#also i need to draw ame with more candy
yeehawpim · 4 months
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More @worldsbeyondpod merch I wish existed
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ohnoitstbskyen · 7 months
I know it would probably bring a lot of hate comments but I am begging you to roast the hazbin character designs because I'd love to have someone properly articulate why they don't work so I could send it to people who won't believe me when I tell them. 🫠 Understandable if you don't want to get into it though.
I don't think there's that much there to roast, honestly?
Those designs are clearly an extremely specific stylistic choice, and because that style is consistent throughout the show, it ultimately feels coherent with itself.
There are trade-offs being made. Because Hazbin's design style is SO stylized and so heavy on decoration and detailing, because it puts a lot of emphasis on costuming, it isn't as good at communicating specific character storytelling as a more grounded style could be (it's kind of the same tradeoff that stuff like Genshin Impact makes).
Like, why does Sir Pentious' hat have an eye and a mouth on it that makes its own expressions? Apparently not for very much reason at all, except that Pentious has a bit of an eyes-motif going on in his design and it was one more place to put an extra eye. And that's a valid criticism of his design, but also the entire show is designed like that, so frankly it would be weirder and more out of place if his design alone didn't have that kind of overelaborate decoration going on.
It does create a situation where I have a hard time "reading" the character designs sometimes. For example, Vox, Alastor and Pentious all wear a similar style of suit with upwards-turned shoulders, butterflies and pinstripes. Now, am I meant to read that as Vox imitating Alastor due to his crippling need to replace and outdo him, and Pentious imitating the style of powerful Overlords because he thinks that possessing their level of power will finally give him relief from his paranoia and self-loathing?
Or is it just a design fixation of the creator who keeps putting their characters in suits because that's just what they like? I can't really be sure, because sometimes design elements are used to intentionally tell stories about how characters relate to themselves, their world and one another, but plenty of other times designs look the way they do Because Of Vibes.
But again, that lack of clarity is clearly an intentional trade-off - and the benefit of that trade-off is a design style that is extremely varied, wild, expressive and memorable. Hazbin Hotel seems like a very easy show to draw fanart of, and a very fun show to draw fanart of. Those designs (especially the hyper-expressive faces) are begging to be the subjects of traumatic headcanons, unbearably cotton-candy soft fluff fantasies and weird, taboo, homoerotic power dynamics. Slaps roof of character design, this bad boy can express so much vicarious emotional intensity.
It's very exuberant, very excited about itself and very self-indulgent, it's a style that prioritizes visual impact and visual interest over readability (something which the animators of the show navigate with real skill, props to them) and individual aesthetics over worldbuilding.
And I don't blame anyone for being turned off by that (I certainly was the first time I started seeing those designs going around), but I would struggle to call the show's designs "bad" when they are clearly achieving exactly what they want to achieve.
I have some criticisms, especially re: how the show treats skinny bodies as an unquestioned, desirable default, and employs fatness as a means of alienating and abjecting the audience. That sucks very badly, and is a serious disappointment, and one of the few places where the show feels like it is being cowardly in its design philosophy. But I don't have it in me to do some kind of Hazbin Hotel Sucks And Here's Why takedown, its problems are not unique or extreme enough to warrant it, at least not as I currently understand them.
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think-like-a-poet · 2 months
Hey.... I saw that you're also write for kenan yildiz... can you write something about reader and him being in established relationship and she needed to babysit her baby nephew or niece... that is like less than 6 months old..... and kenan thinking about their future together.. thank you
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Kenan Yildiz x reader
A/N: I hope it is okay that I made the nephew a bit older, because 6 months old do like nothing, so I didn't know what to write for that.
You were running through the apartment, trying to hide all of the dangerous and sharp things before your sister was dropping off your nephew. They really needed some time to just be with themselves without their little angel. Oliver was a sweet 18 months old baby that just started to walk around more and was quick to fall against the furniture. You didn't want him to hurt himself while he was here.
As you put away the vase to a higher reach level, you heard the doorbell ring. You sprinted to open it and were greeted with the side of your sister, her husband and your nephew. "Hello, good morning." your sister said as she greeted you with a kiss on the cheeks. Your brother in law gave you a quick hug, while holding Oliver.
"Hi, Olli. Are you ready to spend the day with your aunti?" you asked as you carried him into your arms. He muttered a quick yes and clapped his hand with laughter.
Your sister smiles at him, "he took some of his drawing stuff with him, it is all in the bag. Don't let him fool you if he wants more candy, two are enough." you nod. She goes over it every time, but you let her. It must be hard to let your child alone.
"is Kenan not here?" she asks as she looks around the aparment.
You shake your head, "He had training. He will be home in a couple minutes."
You talk for some more minutes before the finally leave. "Alright, it is just us for now. What do you want to do?" you put him down on the floor and he walks towards his bag. "Can we draw. Daddy got some coloring pages for me.
you opened the bag and took out the pencils and some drawing stencil with cars on it. "This one." you show and Oliver clapped in agreement.
He takes it from your hand and puts it on the floor. "Don't you want to sit at the table?"you ask and point towards it, but he shook his head as he started the grab some pencils.
You sat down next to him on the ground, and he handed you a pencil. "You can do the other half." you nod and started to draw in a car.
You look up at the sound of the door opening and see Kenan walk inside. He looked a bit tired, but still handsome as always. "Hi, how was training." you asked to continue coloring the car.
He walks closer, confused on why you are sitting on the floor, before seeing Oliver. He smiles at the sight of you two coloring in the paper. There is a slight difference in your half and his.
"It was good. Didn't know you had a guest over." He places a kiss on your head before turning to the little boy. "You remember me?"
Oliver lets out some giggles as he walks to Kenan to give him a high five." yeah, my mommy says you are my uncle." a blush formed on Kenan's face and you smile at him. You love how he interacts with your family.
"I am going to take a quick shower, and I will be right with you." He says and you nod.
When Kenan got back, you and Oliver were seated on the couch, him in your lap, watching some kids show. "Look a dog." the little boy points to the tv and you agree with him. "Yeah, "
Kenan couldn't help but stay in the doorway watching you play with Oliver. You were great with children, something he loved about you. He couldn't help but picture you with his children. He wanted to spend his future with you, build your own little family. Of course, right now you are a bit young, but over a couple of years. He would love too.
kenan walked over to the table, where his bag was laying, and asked"I bought some cookies, do you want one?" Oliver was quick to answer his question with an excited yes, and you both laughed.
"I don't know. I promised your parents I wouldn't let you eat to many sweets. " You say and he pours his lip. He looked like a sad puppy with that face and you didn't want to see him sad. "Okay, but only one. And don't tell your mother."
You made room so that Kenan could sit next to you, and he handed both of you a cookie. After he ate the cookie, Oliver fell asleep and didn't wake up till his parents were there.
"I am going to miss you." you say as Oliver walks away with his parents. He waves before you close the door. You walk up the Kenan and hug him from behind, while he is putting away some dishes.
"I love him, but he does tire me out and we didn't even do much." He laughs as you put your burry your face in his sweater. He dries his hands and turned around to face you.
"Can I ask you something?" he puts his arms around your torso and you nod. "Do you want children later?"
You were a bit taken back by his question, "Yeah, later when we are a bit older. Why the sudden question?"
"I don't know. I saw you playing with Oliver and I just thought about it. About us and the future. You do want a future with me right?"
You look him in the eyes and cup his face, "Of course. You are the love of my live."
"Good, because you are also the love of my life." he says and kisses you.
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devildomwriter · 6 months
A Devildom Easter Egg Extravaganza
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Diavolo decides to hold an Easter egg hunt. Shenanigans ensue.
Slight x reader for Lucifer, Diavolo, Mephistopheles, Barbatos
[Student Council Room]
Lucifer: “You really mean to hold…an Easter egg hunt?”
Diavolo: “Why, yes! I think it will be great fun!”
Mephistopheles: “My Lord, everything you do is brilliant!”
Diavolo: “Thank you!”
Mephistopheles: “However…this holiday is in celebration of everything we are against…as is Christmas for that matter but that’s become popular here recently…”
Diavolo: *nodding* “Yes. I understand that these holidays traditionally represent and celebrate our opposites. So celebrating them not only promotes goodwill with the angels and religious exchange students but also draws attention away from its original purpose.”
Lucifer: “I see, so that’s your angle.”
Mephistopheles: “Am I missing something?”
Lucifer: “We are celebrating and promoting the secular traditions instead. Celebrating bunnies, eggs, and candy rather than my father and father-brother.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha.”
Mephistopheles: “Father-brother?”
Lucifer: “We’re done discussing this.”
Diavolo: “Anyway. I think it would be great fun to hide eggs all around RAD for the exchange students and any willing RAD students to join in. I understand it may not be especially popular with demons but I do want to incorporate holidays important to others too. It is vital to accept and learn about each other’s cultures and traditions to better respect and understand each other.”
Barbatos: “Well said, my lord.”
Mephistopheles: “In that case, I’d be more than happy to promote this in the newspaper! Leave it to me.”
Diavolo: “Thank you, Mephistopheles. I knew I could count on you!”
[Purgatory Hall]
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Luke: “A what?”
Solomon: “An Easter egg hunt.”
Raphael: “We’ll be busy.”
MC: “Oh, really…”
Simeon: “Yes, we must celebrate our father-brother, after all.”
MC: “That’s such a weird way to say Jesus.”
Raphael: “Those are the only words in your language to accurately describe him.”
MC: “Right. Will you really be in the celestial realm all day though?”
Simeon: “Umm well…”
Raphael: *glaring* “We should be.”
Luke: “…”
Solomon: “You’re going to make Luke sad.”
Luke: “Wh! Hey!”
Raphael: “Luke has no reason to be sad.”
MC: “C’mon Raph, you can’t make a kid miss an Easter egg hunt. That’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
Raphael: “That’s an inaccurate description of cruel and unusual punishment.”
MC: “But it’s true though.”
Raphael: *sigh* “I suppose we can come back after service and the banquet.”
Simeon: “Wonderful!”
Luke: “Yay! Sir Raphael, you’re the best!”
MC: “Okay, the angels are in. Let’s go tell Thirteen.”
Solomon: “I believe Diavolo already has.”
MC: “Really?”
Solomon: “Yes. He said something about some eggs containing special surprises.”
Raphael: “I have a bad feeling about this…”
[Lucifer’s Private Study]
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Lucifer: “I have a headache already.”
Solomon: “Hahahaha!”
MC: “So he’s really having her rig the eggs?”
Lucifer: “Many of them yes. I fear she’s taking it overboard, hoping Solomon will find them all.”
Solomon: “How thoughtful.”
Lucifer: “How can you be wise and yet so oblivious, honestly?”
Solomon: “It just shows she’s thinking of me. She really is a good friend.”
MC: “You may need better friends.”
Lucifer: “Considering most of them want to kill you, I’d have to agree.”
Solomon: “Most? I wouldn’t say that most of them do.”
MC: “Even some of them is an issue…”
Solomon: “Well, regardless I think this hunt will be fun. You’ll be participating yes?”
MC: “I already asked if I could hide them instead.”
Solomon: “You’d like to hide them? Not find them?”
MC: “I used to hide them for the neighborhood kids. They’d still turn up years later.”
Solomon: “Don’t you suppose that’s too good at hiding them?”
MC: “You can never be too good at something unless it’s illegal.”
Solomon: “I…suppose that’s true.”
Lucifer: “That is a flawed argument and the fact you think that makes my headache worse, please leave Solomon.”
Solomon: “Only me?”
Lucifer: “That’s what I said.”
Solomon: “Wow, so cruel, Lucifer. I suppose I’ll see you this weekend.”
Lucifer: “Yes, goodbye now.”
MC: “Soooo…what’d you want to talk about?”
Lucifer: “Nothing, I just wanted him to leave and your company soothes me.”
MC: “I thought I was giving you a headache?”
Lucifer: “You do, but it’s nothing compared to Mammon.”
MC: “That’s fair.”
MC: “So are you going to compete?”
Lucifer: “Finding the eggs?”
MC: “Yeah.”
Lucifer: *smirks* “Will I get a reward if I do?”
MC: “Hmm…maybe?”
Lucifer: “I see…then I suppose I will.”
MC: “Yes! This going to be so much fun!” *hugs*
Lucifer: *blushes* “Only you could make me so excited about this holiday.”
[The Day Before Easter | RAD]
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Diavolo: “Oh, MC! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be hiding these with you!”
MC: “About that…don’t you want to participate?”
Diavolo: “I think preparing it is just as exciting! Besides, there will be some places by Barbatos too and I won’t know where those are.”
MC: “So, you’ll be looking for the ones he hid?”
Diavolo: “Yes, as I oversee everything.”
MC: “Good, I love to see you have fun!”
Diavolo: “I feel the same way. Hopefully, you’ll do a bit of searching too?”
MC: “Sure, I’ll walk with you and we’ll see who finds them first.”
Diavolo: “A competition? How fun! I can hardly wait.”
Barbatos: “Young master, here are the baskets.”
MC: “That’s…a lot of eggs.”
Diavolo: “Yes, this may take us all night, I’m so excited.”
Barbatos: “MC, be careful not to trigger the traps.”
MC: “How would I know?”
Barbatos: “They’re in separate baskets, just handle them more delicately and take care they don’t open up, even the slightest bit.”
MC: “Right…”
Diavolo: “Oh my, look how this own sparkles, MC, isn’t it just—“
MC: “Where’d he go!?”
Barbatos: “And I just warned him too…”
MC: “Okay, but where did he go?”
In the distance, you hear roaring laughter and look to see a light on in RAD.
MC: “I found him.”
Barbatos: *sigh* “I suppose I should supervise this shouldn’t I?”
MC: “It’ll be okay, I’ll protect him.”
Barbatos: “Ever so reliable, MC. It’s what I love most about you.”
MC: *blushing* “G-Glad you feel that way.”
A small explosion sounds from inside.
MC: “He’s…not being careful. At all.”
Barbatos: “Good luck.”
MC: “What’ve I done?”
[A Few Hours Later]
Diavolo sits next to you on the RAD lawn covered in pink and yellow powder, hair spiked, and hands puffy and pink.
MC: “Sooo….”
Diavolo: “That was so much fun!”
MC: “Thirteen wasn’t happy about resetting them all though.”
Diavolo: “Yes, I did apologize.”
MC: “I think she laughed hard enough to forgive you.”
Diavolo: “Yes it was quite excessive.”
MC: “That’s rich coming from you.”
Diavolo: “Hm? What do you mean?”
MC: “If you laughed and a bomb went off at the same time, I’d hear you.”
Diavolo: “Pfft! Ahahahahaha.”
MC: “My point exactly. Anyway…Barbatos will skin me alive if you come back looking like this.”
You take his hands and whisper an incantation, lips close to his inflamed hands. The pink vanished and his hands returned to normal. Diavolo let out a sigh of relief.
Diavolo: “Thank goodness. That was quite itchy.”
MC: “Now all you need is a serious bath.”
Diavolo: “Oh, will you be giving it to me?”
MC: “Wh—“
Diavolo: “Ahahahaha! I’m only kidding.”
MC: “That’s a shame.”
Diavolo: “What?”
MC: “What?”
Diavolo: *sigh* “Why don’t we go get some rest and meet early again tomorrow before the others arrive.”
MC: “Sounds like a plan.”
Diavolo smiles and ruffles your hair. You attempt to do the same but your hand gets stuck to his gelled hair, the result of an egg surprise. You stare at him, hand stuck in his hair and he stares back at you when a familiar person clears their throat.
Thirteen: “Uh…the eggs have been reset. Am I interrupting something?”
Diavolo: “We seem to be stuck.”
Thirteen: “Hahahah! Serves you right, anyway I’m headed out.”
MC: “You’re gonna leave us here?”
Thirteen: “Yes!”
Diavolo: “I see…I suppose we should call Barbatos?”
MC: “Yeah…”
[Early the next morning | House of Lamentation]
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Asmodeus: “MC! You’re finally back! Where’ve you been all night? Don’t tell me you- ooooh!”
Lucifer lightly smacks Asmodeus over the back of the head.
Asmodeus: “Ow! Lucifer you big meanie.”
Lucifer: “Don’t imply such things.”
Asmodeus: “But they were gone aaaalll night. Isn’t that right? And who were they with? The hunky—“
Lucifer: “Be quiet.”
Mammon: “What’s goin’ on down here!?”
Mammon: “Hey! MC! You’re finally back!”
Satan: “I was getting worried.”
Belphegor: “Mmhm.”
MC: “One of Thirteen’s traps went off…”
Lucifer: “I see. That explains things then.”
Asmodeus: “Boo. I was hoping for some gossip.”
Belphegor: “That’s the same thing as saying you hope Diavolo and MC hooked up.”
Mammon: “Hold on, what happened!?”
Satan: “Nothing happened, Mammon. Pay attention.”
MC: “My hand got stuck to Diavolo, that’s all.”
Beelzebub: “Stuck?”
Mammon: “Huh? Stuck where!”
MC: “His head.”
Asmodeus: “Which o—“
All: “Shut up, Asmo!”
You got a few hours of rest before your alarm went off. You already had good morning texts from the angels reminding you of the importance of the day and you smiled and sighed. You changed into your Easter outfit and put on the rabbit ear headband Diavolo insisted all participants wear.
[Easter Morning | RAD Courtyard]
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Diavolo: “MC! I’m so glad you’re here!”
MC: “As promised.”
Barbatos: “Good. Participants should be showing up in a few hours and—“
Mephistopheles: “Good morning everyone.”
Diavolo: “Ah, good morning, Mephistopheles.”
Mephistopheles: “Hm? You still have baskets?”
MC: “We couldn’t finish hiding them all…there was a mishap.”
Mephistopheles: “Oh? Of what nature.”
Barbatos: “The details aren’t necessary. Why don’t you take a few pictures of the setup before we begin? See if you can spot an egg and photograph it.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. And MC.”
MC: “Hm?”
Mephistopheles: “Happy Easter?”
MC: “Aww! Thank you Mephisto, that means a lot coming from you.”
Mephistopheles: “What does that mean?”
Diavolo: “I’m so glad to see you embracing change, Mephistopheles. Very well done!”
Mephistopheles: “Naturally! One can’t help but be swayed by your genius and example, my lord.”
MC: *muttering* “Here we go.”
Barbatos: *chuckles*
After a few hours You, Diavolo, and Barbatos had finished hiding the rest of the eggs and just sat down by the sign-in booth when you heard a loud scream coming from RAD.
Barbatos: *sigh* “I told him to photograph the egg not open it.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha!”
Barbatos left swiftly to investigate and as soon as he vanished around the corner, a loud group approached the booth.
Lucifer: “We’ve arrived. I apologize if we’re late.”
Satan: “Yes, someone wouldn’t wake up.”
Belphegor: *zzz*
Asmodeus: “I can’t believe the bunny ears are staying on even though he’s slumped over Beel’s shoulder. I have to get a picture.”
Beelzebub: “Asmo…”
Asmodeus: “What? It might generate more attention for the event, right?”
Diavolo: “Wonderful idea, Asmodeus.”
Asmodeus: “Thank you!”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Mammon: “So…I heard there’d be a prize.”
Leviathan: “Two minutes, I called it.”
Asmodeus: “Tch, I really thought it’d be sooner.”
Mammon: “Huh? Are you betting on me? Without me?”
Satan: “That wouldn’t make any sense idiot.”
Lucifer: “All of you shut up and sign in.”
Leviathan: “Eep! Okay.”
The brothers signed their names. Beelzebub signed Belphegor in for him and you sat around and talked.
Mephistopheles returned with Barbatos looking very flustered and uncomfortable.
Lucifer: “What in the Devildom is that mess?”
Mephistopheles: “Thirteen.”
Lucifer: “Oh. So you set off a trap.”
Leviathan: “Does no one find it alarmingly easy to set them off? Like, didn’t even Lord Diavolo do that?”
You heard an amused chuckle from behind you.
Thirteen: “Duh. That’s what makes it fun.”
Barbatos: “Thirteen. What wonderful timing you have. Mind telling me what Mephistopheles is currently covered in?”
Thirteen: “That’s just a personal concoction of highly flammable spider web spray.”
Mephistopheles: “Of what!?”
Mammon: “Bahahaha!”
Mephistopheles: “Get it off of me this instant!”
MC: “Calm down Mephi, I got you.”
Mephistopheles: “Mephi?”
You brought forth a torrent of water to flush the web off Mephistopheles and then a gust of wind to blow him and his clothes dry.
He was left momentarily stunned before he sighed, patted himself down, and smoothed out his hair.
Barbatos turned on the bright lights around RAD to illuminate the lawn as the other students showed up. The presence of more than a few students elated Diavolo and the happy gleam in his eyes made all the trouble worth it.
Near the end of the thirteenth hour, a beam appeared from the sky. At first, everyone stumbled back in fear but as it disappeared, Simeon, Raphael, and Luke appeared in its place.
Barbatos: “I could’ve opened the portal.”
Raphael: “This was faster.”
Mammon: “Gave me a freakin’ heart attack!”
Raphael: “Why?”
Luke: “MC! I’m here!”
MC: “Hello, Luke! Your Easter uniform is so cute!”
Luke: “Huh? I’m supposed to look gentlemanly not cute!”
Simeon: “You can be both.”
Luke: “No I can’t!”
Solomon: “Good morning everyone. I’m not late am I?”
Simeon: “No. We just arrived.”
Raphael was looking around from the sign-in booth, already scanning the area for eggs as though it were a mission. It gave you chills to see his serious expression but at the same time made you laugh because this was only an Easter egg hunt.
You noticed that Lucifer was doing the same thing but he was being slightly less obvious about it, giving himself reasons to be turned in a certain direction rather than just openly staring.
Luke: “MC! Will you be on my team?”
Mammon: “What? We’re forming teams!?”
Solomon: “Are we?”
Barbatos: *shaking his head* “I suppose if you wanted to you could however anything you find would be evenly split between you and not counted as a whole.”
Satan: “Every demon for themself.”
Lucifer: “I agree.”
Satan: “I’m no longer certain.”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Diavolo: “Hahahaha!”
Belphegor: “Mm…quiet.”
Beelzebub: “Belphie, are you awake?”
Belphegor: “What…what’s on my head?”
Asmodeus: “Those are your bunny ears! And you look adorable!”
Belphegor: “Ugh. Kill me now.”
Asmodeus: “Your sleepy bunny pic has already generated so many likes!”
Belphegor: “My what?”
MC: “So how was the sermon? Is that what it was?”
Luke: *sobbing*
MC: “What’d I do?”
Simeon: “Each year, we visit the past to review the events before and during Easter and the future it will bring.”
MC: “That sounds emotionally traumatic.”
Raphael: “It is. And now we’re here. Looking for eggs…”
Mammon: “Just as father intended!”
Raphael pulls out his spear and Mammon takes off.
MC: “He deserves that right?”
Asmodeus: “Mhm.”
Lucifer: “Honestly…”
Thirteen: “He’s got some guts to piss an angel off on Easter.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. Especially when it’s about their father slash brother or something…”
MC: “Speaking of father and brother…”
You looked between Lucifer and Satan as they watched you. They looked at each other, back at you and Satan bared his fangs as his brothers and Diavolo managed to contain their laughter.
Satan: “Not another word!”
Beelzebub: “They didn’t say anything.”
Solomon: “Hahaha! I get it. Because Lucifer and Satan have the same dynamic.”
As Raphael runs past you he protests this idea and continues after Mammon who’s tripping over bushes in his escape attempt.
Diavolo: “Should we stop them?”
Simeon: “He earned it.” *scary smile*
Luke: “Simeon. You have that scary look in your eyes again.”
Simeon: “Oh, do I? My apologies.”
MC: “Anyway…it’s a good idea you came here after so Luke can recover from his trauma a little more easily.”
Luke: “It never goes away.”
Mephistopheles: “I’m not sure I like the haunted look in your eye.”
Solomon: “It’s weird when Luke is serious.”
Luke: “Hey what does that mean!? I’m always serious.”
Mephistopheles: “Good he’s back.”
Simeon: “Ah, yes. It does weigh heavily on us angels. Thank you for this event, Diavolo.”
Diavolo: “Yes, of course! Speaking of, it’s just about time to begin. Can someone go fetch Mammon and Raphael?”
Lucifer: “I’ll do it.”
Beelzebub: “I’ll go with him.”
Belphegor: “Set me down somewhere first.”
Beelzebub: “Okay.”
Belphegor is placed gently on top of a bush as Beelzebub runs after Lucifer. He begins sinking into the bush and you and the others watch as the branches begin to slowly snap and he disappears into the leaves.
As soon as Raphael and Mammon are reeled in and Mammon is forced to grovel for an apology, Diavolo is given the microphone and you, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Mephistopheles work together to hand everyone a woven basket to place their found eggs in.
Diavolo: “Everyone will have an hour to find as many eggs as possible, they are everyone beyond this booth on the RAD ground and I do mean everywhere so give it your best shot!”
Diavolo: “Many of the eggs contain wonderful surprises! Coupons for your favorite cafes, gift cards for your favorite stores, Grimm, fun tokens, cup-cuties, and more! But beware because there are also eggs that contain a wide variety of tricks of all kinds! You should expect flesh-eating piranha plants, bees, angry spiders, blasts of spider webs, teleportation, and potential small explosions!”
Luke and Mammon turned white but the demon students seemed extra excited by this news. Danger was an everyday occurrence for them and simply counted as fun or mildly inconvenient at best. As a human, you had a protection spell placed upon you in case of minor explosions. Luke and Simeon also had protective spells. Raphael opted to forgo this as he “wasn’t weak.”
With a wide smile, Diavolo raised his hand and everyone gathered into groups or faced the directions they planned to scour.
Diavolo: “On your marks!”
Diavolo: “Get ready!”
Diavolo: “Set!”
Diavolo: “GO!”
The ground shook as the hundreds of demons, three angels, reaper, and human sprinted past the booth.
You laughed and Diavolo helped you regain balance and handed you your basket.
Diavolo: “Shall we go observe?”
An explosion went off.
MC: “Yes!”
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Barbatos trailed far behind you and Diavolo so you could talk more privately. You passed by students stuck to walls with spider webs. Students dressed more oddly than when they’d arrived. You passed by Mammon hanging from the ceiling and weren’t sure whether it had been Raphael, Lucifer, or a genuine trap. Either way, Diavolo burst into laughter alerting the others to your location immediately.
Barbatos cut Mammon down and you continued to walk with your empty basket as you enjoyed the sounds of chaos all around you.
Diavolo eyed your basket and nudged you gently.
Diavolo: “Is there someone you were hoping to go find eggs with?”
(To be continued | the remaining story with be different based on the character you choose to go with. They are all currently being written and will all be released in the following week unless unforeseen circumstances delay the writing)
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bluberryfields · 1 year
"David is very easy to fall in love with." - Michael Sheen
Hi. How are you? Good, I hope. Okay, so can we talk about just how fucking beautiful David Tennant is? And by “we” I mean “I” and by “talk” I mean “babble incoherently into the void”? Great! I’ll attempt to impose a bit of organization on this just to satisfy my pathological need to inflict structure on words (thanks college/job/brain), but I can’t promise much. Also, there will be A LOT of pictures and gifs. (you’re welcome?)
And this isn’t just because I am deep in the bottomless well of Good Omens fandom and that Crowley is basically the most breathtaking creature that has ever existed. Well, not just because of that.
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*cue Aziraphale's "good lord" from 1793*
ANYWAY, like a lot of people, I became a fan of (i.e., fell deeply and irrevocably in love with) DT during his run as the 10th Doctor. He was young and bright and full of just about everything – joy, sorrow, wit – making him incredibly watchable. His look was also so charming: big bouncy rooster comb of hair, absurdly cheeky smile, expressive-as-fuck eyes and eyebrows, and a tall, lanky form that seemed to be made of rubber and the kind of granulated sugar that could only be found in candy from the 90s that are now banned in all first- and second-world countries.
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So yeah, I was super into him and his Doctor’s adventures. And I continued to watch him in other projects and still swoon (looking at you, slutty Hamlet)
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even at characters where that was not the desired reaction (fuck you, Kilgrave, you delicious monster).
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I would also always become a bit (a lot) weak in the knees at his voice regardless of which accent he took on, though always preferring him doing any Scottish brogue because of fucking course.
Roll that tongue, you sexy beast.
But what I want to get into today is just how incredible he looks in the year of 2023.
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He’s 52 years old and I am somehow even more attracted to him. Maybe it’s because I am myself older, and my tastes have matured alongside? I certainly do enjoy gray hair way more than I did 10 years ago.
He’s aged incredibly well, probably a combination of good genes and good health, and he’s clearly not clinging to the Hollywood idea of “youth”.
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(insert obligatory grumble about the double standards of men being praised for aging and women being demonized…the potentially problematic nature of the term “aging well” in general…acknowledge this with my enlightened brain but ignore this with my slutty heart…fuck the patriarchy, etc. etc.)
He’s still tall and skinny, even gangly at times, all long arms and legs that can move in impossible directions with unfathomable grace.
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His face is leaner, that incredible bone structure creating sharper edges that draw the eye. Speaking of the face, he’s got these creases on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes and mouth that are evidence of time spent well: smiling, laughing, living. Makes you want to trace your fingertips along each one.
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Oh god that smile? Good lord. It’s weapons grade charm that can also be quite intimidating. Sweet, humble, silly, scary…full spectrum of options here! His shark smile is the definition of “irresistible” in my Dictionary of Delicious Dudes.
I am both proud of and grossed out by my own word choice.
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Continuing with that face...the hawkish nose, the dimples you want to drown in, the big eyes, those motherfucking eyebrows...
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I could seriously write a whole essay about those eyebrows, but I already give my therapist enough to worry about.
Oh those eyes. “Piercing” is a term usually reserved for blue eyes, but I would argue it applies to DT’s bottomless chocolate pools in that they slice through my heart every damn time.
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Honorable mention does go to those Crowley snake eyes because they could have been distracting and diminishing to his overall look, but they absolutely are not.
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Such a pretty shade of yellow.
Random tangent to swoon about his hands. For whatever reason, I like checking out a man’s hands, and DT’s got a set that drives me wild. I can’t even really explain why, but I just really like the way he articulates with them. Crowley is a perfect example, what with the miracle snaps, caressing globes, and holding whisky glasses. Yum.
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Delicious demon digits
Fresh tangent: How does this fucker look good clean shaven, with stubble, and a goddamn beard? How is that allowed?
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He's got a face that makes me wanna take up sculpting
Further, how is his fucking neck so hot? Like, seriously, show me the math. I can’t stop staring at it. And when it’s cloaked in a turtleneck? Please, sir, may I have some more?
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With no segue whatsoever, I am absolutely obsessed with his hair, across all contexts. Big, bold, blood-red Crowley coifs (especially in Season 2)? Check.
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Proper gentleman side part? Check.
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Side shave with cartoonishy springy 14th Doctor shock? Check.
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Lockdown locks with and without headband? Check!
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It’s a goddamn buffet of delicious options.
Oh damn speaking of that 14th Doctor look? Good fucking Christ on a buttery Ritz cracker. The whole DT collection is on display: the hair, the eyes, the bone structure, the smile, the clothes, and even the glasses!
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To quote Pam on Archer, “I swear to god, you could drown a toddler in my panties right now! I mean, not that you would.”
Now that you (I) mention the clothes, I never cease to marvel at how he can wear pretty much anything and look amazing. Stripes, patterns, wild colors, etc. He just always looks…not exactly comfortable, but sort of at ease like the clothes were created with him in mind. And this goes across the spectrum of Casual to Costume to Promotional (e.g., interviews and premieres).
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They are almost illegally cute together
We all know by now how ridiculously tight those Crowley pants are and how it influenced his signature serpentine swagger (thank you, Costume department, you’re the real heroes). That said, he and those slinky hips still looks so incredibly natural in them like they came from his actual closet.
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Stupid sexy snek
And he pulls off the look of more ridiculous stuff like full Shakespearean costumes or that sad gray-hoodie-black-shorts-and-Wellington-boots combo from the first season of Staged. He somehow gives off the air of “whatever, they’re just clothes, man” while also looking like a damn model.
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Georgia is a very lucky woman
Final thoughts: I know DT dislikes talking about how people think he’s so attractive because I’m sure it feels a bit icky if you just want to live your life and do your job. But my guy also clearly understands that he’s not some ghoul who has succeeded on incredible personality and acting chops alone. So, that said, maybe he'll forgive me for posting such a long, rambling, ode to him?
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nightsmarish · 5 months
Hihi!! I saw requests are open and I wanted to send in a request if that’s fine haha. here I go
could I request wolfstar x masc! (or GN but I prefer masc) who goes to school at durmstrang AND hogwarts? like the reader is REALLY good at defense against the dark arts and the reader also has handsome looks as well and both sirius and lupin fall for them?…
sorry if it’s confusing 😭! you can decline this if you’d like but thank you so much !
A/n: I'm not even gonna lie, I am NOT a fan of how this came out amd might rewrite in the future. I just can't finish on another fic it this one wasn't done, I am so so so sorry if this sucks ass.
Poly!wolfstar x masc!reader (Remus lupin x masc!readee x Sirius black) | 800+ words
Tw: reader is hot, possible illusion to smut but not in a cool way
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ
Sirius comes running into the dorm, of which is mostly empty besides Remus.
"Moony-" He pauses, panting from running through the moving staircases, planting himself dramatically onto Remus' bed next to the lycan, "did you see the Durmstrang and Beauxbitons students?"
Remus infact did meet the exchange students. The headmaster of the three schools had come to decide that it would be beneficial to have an exchange program for a few months. Allowing students to learn magic under different teachers and styles, as well as continuing the bond between the schools.
"Yes, I did, why do you ask?" He raises an eyebrow, lowering his book to give his boyfriend his full attention.
"That bloody Durmstrang boy, he's fucking hot." Sirius moves over Remus, sitting on his abs while he lays back on his bed.
"Which one, love, there was 3 of them." Remus looks up at Sirius, who is fiddling with one of the gold studs Remus' in his ears.
"The hot one."
Remus smiles up at his boyfriend, hands moving up under the button up shirt Sirius is wearing for his uniform. "I think they all where rather hot. I think it may be a requirement for attending Durmstrang."
"Well I don't bloody know, he was just fucking hot, babe. Like, dear Merlin he was a looker." Sirius' smile matches Remus' hands moving from his earings to rake through his boyfriends hair. Remus draws little shapes onto Sirius' spine.
"Am I not enough for you anymore? Need another boyfriend already?" Remus leans up, kissing Sirius' neck.
"You are more than enough, I'm just saying he's hot." Sirius chuckles, ducking down to capture Remus' lips.
Okay, Remus gets it. After Sirius pointed you out the next morning at breakfast, you are bloody hot. Both boys shared Defense Against the Dark Arts, the first class they share (other than breakfast) that they can properly gossip in.
"Okay, okay- yes, he's hot, I get what you mean." Remus puts down his book bag, leaning back in his chair as everyone filters into the room.
"Exactly! He's eye candy, right?" Sirius has one foot on the chair, knee bent, while the other leg is like a normal damn person in a chair.
Before he can respond, someone speaks up, "Hey, sorry, is this seat taken?"
Both boys look to their left. And dear Merlin they were not prepared for you to be there.
"Yeah- sure, of course." Sirius answers for them, Remus opting to stay quite.
You smile and take a seat, dropping your book bag on the floor as you scan the room.
None of you talk much during the lesson, at least not verbally. Remus and Sirius keep discreetly writing notes to one another.
Oh Merlin he's next to me
I see that, love
What am I supposed to do???? I look like a sodding idiot!
You look fine, I promise.
Only fine? Thanks, babe, great to know I only look fine when I am next to him!
You look fucking hot
I don't believe you anymore
Want me to prove it in a supply closet after lunch?
Class is dismissed, so everyone quickly gathers there things, excited to go to lunch and see their friends. The boys share a look, do they talk to you, or be a wimp?
"Hey," Sirius grabs your attention, of which you give him, undivided and it makes it slightly harder for him to breath, "I'm Sirius Black, it's a pleasure to meet you." He offers you his hand, which you shake and give him your name.
"And, I'm Remus Lupin." He adds, not entirely a fan of the first greeting people bit, very awkward about the whole thing.
You send Remus the same smile you sent Sirius and dear fuck they have gotten down bad way to quickly, "Great to meet you two."
"Would you like to sit with us? At lunch." The shorter of the two asks, "Obviously our friends will be there too, it would *just* be us."
"Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be nice, thank you." You follow both of them out the classroom and to the Greathall.
Are they super sweet? Dear Vulpelara, they very much are. As is their friends. You got to meet Peter, Lily, and James so far.
Though, you've met who you are pretty sure is Sirius little brother a few times in passing but you are not completely sure.
Are you having a harder and harder time keeping up your chill persona? Holy fuck, yes.
They are flirty, smooth, and devastatingly hot.
While Sirius is quick to make a flirty remark, so quick you almost don't notice, or throw in a pet name (gods forbid he calls you "Pretty Boy"). Remus is smooth, subtle, and it's like you're his damn prey.
Like now, you're sitting with the group for dinner a few weeks later, James, Lily, and Peter sit across from you. You learned Lily doesn't always join the boys, but James seems to be very pathetic for her and begs her a lot. While next to you, on your left is Sirius, and on your right is Remus.
Your thighs are touching theirs, and at some point Sirius hooked his foot over yours and you think you lost the function to breath seven minutes ago and.... and this is going to be a long, and painful exchange program.
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scuorge101 · 5 months
“Gambit is just arm candy”
“Gambit is nothing without Rogue”
“He’s a nothing character”
Stfu!! He’s not a nothing character. He’s actually a good character that Marvel never uses well except for a few solos and a very few comics where he’s on a team. He has a good power set that they also never know what to do with other than “eheheh throw cards” when he states himself he can blow up more than just cards.
He is also not just “Rogue’s lover” or “Arm Candy”. He doesn’t need to be around her to be a great character. He does love Rogue deeply, so deep that his heart is basically her, but that doesn’t mean he just floats around her. He is his own character and I’m so fucking tired of y’all and the writers reducing him to nothing but Rogue’s partner or a joke.
Honestly I’m so damn tired of people either not giving his character a chance or Marvel just letting him slip through their fingers.
Also y’all reducing him to nothing but Rogue’s lover just ignores all the things he went through and his own past, morals and actual character. This man did not die multiple times, get stuck in Antartica, help out Storm, Laura, and Gimmick, be the the king of thieves, Show Rogue there is more to love than touch, and stuck by the X-Men’s side regardless of how they treat him for y’all to just narrow him down to nothing while y’all give any other character the spotlight.
He may not always be morally correct and he does make mistakes, but who in these comics hasn’t made mistakes? Emma, Scott, Rogue, Kitty, Jean, Bobby, Beast, Logan, etc have all made mistakes yet Gambit is the only character I’ve seen who gets constantly crapped on. I’m glad the show showed off his powers and what he can really do.
Sorry for yet again another rant!! I practically can’t do anything else until all these bruises and headache from my bike accident go away. I so badly want to draw but I can’t really so I’m just stuck here scrolling through apps and Twitter kinda pisses me off with some Gambit takes.
I’m kinda really am holding out hope that this new comic I’ve seen in the works gives him some ground to stand on and not just let him be an afterthought 🙏
Also sorry if y’all followed me and this is all I talk about I swear I do other things than this help 💀
If this post doesn’t make sense then 🤷‍♀️
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medicetwork · 1 year
Mercs if they had modern day cellphones!
The screen is too small and his fingers are too big.
The screen also tends to hurt his eyes after a while but he absolutely refuses to turn down the brightness, saying it would make it even harder to see than before
His main favorite functions are video calls with Medic or his family and listening to music.
His life is complete when he discovers E-books
He can’t read them on the screen but he loves being able to clean Sasha while having his favorite book read to him
Really doesn’t use it for much else than phone calls and the occasional google search at first
When he discovers mobile games that takes his interest though!
He becomes a candy crush mom.
Oh you have a broken arm? Wellll…You can tough it out, champ. He’s on level 7,229 right now.
He would make all the other men get Life360
Total social media zombie(I say as if I am not one)
Surprisingly he’s very popular on apps like Twitter and Tik Tok. People think he’s hilarious!
Unfortunately somewhere along the way he says something less than respectful about something and his account gets banned
Eventually he’s on account number 6 and trying to regrow his following
It never recovers
He finds out about NFT’s
Mainly uses it to watch youtube and play music
His phone is always on silent and Do Not Disturb
He loves those videos where those guys go out into the middle of the woods and just start building a fucking house out of clay and sticks.
He prefers texting to calling, finding it much faster(he just like me fr)
Baffled by just how much porn he has access to now….
But he’s not complaining.
He doesn’t use it because he just keeps breaking his phones.
They’ve been dropped, blown up, set ablaze, dropped in water, eaten by a bread-tumor monster, eaten by Soldier(???) and run over.
Even if they didn’t get destroyed within 3 days he still wouldn’t use it for much else besides setting alarms and sending confusing group texts.
However, with each new phone he has gotten he asks Pyro for stickers and sticker bombs his phone just for fun
Has an American flag wallpaper
Watches a lot of Youtube!
They love art tutorials, cooking tutorials and those videos with the guys that put molten hot metal balls into water and those videos of people crushing things in Hydraulic presses
Their search history is so fucking strange:
“my little pony free episode”
“my little pony movie free”
“how to draw clouds”
“gasoline cheap prices”
They follow Scout’s pages and always send him nice comments and like his videos
Loves listening to music and watching movies on his phone
Eventually learns how to code and make his own apps
This is also how he discovered he could jailbreak his phone and turn it into a universal remote for his sentries
Very slow texter
Uses way more emoji’s than needed
“Hello yall 👋🏻 going to the hardware store today 🔨let me know if yall need anything while im out👋🏻🚶🏼”
His most used app is the settings app
Of course all of his phones are burners.
He never uses one for more than one week
Loves pirating movies on it and watching them in bed
He has no contacts. No personal information and keeps his location off at all times
Likes to pretend to be different people and play around with Google and Youtube’s targeted ads and algorithms
One day he’s an 86 year old woman that’s recommended nothing but metal bands and funeral home ads
The next week he’s four years old and getting recommended Mario and Minecraft let’s play videos
He uses twitter
He’s doxxed many people on Twitter
Like Scout he has MANY banned accounts and has also hacked and stolen many accounts
…He hacked one of Scout’s accounts and got it permanently banned
Loves watching Top 10 videos
Also loves having so much ease and access talking to his lads
He video calls his mother often even she just nags him the whole time and keeps accidentally hanging up
Is frequently texting the other team’s Soldier and laughing at what he says back
Uses Discord and Reddit and is in many servers and communities that focus on paranormal activity, urban legends and cryptids
Actually makes his own youtube videos searching for said cryptids
Frequently comments “cringe” under Scout’s posts
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ravenromanova · 10 months
I don’t like gifts
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Parings: Loki x Female reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE!!!! Master kink, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral (m and f), Squirting, Praise kink. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18+!!! Slight angst with happy ending, Fluffy Loki.
Kinkmas masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
~ You smiled as you put the finishing touches on the final gift for your team. This specific gift though you spent extra time in picking out and wrapping wanting to make sure it was perfect. Granted the person it was for didn’t like gifts and thought the whole holiday was stupid. But you ended up getting him some nonetheless because he deserves something nice.
Once you finished you put all the presents in a bag and headed to the living room. The sounds of christmas music and laughter filled your ears as you walked into the room. There sat your family, the people who you loved more than anything sitting around the fireplace. Smiles adorned everyone’s face as they exchanged gifts and shared stories. The only person you didn’t see though was Loki though which wasn’t surprising but still a little disappointing.
“Heya sunshine!” Steve beamed as he walked up and took the bag of presents from you to help you. “Are these for the whole team?” He asked a little shocked with how much you got everyone.
“Uh yea i might’ve gone a little overboard” You responded a little sheepishly. Steve sat the gifts next to the tree where Tony and Pepper handing out gifts to everyone.
“Might’ve is an understatement sunshine” Tony chimed in as you sat on the couch next to Wanda. You smiled shyly as Tony started handing out the gifts you got for everyone.
Bucky got two new knives and a book about astrology. Natasha received a new thigh holster and gun. Wanda got more of her favorite painting supplies. Vision got a book called “emotions for dummies” which everyone found hysterical. You got Clint new arrows to which he thanked you profusely since Kate lost all of his and you also gave him gifts for his family. Peter got new comic books. Steve got a new sketch pad and pencils. Kate got a new super suit and Lucky got a pizza toy. Yelena got three bottles of vodka and a knife. Tony and Pepper got an all expenses paid trip to cancun for a week. Morgan got endless barbie dolls and stuffed animals. Thor got ten big boxes of pop tarts. Bruce got a new lab coat and a bunch of sciencey books you didn’t understand. Pietro received three hoodies and new running shoes that he’d been wanting for a while. You also got the guardians and Carol gifts but they weren’t on earth right now so they get them when they came back. And last but not least you got Loki a first addition of pride and prejudice, two new knives with gold and green details engraved, a new journal with feather pens and a soft dark green blanket.
The reactions everyone gave to their gifts made your heart grow three sizes. Pretty much everyone gave you a hug… even the bionic staring machine which took you by surprise. And on the flip side you got more gifts than you thought possible.
Tony gave you five grand in cash. Pepper got you a huge basket of self care goodies. Morgan gave you multiple drawings of you and her doing her favorite things together. Nat and Wanda gave you a spa gift certificate claiming you need to relax more. Vision gave you the new pots and pans set you’d been wanting forever. Clint and Kate along with his family got you a puppy you named “Lucy” and some new hoodies. Bucky gave you a knife to which you both laughed. Bruce and Steve teamed up and got you atleast fifteen books. Thor gave you endless sweets and candy. Yelena gave you five bottles of your favorite liquor. Peter gave you a new supersuit that him and Tony designed specially for you. Pietro thoughtfully got you some soft throw blankets, slippers and a new stuffed unicorn.
Needless to say by the end of the gift exchange you never felt so loved by everyone. The night ended around one am when everyone decided to head to bed. But fortunately for you this was your time to give Loki his gifts. You knew he was more than likely hiding out in the library not wanting to deal with humans and their stupid holiday. So once everyone bid goodnight you gathered his gifts and headed to the library.
And of course when you entered the library there he was in all his glory. He was sitting in the bay window is the library reading a book with a slight smile on his face. The light of the moon hit his face lightly and made him look even more ethereal than normal.
“Hey Lo” You said softly as you approached him with all his gifts in hands.
“Hello” Was all he replied with making you frown a little.
“You weren’t at the gift exchange “ You stated with your brows furrowed causing him to look up at you.
“That is correct” His voice was gruff as he spoke making your knees a little weak and your heart sped up.
“Well i know you think this holiday is dumb but i still got you some gifts” Your words caused him to raise his eyebrows at you and scoff a little.
“I don’t like gifts” He said as he closed the book and turned to fully face you. The way his eyes bore into your soul made you even more nervous about giving him the gifts than before.
“Yeah well i still got you some so deal with it” The sassiness of your words surprised the both of you. He smirked and nodded his head a little telling you to hand him the gifts. You swallow your nerves and hand him the wrapped gifts with shaky hands.
Loki takes the gifts and starts unwrapping them one by one inspecting each of them as he goes. You watched as his eyes lit up as he ran his fingers across the lettering on the book, how he moved the new blades in between his fingertips, his fingers grasped the dark green fabric of the blanket and he smiled softly, and you swore he giggled a little at the new journal and pens.
“I take it back” He said suddenly as he looks at all the gifts. “I love gifts” The smile that adorned his face made your heart melt.
“You like them?” You asked nervously. Loki then stood up and took your hands into his and his blue green eyes stared into your soul.
“y/n i love them” He said honestly and you smiled brightly at his words. His hands moved up your arms and then cupped the sides of your face. “Tell me if you want me to stop” He whispered as he leaned in.
“Dont stop” You whispered back looking up at him. That was all it took for his lips to crash into yours and bring you in for a bruising and passionate kiss. The both of you simultaneously moaned at the taste of each other.
You were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t even notice that he teleported you two to his room. But eventually you had to come up for air which is when you finally realized.
“I like your room” The words were soft as they left your lips. Your eyes scanned his room and you took in the dark green couch, extremely soft looking bedding and the ancient paintings that adorned the walls. The room was decorated just like you thought it would be.
“I think you’ll like it a lot better on my bed” His boldness made you weak in the knees and arousal pool in between your thighs.
“I think i would too” You said with a smile as you climbed onto his bed. “Oh yea this is definitely better” Loki smiled as he watched you sprawl out on his bed.
“You most certainly belong there pet” His voice was low and his eyes darkened as he slowly crawled on top of you. “Such a pretty pet” He cooed rubbing his calloused fingers over your cheekbones.
“I need you” The pleading look in your eyes made his cock stir in his pants. He then flicked his wrist and suddenly you were fully naked underneath him.
“I’m going to ruin you for any other man” He husked in your ear causing a shiver to course through your body. His rough hands trailed up and down your body as he admired your beauty.
Loki slowly cupped your face again and brought you in for a much more passionate and loving kiss. He snaked his hand in between your thighs as he kissed you making you moan in his mouth.
“So wet for me” He kissed below your ear before he sat on his knees and looked at your pussy with desire. He smiled again before he decided to get comfortable in between your thighs.
Your brows furrowed in confusion . “W-What are you doing?” Your voice was laced in nervousness as you looked directly into his eyes.
“I need to taste your pet” And without any further explanation his tongue darted out and licked a bold strip asking your folds.
“Oh god!” The sensation of his warm mouth on you made your back arches off the bed and your eyes shut in pleasure.
“As much as i love hearing that title fall from your lips… it’s master to your pet” Your eyes snapped open at his words and you nodded your head in understanding. “Words pet or i wont touch you” He commanded bringing his free hand to grip your chin.
“Yes master” A smile quickly over to his face as you spoke and that was enough for him to dive back in. He spread your lips and started sucking on your clit like a man starved.
You threw your head back on the pillow feeling overwhelmed but in a good way. The sensation was something you’ve never felt before but welcomed it with open arms. The way his tongue lapped the bundle of nerves make you reel in pleasure.
“I-I’m gonna cum master” The words were broken as they fell past your lips.
“Cum for me pet be a good girl and cum” He commanded and before you even registered his words he was shoving two of his thick fingers in you.
“OH FUCK!!” Your hands flew to his raven locks and pulled for dear life at the intrusion. His fingers curled as he thrusted them into you and hit your g-spot deliciously. Before you could speak again your felt your orgasm rip through you and you came all over Loki’s face.
Loki smiled as he came up from between your thighs and he licked his fingers clean. “You taste as delicious as you look pet” His praises made your heart speed up again and another wave of arousal hit you.
“I wanna taste you master” You pleaded sitting up on your knees and moving your gave up and down his body. “Youre wearing too much clothing” You whined as your snaked your hand under his black t shirt.
“So eager to please” He smiled as he flicked his wrist again and he was naked in front of you. You couldn’t help but marvel at the god in front of you. His tanned skin, rippled abs, thick thighs, and not to mention his pretty cock. Never in your life did you ever find a man’s dick attractive but holy fuck his was perfect.
His hands on your cheeks brought you out of your trance. “Go ahead pet make your master feel good” His gruff voice was enough to send you over the edge again. You simply smiled at him and changed positions so he was laying against the pillows.
Once he was situated on the against the pillows you settled in between his thighs but not before kissing all over him first. Finally you got settled and sent him a devious smile. At first you started slow with some gentle kitten licks and kisses all up and down his shaft making sure to pay attention to the thick vein running from base to tip.
“Fuck” You heard him moan when you finally took him into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down and luckily your gag reflex wasn’t a problem. “Just like that baby” He groaned and you hummed at the new nickname falling from his lips which in turn make his cock twitch.
You continued sucking him like a lollipop which caused a series of moans and profanities fall from his lips. Suddenly his hands were in your hair and he pulled your head up.
“As much as i’m loving this is much rather cum in you than your mouth my dear pet” He said softly rubbing his finger over toe bottom lip.
“Please” You begged him sitting back on your knees and then slowly crawled on top of his lap. His hands found home on your hips as he helped you straddle him.
“Gonna make you feel so good” Loki said with determination along with his signature smirk.
“Please master” Your begged again as you lined yourself up with his aching cock. That was all the go ahead he needed and before you knew it he was slamming himself into you.
“Oh gods” You moaned throwing your head back in pleasure. Loki gave you time to adjust to his size before he started thrusting into you.
“So fucking tight” He groaned squeezing your hips harder. Your hands flew to his chest and you held on tight as you rode him. Never in your life had you felt this full and satisfied. And now that you’ve had a taste of what being with him was like you knew you couldn’t be without him again.
“Fuck Loki i’m gonna cum!” The moan that escaped you was nothing short of sinful.
“Cum for me pet” He demanded as his thrusts became harder and rougher. It didn’t take much longer for you and him to cum with loud and pornographic moans. Loki came and filled you with every last drop of his seed till there was nothing left.
“Oh fuck” You said breathlessly as you collapsed onto his chest. “That was fucking amazing”
“Agreed” He said rubbing his hands up and down your back in a soothing manner.
“I dont want this to be a one time thing Loki” You admitted still laying on his chest not wanting to look him in the eye.
“Who said this was a one time thing darling? Who said i wasn’t planning on keeping you here forever?” He said as he brought his fingers up lightly from your chin and look up at him.
“Really?” The question came out more insecure than you wanted but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Really” He brought his hands to your face again ava kissed you passionately. It was that moment you knew he was the one for you.
“I love you Loki” You smiled brightly as you held onto his face.
“I love you too darling” He responded with so much passion and love in his voice something you knew was only for your abs that made it that much better.
Shortly after the both of you fell into a blissful sleep wrapped around each other. Content smiles adorned both your faces as you two slept. Neither of you thought you end up here when you first walked into the library tonight but couldn’t be happier that it did.
~The end~ A/n: I GOT WAY TO CARRIED AWAY BUT OH WELL!! i hope you enjoyed by first loki story ;)
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the-masked-ram · 4 months
Sweet and Sour- Part One
CW: SFW, Slow burn, Eventual NSFW, Tags will change with each installment, Fem!reader, sassy reader, opposites attract
A/N: I am taking some liberties with Kaji and the Wind Breaker world with as much as we know about it. This is kind of canon divergent but not an AU
Kaji first met you when the sun was setting. Music was blaring in his ears, a sucker pressed firmly in between his teeth and cheek, and he was frowning down at his scuffed-up knuckles. That damned cat was far more trouble than it was worth. He pursed his lips; it was going to get fucking hurt one day. That thought, the thought that a part of the town that cared for him and accepted him and gave him purpose, might get hurt and wither like a dying flower caused a vicious twisting sensation in his chest.
He huffed and shook his head, pushing that feeling away. It was his job to make sure none of that happened. Even now that he was only in Bofurin and no longer in Furin, even though he was too old to truly be part of the school, it didn’t matter. Everyone who was ever once part of Bofurin never stopped. Not until they were forced to.
His gaze dragged along the park he’d found himself in, alone after a long day of patrols. He was still considered a cornerstone in Bofurin, but he was certain one day someone would take his place and that day he would need to find something outside that world that would carry him. Kaji just wasn’t sure what the resting beast inside of him would accept. He’d only known violence, he’d just found a way to channel it for good.
Only one bench had an opening, but you sat on the other side. He hesitated, uncertain, he didn’t want to be bothered now. But then he noticed the orange glow glinting off your headset, the gentle nod of your chin as you bobbed it in time with whatever music you were listening to while your fingers dug around a tin of candy.
His gaze slipped away from you, intending to avoid drawing your attention. He dropped onto the farthest edge of the seat, twirling the stick of the sucker so the candy rolled its welcoming sweetness against his tongue. Your head hadn’t even shifted in his direction.
It was strange, being part of Bofurin meant never getting a moment of peace. Something Kaji usually thrived in, he liked the noise, the rowdiness, even if he didn’t show it. Yet, it also meant when he needed a moment, just a second, to himself so he could think things over it was near impossible to find it. With a town member so close he imagined that you would start thanking him, making his spine stiffen and his hackles raise until something vulgar, and defensive came from his mouth, even if he tried to soften the blow of his words it never quite worked. You didn’t though.
In fact… Kaji tilted his head as he leaned back against the bench, eyes roving over you discreetly, he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen you before. He wasn’t necessarily good with names, but he wasn’t terrible with faces. He was certain he’d remember yours too. You gave no acknowledgement of his presence though and there was something about it, something about you being there, smiling as you nodded along with your music, sucking on ume sour candy, and staring across at the sparkling horizon. Your silence was comforting, was welcoming without needing anything to be said, it was different, and Ren liked it.
“Here,” you said, holding out a bandage.
There was a piece of him, so small, that wanted to ask your name. It made his skin itch and his teeth grind with nerves, but he pushed it down. He was never the one to talk first. He didn’t want to encourage that. He’d rather be left alone right now; he was bothered enough by the others in Bofurin.
He looked down at the damage to his hand once again and sighed, soaking in the last of the warm rays against his jacket. A shadow fell in front of him, and he startled, looking up with his fist clenching in preparation.
“Don’t be an idiot,” you narrowed your eyes and tilted your head, challenging him.
Your headset was down around your neck and your cheek bulged with the candy. He scowled.
“Don’t need it,” he huffed, as he shifted his headset away from his ears.
“It’s just a damned scrape,” he grumbled, fighting to soften his voice. “I’ve had worse.”
“I’m sure you have, still… even the smallest thing can get worse. A scrape can get infected,” you said persistently and knelt down, ripping open the package and taking his hand in yours.
Instantly Kaji moved to pull back, but your fingers tightened, and you fixed him with a glare that had him freezing up. Not even Kotoha could do that to him. Your touch was delicate though even with the furrow to your brow as you pressed the bandage into place causing your face to morph into a pleased smile.
“Don’t be dumb, keep that on,” you said as you stood and dusted yourself, only to turn and leave.
Kaji could do nothing more than blink, a light flush burned his cheeks, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you as you walked away before the sun set completely. He definitely would have remembered you. Who the hell were you?
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
let’s call this part one of today’s cpns cause i’m waiting for xzs side to share stuff and knowing that LOZ just wrapped, we might get something on that too. but i can’t wait to scream about these! good turtles really got the sweets for today!
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let the two cute babies invite you in… ⬇️⬇️⬇️
to those who have no idea what this holiday is about, then this might help you.
starting off the day with yibo’s audi ad. he really remains unbothered despite all the chaos, it’s business as usual on his side. and that is the reality of his life: it goes on. no matter what happens or who try to bring him down. he will continue to shine ✨ the story for the ad was so interesting, it was so nice to see him “cooking” and it’s giving me flashbacks to his other efforts. this is more of me as a cpf thinking about how yibo could also be making an effort on his own to cook, even if it’s not elaborate dishes. the fandom loves to paint xz as the “wife” who does the cooking but maybe yibo does too? and that grocery scene? AAHHHHHHH! domestic yizhan is my weakness. so while they walk into a store all dressed up like that, the thought makes me somft. considering there is a possibility too that they will be in the same city soon 🙏🏼
then xzs reposted menghai’s anniversary post which some are saying is unusual for them but who knows. WHAT GETS ME THO IS THE CAPTION. the fuck.
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WHO FAMOUSLY SAID THIS? to the point that it became a tagline for the fandom. Yibo. Yibo during all the drama that happened during Hidden Blade’s showing:
WYB: like what the director & that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but u still need to continue with ur life. for Wuming, i hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. we made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie.
I’m not sure if this is some usual line or saying in 🇨🇳 with some literary relevance but the fact that it is associated with WYB gets me! XZS is known to do really good captions but using this? after all that happened with magnolia noms? i think it is not a coincidence. this feels like an indirect message. i am positive that they really intend to wish menghai a happy anniversary but the hidden meaning is not lost on me.
not only that…. they seem to match yibo-official’s caption too.
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The wind blowing in the wilderness // The wind galloping in the wilderness 🍃
the wind. in the mainland, WOF title is called Wind Chaser. i can understand it from YBO’s perspective and why that was included. but XZS? another coincidence????
and the caption for YBO had a paper plane which is a symbol that we associate with them 🫶🏼 ( i have a post for this but i cannot find it lol. if someone here does, please comment. )
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and as for the drawing, it’s very common for cpf to think that xz made it. not saying that ybo has no team of his own that can do it for him, but more of this is xz’s love language. making art for the person he adores. the fact that the t-shirt chibi yibo was wearing is inspired by that video of him dancing in 2011 was a nice touch.
the cartoon was supposed to be based on the photo which was from the olympics performance rehearsal — but to make it fit the Children’s Day theme, that was added. it is made by someone who loves him!
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not to mention some other details that stood out to us. i bet you can analyze each in every composition of it and make a cpf analysis but these are the interesting bits:
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but i’m more partial to that pig nose on the shoes! hahahahaha! when fans tease yibo, he becomes a pig instead of a lion/panther and this cheeky addition i feel like can only be added by someone close to him. a person who can get away with it 😂😂😂
the photo used had him with the green/pink shoes! plus the video shared, THAT HAT! ( i linked part 3 of my cpn post in but parts 1&2 are there for those who are not familiar or want a refresher) ! he is showing off again! can’t blame him tho.
sources: one / two / three / four
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meraki-yao · 7 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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newtthetranswriter · 10 months
Snow and Cuddels.
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Word count:1333
Paring: Zora Ideale x reader
Summary: Snow day turned into cuddles with the best prankster who is allergic to wearing a shirt.
Warnings: Not much, cursing, mentions of colds and frostbite, maybe ooc Zora
A/n: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this. I am aware some of the bulls are not mentioned, i just couldn’t think of what to have them doing. Also this is my first time writing for Zora so it may be a little off, I’m hoping with this event to write for more fandoms and maybe get some requests in as well, but who knows. Anyway, have fun, enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
      Winter has finally arrived in the Clover Kingdom, and I couldn’t be happier. Playing in the snow with friends and family, baking cookies and making candy, and drinking hot chocolate, just some of the many fun things to do when winter hits. And of course today was the first day that there was a decent amount of snow, and Captain Yami kindly gave all of us at the Black Bulls hideout the day off.
      Charmy decided she’s going to be baking and cooking all day, Vanessa is already passed out drunk, Magna and Luck are fighting over whatever one of them did this time, Gouache is well being Gouche, Gordon is trying to hang with gouache but is just being creepy, and Gray is hiding from everything. The more rambunctious and childish of the group were outside in the snow, this included Asta trying to get Noelle to participate in a snowball fight, Finral has made a snow person he’s practicing his flirting with. That just leaves Me and my grumpy boyfriend who just wants to go inside because ‘shit it’s cold out here’, I’m trying to get him to enjoy the chilly weather but Zora being well himself refuses to, I don't know, put on a shirt and try to enjoy this free time.
     “Come on, Y/n why do you want to be out here it’s freezing. Why don’t we go lay down and cuddle? Or steal whatever Charmy has made for the day, we could also mess up Gouche’s creepy sister shrine again.” I turned to the red head slouched against the wall, rolling my eyes at him in response. “What are you even doing over there? It’s just snow, what can you possibly be doing with it?” He asked, pushing off the wall, moving to look over my shoulder.
     I lend further over my creation to hide it from him. “You don’t get to see it until it’s done. If you don’t want to be out here, you can go in if you want. If you really want to mess with the others, have fun, I’m enjoying it out here.” I tried to tell him he didn’t have to stay out here.
     “You know it’s not as fun if you’re not helping, plus you know where Vanessa hides her booze. Plus you could get sick if you stay out here too long.” Zora said, still trying to see the snow creation I was working on.
     “Why do you want Vanessa’s booze? You know what nevermind with that, but seriously if you want to go inside you can, I won’t blame you. I just hoped we could do something fun out here, instead of staying cooped up all day. And I won’t get sick, I’ll be fine.” I said, leaning back to show him what I had finished making.
     Zora paused processing the drawing I had carved in the patch of flat snow in front of me. It was a crescent moon along the side of one of his trap spells, to represent both of our magics, in the center was our initials. “I know it’s cheesy and won’t last long out here cause it will melt eventually, but it just popped into my head and I need to physically see it and show you. I was thinking we could maybe get it made into necklaces or something?” I explained my thinking. I hoped he understood what I was saying.
     “It’s amazing. But why draw it out here in the snow, if you want to get it made into necklaces or something you’re gonna have to draw it again on paper, why not wait till you go inside?” He asked, looking at me quizzically.
     I thought for a second before answering. “I just didn’t want to forget it plus, I want to stay out here as long as possible. Since I finished, would you want to pummel Asta with some snow balls?” I asked knowing he would want to cause some kind of trouble.
     He just groaned at the thought of being in the cold any longer. “Fine but after we bury him in the snow we are going inside and cuddling.” He answered standing up straight and offering me his hand to help me up.
     “Deal as long as we get Hot cocoa before cuddles.” I started moving behind a tree close to where Asta was now trying (and failing) to build a snowman. “Let’s hide from him here and make some snowballs, before we launch our attack.” I said bending down and beginning to make some roughly ball shaped clumps of snow to throw at the young boy.
     After about ten minutes of making and throwing snowballs at a screaming Asta, and him running over Finral. Zora and I decided it was time to go inside for the rest of the day and finally get some hot chocolate, mostly because Zora’s chest was now bright red from being in the cold for so long while shirtless.
     We made our way inside, snagging some cocoa and cookies from Charmy, before heading up to our shared room. I couldn’t help but laugh as the normally grumpy and closed off Zora dropped onto the bed sighing while thanking whoever assigned our room for it having walls without cracks so the cold couldn’t be felt inside it. 
     “You know if you put on a shirt you wouldn’t be so cold in the winter right?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as I took a sip of my hot cocoa.
     He just rolled his eyes standing up and taking his mask off, walking over to me. “If I wore a shirt, you would be robbed of the second best sight known to man. The first being your face after I do this.” I was confused for a moment before he lent in, placing a kiss on my lips, before pulling away with a smirk. “See that’s the face, all shocked and confused.” He said turning back to the bed to pull the covers down. “Stop gaping like a fish and come lay down, I’m still fucking freezing and need your body heat so get over here.” He complained, laying down on his side of the bed having taken off the rest of his flashy clothes opting for a pair of sweatpants, he’s still shirtless but at least he’s under the blankets.
     I rolled my eyes moving to kick off my boots while hanging up my coat. Crawling under the covers I was met with very little warmth as Zora’s ice cube off a body sapped all the heat from the bed. “Holy fuck Zora you’re so fuckling cold.” I said moving to cuddle up to him. “I wouldn’t be shocked if you get frostbite or something, damn.” He just chuckled but pulled me closer, sighing at the fact that I was at least a little bit warmer than he was. “Next time we go out in the cold, will you at least wear a coat, it doesn't have to be zipped just enough to keep your arms warmer.” I tried to bargain with him.
     He paused before responding. “Fine, but I better get cuddles anyway.” I just nodded, now focused on warming him up while also trying not to fall asleep. “Go ahead and sleep. I'll be fine with you snuggled up to me being a space heater.” He said, rubbing my head. Letting out a yawn, I mumbled a quick I love you before falling asleep. The last thing I heard was Zora’s quiet response. “I love you, too, today was fun even if it was freezing.” He quickly followed suit in sleeping.
     The next day when  we woke up it became apparent that Zora was right about getting sick staying in the cold. But finally the jokes on him, cause he’s the one to wake up the sniffles and a slight fever. His pouting and grumbling could be heard throughout the hideout as he complained about it the rest of the day.
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averagetmntfan · 9 months
(yeah I copy pasted it from the other acc, don’t sue me)
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wassup! Finally, a master post! Am I right?
hi there! I’m Jayah! You can call me jj tho. I’m js here to post a bunch of fun art and maybe some animation stuff? And occasionally, fan fiction >:). I am GenderFluid, and I go by all pronouns. And my sexuality is lesbian!
and my lil gay ass miiiiiiight be possibly maybe simping for someone rn..?? (*cough* a literally drawing)
I also have 12 roleplay blogs! @leontheluxuriousone , @wrecking-it-raphie @gayass-blueberry-mugman, @bendy-the-dancing-doofus, @koi-the-cosplay-boy, @improv-master-mikey , @ask-miss-maple-leaf ,@blue-masked-simp , @mikey-the-magnificent , @no-ditches-no-bitches , @candy-for-the-win and @ask-olive-huchers
PLUS: @ask-adi-huchers @candy-for-the-win @neon-of-the-leon (new ROTTMNT leo acc) @ask-miss-maple-leaf @ask-christopher-harrison
my current hyper fixations are: rottmnt, tadc, TBT(trolls: band together/trolls 3), The great north, bobs burgers, the cuphead show, moon girl and devil dinosaur, amphibia, the owl house, tmnt 12, cuphead and mugman in General, KREW, poppy playtime, and a SHIT TON MORE-
btw I swear quite a lot on this, so if that isn’t ur thing, u should click off.
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and here’s my sona ref!
DISCLAIMER: please don’t send me werid asks, or gross inappropriate content. I’m a minor.
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100 DTIYS!
• FANART!!: •
Leo goober(@ghosty-0w0)
PRINCESS KOI FR (@mikey-rottmnt)
MY BABIES- (@allyheart707)
MY SONS<333 (@mikey-rottmnt)
The sand.
shopping day! (discontinued)
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The 4 servants Au:
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Chapter 1 (ongoing)
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 (currently on hiatus)
The 4 turtles work peacefully at a competing hotel with the battle nexus, with their beloved father. But one day, everything spirals out of control! And their worlds get flipped upside down! Follow Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey on the journey of a life time! And who knows, they might meet some friends along the way, or maybe more…
Pissed off peeps >:[
brace face!!
• FICS: •
Colour theory thingy sorta??
Leo being a dumb-dumb
what do the bros do outside of the hotel??
Mikey needs a hug
does raph break stuff often?
Do the bros like Lou Jitsu movies?
How do they feel about working there?
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Time beats a dead man
(Collab au w/ @mikey-rottmnt!!)
A silly cuphead and mugman au Abt uh..a lot of stuff. (Heavily inspired by babtqftim)
picky eater
get served! ..or, maybe later..
portals gone wrong!! 1 2 3
Secret admirer<3
the struggles of school
Is it salad?
• HC’S that are canon in this silly au: •
Cups and mugs (cups are not Canon)
How to hug the gang!!
Human mugs doodles
chip and Dale!!
Koi and mugs being gay
Rock paper scissors
• some lore: •
mugs lore
Hs! Mugs and euro…
Mug and cup lore
Main crews fav ice cream!!
cup lore (belongs to Ari)
Favourite drinks!
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(Coming soon..?)
“Small turtle, and even bigger problems.”
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trungles · 7 months
Processing Process, and More Processing
I made this post free and publicly readable on Patreon, but I'm reposting the whole thing right here too because, well, it's a free post, and I don't want to make you click away from your dashboard if you don't need to. But also if you want to support my work, here's the link to the post.
It's a little bit about cartooning, a little bit about drawing, and then it turns into a eulogy for a chicken.
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I wrote “process” more than once, and now the word looks funny and is beginning to lose its meaning to me.
This post is about a few things, and it’s a little bit on the sad end of things. Nothing dire! No worries. There’s just a little mention of death, just as a heads up.
Before we get to that, though, I’ve been doing some work and had some thoughts.
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I’m often asked about how I draw the noodle hair on my characters, and the answer is typically that I draw each and every line with my hand. But there are considerations of movement and volume that go into it beyond its texturally decorative purposes. I love being able to convey shape and motion with it. It’s less evident, I think, in my illustration work, but I think it’s much more obvious when I do sequential work. In the above image, you can see me working out a sequence of Angelica having a series of thoughts. Her head sort of moves, and her eyes follow. You can see I’d planned out the general shape of the hair and how I’d like it to move.
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I wound up moving the drawings a little bit so that the readers eyes will actually follow the character’s eyes as it moves gently rightward on the page. The hair is there to accentuate the movement, like so:
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It’s a consideration I employ in all my drawings, but especially when I’m drawing hair and fabric. I don’t use a lot of action lines, so this becomes an important way to give the reader the information that someone is moving through a space. Resistance, gravity, and motion are all things I have to keep in the back of my head when I’m doing these little drawings. I think the planning actually takes more time than the inking, which can happen pretty quickly once I map it all out.
In other news, I’m starting to take my extracurricular artistic development a little more seriously in the silliest way possible.
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You wouldn’t know it, but I studied painting college—a medium I switched to after the printmaking professor and head of the Art Department at the time told me I probably shouldn’t be an artist (he gave me a hard candy for my trouble). I recently bought a bunch of little dolls, dressed them up, and am returning to my painting roots. It feels really nice to work in big blobs of color instead of lines. It’s an exercise I came up with in response to a common lament from art students.
One of the more aggravating generational tensions described to me by art school students is when professors describe a student’s portfolio as “too anime” without much explanation. I know what the professor means. They’re trying to get at how referencing your favorite anime or cartoons means that your style becomes a simulacrum, an imperfect copy of a copy, and you never learn to develop your own sense of judgment about where a line or a shape needs to go. And we can tell. It’s a way of working that is perfectly fine for cartooning because cartooning is closer to hand-writing than it is to drawing. I always turn to Charles Schulz’s work for an example. Those figures aren’t literally depicting children—with their little chessboard-pawn proportions and bread-loaf feet—but we read them as endearing children because we’ve come to a consensus between us, the readers, and Charles Schulz, the author, that those shapes mean those things. There are no whiskers or paws in the shape of the word “CAT” but you look at those three letters together, and you know the thing to which it refers. That’s an aspect of cartooning, too. Of course, what elevates it from mere writing is, in part, due to the fact that those little figures do not lose their meaning the more you depict them.
To really draw well, though, you have to do those fundamentals. You have to draw from life. There’s no way around it. It helps you develop a stronger sense of where you like to lay down your lines and shapes, no matter how stylized you like to work. It grows your judgment, and every artist’s best tool is their own well-honed sense of artistic discernment about their own work.
But that doesn’t mean you have to surrender the stuff you like or the things that inspire you to make art! I tell students that if they want to hold fast to their anime style AND hone their fundamentals to develop their eye as an artist, they should buy little figurines and toys of their favorite characters, prop those up against a light source, and draw them as still life objects. Like, yes, do the vases and the figure drawings and all those, I still think those are important. But if this is what you need to keep you interested in drawing from life, having some toys around is a great way to do it! Also, bless those sculptors and toy designers. They’re the best.
I think there’s something to be said about remembering to imagine the physicality of the things we draw, in all its dimensions and in the way it catches the light or casts a shadow. It helps sentimentalize things, too. Makes them feel more real, even emotionally.
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Edwina died on Tuesday night, after a few final snuggles, surrounded by her favorite treats. She was about five years old, which is old for a chicken, and she had a very comfortable life. We buried her this morning. She was a good hen, J’s personal favorite.
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It really feels like the end of an era. She was the last surviving member of our very first flock. After the other hens died, she really seemed to prefer the company of people over other hens. She is survived by Snooki and Nelly, our two other young birds who get along quite well together, actually.
A baby chick costs between three and five American dollars, typically. An egg-laying hen could be between twenty and fifty bucks, depending on the breed. There are roughly 26 billion chickens living in the world today, about 518 million of them here in the United States. They come pretty cheap. And a part of me was moved to cynicism, entertaining the thought that it might be strange to feel sadly over a little animal that, at most, might be roughly equivalent to the price of a fancy lunch and a coffee.
I watched the 1974 musical version of The Little Prince recently, and I remember it mostly because Bob Fosse was in it and scared the crap out of me as a kid—he played the snake that would take the Little Prince back into the sky when his body gets too heavy to take with him. Gene Wilder plays the Fox whom the Little Prince befriends and tames among a garden of roses. The Fox explains that he is like any other fox in the world, but he is changed—made special and particular to the Little Prince—with time, effort, and patience. So, too, is the Prince’s little flower special to him. Out of all the flowers in the universe, she was the one he watered and protected under a little glass jar. And that’s enough.
I knew my little hen would not live that long. It could be very easy to take a broad view of the life expectancy of a hen and distance myself from it by virtue of its mortality and its commonness. People who raise livestock do it all the time. But I also think it’s wonderful that we should all be capable of loving very small, very brief little things. Edwina is not, to my mind, the rough equivalent of a fancy lunch and a coffee. She was our little hen. For her whole life, she was ours. And I’m so happy she was here.
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erooca · 1 year
daycare pt. 2
ellie williams x reader
description: ellie williams is forced to work at a daycare. in part two, she gets more comfortable with her new job and with you. 2.5k words
omg im so happy a lot of people liked the first one!!! i hope u guys like this one too. i love writing ab ellie and am open to any suggestions you may have!!
part one: https://www.tumblr.com/erooca/724971592933834752/daycare
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ever since you met ellie, you started seeing her more around your campus. every once in a while, y’all would go study together or maybe grab a coffee, but she’s never invited you back to her dorm before, at least not until right now.
like the gentleman she is, she held the door open and you walked in, instantly getting hit with the scent of ellie. specifically a nice, light scent of tobacco vanilla, which felt very on point for the freckled girl.
her dorm was small, smaller than yours since she had one to herself, while you shared with roommates. all that was in here was a bed, a desk, a mini fridge, storage, and a door leading to a bathroom.
her back wall was filled with little sketches everywhere. you knew she liked to draw, but you had no idea it meant this much to her. you took in all the drawings, examining them one by one. you see sketches of horses, dinosaurs (no surprise there), sunsets and just a lot of landscapes in general, and you see a few of an older looking man. you assume it’s her father.
ellie is watching you nervously as you examine all her drawings. she was scared as shit that you were finally in her dorm, but she also had a tingling feeling in her heart because you were surrounded completely by her and only her at the moment. she could get used to this.
it had been two weeks since her first day at the daycare. for two whole weeks, her thoughts have been plagued by you. she was loving it. she loved spending a full eight hour shift with you. just to see you, she would even come in five or ten minutes early.
she wasn’t very secretive about her crush on you. she did a lot of things for you. if you went on break earlier than her, she’d pick you up something to eat and would forbid you from paying her back. she would also buy things you had mentioned you needed for the classroom. one time, she even brought you a candy bar since she noticed you weren’t as energetic as your usual self.
even after all these gracious gifts, you were oblivious. it drove ellie insane. she really didn’t want to have to confess it out loud to you. she was really hoping you’d just take the hint and ask her out yourself. ellie has a bit of a hard time with rejection and she can’t imagine pouring out her feelings to you just for you to tell her you didn’t feel the same about her.
“hey.. is this one of king’s drawings?” you said, pointing at a colorful and bright picture. it had two stick figures with a hell of a lot of scribbles.
“oh yeah, he said he drew it for me,” ellie smiled, reliving the memory. king had told her it was a drawing of her and him hanging out together. ellie asked if she could keep the drawing and of course king said yes.
“that’s so sweet,” you smiled brightly. you were so happy ellie already made a strong connection with one of the students. the best part about working with kids is seeing the way you influence them and make them better humans.
ellie nodded.
“so, did ya’ wanna order pizza and watch a movie?” ellie asked.
“that sounds like a perfect way to relax after a week of working.”
you guys settle onto ellie’s bed (since there’s no couch) watching a random movie on netflix waiting for the pizza.
it was a really good night. you wish you could spend every night like this.
the next monday, you were eagerly waiting for ellie to enter the classroom door. you were so excited to see her. you guys had such a great time on saturday, and you couldn’t wait to be in ellie’s presence again.
when the door opened, all the children screamed out ellie’s name, getting up to go give her a hug.
“ellie!! guess what my mom did this weekend!!” a blonde girl named charlie asked.
“i went to the park yesterday ellie!!” pippa told her.
“hey! hey! ellie!” another kid called for attention.
ellie laughed and listened to each of the kids one by one. it warmed your heart so much seeing your students gathered around ellie, telling her stories and giving her hugs. you felt like you could burst from the warmth that spread throughout your body.
when she was finished, she got up and locked eyes with you. she greeted you and that was when you noticed two starbucks cups in her hands. she sheepishly handed one of them out to you.
“ellie, you shouldn’t have done this,” you said, taking the cup from her even though it contradicted your words.
“gotta get a coffee for my favorite coworker,” her lips rose into a half smile.
you brought the drink up to your lips and sipped. you’ve had starbucks countless times, but this one tasted different. it tasted amazing and you know it’s because it was ellie who bought it for her. you thanked her.
the day continued on as usual. while you were outside, you watched as the kids ganged up on ellie to chase her and take her to “jail”. you watched her run, taking the game a little too seriously. it made you think how she’d probably survive a zombie apocalypse, if it ever happened.
she easily got cornered and king tugged her hand, leading her to the fence. some of the other kids did a locking motion, acting as though ellie was chained to the fence.
“don’t get out!!!” one of the boys, william, said.
you made your way over, innocently.
“how’s jail?” you ask.
“oh, ha ha,” she said sarcastically, then her eyes lit up, as if she had a great idea, “hey.. unlock me!” she said, glancing at her hands.
“you do realize you aren’t actually locked in, right?” you ask, laughing.
ellie scoffs. you follow through with her request anyway, motioning an unlocking gesture. then ellie bolted.
“HEY! they let ellie out! get both of them!” one of the kids yelled.
now both of you were running for your lives from a big group of three year olds.
once you guys came inside, you had lunch, and then nap time. when the kids woke up, you opted to do floor toys and just keep them all on the colorful alphabet rug.
you sat with the children, watching them build with the duplo legos. they were each having you look at what they made. you praised them each time, suggesting they add a different colored block or make it taller. soon, you felt a bit tired so you laid down onto the carpet.
this turned out to be a bad idea when half of your students rolled on top of you, leaving you no room to even move. all you could hear was the sounds of your three year olds giggling, as they tortured you.
you called out for help from ellie but was met with the response of laughter coming from her.
wow. your own friend. you thought up your revenge plan quickly, “everyone!!!” you shouted, catching their attentions, “go give ellie a kiss!!”
“what? no- no,” but it was too late. the kids ran up to her, giving her kisses on her arms and hands. a few even gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“payback,” you smirk at her, watching as she’s trying to control the kids now.
“oh you’re evil,” she responds, playfully narrowing her eyes at you.
the rest of the day went by fast, but this time ellie wasn’t leaving when you got down to less kids. maria had asked that you go through all the cleaning duties with her that are required for closing. you agreed, obviously excited to spend even more with her. you decided to wait until all the children were gone to start teaching it. it would allow you to give ellie your full focus.
all the kids were called to leave one by one and soon it was 6:00 and all the kids had went home. it was just ellie and you in the room. you could already feel the intense butterflies moving through you. god, your crush had gotten bad.
ignoring the feeling in your stomach that was so extreme it almost hurt, you showed ellie the closet.
“so we keep the vacuum and broom in here, and all of the cleaning chemicals. there’s bleach water, soapy water, floor spray, and a bathroom cleaner,” you explain to ellie.
you went inside to pull out the vacuum but with a mighty tug, the vacuum wouldn’t come loose. it was stuck in between the children’s mats. you said a naughty word but kept trying.
“here, let me help,” ellie said from outside the closet, stepping inside.
“wait! don’t let the door—“
“oh fuck. did i just lock us in here?” ellie asked, wide eyed as soon as she heard the click of the lock.
“uhh.. yeah. you did. it’s alright, i’m sure someone will find us soon,” you said, hopeful.
the closet wasn’t super tight, but it definitely wasn’t spacious. you were a little too close to ellie for comfort. you could already feel your heart racing. someone better find you guys soon, or you might have a heart attack.
“i’m gonna see if maybe i can like.. jam the door open,” you said, trying to switch spots with ellie so you were closer to the door. you couldn’t ignore the way your skin touched hers in an effort to get across.
you started wiggling the handle with all your might, trying to move it up, down, and side to side. it wasn’t budging.
“try moving it like this,” ellie had found her way right behind you. she rested her hand on the door handle where yours was. your pinkies overlapped and ellie started jiggling the handle too.
you looked to your side and noticed she had her other hand resting on the door, for support, to the right of your head. she was basically leaning over you, trapping you within her arms.
“yeah we’re not getting out of this any time soon,” ellie states, letting her hand rest on the door knob.
you finally turned around to face her and it both hit you how close you both had gotten. your back was against the door and she was right in front of you, only maybe a foot away.
ellie felt a dust of pink wash over her cheeks as she realized how close she was to you. she hadn’t meant to position you like this, but she wasn’t complaining.
ellie was keeping her eyes locked with yours and neither of you guys made an attempt to move. you could hear as her breath was moving more rigid.
it was becoming too much for you, and you glanced down, forcing your head to look at the ground. you tried to relax your heart that seemed as though it was clawing out of your chest.
a soft hand rose to the bottom of your chin, and pulled it upwards, forcing you to look back at ellie.
“don’t.” ellie whispered, not taking her eyes off of you.
you don’t think you’ve ever desired someone as much as you desired ellie right now. you were so close to grabbing her face, giving her as many kisses as she deserved, but instead you stood still, frozen under ellie’s dominant position.
ellie took the hand from your chin and moved it to gently tuck a wisp of hair behind your ear, “wanna see your pretty face…” she let her hand rest on her cheek.
your whole face turned a blushy color at her words. how was this girl you met only a few weeks ago making you sink into a puddle?
“ellie..” you breathed out, scanning her face, trying to decipher any thought she might have. from up this close, you could see how irregular her pattern of freckles were. how they were different shades of the same color. you could count them all from this position, and you happily would.
“can i please kiss you?” ellie asked, in almost a puppy dog voice.
you didn’t trust yourself with your voice right now (hell, you’d probably accidentally propose to her), so you gave a sweet nod.
she took a step closer to you, bodies mere inches from colliding, she watched your eyes and glanced to your lips.
“are you sure?” she asked, wanting to confirm that this is genuinely what you wanted. her eyes went back up to yours and she searched them.
instead of answering, you moved forward closing the gap. your soft lips met with her chapped ones. ellie made a noise of surprise at your sudden movement, but easily got comfortable, kissing you back.
she pulled back after a moment, but stayed close to your face.
“holy fuck,” she breathed out, trying to regain any sense of herself she had previously.
before you had a chance to say anything, she reconnected her lips with yours. she placed her hands on your hips, pulling you in closer. you crossed your hands around her neck. you don’t ever think you’ve felt this kind of rush before. all you knew was that you wanted ellie closer. you wanted to be surrounded by her completely. now that you’ve kissed her once, you don’t think you’ll ever be able to stop kissing her.
she slowly started kissing along your jawline, and then trailing her lips down your neck. you giggling at the sensation from the way it tickled your skin.
ellie liked the way your throat felt under her mouth. she continued to leave soft kisses all on you. you could feel your hunger for her grow stronger and stronger.
just then the door swung open, leaving you to fall on the ground, and ellie tumbling over you. you both groaned in pain.
maria stood in front of you two’s lying bodies. she cleared her throat awkwardly. it was obvious she saw what you guys were doing before you fell.
“i’m not gonna talk about what i just saw, but how many times have i told you not to let that door shut??” maria said, only acting angry to wash away the awkward feeling of walking in on her (basically) niece making out with one of her best workers.
“it was my fault, maria. i let the door close,” ellie said, taking the blame. she stood up from the ground, and then held out a hand to you. you gladly took it and she pulled you up.
maria sighed in frustration, “don’t let it happen again, and get this room clean. we lock up in 15 minutes.”
as soon as she leaves the room, you erupt in giggles, thinking of how shocked maria’s face was. ellie joined your laughter, just now realizing how silly the situation had become.
knowing there wasn’t any time left to dilly-dally, you two sped cleaned the room.
you hoped the next couple days would be full of more closet kisses, more of those loving looks ellie had given you today, or even wishful touches throughout the hours.
unknown to your knowledge, ellie was planning on giving you every single one of those for the rest of her life.
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