#also if asmo has his own ideas for this au obviously his come first
saym0-0 · 3 months
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some quick doodles of @asmogorna's twin designs :333 but with a few tweaks based on my own regular designs because i really like some of em (eg the tail. or the ear gauges. unfortunately i had to sacrifice the bunny ears, i dont think spine would have those)
obviously these arent done but i have been thinking about this au so much,, do you think everything was the same up until 2014, but when peter six found rabbits blueprints, he also found spines original ones? and he was like hey rabbit look you're a girl, also spine ur twins haha, and then they got upgraded 2 this. idk its late u get the vibe
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MC is Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Underground Tomb edition!)
Hello friends and degenerate sinners, this is basically a mini headcanon set for Luci’s kid!MC about how the incident with Luke and the Grimoire would go down in this AU to tide you all over until Part 3 comes out! Enjoy!
It was a normal night in the good ol’ HOL... Lucifer was doing paperwork at an ungodly hour of the night, Beel was in the kitchen, and Mammon was screaming and running for dear life. Ah... sweet normalcy.
The custard incident remained the same, MC got force-fed custard and Beel threw a truly fantastic hunger tantrum that culminated in the wall connecting to MC’s room collapsing.
Cue lecture from Luci-father.
“I am very disappointed in you three.” Lucifer rubbed his temples as MC, Beel, and Mammon awkwardly stood in his room. Mammon of course, was trying to avoid the death glares MC was giving him. Poor bastard.
“Especially you two, MC and Beel.”
“Whuh?!” Mammon sputtered. “What about me?!”
“I expect this from you. These two on the other hand,” Lucifer raised an eyebrow at MC who was awkwardly trying to suppress a laugh at Mammon’s aghast expression. “Should know not to act like this.”
“We’re *snrk* sorry, father,” MC paused to try and muscle through a giggle. “It won’t happen again.”
“He ate my custard...” Beel pouted.
“So, MC won’t be able to use their room anymore due to the wall... collapsing.” Lucifer gave Beel a pointed glare.
Mammon smirked, and if he were sitting on a couch, we would have leaned back and kicked his feet up. “Well, obviously since I’m a kind and generous soul I’ll open up my room for poor MC to stay in. My babysittin’ rates are quite high though-”
“BABYSITTING?!” MC snarled, giving Mammon a death glare that could probably kill lesser demons.
Lucifer felt a twinge of pride upon seeing his child give someone his signature bone-chilling glare, if he weren’t supposed to be disappointed he would have given MC a pat on the head and let them hang Mammon from the ceiling.
“Uh- heh- MC, I’m your favourite uncle! Me babysittin’ ya should be an honour!” Mammon was sweating bullets and desperately looking to Beel for help.
“Levi is rapidly approaching favourite uncle status.” MC crossed their arms and huffed.
“Levi?! Wait- does that mean I was your favourite-”
Lucifer was almost tempted to stick MC in Mammon’s room just to have MC punish Mammon so he could get some sleep, tragically, his common sense won out. “MC will be staying with Beel. He has an extra bed in his room after all.”
MC looked over at Beel and smiled. “Could be worse, right? I’ll replace the custard.”
Beel’s smile upon hearing the last part could have lit up the entire Devildom. What a sweetie.
MC still chilled in Beel’s room. They finally got to ask more questions about Belphie, and Beel is more inclined to share what’s up because MC is his big bro’s kid after all!
Because of MC’s half demon-ness, they hadn’t met Belphie at that point in the story unlike in canon. They were just curious about their missing uncle. They ALSO already knew what Belphie looks like because Lucifer gave them an in depth tour of everything and he pointed out all the portraits.
MC, being the sadistic sweetheart they are, went out and bought themselves and Beel replacement custard. MC made sure to eat it right in front of Mammon.
But my oh my, who was texting them? *gasp!* Luke!
MC obviously let their little angel buddy into the house (Luke did not know about MC’s parental situation at that point, keep that in mind). Luke was fun to tease a little after all! And it was nice to have another kid around, but MC would never admit it.
Since MC had literally no reason to be afraid of their dear old dad, they went right up to him and asked him if Luke could stay over. No fear.
“Father?” MC leaned on the doorway to the backyard, Lucifer was playing fetch with Cerberus. MC had never seen someone play fetch so robotically.
“Yes, MC?” Cerberus’ middle head dropped a slobber covered squeaky toy into Lucifer’s gloved hand, the other two heads snapped at the middle one.
“Can I have a friend over?” MC asked, trotting over to give Cerberus some pets. On the first day the dog had tried to eat them, but after giving him some much tastier bacon treats, Cerberus was sweet as pie. Murderous and dangerous pie, that is.
“Do I know this friend?”
“Yes, it’s Luke. Can he stay over?”
Lucifer wrinkled his nose and rolled his eyes. “Cerberus is right here, you have access to a dog. Why on earth would you bring the chihuahua over?”
MC snorted and gave Cerberus’ right head some scratches behind the ears. “He’s not a chihuahua all the time, come on, it’s for the good of the exchange program!”
The two had a stare down for a little while, and to his absolute horror, Lucifer felt his resolve cracking. This child of his was too adorable for their own good. “Fine, MC.”
“Yes!” MC fist pumped as Cerberus’ middle and left heads tried to join in on the ear scritches.
“But note,” Lucifer continued. “I expect a full report to give to Lord Diavolo on this whole experience.”
MC frowned and debated sticking their tongue out at their father, they decided against it. “A paper? On a sleepover? Really?”
“Yes. Really.” Lucifer gave MC a flick on the nose. “Like you said, it has to do with the exchange program. Now go make sure the chihuahua doesn’t die and leave you with a mess to clean up.”
The look of complete terror Luke gave MC when they told him that Lucifer said he could stay over was completely worth the paper they were going to have to write.
“What?! You weren’t supposed to tell him I’m here!”
“He said you could stay.”
“Why?! Oh no... did he demand your soul as payment or something?! MC! You shouldn’t have put yourself in that nasty demon’s debt! Don’t worry, I’ll get your soul back somehow.”
MC should have been offended... but they weren’t. I mean, could you stay mad at Luke when he just offered to fight arguably the second most powerful demon in the Devildom to get your soul back?
Now that Luke’s presence in the house was known to everyone, the challenge was no longer keeping Luke hidden, it was making sure Luke didn’t say anything that would get him killed and making sure none of the demon bros made Luke cry.
Mammon was the main culprit of the teasing because Lucifer actually had better things to do. And he had a (totally not a) date with Diavolo so he’d be back late and wouldn’t be home to tease the chihuahua.
Mammon’s status as favourite uncle was hanging by a thread by the end of the first day.
Asmo thought Luke was positively adorable and also very annoying. He offered to paint MC and Luke’s nails. Luke declined, but MC was all for it. (Their cuticles were a MESS by the way, they needed the manicure.)
Luke’s nails were painted gold to match the gold on his outfit! Asmo was quite proud of his work, and was very offended when he was not allowed to try and braid Luke’s hair.
“It looks so soft!”
“You’re not allowed to touch my hair, demon!”
Satan still disliked MC on the basis that they were just a mini-Lucifer and hung out in his room or the library to avoid them and Luke.
It was incredibly annoying when Luke and MC burst into the library to look for cookbooks and treat recipes after Luke told MC about his baking endeavours. Satan debated ordering a pair of ear plugs on Akuzon...
Or perhaps a laser gun...
Both would make him stop hearing the children’s grating voices.
“You two, be quiet.”
“We haven’t spoken since we got in here...”
“You’re breathing too loud.”
Beel remained the only brother who was actually decent to Luke, they all played Go Fish in Beel’s room.
Levi was in his room playing his new video game just like in canon, but he could hear Luke and MC running around outside his room.
He was fully prepared to do that introvert thing where you stay in your room until you hear someone say goodbye to the guest.
Levi’s eyes were glued to his computer screen, just eight more skeleton monsters to kill and he’d get the achievement! His attention crumbled the moment he heard the dreaded sound of...
“Hey MC! Whose room is this?”
The sound of a door opening and closing down the hall caused Levi to jump in his seat. Oh no... his worst fears were realized! There was another person in the house!
“That’s Asmodeus’ room. Luke you shouldn’t go around opening everyone’s doors-”
The sound of another door opening and shutting made Levi pause his game and look at Henry 2.0 for help. Maybe if he jumped into the tank and wrapped himself in his tail he’d camouflage into his surroundings...
AAAAA! Not enough time! The guest was drawing nearer... he was going to have to... *barf*... SOCIALIZE!
“How about this room?”
Levi braced himself for the incoming social contact... Fs in the chat everyone...
“We shouldn’t bother Levi, let’s do something else.”
The poor third born slumped back in his seat, the awfulness of socialization avoided. He uh... hadn’t actually left his room in maybe three days... maybe he should actually go outside... enjoy the nonexistent sunlight, y’know?
...nah. Levi went back to his game.
Since the kitchen was broken, Beel, MC, and Luke went out and get AkuDonald’s. They were all out of the toy that Luke and MC wanted so that trip was a disaster! A disaster I say!
Just the image of Beel happily chomping on his eighth burger while Luke and MC angrily pick at their fries makes me want to laugh.
Now the question you’re all waiting for, did Lucifer try and kill Luke and Beel and then MC for trying to take the Grimoire?
“Whose room is behind that door?” Luke pointed to the door to the attic staircase.
MC shrugged and hit their knuckles against the door a few times. “It’s just the door to the attic. My uh- Lucifer said not to go up there because it’s just full of old junk.”
Normally MC would scoff at the idea of being told what not to do and do it out of spite, but MC was a child, and like most children, they hated scary attics. They hadn’t even attempted to open the door in the month they had lived in the house.
“Hm, maybe he’s hiding something...” Luke puffed out his cheeks and knocked on the door. When met with no answer, Luke turned the doorknob. The door creaked open, and the two peeked inside.
A tall spiral staircase greeted them as they tentatively stepped inside. Not so-good Lord, the room was freezing, but it didn’t seem to bother Luke as he walked further into the room.
“What do you think’s up there?” Luke asked, craning his neck to try and get a look at what could be at the top of the stairs.
MC shuddered and crossed their arms. “Like Lucifer said, junk. Nothing important.”
There was a tingling feeling at the base of MC’s neck, their hand flew to the spot only to find nothing, but the uneasiness didn’t cease. Something was very... very off. A shudder creeped up their spine as Luke stepped closer to the staircase.
“Come on,” Luke tutted, placing a hand on the railing. “Demons are known liars!”
Luke was quite difficult to be friends with sometimes, MC had to admit.
With every step Luke took up the stairs, the sense of dread brewing in MC’s gut grew, but they remained rooted to the spot, it was almost like something was physically stopping them from getting closer to those stairs.
Luke stopped on the sixth step and craned his neck to look up again. “Hello?” He called out.
His little voice echoed up the staircase, he was met with no reply for a moment, until a massive shudder wracked both his and MC’s spines.
“Hello.” A voice replied.
Quick as lightning MC dove forward, taking three steps up the stairs despite what felt like electric shocks stabbing into their skin, and yanked Luke back down the stairs and out the door, closing it behind them. MC heard a lazy, carefree chuckle reverberate through their head, and a message that only MC could hear.
“Leaving so soon, Lucifer?”
Spooky right?
Anyway- back to Luke and MC being idiots together.
They headed back to Beel’s room to watch some Devildom kid shows, I assume Tom and Jerry just played on repeat.
Luke explained the reason he ran away from Purgatory Hall, and MC legitimately debated whether or not they should throw Luke out of the nearest window for all the jabs he was taking at demons.
“Simeon was going to go out for tea with Diavolo! He even said that I could ask Barbatos to instruct me on the finer points of baking!”
“What’s so bad about that?”
“They’re demons, MC! Simeon and I are angels from the Celestial Realm! We shouldn’t be consorting with demons.”
Once again, bless Beel and his lack of murderous rage when it came to anything other than food.
“MC, Lucifer would be upset if you broke a window.”
“What’s he talking about?”
“Nothing Luke, nothing you need to worry about.”
Don’t worry, no angels were harmed during the visit.
On day two of the extended sleepover, Luke and MC decided to go running around the house again.
“And this is the basement.” MC put their hands on their hips and kissed their teeth as they looked around the Underground tomb. “Perfectly creepy.”
Luke shuddered. “Is this house nothing but one creepy room after another..?”
MC smiled and stuck out their tongue. Their fear of the attic did not extend to the underground tomb. Not that they were actually afraid of the attic or anything...
“Why? You scared some big monster is gonna getcha?” MC teased.
“No!” Luke gasped. “I’m not scared!”
MC began to walk backwards into the darker depths of the tomb, their teasing tone echoing off of the walls. “Then come on! Don’t be chicken!”
Luke looked back and forth from the door out of there, to the rapidly disappearing figure of MC, he rushed after MC.
“I’m not scared of some dark basement.” Luke huffed.
“Why not~?” MC snickered. “There could be ghosts down here... tortured souls of those who were damned to Hell for all eternity~!”
MC swiped Luke’s hat and placed it on their head, Luke jumped at the sudden contact and began to try and get the hat back from MC.
“Stop trying to scare me!” Luke yapped, MC laughed and began to jog deeper into the tomb.
“Maybe there’s a monster that eats chihuahuas down here too! Who knows!” MC twirled the hat with their fingers and ran a little faster when Luke ran after them.
Sure, maybe it wasn’t the best course of action to tease and scare one’s friend instead of telling them what they said earlier was mean, but MC wasn’t the best at decision making.
When MC reached a dead end, they stopped and looked around, Luke crashed right into them. He managed to swipe his hat back from a now disinterested MC.
MC’s gaze landed on a book being held up by a statue, they padded over and looked up at it.
“Luke, do you know what that is?” MC asked, turning to look at their now very miffed friend.
“The... book? I don’t know.”
Truthfully, MC didn’t know either. During their first tour of the house, Mammon had interrupted the Underground tomb segment and Lucifer had to cut the tour short.
“It’s uh...” MC pursed their lips and tried to think of a convincing lie. “A spell book. Lucifer told me that it makes your magic really really strong, so he stuck it down here to hide it from Solomon.”
“Did I now?”
MC and Luke screamed and whirled around, there stood Lucifer himself, not looking terribly pleased with the two of them.
“MC, care to explain why you and the angel are so close to the Grimoire?” Lucifer’s words were icily calm, and MC knew that meant if they didn’t come up with a good explanation they’d be in big trouble.
“W-we were just playing down here...” MC trailed off, looking to Luke for some kind of backup before realizing what a stupid idea that was.
“Y-yeah! We were just-”
Lucifer stuck his thumb over his shoulder and glowered at the two. “Out.”
“Yes sir.” Luke and MC mumbled as they stepped away from the Grimoire, Lucifer relaxed slightly as the two walked past him and down the hall.
When the two got back up to Beel’s room, Luke suddenly gasped and turned to MC.
“You said it was a spell book!”
After that, MC got the feeling that Luke was no longer welcome in the house. What was the big deal about almost touching the Grimoire anyway? It could only override pacts and control demons-
Simeon got called to pick up Luke and before the two of them left MC assured Luke that he could come over and hang out anytime as long as he texted first.
Beel said Luke could come over and bake when the kitchen was fixed, poor Beel would have to do without Luke’s baked goods for a little while longer.
MC rested their chin on the coffee table they were kneeling in front of, stewing in annoyance. Their unfinished homework was practically mocking them, but the Demonology textbook was not what had them in their funk.
“MC, do your homework.” Lucifer said from the living room couch, he was comparing his phone to notes in a binder that was placed on his lap.
A grunt from MC caused him to raise an eyebrow. Their grasp on demonic language had improved, but Lucifer did not approve of them using their new skill to sass him.
“MC.” Lucifer chided, MC turned to look at him with a deadpan expression. “If there’s something wrong, either tell me, or do your work without complaining.”
MC turned back to their homework and tapped their pencil against the textbook, before puffing out their cheek and turning back to Lucifer.
“What’s in the attic?”
For the briefest of moments, Lucifer froze, he forcibly relaxed and went back to his work.
“Junk.” Lucifer replied. “Did you try and go up there?”
MC shook their head. “No, I went into the staircase room, but not up the stairs.”
Lucifer’s eyes flashed, he then took a deep breath and looked at MC. “Good, there’s nothing of interest up there anyway. If you did go up there you might break something or hurt yourself.”
“Okay.” MC sighed, trying to push the voice from the attic out of their mind. “What about the Grimoire? Why is it down in the tomb?”
Lucifer could feel his patience growing thinner and thinner with every question. “So it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”
“Why not just destroy it?” MC asked, their question wasn’t meant to be taken as an insult or be malicious, it was just legitimate curiosity. “Wouldn’t that be safer?”
The first born hesitated before he answered. He looked over MC, before shaking his head. “...I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
MC’s eyes narrowed, but they went back to their work all the same. It would be about ten minutes of quiet before MC spoke up again.
“When Belphegor gets back from the human world, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do, huh?”
Lucifer’s eyes snapped up to look at MC, who still had their back turned to him as they scribbled notes from the textbook. His grip on his DDD tightened as he replied.
“Why do you say that, MC?”
MC didn’t seem to register their father’s clipped tone, and shrugged. “Beel said that he isn’t answering his texts or calls, and when he sent up a letter Belphegor didn’t respond to that either.”
“The life of an exchange student is a busy one, as you can see.” Lucifer forcibly injected his last bit of remaining calmness into his words as he gestured at MC’s homework. MC laughed at that.
“Yeah well, I still make time to call my friends and ren back up in the human world.” MC giggled. “And I’m sure those text notifications about his older brother discovering that he has a child would make him pick up the phone.”
“Belphegor might have a much larger workload.” Lucifer retorted, trying to keep himself from snapping at MC.
“But still, you’d think he’d call his-”
“MC-” Lucifer snarled, MC whirled around, the fear and shock in their eyes caused anything Lucifer was going to say to die in his throat.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before Lucifer took another deep breath and turned back to his work.
“Not right now, MC,” Lucifer whispered. “I’m working.”
To be continued...
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idontknowmyownmind · 3 years
Fanfic ideas which are obviously Mammon centric. I never include MC because I'm not that fond of a story that has oc as it's main character.
An effective old curse(?)
There is an old curse that will kill a demon if it is planted on them. To use it, they need a lot of sacrifice (not souls or any of that kind) that is really hard to get because the curse will 100% work. When you have already collected all the important things, the curse can be sent like a voodoo thing and the target will not realize it until the next day. It started with some kind of mark on their wrist and it began to travel to their body. Depending on how long the sender wants it to completely work, the curse will spread at a certain pace a day.
Someone who got this curse will slowly but gradually will started to feels tired fast and lost their senses. Before the day they are supposed to die, they will become an unresponsive person. Not paralized type but more like someone who lose all their senses type.
So, there is a witch who wants revenge on Lucifer by sending the curse. But unfortunately the curse got sent to Mammon instead. On the first day, he doesn't even know about it. He found out about the mark on the second day when it already covered his right lower arm. But Mammon being Mammon doesn't think much about it and doesn't know what it means.
Mammon knew about the curse two days after. He and his brothers are having a movie night, something that happens once in millenials. The rowdy type, Mammon, Asmo, and Levi, have their little quarrel. Asmo tried to attack Mammon with a pillow but slipped and pulled Mammon's top, exposing his right arm.
The other brothers who happen to look also don't know about it and asked Mammon if he got tattoos. But Mammon just looks at the mark confused and says bewilderedly that he is not and this mark just appears out of nowhere. He swears it was just covering his lower arm but how it suddenly covers his right arm, he doesn't know.
Lucifer is the only one who knows about the curse and how to recognize it. So he is surprised and dread following after when he looks at the marks on Mammon's right arm. He suddenly in front of him, startled not just Mammon but also the others, and grabbed Mammon's arm and inspected it. There is no doubt that it is that curse.
Apparently he grabbed it too tightly because Mammon started to complain and said that if he is angry because he thinks it's tattoos, he swears that it is not. But Lucifer ignored him and said that they needed to see Barbatos in a clipped tone. Still not letting Mammon go but loosen his grasp.
(Let's say that Barbatos is a master of curse.)
"Wow, wow. I don't think we need to, it's just weird marks. I'm sure it's gonna gone before I know it"
Lucifer hissed and glared at him. But not like his angry one, there is something else in his eyes, tone and body languages, something urgent and unreadable.
"Don't you know what this mark means?! You're gonna die!"
"Huh?" Mammon's brain shut down and his face was blank.
The other looked shocked. Asmo tried to laugh it off, saying that Lucifer was just joking. But when Lucifer doesn't react and is still in a staring contest with Mammon, his smile drops and fear begins to creep on him.
Series of activities happened and they are on their way to the castle. Lucifer began to intrograte Mammon and got little to nothing important information because Mammon himself doesn't even know a single thing.
The brothers also ask questions and Lucifer answers as far as he knows. Fear envelopes everyone while Mammon tries to joke to light up the atmosphere but gets an angry yet worried death glare from his brothers that shut him up.
When they arrive and explain what they knew, they get the heart breaking news that there is no way to lift the curse.
Some ruckus happens and they decide to find a way to lift it with the help of Barbatos and Diavolo. The curse spread faster than they imagined and on day five it almost covered all his upper body.
In those days, Lucifer, despite wanting to spend his last time with Mammon, just can't stop his research because every second matters.
Satan who usually would rather somewhere else than with just Lucifer always by his side to help.
Asmo and Levi make sure to always have Mammon in sight.
The twins always find time to cuddle Mammon.
Mammon was scared but also frustrated with his brothers. He tried to reason that they don't need to neglect themselves just for him, which got them mad, saying that he is more important that got him speechless.
He just let that happen but even he knows that it will be futile.
The possibilities are endless and I'm not sure where and how I want it to end. But one thing for sure is, in the end Mammon died.
Kind of like a sleeping beauty AU
• The brothers are currently at the party hosted by Diavolo
• After some time, Mammon came to the garden.
• In the garden are Levi and Satan who start to feel suffocated inside with all the social shits.
• With Mammon there, surely it's not gonna be a silent situation.
• He teases, argues a little and does things older siblings would do to their little ones.
• As you know Mammon is the fastest demon, and it seems that even Diavolo and Lucifer won't be able to catch up with him if he wants to.
• Mammon is secretly protective with his brothers, yes it includes Lucifer.
• He senses some malicious intent toward one of his lil bros.
• (My hc) Some of Mammon's power is about time. He's the fastest and he also can manipulate time and make it slower or faster w/o others notice, which is handy most of the time.
• He makes sure to use his power in a small radius, not too far to notice Lucifer or Diavolo but enough to prevent anything that may happen to his lil bros.
• Faster than they can blink, Mammon pushes Levi away.
• Levi yelped and Satan was also shocked by the sudden harsh action. It seemed like Mammon used a little bit more strength than intended.
• Levi looked up angrily from where he pushed off and was ready to throw some harsh words toward Mammon.
• All the words died in his mouth when he watched Mammon crunch down, arms hugging himself, with two arrows stuck in his back.
• He whimpered and hissed in pain when the arrows seemed to glow and disappear in every second along with weird and old looking sigils starting to appear on his body.
• Without a second thought Satan throws the book he's been reading and kneels beside his brother.
• He tries to call him but Mammon ignores everything. He also tried to take the arrows but couldn't and tried to solve what the sigils mean but it's the first time he saw something like this.
• Levi who kneels in front of Mammon tries to make him focus on him but to no avail Mammon's eyes just keep being between focus and unfocus.
• When the arrows completely disappear, the sigils glow a little as if sealing something in before disappearing completely and Mammon slump toward Levi.
• One thing imprinted on Levi's brain is how he saw a completely pure fear in Mammon's eyes before they turned dull.
• Levi froze in his place and when he snapped out of his daze, Satan was already cradling Mammon's lifeless body.
• Satan had Mammon's head pressed on his chest and that's when Levi saw how his usually lively and energetic brother looked like a soulless doll.
• His body looks like a doll that has no string to keep them up and his eyes are dull and lifeless.
• "Levi!"
• Levi looked at Satan who looked at him with apparent fear in his eyes and startled a little because right now, Satan looks like an innocent little kid who doesn't know what to do.
• Although he may be one of the smartest among the brothers and the fourth strongest, he is still the youngest of the brothers.
• "Levi, do something."
• He must be crazy because Levi can hear a hidden plea in his tone.
• It's slow but when Levi finally catches up with the situation, that he should be the one who is in Mammon's position and his brother just saved his life, fear and a sheer terror rush to him at full speed.
• He is afraid for his brother's life, afraid that he may lose him, that because of him he'll never be able to see his idiot but lovable brother anymore.
• He starts to shake Mammon awake, do anything he can, shouthing, but he won't bugger even a little. The only movement of him is the sway of his hair because of the wind.
• Levi doesn't know since when he clutched Mammon's shirt and pressed his forehead on Mammon's chest whilst he cried and shouted incoherent sentences in hope Mammon would wake up and laugh, telling him that it was just a prank.
• For the first time since millennials Satan felt lost.
• He always pride his knowledge but right now he feels useless because he just can watch when his brother suffers, died, in front of him.
• Hearing Levi crying and calling for Mammon, Satan couldn't hold his own tears as they began to stream down his cheek while he tightened his hold on his dear brother.
• It seems that their ruckus attracted some demons who were near the garden and they were smart enough to call their other brothers.
• Satan is silently glad because he swears he will tear them apart in anger if they just stand around and watch while they don't even know what is happening.
• In his mind, he vaguely knows that he needs to get the others but he doesn't want to leave Mammon's side. He's afraid that if he lets him go he will disappear forever and it looks like Levi is not doing any better.
• So they just wait and try to wake Mammon or just think, as much as their hazy mind can, what just happened and what they can and need to do.
• When one of the demons in the party comes to Lucifer, he doesn't really pay them any mind.
• He thinks that they may want to talk with Diavolo or Barbatos like the others before.
• Lucifer and his brothers have been Diavolo's companions since the middle of the party.
• What he didn't, never, expected is the demon talk, inform him that his brothers in the garden make some ruckus.
• When he heard the word white haired brother, the first thing he thought was how Mammon caused trouble again, in Diavolo's party no less. He felt irritated.
• But it melted away quickly as it came when he heard what was said after.
• Two of his brothers, Levi and Satan, weeping, shouting something while crying. Satan.
• And how they hold Mammon because something happened to him.
• He didn't hear what was said next because in a second he was already on his feet and hurriedly walked to the garden.
• There is foreign feeling in his chest and he registers it as fear, he feels his stomach drop.
• His mind ran miles for what had possibly happened.
• It better not be some kind of prank or he's gonna be mad.
• The other brothers, Beel wake Belphie when he senses that something is wrong, along with Diavolo and Barbatos who also hear the conversation following him.
• What they saw in the garden is an unexpected thing, something they thought would never happen.
• When Satan sensed someone closer, he held Mammon closer protectively and snarl at them.
• For the first time he is relieved a little when he sees his brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos.
• With tears still streaming down, he looks at Lucifer and says, "Lucifer, wake him. Wake Mammy, please"
• Mammy is Satan's nickname for Mammon, the only brother who he gave an affectionate nickname to, because he's the one who took care of him the most back then.
• Lucifer is trying his hardest to compose himself because he needs to keep strong for his brothers.
• Asmo went to Levi the moment he arrived and sowed tears when he saw Mammon lifeless eyes.
• He tried to call him, shakily, but got no response.
• He almost went into hysteria seeing his brother state.
• While Lucifer checks on Mammon, Asmo hugs Levi who keeps muttering that it was his fault and how it should be him in Mammon's place.
• Beel and Belphie tried to calm Satan.
• They don't cry but Beel looks close to losing it while Belphie tries to stay strong for his twin too.
• Lucifer's heart clenched painfully when he held his, first, baby brother in his arms, lifeless. It brings back all the bad memories of the past.
• Not a minute after arriving and assessing the situation, Diavolo commanded Barbatos to have all the guests come home.
• Diavolo always admired Lucifer for his calm and collected composure.
• But right now, he can see him slowly losing it the longer he holds Mammon.
• Diavolo knows, everyone knows, despite the fact that he equally loves all his brothers, he always has a special spot for Mammon, the second eldest.
• (Skip because I don't know what else I should write in this scene.)
• After Satan explains everything, they begin to investigate the current case.
• Satan may look fine but he drowns himself in books, something that has something to do with sigils and spells, more.
• Levi rarely went to his room and always stayed in Mammon's room. He may as well stay there with how many things he keeps bringing.
• Lucifer locked himself in his room and just went out to the castle to discuss it with Diavolo and Barbatos.
• Belphie, Beel and Asmo tried to help as much as they could.
• Mammon was laid down in his bed like a sleeping beauty.
• They found out that some demons/witches, for whatever reason, were targeting Levi but Mammon took the blow instead.
• The arrows were covered not only by some spells but also sigils.
• What makes it complicated is, the spells and sigils are the really old, complicated and strong ones.
• The ones that existed when Diavolo was a child.
• The fastest way to get rid of it is to wake the Demon King from his hibernate slumber.
• But they can't do that without any risks for the three realms.
• They need to solve it by themselves.
• It takes them hundreds of years (because I think thousands of years is too long... or maybe not?) to figure it out. The brothers, despite their resolve, didn't function really well. They are determined to wake Mammon but there are also times when it's too much for them.
• In all that time, Mammon was shackled down with holly chains to his knee in a dark void with water reaching his waist. Obviously when he wakes up later, his mind will not be in the best place and will be hard to fix.
• When they finally figure it out, Mammon doesn't immediately wake up and the brothers keep searching for what might be wrong.
• What they don't know is that awakening is a slow process. First, he's going to start to be aware of what is happening around him in his sleeping state. Then his senses will start to function again. And he will start to move his body.
• No one beside him, as they focus on what they can fix, for two weeks and in those weeks he almost regains all his senses and moves his body almost fully. He was still sluggish and trembling like a newborn deer but he got there.
• The first one who finds him is Levi. He walks in and throws himself on the sofa, unaware of eyes trailing his every move.
• Mammon is still skeptical if it's a reality or just something his mind keeps making up in his loneliness at that place.
• But when he is sure it's real, he brave himself to joke about how tired Levi looks.
• Levi looks startled and actually jumps on his feet. There is no way he's gonna mistake those voices, a bit scratchy for not being used for so long but definitely it belongs to Mammon.
• He stood there and stared at Mammon with wide eyes while the latter waved and smiled awkwardly, "well, it's nice to finally be back?"
• Levi's lips began to tremble and tears flowed freely from his eyes. Mammon who was sitting on the edge of the bed panicked and worried as to why his brother suddenly cried and looked pained.
• Without a second thought and ignoring how his body aches, he slowly but surely made his way to Levi and brought him to his embrace to comfort him.
• He is confused and doesn't know what to do when Levi starts to cry harder and hug him as if his lifeline depends on him.
• He spoke incoherently. And when Mammon heard something about that it should be him in his position, Mammon forced him to look him in the eye. Firmly and seriously, he said that what happened was not his fault and he did it of his own will and will do it many times for his brothers if he needs to.
• Levi laugh weetly and burried his face on Mammon's chest, still hugging him, and called him stupid. Mammon just says that it was because he is the great Mammon after all, boastful and laugh loud and clear.
• Levi missed this. So he let himself in Mammon embrace while the latter rubbing his back and caressing his hair gently.
• After some moments of bliss, Mammon states that he thinks he needs to see the others, especially Satan as he was also the one there when everything happened to him.
• They decide to come out when it's dinner to surprise the others.
• They rarely eat together again because it's not the same but this time the brothers manage to find time.
• While waiting for dinner, they talk about many things but not once talking about what happened and where Mammon might be. They talk and talk, sometimes just sitting there basking in a comfortable silence, like nothing ever happened.
• At that moment Levi realized something, every brother of his has their own role in this dysfunctional family. All of them are glue but Mammon is the strongest glue that holds them together.
• It's time for dinner and they walk downstairs to the dining room. Levi talk animatedly about new games and anime series with Mammon beside him, listening closely to whatever he said.
• When he is more sure that it's not some fuck up thing his mind torture him, he is more confident and want to savor everything. He misses his brothers so much.
• They walk slower than usual because Mammon is still not used to moving his body.
• The others brothers who already seated began to hearing Levi loud and antusias voice, something they do not heard since that accident
• They are curious as to what the cause of this and who he talk to but then they froze in place when they heard a familiar loud laugh following whatever Levi says
• They look at the door aticipantly and when Levi and whoever he is with arrived in their peripheral vision, they hold their breath
• Mammon stood beside Levi a little awkwardly and waved at them, trying to look confident and choky when he greeted them.
• Anyone would think it's Beel or Asmo who immediately rush to Mammon, or even Satan remembering how he look at that time
• But much to everyone's surprise, it is Lucifer who suddenly stands in front of them and hugs Mammon. He let a shaky breath
• There are many things he want to say, but he manage just to say, "welcome back, little brother"
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bunnies-on-saturn · 3 years
You’re a good big brother
so i had a thought where like, AU (i guess?) where the brothers went to one of those K-12 schools. You know where they have all the grades in school, yeah I feel like they went to one of those. either to be closer together, for it to be convenient, so Lucifer can watch his brothers whatever it may be. By the way I’ve never been in one of those school so no idea how it works.
~Story Summary~:
Lucifer, while in class, gets called into the schools office to talk about Mammon behavior. Apparently he’s been getting in more fights. Lucifer is upset but maybe there’s more to the story than what the teachers know. He’s only doing it to protect his little brothers.
Lucifer: possibly around the age of 15-17 (the oldest obviously)
Mammon: around 8-10 years old
Leviathan: around 5-6 years old
Asmodeus: 3-4 years old (the youngest. At least for now)
Lucifer sat in the middle of class listening to the teacher’s lecture. Well half listening, he was a good student who followed the rules and got good grades but he sat by the window so it was easy to get distracted. Currently the class was taking notes but he had already written down the information, so he was doodling in the corner of his paper. He was drawing his little brothers. They all went to the same school, but just different classes.
It was a K-12 school and each “level” as they called it was divided into different sections of the school. Each grade level had their own building in a way. Elementary kids got one side, middle schoolers another and high schoolers took the last building. They all shared one big field they shared for certain school events, but things like playground equipment, cafeterias, and etc where all in their own building. They did share a bus stop for all the kids however.
Every day Lucifer would take his brothers to the elementary building, being younger and all and; then go to the high school school building. Then after school he’d pick them up and they’d walk home together. They never took the bus, they liked the walk. Their house wasn’t far anyways. The room was quiet as the only few sounds where pencils writing as the teacher wrote more on the whiteboard. That was until foot steps could be heard walking out in the hallway.
There was a knock on the door causing everyone to look up. “Come in.” Lucifer’s teacher called. The door opened and it was the assistant principal of the elementary department. While yes it was a big school it had only one principal but each section had their own association principal. “Hi sorry to interrupt but we need Lucifer Lamentation to come to office please.” The lady said as she smiled at the teacher. Everyone looked over at Lucifer making an “oooo” sound causing Lucifer to get embarrassed and turn a bit red in the cheeks.
(I know that’s not their last name. I don’t even think they have a last name. I just took the name of the house and applied that as their last name.)
Lucifer turned away as he snarled a bit. The assistant principal walked over to him, “Please bring your stuff with you just in case.” She said. Now Lucifer was a bit worried. He didn’t seem in trouble. He hadn’t done anything so that possibly was ruled out. Did something happen concerning him? Did something happen to his little brothers? Lucifer packed up his things before meeting up with the assistant at the door.
“Lucifer you have the homework for tonight right?” His teacher called right as they where about to leave. “Yes sir.” Lucifer replied. His teacher smiled, “Good. Off you go then.” And with that they closed the door and left. The two walking down the empty hall, the sound of her high heels tapping the floor echoing through the hall. Lucifer fixed his backpack on his shoulder before speaking. “Did something happen?”
“Well.” She said. “Mammon has been getting into some arguments recently with some kids. Today however, Mammon got into a fist fight with one of the kids. So now he’s in the office and I wanted you to try and talk to him. He hasn’t respond to me and is getting quiet snappy. So I thought since you’re his older brother he’d listen to you more.” She explained. Lucifer stayed quiet. Mammon never told him about this. /Is mammon causing trouble again?/ Lucifer thought.
They walked all the way to the elementary building. The shift between the regular school building walls to the more childish area was a real change. Everything seemed so small. Taking a semi familiar rout he’s usually take to walk to and from buildings. Once there we walked to the office building to see Mammon sitting in a chair. His knees where to his chest and his head was sitting on top of them. He had a bandage on his knees, cheek, elbow, and nose. He had a small pout on his face. When he heard the door open he looked over to see his assistant principal and his brother. Seeing them made him turn away again.
The assistant principal walked in having Lucifer follow. The door shutting behind them. “As you can see I’ve had him wait in here while I came to get you. Please have a seat.” She said as she took a seat at her desk gesturing to the empty seat next to Mammon. Lucifer sat down glancing at Mammon. He was upset but also a bit worried. Why was Mammon getting into fights with other classmates? “So I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly happened.” She said looking at the two of them.
Lucifer turned away from Mammon and turned his attention to the lady nodding. “Well you see. While at recess Mammon and two other boys where fighting. Mammon threw the first punch and it escalated causing the teachers to have to step in and break them up." Mammon sank into his knees a bit. Still pouting. "Where are the other two?" Lucifer asked. "Currently in the nurse office. Mammon tried to fight them even in the office." She said. Lucifer kept quiet. His face had a look of confusion.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. If anything he was more disappointed than angry. "Would you like to tell your brother what happened?" She now looked at Mammon who refused to look at her. He shook his head. She sighed. "Not even to your brother?" Lucifer looked at his younger brother and spoke softly, "Mammon do you just not want to talk? Or do you not want to talk because she's here?" He was quiet for a moment. “Cause she’s here…” he mumbled. Lucifer looked at the lady, “Can we have a moment alone please?”
She looked hesitant to say yes. Her face looked like she wanted to say no right away but was really debating. “Please he’s never gonna talk if he’s not comfortable. Can we go outside and talk? I promise to stay within the area.” Lucifer asked putting his hand on Mammon’s knee. She signed, “Yes go ahead. But please stay in the area.” “We will.” Lucifer said. “Come on Mammon.” Lucifer spoke as he got up from his chair. Mammon got up slowly and looked down as he followed Lucifer out of the room.
Lucifer let the door close behind them as they walked out into their play yard. It was empty since it was class time all the kids where inside learning. Lucifer walked to a shaded area having Mammon still looking down. Lucifer finally got a look at his face. His hair was scruffy and his face was a bit dirty. It looked like he had been crying a bit too. “So.” Lucifer said finally breaking the silence. “You got into a fight-“ “It wasn’t my fault!” Mammon yelled a bit. Lucifer was caught off guard with Mammon’s sudden loudness. He turned to him with a shocked look on his face.
Mammon was shaking a bit, his fist in a ball. “I-I was protecting Levi a-and Asmo. They where being mean to them!” Mammon shouted as he wiped his eyes. Lucifer gave a sympathetic look as he put his hand on his shoulder. “Mammon tell me what happened please.” Mammon turned to Lucifer’s direction before speaking again. “Well, it was recess time. And then Levi came up to me crying.” “Crying? Why was he crying?” Lucifer asked worryingly. “It’s cause some kids broke his Ruri-Chan figure. They smashed it.” Lucifer sighed. “I told him not to bring it with him.” He said under his breath. “And they kept pulling on Asmo’s hair and clothes. They even cut his hair a bit too! So I had to help!” Mammon said as tears came down his face.
~ earlier that day~
It was recess time and Mammon was playing with the random playground equipment that was lying around. Currently all the 3rd graders and kids under where playing. Mammon being a 3rd grader was having a good time playing with a ball he found. Occasionally checking on his brothers who where way more down the playground. Levi was in kindergarten and Asmo was in pre-kindergarten. But they played in the same area. He wanted to make sure his little brothers where having fun, and sometimes if they where alone he’d go over and play with them.
Mammon was bouncing the ball trying to see how high he could make it to. Sometimes looking over at the high school building where Lucifer was. Sometimes he wonders if he could see him while walking to class something. While on his fifth try of trying to make the ball go pass the roof he heard crying and felt a tug on his shirt sleeve. It distracted him from catching the ball making it slam hard into the floor, causing the crying to become louder. Just as Mammon was about to get mad he looked to see it was Levi crying.
“Levi what happened?!” He asked worryingly. “They-they-“ Levi couldn’t get a word out with how many tears kept coming down his face. “They broke Ruri-Chan!” Levi cried as he held up a smashed Ruri-Chan figure. Her face was broken, her arm had been snapped, and she was disconnected from her body. “And-and they pu-ushed m-m-e.” Mammon instantly became protective. “Who did this?” Levi pointed to some bigger kids who seemed to be Mammon’s age. “Come on Levi. Your big brothers got this.”
He took his younger brothers hand who was still crying, holding the broken Ruri-Chan close. When he got to the smaller kids section he saw that the kids Levi pointed out where cornering Asmo. There was three of them. Two blocking off his exists and tugging at his clothes, pushing him around while the other had scissors and pulled on his hair. Asmo was screaming and crying trying to push him away but being three he’s not very strong against third graders. “Come on its just a little it’s no big deal. Stop being a baby.” The boy with the scissors said as he snipped a bit of his hair.
Not a lot just a little. That was it for Mammon. He ran over and pushed the boy away causing the other two to let go or Asmo. “MamMam!” Asmo called as he cried. Levi went with Asmo as Mammon stood in front of them. “It’s okay guys. Your big brother is gonna save you two!” He shouts. “Some big brother you are.” One kid said. “THESE are your brothers?! They look pretty useless to me.” Another said. “Hey shut up!” Mammon yelled getting in their face a bit. “You shut up.” He pushed Mammon back causing him to stumble a bit but he managed to catch himself so he doesn’t fall on his brothers.
“Leave them alone! They haven’t even done anything to you.” Mammon pushed him back. The other two watching while Levi was holding Asmo. “They’re annoying.” “You’re annoying!” Mammon said back. “And ugly! And stupid!” “Says you! You’re the dumbest in the class. You should be here with them!” The kid punched Mammon right in the stomach. “Mammam! Mammon!” His brothers called. Mammon held onto his stomach for a bit, “Awe you gonna cry like your stupid brothers here?” “Don’t call them stupid!” Mammon screamed as he got on top of him and started to punch him.
The other two ran while Mammon and the other fought on the floor. Levi and Asmo staying back. That was until a teacher came over and yelled at the two as she broke up the fight. Managing to get Mammon off the young boy. “You two behave right now! Stop it!” She yelled. They eventually stopped and both had scratch marks and bruises all over. She called a teachers assistant who came over to take care of Asmo and Levi while the teacher took the two to the nurse.
“How did this happen?” The teacher asked sternly as she crossed her arms. She looked down at the two boys who sat in a chair in the office. The nurse was getting bandaids ready. “He started it!” Mammon said pointing at the kid. “No he did!” He pointed back. “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!” Mammon pushed the boy after he said that causing the teacher to pull him back and the nurse to move the kid aside. “MAMMON YOU’RE GOING TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE AFTER. Ms.Joy please patch up Mammon first so he can go to the office sooner. I don’t trust him here with him.” She told the nurse.
She nodded and fixed up Mammon while the teacher called the assistant principal using the office phone. Once he was done she came over and picked him up and took him to her office. Once there they started talking. “Mammon you know what my you’re here don’t you?” She sat at her desk with her hands together resting on the table. Mammon sat in the chair with his arms crossed and looked away. He was still upset and even more so that he was getting in trouble and the other kids weren’t. They hurt his brothers they deserved it.
“Mammon I don’t think I need to tell you what you did was extremely inappropriate. So please explain to me why you did what you did.” She stated. Mammon kept quiet bringing his feet up to his chest. “It wasn’t my fault.” He mumbled. “Well the teachers said you threw the first punch so you clearly had something to do with it.” She replied back looking at him a bit sternly. Mammon kept his head down. She tried asking again and again before sighing as she rubbed her temple. “Fine if you won’t answer I’ll go get your brother. Maybe you’ll listen to him instead.” She got up from her chair, “Do not leave this office.” Was what she told him before she left.
~Present Time~
Mammon finished telling the events of what happened today. He was crying now as he wiped at his eyes. Lucifer just held him close and rubbed his back in a circle like motion. “I tried but she didn’t believe me.” He mumbled into his chest. “I believe you Mammon. Thank you for protecting your little brothers. You did good.” Mammon looked up. “I did?” Lucifer smiled as he looked down at his younger brother. “Of course. I’m very proud of you.” Mammon turned red a bit as he looked away.
“Come now let’s go tell her what happened.” Lucifer said as he pulled away. Mammon looked hesitant before Lucifer put his hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay I’ll be here to help tell what happened.” Mammon nodded as they headed back to the office. The assistant principal waiting at her desk. “So are you finally ready to talk?” They took at seat and her desk nodding and repeated what Mammon told Lucifer to her. “I see. And you’re sure this is the truth.” She asked. “Yes!” Mammon cried. “Ask Levi and Asmo! They saw it all!”
“Levi wouldn’t lie. I’m not sure how much you’d get out of Asmo being so young but you should definitely ask them.” Lucifer interjected. She sighed again. “Right I will. Well thank you dear for your help. I’ll talk to them and others right away. Even if it was in self defense I still have to give some punishment. So Mammon you can’t play at recess for three days. If what you’re saying is true the three boys will get three weeks of no recess.” Mammon obviously wasn’t happy about it. He didn’t see the reason why he should be getting in trouble but three days was better than three weeks.
Mammon nodded. “Fine..” he uttered. “Good. Sorry to pull you out of class Lucifer you may go back. Same goes for you Mammon.” The two got up and left the office. “Alright then I’ll be heading back to class. I’ll see you after school today okay?” Lucifer said as he ruffled his hair. “Stay out of trouble.” Mammon whined pushing his hand away. “Luucciiii! I’m not a baby anymore.” Lucifer chuckled. “That may be so but you are my baby brother.” “Hey!” Lucifer laughed. “Okay okay. Go back to class now.” Mammon nodded. “Bye Luci!” He said as he ran back to class with a smile on his face.
Lucifer watched him until he was out of sight and turned away to walk back to his own class. And so the day went on like normal. Lucifer finished up his last class and as the bell rang he packed up his backpack and headed over to the elementary building. Lucifer walking through the crowded halls trying to avoid as many people as possible. All he could think about was his brothers. Is everything okay? Did she talk to them? Are Levi and Asmo hurt? Is Mammon doing okay? So many questions going through his mind.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t even realize Mammon was calling to him. “LUCII!!” Mammon called waving at him. Mammon, Levi, and Asmo where all in the same spot they’d be at everyday to be picked up by Lucifer. Lucifer looked up coming back into reality to see Mammon smiling at him. Asmo was hugging his leg while Mammon had his hand on his back. Levi was also doing the same expect he was slouching into Mammon. He was more focused on the plastic bag in his hands but Mammon still had his hand on his back.
Lucifer smiled softly. It was a cute sight even though he knew his brothers where upset it was nice to see them all together. Lucifer walked over looking at his younger brothers kneeling in front of them. Before he could even get a word out Levi and Asmo ran up to him and hugged him which caught both Lucifer and Mammon off guard. “LUCII!!” They cried. Well Asmo’s sounded more like “Wuci!” Then Luci. Lucifer smiled and hugged his little brothers close hearing them cry. “Hey buds. Are you okay? I heard what happened are you hurt?” He spoke softly as he tried to calm them.
“I-It was scawy!” Levi cried having Asmo nod. “I know it was and I’m sorry I wasn’t there. But Mammon was there right? He kept you safe.” Lucifer looked up at Mammon with a soft smile. Mammon blushed. “W-Well yeah! I’m supposed to! I’m their big brother!” Lucifer laughed a little as he kept holding them. They cried into his chest as he gave a sympathetic look. “Shh shhh it’s okay bud. Shh you’re okay now.” He kissed their heads as he spoke. “You guys are safe now right? It’s not gonna happen ever again I promise.”
Lucifer pulled them back a bit as he whipped their tears with his thumb. Lucifer ran his fingers through Asmo’s hair. “Well your hair doesn’t look too bad. It’s not very noticeable. Don’t worry Asmo you still look great.” Asmo looked up hopefully. “Weally?” “Really.” He ruffled his hair a little. He knew his brother really liked his looks. He was always a fan of dressing up and doing his hair. While he wasn’t the best with his hair being very young that was Lucifer’s job. But he really enjoyed dressing up.
“When we get home I promise we’ll put your hair into something really pretty sound good?” Lucifer spoke making Asmo nod and smile a bit. “Ya! wif a bow!” He tried to speak. Being so young he’s still developing speaking skill. Lucifer chuckled a little. “Yes with a bow.” Asmo wiped his face a bit before going back to Mammon putting his arms up. Asking to be picked up. Mammon bent down and picked him up placing on his hip best he could. Lucifer looked at Levi who still looked upset.
Pitifully looking at the plastic bag in his hands. Gently moving the broken pieces or the Ruri-Chan figure that where there. Lucifer put his hand on his cheek. “Levi are you okay? They broke Ruri didn’t they?” Levi nodded as silent tears fell. “I told you not to bring her to school she’s fragile.” Levi whined a bit covering his face. He was never good in these types of situations. “I know I’m sorry. I know that was your favorite one. How about this when we get home I’ll try my best to fix it okay? And if we can’t I’ll get you a new one.” Lucifer said gently.
“I promise as your big brother I’ll do whatever to make you happy. I’ll even let you watch her videos tonight even after bed time.” Levi perked up. “Really?” “Really bud.” Levi wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. “Kay..” Lucifer picked him up and set him on his hip. Levi put his head on his shoulder as he yawned. Mammon watched the whole time now Lucifer calmed his brothers down so easily. How he was so gentle with them. He wished he could do the same. Mammon held Asmo who was looking around the area.
“Come on let’s get going home.” He moved some of Leviathan hair out of his face as he adjusted him on his hip. Mammon looked at his older brother in awe. Lucifer caught a glimpse and asked, “What are you thinking about Mammon?” Mammon blushed a little. “Nothing…” he replied. “Come on tell me.” “Well it’s just..you’re so good them. A-and I wanna be good with them too! You made them so much calmer than I ever could.” Mammon pouted as he held Asmo close.
Lucifer smiled and put his hand on the back of Mammon’s head pulling him close and kissed it. “You’re a good big brother Mammon. You already where and you still are. You stood up for your little brothers and protected them. That’s all I could ever ask for. I don’t really like the idea of you getting into fights but if it’s for self defense and especially family it’s okay. I’m proud of you.” Lucifer praised him. Mammon’s blush grew as he kept his head down. “Y-y-you’re embarrassing!” Mammon managed to say.
“Yes but it’s the truth. And I’m sure your brothers feel the same way. Right you two?” Levi turned over to look at Mammon who was looking away. “Thank you Mammon for helping me.” He said causing Mammon to look up. “ ‘ank ou mammam!” Asmo cheered as he hugged his older brother. Mammon laughed a bit as he hugged Asmo back and ruffled Levi’s hair. “That’s what I’m here for.” And with that they walked home. A little late because of their conversation but it didn’t matter. Mammon was doing his homework while in the living room with his brothers.
Asmo was currently getting his hair done by Lucifer. Who was sitting on his lap while Lucifer was sitting on the couch. Upon further inspection he saw that Asmo was a bit scratched up on his arms. Probably from when those kids where holding him. They weren’t bad in fact most of them where markings more than scratches. But still he made a mental note to keep an eye on it. As promised Lucifer did put a bow in his hair. Two in fact both personally picked by Asmodeus himself. He was very happy with how it came out.
“ ‘ank ou Wuci!” Asmo smiled as Lucifer put him down. “Anytime Asmo.” By now Mammon was done with his homework so he was playing with Asmo. All while videos of Ruri-Chan played in the background. As promised Levi got to watch her and his eyes where practically glued to the screen. While they did that he took the plastic bag next to Levi’s backpack and held it in his hands. “I’ll be back Mammon I’m going upstairs real quick.” Lucifer called. “Kay!” Mammon replied.
Lucifer took it to his bedroom and tried his best to repair it. He knew this was Levi’s favorite thing in the whole world. It was a comfort item to him. The minute he had it he took it everywhere and if they had to leave somewhere he wouldn’t leave until he had her in his hand. Which lead to many tantrums but as long as she was there he was fine. Even helping him sleep in the worst of times. He took great pride in taking care of the figure. So Lucifer intended to do the same thing.
Eventually with the help of some magic he was able to bring it back good as new. Just like when he first got it. Lucifer held it gently and went to Levi’s room to look for the Ruri-Chan plushie he also cherished. He sleeps with it every night and even during long car rides. He takes it everywhere just like the figure. And If it’s not with him at all time he’ll cry his eyes out. But he still loves his little brother so whatever makes him happy he’s happy to provide it. Lucifer took it and went back downstairs seeing Asmo and Mammon playing together. Asmo trying to do Mammon’s hair with the many clips he had all very childish themes.
Lucifer smiled as they seemed to be laughing together. Mammon was also putting clips in Asmo’s hair so it was equal. Lucifer went over to Levi and tapped his shoulder getting his attention. “Levi I have a surprise for you.” Levi’s face lit up as he knew exactly what the surprise was. “Here. Good as new.” Lucifer handed him the more repaired figure making Levi smile ear to ear. I’m excitement and joy he flared his arms and kicked his feet a little smiling. It was the purest smile ever. Almost the same smile as when he got this toy on his birthday. Leviathan got up and hugged Lucifer tightly.
“Thank you big bro!!” He cheered. “You’re the best!” Lucifer hugged him back. “I’m glad to see you happy again but new rule. You can’t bring her to school anymore.” Levi pulled back with a distraught look on his face. “But..why?” “Levi she got broken today. I warned you about it already haven’t I? We don’t want her broken again do we?” Levi thought about it for a bit. And although he was right he still needed her. “But..but- I still need her! I wanna take her with me!” Levi whined. “I thought this was coming so here.” Lucifer pulled out the plushie seeing Levi stop his almost tantrum immediately.
“You can take her instead. Only if you promise not to get it dirty or ripped.” Levi held out his arms to hold it but Lucifer held it up from him making him whine more. “Promise first.” “I promise!” “Are you sure?” “Yes!” “You’re not just saying it are you?” “No!” Lucifer handed him the plushie and he gripped it with all his might. Snuggling with it. Lucifer laughed as he ruffled his hair. The night came and Lucifer made dinner for everyone and they ate like a happy family. The next day at school after Lucifer dropped them off he asked Mammon to point out which kids bullied them the other day.
When he did he walked over with a very creepy smile as he stood over them. “So I hear you’re the ones who bullied my brothers the other day. Is that true.” The fear on their face says it all. They started to back into the walls as he leaned into closer. “If I ever find out that you started trouble again with my brothers I will deal with you myself personally. You’d make a great hanging decoration on my fathers wall.” And with that he walked away with a satisfactory look on his face as hearing them shutter was like music to his ears. Did he just threaten some eight years olds? Yeah. Did he care? Not really. As long as they got the message he could care less and he carried on with the day as if nothing happened.
The end :)
I’m not too proud of this story but I’ll try and make better ones in the future
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chibinekochan · 3 years
I saw your post about requests, I hope I'm not to late! I fell in love with your Lucifer & Diavolo AU where they adopt a child! Any wholesome moments with the kid & them or the brothers/undateables would be so heartwarming! I especially love Beel so maybe Beel, as the biggest and with a big love of his family, seeing the kid and being like "so tiny, must protect" and becoming like her personal giany buddy 🥺❤
Ahhhh that au is so wholesome. I'm happy to revisit it. Note that the reader is a toddler-aged kid.
2.8k words
My Obey me! Masterlist
It's a normal evening with your loving parents. At this point, you are used to living with the demons.
It's chaotic at times but they all really adore and spoil you.
One evening you are plotting a surprise party for Lucifer's birthday.
Knowing that Diavolo just can't keep a secret, you rope the brothers into helping you.
"Uncle Mammon, I need your help." You know your very well-trained puppy eyes will do the trick.
"Umm sure… what do you need?" Mammon has a bad feeling already.
"I want to surprise Papa with a party but it's so hard to do. He is like a superhero who knows everything." You pout a little in frustration.
"Hearing you call him Papa makes me feel so uneasy." Belphie sighs from the couch.
"More like a spy or something." Satan chimes in.
"Belpie don't be grouchy and if he is a spy then he is super cool." You are still unable to say ph but nobody minds that.
Both just shake their heads.
"Mammon, will you help me?" Your puppy eyes get even bigger.
He shifts around uncomfortably. "Well I'd love to but sadly I'm super busy."
"But Uncle!" You use your best pouty face.
Causing Mammon's face to twist in agony. "Trust me little one, I'd help but Lucifer has giving me this task so I have to do it." He obviously feels bad about it.
You cross your arms. "I'm pretty sure my power is bigger than his."
"Well, yeah of course. You are the most powerful one without a doubt, but Lucifer can be pretty scary if I don't do my job." Mammon fully agrees but he knows what punishment will await him if he doesn't do as Lucifer told him to do.
"Papa isn't scary at all." You huff.
"Now, now no reason for that big frown on your face." Asmo chimes in. "I'm just the right demon for you. I happen to have some time and as your most awesome Uncle I will help you with that party of yours." He talks to you with a big grin.
"Wow, you are the best Asmo! You beam at him with a big smile.
"Totally unfair," Mammon mumbles.
"Too bad Mammon. I yet again get to save the day." Asmo grins in a winning manner. "So what are your plans?" Then he faces you.
"I want to make loads of flowers and string them up and then I want to make a huge cake for everyone to enjoy and we also need music. Oh and snacks and games of course." You remember your own birthday parties with glee.
"I see you have some pretty big plans. You can count on me for the decorations. I ask Levi for some music. He has a big collection that even Lucifer envies. For the cake, I'm sure we can entrust Barbatos with that." Asmo is already fully in planning mode.
"That sounds like everyone else will do the work, but I want to do it." You huff lightly.
"I see, in that case, everyone will assist you. Satan, you and Belphie will help us with the flowers." Asmo can see that you won't budge so he quickly changes his plans.
"Hey, why me?" Belphie grumbles.
"You make great flowers." You try to encourage him.
"I'm sure mine is better." Satan shoots back.
"Great, I will tell everyone to come and bring supplies. Let's make some room over there." Asmo whips his phone out and sends an SOS to the other brothers.
"Yeah, I will make a sample so they all can look pretty." With great joy, you make your way over to the table.
"Some need this more than others." Belphie glances at Mammon.
"Hey, I saw that, and let me tell you my paper flowers can win prizes." Mammon seems to be seriously offended.
"Say that when you aren't too busy slaving for Lucifer." Belphie teases Mammon.
"Just wait and see. Once I'm back I'll show you!" Mammon basically rushes out of the room, almost running into Beel on his way out.
"Huh what was that about?" He is carrying a big box with him.
"Don't mind him. Just join us. We are making flower decorations." Asmo just shrugs, already halfway into an elegant-looking paper flower.
"Alright, but why are we making them?" Beel places the box down, and there are parties and flower-making supplies thrown into it.
"I'm throwing a party for papa's birthday." You tell him with great enthusiasm.
"I see that's a great idea, but why isn't Diavolo doing that?" Beel knows that it's usually his duty.
"He is very busy, so I took it on myself to do it." You are feeling troubled thinking about your busy dad.
Beel nods with understanding. "I see, then we need to make sure it's a great party."
"That's the right spirit, Beel." You smile at him.
"I'm not that good at making these though." Beel sighs at the paper.
"It's pretty easy, let me show you." With great pride, you show Beel how to make them.
Beel copies your moves and manages to get a pretty decent flower.
"Good job Beel. I knew you could do it." You pat him on the arm.
"You are very good at this." Asmo smiles gently.
"I'm trying to become reliable." You smile sheepishly.
"That's a pretty big word there, little one. Great job learning that one." Satan nods with a smile.
"Thanks I'm trying to use bigger words but it's not easy." You sigh slightly.
"No worries, you are getting there." Satan encourages you.
You nod feeling motivated.
"Have you made new friends lately?" Asmo asks curiously.
"We got a new kid the other day but they are shy. It's hard to play with them." This only bothers you slightly.
Asmo nods in understanding."Just give it time. Kind of like with Levi."
"What about me?" Levi just enters the room, like on command.
"We were talking about a new kid who is shy." You look at Levi, wondering what his advice might be.
"I'm not shy, just socially awkward." Levi looks troubled.
"Isn't that the same?" You don't have an idea.
"Children's words are indeed sharp tools." Levi sighs deeply.
You look at the others seeking help, but they all shrug.
"Come here and make some flowers," Belphie commands Levi over.
"Ummmm okay." Levi sighs. "I got the music you wanted, Asmo."
"Just put that next to my makeup." Asmo points over to the couch.
For a while, you all make flowers until you decide it's enough.
"So next we should make a huge cake. I also want decorations. Maybe a castle cake would be great." Your eyes sparkle just thinking about it.
"Hmm, that might be an issue since we don't have that much time." Satan knows it can take days to make a cake like that and there isn't enough time at all.
You pout, feeling very disappointed.
"How about cupcakes? We can decorate a bunch of them. They will look great and it's easier to make a whole bunch of them for everyone." Asmo brings up a great plan.
"That would be awesome but a birthday needs cake." You agree but aren't fully satisfied.
"How about we make a special cake for Lucifer and cupcakes for everyone else?" Beel thinks it's a reasonable compromise.
"That sounds great. I will make his cake and you all can make the cupcakes." You agree to that plan.
"I will help with that. The cupcakes would be too tempting anyway." Beel knows you can't do it by yourself.
"And I keep Beel from the cake." Belphie chimes in with a smile.
"Sounds great. Do we have all we need?" You look at Satan.
"We have enough for the cake and some cupcakes. I will go and buy more ingredients while Asmo and Levi can handle the first batch of cupcakes." Satan has a very reasonable plan.
"Okay." You agree and all of you walk over to the kitchen.
It's a bit chaotic giving everyone space to work but you somehow manage.
In the middle of mixing the dough, with the help of Beel, you come to a sudden realization.
"We forgot about candles for the cake." You feel pretty upset by this realization.
"It's not a big deal. We can't put enough candles on the cake for Lucifer's age anyway." Belphie shrugs.
"It's very important. Without candles, it's not a birthday cake." You sternly look at Belphie.
"Hmm we could put one candle on it would that be enough?" Beel seems to understand that this is important to you.
"Dad said it's rude to remind adults of their age so that would be a good idea." You remember Diavolo saying that when it was Asmos birthday.
Beel nods. "I will get it for him. Belphie you take over supporting the little one."
"No, I need to get the right one. I will go!" You blatantly refuse.
"Okay, then I will assist you with that." Beel can't send you alone and he knows you can be pretty stubborn so this seems to be the best solution to him.
You nod.
"Can you take over for me, Belphie?" You look at Belphie.
He yawns. "Sure, have fun you two."
"It's not fun, it's an important mission!" You sternly speak.
"That's right." Beel agrees with a nod. "Do you want to ride on my shoulders or hold my hand?" Beel looks at you with a smile.
"I can walk alone too." You turn away from him.
"I know but I will feel lonely." Beel gives you puppy dog eyes, he is almost as effective as you are.
"Fine, but only because I don't want you to feel lonely." You pout slightly and then take his big hand.
"Thank you. We will be off Belphie." Beel nods towards Belphie, who just waves to us while mixing the dough.
Together with Beel, you make your way to the store.
You stand in front of the candles to pick the right one.
Beel gets distracted for only a moment by a new chocolate bar.
That is the moment when a demon approaches you.
Your parents have taught you what you are supposed to do if a stranger approaches you.
"Hey, are you all alone here?" The demon has a friendly tone but his demeanor doesn't match that.
You keep your distance and shake your head.
The demon comes closer. "Not wanting to talk?"
"Stay away." You loudly and sternly tell the demon off.
The demon seems to find that pretty funny.
You get ready to yell out loud and glare at the demon.
Then the demon looks scared and walks away.
You huff proudly and look for Beel. Who without your knowledge has seen the demon and glared at him, scaring the demon.
"Is everything alright?" Beel is worried about you.
"Yeah, I'm a strong one after all." You puff your chest.
Beel pats your head. "Definitely."
"Oh, this candle is good, what do you think Beel?" You suddenly see a purple candle.
"Looks perfect, let's get it." Beel smiles and grabs the candle, he is just glad that this didn't affect you at all.
You pay and return to the kitchen.
A lot of cupcakes have been done by now and Mammon has also returned and was promptly put to work, distracting Lucifer.
Belphie passed out but the cake is all ready to be decorated.
You beam at the sight. "It looks great."
"All thanks to your hard work." Beel smiles and starts to prepare for the frosting.
You apply it, creating a very colorful cake in the process.
"What do you think?" Proudly you show the cake to everyone.
"Looks great." Beel approves.
"It's so stylish, I'm jealous." Asmo takes a picture of the cake.
Everyone else also approves.
"Now all that is left is to decorate the room." You start to feel tired but can't wait to see Lucifer's face.
"You can leave that to us." Levi can tell you are getting sleepy and is just trying to help you.
"No, let's go." You wave him off, feeling responsible for the party.
Everyone just sighs.
So you all start to decorate the ballroom, Barbatos helps with this part as well.
It takes a while and your tiredness is getting worse but you are stubborn and push yourself.
The brothers get worried about you and look at each other.
"Hey, can you help me, little one?" Belphie is sitting on the couch.
"What do you need?" Despite being tired, you are eager to help.
"I need a nap, but can't get to sleep so can you help me pass out?" Belphie yawns to support his claim.
You are a bit wary at his request, but you know he needs his rest. "What do I have to do?"
"Just lay here next to me until I pass out." The couch is pretty big so it's not an issue.
You hum a bit, wondering if this is a ploy to get you to rest.
"Pretty please?" Belphie uses his sleepy puppy eyes against you.
He learned well.
"Okay but only for a little bit." You feel a bit reluctant but join Belphie anyway.
"Thank you." Belphie smiles and you pass out next to him before you even know it.
Once you wake up the whole room is decorated and looks very beautiful.
You look at it in awe but then feel disappointed since you didn't do everything on your own.
"Hey, little one." Asmo is the first to notice that you are awake again.
"You did such a great job with this all." Barbatos smiles at you.
"But you did the most." You pout.
"No, you did the most. I mean come on we can't do anything like this without a fight." Mammon sighs.
"Wow, that's surprisingly honest of you Mammon." Satan laughs.
Mammon huffs. "Well anyway, it's time for you to do the most important job anyway."
You light up instantly. "What job is that?"
"Get the birthday boy, of course." Barbatos calmly states. "I will get Lord Diavolo."
"Ah, of course. Get ready everyone, I'll be right back." You basically runoff.
"Be careful when running," Barbatos yells after you, you wave him off.
You dart around the corners to Lucifer's office. Almost crashing into him.
"Hold on right there! What's the big rush, little one?" Lucifer seems confused.
"Papa, you need to come with me right now!" You don't have time to explain and grab his hand.
"Is there an emergency?" Lucifer wonders what the rush is about.
"No, just come." You feel impatient and start to drag him behind you.
"Alright, I'm coming." Lucifer figures that everything will make sense soon and simply follows after you.
You keep dragging him until you reach the ballroom. "Close your eyes."
Lucifer does just that, still feeling very baffled.
You open the door. "Now you can open them."
Lucifer removes his hands and sees the colorful decorations.
"Happy birthday Lucifer." Everyone cheers loudly for him.
Lucifer is pleasantly surprised.
"Did you all prepare this for me?" He is pretty surprised.
"No, it was all the little one." Asmo winks at you.
You don't want to lie though. "We did it all together. My uncles helped me a lot."
"I see, thank you, everyone." Lucifer smiles at everyone.
"Hell froze over for all I know," Satan mumbles lightly.
"Let's cut the cake, I'm hungry." Beels stomach rumbles.
Everyone giggles at this.
Diavolo brings the cake in. "It looks so lovely don't you agree?" He smiles brightly.
"It really does. You did that, didn't you?" Lucifer smiles gently at you.
"I did." You admit shyly.
Lucifer blows the candle out and compliments the cupcakes before having a slice of cake.
"Do you want a slice too little of one?" Lucifer gently asks you.
"But it's your special cake." You want to have some but feel rude about it.
"It is even more special when I share it with the people I love. Diavolo will have a slice as well." Lucifer cuts you a piece.
"Alright, then I will enjoy it." Your eyes sparkle seeing the cake.
Everyone enjoys the party after this.
At some point, you pass out, no wonder after all the work you did.
"Look at that being all peaceful," Diavolo whispers.
"Did you have any idea about this party?" Lucifer wonders about it.
"No, they must've heard that I was too busy to plan anything fancy this year." Diavolo feels a bit bad about that.
"Let's bring them to bed." Lucifer carefully picks you up.
In your sleep, you snuggle close to his chest. Softly snoring.
"Our child has a bright future ahead of them. I wonder what kind of partner they will get when they are older." Diavolo muses quietly while walking beside Lucifer.
"I don't want to hear anything about partners for the next 1000 years." Lucifer sighs.
Diavolo chuckles. "I want to see them happy but I have to agree."
They both place you carefully in your bed. Leaving you to dream about your next great adventure.
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Starting Line
Happy Holidays, @carson-asmo-lover 
This is your Secret Santa gift. I hope you like it!
AU: Asmo is a uni student who just moved into a new apartment unit, Solomon is living next door learning how to bake. Every day, Asmo would smell the sweet aroma of baked goods from his room and in the hallways. One day, after a hectic day from uni, he stops in front of the door trying to guess which baked good is being made for that day. The door opens, cue awkward silence, Solomon invites Asmo into his apartment, and into his life.
There, there it is again. Asmodeus glanced at his wall clock. Right on time: 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The sweet smell of sugar and pastry permeated his room. His next-door neighbour is baking again. He closed his eyes and inhaled, trying to take a guess which pastry his neighbour decided to make today. It has been a good past-time for whenever he found himself bored on some days when he doesn’t have uni classes. Not that he had nothing better to do, he had to catch up on a lot of schoolworks but he isn’t in the mood to do them right now.
He moved in just a few months ago so he could be closer to school, but now that he enjoyed the new-found freedom that is living alone, he realized he missed the constant presence of his brothers. Sure, having his own place meant that Lucifer wasn’t around to nag him when he goes out to party most nights, or if he brings people back to his place for some night escapades (He never did bring someone over though. Maybe he should.) He made a mental note to go home for the weekend if the workload permits.
“Cinnamon rolls,” he finally said, propping up from the couch. The sweet smell of the cinnamon powder that contrasted with the slightly sour cream cheese made Asmo’s mouth water. He groaned. “If you’re gonna make pastries, at least offer some to your neighbours so we don’t get hungry from the smell.”
Now he has no choice but to go down and buy something sweet to satisfy his craving. He put on a peach sweater and wrapped a white scarf around his neck. He stared at his reflection for a moment. His champagne-colored hair was longer on one side, stylishly swept to frame his face. His diamond stud earring reflected light when he turned his face in a certain angle. “Alright, enough. I look stunning, as always.”
He wrinkled his nose at his neighbour’s door when he passed on his way out, the smell of cinnamon is much stronger in the hallway. He hadn’t even met the mysterious baker, given that he’s almost always out to some party when he isn’t in class, it’s strange that they never even once bumped into each other in the lobby or the elevator. He shrugged and went on his way to hunt for some cinnamon rolls.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 Asmo was almost dragging himself back to his condo unit after a hectic morning. He had a 3-hour lecture for Fashion Marketing and he had to pass a 10-page essay on Fashion Theory (which of course, he crammed last night. He even skipped a campus party!) and he’s just about ready to pass out and is determined to take a long nap for the whole afternoon. That would have been a solid plan, except it’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon and the scent of baked sweets wafted from his neighbour’s room and into the hallway.
He stopped on his tracks and inhaled the scent, his brain immediately fell to its routine, trying to discern which ingredients are being used to create what pastry. “Milk, definitely. What else? Eggs? And oh—”
The door suddenly opened. Asmo jerked back in surprise, his hand latched to the strap of his sling bag. He blinked once, twice.
A tall man with silvery-white hair with stunning blue-gray eyes, wearing a black turtleneck with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and white apron, came out of the room carrying a small trash bag. Asmo was never one to be at a loss for words, especially not in front of attractive people, but his tongue refused to make an audible sound.
“Oh, hello. I suppose you’re my neighbour? I believe this is the first time we’re meeting each other?” The man continued, “I’m Solomon.”
Asmo shook off his surprise and cleared his throat. He wore his usual disarming smile and nodded at him. “Asmodeus. I just came back from school, I was just, uh,” he said while gesturing to his unit’s door.
“I see.”
Awkward silence filled the space between and around them. Asmo noticed a faint sprinkle of flour on Solomon’s right cheek, he clamped down the urge to reach in and dust it off.
The fire alarm started beeping causing the two to jolt in surprise. Solomon raced to the trash chute, dumped the trash bag and raced back inside his room to turn off the oven. Asmo stood unmoving to the doorway. He wondered if he should offer help.
Thick smoke came out of the oven when Solomon opened it, he fanned the oven with a mitt. The fire alarm hasn’t stopped beeping so Asmo mindlessly stepped inside and grabbed the nearest flat object (which happened to be a pan of piped cream puff dough) to fan the alarm component on the ceiling. He honestly had no idea what he’s doing. The piped dough from the baking pan fell and scattered on the floor, one even hitting him right on the cheek.
“Oh. It stopped,” he commented, the pan still raised over his head.
Asmo glanced at Solomon who was still kneeling in front of the oven and saw that a bunch of dough pieces is now strewn around the kitchen floor. A solitary piece of dough stuck on the baking sheet finally gave up and dropped on Asmo’s forehead. He blinked slowly, unsure on how to react.
Solomon snorted, obviously trying but miserably failing to hold back a laugh. Asmo flicked away the dough which earned a chuckle from Solomon, which in turn triggered Asmo to burst into laughter.
“Sorry, that was… not funny.” Solomon said in between laughs.
Asmo doubled over. He wiped a tear that escaped his eye from laughing and said, “It kinda was.”
“Listen, why don’t you sit and clean yourself up. I’ll just tidy up for a bit and we could enjoy the successful batch I made earlier. Think of it as a welcoming present.”
Asmo considered it for a moment. Sleep or… this? “Sure.”
Solomon smiled, and started cleaning up the mess.
Asmo pulled out a chair and sat. His rose and gold eyes followed Solomon’s movement. It mesmerized him; the grace in his movements, certain and self-assured. He stared so hard he didn’t even notice that Solomon was already standing in front of him asking something.
He shook his head a tiny bit. “I’m sorry, come again?”
Solomon chuckled. His chuckle sent a shiver down Asmo’s spine.
“I asked if you would like tea or coffee. To pair with the cream puffs.”
“Tea, please. With milk.”
Solomon nodded and proceeded to the kitchen counter to make the tea. Asmo wanted to face palm and cringe. Why is he acting this way?
“So… tell me about yourself,” Solomon said.
Asmo paused. In any other instances, he would’ve already started talking about himself without even needing to be prompted. Why is it that he can’t think of something interesting to tell this guy?
“Why don’t we talk about you first?” Asmo deflected the question.
That earned another smile from the fair-haired man. He brought the cooling rack containing the cream puffs and a tray of tea and cups.
“What do you want to know?”
Everything, Asmo thought. Instead he asked, “What’s your major?”
“Chemistry. You?”
Huh, that surprisingly fits him. “Fashion design. Why are you always baking?”
Solomon sipped his tea. “I promised my little brother Luke I would teach him how to bake. You see, a friend of mine, Barbatos went overseas for a job. He was the one who was supposed to teach Luke. But since he can’t, I decided to give it a go.”
“That’s incredibly nice of you.”
“Thank you. For now I still need to watch videos and study the recipe but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. Well, except for the incident earlier.”
Asmo nodded. The cream puffs looked so good he wanted to pull out his phone and post it on his Instagram but he stopped himself. He reached for one and popped it into his mouth.
The milky taste and the slight crisp of the puff blended well, it tasted divine—Asmo’s thoughts stopped at the same time he stopped chewing. WHAT IS THAT? It’s bitter and spicy and sour, flavor after flavor assaulted his taste buds faster than his brain can process the actual taste of the pastry.
He looked at Solomon, the latter clearly expecting a comment or reaction from him. Good thing he quickly managed his expression. He smiled, the cream puff still stuck on the roof of his mouth.
He was saved by the ringing of Solomon’s phone. When Solomon turned his back to reach for his phone, he quickly spit out the pastry on his handkerchief and stowed it on his bag’s pocket.
Solomon’s eyes widened slightly at him when he saw him gulped down his tea as a desperate attempt to wash out the aftertaste. “You sure are thirsty. More tea?” Solomon offered.
“I am. Yes, please.” Asmo nodded vigorously.
“So, what can you say about the cream puffs? It’s my first time so I can understand if they didn’t turn out perfect.”
That would be the understatement of the year, Asmo thought. He also dreaded the question. To tell or not to tell? “Do you have any more of the strawberry tart you made the other day?”
“How did you know I made some?”
“Please. Everyone on this floor probably knows what you’re baking every day.”
Solomon chuckled and proceeded to get a strawberry tart from his fridge.
Asmo swallowed, bracing himself. Just a small bite. A chaos of flavors.
He placed his palms flat on the table for 10 seconds then rushed to the sink to spit out the tart and gargle water. “What the hell was that?”
Solomon raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean? It tastes normal to me.”
Asmo’s jaw fell when he saw Solomon eating his tart with no problem, enjoying it even. He can’t believe he spent his days craving for sweets his neighbour baked when in reality they taste this atrocious.
“That’s it, Solomon. You’re not allowed to bake anymore,” Asmo said, shaking his head.
“Huh? I thought I was doing fine. I really need to learn though, I can’t disappoint Luke.”
Asmo bit his lip, considering. He sighed. “Fine. You can bake all you want, but never without me. I’ll oversee whatever you’re doing to make sure you never end up making those… those unidentifiable monstrosities again!”
Solomon smiled; in his grey-blue eyes, Asmo saw wonders, and potential, and… a future. “Deal.”
Solomon checked his watch. It’s Friday and Asmo will be coming over in a minute or two. It’s already been more than a month since they started their “baking lessons.” Granted, it’s not every day; it’s only twice a week, thrice when their schedule permits. But would it be a stretch if he admitted to himself that the highlight of his weeks are the days when Asmodeus comes over to watch him work?
A knock interrupted his thoughts. He should just give Asmo a spare key, he thought while walking towards the door.
“You’ll never guess what happened in class today! So see, I crammed a paper again last night so I almost came late for class. Our professor for that class was Professor Simeon, you know? He’s wonderful but can be very strict so I didn’t want to be late and be scolded but then, on the way to the classroom…”
Solomon’s lips tugged at the corner as he watched Asmo lament about his tiring day at school. His strawberry champagne bangs swept stylishly, slightly messed up by the wind. His gold and ruby eyes sparkling along with his words and gestures. Asmo always looked alive to him. No, not the usual alive as in living. Really alive. Maybe that’s what happens when you know to find love in everything.
“Anyway, what are we making today?” Asmo finished, hanging his white coat on the rack near the door.
We. It shouldn’t have sounded as nice as it did. “We,” he said the word with maybe a bit more excitement than warranted, “are making red velvet cake.”
“All right! That’s great. I love red velvet.”
“I already prepared—”
He stopped because of the irritation that flashed in Asmo’s eyes. He bit his lower lip to suppress a smile.
“Throw it out.”
“That would be a waste. At least try out the batter before rejecting it.”
Asmo put both his hands on Solomon’s shoulders and looked at him seriously, emphasizing his words, “Solomon, I know for a fact that you are an amazing and smart chemist, but you’re hopeless in the kitchen.”
Solomon laughed which earned a chuckle from Asmo. “No, no, I didn’t add any suspicious ingredients this time. I swear. I followed the instructions word for word.”
Asmo begrudgingly took a spoon and tasted the batter.
He shrugged. “Surprisingly.”
It was two weeks ago when Asmo finally figured out what he was doing wrong all this time. Solomon had a bad habit of experimenting with ingredients, most likely because of his chemistry experiments. But even after figuring out what’s the problem, Asmo continued supervising his baking. Not that he’s complaining, and not that he would ever ask the arrangement to be over. He would never admit it out loud, but he liked having Asmodeus over.
Solomon started whipping the frosting with a hand mixer while Asmo stayed close to watch him. It took a lot to focus and not glance on his side.
Asmo said, “Hey, you got a little something—”
His eyes met Asmo’s in time as Asmo’s fingers dusted something from his cheek. They stayed frozen in time for a moment; staring at each other, Asmo’s fingers barely grazing Solomon’s cheek.
The moment would’ve lasted longer if the mixer’s whisk attachment hit the side of the bowl in a wrong angle and sprayed both of them with frosting. They blinked at each other before bursting into laughter.
“Kitchen blunders for the nth time,” Solomon joked.
Asmo pulled out his phone and suggested they take a picture, Solomon let Asmo take their “selfie.” After Asmo was satisfied with the pictures, Solomon reached for a paper towel to wipe frosting from Asmo’s usual immaculately beautiful face.
After the cake cooled, Asmo helped design the frosting. He also took pictures to post on his Instagram. Solomon made an account last week just to look at the pictures occasionally. The photo of the cake earned hundreds of likes and comments in minutes. Well, that can’t be helped, Asmo is a popular guy. Solomon would be too if he actually bothered to socialize, but he found it rather exhausting to deal with people he’s not interested in.
“Hey, could you send me our picture from earlier?” Sol said.
“Oh yeah, sure.” Asmo fiddled with his phone. “…And sent.”
“Thank you,” Solomon replied.
They settled down on the table to eat the cake they made and have some tea. They talked about their days and their upcoming exams. Eventually, the sun started setting. Its golden rays streaming from the window, dyeing the room in a soft orange hue.
“I think you’re okay now, Solomon. Remember to just always follow the instructions and don’t add any unnecessary ingredients to whatever you’re cooking or baking, and it’ll turn out fine.”
Solomon raised an eyebrow. He pushed away the idea that Asmo will now stop coming over because they already eliminated the cause of the weird taste (which isn’t actually weird for him).
“It's a force of habit. I’m always curious so I can’t stop myself from experimenting with things.”
“I guess…”
“Why, am I eating up too much of your time?” He asked.
“Of course not. I like spending time with you, Solomon.” Asmo’s cheeks flushed a bit.
Solomon sipped his tea.
Asmo took the small window of silence to change the topic. “Anyway, I got a call from Mammon the other day and guess what? He’s appearing in a mag—”
“Me too,” he interrupted.
“I like spending time with you too.”
Asmo was caught off-guard but eventually smiled. He reached for his bag and pulled out a silver box with a champagne-colored ribbon. “By the way, here.”
Solomon’s brows wrinkled. “What’s this?”
“Happy Birthday, Solomon.”
“How did you—”
Asmo winked at him. “Information comes easily when you have a lot of friends.” Asmo laughed and continued, “Kidding. I’m in the same class as Meph, he works in the registrar’s office as an assistant so I asked him. I had to do him some favours, but eh, it’s worth it.”
“Thank you, Asmo. Really.”
Asmo’s phone beeped, he looked at his notifications. His eyes widened a fraction.
Solomon smiled. He had an idea why Asmo was surprised. He glanced on his own phone, notifications pouring in fast. He clicked on a post, his first one ever.
It’s a photo Asmo took of them earlier. Asmo, lively as always, was throwing a peace sign while winking, his ruby and gold eyes full of wonder; Solomon, his blue-grey eyes a pool of mystery, was smiling a bit, looking at him contentedly. The caption? Best birthday with ‘that special someone.’
His phone chimed, a notification appeared on top of his screen: Asmodeus liked your photo.
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denisn4te · 4 years
Obey Me Zombie Apocalypse AU Part 2- The Undateables
Part 1
Hey guys this part 2 of my Zombie Apocalypse AU and as I said in the 1st part that I would be doing the other characters as well! Again everyone in this AU is a human and this is mainly just for fun so if it isn't great that's okay! At least it was fun doing! Alright that's it for now!
Diavolo is easily a pro at surviving already due to his large structure he can fight pretty well and is definitely very good at hunting!
Sneaking/fleeing skills are a little over decent, but he definitely doesn't know how to do any healing. Luckily, he has Barbatos for that.
He also knew Lucifer before the whole thing began and is the same age (17) as him, but they don't see eachother until later on in the apocalypse.
He was obviously that rich kid and had escaped with his family to a better and stable community where he met and befriended Barbatos.
Probably somehow worked his way up to the top and later on became leader of the community.
I don't really have much else to say about Diavolo other than he knew Lucifer and that he has some pretty good surviving skills! He probably lives in that stable community for a few years until it falls apart and forced to leave.
If he were to ever run into Lucifer again they'd probably meet again cause Lucifer's group found that stable community or after the community fell, they met somewhere else. Probably out in the middle of the woods while hunting or running away from a swarm of the undead! The possibilities are endless!
Diavolo definitely would be one of the people that think settling down in one place is the best option instead of always moving.
He clearly has some really good aim whether it's a gun, bow, crossbow, or even throwing knives, he knows how to use a lot of stuff.
You can't prove me wrong that he is pretty much the ultimate survivor.
His skills are pretty amazing for a 17 year old. He knows how to heal, use weapons, properly scavenge
He met Diavolo in that stable community and just kind of stayed by his side.
Nobody really knows where he learned those skills from and he seems to be alone when it comes to family and friends. When people ask about it he just gives a sly smile with a wink and goes back to what he was doing.
He really quite is a mystery, but what really matters is that he just likes to serve Diavolo and that's pretty much it about him.
Since he knew Asmodeus before everything went down he would have to be around his age which would be 8 years old or something.
He'd probably stay with a group through out the first few years, but leave the group and become a lone survivor once he is older.
If he were to meet the brothers it'd probably be while he was scavenging for supplies in which he would immediately recognize Asmo.
I'd say he has some pretty good skills at least a bit over average. His main weapon would definitely be some type of fancy cane and you can't change my mind. With a small handgun.
His ideas on the staying in one place or keep moving is kinda mixed. Like yeah he'll make a small lil base, but he doesn't stay for too long.
Like Leviathan, he collects mangas that were leftover from buildings that used to be comic stores.
He usually survives well on his own, but if he were to be with other people he'd prefer to keep the group small since he has seen how larger groups can quickly develop problems.
Honestly I can see him surviving well with Asmodeus since in my 1st post I mentioned how Asmodeus would want to leave the group at some point, but wouldn't want to do it alone so he'd definitely leave with Solomon.
I just want them to be happy together you know ú-ù
Simeon & Luke
Long story short, Luke was born during the apocalypse and Simeon just adopted him.
Okay so some context on that, Simeon was a teenager when everything started and separated from the rest of his family causing him to live with a group. The group consisted of a few people including a pregnant woman which he got very close with.
The group kept having constant fighting and eventually broke up. Simeon and his pregnant friend were left alone right before she gave birth to Luke, but sadly she died.
He's his father now and if anyone threatens his son he'll singlehandedly break your ankles despite the fact he doesn't like harming people even zombies.
He's surprisingly a very good father figure to Luke despite being very young. He teaches him the basic survival skills when he grows older.
His skills are decent, but he mostly depends on fleeing and hiding when facing any danger.
Simeon avoids getting into groups. He does appreciate the ones that try to help them, but he just doesn't want to go through that pain of getting attached to people only to lose them.
Probably runs into the group of brothers at some point and quickly judges how Lucifer raised them.
Like he would never trust Luke with any kind of weapon in a million years yet 11 year old Beel and Belphie already know how to load and use guns.
Honestly Simeon and Luke are just vibing together and I would gladly become a mother figure to Luke just to join them. Maybe even get with Simeon in the process because even in the apocalypse he is one 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑒 man.
That is all for now and honestly this was super fun to do! I might even make some art or even a mini comic if I have time! Feel free to add on to this because I would love to hear other people's ideas!
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paulieshore · 5 years
Obey Me / SCM Au Series
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: conflict of interest, triggers, drama
Words 2741
I do not own the rights to these characters, characters belong to:
·         Obey me! Shall we date
·         Star crossed myth - Voltage
 Chapter 8: Find Her!
 The House of Gods
 Karno grabbed Scorpio by the shoulders, shouting “WHERE IS SHE SCORPIO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
Karno who was kind, considerate and calm, furious with Scorpio. Gods one by one, slowly appearing in the common room. Leon was permitted to return in aid of the search, and had to pull Karno off of Scorpio.
(Even though he would have loved watching his vice minister kick his ass)
“She’s not in her room!” Ichthys says
“Nor any of the rooms for that matter...” Dui says with his head down, sad.
Leon clicks his tongue, “Well down Vice Minister Dickhead, you made the goldfish run away. Making more work for all of us.”
“SHUT UP! ARE YOU ANY BETTER!” Scorpio steps towards him.
Zyglavis enters, with a grimace look.
“Scorpio you had one job. Just one today, is it so hard to show even the slightest compassion towards humans. Or have you forgotten you were one, once?” Zyglavis raised voice causes most in the room to stiffen.
Scorpio’s face twisted into one of shock, clicking his tongue. He remains silent, and turns his head down.
“They’re will be punishments for this.” Looking around to everyone in the room “First, we must find the girl. She can’t have gone far!”
All twelve went looking and reconvened back in the common room.
Hue points out, “She wasn’t at her own apartment…” Holding his chin in thought. “We couldn’t even see her in the pools….”
“Do you think those demons have Goldie?” Teorus asks
Zyglavis shakes his head, “No, we would have still seen her in the reflecting pool. Karno, was she at this friend of hers?”
Karno shook his head extremely frustrated, “No, I went to Solomon’s and couldn’t detect Y/N’s presence. He claims, he hasn’t spoken to her recently…”
“This Solomon though is a sorcerer, no? He could be hiding her.” Partheno adds with a look of curiosity.
“But we can see him in the reflecting pool, so we should see her then. Besides, a mere wizard able to hide something from a god.” Krioff speaks out loud his trail of thoughts.
Partheno taps his chin, “Interesting, seems our Goldie is Houdini now too…”
Krioff whispers to Partheno to knock it off, casting pitiful eyes over to Karno.
He looks at Scorpio “I have watched over her, her whole life. If anything happens to her because of you… I will be the one to punish you, regardless of who I am. Hear me well, Scorpio.” then storms out of the room.
Everyone gawks at him, Karno is clearly; emotionally distraught.
“I have an idea” Leon pushing himself off the wall, with a smug smile.
 Human Realm: Solomon’s Apartment
You hid in the bedroom closet for safe measure, Karno had unexpectedly shown up at Solomon’s door.
Well, you had a feeling he would, luckily Solomon’s spell worked. He played it off cool, pretending at first not knowing who Karno was, then pretending to remember
‘oh yes, your Y/N’s friend from the other day, would you like to come in?’. Offered Karno tea and all…
He even said he’d call you infront of him, aiding the act that he hadn’t seen or spoken to you. It was blood pumping, and risky but somehow pulled off.
Solomon was a mystery to you, but at this moment he was your life line.
“Y/N if we’re caught, just know I’m throwing you under the bus for having me lie to a god.“ He says laughing.
Night fell
“Here you can borrow a pair of my pyjamas, why don’t you get some sleep after you shower?” He comes back into the living room and passes you a set of clothes.  
“I’m sorry for troubling you Solomon, I’m indebted. I’ll sleep on the couch if that’s alright.”
“Oh no, no, no. I can’t have a lady sleeping on the couch, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman.” Giving you a coy smile.
After a bit of negotiating with him, you both ended up sharing his bed.
However, you couldn’t sleep; mind racing.
You two slept back to back; but Solomon tossed a lot. He turned over and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
Even more nerve racking.
You were processing today’s events in your mind, guilt creeping in for running off. They weren’t all terrible, just terrible attitudes. You had put up with a lot with the brothers, and yet you couldn’t give the same compromise back to those gods. You tried; you really did… A few of them were just rather difficult.
How you missed how life was before all this.
Suddenly, Solomon started shifting again and threw an arm over you. Pulling you into his shirtless chest.
You don’t remember him going to bed without a shirt on?!?
Nuzzling his nose into your hair and inhaling deeply, “Oh, Y/N… I’ll save you.” He mumbles in his sleep.
Your breathing hitched and your brain blew up at this point….
 The House of Gods
Leon summoned Simeon, obviously Luke trailed along.
“Chief, you summoned us?” Simeon sits down.
Leon’s hands were clamped together, index fingers up and tapping, thinking.
“Sir?” Simeon calls again
“You requested to personally watch over Solomon, yes?”
Luke barks out, “Yes sir, we both did sir.”
Leon’s eyes dart straight to Luke, who stood in terror (not that he’d admit too it).
“You’ve got your wish. I will allow it, under one circumstance…”
“Which is, sir?”
“We’ve run into a little problem. That punishment prick scared off the goldfish.”
“Goldfish, sir?”
Luke and Simeon seemed genuinely surprised by the news.
“This has to stay quiet; we don’t need all of the heavens knowing. One mortal girl managed to evade not one, but twelve gods.”
Simeon “Can you not just view her where abouts in the pool? “
“We’ve been looking, I suspect the girl is hiding under that wizard’s protection. I plan to go myself and sniff her out… I want you to watch who this ‘Solomon’ interacts with.” What Leon doesn’t say out loud, is the fact this wizard is wielding black magic.
Where there is darkness such as that, there’s bound to be sources, evil sources.
Mammon decided to slip out from class, he texted Asmo to meet near the cafeteria. Waiting around hiding, if Lucifer caught him, he’d be strung up!
“Pst, hey!”
Mammon just about squeals like a girl. “Man don’t go sneaking around like that!”
Asmo frowns, “You’re also sneaking around, what do you want?”
“Tell me where Solomon lives.”
Asmo’s eyes widen, “You’re going to see Y/N, aren’t you?!”
“Just tell me quickly before Lucifer figures out that we’re not in class!”
Asmo pouts and shakes his head.
“Give me your phone then!”
“No and no, if you want to see her then you’ll have to just follow me!”
Mammon was momentarily confused, realising his brother’s intent to lead him there.
“Fine, fine, but we better leave, like now!”
The two of them manage to slip out of the school grounds and straight into the city. Asmo didn’t inform Solomon of their plan, wanting to surprise you. So, without his help; they were going to need a witch to help them get to the human world, luckily Mammon knew a few. Taking the main portals would definitely trigger Lucifer in knowing, what they were up too. Leading them to using secretive ones, that was their best option.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, Asmo and Mammon agreed for the first time ever to set aside differences for one common goal. Even if it meant Lucifer was going to kill them both, they kept low profiles; not to be seen.
What they were unaware of, was Crow; in the shadows watching their every move.
 Solomon’s Apartment (Morning)
It was evident on your face you didn’t sleep a wink.
Solomon practically spooned you all night, occasionally whimpering your name. Sometimes he’d cuss Asmo out, or mumble weird chants. When the sun was up and Solomon’s grip loosened, you slipped out of bed.
Outside of Solomon’s apartment was Leon and Karno, dressed in casuals.
“What exactly are we doing Leon?”
“Watching for our very own eyes…”
“I was here yesterday; I couldn’t find traces of her here.”
“Karno, when looking into the pool did you not notice how the images reflecting were foggier than images shown anywhere else?”
Karno thinks for a moment, “Yes, but even you, yourself; know that sometimes the spikes of pollution can cause the pools to dirty.”
“Oh, so it only happens when peering upon his complex then, none of the others seemed to have had the same fog? Think hard Karno, your emotions for the girl are also clouding your divine judgment.”
Karno thinks… Then it hits him. Magic, not any kind of magic either, black magic. He turns his attention back up to Solomon’s balcony.
Not far from Solomon’s, Asmo and Mammon are fleeting closer.
“We almost there?”
“Yup! It’s super early so they may still be sleeping.”
Mammon stops, then Asmo stops, “What’s the matter, don’t you wanna see Y/N? Come on or I’ll leave you.”
“How many bedrooms is Solomon’s apartment?” Mammon asks.
“Hmm, just one. Why?”
Mammon’s face drops and he begins to scramble on ahead.
“Hey wait for me, you don’t even know where you’re going!” Asmo picks up the pace.
Leon and Karno were sitting on a bench across the street, when they heard two voices approaching.
Leon’s eyes squint and he growls low “Well, well…”
Neither of them moved, hoping to go unnoticed. They watched the two demons enter the building and their eyes darted straight up to the balcony.
“Come on man, hurry.” Mammon was pushing Asmo faster.
“Relax, so what if they do anything, oooh maybe we can join them!!” His eyes fill with excitement.
“NO! No one is touching Y/N!”
The elevator ride couldn’t go fast enough. They reached a floor and Asmo trotted on towards one of the doors, knocking on it.
You were brewing a pot of coffee when a knock at the door startled you. You ran to wake Solomon up, who was very moody upon being woken.
He stomped his way to the door and peaked...
“Oh, it’s you, come in”
You heard Solomon welcome someone in, so you quietly tiptoed towards the closet.
When, Mammon came bursting into the room, “Y/N!!!!!!” Scooping you up into a hug.
Everything happened so fast, you were robbed of your breath.
“Mammon, I can’t breathe!!!”
He let go quickly, face beaming red. “S-sorry, I’ll have you know THE Great Mammon doesn’t go out of his w-way to visit just anyone!”
Asmo comes skipping in, “Goooood-morning dear!”
Even though you were exhausted from a sleepless night, seeing these two before gave you a charge of energy. Throwing your arms around both of them, bringing them in for a group hug.
“This is all fine and dandy but, could you guys go love each other in the living room. It 5 am, I’d like to go back to bed for another hour or so.” Solomon’s running his hand through his hair, at his bedroom door.
“YOU better not have done anything funny to Y/N, and where is your shirt?” Mammon looked mortified.
Outside, Leon and Karno were patiently watching.
“I bet she’s in there...” Leon doesn’t even blink, flicking his head towards the building. “I think we’ve waited enough; we should make our move.”
“What exactly are we going to say or do for the matter Leon?”
Leon who stood up, looked back to Karno who seemed to be stalling.
“Don’t tell me your afraid of two pathetic demons and a wizard, MY vice minister?”
Karno shakes his head and stands up, “No, she’s clearly upset. Both you and Scorpio have played a part to this.” Stating it bluntly. “She won’t want to see you, and she definitely won’t leave with you. She doesn’t handle forced situations well. Trust me, I know her and her temper.”
Leon looks at Karno angrily. Women loved Leon, but this little goldfish was something else.
School finished; the brothers were called into the dining hall of the home. Lucifer had been pondering over the thought of seeing you, even if it was from a safe distance.
Everyone assembled into the hall, except for two.
“Where’s Mammon and Asmodeus?” Lucifer asks the others.
Nobody seemed to know, after a quick phone call to a few of the professors it becomes clear where they were.
Lucifer was angry, not because they did exactly what he planned to do. He was angry they didn’t include them into their little scheme, without thinking through the consequences.
 Solomon’s Apartment
You made tea for the boys, and set a timer on the pot of coffee for Solomon.
“Wow Y/N, you’d make a great house wife ya know!” Asmo admires
“It’s just tea and coffee” You shrug your shoulders, not thinking too much on his commentary.
A Knock at the Door
You whip around and whisper to the boys, ‘did you invite others?’ They look at each other and shake their heads. Solomon comes out at this point, unable to sleep due to how loud the demon visitors were.
He signals you to go to the room before doing so, and walks to the door. He peaks through the peep hole…
No one.
“How very strange…”
“Why don’t you open the door and check” Asmo stands up and skips over, with curiosity.
Solomon shakes his head “that would allow entry, my home is safe guarded for reasons.” Giving Asmo the ‘you should know better look’.
Another knock sounding louder than the first
This time it’s coming from the room you’re in, remembering Solomon stated he didn’t have neighbours. You start doing circles on the spot, taking in everything around. Noticing around the windows, a black mist like substance swirling. It didn’t look like dust caught in the breeze; it was like it was seeping from the cracks around the frames. The room begins to feel chillier than it was moments ago.
“Hey, Solomon what’s that?” You call to him, panic in your voice.
Solomon, Mammon and Asmo rush in.
“It seems you boys were indeed followed” Solomon’s face darkens “We’ve got company”
Leon and Karno were still discussing how to go about approaching, when Leon catches from the corner of his eye your head bop up near the window; then other heads too.
“Gotcha” He squints and smiles, his smile drops when both him and Karno notice.
Black swirling mist starts surrounded the building, darkening in the area of one suite, the suite you’re in.
“We need to move, now!”
“Y/N get behind me” Mammon grabs your arm and pulls you.
Solomon begins chanting something, but soon drops to his knees; choking.
“SOLOMON!” you all yell in unison.
A very eerie voice carries throughout the room.
“We’ve been looking in all the wrong areas, found you former goddess!”
Skin begins to crawl, the room dropping to freezing temperatures. Asmo and Mammon both take forms, Asmo picking Solomon up who fell unconscious to the floor.
“Hey- that voice!?” Mammon points out.
A figure then begins to appear from the floor, eyes tearing into you, this feeling; a familiar one. You knew instantly who ‘this one’ served. A body starts to emerge from the swirling mist in the floor, long hair and a black marking on his cheek. Your head started to thump in pain, the more he took form.
“We need to leave now!” Mammon starts pulling you away from your trance.
“No-one’s going anywhere!!!” Crow screeches, the walls cover in black ice, sealing off any attempts to escape.
Asmo and Mammon prepared for assault, the only way out was going to be a forced way out.
As they readied, two more figures appear with a *SNAP* blocking their way.
“You again!” Mammon shouts
Karno doesn’t turn, but shouts, “TAKE HER AND LEAVE!”
Snapping his fingers, lights fly through the air, by your heads. Shattering the ice blockading the door, Asmo and Mammon don’t wait a minute before they rush with great speed. Taking you and Solomon from the apartment, leaving Leon and Karno to deal with him.
  To be Continued
  Thank you to everyone that reads this series, and for your patience!
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mwah xxx
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