#also i am so sorry for leaving shit in my inbox for so long
cheerioskid · 8 months
it seems me and the crickets have something in common
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
Again same anon, no need to like post this one BUT the whole cig shotgun thing, i also think that he wouldn’t want her to inhale the smoke. He’d make her exhale it after holding it for a second or two—let her get the taste. “Can’t have you doin shit tha’s bad for ya, you already overwork yourself.” And perhaps he’d hold her jaw while he holds it to her lips.
Okay bye now I will spare you my devious thoughts
you sent this ages ago sorry but i was going through my inbox (sorry there's a lot) and i am just-
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"Can I try?"
Simon nearly jumps out of skin at the soft whisper of your question. His neck snaps over his shoulder, taking in your tired form standing in the doorway, hands rubbing at your eyes. The cool summer breeze pulls at your nightshirt; it does nothing to hide the swaying parts of you that dance beneath the fabric as your bare feet trot against the cool cement of the balcony. Dark shadows dance across your face as you blink, waiting for your answer.
"Hmm?" he asks.
"Your cigarette," you clarify.
With the way his brows draw together, you would have thought the item had magically formed between his lips and he hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Embers glow and flicker as he takes it into his fingers, making sure to hold it away from you as you lean against the railing next to him.
"You wanna try?" he asks.
You shrug. "Never have before."
Mulling your proposition over, he bites the insides of his cheeks as he studies you. He always enjoys when you're like this. Half awake and still trying to fight off thick prostration. Your eyes always seem to glimmer more. They dance in the moonlight as you stare at him, tongue wetting the inside of your lips. He swallows as he takes in the sight of them, so soft and sweet. Figures maybe he wouldn't mind putting something between them.
"Alright," he relents. Surprised, your eyes widen as you tilt your head, not having expected him to give in so quickly. He raises the cigarette, plumes of smoke traveling in its wake, yet he refuses to hand it over. "But don't inhale this shit, yeah? Holdin' it in your mouth'll do plenty. You're already workin' yourself half to death, don't need to speed that up."
Nodding your head in agreement, he finally pushes the cigarette toward you, but he still won't hand it off. Instead, he situates it so the filter faces you, and gently brings it to your lips, spoon feeding you the nicotine high himself. Warm fingers hold your chin steady, trying to keep the ash from falling on you. Eager lips wrap around the filter, and his eyes become inky as he soaks up the sight. Your lips hollow, dragging the smoke into your mouth, and you hum as the flavor washes over your tongue.
He recoils the moment you start coughing, puffs of smoke expelling from your mouth too fast to keep shape. His titter is slightly jeering as he shakes his head, shoving the stick back into his own mouth as you attempt to catch your breath.
"What'd I tell ya?" he chuckles.
"How do you keep doing that when it burns so bad?" you wheeze.
"Lot'sa practice, sweetheart."
As it usually does this late into the night, Simon's mind begins to wander. He thinks about that delicate sheen on your lips, how prettily they parted for him, and he feels that heavy libidinous ache swell deep in his stomach. There's a feeble attempt to hide his growing desire, and he smothers it with a quick drag just as your coughing begins to dwindle.
"C'mere," he prompts, head motioning for you to come closer.
Sucking in a breath of fresh air, you comply happily, pads of your feet slapping against the ground. Simon pushes himself away from the railing, standing tall as he brings his free hand up to your face. He relishes the softness of your skin underneath the thick callous of his thumb as he presses on your bottom lip.
Lips parting, you watch in awe as he takes a long drag, eyes never leaving you for a second. He leans forward, mouth full of smoke as his lips hover above yours and then blows. Gently, it seeps between your teeth and fills your mouth, coating your skin in a haphazard mess. Your warmth pours into him as he holds your jaw steady, and it's then that he realizes he can't hold back.
Sparks flying, his discarded cigarette flies through the air as he flicks it away, lips crashing against yours just as it collides with the ground. Between the nicotine high and the taste of you, it can't be helped when his tongue breaks free from his mouth and into yours. You hum, the vibrations cutting straight into his chest as you wrap your arms around him. That hum quickly turns into a giggle as you prematurely end the kiss.
He huffs as his nose knocks against yours, silently begging for more. Withholding it from him, your hips begin to sway.
"Gonna come back to bed?" you ask.
Before he replies, he steals a quick kiss as his hands wander down to your hips. He pulls you closer, body colliding against him and his growing want.
"I'd never say no to that."
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barrenclan · 4 months
i think rainhaze is one of my favorites characters ever genuinely, issue 37 was AMAZING and i really loved how rainhazes arc finally ended. I feel rlly happy bc this was a very poingant way of putting that rabid dog down but also i mean. I am a little sad. I pity rainhaze but in a way you pity a cocroach or something... He had it coming, his death was soooo well executed!! rain and all of defiance see killing as a divine right, and seeing that turn on rainhaze was very cathartic.
The casual way he spoke about asphodels murder was genuinely sickening. As if it was all a favor to HER, instead of rainhazes cowardice and trauma and brainwashing and selfishness making him kill his niece im cold blood. The way his own death dragged on and on, how painful and terryfying and gruesome it was - this is what asphodelpaw went through. Her death was not like falling asleep and neither was his. It was scary and painful and cold. So cold.
The way this comic completely subverted audience expectations with rainhazes character is sooo so good... At first he was just a chilli dead guy. then he turned into a classic winter solider type - morally dubious but still symphatetic, a 'poor little meow meow' who was stuck in a horrible situation he had no way of leaving. and then he killed asphodelpaw in cold blood. That moment, when he chose to embrace the violence, the damned coward, was such a delicious and twisted reaveal - forcing the reader to reconsider the whole story and character from an entirely new perspective.
i think we as people well versed in fandom tend to woobify and water down characters like rainhaze and make them into 'poor little meow meows' - removing their agency in the situation entirely to make them more personable and toned down - and rain feels to me like a purposful dissection of that. he IS sympathetic, to a degree. the shit he want through was undeniably awful - and it broke him and molded him into a monster.
rainhazes character was always about choice, i think. about decisions you make and the decisions made for you, and how you respond to the latter... about the question of autonomy. where does your choices end and other peoples influence begin? and does it really matter, in the end? does it matter whether or not rainhaze did what he did out of his own will or under rangers influence? he still did it. even if he were sorry, and hes not, would that matter? he killed her. there is no bringing her back and he had to deal with the consequences himself. abandoned by his family and his tormentor alike.
his death was pathetic and slow and pitiful, and above all disturbing - just like rainhaze himself. i think thats the word that describes him best - pathetic. rest in pieces, you cold bastard. ill miss you.
sorry this is so long..... i tried to put my thoughts into words here and i still fell short, i hope at least some of it makes sense
So, so many people have wonderful, intricate and moving thoughts about Rainhaze in my inbox, and I want to share them all with you. So here is the first one.
Rainhaze really did make for a great deconstruction of the "poor little guy" trope that I was interested in exploring. Shellspring also did, to an extent, but with Rainhaze I wanted to get really deep into it. How much of this is his fault? What could he have done differently? Is his death cathartic, satisfying, triumphant, painful, tragic, or anything else? It was a lot of fun to write and I'm glad so many people seem to have enjoyed it.
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yourfavepookiebear · 7 months
This is my first time making a request so sorry if this makes no sense.
Self aware Twisted Wonderland with a player who randomly gets transported into their world. For Characters I was thinking about Azul, Malleus, Leona, and Riddle.
If this is too much you can ignore it.
A/n : This request has been sitting in my inbox for 2 months so I decided to finally answer it 😭 also sorry anon, for the extremely late reply 😅 for some reason I feel like I'm writing a fairytale for kids or sum lmao, also I wrote this while simultaneously doing my homework jsyk , it took me a lit to write this if you can tell, but can you tell I wrote this in 2 different days ?
Cw: Leona being lazy and a bit unhinged, bad writing, short asf, not proofread, Riddle kinning pomeranians and chihuahas, Malleus just being Malleus, ooc, inaccurate character depiction
It's the day after Yuu appeared in twisted wonderland, the second day of school. (It's been a long time since I last played or read twisted wonderland so bear with me) for plot purposes and diversity, each character will have slightly different plot, like time and place.
◇ Leona Kingscholar
It was just another irritating day for Leona, as he was sleeping in the botanical gardens, skipping class as usual. His tail swished left to right, as he tried to fall asleep. For some reason though, much to his annoyance, he couldn't fall asleep. Normally he had no problem dozing off, but today was different. He grits his teeth and glares at air particles, then he sits upright and stares at a random direction. Suddenly he hears footsteps, and the familiar voice of Ruggie approaching his location.
Leona rolls his eyes just as Ruggie emerges, not even sparing him a glance. Ruggie sighs and walks towards Leona
"Hey Leona, I got your sandwich"
Ruggie then hands him a sandwich and glances at him
"What's wrong ? You seem pretty down-in-the-dumps today. Not that you're usually a ray of sunshine, but still."
Leona just huffs and plucks some grass from the ground, then answers
"I can't sleep."
Ruggie blinks owlishly, then tilts his head to the side
"Woah, THE Leona Kingscholar, unable to sleep ? That's a new one.."
"Tsk, whatever."
Is all Leona says, as he rolls his eyes and lays down on the grass once again, closing his eyes. Ruggie takes the hint and walks away, going back to wherever he came from.
About an hour later, Leona wakes up to the sound of footsteps, yet this time they're not Ruggie's. In fact, they're not familiar at all..
Leona opens his eyes but stays still, a bit curious to know who this mysterious person is. On one side he doesn't give a shit, but on another side he's curious because, just what could a stranger be possibly doing at NRC ?
Suddenly someone jumps on top of him, effectively knocking the air out of his lungs. He jolts awake, bewildered and shocked.
"What the-"
His eyes widen as he recognizes the person who's crushing him with their weight..holy shit, what the hell is the player doing here ???
"Player ?"
He says, baffled, he genuinely doesn't know how to react. One minute he was peacefully sleeping, the other he wakes up to the player suddenly spawning on top of him ?? His thought process is cut off as his ears are flooded with high-pitched screaming and shrieking
He blinks, once, twice, thrice, his mouth open and his eyes wide, his ears twitching
"Player ?? What..."
(I'm gonna end it here becuz Im lazy asf and I have to go sleep soon, the rest is up to you and your imagination sorry pookies)
◇ Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is in the mostro lounge, he finishes making a deal with some random student, he bids them goodbye with that shady smile plastered on his face, and as soon as they leave he looks over to the clock. 7pm, it's still early yet it's already dark outside. He sighs and grabs his stuff, preparing to go back to his dorm room. Suddenly, he feels something brushing against his leg. He frowns and looks around, confused as to what it may be.
He hopes its not a prank from the twins, as he shrugs it off and continues what he was doing, until he feels it again.
He gets up from his office chair and looks under his desk, only to find...
What ? There's someone asleep under his desk ?? He pulls them out from under his desk, and immediately recognizes that face. It's the player !
He is absolutely baffled. How did the player randomly spawn under his office desk, asleep and in pajamas ?? This is very confusing..
◇ Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was in his room, studying whatever the hell subjects they have in nrc.
He gets up to go drink a cup of natural mineral water with a 100% recycled bottle, then somehow trips on something.
He looks down and jumps 10 meters back, eyes blown wide as saucers and lets out the loudest and longest scream on earth, so loud that even I am put to shame.
Somehow though, for plot purposes, no one hears him. Tatatatata, he looks over at the thing that was on the floor and is shocked to see you, the player, asleep on his floor, snoring like, so hard every single one of the prehistoric cavemen (Leona included) would lower their heads in respect.
(Anyways skip I'm lazy)
◇ Malleus Draconia
As we all know, Malleus loves walking around at night, and that makes a lot of people think he's some insane psychopath who's gonna stalk them then impale them with his horns.
After his nightly walk he came back to Diasomnia dorm just to find, you, aka the player and the one he thinks of so religiously every single day. He takes a step towards you, which isn't a lot since he's at the start of a hallway and you're at the end but whatever.
And that was his first mistake. Lo and behold there were you, at the end of the dark ass hallway, staring at him like you just witnessed some middle aged guy take off his pants and wip out his d*ck, then smack you across the face with it, oh and as if it was so long Drake would be put to shame.
You screamed like a banshee and ran away as if you were being chased by Drake's pipe.
Then you yelled out louder than Leona's snoring "MAMA MIA WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE" -Player's last words, may they rest in peace and remain forever remembered.
Jkjk you just ran into the wall and passed out. And Lilia was just watching the whole time and laughing his ass off. But you made Malleus sad tho :(
You woke up in Malleus's bedroom after having a nightmare about Drake's elevator.
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phantominzie · 3 months
Ranting about TSS
I would like to start by saying, yes, I am fully aware I don't post fandom rants very often (ESPECIALLY SASI). However, I've been feeling rather upset over the fandom and Thomas.
I would also like to mention that in no way is this attacking Thomas or any of his writers, hell, not even the fandom itself. I just need to let all of this out.
You're always totally free to skip over this, I know ts crit isn't everyone's cup of tea <3
To start, I am so just...tired? It's been so frustrating waiting for a finale for four fucking years and getting the bait and switch every time Thomas makes a post about 'upcoming Sanders Sides content!'
I understand taking time to work on something so important to cannon, but four years? I can also give him a little leeway for having some staff issues, but it's almost painful to only keep getting the series we love get downgraded so harshly over the years.
Almost all of the sides have been made so two dimensional. At first they felt so fleshed out, so real, and fandom focused their character on one sole trait (not unforgivable but a bit frustrating). Then, I guess Thomas just picked up on fandom and decided 'yeah! I'll just make them two dimensional too!' That's not what we want. And frankly that's never what we wanted. Occasionally, he'll give us breadcrumbs of character development, or show us a sliver of light to what they once were, but it's never the same.
And frankly, I feel bad for having my hopes so high for the finale. Sure it's been taking four years, but that doesn't mean it will be perfect, hell, it might suck. Of course, I will watch it, but I won't be happy about it. About the lies, about the bait and switch, about the constant merch plugs over actual content, about the four incorrect quotes over working on the finale, about the prioritizing of under five minutes long videos that no one will watch anyways.
I love that Thomas is working on things that make him happy, and I don't think I'll ever stop being happy about that, but he needs to take into heart that without content, merch won't sell anyways.
He made a tweet recently that said that we would be getting the finale in an uncertain number of weeks, but based on the past four years I don't even think it will come out at all. If it does, I swear that if we get a merch plug in the finale I'm going to lose my shit.
I want him to see that fandom can't carry itself, and that if he doesn't have that finale have the actually well done makeup we've been begging for, or have our three dimensional characters back, then he won't have a fandom at all.
I'm almost angry that this is my special interest at this point, I'm so let down by the direction the series is probably headed.
I hope that no one takes this the wrong way, and if people leave death threats in my inbox (which has happened to people posting ts crit; no i'm not joking) then trust that you won't be answered. No one is to tag Thomas on this post, and if Thomas even finds this post then heed the words I've said. This isn't a threat to you, and frankly it never was. What is it is the frustrations of a tired and exasperated fan.
I'm sorry if this has rubbed anyone the wrong way, I apologize if it has. I hope this doesn't make people think I'm becoming some TSS hater, I'm really not. But I'm frustrated, and that's normal
Thank you for reading this all the way through if your here, I love you <3
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
FLIGHT GOT DELAYED, I HAVE CHOSEN THIS ASK TO BE THE FINAL ONE FOR NOW BEFORE I SHUT MY PC OFF. I just wanted to say there's absolutely no issue with spamming me because number go up = more dopamine so I'd be insane to complain. If anything I think it's neat when I see familiar names in my notifs/inbox, it's been forever since I've had an online presence so I love going "oh look who's online!" when I see someone liked a bunch of my posts sdfkjhsdfkjs
ABOUT THE ANGST STUFF. I AM SORRY I KILLED YOU WITH MY ANGST COMICS, BUT AM GLAD TO HEAR THEY ACTUALLY LIKE AFFECT PEOPLE?? I bum myself out when I do sad comics but in like a good way. I haven't been invested in anything in sooo long, so I like feeling every possible emotion towards this stupid game. I HAVE...MORE ANGST......SO MUCH MORE. I work on it when I'm sad about irl stuff cause being sad about fictional stuff is more fun.
I'm gonna put a sketch comic under the cut, it's the one where shamura is accidentally gaslit into having a freakout and killing one of their followers. AVERT THINE EYES IF THAT'S TOO HEAVY, THERE IS ALSO SLIGHT SKETCHY GORE WHERE I COULDN'T REALLY CROP IT OUT
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I cropped out the part where they explode their follower from the inside out. I was formerly a warrior cats kid so I like drawing edgy violent shit, but I understand not everyone wants to see that SDJFHSDFKJ- it'll be in the final comic if I ever come back to this one (tagged appropriately)
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I wonder if it's obvious that I'm projecting hardcore in this comic but also, I feel like if I HAVE to have the health issues I do, I might as well make lobotomy spider comics based on my personal frustration?? I have a few more like this but one of them is...idk if I'll ever post it cause it's more soul crushing the other ones I've posted.
What a way to leave my blog for the next week. ENJOY THE ANGST, SEE Y'ALL WHEN I'M BACK FROM THE BEACH B)
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ixzotica · 1 month
ANOTHER CONTROVERSIAL SHIFTING TAKE moika yapping about shit no one cares about again?? that's crazyyy, who would've thought! but fr, i know i said i'd stop with this shit but i'm a very opinionated person with entirely too much to say so i'm back to talking! like always, if you don't agree that's fine but please don't leave rude or passive aggressive comments or messages in my inbox because i will delete them and block you! <3
i need y'all to stop yelling "it's not your life" and getting pissy at people when you post about the immoral and inhumane things you do in your realities/lives and receive backlash from it. your excuse is that "it's not your reality so you shouldn't care", failing to realize that most of the people here have grown up in society and you probably have as well and in this society, we are taught morals and values.
if you post about doing shit in your life that the majority of society in this reality as a whole has deemed as bad/immoral (e.g., dating minors as an adult, race-changing/rcta, etc) for multiple reasons, why do you expect to not be judged or criticized for it? you cannot expect people to throw aside their feelings about what they have been taught is bad and that many have seen the harmful effects of in seconds just so you and a small demographic of people who like doing that kind of stuff can feel comfortable talking about it freely.
no, people aren't going to respect or agree with you if you shift somewhere and kill innocent people. no, people aren't going to respect or agree with you if you go to realities where you shift to date minors as an adult. no, people aren't going to respect or agree with you if you change your race/sexualize and glorify or even villainize the lives of minorities. no, people aren't going to respect or agree with you if you're a bully and harass people in your reality "for the plot." you can't keep expecting people to conform to your ideals and actions just because you want to be able to freely talk about being a shitty person because in the eyes of many people here, you absolutely are.
and on that same note, you also need to remember that it is YOUR choice to post what you do on YOUR account. no one is forcing you to post about anything you do in your life. you willingly put out information about your life that NO ONE ASKED FOR onto the heavily-opinionated internet and expect people to just be like "oh cool" and move on from the fact that you're doing fucked up shit just because it's your life?
sorry to tell you this but if everyone just didn't give a fuck about what other people did in their lives, things like queerphobia, racism, xenophobia, and the variety of other -phobias and -isms would not exist and on the opposite side, shit like child marriage, murder, and abuse would be way more prominent and nothing would be done about it since people just wouldn't care.
people are going to be in your business whether you like it or not and it sucks but that's just how it is. now am i saying that you don't have a right to be upset at all? no, obviously not. you're being judged, of course you're going to feel upset or like shit about it and you're completely valid in that regard. however, you need to realize why people are criticizing you and understand that that's just going to happen.
you also need to realize that you're never going to change the minds of millions of people in this reality with a tumblr post of you getting mad and trying to shun people who think you're a bad person for doing bad shit and you probably never will. it's your choice whether or not to listen to the people or just go your own way because as long as you keep posting about you doing fucked up shit, people are going to react and the majority won't react positively.
but anyways yeah, this just my take. if you don't agree, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it just as much as i am to mine! just please don't be disrespectful or try to argue with me because again, i will block you and think nothing of it. thanks for reading!
SINCERELY, Yappatron 3000
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jeffsfavoriteknife · 1 year
Can I req some Toby x male reader?
Where reader likes to wear collars, but they’re always covered up by long shirts and jumpers.
& Toby is just really into and it and wants to fuck reader on the spot the moment that he spots it?
Yes you can!!! I hope i got what you were looking for but if i didnt my excuse is its about 3 am and im exhausted. Tumblr doesnt give me inbox notifs either so im sorry i delivered late! Enjoy 🫶
(18+ male reader x toby! Fic)
You knocked on his door loudly, the door opening as a tall man let you in. This was your best friend toby, you both had known each other for a while and often had occasional gaming sessions, he didnt game much but when he did, it was amusing to see him get riled up about loosing. You had completely forgot to take your collar off that you enjoyed wearing in the comfort of your own home so you were glad you had thrown on your way too big at the sleeves Garfield shirt, it was long but big enough to hide most of the collar, hopefully toby wouldnt notice.
Toby angrily huffed as he lost for the 3rd time in a row, you giggled in victory. “Its not that bad toby, you just gotta learn how matchups work, dragon doesnt work against fairy silly” he seemed to smile and chuckle to himself a bit before freezing, you hadnt caught on that he had noticed the bright blue of your collar poking from your shirt. He grabbed your hand and yanked you forward, ignoring your yelp as he looked at it closer, his eyes werent lying to him, you had a collar on. “Did you wear this just f-for me?” Your face dropped as blush creeped into your face, entirely coating it as you hesitated to answer, did you wear it for him? You could have taken it off before you headed over to his place but the fact you didnt had you questioning yourself. “M-maybe”
What happened next was a blur to you, for some reason the collar made him loose his shit, his hands were all over you, his mouth on yours with his tongue shoved down your throat as you had give up trying to fight for dominance long ago, his hands down your pants as they feverishly gripped at your ass. He pulled away from your mouth, saliva dripping down his chin as he stared at you, huffing as he gripped your legs and spread them wide open causing you to hide your face in shame. You were rock solid, even through your jeans it was so plain to tell that toby made your body react in the most beautiful ways. He grabbed at your belt, undoing it before grabbing your wrists and tying them up with it before yanking your pants and boxers down with ease. Your eyes looked up at him as he yanked off his as well, however slight panic set in as you looked down at his cock, he was big and you had no idea if he could fit. “O-oh toby i dont know if thats gonna-“ he silenced you by turning you on your belly with your ass up to him “it w-will, ill make it fit” he spread your ass open and spit on your hole, coating it in his saliva as he also spit on his hand and pumped himself a bit. His hand pushed onto your back, making you lean down more so he could raise your ass a bit higher as he positioned himself.
He spent no time shoving himself in you, making you cry out in pleasure and pain as he immediately bottomed out in you, your legs shaking already just from the sheer size of him. He untied your hands and grabbed them, one on each side of you so he could pull you by your arms and started ramming into you, your head leaned back as his cock started railing into your prostate, if you had known tobys weakness was collars you would have worn them way sooner around him. “Your so f-fuckin pretty with it wrapped around yoir n-neck” he complimented you, his words going straight to your cock as you struggled desperately not to cum “wouldnt it be b-better if it had my name o-on it?” With this said he bit into your neck hard, no doubt leaving a mark, this had cum spurting out of your cock and you wailing his name like an absolute whore. He gripped your arms tighter, pounding into you a few more times before pumping you full of him cum. You laid down fully on his bed, the smell of his sheets slowly putting you to sleep, but the sound of jingling made you move your head to look at toby, he was taking one of his dogtags off and sat u up, putting it onto the hoop of your collar, you looked down at the tag and read it, it had his name on it, with this you smiled
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sunflowerxthoughts · 1 year
Okay hear me out but like the line “and I remember that fight 2:30 am when everything was slipping right out of our hands I ran out crying and you followed me out in to the street brace my self for the goodbye because that’s all i’ve ever known and you took me by surprise and said i’ll never leave you alone” with Eddie. Idk why but I just can like picture it with him.
I have a long ass list of Taylor songs that are Eddie coded but!!!! This has been on my inbox for a while now and ugh this is A CONCEPT!!!!
Eddie who is used to running away when things get bad because he is a fighter but he’d rather run away than get hurt yet again. He has issues okay it is canon that his dad was a piece of shit.
So when you have your first fight Eddie thinks it is over. Two months of bliss gone to absolute nothingness. I can absolutely see that the fight could be about him not letting you in, and as much as you want to help him and give him space, it takes a toll. You feel like a stranger sometimes.
So when Eddie goes back to the trailer after being put for a couple of hours and you are still there his eyes water all over again.
“You’re here? I thought we broke up?”
“What? Eddie no, everyone fights. This doesn’t mean we are breaking up, it just means we have to talk through it and fix things.”
“So you won’t leave?” You can’t hear the tremble of his voice over the sound of your heart breaking at the hopeless boy in front of him.
“Oh honey, I could never leave you. I love you Eddie. And that’s not going to change as long as we both put in the work to make this work, okay?” You take his face in your hands so he’ll focus only on you. “I know you don’t want to let me in because you think I’m going to leave. But don’t deprive yourself of being understood for something we can’t control, Eds. I don’t want to leave, I want to help you. I want to hold you when you are sad and laugh with you when you are happy. We just have to put in the work, and talk to each other, okay?”
“I’m sorry. I- I get scared because I want to be with you forever and forever it’s never been for me. The only constant thing for me has been Wayne. And I really want you to be it. It’s not and excuse and I know it. But I’ll be better for you.”
“It’s not about being better Eddie. I’m happy as long as we give it as much as we can. I want you to get better. Not be. You already are great as you are.”
“Even when I snore?”
“When you snore, when you are grumpy and when you are so tired you can’t even open your eyes. I’m in it for all of it.”
“I love you too.”
“I know you do, because one of the great things about you, Eddie Munson, is that you show your love through everything you do, in the little things and also in the grand gestures. You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”
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copperbadge · 1 year
I know that it’s been a Very Long Time but do you ever get terribly nostalgic for old/less active fandoms? I confess I recently came back to tumblr and saw that I followed you. I was like, of course Sam storyteller, the Bucky guy. But then I got a hankering for my older and dearer by far love Ianto Jones and went back to reread some of the greatest hits and I remembered. You are not the Loki guy. You are the Ianto guy, to me, and I can’t believe I forgot that. I miss that fandom so much it was so fucking. Toxic. The Gwen bashing, I simply cannot romanticize it in good conscience. But the fic quality and diversity was, dare I say it, nearly unparalleled (in my heart). Like when it hit it really hit you know? A golden age of trashy sci fi indeed. I miss my dead welsh son. Sorry to ramble in your ask box about the dubious old days
Anon, I am so sorry, a bunch of my asks got pushed way down in the inbox and then I forgot they were there, so apologies this is MONTHS late in getting posted.
I, eh, I don't really get nostalgic for old fandoms. Usually I leave them for a reason, but even if I just drift away, my experience of a fandom is pretty fundamentally different from most because of my higher profile. There are things I can't do or say in a fandom that other people could, and there are things that happen to me outside of my control. They're not even necessarily bad things, just stuff like...I'll write a fic in a new fandom, and people from my previous fandom will start engaging with the canon because I did. So often, rather than just falling away from a fandom, I'll leave a fandom and drag a bunch of people with me. They might not even leave the older fandom, but they come along to the new one too.
And often the wanks that pull people in without their consent simply don't touch me because there's a portion of fandom that is either scared of me (or my readers) or just doesn't want anything to do with me. I can't determine which.
Torchwood's a pretty good case in point -- the Gwen bashing was extreme. I wasn't a fan of Gwen but what I saw from the antigwenallies was really, really gross. Still, even though I wrote fic about Gwen and engaged in meta around her presence in the show, I avoided them and thus had exactly one interaction with them ever, which was when they posted up a fic of mine as "anti-Gwen" and I asked them to remove it and never recc anything of mine again. They did, and that was the end of that. Nobody ever came to my posts to attack her or me. Likewise, there was one really, really aggressive anti-Ianto wanker, but she never engaged with me or even as far as I know talked about me, despite the fact I was a huge Ianto fan and wrote a lot of fic about him. I really hated the shit she said, but I also didn't see any value in arguing, so I left her alone and she left me alone. (I won't name her because I checked up on her a few years ago and it turns out she was struggling with serious mental health issues that she'd gotten a lot of help for, and felt really terrible about the things she'd done, so I'm actually quite proud of her. But if you know you know.)
I also just...have a bad memory, so I often don't remember what happened in a fandom, or even sometimes that I was in a fandom. Most of the memories I do have are either vaguely warm and friendly, or "avoid this fandom/person at all costs" based in a negative interaction (which I sometimes don't remember the details of).
So yeah...I mean, Torchwood ended pretty terribly so I don't miss it in part because I try not to think about it. Generally if I have a good time in a fandom and then leave it, it's because I simply said all I had to say there. But I'm usually looking forward, not back, just because the past is a bit of a fog bank for me, most of the time.
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minniiaa · 7 months
First of all, thank you ^-^ <333
You've not only satisfied my simp heart with bottom Law but also my yearn for and emotionally constipated Law being proven wrong
Second, I have more ideas or course :D
This is a gigantic leap from my previous… contributions, but I want to share my love for something I enjoy just as much as my little guys (grown ass men) getting railed in such a way it puts the trolley problem to shame. Sweet, sweet aftercare, I dunno what about it that enthralls me but just- like- I- jsbdudbskospaks-
It's an honest 50/50 whether the aftercare situations I think up actually comes after sex or if it's all I think of. It has me by the throat man.
Something about Law feeling safe enough to tell Luffy when he's had enough without feeling the need to force or threaten Luffy, or not holding out far past his limit so Luffy doesn't “get bored of him” makes my brain melt and mold back into the shape of a sea urchin.
Here me out, modern au, Law comes back to their apartment more tired than he's ever been after the longest shift he's pulled in a while. All he wants, more than anything, is their bed, screw the shower, he couldn't stand long enough to take one and he knows the moment his knee bends further than what's needed to walk his body will collapse. So he heads straight to bed, unsurprisingly, Luffy is awake and anticipating Law's return to give him his “goodnight kiss” that became the only constant thing Luffy upholds. Law tosses himself into bed as soon as he gets his pants off, leaving them on the floor along with his shirt, and Luffy is immediately on him. Not to Law's dismay, he knows he won't last long but the fact that Luffy still wants him when he's coated in sweat and deadweight kind of turns him on. He's right, he doesn't last when Luffy eats him out while running only the pad of his thumb up and down the base of Law's shaft, and GOD does everything *hurt. Law doesn't get that post-nut daze, instead he's hit with an ache deep in every muscle and bone from the souls of his feet to the back of his head that he has no choice but to succumb to. So badly does he want to feel Luffy all over him, all up in him, but he can't ignore his limit if he tries. He gets what he wants anyways, without having said a word Law's exhausted body is crushed by the concrete hold Luffy calls a hug, and Law couldn't be more grateful for Luffy's mysterious workout routine. It's the silent communication of Law's needs that relaxes him further, not needing to rely on his voice for Luffy to know, to understand, his pain makes it all the more easier to just let Luffy take care of him.
You got me out here writing paragraphs man, you've changed my chemical components on a spiritual level lol. Also, I stand by that my headcanon dumps are a bit much, so just know that I don't expect a masterpiece response every time. I MEAN THEY ARE ENCOURAGED CAUSE GYATT DAMN, would ABSOLUTELY eat your writing while dressed better than for a wedding and a napkin in my lap, but I dunno, I don't want you to think I'm trying to make you pump out tailored content for me. Definitely just like my own self-consciousness wanting me to make that clear sorry lol I think this might be the largest headcanon dump I've shared.
I am sooo glad you enjoyed my little oneshot I wrote and it scratched the itch of your last message. I just took that idea and RANNNNNN with it I have to admit.
I am also super happy that you came up with your own head canons omfg I'm frothing. I definitely can't write a whole story this time, but you inspired me to add some of my own little head canons because it was just too good!
You are hilarious and I am picturing you dressed for a wedding waiting for dinner but it's actually just my writing. Don't feel self-conscious, I live for this shit. You can leave headcanons whenever though I can't promise I'll be able to get back asap, I will always slurp it up and add my own thoughts if it's something that speaks to me. Maybe one day you'll decide to share your own stories and I will be the one who gets to leave my headcanons in there! :)
With that being said, here are my thoughts:
I loveee Lulaw aftercare (and just aftercare in general cause who doesn't like the sweet moments after getting your insides rearranged), especially your situation. I'm deceased at the thought of Luffy always waiting up for Law's goodnight kiss. Does he do it because he wants Law to be the last thing he sees every night before bed? Or because he wants to make sure that he's awake if Law needs him after his long hard days at work? Maybe both, Luffy is self-indulgent and also wants to do whatever he can to make Law feel loved and comfortable.
Sometimes Law needs Luffy to fuck him until he forgets about how shit his day was and how maybe he lost a patient and he just needs his mind and body filled with nothing but Luffy who can push him to the edge in unimaginable ways. Luffy never says no, he could eat Law for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He just loves watching the way his normally tense and irritated lover falls apart underneath him. Other times, Law just needs his partner to give him a quick and much-needed release before pulling him into his arms and giving him the attention he craves when he can barely think straight after a stressful day, his body screaming at him to just shut off and let go.
Luffy knows Law so well that he never has to tell him what he wants which is great because Law is terrible about asking for things. He never wants to be a burden, never wants to feel like he's taking too much from Luffy when he's already given him everything he's ever wanted and more. Luffy feels Law's body going limp after he comes, how he sighs contently and buries his face into his chest. Law just needs him there to recharge him, to soothe his weary body and soul and Luffy loves him so much he would never think of doing anything different.
Luffy knows exactly what Law needs in those quiet moments in the dark. He runs his hands over Law's aching body, healing him with his soft touches. Soft kisses are pressed against his skin, no intent to go anywhere further behind them even though Luffy yearns to feel Law around him, to hear his pretty sounds echoing through his ears. That can wait for another time, right now he will just satisfy Law with his gentle caresses. He wraps his arms around Law, pulling his weary form into his arms, so close that he begins to forget where he ends and Law begins just the way he likes it.
Law usually gets so flustered and cranky when Luffy spills his feeling out but they've been doing this for so long now that Luffy knows Law will let him say whatever he wants when they're like this and he takes full advantage of it. He plays with Law's hair, telling him how much he loves him, how he's so lucky to have him in his life, how he wants to be with him forever. He lists all of the thing he loves about him-his compassion, dedication, strength, and beauty.
Law loves the way Luffy's voice sounds when he whispers these sweet nothings into his ear. He's so calm and quiet, so different from his normally loudmouthed self. Sometimes he responds, though usually only with a "thank you" or "I love you". Words are hard for him even though he feels just as strongly for Luffy. It brings him comfort knowing that Luffy never expects him to say anything back, that he does this simply because he wants to.
Once, in a fit of insecurity, Law asked Luffy if he feels neglected because Law is so terrible with words and even though he tries, he just can't express how he feels inside. Luffy simply smiled at him and said "I know how much you love me. You don't need to say it. I just like to tell you because sometimes you get in your head like you are right now and forget". Another time, he apologized to Luffy for being too exhausted to move a muscle after Luffy went down on him. Just like before, Luffy smiled and said "Making you feel good makes me feel good. Taking care of you makes me happy."
After that, Law realized he might just be the luckiest man in the world. He stopped worrying about if Luffy wanted or needed more from him on these days when he he couldn't give anymore. He graciously took all the affection he was given, allowing Luffy's calming voice to lull him to sleep, saying words Law would never be able to accept were all for him.
That's all for today, sorry if it was a little messy I am too tired to proofread any further. Thank you once again for the food for thought <3333
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
what if you give us like insite on your oc and katsuki's relationship? (this is totally not because I wanna have our ocs meet over a cup of coffee and talk about their versions of the feral blondie) I think your oc is very silly. Also, is there any other ocs you have that exist in the mha universe or other animes?
much love - Kovu
hey moot !! so this is SOOOOO long overdue i have a lot of long overdue stuff in my inbox super sorries :((( but id LUVVVV to tell you more about my oc and katsuki while im at ittt :DD tysm for asking !!! thank you btw ! i think your ocs are very silly too !
katsuki n ryoko's relationship !!
katsuki n ryoko met in childhood when they both were just kids (OF COURSSEE) keep in mind this is very cheesy but i am nothing if not a sappy cheesy lovesick moron ! so no regrets for me >:3
ryoko came to school like in the middle of the year, and the moment she got introduced it was love at first sight lol😭 YESS YESS BOOO TOMATOES TOMATOES I DONT CAAARRREEE !! i love love love wins over all 😌💗 so basically he wants to talk to her immediately, but also even back then he was emotionally constipated and had no idea how to introduce himself normally. ryoko never met any other kids her age formally before then, so she was always sitting alone and reading and katsuki would randomly come up, comment on the book shees reading, get embarrassed, and then leave 😭
"...whatcha reading ?" ryoko gets nervous to talk to new people, so she shows him the book title. and after he looks at it for a good ten seconds he mumbles out a "that one sucks" and runs away, leaving her a little shocked😭
she got kinda used to him doing this every day, and slowly but surely he starts staying a bit longer and the longer they talk the more boasty baby katsuki shows up and then he's back to his loud behaviour. he gets her to introduce herself to his friendgroup, w izuku in it. (hes a wee bit jealous that she actually ends up liking izuku a lot)
katsuki is the first person that came to talk to her, so he's very close to her heart, and he's her favourite !! fun fact ! the rpp series is pretty much based on their relationship !! anyways they start dating somewhere towards the end of their second year in middle school, cus katsuki acts more subtle in his bullying of izuku when shes around cus he knows she will get mad and not talk to him,, and two izuku is her best friend too (much to his chagrin cus HES her numba one bff tf😑) and they've been together ever since !!
2. do i have any other oc's in the verse !
i do !! and they (mostly) all have s/o's bc i am a very hopeless romantic 😭 !!
first i have himari 'mari' hamasaki ! shes dating shouto, and no worries their relationship has a bit more depth than katsuryo 😭😭 !! but theyre cuties and i love them ! her mom was a pro hero called voltri who passed away when she was 7 and her father is a famous hero gear inventor ! their relationship isn't the best unfortunately.. mari has a mecha related quirk !!
next up !! kyosuke nishiyama !! he's himaris older cousin ! and by older i mean by like..two days lol, but he loves holding that over her head cus hes a little shit like that😭 they love to act like they hate each other, but theyre very close, so they just call themselves (and his other siblings) brother and sister, and not to mention they look a lot alike, so ppl don't rlly question it much ! he has a chain related quirk like kurapika ! his dad is a business man/ househusband and his mom is also an inventor :3 ah, and he has a boyfriend (who is my friends oc !!)
keisuke and kensuke nishiyama are kyosukes older brothers !! kensuke is 22 and in college to be an inventor, and keisuke is 19 studying criminal psychology :D ! keisuke has a girlfriend also not girlfriend called furaha i say gng bc he's built awkward asf and had no idea she was in love with him and he with her, but they'd make out and kiss n act like a couple contstantly until he realized he liked her 😭 !! furaha is a congolese exchange student from canada !! lil funfacts for them kensuke is a stoner (lol) keisuke is a speedrunner, and furaha can do her own hair !! (im jealous)
amara 'gogo' kanyinda and omari 'king' kanyinda are both siblings ! omari is the leader of an underground crime syndicate and amara is an assassin in that syndicate ! (much to omaris displeasure) omari n amara were both in an abusive household and since omari is older, he escaped first and told amara he'd come back to get her when he got his shit together, and he did !!! they act like they hate each other too, but omari would rlly do anything for his sister and he's a major softie ! they're both congolese ! omari's nickname king comes from the fact he's the boss of the syndicate and because of his attitude, because his personality is kinda shitty LOOL😭😭 also he has a dog named guts !! (yes hes a manga nerd)
i don't have a quirk for him yet unfortunately 🤧 tho im thinkin of a super strength one ! amara's quirk is called ball n' chain ! she has the ability to control and manipulate a ball and chain made of energy, it extends from a central point, typically the hands but she prefers to use her legs ! she can manipulate it telepathically, can control the length and thickness of it and can imbue the chain with energy so she can cut through objects or give an extra impact ! gogo is the nickname she got from her friends bc her quirk is similar to gogo yubari's ball n chain from kill bill ! and she liked it sm she ran with it :3 amara has a boyfriend (who is my friends oc) !! they're very in love and i love them more than my entire life.
these are all my main ocs i talk about the most !! i tried not to ramble tooo much !! 😭😭 my bad if i did
much luvv xxx tysm for reading if you did !!
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13tinysocks · 7 months
hey dude! What's up :)) been just a little since l've said something
Initially, this is me saying thank you and goodbye
This isn't supposed to be a weird pity story, so l'm so unbelievably sorry if it comes off that way, lol.
When I began reading your work, I was enamoured with fiction because of personal issues (as many usually are, honestly, I know I'm one of god knows how many people trying to run away from life for just a second with fanfics or media in general). I don't know if I will ever be able to communicate this properly, hell, this will even be unbelievable funny or dramatic but I need to get this across because it's coming from a genuine place. Your stories and work thus far has brought me comfort, immense heaps of it, and even still when I deal with things that feel out of reach or too much to actually face head on I find myself wandering back to syg or just your blog in general
I mean this, from my entire heart, thank you and thank Bee. A million times thank you, for making that one silly silly stupid piece of fanfiction, because oh my god it got me through some major stressful hardships within my life for the past 3 years.
I am leaving tumblr, however I’m aware I have submitted asks with my actual accounts before, so you'll likely be able to see they're still gonna be up. I'm just deleting tumblr the app instead of my account, but for other social platforms they will be deleted properly (such as quotev) so I won’t be indulging in much reading anymore when it comes to fanfics and such lol
I don't know if I'll come back, if I do I likely will not be back for long or to be as active as l've been because of the toll social media’s taken. So even as ridiculous as this feels, to tell someone I’m simply a fan of and barely truly know, that their fanfic of murderers and their love story with my self insert kept me pushing through a lot of tough days, I genuinely just had to.
I needed to thank both you and your partner for the work you've both put out. I still have that smiley pin I’d made, and I will cherish what you made quotev have been for me ( I literally found out about the website during early or late 2020 I can barely remember, then later found your fic, I was DEEP DIVING into that shit LMAO )
I hope whatever happens for you and bee in the future is only good, and I only will wish nothing but the best of luck with everything man.
feel free to post this (idk what it’s called but when you publicly reply lol) or not, as long as you read this it’ll mean lots to me !! >:))
your coolest weirdest ticci toby fan whose also named toby, 🐚 annon
I always struggle to convey gratefulness for messages like this and readership- especially repeated readership. My life would be different if it were not for comments and messages egging us on to keep writing from syg to ho1c. While it's easy to say that writing is solely out of passion for the craft there is also the drive to share something with others. Hearing those others loud or quiet as a favorite- does push us forward when we have no motivation or desire to work. That drive has made us closer as a couple, better thinkers, and a halfway decent writing team. I thank you and all the others who send us stuff even if it's shit post asks I never answer because I like having them in my inbox like a personal horde of platonic Valentine's. I like keeping the pieces you give me to myself sometimes. I know it may seem like I'm ignoring you but I find genuine comfort in these messages. That there are so many. That they are so varied. That we have reached beyond our shut-in existence to touch the lives of others.
I find myself wondering where an anon has gone when I do not hear from them in awhile. I wish them well. I wish them better standards than us.
Maybe we'll meet again someday space cowboy. If you're ever back in town feel free to shoot me (a message).
Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for reading. I wish you peace and love and good books.
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apprenticestanheight · 10 months
I've seen some fics of these, but I'll never turn down a coffinshipping fic where Strahm has to patch up Hoffman from when Jill uses the Reverse Bear-Trap on him. It's just sweet to me that although they hate each other, they love each other or are rather obsessed with each other, and yet Strahm would stitch up Hoffman's face... even though Hoffman put Strahm through two deadly traps 😆
Cat and Mouse- Hoffstrahm
Hi!! I am so sorry that this took as long as it did--I swear I meant to do it but stuff gets buried really quickly in my inbox and my track record with object permanence is kind of terrible, which definitely applies to requests as a lot of the time they're left to sit until I work through a backlog.
HOWEVER, this is my second coffinshipping fic and in my saw rewatch I am barely halfway into the second movie so I apologize if their characterizations are at all off, I like to think I've nailed my characterization of Hoffman but I haven't written for Strahm very much so my characterization of him might not be perfect and the same goes for how I've written their interactions.
Fic type- this is some light angst
Warnings- mentions of canon-typical saw violence, murder, and this has been edited but not very well--be wary of spelling and grammatical errors, I wrote this while tired and edited it while also tired.
Tumblr media
Peter should probably be putting a gun to Mark Hoffmans head, if he's being honest with himself. He should be holding a gun to Marks head and demanding a confession or some kind of acknowledgement of the crimes he'd committed under the Jigsaw alias, but he's not.
He's not because Mark showed up at his house and gestured to a very gruesome looking wound on the side of his face, and when Mark wordlessly asked Peter to stitch him up, before he could think through his response, Peter was agreeing and grabbing a towel and a first aid kit with a needle and thread inside while instructing Mark to sit on the couch.
And then he was wetting the towel with antiseptic to clean the wound, telling Mark he was getting what he deserved when he flinched away or shouted with his discomfort. And then he was actively helping a serial killer.
He recalls the words that Perez had told him once, just before he'd interviewed Jill Tuck that first time.
"You should be careful," she said. "Especially with mostly unsolved cases like this one, that work ethic of yours can turn into obsession real quick. Hatred for someone might as well be able to turn into obsession with the drop of a hat, Peter, so I'd watch myself. Make sure it wasn't an obsession before I kept on with the case."
At the time, Peter had scoffed at the notion. "I'm not becoming obsessed," he'd told her, even pairing it with a smirk, like a smirk could've been convincing. "And if I am, hatred and obsession will prove to be so dangerous a line to walk that I step away anyway. I know that much--I know when to step away from my work."
But, Peter supposes he should've known that he would know when to step away from his work in all aspects except for whichever one concerned Mark Hoffman, who he felt a deep disdain for and yet wanted to know everything about all at once.
Of course the line blurred whenever Mark looked at him, had been particularly blurry as he stitched up a wound caused by one of Hoffmans so-called enemies, Jill fucking Tuck herself.
"She put a trap on me," Mark explains as Peter finishes the stitches. "That fucking bitch put a goddamned trap on me, claiming it was Johns will and all that other shit."
"I really don't want specifics, Hoffman," Peter says dryly. "You put me into two deadly fucking traps, yeah? I don't need to hear about whichever woman you've made an enemy out of, even if I hate her as much as the next person."
Mark smiles at him. Peter doesn't know if he wants to punch him square in the lips or pull him into a kiss so intense it shocks the air out of their lungs.
"You do realize what I have to do if you let me leave this house not in handcuffs, yeah?"
Peter runs his tongue over his teeth, stands up from the crouching position he'd taken while stitching up Hoffmans wound.
"I do," he says. "You're going to go kill a relatively innocent woman because she followed what I am presuming to be the will of John fuckin' Kramer, who was her murderous ex husband who willingly put innocent people to death. Yeah, I think that's easy enough to follow, Hoffman."
Mark stands, grins at Peter.
"You realize that letting me go means the chase continues?"
Peter shrugs. "You'll slow down one of these days, Hoffman. You serial killers always do. When you do get slow I'll catch you and be the one to put your ass behind bars."
Mark looks to his feet, "I really do wish this could've been different," he says.
Peter forces himself to look at the brown color he'd chosen for his curtains.
"You have fifteen seconds to be down the street and turning the corner before I start chasing you and eventually arrest your ass," he says, feeling conflicted as he speaks.
The simple truth is that Mark Hoffman is a serial killer. The simple truth is the fact that Peter should be putting him into handcuffs and bringing him to the station while he declares the Jigsaw killer caught once and for all.
But, when has their relationship ever been simple, really? Peter cannot pinpoint a moment of simplicity from it's beginning.
So, when Mark nods, bolts out the front door, Peter lets him go. He falls into the couch with a monumentally tired sigh and presses his face into the palm of his hand. A few minutes pass, and he laughs to himself.
He and Mark are in a cat and mouse scenario, and while Peter hates it, he also knows that he wouldn't have it any other way.
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pekabloooop2 · 3 months
[warning long post] for all the project sekai pepole (about the removed cover's)
i will be reuploding content for "what sort of ending where you wishing for" and "when the morning glory falls" on to the channel Spoopy-Ryan on youtube. im not sure when im gona put these up, at latest, a bit after everything has been taken down by pjsk. also eveything reuploded will just be pjsk covers and alts. i wont be touching any of the original songs. the stuff i will be reuploding so far is, the full music video to what sort of ending where you wishing for", the full version of "when the morning glory falls" (it never got a music video) full playthrough's of every level of both songs, the background music for rui's 5th event (im unsure if this will be taken away), the preview's of both songs covers on the event menus, and honami's preview and cover of "when the morning glory falls". i am unsure if i will upload honami's full cover because i dont have the cover in game and might use someone else's audio for this, but im still unsure.
also for the playthrough's of the songs, the ones with the music video will be done with auto but the lite ones might just be me full comboing each level of the song (other then maybe wishing for because im struggling at getting a full combo on that so it might just be nomal clear) but if they dont delete the songs before i can get my auto play back (you get 10 a day) then those will be on auto to. for me its currently 10 till midnight so i think i can do it (also i might unlist my full combos and leave links somewhere). also everything will be at 10 speed (if someone wants one or both the songs at a different speed on auto ask me and if there's time i can do it)
just to clarify i am not angry at the dev's and at peace with pjsk's decision to remove these songs in light of the situation. i also have all my condolences for the victim and hope her quick recovery, and dont condole any of pusu's actions. im just reuploding these songs for pepole who still want to listen to these covers or need game footage. (also use any of the footage i reupload as you like, i dont care cus its not really mine)
(if you are unaware of the situation, i think pusu, a member of the band TUYU, and the maker of these 2 songs, had stabed his girlfriend. this video explains it all much better then i ever could [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Se77QahKysA&t=592s]
if anyone wants me to re-upload anything else related to these covers before it all goes away, just leave a comment or ask in my inbox and ill get it to upload. (you wont have long though because i have no idea if its days or minutes till these songs are gone)
ok, sorry for the long post, and hope everyone has a good day :)
edit: next day and the songs are still here, and i got my auto play back.
edit 2: electric boogaloo: i kinda forgot about this post (sorry) but will be posting all the stuff for this in a cople days when my internet is better (idk my wifi is just being a piece of shit recently and im struggling) so as soon as thats cleared up ill post them and lave a proper link here. also both the songs are still here?!? so if anyone still needs any footage then just ask me cus there still time somehow
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ca-suffit · 5 months
I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused. Him having been a victim to Lestat doesn't negate his grief. He's clearly still grieving Claudia, and from what we can tell of S2, we WILL see that too. No one is saying he's a saint either - he did fail Claudia. Him being a victim doesn't overshadow his grief or make him a saint.
And as you said, this isn't just some cheap story of abuse for shock value either. I wrote a whole wall of text about the complexities and layers of the abuse here but that would have been too long of an ask ajdhwj. Basically, there's the race aspect (which converses with the other aspects), there's that Louis couldn't leave him for many, many reasons, there's the emotional aspect, there's the power aspect (in more than one way)... I'm probably missing something, but this is very good portrayal of abuse and also something that happens irl.
This is also something that loustat will have to touch on in the future and will make for a very interesting story (again, as you said).
His arc is different in the book because the show has a different version of Louis with added struggles that book Louis didn't have (mostly due to his race and era, but also the dynamic that is shown with him and Lestat, if I remember the book correctly - partly also due to the former). Grief is still a part of his story, though.
Sorry for the long ask, it's just that reading that really made me go "??"
thank u for all of this!! I am not ignoring all u wrote but I wanted to elaborate on one point specifically tho and it's gonna be long. thank u for everything u wrote in full tho, I appreciate it. "I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused."
they did it when he was white. it's because he's black now and lestat remains white. the vampires mention shit like slavery outright to each other when it's all white ppl, but it suddenly holds a LOT more weight once u make the "fledgling" a black person. AMC has done nothing but enhance what was already there, ppl just don't want to empathize with a black man.
anne rice fans are not critical thinkers but they like to think they are because they're proud they read a lot of books at prbly young ages. books they felt were rly "adult" and "mature." they've never grown up and taken a second look. anne rice's encouragement of parasocial relationships made that worse too. most of these ppl can't separate themselves from these characters and now feel bad seeing themes brought more to the surface about these relationships. they have to blame the writers and keep looking stupid instead of getting some self-awareness.
I know the fight does not happen in the books but I've seen enough passages from book IWTV to know physical and emotional violence between louis and lestat is v common. I've seen parts of lestat's books too where he's also violent to other partners. it's in the character, they've just been too busy wanting to fuck him the whole time to notice ig. that's what it is too. lots of this before the show was a sexy game to ppl and now they're mad u have to think about the story and consequences for things so much, mainly in ways that interfere with lighthearted shipping stuff. anne rice didn't ever talk about anything in depth so they're used to having awareness of topics but never exploring them. they feel stupid in many, many ways now and somehow that's everyone's fault but their own. it's practically *two years in* and they're still doing all this instead of doing some self-reflection. they keep reapplying the clown paint and then want to say it's ppl like me "ruining" it for others here like that's even remotely true lol.
anyways, u are welcome to visit my inbox any time and write whatever u want on this btw! I'd luv to hear it all.
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