#also i know its late but also its me so lets all lower our expectations for this week
veritasangel · 1 month
⋆ 。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: suggestive mention of a leash / allusions to wedding night ↣ {wc: 1.1k}
older knight! simon - one︱two ︱three ︱four︱five︱six
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Simon doesn’t think he’s ever heard the word, “No” so much in his entire life. The sound is a constant on your tongue, echoing through the halls of the castle like a battle cry and the two of you weren’t even married yet.
“No, I’m not attending that dinner.”
“No, I will not bow to the whims of the court on this matter. It’s our wedding, not theirs.”
“No, Simon, I refuse to wear that.”
The nobles constantly whisper about the turbulent nature of the union, wondering how long the old knight can endure the storm that is his future bride. But Simon knows he’ll be just fine, he’s never shied away from a challenge before and back then the only reward was food and a nice bed. With you as his prize? He’d gladly weather any storm you came at him with.
For Simon, there was no sweeter victory, than you.
After settling the arrangement with the King, he quickly discovered your troublesome character. He knew you were a force to be reckoned with, but what he hadn’t expected, was the pride that swells in his chest every time you stand your ground, even against him.
Simon finds himself standing in awe of you and your stubborn will. And in the eye of your storm, he discovers a woman who is greatly independent and loyal to those she cares for.
“Don’t worry... I’m sure it’s not too late to back out of this arrangement.” an older man speaks, tearing him from his thoughts.
“Back out? Why?” Simon questions, puzzled, as he looks away from the man. He watches as you command the attention of a group of pretentious rich folks, their names already long forgotten.
“Haven’t you heard?” the man tuts, shaking his head in disapproval. “The princess is notoriously difficult. She’ll have you on a leash before you know it!”
Simon’s eyes follow you, taking in the graceful sway of your hips as you move through the ballroom. “Is that meant to deter me?” he replies, a little too bluntly. “I have no problem letting my future wife take the reins, she is royalty, after all.”
He pauses, gaze lingering on your elegant form, admiring your curves. “Besides, I am a knight- or was. Following orders is second nature to me. If my wife wished to put me on a leash, I’d get on my knees and play the role with pride.”
In Simon’s eyes, you were not nearly a nightmare at all. Challenging? Yes, but in a way that ignited his passion. You were intelligent and valued your autonomy. Those who found you demanding were simply the ones who didn’t give you the respect you deserved, and Simon had come to realise that your responses were always justified.
To him, you were a graceful princess, who would one day make a great Queen. Though you stood apart from your family. You always voiced your displeasure for outdated customs and refused to be confined by them. You challenge Simon, but your spirit also inspires him, pushing him to be better and push past the traditions that he was once familiar with in his knighthood.
“Come, come—I want to dance with you.” you beamed, excitement evident as you rushed over to him. Simon instantly rises to follow you, as if it were the most instinctive thing in the world for him. He knows that he would follow you anywhere with no hesitation, if you were to just smile at him like that.
A soft melody fills the room as you lead him to the centre of the ballroom. A small laugh leaves your lips as you see his apprehension. Your laughter was its own symphony, one he could listen to endlessly without growing tired of, even if it was at his expense. 
Both of your eyes gleam under the cascading glow of the lights and Simon can’t help but smile, a rare softness gracing his features. The two of you dance, lost in the feeling. Simon’s strong, yet gentle grip, holds you steady. One hand respectfully roams along your lower back, causing a slight shiver to run across your skin. 
In this moment, it was just the two of you, he wasn’t a hardened knight, just Simon. You were just two souls, enjoying this dance.
And maybe his soul was always yours because here with you, he feels like he belongs, more than he ever has in his entire life. Everything around you fades to nothing as he twirls you around, your movements fluid as you both melt into each other, like a stream of water. Your steps were effortless and he tried his hardest to keep up.
“You’ve been practising the dance.” you smirk at him, admiring the glint in his eyes. “Well I can’t embarrass my darling wife on our wedding day, can I? I have to get my practice in.” He chuckles darkly. It’s a sound that goes straight to your core and right now as you look at him, you curse yourself for insisting the two of you wait until the wedding night.
You looked at him like he was the only person in the room and it was something he hadn’t known he was missing. There was a slight flutter in his chest that he’d never felt before and he wouldn't have ever imagined the first time would be with the royal princess- no- his wife to be.
The music flowed and there was not a single worry in your mind. It was just pure bliss as you felt the warmth of his hand in yours, the other one lovingly caressing your waist.
The night slowly winds down as you rest your head on Simon’s chest, a sigh of pure contentment escaping your lips. He held you close, his heart swelling with a tenderness that he would never be able to voice. His touch felt natural, familiar. It was as if you two were already years into marriage, nobody would guess that the wedding was still a few weeks away with how you two looked at each other now.
“I’m grateful to be the man you marry.” he says, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You smiled at him, and he felt he could die a happy man, then and there.
“I am too.” you whisper.
No more words were needed. The answer was in the way you held him tighter, the way you looked up at him adoringly and in the way your heartbeat matched his.
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༄ tags: @alucardsdaddyissues @nijiru @honethatty12
༄ cod m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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boyfiejay · 9 months
Next door hottie neighbour
PAIRING : nonidol! Sunghoon x gn Reader
GENRE : next door neighbour / hottie, bad boy x good girl (kind of)
Warning : reader is mentioned to be wearing a skirt, sunghoon can come off as too pushy but reader likes it (ig?), sunghoon has a bike🤩
Word Count : 0.8k
Author's note : this active era of sunghoon is making me feel very delusional and i really needed to let it out or i would simply combust, so here it is 😁 it isnt the new year for me yet so here is my last fic of this year. Happy new year to everyone! <3
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Suddenly moving away from a place you've grown up at makes you feel very sad. A ton of memories left behind because your mom's boss thought transfering your mom from one branch of her company to the other would just be no hassle at all. Now, you and your dad can never survive without her and so the logical decision was to move away.
And unlike your parents, you were very excited for new things. It was not that they werent excited, but they were a lot more worried than they were excited.
The result of your mom's worries was that you would be going to give your neighbour an apple pie 'to get on their good side' as your mom claims. After her stumbling across the kitchen, getting mad at your dad for forgetting to buy certain stuff and making sure the pie looked absolutely perfect, you were on your way to deliver it to your new neighbour. (i mean youre new here but they're still new people to you..)
On the way to the house beside yours, you noticed a matte black bike standing in the doorway of said house. And one of the things you're obsessed to is pretty bikes (just anything pretty in general ) and you were definitely going to rant about this to your mom.
You knocked on the door, but what you were not expecting was for a half naked guy around your age to open the door. And he was so handsome.
Despite your face turning a concerning shade of red - because did you mention he had a such a toned torso? - you introduced yourself, "Hi. I just moved next door. My name is ___. Ni-" before you could even finish your sentence, your stupidly handsome neighbour cut you off with a teasing smile, "So you're the pretty girl from yestrday, huh?" he said, probably mentioning you moving your stuff. 
His eyes suddenly shifting lower noticing your ruffled skirt, okay maybe that wasnt a good idea but he wasn't looking at you in a creepy way so it was fine you thought.
Desperately trying to change the topic you said, "My mom made an apple pie and she wanted to share it with our new neighbours." You didn't mention his parents, incase he lived alone and you looked like an idiot. He muttered out a 'thank you' and took the pie from you. The whole atmosphere suddenly turning too awkward to bear.
In hopes of starting a conversation, you said, "Is that bike yours," he nodded, maybe you were also going to give him a lecture on how dangerous it is, "its so cool." Sunghoon was going to sound like such a loser but maybe it was because you are the first girl who had something good to say about his bike (his baby), or maybe the way your eyes twinkled when you looked at the bike and he knew you were being genuine with your compliment. Park Sunghoon wanted to kiss you so bad in that moment.
And he decide he was going to shoot his shot, and not care if he would appear desperate. You were too pretty to regret. 
Reluctantly looking away from your lips he said, "How rude of me. My name is Sunghoon. You're new in this area right? How about we hangout sometime? You know, so i can tell you who to avoid," he said taking a step closer to you, suddenly the distance between you two seeming too small for mere strangers, "and who you should be close to." he said, with that same teasing smile.
You felt like you were in a daze, his naked chest suddenly so close to your red face. You took a step back and realized a little too late that there was no ground beneath your feet. But just in time Sunghoon put his arms around your waist preventing you to fall flat on your ass.
"Careful there, we dont want you injured before the date, do we?" This guy and his smile were going to be the death of you.
"Huh? What... Date?" you asked, bewildered at what was unfolding.
"You heard me. Here-" he said, taking his hands off your waist (finally‼️) and handing you his phone, "put in your number."
Not knowing what to say, you wordlessly put in your number. Well what were you supposed to say? No?? To such a handsome guy?
You gave him back his phone and you saw him putting a little heart beside your name (this one ♡︎).
"See you then." he said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
As you were walking back home and reached the gate of your house, you curiously looked to see if Sunghoon had went inside. But he was still there, half naked, leaning on the doorframe, holding the pie. With that damn smile.
Your face burning up again (it should be permanently red by now) as you almost ran to your front door.
Moving away wasn't such a hassle, especially if your neighbour was so hot.
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Proceed to part 2 ?
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feyre-darling92 · 1 year
Nights like these
Ghost x reader
Gues who’s back. Back again. Yep, I am not dead but I have died from studying. Anyways, here’s a little one shot with our favorite husband, Ghost.
Synopsis: It’s these nights that hunt Ghost the most. He never expected you to change that.
Word Count: 1.213
Also this is not proofread
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It was nights like these where memories would return. They found home in the dead silence, the darkness. They became the darkness. And whoever was dealing with the demons... it was nights like these he hated.
Ghost hated these nights. These nights when anything seemed meaningless. When the darkness was so thick you wished for it to shallow you. When your own mind betrayed you.
He spent them alone. What else could he do? It was late at night, too late for anyone to even think to stay wake, too late for anyone to actually care. Only company the moonlight. The comforting weight of his mask and the -even though he wouldn’t admit it- the snores of the soldiers. This meant they were alive, it meant he had done something good.
And then you appeared.
A night like these, when the world seemed too much, when he was alone at the common room, gazing at the stars through the big window, trying to find solace that’s when he heard footsteps.
The insticts kicked in faster than logic, gun drawned and pointed at you.
“The fuck you’re doing here” He growled. He was not Simon now, no. He was Ghost back again.
“Just taking a walk” you stated simply as he lowered his gun and quietly put it back on its holster. You slowly and quietly walked to the armchair across him.
“A walk?” he scoffed, eyes coldly watching your every movement. You seemed... tired, he noticed.
Why did he notice? He usually didn’t care.
“It’s too damn late to even consider being awake” he added in his usual cold and serious tone.
“What are you doing up that late then, Ghost?” You raised an eyebrow as you spoke quietly.
He had noticed this trait of yours the moment you stepped in the task force. Always speaking your mind, the cold truth, the annoying comment you couldn’t hold back. Even talking back. Oh, how angry and annoyed he got when you spoke that way to him. You of course didn’t back up, always ending up in a fight.
“What are you doing up that late, Weasel?”
“Ah, you must be really annoyed to call me by my code name. I understand, I can leav-”
One word. Stay. One simple word that meant too much to him. You understood.
“A penny for a thought?” You asked softly. You knew that his behavior right now showed... vulnerability. The most Ghost could show.
He finally relaxed around you, his eyes turning to the night sky. “Why are you up so late, y/n?” he asked instead but instead of his usual stern and serious tone there was something else. Something you couldn’t understand.
“Just... overthinking, I guess”
All he did was nod and let you stay with him. And you did.
Sitting in silence for some time was more comforting that you had expect it. You turned to him and observed his eyes, the only think you could see behind the mask. The only thing you had learned to study.
“You have beautiful eyes, Simon” You spoke quietly, speaking your mind without filtering.
You had called him Simon. Not Ghost
He chuckled slightly and took a cigar out of his pocket, lighting it up and lifting his mask enough so you could see his mouth.
He hadn’t done that before.
“How did that thought even cross you mind?” He took a long drag out of his cigar and slowly exhaled the smoke.
“Would you believe me if I said I don’t know?”
“Alright” you tried to supress a smile. “But just to know your eyes can show me your expression. I can see when you’re grinning like an idiot and when you laugh silently”
“You’re a creep” he stated half-joking
“Says you” you chuckled looking at him from the corner of your eyes. He grinned, “Touche”
“So, what are you doing here that late?” he took another drag, sighing.
“Escaping my problems. You?” You ask quietly, “Let me guess, you are actually trying to become a ghost” You teased, “Is that it? Shall I call you ghostie?” I grinned.
“Fuck off” he rolled his eyes but he spoke in a playful tone. “Maybe the same” he added quietly, avoiding to look at you.
“You are young” you whispered more to yourself, but he heard.
“Aren’t you a smartass. What did you expect me to be? 56?”
“No, I just thought you were older”
“And? Now that you learned what changes?” he asked a little seriously. He wanted to know.
“Nothing. Why would you care if something changed, anyways?”
“Nothing, forget it” he said dismissively. “So, you will stay here, I guess” he finished his cigarette and threw it away. You couldn’t understand the tone of his voice now, though.
“Is there a problem with that?” you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. You understood. He wanted you, your company right now.
You did something you would have never imagined you could do before. You took your chair and moved it so you now sat next to Simon, shoulders barely touching.
He raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment.
He would never admit it but your gesture relaxed him. Gave him comfort.
After an hour or so you felt tired, sleepy but too stubborn to return to bed. So you did the first thing that crossed you mind, without second thought. You rested your head against his shoulder.
Ghost flinched at the sudden weight on his shoulder but after glancing at you he calmed down a little. He would allow it for now, he lied to himself. Not because he didn’t like it but beause he liked it too much.
And after another hour he found himself at the very same position, too sleepy and stubborn to move. He blamed his stubborness of course and not his refusal to wake you up. And in no time he found himself falling asleep, his head resting against yours.
He could let his guard down for one time. For you. Because of you.
Of course he didn’t admit anything when Price and Soap found them like that the next morning. Not when Price shook his shoulder gently, to wake him up, not when he very carefully moved so you wouldn’t wake up and definitely not when Soap teased him all morning.
You woke up much later, with the seat next to you empty. You brushed it off, continuing your day when at the afternoon you met him with Soap.
“I have a job to do, see you later lass” Soap made a poor excuse and left, leaving you alone with him.
“About yesterday-” you started but he cut you off, “There isn’t much to talk about yesterday” he said with his usual cold and serious demeanor.
“Of course” You nodded in understanding, “See you around, Lieutenant?” You asked casually, not showing any feeling.
Had he really not felt anything yesterday? You wondered but before you could leave he stopped you with a firm but gentle touch.
“Thank you” he choked out, looking into your eyes.
You nodded, a faint smile in your lips, “See you tonight, then?”
He rolled his eyes, “Is this a date or something?”he said and his voice betrayed a playful tone.
“Maybe” you teased and he chuckled softly.
“See you tonight”
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cuddlesomeone · 1 month
unlike many fans who grew up with it, i was INCREDIBLY late to the dragon ball z party and watched it for the first time last year in april on a whim after my friend watched original dragon ball
and because of its science fantasy aesthetic and overt themes about transformation, friendship, and perseverance and despite its terrible pacing, among other issues, particularly re: women i really love it. it's done a lot to help the quality of my artwork in particular and i've produced a ton of fanfic for it in a short amount of time
but despite loving the acceptably popular characters, particularly vegeta, despite all of the time that has passed and his comparatively minuscule screentime, raditz remains my absolute favorite and i wonder why that is
prior to my watching the show my friend said that i should lower my expectations for goku's evil brother because he shows up and then dies almost immediately
but uh no. i love him. a lot
i'll spare y'all the standard "here are all of the reasons why he should have lived/been revived" rant bc i'm sure u are well aware and i'll just launch into introspective rambling
i think it might have something to do with my own insecurity and imposter syndrome. raditz is very much a "i feel like i'm the worst / so i always act like i'm the best x" type of character especially in retrospect once you realize compared to his peers he's incredibly weak. despite that he has saiyan pride in droves. i think that's interesting. i know i swing really hard between being confident in myself and my skills and thinking i'm the wooooooorst
i'm also an older sibling of a younger brother myself and while i definitely don't think i would treat mine the way raditz does in the saiyan sense i do get the vibe that he cares more about kakarot than he lets on. i think a lot about how genuinely distressed he seems that his tail got removed and about how he patiently exposition dumps about saiyans AND he gives kakarot an opportunity to "redeem" himself in a way that is definitely messed up and evil to our human earthling eyes but to his abused enslaved mercenary self probably seemed perfectly reasonable.
oh and!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is an angle i feel like i often don't see discussed--he is so confident that vegeta and nappa will bring him back to life. he has complete faith in that. and they don't care about him. at all. and while i hope my friends/colleagues would not do that to me i do harbor some paranoia deep down that they hate me and would abandon me if given the opportunity. so. there's that
i also have an incredibly loud obnoxious speaking voice so you know maybe it's just that lol
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ficjoelispunk · 9 months
Ch 12 - CIA
You can find all the chapters available here.
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A/N: Hey guys, here’s one more chapter. Unfortunately this one is not revised - but I wanted to post it anyway, because it’s been some time since the last chapter - so possibly at the time of the translation some grammatical error may have happened. I apologize in advance. I hope you like it. ❤️
Music indication for this chapter: Bite the Hand - Boygenius
Murphy accompanied the Escobar family. Before boarding he called you telling you that they were on their way to Germany. The negotiations with Germany were difficult. You had to ask Crosby for help, but even he didn't get much. German immigration was liberal, due to its turbulent history.
And while Murphy was on a trip. Centra Spike managed to track Fernando Duque.
"He used the credit card, here, and here in these restaurants" Edward showed on the map to Javier "and look at this" he reached a paper, delivering it to Javier "I checked the database, there was a complaint this morning. He's a fugitive"
"Why?" Javier evaluated the file.
"The wife made a complaint of theft and kidnapping," Edward added.
"He is running away, and took his son. He's only 14 years old. Fuck!"
Javier was cornered. What should he do? He didn't know.
His phone rang. It was late. He expected it to be you.
"Javier" the voice of Don Berna "any news from our friend?"
Javier was silent.
"Not yet"
He hung up the phone.
Javier reached the report with the information that Edward had recorded. He pressed the cigarette on the ashtray.
You didn't talk to each other, and Javier hasn't seen you since the day you found out about Don Berna. But now, there was no way to avoid it. And honestly, Javier would use the first excuse to talk to you.
Javier dialed the number of his extension in Bogotá on the phone. He heard his voice announcing your name.
"It's me, Peña"
He heard you sigh.
"How can I help you, Agent Peña"
He knew your way of defending yourself by exercising formality with him.
"Is everything okay over there?" Javier asked.
You were silent for a few minutes.
"Do you need something?"
Javier lowered his head. He closed his eyes.
"I think Fernando Duque is on the run, and took his son"
What did that mean? Now he decided to work respecting all the bureaucracy he has always criticized? Ok. You were a professional. You couldn't let the feelings affect your work.
"Okay. What do you need me to do? If he is so desperate, maybe he will agree to collaborate in exchange for protection"
Javier loved the way you had vision, and he didn't need to explain himself to you. And how professional you were, even hating him, doing your job.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, I..." he hesitates "maybe I know where he is"
You wanted to ask why he is calling you and not Don Berna, providing the information to the Los Pepes. Or, which informant he was fucking to get this information. But you needed to do your job.
"Ok. I'll fill out the forms. Do you want me to apply to get him out of the country?"
"If he agrees to collaborate, do you think we can do it?"
"I can try"
"Yeah, shure”
"Thank you"
"I'm just doing my job"
"Agent Peña?"
"How did you get this information?"
Javier knew you knew how he had gotten this information. But he also knew that you needed to explain on the form, to document. So your question wasn't stupid. But intelligent. Since the call could eventually be used later against you.
"An informant knows his wife. I was lucky."
"Okay. Good luck"
You didn't sleep, you were working in 3 different time zones. The USA, Colombia and Germany.
Murphy called you as soon as he landed.
"I need more time," you said, "they don't want to cooperate with us"
"Okay, what are we going to do?"
"I don't know" you sighed, biting your lips "Don't let them leave the airport, if they leave we're fucked. In a way to search their suitcase, Pablo wouldn't let them travel without money... improvise"
"Okay, I'll find a way to hold them here, do what you can"
You hung up and snorted, slipping your body on the chair. Your head would explode.
Murphy followed your idea and really, Pablo sent a lot of money with his family. And immigration barred the family's entry.
Javier found Fernando Duque. The man was in a state of shock. He begged for help.
"We don't work for free, I need your full cooperation"
"I collaborate with you, I do whatever you want, but get us out of Colombia. Immediately, I can't have contact with the police, Los Pepes has people working for them from the police, I need to leave the country"
"Do we have a deal?" Javier asks.
Ferrando Duque nodded.
"Do what I say. And start by hiding the car you stole from your wife"
It turns out that Fernando Duque was right. Los Pepes had informants inside the police. And they found out that Javier Peña was protecting Pablo Escobar's lawyer.
Los Pepes, had a very active and helpful contact inside the embassy, was the guy from the CIA superintendence, who arrived along with Messina and Crosby in Bogotá.
When Javier went to the cafeteria at Don Berna's request, to meet. He finds Bill Stechner in his place.
"Agent Peña, I don't think Don Berna will come today"
Javier's stomach feels the cold adrenaline being radiated through the rest of his body.
He hesitates. Observe the place, sit in the chair in front of the CIA agent.
"What is that?"
"Just a friendly conversation" he takes a dramatic break "you are leaving very dangerous people, angry Javier"
Javier is silent, looking at nothing, with his chin slightly tilted forward. Javier's usual petulant basic posture.
And he continues.
"I'm in a difficult situation because I was the one who suggested your name to them, since you have a good relationship with the Ambassador's assistant, having access to valuable information" this last part Bill spoke with malice.
Javier drastically turns his head to face Bill, frowning, the marked wrinkle of a closed face for years, now becoming more exposed.
"I don't know if you know what I do, but I want you to know that I defend the interests of our country in the long term, and I'm here to ensure that the right people are still alive when Escobar is shot in the head. So do yourself and your girl a favor, and don't complicate things. You know what they can do with her."
Javier faces Bill in silence. He gets up ready to finish that siege and leave when Bill speaks again.
"These people usually make decisions with a hot head. This can lead to terrible ideas like killing a federal agent and taking your girl as a prize. In fact, they found the lawyer, even without your help, so..."
Javier leaves the cafeteria. The head thinking a thousand possibilities. But the main one was to call you and know if you were okay, first.
You answered, as soon as you called. Javier was silent, with his hand resting on his forehead, breathing only now, listening to his voice, knowing that you were fine.
"I can hear you breathing, I know it's you, Agent Peña"
"Hi. Yeah... It's me" his voice cracked.
You noticed. There was a silence. You hesitated to worry, but you were stronger than you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine. Are you okay?"
You frowned.
"Javi, it's late, what's going on?"
You knew Javier, the nuances of your tone of voice. You didn't have to be looking at him to know when something was happening.
"Nothing. Please, just..." he hesitated "be careful, do not go out alone, be accompanied or escorted, and do not trust anyone"
Your breathing started to get irregular.
"You're scaring me. Where are you? Do you need help? What's going on?"
Javier didn't want to scare you but there weren't many means.
"Be safe. I'll call you later."
He hung up.
He drive to the address where he had found Fernando Duque. And it was too late. He found the body of the man and his son, inside the trunk of the woman's stolen car, with a message:
"Cortecia de Los Pepes"
Javier was blinded with anger and distrust. Who was the informant of Los Pepes? Who was working for them from inside the base? Who knew that you and he were close? Who could put you at risk? Delivering a man who had a direct connection with Pablo and could be the biggest asset you would have in months. A name shone in his head. Trujillo.
He drive to the base, and framed Trujillo putting him against the car outside, in front of other agents who accompanied Trujillo to the exit of the base.
"Did you follow me to the fucking hotel? Huh?" Javier had his forearm on his colleague's neck. "Did you tell to Berna?"
"Deja me"
Javier stuck to the collar of Trujillo's uniform and pushed him again against the car.
"You tell me, you asshole!"
Trujillo pushed Javier.
"¿Qué pasa?" One of the other agents tried to separate the two.
"Nada, todo está bien, vayan al frente" Trujillo said.
There was a silence. Peña's irregular breathing.
"¿Qué pasa, Peña?" Trujillo asked. "Are you going to act like an American?"
Peña stared at him.
"Did you see what they did to his son?" The image of the teenager folded in the trunk with a bullet in the head.
He couldn't help but think about what they could do to you. He immediately remembered when he met Helena. Javier was panting.
"How many families did Pablo Escobar destroy Peña? Do you know? You don't decide who lives or who dies."
"You don't know what's at stake here, it's not just a matter of catching Pablo Escobar anymore..."
"Peña, we crossed a line a long time ago, there is no turning back"
Javier closed his eyes. Hands on the waist. He struggled to pull himself together.
You don't remember how many calls you made overnight. There were hours of negotiations, together with the Ambassador, with Germany. They used all the legal breaches, and diplomacy so that the Escobar family's landing authorization was not granted.
And finally you managed to convince the immigration that you could not receive them. For legal political reasons, the family would have to make the trip back to Colombia.
Murphy was present with the family all the time. Not together. But close. And that's good.
At the exit of the airport already in Colombian lands, if Murphy were not together, they would have attacked the family at the entrance to the airport.
Murphy saw a suspicious car approaching. But he protected Escobar's wife, mother and children.
The federal police took the family under protection. That was an asset. With Pablo's family in the care of the government, he could not be more unarmed.
But like every action, he would have a reaction. Pablo would not make it cheap that the family was not accepted in another country.
One hundred lbs of explosives. The equivalent of a bomb in an F-16. Dozens of dead. Hundreds of injured. Among them, many children. He implanted the dynamites in a mall near the beginning of classes.
Pablo continues to build his fame with terrorism. But now he had gone too far. Everyone was angry. A guy with no limits, he had crossed the limits. Pablo's time was running out.
You had barely landed in Medellin, and you were already being summoned to a new meeting with the colonel, the agents, Centra Spike.
There was only time for you to leave some files on your desk, and go to the meeting room.
Javier stopped you in the hallway.
"I'm late," you said, trying to deviate from him.
"We are going to the same place" Javier mirrored your steps in front of him.
You stopped. You closed your eyes, trying not to explode, throwing your head back.
"What do you want, Agent Peña? No drug trafficker friend available?"
Peña stares at you and tilts his head.
"I need to talk to you. It's fast, and it's important, meet me in the file room tonight."
You snorted, smiling ironically.
"Absolutely not"
"Afraid of not being able to resist? I miss you too."
You half closed your eyes to him. How could he keep making jokes?
"Stop treating me as if I were obsessed with you"
He held your arm before you entered the room.
"It's important. I need you to go"
You didn't answer and entered the room. Javier rolled his eyes. Stubborn.
As soon as everyone was organized, Colonel Martinez began to explain the reason for the meeting.
"The situation with Escobar is about to burst," Colonel, began.
"Actually, it's already burst" you didn't contain yourself. "Sorry, I thought... loudly" you closed your eyes. Trying to organize your head and tongue, you had been out of your mind for days. No sleep.
Javier tried to hold back the laughter.
"Continuing. Our information suggests that their support has been reduced to only a few loyal sicarians"
"Fewer sicaries, fewer conversations to track" Edward scored "we stapled the Lawyer's phone, but I don't think he's answering"
You looked at Javier. He didn't move, he just looked at you back.
"It was Los Pepes, they killed the family and him" Colonel Martinez informed, throwing photos of the crime scene on the table in front of you.
You blinked. Skeptic. Reaching out some photos.
"Is this his son?" Your eyes were horrified.
The colonel just nodded to you.
"Jesus fucking Christ, he was just a child..." you leaned against the chair. Eyes closed. Crossing your arms.
Javier knew you couldn't take it anymore.
"I would like to say that, I know that someone is in contact with Los Pepes. Although that makes me disgusted. I can't do much. But it will be a Colombian policeman next to Escobar's body when this comes to an end. And not just any vigilante. That's all. Thank you very much"
You were immobilised for a while processing the information. What had happened? Javier asked for protection for Fernando Duque, what did he do that even the guy's mother was stabbed?! Jesus.
You went after him.
"Hey?" you called.
Running in a jump, in the hallway, your held his arm.
"Not here" he murmured.
"What happened?"
"Tonight" he said without stopping walking. Wide steps making you run to reach it.
You held his arm. Javier stopped just out of respect, since you were a feather next to him.
"What?" He turned around, abruptly making you get into the middle of him.
"Jesus!" you exclaimed. He held your waist giving you balance.
He snapped his eyes.
"File room" he reinforced. And he walked away.
Shit! You lost all the cards in this game. Years having the answer on the tip of the tongue, so that now I can't even breathe properly.
Peña talked to Murphy about what was to come, but Steve would be next to his partner. Protecting yourself, of course. But he got it. For him, if at the end of all this, Pablo was over, everything was fine.
"I need to protect her," Peña said as he stared at nothing, and brought the cigarette.
"As long as she doesn't leave here without being escorted, she is not in danger"
"It's not safe here, that Stechner son of a bitch, he could take her to them himself, and she wouldn't even know"
"You need to tell her, Javi. Everything. Tell her they're blackmailing you. Maybe we can get a transfer to her in time..."
"No" Javier interrupted him "she needs to be here, here I can protect her, here I know where she is, who she is with, here she is safe"
Murphy felt the tension in Javier's voice. He rubbed his fingers in his eyes.
"Right. But she needs to know, she needs to know who to trust"
You spent the day trying to unaccumulate the work. But it was a lot of paperwork. With the attacks you simply had to, at least, two more people to do your job, and it was just you.
Your trip to Bogotá messed up your flow of services and activities. And honestly you weren't at your best performance.
You were sad. You had to hear Javier speak while he was lying in your bed how much he wanted you. To then find out and make millions of assumptions about his involvement with Don Berna.
All the information came to you first. All of them. What if eventually he was getting involved with you to have knowledge, access? What if he was actually just using you?
In Bogotá you searched for the files of the rescue operations. Javier mentioned that an informant gave access to one of the laboratories that you were supposed to be in. What if Javier had made an exchange between you and an information? Oh! You couldn't tell, it was torturous, you couldn't trust Javier Peña. In no one. You couldn't know when he was telling the truth or when he was joking and manipulating people's feelings.
You were angry. Trying to derail your thoughts from the tracks that always led to him. Trying to get a hint of self-respect. But you couldn't stop thinking about your bodies together. You felt ridiculous. It was painful. It hurt to have to build a hatred on top of something you wanted.
Now you were walking towards the file room. You hesitated four times on the way. Stopping, taking a deep breath. Trying to think. Trying to understand if it was correct. What kind of lie were you aware of yourself? That I was only going because I needed to know what happened to Fernando Duque's family? What did he do by opening his mouth and handing over someone he asked for protection to Los Pepes?!
You walked so fast that you thought you were running. Your belly twisted with anxiety, anticipation. It was as if you had swallowed gravity and your organs danced inside you.
I hate this man.
You opened the door.
"I'm here"
You heard Javier's voice, coming from the back of the room.
He was sitting at the table, a few months ago he fucked you there. You blinked trying to move the sexual memory away by making your body squirm.
You kept a safe distance from him.
"You send Murphy to travel, what did he do that deserved the trip more than I did?"
You gave a forced smile.
"He is not an informant of a paramilitary group"
Javier steaked his eyes, lowered his head, and nodded. He deserved that.
"I thought you wouldn't come..." he moved his hands, without looking at you.
"I wasn't going" you took a break, Javier stared at you "but, I don't know… I'm here now, what do you want?"
Javier was silent, he seemed to feel some pain. A painful discomfort.
You were getting bothered by Javier with this victimistic behavior. Sad. He's not like that.
Why did you come here? To watch him stare at his feet? What was the plan? Absorb the blame and say goodbye?
"What do you want, Javier?" You repeated, the rudest tone of voice.
He looked at you.
"Something happened"
"Yeah, a lot of things happened. You asked for protection for a family and they were found dead by the group you work for"
He hesitated.
"It's complicated"
"Really?" You asked ironically.
You sigh. Blinking impatiently.
He gets up. And you automatically take a step back.
"What? Are you afraid of me now?"
"Yes, I'm afraid of you" you watched Javier lose the ground with your words.
"I would never do you anything to hurt you, you know that. Never"
"How will I know?" You crossed your arms, a frustrated attempt to protect yourself in some way "how will I know that you won't give me to a bunch of terrorists?"
Javier runs his fingers over his face and sighs.
It would be so much easier if you hadn't succumbed to him. If you hadn't tasted it. If he removed everything he said. If he kept neglecting you. If he continued with the behavior he had for months ignoring you and hurting you little by little.
"Ok. I didn't come here for that. Tell me at once what's going on. Are you hurt? Something like that?"
He frowns disappointed by your ridiculous assumption.
"So what is it?"
Javier wanted time with you. Take advantage of the fact that it was just you. He wanted to curl up as much as possible. He wanted to smell you. Take his eyes on you. He didn't want to lose you. But you don't lose what you've never had.
"I went to meet Don Berna" he hesitated looking at you, you closed your eyes, turning your back on him, he continued "I went to warn you that I would no longer be part of it..."
"Oh, shure, and he let you go out as if you were best friends, good and understanding drug traffickers... Peña, I'm not an idiot! What do you think? Does that fix things? What's your problem?"
Javier kept calm. He spoke quietly and peacefully with you. The timbre of voice you loved, and hated at the same intensity.
"You're right. He didn't accept, instead he asked me to track Fernando Duque as a last help"
You laughed ironically throwing your head back.
"And you did it, like a good sicario" you said, Javier took a step towards you, you retreated. He clenched his teeth "and then handed over the whole family..."
"No" he shook his head nervously, turned his back and hit his hand on a box of files that were on the table.
You've been taking steps backwards.
"I'm sorry, I..." Javier turned to you "shit!"
"Why did you call me?"
"I wasn't going to deliver it, I was going to protect it, but they found it first"
"How did you get into this shit?"
Javier was silent. He closed his eyes. He would like it to be a rhetorical question.
"When you disappeared. Don Bern came to me. He told me that if I helped him with the information he would release you"
You stopped breathing.
"What?" It was another whisper that came out of your mouth. It was more for you than for Javier.
You let go of your arms. You leaned on the shelf behind you, your cold hands passing through your forehead.
Javier saw you turning pale. Your lips are always red ivory, losing their color. It looked like you were going to pass out.
"Are you okay?" Javier asked for fear of getting closer and you having a breakdown with him.
"Mhmmm" you closed your eyes "just... give me a second. It's hot here"
Javier moved, picking up a chair.
"Here" he put next to you, "sit here, I'll get some water"
You sat down.
"No," you murmured, "I don't need water"
In fact, you just couldn't breathe.
Is that why? Did Javier get involved with drug traffickers to be able to save you? Bullshit. It couldn't be real. Javier only thinks of one person, and that person is himself. It couldn't be true.
"Keep going" you said. Trying to straighten your posture on the chair, but everything turned very fast.
Javier bent down in front of you.
"Are you okay?"
”Yeah, Kees going..."
"Well, so... he lied. He intended to continue with you until I accepted to continue helping the Cartel of Cali and Montecassino, to kill Pablo with the services of the Castaño brothers. But we managed to rescue you. But they continued to threaten their safety. They said you could be caught. But in the end, I also liked to see the hitmen and Pablo hide in fear like rats"
It was a lot of information for you.
"After that morning, I met Don Berna, he said that if I met Fernando Duque, he would leave us alone. So I went after Fernando, I found him. He agreed to collaborate. I kept him hidden. I didn't inform Don Berna. But then things got worse"
You were breathing irregularly. A fear settling in your spine.
"What happened?"
Javier looked away. He got up. The hands on the waist, the weight of the body changing from one leg to the other.
You called him that, made him look directly at you. Javier passed his hands over his forehead.
"When I met Fernando, he told me that he could not be taken to the police because there were informants inside the police who passed information to Los Pepes"
"Yes, you."
"No?" You were confused.
"I thought I was the only one. But I'm not."
You frowned.
"What is that? A kind of virus? Have you infected other agents? Are we being observed here inside the battalion? So can someone come into my room and kill me while I'm sleeping?"
In a way you were right. As always. If it weren't for him, Trujillo wouldn't have met Don Berna. And he would have no contact with the Castaño brothers. He would preserve the boy, he had no need to know about Trujillo, he would not be able to kill you.
"No, you don't take that risk. What matters is that they reported that I found Fernando, and Los Pepes killed him, and the family"
You support your elbows on your knees.
"There's more..."
You looked at Javier, amazed.
"Jesus, Javi... what did you do?"
Javier broke with your sadness. The way words come out of your mouth.
"Bill Stechner"
"The CIA superintendent" you knew who he was.
"Yes. He works for the Castaño brothers"
Your mouth opened in shock.
"What?" You got up, perplexed.
"He heard about the request you made to protect Fernando Duque, of course. He heard that I didn't give the information to Don Berna. They would kill me." Javier took a break. Your hands were in your mouth. "And kill you"
Your eyes snapmed. You blinked with no reaction. The eyes are blurry. Some tears running meaningless.
Javier continued
"They think you passed the information to me"
"Why would they think something like that?"
Javier frowned, disappointed that you didn't understand.
"People know..."
You couldn't reason.
"They know what?" Your voice failed
He pointed at you and him several times.
"It doesn't exist" you made the movement of quotation marks with your finger "we"
Javier leaned back. Turning his back on you, leaning on the table, without looking at you.
"It doesn't matter. They know I'm involved with you. For you. They would use you to get to me. They've done that before. It doesn't matter. The fact is that Bill Stechner knows. He know I provided the information to Don Berna. And that I actively participated in all the Los Pepes attacks"
You closed your eyes. You was feeling sick. You was getting sick. You bent down hugging your knees, hiding Javier's face.
"Shit!" You murmured.
You couldn't think. You couldn't exist. Were you a masochist? Resisting the impulses of flying on top of Javier and punching his teeth. To curse him and leave. For dragging you into that hole.
Javier walks up to you, bends down and puts his hands on your shoulders.
"Listen..." Javier murmured hoarse and low.
He puts his hands on your arms that squeeze around you, pulling for you to look at him. He sees your red eyes. You don't know if you cry with anger or sadness. That's what he's going to pieces. You didn't deserve to go through this.
When you look at Javier, the face of a dog that fell from the moving truck. You pull your arm to yourself.
Javier continues.
"You need to prepare for problems. This is going to overflow. And these people won't accept that I stop. If they attack you because of what I did, in here, protect yourself. You didn't know anything. Do you understand?"
You agreed, nodding your head. Wiping the tears.
"I'm so stupid, how could I get here?"
"It's my fault. This is all my fault. I should never have approached you. If something happens outside of here, I'll go to hell after you, do you understand? I won't let anything happen to you."
You shake your head in disbelief. You get up. Javier also gets up. Watching you walk meaningless.
You turn to him, and push him, clapping your hands on his chest.
"I hate you"
You push him again.
"I hate you, your son..."
You were going to push him again, but Javi holds your arm.
"Do you know what that means?" You were trying to snap him. "I'm going to lose my job, I was kidnapped, I can die..."
"No..." Javier held your fists.
"You ruined everything good that exists in my life"
"I know, cariño"
"Shut up"
Javier pulls you to him. And it holds you in a hug. You kick at the beginning. Cursing him as much as your can. Struggling to get rid of him. But he surrenders.
"Let me go" you're crying, wetting his shirt.
Javier holds you with one arm involving your waist, and the other holding your head against his chest.
"I asked you Javi, I tried to let you know..."
Javier had his lips on the top of your head.
"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry."
You are hugging for a while. Your brain throbbing in your head. The smell of Javier stunning you. It even seemed safe there. Everything that was happening was his fault, but he did it, at first, in an attempt to save you.
That wasn't fair. With neither of you. You were his hell. And he was your hell. Everything about you just hurt each other. You also couldn't imagine how it was for him, thinking of being responsible for a kidnapping. See innocent people dying in attacks, in the middle of the crossfire.
You couldn't imagine what the consciousness of Javier's head was like.
"I’m sorry, babe. I never wanted to harm you. Forgive me for the times I acted like an asshole with you, I just wanted to protect you" Javier murmurs over your head, while he rubs his nose on your forehead.
You walk away to look at Javier.
"We can get out of this clean"
Javier smiles, he can't believe it. Releasing the air through the mouth. You could always make him feel better, after all
"You heard Martinez today, if we catch Pablo, it's over. All this is over. And we can leave. Clean"
Javier is silent. Thoughtful.
You let go of his hug.
"Think about it before making any other stupid decision"
You take a few steps back. You was going to turn around when Javier holds your hand.
The warmth of his hand on your skin radiates a shiver all over your body. You observe where your skins meet. Looking so right. But being so wrong.
He pulls you back close to him. You take reluctant steps. Javier's eyes have never been as attentive and careful as they are today. Studying your face. The other hand rises on your cheek, your thumb wiping the tear in the corner of your eye.
"Everything I said that day. It's true. I would never use you. Never. Hate me, blame me, curse me, but please never doubt how I feel for you, and how I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, do you believe me? Please, I need to know that you believe in me."
You felt your heart soften. The feeling was dubious. You hated Javier. But you wish you could hug him and say that everything would be fine.
You lower your head. Hold his hand more firmly. Your hand goes up to his face, holding his cheek. Javier closes his eyes to your touch.
"Javi, in the end, everyone got a little out of line here. Thank you for going after me. I'm grateful for that. But that's all" your voice fails.
That's not all.
Javier is still holding you.
"Wait" he swallows dry, "you didn't answer me"
"I believe in you. Even if it wasn't true, I always believe in you"
He doesn't want to let you go. You face each other, the two sunk into each other's eyes.
You suffer. He sees it. He suffers. You see.
"Just..." he hesitates. The eyes going down to your lips.
You shake your head when he's getting close to you. Your chest burns.
"You're going to make me suffer" you murmured a little too panting, your eyes filling with tears.
Javier approaches, and kisses your forehead. Time-consuming. Breathing you. Recording your smell.
And then let you go.
TAG: @harriedandharassed
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ayyeitssarahh · 2 years
Kinkmas Day 12-Sirius Black(Voyeurism)(Blurb)
Superr sorry for this late post, but I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: SMUTT, Voyeurism, masturbation(fem and male). 
Word Count:865
The party was in full swing, I was hanging with James, Remus, Lily and Dorcas. They were talking about how they think they did on their OWLS, but the only thing on my mind was a certain wizard that wasn’t here yet. 
“Have you guys seen Sirius yet?” I ask them, taking a sip of my drink, licking the remains off my top lip. 
“Nope, I think he’s still in our dorm.'' James said, throwing an arm around Lily's shoulder, she brings a hand up to join their fingers together. 
I nodded, “I'm gonna go see if I can find him. I'll catch you guys later.” I said, waving and turning towards the boys dorm. 
Casting a spell that lets me through, I walk up the stairs and down the hall towards the Dorm James, Remus, Sirius and Peter share. 
As I get closer I start to hear this noise, almost like a grunting sound. Walking up towards the door, I see it cracked open so I peek through it only to see what I didn’t expect. 
Sirius is standing right in front of the full body mirror, jerking off. His head is bent down and he's letting out groans. Almost like he was frustrated. 
I couldn't help but admire him, all of him. Especially his cock. I start to subconsciously rub my legs together. 
I run my right hand up my side, grabbing my breast  before running it back down. My hand finds its way into the hem of my skirt and panties and next thing I know, I’m rubbing myself while watching Sirius. 
Moving my left hand to cover my mouth, covering my moans. My right hand rubbing my clit, starting to move faster. I went to lean against the wall but accidentally hit the door making it creak. 
My eyes go wide and I stop what I’m doing. I slowly look up, my right hand still in my pants but not moving, to see Sirius has also paused what he was doing and was staring directly at me through the mirror. 
We stare at each other for a minute, not one of us saying a word. I go to take my hand out of my pants when he suddenly says something. 
“Stop. Don’t do that. Keep it there and come in love.” He says breathlessly, like he hasn’t used his voice in a while. 
I hesitantly push the door open, walking in and shutting it behind me. Not once breaking eye contact, I walk towards him. 
I stop right when I'm behind him, still looking at him through the mirror.
“I want you to lay on the bed for my love. I want you to lay there and watch me touch myself. And I want you to touch yourself.” He said quietly. Slowly beginning to stroke himself again. 
I silently walk towards the bed, and lay down, propping my head up on a couple pillows. 
Once I'm comfortable, I look back at him and my eyes immediately go to his cock. I feel myself start to get wet again and I slowly start to rub myself again through my skirt and panties. 
I whimper, the noise barely there but Sirius heard it and he grins. Starting to move his hand up and down his cock faster. 
“Oh merlin” I whisper, my voice barely there. I stop myself for only a second to remove my skirt and panties before I go right back to quickly rubbing my clit. 
I take my other hand and grab my breast, squeezing and playing with my nipple. The added stimulation makes a feeling appear in my stomach. 
“Oh Siri, I'm gonna cum baby.” I moan out. 
He groans and throws his head back, “ Me too baby, Cum for me love.” He said, releasing all over his hand and lower stomach. 
I follow quickly after, my body shaking slightly on the bed, my back arches off and I moan loudly. Not worried if anyone can hear me because of the music playing downstairs. 
My eyes closed, and my mouth open, I felt a hand run through my hair. I slowly open my eyes and look up to see Sirius smiling slightly. 
“Good job love. So good.” He whispers. 
I smile a little and shy away, turning my head a little. My cheeks blushing as he chuckles. 
“Well I sure didn’t expect this to happen when I came to find you but, I’m not complaining.” I said once I relaxed. 
He just laughed and shook his head. 
“Well I obviously didn’t expect this to happen either but now that it did, it gives me some confidence to ask you out.”He said, sitting on the bed, right next to me. 
I sit up and raise an eyebrow, “Ask me out?” I question him.
He nods and leans slightly forwards, grabbing my face with both hands. 
“Yeah, ask you out. What do you say lovely, wanna go out with me?” He quietly asks me, his thumbs softly rubbing my face. 
I stare at him for a moment before smiling wide and nodding my head. 
“Yeah, I'll go out with you.” I whisper to him, leaning forward and connecting our lips. 
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defodisturbed · 5 months
tolerate it - Zdinarsk x reader
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(A/N: hey y'all, tolerate it is one of, if not my favorite evermore song. also one of my top taylor swift songs in general. i felt inspired listening to it recently, so i decided to work some of my magik :3 hope y'all enjoy!! mwah)
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it
Zdinarsk was never an... affectionate person. Especially after joining the army. But with you, she showed love. Kindess, even. But something's changed recently. She's not talking to you as enthusiastically as much, not engaging in PDA like you are, and its become too much. You feel like she doesn't love you anymore. Maybe she caught feelings for someone else. No, that can't be true. She's always told you that she would never love anyone else but you. Or maybe that was just a lie.
The code to your room was punched in, you could hear it. The door opened and in walked your lover. Your wife. The RDA didn't allow marriages, especially between soldiers. But, Quaritch did some convincing (by that I mean he made a powerpoint presentation and showed it to Ardmore) and had some strings pulled. Ardmore then talked to Parker and (forcefully) had him make an exception.
(reader's pov)
"Hey, baby! How was work? Did you get assigned to any cool missions?" I said enthusiastically. Zdinarsk ignored me. "Babe?" I asked, seeing if she could hear me. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Oh, no, nothing really happened today." Nonchalant words flowed from her mouth, uninterested in my curiosity.
"What happened? You sound very tired." I pressed, frustrating her. "Y/N, just.. leave it be. Nothing happened to me, I promise. Just leave me alone, I have to wind down."
[Time skips a few days later, Z has gotten home from work and Y/N is complaining about her treatment of her lately.]
"Y/N, what the fuck is your problem? I don't know what I did!" Z yelled at me. "You've been so dry lately! You don't express any emotion when it comes to me or our relationship! You don't even like talking about your day after I so happily welcome you home! I'm always taking up too much space or time now, when a few months ago you'd hug me like it was the last time you'd ever hug anyone! I would die for you without a second thought! I made you my entire purpose. I've written about you in my journal over a million times. You have taken up all of my thoughts, thinking of how much I love you. Thinking of how much you make me happy. But it seems I'm an afterthought in your head, taking up no more than a grain of sand!" I started shouting.
"Well I'm sorry if I'm not leaping with joy whenever you're around! I have a very tough job where I have no clue if I'm going to see the morning, and you expect me to be so happy all the time?" Z thundered. I groaned in anger and annoyance, before responding. "I just want to feel loved! I want to feel like you appreciate me, even when you're upset! Is that so much to ask for?"
"You know I love you, it goes without saying!" She hissed back. "No, it doesn't. You have to say it, Z. You have to say it." I tried to reason with her, lowering my voice and trying to softly speak. Anger and sadness was coursing through my veins, but if I shouted any more I would lose my voice.
"I don't care, you're overreacting. It shouldn't matter if I say it or not, you should know it." Z replied, almost carefree. "If you gave me a history test without telling me anything about the subject, how would I know what answers to pick? Your argument doesn't add up. Please, let's sit and talk about this."
Z sighed and huffed before sitting on our shared bed. I sat next to her and began to explain how I felt about it. "I feel like this situation is unfair because I don't understand the sudden switch. Before, you were so happy to see me, and all of a sudden you were so annoyed with my presence no matter if I said a word or not. If I did something, I want to know so that we can resolve it."
She paused to think. "You didn't do anything, hon. I don't know why I'm acting like this, I've just been really stressed lately. I know that's no excuse, and I'm really sorry I've made you feel this way. I really didn't mean to, and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I hope you can forgive me for how I've treated you." She looked down, twiddling with her fingers anticipating my response.
I brought her in for a hug and assured her it was okay. We forgave each other, and we had Mansk make us some nice food to eat together.
MWAH hope y'all loved it teehee :33
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alpydk · 6 months
Cabinet of Oddities (Part 17)
Gale’s voice was a welcome one and yet Nana couldn’t help shake the knowledge that of the two of them he was also the one that could hurt her the most. Astarion could torture her physically, make her wish she had never been born, and yet Gale could damage her mentally, detecting the thoughts she wanted to bury, illusions of her past conjured to torment her. But he wouldn’t, would he? 
Ao3 Link
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I walk the streets of Iriaebor and observe the movements of those around me. Pitiful mortals living out their desires, so easy to manipulate, to use, to kill. The blood spatters on my face and I smile feeling the droplets on my lips. Such beauty to behold as I peel the skin back. The workings of their anatomy, everything in order as it should be. I pin open the eyes so they can watch me, see me as I am. I am power, I am Death.
The moronic changeling, so full of love for him. So easy to use and convince. She handed herself over so willingly for my needs. Yes, I’ll come back to you, my sweet little mask. Trust me. Just let me take control of you and everything will be fine. I hear her whispers, her devotions of love, her confusion as she wakes and wipes the blood from her hands. But all of this is for him, for me, and so she stays hidden. Her precious Thomas was already under my thumb, his body suitable for my needs. He was strong and good with a sword. The killings are much easier with the muscle memory intact, and with her abilities, it simply makes things much more enjoyable.
The young boy marks number eight of the bodies. His flesh is so untainted, so pure. I bring the scalpel down his abdomen and watch as the beads of blood crimson on the skin before it parts. Beautiful. This one had been a pleasure to lure, making him believe he was a hero helping me save an innocent damsel who was trapped. He hadn’t realised his mistake until it was too late, until the garrotte fell around his neck. 
I hear the yelling behind me as the knights bang at the door. I have been sloppy, relishing the kill rather than being efficient. I give one quick swipe with the scalpel, savouring the splash of blood that hits my clothing before fleeing the scene. There will always be the next to revel in, and the next, and the next…
Present Day
“Did you commit the murders?” Gale’s question is direct as he looks down at Nana. 
She’d been thrown to the ground, Astarion’s dagger pointed towards her, waiting for the moment she would attack. He wanted this and she saw the fury behind his eyes, her foolish tactic of becoming Cazador causing more problems than she expected.
Nana knew the truth but did not know how best to explain it. It had happened five years ago when she had lost herself to what she believed was Thomas. She lowered her head hoping to escape their gaze.
“Answer us!” Astarion shouted, bringing her back to attention.
“No!... Yes…It’s complicated!” She fought back the memories as they swelled, her tadpole waking from its slumber. “It was me, but it wasn’t me.”
Astarion thrust the knife closer. “We’re not playing games! Tell us the truth.”
“Astarion, calm yourself. We will get nowhere if she can not answer our questions.” Gale’s voice was a welcome one and yet Nana couldn’t help shake the knowledge that of the two of them he was also the one that could hurt her the most. Astarion could torture her physically, make her wish she had never been born, and yet Gale could damage her mentally, detecting the thoughts she wanted to bury, illusions of her past conjured to torment her. But he wouldn’t, would he? 
“It’s the truth, It was my body that killed those people, but it wasn’t me. Look, I can show you.” She willed the tadpole to show them everything, an agreement being made, a human male’s reflection speaking from a pocket mirror, feelings of hope and a deep hatred mixing and weaving. She showed the same reflection in a shop window as he prowled the streets of Iriaebor searching for his next victim, of the feelings of rage with the whispers of love buried deep beneath.
“This means nothing.” Astarion pulled the dagger up to her throat holding her close, the tip cutting the skin ever so slightly. “All we see is you, you monster.”
Nana closed her eyes fighting back the fearful tears. “But it wasn’t, you have to understand that. He controlled me, used my body as his own.”
Astarion tensed up slightly, the words hitting too close to home. 
Gale was quiet as he pondered over the images he had seen, combining them with the notes he had read in the journal. “That was Thomas, wasn’t it?”
Nana lifted her head slightly, the dagger keeping her pinned. “Yes…”
“But Thomas was dead, was he not? How could he have possibly committed such atrocities? From what we have just witnessed the only person capable of these grotesque attacks is you.” As Gale spoke, Nana’s heart dropped. She knew it would be time to explain everything, to accept the consequences of her actions.
“Thomas died months before the attacks in Iriaebor started. He was shot with a poisoned arrow and died at my home a few days after I found him.” Her voice grew detached as she separated herself from the emotions that clung to her chest. “Now, you have to understand, I’d spent my life completely alone up until that point. My feelings for him may have gotten…complicated.” She looked up to Astarion hoping that he would remove the dagger, showing that she wasn’t a threat.
“You loved him?” Gale said.
“In a way I did. I certainly grieved when he died. I begged the gods to bring him back but they never answered. And then one day, Thomas did.” 
Astarion pulled the dagger back a little upon hearing her words. “Let me get this straight, your most certainly dead lover, started talking to you?” He shook his head and looked at Gale with a stare trying to convey that she was lying.
“To cope with the grief I had started to use his form.” Nana’s voice quietened down as she spoke the words, ashamed of saying the truth out loud for the first time in her life. “And yes, one day he started talking back. A reflection in a mirror telling me that he missed me, that he loved me.”
Astarion couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “And you honestly believed it was him!?” 
“He told me he would come back to me, that for now, he would just live within me. He said that to come back physically he had to do some things first but he would protect me, that with him, everything would be okay. So I agreed to a pact, of sorts. I realised soon after that I was wrong to listen to him.”
Gale furrowed his brow. “That sounds like quite the understatement, to say the least. Nana, you must realise that in some way you are responsible for the deaths of these people.”
“Yes. But like with Thomas, I can’t just bring them back, can I?” She lowered her head and the guilt she had been carrying became obvious for both of them to see, the secrets mostly revealed. 
Astarion, seeing this, pushed her head back and withdrew the dagger. “And Thomas is gone now, you’re sure?” 
She wasn't sure. There had been times she had felt him near, as if she had spotted him out of the corner of her eye, but it had been some time since those days. Her voice was almost a whisper, not wanting to give away this one piece of the man she had loved. “I see him in my dreams, the one who talks about the tadpoles.”
Gale raised an eyebrow. “Well, that just gives us good justification not to trust our supposed guardian. If he has taken the form of someone who has tricked you before then it would be wise to stay cautious of these dream visitors ourselves.” 
The sounds of the Shadowlands grew around them and Astarion and Gale looked to one another knowing that it was time they returned to camp. “You’re not going to kill me?” Nana feared asking this question. After everything, the years of staying hidden, the hurt she had caused Astarion, she expected that tonight would have been her last. 
Gale shook his head. “Despite your actions, I feel you were just a victim used in some nefarious plot. It would be wrong for us to cast judgment on you.” 
Nana looked to Astarion who leaned in close, his voice full of bile. “My dagger-happy friend,” he forced through gritted teeth. “You may have survived the night, but your trick in the tent. It will not happen again. Do I make myself clear?”
She nodded apologetically.
Astarion left the two of them quickly, his temper quelled for now. 
Gale held out his hand to help Nana stand but as he looked at her he could see the walls that had gone back up, the hesitancy she had to touch him again, the trust gone. 
You have been gone for four years now. Your love for me, your form. I don’t hear your words anymore, your whispers of how I’d help you better the world. My prayers went unanswered after I accepted letting you go. They all told me you were a monster, some sort of monster trying to come back. I listened to them but I still think what I did was wrong. Now all I have is this journal, my one part of you kept hidden from the world. I read the articles and I see what you did, what you made me do as my mind lay sleeping. I should hate you for this but you were the first, the first to accept me, to love me for what I am. 
I touch the fabric you lay dying in, the small spots of blood no longer their crimson red. Your family took the body from my home after I left you, the people you had not shared a relationship with in years. Did they even know you as I did? My precious Thomas, my knight. You showed me a world away from my swamp and brought me comfort when the world seemed dark. 
The days get easier as time passes. I rarely visit the towns anymore, choosing to speak to myself, hoping you hear my voice from where you were banished to. I watch the adventurers as they pass by the swamp and as they speak of wizards and gods I consider following them, seeing the world again just like when we travelled together as one. I can’t though. I am nothing without you.
The Shadowlands had not been the improvement from the Underdark that Nana had hoped for. Her bones ached simply being in the area and she wondered if the oppressive atmosphere was worsening the heartache she felt every time she caught Gale’s gaze upon her.
“Mate, you need to talk to him.” Karlach leaned in, breaking Nana’s concentration on him as she watched him walk ahead of them.
“What? I’ve no idea what you are talking about.” She busied herself with her bow, checking the string for no specific reason.
“Yeah right. Look, Astarion told us everything, and I get why you’d want to sulk, but life’s too short to just spend it moping around, alright?” Nana looked to Gale as Karlach spoke. She was right, life was far too short, Karlach’s, Thomas’. There would be no long lives for any of the party with the way things had been going for them.
“After everything, he’s not interested, and with his situation it’s difficult. I’d rather not burden him anymore.” 
“Oh come on! Do you know what I would give to get a shot at being with someone?” Karlach’s voice became more subdued. “Even if it’s not forever, I’d like just one night in the arms of someone I cared about.”
Nana thought over this statement for hours to come. There was a vast difference between not being able to touch, and not wanting to touch. With Gale it had been so easy, there hadn’t been the overwhelming sensations, the fear, the confusion of purpose. She didn’t need to ask herself why he was touching her because it was like her body knew and accepted it without reason. There was no ulterior motive other than comfort. 
Gale flicked through the pages of the journal mindlessly as they camped. The questions of the articles were solved and the poetry brought little comfort to him, unlike previous readings. He grew frustrated at the state of the book and started to peel the mud-stained pages apart making sure not to tear them any more than they already were. The first entry caught his eye, written chaotically with notes around the page. Odd words that made little sense as if they were just reminders for a later date. Iriaebor. Collection of faithful. The handwriting was different to the main sections as if they had been added by someone else at different times. He turned his attention to the main entry, Nana’s regularly occurring cursive easier to read.
Gur came to the village today. They’re hunting a doppelganger they say. Guess it’s time to move again. This will be the fourth time I’ve had to move now. Somebody always assumes the worst when they see me transform. This time it must have been the kid. It was just a little trick to make him smile but I should have known better. I know how the stories go, the monster appearing and hurting someone, doomed to be hunted until the heroes come along. I guess it’s just a matter of time before the heroes find me and I gasp my last breath.
Gale flicked to the next page seeing similar entries.
The swamp has been kind to me. Very few people want to come out here and the ones that do are either dying or soon dead. I should feel for them, but it’s easier to handle the dead it seems. I don’t have to hide anything from them, I don't have to pretend to be something I’m not. 
I found one alive today. As I looted his pack he grabbed my hand. I can’t remember the last time someone touched me. I’ve dragged him back to my home. I must be insane from the solitude but there is something about him. He has beautiful eyes. I’m letting him sleep. His fever doesn’t seem to be dying down even with the antidote he had with him.
He woke briefly today and reached his hand to mine. He seemed to find comfort in my touch and slept a little easier with me close to him. He doesn’t seem to be afraid of me even after seeing what I am. Maybe if I can keep him alive, I won't be alone anymore.
Gale’s heart broke at the words he read. Was this the man she had fallen so deeply in love with, one who she knew nothing about? Was it simply because he had accepted her as he lay dying, that she felt she was finally worth loving? Gale turned the page learning more of his companion’s actions.
He’s gone. I checked his pack. His name was Thomas. I held him as he died left me. He wasn’t as warm as I expected him to be. My home is quiet now.
I took his form today. I know I shouldn’t have but this torment is keeping me awake. Having him close like this helps me sleep like he is still with me. I miss him.
I heard him talking to me. I thought I was going mad but it was him in my pocket mirror. He told me he loved me, that he was happy that I was with him. I asked him to come back to me, but he said he never left. That this is just a test of our relationship. That if I do as he says he will be able to come back and we can be together properly. He wants me to trust him and I do. I’m his sweet little mask.
This wasn’t love but an unhealthy obsession built up over years of isolation. No wonder Nana had been so easy to coerce into doing the things that came afterwards. Gale thought over their own relationship. Was what she felt towards him the same thing? Not love, but the mistaken longing for a connection. He turned the pages hoping to find some answer to what she really felt about him. 
I messed up his spell and he said it was okay but it seemed so important to him and I’m not sure why. He talked about embracing me. If only that were possible. My feelings are so confusing right now. Am I starting to fall in love or am I losing myself again? Is there a chance none of this is real? It doesn’t matter. He will fear me like everyone else if he learns what I am. 
I must list the things I know before I do something stupid again. I can’t be blind to this one. I can’t risk hurting anyone again. I won’t let anyone in until I’m sure.
He has a cat, or maybe not a cat. He corrected me on it, maybe he has two cats? 
Magic is everything to him. Almost to a scary point.
He likes poetry, books, and wine. Far too much wine. 
When he’s sad his eyes go all round and it makes me melt a little.
Happy eyes make him look like a cat. I like his happy eyes more.
When he gets angry his brow creases but his voice gets nicer. 
I like that one bit of uncontrollable hair over his brow. 
I like when he talks, and I’m glad he talks a lot. 
He told me about Waterdeep today.
I know that you believe
That inside you’re not enough
That you’re broken and you’re worthless
And you don’t deserve love
But to me you are everything
I wish you could see it too
All the light that you bring
And all the love I have for you
And so I’ll keep telling you
As you stumble through the dark
As you don’t believe the words I say
A deep ache within your heart
I’ll tell you that I love you
That you’re my moon and star
I’ll wait for you, no matter what
And love you as you are.
Only one thought went through Gale’s head as he read the entries. She’s not a monster.
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69misato69 · 2 years
Vulpes (Diluc x Childe x Thoma) ✦ 3k, smut and fluff, poly relationship
archive of our own ✦ twitter
masterlist pinned on my profile !
thoma and diluc come across a tiny fox that looks awfully similar to their boyfriend. there is NO FOX FUCKING HERE. please adjust your expectations accordingly. childe has a full fox form, a hybrid form, and a full human form. smut happens when he is a hybrid (like gorou, nari, etc...) feel free to imagine them in any nation you'd like but they live together as boyfriends and ittorou are their neighbors
cw: overstim, blowjobs, anal sex, anal fingering, lots and LOTS of ejaculation, unprotected sex, blood
Top Diluc and Thoma x Bottom Childe
+18 content, please beware !
“Oh, Diluc, look.” Thoma pointed towards the tiny creature by the lake, dipping its tongue swiftly in and out of the water to quench its thirst. 
“Hm?” Diluc followed him, his arms full with shopping bags. 
“The fox.”
They approached the animal, observing it from a distance in order not to startle it. 
“Hah, strange.” Diluc dropped the bags down on the grass, “I haven’t seen any lately.” 
“Me neither. It kinda—uh…” 
“Yeah, looks like Ajax.”
“Right?!” Thoma was glad to have his suspicions confirmed, he took a few steps forward and asked with a concerned tone, “Am I dreaming or does he have a tiny red mask?”
The fox had now turned around, it stared innocently at the men looking back at him.
Anxiety was building up in Thoma’s stomach. 
“Maybe it’s someone from his family?” Diluc attempted to rationalize the strange sight before them. They didn’t know much about Childe’s life from before he moved into the city. All they knew was that he was a hybrid living in the woods and that he had left the pack to continue living as a human.
“Let’s go home and then we’ll bring him here to take a look.” Diluc offered. 
“What if he’s not there?”
“If not, he’ll probably come back in a few hours. Maybe he made plans when we were gone, you know? No need to worry.” 
Though they were beating around the bush and avoiding their main suspicion, Diluc knew he had to present calm in order not to worry Thoma further. The mask was definitely odd, but it was also a far reach to assume that it was their boyfriend, whom they have never seen in a form other than a full human before. 
“If it’s persistent about finding Ajax, then it will be here when we’re back.”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s go then.” Thoma agreed. 
They picked up the bags and turned away, only to be stopped by a screech. The fox stood at his original position, yet it wept and squealed as Diluc and Thoma tried to leave him behind. 
Thoma turned away with a painful look in his eyes. 
“It’ll be fine.”
“He’s crying!” 
“Foxes are sly creatures, Thoma. You can’t just let it manipulate you into—”
The fox placed its paws on the ground and rested its head above them, yelping and lowering his ears. 
Diluc sighed and snapped his fingers, “Fine, come here.” 
The crying ceased, but the creature seemed to have no interest in getting up. 
“What are you waiting for? I know you can understand me.”
“Maybe he wants to be carried.” Thoma took a guess.
“Well, tough luck. It has legs for a reason.” 
Thoma scoffed and walked towards the side of the lake, coddling the fox in his arms. They made their way back to the house in silence. Diluc stored away everything they bought in the shelves as Thoma sat on the couch, examining the tiny creature. It had ginger fur just like Childe’s hair and a small white patch around its nose. 
Its eye color, though, couldn’t be further from Childe’s. They were almost pitch black, so dark and reflective that Thoma could see himself in them. 
Diluc walked into the living room and settled on the armchair.
“Do you want to hold him?”
“Absolutely not.”
Diluc looked away, “He’s doing alright with you.”
“Are you jealous?” Thoma giggled. 
“Of what? A furball with four legs?”
“Stop being so grumpy and take him.”
Diluc sighed, “Thoma, if he wanted me, then he would come to me. I won’t take him like some housecat. That’s a wild animal.” 
Just as he finished presenting his reasoning, the fox’s ears straightened out, it turned towards Diluc and yawned, getting up to brush against his legs.
Thoma watched in amusement as the creature hopped up on Diluc’s lap, nuzzling its nose on the redhead’s neck while its tail wagged left and right with joy.
“I’ll go see if Gorou’s home, maybe he could help out.” Thoma got up to leave. 
“What about us?” Diluc cleared his throat, “I mean. What about me?”
“Someone should stay home in case Taru comes back.” 
Though Diluc hated to admit it, Thoma was right. 
He sank deeper into the armchair, deeming it impossible to get up as the fox prepared to take a nap, wrapped up comfortably in Diluc’s arms. 
After it fell asleep, Diluc carefully placed it on the couch and headed for the kitchen. He organized the rest before beginning to prepare their dinner. 
He slid the kitchen door that opened to the backyard, letting the smell out as he prepared the dishes. The fox occasionally dropped by, tossing its nose on Diluc’s legs and taking in the smell before heading into the living room again. 
However, when Diluc was done, he realized that he hadn’t seen the fox in a while. He looked all over the house, checking under and behind the furniture and even in the cupboards. Keys jangled in the front door as Thoma entered, finding a worried Diluc in front of him.
“Is he back?” he asked with hope sprinkled in his voice. 
“No. Thoma, please don’t get mad at me.”
“What happened?”
“I—uh—lost him.”
“You did what?”
“I was cooking dinner and the kitchen door was open, he was just walking around, I didn’t think he would actually—”
Thoma exhaled in relief, “Oh, okay. That’s fine.”
“It is?” Diluc’s brows raised. 
“Yeah, yeah just listen to me. Gorou says it’s probably him because foxes don’t really hang around in packs and they hunt alone. So it’s not very likely that anyone would come back for him. And to make sure he said to call him by his name, because they definitely react to their names. And also he said that—uh—we would just feel it.”
Diluc seemed baffled, “What do you mean ‘feel it’?”
“Itto said he could pick out Gorou even in a room full of shiba, so…”
Diluc hummed, “I see. Did he say why this would be happening?”
“Gorou said they have to transform regularly because their bodies need it but if Taru has been putting it off then it could have happened against his will.” 
They both briefly thought about the trajectory of their relationship, neither of them could recall a time Childe mentioned transforming or an instance where they saw his hybrid form. 
“And if it is really him, how do we turn him back?”
“He said it would take less than a few days until he turns back naturally.” 
“Okay, that’s good, right?”
Thoma sat down, he felt hopeful and let down at the same time, “Yeah…I…I did feel like it was him. And apparently they are still conscious in animal form, so, I think he’ll come back.”
Diluc settled next to him, wrapping his arm around Thoma and pressing a kiss onto his forehead. Just then, they heard something sneak in from the kitchen door as the fox barged in, carrying a dead fish between its long, pointy teeth.
It was soaking wet, drops of water dribbled down from its fur onto the floor as it settled down eagerly, holding the fish between its paws. 
“Ajax?” Diluc called out.
The fox immediately turned towards him, alert with its ears turned towards them.
Thoma gasped. 
“Fuck, it’s really him.” Diluc made his way towards him and attempted to yank the fish away from his hands. 
Childe hissed, showing his teeth towards him with a hostile expression.
“Hey, I’ll clean it and cook it first.”
Childe looked furious and feral, the only thing that mattered to him at the moment was enjoying the fish he spent a great amount of effort on catching. 
“You’re just going to eat it raw?” 
Diluc’s question was answered by noises of Childe hungrily devouring his dinner, splattering blood all over his face. 
When he was done, he laid on his back, opening his stomach to Diluc and Thoma who were watching him in utter confusion and horror. 
“You want belly rubs after doing that?" Diluc asked.
Regardless, Childe did get the belly rubs, and then a warm bath by Thoma. After they ate as well, the three settled on the couch with Thoma on Diluc’s lap and Childe on Thoma’s. They laid lazily, petting the tiny fox within their care as he napped peacefully and occasionally opened his eyes to see if they were still there. 
“Why do you think he puts off transforming?” Thoma leaned back and looked at Diluc. 
“I don’t know. Do you think it’s because of us?”
“Maybe.” Thoma bopped him on the nose gently with his index finger, “Maybe he doesn’t want to scare us.”
Thoma smiled, "But he’s so cute. And so small.” 
“He is.” Diluc smiled back at him warmly, “We would just take care of him like today.”  
“And we would get him a tiny bed.” 
“I think he’d still sleep with us.” 
They chuckled, thinking of how Childe takes over the entire bed every night, cuddling up close to them even on the unbearably hottest of nights. 
“I’m sorry for being difficult, Thoma. I was just worried.” 
“I know, I know, it’s okay.” Thoma closed his eyes, “Are you still worried?”
“No.” Diluc placed a kiss on his cheek, “We’re together. I’ll be alright.”
They carried Childe to the bed and slipped under the covers, hoping that everything would go back to normal in the morning.
“Night, Taru.”  
Diluc’s eyes fluttered open, he lazily tried to turn over when he faced opposition by the two bodies stacked behind him. 
He shifted forward and sat down on the mattress to find Thoma and Childe snuggling close together, sleeping peacefully. 
“Ajax?” he called out in surprise, bewildered by the two pointy ears on the top of his head and the fuzzy, orange tail that peeked out of his half-covered naked body that wrapped around Thoma’s hips. 
“Mhmm.” Childe rubbed his cheek over the pillow and noticed Diluc through half-lidded eyes. “Morning, firefly.” he mumbled as he reached for the redhead’s hand. Diluc quickly noticed the third noticeable difference. Though Childe’s hands were the same, his nails were claw-like, clear, sharp and pointy.
“You—you’re back.” Diluc intertwined his fingers with his carefully. 
“Well, technically I never left.” he smiled and turned on his back while Thoma shifted around and slowly came to his senses. 
“Taru!” he exclaimed with a sluggish smile.
“Hi, puppy.” he ruffled Thoma’s hair as he petted the shiny, fluffy tail that extended to his lap. 
“Hey, you’re the puppy.”
Childe chuckled, “I guess I am.”
“Hah…” he breathed out with a raspy tone. 
“Sorry, does it hurt?” Thoma asked in concern, but Diluc recognized that sigh a little too well. 
“Ah…not exactly. Just a bit—sensitive.” Childe stuttered. 
Sensitive. Diluc examined his rosy cheeks and how his thighs pressed together under the covers. 
Thoma retracted his hands and rubbed his tummy instead, “Sorry, it’s just so fluffy!” 
“I think you’re turning him on, Thoma.” Diluc’s right brow raised slightly.
“I am?”
Upon closer inspection, Thoma soon realized it to be true. “Oh.” his eyes widened, “I am.” 
Childe was even more flustered now that they had noticed. 
“I assume your ears are the same.” Diluc petted them gently, eliciting a hiss that painted a smirk across his lips. 
“My hormones are—ah—fucked up when I switch back.” Childe explained, twitching every time another stroke slid along his ears and his tail. Diluc rolled the sheets down below his waist with his unoccupied hand as Childe bit down on his bottom lip. 
The erection he attempted to hide between his legs broke free. Thoma gently fondled his soft thighs, knuckles brushing against his hardened cock. 
“Want me to take care of that?” he cooed. Childe nodded, trying hard to muffle the moans that were already trying to escape his mouth. Thoma settled between his legs, swirling his tongue over his tip and sucking gently as he worked his way down.
Diluc was petting his cheek with one hand and his ears with the other. He leaned in for a kiss, only for Childe to jump at his lips hungrily. 
Diluc’s gasp escaped into his mouth as Childe shoved his tongue inside, tasting him passionately while Thoma made him squirm and squeal. Diluc’s hand trailed down to his nipples, lightly twisting them as they hardened even more. 
Thoma lifted his legs and placed them on his shoulders, directing his tongue lower to tease Childe’s entrance. His fingers wrapped around Childe, jerking him up and down while eating him out ravenously. 
Childe’s back arched, he bit down on Diluc’s lip hard enough to draw blood. The redhead pulled away and ceased petting his ears. Childe held onto his wrist desperately, “No… Keep going.” he pleaded, licking away the drops of blood on Diluc’s mouth. His claws dug into the redhead’s skin.
Diluc chuckled, his hands made their way onto the soft fur once again, leaving gentle caresses and strokes that he knew were shooting right down to Childe’s dick. 
Thoma switched back, this time pushing his fingers deep into Childe and sucking him off rhythmically.
Childe’s eyes suddenly widened, “Slow down.” he breathed out.
“Both of you, I’m gonna—” before he could finish the sentence he was already filling Thoma’s mouth to the brim with his seed. He didn’t seem to mind, and instead swallowed in delight, cleaning up every last drop that escaped to Childe’s skin. 
“You were so—mean to me yesterday…kept calling me ‘it’...” he abruptly called Diluc out as the redhead chuckled, “That was before I knew it was you.” 
Childe whined, “Thoma didn’t know either, but he gave me a bath and everything.” 
Thoma’s fingers were still thrusting in and out of him. 
Diluc left a gentle peck on his lips, “You’re right. Why don’t I make it up to you, baby, what would you like?” he cooed over his mouth. Childe sighed at Diluc’s softened voice filling his ears and Thoma’s movements that accelerated once again. 
“I—ah… Fuck me.” he spurted out. 
Diluc’s brows raised as Thoma couldn’t help but giggle. 
“I’m losing my—mind, Diluc.” he implored. Thoma moved away, watching the two as Diluc hummed and lifted Childe to sit on his knees. He stood behind, leaving kisses all over his freckled shoulders. 
Thoma sat in front of him, cupping the ginger’s cheeks lovingly. 
“You’re trembling, am I that good?” he teased. Childe really was shaky already. Diluc held him in place by the waist and slowly entered him. 
“Yes, Thoma… You’re so—you’re perfect. I love you so much…” Childe rambled and held his face back, peppering kisses all over his face as Diluc’s every thrust made his eyes widen, “You look so—fucking pretty between my legs.” he held onto Thoma in desperation. 
Thoma was satisfied enough just looking at him, how his eyes rolled back with pleasure and incoherent sentences spilled from his lips, the feral and unhinged spark in his eyes, the neediness in his voice, neither of them had ever seen Childe so unbelievably drunk on lust. 
Thoma smiled as his fingers enclosed on his cock again, assisting Diluc’s movements while his tail wrapped around the redhead’s waist. 
He growled and leaned back, shoulders meeting Diluc’s chest as he held Childe’s chin firmly. Thoma looked up, noticing how beautiful Diluc looked. He was a different man with his hair down, red locks draping down his shoulders, bringing out the healed scars scattered all over his body. 
They locked eyes, both breathing heavily, euphoric by the feeling of pleasing their sensitive and overstimulated boyfriend together. Childe was unraveling between them, releasing all over Thoma’s hands while grinding back at Diluc needily, craving their attention and affection as shockwaves of pleasure rippled through his body. 
Diluc leaned into his ear, “Am I forgiven?” he whispered.
Childe held the hand on his face and brought it to his lips, pressing kisses onto Diluc’s palm and inner wrist in gratitude. Diluc took it as a yes, “Maybe we should just play with you all day.” he suggested.
Childe looked up, with a face so lewd that it almost tipped Diluc over the edge. His pupils flickered as saliva dribbled down from his open mouth. Thoma’s hand ran up his thigh, “Would you like that?” he asked, but Childe wasn’t even sure he remembered how to talk.
Diluc looked down on him, mesmerized by the sight as he thrusted in deep, and instead of pulling away, he held onto Childe’s hips and pressed deeper and deeper.
“Ajax?” he called out again.
Childe collapsed towards Thoma with a growl, “Hah—y—yes… Yes, please…” he snapped back to the conversation. He could feel his mind drifting away, consumed only by the urge to be used for hours and hours, submitting to Thoma and Diluc as they had their way with him. 
Though his mind was going numb he could feel every stroke of Thoma’s fingers, every kiss and bite Diluc left on his skin and every single vein on his cock that filled him up so deliciously that tears of pleasure ran down from Childe’s cheeks. 
“I’ve already lost count.” Thoma nuzzled against his neck, sliding his tongue over every sensitive spot that he knew drove Childe insane, “You’re doing so well, leaking all over me.” he extended his neck even more forward to leave a kiss on Diluc’s chest.
“Such a tight fit for Diluc too, I’m sure. You’re making a mess out of him.” 
Childe hissed with the gap between all of them closing down even more, fully glued to both of his lovers, struggling to breathe as he sobbed and held onto them, clingy, miserable and wretched. 
Thoma kept milking him, he was curious to see how much Childe could handle, eager to see him cum without releasing anything because he was simply drained, only dry spasms of his hips as he still begged them to continue. 
Diluc grunted, he only lasted a few more thrusts before spilling inside of Childe. He cursed under his breath as an ache took over his dick, spent and exhausted from holding back for so long. 
His arms wrapped around Thoma and Childe as they all tried to catch their breaths. 
“Switch.” Childe mumbled. 
“Hm?” Diluc pulled out of him slowly as cum dribbled down on the sheets. 
“Switch—places. Please… I need more.” Childe begged. 
Diluc and Thoma stared at each other before moving. Childe’s muscles were unable to hold him in place, he was an utter mess, crumbling, writhing, falling onto Diluc’s shoulders, so tired and fucked out that he couldn’t even close his mouth.
Thoma yanked on his hair before ramming into him, “I guess it’s going to be a long day.” 
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liveloveleiwrites · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS sunghoon used to seek help from his hopeless romantic best friend that is blindly in love with him. unintentionally hurting her slowly in the process. now he sees her worthy of his love, is it too late? or does he have a chance to redeem himself and have her back real this time?
CHAPTER SIX ☆ written + media
prev — masterlist — next
i. ugly solution
Sunghoon paced around the living room as he waited for his parents. He got a call earlier on about a family problem and how it was urgent.
As he firmly stood on the ground, his parents came with people he didn’t expect to see in the premises of his own home.
Your parents…
Seeing them made his thoughts wonder far, overthinking on what could be the issue. It shouldn’t be anything about you right? Maybe it’s about a deal within your businesses? That certainly is, otherwise he doesn't know what to feel or think about what the other possibilities could be.
What he feared the most was for that possibility to happen again. It was the reason why he lost you, why you both broke apart and why he lost his bestfriend and so he has grown to hate it.
“Since we’re all complete, let us go and sit at the dining table. We’ll go over the topic while eating.” Mr. Park—also known as Sunghoon’s father led them all to the dining room, with the latter following last.
As everyone took their portion of food, Mr. L/N faked a cough to get attention, “So, Does Sunghoon know or should we tell him first?”
“Right. Sunghoon, since a few years back we promised you and YN will get married—when you both told us you are dating, we have decided to at least plan it this year.”
Sunghoon choked at the words coming out of his mother’s mouth. No no no. This shouldn’t be happening! Not again. “YN didn’t agree did she?” Your mother chuckled at what came out of his mouth, shaking her head.
“No, We haven’t told her yet. You’re the first to know between you two since we thought that because you have a girlfriend, we should consult you first. I know that it sounds weird and is nearly harmful to your relationship with your girl but I can assure you that it won't last for long and that we won't force you two to do anything you don't want to."
“Well, I would need time to answer as well as to hear YN's answer. I don’t want to give you all false hope as I can’t assure that a marriage between us would be possible.”
“It’s fine, but we all would be delighted if you both agreed. It’ll strengthen our businesses and family ties. But it is still dependent on your decisions so take your time and don’t let our opinions influence your decision.”
ii. you deleted his number, ouch.
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iii. fighting by booseoksoon except its not like the song...
It's ironic how the cafe you are in right now is playing SMILEY because it contradicts the energy surrounding you and Sunghoon.
You are both sat by the window with coffee of your choices in front of you. The silence is uncomfortable and the tension is thicker than a slice of a pizza.
"So, what is so important that we have to go over it in person?" Sunghoon bit his lower lip at your tone, hearing the emphasis you added to the second so.
"I'll be frank, I met both of our parents earlier. They told me about our marriage." Sunghoon and the workers should be thankful over the fact that you haven't had a sip of your drink or the former as well as the table would have been soaking.
"What?! We're not even dating!" Your brows furrowed as your eyes displayed disbelief with creases forming on your forehead.
"But we used to." Sunghoon muttered quietly. "Yeah! Except that was when we were young and dumb. Besides, it wasn't even true!"
"And if we're given a chance to make it true now, would you take it? Would you let me back in your life—like how I was in it before, or maybe more than what I was accustomed to be?" His tone was quiet but nervous.
"No. You have a girlfriend. I don't want to you to lose and hurt someone you hold close to your heart and I certainly don't want to be the reason someone gets hurt."
"We can try to be friends? Besides they are just testing the waters, asking us for our decision so they could plan it beforehand. We can say no after giving our friendship a chance. I really missed you." He reached out for your hand that was resting on the table, fingers moving to slowly intertwine with yours.
You pulled your hand from the warmth of his own. You sigh, "I'm sorry Sunghoon, but it's a no. You broke me, I broke me. I can't be your friend, at least not now."
"But why? we used to be each other's escape, the shoulder we lean on to and the embrace that engulfs one another as to comfort us. Why can't we bring that back? Why do we have to be a stranger to one another when we used to be more than that before? I just can't understand."
"Of course you won't! How can you understand when you never tried to put yourself in my shoes?! How would you know when you never saw how I felt for you? How? Just how Sunghoon."
"W—what?" Sunghoon's voice wavered as he looked up from the table that once had both of your hands intertwined laying there, eyes having a sheer layer of tears building up.
"I'm sorry. I have to leave."
Sunghoon didn't have the guts to follow you after that. Despite wanting to have you in his embrace as he rubs his hand on your back to calm you down, he just can't. Not when he realizes that he has hurted you more than he has known.
iv. no one makes yn cry, not on our watch!
Coming home at 7 pm with blood shot eyes had your roommates in a panic, bombarding you with questions as they laid eyes on your state.
Being your friends for years and knowing your history in love, seeing that you cried for the only time this year gave them a lot of worry.
They tried hard to protect you from heartbreaks so you all won't have to endure your painful days of sobbing over a failed love life yet here they are witnessing the person—they care for a lot—have her walls broken.
If there's one thing they've learned from days to weeks of consoling you—that is to never let anyone make your eyes well up with tears of sadness. They even vowed to haunt that person and there's no wonder that Yunjin and Giselle would be calling your other friends, sharing the upsetting news as Karina rubbed your back to comfort you.
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update while im at school. anyway im friendless here so anyone who wants to be my friend pls drop by my asks:) trying to change my smau writing style into shorter but straightforward contents so expect changes in chapter 7
TAGLIST is open, send an ask to be added.
@silcry @belovedxiao
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notmagicalstudents · 11 months
TwstOber 2023 Day 16 - Rodent
Here is the original TwstOber 2023 prompt by @raven-at-the-writing-desk: TwstOber2023
It was a mystery.
For the past few weeks, some food went missing from the kitchen. The strangest part was that it was scraps and not entire food items, like a few cubes of cheese and a few strands of green onions would go missing. The only reason anyone even noticed was that the chefs are very diligent and told the Headmaster about it. Of course, his first thought was Grim; he did make a name for himself for loving food and finding ways to “achieve” said delicacies. But this had nothing to do with him. He didn’t steal food (only from his friends) and he would NEVER eat scraps, according to him.
So, to prove his innocence, Stella volunteered to investigate. She was the Prefect of her dorm, after all, and it was her responsibility to clear his fellow dorm mate’s name. Since the food has been missing from the kitchen, she checked there first. Nothing seemed suspicious at first, nothing to tell her how this food thief could steal the food. As she continued looking, she did spot something curious. Behind the lower shelves was a hole, a very small hole. It was only large enough to fit something that is at least smaller than her hand. She hums questioningly to herself. There would be no reason for this hole to be here otherwise, so what can it be?
A lightbulb shines in her head. She knew just what to do…
It was late after hours; school was over and the kitchen was closed. In the dark, something scurries from one side of the room to the other. They were quick steps, like they were on a mission. Going from corner to corner, the steps finally stopped near the center. There was a bowl of a variety of small foods: strawberries, cheese, olives, ham and more. Little feet scurry up the counter to the bowl. It was perfect. As the little thief planned to move the items, the lights suddenly turned on.
Stella waited quietly in the kitchen this whole time. She had a theory that the mysterious food thief would be coming in at night, which was now confirmed. She was also correct with the identity of the thief itself: on top of the counter, picking up the food items from the bowl, was a little gray rat.
“So it was you who has been stealing our food.” she announces. The rodent seems surprised to see her and turns to start running. “Wait! I don’t want to hurt you.” she pleads. Thankfully, the little guy stops as she walks closer to it. “I can see that you have very good taste in food, but I didn’t expect that you would be such a picky eater.” It squeaks at her, seemingly a little offended. “Forgive me for being presumptuous.” She lightly chuckles. She doesn’t understand the language of animals like Silver does, but some of the animals in Twisted Wonderland seem to be a lot more expressive here than in her world. Her rodent friend seems to like that she’s in a good mood, moving closer to her.
“Although I can’t understand you, I hope you can trust me.” she asks. It squeaks again, nodding. “I’m glad. I know the Headmaster wants to get to the bottom of this, but I don’t want to turn you in or anything like that. Though I do need to clear Grim’s name…” It turns its head in confusion. “Oh. Grim is my roommate at my dorm here. He shares your love for food, though not as refined as your tastes.” It squeaks amusingly. “You don’t seem to have ill intentions; although you are stealing from our supplies, you never left a mess and only carried what you could. If only there was a way I could convince the Headmaster to let you be…” She continues to think when another squeak takes her out of her thoughts. She looks at her new friend, who points at the food bowl. “The food? What about it?” She watches as her rodent friend takes some of the food and follows him from the counter to the other side of the kitchen, where it holds some kitchenware.
“Do you want me to grab one of these?” she asks, which it nods. Confused, she does so. Her new friend and her soon put more ingredients together, leading to making some food. Once she did, she watched as the little rodent put the ingredients together all in a pot and stirred it in a creamy soup. She did have her reservations, but the smell coming from it became enticing. Once it was done, it held up the spoon to her. She took a sip from it. “This is delicious!” she exclaims, making her new friend happy. “So, you were getting ingredients to learn how to cook. That’s incredible.” It squeaks happily at her compliment. If this little guy is a cook in the making, then maybe… “I know! If I can convince the Headmaster of your skills, maybe you can work here in the kitchen.” she proposed. “You’ll be fixing food for all of us here and probably work in some of the cooking classes. We have ghost chefs, so why not add another furry member to the team?” Her new rodent friend squeaked happily at the suggestion, which also made her incredibly happy.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Technology the key to customers getting behind net zero: AEMC
“But many of those enormous changes will be made in very small ways by non-experts in homes, small businesses, and on the road. “In the same way apps changed our attitude to mobile phones, the electrification of everything will change our household attitude to energy.“ Ms Collyer will say smart meters will empower customers to monitor and control their energy use and shop around for better retail offers. ”In the same way that my teenagers conduct their social lives through a myriad of apps and are connected to their school, work and friends in ways I couldn’t have imagined, we will see a generational shift in how people naturally engage with energy at home, in business, and on the road,” she will say. But the AEMC chairwoman concedes regulators needed to do a better job selling the merits of using smart meters, with recent research showing 30 per cent of people with smart meters didn’t even know they had them. Ms Collyer, who is also chairwoman of the Energy Security Board which is helping with the post-2025 design of the National Electricity Market – will say equity remains a major concern for energy regulators. Earlier this month the Australian Energy Regulator released a report warning that lower socio-economic groups could bear the brunt of the costs of the energy transition. “The cost of solar panels, let alone household batteries and EVs, is out of the question for many people,” Ms Collyer will say. “As a renter, your access to solar power is dictated by the will of your landlord. There can be technical or legal difficulties installing EV chargers in apartment buildings that don’t affect freestanding homes. “And it can still be a barrier to getting solar panels if you live somewhere with a lot of big trees. Three million rooftop generators is a lot – but it’s not everyone. We have to make plans that don’t build an even bigger energy division based on wealth and location.” Transgrid chief executive Brett Redman said Australia needed to get a move on rolling out its energy projects. Jeremy Piper It comes as Transgrid chief executive Brett Redman told the summit on Monday time was running out to build the transmission assets to support the 44 gigawatts of renewable energy which is expected to be connected to the grid by 2030. “To achieve that 2030 target, we need to make the grid fit for renewables as quickly as possible,” Mr Redman said. “That means we must put our foot on the accelerator and go faster than we’d ever thought possible. We must build grid scale wind and solar renewables from 16 gigawatts now to 44 gigawatts in 2030. Storage capacity in the form of batteries pumped hydro and virtual power plants need to increase from two gigawatts now to 15 gigawatts by 2030.” Mr Redman, the former chief executive of AGL Energy, said future transmission assets may need to be integrated to deliver efficiencies and save money in the roll-out. “We are at the point now where we must accelerate because two years too early is better than two years too late,” he said. “Current global supply chain pressures are not forecast to ease any time soon. Economies of scale at this scale are rarely afforded an infrastructure delivery of this critical and cannot and must not be delayed.” Mr Redman said he was encouraged by some state energy ministers, such as Victoria’s Lily D’Ambrosio, taking some ownership of social licence for new transmission projects, saying it can’t all be on the company. Compensation also helps win over landowners. “These big transmission projects benefit the many, but they really do impact the few so whatever we can do, to ease the way for the few. Don’t get me wrong, I know that money won’t solve it for everybody, but it can help.” Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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elftwink · 6 years
@taakitzweek day one: balance + “that’s going to leave a mark”
title: Heads/Tails rating: teen tags/warnings: post canon (about 35-40 odd years), brief description of violence, definitely inaccurate depiction of poker word count: 3518 summary: 
[read on ao3]
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rp-memesrus · 2 years
best of patterson from blindspot ( 2015 - 2020 ) sentence starters !
change pronouns / tense / etc as needed !
oh, opposite, opposite.
that is very not good.
in science, knowing what doesn’t work is just as important as knowing what does.
basically, the thing that i’m working on isn’t doing the thing it’s supposed to be doing when i’m doing the thing that i’m doing to it?
does that make any sense?
sorry i blew up your house.
morse code? more like horse code.
to catch a con, you gotta hatch a con.
okay, let’s get back to committing numerous felonies.
i remember my first date, took him forever to stop crying.
each programmer has a distinctive coding style.
it’s not exactly comic con for me either!
two jerks for the price of one.
i’m not in the matrix.
we just discovered a tomb under a forgotten temple.
i did the math.
in my head where math is done.
i called you a decent hacker.
you are the best hacker i know.
and a pretty awesome person too.
and you tap its nose to give it affection.
so that’s what this is about?
you wanna save face more than you wanna save these people?
this is on you, that’s the job!
so i need you to trust me.
sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.
my shower ran late.
i... slept over.
my alarm slept over.
i slept in. all alone.
she’s good, but she’s no me.
you left me in a room with a hundred boxes of garbage and a lunatic ranting about a brain ray.
so let’s just lower our expectations just a little bit, okay?
at least your ex didn’t try to kill you and then hand you over to a madwoman to be tortured.
i’ve also been thinking a lot about getting a cat.
actually, i am a gnome cleric.
don’t touch my keyboard!
damn, i’m good.
my guess is we both don’t get our way.
who does science in six inch heels?
stop yelling! it’s not helping me code.
we could use some of this to kill someone.
chocolate is universally adored.
oh, yeah, that’s gin.
how is that even a filing system?
i need you to type the periodic table, okay?
i find it centers me.
this isn’t the first dryer sheet!
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Like the back of my hand - Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky and Steve explore your praise kink.
Warnings: smut, praise kink, poly!relationship, threesome
A/N: this is the beginning of my original plan for kinktober. Obviously, I wasn’t able to get it done in time, but I’ll keep working on it and sharing what I have written so far with you guys! The idea behind this story is that it can be read as the continuation of either somewhere only we know or put it all on me. Some will make more sense with one storyline than the other, but both can be considered the beginning of this one, if you’re willing to look over some minor sentences. I think it can also be read by itself? You’ll tell me. Either way, I’m compiling all of the stories that are a part of this shared universe in a single masterlist called ‘a shared future’, so that’s where this header come from. Let me know what you thought of it!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
I watched her sleep peacefully while I pondered over how lucky I was to have an incredible husband and now this incredible woman to shower with love.
A presence behind me cast a shadow over the dimly lit room and I looked over my shoulder to find Steve also looking at her, soft eyes denouncing just how he felt for our best friend.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” His hand ran up my arm until it could caress my cheek, and I turned my head a bit to the side to press a kiss on his palm.
“She really is.” We stood there admiring her quietly for a bit, just silently admiring her beauty until he decided to slowly unwrap her legs and take a position between them, licking his lips at the sight of her overflowing cunt.
“Look at how debauched she looks,” he commented, glancing at me with a smile. “So much cum covering her body… I don’t know about you, but my mouth’s watering. I’m damn hungry.”
“What are you waiting for? Go get some breakfast,” I whispered as I took a hold of his strands, burying his face in her cunt just as she woke up with a gasp.
“What?” She exclaimed, eyes wide as she met mine before following my line of sight and finding my husband between her thighs, licking at her pretty little pussy and the remnants of last night. “Oh, fuck,” she moaned, throwing herself back against the bed as Steve and I chuckled.
One arm covered her eyes as her thighs quivered under Steve’s hands that massaged her muscles, until she chanced a glance up at me, biting her lower lip in that way she did when she had something she wanted to say, but didn’t quite have the courage to do so just yet.
“What’s up, doll?” I asked, pulling the bottom lip from its prison so I could suck on it before parting to allow her to answer me. It took her a while to catch her breath, blinking a few times while her hips jutted up to drown Steve as he kept on lapping on her, but eventually she did voice what it was that had been concerning her.
“Y-you really are excited to keep this going.” The tone of her sentence left no place to mistake it: it was a realization, she truly didn’t believe that would be the case at all. Thankfully, me and Steve seemed to have the same reaction, as we each reached for one of her hands, him lacing their fingers together while I pressed a gentle kiss on the back of the one I held.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“What do we have to do to make you realize we’re in this for the long run, baby girl?” His words were like balm, soothing and exciting as Steve kept licking on me, undoubtedly feasting on the spent of what they left in me during the night.
“We want to keep you forever,” the blond man assured me, only momentarily parting from my taste before his tongue was back inside of me, making me groan in the pleasurable frustration of being eaten out so early in the morning - and after so many late-night orgasms.
“W-why?” I couldn’t help but ask. I knew I was being insecure - a part of me only they really got to see, as my best friends in the entire world.
But this time it was different. This time I was bearing my soul, the most intimate and vulnerable parts of me - quite literally, I was reminded as Steve sucked on my clit.
And I was terrified.
But I knew they wouldn’t let me fall down that trap. If there was something I was sure of when it came to Bucky and Steve, it was that when they knew what they wanted, they would stop at nothing to get it.
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t you see?” Bucky asked, scooting further down the bed until he was eye-level with me, cradling my face between his hands. “You’re such a good girl for us, we wouldn’t want anybody else.”
With one last slurp between my thighs, Steve slowly climbed up my body, kissing my skin each step of the way until he was hovering above us.
“We want you to keep being our good girl,” he joined in, wet thumb brushing over my cheekbone until he grinned wickedly and leaned over me to lick the juices he’d rubbed off my skin.
“And we’ll reward you with plenty of orgasms,” Bucky assured me - as if I doubted that for even a second. “What do you say?” His hand had reached between my legs, occupying the space between my body and Steve’s to play with the same spot his husband had just left.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, distracting me even further as I chuckled, legs instinctively opening wider to accept his caresses as Steve captured my lips in his, giving me a taste of myself. “So perfect, doll. Why wouldn’t we want you?”
The compliment excited me in a way I didn’t expect. And Bucky felt it, in the way my pussy clenched around his digits, and Steve knew, by the way my chest heaved when our lips finally parted.
“Do you have a praise kink, pretty girl?” Steve’s smile was warm, almost burning against my overheated skin. I’d never realized it before, but as I laid there, getting ravished by my two best friends both through touches and words, I was pretty sure that I did.
Steve’s cock entered me when I least expected, his hands holding mine against the bed as Bucky kept playing with my clit. His lips found mine while Steve kept sucking bruises all over my skin, paying special attention to my breasts, and all the while they whispered tiny little words of praise that went straight to my head, adding to my arousal.
“Beautiful,” “Gorgeous,” “Sexy”, it all brought me to an earth-shattering release that was surely the result of a whole evening of being brought to bliss over and over again, but into this one last satisfying climax. When I was able to breathe again, I found them patiently staring down at me, waiting for my response.
And if I was being honest with myself, I didn’t have to think too much about it. No one had ever come close to satisfying me the way that they had, in the single night we shared. And I knew I’d never love and trust anyone the way that I already loved and trusted them.
“Yeah,” I whispered, looking from one man to the other. “Yeah, I’ll be your good girl forever.” Being with them felt like coming home after a long trip through the desert. I owed it to myself to give this relationship a try.
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [6]
A/N: You guys might want to whack out your love song playlist for this one…I cried writing this BYE I'm posting this from my grave!!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, ANGST, smut
words: ~ 3.8 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @yeostars, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek
You: can I come over? I kind of need u
H/N: you need me huh…you’re lucky I’m home alone
It always starts differently. Some other question, or a subtle message of telling him you’re bored, or a flat-out confession of being horny. The ending is always the same. You, naked in his bed. You just had to get there, and things were easy when you were already on his dorm’s doorstep.
The moment he had opened the door, you had fistfuls of his hair between your fingers and attacked his mouth in a feverish kiss. He made a noise between a laugh and surprise but reacted quickly. His lips parted right away, letting you in, and you tasted mint from the chewing gum he liked so much.
“Let me- at least- close the door,” he mumbled. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you today?”
You stepped aside and mirrored his grin. He was acting surprised, but the way he instantly locked your lips after he had shut the door told you he was enjoying this as much as you were. You ran your hands down his torso and along the side of his thighs. His happy hum only poured oil into the fire, and you saw no reason as to why you should have kept your clothes on any longer. In minutes, in the middle of heated kisses and clumsy chuckles, your clothes were discarded, and you were left in your underwear. You stumbled into his bedroom in a tangle of arms and legs and heads barely pulling apart.
“Will you tell me about the date you had today or are we skipping over that part?” he asked, as he pushed you down by the shoulders onto his bed. You groaned a little, not even knowing where to start.
“Didn’t go well, huh?” he asked. Only a few nights ago you had consoled him after his failed date, now the roles were reversed.
“That’s one way to put it,” you said. He was climbing on top of you now, and the weight of him between your thighs still did the same things to you it had done the first time. There was one of his random playlists playing quietly from the speakers, but you were both too occupied to even consider switching the music off. You weren’t in the mood for a chat, not when he was biting and sucking bruises into your chest, pushing aside your bra just enough. But you knew he wasn’t going to let it go this easily.
“Tell me about it or I won’t take one more piece of clothing off your body,” he threatened. You shot him an are-you-serious-look while he only blinked at you innocently, like he was awaiting your response.
“Fine,” you groaned. “But hurry, now.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room. “Go ahead, I expect a story.”
You had rolled your eyes at him, but when he sucked on your nipple all of a sudden, and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bud ever so perfectly, your eyes moved to the back of your head involuntarily. And, before he could complain, you started to retell today’s events.
“Alright. First of all, he acted all gentleman-y. Pulling back my chair at the restaurant, letting me have a look at the menu first, letting me order first, asking me if I was okay with our seats because they were in the sunshine, or whether he should have requested we get a different in the shade table, blah, blah, blah.”
With the lewd noises he was making, kissing your chest and fumbling with your breasts, you almost wondered whether he was paying attention to you at all.
“I’m waiting for the plot twist,” he chuckled. “If he had been this great, you wouldn’t be in my bed right now, would you?” He was now on his way to your lower regions. Your breaths came out shaky when he gripped your hips with familiar fingertips and placed a few kisses there, right above the material of your underwear. Nonetheless, you had to continue your story.
“Oh, it’s coming,” you said. “Because I suspect, the only reason he was acting that way was to compensate. For the fact that he was an hour late.”
He stifled a laugh, and you slapped his head playfully. “It’s not funny! I stood outside that restaurant on a busy street like an idiot for an hour. During exam season!”
“I wonder, if studying is so special to you- ,” he said. He tugged on your underwear, and you barely cared about his words when you were already imagining his mouth on your pussy. “Why aren’t you at home right now, doing just that?”
“Too frustrated,” you groaned, spreading your legs, practically inviting him in. “You don’t get it. That was only the beginning of the date. It gets worse.”
“Oh, damn,” he laughed, and you were going to slap him again. Harder, this time. But his tongue kitten-licked over your clit and you didn’t dare interrupt him further.
“First of all, he turned out to be boring. An economics major. And look, I’m not generalizing, I’ve met some cool economics majors. But when I said I never really understood the whole thing with inflation and deflation, I wasn’t asking for him to explain it to me. I know what it means, I just meant to say money is the root of all evil,” you said, little moans slipping inbetween your sentences. He laughed whilst sipping on your clit. You couldn’t be mad at his laughing anymore. In fact, at the sound of his chuckles, your own lips curled into a smile, too. God, he was so good with his tongue.
“But turns out he loved money. Like it was the sole reason he was doing anything. When he showed me his gold watch I almost yawned,” you continued.
“Dating a rich guy can have its upsides too, though,” he said, but you knew he was joking. He was running the tips of his fingers over your core, and you whimpered at how badly you wanted him to put them inside of you. You loved watching him, loved feeling his hair tickle the side of your thighs and having his free hand laying on top of your hipbone. The familiarity of it all, his little habits, made your heart heavy, so full of emotion, all of a sudden. But you had to snap out of it.
“Not this guy. He kept saying these lowkey sexist things I won’t repeat now. It’ll only make me mad again. He was one of those who thought money would buy him a girlfriend. And I was really trying to see the good in him…only there was none,” you said.
“Alright, I’m starting to understand why you needed some cheering up,” he said. “Good thing you’re at the right place. I know just the thing.”
At this, he slid his digits into you. You hummed and dropped your head into the plush pillow. Slowly, you exhaled, happy you finally got to relax after being so upset. But of course, he had to interrupt. Again.
“Did I say you could stop? Was that the end of the story?” he said. How did he expect you to form a coherent sentence? He fingered you gently, but the slowness of it all only drove you crazier. You felt every tiny sensation, every new bit of you he touched.
“No,” you sulked. “Fuck, it feels so good.”
“Go on, then,” he encouraged you, grinning because he was proud of your reaction he had caused.
“Fuck- okay. He was super shitty to the waiter. I’m talking about criticizing everything. This man had the audacity to complain about the food. I’m not a food critic, but I swear the food was amazing, there was nothing to fault at all,” you said, and then whined when he switched from licking your clit to sucking it between his teeth. You knew he was doing this on purpose. To make speaking harder for you.
“Oh my god, H/N. Wait, let me finish this. Not only was he horrible to the waiter in person, but he also made fun of the waiter’s appearance behind his back. And all along he expected me to find him funny. I used to think he had a sense of humor but not after today. Blech.”
“At least you got a free dinner?” he said, and without awaiting your answer, went back to work. Your head was spinning in pleasure, and you could only laugh sarcastically at his suggestion.
“Yeah. And after that train wreck of a date, he really thought he’d get to stick his tongue down my throat,” you said.
“Did he at least ask permission?” asked the boy between your legs.
“Mhm…but I told him I don’t do that on the first date,” you said. “Safe to say there won’t be another date, though.”
He looked up now, laughing more than before. You grinned, mainly because the sight of him was so cute. He folded his hands on your belly and put his face down onto your skin to giggle. In no way could you be upset or urge him to keep giving you head. In fact, you had forgotten about all of that for a while, as he seemed to enjoy your misfortune a little too wildly. You should have been hungry, eager to have the half-naked boy inside of you. Yet, you laughed at the way his breaths tickled your stomach and when he finally made eye contact, it was a wholly different sort of hunger which overcame you. Instead of the heat he usually made you feel, it was a comfortable warmth that was in your chest. It reminded you of a bonfire or of drinking your favorite hot drink on a cool autumn day.
“I want to watch you come,” he said, casually. “Were you close?”
You were so lost in his trustworthy, dreamy eyes, you almost forgot to reply. Quickly, you nodded and hummed.
“I would have already come, had you not pestered me to tell you all the details of my date,” you said. The way his cheeks beamed when he smiled made you feel as if your insides were turning into mush.
“I’m sorry. I’m your friend, aren’t I allowed to ask how your day went?” he asked.
“Of course you are,” you said. The word ‘friend’ echoed off every wall in your head until you wished you could have deleted it from the dictionary.
“I’ll make sure it feels extra good now,” he said, kissing your stomach. You shivered as you watched his gentle lips move lower, to your hips and the insides of your thighs. The touch felt like butterfly wings on your skin, and the tardiness of it made you impatient. When his tongue came in contact with your clit again, you sucked in a breath of surprise.
He tried to start slowly, but then you gripped his hair tightly, and carefully pushed him further. It was something you did often, a way to tell him you wanted more without having to use words. After all this time, he understood perfectly. Your clit was between his lips and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pleasure. It felt incredible, creating a funny sensation in the pit of your stomach. His fingers grazed over your slit until you were whimpering and shifting your hips, trying to make him hurry.
One of his digits slid into you easily, curling against your sweet spot, and it hit you only now how much you had missed him between your legs since he had stopped a few minutes ago. It made you feel as though you were suddenly overwhelmed with all of him, but you were willing to let the heat crash over you if it meant you could be close to him.
“Am I making it up to you now?” he asked as he pulled away merely for a breath. “I’ll turn your day into a good one after all.”
In a different tone his words would have sounded like the exact thing one would have expected to hear from a fuckboy in the bedroom. He could have boasted and bragged endlessly about how great he was with his tongue and fingers – he would have been right – but he didn’t mean it like that. You could tell from the uprightness and the authenticity in his voice that he really was doing his best because he wanted to make you feel better and turn your day around. Because you were special to him. Or so you desperately hoped.
Your legs wrapped around his shoulders as if you were trapping him between your thighs. But he was right there, and he would gladly stay for so much longer, and to say it puzzled you was an understatement. The boy who belonged to everybody, who was known by all of the campus, was treating you like you were royalty, and not the other way around. You moaned, his name inevitably falling from your lips. He added another finger and the slightest stretch made you lose your mind for a split second.
“That guy could have never made you feel this good, could he?” he suddenly asked. Your initial response was a helpless whine. You had been so close, and his talking had interrupted the otherworldly bliss for a moment.
“No, never,” you then whimpered shortly. ‘No’ was such a tiny word. It could barely encapsule what you truly meant to say. Which was that it would have never even gotten that far. That other guys couldn’t even have you at all. They didn’t get their turn to try and beat him. Not as of lately, at least. That you didn’t so much as dare to think about sleeping with other guys. That even before you had gone on the date, you had known it wouldn’t lead to anything. No guy could let you develop an interest on him in the same way the boy between your legs had done it. No other would be able to kidnap your brain like that. H/N was always there. Even when it was only you and your sex toys, you would automatically pretend it was him getting you off. You were so far gone that it was embarrassing how long it had taken you to admit it to yourself. But it was a colossal thing to confess to him, and you would never do that. Rejection would hurt a billion times more than whatever it was you two had now.
Your heart was racing as you closed your eyes. You had been so lost in thought, it was wondrous you hadn’t fallen yet. But you were right on the edge, making your breaths come out like puffs and a string of moans and swears sound from your lips. He too had stopped talking, concentrating on the task at hand, and judging by the way your back arched he was doing one hell of a good job.
“Oh my god- “ you whimpered. “I’m so close, H/N.”
This time he didn’t reply, which was for the best. Only a few seconds passed until you started to quiver and whine beneath him. You were going to outer space behind your eyelids as your high rushed through you. Your fingers curled and tightened in his locks while your legs clenched around his head. He was quick to pull your thighs apart again, still not being finished. For long seconds you swam in pleasure, with nothing on your mind but bursting stars. He was heaven, knowing precisely how far he could take it until you were too sensitive to take any more.
When you were at that point, he finally pulled away and looked up at your crumpled form. There was a lazy smile playing in the corner of your lips and your vision was hazy after having had your eyes closed for a while. He climbed up your body until his chest was against yours so he could really look at you.
“I get all of this without ever having been on a single date with you? I’m so lucky,” he said. You only smiled at him, at a loss for words. What were you to say? The two of you were clearly past the awkward dating stage already.
“I’m lucky you let me come over all the time,” you said. “I would have expected the campus fuckboy to be busier. To not have an empty spot in his bed every night.”
“Ah, shut up,” he said. “I’d rather have you here than a girl I don’t know at all. Look, I’m really tired so I don’t know how this will go…but can I?” He was on his knees, a tent visible in his boxers. With a questioning look, he was tugging them down his legs now.
“Of course,” you said. As you watched him roll on a condom, your ears perked up. Did that song have to come on shuffle just now? The coziest, most romantic love song you adored so much? You knew if you looked him in the eyes you’d be done for. But there wasn’t anywhere else to look when he settled between your legs and held up his weight with his forearms. His eyes were deep enough for you to get lost within a second. Distracting yourself was impossible. The one last thing you could do was to reach between the two of you and guide his length into you.
The song’s chorus came on, you looked at him once again, and suddenly you were all his. You didn’t need to tell him so. He thrust gently, almost carefully, like he had never done it with you. Your heart hammered against your ribcage so vivaciously, you wondered whether it had turned autonomous and was now trying to jump out of your body, onto his skin and through it, so it could nestle next to his own heart.
Neither of you spoke. Yet, there had never been so much chemistry, such a heavy amount of uncommunicated emotions between the two of you. You were ready to hang on his every word, should he decide to speak up. In your head rampaged a billion sentiments you needed him to know, but there was no option to express them adequately. Perhaps there were simply no words in the English language to declare your feelings for him.
Small whimpers and moans left your lips only for him to hear. Sometimes he moved a little quicker, gifting you with the most perfect sounds he could make. And to know you were the cause for it sent you into overdrive. His mouth was right above yours. If you lifted your head slightly, you could have kissed his sweet, sweet lips. But you were so afraid. What would he think? You had never kissed him during sex. Not softly, like you wanted it so terribly.
Even worse, you craved so much more than that. You wanted to pull him in, envelope his mouth in your own, crawl over the edge of his lips and reside in his chest for safety. Because that’s what he was. Comfort. Reassurance. Home. How foolish you had been, pretending this little fling would lead to nothing more. You really had told yourself this would work. No feelings. Just fun. You couldn’t deny having fun with him. He was the best company you had ever known, and he had become your most precious friend quickly. It was as if you had only been waiting for the silly, flirty boy to sit across from you in the library and make weak advances towards you.
The love song tuned out slowly, replaced by something more sensual and sinful. In accordance with the new background noise, he gripped your hips a little meaner and went faster. You barely noticed how his breathing had sped up as he was getting closer to his orgasm. A trance had overcome you, transfixing you on his godlike features and how much it hurt to know you couldn’t call him yours. In your head you were made for each other. They always said to date your best friend, didn’t they? You could try to turn back time, go back to your first meeting place, at the party. See if things would turn out different. But you knew they wouldn’t. As much as your fear tried to suppress it – you would take the same path again, stumbling head-first into his arms and letting him into your life like a crashing wave of laughter and heart-crushing conversations.
Now you reflected in despair, how he had taken your heart in a storm, without having to try too hard. And worst of all, you were okay with it. Your heart was secure with him, you thought. The feelings yearned to be spoken out loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“You feel so good,” he said. “Always, so fucking good.”
He snapped his hips against yours, burying his cock deep inside of you and all you could muster was a hum of agreement. This is what you got for keeping him at arms-length from the beginning. Wasn’t it you who had challenged him to be friends and only that? Perhaps you would be okay, so long as no one else called him theirs either. You could go on like this, letting him use you for sexual relief and making him laugh when he needed it. Gladly, you would take the pain of not being allowed to love him with your whole being if it meant you could see him whenever you wanted. Exposing those silly emotions would wreck your friendship and you wouldn’t let it happen.
He grunted and only then, when he lowered his head into the crook of your neck and moaned your name, you realized he was reaching his high. Softly, you cradled his head in your hands, as if it was the last time you could hold him like this. When he put his forehead against yours, he had his eyes closed and his chest was moving steadier than before.
“You’re the best,” he whispered. “Stay the night?”
Should you have gone home, and missed him all night? Would you have regretted saying no while you curled up in bed with no Cheshire-cat-grin-boy to hold? Or were you to remain in his bed, and pray you would survive the torture of not speaking your mind? His skin radiated the most wonderful warmth and you wanted to trace his lips with your eyes until you fell asleep. That’s how quickly it was decided.
“Okay,” you answered.
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