#also henry is real cute
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kellystar321 · 1 year ago
#periodical life updates#(<- NUMBER 3!!!) I FINISHED THE ANIMATION AND EVERYTHING FOR THAT PROJECT AND SENT IT OFF! super excited!!#it looks really cute! i tried my best and im mostly satisfied of where i landed <33#it's my little sibling's birthday today!! it's also the first official meeting of lgbt club!! (the other event was a fun lgbt mixer)#my backpack smells bad. like mildew or mold maybe? urgh its awful and gives me a headache. i might need a new one. i dont know. urghhh.#my programming homework is due today!! yike!! but other than that my personal projects with deadlines are all done!#INIQUITY NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA WORK ON YOUR SELF SHIP BLOG?? YES!! HOPEFULLY!!#truthfully i /have/ been working on it on the side. it looks decent but the colors;;; i have always been pretty sht at color picking?#i can adjust with filters but without that im like. a little not good yet lmao. gotta do some studies sometime perhaps#BUT YAY EXCITED!! ive got some rambles and doodles and a tag system and f/o info which is extremely cumbersome (affectionate)!!#also i have new fandom ocs for the latest dimension 20 campaign and im so delighted heho <33 this campaign is literally so fun.#im watching it with my sibling when its done!! OOH ALSO I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PNGTUBE AND i will likely never use it BUT COOL!!#i dont like. talk. lmao. my art streams are 1) silent 2) rare 3) only shared with my siblings. pngtuber is a little useless. but CUTE!!#i got boba tea yesterday!! sandy bought it :3 <3 and we're having pho and cheesecake later and i might plan out a little excursion today?#like i might get a treatsie. OR i'll just sit on campus as usual and get a mango smoothie and draw for a while (or work on homework.)#(lets be honest its likely the former. i might get a little back into traditional? ooh or maybe i'll practice my asl?) HEY THOUGH.#ive been thinking about making a henrey stickmn (ask)blog to practice asl? like. no plot. just henry teaching ellie and charles asl#really funny considering my Real concept of an askblog for THSC. not ace or eca; but a secret third thing (⛎) ;)#then again since when have i EVER followed through on an askblog lmao?? damb im all over the place today. we're already hitting tag limit#okay!! 3 AM!! if im going early tomorrow i gotta eep! goodnight everyone i love you!! see you tomorrow if i have the energy and time!!
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year ago
This a random as heck post/update:
So, after thinking I was a Lesbian for sure, I've discovered this year that I'm actually Pansexual. It was mostly after mulling about it for a long time, and having a billion crushes on people* that I realized it. (my brain is very derpy and puts me in crush mode at any moment). 😊
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bravelyloves · 1 year ago
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lavenderspence · 9 months ago
Cute, Outraged Genius | S.R.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Content warning: fluff, Spencer being a bit of a technophobe
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Spencer comes home only to find you using a kindle…instant outrage
A/N: This is just a cute little story about Spencer being our little technophobe genius. I actually don’t own a kindle, so don’t know how those work or anything, but physical books are in fact superior, so.
The quote at the end is from “Book Lovers” by Emily Henry
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You loved his apartment, sometimes more than you loved yours. Being in his space, surrounded by his things - his books, his clothes, the silly art he indulged in. Being drowned by his scent, meters upon meters of space he’d touched, it soothed you like nothing else could.
The peace you felt whenever you were in his space was unparalleled.
You loved his bedroom, the plushness of his bed, his closed, where you found yourself stealing his shirts and cardigans, never giving them back. 
Your favorite place in apartment 23 was his couch, where he found you often enough, when he returned from a case, curled up with a book. You loved the blanket thrown on the back and the windows that allowed for the whole apartment to light up with the sunlight. 
And then there were his bookshelves, in clear view from said couch. Filled with his favorite books, special editions he held close to his heart, or some that brought him knowledge. The shelves, that now also held some of your favorite books too.
Reading, books, was the thing that had brought you together in the first place, so when he’d made space for your clothes in his closet and your toiletries in the bathroom, he’d also made space for your books to sit beside his own. 
He’d insisted it made the place feel less like it was his own, and more like it was shared, even though you weren’t living together. It warmed your heart to know, that he saw his apartment as a home for both of you.
Seeing your books among his own, made you fall even more in love with him because he knew what they meant to you. So much so, he tumbed through a few, leaving sticky notes with his little thoughts between the pages.
As for your first meeting, it was funny.
You’d met a year ago, at a cafe close to his apartment. Stuck in a long queue, waiting for your turn, your nose had been buried into a book, completely oblivious to your surroundings. Spencer had been standing behind you, and like the nosy dork he is, had been reading along with you, over your shoulder.
When he’d pointed out an inaccuracy in the plot, compared to real life, you’d screamed, slamming the book shut, and successfully making a fool of yourself in front of the whole cafe. 
He’d apologized bashfully, and asked to buy your drink for you, and then lingered for a short conversation before he’d been called away on a case. 
In his hurry to get to the FBI on time, he’d forgotten to take your number. Two weeks later, and after a lot of blaming himself for being a dumbass, he’d seen you again, nose buried into another book, sipping a beverage next to the window of the cafe. 
You hadn’t attached puzzling looks this time, and he’d gotten your number. A year later, you couldn’t be more happy for the fact that your boyfriend sometimes didn’t really get social cues.
You smiled, thinking back on that day. 
You focused on your book again, eyes dancing around the page, following with rapt attention. 
Reading was one of the few things that brought you peace, quieted your brain, and improved your mood. 
Sometimes you envied Spencer’s genius, being able to go through War & Peace at breakfast, without batting an eye. Reading, and reading, and still having the time for other things. If, in your lifetime, you could read as many books as Spencer had read thus far in life, you’d be happy. 
You were giggling, kicking your feet, and enjoying your book, when you heard the telltale sign of Spencer arriving home - his key being inserted into the lock. 
You didn’t move your eyes away from the book, having reached a great part of the book. 
The door opened, and in walked your boyfriend, a peep in his step, happy he’d get to see you and spend time with you after 6 days of being away. 
He left his keys in the bowl next to the door, freed himself of his shoes, and set his messenger bag down. 
He walked further in, noticing the vanilla and chocolate scent in the air - you’d followed tradition, baking a small tray of chocolate chip cookies as a welcome for him. 
He stood behind you, draping his hands around your neck, and leaned over to kiss the side of your head gently, finally diverting your attention away from the book. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” he murmured, warm breath tickling your neck next, as he kissed around your ear and pulse point. 
“Hi there, babe.” you were whispering too, finally happy to be in your own bubble. “How are you? How was the case?” you asked, just like you did every time, just like you did every day. You always wanted to know how he was, you wanted to know about his day, and he’d gotten so used to it and had done it so many times for you too, it had become routine, a way to show each other you cared and loved each other. 
“I’m good, a little tired maybe,” he nuzzled your neck, eyes shut in contentment, “The case was tough, but successfully closed at the end,” he rarely elaborated, only if someone was hurt, or the case had taken a toll on his mental health. Other than that, he didn’t like bringing the gory details of the cases home with him. 
Home was his space with you, where you laughed, and sometimes cried. Where you cuddled and made love, read together, or to each other, where you cooked, where you relaxed. It was no place for the realities of a BAU profiler. 
“What are you doing?” it was a simple question. 
“I’m reading,” and there was an even simpler answer, except if you were Spencer Reid, a doctor with three PhDs, three bachelor’s degrees, an FBI agent, and a complete, and utter technophobe. 
You felt him lift his head before he choked out a high-pitched “You’re what?” and you turned around to see him, shock and betrayal written on his face, his eyes as big as saucers. 
You looked at him like he’d grown two heads, but you knew you should have expected this. 
You’d made the decision to get a kindle last week, and you’d used the time he hadn’t been home to set it up and try it out. 
“What are you even reading on that thing? That’s not a book!” he was outraged, but at the same time, he looked so cute, that you started laughing. You brought a hand to your mouth, in hopes of muffling the sound a little because you were losing it, laughing with everything you had. 
“Stop laughing, it’s not funny. I’m serious.” you just laughed harder, even though you tried to reign it in and stop. 
Around a minute later, your laughter started dying down, and you looked up, only to see him with his arms crossed against his chest, an expression between bewilderment, and those deep brown puppy eyes staring straight into your soul.
“It’s a kindle, Spence, it’s all digital,” you told him
“No, I know that, but you can’t be serious,” your brows furrowed, a bit butt hurt, until he continued, “You know, readers prefer physical books. A recent study found that only 21% prefer e-books, as little as 14% audiobooks, and 65% are physical book readers. Another study found that your brain absorbs less when you read on a kindle than on paper.” You laughed again, loving his brain, and then patted the space next to you, waiting for him to sit down.
“I thought you were pro saving the planet Mr. Three PHD’s.” you joked, waiting for him to sass you back. After all, one of your favorite characteristics of his was how sassy he was. 
“Well, yes I am, but statistically, physical copies are superior. A book needs to be physical, not whatever bullshit that is. Come on, let’s just return this, and I’ll buy you all the books you want,” he went to stand up, and you pulled him back down by the back of his shirt. 
“Aww babe, I know you will!” Spencer loved buying some of your books for you, he loved seeing the smile on your face when he bought a book you’ve wanted for a while. You buried your face into his neck, hugging him to you. 
“Come on, let’s cuddle before dinner, get a cookie, and I’ll read to you for a bit, I just reached a good part,” you whisper into his neck, and he exhales, reaching towards the coffee table to get a cookie before you relax into each other, and you pick up the kindle, reading where you left off. 
“We really are two opposing magnets, incapable of being in the same room without drawing together. I want to scrape my fingers through his hair and kiss him until he forgets where we are, and everything and everyone that ever made him feel like he was a disappointment. And he’s looking at me like I could, like there’s an ache in him only I could soothe.” you read, hand running through his hair, happy to have him back.
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Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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404creep · 1 month ago
Here's another little installment for my Simon x Civilian Cleaning Lady series. I'm trying to leave some of the REALLY good ideas for one shots, but sometimes I just gotta get the ideas in my head OUT through these drabbles!!!! I'll try and finish up the one shot I'm working on this weekend and post it by Monday! (Spolier alert, it's about the time you learn Ghost's real name 👀)
Previous Next Series Masterlist
The first time Simon truly interacts with your nephew happens roughly three weeks after you both begin having real conversations (you know.....rather than him just lurking like Michael Myers, silently observing you from behind a wall down the hallway)
Simon came for his daily visit later than he usually does on this particular day. Bro was swamped with work so you'd already clocked out when he came looking for you.
He was honestly scared he'd miss you. But he figured you'd have to get the kid before you left so he tried the daycare.
He just hung around outside the daycare until you exited holding the small 4 year old.
You honestly didn't expect to see Ghost there. It did scare you a bit ngl.
Y'all kinda do a stare down for a bit before you shoot him a smile that makes his tummy flutter
You introduce him to your nephew and he's just kinda awkwardly standing there looking at the kid like "idk wtf to do"
Bro does not know how to interact with toddlers and you can't change my mind on this.
Your nephew is kinda just burying his head into your neck and mean mugging Ghost
Honestly ghost is sweating a bit cause the kid is a little intimidating ngl
kid's been through a lot
You tell him to wave to the nice uncle army man
The kid does a half hearted little finger wave and then turns his head completely to face the other way so he doesn't have to look at at the masked army man
Ghost is honestly sweating cause how is he gonna marry you if your nephew hates him? Who will be the ring bearer????
Simon had it all planned out
He'll survive
Anyway he figured that the way to any man's heart is through his stomach so he decides to sacrifice one of his snacks on you for the kid. Simon ALWAYS has snacks for you hidden in one of his pockets.
Decides to use YOUR daily treat for the kid as a bribe.
Kinda digs a package of gummies out of his pocket and then shakes them a bit "He old enough for this?" is all he asks. Doesn't wanna hop the kid up on sugar without your permission.
You see it for what it is, a bribe to make the kid like him.
and honestly you find it kinda sweet that he's trying
so you say yeah
he kinda taps the kid's arm with the package and the kid turns his head back to look
cue less mean mugging and very focused eyes on said package of candy.
Ghost can't help but crack a little smile under his mask
kid is cute, there's no denying it. Looks a bit like you.
He rips the package open and offers it to the kid.
The kid reaches in with his little fingers and grabs a few and then promptly shoves them into his mouth, still basically hiding in your neck.
Pretty sure the kid also eats a bit of your hair because you feel a bit of a pull so you can't help but wince at the pain. Kids are gross sometimes.
You tell Simon you guys gotta go because you need to get home and cook dinner
simon nods and follows you out to your car and watches you buckle the kid into his carseat
He's mentally taking notes in case he ever has to do it on his own
Tells you to be safe and that he'll see you tomorrow and gives you the rest of the candy for the kid later. He'll have more for you tomorrow anyway.
Watches you drive out of the parking lot and doesn't go back inside until he can't see the car anymore
One day you guys will be going home together :)
It takes your nephew a while to warm up to him (Oneshot about this cooking as we speak)
Your nephew may or may not immediately love Johnny.......Simon is jealous of this fact.
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bryan-writes · 4 months ago
Hey! I don't know if you take requests but I like collecting headcanons of people
so do you have some Obey me headcanons?
Have a wonderful day<3. (if you don't take requests then feel free to ignore)
Hello anon, I hope this is what you were asking for! Thank you sm for the request, I hope you have a wonderful day as well lovely<3!
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Obey me headcannons— the seven brothers
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Just a bunch of cute head cannons I have about the brothers :)
No warnings!
Lovely dividers by @cafekitsune <3
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A total plant dad in secret! He has a small collection of rare plants in his office (hidden away from Mammon ofc). He enjoys their low-maintenance nature and often has a calming ritual of watering them and reflecting after a long day. You found out by accident once, and gift him small plants whenever you visit the human realm (a spider plant, dracaena, snake plant).
He's a classical vinyl collector. I feel like this one’s pretty popular, but he has an extensive vinyl collection (mainly of classical or jazz) and insists they sound better than any digital recording he’s heard. He prefers to listen to them alone, insisting his brothers will only ruin the experience, but he’ll never deny or turn you away if you ask to join him.
He’s a total fancy sleepwear enthusiast. You’d think it’d be an Asmo thing, but Lucifer has a collection of luxurious silk and satin pajamas. He believes that “even in sleep, one must uphold dignity” (he gave you that speech the first week when you wobbled through the kitchen in an old, stained band shirt).
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He’s absolutely adored by stray animals in the Devildom, but especially by cats. They tend to follow him around (much to Satan’s dismay), and he’s always a bit flustered about it but secretly loves it. Sometimes he’ll even sneak treats and treasures to them (things like fancy ribbons and long necklace chains).
He’s a total hoarder too, keeping a collection of things that remind him of you specifically— small trinkets, wrapped, tickets/receipts, photos (I wrote a oneshot for this if you want more!). He keeps them hidden, safe from his brother’s prying eyes and questions.
He also has a ton of good luck charms. A little ceramic ladybug, a pressed four-leaf clover, crystals, a horseshoe, etc. He’s convinced they’ll bring him good luck and fortune in his schemes, even if he doesn’t quite remember where they all came from. His favorite good luck charm is you though. He refuses to leave the house in the mornings without a good luck kiss.
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It’s no secret that Levi loves the ocean, keeping a fish tank that he’s decorated to look like the real deal. He’ll watch Henry swim around in the rare moments he’s unwinding, taking the quiet time to find inspiration for his gaming and anime stories.
He totally has an otaku daily planner that he’s decorated with anime stickers and fan art. He tracks everything from game release dates to plans with you— which he surrounds with little hearts. He’ll doodle in free spaces and will bring it with him everywhere.
He’s a total random trivia buff, with a surprising amount of knowledge for most obscure topics. He’s like the caps of Snapple bottles, popping off with a random fact that relates to the conversation every now and then.
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Satan is an avid audiobook listener. He likes to experience different narrations of the classics he loves, often falling asleep to them. There have been countless times where he’s recorded you reading to him just to later listen to your voice when he naps.
Over the years, he’s secretly given each of his brothers a nickname of a cat breed based on their personalities. He calls Mammon a Bengal (for their boldness) and Lucifer a Maine Coon (dignified and regal) for example. Nobody knows he does this, and would rather die than tell anyone.
Satan is a tea connoisseur. He loves to experiment with different tea blends based on his current read. He’ll make a “Wuthering Heights” blend on stormy days or a “Sherlock Holmes” blend when he’s feeling particularly investigative.
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Asmo has a vast collection of rare perfumes and fragrances from both the human and demon realm and can identify perfumes by smell alone. He’ll often make blends for you that he thinks “capture your essence”, and makes you wear them on date nights.
He creates outfits based on moods, and very rarely based on occasions or weather (although whatever he wears is beyond beautiful anyway). If he’s feeling even slightly out of sorts, he’ll wear a specific scarf to “help align his vibes”, insisting you wear a matching one with him.
Asmo has an elaborate manicure routine, and he offers special “spa nights” just for you (it’s become a weekly routine). He does all of his brother's nails, but never treats them to full nights of face and hair care that he does with you.
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He loves to experiment with recipes, trying to come up with “the ultimate snack” with a variety of unique flavors. He has a small notebook filled with random snack ideas he wants to try with you, including “infernal honey nachos” and “fiery chocolate popcorn”.
He will occasionally build the most elaborate and beautiful blanket forts in his room, to hide from his brothers for quiet time and snacks. He’ll sometimes invite you to join him for late-night snack chats.
Beel loves trying to combine Devildom foods with human foods, attempting to make hybrids like “hellberry pizza” or “demonic takoyaki.” He gets super excited when you introduce him to new human-realm foods and suggest new fashion ideas.
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He has curated playlists for every possible sleeping scenario ever. He has a “nap in a meadow” playlist and an “underwater dream”, which he’ll share with you if you ever want the “perfect sleep/nap vibes.”
Belphie has a habit of sketching while sleepy. He doesn’t remember half of what he draws, but he’s done some surprisingly good doodles of you, the brothers, and his dreams. You’ve started keeping them to collect in a sketchbook for him.
He actually puts some thought into his “lazy look.” He has favorite clothes that he feels make him look effortlessly comfortable and will proudly say, “Fashion is all about making it look like you didn't try.” (You’ve seen him get mad when his hair won’t look ‘the right amount of disheveled’, whatever that means).
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willothewispwisteriadawn · 1 year ago
We need to talk about Tartt’s character descriptions
More Donna Tartt praise.
She writes human physical descriptions in the most genuine and true-to-life ways. I didn’t even realize how many books do not go into the actual nuance of human appearances until I read TSH and Goldfinch.
I think most books kind of categorize people as pretty, ugly, or plain then lean into what generally makes people pretty, ugly, or plain plus hair and eye colors. I love how Tartt’s books make characters appear how the majority of people really do: an assortment of specific details. There’s Boris’s bitten nails and how Henry is big and square but does not carry himself as if he is. Bunny is a once-muscled guy (now more chubby) whose naturally good looks are starting to get a little sloppy. His nose is also a bit small/sharp for his face shape. Camilla is pretty, and we hear about her thick ankles and the way her curls rest at her temples. Francis is nice-looking because he carries and styles himself well, but we hear that those things compensate for his kind of beaky nose and boney angles.
Pippa is another great example! Theo describes her looks as tender and precious. She comes across as very cute in a homely way. But we hear that her eyes look “naked” because her lashes are so pale (I can imagine this so well!) and that her nose is long. Her cheeks are thin. Theo notes these things, and thinks she’s pretty anyway; he assumes he must have some personal affinity for her and is given a wake-up call when Everett also finds these traits cute.
OH actually let me squeeze in Mr. Barbour here. Because lol???
His eyes were a queer unstable gray and his hair was pure white, which made him seem older than he was until you noticed that his face was young and pink — boyish, even. His ruddy cheeks and his long, old-fashioned nose, in combination with the prematurely white hair, gave him the amiable look of a lesser founding father, some minor member of the Continental Congress teleported to the twenty-first century.
This is so specific and so easy to see. It stuck out to me when I read it, and my mom mentioned it to me when she read it. She said she was really hit by Andy’s dad’s description and thought it was funny but did a really good job delivering an image.
It’s just so real and gets at how normal people actually are: not always pretty in a “safe” way. Tartt has the guts to give you a description of an actual unique, textured person and say “This is nice.” Or, in Bunny’s case, give someone who is basically handsome but not necessarily pleasant-looking. Theres so much nuance, and it’s honest.
It kind of made me rethink how I write human descriptions. There are “safe” things to point out that become a little insubstantial if you combine too many of them: “The pretty girl has glossy hair and curves and bright blue eyes.” And then there’s going into actual shapes and the way people carry themselves and how some features look against others. It honestly just makes the characters really pop and they’re easy to envision.
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rwrbficrecs · 8 months ago
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The Monarch Haven by @redlightsandicedtea (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I found this fic through @lieselsart's wonderful illustration. Alex isn't the First Son, but his parents are high-ranking politicians. Due to serious mental health issues, he lives secluded in Texas, where he runs a mental health refuge for teens— the Monarch Haven. Secluded, until a real prince seeks refuge there. Alex isn't thrilled but still wants to help. What follows is 76k words of slow burn and domesticity! It's beautifully angsty, with a gradual and moving development. A total comfort read !!
Whiteout by HarmonyWhitlock (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Snowboarder Alex and skier Henry almost collide on the slopes, followed by a heated exchange of words. At the end of the day though, they meet at the bar and, well... This story is part of a series which is all about the CMQ-influenced trope 'In every universe'. I got all giddy with every beautiful story I read: So carefully composed and very well crafted, the emotions and attraction swept me away. Hopefully many more to come !!
I Want Candy by @vanillahigh00 (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Alex as a dad and Henry's house being his daughter's first stop on her quest for Halloween candy are the ingredients to this very sweet fic!
Tiempo de Vals by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Authentic Hispanic details (that are always one of my favorite things about this author's writing), a high school AU, and firstprince dancing- what's not to love?
Workin' On My Fitness by bananamilks (book-verse)
@na-dineee: After gushing to Pez about how hot fitness trainer Alex on Instagram is, he is actually indignant when Pez gives him a gift certificate for a training package to reach his (decidedly not) fitness goal: to be able to lift hot men onto countertops. As always, these two have the hots for each other. And the story around it is really sweet, two seconds angsty, also funny, and just delightful.
If U Seek Amy by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@dot524: Such a cute and meaningful 5+1 centering on Amy Chen and how she views the different members of the First Family. Love an outsider PoV and the sweet moments in this one.
Adrift by @milowren29 (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: An addicting pacific rim AU. I don't even go here and I fully enjoyed it, packed with action, life-threatening monsters and alex-and-henry typical obliviousness and refusal to talk about their feelings which is y'know, canon. Everyone needs to give an opportunity to this one.
In Plain Sight You Hid by @nontoxic-writes (movie-verse)
@dot524: Ever reflect deeply on why everyone hates Miguel? This story fleshes out what he did to Alex and expands on what happened during that hookup and what it had to do with Henry. This is also a study of Alex’s relationship with Henry and what made it special. An insightful and angsty (and sexy) addition to the movie canon.
the beagle, the ghost, and the wardrobe by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@suseagull04: I was immediately intrigued by this fic title's Chronicles of Narnia inspiration, and the fic itself didn't disappoint! Ghost Alex, star-crossed lovers- what more could you ask for?
Jump in with your heart first by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This is a blind date that, despite a hiccup or two along the way, will make you believe in soulmates!
Foxden Park by @myheartalivewrites (book-verse)
@dot524: Really enjoyed the slow burn of this one as the story unfolded. So many fun scenes - horse riding, canoeing, sneaky rendezvous in the library. An addicting, enjoyable read!
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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queenofallimagines · 1 year ago
hi there!! may i ask some obey me hcs where mc is a professional volleyball player (like of they would watch her tems matchs, how they cheer and things like that) and has a personality like oikawa when she's not playing, but turn into a queen of the court (like kageyama 🕺) when playing? tysm!
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A/n: I’m literally so mad I didn’t see this b4 bc I’m watching the haikyuu movie sobbing over karasuno VS nekoma😫 but absolutely! Also I noticed how this got more nsfw closer to the end😭 couldn’t help it😔
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- impressed
- He did think you had a nice body when he first saw you
- But then he hears your trying out for the RAD volleyball team?
- Poor human can’t stand on the same court against literal demons??
- Is what he thought
- He sees Beel ecstatic about your first game and he’s hyping you up sm
- Lucifer goes bc if you get heir he will step in to defend you
- Yk when hinata does his thing and the whole stadiums jaws drop?
- He sees you effortlessly setting to your teammates like you rly are running this show
- Made you captain at tryouts bc hell yeah!!
- They call you the demon Ruler of the court fr
- Imagine being so cocky and prideful and then getting home and being like all chill and regular chaotic
- He thinks your cheating real BAD
- He can’t play but he’s like nah okay against me you can use no spells
- Asmo is making cute merch to wear to your games
- Levi has already watched all your tapes form the human world he’s a expert and he’s never seen a volleyball before
- When you wipe the floor w him he’s like okay,,, maybe you are just that good
- That speed and serve is something dangerous
- When you get his pact he’s at EVERY game
- The way he can feel the pride running through you when you play, and the smirk on your face sends a chill up your spine when you look down on the other team
- He can and will have his hands all over you after a game
- Sorry like he’s euphoric the whole time it’s like edging almost
- Can’t deny how you look in your tight uniform is very appealing too
- Asmo too he can feel the lust for you in the room and he’s LOVING IT
- Brags whew he he gets the chance
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- yeah he’s placing bets
- He comes to see you at practice because he skipped class and he knows if he shows up at home without you he’s in trouble
- So he does to idle around
- Jaw literally drops when he sees you obliterate the other side of the court
- Feels greed burning in him and can’t tell if it’s him or you
- The drive to win radiating off of you in waves
- It’s overwhelming
- “When we’re us g’unna tell me you can do THAT?!”
- “You never asked.”
- Lucifer feels a chill when mammon asks you if he can place bets on you winning
- Shows up to every game
- WILL oversee merch sales
- Has a jersey of yours he wears to sleep
- Runs the Stan page w asmo
- Will make sure your gear is in tip-top shape
- Brings you snacks before and after practice
- You think it’s all financially motivated and like 70% is but he’s like so happy and proud of you
- Right w Beel cheering the loudest at your games
- Nobody can even say anything bad bc he will argue them DOWN
- Buys all your jerseys and then saves all the tickets to your games
- Will show up w flowers
- Also sneaks from class to your practices bc he is a SUCKER for that volleyball shorts and knee pad combo
- Watches your games on replay
- Seems like the type to jack off to your games too
- Biggest hype man and will give you a ‘reward’ if you play extra hard during a game
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- he likes sports anime
- And probably will compete in a swimming event at some school festival bc duh
- But he hears Beel and mammon gushing over you play sports and is like okay well my Henry is so talented but whatever
- Almost died when you come home all sweaty and tired from practice like oop
- Suddenly binge watching every volleyball anime there IS
- Might as well be your coach
- Applies to be manager but like he’s one of the seven lord of hell lmao who’s gunna tell Levi no??
- Yall are kiyoko and Tanaka
- Very cute
- Also wearing merch w asmo they made
- Gets patches of your number to put on his everyday jacket
- Also wears your jersey to sleep
- ALSO ALSO a sucker for them volleyball fits
- Makes sure you’re always hydrated and the gym is the perfect temperature to play games in
- Guilty pleasure is that he really likes seeing you sweaty and panting
- Way how’s your games the way oikawa watches other teams to see how they play
- Actually good at making strategies and figuring out the letters in other teams
- Wants you to teach him to play
- Not bc he wants too but bc you’ll have to help adjust his posture and he can see you spike a lot
- Gets a thrill off of feeling the small bit of envy you feel when you see another good team or they manage to score on you
- Mayyyyyy encourage a little more envy bc you spike the ball even harder and you glare even more
- Yknow he has a thing for you to be mean
- So he’s like biting his lips hearing you trash talk the other team
- Also like mammon where he will have recordings of your games to jack off too
- “You pathetic worm know your place”
- He’s never moaned louder
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- reads books on Volleyball
- Likes to be wellread and can impress you with terms
- Hears Beel be excited and sneaks off to see you practice
- Slides in slick compliments
- He’s cheeky to a fault
- “I have to ask, do you like volleyball for the adrenaline or is it for the cute outfit?”
- Tease him because he’s not even good at hiding that he’s looking
- “I don’t know. So you like coming to my games to watch me win or stare at my ass?”
- The cat was too stunned to speak
- Chose to come to your games because he was at home alone while everyone else was at your game
- And he was doing some ‘Self Care’
- And he got this lighting bolt of please up his spine
- Needless to say he made quite of a mess
- Hears everyone hyping you up when they come back
- “Remind me to never make ya mad okay MC?”
- “I would!~ the way they were glaring after they slammed the ball down made my heart flutter.”
- Had to go see what the fuss was for himself
- The grunts and yells are really making him hot under the collar
- Used your game tickets as bookmarks
- It makes him smile
- He’s such a tween girl in love he’ll like decorate them in his spare time like maybe press flowers and glue them on encasing it all in resin
- Heart eyes
- Giggles at your trash talk
- Loves seeing you fr have beef w people
- Setters for some reason always have beef during a game idk WHAT IT IS but like they all was glaring daggers
- He’s deeply interested in the setter beef
- “So what’s the story with you and that other setter👀 I could feel a little tension in the air.”
- My hc is that his pact mark is always on your dominant fist
- Bc like yknow punching
- So he feels the sting of your hand when you hit the ball and he rly likes it
- Will offer to massage you after a game when you’re all tired
- An excuse to get nasty and he will spank you w the same hand
- Sigh he can’t help himself unfortunately
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- Oh he’s hype
- He’s not one for playing sports
- Buuuuut he does like the appeal of the slutty outfits and seeing people be all aggressive and sweaty
- So when he hears Beel mention you’re tying out for the team he’s immediately intrigued
- He’s probably an honesty cheerleader
- So he’s going to be there dressed to the 9 in YOUR colors every game
- Like not the school colors he’s dripped out in your signature color schemes
- Even somehow gets ahold of an old jersey from the human world and rules it in many outfits
- Brags to people that he has one and it’s signed(pls sign it for him)
- Wears earrings w your number and name on it
- That trope where the head cheerleader kisses the star player bc they’re dating after the game is very him
- Puts in his cutest lipgloss and kisses your cheek
- “Well if it’s you I don’t mind getting all sweaty and out of breath with you~”
- Like I said before he’s feeling off the lust for you in the air
- The lust his brothers feel, the audience, your lust for winning
- He’s intoxicated by it
- He feels his pact mark pulsing and it makes him giggle
- You’d think he’s tickled pink
- But he’s laughing bc he’s about to go crazy after this mf game
- Is hyper focus on how your outfit stretches over you when you move
- Watches you work out
- Bc like let’s be real he’s down to mess round in the gym showers
- Another one to give you a nice ‘Reward’ for playing so well
- Has all these suspiciously seductive pictures of you playing like when did he even take this picture of you bending over??
- Can’t help but to let his hands wander
- Instead of having a jersey to sleep in he will sleep in your whole uniform
- Like you’re looking for it in the morning to go to practice and he’s sleeping in it
- “Well not it smells like me!”
- Sigh
- Well want to get nasty in it but he’s torn between you in it or him in it
- Hardest decision in your life
- Asmo and Levi decked out in your merch and Levi stalks the Stan pages for the best pictures and asmo runs like 3 of em
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- my beautiful beloved!
- You come meet him at fangol practice and ask him if they have any other sports
- He mentions offhandedly that the volleyball team is doing tryouts for the new season and you’re like 👀 bet let’s see how yall play
- Comes with you to make sure you don’t get like picked on or anything
- Amazed by seeing what you can do and how confident you get
- Went from like shy brand new human to being the demon ruler of the court he’s so hyped
- “MC where did you learn to do that??”
- “Hard work and a lot of spite✨”
- If anyone got something to say no tf they don’t bc he’s your bodyguard
- Makes sure your games aren’t scheduled at the same time bc he’s not missing your games
- Enjoying your games when he feels a familiar feeling of hunger
- He heard all the other brothers talking about their pact marks feeling funny but he’s like meh
- Starts thinking that maybe you didn’t eat enough before the game
- But when he sees you smiling as your team wins he understands
- That gluttony you feel isn’t towards food but volleyball
- Huh. Interesting
- Not one to immediately get nasty after a game he will want to treat you to snacks first but he mayyyy want to help you get charged after practice
- I mean like you’re exhausted and your muscles are all sore like it’s totally innocent!!
- Wears your jersey number as a patch on his jacket
- But also would have a cute necklace w the number on it like right along w his gold chain
- Whew
- Dangles over your face when he fucks you
- He’s glad you both can workout together 🥰
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- sleepy
- Not really interested in sports
- But he goes to heels games to cheer him on
- Beel drags him to a game of yours
- Likes how hot you look playing
- Like Satan will make comments about the outfit
- “Are you sure the shorts are supposed to be that short?”
- “They don’t restrict my movement”
- “Hm…. Good to know.”
- Another who steals your jersey and sleeps in it
- Might put it over a pillow to sleep on
- Lazily wants to hold you after a game night
- “Mmmm just rest, you’ve done so much moving around relax with me.”
- Sweeps you into sweet dreams whether you want to sleep or not
- Will have his own wet dreams about you in your outfit
- Will go to the game and cheer with asmo to hype you up
- Likes seeing you set the ball to your teammates and how you can read their minds and direct the game
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vomittedsoap · 5 months ago
Assigning The Terror characters cars cuz I’m bored
From a USA/Texas perspective.
Crozier: Pontiac Aztek
Walter white looking ahh… he transports the lieutenants around in it, the best carpool guy. Will stop by McDonalds but will never be late. Smells Neptune the dog and a few fries that got buried in the backseats but no one will help him clean it. Great oldies CD collection in the glove compartment!
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John Franklin: Ford f-150, or whatever new ranching truck.
….Social security, baby! Uselessly big, he complains cuz he doesn’t know how the touchscreen dashboard works. He’ll let you ride it but you have to sit in the trunk. Costs like $50 to fill with gas. Plays Fox News on the radio and doesn’t believe in looking at the backup camera while in reverse. Everyone look out!, who knows if he even has auto insurance.
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James Fitzjames: BMW Convertible / Mazda Miata
It’s hard to keep track of what car he’s driving cuz it seems like there’s a new one every few months. Whatever the car is, it’s sporty and cute. He’s been in a few crashes but always seems to end up fine. Smells like new car. Doesn’t let others have the aux, he only plays his one singular 10hour unorganized Spotify playlist. It’s always filled with mystery items.
He also owns and has crashed several Suzuki motorcycles.
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Henry Goodsir: green KIA Soul.
It’s not fast but it’s SO cute and decently cheap. He’ll try to help you move but it’s no use. Acts confused when someone mentions hampsters. Scrambles to move all the papers and things out of the back seat whenever someone needs to get in.
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Thomas Blanky: 1995 Ford F150
Fun uncle car. Really bad shape…I mean it's kinda scary to get in there. Jopson fell out of the trunk one time... It's always a fun time tho. Smells like cigarettes and cold mornings. 80's classics and Hank Williams on the radio. Neptune rides in the trunk. He works on classic cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles in his garage too but doesn't drive them.
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George Hodgeson: 2004 Honda Element
(i say this because this is my car... rip). Great for moving, not as great for driving. There's always a bicycle in there. He gets lost but maybe the scenic route isn't so bad. Always drives with the windows down but has a strict "no smoking in the car" policy.
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John Irving: Toyota Camry
Real partykiller of a car. You'd think it was his grandma's or something. One time he flipped his lid cuz the others hotboxed it in the parking lot while he grabbed something in the Quiktrip. Gas efficient and cheap, and not too bad to drive. Probably the best car out of the bunch its just so fugly and boring, but he likes it that way. Wooden/twine cross hanging from the rearview mirror and K-Love on the radio.
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Cornelius Hickey: Whatever this thing is
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year ago
The affection the yandere bowers gang give ballerina reader
Let me know what you think of this and please tell me if it makes sense 🙏
Warnings: psychological abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, anxiety, manipulation, threats, forced relationships, possessive behaviour
I do not support or condone the themes I write about, my writing is purely for entertainment and information purposes. Please do not try to replicate the actions that I write about.
Henry bowers:
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There is something very inherently forceful about the affection Henry gives you
Certain gestures such as hand holding, hand on your hip, hand on the back of your neck and so on
These gestures would seem cute and affectionate to an outside viewer if it was anyone else, but this is Henry bowers
Every affectionate gesture is produced with an aggressive factor added in
It’s like no one ever taught him how to be gentle, so he replicates what he sees in movies and shows
This means he can’t fully understand how even if he’s affectionately hurting you, he’s still hurting you
For example, he’ll see other couples have one person hold the other by the waist and he’ll try and replicate the action with you to be romantic but his grip will be too harsh and will bruise you
There’s also something subtly needy about his touch, like he’s grasping at smoke that he knows will slip out his hands as soon as he lets go
I think that over the course of your forced relationship, he will become more vulnerable around you
That means that he won’t try and replicate an affectionate action and will try to follow his own instincts on how to touch you
The affection will turn from a forceful hand on your hip in public to him laying his head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat in private
And while there is still an underlying threat in his every touch, at least now you can experience something closer to reality rather than what Henry believes a relationship should look like because of the tv he watches
I think you could teach him to be more gentle if you wanted to, but it would be a long and unrewarding process
Patrick Hockstetter
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Every touch or affection Patrick gives you has a sexual motive
Or it feels like it does, even if Patrick doesn’t mean to
Patrick is a sociopath, everyone around him knows it
Even patrick knows it, he knew the minute he started to not feel anything for the people who he hurt
But deep down he wants to feel something real, and the way he chases after that feeling is by feeling something he knows for a fact is real
And that’s lust
That’s the only thing that Patrick can admit to whole heartedly feeling
So he won’t be giving you affection for just the sake of showing you he cares or to experience something lovingly intimate with you, he’s doing it to fuel his own lust filled desires and he thinks that every affectionate action will make you more susceptible to helping him with his desires
But all it does is disgust you
For example, he will stroke your arms or back when you cry to offer you comfort
But the way he does it comes off too sultry and violating, so he only further distressed you
Even when Patrick falls further into his obsession with you and genuinely seeks out your affection, he still ends up coming off predatory because of his past actions
This frustrates his to no end, but he only has himself to blame and he knows it
He blames it on the fact that his only relationships with girls his age have been strictly sexual, so he’s never learned how to give genuinely loving affection
But he knows that’s bullshit and so do you, but you’d never say it out loud unless you wanted a new black eye and a talk about respect
Victor Criss
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Because Vic’s love is inherently possessive and more about ownership rather than gentle love, it reflects in his affection
Every touch is a way to show ownership, to mark you, to claim your for the world to see
He’s the first to seek your hand while walking through crowds and he’s the last to let you go when it’s time to leave your home and for the boys to return to their own
Every hold is accompanied by what should be sweet nothings, but is instead aggressive reinforcements reminding you that you are not your own person
He’d trace the scars he left on your body with a sense of pride that he was able to claim you in such a way before sneering at the scars left by the others and demand you cover them before the two of you become intimate with one another
He’d burn you with cigarettes before kissing the burns and smiling at his work
It’s not like with Henry, his goal isn’t to hurt you with his abusive behaviour
It’s to show both you and the others that he isn’t afraid to mix his love with cruelty if it means perfecting the art which is your marked body
His love for you in itself is like a cigarette, during it you feel euphoric at the kick the nicotine provides but deep down you know that it’s slowly killing you
You let vic abuse your body because you enjoy the feeling of knowing that it causes problems among the boys, but every bruise and cut or burn reminds you that you can’t keep going on like this
You know that his affection will consume your body, and he knows it too
So he slows down eventually and tries to be gentle, but just because the aggressive dog decides to roll over and show you his belly doesn’t mean he’s not going to attack again eventually
Belch Huggins
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There is something adoring in the way belch touches you
He’s actually the opposite to Henry in this aspect, in the sense that he’s gentle with you in every way he can be unless ordered differently
He knows he’s a big guy, that’s been the one feature the world has constantly reminded he owns by having every stranger in the street look at him with intimidated expression
Even his own family and friends hold a sense of caution about him
He knows that his overexcited nature when it comes to you can make him forget his stature and strength and can cause him to accidentally hurt you
So every affectionate action comes in small doses so that you don’t get hurt
His hold will remain loose enough for you to have room but not loose enough for you to leave it and his mind will always be aware of the pressure he’s putting on your skin when he touches you
He doesn’t want to show off his strength, he wants to make himself as small as possible in your presence so you don’t see him as a threat when Henry doesn’t order him to be one
He’ll lower himself to your height to touch you and he will always remain vigilant of where you are around him so he doesn’t accidentally hurt you
The only time he feels himself be prideful of his stature and strength in your presence is either when he’s scaring off people who are trying to flirt with you or when you ask him to lift you to help with a ballet move you want to practice
For him to be involved in something that he admires you so much for, it makes him ecstatic
He’ll hold your waist and lift you up and for once he sees his size as something that doesn’t just have to scare people off, but also for helping you perfect something beautiful
So his affection lacks force and has a sense of a priest in his worship of you being similar to how a priest worships god
To him, you are everything that is right with the world and the way he touches you reflects that
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hlficlibrary · 4 months ago
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HL FIC LIBRARY ☕ Coffee Shop Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
☕ I’d Still Dance With You by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo {M, 57k}
“Liam, if you met someone that you really liked, would age matter?” Louis asked. “I suppose so; to a point, anyway.” “Like, how young would you go?” Liam thought it over. “Uh… I don’t know. Like, 24?” Louis groaned and dropped his head in his hands. “Why? How old is this guy you like?” “Twenty-one,” Louis muttered. “Hang on. He’s 21, and you’re… what? Twenty-eight?” “Yeah.” “Wow. Um… well, OK. That’s a, uh, that’s a gap.”
Or, the 21/28 age difference fic where Harry is younger than Louis thought he was, and even though Louis’ head is telling him not to pursue anything, his heart doesn’t seem to agree.
☕ I Really Like Your Styles: The Baking Advent-ure by @homosociallyyours {T, 34k}
Louis isn't much for frills, and the coffee shop he co-owns with his best friend Liam is evidence of that. Yes, it's got a decent sized, well-kept industrial kitchen, but Louis insists that people come to coffee shops for coffee, not mediocre pastry and plastic wrapped cookies. When Liam's campaign for serving treats turns into watching a few baking accounts on whichever popular app he's on, there's one that really gets on Louis' nerves: "I Like Your Styles." With his chipper demeanor and over the top descriptions of the food he makes, Louis is sure that the (unfortunately cute) baker is full of it. Nothing that adorable could possibly be worth the hype.
It doesn't actually take much for him to eat his words...and some quality baked goods, while he's at it.
☕ love drunk, waiting on a miracle by @hellolovers13 {E, 30k}
Christmas inspired Coffeshop AU
Harry has a bit of a crush on a customer. Thankfully, the feeling is mutual.
These are their first 24 days together.
☕ And That’s The Tea by @2tiedships2​ {M, 27k}
I’d like an Earl Grey with milk and sugar, please.
Louis had the phrase memorized, even though it had disappeared off its place on his upper arm over thirteen years ago now.
At fourteen he didn’t understand. Soulmarks don’t just disappear. Not unless…
Unless one of them dies.
Or, the one where Louis loses his soulmate before even getting the chance to meet them, and he is in no way prepared for the kind of distraction his new friend Harry proves to be.
☕ Friday I'm in Love by @perfectdagger {M, 25k}
It has a pattern, Harry has noticed.It’s not that he has been observing the guy who regularly comes to the coffee shop for the past few weeks; but he totally has.It’s also not Harry’s fault that he’s infatuated with the guy who apparently follows a very repetitive schedule.
Or the one where Harry works at the coffee shop and Louis goes there almost every day and Harry is head over heels for him, making his love life look like a The Cure song.
Inspired by Friday I’m in Love by The Cure (obviously).
☕ From The Heart (series) by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom {E, 24k}
Every Tuesday, Louis spends his day off holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. Each week a new word prompt is revealed and Louis adds to his series of short stories about Henry, the owner of a B&B in the Cotswolds who has curly hair and dimples, Lewis, his long term guest who just happens to be a writer, and Tigger, Henry’s cat.
As Louis and Harry’s friendship develops, could his fantasy world spill out into real life? And how does that reader who leaves the lovely comments with the teacup emoji seem to be able to read Louis’ mind?
☕ ever since new york by @sunflower-live​ / sunflower_live {NR, 22k}
Louis works at a coffee shop in NYC and he pines endlessly after the boy who lives above it.
☕ blend into my favourite colour by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowtitania {T, 19k}
Harry often wonders if they’ll ever meet in real life. And if Harry will recognize Tommo the instant they see each other, like somehow their souls will just know. Or maybe Harry’s soul is shouting “Louis!” too loudly for any other signals to go through.
Harry is a barista with a secret Werewolf High fan blog, a desperate crush on a customer named Louis, and a best friend on Tumblr who always makes him laugh. Louis can't figure out why the barista at his favorite coffee shop keeps creepily staring at him, and to make matters worse, he may be slightly in love with a friend he met online.
A love square involving two boys, one TV fandom, and one food fight.
☕ The Importance of being Earnest by @louloubabys1992​ / louloubaby92 {NR, 16k}
Harry cannot help but pay extra attention to Louis' order, even if it is just a warm cup of tea with a dash of milk and no sugar. He also makes sure that the Danish Louis asks for is warm and fresh from the oven and not the one in the display, even if it means delaying Louis a bit when he fetches said Danish from the kitchen. It's all worth it when Louis smiles his crinkly smile at him before he rushes off to work.
Man, he's hot, he cannot help but think.
Or Harry is a barista who's been harboring a crush on Louis for months. Little does he know that Louis actually likes him back.
☕ Before We Ever Wrote a Song by @casuallyhl​ {E, 13k}
Harry just can't be around Louis when he's flirting outrageously with Chad Michael Murray. So what if he's the star of one of the country's most popular shows? Harry's seen an episode or two and it's not that great. Sure, the drama is exciting and all the actors are attractive and it’s shot in his hometown, but still. Not that great. Certainly not great enough for Louis to fall over himself every time Chad enters the coffee shop.
Harry doesn’t want to watch the over-the-top spectacle, which is why he usually retreats.
And besides, it hurts to see the boy he’s in love with flirting with someone else.
Or, Harry and Louis work in a coffeehouse on a film studios lot, and Harry wishes Louis would pay half as much attention to him as he does the famous actors.
☕ A Love Stronger Than Espresso by tempolarriefics / @tempolarriefix {G, 12k}
Louis is entirely dependent on caramel mocha in the mornings, but soon he finds that there's one thing at the coffee shop he needs more than coffee - a cute barista named Harry.
aka: The one where Harry is a cute barista guy and Louis plays hard to get by using a different name to order coffee each day
☕ John Doe by FitzAndLarry {G, 12k}
John Doe I don't even know you, but I know fo' sho' That you are beautiful, so baby let me know Your name Damn what's his name?
There's a boy taking the stand at the open mic night where Harry works as a barista, and he's going to find out the boy's name if it's the last thing he does.
An ode to Never Shout Never, and a story about finding a new home.
☕ Coming Home Through the Dark to You by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {G, 6k}
Harry Styles works at the Fox in the Snow, the most hipster coffee joint around. He's got too many roommates and a best friend he met his first day of university who he might very well be head-over-heels for.
☕ ‘Sup by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics​ {G, 6k}
Gemma really wants her little brother to sign up for a dating app and get back in the game after a messy divorce. Harry thinks he’s way too old to swipe. They compromise to devastatingly embarrassing results.
Meanwhile, all Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him.
ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis.
☕ Time Of The Season by alienharry {NR, 6k}
When writer's block stands in the way of Harry completing his second novel, he turns to the sweet-smelling omega behind the counter of his new favorite coffee shop for inspiration.
☕ I Kinda Need A Hero (Is It You) by @fallinglikethis {NR, 5k}
Louis is a barista who’s had his heart broken. Harry is the boy who wants to put the pieces back together.
☕ That's Not My Name by @lululawrence {NR, 3k}
He froze for a second, because he hadn’t expected to be hit with such an intense gaze. Green eyes beneath a beanie and loads of curly hair made Louis miss a beat before coming back to himself.
“Uh, hi. Sorry. Can I take your order?”
The boy (man?) gave a shy smile and said, “Just a caramel macchiato, please. Grande.” Louis nodded as he scribbled onto the cup and punched it into the register.
As the boy held his phone to the machine to pay, Louis asked, “Name please?”
“Oh, uh, Marcus.”
Louis scribbled Marcus on the cup and handed it off, but not before giving the boy a smile and nodding over to where he’d be able to pick up his drink. Louis watched him a bit longer than he probably should have, then forced himself to move on.
Or the one where the cute boy coming into the coffee shop gives Louis a different name every time...for over a month.
☕ A Cuppa Courage by @juliusschmidt {G, 3k}
Liam kicks Harry's shin, picking up another cup to fill. “He seems like he’d be a good catch, if you liked guys, I mean.”
I do like guys, Harry does not say, even though he’d like to shout it at the top of his lungs. I DO LIKE GUYS.
[a fluffy lil' fall coffee shop coming out au.]
☕ cursing the cosmos by 5sexualhomos / @hogwartzlou {NR, 3k}
In a world where people have timers counting down to when they meet their soulmate, finding love is easy. Harry meets Louis in a coffee shop one day. They slowly fall in love, the only thing holding them back is that they aren't soulmates.
☕ baby baby, you're a caramel macchiato by @missandrogyny {T, 3k}
So, yeah, Harry doesn't think it's that far of a stretch to call himself a good barista. There are some particularly bad ones, and some particularly good ones, and, with his work ethic, his skill, and his charm, he'd probably be lumped in with the latter group.
☕  tell me what you need by @disgruntledkittenface​ {G, 2k}
“And a fresh cherry?” he asks, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers. He waits as Louis stares him down, his brow furrowing.“No? What the fuck,” Louis rasps, looking bewildered.
coffeeshop AU based on this iconic prompt:
harry: can i please get a semi-iced half caramel half vanilla decaf latte with no foam using fresh almond milk with a small swirl of whipped cream covered in a pinch of cinnamon and a fresh cherry? louis: ...no? what the fuck
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rosypenguins · 10 months ago
Hello I need to talk about these stinkers again.
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Specifically, I need to talk about the fact that they are BULLIES. Because I feel like a lot of people (including myself) fall into the trap of ONLY focusing on either their dynamic with each other, or their dynamic with others in a world where everyone’s friends. Nothing’s wrong with that, I love focusing on those aspects as much as the next, but I also feel like the fact these 4 are bullies gets kinda glossed over, and it’s something I want to talk about. Because they’re stinky little shits. Who do stinky little things.
(FYI I do not condone these boys’ actions, but I will analyze the hell out of them because character studies are my favorite thing.)
Anyways with that out of the way I am now going to break down how they bully others, and why they bully others.
First, these losers. Their actions can be summarized in a single sentence: They act like Freshmen.
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Anyone who’s gone to a public high school can hopefully understand what I mean. Freshmen boys tend to be the one’s who cause the most trouble. The ones who mess with people purely for shits and giggles. And despite Liam and Henry being Juniors, they’re so Freshmen coded it’s not even funny.
I feel these two lack the self-awareness to truly understand how their actions affect other people, so they’re constantly finding new ways to mess with people and get on their nerves. They don’t care if someone gets upset or uncomfortable. They don’t care about invading people’s privacy. They don’t care how their words affect others. Because it’s not hurting them. And as long as it’s not hurting them, it’s funny.
Drawing from my own experiences with Freshmen, I feel these two would follow behind strangers uncomfortably close. They’re the type to go up to random people and say ‘Hey, rate my friend.’ Or ‘Hey, my friend thinks you’re cute.’ But do not mean it in the slightest. They’re the type to throw random snack bags at kids purely for how they dress or act. Because they think it’s funny. And they don’t care what other’s think.
Now for Jake, the victim of bullying himself. Hot take: He’d be the WORST out of the four.
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Because Jake knows what hurts the most. He knows how to cut deep, because other’s have cut him deep. He draws from his experience. He says stuff that he remembers other’s saying to him. And he’s does this all for the sake of his friends approval.
Because these are his first real friends. And without them, he’d go back to being a pathetic loner no one else wanted. He’s so desperate for the approval of his new friends he’s willing to abandon his own morals for them. But I do believe he has a limit. He’d never actively invade someone’s privacy. (Considering how he prevented Liam from doing so in the Comic Episode.) And I also cannot see him harming someone in any form. But other than that, Jake’s arguably the scariest out of the four.
I feel like this aspect combined with his charming playboy persona kinda gives him this ‘illusive bad boy’ reputation, even if that’s not who he truly is. So he’s essentially trapped parading around as someone he’s not.
Finally, Drew. Infamous for his ability to turn the word ‘freak’ into a slur.
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I don’t view Drew as the meanest of the bunch, nor do I view him as some intimidating final boss either. To me, he’s more of a ringleader. Someone who controls the others, while doing very little himself.
He’s typically the one to instigate, then sit back and laugh as he watches the others do the rest. He’s eggs the others on occasionally, but ultimately, he’s more like an amused bystander. Consider the way he sat back and watched as Liam and Henry messed around in the clubroom in Episode 8, and consider the way he essentially did nothing but laugh as he watched Henry and Liam throw Hailey’s book around in the Comic Episode. Both times, he set the target on Hailey, only to sit back and watch as Henry and Liam did the rest.
However, Drew can absolutely be ruthless when he wants to, at least verbally. Because I believe what Zander said in Episode 2 holds a lot of truth to it: “They’re a walking reflection of their insecurities.”
I’ve already made several posts about Drew’s family issues, his codependency, and his overall lack of self-worth and loneliness, so I won’t be repeating them but my goodness is this boy an insecure mess.
He calls Hailey a control freak, yet is constantly shown trying to control Jake by pushing him away from the club. He tells Hailey to ‘get lost and know where she’s not wanted’ likely because he struggles feeling unwanted. He calls Hailey’s whole music concert worthless without Jake, because he feels worthless without Jake.
Drew and Jake are actually rather similar if you really think about it. Both are implied to have low self-esteem and abandonment issues, and both mask it by pretending to be more confident. But how they deal with their issues is where they begin differ, and this further reflects in their reasons for picking on others.
Jake is always changing himself for others, because he doesn’t know if he’ll truly be accepted for being himself. And the only reason he bullies others is because he feels he has to. Drew, meanwhile, finds ways to make himself seem like the best option. He’s constantly buying his friends expensive gifts, and talks down others to make himself look better by comparison. He does nothing to change himself, unlike Jake.
TLDR: Henry and Liam are Freshmen, Jake’s scary and I clearly cannot talk about Drew without spreading my Druffering propaganda. Have a good day. :3
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princess-glassred · 22 days ago
Todays been awful so fuck it, IT fandom unpopular opinions! (And they're actually unpopular for once!).
-As much as I hate to say this, I think getting mad at people for not liking Mike Hanlon is shifting the blame from who's really at fault for this and that's Andi Muschietti. Yeah it sucks that Mike is always forgotten by this fandom but this fandom is dominated of fans of the movie and the movie and book are totally different. If some 13 year old has only seen the IT movies I don't blame them for not caring about Mike because he got dicked over by Andi's racial bias. And don't say "well they should watch the mini series or book to appreciate him then" as if being in a fandom is supposed to require homework. A lot of people only like IT 2017 and that's fine, and they're not less of a fan for that. It's okay to not like certain members of the losers, as long as your reasons are valid.
-I wish fanfiction would potray Sonia and Eddie's relationship (and honestly Sonia/Myra) with more depth. I am NOT saying Sonia isn't abusive, she absolutely is, but i have seen A LOT of ridiculous portrayals of Sonia and it bugs me. Even good fic writers often pigeon hole her relationship with Eddie to just being him secretly hating every thing about her with no complicated feelings at all. As someone who grew up in an abusive household, majority of abusive relationships aren't like that. That's why abusive relationships are so sinister in the first place, they're hard to get out of because you convince yourself you love your abuser. Most kids, especially heavily manipulated ones like Eddie, would struggle with feeling pure hatred for their mother. And that's interesting! I wanna see that portrayed in Eddie's character, especially since he struggles with his own identity and feelings about himself quite a lot already. If you cannot handle a portrayal of an abusive relationship being more than just two dimensional awfullness 24/7, i don't think you should be reading something as heavy as IT.
-Similarly, the way people talk about Sonia, Myra, and to a lesser extent Belch is really gross. IT actually condemns fatphobia in the narrative by having Henry attack ben, and i see people complain all the time about how ben lost wait as an adult but suddenly when it's Myra, Sonia and Belch you can fat shame to your hearts content. I have seen so many posts from people, either roleplay accounts or otherwise, calling these three fat bitches or hogs or even fanfics that deliberatly use Sonia's weight as short hand for her being terrible instesd of letting her actions speak for herself. Fat shaming isn't suddenly cool when it happens to someone you hate. Molly Ranson is a real person and that is her real body, there are probably people in this fandom who even LOOK like Sonia out there. This also applies to insulting the appearance of any other actor btw.
-I think Ben Hanscom in the it 2017 continuity is honestly kind of a creep. He kisses Bev while she's unconcious depsite not actually knowing if it'll pull her out of the deadlights (he didn't even have a reason to think it would work at all), he holds onto her yearbook signature in his wallet for 27 years even tho he literally forgot everything, spends most of IT chapter 2 coping and seething that Bev isn't attracted to him, and never says anything to defend her from Richie spreading slutty rumors about her. The only time he defends her from slut accusations is when its henry and shes there to see him do it. If Henry did any of this you guys would be all over him, but because it's Ben and they play sappy music over it it's suddenly cute and whimsical.
-I also think Richie gets away with a lot of shit that if it was done by any of the antagonists the fandom would rip 'em to shreds. People give me shit all the time for sympathizing with Henry Bowers becaude he's racist and mysoginistic but Richie says many mysoginistic and racist things across adaptations and nobody cares. Of course he spreads rumors about Bevs promiscuity, but in the book he does quite a few racist impressions and bits like when he says "You know the worst part about getting AIDS? Trying to explain to your mother that you got it from a Haitian girl.". Hell, at least Henry is 12, practically groomed into it, and so mushy brained from the pills he can't think straight, what's richies excuse? I don't even care that Richie is gay, does being in the closet justify anything? Did being attracted to Henry absolve Patrick of the fact he killed a baby? No? The same goes for Richie. Ofc you can still like him, but i don't like it when richie fans act like he's all pure and ignore his worse moments just to grand stand.
-It 2017 is actually just as ewwy towards minors as the book. Just because you removed a gang bang scene doesn't mean you aren't still weird with minors. Mr. Muschietti still thought it was appropriate to make a scene where young Bev is forced to flirt with a pedo pharmacist, another where she gets kissed unconscious, and one where her friends oggle her in a bra. Yeah it's cool you got rid of the sewer stuff but WHY ADD ALL OF THAT IN.
-The whole "omg what if the ritual was going to work but richie had to sacrifice eddie as his token instead and thats why it didnt work" is kinda dumb. it implies that the native americans who created the god damn artifact couldn't do the ritual right but these random white guys could all along. The movie straight up says the ritual has never worked and Mike saying he believed it would work because of their connection is treated like it's wrong. Maybe Eddie was Richies token but I don't think that's why they defeated IT and I also don't think it would have worked to begin with.
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koolades-world · 10 months ago
did y'all ever have to do that egg baby project as kids? i did and my partner was shit but i protected that egg with my life i tell you. I created the best little home for my baby no matter how many times it got dropped it was perfectly intact. she might've just been an egg shell but she was my child haha. i kept her for a few years until i eventually donated it back to my middle school to use as an example. her name was summer :)
anyways getting off topic, my spin on that with the brothers with a twist!! what if magic was used to give it artificial life? it's not real of course but it seems very real
enjoy <3
Egg Baby Project w/ Brothers
he acted like he expected the project and knew he'd be paired with you, but he actually didn't and was beyond stressed until you were put together
he knew from the minute he saw the fake baby, he'd quickly grow attached to your little family and would be a little sad when they had to go even though it would be an added responsibility
he's so grateful for you and how understanding you are. the two of you are together most of the time now in his room, getting work done in there and caring for the fake baby
like he predicted, he's a little sad but mostly ready to have his time back, but if you want, you can always come back to his room as it's open invite for you
he mentally and physically cheered once he found out you were his partner, and totally shoved it in his brother's faces
he knows he's doomed once he sees this little fake baby you're supposed to care for together because they reminds him of you, down to the little cowlick
he's actually quite good at caring for the fake baby and doesn't need much help from you to do anything, but of course he needs breaks. you two have a good system of passing the baby back and forth!
he's actually upset once the professor takes the baby back after the project was over since he'd come to enjoy caring for it with you, like a little family
he has to stop being a recluse? count him out. but once he finds out you got assigned as his partner, he's all ears. he'll listen carefully for instructions
his hands are trembling accepting this fake baby because he knows this won't be like caring for henry 1 or 2.0, but also because he can't help but think they look like you
he knows a little, but not enough if he wants to pass this project, so he gets on it and does his research, and asks you once he's able to work up the courage to
he's more than relieved to have his time back, but he misses getting to spend time with you, so he'll find excuse after excuse to drag you into his room to be with you
you're the ideal partner for a project like this because the two of you have a good understanding of each other and what makes them tick. honestly, anyone else put with him may have been hospitalized once it was over
at first, he's a little annoyed they were just being handed the baby, but he softens up once he realizes the baby you've been given looks like you, someone he considers a best friend
he sometimes needs a minute to collect himself, but he's a great caretaker. better than you, actually. you follow his lead. he does want an A after all
he's not upset that it's over, but he's not exactly happy either. it's bittersweet even though it was short. but, he can always find another excuse to spend time with you haha
he's so obsessed with the idea of this project and couldn't hope for a better partner for it!
he will openly admit how much he thinks the fake baby looks like you. he will be trying to coordinate outfits between the two of you for cute pictures
he's great at not only caring for the baby, but he also always manages to make it look easy. how is he so good and looks good while doing it?
he's upset that he has to give it back, but spending time with you makes him happier. he makes you promise to go somewhere nice for dinner that night :)
he's happy to have been put with you for this project, since he knows you and trusts you with his entire heart
he smiles once he sees you and the fake baby side by side, and he loves that he can see the resemblance. he's happy that even while completing a project he'll still be able to be reminded of you
he does try his best to help and he always tries to not worry about his hunger while working on his project. he does take breaks frequently to eat, but you know it's not his fault and he does wash his hands thoroughly every time
he's not too bothered by the project ending, but if you're upset, he's upset too. if you're happy, he's happy. he just want to validate how you feel since you really pulled your weight
he wasn't in class the day the project was assigned so what a surprise it was when you came home with a fake baby
it takes him a little bit to see the resemblance between you and the fake baby
he does try to help as best as he can and he does take less naps, and when he is awake, he's a great help and tries his best because he knows you're only one person. but, from time to time he does need to consult you
tbh he's so ready to give that thing back to the professor. he's ready to have his nap time back haha
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crazyunsexycool · 4 months ago
A love as sweet as honey
The Rogers Family's first Halloween
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Fluff, kissing, The Barnes Family
A/N: I hope you guys like this!!! It's just a fun (I think it is) and fluffy extra for our other favorite family...
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Steve was never one to celebrate Halloween before. Sure he would dress up but it was mostly with a last minute costume that Sugar shoved in his hand. This year he was very excited to celebrate though. As soon as Bee was born he already had a family costume in mind. 
You weren’t one to celebrate Halloween either but seeing Steve so excited made you excited. He didn’t tell you what the costume was though. Steve would only let you know on Halloween day. 
“Here you go.” Steve hands you a garment bag. “Please go get dressed while I dress myself and Bee.”
You just shake your head and grab the bag. Finally you would find out what Steve had been working on for the last few weeks. You hear Bee cooing as Steve asks if she’s ready for her very first halloween. 
You’re confused by what you find. There’s an amber colored dress. The dress was made to look like it was dripping with teardrop shaped beads all over. There were also some shoes that made it look like the dress dripped on them. Finally there was a headband with a honey dipper floating in what seemed to be amber colored resin. The jewelry was little honeycombs and bees. You giggled but got ready, excited to see how Steve and Bee were dressed. 
“Are you ready?” You call out as you walk towards the living room. 
“More than ready.”
You laugh when you finally set your eyes on Steve and your daughter. Steve smiled proudly at his costume. 
“A beekeeper and his Bee, that’s cute.” He was dressed like a beekeeper and he had Bee strapped to his chest dressed as a Bee. 
“And his Honey of course.” Steve smiles as he snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you in for a quick kiss. 
“So I’m just supposed to be a drop of Honey?” 
“Yup. Now, we should get going before we miss out on all the fun.” Steve ushers you out of the door.
The halloween fair was in full swing. Kid friendly decorations were everywhere. As usual everyone that worked at the compound was there dressed up in all types of fun costumes. There are orange and purple lights hung up all around, carved pumpkins creating a path from the outer edges of the fair. Stalls for activities filled the area along with kiddie rides and food stands. Halloween music was played through speakers. Bee kicks her feet and coos while her head turns from side to side. 
You and Steve make your way through the crowd. There are kids and parents running around trying to do as many activities as they can. The three of you are having a great time just walking around and taking in the sights and sounds. Towards the center of the fair, there’s  a DJ booth and dance floor. Before you make it any further you’re stopped.
“Who are you supposed to be?” Steve asks as he looks down.
“Am Wednesday.”
“The day of the week?”
“She’s Wednesday Addams.” You inform Steve with a smile.
Standing in front of both of you with an annoyed expression on her face is Charlotte. She’s wearing a black dress, two braids and there’s a hand on her shoulder. 
“Wednesday Addams? With a hand on her shoulder?” Steve looks concerned. 
“We’re going to have to watch the Addams family so you understand. The hand on her shoulder is a character called Thing.” You tell him before getting closer to Lottie. “That looks so cool. It’s almost real. How did you- AHHH.”
You scream when Henry turns visible. Meanwhile the Barnes kids and Steve laugh at your reaction. 
“Sorry.” Henry says through his giggles.
“You’re two characters, smart.”
“Yeah, I’m Pugsley and Thing.”
“C’mon.” Lottie says as she starts making her way to her parents. 
You and Steve follow her through the crowd until you reach Bucky and Sugar. 
“You guys look amazing.” You say.
Bucky is dressed perfectly as Gomez in a black and gray striped suit and Sugar is killing it as Morticia in a long black dress, an equally as long black wig and Morticia’s signature makeup. In her arms is Peanut dressed as Pubert, the youngest Addams child. 
“Us? You guys look so cute.” Sugar gushes. 
“It was all Steve’s idea.” 
“It was easy to come up with.” Steve smiles brightly. 
The team slowly gathered around. Clint, Nat, Wanda and Vision were dressed up as ghostbusters. Sam was dressed as Dracula. Tony and Bruce didn’t really dress up. At least that’s what it looked like.
“Why didn’t you dress up?” Sugar shakes her head at them. 
“We did.” Tony looks down at his The Flash graphic t-shirt. “I’m Sheldon Cooper. Bazinga.” 
“And I’m Bill Nye.” Bruce fixes his bow tie. 
“Mama can we go now?” Lottie points towards an entrance. 
“Yes we can sweet Angel. Make sure you have your basket. Henry you too.” 
Bucky hands the kids their baskets and holds one up to you. “For Bee’s first Halloween.”
“Thank you.” 
The Barnes’ lead the way to the entrance Lottie pointed at a  big sign that read ‘Trick or Treat Lane’. Parents were lined up with their kids to get their candy. There were employees all standing next to boxes of candy, handing it out to all the kids. 
“Twick oh tweat.” Lottie holds up her basket. She looks bored to be there but she’s capturing Wednesday Addams’ character perfectly.
“Trick or treat.” Henry’s next. 
You watch as Steve excitedly walks up to the first person with Bee’s basket in hand. 
“Can you say trick or treat, Bee?”
Bee just blows a raspberry and kicks her feet. The group goes down the very long trick or treat set up grabbing full sized candy bars and filling the kids baskets. Once that’s done everyone goes their separate ways to enjoy some of the other activities. 
“Let’s go to the pumpkin station.” You pull Steve along and he happily follows you. 
“Hello. Take a seat and we will give you each a pumpkin. You can either carve or paint your pumpkin just make sure you put all the tools back once you’re done.” The attendant explains. 
Steve takes Bee out of the baby carrier and sits her on the table. She immediately grabs the small pumpkin and starts smacking it. 
“Are you excited Bee?” You ask as you lean over to look at her. She smiles and coos while she pats the pumpkin in front of her. “Alright, let's get to painting.”
You and Steve spend a few minutes painting and laughing at Bee’s reaction to everything happening around her. She’s a very curious child. 
“I need your hand honey.” Steve says. 
“What for?” 
“You’ll see.” Steve takes your offered hand and you shudder when you feel the cold paint being slathered on. 
“Alright, what do you think?” 
Steve turns the pumpkin around for you to see. It has his handprint in one color, then your handprint over his and finally Bee’s little print over yours. 
“Aaww Steve, that’s so cute.” You lean in and give him a quick kiss. “I love it.” 
“Now let me see yours.” 
“Oh it’s not as good as yours. It’s just a little Bee and her keeper.”
Steve smiles again. You love to see him like this. Happy and carefree with Bee in his arms. He makes you swoon when he flashes that smile in your direction. 
“It’s a great pumpkin Honey.” 
After the pumpkin painting you both went off to find more games. You played Witch’s hat ring toss and won a little stuffie for Bee. Steve played the wheel of doom which had different dares on it. He had to eat a bug, a fake one at least. You entered the family costume contest and came in 2nd place. Steve insisted on having some pictures taken of the three of you at the Photo Booth. 
“Where to next?” 
“Steebie!” You both turned to look for Charlotte in the crowd. “Come dance.” 
You find her at the edge of the dance floor with Henry holding Peanut. This time you carry Bee as you make your way to the kids. 
“You wanna dance with me sweetheart?” 
“No.” Lottie shakes her head. “I wanna dance with Bee. I can hold her. Here.” She holds up a bag of goodies for Steve to take, which he does reluctantly. Then Lottie holds her arms out for Bee. 
“Make sure to support her head, Lottie.” 
“I know. I take good care of her.” Lottie smiles at a babbling Bee. “Let’s dance Bee.” 
With careful steps she gets to the dance floor while Henry takes Peanut and follows Lottie. Clint’s kids and Sam’s nephews were already on the dance floor. The Monster Mash came on the speaker and Steve wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you both watched the kids. Just as she promised, Lottie takes care of Bee while bopping along to the music. The other kids keep a protective semicircle around the youngest kids so no one accidentally bumps into them. It’s very sweet to watch. After dancing along to another song Lottie brings Bee back to you. Steve takes her and places her back in the baby carrier.
“Ok, I need a caramel apple.” You tell Steve as you take his hand and start dragging him in the direction of the stand. 
“Whatever my Honey wants, my Honey gets.” Steve chuckles at your eagerness for the sweet treat. 
You run into Sugar, Nat and Sam all waiting in line for an apple too. 
“Cara mia.” Bucky says as he appears out of thin air. He takes his wife’s hand and leaves a trail of kisses from her hand up her arm and ending on her neck. 
“You two disgust me.” Sam mutters. 
“I think it’s cute.” You counter. 
“That’s because you’re in love too.” Sam argues as he takes another step closer to the stand. 
After everyone got their treats you took a seat at one of the picnic tables. Steve looked over at your apple and how it was covered with almost every topping.
“That is a lot of sugar.” He murmurs as he watches you take a bite. 
“I’ll be fine. There’s an apple underneath, it balances out.” 
“Tell me that after your sugar crash.” Steve jokes but lets you have your treat. Instead he focuses on Bee and your friends. 
The kids make their way to the table to drop off treats, prizes and other things before they go back out and get lost in the crowd. Bucky now has Peanut sitting on the table, face to face with Bee. They babble and coo at each other while you and Sugar finish your apples. 
“What are we doing next?” Sugar asks as she gets up. 
“How about the haunted house?” 
“We can’t take the kids in there.” 
“Here, give me Bee.” Sugar tells Steve. “You guys go first and take your time, have fun.” 
“Are you sure?” You ask her but she only smiles as she coos at Bee. 
“Yes, go have some one on one time.” 
“Thanks, we’ll be back soon.” 
Steve takes your hand and leads you into the entrance of the haunted house. By the sounds of screams you can tell that it’s actually scary. Steve looks back at you to make sure you really want to do this. You nod and he walks in. The lights are either low or flickering.
 You held on tightly to Steve’s hand and still you screamed your head off when the first person popped out to scare you. After that you were really on edge. Every time you thought you were in the clear something or someone else would catch you off guard. By the time you walk out you’re sure the whole fair heard your screams. But still you laugh with Steve as you think back to how good you’d been scared. 
Bucky waves you off when you come back to get Bee. He tells you to do a couple more things just you and Steve. While you’re both reluctant to leave Bee behind, you eventually give in and run off to do a few more things. 
One of those things is apparently make out like teenagers in a dark corner of the fair. 
“Steve.” You giggle between kisses. “We’re gonna get caught.” 
“Who cares? I don’t.” Steve replies. His lips barely leaving yours, his hands roaming your curves. 
But he isn’t the only one craving touch. You are too and reciprocate every touch and kiss. Still in the back of your mind you thought about how mortifying it would be if someone found you.
“Yes, Honey?” 
“You really don’t care if anyone finds us?” You pull back only to see Steve’s lust blown eyes looking down at you. 
“How would you react if someone said ‘I saw Captain America making out with someone behind a building’?” 
You smile, “I wouldn’t believe them for a second.” 
“Exactly.” Steve leans in and places one more kiss on your lips. “But we can stop and go back.” 
You pull him down by his neck. “A few more minutes won’t hurt anybody.” 
“Seems like you got your treat.” Sugar murmurs as you pass by and you can’t help the heat that creeps up your cheeks. She just laughs as you take Bee from her.
“Should we go get daddy, Bee?” You rock her as she leans her head on your shoulder and yawns. “Yeah, let's get daddy and go home. I think we’ve had enough fun for the night.”
“Have a good night, Y/N.” 
“You too, Morticia.” 
Steve is easy to find. He’s talking with Clint, Bucky and Sam about watching some game. When you get close enough he smiles at you and the sleeping little Bee in your arms. 
“Ready to go?” He asks.
“Yeah, she’s already asleep.” 
“It is past her bedtime.” He says, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I gotta get my girls home.” 
The guys say their goodnights and let you go on your way.
 It’s a quick and quiet walk back home. You take Bee up to her room and change her out of her costume and into some cozy pajamas. By the time you’re done getting Bee and yourself into comfortable pajamas Steve is already on the couch with the basket of candy. You sigh as you sit next to him and take the piece of candy he offers you. 
“So what should we watch?” He asks as he turns on the tv.
“We have to watch my favorite halloween movie, Hocus Pocus.”
“That’s the one with the witches that are sister’s right?” 
“Yeah.” You smile up at him. “Have you seen it already?”
“No, but I’ve heard about it.”
“Perfect. After that we can watch The Addams Family. That way you’ll get why Bucky and Mags make perfect sense and Gomez and Morticia.” 
“Whatever you want, Honey.” 
Steve pulls you in close. The two of you snuggle as you introduce him to the Sanderson sisters. Overall the first Rogers’ family Halloween was a sweet success. 
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