#also love that 99% of you had the same reaction as me
hermy-97 · 20 days
making this a separate continuation post to this post bc its really long as an addition
hey so since this post blew up way more than i expected may i ask why did NO ONE tell me that the dazai and chuuya scene was the FIRST AND LAST TIME WE SEE CHUUYA????
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look at dazai at this ABSOLUTE SEZIEST and THERE IS NO CHUUYA APPRECATION?????!?!?
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look at this absolute TRAVESTY of a scene there is NO CHUUYA TO SUFFER TOO???? WHY
(btw I've finished beast so all the ppl who desire to release spoilers can do it now lol cuz i must have missed something WHAT HAPPENED TO CHUUYA GUYS-)
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sevenines · 8 months
i’ve been listening to/watching many (many, many) reactions to steven universe (because that’s what you do when you become newly obsessed with something. see what everyone else thinks about it and drive yourself mad) and it’s so interesting to see all the unique ways people tackle it and the common threads between them all.
there’s podcast recaps (pressure to over-analyze) vs youtube reactions (pressure to overreact). everyone knowing the show (yay) vs fans guiding newcomers (interesting) vs everybody being blind (often disastrous). don’t mind silly fun? they love the first season and amethyst’s character. told about how ~deep~ it gets and expecting only that? they love pearl and have to be dragged through the beginning. even how they chunk the episodes affects things—in watching episode-by-episode, people go the most mad as they try to squeeze meaning out of episodes they can’t yet appreciate until later (or are just. bad at analyses.). in chunks of two, people assume su will have much more horror after watching frybo and cat fingers back-to-back. and chunks of 5 are completely different too!
this only skims the surface. i can watch any episode of su and point out which jokes usually make people laugh, what people pick up on, and how their opinion of the situation reflects on whether they have mommy issues.
#steven universe#the ‘thats what you do’ comment was a joke ftr#i love seeing yt comments be filled with the same people btwn diff channels#bc i know they’re on my journey too!#the most popular one is s/orta stupid reacts bc they are quite intelligent and respectful#s/putnik’s spyglass is fun bc u can tell the reactor got truly invested!!#g/allifrey gals gets so emotional even at the ‘silly’ episodes they’re my favorite ;-;#s/pilling the milk is stupid humor. but they genuinely love the show and will defend it ALWAYS#(though it’s more apparent if you watch their uncut reactions and watch them wrangle twitch chat)#podcasts have been more disastrous for me.. the hyper-analysis format for newcomers not only sets up unfair expectations for the show#but also are almost always all over the place which is the podcasters’ decisions!!#they can talk about their personal lives! i’m listening to it all for free#(also it’s funny bc 99% of podcasters say how no one is watching them meanwhile im there. watching them.)#but it’s just not as enjoyable. also they tend to have really annoying opinions srry.#had to listen to two guys seriously discuss steven and amethyst as a ship. without mention of the age gap WTF?#and in another some guy said how ‘he can’t consider su best television if they keep having silly episodes’#acting all pretentious like know your genre smh#oh and podcasters tend to be guys so i have also listened to guys be like sadie and amethyst r so ugly :/#and ‘when will there be male gems i can’t relate to any of the characters if they’re all girls#oh there’s steven? he’s a fat kid though’#<-none of these are exaggerations it’s really painful#for podcasts i recommend ‘the b/its su podcast’! they’ve watched it all before and everyone’s queer so it’s all great :)#it’s still ongoing too#now i sound harsh on podcasts bc i don’t mention the bad yt reactions ive seen#(and i’ve seen them)#but idk there’s not many good reaction podcasts#now you may be reading this and think i’m writing wayy too much on the topic of reactions random ppl on the internet have for a show#and you’d be right. BUT i’m like those little kids that get frustrated when a movie has no interactability#i have to listen to people say the s1 finale was underwhelming as i scream in my head how they’re watching the wrong order bc h/bo max sucks#yes i have gone crazy. i truly mean it when i say i have watched and listened to SO MANY of these
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dangermousie · 1 year
This is such a !!!! scene on so many levels. Here is 17, changing, and even with only inner robe on, he looks pristine and perfect, just the way his reputation paints - a wonderful young master heir blah blah.
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And then the camera pans down and you get horror. And the thing is, I love it for so many reasons - this is a vanishingly rare costume cdrama narrative where scars don’t fade - usually people spit blood and look pristine and it’s an aesthetics I dig, but this isn’t it, this is very much torture and suffering is not pretty in the least. There is nothing appealing about 17′s bare torso. It’s honestly pretty damn hard to look at. And I am genuinely impressed at the drama for going there. But also, it’s so in keeping with the thrust of the narrative for ALL the characters - traumas do not magically heal and go away; you learn to live with them and heal the best you can, but the marks remain for good and you are forever changed. It’s pretty clever of the drama because we saw all this mess in ep 2 but he’s been dressed to the neck ever since and I honestly just assumed it all got healed; no it normally wouldn’t but I am used to drama logic. And then it just smashes you in the face. Nope, still there!
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Crazy fiancee bursts in with another attempt to woo or w/e and then sees this...
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It takes a pretty impressive kind of discipline to get this reaction and then turn to fully face the other person, exposing all the horror while knowing the revulsion you are going to get as a reaction and, in fact, counting on it to help break the engagement. If Jing wasn’t such a nice person, he’d be honestly terrifying.
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She runs off, of course, and it strikes me again no wonder the hugeness of his reaction to XY blushing around him shirtless (when he looked even worse) and how it restored his feeling as a man when this is the reaction he gets from his fiancee and probably 99% of any woman around. Looking like this and still being seen as desirable - yeah, that’s got to be huge.
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As I said. Good lord, he could be quite terrifying if he chose. But also, it’s all so symbolic of how he looks like the perfect Tushan heir and that idealized image but he really is not - because he’s hurt by his past but also because nobody can be this bloodless perfection. XY likes him with all his trauma, physical and otherwise, just as he likes her the same - they see each other’s real self. But here, even if fiancee wasn’t evil, it is like the infatuation of that musician outside that tea house - based on idealized image, not reality.
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Pssst, fiancee’s notion of a better man? Jing’s torturer brother. Her main complaint is “dude, the torture you inflicted on your brother makes him look gross!!!!”
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I love how their delusions are what’s blinding them, just as both believe he’s back for revenge because that’s the only reason they’d be back.
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Sweetheart, you are a murderous psycho but I am forced to point out that a man who could torture his own half-brother who he grew up with and who did him no harm, do it for years and so severely the man is permanently terribly scarred and with a busted leg, for literally nothing the man had ever done to him but because he was pissed at his mom and had an inferiority complex, is not a good choice of partner? One day he’s gonna get pissed at you!
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I hope you both get to experience cousin’s maggot box at length but also, if there ever was a fitting match in this drama!
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chaosfairy18 · 29 days
perchance some binch (buttons + finch) drabble??? they're my sillies and i love them so dearly /nfta
First of all Hello!
I do have to say I don't really do much livesies/stage musical stuff (sorry) nor have I ever really done much thinking on Finch or Buttons even as individual characters nor as a ship (I prefer Redfinch) but since you've been so kind to send me an ask I tried my best. I really only have Hotshot as a recurring character in my writing and even then she is very different from canon Hotshot.
Buttons is Tadhg McCarthy (his canon name in UKsies) and he got the name because he 'has his buttons' (being smart) but I still made him sew. (Thanks to Nox for the UKsies infos <3)
Finch isn't even here that much but I write him mostly like my dear friend @clevereverest makes me think of him, I love her Redfinch writing
Mostly this is actually Buttons character study a bit and his friendship with another pickpocket who sews: Swifty. Because I am 99% 92sies focused and I needed to at least have one character I already know how to write.
Now enjoy: (750 words)
Buttons wasn’t sure what to do with Finch always having some rip in his clothes. Naturally he’d help him, but he wouldn’t be happy about it. For most people he’d ask for a fee for patching their things up – if they didn’t want that they could go to someone else – but with Finch he regrettably couldn’t do that as they were close.
Didn’t mean he had to be happy about not getting a bit more money.
Admittedly he had gotten more than enough today by relieving some people of their change.
In the bunkroom – where his sewing kit was – there was only one other newsie, Swifty, apparently doing the same thing. They got along well – thief’s codex and all that – so he sat on the bunk across from him to do his own stitching. “Hey Swifts.”
“Buttons.” Swifty grinned his usual lopsided grin. “Finch again?”
Buttons groaned, looking at the ceiling. “Idiot tears his thin’s every day. Shirts, pants, hat. Last week t’was his socks.” Of course he knew partly how it happened, Finch climbed up some tree and the branches nicked his clothes, he fell down and scraped his knees, he got in fights and teared something else.
“You’d earn a fortune if ya actually took his money.” As much as his tone was teasing, Buttons had a feeling Swifty was thinking something more than what should be going on.
“Can’t rob ‘im blind like that.”, he just said dismissively, getting out his scissors and thread.
“What’re you doin’ anyways? One of the littles ripped somethin’?” The kids always tumbled around and Swifty was close to both Flipper and Tumbler – mostly through them being close to Skittery and Bumlets, who were his best friends – and he’d also do a lot for Boots or Snipeshooter, not to mention Splasher. Though Splasher would have come to Buttons for sure.
Swifty held the shirt he was doing something on closer to Buttons, showing a little cat on the hem of it, embroidered in black. “I’m puttin’ little cats on all of Skittery’s clothes to see when he notices. I’m runnin’ out of clothes actually.”
“Bold of you to assume he’s lookin’ at his clothes when he puts them on.”
“It’s still fun. Tumbler loves it, says Skitts is like a cat anyways.”
They talked a bit more, also about what they had stolen the last few days, laughing about some of the close escapes they’d had or reactions they got after stealing various things. Swifty even managed to get a whole dollar, not even wanting to show it, already having it stocked away somewhere. Not that Buttons would have stolen it from him… probably. It would have gotten him such good clothes and sewing equipment though.
It was tempting, but thief’s honour kept him from actually doing it.
A bit later Finch came in, just as Buttons was almost finished, looking eager to get his vest back. “You done yet?”
“Almost.”, he just said dismissively, Swifty snickering from his bunk.
“Let the man work. With how much you’re givin’ him one could think you’re doin’ it on purpose.” Before Finch could reply to that, Swifty had jumped up, shoved the newly embroidered shirt in Skittery’s drawer and quietly disappeared down the stairs, steps light as always.
Finch’s eyes widened a bit, and he looked apologetic. “I promise I ain’t doin’ it on purpose, Tadhg. Just happens.”
“Yeah yeah. You’re just a clumsy bird.” Jumping up, cutting off the last thread, he held out the vest, newly patched, almost looking like new. Or at least the same as before. “There you go. Don’t go and rip it open again, if you keep givin’ me that much business I will have you pay for it. Runnin’ out of thread with all this.”
“I’m sure you won’t lose your buttons though.”, Finch laughed, referring to how Buttons got his nickname, from having all his wits with him. Having his buttons in order, so to speak. It was one of the better nicknames anyhow, as it also fit with sewing.
Finch slipped into the vest and grinned, leaning forward and kissing Buttons’ cheek. “Thanks again, really. I’ll get you some thread or cloth or somethin’. Promise.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sure. Just don’t keep making people suspicious with all this. They’s bound to notice I treat you special.”
“Not that they’re wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He pecked his lips. “See you later.”
Buttons got to sew up two more of his clothes just this week.
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bruhstation · 4 months
can't quite tell when casa tidmouth is set but given how much work has to be done online these days, who do you think would be tech literate v tech phobic? I can see thomas trolling on twitter and james endlessly posting on insta while gordon can barely open his emails and gets furious when anyone brings this up (edward has no idea either but he's willing to ask and learn. and he loves cat memes.)
casa tidmouth is set in the summer of 1999! though their fashion sense and architecture are more leaning to the 60s and 70s due to gold dust shenanigans. there are computers ofc so the cast use the internet
the younger ones are the most tech literate, like thomas and percy. if modern websites were around during the 90s thomas would be trolling people on twitter. he loves seeing people seethe. especially gordon. his opponent would give him well thought out replies and thomas would just reply with a stupid reaction image or “not reading all of that”. he tried doing the same on a subreddit only to get jumped there
percy likes browsing youtube! and blogging about his life on various social medias! he posts pictures of the railway and his friends from time to time. “been getting into yoghurt lately” “does anyone remember that show about talking tugboats” percy doesn’t have a large following but his internet circle likes him because he’s nice and positive. also he and thomas love spongebob youtube poops so so much it pisses gordon off
james would post instagram selfies. correct. he uses way too many tags like #railway #girl #boy #nonbinary #hottie #selflove #selfie etc etc but he gets 10 likes at max on. he has to deal with thomas_a.billington commenting “idc” under his posts almost every week
the older bunch of the cast don’t really use the internet that much. especially edward since he’s got books for the things he need help with. he doesn’t know how account verifications work so he gave up on social media. he’s very online on goodreads and online bookstores though. edward likes history videos. asmr too. the ones titled Gentle Rain - Rain Sounds For Sleeping, Concentration, Healing - 99% Works [10 Hours]. toby’s the same except he’s more casual
henry and gordon would struggle with opening and replying tonemails (edward too but he’s patient and doesn’t even use the internet that much). the latter especially to the point it pisses him off. “we should use letters like normal people” gordon says. he also doesn’t touch social media because “it’s beneath me” but we all know he struggles with it and is most likely to get baited into entering heated debates so he had to restrain himself. he does like cat videos. they’re cute. cooking channels too. he’s a bit embarassed about it though
henry founds himself stopping by forums like yahoo answers or quora every once in a while and even got into arguments with housewives about taking care of plants. gordon gets dragged into the mischief and encourages henry to fight back. show them who’s the boss in petunias and roses and dahlias. “do NOT lose. this is a matter of pride and dignity” the forum then got locked after 500 replies and henry gave gordon the silent treatment for 24 hours after he gained post internet argument clarity
tldr this is thomas’ relationship with his coworkers online
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oysters-aint-for-me · 11 months
last night i saw kesha in concert and it was amazing obviously. but this post is not about how much i love kesha.
behind me and my friend stood three beings. they appeared to be three teenage girls, probably somewhere between 15 and 18. all three were wearing black crop tops and black skinny jeans. all fine and normal. this post is not about their outfits.
they were talking to each other the entire concert - which is fine, it's a concert, the music is loud, people are with their friends, they talk to each other. this post is not about how annoying The Youths are.
what this post is about:
i am like 99% convinced that these three "teenage" "girls" were extraterrestrials who, in order to blend in with humans during their visit here, had taken a 101 intro language class about the slang used by the current generation of english-speaking teenaged earthlings.
every single line out of their mouths was gen z slang, to the point that it was literally uncanny. they were using the slang...well, not incorrectly, at least from what i could tell as a 35-year-old, but there was something indefinably off about it. "is this giving senior year?" "oh my god it's TOTALLY giving senior year" "YAAAS KESHA" "YAAS QUEEN" "kesha's got rizz!" "SLAY" "she's giving taylor " "she's giving nicki minaj" "YAAAS KESHA!" "SLAY KESHA!" "YAS QUEEN!" "these vibes slay!" "kesha is SO based" and that was basically the extent of their vocabulary.
except it also truly seemed like they had never been to any kind of concert or performance before - except they also talked about having gone to a taylor swift concert. at first i honestly thought they were doing a bit, like, "oooh we're so dumb we don't get how concerts work hahaha," and sure, it might have been.
but in my opinion, their befuddlement happened way too often and way too sincerely to be a joke. like. near the beginning of the concert, people started dancing, like you do; these three creatures' reaction was: "We can dance here?!" if kesha left stage for a bit for a costume change or a water break or whatever, these three creatures would go, "WAIT WHERE DID KESHA GO IS SHE COMING BACK?" they were absolutely stunned and thrilled when everyone took their phones out with the lights on and held them up during a slower song - you know, like people used to do with lighters, like people do at concerts. and the encore situation utterly baffled them.
they also seemed fully convinced that another popstar was going to show up. and this led to them simply naming popstars. "nicki minaj." "macklemore." "beyonce." "britney spears." "taylor."
(yes, only "taylor" - their vocabulary class must have taught them that while "taylor swift" is her full name, human gen z girls are on a first name basis with her.)
now. if they were only confused but didn't go so hard with the gen z slang, my reaction would be, "aw, these kids are experiencing a concert for the first time (or second, i guess, if they had seen "taylor")--how sweet to see young people discover something new!"
and if the reverse was true, if they used all that slang but didn't seem so baffled by the concept of a live performance, i would simply be amused by their conversation and i wouldn't think much of it.
but the mixture of both, plus the moment when they started listing popstars, and they were all wearing the exact same outfit? you do the math.
so i put those clues together, came to the obvious rational conclusion, and now all i can imagine is those three (very enthusiastic, to their credit) extraterrestrials in their true alien forms practicing their gen z vocab:
"i have a question for you, my dear besties! macklemore: based or cringe?"
"YAS, macklemore. i have heard of this one. i believe he is based."
"me too. i am also aware of this macklemore. i too believe he is based."
"this is correct, he serves slay."
"YAAAAS, your highness."
"we are being very normal teenaged girls in this year on Earth two thousand and twenty three."
"YAS HUNTY, we are very normal, because Earth is where we are from."
"and two thousand and twenty three is indeed how we refer to this year due to one of the numbering systems that has been established by humans, which is what we are."
"now, tell me, besties mine, would you say that ed sheeran is giving cunt?"
"yass, i believe that is based as well."
[all three nodding at each other, satisfied with their progress]
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margoteve · 2 months
The Normandy Album 3:
the Marshmallow contest
Summary: Normandy crew tries to guess what Javik's reaction to marshmallows would be.
Author's note: Rex is a varren you can adopt in ME2 with Normandy mod. You can also read this on AO3. Also, I love Brooklyn 99 references ;p
Enjoy. And leave some feedback :) or suggestion for next one.
"Ladies, Gentlemen and others," Joker stood in the middle of the mess hall, arms wide and walking very carefully. "We have gathered here to answer an age old question: who here can make the best impression of Javik." His announcement got everyone's eyes on him. Perfect. "Everyone will be judge by the voice, body language and overall lack of flaire. Everyone will perform the same scenario - Javik eating a marshmallow for the first time in his life." He pushed the bowl of marshmallows in the middle of the table and a collective snicker and giggle ran through the floor with some whistles. "Let the Javik-off begin!!"
The room exploded into an applause accompanied by a loud, excited barking of Rex and Urz - Shepard's varrens. The competitors lined up to try their best.
First to take a stab at it was Garrus: "What is this glutenous monstrosity before me." He turned the marshmallow between his claws, frowning deeply without eating it. "It wasn't a thing in my cycle." He sniffed it and placed it down with a suspicious squint.
Next came Ashley. "The sugar in this is quite sweet," she stated, mouth full, with an angry grimace glaring at Joker. "Sweets are for primitives."
Next was Tali. She sat down and made a delighted giggle, humming over the marshmallow she couldn't eat.
"C'mon Tali, is that really the best you can come up with?" Joker shook his head.
"What! I can totally see him doing that!" she defended herself.
"Get outta here," Joker shooed her away.
Tali left the spot by the table among more crew laughing.
Next was Liara. She squinted at the candy between her fingers. "Looks like a sticky pillow... I never had pillows in my cycle."
The final one was Joker. "I don't care for it. In my cycle, we would throw these out the airlock." The crowd snickered, giving some hoots of approval.
"What's going on here?" Suddenly, Shepard entered the scene with Javik following behind her. "What are you doing?" she asked, suspiscious.
"Commander! And Javik! Glad you came here!" Joker glanced at the bowl in front of him and took it carefully. "We were, uh, just enjoying some marshmallows. Do you think that maybe you and our Prothean friend could try some?"
Shepard took one look at his face and just knew shennanigans were afoot. She raised an eyebrow and noticed the looks Joker, and everyone else on deck were throwing Javik. "Sure," she said slowly. "Javik, why won't you try one too."
Javik leered at Joker and his marshmallow bowl sceptically. "Commander, I don't-," he started.
"C'mon, Javik, she tried to encourage him. "One marshmallow won't kill you. I hope." She joked and took the bowl from Joker offering the last remaining marshmallow to him.
Javik glanced over the room, noticing the almost held breath of everyone gathered there. Then he looked at Shepard who seemed to be fine eating the white substance. Slowly, he reache into the bowl. Everyone seemed to suck a breath in. Javik bit into the marshmallow. He chewed. Suddenly - a small giggle escaped his lips. He quickly clasped a hand over his mouth, turning around.
"I KNEW IT!!" Tali yelled, jumping up in victory. The events betting pool was hers and hers alone! Take that you bosh'tets!!
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ro-is-struggling · 2 years
Enemies to lovers in which Character A and Character B have a bet in which if Character B loses they have to go on a date with Character A. But it's not a normal date, but an event prepared to be remembered as the worst experience of their life. Only in the middle of the date they realize they can have fun together {Brooklyn 99 1x13}
Congratulations on 600 followers! 💕🫶🏻
I think this will be really cute with Spencer Reid (in which he is Character A). They’ve been secretly inlove with each other but none of them knows and they hide behind the “enemies” facade. During the “date”spencer would notice that reader is acting really weird and he unintentionally profiled her and he realized reader’s behavior seems to be pointing to the fact that she likes him. Spencer wouldn’t believe at first so he decided to ask reader about it jokingly and reader’s reaction gave it away. Would be cute if spencer keeps teases her about it throughout the date before admitting his own feelings. (And maybe makeout because why not 🫣)
Hi beautiful! Thank you so much for participating in the celebration!! I loved your request and I had a lot of fun writing it but I just noticed that I made a little mistake. I misread your message and I put Spencer as Character B aka the one that loses the bet. The rest of the request it's the same, so I hope you don't mind!
The Bet || Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: After losing a bet, Spencer is forced to go on a date with you. You planned everything to make it the worst date of his life as a way to torture him for how annoying he was with you all the time. However, you end up discovering that you are able to have a good time together without arguing like children and by the end of the night you uncover the true meaning behind the tension you always felt when you were together. 
Warnings: enemies/rivals to lovers, idiots in love, fluff, sexual tension, teasing, make out session, baby Spence
English is not my first language
Word count: 5000
Notes: part of this fic was revealed to me in a dream so if it doesn't make sense that's why. Also this is my first time writing for Spencer so I’m sorry if it’s bad :(
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Spencer regretted participating in the bet the moment he saw your evil grin. He should have left you talking to yourself when you argued with him that part of the unsub profile they were looking for was wrong. That was what he did most of the time anyway. Arguments and competitions between you were not uncommon and Spencer had learned very quickly that you were very stubborn, so sometimes to keep your rivalry from affecting his work he was the one who de-escalated situations by leaving you talking to yourself or just agreeing with you.
But this time it was different. The tension that was usually in the air whenever you were together was particularly heavy. Spencer could never really decipher what it meant, he could just feel it in the air whenever you were around. He didn't think it was hate —he didn't hate you and you didn't seem to hate him—, but the way you handled it was close to it. It was a rivalry. A rivalry that had been born out of nowhere. He didn't remember any particular situation that had started it, but for some reason you guys always argued. And that stupid rivalry was what had led him to this situation. 
For some reason the discussion you'd had about the now solved case had been more intense than usual. Spencer wasn't sure why, you guys had had disagreements over more important things than that in the past. He attributed it to exhaustion and frustration over the difficulty of the case, but part of him knew that wasn't entirely true. Whatever the reason, he was particularly determined to prove his point, so when you proposed a bet he accepted without thinking, certain that he would win. 
Needless to say, he was wrong and was now obliged to go on a date with you. But it wasn't just any date. No, that would have been too easy. This date was not a friendly one, but an event planned by you to be specifically horrible for him. You had promised him the worst date of his life when you won the bet and at the time Spencer had thought it couldn't be that bad. But now seeing the smile on your face he was beginning to question it.
"Ready to have the worst day of your life?" you asked him as soon as he got into your car. You picked him up at the exact time you agreed upon, not a minute more, not a minute less.
"I don't know, I had some really bad days while growing up. I don't think you can do worse" he said as flashes of his worst memories ran through his mind like a very depressing movie. Being a genius child had brought him nothing but trauma during his school years, especially in the love department. To this day chills ran down his spine whenever he heard the word date.
"Oh we'll see about that," you replied with a smile before starting the engine.
The road was filled with silence, the soft melody of the music on the radio the only sound echoing through the vehicle. Spencer wasn't good with small talk, especially when you were present. He never knew what to say because everything could end up in an argument between you. Sometimes he thought you were doing it on purpose, that somehow you had fun testing his limits. You always seemed to have something to say, an opinion that contradicted his. In fact, it was kind of impressive, annoying, but impressive nonetheless.
Spencer would be lying if he said he didn't find your discussion stimulating. He would never admit it out loud —especially not to you—, but you sometimes pushed him to think outside the box, to question things he might not have otherwise. You had a very unique way of seeing the world and when your views clashed with his, very interesting things happened in his mind. Although your eagerness to contradict him annoyed him, Spencer also felt that it made him a better detective and profiler. And for that he was a little grateful to you. Just a little. Sometimes.
"Where are we going?" he asked, breaking the silence as he noticed you were getting farther and farther out of town. 
"It's a surprise," you replied without looking away from the road.
"We're in the middle of nowhere. What could we possibly do around here?"
"Take a guess."
"Are you going to kill me?" Spencer joked, though part of him did feel like he was in the beginning of a horror movie. "Is that your big surprise?"
"No, silly! That would ruin all the fun." You laughed thinking about everything you had planned for today. You weren't going to kill him, but by the end of the day you were pretty sure he would wish he was dead. 
"Then what is it?" he insisted and you let out a frustrated sigh, reaching down to pull something out of the glove compartment of the car.
"Well, since you want to ruin the surprise... here." You passed him a flyer, which he read with horror as he realized the fate that awaited him. "We're going hiking! Isn't it great? And by great I mean awful for you."
You were right, it was bad for him. Spencer hated the outdoors and the activities associated with it. He wasn't good at sports and hated the heat and sweat that typically accompanied outdoor activities. Not to mention how much he hated bugs. He could spend the afternoon in a park reading or playing chess with no problem. He enjoyed the breeze and the sunlight as long as he was sitting under a tree on a park bench where he didn't have to sweat or do any kind of physical activity. 
 "Do we really have to do this?" he asked, and by 'we' he meant him.
"Rules are rules, man" you told him, patting him on the back.  "Sorry, but you lost the bet. Better luck next time."
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Spencer was definitely not dressed appropriately for hiking. You hadn't given him any instructions or clues as to what you were going to do so he dressed as he always did. And now he had to suffer the heat by wearing long pants and a shirt whose thick fabric didn't allow his body to breathe properly. His shoes were not appropriate for such an occasion either, hurting his feet after fifteen minutes of walking. 
Sweat made his clothes cling to his body, making the experience even more uncomfortable. He was breathing heavily, agitated by the physical activity. You were definitely walking faster than normal on purpose, enjoying his misery. The only moments of rest he had were when you stopped to take pictures of the beautiful surroundings or some animal wandering around, and even that wasn't enough to catch his breath. 
"Okay you win! This is awful, can we stop now?" Spencer asked between ragged breaths, pausing for a moment to rest. 
"Why would we stop?"
"Because I'm tired and sweaty... haven't you had your fun already? I think you tortured me enough, let's go back." You looked at Spencer for a moment before letting out a long laugh. The poor little boy thought this was all you had planned, how foolish!
"Oh honey! I have much more planned for today, this is not even the worst part" you told him and Spencer felt a shiver run down his spine. What worse things could you have planned? "Now let's go, we're close to your next surprise."
He ran after you, asking you about what you had planned, but no matter how many times he insisted you didn't give up even the tiniest detail. The suspense was killing him, but according to you that was part of the fun. So now, in addition to being tired, sweaty and upset, Spencer was also worried about what the future held. He was convinced that nothing could be worse than walking for what felt like an eternity under the sun, not knowing where he was going and when he'd get there, but looking at the evil grin on your face made him doubt that. 
Finally, after about 30 more minutes of walking, you stopped. Turning around, you asked him to cover his eyes and keep them closed until you told him otherwise. Spencer hesitated for a moment, he had too many traumatic memories from his school years that advised against it. In his experience, nothing good came from someone asking him to wear a blindfold to surprise him. But even though his instincts told him otherwise, he followed your instructions. Spencer knew you weren't that kind of person. Sure, you'd argue and get on each other's nerves, but he knew you'd never do anything to really hurt him. So he let you blindfold him and guide him to your destination. 
Spencer tripped over rocks and branches a couple of times and you laughed in his face each time, but you still held his hand to make sure nothing happened to him. As you walked you realized that this was the first time you had ever held his hand. In all the time you knew him you had never had the opportunity to hold his hand, not even to greet him on your first day at BAU. You discovered then that you liked the feeling of his fingers intertwined with yours, it awakened a strange warm feeling inside you that you didn't fully understand. You didn't bother to think about it either, fearing what it might awaken, so you concentrated on guiding Spencer to his second surprise, remembering that this was all supposed to be a way to get back at him for all the times he'd bothered you at work and nothing more.
"Okay, we're here, you can look now" you announced when you arrived at your destination, letting go of his hand as if it had burned you. "Ta-da!" you exclaimed when Spencer opened his eyes, proud of your creation.
It took the young genius a few seconds to adjust his eyes to the light after being blindfolded for so long, but when he regained his sight he discovered that his second surprise was a picnic. There were blankets and cushions for you to sit on, baskets of food and a large tent where you could shelter from the sun. And in the center of it all was a large sign with the words 'I was right!' written in big letters.
“Wow!” Spencer exclaimed, not sure what else to say. "You did all this?"
"Yes! Well, technically I paid someone to do it for me but it was my idea."
Spencer had to admit that this wasn't as bad as he'd expected. Sure, the idea of eating while sitting on the ground surrounded by dirt and bugs after spending the last hour walking wasn't the best, but he couldn't deny that having a place to rest for a while was a blessing for him at the moment. He didn't quite know what your intention behind the picnic was, but he thought it might have impacted him a little more if that had been the first activity of the day. In his eyes, nothing could be worse than hiking. 
"You put a lot of effort into this," Spencer said as you ate, admiring the level of detail in the picnic, from the amount of food to the decorations around it. It was as if you were in your own little pillow fort, taking refuge from the rest of the world.
"Of course I did! I've been planning this for months" you replied with honesty. You had arranged to have this date three times already, but given the erratic nature of your jobs you had to postpone it to attend to an urgent case. You were beginning to believe that you would never be able to celebrate your victory when you found a space in your busy schedules to have your date. "I told you I was right."
Spencer chose to ignore that last comment, a clear taunt to make him fight you. "How much money did you waste on this?"
"Probably more than I should have, but it's sooo worth it! And this isn't even the worst part." 
Spencer was silent for a moment, imagining what other things you might have planned for your date and in what ways they might be worse. When you made the bet, he thought the date would be much more casual than this. He expected you to set up some activity you knew he wouldn't enjoy just to torment him, even imagined you'd spend all day gloating about your victory, mentioning every chance you got how you'd outsmarted him. But this felt different. Yes, you were annoying him on purpose, but it felt much more... personal than what he expected. With every little thing you did you demonstrated a level of knowledge about him and his interests that didn't seem to come from the person he argued with almost every day. You had put so much effort into this, planning more than one activity with a clear attention to detail. It almost felt like you were trying to impress him.
"It's funny, if I didn't know you better I would think you liked me and that you were doing all this to impress me." Spencer finally spoke. He made it sound like a joke, even though part of him meant it. He studied your reaction carefully, searching your expression for answers to all his doubts.
"What? No!" you affirmed, looking at him with confusion. Why would he think you liked him? And what was worse, why did his accusation make the blood in your body rush to your cheeks?
"Do you like me, Y/N?" Spencer spoke in a soft but firm tone, his eyes never leaving your face. You felt self-conscious under his intense gaze, fearing that any move you made, however subtle, would be caught by the skilled profiler and used against you. 
Did you actually like Spencer?
"No!" you claimed, but even you had to admit it hadn't sounded convincing at all.
"You do!"
"No I don't! It doesn't make any sense, I literally planned this whole date to make you miserable. What part of that tells you I like you?"
"All the effort you put into this date," he replied as if it were obvious. "And how nervous you're getting."
His sudden confidence took you by surprise. "I-I'm not nervous!" you tried to defend yourself, but your voice betrayed you, putting a smile on Spencer's face. "Shut up, Reid!"
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You stopped by your house before the last surprise you had planned for the day. You both needed a shower after the long walk in the sunshine and you were in desperate need of some time away from Spencer to collect your thoughts. Besides, you had one of the central elements for the third surprise tucked away in your closet, so you needed to get back anyway.
You used your time in the shower to think about what had happened. Was it possible that Spencer was right? Did you have a crush on him? Your first reaction was to think it was ridiculous. Yes, he was attractive, but that was about it. From the first moment you met you did nothing but argue and drive each other crazy. The only reason Hotch hadn't transferred you to another team was because you knew how to pick your battles and because according to him your constant bickering made you better at your jobs. You never stopped to think that maybe there might be something else behind the strange tension that followed you around. But now you were beginning to question yourself.
"C'mon Reid! We're gonna be late," you rushed him as you inspected your appearance in the mirror near the entrance. Your long dress fit you perfectly, hugging your curves in all the right places, your hair was behaving as it should, maintaining the shape you had styled it in, and your high heels weren't killing you. You just needed some lip gloss and your look would be complete.
"Why do I have to wear this?" Spencer yelled from the room where he was putting on the outfit you had left him. "Where are you taking me?"
"You know I can't answer that," you yelled back, tucking your cherry flavored lip gloss into your purse. "Now get your ass here or I'll come and get you!"
A couple of minutes later you heard the door open and Spencer emerged from the hallway. Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes fell upon his tall, slender figure wearing the suit you had chosen for him. The idea behind his overly formal attire was to make him feel uncomfortable since the place you were going to didn't require that kind of clothing, but it was having the opposite effect. Spencer looked beautiful in that black suit, it gave him a different aura, much more confident and dominant than you were used to. And it was making you feel things.
However, Spencer didn't feel more confident, on the contrary, he felt strange as he wasn't used to wearing that kind of attire. He felt more confident in his nerdy clothes, his ugly sweaters and knit cardigans, a style that might not be popular, but that made him feel like himself. And that fancy suit wasn't necessarily himself. He considered not leaving your room, giving up and begging you to have mercy on him. But when he saw your reaction to his new appearance he felt both embarrassed and confident at the same time, if that made any sense. 
He hated being the center of attention, he hated people's overreactions to his changing appearance —that was the reason why he always kept the same style, except for his hair of course. But for some reason the look of pure surprise and admiration in your eyes awakened a wave of confidence in him. Apparently Spencer liked being the center of attention if you were the only one watching him. 
"Y/N are you okay?" he said when he saw that you didn't react.
"What?" you mumbled distractedly, your brain struggling to function properly.
"Are you okay?" This time Spencer had a small smile on his face, the corners of his lips curving upward so slightly it was almost imperceptible. It seemed his theory wasn't so crazy after all.
"Yeah, umm, yeah I'm fine. Let's go."
The walk to the bar where you planned to end the date wasn't as quiet as the first drive you'd shared. You were a little more comfortable with each other so you were able to make conversation and even joke around a bit. Spencer asked you about your interest in photography, surprised to find out something about you that he didn't already know —after all, you spent so much time together solving cases that it was hard not to know every little detail about your coworkers' lives. You told him it was a hobby you had recently picked up, as well as your interest in learning to embroider and knit. You joked that you were going through your granny phase and promised to make him a new sweater as soon as you perfected your technique. 
That car ride was the first time since you had known each other that you had a conversation without feeling the heavy tension in the air putting you on edge. It was nice, you got a chance to see another side of Spencer that didn't trigger the need to antagonize him inside you, a much calmer, more relaxed side. However, things between you went back to normal when you reached your destination.
"A couples dance?" Spencer said, looking at you with a raised eyebrow when he discovered what his final surprise was all about.
"It's a competition! The last couple to stand at the end of the event wins a prize!" you explained, taking him by the hand and dragging him to the dance floor, where several couples were dancing to the music. As Spencer looked around, he noticed how out of place your attire was in comparison to the other participants. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the curious stares of the crowd, though you didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
"Please tell me we don't have to stay here until the end."
"No, technically the event ends when there's only one couple left dancing and that could take hours. I'm not that mean. Besides, I'm sure Garcia would end up calling us to go to work before this thing is over." Spencer laughed knowing that was probably true. It was actually quite surprising that the date hadn't been interrupted by a call from your friend alerting you that there was a new urgent case that needed to be taken care of like the last three times. 
"Do we have to do this?" the genius asked you, looking at you like a child asking his mother not to go to his aunt and uncle's house to stay and play video games. You knew the true meaning behind Spencer's words. He was scared because he didn't know how to dance and the last thing he wanted was to make a fool of himself in front of you. "And why did you choose these outfits?"
"Of course we do! It's my choice, remember?" you told him, taking one of his hands and placing it on your waist. "And the outfits are fun! You should be grateful that I chose this, there were worse options on my list."
"I don't know how to dance," he admitted with embarrassment even though he was sure you already knew that, otherwise why would you have chosen this place?
"Then let me guide you." Your voice was soft. Nothing in your demeanor indicated to him that you had bad intentions, so he trusted you, letting you guide his hands over your body.
Spencer was a little tense at first as a result of his unfamiliarity with the music playing and how strange it was to have you so close to him. His hands barely grazed your body, gripping your waist so gently that you could barely feel his fingers on you. It was as if he was afraid to touch you, as if he thought you were a porcelain doll that would break at the slightest touch. You found it adorable and frustrating at the same time. You wanted to feel his hands on your body, you wanted to know how it felt to be wrapped in his arms. 
"You can touch me, you know," you said. Spencer looked at you for a moment, his beautiful hazel eyes analyzing your expression closely before he complied with your commands. He didn't miss the small sigh that escaped your lips when you felt him tighten his grip on your waist. And when you looked up at him, Spencer noticed your pupils widen.
"Now what?" he asked you, his voice a raspy whisper. It took a couple of seconds for your brain to process his words, confused by the swirl of feelings that assaulted you now that you had Spencer so close. 
"Now we move," you muttered as you regained your cognitive abilities, indicating to him the steps that corresponded to the rhythm that was playing. 
Spencer was a little unsure at first, focusing on trying to relax and let the music and your indications guide him. Dancing wasn't an activity he did consistently or enjoyed very much to be honest and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed doing it in front of so many people. But then you asked him to relax, reminding him that it wasn't a professional competition and most of the people there didn't know what they were doing. As he looked up, he saw for himself that you were right —most of the couples were either dancing out of rhythm or laughing at their lack of skill— and that helped him a little. He was then able to loosen up, becoming less afraid of making a fool of himself as he laughed with you every time you made mistakes. He even dared to step outside the structured rules of each rhythm, spinning you around the dance floor before drawing you into his body once more, pressing you against him as you resumed the characteristic steps of the particular rhythm that was playing in the background.
It was strange for Spencer to feel so free and relaxed around you. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he would be spending one of his few days off with you, dancing and laughing as if you didn't spend most of your time at work bickering like children. Spencer was surprised at how much he was enjoying your company. Putting aside your obvious attempts to create an uncomfortable environment for him, the two of you were having a good time. 'The worst date of his life' wasn't so bad after all. 
"I didn't know you could dance," he told you as you lost yourselves in the slow melody that was now replacing the salsa that had echoed through the dance floor the last few minutes. 
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Doctor Reid." You spoke in a mysterious, seductive voice, causing Spencer to look at you with an arched eyebrow.
"You know what I think?" he said after a few seconds of silence. "I think I know you better than you think."
"How so?"
"I know you've been to a couple of dates these past few months and that they were all unsuccessful." Spencer said, turning you gently in your place before pulling you to him once more. His voice was soft and calm, but every word that came out of his mouth awakened a strange tingling inside you. "And I know for a fact that you didn't put this much effort into any of those dates."
"What are you trying to say, Doctor Reid?"
"That you like me," he stated as if it were obvious. "And that coming here was an excuse to have me all dressed up, dancing close to you." His voice was barely a whisper, his face was so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath caressing your skin when he spoke. You were surprised by the confidence in his words and the intensity of his gaze. His eyes never left yours, holding you prisoner under his bright hazel eyes. It was as if you were in a trance, mesmerized by his penetrating gaze that threatened to read your thoughts.
"And what if it was?" You teased him, lowering your gaze to his lips. It was only a second, but it was enough to awaken a fire in Spencer that he rarely felt. "What would you do then?"
There was a moment of silence as you looked into each other's eyes —the famous calm before the storm. The world around you ceased to exist, the music and the murmur of people fading into the background as you dared each other to take the first step. It was just you, him and that damn tension in the air. 
And that's when you understood its true meaning. You didn't feel that way every time you were together because you hated each other or because you found each other annoying. No, you felt that tension in the air because from the first time you had seen each other you had wanted to feel each other's lips caressing your own, you just hadn't known how to interpret the signals your bodies and minds were giving you. It was a feeling that had been ignored by you for a long time and now that you finally understood it you were determined to do something about it.
Spencer beat you for just a second, leaning in and closing the short distance between you in a kiss that took your breath away. All this time you imagined him to be a slow and gentle kisser, but there was none of that in the way his lips moved against yours. There was no room for tenderness in that moment, only passion and desperation as the culmination of months of pent up feelings. 
You struggled to keep up with the rhythm of his lips, clinging to Spencer's shoulders in a desperate attempt to keep yourself grounded. But when his tongue caressed your lower lip asking for permission, you lost what little control you had left. You parted your lips, tilting your head so you could deepen the kiss. You lost yourself in the softness of Spencer's lips, letting the feeling of euphoria take over your body. You had to stifle a moan as you savored the cherry flavor of your lip gloss on his mouth, finding that subtle mark of possession all too arousing. He was yours and you were his.
"Let's go back to my place," you mumbled against his lips as you pulled apart gasping for air. Spencer put up no resistance and soon you found yourselves back in your car. The engine was already running and you were ready to drive as fast as you could within the bounds of the law to get to your apartment as soon as possible, when the ringing of your phone alerted you.
"Looks like we're gonna have to get a rain check on that." You groaned in frustration as you read Penelope's message. "Duty calls." Just as you were finishing saying that, Spencer's phone rang as well with the same message from her friend clarifying in all caps the urgency of the situation. Without a second thought you drove to the office as fast as you could, completely forgetting the outfits you and Spencer were wearing.
Needless to say, you had to endure the teasing and questioning from your colleagues when they saw you arrive —especially Penelope, who pulled you aside and made you promise to tell her every detail when you had time—, but you didn't really care. You were still flying high after that wonderful first kiss and your mind was only focused on one thing: feeling Spencer's lips on yours again.
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
The Perfect Day (pt 2)
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pt 2 of "The Perfect Day"
pairings: Mingi x reader
Today was the day. You sat in front of the mirror looking at yourself in awe as the stylist finished up the final touches on your makeup. Thank god waterproof makeup exists cause you were so close to crying just over how good you looked! Your bridesmaids were sitting in their chairs getting their hair done when one of them gasped dramatically. You whipped your head around looking at them with wide eyes. 
“What what what?!?!?!” You ask with urgency. One of your bridesmaids Mae showed you her screen.
“The new episode of Demon Slayer is out!” she exclaims as your other bridesmaid Nicole gasps out loud. 
“Bitch I thought you were gonna say Mingi ran out!” You breathe out as you try to calm your heart. Nicole snorted.
“Mingi is not stupid. He’s gonna sob like a lil baby when you walk down the aisle,” Nicole said dreamingly. 
“Or he’s gonna jump like San and remind us all why their company banned jumping,” Mae snorted looking back at her phone.
“Yeah, why the fuck is that a thing?” Nicole asked. You shrugged.
“Who knows but he and San are the reason,” you laugh. 
“You both are literally marrying Shoyo HiNicolea,” Nicole smirks as she hairsprays her hair. 
“And you’re marrying a man who loves One Piece,” Mae snorts. 
“I’m marrying Yeosang question mark?” Nicole said, cocking her eyebrow, looking up from her phone.
“Wooyoung is attached to his hip so you’re also marrying his best friend,” Mae laughed. Nicole smirked.
“Then I’m marrying San too,” she said, laughing. Mae’s eyes went huge. 
“It’s gonna be one big fuck fest,”  All three of you bust out laughing, trying not to ruin what the stylists spent a good few hours on. 
“Who’s gonna cry when Mingi starts crying?” You ask your friends. 
“Hongjoong,” Nicole and Mae say at the same time. You nearly spit out your champagne as the girls start wheezing from laughter. All three of you started debating on what order the guys will lose their shit when their bubbly 99-line brother becomes a blubbering mess once he sees you. 
“You have that to look forward to,” you say, holding your glass up towards Mae. She covered up her mouth.
“Stop, I don't even wanna think about that right now I’ll start crying too I’m a cancer!!!” she screeched dramatically. Her eyes went huge and she pointed a finger at Nicole.
“SO ARE YOU!” She exclaimed. Nicole’s eyes went huge.
“SO IS SAN!” Mae smacked herself on the forehead. 
“Fuck if it isn’t Hongjoong who’s gonna make me cry at our wedding it’s gonna be San,” she laughed. Everyone’s eyes went huge. 
“San is gonna make us all sob,” you realized before everyone started dramatically having a mental breakdown.
“What am I gonna do?” San asked, walking in. His tux was a gorgeous shade of Red, with minimal face makeup. A few of the guys had absolutely no problem being on the bride's side of the bridal party. Nicole turned around in her chair, hugging San.
“Cry your face off when Y/N walks down the aisle,” she states as San smiles. 
“So will you and Meeks,” he stated matter-of-factly. Nicole looked at Mae.
“We’re screwed,” she breathed out as Mae nodded. You could hear two footsteps coming up the stairs of your cabin, the others not batting an eye knowing it was the rest of the bridesmen.
“Okay okay he’s a 10, but he slaughtered Tanjiro’s entire family,” Wooyoung said so casually that Nicole almost choked on her drink, nearly spitting it out. Mae and San’s eyes turned to the size of saucers. 
“Bitch are you talking about Muzan?” Mae exclaims. Yeosang started laughing seeing everyone's reactions.
“Smash,” Nicole says as she sips her drink. 
“I don’t even know how to respond to that,” Yeosang says, equally as shocked as the rest of the bridal party. The second Wooyoung is about to explain himself, the photographer can be heard running up the stairs.
“She’s ready!!” she squeals as she opens the sliding door, positioning everyone for the big reveal. The five members of your bridal party walk out onto the patio, waiting for you to come out. The second you step out, the camera is clicking and your entire bridal party is in awe. Of course, the cancer gang is already in tears, Yeosang being the gemini he is is holding it together and Wooyoung is cheering you on like he does at your track races. You couldn’t help but laugh even though your eyes were getting misty. After everyone hugged you and swarmed you with compliments, San whispered,
“Let’s get you married”. 
(Groomsmen Cabin)
Mingi stood there fiddling around with his watch as Yunho, his best man, tied his necktie. The other 99 liner beamed as he finished tightening up the red tie, the color matching Mingi’s hair. Jongo stared at his favorite hyung in awe as Seonghwa helped with his tie. Hongjoong had a small vlogging camera, filming b-roll of him and his friends getting ready in the groomsmen's bedroom.
“You ready killer?” Yunho asked as he smoothed out MIngi’s jacket which was also a deep shade of red. Mingi had the brightest blush the boys had ever seen, the first time they found out about how he had been talking to this gorgeous girl for a few weeks and how he had already fallen so hard. 
“I am just so happy right now…” he smiled, just in complete shock and awe that he finally gets to marry you. Hongjoong walked up to Mingi and pinched his cheek, just short of shoving the camera in his face.
“Our Mangi is all grown up!” Hongjoong cooed as Mingi’s gummy smile went on full display. 
“And he’s getting married before any of us!” Yunho stated.
“Hongjoong isn’t too far behind,” Jongo mentioned. Hongjoong grabbed his chest and shook his head. 
“Nooo I’ve already cried twice thinking about Mae walking down the aisle!” He said trying to suck back the moisture that was already building up in his eyes. Mingi laughed as he thought about how that was going to be him in less than 20 minutes.
“We have three cancers in the bridal squad; they're gonna be a mess,” Seonghwa stated. Yunho laughed.
“So will you! We know how you are!” He said, taking a sip of his drink. Seonghwa hid his face in Jongho’s neck as the maknae giggled, patting Seonghwa’s head. 
“It’s gonna be great, hyung,” Jongho said, smiling at the nervous redhead. 
“Are you doing a first look privately or while everyone is there?” asked Hongjoong. Mingi pointed towards the arch.
“We’ll do one privately,” he said, wiping his hands on his pants. “Aish I’m so nervous!” Mingi laughed in anticipation. Right on cue, the photographer came into the room.
“Are you ready to see your bride?” she asked. Mingi bit his knuckles as the guys started squealing like little girls. Your bridesmaids and bridesmen weren’t too far behind her, waiting in the living room. She guided Mingi into the hallway and out the doors, the bridal party hanging back. The photographer wanted to make sure she got the bridal party’s reactions, knowing those pics were definitely going to make her page. Your group hung back as Mingi faced away, looking towards the trees. He waited with anticipation, fiddling with his fingers, already trying not to lose it before even seeing you. You walked out from behind the cabin, your bridal party inside already grabbing tissues. Of course, the cancers were already dabbing at their eyes. You walked up behind Mingi and lightly tapped on his shoulder. His breath hitched, and he let out a shaky breath before turning around. The minute his eyes connected with yours, he bit his lip, trying to prevent the sob that was ripping away at his throat. 
“Oh my god…” he chuckled wetly as he looked you up and down. You smiled doing a little twirl for him, Mingi not able to even hold eye contact with you. He brought his hands up to his face, covering his mouth and nose as he stared at you in awe. Like damn, he was really about to make you his forever. 
“Don’t cry!” you giggle as you try to keep your emotions at bay. He pulled you into a hug, doing his best not to ruin your hair as he held you close.
“You’re so beautiful, you are so…wow…so beautiful, Y/N…” Mingi nearly blubbered into your shoulder. You two held each other for a few more seconds before he pulled away. Wooyoung opened the door they were all staring at and yelled 
“Don’t cry Mangi!!! Your eyes will be puffy!!!” he yelled as his own eyes were misty. Everyone belted out laughing as the photographer caught everything. You bid your extremely temporary goodbyes and your bridal party got with their respected “couples”, and followed behind Mingi, while you hung back. You decided to keep the ceremony small and intimate, surrounded by your best friends, and close family. You absolutely adored how your family and friends got along with his family and friends, it made your day that much more special. Mingi walked up to the beautiful arch that stood out with bright red roses, a beautiful contrast in the green forest. A few friends and family sat down as Mingi walked down the aisle, trying to keep his cool in front of his loved ones. After he stood in his respected spot, your best friends walked down the aisle in pairs, all exchanging smiles with Mingi, the poor redhead getting even more anxious after the 5 pairs of your bridal party stood in their spots. The second everyone stood up and turned around, Mingi all of a sudden found the sky super interesting. Yunho patted his back the second they saw you come around the corner. Mingi blinked as much as he could, as his tears were blurring his vision. Once the tears fell, he could see you clear as day, strolling through the aisle in the most breathtaking dress he had ever seen on you. You smiled seeing the love of your life, giving you the biggest gummy smile you have ever seen. Once you stood before him he mouthed “I love you”, while the officiant let everyone know they could be seated. You handed your bouquet to Mae as the officiant started talking. Mingi wasn’t listening to half the stuff that was being said, he was so lost in your eyes. He came back to the real world when they asked him to read his vows. Mingi took a few shaky breaths before starting.
“Y/N…from the moment I met you, I knew that you were going to be the most important thing in my life. After only a few weeks of knowing you, and Yunho can back me up here, I would not shut up about this beautiful girl I met when we all hung out by the Han river when you and your two best friends were vacationing in Seoul. If it wasn’t for Mae suggesting the three of you two come say hi, I don’t know where we would be, and I don’t want to know, because I can’t imagine my life without you in it,” he said sniffling. You remembered that day. The three of you wanted to take a two-week-long vacation to Seoul because you all dreamed of moving there once you were done with college. On your third day, you were hanging out by the Han River, and you saw 8 crackheads messing around and having fun. They matched your energy and Mae thought it would be fun to at least mingle since you knew no one there. The three of you walked over to say hi, and before you knew it, all eleven of you visited until midnight. They invited you three back to their shared apartment and continued to chat into the early am. Since that day, Mingi hadn’t stopped thinking of you, and vice versa. You two were the first to become a thing, Mae and Hongjoong falling shortly after, and Nicole and Yeosang after half a year. The memory made you tear up.
“Y/N, I promise to love you, cherish you, hype you up when you’re letting loose when we go dancing, and praise you for the goddess that you are–” 
“PERIOD” Mae and Wooyoung shouted at the same time. Everyone busted out laughing. Mingi pulled himself together with the occasional giggle.
“I promise to hold you when you’re tired, to hug you when you cry, to celebrate all of your achievements, to support your dreams, and to be the best husband I can be so you can always be happy. I know love isn’t perfect; I’m sure we will have disagreements, maybe we won’t always see eye to eye, but I promise with all my heart that I will be the man you want me to be,” Mingi finished with a tear sliding down his face. You wiped his cheek with the pad of your thumb, in awe that you’re marrying him. It was then your turn to read your vows.
“Mingi, not a day goes by that I don’t think about where we are now vs. when we first met. The funny thing was that when we met in Seoul, we weren’t looking for love, we were looking for happiness. We found not only that but we found love in each other. We found friendships that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.” The cancers were crying again, poor things.
“I promise to you what I promised you at the beginning of our relationship when we were just friends. I promise to love you for who you are, I promise to be there for you through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I promise to offer a shoulder when you need it. I promise to bring home free coffee after my shift,” you giggle as he chuckles wetly. “Oh and Wooyoung, got you, dude,” you remember as Wooyoung covers his mouth laughing and crying at the same time.
“I promise to be your hype woman every day for the rest of our lives. You chose me for me, and I chose you for all of you. We made such deep promises to each other just as friends, and now these promises follow us into our newfound relationship as husband and wife. Now, let’s do the damn thing,” you said with the widest smile as Mingi mirrored your facial expression. The officiant gave his final “by the power invested in me yadayadayada” spiel, and he pronounced you two as husband and wife.
“Mingi, you may kiss the bride,” he announced proudly, and not a second later, Mingi was dipping you close to the ground, kissing you so deeply and passionately that you almost drowned out all the cheering. You had a super small crowd and a small bridal party, but the sound was booming. You were finally Mr. and Mrs. Song. 
The next few days you were in wanderlust. You two had decided to go on your honeymoon two weeks before the big reception, cause after partying with a bigger crowd, you knew you were going to sleep for 14 hours at least. Your honeymoon was everything you had ever dreamed of. You and Mingi flew to Tuscany, Italy, wanting to go somewhere sort of secluded but with things to do. It was perfect. You spent two weeks going to different vineyards, walking through flower fields, going to different art museums, hitting up nightclubs that were hidden from most tourists (unless you were in your 20s), and spent the most magical two weeks with your husband.
The reception was BEYOND what you expected. Everybody was getting down to your ass-shaking songs, even your older family members. Everyone was throwing it back and dropping it low to some of your favorite songs, your two best girlfriends were being extremely gay on the dance floor, and everyone got to let loose and have fun dancing until people were literally on the verge of fighting over chairs. They were so tired. Your reception was a whole dance party, and it was a celebration of love because there was 110% love all around you. During a slow dance, while your two best girlfriends were dancing with their partners, they all gave you a wink, and you could swear you saw their eyes twinkling. When you looked back at Mingi, he had the same stare with the galaxy dancing in his eyes. You didn’t even know what to say, but he beat you to it.
“Your ass looks bomb as fuck in that dress.”
Okay, thats not actually what he said.
But he was thinking it. *wink*
“You’re all mine?” he asked in amazement. You pulled him in a kissed his lips.
“All yours,” you say with so much sincerity in your voice. He breathed out and kissed you back.
Taglist (let me know anytime if you want to be added!) <3
@felixmainacc @felixburneracc
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yuseirra · 14 days
**Onk ch 160 spoilers**
I'm really sorry about talking what's not been brought up in official yet, I got SENT stuff and it just...bugs my head so much because I've been having so much brainrot regarding this series lately, my mind keeps functioning on its own and I can't stop my head from running. Please dodge what's below if you wish to keep from it.
You know, I've thought it through last night after having met up with my friends and had a blast(we went to karaoke and Fatal was added in the available songs!! It was so fun trying to sing it~)
If what Kamiki claims IS all true(and I think it is?? There is no reason for him to lie about those and everything makes sense and clicks together, it also does align to how he used to be)
I GOT EVERYTHING RIGHT ABOUT HIM. I GOT LITERALLY EVERYTHING RIGHT. I kept saying this guy can't hurt Ai. He doesn't have it in him. I GOT SO MUCH OF EVERYTHING RIGHT, I just see this actually being the truth really well, that should be how he is. It makes total sense.
And it turns out he really didn't take part in the murders either (except for Yuras which is still left ambiguous but didn't Aqua and Akane say Nino's responsible for it?;; what if he thinks he's to blame for that but it actually isn't? Then he isn't responsible for any of the murder cases that's happened onscreen at least)
Regardless of whether he's good or bad at this point, I feel like this guy is CURSED!!!; Weird things happen around him and I don't think the events that happened regarding Ai's death were intentional at least, if it were to be so, Aqua's reactions wouldn't have been like that. He didn't accuse of what happened regarding Ai, I think he's talking about what Kamiki's tried to do after that. Aqua believes he's after Ruby now and aims to stop him. Anyhow something's out to get this guy bad. His life is so unfortunate, it'd be hard not to grow insane at this rate. Aqua looks seriously on edge but the same should be said about Kamiki too
I analyzed this character's psychology all July~August, right? I don't know whether if he does want to hurt Ruby or not but if what this guy's said regarding what's happened to Ai is really the truth (and that's literally. Literally how I thought things would be all along?? I got 99% of things right except for the details that'd be impossible to predict on my own accord & only the author would know!!!) I think he really DOES love his children that Ai's left behind as well. I don't see him being any other way.
You have to see the little things people say that have no particular reason to be there and wasn't told after an inquiry but was just put out there on a whim. Those are what's usually the true feelings. He said he loves Ai from the bottom of his heart, he wanted to sacrifice his life for hers, and that he does have fatherly feelings, those, in my opinion, ARE what's really there because no one asked him to tell of these stuff and he just. Throws those ideas out there.
In that case, Kamiki's life is true suffering. He can turn out to be evil. I'll just.. Sit back and watch this series with a popcorn if that happens but if that isn't it and my interpretations of him are true(and with my perceptions of how he'd act.. Just matching up so perfectly at this rate I think I'm on the right track?) this guy would BREAK. What's happening to him now is too much. Ai would want to save him from his misery, she loved him, so I believe he's worth it. It's just ridiculous just how much he has to put up with. It's such an unfortunate life he has, how can he still smile when it's like that?
So yes..I have to see more eps to see just what will unfold,
But Kamiki's life is so cursed to the extent it feels weird. I think my theories about him can REALLY be it. Something is ruining his life and that's the black star, read over the lyrics in Fatal, there IS a star that's doing that to him if that's his song which I think it is.
Hsggkfjk um..yeah. That's.. Personally how things are going to make sense for me. Unless the author has some more plot plots they hid to overturn everything and prove what I felt about this character is wrong. I'm pretty confident about reading character emotions though. Those are things I end up getting right with pretty good accuracy.
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b3achysurfur · 10 months
I know I originally said in a comment at some point about how annoying the Logan war got (think it was in that post asking why we all suddenly backed off) but now I just find your posts humoring it's like "THIS LITTLE GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT-" and it's the most innocent picture of Logan.
Love seeing it nowadays (cuz it's funny), but you have a good point that he hasn't furthered the story yet but I feel like Red might change that soon. Hopefully. Also how we haven't had his backstory but that also might change too (we've got a hint in one episode where they fought his bullies, something about how his parents didn't want him and he fact that we've only seen his grandparents but not his actual parents says something....)
Anyways something I need to ask you! What are your opinions on the others, what you like about them or dislike, favorite moments and what not. I'm curious!
Sorry this may have been long!
also UR SO GREAT FOR THE QUESTION YOU ASKED!! I love talking about everyone else
I’ll assess them in order of: ashlyn, aiden, taylor, tyler, ben (not by order of how much I like them or anything btw). Some sections are longer than others because I’m bias BUT ALSO BECAUSE I got tired of typing and realized there was wayyy tm to read. Sorry!!!! if you don’t wanna read all this I put a short summary all the way on the bottom + feel free to me ask me specific questions ! now let me talk your ear off
I really like ashlyn because she has the most potential out of everyone (and that’s not to say the other characters aren’t deep, because that’s the opposite of true but bae is the whole reason we’re here). I think she’s also really relatable in the sense that she doesn’t like interacting with people but she can easily take the leadership role when needed. like okay queen I see you. also I really enjoy the fact Red made her dislike aiden at first even though they have a side romance plot going rn. bc that’s how it would’ve been if they were real. ash would not just become chatty out of no where and fall head over heels for him. and I really appreciate the slowburn. Ashlyn’s also higher on my favorites list because I’m bias and we have the same hair length 😣 usually when characters have long hair, authors tend to let their hair flow a lot, but red put ts in braids 🙏 and ask anyone with long hair like that, their hair is up 99% of the time bc it’s annoying, hot, and (personally) GRABS ONTO EVERYTHING LIKE ITS A THIRD HAND. I have a lot of headcannons for ash just based on small character designs / aspects that not a lot of people really think about. She’s so interesting and I really just love her. And since I have positives, I’ll give one negative about her. In the beginning, Ashlyn was really hesitant to tell the group anything. I understand where she was coming from, and given Tyler’s reaction, I don’t blame her for keeping things to herself. But mannnn ts was so frustrating sometimes. it’s ok tho bc all good stories stress you out.
omg guys it’s my favorite ever. I know aidens really popular already so I’ll try not to rant on about him forever but hes just the best 😣 but mans really does not gaf EVERR.
now I could rant on and on about how silly Aiden is and why he’s so misunderstood as a character, because he’s not crazy like at all and if anything he’s one of the smartest characters in sbg, but I’ll save if for a better time. Instead I wanna talk about how observant he is of Ben and ashlyn.
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it’s cropping weridly, sorry. but aiden’s eyes are always watching the ones he cares about most. I feel like this has to do with the fact Ben cannot voice his concerns/opinions so aiden always has to glance at him to make sure he’s not missing any important signal. But I also think it has to do with his childhood (I don’t have fast pass or anything this is just based off of theories/analysis based on his character bc I do that a lot 🤒). Anyways, he has a specific way of comforting people that I think it’s rlly niche. He uses his hands and gets the person what he thinks they need. Like in the attached images he gets ashlyn fabric to squeeze and distracts her with light conversation, and he immediately offers to take a walk with Ben and get some fresh air. If a person refuses or asks him for space, he immediately obeys and doesn’t question their decision. He’s very trusting and understanding. He gives people room to make mistakes and gives them room to ask for help. I’m mainly bringing this up because it ties back to something I’m gonna talk about in Taylor’s section. I just think that this detail is so important to his character and we always brush over it. I don’t wanna say he doesn’t like physical touch, bc he’s always touching everything around him, but I like to think his main love language is acts of service. When you really look at it, his actions speak a lot louder than his bickering and it really helps display how much each character means to him individually. what elseee. He’s able to quickly adjust and assess situations (like when he attacked the phantom or pulled up ashlyn in the bus). He’s very quick to his feet and always needs to be interacting with something to keep his hands busy. Aiden just really don’t gaf 99% of the time (unless it’s Ben / ashlyn) and honestly that’s why I like him. He doesn’t take anything seriously or personally. clap it up for my hb. Also I notice the sbg fandom has a habit of doing it with everyone, but I feel like Aiden is always reduced to his impulsive behaviors and ‘crazy kid’ persona. please guys. look deeper into Aiden Clark. Instead of wasting your energy trying to defend a NERDY FREAK like Logan fields, you should study more on Aiden Clark and his complex character.
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yes. do that. rn. You want to so badly. I know you do. Do it. Go reread sbg and focus on Aiden. wowwww. I know you want to. (I’m hypnotizing you btw) Or just ask me I can talk about Aiden (or really any character) alll day long. Ask me anything about anyone and I’ll tell you what I think with proof and evidence. yes. I just need to cut it short because I have to talk about everyone else to. But study Aiden Clark. do it. really. really. Right now. Go. Go. Now. PLUS Aiden’s probably the least likely to die because he’s to cool for that + he’s better than death and injury. YAAA!!! MAKE AIDEN CLARK UR FAV BC YOULL BE SAFE FROM ANGST 🎉
only thing I don’t like about Aiden gotta be his fashion sense sometimes (usually beginning S1). like WHAT R U WEARING MAN???? 🙁
okay now let me talk about my shnukums Taylor. I love her a lot but her and Tyler had very different childhoods regardless of the fact they were in the same situation.
We don’t know a lot about Taylor’s version of growing up, so a lot of the details are vague but everything I say is based off of observations and analyses I have personally made, so please take everything I say about Taylor’s backstory with a grain of salt and understand that no matter what, both twins were majorly affected by the passing of their father and illness of their mother.
At first i thought of Taylor was the more lucky one out of Tyler and Taylor when it came to their childhood. Yes she struggled, I knew that, but Tyler was under a lot of stress. But that’s when I realized that she suffered just as much. Although she didn’t need to sacrifice herself to help her family survive, like Tyler did, she went though the most loss. She lost her mother, father, and brother all overnight. One second they were all happy together and the next she was all alone. Physically, her mother and brother were still there, but they were both shells. Her mother isolated by grief and her brother isolated by responsibility. She was all alone. Yes Tyler did his best to support her, but at the end of the day, there wasn’t much he could do to change the situation. Taylor suffered a lot, and since people mostly focus on Tyler, we never really see Taylor’s POV of it all.
Now her backstory leads me into the fact Taylor is the most socially smart character in sbg. She is also the most observant and supportive. This is not to say others aren’t observant/supportive, like Aiden for an example, but she does it much differently. I would attach a picture here but I’m close to maxing out the photo limit and I want to save it for later.
Taylor is very good at reading the emotions of other characters. She is also very observant. Taylor is often the first to notice when a charater is uncomfortable, panicked, or harmed. For an example, she’s the first to notice Ashlyn’s fear back at the house. Unlike Aiden, Taylor is able to verbally let people know she is there for them. She comforts them through words and physical affection. Taylor is usually aware of how much support someone is in need of and the best way to display it for them specifically. For an example when Logan was getting bullied, she defended him against Tyler’s mean words and held his shoulder for reassurance. This same tactic would not work for ashlyn, and Taylor is aware of that. So, when ashlyn broke down about the struggles of being leader, Taylor comforted her through words and reassured her fears. Taylor opened up a space for ashlyn to be scared and share her burden. She was able to do all of this in only a couple of moments. This skills also becomes a werid quirk when she is able to sense Tyler’s condition in the hospital, but maybe that was just twin senses? 🤷‍♀️ idk
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Taylor is also very aware of everyone around her. We know that she is very social and has a lot of friends and connections, but she also educates herself on the people she doesn’t interact with. Even if she doesn’t know a lot, she makes sure to acknowledge their presence at the very least.
What does her ability to read emotion have to do with her childhood? Well, Taylor basically lived with a shell of a family. Tyler was under constant stress, which made him prone to outbursts. Her mother was disabled by grief. Taylor was in a situation that made her feel like she had to take care of her family mentally. It was, to her, the least she could do. So, she was mentally mature from a very young age. Although having to hold the burdens of others constantly is very unhealthy, I’m not sure if she’ll crack because of it.
Taylor being very social and having a lot of friends is also another example of how she’s different from Tyler and how their shared childhood affected them differently. Tyler saw people as distractions while Taylor sees them as her means to keep living. Taylor lives off of other peoples energy, and she maintains the energy of other people by being a supportive beam for them. This is also why I’m okay with Taylor being shipped with others. She’s use to being around people and can form close bonds with others while still only viewing them as friends. Tyler cannot do the same. Taylor is in a position where she can expand her horizons into romantic relations if she was interested in doing so. That’s why I feel as though it’s okay (if that doesn’t make sense I’ll explain it again, but I tried to condense it down)
Something I don’t like about Taylor is that we haven’t gotten to see her brain in action yet. We know she’s the president of the robotics club , but we haven’t had the chance to see her charater support the story in any other way but socially and mentally. The story is only at 60 episodes though, and I’m sure we will see it eventually. Im just impatient and want to see women in STEM shine 😣😣 I wish I could talk about her more, but we barely know anything about Taylor as of right now. I will say it’s interesting how she told her and Tyler’s backstory, but only talked about how Tyler was affected and not herself. Interesting… I hope we learn more about her experiences and I hope I’m right 🙏 also CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE HOW PRETTY SHE IS??? UGHH I LOVE HER SMM
I feel like Tyler has been the topic of discussion for the past couple of months because his backstory was revealed and the end of S1 / beginning of S2 was all about him and his past, so I don’t have a lot to say that I haven’t already said. but I do really like Tyler. At first when he was in his jock era I was very , oh! about him. but he’s actually warmed up to me sooooo much since then. he’s so goofy I just want more interactions between him and Aiden. I think I good place to start is how much I HATE people shipping him with other members of the main cast. I talked about it a little in Taylor’s section, but him and Taylor had very different childhoods. Again, I’m not saying their father’s death and mother’s illness was not hard on the both of them, but Tyler was under a lot of pressure too. We know he isolated himself harshly, and stopped having fun all together. The way I look at it, everything, including living day-to-day, became a chore for Tyler. Ever since he was a little kid. His dad’s death changed his entire world overnight. He had to learn how to physically and mentally support everyone important to him, because if he couldn’t no one else would. Tyler had to learn everything about living life by himself as a baby just so everyone else could survive. He stopped having fun. Little kids find fun in everything. Tyler stopped himself from finding it. He didn’t do anything for himself anymore. He was almost like a empty shell doing automatic tasks so that his sister and mother could have space to grow, heal, and live. In a sense, it was self sacrifice (which he attempts again when he tells the group to leave him behind)
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So when Taylor tells us that the main cast started to become an extension of the family he sacrificed himself for, it’s so heavy on his character. Especially because for once in a long time he started relating his ‘family’ back to joy and fun, not just safety and survival. That’s why it bothers me when people ship him with others. It’s so werid to imply he’d date any of the main cast when he sees them as his family. consider them blood-siblings if you gotta, but just stop shipping them. PLEAASSSSEEEEEEEEEEE. otherwise I’ll eat your dog. thanks! also him being friends with the main cast at all is such a huge step for him. I don’t think Tyler has time to get involved with romantic relationships when he believes friends are a distraction. I know a lot of people go to romance when they want to express how strong a connection is between two characters, but you guys are forgetting that Tyler considering everyone as his friends is sooooo much more complex and deep compared to (for an example) Logan saying he considers everyone his friend. ANYWAYS ENOUGHHH!!! let’s move on.
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I also wanna talk about this scene (I was to lazy to go find the original scene so the flashback is all you get). I never really realized how much ashlyn ordering Tyler around must’ve affected him. He literally spent his whole life making decisions and taking leadership and all of a sudden some random lil girl is over here telling him to stfu and sit his ass down. I would imagine as mad as he was, he probably felt a least a bit of relief. For once the responsibility wasn’t on him, at least not only on him. He could share his burden with others, and he wasn’t suffocated by being responsible for the lives of everyone else. We see this same struggle affect ashlyn, as she feels like being leader strangles her with the weight of guilt, paranoia, and responsibility. Imagine if Tyler had been the one to bare that weight after everything he’s already been through? he would’ve cracked, whether we like it or not. so let’s clap it up for ashlyn rq!!! yasss girl 😋 I know I’m rambling a lot about tyler but I know a lot about him and want to talkkk 😣 but here is my last point: Tyler’s coping mechanism to the unknown and things that confuse him is denial. Just like his mother 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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woww! do you guys remember when Tyler thought this whole thing was a joke? me too! he would’ve never thought this silly prank would almost kill him. Tyler’s mom probably thought her husband’s illness wouldn’t kill him either. oops! 😂 (I’m going kms). sorry. my point is they both refused to believe it happened (although his mom’s denial may have been more of a trauma response while his was just to help him cope). Even with evidence, they both couldn’t understand what had happened to them and pretending nothing was wrong. Tyler saw the picture of the phantom’s shadow and brushed it off to technology he couldn’t understand yet. he felt more comfortable with not knowing how technology worked rather than not knowing if he was in danger. his mother is similar. She couldn’t understand and cope with the death of her husband, even though he died in front of her. She felt more comfortable not understanding why he was late from work than understanding he was dead and gone. Guess it runs in the family? 🤷‍♀️ and since these are all things I like about his character, I will tell you what I don’t like. THAT STUPID ASS JOCK ATTUIDE FROM S1. okay I didn’t hate it, and it fit him sometimes, and I kinda miss it sometimes, but he’s like 5’5 and a stick, he is not beating no one’s ass 😭 respectfully. now he could probably rock me but he’s matured a bit since S1 so it’s different. Tyler’s not even my favorite idk why I talked about him sm , especially when I held off on talking about Aiden because I didn’t want to say to much 🤦‍♀️ whatever
I have a lot to say about Benny boy, especially because he is SOOOOOO mischaraterized. Now I won’t go crazy like I did for the twins because I’m thinking about making a separate post just about Ben (maybe.. maybe not idk). plus I just reminded myself anon asked me to just say a few things I like and disliked about each charater not give crazy long paragraph about them. so, sorry Ben but you will probably have the most boring paragraph of them all. I still love you a lot pookie 🙏 I’m just tired AND MAXED OUT THE AMOUNT OF PICS I CAN USE EVEN THO I NEED TO TALK ABOUT U WHILE USING PICS 🤒 anyways enough rambling.
bens charater is often reduced to his backstory which genuinely makes me want to start tweaking out. if you expand on why his trauma affects him, then I will happily listen to you talk. But when most the fandom sees Ben as “music boy who hate bully, will fight you if you be mean” it makes me so SAAAADDDDD. no, Ben will NOT beat my ass for making fun of Logan. That’s like… the whole point of his backstory? He doesn’t like violence, at all. He’s ashamed of his anger issues. He blames himself for having to move and putting his family in danger. The only reason he got involved with Logan’s fight was because the phantom interference + no one was there to help calm him down.
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also he doesn’t only do music. he draws too! he’s a very artistic dude. He also gardens. Ben be planting food and shit. which (as much as I HATE the ship) Logan n Ben shippers could probably use to their advantage. Yk bc Ben gardens and Logan helps his grandparents in their greenhouse? wtv. Bens prob growing flowers for Taylor anyways. Fuck Logan. sorry.
Ben is also very compassionate and gentle. He’s always thinking about what’s best for the group, even if it puts him in an uncomfortable position, like sharing his trauma. Ben is also very soft hearted. He gets flustered very easily, we see this when ashlyn and Taylor complimented him. He is very protective over those he cares about and he does not come to play, ever. Also his character development from S1 makes me so happy. He use to be attached to Aiden’s hip 24/7 and we could often only understand his emotions when Aiden would translate him to us. But we’ve seen lately that he’s much closer to Taylor, even putting her safety before his own.
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wow, gentleman alert❗️if I didn’t run out of photo space than I would’ve shown more examples where he holds onto others as a way to comfort or protect them. he’s so respectful I might cry. maybe I will make a Ben-centered post. I need to show you guys pictures so you can understand what I’m saying. But Ben is growing and he needs more attention. thank you.
- has crazy potential + most hinted at lore
- very relateable
-introverted but stands on business
-W relationship development between her and the cast, very natural and not forced
- her hair
- she is very hesitant to spill info (only in earlier chaps tho!)
- silly
- observant of those he cares about
- acts of service love language
- trusting/understanding
- quick on his feet
- good at assessing situations/making plans
- he doesn’t GAF 🦅🦅 EVAAA
- often misunderstood / mischaraterized by the fandom
- has ugly ass outfits sometimes
- most socially smart character in sbg
- good at reading emotions
- good at comforting others
- aware of her surroundings/the people around her
- supportive
- social
- super pretty
- wrote a paragraph on why it’s ok to ship her with the rest of the cast js cuz
- we don’t see enough of her robotics president side, show me women in STEM 🤬
- we never saw how she experienced childhood (yet..)
- deep childhood trauma/responsibility
- sacrificed himself for his family twice
- not meant to be shipped with anyone in main cast
- sees main cast as family
- he finally made friends
- talked about the scene where ash tells him to shut his bitchass up
- copes by using denial (js like his mom)
- his jock attitude during S1
- hates violence
- angery at his anger issues
- ashamed of his past
- draws and gardens as hobbies
- compassionate and gentle
- soft hearted
- easily flustered
- very protective
- slow but steady quiet charater development
- a gentleman
- you guys mischaraterize him a lot (like someone told me he doesn’t change as a character bc he never speaks, ts made me mad asf)
THATS ALL! THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! again feel free to as me questions about anything at all even if you didn’t read allat. And if you did, thank you ur so sweet and amazing. Sorry for writing sm 😢
also everyone is open to their own opinions, this is just what I think. As always, I’m always down to debate.
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catgirlforeskin · 3 months
can you please stfu about forcemasc? 
i'm transfem and it has been a kink of mine FOR SEVERAL YEARS (mostly inside my head as fantasies because i was too afraid to verbalize it and share it with anybody [and with the way other transfems like you demonize it, i see why i kept these fantasies to myself for so long :/], and the recent boom in its popularity does make me happy, even if it comes from transmascs and not my own demographic. 
forcefem does nothing for me because i have been naturally feminine from a young age and openly displayed that femininity. unlike many other transfems, i never repressed my femininity and i refused to conform to standards of cishetero male masculinity. so the "force" part just turns me off, because there's no erotic appeal to forcing femininity on myself as a "release" for me. because i have been openly feminine since i could talk. 
however, from a young age, i did end up brewing a bitter resentment towards masculinity and men, mostly as a result of how boys and men treated me for refusing to be masculine and being feminine as an amab. 
i was already non-masculine by default, but their abuse and scorn as a reaction to that only made me despise masculinity and all things male even more. 
even though i don't believe misandry is real, i began calling myself "misandrist" and adopted radfem-lite beliefs (unsupervised internet access as a kid is a blessing and a curse at the same time). 
i began hating boys and men so much, which soon caused me a great deal of pain, because when puberty arrived, i discovered i was sexually and romantically attracted to them. 
this contradiction of being attracted to boys/men, but also hating them because i believed they were inherently cruel violent mean and evil caused me SO MUCH PAIN as a teenager, on top of the dysphoria i was already struggling with (luckily i had a pretty weak puberty but i was still dysphoric about my height). i felt like a hypocrite and a pathetic coward for falling in love with the same people who tormented me since i was a kid, because i thought all boys/men were violent and evil by default, because i thought that was what it meant to be a boy/man.  
what does this have to do with forcemasc?  
forcemasc is a fantasy for me. it's therapeutic for me. it makes me feel more comfortable in my skin. 
it's a "release" for me in the sense that enables me to let go of these unhealthy, hateful beliefs i've held since i was a child (which only end up hurting me), and also feel at peace and more accepting of my attraction to men, as well as discover new sides to who i am. 
the idea of trusting a partner enough and us being intimate enough for me to allow him to make me explore a more masculine side of myself when i am with him is a very powerful fantasy to me. not only do i feel at ease with his natural masculinity, but also with myself uncovering different aspects of my being which are masculine. and both of us are being masculine together in that moment and deepening our relationship that way, even though he is a man and i am still a trans woman. i trust him enough to display a more masculine side of myself around him. 
because imo, most people, regardless of gender, have both feminine and masculine traits. and even if i am 99% feminine and was completely avoidant of masculinity my entire life, the "forcemasc" kink is all about connecting with that 1% and deepening my bond with my male partner in the process.
you're a transbian so you don't understand it, but guess what? some of us are straight. some of us like men. i really hope that isn't what upsets you so much.
transfem experiences are not monolithic. even if i'm the only transfem in the world who likes forcemasc (which i highly doubt, but whatever), i deserve a space for my fantasies.
please don't rain on my parade.
I think “forcemasc” is a psyop to get more people to play Overwatch or something what even is this why are people suddenly yelling at me about it. I don’t care if people wanna have sex with cargo shorts on and fuck through the zipper.
That being said, straight sex is an unforgivable sin and any caught practicing it should be tied to the backs of horses and dragged through gravel
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girlinthetardis04 · 3 months
Because I wasn't in time with the other releases sadly, but caw caw motherfuckers it's the 4th of July so happy drop day to ME!
Suffering - Different Beasts
Who's singing? PENELOPE??????
ARE THOSE THE SIRENS????????? Or is this just a dream he's having? Hmmmm...
Penny I'll jump in the water for you! Wait did he say daughter? ...Ody would be a great girl dad tho, change my mind.
"Cut off their tails, leave them to drown" ??????????????
Damn, he's really taking Poseidon's advice to heart, huh?
Wait can sirens even drown, I thought they could breathe underwater... although if they can't move, having their tails cut off and all...hmmm... or maybe they're the classic Greek bird sirens...
Daddy chill 😬
Wait, was it just my impression or did the chanting of "Odysseus" sound like the chanting of "Poseidon" at the start of "Ruthlessness"?
★I love how differently Mr. Jalapeno handled the sirens. In the original Odyssey, Odysseus had himself tired to the mast so he could listen to their song (which highlighted his hubris, that was much more evident in the original text) but having him use the beeswax and read their lips was extremely clever. ★
Hmm... Not a huge fan of her voice... Doesn't really fit a monster...
Omg, the "Full Speed Ahead" callback!??!
I genuinely can't understand the lyrics, but I know bad shit is happening. Wait, is that a bit of "Survive" thrown in there?
Nevermind about her voice, it's great 😳
★ Ok, I'm very glad I read the Odyssey when I was 9, because I have a hard time with the lyrics sometimes. I know in this part Ody had to choose between sailing closer to Scilla (which would probably kill up to six men) or closer to Cariddi (which would definitely kill all of them), so I'm assuming this is the bit where the sailors bit it or got bit, as it were★
-Ok, I had to pause here because I was absolutely enraged-
Why does this sound like a fighting game miniboss battle?
"Where are we?" "Moo" 10/10, no notes
"Don't open the bag"
*proceeds to open the bag*
"Don't kill the cattle"
*proceeds to kill the cattle*
Honestly, 99% of the shit Ody goes through
Yeah, ok, as an Odyssey reader, everybody gonna die, I been knew, let's move on.
Thunder Bringer
Is that the same theme as in God Games??????
Mr Zeus's voice actor, spectacular job, chef's kiss, no notes. Also I saw the animatic trailer, and at the cost of being smited, I get it. I get it.
The way King of Ithaca sounds so mocking coming from Zeus omg.
The crew. I vote the crew. Ody. C'mon. There's only 40 of them left, what is even the point.
Oooh, the call backs??? This should be called the Callback Saga.
★No joke, I love the chorus for this song so much, I just laid on my bed staring at the ceiling and smiling like an idiot 😃 <- me, ca 10 minutes ago★
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akirakirxaa · 3 months
Final Thoughts on Dawntrail
Final thoughts on MSQ. There are some positives that I will open with, but as I do have many criticisms and overall did not have as good of a time as I've had in other expacs, I will put it under a break. This will also be quite long.
I will start off by listing some of the things I enjoyed. I liked the overall themes of found and adoptive family, as well as family in general. Most of the plot threads and cutscenes around these themes tended to be quite good. I will admit, I bawled like a baby when they introduced baby Gulool Ja to Koana. I also very much enjoyed the plot revolving around the milalla and honestly wish there were more; I love Erenville's mom a lot as a character, but I feel like she took up comparatively a lot of narrative space when Krile's parents were much more plot relevant. I also liked Bakool's character arc as I'm just a sucker for the bully becoming a big well meaning lug. This is another plot I wish we'd gotten more about since, once we left the woods, we never see him outside of combat again; I'd have liked to see him struggling to connect with the people in non-life threatening situations and learning to not react to everything with violence.
Unfortunately, that is the end of what I actually enjoyed without a "but" that isn't "I'd have liked more". I am so sorry, but by the time I got to the end I did not like Wuk Lamat anymore. The sheer amount of time we spend with her and the sheer amount of that time spent on the same exact speech again and again grated by the end. There were some moments where she really shone though, and that's why I'm putting this to poor writing and misuse of her character than her character actually being bad. I loved her in the whole bit with Zarool Ja, and during the Rite it was fine because her learning to grow up was the point. Which leads to the second thing I really did not like; that we existed to be a camera for her story. 99% of the story could have happened even were we not there, and the last 1% is honestly iffy. I understand letting her have her time, and despite finding it excruciatingly dull to my tastes, the rite was fine and she should take point during it since it's to test her abilities. But...there was not one moment where we got to be the hero. Not one. Hell, in several cutscenes I could barely even see my character because it's her show the whole time. Even at the end, where it finally matters that we're here, because we have the magic crystal that lets us call backup and stay and fight...it still didn't, because she just broke into the fight anyways. Once again, we might as well not even be there.
"Well what's the problem with that!" I hear you cry, and the problem with that is this is a Final Fantasy. I'm here to play the protagonist. I'm not here to control the camera while the writer's NPC does everything. She can be the main character of the expac, but I should not be able to remove my character entirely and have everything go the exact same way. Literally any scion could've done the same things we did while we drank on the beach and nothing would change. A great example of this was when Gulool Ja Ja was killed. Not only did we just stand there and not even attempt to interfere (this could have been a good moment to push the difference of another culture by having an ally stop the WoL), we barely had any reaction at all to it and were covered up most of the time by NPCs. At that point, just have us not be there, have us out protecting civilians and we arrive too late. We've had cutscenes from other PoVs before where we show up right at the end (for good or ill) so no excuse.
I very much did not like any of the plot around Alexandria and Living Memory. It strikes me as that meme of "can I copy your homework?" "Sure, just change it a little so it doesn't look the same". Tell me if you've heard this one before. Immortal being, unable to bear loss, creates a city full of the memories of their lost loved ones in a recreation of their former home. They want to sacrifice the people of the Source to restore these loved ones. When we try to reason with them, they tell us that they cannot give up on their fallen loved ones and refuse to move on. They show us their memories of their loved ones in their former home. At the end, they turn into a big damn monster that we fight. We're close to losing when an ally falls from the sky to our aid. When we win, they ask us to remember.
It's knock off brand Shadowbringers.
Not to mention it seriously feels like the writer forgot while doing Living Memory that, not only does no one remember these people we're erasing, but their souls were eaten so that people can not worry about, idk, falling pianos and such. These people literally just do not exist anymore and we are now the only people who remember them. What's worse, there are probably millions more people we didn't get to meet that we still erased, so they're just gone forever. That's...literally the opposite of the plot of Ultima Thule from EW. We, in this case, are playing the role of Meteion, and not a single Endless seems to have an opinion on it outside of Erenville's mother and Krile's parents.
Never mentioning Dynamis really bugged me too. I was kinda hoping that Wuk Lamat's "specialty", the thing that set her apart, was maybe she was just very good at subconsciously wielding dynamis, letting her easily befriend others and draw greater strength when she needs it. But, like many many pieces of lore, it's never even suggested. In fact, if a piece of lore was in EW, you can almost guarantee it isn't mentioned. Like the boy with a lightning aether imbalance. We literally have the cure for that, but say nothing at all, not even to our allies when we meet back up. I'm hoping this will be addressed in a later patch since it was specifically pointed out (chekov's gun and all) but still. It felt over and over that things we learned in ShB and EW were glossed over at best or outright ignored at worst. The pacing of everything after the dome appeared was strange; some parts went too fast, then some went on forever.
Unfortunately, this comes in as my least favorite expac. Even below SB, which I famously dislike. I'm hoping moving forward we'll see some more interesting stories that once again require us to be present to be told, and I am curious about why the key bears Azem's symbol, but I will not be rushing to play through this expac again any time soon. And will most likely be tweaking the scenes in anything I write to make more sense, flow better, or actually require Akira's attention.
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shannonsketches · 10 months
Can I just say I love how you can be somewhat critical about certain things about totk without completely and unnecessarily trashing it and even adding humor. I wish more people were like that.
Aw, thank you! I'm just trying to make sure folks feel safe to enjoy things here (as long as, yknow, the respect goes both ways).
I definitely used to be someone who would trash stuff unnecessarily, and I'll always credit a mutual (although I did forget their handle,,,I'm so sorry) I had at the time for just letting me go on a long rant about why something bothered me and went, "That sounds really personal, but that got nothing to do with this." And all at once I realized I'd been projecting my needs/wants/expectations onto other peoples work (commercial or otherwise), and holding strangers responsible for serving me, specifically! Which is an absurd thing to expect from anyone!!
And sometimes I still forget the world doesn't revolve around me, glorious me, and I have to go back and apologize and do my mental health homework to figure out why I reacted a certain way, and why I took something so personally. But it's been really helpful to try and do the homework first, or type that whole salty take up and delete it or draft and review it again in the morning, before you make a stranger (or a friend!) feel bad or unsafe with you for the crime of enjoying something you didn't (which I have done, many times, and feel very bad about).
Plus, I've learned that if you're someone who is always analyzing and critiquing things, those moments can be really good practice for (respectfully! privately! in your own space! not on that stranger's post! not in that poor dev's DMs!) considering what you might have done differently, assuming you had the same parameters and resources available. I find this is especially good practice if you plan on entering a creative field! I promise you get a lot more sympathetic with how things turn out when you force yourself to dream within a budget and a deadline.
(also being nice to professionals is good practice! Some of them are jerks, true, but 99% of devs artists designers directors etc are just doing their best under a ton of stress and pressure to make everyone happy, and they're usually really proud of what they're able to accomplish, and they are absolutely not getting paid enough to deal with the comment section)
Once you let go of that need to be Correct and have control over stuff that isn't about you, you end up having a lot more fun and a lot less limitations for playing in the sandbox, and with other creatives! Plus you learn about yourself, and what your priorities and tastes are. You become a better story teller and collaborator when you can not only find but actively look for the good in things you may have completely dismissed as a kneejerk reaction to not liking something about it.
And again, I'm definitely still an ass, a lot more often than I'd like to be. I still struggle with that need to be Correct and to have complete control over my sandbox. I still get defensive and have to navigate rejection sensitivity when someone's idea contradicts mine. I definitely understand the reactivity when something means a lot to us, and it takes practice to share when you're used to being protective! But it's so, so worth it.
You meet such amazing people and find such wonderful, supportive communities when you embrace two cake theory. I highly recommend making an effort to expand your perspective and be a part of that support.
Supportive Community Pro-Tips from a Fandom Old Guy:
You don't have to adopt a theory to enjoy or appreciate it!
If someone's takes upset you, just block them. It's okay.
Don't critique someone's work unless they ask for critique
Don't RB someone's work with negative/contradictory comments, just make your own post
DO freak out in the tags/comments/inbox if you like something
Obviously don't wish harm over ships/headcanons/etc, just block!
Remember someone else's work is not about you
Remember someone else's work is Not About You
Are they experiencing a thing? Are they sharing their experience with you? That's a gift! Treat it like one!
Elitism is a mind killer. Newer ≠ Lesser, Older ≠ Greater. We all have stuff to offer and we all have stuff to learn.
and if I may impart the most important thing I've ever learned in fandom:
Thank you for the lovely message and for letting me ramble I'm!! Sorry this got so long and preachy, haha
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mikeyforreal · 2 years
some random adrian chase head cannons :P
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a/n: just some random thought about my favorite crime-fighting goofball :)
cw: fluff, some cussing, a few depictions of violence
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miscellaneous hcs
• okay so first off, i know this isn't really a head cannon but james gunn confirmed that the visor in vig's suit is prescription and idk i just love that fact
• anyway, real head cannons now
• i'm like 99.99% sure he has a playlist for when he's on patrol and makes chris listen to it with him
• also, i think he'd have the same wired earphones from like 2014 that came with his iphone 6
• adrian's favorite candy is probably skittles or m&ms because of the fun colors (sometimes he likes to sort them if he's feeling a bit bored)
• i just know he has a collection of vhs tapes that he bought from a secondhand store/had as a kid
• speaking of collections he probably also has a bunch of cd's
• i dunno why but i feel like adrian loves star wars and has since he was little (and also has all the og trilogy movies on vhs)
• definitely has a cheap walmart lightsaber lying around somewhere
• i feel like as a kid he loved finding bugs, digging for worms, ect.
• one time he tried eating one, didn't turn out good for him (he couldn't stop throwing up for like 3 days)
• since it's cannon he played/plays dnd, he'd probably play magic, the gathering as well 😭
• i also think that he'd really love the artificial grape flavor ??
• LMAO i think he'd have a little chainsaw keychain lying around somewhere
• def listens to abba, spice girls, and yung gravy
• probably good with kids? he'd set the the house on fire if he watched some but he can keep them entertained at least ?
• manchild (i will not elaborate)
• he reminds me of jake peralta from brooklyn-99
being best friends/in a relationship with adrian
• let's face it, they're practically the same thing
• i justttt know that he made like 10 secret handshakes for the two of you
• his love language is probably words of affirmation, quality time, or touch (maybe all of them, who knows)
• wants to teach you how to play mtg and dnd !!! (please let him teach you he'll be over the moon)
• def has a playlist that he wants to listen to with you
• two words: movie dates
• adrian loves watching movies with you !! even if he's seen it a few dozen times, he'd watch it again just to see your first time reactions :)
• if you're down, he'd want to match with you ever year, something different and cooler than the last
• if you wear glasses, you better bet your ass that he's switching with you 24/7
• you cant go an hour without your glasses getting taken off and replaced with his
• also, i think that adrian wouldn't have the cleanest glasses 😭 you def gotta give 'em a good scrub every now and then
• dr. pepper enthusiast fs
• discounted/sometimes free food and fennel fields
• if you can work from home and go there often just to eat and work, he's definitely spending his 15 minute breaks (and longer than that) sitting with you and chatting
• he's always bringing home leftovers or breadsticks that he stole
• i think adrian has a pretty decent comic collection, and would go to shops with you for dates or hangouts
• he's probably super good friends with the owner (or at least that's what he thinks)
• when he's patrolling, he randomly facetimes you???
• like he has a guy near death and he's having a full conversation with you
• adrian has tonsss of silly and random nicknames for you !! he just calls you whatever you remind him of
• whenever he goes over to your place or vice versa, you two have a special knock that lets either of you know immediately who it is
• one of his ideal dates would probably be going to the park and feeding ducks !! (and him trying to catch them)
• he also randomly makes machine gun noises ?? what's that about ??
• the two of you'll just be chilling watching tv or something and then you hear 'CHCHCHCHC' and see him doing finger guns or whatever
• and when you ask him about it he's just like "what do you mean babe?"
• would probably beg you to get a little cat or a dog
• if you initially say no, he's gonna pull out a whole powerpoint presentation on why you should say yes (and he's wearing his fanciest clothes)
• it doesn't matter where or what they look like, if he sees some at the gas station, store, theme park, wherever, he's buying some for the two of you
• your relationship is basically that one scene in bobs burgers scene where tina makes a friendship bracelet for louise and tina's like "oh you don't have to wear it" and louise snatches it and says "no i'm gonna wear it forever, back off"
• proud malewife
• adrian is in the kitchen a lot, always fixing up snacks for you
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a/n: let me know if i should make another one of these with another character !
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