#also how CRIMINAL is it that the last time they had a duet was back when they sang 4 minutes
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cryscendo · 1 year ago
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x13 - New Directions
I Am Changing - Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones
“The most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it. But, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer. And we've decided to heal our hearts with a song.”
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klbwriting · 1 year ago
Our Strange Duet
Chapter 2: This Mess I Am
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: YN comes to hang out
Taglist: @amberpanda99 @deans-spinster-witch
No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts, pretend I'm something other than this mess I am - Dear Evan Hansen
               Jason could do this.  YN had agreed to come over and hang out Saturday afternoon, at Dick’s place, with him.  She hadn’t seen it the last time they were together, he was too worried about his brother kicking her out, so he only went to her.  Now thought Dick was thoroughly onboard with getting YN back into Jason’s life.  Now she was the one who made him smile more, made him relax, helped him sleep, kept his nightmares at bay when she could invade his dreams instead.  Now she was coming to see him, maybe not to fall into each other’s arms (no matter how much he wanted that) but to be friends again, see if they still fit together like they had before. 
               “When is she getting here?” Dick called up.  Jason looked at his phone, the message ‘on my way’ on the screen from five minutes ago.  He glanced around his loft again, making sure everything was clean and looked presentable before barreling down the stairs, pulling on a sweater.  Dick cocked his eyebrow.
               “She’ll be here in a few minutes…what’s that face?” Jason asked.  Dick motioned to the black and gray sweater.  It was an 80-degree August day in Gotham, the sweater looked stupid, but he wanted to look good for her.  Every time he used to see her, he was in his early Red Hood gear, combat pants, tshirt, maybe a black hoodie or leather jacket.  He was in college now, he was supposed to look cool when he met up with someone he liked, not a kid. 
               “The sweater is too much,” Dick said.  “Take it off and just wear the tshirt, the girl has seen you almost bleed out, if that didn’t chase her away a black tshirt won’t either.”  Jason scowled a little but tore off the sweater, looking around for something to do with it when the buzzer rang.  Dick took the sweater while Jason went to let her into the elevator.  He watched his big brother throw the sweater in the trash can, eyes widening.  “Its also an ugly sweater and if she ever sees you in it she’ll swim back to Singapore, you’ll thank me later.”  Jason almost strangled him when there was a knock at the door.  He tried to flatten his hair a little, opening the door. 
               “Hey,” YN said, almost making Jason melt into the floor.  He had never thought she would be at his place, walking in and looking around, probably wondering how much a place like this cost.  He wondered that constantly, but Dick refused to let him try to help with rent, so he didn’t know. 
               “Come in, um, ya, you said you were nervous about auditions, wanted my help picking a song?” he said, scrambling.  He had planned several things to do, books he wanted to talk about, watch a movie he knew she would love but had said she hadn’t seen yet but her appearance at his door had momentarily broken his brain.  Dick was standing in the kitchen marveling that his little brother, the terror that stalked Crime Alley and the Narrows, making hardened criminals wet themselves at the very sight of him, was stammering and falling over himself over this girl.  If he wasn’t the exact same way with Barbara he would have laughed. 
               “Thanks, I have a couple ideas, but I know I’m not getting a part, I have no opera talent, my voice just doesn’t work that way,” she said.  “But I still want to show that I have some talent in case they do something next year in my wheelhouse.”  Dick watched as she rambled, moving to put her bag down on the couch, but missing and dropping it to the floor.  O Lord, they were both hopeless. 
               “Can I stay and listen?” he asked, now worried about running interference for Jason.  His brother glared at him but YN smiled.
               “Thanks, ya, I would love opinions.  Jason has heard me sing before, I don’t know if he’ll be objective,” she said.  Dick nodded, walking over and sitting on the couch.  Jason sat next to him, arms folded as YN got ready.  It took exactly four words before Jason was falling back to sitting on her couch singing to her and having her sing to him, her smile making him feel so warm in his chest and despite knowing that he wasn’t loved outside of that room it was ok.  She did three songs, one Phantom related song and two others and they decided on one before she looked at Jason.
               “Did you pick a song?” she asked, sitting down next to him.  He shrugged.
               “I was just going to do the love song,” he said.  She eyed him. 
               “You want to be Raoul?” she asked.  He shrugged again.  “You’re not Raoul, he’s too pretty.”  Jason made a fake offended face and Dick chuckled.  “You know I don’t mean like that, he’s…Dick, boy scout, sweetheart, golden retriever.  You’re not that, you should do Music of the Night, the reprise sung by Erik, you’re the phantom.” 
               “Have you been thinking about this?” he asked.  This time she shrugged, blushing.  She was thinking about him.  Dick stood up then.
               “I’m going to go get some work done in my office,” he said, looking at Jason and nodding before heading off.  YN looked to Jason.
               “Did I chase him away with my Raoul comparison?” she asked.  Jason laughed. 
               “No, he’s probably going to watch the musical so he can figure out if what you said was a compliment or not,” he said.  She laughed and then sighed.  “Hey, want to watch that movie we talked about?”  She nodded and he got it set up, sitting next to her. 
               It took every ounce of willpower in him to not try and put his arm around her or take her hand as that movie played.  About halfway through they realized it was kind of boring so he paused it for them to chat instead and it was almost like old times, but something loomed over her as she talked, a rain cloud.  Her smile didn’t always reach her eyes and she would fall silent, a far away look in her eyes for just a few moments before coming back to him. 
               “YN?” he said softly when she vanished again.  She shook herself and looked at him apologetically.  “You can talk about it, with me.”  She looked down, biting her lip. 
               “Its just, she would be so happy I found my way back to you again.  I keep hearing what she would say in my head.  She really liked you, said you made me shine.  I know that we can’t just…go back to what we were, I mean, we both are different not, but I’m not opposed to the idea if you’re not.  At least, I’m not opposed to letting myself fall for you again,” she said.  Jason stared.  This honesty was new.  She’d never lied to him, never had led him around or anything, but she’d never been so blunt about her feelings.  It normally took time for her to say what she was feeling without a joke or sass.  Now she was being vulnerable, laying it all out there for him and he didn’t know how to respond.  Her mother’s death seemed to make her more open, more trusting, maybe more loving since she knew that things didn’t last sometimes.  Jason over the last several months had become more closed off.  Bruce knew he was alive and hadn’t once tried to talk to him, Alfred either, he wasn’t sure which one hurt worse.  He wanted to keep his feelings close to his chest, didn’t want to admit to things like she did for fear of the pain that would come later, when they abandoned him.  The silence stretched longer than he meant it to and he saw her eyes glaze a little as she realized that he wasn’t responding how she thought he would.  How he would have before.  She nodded and stood up.
               “YN…” he said, trying to recover, willing himself to say what she wanted to hear, what he wanted to say, but there was a door there that seemed to stop him.  She shook her head, wiping her eyes a little.
               “Its ok Jason, I know I walked out on you before and I know that you were upset about your dad not talking to you.  I know how scared you are of feelings like this, big feelings, I should have waited before saying anything to you about it.  Waited until we understood each other better,” she said, grabbing her bag.  “I’m going to go, um, think about the song for the audition and talk to me later, please?”
               Jason nodded; throat dry as she headed out the door.  He wanted to throw something, wanted to hit something.  It was just getting dark, so he went to gear up, needing to do something that wasn’t sit here in his self-doubt and self-pity.  He needed to not be Jason for a while.
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mccarthawrites · 1 year ago
Lucy's Dad
Relationship: Matt Simmons/OC!Lucy Rivera
Rating: General Audience
Summary: Lucy has brunch with her dad, Quique. Gets an update on her ex and gives Quique a gift from Matt.
Author's Note: My faceclaim for Quique is Jimmy Smits. There is some Spanish in this fic but not enough to cause issue. However, if you need anything translated, don't be afraid to ask. I AM BACK BITCHES!
Words: 1,419
Strike Zone Masterlist || Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Lucy approached the front stoop that she grew up on. Her father, Quique, hadn’t left the Seventh Street apartment even after she moved out. The two had breakfast - or more like brunch - every Sunday together. Fishing her keys from her bag, she opened the outside door and walked into the main hallway. She heard her father singing along to an old Hector Lavoe record as she approached the door to the apartment. It helmed fading letters of “Casa de Rivera” painted on an equally fading Puerto Rican flag. Smiling, she opened the door and walked in, placing her bag on the couch before joining her father in the kitchen and finishing the song as a duet.
“Hi, mija.” Quique kissed his daughter’s cheek.
“Hey, dad. Need any help?”
“No, I’ve got it. But thank you. Quieres cafe?” He asked, motioning to the moka pot on the stove. “How are you? Interviewed anyone interesting last week?”
“I interviewed the Crimson’s new rookie, Spencer Reid. He seems sweet.” She poured herself coffee before hopping onto the counter. “But now that the season is over, my editor is floating the idea of me covering hockey or basketball.”
“Hockey?” Quique sounded almost offended at the idea. “Azucar?” He knew how she liked her coffee, so he didn’t even have to ask.
“Thank you. But yeah, hockey. Fortunately for you, you don’t have to worry about me falling in love with a hockey player. They are not my type,” she teased.
“Did you know Mateo is in the city? I ran into him a few days ago. He asked how you were doing.”
“I did not know he was here. I haven’t seen him since the Crimsons’ game last year and I’d like to keep that streak going as long as possible. Do you know why he’s here? He only came for games, but it’s the off-season. So why?”
“Yo no se.” He shrugged. “Said he was sightseeing with his new girlfriend. I think her name was Amelia.”
“Let me guess: pretty, white and blonde. Right? That’s his type. Why he ever got involved with me, I will never understand How is he?” She asked.
“Do you really want to know?”
“I almost made the mistake of marrying him so- sure. How is he?”
“First is still un pendejo for letting go of the best thing that ever happened to him and that will ever happen to him. He seemed okay. Didn’t seem happy. I doubt he’s happy if he’s still asking about you.”
“Thanks, dad, but you don’t have to lie to me. I can take it. It’s been two years. He- he deserves to be happy.”
“No, he does not. I am telling you the truth. Un pendejo had a sadness in his eyes. He knows he fucked up.” His comment made her laugh. “I shouldn’t have brought him up.”
“No, it’s okay. Also gives me a warning that he is here in case I run into him and- Amelia.”
“What would you do if you saw him again?”
“Be civil like I was last time.” She shrugged. “He’s moved on and- so have I. What did you tell him when he asked about me?”
“I told him about your boyfriend on the Mets.” He explained.
“What boyfriend?”
“Cooper isn’t- oh my god. You told him I was dating Cooper?”
“Por que? Did you break up?”
“We were never dating to begin with. We- we had a mostly professional relationship that occasionally included dinner and drinks- and other things.” She admitted.
“Oh. Wow. Really? I thought you two were good together.”
“We were never together. We were- friends with benefits. But that’s over now because he’s met someone that he’s serious about. And she’s cute. So I gave him my blessing and we ended things. Now we’re just friends with a strictly professional relationship.”
“When you introduced us, I thought you were introducing him as your boyfriend,” Quique told her.
“No. I was introducing my dad who loves baseball to the only Major League player I know personally.
“Why didn’t you date him?”
“Because the last thing I want is to be involved with another athlete. Just because the sex is good doesn’t mean I have to give the man my life. Learned that the hard way,” she told him. He gave her a look. “Shouldn’t have said all of that, but you know what I mean, Mr. hasn’t dated anyone since the mother of his child left.” Quique’s jaw dropped. “Am I wrong?”
“I didn’t date because I had my hands full raising a beautiful and smart daughter on my own. Because I don’t need someone else to be happy. And you don’t either.”
“You know this is a generational curse. You got your heart broken by the love of your life. I got mine broken by the guy I thought was the love of my life and now we’ve both shut love out.”
“Not true. I have love in my life. I have you and your brother. My colleagues and the guys at the center. Your uncles. I am surrounded by love. You have me, your brother. You have Andi and- I don’t know all of your friends’ names, but you’ve got them.”
“Fair enough.” Lucy laughed.
“I don’t need romance to be happy. Neither do you.”
“Exactly. We were both miserable when we had romance. And we’re far happier now.”
“Yes, we are.” Quique smiled, clinking their mugs together.
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After brunch, Lucy cleaned up. The agreement was whoever didn’t cook washed the dishes.
“By the way, I have something for you.” She told Quique.
“A gift? For me? It’s not my birthday. It’s too early for Christmas. What did you get me?” He asked.
“It’s not from me. It’s from- a friend.”
“You have friends besides Andi and Emily?” He teased.
“Yes, I do. He’s a new one.”
“It’s a he? Interesting. Why is this new friend getting gifts for your father?”
“Because I told him you are a big fan of the Wolverines.”
“Is it Simmons? You interviewed him last season.”
“Yes, actually. Since he heard you’re a fan he wanted to get you something as a thank you for supporting the team.” Lucy explained, drying her hands. “Come on. It’s in my bag in the sala.”
“What is it?” Quique asked, following her to the livingroom. She grabbed her bag off the couch and pulled the ball out. “Is that?”
“A baseball signed by all the current Wolverines and Coach Garrett.” She replied, handing it to him. He held it, rotating it in his hands to appreciate each signature. “Ay, thank you, mija!” The smile on his face made Lucy’s heart soar. He hugged her. “This is going in my office. I have to get a display for it.”
“I figured so I ordered you one. It’ll be here sometime this week.”
“What would I do without you?” He asked. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank you. I didn’t even ask. Matt just showed up with it.”
“Showed up?” He questioned.
“We- we ran into each other. He’s in the city visiting friends and-”
“How did he know I’m a Wolverines fan?”
“I told him when I interviewed him.”
“And he remembered all this time?” Quique asked. “I think he likes you.”
“No, he does not. We’re just friends. Trust me.”
“Then maybe he’s trying to seduce you.” Quique laughed.
“That- that’s ridiculous. I’m not getting involved with another athlete. He’s just a really nice guy. He’s sweet and-”
“Maybe you like him?”
“No, I do not! I am not interested. I don’t need or want another relationship. Not now or anytime soon. I am enjoying the single life. I don’t need a man in my life.”
“Except for me.”
“Except for you.” She laughed. “So you like it?”
“I love it! Please tell him thank you for me.”
“I will tell him he probably made your whole week, right?”
“He did! I am going to put it on the window behind my desk.”
“Pretty soon you’re going to run out of space to display all your Wolverines shit in your office.”
“If that happens, I’ll just bring stuff home.”
“As if you have room for anything here.” Lucy laughed, motioning to the baseball memorabilia scattered around the apartment. “You’ll need a bigger apartment.”
“Never. I’ll be leaving this place in a coffin.” He replied. Lucy slapped his arm lightly.
“Don’t say that! Don’t even play. You’re young and healthy.”
“From your lips to god’s ear.” He laughed.
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noa-ciharu · 2 years ago
Speaking of Eurovision...
As a fellow ESC watcher I would like to ask what your twelve all-time favourite ESC songs are and maybe explain why exactly these if you don't mind •////• 👉👈
And have a nice day~
Oh damn just 12? Thats too difficult 😭 If you don't mind instead I decided to pick a country and then select one of their best songs ♥️
Helena Papariziou - my number one (Greece 2005). Maybe it's just nostalgia, but to me this is Eurovision-est eurovision song that ever won. Fast rhythm, very Greek vibes, catchy tune, nice choreography and voice, what's not to like?
Hari Mara Hari - Lejla (BiH 2006). What to say, beautiful ballad in native language, very powerful voice, in my honest opinion this song should have won back in 2006. But then again, I'm a fan of his music so maybe I'm just biased
Go_A - Shum (Ukraine 2021). What every country should do: send a mix of folklore and modern music in native language. Honestly if I had to choose a country that overal has best entries without a doubt it'll be Ukraine, they never disappoint. What's hard to choose actually is which song of theirs was the best. I can't decide but Go_A's Šum definitely goes into top 3. Also in begging everyone listen to Shady Lady, their 2008's entry
Conchira Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix (Austria 2014). Hands down one of best ballads in English sent in last 20 years. Definitely a deserved win, no matter what public at that time said cuz of her appearance. The 'but I'm gonna fly' part never fails to give me goosebumps. I feel like that song could be trans anthem
Elena Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday (Estonia 2015). The classic. Very simple yet striking duet, idk how to describe it but there's something rly captivating about the song. Ans they look like they're so in love 🥺
Can Bonomo - Love me back (Turkey 2012). Add to endless list of songs that should have won over Euphoria 🙄 it's a very unique song, very catchy too. Also this is the last year Turkey took part in esc :< I miss their performances 😭
Željko Joksimović - Lane Moje and No name - Zauvjek Moja (Serbia & Montenegro 2004 and 2005) - I tried to choose only one but couldn't ;-; that's how 00s music on Balkan was like, it fills me with nostalgia. Sadly national song content in 2006 was one of reasons why union between two countries collapsed so it's more of pensive nostalgia for people here
Anxhela Peristeri - Karma (Albania 2021). This song was criminally underrated 2 years ago :< powerful ballad, perfect voice, strong tune - idk why she didn't rank higher? Albania always sends good song in their language and gets little points, it's unfair :/
Charlotte Perrilli - Hero (Sweden 2008). Yes I can't believe I'm saying this but there is an underrated swedish entry. I've hear this one back in 2008 and it stick with me ever since. Catchy 00s pop song
Andromache - Ela (Cyprus 2022). This one didn't even qualify ;-; honestly it was one of my faves from last year but it was so obvious she was nervous on stage. Plus song isn't really much of Eurovision material so I sort of understand why she didn't qualify but I adored the song nonetheless 🥰 love hearing Greek language
Dima Bilan - Never let you go (Russia 2006). His voice 🥺 song is so beautiful idk what to say really beside I'm an absolute fan (plus that imma go dig up more of his music). I do like Believe from 2008 too but prefer this song
Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing with fire (Romania 2006). What to say, very catchy song, I like it alot. Love them 90s vibes. Defo one of best Romania sent in last 20 years
Toše Proeski - Life (Macedonia 2004). Alright, I feel like I've bored life out of everyone with Crno i Belo from 2012 so time to bring another underappreciated Macedonian entry. You don't understand, this man was a legend in ex Yu countries 🥺💔 still is to this day
Cascada - Glorious (Germany 2013). Shes one of my fave 00s pop icons, imagine my delight when I heard she's on eurovision 😭 her songs are my childhood ♥️ I just wish she ranked better, idk why only 22th place for such amazing song
Doris Dragović - Marija Magdalena (Croatia 1999). Absolutely best Croatia ever sent, powerful voice, catchy tune, native language - absolutely perfect song in all terms
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (Norway 2009). One of rare winners I 100% agree with. Violin is amazing there as well as his voice. Breath of fresh air into song context with mixture of traditional and modern I'd say
Monika Liu - Sentimentai (Lithuania 2022). So underappreciated 😭 the style, the elegance, the simplicity, the catchy tune - idk why she didn't get more points tbh
Sirusho - Qele qele (Armenia 2008). As someo3n said in comments - everyone over 18 on Balkan knows this song and that's the case with me too 😂 ethnic flavor, catchy rhymes, one of that years faves for sure
I think I covered around 13-14 counties here, especially some from eastern and central Europe that might get underappreciated. Maybe one day when/if I have time I could choose my fave song from all 50ish European countries (if I'm insane enough)
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zordonmlw7 · 8 months ago
Gosh I think a musical about Sanzo Tsuda and the Otsu Incident would be really cool.
Nicholas II would open with a happy song about vacationing with his cousin and touring around Japan while also having undertones about how this a huge powertrip for him, getting to play in the culture of a country who is scared of him because of the military power he will one day inherit.
Cut then to Tsuda who would have a song about his slipping sanity with the chorus line providing haunting background vocals. The song would focus on his medals for heroism won in the Seinan War and how he would do anything to protect them. He then gets assigned to guard the streets that Nicholas II will go down and participates in a group number with Japanese reporters accusing the prince of coming to spy and speculating that the visit was a precursor to an invasion.
Cut to the actual incident which could be a reprise of all 3 of the previous songs with Tsuda and Nicholas singing back and forth and the haunting vocals emphasizing the same thing as Nicholas: that the Russians are subjugating the Japanese people. Tsuda then snaps and the attack happens in slow motion as a carefully choreographed dance number. Tsuda is taken into custody and Nicholas is taken to his hotel to be treated because he refuses a Japanese doctor.
Cut to then a huge group number to represent the 10,000 condolence telegrams sent by citizens and institutions that all melt away into a solo number by Yuko Hatakeyama in which she sings about the value of her life and how she hopes it can atone for Tsuda's act, ending with her suicide in front of the Kyoto Prefectural Office.
Next is another group number in which various lawyers argue about how to handle Tsuda's case. Some try to invoke Article 116 of the Criminal Code to execute Tsuda despite it not applying to a foreign crown prince while others argue for the actual charge of attempted murder which would carry life imprisonment at worst. The song is taken over by Kojima Iken, chief justice of the Supreme Court who fights back against his own cabinet and agrees on charging him with the actual crime, but does relent on trying Tsuda immediately instead of following procedure and allowing the case to make its way up the lower courts.
Tsuda gets another song in his prison cell where he laments his actions but at the same time questions whether he laments assaulting a complete stranger or merely laments doing it unsuccessfully. He wonders if he will keep his medals for heroism. Reporters arrive at his cell questioning the warden about his sanity, but are driven off and warned about the consequences of printing anything doubting that Tsuda was anything less than sane.
I feel like the court room scene to sentence Tsuda would have it's set set up and background music to make it seem like a musical number but instead its just a few quick lines sentencing him to prison for life.
Cut then to Nicholas being visited by Emperor Meiji where they sing a happy duet with the Emperor apologizing and Nicholas relishing it and promising to forgive him. Only once the Emperor leaves, he reveals that he will never forgive Japan.
Tsuda gets one last short song about how in less than a year, he's dying in prison and is still haunted by voices and wonders if he is still the hero he tried so hard to be. In his dying breath, he hopes that Japan will not be crushed by Russia.
This is followed with a reporter summarizing Nicholas becoming Tsar and advancing further east, forcing Japan to retaliate with the Russo-Japanese war, with Japan coming out victorious.
The final number would be Nicholas II during the Bolshevik revolution just before being executed. He would sing about how he did what he did for his family. How he thought he was invincible and thought he would leave his children an even stronger Russia than he had received. But all he had done was cost the lives of millions and had his family lose both Russia and their lives. And the stage would go black with his execution, ending the musical.
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wonwoosthetic · 4 years ago
Romantic Relationships 🌷 Minnie
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♡◌‧ Nakayama Asuka
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• ➵ December 2014 - February 2015
• ➵ Listen, he was one of her school crushes, what do you expect
• ➵ What a joke of a “relationship” - they literally just called each other boyfriend and girlfriend with no meaning to it
• ➵ They met at school
• ➵ Minnie thought that she was SOO in love with him and that he felt the same for her… he didn’t, and she later realised she was definitely not in love with him
• ➵ They only saw each in other on the school ground and never went on any kind of dates
• ➵ This guy thought she was pretty and found it cool to be able to say that his girlfriend was training to become an idol
• ➵ She told him she didn’t want the entire school to know about that, but he didn’t really care and just bragged about it
• ➵ Asuka also thought that he’d get to sleep with her but she was for one, never available because whenever she wasn’t in school, she was practicing and second, she didn’t have her own room or even thought about possibly sleeping with him
• ➵ The members hated him, omg did they despise that guy just from what Minnie told them about him
• ➵ they talked to Minnie and eventually got her to see the truth
• ➵ Minnie made Jeonghan send him a text to “break up”
♡◌‧ Kim Hanbin (B.I)
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• ➵ February 2017 - June 2019
• ➵ Met during promotions in 2015
• ➵ First real love
• ➵ Hanbin was whipped for that girl, he was kissing the floor she walked on, he didn’t think there would anyone better than her
• ➵ Junhoe and Donghyuk pushed him to finally start talking to her more because the two had gotten closer to the girl and noticed some signs from her too
• ➵ they asked the ‘97 Liners from Seventeen about it, who only confirmed it
• ➵ He tried asking her for a duet or feature to which she innocently agreed
• ➵ During their work process, Minnie started falling for him. HARD. She was amazed by his talent and mind, everything that he did was like a miracle to her
• ➵ Her members quickly caught on and while some thought it was cute, others didn’t have the same opinion
• ➵ The iKon members knew about Hanbin’s feelings from day one and didn’t stop teasing him until he announced that they were actually dating
• ➵ They kept their relationship a well kept secret from YG until October 2017, whereas Minnie told Pledis about it in May 2017 already
• ➵ fans started shipping them around September 2017
• ➵ Their relationship was sweet while it lasted, even though they were quite young
• ➵ Minnie was very close to his mum and Hanbyul
• ➵ the little girl wanted to see her more than her own brother sometimes
• ➵ and Minnie spoiled the heck out of her
• ➵ pretty much picture-perfect until June of 2019
• ➵ Hanbin ended their relationship in order to protect her and her reputation
• ➵ Minnie knew he was innocent and promised to stay by his side, no matter the outcome, but he cut off all connections to her
• ➵ …she was heartbroken and either stayed in her room or in Woozi’s studio before having to go back to being an idol
• ➵ some fans, and especially knetz, found Minnie’s silence and sad mood during that time quite suspicious and immediately called her out for dating a criminal and being involved in the scandal
• ➵ haven’t talked to each other since then
• ➵ can’t lie, she did and still does feel betrayed by him in a way, but she has moved on
♡◌‧ Cho Seongjun
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• ➵ May 2020 - August 2020
• ➵ he’s an influencer and blogger
• ➵ met at a fashion event two years before they got together
• ➵ he was a tall man with a somewhat broody personality, alright?
• ➵ plus quite a bit older, so… you know…
• ➵ she still doesn’t like thinking about how quickly she gave into him
• ➵ just because of his goddamn charm…
• ➵ their relationship was a secret from their managements
• ➵ was it a relationship or was it just casual… hanging out with your crush?
• ➵ a situationship, let’s call it that
• ➵ private café dates
• ➵ private hotel room dates or meet ups at his apartment (rarely tbh, that may have happened like twice)
• ➵ something just didn’t seem right
• ➵ he didn’t take their situationship as seriously as Minnie wanted him to
• ➵ she didn’t fall in love with him but she wanted to give it a shot
• ➵ he broke things off too suddenly and didn’t do it in the best way, calling her out for using him as a filler for her free time
• ➵ heavy victim playing
• ➵ Minnie later found out just how many women he was actually seeing during their time together
♡◌‧ Jeon Wonwoo
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• ➵ September 2020 - present
• ➵ after the members found out they slept with each other, most of them thought it was just a matter of time
• ➵ but Minnie was with Hanbin and was genuinely happy with him; since it seemed so serious between the two, they kind of forgot about their thoughts on Wonwoo and Minnie
• ➵ that until Wonwoo talked to S.Coups and admitted his feelings for her
• ➵ As surprised as Coups was, he wasn’t shocked since Wonwoo isn’t the slyest…
• ➵ same with Minghao when she told him about her feelings for the rapper, but Hao already knew… of course he did
• ➵ both were very very hesitant, putting the group first and not wanting to mess anything up
• ➵ but with the encouraging words from the other two, everything came together
• ➵ photography couple ™
• ➵ can just sit next to each other and read, without speaking for hours
• ➵ the members LOVE teasing them (and yes, even with cameras on them)
• ➵ talking about cameras: their camera rolls are FULL with pictures of each other
• ➵ yes, she will sit on his lap whenever he’s on his PC and she doesn’t want to be alone
• ➵ Minnie‘s not too big on PDA, but every now and then Wonwoo will lead her into it
• ➵ He lives for teaching her how to play certain games since she actually enjoys it
• ➵ the height difference😫
• ➵ Carats have been !!speculating and shipping!!
• ➵ as happy as Minnie is, she’s terrified of what could happen (call it a little trauma from the perfect relationship she had had)
♡◌‧ ???
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Taglist: @naviercallisto
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hopevalley · 4 years ago
Season 8, Episode 1: Open Season
Work was busier than expected on Monday, but the deep dive into the first episode of S8 begins now!
Scene 1: Narration, Elizabeth and Nathan, Lucas
The awkwardness between Elizabeth and Nathan was...palpable at first lol.The best part about the non-narrated part of the scene is twofold: Nathan interacting with Jack is a well-needed and very nice touch, and of course it’s always nice to see that Nathan is patient concerning Elizabeth’s situation and reassures her that she can let him know when she’s ready to go to dinner with him.
My problem with the whole thing is that...if she hasn’t spoken up about wanting that dinner date yet, and she’s not saying yes she’d like to get dinner with you now, it’s like...any sane person would assume at this point in the story that Elizabeth isn’t interested in Nathan. Worse, Nathan isn’t the kind of man who wouldn’t take a hint. I’m pretty sure this is why the opening scene felt just a little bit off. I think they ought to have let Elizabeth be a little more enthusiastic about the idea while still failing to commit to it. 
To be fair to the writers, I can’t imagine it was easy for them to figure out how to open this season after such a long time gap. They let a whole winter elapse between last season and this one. How do you explain literally no major development with the love triangle in that amount of time? Especially after the way the last season ended?
Random consideration: the camera focuses on Elizabeth’s face a lot and makes her wedding ring clearly visible.
Boom, the flashback with Lucas. I think having him leave out of jealousy was a better idea than having his mother fall ill (we’ve certainly seen that enough at this point), and maybe we should also consider the fact that while Lucas was gone, Nathan didn’t really jump on the opportunity to woo Elizabeth himself.
I wonder if we’ll get an explanation for that or not. What makes Lucas so sure that after 4+ months, Elizabeth hasn’t started courting Nathan? Maybe he kept in touch with someone in town? Or he just knows Elizabeth well enough to know she wouldn’t feel quite ready to commit in that time frame anyway?
I did really like Lucas’s opening scene with Elizabeth. Honestly, he was quite likable, here: admitting he was wrong, admitting his shortcomings, apologizing. All good things. “I’m ashamed I let my jealousy get the best of me... The worst of me.” That’s such a good line.
It didn’t feel equal in enthusiasm to the Nathan scene, but I’ll have more thoughts on that later. I do believe it was on purpose.
Scene 2: Clara and Jesse’s Fight, The Café
I like the concept of some marital discord for Clara and Jesse. Marriage is easier said than done and like any serious relationship, it’s a lot of consistent maintenance. It starts out pretty well, with Jesse sleeping in the other bedroom. At this point I fully expected to find out Clara kicks in her sleep or she snores a lot or something that’s funny to hear about but really difficult to actually deal with in real life. Color me disappointed later, but I’ll get to it.
Scene 3: The Mercantile, Ned, Florence, Carson
This just set up things with Faith’s situation so there’s not much to say, but as always I do love Florence. I hope she gets some good scenes this season. And I love Ned so I hope the same for him.
Henry coming in to mail a letter was interesting, though. I’m not sure it’ll mean anything in particular later, but...it’s possible.  Then again, maybe he’s just here to set our expectations regarding Faith’s return (of course it’s a long trip from Chicago) or Carson’s worry (a bit unreasonable unless he expected to hear from her at a specific stop).
Scene 4: Nathan, Dylan
Dylan is such an incredible scumbag. The spurs were a nice touch. He says things almost fondly (“She’s growing up... My little girl.”) and then wants nothing to actually do with Allie. 
The guy’s actually a pretty good actor. The way he segues into being glad for Allie’s sake that Nathan wasn’t the one killed. If the next words out of his mouth weren’t a demand for go-away money you’d almost feel those words were genuine!
Scene 5: Lee and Rosemary’s Return + Faith’s Return + Dylan Part Two
Lots of energy in this scene, both good and bad. I always appreciate what Lee and Rosemary bring to the show. I genuinely just don’t care that much about Faith. I’m ready to ship her with Cowboy Brett Brewer. He gets a name, which makes me wonder if he’s gonna show up again. :3
Lol at Carson’s jelly face:
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Not a fan of Faith’s outfit...but to be fair we’ve never really seen Faith outside of uniform. That just doesn’t strike me as something she would wear to travel in...?
Dylan approaching Jack and Jack speaking to him was so hilarious to me. “A puppy!” It’s extra funny after he looked afraid of Rosemary. Nathan intervening was undoubtedly for the best, but I can’t imagine why he would have approached Elizabeth or Jack. He doesn’t know who they are, or their connection to Nathan. Maybe too convenient. Might have been better to have him approach someone else entirely--like Opal.
Scene 6: Nathan and Allie
It’s great Nathan’s officializing the adoption but he had literal years to do this and only chooses now, when there’s a threat? Legally Dylan doesn’t have a leg to stand on even in that day and age (he did the abandoning in the first place + Nathan is a lawman)... It kind of ruined the cute moment for me, and I think it will come back in a bad way later.
I don’t mind Nathan’s inability to confide in Elizabeth in this situation. At this point, she doesn’t need to know, and the situation is just weird enough that he probably doesn’t think he needs to dump his own problems on her.
Scene 7: Carson and Faith
I’m the jerk who just chanted “BREAK UP BREAK UP BREAK UP” during this scene in my head. I just...don’t care about Faith and Carson.
Scene 8: Bill and The Gals
I hate that they keep retconning Bill’s ability to cook well with every passing season. In season 2 and 3 he was more than satisfactory. In S4 he made dinner for Dottie and it was really nice. Now he’s godawful and doesn’t taste his own shit before letting other people try it? Come on.
This is the kind of stuff the writing team needs to cut out of the story. It’s not funny. 
Worse, outspoken Fiona lying to Bill? I just don’t see it. At least Molly told him the truth...but I still am just SO tired of seeing this shit. It makes me think new writers only watched the last couple of seasons instead of all of them.
Also, if Bill is literally running the cafe most of the time, if he was bad at cooking, then...the place would have shut down ages ago. What they should lean into if they wanna do a cooking joke is that Bill isn’t good at creating recipes from scratch. Maybe he doesn’t have a strong sense of taste (my husband has this issue so it’s the first thing that comes to mind) so he’s likely to over-do things like spice or sugar or salt on accident. There’s also a lot of room for jokes about his “taste” in things that can come of it (women, clothes, et cetera).
Scene 9: Lee’s Pants
Good scene, 10/10, wouldn’t change a thing. I hope this pants thing becomes a running gag. This is the good kind of humor I want in my life. And I like that Jesse wants to emulate Lee. It’s wholesome. 
Scene 10: Rosemary and Clara
The ribbon as a tissue was funny, but it was just SLIGHTLY too over the top for me.
Scene 11: Faith and Carson Again...............
“Were you jealous of that cowboy?” I think he should be. The cowboy is better. I don’t give a damn about these characters. And I genuinely hate that the strumming is Carson’s Thing Now. At the very least we should get some Carson and Bill doing a duet together which would be cool.
It just felt like it was shilling Paul and had nothing to do with the characters.
Scene 12: Mmm Money
This is arguably the most interesting scene in the episode. Lucas nodded at Nathan. Nathan went to Lucas for money. Lucas didn’t need to get the scoop to find out why Nathan needed it to loan it to him. Elizabeth is officially the least interesting part of the love triangle.
They treat her like she’s such a prize to be won, but I’m starting to worry that she’s become the new Lorigail on the show.
Anyway this scene had some gay vibes and I liked them.
Scene 13: Rosemary and Elizabeth Catch Up
YES. GOOD SCENE. It starts off fun and it gets serious, and the transition feels really natural. “Did he have reason to be [jealous]?” I’m genuinely glad this is in the episode. It needed to be. I hope Rosemary continues to ask the hard questions.
Elizabeth needs to face either dating one of them, or dating neither of them so that everybody can get on with their lives. If you’re not that enthusiastic about either of them I’d say...maybe don’t date either of them idk.
Scene 14: Nathan and Bill Talk
"If he sees you with me, then...” The problem with this scene is uh...twofold, let’s say.
Issue 1: ThEN HE WILL WHAT, NATHAN? WHAT HAS HE EVER DONE BEFORE THAT WAS SO BAD if he’s not a hard criminal? Maybe an example would be useful here...?
Issue 2: The old Bill Avery would have heard “if he SEES YOU with ME” and mentally been like, “all right so it’s only bad if he SEES ME” and spied on Nathan.
Nathan wanting Bill to stay behind in case Dylan doubles back isn’t a terrible idea, but it almost comes across more like...the writers just want Nathan alone.
Scene 15: Oil
I like the discussion and that Hickam gets to do something. I feel like Henry is low-key advising against shooting the well, and that Lucas and Hickam will end up doing it and causing an issue. It’s just setting up for the future and it’s nice to see those kinds of scenes in the series again!
Scene 16: Jesse and Lee
I’d like this scene more if I felt it gave us ANY insight into the problem Jesse and Clara are having. It mostly comes across like Jesse gets home and does nothing at all until bedtime and Clara is lonely. Could have been a better scene. It’s mostly just repetitive right now.
Scene 17: Nathan Cancels the Date
“Tomorrow’s Saturday.” Nathan’s like uhhhhh. This actually works really well to do what it’s supposed to do. By that I mean, he seems “off” so Elizabeth realizes he’s a bit stressed and leaving town = mountie business = dangerous.
I kind of wish Rosemary and Elizabeth would talk more about this, but maybe that’s coming in an episode soon...?
Scene 18: The Barbershop
Just a cute nice scene that shows a good friendship between Fiona, Clara, and Faith. I like this stuff. Keep it coming, Hallmark!
(Skipping Scene 19 because it’s just Nathan riding around...)
Scene 20: Lee and Rosemary Scheme
I really enjoyed this little bit where they decide to buy something for Clara and Jesse and we don’t get to see what it is. Super wholesome and very fun!
Scene 21: Nathan gets Ambushed
This scene was absolutely wild. Probably one of the best scenes like this that they’ve ever done. Dylan taking Nathan’s hat, “Take care of my little girl” after he takes the money and Nathan’s gun. It was super good.
Also, not too fake that Nathan was on the ground that long. If you got roped off of your horse you’d have the wind knocked out of you super hard lmao.
Scene 22: Bill & The Girls
Clara and Fiona are so cute. Bill playing the “Dad” figure to them both is really nice and it’s good for him. “I’m a lawman. I get to sneak.” What a Bill response. 
(Skipping Scene 23 since it’s just Nathan finding his horse.)
Scene 24: Lucas visits with Elizabeth
Lucas and Elizabeth are flirting via a nursery rhyme. I...don’t like that LOL. But Lucas’s “Helen Bouchard taught me to read and after that I was on my own.” She really sounds unloving. This was a pretty decent scene, though.
Also, Grand Isle Louisiana had a major hurricane in 1909 and 1915.
They also seem to have been hit by more mild hurricanes in 1916 and 1917, but the 1915 one was a Cat4, so...the most notable.
Scene 25: Rosemary and Lee in the Dress Shop
This tries to solve the issue of Clara and Jesse’s marital problems, but it doesn’t actually do that. “Let Jesse read when he gets home.” “I’ll talk to Jesse.” Meh.
Scene 26: Barbershop
“Why do this when you’re so good with women’s hair?” I fully expected Fiona to say, “That’s where all the hot gossip is, of course.” I do like  her gumption, though!
Scene 27: Nathan Finds Dylan
“I had to let you ambush me, so I had grounds to put you away.” COLD BUT EFFECTIVE. I appreciate this.
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Imagine getting to be this smug. I wish it were me.
Anyway, long-term thoughts on this are mostly that...there is just no reasonable way Dylan’s story is over yet. It’s too juicy of a storyline to let go this easily. Allie is going to find out what Nathan did and she’s going to struggle to come to terms with it, especially after her grandfather really did try to turn his life around. Why couldn’t it be the same for her father? Why couldn’t she get lucky like that?
I hope it feels satisfying, whatever they choose to do. Otherwise this was just wrapped up too neatly/too quickly.
Scene 28: Nathan Returns
Very good scene. Nathan’s in a good mood and he does my favorite trope of all time when one person in the relationship has a child: “Why don’t we all go?” You already all know each other, so why not? It’s wholesome and good, and it shows he doesn’t care how he gets to spend time with Elizabeth, as long as he does.
Also, it takes a lot of the pressure off of her for the duration of the date and at its conclusion. This was a cute and good scene, one of the better they’ve had, I think.
Scene 29: Jesse and Lee Talk
This was a nice attempt at a talk, but it really comes off like Jesse has stopped loving Clara for no reason. That his romantic interest in her is what is causing the failure in their relationship.
I agree that love isn’t “just” a feeling or “just” an emotion. It’s ALSO a choice. Marriage is a commitment you choose to continue every day. That is all good.
“Choose love. Then you feel it.” is probably some of the worst dialogue they’ve put in the show, though. Yuck. It left a bad taste in my mouth. It feels like it’s shaming people who legitimately fall out of love or who are in bad relationships. “If only you chose to work harder.”
I don’t think that was their intention at all, but it really soured the scene. I would have MUCH rather have had Lee get Jesse to talk about what’s wrong and then offer him pointers on how he could do better. Maybe he’s stressed out and losing himself in books, or he wishes Clara would sit and read with him because that’s something he always wanted. Or maybe Clara would be down for reading time if he read to her while she did her sewing.
There’s so much they could have done here to really send this home, but it didn’t work very well. At the very least Lee could have said, instead of ‘choose love’: CHOOSE COMMUNICATION. Make sure she knows you still feel that way about her.
The biggest thing is like, Lee could also be very encouraging in saying like, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever but just because things settle down doesn’t mean the love is less.
THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD STUFF THEY COULD HAVE WRITTEN FOR THIS but they chose “Choose love. Then you feel it.” WTF. That’s awful advice.
Scene 30: Jesse and Clara
Him bringing her flowers was a nice touch, and her getting him the book was also nice. The tandem bike was SO unexpected to me and I loved it. It’s just goofy enough that it works. The best part is that they know it’s not going to fix anything, but it’s still a fun and nice thing to do, and that’s wonderful for Rosemary and Lee. They both like to make the people they care about happy.
Scene 31: Mama Bouchard
Elizabeth is just so shook at all of this she doesn’t say a damn thing for so long it made my palms feel sweaty.
“Someone ought to take an interest in your writing, don’t you think?” I rewatched the episode to understand the tone, and it’s a little hoity-toity/uppity, but she actually doesn’t sound condescending. It’s good for an editor to meet the author, after all, and meet to talk about their writing/book. This has always been custom, even in the early 1900s. Authors didn’t usually get their work published by an editor they’d never met (though of course, you will find some exceptions). 
From the little we saw, Helen seems fine. The preview for the next episode tells us she’s UH, AN EDITOR DOING HER JOB, so I’m not looking forward to the editor being the bad guy, but I guess I’ll have to deal with that when it arrives. (To be clear, Elizabeth has never proved to the audience that she’s a Good Writer, let alone a Great Writer. She’s also not experienced which means her work probably NEEDS SOME WORK.)
Anyway, Elizabeth is immediately rude as HELL. Nobody can make an excuse for this. Helen isn’t THAT big of a deal. There are other publishers. Your father is filthy rich. If she changes her mind about your book you can pub to someone via your father if you have to. Like...Helen wouldn’t have taken you on if she didn’t see any potential in you. 
Even if it was a big deal, Elizabeth has NEVER been a flake. EVER. 
This is a classic case of a writer forcing the character to go out of character in order to bend to what the plot dictates. 
If I were Nathan, I’d drop Elizabeth like a brick.
How to fix this scene? I’ll honestly have to think about that for a while. This was the first hint of truly bad writing this season. The bit with Lee and “choose love” was careless writing, but this scene with Nathan is just Bad.
The thing is, I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. I know they put this in there so that it looks like she’ll choose Lucas because she never even goes out with Nathan, and then BOOM. I know it’s meant to be this big thing about how she’s scared to feel anything for Nathan because Lucas is the safer option and also a good man (so why would she fall for the more frightening option?).
But this was not the right way to do this type of scene. I hope to God in the next episode someone says something about it. Allie could tell her it was rude and it hurt Nathan’s feelings/you shouldn’t have said yes if you didn’t want to. It’d be fully in character for her. Rosemary could also say something similar. If they do, I might be able to forgive this...but if it’s not called attention to by the other characters, then it’s a massive failure as a scene to me.
Did I miss anything? Do you want my thoughts on something in particular? Shoot me a message HERE and I’ll do my best to answer! 
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dappercritter · 4 years ago
Random She-Ra Season 5 Thoughts: THE FINAL RAMBLING
Yep. I finally got all my crazy absurd thoughts about this gay adventure-romance-drama cartoon summarized into one incoherent yet fun to read computer document/article! ...four months after the show itself ended. Oh well, no one’s perfect. Anyways, there are a whole lot more insane observations than ever before, so I had to put it below a link so this thing didn’t back up my blog or any of yours. Hope you enjoy reading through these as much I enjoyed spouting them for no discernible reason other than I felt like it!
-I feel that since is the last season, I ought to talk about an important part of the show that I’ve been putting off: the animation. It’s… okay. It’s definitely smoother than what the original 80’s show and it’s brother series (heheh) looked like, but at the same time it still seems to suffer from similar limitations which causes some distracting moments of stiffness. But other than that, it’s pretty good. It’s no Titmouse or Studio Mir but it looks good and it gets the job done.
         -After all, let’s not forget: “Imperfection is beautiful!”
-Even when things are at their lowest, Adora is a jock with a heart of gold.
-Horde Prime and the Galactic Horde’s aesthetic feels like a mixture of Catholicism, Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, and modern Microsoft, and honestly, that just makes him creepier.
-Speaking of Horde Prime, he didn’t waste any time with destroying Bright Moon. …apparently.
-Furthermore, on the topic of his giant holographic messages, WAS THAT A FREAKING MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE MOVIE REFERENCE?!
-Boy, Glimmer and Catra sure got along quickly! It’s almost like they magically understand each other because they both assumed leadership roles and screwed up big time! …I guess.
         -Either that or this season is going to be a speedrun.
-Wow, the Rebellion sure got used to having a once-thought-dead king as well as a known enemy general/abuser running around their camp awful fast, didn’t they?
-Mara’s got a spaceship, a cyber girlfriend, a magic grandma, a dragon, a tragic backstory, AND a force ghost?! Dang, even in death, the girl’s got it all. No wonder everyone likes her!
-(*me looking at the TV rating at the start of episode*) “Why is language in there? Is there surprise cuss words or something in this season?” (*sees Horde Prime seize control of a clone for the first time*) “HOLY FREAKING SH—oh that’s why.”
-Applause to the crew for making the “dinner with Prime” scene for making a meal between a sparkly princess, a catgirl, and alien cult leader feel even more uncomfortable than it had a right to.
-(*me throughout the season whenever a clone was onscreen*) Is that Hordak? Is that him? Is that him? Is that him right there? Oh it is—oh no wait. … Is that h—
-Extra applause for having Glimmer learn from her grey-area wetwipe phase and refusing to sell out her friends again whilst telling the imperialist cult leader where to stick it.
-I would pay a sizeable portion of my life savings to hear what a Scorpia and Swift Wind duet would sound like.
         -In fact, I’d double it if it was just Scorpia singing.
         -Ah what the heck. I would triple it for an entire She-Ra musical!
-As happy as I am to see to see Entrapta interacting with the other princesses again, I have to say that their big reunion left me with some mixed feelings. Here’s a quick rundown:
         -Entrapta, a grown autistic woman, being led around on a leash by non-neurodivergent teenagers—again: that’s bad.
         -The Princesses confronting Entrapta about joining the Horde: that’s good!
         -The Princesses blaming all their problems with the Horde bots on Entrapta’s actions and her hyper fixations alone: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta explaining herself, admitting that she regrets her mistakes, and getting the Princesses to understand that she thinks and communicates differently, but in spite of that, she really does want help find Glimmer: that’s good!
         -Entrapta never gets to call out the Princesses for how poorly they treated her: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta saves the day and goes to space: that’s good!
         -Scorpia and Entrapta still haven’t interacted even though the former is with the Rebellion in the first place because she went to look for her because she is her best friend: …can I go home now?
-How nice! Michah finally got to shapeshift!
         -And he’s rocking that She-Ra outfit to boot!
-So is Darla a back up of Light Hope or do they just run on the same operating system and have the same voice?
-I could watch an entire season of Adora, Bow, and Entrapta going on space adventure in a rundown ship with their custom-made spacesuits, tbh.
-Is anyone else weirded out that Catra’s younger self looked at her in her flashback(?).
         -Actually what WAS happening there, anyhow?
-(*watching Bow’s spacewalk to save Glimmer*) “Is that a Gravity reference?” asked the man who never saw Gravity.
-Speaking of spacewalks, how did Glimmer survive those precious few seconds in space? Does the teleporter teleport a breathable atmosphere too?
         -Also, Catra, WHY did you think it would be a good idea to teleport Glimmer into space? I know you had a plan and the ship was right there but… Ah, never mind.
-Not that I’m complaining but Glimmer’s apology to the rest of the friend squad for her HORRIBLE plan last season went… surprisingly quickly.
-You know as cool as The Star Siblings are, being a quirky band of space-travelling siblings with cool powers and some trans rep to boot, I only have one small problem with them: weren’t there already Star Sisters on Etheria back in season 1?
         -That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about Masters of the Universe characters to dispute it.
-Entrapta confirmed pan, objectum, AND horny on main. Dang girl, you’re gonna have fun whether you got Hordak back or not…
-“The Velvet Glove” is both a menacing and stupid name for a decadent overlord’s mothership.
         -Wait, it’s from the 80’s canon? Oh. That kind of explains it, actually.
-Goshdangit, I wanted Catra to face punishment for her crimes, but I didn’t think that would involve going to evil alien conversion therapy!
         -Nor did I want her to die! For a second. Actually, since it obviously wasn’t going to last I was… weirdly okay with that part???
-Horde Prime seems awfully okay with Catradora. I mean he’s still super creepy and manipulative about it, but also oddly progressive for an evil brainwashing cult leader.
-(*Adora transforms into a She-Ra through seer will*) First of all, called it. Second of all, WOAH MAMA now that’s a glow up!
-Wrong Hordak did not have to be a thing, and yet, I’m glad that he is.
-Hordak remembers the LUVD crystal and Entrapta… Hordak remembers Entrap—! It’s happening! Oh my gosh, it’s happening! Everybody stay calm!
-Wow, Entrapta didn’t have to be so forgiving of Catra for everything she’s done to her but she did. Only I’m not sure if that was Entrapta taking the high road or the low road.
         -Or which road the crew took for that matter.
-I remember when I thought those “Chipped AUs” floating around here on tumblr were just something the fans came up with and that chipping people was not an actual despicable thing Prime does in canon. I miss those days.
-I know it’s not the same as before or the original design, but True She-Ra’s designs and powers? I think they slappin’.
-Hooray, Adora and Catra are finally making up! And it only took four and half seasons worth of communication failures, toxic villainous behaviour, and physical violence for Catra to snap out of it!
         -…We can go back to Entrapdak now, right?
-Poor Elberon. First they unknowingly adopt a double agent then get invaded by the Horde and now they’re getting brainwashed and chipped by the Galactic Horde. They might be a cute village, but they got some pretty lousy security.
-You know it’s cute that Micah is doing his best to be friends with Frosta and get back in touch with his dad-side, but look I can’t be the only one worried about how the local King is a less proactive leader than the princesses or the known war criminal/abuser, right?
-“The Perils of Peekablue” or as I like to call it, “You Thought ‘Boys Night Out’ Caught You Emotionally Off-guard? Hah! Watch This.”
-You know I didn’t think Scorpfuma would be a thing aside that one moment of flirting near the end of season 4, but they really pushed for it to be a thing! This is… actually pretty great! Perfuma’s not perfect, and I would have appreciated giving them a little more time to bond and form some real chemistry, but at least she reciprocates Scorpia’s sweetness instead of rebuffing it in increasingly aggressive fashion.
-I’m not sure what’s more concerning: that Mermista set a boat on fire, that it’s worded like she had a fling as part of some experimental phase, or that Sea Hawk is turned on by this.
-Peekablue might not be real, (I think?) but he is one dapper dude! Female-to-male redesigns could learn a thing or two from him.
-It involved them getting stung and seizuring, but that was a heck of a way to reintroduce Double Trouble! I swear I got watching them cycle through their transformations in some sort of physical reaction.
         -Or maybe that was just me worrying about their wellbeing…
-Okay, I get the Chips are huge, and actually rather clever threat, but how do these characters get chipped in the first place? I get there are chipped people who spread the chips throught the population but where do they get those from???
         -Do one of those Horde Prime drones just sneak behind someone, slap a chip on their nape then hand them a whole bagfull and say, “Beep boop beep, Horde Prime’s Light, blah blah blah. Alright have fun, kiddo”?
         -Or is it some sort of Alien: Covenant deal where they’re just floating around and Lord help you if one sticks to you?
         -Oh shoot. Guess I owe the crew twice my life savings now…
-Entrapdak might be what got me into this show, but it’s Double Trouble that kept me around, so you can imagine how happy I was to see them make their grand reappearance!
-Conversly, you can imagine my disappointment when they just disappeared until the finale.
         -And on that note: HOW DID YOU GUYS LOSE DOUBLE TROUBLE?!
                  -You forgot to cherish them, didn’t you?
-So, Scorpia sacrifices herself just after finding a new girlfriend and gaining some newfound confidence, Mermista and Sea Hawk are split up,and Double Trouble didn’t join the main cast. Why can’t you just have fun like a normal cartoon, show?
-Gosh, I love me some shifting title cards!
-Is it just me or did they sneak in some more Annihilation references on Krytis?
         (-Said the guy who was too chicken to watch the movie and just read about it and watched a few clips online.)
-(*audibly sighs*) FINE. I guess I like Catradora now. Are you happy now, SPOP Crew? ARE YOU?!
-Hooray, Catra’s got a emotional support animal! And they’re a shapeshifting magic alien cat. Those are the best kind!
-Is it weird that I knew that weird glowing stuff on Krytis was just magic all along, or was it just not hidden very well. Anyways, I like Krytis. I like that we got to see a truly alien world with its own form of magic.
-Plus, we got a logical advancement of the magic versus science subtheme with magic being Horde Prime’s weakness! Neato!
-Getting back on the “which is worse?” wagon for a second, I don’t know what feels less right: that Wrong Hordak’s big revelation and his resolution to free himself and his brothers and friends from Horde Prime’s control is played humorously, or that Real Hordak should be the one having this moment.
-That bit with Castaspella and Shadow Weaver where she tells Casta about Etheria being a living thing with inherent magical property, or whatever, while we got a peaceful shot of some boar creatures sleeping was actually kind of nice. It would have been nicer though if it wasn’t part of a power hungry abuser’s obvious scheme. If only there was a kindly old witch lady character who was in touch with nature and knew just what to say when someone was feeling downOH WAIT.
-Furthermore… Why did Shadow Weaver and Castaspella need to have romantic tension?
-Seriously though, where’s our Madame Razz quota this season? Where’s my supportive magic grandma timelord at, yo?
-Yup, they speedran this season.
-I’m actually really disappointed we didn’t see more of an intergalactic new rebellion rising up to fight Horde Prime’s forces across the universe. Especially if it meant we got to see more Star Sibling action!
-Again, I adore Wrong Hordak but I keep wondering what was keeping the crew from just bringing in Original Flavour Hordak. (You know, aside from teasing us Entrapdak fans and trying to distract us with a loveable new character in the meantime.) I mean he could have done the whole infiltrating the clone squads and tricking them bit, too.
         -Heck, he could have done the wink, too!
-I’d gleefully point out Loo-Kee’s cameo this season but apparently, they already made some several seasons ago. That’s what I get for not rewatching the 80’s show and training my eyes first.
-(*sees Erelandians*) Are those freaking Toads and Toadettes?
-So, what’s keeping them from just hitting Spinerella’s chip again? Besides emotional baggage and gale force winds, I mean.
-Perfuma coming out of a cave scared out of her wits, demanding to know who’s there, clinging to her friends as soon as they come back, and balling her eyes out is a big, BIG mood.
-Frosta absolutely decking Catra in the face was nestled somewhere between cathartic and excessive.
         -Netossa spraying her with a bottle of water on the other hand…
-Oh, so Greyskull was the name of a Rebel Squad! I think. Meh, the important thing is we got an explanation and it still sounds cool.
-Leave it to a couple of dads to make a secret message out of a dad joke.
-You know I made fun of Light Hope for being creepy, but I swear that avatar from the Spire is even creepier. I don’t know if it’s her face—those dang blank eyes, man—or just that it she’s less animated than the real thing, but it just felt… off.
-Aww, Noelle made Netossa’s princess weakness illustrations! So cute!
-Forget episodes that deserves Emmys, Keston John deserves one for voicing Hordak, Horde Prime, all the clones, and several minor villains and giving each and every single one a distinct voice! Where my king’s respect, eh?
-Yes, Catra you had a small disagreement with Hordak. …Over sending his girlfriend and your “friend” to DIE IN A LITERAL LIVING HELL.
         -Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.
-Why does Perfuma get pressured to get angry and go wild when Entrapta’s the one who’s had it the worst out of all them? Why can’t my gamer girl go berserk, dammit!?
-Okay, but really, how do these fricking chips work??? Are they parasite devices who store Horde Prime’s Baptizing Dew then slowly pump it into their host’s bodies? Do they have their own nervous systems? Are they technorganic? Also, how and why do we need to make these chips are bigger threat then they need to be?
-Horde Prime showing up on Hordak’s throne in grand Killing Joke style and casually throwing shades at his brother’s overblown attempts to impress him is pretty awesome, but it feels strangely underdeveloped. Hordak’s not there to have his hard work insulted and we never got to see Adora have any similar encounter with Hordak here before, so unless you look at it from the perspective of someone who has been here before in the Horde story like Catra it lacks the dramatic weight it should have had.
-Scorpia resisting the chip to save her new friends was pretty great, though.
-I swear, when they got to the scene where Adora and the others figured out that Shadow Weaver was grooming her so she could use her to get to the Heart of Etheria, I was mouthing “You B***H” through the whole thing.
-They really brought back Etherian deep magic just so they had something to make Micah threatening. …okay.
-Okay, the rest of “Failsafe” messed me up, so here’s a rundown on all the other messy thoughts I had while the show ripped my heart and ground it to dog food:
         -Entrapta and Hordak reuniting: Yay!
         -Swift Wind yanking her away before she can get through to him: Boo.
         -Catra encouraging Adora to try and take care of herself for a change: Yay!
         -Adora hurts Catra and she runs away: Boo.
         -Adora finally calling out Shadow Weaver on what an utterly horrible person she is: Yay!
         -Adora resolves to risk sacrificing herself to save the world: Bo—okay, seriously, was all this suffering really necessary, show?
-I know I mentioned in my previous She-Ra random thoughts that I supported Glimmadora, but I am okay with Catradora and Glimbow ending up canon. The only problem I have is how rushed they feel—moreso with Glimbow. With Catradora, the crew had an entire season to make it work again and they took it. Glimbow it feels like they were down to the last few episodes and went, “Oh right, we were gonna do something with these two!” then did their darndest to fit in some chemistry in between all the other stuff going down.
-As ominous as it was, the music where Horde Prime starts hacking Etheria honestly SLAPS.
-Okay, I know everyone is magic or something, but I am legit surprised getting electrocuted in water didn’t kill the heroes right then and there.
-Sea Hawk tries to flirt with his girl even as she’s trying to kill him. Truly, he is a man of taste.
-What do you know, Shadow Weaver can only do good when she’s (canonically!) punch drunk.
-You know a whole lot of this could have been avoided if Holo-Mara was Adora’s mentor instead of Light Hope.
-When I think about it, it was actually really clever to make Horde Prime the final villain for Adora to face: a domineering decadent man who’s been in power forever against a humble emotionally vulnerable compassionate young woman.
         -Not to mention the divide between cult-like oppression and progressive freedom. Or something.
-Holy crap, did the First Ones get a great freaking a Great Old One for a guard dog?!
-So, you guys seriously didn’t bring Angella back to reunite with her family OR mention her all season after the impact her death had on everyone all last season until Glimmer needs a power-up at the last possible minute and then you never bring her up again. That is absolutely a dick move in bird culture.
-Entrapta’s hacker sticker gives me life. Gamer girl gremlin princess forever!
-On the one hand, I’m disappointed that Adora and Catra don’t get to have an awesome couple battle against the security monster and win. On the other hand, Shadow Weaver is finally dead. YAY!
         -With apologies to the writers and especially Lorraine Toussaint. She did splendidly bringing this character to life and even if I hated Shadow Weaver, I adored the effort she put into making her one of the most emotionally complex villains I’ve ever seen.
-Words cannot, will not, and will never describe the pure joy that I experienced when I first saw Hordak’s big scene: standing up to and disowning his tyrant brother, saving Entrapta, declaring his love to her (albeit in a nicely lowkey fashion), and then throwing Horde Prime to his apparent doom Disney style with Entrapta cheering him with sheer glee. GOSH, it was everything I could have hoped for from this season!
         -Now if only they kept the deleted scene where they got a moment to themselves before Prime body-jacked him again like the creepy sonuvabich he is.
-Horde Prime just wouldn’t be a religious villain if he didn’t tell everyone to burn.
         -Bonus points for actually trying to burn the frigging planet.
-Aside from the idea of Adora switching to wearing a She-Ra themed dress everywhere in the future, the future vision was really quite sweet, and seeing Prime step in to ruin it made it all the more impactful.
-Can I just say that it’s absolutely wonderful that the show, for all it’s flaws, said  “**** senseless heroic sacrifices”?
-BREAKING: Lesbian cat finally makes up with her jock ex, has a canon kiss so pure it saves the world!
         -In other news, Catradora fans are still spoiled rotten.
-Wow, look at all those character comebacks they skipped through! Look, there’s the chefs from Dryl, Double Trouble, Huntara, the Horde Trio, Imp, Madame Razz—are you kidding me?!
-Grumbling aside, I actually find the idea of the Horde Trio and Imp getting involved in a G-rated science-fantasy version of the first Hangover movie quite amusing.
-Oh dang, they pulled a Castle in the Sky with the Velvet Glove!
-As nice as it was to see Aodra save Hordak from Horde Prime and destroy the latter through exorcism via sheer compassion, I’m rather disappointed we never got to see She-Ra go full Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengence on any creepy old cult leaders.
         -Yeah, it would have gone against the “love conquers all” set up, but love takes on many forms, does it not? So, why can it not manifest as cleaving your mortal enemies with extreme prejudice to save your loved ones?
-Furthermore, in addition to Holo-Mara being a better mentor, Hordak raising Adora instead Shadow Weaver could have prevented a lot of similar problems. Maybe. Possibly.
         -Eh whatever, he has a lifetime’s worth of fanfiction to make up for it.
-And so is Catradora and Glimbow! That’s nice, too.
-Aww, how sweet of them to skip through Catra and Scorpia, and Glimmer and Micah’s big reunions! It’s not like we’ve been waiting forever for this stuff or anything. HahahahAHAHAHDHAHAHFHAFHKSADJHFKAJHDfine.
-And so it all ends with everyone either friends, in love, or both, as heroes decide to make up for it all with a grandiose sequel promising more exciting space adventures we probably won’t see! HOORAY!
-All snarky ranting aside, I actually really enjoyed the finale. It was exciting, heartwarming, and above all it ended on happy, hopeful note without leaving too many frustrating questions unanswered. (*glares with utmost contempt at Voltron and Star vs. The Forces of Evil*)
-You know, this wasn’t bad for a final season, but I think this might have worked better as two seasons. Not in Netflix’s cheap “split a regular 13-episode season in two 6-7 episode long seasons” strategy, but I mean two full seasons with their own storylines leading up to the grand finale:
         -First, one that starts out with Horde Prime’s arrival the downfall of Etheria, focuses on the space adventures, ends with their return to Etheria and gives the characters time to recuperate from season 4.
         -Then, we have one final season that focuses on the Best Friend Squad’s Return to Etheria, Horde Prime’s plan, gives everyone more time to properly reconcile before ¾ of the entire cast gets chipped, sets up a new Rebellion made up of Princess Alliance and former Etherian Horde members, maybe even set up a proper Hordak redemption arc or something, and then our big happy ending.
-On a mostly unrelated note, I also feel that the whole show could have turned out even better if it had been either a dedicated science-fantasy war drama with some levity (like the good Star Wars shows or Avatar: The Last Airbender) or a lighthearted yet empowering slice-of-life action-adventure romcom (i.e. basically a well-made remake of the original show in the style of Adventure Time and Parks and Rec or something).
-My final random thought for this whole thing: we really could have used a triumphant end credits song or something. Aside from obviously recommending Fabulous Secret Powers, I would have also recommended the original 4 Non Blondes “What’s Going On,” a reprise of “Warriors,” Gorillaz’s “We Got the Power,” or (my favourite) Talking Head’s “(Nothing But) Flowers” since the ending scenes remind me of it.
Thanks again to the crew for giving me something to live for and/or complain about!
Now, let’s hope the He-Man reboots do as well...
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thenovelartist · 5 years ago
I would love to see the mlqc boys interacting with their sons
After seeing them with the girls, I liked this idea. :D I thought this would be short. Instead, they are a page long each XD (I got a little carried away LOL)
I headcanon birdcop has two boys (and a daughter. Seems like a good size family for Gavin.)
Oh, he’s SO worried about being a good dad to them. Remembers his own dad and how bad he was, and Gavin does NOT want his kids to suffer through that.
And the very LAST thing he ever wants his boys to do is feel like they have to protect mom like he did. Particularly from him
On occasion, he worries about being away too often on undercover missions. He tries to avoid those whenever possible and stops volunteering to man them so he can be home more often.
For all his striving to be a good dad, Gavin ends up with two little boys in cop costumes following him around like ducklings.
He loves it.
Has allowed his boys to playfully arrest him. (And heck yeah he’s let them arrest Minor all the time for nearly anything.) But always makes them give reasons for why they arrest people in his attempt to instill a sense of justice into them. (It works)
Does the typical dad stuff with them.
Sports? Check.
Handyman work? Check. (MC nearly died of cuteness when she saw Gavin with his boys laying on either side of him while holding flashlights as Gavin taught them how to fix the leaky sink.)
That extended to cars, too. The boys each had to fix up their own car when they turned sixteen.
Teaching them how to handle guns? Check.
And in the end, those two mini Gavins remained two mini Gavins with a deeply ingrained sense of hard work, justice, and respect for their dad.
Honestly, that’s all Gavin could ask for.
However, is he wildly proud when one becomes a private detective and the other a criminal justice lawyer? Heck yes.
For Kiro, having his first kid was like flipping a switch that had him slow down a bit.
Mega-super-on-the-go celebrity now took a back seat to the title of “dad”.
For all Kiro’s kids, he has sat them on his lap and let them put their hands on top his as he played piano.
His son really took after it, though.
Though he’s a little on the shier, quieter side, he takes after his dad quite a bit. Loves piano and violin from a very young age, and when he gets older, takes interest in lyrics.
Which means Kiro now has a new co-writer to his songs and someone willing to play duets with him.
Also a snack fiend, which means an accomplice in sneaking snacks behind Savin’s (and MC’s) back.
Once, they tried to make cookies in the middle of the night by flashlight so as not to wake the others in the house up.
Failed. And covered the kitchen in a fine layer of flour while they were at it.
MC found it too funny to be mad. (But made them clean the kitchen before they could go back to bed)
Lastly, also dad’s work out buddy. Started when Kiro’s son was young and giddily barked orders at his dad when doing push-ups while laying over Kiro’s back.
When Kiro’s son is big enough, the tides turn.
“Dad, you’re squishing me.”
Eventually, his boy makes his break in the music industry, which Kiro is extremely proud of him for. (Heck, he’s proud at all his kids’ accomplishments. He’s that dad who brags on his kids every chance he can.)
Didn’t have interest in the spotlight per se, but writes songs for a lot of artists, movies, and tv shows.
And then rose to instant fame when Kiro secretly filmed his son playing all those songs acoustic and posted it on social media.
Couldn’t be too mad at his dad, though. They’re too close.
I headcanon Victor having one kid (I could see him with either a boy or girl.)
Because Victor’s son is an only child, he can devote his time and attention directly to him.
Victor is a proud papa, of course, but also authoritative.
Does expect good manners and behavior from his son but still understands he’s a child and tries not to be too strict.
Likes to encourage his son’s interests and will hire tutors for those things he’s truly curious about.
But when his son is interested in the kitchen?
No tutor necessary; Victor is all over that.
Cook together often and go all out cooking and baking on free weekends. (MC is a more than willing taste tester.)
Also, Victor is more than willing to play games when they have time.
His son picked up chess rather quickly. And Victor becomes the very proud dad of a strategist.
Victor is able to provide the best schooling for his son, and gladly does so. Also, helps out with homework if necessary.
Has every single event his son is participating in marked on his calendar. He wants to be there for his son whenever possible.
His son soon takes a spot in the company, and Victor is actually very relieved to have the business stay in the family.
But he also knows it’s a hopeless case whenever MC is filming anything to do with food because his son insists on being there to “make sure the investment of LFG is being managed properly.”
The only time he did not let this lie slide was when his son ended up being a participant in a cooking competition show MC filmed.
Victor was not happy he wasn’t there to watch in person while his son completely smoked the professional chefs he was competing against.
I actually headcanon Lucien having two girls, so I had to think for this one
He wants to do everything to keep his work and private life separate.
That means, his kids stay out of any spotlight on him, they never ever find out he once worked for a shady group, and no work or answering calls when he’s at home.
After all, he lost his parents young, and since logically no one knows when their time is up, he wants to devote as much quality time into raising his children as he can.
He is a dad who is always there to help with homework or do fun experiments with his kids just to see the wonder on their faces.
Particularly happy when his son started taking interest in everything.
“Dad, what would happen if (insert thing he’s curious about here)?”
If it was something Lucien could show his son, he’d happily make an experiment out of it. If not, then it was Lucien doing his best to explain to his son with pictures or objects the answer to his son’s question.
And when his son got older, Lucien taught the boy how to research. “I don’t know; let’s look it up, shall we?”
Does everything in his power to feed his son’s infinite curiosity and encourage it to grow.
Which turns from explorations in the kitchen or (after an incident with the fire alarm and sprinkler system that not even Lucien could sweet talk his way out after MC got mad) at the park outside when his son was young into people watching trips at a café with notebooks to record their observations and trips to the library to do heavy research as his son grew older.
Lucien’s son’s first job is as his father’s research assistant. Which only feeds his son’s curiosity of science in general.
His son 100% has skipped a grade or two and graduated early.
These two then go on challenging each other’s hypothesizes and experiments, which only challenges each of them to dig deeper into whatever they’re studying.
Lucien honestly loves it all. It’s fun to challenge his son then prove him wrong, but he finds it even more fascinating to be proven wrong by his son.
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tibby · 4 years ago
sorry to Drag This Out. it’s the reylo askie back again. i’m not disagreeing with your personal experience & ive definitely encountered racist reylos but i have to say we’ve had very different experiences in the star wars fandom! my experience has been basically the opposite, where the most toxic and shitty people were the ones who hated reylo. i also saw another ask talking about how john was harassed, which was i guess the “lay the pipe” drama? i did find it tasteless and everyone’s reaction all around was poor (antis who rubbed it in reylos faces / reylos who were disgusting about it), but in all honesty every star wars cast member has been mercilessly bullied because all around star wars fans have no boundaries. i’m still infuriated kelly marie tran was harassed off of social media.
i love john with all my heart and i can’t believe he went through what he did with this reboot, i honestly wish his character had more a front and center storyline because going into it i thought he was the main character. that’s a completely different point though. i’m not trying to convince you to *like* reylo, everyone has their preferences, i guess i’m just consistently baffled that people have this vitriolic hate of it, and the fandom, without remembering that all fandoms are diverse and have different factions of it, some of whom are undeniably Worse. anyways, let’s talk about something with more cinematic and storyline appeal: riverdale bughead taylor swift jukebox musical but with folkmore being the albums?
my experience with star wars fans certainly wasn’t the Only experience, nor do i think “every reylo is evil and everyone else is good” because that is simply not true, but i guess i just saw enough bullshit to completely put me off a couple i already wasn’t a fan of.
i think the “lay the pipe” drama was the breaking point, but there was definitely racism that i witnessed towards john and finn from pretty much the very start of the sequel trilogy. not all of it came from reylos, but there were a lot of people mad that a black man might be rey’s love interest instead kylo. john wouldn’t dislike reylo to the extent he does for no reason, and he’s absolutely justified in being upset due to the way he was treated and the fact finn was basically sidelined to prop up kylo.
and dw! thank you for being so civil and polite, i’m openly a fan of ~toxic~ relationships between women (i mean, lmao, that’s basically what rg/wf is) so i guess i understand the confusion when it comes to my dislike of het ships that might share similarities.
ANYWAY. i’ve said before when discussing tsnswift that i don’t think folkmore are albums that can easily be translated to a jukebox musical, but the following songs could work:
the 1: fp and alice duet
the last great american dynasty: riverdale girls group number
exile: fp and fred duet
mirrorball: betty solo
august: veronica solo
illicit affairs: betty and archie number about their cheating, with background vocals from veronica and jughead
mad woman: you might think i’d say betty or cheryl but actually i think jughead should sing it
betty: veronica/archie/jughead all sing this about the blonde serial killer they have the hots for
champagne problems: i mean....what a shame betty’s fucked in the head
no body, no crime: honestly just about every character could sing this, but i’d like it to be a stonewall preppies number
dorothea: archie and josie
long story short: another fp and alice duet, but this time jughead and archie also sing it about each other
closure: jughead when betty tries to fix things post jarcheating but he’s too busy preparing to be gay with archie in new york
right where you left me: another veronica solo post the barcheating fallout but pre her becoming the big bad and taking over hiram’s various criminal activities 
it’s time to go: betty leaving riverdale
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moviediary · 4 years ago
Grease 2
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So, this movie kind of slaps in the worst way ever. You have to watch it with the knowledge that it’s terrible, it makes it a lot better. The songs are pretty underrated, a lot of them are low key bops and I would probably listen to them without watching the movie. It’s a product of its time so of course it’s aggressively heteronormative even though the main guys are very queer coded just like most 80s movies. The main girl is a fine singer, but her character is kind of boring and really just an ass most of the time. She also has no business being in a movie about the 50s (or maybe the 60s it’s not very clear) she is so obviously a quintessential 80s chick from her hair to her leather pants, she’s basically Sandy’s makeover as a person. In my opinion the main love interest could have done a lot better. He spends the whole movie doing the reverse of the first movie, going from geek to biker??? Yeah, they all ride motorcycles now, but they’re still called T-Birds which really doesn’t make sense but nothing in this movie really does. Oh! And Frenchy is in it, she came back to high school to complete her chemistry credits?? The whole movie is a mess but honestly, I enjoy watching it. I’ll watch it again, I already have.
Basically it’s the first movie but gender swapped and with a talent show and biker gangs.
The T-Birds really make this movie, they’re the most interesting characters in it. Their leader Johnny is funny and likeable despite being a dick, he has very obvious vulnerability and growth during the film which makes the audience not hate him. His goons are hilarious, they have some of the best lines in the movie and I actually laughed out loud at some of the shit they said. I could do without the gratuitous sexualization of high schoolers but what can you do. I don’t really understand why they have beef with this 20-person biker gang of full-grown adults that apparently have nothing better to do than antagonize 4 teenagers but hey I get it they need a common enemy. I also get that they were going for anger and jealousy when Johnny looked at Michael every time he was being his sexy mysterious biker persona but maybe they should have told him that because that definitely isn’t what’s coming across in his face. He has the biggest man crush I have ever seen I swear.
Michael, who is apparently Sandy’s cousin even though he’s British and she was Australian, really drives the story; everything happens because he wants to date Stephanie even though the only real conversations, they’ve had are just him being nice and her being a dick the whole time but I guess she’s pretty? So he becomes a biker to be what she wants because she wouldn’t date a hot smart guy with a British accent, no way he’s a loser. I guess. So instead he spends the whole movie trying to live up to her standards which is more than a little infuriating but lets be honest the plot isn’t really why you watch this movie. It really only starts happening in the 3rd act anyway, most of it is taken up by talent show hijinks and motorcycle themed music numbers. And a surprising amount of bowling. I wasn’t expecting the coolest kids in school to have their own bowling league but that bold choice did lead to a very confusing but fun musical number in which we see that Johnny sings high sometimes because he’s basically Danny in even tighter pants (somehow) and Paulette (a pink lady played by Judy Garland’s daughter) has an amazing voice that doesn’t get used enough in the songs.
There’s a lot of odd running gags in the movie that really don’t need to be there. Rhonda’s obsession with her “huge nose” even though it’s really not that big. The random teacher that had a nervous breakdown and keeps almost dying. The teacher whose whole gimmick is that she’s hot and maybe sleeping with her students? But definitely sleeping with the substitute teacher. The fact that Johnny’s right-hand man’s name is Goose? A reference to a movie that hadn’t even come out when this movie take place? I think anyway, like I said it’s really hard to pinpoint when this movie is supposed to take place. Also the T-Birds are on the football team I think? Or they’re running drills during PE which also doesn’t make sense with their characters. I don’t know man the whole movie is so strange they say stuff and then never bring it up again.
The ending is where I think the movie really lets you down. After a very weird talent show scene Where Steph has a very boring song and is all sad because she thinks Michael is dead, they have a party. And the party is a Luau and it’s quite possible one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen its so embarrassing. They have a long song about how they’re having a Luau and then they have a bunch of shirtless guys carry Steph and Johnny into a pool on a big throne/raft thing? And then the biker gang bursts in because they have nothing better to do and everyone’s screaming and throwing things it’s very chaotic. The continuity errors in this scene are absolutely outrageous. Then Michael shows up out of nowhere and Johnny literally quivers when he sees him (yeah he’s straight) and he singlehandedly kicks out all those hardened criminals. Then there’s a very long and awkward moment where they initiate Michael into the T-Birds even though school is basically over at this point and then Steph and Michael make out. One of my most hated scene tropes in movies, the very intimate confession and make out in the middle of a crowd. And then finally we have the last song of the movie in which Steph and Michael start off with a duet and their voices sound terrible together (it’s a sign and I refuse to believe otherwise) and then everyone else joins in and they try way too hard to tie up all the character’s storylines even though as the audience you weren’t really all that invested in greaser number three and pink lady number three’s sex life and most of these things didn’t really need to be sung out loud they were pretty minor parts of the movie. And oh, okay, everyone now ends up in a relationship even Paulette’s younger sister who I thought was in like, middle school but now I guess she’s dating the dumb guy from the T-Birds but they’re all seniors?? Okay…yeah, the ending fucking sucks it’s the worst part. The song is long and boring, and the choreography is bad but then they recap a bunch of the better songs during the credits and it’s all fine again!
Overall, the movie isn’t nearly as bad as I’ve heard other people say, I’ve seen much worse. And the thing is, the bad parts are kinda what makes it great in the first place. It’s kind of like when they made mean girls 2. It’s not really a sequel because non of the actually important characters are in it (except for Frenchy but she’s only there for like 10 minutes tops). It’s a cash grab but not the worst one. The songs are fun, and the characters are pretty fucking funny if you ignore how weird it is that they’re all like 30. I’d say watch it if it’s free to stream, don’t rent it. I probably get more out of it than a normal sane person because I read into character’s and their emotional connections way too much I basically am rewriting it in my head. I doubt anyone would be interested but I definitely broke down all the characters and their motivations and tried to figure out their actions, also known as me trying to create queer characters off of very unstable reasoning. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, the people in this movie are pretty hot and most of the songs kinda slap so even if the plot is questionable other things make up for it.
As of now this movie is available for streaming on Amazon prime.
Final Verdict:
On my scale 7/10
Actual good movie scale 4/10
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
How Psych Evolved Through the Character of Carlton Lassiter
Early on in the Psych pilot, Shawn Spencer’s (James Roday Rodriguez) ludicrous plot to impersonate a psychic in order to solve crime suddenly takes on grave stakes: Chief Vick (Kirsten Nelson) informs him that if he’s lying, he’ll be prosecuted for hindering a police investigation. Just like that, he’s locked into his lie, and has no choice but to let it snowball—into a private eye business with his best friend Burton Guster (Dulé Hill), but also into a lucrative consultancy gig for the Santa Barbara Police Department that, psychic antics be damned, legitimately saves lives.
But while it’s the Chief who put the fear of God into Shawn, the true threat to his secret was always one Carlton Jebediah Lassiter (Timothy Omundson). In the early seasons, Lassiter was the perfect foil: a by-the-book detective obsessed with proper procedure and with hypermasculinity, who had patience for neither Gus’ high-pitched squeals nor Shawn’s supernatural “hunches.” The fake psychic’s obnoxious theatrics were nothing without an exasperated reaction from Carlton… especially as those hunches kept paying off and making this old dog all the more self-conscious about his own inability to learn new tricks.
Even moreso than their eventual tango duet in Psych: The Musical, Shawn and Lassie’s song has always been the Psych theme:
I know, you know, that I’m not telling the truth
I know, you know, they just don’t have any proof
Embrace the deception, learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end
Yet even as Lassiter delighted in watching Shawn get shown up by other fake psychics and even threatened to be the one to someday catch him in the act, over the course of the series this seeming antagonist shifted into a comic relief role and eventually a truly sympathetic figure. As Carlton became Lassie, so too did Psych grow beyond its cheeky premise, from a potentially one-note episodic show to a serialized dramedy about a found family solving crimes in all manner of unconventional ways—a connection that was cemented in Psych: The Movie and now in Psych 2: Lassie Come Home.
It started with Shawn noticing that Lassie needed help, even if he would never say so outright—when he encountered the detective, drunk and loose-lipped and off his game, in “From the Earth to Starbucks.” Not only was he confounded by Shawn’s skills, Lassiter confessed, but it made him feel worse about the fact that he couldn’t solve what he believed was the murder of a local astronomer who seemingly died of natural causes. Shawn, Gus, and Juliet (Maggie Lawson) spent the rest of that episode surreptitiously helping Lassiter solve what was indeed a murder, all while throwing him clues without him realizing. There was a noticeable absence of Shawn’s psychic shtick in that season 1 episode, since the point was to give Lassiter all the credit, which meant making it look like Lassiter’s way of working. Shawn didn’t have to perform, aside from moments of conspiring with Jules, because it was very much a case of What Would Lassie Do?
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Psych 2: Lassie Come Home Easter Egg and Reference Guide
By Natalie Zutter
Psych 2: Lassie Come Home Review
By Natalie Zutter
By the time “Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing” in season 3 and was the prime suspect in a criminal’s death, he knew he had no choice but to bring Psych in where the SBPD wouldn’t investigate. And in the case of “Last Night Gus” in season 6—well, it was in everyone’s best interests to solve the mystery of that Hangover-esque night. Over the years, viewers discovered along with Shawn, Gus, and Jules various Lassie quirks: He works out his daddy issues by dressing up as his Civil War ancestor and an archetypal cowboy. He enjoys tap dancing with Gus because it helps him sort through his thoughts. He falls in love with Marlowe (Kristy Swanson) despite her criminal record. He shares more and more of himself with these colleagues who become friends and then family. In turn, he comes to, if not actually believe in, then at least accept the idiosyncrasies of Psych—because like it or not, it makes his professional and personal lives better. At the same time, Shawn’s lie quietly explodes his relationship with Juliet, as it makes her doubt that he was telling her the truth about anything. Even after they reconcile, the ramifications of almost losing her cause Shawn to pull back from automatically playing the psychic card.
And then Lassiter winds up shot and recovering in a hospital bed, helpless in the most Hitchcockian fashion at the start of Psych 2, and there’s no question about who he’ll call.
Clearly creator Steve Franks and the other writers made the decision that if they were to have Lassiter as a presence in Psych’s present, they had no choice but to draw from Omundson’s personal experience recovering from a debilitating stroke. Yet it’s eerie how well this dramatic arc fits Lassiter’s character—Lassie, who may have become a big teddy bear by the end of the series, but who is still obsessed with (heterosexual, able-bodied) notions of supposed manliness. Carlton “Danger” Lassiter, who once said he would go out “in a hailstorm of bullets” if it meant catching a criminal. Now he has to face the knowledge that he may never walk again.
Interestingly, Juliet is not the one whose help Lassiter specifically requests, despite their history as partners. In fact, it’s likely their shared experience that makes him reluctant to put her in that position; if there’s someone that Carlton would be afraid to be exposed in front of, it’s his former mentee. How can he reconcile asking the one-time junior detective whom he showed the ropes to adapt to a situation where he’s still getting his bearings? To wit, he puts her off with a to-do list of errands—a throwback to their early days together, when he frequently invited her to “shut it” or otherwise stay in her lane.
Thankfully, one of the many lessons Juliet took from their time together in the field was to not obey orders when she knows she’s on to something. And so she returns to the scene of the crime where Lassiter was shot, follows up on ballistics, and locates the missing puzzle piece of the second bullet. Shawn and Gus get the ghosts, but Jules gets the shooter. Between being confined to his hospital room, and in the face of Jules’ own stubborn tenacity, Lassiter couldn’t have stopped her if he tried. In many ways, accepting help not asked for demands even more vulnerability from him.
What’s most fascinating about Shawn and Gus’ investigation in Lassie Come Home is that not for a moment do they bullshit Lassiter. This isn’t a case for Psych, it’s an act of love from two close friends—absolutely no psychic spectacle necessary. Now, one could argue that Shawn wouldn’t have even thought to make up a vision because, as far as he knows, Lassiter watched his goodbye video (in the series finale) all the way to the end, where he confessed the truth behind how he manages to solve so many crimes.
Instead, right before Shawn could give Lassiter the answer he’d dreamed of hearing for eight seasons, the detective popped out the DVD and broke it in half. At the time, this moment in the Psych canon, arguably more than his relationship with Marlowe or his identity as a father, was when Lassiter experienced his greatest character growth: He would rather pause time, to focus on all the good that Shawn had accomplished through his lie, than be right.
But time can’t stay paused forever; and if Lassiter is being clear-eyed about how Shawn solves his baffling hospital sightings in Lassie Come Home, then he also has no illusions about his inability to solve his own mystery alone. He can contribute his observations—credible and not—and draw his own conclusions, but he has to trust Shawn, Gus, and Juliet to be his eyes, ears, and legs outside of the prison of his room. He also has to accept that he’s not always present in the crime-solving; there’s a recurring theme in which Lassiter, drifting on his meds, opens his eyes to Shawn and Gus, or Juliet, waiting expectantly for him to wake up and catch up. In one scene where Shawn goes to ask his advice about fatherhood, Lassie is completely asleep, an incredible display of vulnerability from both Lassiter and Omundson.
Yet as we learn in his final showdown with the murderous nurse Dolores (Sarah Chalke), just because Lassiter closes his eyes doesn’t mean he’s out for the count. The way he outwits her is Lassiter to a tee: Even while slipping away from the fatal morphine drip, he has enough wherewithal to grab one of three (three!) guns he had stashed in his hospital room—just like in “Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing.”
But this time, instead of being all cool and flipping the bullet into his hand, this Lassiter is babbling to the morphine-induced hallucination of his dead father (Joel McHale) about how much it hurt to lose him, about how he’s afraid he’ll leave his daughter to grow up without a father just like he did.
The moment is played for laughs, with Dolores’ face screwing up into incredulity—this guy has a gun pulled on her, and he’s still mumbling closure to his ghost dad? But for fans, it’s tantamount to the DVD moment: Lassiter has finally found the way to be unguarded, to embrace the ridiculousness of the present moment without self-consciousness, without losing sight of the perp. Even though he has the upper hand, he’s still scared about what he’s going to do when he gets out of this room. He can put away a killer, but he can’t predict his own future beyond the hospital.
Which makes his reunion with Marlowe—witnessed only by Jules and Henry (Corbin Bernsen)—all the more moving. Another character in another narrative wouldn’t have cared if he returned to his wife in a wheelchair, wouldn’t have agonized over mustering enough strength to stand face-to-face with her. But it’s Lassiter, with specific ideas about what it means to be a man, and for him that means looking Marlowe in the eye so they can press their hands together—this time not glass between them, nor either of their pasts, but this new challenge—in solidarity.
Lassiter’s not perfect: He has a lot of toxic masculinity left to unlearn, and he owns an appalling number of guns. He’s still more conservative than not. Because he’s a cop who becomes more sympathetic, his narrative contributes to the larger cultural trend of “copaganda” on television. It’s the same problematic issue that faces the characters on Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Even if he’s lovable, and especially because of this fact, his identity as a police officer complicates the conversation around his character growth.
But within the world of Psych, he’s a character with a worthwhile arc. Like Lassiter, the series started out following a strict formula, and only after it had relaxed into something stronger than its premise—its talented ensemble, ‘80s riffs, and library of delightful in-jokes and callbacks—could it grow beyond its initial form.
Speaking of in-jokes… For the 100-plus teases, hints, and outright cameos the series gave us of its signature symbol, we all failed to spot Psych’s most important pineapple appearance. Lassiter is the pineapple! Prickly on the outside, sweet (but still tart) on the inside. Often difficult to spot, but so rewarding to find. Case closed.
The post How Psych Evolved Through the Character of Carlton Lassiter appeared first on Den of Geek.
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angelhummel · 5 years ago
rank the seasons based on music? i’m curious :)
Oh that’s so hard because obviously there’s a mixed bag each season. But I’ll try my best. And this is mostly of the top of my head with minimum researching of what they actually performed lol. Let’s get into it...
6) Season Four - Automatically last. 90% of the songs were just whatever was popular and it was boring. Good moments for me were the two songs from Company and basically any number Isabelle was involved in. But Grease was like the most boring and basic and crowd pleasing show they could’ve picked, and all the other songs were just like top 40 and had nothing to say. Yawn
5) Season Six - Obviously s6 was a waste of time in general, but let’s look at the music. Too many gd Rachel solos and duets. The Sue/Schue duets were awful. We get back to Mr. Schue rapping. No thanks. And there’s like. There’s incorporating the songs into the story so that it works with the plot or gives you insight to a character’s feelings etc. And then there’s just. An event is happening. We need to sing some songs. And those are mostly competition episodes. But in this 13 episode season we get a competition, TWO episodes focusing on nothing but an invitationals event that hasn’t been a thing since s1. A bar mitzvah, a party, and a wedding. And the songs are just nothing. They’re boring. They’re basic. Heya? All About That Bass? Uptown Funk?? I barf. It was ridiculous. And I do hate it because the newbies all sounded great and I’m sorry they were wasted in this horrible season. I do like Cool Kids, Chandelier, Take Me To Church. As well as any Klaine duet, the Brittana mash up, I Lived, Home. But the season was garbage and the music does a good job of reflecting that
4) Season Five - I do hate to put this so low but oh well. So what I don’t like: The Beatles are overhyped and they did not need to waste two episodes on them. Billy Joel is nothing to me and I don’t care about a whole episode tribute to him. This Christmas ep has the worst soundtrack, imo. City of Angels has the worst competition music. And redoing all their old songs was a waste of time. Not to mention we get Blurred Lines and The Fox so. That’s that on that. A few good things: Another Gaga ep, even if it’s mixed with Katy this time. I’ll take what I can get. Just the Way You Are. Brave. Anything Elliott or Kurt’s band was part of. Anything Funny Girl or Sondheim. Yep.
3) Season One - Yet again, hate putting this so low. But Mr. Schue’s many instances of rapping is enough to knock it down a few pegs. There’s just too much from characters I don’t like. Too much Finn, too much Rachel, too much Schue. Too much Journey. Also, Funk?? Case closed. Good things: Any Mercedes or Kurt solo. Any time Santana got to open her mouth. True Colors, Like A Prayer, Dancing With Myself
2) Season Two - Let’s not pretend this season isn’t iconic. Coming in hot straight out the gate, we get a whole Britney ep, Rocky Horror, River Deep Mountain High, and The Warblers. Amazing. But this season does have some of my absolute least favorite musical moments of the show. Billionaire, Hey Soul Sister, The Only Exception, Need You Now, Friday, a fucking Justin Beiber episode. Please. On the flipside, it also has some of the most iconic moments in the show. Landslide, Teenage Dream, Tik Tok, I Feel Pretty/Unpretty, Born This Way, Back To Black AND Valerie. Credit where credit is due. Oh, and all the original songs. Those are great 
1) Season Three - I don’t know if this comes as a surprise to anyone reading this bc I constantly bitch about how much I hate season three. Because I do hate it. A lot. But wow if this isn’t the most iconic season musically. They cover Michael, they cover Whitney, we even get a fucking disco episode even tho they could’ve found better less white disco music but oh well. We get fucking Unique gracing our eardrums this season. We get Harmony. We get the goddamn TROUBLETONES. Need I go on?? I will anyway. Iconic songs of the season: Candyman, Rumor Has It/Someone Like You, Perfect, Jolene, We Found Love, Smooth Criminal, Love Shack, Cough Syrup, Shake It Out, Paradise. Holy shit the list goes on. Best Christmas episode soundtrack. Best competition set list with the Jackson family tribute I will go to my grave defending their victory over the Troubletones sorry not sorry. And yeah yeah usual gripes about too many Rachel solos you already know it. But there’s nothing like downright bad or offensive this season. Well, except for Mr. Schue as usual, but thankfully it was actually framed as offensive by the show. Plus I think this has the most variety of any other season. We get the popular songs, we get the Broadway, but we also get some disco, some rock, some country. It’s just a good mix and there’s something for everyone 
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Hated the sound of eight pairs of feet in the house until she discovered that silence was a greater demon. Impeccable necklaces, creaseless blouses, the smell of deep vanilla perfume. She may be an utter mess but she certainly isn’t going to look like it.
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go on, replace me, when you’re craving something sweeter than the words i left in your mouth, go on and spit me out
NAME — margaret elise amano
NICKNAMES — maggie, mags
PRONOUNS — she/her.
AGE & DOB — 20 & september 17th, 1998.
PLACE OF BIRTH — portland, oregon.
MAJOR — forensic science.
EDUCATION — astor academy.
ACTIVITIES — dance (ballet, contemporary, jazz), arsonists.
* background overview !
Her parents didn’t know they were raising a tightly wound spring. After all, it was hard to find time to dote on each child when you were overwhelmed by all of them. Maggie landed perfectly in the middle of all her siblings, her parents having large hearts and wanting to share their love. They did that well, they raised all their kids to be kind, tender hearted, and open to others. She was everything someone could hope for their daughter to be: cute, caring, girly, rather quiet, but best of all, showing a love for dance. From a young age, she discovered she thrives in the praise given to her by anyone, the sweet words fueling her self esteem. The bubbly little girl loved the compliments, accepting them with a soft smile and polite ‘thank you’. Maggie was the type to actually study for her spelling tests, not wanting to be anything less than perfect in an attempt to make herself stand out from her family. Her parents would check on her at night, when she should have been sleeping only to find her awake and practicing what she had learned at rehearsals in front of her mirror.  
As she got older, her drive for that same attention, that praise and recognition, only grew as she expanded her talents. In high school, she made the infamously competitive dance team and aimed for captain as soon as it was within her reach. Her involvement grew beyond that into honor society, student council, and volunteering at the dance studio in town to teach younger kids. Her grades were never subpar, she knew that if she wanted the compliments and gratitude she needed more than she needed air she had to earn it. There were times where her parents or siblings would find her crying over statistics homework or an upcoming chemistry exam, taking a moment to reassure her that her best would be enough. It was something about the way those words made her feel, that convinced her she never wanted to settle for anything less than perfect. She needed the high perfection brought her.
Something she strived to be was the perfect well rounded student. Maggie wasn’t immune to the lure of house parties or late night pancake runs with friends, those moments were her escape, a break where she didn’t have to work to define herself and solidify her name. Her friends were a bit of a saving grace, grounding her for a moment. She was able to make mistakes and not be the perfect ballerina image she desperately clung to. The moments she spent with them felt scheduled still, ‘you take take this break now maggie’, ‘you can go drinking with them tonight but not tomorrow’, or ‘going out to the beach for funnel cake won't ruin all the work you put in as long as you make up for it later’. 
Her parents convinced her to pick a major that would serve as a ‘backup’ to her dance career, they said it was a failsafe, a protective measure. Maggie hated the thought of needing anything else, but did it to please them, finding something that seemed vaguely interesting to her. 
At the end of her sophomore year of college, there was a final showcase where she was able to perform the duet she and her partner had been furiously perfecting that entire year. It was a slip, human error that ended with a loud pop and a snapped achilles. The injury was bad, yet not career ending. For Maggie, however, it was those several months of tedious recovery that drove her down into a spiral. When the doctor had told her about her injury and recovery time, the spring that held her together snapped. 
since then, she’s has surgery and has been in physical therapy to rebuild the strength she lost. despite her efforts to get back to where she had been, it’s the furthest from being the same thing. there’s no joy that comes from the physical therapist telling her ‘good job’. she’s turned to her friends in the last several months more often than she had before, clinging to the person they knew her to be, the friend, the dancer she was in their eyes. 
* about/personality !
she’s like,,,the person that isn’t afraid to knock you down a few pegs but will do so with the sweetest smile on her face to really seal the deal
she’s actually really sweet, very genuinely nice if you haven’t wronged her or anyone she cares about.
is a little tightly wound like half the time and pretty heavily relies on her friends to keep her sane
can kinda be a little intense, will stop at nothing to be perfect in anything she sets her mind to do
she’s probably a little hesitant to start new things because of that too? like, she doesn’t ever want to be BAD at things so she just avoids it
maggie will refuse to let anyone see her have moments of weakness, it’s not you, it’s her
she’s just a little obsessed w dance. and a little broken now that she can’t.
maggie is the type to have brought her friends into the dance studio to teach them the choreography from high school musical, i don’t make the rules
she’s really does enjoy forensics, but that’s probably because criminal minds was something she used to watch religiously in high school 
maggie secretly enjoys seeming like the girl who’s only in ballet because it’s a “girly” sport, because it makes her seem that much better once she shows her full potential 
she’s the type of observant that knows exactly what to get someone for their birthday without looking like they tried way too hard
after the injury, she felt like the spring that held her together snapped and knocked everything inside loose. so now she’s quietly trying to put all her pieces back together but not exactly having an easy time with it. 
* aesthetics !
candle lights, the breathlessness felt when seeing big city skylines, bare feet in the morning, tart strawberries dipped in sugar, iced coffee in mason jars, long swooping cursive, empty water bottles, setting a new pen against fresh paper, missed calls at 2am, standing under an umbrella in the middle of a thunderstorm, neat braids, leotards and pointe shoes, soft pillows, golden hour.
* wanted plots !
i’m the worst at coming up with things but,,,,, here’s a few
general friends: we can expand and make each Unique
best friends: someone that’s been by her side since going to astor, someone she’d literally trust with her whole life
ride or dies: honestly what it says, maybe like two or three of them that have been through the thick and thin of it but still have a really strong friendship in the end?
confidant: honestly, probably someone she’s close with, but doesn’t see on a regular basis? it helps if they’re not someone she’d see all the time, that way she’s not constantly staring her admission of weakness in the face
bad influence: someone who can teach her to let go and get out more, care less about dance or her parents?
exes ( good, bad, anything in between ): you know the drill, hit me with the good angst. (male, female, nb)
roommate ( someone after the idealist maybe? ): she’s not as bad of a roommate as you’d think. she has eight siblings, she knows how to share.
hook ups: you also know this drill, sometimes you gotta blow off steam. (male, female, nb)
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wankybookquotes · 5 years ago
 08/15/0930h. Sun erumpent, mid-90s, puddles and mud trying to evaporate into air that’s already waterlogged. Every smell just hangs there. The general sensation is that of being in the middle of an armpit. I’m once again at the capacious McDonald’s tent, at the edge, the titanic inflatable clown presiding. (Why is there no WalMart tent?) There’s a fair-sized crowd in the basketball bleachers at one side and rows of folding chairs at the other. It’s the Illinois State Jr. Baton-Twirling Finals. A metal loudspeaker begins to emit disco, and little girls pour into the tent from all directions, twirling and gamboling in vivid costume. There’s a symphony of zippers from the seats and stands as video cameras come out by the score, and I can tell it’s pretty much just me and a thousand parents.
The baroque classes and divisions, both team and solo, go from age three (!) to sixteen, with epithetic signifiers – e.g. the four-year-olds compose the Sugar ‘N’ Spice division, and so on. I’m in a chair right up front (but in the sun) behind the competition’s judges, introduced as “Varsity Twirlers from the (why?) University of Kansas.” They are four frosted blondes who smile a lot and blow huge grape bubbles.
The twirler squads are all from different towns. Mount Vernon and Kankakee seem especially rich in twirlers. The twirlers’ spandex costumes, differently coloured for each team, are paint-tight and really brief in the legs. The coaches are grim, tan, lithe-looking women, clearly twirlers once, on the far side of their glory now and very serious-looking, each with a clipboard and whistle. It’s all a little like figure skating. The teams go into choreographed routines, each routine with a title and a designated disco or show tune, full of compulsory baton-twirling maneuvers with highly technical names. A mom next to me is tracking scores on what looks almost like an astrology chart, and is in no mood to explain anything to a novice baton-watcher. The routines are wildly complex, and the loudspeaker’s play-by-play is mostly in code. All I can determine for sure is that I’ve bumbled into what has to be the single most spectator-hazardous event at the Fair. Missed batons go all over, whistling wickedly. The three-, four-, and five-year-olds aren’t that dangerous, though they do spend most of their time picking up dropped batons and trying to hustle back into place – the parents of especially fumble-prone twirlers howl in fury from the stands while the coaches chew gum grimly – but the littler girls don’t have the arm-strength to really endanger anybody, although one of the judges does take a Sugar ‘N’ Spice’s baton across the bridge of the nose and has to be helped from the tent.
But when the seven-and eight-year-olds hit the floor for a series of “Armed Service Medleys” (spandex with epaulets and officer’s caps and batons over shoulders like M-16s), errant batons start pinwheeling into the tent’s ceiling, sides, and crowd with real force. I myself duck several times. A man just down the row takes one in the plexus and falls over in his metal chair with a horrid crash. The batons (one stray I picked up had REGULATION LENGTH embossed down the shaft) have white rubber stoppers on each end, but it’s that dry hard kind of rubber, and the batons themselves are not light. I don’t think it’s an accident that police nightsticks are also called service batons.
Physically, even within same-age teams, there are marked incongruities in size and development. One nine-year-old is several heads taller than another, and they’re trying to do an involved back-and-forth duet thing with just one baton, which ends up taking out a bulb in one of the tent’s steel hanging lamps and showering part of the stands with glass. A lot of the younger twirlers look either anorexic or gravely ill. There are no fat baton-twirlers. The enforcement of this no-endomorph rule is probably internal: a fat person’d have to get exactly on look at herself in tight sequinned spandex to abandon all twirling ambitions for all time.
Ironically, it’s the botched maneuvers that allow one to see how baton-twirling (which to me had always seemed slight-of-handish and occult) works in terms of mechanics. It seems to consist not in twirling so much as sort of spinning the baton on your knuckle while the fingers underneath work and writhe furiously for some reason, maybe supplying torque. Some serious kinetic force is coming from somewhere, clearly. A sort of attempted sidearm-twirl sends a baton Xing out and hitting a big woman’s kneecap with a ringing clang, and her husband puts his hand on her shoulder as she sits up very rigid and white, pop-eyed, her mouth a little bloodless hyphen. I miss good old Native Companion, who’s the sort of person who can elicit conversation even from the recently baton-struck.
A team of ten-year-olds from the Gingersnap class have little cotton bunnytails on their costumes’ bottoms and rigid papier-mache ears, and they can do some serious twirling. A squad of eleven-year-olds from Towanda does an involved routine in tribute to Operation Desert Storm. To most of the acts there’s either a cutesy ultrafeminine aspect or a stern butch military one; there’s little in between. Starting with the twelve-year-olds – one team in black spandex that looks like cheese-cake leotards – there is, I’m afraid, a frank sexuality that begins to get uncomfortable. You can already see some of the sixteen-year-olds out under the basketball hoop doing little warm-up twirls and splits, and they’re disturbing enough to make me wish there was a copy of the state’s criminal statutes handy and prominent. Also disturbing is that in an empty seat next to me is a gun, a rifle, real-looking, with a white wood stock, which who knows whether it’s really real or part of an upcoming martial routine or what, that’s been sitting her ownerless ever since the competition started.
Oddly, it’s the cutesy feminine routines that result in the really serious casualties. A dad standing up near the stands’ top with a Toshiba viewfinder to his eye takes a tomahawking baton directly in the groin and falls forward onto somebody eating a Funnel Cake, and they take out good bits of several rows below them, and there’s an extended halt to the action, during which I decamp – steering way clear of the sixteen-year-olds on the basketball court – and as I clear the last row yet another baton comes wharp-wharping cruelly right over my shoulder, caroming viciously off big R’s inflated thigh.
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cinnalock · 5 years ago
The Twins in Kuroshitsuji Canon
((This was originally in the twins’ masterlist, but now that they’ve been adapted to both Kuroshitsuji and Twisted Wonderland, I’m moving this info to a separate post to be linked on their masterlist to try and cleanup that post a bit more since I’m not sure if I’ll write a section like this for them for Twisted Wonderland.
A collection of instances the twins would appear in the canon storyline; I'm going to write this as if it were an actual summary of the twins' appearances in the canon works and save the trouble of "maybes" or "would've likelies". Like with their profiles, this section contains spoilers for the Kuroshitsuji manga.))
The Public School Arc was the first appearance of the twins. In the earlier chapters of the arc, Thomas made cameo appearances, appearing conspicuously in panels with no lines, and in a few scenes where he's overhearing or even openly conversing with his classmates about Ciel's actions at the school, and in his last "unnamed" appearance he's writing a letter to Katherine ("my dear sister") from his dormitory.
In the opening ceremony of the cricket tournament, Katherine was the first to openly approach Ciel, greeting him in a friendly manner but had conveniently waited until a moment he was away from the Midfords and the school's prefects. Ciel was surprised to see her at Weston before he quickly remembered that Thomas was attending his last year and she likely came to see him. Just as he remembered as much, Thomas appeared and the twins momentarily had him "cornered". Ciel knew the twins weren't ignorant to his presence there being a coincidence, but still tried to play it off as much. Thomas revealed he knew Ciel had been "stirring up trouble" with the incident involving Maurice Cole, his quick rise to becoming Clayton's fag, and knowing he was behind the fire at the Violet Wolf dormitory. Thomas wasn't accusatory, but further questioned why Ciel was at Weston, to which Ciel firmly answered it was no business of the Monds. When Thomas pressed further and asked if it had to do with the disappearance of several students on campus, Ciel stiffened and refused to answer, Thomas told the younger that he understood Ciel's reasons for keeping quiet, but tried to remind him that they were supposed to be allies and he'd find out what the Phantomhive's true purpose for being at the school was eventually.
Katherine then pulled Ciel back into the crowd under the guise of wanting to dance with him, during which she tried to soothe over the confrontation that had just happened between him and her brother. She explained that Thomas was just concerned for Ciel's well-being, especially since he had his own concerns with the disappearances and hadn't been able to make his own findings. Katherine tried to share her own worries and tried to coax some answers out of him, but Ciel quickly accused her of trying to manipulate him, making her grow quiet. Feeling guilty at his harsh words, Ciel steered the conversation towards business to try and soften the conversation, asking about the stocks and sales of the Mond's bakery and the Funtom products they sold there. Katherine knew he was abruptly changing the subject, but was relieved he was trying to salvage the moment. Later, Thomas and Katherine are seen talking outside, the latter chastising her brother for being so abrasive while the former criticizing his sister with not being concerned enough regarding the situation at hand. They took a moment to calm down before they discussed matters further, wondering how their father would be tasked to handle the mess he was "bound to clean up" after the whole ordeal was over.
The twins were seen in a few frames of the closing ceremony. The frames include Katherine playing a duet on the violin with Cheslock, Thomas putting Ciel up on his shoulder in celebration of his victory (with Ciel looking very distraught), and the twins dancing together.
Though not present at the Midnight Tea Party as a guest, Thomas watched the events from afar, using his farsightedness to his advantage. He wasn't close enough to hear any of the conversation going on, but he came to his own conclusions as the fruits of Undertaker's labors at the school began to unfold. He confidently remarked to himself that if he had his bow then he would've been able to stop Undertaker from escaping, but resigned to keep what he had learned between himself and Katherine, not even informing their father.
The twins aren't seen again until the Blue Cult arc, after Ciel witnessed Shinista for the first time. After the performance, he was once again ambushed by Katherine, who hugged him from behind in glee upon seeing him. She was still ecstatic from the group's performance, though she bitterly remarked that Thomas had taken their bracelets from Bravat upon receiving them weeks ago and had yet to relinquish them so she could wear it. Thomas then appeared, making a comment regarding Katherine's fangirlish tendencies for Shinista which embarrassed her to be said in front of Ciel. The trio proceeded to talk about the Music Hall, with the twins revealing that they had been sent by their father, who had been contacted by the Queen for the same reasons as Ciel. Despite Katherine's apparent fondness for the former prefects as a boy band, she agreed that there was something strange going on and desired to find out why. When Ciel came up with his plan for the Funtom Music Hall, he asked the twins to continue attending the performances at the Sphere Music Hall in order to be his spies and informants in the competition between the two music groups.
The next time the twins are seen are in the flashbacks "Ciel" has regarding the events of his family's murder and his resulting contract with Sebastian. In these flashbacks it's revealed the Mond twins' longstanding friendship with the Phantomhive twins, "Ciel's" growing feelings towards Katherine, and Vincent and Richard's arrangement for the twos' engagement. "Ciel" also briefly remembers returning under his older brother's identity and having to push away Katherine and Thomas for the sake of his new life goal and his attempt to continue acting as his older brother. In this flashback Katherine, though visibly repressing her true feelings at thinking her fiance had not survived with his brother, still expresses relief that "Ciel" came back.
When "Ciel" was revealed to be an imposter through his older brother's return and became a criminal along with the Phantomhive servants, Thomas and Katherine managed to track him to Lau's hideout through Xiao Mei, a prostitute under Lau's employment and the mother of Thomas' illegitimate son. At reuniting with her lost fiance, Katherine ecstatically cried and hugged "Ciel" before the Mond twins subsequently revealed their defection from their family, as their father served the Queen, who was under the true Ciel's allegiance, while the twins themselves were loyal to "Ciel".
When the group split up into pairs to attack Undertaker's various blood supplies, Thomas and Katherine were assigned to target a set of gambling parties rumored to be the front for a human trafficking auction. Unbeknownst to the younger Phantomhive, the twins recruited the aid of Edgar Redmond, Lawrence Bluewer, and Hermand Greenhill to aid, though giving little information in regards to their task, in exchange for offering the three shelter in one of the safe houses Katherine procured over the years. Under Katherine's tutelage, the 5 were able to amass enough winnings to gain access to the auction, all the while flashbacks played of the twins' lives were shown. The group was able to fan out and "win" the captive victims of the auction and, while Redmond, Bluewer, and Greenhill lead the victims to safety, Thomas and Katherine set on killing the organizers of the auction.
**to be continued
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