#also if anyone would prefer not to be tagged in the future please tell me! ^^"
mybelovedwoo · 11 months
Boyfriend hongjoong or mingi PLEASE?
Thank u so much for your request! I will do Hongjoong now as he was the first one you wrote, but I will do Mingi in the future too!!
kim hongjoong as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.8k
an: you can request headcanons if you want to (please only headcanons)!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-the always admires you from far away type of boyfriend
-like he always has such heart eyes for you whenever you go somewhere together, you are talking about something in a group setting, he always listens to your every word carefully, he never disappoints you, or he sees how good you're getting along with his members, he smiles at you with that lovesick smile of his
-but sometimes he can get a little jealous too, we know he's an extreme scorpio, like is anyone surprised honestly?
-probably spends most of his time at the studio, but doesn't mind when you accompany him, indeed loves it, he can get a little distracted with your presence sometimes tho
-you always feel so special, because you're the first person to hear some songs of his, in return, you always try to encourage him and tell him how amazing of a producer and songwriter he is (it's not a lie)
-after he is done working in the studio, he usually takes you out for dinner, refuses you to pay for anything, and gets mad when you tell him that you want to pay this time
-you would think he is not much of a fan of physical affection, but it's so different with you, the only place he wouldn't give you that much of it is in public places and in front of his friends and family
-he would hold your hands wherever you go, occasionally he raises yours to his mouth and gives it a quick peck, so you can feel his love even when you're in public
-you wouldn't know this, but he likes to brag about you, telling his friends how wonderful his significant other is
-very protective of you, because he thinks you are his treasure. he would dead-stare everyone who would even look at your way
-would think about your future together, and moving in with you the first month of dating, but would never actually tell you, because he doesn't want to scare you off or something
-his biggest fear is that he can't show you how much he loves you. if he can see any doubt or insecurity, he will reassure you with the most meaningful words and wouldn't ever leave your side in a moment like this
-you two often joke around with "being mean" to each other. it's just you guys' thing. he is definitely into it when you are being mean to him
-always asks you to paint his nails, and he always does the same for you. picking out the colors for each other. also picks out the other's outfit just for fun, but ends up changing the whole thing because it "wasn't him"
-the type of boyfriend that would give you his jacket, saying he isn't cold, but would actually be freezing
-he brings you home little gifts from everywhere he goes around the world, saying "I had to buy it, it reminded me of you baby"
-would stare straight into your eyes before he kisses you, holds your face with one hand at your jaw. also the first thing he does is kiss you every time you two wake up together in the morning, he thinks it's really important and the best way to start the day
nsfw +18!!!
-okay hear me out he is a very emotional lover and sometimes he can get carried away by his feelings, but he is definitely a dom in the bedroom, not a hard dom, but not a soft dom (you know what I mean)
-he prefers intense sex, where can get everything out of his head, and the bedroom is the safest place for him to share it with the person he loves the most, he desires passion and intimacy
-doesn't mind trying out new things, as long as you are okay with it too, very open and adventurous
-his biggest turn-on is direct eye contact I'm telling you, this boy is a sucker for it. he loves how he can see every emotion on your face, it is very intimate and vulnerable for him 
-biggest turn off probably power play, he just doesn't like it when somebody is trying to control him, and probably everything that involves pain
-i feel like hongjoong would be very vocal in bed, sometimes having full-on conversations with you, and also even dirty talk, but only in a loving way, he would never be mean to you in such a vulnerable moment
-this man's sex drive is high af, you would have sex at least four times a week, but it's probably more than that, to be honest, literally doing it in every part of the house, in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, on the floor, literally everywhere
-so for positions, i think he would love a classic missionary where he can keep that eye contact but would love a good flatiron where he is doing you from behind but still stays close to you, also one of his favorites would be just scooping you up from behind, just cuddling up and kissing your face all over
-he would get all sleepy after sex, so he forgets aftercare sometimes, he just falls asleep with you in his arms (who would blame this man, he works too hard)
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saikolikes · 7 months
Aki’s P5R  fanfic recs! (part 2)
Hi and welcome to another one of my recs posts! As you can see, this is part two: part one of this post can be found HERE and includes fics I bookmarked between April 2019 and December 2020. This second post will deal with everything I bookmarked during 2021 and 2022 (... so yes, part 3 is bound to happen some times in the future)
Here a brief disclaimer:
Everything in here is spoiler for either P5 vanilla, Royal, or Strikers;
I won’t report the tags, as it would take too long, so if you’re interested in a fic, please open the link;
Fic recs obviously reflect my tastes and preferences. For example, I love suffering and I don’t like fluff or domestic works, so browse this list knowing that;
The stark majority of the works here is shuakeshu
If you want more recs you can find them in my bookmarks, most of them are public!
MY ONGOING RECS Again, I don't read a lot of ongoing works (although, admittedly more than in the past) and these are the ones I'm subscribed to that I'm adoring!
The Lovers, Reversed by salexectria, Terra5 (E) | Royalty a/b/o AU | akeshu | series in three parts, ongoing "A Thief is caught stealing from the Northern King, and is sentenced to death for his crimes. The Alpha Prince intervenes, but at what cost to them both?" What I love about this AU is the amount of politics and worldbuilding put into it, as well as the uniqueness of double povs who constantly switch from Akira to Goro creating one back and forth that acts literally like poking into their minds. Plus the slow burn and the pining are just on point.
never die when I'm dead by threerings (E) | Royal & post-Royal | akeshu | series in 2 parts, ongoing Two one shots featuring one of my absolute flavors of this ship: sad, intense and unhinged
IDC FOR UPDATES I resolved to defeat my abandoned-wip trauma one excellent fic at a time so here's a list of works that haven't been updated in a while or the author straight up confirmed they won't keep writing them, but they are so good you just have to read them and let them remodel you. Do it. Do it now.
the year of the knife by theexistentiallyqueer (M) | No powers AU | shuakeshu | 2 chapters "The plan for Akira's junior year of high school was to keep his head down and his nose clean, but he hadn't counted on his new high school having more trouble than it was worth--and he specifically didn't plan on Akechi Goro, the haughty, machiavellian vice president of Shujin Academy's student council, dragging him face-first into political scandal and a series of encounters that would change his life." Please let teq bring you through a journey of spot-on characterization and stunning prose that will rewire your brain chemistry completely. Their take on machiavellian Akechi is really good, and the snark Akira spits in this fic is really something I cherish.
kiss & cry by MajorGodComplex (T) | Figure skating AU | shuakeshu | 2 chapters "Goro’s first thought when he hits the ground is some combination of the words ‘shit fuck hell fucking bullshit bitch fuck motherfucking hell.’ His next thought is wondering whether Akira Kurusu, senior debut, constant thorn in Goro’s side, and the only person anyone this season seems to talk about, is also trying to land a quad axel at the moment." I don't know what to tell you, the prose of this one is so witty and funny you just have to read what's published of it as of now!
honeybrains by succubused (T) | Time loop | shuakeshu | 4 chapters "a chronicle of the twenty-fourth time akira kurusu lived through the month of january 2017" What can I say, I am really a sucker for time loops and this fic took me by the heart. Tagged as character study and with rights because the characterization here is very interesting!
in the snow globe by aminami (E) | Time travel | shuake | 1 chapter "It’s your heart,” Joker says like it’s the most obvious thing. “Your desires, your hopes, your fears. I’ll carry them with me always. My little snow globe." This fic will hurt you so badly but it will be so worth it, I swear. It's just so melancholic and tender and angsty and it carved a place in my heart.
my love has never lived indoors by rhodophytae (E) | a/b/o | shuake | 1 chapter "Ren Amamiya knows he's an alpha, and he's comfortable with that, but he's pretty sure that being an alpha is, well...different for him than it is for other people. He resigned himself a long time ago to the fact that he'd probably go his whole life without finding anyone else like him. And then he meets Goro Akechi." This fic has such an interesting take on omegaverse! Paired with a stellar characterization and delicious pining, it's no surprise it's a fic I will never forget.
GENERAL RECS The fics I’ve enjoyed the most and that I go back to reading sometimes.
how joker and crow survived the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 by shntlvs (T) | Royal | shuakeshu | series of 2 works "Escaping from Maruki's false reality gets interrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic." Could you have ever imagined reading a fic centered around the pandemic? Me neither, but this one and its sequel work so well and have very compelling bits of characterization for the boys. Unexpected premise, but I utterly loved it.
straw house, straw dog by caelam (T) | 3rd sem | gen | one shot "In the saccharine utopia of Maruki’s reality, Goro Akechi’s mother is still alive." I admittedly don't read too many fics with mamakechi so I won't claim to be an expert, but this one really left me impressed with how clear and tangible the tangle of feelings is.
Knight of Pentacles, King of Spades by Naometry (M) | Medieval AU | shuakeshu | 11 chapters "“Hifumi passed on your greetings,” Akira Kurusu says, fury simmering beneath his conversational tone. “And I’m polite enough to give you my own in person. So greetings, General Goro Akechi. I am the man who will kill you.”" I started reading this fic for the war captive trope but this story has so much more to it than just that. Nao's superb skill with writing violence and viciousness will have you thrust into a cruel world where two boys seem to be bound to kill each other... unless?
Ripples by Riona (T) | gen | canon compliant | one shot "Ten people know exactly who the news is talking about, and now they’re going to have to deal with that." A peek into the heads of 10 of Joker's confidants upon learning about his death. The fic I would never imagined myself reading, but I did because it was recced to me, and now I'm recc'ing it to you, too.
When Your Eyes Meet Mine by seths_dream (E) | no powers AU | shuake | one shot "The way the bellboy lingered on him made his heart jolt, made him think that maybe, maybe the bellboy was looking at Goro the same way Goro was looking at him." I've lost count of how many times I read this fic because the horny is just so juicy, it's unironically one of the fics I come back to when I need to remind myself how to write horny stuff. (the same author also wrote this delicious pegoryu that you have to read)
a study in what not to say by succubused (T) | 3rd sem | shuake | one shot "Akira has finally had enough of Akechi's bullshit; they resolve it the only ways they know how." If you like the boys being really nasty to each other, this fic is a must. It has excellent dialogue, dynamics, and a tad of homoerotic wound tending which can't hurt no one!
MY ALL-TIME FAVOURITES The fics that rewired my brain chemistry, took my heart out, slapped it, put it back, and left me a whole new person.
27 steps to seduce a crow by relationshipcrimes (G) | Royal | shuakeshu | one shot "A handy bullet-pointed list on how to flirt with, seduce, and keep your local Akechi Goro." Still to this day, I think of this fic in terms of Goro's characterization. If I have a thing for post-canon shuake chasing each other, it's probably due to this one.
The Brigverse by TzviaAriella (E but most works are M) | Pirates AU | akeshuake | series, ongoing I admittedly don't care that much about pirates but the og fic from this series (A Brig Too Far) was being passed on so much that I gave it a try and. Oh boy. Not only is the characterization impeccable, the story compelling, and the action thrilling, but at least one scene and/or line from each work in this series has altered my brain permanently. I am a new person after reading Brigverse.
wild and free by bangandawhimper (E) | a/b/o | shuakeshu | one shot "Akira Kurusu hasn’t always been an omega. But now everyone he meets in this city assumes he’s an omega. He’s treated like an omega. He feels like an omega. He knows he feels like an omega because he remembers what it was to be an alpha." This work might have my favourite take ever on shuakeshu omegaverse, it's so fitting for them, so thought out, and the characterization is so on point... my god. Read this fic now.
The Diamond Chest by kinneas (E) | post-Royal | shuakeshu | 3 chapters, complete "Who says you have to see Morgana speak in the Metaverse before you can hear him in the real world? Not the few hundred officers who arrested Ren in Sae’s Palace two years ago, that’s for sure." Honestly everything kinnes writes is gold but I'm shouting this fic out because I reread more than a few scenes from this fic more than once, and it's a 100k-words baby. I am a sucker for heist stories, I am a sucker for dealing with trauma in very tangible ways, and I'm a sucker for kinneas' characterization of the boys.
before midnight by specterthief (Not rated) | 3rd sem, canon compliant | gen | one shot "“I—” Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Sumire sets down her chopsticks and rubs her face with both hands. “Um—who told you I was going to training camp?” (On January 9th, Sumire goes home.)" This is the stellar Sumire characterization fic you're looking for. Read this. Read this right now.
I HOPE THIS DOESN'T AWAKEN SOMETHING IN ME (DELUSIONAL) I clicked on these fics solely due to my trust in the authors/the summary/one rec and now I find myself with a new kink. Thanks.
Containment Breach by salexectria (E) | Space pirates AU | akeshu | one shot Akira gets stranded on an abandoned spaceship seemingly infested by a terrifying creature. He finds the lonely survivor of the crew and they begrudgingly start to work together to contact help and survive. I am just going to say that I clicked for salex's name, I stayed for the stellar characterization, pining and top-tier bantering, and got overwhelmed by the tentacle sex. (/pos)
it takes two by lumensd (E) | 3rd sem | akeshu | two-shots By all means, this series has some things I usually am not interested in (phone sex, degradation) but Jay is so skilled and his akeshus are so fucked in the head that now I've signed up for the masochist Joker agenda. Hurray!
i dream of you draped in wires by rime (E) | 3rd sem | akeshu | one shot "Maruki's Shadows don't want to fight; they just want to collect data. Wait, are those cat ears?" You would think a work with the tag "catboy shibari gunplay fuckordie" can't be too serious. Wrong! Excellent character study attack 🔪🔪🔪 (from the same author there's also this P5 vanilla fic that is excellent)
Darken my doorway by EnlacingLines (E) | 3rd sem-post canon | akeshu | one shot ""I don’t need to test my theory. You should be thanking me, really. Opening this door for you.” “A door to what?” Akira says, exasperated by just how self congratulatory Goro still sounds.“ Submission.” Or: I am a firm switch shuake shipper, I don't vibe with too-extreme dynamics *proceeds to go ballistics over this fic regardless*, *awakens to the wonder of d/s a lil fucked up dynamics*
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 3 months
H O N K H O N K !! :o)
ladies and gentlemen, prepare to knock your fat craniums to this brand fabulous new BLOG !! 🃏 𖤐⊹₊ 🎪⋆
🌈👾✧˖°(≧ヮ≦) 💕ִ ࣪𖤐₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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___ ★₊˚﹟🪐'
:33 < welclawme nyall !! ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr !!
:33 < this is a re-entry/re-introduction/blah blah blah whatever to my blog xoP 🩻
:33 < (heres a supurr cool link to my introduction :o00 https://www.tumblr.com/aftonsparv-bugzz/743871612061990913/tag-guide )٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
:33 < heres some info on what i'll be doing on this blog !1!1! ⋆˚🐾˖°
:33 < youcan request many things !! such as:
sprite/character edits !!
pannel edits !!
dni banners/just any banners in general !! (re opened !!)
emojis !! (for discord n stuff :3 )
non scibal emojis and agere/petre things !!
flag requests !! (though im not great at them)
user boxes !! (re opened !!)
ship edits !! (any ship, so long as it dosent go against the dni (dni is in pinned intro post))
stimboards/fashionboards !! (if you have certain wants/prices, please tell me !! also these might take a little slower (fashionboards now closed !!)) (can do, but it'll be like this !!)
moodboards/playlists !! (certain songs/themes wanted, please do tell me !! these also might take a little longer !!) (playlists closed !!)
source calls/kinfeshions !! (please be nice and not rude though !!)
making icons !! (lgbtqia2s+ + character icons, fictive icons, therian/kin/alterhuman in general icons, ect)
:33 < ect ect !! (≧ᗜ≦)
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☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆
B33 < please do be respectful and specific when requesting things though !! ¯\(º_o)/¯ please do not harass anyone who requests things if they arent using anon !! iwill not stand for it on my page. ido not tolerate it. please just block them and move on if they make you uncomfortable.
B33 < also, keep in mind this blog only has 1 mod !! requests may take longer to complete ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) (╥﹏╥)
:33 < ido prefer getting requests related to my interests/things iknow well (see pinned post) but idont generally mind !! ^_^ 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ (also, even though this is a pretty homestuck based blog, you can request non homestuck related things and non homestucks can interact !! it isnt only a homestuck blog, its just mainly homestuck because im currently obsessed with it :33)
:33 < this is a pretty messy blog so you'll be seeing things of everything everywhere on this blog but yea !!1! :33
★🎸🎧⋆。°⋆ ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆
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𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆
:33 < on that note, here are some things iwont do :o[
pendulum swings. no clue how to do them
recipies (no idea how to make one)
skincare/selfcare (again, no idea how to make them
prooshuip/comship ectect
sexual things (im a minor. kissing, hugging, ect is fine, but anything slightly sexual that makes me uncomfortable will be rejected)
and anything not mentioned
(also anything involving discourse !! ido not want to be invol with it !! (<_<") and anything agaisnt my dni/anyone who goes against my dni iwill not do things for :o( and by the way, if youdont want me to tag something as something, please tell me !! otherwise i'll probably tag it wrong (<_<"))
B33 < this might change in the future, but for now, iwont do them :o(( ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ
:33 < thankziez furr reading all of this !1!! :o3
B33 < oh yea also i take art requests ^_^
:33 < byebye !! ^_^ 🌊✮ ⋆ 🦈。 * ⋆。
✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊
⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆��
B33 < (purromo purrlease anytroll ? would be quite helpfurrl x33 /nf ⭒-.⋆🪼⋆.-⭒)
» [wHeN iM cLoWnInG - icp :o))] «
0:37 ─〇───── 3:30
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
:33 < dividers: first, second, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (sorta messed up the numbers but yea) tumblr is being annoying and not letting me add alt text im sorry (if the description is bad, ido apologise
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missmaywemeetagain · 1 year
Broken Glass (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x OC Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis Presley - Elvis (2022)
Read More Here - Broken Glass Masterlist! (Coming Soon)
Prompt: You are Dolores Cannava, a young Italian-American nurse desperate to make her own way in the world and break free of her dysfunctional mafia-connected family and traumatic past. Elvis Presley is just returning home from his two-year stint in the Army, looking more handsome than ever, but feeling the pressure to successfully find his way back to the stratospheric career he was forced to leave behind. In a twisted turn of fate, Elvis finds himself in the hospital where your paths cross. Forced to harbor his potentially career-ending secret and needing to escape a terrifying future in New York, you are pulled into his unusual world and must endure a begrudging fake relationship with Elvis in order to protect his reputation (and his life). 
TW: Hospitals, illness, allusions to abuse. Some historical inaccuracies.
Tags: Fake relationship. Slow burn. Angst. (Sort of) enemies to lovers.
Rating: PG (ish?) (but this story will eventually be Mature/NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)   ||     Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: It’s good to be back, my lil’ darlin’s! I’ve missed y’all! Broken Glass has a decidedly different feel than Pink Scarf, and I really hope that you enjoy it. This will be more of a slow burn and not quite as smut heavy as PS, but we’ll get there eventually! The original character of Dolores can also be read as Reader, but her back story needed to be pretty specific so I decided to go the OC route. I’m excited to dive into some of my favorite tropes with this one, and hopefully I can do them justice.
Delicious 1960 Post-Army E has me in almost as much of a chokehold as ’69 E, so it was only right that I give him the attention he deserves! 
As always, I love and live for your reactions, comments, asks, and reblogs, so thank you in advance for both reading and giving another one of my stories a chance! 
I imagined it with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat.
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch.
I’ve used the tag list from Pink Scarf, so please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Story is cross-posted to my Wattpad and AO3, if you prefer those reading experiences! 
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Bellevue Hospital
New York City, New York
March 1960
“Nurse Cannava!”
The shrill call of Charge Nurse Irma Hunt grates on your nerves like nails on a chalkboard, but you don’t dare show it on your face. Instead, you take a deep breath through your nose and hurry over to the severe woman.
“Yes, Nurse Hunt?” you say as evenly as possible. You’ve only been an official Registered Nurse for a few months and cannot afford to make a wrong step with this drill sergeant of a woman. You’d rather be extra deferential and placating than looking for a new job, no matter how much you want to run in the opposite direction any time she calls your name.
She looks at you critically, peering down over her glasses with her sharp stare. “Nurse Calhoun was pulled away to surgery before she was able to finish her other duties. I need you to change the sheets for our VIP patient while he’s upstairs for x-rays. I need you to be quick. In and out, no funny business, you understand me?”
“Of course, Nurse Hunt,” you nod frantically. It’s the middle of the night, so it is strange for the patient to be doing tests at this hour. Though if they are trying to keep his identity under wraps, it makes sense that they would choose an hour where less people were involved.
“And absolutely no telling anyone about our patient. We must uphold the strictest confidentiality, now more than ever,” she adds with a glare.
The threat is clear:
Don’t mess this up.
“I understand.” Curiosity of who it could be itches at the edge of your mind, wondering about this VIP that has the woman in more of a harsh mood than usual.
Maybe it’s Ricky Nelson or Mario Lanza or Marlon Brando, your mind titters, but it’s probably just some stuffy politician. You figure it’s better to have low expectations and be pleasantly surprised than to have high ones and be disappointed.
Ever the realist.
Regardless of who might be, you don’t have time for silly schoolgirl fantasies. There is a job to do, and you best be getting to it before getting into trouble.
You scurry away to gather fresh linens, then make your way back to one of the few private rooms on the floor. Most patients are relegated to the open wards here in Manhattan’s biggest hospital, but there are special cases, such as this, it seems, where a more private setting is needed.
There’s a large man at the door, keeping watch, and he looks you up and down with narrowed eyes longer than you’d like, sending a chill into your gut. But this is nothing new. You hold your ground, straightening your spine and lifting your chin.
“Nurse Hunt asked me to change the sheets,” you say, clipped. He smiles, as if in on a joke you’re not privy to, then opens the door.
At 20, you are the youngest nurse on the ward. People, especially men, tend to underestimate you, but you have something to prove and no time for nonsense. Graduating high school early, you were thrilled to be accepted to Bellevue School of Nursing, one of the best programs in the country. The four-year experience had been grueling, but since you had to live in the dormitory, it got you out of the house and away from your damned father and his cronies.
In the process, you discovered that helping people truly is your calling. So, while young, you are good at your job and take it seriously.
This is why you hurry in and start stripping the bed as quickly as possible. As curious as you are as to who this mysterious man might be, getting the job done is much more important than snooping around the room.
You tug and pull the sheets as taut as possible, perfect hospital corners making the bed crisp and neat. Your attention to detail and cleanliness are a sense of pride, so spending a little more time than necessary making sure the bed is perfect is worth it. The intention isn’t to linger, but if this VIP is as important as everyone is making him out to be, you want to make sure everything is done right.
Finally, after inspection, you gather up the dirty sheets and make your way around the bed, just as the door opens to the room.
Damn. You weren’t fast enough.
Your gaze cannot help but drop to the man in the wheelchair. A bandage is stuck at the edge of his thick chestnut locks. Although he is obviously ill, his sapphire eyes rimmed with dark circles and his pallor pale, there is absolutely no mistaking who the VIP is.
America’s biggest rebel-turned-G.I., the one and only Elvis Presley.
You are not a fan, but your heart unwillingly kerthunks against your ribcage anyway because he’s still one of the most famous men on the planet, and you are shocked at how pictures barely do the man justice.
Dear lord, even sick, he is wildly gorgeous in person, you catch yourself thinking. His essence seems to fill the room, pushing all the oxygen out, because suddenly you can’t catch your breath. Suddenly, you understand why millions of ladies fall faint at his feet.
Surprised to see someone in his room, his eyes rake up your body from your toes to your little white nurse’s cap. You hold back a shiver as those famous bedroom eyes finally land on yours.
“Well, hello there, little bird.”
Little bird? You know you shouldn’t let it bother you, but the pet name rankles you in its familiarity. You’ve been called all manner of things by all manner of men, both in and out of this hospital, but this is a new one, and though certainly not the worst, it bothers you all the same. Perhaps it’s because he acts as though he is owed this familiarity and expects you to be grateful for it.
His lilting Southern drawl is creaky and hoarse from illness, making him a little less mystical, which allows you to quickly recover your wits. Trying not to show annoyance on your face, you straighten your posture while moving aside to let the orderly push Elvis into the room and help him onto the bed.
“Goodnight, sir,” you say politely, as pissing off this VIP will do you no favors, but your eyes harden at the way his gaze openly lingers on you. You attempt to skirt around him as quickly as possible, but the room, though private, is not large, and the wheelchair and the two men take up much of the space.
“Hey, little bird, wait!” he calls out before you even reach the door.
Stopping in your tracks, your infernal heart continues to pound in your ears. All you want is to get out of this suffocating room, but you inhale and turn around instead. The orderly gives a wink before sliding out of the room behind you. You resist the urge to huff.
“It’s Nurse Cannava, sir,” you say firmly, trying to take the edge out of your voice, albeit unsuccessfully. “Is there something I can help you with?”
That sly, signature grin spreads almost bashfully across his face and if you weren’t so perturbed by the suggestiveness of it, you might keel over from its brilliance filling the small space.
“Call me Elvis, little birdy,” he drawls, blatantly ignoring using your given name, as requested. “Could ya be so kind as to get me some water? Please?” he asks kindly, which is far more than you expect.
“Yes, certainly, sir,” you reply, equally ignoring his request to call him Elvis. You turn on your heel and escape as quickly as possible before he can ask any more of you.
A breath shudders through you once you’re out in the hallway. You hadn’t realized you were holding it. You are as bothered by this reaction as by the fact that you must get this man water and go back in there without showing him that you are in any way affected by the fact that he’s Elvis Presley or that his behavior has you decidedly on edge.
He’s a patient, you remind myself silently, and this is part of my job. A job I desperately need to keep if I want to get out of that nightmare of a house...
This thought steadies you more than anything. You’ll do almost anything to be in a position to permanently leave home and to do so without having to marry that mook Gianni. And hell, you’ve dealt with much worse in terms of patient behavior. Getting Elvis water is objectively the easiest thing you’ve had to do all shift.
You can’t seem to help straightening your starched white apron before taking a deep breath and marching back into the room, pitcher of water and a glass in hand.
“Here you are, sir,” you say, trying not to sound terse, trying not to look directly at him. It’s almost like the feeling that you shouldn’t be looking at the sun, yet your eyes want to do it anyway. Even without looking at him, you can sense his heavy gaze lingering over you. You blush involuntarily, the blooming warmth a betrayal of your modesty. In response, you place the pitcher and water down on the table near him and turn to flee as quickly as possible without making it seem like that’s what you are doing.
“Hey, now, little bird,” Elvis says, catching the hem of your skirt, halting your exit. “Why ya tryin’ to fly away so fast?”
“Oh Madone,” you mumble under your breath, your Italian heritage making an appearance as you roll your eyes to the heavens before turning back around and pulling the fabric from his long fingers. Heat washes over you in an angry wave, turning your blush a deeper shade of red.
“I have other patients to tend to, sir.” It’s not a lie but sure feels like one with the strained way it falls off your tongue. Your lips press into a thin line of a smile, desperately trying not to glare at him but catching his eyes with your unamused ones all the same.
“Elvis,” he corrects me, maddingly, that smirk playing on his lips, a playfulness in his glassy, feverish eyes. “And I was just wonderin’ if ya could pour me a cup, since it’s all the way over d’ere?”
The water is on the table right next to the bed, and he certainly looks able to pour it himself, and you both know it, but he just smiles, playing this infuriating game, wasting your time.
Finally, you sigh and relent. It’ll be faster to just do it than to try an argue about it. He’s a patient, after all.
You still feel his eyes on you as you turn sideways and dutifully pour the water out. His presence, especially when focused on you alone, feels incredibly overwhelming, mixing a healthy dose of trepidation in with your irritation. You keep your face as neutral as possible and hand over the glass.
What you don’t expect is for him to touch you, his fingers circling over yours, blazing hot from the fever he looks to have. You loathe the way your heart flips in your chest when he looks up at you through impossibly long, feathering lashes, those gemstone eyes of his expressive beyond imagining and conveying more than just playfulness.
“Thank you, little bird,” he whispers. The sound swirls up your spine, breaking through your annoyance just enough to see the blithe, handsome boyishness of him. It promises an unfamiliar temptation, one you’ve seen only in movies and never willingly and truthfully experienced for yourself. Your mouth goes bone dry.
He is dangerous, you think, but not because you are afraid of him in a physical sense (and lord knows you’ve feared too many men already in your short lifetime). No, his is a danger of an entirely different sort. He makes you want to trust him, and in your experience, men are never, ever to be trusted.
“Nurse Cannava! What are you doing in here?” Nurse Hunt’s shrill admonishment startles you out of the hypnotizing stare of the teen idol, causing you to jump back as though he was on fire. You let go of the glass, slipping your hands out of his, but he does the same, and the glass spills water all over the newly changed sheets before tumbling to the floor where it shatters with a crash.
The tinkling of the glass explodes in your head, and a latent and all-too-familiar fear associated with the sound freezes you to the spot. Try as you might, you cannot stop the involuntary trembling that rushes through your limbs. Air attempts to fill your lungs, but the breaths are too short and shallow to do any good. The wave of panic threatens to undo you, right here, in front of both your superior and the most famous man in the world.
It's just broken glass. I’m safe. I’m at work. He can’t hurt me here. The mantra plays in your head over and over as you clasp your shaking hands in front of you, trying to pull yourself together before anyone notices anything amiss.
“I told you to be quick and quiet, not go around cavorting with our patient!” Hunt hisses harshly, glowering, but it snaps you out of the trance-like state that has overtaken you.
Now, instead of fearing things that cannot hurt you here, you are suddenly afraid for your job. Nurse Hunt is a terrifying and formidable leader and being on her bad side means a world of hurt going forward. Your heart feels like a hummingbird’s, fueled by anger, embarrassment, and lingering panic. You resist the urge to give Elvis a scathing look, knowing it will likely just result in more trouble. Instead, you quickly raise your eyes and catch a strangely curious yet concerned look from the man.
“I-I’m s-so sorry, Head Nurse,” you finally stammer out, realizing she is waiting for you to say something. “I’ll clean that up right away.” You start for the bed but are stopped by the crunching glass beneath your practical white nurse’s shoes.
“Ma’am?” Elvis croaks out suddenly, gently, capturing the older woman’s attention. “I’m sorry ma’am, I don’t mean to be a bother, but it wasn’t the young lady’s fault at all. I asked her for the water. She was just doin’ her job, and I distracted her. It’s my fault.” His bedroom eyes widen with an almost childlike deference as he looks at her through those long lashes.
Elvis oozes an effusive charm that makes the formidable woman’s hardened veneer crack. It might not be obvious to one who doesn’t know her, but her gaze softens ever so slightly.
You almost want to roll your eyes and scoff, but the strange thing is that it doesn’t feel at all like a put-on. It first strikes you as some sort of malevolent manipulation, like he wants to impress you somehow by getting you out of the mess he got you into, but he seems nothing but honest. He looks truly sorry.
You stand stock still, hands still clasped in front of your apron, needing to know your fate before moving. Nurse Hunt finally sighs, having weighed her options of denying her VIP’s puppy dog eyes or making your life miserable.
“Alright, Mr. Presley. Nurse Cannava will help you move to that chair there so she can change your sheets again and clean up this mess,” she says through pursed lips. “And you let her be and do her job, you hear? You’re not the only patient on the ward, young man.”
“Of course, ma’am. I really am sorry about the mess,” he says softly, seriously, nodding.
“Quickly, Nurse!” Nurse Hunt barks. Picking your jaw off the ground, you hustle to the other side of the bed, still amazed he was able to soften the old goat in any way.
It’s not until your arm is around his waist while the other steadies him in a well-practiced and trained move that you realize that you are holding a barely clothed Elvis Presley. A brief but decidedly improper and embarrassing thought flirts in the back of your mind as you help him into the chair in the corner. His skin is hot with fever, easily felt where your skin touches his and it radiates through his thin hospital gown. It burns into you, through you, melding with the unnerving, angry fire that already consumes you. You can feel his eyes on you but don’t dare to look at him, not with Hunt watching, making sure you don’t drop the prize patient.
You suppose you are glad for the fact that your cheeks were already on fire from humiliation, so neither can see just how uncomfortable and ashamed you feel right now. The way emotions flash rapidly through you, you’re amazed you can concentrate at all, but you manage to deposit the singer in the chair, unscathed.
Nurse Hunt huffs a little, but seems satisfied, and takes her leave, on to the next crisis.
A relieved but shuddering breath releases from you and without looking at the man in the chair that has caused so much trouble tonight, you jump to removing the sheets you made so perfectly not minutes ago.
“Hey, little b—Nurse Cannava,” Elvis catches himself, “I-I-I meant what I said—I really am sorry I made things harder on ya.”
You refuse to look at him. Instead, you grit your teeth and yank the sheets off, furious. Storming out of the room, you quickly retrieve a new set of sheets and a broom and dustpan for the glass on the floor.
“Aw, don’t be like that,” he mutters as you stomp back in the room, dutifully ignoring his presence. You busy yourself with the glass first, sweeping it into a pile, then bending over to sweep it into the dustpan. You realize too late that you’ve just effectively but unwittingly shown Elvis your rear end. You can practically hear the smirk on his face, which is confirmed once you flit your eyes over to him.
A new wave of heat flushes over your cheeks, but you pretend you don’t notice his leering. Nothing good has come tonight from you paying any sort of mind to what Elvis is doing. You go about your business as swiftly as possible, counting the seconds before you can remove yourself from his suffocating presence.
“You just gonna ignore me now, honey? Come on, I-I-I said I-I was sorry,” he stutters petulantly after another minute of silence.
Your response is to tug the sheets as tight as you can. You move around the other side, hating that your behind will be in his face while you finish the bed, but it can’t be helped. You grit your teeth and focus on smoothing the sheets instead of the hole Elvis is burning through your backside.
“Well, at least I got a nice view in the room…of the city, I mean,” he chuckles. The innuendo is crystal clear.
You whirl around and want to slap that stupid grin right off his pretty face. You’ve never felt so unprofessional or off the rails as you do with this man.
He’s a patient, he’s a patient, he’s a VIP patient, you remind yourself, trying to take calming breaths. But try as you might, you can’t seem to keep your damn mouth shut, that Italian temper flaring, boiling your blood.
“Eyes up!” you snap your fingers at him. “I have work to do and a job to keep, and talking with you only gets me in trouble, so leave me be!” Blood throbs in your ears as you attempt unsuccessfully to keep your fury at bay.
“Ooh, I heard New York cherries were feisty, but I hadn’t the occasion to see it for m’self,” he muses, thinking he’s just about the funniest thing since Lenny Bruce.
“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” you mutter under your breath, fuming, turning around to finish the bed. Once it’s done, you breathe a sigh of relief and make to leave.
“Hey, little bird, you want an autograph or somethin’?” Elvis asks, still vying for your attention for whatever reason.
God, the ego on this one. “I don’t want anything from you.” You can’t help but turn towards him, even though you know you should leave as fast as your legs will carry you.
“Not a fan, huh? Bet I can change your mind,” he says, his left eyebrow quirking up suggestively. The man is as gorgeous as he is infuriating.
“I prefer Ricky Nelson, so no thanks,” you shoot back at him.
He fully laughs at that, a big, hiccupping, musical sound that under any other circumstance might be attractive and endearing, but now it just seeks to make you angrier. Your seething seems to amuse him all the more, however, as he erupts into more peals of laughter.
“You’re somethin’ else, lil’ bird,” he wheezes, wiping tears from his eyes. But his face suddenly turns alarmed as he can’t seem to catch his breath, the laughter turning into gasps.
“Elvis, enough of that. Let’s get you into bed.” Your training immediately overrides whatever negative feelings you might have towards the man. “Try to take slow, deep breaths,” you say calmly, crossing the room quickly.
His face turns red and panic starts to bloom in his darkening, churning eyes as he wheezes. You help him up and out of the chair, and he shudders, leaning all his weight on you. His breathing is too labored and he’s burning up, and you’re not sure he’ll make it the short way to the bed.
Indeed, the two of you only make it a single step before his long legs give way, and it’s all you can do to brace his tall, lean body and keep him from hitting the tile floor hard. Instead, you slide down together, and you make sure to cradle his head as he collapses.
You don’t panic. In fact, you are the calmest you’ve been since meeting the superstar because this you know you can handle. This is what you were born to do.
“We need some help in here!” you shout out to the ward before turning your attention back to Elvis, now sprawled on his back on the floor. You quickly grab the oxygen mask from his bedside and turn the nozzle to get the air flowing.
“Elvis, you’re going to be okay. I need you to try and breathe deep for me, as deep as you can,” you say, fitting the mask over his mouth. He coughs, struggling to get the air in his lungs. He seems in and out of consciousness, those panicked eyes of his now a stormy, glassy gray as they try to focus on you.
“That’s it, just breathe now,” you coo at him, taking his vitals. His pulse is too fast and thready. You give him a small smile, trying to keep him calm.
An orderly, a doctor, and another nurse rush in. You quickly rattle off numbers and facts regarding his respiratory distress.
“Let’s get him on the bed,” the doctor orders, and the four of you lift him on a count of three.
Elvis flails his hand, gripping your arm. It’s certainly not the first time a patient has grabbed you out of fear, but it is the first time you’ve ever felt a jolt of electricity running through you from it. Looking in his eyes, the terror you see there gives you pause.
He’s just a man, you think. A very frightened young man.
And he wants comfort. Care. So, despite wanting to throttle him earlier, you hold his hand. He clings to you as the team tries to stabilize him. Your touch seems to settle him a little, despite the way his eyes flutter and he still gasps for breath.  
You all manage to get him breathing better, but he won’t let go of you. He starts to panic again every time you try to move away, throwing his vitals into a tailspin. As weak as he may be, that strong guitar-playing hand of his has you in a vise-like grip. The doctor looks at you judgmentally, and you make it clear that you have no idea why this is happening, that you’d rather not be relegated to hand-holding duty. But since his vitals are better holding your hand, the doctor nods his okay.
Give the VIP patient what he needs, is the clear message.
Elvis stabilizes. The room clears, and you stand at his bedside, waiting for him to fall asleep, to relax, to release you—anything that will allow you to leave and get back to work and forget the last half an hour ever happened. His eyes are closed, but every time you try to slip away, he just pulls you back. You try not to sigh audibly, to let your frustration show. You are usually much more compassionate and professional, rarely letting patients get under your skin. But Elvis…well, he seems to bring out an unwanted side of your normally mild and shy self.
He’s not consciously trying to be bothersome like he was earlier; he’s much too scared and out of it for that, you reason.
And at least this is better than cleaning bedpans, you chuckle, finally deciding to sit on the edge of the bed and make yourself a little more comfortable. You take this somewhat surreal moment to really look at him.
He is truly beautiful. There is an almost angelic innocence about him with his pale skin and high cheekbones, the way his cheeks are somehow both full and soft, but his jaw chiseled at the same time. His lips are pillowy and full, though nearly colorless now due to the lack of oxygen. His hair gleams, a deep, golden chestnut—a far cry from the rebellious black locks he was known for at the height of his fame a few years ago. With his straight nose and fanning, long lashes, it seems as though he was carved in stone by the masters and brought to life somehow.
Your heart skips, quite involuntarily.
Of course, there are imperfections. He’s got a day’s worth of dark stubble growing and you can see places where his skin is mottled from what was probably youthful acne. The circles around his eyes are too dark and…
I am really reaching here, you think. No, you are quite at a loss because even his “imperfections” add to his beauty.
Okay, so objectively, he’s pretty—when he’s quiet and sleeping. It’s just when he opens his big mouth that he becomes less attractive. This reminder makes you feel better and less like a fawning teenager.
Finally, his hand relaxes, and you slip out of his grasp without him reaching for you. As if trying not to wake a sleeping baby, you very slowly and quietly raise yourself off the bed. But curiosity gets the better of you, halting your leave, and you quietly open his chart at the end of the bed.
Your eyes scan the pages quickly, widening, hardly containing your disbelief. They glance up at the unrealistically beautiful young man in the hospital bed. Though you barely know him, and what you do know of him has already driven you mad, you can’t help but feel a sense of sadness and dread.
It’s the thing all his bravado and beauty distracted you from.
Elvis Presley is a very, very ill man.
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nomsfaultau · 4 months
Important PR Response to the Wilbur Soot scandal:
    Abuse in any form is abhorrent, and I condemn Wilbur’s actions. Previously I had established the division between people and personas in my work. I failed to reiterate the stance during the course of Fault, and would like rectify this now. I work with characters and not creators.
No works will be deleted. I will be continuing to use Wilbur Soot as a character only in preexisting works. Fault, Mandatory Family Reunion, and back burner projects will continue. The preplanned plot lines will not be altered greatly, so don’t expect sudden deaths, character assassination, name changes*, etc. However, I am not certain about Lighting Lanterns to Bring You Home as it is Wilbur-centric so it may be abandoned.
The current plans for this blog’s future are as follows:
- My characters be tagged as ‘Noms Wilbur’ or ‘SCP Wilbur’ for people who want to block tags. If cc comes up, he'll be tagged.
- I will not be financially supporting Wilbur in any way. I believe this is an important component in any Death/Disavowal of the Author situation. My fics are unlikely to contribute to further monetary/platform support that facilitates the further harm of the victim/s.
- No new AUs will involve Wilbur, so as projects finish he will be phased out more and more. Though keep in mind Fault is an extremely long term project.
- For those who wish to disconnect from the fandom entirely and stop following this blog, I wish you the best. Genuinely. This is a rough situation.
If anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open. Please do not engage in bad faith; I am trying to do my best here. Below the cut I discuss my personal justifications and philosophies upon the matter. I’m not trying to force them on anyone, so please return the same courtesy.
    My reasonings: As I said after Technoblade’s death, I’ve poured a little too much of my soul into this to stop. I fully understand the people who have walked away, because I also feel sick and angry and sad and just— betrayed that this person I admired and enjoyed was abusing the people around him. But I am not going to let Wilbur’s vile actions poison the pride in the art I’ve made. And the fandom? We built it, not him. These are our stories and our drawings and our joy. So many other wonderful creators and fans poured so much effort into this community. To me, it feels like a betrayal to Technoblade’s legacy to let everything be tarnished. And I’m just not ready to lose this fandom that has meant so much to me for 4 years.
    I’m going to try for a little nuance here, a dangerous game on Tumblr I know. But part of the betrayal that I’m sure many of us are feeling is the thought we were tricked into liking a bad person. I have a friend who has been pouring over all of Wilbur’s content the last few days, desperate to find all the red flags they missed, painting every single thing he’s ever done with the knowledge of the things we couldn’t have known. And it’s not healthy for them, or anyone. In many stories we like to have a clear cut good and bad guy, because it’s easier if it’s true. The abuser becomes a cartoonishly evil caricature that makes it harder to recognize them in real life, and it makes real victims seem stupid for being hurt when shouldn’t it be so easy to tell? But it’s not, it’s messy, and complicated, and awful. Because in real life, abusers are people, and they can do good things like charity streams and making you laugh when you’re having a bad day and fostering wonderful communities of creative, amazing fans. They seem generous, and kind, because…they are. And they’re also abusive. And it’s really hard to hold both truths at the same time, which is why people prefer jump to extremes of defending and demonization. We like to believe the people we like are good people.
    Truthfully, I don’t believe in ‘bad people’ which is probably evident in much of my writing. I find it a category that too often used to discourage growth, remove culpability, and dismantle nuance. The moment people become monsters there is no question of rehabilitative justice, no question of what conditions and structures enabled this that need to be mended, revised, or replaced. The question becomes how do we destroy the monster instead of how do we protect future victims. Remove support from Wilbur, yes, but the next step is to give that support to Shubble. Mobs are fun. They feel right. But monsters don’t exist, people do, and people are complicated and abuse is complicated and their solutions must be accordingly nuanced. Sticking one guy’s head on a pike might ‘save’ the victim (which: Shubble saved herself), but it doesn’t support them in the long run. And it certainly doesn’t address the underlying personal, mental, and societal problems that caused someone to be abusive and allowed them to be undetected. And if anything, when put in a corner most people only get more desperate and dangerous to others and themselves. Justice requires far more effort than monster hunting, which is why it is often rare. And like we already discussed, people are often bad at detecting when someone is abusive. I’m not saying Wilbur is innocent, obviously. I’m saying demonization is a dangerous game and most people have done good and bad.
    But also, most people aren’t abusive pieces of shit.
    I don’t want to demonize Wilbur, but also I’m not going to wipe my hands of it by throwing my hands up, claiming there’s too much nuance blah blah morals are complicated, and then not actually hold him accountable. Wilbur does not deserve a platform with which to perpetuate his harmful actions. In reaction to this, we need to build systems and communities that don’t enable abuse, to support victims, and to help abusers become better without giving them the opportunity to hurt other people or themselves. Which, you know, is *slightly* outside the scope of one SBI fanblog, but I’ll do my best and pray others choose the same.
    I understand people who want to raze everything he’s ever touched, to delete all their fan works and eviscerate their love for anything involving him. I really, really do. I feel nauseous every time I try to write. But I’m trying to not throw the baby out with the bathwater, because I’ve found a lot of good here and I refuse to abandon it. My enjoyment of the story and community Wilbur helped inspire does not condone the bad he’s done, nor do I support him financially or emotionally. It’s a really difficult line to walk, but this is where my morals fall at least. I want to reclaim the joy I used to have.
    I hope Shubble is able to recover and heal from the harm done to her. She’s a wonderful person and is lucky to have friends and a community that have supported her in this time. I’m glad that the fandom has (mostly) collectively disavowed her abuser instead of exploding into controversy and a ‘he said-she said’ toxic mess a la Dream style, even if it hurts knowing much of the community we’ve built has been destroyed. Lastly, I pray Wilbur will become a better person. I would like to believe anyone has the capacity for redemption, but that is a decision entirely within his hands alone at this point. As for me, I will simply do what I think reduces harm and uplifts joy.  I may be wrong, but I will continue to do my best.   
Again, if anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 2 months
Just for future reference can you please not post untagged shit about dv and abuse in the main x reader tag? It's really insensitive especially because people are going into that tag to find fics to enjoy not end up triggered by discourse posts with zero proper tags or warnings like that when they contain explicit mentions of dv and abuse
Yes of course! I apologize- I didn’t even think about it! I will be more conscious in the future :)
Also- future reference for everyone- don’t inbox anonymously for something like this? DM me? I’m not gonna freak out?
I would prefer we have a private conversation about something like this because if I don’t address you, I’m an asshole, but to be frank- I feel very disrespected by peoples’ inability to be an adult and have a private conversation.
If you send me an anonymous message with your complaints- I will genuinely not respect you because you obviously do not respect me enough to have a conversation and educate me about my wrongdoings in a private setting.
Sending someone an anonymous message like this is really immature.
Why can’t anyone just be an adult anymore? Why are we hiding behind anonymous? If I do something wrong- tell me person to person. This anonymous stuff is nonsense. If you can’t say it with your name on it- don’t say it at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s a waste of my time and most importantly, yours.
I hope this anon will be respectful enough to come forward and have a conversation with me in private in the future- otherwise, I hope you have a wonderful life and that you heal one day because life is too damn short to hang onto everything that raises your cortisol. Highly suggest EMDR therapy if you haven’t tried it yet- as someone who was diagnosed with CPTSD, ADHD, GAD, and MDD- it’s a wonderful experience and helped me a ton.
I mean I will post everything you say if you are being an ass but that’s your own grave, not mine
The controversial post in question 💜💜💜 I’m gonna use all these silly immature anons to promote my little opinion
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captive prince book 1 highlights & annotations
chapter 11
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
‘Why not?’ Nicaise said. He looked past Damen towards Laurent’s chamber. ‘What happened? Is he all right?’
context: nicaise was coming to warn laurent.
More silence. There was obviously something on Nicaise’s mind, and he wouldn’t leave until he said it. Eventually: ‘Don’t tell him I came.’
context: ow
‘You can tell the Prince that,’ said Damen, ‘after you tell him you let through the Regent’s pet.’ That got a flicker of reaction. Invoking Laurent’s bad mood was like a magical key, unlocking the most forbidding doors.
pretty sure that’s invoking the regent, not laurent
He had somehow expected to see the quilted covering, darkened by sweat or blood—some sign of what had happened—but there was nothing. He looked up at the place where Laurent had stood and watched him.There was no reason to have laced Laurent’s drink with that particular drug if the intent had been only to incapacitate. Rape, therefore, was to have preceded murder.
even in the place where laurent tortured him, damen has a moment of concern for him. but still he goes, which i think is the right call, given the information damen currently has. laurent hasn’t yet proven himself trustworthy to damen or a first-time reader. and independent from laurent, damen has his own character arc that requires an escape attempt for its development. 
In a court like this, Laurent could simply summon a pet to help relieve him of his difficulties.
damen you know he wouldn’t. stop lying to yourself and own the fact that you’re abandoning him while he’s vulnerable
He was thankful that the men on the palace rooves were gone, and the patrols were not yet out. The patrols were out. What rankled the most was that Laurent had been right.
more than being recaptured? yeah that tracks
‘Move and die,’ said the soldier in charge. Which was an apt summary.
Jord said, ‘The Prince is before the Council. Your orders are an hour old. Kill the slave, and you’ll be the next one with your head on the block.’
context: laurent knew that he (as in laurent) was right, and that damen would get caught. he has everything to gain from throwing damen under the bus, using this escape attempt as a means to recapture the court’s favor. but despite what damen thinks, laurent has a personal code of honor—and perhaps even more pressingly, a strong resistance to owing his brother’s killer any favors.
‘If he doesn’t lie with you, what was he doing in your private space so late at night?’
can’t two friends just vibe
‘Taken advantage of my innocence,’ said Laurent.
fuck, the context of this being implied by the regent…
‘Yesterday I brutalised him. Today I am swooning into his arms. I would prefer the charges against me to be consistent. Pick one.’ ‘I don’t need to pick one, nephew, you have a full range of vices, and inconsistency is the cap.’ ‘Yes, apparently I have fucked my enemy, conspired against my future interests, and colluded in my own murder. I can’t wait to see what feats I will perform next.’ It was only by looking at the councillors that you could see that this interview had been going on a long time. Older men, dragged out of their beds, they were all showing signs of weariness.
vere, land of yapping. and patriarchy! 
‘This defence of the slave bothers me. It isn’t like you. It speaks to an uncharacteristic attachment.’
context: regent does not want laurent to have allies. also, it will discredit laurent in the eyes of veritians if he is perceived as attached to their enemy
‘No one,’ said Laurent, ‘has more reason to oppose Akielos than I have. If Kastor’s gift slave had attacked me, it would be grounds for war. I would be overjoyed. I stand here for one reason only: the truth. You have heard it. I will not argue further. The slave is innocent or he is guilty. Decide.’
reverse card: laurent’s protection of damen proves damen’s innocence and laurent’s integrity, because laurent has every reason to hate him.
‘I,’ said Laurent.
genuinely blindsided. he knows the campaign is a death sentence
‘There. It is done. Come,’ said the Regent to Laurent, extending his right hand. On the smallest finger was his ring of office, gold, capped with a red stone: ruby, or garnet. Laurent came forward, and knelt before him gracefully, a single kneecap to the floor. ‘Kiss it,’ said the Regent, and Laurent lowered his head in obedience to kiss his uncle’s signet ring. His body language was calm and respectful; the fall of his golden hair hid his expression. His lips touched the hard red kernel of the gem without haste, then parted from it. He did not rise. The Regent gazed down at him. After a moment, Damen saw the Regent’s hand lift again to rest in Laurent’s hair and stroke it with slow, familiar affection. Laurent remained quite still, head bowed, as strands of fine gold were pushed back from his face by the Regent’s heavy, ringed fingers. ‘Laurent. Why must you always defy me? I hate it when we are at odds, yet you force me to chastise you. You seem determined to wreck everything in your path. Blessed with gifts, you squander them. Given opportunities, you waste them. I hate to see you grown up like this,’ said the Regent, ‘when you were such a lovely boy.’
horrific parallel to some of laurent and damen’s earliest interactions—“come here,” the kneeling, “kiss it.” they’re both captive princes.
also, that last line. fuck. chills. this is where i knew about the regent’s abuse, for sure, although i had suspected before. 
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 10 months
Not necessarily about the kids, but how do the parents balance out all their families? We have Errink and Drink for example, how does Ink manage them?
Each character has their own way of raising and "raising" their children.
In summary. They manage to take care of them without much complication, others help each other, and others prefer to evade responsibility and leave them forgotten.
Ink takes care of Paper Jam, Gradient, Spilled and Ekon. He also often visits Palette, Blueprint, and Bluescreen.
Dream takes care of Palette, Shine and Shade. Along with Cross takes care of Lux, Starcross and Hope.
Cross usually takes care of the three of them, but apart from that, he can pay the attention that Ink doesn't give to Moku. Together with Epic takes care of Starke.
Swap will take care of Blueprint, Splatter, and Sprinkle alongside Papyrus and Asgore. He will occasionally go to Outertale to say hello to Starway.
Outer takes care of Starway most of the time. And he takes care of Deneb together with Science Sans.
Reaper and Geno take care of Goth, Raven, Sorell, Silver, and Shino without a problem. Cassis often spends time with the five of them as well.
Fell and Classic Sans take turns taking care of Plum and Dedge, despite the latter being Dust's son.
Dust takes care of Kenza. From time to time he takes turns with Swap to take care of Sprinkle. And Horror helps him with Okse and Glasses.
Finally, Killer is in charge of raising Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Nightmare only trains them to serve as his weapons. Horror and Dust are their "uncles" and are also in charge of them when the other two are not around.
Nightmare, Error and Fresh don't care about children. Nightmare just takes advantage of them. Error tolerates them, but he would rather destroy them than take care of them. Fresh is a liar parasite.
As for Lust... We are not talking about Lust. Please keep the children away from him, as far away as possible...
Radier, Tenpatch raised themselves alones. They spent their childhood together with Nightmare until they were old enough to take care of themselves. They sometimes visit Error.
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Those are the entire list for now. It is probable that in the future I will make comics about the childhood of each child, for now there are advances on my AO3 account. I'm still thinking about adding Rurik, but I don't have enough information about him. Only he was raised in Underfell by Fell Ink.
None of the children and parents belong to me, they all belong to their respective authors.
These are all my own headcanon trying to assimilate to the real canon. If there is something wrong or that any author would like to mention, feel free to correct.
- Aftertale, Error and Fresh: @loverofpiggies
- Reapertale: @renrink
- _____tale(Ink Sans): @comyet
- Underswap: P0pc0rnPr1nce and the AU Community
- Dreamtale: @jokublog
- Undertale: Toby Fox
- Dusttale: @ask-dusttale
- Xtale: @jakei95
- Something New(Killer Sans): @rahafwabas
- Horrortale: @sour-apple-studios
- Underlust: @nsfwshamecave-pb
- Underfell: Fella
- Epictale: @yugogeer012
Other authors that are involved through Combos: @nekophy, @echoiarts, @pepper-mint, @askcomboclub, @7goodangel, @lasserbatsu, @shigxx, @kakimochi0820, @6chimeraqueen9, @lunnar-chan, @naomiisenju, @Moomy's Noodraw, @nimaruu.
I don't know if i'm missing anyone, pls tell me in comments in that case.
Sorry everyone for the tags, just tell me if you don't want to be tagged or don't want to be involved, I'll respect that.
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joking aside
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ghost-recs · 3 months
hey :) it's very cool that you're making such organized rec lists! you probably don't mean any harm by this but is rating them necessary? by recommending them you are already telling people that you like them, and saying what you enjoyed about them is also great!
but rating fics on a scale from 1-10 and putting your opinions into the general tags/ tagging directly so that the writers that- i'm guessing largely did not ask for your criticism- are very likely to see it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere
i know that at least for me i would not enjoy being putting next to other authors like this, and having a rating put on a fic that i worked hard on and that is therefore probably very dear to me would feel discouraging. many authors on your lists also explicitly state that they are not looking for criticism on a hobby they want to simply enjoy
again, i assume that you mean absolutely no harm and simply want to help others find fics they might enjoy, but this luckily isn't school, we can simply enjoy things without having to grade them
this divide in fandom, where artist are treated like 'content creators' and readers as the 'consumers' is a larger issue that way too often causes artist to lose their joy in being active in fandom.
fan art should be about community, after all we're all just some people with a shared love for our favourite characters
so please, let's share and support the fan fiction ( and fan art in general) we enjoy in a way that doesn't feel like a product review
Hey! :) I just wanted to address this before it becomes something that I never intended/wanted it to become.
In no way, shape, or form am I trying to offend or criticize anyone when I recommend works. My “ghost ratings” are purely my personal preference out of my favorite fics. It is an easier way for me to organize my lists based solely on my personal taste and preferences. The ratings are not meant to be a grading system. They don’t measure the quality, quantity, or even the content of the works. What they show are simply which ones I preferred over others.
I will admit that choosing to add my own personal rating is to let others know which fics were my favorite. But first and foremost the entire point of making these lists is to share the love of these works. I enjoy adding the ratings just to show personal preference. After all, everyone has pieces of writing, fics, or fan art that they prefer over other ones. It’s fun to gush a little extra over the works that you most enjoy!
Again though, it is not meant to be a critique. I am not trying to offer advice or pretend that I could do better. It never crossed my mind that someone would view these recs as a “product review,” and that is my own fault for not thinking it through from that perspective. I don’t view these artists and writers as “content creators” and the readers as “consumers.” We ARE just one community! :)
That all being said, I am deeply sorry if I have offended anyone or crossed a line. I never meant to do that and truly just want to share fics that I enjoy with others. To any writers, artists, and readers that I’ve offended with my ratings, I apologize and I hope you will forgive me.
I have decided that my ratings are not worth the risk of possibly discouraging others. It would break my heart if I knew my recommendations were doing that to others. I will be taking down all my ratings and will not be adding more to any future recs.
Anon thank you for discussing this with me in a kind and helpful manner. And for not assuming that I’m trying to be a jerk and tear others down.
I love you all! I love all of you artists and the love for the fandom that we share! Thank you for bearing with me, and have a great day/night!🫶🏻
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shadowuponstorm · 2 years
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Munson!Reader
Age Range: I would like anyone 18+ to be reading this since this story involves a character being of legal age, so minors, please scroll on. (Although I can't stop you from doing so and since I warned you, not my fault for what you read)
Series: Stranger Things (S4, Pre-Vol. 2)
WC: Over 1.5K
Chapter 2 , Chapter 3
A/N: Slight spoilers might be included, and I ask that you please have some courtesy and not spoil or post spoilers in the comments! Thank you, and I’m still a bit new to Stranger Things so if I get something incorrect, I'm sorry and will go back to revise as best I can. Also please don't translate, repost, or copy under any circumstances, I prefer my original work to be on just my page.
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Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.
No matter how many other tests I could take, no doubt all of them would have the same result. There’s no denying what is being shown, I’m pregnant and my twin brother & his friends are going to freak, especially the one who is the love of my life. Steve and I started exploring more of our relationship after he confessed his feelings for me after claiming he should’ve done it long before he & Nancy were a thing as well as his venture into the Upside Down to save Will from the effects of the Mind Flayer, to which I couldn’t blame him and the others for keeping me in the dark about that, considering it regarded safety and protection. I set the tests on the counter before I released a breath I was holding in anticipation of what the results were going to be. I tried to keep the negative thoughts at bay, but they’re like a flood, overflowing my very mind.
“Steve is definitely going to leave you now that he has a reason to,” I hear a voice say before they scoff and add, “If given the chance, he would’ve left you earlier than now for someone better.”
I’ve always had insecurities about the reasoning why a guy like Steve, who’s very much a ladies man, is with someone like me. I try to keep quiet about my fears whenever I’m around him or the others, but it sometimes lead me to dive deeper into them, causing them to question if I’m okay. I always answered I was when I knew it wasn’t entirely the truth and it always seemed to work.
“Hey sis,” I hear Eddie say from behind the locked bathroom door, “Everything alright? You’ve been in there for a while”
“Y-Yeah, I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me,” I respond, mentally cursing for stuttering.
“Oh o-okay, well, I have a campaign with The Hellfire Club tonight if you want to tag along, I’m sure they’d love you to. You can even invite pretty boy if you want,” Eddie says as I softly laugh at the nickname he deemed Steve and respond, “Maybe some other time, and I think he’s busy tonight. I might give him a call later or head over to Family Video before his shift ends and hang out with him.”
“Alrighty, just stay safe if you go out,” Eddie says before I hear him step away to then come back to mention, “And don’t go into my memorabillas, I got a customer coming over later tonight after campaign.”
Don’t worry, I won’t. I never did in the first place.
After I hear the trailer door shut, I let out a shuttered sigh and start to let the tears fall, scared of how much my future could change once I tell Steve of our baby’s existence, I wish I could keep it a secret for a long time, but he has the right to know and it wouldn’t be fair to do that to him. Off to Family Video I go, no more waiting.
-At Family Video-
The bell on the door chimed as I walked in to see Robin at the front, reading whatever the latest issue has been released, pulling her attention away to see who has walked into the establishment.
"Oh, hey Y/N," Robin greets me with a smile on her face as she closes the magazine to move it to another space on the counter.
"Hey Robin, do you know if Steve has checked in for his shift yet or not?" I asked as I return a small smile her way before she turns her head in all directions of the rental before shrugging her shoulders to say, "He might be reorganizing the VHS tapes behind the beads, want me to call for him?"
I raise my hand up to almost say no to then remember what tapes lie beyond the beads, prompting me to put my hand down and respond, "If you would, please."
"Hey Dingus, your future wife is here!" Robin yells as I softly laugh at the mention she said future wife before hearing Steve shout back, "Coming!" to then see his body come into view.
"Hey, baby," Steve says as he comes up by my side to wrap his arm on my shoulder before placing a kiss on my temple, causing a fake gag reaction from Robin and a "Get a room" comment from her, before he asks, "What do I owe this visit from you for?"
I took a deep breath and started to say, "I wanted to see you, and to tell you we need to talk about something." causing his smile to sink and fear showcased in his eyes. Before he could get a word out, I then ask, "Is there a break room or somewhere we can have privacy?"
"U-um yeah there is, I'll take you," Steve responds as he then leads the way after he asks Robin to cover for him as long as this conversation will take to be heard.
After we entered the break room and Steve locks the door, I turned around to face him before seeing the worry on his face. This time, he beats me to cut the silent tension in the air, by asking, "Is it me?"
"Wha-what?" I ask in confusion why he automatically would think it's his fault. Well, which it is, but that's not why we're having this conversation, to begin with. It involves both of us doing what has brought me pregnant in the first place.
"L-look, I know we haven't been spending a whole lot of time together lately. With me working a lot of shifts as well as keeping an eye out to protect Dustin and the others, with you tagging along with Eddie to make sure he stays out of trouble and helping him with studying," Steve responds before running both his hands through his hair before continuing with tears brimming his eyes, "God, time really hasn't been in our favor, but just know that my feelings for you have never diminished. I still have so much love for you and I still want to spend my future with you wherever it may lead us. So I'm sorry if I unintentionally did something to you that made you feel the need to talk to me like I'm the biggest disappointment in the world."
I walk to be closer to him before putting my hands on his face and whispering, "Don't think for a minute that I'm anything like your parents, I could never be disappointed in you like they are. You are never a disappointment, you are something to be proud of. All those kids, especially Dustin, are the luckiest ones in the world to have you as their protector, babysitter, and role model. And I'm the luckiest girl in the world to call you mine, just like our child will have the best dad ever."
Steven then laughs and smiles to say, "I would have to try my best in that department, but I definitely can't wait for that day to come."
"How about months from now?" I asked as I reach one of my hands to pull out the test in my back pocket to hold it between us, "I found out just a few hours ago, felt it was best not to wait. You're the first."
I thought Steve would show some reaction immediately after hearing the words exit my mouth, but he just took the test from my hand and stayed silent while staring at it. I place my hand on his shoulder and nudge him a bit to whisper, "Steve? I'm sorry, maybe I should've waited until, ah!" to let out a squeak of surprise from being lifted off my feet and hugged tight into his chest to feel him kiss the top of my head. I pulled away an inch to look up at him again to ask, "I take you're happy about this?"
"Are you kidding?" Steve responds as he scoffs softly and smiles, "Yes, while I'm nervous, scared, and frightened about what could happen, I'm also excited about this journey and being with you every step of the way."
"Not unless Eddie has something to say about it," I say as we both laugh out loud before he responds, "Oh, he'd be too distracted from the excitement of being an uncle to our little boy or little girl."
"Now I know you're dying to have a boy first, Harrington," I mention as Steve nods his head and smiles before looking down at the test again, "I can't believe you got a plus on a single test."
"That's one of three," I respond as he looks at me baffled, "What? I had to make sure it wasn't a false positive. Besides I was late so."
Steve sighed before saying, "We'll discuss more of this later, but I have to get back to my shift before Keith or Robin kills me."
"Of course, get back to your job," I respond as Steve unlocks the door to let me by, but not before I whisper his new title in his ear, causing his breath to hitch and raise an eyebrow at me as I wink at him. I was almost out of the door to head over to his place before I hear him call my name and make me turn my head to see him mouth my new title, ending it with an “Love you”, making me smile and blush. Makes me excited yet nervous about what is to come for us or what else this day or night could bring us.
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social-muffin · 1 year
🔥New Khr OC Questions🔥
💞Anyone welcome to participate! 💞
People really enjoyed themselves with the last list of questions I made! So I made an even bigger one!! So much so, I don't really expect anyone to answer all these questions. Just pick and choose whatever you want to answer if it's too much lmao
‼️This is not just for OCs! If you feels you've modified one of the canon characters so much that they're a whole different person now, tell me about them as well please!‼️
I will also tag a bunch of people whomst OCs I really enjoyed and remembered from the last list of questions! There will be some repeat questions here, so you can elaborate if you wanna or just skip those lmao
Tags under the Cut cause I will also give a lil commentary on the OCs I know so far. :3
‼️Also these Questions are mostly spoiler free so don't worry! Only one question asks about something that's introduced after the Varia Arc I think. I put a 🌸 next to that one.‼️
@juudaimes-true-form Amara & Ricardo were both very fun and I like knowing about them! But l Alexandros is a very good vibe I wanna know the him uwu
@einsatzzz Kana, Kurumi & Yui are Hella intriguing! Do pls elaborate on all of them! Particularly Yui has spiked my interest! Did you finish that art of him you were working on?
@heryemily5927 Hanabi is adorable please tell me more if you feel up to it! :D
@kiralushia Nozomi & Cloud! I would like to see both of them for this! But I also wanna know more about Arashi because she gets mentioned often too :3
@acedragontrainer Ayane & Yuki may have been randomly created but they are so gawddang fun! Please give them backstories with the questions here. If you wanna of course ^^
@masterdisastre Xavier is babiest Boi, but what about Dani!? And also pls tell me of any other OC you wanna talk about!! I'll treasure each and every single one of them! :D
@cloudspark You reblogged the old Questions once wondering if you'll find the time and motivation to introduce your OC, so I will tag you here too since there are more questions here. :3
@ciaossn Amalia is best lady pls tell me more even if her true origin story has been tragically lost ;w; I wish to know her as much as possible!
The Basics:
What's their name? Their pronouns? Sexuality? Gender Identity? Their Age and Ethnicity?
What do they look like? Body type? Identifying characteristic? Art or picrew of your oc? (No AI art pls.)
Why did you create this character? Just for fun? Or is there a purpose behind them? Maybe a canon character you created them for? As a friend, love interest, sibling, child, parent, rival, nemesis?
What's the family situation of your OC? If they have family, how about a brief summary of the relationships of their family to the canon characters?
What are their other notable relationships to Canon characters? (Example: Hibari's little brother also happens to be Tsuna's childhood best friend and Gokudera's love interest) If there are none right now, are there any plans for relationships in the future?
Does your Oc have disabilities? Mental illnesses, neurodivergencies, missing limbs, chronic pains, physical limitations, some kind of food sensitivity? Anything that affects their day to day life goes!
Combat Questions:
What are your OC's flames, if they have any? And how do they use their flames? Do they ever use them outside combat?
How do they prefer to fight? Do they know how to fight in a way they dislike or hate? (Example: Hibari prefers hand-to-hand combat and dislikes firearms, but he knows how to shoot someone if he has no choice)
Do they have formal training? How many fighting styles do they know? What weapons can they wield?
What are their strengths? Their weaknesses?
🌸Do they have a flame weapon, or a box weapon/animal? How did they get these weapons? What level ring (best S>A>B>C>D>worst E) do they wield? Can they use their ring efficiently? If no, why not?🌸
Oh no! Your OC is unable to fight! (Too tired, injured, whatever) How do they deal with the enemy now? Do they flee, still try to fight, call for backup, or what do they do?
Philosophical Questions:
Answer this first before reading/thinking further! Would your OC change anything about themselves if they could?
What's their favourite colours? Their favourite season? Their favourite weather? Their favourite animal?
What are their hobbies? What are they passionate about? Is there a passion they had to give up? If so, why?
What kind of people do they dislike? Do they like who they themselves are?
What is their biggest secret? What's the biggest/worst lie they ever told? What lie do they frequently tell themselves?
What's their darkest desire? What's their biggest hope for the future? If they had the money, how would they want to change the world they live in?
If the world ended tomorrow, how would they spend their last day on earth? Who would they want to be with? Their worst fear stands between them and saving the world, would they be able to overcome that fear to save the world?
What would be their civilain dream job? If they had to kill someone innocent to save a friend, would they be able to do it? How long would their choice haunt them? Would they be able to face their friend if they decided to sacrifice them, but things ended up working out?
Your OCs biggest, wildest dreams all just came true! What do they do next? Who do they celebrate with? How do they celebrate? Loud exhilaration or quiet disbelief?
After these questions, I ask again, what would your OC change about themselves if they could? Did the answer change?
Khr Character Questions! [Or 'I am putting the OCs in ✨situations✨']
Sawada Tsunayoshi burst into flames, flew into the sky and took out a missile that was headed towards the area your Oc was in. How do they go about interacting with Tsuna after that?
Gokudera Hayato dragged your OC to an empty classroom to investigate ghosts, but it turns out it was just teenagers. Hayato seems genuinely disheartened, does your Oc want to comfort him?
Sasagawa Ryohei just pulled your Oc away from oncoming traffic! He proceeds to ask them to join the boxing club! How do they go about rejecting him, given that he just saved their life?
Bovino Lambo just send your Oc ten years into the future! What situation did your Oc end up in? What's their reaction to this future?
Yamamoto Takeshi is sitting by himself, holding a baseball and looking oddly melancholic. Your OC does not know what is going on, except that usually Takeshi is a cheerful guy. Do they approach him? What do they say?
Hibari Kyoya comes across your Oc with a bleeding wound at his side. He is most obviously unwell, but also pissed, how does your Oc approach this situation?
Chrome Dokuro knows what your Oc did and it feels like she is judging them for their dirty secrets. How does your Oc try to buy her silence?
Rokudo Mukuro wandered into the dream your Oc had last night! Does he leave with even more trauma, creepily amused, weirdly charmed or thoroughly bored?
Fuuta DeLa Stella fianlly ranked your Oc first in something! What category did he rank them first in? What is your OC's reaction?
I-pin just blew up and then landed gently in the arms of your Oc. How do they react to this literal pipe bomb baby?
Sasagawa Kyoko handed your Oc Valentine's friendship chocolates and thanked them for looking after her brother! This might be a misunderstanding, but these are also the only/first chocolates your Oc was given, so what do they tell her?
Miura Haru made your Oc their dream outfit! But something significant about it is wrong, how does your Oc give critique on that?
Kurokawa Hana just called your Oc a monkey to their face. How ready, if at all, are they to throw hands with this civilain middle/high-school girl?
Fon wants to share spicy curry with your Oc, but the spoon is glowing red hot. Does your Oc risk it?
Reborn shot someone infront of your Oc. Tsuna won't believe them. What will they do now?
Verde wants to study your Oc so he asks if they'd volunteer for science. No money is involved but they do get to hang out with Verde, do they take the offer?
Lal Mirch has taken over the CEDEF and there is a party that your OC somehow ended up invited to! Do they bring Lal a gift? If so, what kinda gift?
Colonnello got drunk from sipping some wine, he is sad, melancholic and heavily armed. How does your Oc handle the situation?
Skull thinks you're really cute and creative! He wants to know how you came up with your Oc? And your favourite scene of your Oc!
Viper just gave your OC a slice of pizza. Will they eat it? Are they aware of the risks? Are there risks?
Xanxus meets your Oc at a bar and tells them to get him a drink. What does your Oc do? If they make an order, what would they order for Xanxus?
Belphegor is staring at your OC from a distance and chuckling maniacally. What wardrobe malfunction did he notice on your OC?
Lussuria slings his feather scarf around your Oc and tells them they're a cutie. How does your Oc respond to the sudden flirting and closeness? Do they know Lussuria is powerful as well as queer?
Levi-a-Than just told your Oc that they'd be so pretty if they put a bit more effort into their look. How does your Oc react?
Superbi Squalo yells so loud it's almost bothering your Oc! How do they tell him to quiet down? How long do they last in the every-man-for-himself Varia-style brawl that comes next?
Mammon is wanting to extort your Oc for money. What blackmail material does Mammon have to do so? (What is an embarrassing thing your Oc did that Mammon could reasonably find out about?)
Fran is getting on your OC's nerves, constantly and seemingly very much on purpose. Everyone else is already using that boy as target practice, so does your Oc join in?
Dino Cavallone compares your OC to Tsuna. Is your Oc insulted by the comparison? What if it was accurate?
Dino's right hand man Romario invites your character out for a drink! What drink do they order to impress, intimidate, or endear themselves to the Cavallone Familia? Or do they reject the invite entirely?
Hibari's right hand man Kusakabe Tetsuya thinks your Oc is too noisy and tells them to shut up if they don't want to get bitten to death. Does your Oc take that as a challenge? Hibari Kyoya does not seem to be nearby in the first place... (He is watching from a nearby roof)
Something got past the safety on your OC's garbage cans and made a massive mess! Ken stands as the main, but not the only suspect. Does your Oc make that accusation? Do they worry they would offend Ken for accusing him of that, just for having more animalistic behaviours?
Chikusa's yoyo just flipped off it's string and bonked your Oc on the head. He acts apologetic, but your Oc has a feeling he did that on purpose. How does your Oc proceed?
The Last Question!!
Please gimme links as to where people can find stories or art about your OCs!
Thank you for reading and answering if you do! :D
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four-loose-screws · 2 months
Diamant / Citrinne C Support Translation
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
If you are interested in donating to support my work, please check out my Ko-fi here. Thank you!
(English localization script is also below.)
Diamant: Ha! Hyah!
Citrinne: Diamant, I knew you’d be here.
Diamant: Citrinne! Even though I didn’t tell anyone I’d be here…
Citrinne: Because this is where you run off to whenever something is bothering you.
Diamant: Sigh… We’ve been together since we were small, so you can see right through everything, huh?
Citrinne: We often played in the castle garden. I would want to play princess, but it feels like all we really did was play tag.
Diamant: Because tag is playing, but it can also be training. ………… Is that a letter from the nobles?
Citrinne: Yes, it is. “Why won’t he respond?” “What does Diamant think of future military campaigns?” I was asked to confirm that. I am also a noble. And my parents also have many acquaintances, so I cannot ignore them.
Diamant: ...
Citrinne: The adult version of tag is boring, isn’t it?
Diamant: I know the nobles want to push a war for their own benefit. But during my rule, I have no intention of starting a war.
Citrinne: I’m happy to hear that answer. After this, I’ll smooth things over well enough with them.
Diamant: I’m sorry to stick you between a rock and a hard place…
Citrinne: During rough times, we’re in it together. This is easy compared to having to be diplomatic in the royal court…
English Localization script:
Diamant: Hah! Hyah!
Citrinne: There you are, Diamant. I thought I might find you here.
Diamant: Citrinne. I don't remember telling anyone where I Was going to be training.
Citrinne: Well, I know this is your preferred escape when something is bothering you.
Diamant: Heh. Can't hide from you. Guess I haven't changed much since I was a kid.
Citrinne: We used to play in these castle gardens all the time, remember? I would try to play princess, but you always turned it into a game of tag.
Diamant: Of course. Tag makes for good training. So... Is this about that letter from the nobles?
Citrinne: Indeed. They're eager for a response. I've been sent here to ask you directly about your stance on future military campaigns. These nobles are acquaintances of my family. As a noble myself, I can't ignore their demands.
Diamant: ...
Citrinne: Diamant, don't send me back empty-handed. I don't have the energy for tag anymore.
Diamant: War is profitable. The nobility is expecting to line their pockets for years to come. I, on the other hand, do not intend to wage any wars during my reign as king.
Citrinne: I'm so glad to hear that. The nobles won't like it, but you can leave them to me.
Diamant: Sorry to make you the messenger.
Citrinne: It's fine. I'll take this over the diplomatic battles you must survive in the royal court any day.
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miles-edgewords · 6 months
AKA Actual Introduction Post Because It Just Came To My Attention That I Never Actually Made One
art/writing account: @pebblepoet
i post my fanart on this blog sometimes as well, my fanart tag is #milesedgeart
non-art post tag: #milesrambles
i’m an adult; i don’t post anything over PG-13 on this blog but i know some people prefer to be aware. <3
(Except they get increasingly more… not)
- Hades
- Carmen Sandiego
- Ace Attorney
- Trigun Stampede
- Over the Garden Wall
- Dimension 20: Fantasy High
- Promare
- Undertale (I got into it very late 😔)
- Sally Face
- Lackadaisy
- Nimona
- Minecraft Story Mode (cringe is dead fight me)
- Dan and Phil (again cringe is dead but also please respect people’s boundaries, if you’re publicly posting creepy/invasive stuff I will block you. This isn’t directed at anyone specifically but I feel like I need to say it upfront because uh. some of y’all scare me)
- Cinema Therapy (do they have a fandom? I hope so)
- Danganronpa V1 and V2 but less plot and more “i stole these characters they’re mine now”
- Groundhog Day (the musical specifically)
- Sneakers (remember that nerd movie from 1992? no? well too bad I’m telling you about it anyway)
- Wargames (you know how the people who made the previously-mentioned nerd movie made a different movie 10 years earlier called wargames which ultimately inspired the creators to take an interest in whitehat hackers which eventually resulted in the creation of sneakers? no? well too bad, you know the drill)
- The Lifeline Games but specifically the Taylor ones
- Brennan Lee Mulligan (just. In general)
- Whatever it’s called when you have not consumed a single piece of media from a fandom but you know more about it than some of the fans because you have a friend who’s really into it and you like listening to their opinions/theories. (ie. I have watched playthroughs of Poppy Playtime and FNAF and I have enjoyed them by proxy)
Roles I’ve played & other stuff I’ve done in theatre (not counting anything I did in school because there would be way too many well-technically’s):
- Karnak / SABM art lead (Ride the Cyclone, Stone Soup Theatre Co.)
- Hanz* / Sailor (Cabaret, Stone Soup Theatre Co.)
- Lead puppet designer / puppet constructor / Pig 1 / Milky White Titty Committee** (Into the Woods, Stone Soup Theatre Co.
- Part of Christmas Future / Man 1 / Marley’s makeup, hair, and OHGODTHESECHAINSARE70POUNDSIMACTUALLYGONNADIEFORREAL manager (A Christmas Carol, Center Theatre Co.)
- Shakespeare’s Valet (Something Rotten! Stone Soup Theatre Co.)
*This was one of my favorite roles to play and I still don’t know if it’s meant to be spelled with a “z” or if our director just made a typo. Hans? Hanz? Hanzsz?
**Milky White’s udders kept falling off. It was a Whole Thing.
As an aspiring jack of all trades, I have a running list of hobbies which range from “I’m really bad at this but I have tried it and am familiar with it” to “I am Really Good at this Thing”. Here are all of those, in no particular order (to avoid personal bias, I will not be ranking which of these I’m best at. Feel free to guess though! I’m also happy to elaborate on any of them— I just don’t generally know how skilled I am in a broad sense.)
- Poetry
- Fanfiction
- Novel-writing
- Other writing-related activities
- Digital art
- 2D & 3D animation
- Traditional art (I like markers and pens a lot)
- D&D
- Painting D&D miniatures
- Violin
- Piano
- Singing
- Acting
- Guitar (and related instruments)
- Pennywhistle
- Origami
- Cross-stitch
- Comic writing/illustration
- Journaling
- Gaming
- Listening to Every Genre of Music Ever
- Attempting to take care of houseplants
- Space/astronomy
So uh
Yeah that’s me
Thank you for reading I will be updating this probably more often than I should
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allvalley100 · 1 year
Hi! Is it okay if I have several drabble sequences that are 100 words each in just one post? I'm just asking because one of my fills for Nice week (Strike a Pose (What Are You Looking At?)) had two connected 100 word drabble sequences in one post but it never got reblogged by ya'll even though I couldn't find what was wrong with it and can't figure out what rules I broke. Was it because I had two gifs in the post? Still confused. Thanks...
The issue with the pieces that I didn't reblog last week was that neither were 100 words when word count checked on wordcounter.net.
I can re-check them on another word processor if you would like to resubmit for Amnesty Week (and it would be helpful for me if you could tell me which word processor you used that counted them as 100 words) but last week I (@obstinatecondolement) was modding alone as @trinityofone was away for the weekend and there was a lot of my plate outside of @allvalley100.
I apologise for not getting back to you at the time, but, as I said, I have been very busy with non-fandom things recently and we have said in the last update to the rules that we will not be answering questions that are answered in rules post or elsewhere on the blog going forward.
This once, I will reply to clear up the confusion for you. The rules post is linked in our bio and says this regarding posting multiple drabbles in the same post:
4. You mentioned drabble sequences. Can I have more than one drabble in the same post?
Both yes and no, depending. Connected drabbles, such as drabble sequences, should be submitted together in a single post where possible. Unconnected drabbles should be posted separately, however.
So, in short, we actively prefer to you post connected drabbles together, where possible. And, as is the case for single drabbles, each must be 100 words exactly. Unconnected drabbles should be posted separately.
GIFs have not been an issue to date and I don't imagine they would be in future, unless we felt they created accessibility issues or, for example, had graphic nudity or gore that we didn't want to reblog to the main blog. This has never happened, but just as a hypothetical.
In future, if we haven't reblogged something that you are absolutely sure is 100 words (or a drabble sequence where every individual part is 100 words) it would be helpful for you to say something to the effect of "This was 100 words as counted by Word/Google Docs/etc." so that we know that you have definitely checked.
Also, if you find yourself confused in the future about what is and is not allowable, please consult the rules first, then the tag "#ask reply" and then let us know if you are still confused afterwards. I am posting this publicly and tagging it "#ask reply" in case anyone else needs an answer for a similar question in future, but if you prefer I can delete it.
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themountainsays · 2 years
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Commission info --- > LINK
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Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Ara, I'm an adult, and I'm a student and artist from Argentina. I like to draw and write fanfiction, though I take my time with both 😂 If you are new, I would like to tell you a little about my blog before you proceed:
This is a proship account. That means I don't mind what other people ship, no matter how outrageous, because I know the relationship fiction has with reality is deep and complex, and it's very uncritical to believe that, because monkey read incest fanfic, monkey do incest. After the messed up shit I had to read in school, I don't think anything on ao3 could scandalize me 😂
I like almost all kinds of ships, problematic and unproblematic alike, but I mostly prefer siblingcest. Right now I'm super into madrigalcest, specifically into isamira, so if you ever wanna leave isamira asks my inbox is always open 👀
...Please don't bring up parent/child ships in my inbox though 😭 while I respect those ships ideologically, I'm not always comfortable with discussing them.
This account is MOSTLY sfw, though the ocassional nsfw-ish post may occur. If you're a minor and would like to follow me, I encourage you to blacklist the tags "#nsfw", "#nsfw-ish" and "#not safe for casita".
If you would like to follow me, but aren't comfortable with problematic themes, I recommend blacklisting the tags #madrigalcest, #shipcest, #incest cw, #age gap, #age gap cw.
I do not want TERFS, MAPS or ZOOS or their supporters interacting with me. I will block you on sight.
This is not a discourse blog. I delete anon hate. However I welcome civil and polite discussions if you're here for a conversation, and I'm willing to answer most questions.
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My main tags are:
#Ara draws -> My fanart! :D I'm super proud of my collection, please feel free to take a look!
#Ara writes -> Anything to do with my writing!
#Madrigalcest -> Anything Madrigalcest related, which includes multiple ships.
#Shipcest -> Incest shipping in general. I also use #incest cw, but not as much, since it messes up the post and it may not appear on the ship tag.
#Isamira -> Isamira is just my otp right now, ok? 👉👈
#Elsanna -> Posts from my Elsanna era.
#Sylki -> Posts from my Sylki era.
#References tag -> A sort of archive of posts I want to bookmark as future reference, usually for fanfic or fanart.
#Shipping discourse -> Exactly what it sounds like. While I try to keep this blog mostly good vibes, I still need to vent sometimes.
#Encanto discourse -> mostly my opinions as a latin american on the odd treatment gringos seem to give the movie. Haven't touched this one in a while, but I'm mentioning it just in case anyone wants to know my opinion on some stuff.
#another post for the isabela stan account collection -> the tag where I remind everyone that Isabela is my favorite character :D
#when marnie was gay live slug reaction -> ...i can't explain this one, just see for yourself
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I also have multiple character analysis tags, which you can find here:
#character analysis: mirabel madrigal | #character analysis: isabela madrigal | #character analysis: julieta madrigal | #character analysis: agustín madrigal | #character analysis: alma madrigal | #character analysis: camilo madrigal | #character analysis: dolores madrigal | #character analysis: bruno madrigal | #character analysis: luisa madrigal | #character analysis: pepa madrigal | #character analysis: sylvie | #character analysis: loki | #character analysis: elsa | #character analysis: anna | #character analysis: kristoff | #character analysis: iduna
WARNING: Some of the posts you will find in these tags are old and may be Full Of Cringe. I also change my mind all the time. I may or may not edit some things or add tags when and if I remember to. Beware before proceeding.
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I also have what the kids may call A Shit Ton of AUs, all of them Madrigalcest, and it can get super confusing, so I made this handy little index to keep track of everything. I will edit and add as needed as more are added to the list. The following list is ordered from most ridiculous and lighthearted to heavier and more disturbing.
#black moth AU crack edition electric boogaloo -> An AU of an AU. It originated from the more serious and angsty Isamira Black Moth AU, spiraling from the idea of "what if Camilo and Dolores were fucking in the background?" Then we started talking about european royalty, Crusader Kings 3, and whether or not someone could have like, 16 babies. It makes no sense out of context, just come check it out.
#curse of mars AU -> all the older grandkids are romantically involved in one big poly relationship, save for Isabela, whom they exclude specifically, turning her into the personification of that one sad party meme.
#isamira tradwife youtuber AU -> Modern AU Isabela copes with her incest guilt by going full tradwife, to the point even her husband is a little freaked out.. Mirabel copes with her own incest guilt by playing skyrim and bullying her sister.
#inc3st baby mariano AU -> just a silly little AU in which Mariano is, in fact, Pepa and Bruno's secret child, whom they had to give away when he was only a baby... and years later, he's back to marry his half-sister, with Pepa trying to explain why he can't, without being able to give a proper explanation.
#isamira soulmate AU -> what it says on the tin!
#bloodline AU -> This one is pretty simple, just a fantasy royalty AU in which the family's magic is directly tied to their blood, so in order to make sure the children inherit powers, consanguine marriages among the Madrigals are commonplace. Basically an isamira arranged marriage AU, with, uh, a little bit of omegaverse sprinkled in.
#isamira role swap u -> My personal favorite, and the only one I'm actually writing a fanfic of. Scapegoat Isabela and Golden Child Mirabel.
#madrigal khajiit AU, also known as #engato AU -> this was initially a dumb outlet for my inner furry to express herself, but it evolved into an actual plot and it became pretty emotional. Set in the world of The Elder Scrolls, specifically in the Blackwood region in the province of Cydoriil, the family searches for their lost child, Mirabel, who disappeared when she was only a baby. Most of them are also, huh, anthropomorphic cats, and Alma is doing eugenics with her own children and grandchildren - I actually encourage you to check this introductory post to get a feeling of the game lore, because I promise it makes sense in context. Warning for, mutilation, specificially someone's tail being chopped in half, and past child abuse.
#de esos que llaman embriones AU -> title comes from a bad parody of a song that was already bad. silly little modern AU that would be a bit higher if it weren't for the emphasis on the isamira age gap. The premise is pretty silly, just Isabela being the one on babysitting duty most of the time because her schedule just happens to match Mirabel's perfectly, so she has to drive her places and whatnot. The fun part is that her friends won't fucking shut up and stop making age gap and incest jokes. They think they're being funny, without noticing the incest guilt it's stirring in Isabela.
#black moth AU, also known as the #dad bruno AU -> Do you like PAIN? Do you like ANGST?? Do yo think Mirabel hasn't suffered enough in canon??? Then I got the poison for you: it would be SO fucked up if Mirabel was Julieta and Bruno's accidental incest baby, wouldn't it? It would be REAL BAD if everyone found out, right???
#isamira ft. villain!julieta AU -> Mirabel is Julieta's favorite child. That is unquestionable. Though Isabela didn't know just how little she loved her in comparison, and how much she was willing to hurt her if it meant protecting her baby. Warning for child abuse, sexual abuse and whump.
#curse of venus AU -> possibly the most messed up. Isabela was born cursed: every member of her family would develop a sick sexual attraction to her against their will. Yes, even as a kid. Yes, even her parents. As soon as they realize, the adults vow to never act on it or let her know. However, things get complicated as the other kids begin to show signs of her curse as well. One day, the secret comes to light. Warning for descriptions of multiple adults being attracted to a child.
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You can find me on AO3 and Twitter (minors please don't follow!). I also have a private nsfw twitter account, but I only accept follows from people I know. If you're interested, please DM me!
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ofyorkshire · 10 months
I knowww it's a pain, but I've updated and separated my guidelines into categories to hopefully make them simpler to read, and it would be neat-o keen if you'd give them a peep. Or, if you're lazy like me, I've included the updates beneath the cut. I'll update my pinned a little later since I need to run rn.
You don't have to, but booping the ♥ to let me know you've read them is nice.
Updated stance on callouts because I've decided I'm just too tired to engage with anything and way too much stuff can be faked, so. Just. Don't involve me, please.
This blog is strictly anti-callout / cancel culture. In almost twenty years of being online, I have not seen a single callout post that wasn't later proved false or something that should have been handled between people in private. I will block anyone who partakes in callout posts. This is not personal, but it is a hard rule that I have kept for a long time to preserve my comfort and enjoyment on Tumblr. If you feel you should warn me about someone who you genuinely believe is an actual danger to myself or others*, then please do so privately and I will make a decision for myself about blocking them. I have no interest in getting involved actively or passively beyond that. *I do not consider fictional content a reason for warning. That doesn’t mean I won’t block people over fictional things I don’t want to see or personally find distasteful should I happen across them, but that is a decision I want to make for myself.
2. Potential trigger warnings list updated to include...
Substance abuse, suicide, suicidal ideation, and self-harm.
3. Additional notes about my portrayal of BJ.
Please also be aware that I interpret BJ as gay and genderqueer. This is a headcanon pulled from the novels, not the films. He does not have the safety nor terminology to explore his sexuality, but while he most regularly refers to himself as he/him, he is perfectly comfortable with she/her and would likely identify asgenderfluid had he grown up in a modern decade.This headcanon may change later once I'm able to more thoroughly explore BJ's character as sometimes I suspect BJ might actually just be a trans girl who isn't all that fussed about pronouns. We'll see what he tells me as he develops in future threads. Related to above, BJ may use homophobic or transphobic terms common in the '70s and '80s (ie - puff or transsexual to describe someone who is gay or trans). This is obviously not meant negatively, but I understand if that makes you uncomfortable. I will always tag these things #slur for ts, and if you prefer that I avoid this sort of language in our threads together, please let me know.
4. Clarification about shipping or perceived attempts to ship.
*Due to BJ's tumultuous and often skewed idea of love and kindness, BJ may confuse his own gratitude and feelings of safety around male muses with romantic feelings. Please do not take this as me trying to force a ship between our muses. You are 100% welcome to write your muse turning him down; BJ might be hurt, but I won't be. Again, as with anything else, if this makes you uncomfortable, let me know in advance.
That's all!
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