#also i am def missing the fencing
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evilgoof · 9 months ago
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a little date ft. @warmsol's bluebell brush lot.
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suzukiblu · 28 days ago
I'm sorry for asking but I need to know before I decide to keep reading the sex puzzle room(?) Wip bc rn it's a bit too dark for me.
I don't need too many spoiler or anything, but does it get better? Like, is this going to get a happier ending? Or any kind of healthier, emotional resolution? Bc I can't deal with hurt-no-comfort right now, but your writing is so good I don't wanna miss out unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks in advance 💜
Naw, that's a totally fair/understandable question, esp when a thing's not, like, a complete fic on AO3 with a full list of applicable tags attached. Like, absolutely makes sense to ask, imo.
Though just gonna pop the answer behind a cut for anyone who doesn't actually wanna know anything vibes-related about either the ending or the emotional path we go through to get there.
tl;dr: I am intending a "situation is improved" ending; worst-case scenario is "situation improved but bittersweetly". Like, we won't say full-on HAPPY given the circumstances of the fic setup and all, but emotionally in a better place, basically.
The current word count's like 10k-ish, and my current don't-quote-me-on-this-but-probably estimate is it'll be between another 5 and 10k before I finish it, so if you're really on the fence I might suggest waiting to read 'til the whole fic's done and posted on AO3? Since then you could, like, see all the tags all together to make your final decision and also would be able to just read it straight through as opposed to it being a dragged-out thing that might be more stressful to read.
There's still Kon's current level of emotional breakdown to get through, obviously--which just so you know def is gonna escalate to more upsetting territory in terms of his thoughts/feelings/things he says before it ends--but after that particular crescendo the fic should have a bit of wind-down and then wrap up. I'm not intending to end on an awful miserable downer or anything like that; the worst the ending vibe might end up is maybe a "painful but for the best" bittersweet, but my actual INTENTIONS for the ending emotions that I want the reader to walk away feeling are more, like, "the situation is not insta-fixed and is emotionally a Lot(tm) for EVERYONE in different ways, but there is clearly visible light at the end of the tunnel".
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miekasa · 3 years ago
cowboy/southern jean😫
i’m not the type for yeeyee type guys but jean will definitely make me do a double take. the manners, the hospitality, the sly pet names when he’s got a crush on you (which i think you touched on before)😫
see jean doing:
sorting and stacking hay in the barn
speaking of hay on tiktok last fall white farmer boys were beefing about their hay and it was the best😭 i could see him getting into a spat abt that
HORSE MAN but we already knew this!!!
cowboy/heavy duty boots and a hat has to be added to the ensemble sometimes i fear, it’s a small price to pay, really
see him feeding the farm cats in the morning
just really great with animals overall😫
ugh stawpppp this makes me think of small town things, he’d def take you to the town festival as a date
great cook but we knew this!!!
he probably accidentally tracks hay inside the house sometimes
chopping wood for the fire place omg
i feel like most-if not every food product in his house is homemade by his farm or another, really takes pride in agriculture
see: frozen/fast food slander (shut up, what does he know about a taco bell steak chalupa with no tomatoes🙄). with the exception of a few places, i also think he loves a good cafe and little joints like that
always brings you something back🥲
he’s got a thing for candles, maybe after a couple purchases he learns to make them on his own
i definitely see him having a creative outlet with arts and crafts but he’s taking it to the grave
coffee drinker, drags eren for surviving off monsters (bye they taste like battery acid to me, where the sugar, huh?! original red bull supremacy!)
ugh and he’s just so responsible, doing his chores around the house, upkeeping the house and the farm, GIVE HIM TO ME
bye i just realized that out science teacher gave us an extension till 11:59 PM again yesterday (it is now 12:30 AM, for I am eternally damned), and i missed the deadline- AGAIN, so guess what? I’m gonna watch saiki AGAIN🤪
- 🥖 anon
STOPP THE WAY I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS OTHER DAY he’s the only country bumpkin I’d let hit 😚😚
No because just imagine how jacked he is from doing all that farm work… working out was basically built into his day: lifting things off and onto his truck, pushing shit around, building new pens for the animals and just generally fixing up things around the house for his mom. His arms… his thighs… his chest because you know damn well in the summer he forgoes a shirt.
The frozen food slander stop thats so accurate, why would he let you eat that when he could make you something from scratch. He also probably physically can’t even digest it that well since it’s not what he’s used to it’s kinda funny he’d get folded by Taco Bell so quickly please.
So good with animals, he’s basically been raising this one horse since he was 12 and it’s absolutely his baby; he’s good at nursing injured animals back to health and has a soft spot for them. You notice then when you first meet him at uni, and you don’t piece together why he’s that good with animals until he talks about having raised a few back home… then things start falling into place. You don’t know why he was embarrassed to tell you he essentially grew up on a small ranch at first, but you’re glad you finally know.
When he takes you back to his mom’s place for the first time, you can tell just how much love and care Jean’s put into the place. His mom points out all the work he’s done, tells you stories of Jean getting chased by the farm dogs when he was younger, shows you some of his earlier arts and crafts ventures. The place is a little too small for Jean—he has to duck into the door frames, he can easily step over some of the fences in the front yard, his knees hit the table when he sits, but it’s home and he’s happy here and he’s happy you seem to love it too.
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mournfulmelodysblog · 3 years ago
“East?! I thought you said Weast!” South That is....
Ch 8-6
Gotta gets to the carriage house, and Seymour’s agreed in “yep”. So, at the moment, Seymour & Uwu wait on the rest of the gang to meet up because of a sending message from big turtle man. Eventually we all meet up and decide where to go from there. Woody asks some random stranger (Morty) where the carriage with the hob goblin went. Elle searched for carriage driver (Dragonborn), she's gonna seduce for ride. “I need a cart driver ASAP” *In sexy voice*…. Dude (was a female, just has a deep rather smokers voice and I guess looked rather manly to Elle) just wants paid and has husband and is also expecting (pregante lady on this transportation) but ultimately not interested in Elle’s advancements. And now, we go on transportation anyways (we paid well) and threw the guide bag in the air to track where to go. We stopped along trail, Woody asked shrubs if they saw anything but they are alas shrubs and don’t have eyes. It raining, but appears to be a party potentially at an estate. Woody asks grass and shrubs again, but too many distractions due to rain. It's raining, its pouring, old man is def snoring. At 3rd estate, looking really old and beat up. Elle is sneaking around the property to see what's happening (Stealthy of course). She sees the bag up in a tree as she was going towards a little light she saw. Pretty much Elle is Princess Mindy from the SpongeBob SquarePants movie. While Woody at a distance is trying to sense where stuff is and he kind of looks like Patrick running in his Goofy Goober Underwear down the road. Elle climbed a tree to get the bag and Seymour saw her waving. Woody gets bag from Elle as Elle now leaves to be her stealthy self and go towards light to investigate. There is light coming from the house, but the house has shutters on windows and some look newer than others but relatively there’s a little light, I guess. Meeting back up with Woody to tell him what she sees and to open back up the bag, an Ork comes outside to piss. Elle disguises self into another Orc while Woody hides. “There’s a thing!” says Elle. “Orc orc orc orc, I am orc” say Elle. Meanwhile, the bag flies into the wall of the house so must be something in there. The orc that needs to piss asks who Elle is while she is disguised but they know something is up so they gonna fight her naturally. Elle gets hit (14 points of bludgeoning but halved and also another 14 points) and the orc shouts for another orc to come outside. Time to fight... *Street Fighter Music or the battle music from any Pokémon game* Woody is first, to go over fence as movement along with doggo. Woody pulls out big gun and fires on orc and hits, does 20 points of damage and spends rest of action reloading gun. Now doggo moves closer. The Orc on Elle is next, gives 15 points of damage to Elle by hitting her with Sentinel. Seymour gets up the wall beautifully but cannot help much farther at the moment. Another Orc goes after Elle but misses both times. Now Elle is up, she is basically trying to get out and one orc misses but the other gets it and Elle takes 25 halved damage since she uncanny dodged, so she isn’t going anywhere at the moment but she is gonna use booming blade and stab the one that hit her (she's got lots of blades). She gives em 20 damage. Uwu gets up past the fence and gets a little past Seymour. Woody shoots house I guess and house is on fire, doggo moves. “Brock” is now on Elle as well. He moves to attack on Elle but misses. Seymour moves a little and throws a Javelin, first one hits and causes 9 points of damage and the other throw misses. Elle gets hit again from one of the other orcs as she is unknown. Hob Goblin comes out of the door “kill em all”, runs up to Elle (she's surrounded pretty much) and cuts himself with his simitar and hits Elle, just does a lot of damage to her. Her disguise went down as she went down and they see who she is so they know to keep her alive. Uwu grabs Elle, one of em reacts and hits Uwu and can’t move. It gets darker, around Elle and Uwu could kinda hear something swirling around. Woody is holding action, doggo is now by Seymour for defense. Brock takes Elle from Uwu and going towards door. Seymour tries to dispel magic but got counter spelled immediately. Woody is pissed. Uwu runs to get out from being surrounded, and found the horse. Woody is up and is stressing, pretty much holds action and fires if he sees anything. Brock is trying to go into the house, Uwu is close by some she gets an attack of opportunity. Seymour uses last dispel and surprisingly gets it this time, Woody used his held action and got it. Then the other orc tried to come at Seymour for the dispel but the doggo got some damage on the orc. Doggo gets whipped. Elle is pretty much making saves. While on the other side, Elle decides to play chess with a being on the other side. Uwu goes into house. Now the rapier is in focus ad is blatantly throwing out threats. Woody takes Seymour's advice to go save Elle. Doggo stays to fight, gives 5 points of damage. Seymour casts Sanctuary on Woody for him to get thru. Seymour tries to swing on the rapier but misses both tries. Doggo gets attack of opportunity and hits. Seymour gets hit, total of 15 damage. PS, the rapier is Vash (Elle’s sister). Woody can’t move now. Woody and doggo killed 1 orc. Seymour did some damage to the goblin and it runs into the house on its turn. Now we all are in the house. Uwu is trying to seduce Brock into putting Elle down. Brock is distracted and confused, so he put Elle down. Uwu is dancing and distracting. Elle woke up shook. Sissy Vash ruins sex party and puts Uwu down. Vash now steps closer to where Elle is laying at the moment as she is currently waking up. Vash tries to pour something down Elle’s throat. She eventually gets it in and heals Elle 28 points. Woody fires and as a reaction misses and blinds himself for a sec. Seymour's shoots Vash 3 times, he isn't messing around with her. Seymour the gets hit by her lackies. Elle is being held down, but she is trying to fight her way out of it. Basically, she is cursing at the dude holding her down. Uwu is down. Seymour is down, and Woody is the only one standing. Vash is saying to Woody how he should take us and leave because we are in way over our heads. Woody Spares the Dying on Seymour and puts Seymour on the dog. Elle however feels there is something Vash isn’t telling her. Elle asks,” Are you gonna kill him? (Corn)” and Vash says, “Not unless I have to.”. Woody asks Vash if she is being forced into what she is doing or she is doing this on her own volition. Vash is silent for that question with the look of tension. While Elle wants him to stop questioning, but he (Woody) doesn’t think Vash isn’t a total terrible person. As we walk, we see the orc Woody killed and they silently sob over the corpse. Some sister intuition happening at the moment. Woody gives them money so they can save their friend that he murdered. Going back now, Seymour is still out of it. Everybody got bonked so everyone healed. Seymour is mad and conflicted, left to take some time for himself. Everybody kinda dissipates and gets pizza or whatever. Captain brings Gneeze and Melody to the pizza parlor. And they go on walking thru an outdoor park (Secluded Area). Have no idea if Corn is dead or alive at the moment. Also, Seymour isn’t around for this conversation, he took a moment to reflect. Pretty much explaining what we know to the captain. Gneeze seems a little out of it, pretty much like a hangover. Seymour seems off, Melody and Woody sense something isn’t right. Seymour then grabs the bead from his belt and speaks in dwarfish for home “Hurricane Helmsley” and everybody is sucked into a portal. We see Dillis (Seymour’s Wife), then behind her walks Allister. “I can tell you all are confused.” says Allister. Allister explains and asks again to be sure Seymour is ready to go. To save everyone from Allister and save his wife and grandchild, Seymour vowed to take their place. Allister takes Seymour’s hand and brands him. Dillis’s tattoo disappears along with Clarence’s. Dillis begins to come back and Seymour excited to see her is short with her to protect her. Gneeze turns to Lestrange, and hands go thru Gneeze and Gneeze is dead. Seymour then takes a given sword and stabs and kills Dillis while under control of Allister. Allister and Lestrange both made the same arguments really, for everybody to stop going any deeper in the situations going on. Especially messing with them. (Also, Lestrange said he will turn Gneeze into his true form.). Woody and Elle and Uwu are all trying to make sense of all of this, and trying to figure out how to help what is left. Elle calls Flyx and Flyx can’t see everyone. Melody is dealing with the trauma of the loss of her bff Gneeze. The Hammer says “Our Champion Failed Us” and now Woody and Elle are trying to talk to it so they can take it. The Hammer wants a champion. Uwu grabs the hammer, and begins to see a vision. The vision is the same as Gneeze’s. She must be the Stuard, and find a champion for the hammer. After 10 minutes, Uwu snaps out of it and mentions what she sees and begins to ask who was talking to her (Torune). So, Woody and Elle explain. Now they strategize. Basically, they gotta grab the bodies of and the hammer and tell the bead to go home. They come back and Captain asks what happened to everybody. Epilogue: Seymour in a dark dungeon where the sounds of struggling screams are all around us seen hacking away at everything, then after that he feels a hand on his shoulder and a voice say “I forgive you, I’m always with you” (Dillis is in the sword Seymour is using). Everybody levels up..... Congratulations Monkey! You just bought yourself a fighting chance!  
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 years ago
ApartmentAU Masterpost 2:
Link to Previous: https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/617100021235662848/apartment-au-masterpost-everyone-lives-in-an
-Aswell as being the landlord, Xisuma is a bee keeper!
-While the top floor of the apartment IS very rundown, Xbs room is super stark from the rest of the hallway! I imagine it being super homy and welcoming despite everything else around it.
-I think x’s bees are on top of the appt where there is a roof garden. 👉👈
-Joe and Cleo's apartments are right next to each other, and if they end up showering at the same time they sing over dramatic shower duets (much to the annoyance of all the other hermits. those walls are thin.)
-The map district is just an old printer they have in the basement. When Cleo went to write the Herald on the computer there she found the Mumbo for Mayor file and had to report about it! (-🤔)
-Grian is actually a really great cook! he doesn’t cook for others very often but when he does he tends to get a lot of compliments (based on the fact that irl grian is a good cook, according to ren). In stark constrast, X is a very poor cook. Not in the ‘burns everything he touches’ kind of way, but in the ‘most bland and underwhelming chicken you’ve ever tasted in your life’ way -sapph
-oh, the hermits DEF get "Hamilton but everyone is played by Impulse". they get it every day. usually late at night or at 7 am sharp.
-Once Grian messes up and got a ton of eggs, and instead of returning them, he just did them around the others apartments and claimed it wasn’t him.
-In regards of that post of Jellie sneaking out of Scar's room. A hermit has probably tried to reenact that video of that russian guy ["Mooommm there's a weird cat outside! Looks like grandma the f*king thing!] Whenever they see Jellie just chilling on their window or at their door. -Dott.
-Grian plays saxophone; it started as a new way to annoy the other Hermits but he's actually gotten quite good at it.
-Hypno has a collection of old pocket watches.
-Joe answers any question asked within earshot. He is generally correct, even when the questions are oddly specific or about concerning topics. Sometimes he knows more about the mafia and gang stuff than actual members. When questioned on how he knows this, he cites reading books, sometimes specifically his time in Keralis' library, even when Keralis knows he doesn't have books that say that. His answers are also frequently very confusing and absurd, and make less sense the more you think about it. The hermits learned to not think too much about his answers after a while.
-Keralis and Xisuma still have the lookie lookie at my alpaca store but the alpacas are actually giant stuffed alpacas. Some hermits are too short to reach the bags on the alpacas and need to ride them to purchase stuff. Occasionally Keralis places an alpaca peeking out of a dark corner of someone's room if they accidentally leave their door unlocked. It scares the life out of Bdubs every single time.
-Joe will generally correctly answer any questions within earshot, and any means /any/. he usually won't crack if you're chatting with him directly, but sometimes when overhearing theorizing & murmurs in the halls, he /will/ pop in to spill the tea. tl;dr: hc that joe is lowkey a gossip.
-TFC has an assortment of different gems and cool looking stones in his room and if a Hermit asks where he got a specific one, he gives a unique story for it.
-zed’s “cave of contraptions” in the basement is a lot less..... sinister-looking when you actually turn the light on. It’s just a messy spare room with random parts, discarded or failed projects in random spots, and some magic kits. One time when he took a hermit down there, he just ended up making them watch him do card tricks for a half hour. -sapph
-Jevin when he cooks somehow always end up with either Jello or an other type of gelatinous meal. He once tried baking and made wiggly cookies. Nobody knows how he did it.
-Jessassin lived in the complex, but far away from the others. He was (obviously) one of the assassins from a gang, but nobody knows. He sneaky.
(All those reds are from anons!)
-The hermits' bases are actually lego sets. (With some exceptions like Iskall's omega tree of doom being a bonsai tree etc.) (-@smolpotato187.)
-Hermits always have a game night every week and the most popular game is DND. Xisuma is the dungeon master.
-Grian loves to hide at the stairwell of the apartment cause whenever he sings his voice echoes. Ren and Wels also does the same but they prefer to sing in their own rooms.
-Stress's room is at the same hall as the Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall. Stress being a sweetheart sometimes brings cookies to the boys' doors and help them around. Since she is on that hall, she is already used to Grian's pranks, Mumbo's spoon moments and yes, Iskall sneaking around in her room.
-Since Grian sings a lot on the stairwell and his voice echoes, I can imagine someone waking up in the middle of the night getting spooked cause they are hearing ‘disembodied voices’ in the air. 
-Cleo is v awkward on her own and gives pep talks to herself every morning and pats her own back bfore she goes to bed. This is to ensure she always has some good quality conversation with any hermits she encounters.
-As a callback to s6 build-off, Stress’ room is in-between Grian’s and Mumbo’s, and occasionally the two boys would hear singing from Stress’ room. Too bad Iskall misses out on it.
-Maybe false is good at fencing? I don't watch her, but I know she's good at PvP.
-Speaking of time (the hypno one) maybe the apartments are separated according to their timezones? This may not work based on previous asks or just better ideas, but it did pop in into my head.
-Maybe Iskall doesn't have a robot eye thing on his face, but rather a pair of glasses, of which one of the lens' is coloured blue. He liked the look of it so much that when he got a new pair of glasses, he ordered for one side to be green. Either that or he comissioned some kind of futuristic monocle for the hell of it. (-@oh-hecc-im-stupid-af.)
-TFC is a retired coal-miner. (-@tomcatacaphe)
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lucidpantone · 4 years ago
Druck is objectively better than all remakes at making a pointed effort to do better with their pic reps. They actually take in the feedback of their audience and try to execute a better product. There are problems with druck and 80% of it is the fandom. Ofc all remakes have issues tho, so ppl should chill. Druck fans unapologetically shit on other remakes while, wtfock fans and skam fr fans have the courtesy of slyly getting their digs in there. It's quite amusing to watch from the sidelines
this is super long but for you anon.
So I think we need to look at these three remakes as what I call the og period and the original period because they do change alot once they get more freedom some for the absolute worse. Ok so lets talk first about the OG periods. To be perfectly honest s1 in all these remakes are just ok. Jana & Jens are a bit unbearable but Jana as a whole is fine and am happy she doesnt end up with Jens. Same with Hanna and Jonas they aren’t unbearable per-say but I am also not gushing over them but I do like Jonas being a heart throb music man sometimes but once again they dont burn into my core but am happy they reunite. Love Emma and love Yann just not together its that simple. S2 is where we really start to see the difference. Charles is the devil so I hate skamfr s2 and like really Manon stays with him??? ughh why?? Daphne is right at almost bursting into laughter when he talks about doing philanthropy. Ok bruh....sure. Winterberg is fine I dont hate them and I dont love them they are just okay to me. S2 happens to be wtfock best season so its kinda hard to stack them up because this is the best they ever looked. All of the s3 for all these remakes are good. To say they aren’t would just be nonsense some are better then others but all are above average. Now S4....... well well well. What can we say the elusive goldstar Sana season is yet to be made (I will say the script for Italia s4 is fantastic, THE SCRIPT).
Skamfr s4 was a mess and ridiculous and Druck’s s4 was lazy and harbored accents of prejudice all over it.Both seasons undercut their woc and both miss the opportunity to write deep meaningful stories that explored the societal struggles of muslim women. Skamfr s4 just happened to really just shows us their colors but honestly am not shocked this is skam the micro racist decisions are all over the verse. TBD on yasmina season.
 NOW......this all changes when we talk about the original seasons because this is when we see the shows on their own and also we get to see if they have been listening and absorbing the fan commentary or not. So let’s get the obvious out of the way wtFOCK was an absolute mess and maybe the worse season ever created in the skamverse the only thing that made that season even slightly bearable was the Moyo arc which I hear it actually continues in s5 so in a weird way s4 is actually about Moyo since his story continues but we already know thats only because if the fans saw Kato on the screen for a matters of seconds the volcano of hate would explode. I despise how Noa has become the pseudo main of s4 but didnt get the credit. It kills me they did this to him. Maining Romi is the worse mistake ever made by any remake and thats just fact. Now do I want to see a newgen out of wtfock? hmmmm ask me after s5 but am leaning towards probably not but am on the fence. Now skamfr .....let me say this one thing skam fr is nothing without their cast. Talk about fucking talent. Those kids can act their ass off but their writing is atrocious. s5 could have been good they had all the ingredients but the writers bomb it. S6 once again flavie amazing the writing a shit show. S7 lucie was amazing the writing was better but still needs work I think it pretty obvious skam fr is going to step into the thunderdome and finally do what no skam has done before and main bilal but should I really applaud it taking 8 seasons and 35 plus skamverse seasons to get here??? Probably not, but since no one else is gonna pull the trigger I wish them well and at least skamfr listen and lamifex is super rich in diversity and they are honestly a fabulous newgen. They are such a ridiculous squad but god I love them and Jo is an angel. Please please skamfr please write a good story for a brown boy I beg of you!!! Now druck s5 all I can say is Bravo!! If skamfr is their cast then Druck is their writers. That s5 season is a fucking beast. Thats how you write an original skam season. They also listen the cast is super diverse. The girl squad feels natural and their age I actually like that the insta squad are problematic as fuck and happen to be queer. Like just cause your a gay baby doesnt mean you arent an ass. s6 for me personally was ok maybe its unfair of me but I expect amazing writing out of druck and s6 to me was not their best. It could have been amazing they touched so many topics but never deeply explored them and I wanted more for fatou. Also def got the vibes at the end they were panicking on who to main next season so everyone got a little plot thread but that also distracted me from fatou but I love the Mailin plot it was really smart and done well. I didnt hate her but boy did she bug the shit out me.That how you write modern day racism and white privilege. I just wish Ava’s plot was spread more onto fatou they were moments but i wanted more. So I guess I do think out of the original seasons druck s5 is the best. Nora being white didnt matter because she was written well but i do think Tiff being the main out of skamfr wasnt the best choice but then seeing Lucie act am like ok i get it but honestly I expect that from that cast they can all kill it so why not let someone else be the main and not tiff. BTW druck’s cast is good too I just dont think they are as good as the skamfr cast on the acting front but they are some members that are very very good. Like you said because Druck does listen I hope they listen to the honest criticism of s6. I know some people are like its the best ever but like its not....am sorry s5 was way better then s6 and that makes me sad because i want my black girl magic.... I do expect s7 to be good because when the writers for druck have the room to take their time they always kill it but I also feel like they are about to pull a Tiff on us and main Ismail(plus constantine as the side plot) but if I trust anyone with not fucking it up its them. Concerning the fandoms I live off tag and I do that for a reason. The fandom tags are alot but the druck one is almost hostile and honestly you would love the show more if you didnt interact with it. The skamfr tag is hilarious because they are no anti’s its just a bunch of arm chair critics making memes at how ridiculous the frenchies are but in away it makes the remake super fun because no one cares anymore. The wtfock tag has really high highs and really insane lows. When its low its really low so I have decided to live off tag. For those who haven’t..... god speed. Your brave souls!!
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weeb-writings · 5 years ago
hcs of tsuki and akaashi w/ s.o who fences & does vb
omg a request >.< i am so happy you requested 
this is for the wonderful: @clyeste 
request: headcannons of Tsukishima and Akaashi whoose s/o fences on the same level they do volleyball (fencing is to put simply sword fighting !) 
ahhh i love fencing so much :), as someone mixed w french this spoke a lot to me lol :) but yeah, fencing is such a beautiful sport :) 
warnings: none , ok i lied maybe swearing- 
pairings: tsukishima x gn!reader, akaashi x gn!reader
a/n: i hope i did okay! if you have any thing i can improve on, lmk! also the position in volleyball wasnt specified so i didnt go too into depth about what role you play exactly
if you have any reqs, be sure to ask! if you have any comments/anything i can improve on pls lmk
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bye hes so ATTRACTIVE i cannot BREATHE- 
omg im so sorry hes just wow 
okay so, tsuki (as hes always hced) is gonna seem like hes not that interested in the fact that his so is quite literally amazing
like youre balancing two sports instead of one?? and here he is lazing around (ok not rlly but you know what i mean) 
when you tell him he might not seem like he gives two flying fucks but inside hes PANICKING
like his mind is straight up spiraling???? 
i take him as a guy whos shown some interest in fencing before so when you reveal to him that you play it, hes instantly gonna wanna marry you
oh you have a game?? will message you an hour before w some lame ass excuse as to why hes coming
you let him know you have matches for fencing and hes ALWAYS there, always, even if its for five minutes
he thinks your technique is INCREDIBLE and he thinks it makes you look so elegant and endearing hes in love w you reader >:( i ship yall-
but like ok so, once hes processed the fact that you play fencing, hes going ape shit inside his head (and his heart) bc somefuckinghow you also play volleyball too 
when you end up missing his practice, hes gonna be all like ?? huh whered you go in a really bitchy subtle way 
and you were like, sorry i was at practice 
but you have fencing every friday wednesday and monday?? today’s tuesday
first of all, WE BEEN knew his ass has your schedule memorised to the dot 
so youre like 0o0 
and hes like uhhhh
and then youre like “i was at volleyball” and hes salty so hes like no you werent~~
and youre like, dude i play for this team outside of school (which is still super popular) *insert you deadpanning here* 
and now its his turn to be like 0o0 
yknow when hinata drops a feint on bokuto and bokuto is like “HAHHHHHH” and in shock
yeah its tsuki for like a split second b4 he gets his act together
but you noticed bc youre special like that
you will tease him endlessly (as you should) 
and as much as he tries to make it seem like he doesnt care, he does, a lot
hes always having extra snacks for you and water in case you like overwork yourself 
and if youre not as his practice or games, hes at yours 
hes your number one fan and supporter
the type of bf to show you off in subtle ways
idk like maybe has keepsake of yours w him that he carries w him all the time
he def. will practice volleyball w you and will make fun of you for sucking, even if youre better than him 
overall, hes super supportive of you 
and he will check in to make sure youre not overworking yourself
will help you w school work if you need it bc youre so damn busy
will sneak in a compliment or two between insults abt how you’re wasting time or too busy
basically he loves you-
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next we have the most beautiful man in the world, my husband, your boyfriend!!!!
sorry he’s just so *chefs kiss*
but anyways, i feel like when he first learns that you play volleyball, it’s before you two even met??
bokuto probably mentioned you once or twice before bc you play for a popular volleyball club outside of school
so, naturally, akaashi basically knows you’re good at the sport & that you help keep the ball in play
when he first meets you, you start the convo off abt him being a good setter, to which he responds by talking abt how he’s heard about how you play, etc.
because of this common interest, you hit it off in more than one way and BAM y’all are dating
fast forward a couple months, and akaashi has your v-ball schedule memorized to the dot
so when you text him saying practice is running late so you might not make it to your date
he’s like ?????????
what practice? bc like it’s saturday, who tf had practice on saturdays
i do but that’s not the point here
he’s like, “uh baby what practice”
and youre like fencing
and he’s like .....
and then you remember that throughout the entirety of you two knowing each other, you’ve never mentioned the fact that you do fencing
and he’s like so in awe ??????
he’s like,,,,, you do fencing????
and you’re like yeah?? and you can feel the awkward vibe through these text messages
after he processes that, he’s like oh go finish and i’ll pick you up
so he picks you up, and you’re in your white fencing suit bc he comes a bit early
and he’s watching you practice, and this boy is MESMERIZED
like really
he loves you so much, and thinks you look so amazing + your technique is so good
and he’s someone who can easily pay attention to the little details, every turn, every torque he’s there to watch you
after he picks you up from practice, you notice the faint blush on his cheeks
he just loves you that much omfg-
after that day, he’ll ask you abt fencing and he’ll learn more abt it
when y’all practice volleyball together, he’ll be sure to ask you how fencing is going, etc.
like tsuki, he’ll be there at your practice & matches for both vball and fencing
overall, he’s super supportive
and he’s smart, so he’s making sure you’re up to date w school work
makes sure you don’t over exhaust yourself and always has extra food & water w him in the case you end up getting hungry/thirsty/tired
he just loves you so much so he’s always watching out for you
is definitely motivated by you to keep up w his own things, bc you balancing out multiple things at once is so amazing to him
you’re amazing to him
bye he loves you >;( this is a ship that will sail forever
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mego42 · 5 years ago
Writer Asks
Tagged by @sothischickshe, @bourbon-ontherocks and @medievalraven who are all v lovely and for reasons unknown to me, want me to ramble about my fic so like, blame them for this I guess
Tagging @fairhairedkings, @riosnecktattoo, @inyoursheets, @foxmagpie, @pynkhues if you feel like it
ao3 name: ms_scarlet (origin story no one asked for: I came up with it for a creative writing class where we had to submit everything under pseudonyms for anonymous full class critique, which was gr9 and not at all traumatic, and I was deeply obsessed with both the Grateful Dead and Sublime versions of Scarlet Begonias at the time)
fandoms: the only fandoms I’ve written fic for are bellarke/t100 and Good Girls (and Buffy but it was way back in the day, pre-organized archives and has been completely lost to time which is For The Best)
number of fics: 14 (lol, 5 over the course 3 years in t100 fandom and 9 since joining the GG fandom at the beginning of s3, you could say I have been inspired)
fic i spent the most time on: a song inside the halls of the dark for sure, it’s the first multi chapter I’ve ever done and I’m far enough into it that I will be super honest, I was extremely dubious over whether or not I’d actually see it through when I started but huzzah! It’s happening. But yeah, I spend like, a lot of time thinking about it, writing it (lmao obvs), rewatching clips of the show to pick apart characterization and mannerisms, etc, etc. I try to work on it in some capacity every day (sometimes that just means outlining or deleting chunks of my outline and crying about how much I hate myself) to keep up momentum so yeah, def that one.
As far as one shots go, there’s blood in my body (I’m holding on) for bellarke, I think I spent a month, maybe 6 weeks working on that
fic i spent the least amount of time on: as the world turns, the blunt burns, I was doing my usual lazy Saturday morning scroll through Tumblr before I got out of bed and saw a post like I want beth and mick to get high together (I would love to give credit but I haven’t the foggiest notion who said it, I wasn’t intending to write it so I didn’t pay too much attention, I’m the worst, I’m sorry) and then some dialogue popped into my head maybe 10 min later and I think I wrote the whole thing in like, 45 min on my phone. Cannot emphasize enough how little I thought about it (or proofed it tbh, yikes, so many typos) before posting
most hits: overall, I’ve Got You Here my t100 post s3, alt s4 thing. For Good Girls, a song inside the halls of the dark
most kudos: overall, there’s blood in my body (I’m holding on) - bellarke modern au. For GG, still song.
most comment threads:  a song inside the halls of the dark by a M I L E (it twice as many as blood, the next highest), the GG fandom is so lovely and supportive and friendly and I love you guys, I really do
most bookmarks: same as kudos, blood overall and then song for GG
highest total word count: lol song is killing it
favorite fic i wrote: oh man, that’s hard. I love them all for different reasons. Blood was my first ever AU (I am a canon/canon-divergent ho) and it also deals with some stuff that’s important to me so that’s always going to have a special place in my heart. I’ve Got You Here was the first time I tried to tackle something bigger than a missing scene or short one-shot so that’s also significant.
I’m really proud of smoke, fire, it’s all going up because I think I did a p good job with the Rio POV there. I’d give her a HA! And a HI-YA! is special bc it’s my first outside POV and it was based on so little info it was basically OC, so that was a fun challenge.
All of that said, obviously, a song inside the halls in the dark is my fav. It’s been the biggest stretch of my skills (I had NO! IDEA! If I could plot and pace on the level required to sustain the fic I’d originally outlined and it’s only grown from there tbh), it’s also been like, the loveliest experience? I keep saying people’s reaction to it has broken my brain and I’m not actually just saying that. I’m deeply overwhelmed. And last but emphatically not least, it’s how I’ve gotten to know @nickmillerscaulk who, on top of being an incredible editor (seriously y’all, she is Skilled, I’ve learned so much from her), is such an awesome, amazing person and I’m so very glad we’ve become friends.
fic i want to rewrite/expand on: Oh man, idk. Pills N Potions is the easiest because it’s a prompt collection! Send me prompts! I can’t promise I’ll write them right away (my ADHD is so very real and only dubiously under my control during quarantine, so I live in constant terror of losing the thread of song especially this close to the end) but I def want to flex my quick and dirty short fic for funsies skills. I’m super looking forward to @goodgirlsficrecs prompt-a-thon.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: ahahaha oh man, my google drive is littered with partially drafted or outlined ideas. I have a bunch of missing scene things I started at various points in s3 that are realistically dead in the water.
In terms of WIP/ideas I’m still intending to work on/finish:
A post 311 Rio POV pwp
A fishing/fencing/flute playing fluff for @medievalraven because I keep taunting her with my tags for song
The Good Guys (Rio, JT and Stan) thing that snowballed in a post way back when from @jazillia007, @nickmillerscaulk, and @inyoursheets
I still low-key want to do the transcripts for the Mick, Annie and Ruby group chat. I might save that for whenever I rewatch and have it running concurrently to s3, idk we’ll see
A Jewel Thief AU that I am wildly hyped about. I outlined the first chapter of it around when I started posting song and haven’t let myself do anything with it because I know once I get started I’m going to abandon whatever else I’m working on
More Annie POV, I don’t have any specific ideas, I just really love writing Annie POV
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julesblackthorns · 5 years ago
to reply to ur tags: i feel like jem would indeed rlly like modern music and find it interesting as a Concept just bc music changed so much?? he probably still has a Musicians Ear™️ when choosing music to actively listen to but i def think he would be into very electronic/heavily produced music simply because its so different from what he was used to before
also i deeply believe in taylor swift stan kit herondale (he listens to ybwm locked in his bedroom and cries to it on a regular basis, you cannot change my mind) so i am a Big supporter of ts stan tessa. our minds!
tessa is a casual fan, kit has a whole stan account, all jem knows is that shes a lovely lady whos written some lovely songs and that there were, in fact, five holes in the fence and that kit is VERY upset about it still. i rest my case
omg thank u for sending this vic im literally dying dsjkfhdsjf and YES YOU ARE RIGHT ON ALL COUNTS
i think jem would be SO interested in many different types of music, with soft spots for classical stuff, indie folk music and like you said, heavily produced music that would be so wild to him!!!! i’m very attached to the idea of kit forcing jem to do his spotify stats at the end of the year and having his number one artist being yo yo ma followed by mozart followed by hans zimmer, then lorde, then phil collins and kit just collapsing 
taylor swift stan kit makes so much sense!!!!!!!!!!! (i would also like to suggest kit dramatically dancing around his room to ‘haunted’ bc......... ya) and i do just think tessa would think she’s neat! like as a lover of stories she would enjoy taylor and u KNOW tessa is trying to slip the literature references to kit and he’s just like ‘i’m not stupid tessa i watched the gatsby movie with spiderman and leo’ 
jem likes miss swift’s music, she seems very lovely from the clips kit shows him and he’s glad to find another cat lover! he does find some of her messages to be very cryptic tho......... why is kit crying on the floor about holes?? nvm it’s the quickest way to shut him up ever 
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tl-trashtalk · 4 years ago
Get To Know Me
tagged by @ashtcnirwin you’re so cute anna!! thank you for these
1. what was your first encounter with fanfiction? 
my first encounter with fan fic was on the-n.com for the show Instant Star and the ship was Tommy and Jude but it was written in like message boards lmao
2. your favourite creation of your own of all time if you create stuff (feel free to link it)? 
my angsty cashton fic which you can find here
3. what vibe are you going for with your home decor (or what vibe do you wanna go for one day, if you don’t have your own place atm)? 
queer as fuck lol. no seriously i want it to be eclectic, organized chaos with lots of color and plants hippie meets gays with lots of music everywhere
4. first fandom you ever joined? what was it like? on what platform did it happen? 
first fandom i joined was here on tumblr and it was the killers back in 2010. i def flew under the radar and just kind of did my own thing. i never really got involved. 
5. what are your sun, moon and rising signs, and do you think they make sense in relation to how you know yourself? 
I am a Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon, and Sagittarius Rising. I have to be real I dont know v much about zodiac stuff so if anyone has insight on this im up to hearing it
6. if you write and/or read fiction (original or fanfiction), do the tropes/plots/character types you typically seek out to read and/or write about reflect something about you as a being or how you see the world? 
if we’re talking about smutty stuff i would say that the fic i seek out is v indicative of my kinks/what turns me on lol but other non-smutty fic i tend to be drawn to a lot of slow burns and angst which i think might be because of all the trauma ive faced in my life. i like the realism in it because if its too fluffy or happy i get sad that life isnt really like that.  
7. what is the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome so far in life? 
my dad passing away. he was my favorite person in my life and i will miss him every day until my last breath
8. what is your all time favourite song(s)? 
Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N Roses, Lucky One by Amy Grant, The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin, Just Hold On by Louis Tomlinson. I could go on and on but if you wanna follow me on Spotify you can do so here
9. what do you look for in a person you wanna keep in your life, be it a friend or a romantic partner or anything in between? 
Genuinity: someone who is the same no matter who they’re around. Honesty: not just in word but in action and in thought. Living and speaking your truth. Loyalty: having someone that’s “my person” and will be on my side and back me up when I need it. Kindness: someone who is acts in love at all times and isnt vindictive or hurtful just to do it or because its “funny”.  But also someone who is dedicated to making me a better person and will call me out when I need it. 
10. this is a bit of a difficult one, but have you ever had a moment of clarity, a conversation with someone that made you go “oh!”, or anything along those lines?
the moment of clarity that sticks out the most was when i realized i was a lesbian. i had been on the fence that maybe i was bisexual or pansexual. but i was in a bar and had been eyeballing a girl all night. my friend was with me and she was my wingman and went over to the girl and told her i wanted to dance but didnt tell me. so im sitting there minding my business and the girl comes up to me and pulls me off my bar stool and says something like “your friend told me you wanted to dance with me” and she basically lead me around the dancefloor to Hotel California by The Eagles. It was a moment that i realized i had never felt that kind of peace and attraction and happiness at that level that i ever had with the 2 male relationships i had. 
tagging @thursday-knight @creampiecashton @queenie-004 @eternalgoldfish
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revol-lover · 5 years ago
facebook memories decided to remind me that today is the 10 year anniversary of my only reckless teen adventure. a story that i look back on fondly in some ways but also like.. damn i was STUPID and i hope i raise my daughter well enough not to make the mistakes i made out of naivety. 
August 2010 - super smitten over the guy who would become my first love. he invited me to go to a bonfire at this local state park/beach. now, i was naive as fuck. i was never allowed to do anything with my friends growing up. once in a blue moon my mom would let me hang out with a friend after school, if it was a girl and for a short time. but that was it. otherwise if my friends wanted to see me they’d have to come hang out on my porch. so was my mom going to let me hang out with a guy alone? no lol.
but i really liked him and i didn’t want to miss out on getting to hang out with him, we’d known each other all of high school but had started talking a lot that summer.  so anyway my aunt, who was fresh out of her divorce and going through this like mid life crisis where she was like going wild. that’s the only way i could describe it. she was not making the smartest decisions and going through a very yolo phase. so my teenage mind is thinking, who could be a better person to help me lol. anyway i was also close enough to her that i felt i could talk to her about this guy i liked and i told her that he invited me to go to this bonfire but i couldnt ask my parents because they’d def say no. 
so my aunt, bless her, is like. i’ll drop you off just be safe! and we come up with this lie (i still can’t believe my aunt/mom’s sister concocted this for me. we had a little falling out years after this and it’s never been the same but man. she was not being a very good adult at the time. i don’t think i could something like this for my nieces behind my brother or my sister in laws back. no way.) that my aunt was going to drop me off at my cousin’s house who happened to live down near that park. my mom wasn’t gonna question it. i used to do things with my aunt all the time.
so she drops me off at the park/beach, tells me to be safe and drives away. and here i am! 🚨 alone with the guy i liked trying to play it cool and what not. so i’m like alright where’s the bonfire/his friend we were also meeting there and he tells me that he’s already at the “spot” and we were gonna go meet him there. so we’re walking there, talking, its going good. i’m excited. until we get off the paved path and start .. hiking? up this hill. alright. my intuition finally kicks in and is like, well this seems wrong lol. but me, cute boy, chance to hang out. i ignored it. so we get up the hill and there’s his friend, and a small fire. 
at this point i think it finally clicked that you’re definitely not allowed to just start a bonfire anywhere you want.  but i had never been to a bonfire before so i don’t know. it never dawned on me that maybe we werent supposed to be doing this. anyway guy i liked, introduces me to his friend, who i find out is literally like a 14 year old (i was 17 at the time, guy i liked 18) and just you know, starting a fire on top of a hill in a woodsy part of this state park. well. all was fine until we heard police sirens and guy’s friend goes “oh shit we gotta go”. 🚨
this is when i know for sure we were not supposed to be doing this lol. so the friend scrambles to put out the fire and me and guy i like run like hell, not down the part of the hill we came up, but into the the other direction into the woods/part of this park that you wouldn’t go into intentionally unless you were going there to do drugs or something sketchy. 
so we run and i guess the plan was if we kept going in the direction we were going, we’d end up at the chain link fence that would lead us to the road you drive onto to get to this place. however when we got to that fence, it turns out there was some of that barbed wire stuff on the top of it. so that was not an option after all.
at this point i have scratches all over my arms from running through this woodsy, off trail place. i’m already wondering how the fuck im going to explain this to my parents if i don’t get in trouble with the cops.
so we have to turn around and head back the direction we came, but rather then climbing up that hill again, guy i liked brings me a different direction (he seemed familiar with this place). and we end up in this like.. its is so hard to describe if you don’t know the place. this park/beach is an old military base kind of place so there are these concrete buildings that have little, not tunnels but the only way i can describe it is like man-made caves? (which are rumored to be haunted lmao) this is a similar place:
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and we end up at one of these and there were people clearly doing drugs in there so we were like fuck. we can’t go this way. so we turned a corner and waited it out for a little bit in the woods while guy i like is having minor panic attack about what he’s going to do if he gets in trouble because his mom was already in trouble with cps at the time (she was the fucking worst. story for another time) but he was already a legal adult so he knew if we got caught he’d be in real trouble.
anyway. we wait it out and eventually have to make our way back out. we wind up going around that hill we initially climbed up, rather then back up and down it. so we get out of the woods and back onto the paved walking trail. relieved as fuck! laughing even at how crazy the whole thing was.
 and then a cop walks by us and stop us. 
 and asks if we saw anyone setting a fire, pointing up at that hill.
i am an awful liar but put me in front of a cop an apparently, my ass can lie. 
“A fire? no we didn’t see anyone. We didn’t even see any smoke.”
and the cop just nodded and kept walking down the path lmao.
i felt like we literally got off by the skin of our teeth.
when my aunt picked me up, i didn’t tell her what happened at risk of her never helping me out again. she or my mom never noticed the scratches on my arm. and i just remember going home that night thinking holy fuckin SHIT i am never going to do something that stupid ever again.
and it’s been 10 years now i guess according to the facebook status i posted that day, which is so embarassing.
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dailydoseofcolor · 5 years ago
Taking Stock of Units in Fire Emblem Heroes, Part 2
Next! Let’s take a look at the merged heroes I have and feel some sort of affinity for:
My 5*+10s:
Nowi (+Atk): She still puts in WORK. My first 5*+10 and she is an evergreen feature on any Grand Conquest teams, first runs of Lunatic maps, etc. She deserves a kit upgrade sometime soon, but somehow LB/Aether/SB/QR/Threaten Res/Distant Def still get the job done almost every time. Sothe (+Spd): Sothe is one of the first characters I ever really fell in love with from Radiant Dawn. He was an easy +10 decision. Again, I need to upgrade his kit soon, I have Broadleaf Dagger+ fodder....I just feel like I have to choose between him and Matthew, and I adore Matthew’s personality and I feel like I just need to bite the bullet and just raise both. Ross (+Spd): I literally yelped when he was released. Favorite character from the first game I actually beat (played FE7 first but beat it after beating SS). Every major decision in summoning since his release was clouded by “but I should still summon on Green for Ross merges.” But he’s done! This little dude runs so many builds and is also a main staple on teams. The Almosts (Most of these I actually have the resources to +10 but have been holding off because of a need to keep resources on hand to remain competitive):
Lyon, +7: My sweet boy. Major staple on most teams for a while before he just...couldn’t keep up. He needs a refine BADLY. Sophia literally takes him behind the woodshed and beats him within an inch of his life. We all know he likes it. He was the first person I sacked a Counter skill to. I love him and I want the best for him...but not until I know what his refine is.
Mordecai, +7 (+Atk): Another soft boy. Honestly, I merged him up because I had them available and got drunk while playing PoR. He functions very well at this merge level. I’ll get him up one day, but he really can’t be a focus right now, given he serves a very similar combat function to Nowi.
Shigure, +6 (+Atk): This is one of those scenarios where the voice actor really drew me to the character. Matt Mercer kills Shigure’s voice lines and also I got pitybroken by him a LOT. He’s got a pretty balanced stat-line, but performs better as a player phase duelist....except I want to eventually use Valter instead. That’s 99% the only reason I’ve held off, the other is having Harmonic Lance+ fodder just in case. I have the merges for Shigure, but I have a feeling this is as far as he goes.
Micaiah, +5 (+Atk): Best girl from RD (we all know this). Honestly, I haven’t ever sniped for merges on her, these are all organic, which is impressive. But she deserves the +10 and I think I would rank her pretty high in terms of trying to achieve that. Too bad I just missed several good opportunities to do so. This is why I should have done this a while ago.
Nino, +5 (+Spd): I have uncovered a not-so-secret trend. I have a major bias towards characters from Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and, to an extent, Awakening. These were the games I played growing up, so it makes sense that they stayed. ANYWAY. Nino, adorable and punches through everything. I find I don’t really have a ton of space for her on teams, though...she was easy to merge and offers no fodder. I have all the materials, but she’ll honestly have to wait, like Mordecai.
Now, I think I should list out every character with at least +1 merge, to sort through who should be a priority. So this will go in descending order:
Mia, +3 (+Res): One of the only speedy sword girls I actually give a shit about (unsurprisingly). I would love a +10 eventually. Masked Marth, +3: A product of a bygone age. I never spent any real fodder on her, so I’ll chalk this one up to *meh*. OG Eliwood, +3 (+Atk): I have all the resources to +10 him. He’s my favorite Lord. He’s incredible in combat. He has amazing Resplendent Art. Why the fuck have I not finished him. I’ve failed my boy. Forgive me Eliwood. He’s clearly a high level priority. What have I been doing. Astram, +2: He’s a strong unit and has a great niche but I just....don’t care about him. I built him for this week’s Arena needs. His cost is just way too high as a Grail unit. He’ll stay at +2 for now.    Joshua, +2: He was almost my first grail merge project and I...held off. Idk, his cost is so high. but I love his personality and he’s near the top of the grail pile that deserves a refine. I might wait until then?? Idk, I’m torn. I think he could put in good work if I took the time to kit him properly. I need to put more thought into him. Eldigan, +2 (+Def): Multiple pitybreakers that have been merged. Garbage. Next. Donnel, +2 (+Atk): Donnel’s another character I’ve always really liked, but held off, because my Blue Enemy Phase Infantry slot remains filled. His new refine gives him an interesting niche, but is he worth the resources? I have the merges and feathers, but I’m hesitant to pull the trigger. Hawkeye, +2 (+Def): Another random decision I made months and months ago for...no particular reason? He’s got a great refine, but there’s nothing he can do that Ross or Brave Ike can’t. Brave Ike, +2 (+Atk): Speaking of...amazing typing, amazing refine, I sacked my only Nailah to him in order to finally make it to T21 in AR. I have one more waiting in the wings, because I worry that I might need Steady Breath for someone in the future. But I think the ship has sailed on SB’s hey-day. An extra merge for survivability is likely better. Rath, +2 (+Spd): I love Rath so much. His personality, his art, all great. He got SHAFTED stat line wise but....we shall prevail. I have a +Atk waiting in the wings, but I think I’ll keep the +Spd. Speed is king and will remain king until something drastic changes in the meta. He could be +7 with the copies I have, so I’ll likely up his merges soon. Lissa, +2 (+Res): I love Lissa. She’s so cute and she was the first true defensive healer, and I LOVE healers...but she’s incredibly outclassed at this point. Resplendent Lissa when??? I don’t see this going forward without some kind of refine/Resplendent. Adult Tiki, +2 (+Atk): Tiki has the misfortune of just not appearing as fast as Nowi did in terms of merges. I don’t love all dragon teams, and Nowi has the better color. Plus her refine isn’t amazing. She’ll remain here for now. Y!Marth, +1 (+Atk): I am on the fence about whether I feel regret for not pulling more for Y!Marth. His weapon is so strong, he’s got great stats, and not great fodder. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I decided +1 was better than trying for the +10 and getting mad when I spent money on orbs. But he puts in work. I love him as a unit. OG Alm, +1 (+HP): Funnily enough, as an almost day-one player, I didn’t pull an OG Alm until halfway through his availability as a Limited-Time Divine Code option. He was a free pull on some random banner and obviously got a merge afterwards. I like his character, but I don’t know if I will ever make an effort to +10. Saber, +1 (+Atk): One of my absolute favorite units. One of the characters I had Summoner Supported for a period of time. His refine is very interesting and allows for some really interesting builds. I might need to make more of an effort for him in the future. Ayra, +1 (+HP): I’ll be honest, I don’t love Ayra. I don’t like the speed arms race she kicked off, and I’m bummed I didn’t just use her as Swift Sparrow fodder. Whatever. Black Knight, +1: Big surprise here: I love the Black Knight. I think he still holds up as a viable option for Red Armors. His cost remains high as a Grail unit, but I think it might be worth it, given how many armor skills exist now. Elincia, +1 (+Atk): The trend continues: character from PoR and RD that I love. She’s got amazing player phase capabilities, and eventually she’d be a great +10. Lukas, +1 (+Atk): The OG physical tank. Great personality and solid niche, but I have others who do the same thing. Nephenee, +1 (+Spd): The Halberdier class in PoR still ranks as one of my all time favorite character ranks. Nephenee languished as -Spd for a long time before I snagged another merge. I love her character and need to prioritize her builds. I’d love for her to demote one day (lol), but she’ll go on the list of 5* exclusive merge desires. OG Azura, +1 (Neutral): I feel like OG Azura is still outclassed, even with her Resplendent stats. Although she has a strong niche as a triple Chill support unit. I need to actually build her and deploy her before I sink any real assets into her. Legendary Ephraim, +1 (+Res): I pulled Legendary Ephraim long before I ever pulled OG Ephraim. He finds use mostly as a Grand Conquests lead. Which makes me realize that I don’t have a ton of lance cavaliers....or really any that I would really love to build. I’ll look into this. Altena, +1 (+Def): I adore Altena. She’s one of those characters that FEH really introduced me to and I fell in love with her personality, and she’s got a great kit. I’d love for her to be 3*/4*, but I find myself thinking I should pull for Blue on random banners, just in case I pull extras. She’s a high priority merge project. Halloween Dorcas, +1: Another case of a strange decision made without any real thought. Especially since Hack-o’-Lantern+ is a solid axe to have in a unit’s back pocket. I’m suddenly mad at myself for doing this. Minerva, +1 (+Atk): You know, Minerva was the third 5* I ever pulled in this game, and I never really found a use for her somehow. I suppose I avoided flying units for a long time, just because they were always physical, and usually less useful than infantry or cavalry units (what a time). She’s merged because of a pity breaker. Young Minerva, +1: Ironic, I know. Y!Minerva is near the top of my list for Grail projects. She’ll likely get a +10 eventually, it’s hard to top the skills she has available. And I’m weirdly a sucker for tiny children who destroy enemies. I love this unit. Legendary Alm, +1 (+Def): My first pull of L!Alm was -Spd, which was a major fucking bummer. I ultimately decided I needed to fix that when I pulled one a while back, it was a good decision. I am never going to have the resources to pump more into him, though. So his base kit will do for now. Matthew, +1 (+Atk): Let’s talk briefly about how fucking bad Matthew’s attack stat is. At lvl 41 with a 14 mt dagger equipped and attack boon he has 43 attack. Literal garbage. His refine makes him useable and I want to +10 him so badly because I love his character, but again, it clashes directly with the Sothe I already built, who only loses out on the defense that Matthew’s packing. It���s hard to justify, ngl. Kagero, +1 (+Atk): I am only human. Every once in a while, I am susceptible to the pull of a waifu or two. Cool refine, solid niche, but hard to justify when I have characters that do the work better. Julia, +1 (+Def): Another character I didn’t have for literal years, and got in back to back banners long after she had a hey-day. Crystalelemental on Tumblr loves Julia and, honestly, that love kinda rubbed off. She doesn’t even have skills equipped, but I’ve been on the lookout for a way to deploy her. She’ll get a good kit eventually. Legendary Female Fallen Robin, +1 (+Spd): Describing some of these characters becomes a mouthful. Solid niche, and she got a merge because she kept pitybreaking me on the road to Bramimond. The rest were sacked for Res Smoke fodder. She’s useful from time to time, but not a favorite. Lethe, +1 (+Def): I always liked Mordecai more than Lethe, but she hits a lot of criteria for me. Her typing holds her back a little bit, though. I also don’t run all beast teams very often, and that’s where she really shines. It also doesn’t help that her first appearance was as -Atk. Sometimes heroes with bad IVs that you love kinda lose their luster, which is sad. Kaden, +1 (Neutral): Both times a pitybreaker. Great niche as a unit, sees plenty of use when I’m running Bonus Doubler shenanigans. Doesn’t see a ton of use outside of that.
Phew. That was a lot to write. If you read through that....I am deeply impressed. I think next is taking stock of what I actually want in terms of unit niches, and which ones would fill those roles that I could target. 
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dovechim · 6 years ago
if i don't get the scholarship i'll def apply for financial aid/bursaries etc! ah i dislike children to :') all the best for the thesis addie!!! sincerely sending you good vibes to finish that sucker! it's hard work to write a thesis and i'm so proud of you for holding on and going thru it :D and aww that sounds lovely. i get that. but i guess ... sometimes we have to be thankful that we have something to miss. like those memories. :/ and hope we get to go back real soon. i'm rly tired i've — 🍙
Anonymous said: just been working sm and doing last minute details for my japan trip that i'm still on the fence abt :/ but today i bought the airbnb hosts gifts. i luv buying gifts so that's kinda fun ig! gotta hold onto small happiness right. :') what about you! i really sincerely hope everything is good on your end! also addie i was reading your other ask replies ... your passion for jimin's butt is greatly admirable :D — 🍙
how is everything lately? time just flies so fast and its already past mid march D: awwww you’re so sweet im sure the hosts will really appreciate it!! that’s super nice of you. i hope you have a great time in japan!!! on a kind of related note im also thinking of buying my thesis supervisor a gift but i have no idea what i should get other than something generic like chocolate :o 
 tbh i am also looking forward to my japan and korea trips after i finish my thesis. its like the only thing keeping me going right now :/ here’s a reminder that good days are ahead of us :”) 
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missytearex · 7 years ago
Monthly Favourites - July
Hi! So I’ve decided that I wanted to do a “what I read this month” post, however, I realized that list is just gonna be too fuhking long so...I’m gonna choose a favourite of each pairing from everything I’ve read this month! 
Here we go!
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Walk That Mile by purpledaisy | @daisyharry (149k)
Summary: Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.”
“Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.”
“Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes. - A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
My comment: Ok so I probs haven’t been in the fandom long enough to say for sure but THIS IS MY FAVE LARRY FIC EVER! The whole thing is just so well written and perfect. My attention span isn’t that great, so I usually have some trouble with fics this long, but not with this one. It’s just so easy to read. Road trip fics are the best tbh. 
I Only Come Alive Under the Moonlight by remivel | @remivel  (54k)
Summary: Louis knew he hadn't seen action in months, but this was just the universe making fun of him, he was sure of it. Because when he woke up in the middle of the night, he discovered that his new dog was missing, and standing in its place was a very confused, very fit... and very naked man.
Or a romantic comedy with a furry twist. Liam turns into a dog at night, Louis tries to help him get back to normal-- and ends up falling in love somewhere along the way.
My comment: Guys! This one had me laughing out loud! I found it quite unpredictable and it was fun constantly wondering what would happen next. And the entire thing is just bizarre and SO CUTE! Also lilo writing songs together is my favourite thing ever.
Even When We Fight by threeturn | @valencing (30k)
Summary: University AU. Liam's the star of the debating society until Harry shows up and steals the spotlight. Meanwhile, Niall's in love, Zayn lives while he's young, and Louis looks after his friends.
My comment: I’m kinda cheating with this one as I read it in June, but SO WHAT SUE ME. It was such a fun one to read! I thought the whole debate club thing would stress me out, but it’s so interesting to read about the whole process. It also features boys being unable to deal with their feelings, which I really love.
move your world a little closer by countthestars | @moondoggiestyle (45k)
Summary: In which Niall is a bit lost, Liam and Louis can't seem to get their shit together, and Harry is literally out of this world.
(aka: alien narry)
My comment: What’s not to love about alien!harry?? Such a quirky character and he fits it so well tbh. PLUS! side!lilo is what I live for!
If It Makes You Less Unhappy by cmdf (19k)
Summary: “Listen. You can do whatever you’d like, but you told me that you were going to be taking a year of your life living here— in Italy, right?” He looks into Liam’s eyes for confirmation, squeezing gently into his shoulder. “Right?”
Liam nods. He shivers at the realization that he’s going to be here for a year. His pilgrimage has only just begun. He hadn’t really thought about how much a year could change a person—perhaps even a week. He can already tell by the end of this conversation with Niall, change may come more quickly.
Or: Liam travels to Italy and gets more than he ever anticipated.
My comment: In my experience, niam is defs the hardest pairing to find good fics for. That being said, this one is absolutely wonderful! Liam’s character is so well done, I just wanna give him a hug!
shooting stars and satellites by temerity (forsanethaec) | @whoatherepickle | @1dgaf (12k)
Summary: "Is that what it says it's like?" Louis points vaguely to Niall's phone. He doesn't want to say the name of the thing.
"It says, um." Niall's mouth twists as he tries to figure out the words. “When you're bonded with someone, you’re for each other, after that. You’re -- like, you and me – you’d be the person I’m happiest with, all the time. Who I.” His toes curl on the tiled deck of the pool between their chairs. “Who, you know. Who I end up with.”
"Niall," Louis says, and has no idea where to go from there.
My comment: I feel like everyone has a slight kink for soul bonding. I certainly do. I really lived myself into this one and empathized with everything they were feeling. I think I even got a headache at some point...but don’t mind me, I’m just being dramatic. 
Ready, Now by zarah5 (15k)
Summary: AU. Maybe Zayn shouldn’t have told Louis about his crush on the fit boy from the supermarket. Because the thing is, Louis likes to meddle.
My comment: Features one of my favourite things on the planet which is awkward!zayn!!! I really really love fun little lighthearted fics like these. Also really appreciated Louis’ unsubtle meddling. 
Not Forgetting Who I Was by slashter | @slashter (40k)
Summary: Niall wakes up in a world where he's brunet, tattooed, and not in One Direction. In fact, no one's in One Direction--it doesn't exist. Determined to find out what's going on and if any of the other boys are as confused as he is, he leaves whatever life he's built so far behind in Ireland and sets off for London, his mind set on reuniting the five of them and reclaiming their spot in music history, no matter what it takes.
But the boys don't know who he is. The boys don't know anything about their other lives. They've got jobs of their own and goals they've set, and not everyone is ready to drop it all to chase some wayward dream, regardless of how good it may sound.
So now, for Niall, doing the seemingly impossible's just become a lot more difficult.
[Or the one where Niall has to bring One Direction back together, even if it means breaking his own heart in the process]
My comment: Where do I even start?? I LOVE parallel universe fics and this one is SO GOOD! The whole group dynamic, brotherly love thing throughout the story is something I REALLY appreciate in a 1D fic. And the idea of Niall being the one to bring them all together is so sweet! 
Underneath by secretswekeepxx | @theficwritersblock (17k)
Summary: “And this is how fucking horror movies begin. I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere, taking a right onto ‘Payne Lane.” He mutters to himself as he flips his turn signal on and starts making his way slowly down the bumpy lane.
He’s surrounded on both sides by expansive, fenced fields with sparse trees, randomly placed sheds and lean-tos, and various breeds of livestock grazing about. The grass is long and rustles in waves with the dry, late August breeze. There’s a beauty to it, though Zayn’s momentarily unable to appreciate it because the further along he goes the stronger the urge to turn around becomes. It’s as the lane opens up and he can finally see a house materializing in front of him that he sees the sign for ‘Payne Farm’.
It's finally Zayn's last semester of graduate school, and the only thing standing in between him and his freedom is his thesis project. Deciding to live off campus for some peace away from the hustle and bustle of university life seems like a good idea in theory. That is until his best option is living on a farm that's owned by the very rude and boring Liam Payne.
Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all...
My comment: This one contains ~misunderstood!liam~ which, come on, that’s the BEST! I love the setting and Liam’s beautiful kind soul and Zayn realising he was wrong and it’s just...the best.
we go together by aliferuined (7k)
Summary: T-Birds are forever. Very, very, very loosly based on Grease. It's basically a whole bunch of pining and quiffs.
My comment: I am an absolute SUCKER for friends to lovers. And this one is so cute! Liam not being allowed to wear the jacket, Louis’ pink car, Niall drooling over Demi...I could probably go on forever as I just love everything about this fic.
loose lips sink ship all the damn time (not this time) by MediaWhore | @mediawhorefics (39k)
Summary: “Louis Tomlinson is gay,” Fiona announces and she sounds calm at least. “That’s not a scandal,” Nick replies automatically even though he feels slightly sick. He needs to call Louis back. Now. “No,” Fiona agrees quickly. “But his underage gay sex tape is.” The one where Louis is outed via a sex tape he made before the X-Factor and Nick can't resist flying to America to give him a shoulder to cry on. Told through flashbacks, this is a story of getting together and getting back together.
My comment: There’s something about Tomlinshaw that I absolutely adore. I can’t quite put it into words. Anyway, I really loved how quickly Nick dropped everything and got on a plane when Louis needed him. Such awww.
So that’s it for now! If you’re interested in keeping up with what I’m reading, I have a blog where I bookmark everything like the obsessive person I am ---> @niccihoranson
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paulinevuong · 3 years ago
11/18 entry 11:14am
ello my loves my pledge quarter do be rough and it taught me how to be more in the moment BUT overall what could've gone better i think is def coming to terms with everything earlier on. like to enjoy my interviews bc i'm there and i'm going to have to dedicate my time there with them in the moment anyway, so might as well let loose and make those meaningful connections yanno? also i learned lots from my jp actually like the value of working hard first before playing. like once i get an assignment i usually take it only as ok add this to my list of things i need to do. but my jp thinks of it so differently! like if i'm w him and he gets an assignment he will literally do it right away and i think in a lot of ways i learned a lot from him. but i would never tell him that ✋🏻 what went well though was just enjoying the people im around and getting to trust the process! i feel like there's two sides of me n i normally gravitate towards friends that support the side that enjoys being quiet n just wants to do hw all the time ngl BC WOW I REALLY AM MISSING THAT FEELING SO BAD RN BC ALL I WANT TO DO IS JUST SIT DOWN AND STUDY NGL butttttttt being able to explore another part of me in the sense of uh not breaking into pools and climbing fences is really cool too! and the best part is i think that yall do be kinda crazy. about playing and working! like no matter what i do yall respect it and care so much about each other so i think that is very cute. ;D
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rnjrsupportsquad · 7 years ago
Vol 5 Ep 5 Thoughts and Feels
ok, I just came from extra life so I am kinda delirious so if I stop making sense it's totally normal. well not normal but you get what I'm trying to say right? right??
I love the ram faunus. I hope we see him again
MERMAID FAUNUS?????????? IT’S A POSSIBILITY??????? (that's what I got from that whole petition bit)
I'm surprised that they didn’t have instrumental “Like Morning Follows Night” playing during Blakes conversation with Sun about helping Ilia the way he helped her (but to be fair I am very sleep deprived and could have missed it)
Also, I was partially expecting Blake to tell Sun he’s the embodiment of the word “dork”
Also, have I mentioned that I love Sun???? cause I love him. that pose, he has the best poses, he’s like “damn right I'm earnest” but at the same time I feel like he def google searched “earnest” to double check its meaning
Also, Blake, you are such a nerd talking about personification of words and attributes
RUBY SAID COMBAT READY HOLY FUCK (also she started crying after saying it which is like, same)
also and this is just me being obsessed with JNPR but I feel like it would have been interesting to have that scene or a scene similar to it between Jaune and Oscar. Obviously, he barely knew Penny and he had a different relationship with Pyrrha but I would still like to have that sort of conversation between the two or at least between Oscar and JNR. Cause Oz has got to tell Oscar that Pyrrha was part of JNPR right? and if he hasn’t already, def after Ruby reunites with Weiss and Yang.
Also, I loved both how Ruby and Oscar acted in this scene. I found it very fitting to their characters and gave us insight to Oscar (insight is a bad word choice in this situation cause it would be weird for him to just be chilling with the flow but you guys catch my drift)
Man know I said this after ep 3 but they are really laying RoseGarden on thick. the whole Oz aspect of it still has me on the fence but Oscar is def developing a major crush on ruby
also, I was waiting for Ruby to mention how ren cooked dinner
I also loved how Oscar was like “Oh man Ruby must have been the best student” and Oz was lowkey like “Yeah she was great in some ways but terrible in other places”
I start crying whenever Cold is played in the background and/or they quote Monty cause fuck I'm still emotional over that and it's always so beautiful.
Oscar if you want to train until you tired yourself outlet Jaune know and you two can do it together. You know, spot each other, critique forms, talk shit about Oz cause you know that you hold even just a little bit of resentment towards him. Bond over that resentment.
Honestly, I’m kinda surprised that it's taken this long for a hit on the Belladonnas to be placed. I thought Ghira was gonna be taken out FOR SURE in ep 3.
if anyone hurts a single hair on Sun and/or the Belladonna’s they gonna have to answer to me.
Shit is gonna go down soon in Menagerie and I am equal parts excited and terrified cause it's giving off a sizeable “Execute Order 66” vibe
I have a bad feeling about Ilia’s safety
R.I.P the messenger, despite the saying, they always seemed to get shot.
Also, bird faunus is very cool! the wings must make buying clothing difficult tho…. and lying on your back.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but that could just be me running on 15-30min of sleep (idk how long I blacked out for during Sunday morning cartoons)
Ok, I'm gonna go try to sleep so I can function today and get work done.
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