#also insecure lance for the win
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somethingsomethingwords · 11 months ago
Good evening *said sliding down a ramp*! Here's another fic. It started as a study of shadows and light, then it got derailed. As always thanks for reading. Enjoy 💜
When Fernando raises his eyes to the window, he is surprised to see it is already late at night, his watch reading at 00:30.
The moon shines, yellowish and full, creating a path of bright squares and dark lines.
The desktop in front of him is starting to become blurrier and blurrier, and he definitely needs a break.
He raises his arms, stretching and hearing the pops of his back. He stands up, deciding for a reinvigorating midnight snack, when he remembers he is supposed to have company.
The screen on the desk in front of his own is still on, but from his position he can't see anyone looking at it.
It is only when he walks around the table that he solves the mystery of his missing companion: Lance is sleeping sitting at the desk, face on his bent arms and soft breaths leaving his slightly parted lips.
The bright artificial light gives him a white hue, ghostly pale. It only serves to highlight the bags under his eyes.
He's pushing himself too hard, Fernando thinks, feeling worried seeing the toll the season is taking on his teammate.
Sighing slightly, he reaches for Lance's shoulder. He wants to lightly shake him, but in the exact moment he touches the other, Lance flinches away, waking up and looking around, searching for the disturbance.
When his eyes land on Fernando, he relaxes a fraction, before diverging them and starting staring at the screen, not saying anything.
"Lance, is late. Let's go home" he says softly, not wanting to disturb the quietness of the room.
"It's ok, you can go. I'll just stay for a couple more minutes" Lance tries to smile, but Nando can see it doesn't reach his eyes.
"Lance, we came together, remember?"
They didn't. They are strict about trying to keep their private lives separated from their professional ones.
But Lance seems so tired Nando isn't sure he can drive back home. And with the silence stretching, with Lance trying to figure out why he doesn't remember it, Fernando is sure it is the right call.
"We... did...not?"
Fernando is actually going to pick him up, put him on his shoulder and carry him to the car.
"No, we didn't, but you thinking about it this long tells me you shouldn't drive"
Lance has the audacity to look annoyed, before sighing and admitting defeat.
"Yeah, fair enough. But I still need to analyse the data from the last race. I'll call an Uber" he says, before turning to his computer and seemingly starting ignoring Fernando.
I love this man, and arguing will lead to nothing, Fernando has to remind himself.
From the look of it, Lance wouldn't stay awake for long. So Fernando simply leaves him alone to retrieve a water bottle from the adjacent kitchen, forgoing his snack.
When he comes back, he can see Lance's head slowly losing its battle against gravity, lowering and then rising up, each time deeper and slower than the previous one.
He waits until he is once again in front of the Canadian, leaning back against the desk, then taps Lance's cheek with the cold bottle.
Lance flinches again, but he doesn't seem to have the energy to look angry or even annoyed. He simply takes the bottle and drinks a little bit, before giving it back while offering a small smile.
Fernando takes it, and waits. Still as a statue, he can see Lance looking up at him from time to time.
Lance could be patient, but nothing compares to Nando's psychological warfare methods. If he put his mind to it, he could wait until next year.
"I know you think I can't do it. But I have to. So just, please, leave. I'm enough of a pathetic show already, there is no need for an audience"
Lance's words cut deep, fast and cold, straight to Nando's heart.
"Lance, I'm the first one who believes in you. But won't solve anything on a Tuesday morning at one a.m."
"There is no more time, Nando. I've done anything I could think of, and nothing changed. I feel like I'm just wasting time and resources here. I need to get better, to do better. If not, then all I've done, the sacrifices and the things lost and the time spent would have been for nothing. I need this to work" he is basically vomiting the words, rubbing his eyes in the vain hope the tears he can feel filling his eyes don't actually leave them.
Fernando feels like he can't do anything for his lover. He can't promise him a better car, a better strategy, a better season. He can see his partner being crushed by the pressure put on his shoulders, and he starts searching for some kind of sign of when it had started.
He knows how people talk about Lance, what they say and think, but it never seemed to bother the younger man. He starts wondering how he had been so blind to not realise their words had chipped a hole in Lance's armour.
Anyway, the damage is already done. He can only pick Lance up, and support him while his shield is under maintenance, lending his own.
"Lance, it's not going to work right now. You are tired, we both are. Let's just go home, and tomorrow we start fixing this"
Lance has a moment of hesitation.
"What if there is nothing to fix. The car is ok, the tires are ok. You have good results. What if I'm the problem, and I cannot be fixed?"
Enough is enough.
Fernando takes the face of the man he loves in his hands, forcing Lance to look at him, his grip firm but still gentle.
"Lance, listen to me. The car is shit. We know it, Mike knows it, the mechanics and the engineers, even the waiters know it. I have results because I see a problem and hammer at it so hard until it goes away. You are not the problem. Doing what we do, is difficult. Training, travelling, racing. It never stops. We keep going but is hard. So just stop, for tonight. Tomorrow we start again, but for now, let's just rest"
Fernando knows it's over when he feels Lance's head falling against his chest.
He won, but at what cost?
They stay like this, Fernando caressing Lance's hair while the younger man just breathes, trying to hide his quiet sobs and the light tremble of his shoulders.
When his watch starts vibrating, reminding him time is real, Nando gently pushes the other up, wiping the tears away.
"Let's go home" he repeats, and helps Lance get up.
With their hands intertwined, Fernando leads them outside, not turning around, sure of Lance following him, close behind.
They'll be back tomorrow, so they can leave Lance's car for the night.
Once in Fernando's car, the ride is quiet, neither needing any more words, just needing each other.
They fall asleep pressed against each other, united in a mess of fears and tiredness and love, because no matter what will happen tomorrow, or the day after, they are sure they will continue to have each other's backs.
So, when they get home, and start settling for the night, it's no brainer that Lance attaches himself to Nando's body, in need of being reassured through touch and presence. Fernando is more than happy to comply, the need in him to provide and protect finally calmed when Lance is in his arms, watching the boy falling asleep, calmer and more settled, with just the light of the moon to illuminate half his face, and for the first time, he looks real and solid and alive.
He pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, not able to limit his affection anymore.
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kikiwooo · 7 months ago
i’m the anon that asked about xavier and fredrinn tag teaming me and i haven’t been brainrotting about fredrinn lately but i’ve been thinking about xavier as a camboy alot 😭 idk the idea just appeals to me. and i’ve been trying to think of other characters that would fit this trope, like i could totally see lancelot, yin and gusion as camboys HAHAHA
MANNN GODDAM Y'ALL HAVE SOME QUITE INTERESTING FANTASIES 💀😭 I kinda didn't liked what I wrote and some parts might be short because I died
notes; gn! reader, camboy! mlbb boys
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lmao gus after his brother didn't give him enough money or overall he doesn't have enough money for himself, quite pitiful indeed. Let's jump straight into it cuz if I ever go into detail that would be an essay +he's paxley so probably there's like lot who knows him and his ego just wouldn't allow him
He probably does challenges about how big and deep he can take in and people just following cuz he's not only a new face but a pretty one too+he's also stubborn. He reads every donation out loud, also those shitty and troll ones too, he's that gullible but he learns it after it happens a few times. his eyes does go wide and his system stops for a few seconds after receiving big ass donation (while having a big ass dildo up his ass, his challenge not mine) will also smirk if the person who donated him challenge to another thing and says they'll pay him even more if he does this and that, Gus will do it no matter how impossible it is. (is that dragon di-
Will frequently invite you to his streams or videos if you guys are in relationship irl, but if you only watch and donate and maybe sing in membership(he has the silliest emotions of himself) he'll favor that one person(it's you)
INEXPERIENCEDDD I TELL YOU, but somewhat he's pretty good with those dildos, bro's born for it. Lieh is tired of hearing Yin's sloppy whimpers and half moans which he tries so hard to hide.( They're twins) most of the people favor him and only him cuz he's cute.
He recording videos cuz he heard it from Lieh that one makes so much money from it and only it. Yin was insecure at first so he first talked it with one of his very very close friend(you), but like super duper close, he can't handle anyone else other than you so you're his go to. He's pretty vanilla but from time to time he doesn't skip to try new things (𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂), also somehow gets lots of donations even if he does literally nothing and just sits in front of the camera (you know the deal shh)
But if you're one of his viewers, and probably the nicer one than those of the perverts and just keep him in his ground and offer him to do new things to not lose the attention+also keeping him updated about literally everything going around, somehow Yin even offered you a private video just for you- or just a simple invite (lieh didn't liked that)
ALRIGHTTT, lance is experienced and probably has been in this camboy things for years, he's pretty proud of his own body and shamelessly shows it into the camera without any hesitation maybe that's why he's so popular.
Though he's open to the camera, you can never get anything from him real life, he shuts the topic really fast that you can't even argue back. If you're one of his viewers+have membership probably the earliest one, yeah lance over here has a VIP room for y'all like the first seats of the cinema. Lance cares about what his viewers want because that's where the money comes from, no?
Lancelot is actually fond of tight clothes/gears?? Like how they squeeze is skin so deliciously(he knows his chat loves it, he also himself likes them so win?)
Everyone's literally there for his girly moans what are you talking about.
Y'all how we got him on here, 's like we won the lottery???? despite being quiet both irl and in front of the camera, we can hear soft grunts and gasps whilst he's taking it hard(I'm not the one salivating no it's you) AHHHH HE'S JUST, PERFECT??? the way his waist and they way he turns around to check, the way his muscles mmhmmmmhmhmhm. Though he likes you interrupting his streams when you come behind him to tease, he scolds you from after the stream (damn). if one of his viewers with membership, he quietly thanks those people (he whispers, asmr fr) at the beginning of the video/stream, doesn't show much of a reaction at the donates, he's doing it for it anyway, but his eyes will visibly widen whenever reaching such lot donations with cute messages(his fandom is 🎀yes both genders),
He's always sore after the streams and videos, no matter how he took it from low, he always ends up sore which he complains about it, but does he make money? yes so so much and he doesn't thinking about giving it up any time soon.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 2 months ago
I kept notes as I watched through it with my sibling, so here are some thoughts, followed by the more spoilery thoughts below the cut:
*The fight scenes were gorgeous and very fluid. Richter's use of magic is inventive as fuck and slightly terrifying after seeing Sypha blast her way through Wallachia with largely straightforward lances of ice and fire.
*Deeply thankful that they managed to create a believable, nay, plausible excuse for why Erzebet Bathory is a Hungarian woman with Egyptian goddess blood. She's being used as a vessel by Drolta, Sekhmet's High Priestess, and Drolta picked Erzebet because after decades of failing amongst her own people she was like "This is definitely the most bloodthirsty human I can find. A perfect match ❤️" Like oh okay so there was a REASON Drolta was always more interesting than Erzebet. It's her story Erzebet's just telling it for her.
*Speaking of which, loved Drolta's human backstory. She was struggling so hard (and successfully!) against such harsh odds and you don't normally see that when a human faces up against a supernatural entity for the first time.
*Olrox and Mizrak projecting their relationship insecurities onto vampire Tera was definitely not what I had on my Nocturne S2 bingo card, and yet.
*Last season had me willing to be convinced that Annette and Richter would become a thing and this season had me slapping the table and going "SOLD!" like an old-timey bidding war.
*Richter struggled valiantly to make a difference, and Alucard was right alongside him in the trenches, but this season still mostly belonged to Annette. Sorry lads, better luck next time.
"We are not bitter creatures. I'm not bitter," Olrox tells Tera, bitterly, because he is bitter about being dumped. No but seriously, him insisting to her (basically a complete stranger) that vampires aren't animals with animalistic impulse control and it's just "Mmmmm-hm. Real quick, what were Mizrak's most recent words to you? 'An animal that's lost its soul'?" Like boy you ain't subtle.
Drolta's resurrection. No thoughts. Just a constant stream of MOMMY? SORRY. MOMMY? SORRY. MOMMY? SORRY.
"She's a vampire! She cannot love!" Mizrak you need to check your baggage at the door you can't just drag it into a conversation like that. 
Was not expecting that one chick that Erzebet munched on last season to be alive, never mind a vampire, but go her I guess.
Speaking of which, the wlws were winning this season. Drolta and the female National Guard captain, Erzebet sitting on a throne with women literally gathered at her feet… and Drolta and Erzebet/Sekhmet, of course, because their whole attack dog/master and "you are my most special loyal perfect wife minion" and Drolta's centuries of loyalty to Sekhmet are just *chef's kiss*
Also on that note, Erzebet angrily telling Tera that she would never be Drolta is very funny because. like. at no point did Tera want to replace Drolta. She literally never asked to do that, Erzebet.
I like Erzebet's human design a lot better than the vampire one tbh. Solely for the hairstyle choices. 
"I'm here to make you a god. If you're worthy." "Of course I'm worthy." NO HESITATION WHATSOEVER LMFAO THE ARROGANCE OF THE ARISTOCRACY
Okay damn I was not expecting Maria to kill her dad. And certainly not midway through the season. 
Mizrak's panicked glance to the side as Juste talks about chastity vows. Lol. 
Alucard stumbling out of the water wet and dripping after getting smacked into the Seine had me and my sibling sharing a single understanding nod because we Knew it was there to make the Alucard girlies go feral. Well done Castlevania team.
Also what I'm gathering from this season is that Olrox becomes a pathetic wet cat when he falls in love with someone. Like he has been dogging Mizrak's steps incessantly since the breakup. Literally every time he can get away with it he's haunting that man's shadow. Olrox is two seconds and a dead pseudo-Messiah away from leaving dead things at Mizrak's feet and pawing sadly at his window as he cries to be let in.
Like Olrox is so catastrophically in love and obviously unable to leave Mizrak's side that when he told Mizrak he's leaving to go back home my sibling and I instantly looked at each other and went "So that's a fucking lie."
Maria was such an adorable baby holy shit. And her smug little look when she snatched the apple from Richter too. 
Alucard only saying he's been in love "countless times" is a cowardly cop-out of an answer. We could have had a polycule acknowledgment! We could have meant something!
Annette's possession look is an absolute serve but really we should expect nothing else from her. Also love how intricately her religion was depicted even if I had no idea who the three-faced dude was.
Speaking of Erzebet's hair, the fact her final Sekhmet form has like an entire extra bodymass's worth of hair had me giggling. There's so much of it. We've gone past lion's mane and overshot into "electrocuted Persian." She is fluffye.
"Not the first time you've saved my life" ELABORATE ON THAT ALUCARD?!
Tera being shadowed by the entity that the Abbot dealt with in the ending scene hello yes I am Fear. Nice hook for another season, though.
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cardverseut · 5 months ago
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• This kingdom is mainly influenced by colors, red, brown and black.
• The kingdom of Hearts has the ability of emotions, its rulers usually have powers related to emotions or influence.
• Her kingdom never gets involved when there are conflicts, they are almost always neutral.
• They are the main exporters of commerce and their lands are rich in vegetation.
Name: Sans Comic Age: 34 years. Spouse: Red F. Serif. Family: Papyrus Comic (Younger Brother).
Weapon / Skill: GB (Gaster Blaster) and bones. His attacks are very weak but he has the ability to sense people's crimes and the more they have damaged others the more damage they will do (It is called "karmic retribution").
Appearance: It is a somewhat low skeleton and a little round. He wears a brown sweatshirt, short black pants with a white stripe on each side, pink slippers with white stockings and a red cape with white fur.
Personality: He is relaxed and loose 24/7. He is a joker and loved by his kingdom, but nobody dares to try to hurt his family, because there he shows why he is the strongest of the royal family.
Life before the coronation: He was born on a farm at the limits of Corazón and Pica, his parents disappeared leaving him (9 years old) and his baby brother alone, along with his Papyrus survived thanks to the efforts of Sans, he got his home and they made a farm that they maintained; They had a normal and calm life until at the age of 32 the King of Heart mark appeared on his left shoulder blade. His excited younger brother took him to the castle running and was named King.
Bonus: He loves ketchup and hot dogs.
Name: Red F. (Fell) Serif. Age: 30 years. Spouse: Sans Comic. Family: Edge B. (Boss) Serif (twin brother).
Weapon / Skill: Sharp Red Bones and GB (Gasters Blaster). It has a great magic well that allows it to last longer in battles than its King, it is also capable of reading people's emotions with ease.
Personality: He is quite grumpy and emotionally volatile. Most of the time he is reserved, serious and educated in public, while in private or with trusted people he is a joker just like his King, although he has trouble expressing kindness for his past, his heart softens when it comes to children or people weak.
Life before being crowned: Along with his twin brother (Edge) they worked in the guard of hearts, his younger brother is the captain of the guard while he was his second hand. His entire family served hearts as a guard and when his queen mark appeared he refused to rise to the throne as he did not want to be thought he was not the one for the job. Upon learning this, his younger brother tied him in chains and took him to serve the kingdom despite Red's complaints.
Bonus: He loves mustard and spicy things.
Name: Lust H. (Heart) Shame. Age: 25 years. Spouse / Lover: None. Family: Pink P. (Papyrus) Shame (younger brother).
Weapon / Skill: A custom lance for him, bone attacks and GB (Gaster Blaster). He has the ability to seduce almost anyone and make them collaborate just by talking to him (for some reason royalty is immune to this) and he can keep his emotions in check very well.
Personality: He is very flirtatious and friendly. Despite having a bad reputation for his past, that did not stop him from winning a large group of worshipers for his kind and flirtatious way of speaking. Although he appears to be confident and confident, inside he is a very insecure person who tries to do his best so as not to disappoint his brother or his kings.
Life before the coronation: Born in a low-income family, so his parents sold him along with his younger brother to a brothel when he was 15 years old, he worked as a prostitute until he could pay a release with his brother thanks to one of his admirers. When he left life that at age 17 he began to design clothes, until he became the personal dressmaker of the royal family (many say that he seduced the previous king, although they are only rumors). When his Jack mark appeared under his right eye when he was 22 years old, I gladly agree to be.
Bonus: like his kings he is addicted to a condiment, mayonnaise. Sometimes he has panic attacks when seeing how his king dresses in such a "not very decent" way.
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How do you watch Dreamzzz and come to the conclusion Logan isn't insecure. Genuine question because I feel it's a central point to his character a lot
Why would his worst fear be his friends laughing at him and telling him he's not enough if he DIDN'T have insecurity issues??
A character is allowed to be Egotistical for no reason but LOGAN IS NOT ONE OF THOSE CHARACTERS
The whole Lunia hourglass thing WOULDNT have happened if Logan wasn't insecure. NK tells him that he's going to help him be a better team mate and Logan takes the offer. He would NOT have done this IF HE WAS CONFIDENT HE WAS A GOOD TEAM MEMBER
This isn't even getting into Mission Implausible
Hold on i am gonna be so insufferable about this
I think logan genuinely thinks he's better than everyone else and he wants people to know he's better than them
Wanting to prove you are better than someone isn't always about insecurity in logans case i think it's his big ego
I'm going to highlight episodes 5 and 7 cause i wanna use them as examples
Starting in episode 5 this is logan's first fuck up that the nightmare king is apparently gonna use to manipulate him later
However and this is me quoting the episode here go watch the episode if you wanna fact check me
Mateo: someone just had to turn it into a race
Logan: hey don't blame me! All i had to work with was lunia's dumb broken hourglass
Mateo: tell me you had the hourglass
Logan: that's not my fault you were the ones cheating at the race
Both lines show that logan doesn't think any of this is his fault he doesn't feel any guilt about it cause he does not view it as his fault (he does take accountability at the end of the episode but it will be shown later that he still thinks it's not his fault)
Also this is the first episode where the other kids first use their hourglasses to beat logan which I'd argue isn't building up any kind of inferiority complex in him but i think it's building up resentment (i think this is the right word?) For the others "cheating" in his own words
Now onto episode 7 i wanna highlight Lance's conversation with Logan cause i think it highlights how the nightmare king's way of getting to logan isn't by preying on his insecurities but targeting his ego
Lance: those were some sick moves bro! Logan was it?
Logan: uh yeah? That's me?
Lance: you are killing it! I'm over here like trying to study your game bro
Clear example of him showering him with complements to feed his ego
Lance: ugh that green dude has a totally unfair advantage
Logan: right?
Logan: hey! I'm no cheater
Lance: fight fire with fire bro
Logan: yeah they cheated so....
He is now supporting Logan's resentment of the others cheating that i talked about
Notice how he doesn't convince logan by telling him the hack will help him with his "weakness" or whatever he specifically told him to fight fire with fire and this is where we get to his fuck up
Now onto the big one the instance people point to to prove Logan is on fact insecure and that's his other conversation with lance
Lance: dude i used that cheatcode before and it was fine! It's probably the system that's jacked up
Lance: or you did it wrong that stuff happens
Lance: wouldn't be the first time you got your friends in hot water
Logan: what's that supposed to mean?
Lance: pillows peak and the hourglass
this time the nightmare king is trying a different approach he's trying to make Logan feel insecure about his mistakes
Logan: man how was i supposed to know that broken piece of junk was gonna be so important
However his new tactic isn't working cause Logan doesn't think it was his fault he does not care stay unbothered king
Lance: Logan you get that thing fixed you stop being the guy who screws everything up
Lance: you'd be kind of a hero
No this might sound like the inferiority complex is winning but based on what he says on the next episode I'd argue the part that got to him wasn't "you stop being the guy who screws everything up" but "you'd be kind of a hero"
Logan: let's get this bad boy fixed and show the team who the real clutch player is
Logan: now how do we get this thing repaired so i can be a ✨️hero✨️ like you said
Notice who the part he cares about is being a hero? Being the clutch player? He couldn't care less about his fuck up cause all he cares about is getting the W and showing the others he's better than them
I don't think there's an undertone of insecurity i think he's just a diva w a big ego
But the sick beats episode? He likes attention you don't need to be insecure to like attention n you don't need to be insecure to be sad when you don't get attention he says he's wants everyone to like his music he doesn't look at the camera n go what if ppl don't like my art 🥺👉👈 like mateo does he's just tiktoker
What about his dream trial? He's mildly annoyed at worse he's still sassing the fake dreamchasers n he also immediately wins he gets in goes ok i see what you're trying to do unfortunately NUUH!!!!! (Also lowkey i think his trial is about realising he doesn't need to be the centre of attention not overcoming his inferiority complex or whatever)
Also i really don't think he's insecure about the others being able to dreamcraft while he can't he thinks they're cheating n he's totally still better than them cause he's soooo cool
Logan: jokes on you bro! I don't have an imagination
Logan speaking so casually about having no imagination shows he couldn't care less about it we love to see an unbothered king
It's so funny how ppl say logan is the jealous one one mateo has a scene where he looks at the camera n starts venting on main about how logan is better at him in everything
Like my guy lego isn't subtle they don't do show not tell if he did think he's inferior to the others he would turn to the camera n say it
Als a little point my bestie brought up logan is a foil to mateo (foil parallel?? I know words......) logan is good at sport mateo is bad at sport logan has no imagination mateo is very imaginative logan is over confident mateo is insecure
He is straight up acting egotistical all canon material say he's over confident n everyone still goes hmmm he's clearly insecure like I'm all for emo headcanons but that's what it is a headcanon
Also being insecure isn't a central part of his character being a silly little guy is the central part of his character he's the comic relief guy
Thanks for listening sorry you had to read my opinions you literally asked for it
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salutethesargeant · 9 months ago
A Mess It Grows - LS18, OP81
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Pairing: Lance Stroll x Oscar Piastri (Maplescotch)
Summary: Following Lando's win at Miami, an insecure Oscar heads to his hotel room to regress. One of his boyfriends follows suit to comfort him the only way they know how.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, kink themes (petplay/animal play), sfw intimacy, hurt/comfort, mentions of polyamory, use of pet names
A/N: Crosspost of my fic from my ao3 (inlovingmemory) and also my first fic here. Maplescotch is such an underrated ship and one of the few I would actually die for. (Mainly bc I'm a sucker for ships only I care about) Enjoy.
The checkered flag waved as crowds clad in orange and black began their frantic frenzy. 8 seconds ahead of the 3-times World Champion, for several laps. The rows upon rows of fans under the Florida sun were livid at the sight. Could it really be? A car the color of papaya-orange crossed the finish line for the first time since 2021. But an Australian wasn't the winner. Not this time.
No, that Australian was at Toro Rosso now. AlphaTauri. RB. Whatever they were called, it wasn't Red Bull or McLaren. He was stuck situated behind a Sauber and would likely be his same, bitter, old self after the race.
Yet, there was one Australian today who got the shorter end of that stick. One younger, yet dressed in the same ol' familiar orange and black. Bright, exhausting orange like his car. The one cameras paid no focus on: Oscar Piastri. Driver for McLaren, Alpine survivor, and 2 seasons into F1. Drove his car off for podium place until Carlos collided his Ferrari into the papaya boy. 
Front wing damage. No penalty. Late leaving the pit stop from repairs. Forcibly having to settle for 13th place with no points. Losing his place late in the race while Lando was having the time of his life.
Oh yes, Lando. Lando Norris.
There's not much the Aussie could say about the Brit. They were teammates, they were competitors. Nothing more, nothing less than that. They got along, admittedly, only because Oscar knew they had to.
Being at Alpine years ago, he witnessed the opposite firsthand. His long-term boyfriend, Esteban Ocon, had been the subject of several cutthroat backtalk and altercations involving fellow Frenchman Pierre Gasly. Sly remarks full of snark and internal gossip with mean looks, or full on fights in private. It would get nasty, almost catfight-ish. All Oscar could do was sit back and watch like a child of divorce, until he'd have to later comfort and ice Ocon's bruises.
The Aussie knew any teammate relationship could turn sour like theirs at any time. No matter how long or how deep their bond went, a budding rose always came to grow thorns. He's seen the contempt boil and bubble, masked behind the Frenchmens' PR-fueled, artificial smiles for social media. Pierre's faux-friendliness on and off-camera had targeted him too, coming from someone who desperately wanted to lure the young driver in despite knowing Esteban's warnings. Even the most enticing of snakes prepped their fangs.
But Lando wasn't like that.
Atleast, that's what Oscar hoped. Since switching his colors from Alpine's sugary, teeth-rotting, cotton candy-esque light blue and pink to a more vivid orange, the relationship between the two Anglophones had since been short of amiable. Sure, maybe they weren't constantly at eachother's throats - and maybe Oscar should've been grateful for that - but they weren't the best of friends either. Or friends at all. An air of stillness had settled between them since they first met in the same garage over a year ago, growing like a thick fog. 
McLaren and F1's social media could paint the papaya pair like two peas in an overwhelmingly positive pod as much as they wanted, but all it did was make them look good. Good. Marketable. Two young drivers ready to take on the whole grid, overwhelmingly clad in black and orange. A World Champion-in-the-making and a former rookie who seemingly locked together like two puzzle pieces. Landoscar, the fans called it. Soulmates, everyone viewed it.
If it were that easy, maybe Oscar would already be attached to the hip of the Brit. Maybe Lando - for how much he flaunted his shamelessly hedonistic lifestyle as if it were his sole personality trait and thought inside that hollow head of his - would atleast make the effort to include and invite him to stuff once in a while. It's not like Oscar was begging to go to his teammate's pretentious parties across Europe, full of high-class randoms several leagues above him. Full of people he didn't know nor could care less about him or his relationships. Instead, Oscar usually kept quiet, only bothering to smile and make small talk when McLaren needed them to. Even when the cameras weren't rolling, it was never like he asked the Brit time and time again to be besties, although sometimes he wish he did. 
Lando wouldn't have to pretend to reach out to him after their social media shoots, pretending to be interested in him and his life. The Aussie knew deep down his teammate, for how dull he proudly was, was playing the same games he was, tricking the media and inadvertently, Oscar aswell. People already thought they were the "bestest" of teammates compared to the other, far more infamous pairs on the grid. The thought made Oscar shiver.
Even his boyfriends, despite the bias against them, were never the subject of tabloids as much as the Brit was. If anything, his two lovers being disliked helped keep their relationship out of the spotlight - yet it only made the vipers of paparazzi focus solely on Lando and Oscar. Labeled as 'friends', an 'ideal couple,' despite the younger man already having special people (who were also on the grid) in his life. But God help him for actually thinking journalists payed attention to what was true.
Maybe he wouldn't be constantly compared to Lando - more than he already was - if they actually were good friends like the news said. Oscar was just a former rookie in the eyes of his team and the media, but Lando was a proven, soon-to-be World Champion. Every step he took, praise followed like a trail of gold. His own red carpet. Even the cameras were too bright, Oscar was almost blinded despite how far he was shoved out their view.
In regards to the times where he, or perhaps where McLaren allowed him to, shone, he was restricted to playing 2nd. Times where he could've helped the team gain points were never considered when they focused on his tanner teammate to earn another podium. Oscar would have to stick towards the back end of the race, feeling too insecure to look at his manager in the eye in the garage. A disgustingly sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that he'd grown familiar with. And as he predicted, this strategy (or lack thereof) happened again today.
Except Lando was a race winner now.
The heat of the Miami sun rested upon Oscar's back as he begrudgingly exited the cockpit, his fireproofs and suit on fire as he ripped off his helmet. What a horrible race that was, just his luck to go from top 4 to being the loser in a challenge with Carlos. The Spaniard seemed to collide with him, giving him damage to his front wing as he'd end up losing his place. Sure, he was able to get back in the race and set the fastest lap so he'd gain something out of it, even if it was to just end up behind an Alpine and out of points territory. But it didn't really mean anything when he had his race ruined and McLaren couldn't care less about him. 
From where he currently was in the garage, God Save The King blared in the distance, like a thought he couldn't truly escape. If he were a little more patriotic, he'd find it nauseating. But even if he wasn't, it still was. Everywhere he went, it seemed to remind him that he'd never be good enough. He'd never be like him in their eyes, only a liability. Feeling sick again, Oscar ran and tried finding the nearest bathroom, far from the McLaren garage. Far from the podium. He couldn't bear to deal with the strategists and members of the team crowding his way right now. 
It was his day. Lando's day. It always was.
Stood proud on the podium were the same three that usually stood there: a McLaren, a Red Bull, and a Ferrari. A Brit, a Dutchman. and a Monegasque. The sun's golden glare made them looked blessed, like a trio of angels. Oscar couldn't bother to look from behind his back, ignoring the barrage and sea of voices and lights blinding and deafening him if he did. But they weren't for him, not all of them. It didn't matter. The spotlight was focused on something - rather, someone - else, and he needed to leave. Fast and unbothered. His hotel couldn't have been that far from the track, especially when he was sure some of the other drivers were headed their way there also after the race ended. 
Especially the two he knew, who he shared a room with. Who he always shared hotel rooms with, discretely under the guise of being a "group of best friends." Whatever people thought, Oscar needed them. Particularly in this moment, when his head began to feel too heavy for him to support himself. When he needed to be away from the masses and fall into a special sort of headspace only they knew about, behind closed doors. Those special, intimate moments. 
After having to do some careful finding in the garage and stripping of his fireproofs, Oscar grabbed his phone and immediately went to his contacts. He's changed enough out of his race suit and back to regular McLaren merch that he could sneak back out to the paddock. In such a fast amount of time too, seeing how the rest of the papaya crew was still too focused on throwing Lando around. Then again, Oscar was rushing in a hurry and practically gone ghost once he situated his cap.
Most of the drivers on the grid stayed at the same hotel for certain races, their team executives booking them months in advance. They were never usually that far from the track or paddock either, for the teams convienence. Such was the case for Miami, where Oscar currently padded open the resort's luxerious doors in an urgent manner. Did McLaren need him right now? Probably, if Lando's win got boring to rub in. Would Oscar head back to attend? Nope.
As the Aussie went to dial the number labelled, "Lancey," in a strike of coincidence, life decided to serve itself to him for once. Meeting eye to eye with the Canadian again off track, the taller male's expression went from one of surprise to worry. The concern seemed to rub off the younger man, as evident by how Lance was able to pick up on it quickly.
"Osc, what are ya' doing here? Shouldn't you be at McLaren's garage?"
Nothing. No response. All he received was a big, brown-eyed stare from his dark brown eyes into his. Lance's worry seemed to grow tenfold at his boyfriend's out-of-character silence. Something must've been really wrong, his race must've gone pretty bad. Lance knew his wasn't great either, but Oscar handled his more deeply.
The Canadian looked down with his own dark eyes, reflecting a vulnerable Oscar in them like a mirror. His voice almost cracked, bringing a hand to grip his tightly as he pulled them towards the elevator. Oscar wasn't even aware that the button for their floor was clicked, and soon they were off.
"I'll- I'll need to phone Esteban as soon as possible, tell him he needs to come back immediately. He's—" Lance's voice trembled, as if he had something stuck in his throat. This ride was taking too long, goosebumps forming on skin from pure nervousness.
Seemingly noticing, Oscar rubbed his head of fluffy peanut-brown hair against his side. He looked up into the eyes of his boyfriend, and felt the Canadian's nerves rapidly calm down. Realizing what kind of care Oscar needed now, the taller man spoke again, this time much more clearly.
"Esteban, right. Este is uhm, busy with Fernando right now. He'll be back soon, hopefully with some food. But I might need him to come quicker, especially since you're going into err—" Oscar pawed at Lance's sweater, cutting his train of thought off again. Feeling concerned yet a little more relaxed now, he laughed. Their elevator had reached their floor. Lance heard Oscar whine a little at how hard he gripped the Aussie's hand while walking over to their room door.
"Pupspace." A smile bright as the morning sun spread on his features. Oscar's followed as he laid put on the velvet floor, restlessly pawing at his feet.
He would've preferred if he had brought a leash to Aston Martin's garage, or perhaps if Esteban did to Alpine's. It would've made his job a lot easier, yet it's not like he could've predicted Oscar would regress this soon. Or this severe. Or Nando potentially finding it on accident. That would've been one hell of an embarrassing talk.
After some fumbling with the lock of the hotel door and Lance's strangely large quantity of keys, the door finally let loose. The Montrealer squatted down near the Australian, exchanging a gentle glance and offering his hand to help him back up to his feet, although only to walk him inside. Oscar's weight felt like a bag of thick rice, needing all of Lance's support to be carried inside as if he couldn't use his legs anymore. Granted, that was because he couldn't. He wasn't "grown" enough to do so currently. 
The lights of their hotel room were turned down low, a nice warm orange coating everything. Enough time had passed that the Miami sun had begun to set, its luminous colors bleeding through the large glass windows and fine curtains as it dipped into the horizon. The sight almost made Lance sleepy, almost falling into a drowsy state before realizing he was carrying someone much sleepier already.
Setting Oscar aside on the nearest couch, he kept his head up as the Aussie looked at him with pleading eyes. Wanting warmth and attention now that they were behind closed doors, he whined again, in a higher pitch than last time. Lance couldn't help but chuckle, hands on his hips as he returned some sass.
"Alright alrighty, Butterscotch. I'm trying to be fast for ya, but you're asking quite a lot!" The mahogany of the Canadian's lively eyes reflected back onto Oscar's, who couldn't help his cheeks grow pink like bushes of roses. The younger man watched from his place, sat on the couch, as Lance looked around their temporary living space for a few moments. Almost urgently so.
When finished, he had a familiar leather collar wrapped in his hands. Oscar's eyes went wide at the sight. Unable to keep his excitement down, he reached his thin paws out in a 'grabby' motion and yelped. Yip yapping away. Another laugh escaped Lance, who rested a rough hand on Oscar's shoulder. "Who knew Esteban and I had such a needy, impatient puppy..."
"But I shouldn't mock you this much, especially when ya need this more than me right now." Despite his outward manner and physique compared to the Aussie, the Quebecker's hands were quite gentle as he began wrapping the accessory around his partner's neck. Oscar, of course, stayed still and soaked in the attention like a sponge. Feeling the black and orange-accented leather lock into place and hearing his name tag (which simply read: "OP31, replies to 'Oscar' or 'Butterscotch.' If found, return to Stroll or Ocon.") jingle, he finally relaxed. The bad thoughts from earlier were beginning to drain out.
Not bothering to change either of them out of their team merch, Lance pulled his pet into his grip with one arm. Oscar fell immediately into his chest, pawing at it before circling around to settle himself down more comfortably. Lance gazed down, petting the fluffy caramel-brown hair between his fingers as he pressed a kiss on the Australian's nose bridge.
"You're a good boy, Osc. A good pup." Lance paused, looking away from the chocolately love in Oscar's eyes to his own fingers. Fidgeting and flicking them around, he felt a certain paw mess with it. Lance felt a familiar pair of eyes look back up at him again.
"I'm just— sorry. Sorry for you. I just feel bad that, well, ya know. Lando, Carlos, or whoever, ruined your race today."
A high pitched whimper followed in agreement as the younger man laid his head against the chest of Canadian, opting to lay against the armrest as he waited for their other partner to come home. Oscar took in his partner's scent as he laid on his side, curled up in his arms. Faintly smelling like maple with hints of pecan pie. A cold Autumn breeze over the warmth of a thick cotton scarf.
"It wasn't your fault. I know your mind will tell you otherwise, but I won't. I know, I know..."
Oscar was more than upset about the earlier drama and results, but wouldn't be lying if he admitted that he couldn't care anymore. Fortunately fleeting away, then gone in the wind. Was almost like a near memory that he since brushed off once returning home.
Home where he could unwind, where he could be his true self. Where he could no longer worry about the race or any sort of grid drama. A home where he could be with physically, no matter where he went. Melbourne, Suzuka, Shanghai, Miami...
He was safe at home. Safe, secure, and warm. Home meant comfort, but it also meant security. Private, yet seeked fun. Home never judged him for letting his walls down, or anything else really. Home made him feel seen. Feel loved. Acknowledged.
Lance was home, Oscar's home. Nothing could change that. Nothing would. He wore dark green, but loving him was red.
And so were both of their cheeks currently, mutually flushed as they pressed against eachother. Lance wasn't sleeping, no, but he was surely entertaining himself as he watched Oscar try not to. Yet a peck to the cheek helped his senses kick in, as he giggled and licked at the Montrealer's face.
Smiles were exchanged once more, Lance couldn't help but keep playing with the silk of Oscar's hair. The younger man melted to the touch, rubbing against him in an attempt for more petting. His collar seemed to be a bit too tight for his skin, causing a noticeable red mark around his neck. He had his hands available, but seemed to prefer Lance's help.
"I just wish they came to some sense, ya know? Carlos, I mean. I— I don't understand him."
The Quebecker stood up, causing the reaction of his little spoon to do the same. Oscar fell to the floor. Knobby knees against the velvet carpet as he stayed on his fours. Lance stood to stretch, leaning down to pet the Aussie as he walked towards his temporary water bowl. Tapping the side twice, Oscar skittered across obediently. Lance's train of thought continued again as he leaned against the wall, watching Oscar lap up his water.
"There's always gonna be those types of people on the grid, the ones that want you gone. I've been through it, so has Esteban. Even Lewis." 
Oscar stayed put on the floor, sitting crissed-cross with his two front hands infront. Water ran from his face down his chin. A noticeable stain now soaking the collar of his papaya-orange polo. He turned his head to the side at Lance's words, whining an octave louder. Brown eyes staring.
"I know what it's like to constantly be compared to your teammate too. You— You have to survive with it in this sport, unfortunately."
Lance adjusted his posture, squatting on the floor before standing up on his knees. Unlike Oscar, he wobbled, only stabilizing himself with a hand behind him on the floor. He pat at his thigh, whistling as he locked eye contact with the Australian, before bringing him in a tight embrace.
"You don't deserve any of this, Butterscotch. None of this. I'm sorry."
The Canadian's grip seemed to fasten against Oscar's skinnier body like a death grip. As if he didn't want to let him go, or let him breathe. Oscar rested his head the broad of Lance's shoulder, hands splayed on his lover's back. He didn't know where else to leave them.
He felt Lance's hands curl into the caramel of his hair, like milkweed silk between his rough fingers. Oscar closed his eyes, huffing before shaking slightly. His breath stuttering as his chest heaved, feeling like the weight of several stones. Was he crying? He can't remember the last time he did that, especially over a race. Over Lando. Over Carlos. Over everything and anything. Lance hugged him tightly, shushing him as he felt cold tears stain his sweater.
A nearby phone on the coffee table began to ring. Lance's phone. Must've been Esteban. 
They let it play, ignoring the ringtone repeating before it eventually ended. They didn't need to move for the world, to wait for others. All Lance needed to do was pay attention to his puppy. His pet. His lover. His Oscie. 
It was his night. Oscar's night. It always was.
Atleast to Lance. Esteban too, but only one of them was present. That's all that mattered. Oscar had people that cared, spotlight or not. Race winner or not. Unruined race or not.
Before he knew it, the Australian felt lightheaded. And light. His sopping eyes opened once again as streams littered his face, his blurry vision turning around to notice he wasn't on the floor anymore. Lance was carrying him in his arms, bridal style now. It made Oscar feel small. Vulnerable. Safe. Too deep into headspace and his own insecurities to feel anything but like a puppy. 
Looking up, the younger man was met with dark brown eyes meeting his gaze. The Canadian nodded, allowing Oscar to use his sweater to wipe his tears. He pressed a kiss to the bridge of Oscar's nose again, before laying him in the marble of their hotel room's bathtub. His soft yet coarse hands made quick work of the leather collar around the Aussie's neck, rubbing the slight red it left behind. 
Mercy coated Lance's eyes, as he sighed yet still gave a gentle smile. His cheeks lightly budding pink like a bush of hibiscuses. Oscar turned his nose up, smiling back in a toothy grin that went up the corners of his face. Face redder than salmon roe. Lance gripped his delicate hands, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. His skin was soft like the rest of him, yet he smelled his strongest here. Like oranges and vanilla. 
Lance leaned against the tub, slowly taking off each of his dear's garments. Maybe Oscar had his hands available, but he was too deep into headspace to speak — let alone strip himself. The toffee of his eyes stayed locked onto the Quebecker, purring as he went limp. Even if Oscar could take care of himself, Lance knew he needed him now. And now was all that mattered.
At the final piece of clothing, Oscar's boxers, Lance paused. His hands moved up the pale of the Australian's body to cup his cheeks, moving his thumbs against them in a soothing motion. Lance looked down at him, gentle, serene. Oscar let him do anything, and he was glad he trusted him that much. Like a puppy to its owner. A vulnerable animal to its caretaker. He pressed one final kiss to his soft, pink lips. He tasted like sorbet, Lance's favorite.
They locked eyes once more before Lance's train of thought continued. His faint voice finding itself again.
"Let's— Let's get you cleaned up, Scotchie."
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storm-saturn · 1 year ago
i know the galra had ten thousand years and unlimited resources to build up their defences and offences, to create an insane amount of weapons, to do evil experiments, and rule far across the universe, but HOW does it go from voltron being the defender of the universe, the most powerful weapon in the universe, something that zarkon has been hunting after for ten thousand years, something that made sendak (a very strong galra commander who would not let anyone stand in his way, according to himself) gasp and RUN.
yes he didnt fully run away but he retreated; he watched his battle cruiser get blown to fucking pieces, and remember this is the first time the paladins formed voltron. there was no sword. it was like their second or third time flying in their lions, and the only one that has had consistent flight simulations and training for however long is lance, and even then i think we saw him struggle to strategise a battle plan when going after the yellow lion with hunk because we heard him say he would cover hunk, we saw him carry that out but then get overwhelmed by the galra fighters in the air and take off after them.
hes a damn good pilot, and they all are, especially in the lions, but this is on a next level to what they could've been training for at the garrison.
so, this takes me to my point, why in the fucking world was voltron so fucking nerfed in the later seasons. like yes i dont want an easy win for voltron every battle, yknow, its about them working together as a team, its about voltron not always being the solution (aka when its better for them to split off into lions while they strategise), its about them actually coming up with strategies instead of just going in voltron first and hoping for the best.
its been a while since i watched the later seasons but rn im mostly thinking of atlas. like it just doesnt really make sense to me tbh? to build the atlas, yes, its essentially a replacement for the castleship, a place for a team to watch voltron from the sky, provide back up, but then to have it form into a voltron-esque robot ??? i just dont think thats where they should have taken it.
im glad for the castle of lions to take an important role in some episodes, where again the answer lies outside of JUST voltron, but it doesnt really make sense to build another giant robot.
it kind of takes away the development the paladins are supposed to go through as well, to work together better and stronger as a team thus opening up more weapons from voltron and learning how to fight in different ways.
idk i think the entire thing was kinda over-thought at the end as they were trying to keep the show going, but missing some of the other storylines they could've gone down, (black paladin lance, lotor redemption arc (which he did seemingly have but all along they planned to throw that in the bin), the team coming together as friends more often developing their bond as voltron but also as people, the team seeing their families again, not killing off shiro's FUCKING CANON BOYFRIEND IN A STUPID FUCKING SHITTY WAY ADAM DIDNT DESERVE TO DIE YALL ARE JUST COWARDS, and also the team kinda reflecting back to how they were jn the beginning and realizing they have grown (i say the team but i mostly mean lance and hunk because the writers just did not give two shits about them they really didnt get the chance to become fully thought out characters, they just had some insecurities and interests that were ignored until convenient then ignored again)).
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year ago
I love the Keith and Lance friendly antagonism/rivalry (yk that thing the show could've eventually gotten to but forgot to) as much as the next person but I will always be the biggest Pidge vs Lance rivalry/friendly antagonism
It's too funny cause neither of them value the same things as being the thing to compete in, but they're also both competitive
Like I think Keith has to be pushed to care about competition tbh (or at least the writers had to contrive situations and his personality to make it work) but Keith doesn't hugely care about the same things Lance does in the way that eventually it was clear, even when they did really contrive to make Keith care, that the whole thing was really one sided (which is interesting but in different way)
But with Pidge and Lance, they both value certain traits in a way that even though its not the same and theyre each competing over different things, the pair of them would believably die on their respective hills just to prove a point, in a way that Keith just wouldn't. Pidge and Lance will go above and beyond to compete and be petty in a way where they know they have a close friendship but also they're gonna win. That competition can rarely be mistaken for actual antagonism and when it is or if it actually is, then the two are direct and blunt enough too to get to the bottom of it
Meanwhile being playfully mean for them would be different, cause they're both highly insecure and while competitiveness is one thing, being mean to each other would kind of cause problems for them if they hit a button or nerve they weren't aware of
I think Keith and Lance are better with the sort of relationship where its less competitive but more that they can honestly express their more negative traits and beliefs in front of each other without fear that the other will try to correct or fix the others belief. They can be as playfully mean, negative or cynical as they want in front of each other cause they're both the sort that try really hard not to come across certain ways and try to hide (sometimes in vain) these parts of themselves. They can show their darker traits that others would be concerned about to each other and know that the other is capable of being honest enough to both be able to handle it but also to know when there should be some actual concern and lines drawn
Plus on top of this, competition for Keith has always been this thing put upon him so tbh I think that's also a reason for me why Keith and Lance should be more playfully mean than competitive cause for Lance competition has been historically safe and fine for him with certain people, while for Keith it's always been something that has had people treat him negatively and therefore means something different to him.
This got longer than expected but TLDR (shut up ik it's not that long): Pidge and Lance are the rivals, but Lance and Keith are the playfully mean ones. Maybe that just makes them rivals but in a different font but to me that different font is important
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localfanbaselurker · 9 months ago
I’m watching “Voltron: Legendary Defender” for the first time and these are my compiled thoughts.
This is Season 3
(S 1-2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
<this one will be a little longer because I took more pictures when I watched these two seasons, as I got a little more invested in the show>
(Edit: apparently I can only put 10 pictures per post, so while I planned for this to be season 3 and 4, this has to be a solo season post because I have wayyyy too many thoughts and a lot of them need accompanying pictures)
Pre-Season 3
-> I wonder who is gonna be the new black paladin, I hope it’s Allura. Or Keith I guess, but his ass is NOT ready for leadership
-> I need to know where Shiro is. Bring back my Cruella Deville!
-> the witch is altean! This is gonna be sooo important I just know it
-> I wonder how Allura and Keith will interact now that she sorta accepted him being part galra. that’s actually a really interesting topic.
->Keith being galra is gonna be something very important as well I think.
-> Pidge BETTER find her brother and father this season or I swear Dreamworks is gonna catch these hands
Post-Season 3
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-> ^if villain why hot?
->his ideals are giving Roman Empire. (I guess that makes sense considering he’s the prince of the Galra Empire)
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->^hmmm.🤨🤔 (I know what you are)
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->^Space TyLee! And Space Asami, too!
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->^oh so Keith gets to be insecure now, I guess everyone gets their own “angst” episode
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->^hes the first to comfort him! is this a “klance” moment? It feels like one
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->^Once again have to talk about Allura and her dad. She already threw away all her dad’s memories and his “essence” of him. Now she can’t even stay connected to him by piloting his lion ☹️. I genuinely get so sad every time I think about her. 🙁 All I do at 3 am is cry. 😕
->I originally got super sad about that, but then she became the blue one and I was really happy. But I was reallyyyy confused about the schematics of the switches. (still kinda am) like the lions don’t fit their personalities. And isn’t it the point that they get chosen for a reason?? Like when the blue one chose Lance in s1? And the red one chose Kieth, etc. ?? I guess it makes sense for them to call on other paladins when Shiro “dies” (his ass is not dead, I’m 100% sure of that) but Allura fits Black/Red better imo.
-> But then again, I did like how it was executed/explained. “Oh Lance ur the new red one cus you accepted Keith as ur leader and now you have to be the right hand. Get it cus red is Voltron’s right arm??” like yeah. And of course:
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->^Allurance!! I finally see it, now.
-> Also, my supposed question about “langst” was proven wrong, there’s more than just the “seventh wheel” episode.
“Not only am I not meant to be the leader, I guess… I guess now I’m not even meant to be a paladin”
He is really insecure about that isn’t he? Does any of this ever get resolved??
-> this season was huge for klance apparently. They have so many moments together. When they get dragged by evil elsa Lotor to that weird planet and have their lions talk face to face, the shoulder touch, them seeking each other out for/being the first to give the other comfort/reassurance, “Leave the math to Pidge” , Lance being the most upset that Keith isn’t at the parade thing, their teamwork in “Tailing a Comet”, “Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?”
You guys just kept winning this season honestly slay.
-> The Lore drop that Coran did about the creation of Voltron/Original Paladins. Bro
->I’m still hung up on that. Honerva I could have saved you.
-> Gotta say though im all for an evil couple.
-> I loved all the S1 call backs to the original paladins “I’m a leg!” Like yeah 🩷 you are 💛 and the og blue paladin does the “lance in the intro” thing
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->^When they form Voltron for the first time in the flashback, the colors are brighter, much like the original 80s show’s colors, and the captions later read “Defender of the Universe”, which was the name of the original Voltron show. This is an especially fun detail because not only are they honoring the “original paladins/voltron” of the show’s lore, they are also doing so in reference to the original show itself, which I think is all so beautiful
->Baby Allura is soooo cute!
-> We get Shiro back! I knew he wasn’t dead. Low key I was scared he lost another arm or something but no! He’s okay 🖤🤍
-> I did some research and it turns out he is in fact 25, I don’t know whether to be happier or sadder for him. On one hand, thank fuck he’s not like 15-17 like the others, on the other hand, he should be at the club. He should be finding love, he should be at his 9-5 paying taxes and doing laundry not having his arm chopped off and replaced with magic and having to fight in the space coliseum and then escaping and having to pilot a giant robot and be a part of an intergalactic war. (I suppose that last part is true for all of them, but the rest is shiro-specific, and it all makes me a little sad)
-> call me crazy but he looked hotter when his hair was long
-> on that note, WHERE did he find a razor. Did he just use a sword or something?? Like in mulan??
-> in “Tailing a Comet”, they apparently meet alternate space reality!Kuvira from atla:lok , and ASR!Bataar Jr. I mean, really, down to the bun and the mole, as well as the controlling dictatorship-esque behavior and the “really, this is actually for their own good” attitude when it comes to said controlling behavior. Did the writers of each show just share ideas or??
-> im so serious with that last question. The thing that came out of the “quintessence rift” that the original paladins had to fight? A dark spirit from LoK: Book 2: Spirits. Whatever tf happened to zarkon when he got too close? When Unalaq got possessed by Vaatu. I mean really, were they just passing cards like go fish?
->I genuinely cried when Keith left for the Blade of Marmora (to save time, I’m gonna start calling them the “Blades” or “BOM”)
-> however, I feel like him leaving for the blades is gonna be really plot relevant later on
-> I think that’s when S3 ended im pretty sure. I don’t have further thoughts other than those I could’ve discussed if I could upload enough pictures for my S4 thoughts that accompanied them.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for a while. I finished S3 on 06/26/24 and S4 on 06/30/24. As of today (07/3/24) I am on S5E3.
I will continue to post my thoughts/Updates on the tag “laura’s first vld”
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mistolras · 1 year ago
I have no idea if this post will reach the intended audience, but I've recently been playing Pokémon Shield and realised Hop is kind of similar to Lance from Voltron Legendary Defender. And I would literally take a bullet for either of them so there is definitely a character archetype that I'm into lmao
Essentially, they both have this goofy, upbeat exterior that hides a lot of sadness and insecurity. When we first meet them, there doesn't seem to be much under the surface beneath their jolly personality, but this is gradually unravelled to reveal that they're compensating heavily.
We get little hints about it at first, with Lance saying in season 2 'what if I'm just a fifth wheel?' and Hop hyping up his brother Leon at the start of the game, seeming enthusiastic and supportive of him but also revealing that he wants to be just as successful. This gradually gets darker, as Lance considers actually leaving the team and Hop becomes increasingly downtrodden and desperate after each loss.
They both feel overshadowed by someone else. Hop literally grew up in Leon's shadow, surrounded by memorabilia of his success in their house. After becoming the Red Paladin, Lance feels outshone by Allura's achievements with Blue, and, when Shiro comes back, feels that Keith is more worthy of Red. They're both constantly trying to fill someone else's shoes and never quite feeling good enough.
Despite this, they remain good-hearted. lance would've loved to become Black Paladin, but supports and uplifts Keith as the leader. Hop's dream is to become Champion, but he still congratulates the player every time they win, even when you take away his chance to fight Leon.
The final and most depressing reason they're similar is the treatment they receive from their franchises. Wasted potential doesn't even begin to cover it 😭 Lance just becomes a simp for Allura and then ends up being a farmer. Hop gets a pretty good character arc in the game, but he gets paid dust in the anime. Leon acts like a mentor and older brother figure to Ash while Hop barely features. They even make a storyline about that kid in the hospital (I forgot his name) who admires Leon, when Leon's own brother is literally right there. When the kid is brought to Leon's match against Raihan and it shows Ash and co in the crowd and then Hop sat at home watching- why hasn't Leon brought him to see it??
Why must I keep loving these pure hearted characters whose potential just gets completely wasted 😭
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coldslaws · 5 months ago
Honestly Alder is one of the best champions in the entire franchise. The amount of depth and story that is both spoken and unspoken in Alder is genuinely amazing but he gets constantly shoved aside because his battle was "too easy" like that doesn't defeat the purpose of his whole character!
He doesn't change the minds of his opponents through battling, but through words and experiences. He helps and teaches Cheren that not everything is about battling and to not make the same mistakes he's made. He tries to see reason with N because he knew he wasn't going to win, and when everything comes to an end he lets N go because he knows she never had a chance.
He's just this funky lil bug type old guy that's been riddled with grief and pain that causes him to go rusty when the region needed him most, he just wanted to retire.
Though fuck anime Alder, they completely dumbed down his character into nothing but a lazy women's pest. Anime Alder pisses me off and I hate when I see people make posts or headcanons of anime Alder because it always includes how much of a creep he is. Bleh.
- 💌
I KNOW!!! i love him :(( him and n are just like. a thoroughly incredible found family pair. i think a lot of my family hcs make his whole situation even worse and gives him more reason to hold onto hope for n as a person than he already has because like, if lance is his sibling (and following pokespe lore where lance can talk to pkm and tries to wipe out johto), that means he's seen n's exact ideals at play all over before. first hand. he knows how bad it can get yes but he also knows that someone like lance can be rehabilitated because lance did all that awful shit, arguably did more damage than n managed to, and yet now he's successful and beloved and happy.
and then ryuki.. i dunno if ill ever get to address this on rh anyways since it's far out, and i did hint vaguely at it on nhp, but there comes a point in the future where ryuki eventually mistakenly gets someone pregnant, drops the kid (benga) in alders lap, and runs away. ive been dropping hints here and there but because of the dragon clan ordeal, ryuki struggles to connect with his dad ever again after that point, and alder struggles to support his emotional needs, which is what leads to ryu leaving for alola and abandoning benga. alder's family is so busted up and in bits and pieces, and as he grows from this hurt, he becomes a more capable guardian through supporting benga and iris, desperate to reach the hearts of anyone he can and save them from disappearing within themselves. all of that why he insists on helping n despite the nightmare they caused for unova and despite the way n came after him personally. not only did she call him names, demean him, and fight dirty against him, but she helped propagate the myth that he'd killed his best friend. his kindness, spurred on through grief and a miriad of major life experiences, is his weakness and his strength.
and like you said, he's hurting, he's old, he wants to retire. n knows to take advantage of this and, combined with his growing insecurity over the death of volcarona, he doesn't stand a chance. while maybe there was never a shot he'd actually win anyways, given that zekrom was in n's party during their battle, he still holds back enough for n to take notice and for it to linger in her brain even after everything happens. which is what eventually causes her to seek alder out, then join him for training, then become a part of a new family altogether. alder won by losing
like. he's just got so much going on and i think it's really cool. and who doesn't like nice old men or bugs. 10/10 character
and then we all collectively say fuck you pokemon anime for reducing his character
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year ago
I did not realize I sent that ask to a Leaf fan blog, you're just one of my most frequently found mutuals if that one time I liked and reblogged 300 posts from you is anything before getting jumpscared by you and learning you weren't a fancy named bot and also active. Anyways. You GET my vision, don't you. Look at how sassy Leaf is in Pokemas, look at how many character traits you can pull from Evolutions (if you are a greenleaf truther) even if not...Trace calls her big sis in the japanese version and cross-canon counterpart Pokespe Blue and Silver are chosen siblings.....let a girl have relationships and a life with people that isn't dragging Reguri to a diner to hype romance before shashaying out is all I'm thinking. Have you read "The Ash Connection?" It may be an acquired taste to some people but gosh I'm always shaking the screen over Lance and Leaf's relationship there like UGHHH. Mentor-Mentee relationships I tell you. Agatha telling him that if he makes an exception for one, then he has to for all after learning how some kids fall into Team Rocket and all the messy stuff there and Lance, gruff as he is, still caring sm, and being shooketh when he meets kid Leaf and her words reflect a rocket grunt's situation sm, and taking her as a student and owjihsnj her being so smol in his giant chair and reading big books and telling Steven she's a g-men agent too and him being all?? yo?? when did we induct pre-teens here?? you're literally 10? and Lance going "just turned 11 actually" and Steven being like...that is not helping your argument. they are SO silly pls, PLSSS. and even though im OOF at Silver and Leaf not getting along they are still fun because whoop whoop they ran into each other at Lake Rage where Silver had his "btw G-Men guy you might wanna watch the lake" and then dipped from TR to run away moment while ALSO going "oh I see. so the G-Men also take kids in like TR" moment which causes a "oh that kid was YOU" realization years later and a fight of "when you ran away from TR, you feared for your life. I'm fearing for my happiness" bc Leaf getting dragged along with Ash Shenanigans and straying from the plan means Lance may be TICKED with her and kick her out and cue lots of insecure "oh. he deactivated my card. im fired fr..." and Lance going "actually no, I did that to protect your identity in case we had a data breach. which we did." and his Serious Walk Talk about how "*insert lots of names* would be if so and so didn't step in"* and that's why he kept her and mild 😅 over how "in some ways, you are like me" but also be better. and then the symbolism of her backing away until she stood at the tip of his shadow. and also just how much Lance keeps reading into her schemes and actions and Leaf being annoyed by it but also when she finally gets a sneaky ;) "I did wonder if he ~ could ~ call a draw. checkmate I win ;D" to drop the pieces so the Indigo title gets split in half. like THAT IS MY LEAF. also when Unova Guy Dad told Lance "is she your student or your child" and "do not make the same mistake as I did with you" like HELLO??? and Lance on the plane learning she got hurt and just leaning an arm against the plane and all the Champions in the room are like "yo?? that's sm emotion from him..." meanwhile fandom is like "god forbid women be complex, or let teenage girls have confusing feelings to work through and be children" I gotta do everything myself around here le sigh. and that wonderful OP who wrote that fic of course. sorry I dunno if you'll even read all this but I had to blab.
we can write a wholeass essay in asks now?????
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missglaskin · 2 years ago
i personally don’t see Aegon growing up into show!Aegon if he and the reader were raised as brother and sister. at the very least he’d be a hedonist with a bit of a drinking problem but no one would really bat an eye at that considering he’s not set to inherit anything so there’s a bit more freedom in being born the ‘spare’ child. but the lengths this man would go to, to please the reader would be maddening.
it would mostly begin with Aegon attempting to become a knight from all those fairytale books the reader likes to read. mastering the longsword Blackfyre before testing the waters with daggers and lances. the first time Aegon declared he’d be taking part in a tourney Alicent nearly choked on her breakfast. but inevitably Aegon will realize that the reader wants more then a pretty boy donning pretty armour so he begins to attempt the whole chivalry part of being a knight too. something about Aegon awkwardly pulling out the reader’s chair think Jaime jumping up from the table to pull out a chair for Brienne to join them during the last GOT season when they’re in Winterfell together makes Viserys chuckle as he murmurs something about “young love” into Alicent’s ears.
but sometimes Aegon can become incredibly insecure standing next to his brother. not because Aemond is tall and strong and handsome but rather because Aemond’s intellect is already being compared to his grandfather’s as he spends his days studying philosophy and histories. the first time Otto runs into Aegon in the library, the old man has to do a double take believing he’d lost his mind for a moment before softly asking Aegon if he needs help finding something. and Aegon admits that he’s struggling to find a book that won’t numb his mind or induce a nap. within a week, Aegon enters his chambers to find a stack of fairytale-esque books that heavily incorporate war and politics but in a way that actually makes learning enjoyable. the prince merely stares awkwardly at Otto when they run into each other after and Otto nods in understanding. no words spoken. and the queen is left confused.
once Aegon enters his twenties, the prince realizes he must actually begin focusing establishing his place in court and building a future after seeing the reader is interested in Tyrion older men that are capable of thinking beyond the next tourney. so he uses his privilege as the king’s eldest son to usurp the role of Lord Commander of the City Watch despite several protest. and Aegon simply retorts that if Rhaenyra is meant to rule after the king, then as her brother, it is his duty to protect her, right? but it sort of backfired because although Viserys eagerly agrees, the king also believes Aemond should follow in suit and names him Lord Captain of the Red Keep’s Guard too, evening the scales between the brothers once again.
it’s during this conversation that Aemond, Viseron and Jace realize they’ve gotten so caught up fighting each other that they’ve completely overlooked Aegon under the belief he’d never grow out of his juvenile follies quick
I do agree. Aegon will go to whatever length to please and win the reader over. He tries his best to be a gentleman- he really does. It just doesn't come naturally as it does with Jace.
Alicent and Otto encourage Aegon further, and for the first time in a long time, Viserys himself pays attention to Aegon. Praising him for being so considerate to the reader.
Out of the boys, it's Aemond who first catches into what's going on. He knows his mother and grandfather always wanted to choose Aegon over him, he was the oldest after all. But Aemond felt he had the upper-hand in that he proved to be mindful of his duties.
So he notices when Aegon starts attending lessons. He notices Aegon hunched over trying his best to read. The final confirmation was Aegon's presence in the training fields.
Regarding the tourneys, Alicent rejects Aegon's offer. She knows how competitive Aemond can be and while Aemond may not kill his brother. The same cannot be said for Viserion who will love to have the opportunity.
It takes Viserion and Jace some time. Vis is too focused on making a rival of Aemond and still greatly underestimates Aegon. Jace is just awe-struck around the reader, too focused on her than anyone else.
Though when Aegon takes the position of the commander of the city watch, it's one of the rare times when the three boys have a somewhat civil conversation. All along they were busy fighting with one another that Aegon slipped under their nose.
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the-kingshound · 3 years ago
I suspect my last ask got lost in the sea of asks that you likely get, so I figured I'd ask again.
What are Arthur's thoughts on the reader finding love with someone else? He knows their marriage is primarily political in nature, but would be be sad that he wasn't able to woo the MC? Or would he be an amazingly supportive friend, who's all for the reader finding happiness despite the difficulty of the position they've been thrust into?
Main reason I ask, is due to the whole Gwen/Lance situation that's often used as a plot device. I don't want to sneak around behind his back, because at the end of the day he's our spouse. So even if it made him upset, I'd rather the reader is able to be open and forthcoming about their other relationship. Obviously I hope it's possible to form a deep friendship with him instead, where it's mutually acknowledged that they aren't in love, and support whatever love the other finds outside of their political marriage.
Ah yes, I get this kind of ask relatively frequently, I should put it in the FAQ just because it's a very valid question in the face of the game's premise. I answered something similar but I can't seem to find that ask so let me get to your question.
Arthur doesn't have expectations for MC, not as a spouse and even less as a possible lover. In fact, you will see what he values for MC is their happiness first and foremost. Following this, if MC happens to find their happiness with someone that isn't him, he will be as content as he would be if MC chose to pursue him. They honestly, deeply want to see their spouse feel safe and relaxed in Camelot, however that will happen.
On the other hand, Arthur also cares for all the other ROs so that would feel like a double win: MC is happy and the RO is happy. Triple win if MC or said RO (or ROs) decide to confide in him so that he can play matchmaker, give advice like the wise (in his opinion, mind you. He happens to be the most inexperienced in the romantic field out of all the ROs) man he is and gossip a bit.
You should know that I created Arthur with some things in mind, one of those being that there will be a story where the promised spouse will for once be supportive. So no cheating and no going behind anyone's back, here. I mean, there is really no need to.
If we take into consideration the practical side of things, Arthur will always leave MC their own space and autonomy. They will have separate chambers and they will only need to work together, nothing more - at least, Arthur won't ever push for something more.
If you as a reader find happiness and want to court some other RO, Arthur is there to listen. Or to encourage you when you need it and maybe are too ashamed/awkward/insecure to ask.
As far as Arthur is concerned, though, MC will come to love him. Not in a romantic way, not unless you choose to, but a burning love born because Arthur is the one MC chose to follow.
This has nothing to do with the routes, though. Just to say that your relationship with Arthur will always be a strong one. It can become maybe strained if you go for a certain path, but never broken.
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years ago
class 1-A with reader who has a peacock quirk
– class 1-A
requested by anon: Class A with a reader that has a peacock quirk, so they have the wings and tail feathers of a peacock. They can use their feathers to confuse and stun people. They are very witty, cunning and a bit of a sadist (not sexually). They use their intellect often because they can’t rely too much on brute force in battle. They fight and have weapons like Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda. (They can also scream like a peacock when extremely distressed- they are a bit embarrassed by it).
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a.n: i hope you liked this!!!! i tried to put as much as what you’ve mentioned into this and hope it’s kinda how you imagined it :3
reader is gender neutral
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with your quirk being as flashy as it was you were one of the more noticeable students in your class
and that although class 1-A had quite the set of individuals with flashy quirks
speaking of mutant quirks, too
there was mina and tokoyami after all
still, with your wings and tail feathers, both in the true manner of a peacock you did attract quite a few glances
you did find your feathers very beautiful so you did not mind a lot
especially your tail feathers, those were just beautiful
and useful, very useful
when you had first joined the class midoriya was one of the first people to talk to you
he buttered you up, fawning over your wings and how useful they’d be and the advantage you had when you could fly 
you couldn’t fly very high or long so that was a mislead
but the boy didn’t seem all too surprised when you told him that
mumbled something under his breath about it making sense, since peacock weren’t much trained flyers either
he did mumble a lot actually
the boy didn’t leave you alone until you told him about the functionality of your feathers
let’s say he was quite impressed when you told him how you used them in a fight
still leaving the answer as ambiguous as possible because you wanted the class to see you in action first
everyone was so impressed, especially midoriya of course
he showered you with praise after seeing you fight, saying how impressed he was with the functionality of your feathers
because you could stun people with them???? dope
but tokoyami complimented you, too!
the boy was quiet and seemed reasonable so you were quite honored by it
especially because you were both birds of a feather
kirishima talked you up, too
he was quite the sweetheart, telling you how manly that quirk of yours was
although he did not seem all too eager when you jokingly referred to you as such
but using your feathers wasn’t everything you could do
you did like your quirk but it wasn’t quite flashy enough to leave as much of an impression on actual villains like say todoroki’s quirk
so you also used weapons
and could you just say you you were absolutely skilled at weaponary
you had a whole set of blades which you could throw with quite the percision
uraraka was so impressed by this she begged you to show her some of your tricks
you did make a deal with her
you showed her some tricks in the throwing blades apartment if she showed you a few tricks in hand to hand combat
you’d seen her fight and you didn’t like passing up opportunities
you also used a lance, which you had the most practice probably
it was quite usfeul in close range combat and an unexpectant weapon to use
villains usually wouldn’t expect it
it was like an ace up your sleeve
you had also some metal talons, which were a personal favorite of yours to be honest
they just looked absolutely badass on you
despite your skills with weapons and your quirk you still didn’t enjoy taking the brute force route all too often
you did have a brain, a quite skilled one might you add
ALSO it was a lot more satisfying to you to trick your enemy some way or another
winning with the help of your wits…there was nothing better to you truly! 
that was probably why you got along so well with momo
she was quite the smart girl although her insecurities did get in the way of that
teaming up with her….you two were a power duo truly
and you didn try to make her realize how absolutely amazing she was
but there was another part of your quirk you didn’t like…at all
you had not planned to let anyone know about this, but it was inevitable 
it happened during one of your rescue trainings
you got caught up in the mission and ended up trapped in one of the collapsing buildings on the side
the panic and stress did it and you couldn’t really stop it from happening
you screamed
not just screamed, no you SCREAMED
the same way peacocks scream when in distress
it was a bad habit you couldn’t get rid of if you tried
more like an primitive instinct if you thought about it
it always made you feel like an animal, which you were not!!!
your friends found you rather quickly after that
you were extremely embarrassed although you tried to play it down
the class was surprised by the „secret“ but super supportive
uraraka told you excitedly about how useful the peacock scream was to call for help or support
momo agreed and told you how useful it was in rescue situations
even todoroki, who was usually more quiet around you made it a point to tell you about the usefulness of it
it cheered you up, you were not going to lie
you still didn’t really like it a lot, but you weren’t as opposed to using the scream in lethal situations…
having feathers that need to be taken care of was quite the hustle, too
because you do shed once a year, your molting time, and that was just a rollercoaster in itself
it was a time were you were both extremely sensitive and extremely excited
you did lose all your beautiful colorful feathers and were stuck with boring ones for a few weeks, but you also regrow a new set
that would also be even stronger and prettier than the precious one
you still had to walk around looking like a plucked chicken and without your loved tail feathers
denki was quite the insensitive jerk sometimes so he liked to tease you about it
(though he was the first to defend you in front of class 1-A hater monoma)
while tokoyami was the one defending you in front of denki, saying how the molting process was quite natural
all in all the class was understanding
mina, uraraka and tsu even helped you take care of your regrowing feathers
mina was about to all kinds of products into your wings, that’s how excited she was
thankfully momo stopped her
you did not even want to think about what damage mina would have caused ro your beautiful feathers
and yes you knew she meant it well
but that didn’t make that much of a difference to you
but with such a wonderful class as 1-A the few weeks passed quickly and you finally had a new set of regrown and stronger feathers than before
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac @duf3h6237 @hufflefluffslytherin @chucky-26o1 @crapimahuman
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mckinlily · 3 years ago
Miraculous Shallura - pt. 2
More head canons because I can...
Shiro lasted about 0.2 seconds before telling Keith he was Char Noir.
His moms don’t know though. (Or, rather, he thinks his moms don’t know)
Keith tries to cover for him when he has to fight RoboBeasts. But he’s a terrible liar so normally he just ends up making the situation even more ridiculous
Lance runs the Ladyblog. He claims Ladybug is “the love of his life” and is determined to win her over.
Due to the inherent risks of journalism (“—or blatant lack of forethought” “Let me have this, Hunk!”), he has had to be rescued by Ladybug on more than one occasion
He promptly tries to hit on her. Every. Time. Only professional pride keeps her from dropping him.
Pidge is also an active contributor to the Ladyblog. Though she is far more interested in uncovering Ladybug and Chat Noir’s secret identities than any of the personality or drama stuff.
Hunk firmly believes that the local superheroes are entitled to their privacy and that privacy should be respected
Buuuuut Hunk is equally susceptible to the draw of gossip. So he ends up contributing just as much to the Ladyblog as anyone XD
All the paladins plus Allura attend the same high school, with Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge a grade below Shiro and Allura.
This makes dodging the attention of the Ladybloggers especially fun for Shiro and Allura.
Shiro and Allura don’t know each other’s alternate identities. Partially for safety from Hawk Moth, but also because they both have baggage IRL that they don’t want to spill over onto their superhero identities.
This makes the conditions just right for…
THE LOVE SQUARE!!!! (because what’s a ML au without it)
When they first met, Allura thought Chat was something of a show off, what with him excitedly leading from building to building and scrambling up walls with abandon
(Little did she know Shiro was on a sudden high of superpowers and TWO! ARMS!!)
Over time, Allura came to realize Chat was loyal, trustworthy, empathetic, and dependable to a fault. And quite possibly her best friend. But that first impression was still of an overcompensating and slightly annoying dork
The first time she met Shiro, however, was very different. Allura was the new girl in school, trying to escape the shadow of being “the mayor’s daughter.” Her first day of school was NOT going the way she had hoped…until a heart-stoppingly cute boy helped her pick up the exploded contents of her backpack and find her way around.
Allura fell HARD. She’d always made fun of girls going all gooey eyes over a boy, but here she is, absolutely gone and stupid over a boy she’s talked to twice. Absolutely pathetic, Allura. ~~except he’s so cuuuuuuute~~
Allura spends a lot of her days at school desperately trying to hide her massive crush on her classmate (who just so happens to share SO MANY classes with her) while simultaneously seeking out any opportunity to talk to him.
It’s fine. She’s fine. Everything is fine.
(Why does Shiro have to be so cute?!)
((Why does CHAT have to be so embarrassingly sexy?? And he doesn’t even KNOW it?!))
(((Why are so many guys in her life so unfairly beautiful?? 😭)
Shiro’s first impression when he met Ladybug was, in quick succession “Yay, superhero partner!” to “Clever, smart—look at that throwing arm—oh. Oh no. I think I’m a little bit bi. Scratch that—very bi. Very, very bi. Shit.”
Shiro was a goner
Shiro admires Ladybug’s energy, her drive, and the focus and direction she brings to the field. He admires how strong she is, physically and mentally. There are doubts and insecurities he knows only he has seen, and he only admires her more for how she pushes through it.
Basically, Shiro respects the hell out of Ladybug and would follow her to the end of the earth.
It’s kind of embarrassing that he also has a massive, incurable crush on her. When he just knows she wouldn’t appreciate it.
Partnership with Ladybug is enough—the best really. He loves it, he wouldn’t give up her friendship for anything. He just wishes his heart would stop aching for more.
Allura, on the other hand, is someone he admires (even if she intimidates him too), and he genuinely likes her. Though he’s not sure if she likes him. He kinda figures she’s a whole level above him.
(Shiro has NO IDEA that she has a crush on him. He assumes her awkwardness is something wrong with him. Maybe his being an amputee makes her uncomfortable? It’d be sad, but he kind of gets it. People don’t know how to talk to disabled people.)
She is kind of…cute, though. And fun to talk to when she isn’t blushing and ducking away from him. Definitely at leader at school.
Sort of like Ladybug…
(But he does NOT have a crush on her. He can’t. He’s not that kind of guy! Stop giving me that look, Keith!!)
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