#also if anyone wanted to share you oc x canon ships or self-insert x canon ships please let me know!!!
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weekly-gordie · 7 months ago
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Week 10 of drawing Gordie, this time featuring Milo!!! Thank you anon for this request!!! : D
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bobvelsebobsession · 3 months ago
So I think I should have a pinned post I guess? An introduction to whom I am so y’all get to understand me a bit better.
Hello! I am Sandra, you may call me Sandy or Hero. I’m a 28 genderfluid woman. I go by he/she/they pronouns. I don’t often interact with people outside my spaces but if I think you’re cool I might send an ask. It’s nothing personal of course, I’m very shy and cautious.
Also if you wanna request a drawing of a Spooky Month character I’m more than happy to do a little doodle for you. Or you can ask me questions to get to know me better!
My favorite character is… well Bob Velseb of course! I have a self insert/OC I ship with him. Also I am not big on sharing characters I like, but I’m not gonna harass anyone over it. Bob is popular so it’s expected. Just don’t expect to see any ship art of him with others here!
I do appreciate a lot of the characters from Spooky Month so I share stuff about them here as well. I may post suggestive stuff as well so anyone under 18 has been warned.
Seeing as I’m an adult, I DO NOT interact with minors much. I will have a chat but do not try anything. I’m in a relationship and I’m not catching a case. The fact I even have to clarify this should tell you plenty, been on the internet way too long to see my fair share of messed up stuff.
Anyways, I do VRChat content stuff as a job, I also do YouTube and twitch streaming. So you may see posts for that every so often. If I make any models I’ll share them here and they’ll most likely be for sale.
If you’re interested in my VRChat work and wanna see more or commission me, the ask box and DMs are open. All commission info is here: https://herobrinesingsart.carrd.co
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@herobrinesings?si=tryaS3IimuBt8zIm
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/herobrinesings
Gumroad: https://herobrinesings.gumroad.com/
I also have a strawpage so feel free to doodle something on there, I may just share it!
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Have a shirtless Bob for your travels and thanks for stopping by! Also if you wanna send an ask, check out my Dos and Don'ts before you do!
NSFW/suggestive is allowed. Unfortunately the suggestive portion is the only thing you'll see. my NSFW stuff goes to my AD Twitter. However, don't send any if you're a minor, that's all I ask.
Magic Anons, Just send M!A and what you want to do to the individual muse. You can do any character but remember this blog does focus on Bob, Sandy, and their kids. Again anyone in my AU is fine though, which is basically every spooky month character.
OC interactions, I love interacting with others OCs. So please don't be afraid to. Having an image of what they look like helps me if I do end up drawing the interaction.
Ask for Art Trades! I love trading art with mutuals. It's fun for both parties involved.
Anon hate, that will be ignored or I'm gonna make fun of you. I WILL NOT be nice about it.
Bob is canonically married in the AU, teasing is fine but flat out harassing him to "marry" you, "kiss" you, etc; will not be tolerated.
Do not ask me to draw any ship art with Bob, I'm not a big fan of any ship art involving him. (EXs: ratmeat, oc x canon, etc) This does not apply to commissions, however.
Do not ask me to draw anything ship related involving an adult and a minor character. That is a BIG FAT NO.
This list is set to change over time, so please check back frequently.
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voloslovelydivinity · 4 months ago
ParadiseLostshipping (Or UUU)(Volo X Mystic selfship)
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dividers by @kodaswrld
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No i dont fucking share him! piss off! I am his canon husband and he has eyes only for me! I am ficto so I see and take it seriously because it is as real to me as any other romantic relationship and Volo does the same! He is married to ME AND ONLY ME! Doubles have imposters and Dittos ie fake volos in my eyes. if anyone objects to this FACT sit down and know your place in our world cause you are nothing but an disgusting, puny, disease filled bug to be squashed<3 I warn you NOW!
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I use first and third person when talking about my s/i since it is me.
Sometime in june or july of last year was when we reunited. We were together 200+ years
We got married offically on Nov 7th
I use He/they/It Pronouns
Mystic my self insert is pokemon platinum based(if you see Giratina and Volo art or screenies that is Mystic and Volo)
also expect some trolling and shitposts about Volo cause thats my weird way of showing love😅😬
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power couple :>
TLDR: Volo and I married irl and spiritually(he is my soul-mate). I have an astral ring on my finger. Due to Volo having an egergore. Its as real and important to me as any physical human relationship due to many traumatic experiences of dealing with physical human relationships. Our love is real as anyone elses especially due to my swearing off human relationships(meaning I'm not actively searching for one) it didn't feel right to me to be with someone else who will hurt me when I'm with Volo who fulfills every bit of my needs and romantic environments that I subconsciously was craving. Respect that its as real to me as your human physical relationship and or your relationship with your f/o. Your experience is yours. mine is mine. I am just a Giratina otherkin rotting away in human flesh prison enjoying life with my husband
Lets say my selfship isn't always cupcakes and rainbows so scroll away if you not into that more heavy (but nons*xual) k*nky or weirder side of shipping(monster romancing/interspecies romance) stuff. 😅😬. Also Vol is an overstuffed plushy man and he is soft yet muscular in body. He eats alot and is best pillow to lay on. He has soft torso due to eating alot. BUT HE IS SO SOFT SO HUGGABLE SO WARM AND SQUISHY HHHH PLUS HEART BEAT 💓 💖 ♥️ 💗 💕 ❤️ 💓💙💛
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Our ship name is a play on our exclamation when one of us does something so romantic and or sensual it makes us loose our braincells in the best way
And it is called ParadiseLostShipping due to Mystic being a fallen angelic being is because we are both considered an unholy abomination in the eyes of our respective divinity and we let our unhinged apocalypse inducing actions spit in the face of God itself idk a divinized Luciferian troped merchant head over heels over a literal fallen angel sounds pretty sacrilegious and we both are not above wanting to nuke and recreate the world in a fit of nihilistic rage and sorrow at the state of humanity due to the so called creator letting it go to shit.
VOLISTIC = Mystic and Volo name combo) its awful I am tired and it sounds like holistic but its Volistic because they complete eachother and its a dumb name for a dumb ship👁👄👁
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Volo says "our love is transcendent beyond time and space" And "fated"
Which I'm scared of marriage
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our ship aesthetic Void/Occult/Fallen Angelcore/Classical/Celestial/ idk lets say unsettling imagery with darker esoteric/hermetic or religious themes, places that makes one uncomfortable yet serene, divine madness with Biblically accurate angels along with churches, and or Luciferian motifs. Gloomy Traditional Japanese settings with fog and nature , Golden hour sunsets over oceans and the nightsky at dusk with some clouds, Stargazer Lilies, Bleeding heart, White and red Roses and sunflowers. Golds, whites, indigo, dark purples, reds, black and dark green
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Vol is practically a monster fucker since I am an eldritch being of stars, abyssal energy and thought up dreamscapes a borderline nullified conglomerate of holy and unholy abstractions rotting away in a physical human vessel ⚠️ along with me being a biblically accurate angel yeah things get freaky
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Me with Volo
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Mystic's true form leaking out practically
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Again we are soul bonded by the red string of fate since in his eyes apparently my outlandish Eldritch Horror of a gremlin self is interesting and he loves interesting things. Also he rambles with the finger point and everything especially when he is in his calmer less intense mode. He is very overprotective of me and doesn't take anyone abusing me🥴
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He is my radiant King, my God , my stargazer and my Beloved Sun ☀️👼💛
I'm his beloved little devil worm, his fallen star/angel, his Divinity 🌠👹🪽
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Vol altar that keeps growing
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So enjoy this blog that is devoted to him and I. He is my one and only 👁❤️‍🔥🥰🧏🏼‍♂️❤️
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natureboy96 · 7 months ago
“Problematic” ships that people still ship because you literally can
A follow up to my “villainous characters who got redemption”, but focused on ships now - because you can literally ship any two character, or your self-insert, together. And it doesn’t matter if it’s problematic, because you’re allowed to make problematic ships and share them - and fuck people if they think they have the right to judge you for em. If people don't want to see them, it's up to them individually to curate their experience; It's certainly not a fandom's place (or people who claim to represent the fandom or 'majority') to exclude people because some dislike them more than others.
Do I personally ship these? Not really. Also haven't seen many of them before or their source material, not a horror fan and skipped the new star wars. Some of these make me uncomfortable to think about too.
Do I care that other people ship them? Not really. If I see something and I don't like it I don't have to read or look at it.
Should any of these be banned for being problematic? Not in the slightest. I'm not inside someone else's brain, I don't know what motivates them to write or draw or create how they do. People are allowed to experience and interact with the media they like how they want.
Dean & Sam Winchester: a literal tumblr classic, “Wincest” has existed as long as the show has. Aside from the fact they are canonically brothers, they’ve also attempted to kill each other and been abusive towards each other for seasons, as well as loved each other intensely.
Hannibal and Will Graham: One's a literal cannibal, the other is tasked with tracking him down... until he gets wooed to the serial killer's side - and fandom takes it to another level!
A Ton of Harry Potter Ships: Harry x Voldemort, Bellatrix x Hermione, Draco x Anyone - having canonically insane characters like Bellatrix (not to mention adults, though from my brief sojourn into this one they're all aged up to be adults) in a full on romantic relationship with the main heroes is wild, but has a history older than some of the people on this site!
Kylo Ren and Rae: Might need to add Kylo Ren to my terrible actions but redeemed list - literally kills his father and countless others, kidnaps Rae and abused her, and still manages to be instrumental to saving the day. Fandom just gives them the relationship the canon hadn't time for!
Lucy and the Ghoul: here's a fresh one, right out of the Fallout tv series! He's over 200 years old, he kidnaps her, he uses her as bait for a monster, he hits and physically assaults her, he cuts off her finger.. Go ahead and ship em!
A crap ton of horror movie slashers and their victims/other slashers: Michael Myers and Laurie, Jason Vorhees and a lot of OC's, Jason Vorhees and Freddy Kreuger?!? They did have at least two movies together... Oh, and those two guys from the first Scream movie, but that one honestly feels more canon than not (and one of the few slashers I've seen!)
The Entire Mortal Kombat Cast with each other: for a game that's renowned/infamous for having ridiculously gory, over the top kill animations of your opponents, there's no doubt all of these guys have had some mixing and matching going on.
Dracula and Jonathan Harker: ... Ok, this one is practically canon, right?
add more in the comments or replies below!
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daynightshipping · 8 months ago
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💚 Welcome to Daynightshipping 💚
Wowee I’m finally making a pinned post to explain all this!! My name is Ares, I’m 22 and extremely gay. I’ll warn you now I am the literal manifestation of 30 mental illnesses and banned from most public spaces. As John Mulaney once put it, “I also dont want me to be doing what I’m doing”. I’m ADHD and there’s probably some autism in there as well I don’t know anymore. My brain is not normal basically lmfao.
I ship with Jesse Glenn from Bakugan Battle Brawlers. I have loved this fruit since the moment I laid eyes on him at like 12 years old or however old I was when I watched Bakugan lol. About a year ago I got sick with covid, rewatched the show and fell absolutely head over heels again…. I definitely attribute him to being my gay awakening (even though I thought I was just a really fucked up weird straight girl up until after I graduated high school). This blog is for the ship between my self insert and Jesse, although I may refer to my s/i and myself interchangeably.
What is the ship?
Jesse Glenn x Aires Gallo. Aires is a boyfailure brawler who meets Jesse in Bakugan Interspace and finds himself in love and also entangled in an interplanetary war! Fun! Lots of angst potential here if u know the source material lmao
Why the name?
It’s inspired by the song When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco
I don’t really have a DNI just don’t be an asshole about me self shipping or anything lmao. It’s honestly rare I block anyone but if ur being shitty enough I will 💀
As far as like content and sharing f/o’s and stuff I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s not my place to police anyone and if I don’t like something I may complain bc I’m a complainer, but in reality it’s not that big of a deal and more of a personal preference or something I just need to get over. Obviously not into going out of my way to harass people as long as they don’t harass me lol. That being said, I’m not the biggest fan of Jesse in m/f ships (and just most m/f ships in general UNLESS it’s your self ship or Zelink then I love you mwuah) so, not that I really think anyone would bc this character is so niche in general, dont like tag me or send me that type of stuff. TLDR, keep it at a distance ig lmfao.
Other stuff???
My headcanons aren’t exactly 100% clear and I do like to imagine different scenarios between these 2. One of the divergent paths is where they have a kid together, Zephyr, so I’ll of course post him too. Idk this started off as more of a selfship dumping zone and it still is kind of that.
I have a NSFT blog (gummysharksafterdark) where I do post some selfship stuff too that’s obviously 18+ only.
My ask box is always open, and my dms are too to some extent, although I don’t answer those as often usually. My main is gummy-sharks666 which is mostly Bakugan right now bc that’s what I’m hyperfixated on atm and other general fandom stuff. I look forward to interacting w other oc/canon shippers and selfshippers, esp ones with anime or hobbyani f/o’s, and also obviously Bakugan fans if u care this oc/canon stuff at all uwu.
That’s about it, so yeah
(Art at the top gifted by @ / freaquin)
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miowritings · 1 year ago
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✮Hi, im miyhho! And i write for prsk! i dont write smut because all of the characters are minors..
✮im a afab writer who prefers to write the characters as gn(gender-neutral). I want all of my readers to feel included🫶🏻
✮ I started this blog because i was bored one day and thought that "why not make a writing blog?" And yeah i did just that! I didnt expect my fics to be popular so thankyou so much for the support(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
✮Anyone can interact with this blog! Wether it'll be minors, adults, males, females,lurkers, etc! Just dont be a bitch and we're cool :))
⍟Additional info..
My fave pjsk characters are shiho, airi, akito, tsukasa and kanade! Fav vocaloids are kaito, gumi, rin, len, miku, and yuki!
Fave d4dj characters are maho, shinobu, towa, rika, aoi, miiko, hayate, weronika, and airi! (Fun fact: me and airi share the same birthday, sep.1!)
I love self inserts and oc x cc, they make me giggle, (please send me your self inserts or oc x cc ships, would love to see it!)
Despite loving oc x cc im not a shipper ૮꒰ྀི >��⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა, im not really caught up with ships and would only ship characters if they are canon, i sometimes have a hatred towards ships because they often mischaracterize characters :((
I love drawing, writing, listening to songs and dancing! Im also planning to cosplay an so uh.. stay tunedᖭི(ˊᗜˋ*)ᖫྀ
I love talking to people! Even if i just met them :3 so if you ever wanna be a *insert emoji* anon feel free too!
I swear alot!! (Which im not proud of) every time i rant on my alt @miyhhodraws you can see me swearing and cussing :(( ill try to tone down my swearing here, but on my alt ill swear as much as i want too!
NOTE this is a side blog so i cant really talk to yall☹️☹️
NOTE all my announcements are on the tag #miyhhodump🍮(block if your only here to read)
✮Requests..→ closed! (Will take long)
✮Rules in requesting..
✮ D4DJ-masterlists!
#/miyhhodump🍮 - announcements, talks, etc.
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@miyhhowrites @miyhhodraws
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drawmanations · 8 months ago
✨Intro Post✨
Rick and Morty fandom hiatus - read this post
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first things first - Palestine masterpost, free Palestine
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Hiii I'm Eyez! Welcome to my little blog where I draw! :3
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Some DNIs below!
• homophobes, transphobes, people who hate LGBT in general
• pro-Israel/anti-palestine people (aka Zionists)
• racists!
•Zoophiles, pedos, anyone else who might have done a horrid act
• extreme antishippers, the ones who go out and harass people. I don't want to deal with you!
• endos (I don't have DID, but I at least know that endos don't have systems)
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• ✨ Rick and Morty ✨ (the BIGGEST ONE by far)
• Gravity Falls
• Inscryption
• Wings of fire
• LittleBigPlanet (2)
• DnD
• Castoff (by @thestarfishface!!)
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I swear a lot, lol. I also post blood, gore, torture, and some other themes that people may find disturbing. Your discretion is advised!
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Quick notes!
Hey, I'm gonna be trying he/him out. She/her is still an option, but he/him is preferred (copy and pasted from a post)
I am an anti, but I genuinely do not care if proshippers interact!
Pls keep the ship discourse off my blog unless there is a time and place for it. Don't go into my inbox saying "you know this person ships x". I could care less.
Also pls keep system discourse out of my blog
Basically, keep drama out of my blog in general
I almost EXCLUSIVELY post about Rick and Morty. It's my favourite show, and has been since 2019!
Anons are off bc I don't want harassment. I may turn them on every once in a while
I roleplay! You can find my RP blogs here if you want to do post RP threads, you can also DM them! Remember to keep them SFW! Also, I'm semi-literate and mostly want to RP with my Rick and Morty characters/ocs
Anyone of any age can interact!
The intro post is destined to change lol
I post my voice. Don't comment on it or guess my age
Kiko is my self insert. Don't use her for any sexual situations, add genitalia to her design, etc. She's 25 in canon to ship with Flesh Curtains Rick
If I post a vent to here or my vent blog, pls don't ask if I'm okay. I appreciate the concern, but I don't want constant asks lmfao
I'm not adding my vent blog to the blog list bc I don't want anyone kinda... Checking it frequently ig? You can prob find it in my reblogs
adding on bc of the current Palestine situation: I may be too overwhelmed with the amount of donation asks so I may close the inbox. I am very sorry if you have a campaign you wanted to share, you can comment a link to your post for me to reblog. I also cannot donate, unfortunately.
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Other blogs!
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#Drawma's art - art tag
#Drawma's random posts - rambling tag
#reblox - reblog tag
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Dividers are by to @plum98
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Credits - @lgbtq-userboxes, @sweetpeauserboxes
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h20milk · 8 months ago
Do you have a F/O list? :o
on my carrdco! although it's a little outdated HAHA, my f/o's are technically just people i ship with my ocs (that are basically my self inserts but also not really! i can explain that if anyone is curious). but here u are!
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azul ashengrotto is STRICTLY an oc x canon yume, i see him and yuu as my children but i'm way too lazy to take him off of the yume list because he's been with me ever since i was 17 ToT i also am strongly into wriothesley from genshin and leon from pokemon!
i also want to make clear that i LOVE sharing and am in no way that serious about all of them, i just like seeing them loved and i like believing i am loved by them! (〃^▽^〃)
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king-magnifico-haven · 11 months ago
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🌟🌖 Why would you ship an OC or a self-insert with King Magnifico? 🌟🌖
Why wouldn’t you just ship him with Amaya, since that’s his canon love interest? 
Well, some of us aren’t comfortable with holding Canon as Law. We happily throw our imaginations into Overdrive and go all the way outside the box. Some of us don’t think Amaya was handled very well. People like me think the movie handled her horribly.
Thus, the creation of OCs and self-inserts being shipped with King Magnifico. But I don’t spend any time unfairly hating the Magnifico x Amaya ship.
Just because I ship Magnifico with my OC, you will never see me going out of my way to insult him being shipped with Amaya. 
Shipping an OC or a self-insert with King Magnifico can be great fun! Your character can provide him with all of the love, understanding and attention he deserves. It’s kind of like a baby Pokemon needing someone to adopt them. He needs someone to give him love and care, and that’s where your character could come in. 
If you can’t draw, that’s okay! Neither can I! If you don’t think anyone will care about your OC because you can’t draw, that’s not true! You’ll find amazing people in this community that will support your OC or self-insert. You can definitely share them with me! If you don’t want your character out in the open, you’re more than welcome to send in an anonymous Ask or send me a Message. Tell me all about them! 
If you can’t draw your characters but would like to share them, please don’t forget Picrews! You can also use apps like Custom Cast and Gacha Club to create your OC or self-insert.  
If you don’t do OCs or self-inserts, but you just want someone to talk to about King Magnifico, let me have it!
Send me an Ask or a Message! I may be stuck from time to time, dealing with a job and my home life, but I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can! 
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allioaro · 2 years ago
Forgive me, I'm unsure here. What does non sharing mean in this context? You don't want interactions from any other players or OCS who ship with Idia or you don't want any interaction from people who like other Idia ships? Does that include, like, regular reblogs? Sorry, I've never seen this outside of Rp bios
Dw!! It just means that I keep my distance from anyone with oc or self insert ships with Idia, and won’t interact with them. I also tend not to interact with those who draw or write about canon x canon Idia ships.
No bad feelings or anger here, everyone is completely entitled to what they ship and like! I just like to curate my space so I can feel comfortable here^^
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childrenof217 · 1 month ago
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Hello! I'm 217, but you can call me Two! I'm in my 20s and my pronouns are they/them. OC creation is my lifeblood, and I wanted a place to accumulate all the oc content from my various sideblogs, so here we are!
I mainly enjoy canon x oc ships, and about 90% of my ocs are shipped with canon characters of their respective verses! If that is not your cup of tea, this is not the place for you. I'm also a selfshipper and have various self-inserts/sonas. And they are smooching my blorbos. Because I am free <3
Some rules:
Asks are VERY welcome! Please let me yap about my ocs I will love you forever and possibly ask for your hand in marriage /silly
I'm in my 20s, and there will be adult content here. Minors preferably stay away and do not interact (but idk I'm not your mom)
In that vein, curate your own online experience! Harassment of any form will NOT be tolerated and you will be blocked on sight. Antis gtfo, you are not welcome here. Good vibes only!
I am totally cool with sharing anyone EXCEPT TfA!Prowl. That's my husband and I do not like to see him with anyone else, it makes me sad. Sorry! Anyone else is absolutely free game and if we have the same f/o PLEASE be my friend!!
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Fandom the brain cell is currently focused on
Fandoms I have ocs in that I very likely will come back to
Warrior Cats
The Walking Dead
Danny Phantom
The Hunger Games
Legend of Zelda (BotW/TotK)
The Dragon Prince
Blood of Zeus
Super Mario (movie verse)
Fandoms I have ocs in that I may or may not return to (chances are low but never zero)
Mystic Messenger
The Lion King
Pokémon (anime)
Fandoms I have left but I still have guys here
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
I also have multiple original verses, as well as ocs for fandoms I was never in in the first place (sometimes I come up with ocs while I watch something and then move on immediately as soon as I'm done)
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alpurrtwhizkersss · 2 years ago
a little introduction [2023]
hey, my name’s Alpurrt, otherwise known as alpurrtwhizkersss here on Tumblr, and I’m 18 :)
i decided i’d do an introduction post because i’m thinking of starting to write on here. 
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/alpurrtwhizkersss/698998070518644736/i-love-you?source=share
i’ll be writing on my own, so i don’t rely on requests but they’d be really great to recieve!
you can find my pronouns in my bio, they may change quite often so i’m not going to put them here because i can’t be bothered coming back to edit this post every week :’)
i do lots of things! my main passion is art, but i’m not sure how much of that i’ll be posting on here, so i’ll mainly be posting about my other passion, which is writing!
here’s the good bit that you all probably care about, what fandoms i write for! okay, actually, first i’m going to tell you my rules for writing:
feel free to request things using the ask box! i’ll always have in my bio whether my requests are open or closed, and i’ll try and get to requests (if i get any) as soon as i can, but since i’m currently at school they may take a while, so please be patient with me :D
I will not write:
Smut, requests concerning serious mental disorders/issues, very dark topics, anything which could insinuate a lack of consent in a relationship, other’s OCs/self-inserts, canon ships (I only write X Readers!)
I will write:
Angst, fluff, making out, hurt/comfort, injury/violence descriptions (this does not mean self harm, I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable writing about this topic.), X Reader write from prompts if you give me a prompt and a character, platonic!reader, familial relationship!reader (NOT ROMANTIC) and LGBT+!Reader/Ships!
If you have any questions about these rules/want to clear anything up, drop me an ask!
NOW! Fandoms I write for (With the characters!)
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Han Solo, Leia Organa-Solo, Qui-Gon Jinn, Lando Calrissian, Satine Kryze- All of the clones, I’ll really write for anyone from Star Wars, apart from Rebels- since I haven’t seen that yet! But I will update you all when I have :)
Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Shang Chi, Katy Chen, pretty much all of the Eternals apart from Sprite, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Foggy Nelson, and Matt Murdock.
I will write for pretty much every X-Men character, I also write for the Fantastic 4 :)
I write for Gotham as well as other DC canons, so literally send ‘em all in, but if you want specifics:
Every Young Justice character, the entire Batfamily (Damian is questionable, depends what the request entails.), most villains apart from The Joker, most Arrowverse characters, characters from the Sandman, The Suicide Squad (2021), Peacemaker, and John Constantine. There’s probably many more I haven’t thought of, so like I said, just send them all in to me :)
Resident Evil: 
Leon S Kennedy, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, William Birkin, Annette Birkin, Sherry Birkin, Jake Mueller, Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Karl Heisenberg, Rose Winters, Joseph Frost, Richard Aikens, Forest Speyer, Luis Sera, Ashley Graham.
Finally, we have some other fandoms that I write for but that aren’t my mains! I won’t be listing names of characters I write for these fandoms so just send a request in and I’ll likely do it :)
Lord Of The Rings
Star Trek
Doctor Who
His Dark Materials (I won’t write for Lyra unless she’s older)
Criminal Minds
The Lost Boys
BBC Ghosts
The Umbrella Academy
The Matrix
Final Fantasy 7
Harry Potter/Marauders
Power Rangers
Les Miserables
Nancy Drew Video Games
The Hardy Boys
Assassin’s Creed
Stranger Things
It (2017/19)
The Walking Dead
Dirk Gentley’s Holistic Detective Agency
Six of Crows
The Walking Dead
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riabunn · 2 years ago
updated 01/28/2025
hey there, i’m ria! i’m an autistic angel chilling on the internet. i’m an artist and i love to draw selfshipping, weird nonsensical things and whatever i like! i love video games and weirdcore! i’m introverted as hell (funny of me to say as an angel) and i’m afraid about making the first move, but i wanna make friends with likeminded people. i use traditional, ibispaint x, clip studio paint, krita and magma. i’m also a beginner music producer, i just started my musical journey not too long ago, in november 2024! i use fl studio and garageband and i desire to mainly making weirdcore music. i’m also looking towards being a game dev, but i haven’t gotten started yet…
strawpage — info, interests, social media links, f/o list, dni and byf lists f/o list toyhouse — my characters, and extended info about them. also serves as an archive of art i make and receive of them. more updated info about my characters are here
note: you can still access my carrd. you’ll have the option to go there instead when you open the strawpage link. same info, just more accessible
i have this original series called pink blue moon which is still early in development, but i’m currently sharing characters, concept art and such for the series as i go! i certainly don’t mind anyone preordering seats to see this series come to life! i have a tag for it: #pink blue moon
feel free to draw my characters and selfships! no need to ask, go for it! i like getting surprised by other people’s art of my characters/selfships! it makes me happy! i do upload art i receive into my toyhouse with credit, but if you don’t want me to do that, please let me know beforehand. also, i DO allow ns///fw art, but only for CERTAIN characters, adult characters and adult artists only obviously. which characters i allow for this kind of content are tagged as “ns//fw ok” without slashes on my toyhouse. also, please let me know if your idea first so i can approve of it. if you’re unsure of anything you can dm me about it! no fetishes, underaged, rape or dubcon of my characters at all please!
i’m a sharing selfshipper, i am 100% okay with sharing f/o’s! i love doing that cause i love to gush over our babes we have in common and i love seeing other people have the same whimsy as i do over them. if we end up sharing an f/o you are nonsharing with, feel free to break the mutual or block me. your comfort is important
i’m way less likely to follow back if you’re under 16, but this rule will likely become more strict as i get older
general tags
#my art
#ria fanart - other people's art of my characters
#self ship
#my oc
selfship tags
#🍝🍷 pasta alla tequila — peppino spaghetti x ria tequila (pizza tower)
#pizzano x ria — (tag name is a placeholder, but self explanatory, sugary spire)
#🌙🔪 your hands pull me away — wayne x rafazel (hylics)
oc x canon tags
#🍕🦎 nothing compares a lizard — fake bruno x ria (pizza tower)
character tags
#into the riaverse — content of all my self inserts in general
#ria tequila - pizza tower self insert
#fake ria - non-canon clone of ria tequila
#la duvaloca - sugary spire self insert
#rafazel — hylics self insert
this is not a promo, do not reblog
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sybilmarlowe · 4 years ago
Since I joined the One Piece fandom, I was asked different times which character I ship with Doffy the most. Given I'm usually into self insert things, I'd firstly go with "my OC, of course 😛"... But let's talk about what I think of Doffy's most famous ships 😁
DISCLAIMER: all of what follows is TOTALLY my own opinion, don't want to judge anyone who thinks differently than me. OP is a fictional world made of fictional characters and anyone can ship whoever they likes!
So, here's the ships:
Doffy x Viola
Ok, let's start with what many people's don't want to hear: this ship is canon. Yeah. Like it or not, it's a matter of fact.
I honestly like them together, they're a weird couple but somehow they work. I like to imagine how could have been the dynamic between the two of them, and I'm more than sure there was nothing abusive from Doffy's side. I mean, sexually at least. I agree with the fact destroying one's whole life and Country is pretty abusive, but I'm quite sure the feelings between Doffy and Viola have been real for a while. Maybe the concept could sound trivial, but no one chooses who to love and Doffy has many characteristics which may definitely make a person fall for him. Not totally sure HE has ever truly loved her, but I like to think so. After all he does have a weak side and Viola might have been one of the few (even thanks to her powers) who managed to see it and knowing him deeply. This surely strenghtened their bond and it might have finally resulted in love...
My vote is a 8/10
Doffy x Cora
This is incest. I know. And it's indeed problematic and controversial. Irl a thing like this isn't exactly acceptable.
BUT as I told before, OP is pure fiction, so... I have to say quite like them tbh. In my opinion, as long as a relationship is adult and consensual there's nothing deeply wrong in it IN FICTIONAL WORLDS. (I know, there are fanfictions in which their relationship is abusive, but since we’re talking about headcanons here I like to think it’s not). Have you watcher GoT? Cersei and Jamie were one of the best written pairings in the whole series, the same goes for this situation imo, we have all the conditions to make this ship a sensible one.
They’re a realistic couple cause they went through a lot of difficulties together and, even if they chose different paths of life, their bond is very very deep. Their love is a desperate one, like “you’re the only one in this world I can REALLY trust”. This from both sides. The difference is that Cora is a pure person who just want to love and being loved while Doffy... well, he’s not exactly mentally healthy and he’s like “all or nothing”.
A lot of angst and stuff, of course, for this reason my vote is 7/10
Doffy x Crocodile
I’m sure someone out there is going to want my head for what I’m about to write, the DoffyxCroco fandom is huge after all... but... 
I don’t like this ship at all. 
Given one can ship two people with no reason or just because they wear matching colours and look good in fanarts (?) imo DoffyxCrocodile has no sense. They interact, yeah, but nothing about their dialogues or shared scenes makes me thing they could be a good couple. Even that most famous encounter at Marineford which made fanpeople scream... They looked just like contenders who quite disliked eachother, nothing less and nothing more :/ and Doffy saying “I’m jelous!” just gave me the same vibes of a childish sacrastic way to piss off a person, pretty much like the stupid classic “you fight like a girl!”. 
They’re aesthetically beautiful, nothing to say, they’re both among the most handsome characters in OP  and have a similar story, so I’m not saying I don’t understand the reasons of those who ship them... Just... I want ships to be stronger and more credible than this :/
6/10 just because they look good in fanarts XD
Doffy x Luffy 
This is pretty diffused, but..... why. 
I mean... what happened between the two of them which could have made them fall for eachother?? D: Have you ever tried to date a person after trying GearFourthPunch them out of the troposphere? °A° (Also, Luffy could LITERALLY be Doffy’s son. This is weird. Not the weirdest thing, but still.)
Srsly... If you like them together I ask you to tell me which dynamics are there behind this ship. Cause I really can’t see WHERE do you see even a little trace of feelings between the two of them D: 
Sorry D:
Doffy x Law
Gods, yes. YES.
This ship HELLA works from every single point of view. Doffy and Law are two of the most (if not THE MOST) well written characters in the whole series. They have a complete and complex background, a deep and multifaceted personality and, above all, an extremely strong bond. 
Ship them or not, they’re literally OBSESSED by eachother for different reasons.
 Law is the ONLY man Doffy considers almost his equal, he thinks he’s like the only person worth being his right hand man and I’m quite sure he’s galvanized by the idea Law is the one who’s gonna sacrifice his life to make him immortal. Like... a great life to complete an even greater one? This is insane. And yet beautiful. 
On the other hand, Law’s thoughts have been completely centred on taking revenge on Doffy for 10 years. Like, he was literally obsessed by that man, consumed by the hate he felt for him which obscured anything else, even his maniacal good sense in the end. 
Turning this all into a tragic and tormented love story is as easy as drinking water. A long-term reciprocal hate mixed with a deep admiration for eachother (even from Law’s side, after all Doffy was the one who thaught him almost... everything?) which slowly turns into something terribly different. Imagine the tension between two arch enemies who have to admit their hate melted into passion... and yet still have this latent feeling of wanting the other’s death.......
Don’t know what’s your opinion about this kind of stories, but for me, the self proclaimed Queen of Angst, in love with the most tragical Theatre and Literature... THIS IS GOOD STUFF. 
Doffy x Trebol 
What tHE ACTUAL F***K. 
Doffy x Bellamy
Please, no. 
Alright, I hate Bellamy. He’s exactly the kind of character I find terribly pathetic and incomplete. He barely has a personality of his own, he’s a wild fanboy with nothing original (not like Barto. Barto is the best fanboy ever. All my love goes to Barto.). 
Now, he spent all his 34 years of life trying to... imitate Doffy? And yet he doesn’t even manage to truly understand him. So he’s worse than a fanboy, he’s attracted to the idealization of a man who’s not even half of the things he expects him to be. This is sad. Really sad. And call me a sadist, he deserved being humiliated imo. Maybe this helped him open his eyes and getting a life. Seriously. 
It goes without saying I totally can’t see how a relationship between him and Doffy could work. Doffy despises him, the only kind of plot this thing could have is a quite abusive one :/ and since I deeply dislike abuse.... no. This ship is totally out of question.
Doffy x Monet
This is another ship which barely touches the canon. I sincerely think the "love" between the two of them is pretty much unilateral. Doffy respects Monet, he deeply appreciates her abilities, intelligence and loyalty, she's clearly among his closest subordinates, but... He doesn't love her in a romantic way. As for Monet, she's totally in love with him, she'd kill and die for him. And in fact that's what she does in the end.
Monet is not among my fav characters, but I still feel quite sorry for how things went for her. She gave her everything away for a helpless, almost obsessive, love.
If something between the two of them really happened for real, I think it was merely physical.
For this reason, tough I have to admit they'd actually look beautiful together, I can't ship them :/
Doffy x Vergo
Ok, I dislike Vergo. He's quite a flat character imo, don't even like his design 😅 I don't ship him with Doffy for this simple reason, but being honest they could perfectly work as a couple.
Vergo was among Doffy's very first "real friends", he was among those who were considered a family by him and, most importantly, he was the only one around his same age. They literally grew up together, likely supporting each other, and I wouldn't be honest if I said this has no chance to be a good assumptipn for a love story. A quite simple and basic one, if you want, but it's the most realistic kind of bond two people can make.
Still not shipping them, my vote is a honest 7/10.
Guess that's all?
Let me know what do you think about this 😆 do you agree with my votes? Or there are some points you totally disagree with?
Well, anyways. I had fun 😂
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pistachiozombie · 4 years ago
Hello, this kind of random but I stumbled on your at and I wanted to say that your work is, absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm not even really into the hobbit/lord of the rings very much, but everytime I see your art of Leanna and Bofur i just get really happy because they're just super cute and charming!!
I was also curious, if you don't mind the question, how did you get started sharing your oc x canon ship creations? I've recently fallen into having ships like that and though I would like to share them, I get so scared about it. So, I kind of just really admire and think it's great that you do. I hope that's alright to ask! And also that you have a wonderful day!
Wow thank you! That's so incredibly sweet of you! It will always baffle me that people other than me got so hooked on them. <3
To answer your question, it's hard to say, because I started with oc x canon stuff back when I was a young kid that didn't give a shit. I always 'liked' canon characters since 90's Felix The Cat, and did self inserts and stuff. (Looks at 10 year old me in love with Yugi)
I guess I just didn't care a whole lot what people thought of me. What I was doing, drawing, rp-ing, was fun to me, and shouldn't matter to strangers. If people want to share that with you, then that's awesome! Anyone who judges your oc x canon ship is either bored, jealous, unhappy with themselves, or a big dummy- and they aren't worth your time anyway... so you move on. Believe me, I think oc x canon is underrated! Hope you gain some more courage to post what makes you happy!
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anti-reader-insert · 4 years ago
I’m actually a Pro-Shipper. I’m not here to tell you what you can and cannot ship.
This blog is about anything not a Canon x Canon ship. This includes: Reader inserts, self-ships, imagines, etc.
This blog will also be about how much I hate Polyshipping / OT3+
Basically this is where I dump my personal shipping opinions.
“If you’re pro-ship, why are you anti-reader inserts??”
Because I find them uninteresting, creepy, gross, and a waste of perfectly good shipping potential for canon characters. Also because I have no emotional investments in your shallow excuse for a character. Be it OC, yourself, an imagine, or a random reader there’s no pre-existing emotional attachment there. I’m interested in seeing canon characters I care about bang, not a shallow faceless uninteresting generic excuse for a character I can’t relate to or enjoy the tiniest bit getting it on with a character I love who already has so much wasted shipping potential with literally any canon character in the source material. So yeah.
“Okay, so you don’t like it, why ruin the fun for others??”
Because there are certain fandoms where reader inserts make up the bulk of shipping fics and even sometimes, fanart. As tho no one gives a fuck about the canonical character dynamics. If there was more balance of content, I wouldn’t be so annoyed. If people tagged their shit properly I also wouldn’t be so annoyed.
“What about polyships then??”
That’s involving a personal trauma. Plus I just find them emotionally gross and a pack of lies. The only exceptions are, for both OCs and polyships, are straight up Mob x Canon because I like to see my faves suffer. So yeah.
“So you’re a pro-shipper, meaning you’re okay with all sorts of nasty shit in fiction but you choose to take issue with harmless reader inserts and loving polyships?? Why??”
Different strokes for different folks. Plus I’m not claiming anything moral about my stance. I’m not saying you’re a bad person for liking the shit I hate (boring, maybe, shallow too, but not bad). I’m very much pro freedom of speech and even tho I despise reader inserts and polyships to my core I will still defend your right to read / write them. But this doesn’t mean I can’t talk about how I fucking hate them personally. Basically, I’m not on a high horse casting moral judgement on anyone here. I’m all in favor of there being more nasty shit in fanfiction actually. That’s part of the wasted potential for me, personally, among other things. So yes that IS what I’m doing, in a sense.
“Why label is an anti blog if you’re a pro-shipper then?”
Because while anti’s are generally garbage people with garbage opinions and garbage dispositions who do terrible things... I cannot deny it’s a clear cut catchy shorthand for saying you don’t like shit. So it’s shorthand really. I do not condone harassment, death threats, or anything of that nature. Ever. I may rag on people and what they choose to ship, but I will never pretend to act like I’m morally superior for it. So while I am, sorta, anti certain things - I’m not an actual anti-shipper. Again this is due to the fact that I believe you can like whatever you want and I’m not trying to stop you.
“So what is the point of this blog then??”
Venting my frustrations. That’s pretty much it.
“Stop ruining my fun!!”
You ruin your own fun, bro. If my opinions bother you just block me. Personally I’d love to block every single reader insert, imagines, etc blog but it’s rare people accurately tag this bullshit. But if my opinions ruin your fun then your fun seems pretty fragile. Personally, if someone gave me shit about what I liked I’d just go read the shit they hate and move on with life. But hey, usually the people who do that to me are harping on about how terrible I am because of what I enjoy. I’m not doing that to you.
In short, welcome to my blog! If you happen to share my opinions then congrats you’re not alone after all! If you don’t share my opinions then perhaps you can take something away from this blog, or maybe not. If you’re here to give me shit because I hate your shit — why bother? I made it clear I’m not trying to stop you or anything.
If you have anymore questions or want to ask me personal shit, feel free.
As for the what to call me, eh idk, I guess “Chiyo” since that’s the name of my pfp character (from Murcielago in case anyone cares).
CLARIFICATION: As for the title “canon ships are always superior”, I mean canon x canon ships. Not just ships that are canon in canon.
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