#btw they went to sleep together afterwards
mechaness · 4 days
Bath time
Warning: a lil bit of nakedness, and I'm still calling Nasiens a "she". Also, spoilers from chapter 155! Enjoy! ^^
The Percival platoon was finally together again. There was a sense of happiness among all of them, and there was so much to talk about, but first things first.
"Let's go to sleep then!" Percival said, smiling at his friends. "Ah, but maybe..." a mischievous smirk replace his smile. He looked at Nasiens, giggling. "Nasiens! Let's go take a bath together! You promised!"
Nasiens blushed, half hiding her face with her hat. So he hadn't noticed... She couldn't blame him. The change was subtle, maybe because it was just starting, but her body had changed.
To be honest, she already shared some... characteristics with a biological woman, but now she could feel other changes. For starters, she had a defined waist now. Her clothes felt big now because of that. And of course...
Her hat went down, covering her chest. They were definitely bigger now, though still small.
Percival face snapped her out of it, getting way too close to hers.
"Nasiens? You there?"
"Uh? Ah, um..." Percival was waiting for an answer and she only got redder.
"Nah man, he never wants to go in with us!" Donny chimed in, laughing. Nasiens thought of correcting him. She didn't like to be referred as a "he" anymore, but just thinking about having that conversation exhausted her. Luckily for her, Percival was there.
"She will with me! She promised." Percival said, putting his arm on Nasiens' shoulder and pulling her closer to him, smiling confidently.
"Who's "she"?" Donny sounded confused, until realization hit him. "Wait, you don't mean...?!" he said, pointing at her.
"Don't tell me that's what you been hiding?" Anne said, a smile appearing on her face. "I knew from the start you were hiding something, but I never imagined it was this!"
"I wasn't h-... I mean, well... I guess in a sense I was... It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry." Nasiens answered, squeezing her hat. She looked at her friends and the only thing she saw was acceptance. She smiled at them and continued, "I truly feel much more comfortable this way, so I would prefer it if you called me as a girl from now on."
"Sure, ma'am! You got it!" Donny said, giving her a thumbs up. "I always had a hunch!" he playfully elbowed Anne, who just rolled her eyes at him, smiling.
"Whatever, you big oaf," and then she looked at Nasiens, her smile getting wider, "I'm glad you feel comfortable now, and it sure feels nice to have another girl to talk to." Anne said, winking at Nasiens. Nasiens smiled back. Donny and Anghalhad were truly wonderful friends.
So wonderful in fact, they both started scolding Percival.
"You know she's a girl now, you idiot! What are you asking?!" Donny yelled, slapping Percival in his head, making him pout.
"If anything, I'm getting in with her! Not you!" Anne said, grabbing Nasiens by her other arm, sticking her tongue out.
"No way, she promised!" Percival declared, grabbing Nasiens by the waist and throwing her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He was about to run off with her, despite the protests of the other two, but he stopped mid track. "I mean, it's fine, right?"
Nasiens had both her hands covering her face. Percival thought she looked really cute when she blushed like that.
"Yes..." Nasiens whispered, enough for everyone to hear. Percival laughed and continued walking, leaving both Donny and Anne sighing.
The royal bath was amazing, it was like a pool. Percival closed his eyes and enjoyed the hot and relaxing water. After that fight and flying all day, not to mention meeting his friends again, he was a little tired.
He was so happy to see his friends again! Physically speaking, of course. After all, he had been watching over them as a spirit. He had to make sure they were safe.
He thought about what happened in the fairy realm and shivered. Thank god he had been paying attention. The thought of losing Nasiens...
He shook his head. She was fine.
Also, she was late. Where was she?
"Nasiens? You getting in here? I don't think the water will become cold, but..." He turned around, looking for her outside the pool. And then he saw her.
She was walking towards him, her face red and facing down, a small towel covering her torso. She tried ignoring him as best as she could when she got in, a couple meters away from him. She couldn't look him in the eyes and kept the towel as close to her as possible.
Percival was speechless. It wasn't the first time he had seen her naked (he still remembered the prank he'd pulled a few years ago) but this... this felt different.
He got closer to her, enough to tower over her. It was weird, being taller and bigger than most his friends now. But when it came to Nasiens, he really liked the feeling.
She refused to look up. Percival could see her playing with the hem of the towel, trying to calm herself down to no avail. He could feel her embarrassment. He couldn't get it. It was only him, there was no reason to be shy!
So he splashed some water to her face.
"Percival!" she looked so appalled he laughed. She laughed too, already feeling a little bit better. She was being ridiculous. It was only Percival.
However, when she looked up she understood. It was Percival. Her face was about to explode. Her love went beyond physical appearances but she had always thought he was cute. He still was, but now he looked so handsome, too...
Time went still when he smiled at her. But then he spoke.
"You got boobs now!"
Her face went directly to the water.
She couldn't believe him sometimes! Against her common sense, she smiled. Even underwater she could hear his laughter. She slowly went up again.
"Oh, come on!" he was still laughing, "you looked at me for two years, didn't you!"
"Not on purpose!" she yelled, completely embarrassed. It had been impossible not to look, he had been literally naked, but she had always been respectful.
"It's fine, isn't it? It's just me." He clearly didn't understand that was exactly the problem. "You can take out the towel."
Nasiens hesitated. She wanted to. God, how she wanted to. But...
"...you shouldn't be looking at girls like this, you know..." she said, unable to stop herself, "nor touch them for that matter."
"Anne said the same thing, but I don't get it." he said, deep in thought "I mean, if it's you, it's fine, isn't it?"
"...what do you mean?" she asked, ignoring the Anghalhad comment as best as she could.
"For what I understood, you should be doing these kind of things with someone you love, and I love you, so it's fine!" he replied, smiling so brightly it hurt Nasiens. She smiled through the pain.
"I'm really happy to hear that. But there are different types of love, you know... not that one is better than the other, though..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, there's family love, like what we feel for our grandfathers. Or friendship love, like what you feel for Donny, Anghalhad and me... but there's also... romantic love, like partners... do you understand?"
"Like what Zeldris feels for Gelda? Or Meliodas for Queen Elizabeth?" Nasiens nodded and Percival smiled, "yeah, of course I know!"
"...you do?"
"Yeah! And also, I don't love you like that." his voice was so final that Nasiens felt tears in her eyes. The night had taken a bad turn, but she should be grateful. At least she got her answer quickly...
"I... I understand." she was about to leave the pool when she felt Percival's hand grab her arm, pulling her back in.
"Where are you going? We haven't even started!" he said. "Plus, I haven't seen you yet!"
"You just said you don't love me like that," Nasiens said, unable to keep the hurt from her voice, "it's fine, I get it..."
"No, you don't," Percival said, bringing her closer and hugging her, making her squirm, "I meant, I don't love you as a 'friend'." Nasiens felt her eyes widen.
"You mean...?"
"I love you, Nasiens." He hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair. She smelled like flowers. "I really do. I'd love to be your partner, if you let me."
"I...!" Nasiens felt tears again, this time from joy. She hugged him back. "Of course! I love you too..." she had a feeling he already knew, but she had to say it. She loved him so much.
They stayed like that for a while, content in each others arms. Nasiens was the first to pull back. Percival assumed she remembered that they were both naked, only that damn towel between them, and she was about to yell how embarrassing the whole thing was.
She didn't do that, though. She just looked at him, her face red but her eyes firm. Percival felt his heart skip a beat. One of her hands was on his chest, maybe so she wouldn't fall, and with the other she grabbed her towel. Slowly, she removed it, exposing herself to him.
She was perfect.
He couldn't stop looking at her, her face, her chest... He wanted to touch them, kiss them... He shook his head. What on earth was he thinking?
Her voice, so gentle and full of excitement, brought him back.
"You can touch if you want..." she said, clearly embarrassed. And he didn't waste any time.
He gently cupped one of her breasts, small and warm and so soft. He heard her whimper and almost fell. She was so beautiful, he wanted to be closer to her. He touched her all over, feeling her breasts and belly, addicted to the little sound she was making. He pressed his face against hers, instinctively looking for her lips.
But Nasiens was quicker than him and kissed him on the cheek, a kiss so sweet and pure, Percival smiled and kissed her back. On her cheek, on her forehead, on her nose. He lingered on her lips, searching her eyes for permission.
It was her who closed the distance.
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adlery · 16 days
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→ You give them the prize you won from the claw machine
→ Note: fluff, grammatical error
→ Tw: none
→ Adlery's speaking: last post before I went on hiatus for a while :(( btw enjoy LUVIESS<3
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- Blushing mess-
- He didn't expect that you would literally play the game to get him one of the stuffed toy
- You get him a cat plushie that you find it amusingly the same as him, white with black spots and it resembles well with him
- ngl you're kinda proud that you only get it by two tries, you grin widely while giving him
"For you! It's very cute like you, Sakura-kun!", a playful tone hinted by you. He tried to form a word to protest but ended up stuttering from the embarrassed, "H-huh?! I'm not!", then he slowly muttered a "thank you... i- I will keep it" with his face still having the visible red flushed to which you beam by it.
- You can't help but nearly punch the claw machine after you saw a pure smile on his lips while he's looking at it
- You're not missing the chance to tease him giving you a kiss as a reward
"K-kiss??", you successfully make him stop functioning, (he ends up giving you one anyway):3
- When he gets home, he will lay on his bed and hold the gift up in the air, looking at it for a long time
- Boy will blush again remembering the moment before
- Sakura is not often getting a gift from the past so it's off when you did, but he is surely not complaining tho
- He also deeply appreciated that you put effort earlier to get him one, especially trying to get the specific one that you said it resembles him
- at the end, the cute stuffed cat he got will always be the one that he holds when he is sleeping<3
You would jokingly ask if he sleeps with it but being a tsudere he is, he will not admit, "Of course not! i... will never sleep with that" you know that's not true by his obviousness so the teasing will never end.
- You both are having a date and you saw a new claw machine that was placed near the convenience store, it's the accessory one
- At first he playfully challenged you to win the couple ring only as a joke
- Do you take it? nah, you didn't
- You literally spend your money on the claw machine to get that damn thing while he is standing beside you, finding your struggle cute as he watches you turning the paddle back and forth to get it
- He would encourage you more since he saw how you look really determined, your eyes stay focus on the claw and then the ring box repeatedly
- After a few more tries, the claw finally catches and drops it into the hole, to which you cheer and immediately take it and grinning with pride while handing the gift to him
"Here you go, it's not really that hard", hearing that, he chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I can see that", he ironically said before checking the ring and taking your hand on his. "It's lovely. Thank you, dear"
- Afterwards, he would slide the ring on your fingers, acting like you both getting married to which results you to blushing furiously and even tease you about it
"Well I need to practice first before the real event, right?", then he wears it too and shows it to you. "It fits perfectly, dear", "I'm glad then", you laughed, seeing yours and his fingers wearing the couple ring together
- When you both went home, he would pay back the money you used to get the item, even if you don't want it, he will sneak it inside your purse or pocket without your knowledge
- At school, he will show it off to others, and tell them how sweet of you trying to win it for him
- Poor Sakura cuz not once but countlessly he heard Suo speaking about it to him
- Suo loves to hold your hand since he can feel the round metal accessories you wear met his while swinging arms together
- He would cherish it so much<3
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©Adlery : Like and repost are so much appreciated 🎀
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
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✾ tags ; afab + gn!reader, aged-up characters, virginity loss/first times, established relationship, mutual virginity loss, nipple play, fingering, oral (f!recieving), creampies (reader is using a contraceptive), reader is mentioned to be an orphan / run away , 18+
✾ wc ; 6.1k (went to edit and went 700 words over the wc. pain)
✾ a/n ; i'm losing my mind btw. razor my only triple crowned character my most greatly beloved my angel my sweet. also i added the aged up tag mostly bc its the genshin fandom but. if u dont like that dont read. ez peazy.
also trust and believe the voice im picturing in this is his jpn dub. this is important
✾ synopsis ; you resolve yourself after many long years of abstinence, you're going to ask razor about sex the minute he comes home.
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Razor is human. 
On a technical level, this information isn’t news to you. He looks human. His physical makeup is human. He needs to eat and sleep like humans do. Focusing on the technicals alone, Razor is very, very human.
It doesn’t change that he was raised by wolves, though. And you don’t want it too. You think it’d be a shame if he started to assimilate too much into human society just because he felt like he had too. You know how he feels about it. And that Boreas is the closest he’s ever had to a father figure, thus making his claim about Razor's humanity a rather devastating blow. He feels inhuman all while knowing he is. You think once upon a time, he really did wish to be a wolf. 
You’ve known Razor since you were a teenager. You’d ended up in Wolvendom after your exploration of Teyvat led you to its outskirts. You’d bonded over your similarities. Two orphans with no real place where they fit in completely and complete odd-ball personalities - Razor was an easy friend for you to make. Even when you eventually decided to settle into Mondstat - you’d made a point to visit Razor regularly and spend time with him in the forest. 
You made an odd pair of course, but you didn’t mind. If no one else understood you in the world - you know Razor always would. He’d listen patiently about all of your adventures and sit quietly as you decided to pester him by braiding his hair or teaching him new words. Loyal, obedient, sweet.
You never formally had the boyfriend conversation in the time you’d spent together. One day, however, Razor took you to meet Boreas out of the blue as well as the leader of his pack. You figured maybe it was something he did with his close friends. It only occurred to you that maybe this was a more serious meeting when Razor promptly gestured towards you and introduced you as his mate. 
Razor, predictably, was very confused about your minor freak out. You tried not to let it show during your little chit-chat, but afterwards you’d shaken him by the shoulders and interrogated him about his word choice. This of course didn’t register in his mind at all. According to Razor, you’d been his mate since long ago. He’d been courting you since the moment you met in the way wolves are known too. You’re an adventurer, well-versed in certain animal behaviors for the sake of survival, including wolves. 
And looking back on your interactions he was right,  Razor had been courting you from the start. The news made you flush, and you went back into Razors camp and thoroughly educated him on human courting rituals.
(“Why matter?” Razor asks, head laid in your lap while he looks up at you from inside the tent “Not important.” 
“Why would it not be important?” 
He turns towards you, head facing your stomach as one arm lazily wraps around your waist. He yawns sleepily, seemingly not worried about a thing. 
“You are mate. Mate last until death.” He explains, casually - like he’d always believed he’d spend every minute of his life with you. Like that was the only natural outcome for you both and that he’d never consider anything else. You want to explain, it’s different for humans. Humans don’t usually mate that way, you should say. But the words die out in your mouth as he clings closer to you “Sorry for..not asking.. properly. What are we…as humans?” 
You look down at where he lays, thumb brushing over his cheek. 
“Lovers or life partners. They’re closest to the word mate, in definition.” 
“Lovers easier,” He grumbles, eyebrows tightening at the complex words in your sentence “You want to be lovers with Razor?” 
You laugh. Light and bubbly and warm as you lean forward and try to mask the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. 
“Yes. We’re lovers from now on. And mates. And lupical, right?” 
Razor sighs contentedly into your midriff.
“And lupical.”)
According to Razor, you had been mates from the minute you met. According to your human timeline, you have been dating since you were both around 17. It’s been a long time since then and nothing in your relationship has changed.
You’re an adult now and you work with the city of Mondstat studying wildlife populations. You live in the city in a cottage, and Razor lives with you - though he spends most of his day outside. He does the domestic labor while you whittle away at papers and projects. Because of your job, you still spend a fair bit of time together in the wild. He has plenty of insight about the wildlife in Wolvendom and is keen enough on changes to give significant contribution to your study. His work as your partner is unofficial, but everyone acknowledges that you come together in a set. Where you go, Razor follows.
You’re happy with your life. With your relationship to your wolf-boy boyfriend, with the career you’ve carved out of scratch and the life you’ve built. You left your orphanage young and spent a long time on the run. You’re incredibly thankful for all of what you have and you could never think of what more to ask for. 
This is especially true for you and Razor. You’ve never had any real major obstacles in your relationship. Part of this comes from the wolven habit of mating for life. Concepts like pride are foreign to Razor. He says sorry even when he doesn’t completely understand and he has no concept of betraying your loyalty. Most things you can teach, he learns very quickly. But there are also some things no one ever teaches you to navigate. Some boundaries you can’t be sure you’re allowed to cross. 
You’re a blossoming, healthy person in their twenties and so is Razor. He’s scarred and athletic in the outdoorsy way and he’s a little more rugged now that you’ve both grown. He’s hit a growth spurt and he’s taller than you and every time you see his arm flex carrying in an entire boar to butcher in your yard - you start getting so hot under the collar you feel like you’re going to explode. 
The problem is: you want to have sex and you want to have it badly. You want it so bad it’s starting to make you feel like you’re a deviant. Like you’re some kind of harlot masquerading as an archon-fearing civilian.
But it’s so hard to bring up and you don’t know how you’re ever going too. 
You’re very good at asking for what you want usually. It comes with the territory. And thanks to your boyfriend's cluelessness about human social convention, asking for things isn’t embarrassing. Concepts like shame are learned through a lifetime of socialization that he lacks and while you could sit and try to teach him - you don’t think he would care either way. He listens if you tell him he shouldn’t do something, but that’s because you’re his mate and his lupical. 
What other people think is none of his concern. He cares about his Lupical. So if Lisa or Bennet or Klee tell him something, he might take it into consideration. But they, like you, love the parts of Razor that make him how he is and his complete innocence in some ways is part of that. 
You know you could very well ask Razor for sex. You’ve spent a lot of time together and you’ve learned many things about him. It’s not like there’s nothing there at all. Like his every other trait, Razor normally relies on instinct to guide him. You’ve learned through kisses and dry-humping that he can get hard at least. You’ll probably never know the details of his arousal, and the only you’ll ever find out is by having sex with him. 
You don’t know what else he knows. What Lisa has told him of the birds and the bees. 
You have tried to ask Lisa inadvertently, but she enjoys making fun of you too much to give you any straightforward answers. And in her own maternal way, she thinks it’d be better for your relationship if you go ahead and ask yourself. 
She’s right about that, but it’s also not very easy. You know Razor would never judge you. He doesn’t even have the capacity to do so. But while Razor knows nothing of shame, you certainly do. 
It’s your problem to get over. You know that. You rationalize that your fantasies are healthy and normal for someone your age. But there is something terribly humiliating about trying to express the extent of your desire apart from just having it. Is it fair to teach Razor about desire? Does he know of it already and the both of you just suffer in silence? 
Razor is a man. A grown man, and tougher than most men you know. He’s seen more than almost anyone else as part of living in the woods. You know he’s not some innocent fairy. But you can’t get over the feeling like you’re corrupting his sweet preciousness somehow. 
(This has its own charm, but that’s not relevant. Or maybe it is. Maybe there’s guilt for that too but it’s not something you can unpack) 
You’re reaching your upper limit on patience. Your hand can only do the job so long (though the import of sex toys from Fontaine do help) nothing can truly replace what you want. And what you want is Razor.
So, you’ve made your choice. When Razor comes home from…what he’s doing today - you’re going to ask him to have sex.
You’ve finished all of your work, did as many chores as you can, and now you’re waiting in your bedroom trying to read a book.
You haven’t even read past the first page, actually. But you’re trying. It’s hard to do anything meaningful when your brain keeps pivoting back to what's going to happen when your boyfriend returns home. 
You’re nervous and fidgeting, rubbing your socked feet together and running over the laundry list of talking points you’ve concocted trying to make this happen. You shaved but not bare because you know he definitely wouldn’t like it, but you’re clean. You aren’t sure if he’s going to like that either and he’s expressed that he likes when you smell natural. But it soothed your anxiety to shower so he’ll have to leave with it. 
You have no idea how this could go. You don’t even know how to prepare for the worst, because you don’t know what the worst is. But you reassure yourself with the fact Razor loves you and leave it at that.
You hear the door open and take a deep breath. 
There’s heavy footsteps that get louder and louder. Razor cracks the door open politely, peeking his head into your shared room. He makes a face, the softest little smile you’ve ever seen - before letting himself in and shutting the door behind him. He’s quick to undress himself - jacket and scarf abandoned along with his boots. Leaving him in green pants and a bandage around his chest and arsm. 
“Hi,” He says simply, coming down over to where you’re laid. He chooses to sit on the floor, folding his arms on the bed as he looks at you patiently “Missed you,” 
“Hey there,” Your heart is pounding just looking at him. He’s unreasonably handsome. Had he grown up in normal conditions, you think he would’ve been a very popular loner type. “How was your family?” 
“Good,” He says shortly, eyes warm and light “New pup. First time seeing since I was little. Very small and cute.” 
“I’m glad. Bet it’s nice not to be the youngest anymore.” 
“Come next time,” He says genuinely “They miss you.” 
Your heart is so full you think it might burst. It temporarily soothes your anxiety.
“Of course I will.” 
Razors eyes examine you for a minute. Your heart is still racing. Of course he notices it. He knows much more about you than you’ll ever know about yourself. His brow creases in concern. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You look at him apologetically, immediately warmed by how worried he is. You give him a small smile. 
“I’m okay. Just a little nervous. Wanted to ask you about something.” 
“Okay. I listen. No need to..be nervous.” 
Right. He’s right about that. You sit up and Razor remains where he is. He’s seated comfortably on the floor, on his knees - between your thighs. He’s a sight for sore eyes, terribly rugged and scarred with nothing but honesty settled in his gaze. Carmine and beautiful. You fold your hands in your lap and before you can worry too much, Razor grabs one in his hand. 
He kisses your knuckles so gently, leaning his face into your palm. 
“It’s okay.” 
You figure it’s best to be straight to the point. 
“Uhm. Razor. Do you…know what sex is?” 
“Well, it’s—wait what? Did you just say yes?” 
He nods again. “Miss Lisa taught me.” 
That witch. You take a deep breath. It’s now or never.
“And uhm, what did she tell you about it?” You ask tentatively. 
“Like mating but for humans. Best to do with mate. Good to be careful or else pups will come too soon.” 
You stare at him, jaw slack. 
“Right. And what else?” 
He racks his brain right in front of you. 
“Uhm. Can be for…feel good. Should go slow. Lots of things different from wolf.” 
“...Do you know how it happens? The specifics?” 
Razor goes a soft pink. Razor blushes. 
You have no idea what to feel. Not the faintest clue in the world. This is the first time in your entire relationship either of you have been in an awkward situation. You’re partially relieved it’s not completely foreign, partially feeling hot between the legs because you’re not corrupting anything. You make a face of uncertainty. 
“Oh. Uhm. Do you—have you ever.. I mean—have you ever wanted to have sex with me then? I-is that something you’d…want to do?” 
Razor almost looks perplexed by this question. He nods, then follows up. 
“Yes. A lot.” 
You nearly choke on your spit. 
“A lot?” 
“Yes. But.. Miss Lisa said to wait. Until mate asks.” 
You’re going to have a serious discussion with that damned woman later. You take a shaky breath, looking at him carefully. This is going to break you in a way you don’t know if you’ll recover from. But you’re fine, you’ve made it this far. And you don’t want to back down when you haven’t gotten to the finish line. The final blow. 
You’re not completely sure where you go from here honestly. Your brain was fully expecting to go on a long rant about sexual intercourse. Now that that’s out of the window, you’re at a loss. You decide, internally, that going straight forward is the best thing you could do for now. 
“Then… would you want to have sex with me?” 
His eyes widen then he pauses, looking worried. 
“Well…yes. But, worried. Not sure…how.” 
“Well, uhm. Normally it starts with kissing and t-touching and things like that. You can just do what feels right. Uhm.. and I’ll tell you… what I like. A-and what feels good.” You offer, trying not to show just how nervous you are even suggesting “But uhm… I also… think about it. A lot. With you.” 
His eyes light up, and you can practically see the change in him. You’ve never let yourself get close enough to look but when you see him now that you know, it’s obvious. He’s looked at you like this before. 
Like he wants you. 
“Razor,” You say, bracing yourself for impact “Come up here.” 
He’s quick to his feet. You lay back down and Razor lays himself ontop of you, hovering gently. He smells like forest, the rich warm scent of dirt and sunlight mixed with sweat that you’ve grown fond of. Looking down at you, he presses his forehead against yours with his eyes fluttered closed. 
“Mate,” His breath is warm like he’s been chewing mint leaves and sweet flowers. He does it sometimes before coming home “Love you,” 
“I love you too, Razor. You don’t,” You swallow thickly, suddenly aware of your proximity “Don’t hold back okay? You won’t break me.” 
“Want to..” He thinks slowly, brain clearly struggling to come up with the right word “Cherish. Want to cherish mate. Cherish you.” 
You give him a breathy laugh as he leans in close to you. 
“Did Miss Lisa teach you that?”
“Yes,” He replies, pressing his cheek to yours and rubbing himself against you innocently “Cherish you a lot.” 
“I cherish you a lot too,” You offer and he smiles. You feel your heart thump as you look up at him less innocently “Let’s kiss first, okay” 
He doesn’t reply. This much is familiar. Though this was something you had to teach him at first, you would go as far as saying Razor kisses better than you. He’s better than you in these ways most of the time. He knows how to read your body language down to the most irrelevant details, attuned to your physicality in a way that could only be inhuman. The first time he noticed a change in your cycle after starting some herbal contraceptives, you were turned on as much as you were afraid. 
His mouth is hot and overwhelming, plush as he kisses you passionately. He’s quick to open your mouth up with his tongue. Razor likes to taste. It’s natural for him to slip his tongue past your lips and lick at yours. You think if anyone else did it you’d be turned off. But with him hovering you over you, desperate as he pulls and nips at your lower lip - it’s stimulating.  It makes you wet before you can think about it too hard. Your hands curl themselves around his neck, tangling at the thick roots of his gray hair. 
He moans when you tug, and your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets. You do it again, a little harder and the same broken sound leaves his lips in the middle of kiss. You swallow the noise before pulling away, looking at his face. His face is perfectly rosy, lips swollen from where you’ve been kissing them.
“Did you,” You look at him erratically, eyes going over every part of his face “Did that feel good?” 
He nods, dumbfounded. 
“Felt good but,” He shakes his head in disbelief “Don’t know why.” 
You giggle, delighted with the outcome. 
“No it’s good, that’s normal.” You say trying not to babble “It’s like your body’s weak point.”
“Not weak.”
“It’s not a bad thing. I have some too. Like my neck.”
You can see the gears turning in his head.  He tucks his chin against your shoulder and before you can speak to ask him about it, he’s pressing his lips against the skin of your neck. He doesn’t stop at a kiss, though. He proceeds to lick the small patch of tender flesh, before sinking his teeth into it.
You moan. You moan sharp, almost like a gasp of pain. He opens his mouth to ask if you’re okay but when he sees you he stops. He blinks, then gives you a look you’ve never seen. 
His voice is almost chipped - richer and more hoarse as his fingers go over what can only be bite marks.
“Feels good?” He says, then adds more urgently “Where else?”
You’ve made him discover something. You’re sure of that. He looks awfully determined about it, too. 
You sigh shakily, grabbing his hands. Even though you’re trembling mercilessly, you want this. You want him. You let his hand squeeze around the swell of your tits - your nipples peeking through the thin fabric of your shirt. With your eyes locked on his, you brush your nipples.
“H-here,” You admit watching his eyes go dark. Animalistic. “Uhm. W-with your mouth, you c-can suck on them.” 
He’s quiet. 
“Like pup?” 
You laugh. 
“A little bit like that, I guess. But it’s different.” 
He makes a small, approving noise with his mouth, once again thinking hard about something before he continues down his path. He leaves open kisses all over your skin, hands reaching to undress you. You help him, peeling your shirt over your head and tossing it somewhere. His eyes are shut closed, in bliss as he licks and bites down your neck with no real grace. His tongue is wet and rough all over you. 
You can tell you’re being primed for something animal. Like being tenderized, worked apart in a way that makes you melt into something soft. Something that can be broken without teeth, that can be swallowed in one go. It’s not a romantic kiss as much as it’s a hungry graze, a gnawing lust. He’s not being so reserved anymore, and that means sinking his teeth as far into you as he can go, not enough to break the skin. Razor would never break you. But he might ruin you, might melt you down from your very center until he can tear you apart. 
You thought it’d hurt, and it does - but in a good way. There’s some sick sense of relief in how achy your whole body is. You’re burning up because Razor wants you like he’s starving. An emptiness claws at you, makes the back of your gums ache. Makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand nearly straight as you sink deeper in. You want to be full of him and you want him to get so full off of you. 
Razor doesn’t stop his tirade even when he gets down to your chest. Instead his mouth closes around your tit, hard incisors sinking into the supple skin but only slightly gentler than before. His canines feel sharper than yours. They must be. 
“O-oh,” You can feel your voice shake as you hold onto the back of his head. He touches the other one with his free hand, squeezing and massaging the skin. He rubs your nipples experimentally in the same way you did a moment ago. “Razor, hngh,” 
A noise is pulled from the back of his throat, a growl - so hard and heavy that it reverberates into your skin. You can feel it spread through your whole body, your core tightening up. Your skin is prickly. A solar flare shooting through your spine. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been so aroused. You can hardly breathe around the weight of it sitting in your chest.
“Your scent..change.” Razor says through a breath, a thick layer of saliva where his mouth once was “Hot. So hot.” 
You nearly whimper. 
“ It’s because I’m wet…Aroused.” 
“It means I want to be touched. I want you to touch me down there.” 
A beat of silence. 
“Want me..to mate with you.” He sits up onto his knees, staring at you. Your legs are around his waist loosely. He presses a hand to your clothed sex. You jolt at the contact. “Want me to fill you, here?” 
He puts his hand on your hip, on your stomach - before tucking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts.
“Want to see. What’s wet, I want to see.” 
You lift your legs slightly, pulling your shorts off as you're bent at the knee. It’s embarrassing being bare naked in front of Razor, though you’ve seen him in the same state plenty. He’s quick to grab your knee and force your legs apart wide. He’s got that same focused stare, tongue poked out as he brushes the coarse hairs on your mound with his knuckle. You squirm under the feeling. 
“Pretty,” He says first, then follows with “It’s…very warm. Hot but doesn’t hurt” 
Razor explores with his hands. He runs his finger along your slit, before using his thumbs to spread you apart. He nudges your clit. At first you wonder if it's an accident, but when he does it again - rubs a pointed circle on the aching bundle of nerves you realize he’s being intentional. 
“Here, right?” Razor says slowly and gauges your reaction “Feels good for you…here. Helps.” 
You want to ask who taught him such a thing but you already know the answer. You nod helpless, feeling the way his thumb goes back and forth. He tries it in different ways, watches whatever way makes your breath hitch the most. 
“Here makes you… jump. Like bunny rabbit. Like prey”
The word prey almost takes you out. You can’t make your words out very eloquently anymore. “It’s uhm sensitive.” 
He knows the word. You’ve taught him it. He looks at your bare cunt all awestruck, gloved hand resting on your sex as he continues to toy with your clit. You squirm and shake, even trying to pull away. Razor manages to grab you, keeps you pinned with your legs spread, using his own body to keep you like that. 
“Razor,” You moan, grabbing at his wrist “Razor.” 
“Mm. It’s soft. So soft.” 
“I want to see yours.” 
It takes him a second to register your words, but he’s not ashamed in the slightest when he does. He takes off his gloves right before. You’ve felt it, briefly, the weight and heft of his cock through clothes but you’ve never actually seen it. You gasp as he pulls it out, tucking his pants down under his balls. He’s hairy - thick dark gray hairs nested at the base. His cock has a pretty curve up, tip ruddy and bright. It’s drooling, dribbling pre-cum and heavy. He wraps his free hand around the base and strokes it instinctively. It’s a good length, but it’s thick. Thicker than you could’ve ever conjured up in your own mind.
You reach for it between your bodies, your hands trembling as you touch it. Razor lets out another throaty growl. Your hand doesn’t fit around it completely. The back of your throat tightens up.
“You’re—it’s big. I can’t—not at once. I h-have to open myself up a little bit.” 
Razor tilts his head to one side and you shake yours in reply. 
“I need to uhm,” You gesture vaguely “Make it more..wet and stretch myself out. So you fit i-inside.” 
“Want to help. Teach me.” 
“...Teach you?” 
“Easier if I..learn now. When we do it again later. Teach me..how to touch you.” 
The words sound sweet coming out of his mouth, honeyed and loving. An obedient and eager pupil, Razor has always been that hasn’t he? And he always listens the best he can, tries his hardest. You suppose that this instance is no different. You suck in a breath and spread your legs a little more. 
Razor watches. He watches as you dip your fingers into your mouth and coat them with saliva. Watches as you snake a hand in between your legs and dip your middle finger down low into your cunt - with a trembling sigh at the sudden intrusion. He watches intimately as you pump them in and out, rhythmic and noisy. The sound of your own wet heat rings in your ears as you spread yourself in earnest. 
Half-way through, Razor puts a hand on your thigh. He pushes your own hand away, and waits for you to open your eyes. He stares at you, long and hard. 
“I want to eat you. Want to lick,” His hand cups your bare pussy “Here. Make you wet. Open you by myself. Want to eat.” 
You’re speechless. Profoundly turned on by the sentiment, so much so you can’t make out your own voice. 
“Uhm,” You close your hands into a fist, tucking your chin. “You can do whatever you like, Razor.” 
He assesses the statement and you watch him take it in. He ends up on his stomach, lying between your thighs. You’re fascinated by his assurance in himself. He takes the right position between your legs. You spread out to give him easier access and he gives you a silent look of thanks. His breath is warm as it fans your cunt. 
Before you get a chance to breathe, Razor sticks his tongue and licks. It’s animalistic with no real finesse at all. He makes up for it with enthusiasm and some conclusions he’s drawn with your assistance. He sucks on your clit nearly feverish, takes it into his mouth like he did your tits minutes prior. It’s drooly and sticky and nasty in a way that makes you ashamed. You’re more ashamed because you like it, you love it really. Spit is running down, dripping down to your ass. It’s a loud slurp - a shameless, nasty hunger in how he licks up your arousal with his mouth and drenches your pussy with spit. 
His groans reverberate into you. He likes what he’s doing. The sound and touch and taste - Razor overwhelms you with all of it. There’s a tangible intensity wrapping up around you, keeping you trapped in the wolf's den. 
You don’t teach him to use his fingers. He seems to have figured it out. The pad of his middle finger draws the spit pooling along your seam before pushing itself into your tight hole. You gasp at how invasive it is at first. Razors fingers are thick and scarred and you can feel the ridges of your raised skin from healed injured when he fucks you open with them. 
It feels good. Being wanted. Being consumed voraciously and openly without any care for shame. Razor is the embodiment of raw desire and all of it- every ounce of it is being used to devour you. The descendant of wolves, the son of the forest - laid between your thighs and eating like something delicious left at an abandoned altar. 
Even clumsy, you’re turned on beyond reason. Arousal leaves you shakily pawing at him to slow down. Your voice is reduced to nothing but small whines and mewls - pleas to slow down that fall on deaf ears. 
“Razor,” Your voice is clipped “Razor, please - it’s enough. Just.” 
When he snaps out of his haze, his chin is soaked with arousal and spit. He wipes it with the back of his hand, looking at you. 
“Tastes good. You taste nice.” He praises, heaving and out of breath. 
Your stomach flares up with new found lust, hands covering your face. 
“Archons, just. Come here.” 
Razor climbs up on top of you again. You cup his face and kiss him hard, tasting yourself on him. 
“You’re so unfair. But I can’t get angry because you’re not even doing it on purpose.”
You shake your head, kissing the corner of his mouth. Trembling with need. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I want you inside. Want you to fill me in here, so bad, Razor.” 
His eyes widen. Your desperation must reach him this time, because he nods. innocently. You’re thankful beyond words you’re on contraceptives. At this point, you think trying to use a condom would break you down.
“You just have to put it inside. But please go slowly, okay?” 
“Go slowly…won’t hurt you.” 
Razor sits up on his knees again, drawing your waist down towards him. Before he pushes into you, he lays his cock against your sex - pushing it between messy folds. His expression morphs, his jaw tensing as the head of his cock swells and throbs against your aching clit. It slides and slips so messily, pussy clinging to his hard length. You guide his cock towards your entrance while he leans forward over you. His palms are rough as they grab your hips, hands settling up under your knees. 
You can feel his cock as he rolls his hips slowly. Your nails dig into his back, indenting the skin as you cry out. It’s thick, intrusive as he pushes into your tight little hole. Even after opening you up, there’s an ache inside as the head stretches your pussy open. The raw drag of skin on skin as Razor pushes inside of you. You can feel him with every movement, your legs wrapped around his waist tight.
Razor has always had a limited vocabulary. He likes to speak in short sentences since it’s what he does best. His speech now is a lot more developed, but he still finds it troublesome. 
It stuns you when Razor's grip tightens and he swears under his breath - a single word, long and drawn out as his cock pushes into you deeply. 
“Feels good…feels so good. Want…move. Please.” 
“You can move, just let me hold onto you okay?” 
Razor tucks his head against your neck before he fucks you. In one smooth motion, he pulls himself out completely before shoving himself back in. It’s as gentle as he can go, but you can practically feel him shaking above you. How his whole being urged him to fuck you llike an animal. The desperation rolls off of him in waves, his own hands gripping tighter as he slowly finds a rhythm to fuck you in. Clumsy thrust that turns into careful calculated ones as you urge him to go deeper. 
“Deep,” Razor pants against your neck, his breath tickling your skin. His voice is a low growl as his hips snap up to meet the back of your thighs with each thrust. Your bed creaks each time he moves, the frame knocking against the wood “I’m deep inside you,” 
“Razor,” You sneak a hand between your bodies, clumsily toying with your clit - pleasure ruining your every thought “Harder. Give it to me harder.” 
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Razor gives up on trying to hold himself back. He fucks you with nearly reckless abandon, an impressive amount of strength and weight behind each thrust. His dick pushes in and out of you hard and fast in the most unromantic way. You can feel it all the way up to your throat. It makes the back of legs and and your lower half feel tingly. Your head is blank, nothing but spotted white in your vision. You blink them open to look at Razors face. 
He’s biting at his lower lip hard, focusing all of himself on his thrusts. He’s enduring it well. Your insides clench, a fluttery sensation starting to build up between your legs. You can feel it in your belly, the knot starting to untie. 
Razor is starting to feel it too him. 
“Inside so, ngh - hot.  S-something coming, going to—” 
“A little more. Gonna cum soon, Razor. Feels so good, you make me feel so good.” 
Your mindless praise makes him whimper. A soft noise that echoes through you. You repeat it over and over, in a high voice like you’d praise a puppy. Razor takes it in beautifully, trying so hard not to succumb to his own desires. He restrains despite how hard and how fast and how deep he’s fucking you. You know it’s not easy. 
“I’m gonna c-cum, Razor,” You say, at the very edge “Cum with me. It’s okay, you can let it out.” 
You cum hard. Harder than you think you ever have in your life, then you’ve ever been able to manage by yourself. The sensation hits all at once, like falling through the sky, you can feel the clouds pushed away by the weight of you coming down through. Your insides tighten and tense one last time before everything releases at once, and waves of the aftershock leave your pussy fluttering. You’re washed with pure euphoria, crying out Razor’s name as you cum. 
Razor is quick to follow you. Your own orgasm seems to drive him over the edge, and he cums deep inside. He muffles his cry by biting into your shoulder, groaning as hot seed spills into your cunt with a harsh stutter of hips. He fucks into your pussy, soft and messy before bottoming out and nearly collapsing on top of you. 
It takes you a long minute to catch your breath well enough to speak. 
You rub Razors back soothingly before you do. He lifts his head, eyes heavy as he looks at you. 
“Wow,” He says, eyes wide and blown out. You can’t help but break out into a fight of laughter “Love you…”
“I love you too, Razor.”
“Wanna do it again,” Razor says, looking at you seriously “Can I?” 
You feel a pulse of warmth through your whole body before nodding. 
“Uhm. Yes. Just give me a break first, okay?” 
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dancingdonatello · 3 months
Hoi! 2007 turtles reacting to their recent (as in just started dateing) s/o instinctively going to the sewers after a long day of work to be with them and not straight home?
(Love your writing btw!! )
2012 tmnt x gn reader
You catch Leo just in time for when he wakes up. He opens his eyes and there you are, standing in the entrance of his room.
Of course he’s happy you’re here. You’re always welcome. He even lets you sleep in his bed to take a nap while he meditates. He stays next to you instead of leaving to the dojo as he usually does, letting you cuddle into his lap as he tries to focus.
Raph is, of course, happy, but tries to act like you shouldn’t have come here. Wouldn’t you be more comfy on your bed instead of on top of him? You’d immediately collapsed into his arms out of relief, cuddling into him eagerly.
But afterwards, obviously, he lets you stay there. He lazes on the couch with you dozing off on top of him and doesn’t complain once about pointy elbows digging into him or how you squirm too much.
Donnie makes you something to eat and gets you something to drink while you follow him around like a lost puppy. Had you really missed him that much?
He’s a little relieved. When you had first agreed to date him, he thought you’d realize that you had made a mistake. But it didn’t seem like you thought it was a mistake, not with how you leaned into his side and ate the snacks he got you.
Mikey is overjoyed. He wants you to come by everyday. He clings to you as you tell how your day went, already knowing all the names of your coworkers and your boss.
He kicks his legs back and forth like a schoolgirl, letting you air out all your frustrations. When you’re done, he’s got plenty of ideas for stuff for you two to do together.
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braxlrose · 1 year
things i imagine 2005 bf bill does
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• when/if he finds you sitting out in the rain he'll end up sitting down with you. it took some convincing because when he found you he was standing there, holding a regenshirm, shivering and was like "what the fuck are you doing out here 😮‍💨."
• it ended in you dragging him to the ground with you and playing in the rain. bonus points in you two ended up rolling in mud 💀
• memorizes your coffee order and always gets you a cup whenever he goes to get coffee or walks by a coffee shop
• plays with your hands when you two are cuddling and kisses your finger tips
• is always holding your hand. wherever you two are going, you guys are hand in hand. he loves the feeling of it and it just makes him really happy
• you two go on walks all the time whenever you guys aren't sleeping, rehearsing or doing school stuff and it's always so much fun. like always, you're holding hands, you guys get donuts and he buys you stuff whether you need it or not
• you two went skinny dipping together one night. you guys had been together for a couple months now and you were hanging out in your bedroom when you suggested you guys go "do something fun".
• he had no idea what you meant until you snuck our your window and brought him to the nearest lake and stripped. his eyes practically popped out in the sockets when you stepped into the lake and put your head underneath the water. you looked super sexy btw, all "you comin' in 🤭?"
• paints your nails for you and you paint his. he loves doing it with you because so many girls and guys make fun of him for doing it and he loves how much you don't judge him for anything
• i mentioned this in this story, but he ties your shoes for you whenever he notices they're untied.
• when his roots starts showing, he loves it when you help him redye his hair. and he also loves it if you have colored hair too that he can dye for you
• gets you sweet little things like charm bracelets that he made himself. like the ones with different colored string and then the little beads on them that are white with letters that you can spell stuff out with.
• makes you breakfast in bed when he isn't feeling lazy and wakes up before you
• smiles like a dumb idiot whenever you stand up to bullies for him. he interlocks his fingers with yours and rests his chin on your shoulder as you berate them, just holding in his laughter
• plays mermaids with you whenever you guys are at the pool hanging out
• buys you new clothes whenever he sees something you might like
• goes all out for valentines day. as we all know he's a hopeless romantic and believes in true love and all that shit so he LOVES spending valentines day with you.
• he buys you chocolate, flowers, romantic movies, writes you little notes and puts them in your locker throughout the day.
• if you two talk about having sex on valentines for the first time, he'll get you guys a hotel room and go all out with rose petals and shit.
• loves jaw kissing. doesn't matter if he's kissing your jaw or you're kissing his jaw, he loves it so much
• he loves it when you cook for him, especially if you're really good at cooking. same goes for baking
• plays footsie with you under the table during school hours
• bill likes PDA but he doesn't like stuff like shoving your tongues down eachothers throats at school. but he loves wrapping his arm over your shoulder, small kisses, hand holding, kissing your temples, etc.
• you and him have snowball fights im winter and it's always tons of fun. afterwards you both go inside and have some hot chocolate.
• he doesn't want you getting a cold during the winter so he practically forces you to wear gloves, a hat, jacket, scarves etc.
• but for some reason he only has to wear a jacket and he'll be perfectly fine 🤨
• kisses your hands and traces your tattoos
• combs your hair for you to make sure you don't have any knots your hair
• helps you out with homework and you do the same for him
• walks you to class with him hand in your back pocket and kisses you goodbye when he has to leave to go to his class. but he always gets super happy whenever he goes to a class that you're also in.
• invites you to parties with the rest of tokio hotel and ends up in some random room with you cuddling in your arms cause he gets all lovey dovey when he's drunk
• lights your cigarettes for you when you two are hanging out. he either lights it with a lighter or lights his cigarette first and then lights your with his cigarette. he usually does the second one because he thinks it's more cute and romantic
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7
a/n: let me know if you guys want more
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romanestuffsposts · 2 months
Oksy so it's a very random start rn but last week I was with a friend and she gave me a speacial cookie but didnt told me what in it was so i ate it and started to feel fuzzy and later I was vomiting and had a head ache and stuff and than she told me that it was a space cookie with weed in it. I was so scared when I start to notice that I dont feel good but she just made fun of me. Now i cut the contact and need comfort (when I noticed that I was not feeling good I was walking home and when I was home I was still so scared and crying that I cried in my dads arms crying myself to sleep)
Daddy stucky x little reader where she was in the same Situation and they found her crying, scared and throwing up with much comfort ❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
First of all I’m so so sorry that it happened to you. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, if you want to take a space cookie then it has to come from you and no one else ! It’s just respect. It made me so mad when I read what you send me, not mad at you but mad at your friend (who is really not a good friend btw). I can totally understand how you felt afterward and how betrayed you must have felt.
I once took a space cookie at a party at my cousin’s house and I saw everyone laughing and running everywhere while I was on my chair, completely lost. I moved my eyes from left to right and I had the feeling that the world was spinning. It wasn’t really fun because I didn’t enjoy my night because of that (two hours after I ate it I was in bed imao). But it was my choice, I was with people I trust and I wanted to take it. That’s the difference. I felt sick too (probably because it’s was the fist time I ate weed- I already smoke it but not eating it) but it was my decision.
Those kind of experience can’t come from anyone else but you. That’s just how it is and nothing else is acceptable.
I hope you recover from that horrible experience sweetie, you’re so strong and I’m so happy for you that you had your dad to comfort you. Be careful my love <3
I hope you like how I wrote this fic, lots of love babe ❤️
warnings : mention of drugs, taking drugs against your will, feeling dizzy and sick, comfort, reassurance, trust issues, pet names, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn’t chose your friends correctly
You always had a hard time making friends. Not because you’re a bad person or because you’re mean to everyone that look at you but because you’re discreet, you’re shy and you’re scared to go to people.
But once you make a friend, you’re ready to do everything for that person. You’re that kind of friend, the one who gave the half of your meal if your friend doesn’t have anything to eat. Your the kind of friend that will sleep on the floor so the other sleep in your bed. You’re the kind of friend that pardon everyone because for you, everyone can have a second chance. Mistakes happen
You wouldn’t call it a mistake this time tho.
You were enjoying a sleepover at your friend’s house, everything went good, you were having fun and you even made new friends that were also invited. One of them came with a plate of cookies and you can’t lie and say you hadn’t thought of them all evening.
Apparently they knew each others for years and at first that scared you but once you met them your nerves actually relax a bit. They’re used to do things together and lived plenty life experience together while you did it alone but that’s fine, you’re here now, you’re with them so everything is good.
Around 11pm, the one that came with the cookies open the box and give one to everyone. Everyone seemed excited and you didn’t question it because you were too, not for the same reasons tho.
You ate that cookie so fast that your stomach isn’t really happen. You went to grab another one when your friend stop you ‘’wait just a few minutes before taking another, trust me’’ she winks
Trust me
You shrug it off and went back to playing, you were enjoying the night when all of a sudden, everyone start to be a little bit weird, too weird to your liking.
The more you try to understand why one of the guy is laughing hard just because he has a fly on his drink, or why your friend has a hard time opening her red eyes that you start to feel weird too.
You stand up thinking you needed water but soon realised that mistake. Once your butt leave the seat, it feels like the world start spinning around you. You look around you, scared and lost, everyone were enjoying their time while you just wanted to crawl in bed and recover.
You tried to go to your friend but when she wasn’t ghosting you she was just telling you that it was fine that you didn’t needed to worry about anything and just enjoying the feeling.
You didn’t felt listen or understood at all and that alone make you feel even more sick. With all the strength you can get, you pick up your bag and leave the house.
You live a few blocks away from your friend- ex friend, so you decide to walk home, not really knowing what to do else. You don’t know if your Daddies are home or if they took advantage of the fact that you were away to do something together.
While walking home you start crying, you felt betrayed, you may not be the most thoughtful girl but you’re definitely not stupid, you know there was something in the cookie, you just didn’t realised it on time.
You’re relieved to see your door’s house and has a warm feeling in your chest once you close it behind you. As the click of the door closing is heard, your back fall onto it and you slide down the door, until your touching the ground.
You soon hear footsteps coming toward where you are ‘’baby ?’’ Your Papa walk toward you and kneels down ‘’what are you doing here ?’’
‘’is everything okay, baby girl ?’’ Your Daddy asks as well. You shake your head, tears sliding down your face.
Your Papa rests his hand against your cheek ‘’take deep breath, love. You’re at home, with us, nothing can harm you here’’
You take shaky breathes and squeeze your hands ‘’baby tell us what’s wrong’’
‘’I- I didn wanted to. I just wanted cookie, I promise I didn k-know’’ you cry harder.
‘’Hey hey shhh, it’s okay little one, keep taking deep breathes we won’t get mad at you’’ your Daddy reassures you.
‘’I feel bad’’ you cry and wipe your eye with the back of your hand
‘’How do you feel bad ?’’ Your Papa asks, taking your hand away from your eye. He hates when you do that because you’re always too harsh with yourself and he doesn’t want you to get hurt ‘’explain to us’’
You sob ‘’I don know i-‘’ you breath out ‘’everything is spinning and- and i tired’’ you whine.
Your Daddies look at each other, it doesn’t take them a long time to connect about what had happened. You talked about cookies and then feeling bad and finally everything is spinning. They immediately understood.
Your Daddy stand up and lifts you up in his arms, you immediately roll yourself around him. He waits until your Papa finishes removing your shoes and sockets before going to the couch. He sits down and rests you on his laps ‘’it’s okay my love, you went through something you shouldn’t have to without your consent but you’ll be fine’’
‘’nothing will happen to you, you’ll feel bad for a few more hours but that’s all’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’papa will be back soon with a glass of water, it’ll make you feel better’’
‘’Close your eyes babydoll, the world will not spinning as much as it does when your eyes are open’’ he quietly says, his fingers sliding down your hair to calm you down
‘’Here princess’’ your Papa sits on the couch and help you drinking the water. The fresh liquid that slide down your throat help at making you feel more relax and calm, just like your Daddy said it would.
He takes your feet on his laps and gently rubs them while speaking softly to you. Your eyes are still close but your other senses are multiplying, the touches of your Daddies help at calming your nerve and the reassurance behind the truth your Daddy said earlier about you closing your eyes and the water thing is really good at relaxing you.
‘’How about you sleep with us tonight ?’’
They know you’re not in a big danger but it reassure them too if you were with them for the night.
You nod your head and before you can put your finger in your mouth, your Daddy slides your paci in it.
‘’We won’t let her hang out with these people, right ?’’ Your Daddy asks as his eyes wonder around your sleepy face.
‘’As if she would want to hang out with them again’’ your Papa scoffs as his hands still rubs your cold feet
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toomuchracket · 2 months
i had this image in my mind where d word girlie and matty fuck in her childhood bedroom, and matty thinks it’s the hottest thing everrr����🫡
"i had sex for the first time in this bed and it was really bad" and matty's like "well you know what babe. i'm about to rewrite history for you". not that he does a full roleplay of your "first time" (lottie wrote that for linecook btw and i think about it every three days), but it's very slow and steamy, and - out of necessity, given your family are home - a lot of murmuring "does that feel good, baby? you like it when i fuck you like this? yeah, know you do, so fucking wet for me. gonna get you off soon, sweet girl, i promise" against your lips and kissing you very passionately to keep your moans hushed. it's really quite sexy sex, if you get me, very intimate and drawn-out, nobody rushing to get the other off, just enjoying the moment and feeling very loved; in that respect, matty thinks that's the hottest thing ever, as well as the fact he gets to replace a bad memory with a good one for you. not quite so hot that you have to sneak out to go to the bathroom to clean up together afterwards, though - slightly better after he went down on you to clean you up, but still not ideal lmfao. overall, though, it's great, especially you snuggling up to your boyfriend before you go to sleep like "thank you for always taking care of me and making me happy. love you". sweet <3
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 7 months
drop every headcanon of the bucci gang NOW!
--- pookie bear bruno hcs first <3
they just kinda live together
bruabba holds a special place in my heart
bruno's probably stressed out 24/7
hes got soft features yk?
probably spends like 3 hours doing his hair in the morning
I like to think that he legally adopted Fugo after fugso bugso joined that gang
poor guy overworks himself WAY too often
he also has the most gorgeous eyelashes you'll ever see
and they're natural, too
he's tired af half the time, idk what you expected
he tries to help fugo control his anger (bc he's a loving mother) (giorno does it better tho)
i reckon bruno's pansexual tbh, he just seems like he wouldn't give a shit about his partner's gender
he likes going fishing
brought Abbacchio along one time
abba got seasick and threw up
he likes to accessorize his hair (hence the mitochondria hair clips)
sometimes he'll let the others accessorize his hair, too
trish makes it look really cute
abba makes it look stunning (bc it's his boyfriend)
narancia just puts random shit in his hair
Mista sings loudly (and badly) to be a little shit while he does Bruno's hair (it turns out surprisingly ok)
giorno deadass just puts a shit ton of stars in his hair
fugo gets mad and almost rips a chunk of Bruno's hair out
Bruno's guilty pleasure is midnight snacks
abbacchio caught him eating a whole ass tub of ice cream while watching il postino: the postman at like 2 in the morning
they watched it together and cuddled afterwards
hot goth
gay for bruno
he probably watches those make up youtube channels
if he didn't join passione he could be a make up artist
lets trish practice on him
he's full on protective of nara too
i like to give abbacchio sharper features when i draw him tbh
also a larger nose
and while we're at it, let's hook that bad boy (the nose)
he and bruno go on wine testing dates
he has very frequent and reoccurring nightmares
(its why he sleeps with bruno)
his parents cut contact when they found out he was a dirty cop :(
this man saw narancia on his first day in the gang and accepted his fate as a father LMAO
he's a gay man and you can't tell he's not. Never felt attraction towards women
he feels like time moves by too fast. Everything happens so quickly and he wishes he could go back and just relive certain parts of his life over and over again because he feels like everything happens so quickly now that he's older and it overwhelms him (this definitely isn't me projecting what're you talking about)
moody blues is sort of the representation of this
Moody blues is curvy and i won't accept anything else
make moody look goddamn feminine
not too feminine obviously but like
moody looks like a woman compared to abbacchio
tells people he can't dance but he definitely can
just play the right music and give him enough wine and he'll be dancing like he's never danced before (only in private tho)
and maybe euthanasia by will wood too
not even kidding, abbacchio has the same body type as a greek god
also the strongest guy in the team
the guy that has a dream
I love this weird ass fucking guy
gay for fugo. that's all I'm gonna say.
not abba or bruno tho (they're too old for his taste)
remember that one seen where he and mista are up against cioccolata (fuck him btw) and they do that gay ass pose?
prime example of giorno being a little shit
putting his hand down mista's pants was an accident by the way, he just said "fuck it" and went with it
he probably showed the gang the thing he could do with his ear
they had very mixed reactions
one day (before the gang) he woke up and saw his roots were blond and he just went like "sigh, guess I have to grow my hair out and become barbie
also bc his dad is dio I like to think that he sunburns easily
he can also see really well and the dark
"It's so dark in here, I can't see shit!" "I can, there's a light switch over there."
everyone was confused as hell bc it was pitch black in that room
this man is gay. he likes BOYS and BOYS ONLY
i like to think Giorno's a mischievous lil guy
he does something silly then giggles and runs away
it's to make up for the fact that he didn't have a proper childhood
his hair is gorgeous and luxurious AND SO FUCKING CURLY
he uses about 20 hair products every day (21 if he's going on a date)
he can calm fugo down so easily too
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU NARANCIA-" "Hi fugo!" "Oh, hey Giorno."
it's really scary (according to narancia and mista)
this man loves gardening
born to be a gardener, forced to be a gangstar
autistic (it runs in the family)
the stink
Mista is the type of guy who showers once or twice a week
he only washes his clothes when they get too dirty
I like to make this man a little wider honestly
he's muscular, but he's gotta have a little meat on there too
I like to think that Mista outright REFUSES to shave
the only place that he can grow barely any hair is his face
never shaved his face. He doesn't have much facial hair and he'll be damned if he ever has to get rid of the little that he has
bffs with trish btw
they make fun of each other all the time
in a friendly way
he honestly looks the least gay out of everyone
probably bi with a heavy preference towards girls (he had a boyfriend one time tho)
sometimes he shoves Narancia's face in his armpit for fun
I'm not even kidding Narancia probably threw up one time bc Mista stank so bad
older brother figure to EVERYONE
Giorno? that's his baby brother. Narancia? his favourite brother. Trish? his little sister. Fugo? that's his angry little brother.
I have so many mista headcanons it's unreal
his hair is so fucking curly istg
and it's black too
very short tho. also super greasy
his love language is physical touch, but not in the usual physical touch way
he won't really hug people or hold hands or just do something normal, oh no
my guy likes to pick people up and throw them over his shoulder
it's definitely not to show off how strong he is
everything about him is so crusty
he literally gets along with anyone tho
you can't tell me this guy DOESN'T smoke weed
not very often but like
once every month or two he'll get high to relax
he stopped after Giorno took over as boss (bc yk, drugs are a no no)
he probably thinks France isn't real tbh (but as a joke to annoy fugo)
angry strawb (lots of angst in this one)
fugo is deeply in love with Giorno (FUGIO FOR LIFE)
a little bit of angst warning btw
bc of his past, fugo HATES physical touch
if someone touches him he will flinch
very uncomfortable in crowded places
Mista's love language is physical touch, but he refrains himself from touching Fugo
it's really sweet
"HEY FUGO! Lemme give you a high-five! Wait, no, you don't like that. Have this cool rock I found instead!"
he's trying
Fugo really appreciates it
after phf, he let Mista be one of the two people who can touch him (the other person is Giorno)
Fugo just randomly hugged him one day and that was that
he was really distraught when he found out Narancia, Bruno and abba died
especially Bruno
like I said before, Bruno adopted him after he joined the gang, so he genuinely saw Bruno as a father figure
definitely called Bruno "dad" in private
He genuinely cried when he realized he missed Bruno's funeral
when he's a bad mood, he listens to music with Abbacchio (his dad's cool boyfriend who he looks up to)
will correct any and all spelling or grammar mistakes
nerd supreme
i like to headcanon that Fugo's albino
he's really sensitive to sunlight because of it
his vision isn't that good, too
it's not bad enough to the point where he can't read and all that, but it definitely bothers him
since it wasn't too serious, he got some glasses that corrected his vision
he only really wears them when he's reading now, but he used to wear them all the time when he was younger
sometimes he wakes up and there's just a bouquet of flowers at the foot of his bed (I WONDER WHO THAT WAS HMMMM)
Narancia's like a little brother towards him
he doesn't care that nara's a year older than him, that's his brother
genuinely will forget to eat if he isn't reminded (me projecting)
i have more but i'm gonna have to end it here
I LOVE NARANCIA I HAVE A NARANCIA PLUSHIE (and a giorno one but that's less important)
he originally had really good eyesight, but after his eye got infected his eyesight just kinda went bad
his eyes expired
but seriously though (woah no way, silly little guy can be serious?), he's almost blind in the eye that got infected
doesn't wanna wear glasses bc "they'll ruin his reputation"
he's also really short compared to everyone else in the team
he's really insecure about it
can and will fight anyone who says something even remotely teases him for his height
low iron for sure (me too bud, me too)
Abbacchio just took on the role as his father and makes sure he eats all his food
"But it tastes badddd" "Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat. Also, it has good iron."
he ate it, but was very pouty about it the whole time
mista will point at things made of iron and say shit like "that's what you need" or "you should eat that to get your iron levels up"
skinny but he's really strong
my guy has a six pack but looks scrawny as hell
Mista's jealous of him lmao
"Why do YOU get a six pack?!" "because you're fat"
Mista then forced Narancia to smell his armpits (they were rank)
he does a lot of shit with Mista lmao
partners in crime
he got high with mista one time and never did it again
oddly flexible
he's probably dyslexic
the girlboss
live laugh love Trish
lesbian fr
she practices makeup on Abbacchio
another one that sees abba as a father figure
they point each other's nails and go shopping together
Mista's bff fr
they do karaoke together
yk that one tiktok sound that was that like "OH SHIT IT'S IN KOREAN" and then starts singing it perfectly anyway
that's her and Mista
Mista's the one that sings it lmao
i don't have that many headcanons for trish tbh
she likes to try out new hairstyles a lot
they're always short tho
she doesn't like growing out her hair
says it's too much of hassle
we love trish in the household
she has freckles (from doppio)
yk those weird ass dots diavolo has in his hair? she has those but they're less noticeable
talks shit about people with abbacchio
she likes ranting about stuff to giorno bc he's a good listener
big fan of scented candles
gave mista soap for his birthday
she has frequent headaches (something she got from doppio, bc i hc that he has frequent headaches)
do you wanna hear about my la squadra headcanons? Doppio and Diavolo??? PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY GOOD HEADCANONS JUST LET ME RANT-
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lvrcpid · 1 year
front stage center - modern!au
includes: fem!reader. implied neteyamxreader. implied aonungxreader. dad tsu’tey agenda. i had so much fun writing this. the play is hamilton btw.
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imagine being in the school play with modern!avatar.
in the beginning!
— you’re a theater kid!
— your schools annual play was hamilton this year
— you just needed more people to audition with you
— you were lowkey scared
— who else better to turn to than your friends
— lo’ak only did it because tsireya agreed off the bat
— neteyam said yes because he actually enjoyed watching the play on disney+
— you had to bribe ao’nung with a date
— kiri is behind the scenes (lights and stage hands)
— spider was in earshot and did it just to be around y’all
— rotxo did it cause he’s also in theater with you!
after auditions!
— lo’ak got the part of james madison and hercules mulligan
— tsireya got the part of angelica
— you got the part of eliza
— ao’nung got the part of thomas jefferson and lafayette
— neteyam got the part of hamilton??? (ooo yuh get it i guess)
— spider got phillip and laurens
— don’t play with spider that boy can SING.
— roxto GOT AARON BURR??
— ao’nung wanted hamilton but the theater teacher said he fit perfectly for thomas…genuinely think it’s cause of the curly hair… OH WELL
opening night
— why was your dad already tearing up???
— you didn’t even get on stage yet
— tuk having a special flower just for you
— jake probably gave her candy to hold her over since you guys were doing the whole show which was 2 HOURS LONG
— kiri is stressed out cause she’s literally doing all the work HERSELF
— well she made herself do all the work
— it’s her friends and her siblings for crying out loud
— neteyam and you practicing together
— ao’nung arguing with hair and makeup
— lo’ak and tsireya taking pics
— the whole cast is either freaking out or creepily calm
during the show!
— neteyam definitely is going on broadway
— he was made for this???
— jake and neytiri are so PROUD OF HIM
— being shocked because it’s going really good just for act one
— ao’nung being salty cause you and him have no scenes together while you and neteyam LITERALLY GET MARRIED
— you singing your ass off during helpless and that would be enough
— no literally your mom had to bring tissues for your dad
— spider eating the girls up with his vocals
— lo’ak spicing it up with humor that goes off script a bit
— kiri smiling at all of you from backstage but probably still stressed out
— she ate with the stage hands though don’t play with her
— the audience loves it so why not
— tsireya definitely is made for this cause she portrays angelica so well ??
— it was a one night only show since it’s two hours long and y’all are kids…
— the chemistry yall all had was to die for , you guys looked like naturals!
after the show!
— you guys all screaming like little girls cause y’all are so proud of yourselves
— neteyam got you flowers and hid them till after the show :(
— tonowari hugging ALL OF YOU
— bear hug anyone?
— tsu’tey still crying cause of who lives who dies who tells your story
— your mom handing you the flowers HE was supposed to give you
— lo’ak was still in character for like a week afterwards
— tsireya was so proud of herself and everyone that she made little gift bags for everyone
— she’s such a cutie i love her
— tuk probably fell asleep, not cause it was boring she actually really enjoyed seeing it , it was just past her bedtime LMAO
— i can just see him actually having the time of his life on stage
— she was sad she missed it when she woke up
— kiri is probably so relieved that it’s over now she can go home and sleep
— you guys took a group picture that you all got framed the next day
— y’all went to dinner afterwards in your costumes since the theater director said y’all can keep them 🤭
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 8
The birthday continues! Most of the family have appointments to attend afterwards leaving Savannah and Viola under the care of nana Lavina. I mean it's not like she could be any worse than Alana the (insert your favourite swear word for mean nanny)
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BTW it was daylight savings here so that's why my posts may seem an hour shifted for you...
If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Mercedes has a speech delay and may get words wrong, correct wording will be in brackets if that is the case Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
Mercedes: Hey nana
Lavina: Happy birthday kiddo
Mercedes: I have bad news, papa went to the doctor and they found out he’s sick
Lavina: What? Oh why didn’t he tell me? I can’t lose him
Mercedes: Kidding!
Lavina: That’s not very funny young lady
Bizarre thing happened. Mercedes had rolled a like of deception but after this got a prompt saying she felt mischief was wrong? I like the game to have some say so while I did not add a dislike of mischief I changed her like of deception to silly behaviour to match her sister.
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Milton: Oh hey you have cake
Savannah: Of course Milton, it’s a birthday party
Milton: That’s uncle Milton to you
Savannah: Mama do we really have to call him uncle? He’s only 2 years older than us
Cassandra: It’s important to be polite to family honeybee
Lavina: And respectful! You girls could learn more respect
Mercedes: *sighs* It was one joke nana
Cassandra: Lavina I have an appointment and Rahul needs to take Mercedes to one. Could you watch the kids for us please?
Savannah: I can watch the house mama
Lavina: Of course I can dear, take all the time you need
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Savannah: But nana I can do it
Lavina: You’re six, you couldn’t take care of a fire. Now I hear your sister crying, go play outside or learn something
Savannah: Oh maybe I can find some cool bugs!
Lavina: Just don’t bring them into the house
Poor Viola has been trying to get to sleep but is still a bit overwhelmed by the party.
Lavina: Now what’s all this? You are making a habit of crying every time you see me Viola
Viola: *cries* ge da noo lu (I'm so tired, clapping took it out of me)
Lavina: Is nana scary huh? Big bad nana. Close your eyes and sleep, big bad nana can defend your crib from the monsters huh
Following some soothing Viola does manage to fall asleep as Lavina watches over her.
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Outside Savannah isn’t having much luck. But around by the garden she spots some locusts, perfect, papa will approve of catching them! She grabs at them and manages to get hold of 2. Perhaps she can convince mama and papa to take her and Mercedes to Granite Falls so she can find more! Back inside she decides to tackle some homework.
Milton: Why are you holding your pencil like that
Savannah: Like what
Alexander: Don’t be rude Milton, not everyone does things the same way
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Milton: Did you never use crayons
Savannah: *gruffly* I have a motor delay actually, pencils are hard
Milton: Oh, sorry
Alexander: That’ll teach you not to be rude
Savannah: I think I’ll go see if mama is back
Milton: I am sorry!
Cassandra is pumping in the spare room when Savannah finds her.
Savannah: Mama, can I still go to OT now I’m a child
Cassandra: Of course you can honeybee. It might be called something different but any support you need, we’ll find for you
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Savannah: Then Uncle Alexander told him off
Mercedes: Nice!
Savannah: So what did the brain doctor say
Mercedes: They want me to do… Papa how did they say it?
Rahul: Your sister is getting referred to another type of doctor to see if she needs extra help at school
Mercedes: Can I not go to school?
Rahul: No! Whatever you need we can sort but you’ll be best having your first day with your sister
Savannah: Yeah. You don’t want to leave me alone do you? We do everything together
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Mercedes: Except OT and word class
Cassandra brings Viola to the table and the family begin eating. For some reason everyone is migrating away from Viola?
Mercedes: Mama did your point tent (appointment) go okay
Cassandra: Apparently I have ADHD which I guess is a bit of a surprise but I’ll be fine. Everybody’s brain has to work in its own way
Rahul: Exactly! Now Viola, how about some peanut butter puffs? Nice and yummy
Viola looks at her papa, confused. Why is what he holding bigger than the things on the plate? It can’t just be her eyesight playing up, can it?
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Savannah: Mama, can we have a trip to Granite Falls? I’d love to see some more bugs
Cassandra: Actually papa and I have been talking and we’d like you two to join scouts
Mercedes: Scouts? Why
Rahul: Nature is important to us, we want you both to learn to love it
Cassandra: Plus it will leave after school times free for OT and word class
The girls remain skeptical but agree. Meanwhile Viola is unsure about the taste of peanut butter puffs (and their creepy resemblance to banana once she picks them up) but one thing is for sure, they are fun to play with!
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Savannah: Do we have to go to bed mama
Cassandra: It’s getting late honeybee, and don’t you want to check out the new bunk beds
Mercedes: I call dibs on the bottom one! That way you can still tuck me in mama
Cassandra: *smiles* alright but we need to clean up dinner first
Savannah: I got the plates
Cassandra: Mercedes could you put the leftovers away before they spoil please
Mercedes: Yes mama
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Rahul: How do you two like the bunks
Savannah: It’s great papa. I can be up high just like butterflies are
Rahul: Good night rugrats, I love you two
Twins: Goodnight papa
Savannah climbs up to the top and snuggles in while Cassandra tucks Mercedes in.
Cassandra: Goodnight Mercedes. I love you both, have good dreams
Twins: Love you mama
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HOT DAMN ITS BEEN A MINUTE! I know I’m sorry y’all life has just been all up in the way for the past couple weeks/months but I’m back now! It’s late where I’m at so I will get started with the Matchmaker post as soon as I can but for now please enjoy this head cannon thing I wrote for y’all, it’s been in my drafts forever now but I figured sure why not, let’s finish it up and post part 1! Terribly sorry about my sudden disappearance but I have found that nothing quite fills the void more than being on here and sharing experiences with all of you! Thank you for you patience I do apologize once again, you have all been tremendous and I love you for it.
Without further ado let’s get in to it!
Recently I went to the fair and the entire time I could only think about how the Hashira would act. Therefore I decided to write and I hope you all enjoy. (Me from the future here, went to the fair and had an amazing time! Enjoy some pictures! More at the bottom)
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Btw this is all based on my opinion and has no actual evidence to back it up.
Warnings: Sanemi traumatizes entire fair. But no seriously like heights, someone almost falling off a ride. That’s it tho.
The Hashira at The Fair
Part 1!
Kyojuro Rengoku:
I love Rengoku, everyone knows that. He is my comfort character, my baby daddy, if you will. So maybe I am partial but I think he would be one of the funniest characters at the fair, let me elaborate.
In my belief, he would be in charge of the entire operation. He buys the tickets, he organizes it, he rallies everyone together, but most of all he is there to ensure that everyone has a good time AND a safe time.
“Seat belts everyone!” *in ms. Frizzle’s voice*
Think I’m playing? Absolutely not. Rengoku is on the ball when it comes to height requirements and restrictions, too tall or too short that’s too bad.
Seatbelts? Don’t make me laugh. Before the ride starts Kyojuro is running and making sure all seatbelts are up to code and are fastened. He does not care if you battle some of the most violent and horrid demons there are, you will be safe at the fair.
Will question the structural integrity of the rides themselves.
Kyojuro. They are consistently taken down and put up in a span of a week, there will be stuff missing and there will be issues. It’s best not to ask.
Nevertheless he does end up having a good time. He throughly enjoys the rides that are as follows: The Scrambler-you get into these little booths and it moves around really fast in almost a star shape pattern. Whole lot of fun, one of my favorites. The Alien Abduction- it’s just an alien ship shaped building that spins around really fast. The g force sticks you too the wall. Really fun, kinda dizzy afterwards (much like sleeping with Kyojuro). And then finally The Nitro. It’s essentially a huge swing, but it’s like a swing on steroids. It’s really fast and sends you really high, this one is prolly my favorite.
Kyojuro is pretty tame when it comes to trying all the rides and when it comes to others being too short or too tall for one of the rides, he feels that he should stay beside them and keep them company so they don’t feel left out. He really wants to make sure everyone had a good time.
On terms of food served at the fair, I think he would really enjoy funnel cakes. That isn’t to say he didn’t eat atleast one of everything. (Him and Mitsuri spent a lot of time trying the fair food. They ate 6 funnel cakes. The poor people working at the food trucks were beyond stressed with how much they were eating and buying. The lemonade guy couldn’t keep up😔).
On the subject of games, Kyojuro enjoyed the darts and ring toss. Extremely good at both and as a result came home with a ton of stuffed animals. The biggest one being a stuffed sloth. Very much enjoys his sloth and let’s it sit next to his bed. (Cuddles with it sometimes, but nobody knows). Won a ton of prizes for Shinobu and Mitsuri. Gave a bunch to Gyomie as well for the kids at the orphanage. After a short talk it was decided that they come back the next day to bring the kids.
In conclusion these are the same people and you can’t tell me otherwise. 12/10 had a great time and will be coming back.
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Uzui Tengen
Oh man, Uzui Tengen and his wives at the fair. Be still my heart.
Number 2. Let’s not lie to ourselves or anyone else by denying that Tengen and the girls are literally the cutest relationship I’ve ever seen.
So y’all already KNOW that they gonna be having the most fun, well almost. Let me explain.
Ok so we know that Suma can be a little skittish, and Makio kinda makes it worse if I’m not gonna lie simple because when Suma does get nervous Makio can be a little harsh.
Which then results in Tengen feeling more of babysitter rather a husband taking his wives out for a fun evening. I know you maybe wondering where I’m going with this but please, bear with me.
The Ferris Wheel. A staple of the amusement industry, all with its bright lights and soaring heights, it’s no wonder it’s one of the most iconic and recognized piece of fair equipment. That being said, if you have never riding on a Ferris wheel, I do not recommend it for the faint of heart. Not it is not fast, and no it doesn’t sling you around like some of the rides, but if you have a fear of heights or just not prepared, the ride itself can be a bit jarring.
Therefore, when Tengen and his wonderful, beautiful, lovely wives all got on to the ride, it was at that moment Suma had begun to sweat. First the booth went up and then stopped, and then again, and again and again, till they were at the very top of the ride. Of course Tengen wasn’t nearly as impressed because he could jump higher than the peak of the Ferris wheel but still he acted as if he was enjoying himself. Everyone was except for Suma.
Suma clung to Tengen’s arm, this in return caused Makio to fuss. As the two of them got into it, the booth started to sway back and forth. This of course caused Suma to become even more scared.
The rest of the ride was spent trying to calm both of them down.
Btw Kyojuro was sweating the entire time as they were not adhering to the rules of The Ferris Wheel.
Absolutely shameful.
Eventually the Ferris wheel ride ended. Suma in tears, Makio still fussing all the while Hinatsuru and Tengen desperately tried to separate the two.
Rest of the evening went off without a hitch, every one of the girls got a large stuffed animal. (Tengen won these at one of those strength games. Yk the one with the big hammer and a bell at the top). (He broke it).
They all four took really cute pictures together, in fact they got several with all the hashira! 11/10 wonderful evening will definitely be coming back to the fair, next time he will be prepared for if and when Suma gets scared on the Ferris Wheel or other tall rides.
Gyomei Himejima:
Oof alright.
He’s a big man, like a VERY big MAN.
7 feet 2 inches and HALF! THATS A BIG DUDE.
And I’m sure you could already understand that yes, he unfortunately wasn’t allowed on many of the rides. But☝️. He found other ways to enjoy the fair!
Let me tell y’all, this man is a BEAST at fair games. Ring toss? Boom, undefeated. Darts? Bodied. Cornhole? Didn’t even faze him. Dunk the clown? Dude shoulda just stayed in the water bc either way he was gonna get there with Gyomei throwing strikes every time. He was doing so well that carnies were getting mad. Not only that a crowd had eventually formed around him; watching in utter astonishment as the giant man (blind, giant man, was ABSOLUTELY BRUTALIZING THESE GAMES).
More specifically…the dart throwing incident.
Let me set the mood for ya. Kinda give you a bit of a visual explanation as to better explain the where, when, who, for this scene.
The sun had long set, the cool night air filled with laughter and excitement as the fair continued into the evening. Lights, music, the cacophony of peoples voices, and the smell of fried foods are what make up the atmosphere of the game booths and rides. Except for one game at the far end of a long and winding path of fair games. There an unusually large man stood with three darts in his hand. One by one he carefully picked them out and threw them towards the board. Each bullseye had a little red balloon in the center, every line had a number of prizes one could win. But if one were to hit directly in the center they would win a large prize. You had three chances to win a big prize, the target to the left, the target in the middle, and the target to the right. If someone were to hit all three bullseyes they would not only win three big prizes but they also win an extra three chances.
Kyojuro explained the rules to Gyomei and handed him the darts. Not a moment after that three distinct pops could be heard ring out in the surrounding area.
A hush fell over the people who were waiting patiently behind him, even the woman who ran the booth seemed amazed at Gyomie’s win. She allowed him to pick out three large stuffed animals and handed him the darts back.
Once more balloons were blown up and set into position, Gyomei played again.
The woman turned to see that once again all the balloons had been popped, all three darts sat perfect in the center of each target. She was flabbergasted! She couldn’t even speak, it was rare as it was seeing someone who could hit all three targets but dead center 6 times in a row?!?! She shook her head looking at Gyomei and then back at the board, once more at Gyomei and then again back at the board.
Once she regained her composure she removed the darts, filled the balloons again, and handed the darts to him.
“Well done! Let’s see if you can do it a third!” She said, she eyed him closely as she was sure something was amiss.
Now the line of people behind him turned into a small group surrounding him, they all whispered and talked amongst themselves as they watched him carefully.
Silently Gyomie picked out his darts and threw them one by one.
The crowd erupted in cheers! He had done it again! The woman now clearly sweating as Gyomie had only spent 1 dollar and had won 9 prizes! Suddenly the people that stood next to him began throwing dollars and quarters at the woman, screaming that she give him the darts and let him play again.
As more commotion began to erupt, more people were gathered to the booth to watch him play. Some of the other fair goers even went as far as placing bets on Gyomie, wagering when the woman running the booth would eventually kick him out as she was running out of balloons and prizes.
Gyomie played a perfect game 6 times before Kyojuro thought it best to go play another game. He won 18 prizes from that game alone😐. They went to the ping pong in a bowl game, he won 12 goldfish.
At the end of the night Gyomie had more prizes THAN ANYONE IN THE HISTORY OF FAIR GAME PLAYERS EVER WON. So many in fact he stood next to the Caterpillar roller coaster for the kids and gave out a toy for every kid that came by.
That night Gyomie became more than a Hashira. He became a martyr, a light for those who had been burned by sleazy fair games, never again would they lose hope as it was he who came and won them all.
13/10 he had an amazing time, but cried when the lady said he was too good and needed to play another game. He felt bad and later came back to apologize and she gave him a hug. He cried once again.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
He is immediately kicked out.
Jk jk but like fr tho👀 he acted a fool.
Not even gonna lie to y’all, yall see this man, no but do y’all really see this man. He is 5 foot 10 inches of pure malice. (He’s soft baby on this inside but this is not important to the story). Straight menace behavior, DO NOT TELL ME IM WRONG.
He cut every line, and when people tried to protest to this he only turned around and glared at them with his cold eyes🥶 most people would stare back and tremble in terror, one man even began to weep as he looked into Sanemi’s eyes. The man later mumbled that he had peered into hell and hell peered back. (The man was traumatized for lack of a better term, needed therapy, he’s doing better now tho).
Sanemi rode every ride and played every game, he even got into a fight with one of the clowns! (In Sanemi’s defense the clown had it coming). But besides all that Sanemi found most enjoyment out of terrifying the other participants on the rides. In one instance, he turned to the woman sitting next to him and offhandedly mentioned that the seat she was sitting in didn’t latch all the way. As it was theses seats for this specific ride had a bit of give to them when you pushed the pull down part of the harness. She instinctively pushed the bar and it moved a bit before clicking, she turned to look at him and before she had the chance to alert the ride operator, the ride began to swing.
Once the ride had finished the woman was convinced her life had nearly ended due to a faulty ride harness. She immediately got off the ride and ran into the crowd, but her fear wasn’t entirely that of the ride’s seats, it was partially because as she started to scream and beg for dear life, Sanemi erupted in laughter. The scariest part was being seated next to him for the entirety of the ride.
This some how only fueled his behavior. Next he wanted to take it to the next level. He wanted to scare everyone, the people on the ride, the operators, even those who weren’t riding. Each ride he got on he made an effort to terrify everyone. Whether it be him yelling that ride was falling apart or dropping pieces of nuts and bolts close to the operators. This only aroused his hunger. He needed to take it one step further.
There is a ride called The Umbrella, The Octopus, The plane ride, whatever you want to call it, it’s the same ride. It’s giant tower that has a bunch of swings hanging from it, first it starts of slow and low to the ground, it is then risen off the ground and high above the pavement in which it begins to swing faster. This is a VERY tame ride compared to others as it isn’t extremely fast and it’s also not extremely high when compared to the Ring of Fire (one of Sanemi’s favorites although it did make him slightly sick) and the Ferris Wheel (got bored and started throwing nuts and bolts off the side, surprisingly didn’t hit anyone but as people noticed what they assumed were parts that had fallen off the ride, left the line in search of something “safer”). Sanemi cut to the front of the line and went to find the perfect swing, one was wrapped in caution tape and the seat belt was no longer there. Quickly and quietly he removed the tape and sat down, wrapping what little remained around his waist as it then would appear he did have a seatbelt on. The operator came by and only glanced at Sanemi before going to start the ride. He sat back and chuckled knowing he was going to enjoy this more out of any other he had been on that day. Slowly the ride started and before long he was hoisted several meters from the ground, swing softly through the cool air. He took in a deep breath to savor the moment, it was relaxing being so far up from the chaos, listening to the music and watching the bright colorful lights. Without a moments notice he slipped from the seat and began to scream.
The people below looked up to one of the most horrifying sights there was to see, up in the air a man hung from his swing, his hands gripping to one of the chains that held the swing. He writhed and kicked his feet as he yelled for someone to help. Most if not all began to scream and point. Others got the attention of the operator who hurriedly tried to lower the ride. Every passenger aboard that night gripped their seats and cried. Soon the whole fair watched with bated breath, parents shielded their children, others ran to get help, most stared in shock. The whole while Sanemi cackled in between screams.
The authorities were notified and by the time they arrived with paramedics on scene, the ride had ended and Sanemi was nowhere to be found. This was because he fled and hid himself within the crowd, he caught up with Kyojuro and Gyomie. He played several games with them, all the while Kyojuro was blissfully unaware of the Sanemi’s failure to abide by the rules of the fair rides the main one being, KEEP HANDS AND FEET INSIDE THE RIDE AT ALL TIMES. (Truth be known, Sanemi did in fact have his hands in the ride with the only exclusion being his entire body).
(Sanemi also wanted to play the strong man big hammer game but Tengen had broken it earlier so it was still under repair. He was a tad disappointed and this is what I choose to believe started this entire fiasco).
10/10 had a glorious time at the fair and might come back again someday, he narrowly avoided being escorted off the premises on several occasions so the fact that he didn’t is considered a win in my book. He also single handedly traumatized, horrified, terrified, and scarred an entire group of people spreading to several rides and the riders, operators, as well as the people below the rides themselves. All of this, without being caught by Kyojuro. Truly inspiring.
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if I could request the ROTTMNT boys be with a Luz Noceda reader
They can do magic and are such a dork that after they share a kiss they say something dumb afterwards
The turtle bros dating a reader with Luz Noceda's personality
No warnings, this is gonna be really silly
Guys I am so happy I JUST started posting not even 3 days ago and I'm already getting recognized, just remember that I can do other fandoms as well, not that I don't love ROTTMNT, BTW Luz Noceda is the main character of the cartoon called the owl house, just for the people who don’t know..(gender-neutral reader)
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He's amazed that you can do magic
Sometimes he sits down and ask you to do some tricks with your glyphs (assuming that you use glyphs)
Admiring both the tricks and you
Wants you to teach him
Fails miserably..
You giggled while watching Raph try to make a perfect circle "Raph *giggle* are you sure you don't want help?" He grunted,
"No No No No, I can do it!" He says as he snapped the pencil.
He finds your dorkish ways adorable
Every time you give him a kiss even if it's just on the cheek, you always have something silly to say
Like “I didn’t know you’re made out of sugar Raph!”
Most of the time he’s just fawning over you thinking
“How did i get such a good partner?” 
He’s also amazed on how good you got on using your glyphs, lets say you guys are fighting together, when he’s struggling to get the enemy down on the ground, you come out of no where slapping the enemy’s forehead with a plant glyph, trapping their face in vines making a perfect opportunity for Raph to power punch them to the ground.
You guys make a great team and a great couple  
Loves your dorky attitude
Now he has someone to be a dork with
You guys makes puns together
Yall even had a contest in who could make the funniest one (it was a tie)
You can do magic? TEACH HIM.
but just like raph, he fails miserably..
You enter Leo’s room but instead of your lovely boyfriend you see thousands of piles of unfinished or messed up glyphs, you jump at the sight, you make your way through the dozens pieces of paper, and then seeing Leo on the floor hunched over like a maniac, “C’mon.. c’mon.. C’MON!” He shouted,
“Uh Leo.. you okay..?” You muttered, putting a hand on his shoulder, He flinched at the feeling.
You tell him that its okay and that he doesn't have to learn about glyphs, and that it took you weeks and months to perfect them
He huffs but says okay (You sometimes catch him trying to make another glyph)
On the other hand you guys love each other and get along very well
He's confused on your way of doing 'magic' but still likes watching you practice new glyphs 
(Still believes science is superior but for your sake he keeps those rouge thoughts inside his head)
Your personality makes him smile
He likes how persistent you are and that you never give up on your friends 
You remind him of Leo (Take that however you want yall)
You can visibly see the change when you guys started dating, he’s smiles more, and he’s a little bit more affectionate 
speaking about affection!
You are VERY affectionate, you hug and kiss him almost every day
But of course if he’s uncomfortable you’ll back off
During battles is where His science and your magic comes in handy 
Donnie pins the enemy down with his staff, “[Name]! now!” He yells, you jump up on the enemy.
“ Hope you like the taste of flowers!” You say as you smack two plant glyphs on both of the enemy’s cheek, watching as flowers and vines wrap their mouth and body, Donnie gives you a quick pat on the back,
He matches your energy so well
a match made in heaven for real
You can do magic? He’s sitting down with a bowl of popcorn in hand, show him some cool moves!
his favorite glyph is the light glyph
just imagine...
It’s a friday night, you went to the lair for a sleep over with your adorable boyfriend, you guys had a blast, video games, skateboarding, and eating pizza, but now, it was time to rest, as Mikey got comfortable in his hammock, he opens his eyes slightly and sees you doodling on the ground.
“Hm? Whatcha doing?” He asks
“This” you say softly, you slap the glyphs one by one, Mikey watching the light orbs floating up into the air until they hit the ceiling, his eyes widen.
“Oh mi gosh!” He exclaims sitting up, you walk over to him, placing your arm over his shoulder admiring the light show with him.
He definitely draws with you
you guys make little portraits of each other all the time and love seeing each others reaction to it
yall are the definition of couple goals
Thank you for requesting! sorry it took a while i kinda forgot, ANYWAYZZ guys i might forget to do requests so sorry if i forget to do your request for a week.. anyways enjoy! and remember that i love you guys! and drink some water cuz some of yall forget, i said forget a lot wow.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi lovely!
Can you write a fic where Joe x Reader have been dating for a very short while but Joe is head over heels after previous fails at online dating and just knows she's the one, especially when he sees her with her 11 y.o. daughter. He then one day surprises reader when she tells him to be careful while they're in bed because she missed an appointment for her birth control shot, and he's like...well would it be so bad? And basically discovers a crazy breeding kink, talks to reader filthy as hell and ends up busting the biggest load of his life, that he falls apart and almost cries, & is crossing his fingers he becomes a dad almost immediately.
You're so damn incredible btw and so talented! I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you are so wonderful and I am so appreciative of you!
The fact you took your time out to compliment me like that after your laid down your idea made my heart scream! THANK YOU ❤😍
How cute but filthy, you're my type of person
Thank you for your request x
Warnings: fluff and smut, that's it Under 18's DNI!
Word Count: 1.8k
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Let's Try For A Baby, Baby.
You had very nearly given up on the idea of online dating, not sure where to go with it next or just to give up on finding love altogether. You were exhausted with the creeps that just insisted on showing you a picture of their limp dick or people who would completely waste your time and ghost after a while of talking.
Being a single mum to an 11-year-old girl in the dating scene is not something that is welcomed by most people, women with baggage are usually pushed aside. You'd countlessly uninstalled and reinstalled the different dating apps, a thing you tended to return to when you were bored in the evening. Your daughter was becoming more independent and would rather spend time in her bedroom on the phone to her friends than be sat with her mum.
This was all a vicious circle until the one night you swiped right for Joe, the guy who quickly fell into your life and you hit it off straight away, moving from messaging to hours' worth of phone calls. You lived at complete opposite ends of London, which wasn't far in retrospect but there was a slight bit of distance that was able to let you meet in the middle for the first few dates. You convinced yourself that this man was too good to be true, he had the looks, the personality and sense of humour all moulded into one, honestly quite perfect and that terrified you. Then came the free weekends where you'd make plans to spend time with one another whilst you were child free to where you'd seemingly always end up back at his apartment which would end a number of things but especially either bouncing on his cock or getting your pussy eaten mercilessly.
The day you brought your daughter to meet Joe went exactly as you'd hoped, they clicked instantly and were so alike in their humour, there wasn't a moment that they weren't around each other where they weren't laughing at something the other just said.
Everything was undeniably faultless, your relationship had blossomed quickly, the fact you're a mum was accepted, and Joe's flaws were minimal, you didn't understand how you'd fallen so lucky, and the feeling was considerably mutual on his side; it's clearly a rarity to find such a gem anywhere in life.
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A year had flown by so fast, it was your first anniversary together and you had arranged for your daughter to go and sleep at her friends for the night so you could have one another all to yourself. Joe had cooked you an amazing two course meal and you had shared a couple of bottles of white wine between the two of you, feeling the effects afterwards where you found yourselves making out like a pair of lovesick teenagers on the sofa, the heated kiss reciprocated in the same manner as your tongues battled for dominance.
Joe had his hand firmly pressed against your panties, rubbing at your arousal slow but firm, you lent up onto your elbows as the kiss broke, pressing your foreheads together and palmed in through his jeans at the same pace. The sudden rush to make it to the bedroom and make love to one another was apparent in the way you looked at one another. Removing your clothes in unison, Joe laid down on the bed and you were desperate for his tongue but also wanted his cock in your mouth, you edged yourself over his face and caught him biting his lip down as his hands came up to pull your thighs down so you could sit directly on his tongue and the moment you fell to his face, his muscle darted straight into your hole and lapped up your already wet state. You moaned, leaning down slightly and kissed the tip of his cock that laid flat stood up on his stomach. "S-suck my cock, baby, please." He muttered as he moved to flicker his tongue on your clit, humming at your taste. Your hips bucked down onto his face, giving him deeper access in between your folds at the sudden twitch of your nerve.
You lifted his cock and sucked hard, swirling your tongue around his leaking end. The both of you moaning and groaning at each other's arousal was almost enough to make you cum there and then. Sliding more of Joe into your mouth had him eating your pussy relentlessly, he was making a complete mess of his face, your juices coating and running down his chin as he took all of, he could into his mouth and began to suck on your bud. Your hole was gaping around nothing as you cried out to him, he gave you everything he could whilst you began to come undone on top of him. Your body was a shaking mess as you lifted yourself back up, his tongue re-entering your hole whilst you rode it, letting it hit your sweet spot just after the entrance.
"Oh my god, you eat my pussy so good Joe, holy sh-"
His groans became louder at your words and just like that your body gave way and you finished hard all thanks to his mouth. Joe could hardly breathe as you rode out your orgasm, but he didn't care, the taste and feel was too good to waste.
You clambered off Joe to let oxygen flow back into his lungs and laid beside him, about to sit up and go back down on him when he pushed you back flatly on the bed. "No baby, I need to be inside of that beautiful, tight pussy now, I want to cum inside of you."
A hint of concern grew on your face as you looked up to Joe, his incredibly sexy demeanour was fading when he noticed your emotion change. "What's the matter, love?"
"I missed my birth control pill appointment the other day, so that's probably not a good idea."
You and Joe had conversations about what your future might have looked like, and the one thing Joe was adamant about was having children of his own and that a family was all he'd ever wanted for a long, long time, you were often broody too now your first baby had started to grow up, so you knew you wanted more.
Joe pondered over your words for a second and spoke out before he could even justify the sentence in his head.
"Maybe it's not such a bad thing, my love."
"What do you mean?"
"If you were to 'accidentally' end up having my baby, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to happen, right?"
The kiss you shared after he'd stopped talking was something you'd never felt before, excitement? Or pure hope that now you were about to get pregnant with the love of your life.
Joe lifted himself above you and hoisted your legs up on his shoulders for deeper access, leaning down and positioning himself back at your entrance as eased himself in slowly, you'd had sex plenty of times with your boyfriend in the last year, but every single time his thick cock filled you, it felt completely new.
He began to slowly fill you inch by inch, watching you squirm beneath him as he began to pump his cock back and forth inside of you. The same moans began to fill the room again from both of you. Joe looked into your eyes with such desire at that one moment. "Holy shit you're so god damn tight Y/N, I can't get enough of this pretty pussy. I can't wait to fill you up with my seed".
Your hands clutched at his flexed muscles that stood beside you, his pace becoming faster as he pushed himself as deep as he possibly could, his tip slapping your cervix with every thrust. "Going to give you this baby, going to make me the happiest man alive." His thrusts became turbulent as he moaned your name countless times in a row, your vision turning white and your second orgasm rushing over you without warning as he continued to hit your g-spot. Clenching your walls around his member and pushing your legs downward off his shoulders. "Wrap your legs around my waist, I'm going to cum so deep inside of you." God damn it the words he spoke it was turning you on so much and you loved how clearly excited he was to possibly be having a baby with you. "Tell me you want it, Y/N, let me hear it."
Your eyes were squeezed tight as you felt him continue to drill himself inside of you. Your legs wrapped around him tight, and your arms wrapped around his neck. "I want you to put a baby in me Joe, I want you fill me up so deep, please m-my love, please. Faster."
Your reply sent him over the edge, the last few thrusts became inconsistent, and he released his cum right where he wanted it. You'd never heard such an intangible string of words fall from someone's mouth just as you had witnessed Joe doing. He continued to slowly drive himself into you, letting you know how good it felt and riding his orgasm out with all he could manage and instantly fell down on top of you, sweat dripping from his forehead and his face completely blushed.
"That was amazing, baby."
He kept himself inside of you for a good 5 minutes before pulling out followed by a tiny bit of cum which spewed out of your hole, it didn't matter you'd worry about cleaning up later as Joe fell beside you, you turned to your side as Joe slumped his chin onto your shoulder, kissing your cheek and held onto your stomach where he lightly stroked his fingers over it. "Imagine what could be happening right now Y/N, you could be making me a daddy."
A tear fell down your face as you envisioned the perfect life you already had with a precious little version of your Joe in your arms, big brown eyes looking up at you.
"What if it doesn't happen right away though, what then? I just don't want to disappoint you."
"Then we try again, love. I won't give up until we get what we want, there's nothing I want more than this."
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hi! How about some domestic and nsfw hc for Rayan? The sandy-skinned god deserves some love too 😆
Domestic Life with Rayan
N/A : This took a little while to write, sorry you had to wait dear !
Warning : NSFW under the cut
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Goes to the Cosy Bear Café every morning before heading to Anteros Academy to have a little chat with Candy and enjoy a cup of coffee with her (also if she needs to and that he has the time to do so, he helps her to put the tables outside)
Sometimes, when he’s done with his classes of the day, he comes to the Café and sit in corner, sipping on a drink, while he’s preparing his next classes, grading some of his students’s essays or simply reading a book
He always order something different to drink because he wants to try everything Candy put on the menu
Grocery shopping with Rayan is so funny because he has his little list and it always begins with him following it diligently but he’ll always end up wandering around the aisles (and Candy looses him in the supermarket)
He and Candy often end up buying everything but what’s on the list lmao
Loves perfumed candles, there’s dozen in their apartment (I JUST KNOW THIS, and if Candy looses him during grocery shopping, he's probably picking up some)
He likes cleaning days  and he’s very particular about the cleaning products he uses (once again he spends so much time in the supermarket choosing them)
He often puts on jazz or (modern) classical music in the background while he’s working or reading 
He knows all the tea about the neighbours and he shares it with Candy (he’s very good at small talk and at connecting with people, therefore my man end up being told everything that’s going on in the building lol)
Likes doing online shopping with Candy (whether it’s for him or her)
Watching documentaries (documentaries on Ancient Greece or just historical documentaries in general and that’s just a personal intake ‘cause I love these lol)  together while cuddling on the couch with Rayan combing her fingers through Candy’s hair
Actually, loves playing with Candy’s hair when they’re cuddling
Random compliments all the time (like complimenting her outfit or just tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman he met)
naps together became a habit, especially during more stressful times of the year
also sleeps in on Sundays and would probably make a brunch with Candy afterward
Rayan wearing his glasses when he reads or when he’s on his computer and Candy going feral because of this (sorry but the illustration of him for that Valentine’s Day event, LORD HAVE MERCY)
He’s often the one that organises the dates : he love trying new restaurant and I think he likes gastronomic cuisine since he finds it as tasty as it is pretty 
He also likes the kind of dates that allow him and Candy to show their creative side (like the date in one of the Valentine’s Day event where they went to a workshop to make perfume, that was so sweet btw) 
He likes to go out with Candy whenever they can but he also enjoys when they stay home together for some quality time
When it comes to oral, he’s a giver. He’s not really the one to tease but he likes taking his sweet time doing so
He likes to receive it too though and if Candy wants to get on her knees, he has no objections 
however he loves it the most when it happens in the morning (the morning wood oops) or at his office at Anteros during an unexpected visit 
About that, he may or may have not fucked Candy on his desk and it may have happened more than once (I had to do this one, I MEAN GUYS)
Candy trying on his glasses for fun and him realising he has a thing for this because she look so hot with them
Would moan but lowkey you know ? Like he isn’t that loud but he doesn’t restrain himself either (And I just know this man has a deep voice so it’d be music to Candy’s ears) 
However, he likes it if Candy gets loud and it makes him go even harder 
Praises. A lot of them. Also call her with pet names during sex (might let out a « good girl » and ahhhh)
he owns a copy of the Kama Sutra (I am not saying that he’s into that or anything - even though he really might -  but he definitely read it because well, as art enthusiast, of course he wanted to know a little more about the art of making love)
As much as he loves admiring Candy’s face, he loves backshots (because it allows him to hit it deep)
Breading kink ? (Maybeeee)
Despite all, I don't think he's really into being called Daddy (even tho he has that "Daddy aura", whatever that means, idk myself) because it'd make him think of that Freudian theory lol
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I'm sorry I am taking so long to post (I didn't expect to receive this much requests but I'm also glad to see that the fandom is still alive lol) but I'm trying my best to answer them all !
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akiitos · 2 years
HEYOOOOO its 11pm and im planning to do an all nighter so uh
Can I request Toya, Tsukasa, Rui, and Akito with an gn s/o who has a kitten and every night when they go to sleep the readers kitten just like,,,, curls up next to them to sleep? Like Imagine the character going into their s/o's room just to find out that they're sleeping with their kitten curled up next to their stomach, would they act like jealous or smitten(???? Idk) would the character just end up cuddling the reader from behind (HGELP IDK THIS JUST CAME INTO MY MIND)???? Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr VEJDHSDHHSHD
And no, this wasnt inspired by the fact that my kitten is curled up to a ball next to my stomach with my blanket draped over her (ok it is lmao)
Alsoalso! If it's fine with you, can the kittens name be Koko? (Female btw!)
Okok im gonna go now byebye! Have a great day!! <3333
-ur local cat lover (idk i just wanted to add rhat)
a/n: hiiiiii! im late to this but how dod ur all nighter go aha 😭😭 i ahve tests tmr and i'm quickly writing this rn so ummmm yes anyways thank you, and i hope you had or have a good day too! :) please enjoy, anon!
~ a wonderful sight
~ pjsk males x gn!reader
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@ toya aoyagi
~ he came home pretty later then usual cos of vbs shows and many practices, so he wasn't going to be surprised if he'd see you asleep
~ although, when he opened the door to your bedroom, he saw you and your small cat snuggled up right beside you
~ he literally smiles to himself and quickly gets ready to sleep so he can sleep next to you and your little cat.
~ he'd just try to slide into the bed without disturbing you, and just sleep behind you with his face laid on your shoulder
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@ akito shinonome
~ coming home to see you, is one of the many things he enjoys to do whenever you're with him. but, today he had to help the soccer team with stuf, study for tests with vbs, and practice!
~ so when he came home, he was exhausted and wanted to cuddle you. it was about 6 pm-ish when he finally arrived
~ when he opened your bedroom door, he saw you and your small cat koko right beside you. looks like she beat him to you, hm
~ mans got competition... anyways. he groans to himself while quietly shutting the door and changing into more comfortable clothes.
~ he's sorta jealous i guess, since koko beat him to you already. so he literally tries to hog you and hugs you from behind while you're asleep
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@ rui kamishiro
~ it was night, the usual time that he'd come over to your house. in which he arrived at your house already opening your bedroom door to see you
~ as he slowly opens the door, he sees you asleep looking comfortable as ever. he chuckles to himself and closes the door while observing you with a lovingly gaze
~ totally doesn't tell mizuki about this afterwards lol hahhah anyways. he sees koko, and goes down to pet the cute little cat. even whispering an "i love you"
~ he then lays down next to you, and just falls asleep while literally hugging you. mans in love with you
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@ tsukasa tenma
~ it was a long day for tsukasa, having a show that went really well! he was very tired, and just wanted to go to your house and hang out with you
~ as he dashes to your house with a smile as bright as the sun, he's obviously excited to see you. so when he opens the door to your room, he sees you and koko, snuggled up all together.
~ tsukasa furrows his eyebrows and side-eyes the cat lolollolol
~ he places down his bags and sits down in bed next to you while running his fingers through your hair. after 5 minutes of silence he falls asleep beside you 😭😭 not without kissing your forehead tho!
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
when you say daemon and rhaenyra were having sexual relationship while laena and harwin was alive, can you explain more, I haven't read the book. I know that one of the reasons they got married was beacuse rhaenyra was with child but could it not mean they had sex right after laena? but then again rhaenyra must have know she was pregnant beacuse she knew she had sex with daemon a few months before? do you think she was noticable pregnant? btw I agree with you I just want you to explain further
*EDITED POST* 6/2/24
I promise I wouldn't have snapped at you if you did. The other anon who I argued about Dameyra actually getting married for a love only/more than for politics, where I got snappy not because they disagreed, but because they kept bringing up contradictory statements that also send to not really take into account what I already said before.
Answering your question:
The Timeline, Again
Laena, Laenor, Harwin and Lyonel Strong all die on 120 A.C., the Year of the Red Spring.
When Daemon & Laena return from Pentos with their daughters in the year of 116 A.C. :
In 116 AC, in the Free City of Pentos, Lady Laena gave birth to twin daughters, Prince Daemon’s first trueborn children. Prince Daemon named the girls Baela (after his father) and Rhaena (after her mother). The babes were small and sickly, alas, but both had fine features, silver-white hair, and purple eyes. When they were half a year old, and stronger, the girls and their mother sailed to Driftmark, whilst Daemon flew ahead with both dragons.
With Driftmark and Dragonstone so close, Daemon and Laena oft visited with the princess, and her with them. Many a time they flew together on their dragons, and the princess’s she-dragon Syrax produced several clutches of eggs. In 118 AC, with the blessing of King Viserys, Rhaenyra announced the betrothal of her two eldest sons to the daughters of Prince Daemon and Lady Laena. Jacaerys was four and Lucerys three, the girls two. And in 119 AC, when Laena found she was with child again, Rhaenyra flew to Driftmark to attend her during the birth.
(“A Question of Succession”)
Then, when Laena dies:
During her final hour, it is said, Lady Laena rose from her bed, pushed away the septas praying over her, and made her way from her room, intent on reaching Vhagar that she might fly one last time before she died. Her strength failed her on the tower steps, however, and it was there she collapsed and died. Her husband, Prince Daemon, carried her back to her bed. Afterward, Mushroom tells us, Princess Rhaenyra sat vigil with him over Lady Laena’s corpse, and comforted him in his grief.
(“A Question of Succession”)
And Laena dies on the 3rd day of the year 120 A.C.:
And so it was that the princess was at her good-sister’s side on the third day of that accursed year 120 AC, the Year of the Red Spring.
Aegon the Younger was born at the end of 120 A.C.:
And thus that dreadful year 120 AC ended as it begun, with a woman laboring in childbirth.
It takes 9 months for a healthy pregnancy to end in birth and Aegon III’s birth went smoothly. (So she, Daemon, and Rhaenyra all lived, visited, and flew together for 3 years.)
Fire and Blood does not give a specific day or date when Laenor, but again, it couldn't have been more than 5-6 months after Laena died because the quote I give for when Rhaenyra and Daemon marry says that they marry when "neither/nor" of their spouses haven't been dead for half a year yet.
Neither Daemon’s wife nor Rhaenyra’s husband had been dead even half a year [6 months]; to wed again so soon was an insult to their memories, His Grace declared angrily.
Daemyra married 4-6 months after both their lovers/spouses die.
This means that Aegon was conceived at most 2 or so months earlier than when they got married. (It also depends on what "end of the year" was, like the 10th month? 11th? 12/the last?)
Which also means that Rhaenyra and Daemon began sleeping with each other not long at all after Laena dies, if they haven’t already been.
Even if they were doing so because they needed respite from grief and found comfort together, we know they had an attraction(that added to the already existing trust) since Rhaenyra was at least 15, because something happened between them for Viserys to go overboard and send Daemon away in 111 A.C. (Just maybe not how exactly Mushroom relates it. He's fond of exaggeration). Viserys also reacted hard enough for him to think that Rhaenyra and Daemon would consummate or elope or whatever by that reaction.
CORRECTION!!![6/2/24] -- I will just take "last days" to mena the actual last days, so he was def born in the very last month, and not in the 10th or 11th!!! And I redid the calendar. (ignore the first purple line, it was a mistake!]
Here is a calendar with the timing of deaths, etc. (ignore the real months, pregnancies take 9 months max):
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Dark Blue - Laena's Death
Light Blue - Laenor's Death (approximate)
Purple - Rhaenyra and Daemon's Wedding (appr.)
Red - Aegon III's Birth
Orange - Aegon III's Conception (appr.)
Answering you Other Questions:
but then again rhaenyra must have know she was pregnant beacuse she knew she had sex with daemon a few months before? 
Yes, I think she would have found out that she was pregnant not long after she and Daemon began sleeping together. Again, that fertility they had....
do you think she was noticeable pregnant?
It’s actually easier to hide an earlier (1-3 months) pregnancy than you might think, and women can vary in size even when in the same month and when they have single babies (non-multiples: twins/triplets).
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(Of course, this is a cartoon diagram, but you get the point.)
Rhaenyra could be obvious if she were not wearing the right clothes, but she’s royal, she can afford it. Just has to be discreet about it.
Look below at @the-king-andthe-lionheart ‘s reblog, where they correct me about the clothing women could wear that doubled as what we’d (moderns and Westerners) call “maternity” clothes.
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