#also i got off track a little bit i'm so sorry for that
enhagvrl · 2 days
en- when they make it up to you
a/n: I really appreciate all the love and thanks for your patience. also i just hit 200 followers?! that's crazy tysm yall the best and i love you and will continue to pray for each and every one of you <<33
please feel free to point out any errors in there. i really enjoyed writing this so dont mind if it's a lil long hehe
lee heeseung
You had switched off your phone and were sitting quietly in the park having fruit juice. After spending some time thinking, you eventually decided that it was just a joke and he did not actually mean it of course. You guys were now far from all those high school years and unnecessary gossip to give them a thought so it just might have slipped out from his mouth. 
The clock on the wall chimed, signalling that it hit midnight- and you were still not home. Heeseung had spent the last few hours working his head to find out what action or word of his had caused you to dash off like that, without even turning back once. Hee had sent you many texts and calls but they all went in vain. He was about to enter the kitchen to fetch a glass of water when he stopped, hearing the front door creak open. 
“where were you? Your phone was switched off. I know you told me you’ll be back but it struck midnight and I just became so worried." Heeseung went on rambling, taking a breath only when your hand came to rest upon his shoulder. 
“ I'm okay. Sorry for rushing out like that. It's just that I needed some fresh air. Nothing to worry about hee.” you said, giving him a small smile while turning away to head towards your bedroom.
“ It's about me saying you're crazy right?” you stopped in your tracks but didn't turn around. 
Seeing you stop, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around you - his head leaning a little against yours so that his mouth is directly next to your ears.
“ Baby, you know I've loved ever since I laid my eyes on you. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you. You can scold me, hit me, do whatever you want - but please don’t ever think I will turn my back on you. I have never once come to believe those baseless rumours about you. All I know is that you have been mine and I have been yours all this time. Please forgive me. I really did not intend to upset you. I don't know how it just slipped out but I promise there won't be a next time. Really. Please, sweetheart. Don't leave me alone again like that.” 
Without turning back, you simply removed Heeseung's hands from you and pulled him along with you towards the bedroom. There you sat down on the edge of the bed pulling heeseung to sit on your lap. 
You simply sat there holding him close to you - your hands tapping away a random beat on his stomach while his eyes did not move from your face, observing every single feature. 
“I will agree I felt a bit upset at first hearing it but then again, it's been years since I got to hear that word about me but I realised I don't really care anymore now. It’s fine though, I’m over it. So don’t worry anymore.” saying this, you gave a small kiss on heeseung’s arms which were now wrapped around your neck now. 
Heeseung could only sit there and look at you with his bambi eyes, all teary and round. 
“ Remind me again, how did I score you?” he says playfully, giggling when you bring up your hand to pinch his nipple (cue to jw doing it in en-o’clock)
“HEY! THAT’S VIOLATION RIGHT THERE!” saying this you are pushed on the bed with a tickling battle announcing its arrival. Sleep? Forget it. 
park jongseong
The clock rang a small tune - the time being 2 a.m. but the man on the bed just kept tossing from one side to another. Even though Jay is known for falling asleep easily anytime, tonight it just did not seem possible. 
Not being able to take it anymore, Jay got up from the bed and headed towards the living room only to find out that all the lights were off and you were sound asleep on the couch. He could only sigh and close in on your sleeping figure and that’s when he noticed some dried tear stains on your cheeks. That’s when he knew he fcked up. 
The next morning you woke up feeling all stuffy and unable to breathe as if something was weighing down on you and you opened your eyes only to be greeted by the sight of Jay sleeping on your chest. You almost melted right there because of how cute his face looked being squished on your chest but then the memories of last night came into your mind and you stiffened up.
Carefully pushing the sleeping figure off your body, you get up and head towards the bathroom to start your day. Coming back to cook some breakfast you were surprised to find your boyfriend already awake and making some simple toast for the both of you. Without uttering a word, you started cutting some fruits to make juice for you guys. 
You had only gone halfway to cutting an apple when you felt something rest on your shoulder, hot breath fanning your ears and a hand resting beside the cutting board. 
“I’m so sorry for those harsh words last night. I really didn't mean them. I have no idea what came over me at that time, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I said those words to you. I hope you forgive me and know that I love listening to you talking. Even if the world was ending, your voice would be enough to keep me alive. So please don’t be mad at me, my pretty baby or else I would not hesitate to jum-”  before he could complete that sentence you gave him a quick kiss on his mouth. 
“Now you’re the one going on rambling. I forgive you and I was never that mad at you in the first place. Just got a little upset. But it’s all gone now! So can we please get done with our breakfast soon cause i’m starvingggg” 
Jay only chuckled at your words and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead. Five minutes later you two were back on the couch with two plates of your breakfast and two glasses of apple juice.
Throughout the while, you kept on talking about all sorts of stuff while Jay was only giving short replies and looking at you with a tender smile on his face. You were suddenly pulled into a soft kiss by the said man when he said these words pulling away from the kiss, 
“ Your voice is the sound my ears crave and they were made for listening to you only. I’m sorry. I love you.” 
As he whispered these words close to your face with his eyes boring into yours and his breath fanning your lips, you simply took his juice and had a sip from it while maintaining eye contact with him with a serious face which made the said man let out a laugh. 
“I love you too :) '' you said taking another bite of your toast making Jay  let out a small chuckle at your stuffed up face and your antics.
sim jaeyun
“Oi! Why are you running away?” Jake huffed catching up to you as you speed walked after paying for your ice creams.
“ nothing’s wrong. Everything’s okay.” “okay now that’s where i know i’ve messed up so can you please tell me before I go around shouting to the whole world that my girlfriend is mad at me.”
“ you would not do that.” “oh watch me.” saying that he immediately got down to his knees ready to shout whatever he was planning to when you ran towards and covered his mouth with your hand. 
“You crazy dog!” you whisper shouted to him, pulling him up before he could attract any attention from the people moving about. 
“ Tell me what I did wrong, baby please or else I’ll take away Layla from you.” he said, his eyes being all shiny while his face displayed a sad pout - which you oh so badly wanted to kiss away but had to restrain yourself.
“ you think for yourself, smarty pants.” you said, walking down the road.
“Was it because I teased you earlier? Cmon babyyyy you know I didn't mean it. I’m sorry.” Jake whined, pulling at your sleeves while you were pulling the pouty boy along with you.
“ It did not feel good to hear that, Jake.” you stopped in your tracks, your words making Jake know you’re genuinely upset. 
You both stopped walking - the night’s wind blowing through your hair while Jake’s hand had slipped from holding your sleeve to taking your hands in his.
“I’m sorry, love. I just meant to tease you. I did not consider it might hurt your feelings and that’s my fault. Please forgive me?” his sincere apology with those puppy eyes you were being shown, you could not resist it anymore.
“Ay, ay, whatever. Not like I was mad at you or something, just got a little offended there. Anyways, I'm better at soccer than you for sure.” saying this you took a big bite from his ice cream and ran away while he was stunned for a second.
“Yayyy :) wait what- MY ICE CREAM!! NOOO!!!” 
park sunghoon
The next morning you woke up like usual and did your business while Sunghoon slept in for a very long time. It was around two in the afternoon when Sunghoon woke up from his sleep. Coming down from the bedroom he was met with the sight of gaeul eating her food while you were beside her sewing some scarf.
“Good morning. More like afternoon but yeah.” you said, noticing the tall man rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“weren't we supposed to be going somewhere today? Don’t tell me we missed the flight.” Sunghoon’s eyes widened at the fact that maybe you two missed on the whole trip. 
“Don’t worry about the trip. I cancelled it.” you say, being all nonchalant which surprised Sunghoon.
He approached you on the couch, taking a seat beside you while his body was turned towards you showing that you had his full attention.
“What do you mean you cancelled the trip? Why? We were supposed to go bungee jumping together.” he said, confusion evident on his face.
“Well, we can do that another time. For now, let’s just spend some time indoors.” you said, turning your head towards him.
He seemed taken aback by your sudden change in plans but nevertheless didn’t question it much. He only nodded to your response and got up, going back into the room while you went back to sewing. 
The day passed on by slowly, as you two spent time watching a movie then playing a video game together, and as the day was slowly coming to an end you both ended up in the kitchen trying to make dinner together.
Sunghoon’s mind was not calm though. For the whole evening you had been replying to him in a few words or just one nod of your head. He knew something was wrong but could not put his finger on it. He did not even remember what took place last night cause he was so sleep deprived at that moment. 
Gathering up courage, Sunghoon walked over to you who was busy cutting up the last few chillies for the spice. He cleared his throat once he was beside you to get your attention.
“...did…something happen? You don't look very…happy to have me around.” You managed to let out a small smile at his words.
“Why would you think that?” “because you seem very distant.”
“What do you think is the reason?” you answered, keeping the knife away.
“You wanted to go on the trip but cancelled it for some reason?” he said, confused.
“What do you think is the reason?”
“ baby, stop beating around the bush. I really do not know the reason. I don't even remember what happened before I passed out last night because of the fatigue. Please tell me. Did something happen? Did I do something?”  Sunghoon said, frustrated at your silence when all he wanted that evening was to spend time with you.
“You lashed out on me last night saying you do not want to go anywhere. Hence why I cancelled the trip. That happened.” you muttered out, voice so quiet Sunghoon wouldn’t have been able to catch the hurt you portrayed in them.
“...I lashed out on you? When? I…I'm sorry I really don’t know.” “ You did. Maybe it was because you were sleepy and tired but I get it. We should spend some time together in our house also. I am sorry.”
Sunghoon immediately placed his hands on your shoulders with a questioning expression, “ what are you sorry for? I am sorry. Even if I was tired, it was not nice of me to take it out on you. Don’t be sorry. I love making memories of different experiences with you, really. It’s just sometimes I just want us to be in the comfort of our own homes while we’re in each other's arms.”
You nodded and softly bumped your head into his chest to which he responded by bringing you into his arms muttering small ‘i love you’s and ‘i would never get mad at you’s. 
After a while of you guys hugging there, you built up the courage to say - 
“ also, news came that the bungee jumping line broke so wouldn’t have been able to go anyways. Hehe.” 
Oh. that's why.
kim sunoo
“(name)!!!!!!!” Sunoo shouted while running down the stairs.
You were busy scooping out the ice cream from the tub to notice that Sunoo had made himself comfortable on the counter. 
“ Here you go,” you say, handing over his bowl.
Sunoo hesitantly takes his bowl, noticing the sudden change in the air. You quietly set aside the ice cream tub and started to eat from your bowl. Sunoo was dying to ask you if something happened but decided to wait till you guys were back in your bedroom. 
Once you guys settled back into your bedroom, you sat down with a book while Sunoo went to proceed with his skin care for the night. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other for an hour now and it was beginning to eat him so he decided to confront you. 
“ Did I do something to upset you?” he asked, popping out from the bathroom with a face mask on. 
“No,why?” you asked, voice not carrying any emotion.
“....you’ve just been really quiet. Tell me, what’s on your mind?” he voices out his concern, plopping down on the bed beside you. 
You were debating whether to tell him or not. In case, he might not believe you.
“I kind of got a little upset when you said that no one would believe me. Because you know how I was in the past and all..” you said, your voice lowering towards the end of the sentence
“When did I say tha….OH! Aaa baby noooo I did not mean it in a literal sense. I’m so sorryyyyy.” he said, immediately climbing on top of you to give you a big hug.
“Really though. I am so sorry I made you upset. That was not my intention. I must have said that without any thought. I am sorry. Please forgive meeee”, Sunoo says while basically rolling all over your body to get you to forgive him.
“Okay okay you big baby i get it. I get it. I forgive you now, please can you get off?” you said, a smile making its way onto your face. 
Sunoo got up from the bed and was now standing beside your figure. He looked all happy, with his smile reaching his eyes. 
The next minute you find yourself sitting on the counter of your bathroom, Sunoo standing between your legs and his hands rubbing the lotion gently on your skin.
“I’m so glad you told me what was concerning you. I am sorry once again and I promise this will never happen again. Tell me if I ever go overboard with my words again, hm?”
Your heart filled up with comfort and warmth because of how genuine he was. Letting a smile pain itself on your face, you gave him a small peck.
“ It’s okay. It’s all in the past now. Don’t worry about it. You’re forgiven. I love you hm?”
“ I love you too. Now let me spoil you like the queen you are for me.” you could only let out a laugh while sunoo slapped a sheet mask on your face. 
yang jungwon
You were swinging on one of the swings in the local park, taking in the cold night air when suddenly a maltese came running up to you. You immediately recognise its maeumi and take him up in your arms. Soon after you hear footsteps following and you knew it was him.
Jungwon takes a seat on the swing beside yours and turns his head towards you, who’s still not looking at him but playing with maeumi. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me to let those words out. I never meant them.Maybe I was just a little worried. I do not have any excuse. Just please forgive me. I’ll let you have all my gummy bears also.” he paused a bit, awaiting some reaction from you but was disappointed when he got nothing. 
“Please give some love to your boyfriend here. I am your baby, not maeumi. Please. Please.” he said, getting up from the swing and bringing his face in front of yours while pulling the cutest expression. 
You put down maeumi and stand up, holding Jungwon's face and giving a big, wet smooch in his lips - taking him by surprise. 
“It’s okay. I get it. Thanks for worrying. Let’s go home?” you said pulling out from the short kiss which made Jungwon lose all senses for a second. 
“Bleh. I love you too. I aint washing my face at all now. Lechugooo” he said holding your hand in his now cold one and calling maeumi to stay close.
“I never said I love you though?” “ You kissed me. That said more than enough hehe.” 
nishimura riki
“(NAME)! OYE!”, niki’s voice echoed through the hallways as you made your way outside the building. You were pulled back by a hand two times your size holding your arm. 
“I just needed some fresh air. It felt a little suffocating inside.” you said, as you were pulled back into the taller boy’s chest.
“ what? Getting suffocated? What do you mean? Are you okay?” Riki questioned, his voice cold but his eyes giving away how worried he was.
You could only nod your head in response. You don’t know what came upon you but you were not feeling good - not at all.  
“ i’m sorry i..i don't feel so good.” you said holding his arm to steady yourself in the bright sun.
“ ay ay just hold onto me, okay?” niki voiced out, holding you close by and bringing you back inside, settling you down in one corner of the lobby where the air conditioned wind was hitting you strongly while he went away to fetch water, as you could guess.
You knew why you were feeling like this. You had been ignoring your health in order to get into SDC and being a big eater you were, your body was not taking it well. Still you dared to push it a lot more till it brought you to right now -  where you are feeling dizzy and nauseous even though you know nothing is inside your body.
Ten minutes had passed since Ni-ki was gone. You felt a little relaxed under the cool window and were now feeling a little better, no more nauseous. You almost fell asleep when his voice woke you up.
“ hey. (name). Here, take this.” he said, handing you a simple sandwich with some pineapple juice. Your go-to breakfast. 
You silently muttered a “thank you” and took a bite of the sandwich filled with vegetables and took a sip from the juice; your body genuinely thanking you for finally eating something good. 
While you were devouring down on your food, Niki was sitting on the small couch beside you - his eyes filled with adoration and his lips bent up in a small smile. 
“ You should’ve told me that you have not been taking care of yourself. No. I should have noticed it. Such a bad partner aint i?” he voiced out, a little sarcasm and a little seriousness evident in his face. 
“ Of course not. I’m sorry for not telling you. I really have been trying hard for the contest but maybe it’s not meant to be.” you said, taking the last bite from your sandwich and doing a happy dance, having your stomach filled. 
Niki chuckled and got up from his seat. “ Now let’s go back home and have some good dinner. No more missing out on your meals, okay baby?” he said, pinching your puffed up cheeks as you gulped down the last sip of juice. 
Nodding your head, you got up from your couch and hit niki in the back of his head and made a run.
© to enhagvrl, 2024. do not copy or plagiarize.
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mechaness · 1 day
Bath time
Warning: a lil bit of nakedness, and I'm still calling Nasiens a "she". Also, spoilers from chapter 155! Enjoy! ^^
The Percival platoon was finally together again. There was a sense of happiness among all of them, and there was so much to talk about, but first things first.
"Let's go to sleep then!" Percival said, smiling at his friends. "Ah, but maybe..." a mischievous smirk replace his smile. He looked at Nasiens, giggling. "Nasiens! Let's go take a bath together! You promised!"
Nasiens blushed, half hiding her face with her hat. So he hadn't noticed... She couldn't blame him. The change was subtle, maybe because it was just starting, but her body had changed.
To be honest, she already shared some... characteristics with a biological woman, but now she could feel other changes. For starters, she had a defined waist now. Her clothes felt big now because of that. And of course...
Her hat went down, covering her chest. They were definitely bigger now, though still small.
Percival face snapped her out of it, getting way too close to hers.
"Nasiens? You there?"
"Uh? Ah, um..." Percival was waiting for an answer and she only got redder.
"Nah man, he never wants to go in with us!" Donny chimed in, laughing. Nasiens thought of correcting him. She didn't like to be referred as a "he" anymore, but just thinking about having that conversation exhausted her. Luckily for her, Percival was there.
"She will with me! She promised." Percival said, putting his arm on Nasiens' shoulder and pulling her closer to him, smiling confidently.
"Who's "she"?" Donny sounded confused, until realization hit him. "Wait, you don't mean...?!" he said, pointing at her.
"Don't tell me that's what you been hiding?" Anne said, a smile appearing on her face. "I knew from the start you were hiding something, but I never imagined it was this!"
"I wasn't h-... I mean, well... I guess in a sense I was... It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry." Nasiens answered, squeezing her hat. She looked at her friends and the only thing she saw was acceptance. She smiled at them and continued, "I truly feel much more comfortable this way, so I would prefer it if you called me as a girl from now on."
"Sure, ma'am! You got it!" Donny said, giving her a thumbs up. "I always had a hunch!" he playfully elbowed Anne, who just rolled her eyes at him, smiling.
"Whatever, you big oaf," and then she looked at Nasiens, her smile getting wider, "I'm glad you feel comfortable now, and it sure feels nice to have another girl to talk to." Anne said, winking at Nasiens. Nasiens smiled back. Donny and Anghalhad were truly wonderful friends.
So wonderful in fact, they both started scolding Percival.
"You know she's a girl now, you idiot! What are you asking?!" Donny yelled, slapping Percival in his head, making him pout.
"If anything, I'm getting in with her! Not you!" Anne said, grabbing Nasiens by her other arm, sticking her tongue out.
"No way, she promised!" Percival declared, grabbing Nasiens by the waist and throwing her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He was about to run off with her, despite the protests of the other two, but he stopped mid track. "I mean, it's fine, right?"
Nasiens had both her hands covering her face. Percival thought she looked really cute when she blushed like that.
"Yes..." Nasiens whispered, enough for everyone to hear. Percival laughed and continued walking, leaving both Donny and Anne sighing.
The royal bath was amazing, it was like a pool. Percival closed his eyes and enjoyed the hot and relaxing water. After that fight and flying all day, not to mention meeting his friends again, he was a little tired.
He was so happy to see his friends again! Physically speaking, of course. After all, he had been watching over them as a spirit. He had to make sure they were safe.
He thought about what happened in the fairy realm and shivered. Thank god he had been paying attention. The thought of losing Nasiens...
He shook his head. She was fine.
Also, she was late. Where was she?
"Nasiens? You getting in here? I don't think the water will become cold, but..." He turned around, looking for her outside the pool. And then he saw her.
She was walking towards him, her face red and facing down, a small towel covering her torso. She tried ignoring him as best as she could when she got in, a couple meters away from him. She couldn't look him in the eyes and kept the towel as close to her as possible.
Percival was speechless. It wasn't the first time he had seen her naked (he still remembered the prank he'd pulled a few years ago) but this... this felt different.
He got closer to her, enough to tower over her. It was weird, being taller and bigger than most his friends now. But when it came to Nasiens, he really liked the feeling.
She refused to look up. Percival could see her playing with the hem of the towel, trying to calm herself down to no avail. He could feel her embarrassment. He couldn't get it. It was only him, there was no reason to be shy!
So he splashed some water to her face.
"Percival!" she looked so appalled he laughed. She laughed too, already feeling a little bit better. She was being ridiculous. It was only Percival.
However, when she looked up she understood. It was Percival. Her face was about to explode. Her love went beyond physical appearances but she had always thought he was cute. He still was, but now he looked so handsome, too...
Time went still when he smiled at her. But then he spoke.
"You got boobs now!"
Her face went directly to the water.
She couldn't believe him sometimes! Against her common sense, she smiled. Even underwater she could hear his laughter. She slowly went up again.
"Oh, come on!" he was still laughing, "you looked at me for two years, didn't you!"
"Not on purpose!" she yelled, completely embarrassed. It had been impossible not to look, he had been literally naked, but she had always been respectful.
"It's fine, isn't it? It's just me." He clearly didn't understand that was exactly the problem. "You can take out the towel."
Nasiens hesitated. She wanted to. God, how she wanted to. But...
"...you shouldn't be looking at girls like this, you know..." she said, unable to stop herself, "nor touch them for that matter."
"Anne said the same thing, but I don't get it." he said, deep in thought "I mean, if it's you, it's fine, isn't it?"
"...what do you mean?" she asked, ignoring the Anghalhad comment as best as she could.
"For what I understood, you should be doing these kind of things with someone you love, and I love you, so it's fine!" he replied, smiling so brightly it hurt Nasiens. She smiled through the pain.
"I'm really happy to hear that. But there are different types of love, you know... not that one is better than the other, though..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, there's family love, like what we feel for our grandfathers. Or friendship love, like what you feel for Donny, Anghalhad and me... but there's also... romantic love, like partners... do you understand?"
"Like what Zeldris feels for Gelda? Or Meliodas for Queen Elizabeth?" Nasiens nodded and Percival smiled, "yeah, of course I know!"
"...you do?"
"Yeah! And also, I don't love you like that." his voice was so final that Nasiens felt tears in her eyes. The night had taken a bad turn, but she should be grateful. At least she got her answer quickly...
"I... I understand." she was about to leave the pool when she felt Percival's hand grab her arm, pulling her back in.
"Where are you going? We haven't even started!" he said. "Plus, I haven't seen you yet!"
"You just said you don't love me like that," Nasiens said, unable to keep the hurt from her voice, "it's fine, I get it..."
"No, you don't," Percival said, bringing her closer and hugging her, making her squirm, "I meant, I don't love you as a 'friend'." Nasiens felt her eyes widen.
"You mean...?"
"I love you, Nasiens." He hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair. She smelled like flowers. "I really do. I'd love to be your partner, if you let me."
"I...!" Nasiens felt tears again, this time from joy. She hugged him back. "Of course! I love you too..." she had a feeling he already knew, but she had to say it. She loved him so much.
They stayed like that for a while, content in each others arms. Nasiens was the first to pull back. Percival assumed she remembered that they were both naked, only that damn towel between them, and she was about to yell how embarrassing the whole thing was.
She didn't do that, though. She just looked at him, her face red but her eyes firm. Percival felt his heart skip a beat. One of her hands was on his chest, maybe so she wouldn't fall, and with the other she grabbed her towel. Slowly, she removed it, exposing herself to him.
She was perfect.
He couldn't stop looking at her, her face, her chest... He wanted to touch them, kiss them... He shook his head. What on earth was he thinking?
Her voice, so gentle and full of excitement, brought him back.
"You can touch if you want..." she said, clearly embarrassed. And he didn't waste any time.
He gently cupped one of her breasts, small and warm and so soft. He heard her whimper and almost fell. She was so beautiful, he wanted to be closer to her. He touched her all over, feeling her breasts and belly, addicted to the little sound she was making. He pressed his face against hers, instinctively looking for her lips.
But Nasiens was quicker than him and kissed him on the cheek, a kiss so sweet and pure, Percival smiled and kissed her back. On her cheek, on her forehead, on her nose. He lingered on her lips, searching her eyes for permission.
It was her who closed the distance.
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bookstantrash · 3 days
A/N: This took a while to post even though it had been written for quite some time lol sorry. It is also the last already written fic I had and the last RED TV titled one (for now, I’ll absolutely write more in the future, one day)
I have an Emerie centric fic that I hope I can finish writing soon now that I am on a break from uni, but I make no promises given my record track I also plan to start studying for my bar exam so there’s that
Anywaaaaays hope you guys enjoy some soft Nessian!
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But I don't wanna dance (if I'm not dancing with you)
It had not escaped Nesta’s attention how her husband sometimes left their bed in the late nights. After their talk about his nightmares —  after how he had promised to wake her up and talk when he had a bad dream — his disappearances had become irregular and rare. But recently he had begun to take longer to go to bed, finding excuses to make her lay down before him, or even waking up before the sun had even risen. Nesta knew Cassian was used to waking up with the first rays of sunlight, while she preferred to sleep in — although the early morning training sessions with the Valkyries made her wake up a bit earlier then she would have preferred. However, now he was awake before even the sun had made an appearance and well, she would be lying if that did not bother her.
She had tried to wake up early with him to discover what he was up to, but that had proved to be impossible very quickly. She was not a morning person at all, and all it took was Cassian leaving some kisses on her neck and shoulder, whispering for her to go back to sleep and promising pancakes to make her burrow herself in the furs and mumble that “they better have chocolate chips or else”.
Nesta had also attempted to find where he disappeared to late in the night, something that was turning out to be more difficult than she had expected. Although the House was big and had more rooms than they would ever use, she had made sure to investigate each and every one of them whenever she had the time.
She found nothing. It was as if Cassian’s disappeared to a different dimension, making her reach one conclusion: the House was Cassian’s accomplice in whatever it was that he was up to.
The fact that the House —  who in nine out of ten cases sided with her — had decided to cover up whatever it was that her mate was doing left her puzzled. And, if she was being honest, a little shocked. And betrayed. But if Nesta Archeron was known for something it was for her cunning mind and ability to charmspeak her magical house with smutty books.
So she bid her time, waiting for Cassian to slip off of their bed at midnight while she pretended to be asleep, leaving a kiss on her temple. She waited for a few heartbeats, her Fae hearing making it possible to listen to his footsteps disappearing completely. When she was sure he had left, she threw back the covers and, opening her bedside table’s drawer, grabbed a wrapped package.
“I know that you and Cassian are hiding something from me” Nesta said to the House but all she got in response were the faelights flickering thrice.
“No? You don’t know what I mean?” she shrugged, waving the package around “And here I was, debating letting you read Sellyn Drake’s newest romance before me…”
That made the faelights turn on and shine brightly, and Nesta knew she had gotten Its attention. Having two younger sisters — one of them who liked to prove herself at every opportunity available  —  she knew exactly what to say to get what she wanted done. She didn’t even have to resort to the courtier techniques her awful mother had drilled into her since she learned how to talk.
Nesta could still remember when they lived at their mansion in the human lands, their mother and father gone for the weekend for some stupid engagement party of some even stupider high ranking noble family at their snobby generations old countryside manor.  By some small miracle their horrid grandmother was absent and the governess had gotten sick at the last minute, and with little time to hire someone, they had to make do with only the maids, who were less rigid and mean than what Nesta and her sisters were used to.
And they had enjoyed that weekend to the fullest. Nesta thought that had been the only time they had truly been able to be just children and enjoy themselves. And with that came a closeness and sisterly attitude that was usually lacking between the sisters.
Feyre had pulled pranks on them, hiding behind doors and jumping to scare them, or leaving fresh paint in Elain’s porcelain tea set, making her get her hands all dirty.
Elain had retaliated by baking Feyre’s favourite muffin — an indulgence reserved solely for her birthday, given that “ladies do not eat sweets all the time if they wanted to maintain a proper figure” — but using salt instead of sugar, adding a bit of some spice their father had brought back from one of his travels. Feyre had spit the muffin and chugged an entire glass of water to wash away the taste.
Nesta remembers the cook’s dejected face after seeing the mess Elain had left in his kitchen, having listened to Elain’s pleading eyes and letting her roam free in the otherwise forbidden space.
Meanwhile, Nesta had simply said to five year old Feyre that they “would play statue” and had gotten herself the rest of day to read in peace as her littlest sister was set on “winning the game”.
In conclusion, all she had to do was apply a similar tactic to the House.
“But well, if you insist that there is nothing going on…” she shrugged, opening the drawer and putting the book inside again.
Nesta was about to close the drawer when the book disappeared, the door to her room opening and the lights flashing, as if to say “follow me”.
Works every time, she thought with a sly smile, sliding her robe on as she left her room.
The House guided Nesta through the hallways, making her stop in front of an empty guest room she had previously checked.
“Are you sure Cassian’s in there?” she asked, for a second doubting whether the House knew where Cassian went or if It only wanted to read the smutty book first.
The fae lights outside flicked twice, and Nesta saw the door changing, becoming wider until it was a double door, definitely the kind that did not open to guest bedrooms.
“You glamoured yourself?” she said in disbelief, but the House merely opened a sliver of the door and flicked the fae lights again, as if to say ‘go on, I told you where your mate is now let me go back to my smutty book’.
Shaking her head, she approached the door, spying the room through that tiny crack, her eyes widening at the scene she saw.
Her husband and mate was dancing.
Nesta could see the Symphonia playing in the corner of the room while Cassian danced, stepping on glittering footsteps that showed what he should do and where he should go.
“I think I might be getting the hang of it,” he said with a small satisfied smile “But I don’t know about my arms… It is a bit weird to keep them in position without holding something…”
Pursing his lips, Cassian shook his head.
“Maybe I should have asked for a dummy to practise with…” he furrowed his brow “House, do you think you would be able to make it happen, please?”
However, the House had other plans. No sooner had Cassian spoken, the door suddenly opened all the way, making Nesta stumble into the room and come into her mate’s view.
“You little traitor!” Nesta hissed under breath.
“Nes? What are you doing here?” he arched an eyebrow “I thought the House was on my side for once, but I guess I was mistaken.”
“Well, It did end up bringing me a rehearsal partner so I suppose I am not completely upset at my surprise being ruined.” Cassian added with a lopsided smile, walking towards Nesta and grabbing her hand, bringing her closer with a slight tug on her waist.
The faelights inside the room flicked once, the door closing and the Symphonia starting a new tune. Nesta figured that was the way of the House saying ‘my job here is done, do not bother me until I am done with my book’.
With the Symphonia playing a new melody, Cassian pulled Nesta into the song with him.
“This is the first time you’ve led,” Nesta noted. Usually, she would be the one to take the lead and Cassian would follow her.
It was a bit unusual for the male partner to be the one following instead of being followed, but that had never bothered him. Cassian always let Nesta take the lead, not just when they danced. He knew her strengths and weaknesses. He knew she could take on her own fights and defend herself, but that did not mean that he left her all on her own. He was always there beside her, cheering her on, being there to support her but also give her a different perspective on things. Sure, they argued sometimes, just like every couple. However, they would not have gotten where they were and their relationship would not be what it was if they didn’t. At the end of the day, they always reached an understanding after voicing their opinions. And well, if that sometimes led to some makeup sex neither of them were complaining.
“Am I doing it well, Nes?” he asked, twirling her. 
“You are doing okay I guess,” she answered, trying not to fuel his already big ego even more. But Cassian was indeed dancing more smoothly than the other times. Now, it resembled like when he was lost in the dangerous and deadly dance of fighting he displayed in training. Like when Nesta had stood atop a little hill and watched silently as Cassian rained down upon Hybern’s armies.
“Liar,” he purred, spinning her so her back was against his chest, “I would like to think that I am doing it well after all that practising, but shadow dancing is definitely not the same when you dance properly with a partner.”
Nesta could not see his face, but she knew. She knew just from the way his voice trembled a little, some false bravado and swagger put on it. She knew from the way his end of the bond seemed to waver in uncertainty, just a bit. And she remembered the very first time they had danced together, when he had all but pushed Eris aside while asking for her next dance. At the time, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her when she saw his hand trembling slightly but maybe… maybe it had not been her imagination.
Did Cassian also practise in secret before that day? Had he been nervous that maybe it had not been enough and that he would end up embarrassing himself in front of her? Had that been why he had seemed so unsure and anxious despite the brave face he portrayed?
“You are right, it is different to dance with someone in comparison to dancing alone.” Nesta said, turning around so she could look into the hazel eyes she loved so dearly “But you are my mate, so of course you are dancing well.”
That had Cassian opening one his brightest smiles, his end of the bond singing and shining.
“But why not ask the House for a dancing partner from the start? It is not the most impossible thing for It to do” she wondered, thinking about all the things the House had made out of thin air on other occasions.
“Well, I am a mated male now,” Cassian answered, dipping her in time with the last note of the song “I was hesitant to dance with anyone else”
“Cassian, it would not be a real partner” Nesta replied, rolling her eyes fondly at him.
He brought his face closer to hers, still holding her in the dipped position. But Nesta was not worried about falling. She knew that her mate's strong arms could hold her that way all day if she asked.
And she also knew that he would break her fall if he was to lose his balance somehow.
“What can I say?” he kissed her, smiling against her mouth “I don’t want to dance with anyone apart from my wife.”
And a month later when the Night Court went to a ball being held in Winter Court to celebrate the birth of Kallias and Viviane’s daughter, Cassian showed off the results of his practice, dancing with Nesta the entire night.
tag list: @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @arinbelle @letstakethedawn @katekatpattywack @nestaarcheron @imagine-me @sv0430 @starryblueskies7 @live-the-fangirl-life @valkyriewarriors @readskk @wannawriteyouabook @imwritingthesewords @rainbowcheetah512 @moodymelanist @castielspelvis
[Reblogs/likes/comments are always welcomed!!]
26 notes · View notes
gashu-satou-daily · 7 months
gashu if he was in samurai yaiba or another band?
DAY 52:
i haven't played chapter 2 in like a year and a half .
33 notes · View notes
dunmeshistash · 2 months
Idk if this has been asked before but anything you wanna say about Lycion? like I love how he's basically a trans allegory
I love it too! I love Lycion so much, all the canaries to be honest, they're my favorite gender.
Here's his extra from the adventurer's Bible for those who haven't seen it
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I think people smarter than me have made great analysis of his character and how it relates to being trans/body dysmorphia. But I'm really happy he got a body where he feels more comfortable in, and I love the bit from the beastmen monster tidbit where Laios judges him for not being an accurate furry and Lycion calls him an wannabe lmao. Get his ass Lycion
I am also completely in love with his friendship with Fleki. Makes me really happy to see an intense friendship between opposite genders cause it's so rare. And they're both so precious.
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Getting a little off topic but I can't with the canaries... Did you know Otta is Butch/Masc presenting? I couldn't tell because the Elves are all so androgynous I assumed the short hair was normal but apparently its an active choice for her to look more masculine I love it.
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It's more obvious in the modern clothing drawings
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Sorry I got side-tracked, it's cause these are the canaries to me
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3K notes · View notes
Who wears the pants. || husband!John Price
Rating: M Words: 3.4K without the extra!! (this one got away from me, I'm sorry.) Pairing: husband!John x wife!reader CW: quick smut!, yelling mentioned, slightly dubcon (if you squint), john got angry and jealous Tags: you/your pronouns, afab!reader, smut, fingering-ish, slight exhibitionism, love bites and marks, established relationship, jealous!john price, anger mentioned, ghost's stirring the pot. Summary: John is embarrassed of the fact you 'wear the pants' in your relationship... But only after the lads come to stay over and a snarky comment from Simon, does he decide to show you what's what. a/n: my first attempt at writing smut that I wanted to post... Also Ghost/Simon is a dick in this one...
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John simultaneously is and is not ashamed to say how much he loves you. 
Of course, he loves you to bits, finds you the most stunning woman he’s ever seen, and would kill and die for you in a heartbeat. His love was the epitome of “If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself.”
However, he would never risk introducing you to his teammates. Not if he can avoid it. And not just because he cares about you and wants to keep you away from prying eyes, safe and sound in your family home…
More like… they don’t need to know how John purrs when you scratch his beard right beneath his chin and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. They don’t need to see how his pupils almost morph into hearts equally if he sees you in one of his shirts, or in your work clothes, or in joggers and a sweaty t-shirt, or a sexy little number, or nude…
And they especially don’t need to know that their tough-as-nails Captain figuratively rolls over and bares his neck in submission when in the presence of his wife… Or that your voice is like a goddamn foghorn making him genuinely quake in a way he hasn’t since he was a boy at Sandhurst, getting yelled at by drill sergeants… 
He hasn’t left the toilet seat up in 12 years. Hasn’t tracked mud into your shared home (whose floors you had just mopped!) in 10. Hasn’t eaten the last of your snacks or used the last of the tea bags without replacing it in 6. 
There is no weaponized incompetence in your home because you know John is not incompetent and you will not allow him to feign being it to make you his maid. You take care of him and your home, and you refuse to let him disrespect you in any way… And he knows better than to try.
His teammates have no idea how hopelessly in love he is with you. With the way you seize control from him in a way he allows no one else to. Not his soldiers, not the rest of his family. He’s been the ‘man’ of the house in all aspects for as long as he can remember… But that stops the moment he crosses the threshold of the front door, hangs his coat and his gear in the hall closet, and pads through the home in search of you. 
He always finds you busying yourself with something or other and you beckon him close like a puppy, with a pat on the chair next to yours as you work at the dining table, or a come hither motion of the fingers as you water the plants, or reach your arms out for a hug as you stand atop a ladder halfway through repainting the accent wall in the living room. He always hugs and burrows himself in you, inhaling your scent, basking in your warmth, leaving kisses and touches in every inch of exposed skin.
He’s not embarrassed of you, he’ll gladly shout out to the world about his love for you. But he’s embarrassed by how he acts around you. Soap and Gaz would tell him he’s “whipped” if they ever knew what you do to him. So he doesn’t want them to meet you.
But he doesn’t have a choice. December 23rd, at 11 P.M., he and the lads have just touched down from a mission. The weather forecast speaks of a rainstorm and severe weather warnings extending right over Christmas… And John knows what he must do.
So disgruntled, your husband walks off to his office and calls you. In a low tone of voice, almost hushed, because he woke you up, he grumbles about the storm, about how Soap won’t be able to drive up to Scotland for Christmas, that Gaz can probably risk driving to Birmingham, but it’s still pretty unsafe, and that Ghost, as usual, was going to lock himself in his quarters on base and drink himself until he passes out…
You don’t need to be told again. You spring into action immediately. You simply reply that you’re getting up and getting the guest rooms ready, asking if one of the lads would mind getting the pull-out sofa in John’s study, and telling John to drive safe, that the roads are dangerous with the rain… 
It’s midnight when you hear the front door opening, and the hall light turns on, flooding the space with a bright warm-toned yellow-ish light. “Shoes off, you lot. The missus doesn’t want water or mud inside.” He demands in a gruff tone.
As they go about unzipping coats and undoing their muddy boots, you can hear John still chastising them. “I’ll stress again: I want you on your best behaviour. No work talk, no cursing, no disrespect. The missus is doin’ you a favour.” He adds as if the poor lads are children who cannot be trusted to be polite.
Unbeknownst to you, he had already spent the whole drive over from base warning them about picking up after themselves, about being respectful to you, about putting the toilet seat down, about making their beds… reaming them out as if they were wild animals who had never once been inside a house and would break and dirty up everything they touch.
You move to stand at the step that separates the lowered entryway from the sitting room, silently observing them, arms crossed as you lean your shoulder against the wall, wearing a robe and your house slippers as you look at them.
They’re all taller than you, moving surprisingly efficiently and quietly, trying not to disturb the peaceful home too much. They’re dripping wet, probably from rushing from the car in the driveway up to the front stoop. A set of four backpacks or duffle bags are on the floor by the door, their clothes for the days they’ll spend here inside.
“Give them a break, Jonathan, you can keep bossing them around in the morning, love.” You quip and you immediately feel all their backs stiffen, four pairs of eyes glued to you.
“Hi, lovie…” John says, already crossing the small entryway to wrap his arms around your waist, dropping a deep open-mouthed kiss to your awaiting lips. Your hand touches his face, caressing his cheek over his mutton chops.
“Steamin’ Jesus, the Captain’s got taste…” You hear a voice murmur, followed by a sharp ‘ow, what was that fo’?’ which causes both you and John to look at the other soldiers. The offending man, the shortest, with a mohawk, rubs at his arm, which seems to indicate the tallest one on his left side smacked him into shutting his mouth.
You don’t need to be told who’s who to realize that it was ‘Ghost’ who smacked ‘Soap’, while ‘Gaz’ stands on Soap’s other side and shoots John an apologetic look. He told you everything about them, without ever revealing names or pictures, for you to know more about them than you should. John himself as his lips pressed together, his mouth nearly disappearing behind his mustache, as he glares at the lads (aka Soap) for making comments about you.
You quickly approach the three men. “You must be the lads my husband talks so much about!” You say with a chuckle. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the men responsible for bringing my John home in one piece every time…” You tell them gratefully while shaking each of their hands with two of your own, your eyes shining a bit.
“Please, come in!” You gesture behind you into the home as you flick the sitting room lights on. “John, will you show them their rooms while I put the kettle on?” You ask your husband as you slink into the kitchen. 
A few muffled footsteps, created by socked feet, are heard as they walk inside, with John directing the boys to the different bedrooms (and study), and you hear a gruff voice murmur something about taking the pull-out sofa. You assume it’s Ghost.
Your husband then comes to hug you around the waist as you wait for the water to boil, dropping kisses to your temple and cheek, doting on you while his big, calloused hands squeeze at every part of you, your thighs, especially, but your tummy as well, along with gentle words. “I missed you so much, lovie…” “Thank you for doing this…” “You know, I can never sleep right without you in my arms…” “Just missed you so much…”
Five minutes later, you hear their steps coming back as you’re finishing pouring the water into a few separate mugs. Your husband dislodges his arms from around you. He doesn’t need the others to see he’s so crazy about you. 
“Your home is beautiful, Mrs. Price.” Gaz says as you set the tea mugs, the sugar, and the milk within their reach on the island counter. He takes one of the mugs and tops it off with some milk. The way the young boy calls you ‘Mrs. Price’ has nothing if not respect dripping from it. 
It makes you tingle on the inside, even after so many years, the realization that you’re John’s wife, John’s choice, John’s priority. Your husband preens himself a bit when he catches the look in your eye. He loves that you’re his, of course, but loves it even more that you like being his.
“Thank you, Gaz. I’m glad you like it.” You remark with a smile as you sip your own tea. Herbal, different from theirs, so you can resume your sleep which John interrupted with his phone call. 
“Aye, real cosy!” Soap quips from beside him as he slides up to a stool on the island. He doesn’t drink tea, so you didn’t prepare any, per John’s request.
“I hope the beds are to your liking… I kinda made them in a hurry.” You quip, which causes the boys, and your husband, to laugh, as they seat themselves across from you, in the bar stools. You barely even noticed Ghost taking the last cuppa and sliding up next to Johnny, his mask rolled up just enough to allow him to drink.
“We’re soldiers, ma’am, we’ll sleep anywhere,” Gaz told you, ever polite, with a sweet smile on his lips. John has told you all about Gaz, his protegé, of sorts, a respectful lad, the youngest, but one that has proved himself to be useful.
Your eyes flitter over to John for a moment, watching as he drinks his tea, two fingers laced through the handle of his navy blue mug, rather than around him, his behind leaning back on the counter beside you. While doing that, however, you miss the glances the lads exchange with each other, and then to you.
“As true as that might be…” You trail off after sipping your tea and look back at the soldiers again. “I still hope you have some good rest. And, I’m sorry about the pull-out sofa… it’s a bit old, came from John’s old apartment… Has gotta be a decade old now.” You quip as you look toward Ghost.
“It’s alright. I’ll sleep fine.” Ghost says. “Like Gaz said, we can sleep wherever.” He adds.
Soap nods along. “Anything’s better than sleeping on the ground with your rifle between your legs and your jacket folded up to serve as an eyemask.” He adds and laughs.
“Johnny.” Your husband calls out, chastising him. “No work talk.”
“Aw, c’mon, Captain, that hardly counts as work talk.” He retorts with a little boyish grin.
“Them’s the rules. No bloody talk about service.” John insists.
“John.” You scold him, and your husband stiffens next to you, his eyes flittering over to you, eyebrows scrunched and his eyes softened as he meets your eye… nothing short of a puppy.
It was stronger than John at this point, to respond to your tone of voice with nothing but a baring of his neck, not a baring of his teeth like he would with anyone else. The boys all noticed it, the way his shoulders sagged and his eyes looked at you with utter devotion.
“Let the boys talk about work. As long as it’s nothin’ too gory or confidential…” You trail off. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy ‘earing all the stories they have to tell about you at work... Right, lads?” You ask as you look at them again.
“Oh, we’ve got stories alright.” Soap says with a giggle and a wagging of his brows, which causes Gaz and Ghost to snicker under his breath.
“Well, then, regale me with them during Christmas dinner, ye?” You ask them, to which they nod along with smiles. You could swear even Ghost had one in the corner of his scarred lips.
After a bit more small talk, you kissed John goodnight, while he told you he’d stay downstairs and talk with the lads a little longer, so you waved at them while trekking your way upstairs, the boys once more thanking you for the hospitality.
The moment John’s trained ears honed into the fact the bedroom door has closed, he finishes his tea and glares at the lads.
“Don’t be bloody flirtin’ with my wife.” He tells Soap directly, though his comment extends to Gaz and Ghost as well, which is why he glances to both sides at the other two.
“Sir?” Gaz asks while blinking.
“You ‘eard me, Garrick.” He adds and points a finger at the young Sergeant. 
“We’re not flirtin’, sir.” Soap tries to defend himself.
“Aw, that’s rich that there, MacTavish, yeah.” Your husband says bluntly.
“Weren’t flirting.” Ghost retorts as he looks at John. “I was more so interested in the way she has your balls in her little purse.” He adds.
Both Soap and Gaz turn to look at Ghost with eyes so wide you’d think he just tried to kill the Captain directly… and he might as well have, the way John choked on nothing and started coughing up a lung.
The other two are trying to muffle their chuckles and hide their smirks as Simon continues. “Don’t give me that look, boss. We all saw it. Pretty thing might as well be walking you around on a lead.”
“Nonsense.” John says defensively as he snatches the cups of tea from the island and turns to deposit them all in the kitchen sink. He starts washing them quickly, shoulders stiffened.
“Bunk down.” John demands. “We’ve got plenty to do tomorrow.” He adds. The light screeching of bar stools being pulled back and pushed back into place is heard, as the boys vacate the kitchen with curt ‘Goodnight, sir’ murmured before they headed upstairs as well.
“Balls in her bloody purse, my arse.” John grumbles under his voice as he finishes doing the dishes, drying his hands, and then setting them on the island across from him, head hung in shame.
He knows Simon’s right. Hell, he revels in the fact you’ve got metaphorical balls of steel to confront him, to steal control right from under him, to wear the pants in the relationship. Lord knows it took him years to meet a woman who could not only keep up with him but put him in his place…
So why does it embarrass him so to hear them snicker at that fact? Why does it annoy him to look weak for you in front of his men? Why does it anger him that he loves to be weak for you?
Those are the thoughts in his head as he turns off the sitting room and kitchen lights and marches upstairs... And as he approaches your bedside in the dark, pulling the covers out from atop of you, exposing your body to him.
Under that robe you came to welcome them in, you were only wearing one of his t-shirts and no pants whatsoever, which he had peeped by the way your bare legs had shown through the slit between the two sides of the fabric whenever you walked.
“John?” You ask him in surprise, his breath is a bit ragged, more so huffing like a bull through his nose, as he grabs you and pulls you up into his arms, only to drop you on the bed further in the middle of the bed.
The giggle that escaped you when he did so annoyed him even more. He’s angry, pissed that he had been humiliated in front of his men, that you had humiliated him by merely existing and going about your relationship with him the way you always did…
So why are you giggling? Is he really that weak for you that you’ve grown to not fear his anger?
He grabs the hem of his shirt and yanks it up and over your head, tossing it to the side before he attacks your neck with nothing but kisses and bites, his hands touching your naked body, rough skin dragging over every inch of the softness he has left on display.
“John!” You giggle some more as he keeps touching and kissing you, his body weighing down on yours, your legs parted to accommodate him. “We can’t… We have guests!” You try to negotiate as his fingers dig into the pudge of your thighs and slide around to grip a greedy handful of your ass.
You still haven’t spotted the anger in him… And, as such, your playful attempts at negotiating postponing sex only annoy him more. You’re still trying to call the shots…
His left hand wraps around your face, quieting you with a strong palm holding your lips, his fingers digging into your jaw on either side. “You’re mine.” That’s all he says as his fingers continue exploring your body.
“You think you can embarrass me like that in front of the blokes?” He asks you in a whisper as his teeth catch your earlobe and suck and bite at it. “Hm?” He beckons, his tone aggressive. “Make me look like a big girl’s blouse in front of my subordinates?” He continues.
A shiver runs down your spine as his free hand wraps around the waistband of your underwear and yanks it off, down your legs, tossing them to a random spot, barely giving you time to react before his fingers drag up your thigh.
“You think you’re oh-so-box-clever, innit?” He asks you as his fingers slowly drag across your slit, finding your clit effortlessly, years of practice aiding in his torturing of you. You find yourself moaning and sighing against his hand, hips stuttering a bit, your feet looking for a perch at the edge of the bed so you can rub yourself into his hand.
“Walking around in just my shirt and those knickers and stupid bloody robe, making my boys see how lucky I am to have you, make them jealous… Only to embarrass me, make me look weak…” He trails off and tuts loudly, his tongue clicking disdainfully.
The things he’s saying make no sense to you. You didn’t try to seduce his friends, and you sure as hell didn’t try to embarrass him! It’s just the way you always act around him, around the house. He’s never complained, in fact, he’s praised you plenty of times for being ‘perfect’ for him… So where did this change of his come from?
Frankly, you don’t know, but you don’t care… It has been weeks since you were last together, sure, but you know that’s not the main reason why you’re loving this. The unbridled rage in his voice, combined with the way his experienced fingers touch your body, is making you feel things John’s never made you feel before. Your mind is clear of nothing if not a pang of hunger for him, your hands gently pawing at his shoulders atop his charcoal grey t-shirt, soft whimpers muffled by the hard palm pressing you into silence, into submission.
“I’m afraid I’ve let you gone unchecked for too long, lovie...” He grunts in your ear as his fingers draw circles against your clit, the rough pads catching at the throbbing bud, making you whine and whimper, your whole body shuddering against him. “I’m going to fix that attitude of yours...” He clicks his tongue again, sounding all the more annoyed.
“Now you’re going to be good f’r me…” He says as he uncovers your mouth, his hand, wet with saliva, slipping from atop your mouth to grab your wrists and pin them above your head, flush to the mattress. “And make the lads know exactly who’s in charge in here. Clear their doubts...”
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extra: 500 words-ish
The next morning, you wake up before John, as usually tends to happen when he comes back from a mission. The silence and lack of stress, the warmth of you in his arms, the cosy atmosphere of the house… It’s all the perfect sedative to keep him as good as dead for many, many hours. You slip out of his embrace and check the clock… it was just past 9 A.M. You pad quietly to the hall bathroom after fishing out a change of clothes from the wardrobe, and rinse off the sweat from the night before, as well as the dried slick and cum between your thighs. You’re still unstable on your feet, your thighs and the space between them deliciously sore, your body covered in marks of the night you spent in your husband’s arms… You feel like you’re floating as you drift downstairs and into the kitchen…  “Fuckin’ hell!” You jump, startled. In your kitchen, pouring himself a cup of tea is Ghost… You think. The height seems about right, though you didn’t expect a broad-shoulder, bare-chested blond in your kitchen. “Good morning.” You say softly as you shuffle inside, hearing him return that same greeting in a way-too-deep of a voice, standard of man who’s just woken up. “Go put a shirt on, this isn’t the beach.” You scold him, as you open the fridge, looking for the eggs. Your voice is as fierce as it usually tends to be with John. When he doesn’t reply, you look over at him, noticing his mask is missing. You assume John scolded him about it, how you’d likely be startled by seeing a masked man in the night. The look in Ghost’s eyes is unreadable, stern, unwavering, and eerily calm, as if he’s seeing through you. They flit over you, up and down, with a certain glint you can’t quite decipher. You straighten your back in the face of his look, portraying nothing if not confidence. Ghost leans against the counter, one hand holding his tea cup and sipping from it, the other resting on the counter to support his weight, before one of his eyebrows shoots up. “Nice night, huh?” He asks you and, immediately, you feel your entire confidence bleed out of you, your eyes widening like saucers. Of course he heard it… You’re sure all the lads heard you, especially considering John and you started right as they had gotten to their respective rooms to sleep, all of which were located in the same hallway as the master bedroom… It’d surprise you if they hadn’t… Hell, it’d surprise you if the neighbors across the way didn’t! The way John had you last night, crying out his name at the top of his lungs and making you apologise repeatedly for something you didn’t even do (on purpose) definitely leaked through the walls… Just like the shame you currently feel leaks through your pores. You turn away to fix your eyes on the fridge, too embarrassed to face him again after realizing he knows. Your brain rushes to find something to distract you, to hide what you feel… “Are you hungry?” You end up asking softly.
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lunamochii · 13 days
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you, me, our dreams.
cw ; thirdyear!hinata shoyo x f!reader, angst to fluff.
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Dating Shoyo is like throwing yourself into a tornado, you never know what will be the next spin off of your relationship. During the last years of highschool, your relationship have gone still, his more preoccupied now on trying to make his dreams come true.
But what about finding from other people that his going abroad after finishing highschool?
"One more lap!"
The voice of your coach reach your ears even though you've gone underwater and when you finally finish your training, you got out from the pool and excuse yourself from the team. Changing back to your uniform, the note you got earlier from your locker, in which you put on the pocket of your skirt fell down
'Let's have a date! See ya afterschool, babe.'
You don't feel the usual tingling sensation, not even the butterflies in your stomach. You hurriedly put on your uniform and grab your bag, waving to your teammates you finally exited the pool area and run from there to your house. It's not that far but it really got you gasping for air once you arrive at your doorstep
A hot bath always relaxes your mind and body everytime you get home and you know that you need it now.
After taking a bath you just blow dried your hair and throw yourself at your bed, by the time you close your eyes you are once again reminded on what you've heard hours ago that you wish you'll just forget
"Oh the memories!"
You stop at your tracks when you heard some familiar voices, peeking out from where you are. You can see the faces of some of the alumni of Karasuno Voleyball Team
"I'm so excited to see Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi! Hope those four didn't stress Hitoka-chan."
"You're such a worry rat Asahi! I mean, same. I will teach Kageyama what to do with his sign once he get popular!"
The three men laugh and you can't help but admire how strong their bond is. You transferred to Karasuno during second year and that's where when the voleyball team are at the top. It also didn't help that you are at the same class of Shoyo and Kageyama, you three became friends and they always invites you over to watch some of their practice match
Although your relationship with Shoyo went from friends to lovers, his a ray of sunshine that you can't help but want to get close. It was valentines day when he surprise you with chocolates and flowers, remembering the teasing face of Tsukishima and Kageyama seeing how Shoyo almost fumble his surprise
"Though is Hinata really sure of his plans after graduation?"
It was Sawamura who spoke and it got you more curious so you went a little closer to hear more better
'Shoyo's plans after graduation?' He never told you about it
"I know. Brazil is so far away! Our lil'tangerine really grew up huh."
"Never saw it coming."
Their voices slowly fades away as you ponder your mind on what you just heard, why didn't Shoyo told you? Is that why his always busy and away? Just why?
You were brought back to your senses when your phone suddenly vibrated, you forgot that you set it to silent mode. You look at the caller and frown seeing that it's Shoyo
"Hi babe! I think you didn't see the letter I put on your locker, just trying to be romantic, heh. Anyways! I'm at the gate waiting for you."
Hearing his cheery voice makes your heart clench, not in a joyous way but the most saddest way.
"I'm sorry, I went home already."
"Eh? Then I'll go-"
"Not today, Hinata."
That's a warning the moment he heard you call him by his last name, you never call him that on a daily basis except when you're not in the mood
"Did something happen? Are you okay?"
You bit your lower lip before answering him, suppressing your emotions
"I'm fine. Bye."
The call ended and it was just the start of you slowly drifting away from Shoyo.
Morning came and you arrived at the classroom earlier than usual, you also exited the room before Shoyo can even go up and talk to you. You also manage to avoid him during lunch and recess by going with your friends. Last but not the least, you always go home earlier than usual.
2 weeks later
You were about to go home when a text from Hitoka arrive stating that she needs to tell you something, she said that you're the only class president left who hasn't know about it yet because she couldn't catch you.
Arriving at the gym, you notice that there's no people and that maybe Hitoka left since her text was sent 20 mins after you finish your training
"I'll just- *slam*"
You quickly turn around but to be only greeted by a hug, the familiar scent and warm immediately let your body be at rest. You didn't move nor pat him on the back, you only stood still and just look down even after he break away from the hug
"You're killing me, y'know that? 2 weeks without hearing your voice, feeling your warm embrace. I miss everything about you, ____."
His hand touches your face but you refuse to meet his gaze because you know that the moment you lift your face, all the strong facade you've put up will crumble
"I'm just busy. The swimming tournament is just around the corner so I've been practicing."
He knows that's a lie, Shoyo just knows. He learn from your teammates that the tournament got push back to next month and that you're pushing yourself to your limits everytime you train
"Why are you lying?"
That irk you
"I'm not lying."
"Yes, you are! The tournament is on next month and that you're just extra training trying to avoid me."
That did it, you push him away from you
"So what? Not like you care, Hinata. We're both athletes so you know how important our sports to us."
Still, you kept your head hang low. Fuck, your tears are already pooling on your eyes and you just hope that your voice won't waver for a second
"But you're important to me too! Look, I know I'm not the best boyfriend but I think about you all the time! Not being near you these past few days is torture, ____."
You scoff and Shoyo heard it loud and clear, something's wrong and it's telling him to reach out to you or else you'll really slip away from him
"Think about me? What a joke! Ever since we became third years, our relationship have gone astray. We only meet each other once a week or maybe none!"
His not understanding a word you're saying and his heart is beating so fast
"We are adults now, we can make big decision without trying to consult or tell others about it, right?"
"What are you saying?"
Shoyo lift his hand to reach out to you but
"Don't touch me!"
He got taken back at the sudden raise of your voice, he also notice how you kept fiddling with your hands
"What I'm trying to say is, let's just break up!"
"No. No, you can't just say that."
Shoyo immediately grab your shoulders but you kept on pushing him
"Let go of me, Hinata!"
"I can't do that. Please, what's gotten into you?"
"Nothing, just let me go!"
"Saying we break up is not nothing!"
Using all your strength you manage to push him hard and he landed on the floor, his eyes studied your actions and saw how you balled your fist and when he was about to speak up, tears drip down from your face to the floor
"I'm nothing to you! You don't think of me! Aren't you glad that I'm breaking up with you?! It will be more easier for you to just forget about me and go to Brazil, right?!"
"Where did you-"
"I'm doing you a favor so please just forget about me, think nothing of me!"
You gasp when he stood up and pulls you in for a tight hug
"Shoyo, please!"
"I'm not letting you go. Never."
"I hate you! I hate you!"
You cried on to his arm that you didn't notice your shoulder getting wet from his own tears, you two stood at the center of the gym, crying. When you calmed down and stop resisting, he pulled away enough to get a closer look of your face, he tilt your face up and capture your lips for a sweet and long kiss.
"I hate you.." you said in between kisses "I know.." and he replied but that didn't make Shoyo pull away. He broke the kiss when he felt your hands on his back, he looks at you but you averted his gaze.
Shoyo pulled you towards the stage and he lifts you up effortlessly and made you sit on the stage floor. He place his arms on each side of your body as he captures your lips for a kiss again. This time, your hands started to play on his orange locks, you feel like drowning each time he moves his lips. You hate how much grip he has on you, but what you hate the most is knowing you'll never be the same once you two part ways
"Open your mouth for me.."
His now standing in between your thighs, one hand is place on your back while the other one is on the back of your neck. The deeper the kiss goes, the deeper you let yourself drown on to his love. When the both of you pulled away, a string of saliva appeared and you quickly cover your lips
"I planned to tell you that I'm going to Brazil the day I left the note on your locker. I guess you heard it from my teammates."
"No, not from your teammates. Didn't your seniors visited that day? I was passing by the gym when I heard them talk about it."
Shoyo hums and rest his head on the crook of your neck, his lips leaving soft feathering kiss there
"I love you, ____. I think about you all the time, every day and night. Even when I'm about to sleep, you're always on my mind. Not a day passes by where you're not included on my thoughts. I know that not telling you a little bit earlier of my plans is a bad move but it's because I'm also having trouble with it."
You softly stroke his hair and held hands with him, you miss being this close with him
"Mhm the thought of me leaving you all alone, the thought of me going somewhere where I'm away from the people I treasure, away from the person I love the most. It gives me so much pain, seeing your tears flow down from your cheeks while ago, it makes me want to back out from my own decision."
"No, I was being selfish. I want you to go after your dreams, I want you to shine more, Shoyo. I want the world to know just how good you are, I want to show the world what they're missing. Don't let my meaningless words and actions hold you back. Chase it, chase your dreams."
"But you're one of my dreams too. I want you to be at my side as I slowly reach the top. I want you near me. I want you to be there."
He cup your cheeks and kisses you lips which made you smile warmly and Shoyo couldn't help but fall even more harder
"And I will be there. I'm sorry for acting out of character. It was dumb of me."
"No, you're feelings are valid. If you were the one who did that to me, I'll have the same reaction."
You laugh softly and Shoyo kisses you once again, this time it's more full of his overflowing passion and desire for you.
"Stop pushing!"
"Fuck- I can't hear their voices."
"Guys we shouldn't be eavesdropping..."
"Tadashi is right guys!"
"The hell King! Move your ass!"
"What did you say Tsukishima?!"
"Stop it you two!"
You jolted away making you break away from the kiss and Shoyo let's out a annoyed sigh making you giggle and as soon the doors of the gym burst open and revealed Hitoka, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima and Kageyama.
"____, Hinata! Have you guys fix things up?"
Hitoka is the first one who spoke
"Just how long were you guys eavesdropping?" Shoyo ask
"When we heard ____ gasp for air." Kageyama answered
"What?!" You scream "Kageyama!" The setter look at his friends with annoyed expression, silently asking if what he said is wrong
"And that's why you can never have a girlfriend."
Tsukishima deadpans and that was the cue of them two bickering and you just can't help but shake your head. Shoyo squeezes your hand and you turn your head to look at him, he stole a quick kiss and press his forehead to yours
"I love you, ____."
"I love you too, Shoyo."
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likes, reblogs, comment are highly appreciated!🩷
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 months
🕶 with Barbatos please??👀 also yes on MC! (sorry for being specific, you can ignore it if you want but can it be directed at mc i'm not normal about Barb)
"I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide." - Barbatos/MC
content warning: blood, reference to torture/gore
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Barbatos has a reputation.
It is one that you remind yourself of at times, when you get lost in his sweet words and even sweeter treats. Those soft smiles, his ever-readiness to serve, his meticulous attention to detail so that things were always perfect for you – he would insist you had him wrapped around your finger, but sometimes you wonder if it truly isn’t the other way around.
After all, while you loved that side of him – one that few had the privilege to witness – you could not help but be intrigued by the part of him that reigned in the shadows. 
The part of him that delighted in the slow torture of a traitor. The part of him that could use a knife to cut up a bleeding-heart artichoke just as deftly as an actual bleeding heart. The part of him that could drive someone mad just by warping the space around him, damning them to experience eternity in a matter of seconds. 
Perhaps you were a bit too intrigued, your morbid curiosity having led you now to wander the dark halls of the Demon Lord’s Castle in search of him. He was supposed to meet you at the foyer earlier, but when the ever-punctual demon was nowhere to be found, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You wanted to see if you could catch the consistently composed butler off-guard, unprepared. 
A fool’s quest.
You pass an archway and stop in your tracks, swearing you heard a faint scream from down below. A metallic scent pervades, your stomach churning as you take a step, and then another, and yet another – slowly descending the stairs, unsure of what you’ll find at the bottom. 
It’s dimly lit, torches along the walls flickering with magic flames. Your eyes adjust, and your heart nearly skips a beat as you see Barbatos in the distance. You dive behind a wall, peering around the corner to observe. 
He seems to be talking to someone, though you can’t see who. A cell, you think, as you notice the iron bars gating certain areas. The light catches on an object in his hand, something silver, and you realize he’s cleaning it off with cloth. Your own hands fish out your D.D.D., opening the camera function to zoom in and get a clearer look.
He’s splattered with blood, standing in a pool of it. It’s a sight to behold, and you’re unable to tear your gaze away from him. Slowly, your finger goes to the capture button, taking a photo of the scene. You duck back into the passage, checking to see how the shot turned out – and chills run down your spine as Barbatos seems to be looking straight into the lens. 
“Tsk, tsk.” Gloved fingers tightly wrap around your wrist, forcing you to turn around to meet a dark gaze that you knew all too well. “I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide.” 
“B-Barbatos!” His name leaves your lips in a squeak. You don’t know how he got to you so fast, but you do know it’s better not to question it. “I-I’m sorry, you didn’t show up earlier and I got curious and wanted to look for you so I ended up down here and then I found you but I didn’t want to disturb you and –” 
He puts a halt to your rapid explanation with a single finger against your lips, his gaze softening. “I’m sorry, my dear. It’s not like me to forget or lose track of the time. I must make this up to you immediately.” He lets go of your wrist, examining you once over before taking a step back. “But first, I need to freshen up. Shall we go upstairs?” 
With a nod, you follow him back up to the brighter hallways of the castle, though he pauses once you’re at the landing. “...And what are you going to do with that photo?”
“Oh.” You can feel the warmth rush to your cheeks. “I, uh … just kind of wanted it for myself.”
“Is that so?” You can hear the amusement in his voice, see the way his lips twist into a smirk.  “Well, if that’s the case, I suppose I can let your little reconnaissance slide. Next time, however,” he leans in close, breath ghosting your ear. “Just ask.”
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lovelyhan · 10 months
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— 505 ⟢
i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck; or i did, last time i checked.
★ FEATURING; joshua x afab!reader
★ WORD COUNT; 3.4k words
★ TAGS; coworkers au, friends with benefits, typical gentleman in the streets sexual deviant in the sheets joshua, a hint of pining if you squint, slight angst?, smut (MINORS DNI)
★ NOTES; this specific picture of shua is years old but it incited the most visceral reaction out of me anyway so here we are with another short oneshot that sidetracked me from the monster that i'm SUPPOSED to be writing :| this also turned out a bit more emotional(?) than i originally intended, so heads up on that i guess
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★ SMUT TAGS; unprotected sex, shower sex, oral (f receiving), choking, slight dumbification (i'm sorry, i normally have more dignity than this but i miss him so so dearly)
★ PERMANENT TAGLIST; @cheolhub - @pretty-trustme - @just-here-to-read-01 - @idkmelkro - @dejavernon - @venusrae - @jyiiscool - @jiniesclub - @junhui-recs - @bldelaine - @featmia - @fruitzcup - @hoeforhao - @candidupped - @billboard-singer - @caratochan - @novalpha - @dahliatopia - @0717luv - @shiveringgaze - @toruro - @mixling-blog - @minnie-mouser22 - @homerunhansol - @mirtaspace - @ti-red - @zzucculent - @woozarts - @rubyreduji - @mozellerra - @lllucere - @cheolzip - @jjjzzzz - @lissiesykes - @jeonride - @meowmeowminnie - @colored-confetti - @partiallyinfluencial - @speaknowlwt - @flwrshwa - @lilylikesthat - @aurorahongg - @whippedforjihoon - @todorokiskitten - @immabecreepin
★ JOSHUA TAGLIST; @yoonzinoooo - @scandal-in-bohemia - @lunaryoongie
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Joshua arrives five minutes after the first clap of thunder and ten minutes after the rain started pouring outside.
You hear him before you see him. The automatic lock of the hotel room turns as he scans the spare keycard from outside — one that you made sure to leave with the receptionist in the lobby when he told you he'll be running a little late. When the door swings open, light spills from outside and he greets you with a smile that makes his eyes crinkle and your heart stutter.
It's the same look that makes your female coworkers swoon and giggle to themselves in the office pantry — talk about Joshua's adorable eye smile never straying too far from your ears.
If they knew what kind of person he was past the usual pleasantries, would they still engage in that kind of fanfare?
Joshua is soaked all over when he enters, having tracked rainwater all over the carpeted hallway and into the floor of Room 505. He doesn't seem all too fazed by it though — quickly shrugging off his coat before hanging it behind the flimsy plastic hooks screwed to the back of the door. He shuts it behind him with a kick, sighing through his teeth as he loosens the coil of a sushi-patterned necktie around his collar.
You got that one for him as an exchange gift for last year's Christmas party. Joshua uses it a lot more frequently than you expected him to. In fact, he always wears it during casual Fridays. You're not sure if he actually likes the stupid necktie or he's just trying to get a reaction out of you, but his choice to wear it isn't lost on you either way.
"Team dinners are really something else," Joshua chuckles as he tosses the flimsy material atop the complimentary dining table. He cards his fingers through his damp hair and you try not to think of how good he looks as he does it.
"You should've come with us. It's not often that you see Manager Yoon convince Jihoon to down a shot of soju. Oh, Seungkwan also got his ass handed to him at karaoke with the girls from sales. I had no idea Jihyo could hold her high notes like she means business."
You don't take a bite at his feeble attempt at small talk. He knows damn well why you don't show up to any of Jeonghan's team dinners, but you tell yourself that Joshua's just being polite — still thinking of the outcast of the marketing department despite the fact that you do not want anything to do with the people you work with.
...Although there are some exceptions here and there.
"Really? You're just going to give me the silent treatment all night?" Joshua sighs dramatically as he unbuttons his dress shirt — baring his rain-beaded chest to your unwitting gaze. "Well, if you need a bit more time, I'll go hop in the shower first. You're free to join me if you'd like."
He knows you won't, so you find it strange that he offers each and every time anyway.
You let your gaze wander to the full length mirror attached to the cabinets once the door to the bathroom clicks shut. There's nothing remotely special about your getup tonight. You're still donned in your work clothes — brick gray pencil skirt with a brick gray blazer to match. Apart from the heels sitting on the rack near the door, you're pretty much still in uniform.
You had half the mind to go home and change when Joshua said he's going to dinner and karaoke with your boss and some other colleagues, but that would mean you actually cared about what you looked like in front of him.
Which, for the record, you don't.
You can hear Joshua singing a familiar song in the bathroom — one that he always belts out in the most annoying way possible every time he showers. You wonder if he even knows any other song apart from that, but tell yourself you don't really have any business asking.
As the near-silence persists, however, your thoughts start to wander. Did he also sing this song when he was at karaoke earlier? Did he get to duet the high notes with Jihyo? You wouldn't put it past either of them to do so — being two of the company's renowned social butterflies.
That train of thought brings forth the same question you've been asking ever since the first night you shared this hotel room with Joshua and found him still lying beside you in the morning:
Why'd he choose you?
You're an in by nine and out by five unless there's paid overtime kind of employee. You never bothered establishing any worthwhile friendships in the workspace because you know better than to trust the backstabbing fiends in the corporate ladder. You're perfectly aware of what other people say about your individualistic behavior — how you're the worst team player in your department — but you never really cared.
Not until Joshua Hong inserted himself into your life.
To put it in the easiest way possible, he's the epitome of a perfect coworker. He's the guy that greets you every morning with an charming smile. The guy who drops by your cubicle to give you a coffee he made himself before saying you're doing a great job with that report you're putting together. The guy that everyone just adores simply because he's always been likable from the get-go.
That's the kind of person Joshua is — the exact opposite of you. Surely the jury won't condemn you for always questioning how you wound up spending your Friday nights fucking the man your entire department is basically in love with when you're so unlovable yourself.
Every time you try to recall how your transactional relationship with the company's unofficial sweetheart happened in the first place, your brain simply refuses to cooperate — memories muddled by a few pints of beer too many and an eye-crinkling smile that you're better off not rationalizing.
Besides, it's not like Joshua kisses and tells. Whatever happens in Room 505 stays in Room 505, and that's one of the many reasons why you haven't deigned to walk away from the setup altogether.
You meet up, he makes you feel good — makes you feel wanted — he cycles through whatever aftercare you might need, you fall a little more in love with him, then you both decide if you want to sleep in for a couple more hours or —
Did you just admit you're in love with him?
"Hm? Didn't think you'd actually hop in with me today."
Joshua's voice is clearly laced with amusement as you shut the door to the bathroom — cheeks hot with both the steam billowing from the shower and the embarrassment cloying in your chest. You had the foresight to take off your uniform at least, leaving you in an unassuming set of cotton underwear that makes Joshua lick his lips with anticipation.
You make a show of stripping the rest of your clothing before him — nothing but the glass door to the shower separating the both of you. It's nothing sensual, nothing grandiose. You simply take off everything that's keeping your body hidden from your nighttime lover's hungry eyes.
When you step into the warm drizzle of the showerhead, Joshua hums before reaching for a bottle of shampoo — squeezing just the right amount into his palm as he lathers the product into your scalp.
The gentleness weighted into his actions startles you a little — not having expected him to do something so...domestic. You came in here with the full intention of getting fucked against the bathroom wall, but the way he massages your scalp so tenderly makes you reconsider your course of action.
But no matter how much of a gentleman he acts around you, not even Joshua can do anything about his own body's physiological reactions.
You feel the length of his cock nestled against your ass, hips rocking back and forth as he stimulates himself into full hardness. A soft moan tumbles out of your lips when he squeezes some of the hotel-provided body wash all over your chest — large hands lathering the soap across your body all while paying special attention to your tits.
"You finally snapped out of it, sweetheart?" Joshua sighs before latching his mouth onto the thrum of your pulse, biting down for only a moment to get your attention. "Ready to take my cock like a good girl?"
The way he murmurs those last few words along the column of your throat makes your legs feel like they'll disintegrate at any moment. Joshua continues to murmur sweet nothings into your ear, helping you clean up properly first before actually trying anything.
You're not sure if you should be pissed off or endeared by his stalling, but by the time he's finally rinsed out all the suds from your heated bodies, you're more or less ripe for the taking.
"Brace your palms against the wall, pretty girl. Yeah, just like that." Joshua chuckles softly as he presses a kiss to your nape, lips traveling down the length of your spine until he's eye-level with your sopping cunt.
"God, I'll never get tired of looking at this pretty pussy. Been thinking about sinking my cock into you all fucking week," he practically growls. "You really knew what you were doing with that cute maroon skirt you wore the other day, weren't you? The one that kept riding up your thighs when you reached for something from the high shelves? Little fucking minx."
You mewl helplessly when you feel Joshua's tongue prodding your soaked folds — forcing you to press your cheek against the cold tile as he massages your ass gingerly.
Joshua does his best to keep you anchored, making sure you won't accidentally slip as he laves at the slick between your thighs. He has no problem doing just that — driving you to near insanity with how his tongue sucks and slurps at your cunt like it's the first meal he's had in days.
"S-Shua," you whimper pathetically, pushing your ass out for more friction. "You're eating me so good..."
Had you not been so quickly drowned in this haze of arousal, you would've exercised more restraint. Joshua normally has a hard time getting you to be more vocal whenever he makes you feel good, but you suppose that there's just something in the air tonight that makes it so easy to just surrender yourself to him.
You can feel the vibrations of his laughter along the millions of nerve endings on your clit as he traces it with the tip of his tongue — further incapacitating you from coherent thought. When he slips in a finger into your awaiting heat, you all but gasp into the steamy air of the hotel bathroom.
"You're so cute when you start calling me that," he coos without halting his ministrations — that sinful tongue darting out to tease and lick and stimulate as he eases in another thick finger into your gummy walls. "Wanna eat you out underneath your desk someday... Would you act as cute as you're acting right now if I did that?"
The prospect of having sweet, gentlemanly Joshua Hong on his knees for you under your work desk makes you tighten conspicuously around his fingers. From the sordid chuckle that leaves his lips, you're fairly certain that he's noticed.
"You like that, huh? You like it when I put my mouth on you? Make you feel so good, you forget about everything else?" he chuckles darkly, rising back to his full height without taking his fingers out of your needy cunt. "But we both know this is hardly enough for you, right sweetheart?"
You hate how he knows you so well.
Joshua spends about one minute max towel drying both of your bodies before he quite literally sweeps you off your feet. You let out a surprised shriek as he princess-carries you onto the bed — gently laying you on the undisturbed sheets before crawling on top of you like a predator circling its next meal.
"Wanna tell me why you were so out of it earlier?" Joshua murmurs as he nips at your jaw, the words followed by a crackle of thunder in the distance. He chuckles when you jolt in surprise before peppering your face with a collection of kisses that ends at the tip of your nose. "It's not the weather, is it? I remember that I literally fucked you in the middle of a storm last month."
"Quit running your mouth and just fuck me," you mumble, lacing your fingers around his nape before grinding up against his leaking cock. "I've waited for you long enough."
"Ahhh," he drawls with resounding epiphany, as if he'd just figured out some ancient secret. "So you were sulking because I took too long to get here? Don't worry, sweet thing, it won't happen again."
When Joshua leans close to your ear, his hot breath fans against your flesh — making your toes curl with quiet anticipation.
"The next time we meet in this room, I'll have you mounted on my cock the moment you come through the door."
Joshua doesn't bother with foreplay or any sort of preamble. He simply guides his cock into the give of your entrance, sinking his length so deep, you can feel him in your stomach.
"Fuck," you whimper, fingernails seeking purchase across the rippling muscles of Joshua's back. He doesn't quite move yet — letting you get used to the stretch like he always does.
"Pretty pussy's so fucking tight around me," he groans. "Did you need me this badly? 'm sorry for making you wait so long, sweetheart. If I had known, I would've ditched karaoke and made you feel good as soon as I could."
Empty words uttered in the throes of passion — you're well aware that's all they are. Yet Joshua has no trouble making your heart flutter with the sentiment anyway.
"J-Joshua," you manage to gasp as you feel his girth throb inside you. "Please move... Need it. Need it so bad, please."
You're on the brink of tears with how desperate you are for mind-numbing release, but amidst your mounting delirium, Joshua sighs a little too endearingly before pressing a long, hard kiss on your lips.
"Anything for you, pretty girl."
He eases himself into you slowly at first — making sure you feel every ridge of his cock dragging along your tight walls. Joshua particularly feels smug when your eyes roll to the back of your head, addicted to the way his cock is splitting you open.
It's only when you start to loosen up that he picks up the pace, strong hands gripping your thighs as he pounds into you. The squelch of your arousal echoes within the walls secluding you from the rest of the world.
When Joshua hoists your hips higher before hooking the back of your knees across his shoulders, you knew it was all over for you.
Admittedly, you don't remember the first time you've had sex with him anymore. Or the second. Or the third. You've had each other so many times in so many ways that every instance kind of just blends into the next — painting a messy caricature of all the illicit meetings you've had with your nighttime lover.
But you don't care if it's messy. You don't care if it's strange. At the end of the day, you're comforted by the fact that all these experiences you shared with him are irrevocably yours.
Even if you can't really say the same for Joshua himself.
He stirs the pot of your arousal with practiced ease. Joshua stares at you like you're the most precious thing he's laid eyes on before letting one of your legs fall back on the mattress.
Your lover trades the depth of his thrusts for enough leeway to flatten his thick fingers across your throat — making you bleat with expectation as he presses down just enough to make you feel lightheaded. He hisses when he feels your velvet walls clamp tighter around his cock, further informing him that he's on the right track.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he laughs breathlessly — his gorgeous face the only thing you can see. "You'll let me do anything to you, won't you? All I gotta do is fuck you stupid and you'll take everything I give."
At this point, you're too far gone to even deny a word he says. "Mmmm... Your cock feels too good, Shua. 'M so close already. You'll finish inside me, won't you? Make both of us feel good?"
"Dumb little princess couldn't even answer my question," Joshua chuckles before making a particularly harsh thrust that jostles you further up the mattress. "Of course I'll finish inside this pretty pussy. It's all mine, isn't it?"
"Uh-huh," you mewl as Joshua's fingers tighten around your throat again, making your toes curl with unadulterated glee. "My pussy's all yours, Joshua. All fucking yours."
He chuckles again, fingers climbing up to your jaw until Joshua is able to prod his thumb against your bottom lip. You respond in earnest, suckling at the digit as he rails you into the mattress. There's no longer any room for intelligible thoughts — lost in the sea of pleasure that Joshua choose to drown you in every time you come together like this.
"Close, close, close," you practically sob, thighs winding around his hips as you bring him impossibly closer to you. "Shua, I'm gonna cum. Please, I need to cum. I need you—"
"You already have me, sweetheart," he laughs breathlessly yet full of intent that you're too fucked out to notice.
"You'll always have me."
That's what does you in. That's what always does you in — his sweet words, his tender gaze.
As much as the pleasure he gives with each drive of his cock into your battered cunt sends you to cloud nine, nothing makes you fall apart harder than the thought that maybe Joshua Hong is capable of loving you back.
Because how can he stare at you with so much adoration in his eyes if he doesn't actually love you at all? How can he keep meeting you like this in secret if there's no hidden agenda behind it?
But when all's said and done, you come back to your senses. Your rose-tinted gaze fades back into the darkness of Room 505.
Joshua is still beaming at you like you're the only person that matters to him on this entire earth. But you know damn well that he'd never smile at you the same way once you're out of the four corners of this room.
That's just the way things are.
As you pick off your clothes from the floor of the bedroom and the bathroom alike, Joshua stirs from where he momentarily passed out on the mattress — bleary eyes observing your every move as his brows furrow together.
"You're leaving?" he murmurs sleepily. "But it's raining outside. We should stay until it stops at least."
Hesitating for a moment, you stare at the bundle of rumpled clothes in your arms as Joshua practically tells you to go back to bed.
You know it's for the best if you don't lay back down beside him. The distance keeps you grounded — anchored to the truth that beyond these weekly trysts you share together, you and Joshua are nothing but civil colleagues at most.
He isn't your lover. He isn't even your friend.
But a stubborn part of you believes that maybe if he breaks you apart and puts you back together again, you'll be a different person. Someone who can keep up with his outgoing lifestyle. Someone he'll have no problem showing off to his friends and fellow coworkers.
But, really, when have things ever turned up daisies when it comes to you and Joshua Hong?
"Fine," you mumble, dropping your clothes in a heap next to the sushi necktie that looks more worn out now that you're seeing it up close.
You make a mental note to buy him a few more once the Christmas sales start coming around again.
"You coming to cuddle before we sleep or what?"
Joshua stares at you sleepily and expectantly from the bed, even patting the vacant space between him for added effect. If only those girls swooning at him in the office pantry could see him now...
Too bad what happens in Room 505 stays in Room 505.
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⟢ end notes: finished this at 3:05 am with zero proofreading dedicated to it <3 if you spot any mistakes, they're not really mistakes since they're all crucial contenders in the creation process <333
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stinmybubs · 2 months
"I want you."
AN: Hi hi! I haven't ever really posted on tumblr because I'm so obsessed with reading lol, but I just decided to say fuck it and write wtv I think of.
18+!! Please be advised there will be mature content! Minors I cannot control you but DNI if you do see this, thank you so much!
AFAB! Reader! x Bakugo Katsuki
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Bakugo is a hothead, we all know this as a fact. Getting close to him wasn't that easy, you found him a bit annoying because of his constant yelling every time someone tried to be nice to him.
You never considered Bakugo Katsuki as your type, maybe Kirishima, Midoriya, a little bit of Denki, hell Mina sure was up your alley. But the way you saw the hot headed boy changed a bit overtime, it was his calmness. He never really got out of line unless provoked or wanted to show off a bit. Which you found awfully cute.
It was the little things. Noticing how he treated those he kept around him, just the cute ways he'd refuse to make eye contact with people especially when he was embarrassed.
Sooner or later you found yourself staring at him more often, noticing how beautiful he was, yeah beautiful...but also how awfully hot he was. His biceps, chest, arms, legs, everything was just so ugh. The way he looked in tank tops just made you drool.
AN: Okay okay I'm getting off track of actual head cannons I am so sorry its been so long.
B Katsuki He notices how you stare, and cant say he hates the attention you give him, of course he loves it. He revels in it.
B Katsuki You never noticed, but he always kept an eye on you. Not only was he too afraid to speak to you but he knew you didn't see him in a good way. I mean you made it pretty obvious from the beginning and by the way you used to look at him. He was never too good at properly talking to someone. Especially people he liked. So he started with small things, trying to be calmer even though everything everyone said was stupid. He just wanted you to like him, but he didn't know if you ever will.
B Katsuki When he noticed the staring, his heart skipped. It made him nervous and he never knew where to look. But now, its time to show off even more knowing you're watching. He tried looking over from time to time to see your reaction to what he was doing, did you like it? But one time he saw you looking everywhere but his face and the smirk on his face when he found out...his ego inflated so much that day.
B Katsuki The worst part of trying to drop hints at Bakugo was hot but frustrating, the way you'd purposely bend over in his line of sight, or the way you'd purposely unbutton your shit whenever it was "hot." But the fucker never even looked your way or said anything.
B Katsuki Oh he noticed, he noticed your little tease. And how he longed to touch you. But what pissed him off about you doing this was how the other boys could see this, especially on one particular day.
Class 1-A decided to collectively work out together, especially try to motivate the non-athletic classmates. Your workout clothes weren't that different from the rest of the girls, a tank top and some work out shorts. You and the girls were kind of slacking off until Bakugo came over yelling for you guys to stop fooling around and actually work out or in his words. " Leave ya' takin up space." And with that the giggling was over.
"Ugh..." You groaned, leaning against a wall to regain your energy. You quickly grabbed the small towel you had resting on the bar while you were attempting to bench press, wiping the icky sweat from your forehead and chest.
"Eugh, water...need.." This time you weren't even attempting to be a tease, you just wanted some fucking water. You bend over to check the time on your phone, lowering your head with a hand on the wall, resting your eyes with a sigh.
"Ugh...we've been here for only 30min." You sigh, lifting yourself back up and stretching your back. Not realizing the fuming Katsuki staring at you.
"Oi' fuckers I didn't say you can stop workin' out!"
Bakugo yelled, noticing a handful of guys staring at you. Denki, mineta, Kirishima, and Sero. Now he's pissed.
AN: Uhhh, this turned out to be wayyyy more than headcannons. Safe to say that this is going to have a pt.2! Yay my first 2 parter! I cannot write long stories so :3 Oh! I am recently getting back into writing so I am very sorry if the grammar is horrid and the story sucks it was off the top of my head as I wrote, no pre-plan, no nothin. I am very sorry! But thank you for reading. <3
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moonstruckme · 6 months
hope ur having a delightful break bb, lord knows you deserve it!!! <3 i've got a little request for you whenever you're back, if you're interested in writing it - i would love to see poly!marauders with a reader who's high and giggly and they're lightly teasing/they think it's cute!! either way, i'm sending my love and hugs and kisses to u!!! <33
Combined this with: hi lovely !! i hope you’ve had an amazing day/night <33 if you haven’t already (i’m sorry if you did, ignore this if you have !), can you write a poly!marauders x fem reader who loves sea animals and the boys decide to take her to an aquarium? Thank you both for requesting, hope this is alright <33
cw: weed
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 770 words
Sirius is fairly sure this is the best idea he’s ever had. And he will be expecting full credit. 
Your eyes are giant and filled to the brim with wonder as you stare into the tank, your face awash in a blue glow that shifts with the water. 
“A flamboyant cuttlefish,” you murmur, seemingly to yourself. 
Behind you, James squeezes Remus’ hand playfully. “You’re my cuttlefish,” he whispers. Remus groans. 
Sirius follows your gaze. “Oh, that thing is ugly.” 
“Don’t say that!” You reach back without turning around, smacking his chest lightly with the back of your hand. Your face is split into the same grin that has hardly wavered since the gummy you’d taken first kicked in. “They can change colors whenever they want. You’re totally jealous.” 
“And yet it’s chosen shit brown.” 
James releases Remus’ hand to come and crouch beside you, tracking the fish’s movements with dilated pupils. “Is that why it’s flamboyant?” he asks you.
You hum happily. “When they’re threatened, they shift colors and move their fins. They’re also highly toxic. So,” you shoot your boyfriend an impish look, “just like Sirius.” 
James’ laughter is booming. He takes on the role of your protector, sticking out an arm to ward Sirius off when the other boy grabs for you. Remus shushes them both, shooting apologetic looks towards irritated-looking aquarium patrons. 
“Where do you learn all this stuff, dove?” he asks you at a more polite volume. “TV?” 
Your grin turns sheepish. James makes heart eyes at you, thumbing at the dimple in your cheek. “Would it make you feel better if I said I read it in a study?” 
“A bit, yeah.” 
“Too bad.” 
You erupt in giggles at your own joke. James tries to catch you when you tip backwards, but instead the both of you go down, your laughter worsening. 
“Jesus,” Remus murmurs, shaking his head. He’s doing a poor job hiding his own amusement, though, the scar across his lip stretching as he suppresses a smile. 
Sirius snickers as he crouches in front of the two of you. “Having fun?” 
“Yeah.” Your grin is lopsided. Dopey. “Thanks for sharing with me. I feel nice.” 
“Anytime, gorgeous.” 
“I really like weed.” 
“Alright,” Remus steps in, hooking his arms under your and James’ armpits to haul you both up, “let’s quiet down about that, love. Go back to looking at the fish.” 
“Oh!” you gasp and point. “That one looks just like you, Siri!” 
Sirius is about done with this game, he thinks as he stands to peer into the glass. His mouth puckers in distaste. “Thanks,” he stretches out the vowels, making his insincerity heard. 
“No, no.” You throw yourself into his side cajolingly. He pretends to ignore you, and you hang off his arm, laughing. “Baby, it’s because it has fine features and it’s, like, glowy. See?” 
 “It’s a fish,” Remus points out. 
James squints, nose nearly touching the glass. “I think I kind of see it,” he says. You nod eagerly. “Why does this fish have cheekbones? Do they usually?” 
You shake your head, looking somewhat flummoxed. There’s a cute crinkle between your brows. Remus looks at you curiously. 
“Do you know what kind that is?” he asks you. 
You frown. “I don’t.” 
“Okay,” he says, taking your hand to go to the signs bordering the tank, “let’s find out.” 
Sirius is a tad jealous as you lean into Remus’ front, playing with his fingers, but Remus won't be diverted. He scans the placards until he finds it. 
“Here, it’s a flashlightfish,” he says quietly. You make a satisfied humming sound, leaning forward to scan the information with eager eyes. “Flashlightfish prefer to stay out of the sun,” Remus reads, “hiding in deeper reef waters during the day. They have small bean-shaped pockets under either eye which are filled with billions of symbiotic bacteria that emit a biochemical light.” Sirius lets the words filter in one ear and out the other, but you’re rapt. Your wide eyes shift from the placard to the fish itself, watching as its light winks in and out. “This light is used to evade predators as well as for a visual Morse code to attract mates and communicate within schools of fish.” 
Sirius watches as the two of you stand there for a minute, Remus’ arms slung loosely over your front as blue light from the tank dances over you both. 
“You could do audiobooks,” you tell Remus. Your voice is chock full of sincerity. “You’ve got the voice for it.”
He chuckles, setting his chin on your head fondly. “You think so?”
“Thanks, dove.” 
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xpao-bearx · 1 year
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 2 HERE
Read Part 3 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
SUMMARY: Steven Grant has come to the devastating conclusion that he was fated to be single forever. Marc didn't care for romance, Jake was only interested in one-night stands, and Steven was--well...Steven.
But when you started working alongside him at the museum's gift shop--a pretty girl younger than him with a bright smile and a cloying kindness he hasn't been the recipient of in a long time--he begins to think that maybe romance is in the cards for him.
Especially when you are just as awkward as him and sinfully lovely.
AKA "the man without love" falls for "the virgin".
RATING: 18+ minors please do NOT interact!!! This fic will contain romance, smut, and generally mature content (though not ALL parts will have explicit smut).
NOTES: I recently rewatched Moon Knight and have been in the mood to write my own fic after reading countless of amazing ones on here, then outta the blue Madonna's song Like A Virgin got stuck in my head and it got me thinking "Huh... This song is cute for Steven if he gets a girlfriend. ACTUALLY WAIT A DAMN MINUTE IT COULD FIT ALL THE MOON KNIGHT BOYS"
And so... Tada! Here's le result~ Although I'm still working out the details, this fic will have ✨️6 PARTS✨️ This fic will PROBABLY be quite self-indulgent, and at times the way the reader is written could be a bit similar to an OC. I'm so sorry if that is the case, but please understand that I'm writing this for fun and I'm just going with the flow!
Some things will also be different from the show. For example, all the boys are actually aware of each other in this fic. I try to stick as close as possible to the source material, but hey this is my fic and like I said I just wanna have fun 😂
Thank you sooo much and I sincerely hope you enjoy!! Likes, comments, and reblogs are STRONGLY encouraged and appreciated so please don't be a silent reader!
Now... Join me as I hopelessly thirst over this RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous man both in fiction AND reality \(^o^)/
Part 1: Didn't know how lost I was until I found you
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Steven willed his legs to go faster, pushing through London's usual busy morning crowd and into the museum he was cursed to work at. Clutching his bag in one hand, and the other holding his small thermos of coffee as he prayed to any Egyptian god listening that Donna wouldn't catch him this time.
But, of course, the only Egyptian god within Steven's vicinity was Khonshu. And the old bird only cared about how his Moon Knight was upholding his duties as his "Fist of Vengeance", not of his Avatar's petty human responsibilities such as "keeping a job".
"Late again, eh, Stevie?" Donna's annoying voice mocked Steven, pausing in his tracks as he sighed deeply and begrudgingly turned towards his boss.
"Sorry, Donna." He shot the blonde a forced smile, his grip on his thermos tightening. "Got stuck in traffic. You know how it is, yeah?"
"I wouldn't because unlike you, Stevie, I'm never late." Donna returned his fake smile along with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, enough chatter. You've got someone working with you at the gift shop from now on. Maybe this way you won't be late, yeah? Teach her how to actually sell some bloody candy."
Steven opened his mouth to retort, but was quickly cut off when his new co-worker--you--stepped out from behind Donna. You were younger than him, around your twenties, and you were such a shy little thing with your head slightly ducked down. Your E/C eyes peeked out from behind the glasses framing your delicate features, long lashes fluttering as you flashed him a sweet smile. Your fingers fiddled nervously with the pink midi skirt you wore, matching the dainty pink ribbons that tied your H/C hair in two low pigtails.
Your smile faltered as your gaze met Steven's dark brown ones. He remained silent, mouth hanging agape as he stared at you as if you grew two heads. Your eyes lowered, heart threatening to burst right out of your poor chest.
Did you do something wrong? Maybe you should've ditched the ribbons, you looked ridiculous, right? Why was he staring at you? Oh, god, why was such a HOT guy staring at you?!
"Hello, uh, I'm Steven Grant." Your head snapped up, witnessing the twist of Steven's lips into a kind albeit awkward smile that accompanied a friendly little wave. "Steven..." He seemed to be rethinking his words before, ultimately, the dorky side of him won. "...with a V."
A smile once again bloomed across your face, feeling more at ease this time. "Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. With anxiety!" You chirped the latter a little too cheerfully, a light blush dusting your cheeks as you inwardly slapped yourself. No, punched yourself. "O-Oh, uh, I-I didn't mean that! I-I mean, no, it was just a joke--but a really BAD one, oh god--"
As you rambled nonsensically, Donna arched a judgmental brow at you before noticing the utterly smitten expression on Steven's face as he watched you with a huge goofy grin. Now both of Donna's eyebrows were raised to her hairline before she slowly backed away, leaving you two to fend for yourselves.
At least this time, though, Steven wouldn't be late anymore.
'She's so...'
'Weird.' Marc piped up in Steven's head.
'Amusing.' Jake snickered.
'...lovely.' Steven finished, eyes gleaming the same way it does for Egyptology as he continued to look at you as if you hung the moon in the sky.
He adored you instantly.
It's been two months since you started working at the museum's gift shop. During that time, you and Steven got closer. He discovered that you were a college dropout, reaching a stressful breaking point one day and deciding to just work for the meantime before figuring the rest of your life out. And as it turns out, you weren't so shy after all; once you were out your shell, you were just as big of a dork as Steven was and whenever you two were together, your shift passed by quickly--too quickly.
From the very first moment, you and Steven got along splendidly. He was a complete sweetheart and it always shattered your heart whenever Donna harassed him with any snarky and insensitive remarks.
Steven was used to it so he didn't mind it too much. What he wasn't used to, though, was you. You who was always so kind, lending a listening ear whenever he went on a passionate tangent regarding Egypt and even encouraging him on his dream of becoming the museum's tour guide. You who always graced him with a genuine smile that reached your ears, eyes sparkling whenever you see him as if he was your favourite art piece in the entire museum.
You who always made his heart race, palms sweaty, mind swirling without fail.
You had an intense crush on Steven--a longing, really--but what you didn't know was that he felt the same about you. But perhaps it was more than that. He practically worshipped the ground you walked on, and it certainly didn't miss Donna's unexpectedly sharp eyes. She'd tease him whenever you left earlier than him, looking like a kicked little puppy as his gaze trailed after you.
Today was no different as he stared helplessly at you, and it was a wonder you didn't feel the invisible daggers boring into you. There were only ten minutes left before you were done for the day and you both were stuck in inventory, but for once in his life he loved doing inventory and he desperately wished that this incredible moment with you, alone, would last forever.
'You're so fucking pathetic, ese.' Jake echoed in Steven's mind.
Nowadays Jake was becoming more vocal, at least when you're around. Marc, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped. The mercenary would much rather have absolutely nothing to do with you at all costs.
'Shut up, mate.' Steven silently argued, brows furrowing as his eyes finally broke away from you and focused on organizing some Taweret plushies.
'Only saying the truth, ese. You've got her all to yourself and the only thing you can think of is that you wish this time would last forever?' Jake scoffed. 'Be a man and step the fuck up. You know you want to, especially with the way she looks today.'
Steven's burning gaze was right back on you, eyes darkening slightly. He hated to admit it, but Jake was right. You were always so pretty, but something about today made you look that much more.
You always dressed modestly, but with the weather warming up lately you opted for a black pleated skirt that fell just above your knees and a tucked in short sleeved yellow blouse with the top few buttons undone exposing the tiniest bit of your cleavage. You also wore matching yellow heels that perfectly accentuated your legs and it made him feral.
"Steven? Are you okay?"
His eyes met yours and a smile instantly curled up his lips, nodding his head as if he wasn't just ogling you like a total perv. "Yes, I just zoned out. Sorry, love." Ugh, the way he called you 'love' so casually had you swooning.
If only he actually meant it.
You nodded back, shoving your thoughts away and returning his smile before glancing towards a portrait. "A shame what they did to this, huh?"
Steven curiously followed your line of sight, seeing a portrait of the Ennead.
"Whoever did this made a major blunder. Isn't the Ennead supposed to have nine gods, not seven?"
"YES!" You flinched slightly at Steven's exclamation, whipping your head towards him only to see him with the cutest blush ever.
"Erm, s-sorry, uh..." Steven cleared his throat, sheepishly running a hand through his unruly locks. "I just got excited. I'm surprised you knew that. Not a lot of people do--or care."
"Well, I happen to know a fantastic teacher always talking about Egyptology." You giggled, grinning at him. "And thanks to him, he's caused me to become interested in it myself and do my own research."
"Really?!" The way his eyes lit up felt as if an arrow was shot straight to your heart, and if you didn't have any self-control you would've dropped to your knees and asked--begged--this gorgeous man to marry you right then and there. "Any particular god or goddess that you're most interested in?"
"Hmm..." You pursed your lips thoughtfully, and Steven had half a mind to kiss them senseless. "I'd have to say Khonshu."
'GOOD ANSWER. KEEP HER, WORM.' Khonshu's thundering voice suddenly boomed in Steven's head.
"She's not a dog, you stupid pigeon." Steven grumbled, rubbing his temples exasperatedly.
"Hm? Did you say something?"
"Nothing!" Steven answered quickly, forcing out a laugh. "Err, why Khonshu?"
"Well, I really like Astronomy!" You beamed. "And I find the moon to be one of the most beautiful things in our universe, so it feels fitting for my favourite Egyptian god to be Khonshu."
Despite Steven's distaste (to put it nicely) for the old bird, he could never find your response as such. Not when you looked so happy and comfortable sharing your interests with him, even though he did disagree with just one thing you said.
The moon doesn't even come close to being one of the most beautiful things this universe boasts. No, not when you existed.
The alarm on your wristwatch cruelly popped the blissful little bubble you both were in, you turning it off as you saw that it was the end of your shift.
A regular person would be over the moon that they were finally free from their corporate prison, but not you. Not when you wished you could spend more time with Steven.
"Well..." Your voice was nothing more than a whisper, a pout forming on your lips. "Guess it's time for me to go home."
"It appears so..." Steven mumbled, his heart sinking to his stomach as he watched you put away the remaining items you were in charge of.
'It's now or never, Steven. Do something.' Jake urged.
'Do WHAT?'
'Fucking Christ, you're hopeless.' Jake sighed frustratedly, Steven's eyes rolling to the back of his head and his shoulders slumping. After a few seconds, he straightened up once more and approached you.
You were faced away from Steven, and you were having difficulty setting the final box of souvenirs you had on a shelf when Steven's hands reached from behind you and easily lifted them.
Your breath hitched, feeling his broad chest pressed against your back. He was so close you could feel his warm breath tickling the nape of your neck, making you gulp.
"T-Thank you, Steven..." You murmured meekly, feeling so small as he had you completely caged. You tried to turn, but his hands suddenly dropped to your hips; keeping you in place with a gentle but firm grip.
"You look so pretty today, Y/N." He leaned down, voice deliciously low as his lips ghosted just beneath your ear and a shiver ran down your spine. "But I think you can look even prettier. How 'bout tomorrow you dress all nice, and we can meet up around seven p.m. and have the best steak in town?"
Your thoughts were all jumbled up. Was this really happening or just another one of your silly fantasies? Where the hell did Steven get this sudden confidence from?
And, perhaps you were just imagining it, but he sounded...different. Not quite like the Steven you knew. He had an accent, but not the one you've gotten so familiar with and loved.
But the ache in your heart--and another part of you--was much too strong to bear. You've waited so long for this, dreamt of this, and it was finally coming true.
You definitely made the right decision to dress the way you did today and you sure as hell weren't going to let go of such a grand opportunity.
"I-I'd love to, but..." You placed your hands on top of his own still on your hips, and you wondered if he can tell just how embarrassingly sweaty your palms have gotten. "I...I know you're a vegan, Steven, so let's go somewhere else. There's a new restaurant that just opened and they've got vegan options. Um, y'know, if it's okay with you..."
The corners of his mouth tugged up into a smile and he couldn't stop himself as he nuzzled his face against the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply and revelling in your addicting scent.
"Perfect." He then spun you both around so that his back was against the shelf, but you still couldn't see him. His fingers slowly, teasingly trailed upwards along your stomach before reaching your blouse's breast pocket, slipping off your name tag and putting it in one of your hands. "I'll see you tomorrow, hermosa." He chuckled huskily, giving you a light push.
You were utterly dazed, cheeks flushed and stumbling in your steps slightly as you exited the room.
'What the bloody hell was THAT?!' Steven panicked.
"What do you think, ese?" Jake scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I just scored you a date."
'Well, I hope you're happy! Y/N looked so shocked!'
"I feel like a million dollars and Y/N looked like she liked it." Jake snickered. "Quit whining like a bitch and just be grateful, Steven. And hey, she even chose some hippie vegan place for you. Doesn't that prove she's into you?"
That immediately shushed Steven, and Jake can feel that despite Steven's complaining Steven was very much overjoyed and was already overthinking the date for tomorrow.
Jake looked down his hands, still remembering the soft curve of your hips even through your clothes and smirked.
You won't be wearing any for long now.
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munsons-melody · 6 months
eddie’s girl
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summary: you catch steve singing about you even though you’re dating eddie
pairing: boyfriend!eddie x female!henderson!reader, little bit steve x reader (?)
cw: implications of sex but that’s about it
recommended song: jessie’s girl by rick springfield
word count: 2.1k
a/n: been meaning to write this for a while and i finally got around to it :) not really proofread, and of course feedback is always welcome :)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"tell me again why we need to drop by harrington's" eddie asked with a bit of annoyance
you chuckled at his attitude and continued to flip through the new magazine robin bought that you asked to borrow
"because i left my science textbook at school and was sick the day i needed to bring it home and steve has a copy i can borrow since we're in the same class" you explained nonchalantly
to be honest, you kinda liked the fact he was kinda jealous over you and steve's friendship, it meant he cared, not just about you but about your relationship
but you also knew that he was smart enough to know that you are his and no one else's
"can't you just miss one assignment? i'm sure miss whoever teacher is won't care" eddie said, crawling into your bed next to you and pulling you into his arms causing a giggle to emit from your lips and you held onto the magazine
"it's mr. peters, you know that, babe you had him last year" you squealed as you felt his hands move down your sides
"oh did i? i can't remember i was too busy watching your gym class outside" he said in a flirtatious tone, kissing your neck
"that sounds just a tad creepy" you told him and he laughed
"well i meant that it a bit distracting to pay attention to his boring lectures when you were outside on the track running in those shorts" he said again, and pressed a kiss to the side of your collarbone
"well i don't have the luxury of staring off while he's talking about gametes and zygotes" you laugh, pushing your self up and attempting to leave eddie's firm grasp
"oh honey you don't have to make up words to cover up the fact you're thinking about me in class" he said with a hint of surliness in his voice, propping himself up on one elbow as he watch you roll off the bed and start to slip on your pants
"eds cmon, seriously i need to get that textbook so i can pass this stupid assignment so i know the answers to the stupid quiz we have to take" you told him with a huff after you finished putting on your jeans and throwing your sweater over your t shirt
"okay babe, but we're stopping to get burgers on the way home since i'm starving" he said throwing his dio shirt over his very beautiful physique
"sounds like a perfect plan" you said with a smile as he walked over and kissed you before he grabbed his keys and started to walk to his shoes
"you know i had been craving a chocolate milkshake so i'm very excited" you told him as you put on your shoes
"wow it's like we've been together for almost a year and we know each other a little too well to the point where we can practically read each others minds" eddie said with a sarcastic smirk and you playfully rolled your eyes
"wow really i hadn't known" you replied back with a mocking tone
the two of you walked out to eddie's van parked in the drive way and got in, and he started the engine
the radio came on at full volume causing the two of you to jump as eddie quickly turned it down, forgetting that he left it on last night on his drive over to your house
"jesus sorry about that" eddie said with wide eyes as he started to drive
"it's okay" you giggled, your heart finally calming down
the two of you drove to steve's house which took at least a good 10 minutes
before you knew it, you were pulling into steve's driveway
the last time you and steve talked you told him you'd be over at 6 to get his spare copy of the textbook and you hoped he didn't forget, but seeing his car in the driveway put your worry at ease
eddie put the car in park and you looked at him with soft eyes, "thank you for driving" you said sweetly, as you put your hand on his cheek and it looked like he was going to melt under your touch
"always babe" he said with a soft smile back
he kissed you softly and slowly, leaving a permanent smile on your face as you exited his car and walked to steve's front door
you knocked a couple of times but had no answer, you looked back to see eddie fiddling with some magazine he had laying in the car and noticed steve's car was the only one in his driveway besides eddie's
you heard music coming from inside so you knew he was home and decided to head in, yelling a "hello!", hoping he would hear you over the music
you walked up the stairs and went down the hall to where steve's room was located
the familiar tune of 'jessie's girl' rang through his speakers and the shower running, with steve's voice coming through his bathroom door
you headed into his room, immediately seeing the book on his desk and you figured you'd leave him a quick note and take the book so you can get home and start studying as soon as possible
you started to turn down the speakers so you wouldn't go deaf when suddenly you heard steve belting out to the song but as you started to giggle you heard him change the original lyrics
"Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know, I wish that I had
Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Like Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman-
Where can I find a woman like that?"
if it was any other song, hearing his voice crack while attempting to scream out the notes would've made you laugh and you definitely would've made fun of him with it but you stood there baffled
that was until the shower cut off and you heard movement on the other side of the door, and you quickly picked up one of his pens and started writing on a note pad
steve opened up the door to the bathroom and saw you standing at his desk, hunched over scribbling away
"oh shit hey" he said, padding over to his dresser to grab some clothes, his towel hanging low around his waist
you turned to steve, trying to keep your cool
"oh hey, sorry you didn't hear me knock so i let myself in and i was just going to leave you a note and take the book cause i really have to get to studying" you admitted, putting the pen down
he nodded and you picked up the book, folding yours arms around it and pressing it against your chest
"you know your speakers are very loud" you said in an effort to break the tension and steve chuckled
"yeah well i gotta hear it through the door" he smiled and you nodded
"well i better get going, eddie's waiting for me" you admitted and he nodded
"eddie's here?" he questioned
"yeah he drove me over, we're going to study tonight" you told him and you could see an expression in his eye shift, but you couldn't see to what
it was almost a mix of jealously and sadness but you didn't want to jump to conclusions
"oh well good luck with your studying, i don't want to keep you waiting too long" he said with a small smile and you nodded
"thank you again steve, you're the best" you told him with a small smile and headed out of his room, down the stairs and back to eddie's van
he noticed you walking and threw whatever magazine he had in his hand and tossed it behind him, starting the car back up as you hopped into the passenger seat
"got it?" he asked as he started to reverse
"yep!" you told him as you fixed your seatbelt
"good, now my smart babe can study to be even smarter" he said with a smile as he started back to your house
the drive was a little too quiet for eddie's liking but to be fair, you were thinking about steve and the fact he was singing about you?
you'd never thought of steve in that way and didn't know how to feel if it's true that he does like you
"everything okay pretty girl?" eddie asked, gently putting his hand on your thigh and you moved to look at him, nodding
"yeah just tired, maybe you and i can skip studying and just cuddle?" you asked and he smiled
"of course baby" he said, sliding his hand up your thigh a little higher
"your parents aren't home right?" he asked and you rolled your eyes, putting the pieces together
"eddie baby, does this have to do with the magazine you were looking at earlier?" you cocked an eyebrow
"uh no..." he trailed off as you leaned over the seat and picked up the magazine, looking at the cover
"really? a playboy?" you giggled and he sighed
"it was the only one within reach and you were up there for like ever and i was imagining you in the outfits they were wearing..." he said as his grip fasted around the wheel
"oh eddie! do you love me? do you need me? do you need to fuck me so badly" you moaned out, a giggle following as you were joking and eddie's eyes darkened
"really babe?" he said with a flat face, sending a quick glare to you as he pulled into your driveway
he turned off the ignition and noticed that your parents car was nowhere to be found, probably cause it was their designated date night leaving the house empty till midnight
"oh i'm sorry baby" you said, pulling him into a kiss which he delightfully responded to, kissing you back
he started kissing down your neck when you stopped him
"eds, let's go inside" you said with a small smile, tugging at his collar and he nodded
he grabbed this things and got out of the car, running quickly to your door and helping you out, shutting the door behind you
he laced your fingers with his, as you walked from the driveway up to your door where you quickly unlocked it and went inside
you shut the front door behind you and turned on some of the lights you had turned off on your way out and headed to your room
once in your room, you dumped your bag and the science book on the desk as you heard eddie yell a "i'm gonna use the bathroom" and you responded back a quick "okay”
you changed into your pajamas, just a shirt and some comfy pants and sat against your headboard on your bed
you allowed yourself to think about steve, what happened, and how it made sense in your brain- everything he did before you and eddie started dating
he was never your boyfriend but you did almost everything together, mostly thanks to dustin, but were you sending him mixed signals you didn't even know you were?
eddie arrived at your door a few minutes later, and shut it behind him
his shoes were off, along with his vest and leather jacket and he shimmed off his jeans and immediately jumped into bed with you, pulling you into his arms and snapping you out of your thoughts
"y/n are you okay? seriously you've been weirdly quiet ever since steve's house" he said and you laid on your side, looking at him as he laid an arm around your torso
you sighed, not wanting to start drama but knowing eddie should know about it
"okay, when i went up to steve's room i heard him singing in the shower and he changed the lyrics to jessie's girl to sing about 'eddie's girl' and he seemed upset you were waiting for me downstairs" you admitted, fiddling with the hem of his shirt
“oh” was all he said, causing your heart to sink
“ed’s i know that you know that im all yours, no matter what right? i don’t want this to be a problem” you said nervously
“i know babygirl, you’re all mine and i trust you” he said with a small smile, kissing you lightly
you felt at ease with eddie as you nuzzled your face into his chest but there was a little bit of steve still lingering on your mind
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melodic-haze · 2 months
What if breeding and overstimulating Ei? Fucking her through her orgasm and continuing to fuck your dick into her abused hole, fucking your cum deeper into her pussy to make sure she takes all of it....
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ei x dom!amab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a dick, dumbification
☆ — NOTES: Blame Miko 🤷‍♀️ but also I've been wanting to write Ei and/or Miko for so long THANK YOU ANON
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Put me and her in a room and I'm not gonna be the one coming out pregnant just saying 🫶
Realistically this is probably (definitely) Miko's fault for getting into her head, but she had lent her a book that she didn't realise was.....less than innocent
It was a novel that described some rather salacious scenes that had Ei go from confused to surprised to flustered.. and then to that feeling of neediness welling inside her. It's got her thinking of you and what you can do to her, which then eventually led to her personally seeking you out for a bit of a 'reading session' 🥰
Mini thought dump so if you don't wanna read then skip this point. Ok as someone who loves getting into logistics and how things would work hypothetically, I find this situation funny bc like. If Ei can model her body to whatever she wants it to be bc it's synthetic, which means taking out whatever she deems unnecessary, then would she have a reproductive system? Would she deem it important?? Would you even have anything to insert yourself into or is she just. Cursedly smooth
Anyway thought dump over, sorry for the crisis even though you were expecting 🌽. MOVING ON
It's hard to believe that the woman you're dicking down is Inazuma's very own revered Archon when the one you've got underneath you at this moment looks so unbelievably fucked out and far off: eyes clouded and rolling to the back of her head, fingers digging into the sheets, mouth glistening with a mix of your saliva and the drool on the corner of her mouth, hair out of its normal braid and surrounding her like some kind of purple aura
And that's not even accounting the occasional spark of electro here and there to which she had initially apologised for. Though that was before she became all dumb and lost all sense of thought and responsibility, her mind practically turned to mush as you keep on pistoning her relentlessly. Now she's just REALLY unaware of anything and everything else but you and how good you make her feel. Everything else is just SO overwhelming for her little brain 😞😞😞😞
"I-- I'm c-cumming again, I-- feel the--"
"'s okay, baby," you groaned out, putting her legs above your shoulders as you moved within her, "you can cum."
It will never cease to amaze you, how your words had such an effect on the strongest figure in all of Inazuma, especially when your words get her to react so very intensely—her insides squeeze you like a vice as her hips lift off the bed in an attempt to get you as close to the base as possible.. or at least, she tries to.
Despite all that strength she has, all it takes you is a press down onto her abdomen as a way to both keep her hips down and to add more pressure on her and suddenly she's all pliant. The poor girl can't even scream—she was never really the type to—so when she opens her mouth, she doesn't make a sound as you push your hips into her in a particular way before stilling your movements as you came inside for.. who knows how many times it's been?
The amount of cum that spills out from her pussy despite your cock practically plugging it shut is enough of a giveaway that you've been at it for a while though.
..But you find that you don't really care when you start up all over again, not giving her enough time to come down from her high and overwhelming her completely.
You act out whatever she saw on that book of hers: the poses, the positions, the angles, whatever she thought was interesting to her. She used her lack of present knowledge to her advantage too—she had asked you for a proper demonstration, seeing as how she had been trapped in the PoE for the longest time so she fears she's not all that familiar with these.. new words or phrases!!
Half of it was true but other half of it was her just trying to lure you. And it worked so 🤷‍♀️ fair game
You make sure to stuff her silly with all of you, scooping up what drips out and stuffing it back in to make sure that nothing goes wasted. That proves to be a hard task as you proceed though because throughout your many rounds and the actual breaks in between, there IS a limit to how much she can have inside her so it's inevitable that it'd spill
Not like the sight isn't great, it's actually the opposite—just seeing YOUR own cum practically overflow in her pussy like that? FUCK just the thought of her insides being painted white because of you??? It's the way that if you pressed down on her abdomen without your cock clogging her entrance, it'd gush out in streams.......ohhhhgoodness
Your lover stares down absentmindedly at her pussy, hole agape and very much abused and so so so filled up and stained and whatever it is she could think of to describe it. Such warmth was inside her, the feeling of being full never quite leaving her—not as if it ever could for a good while, when you've filled her with so much cum that it's spilling without anything to prevent its escape from within her.
She had designed this body with the thought of only keeping necessary systems on the design for optimal use in upkeeping eternity and avoiding erosion. Why she had designed it with erogenous areas in mind? The reason eludes her, but now not only does Ei thank herself from going through with it, she is lamenting the lack of a complete reproductive system.
While becoming pregnant would.. pose for mixed results during her planned time to make amends to the nation for running away and keeping a narrow mind on what eternity could mean, she had wondered how the session would have felt with such capabilities. Would it have felt better? The same? Worse?
..Perhaps she will take a note to reassess the Shogun's model later.
Zooweemama by GOD I need her, end of story good night all
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 2
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Summary: Jungkook gets mistaken as your father but jumps at the opportunity to show them exactly who he is to you. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 1.6K~ Warning: Suggestive language but nothing crazy lol a/n: So this is another ask by an anon and it was something I'm sure y'all have been curious to see so I figured why not make it a little longer 🤭 p.s. written in one sitting so barely edited Start from the beginning
"Here you go!" the lady at the register says, handing Jungkook one of the shopping bags.
She had been looking at the both of us, no doubt trying to figure out our relationship but went with the one that might seem the most logical with an age difference as big as ours.
"You're lucky! I wish my dad would still buy me clothes at my age. I miss those days where I wouldn't have to worry about anything, especially money" she says, no doubt trying to make conversation while she folds the rest of the clothes and places them inside the second bag
"No you see he's not my-" "She does call me Daddy but I can assure you, I'm not her father" Jungkook jumps in, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer, making things a lot more intimate than they had been before.
"I- um-" I stammer but Jungkook decides to make matters worse, looking to gain my confirmation. "Right Bunny" he says, placing a kiss on my neck and making me shudder, completely mortified by this whole situation.
"Oh would you look at the time! We better get going if we want to make it to that thing in time" I say while shaking off his embrace, trying to get away from here as soon as possible.
When I reach out to take the second bag Jungkook gets to it faster and already has a comfortable grip on the handle. "It's okay baby, I got it" he says, going out of his way to sound sickeningly sweet but also extremely intoxicating at the same time.
I smile painfully at him and squeeze out a quick thank you to him and the poor cashier and hightail my way out of there.
"I'm sorry sir I shouldn't have assumed" the girl apologizes but Jungkook tones down the playful nature and assures her that he understood where she was coming from.
"It's alright. I just like to embarrass her when I can" he admits and she laughs, understanding our dynamic just a little bit more. "Have a good day sir" she say, wrapping up the conversation and he returns the sentiment and thanks her for her help.
When he finally decides to leave the store he saunters out to me, his eyes clearly showing his continued amusement from the little spectacle he put on back there.
"I hate you" I pout and he chuckles in response. "Why do you have to do that every time?" I question, dragging out the last word and it only gains me and even more playful Jungkook.
"Because you look so pretty when you're looking at me like that" he says, placing both bags in his left hand and using his right to pinch my cheek, no doubt warm to the touch from the embarrassment I couldn't help but feel back there.
"Let's just go" I say, rolling my eyes at him and making my way out of the shopping center, him following with a bounce in his step before he catches up to me and grabs my hand, making me stop to look at him.
"Let me make it up to you yeah?" he say, the once playful eyes changed to one's full of hunger. I can feel my cheeks start to warm up again, this time from desire instead of embarrassment because I know exactly what's in store.
I don't bother to dignify his words with a response and simply continue on my quest back to the car but the fact that I've held onto his hand and made sure he was following me still made him chuckle, finding me absolutely adorable.
"That eager huh?" he asks and I huff in response. "I'm done with being in a bad mood today so you've got a lot of work to put in mister" I grumble and he laughs at my reasoning, knowing deep down I'm buzzing with excitement. 
"Don't I always?" he says and I stop in my tracks, glaring up at him, "So you think I'm a piece of work huh?" I growl and he holds back his laughter, finding my efforts of being intimidating so endearing. 
"No, I just love taking my time with you" he says, caressing my face and making my sour mood start to fade away, "Isn't that right Bunny" he says, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on my lips leaving me wanting him even more. 
"Shut up" I say and stomp away, done with his teasing and needing him to put his money where his mouth is. If he's claiming he wants to make it up to me then he's doing it in a very strange way. 
"You know I thought this shopping trip was supposed to be fun and make me feel better" I say once he's finally caught up to me right before I take the crosswalk to get to the parking lot. "I'm having fun. Aren't you?" he teases, acting completely oblivious making me even more upset. "No, I'm not" I say through gritted teeth. 
"Come on Bunny you know I'm just teasing" he says popping the trunk and placing the bags in it before closing it and going to open my door. 
"Hey" he say, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me close, "You know I love you right?" he says once I've cuddled into his chest and I nod, breathing in his scent which always brings be a sense of comfort. "I love you too" I mumble and he kisses me on the forehead before letting go and opening my car door. 
"Let's go home okay?" he say and I nod walking closer but before I'm able to sink down into my seat he smacks my ass. "OW! What was that for?" I whine, rubbing the spot he abused as he dryly chuckles. "That was for rolling your eyes at me back there Princess. Think I wouldn't notice huh?" he says in a deep taunting voice that he knows can push me into submission. 
I shake my head and he gives me a mischievous smile before telling me to get in the car. 
"I thought you were supposed to be making it up to me" I pout once he gets in the car beside me. "Don't worry Darling, once I'm done with you, you'll forget that you were even mad at me to begin with" he says so casually, making my stomach do a flip, my thighs always clenching together, thinking about what lies ahead.
"Just let Daddy take care of you yeah? Gonna make you feel all better" he teases and although I act like I hate it when he talks to me like that, I know he'll always make good on his word. "Don't call yourself that" I groan, trying to hide how easily the simplest words can make me so needy. 
How has he trained my body to react to him so well. I guess it's my fault for letting him have his way with me time and time again. After all, he was my first and I wouldn't want it any other way. 
"You okay baby?" he asks, concerned that he's truly made me upset from how I had spaced out for a second there. "I'm okay" I say plainly and he nods, putting the car into drive and starting on our short journey back home. 
"Thank you Daddy" I say playfully making him choke on his spit, not expecting me to call him that since I had been so against it just moments ago.
"For what?" he questions through coughs and I can't help but laugh. "For all of the things you bought me today" I say and he leans over and grabs my cheek, turning me to face him to share in a sweet kiss while stopped at the red light. 
"You're welcome baby" he says, rubbing his nose against mine before pulling back and sitting properly in the drivers seat, placing one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh as we continue on our journey once the light turns green. 
"Don't think you're getting away with not showing me how pretty you look in them once we get home though" he says squeezing my thigh and and letting me know exactly what he meant but he chooses to voice it anyway. 
"Need to fuck you in that babydoll nightgown I got you" he growls, "Been thinking 'bout it since I saw it" he growls and I feel myself getting even more wet with every sinful word that drips from his lips. 
"You can't just say that" I say, hiding my face in my hands and he chuckles, using one hand to spread apart my thighs with ease, rubbing a finger along my clothed center to see the damage he's already done.
"Baby's so worked up that she could probably cum from my words alone huh?" he taunts and he doesn't let up the entire time, making me absolutely helpless against him. He knows exactly how I want it and he lets me know that I'm not leaving to bed today, or tomorrow and maybe even the next day. 
"Gonna fuck this little attitude right out of you" he says, pulling into the garage and shutting it behind us. "Upstairs. Now" he commands when he turns off the car and opens the trunk to pull out the bags, making sure to bring up everything because he meant what he said.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of the lingerie doesn't even last a day. But then again it never really does... 
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covetyou · 9 months
the dark caress of someone else
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part 1 ⋆ part 2 ⋆ part 3 ⋆ part 4 ⋆ part 5
ao3 ⋆ main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader x Tess Servopoulos rating: Explicit (18+ only!) chapter warnings: dub con, threesome (mff), oral (f and m receiving), bi reader, unprotected P in V, creampie, praise kink, spit kink, derogatory names (slut), drug reference, unspecified age gap, one singular queef (I'm not sorry), one face slap (with a dick)word count: 6.2k chapter summary: After a little white lie, you go to pick up your dads medication, only to be met by an angry Joel and a (not so) surprise visitor.
A/N: Thank you so much for all the love for this silly little series. I appreciate your amazing comments so much, and I don't quite know what to do with myself.
Piggy in the middle is fuckin difficult man. But I guess life imitates art and sometimes there do just be too many holes, hands and other body parts to keep track of. Also pls excuse me but I'm, like, really bi. And Anna Torv's Tess has my whole entire pussy heart.
this part is dedicated to 'The Sweaty Javi' and 'The Hillbilly Duck Hunter' (courtesy of the wonderful @morallyinept). thank you for your services. (pls drink responsibly)
also a shout out to slasher!joel's big ol' balls (spawned by @toxicanonymity) they've been on my mind literally all week and you would not believe the ball content I had to cut from this. only a smidgen of balls remain, but the balls are there in spirit. thanks for the ballspo bb.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future work
song: someone new by Hozier dividers: @saradika
Your dad shook as he threw back his last pill, swallowing dry before chasing it down with a sip of water. He'd been making weak comments about needing to get more all week and you'd always stopped him. You didn't want him to go. You wanted to go.
You both knew that the pushback was all for show, but now a little white lie meant the show was over, for him at least.
"Joel doesn't want you coming to get your pills yourself anymore," you'd told him. It was a barefaced lie, but felt better than telling him the truth. How, exactly, do you tell your dad you're whoring yourself to his drug dealer?
You were fairly certain your dad knew what kind of man Joel Miller was. A Nice Man to some, maybe, but his reputation preceded him. He was known for helping out people when they got into tricky spots. Not all the time, of course, but when you had something he took a fancying to, he'd be more than willing to come to an agreement. Maybe your dad already knew what you were doing for him, for you. Maybe he noticed you had more ration cards these days, a spring in your step. You wondered if he cared, if he'd ever try to stop you.
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You make your way to the nicer part of the QZ again the next day. You have a free shift and, despite your dad's protests that you should go spend it with friends, you find yourself climbing chipped steps to an empty hallway once more.
You had left the last time with the slick of oil between your cheeks, down your legs, between your thighs. It had taken days to wash off completely. You didn't mind one bit - whenever you moved the slick of it reminding you of him buried in you to the hilt, fucking you half to death in a way you'd never imagined. Embarrassment, shame, you shouldn't like this, melding together and melting away as he pummelled into you from behind. You'd practically rubbed yourself raw thinking about it, but it was never quite enough.
Uncontrollable excitement thrums through you as you approach his door. And, well, you should have known.
Each time you turn up to Joel Miller's door thinking you know what to expect, and each time you're wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. It seems this time is no different.
You hear it before you even get to the door. Raised voices - a man shouting, a girl crying. You hear muffled snippets of the argument - "fuckin' daddy" here, "you're an asshole" there. You don't want to leave, but the sound of it makes you nervous. The unexpected usually hit when you were already trapped inside Joel's apartment, not when you were waiting in the corridor for the door to open.
You decide to turn and leave, you can come back later or another day, your dad can wait. You can wait. But then the door is opening and a topless brunette is rushing out into the hallway, nearly knocking into you in the process. Tears are streaming down her face as she shoves her arms into her t-shirt, hurrying away muttering "asshole" under her breath.
You watch as she leaves, turning your head back to the open door only when you see movement out the corner of your eye.
You'd never seen him like this. White fury burned behind his eyes as he came to slam the door in the girl's wake. He sees you and halts, fingers gripping the wood so tight you think it might splinter.
"Where's your daddy," he snarls at you.
"At home, in bed. He needs-"
"I know what he fuckin' needs. Get in."
He stalks away from the door, leaving it wide open for you to enter. You follow him in. You'd been trapped in here with him before, but it never felt like this. The fear you had before was because of the unknown, the new - he was a strange man in a strange place. Now he was a man you somewhat knew and trusted, yet in this moment you feared him. You were suddenly keenly aware that he could hurt you, really actually hurt you, if he wanted to.
A cupboard door clanks shut, making you jump, then his imposing figure is stomping back over to you. Grabbing your hand, he wretches it open, pushes a pill packet into your palm, and closes it into a fist around the plastic.
"You can see yourself out," he growls before walking away from you, leaving you standing there, confused.
You frown as you look between the pills he'd just given you and him. "But -"
"But fuckin' what," he yells, turning on you. "I gave you what you want, now go."
You're a fucking idiot, poking the already angry bear, but you step forward anyway. "That's not what I want."
He scoffs at you, hands on hips, shaking his head in disbelief. You felt small just because of the size of him usually, but now he was making you feel small in other ways.
"Use me."
"Use you? You want me to use you?"
You shrug your shoulders. "That's what this is, right? You give me what I want, and I give you what you want." He'd said it himself last time, and now here you were using his own words against him.
"And you think using you is what I want?"
You look him straight in the eye, balls bigger than the universe and say, "Yes."
Angry feet drag him to you, toes stopping barely an inch away from your own. He stares down at you, challenging you to look away, but you crane your neck and keep your eyes locked with his.
When he brings one massive hand gently to your neck, holding your gaze, you try not to flinch. Joel notices, fiery gaze briefly softening, he doesn't want you to be scared of him, and allows the cradle of his hand to push against your throat. You feel your pulse thunder beneath his palm just before the pressure releases.
"You got one last hole I ain't tried yet," he murmurs, dragging the rough pad of his thumb up your jaw and across the swell of your bottom lip. You fight not to kiss it, to take it into your mouth and show him how useful you can be.
The hand drags down your body, fingertips pulling at the neckline of your shirt, before he reaches its hem. You think he's going to put a hand up it, feel your bare skin underneath. Instead he bunches the fabric taught against your chest in one fist, yanking you even closer to him, his fist keeping you from falling flush against his torso.
"Take this off," his breath whispers across your face.
Grip loosening on your shirt, you try not to stumble back as you pull your shirt over your head, cheeks heating when you briefly get it caught on your chin. You weren't wearing a bra today, but if he notices he doesn't react.
Fingers tug at your belt loops. "And these."
You unbutton your pants, pulling them down your legs and off your body, taking your shoes with them. You try not to think about if the other girl was this dressed when Joel decided to kick her out.
Joel kicks your clothes away from you, you watch them skid across the floor, pill packet clattering along with them, before turning back, the fire in his eyes back and all softness forgotten.
"On your fuckin' knees."
You thud to your knees and look up at him. He takes a step back, as if he suddenly doesn't trust himself to be close to you. The thought of him actually hurting you crosses your mind again - you wonder if that'd turn you on the same as the other things he does, the things he does to hurt but make you feel good too. Maybe it would. Maybe if he really wanted to you'd let him.
His eyes rake down your body, taking in your bare tits, nipples hardened under the chill of the room, down the swell of your stomach, across the meat of your thighs and to the dampness forming on the front of your panties.
"Want me to use you, huh?" he says, nostrils flaring as his hands flex beside him.
Your eyes flick to his crotch. You'd only been this close to him in your fantasies, but you find you're salivating just as much as you do in your dreams, aching to run your hands across him and really, finally, feel him.
As if reading your mind, his hand caresses across the front of his pants. Where there had been nothing but the soft shape of him before was a growing tent as he hardened before you. "You want this?"
You nod.
He threads a hand through your hair, scratching at your scalp and cradling your head in his palm. He forces your head back further, until you're looking directly up at him.
"You're gonna have to ask nicely for it, sweetheart."
"Please can I have it," you beg, sounding as needy as you feel. You've never needed anything more than you need this. You know he can see it in your face, in the way you lick your lips as you take him in.
He yanks his pants down in an instant, cock bouncing from their confines. He grabs it in his fist, large hand stroking gently up his length to tug at his tip as he grows. It looks huge in his hand, but you know it'd look so much bigger in yours.
You look up at him wide eyed as you watch him stroke himself. A few strokes and he's solid already. For all you've done with him, for how you've had him inside you, you've never seen it this close. Never seen how veins ripple under skin, foreskin moves back with the movement of his hand to reveal his flushed tip, slit beckoning you to taste.
"Please can I have your co- "
The hard length of him collides harshly with the side of your face. Your lips part in a gasp. You stop yourself from chasing it and engulfing it with your mouth. He hasn't said you could, and you're not stepping a toe out of line. He needs you to be good.
"You really want it?" he teases.
You nod frantically. You must look dumb, like one of those nodding dog ornaments from years ago - glassy eyed and head bobbing at just about anything.
"Kiss it." You do, hesitantly placing a gentle kiss to one side of his tip, then the other, before placing an even softer kiss to his slit. There's a thrill knowing you'd never kissed any part of him before, knowing that the first time you'd pressed your lips to him it was to his cock. If anyone ever found out maybe you'd be embarrassed, but here, in this room, all you wanted was more.
Swallowing heavily and lifting his shaft, he pulls your head closer to him. "Kiss 'em. They wanna feel good too, sweetheart."
You place more soft kisses across the delicate skin of his balls, pushing down the temptation to taste him. Your eyes never leave his face, and his never leave yours. He looks so horny he could smash you through a fucking wall, and you don't think you'd mind if he did.
You keep kissing until he pulls your head back. He's started gently stroking himself again, getting himself off as he watched you worship his balls.
"You wanna taste?"
"I wanna taste," you swallow, sinking down as you spread your knees wide to stop the temptation of rubbing your thighs together, desperate for relief he hasn't said you can have.
"Show me how much you want it."
You snap your jaw open for him, eager to taste more than the swipe of cum he'd spread over your lips weeks ago, as he fists his cock gently over your face. He's teasing you with it still when a whine catches in your throat.
Another tug to your hair tilts your head back, but your eyes strain down to look at the bead of cum that's about to drip from the tip of him. He leans over you, cock in hand and your head held in the other. You watch as he spits down into your mouth, saliva cooling as it falls from his mouth to yours, landing cold on your waiting tongue.
"Good girl. So desperate for it. Keep it open." He moves his dripping tip to your mouth before you can react, swiping it across your tongue, mixing his precum with your, and his, saliva.
You hear it before he does - the sound of a key jingling and a lock turning. It startles you, fright springing across your face as he frowns down at you. You keep your mouth open as the door swings open behind you, exposing your naked body to the hallway and whoever has just entered.
"You home, old man?" a familiar voice you can't place calls out, before the very same voice lets out a low whistle when it catches sight of you.
The door is kicked shut, and there's a thud on the table. Joel is still brandishing his cock as he stares daggers over your head at the intruder. Your fucking mouth is open.
"You mind? I'm busy," he says, wiping the tip of his cock over your tongue again. You salivate at the salty taste of him and try to swallow.
Light footsteps head toward where you kneel on the floor before Joel, knees spread, head up, eyes darting between his face and his grip on his cock.
"Well then, hello there pretty girl." You remember that voice.
Finally letting your eyes flick to the side, you see her. Tess. She seems to recognize you at the same time as you do, a smile pulling across her face as your mouth falls slack in shock.
She'd been your fathers dealer before you were handed off one day to a new one. Your dad hadn't given details on why, but you had a feeling you knew. She'd helped you once too, when a few too many sick days had meant too few cards to get by. That had been your first time on your knees for someone at the promise of pills, and at the time you thought it would be your last.
Joel watches as she approaches and looks down at you on your knees. His hand hasn't left his cock, and he's tugging on himself as he watches, another bead of precum you desperately want to lick collecting at his head. He moves his hand from its place in your hair and starts stroking his heavy balls with it as he watches you.
"How's your daddy?" she pouts in mock empathy before addressing Joel, laughing.
"Gotta say, didn't expect this when I handed 'em off to you. Told you the daughter's mouth was good, didn't I?"
"I wouldn't know, I was only just about to find out," he grits out. His hands are still slowly working over himself as he talks to her. You watch as his eyes roam up and down her body, then flick to you down at his feet. Your body heats as you watch him ogle her - you think it may be jealousy until your own eyes trail the same path down her body before resting back on Joel. What difference is there between jealousy and desire, really.
"The first time you get to mess with one, and I get to witness it? Lucky me," she grins as she watches Joel thread a hand back through your hair, drawing your attention back to him completely.
"S'not the first time," he whispers as he pulls you forward, nodding at you to open your mouth once more.
"Then what the fuck have you been doing with her?"
Joel rolls his eyes at her, instead opting to feed the head of his cock into your mouth.
Your mouth engulfs his tip, warm and wet, he sucks in a breath closing his eyes, grip tightening in your hair. You let your tongue swirl around him, feeling the ridge of his head and tasting the bitter sweet salt of his cum on his skin. Your fingers curl into the rough fabric of his pants, anchoring you to him as you bob your head over his tip, circling your tongue over every inch of it.
"Oh fuck, that's right," he moans. "That taste good?"
He looks down as you nod, your moan of confirmation around his cock pulling another groan from his chest as his eyes fall closed again.
"Fuck yeah, it does."
Tess had all but gone from your mind until you hear the tap of shoes on the floor, and feel as she crouches beside you. A soft hand comes to your face, stroking the hollow of your cheek as you suck more of Joel's cock into your mouth.
You feel soft lips press a kiss to that very same hollow, the feeling of being kissed making you sigh. His eyes snap open, he'd been so lost in the feeling of your mouth on him that he hadn't noticed Tess's approach either. Now he was looking down at two women at his feet, eyes burning holes into yours where they fluttered in your head.
She begins nuzzling your hair, your neck, placing soft kisses across your bare skin. You keep your focus on Joel, staring at him with the same intensity he stares at you. Soft hands start to roam up and down your body, squeezing your chest, pinching your nipples, dragging short nails across your stomach, her every move making you shudder.
"Can't say I ever imagined a sweet little thing like you doing this," she whispers into your ear. You can hear the sickly sweet smile in her voice.
You moan into Joel's cock as she touches you, taking yet more of him into your mouth. You want to touch it, hold the heft of it in your hand, but you never have before. You don't know if you're allowed. You inch your hand up his pants to his crotch, stroking the exposed skin at the base of him with your fingertips. The hand in your hair twitches, and you hear a strangled moan from above you.
Another shift of your hand and your hand wraps around his thick base, fingertips unable to meet even if you squeezed. Holding him steady, you can finally angle him down so you can draw more of his cock into your mouth. You flick your tongue along his tip again as you swallow around him with a moan.
"That's it. Show me how much you can take."
At the instruction, Tess knocks his hand away from your hair, bringing both of her own to hold either side of your head. She fucks your mouth up and down his length, Joel moaning deep as his hand finds yours on his pants and grips your fingers tightly.
You'd been longing to feel his lips on yours so much that you'd never considered what his hand might feel like on yours. It's the opposite of electric - the heavy heat of his rough hand grounding you, finally, as you take him in in full clarity.
"Shit that's good," he sighs as you're dragged along him by Tess's hands.
"You hear that? He thinks you're doing a good job," Tess says from beside you, pushing your head down to take more of him with a kiss to your cheek.
You start to gag as she pushes you down - it had been so long since you'd done this, and Joel's size wasn't exactly forgiving to the less experienced - but you carry on, moaning again when the welcome distraction of Tess's body pushes against yours.
"Nothin' but a cocksucking slut, huh?" Joel murmurs down to you almost affectionately, moving a stray hair from across your face. Yes you want to say, but it comes out a garbled mess as Tess laughs at you once again.
With another firm push of your head, your mouth slips down and takes Joel even further to the back of your throat. You cough and splutter, trying to push yourself back using your hand against Joel's thick thighs, but Tess holds you down with his cock buried in your throat. Joel's hand grips yours tighter still.
"Don't," he snarls. "If I wanted her chokin' on it I'd fuck her face."
"Maybe I want her to choke on it," Tess counters from beside you with another laugh, but she relents anyway.
You pull back with a gasp and take a gulp of air before kissing the tip of his cock. You don't want to let go of it for a minute. You lick long stripes up his length, collecting the strings of saliva you'd left behind, before encasing him in your mouth once more. If you were anywhere else you'd maybe feel shame at your need for him, and your need to please him, but the heat of their eyes burning into you does nothing but light a fire between your legs.
Tess sees it, moving a hand down from bobbing your head on Joel's cock, down your bare torso and cupping your clothed pussy. Her slender fingers feel so much more delicate compared to Joel's thick calloused ones as they rub over you, your moans muffled by the fullness of the cock in your mouth.
"She's so wet, Joel," you hear her say through Joel's groan and the blood rushing in your ears.
Your hips start to rock into Tess's hand of their own accord, aching to find more friction and finally get some relief. She yanks your panties to the side, using one of her fingers to trace the seam of you before gently tickling your clit. If she could only feel how damp you were before, she could definitely feel the drip of slick from your cunt now.
Slender fingers plunge into you, fucking your desperate hole with force as you work your mouth over Joel's cock. You're left empty for half a second before her fingers are back in you, more this time, stretching you further so suddenly that your legs widen to accommodate the pull of fingers inside you.
"All four fingers, good girl," Tess coos.
"Four?" grunts Joel. Tess nods, laughing, and Joel throws his head back with a groan.
"I bet we could fit a whole hand up here," she says with another kiss to your cheek.
You were naive before to think she wouldn't, couldn't, hurt you the way you thought Joel could. You were wrong, you realized now, as her fingers plunged into you, stretching wide, words taunting in your ear as she forced your head back and forth over Joel's cock.
Her fingers leave your cunt entirely, leaving you empty and gaping. She pulls you off of Joel, replacing his cock in your mouth with her glistening fingers. You clean your own slick from them, moaning at the tang of your own pussy mixing with the flavor of Joel still on your tongue. His eyes never leave you and his hand never gives up its grip on yours.
"You like the taste of pussy, don't you?" Tess whispers in your ear, pushing you back onto Joel.
"I think we can do something about that," she murmurs. "Can't we Joel." You both look up at him from your knees. He growls, nodding stiffly.
You're being hauled to your feet and pushed to the couch before you know what's going on. The blood rushes to your head and the room spins when you're pushed roughly over the arm, watching as Tess unbuttons her pants and pulls them down her legs.
She lounges back on the other arm of the sofa, spreading her legs and beckoning you to come between them. You ignore the ache in your knees from the hard wood of the floorboards as you crawl over, settling between her soft thighs and looking up at her with parted mouth. You would do anything right now, desperate for any relief from anyone.
Joel has followed behind, watching your ass sway as you crawled to her. Your panties are still skewed to the side, and you know he's looking at the mess of arousal between your legs. Tess may have been the one with her fingers buried in you, but you hope he knows he's just as responsible for your glistening cunt.
"C'mon," he growls, landing a swat to your ass. "Lemme see you eat that pussy."
You stare at Tess's bare cunt, feeling needy in ways you can't even explain, and move to lower your head, eager to taste her again.
She grabs you by the hair before your mouth can touch her.
"No teasing now. You remember what I told you?" You nod. You remembered every fucking part - exactly how she liked to come undone. Sometimes you imagined her doing the same to you.
She pulls your face down toward her cunt, and you stick out your tongue, hungry to taste her. You lick her gently at first, small licks across the swelling of her clit and her flushed lips. You lick further down, parting her folds to taste at her entrance - for all her laughing and teasing, her pussy was as much of a traitor as yours when exposed like this. She was dripping.
Joel's rough hands pull your ass toward him, dragging your panties down to your knees, hobbling you. The couch dips and creaks behind you as he brings a foot up to better line up with your hole. The wetness of his cock slides through your slick folds once, twice, then notches the tip at your entrance before he pushes in in one, sheathing himself completely in the heat of your body. You moan and gasp around Tess's clit, never stopping the movement of your tongue.
"Not sure she can handle it," she half chuckles, half moans.
"She can," grits out Joel. "S'taken worse." He slides out and punches all the way back in again, the feeling of his hips snapping against your ass so much less overwhelming when his cock was in your pussy and not your ass. You try desperately to keep up the movements of your mouth, wanting to feel Tess come undone at your hands, but blocking out Joel entirely is impossible with the distracting pound of his cock into you.
Tess grabs more of your hair, pulling it away from your neck and giving him a better view of you and her cunt.
"Fuck yeah, sweetheart," he groans now that he can see more clearly. "Lick that pussy."
"Been a while since you had multiple girls over, huh?" Tess taunts, throwing her head back before Joel can reply.
He nods, pulling your hips back into his as he thrusts forward. "Too fuckin' long." He groans again, meaty hands gripping your ass cheeks hard and pulling you apart at the seams as he pounds into you.
You slip a finger into her wet heat, curling it upwards as you feel inside of her. She's as slick as you, and you wonder if she's ever taken Joel as you have. The thought makes you moan again, just as Joel picks up the pace of his thrusts, slamming into you so hard your mouth jerks over Tess's cunt.
You try to steady yourself, fluttering your tongue flutters over Tess's clit, circling and suckling it into your mouth. You ignore the sensation building inside you as Joel's balls smack against your neglected clit each time he buries himself in you. It's too many feelings, too many sensations all at once.
Joel's hips stutter as he slams his cock into you, chasing his own release, already so close after you'd had him in your mouth for so long. Even closer from watching Tess tease you with her fingers buried in your needy cunt, watching your tongue lathe over hers.
You hear a strangled "Fuck" before he slams his hips forward again, slick cock slipping deep inside you as he floods your pussy with warm, wet cum. You moan into Tess's clit as you feel yourself heat from the inside out.
"Shit. Shit," he sighs from behind you. You want to turn to look at the fucked out look on his face. You nearly do.
"Don't stop, almost there," pants Tess, almost begging you with your face still buried in her wet heat, lapping at her clit with a finger curled inside her. "Pretty girl, almost there," she croons, stroking your hair and rocking into your face.
Gentle circles on her clit turn firmer, more rapid, and the hand in your hair grips you tighter as you pull her release from her. She grinds against your face, pussy throbbing as you lick her pulsing clit through her orgasm.
That same hand yanks you back a moment later, too sensitive to continue, before she relaxes back into the couch with a sigh.
"She's good, Joel," she breathes, a hand idly stroking your hair. You hear Joel grunt in agreement from behind you, his hands still holding onto your ass, and your cheeks heat with the praise.
He moves away, pulling his cock from where it had softened inside you, watching as a small trickle of cum escapes to drip down to your neglected clit.
"Looks like you earned your meds today," Tess laughs, patting your cheek, before standing to pull her pants back on without another word to you.
Still on your hands and knees on the couch, you watch her approach Joel, kissing him on the side of the mouth as he stares, breathing deeply, at your ass. His cum is still dribbling out of you. You flip to sit back on your ass, trying to stop its escape making too much of a mess on his furniture.
She whispers something into his ear, moves to the door, looks at you with a smirk one last time before opening it and leaving.
The door snaps shut, and she's gone.
As soon as the door closes he's on you again, pushing you back down into the couch with a growl. The air is knocked out of you as your back thuds down and he hoists your legs back, folding you in two.
Holding you down and open, the wetness of his mouth engulfs your pussy, slurping your clit into his mouth.
He's devouring you, eagerly eating all of his cum out your hole and cleaning you of his creamy spend.
You moan and twitch beneath him, having spent the last fuck knows how long with your mouth full but the desperate need in your pussy neglected. You'd hoped he could fuck an orgasm out of you, but as soon as the pressure of his cock in you had gotten good, the slap of his balls against your clit hard enough to send a thrill through you, he'd stuttered to a stop, leaving you with an aching pussy and nothing to show for it.
A strong arm pins you down, keeping your legs back, feet in the air. Two of his thick fingers thrust into you, before he pulls them out, licking them clean, then he plunges three straight back in, stretching you more than Tess's four ever had and making you whine, high pitched and needy, for more.
You're so close, so near to falling over the edge, but his desperate licks are too desperate, not focussed enough on your oversensitive pussy, too frantic. You feel like you've been edged for hours, but your clit has barely been touched until now. It's been left starving, aching for attention.
"Joel!" you ground out desperately, looking between your thrown back legs where he feasts on you. His eyes catch you, catch the desperation, the need, and he slows down, honing in on your clit, lapping in steady circles, fingers pumping deeply.
Your toes curl, tears come to your eyes and your bottom lip quivers. You nod at him. He's found it. Exactly what you need, the exact spot. He's relentless now, his tongue moving over, and over, and over as his eyes lock with yours.
"That's it," you feel him mumble into your clit. "Good girl."
And you're cascading over the edge, into a pit of white heat, different but similar to the one in his eyes when you first saw him today. You shudder and jerk, his tongue flicking over your sensitive bud drawing wave after wave out of you as your pussy spasms around his fingers, gripping them tight and tethering you down as you writhe.
You twitch with oversensitivity and Joel finally stops, tongue leaving your clit, lips pressing firmly to your mound instead as he breathes you in. Your body heaves and you sink further into the couch, stomach muscles finally letting you unfurl from where you'd chased your orgasm so desperately.
"Fuck," he groans so close you can feel his lips move on your skin. All you can do is nod weakly in response. "You okay?" You nod again, not trusting your voice and still not entirely sure you're conscious.
His thick fingers pull from you, leaving you empty, and his hands gently guide your legs down to rest on the couch. Blood is still pounding through your ears, but you hear and feel it... the air that Joel's fingers had pumped into you chooses that moment to escape in one humiliating gust.
Your face drops with embarrassment, and you hear Joel laugh from between your legs.
"Sign of a job done good," he laughs, kissing down onto your pussy, tongue gently swiping along your sensitive clit again. You try to wiggle away, letting out another rumble, fucking fuck, and immediately still as Joel laughs more.
"You done?" he says into your cunt, spreading you slightly to look at your spent hole then to you. "I think she's good." He kisses your clit once more and sits back, stretching his back out on the sofa with his arms behind his head.
You both sit there in silence, recovering your breath and coming back down to earth. Your knees knock together as your legs relax. You close your eyes, breathing deeply, and let the chill of the room cool your sweaty body and the heat of embarrassment from your cheeks.
Much sooner than you'd like, you feel Joel start to move.
"I ain't mad at you, y'know," he says softly as he tucks his cock back into his pants. "Was never mad at you. Just mad."
You knew that already, but hearing him say it still made you feel better. It made you feel like you'd done the right thing, that you hadn't pulled him into something he didn't want. You were justified, you were right. He wanted, needed, to use you as much as you needed to be used.
"You should get goin'," he moves to stand as he speaks, walking away from the couch and from you.
"But -"
He shuts you up with a single look. You sit up wordlessly, casting your eyes down. He was right - what exactly would you even be staying for, really, other than because some part of you wanted to.
You dress in silence, panties still around your knees pulled up, clothes thrown on haphazardly, pills stuffed into an empty pocket. Joel doesn't watch this time, instead he rifles through the box left by Tess. You never see into it, but you watch his profile shift and change as he reacts to what she left for him.
You move closer to the table, making way to leave his apartment without another word, when he's closing the box and speaking.
"I've had a vasectomy," he says pointing to your now covered crotch. "So, y'know... should be fine."
"Oh." You hadn't even thought about it. You didn't even care. "You... you could've done that in my mouth too. I wouldn't have minded."
"Your mouth was occupied," he smirks with a shrug. "Besides, if I wanted to, I would've."
He gestures for you to leave, so you do, Joel following you to the door as you go. You open it yourself, just as Tess had, and walk out. You don't have time to finish saying thank you before the door is shut behind you, leaving you alone in the corridor yet again. You make your way home in silence.
You dream that night of soft lips on your cheek, softer hands roaming your body. The softness morphs and distorts, growing larger and more ragged. Rough hands drag along you, and the scruff of a beard scratches your face as a kiss too delicate to be real comes impossibly close to your mouth.
You wake in a sweat, heat pulsing through your veins and your cunt throbbing between your legs.
You'd come in your sleep to nothing but desperate thoughts of a kiss you'd never had.
next part
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