#also hotel is my fav season
lolapath · 1 year
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American Horror Story ♱ The Countess
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Matildas content has me in a chokehold for my fav aussie girlies! Would you consider something with kyra x r where the girls notice how easily r stops kyra’s annoying little sister behavior (rip mother steffy) maybe something along the lines of r being sleepy and Kyra being loud, a little “baby, im tired” and kyra’s basically 🤐 and the girls are just like this is all we needed for her to not be a menace lol!
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around her little finger II k.cooney-cross x reader
"mate she's killing me, i really don't know how you put up with her." caitlin grumbled with a huff, shoving kyra away who tickled at the back of her neck with a grin, all of you exhausted after a long day of travel.
"patience and practice." you smiled bumping your shoulder into the older girls who sighed and grabbed her bag, heading into the hotel before kyra could catch her.
there wasn't a need though as of course kyra's attention was on her most favourite person to annoy, steph.
"kyra get off you rat!" steph laughed, shoving kyra away where she tried to clamber onto her back, smacking the younger girl in the back of the head as she reached for her bags.
"ow! babe did you see that? she abused me." your girlfriend turned to you with a pout. "baby you abuse her on a daily basis, you asked for it." you patted her cheek softly as steph laughed loudly in her face and slung an arm over you.
"and this is why you're my favourite child." steph sighed happily as you shot your girlfriend a grin over the older girls shoulder whose pout had shifted into a grumpy scowl as she grabbed her bags and yours.
"not fair! you've known each other longer." kyra grumbled moodily, steph having played alongside you since your very first pro season in the a-leagues, having taken you under her wing from day one. "i'm also significantly more tolerable than you ky." you teased as your girlfriend rolled her eyes and mocked you under her breath.
"thats the understatement of the century." steph agreed with a hum, yelping as kyra kicked at the back of her legs and sent her stumbling forward nearly taking you down with her. "kyra!" steph growled as your girlfriend beamed and sprinted into the hotel.
"you can do so much better than her, you know that right?" steph sighed taking your face in her hands as you rolled her eyes. "you love us together stephanie don't lie, you meddled about to get us with one another in the first place!" you wagged a finger as she grinned and let you go.
"i do, i really do. she might be a massive pain in the ass but you two are adorable together!" steph cooed and pinched your cheek as the two of you stepped inside the lobby.
"yeah and you've got her on a leash! whipped." you turned around at the new voice as your face lit up. "lani!" you launched at the taller girl, wrapping yourself around her in a hug as the defender squeezed you tightly.
"no longer wanting to punch me now are we baby t?" the blonde teased as she dropped you back to your feet and you pushed her shoulder with a scoff. "one; i hate that nickname. two; it was a dirty tackle and you deserved a yellow!" you warned as the older girl simply grinned and pulled you into her side, the two of you catching up as you wandered toward check in.
"also you might hate it but you're branded with that nickname for life now." alanna warned patting your head as you pushed her away, the nickname in general being a shortened version of 'baby tillie' which you'd earned the day you rocked up for your first senior camp at only fifteen with boots one size too big and your training bib on backwards.
you made your way around saying your hello's, your girlfriend waiting patiently by check in with your bags at her feet already having said her greetings.
"so you finally did it then?" steph looked up and her face broke out into a grin at the sight of hayley, embracing the shorter girl in a very tight hug. "did what?" steph frowned a little as hayley nodded over her shoulder toward kyra who was watching you with a lovesick pining stare.
"oh yes! finally manipulated them both into admitting their feelings for one another." steph smiled victoriously, you and kyra only having been officially together for a few months now after clearly crushing mutually for years.
"i give it a couple more weeks till she gets sick of that." hayley grinned, nodding to kyra who had grown bored of waiting for you, now wrapped around caitlin trying to pull her into a headlock.
"oh that isn't a problem with them. in fact, its a solution! just you wait."
sure enough, the others didn't need to wait long to see just what steph meant.
with word of you and kyra spreading rapidly around the team it wasn't long until the teasing started which you just brushed off with a roll of your eyes and a smile.
kyra however took the opposite approach, bragging on and on about how much you were whipped for her and how you were the biggest 'simp' she'd ever met, a charming recount which really no one but kyra actually believed.
after a grueling morning of fitness testing in the hot abu dhabi sun and everyone was cooling down in the ice baths prepared by the coaching staff, protein shakes in hand as time was spent catching up.
"on your left darlin." you looked up with a grin as ellie jumped in beside you, inhaling with a slight hiss at the change in temperature and clenching her top in her teeth, slowly sinking down into the freezing water.
"well well well if isn't little miss le clean sheet!" you teased with a smirk, ellie shoving your head to the side as the media team started their rounds with the mini mic having already cautioned everyone about camp content being needed.
"who would play you in a movie about your life?" you oohed as it was your turn, ellie already answering as you paused to think about your own. "natalie portman?" you laughed, unable to really think of an answer.
"you wish!" ellie scoffed with a grin, a few of the other girls adding onto the teasing as you mocked them and pulled a face. "because you look so much like margot robbie!" you threw back at alanna whose face dropped as your girlfriend hopped into the ice bath with her.
"fuck off kyra!" the blonde groaned, shoving her away as kyra stuck her finger in her ear with a grin. "anyone else want to babysit?" alanna grumbled, huffing and smacking the midfielder who continued to poke and prod at her.
"ky!" your girlfriend paused to look over her shoulder toward you as you raised an eyebrow.
no further words needing to be said the brunette sank down a little deeper into the water, sipping on her shake and stopping pestering alanna who looked on in surprise as you returned to your conversation with ellie and claire.
hayley got to see everything first hand a little later in the day, everyone gathering together for a session in the gym now it was a little cooler and everyone had eaten lunch.
"kyra! you're fucking killing me here." caitlin groaned as the girl clung onto her leg like a child, refusing to let go so she could continue her workout. "kyra please go finish your own reps, burn off some energy or something." steph tried with a roll of her eyes as kyra ignored her and continue to cling on.
a few others tried but kyra just ignored them, caitlin trying desperately to shake her off and even threatening to drop a weight on her head had no effect on the midfielder.
"mini man help me out!" caitlin whined pointing to kyra as katrina held her hands up. "she doesn't listen to me!" the older woman laughed, knowing the younger girls willingness to annoy others much out drove her willingness to listen to them.
"ky, can you spot me please?" you appeared suddenly with a drink bottle in hand, kyra dropping from caitlins leg and immediately jumping up to her feet, following loyally after you like a puppy.
"well, would seem she does listen to someone." hayley scoffed, all of the girls bar steph's faces written with shock, watching as kyra raced off to fill your water up for you after loading up the bench press insisting you not touch a thing until she returned.
"see? told you ras, baby t's got her wrapped right round her little finger." steph smirked somewhat proudly, the girls all shaking their heads and returning to their own workouts, kyra hovering protectively above you watching like a hawk as you did your lifts.
if word spread quickly about you and kyra just simply finally being together, it spread even faster about just what an impact and a grip you seemed to have over the rambunctious midfielder and her pestering antics.
"no way! she's that much of a pain." mackenzie scoffed in disbelief at alanna's words about what happened in the gym yesterday and in the ice baths, caitlin adding in several experiences of her own from back in london.
like the time kyra was caught tying katie's shoes together and with one disappointed sigh from you she immediately untied them and raced to katie with an apology.
or the time she wouldn't stop spraying alessia with her water bottle for the entire training until suddenly you were thirsty and she was barreling over toward the taps to fill up about five of them which were ran right over to you.
or the time she stacked up a whole heap of the big black foam training blocks to prove to teyah she could in fact touch the roof.
but with one mention of her name and a raised eyebrow from you, the midfielder was clambering down and putting the blocks back, showering your face with apologetic kisses as you scolded her and warned she could have been seriously hurt had she fallen.
"you are lying! look at her she's a menace." mackenzie rolled her eyes pointing to where kyra was currently rolling around on the rec room floor wrestling with charli as teagan egged them on.
"what are we talking about then?" you hopped over the back of the couch they were sat on, wedging yourself between alanna and mackenzie. "comfortable?" the blonde raised an eyebrow as you tucked yourself into her side and stretched your legs out over mackenzies lap.
"very, thank you lanz." you grinned patting her knee as the older girl rolled her eyes affectionately but moved her arm to drape across you. "how you've got kyra wrapped round your little finger." caitlin chuckled in answer to your previous question.
"oh yeah, absolutely." you nodded with a serious expression as mackenzie scoffed. "there is no way, she's too much of a stubborn pest to listen to anyone." the goalkeeper shook her head as you shrugged, unbothered by the disbelief.
"game of uno?"
"ha! draw four, again." alanna smirked toward mackenzie who was fuming, yanking another four cards up and mumbling angrily under her breath.
"relax mac you're gonna burst a blood vessel in your forehead, at your age that could cause some serious winkle damage." you teased, both you and caitlin down to one card each as poor mackenzie now had at least twelve.
"unless you would like me to hang you upside down by your ankles again, shut it." the older girl warned seriously as you held hands up in defence. "that was so good i've gotta find the video of that again." alanna snickered as you pinched her leg with a glare.
"i didn't even deserve it considering i was framed and both of you knew and didn't say anything!" you huffed at the memory of the goalkeeper indeed hanging you upside down by your ankles when she thought you'd put honey in her gloves.
but really it was of course a much younger sam who didn't even come to your defence as you swore black and blue it wasn't you, mackenzie only letting you down when your face went bright red since the blood had rushed to your head.
"i said i was sorry and i threw sam in the ice bath, don't be a baby about it." mackenzie shrugged finally getting alanna back with a draw four of her own. "you never said sorry!" you argued with a scowl which quickly turned to a victorious smirk as you slapped down your final card with a whoop of success.
"three in a row, unbeatable." you grinned happily, all three girls around you moaning in annoyance and throwing their cards down. "i'm tapping out, leaving as a winner you know?" you flexed with a confident smile.
"goodnight!" you hurried to dart out of the way of alanna's hand which grabbed for your top as you wiggled your fingers at them over your shoulder.
your girlfriend in the meantime was on a winning streak of her own only it wasn't just her opponents whose nerves she was rapidly grating as she sat on a beanbag playing mario kart, yelling and jeering and poking at poor steph who was stuck in dead last.
"nah this is rigged! what have you done to it?" she shot the brunette beside her a fierce glare as kyra let out an over dramatic evil laugh causing a few heads to turn to her with scowls of annoyance at her volume in the shared space.
picking up on the rapidly frosty mood building in the room and not wanting your girlfriend to make too many enemies on her first night, as kyra crossed the finish line in first you decided to step in.
"ha! loser loser looser." kyra leapt up and chanted repeatedly at steph beside her who scowled and threw the remote onto the now vacant beanbag beside her as kyra continued with her obnoxious celebrations.
"anyone else game enough to face the champ?" the midfielder smiled smugly looking around the room but clearly missing the looks of disdain thrown back at her, even charli looking ready to call it a night.
"nobody? everyone too chicken?" kyra made a loud squawking noise and grinned. "just go to bed kyra! you are giving everyone a headache." caitlin groaned from the sofa as your girlfriend started to argue.
"ky." your hand grabbed softly at her bicep, cutting her off mid sentence as she looked to you with a raised eyebrow, the brunette now consumed entirely in giving you whatever you wanted.
"baby, i'm tired. lets head up?" you asked with a raised eyebrow, kyra nodding and immediately tossing the controller onto the beanbag without another word, grabbing your hand and following you right out of the room.
"see? around. her. little. finger!" caitlin smirked at the look of utter shock on mackenzie's face, most of the team looking on in surprise at yet again just how easily kyra would bend over backwards to meet your needs.
"ow! what the hell was that for?" steph huffed as hayley dropped down in the beanbag beside her and handed her one of the abandoned controllers.
"for not getting them together sooner!"
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imaginesig · 2 months
“I was enchanted to meet you”
Kimi Antonelli x Norris!Reader
SMAU + Written parts
You’re Lando Norris’s little sister (18) and a spark flares up with a notable F2 driver (18) , how does everything go down?
Bonus: “I had the best day with you today”
I wanted to state that as I’m writing this I am 17 years old, on top of that I am an American. I do not know how to be 17/18 as a Brit so I did a bit of research but I’m not 100% confident. I gave Y/n an internship bc I assumed she’d be at the end of her secondary schooling. Sorry if that’s wildly off base.
A laugh erupted from my chest as a balled up sucky note made contact with Kimi’s forehead. I quickly grab my takeout lid to block his response attack. Only when I heard the ball make contact with the plastic did I relax my shield. On the other side, Kimi laid out on my hotel bed in sleep pants and a racing sweatshirt. His messy curls barely moved as he laughed. The soft light of the hotel lamp illuminated the scene like some kind of dream.
In here, it was a dream. No pressure, loud engines, cruel media, or annoying deadlines tainting the scene. It was authentic; our looks to each other were obvious, no sneaky glances.
In one smooth motion I moved from the desk chair to the opposite side of the bed from him. Propped up on my side, I mustered my best reporter voice, “So Mr. Antonelli, you've touched down in beautiful Barcelona a few hours ago and are gearing up for the weekend. The Spanish Grand Prix is known for its special conditions: corners of varying speeds, high chance of tyre wear, and many openings for overtakes. How confident are you in the car for this weekend? Any good strategies in the works to take advantage of rough tyre conditions the other teams will face?
Kimi and I laughed so hard we both turned red, “Well Ms. Norris it looks like someone’s done their homework.”
“It is my job” I shrug, “I also just love turn 9. I quite literally look forward to it every year.”
“Of course you love the hard one,” Kimi pulled his arm out from under his weight and fell into the bed.
“No sir, you have to go. Dont get comfortable,” I said.
“Y/n” kimi whines.
“No,” I laugh, “you need to go back to your own room.” With a huff and a few more comments Kimi is reminded of the reality outside of the hotel room, one where he has to return to his own room and wake up alone. With a hug and kiss, Kimi is on his way and I turn back to start cleaning up. Next to the takeout trash, my work bag also lays unpacked. I fall into a steady rhythm of tidying before bed while my mind wanders off to my secret relationship.
Kimi and I got together right before this season started. We met last season at a couple of different Motorsport events and spent the season getting closer. Then we spent the offseason working through the new depth added to our friendship. And now, we’re navigating unforgiving media who might not take our relationship too well and potentially ruin it.
With a yawn I finish up my task and head to bed. I go to turn off my bedside lamp and notice a goodnight message from Kimi.
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liked by kimi.antonelli, landonorris, user1, and 918,289 others
yn_norris: Barcelona, you have kept me busy 🥴
tagged: no one
Lilyzneimer my busy bee!! Best gp watch buddy ever, you always keep me updated with the top info 💖💖
yn_norris love you sm 💖💖 thank you for letting the teammates sister join you
user1 my fav intern 😍😍
user2 she always delivers 👏👏
user8 and grinds until the end everyday
landonorris wow I don’t even get shown, I’m hurt
yn_norris I completely flooded my stories with celebrations and you when you won. This is my moment
landonorris proud of your work always!!
martagarcialopez19 pleasure to be interviewed by you!!
maya_weug lovely panel❤️��️
hamdaalqubaisi_official women in motorsports forever!!
user3 I love how Y/n and Lando always have 2 comment threads with varying emotions under every post
user5 he stays in her likes
user6 tbh most of the F2/F1 academy drivers are, between her being Landos little sister and covering them the most with her job/internship they’ve gotten familiar
user7 exactly, even her and Ollie Bearman have reported they talk and could consider themselves in a friendship
user8 Abbi Pulling and Hamda Al Qubaisi have been known to hang out with Y/n apart from the track
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It was a beautiful sunny day in Barcelona, Spain. I was so thankful I was able to take a few remote work days so I’d be able to stay another day and explore. It all worked out perfectly because both my brother and his teammate invited me to join their exploration and Kimi was able to get a late flight.
With the sun shining and birds singing I made my way down a less crowded street and was met by my boyfriend snapping photos of the scenery around him. I decide to quicken my pace and give him a hug.
“Hello there,” he says surprised. A chuckle escapes his mouth once he’s turned around to reciprocate the affection.
“Hi,” I smile. I look around as he pulled back and saw the iconic kissing mural surrounded by greenery, “wow.”
“Pretty right,” he says.
“Beautiful,” I gush,”let’s get a photo.” Kimi nods and I set my phone up to record a video to screen record to screen shot from since there was no one around at the early hour.
“How do you wanna pose?”
“Let’s kiss and really be that couple, you know,” I joke.
“Come here then,” the warm air and slight breeze made the moment feel like a fairytale. The world melted away as I enjoyed the sweet kiss. For a moment it felt like we were out to the world. But when the kiss ended, I felt disappointment that no one has seen us. Part of me grew restless with the secret keeping, “I found a really cute place for breakfast I think you’ll like it.”
We walked hand in hand down the quiet streets, passing by locals going through their morning chores. Soon enough we arrived at a small restaurant and were sat outside. Concealed by aged buildings, the place itself was low traffic and gave up peace of mind.
“Smile,” I look back towards Kimi from the surrounding scenery to see him holding up his camera. We took a couple of different shots before returning to conversation.
“I had the weirdest feeling earlier,” I start. Kimi looks a little concerned, “when we took that kissing photo I wanted someone to see. I wanted our relationship to get out.”
“I’ve been feeling the same way. It’s been and is so nice to have our little bubble, but part of me just wants to be and not worry about the when and where.”
“Exaclty my feelings. I’m glad we’re talking about this, let’s let the idea sit for a little while longer and then we can come up with a plan. I’m scared to rush into an announcement and not be ready for the outcome.” Kimi agrees and we fall into other topics of conversation over breakfast. After we go to an outdoor market and look around. I purchase some trinkets for other interns at the office who cover other sports. As the air slowly got hotter, Kimi’s time with me got shorter. Eventually it was time to take him back to the hotel to take a ride to the airport. We said our goodbyes and he promised to call me when he landed.
I quickly traveled to the lunch spot my brother informed me to meet the group at. We spent the rest of the day enjoying the scenery, taking cool photos, and just enjoying each others company since extra days like this were scarce.
Too soon the sun went down and our activities ended. Back in my hotel room I worked in the soft lamplight and prepared for my flight back to reality tomorrow.
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liked by landonorris, lilyzniemer, user91, and 928,827 others
oscarpiastri: pro tip: never explore with the Norris siblings, they’ll make a scene everywhere
tagged: lilyzneimer, landonorris, yn_norris
yn_norris ummm this is embarrassing you seemed to have misspelled “Y/n thank you so much for the adorable pic of me and Lily! Thankfully your skill is far superior to your brothers so I was able to post one”
landonorris you twat
yn_norris I mean he didn’t post yours so…
oscarpiastri that’s it I’m getting a restraining order on you guys
landonorris we only made a couple…
oscarpiastri yea bc Y/n was only with us a few hours
user2 they were ready to square up
yn_norris I kicked his ass
user3 everytime I see a Y/n and Lily interaction it always gives little and big sis🥹
user4 omg ikr!! It makes me so happy that even though her bio sisters aren’t able to be with her 24/7 she has someone at gps and such
user5 what I wouldn’t give to explore the world with this group
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Liked by user4, yn_norris, olliebearman, and 819,728 others
Kimi.antonelli: Barcelona, beautiful as always 👏
tagged:no one
olliebearman 💪💪
Prema_team glad to see the weekend allowed for relaxation 😎
user1 happy with the results this weekend!!
user2 ok scenic shot
user3 Kimi is coming for Y/n with the digital camera effect
user4 I wonder why it’s only on the last photo tho?
user5 maybe this is where she was when she wasn’t with the McLaren boys…
user6 ok grandma get back to bed
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liked by kimi.antonelli, carlossainz55, abbiepulling, and 718,828 others
Yn_norris: España, mi amor
Tagged: lilyzniemer
oscarpiatri so glad my gf make the post and I didn’t
yn_norris cry me a river
landonorris who took the first pic you don’t have any friends other than me 🤨🤨
yn_norris choke
carlossainz55 always love your love of Spain 🇪🇸♥️
yn_norris with every bit of my heart!!
Riabish gorgeous!!
abbiepulling travel looks gorgeous on you
yn_norris 💋💋
user1 she ate this up
user2 first pic >>>>>
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yn_norris posted a story!
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Caption: I get door dashed coffee even when he’s thousands of miles away 🫶🫶
who what when where why
idk, it’s coffee for those of us who don’t have the energy of a seven year old, this morning, my office, bc I’m loved
wdym “idk”
Y/n are you soft launching?? Your own brother doesn’t get to know before Instagram
I have a plan no fear
I’ve discovered you can special order a message or simple drawings through the app too
I can see that
so be prepared, there’s so much more where than came from
as much as I love this and would love to see what you come up with, I can get my own coffee
not happening
lmao ok
Not my hill to die on
I love you
I love you too, have a great day
your bother is pacing
Lmao good
Let him squirm
Yes ma’am 🫡
The smell of exhaust fills my senses and V6s roar across the track. Lando and I were currently camped out in the Prema garage with our eyes glued to the screen. We let out a few comments and had mini conversations throughout.
When Kimi’s car cross the finish line the enter building jumped up. As the crew and engineers all ran out to the baraxade. I decided do lead Lando over where the podium is interviewed before the cool down room so we don’t interrupt team celebrations. We stand meters away so we don’t bother anyone but I still might be able to sent Kimi a thumbs up and a wink.
“I didn’t know you two got so close,” Lando mused as we still admits the buzzing padock.
“Well you know through other friends I’ve made from tagging alone to events and races with you we were bound to meet, especially with him being Ollies teammate this season,” Lando nods at that. “So how are you feeling about your race, the home ones always a big deal.”
“I’m super excited, but the nerves of potentially messing things up are there,” he confesses, “I want to win really bad.”
“Call it reporter’s gut but I feel-“ suddenly I was cut off my someone yelling my name.
“Y/n!” Kimi is sprinting over to us. So much for not making a scene, I think.
“Kimi! You did it!” I yelled back. Soon, he was a meter away and not stopping. I was grabbed along with him and brought a couple steps away as he slowed down. Before I could even comprehend the previous action, Kimi let out another victory cheer, grabbed my face, and kissed me in the middle of the paddock. The adrenaline and joy from his win charged the kiss from both ends. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. All those kisses in hotel room or hidden corners of the world were put to shame, this was the kiss. I was so focused on the moment that I didn’t remember that there were eyes on us everywhere, including the eyes of my brother.
“Y/n- I- What!” Lando stuttered with wide eyes. He still stood in our previous spot and seemed to be stuck there. After a moment of staring back, I realized my hands had come up to rest on Kimi’s biceps.
I quickly jumped back before turning to look at Kimi again, “Hey, I’m so proud! We can catch up and all that later. Go do your media stuff, I love you.” I wave him off and walk back to Lando, “before you say anything we need to talk privately.”
Once we find a quiet place I begin explains everything, “And that’s brings us up to now. We had a plan to slow launch and then during that time we hoped to tell family and close friends before anyone else. I swear this weekend was the one-“ he cut me off.
“Y/n don’t worry, I can tell the adrenaline got to him,” he smirks, “I know the feeling well.”
“Ew, ew Lando please stop there,” I cringe. “Are you sure you’re not mad? It wasn’t supposed to come out this way, especially not to you.”
“I’m fine. Granted I only saw a few seconds of that this relationship is but any man who’s gonna come running to you after a race before even heading to a mandatory interview or cool down then he’s a good one. Also you can’t fool me, your eyes lit up and you forgot I was even next to you when he showed up. I’m happy for you,” Lando pulled me into a bear hug.
“I love you Lan.”
“I love you too,” he pulled back and added,” but mum might be so give her a ring before she finds out.”
We both laugh before I FaceTime the family group chats for round 2 of explaining.
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Liked by user82, user282, user1, and 173,827 others
f1updates: After his first F2 win, Kimi Antonelli kisses Lando Norris’s little sister in the middle of the paddock! Videos from multiple sources have been reposted on our Twitter account.
tagged: Kimi.antonelli, yn_norris
used1 WHAT
user2 this was not on my 2024 bingo card
used3 after watching the videos it was right out of a romance movie
user4 the way he sprinted to her while ignoring everything else
user5 lando’s face killed me
user6 he was just as shocked as we are
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liked by yn_norris, user43, prema_racing, and 918,828 others
Kimi.antonelli: maiden win anyone??
tagged: prema_racing, mercadesamgf1, yn_norris
yn_norris “where’s the trophy? He just comes running over to me” 🤭🤭
Kimi.antonelli ❤️❤️
landonorris 😑
yn_norris fuck off
prema_racing that’s our boy 👏🏆
user2 anyone else absolutely die when he kissed her
user3 yea I think Lando almost did
user4 Y/n’s comment 😭😭
carlossainz55 the last pic 🤨
danielriccardo so it is true
Carlossainz55 honestly I couldn’t understand half of what you were saying but he could be worse
landonorris mate.
danielriccardo I say shovel talk before his next race see how he celebrates then
yn_norris no no no yall are done scheming in my boyfriends comment section
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The British Grand Prix had been a rollercoaster for the younger Norris who sat in the coverage of the McLaren garage watching the race. Kimi and I had sent a few messages about the race but since Lando lost his lead during his pit in lap 40 I have been zoned in. I’ve been praying since Lewis passed that something would happen, that by a miracle Lando would regain his lead. Unfortunately as the laps dwindled, Lando lost time between the winner and in lap 49 Max had successfully overtaken him. Sighs and cuss words could be heard all throughout the building. My head fell into my hands as I watched the race though hooded eyelids, weight down with sadness.
When the race was over I slowly took the same path Lando and I had taken yesterday towards the media area. I flashed by badge once again and found a stop on the r of the action. Eventually, Lando made his way to Jensen and completed his interview.
“Hey,” I said empathetically as I pulled him into a hug. “I know you hate this and I know you’re upset. Lando, you hold yourself to the highest standard imaginable, but please know you did great. Third place is still a handful of points and now you’ve gotten more experience so you and the team can make better calls in the future. This wasn’t a race that you could predict, you had to roll with the punches and you did. I’m so proud of you and now I have a new trophy I can steal for my future apartments decor!”
Lando let out a loud chuckle before he hit me on the head, “you’re not getting my trophies you muppet.”
“That’s what you think,” I fired back before he pulls me into another hug, this one more playful than the last. I waved him off to the cool down room and said a quick congratulations to Lewis before heading to get a spot with McLaren for the podium ceremony.
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Liked by yn_norris, user3, mclaren, and 819,928 others
landonorris: Silverstone I love you, my sister not so much ❤️ congrats on the win @/lewishamilton, we’ll review, do better, and come get you next time 😜
Tagged: lewishamilton
yn_norris I cried real tears @/lewishamilton
yn_norris you fought hard, it was entertaining race. Love you to the moon and back🫶🫶
landonorris love you to the moons and back twice 🫶
used2 with no warning either 😭😭
yn_norris also for the record I did nothing
Kimi.antonelli ok now I said I was sorry
user3 why war McLarens strategy all messed up this week
Kimi.antonelli great driving today 💪
landonorris 😑
yn_norris lando try that again.
landonorris 👍
user4 you still did great!!
user5 lmao the jab at Y/n 😭😭
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liked by danielriccardo, olliebearman, user88, and 198,828 others
yn_norris big weekend :)
tagged: landonorris, kimi.antonelli
landonorris big weekend? BIG WEEKEND? THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY??
yn_norris I mean a lot happened
danielriccardo I think that trophy was kissed better than you
yn_norris 🙄✋
Kimi.antonelli love you ♥️
yn_norris love you too ♥️
user1 her and Lando 🥹🥹
olliebearman thanks for the support on your off weekend 👏👏
yn_norris anytime care bear
user3 the McLaren flag slays so hard
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Liked by yn_norris, landonorris, used928, and 727,828 others
Kimi.antonelli: I owe an apology to Y/n for ruining our soft launch on a whim, Lando for doing it front of you, and my family for not telling you guys sooner. But that’s all besides the point because I can finally say LOOK AT MY GIRLFRIEND
tagged: yn_norris
yn_norris omg I love you ♥️
Kimi.antonelli I love you more ♥️
user1 the uppercase at the end he’s so cute 😭😭
user2 you can tell he’s so excited
oscarpiastri so does the Barcelona photo prove that’s who Y/n was with that morning?
landonorris no shot they snuck around right under my nose
Kimi.antonelli no comment
yn_norris not my fault you’re an idiot who doesn’t ask enough questions
landonorris oh just you wait for my questions now
Oscarpiastri oh look now you’ve opened Pandora’s box y/n
carlossainz55 I guess I like you
Kimi.antonelli that’s comforting?
Carlossainz55 be happy it’s not hate
yn_norris he’s a tad bit overprotective
danielriccardo you’ve got balls kid, I respect it
Kimi.antonelli thank you 😁
user3 pls not this summoning all of Landos old teammates
user4 guess he’s not the only one they’ve grown attatched to
landonorris this is cute ig
Kimi.antonelli I’m taking this as a win
yn_norris don’t act all grumpy on main
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liked by Danielriccardo, user817, Kimi.antonelli, and 817,828 others
yn_norris: “this night is sparkling, don’t you let it go”
tagged: Kimi.antonelli
Kimi.antonelli fav taylor song 🫶🫶
yn_norris see aren’t you glad I made you listen to it
user1 Kimi is an Enchanted stan???
landonorris wtf is that last picture
yn_norris 🤷🏼‍♀️
user2 I love them so much 😭😭
User3 she dedicated Enchanted to him?? Girlie is in deep
Carlossainz55 does he make you happy?
danielriccardo this is is a very important question
yn_norris very 🥰
landonorris cancel the plans guys
Kimi.antonelli I’m scared
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Liked by lilyzniemer, user4, carlossainze55, and 981,828 others
yn_norris: he’s family approved ☀️😌
tagged: Kimi.antontelli
Kimi.antonelli Aunt Y/n 😍
landonorris absolutely not
danielriccardo I’m watching you
carlossainz55 stop right there
yn_norris do you guys always materialize in time to ruin the fun 😒
oscarpiastri 👶🚫
yn_norris OSCAR YOU TOO???
Landonorris take that helmet off her now, Uncle Lala’s is the only one allowed
yn_norris possessive much
user1 I can never tell how Lando feels about Kimi
user2 right mixed signals much? He bullies him in insta comments but openly supports him irl
user3 speaking from personal experience, that’s just him being an annoying older brother
lilyzniemer the matching outfits 🥰🥰
abbiepulling they are too cute!!!
yn_norris I love you both 🫶🫶
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maxverstappendefender · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if u can make an imagine with max verstappen where the reader is an athlete also (tennis player please 😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😭🥹🥹) and she is also from Netherlands
her and max were like in the same school or neighbors or even Victoria’s friend and her and max used to be dating since they were young teenagers but they broke up because of their careers (more like she broke up with him lol🤭) and they meet again at a gala or a wedding when they are at the top of their game her being world no.1 and many grand slams winner and him being world champion and then they have a confrontation with a lot of angst and yelling and max being heartbroken 💔💔🤌🏻🤌🏻
other part to this request: "Also about the max and athlete reader like if u can make it inspired by “call out my name” by The Weeknd 🥲"
a/n: this is such a good idea, i love some good angst. i made it a smau and also written parts (more towards the hend). i don't know much about tennis but i tried. the google translate dutch is probably bad but that's fine. hopefully i did your idea justice <3
warnings: profanity (?), alcohol
my masterlist !
The Dutch Athletes
yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 933,481 others
yourusername and that's a wrap on the lovely game of tennis, back to training for next season :)
view all 91,029 comments
liked by yourusername
landonorris you're serving! (do you get it? im so funny)
-> yourusername ty lan (the tennis jokes are never funny)
-> landonorris not even a pity laugh.
user i see a certain someone hiding in the likes
-> user 🤺🤺🤺 be gone sir
victoriaverstappen cannot wait to see you next week!
-> yourusername i miss my favourite dutch person
-> user max is punching the wall rn
user wait, im new. why is everyone hating on max verstappen here?
-> user y/n dated him a while back but they ended it in 2021 for reasons no one knows. lots of speculation but they never confirmed or denied anything. he still has loads of pictures of them on his insta but she deleted hers, probs wasn't a mutual breakup in that case. she's still good friends with lando, charles, and max's sister!
-> user he probably cheated or something
-> user they both seem happy so we shouldn't make assumptions :)
liked by yourusername
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liked by f1fan1, vstppn, y/nflowers, and 14,912 others
y/nmaxupdates still no new content of our favs together so we are doing a little throwback thursday to one of y/n's posts from 2015 (she has removed the post).
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yourusername posted a story!
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yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 791,492 others
yourusername vegas baby! vv thankful lando is okay. congrats on the podium charlie!
view all 83,001 comments
charles_leclerc You say congrats but you wear a McLaren hat
-> yourusername only because lando invited me, not you!
user max being cropped out has me CACKLING
user we were so so close to some y/nmax snippet by her posting him but she fucking cropped him out
landonorris i'm so mad i crashed, my helmet was so sick for this race. do you think i can wear it to the clubs tonight?
-> yourusername lando istg if you wear your damn helmet anywhere tonight. you are supposed to be staying at the hotel with me anyways?
-> landonorris i don't see a doctor that will stop me from leaving. but my helmet looked sick right?
-> yourusername eh
landonorris we literally spent like 3 days together before the race and you still chose that ugly picture
danielricciardo VEGAS BABYYY. tonight we party.
liked by yourusername
yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by landonorris, maxverstapen1, and 701,831 others
yourusername 'VEGAS BABYYY. tonight we party.' ~daniel ricciardo (and don't worry, i didn't let lando leave the hotel looking like that)
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it had been a wonderful night so far. lando couldn't drink due to the drugs the doctors gave him so you didn't drink either out of solidarity. lando had gone off to do lando things, probably finding a way to the dj booth or socializing with whoever he can. you were just sat at this couch in the vip area. you were talking to charles for a while before he went off to do celebratory shots. you were so tired from the timezone difference, vegas compared to the netherlands was messing with your system. you had your head leaned back against the couch, your eyes were just looking at some of the drivers having a lot of fun and celebrating in one of the best party cities in the world.
you felt someone sit down next to you on the couch. you didn't know who it was at first but you quickly smelt the cologne and knew. max. you two hadn't really spoken since 2021, when you ended it. it wasn't the prettiest of breakups but we were both stupid kids and in love back then. you both should've known it wouldn't work out. you tried, though. you tried with every single thing you had in you but at the end of the day, fate would always be stronger.
"hey, y/n. haven't seen you in awhile," max finally said, breaking the silence. he sort of had seen you though, on instagram. had he missed you? every fucking day. you broke up with him though, and you seemed happier. if you were happy, he would accept that.
"sure," was all you said. that was your telltale sign that you did not want to talk. but let's be honest, max verstappen not having a conversation when he wants to sounded impossible. he wanted to fix things, he wanted to fix it all. why wouldn't you let him? "any chance we can talk?" he asked you. he wouldn't really take no for an answer. he would just talk to you while you listened, but even that would be stretching it.
you stood up from the couch, careful to not look at him. if you looked at him, you would be a goner and would do just about anything he asked you to. you were a strong person except when it came to max. "see you around," you muttered to him before leaving the vip area. you would infact not be seeing him around, not if you can avoid it. maybe not drinking was a bad idea. you had spotted lando who was busy chatting away to someone. "fuck," you whispered under your breath, realizing that the person who you had to make sure got home safely was still having a good night. you wouldn't want to cut his night short, especially when his night started bad with the race.
you felt some hands wrap around your waist and before you could protest, these hands were pushing you out this door to the club's back alley. you knew those hands though. you knew them all too well. "max, what the hell?!" you shouted at him as you felt the cool night air hit your face. it felt better than how being inside that club felt.
he knew this was probably too far. but when has 'too far' ever stopped him. he was so done with this all. 2 years of not having more than 10 words shared between you two. you two used to talk every single day, where did it all go wrong? he knew this one was his fault. he was the one who had lost you, all for racing. he gave up you for racing. he was a royal idiot for that. "i am so done with you not even talking to me!" he shouted to you. he was thanking god that you two were in an alley and not somewhere public for this.
"i don't want to talk to you," you said to him. not many people held their ground against max, but you always did. you never wanted to talk to him again, not since your breakup. you were happy and had a great life, you didn't need the mess that was max verstappen. "you never do!" he said back. that was true and you both knew it.
"you're right! i never do! because you fucked up," you shouted to him, putting your finger straight to his chest. the breakup was infact not mutual like the media made it seem. you two broke up because you were trying to support him in racing while still building a life in tennis for yourself. you could see the stress eating away at max that year and he still wouldn't let you help. even if it was help from afar. you tried to be there. he didn't even try to be there for you and your goals either.
"i know i did. believe me, i know i fucked it up," he said to you. there had been quite a few sleepless nights where his brain just wouldn't turn off. he had only been thinking about you. tonight was just his breaking point. he was done acting like he hadn't been thinking about you.
there was a moment of silence as we just looked at eachother. we had grown up a lot since we last got close like this. "so then why? just why?" you pleaded to him to just give him a real answer. 2021 had been a hard year for him and you knew that. but you were his girlfriend. you were meant to be there and help him but he wouldn't let you. he pushed you away at any chance he got. then you were alone. it was an endless cycle of you trying to help max with his stress, him pushing you away, and then you also getting lost to your own stress.
he put his hands on either side of your face. he knew he couldn't give you the answer he had given you when you asked this question 2 years ago. he couldn't say "just a tough year" because although that was a part of it, it wasn't the entire truth. and you deserved the truth. "i pushed you away before you could push me away," he said to you as he looked into your eyes. he felt like an idiot for saying that but it was the whole truth.
you gave him a slightly confused look. that had been a different answer than what you got 2 years ago. how could he even think you would push him away? you loved him so much and you had for years. you would have clung to him, even in death. "if i wouldn't have won in 2021, there was that thought that you would be gone," he admitted.
"i wouldn't have left. i wouldn't have ever done that," you quickly said. you had to say that really quickly before he spoke again. clearly your words took him aback a little. he really felt stupid for ever thinking that you would leave, let alone leave simply because he won a championship. mentally, you said 'fuck it', and just kissed him. you pulled away for a second to whisper, "je bent een idioot, max verstappen (you are an idiot, max verstappen)". then you kissed him again.
he smiled in the kiss, his hands in your hair and yours in his. your words were true, he was an idiot. he would probably have to kiss you a million times to make up for him pushing you away. and that was a price he was willing to pay. he felt you pull away and as desperately as he wanted to pull you back into him, he knew you had some more words to say.
you pulled away. "but you left. you left when it got hard and i will never put myself in that position ever again," you said to him. your lips stung with how much desire you had for max. but you had to make smart decisions, you could not get hurt again. and deep down, you knew he would leave if it got hard again. him leaving again would hurt too much. you had a good life now, he had a good life now.
he felt his heart shatter at your words. but he knew you were right that he had left when it got hard. he had taken the coward's way out. he wanted you to be happy and you seemed so happy with your life now. he couldn't take that from you. he nodded his pain away and spoke softly to you, "i hope you have nothing but happiness in life". then he walked away. he walked away but this time for your sake. he knew you wouldn't walk away from him so he walked away from you. he really did hope you had nothing but happiness in life. he could hear all about your happiness from the bits that victoria shared with him.
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liked by y/nlover, heartsfory/n, mvfan, and 19,254 others
y/nmaxupdates NEW CONTENT!! I REPEAT NEW CONTENT OF MAX AND Y/N!! that kiss?? oh we are SO back.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Written & Writing :)
Because I’ve got a couple things drafted, n i’ve written a few things before in the past, i figured i’d make a list, a collection, wouldn’t necessarily call it a master list, but y’know. Easier to navigate everything that i have written or am in the middle of writing teehee
so far there is only three fandoms i’ve written for: Hazbin, Helluva & FNAF. but im a fan of other things like codmw, harry potter, certain slashers, batman, creepypastas, the labyrinth (my fav <3) n others
*: The stars indicate explicit content 18+, all GN pronouns and anatomically; otherwise will be specified.
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Hazbin Hotel:
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝓌:
Transported (Male reader): 【1】 【2】
Reader gets thrown into the Hazbin Hotel after falling down a well, now he’s having a blast interacting with all his favs while also experiencing the fun first hand.
Wing Grooming: 【1】 【2*】
You help Lucifer maintain his healthy wings, and in the first part he suggest stopping before things go south, in the second part, things go south straight to smut town.
Met the Devil* Human!reader || PT2
You’re a plain and simple human until you meet a strange man in the night who gives you a card, mysteriously that same strange man shows up at the cottage your house sitting.
Request: Cockwarming Lucifer at Mammon performance
Zip Zap (male reader)
Charlie gets followed by Valentinos boys, readers there to save the day.
Request: Charlie x male reader *
Knight (male reader) PT2
In the first part male reader saves Emily after she falls and gets nabbed up by Valentino, and in the second part you comfort her when she has nightmares about it.
The Dog and The Deer
Reader is a dog demon, Alastor loathes the reader simply because it reminds him of his untimely death, and weak mortality. You however are incessant and want him to like you, you end up finding out why he hates you and possibly start a new friendship.
In Season (Fem Reader)*
Reader is pretty well acquainted with heat, but wasn’t typically affected, thats until she visits the hotel and a scent like no other hit her throwing all her reasoning out the window, Alastor felt the same when he sensed you come into the hotel. SMUT
At first sight*. || PT2 PT3*
Doe reader with white ears and tail has been Charlie’s bestie since childhood, and when they comes to the hotel is hesitant about the radio demon until they meet in the flesh and an instant attraction is there. Reader ends up dealing her soul to him in the form of marriage during a moment of intimacy.
Movie night. || PT2 PT3
Reader and the gang it sit down in the first part to watch Bambi, and it brings back some memories from his past. In the second part, Reader is excited to show Alastor princess and the frog due to the similarities, and in the third part Alastor treats reader to a date after the kindness of the nights prior.
Bully: [1]
Reader is an Imp who’d befriended Charlie and came to the hotel, Alastor makes sure to make readers life a living hell poking at all their soft spots reminding them they’re just a weak little imp. There will eventually be a second part with smut.
Back to Life: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper into them, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
Request, cockwarming Alastor*
Request, Songfic: Noel’s Lament
Request Insecure Plus sized reader with Alastor
Request, Reader and Alastor fight and make up teehee, angst fluff smut
Hate That I Love You
Father Adam (incomplete)
Request - Hosptialized adam teehee
Big Fan (incomplete)
Request; singer reader who vox becomes obsessed with FEM
Showers* (Fem reader Incomplete)
Obsessed with me (Fem reader incomplete)
Rivalry To Romance (Female Reader)
You always found yourself in competition with Velvette and you found her to be an insufferable brat, turns out it’s just a wee crush.
Request Val bratty reader FEM
Request: bunny reader and spanking
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Helluva Boss: Nothing yet!
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Five Nights at Freddy’s:
Mike Schmidt:
Paranormal Investigator
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Shows I watch instead of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
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Mixels my fav childhood minisodes about lego characters that learned to work together and their fusion are awesome. Also I understand what Kramer is saying.
3 2 1 Penguins have good bible quotes in the christain kid show I only know Veggietales when I was watching it on YouTube also 4 talking penguins are cool also Kevin is my fav autistic British penguin.
When it came out I got excited when it came out I was waiting for season 2 but it never came I love the cool rubber hose cartoon style in the adult animated show.
I love how it is about cooking and DND anime like Campfire Cooking in another world it’s wholesome,dark,delicious food and amazing animations also I love how the food look tasty and the intro song is a vibe but I wished that they added the missing moments in the manga right to the cutscenes when I’m watching it.The anime turns me into a gay simp fr.
When I first saw Red dwarf on BBC my mom tells me that Red dwarf is her fav childhood show I love how funny the sci-fi series is also the cat slaying in every episodes.
I love watching Bravest Warrior as a pre teen I love how they look like Adventure time but sci-fi Catbug gotta be my fav character.
Scooby doo is my fav when I grew up watching it on my old iPad and watching it on tv what I hate the most is scooby doo mystery incorporated they ruined Scooby doo and Velma relationship Velma loves Scooby doo when she met him as a puppy it’s so adorable I love how Velma treats him as a good friend instead of being jealous of eachother also I hated the Velma show.
I love watching Gravity falls on TV whenever I am on vacation with my family I love watcit everyday since my favourite is Mable cuz she’s like my fr as a kid now I become Robbie but without nobody cuz I never interested in dating. Alex Hirsh the legend who made a successful discontinued amazing 2 seasons show and made a coolest lore about Bill Cipher.
I love watching it since the show came out the year after I was out of the womb and still a baby I love how cool the robots are transformers are a greatest franchise since the 80s I love that the transformers characters are different from the original one like an alternate universe Prowl was my fav when I was a kid.
I love Monkey wrench since it came out I love the funny duo between Beebs and Shrike relationship they are the funny duo in the indie series the stories isn’t rushed and I love Sci-fi genre so much!
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amakumos · 7 months
enhypen as f1 fans - headcanons.
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SYNOPSIS. enhypen as f1 fans this is literally just it
GENRE. probably just crack
AUTHOR'S NOTE. this is literally just for fun and i love lando norris. lmk what else you would want to add if u like f1 and enha... let me know what types of fans theyd be... not tagging taglist in this cuz its not that serious of a fic
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favourite team: aston martin
favourite track: spa-francorchamps
favourite driver: fernando alonso / lewis hamilton
heeseung also gives me the vibe that he likes red bull as well! i think he definitely wouldn't be mad if a rb driver won, but would prefer drivers from his favourite team
he's definitely gone to races before. occasionally buys paddock passes.
had the time of his life in the first half of the 2023 season when aston was good... after the upgrades (more like downgrades) he's been going through it...
but i think he'd still have hope.
the kind of guy to quit watching the race if his favourite driver dnfs
buys merch like a crazy person
loves fernando’s tiktok account with a burning passion. probably uses them as reaction memes in the gc
will lose his shit when fernando or lewis retires.
has a soft spot for oscar
bashes his head against the wall when his fav driver has a slow pitstop
the kind of guy to yell at the tv when the result outcome is terrible
"i'm never watching formula 1 again" he says when his fav doesn't make it to the points... and then proceeds to turn the tv back on the next race week
probably has a selfie with his fav driver (and probably cried a little bit after)
uses that video of fernando's celebration dance as a way to get out of awkward conversations
the first guy to like fernando's new tiktoks whenever they r posted
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favourite team: mercedes
favourite track: circuit of the americas
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / sebastian vettel
honestly i feel like everyone in enha loves lewis
lost his shit when seb retired
i think he also likes nico rosberg as well. seems like a brocedes guy (he sheds tears every time someone brings brocedes up tho)
would sacrifice his right lung for another lewis hamilton win
would gladly help seb build his bee hotels in suzuka
paddock passes every time when he goes and watches f1.
probably has selfies with every driver that he likes
hes just a mercedes guy through and through
he's loyal to his team! if ur a mercedes driver, jay loves u AUTOMATICALLY.
probably died a bit on the inside when george and lewis had contact on turn 1 in qatar 2023
not a red bull fan. im sorry
but he sometimes thinks about turning into a red bull fan because life as a red bull fan is much less depressing compared to being a merc fan
misses the merc domination era
probably on f1twt and is famous there
people know him for having selfies w the drivers and always buying paddock passes. he's a rich guy what can i say
another guy who yells at the screen during a race
whenever merc has disappointing strategies he just sighs and thinks: "i could do a better job"
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favourite team: ferrari
favourite track: monza / monaco
favourite driver: charles leclerc
he goes through it every single weekend. every weekend he is constantly disappointed by ferrari and at this point he is considering to quit watching f1
only cares about charles. loves that man with his life
he also likes oscar and danny ric as well, because they're australian
you know how every italian man is in love with charles? they post stuff on their story like "met my husband😍" and it's a pic of them and charles? that's jake. he is him
jake reminds me of that one fan who made charles a pizza and gave it to him in person. like that’s lowkey some shit that he would do
picks up on phrases that charles says. mainly "it's like this" ...
prays every single weekend for charles to get good results (he is always disappointed)
wanted to die when he saw charles' slow pit stop at the dutch gp in 2023... they had NO TYRES and jake threw the remote control at the screen
has charles merch. definitely bought the monaco special edition hat. probably buys apm monaco for charles too
he's definitely gone to races before. probably bought paddock once but he will never do that again his wallet was crying
was 100% in the crowd during charles' 2019 monza win. also shed tears during that moment
"BURN THE SF23" is the most tweeted thing on his f1twt account of the 2023 season
argues with sunghoon all the time over f1 because sunghoon is a red bull fan... but secretly they're literally lecstappen
in general jake would sacrifice his entire life for charles leclerc and... he's so real for that
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favourite team: red bull
favourite track: zandvoort / red bull ring
favourite driver: max verstappen
the only one enjoying the 2023 season
because his favourite driver always wins
the only one in enha whos NEVER disappointed whenever a race happens
yells rlly loud whenever max wins (so basically every race weekend) and the rest of the enha boys just look at him like 😒
probably has like 5 red bull shirts in his closet and sleeps in them
defends max with his life. probably has a twitter account w the user onlyverstappen and you'll see him bashing the shit out of max haters
prob bought a max mini helmet. almost bought the max verstappen christmas sweater (hes a dedicated fan what can i say)
big maxiel fan. would sacrifice everything for a max and daniel pairing again because he thinks they're funny together
likes max bc of his humour as well
watches youtube videos about f1 like "every f1 driver getting mad at nikita mazepin" or like "funny f1 driver radio moments"
the kind of guy to save every max edit into his camera roll (hes in love what can i say)
started drinking red bulls because of his love for the team… he says it’s his way of supporting them
fan of liam lawson too. needs him to get a seat and he does not care with what team. he just needs to see that man in a f1 car ASAP...
has been to f1 races, bought paddock once to go with jay. max won that race and he never shuts up about how he saw max verstappen win with his own two eyes
has the same passion towards f1 as jake except he lives in a constant state of happiness due to red bull's dominance while jake lives in a constant state of depression
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favourite team: alphatauri / williams
favourite track: singapore
favourite driver: yuki tsunoda / alex albon
big yuki fan. thinks his radios are funny
he's not too invested in f1 but watches occasionally
loves alex bc of how he's somehow able to drag a williams into the points
he's pretty quiet when he's watching f1 i feel
feels like the kind of guy to just sit on the couch and be like "hmm. good job" or like "oh. maybe next time..."
mainly bc his fav drivers and teams arent fighting for podiums or championships... but he hopes that they'll be able to someday
he's that one rlly lucky fan that could just be walking around in the same city as his fav f1 driver and just bump into them on the street
doesn't hate any team and doesn't hate any driver. he's a pretty chill f1 fan
the ONE time sunoo probably got pissed was when yuki was on his formation lap and his engine broke down... meaning he didn't start
wanted to punch smth because How in the World
probably bought one of yuki's mini helmets bc he thinks its cute. "good room decor" - kim sunoo 2023
probably has a yuki or alex cap but that's as much merch as he'll buy tbh
likes the yuki / daniel combo for alphatauri but also thinks nyck should've been given a bit more time
probably hasn't been to an f1 race in person... if he went i don't think he'd buy paddock unless one of the other members bought it and brought him along
keeps up w f1 news from twitter or from jake bc he never stops talking about how ferrari’s fucking up charles' strategy again
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favourite team: mclaren
favourite track: silverstone
favourite driver: lando norris / oscar piastri
no, i’m not just saying jungwon is a lando enjoyer just because i am (maybe a little bc i’m biased BUT)
they’re both just adorable so what can i say really
depressed at the beginning of the season when the mclaren boys were driving a fucking TRACTOR for a car
landoscar enthusiast. i don’t make the rules… he and jake remind me of landoscar kinda… like jake would be a lando and jungwon would be an oscar
would do anything (I MEAN ANYTHING) for a lando win… me too
spends money on lando merch (HOODIES!) and prob wears it bc the designs r insanely cool
sits in silence in the corner when it’s a bad race week for his faves… like he’s crazily silent to the point where it’s scary. it's giving eye twitches vibes
gets hyped for race week tho he’s the kinda guy to have every race logged in his calendar
makes maeumi watch f1 with him. unfortunately maeumi is not a mclaren fan much to his disappointment
if you hate lando or oscar he will hate you. defends them with his life and trust and believe me he will win.
is on f1twt, pretty well known on there (he just tweets random shit and gets 1k likes and hes like... Wtf)
attends races whenever he can, prob not paddock cuz he thinks it’s not really worth it bc of how expensive they are
used to mclaren being good now compared to the start of the season so he’s devastated when they’re not top 5
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favourite team: mercedes (ferrari later tho...)
favourite track: suzuka
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / yuki tsunoda / kimi raikkonen
lewis fan because he’s the goat, yuki fan bc he thinks he’s funny and bc they’re both japanese, kimi fan because well... hes KIMI
riki’s prob been invested in f1 since he was a kid, definitely the most involved / passionate w motorsports
probably watches other motorsport series too! pretty sure he’s talked about formula e, and i could see him enjoying indycar and motogp
yk how lewis released that collab w fortnite? riki prob bought the skin and plays as lewis in fortnite😭
loves roscoe!!! would want bisco and roscoe to meet tbh
wants lewis to win again SOOOO badly
prob has a picture with yuki and the height difference would be hilarious (yuki is 159cm)
i think he's a big fan of schumacher, senna, prost too, definitely been watching this sport for a WHILE!
in a complete state of SHOCK when it was revealed lewis would be going to ferrari
started learning italian on duolingo after the big announcement
has definitely been to a few f1 races (suzuka, silverstone & singapore are probably the ones he's been to)
probably gets invited as a guest of his favourite teams n shit it's crazy he's practically an influencer there
would start an f1 podcast for fun and it would go viral
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enixamyram · 7 months
Things I Hope For in Season 2:
Huskerdust - I heard Vivzie is hoping for at least 3 seasons and while I enjoy a slow burn, I also don't want them to get together at the very last minute. I want a chance to have a season of them being together before we say goodbye. So if we are gonna get 3 seasons then can they get together in season 2, please?
Velvette - She's in my top fav so I hope we get a chance to learn more about her since she's still pretty mysterious compared to the other Vees.
The Vees - I really want them to have a genuine familial and caring relationship. Someone else said it better but in general I just want them to be god awful selfish people who care only about themselves and each other and nothing and no one else.
Valentino Break Down - I'm sure you've seen that TikTok. The one with that song I can't remember the name of where Val is losing it over Angel breaking free. I want this! I want a whole song number of Val just having a massive tantrum when he realises Angel is steadily escaping him.
Flashbacks - I've heard this is apparently actually going to be a thing. I'm looking forward to whatever it is but if I was being greedy, I want flashbacks both of their human lives and of when they first ended up in hell.
Niffty Explanation - I still stand by that I both am terrified and in love with this character. But more than anything I'm curious about her so I would love to learn what her deal is!
Chaggie Date - This is kind of a filler episode idea. I have the highest of hopes that now the show has done so well, they'll give it more episodes and maybe we can get some filler type episodes. One of which should include Chaggie having a date! I don't care what whacky scenario follows, I just want to see them being cute and cuddly!
Angel's family - I really hope we see more of his family. I also hope that Molly has a chance to somehow interact with her brother. And, to be evil, I also hope that Arackniss is a bastard and we get some angst with him and Angel because I heard (no idea if it's true or just gossip) that Angel's family was mostly homophobic. I mostly want angst because I then want it to be followed by comfort from the rest of the hotel.
Fat Nuggets Origin - Either a flashback of even just Angel telling someone about how he got Fat Nuggets. I know Val gave him to Angel, but I am curious as to how it came about. Was it when Val was pretending to not be an asshole, or was it an "apology" for being a dick or what? I need to know!
More Overlords - I'd love to see more of the Overlords who didn't really get much screen time in Season 1. Like the T-Rex looking one whose name I'm not sure because I've seen multiple ones for her...
Lilith and Lucifer Reunite - Vivzie has managed to make me love this couple despite never actually seeing them together. Just the way she describes them as a corny sweet romance, I desperately want to see these two together. I want to see the corny sweet romance between them! (And you know, figure out what's going on with Lilith and answer all the questions and blah blah blah, give me the romance!)
Lucifer Vs Alastor - I love these two together. I need more of them pissing each other off. I have been spoiled with fancontent and now I need something canon.
Cherri - I want more of her in general! But I also really, really, really hope we see a softer side of her. I pretty much originally fell for her because of the Addicts music video, seeing her stand up for and look after Angel when he was at a low point. And while I still love her being the good intentioned bad influence that she was in her episode, I do want to see that side of her again.
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bloodreddemons · 1 month
All Hazbin Hotel Fashion Ranked w/Roasting | (imo)
(Pilot to Present)
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#20 Valentino | He literally looks like he smells of alcohol, smoke, and piss. How tf has Velvette not fixed him yet?!?! This gawdy wannabe gimp getup is NOT OK... He just strolls around naked under that Santa Claus/Zebra printed Nightmare....🤡 (I like his glasses tho imma rob him)
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#19 Adam | Dude be fucking having that moo moo dress ON. I find it hilarious that his army is dripped out more than he is. I mean his final battle moo moo dress was a bit better than the original but he really just walks around like a certain Ice King from one of my fav Cartoon Network shows lmfaooooo. ✝️
#18 Carmilla Carmine | Lackluster. I wasn't really wowed by either two of her looks all that much I guess. There's just absolutely no color I kinda wish they incorporated maybe more purple or something in her. Carmilla also got some BIG ass hands. Idk her design just kinda throws me off. It reminds me of something abstract.
#17 Vox | I really like his coat and just the overall palette of that electric blue situation but his shirt low-key is giving me Freddy Krueger tease lol. As well as Pyrocynical and that dude from the show "Villainous". I hope in Season 2 Vox serves us more looks and variety. He's not bad, he just obviously doesn't compare to others.
#16 Katie Killjoy | She got only like one outfit but man does it EAT. A bit cliche for a reporter but it's just still too cunty to turn down. The pearls, the cut, the makeup, fucking slay I guess. Miss Bryce Tankthrust still serving in hell is a MUST. 📣
#15 Lute | Ngl I was just shocked how pretty Lute was. That fucking face card and you hide it under a MASK?!?! Her eyelashes/eyes and that bob is just chef's *kiss* honestly and I actually really do think the angel uniforms are pretty hot as well. You just can't go wrong with a thigh high BOOT. Girls really get it done. 💯 (Keep the mask OFF!!!)
#14 Mimzy | I hate Mimzy with a passion but I can't deny flapper dresses are beautiful. Mimzy you absolutely devoured and the body is bodying Cheers, you're timeless lol. 🥂
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#13 Husk | Please don't hate me guys. I love Husk and all, but ever since Alastor stole his soul he also stole his swag. Man's hasn't worn a fucking shirt since that day lmao. 🤣🤣 Like where DID his suit go??? I would be depressed and wasted too if I was him. I don't hate his design or outfit, I just think it's a bit too simple compared to the other main characters. His personality and Keith David 100% make up for it tho. ♠️
#12 Rosie | Just like Mimzy but like, tripled lmao. Just timeless beauty that never dies. Mary Poppins WHO???? My favorite is honestly probably her hat, that thing is like the crown jewel. Color palette is also kinda satisfying, I stan the pink and mauve. 🌷
#11 Emily | She's like a breath of fresh air from all the red and pink tones. The baby and periwinkle blue is so beautiful and so are her features. Them big ass eyes, the freckles, & whimsical hair. I liked her dress too. Big W's for Em. 💙
#10 Niffty | Cutieeeee. I really like her redesign compared to the old one. 1950's style of fashion is also still very appealing to me as well. The pink dress she was wearing was so fucking adorable I almost had a stroke just to see it in person. She's also weirdly gorgeous covered in angel blood. 💄
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#9 Charlie Morningstar | Ngl...a lil disappointed in our girl. As the main character....to have so many just similar looking outfits with not much variety is kinda the most unsatisfying thing ever. It often feels like her fanart and photos that we rarely ever see contain better outfits than the ones that repeatedly appear in the show. However there's nothing really wrong with her final design I just sometimes really miss the old one from the pilot. I think her rounder features and the lighter pink suited her better. Final battle outfit was her best look so far tho in my opinion. 💋
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#8 Sir Pentious | Sir Pentious style sorta never changed, he's still rocking that snake do-rag and that suit top that's striped just like everybody else's. 😮‍💨 I really wish they would've made Pentious' suit a floral pattern. I know stripes might have been popular in the 1800s but floral was very popular too and it'd be something different that'd still completely match his Era. I love his steam punk style and his other creative looks but his HEAVEN outfit was just the best. Saint Pentious > Sinner Pentious!! 🤍
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#7 Velvette | Thank LUCI they changed and upgraded this girl bro. She was lowkey a hot fucking mess in my opinion before. Man did she come out SWINGING. Not just with looks but also personality I was floored. She's literally the Queen of hairdos and assembling, not many people can pull off that many patterns. Unique and trendy with the energy to back it up. Velvette you'll always be famous!! ❤
#6 Lucifer Morningstar | 6.6.6!!! Very few outfits but I never seen a moment where this man did not serve!! He's always got that fire ass coat on and he gives you the hatsssss. They're stylish while also telling you exactly who he is. It's like regal as fuck while also kinda simple. You don't have to think too much while ogling to just know that he's a dapper ass cHaD. ❤️‍🔥🍎
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#5 Cherri Bomb | Loved all of Cherri's outfits. She fucking devoured and blown away over half the competition. She is Kesha vibes. Mama is Avril Lavigne vibesss. She just gives it to you with her punk rock, y2k, fashion. (I know she's supposed to 80s Era but still lol..) Always loved her base look but the final battle outfit and the one from the addict music video were amazing. 🍒
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#4 Vaggie | Vaggie the fucking queen you areeee. Talk about versatility. She can really pull off a lot. I noticed that she experiments with her hair a lot like Velvette and I LOVE THAT. The fucking bob?!? High ponytail?!?! Great bangs and great length?!?! Vaggie teach me your wayssss. I always liked her bow and a lot of her outfits. Most of them are sexy without trying too hard. I don't think I can even pick a favorite but I'd probably go with final battle outfit and also her angel gown because that is just too cute lol. 💅🏼
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#3 Alastor | As soon as Alastor popped up on scene he was fucking slaying. Literally definition of "pink is cute but red is sexy". He got those sharp ass acrylics ON and his coat is fabulousy spooky lmfao. He also went from being bed bug red to....even more red and sharper (because that was some how possible) lol. Red and black is always an amazing combo and his deer-like appearance is kinda appealing even tho it's a demon lol. I'd venture to even say he's probably the most fashionable Overlord. He's just eye catching and has that AURA. Maybe it's because he's an ancient relic with very peculiar cLaSs but it's really working for him. Keep going you psycho I will see you in hell lmao. (Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka called 🍓💀)
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#2 Angel Dust | FUCKING KING SHIT. He just serves every time without fail. He has a whole wardrobe and they all fucking bang. The clothes are sexy, the makeup is sexy, the AURA is sexy. AND IT SHOULDN'T BE TRIFLED WITH!!! It's really sad because he spends so much time to "get pretty" for pieces of shit, but it doesn't take away Angel's talent to pull of so many gorgeous and hot things. Angel will always be a standout icon and I bet Heaven will look SO good on him. 💗
#1 Lilith (Probably lol) | We barely seen her, but I just KNOW she'd devour. Point. Blank. Period. lmfao. 👑♀️
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violet-harmon2011 · 4 months
the evans ideal date
a/n: i know some of these are not totally canon - just let me live out my fantasies in peace lol
p.s. i love you all, thank you for reading!! pls lmk if any of these seem incorrect, i haven't revisted some seasons in a while. also please send me requests or just any evan peters related thoughts lol 🤗😚
all photos are from pinterest <3
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evan peters
i have a feeling he would love going to the movies
or building a pillow fort and watching one in your living room
he has mentioned in an interview that he would watch anything just to eat buttered popcorn and candy and drink soda lol
if it were up to him, he’d prob pick a rom com but he’s also up for a good horror film every once in a while
if you went to the theater, he would definitely wanna sit in the back and make out
if you're at home, he would wanna cuddle and would let you lay your head on his chest until you eventually fall asleep together
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tate langdon
i feel like he would wanna take a walk around the neighborhood after dark, you know, escape the house for a bit
he'd def wanna hold your hand
shares an earbud with you
listening to your shared playlist on your ipod
would give you his sweater if you got cold
would walk on the side closest to the road to protect you
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kit walker
most days the he's too tired after work & you just wanna stay in
would wanna bake with you!!!
and would it turn into a steamy makeout sesh on the countertop? ...and potentially something more? 100%
but seriously, he just loves spending time with you after a long day at work
cooking with you, holding you, kissing you, cuddling you
when he's able to save up to take you somewhere special, he'll ask you out to the movies or a nice restaurant or even the county fair
overall just a lovesick puppy who is head over heels for you
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kyle spencer
would want you with him at any parties he has to attend
but would much rather prefer spending time alone with you
would wanna take the bus out of town to escape for a little while
loooves picnic dates with you
would get the maid's help to make a bunch of food to bring
could relax under a tree with you for hours
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jimmy darling
would take you to a diner in town
would wear gloves and try to pretend he was normal for you
but you would take none of that, holding his hands with nothing but a proud smile on your face
he would definitely feel 100x more confident after that
your reward would be waiting for you in his trailer that night ;)
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james patrick march
would settle for having a nice dinner with you in his room and taking you to bed afterward
but would also be open to doing wtv you want
would ask you if you wanna get a drink at the hotel bar or have dinner at a nice restaurant if you’re tired of the hotel
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kai anderson
going out with kai is a rare occasion
most of the time, you’re lucky if he lets you sit in his lap while he’s doing cult work late at night
but every once in a while (especially on nights he wants to try for his messiah baby) he’ll ask you out
god forbid you make a big deal about it or even tell anyone other than winter
“get changed, i’m taking you out in five”
is really the kai equivalent of “do you wanna go out tonight, my gorgeous princess?”
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peter maximoff
shows up to your house, hiding behind a bouquet he picked for you
would wanna go to an arcade
beats you at every game
then he feels bad so he wins you a teddy from the claw machine that is absolutely impossible to win at
would take you out to eat after
nothin fancy probably just a diner or somewhere cozy
he cannot afford it but you don’t need to know that
would split a milkshake with you <3
afterwards, he has the zoomies so he gives you superfast piggyback rides
made you matching goggles in your fav color for protection :)
would wanna run around target at 1am pushing each other in shopping carts until you’re both kicked out lol
makes you playlists and loves sharing his music with you
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warren lipka
would wanna drive around, get drunk, do it over again
no but seriously, he'd just be content driving nowhere, windows down, screaming some song that makes him feel "alive"
would take you to the gas station or some cheap diner
would love taking random road trips together & finding adventure
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alex (adult world)
would love to take you to a museum if you're down
if you're a writer, he would come to poetry readings & book signings with you
loves going to the art store/bookstore
would also be down to just rent a film from adult world & chill at home if yk what i mean 😉
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luxurydumpsterfire · 13 days
Hazbin Hotel ships I like!!! 1¡!!¡(In no particular order) (Includes non-canon ships) (This is just for fun and is not meant to offend anyone!) (Okay, I'm going to stfu now).
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Let's go!
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These two live in my head rent free,all day,every day,24/7,365.
And most of the time they're kissing.
We know that they both lived in the same decade and have similar tastes in music and cuisine,which is already a great start! I also love the idea of Alastor adoring everything about Angel EXCEPT for the sex. Cause let's be real,Angel needs that. He deserves a complete and total gentleman who would never lay a finger on him; Especially after tolerating abuse from you-know-who, cough,cough,fuckyouValentino,COUGH.
Also,the tropes??? Good old fashioned lover boy x Killer Queen? Mafia x Serial killer? Hello???
10/10, Literally one of my favs.
2. Chaggie!
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My babies!
Okay, I admit these two are very cute. Since neither of these two age normally, Charlie's a hellborn and Vaggie's a fallen angel,it means they'll get to grow old together! :)
I love the opposites attract trope and these two are no exception!
I would definitely like for them to get more screen time in the second season 2,since they didn't get much in the first one,but other then that, they're perfect!
3. Nifty x Baxter
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(Do these two have a ship name? Idk?)
Baxter hasn't even come on to the show yet but I can already tell these two are going to be Chaos gremlins,in their own,lovable,concerning ways 😌
4. Lucililith
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I don't believe for a SECOND these two aren't in love,even if just a little bit.
I think it's mostly the fanart that got me hooked,lol. And the fact that I would love to have them as my parents, honestly.
5. CasinoBomb
(No photo for this one,sorry 🥲)
I...I don't know,man,@zaebeecee 's posts about them altered my brain chemistry and...I DON'T KNOW WTF HAPPENED,IDK
I just saw one of their posts and the more I thought about it,the more I liked it
Something about them just clicks,you know? It's one of those ships that makes no sense but also a lot of sense.
Also,if you don't know what characters I'm talking about, it's Husk x Cherri bomb.
5. Radiorose
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He doesn't mind her touching him 😢
They're so cute,omg 😭
Look at them!!! 💗💗💗
Although I mostly prefer them as besties, I also like the idea of them being together. You can tell he's a lot more comfortable with her then anyone else in the show and I love that ☺��
6. Radiohusk
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(Art belongs to @vadoodlevee and it will be taken down if I am asked to).
Ah yes,the two loser old men in love. GIVE THEM TO ME.
They've known each other for years and are sick and tired of each others bs. They know what the other like's and dislike's because they're begrudgingly stuck together. They actually can't stand each other.
And no, I'm not glorifing the slave x master thing. I've shipped these two HARD since the pilot,so calm down.
Alright, let's get more into the crackships/rarepairs. Not counting Casinobomb cause we know those two have actually met before,lol.
Feel free to give your own personal take on these(as long as they're not hateful)!
7. Caramel Apple!
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Apart from me just really liking their ship name,I feel like these two would be a really cute couple. Like,she would take him out to one of her parties when he's feeling down and would comfort him about his relationship with Charlie and with Lilith.
And Lucifer wouldn't be afraid to tell her when it's a good time to tone it down.
I also feel like she would be very polite to Charlie and Vaggie.
And I like the idea of them baking together ❤️
8. Angelic Ballet!
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A little hesitant on this one.
So, realistically,these two would probably hate each other. Sera was the one who approved the exterminations,resulting in the death of billions of sinners, which puts Carmila and her daughters in danger. So that's not really a great way to start a relationship...
However, I think in any other circumstances,I think these two would be a nice couple.
They both just want to protect the people they love and are willing to go to extreme measures to do just that. It could be Sera realizing not all sinners are absolute monsters,and some were just people who made mistakes in life. Kinda of like Vaggie realizing the hellborn weren't terrible upon meeting Charlie.
Also, they're both very elegant ladies who need another refined woman to treat them right 😌🏳️‍🌈
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thedvilsinthedetails · 9 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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cannibalmetaphor · 2 months
below the cut is a list of cannibal / eating people media I’ve consumed (pun intended) 🥩🔪 to honour my username of course! I’ve also got a running watchlist! send me asks if u have any recs!!!
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consumed… 🥩🔪 favs are in bold
nbc hannibal (tv show)
interview with the vampire (tv show)
midnight mass (tv show)
the terror (tv show)
strangers from hell (tv show)
hazbin hotel (tv show) (briefest of mentions)
bones and all (movie)
raw (movie)
the fan (movie)
mother! (movie)
romero’s zombie series (movies)
earthlings (book)
life ceremony (book)
tender is the flesh (book)
a certain hunger (book)
exquisite corpse (book)
a madman’s diary (short story)
on the menu (watchlist)… 🥩🔪
yellowjackets (tv show)
true blood (tv show)
the vampire chronicles (books)
the hannibal series (books)
dracula (book/movies)
to be devoured (book)
mother for dinner (book)
mexican gothic (book)
the centre (book)
off season (book)
eat the rich (graphic novel)
chew (graphic novel)
cannibalism: a perfectly natural history (nonfiction book)
eaters of the dead (nonfiction book)
eat thy neighbour (nonfiction book)
Ginger snaps (movie)
Jennifer’s body (movie)
the hills have eyes (movie)
martin (movie)
trouble every day (movie)
hellbender (movie)
the neon demon (movie)
fresh (movie)
ravenous (movie)
rabid (movie)
the green inferno (movie)
cannibal girls (movie)
Titus (movie)
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kermitdafroggy · 8 months
okay so like i just finished hazbin hotel. not mentally okay. well i am mentally okay but like i have so many thoughts.
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theres no way angel looks at husk like that without being in love.
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and my alltime fav quote from alastor!!!
spoilers below!
got to see adams face for the first time! ugly ass hoe.
also so is it like confirmed that lilith has a deal with alastor now?? ooohh the plot thickens!!
I STARTED BAWLING WHEN SIR PENTIOUS "DIED". but its fine cuz he actually got redeemed which is amazing!!! really hope he and cherri get to reconnect, i love the ship.
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anyways. hazbin hotel is fucking amazing, and im looking forward to the new season!!!
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anonoob · 1 year
here are some underrated (in my opinion) media's I recommend!
Lackadaisy (Animated PILOT - Webcomic.) Lackadaisy has its own Animated PILOT on YouTube, and a Webcomic you can find on the official lackadaisy website! The series is about a webcomic set in Prohibition-era St. Louis, Missouri. It chronicles the events of a cast of anthropomorphic cats as they struggle to keep the titular speakeasy afloat.
Murder Drones (Animated series) Murder Drones has recently gained popularity, but is still a small project. You find it on youtube. On a post-apocalyptic exoplanet, worker drones struggle to survive by hiding from rogue robots called Murder Drones
Epithet Erased (Animated series - book) you can find the first 7 episode Animated on YouTube! Season 2, however, Is a book. based on the tabletop roleplay series Anime Campaign! With unique powers called epithets, and characters attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Lego Monkie Kid (Cartoon) The tale begins when an ordinary boy, Monkie Kid, finds Monkey King's legendary staff, and he becomes the chosen one. You can watch on PRIME VIDEO!
Recreyo (YouTube channel!) Oddly enough, I'm recommending a YouTube channel.. a Comedy podcast with a group of friends with trust issues are thrown into different chaotic scenarios where they have to survive by learning to trust each other.. or not.
I'm running out of ideas or media's so.. uh yeah guys you should watch those silly fnaf rps like Oddities or The Famous Films!!! There's more, but I don't know them all lol
Also the sun and moon show is pretty cool yeah
EDIT ; The amazing digital circus is a new media too! Though, the fandom has grown largely. It's a animated pilot on YouTube, under the GlitchProductions channel. (creators of murder drones)
EDIT ; Spooky Month! Halloween is one of everyone's favorites, and so is October! I'm sure you've all heard of this show, made by Sr. pelo. Every year, near Halloween, a new episode for this series released! Last year, it grew huge in popularity.
There obviously tons of smaller projects out there, and I totally recommend them! Make sure to support small creators!
Fizz back w/ another banger
Y'all have obviously heard of hazbin hotel and helluva boss (I think helluva boss currently is better, especially in it storyline.)
Ramshackle ! An animated pilot on YouTube and it's 1st episode!, with many other small contents (webtoon, merch, art)
(Not really a media, but a nice nostalgic moment for old time flamingo fans) rewatch Roblox myth videos! They're actually nice to go back and remember, Especially if you were around when the vids came out.
An anime for once! Madoka Magica is great, actually. It's a dark spin on the magical girl ordeal, and it's probably the only anime I really like.
Object shows. There's a LOT of these. Most popular; Inanimate insanity, BFDI. Best recommendations; ONE (hfjcheesy), love of the s*n
Robloc area ; Regretevator, Evade, etc are lowkey fun games with good fandoms (sometimes)
EDDSWORLD OH My God please watch eddsworld it's made by this dude named Edd Gould and it's awesome
Indigo Park. Play it. It's so fucking cool/gen
Kinitopet, nice ai spin game!
Class of 2009 is epic and funny (also has triggering topics tho)
Musicals! It's nice to find new and different musicals!
Horror! +Favs ; Mandela catalogue, the walten files (there's more but it's been a bit)
Dead end, cold front, etc! The creator has amazing games :3
I had more but. Forgot oops
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thesoappope · 8 months
Season 1 Hazbin Hotel Reaction
Omg, ok so since today was the release of the final two episodes of season one of hazbin hotel (omg so glad it's getting a second season!) I binged the series from first episode to the final and omg...I loved every moment of it. Definitely rewatching the episodes makes you really appreciate the craft of the show and ability to smoothly put so much information together. Which upon rewatching, the speed of each episode is actually quite natural andthe progression through and to episodes is actually really good! The character development happens way more frequently then I realized, and it's satisfying seeing the arcs of each charcter to the final. Though I would have loved to see more of sir pentious's redemption process, never the less I'm still happy where he ended. Like omg his hevean form is so cute! I hope we see him again bc he's one of my favs. Such a lovable goof ball. Also Angel and Husk, their arc at the end was so nice! Love them! And yes!!! Vaggie and Charlie got a song! So glad it happened in the final bc omg it felt so rewarding and deserved. Also glad the angst between Charlie and Vaggie wasn't so dramatic. It was perfect and uh. Vaggie got her wings again just so fuckin poetic and ahhhhh! Also yeah fuck Adam, dumb bitch, doesn't get a cool death, just nifty stabbing him with a tooth pick, suck it!!! Oh oh and lucifer coming in clutch hell yeah! Love my short king! Also Charlie and Lucifer's (Angel? Demon?) What ever their badass forms was so cool to see especially Charlie's! Also love vox being so obsessed with alastor that he just had to see him possibly fail, and the other V's are like, bro whatever. Like Vox got no life!!! Oh also love Rosie and her cannibals! Ah everything is so good ahhh!!! Excited for season 2! Oh and one more thing...I FUCKING KNEW LILITH WAS IN HEAVEN, CALLED IT!!! Also bet money either lilith or eve got Alastor on a chain fr fr. Anyways goodbye.
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