#also in my campaign he is a paladin of ilmater
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vesperosy · 2 years ago
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dm, there's a sad and lonely knight in my game
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leofrith · 1 year ago
hii so i‘m way to invested in everyone‘s baldurs gate plays. can we see your tavs? I would love to see them haha😭
YESSSSSS i will happily take any excuse to talk about my tavs. 🥰 i'm sorry this took so long. i wanted to have their Lore™ a little more set in stone before answering this, but then i proceeded to make uhhhh 2 more tavs and a durge. 🤡
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i am listing my characters in the order i created them. they're all good/neutral aligned because being mean in video games makes me break out in hives. aaaaand this is going under a read more because it got really fucking long. 🥴
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marqwyn stoneheart
race: human
class: eldritch knight fighter
background: soldier
romance: gale
my first tav who i adore. ❤️ i stole her name from the very first character i created for a now abandoned dnd campaign (though she's nothing like og marqwyn). she's a former flaming fist who left their service due to the corruption she witnessed there. after leaving the city she became an independent soldier for hire—but she's a terrible mercenary because she's a bleeding heart who will help people because they need it, regardless of whether they can pay her or not.
she has dragged the party into many an unnecessary brawl because her charisma is literally in the negatives. we love a girl incapable of talking herself out of Situations. she also used to have two brown eyes before deciding to get herself volo'd during a brief moment of desperation-fuelled insanity.
her backstory has changed a lot since i first made her, mostly because i didn't really have anything in mind when i started playing. 😬 i also had no fucking clue what i was doing when i first started and it certainly shows (tons of missed content, didn't take enough long rests, completely missed lae'zel for the first ~30 hours of gameplay, have done quests in an extremely questionable order, etc.).
i romanced gale with her because the wizard had me by the jugular the second he opened his mouth, and buff wife who hits things with her big sword and her squishy wizard husband who casts counterspell is something that can be so personal. that being said, i do want to rework her character and do another playthrough with her, probably romancing wyll, because her playthrough is a mess.
i will now dip into the alternate canon that lives in my brain in which my next three tavs are allowed to coexist, so just stay with me here and trust in the vision ajgjsdgf
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meadow moonwillow
race: mephistopheles tiefling
class: storm sorcerer, bard of the college of lore
background: entertainer
romance: karlach (or enya in the canon that exists in my head)
i made her specifically for my karlach romance run, because best girl deserves a little sunshine to match her own. meadow was born to play gigs in dive bars, but was cursed with a natural talent for magic. 😔 she'll use it because it's useful in a fight, i guess, but she'd much rather insult people to death. if there is shit to be disturbed, she will disturb it.
her and gale are best friends, because i think having some friendly spell caster competition with his bestie who (begrudgingly) lets him teach her wizard spells would be good for his mental health. her and wyll butt heads a bit at first, mostly because meadow's way of trying to comfort people is through humor, and her attempts to make him feel better about his new devil form come off as insensitive (inspired by the way i accidentally insulted wyll at the tiefling party in my meadow playthrough by joking that i was jealous of his horns. king i swear it was meant as a compliment!! 😭). eventually they become really close, which is certainly a necessity when you're both going on a vacation to hell with no set end date.
also my choice of name for her definitely has nothing to do with the fact that i am in the middle of watching the sopranos. definitely not.
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landric sparrowsong, "the wrath-bringer"
race: human
class: oath of vengeance paladin, tempest domain cleric of ilmater
background: sage
romance: gale
his backstory is probably the one i've thought about in the most detail, mostly because he's a walking tragedy and i live for that shit. 🧍🏻‍♀️
he was once a school teacher and wasn't much of a fighter at all before his little village near baldur's gate was razed to the ground and his wife and (or so he thinks 👀) daughter were killed, at which point he took up his oath of vengeance. his favourite pastimes now include self-sacrifice and violently murdering evildoers, hence the "wrath-bringer" epithet.
he has been alone—mostly by choice, because he can't lose any more loved ones if there is no one left alive that he loves—for over a decade by the time he's infected, but the forced proximity means the companions very quickly get under his skin. he's very protective of meadow especially (when they're both in the party at the same time in the universe that exists in my head) because she reminds him of his daughter.
he is god's favourite sacrificial lamb, and is consistently the first to go down in a fight (inspired by me, constantly getting him killed by taking far too long to figure out how to play a support class). naturally i paired him with gale because i think the idea of a guy finally opening his heart to the love of another after over a decade of self-imposed solitude out of fear of being hurt again, only for gale to decide to take on a suicide mission just as they're finally realizing their feelings for one another, is soooooo good and tragic. ☺️
he has a soft spot for children, but being around them makes him sad and withdrawn (for obvious reasons), something that the companions notice pretty quickly once they get to the grove and see his cold exterior totally melt around the kids there. he carries a journal which he adds to often, either little blurbs or sketches of people he meets in his travels, ever observing from afar as an outsider.
he was actually a war cleric of mystra when i first multiclassed him because the idea of this man finding solace in his goddes during the worst years of his life only for that same goddess to tell the first person he's truly loved in years that he needs to kill himself is sooooo. anyway. but i decided to change it because war domain just wasn't doing it for me and also have you seen ilmater's whole deal?
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also if he bears a close resemblance to my favourite unromanceable assassin's creed npc, that's just a coincidence (lying).
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enya sparrowsong
race: human
class: beast master ranger/circle of the land druid
background: urchin
romance: lae'zel (or meadow in the canon that exists in my head)
enya is landric's very alive daughter. i made her in the character creator with no intention of actually doing a playthrough as her, which is a lie i tell myself every time i open the character creator. 😔
ideally she would not even be filling the role of tav at all, but that's obviously not an option for an actual playthrough. she spent her childhood hunting and gathering in the wilds and later pickpocketing her way through the darkened alleys of baldur's gate to survive. in the version of her backstory that lives in my head, she eventually caught the attention of jaheira (by trying to rob her), who then took enya under her wing. the harpers became a family to her, and she is with them in the shadow lands when we meet them at last light in act two. also depending on my mood on any given day, enya and meadow are either bitter exes or couple of the year.
she is generally very abrasive with most people she doesn't know well (her and lae'zel are very perfect for each other), but has a soft spot for animals and orphans. she likes her solitude and it takes a lot of effort to earn her trust (there's a reason she's survived alone as long as she has) but once you do, she's ride-or-die.
she has a raven companion and her preferred wild shape is a wolf, but i've also had a lot of fun using her wolf wild shape and a wolf companion for twice the mauling in combat (and twice the torment for shadowheart—thank you sam for pointing out that she would fucking hate this 😭). i also like to think that she's been helping shadowheart get over her fear of wolves.
her relationship with her dad is deliciously complicated!!! but that's for another post.
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race: high elf
class: necromancy wizard/gloom stalker ranger
background: haunted one
romance: astarion
i haven't played as her much yet, and she's my first durge so i don't really know a ton about that whole background. but her brain is currently scrambled egg and she doesn't remember her past so i figure it's fine if i don't know anything about it either.🧍🏻‍♀️
she's trying so very hard not to kill people, and making up for the lack of murder by being incredibly rude to everyone she meets [astarion approves]. i named her idunn because i like the name but also in large part because i think associating the dark urge with the norse goddess of rejuvenation and vitality is really funny.
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aelius lucilius
race: drow half-elf
class: light domain cleric of selune
background: acolyte
romance: shadowheart
he's my newest tav and the one i've played the least, so i'm still working out his backstory. i honestly just really wanted to romance shadowheart as a selunite, which is working out great so far because the shar is already out of the bag and now she loudly and openly hates his fucking guts. 🤪
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ladywildwood · 2 years ago
My D&D Campaigns
Since I'll likely most definitely be posting about my D&D campaigns and characters a fair bit, I figured I'd throw a post together about them so that anyone who decides this dumpster fire of a blog is worth reading has a clue what I'm going on (and on) about.
So here we go! Fair warning, some spoilers ahead for two official modules.
Curse of Strahd / Nimalia Nimalia, a 200+ Wood Elf Druid (Circle of Stars). Her clan has been at odds with the town of Daggerford forever, so she has to suck it up and make nice when a bunch of human and elvish kids go missing. She meets the other PCs at the temple, they agree to help her investigate a lead, and it's been all downhill from there.
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(art by necromandi on IG)
Since coming to Barovia, Nim has been nearly killed several times (one which earned her the attention of a Dark Power known as the Evening Glory), found out another PC, Theodora, is her great-great-granddaughter, boned Rahadin several times, and been turned into a werewolf. I also recently found out that Ismark is the reincarnation of her human husband that she abandoned forever ago. He and their daughter tried to find her and wound up trapped in Barovia. Who knows if Nim will ever figure this out though because she gave up the memory of him in order to reconsecrate one of the fanes. So that's absolutely heart-breaking.
We started in December of 2021 and are closing in on the finale (maybe. we do a lot of roleplaying - on more than one occasion we spent an entire session in one room)!
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(art by NoGlory on YCH.commishes)
Descent Into Avernus / Teya > Kallan > Tyshara > Kallan again Technically I had three characters throughout this campaign, but two of them were the same (sort of), and those are the two I'm going to gush about most. My Divination Wizard, Tyshara, might get an honorable mention here and there, but this was not the campaign for her. We tried, girlie.
I started the campaign with Teya Amell, an early twenties Aasimar Paladin of Ilmater. Her family is part of the nobility of Baldur's Gate, and her father spent her whole life leveraging the fact that she's angelic to Get Places. She was a high-ranking member of the city's guard (because of her family name, not actual ability). She died during a fight in the secret sewer shrine? to the Dead Three, and that's how Kallan was brought into the game. Kallan's soul was forced into Teya's body by Bane. Kallan has no memories of a life before joining Teya and Feels Bad about stealing her body.
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(art by anotherliz.art on IG)
She died outside the gates of the High Hall in Hellturel (stabbed by her Not Boyfriend, another PC, that had been charmed by a scary red lady), which is how Tyshara got thrown into the mix, but before that she had a lot of conflicted feelings about things. She even went to Teya's funeral! Towards the end of the campaign she was brought back by Krull, a tortle cleric of Tiamat, and allowed to finish the quest with the party under the agreement that she would then serve Tiamat for the rest of her life. Joke's on him though because Bane overrules Tiamat and he's got dibs on her soul. We just finished this campaign, so I'll probably have a whole big write up about it at some point.
We actually just finished this campaign after a little over two years, but I still fully plan on talking about it.
Unnamed Homebrew Campaign / Primrose My Monday night group is abandoning official modules and heading into our DM's homebrew world! I'm waiting until our DM gives us the player primer he's working on to figure out more of the details, BUT my character is a Primrose (real name currently Karisha Peveki but may change depending on if it's lore-friendly) a late 20's Tiefling Bard who's incredibly shy and anxious. She is an accomplished poet with a reverse pseudonym - she first published under her real name, wanting to prove herself to her family, but when she Made It she realized she absolutely does not want the attention (mostly), so she adopted the name Primrose. She also likes to dive into her cups.
We'll be starting this campaign in early November!
I don't have any art of her yet, but here's her HF mini!
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sw4tch · 2 years ago
Hey! *Kicks open your door* tell me about your OC's on main! I want to hear about them! (If you want to)
since I'm stuck during a long bus ride you get to hear my long long rambles about my dnd ocs!! (They're the ocs i think about constantly because they're the ones i get to Play With more lol)
They're all from different campaigns I've played. I'll give you quick info and thoughts about them in chronological order (aka, which one did i create first)
Michi Haasi
- fun fact his name is literally an endearment term for a cat in spanish (something like "little critter")
- which makes sense since he's half tabaxi, aka literally a cat boy. Full anime cat boy! He's a rogue that was trained as a spy assassin from a tender age because his parents got murdered in an unjust massacre carried out by a random noble lord. Now left to care for his little sister and brother, he took on a life of crime with high risk but high reward.
- since he specialized in being part of political conflicts from the shadows, he knew it would make him enemies that would put his siblings in danger. So he left them in an orphanage and cut all possible ties with them. He cares for them deeply though and sends all the money he can to the orphanage so that his siblings may be cared for properly.
- it feels weird not to mention it even though it has never come up in the story and i doubt it ever will, but Michi is a trans boy :3
- outside of the role, there was another player in my table that kept pushing for his character (a hobbit druid girl) to have a hardcore crush on Michi and i didn't feel comfortable with that so uh now my experience rping Michi has been soured a bit. Like yes i do love him as one of my creations but if i never play as him again i will not feel too bad about it (which is good bcus the DM got too busy with his own life so uhhh i guess we'll never play again!)
Ishana Aavrih
- My sweet tiefling paladin girl ♡ the joke i had is that she's literally just a nun with a sword. She's a tall and strong looking blue tiefling woman with fiery red hair. A devout follower of Fantasy Jesus (Ilmater) and her core beliefs were that anyone can be redeemed, anyone deserves a second chance, and that her duty was to protect other's from harm.
- i wanted her to be a pacifist but uhm since that campaign was heavy on the combat she did indeed kill many people. IN HER DEFENSE i did make her ask before the killing blows if they were willing to give up their life of Evil Deeds. No one ever did lmao
- her backstory never came up but: in this setting tieflings are loathed as an "inherently evil" race so Ishana grew up in a convent of a group of tieflings which main ideology was to "repent for the sins of their race". She was an orphan there so she was raised on these beliefs which marked her ideology forever. We love catholic guilt.
And to make it more tragic, she had a best friend growing up with her too in that convent and she loved her a lot, but her friend was more rebellious and mischievous (not bcus she was evil but bcus teens are just like that!). Anyway her friend gets killed to make an example out of her after a Nebulous Incident (aka i never worked out the details here ahdjjdjd) and Ishana is left heartbroken. It does lead her to escape and later on find comfort in the teachings of Ilmater because of the ideology of "everyone deserves a second chance" (since her friend deserved a second chance!)
- anyway in the campaign we had to stop cultists from bringing the apocalypse and one of the head Priestesses named Vannifer wanted help in stopping the apocalypse (because she was basically a slave to the Evil God trying to bring the apocalypse and she wanted to be free).
Vannifer was also a tiefling with a tragic backstory so when Ishana heard her tale and plea she immediately decided she wanted to help her no matter what! It became her life duty to try and free Vannifer from her chains so that she may be happy.
The rest of my party was pretty murder happy so even they wanted to kill Vannifer on several occasions so it became a running joke that only Ishana saw Vannifer as an ally (and she was!!! Like literally she's a NPC meant to help u!!! Why would u kill her!!!!)
Alongside this, in one of the cursed temples my party freed a group of Kenkus (bird people) and one of them was a small orphan crow boy and he immediately got attached to Ishana (and i became attached as well!!!!!!!!!!!) So Ishana adopted him as her son. His name was Purulento (pretty sad name in spanish bcus it's something akin to "infected wound"). Anyway i love him so much and he's my little son boy. My little baby. My sweet little boy. He became a cleric mostly so we could deploy him if any of our players missed a session so Purulento could fill that space in combat.
At the end of the campaign, Ishana realized she wanted to give up the sword and go live with her son and Vannifer in a cabin in the woods. So yeah she basically got her happy lesbian ending and sobs im so happy. BCUS PURULENTO HAS 2 MOMS AND GETS TO GROW UP IN THE HAPPY HOME HIS 2 MOMS DIDN'T GET TO HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love her so goddamn much.
- Also her name is a valid homestuck troll name fun fact.
Eshuu Teevan
Ohhhh boy oh boy oh sweet jelly goddamn crackers HOW TO START WITH ESHUU MY DEEPLY BELOVED!!!!!! He lives rent free in my head even if i have played with him like maximum 7 sessions. Gonna try to TL;DR him bcus if not we will be here all DAY and maybe it's better if i show u the 40 powerpoint presentation i have on him later
- he's a satyr warlock! His patron is Caiphon, an old god and distant star. Akin to a lovecraft horror. Eshuu has a HORRIBLY debilitating Ego so when this elder god came to him in a dream and promised him the secrets of godhood it was all over.
- he's a scholar that loves nature, but most of all fungi! He's fascinated by the idea of Rot As An Extension of Life. In a better timeline he's some sort of druid ♡ we're not in that timeline ♡
- to understand what's wrong with him u gotta know that he lives in a world where Gods walk among them and each year the world celebrates "A Harvest" which is kinda like uhhh the hunger games but the prize is that the winners get to Ascend To The Heavens.
Eshuu being part of the Fey knows that the gods are capricious and not to be venerated. But his best friend Jakobi (an elf) is a devout believer who's purpose in life is to win the Harvest and ascend (as his people have trained him for). Knowing that his most likely fate is death, Eshuu tries to discourage Jakobi from making this his Life Goal but they fight and break up their friendship and something inside Eshuu snaps that makes him want to take over the gods and destroy them ♡ because he could do so much better ♡
- anyway Eshuu is my babygirl and i love him so goddamn much. His favorite spell is acid splash. He thinks he's owed everything. He's obsessed with one (1) guy that didn't let him have the last word. I could fix him but whatever is wrong with him is funnier ♡ He's doomed to go mad with eldritch knowledge and I'm crossing my fingers Jakobi is the one to kill him ♡
Cyril Nightclaw
- my most recent character! I love him lots! He's inside a horror campaign with vampires!!! Aaah!!!
- he's a dark elf (i forgot the term but they're the ones with Advanced Darkness) and he's sensitive to sunlight. He's a cleric of the grave! He dresses like a plague doctor!! He's a devout follower of Anubis!!! He's literally part of a pyramid scheme!!! This adventure is one of the first times he's been allowed outside of the temples!!!!! He's a hoot i love him.
- i say he's a hoot but mostly because i think he's incredibly endearing. He's stoic, genuine, and blunt. Party says he has autistic swag and i am inclined to agree. Perhaps even make canon.
- his one goal is to Maintain the Balance between life and death, which means that any time he sees an Undead Creature he wants and needs to destroy them on sight. This is made much more difficult because we have a sorcerer in our party that likes necromancy and he likes to bring walking cadavers around a lot. Such is life.
- in the campaign we are tasked with protecting this one lady named Irina bcus the Dracula controlling the region has targeted her as his Bride To Be. Cyril, being so new to the outside world, fell in love with Irina because she's the first pretty lady he's ever seen in his life. So you can see how this further motivates him to destroy The Goddamn Dracula Final Boss That Keeps Showing Up And Trying To Kill Us.
- he has a prosthetic leg because his parents tried to use him as a human sacrifice as a baby but the ritual failed (it did take his leg though). He was left abandoned in the steps of a temple of Anubis during a storm and he drowned. But Anubis revived him so that he may serve him. We love a guy that died once but got better ♡
So that's all!! Will share my powerpoints later!!! u need to see my arts for all of them too!!!!! They all have playlists too bcus i love em.
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lyseeart · 4 years ago
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Matthias, my paladin of Ilmater from the Curse of Strahd campaign I played in, in a high school AU
He's a kind and gentle social studies teacher who is also surprisingly ripped under that sweater vest.
In his original backstory his wife and child disappeared; in the high school AU I imagine he might go the Walter White route in order to pay for his daughter's life saving treatment or something, but meanwhile his wife is cheating on him with the PE teacher--
Anyway Matthias deserves a hug and all the good things
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houseofhomebrew · 6 years ago
 I'm pretty sure thisis about the post I reblogged of 100 character questions, I did not actuallyexpect anyone to ask me about my characters, but since you (hopefully) did andI can't think of anything else this could be about, I am more than happy to answer! 
9 - What deity, ifany, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’sworship?
Murdoc"Murky" Reverence - Fire Genasi Lore WizardMurkywas followed Deneir and was part of the Inquisition of Oghma (a factioninvented as part of the homebrew Planescape campaign I played them in). Theywere not fiercely devoted in like a religious way to Oghma or Deneir, butmore so the good that their organizations were doing on their home plane. Afterthey lost all their sorcerer levels destroying the city of brass and wereimprisoned by Wee Jas, the inquisition of Oghma were among the few allowed tovisit them. Their opinions on the worship of others vary greatly depending onwho is being worshiped, they are Chaotic Good and so generally get upset at theworship of evil.
Rieta Temerity -Tiefling Deathknight / Oathbreaker PaladinRietaworshiped Ilmater before she was forced to break her oath under a suggestionspell. She believes that faith is incredibly important and strongly encouragesothers to seek out a temple in times of need, but believes herself unworthy ofthe same fate. In her heart, she still has a great love for the temple that sheserved in and Ilmater, but cannot forgive herself.
ShavaBrightshield-Galanoel - Drow Elf War Cleric / Death ClericSheworshiped Lolth by virtue of being born in Menzoberranzan and being given tothe church as a child. She always had trouble with not being kind and soeventually got prayed to Lolth for a mission to the surface. Lolth came inperson to mock her for trying to run away, Shava's plan had been to search forher beloved who had been banished from Menzoberranzan. Anyway, Lolth sent herup there so she could get the pleasure of watching Shava have to rely on herpower to help people and watch Shava drag her soul further into the spider's webwith each spell she cast. Shava accepted Lolth's influence in order to save thelife of her beloved girlfriend. Eventually, after a whole campaign, Shava threwoff Lolth's influence and became a cleric of Death, the abstract concept, butthis made Lolth angry and she continued to intervene in Shava's life, trying tobring her back. So, Shava is a little bit burned by religion but also, acleric, so she doesn't really mind other people's worship but will occasionallyspout cryptic shit about wanting to kill gods.
Sgt. Gale - EladrinMagusI'mpretty sure Gale put all their faith into like the Order of the Round andwasn't into religion. Their number one ideal was that every person wasinherently good. They didn't really care about the worship of others, so longas they were trying their best to be good. I do imagine after the horrors ofChult they'd have a bone to pick with any lich gods though.
Gabrielle Helleborne- Fallen Aasimar WarlockWorships the fiend devoutly, to the point of like mass murder, didn't know which fiendthough. It turned out to be Levistus. Thinks gods are for suckers and they'llnever respond, not like the fiend did in his time of need. 100% pure gradebastard.
Jez Vice - TieflingCollege of Whispers BardReallyonly interested in Zhent stuff and like generally being edgy, doesn't careabout gods nor worship, only interested in tactile material things.
Lucky - Human Void Mind OracleTheydevote all their attention to fate, every opinion and decision they make isdetermined by the pull of a card from a tarot deck, so aside from their strongbelieve in the power of fate, no concrete opinions. 
Nim Aloro - Half-ElfMastermind RogueAnex-zhentarim kingpin, only interested in material things and their new foundride or die best friend who happened to be some kind of cleric. I have no ideawhat god it was though. They don't have any strong opinions on worship norgods, except for gratefulness that Aoth's magic saved their ass on severalseveral occasions and almost prevented the summoning of Tiamat. (We failed. Butit was very close.) Definitely has a bone to pick with Tiamat but kind ofpicked it when they shot her in the faces.
Victor Lazarov -Fallen Aasimar Conquest PaladinAnothergrade A bastard that I had the good sense to shelve and not replace Rieta with.Sometimes you just play too many lawful good characters in charge of chaoticneutral bards and you have to snap and go lawful evil. Worshiped Loviatar forbastard reasons. Just like 100% bastard. Probably spits on you for worshiping agood god and calls you a coward.
Daedalus Grimlight -Fey'ri Lore WizardSoldhis soul for eternal life, interested only in worship in terms of what he canlearn from it.
Vlar Alholsar -Triton DeathknightIndifferentto worship. Hates tradition though.
Thank you so muchfor asking! It made my day :D
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nivychee · 7 years ago
DnD doodle dump
I have been doing little doodles over the last few months of an online DnD campaign run by @friendshipcake , which I’ve been loving.
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My cleric ‘Faith’ (first drawing I did of her)
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Redesign of her a bit later
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Faith and her brother Dantioc (who is played by my IRL brother)
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Dantioc doodlies. He’s a Paladin of Justice.
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Faith and “Proto”, who is a Robit. He was meant to be a throwaway character but I clung onto him and insisted he wasn't used in a way that would cause him to self-destruct. He’s my robit son.
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Pebbles ( @chisana-itchi ), a tiefling warlock. With her angry boi, Stump. (Yes, he’s a frog)
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Mason, (NPC), dark elf alchemist who is also a writer. Also, an atheist until he met son Gods. He and Faith are besties, and often had friendly debates about the existence of Gods. He’s also a sneaky bitch and knows way more than he should XD
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Faith showing Mason the lantern she got from her God, Ilmater (the God of Endurance). He literally came to the mortal plane, gave her a hug and a lantern and told her to keep going. I cried.
Also, Faith’s been off adventuring on her own so she got a lot of swag. Her and Proto killed Lesser Beholder (I ripped its eye out and kept it)
These are nearly in order of me drawing them. The second Faith image i drew after the one of Pebbles. I feel like DnD doodles have been helping me improve a lot.
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jaytaro-art · 4 years ago
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Lore 151: Anders, the Paladin who never takes off his helmet (read more...) Anders (born Solas, but changed his name when he committed a terrible deed) is a 32 year old Variant Human Paladin (Oath of Devotion). He has a muscular build at 6'1" (185cm) and 220lbs (100kg) with grey eyes, pale skin and black hair that no one ever really sees, as Anders will rarely ever take off his helmet. Alongside his signature bronze helmet, he wears steel chain mail and wields a rather ordinary longsword and round shield that he took from a farmer. Wrapped around both wrists are cords of red chains that symbolize Ilmater. Anders often looks weary, even when he is not physically tired. He is patient but has a bad habit of losing his temper when that patience runs out, he also loves tea. Anders was sent to the church of Tempus for an education and career when he was 10. He then became a paladin and went on crusades in his mid 20s. He learned that unholy changelings were in the area and got separated from his company. He tracked the group of changelings and found a farmer family. Believing they were the changelings, he ruthlessly killed them all. Of course, when their lifeless bodies did not change form, he realized the family were normal people, just like his own farmer parents back home, and a terrible guilt settled in his chest that would never fade. Anders left his company and changed faiths to serve Ilmater in order to seek forgiveness for his atrocities. He went on a mission at sea but capsized and woke up on a beach, where his campaign begins. Artwork done for my awesome patron, Samim! Custom art, token sets, web-comics and more are available via the link in my bio: @dnd_icons - Jay #dndart #dndtoken #tabletop https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4g8RPLRQO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anigraham · 7 years ago
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This is going to get long so, lol...
1. What’s your favorite system? 3.5.  Or a stripped down pathfinder so there isn’t 9,001 classes to choose from.  (And yes, I prefer it over the homebrew version I talk about sometimes, lol.) 2. What’s something you hope to do/accomplish in a D&D campaign? I have so many D&D bucket list items!  First one that comes to mind is I hope to romance an NPC someday.  May be setting myself up for heartbreak as surely the DM will have something horrible happen to said NPC, but ya know.  
3. How important is a strong story line to you? It’s what I live for!  I mean, it isn’t going to ruin my fun if the campaign doesn’t have a strong/deep story attached to it, but man do I eat it up if it does~ 4. What setting do you prefer playing in? Mid-level fantasy.  I want some magic, I want unique creatures, and I want some gods, damnit!  It doesn’t have to get too crazy or anything, but I want some magic in the world.   5. Have you or any fellow players have a character die? What happened? Yeh.  My first character death was a stereotypical elven archer.  It was a TPK to a scorpion.  2e is brutal, man.  A character deaths you don’t know about... I played in a campaign where two players had their characters as siblings.  Well.  One fated day, the younger brother died.  And he died after being given so many second chances, but after so many the DM (and even some of us players) were like...death happens.  It was in a world where resurrection isn’t an option really.  (He died to a mammoth that was infected and controlled by a parasitic “plant” thing that drains your CON.)  While it was disappointing to the brother player, the sister player became super depressed.  We ended the session early, but the next few sessions he just had a lot of trouble focusing and getting into it.  It affected him pretty badly.  We then took an extended break hoping the player would feel better after he took some time, but he didn’t.  We ended the campaign because of it. 6. What is your favorite D&D monster or creature? THE FRICKEN TARRASQUE.   7. What’s your favorite race and class? Half-elf and Paladin!  As rambled more in detail here. 8. Who is a favorite NPC you have encountered? Does the Triad count?  Because that was pretty dang awesome and I love Ilmater forever. 9. Where do you get your inspiration to make a character? My brain.  My process tends to be. . .I think of something I want to have in a character and then I build around that.  Lore really helps me.  Ok started with the idea that I wanted to play a serious character who doesn’t show much emotion, then he became a drow, and the rest followed.  My skittish tiefling idea came to me because I decided, I should play a tiefling and reading the lore...I found it interesting the ways it describes tieflings handle prejudice and I felt like I never see or hear about the tieflings who kind of feel shame or hurt.  Then the rest got built around that. 10. What’s one of your favorite character moments? I am still a fan of my overly optimistic and happy wood elf, hearing a terrible voice in his mind reminding him of some traumatic event, and then upon seeing a nothic and knowing that was the cause of it. . .saying “Please die now!” and shooting it at the surprise of the entire party. 11. What’s the best thing that has ever happened during a session? Being able to actually cry on cue for a scene with Morghain and being able to turn it off when the scene was over.  I loved hearing everyone react! 12. What’s the worst thing that has ever happened during a session? Probably the character death I mentioned above.  Just watching our friend and fellow player become so dejected and unable to keep playing.  And it was doubly hard because that campaign had been going on for so long and so many of us were really enjoying our characters, really invested, and then we had to stop since someone just couldn’t keep going with the story. 13. What kind of characters do you typically create? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The closest I have to a “type” would be melee fighters.  Definitely what I am usually comfortable with.  But I actually try hard to play different things, even if I am only changing a handful of things.  I like to try different races, classes, and different quirks/personalities.  When playing with a new group I tend to go friendly/helpful fighter type so I can learn what I can and can’t get away with in the future, lol.  Not everyone will be comfortable with me playing a former slave or a lying bitch. 14. What is your character’s backstory? Since I think you know most of my current character’s backstories. . .I will go with an oldie.  A little gnome named Lorelai Brassgear!
She grew up in a very small town with a very large family.  Her family were the owners of the local grain mill.  Lorelai had bigger aspirations as she seemed to have a natural talent for using magic. . .something very rare among gnomes in her world.  She became determine to someday go the mages college in the big city and learn to explain the workings of magic through the use of science and math.  (Gnomes in her world are inventors and focus on science.  They actually have a penalty when using magic.)  One day after exploring a nearby cave-in with some of her friends from the town, they discovered that her entire village had been destroyed in an orc raid.  All their families had been killed.  Lorelai and her friends barely managed to get away and so began the start of her campaign. 15. Do you have any goals for your character? When it comes to Natali I just gotta accept I cannot have goals.  Everything is a surprise with her and nothing goes as planned.  My goal is not to die while fully expecting her to die.
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16. What is a song you associate to your character?   Even though I haven’t played her very much, I have already associated one song with Cass.  The English version of “aLIEz” done by Amanda Lee.  I imagine Cass as a very conflicted and struggling woman, which I feel like this song captures.  I am especially fond of the following lyrics...
I say “Liar!” I say “Rise in hell!”  I am just about to burst as they say, “War!” I’ll wage war. I hate war. There’s no end to this...can’t you see that? 17. Does your character have any quirks? If so, what are they? My skittish tiefling sometimes slips into speaking in Infernal when he is talking to himself outloud.  If anyone points this out to him, he will be a bit surprised and doesn’t believe it.  His arcane focus is a medallion that he likes to fidget with from time to time.  He also has a habit of arguing with his familiar (usually an owl) as if she was a person. 18. Do you have a certain accent for your character? No.  I can’t do accents period, really.  I might try adding a little something to the way I talk for certain characters, but I think I struggle with consistency.  Loran I tried to speak higher and “friendlier.”  With Ok I try to sound more monotone as I don’t imagine he would be very expressive in. . .anything. . .let alone his voice.  
I can do three voices.  An absurd “old man” voice, a weird. . .voice (that I use for like faeries), and my own voice.  Haha.  But if I can’t even mimic accents from around the world, I sure as hell can’t come up with voices for characters. 19. What character (or type of character) do you hope to play in the future? My skittish tiefling, Mr. Pemberley~!  He doesn’t like being a teifling, feels bad about it, gets super nervous around new people and always assumes that other people expect the worst of him.  He kept his nose in books and is a wizard as a result. . .and is most comfortable (and confident!) when playing with fire.  Probably because he is a tiefling. . .but don’t suggest that to him. 20. What’s been your favorite campaign? Campaign would be the one we didn’t finished mentioned above, sadly.  But I am also really enjoying Tomb of Annihilation.  
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steel-dragon · 7 years ago
for the dnd ask thing, 1, 4, 6, 35, 12, and uhh 13 owo?
Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.O:
1. Favorite character that you have played 
,,,I,, love Elekantar?? He’s a sad boy who wants his dead husband back :( Fir is also very good tho cause #lesbians 
4. Your current campaign
I have like,,, 5,, There’s Group Therapy in which we’re currently trying to overthrow the government and 90% of the party are useless lesbains (DMed by @speechjam). Then there’s Darkshark which is a campaign based on Dark Souls and we’re all tryin to figure out Why We’re Coming Back To Life (Dmed by @lyssatbqh). There’s also Curse of Strahd, which we might be calling Fuck Strahd Crew?? Idk. (DMed by @lizardsister). One of my long time friends just started DMing a campaign for us and we’re trapped in a cave rn, so. Dont really know the plot yet. (He doesn’t have a Tumblr, scrub). And then my newer friend Stephen is starting a campaign for monster hunting soon o:
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
I,, really like Claria and Elekantar’s death in Darksharks. Claria tried to talk to the fucking demon that was attacking. She then ran from that one to get crushed by a different one.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
“What’s your password???” Our one player can never remember her password for Roll20. Also the Curse of Strahd being Everyone’s Connection Issues. 
13. Introduce your current party.
Ohhhh. Ohhhhh there’s so manyyyy. I’ll do Group Therapy.
Okay, so, there’s Fir, my fire genasi cleric of Ilmater, who’s Big Gay for Solira and just REAL slutty
Solira is our Sun Elf Druid who turns into a deer when upset, played by @lyssatbqh
There’s Camilla, a Big Buff barbarian human (used to be paladin for the Raven Queen) with a badass eyepatch and family issues, who is currently on hiatus played by @calebwizardgast 
Gwyn is THE queen of useless lesbians. She’s our elf warlock, also for the Raven Queen. She’s died before and canonically has a Hot Bod because the Raven Queen gave it to her. Played by @lizardsister
Artemis is played by Stephen and he’s a cool shadow rouge and half wood elf. He’s SO badass and cool and also Got Some last session so good on him. 
Val is our wonderful dwarf fighter. She is,, sunshine,,??? She’s played by @unexpectedbioluminescence
Right now @northwasfound is guest starring as Riben, who’s a cool half-elf bard that totally got Fir a kissu from her crush. A true Ally. 
35. I haven’t DMed (yet) but,,, I’m a SLUT for RP. 
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ladybanshee19 · 7 years ago
An Ancient Rivalry Update
So I’ve finished writing up the character sheets for my Forgotten Realms 5e AU.
I don’t want to share them until I get the drawings finished. However I feel I can give you a sneak peak of what to expect. I’ll list their race, class, class specialty, alignment and backstory, as well as a few notes explaining my thoughts behind my decisions.
Eric Cartman Race: Human (Illuskan) Class: Wizard Class Specialty: War Mage Tradition Alignment: Neutral Evil Backstory: Wizard Prince Eric was born to Grand Witch Liane Cartman in the city-state of Kupa Keep in the Greypeak Mountains. Liane never married and as such, no one knows who Eric's father is. Regardless, Liane spoiled Eric rotten, always giving into his wants and giving him anything he wanted, even after taking in the half-orc Kenny McCormick into her home. Because he was never disciplined, Eric developed a massive ego and an insatiable thirst for attention, as well as the determination to get that attention by any means necessary. One day his mother took him to the High Forest where a meeting was held with Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila Broflovski of the wood elf tribe of Larnion. There he met their son, Sylvan Inheritor Kyle and Eric proceeded to spew all manner of racist drivel to Kyle who eventually snapped and hit him hard in retaliation. Liane decided that would be the perfect time to leave and took Eric home with her. Once home, Eric convinced his mother to declare war on Larnion, saying that it would be the best course of action for Kupa Keep. She believed him and did so, however the first battle claimed not just her life, but the lives of the Sylvan Lord and Verdant Lady, leaving Eric and Kyle to lead their respective peoples. Still angry at Kyle for humiliating him, Eric vowed to wipe out all of Larnion, if it was the last thing he did.
Notes: In SOT Cartman is unusually tanky for a wizard, as is reflected in the War Mage tradition which not only boosts the power of spells but grants magical protection, Likewise, based on what I’ve seen in the show, Cartman comes across as a Neutral Evil character, someone who looks out for only their interests often at the expense of others.
Stan Marshwalker Race: Human (Illuskan) Class: Ranger Class Specialty: Beast Conclave Alignment: Chaotic Good Backstory: Stan was born into the Marshwalker tribe, a tribe of human rangers and druids who frequently migrated between the High Forest and the Marsh of Chelimber. Their dedication to protecting nature put them in the good graces of the elves of the High Forest and the two groups had an informal alliance. One day, however, a mysterious illness wiped out all the Marshwalkers, all but one, a baby boy who was found by a wood elf ranger of the Larnion tribe. The ranger, Sariel Meliamne, decided to raise him herself and somehow managed to get the Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila's blessing to do so. Stan always felt out of place among the Larnion elves and the fact that none of them were willing to be friends with him only made things worse. However, Stan managed to find a friend in the last person he expected to, the Sylvan Lord and Verdant Lady's son, Sylvan Inheritor Kyle. Stan was surprised to find that Kyle also felt like an outcast among the others and the two became best friends. It certainly helped that Sariel was frequently the one chosen to watch Kyle whenever his parents had to leave for another one of the Red Lady's meetings. As the two grew older, they became more and more inseparable with Stan eventually becoming Kyle's vassal. However, things around home became heated after Kyle and his parents had a confrontation with Grand Witch Liane Cartman of Kupa Keep and her son Wizard Prince Eric with an actual fight breaking out between the two heirs that ended in Kyle's victory. Eric vowed revenge against Kyle that he acted upon after both of them finally became the rulers of their respective societies, by declaring war on the Larnion tribe. In addition to the war, Stan has also been distracted by all manner of thoughts, the most prevalent one being wondering what happed to the rest of the Marshwalkers and trying to come to turns with his growing feelings for his best friend.
Notes: Whenever the boys play their fantasy game, Stan explicitly states that he’s a ranger and in SOT his character’s backstory is that he’s a human raised by elves.
Kyle Broflovski Race: Wood Elf Class: Druid Class Specialty: Circle of Dreams Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory: Kyle was born to Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila Broflovski of the Larnion wood elf tribe. Growing up, Kyle felt alone among his people. The other kids his age were either jealous of his position or so star-struck by it that they failed to see him as an actual person. There was one exception though, Stan Marshwalker, an orphaned human raised by one of the tribe's hunters. The two became close friends and often did everything together. Though while Stan was learning how to hunt and track from his adoptive mother, Kyle was learning about druidic magic and how to run the tribe from his parents. One day, during a visit from Grand Witch Liane Cartman of Kupa Keep, Kyle met her son, Wizard Prince Eric Cartman. In spite of his best efforts to be nice, the Wizard Prince was shown to be a selfish and racist brat and Kyle could only take so much of it before he snapped and not only told off the Prince, but also attacked him and injured him pretty badly. Fortunately, at that time, the Grand Witch decided it was time to leave, but Eric vowed that he would get back at Kyle and the rest of his people for this. Sure enough, by the time Kyle had turned 25 there was a battle between Kupa Keep and Larnion that ended with the deaths of Grand Witch Liane, Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila, leaving Kyle to take up leadership of Larnion while still considered a child by his people's standards. Not satisfied with the last battle, newly crowned Grand Wizard Eric declared that he would wipe out the Larnion tribe if its the last thing he does. 
Notes: Even though the faction in SOT is the Drow Elves of Larnion, I felt that wouldn’t work in the Forgotten Realms for a few reasons. First being that the drow in the Forgotten Realms, and pretty much all DnD campaign settings live underground, rather than the forest that the other boys pretended that Kyle’s backyard was. Hell gameplay-wise, the drow are extremely sensitive to sunlight. Second, the drow in DnD are both evil and matriarchal (try not to think about the implications), and so probably wouldn’t be too keen on taking orders from a man. So I settled on making him a wood elf instead. I picked druid as his class because in SOT several of his battle quotes involve him mentioning nature or things in nature and thematically works to make him a foil to Cartman who’s a wizard. Also, given that in many other games, such as FBW and Phone Destroyer featuring him having a moveset/card theme being more support based (he only has one regular offensive move in FBW and his deck theme, the Mystical Set revolves around healing and energy manipulation) and the druid having access to a lot of healing and support magic makes it work as well. I also wanna bring attention to his age of 25 in this universe. While elves reach physical maturity at the same time humans do, they’re still considered children until they turn 100, so that’s what the line “still considered a child by his people’s standards” is referring to.
Kenny McCormick Race: Half-Orc Class: Fighter Class Specialty: Arcane Archer Archetype Alignment: Chaotic Good Backstory: Kenny was born to Lady Carol McCormick and her secret orc lover Stuart. The two of them were killed by Stuart's tribe but Grand Witch Liane Cartman rescued the baby Kenny and took her into her home. However, while Liane doted on her own son Eric, Kenny was cared for by the palace servants. She was also given a special mask to hide her more orcish features from less accepting people, at the expense of muffling her speech. As she grew, Kenny discovered she had an aptitude for archery and would train extensively while her foster brother Eric studied magic. After Liane died and Eric rose as the new Grand Wizard of Kupa Keep, Kenny watched as he completely ignored the needs of their people in favor of sating his own desires, such as his lingering grudge against Sylvan Lord Kyle of the Larnion wood elf tribe. Behind his back, Kenny sought out the help of brave adventurers in order to save Kupa Keep from its own ruler.
Note: Kenny’s character in SOT is explicitly stated to be a female half-orc so I went with that. Also, given that Kenny’s moveset in SOT has him using a bow and a few magic-like special moves influenced my decision for his class as well.
Butters Stotch Race: Human (Illuskan) Class: Paladin Class Specialty: Oath of Devotion Alignment: Lawful Good Backstory: Butters was born in Kupa Keep to a merchant Stephen and his wife Linda who treated him poorly as a child. When he turned 15 he ran away to join the army in order to get away from his abusive parents. There, he also joined the Church of Ilmater, the god of endurance and learned the ways of the paladin. For a while he served in the army under the leadership of Grand Witch Liane Cartman and his naïveté led him to believe that her bratty and sociopathic son Eric would be a worthy successor. He also caught several glimpses of Witch Princess Kenny, despite the Cartmans' best attempts to keep her a secret. Upon both learning of what Eric plans to do to the wood elf tribe of Larnion and seeing that Eric cared more about this plan than the well-being of his people, Butters faith in the Grand Wizard was completely shattered and, alongside a good friend Token Black, a cleric of the god Lathander, decided to look for help to possibly dethrone the Grand Wizard or at least make him see reason.
Notes: Paladins are traditionally of the Lawful Good alignment, so I gave him that. Also, the reason I chose Ilmater, the god of endurance in the Forgotten realms is that Ilmater values self-sacrifice and is generally considered the patron deity of all who suffer abuse, no matter what that abuse may be, so it seemed thematically appropriate for Butters.
Clyde Donovan Race: Human (Illuskan) Class: Warlock Class Specialty: Pact of the Fiend Alignment: Chaotic Good Backstory: Clyde was born to a cobbler and his wife in Kupa Keep. However, his mother died when he was little and his father blamed him for it and kicked him out of the house for it. Clyde grew up on the streets and had to steal to survive. He would also listen in to hear the latest news from the townsfolk as they went about their daily lives and as such heard all about the growing tensions between Kupa Keep and the wood elf tribe of Larnion who lived in the High Forest not too far from the Greypeak Mountains where Kupa Keep was located. He heard that the latest meeting between Grand Witch Liane Cartman and Larnion's ruling couple: Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila Broflovski ended abruptly when their sons, Wizard Prince Eric and Sylvan Inheritor Kyle got into a scuffle. Not too long after, war finally broke out between the two factions and the first battle ended not just with Kupa Keep's defeat but with the deaths of Liane, Gerald and Sheila, leaving Eric and Kyle respectively to take their places. Afterwards he noticed the toll the fighting and the new Grand Wizard's life of excess was taking on the townspeople and Clyde felt he had to do something. Desperate, he sought out a pact with a pit fiend named Iorworth to gain the power to do so. With his newfound power, Clyde set out to find others in order to save Kupa Keep from its own ruler.
Notes: Originally I was going to make him a fighter, but given that his evil overlord look in SOT featured him messing with forces he couldn’t understand and because I felt I could make things more interesting if I made him something different, I picked warlock. Given that warlocks use Charisma as their primary stat and Clyde was able to rally a bunch of people under his leadership contributed to this version as well.
Craig Tucker Race: Human (Damaran) Class: Rogue Class Specialty: Assassin Archetype Alignment: True Netural Backstory: Craig was born in Kupa Keep to a poorer family. In spite of everything, his parents struggled to make sure he and his younger sister Tricia had their needs taken care of. In order to help them out, Craig took up being a spy for the royal family, specifically as a personal assassin for Wizard Prince Eric Cartman. Here he learned everything he needed to know about infiltration and assassination. Everything he made from his missions went back to his family. However, the more missions he took for them, the more he began to question why Eric had him constantly gather information about the wood elf tribe of Larnion, and give reports on the last known location of the Marshwalker tribe. After an incident involving a barbarian named Tweek that happened on a recon mission in the High Forest and war had broken out between Kupa Keep and Larnion, Eric was crowned as Grand Wizard, which was the final straw for him. Craig left to find others to help get the sociopathic Eric off the throne before more people get hurt. He also hoped to find Tweek and repay him for saving his life, or so he says.
Notes: Backstory-wise, Craig was probably one of the harder characters to figure out, but I think I found something that works. Also he’s True Neutral because Craig seems like the type that while he does care about the people he’s close to and wants to help them, for the most part he just wants to mind his own business and go about things his own way.
Tweek Tweak Race: Human (Illuskan) Class: Barbarian Class Specialty: Path of the Storm Herald Alignment: Chaotic Good Backstory: Tweek was born on the plains on the outskirts of Kupa Keep. His parents didn't pay much attention to him, instead preferring to focus on their shady business dealings and often dismissed his concerns and anxiety as him just being a spaz. Nevertheless, whenever a storm happened near their homestead, Tweek could swear he could feel its raw power coursing through his body. One day, a couple days after his 16th birthday, a group of bandits attacked the homestead and for the first time, Tweek let his anger take complete of him and completely wiped out the bandits. Instead of thanking him for saving their lives, his parents called him a freak and threw Tweek out. Tweek quickly learned to live off the land by himself and had a quiet life for the next few years, while learning to control the power his rage gave him. One day, Tweek noticed a young man about his age had set up camp on the on the outskirts of the High Forest. Sure enough, after he fell asleep, another group of bandits attempted to ambush him and take his things. Not caring how he would react if he woke up, Tweek let his rage take control once again and took out the bandits. The man woke up in the middle of the fighting but waited until Tweek was finished. The main introduced himself as Craig and thanked him for saving him. The two talked for a while before Craig had to leave to report to the royal family of Kupa Keep. Little did they both know that their paths would cross again when war between Kupa Keep and Larnion, a tribe of wood elves broke out.
Notes: Initially I was divided on which specialty to give Tweek. At first, I considered the Path of the Ancestral Guardian, as that gave an ability that could let you have premonitions and whatnot, but the fluff for that path states that it’s used for barbarians from cultures that practice ancestor worship, so I couldn’t think of a way to justify that. Path of the Storm Herald worked out much more nicely than I thought it would since it gives you both ice and lightning abilities. So this Tweek ended up being a hybrid of Wonder Tweek and Barbarian Tweek from SOT, heh.
Token Black Race: Human (Turami) Class: Cleric Class Specialty: Life Domain Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory: Token was born to a wealthy family in Kupa Keep, yet despite their riches they never spoiled him. As he grew up though, Token felt called to another purpose. When he turned 16 he told his parents he wanted to become a cleric and serve the people that way. His parents were surprised at his decision and let him go. He went to the nearby temple of Lathander, the god of dawn and renewal to begin his training. Not long after he completed his training, he was sent by the head cleric to assist the royal family and their servants. Reluctantly, Token obliged and moved into Kupa Castle, the center of the city. There he met Grand Witch Liane Cartman, her blood son Wizard Prince Eric and her adopted daughter, Witch Princess Kenny McCormick, as well as all the servants and other staff, including the spy Craig Tucker and the paladin Butters Stotch. While the Grand Witch and Kenny were nice to him, Eric would constantly belittle him for being a Turami rather than an Illuskan like the rest of the humans in the city. Token usually brushed it off and would also spend his free time talking to both Craig and Butters, where the two of them would share their concerns about the prince's growing sociopathy. It wasn't much long after that war broke out between Kupa Keep and the wood elf tribe of Larnion in the High Forest. When now Grand Wizard Eric vowed to destroy Larnion and Sylvan Lord Kyle even if it brought Kupa Keep to ruin, Token and Butters (Craig was elsewhere for his own reasons) decided to leave and find others to save Kupa Keep from its leader.
Notes: Token in SOT states he’s a healer, but since there isn’t a healer class in 5e, I decided the next best thing was to make him a cleric (a class with the best healing abilities already) and have him specialize in healing. Of course given that in two of the four themes in Phone Destroyer has Token as some sort of spiritual leader (Shaman Token in the Adventure theme and Witch Doctor Token in the Mystical theme) makes this work too.
Jimmy Valmer Race: Moon Elf Class: Bard Class Specialty: College of Lore Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory: Jimmy was born to a nomadic couple in the High Forest. His parents told him stories of the distant lands they visited and taught him the bardic arts. As he grew up, he traveled with his parents to distant lands, telling jokes and stories and making music. One day, after Jimmy had left his parents and turned 225, he stopped in Larnion village as he had been hired to perform in celebration of the birth of Sylvan Lord Gerald and Verdant Lady Sheila Broflovski's son, Sylvan Inheritor Kyle. After hearing about the tension between both the Larnion tribe and the human settlement of Kupa Keep in the Greypeak Mountains, Jimmy decided to stay, feeling he could lend his talents to help them in battle, in diplomacy, or just to help the people relax a little. As the Sylvan Inheritor grew up, Kyle took a liking to Jimmy who occasionally helped watch him when his parents were busy with official business and when Stan’s adoptive mother Sariel (who would usually watch him otherwise) was busy with other things. He also encouraged the close relationship between Kyle and Stan Marshwalker, a human who was taken in by the tribe after his own were mysteriously wiped out. Sometime after Kyle's 25th birthday, war finally broke out between Larnion and Kupa Keep, and among the first casualties were Kyle's parents, leaving Kyle to take over. It was that day Jimmy decided to devote his time to acting as Kyle's advisor, seeing as how Kyle was still a kid and needed all the help he could get.
Note: I should mention that this Jimmy is significantly older than the rest of the cast. While the rest of the cast here are in their early 20s, Jimmy is 250 years old. Really not much else to say here other than given what Jimmy’s abilities in SOT were, as are the abilities of all his cards in Phone Destroyer, that giving him the College of Lore which specializes in spell casting and ability support was obvious.
Let me know what you guys think.
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dungeonsnconcepts · 6 years ago
Bryn- full elf, full son of the family
Emblem - Half elf half gnome, half daughter in the family?
Azra - Vedalken (perhaps not related... or adopted? he will live significantly past the end of that campaign, but it is the same campaign as Bryn is in.... so maybe he’s in an alternate timeline, thus no overlap, and no relation)
Grobnak - Half orc half... elf? Raised amongst orcs, but still of the same progeny? Estranged son
Tor'Am No'Kostatin (TANK)- born to elves, but a soul tied to Ao, god of gods, making him a scourge Asimar
Our Matriarch always believed strongly in "spreading her Circle"- the core tenant of her philosophy was that expanding her "Circle" was of key import; this meant expanding her influence, her family, and her power, but family always came first and foremost!
Ellian Cypress
Throughout her life- died age 812 (WICKED OLD even for an elf, thus this character is from AGES before any of my current characters)
High Elf from a hidden group of elves, whose tribal name would translate roughly to "across the sea elves"?
Mastermind Rogue (18 lvls) Wild Sorcerer (1 lvl) Life Cleric (1 lvl) did no significant adventuring
Defining features:
Matriarch of a high elf royal family; often spoken of negatively (behind her back) for having "drow-like tendencies" (there’s a bard's song about her flaying someone for accusing her of having a drow for a father - "[ode to] idiocity 'n the face o'th lady dark-skinned" by Thomas Ericson (impossible, he wasn’t alive back then.... was he?)). She had three sons early in her adulthood, which was near unheard of in their society (as having more than one or two children was strongly frowned upon, with such lifespans as theirs they feared to become too numerous) and refused to name any of them her heir; she had been open that her first daughter would be the heir before she had her first son, but quieted about that claim after the second was born (a mear ten years after the first, scandalous). When her eldest son turned 100, she declared that she would appoint him her heir due to her lack of daughter. Within a year she had the daughter she had always wanted, a fourth child, who she immediately announced to be heir to the family "Circle". This caused some strife (disinheriting her son in favor of her daughter), perhaps a war was fought over it, but it was over a thousand years ago, so memory of the time is not precisely sharp.
Her first son was Byrn (namesake of my character Bryn, whose name is a modernized version of it) who later in life became an outcast and was not heard of again (he was a battlemaster fighter), her second son was Lyre (Leer) who continued his life as a diplomat for a respectable 500 years before assassination due to a political slip up with some of the higher ups in what would eventually become the town of Waterdeep, her last son was Thannis who dedicated his life to being a cleric of the forest (who knows which specific forest god, but one of them). Her daughter, (named something with an S?) was born of the man that Ellian eventually married (her first three children were of unknown fathers).
She was sought out by a Seer when she was only 20 (barely a child by their terms) who told her that she was going to have great success in expanding her circle; this led to her leading a group of elves in rebelion against whatever hierarchy there was in her lands, and being driven across the sea. Thus her being a ruler of a small group, a splinter group.
First daughter "S" is the mother of Bryn, Tor'am, Emblem, and Grobnak. Shes not a slut, but she has 7 children total; she just likes being a family, and that is dificult to do when you live for that long. children keep growing up and leaving, so she has another. and another. and another.
Bryn Cypress
74 Years old
Elf (wood elf on paper... But I’d rather he not be the woodsy type. Maybe I can retcon that somewhat at some point)
War Cleric (eventually also a Paladin?)
Defining features:
I have spent most of my life learning to fight. I became a war-priest of the trinity of war-gods; The Triad, the trimunative, the triumphant trio, the weighted scales-
Ilmater, god of self-sacrifice, pain, battlefield suffering, and the like
Torm God of sportsmanlike conduct, duty, comradery, and the like
Tyr god of justice, fairness, strength of will, and the like
On my first outing as a priest of these gods, my entire company was wiped out by a Lich. I abhor the undead, but I feel true dread when it comes to the sight, or even though, of a lich. That is where I named my hammer though; Jaw-Breaker. turns out it is very effective on skeleton faces (I mean, not particularly more effective there than anywhere else, but still....)
Emblem Eiskiteer (eye skitter)
Birth name Ariette Worsort (War sort; family has a creed of "war sorts out the weak, foolish, and lost")
22 years old
half-gnome (half-human) (need DM permission, it is a variant human, except I’m putting a point into INT (my dump stat) to represent the gnomish heritage, and exchanging 5ft of movement for darkvision(can only move 25ft))
Rogue (thief? Swashy?) / Trickster Cleric
Defining features:
She is a 3'9" wisp of a being; weighing a measly 68Lbs.
With has no recollection of her history; wiped during the planeswalk that brought her here (although she is not necessarily a planeswalker herself; she may have just been tossed across the blind eternities, or the multiverse, by something that she cannot remember.).... wherever "here" is.
Alas but for that she has a well hidden agenda to steal all secrets she can find (and upon discovering the clerical magic of her trickster-hood, all secrets became vulnerable to her). She has the skills to back it up; being a rogue, she is capable in a wide assortment of situations, and as a trickster cleric she can capitalize on her roguish abilities by confounding her foes with some capabilities that seem almost preternatural.... because they are.
Also, her accent is not her fault; you try being raised among the rank and file of.... wait, was that the edge of a memory?
Azra Baushone
108 years old (will live to 500 natural years)
Mirrodonian Vedalken (4 arms, blue, no nose, Squidward)
Wild Sorcerer
Defining Traits:
East Indian Cultural appropriation. So he’s a bit of a dick, likes rules, as long as they can be used in his favor, and is vastly intelligent. Worked as a researcher on transdimensional energies.
His magic is not stable in this world. whatever this world is.
36 years old (recently aged 20 years; is now evidently 56 years old, greying hair, deep lines on his face, muscles that should be bulging sometimes cause him discomfort or grief)
Half-Orc (and very, very, orcy)
Fighter. Then Fighter Barbarian. Now ooze-boy Barbarian claw-wielding fighter.
Defining features:
Ugh. Was very inclined towards punching; hoped to become a monk of some sort (despite a distinct lack of both training and monk-like skills).
Forgets that now, as he had his mind re-written by an illithid; now he has claws, and likes to go nuts with them (entering some sort of battle fury, which he never used to do...)
And was recently attached to an ooze of some sort- it lives in his body, makes him do things he cannot control. Also gives him a bunch of fancy abilities.
Only realized he was going mad when the ooze ate the madness out of his head. The ooze liked the taste of his thoughts, because of the madness. That made him mighty uncomfortable.
Would have been identified as a large, intimidating, green beast. Liked to run in and punch things, even recklessly and at the cost of combat effectiveness (because "punching things to death is badass"). Then some illithid got ahold of his head (at the behest of a dragon he did not trust who the rest of the group seemed to like?); and at that, during a very tumultuous time in his life (he’d been passed out drunk for a month then woke up to a city under siege by the lady who brought him into the underdark who then proceeded to quickly murder all my friends). He’s had a rough time reconciling all the lost memories, half memories, and implanted memories since then. He was just getting almost used to his new arms (maybe new? he didn't recall having claws before) when this ooze got inside him, and messed with his head some more. It took his battle rage (which he was not accustomed to yet) and turned it into something... horrific? powerful, monstrous....hungry?...
He also had his brain drained during the last session; he went literally brain dead for a bit.
Maybe adventuring isn’t for him. he seems to be afraid of all the bad things lately. but this could lead to a new character trait- He just fuckin runs at things hoping they might bring his end, the end of the monster he has become.
Tor'Am No'Kostatin
150 years old (middle aged)
Scourge Asimar (born an elf, appears to be kinda half elven?)
Life Cleric (1st lvl) / Paladin (2-5 lvls)
Defining Traits:
What’s the best way to max your AC? maybe she always uses a shield, and has resplendent plate armor she is very proud of? that leaves the AC at 20. add to that the shield spell (+5 on react), and the shield of faith spell (+2 AC, concentration), meaning a base AC of 22 in combat, and if hit, can up it to 27. add to that the highest possible hit points (+5 per level, so 12 at lvl 1, 24 lvl 2, 37 lvl 3, 48 lvl 4, 63 lvl 5, add tough at lvl 5 to get +12, so 75 at lvl 5? 90 at lvl 6? 107 lvl 7, 120 lvl 8, 136 lvl 9, 150 lvl 10, 163 lvl 11, 178 lvl 12, 195 lvl 13, 209 lvl 14, 223 lvl 15, 236 lvl 16, 250 lvl 17, 261 lvl 18, 275 lvl 19, 290 cap hp with no mods after 5th lvl tough)
Knows how to lay on hands, as well as cure wounds, and has the Asimar trait for healing,  Doesn’t bother smiting as she rarely hits (+1 to hit with +3 proficiency?)
Hides her Asimar nature. will only possibly reveal it at the later half of the campaign. may also be leaning towards hiding some of her other traits
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ladybanshee19 · 7 years ago
South Park AUs
So I feel like making several South Park AUs, each one based in a different tabletop RPGs. The first one is based in Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. The second one is based in Pathfinder, in the official campaign setting. The third one is based in the Chronicles of Darkness aka the New World of Darkness 2nd Edition. And the fourth and final one is based on Princess the Hopeful, a fanmade mod for Chronicles of Darkness. All four of them will include a story, designs and character sheets (and I’m putting them at the maximum level 20 simply because I can). This post will just give you an idea of what to expect from each AU. I’ll make individual posts going into more detail on each one. Also worth noting is that all four of these AUs will feature both Creek (Craig and Tweek) and Style (Stan and Kyle) my two South Park OTPs.
An Ancient Rivalry DnD 5e Forgotten Realms AU The human city-state of Kupa Keep is in a crisis. Its ruler, Grand Wizard Eric Cartman, is more interested in setting a petty grudge with the wood elf tribe of Larnion than he is in actually doing his job. The people are suffering, leaving a party consisting of: the barbarian warrior Tweek Tweak, his rogue boyfriend Craig Tucker and their friends, Token Black, a cleric of Lathander and Clyde Donovan, who recently obtained power as a warlock from a demon out of desperation, to save the city from its tyrannical, sociopathic ruler, with the help of Butters the Merciful, a paladin of Ilmater and the mysterious Princess Kenny. Meanwhile, the leader of the Larnion tribe, Sylvan Lord Kyle Broflovski and his human vassal, the ranger Stan Marshwalker, must contend with protecting their home and people from the Grand Wizard, as several secrets from the past begin to surface once again.
Note: This particular AU is inspired by the boys’ Fighters of Zaron LARP game from SOT but takes its own direction to better fit into the setting of the Forgotten realms
Come Hell or High Water Pathfinder AU Trouble always seems to find you, wherever you are in the world of Golarion. In the elvan kingdom of Kyonin, elf druid Kyle’s hope for a normal life is shattered when a human oracle named Tweek from Andoran tells him he’s destined to stop a great evil. In the nation of Cheliax, a country infamous for its mandatory devil worship among other things, a wizard noble Eric Cartman has dreams of glory, a desire to rule over all of Golarion with Cheliax as its capital. To do this, he seeks out the darkest and most dangerous of Golarion’s secrets. Tweek tells Kyle that this is the evil he must stop. Fortunately, he’s not alone. In addition to Tweek, Kyle also finds help in other residents of Andoran: the ranger, Stan, the magus Kenny, the sorcerer Craig, the barbarian Clyde, the bard Jimmy, the paladin Butters and Token, a cleric of the goddess Sarenrae. With these companions at his side, Kyle must venture forth to stop the Chelish wizard from unleashing Golarion’s greatest evils again, while not letting his growing sense of self-righteousness consume his heart at the expense of everything else.
Note: This AU is also slightly inspired by the LARP game from SOT as well, but with a few more changes as well as some influence from Phone Destroyer, specifically Craig and Clyde’s classes. Tweek’s class was also inspired by a post I saw floating around about how Tweek could be a seer with how often his paranoia turns out to be justified (can’t remember where I found it, sorry).
The South Park Chronicle The World of Darkness is full of many things, and nothing is as it seems. I, your humble Storyteller, will guide you though the many chapters of this chronicle. Here, you will meet Stan Marsh, recently Embraced as one of the Kindred, a vampire who must not only work to maintain the delicate balance between his fading humanity and the Beast within him that drives him to kill and feed, but also to maintain the Masquerade, to keep the secrets of vampires hidden from mortals. You will meet Tweek Tweak, who recently discovered that he is one of the Forsaken, a werewolf who must work to protect the mortal realm from both vengeful spirits and the Pure, werewolves who wish to return humanity to the Stone Age in order to reunite the spirit world and the mortal world. You will meet Craig Tucker, who awakened as a Mage which grants him the power to protect the Sleepers from the Seers of the Throne and other magical threats, so long as he can keep his pride in check. You will meet Butters Stotch, a Promethean created from a corpse and Azoth the Divine Fire who must now embark on a journey to become human, which sadly is easier said than done when existence itself hates you. You will meet Kyle Broflovski, who was whisked away by the True Fae to their home realm of Arcadia and remade to serve one of them but managed to return to the real world to discover that the world didn’t miss him in his absence and that some of the True Fae’s changes were permanent. You will meet Kenny McCormick who died protecting his beloved sister Karen only for a Geist who calls itself Mysterion to offer him a chance to cheat death and return as a Sin-Eater, where he discovers he must use his newfound abilities to protect mortals and help ghosts who are unable to pass on, even though he’d rather look for his sister who went missing after he died and came back. Finally, you will meet Eric Cartman, who discovered in a dream that he was a monster at heart in more ways than one, a Beast who must sow nightmares among mortals to sate his soul’s unique hunger, a duty he’s all to willing to embrace. You will also see their paths cross, bonds form and watch as they struggle to make it in the World of Darkness.
Note: This one won’t be out for a long time. I’m still trying to get my hands on a few other source books, some of which aren’t even out yet at the time of this post (sidelong glance at Changeling the Lost and Geist the Sin-Eaters).
Nobles Unite Princess the Hopeful AU Darkness is everywhere and only the Nobility can stop it. The Nobility in this case, meaning Princes and Princesses, men and women armed with the power of the Light and the magic in their very beings. Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker, Clyde Donovan, Tweek Tweak, Token Black, Jimmy Valmer, Butters Stotch, Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, Heidi Turner, Nicole Daniels and Annie Knitts all discover that they possess this power and pledge their allegiance to the Radiant Queens, the Queens of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Swords so that they may help them in their mission to fight the Darkness and its minions. However, another Blossoms and discovers this power as well, Eric Cartman who instead pledges his allegiance to the Queen of Mirrors, one of the three Twilight Queens, who tells him that he’s the True Heir, destined to restore the Kingdom to its former glory, a “mission” that brings him into conflict with other Nobles and other devotees of Mirrors who were told the exact same thing.
Note: Given that Princess has a rather idealistic setting, especially by World of Darkness standards and compared to the canon South Park universe, I figured this would be an interesting challenge.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more coming soon. Character sheets and pictures will be posted here. The stories will be posted on Archive of our Own.
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