettuce, so if you get a mix, eat the red leaf first.
Micro-greens are extremely easy to grow. If you have a window with at least 6 hours of sun it’s easy to place a window planter (inside or outside) and seed it to produce your favorite fresh greens in less than a month. Look online and you’ll find a wide variety of approaches to this, complete with tutorials.
Herbs are greens. Fresh basil, parsley, dill, oregano, cilantro--whatever your tastebuds prefer. Be prepared for more flavor than you’re use to compared to dried spices, especially if your herbs are garden fresh. Note however of the herbs I mentioned, only parsley makes the CDC’s list, but generally the flavor of herbs is so strong you’ll won’t need to replace much volume to get the effect.
With this in mind, there’s never a reason to miss out on a real meal, even when the heat makings cooking a non-option. Next time you reach for the crackers, swivel to the crisper and turn that snack into a nutritious meal.
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makiema · 5 years
Hello! What makes you ship Levi and Eren? (always curious about how people get into ereri)
Hi there, anon! I wish I could’ve answered this briefly but you’ve asked me something that I could honestly ramble on about forever. I’d try to be precise but I’m afraid it’d still be quite long because I don’t have the time to summarise, so bear withe me please >.
Okay so first of all, I used to be more into Eremika than Ereri in the beginning and the precious Eremika moment from Chapter 50 owned my heart. Back then the 13 y/o me didn’t get shit about Levi and Eren’s platonic canon relationship. But the popularity of Ereri was overwhelming and even though they were far from being my OTP I still shipped them in AU settings mainly because the fanfics were excellent. Also, at that point of time, I was more invested in the Naruto fandom and SS was my only OTP. In fact, I didn’t even know about the Visual Novel until late 2015 or early 2016 (I don’t remember exactly) which made me really get into Ereri. Reading the VN actually changed my whole perspective on Ereri and made me realise the depth of their canon relationship. When I re-read the manga again after that none of their subtle moments were lost on me and that’s how the ship started growing on me. Since then I even began picking up on a lot of parallels, symbolisms, etc. associated with them and all of that collectively went into becoming the reason why Ereri is my OTP.
I probably cannot think up of everything that makes me ship them at one go. Also I have my internals next week and Im losing my mind. Anyway here are some of the reasons that immediately came to mind when I saw your ask:
• Levi equating Eren to “The Tyger” : The VN concluded with the first two stanzas of Blake’s poem “The Tyger”. The poem is taken from The Songs of Innocence and Experience and the entire volume focuses on two things : the transition from childhood into adulthood and the existence of both beneficial and malevolent forces in human beings. So in the novel, Levi’s understanding, acceptance and even admiration of both the humane and the monstrous potential in Eren is commendable : “A monster with perfect, fearsome beauty; that inspires awe” Also, Levi acknowledges Eren’s will that “cannot be made to surrender” and his drive for freedom that “people living like birds in cages won’t get”. This shows us how Levi realizes that Eren’s mental maturity is not that of a normal 15 yo; that his “experiences” have made him into someone much more gritty, resilient and strong-willed for his age. “The Tyger” here is the agent of free-will and the poem further emphasises on free spirit by incorporating references to mythological figures who’re deemed as humanity’s heroes, for instance, “seize the fire” refers to Prometheus who is mankind’s hero because he stole fire from Zeus. It is said that because of him mankind could gain knowledge ; that mankind could step out of the bounds of ignorance ( See the parallel with Eren who said how ignorance is the biggest obstacle to freedom in Chapter 112 ). Another hero alluded to in the poem is Icarus who grew his wings of freedom and attempted to reach the farthest point (dangerously close to the sun) even though he was burned in the attempt (parallels with Eren’s whole attitude of ‘no matter what kind of hell awaits me I’ll keep moving forward’ ). Yeah so, that’s how deep Levi’s understanding of Eren runs.( Can you imagine the entire arc of Eren’s character was foreshadowed in Levi’s thoughts about him?) To me understanding is the most important factor when it comes to a ship so, I think Levi’s pov in the VN is the biggest contributor to their development.
• The way Eren looks at Levi : Idk how cliched this sounds but yes, the way he looks at Levi honestly gives me life. Be it in the Forest of the Giant Trees, or in the Reiss Chapel or in the Marley Arc, his eyes say it all. Add to this his signature shaky way of saing “Captain?”, idk if it’s only me but that just carries so much feeling, so much angst, so many unspoken emotions right there. If Levi’s thoughts on Eren made me fall in love with Ereri in the first place then Eren’s body language when it comes to Levi made me fuckin smitten over them (i kid u not honestly this ship is one of the very few things that actually give me the will to live)
• Hope and Strength : Honestly, I love Levi and Eren’s roles as humanity’s strength and humanity’s hope because this actually speaks volumes about their relationship. If Erwin gave Levi’s strength a dimension then Eren gave his strength meaning. Their roles in canon show their inter-dependence. After all, what is strength without hope? I don’t remember who first pointed this out, but someone said that this is the very concept the Survey Corps logo alludes to. The Wings of Freedom are shown as blue and white because royal blue represents strength and white represents hope. So the Wings are symbolical of what Levi and Eren individually stand for as well as signifies their dependence on each other.
• Levi’s role as Eren’s guardian : I love him both as Eren’s protector and his mentor. (oh also let’s not forget Eren had a little crush on him,,how adorable 🥺)
We’ve seen Levi giving it his all to protect Eren multiple times. And when he couldn’t protect him during the Battle of Trost because of his injury we see him clenching his fists in frustration. Again, in RTS we see Levi quite baffled when Erwin orders him to protect the horses and not protect Eren. Also in the RTS when Eren got flung on top of the wall, Levi was visibly concerned and then when Erwin couldnt come up with a plan that’d guarantee their survival, he quickly suggested that BOTH Erwin and Eren flit from there. This goes on to show how Levi thinks Erwin and Eren are EQUALLY important for ensuring humanity’s survival. It is evident from here that his liege and his mentee both belong on the same pedestal and he’d do anything to save them. Levi similarly comes up with an abrupt suggestion again in Ch 112 to save Eren when the Soldiers informed him that the higher authorities plan on having Eren eaten. Even though he clearly disapproved of Eren’s actions in Liberio, even though Levi himself always adhered to rules and discipline, he still had faith in Eren and he’d never accept such a ridiculous order, even if it came from Pixis. (plus he remembers the first time he met Eren which sort of makes us realize that Levi still sees himself as Eren’s protector🥺)
Next comes Levi’s role as a mentor in Eren’s life. I think his words of advice to Eren is an important factor that made him the man he is today. Levi encouraged him to believe in himself, he acknowledged his willpower, appreciated his relentless drive for freedom and even goaded him on to make important choices by himself. The recent happenings in the manga made a lot of people say that Eren follows the principle of “the end justifies the means” but originally, to quote Levi: “nobody can dictate you on what is the right path or what is the wrong one till you arrive at a certain outcome resulting from your choice”. I think one of the major reasons why Levi kicked Eren in the Marley arc again was because the outcome that Eren caused (at least according to Levi and the SC) was making Paradis the enemy of the whole enemy of the world and also a mountain of civilian deaths. This is just head canon but I think Levi was mainly disappointed because Eren didn’t seek his approval (unlike in the Reiss Chapel incident where he urged Levi to have faith in him before jumping into action of his own volition). Him comparing Eren with the underground thugs also makes me assume that he was genuinely hurt because he thought Eren has become complacent to the point where he doesn’t see Levi as a mentor anymore. But, right after his voice trails with the “you too..”, we see Eren looking up at him with the same beaming eyes. Curious why he’d do that at that instant. Also, during Serum Bowl, Eren used his height as the trump card to tower upon Levi. It was the only time he actually defied Levi and he did manage to look 100 percent domineering. But, post time skip Eren grew in leaps and bounds and he could easily repeat that but HE DID NOT. In fact, he utters his usual “Captain..?” and his eyes also have the same look. So maybe he still sees Levi as his inspiration but he cannot express that because he’s in a bind and has to act distant and cold with everyone. After all in Chapter 121, in the memory panel, we did see him recalling that very moment when Levi first advised him on making independent choices. His role as the mentor in Eren’s life is therefore once again reinforced by Isayama and I think that adds substantially to their wonderful platonic dynamic.                                        ____________xxx___________
I probably couldn’t fit them all and even this is a terrible briefing. It is all so disarrayed and incoherent. I didn’t even get the time to attach pictures. Ugh, I’m so sorry anon ;-; I wish Uni would spare me some time to rant properly about my precious babies >.
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callunavulgari · 6 years
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“In the past I lay out on the land Stretched my legs felt my chest expand If we could flow together someday Then we will float away”
Heather’s Top 25 50 Songs of 2018!
guts — alex winston // sweet dreams — mark hadley // africa — toto // go to war — nothing more // smallest light — ingrid michaelson // my friends — oh wonder // knocking on heaven’s door — raign // rememberance — balmorhea // hazy shade of winter — hidden citizens // time after time — joseph william morgan // live in the moment — portugal. the man // killmonger — ludwig goransson // daddy issues — the neighbourhood // no roots — alice merton // run for your life — k.flay // play with fire — sam tinnesz // the sailor song — autoheart // warrior — steve james // IV. sweatpants — childish gambino // hello — via audio // daddy — emeli sande // paradise valley — honey and the sting // attila the king — nick glennie-smith // foolish — lauren shippen // experience — ludovico einaudi // singing in the rain — through juniper vale //  hello stranger — barbara lewis // end credits suite — nicholas britell // ahead by a century — the tragically hip // achilles come down — gang of youths // without you — leslie odom jr. // natural — imagine dragons // sky full of song — florence & the machine // broken people — logic & rag’n’bone man // flesh and bone — black math // nina cried power— hozier // kol nidrey — the yuval ron ensemble //  stronger — the score // rise like a phoenix — conchita wurst // heroes — mans zelmerlow // cut to the feeling — carly rae jepson // the greatest show — hugh jackman // the plains/bitter dancer — fleet foxes // always starting over — idina menzel // if i could turn back time — cher // new rules — dua lipa // fernando — cher // it’s quiet uptown — kelly clarkson // movement — hozier // seasons of love — rent cast
short version | long version
so, fun fact. if you start a playlist in january and add a song every time you really love it or find yourself listening to it a lot, by december you find yourself with... a very, very large playlist. 261 songs, 17 hours and 17 minutes large to be precise. which hey, last year the mix was 262 so that’s a pretty spot on average.
i sort of prefer the long one, but i mean, hey. there’s large playlists, and then there’s listing all 261 songs. so i broke it down into a moderately more digestible abridged version with only 50 songs. if you want the original playlist, the link is there. have fun. til then though, here’s my 50 most played.
i. guts || alex winston i know you're a liar, throw me into the fire man i should have known, i should have known god damn you're a liar, threw me into the fire
This song is one of those where the catchy jingle sort of hides that the meat of it is relatively dark. It’s a gorgeous song, one that I listened to for most of January, and off and on throughout the rest of the year. Alex Winston’s voice is like a dream. ii. sweet dreams || mark hadley ft. dresage Hold your head up Keep your head up, movin' on
This song I actually listened to a lot at the tale end of 2017, because it was released as part of the Wrinkle In Time trailer and it was absolutely gorgeous. This year, I found it on a Stranger Things fanvid and it’s been on my Stranger Things mix ever since.
iii. africa || toto I hear the drums echoing tonight But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She's coming in, 12:30 flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
Speaking of songs that are on my Stranger Things playlist... I’m kind of at a loss as to why this got so freaking popular this year. I mean, it is a truly dope song and I’m super fond of it but like. Was it Stranger Things? Did it just become that anthem of the year? For me, it was that I wrote fanfiction to it and also we played it on loop while we were playing beer liquor pong on vacation. It was... super surreal. iv. go to war || nothing more Hush, my baby, make no sound Maybe we can wait each other out It's a cold war Let's go to war So, this song I actually heard driving home from my friend Alex’s after marathoning a few episodes of The Flash and it just hit me super hard. I mean, it’s a great song for my kind of ships, but also, it’s just a great song. v. smallest light || ingrid michaelson Just because you don't see us Doesn't mean that we don't exist Sometimes the smallest light Shines so bright I think I originally found this song on the Watercast playlist on spotify? And I really liked it, because I like most of the songs on that playlist, but like. I was driving to work one day and like, just got hit with the biggest plot bunny for Will and El as siblings. And like, I just had that bunny and this song percolating in my head for the rest of the day, and the song just kind of stuck with me. This song is Will and El’s anthem. vi. my friends || oh wonder Can I beat within your heart? Can I bleed within your love? Oh my friends
Okay, so like show of hands- who here has read We Were Liars? This is a mostly hypothetical question because I’m not sure anyone actually pays attention to these anymore but I like them, so fuck it. Point is, I was listening to the watercast playlist a lot while reading that book and this song was playing when we made certain discoveries that most of us had already guessed, and it made me cry. vii. knocking on heaven’s door || raign It's gettin' dark, too dark to see I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door
This fanvid happened around the time I was writing that Will and El as siblings fic and I basically played it and the video that inspired the next song on the list on repeat until I finished. This cover is lovely and haunting and just, such a freaking earworm.
viii. remembrance || balmorhea instrumental Yeah, this is the video. I actually used this song in a fanvid of my own a couple years ago, when I got to make a fanvid for @iki-teru​‘s fantastic Yuffie-centric fic All Through the Circling Years which... I can no longer find, so maybe it was taken down? Either way, I loved the song immensely before, but that fanvid with Hopper is so fucking tragic and beautiful. ix. hazy shade of winter || hidden citizens Seasons change with the scenery Weaving time in a tapestry Won't you stop and remember me
There... are a lot of songs on here that are also on my Stranger Things playlist. And I’m a sucker for haunting covers. x. time after time || joseph william morgan If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting Time after time This is the last of the Stranger Things songs. Well, at least the last of the ones that aren’t Harringrove related. Another fanvid that caught me off guard, because just. Damn. There are so many beautiful fanvids for this fandom, it kills me dead. xi. live in the moment || portugal. the man Come back Sunday morning With that soul to sell When you're gone Goodbye, so long, farewell Not 100% sure where I first heard this one, but it stayed with me for a good portion of the spring and summer. I discovered their song feel it still around this time last year too, so clearly they’re just a real good jam for when you want to feel the sun on your back. xii. killmonger || ludwig goransson instrumental
There are a couple songs from the Black Panther soundtrack on the longer version of this mix, three from the score and one, maybe two from the credits. I freaking loved that movie so damn much, but it’s soundtrack blew my goddamn mind. It is literally all I listened to for weeks, and this song in particular fucked me right the hell up. Just listen to the flutes and the bass. Just, damn. Killmonger, you’ve got the best theme in the entire movie. xiii. daddy issues || the neighbourhood I'd do whatever I could do I'd run away and hide with you I love that you got daddy issues And I do too And heeeere it is. This was the first song that I associated with Harringrove for uh, very obvious reasons. Definitely had this and a few others on repeat whenever I had to write sexy scenes for the boys. xiv. no roots || alice merton I like digging holes and hiding things inside them When I'll grow old, I hope I won't forget to find them 'Cause I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
This song hits the same part of me that fell absolutely in love with Guts when I first heard it. Alice Merton’s voice is just fantastic. xv. run for your life || k.flay Bite off the venomous head Follow the chemical scent Look for the hole in the fence Take everything you demand
I got to see K.Flay in concert sometime late last year, and even though I didn’t know her very well (I told my friend that I’d see K.Flay with him if he saw Glass Animals with me) her music was sweet enough that I could appreciate the concert even knowing none of the songs. Let me tell you though, I fucking wish she’d played this song then because holy fuck. xvi. play with fire || sam tinnesz Insane, inside the danger gets me high Can't help myself got secrets I can't tell I love the smell of gasoline I light the match to taste the heat Kuroshitsuji is something I haven’t really thought about in like half a decade. And then I ended up seeing this vid while I was waiting for my connecting plane to arrive so I could go see my family. I only saw the damn thing because it was made by the same person who did this one, which I hunted down because I was reading Yuri On Ice fic on the plane and the point is: pingvi is amazing and all of their vids are a goddamn delight. xvii. the sailor song || autoheart I was your sailor, your demon Your lover, your overbearing best friend Hoping for some attention
So, while I was down visiting my family sometime during the spring, I had a brief dizzying spiral where I fell head over face into the Pacific Rim fandom, because Uprising quite emphatically fucked me up. Anyway, because of this I spent the night after I saw it scrolling through fanart and reading half a decade old fanfiction while my brother was trying to make me pay attention to him. And yeah, that’s how I found this art and listened to this song for like the rest of the fucking year. xviii. warrior || steve james I got my head high, my chest out, my eyes open wide I got no fear, got no doubt and, god, I feel alive I'm not stopping for ya, I'm a fucking warrior
My brother showed me a bunch of fanvids on my first day down there, but my favorite was this one, because I’d recently watched Little Witch Academia and this was so freaking cute and all kinds of lovely. xix. iv. sweatpants || childish gambino Rich kid, asshole: paint me as a villain
Another thing that happened to me that week was the discovery of lipgallagher’s fantastic harringrove fic (shoot the lights out, hide) till its bright out. Which is all kinds of great and lead me to this song and the realization that Donald Glover does music? xx. hello || via audio How could it be Someone could find me Too scary to say hello to This was one of the songs on Damien’s fanmix from The Bright Sessions. And because The Bright Sessions suckerpunched me with feelings, I spent like a month straight listening to that mix and getting into that garbage man’s headspace. It was wonderful. xxi. daddy || emeli sande He's out your system yeah it took you a while You got your family back and you got your smile And you promised your sister that you'd never go back again I spent the better half of this year shipping Harringrove and Mark/Damien, which are both ships that are... well, not exactly the healthiest of relationships. Mark/Damien fucking ruined me. Listening to the last bit of The Bright Sessions was basically physically painful because like, okay. Logically I know that Damien is a garbage person. But also, he’s got a shitty power that would lead to some pretty interesting moral dilemmas even if you were a normal nice person (cough cough Mark), and like. They’re both so fucked up and Damien is so in love with Mark even if he’s not entirely sure how to be a fucking person and I have never had a pairing come after me as hard as this one did. Like it really came after me. Anyway, this was my true Damien/Mark anthem, because it’s fucking perfect and awful and fantastic and I just want them back in my life, guys.
xxii. paradise valley || honey and the sting In the past I lay out on the land Stretched my legs felt my chest expand If we could flow together someday Then we will float away
This here is my most played track of 2018. I first heard it during the special two hour episode of Wolf 359 and the whole end of that episode just blew my mind. So I immediately went to spotify, found it, and have basically listened to it all year since then. It helps that Nick loves it too, so every once in a while he’ll be playing it, which reminds me why I love it and just. It’s so soulful and beautiful.
xxiii. attila the king || nick glennie-smith instrumental
Yeah, I literally have no idea how this made it to the top 50 much less the top five, but apparently it did. It is really good writing music, but still.
xxiv. foolish || lauren shippen The impossible happens every day No matter what you do it won’t go away Don’t ask for more But then what are you waiting for
This was my year for podcasts - in one year I fell in love with Wolf 359, The Bright Sessions, and EOS 10 all over again when it came back for its third season. Near the end of the series though, The Bright Sessions did a musical episode! I listened to it in my car on my way to work and basically spent the entire freaking time smiling like an idiot. Truly my favorite episode. xxv. experience || ludovico einaudi instrumental
The Sense8 finale came out in June and it was absolutely wonderful. This song was playing during the last scene of the series and I fucking cried my eyes out. The song itself is fucking gorgeous, but what’s more is it made that last scene so much more than it would have been if they’d chosen any other song. It truly was, and forgive the corniness, a fucking experience. xxvi. singing in the rain || through juniper I'm singin' in the rain Just singin' in the rain What a glorious feeling I'm happy again I went through a phase in June-July where I checked out a bunch of old movies from the library. The first one was Philadelphia, because it was mentioned in the musical episode of The Bright Sessions and I just really wanted to watch it? But I also picked up Singing In The Rain, because I’d never seen it before and just, damn. I watched it before work and it was raining that day and the drive to work was the most fun because I just listened to different covers of the song and sang my heart out, and I was just so damn happy. It was dumb, and nice, and it probably going to be one of my happiest memories that I take with me into the new year. xxvii. hello stranger || barbara lewis Hello, stranger (ooh) It seems so good to see you back again How long has it been? (ooh, seems like a mighty long time)
I also watched Moonlight sometime in late June. It was one of those quiet nights where nothing really seems good enough, where you feel just a little bit empty inside and nothing is helping. So I watched the movie and read @notbecauseofvictories​‘s A Cornstalk Fiddle on my back porch afterwards and the movie combined with the fic and the music turned that quiet empty night into something just as quiet, but a million times more full. Another good memory from 2018 that’ll stay with me for awhile.
xxviii. end credits suite | nicholas britell instrumental From the end credits of Moonlight - I played both this and Hello Stranger on repeat while I finished up the fic I mentioned above.
xxix. ahead by a century | the tragically hip No dress rehearsal This is our life
I watched Anne With An E. I was sad a lot at the time, and got to a part early on in the second season that kind of lead me into an uncomfortable headspace so I actually still haven’t finished it? But it was really nice for awhile, and I hope to go back and finish it sometime.
xxx. achilles come down | gang of youths Just humour us, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won’t you get up off, get up off the roof?
I’m not 100% sure where I found this song either? My gut reaction is that it was a song I found while I was reading either The Cruel Prince or The Goblin Emperor, but I’m not sure. Good song, though.
xxxi. without you | leslie odom jr. The earth turns The sun burns But I die Without you
Oh man, I found this cover one night while I was reading, and like, I was reading, so at first I didn’t really process what I was hearing, just that it was familiar and that I liked it. And then my brain connected the dots and I looked up and saw that it was a cover by Leslie Odom Jr and immediately restarted the song and just listened.
xxxii. natural | imagine dragons Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear Yeah. I like Imagine Dragons. Honestly though - this one might not have made the cut if I hadn’t heard it a few months later on an EOS 10 playlist.
xxxiii. sky full of song | florence & the machine Grab me by my ankles I've been flying for too long I couldn't hide from the thunder In the sky full of song So, a while back there was that video going around where Florence literally sang this song while a storm started up around her, and like, that was the first time I heard this song? That was the first I heard that she even came out with a new album, so I basically sat down and listened to the whole thing, but this one was still my favorite.
xxxiv. broken people | logic & rag’n’bone man Broken we ain't beaten There's no glory in defeat We won't fall into the cracks between our streets
I uh, may have watched a couple fanvids after Infinity War. This was one of them.
xxxv. flesh and bone | black math Break the truth inside of me Climbed down to hell on the devil’s tree I clutched a branch of soot and flame The thought that rose, to scorch my feet
I walk alone Beside myself Nowhere to go
This was another.
xxxvi. nina cried power | hozier It's not the song, it is the singin' It's the heaven of the human spirit ringin' It is the bringin' of the line It is the bearin' of the lie It's not the wakin', it's the risin'
So last year Take Me To Church made it to my Top 38 or whatever I had it narrowed down to, mostly because I went through a Les Mis phase. But I kind of joked on that post last year about Hozier releasing an album next year and how unlikely it was, and lo, here we have it. Maybe not a full length album, but five new beautiful songs.
xxxvii. kol nidrey | the yuval ron ensemble Nidrana lo nidrei, V'essarana lo essarei Ush'vuatana lo shevuot. Maggie Stiefvater posted this song to her blog a couple months ago and I was really fond of it. It’s incredibly beautiful.
xxxviii. stronger | the score I do this with conviction I write truths and never fiction My disease is what you fed I can't stop with my ambition
Oh look, another Marvel fanvid.
xxxix. rise like a phoenix || conchita wurst I rise up to the sky You threw me down but I'm gonna fly So honestly, basically the rest of the mix are songs from Ryan’s OR mix which is an official EOS 10 playlist. It’s phenomenal, and I basically spent all of October and some of November getting stuck on various songs in the mix. xl. heroes || mars zelmerlow Don't tell the gods I left a mess I can't undo what has been done Let's run for cover
Yup. Giving me feels and also super catchy.
xli. cut to the feeling | carly rae jepson Ah, I wanna cut through the clouds, break the ceiling I wanna dance on the roof, you and me alone I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah Okay, but like - why did nobody tell me that Carly Rae Jepson had other songs and they were super fucking catchy? I spent the last few days of being a waitress driving to work blaring this and the last two songs and it did fucking wonders for my mood.
xlii. the greatest show | hugh jackman Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (woah) Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (woah) And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore Taking your breath, stealing your mind And all that was real is left behind
Breaking news, The Greatest Showman was amazing and I cried. I fucking missed hearing Hugh Jackman sing, and like the fucking lead up, of starting the movie with this song and then ENDING it with this song, with that performance, with those fucking lines (this is the moment you’ve waited for) - was so goddamn energizing. I just could not fucking deal.
xliii. the plains/bitter dancer | fleet foxes I should have known one day you would come All of us walk so blind in the sun Midnight feeder, beggar pleader
Okay, okay. So there's this playlist called Wet Black Leaves that I listened to a lot when I started my new job, throughout rainy October and November, everything was just a little too wet and a little too cold, and this whole mix is so atmospheric and gorgeous. I absolutely adore it.
xliv. always starting over | idina menzel Am I always Starting over? In a brand new story Am I always Back at one After all I've done?
The finale of Wolf 359 fucked everyone up, right? Yeah, obviously. Okay, well the final episode of season 3 of EOS 10 also fucked me right the hell up. Like we’re talking messy crying in the car on the way to your like second or third day at the new job. Anyway, I kind of spiraled and then I went back and listened to Ryan’s mix and found this song and just wanted to kick my heart around for awhile.
xlv. if i could turn back time | cher If I could reach the stars I'd give 'em all to you Then you'd love me, love me, like you used to do If I could turn back time MESSY CRYING. But like, I also really like this song. So MESSY CRYING and also screaming all these words as loudly as I can within the relatively safe confines of my car. I guarantee you that people next to me at stop lights thought that I’d gone through a messy breakup.
xlvi. new rules | dua lipa Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him Okay, but also some of the Ryan songs were catchy in a not heart breaking way, unless you think about the untold story of what exactly went on between Ryan and Akmazian and fill in the blanks and break your own heart.
xlvii. fernando | cher There was something in the air that night The stars were bright, Fernando They were shining there for you and me
Cher did an entire cover album of Abba songs in like, late October, I think? And like, my little gay heart fucking exploded and I listened to Cher singing ABBA songs for like three whole weeks and it was fucking fantastic. This... was actually not my favorite of the bunch until I went into a Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of The Wise Man’s Fear and had a completely transformative experience when I heard it playing softly over the stacks.
xlviii. it’s quiet uptown | kelly clarkson If I could spare his life If I could trade his life for mine He’d be standing here right now And you would smile, and that would be enough
And after a brief detour into delightful cher/abba combinations we’re back to tragic EOS 10 songs. Additionally, I’m sick of Hamilton songs fucking me up. I get to see it in person in 2019 and I’m going to make a fool of myself when I cry my eyes out in front of Nick and our friends.
xlix. movement | hozier So move me, baby Shake like the bough of a willow tree You do it naturally
And just when I thought we were just going to get the four songs out of Hozier in 2018, we got this gem, which I think I like more than all the others.
l. seasons of love | rent cast Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure the life Of a woman or a man?
I will never be over this song. I will never be over this musical. Merry Christmas, guys.
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 13x23 “Let The Good Times Roll”
idk what you guys thought but I LIKED IT and here’s why!!!! (EXCEPT THAT THING WITH THE KNIFE??? WHAT THE HELL???)
so it only took 45 minutes to an hour to find somewhere to watch this, my thanks to @trisscar368 for helping me out!!!
eventually found it streaming rather than downloading, would not recommend but HEY IT WORKS (for now) [http://gorillavid.in/zbtu97hfei65]
this feels like it’s 2008 all over again, trying to watch doctor who after school
i’ve seen a bunch of major spoilers but i know cas doesn’t die so i’m good. apparently it’s A Boring Episode but also MICHEAL and LUCIFER so
idk idk let’s just watch the thing and find out what happens
rowena: is there, i dunno, music? CARRY ON MYY WAYWAR---
feels good having bobby there
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“and you call where WE come from ‘apocalypse world’?”
cas: “they’re talking about whether kylie jenner would make a good mother. consensus is no”
hey give her a chance
i mean i know nothing about her but she seems... teachable?
dean: “yeah well, that’s why i’m a chloe man”
WHOOOOOP dean loves his girly trash tv i see
brown werewolf: “now that is why i’m a chloe man”
dead brown person alert :|
how naive i was to think he might be left alive because he got a speaking line and made himself a dean parallel with that single line
mary: “do you really like the rain?”
bobby: “when it’s this beautiful, i do”
lest anyone forget bobby is a gentle down to earth sweetheart
soft papa bear
“rowena and charlie are road-tripping it through the south-west”
but #savewaywardsisters first
dean: “can you imagine? you, me, cas, toes in the sand, couple of those little umbrella drinks, matching hawaiian shirts, obviously”
“....some hula girls“
mmmm *squints at how that part was said after a....... pause, off-screen with the camera on sam*
dean to jack: “it’s not about being strong....... i don’t know what you went through over there... but i know you came out the other side. because you ARE strong”
good papa dean words
much love for him and his emotional avaliability
dean: “whatever you’re dealing with, whatever comes at us, we’ll figure out a way to deal with it. together. we’re family, kid”
sam said it to dean, dean said it to jack
i guess the next step is ...jack saying it to cas?? SOMEONE’s gotta say it to cas
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is it just me or is this a seriously unfortunate racist-looking coincidence
desperately hoping this wasn’t the guy who killed maggie
(i don’t think it is, which means maybe this is a “don’t jump to conclusions” kind of storyline which has a race-relations subtext??? i wish it meant nothing besides jack’s need to protect others, but given the lack of living characters of colour on this show, the minute a person of colour shows up, it BECOMES about the fact they’re not white, bECAUSE they always die, invariably)
anyway, my point is: this is problematic
also the red shirt. as in “red shirts always die” ??
edit: thank goodness....... RED HERRING
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“3 sheeps” poster in the background
i remember this symbolism from something earlier but can’t remember exactly what
i’m thinking lambs to the slaughter, or being part of a flock, or being herded into something they’re wrong about, being naive, following each other one by one into the unknown
wow reading tarot has improved my “make a list of all the obvious symbolism” skills
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the fact cas is suffering with the angel language whistle is interesting?? i thought it hurts dean because he can’t understand it
which means.......cas isn’t understanding this noise?
or maybe he is understanding, it’s just real loud
enjoying sam being protective of cas
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lucifer: ........”the three amigos.... sam, dean, and the other one”
that’s probably how a lot of people see team free will tbh
how sad
lucifer: “you want a lightsaber?”
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that awkward moment when you’re trying to solve a murder and your adorable magic grandson comes home with the devil
the face you make when the devil makes an ableist joke about your son and then says “no offence”
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(the ”i would murder you but there’s enough dead bodies in here right now” face)
maggie: “kinda seems like you have... you know, bigger.... satan-y... problems”
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bless this girl
dean: “as shakespeare once said: eat me, dick-bag”
tbh shakespeare probably did say that at one point or another
add shakespeare to the list of dean’s bisexual heroes
(follow up thought: what if when cas could time-travel, he and dean and sam went to go explore shakespeare’s town and dean made.... Friends)
lucifer’s talking to jack about their future space travels
i mean i think it’s fairly obvious, lucifer was the one who killed maggie, so he could bring her back and impress jack
maggie said “i didn’t see their face but i saw their eyes” and that means it was either lucifer or michael with the glowing eyes, and micheal said to dean “you’ll be the first life i take in this world” which leaves lucifer
stinking nasty manipulative trash angel
micheal, while strangling dean: “could’ve done this quick, but i wanted to enjoy it, that moment when the soul leaves the body”
yeeeah okay sure, speak aloud your reasons you’re stalling for time while jack figures out how to get back
jack to lucifer: “you’re not my father. you monster”
for the record i’m... reaLLY ENJOYING THIS episode so far
it’s all big and mighty and magical but the core of the story is a boy trying to find his family and figure out the truth behind his manipulative father
i’m so glad it led to this because i am HERE for this kind of story
the world hangs in the balance, but it’s not dean, cas and sam trying to save everyone, it’s jack trying to find his place among loved ones, and by following his desire to help people he’s learning what he needs to know
i fucking love this okay
lucifer: i just need your power--
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michael: “this is the end. of everything”
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nine years of not saying yes to micheal and now it’s happening isn’t it
jack’s pained little whimper :c :c :c
dean: “i am your sword”
cas: D:
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PERFECT MOMENT FOR AN AGGRESSIVE KISS but nope that would be too much like goodbye
third option rather than sam or jack trying to kill each other: they pick up lucifer’s blade and kill lucifer with it
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jack:  i love you
NOO ;;A;A;A;A;A;A;A;;A;A
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hi there
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meanwhile back at the bunker: cas has the weirdest traumatic boner
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interesting angel flying physics here
dean flails while sailing slowly backwards
i mean i know he’s on a suspension wire but technically waving his arms about ought to affect his position
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okay but i’m laughing right now
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are you telling me this is what happens if lucifer accidentally trips and falls on his knife
where did that golden blade come from anyway
has lucifer just been carrying it around this whole time?
I’m sorry i just find this hilarious
i mean good fucking riddance to this trash angel but wow what a way to get there
all of this was so easily avoidable ?? i seriously don’t understand what possessed sam to think “aw yeah let’s pick up this magic devil blade to KILL MY OWN SON and/or HAND IT TO HIM SO HE CAN KILL ME” instead of “umMMM the devil just gave me a magic knife and is trying to tell us to kill each other maybe we should kill him with it”
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why do i feel like everything’s about to go terribly terribly wrong, worse than before
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i mean micheal!dean looks good though
despite everything i think dean would approve of the outfit
like he actually looks a little bit TOO attractive
definitely not to be trusted
you know when people just look TOO handsome and shiny and perfect and they’re TOO charming and you know something’s up
this guy’s got danger written all over him in sleek & elegant calligraphy
mmmmmmmmm okay, it’s over
i liked it ?
felt old-school, kinda like a buffy episode or an x-files episode
things i’m happy about: everyone lived and lucifer died!! this is a pretty cool progression of events and i’m interested to see where it goes (not EXCITED, i’m not EAGER, but i am interested). that black dude was not the one who killed maggie. maggie survived!!!
things i’m not thrilled about: the fact sam didn’t just stab lucifer in the face when he was right next to him holding the magic knife?????? i don’t get it and i don’t think any kind of meta is actually gonna be able to explain how ~UM EXCUSE ME JUST ONE SECOND~esque that moment was
no bechdel test pass
jack’s personal arc this season was great and i love him
as always, this show is riveting to me only because i care so much about the characters, and i cannot tELL YOu how fucking pleased i am that this show’s universe is now a universe where bobby, charlie, mary, rowena, dean, cas, sam, jack, jody, donna, claire, the other wayward girls, and billie ALL EXIST AND ARE ALIVE
seriously could’ve done with some kevin too, i’m still bummed that he’s died TWICE now and isn’t back permanently yet
like... save dean as a group, then one by one discover that dean and cas have been locked in a room without clothes for three days, then save the world and retire forever as a happy, healthy hunter squad with their gay dads
overall, this episode is maybe a 9/10 just because that FUCKING KNIFE man. i dunno what to think about that.
like .........why
i also want cas to have a season arc!!! a positive one!!! where he actually accepts love and expresses affection and receives AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE AND TANGIBLE affection from others!!!
and for fuck’s sakes stop killing people of colour, give us more women of colour who are good and don’t die, pass the bechdel test more often
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
July 23 Dancitron Movie Night - Monkey Business
Set vaguely after the baby plague has been resolved. The movie took place outside, because the inside of Dancitron is currently a wreck, due to Plot Events As Yet Unrevealed.
Prowl had two new friends and whatever-the-hell-Whirl-is at movie night, which was an astounding amount of positive social interaction by his standards.
NoodlesAtNight 7:33 pm *To put it frankly, the club is WRECKED. There's a reason nobody's allowed inside tonight. Instead, the night is taking place outside in the open air, near one of the shorter side walls of the building. Soundwave's got a few couches out there and a single table with some snacks, and will be playing the movie on the wall. Think drive-in, but with sofas.* opatoes 7:37 pm /Smokescreen's coming out with a few snacks for himself, and is going to take his spot on one of the couches that Soundwave isn't on./ Evening, Sounds! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:37 pm *and in bridges one (1) dragon, here with snacks! not the typical varied selection tonight, and considering how haggard the poor dragon looks it's not a tough guess to figure out where they went. She also brought a Cybertronian-sized datapad with her, of all things.* Are you alright, Soundwave? LyingLiarWhoLies 7:38 pm (( i still fuckn love this song so much i can't. also hi i'm only gonna be here ooc this evening 😮 (( for obvs reasons NoodlesAtNight 7:38 pm [[Hm. Tired.]] *Even his biolights aren't glowing with their usual liveliness* [[Greetings.]] opatoes 7:39 pm You too, Sounds? I can bet. You deserve a rest after all this. NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm [[You. Doing well now?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:40 pm *bounces in and scampers around* Bird? opatoes 7:40 pm I'm not hungry for sparks! That's pretty good. It was pretty rough for me, too, though. Prowlita 7:41 pm *Prowl pulls to a rather short stop just outside the strange set up and transforms into root mode* opatoes 7:41 pm Swoop! It's good to see you, too. NoodlesAtNight 7:41 pm *Laserbeak is there, but she's sort of sprawled across a small chair and snoozing. Swoop can pick her up, but he should be careful.* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:42 pm *doesn't even register Smokescreen as he goes to lean over Bird* Bird :V NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm [[No lingering symptoms?]] *Soundwave sort of lazily gives a feeler wave at those approaching, and nods to the dragon. Poor thing.* ((welcome even in ooc land tara <3)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm ((tara is in the naughty spide corner)) Prowlita 7:44 pm Soundwave. *scanning the surrounding area with her visor, hold please* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:44 pm ((naughty spides get put in the spide corner to atone for their sins)) LyingLiarWhoLies 7:44 pm (( he already atoned for his Sins, this is like, Sins 2.0 opatoes 7:44 pm Well- my paint's gonna be stuck like this until I can get a replacement for my paint before- it looks way too dull for me! And- I think something's dragging from my back? VProwl 7:45 pm ((Sins of the Spider 2: The Re-Sinnening)) rustedservos 7:45 pm That is your tentacles, Smokescreen opatoes 7:45 pm ((asdvnmxcv i just imagined smokey loudly being like "Hey sounds do you know if Messy's okay? I haven't seen him here in a while : (" wait MedicalMurdersaurus 7:45 pm ((Well if he wants to burn stuff while he waits, he knows where Swoop is)) opatoes 7:45 pm wait they're still on rustedservos 7:45 pm Everyones having different reactions to the cure, and yes, they are still attached Kelpy 7:45 pm *Swerve manages to get himself upright long enough to make it somewhere vaguely close to a couch before he's sprawled on the ground* This is fine. I'm good here. Hello. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:45 pm *scoooops Laserbeak up as carefully as he can (thank carly for the practice)* rustedservos 7:45 pm Swerve, do you need assistance opatoes 7:45 pm ... Would it hurt if I tried to pull 'em off? LyingLiarWhoLies 7:46 pm (( DO IT SMOKEY rustedservos 7:46 pm I wouldnt advise it. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:46 pm *the dragon adds something to the snack pack that she hasn't brought in a while- the high grade recipe for Whirl. then she yawns so hard that she falls over.* Oh... Soundwave? I got something for the new docents. Maybe. If protoforms are like hatchlings-ish. *here comes Dragon Cart with datapad for sounds* rustedservos 7:46 pm They will come off when they are ready Kelpy 7:46 pm I'd advise against it, yeah. NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm *Opens a bridge and pulls out the dragon's cushion and a fresh bowl of dead bugs. He almost forgot. Included are a few of the kind of huge fat grubs that could fill a whole hand one at a time. The energon was so appreciated.* [[Hm? What is it?]] Chaoit 7:46 pm ((okay, did I forget to change my name? opatoes 7:46 pm ... Can I at least control 'em? Then I'll be like Sounds 2.0! rustedservos 7:47 pm It doenst appear you can, no Prowlita 7:47 pm *finds the nearest empty couch to sit on* Kelpy 7:47 pm //it's in settings NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm *Bird's visor lightens just a hair. She murmurs something that sounds like Swoop's name and a chuckle before croaking:* {{You Swoop too bouncy. Shhhhhh. Pterofrog.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 7:47 pm Nuh uh : > NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm ((STARTING IN TEN MINUTES get your snacks and drinks and whatever)) Chaoit 7:48 pm ((ah feck it, just going with it NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm ((your name still says Blaster)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm It's our handbook for new docents! I got it translated in-between batches. If it looks weird, you can press the words and see the other possible translations, too. *the dragon chuffs as she looks at the bugs* May the Goddess smile upon you and grant you a millennia of luck. *and faceplanted* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:48 pm *settles in and places Bird on his lap for movie time, much pets and scritches* Chaoit 7:48 pm ((screw it, Blaster managed to drag himself to this rustedservos 7:48 pm [finds an empty seat and slips into it] NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm *Soundwave keeps giving the others a lazy wave. It's been a few days since the cure by now, and he's still exhausted.* ((welcome to fuzzy time)) Chaoit 7:49 pm ((wooo! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm ((fuzzy time!)) opatoes 7:49 pm ... /Smokescreens doing his best dancing right now. Which is mostly tapping his pedes./ NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm *Soundwave regards the datapad for a long moment before nodding and stuffing it into subspace. He'll likely find it valuable, but he's in no state to read complex things right now.* LyingLiarWhoLies 7:49 pm (( fuzzy time, the realm of the conniving dust bunny... _Whirl drags self in, moving more like a zombie now than he did when he was Compromised. One of those couches is about to be Fully Occupied 7:50 pm opatoes 7:50 pm ((w _Whirl 7:50 pm ((wh. why no nickname?)) opatoes 7:50 pm ((wait is that what rabbit does with **s now This message has been removed. Prowlita 7:50 pm ((nah, you do the / me thing opatoes 7:50 pm ((Ohhh MedicalMurdersaurus 7:50 pm *is doing his best impression of a good boy for the time being* Kelpy 7:50 pm //huh. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:51 pm *and guess what! Whirl has the boosz on the snack pack. his presence has been anticipated and planned for.* rustedservos 7:51 pm [[whateven is the movie selectio n tonight]] opatoes is picking up one of his feelers and is spinning the end of it around. 7:51 pm Chaoit 7:51 pm -don't mind as Blaster drags himself in, and drops himself in a seat. He's too tired for much else- _Whirl sprawls all over the couch, and nods wearily at the dragon. "Hey." 7:51 pm SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:52 pm *she doesn't take her face out of the Bug Bowl, but she does wave a wing at Whirl* Kelpy 7:52 pm *offers Blaster a thumbs up from his place on the floor* _Whirl 7:52 pm So. We're doin a drive-in now, huh? NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm ((The movie selection will be a Marx Bros movie)) opatoes 7:52 pm Sounds, you never got infected, right? Prowlita 7:52 pm *considers sprawling on the couch to avoid having to share it* rustedservos 7:52 pm [ a what]] Prowlita 7:52 pm ...infected? Chaoit 7:53 pm -tired wave to Swerve- Prowlita 7:53 pm Infected with what? Kelpy 7:53 pm Virus rustedservos 7:53 pm You mean you avoided it? opatoes 7:53 pm Infected with being a sparkeater! Prowlita 7:53 pm What virus? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:53 pm *perks up at the mention of a virus* NoodlesAtNight 7:53 pm [[Mm. Good day for outdoors enjoyment.]] *Don't worry, Whirl. He's not gonna put the blame on you.* _Whirl 7:54 pm Yeah, a bunch of us got REAL unlucky and turned into Fast Angry Zombies for a little bit. *he is actually genuinely grateful, Soundwave* opatoes 7:54 pm ... You, too? Prowlita 7:54 pm Sparkeater virus? Is that what happened to Dancitron? _Whirl 7:54 pm Ssssorta. Chaoit 7:54 pm It got a lot of places Kelpy 7:54 pm Lucky's one way to call it. opatoes 7:55 pm It sounds like it! I hope we didn't miss curing anyone NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm [[No. Never infected.]] *Pause.* [[If you all hear a noise like this,]] *Plays back the horrible screeching of a metallipede,* [[Run inside. There haven't been Underworld creature sightings, but they can be... surprising.]] Chaoit 7:55 pm -just flops over- Can we not have more chaos? Please? Kelpy 7:55 pm Is a slow shuffle acceptable? rustedservos 7:55 pm *yawns* opatoes 7:55 pm ... I'll be careful, Sounds! I brought my phase shiter for tonight, so I might be able to help with that? _Whirl 7:56 pm Hoo boy, I DARE one of them to mess with me tonight. I'm even meaner when I'm NOT a sparkeater. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:56 pm Does it eat organics? *you'll pry these grubs from her cold, dead paws* opatoes 7:56 pm But man, Sounds, would you get even more feelers as a sparkeater? NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm [[He doesn't know. Never fed an organic to one.]] *Trust him, he doesn't want more chaos either.* _Whirl 7:56 pm Nah. I don't... think organics even pick up on the radar? NoodlesAtNight 7:57 pm [[Slow shuffles are fine. Slow shuffles are... what he has, right now.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:57 pm *the dragon nods and shoves her face back into the grubs. she's not running, then.* Prowlita 7:57 pm The last sighting from the Underworld was thirty-nine kilometers from here. NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm [[He does not care to imagine himself as a sparkeater.]] _Whirl shudders 7:58 pm _Whirl 7:58 pm Yeah, let's... not, tonight. If that's all right. ((finally i will hear this song, for the first time)) NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm [[Yes. Do let us all just... put that out of mind.]] opatoes 7:58 pm That's like, a two word horror story. Kelpy 7:58 pm Already had that mistake once. opatoes 7:58 pm Soundwave sparkeater. _Whirl 7:58 pm ((or part of it cos my pizza's about to go off)) Prowlita 7:59 pm Sparkeaters aren't... was this some sort of alternate universe virus? Chaoit 7:59 pm -whine- I just got lectured and poked at, and I want a nap Kelpy 7:59 pm Sort of, yes. Prowlita 7:59 pm And it was cured. Kelpy 7:59 pm Yews. It wasn't a sparkeater exactly, so much as symptoms that presented themselves as what we typically think of as sparkeaters. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:59 pm ((I've heard this song ten thousand times but now I just think about meme XD)) Prowlita 8:00 pm ((lol _Whirl gonna heave himself up, with great effort, to make his slow way over to the snacks and sniff about for anything that spells like appetizing liquor 8:00 pm Prowlita 8:00 pm ((that's so sad, swoop-mun, Soundwave play Despacito Kelpy 8:00 pm //lmao Chaoit 8:00 pm ((nice SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((pff)) rustedservos 8:00 pm IT has just come to my attention that I need to go lay down. Enjoy the movie everyone. NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm *Ravage has COVERED the part of the table the dragon didn't fill with high grade of all kinds. Free, just for today.* opatoes 8:01 pm Aww, night night, Ratch. Chaoit 8:01 pm G'night Ratchet NoodlesAtNight 8:01 pm [[Ah. Goodnight, Ratchet.]] Kelpy 8:01 pm Nighto. rustedservos 8:01 pm *gets up and heads towards the door* Kelpy 8:01 pm Someone pass me an oil cake if you find one over there? rustedservos 8:01 pm Goodnight all VProwl 8:01 pm *Prowl appeared inside Dancitron, as usual. He's kind of confused to find himself alone.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:01 pm *waves from his spot as Bird's spot* VProwl 8:01 pm *oh. wait. he re-appears outside. yeah, there we go.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:01 pm *waves idly at ratchet- these are tasty grubs* Kelpy 8:01 pm Is he wearing plaid? Prowlita 8:02 pm *sinks back into her seat with a sigh, covering her visor with one hand* NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm *Soundwave pings Prowl hello.* *And then sends his world's Prowl the movie night's data.* opatoes 8:02 pm Sounds, can I recharge out here tonight? My legs feel like they're not gonna ever move again. VProwl 8:02 pm *pings Soundwave back* NoodlesAtNight 8:03 pm [[Yes. Out here only.]] _Whirl 8:03 pm ((the curse continues, i missed it)) VProwl 8:03 pm *and then nods toward Swerve. He made it.* Hey. Good to finally see you in person. Prowlita 8:03 pm Thank you, Soundwave. *not bothering with internal comms right now* VProwl 8:03 pm *does he sound exhausted? Because he's exhausted.* Kelpy 8:03 pm Hi Prowl, nice to meet properly. Without a crisi involved. Chaoit 8:04 pm So, we're sure everyone was sure? *cured Prowlita 8:04 pm *pings the Captain hello* _Whirl 8:04 pm Bless you, Ravage. *he's not even going to savor the first one he's just gonna chug it down. Self-medication time* VProwl 8:04 pm *pings the Commissioner back.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:04 pm *wants to wiggle but doesn't want to be a pterofrog but wants to wiggle... the struggle is real* VProwl 8:04 pm There might still be isolated mechs in isolated universes that aren't; but everyone we KNOW about has been cured. NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm ((ALL RIGHT normally I would provide warnings for unpleasant things or flashing lights or things like that but honestly I am exhausted today ooc and did not get to watch it so... this is a movie from 1930-something. It's supposed to just be mostly slapstick but if there's anything we would all find objectionable today, my deepest apologies. I didn't see any warnings from the site I use in emergencies, but just in case, y'know.)) opatoes 8:04 pm I'm pretty sure I was cured! That, or I'm still in the well and I'm just a ghost with a really, really strong presence. What exactly was that cure, anyway? VProwl 8:04 pm *flops down next to Soundwave.* _Whirl 8:05 pm ((thanks for the heads up!)) Chaoit 8:05 pm Oh. Good. Prowlita 8:05 pm *is Smokescreen sitting near Prowl?* Chaoit 8:05 pm Swerve? I apologize for any damages I did. opatoes 8:05 pm /Smokescreen took a random couch that wasn't Soundwave's couch- possibly?/ Kelpy 8:06 pm Haaa. It's all good. We didn't exactly have time to shore things up, it wasn't unexpected. Prowlita 8:06 pm *Prowl specifically sat alone earlier, so probably not then, which means she's going to turn to sit sideways on it like a rude person* _Whirl snags a second drink and returns to sprawl all over the Whirl Couch 8:06 pm _Whirl 8:07 pm Hell, yeah. Nice pick. opatoes 8:07 pm /That's fair! Smokescreen's just sinking into the couch he's sitting on./ NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm *Soundwave hates to have spoiled Prowl on the surprise movie for the night, but it was better he got the chance to send it as soon as he was awake enough to get warnings from Zori.* Chaoit 8:07 pm Thanks. Hope you guys can fix it VProwl 8:07 pm *leans heavily against Soundwave.* Oh, Marx Brothers. Kelpy 8:07 pm Eventually we will. Cure was more important. VProwl 8:07 pm *it's okay, he's tired enough he nearly completely forgot until the movie started and he was reminded.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm *the dragon looks up to see... singing barrels? what?* Prowlita 8:08 pm They're in the barrels. _Whirl 8:08 pm *to the tune of Sweet Caroline* Sweet A-de-liiine~♫ Chaoit 8:08 pm Yeah...still, I'm glad it wasn't worse Prowlita 8:08 pm No one thought to check the barrels? opatoes 8:08 pm ... PGhpfphf hair mail NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm [[Mm. If you require help fixing the ship, Rumble and Frenzy had a history in construction.]] Kelpy 8:09 pm Are they hiding? Oh, good We might borrow them then. NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm *Soundwave JUST now realizes that Prowl is flopped up with him. He brightens just a little before his frame decides that's too much energy being burned. He'll lean though.* VProwl 8:09 pm And I might be able to offer a couple of Constructicons, but they wouldn't do it out of the kindness of their sparks. Kelpy 8:09 pm Do they ever. *snorts* _Whirl 8:10 pm I'm pretty sure they'd do it if you told them to, though. VProwl 8:10 pm I'm not giving them orders these days. _Whirl 8:10 pm So... they wouldn't? Or you just don't wanna? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm keehee *bites his lip, tries to hold it together* *this is a test of his will, soundwave... bird or comedy... comedy or bird* NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm *Laserbeak giggles at the screen and stretches her feelers out like arms. Okay, okay. She'll get up.* VProwl 8:11 pm ... Something like that. *he says, knowing full well that was an either/or question.* opatoes 8:11 pm Swerve? Can I help, too? I am partially responsible, after all. Chaoit 8:11 pm I can offer supplies and a few mechs to help Kelpy 8:11 pm We'll take anyone who wants to help, I suspect. _Whirl 8:11 pm *lazy salute. He's actually not gonna pry. Just gonna hunch over his drink like a horribly gargoyle* opatoes 8:11 pm I'll do my best, then! _Whirl 8:12 pm Frenzy's a pretty good medic, too. If any of yours got knocked out. Kelpy 8:12 pm Yeah I think both of the Aid's are down at the moment. VProwl 8:12 pm *to Whirl* ... You haven't been to one of these in a long time. _Whirl 8:12 pm Yeah. I was off Cybertron. VProwl 8:12 pm Hm. _Whirl 8:13 pm *gestures grandly to the destruction sprawled before them* What a welcome home, right? VProwl 8:13 pm *he's trying to say he's glad to see Whirl again without saying it.* *snorts at the wordplay* opatoes 8:13 pm ... I should make it up to First Aid. Swerve, do you know if there's anything First Aid might like? _Whirl 8:13 pm *this is the new Most Dangerous Game. Saying nice things to Whirl. He would probably appreciate it, if he caught on, but he's a little too fuzzy to be sharp today* Chaoit 8:13 pm I'll get Sunny into contact with you then...he's woken up from his reboot _Whirl 8:14 pm Shit, me too. Only one cure for that. *back to guzzling booze* Kelpy 8:14 pm UH, I don't know that Aid well, so... Not really? I can ask though. OIr you can ask uh. Someone he knows. opatoes 8:15 pm ... The only other bots that I know know him are the ones that were also trying to eat him. Prowlita 8:15 pm *none of this makes any sense to Prowl* _Whirl snickers 8:15 pm opatoes 8:17 pm rude video NoodlesAtNight 8:17 pm [[Hm. Must be some damaged wiring.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:18 pm keehee VProwl 8:18 pm *prowl can't barely keep up with the dialogue, he's so tired.* NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm {{What must-ash?}} opatoes 8:18 pm hehehee _Whirl 8:18 pm Face decoration for folks who specialize in counter-fun activities. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm {{Him looking plenty fun.}} VProwl 8:18 pm It's a facial insignia worn above the mouth. _Whirl 8:19 pm Yeah, this fella's breaking the mold. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:19 pm :V hiiii bird opatoes 8:19 pm A facial insignia... Kelpy 8:19 pm Is that why Minimus has one? VProwl 8:19 pm *... now he's thinking about Dominus.* _Whirl 8:19 pm Yep. Got it in one. opatoes 8:19 pm /Smokescreen's imagining a bot with the Autobot insignia right on his face. Weird mustache!/ VProwl 8:20 pm Yes. It's a thing that the House of Ambus does. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:20 pm You a tired Bird. You do lots of fight? NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm {{Nooo, not fight. Help protoform, all week. All us do.}} OmicronTheIceQueen 8:20 pm *big predacon comes in late, shakes herself and bliiiinks?* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:21 pm What protoform need help doing? _Whirl squints and tries to imitate the Harpo noise 8:21 pm NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm {{Them alone. Us find, move, keeping warm.}} opatoes 8:21 pm ... What are those weird humans that were there a second ago? VProwl 8:21 pm *... leans a little bit harder on Soundwave.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:21 pm Us Dinobots good at warm, kehehheh _Whirl 8:21 pm Human politicians. Chaoit 8:21 pm -okay he's too tired for this, he's just going to kinda...blankly stare at the screen- Kelpy 8:22 pm *hasn't actually lifted his face off the floor more than a few times yet to be honest* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:22 pm *looks for a place to laydown, chirps over at soundwave in greating* VProwl 8:22 pm *it takes him a minute. then he laughs. politics joke.* Prowlita 8:23 pm Protoforms are lifeless shells. What could they possibly need help doing? NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm *Soundwave curls a feeler around Prowl's shoulders. He doesn't know if it's the sleepiness or something else, but he's content to offer this public contact while Prowl wants it.* Kelpy 8:23 pm Different kinda protoforms. Prowlita 8:24 pm Different how? opatoes 8:24 pm Some of them got a plague ... well, not a plague, but a virus Kelpy 8:24 pm That's.... VProwl 8:24 pm *... triple ping. worrying that Soundwave was dying hadn't been a pleasant experience.* beeeeeeeeee 8:24 pm *comes in quietly* Kelpy 8:24 pm I mean technically that's not wrong. opatoes 8:25 pm I've been wrong about a bunch of things, but that's not one of them! OmicronTheIceQueen 8:25 pm *chirps at new person, moves her bulk aside away from door* _Whirl 8:25 pm Snoop. *booze is done, and Whirl is beginning his long journey towards becoming horizontal on his couch* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm Swoop : > beeeeeeeeee 8:25 pm *is chirped at, waves* Kelpy 8:25 pm Hi Aid. OmicronTheIceQueen 8:25 pm hello opatoes 8:25 pm !! /WAVING AT FIRST AID/ beeeeeeeeee 8:26 pm !! VProwl 8:26 pm You made it. Hello. beeeeeeeeee 8:26 pm Hellooo I did, sorry I'm late! Chaoit 8:26 pm Hello, First Aid NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Soundwave nods to First Aid and - after a moment's thought about what it's okay for him to do - returns the triple ping.* opatoes 8:26 pm /wavewavewavewavewave/ Sit here! OmicronTheIceQueen 8:26 pm *looks interested at medic? lets her hatchling start to climb down* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm *actually lifts her head out of the Grub Bowl to chirp at Icy* beeeeeeeeee 8:26 pm *sits next to smokey* opatoes 8:27 pm ((wait which first aid is this Kelpy 8:27 pm //the one you did not try to eat lmao _Whirl imitates the "gonna get this" motion. But it's not as intimidating cos he doesn't have anything holstered at his waist 8:27 pm beeeeeeeeee 8:27 pm [[the one you were on comms with]] OmicronTheIceQueen 8:27 pm *Chirp! at little fluffy dragon! come loaf with the metal dragons!* Prowlita 8:27 pm The lifeless protoforms. That don't have energon or CNA. Are different because they were infected with a virus? opatoes 8:27 pm ((ooohhh! Prowlita 8:27 pm *no one is making any sense* NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm [[They weren't lifeless.]] VProwl 8:27 pm "Protoform" means something different in your universe. Kelpy 8:28 pm Yeah, they were the kind we have in me and Prowl's universe. VProwl 8:28 pm In ours, a protoform is a brand new living Cybertronian—its first two weeks of life. Prowlita 8:28 pm Then they're not--ah. opatoes 8:28 pm It's good to see you in-person, too, First! Thanks for being there for me. VProwl 8:28 pm It takes two weeks to develop a full proper frame, and during that stage it's called a protoform. beeeeeeeeee 8:28 pm I'm glad you're feeling better! .. you are feeling better right? opatoes 8:28 pm Me too! ... I don't have the urge to eat bots? So I think I'm mostly better. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm *she'll drag her Grub Bowl and cushion over to Icy, then. Synchronized loafing!* beeeeeeeeee 8:29 pm well. that's a good thing. opatoes 8:29 pm ... /He's opening his mouth to sniff this First Aid to see if he smells good./ _Whirl 8:29 pm Made for each other, these two. NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm {{What her lead dog life for? Her human.}} beeeeeeeeee 8:29 pm *oh god* Chaoit 8:29 pm ((so, this is kiwi aid? beeeeeeeeee 8:29 pm [[yes ]] [[fiirstaiid]] Chaoit 8:29 pm ((HI! Prowlita 8:29 pm Fascinating. OmicronTheIceQueen 8:29 pm *opens forelegs and pulls dragon between them, where its safe, racer might pounce you though* Kelpy 8:29 pm Where does he keep getting that guitar. beeeeeeeeee 8:30 pm *is staring at smokey like what are you doing why are you sniffing me with your mouth* opatoes 8:30 pm /What else can he sniff with/ MedicalMurdersaurus 8:30 pm Them SILLY dance _Whirl 8:30 pm Is that a thing humans do? Just. Call each other by their eye color? Cos I've never had anyone call me Yelloweyes. ...eye. NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm [[He would be in trouble if it were.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm *safe! very safe. Racer pounces are just a bonus.* Kelpy 8:30 pm I.... I don't think so? VProwl 8:30 pm ((i'm just picturing smokey doing the Dull Surprise face and inhaling like HUUUUU)) Kelpy 8:30 pm //god _Whirl 8:30 pm (fnejf)) No-eyes, that's you. beeeeeeeeee 8:30 pm [[nNNOO]] OmicronTheIceQueen 8:30 pm (pfffftttt) opatoes 8:30 pm ((asdvbsxcnmxvc thats him Chaoit 8:31 pm ((HAH Prowlita 8:31 pm *huffs* beeeeeeeeee 8:31 pm *not sure but that doesn't seem..natural* opatoes 8:31 pm ... You don't smell like you'd be all that delicious. So that's probably a good sign! _Whirl 8:31 pm Screeneyes. *long pause* ...can you put a screensaver on your screen? Prowlita 8:31 pm No-Eyes would be a terrible nickname. beeeeeeeeee 8:31 pm Oh, phew OmicronTheIceQueen 8:31 pm *looks over to see what Smokey is doing* NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm *Soundwave puts a series of floating bubbles on his screen.* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:32 pm Racer: *nosing at dragon friend, not sure about new mechs yet* _Whirl snickers, much more amused by this than he might have normally been. 8:32 pm VProwl 8:32 pm *sits up to see Soundwave's reply* ... Can you do fractals? Kelpy 8:32 pm *also sits up to see* opatoes 8:32 pm /Smokescreen's taking a look around, ends up staring at Soundwave./ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm *pats the Racer. good bab.* NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm *Considers this. Puts together a few quick calculations and obediently spirals along a fractal.* _Whirl 8:33 pm Nice. NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm *This is how you know how tired he is. Normally he wouldn't go along with shenanigans like these.* Kelpy 8:33 pm Huh. opatoes 8:33 pm Sounds- Sounds- can you mirror your own face? _Whirl 8:33 pm *Whirl/Prowl Enabling Team has won this round* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:33 pm ((Are there gay jokes in this or am I totally misunderstanding innocent slang?)) NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm ((....i have no idea)) VProwl 8:33 pm @S «... Do that in the berth sometime.» Kelpy 8:33 pm //honestly i was not sure either gbgh NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm ((LMFAO PROWL)) _Whirl 8:33 pm ((HAAAHAHAHA)) LyingLiarWhoLies 8:34 pm (( omg prowlsd gssfh Kelpy 8:34 pm //fgdgfvDFGVBF beeeeeeeeee 8:34 pm [[ dfjklas; ]] LyingLiarWhoLies 8:34 pm (( i should have seen that coming. VProwl 8:34 pm ((HE'S INTO FRACTALS)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:34 pm (well then) opatoes 8:34 pm ((Fragtals _Whirl 8:34 pm SHINT)) Prowlita 8:34 pm ((good taste, alternate NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *HEY SO there's a temporary light show over here on Soundwave's couch. He quickly swaps over to a recursive image of his 'face' per Smokescreen's request.* @P: [[...Acknowledged.]] opatoes 8:34 pm Ooooh- you look good that way, Sounds! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((pfff fragtals)) Kelpy 8:35 pm I wonder if I can get my visor to do that if I reverse which side the HUD is on? Do you think we could get lights to reflect off of each other's visor? NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm {{Praise!}} LyingLiarWhoLies 8:35 pm (( thank u prowl for sayin that before i gotta leave now *waves* _Whirl 8:35 pm *tiredly* Praise. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((oh mood, Harpo)) beeeeeeeeee 8:35 pm I think our science team would try anything once VProwl 8:35 pm *leans against Soundwave again. pokerfacing mightily* opatoes 8:35 pm ((Aww nini! <3 MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm *snaps his head around to look at the sudden lights like the baby predator he is but then it's just soundwave and that's boring so he goes back to petting Bird* VProwl 8:35 pm ((bye!! <3)) _Whirl 8:35 pm rest well!)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm ((byyye)) NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm [[...Can you do that, Swerve?]] ((bye taramun <3 )) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:35 pm Racer: *Reeaaaly wants to go see a few mechs he knows, not sure if its saafe...?* Prowlita 8:35 pm *the only person in the room not looking at Soundwave* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm *the dragon can't really see Soundwave's screen, and although she'd like to, she's got a Racer here to pat.* Kelpy 8:36 pm Time to find out. [starts fiddling with his visor HUD until he's got it flipped to show on the outside] AHA! Chaoit 8:36 pm -well, he's not looking at anything right now- NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm *Did Blaster fall asleep* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:37 pm *wonders if soundwave broke?* NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm *Soundwave would get closer to Swerve to see what's on the visor but he doesn't want to leave Prowl's presence. So he just. Stretches a feeler all the way over there to peek with the optics on its claws.* Chaoit 8:37 pm -just about- NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm *Click click.* beeeeeeeeee 8:38 pm [[who all from your crew is here chaoit?]] Chaoit 8:38 pm ((MEEEEE OmicronTheIceQueen 8:38 pm Racer: *SPOTS THE FEELER? Is it close-ish?!* Kelpy 8:38 pm [that's super weird but he's too tired to be weirded out so. Clock, temperature read outs, general frame info for anyone he's looking at, various reminders, an inbox notice and what may possibly be an Earth anime news network because he hasn't actually changed anything yet other than which side it's on] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm *the dragon watches the feeler too. das a friend, there* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:39 pm *starts drooping as a result of being this still* opatoes 8:39 pm Man, I am not awake enough for this movie. NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm *The feeler is up in the air, but Racer can jump for it if he wants.* [[...What series are you watching.]] VProwl 8:40 pm ((lskdfjlkgj why does he have an anime news network)) Kelpy 8:40 pm //dfgvfg he and drift have weekend anime nighyts lmao VProwl 8:40 pm ((omg)) Kelpy 8:40 pm Durarara was the most recent one. //it'as his excuse for feeding drift weekly MedicalMurdersaurus 8:40 pm keee opatoes 8:40 pm Oh! I've seen Durarara! _Whirl 8:40 pm *with painful slowness, he pulls his legs up onto the couch, settles a bit, and then tucks all his limbs in close. Pillows his head on his rotor array, curls into a tight ball, and closes his optic. He's no longer lording over the couch but his proximity sensors will wake him if anyone gets near* NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm *Soundwave pulls the feeler back. He's never heard of that. He'll have to inquire with the Drift on Prowl's world some day.* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:42 pm Racer: *gives specs all the licks and snuggles before slowly inching around to go see smokey* NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm ((amazon can you not)) opatoes 8:42 pm !! /Waving at Icy- he hasn't bathed since the last time she saw him.../ _Whirl 8:42 pm ((damn the wiring's REAL BAD)) Kelpy 8:42 pm //did a real number on it VProwl 8:42 pm ((the drift on prowl's world would tell soundwave that it's got a couple of beautiful love stories, which is how you know for sure that they're not)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:42 pm *big predacon Scents at the air....eeeeeyyyyessss Smokey* Kelpy 8:43 pm //lmfao opatoes 8:43 pm . . . /Smokescreen's holding onto First Aid's arm/ OmicronTheIceQueen 8:43 pm *Eyeing intensifies* Kelpy 8:44 pm They're bad at this. NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm [[He's seen worse.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm *grumbles, yawns, and reluctantly follows Racer out. she's leaving her grub bowl to keep an eye on you, Racer. feel honored (or not, kids will be kids).* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:45 pm I can watch him little one opatoes 8:45 pm ... Icy? What's up? /Clinging onto First Aid by now./ OmicronTheIceQueen 8:45 pm hello sparkling Prowlita 8:45 pm *it's a good thing Smokescreen didn't sit by Prowl, she'd have made him sit somewhere else if he hasn't washed recently* VProwl 8:46 pm *suppresses a laugh each time Groucho says "your turn"* opatoes 8:46 pm I'm really not a sparkling! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:46 pm *looks up at Icy, pretending that she's not as exhausted as she is* You sure? I don't mind... NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm *Huffing at the extreme poverty joke.* beeeeeeeeee 8:47 pm *op, is not gonna question the cling* Prowlita 8:47 pm *same, it's the best joke she's heard all night* _Whirl 8:47 pm praise)) beeeeeeeeee 8:47 pm *pats smokey's shoulder* VProwl 8:47 pm *laughs* _Whirl the dulcet frog song briefly rouses him from his slumber and he raises his head slightly, blinking blearily at the screen 8:47 pm VProwl 8:48 pm *the lunge at the guy with the frog in his throat* opatoes 8:48 pm /Clinging to First Aid pretty tightly, just in case. He really doesn't want to end up getting dragged into a bath tonight!/ OmicronTheIceQueen 8:48 pm *pulls specs back over to her bowl and safe spot. watching sparkling* Surre smokey Kelpy 8:48 pm [snickers] beeeeeeeeee 8:48 pm *is very confused, wasn't really paying attention to their conversation* *pats mORE* _Whirl appreciates the frogs. Returns to sleep 8:48 pm opatoes 8:49 pm /Purring, loosening his grip a little bit to lean against./ beeeeeeeeee 8:49 pm *okay that's a little better, it was getting a little too tight for a minute* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:49 pm *faceplants back into the bowl. nomf nomf.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm *slumps over* OmicronTheIceQueen 8:49 pm Racer: *about to pounce on a smokey's pede* NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm *Laserbeak reaches up to pinch Swoop's nose with a feeler.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:50 pm *chirps* ... ? ~ NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm {{You Swoop sleepy?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:50 pm *! You Bird pinch! Keheheh *yawns* Me Swoop boooreed NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm {{You like next week more. Punch, chase, fight.}} opatoes 8:51 pm /Pede's wiggling just a little bit. He's pretty tired tonight!/ MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm :V VProwl 8:51 pm *shoulders tremble* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm Awesome! beeeeeeeeee 8:51 pm *leans head on smokey's shoulder. or head. depending on height difference* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm Us do punch case movie now! opatoes 8:51 pm /Smokescreen's 21 ft/ MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm *chase beeeeeeeeee 8:51 pm *head it is* Prowlita 8:51 pm *huffs* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm ((How big is everyone?)) beeeeeeeeee 8:52 pm [[at this point i have no idea how to calculate heights but i know he's taller than 21 feet ]] opatoes 8:52 pm /... First Aid's a pretty big bot! Smokescreen's nuzzling First Aid's neck, getting pretty comfy!/ VProwl 8:52 pm *HE FORGOT TO GIVE HIS ALTERNATE A FEED* *ping. visual feed.* NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm {{Can't do nooooooow.}} _Whirl 8:52 pm ((TFs is "lol what scale" but the number I have for whirl is 38ft/11.5 meters)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:52 pm [Racer's about pony sized, Icy's a good 35-38 feet tall in bot mode. but she has more mass and bulk in beast] Chaoit 8:52 pm ((18-19 range SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:52 pm ((dragon's fox-sized. tiny dragon.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:52 pm Why? _Whirl 8:52 pm AHHH SPECS SHE'S SO SMALL THAT MAKES ALL HER INTERACTIONS WITH WHIRL THAT MUCH CUTER)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:52 pm ((Swoop is around two wheeljacks so we're calling it 30ish)) opatoes 8:53 pm ((SWOOP BIG SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm ((bitty dragon is bitty)) beeeeeeeeee 8:53 pm [[two wheeljacks jasdlfk; jas]] opatoes 8:53 pm ((i love swoop Prowlita 8:53 pm *oh right, video feed* Thank you, Captain. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:53 pm ((Swoop is tol but if he turns sideways he disappears)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:53 pm [I love fluffy dragon. she can sit up on Icy'sh head. bitty dragon loaf on gaint dragon loaf] Prowlita 8:53 pm *anything interesting on the HUD?* beeeeeeeeee 8:53 pm [[ idw aid is probably...24-27 feet? who knows tho heights are Weird]] NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm ((soundwave is some 26-28 feet depending on how bad he's slouching)) Kelpy 8:54 pm //efggv swerve's about 20-21 feet he's smol SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:54 pm ((loafception)) Chaoit 8:54 pm ((sonofabic ((Blaster's short _Whirl is huge ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ 8:54 pm Prowlita 8:54 pm ((Prowl is 24ft MedicalMurdersaurus 8:54 pm ((other than the tinys, everyone should be able to pick swoop up and move him, no problem)) VProwl 8:55 pm *shoulders tremble* *brilliant. and stupid.* opatoes 8:55 pm ((Smokescreen probably feels pretty self conscious about his height in here phff VProwl 8:55 pm ((prowl's avatar is 25)) Kelpy 8:55 pm I can't tell if this is the funniest thing Prowl has ever seen or his worst nightmare for paperwork. OmicronTheIceQueen 8:55 pm [whirl is predaconish size xD] VProwl 8:56 pm Yes. beeeeeeeeee 8:56 pm [[noo smokey ur cute aid likes u]] NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[Second opinion?]] _Whirl 8:56 pm he might as well be a predacon tbh, he tends to get on well with them)) Prowlita 8:56 pm *huffs* opatoes 8:56 pm ((awww <# smokescreen likes first aid! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm ((also organic dragons. at least this one, anyways.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:56 pm *streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetches his wings out* _Whirl 8:57 pm 83c )) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:57 pm [XD come say hi? just no stepping on the hatchling!] Chaoit 8:57 pm ((almost everyone in the room is taller than Blaster beeeeeeeeee 8:57 pm [[ tiny blaster ]] _Whirl 8:57 pm ((if that was directed at whirl, he's ded)) ((he has gone Bye Bye)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:58 pm Racer: *pounces one of smokey's pedes! ...if its his and not first aid's <_<;;;;* VProwl 8:58 pm ((at least he's already outside)) Chaoit 8:58 pm ((he's not even 20 ft tall VProwl 8:58 pm ((they can just dump him on the ground and bury him)) _Whirl 8:58 pm rip in pieces whirl, the galaxy will celebrate when they find out)) opatoes 8:58 pm /SURPRISED HONK at the bitty coming close to his pedes/ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:58 pm ((the dragon will pour one out for you whirl)) _Whirl 8:58 pm bless)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:59 pm ((may frogmom sing you to your rest)) OmicronTheIceQueen 8:59 pm [Icy might yawn and flex her jaws?] Racer: *mad paw swips to catch the big pede* beeeeeeeeee 8:59 pm *startled jerk at the honk* _Whirl jolts momentarily awake with that surprise honk and looks ready to THROW DOWN... but oh. It's Smokescreen. Back to sleep. 8:59 pm opatoes 8:59 pm Oh noo- my pede! /He's wiggling his pede, patting First Aid. Sorry about that honk!/ Kelpy 8:59 pm [surprised beep] Chaoit 8:59 pm -loud noise what?- -oh, nothing bad. back to napping- opatoes 9:00 pm pphfphhfff- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:00 pm *the dragon actually startles so hard that she smacks her head on Icy's underside.* Aieee! MedicalMurdersaurus 9:00 pm ((omfg)) NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm ((oh my god i'm so sorry)) opatoes 9:00 pm I'd steal a jewel like that- probably by accident but OmicronTheIceQueen 9:01 pm Racer: *Trills! the little mighty predacon will get that pede!* VProwl 9:01 pm ((just white people making assholes of themselves, nothing to see here)) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:01 pm ((daaaaamn)) Kelpy 9:01 pm //fgbfghb OmicronTheIceQueen 9:01 pm *gives specs a comfort lick* Prowlita 9:02 pm Ha. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm ((I'm actually watching this and a badly-subbed Rodan at the same time, so I am free from white nonsense)) Thank you, Icy... *rubs her head awkwardly* VProwl 9:03 pm *he makes very convincing dog noises.* Kelpy 9:03 pm That's what dogs sound like? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:04 pm Racer: *noming harmlessly on a smokey pede, curled around it* NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm [[If they've recently eaten a cat.]] opatoes 9:04 pm Owwww- oh no, I'm being eaten! First, I tried to eat bots, and now I'm being eaten! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:04 pm I thought that was if the cat had eaten them. Chaoit 9:06 pm -might need to wake him up in a little- beeeeeeeeee 9:06 pm It is revenge NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm ((ARGH why didn't it warn for this stuff)) OmicronTheIceQueen 9:06 pm (racer can be sicked on blaster? pffft) _Whirl 9:06 pm Not your fault, Neddles!)) Kelpy 9:06 pm //i guess they just??? didn't consider it which is weird that they wouldn't consider it OmicronTheIceQueen 9:07 pm Racer: *nom!* Pfffb? *looks up* opatoes 9:07 pm Racer- come on, I'm not a snack! /He's trying to reach to pat Racer, without shifting around too much. He doesn't want to move First Aid!/ Chaoit 9:08 pm -in a bit, because he's out cold- OmicronTheIceQueen 9:08 pm Racer *uncurls and moves to sit up, peering at the two, but doesn't hop up. he has some manors....for that at least.* Prowlita 9:08 pm *this is surprisingly not terrible* beeeeeeeeee 9:09 pm *likes the music* _Whirl once again roused to stare at the screen with a slitted optic 9:09 pm SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:09 pm ((don't worry about it, Slendymun. you did the best you could.)) OmicronTheIceQueen 9:09 pm (yes) NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm *Soundwave starts drowsing, contented with the musical sequence. He slowly slumps ever more onto Prowl's shoulder.* VProwl 9:11 pm *leans harder to balance him out.* NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm {{Her got Bird on head.}} _Whirl music done. He's absolutely lost the plot at this point. Peers about. 9:11 pm _Whirl mercifully missed the whole "small predacon eating Smokescreen's foot" debacle 9:11 pm MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm Keheheh VProwl 9:12 pm *you don't watch a marx brothers movie for the plot* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm BIRD nest _Whirl 9:12 pm *fair enough* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:12 pm RAcer: *little predacon daaares to pat new medic with small paw touch* hai? _Whirl 9:12 pm Oh. Damn. Good song. Kelpy 9:12 pm [isn't even sure there is a plot] _Whirl 9:12 pm Like the Tenors more, tho. NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *If there was one, Soundwave could barely follow it. And he can follow a planet's worth of transmissions.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm Her do weird sing VProwl 9:13 pm Who are the Tenors? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm Like uhhhh UHHHH Her sing.... *vague, meaningless hand gestures* _Whirl 9:13 pm The Three Tenors. Sang a lot on Earth. They sang this song--O Sole Mio--their rendition was really good. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm Movie with.... Leeloo! Prowlita 9:13 pm It's not weird. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm Sing part Her Leeloo fighting : > NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm {{Ooh! Ooh! Blue alien singer?}} _Whirl 9:14 pm But she's very good. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:14 pm YAH! VProwl 9:14 pm *for a moment Prowl was internally reacting to those notes the way Harpo was externally* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:14 pm That better than this movie : > NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm {{It weird movie. This weird movie too.}} Kelpy 9:14 pm Hey Smokey there room on that couch? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:15 pm Yah BUT better fight opatoes 9:15 pm I think we've got room for one more bot, sure! /Sleepy waving at Swerve!/ beeeeeeeeee 9:15 pm come sit with uusss Kelpy 9:15 pm Great. [drags self up and squishes into couch] _Whirl back to sleep. 9:15 pm VProwl 9:16 pm *figures, Prowl invites two people and they both sit with Smokescreen.* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:16 pm Racer: *jumps at new mech, eeeyyes* opatoes 9:16 pm /You can join this couch too Prowl/ VProwl 9:16 pm *oh well. trying to make friends is a long shot anyway.* Kelpy 9:16 pm [He'd sit with Prowl but he looks comfy with Soundwave honestly] opatoes 9:17 pm /Smokescreen offers a servo to Swerve!/ It's nice to see you again, though. Thank you for helping out with the whole- you know, that whole thing. Kelpy 9:17 pm Thank Soundwave for taking the time to bridge you, otherwise we wouldn't have had time to cure you. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:17 pm *Icy has been slowly, carefully, predatory stealth moving bit by bit closer to where Smokey is, without desturbing anyone, or specs* opatoes 9:18 pm That's true, that's true- I've got a lot of bots to thank for keeping me from becoming a sparkeater! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:18 pm *frankly, if Icy intends to bathe smokescreen, Specs is DELIGHTED to assist in any way possible.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:18 pm What is sparkeater? Kelpy 9:18 pm Monsyer opatoes 9:18 pm Someone that eats sparks! Prowlita 9:18 pm *slumps a little more into her couch* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:19 pm Cool Kelpy 9:19 pm [If Smokey's getting a bath Swerve's abandoning ship for Prowl's couch] opatoes 9:19 pm /Smokescreen's got no plans to get bathed tonight, but he's too tired to get away.../ OmicronTheIceQueen 9:20 pm (no, but he might get a lick or two) NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm ((i stg amazon never has this many problems)) opatoes 9:20 pm /asdxcvb licks are fine with him! He might even lick back/ Kelpy 9:20 pm Man, Whirl and Prowl did some real damage _Whirl 9:20 pm IT'S BEING in-character)) beeeeeeeeee 9:21 pm doing..what? VProwl 9:21 pm Technically, the speakers did the damage. _Whirl heard his name. Wakes up, peering suspicously 9:21 pm _Whirl 9:21 pm What? Kelpy 9:21 pm True. VProwl 9:21 pm ... Sorry about the uh... *gestures at the crashed movie* opatoes 9:21 pm Wait, what did speakers have to do with this? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:21 pm *chirps at Whirl* You saved people! _Whirl 9:22 pm ...did I? When? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:22 pm gu-er-yuh-luh keheheh Him words funny VProwl 9:22 pm At least we got to hear the loft pun again. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:22 pm Sparkeater removal, of course. *the dragon has no idea why Whirl and Prowl are to blame, so she assumes they were fighting off sparkeaters heroically* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:22 pm Racer: *huffs, goes to sniff around* opatoes 9:23 pm ?? W. What? How do speakers stop sparkeaters? _Whirl 9:23 pm Well. I was the sparkeater, so. Prowl gets the thanks. Kelpy 9:23 pm Ther cure, Smokey. _Whirl 9:23 pm All I did was lose it, and try to eat his holoform. beeeeeeeeee 9:23 pm thank you for inviting us, prowl! i didn't even know about multiversal streams before. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:23 pm ......the frag? opatoes 9:23 pm ... Was THAT the cure? I thought you guys just knocked us out and injected us with something. _Whirl 9:23 pm Nah, it was sound. Apparently we needed something pretty serious to cure me. Kelpy 9:23 pm Nah, the soundfile was the cure. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:23 pm ... *ah. she put her paw in it.* Sorry, Whirl... opatoes 9:23 pm ... That's a pretty cool cure. _Whirl 9:24 pm Not your fault. Just my bad fraggin luck. VProwl 9:24 pm They happen weekly. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:24 pm ...glad I missed this SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:24 pm Well, I shouldn't have said something like that. I don't want to make you feel bad, you're my friend. Prowlita 9:24 pm Is that what happened here? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:24 pm *is still entirely oblivious of the sparkeater-baby mess on account of Grimlock shoving them all deep in the caves* _Whirl cycles a snort-like sound through his vents. But it's affectionate. ...not that that's easy to tell 9:24 pm _Whirl 9:25 pm You're fine, pipsqueak. I was... y'know. *uncomfortable pause* Sick. I guess is the... easiest way to. Y'know, how about we talk about this later. Prowlita 9:25 pm *is oblivious because none of it came to Praxus* _Whirl 9:25 pm But, I get you. You're fine. You brought me booze, after all. ...and, well. Yeah. They had to drag me here to cure me. VProwl 9:26 pm *mumbles* And the least cooperative patient I've ever had. _Whirl 9:26 pm I was, uh, resistant. Kelpy 9:26 pm Isn't he the only patient you've ever had? VProwl 9:26 pm ... Yes. _Whirl 9:26 pm Pfft. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:26 pm ((pfff swerve)) _Whirl 9:26 pm Hey, Soundwave, taking requests? VProwl 9:26 pm ((*deletes joke so swerve can get credit for it*)) Kelpy 9:26 pm //fdgv lmfao _Whirl 9:27 pm PROWL DELETES HIMSELF 2018)) NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm {{Him Soundwave recharging. What you Whirl got suggesting?}} OmicronTheIceQueen 9:27 pm .............. *slow ninja lick to the back of smokey's head and shoulders* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:27 pm You weren't in your right mind. You weren't in a mind, period. You take no blame for being resistant. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:27 pm *scritches along Bird's back* _Whirl 9:27 pm Oh. *peers* Right. Pavarotti. O Sole Mio. Good rendition of the song. (( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_mLFHLSULw )) opatoes 9:27 pm /Squeaks at the lick!/ Hey- come on, no licking! VProwl 9:27 pm *... soundwave and prowl have been leaning on each other HOW LONG and prowl didn't notice he was asleep?* _Whirl 9:27 pm ((if u so need it)) beeeeeeeeee 9:27 pm *whoops* _Whirl 9:28 pm Yeah. Yeah, I know. Let's--drop it. If you don't mind. opatoes 9:28 pm /He's now known as Snoozewave/ VProwl 9:28 pm Sure. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Clean him, Icy! Kelpy 9:28 pm [hightails it for Prowl's couch to avoid getting caught in the lick war] _Whirl shuffles into a sitting-upright position and stares at the screen, antenna pinned back pensively 9:28 pm SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Okay, Whirl. *chirps at him affectionately* _Whirl 9:29 pm Thanks, squirt. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:29 pm I did two days ago *chuckles, but gives smokey another lick, sorry if anyone else on couch might get licked too* beeeeeeeeee 9:29 pm *gets up, isn't wanting to get licked* opatoes 9:29 pm Come on- not here- beeeeeeeeee 9:29 pm *unsure of where to sit, kinda stands..somewhere* opatoes 9:29 pm /Smokescreen's getting up, too. He doesn't want to be left behind!/ _Whirl 9:29 pm Thanks, 'Beak. NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm ((oh yeah. uhhh time marker 9:50)) Prowlita 9:30 pm *jumps slightly at the sudden music* Oh. Music. VProwl 9:30 pm *scoots over a little to make room for Swerve* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:30 pm *the dragon stretches and yawns* Goodnight, everyone. *she's taking the grubs with her.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm Bird VProwl 9:30 pm *... tries to scoot Soundwave without unbalancing him* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:30 pm Racer: *omg people are standing! runs chirping under a table or chair* Prowlita 9:30 pm *ends the audio feed* NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm {{Goodnight dragon!}} beeeeeeeeee 9:30 pm *doesn't know if there's room on prowl's couch so he'll sit next to it?* Agooddistraction858 9:30 pm Wow opatoes 9:30 pm ((nini! _Whirl 9:30 pm Seeya. opatoes 9:30 pm Wheels! Wheels, how're you doing? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm When You not tired Bird anymore, Me Swoop want to flying : > NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm {{You, doctor bot. You sit here. Him Swoop medic too.}} {{Kay~}} Agooddistraction858 9:30 pm I'm alright. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:31 pm Kay : > Kelpy 9:31 pm Later dragon. Agooddistraction858 9:31 pm Are you uh... okay to be here? VProwl 9:31 pm *Can he scoot Soundwave enough to make room for Swerve AND First Aid? Probably not. But he'll take First Aid sitting nearby.* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave's a little heavier than you'd think but he scoots pretty well when nudged.* beeeeeeeeee 9:31 pm *is swoop next to the foot of the couch cause that's where he sat down? _Whirl tilts his head and peacefully enjoys the song 9:31 pm Prowlita 9:31 pm *going to leave now, which is a lot easier to do with no door. or walls* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:31 pm *predacon looming over smokey so....yeah?* opatoes 9:31 pm ... I've been better. But I'm not a sparkeater!! It's fine! MedicalMurdersaurus 9:31 pm *is in a chair with Laserbeak in his lap* beeeeeeeeee 9:31 pm *will move onto couch if there is room, but he def doesn't want to make it too squished* Chaoit 9:31 pm -still fast asleep- Agooddistraction858 9:31 pm If you say so, kid beeeeeeeeee 9:32 pm You're a medic too? opatoes 9:32 pm /Smokescreen's looking over. Dangit, he wants to sit with First Aid again, but he can't sit there./ beeeeeeeeee 9:32 pm *said @ swoop belatedely* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:32 pm *blinks owlishly at First Aid* Yah. Me Swoop do junior medic stuff with Him Ratchet. Agooddistraction858 9:33 pm *glances at the bar* _Whirl 9:33 pm THAT is the good stuff. beeeeeeeeee 9:33 pm oh! i wonder if i spoke to the ratchet who's training you. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:33 pm *icy is just doing the two licks, shes shifting aside to watch her hatching* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:33 pm *shrugs* : > beeeeeeeeee 9:33 pm do you like it? _Whirl 9:33 pm *well... he can stick around for one more* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:34 pm Yah! Me Swoop like GUTS kehehehhe! And help Dinobots with damage. _Whirl 9:34 pm Hey, Prowl. If the medics need me, give them my comm. But I'm going home after this, not the hospital. beeeeeeeeee 9:34 pm *snorts* opatoes 9:34 pm ... /Smokescreen's just going to lie down on his couch. The couch is all his, he guesses./ VProwl 9:35 pm I'll let them know. You should be past the quarantine period. Chaoit 9:35 pm ((annnnnd I gotta go beeeeeeeeee 9:35 pm [nini] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:35 pm You First Aid _Whirl 9:35 pm gnight!)) beeeeeeeeee 9:35 pm Yes opatoes 9:35 pm ((Nini! Kelpy 9:35 pm //nini _Whirl 9:35 pm *nods* Wasteland's a good quarantine zone, anyway. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:35 pm (rest well!) Chaoit 9:35 pm ((just gonna say someone eventually woke Blaster up and sent him home Agooddistraction858 9:35 pm *plops heavily on couch next to Smokey* VProwl 9:36 pm ... Hey. Whirl. Chaoit 9:36 pm ((thanks for the stream, later! _Whirl 9:36 pm Yep? NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm ((night)) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:36 pm *nods at first aid like they've established soemthing* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:36 pm Racer: *sniffs around to someone?* beeeeeeeeee 9:36 pm *nods back * VProwl 9:36 pm Are you going to start up Culture Club meetings again? beeeeeeeeee 9:36 pm ooh a culture club. that sounds cool. opatoes 9:36 pm !! /Wait Wheeljack's here? Smokescreen's scooting a bit to sit up next to Wheeljack./ Were you okay during the sparkeater stuff? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:36 pm a what? _Whirl 9:37 pm Dunno. Don't really have a place to host em, anymore. Maybe I can get some kind of projector for my shuttle... opatoes 9:37 pm Culture club? _Whirl 9:37 pm But if I do, I'll let you know. *tilts his head* You ARE co-founder, after all. Agooddistraction858 9:37 pm I'm fine. Been working on wiring for the protoforms. Kelpy 9:37 pm [perks] Culture club? VProwl 9:37 pm *nods* ... It wouldn't be hard to find a meeting place in the city. OmicronTheIceQueen 9:37 pm *debates mentioning her ship* opatoes 9:37 pm Wiring? Wait, did something happen to 'em? Besides, you know. _Whirl 9:37 pm Maaaybe. If I can stomach being in Starscream's Clown Town more than ten minutes at a time. You can't tell, but I'm making a face, right now. Agooddistraction858 9:38 pm Just making sure they have power. VProwl 9:38 pm *Prowl has a hard time telling when ANYONE makes a face, he appreciates the notice.* _Whirl 9:38 pm And yeah, Swerve--something I used to do. Back when my Lost Light was still around. opatoes 9:38 pm Ohh. That makes sense- are they gonna be okay? VProwl 9:38 pm If nothing else, the library has meeting rooms. _Whirl 9:38 pm We'd all go watch movies, each week, someone new picks. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:38 pm *crosses his legs under himself so Bird is covering him like a blanket* VProwl 9:38 pm It's technically still around? It's—parked outside the city. I think some people still live in it. Kelpy 9:38 pm OOoh. Our Whirl didn't do that. That sounds fun. _Whirl 9:39 pm Well, if I start 'em up again, then I'll let you know. Kelpy 9:39 pm Nice. _Whirl 9:39 pm And it's--I mean the ship's there, but the Lost Light is gone. *somewhat uncomfortable pause* Hard to explain. Anyway... catch you losers later. *hops up with a half-hearted salute* opatoes 9:39 pm They sound really fun! Night, Whirl. Hope you have a better night than- some of these nights have been. VProwl 9:39 pm ... Some kind of symbolic spiritual thing? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:39 pm The crew and colony- family?- sense is not the same? *glance at Whirl* Agooddistraction858 9:40 pm Frag it beeeeeeeeee 9:40 pm bye whirl _Whirl 9:40 pm I... Not now. Kelpy 9:40 pm Night Whirl. Have fun. _Whirl 9:40 pm Maybe later. Agooddistraction858 9:40 pm Coming here was a bad idea, gotta get away from the bar. I'll see ya later, kid. opatoes 9:40 pm ... Is everything okay, Wheels? _Whirl 9:40 pm *Whirl's in a bit of a rough place at the moment, of all the people he'd expected to make him feel a little better, Prowl was probably at the bottom of the list. But he did, and Whirl is quietly grateful* VProwl 9:40 pm Ah. Evening. I'll—er—see you, next movie night you come to, then. opatoes 9:40 pm I'll see you later, but are you okay? Agooddistraction858 9:40 pm I'm great, haven't had a drink in fragging days _Whirl 9:41 pm Probably won't be coming back here for a while. But yeah. Seeya. beeeeeeeeee 9:41 pm oh i like this song opatoes 9:41 pm ... Oh. You can keep it up, I know, Wheels. VProwl 9:41 pm Mm. When you do, then. _Whirl 9:41 pm ((AKA this is normally tabletop night so i will only be able to come on cancellations ;___; )) Agooddistraction858 9:41 pm Hope so. _Whirl 9:41 pm I will, when I can. VProwl 9:41 pm *nods* opatoes 9:41 pm ... You wanna hang out sometime, Wheels? Agooddistraction858 9:41 pm Yeah. We should do that. No drinks. Hit me up. See ya _Whirl shifts into alt mode, bobbing nearly in the air, and carefully rises out of the way of the audience, turning and bridging himself away 9:41 pm opatoes 9:41 pm That works! See you later! ... /Watching Whirl go of in his alt mode. Ooh./ MedicalMurdersaurus 9:42 pm :V *waves at Whirl* _Whirl 9:42 pm ((fancy helicopter)) VProwl 9:42 pm *... did he handle that well? he's not sure. it's hard to tell with most people but even harder to tell with Whirl.* Kelpy 9:42 pm [waves bye] OmicronTheIceQueen 9:43 pm Racer: *fascinated by transforming mechs, staring from his spot* _Whirl 9:43 pm *you done good, prowl* NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm *Laserbeak pats Swoop's shoulder with a feeler. Time for her to clean up what she can lift, since the Boss is out cold again. She whirs up and around, cleaning up snacks and the less heavy seats.* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:44 pm *Icy chirps at laserbeak, would she like some help?* opatoes 9:45 pm /Waving bye to Swerve!/ NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm *She warbles back. No, no, she's got it. The more stomping around there is the more likely the Boss is to wake up.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:45 pm *immediately does his best impression of a helpful person, he doesn't actually know where stuff goes and how to do this but he pretends and chirps in clear confusion when he is adrift* beeeeeeeeee 9:45 pm *loves the chill songs, slowly getting a little sleepy* opatoes 9:45 pm /He's lying down almost immediately./ So- I can recharge out here, right, Sounds? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:45 pm *Is a big predator though, can be soundless, nearly* You can come to Dreaded if you're safe smokey opatoes 9:47 pm I mean, I can go back. It's just- I guess I'm not exactly ready to go back to my Cybertron yet? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:47 pm no? *shifts to look at him* Racer: *might be going to sniff at first aid's pedes, he's not going to pounce though so safe* beeeeeeeeee 9:48 pm *uh--* hello? OmicronTheIceQueen 9:49 pm RAcer: *sits and looks waaay up at him* haai! Kelpy 9:49 pm [stretches slowly] we should prooobably head back in a few minutes so we don't like. Fall asleep on his couches. opatoes 9:49 pm Yeah. Kind of wanna take a moment to just... Reflect on stuff, I guess? I guess it's probably not a good idea to leave my home along for that long, though. beeeeeeeeee 9:49 pm Mm.. yeah Still a lot of recovery to do To make sure everyone is recovering well OmicronTheIceQueen 9:49 pm Is he safe? no contagons? beeeeeeeeee 9:49 pm Who are you asking? VProwl 9:50 pm *leans over to look at Racer by First Aid's feet.* Kelpy 9:50 pm [mutters]Maybe shove Vos out an airlock. beeeeeeeeee 9:50 pm aj ks;lf opatoes 9:50 pm pfff- beeeeeeeeee 9:50 pm swerve VProwl 9:50 pm *... sticks out his tongue at Racer.* Pbbbt. Kelpy 9:50 pm I'm just saying. opatoes 9:50 pm ... You know he'd probably make it out alright, right? beeeeeeeeee 9:50 pm I mean I don't entirely disagree opatoes 9:50 pm He's got that kinda luck. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:50 pm *menders around Bird until she decides to shoo him off or goes on a flight with him, whichever comes first* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:50 pm RAcer: !!!!!!! =3 Pbbbt! Owl 😊 VProwl 9:51 pm If you want to get rid of Vos, you need to do better than throwing him out the airlock. Kelpy 9:51 pm [slumps off couch] Yeah I think that's it for me, ha. Night guys. Tell Slendy night for me Laserbeak. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm *Bird will let Swoop help so he can chill out with her upstairs after for another nap.* beeeeeeeeee 9:51 pm Hopefully now that this is all over they'll just....go away VProwl 9:51 pm Do you have space bridges? Have you considered bridging him into the middle of a star? Kelpy 9:51 pm Good point. Maybe fire then the airlock. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm {{Bird tells. You recharge, First Aid recharge.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:51 pm *is all for bird time* <3 NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm {{Kill Vos.}} VProwl 9:51 pm ... To be clear, this IS the Vos that's a gun, correct? opatoes 9:51 pm What about shadow zoning him? That might work. Kelpy 9:51 pm YEs. beeeeeeeeee 9:52 pm [[as jdfl; why is bird telling aid to sleep thats cute]] Kelpy 9:52 pm Evil gun Vos. [tugs First Aid up] I'll comm and let you know how our Public Service goes. beeeeeeeeee 9:52 pm Eeeevill OmicronTheIceQueen 9:52 pm *headtilts listening, moves to stand up and step over to smokey* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm ((they gotta get rest to make sure the whole ship stays cured, last thing she wants is to be put out of her way another week)) beeeeeeeeee 9:53 pm [[fair]] *stands up* thank you for the invite prowl, i enjoyed tonight VProwl 9:53 pm ... Thank you two for coming. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm ((consider anything nice she says is secretly selfish lol)) Kelpy 9:53 pm //lmao opatoes 9:53 pm ? /Waving at Icy!/ MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm ((bird? selfish? nooooooo)) OmicronTheIceQueen 9:53 pm Racer: *he edges closer, and rubs against Prowl's leg, making a happy sound. Don't ask why, he just likes Prowl for some reason* VProwl 9:53 pm You're—uh— I don't want to speak for Soundwave *who's still leaning on him,* but as far as I'M concerned—you're welcome to come again. If you want. beeeeeeeeee 9:53 pm I would like that! opatoes 9:54 pm I should probably go home already. Thanks for having me, Sounds. VProwl 9:54 pm *tries to lean over without dislodging Soundwave and pets Racer.* Kelpy 9:54 pm I probably will, yeah. Night! beeeeeeeeee 9:54 pm I hope you get the rest you need after everything this week VProwl 9:54 pm And you, too. NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm {{Soundwave recharging. You go home, not eat bots. Be good.}} *To Smokescreen.* OmicronTheIceQueen 9:54 pm Smokey, climb up opatoes 9:54 pm ... Wait, is Sounds okay- oh! beeeeeeeeee 9:54 pm *nods at swerve* ready? opatoes 9:54 pm I promise not to eat anyone. ... I didn't eat anyone while I was like that, did I? Climb up? I can really get home alright, Icy. beeeeeeeeee 9:55 pm Also no you didn't NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm *Soundwave starts to get dislodged, but he instinctively clutches the feeler tighter and it keeps him from falling too far.* Kelpy 9:55 pm Ready. [heads off] OmicronTheIceQueen 9:55 pm RAcer *careful lift up to put forepaws on couch to get the pet, will be darting off to icy soon* beeeeeeeeee 9:55 pm Night everyone! OmicronTheIceQueen 9:55 pm You want a break? If you're safe you can come to Dreaded Wings NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm ((thank you all for coming, and aid and swerve mun especially this first night <3)) opatoes 9:55 pm Good, good! I- I don't know what I'd do if I did. Or if I could make up for something like that. VProwl 9:55 pm *is clutched.* opatoes 9:55 pm I really shouldn't leave Megatron alone for as long as I already have, but thank you, Icy. VProwl 9:55 pm *straightens back up* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:56 pm ((ahh! What an inaccurate first night for y'all. Swoop didn't assault anyone. I'll do better next week.)) beeeeeeeeee 9:56 pm [[thanks for inviting us guys <3 ]] opatoes 9:56 pm ((<3 Kelpy 9:56 pm //lmao. swerve expected better of you swoop Kelpy 9:56 pm //<3 OmicronTheIceQueen 9:57 pm *Gives a short, but soft call in predacon, getting rAcer to come running back to her and boosts her sparkling to back, pauses and looks back at soundwave and prowl. help? nah she'll do something like wake and scare, moves to her bridge* [thanks for the stream!] NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm ((welcome!)) opatoes 9:58 pm /Smokescreen's finally getting himself home with one last wave in Soundwave's direction!/ VProwl 10:00 pm *... Is that everyone? Is it just Soundwave and Prowl now? Are even the deployers gone?* NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm *Yep. Everyone else is inside.* VProwl 10:01 pm *Huh. If Prowl had known Soundwave was going to fall asleep, he would have asked where he's sleeping while Dancitron is damaged.* NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *On Prowl, obviously. He can always nudge Soundwave up long enough to ask.* VProwl 10:02 pm *No no, Prowl doesn't want to wake him. He scales up a few feet and very... carefully... picks Soundwave up. He can take him back in to Dancitron and ask one of the deployers.* *... If they cross paths with a deployer. If not, he'll wing it.* NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm *Ravage is downstairs muttering about the state of his bar, so he will.* NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm *He'll turn and give Prowl and his armful a wide-optic look, tail switching side to side.*??@P: =Hurt or resting?= VProwl 10:05 pm Resting, I think. *he's not going to say he's SURE, though. what if there's internal damage he doesn't know about that only just now manifested???* He dozed off during the movie. NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm =Hm.= *Gently batting at some broken glass, trying to think about how best to clean things up.* =Not here, eh? Repair noises, soon. His other place. Or yours. It is fine.= *Ravage chuckles and flashes fangs for a moment.* =I know how to find you.= VProwl 10:09 pm His other place, then. VProwl 10:10 pm ... I'll drop him off and come back to help pick up. At the least bring in the things from outside. *Prowl expects Ravage to protest, if he's anywhere near as resistant to guests helping clean as Soundwave is.* The mess IS my fault. NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm =It is.= *Unlike Soundwave, Ravage has no problems identifying the sources of the problem out loud.* =You will help tomorrow. Tonight, resting. We watched you work. He would want it.= *Suddenly hooks the piece of glass in his claws and shakes it off into a bin.* =And Laserbeak is mad at you.= *Chuckling.* VProwl 10:16 pm *Prowl appreciates it. It means he doesn't have to fight to help.* ... Am I incorrect, or is Laserbeak perpetually at least partially mad at me? To be fair, at the moment she has an excellent reason. But I mean in general. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *Ravage looks rather like a cat that's caught a canary, which is somewhat appropriate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm =Ah, general... The bird is greedy. You share Soundwave's attention. You will get used to it.= *Flicks paw.* =Or she will. It is nothing. /But,/= *And here he's grinning again.* =Today, the club. It was her weekend to sing.= VProwl 10:24 pm Oh. *and here he thought it had been because he'd partially wrecked her home.* Then I'm especially sorry to her. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm *Well, that too. But she wouldn't be half as mad if they'd done it on a week she wasn't scheduled to perform.* =I will tell her, hm?= VProwl 10:26 pm I'd appreciate it. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm *Slow nod.* VProwl 10:26 pm I'm assuming she wouldn't be pleased to hear it from me. NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm =Tonight, no. When the pet Dinobot is gone.= *He doesn't know for sure if Swoop would roast Prowl if she asked, but he'd rather not risk Soundwave's wrath and find out.* VProwl 10:29 pm Another time, then. *and... he's still standing there holding Soundwave. He should get him to bed.* ... Evening. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm *Ravage gets back onto fours to continue working and dips his head.* =Goodnight, Autobot.= *Sorry. Reflex.* VProwl 10:30 pm *He's been called worse things. At least "Autobot" is one he's called himself.* *A farewell nod to Ravage, and he opens a bridge to Soundwave's apartment.* NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm *Soundwave will, of course, not protest this in the slightest.* VProwl 10:32 pm *hopefully he won't protest if Prowl stays, too.* NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm *Are you kidding? He'd be THRILLED. Once he woke up, anyway.* VProwl 10:32 pm *well, he's going to have a nice surprise in the morning.* NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm *And Prowl will finally get to find out what Soundwave is like when he wakes up with someone else still there. A hint: It's amusing.* VProwl 10:34 pm *then hopefully Prowl's going to have a nice surprise in the morning, too.* NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm *He will indeed. But for now, the both of them should sleep for a long, long while.*
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floggingink · 7 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and the Divine”
Jughead has seen more “mob movies” than I have, so I can’t verify his “classic trope,” but he’s speaking my language
I found Archie’s Devil Wears Prada errand-montage zippy and playful, much like Hiram Lodge himself
especially the direction of the construction guy’s arm clapping Archie’s shoulder to add movement to the swerving transition (not a technical term) as he steps into the trailer
Hiram’s soft V-neck sweater is, I assume, cashmere
Veronica’s look is so inseparable from collars and pearls that she has a collar made of pearls sewn into her dress
RAS wanted a Veronica-confirmation episode, so by God, he is getting one, and Veronica’s age be damned! Hiram and Hermione wanted “the same monsignor” from Veronica’s baptism, who I guess has been on leave at the Vatican for five years okay!
Archie wants to know if Veronica will have “to memorize stuff”
Veronica’s confirmation sponsor is her grandmother, which is par for the course, as is volunteering at a soup kitchen for her like 8 hours of required community service. I also had to write a report on Saint Lucy and pray a rosary in front of an abortion clinic. Veronica probably won’t have to do that, since you can’t say abortion on Riverdale
do soup kitchens have any actual paid employees, or are they all stocked with kids who just need volunteer hours/Matthew Goode’s character from The Good Wife in his spare time wearing that blue sweatshirt to characterize him as being “just that nice”?
Hiram is such a fucking soap opera star when he says Veronica has made him “the happiest father ALIVE.” like, alive?
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on FP’s kitchen table is the same kind of half-gallon of milk that Jughead was drinking from the morning after his birthday party. the Andrewses kept a spare half-gallon of skim milk just for Jughead in their fridge? the nicest thing Fred ever did for him
Jughead doubts it: Jughead is VERY sassy with Sheriff Keller and FP loves it!!!! because Jughead can have an anti-authoritarian ’tude WITHOUT NECESSARILY being “a gang member” at that particular moment!
FP is so crisp and put together! FP looks GREAT! what up though, Gladys?
wow I can’t believe Jughead’s article wielded so much political power that its legal ramifications echo throughout the entire episode, as if Jughead were Nellie Bly
“CAN I GET A QUOTE?” this is the Jughead that FP plainly adores
Jughead and Betty both drink skim milk, so, their wedding will be soon
are men on webcams actually fool enough to ask the webcam girls if they can MEET IN REAL LIFE? I have no knowledge about this world, but I would imagine the answer would be “Have you ever seen a film, ever?”
50 Shades of Betty: Betty looks pretty great in that severe black fucking wig and I still want an apology from Chuck specifically about dissing the wig
“Catholic chic” means veils optional, like the stole in black tie
What damn high school in America: Jughead doesn’t have to wear the preppy Lodge uniform, I see? shame
Best costume bit: Betty’s heart sweater is possibly my favorite thing she’s ever worn. I want it BADLY
“DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER”? IS THERE SOMETHING HE WROTE THAT WASN’T TRUE? ARE YOU ~NOT~ BUILDING BOWLING ALLEYS ON NATIVE AMERICAN LAND? I will fucking suit up and be Jughead’s lawyer on this. as has been demonstrated, I have seen every episode of The Good Wife and can probably practice law in Illinois (for instance I know that in Illinois you only need one-person consent to secretly record a conversation)
I love Betty and Jughead being in the same room, of course, but Betty’s gentle, poking “And...did you?” is EXCEPTIONALLY cute. Betty is so cute. and sometimes scary
Jughead’s least clueless moment of the season so far is him looking back knowingly at Betty when she says maybe he would do it to “avenge Toni’s grandfather”
Jughead kind of looks great leaning against the window. like the lighting or something. God, please let me one day see the two of them making out with Betty in her cheerleading uniform
okay, I thought Betty and Jughead, IT WAS IMPLIED, had already had sex, because I was shown them waking up together after they had slept together in the trailer. apparently they LITERALLY slept together. APPARENTLY THEY HAVE NOT HAD SEX YET. I should have known, from the sleeper biceps, that Jughead was still pining IN THIS WAY, FOR THAT! I should have KNOWN Betty had not RIDDEN JUGHEAD INTO THE SUNSET YET. fuck! what am I doing!
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: I also emotionally defend Betty’s ecru lie about not having “done anything” with anyone since the breakup since, as one will recall, immediately after her and Archie’s kiss they stared in horror at each other and have not talked about it since, thus cancelling it out as a real kiss (this is also a statute of Illinois law)
Hermione Lodge has some sort of skinny gold Lothlórien belt on over her deep merlot blazer
Archie > Dawson: Archie is sweet when he apologizes for making Pop double-check the order: “It’s more to make sure I get everything right.”
Archie hears Pop’s slip about Hiram being “the boss,” but other things happen and he FORGETS! at what inopportune time will he remember? when he’s physically embracing Jughead Jones?
although couldn’t Pop just play it off like Hiram is Archie’s boss? think on your feet, Pop
for the record I love Agent Adams and his whole deal. his plan is so insane that it might be brilliant. I just do still wish he were being played by either Sterling K. Brown or Max Greenfield
he doesn’t appreciate Archie’s attitude: “Is there a problem?” yeah, uh, Archie’s like twelve years old and not a trained undercover field agent? I love this stupid shit
oh, everyone’s being evicted from Sunnyside? if only Jughead hadn’t driven the southside’s only lawyer out of town with Kenickie Murdoch’s switchblade
according to everyone’s facial expressions, Veronica is under the impression she is doing good political maneuvering inviting the McCoys to her confirmation, Hermione is stunned she did so, Veronica really wanted to sing a solo, and Josie doesn’t know why she has to fucking apologize for anything
Josie being Veronica’s “gift” from Mayor McCoy is horrifying
Sixth period is Intro to Film: Cruel Intentions is a fantastic Catholic standard, containing as it does cocaine, “experimental” girl-on-girl French kissing, Ryan Phillippe’s ass, the line “I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side and sometimes I want to kill myself,” and implied step-sibling fucking, all of which I think Riverdale should include more of
the blue and red lighting inside the Wyrm is still nice. does the Wyrm even count as a dive? strippers probably wouldn’t waste their time at dives
wow there are some true beards in this crowd
okay…..the idea that Tall Boy is a better suspect than Jughead…...because he’s physically taller…..is singularly the most fantastic thing…..I have ever heard…..
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: the sound of Archie shifting on the leather of Hiram’s couch is real good
Gay?!: Ben? who the fuck is Ben? who is BEN? who the fuck?
OH MY GOD Jughead got in to see the mayor AGAIN! is Ethel Muggs her secretary???
Jughead interrupted Mayor McCoy eating her salad at her desk
for like the third time in the series she says she’s “always liked” Jughead, which, fat lot of good that’s done him
in Riverdale there is a red uniform at the soup kitchen, because even THE POOR must abide by aesthetics
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Archie doesn’t know what cutting cigars means
Archie’s shoulders are nice under that polo
Betty’s plan about “treat it like a missing person’s case” and making it like this snooping Blue and Gold intrigue thing is of course welcome as a pretense for the two of them working together (on the show’s part), but in reality it’s just the fucking bare minimum that THE AUTHORITIES should ALREADY BE FUCKING DOING THEMSELVES
at this point I went to bed and had a very gripping, sexy dream about Veronica and Jughead. Veronica and Jughead
“Damn good coffee”: Hiram floating having to “bring Archie in” on the Lodge Family Tammany Hall is only slightly less absurd than the Federal Bureau of Investigation having already done so. what does Archie need to be brought in on, exactly? he’s just Veronica’s arm candy. he barely knows what a cigar is
while it is STILL ODD that Veronica has done a 180 on her accepting her father’s criminality, she still holds Archie up as a beacon of goodness, because, like I said, shoulders, polos
Jughead’s “order of the Ophidians” as he tapes up the Missing poster is either, so far as I can tell, an extremely obscure MMORPG reference or he’s just calling them snakes, but like, in Latin
Penny didn’t die of gangrene from her blistering wound like on the Oregon trail? probably a plus
FP is in some deep pain here. this is so far beyond his worst fears about Jughead joining the Serpents that he like never even fucking considered—I NEVER FUCKING CONSIDERED IT, IT WAS FUCKING RIDICULOUS
I certainly don’t think Penny’s terms are like, PARTICULARLY OUT OF LINE
ooooh Jughead’s little snipe at his father for fridging Jason!
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I can’t believe the sixth season of The Wire takes place in Riverdale and doesn’t even have Sonja Sohn playing Agent Adams
Alice’s angel wing-white Founding Father blouse and Betty’s textured peach sweater
Hal is REALLY skittish about Chic, considering that HE’S HIS SON, SO FAR AS WE KNOW. but Hal hordes important information until the bitter end, so he probably just knows some shit
The Blossom Whoever the fuck’s spawn: “He’s a stranger. That’s my beef.”
“It’s been ~some time~ since my last confession” is usually the most accurate clocking I could give as well
I love the very dangerous clusters of candles inside the confessional
These students are legally children: NO ONE is helping Veronica. Veronica is trying to “find her thing” like, in the dark, lit by votive candles
I loved the circle of beautiful mob wives drinking wine and talking about how praying to “the Almighty” for “forgiveness” makes them feel better #aspirational
Hiram isn’t fucking around with Mr. Man “disrespecting Pop Tate.” Pop Tate is an angel, doing his best out here in a chaotic world. his poutine is probably great!
Archie’s stuck using the wrong kind of plunger
Poppa Poutine says Hiram lost his “mojo” in “the joint”
is Poppa right? is Hiram weak? if you subtract the Andrews boys, he doesn’t seem to have any problems
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie is back with killer witchy earrings, a lovely dress, and a fierce hold on the remainder of her personal agency
of course it’s “Bitter Sweet Symphony” but with harps. you know the Verve doesn’t get any royalties from that song? are the Rolling Stones the worst band in the world?
the back of the church is bathed in purple, the altar is yellow, the monsignor is in BRIGHT PALM SUNDAY RED, and this is what church should have always been like
Fwoopy hair is the best hair: Hermione’s strong-shouldered structured white jacket is amazing and Jughead forgoed his hat, to be respectful
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: slightly strangely, Cheryl isn’t there at all this episode, but what we are truly robbed of is seeing what she would have worn to the confirmation
Veronica has a SUPER-SWEET very light pink/purple manicure!
Summer + Blair = Veronica: you better believe when Veronica was asked if she renounced Satan I was like, IS SHE GOING TO LOOK AT HER FATHER AND STORM OUT OF THAT CHURCH????? I THOUGHT SHE MIGHT!!!!!
instead I got an amazing thematic light show about Veronica choosing to believe in Archie’s unflagging internal compass and following his light (“the light of the Lord”!)
Veronica was rich: Veronica does look like a fucking angel up there
wow, Dilton isn’t DJing the afterparty? weird
why are Betty and Archie standing together AT ALL?
Abuelita is 100% right about pinching Archie’s cheek and Archie goes with it because he is respectful
Jughead eats: Jughead is so tormented he neglects the buffet!!!!!!
Jughead’s suit is very nice. I like the progression of his wearing better and better suits
Betty takes the news of Jughead’s CONFESSION that he “cut” Penny pretty stoically, as she did boil a guy once
Closed Captioning tells me the junkyard guy’s name is “JUNKYARD STEVE,” MY MAN
“If only we lived in a town where the answer could be no.”
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Jughead in his leather jacket OVER HIS SUIT JACKET is pretty good!
Hermione hauling Veronica back for the photographer
Archie looking up from behind the closing art deco elevator doors
The female gaze: Archie is of course so handsome and perfectly proportioned in his suit. his handsomeness is such a given that I take it wholly for granted, like how when not suffering an allergy attack I can breathe from both nostrils but when one hits and I’m sneezing up my guts I’m like, air coming in from both nostrils? true bliss, I’ll never forget it again
God, did he get rid of his tailored cranberry Blossom suit? not the WORST crime committed in Riverdale, but probably worthy of eviction
Fifth period is AP English: as @hangingonyourwords noted, Archie knowing the word “coup” is VERY surprising! GOOD, ARCHIE
Hiram Lodge is, I think, listening to that song from Carmen while pouring himself a stiff drink, the massive Rory Gilmore portrait of Veronica over one shoulder and the blue light of an antipodean sea streaming in over the other, using a rotary phone to call in A MURDER
Tall Boy having to suffer interrogation by Jughead, whom he surely must have always despised, is his final indignity 
Jughead calls Betty “one of us,” which has not been given enough fanfare by ANYONE in the show! Betty is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT as much a Serpent as Jughead, unless Jughead’s mother is a Serpent, except that she hasn’t had to shout their stupid rules into someone’s face yet
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: “YOU HAVEN’T ANSWERED MY SON’S QUESTION.”
the poor Serpents have been twisted around rich northsiders’ fingers for so long that they don’t have any fucking idea what to be doing when NOT at the behest of a blackmailer or bribery. I don’t know what it means to be a Serpent except that it means you’re poor and comely. and VERY civic-minded
“You’re a Judas, Tall Boy. And an idiot.”
Gay.: Sweet Pea raises both his arms to vote
FP’s gonna run Tall Boy out of town. a word of advice: one town over is not far enough
hell, Archie’s seen all those mob movies too! he and Jughead must’ve watched them together while Jughead was sleeping in his bedroom
Archie’s speech to Veronica is GOOD, ARCHIE, and what Veronica gets out just reinforces my thought that Hiram is literally starting a second town under Mayor McCoy’s nose, which would concern me expect that it has been definitely shown that even after things are executed on Riverdale I confuse myself and am invariably exactly wrong
I would probably kiss Archie too if he looked at me like that and said “I’m with you,” which I think explains Betty
Jughead’s suspenders? a startling plus!
I like the quietness of “Maybe we can ask Veronica on Monday.” it reminded me of Archie’s face-saving some-other-time-definitely promise to go to the library with Jughead
“Maybe we should just investigate quietly until we know more.”
BLESSED BE THE CHILDREN and Jughead’s brusque scoff at himself for saying “my darkness”
in a move that the last few episodes haven’t shown him as having enough sense to make, Jughead puts his hand, not on Betty’s hand, but directly on the skirt of her dress
also Jughead knows that dress zippers have a point where you think it’s gone all the way down but really you’ve got a little further to go otherwise you can’t get the waistline over the hips? Jug’s got a little bit of game going on!
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I like the silhouette of Jughead’s Adam’s apple
while Jughead is doing an excellent job delicately checking in with Betty’s sacral chakra, with his bare hand, I don’t want to overlook either his own gently crossed ankles as he holds her or his AMAZING SOCKS
when Betty tells him she needs to tell him something, he EXHALES a “What?” before he says “What is it?” WHOOP
she is missing a pretty sick meatloaf or pork of some more at her mother’s dinner table
I didn’t think there was a physiognomically scarier white guy around than Chic himself, but I was wrong!!!! it’s definitely that guy at the door!!!!!!
oh shit, Archie sort of got somebody (else) killed. this is like when Jughead didn’t mean to but definitely got somebody’s face beaten in by Tall Boy and Serpent Baby—holy shit what happened to that kid!!!! where did Serpent Baby go???
in the shot bingo of Riverdale, the middle box would have to be Betty coming through her front door and pausing because she hears something suspicious
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: the squishy sound effect of the rags on the wet floor? her perfect hair? her bright blue turtleneck? “Elizabeth, did you lock the front door?” Alice is already three steps ahead!!! Alice Alice Alice!!!!!
Alice and FP have now both cleaned up somebody else’s murder’s cranial blood (I’m assuming Chic clocked this guy, which means it was probably Melody), further proof they belong together
Please protect Betty: Betty fucking Jughead probably saved her life
Next week: Cheryl shoots a bow and arrow!!! into my heart!!!!!!!!!
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chsamuseum · 4 years
Feather Duster Memories: A Boomer’s Look-Back at Chinatown
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San Francisco’s Chinatown, CHSA Collection
Are you working from home today? Due to COVID-19 a lot of people are. My parents worked from home during the 1950s. Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch. Back then, home and work were not typically one and the same. My parents worked 10-12 hours a day, sometimes on Sundays. The work they did was not like being in a tech start-up. There were no snacks or free meals. They owned a hand laundry in San Francisco and running it was exhausting work; skin burns were often the reward. It was hard physical labor. They started their business in 1954 in what is now known as Cole Valley, a San Francisco neighborhood about three miles west of Chinatown. Our living situation was very humble. The entire place was about 600 square feet. We had less living space than a two-car garage. I slept with my parents in a double bed, while my sister slept in a baby’s crib. We took baths on Saturdays in a blue-trimmed enamel pan-the same pan mom used to dye our customers’ clothes. Every evening, after closing, we dropped down sheets to cover the storefront windows and pulled down roller shades to cover the doors. How’s that for privacy? We lived with the sounds of a streetcar passing by our laundry every day. 
Mom insisted on only eating Chinese food and our small refrigerator could only store a couple of days’ worth of groceries; going to Chinatown twice a week was a necessity. My dad went by himself on Wednesdays and on Sundays, we went as a family. The trip was a drive across town that took about 30 minutes. My dad drove a two-tone Pontiac Sedan from Carl to Clayton to Frederick to Masonic to Bush to Kearny to Pacific to Grant. We took those streets so often that they are coded in my memory, like a routine in a computer software program.
Grant Ave was our main shopping street for groceries. We did most of that shopping between Pacific and Broadway. At the North end of Grant Ave was the sausage shop. I loved the dried meats and the fat in the sausage, not to mention the BBQ pork. Mid-block there were two fresh chicken shops where you could select the chicken from a cage; a man would pull out the chicken, slit its throat, throw it into a garbage can, and then tell you to come back in a half-hour to pick it up. It was also the best place to buy fresh chicken wings and gizzards! Next door was a dried goods store that sold everything from canned goods to dried squid and 50 pound bags of rice. It was also where they sold my favorite jelly candy that came wrapped in rice paper and in two flavors, orange and banana. Banana was my favorite. On the corner of Grant and Pacific was a fresh fish store. It was always cold inside from all that ice to keep the fish on display fresh. I loved it because the window height of the fish tank was mounted perfectly for a little kid like me to watch them swim. Tommy’s Jewelry store was on the opposite corner where my mom took her watch for repairs and where she admired the gold and jade jewelry. Nearby was an electronics shop, Mee Shing, where they sold TV’s and Radios. Mom shopped for her Chinese opera records there. She listened to these operas during her long work hours of ironing laundry while my sister and I painfully endured the clanging sounds of the cymbals. Next to the electronics shop was Kaye’s Shoe store that carried Florsheim brand shoes in smaller shoe sizes to suit the Chinese foot. Does anyone remember the golden goose eggs in the windows? But what I wanted most, was to weigh myself on the weight machine sitting out in front by the entrance, where for a penny, I could get my weight printed on a ticket with a fortune on the back. Every Sunday, I begged my parents to let me weigh myself wondering when I would weigh 50 pounds. Across the street on Grant was a kitchen hardware store, Ginn Wall, that sold woks, wooden and plastic chopsticks, bowls, and more. It was also where they also sold the dreaded feather dusters with the bamboo stick handle - the ‘weapon’ of choice for Chinese families to mete out corporal punishment. I can attest to their painfulness. 
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Map of Chinatown Streets with local shops, created by Will Lee
The Mandarin Theater, later Sun Sing, was further south on the same block, and next to it was an alley. The alleys always lead to a building with single resident occupancy units, better known as SROs. Most of the alleys wafted of urine, but some had the smell of cooked foods-rice, chicken, vegetables-from the adjoining restaurants. Add in the sounds of children playing, laundry hanging on a line ruffling in the wind, the sounds of shuffling mahjong tiles, elderly men spitting, and you get a more complete picture of the alleys.
On the next block was a herb shop where my mom bought ingredients to make a ‘special’ soup. It was special all right, and as I remember it, the bitterness was so awful that I had to choke it down while my mom would say Ay-geet, which loosely translated means “to be well, be healthy.” Then at the corners of Washington and Grant were wooden trinket stands where my sister and I would eye the toys we couldn’t afford. We did buy the wax candies with liquid juice inside. Does anyone remember those? Further on Grant was the Eastern Bakery, which is known for their moon cakes, but I loved their cow ear snack, Gnow Gknee, which was shaped like a potato chip that had alternating bands, colored in tan and brown. My mom always bought a Sunday newspaper from the newsstand guy in a wooden shack on Jackson. Even though we subscribed to the Chinese Times, it only came six days a week.��
The Buddhist church on Washington was under construction in the late 1950s. I recall going through the building during a Chinese New Year celebration and the street fairs that were held across the street in Portsmouth Square. I won a goldfish by tossing a ping pong ball into a bowl and the fish became our first pet. Other games at the bazaar were the metal horse races where you shot water guns to move the horses, throwing pointed metal darts at hanging balloons, and pitching coins onto a large board to try and land them on a small dot. But as fun as all of that was, who could forget the pink cotton candy!
Back in the 50s, Stockton street only had a few shops. On the corner of Pacific was the El Dorado Meat Market. It was the place to buy fresh meat. Who came up with the name El Dorado for a meat market in Chinatown? It had racks of meat hanging in the back and a display case full of fresh-cut meats in the front. I can still hear the band saw cutting the bone and the opening and closing of the walk-in freezer door. They sold ground pork to make Gee Knook Beng, a steamed pork patty cooked with salted fish on top, a peasant comfort food my parents brought over from their village. Everyone went to buy their oranges at Orangeland on the corner of Washington. My dad would drive up to the man, hand him a buck, and a brown paper bag of oranges was passed in through the window. Yup, that was how it was done.
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Will with his younger sister, Courtesy of Will Lee
Going to Chinatown was like going to a foreign land. My mom would have liked for my sister and me to have grown up in Chinatown. She wanted us to identify as Chinese, for us to retain our culture and heritage. However, I am glad we missed that boat of growing up in Chinatown. Our laundry was small and had similar conditions to any place in Chinatown. If we had grown up there, I believe my experiences would have been far less diverse. I might have missed being fully immersed in American culture. So what-if? I’ll never know, there is only what is. I do know I speak Chinglish. My hillbilly Toishanese is badass. As challenging as it was to only speak Toishanese to my parents, not growing up in Chinatown forced me to figure it out. I am enriched to be at ease with both American and Chinese cultures, and I am so thankful to be able to embrace both. And a shout out to the N-Judah streetcar - no noise is too loud for me to sleep through.
Will Lee is a CHSA supporter. He was born in Oak Town (Oakland, CA), but grew up in San Francisco. He writes to share his American stories of growing up in a Chinese household with customs and traditions he didn’t understand, of living in a diverse neighborhood, and of finding his way between cultures. 
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ilkkijangege · 4 years
Work from Home Chad Chronicles Part 2 because I've already reached max capacity on the other one 😂
Today, I noticed that he removed "Pizza time 🤩" from his status now and changed his profile pic to Peter Griffin.
The first one really dampened my mood because I was the one who taught him how to add that and it was meaningful to me. Is that a sign that he's moved on? 😂 Or am I overthinking this again?
I prayed about him again last night but I really don't know. How can I date him? It's going to be a year next month and it's killing me. Help.
Had my interview for the QA role on Friday and I feel like it went really well as in super well na I am really hoping na I will really get it.
But a realisation occurred to me, if God gives this to me, I am going to have to take it as a sign na he wants me to focus on my career. I wouldn't be able to date Chad because I will be above him. It truly sucks but we can't get everything in life, we would need to sacrifice something in order to get to where we want.
I've been wanting to progress in my career for the longest time and it's either I choose love or career. I want to experience love but if a career opportunity comes knocking on my door, this is what I'll have to choose. My mom chose her career over love, she was able to provide for her family and in the end, she found love. Maybe that's the path God wants me to take.
Whatever happens Lord, take the wheel. If you want me to be with him, then I'll gladly accept that too.
So I didn't get the QA role and he didn't get the SME role either...
So it means, I have to make a move on him at some point since we're still level 13s.
However, meeting the parents really scares me because his parents are rich and I feel like I am so out of their league. I mean, they may be nice people and all but I don't know how they'll feel about me.
I'm thinking wayyy too ahead, it's not like he's even agreed to go on a date with me like 😂
Anyways, I think I still need a lot more time to discern about this.
Also quite sad that both of my wing women has left the company. 😭 I'm alone in this game called love now. I mean if he leaves as well, then it's going to be much easier for me to move on.
So I was looking into our office's Workplace platform and there was a post about 5 weeks ago from one of the SMEs and he was asked to tag the team.
He didn't tag me...but he tagged the new joiners on our team.... I know I may be overthinking this but cmon how could you forget about me?
Is this a sign I should move on and move to a different company?
Okay was curious about the number on his linkedin, added it on WhatsApp and if that is still his phone number, omg how cute he has his dog as his profile pic haha
So a year has officially passed since I started growing a crush on him. ARGH I HATE THIS 🥺
Had a dream that I confessed to him on messenger because he was leaving the company. I saw that he said "yup" before i opened the thread so I thought he said yes to a date with me but he just replied to my message where I said the message can be deleted in one click if he rejects me. Then I saw him in the office collecting his stuff and we just ignored each other. Weird dream tbh haha.
Then in another dream that followed, I also confessed to him via messenger but this time, he said yes to a date with me.
Honestly, I am very anxious when I finally ask him out. I am thinking January, so I can let the holiday season pass by and hopefully Ireland will be in Level 2 then so we can sit in a café. But I was also thinking of going on a walk in St Stephen's Green Park.
I'll just really have to take a risk and just go for it. I just hope he'll be man enough to reject me, if ever, rather than to seen zone me. I'm praying for a positive outcome but we'll see. Even if I get rejected, it'll be a life experience and we're still working from home so I won't see him and I can just ignore his messages on our GC etc. Also I can leave the company if ever, but honestly, I don't want another job til I become a trainee solicitor, I just really want a raise.
So today seems like the first anniversary of Entry 50, where we both said we preferred American Pancakes and when he waved goodbye to me. 😂
Haaaayyy, if only things were different now... But really, it will be hard for me to delete these entries if ever he does reject me. Or maybe I'll just forget about this blog for a few years until I find my special someone and I'll be more okay with deleting these entries.
Also, he started playing Hollow Knight, hahah same like xD
It's been 3 months since last talked and it's been sad, ish but not too bothered.
So I decided I was going to finally ask him in the new year and decided to give myself a deadline of January 15. At this point, I just really don't care anymore, I want to get it over and done. If he doesn't reciprocate then that's okay.
BUUUUTTTTT 2 new QA roles opened up for our project and I heard it's being fast tracked where interviews are likely to take place in 2 weeks time because of new people joining the project. I am really confident about it this time and if I do get it, my ultimatum now is if I don't start my QA role by January 15, I am still going ahead with it. But even still, I still kinda want to go ahead with it, what harm can 1 date do? If we do go on more, we'd definitely need to inform the higher ups because they may not let me be his QA.
Anyways, I really hope I do get this because it really is my time.
Like seriously, why is my intuition of him leaving in January so so so strong? I guess we'll see when our January schedule is released.
PS I have my QA interview tomorrow again and I am dying. Everything will be okay.
Yep, butchered the interview so hey Chad, I am definitely going to ask you out on January 😂
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