#also hercules mulligan
kyleetryme · 3 days
any ocs? like hamilton
OMG yes. i present to you! benedict arnold!! lil history lesson from kylee: this guy was a general for a few battles of the rev war BUT. he was actually a traitor on the british side, he was basically a spy for them telling the colonists' war plans everything!! he had such a huge impact on the war i don't get how he wasn't even mentioned in hamilton if anyone wanna draw him plz let me know!!!!!!!
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toastytrusty · 8 months
went down a research rabbit hole of potentially queer figures in early america last night (largely von steuben and co. but yk) and found out that hercules mulligan's son, john mulligan, and john adams son, charles adams, were maybe lovers ???? and part of the reason john adams threatened to disown charles was because of their relationship ???? which i just thought was a crazy piece of lore i had never heard before and if anyone has any information about that i'd love to hear it because all i could really find was "they lived together before jadams forced them to split up and then baron von steuben invited them to live with him, which only jmulligan accepted"
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sometimes it really does feel like my middle school teachers knew that Hamilton and Six were gonna exist and be huge, because we spent just a truly disproportionate amount of time learning about the Revolutionary War and Henry VIII
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toffyrats · 7 months
You should draw crossover fanart. Splatoosies. Hamilton school musical. You are uniquely positioned. you have the power.
so i’m assuming this ask meant to cross timelines and make an au of sorts but it’s way funnier like this i think
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5arcasmw · 1 year
the more i learn about the american revolution the more hamilton: the musical infuriates me
(read tags for context pls i go off on a mega tangent)
#no offense to lmm at ALL i know that he had to keep the musical entertaining and that it wasnt meant to be a complete biography but GOOD GOD#wh-why is stay alive (set the winter of valley forge to a bit after the battle of monmouth) like 6 SONGS AFTER “a winter's ball” LIKE-#THAT SONG TAKES PLACE IN 1980 WHILE THE EVENTS IN “stay alive” TAKE PLACE IN 17781?1??11??!?2?+?1#ALEX AND ELIZA HAD ONLY LIKE VERY BRIEFLY MET LIKE ONCE BEFORE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY#AND AND AND#THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH TAKING PLACE RIGHT AFTER THE LAURENS LEE DUEL AND MEET HIM INSIDE?? WHAT????#DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE PLACEMENT OF MEET ME INSIDE#HAMILTON DIDN'T EVEN LEAVE HIS POST AS AIDE-DE-CAMP TIL LIKE EARLY 1781???? YEARS AFTER THE DUEL???? WHILE HE WAS ALREADY WED TO ELIZA????#AND WASHINGTON DIDNT EVEN KICK HIM OUT BC OF THE DUEL LIKE???#ALSO THIS IS KIND OF MINOR BUT#SAYING THAT LAURENS WAS IN SC DURING THE BATTLE OF YORKTOWN WHEN IN REALITY HE WAS IN THE BATTLE LITERALLY *WITH* ALEXANDER JUST FISKDNQMDNA#also i stand by the fact that “satisfied” should've 100% been sung by laurens instead of angelica#as far as i'm aware there is a lot more evidence to suggest laurens and hamilton being a thing than angelica and alex being a thing lmao#ALSO#wher the fuck were meade tilghman harrison reed mchenry and fitzgerald???? (idk if there were more aides i forget lmao)#and why include hercules mulligan in the main war group when LAFAYETTE AND LAURENS LITERALLY NEVER MET HIM???#WHY NOT REPLACE HIM WITH ONE OF THE OTHER AIDE-DE-CAMPS I PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED????#I AM AT A LOSS FOR WORDS LIN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME#lin buddy i love you and the musical *LITERALLY* saved my life but#good god man the inaccuracies in the 1st act give me fucking heart burn....got me prematurely balding over here jfc#amrev#amrev fandom#i guess?#alexander hamilton#hamilton the musical#john laurens#lams#these tags are an entire seperate post jfc#lin manuel miranda#shit i accidentally said 1980 instead of 1780 pls ignore i typed fast and angrily
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dragoninahumancostume · 9 months
Every few hours I hear a "BRAH" on my head and I have to figure out by the tone of it if it's from I am the best on like the last chorus or if it's Hercules Mulligan lovin' it. It is often neither or both at the same time
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It was @local-pr1nter who planted the Theatre Kid Mondo Owada idea into my head
Here's the character list for who's who in my Danganronpa x Hamilton musical AU thing
Hamiliton Musical of 78' AU
Alexander Hamilton - Kiyotaka Ishimaru
He wasn't going to audition at first since he's never watched Hamilton before, but after a mandatory movie night watch with the entire class so they could 'study' the musical, he decided to try out for Hamilton himself
Taka absolutely loves Hamilton's passion and drive throughout the musical. He doesn't like the occasional cursing (and actively despises the affairs, both emotional with Angelica and physical with Maria), but he tries to look past it because it's all just an act afterall. He wouldn't actually curse if he were picked for the part (and definitely would not cheat on any future love interests)
He studies Hamilton HARD. Just as hard as the homework and topics that are discussed in class. He watched the entire musical 6 times over just to make sure he knew everyone's lines, moves, and personality. It doesn't matter that he was only going to be playing Alexander Hamilton, he still needs to know everyone else's lines too
Sayaka is his biggest hype man when he was practicing his lyrics before the rehearsal. Did he stumble over a line? That's ok, practice it a couple of times with me then try again! Can't hit a particular high note? Try this method she learned during a routine practice she was doing with her bandmates! Nervous before the audition? Look to the side of the stage, she'll be right there smiling and silently singing with you!
Hina is also like that, but with the dancing parts. Need advice for singing and dancing at once without getting tired quickly? She's got him, here's a technique she learned from swimming competitions!
Don't get me started on how loud they (and Mondo) screamed when Taka got the lead role. You would've thought there was a fire, or someone was attacking the school
He's still not over the cursing thing, but he'll manage! Somehow...
Aaron Burr - Mondo Owada
You thought he screamed loud for Taka? Wait until you hear what he did when he found out about his own role
He cried. Very hard.
It was almost scary how expessive he was after finding out he was gonna play THE Aaron Burr
This man's happiness could not be contained
He practiced his ass off though so he definitely deserved his role. He was right there with Taka for the 6 viewings (plus the movie night viewing) of Hamilton
After just watching the musical, he started practicing singing. Considering he already knew the musical like the back of his bike before this, it didn't take much practicing to get every single line down for... Hercules Muligan.
That's right! He auditioned for Mulligan! Not Burr.
He definitely didn't think he was good enough to play the Narrator of the musical so the supporting friend of the MC will have to do.
He chose Mulligan mostly because of the man's lines. He sings in, like, 3 songs and most of the lines were about fighting, having sex, getting drunk, or being a spy. Cool ass guy with a cool ass voice. Right up Mondo's alley
The dancing was pretty simply to figure out too since it was mostly background choreography that he already memorized when he was 13. When he was back at home with Daiya, belting out the lyrics and dancing stupidly in the middle of the living room
After the wave of initial excitement, he realizes the responsibility that comes with being the narrator and the MAIN FREAKING ANTAGONIST AND HAVING TO 'KILL' HIS KYOUDAI OH GOD HOW IS HE GONNA DO THING?? BURR HAS LIKE 3 SOLOS AND A 2 WHOLE DUETS WITH HAMILTON AND SO MUCH STUPID DANCING AND-
Eliza Schuyler - Sayaka Maizono
No-one was surprised by this to be honest. Considering Eliza is the other lead besides Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, it would make sense to choose someone who knows exactly how to carry the show when needed
Sayaka practiced pretty hard so she could be Eliza. No offense to the other girls, but she was practically born to be the main Schuyler sister! She's the best at singing and acting since she already has the experience so all she really had to focus on is practicing the lines (and Jesus does Eliza have a lot)
Of course, she celebrated with her bandmates after breaking the news to them. Not everyone in the group knows Hamilton that well, but they still had some fun having a karaoke party and singing the songs
She did have to plead with her manager to get the month and a half off of concerts to go to the practices. It took a lot of compromising (along with some promises that her fans would surely pay to come and see her), but eventually, the crabby old man agreed on the condition that she does some in-between photoshoots to make up for her otherwise radio silence towards her fans
Sayaka immediately began practicing her lines with Taka after finding out about her role. It's a little awkward to pretend to be in love with him, but they end up laughing about it throughout the rehearsal whenever they have to be affectionate towards each other, so that helps a bit
Angelica Schuyler - Aoi Asahina
Hina decided her role through the process of elimination. She doesn't want to be Eliza since she knows Sayaka is going for that role (and she would KILL as the Female Lead!). She doesn't want to be Maria or Peggy since there's only 1 song that they sing in, and she wants to dance and sing as much as possible! (These strong lungs and athletic limbs are made just for that, and they will NOT be going to waste!) Angelica is perfect! She's in a couple songs and is one of the main-side characters, she also has a whole solo where she gets to sing as loudly as possible about two of her friends! The context of the song might not be positive, but when has negativity ever stopped Hina?
She joins in on the practice sessions that Taka and Sayaka hold and joins in on one of the re-watches with Taka and Mondo
She, of course, has one on one sessions with Sayaka to improve her vocal cords. Going from loudly screaming the lines to passionately singing the lyrics
She practiced her choreography with Taka and Sakura, she asked Chihiro to join as well, but they ended up denying while poorly hiding a giggle
They're hiding something...
Oh well! Hina loves secrets so she'll just wait and find out with everyone else!
It doesn't really have to be clarified that she celebrated when she got the part! She was so so so so so excited to be Angelica!! Yayayay! Not only does this mean that she gets to sing and dance with her friends, but she'll also get to brag to her family about a fun new skill she learned! Or maybe she should keep it a secret until the big day? Oh, she doesn't know, she might just explode from the excitement!
She put all her excitement into the swim competition that she had a couple days later, and it won her first place! Yay!
Peggy Schuyler - Kyoko Kirigiri
Kyoko definitely wasn't planning on auditioning for any part. She'd much rather be on the sidelines with Toko
That plan changed quickly when Makoto wouldn't shut up about her being someone- ANYONE- so he wouldn't have to be alone in his small part (If he even got the part, his luck is kind of wonky sometimes)
She finally lamented and auditioned for Peggy. No practice at all, just went for it.
She was present for one of the watch throughs and watched the musical again on her own. The first watch was used to analyze how the characters act and interact with each other, the second was to analyze the plot and movements of the characters. She deduced that Peggy has the second least number of lines of any female main-ish character, (The first being Maria Reynolds and there is no way she is 'seducing' Taka on stage in front of people she most likely knows.) her movements aren't terribly complicated either and whenever Peggy is on stage, she's overshadowed by others, so no-one really pays attention to her. That role is perfect.
Kyoko simply smiled when she read the casting list and saw that she received the role of Peggy. Not only would this make Makoto less nervous, but also practicing for the musical wouldn't take up any time because Peggy is only present in 4 songs and speak briefly in 2.
She has cases to work on and she'd rather not let practicing get in the way of that
George Washington - Sakura Oogami
This may seem like a weird decision, but Hina and Taka thought it was a great idea that someone as stoic and wise as Sakura to play someone as respectable (and tall) as George Washington
It didn't take much convincing as she holds respects for him (and might've been a little intrigued in being in the musical)
It did take a bit of practicing since Sakura's way of talking is more slow-paced while Washington's lines are fast-paced
She is just as resilient in training her mental muscles as her physical muscles though, so the practice is welcomed with honor
All the practice definitely pays off as she finds her name 8th down on the cast list
A smile and a nod are the reaction that the stoic Oogami gave at this revelation... Then a gasp followed as Hina also read the list and basically tackled her from behind in excitement
Hina then went on and on about how amazing Sakura was going to look in Washington's waistcoat and trousers and how amazing she was going to sound because Washington's voice is amazing, and Sakura's voice is amazing and Hina loves all of the parts where Washington sings and now it's going to be even better because she'll get to listen to her girlfriend sing and-
Sakura was not let go of for another 4 hours, but she did not mind one bit
If she wasn't already excited for practice, then she definitely would be now with Hina's bouncing, bubbly excitement radiating all over the place
Thomas Jefferson/Marquis De Lafayette - Yasuhiro Hagakure
Gonna be so honest, I originally only picked this because of Hiro looks
And I'm going to go on a whim here and say that the judges (Who I'm going to say now were teachers like Chisa and maybe some eager volunteers from V2 and V3) at the audition also took Hiro's appearances compared to Lafayette and Jefferson in to account when casting people
Hiro did have some really good accent skills, probably from having to hide his voices whenever someone he scammed bumps into him
He's pretty good at fast talking too, probably also from him having to think of quick excuses on the fly for when he also bumps into someone he's scammed
Both of those qualities are needed to be Lafayette along with being silly and everyone knows Hiro is like the goofiest goober around when he needs to be
He's also witty, engaging, and very sarcastic when needed which are all the qualities needed to be Jefferson
Hiro had both characters down, he loved both of them, but he couldn't decide which one to do. He tried asking he crystal ball, but that just 'told' him that he would vibe as either. So, he consulted the cards, who also told him that he'd be fine as either
He auditioned as both Lafayette and Jefferson since that would amplify his chances of getting at least one of them. He sung a bit of Battle of Yorktown for Lafayette and Cabinet Battle #1 for Jefferson
The audition judges couldn't decide which they liked best so they decided he would follow in Daveed Diggs' footsteps and give him both roles to play
He looked at the cast list, he got there after everyone else with Leon because he had detention, and cheered, attempting to fist bump Leon, but Leon seemed upset. He let it go and went to tell Taka instead
He knew he would get at least one of the roles! Afterall, it was in the cards!
John Laurens/James Reynolds - Leon Kuwata
This man went straight for Alexander Hamilton with absolutely no practice
Well, that's not completely true. He practiced a little bit in the shower and sung Hamilton's parts in Helpless with Sayaka one time
He actually did pretty good despite the very minimum amount of practice
He stumbled on a couple words, he auditioned with My Shot, but ultimately made up for it with his dancing and charisma towards the judges
That's most likely the reason why they gave Leon the part of John Laurens. Laurens is Hamilton's bestie up until his death, he doesn't have too many wordy lines, and he's mainly there to hype up the crowd/his friends. He's perfect for Laurens!
Which is so not perfect for Leon since he's gonna have to watch as whoever gets Hamilton sweeps Sayaka off her feet while he sits back and literally cheers him on!
He goes back to the judges and tells the main judge, and the only one he can really find in this big, old school, Chisa (as nicely as he can) that he doesn't want to be Laurens. He uses the excuse that he feels as though he should be in more of the musical. Chisa agrees and tells him she'll see what she can do!
Cool! Now all he has to do is go serve his detention (Which he may or may not have gotten for racing toy cars in the hall with Hiro and making someone trip) and come back later to see his name right next to Alexander Hamilton
...James Reynolds? Wasn't that the abusive husband? That's not what he meant by 'being more in the musical'! This guy only had like 2 lines and one's about calling his wife a whore!
Leon was left so much more upset than before; he didn't even notice Hiro trying to fist bump him or him leaving. He was seething when he realized that Mr. Hardass was taking his spot at woo-ing Sayaka, the exact same Hardass that gave him detention.
Now he had to pretend like he was really happy for Ishi-Ton and Say-Liza while also remember all these new stupid lines for not just Laurens, but also Reynolds
Hercules Mulligan/James Madison - Byakuya Togami
Literally only got these parts because of his deep voice
He did not audition for Mulligan or Madison, he auditioned for Aaron Burr. Why not Hamilton himself? He did not want to be seen as a protagonist; he sees himself as more suited to be the antagonist, and he did not want to have to fake not 1, not 2, but 3 romances with women he did not have a lick of feelings for.
Aaron Burr is level-headed until he started acting like that fool Hamilton, he thinks his plans through to a detrimental level, and he only mentions a love interest for a couple minutes before focusing on his life plans again. He was the perfect candidate for Togami to stand in as.
He did not practice any dancing but did multiple different private practices for his vocals. He auditioned with Wait for it as it did not require dancing so he could focus on his lines for the pitiful judges that watched him. He did perfectly and was left to wait for the confirmation.
He wanted to wait for all the idiots to clear away from the cast papers, but an unexpected squeal from the overgrown, meathead who was raving about getting his part made him push everyone else out of the way to see if what the big baby of a biker was saying was true. It couldn't be true; Aaron Burr was his part.
...There had to be some kind of mistake! He scanned over that sheet 3 times to find that the dreaded papers were not lying. He was not Aaron Burr; he was Hercules Mulligan and James Madison. Madison he could respect, the man is sophisticated and responsible both in history and in the musical, but Mulligan is a short, angry brute! That is the person suited for that currently over-emotional biker, not Aaron Burr!
He turned to tell that stupid biker that just as the meathead was rushing off to find the little tech student.
Damn it all.
He went to instead lay out his fury with Chisa, the main judge, in a not so polite way. It didn't seem to affect her though. She simply said that she could give those parts to someone else, and he could work in the back with Fukawa...
He dialed the number of his private vocalist to inform them of the change in lines he would have to practice.
King George - Celestia Ludenburg
She too practiced in private.
Of course she was going to go straight for the King, who else would befit her?
It didn't take much singing to convince the judges. Her voice is powerful, condescending, and sarcastic. Perfect for King George!
She will not be spitting like he famously does, but besides that, she already has his part in the bag.
She didn't have to go check the list to know she got her part, but it was worth getting all dressed up to see Togami's hissy fit at his cast reveal
Maria Reynolds - Junko Enoshima
The cheating, the manipulation, the groveling, the despair of a broken marriage caused by her, how could she pass that all up?
The part wasn't hard at all to get down, she was already basically a natural actor.
She practiced only for a stupid older sister's benefit. Poor Mukuro was so nervous about her small little part that she had to practice her chosen part over 30 times (It was definitely because Mukuro was nervous and not because Junko kept laughing and pointing out every little mistake she made)
Her part also came with the added bonus of getting to feel up Mr. Stick-in-his-ass without getting detention. In fact, she might be praised for the added realism
She didn't check the casting roster until really late at night, unfortunately missing the RichMan™'s breakdown, to avoid everyone else for her poor sister's sake (MukMuk is such a big baby, she swears)
She got the part (Yay) and so did her sister (Boo)
George Eacker - Mukuro Ikusaba
She didn't have that many lines, but she just kept messing up during practice for some reason
Luckily, she got them right for the audition (or she hopes she did, Junko didn't say anything so she must have done good)
She wasn't going to audition for any part, just work with Fukawa in the back, but then Junko said she'd be perfect for the part of the murderer of Philip Hamilton and asked her to try out for it
She couldn't deny her little sister, could she?
It was nerve-wracking, but the list had finally been posted so regardless of her nervous-ness, she would have her answer once she went to check the papers.
Junko had to end up dragging her to the papers late at night because she couldn't bring herself to go
She got the part, yay.
Charles Lee - Makoto Naegi
He wanted to be in the musical to support his fellow classmates while also not having to memorize many lines as he might end up forgetting them out of nervousness
Charles Lee, George Eacker, and Samuel Seabury were all good choices. Samuel would be hard though, because he and Taka would have to be singing over each other and he might not be able to say his lines at the same time as him. Especially because of how loud and intimidating Taka can be
He decided to eliminate him and focus on the other 2 options. They both had relatively short parts so auditioning with both of their songs wasn't met with any restraint from the judges
He figured, with his luck, he had to get one of the parts and if he didn't, because that was still definitely a possibility, then he could help Toko with backstage work full time
Luckily, he got Charles Lee. Unluckily, Byakuya decided to take his anger out on him by ranting about 'The Giant Oaf' as he referred to Mondo for almost an entire hour
That's ok though, Makoto is always up to support a 'friend' in times of distress!
Samuel Seabury - Hifumi Yamada
He originally was just going to work backstage with Fukawa Toko-dono but at the prospect that his Mistress is going to be centered as royalty and there is a commoner whose sole role is encouraging the Town People to worship her, he immediately started practicing for the part of Seabury
He was pretty good, even putting on his Manly™️ Voice while auditioning
Because of his impeccable performance, (and the fact that no-one else auditioned for that part) he was almost immediately given the role
Mistress Ludenburg even praised him for his role! (Then ordered him to make her some tea to celebrate)
That's all the main characters sorted I think so next post will be all about how each song and the practices for that particular song went. As expected for the class of 78, there will be lots of shenanigans (and maybe even some fanart to go with it if I can figure out how to draw some of these characters)
Hold on, there's someone I have forgotten!
Philip Hamilton - Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro practiced with Sayaka privately, which was super awkward at first, but they eventually got over it
They wanted to surprise everyone by being in the musical! They know it will be really hard because they'll have to preform in front of everyone in a pretty major role, but that's what the practice is for. They've been getting physically stronger with Mondo, so it's time to up their emotion and mental strength (along with their vocal strength because they have a pretty small voice)
They were really nervous about preforming just in front of the judges, but that's ok because they did it and that's all that matters
They didn't even get a chance to look at the casting roster before Mondo came barreling into them announcing his role. Getting to see the unabridged happiness and excitement from Mondo almost made up for being crushed in a back breaking hug.
After the initial excitement, they then had to listen to his anxieties about all the lines and dance movements he's gonna have to remember before joking that they wouldn't have to do that themselves since they didn't audition for anything. Mondo will not admit that he stumbled to keep up as Chihiro pulled him down the hall (not running, just speed walking as they did pass Taka on the way) back to the casting papers
It took a minute as they specifically requested that their name went on the second paper and not the first so the likelihood of anyone finding their name on accident was low, but they sure did find it... and they were almost immediately put into another crushing hug. They may have gotten stronger and used to Mondo's physical affections, but the bear hugs are something they don't think they'll ever get used to
They leave off telling everyone else, they'll figure it out during practices
Alright, that's everyone! Any other minor roles that weren't assigned to anyone is picked up by other Ultimates that aren't in the 78 class (maybe some of the class of 77 helped) like the background dancers or the prop and set movers. Toko doesn't get a role, not because I don't like her because I absolutely do, but because:
1. I could not find a role that fit her comfortable
2. Realistically, she would not and could not perform in front of potentially 100s of people (Most of whom are made up of the classmates' family and friends, along with Sayaka's fans who came just for Sayaka)
3. She would not want to risk Syo coming out in front of hundreds of people. She would rather have her come out while backstage because then someone could notice and get her away from the stage area more subtly and without worry
She's content with having to pull the curtains or just motioning for props to be sent out to the stage.
This entire performance is going to be put on in a sort of hall, think of a graduation ceremony kind of hall. Despite the huge school and its amenities, they could not fit all the props, characters, and costumes along with 100+ people anywhere in the school comfortably. The school funds the renting of this hall though since this is for a festival. The festival will be happening at and around the school where some students will also be selling tickets for the musical and then there will be an announcement, signaling that the musical will start in an hour. All guests will then move to the hall, get their tickets taken, and take their seats.
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I’m Willing to Wait for It. (Part 1)
Aaron Burr x f!reader
Set 5 days before the Battle of Long Island. Reader is a spy working for Washington.
There’s an upsetting lack of Burr x reader fics out there, so this is my contribution to the cause.
The young men from the army were a common sight to see, crowded up in the taverns near the docks in New York Harbour. Raucous, pissing themselves and unashamedly eying up the ladies passing by, they were a sight not to behold. You weren’t expecting to stay for long with such company if you could help it.
Brusquely you made a short circuit around the bar, eyes searching the room, but failing to find the familiar face of someone you were meant to meet with here.
Wolf whistles and the occasional lewd commentary followed you as you found yourself a little nook away from the larger crowds where you could wait for your friend. He had a habit of being late after all and you had time to entertain yourself with watching the antics of those solider boys parading themselves about like peacocks.
From the other end of the room, Alexander Hamilton and his friends John Laurens, Lafayette and Aaron Burr watched you with interest. You were new in this establishment which meant that you were an opportunity.
“Say, where’s Mulligan when you need him?” Lauren’s exclaimed. “He’d be kicking himself if he weren’t here to try and talk such a lovely lady into his bed.”
“I daresay that leaves her fair game to the rest of us then. She holds herself gracefully, I bet she must come from money.” Hamilton jokes.
“Who is she and what family does she belong to? I’ve never seen her before.” Burr questioned with intrigue. He gazed over toward her, and somehow, as if she could feel the heat of his eyes on her, she picked him out from the crowd and returned his stare. It was not a stare of charm, or abashed chasteness that greeted him, but more titillating, it was calm and assessing. His first instinct was to turn away in shame, but his experience made him hold her gaze and respond with a light smile. This was his chance.
“I have absolutely no idea either, but maybe you might care to tell us when you two have a little heart to heart over there, Burr? Looks like someone’s caught her eye.” Hamilton cheekily announced to their circle.
“Oui, you should move quickly mon amie, before another one gets the chance to talk to her!” Lafayette was always the brilliant optimist of their circle, pushing people to try their hardest in all sorts of situations even if the odds were against them.
Although Burr was quite sure that the odds would be in his favour this time.
“I’ll be taking my leave tonight then, gentlemen!” He said as he excused himself from the group.
Weaving around the crowded room, toward you, you saw the man who you locked eyes with was fast approaching. Aaron Burr, you noted. You knew of him and his genius predisposition as well as his status as a young man of growing influence. But you also knew from many accounts that he was an opportunist and a rake.
“Excuse me, my lady, I couldn’t help but notice your exquisite face from afar, may I know what sweet name belongs to a beauty such as yourself?” Without a moment more, he smoothly takes the seat opposite you before anyone else can.
“You speak so kindly, Colonel Burr, my name is Y/N.” You responded in neutrality, you would be waiting otherwise and you supposed that a little flirting wouldn’t hurt in the meantime.
“Ahh, I see that you know of me.”
“It’s hard not to when you’re living in New York. The gossip is always rife.”
“What brings you here tonight? It is unusual to see such lovely woman here alone.”
“I’m here for business, and I’m waiting for someone to arrive.”
“Business? A client?” Burr raised his eyebrows in surprise, was she an escort?
“Business related to the war effort.” You corrected with a blush, realising the misunderstanding.
“Ahh. I must ask what side of the war you are on then.”
Before you could answer again, the shadow of Hercules Mulligan, your contact, towered over Burr.
“Burr! I’m not surprised to see you here, and I see you’ve just already acquainted yourself with Miss Y/N.”
The look of curiosity crossed Burr’s face. How on earth did you know Mulligan? And what role did you play in the revolution?
At the arrival of your contact you relaxed, and without further ado, you turned to your admirer and began to shoo him off. “Mr Burr, I’m afraid Mr Mulligan and I will be discussing some things in private tonight, but it was lovely to meet you.”
“Burr’s a good friend, Miss Y/N and I’m sure he won’t let anything from this conversation leave our little circle, will you, Burr?” Mulligan countered, he must have trusted Burr a lot to let him in on the secret intelligence mission you were working on.
“Of course not, anything said here tonight stays between us.”
This was not the protocol you followed. But you knew Mulligan enough to know that he chose his friends carefully and that he would never invite someone that he didn’t trust to engage in such a sensitive conversation.
“I trust your judgement Mr Mulligan. Bring up a chair then and we’ll get started.”
Over the next hour you gave him explicit details on the movements of the British army that you had gleaned over the course of the week. Things that you were absolutely certain of and plans that were yet unconfirmed. Your position was unique in that it allowed you to move between the American and British side of operations without being questioned.
You were employed to teach the children of a long string of British officers who had started their families in colonies which put you in an advantageous and secure position to gather intelligence for the revolutionary cause. After all, the way to a parent’s heart is through their children, and nobody asks questions of a teacher who is adored by their kids.
“…and there will be an attack, five days from now that there is to be an attack on New York harbour and Long Island when the British fleet arrive. They’re expecting 10 line ships, 20 frigates and 170 transports. 32,000 men.” You said quietly.
“My god. We are unprepared for such conflict.” Mulligan exclaimed, flabbergasted by the revelation. Burr said nothing, although the colour drained from his face immediately. It must be hard to be in his shoes, you thought. The responsibility of leading these men to battle must weigh heavily on him.
You nodded, deep in thought. It would be a bloodbath. How many of these young mirthful men would be here again to tell the tale in 5 days time when all was said and done? Many had never even been in battle before.
“Is that everything you have to report today, Miss?” Mulligan started up again after a brief silence at the table.
“That’s everything.”
“Thank you for the information, I’ll be passing it on to General Washington as soon as I reach him tonight. Hopefully there will be aid for us or another way to defeat the British when they arrive.” Shaking hands with you, he took his leave, but not before turning to Burr. “You should be grateful we have a good spy network. Y/N is one of our best, you should thank her in advance for saving your ass.” He chuckled, clapping his friend on the shoulder before slipping off into the night, leaving the two of you alone again.
“I’m assuming this wasn’t quite the direction you were expecting tonight to take, was it, Colonel Burr?”
“Please, just Aaron. And no, it wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but thank you all for your service to the country.” He bowed his head in newfound respect and awe for your work.
“I could say the same for you. Aaron. You responded with a smile. You tested the name, it was certainly less of a mouthful than ‘Colonel Burr.’
“And I also trust that you will keep my position a secret from your friends?”
“They will be none the wiser, you can trust me.” Burr assured you.
“Thank you. I should be heading home now that Mr Mulligan and I have finished up. Your company tonight was most welcome and flattering, Aaron. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your night.”
“It would be my absolute pleasure to walk you home if you’d like. The streets here are not the safest at night and at the very least, maybe I can provide you with some entertaining conversation to pass the time.” Aaron pleaded.
“I wouldn’t be opposed, but I don’t want to deprive you of the company of your friends.”
“I don’t think they’re expecting me again if I’m being honest.” He said coyly.
Uh huh.
You fought hard to not wrinkle your nose in disgust at his suggestiveness. They were not wrong when they said he was reliable with the ladies. You absolutely were not going to be offering him tea and biscuits when you got home.
“It is late, and I won’t be able to offer you room and board at my home.” You warned him.
“The pleasure of walking with you is more than a reward for me.”
“Shall we get going then?”
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byopmxnlvr · 15 days
Looking for Alexander Hamilton for my college AU rp server on discord
Only requirements are to be active, have some rp experience, and be 16+ (and be okay with rp-ing lams)
DM me
There's also other roles in the server open:
Hercules Mulligan
Samuel Seabury
Philip Hamilton
George Washington
And more.
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schnitzelsemmerl · 4 months
OKAY OKAY OKAY PLEASE HEAR ME OUT: HAMILTON CHARACTERS AS RTC (but specifically the hamilsquad + burr)
Ocean: Burr
Noel: Lafayette
Mischa: Mulligan
Ricky: Laurens
Jane Doe: Hamilton
Constance: ?
now you might be like: cher thats out of character, fuck you, im banning you from posting. But PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
Burr is Ocean because - prodigy of Princeton college. He kinda prides himself on doing well academically if that makes sense. His life was perfectly fine before meeting...those idiots.
Lafayette is Noel because - first of all because France. Then bc his one line, like, "you are the worst, Burr", similar to the Ocean/Noel rivalry. Does that make sense??
Mulligan is Mischa because - they give off the same vibes; like- theyre the ones who bring the party. Also, they both rap. I'm a believer of mom-friend Mischa and also of dad-friend Hercules, it just fits? + all the Nischa in the musical, which would be Mullette here.
Laurens is Ricky because - this might be weird, but again, they give off the same vibes. Ricky seems like a really cool, supportive, chaotic friend, who would support you in everything you do. THAT'S VERY LAURENS. Also, Spacedolls/Lams!!
Lastly, Hamilton is Jane Doe - because just imagine. Imagine all the sad stuff that could be written w/ that AU. Also because of a post I once saw; The Ballad of Jane Doe just fits him; and just- yes. And all the other ships: like Perfectdolls would be Hamburr, et cetera
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lvrcpid · 2 years
front stage center - modern!au
includes: fem!reader. implied neteyamxreader. implied aonungxreader. dad tsu’tey agenda. i had so much fun writing this. the play is hamilton btw.
Tumblr media
imagine being in the school play with modern!avatar.
in the beginning!
— you’re a theater kid!
— your schools annual play was hamilton this year
— you just needed more people to audition with you
— you were lowkey scared
— who else better to turn to than your friends
— lo’ak only did it because tsireya agreed off the bat
— neteyam said yes because he actually enjoyed watching the play on disney+
— you had to bribe ao’nung with a date
— kiri is behind the scenes (lights and stage hands)
— spider was in earshot and did it just to be around y’all
— rotxo did it cause he’s also in theater with you!
after auditions!
— lo’ak got the part of james madison and hercules mulligan
— tsireya got the part of angelica
— you got the part of eliza
— ao’nung got the part of thomas jefferson and lafayette
— neteyam got the part of hamilton??? (ooo yuh get it i guess)
— spider got phillip and laurens
— don’t play with spider that boy can SING.
— roxto GOT AARON BURR??
— ao’nung wanted hamilton but the theater teacher said he fit perfectly for thomas…genuinely think it’s cause of the curly hair… OH WELL
opening night
— why was your dad already tearing up???
— you didn’t even get on stage yet
— tuk having a special flower just for you
— jake probably gave her candy to hold her over since you guys were doing the whole show which was 2 HOURS LONG
— kiri is stressed out cause she’s literally doing all the work HERSELF
— well she made herself do all the work
— it’s her friends and her siblings for crying out loud
— neteyam and you practicing together
— ao’nung arguing with hair and makeup
— lo’ak and tsireya taking pics
— the whole cast is either freaking out or creepily calm
during the show!
— neteyam definitely is going on broadway
— he was made for this???
— jake and neytiri are so PROUD OF HIM
— being shocked because it’s going really good just for act one
— ao’nung being salty cause you and him have no scenes together while you and neteyam LITERALLY GET MARRIED
— you singing your ass off during helpless and that would be enough
— no literally your mom had to bring tissues for your dad
— spider eating the girls up with his vocals
— lo’ak spicing it up with humor that goes off script a bit
— kiri smiling at all of you from backstage but probably still stressed out
— she ate with the stage hands though don’t play with her
— the audience loves it so why not
— tsireya definitely is made for this cause she portrays angelica so well ??
— it was a one night only show since it’s two hours long and y’all are kids…
— the chemistry yall all had was to die for , you guys looked like naturals!
after the show!
— you guys all screaming like little girls cause y’all are so proud of yourselves
— neteyam got you flowers and hid them till after the show :(
— tonowari hugging ALL OF YOU
— bear hug anyone?
— tsu’tey still crying cause of who lives who dies who tells your story
— your mom handing you the flowers HE was supposed to give you
— lo’ak was still in character for like a week afterwards
— tsireya was so proud of herself and everyone that she made little gift bags for everyone
— she’s such a cutie i love her
— tuk probably fell asleep, not cause it was boring she actually really enjoyed seeing it , it was just past her bedtime LMAO
— i can just see him actually having the time of his life on stage
— she was sad she missed it when she woke up
— kiri is probably so relieved that it’s over now she can go home and sleep
— you guys took a group picture that you all got framed the next day
— y’all went to dinner afterwards in your costumes since the theater director said y’all can keep them 🤭
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vmpkai · 4 months
in honor of pride month i ended up making queer headcannons of the main hamilton characters because i like making everything queer so
lgbtq+ hamilton headcannons
disclamer: yes some of the sexualities are weird because i like weird identities, i use weird identities, and sometimes it just makes sense. not a fan? close the door on your way out. also this is sponsored by 3 am thoughts and lack of sleep. anyways, shall we continue?
alexander hamilton
- he / they
- bi + polyam + trans guy
- a fanfic gave me the poly idea and i absolutely love it
- also alexander is just a trans name and he has that tboy swag
- has a thing for both john ( he finds all of his friends to be very attractive and flirts with them all )
- very obnoxious about his identity ( as he should )
john laurens
- he / him
- demisexual + gay + cis
- it just works for him
- knew he was gay from birth he just needed some boys to kiss
hercules mulligan
- he / him
- bihet or unlabeled + demiromantic + cis
- makes and sells pride flags + has several pride stickers
- doesn't really care all that much, but find himself having a preference for women
- does have a major thing for laf though ( is way too shy to talk about it )
marquis de lafayette
- all pronouns
- pan + genderfluid + non binary
- so obnoxiously gay and it's wonderful
- definitely does drag in their free time ( and fucking slays it each time )
angelica schuyler
- she / her
- pan + aroace + trans woman
- if you even think anything queerphobic she will tear you a new one ( kicked a transphobe in the teeth cuz of a comment they made towards her )
- such a girlboss about it
eliza schuyler
- she / they
- bi + polyam + asexual + cis
- polyam idea also from a fanfic ( it was really good )
- alex helped her realize she was polyam
- has a big fat crush on maria lewis
peggy schuyler
- any pronouns
- lesbian + genderfluid
- blames all of her problems on homophobia ( as she should )
- the most lesbian to ever lesbian tbh
- reminds me of one of my irl friends tbh ( both give off the same vibes )
maria lewis ( reynolds )
- she / her
- bi lesbian + trans girl
- doesn't talk about her sexuality a lot cuz she hates explaining ( mood )
- eliza was lesbian awakening, alexander was bi awakening, james made her realize she did NOT like men. well cis men at least ( just like me frfr )
thomas jefferson
- he / him
- bigay + aromantic + cis
- label depends on the day, really
- flirts with everyone ( more or less to get what he wants cuz he puts his pretty privilege to use )
- secretly does drag and denies all accusations ( he'd make a fabulous queen )
james madison
- he / him
- gay + demiaroace + trans guy
- nobody actually knows he's trans aside from those with the transtuition
- in a qpt relationship with thomas
aaron burr
- he / him
- hetero + aromantic + cis
- he's a quiet ally who supports his friends
- does not have a queer opinion at fucking all ( as per usual ) #certifiedfencesitter
george washington
- he / him
- hetero + cis
- doesn't understand but he tried his best
- ( at pride with all his kids the revolutionary set ) stranger: "how many genders are there?" washington: "i dunno man, i just got here."
king george
- nameself pronouns / neos / he
- gay + cis
- is 100% both a drag king and drag queen ( he's just so cunty )
- has that roly west of energy ( please tell me that someone can see the vision )
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bbinkus11 · 9 months
Okay, @hotcheetohatredwastaken, listen up.
I got your fic!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t what you wanted right now, but I’ll have a chapter for each of the boys. So there will be ten chapters, all centric for the different boys in Hamilton. This one was to get everything straight, to get roles situated, etc.
I hope you like it! 👇
Ganondorf: Director
——— Links
Legend: Alexander Hamilton
Hyrule: Aaron Burr
Twilight: Hercules Mulligan
Sky: John Laurens
Wild: Lafayette
Four: Samuel Seabury/Charles Lee
Time: Phillip Schuyler
Wind: Young Phillip Hamilton/Ensemble
Warriors: George Washington
——— Zeldas
Fable: Peggy Schuyler
Dawn: Ensemble/Background singer
Dusk: Angelica Schuyler
Sun: Eliza Schuyler
Flora: Prop and Stage crew/likes telling people what to do
Dot: Ensemble/Background Singer/stage and prop crew
Lullaby: Down in the pit (ocarina)
Tetra: that one lady that stops the bullet at the near end so Hamilton can recap/ramble/ensemble
Artemis: Down in the pit playing music (violin)
(I apologize for the lack of roles the Zelda’s get, there aren’t many female roles in Hamilton and I don’t have many choices) :(
“Legend, this is a rehearsal, not the actual show. Get your coat on and let’s go.” Hyrule poked Legend before leaving, rolling his eyes playfully.
“‘Rulie, I’m pretty sure Hamilton wouldn’t like it either if his hair looked like a mess in a ballroom.” He shot back, not being rude, but in a sarcastic way.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Legend this time.” Warriors added to their short conversation, poking his hair under his hat.
“No one asked you, Warriors. You’re basically bald!” Wild said as he walked in, still using his French accent.
“Okay everyone, get your stuff and go! Artemis won’t stop playing the same song over and over again. She overthinks too much, I swear…” Flora trailed off at the last part. Otherwise shouting the first part. Everyone practically terrified of Flora and her consequences (and the clipboard she hit everybody with), everyone quickly shuffled out of backstage and into their spots for ‘Helpless’.
Sun’s perspective was… confusing. Lining up her lines with the music, spinning, dancing, and remember to add vibrato! Her thoughts invaded her constantly when she sang, it drove her crazy. “-and my heart went boom-“ The sound affect was spot on, now just keep going to the left, grab Dusk and drag her along with me…
Legend’s perspective was slightly less confusing, coming in slightly after the song starts and walking over to the stairs on the left side, being aware of his surroundings and making sure everything goes smoothly and planned. He stands on the stairs for a bit and oh Dusk is coming, look intrigued, meet Sun and go from there.
The background dancers' skirts spun and the music led them. The piano was on beat with their steps, changing with the notes and turning with the lyrics. Waiting for entrances was the worst part, but the dances were enjoyable and the singing had to be done with ease.
After the long rehearsal, the actors and actresses all met backstage.
“Anyone want to come to the Diner down the street with me and Flora?” Wild simply asked, tugging his boots off to put his blue Crocs on.
“Hell yeah!”
“No Wind, your grandma told me to get you home by nine. Also, it’s way too late for someone your age to go and get caffeine, you know…” Sky kindly objected. He was busy getting his keys, phone, wallet and all of his stuff in check before he left with Sun and Wind. He always manages to forget his things, apparently.
“I’ll go! Dot will too. I will be late though because I have to drop off my violin at home so it doesn’t go out of tune again, in this cold.” Artemis shouts from across the room.
“Me and Wars will go. Maybe Four will if you bug him enough.” Twilight adds. Shaking his muddy boots, he somehow got a kick on one of the wooden posts backstage. Dot was immediately on him, scolding him about not knowing how hard it is to get those up. “Sorry! Sorry!” Was all he could say before being pushed out of the backstage door.
“Welp, guess we’re going that way. Anyone else?” Wild sighed.
“Not me, I'm old and tired.” Time says, walking out the door.
“I’m going home.” Dawn and Dusk almost say in unison.
“I’m gonna go to my friends house, tell Legend to yell at me if anything happens.” Fable says in between several taps of her phone.
“Hyrule and I are coming. Give me a second, the zipper on my bag broke again.” Legend says, his back to Wild.
Wild looks around, observing Lullaby, Four, and Tetra are already nowhere to be seen. He waited a second, before feeling a breath on his neck.
“Geez, what, Flora? I told you we’re leaving in a minute.”
“Give. Me. Your. Mic.”
“Ohhh, haha, totally didn’t forget about that. It happens, you know? Yeah, haha, I’ll get that for you…” Wild nervously laughed as he dug through his duffel bag, his face growing redder and redder in realization that he couldn’t find it. Flora is going to kill him, do doubt. He continued shoving through piles of who knows what, and almost melted when he felt the thin metal line that felt suspiciously like his mic. He handed her the microphone, still melting.
“Lose this again, and you’ll lose your head.” Flora threatens, before turning her back and stomping to the door that leads to the light and sound booth.
Legend and Hyrule were ready by then. Twilight had been kicked outside. Artemis was going to be late. Warriors was probably still in the mirror. Flora was gonna be out in a minute. Perfect! Let’s go eat dinner with a bunch of music and history geeks.
“Still, I don’t get why you think half notes are better than quarter notes. The shorter the better. It’s what I used to say to Four, heh.” Dot says, closing her laptop to shove an entire handful of fries into her mouth.
“Because! They're half notes! What more needs to be said!” Legend argued from across the table.
“Legend, if you yell one more time, I swear I’m gonna call Fable to come and pick your petty ass up.” Hyrule mumbles so only Legend can hear. They had been arguing about half notes against quarter notes for the last fifteen minutes. And honestly, whole notes are superior, depending on the key signature.
“Okay,” Flora sighed, finally finding a space of silence, “all jokes aside, how do we think it’s going so far?”
“I’m lovin it. My rap part is better than all a’ y’all’s. I basically get to say ‘your mom’ in a history musical. It’s great.” Twilight says, leaning back in the restaurant booth chair.
“I like finding something to do with my voices.” Wild claims. “I can do a French accent, British accent, American accent, Elmo, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Twilight, Russia-“
“Hey! What is tha’ supposed to mean?” Twilight interrupted, throwing his hands up. Wild just stared for a good three seconds, then continued. “King Julian from Madagascar, Cookie Monster, The dad from—“
“Okay, that’s enough. Anyone else?”
“I’m basically on the 1$ bill.”
“That has nothing to do with the musical itself, Warriors.”
“Yeah but still.”
“Please stop talking.”
An irritated sigh came from Flora. You would probably need to hypnotize them to get them to stay focused.
“I get to shoot Legend at the end!”
“Hyrule! You can't say that out in public!”
At least it was somewhat related to the musical.
Thank you for reading!! I know it’s short, but the others will be much longer (in a good way). I wrote this from trauma of how aggressive the people in charge of the microphones can be, like, they take it seriously.
Chapter two! 👉
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bluesilkwing · 1 month
okay so I did what that earlier post of mine joked about, about putting all the historical musicals into the hunger games
i broke out a simulator and did it
Our contestants: casts of 1776, Hamilton, Newsies, Assassins, and Six
Cornucopia Rush: Hamilton killed Hercules Mulligan, Jack Kelly won a fight with John Hinckley Jr, Jane Seymour strangled Squeaky Fromme, Thomas Jefferson drowned, Lafayette killed George Washington, and The Proprietor killed Sara Jane Moore
Day 1: Catherine Parr starved, Hinckey killed Spot Collins (the newsie leader from brooklyn), Eliza killed James Madison, Jack Kelly and the Proprietor teamed up, Lee Harvey Oswald died trying to escape, Benjamin Franklin committed the sewerslide, John Adams killed Hamilton, Zangara fell into a pit and died, Aaron Burr killed Lafayette, Anne Boleyn killed Leon Czolgosz by setting him on fire with a molotov cocktail, and Crutchie killed Charles Guiteau and Catherine of Aragon
ROUND TWO: Crutchie forced Katherine Plumber to kill the Balladeer, Burr killed Peggy, Byck killed Jack Kelly, John Adams killed Katherine Howard, and Anne Boleyn and the Proprietor killed Eliza and Jane Seymour together ROUND THREE: Hinckley killed Pulitzer. Then Katherine Plumber, John Adams, Angelica, and Hinckley die from a sewerslide pact. Anna of Cleves killed Byck. Also Aaron Burr, John Wilkes Booth, and Crutchie sang songs together happily.
Booth strangled Anne Boleyn (im starting to get very worried he'll win), Burr killed Anna of Cleves, Crutchie sewerslides, Booth fails to escape the arena and dies (HA), and Burr kills the Proprietor
VICTOR: Aaron Burr. did not expect that.
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ourtalechara · 11 days
What if Hercules Mulligan and James Madison merged into one person and then Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson also merged into one person and they kissed
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pendragon1400 · 8 months
Hamliton and BG3?
Has someone made a cross over of BG3 and Hamilton? Like Astarion as Hamilton? He is a magistrate. Karlach as Hercules Mulligan Wyll as Lafayette. Gale possibly as Burr? Maybe idk telling Hamilton to "Talk less" reminds me of the "Are you enjoying our walks Gale?" "Uh sure, in silence..."
Not sure who the Schuler sisters are I'm a bit stumped on that right now.
Also no Astarion does not die, he gets resurrected by Shadowheart and just glares at Gale "YOU SHOT ME!?"
Gale: "We're friends?"
Oh Ascended Astarion is soooo King George with "You'll be back" Whenever Tav leaves the room for 0.5 seconds.
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