#also her sire is her ex-boyfriend
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paupersnail · 1 year ago
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My little queen of hell, my malkavian Nyx.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
im kinda curious, in your freelance inventor au does the rest of Bruces exes know about his affection for Danny? since he hasnt been with anyone since meeting Danny? because id figure some of them would be chill about it but others would probably be jealous.
oh, they know.
Talia has actually tried to take him out (mostly because she worried he would eventually sire an heir with Bruce using science and Damian would lose his inheritance). She does respect him for his mind and skills, showing genuine remorse that she has to kill him. Then fails. For years.
Seline had a more on-and-off relationship, so she took the loss gracefully when he fell for Danny. They meet on the field and no longer flirt; it's more taunts between old friends. She offers to babysit whenever they go on dates, but the kids know it's just her attempting to steal from the Manor.
Vickie only cares to make a story out of it. She has been sniffing around for years with the theory that all his dates and his playboy image being behind him are to cover up his actual lover. She's right in the sense that Danny is unaware they are lovers. She's very bitter about how Bruce didn't want anything serious with her and is very jealous whenever a fake story about Bruce's new date pops up.
Harvey and Bruce were each other first boyfriends with the understatement that it was to try to figure out their sexualities with someone they trusted. Their relationship was more friends with benefits, but they did care for each other greatly. When he hears about Danny, he asks Bruce to visit him in Arkham to talk about it like good old times. Two-face even interrupts them to say that Danny is fortunate to have Bruce like him.
Bruce is very open about his bisexuality, but people think he's straight enough that it doesn't matter. They only focus on the women he's seen with, even if it's nothing romantic- like having a coffee with Diana when she visits or treating his PA to lunch with the rest of the team. Danny doesn't mind these stories because he knows they are fake. Bruce is not a playboy, and he thought his friend was also Ace for a long time.
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mychlapci · 2 months ago
Okay, so we talked a lot about Sentinel's thoughts and reaction to the Big Baby situation, but completely ignored Blackarachnia. Since I can imagine she also has a lot of mixed feeling about the whole"my ex bestfriend and almost boyfriend got knocked up by the decepticon leader" (since I believe that she's more than aware who's the baby's sire is) situation. Like a mix of longing, jealousy, relief, wistfulness etc. Plus horniness. Because just like Sentinel, she finds motherly Optimus to be beyond attractive, especially after catching a glimpse of his boobs during a breast feeding session. Which got her feeling all sorts of ways, and she's not sure how she feels about it.
OH we've had some Blackarachnia with the big bitty on here. but not with her and Optimus directly interacting i don't think so. she should see him breastfeed the bitty and get so hard it makes her stupid honestly. not even a grudge the kind that she's holding can be stronger than Optimus' motherly charm. it should've been her knocking that twink up! just another thing they took away from her...
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1.) The term “fridging” is literally based on Alex and what happened to her. She was killed off violently by a bad guy trying to get at her boyfriend only a couple issues after she was introduced (making it obvious they only brought her in to kill her off for shock value). Her death did very little to the narrative other than hurt her boyfriend Kyle and was done in an exceedingly horrifying and violent way. (Bad guy came to the door with flowers and threatening note, broke in and attacked her, choking her to death, before [off panel] chopping her body up and sticking it in the refrigerator as a “surprise” for her boyfriend. This obviously is really fucked up and she deserves better and should win this actually (a vote for Alex is a vote for all fridging victims [in spirit])
2.) It doesn’t get much worse than being the character whose death originated the “fridging” trope. In Green Lantern Vol. 3 #54, Kyle Rayner comes home to find that Alexandra, his girlfriend, has been killed by the villain Major Force and stuffed into the refrigerator.
Alexandra DeWitt is the character whose misogynistic treatment coined the term where a character, usually female, is killed off purely to make the main character, usually male, feel bad. Even if there are other characters who have been subjected to similar levels of misogyny, Alexandra DeWitt’s treatment has been essentially immortalized.
3.) I know she’s not going to win but shout out to my home girl, literally the trope namer for women shoved in fridges. All anyone ever knows about her is that she was Kyle’s girlfriend and got murdered for his character development, even though she had plenty of potential to be her own character.
1.) For context, she’s a medicine cat, which is essentially the priest/healer of an ancestor-worshipping religion called StarClan, and there’s a rule in the living Clans prohibiting anyone from dating outside their Clan, and also prohibiting medicine cats from dating/having kits.
So she’s breaking the law by seeing a cat named Crowfeather in another Clan, and eventually gets pregnant. She secretly gives the children to her sister to raise instead, because the kits would’ve grown up in misery if their true parentage was known. When the secret gets out that they’re her kits, Leafpool became demonized to hell and back.
Crowfeather, who ALSO broke the law and fathered the kits, only got a slap on the wrist, and he’s almost certainly going to become leader. But Leafpool was demoted from her role as medicine cat (by her FATHER), treated like scum by her whole community (aside from her sister and best friend), and her children despise her for lying to them (one even tries to get her to kill herself). The narrative constantly paints her as a liar that’s getting what she deserves, and even has her children insult her at HER FUNERAL, years after the secret got out. She’s a main character and she dies OFF SCREEN between books!
It’s not even over when she dies. StarClan decides to hold a trial for her when she dies to see if she deserves to join them, or if she’s banished to cat hell for eternity. War criminals who abetted in genocide never got a trial, they were just let in. An incel who tried to kill 4 people because he was mad his ex dumped him got let in without question. But the cat whose only crime was dating someone in another Clan and having kids gets a full trial? Keep in mind their sire gets a whole book about StarClan coming down to help him, because clearly only she deserved to be punished.
Leafpool’s life is nonstop suffering because of misogynistic double standards. Treated like the devil for getting pregnant and wanting to give her kids a better life, while all the men involved get excused, coddled, and placed into positions of power.
2.) she went through So much bullshit. squirrelflight (her sister) too. i’m sure she’ll also get submitted. Cat God (starclan) vaguely told her to run away with the man she liked and then got mad at her when she did it. and then she was punished for it the rest of her life. She had kids with him and those kids were like Incredibly Important and wouldn’t exist if not for her but she’s still punished for it. BY STARCLAN. Who told her to have those kids in the first place . and of course the books just treat this like it’s pretty much normal and fair
3.) just like her sister squirrelflight, she does many things that male characters do and faces drastically different consequences. she and another cat, named crowfeather, run away from their clans to get cat married. this is illegal because they’re from different clans. when they get home, leafpool is pregnant. when all of this is revealed(years later) their punishments could not be more different. when they first come back, leafpool is suspected, talked poorly about, and outlasted. we aren’t shown any consequences towards crowfeather at all. after the grand reveal of leafpool having kids(and giving them away to her sister since she’s a doctor and doctors can’t gave kids) leafpool is forced to give up her position as doctor, is disowned as her kids aunt figure, and completely outcasted by the whole clan(mostly the same happens to her sister). crowfeather is just minorly treated poorly and gets a cat divorce.
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iguessitsjustme · 6 months ago
I Saw You In My Dream Ep 3&4 Thoughts
It is so hot and I am so tired but that will not stop me from my liveblog. I can probably only watch one episode but maaaaybe I can squeeze in two. *eats donut* Let’s go. Under the cut:
A trigger warning before the episode? Honestly that’s amazing. More shows do this please and thank.
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Noisy neighbors go AWAY. It’s too hot to be noisy.
I am not a fan of Pan. If she’s only doing this because she wants to become famous like…that’s fine but that’s not gonna work out for her. She needs to be doing it for the love of it. Also her desire to be famous is stronger than her feelings for her boyfriend? She should have broken up with him long ago. Yu deserves better. He will get better. But something is definitely rubbing me the wrong way about her deciding to go on a dating reality show while she has a boyfriend, definitely before talking to him about it, simply because she wants to be famous.
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This is so unbearably cute actually and it also doesn’t make me feel particularly sleepy AT ALL. Nope. No siree. Not me. Nope.
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IT GOT CUTER WIHGKJDHGKJFHKGJH. Someone please tell me this moment has been giffed. I need it.
What is the age difference here? Because I do love a good age difference.
Now WHOMST is this random badminton player and WHAT will be the outcome of him hitting Ai with a birdie?
Oh no oh poor baby Ing. This hurts so deliciously. Pine away, my friend, pine away. Yo will be yours eventually.
Yeah Pan is actually the worst. She can go away now.
Levitating food ball? Is this a dream? What’s happening. I’m here for it.
Oh it WAS a dream. Less fun but okay.
Well this liveblog was short and I gotta watch episode 4 tonight because I don’t think I’ll be able to watch tomorrow so I’m just gonna jump right in. I probably won’t say much because I am so tired but I wouldn’t be able to sleep after that cliffhanger. You get it.
These two are too cute for their own good. Ai is so, so worried but refuses to admit it and Yu will just tease him about it forever.
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Yeah. This is the face of a man in love. In love with Ai. Can’t believe that his wildest dreams are seemingly coming true. Because Ai worries about him. And jumps into the sea after him. And won’t go home unless he goes home. And has been so incredibly clingy lately. Yeah Yu is in love and nothing this show says or does (even giving Yu an ex) will convince me that Yu hasn’t had a crush on Ai for years.
Does the levitating mean it’s a dream that’s not going to happen? Or if it happens it’s not gonna be exactly how Ai dreams it?
Yo definitely knows something about Yu’s feelings the way he keeps hinting at those two but Ai is just starting to get feelings of his own so Yo has to be making his assumptions purely based on Yu, right?
Oh man I want to keep watching. But that’s not a good idea. I need to go to bed at some point. But this show is really hitting all the spots for me I think.
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cafe-smut · 2 months ago
Ok keep in mind I haven't actually watched the show yet
But for the last week my TIKTOK has decided to give me a last minute Lego Monkie Kid obsession to which I've responded to by consuming a decently sized selection of fics.
So hear me out. Modern human AU but still with magic. Just in the witches and familiars way instead of the immortal mythology way. Also it's genderbend for the most part cause it's what I do. Macaque (Liu'er) and Monkey King (Wukong) are in a relationship and only kind of getting by. Wukong is forced to join the Mafia and abandons her fiancee because she's got a stable job and doesn't want to put someone she cares about in danger like that. Liu'er doesn't know that part though and never got to tell Wukong she'd been pregnant but ends up homeless due to the Mafia (Wukong does not know this) and ends up having a baby that she hides at all costs because her ex she is now scared of. Instead she leaves the newborn at the doorstep to one of Wukong's old college buddies knowing that he and his boyfriend are kind enough to take him in with only a necklace and a note explaining their full legal name and why she left him with them but no info about who she is. Years go by, Wukong is now the Monkey King of the Underground due to her rising through the ranks to become the boss and that her familiar is a golden monkey. Liu'er is a popular musician and actor under the name of Macaque (also with a monkey familiar (very few people know she has magic at all)). It's been 10 to 12ish years when she goes back to that same noodle shop in disguise and asks to have a meeting with them as a family before revealing who she is. She doesn't want to take her child away from those who raised her but if it's ok she'd like to get to visit? Maybe take her sometimes? The (still super awesome gays) now married Pigsy and Tang welcome it, understand the original situation but it's up to Xiaotian, who says he'd really like to get to know her but uses that to come out to all of them that he might not be a boy?
The next two summers Macaque spends in disguise and taking her new daughter around the world and visiting during the school year until she sits her down and explains the necklace. She tells her who her other mother is and that she should go to her unless her life was in danger because that necklace would prove that she's her baby. Because it was a handmade magic pendant Wukong made years back. Life goes on and with her magic presenting Xiaotian starts training it. It's around the time she gets her familiar at about 17 that she meets Hai'er (Redson) through her best friend Kai (Mei) and they actually start dating pretty quickly.
Things however go downhill when the cannon LMK crew of MK, Mei, Redson, Monkey, Macaque, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and PIF end up in their universe with little to no magic available to them to use and Xiaotian realizes shes gonna need to ask her sire (as that's she she refers to the Mafia boss as) for help. And her mama has JUST started talking to her again dammit.
Anyways thanks for listening to my ADHD rant I don't know anyone else who even knows this show so this was a post mild desperation
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jeffersonhairpie · 1 year ago
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One of the YouTube comments of all time oh my GOD
Found on this video
[Image ID: A YouTube comment from user @sire-dame-sander It reads:
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as promised here in MY Insane Cats Fandom Story. formatting this greentext style bc it’d be fucking unreadable as a big block of text - be me - cats the musical fan, dumb teenager - in groupchat with several other cats the musical fans - our number one group activity is keeping up with this one fanfic, “the silver protector and me” - it’s 70k words of munkustrap x the author’s self insert oc - from the moment you pick TPSAM up it’s not great from a writing perspective but the further you read the more unhinged the plotlines get - everyone can shapeshift into normal cats with no explanation. the main character is french n everybody else is incredibly aroused by it. all the girl cats frequently body shame the main character for being too skinny. the love interest is abusive towards his son because he thinks he might be gay. there’s a bunch of sex slavery just like an insane amount - this isn’t really that alarming to us. obviously the author might sort of be goin through it but at the end of the day it’s just a fanfic - however. there is also an author’s note at the end of every chapter where the author (we’ll call her jazzie after her self insert) shares wayyyyy too much about her life - we learn a bunch through these. she’s british. she has a terrible ex. she loves the guy who’s she’s currently dating but he hates cats the musical. she’s been to cats the musical 115 times. she has a 7 year old son - she also links her instagram + tumblr. maybe this was a dick move of us but being teenagers we check them out - jazzie’s instagram is pretty normal other than the fact that everyone but her looks miserable in every photo - whatever. they might just have resting bitch face - jazzie’s tumblr is CRAZY - we discover that she’s been in several bona fide large scale scandals - you name it jazzie has posted it. most recently she’s gotten in trouble for comparing the traditional body modification of various unrelated african cultures to, and I quote, “dumb bimbos getting too much plastic surgery” - she’s also fighting on a daily basis with people who hate her fanfic over its various Issues, including one heated debate with an actual sex trafficking survivor - about a week after we start checking in on jazzie’s tumblr, she posts that she’s going to be taking a break n moving all her mutuals into a discord server - this server will also house the live drafting of new chapters of TPSAM - being idiot teenagers we decide we HAVE to get into this server to watch TPSAM get drafted live. its siren song is far too strong for morals to assuage us - in an attempt to gain mutualhood before jazzie leaves for good, I create my cishetsona - her name is abi n she’s a 17 year old girl living in indiana who loves only two things: cats the musical and her homophobic 23 year old fiancée who works in his dad’s garage - she’s a closet tuggoffelees shipper as well but she openly ships mistoffellees/victoria (which is for some reason the default straight ship in cats even though victoria canonically hooks up with plato. no I’m not sure why either) - abi begins participating in the cats the musical fandom by posting annoyingly heterosexual content - within one (1) week, this has gotten her into jazzie’s discord - a few of my co conspirators have played the same trick. there’s maybe four or five of us in there - inside this discord we are exposed to fandom drama we never even knew existed - jazzie frequently complains to the server about her current boyfriend. she hates how much he dislikes cats the musical, n hates even more that he’s always telling her to pay more attention to their kids (plural) instead of writing cats the musical sex slave fic - do you remember how I only mentioned the 7 year old son earlier. this is the first mention we hear of another kid - the next day something terrible happens
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- we MEET the other kid - he is 12 years old n he is a SERVER MODERATOR - this means he’s been fully privy to the active drafts of his mother’s super explicit cats the musical sex slave fanfic - apparently nobody on the server was aware this moderator was jazzie’s son either, because her genuine mutuals seem just as shocked as we do - at this point one of the real mutuals snaps n tells jazzie that while she loves TPSAM, kids shouldn’t be anywhere near it. a good half of the server enthusiastically agrees with this - jazzie takes this as a personal attack on her parenting abilities n the server fucking implodes - a couple days later the whole thing gets taken offline - abi gets a message from jazzie apologizing for the whole situation n thanking her for not attacking her like everyone else - I don’t have the energy left to tell her abi isn’t real, so abi says “thank you. it’s no problem” - there is brief discussion of reporting jazzie to some kind of authority, but we decide that��ll probably only make it worse for her kids, so we don’t - we figure she got the message to not involve her preteen son in the drafting of her sex slave fanfiction when all of her friends left her - TPSAM has not updated since. I really hope it’s because jazzie stopped neglecting her kids for it - it’s for the best she stopped. I hope her family is doing better now - but frankly I’m a bit sad we’ll never get lines like “can I cum in you?” “oui!” ever again
/End ID]
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descrving · 1 year ago
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[ jenny boyd | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome ELIZABETH “LIZZIE” SALTZMAN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 19/21 year old HERETIC, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be VOLATILE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their STRONG WILLED nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to BRUTAL by OLIVIA RODRIGO, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
hello! I'm happy to be here! a lil disclaimer first: I've watched all of Legacies, but I'm on s2 of TO (slooow progress), and s5 of TVD (no intention to finish), so wiki will be my source for kai/gemini/etc specifics not discussed in legacies!
name: elizabeth "lizzie" saltzman
age: turned at 19, currently 21
gender: cis woman (she/her)
hometown: mystic falls
current residence: new orleans
species: heretic (vampire/siphoner hybrid)
sexuality: bisexual (w/a preference for men)
positives: authentic, passionate, daring, strong willed, empathetic
negatives: selfish, volatile, impulsive, insecure, envious
house: slytherin
alignment: chaotic good
lizzie's canon life is pretty much the same, and can be found here!
come the end of legacies, lizzie remained with the salvatore school, helping her mother and her friends rebuild and welcome the new class
in the year following, as the OEA rose in prominence and threatened the school, lizzie still committed to the school's cause regardless, keen on not running away over a hopefully insignificant threat
unfortunately for her, the threat wasn't insignificant, and her dedication to the cause is what led to her sacrifice
she took a solo recruiting mission to visit a supposed troubled young witch in need of safe haven. it was supposed to be a low stakes endeavor, not even worthy of a proper day trip. in reality, the "troubled young witch" was working for the OEA, and what was meant to be a good Samaritan mission led to lizzie being captured, sacrificed, and trapped in the prison world
she was in there for 3 years, absolutely livid at the turn of events. the karma of the situation (or lack thereof because she was trying to be good and not run away and deal with things head on and take initiative and spread warmth and community and all that kumbaya nonsense) has led to some setbacks in her own personal growth, ngl, but she's working on that since her return
also worth noting that her time away has left her feeling just awful in general. prior to her sacrifice, she was just starting to embark on a journey of figuring out a future for her self, now that she was finally in a position of having one with the merge out of the question. but then the OEA became a thing causing trouble, and she was thrown into a prison world just as things started seriously changing in the real world. being trapped for so long stifled her and her growth, and she's come back to a world different than the one she left, all the people she's loved moved onto various different stages in their lives over the 3 years, and she hates that.
anyways, she's only just recently finally made her way to new orleans after her release, and she's got a lot of resentment at the OEA for her imprisonment, while also dealing with a lot of self-esteem issues stemming from a profound sense of aimlessness. she's doing her best to reorient herself to this new reality
parents: alaric saltzman (daddy issues), jo laughlin (bio mom), caroline forbes (mamma's girl)
siblings: josie saltzman (twin sister)
extended family: elena gilbert & damon salvatore (aunt & uncle), stefan salvatore (ex-step dad? / uncle), bonnie bennet (aunt)
past romantic relationships: rafael waithe (ex-fling), sebastian (ex-boyfriend), ethan (crush/dated), jen (ex-fling), mg (ex-boyfriend).
more dynamics: hope mikaelson (ex-sire bond/frenemies), landon kirby (hobbit), penelope park (frenemy), auora (unlikely ally), kaleb/jed/cleo/wade (super squad)
trapped together: lizzie spent 3 years in a prison world, she was bound to make all kinds of relationships with the people she was trapped with, and I want them all. friends in the prison world, roommates/neighbors, hookups, relationships, enemies, unlikely friends (!!!), people she worked with during her many (failed) attempts to escape, etc. and all of the above!
vampire mentor. the s2 stefan to her caroline. ideally, this is someone who was in the prison world with her. I imagine that in the year after legacies but before lizzie got trapped, she had started making decent headway into her vampirism with mg, but after getting trapped, I can def see her making it her mission to get through honing her skills totally, if only to help her get through the endless sameness of the days
baby vamps. similar to the above, except instead of a mentor, this was someone who was new to the vampire world with her, and they explored the ins and outs of vampirism together. also ideally in the prison world, likely to be a WC.
crush (m): lizzie is prone to superficial crushes, pure eye candy. it's a great distraction for her, something to pour her energy into easily, and easy is exactly what's she's looking for after being gone for so long. if anything real actually comes from it is something we can plot, but for now, this would just be someone easy on the eyes
crush (f): I hc that lizzie realized she was bi after spending time with the god Jen in s4. since this realization, she's leaned pretty hard into the exploring that part of herself loud and proud and open about it (likely to overcompensate for how out of her field/new being with women is for her), so she probs also has a fem crush too. she's likely to resemble more of her s1 rafael-era flirtation (re: awkward & rambly) with women than her smoother s3/4 semi-confidence.
fwb/fuck buddy: lizzie has got a lot of pent up frustration over her years away, and this person helps her release that. could be friendly arrangement between two peers, or just a fuck buddy who is only contacted when she's got an itch to scratch. this person, regardless of the their relationship to her, likely also is prone to hear lizzie vent her frustrations before/after (and possibly even during) sex because bb's a talker!
living situation. I imagine since her return and coming to new orleans, she's probably living with a family member (her mom most likely, maybe her sister), which is fine, but she'll eventually want to move out into her own space (she was on an independence journey away from her normal familial crutches before being trapped, after all), so potential roommates and neighbors would be fun plots.
friends. and of course, all the friends! lizzie is an extrovert who has a very hard time being alone, so she of course likes to build a community of people she can go to for all the things. shopping friends. foodie friends. gossip friends. unlikely friends. confidants. OEA revenge buddies. accountability buddies.
frenemies. and with friends, comes enemies, which lizzie is prone to making.
everything above are just suggestions off the top of my head; I'm rlly open to any and all plots for my girl lizzie! if you'd like to plot, you can reach out to me here or on discord (blodxreina)!
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styxnbones · 2 years ago
styxnbones oc masterpost
reference list for all the silly little brain blorbos in order of their creation
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Cassandra "Cass" Briar: she/they, 9th gen Carrier Malkavian, Anarch/Sabbat-sympathetic Autarkis, information broker, free roaming at the moment but formerly based in Los Angeles and New Orleans
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Kellen Merot: they/them, 12th gen Tzimisce, Autarkis, museum conservator based in Montreal
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Minerva: they/he, 8th gen Malkavian Antitribu, Sabbat, Black Hand, ductus of The Pantheon Pack
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Corin Antoine "Liber" Deserres: he/him, 11th gen Ventrue Antitribu, Sabbat, former Seneschal of Ottawa, now Minerva's boyfriend in Montreal with The Pantheon pack. (Was also based on both the protagonist of Parliament of Knives, and Bloodhunt's Ventrue Enforcer)
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Harper Matheson: they/he/she, 12th gen Nagaraja Hecata, Camarilla, Scourge of Baltimore (or New Orleans in an au)
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Peona/Thorn: she/they, 10th gen Tzimisce, Sabbat, member of The Pantheon pack, priest for The Path of Cathari
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Pluto (Silas McAllister): he/him, 10th gen Lasombra, Sabbat, member of The Pantheon Pack
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Adaline, The Obsidian Mask & Francesca Faustina Fioranti (she/her for both), 8th gen Harbinger/Hecata and the even older wraith of a former Cappadocian/Harbinger, nominally Sabbat (mostly in pursuit of their own goals/as a hobby), recently awoken from a 7 year torpor under the Atlantic
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Sev, he/they, 11th gen (secretly Caitiff ) Lasombra Primogen of Kingston, recently ex-sabbat having defected to the Camarilla after their pack was purged by hunters. My character for the Kingston By Night: Aftermath larp.
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Damien Kimber, also known as Naviel, Architect of Wishes (and former Angel of the Beaten Path), they/it/he, Ravener Malefactor, bomb specialist and wanted criminal in Las Vegas
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Caleb Quincey, he/him, 9th gen Gangrel organovore, ex-sabbat turned anarch post-100 Year Dirt Nap (also, ex-boyfriend of Harper's sire). Loosely based on the protagonist of cult classic build engine fps BLOOD (1997). Also, my character for the Canada At Midnight Good Intentions Chronicle larp.
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Palimpsest, mirror pronouns, 10th gen Kiasyd, broadly Camarilla affiliated, former changeling and Sickly Victorian Orphan
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YJ, also known by stage name NOSICAÄ, they/them, 13th gen Caitiff, Anarch, Uncle Fangs to a gaggle of duskborn and home base to a hive of wasps
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Carillon, he/him, 9th gen Tremere of House Goratrix, Camarilla (functionally), former Sabbat Inquisitor turned Infernalist.
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Agent Avery "Mayfly" Felix, he/they, NWO Operative, based out of the New York Construct front "Axiom Security," brightest upcoming agent in his division, and personal pet project of the Director. (NPC I wrote/played for Darkness Emergent in Chicago)
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sorchamidnite · 1 year ago
intro post or something idek
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sorcha is
nineteen, forever
Scottish on her father's side, Italian on her mother's
a Mafia princess and polymath (aptitudes include chemistry, dance and gymnastics)
a thinblood Hecata (generation unknown, probably fifteenth; manifests Oblivion but no other Disciplines; knows some Fixatio alchemy)
biological daughter and adopted childe to Alistair, Baron Gorbals
an obligate neutral in the Eternal Struggle, but funding the Duskborn safehouse network set up by @hazelenergy
romantically involved with @cherubim-now-throne (whether she's corrupting him or he's improving her is open to debate...)
house-sitting for her "uncle" Santino Giovanni in Los Angeles, where she lives the delicious musician's girlfriend and microcelebrity life
her player is
they/them, chronically ill, on British time and almost 40.
a forever Storyteller on the tabletop
a big Hecata fan, it's a problem
ooc/meta active @gorbalsvampire
rules and safety and stuff
Exclusive, selective, single-verse
I like long form threads, but I am absolute pish at keeping them going
I don't accept or send anons: if it wasn't from my OOC blog, it wasn't from me
I am wary of anyone who doesn't have an about/rules post
Meta is good actually: talk to me, curate our play
Explicit narration of sex, drugs and violence will be Community marked as such. I also use specific tags for some darker elements of Sorcha's backstory. These don't come up often, but occasionally flashbacks or ask games touch on them.
cw: the ex for her first, abusive boyfriend
cw: father for her weird quasi-incestuous bond with her sire
cw: necro for explicit imagery and narration of death-related stuff
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lionheartedvixens · 4 months ago
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name: katherine sophia pierce (katerina sofiya petrova) age: 23 (550+) date of birth: june 5 place of birth: sofia, bulgaria species: vampire status: undead occupation: owner of saints and sinners nightclub face claim: nina dobrev
killed by: herself
turned by: rose marie watson
turned on: april 7
bloodline: niklaus mikaelson
vampire/hybrid sire bond: none active
lapis lazuli: emily bennett
katherine pierce was born as katerina petrova who had been running from the original hybrid for a long time. after giving giving birth to a baby girl deemed illegitimate and being separated from her, she was banished off to england where she met niklaus and elijah mikaelson. after finding out that klaus planned on using her as a sacrifice in order to break the curse that had been placed on him as she was the doppelganger of tatia petrova as a human, she sabotaged his plan by hanging herself and turning herself into a vampire. she also stole the moonstone, which klaus needed in order to break the curse and then ran away. after that, he slaughtered her family in bulgaria and she ran from him for over five centuries. in 1864, katherine met damon and stefan salvatore. their father had taken her into his home, not knowing that she was a vampire. both brothers promised to keep katherine’s true nature a secret and she’d planned to turn them so they could be together forever. when giuseppe salvatore found out that she was a vampire, he spiked the blood of his sons with vervain, knowing she’d feed off of them soon enough. the man captured her, bringing katherine to fell’s church which they planned to burn. though what they didn’t know was that there was a tomb underneath, preventing the vampires from death. before it got that far, she managed to escape while emily bennett let damon and stefan believe katherine was in the tomb. after they found out that she had never been in there, katherine stirred up a lot of chaos in mystic falls. she did save damon from dying of a werewolf bite, bringing him klaus’ blood. she was also in possession of the cure, but it somehow got into stiles stilinski’s system. now she's not able to use it on anyone else, even though she couldn't use it on klaus to begin with. she's not happy that her blood is the one thing needed to turn werewolves into hybrids. it had been elena gilbert before she died, but now that the human doppelganger has passed, katherine’s blood has reactivated.
kyle ancona (ex husband) → katherine was once married to kyle and considers it to be the biggest mistake of her life. she's now considering an alliance with gossip girl to get back on her queen bitch thronr, but not before swiping the cure from the founders council so she can shove it down kyle's throat...
damon salvatore (ex boyfriend) → katherine actually came to deliver the cure to damon when he was dying of a werewolf bite. while he might have thought that she was only ever in love with stefan, that's not at all true...
stefan salvatore (ex boyfriend) → katherine is on decent terms with stefan, though with elena being back as a dark huntress might complicate things.
niklaus mikaelson (enemy) → klaus has hunted katherine down for centuries, before she became a vampire and after she succeeded in taking the moonstone from him. she's still trying to find a way to deactivate her blood to get away from klaus - he'll keep seeking her out whenever he wants to make more hybrids.
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kallystah · 3 years ago
~~ The Hard Life of a blushing dino ~~ Page one chapter 1
Summary and masterlist
There were on a certain island, in a certain country surrounded by ancient floral beauty, happy faces, children running around and laughing with sincere laughter, parents who looked at them smiling sincerely in turn, and bursts of joy mixed with the different music played on the corners of the streets.
Indeed people were partying and taking advantage of the huge stands that were everywhere in the Capital of Flowers. For all ages and all tastes, ranging from traditional food stalls such as delicious freshly cooked Takoyaki, to children's stalls such as Matsuri, children love to catch fish although it is very difficult.
Sign that the mood was at its highest, even the people who argued before for a tiny piece of food were dancing shoulder to shoulder, or drinking together although it was only one o'clock.
Indeed, for the first time in twenty years there was an atmosphere of peace, joy and hope. This had been launched by the return of the Kozuki clan, the only family that was worthy of siring future shoguns. Thanks to the victory won by the red scabbards accompanied by a few pirates against the former shogun and the former great dragon, true master of the place, everyone was at peace.
But behind this festive atmosphere, there still resided blackened and greedy hearts that were absolutely in no mood for laughter. They were those who had tasted nothing but the best food and drunk nothing but the best water for twenty years, those who had quickly turned away from the Kozuki clan to welcome the traitor Orochi.
Among those hearts were those of the Hundred Beasts Kaido Crew that hadn't been bewitched. Indeed, a rumor ran that almost half of the dragon's henchmen had turned against him all of a sudden as if by magic. Thus the people of the country of Wa feared the arrival of a sorcerer among them, the fruits of the devil not being common in the eyes of the villagers. But there were also those of certain families or business partners who would lose a lot as a result of the change of shogun.
Of course, all these people had quickly been thrown into the various prisons in the country, and one of them was the most secure because the head of the red sheaths, Kinemon, had decided to put all the Tobiroppo there. It had been a difficult choice to make because if they attempted a rebellion despite their marine granite handcuffs, without the help of the pirates they would be difficult to hold them back. But if they were dispersed in six prisons, it would take six times as much surveillance. Thus had been chosen the first case.
And then, there was in Wano Kuni a girl, a child, who could put them at her feet very quickly. Soon a judgment would therefore take place on the question of the Tobiroppo and whether they were released on the condition of eating a Dango every month.
But right now, there was at the entrance of one of the prisons, the one containing the six monsters, a young woman approaching.
- Stop. This entry is prohibited. Please return to the festivities miss.
- I was specially authorized by Kin'emon-sama to enter. You can ask him later. Don't disturb him while he's having fun.
So the guardsmen let her in. After several minutes of walking and searching through the prison, the woman arrived at her destination. The door she was looking for was isolated from everything. To tell the truth, there were in the circle of the prison six cages at the end and they were each distanced by ten meters.
The youngster looked through the bars at the one she was looking for, letting her eyes darken and sadden at the vision she had. In front of her was her ex-boyfriend, his hands and feet shackled, an old prisoner's cloth on him, and above all, without really suitable care for his injuries.
Looking to her right then to her left, she subtly took a key out of her pocket, a click sounded, and she opened the marine granite door delicately. Already she had lied saying she was allowed to go back, if in addition she was caught in the act she was screwed, although her goal was not to deliver the man.
Hearing the noise caused by the door, the man with the horns raised his head. He quickly widened his eyes at the figure in front of him.
- Y/n... What are you doing here? If we find you here you will quickly have your place in the prison next door.
- You haven't lost your humor, I see. sneered the woman. I just want to hear from my dear ex-boyfriend.
- If you came to make fun of me, you can leave. He bared his fangs, barely hidden by the lack of bandages.
The woman sighed. They finally saw each other again, although their break which wasn't very big, and here they are already bickering.
- Pay-tan... I missed you.
- ...it's you...I missed you.
Faced with the weakness of her ex-boyfriend, she let out a tear. Then two. Then others. The two had parted so fiercely as they overflowed with love for each other. Only, their ideas on the country of Wano Kuni diverged and that had got the better of them.
She took a few steps to join him, crouched down to be at his height, and tenderly kissed the lid of his eye that he had to keep closed because of a big blow. Then she kissed the top of his cheek, under which she heard a small growl, to then join the corner of his lips, which again were hardly bandaged.
- ... stopped.
- Page... You know I like that mouth with its little pointy teeth.
She resumed what she was doing, but before approaching her soft lips for the last time, she looked into the prisoner's eyes. She saw that glow there, the one he only had with her. So fortunately, she places her lips on those still bloody of the man. He joined in this kiss as soon as calmer, the woman having understood that his jaw was dislocated, and took advantage of the sweet exchange.
Once separated, the intruder stood on the legs of the man he bent cross-legged, and let his head rest against the neck of his little dinosaur.
- I have the impression that you're in bad shape every time we see each other again, she sneered.
- It is not my fault. He growled softly his nose before letting out a small squeal of pain. Why did you come to see me? He said after a moment.
- I thought we could hold back. You know, the two of us... If Kaido is gone, we can more easily avoid this annoying subject.
She received no response. Page One seemed to be thinking. She didn't know it, but as soon as he saw her coming, the sense of loss he felt took over his loyalty to Kaido.
- I'm stuck here anyway. Unless you get a pass, he huffed.
- You will be judged in a few days. I will plead for you. You won't eat that damn Dango that makes you lose your personality.
She frowned against this means to calm the beasts, certainly it had helped win the war, but she did not take the risk of having nothing but wrong with her boyfriend. Finally, were they a couple again? He seems to read her thoughts.
- I love you Y/n. I won't let you go this time. He finished by tightening his grip around the belly of the woman in his arms who felt her heart beating like a few months ago.
I hope you like this fic
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twistbite · 2 years ago
✧.* { CARMELA ZUMBADO & SHE/HER & CIS FEMALE & 26/34 } is that ZOE GILBERT who’s come back from the future ? they’re JEREMY GILBERT & NADIA PETROVA ADOPTED kid, right ? maybe that’s why they are a COLLEGE STUDENT AT WHITMORE.  i’ve heard they can be pretty BELLIGERENT. how typical for a VAMPIRE . i guess they must rely on their INTUITIVENESS side shining through. rumor has it they’re trying to hide SHE’S SIREBONDED TO HER EX BOYFRIEND WHO TURNED HER, but that’s probably just noise…
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zoe gilbert was originally born zoe anderson. her mother had no interest in raising her and her father was a hunter of the five. he met jeremy gilbert on one of his hunts, eventually coming to befriend him and trust him and his family to watch zoe on his more dangerous hunts.
until came the day zoe’s dad didn’t return from one. 
jeremy, nadia adopted zoe into their family. she was seven years old when she made the choice to adopt gilbert as her surname. 
when her parents fell asleep zoe stepped up to the plate, taking care of her younger siblings, cousins and friends to the best of her ability. 
as a teenager she continued the gilbert family tradition of teen pregnancy. having a daughter when she was only 16. 
she also continued to the tradition of falling in love with a vampire. though he hadn’t been one at the time. rather, the two were constantly on and off, though they always remained as a co-parenting team. however into adulthood, their breaks came out in more splendor fashions, with bigger blowouts and makeups. 
it was when she was 26 he came around once more often. they were making it work, until the part she found out he was a vampire now. he liked being a vampire though, to zoe’s detriment. he even gave her blood when she was injured.
which was okay until she died. 
not being able to abandon her family, she completed her transition into a vampire. not realizing she was sirebonded to her boyfriend who had turned her. him being a new vampire himself had no idea either. 
it took almost a year of being together for the sirebond to reveal itself. zoe made the choice not to tell any of her family, not wanting them to worry. instead she lied and told him she killed her sire. never revealing it’d been him (she loved him okay? she didn’t want her family gunning for him). 
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years ago
From the writing questions:
4 for the OCs (I know you have them, but I wanna hear about them!)
wahhh i have been swamped with work and horking busy busy busy. and i havent had time to breathe the good good oc dust. so it's like. i love them and they're there and i have Stories and they're big and good and important but im not PLUGGED INTO THE MAINFRAME. the electricity is not flowing thru me. maybe we need to reset the plug.
idk how closely you've followed my oc stuff but ive got:
Boyfriend Pile
Zen (sweet darling orc) and his three boyfriends Cam (half elf wizard potions seller), Sebastian (minotaur tavernkeeper) and Ryden (dragon, dragon). the plot is they are in love
Shades and Shadows
Jasper (ex BBEG who got his ass kicked, currently under house arrest), Orion (his love interest and his death row guard, a Shade--a shapeshifting assassin) and orions friend 24 (a Shade that has no interest in following orders and just wants orion back)
What Makes a Villain?
Abigail (teacher/supervillain) and Maria (superhero intern/barista) discover that the status quo sucks and we should fuckin' do something about it. and institutions are only ever going to fight in their own best interest and companies are not going to take care of people ever. and "good" and "lawful" are two Very Different Things. And also girls are pretty and should be kissed.
Seeing Stars
(I share this with a friend)
Roe (a former Starship Brigade officer on "temporary" leave having a mental health and gender and life crisis and also a shapeshifter (but a different werewolfier flavor)) and their paramour Wit (a pillar of their small business community and beautiful tentacled alien in love)
Moving is a Beast
(shared w same friend)
Sky (who gets evicted bc she adopted a cat in a no-pets apartment and for No Other Reason) and Addie (who is secretly a beautiful winged jackalope monster and also royalty) and they have to move in together. and addie cant keep the secret anymore but it's a good thing. cause sky loves her so much and is Very Into That. (the cat's name is Michael Concrete)
Armor on the Floor
(I share this with a different friend)
Leo (a knight who might not want to be a knight anymore) and Dazhirra (the dragon-turned human Leo is protecting/falling in love with) AND Violet (former knight and monster-lover) who falls deeply in love with Tality (magic tattoo/piercing artist and accidental catgirl)
Blood Money
(shared w same friend as Armor on the Floor)
Elijah (vampire) who is roommates with JD (human) and they fall in love and this is a problem for Elijah's ex and sire (but it turns out okay)
jesus christ i think that's all of the big ones?
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mattiecline · 3 years ago
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Have you seen MATTIE CLINE around Faerune? She’s a VAMPIRE who REJECTS the Unseelie Queen’s reign. People have heard she’s CARING, LAID BACK, and PATIENT but can also be OVERPROTECTIVE, LOUD, and CURIOUS. We’ll see where she falls when the revolution arrives, but until then she can be found working as SEAMSTRESS/OWNER OF STICH IN THYME.
FULL NAME: Matilda Cline
NICKNAMES: Mattie (by just about everybody)
FACECLAIM: Margot Robbie
BIRTHDATE: July 15th, 1993 [31]
PLACE OF BIRTH: Hamburg, Germany
Languages spoken: German,French and English.
ZODIAC: Cancer
SPECIES: Vampire
Sire: Her ex boyfriend (location possibly in Faerune)
SCARS/MARKINGS: Scar on left leg and on neck (usually hidden by hair)
IDENTITY: Cis Female, She/Her
ORIENTATION: Panromantic/Bisexual
OCCUPATION: Owner of A Stitch in Thyme
HABITS: Getting loud when emotional, swearing (especially in her native tongue),playing with her necklaces and chewing gum.
Chapter 1: 
Mattie had just been keeping everything together, she was making some new friends, enjoying her work at the shop and just taking care of herself, finally being more free than she had ever been. She had a few slip ups when it came to having blood on her, her mind wandering elsewhere and it wasn’t like her to do such a thing, especially if she was keeping up appearances that she wasn’t a vampire. However it was before the crystals came up that she had heard some news from an old friend. Her ex, who was also her sire, apparently had found out where she had gone to and was going to find her. She hoped and prayed that he wouldn’t find her, but the feeling of him being near started getting stronger and stronger even as the crystals formed around the town, sealing everyone and everything inside. 
Chapter 2:
Mattie tries to keep up appearances, having a smile on her face as she deals with those around her, but her attire gave it away on how she was feeling. Her clothes had become just a little bit darker and out there. There is anger deep inside of her for many reasons, she is angry at those who created the crystal barrier, she is angry that she is trapped once again and she is furious that her sire is indeed in the town, but is thankful that they haven’t bumped into one another. 
She stays close to those that she trusts and can confide in, those that, like her reject the reign of the unseelie queen. She is glad that there are those that willingly let her feed off of them in return, she fixes or makes clothing for them. Although she is feeling quite a lot of negative emotions, she doesn’t forget her kindness, even trying to keep up appearances to those who are with the queen. 
She also refuses to be apart of the vampire clan, preferring to be by herself or with other vampires who choose not to be a part of it.  
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years ago
hey there! How are you? I've been thinking a lot lately and well spacing out too lol. I wanna hear about some unpopular opinions you have on TVDU/TO...well if you have any :)
Hi! ✨ I'm doing well, thanks! Just got a couple of days off work after my crazy marathon and am finally catching a much deserved break. 😁 I hope you're doing well!
Unpopular opinions, hmmm.... I don't know if I have many unpopular opinions, tbh. I probably do, but I also have terrible memory, so I never remember things until prompted. 🤣
Let's see...
. Don't know if this is unpopular, but I think St*roline is the worst ship in the whole of the TVDverse. Hate it with a passion, it's just awful to Caroline in so many ways. 😫
. I also deeply, deeply dislike Forwood and think Tyler was not only a shitty person but an even worse boyfriend, but in hindsight, compared to Steroline, it was kind of ok. He was like, regular levels of bad boyfriend, not epic bad boyfriend.
. I don't like Katherine at all and do not understand why she's so popular to the point people will always write her as Caroline's bff. lol
. I also don't like Kol at all. Not on TVD or TO (though TO is definitely worse). The only Kol I could ever tolerate was Daniel Sharman's brief stint in TO S2 and I suppose it was mostly because he's a way better actor and much more charismatic than Nate Buzz (not to mention prettier, with bonus points for real accent ++++ that doesn't make me wanna punch his face).
. I hate Lucien, Aurora and Tristan. They're awful and some of the dumbest villains this whole universe has ever had. They're a complete NON-ISSUE, could've been eliminated in 2 seconds, they're not super powerful, they're not super smart and they can't even hurt the Mikaelsons cause they're sired to them. It's like... why the fuck are they even here? Why do they last so long? Why did they write 22 episodes around this shit? Also the actors are terrible, their accents are terrible and Aurora being the crazy ex whose only motivation to do anything is jealousy over a dude she hasn't been with in 900 years makes me wanna slap someone. I hate TO s3, it's by the worst in the show, and that's saying something.
. This is probably debatable, but I think Elijah and Bonnie are the characters who got the worst treatment in the whole of the TVDu, at least among the main characters. Although the ways they were mistreated by the writers is obviously different and likely rooted in different reasons as well. Still. Terrible character arcs.
I think that's it. 🤣 Can't think of anything else atm. I'm boring, I know.
Thanks for your ask, friend! Have a great weekend! ✨
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