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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
availability: @kingstonoverstreet​
location: one of the events? its loose
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all the events still currently going on had been a major mood booster. it had remained untouched by dante, and everything was surprisingly distracting in the most pleasant way possible. maggie was wandering between it all, wrapped candy apple being tossed ever so slightly in hand when she caught sight of one of the freshman who she could recollect meeting maybe once before. coming up on his side she flashed him a smile, holding the apple out as an olive branch. “so i get why i’m alone, but the real question is, why are you?”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
“what goes on in that pretty little head of yours?” reese asks as she watches her friend. she’d say the excitement was contagious but since kellan had taken a wrecking ball to her sexualised idea of him now she was forced to consider paying to kiss daniel… that was not something that excited her much. maybe there would be apple bopping or some kind of stall where she could throw a pie in the face of a first year boy that wolf whistled at her on the first week. she contents herself temporarily with that thought as she grabs the girls arm, “you can kiss one of them if you want, i won’t judge you. but i do think there’s better people you could kiss,” she nudges, edging to the side as she drops her voice slightly, “and for free.”
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“surprisingly? a lot.” maggie teases back at the girl. she watches reese eye the kissing booth, trying to figure out what her hesitation or debate was in that process. her thought process is broken by the brunette pulling her close, dark eyes searching her own with confusion. “i don’t...” she trails off softly, her mind completely taken off from either kellan or daniel. “what’re you talking about? who are you talking about?” the thought of any potential relationship did nothing but make her nervous. trying to smile it off, maggie rolled her eyes, “if this is you telling me you want to set me up, i’ll take a pass.”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Is there anyone in your life that you feel like you couldn't live without?
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maggie stopped for a moment, going over a list of names in her head, thinking about how different things would be if their presence wasn’t in her life anymore. her first thought was actually ‘no one’. she felt guilty admitting it, since they weren’t any one of her siblings or her parents, but the one person she could actually believe cared about her, the one person who knew how to ground her wasn’t in the list of ten. “daniel actually, the power of friendship, right?”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
text: sleepover this weekend? xx
𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞: puh-lease. i’m desperate. imy :( 
𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞: my room or yours?
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
availability: open @astorstarter​
location: somewhere by the infamous kissing booth
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maggie stood with a grin on her face, standing a ways back from several of the booths. there was something about the month of october that she absolutely adored. it could have been the fact that none of her other siblings enjoyed the holiday at all, leaving it to be hers alone, or it could be that sometimes spooky things were fun. turning to face the person next to her, maggie beamed at them, a small laugh bubbling up. “okay, but a kissing booth is actually kind of genius. i will not be paying for anything or participating, but it’s not a bad idea.” she emphasizes, the smile still on her face, finger pointed into the air for emphasis. “i think the best idea i had was like a dunk tank but i can’t imagine wanting to be in water right now.”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
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that morning, maggie had picked up her phone to shoot kellan a text, done with waiting to see if their paths would happen to cross. there was enough going on that she didn’t necessarily have to wait for pure luck and actually reach out without feeling bad. tapping her phone against the palm of her free hand, she sat waiting for him at starbucks, an easy enough meeting place. when kellan finally walked in maggie gave him a smile and kicked the chair across from her out so he could take a seat. “so i believe we have a bit of catching up to do, hm?”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Slowly he nodded, without taking his eyes off Maggie. Somehow, he could not shake off the feeling that he should try to ask further. Maybe it was the part of him that still expected things to be the way they used to be between them. But he decided against it. Another instance in which he wasn’t sure if it was his place to ask. “I see. Well, it doesn’t seem like it was for somebody else. They must have had a fun time having the dining hall all to themselves.” He turned away from her, sighing, a frown on his face.
It felt odd to him, given the circumstances, that the two of them were having what could be considered a friendly conversation, in the middle of the wreck covering all corners of the room. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, letting out a breathy laugh. “How could I not? You know me, a lover of theater. Can’t think of a more perfect Friday evening.” He let his head hang, hair falling onto his eyes. “All kidding aside, I thought it was pretty good. Did you watch it with someone?”
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In another universe where they had remained friends, she wouldn’t hesitate to tell him what was bothering her, to be open and transparent with him. But now, she had no idea what to say to him. The last thing she ever wanted to do was cross any boundaries, but she didn’t even know where those boundaries were to begin with. Being around him melted all her anger, and the frown that passes over her face is enough to make her regret something for the first time. “Clearly they had a blast.. maybe Astor should start a baseball team. Or wrestling?” 
The joke leaves her mouth without second thought, Maggie wincing ahead of time in fear of the poorly timed joke being received poorly. She can’t help but smile when he laughs, their natural conversation lulling her into the old ease of what had been their friendship. “Oh I can’t imagine you spending Friday night any other way.” A soft laugh, trying not to disrupt the people around them still gawking. “Oh um.. I sat by Reese? But I didn’t really go with anyone.” Maggie shrugs a little, waiting a moment before extending an olive branch. “Are you like.. absolutely wrecked from this? I think I had stuff for sandwiches back in my room. If peanut butter and jelly is your taste.”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
When Maggie met his gaze, he felt a rush of relief that he had stopped her just in time. But it was short-lived, for an air of awkwardness hovered between them instantaneously. It was almost palpable. He let her move away from his grasp, afraid that if he dropped his hand he would do so too quickly, which would do nothing to help matters. “Yeah. I’m just a little surprised,” he admitted. He ran a hand through his hair before slipping it into his pocket. “By the dining hall, of course!” He amended hastily with widened eyes. “Not by you.”
He paused for a second, contemplating his next words, and speaking them carefully, “Are you alright? You look a little upset.” He was hesitant, unsure of whether he still had the right to ask that of her or not. “It’s not the play, is it?” He searched her eyes, genuinely concerned.
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A small, confused laugh left her at Florian’s fumbling over his words, not having assumed that his surprise was anything other than the room, but now feeling self aware. Maggie’s hands smoothed out her dress, an attempt to try and find something to occupy herself with while trying to think of what to say. It wasn’t easy, yet somehow it was. There was always going to be the fact that they both knew each other well before, but had drifted into what they were now. It was more uncertainty than she expected, questioning if she still knew his favorite color or food anymore before she realized none of it was important. 
The last thing she expected was for him to turn around and ask her if she was alright. “Oh!” Her eyebrows shot up before they knit together, her top and bottom lip pulled in between her teeth as she nodded a bit too vigorously. “Mhmm, yeah. I’m good. Just a.. long day.” Maggie wasn’t sure he’d be able to see it was only half the truth, part of her hoped if he did, he wouldn’t question it. He wouldn’t have known she wasn’t dancing at the moment, that secret reserved for few and far between. “No the play was awesome. Did you enjoy it?”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
The arrival of Maggie Amano gave Daniel a sense of relief– at least the person who decided to speak with him was someone he wouldn’t have to lie to. He wasn’t looking forward to having to explain to Florian and Vera about where he had been the entire duration of the play, and he figured the whole ‘I had a tear in my jacket’ excuse was pretty lame. Surely, Vera would know something was wrong. He was never able to get used to the task of doing things so publicly, and in such a grand scale. He really thought – and hoped– that the Alpha Theater was their last grand stunt. Obviously, he thought wrong. 
He flashed a small smile at the other, and patted the hand she hooked around his arm. Daniel was worried about her– the look that he saw in her eyes almost over an hour ago wasn’t one that that he’d seen before. “We should,” he said, nodding in agreement to her words. It was a feeble attempt to apologize for what he had helped do, but at least it was something. He turned to face Maggie, placing his hands on both her shoulders, then said, “Do you want to get out of here? We can grab a cup of coffee and talk. My treat.” He told himself that he wanted to leave so he can talk to Maggie about what was going on, and that was true for the most part, but he also wanted to get out of other people’s way. He’d already done the damage, anyway. 
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“Please?” Her voice dripped with desperation. She needed to be away from all of the people here, she needed to be away from the theater and the dining hall and the thick of it. She’d known Daniel long enough, she trusted him and before the Arsonists, spending time with him had been the break she needed from her strict routine. Maggie glanced around at the others in the crowd before backing away from the and Daniel, taking a start to head out. 
As they walked away from those that had gathered around, the less worried she felt. There was nothing that could’ve made them stand out in the crowd, but it was the fact that she knew, that painted an invisible target on the both of them. Maggie takes a glance up at the boy next to her, a small smile on her face. “Did you go see the play at all?”
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Date: 24th September, Tuesday
Time: Lunch O’Clock
Availability: whoever wants to deal with this hot mess
Emphatic whispers and censorious stares welcomed Agata as she walked into the lounge to have her mid-day meal. To her, it felt like an unholy pilgrimage on desecrated land. As she made a beeline to an empty table at the far corner of the room, there was not a single soul who tried to conceal their judgement about her. Though it was like a cliche scene from a coming-of-age film unfolding, it was the reality she was facing. Ever since she was called to the headmaster’s office for an interrogation of all things, people couldn’t help themselves from gossiping about it. “That’s her.” She would often hear from the lips of those around her. It was bad enough that people thought her as an odd and undesirably blunt person, but worse as they thought her as a suspected offender, a transgressor, a terrorist.
A sharp exhale escaped from her lips as she placed her bag on the table and sat down. Without minding the uninvited stares, Agata procured from her bag a packed sandwich and a tall flask of water. Although she tried her very best to mind her own business, the attitude she was giving out with her silence was not reciprocated by others. She snapped her attention to the next table who were conspicuously glancing her way, and smiled. “Yes? What is it?” She asked, throwing her hands up and giving them an almost deranged-looking smile. “If you all wanna know something, just fucking ask me!” She piped, but instead of stimulating a response from that, it made the onlookers turn away.
Agata scoffed and rolled her eyes before taking the lid off from her sandwich container. As she was taking the wrapped sandwich out of its safe-keeping, a shadow loomed over her, making her aware of the presence close by. “Do you want to interrogate me too?” She muttered before taking a bite from her food and looking up with a smile. She chewed her food nonchalantly and jerked her eyebrows.
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Maggie had heard Agata’s voice from behind her, arguing with people who wanted a challenge without any of the fight that came with it. Picking up her lunch that sat in front of her, she turned around to move to the other table. She had been interrogated too, except the difference here was that Maggie had slipped in and out quietly, and everyone thought she was too nice to even have been involved in what happened in the dining hall. 
“As much as I would love to, I kind of just want to eat my lunch.” Maggie smiles, setting the small take away container in front of her, drink and bag of grapes following suit. She couldn’t say there was anything between the two of them that would cause for tension, aside from the fact Agata was clearly upset to be considered part of something Maggie did with almost no shame. “You know I think it’s crazy that people are just assuming the ones questioned actually had any involvement you know? Like you were obviously at the play, people just take any bit of gossip and run with it unfortunately.” 
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Sweet Talk With A Hint Of Sin // an interrogation 
Maggie took being called in for questioning with a grain of salt. She should have been worried, but truthfully, she was more afraid when Florian had grabbed her arm that night than she was walking into Arthur Astor’s office now. She could only assume the questions were going to be both accusatory and interrogative and she was fully prepared for both. There was the smallest quickening in the pace of her heart, but her exterior remained calm and neutral as she entered the office. Her lips turned up in a small greeting as she sat, listening to his opening spiel she was sure he gave everyone they were interrogating, a concerned frown filling Maggie’s features. 
“Where, exactly, were you the evening of the play?”
She knew now was the best time, if ever, to let all the waterworks out. Her teeth dug into her bottom lip while she tried to think of how to word things, sighing slightly before beginning. “I um.. I went. Or I tried to go.” She starts, tucking hair behind her ear, trying to blink away the stinging from her eyes. “But um... as you know, I’m a dancer, a ballerina. This play is a ballet.” Her voice cracks on the last word, trying to give the headmaster a weak smile while tears brim her eyes. “Back in March, at my spring showcase..” A small sob broke her sentence, half truth half fiction. “I ruptured my achilles and everything I have been working for since the moment I could walk was just.. taken from me. I tried to go watch and support the Grandstreet Theatre, but I couldn’t sit and feel like the one thing I truly love was thrown back in my face. I’ve been trying so hard but... physical therapy isn’t easy.” The tears were freely flowing down her face, Maggie dropping her head to try and stifle her sobbing. “I left in the beginning but I just took a walk to try and clear my head, the stars have always been something I found comforting, you know?”
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The slight discomfort presented as he asked his next question was what she needed from him, his next words read off the sheet instead of looking at her. “Is there anyone who can corroborate your story for you?”
Her hands wipe the tears from her cheeks despite the face they kept falling, tucking her hair behind her ears, nodding. “I walked in with Reese Kensington, I couldn’t go in alone, my roommate saw me get ready and I left before them. I did go back, I sat on the floor in the hall across from the theater for a while before people started leaving.” 
“What did you do in response to the incident?”
The corner of her mouth twitched into the hint of a smile, “I went to the dining hall with everyone, I was one of the last to get there I think? I left after the theater was mostly empty. But Daniel Choi offered to get coffee with me, we’ve been friends for a while he could tell I was upset about something. That made my night a bit better.” She sniffles, shrugging slightly, “I’ve been trying to get a few students to make and donate a meal or something for the staff that put everything together, I think it’s horrible someone ruined what they spent so much time on.”
”Did you witness anything worth noting during that evening?”
She frowns, followed closely by shaking her head. “I don’t remember seeing anything. I was really focused on not totally-” The words stick in her throat as she fights a second round of tears. “Not totally breaking down in front of the other students.” 
“Tell us everything you know about the Arsonists.”
“I know even less than you do.” She lies easily. “I told you dance is my passion. Before my injury it was all I did. If I’m being honest I don’t even know much about what happened last semester, I just knew the theater had to be redone.” Maggie takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself in her chair. Her voice quiet, a slight tremble to it, “Do you think they’ll come after students next?” 
After the headmaster consoled her, a hesitant reassurance that students would remain safe at the academy, Maggie gave him a weak smile, eyes still watery. She leaves the office with her head down, hair covering her face. Turning the corner, Maggie quickly put the lid back over the place she stored her dance related sadness. The features of her face relax from the heavy frown into flat seriousness, her eyes shining with a hint of mischief as she walks down the hall. 
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
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Requested by anon
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
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Jane Austen ― Mansfield Park
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Date: 20th September
Time: 9:45 PM
Availability: open
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admittedly, she felt a little drained after the entire thing and was really hoping to just go to bed after a hot shower, but she needed to make herself seem as upset and shocked as everyone around her. she had hung back to look at the room after most people dispersed, maggie turning to look at the person next to her from her spot against the wall. “this is wild right? do you think it’s the same people who vandalized the theater last year?” 
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Date: September 20, 2019 Time: 9:15 PM Location: East Wing Dining Hall Availability: Open
Daniel wanted to be anywhere else but where he was at this particular moment, standing by the entrance of the dining hall he’d just helped wrecked almost two hours ago. He tried to look as astonished as he possibly could, mouth slightly agape as he took in the sight. It was impressive, the amount of damage a few people could do to a room, and he could hear the murmurs of everyone else as they, too, looked around in shock. The team who’d prepared the venue looked visibly distressed, and a pang of guilt washed over Daniel. This was why he was hesitant about the task, in the first place. Aside from all the lies he would have to say, the thought of destroying something someone had worked so hard for just didn’t sit will with him. But what’s done was done now, and he could only do his best to make sure nobody ever suspects him.
“What the hell happened here?” he said, not to anyone in particular, but there were a few people within earshot. He pretended to look around once again, but he was all too familiar about what they had done to the place. “God, what a waste. And here I was looking forward to good food and good company.” Daniel shook his head, followed by the clicking of his tongue. 
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She had weaved her way through the crowd over to Daniel, wanting to find him after he suggested they talk later. It was hard to keep her eyebrows from knitting together when she heard him feebly lie to cover up his involvement. Once she was close enough she hooked her hand on his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. “You’re awful at this.” She murmurs just loud enough for him to hear. 
Over the years she had mastered how to pretend, from both acting like she was fine when her older siblings made her cry to her doing the exact same thing to her younger siblings to avoid the lecture from their mom. It helped that she had pushed both the upset and the anger far enough down that she didn’t feel either of them. “I was thinking of doing something for the people that put this together. As a thank you.” Despite saying she wanted to express gratitude, the way her eyes shone and her fingers tightened ever so slightly gave away the real intention of sorry.
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Date: Friday, 20th September; 9PM Location: Main Dining Hall, East Wing Availability: open
Florian was among the mass of students who stood in astonishment at the sorry state of the dining hall. The tables were upturned and shards of multicoloured glass and what he guessed was china covered the floors. It was a challenge to decipher what was food and what wasn’t. Wine bottles, some still in one piece, lay corkless and empty; Florian expected the carpeting must be soaked. He hadn’t realized he was looking forward to the dinner. It only struck him now that he was deprived of it. Everyone was deprived of it, really. A cacophony of bewildered and crestfallen exclamations rose from the people around him, with a lawless few hooting their approval. Florian felt something akin to annoyance bubble up inside him at the latter. 
Even though they hadn’t gotten far from the doors, the destruction was so great that very little of the floors were bare. His eyes caught the motion of his neighbouring student, and Florian swiftly grasped their arm before they could take another step forward. “Be careful, there’s glass everywhere. And from the looks of it, puddles of wine, too. Wouldn’t want your shoes to lose their shine.”
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After everyone made their appearance back at the theater, Maggie sat on the ground in the adjacent hall, ankles crossed, hands folded in her lap over the school’s version of a playbill. She let her feelings sit and sort themselves out, knowing she’d have to keep it together until she had a chance to be alone or talk to Daniel. There was no rush to get to the dining hall after the crowd filtered out of the theater, already knowing what was there awaiting their arrival. When she finally got up, her feet carried her slowly, the natural resting-concerned-pouty-face Kellan said she had coming into play, as she peered into the room. 
She was about to take a step forward to look over the other student’s shoulders when a hand grasped her arm. A momentary feeling of fear filled her before she heard the person speak. Florian. Maggie’s stomach twisted with unease, not really sure how to approach him anymore. She took a step to the side, gently detaching herself from him. “Um... thanks. Are you uhm.. are you okay?”  
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hcneydspite · 5 years ago
Treachery. The number of times he’d heard that all evening– and the number of times he wanted to wince– he couldn’t count anymore on one hand. But it was to be expected. Somehow, it became an unspoken rule that they were to refer to each other as their aliases whenever they had to do Arsonist-related tasks, and Daniel had been fine with that for a while. For one year, and a few months, to be a little specific. Maybe it was the nature of the task at hand. He could vandalize walls and procure dead cats to scare students, no problem, but this– to destroy something someone had prepared so carefully and painstakingly, no doubt, just didn’t sit well with him. But any choice he had about the matter was taken when he was roped into the whole Arsonist business. Sometimes, he wondered, if his weakness would actually kill him.
He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the arrival of Maggie Amano. Daniel flashed a smile at her, and was just about to greet her when he saw how… off she was. She wasn’t just looking forward to causing chaos, she was angry. He thought about it for a second, and eventually figured out why: the goddamned play. Maggie must be angry about the play. “Isn’t that what we came here for?” he said, making a mental note to talk to Maggie about what was bothering her later. He gave her a concerned look, then mouthed ‘talk later?’.
He took his jacket off and placed it carefully on the backrest of a nearby chair, clearing his throat to rid himself of the nerves he felt and clapping at what Ophelia had just done. “Bravo, bravo!” he cheered, trying his best to enjoy the whole thing. “Arthur Astor’ll be surprised to find his entree on the ground.”
He grabbed the nearest champagne bottle he could find and began drinking, careful not to let the liquid run down his neck and stain his shirt. He turned to Nastia, and said, “What about you, Heresy? What kind of destruction did you have in mind?”
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Nastia chuckled despite herself and gave a caddish little bow to Ophelia; terrifying was a terrific compliment, and the closest thing to praise she could expect from her roommate. She nodded a greeting to Daniel, glancing about the room – it was exquisite, the large hall made intimate by curtains and richly patterned wallpaper. The table was set with lace runners, candelabra, cloth napkins. There was a separate glass for red wine and white; a third for champagne. Butter dishes lay next to diminutive jugs of cream, set out ready for café y postre. Usually, such an opulent setting would’ve made her baulk – the surgical instruments of the rich, in stainless steel and bone – but having spent the last half hour listening to the painstaking arrangement, she was washed over again by guilt.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Margaret – again, Nastia nodded in greeting: she picked up on Maggie’s frenetic energy like the others, but said nothing, only eyed her observantly as she gripped the magnum by its neck. Ophelia smashed a plate; Maggie teed up a glass and used her bottle as a baseball bat; Daniel turned straight to drink. Nastia’s fingers moved to her jacket, touching the book of the play she’d just slipped into the inner pocket, and steeled herself.
“Great bat, DiMaggio. Three laps around the table and it’s a home run.” She turned to Daniel with a disarming smile. “You know me, T. I’ll be doing something constructive tonight: a reminder of the Bard’s words, for those who might have dozed off by the end. ‘If we shadows have offended…’” Nastia winked, taking note of Ophelia heading left, and skirted along the other side of the table to the right-hand wall, whisking a bottle of red and a glass from the table. She glanced back over her shoulder to Daniel, and – allowing her cloak of boldness to slip just a little, just for a second – flashed him the briefest of reassuring smiles.
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It was a split second look, a momentary flash that broke the anger that graced her features with that of grief towards Daniel, one that she was sure he’d be able to pick up on. A sigh of relief left her mouth at Ophelia breaking the plate, following her lead shortly after. The bottle of wine in her hand like a bat, shattering glasses and plates running a chill down her body, Nastia’s words pulling her attention off the table. Maggie attempted to give her a shaky smile, “If you need help with the wall let me know.” 
Deep down she knew the kitchen staff didn’t deserve this, they had done nothing wrong, but it was the feeling like she was being targeted and made fun of. Half of the higher up staff had been at the showcase, they had seen her downfall. The rational part of her knew she was just a dot on their radar, but every other half felt this personally. She was a permanent fixture in the dance studio for the entire time she had been at Astor, the teachers knew her by name. To plan a ballet of all things, she could reason with herself saying they deserved it, that she could make it up to the ones who didn’t. 
She glanced around, looking at the damage they had just started and actually felt a little bit better. Her hand reached out for Ophelia’s for a second, giving it a quick squeeze and a wink. “Look’s like you know how to get a party started.” The words are partnered with a spin of her wrist, gearing up to take another table again. There was an involuntary wince as the glass went flying, Maggie turned to Daniel, “So what’s your game plan?” 
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opening night
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