#also he’s a premed major and i’m a premed major and if i had to deal with the weird new kid on my stickball team getting us mixed up with
criminalgays · 27 days
actually i’m done being nice to people who are mean to aaron minyard
like yeah he and andrew didn’t get along great but also they both had their own fucked up childhoods and didn’t know how to communicate that with each other
andrew thought he was protecting aaron, and aaron didn’t know how to tell andrew that he didn’t need that protection.
that doesn’t make either brother “evil” or “bad”, it makes them HUMAN and i desperately need people to realize and respect that
(also they’re fictional characters from a story set literally EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO and written 10 years ago and it’s unreasonable to apply today’s standards of logic and morality to that)
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mamasbakeria · 1 year
hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
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eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve. 
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name. 
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
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© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
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plotbunny-bundle · 6 months
Does Dick Grayson have a degree now?
In most continuities, I thought Dick Grayson dropped out of college before becoming Nightwing. However Tom Taylor’s Nightwing stated he had a degree. And Rebirth Nightwing was working as a social worker which is at least a bachelors degree and can be masters degree. Does Dick have a degree now? And what is it in?
I enjoy the idea of Dick as a Social Worker because I am a social worker. But you can also do my job with a sociology, psychology, criminal psychology, counseling, and any premed bachelors degree. But why would Dick study something he already knew from Bruce’s training? Is this why he dropped out? He’s a history nerd sometimes. Would he study that? His original major was business, and he hated it in the 80s
Funny thing I noticed is the time Dick spent in college gets expanded with every recon. In the New Teen Titan he stayed for one semester. In Nightwing 1996 it was 2 semesters.
I’m also pro Dick dropping out of college. College isn’t for everyone. And I like that there could be a highly intelligent and well respected character who dropped out of college. 
Is there a canon answer? What are your headcanons?
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lqfiles · 4 months
speaking of nomin and beloved sweetie boy renjun.. i’ve made the 00z profiles for my smau today (4am) and just had to make renjun the only normal one and the glue of the group y/n adores him (and giselle) the most pookie pie i miss u soooo come home pls
and then there’s freak ass yanghyuck and homoerotic nomin who i’ve written to basically be ulzzangs… minus the contest aspect, both having an insane amount of twt followers… just to be normal ass people (relatively speaking because i stayed up until crack ass dawn to make them and when i went to edit them for any mistakes i saw i made jaemins username is catwhisperer??? and jenos bio is jaemin whisperer??
there’s not much to them otherwise but it is giving me some ideas of spin offs for a jeno smau 🙏🙏🙏
BUT i thought ab what their majors would be just because i love silly ‘insignificant’ details like this and i want to share bc im spiraling since im coming so close to begin posting and i wanna tell people my thought process so bad SOO hyuck is going into music education TO BE A MUSIC TEACHER, jeno is doing architecture, jaemin in premed, renjun in multimedia arts BUT he does pottery, and painting and photography the most, yangyang in communication and business bc im imagining him to be an “influencer”, and giselle and y/n are both in humanities type majors like psychology and sociology
RJ AND GISELLE AS Y/NS FRIENDS OMOO we’re gagging right now (positive), we miss you uri renjunnie 😭😭😭😭😓😓😓 yanghyuck duo is loved too, nomin is ight i’ll tolerate it.. THEIR MATCHING PROFILES OS KINDA CUTE THO LIKE THESE ARE FORLIFERS FR
you already planning a potential jeno smau OKAYYY CONSISTENCY AND INSPIRATION WE LOVE IT, also fuckkk the image of haechan as a music teacher… give it to me… and there is something so cute about people including jaemin’s dream of becoming a doctor and renjun’s interest in art, tbh i don’t know how some of these majors work but i’m sure they’re fitting for them, WE WILL BE WAITING FOR THIS SMAU.
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colorfulyetsinful · 2 years
Batfam college HC
Another Headcannon bc it’s been a while. Honestly forgot about this one (I sent it to my friend bc what else is new), but I’m kinda (almost) all hc out. Send me you’re favorite hc or one you came up with.
For those who don’t know, I DO NOT MEAN KILLING STALKING WHEN I MENTIONED SANGWOO THE ONE IM TALKING ABOUT IF FROM SEMANTIC ERROR. semantic error is a college enemies to lovers Bl manwah. The mc Sangwoo doesn’t work well with other and mostly would rather do projects on him own (plus he’s kinda an asshole but I love him) and Damian kinda reminds me of him. It’s a good read I highly suggest it if you haven’t!!
Enjoy !! :D
Dick (even tho he dropped out of college):
He’s not a gymnastics major
He’s a health care major with a minor in exercise science
He hates that he picked this as his major but it’s too late to turn back now
Is on the cheer/gymnastics team
He ended up quitting gymnastics bc men’s gymnastics was “boring and not as flashy” (his words)
He’s a fast learner but hates the work load
Conflicted bc everyone says he’ll be a lit major which I can see
but I want to be ✨different✨
Be’s a social work/public health major (you pick) with a minor in lit composition
(is that a thing??)
He’s in a multicultural club
He’s also interning at a a child psychologist office
Surprising he’s a communication major
You thought us was gonna say computer science? Nah that’s just a hobby
He’s has a podcast with Stephanie
He calls it “we’re queer, let’s be for real”
He’s also in Phoygraphy club
Was genuinely surprised that his professors were ok with him bc his Highschool teachers hated him
college professors don’t give a shit just hand your work in on time
Another surprise, he’s part of a fraternity
Dance major with a minor in psychology
Her professors forget she’s in class
Never see her in normal clothes, it’s always tights or gym clothes bc she’s just coming back from ballet practice
Also communication major, music minor
She was the one that named the podcast
Apart of a sorority
She provides the music for Cass’s dance performances
Plays the violin
In the honor society
Political science major
Stressed all the time
Has to ask Tim/Dick for help with his hw and Jason for his essays
Also apart of a fraternity
He hates his frat house (he didn’t join the one Tim was in)
Veterinarian major, fine arts minor
Can not work well with other
Yk sungwoo from semantic error?
Yeah that’s Damian
Interns at an animal shelter
Always has paint/charole covering his hands
He’s also on the honor society and multicultural club with Jason
He’s just busy
Was a premed major with a business minor
Had classes with Harley and they were both stressed out their minds
Was voted class president without wanting/signing up for it
Definitely part of a frat house
He wondered why he was so tired when all he does is party or pull all nighters
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hatfordheadquarters · 2 years
✨aftg headcanon:✨
Jeremy Knox has bipolar disorder.
As someone diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, and has type I present in their family, this might just be me projecting, but I still like this idea.
I appreciate aftg’s representation of treatment through Andrew’s journey with psychotherapy and boundary building (I just like to pretend Nora’s lack of understanding on medication was a thing at all, since I’m also a psych major and that shit was abysmal to read).
However, I like to think that Jeremy could offer a different form of representation, that is still very drastic but possibly more accurate.
So here it is:
Jeremy has bipolar I disorder, but is not vocal about the diagnosis. However, to his family, friends, and team, it is something he very obviously struggles with.
However, during a particularly bad month where a manic episode he has been dealing with has reached its peak, it becomes something that the foxes become aware of.
The trojans and the foxes are in the middle of a joint practice. Everyone is either on the court or catching their breaths on the sidelines. Wymack is supervising and Abby is making notes about who needs more k-tape for the next practice. There is music playing on the loud speakers, and drills are going really well. Jeremy however, is not in attendance. Nobody seems worried about this, and Coach Rheman is also not present, so everyone just assumes they are off discussing a future game.
All of a sudden though, Coach Rheman comes barging into the court with Betsy close behind him. Wymack is about to call a break in the practice, but Rheman beats him to it. He holds up a plastic bag with 2 empty pill bottles and demands to know from his team the last time they saw Jeremy. Jean, Laila and Alvarez are automatically on the go; Laila is calling his phone and Jean is swearing he didn’t notice the empty pill bottles from their shared room. The foxes are confused as to what is happening, but the trojans pay no attention to them as Rheman demands they break off and start searching. Betsy clarifies, without giving aware personal or confidential information, that Jeremy had left his meeting with Rheman early in an obvious state of paranoia, and had apparently been as such since he woke up this morning.
I imagine the trojans and the foxes splitting up to find him, only for him to come back himself to the foxhole lounge, still in an episode. I imagine Betsy trying to calm him down, but his paranoia not lessening; instead he begins to fear for the safety of the foxes.
Andrew, with his experience in foster care and with mental health, and Aaron with his premed experience, begin going around the room opening doors and looking under furniture to try and show Jeremy that nobody is there and nobody is coming after them.
He eventually is able to calm down, and Betsy takes him to the nearest inpatient facility. The Trojans stay in South Carolina while Jeremy is being held, as it is the off season, and prepare to support him for when he is released. During their stay they grow closer with the foxes, and the similarities between them start to show; the unwavering loyalty and support they have for one another, and their diversity.
again, thinking of actually writing this one-shot🥺 I’ve never actually written a full blown fic before though, so I’m a little worried it won’t translate well.
hope you guys like this one!! xx
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sukifans · 4 years
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⏎ MASTERLIST // part III « IV. seduction siri » part V
SUMMARY: you’re a premed student at BSSU and you thought it’d be a good idea to take a latin class, but you’re in way over your head here. good thing your buddy sokka knows a classics major in your section you can study with.
WARNINGS: language, alcohol/partying
Zuko felt... oddly nervous as he pulled up to her apartment building. He sent the text to let her know he’d arrived and anxiously scrolled through his Spotify, flicking quickly through his various playlists. He knew he was far too concerned about what music to play while she was in the car with him but he wanted to get “the vibe” right, as Sokka would say. That, and it gave him something to focus on that wasn’t panicking over conversation starters in case of an awkward lull. When he saw her coming he leapt out of the driver’s seat.
“Hey, Zuko!” (Y/N) smiled when she saw him and then furrowed her brow when he hurried over to the passenger side. Her face heated when he opened her door. “Oh, my gods. You don’t have to do that,” she said as she slid into her seat.
“It’s polite,” he said simply before shutting the door and walking back to his side. In reality he was already freaking out — had he fucked it up by being weird literally seconds into this?
“Making me feel like a princess or something over here,” she laughed, face still red. He looked over at her and she closed her mouth quickly, remembering he was actually a prince. Like, for real. “Sorry.”
She shook her head with a small smile. “Is this a date, then?” she teased and the tips of his ears went red.
“No,” he said quickly. “No, it just... sounds like you’re dating the wrong kinds of guys.”
“Tell me about it.” She rolled her eyes and slumped down into the seat. “My type seems to be chauvinist douchebag.”
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“Very,” she said darkly before perking up. “So are you excited for the party?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Me too. I’m really glad you decided to come.”
“Didn’t really have much of a choice since I live with Sokka,” he joked lightly. She shrugged.
“Still, I’ll be happy to see you loosen up a bit. I know I haven’t known you for very long but you always seem so tense.”
“It’ll definitely be interesting,” he deflected deftly. “I have to say, though, that I’m looking forward to seeing for myself what Suki meant when she said you’re an affectionate drunk.” He shot her an amused smirk that made her stomach feel fluttery.
“Spirits, my friends are such gossips! Yes, I get a little more touchy and I like to dance with people and tell everyone how much I love them. But one time I hit the merlot a little too hard and started feeling sexy — as one does after drinking too much wine — and tried to make out with everyone. It only happens when I drink wine, though!”
He laughed at her animated retelling, her wild gesticulations visible out of the corner of his eye. He grinned over at her after he’d pulled into the store parking lot and turned the car off. “I guess I’ll have to be sure to grab a bottle or three, then.”
She laughed, looking away to hide her flushed face. “That’s on you, then. I’ll be your responsibility for the night.”
“It’d be my honor and immense pleasure.” He waggled his eyebrows and she groaned, covering her face with her hands. He was pretty proud of himself for his flirting thus far. He’d discovered he really liked making her blush, watching the pink tinge spread from her cheeks across the bridge of her nose and creep up her temples. He made her go red again when he made purposeful eye contact with her and slipped two bottles of red wine into the cart as they stocked up on liquor.
When they got back to his and Sokka’s apartment, (Y/N) started giggling at the amount of decorations Sokka had put up — the crepe paper and streamers being the least of it. He had even done a few very interpretative portraits of Suki and hung them. She looked up at the ceiling and laughed, elbowing Zuko and nodding up at the balloons.
“I thought they said Suki was blowing the balloons up?” she said. He looked up and frowned.
“Sokka, do you have helium somewhere?” he shouted into the apartment as he unloaded the alcohol. Sokka and Suki popped out of a room.
“Not anymore,” Sokka answered. “Used it all up. Suki had to do the rest.” He pointed at a few balloons scattered on the floor.
“Where the hell did you get it?”
“Found it.”
“Wh-“ she murmured, looking over to Zuko. He just shook his head. Probably better to not ask questions.
“Katara’s on the way with Aang and Toph,” Suki said as she started pulling cups from the cabinet.
“And pizza!” Sokka added. “Don’t worry, she got Hawaiian for you two.” He shuddered, glaring at (Y/N) and Zuko.
“You like Hawaiian too?” She grinned at him and held out her fist. “That’s what’s up.”
He hesitantly tapped his knuckles against hers. The first time Sokka had tried to fist-bump him he’d just grabbed his hand and shook it. Sokka liked to torment him about it often. “It’s about the sweet and salty.”
“It’s fucked up is what it is,” said Sokka. “Fruit doesn’t belong on pizza. And don’t say tomato is a fruit.”
“But it is,” (Y/N) said.
“That’s a moot point.” She and Zuko exchanged looks and he rolled his eyes, making her giggle.
Soon after the other three arrived, with the food of course. Sokka continued to spout slander about Hawaiian pizza until Zuko put him in a headlock while (Y/N) shoved a piece of pineapple into his mouth. He piped down after that while everyone else laughed. Once they’d eaten, they finished the beers they’d been sipping on started to break into the “good shit,” as Toph so eloquently said. She made everyone drinks, pouring with a very heavy hand. It didn’t take long before they all started getting a little tipsy and Sokka started setting up beer pong on the kitchen island, pouring shots in the Solo cups.
“Okay, so,” Sokka started, “Me and Zuko, (Y/N) and Suki, and Toph and Aang. Katara, you ref as usual. The winner of the first round plays us.”
Suki and Katara shared a look. “Don’t you want to be on my team, and (Y/N) can be with Zuko?” Suki asked.
“Sorry, babe, but Zuko’s the best shot pong player here and I’m not losing.” He linked his arm with Zuko’s.
“Don’t worry, Suki; Sokka doesn’t know that I’m actually the best ‘shot pong’ player here because he’s never played against me,” (Y/N) said, resting her hand on Suki’s arm reassuringly. Suki’s concern was more about forcing Zuko and (Y/N) together, but she nodded anyways.
“Yeah?” Zuko smirked. “Is that a challenge?”
“I think it is, Sparky,” Toph said, egging them on. They would just have to push them together from a different angle and obviously Sokka would be no help.
“You’re going down, hotman.” (Y/N) set her drink down, eager at the prospect of some friendly competition.
“Maybe later, princess. I have a tournament to win first,” he said smugly, grinning at the way she went bright red. Her stomach flipped at his words and she couldn’t even think of a witty response. She downed her drink instead, shuddering when the alcohol burned her throat.
“It’s on,” she growled. Zuko had to shake himself to tear his eyes away from the intense look she was giving him – it made him a little scared, but also a little turned on.
It all started off well and good. She and Suki pretty easily beat Toph and Aang. Though Toph was blind, she was definitely the better player of the two. When it came time to play the boys, Zuko watched, mesmerized, as (Y/N) rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, shooting him a cocky smile.
“Ready to lose?” Sokka taunted, now starting to sway a little bit from the amount he’d indulged while the other game was happening.
“I don’t think that’ll be a concern, babe,” Suki said, looking on with amusement and, strangely, adoration when Sokka belched loudly and started laughing. Zuko chuckled at the look (Y/N) shot him from the other side of the island.
It was a tough game, they would both have to admit. Neither (Y/N) nor Zuko missed a cup at the start, but the alcohol began affecting the game soon after the start. Toph, Aang, and even the “impartial judge” Katara cheered when (Y/N) or Suki were able to sink a ball into a cup and groaned animatedly when Zuko or Sokka did. Eventually, both teams were down to one cup.
“Watch this,” Zuko elbowed Sokka roughly, knocking the other boy onto the floor. Undeterred, Zuko turned around and tossed the ball over his shoulder without looking. It missed tremendously, bouncing off Toph’s forehead. “Sorry, Beifong,” he laughed as she scowled in his direction. With a wink, (Y/N) easily tossed the ball into the boys’ last cup. Everyone cheered as Zuko drank, including Sokka from the floor. Suki hugged (Y/N) tightly, spinning her around as they celebrated their victory.
“Did we win?” Sokka asked, sitting up with great difficulty.
“Not this time, buddy,” said Zuko as he helped his friend stand again.
“You serious?” Sokka gasped and pushed him, causing both of them to stumble. “What the hell?! (Y/N), you’re officially my new shot pong partner from here on out!”
“Maybe. On the other hand, though, if Zuko and I teamed up we’d be unstoppable.”
“I like the sound of that,” Zuko mused and Sokka started babbling about betrayal and the “coup d’état” they were staging against him. Aang, bored of Sokka’s drunken whining, cranked up the music. (Y/N) grabbed Zuko and pulled him into a dance while Suki went to go comfort a pouting Sokka on the couch. She laughed at how stiffly he moved even when drunk, like dancing was a completely foreign concept to him. He just kind of shifted his weight from foot to foot, hardly even in time with the beat of the music. Zuko filled his cup again and hoped it would help unlock some secret rhythm or skills.
“I’m so sorry, Zu!” she giggled as she wobbled, grabbing onto his bicep for support. She’d bumped into the glass he was holding and spilled it everywhere, including across both of their shirts. Sokka looked over and cackled.
“(Y/N) made Zuko wet!” he crowed, making everyone else giggle at the pair.
“Shut up, Sokka!” Zuko laughed, chucking a kitchen towel he’d been using to mop up the mess on the floor. It hit the other boy square in the face, making a wet slapping sound against his skin. The group was nearly in tears at Sokka’s shriek of disgust. (Y/N) leaned heavily against Zuko to keep from toppling over.
“Can I borrow a shirt?” she asked of Sokka once she caught her breath.
“No,” he pouted. “Get one of Sifu Hotman’s shirts. We’re not friends anymore.”
“You are such a drama queen!” She rolled her eyes, still grinning. “You got a shirt I can borrow, Zu?”
“Yeah, sure.” He felt anxiety pulling in his gut as he led her to his bedroom. She followed closely behind, also feeling rather nervous but clutching his arm still as she wobbled. He tossed her an old t-shirt and, to his immense surprise and embarrassment, she’d already stripped off her soiled top when he turned to her. She giggled when his face went red and he quickly turned back around. Mumbling an apology, he started to pull off his own shirt.
(Y/N) stared as the fabric lifted, revealing a massive tattoo across the expanse of his muscular back. It was a beautifully intricate dragon done in red and black ink and its angry eyes seemed to follow her as she swayed on her feet.
“Whoah,” she gasped and stepped forwards.
He was about to ask what was wrong when he felt her fingertips ghost across his skin, making him shiver involuntarily. “I didn’t know you had such a dope tattoo.”
“I didn’t know it mattered,” he said, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of her tracing the lines. It was hard to tell whether it was the alcohol or her gentle touch that was making his head fuzzy and his skin feel hot.
“Of course it matters!” His breath caught in his throat when she slid her hands around to his front and hugged herself to him, resting her cheek against his back. “Tattoos are sexy and cool, and you’re already sexy and cool, so now you’re, like, extra sexy and cool.”
“You- you think that I’m sexy and cool?”
“And warm,” she sighed happily. He turned and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he cautiously settled his hands on her hips. He pressed his forehead against hers in an attempt to bring her face into focus.
“Well... I think you’re sexy and cool.” He hiccuped. “And warm,” he added after a moment of thought. She giggled at the way his alcohol-scented breath tickled her face.
“Hey, c’mere,” she whispered, squishing his face between her palms.
“I’m already here,” he murmured back, pulling her in by her hips anyways so their bodies touched.
“I have to tell you a secret.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly. “I wanna... smooch your face.”
Zuko wrinkled his nose adorably. “‘Smooch?’ You spend too much time with Sokka.”
“Why, you jealous?”
Yes. “Shut up,” he grumbled.
“Make me.”
That means she wants me to kiss her, right? She just said she wants to kiss me and “make me” always means “kiss me” in the romcoms and romance books. But maybe not. “How?”
(Y/N) laughed. “You’re cute when you’re dumb.”
“What? You are.”
“I’m not dumb!”
“You’re a little dumb. What else do you need, a written invitation? An e-vite maybe? Do you want to RSVP? I’ll need to know if you’re bringing a-“ He cut off her teasing by pressing his lips to hers, squeezing her hips. She responded immediately and enthusiastically, leaning into his chest and threading her fingers through his hair. She hummed contentedly into his mouth when he slipped his hands down to grab her ass. When she pulled back he chased after her lips needily and she chuckled, patting his chest. “We’re taking a long time, they’re gonna get suspicious.”
“So what?” he muttered, pressing a kiss to her jaw instead and trailing more down her neck when she tilted her head to give him easier access. He was feeling awfully emboldened by the kiss and the considerable amount of liquid courage he’d indulged in. “Sokka introduced us with exactly this goal in mind.”
“I don’t know about exactly this goal, but that’s ‘so what.’ I couldn’t stand to see him so pleased with himself.”
He considered this and pulled himself with great effort away from his ministrations at her neck. “You’re right. He’d be unbearable.”
She looked up at him with bright eyes and swollen red lips and he wanted desperately to kiss her again. With a grin, she pulled his t-shirt over her head. He’d completely forgotten how they’d even ended up in his bedroom in the first place. “Put your shirt on and let’s go, hotman. I’m gonna kick your ass at blackjack.” She started to pull him by his hand towards the door but he yanked her back, catching her in his arms she stumbled.
“Don’t think we won’t pick this back up later, princess.” His tone made her gulp, eyes wide. He gave her a wicked grin and led her back out to everyone else as he shrugged on a new shirt.
“Finally! What took so long?” Aang said, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Don’t ask that. I don’t want to hear them talk about making out,” Toph huffed. Both Zuko and (Y/N) blushed in response, looking at the floor. Sokka started cheering and shouting and Katara punched him in the arm to get him to shut up. (Y/N) and Zuko squished in together in the empty spot on the couch as Suki started dealing playing cards. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pretended not to know how to play the game so she could tease him and show him how. They were so engrossed in each other that they missed the satisfied smirks all their friends were shooting each other.
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A/N: whenever i add a read more cut on my laptop tumblr freaks out and deletes half the fic so. sorry lmao. anyways this makes me miss drinking with my friends. woulda hugged the homies a little tighter if i knew it was gonna be like this 🥺😪
TAGS: @theblueslytherin @beifongsss @coconutsaiyan @5sos-wdw @silverreading @the-lva-way @cupofnctea @khaleesi-of-assassins @bloomkings @pyromaniac-olive @lil-lex1 @sokkas--boomerang @cece-lives-here @coldlilheart @royahllty @astralsaf @not-a-glad-gladiator @damianwaynerocks @darkskin-buttercup @emogril @plutaars @duh-dobrik @harajukukitsune @kangaroobunny @harmlessoffering @rosetheshapeshifter @past-2am @welovediaaxx @dailytrashypanda @thenutellabreadsticks @sara5208 @whalerus @fanworrior @andrevvminyrd @travvestys @rosesandpines @cipheress-to-k-pop @starryzxko @justab-eautifulmess @mochminnie @whoevenfrickenknows @asianequation @booksandwonderlands @thesstuff @dekumiya @ya-fwiend-rainbow @spookities @394pitterpatterpotter394 @rockinearthbending-marauders @beardsplittler @kurt-nightcrawler @sifucuteness
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mingmingfufu · 3 years
Lmfao I’ve been too deep into drawing life studies that I sort of embodied AUs or even post Eva stuff. I’m kind of either wanting to write fanfic or draw a mini comic. But here goes this synopsis:
Proposal #1. Shinji is nervous, today he has to go to work alone as Mari takes a sick day off. Shinji is nervous because he’s still not used to his new work environment, the thought of it makes him a bit nauesous. Though, to calm his nerves, Shinji starts to plug in his air pods and listens to classical music.
It was sparsely crowded, but Shinji had his own seat on the car. He clutched onto his backpack and whilst thinking about the music, and eventually drifted into a state of unawareness. Closing his eyes as he knows the ride home will take half hour, he’d hoped to get shut eye and wake up in time. Though as soon as the first song ended, he didn’t realise the presence of another person next to him.
“Was that ode to joy?” The person who sat next to him said.
Shinji’s alertness was displayed in a jolt, a little disorientated from being half asleep he turned to his left. His eyes widened without saying anything.
A tall white hair man dressed in...Shinji knows him, though Kaworu doesn’t realise it. Without another second to think, Shinji asked, “would you like to listen together?”
Kaworu was boldly surprised, and his shyness was displayed, something Shinji knows he’s never seen before.
“I little surprised by your question, but I just wanted to tell you about your tapping.” Kaworu said with his hand on his face and looking at the floor.
Shinji traced the direction of his eyes and saw his foot slightly lifted, which meant he tapped unconsciously. Embarrassed for himself now, Shinji apologised and offered to find another seat. Flustered he was thinking of moving until Kaworu pulled him arm sharply to make Shinji forcibly sit.
“I think you’re misunderstanding something.”
“Is that so—?” Shinji replies, looking away (still embarrassed of what just happened).
“Yes, that song is my favourite, you often don’t find people who know classical music” and he points to Shinji’s foot, he continues “do you play the piano?”
Shinji’s face turned to from dumbfounded to a small smile.
“No but I play the cello actually, though I do know someone who played the piano and they introduced me to some pieces”.
Kaworu smiles back and he takes out his phone and asks for Shinji’s number . A bit flustered Shinji exchanges information with him. Within moments, he texts “hello 👋 “ and Shinji looking at the screen in disbelief; he takes a slight look at Kaowru who scrolls thru his phone and then a bzzt notification notifies Shinji of a new message, it’s a playlist.
I guess I never introduced myself, but my name is Nagisa Kaworu, he smiles gently. And Shinji stares in disbelief and returns with another smile, my name is Imari Shinji, but you can just call me Shinji
The bus stops and calls out the destination and Kaworu says oh this is my stop, I have a younger sister and she’s actually starting to get lessons on the violin.
“I’ll see you later Shinji-kun let’s meet again.” Kaworu says with an ease-ful smile before heading out.
Shinji smiles and replies with, “Mmh (yes)” with a small nod.
Proposal #2. AU Where Kaworu is a student from the countryside and lives with adopted relatives a.k.a Ryoji and Misato; his “brother” is Misato’s son younger Ryoji. He goes to Tokyo to study agricultural engineering but he really wants to be a music producer. He enjoys the piano a lot and tries to find the music room and stumbles across Shinji who is playing the cello.
He’s a math major and wants to be a home room teacher. He’s childhood friends Asuka who has a one sided crush on him but he doesn’t feel the same way. Asuka later actually goes out with Kensuke. Rei and Kaworu are classmates but find themselves to share similar interests which leads them to be friends.
Rei is later introduced to Shinji as a initial love interest by her going to a university “mixer” party (more like all the students in their year/grade go to party). Rei and Kaworu actually go together, though Kaworu is very stubborn until caves in. With his looks, he attracts a lot of attention from everyone. Though he enjoys the interaction, but he sees Shinji and remembers the piano incident.
Shinji did have a crush on Rei, though he later realised he likes her for the wrong reasons/for mistaken reasons and both stay good friends. Sometime later Rei discovers she and Kaworu are siblings but separated at birth. Kaworu also realizing he likes Shinji a lot and the more time they spend together Shinji also reciprocates.
In this AU Kaworu wants to be a music producer lol tho he still likes environmental engineering; Rei wants to save earth so she’s a environment science or a human resource/social services major cause she likes kids and people, Asuka is an civil engineer/or computer science i guess and that’s how she meets Kensuke🤷🏻‍♀️. Toji is premed/prenursing/pre-PA he’s unsure and Shinji is a math major though considering engineering just like his father. However he still wants to be a home room teacher. Mari I think I’d put her in chemical engineering 😴 cause ig she’s the “Mary sue” of the series.
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wearethekat · 3 years
over here I’m still thinking* about Locked Tomb college AUs. the sheer horror of having Gideon, Harrow, and Ianthe as roommates for your quadruple dorm room... It’s immensely compelling as a concept, one shudders at the very thought. So here are some half-worked out ideas on the subject.
Of course, Cam is narrator. I like Cam, and I think we share the correct take on Locked Tomb interpersonal relationships. ie, these allos are crazy.
the plot is all Cam and Cam’s time at university. unsurprisingly, she doesn’t spend much time in her dorm room. but whenever she does, there’s little flashes over whatever horrifying drama is going on. which includes:
Corona and Ianthe were supposed to be roommates but got split up due to some administrative thing. Which is really bad because:
Corona has dyslexia, bad enough that she has serious difficulty reading. Ianthe’s been covering for her through all these years of school (don’t ask how they managed standardized testing) and now they’ve been separated it’s much harder to continue with this arrangement.
Cam catches onto this because her lab group for bio is her, Corona, and Judith. Cue more gay pining for poor Cam to put up with. Also, for more drama, I’m saddling them with the setup my intro bio series had, where you take tests in groups with only one copy of the test for the whole group. pain. agony. much narrative tension.
Ianthe has a prosthetic arm, of course. Probably birth defect as a result of being twins. Insert drama and angsty monologues here.
So it follows that Harrow must have doodled human arm bones on the prosthetic in gold sharpie. But for the life of me, I can’t imagine a scenario that would induce Harrow to do this. Even with a lot of alcohol involved. Ah well, I’m afraid the bone sex scene is just ineffable, and also impossible to transmute to a modern AU.
likewise, zero idea what’s going on with Harrow and Gideon. Obviously, Gideon doesn’t want to be there and Harrow blackmailed her into it, as well as forcing them to be roommates. No idea why. Probably they grew up in a cult compound or something, but not sure how that plays into it.
Palamedes is a year younger, right? I’m sticking him in a local high school (he’s a senior) bc I think it’d be more interesting to see what she’s like without him. This doesn’t at all make sense given the fact I’ve made everyone else college freshmen despite their canon age differences, but whatever. Deal with it.
Cam is dutifully majoring in bio on a premed track, because that’s what Pal wants to do, and this will mean they can stay together through school and their careers. which is a little unhealthy, but oh well.
anyway the real fun of the concept would be that all of the Backstory and other people drama would just be flashes, as poor Cam elbows through another screaming argument (the third this week, and it’s only Tuesday) to get her math notes from her desk and overhears a little of it. Meanwhile, Cam would have to have her own little personal arc. I’d say that she’s worried about failing bio (those horrible group exams...) which would put her plans with Pal in jeopardy. and make her reassess if their codependent relationship is quite healthy. But no, because I could never see camcam failing at academic stuff.
*with zero intention to write it, of course. that sounds like work. Besides, I haven’t written fanfiction before.
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qianoir · 3 years
After Midnight 3 - Stars
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college dropout!Ten (WayV) x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, angst with fluff on top
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 13+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing (censored), lying, family problems, mentions death of reader's father, romance
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.9K
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2 < 3
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Your head was pounding from your ears drinking in the tantrum of a 3 year old boy, the cries diving straight into your ringing eardrums. A young couple showed up with their child who started offing himself about your café not having some made up hybrid cake he wanted for the last 10 minutes.
The boy started flailing around and knocked his mother's iced Americano out of her hand in the process, landing the freezing and pungent liquid all over you.
The LED clock above you flickered with a new hour, freeing you from the café’s dark roasted chains. You ripped the soaked apron over your head and stuffed it into the back room’s washing machine before taking hold of your belongings and rushing out of the building after saying a quick “good-bye” to your mother- who was not about to deal with the coddled boy and you leaving all at once, so she kicked the spoiled family out, them following your irritated trail on the way through the doors.
You were walking fast to have a little costume change before meeting up with Ten and his friends, 5 o’clock coming within the next 20 minutes.
Heyyo I had a little accident at work so I'm going to stop by my place to clean up before heading over to yours.
Once you were in your own space, you peeled the rest of the coffee soaked clothing off of your body, sticking the wet collection into the washer to cold soak after dressing up nicely.
d.amn it y/n you are too old to be soiling yourself
That’s not what I meant!
Whatever ;p
Stepping out into the bright evening air, you realized you don't even know where the hell to go. The napkin with the address was in the pocket of your apron washing back at the café.
You recognized the street that leads to Décalcomanie, the street that leads to Myeongdong, and one leading to a duck shop.
Admitting defeat, you texted Ten.
hey so I left the napkin with your address in my apron.. which I don't have would you mind sending it to me?
such a handful~
You followed the GPS to his address. His apartment building was on the other side of your school you usually metro to, so it was a pretty tiring walk. Arriving fashionably late, you knocked on door number 117.
There was a lot of commotion and screaming, as you were previously informed. Finally, Ten opened the door and waved for you to come in.
Taking your shoes off at the entrance, you saw three guys tackling each other, two others playing video games, and one really fine looking man behind an island in the kitchen.
"Hello!!" One of the guys being tackled shouted and waved at you which got him punched in the back by the guy orchestrating the tackling. You hesitantly waved back "Hi Y/N!!" The boy in the kitchen said with a charming smile.
"Lovely place." You said to Ten with a giggle as he closed the door with an annoyed look on his face. "Y/N, these are my friends,"
He took you over to the couch where the two players were. "This is Sicheng and Xuxi," The two boys playing Mario Kart threw a glance your way and waved with a smile. "these fools are Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang.."
Hendery strained to wave again under the two boys with a big smile on his face, as did the two others. Ten swayed you into the kitchen and introduced you to the last man. This guy was so handsome, like the Asian bachelor. "I'm Kun." The man greeted, kindly.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Our Ten always talks about you." Yangyang says walking towards you two. Ten sent him a glare. "Is that so?"
"At least I'm not blind from having my head up my ass all day, Yangyang shut up!" His voice cracked, making you and Yangyang erupt in laughter.
"Anyways, if you'll excuse us- I invited Y/N here for us to be alone." He took your wrist in his grasp and led you to a room.
Ten pet a space on the bed for you to sit down while he leaned over his desk, searching on his laptop. A slow beat filled the room. You recognized this song- the song your dad would play for your mom in the car on long road trips: Something by The Beatles.
Something in the way she moves
attracts me like no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don’t want to leave her now
you know I believe and how.
Your parents were so in love. When your father first heard this song, he had made it their special theme to portray their love. They had both become big fans of The Beatles and always had this song pop up at least once in every holiday or event playlist or could be caught quoting it occasionally when the timing was right. Your heart sank in your chest at the memory.
You hadn't realized that the song had ended or that Ten was at your side watching you intently. You looked up at him and he offered a small smile.
"My parents used to listen to this song all the time."
"Really? Are you guys close?"
Your mouth felt sour hearing the inevitable question. “My dad died from pneumonia when I was younger. My mom tries to be present for me, but I know she misses him.” Tears puddled at your waterline as you forced yourself not to cry. “Sometimes I think she only keeps trying because she thinks I’m studying premed when I really hide pointe shoes in my closet. I don’t have the heart to tell her what I’m really majoring in.. because I’m terrified of us losing each other completely and frankly, she would never forgive me of my dishonesty if she would stay.”
"It's not wrong.. following your passion" Ten announced after a whole note of silence, "I'm sorry for making you bring up such a past, but I’m happy I can at least sympathize with you..” He looked away from you to recall his memories clearly.
“My parents didn't agree with me wanting to study dance either. And they certainly did not agree with me leaving my hometown in Thailand and dropping out of college to come here for the best art opportunities. Mine and the rest of the guys outside; all of us are a little more distant from our family than usual just because we are passionate." Ten confessed.
"I'm sorry." You weakly rasped.
"I'm not." Ten smiled at you.
"My friends and I are doing what we love without anyone holding us back and one day it's going to all pay off.. I know it will.. If it wouldn't I would have never dropped out."
You could understand where he was coming from. He is really passionate and faithful to his dreams, it is a little inspiring.
"And you seem to be doing good on your own, too. You're studying dance, which I'm sure you're amazing at, and working at the café to help your mom, letting people make a mess of you that you always undoubtedly pick yourself up from." You laughed, the sad tears rolling down your cheeks and turning to bittersweet tears of joy.
"Thank you, Ten."
"Anytime, Y/N." He handed you a napkin for your eyes.
A cough was heard outside the closed door, along with faint whispers.
"Lucas, shut the HELL up!"
Ten got up and opened the door, making four boys come tumbling inside the room.
All rushing to get up, Lucas stayed laying on the floor, "Uh, hi guys." he offered a charming smile. "We were just coming to tell you that dinner is ready?" Yangyang shrugged obviously.
Ten snickered.
"Nice try, guys-"
"Dinner is ready!" Kun yelled from the kitchen.
"What did I tell you?" Yangyang stuck out his tongue, cockily. Ten rolled his eyes and looked over at you,
"Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"She is staying, I already made her a plate!" Kun yelled once again from the kitchen. The other boys ran out of the doorway to the kitchen.
"I guess it's settled then..." Ten sighed and reached his hand out to you, which you took. You were led into the dining room where the other boys sat. Ten placed you in a chair next to his and Kun’s.
Kun had made zhajiangmian, a Chinese traditional celebration/comfort food aka Chinese spaghetti. It tasted so much better than the bread pastries and milk teas you had been living off of in the past year.
Everyone was very talkative during dinner, you even found out that Ten choreographs his own dances for himself and the others to perform and learned that Kun has a degree in music from a prestigious university in Beijing. The boys you had dinner with were really fun to be around and gave you lots of energy after the intricate start to the new semester.
You didn't realize how lonely your little apartment was until now, even when sharing it with your mother most nights. They made you feel so comfortable and content after lacking companionship since your high school days. Also the food was really good, thanks to Kun.
Everybody finished their food but still continued the little chat at the dinner table "And this one time, Ten ate butter thinking it was ice cream! Who does that!?" Yangyang finished off his story punching the table with laughter.
You glanced at the time on your phone. It was almost 10 o'clock and you had to get to sleep early for your new 8 AM class.
Ten turned to you when he felt short tugs at his hoodie. "Cinderella has to get home?"
The room got quiet with Ten’s words, but quickly exploded in a swarm of whines and begs for you to stay. You gave them an apologetic smile.
Ten stood up, pulling me with him, "I'll walk you home." He was already at the door, kicking on his shoes. Everyone bid you good-bye as you waved to all of them before you and Ten were out the door.
"It's this way." You motioned in the direction of your apartments. Ten nodded and followed your path. It was silent the whole way, but it was a nice silence. It was peaceful with just you two. Arriving soon, you  stopped in front of the entrance and turned around to look at Ten.
"Thank you for having me over, I really enjoyed it. Your friends are really nice."
"Of course. I’m really glad you came. I like spending time with you and I think my friends do as well."
Smiles were exchanged and hearts skipped, both of your breathing patterns were evident in each other’s dialogue. "Do you have any last lyrics before we end the night?"
Your building never shines like the others in its distance. The only light around you is the one that blooms in space and allows the stars to twinkle down to where you stand. Ten took your chin is his hand and created perfect eye contact:
"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you. And all the things that you do.”
He tossed your chin up before walking off into the night.
To Be Continued…
Something by The Beatles
Yellow by Coldplay
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volkshore · 3 years
hi there! my name is xùn and i’m here to talk and rant about pokemon.
i’ve had this blog for many years and i’m just now deciding to faithfully use it. so here’s a bit about myself!
— 19, they/he, agender
— adhd, sagittarius intp
— premed psych major
pokemon has been one of my longest standing on-and-off hyperfixations, i’ve been into it ever since i was a young kid. i’ll mostly use this blog to ramble about sinnoh-based characters and headcanons — the characters i’ll likely talk the most about are volkner, flint, cynthia, candice, maylene, lucas and dawn. i also enjoy talking about the lore, history, and geography of sinnoh, so that will likely appear a lot on this blog too.
i do ship characters! the ship i care most about is ignitionshipping and i see myself rambling about it the most. i don’t actively ship any other characters though other ships may come up in conversation. i will always tag ships.
i love interactions, though i have a busy job alongside being a full-time student, so i’m not always the quickest with getting to them — though i promise i will always do the best to interact! i prefer pming over discord, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to ask for mine.
here’s a carrd i made for my twitter that has some extra info!
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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savoies · 3 years
ahhhh so happy i can get in on the ships this time around!!
any team usa boy works:) i’m 17 i have dark brown hair and hazel eyes and wear glasses as well, i’m about 5’4” and from boston; i’ve been a competitive dancer like my whole life but being from boston has made me fall in love with all major league sports but especially hockey so i’m always down to watch any type of game; i plan on going into the medical field and like to think of myself as book smart, i also enjoy baking, cuddling, and watching netflix:)
ahh yay I'm glad you sent one in! One ship coming right up. (:
i ship you with matty beniers! ok so matty is studying premed which is hard but he would love that you're so book smart and would help him study and also love that you have the similar interest of studying in the medical field. would be the type of guy to check you out if you say something hurts just because you are a competitive dancer and he knows you guys are prone to injuries. Honestly both of you would just worry each other when one of you guys is sick/hurt but good thing both of you guys are studying/going to study medical. Also both of you guys are from MA so one of your favorite things to do is just drive around ma to where you guys grew up and go to your favorite places. Would not be the best baker but I feel like he could make some decent cupcakes so loves helping you in the kitchen and Netflix and cuddles are a huge thing after both of you guys had long day!
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join in on the celebration!
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TW: Ouija Board Use, Disturbing Topics, Ghost Mentions, Possession Mention, Talks about the Sixth Sense, Blood Mention, Suicide Mention
**Don’t read this if you’re easily scared**
There’s this thing that I just can’t get out of my head.
I figured that if I shared it maybe the nagging thought would leave me alone, so I’m writing this here to account it with that hope.
Last night I was watching a horror movie with my sister and her girlfriend and it just reminded me of someone that I knew back when I first started Uni.
But first full disclaimer here, I was never really close to this person, we had just met in my English class because we sat next to each other and had a couple of group work assignments together, but that was it. I’ll only talk about my experiences while I was with this girl, we’ll call her B for the sake of this recounting. And yes, this actually happened, but as you should with anything you read off of the internet, take it with a grain of salt because even I don’t know if I’m recounting everything perfectly, it happened a couple of years ago now and I’m trying to remember them as I write this.
I’m a very superstitious person, also. I totally buy into that bad luck stuff about ladders and mirrors, but my belief stems from I simply don’t want to try it if it ends up being true. That and from my Filipino descent I have many relatives who are superstitious also, not to mention the sixth sense runs in both sides of my family and is floating around somewhere in my generation so I don’t want to suddenly awaken that shit, no way (I’ll include a bit explaining that at the end of this post if you’re curious). Hell, I’m so superstitious that I won’t watch certain movies that deal with summoning entities just in case, or at least, I won’t watch them at home. But onto the story.
Anyway, the movie we were watching mentioned a Ouija board once or twice, which is what reminded me of my classmate, and it just sent chills down my spine and I’m still thinking about this even now because, my god, I am certain that she was possessed by something.
If you don’t know what a Ouija board it, let me crash course you. Essentially it is a tool to communicate with otherworldly creatures. Its a board with letters, numbers, and a yes/no option, and you hold on to the planchet (which is a huge triangle with a magnifying glass in the middle) and theoretically the spirit you contact will move it around to respond to your inquiries. However, this is not always the case, the board serves as a portal, and it is very rare that the entity you are trying to contact is actually the one interacting with you, and such it is considered a profane object. Once you bring it into your home alone you open your home to immense amounts of negative energy and it is now somewhat of an area of thin protection in which otherworldly entities can walk in and out of.
Basically, don’t fuck with them.
Now B is a huge occult fan, she loves the stuff, has read books on it and everything but, go figure, she’s a religious studies major and she wanted to specify in more occult practices, and with that you’d think she’d know never to dabble in those things, but I think her choice of major stemmed from a different kind of fascination in it. I think her thing was that she wanted to see if this occult stuff was real, I think she was a true skeptic and she just got a kick out of playing dangerous games and inviting dangerous creatures. I remember being appalled when she recounted her experience playing the dangerous game known as the [Midnight Game], which still gives me nightmares to this day. Either way, it would be an understatement for me to say that I wasn’t worried about her.
One day around week 8 of the quarter, meaning we were finishing up the quarter and starting to study for finals, while we were working together in class, she brought up to me and the other two group members (C and D for simplicity and anonymity) that she recently purchased a ouija board. And I immediately voiced my concern. 
“You’ve already fucked with spirits before in the Midnight Game and [Dry Bones], are you trying to piss them off even more?” I was genuinely worried about her.
“Come on, Crys, they’re not real.” She insisted that towards me, but me and C made eye contact, both of us being Filipino and highly superstitious, we warned her again to give it back to where she got it from but she refused.
“What are you going to talk to anyway, B?” D asks her.
“Dunno, maybe I’ll talk to my granddad.”
“Or you could open your apartment to a poltergeist who will possess you and kill you slowly,” I said with a half joking tone, or at least that’s how I intended it to be.
“If you’re going to be so uptight about it then ignore me, Crys. It’s just a game,” she scoffs.
“Sure, yeah, I just think it’s smarter not to try anything. You’re already walking around with a target on your back because of the other games you’ve played, I’m just worried that something bad will happen to you this time. They come in threes, B,” I continued on. I didn’t know if it was fear for her or for me.
Needless to say she didn’t show up the next class. Me, C, and D just brushed this off as maybe she decided to skip class, which she had done many times before, and didn’t think much more of it. Of course I was still worried, I had a feeling that it had something to do with the board, but she looked really pissed when I brought it up to her so I didn’t want to overstep more than I already did.
But when she didn’t show up for the next week’s worth of classes, that’s when we really got concerned. We asked my professor about it just in case she just dropped the class and didn’t tell us, but no, she was still on the roster. So we decided to pay her a visit and make sure everything was alright.
Now we knew where she lived, it was an off campus apartment a couple of blocks away from school so it was an easy walk, and we had been there a handful of times already for group work. It was a relatively new apartment she had moved into before school started and, to our knowledge, she hadn’t tried anything there yet up until the board. But when I stood outside of her door, something just felt off. The air felt still, and something just wasn’t right. I knocked on the door and nothing. No shuffling, no movement, we thought she wasn’t home. But right when we turned to leave, the door opened.
Now B looked horrible. Her cheeks were sunken in and the bags under her eyes were more than just concerning.
“Hey, are you okay?” D asks her.
“I just have the flu,” B responds. Her voice was hoarse.
Now here is where I am conflicted. As you all know, I’m a premed student, and as you now know I am superstitious to a fault. My rational side says “ah, I get it now” but my superstitious one told me to call a priest. Like yes, the flu can do this to you, but it’s been a week. 
Either way we’re backing away from the door. She opens it wider, as if to let us in, and when I tell you the apartment looked unrecognizable, I mean it. It looked nearly unlivable actually. I swear there was probably something alive hiding under the piles of pizza boxes and clothes. And this really concerned us because we knew B to be a very clean person, she always was throughout the quarter and would even reprimand C for being so messy himself, so the change was very jarring for us.
“You can come in if you want,” she says. “I haven’t been upholding my end of the group project.”
“No, it’s fine,” I declined for the group.
“I insist.”
“You have the flu, we could catch it.”
“You won’t, I know you’re all careful,” she says. Keep in mind, C and I are premed and D is accounting.
“We just wanted to check in on you,” D steps in now, seeing that I’m uncomfortable.
“Then why did you come all the way here and bother me?” She snapped. We were taken aback and she just shook her head. “Forget it, I’ll be fine by the presentation date. Just email me what I have to do.” Then she closed the door and was gone.
She never came back to class, and I learned later from another person in our class, who I’m assuming she was close with, that she dropped out of uni altogether. She never really told us either, so we had to rush to finish her part of the project, which was horrific, but that’s besides the point.
It’s just... this superstitious nature of mine typically gets in the way of a lot of things I choose to do. It’s always the first thing I put into consideration. And it’s a bit strange considering how... bad of a Catholic I am. Either way it’s just terrifying. Maybe I’m just more hyper aware of it because of how “close” I am to otherworldly things. I have cousins who’ve played games like [The Hosting Game] or [Lady Spades]. So I can sometimes feel things when they’re not right, then of course there’s the whole sixth sense running in both sides of my family thing so there’s that too. I don’t know, the whole thing just rubbed me wrong and still does to this day. I guess I’m more afraid of these negative energies reflecting back on me somehow, who knows?
I don’t know, maybe this was just me vastly overthinking things, maybe I’m just being paranoid, but something just didn’t sit right with me with that last exchange we had, who knows? The movie I watched last night just reminded me of her so much and I started getting worried again, I just hope she’s alright.
As for the promised bit about the sixth sense running in my family, here’s an abridged version from what I’ve learned:
On my mother’s side, it skips generations (therefore it is in my generation). The most notable one with this sense currently is my Uncle, who can see the auras of spirits (white for passive ones, red for aggressive ones, etc.) he’s helped other family members and extended members for many things involving these. There’s a certain term for him, actually, in the Philippines that is. He’s definitely not a shaman, no way, but the term escapes me for now. But it stemmed far back in our family’s lineage when we did have shamans and albularyos (witch doctors), if you looked up my mother’s maiden name in the Philippines you’ll even find an extensive history behind them (Obviously I won’t share that, but they were a very prominent Clan throughout the Philippines and still are in some islands). They have a history of communicating with enkantos (which are environmental spirits), the strongest one in our family to date being my great-great grandfather. I also have a cousin who sees spirits as they died, like if they happened to jump off of a tall building (and I’ll spare you the details because the aftermath is bloody) he will see them like that, it was so bad that he even went to the best therapists in the UK to treat it, but something like that isn’t exactly... treatable. So there’s that. 
On my father’s side it’s a bit more muddled. We don’t understand the pattern it’s in, we just know that some people have it and most don’t. And if anything, it’s more of a curse. In every generation there has been someone who’s literally gotten possessed (one of my aunt’s did in the Philippines, she got possessed by a duwende I think? I’ll have to ask again). Haven’t had a possession yet in my generation (and no that’s not an invitation), but we’ve had hauntings many a time that my previously mentioned uncle helped us out with. There’s also a spirit who appears to every male who carries the name, and apparently when she is seen said male should not travel anywhere, some cases being my grandfather’s usual transit bus which drove off a cliff, my dad’s brother’s motorcycle combusting, etc. Whatever is going on in my dad’s side likely got passed down to me so I’m being extra careful.
TL;DR: I’m very superstitious because of the shit that has happened on both sides of my family and that probably fed into my fear for B.
Anyway, if you guys want scary stories, trust me, I’ve got scary stories.
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"carter's master plan??" "CORDANO MOC AU??"
Carter’s Master Plan
the short version: “The Good Place” AU where I once again appeal to an audience of only me by having my train wreck OT3 be endgame.
THE LONG VERSION HOWEVER. picture this: instead of going into medicine, a young Robert Romano decides to pursue his dream of being a world-famous chef instead. what consequences does this have, you may or may not ask? I WILL ANSWER REGARDLESS: Elizabeth never leaves England, never ends up in Chicago. Mark dies having unsuccessfully attempted to reconnect with Jen. SOMEHOW EVERYONE ENDS UP DEAD THEY’RE NOT CLEAR ON ALL THE HOWS YET BUT IT’S THE AFTERLIFE AND NOBODY KNOWS EACH OTHER. also Carter is there as “the Architect,” with help from the most powerful not-a-robot in the universe, a stolen Good Kerry. (yes this does imply the existence of Bad Kerry. yes I am going to squeeze all the inherent hilarity I can out of that concept.) Romano is aware he’s in the so-called “Good Place” on some kind of cosmic clerical error, which seems like it should be painfully obvious to everyone else. luckily his roommates are The Most Genuinely Good Man No Longer Alive and The World’s Stubbornest Brit. (also Romano still loses his arm in a traumatic fashion because that’s important to me.)
and just for fun AN EXCERPT:
Say something else, good grief. He can hear Doug teasing him. Always such a smooth talker, aren’t you. That’s my guy. “Uh, I thought we made a good team. Dr. Greene and Dr. Corday,” he adds, wishing desperately that the whole dying thing had given him any better way to make small talk. “Sounds… good?”
She snorts. “Dr. Corday?” she echoes. “Oh—that’s right, I always forget you give your surgeons that title.”
“You don’t?” He gets ahead of her with a couple of longer strides to grab the door, pushing it open.
“Gentlemanly,” she nods as she brushes past. “No. It’s … reserved for more junior members of the staff. Or GPs.”
“So you’d be—?” He stops, waiting expectantly, the door closing behind them.
“Miss Corday.” Fiddling with a loose thread on the sleeve of her sweater, she doesn’t look up, focus intense. It’s—sweet. Her expression is almost the same as it had been when she was rearranging the badly-imagined bones of strangers. An odd relief loosens his shoulders. It feels a lot safer to look at her now that he doesn’t risk being subject to that same scrutiny. “Although if I had been working with you in Chicago I imagine I’d have to have got used to being called Dr. Corday.”
He feels his mouth twitch curiously. “Huh. Why is that? The title difference, I mean.”
“Homage to our great and noble predecessors, the barber surgeons,” she says breezily, finally plucking the thread free and holding it up in triumph. “Objectively, yes, it’s a bit silly, but I did work very hard to be called ‘miss,’ so there’s a certain pride one takes regardless of—”
“Wait, wait, barber surgeons? Can we back up there?”
She raises her eyebrows. “Are you asking me for a history lesson?”
“No, I just want some elaboration on the idea of barber surgeons,” he moves past her to get to the living room, plopping down on the couch. “Do you have to double-major in premed and cosmetology?”
Her laugh is sudden and bright, and she sits next to him, grinning. “No! Why, do you need someone to trim your hair?”
“Maybe, if you’re also a barber.”
Cordano MoC AU
the short version: an improbable and contrived application of an already improbable and contrived trope... the green-card marriage. also eventual endgame OT3 because again, I Am My Own Primary Audience what can I say!!
(alternate short version: Romano: I don’t like lying >:( also Romano: FAKE MARRIED ISN’T LYING IF UR ACTUALLY IN LOVE)
the long version: “so,” says Elizabeth in an extremely casual and not-at-all desperate I Refuse To Go Home kind of way, “marriage fraud. that sure is. a crime. which is terrible.” WHY RELY ON THE CLEARLY UNDEPENDABLE WHIMS OF A WORK VISA WHEN YOU CAN SPEND A COUPLE YEARS ~LIVING IN MARITAL UNION~ AND GET CITIZENSHIP, I say, as the (not-actually-present) narrator. are there easier ways to go about that process? probably. DO ANY OF THEM FULFILL MY SPECIFIC NEEDS OF FORCING CHARACTERS TO TALK TO EACH OTHER. NO THEY DO NOT.
Romano finds out this is actually on the table and is like “oh oops that’s embarrassing maybe I should not have pitched a hissyfit and terminated your fellowship because I was sad you liked Peter better than me” but it comes out more like “u need a guy…I’m a guy… I could be UR guy...” SHENANIGANS ENSUE. also Elizabeth and Gretel are immediate bffs because Gretel Is A Good Dog and I say so.
Susan is there too because I REQUIRE Susan & Elizabeth being buddies and who better to give me the content I crave than me myself? this also means EVEN MORE SHENANIGANS as Susan designates herself wingwoman.
“I’ll have you know I’m a great catch, Lizzie. Any woman would be lucky to have me. Are you done reinforcing Gretel’s love of jumping on people that I have spent, oh, several weeks trying to discourage?”
“You’d really say no to this face?” Elizabeth looks up with a grin, Gretel turning her head exactly on cue and thumping her tail against the ground.
“You’ve been here two minutes and you’re already teaching my dog bad habits,” he gripes.
“Oh, shut up, she’s clearly a very good girl. Aren’t you? Yes, you!” The dog’s tail excitedly picks up speed again.
Romano huffs. “Stop that, it’s her bedtime. You can’t get her wound up before bed.”
“Please tell me you tuck her in,” she says gleefully, finally extricating her hands from Gretel’s thick fur to follow him inside. “Why didn’t I know you had a dog before?”
“Family and pets.” He waves a hand dismissively as he shuts the door back behind them. Gretel trots off to sniff at a spot on the hardwood floor a little down the hall. “Obvious boring personal information; you don’t bring it into the workplace.”
“No,” she tilts her head pointedly, “why didn’t I know?”
He stops, looks back at her. “Just never came up, I guess,” he says at last, quiet.
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billhaderistheloml · 5 years
Soulmate AU | Aaron Conners
This is also a college!Au where they’re both still in college.
Prompt: You and your soulmate can communicate telepathically.
Word count: 1500
You and your soulmate had always shared an interest in academics. Back in high school, you both would help each other study and tell each other what grades you got. You both told each other what colleges the both of you would be attending, saddened to find out that you were on opposite sides of the United States. 
You spent your college years, first attending UC Berkely in California, studying plant and microbial biology. There were lots of times throughout your years in college that you and your soulmate would help each other out with homework, and studying. He was a biology major as well, with a premed track. 
It was almost three in the morning one night, and you were still slaving away at your world literature essay, having just barely finished your organic chem homework. You were slightly startled to hear the voice in your head speak up, asking if you were going to sleep anytime soon. You let out a bitter laugh and tell him that you’ll go to sleep as soon as you finish this essay.
“It’s three am, your essay will still be there in the morning.” You roll your eyes at this statement.
“My essay is due at 10 in the morning.” 
“And you’re just now finishing it?! Are you crazy?” You let out a soft laugh at his reaction, shrugging.
“Maybe I am. Or maybe I’m just really awful at writing and my best work happens under pressure. Oh, and also, it’s only midnight in California.” 
“You really are insane.” You turn your focus back to your essay, still shaking your head at your soulmate, a soft smile playing on your lips. It’s almost four in the morning when you finally finish it and crawl into bed, and you’re pretty sure they’re asleep but you go ahead and say a quick goodnight to your soulmate.
“About time. Good luck on your essay tomorrow, and goodnight.”
Interactions like these were some of your favorites because they were so intimate and personal. You also really liked it when you and your soulmate had a similar project or assignment and could help each other out a little bit. This was the case one night when you were staring at an anatomy and physiology assignment, completely stuck.
“I don’t know if you know anything about anatomy and physiology but if you do I could really use some help.” It wasn’t very late, just a little past ten at night, and you hoped that your soulmate could help you out, as you hadn’t made any friends in the class.
“No friends over there at Berkeley to help you out?” You slump into your seat, frustrated.
“I’m not good at making friends and the ones I do have aren’t taking this class, or haven’t taken this professor so they’re not a lot of help.” You don’t really want to explain your shyness and inability to make friends right now, much preferring to focus on the task at hand.
“Okay, well you’re in luck. I happen to be very good at anatomy. What’s the assignment?” You explain the assignment to him and over the course of about an hour he helps you through it, really just helping you to channel your thoughts in the right direction as you figure out the answers.
“See? That wasn’t so hard. I’m sure you’re going to ace it.”  You sigh, putting your head in your hands.
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” There’s a moment of silence before he responds.
“Anytime. Now, what’s this about you not being good at making friends? Why’s that?” You groan out loud, knowing that he can’t hear that response. You let the question linger in the air for a second before responding.
“I have a, like, crippling fear of making friends and being rejected and so talking to new people is the hardest thing for me to do.” More silence, and you curse yourself for saying too much, moving from your uncomfortable desk chair to sit on your bed.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll always be here for you.” You can’t help but smile as you push the covers back, already in your pajamas. It was a little after eleven pm, and you knew you had an early morning so you figured you should get some sleep.
“It’s alright. Thank you again, and I’ll always be here for you too. Goodnight.” You don’t hear his goodnight, already drifting off into a deep slumber.
Fast forward a couple of years and you were moving to Connecticut to finish your grad studies and obtain a doctorate in genetics. One of the first people you had told that you were moving was your soulmate, and you couldn’t help but grin at his response.
“Yale?! That’s less than two hours away from me!”  You were aware of this, as you had chosen a school on the same coast as your soulmate, for a reason.
“Oh my! I had no idea!”  There’s a beat of silence before you hear your soulmate’s voice, slightly defeated.
“You already knew that, though, didn’t you?” You let out a soft chuckle.
“Yeah, I looked it up.” You had applied to fifteen different grad programs, several of them along the east coast, but a few along the west and the Berkeley grad program had told you they’d be more than happy to keep you on their team, but you told them you wanted a change of scenery.
You moved to Connecticut about a month before school started, a couple of months after graduating with your Bachelor’s of Science in Genetics and Plant Biology. At Yale, you would be focusing specifically on genetics and hopefully have the chance to work in a genetics lab. 
Your second year at Yale, your soulmate suggested that you guys meet up on a Saturday and get coffee, finally talk out loud to each other. You were a little weary, but after he said he’d come to you, and there were no strings attached, no requirements, you agreed.
A couple of weeks later, you were sitting in your favorite coffee shop not far from the university, reading a book about CRISPR. You looked up as the bell above the door rang, and staring back at you were some seriously pretty blue eyes. You watched as he went to the counter and ordered his coffee, and you closed your book. 
“Are you the girl reading the biology book that I just made eye contact with?” You let out a soft laugh and he turns to flash you a smile, so you give him a small wave. He joins you a moment later with his coffee in hand.
“Just some light reading, I suppose?” He asks as he reaches for the book, eyebrows raised as he waits for permission. You nod and he picks it up, reading the summary on the back of it. “CRISPR, huh? That’s the name they’re sticking with?” 
You let out a small laugh, taking your book back. “It’s an acronym, stands for clusters of regularly interspaced palindromic repeats.” He nods in faux understanding, removing his coat. “It’s actually pretty interesting if you like genetics and RNA and all that.” 
“Ah, see I like to work on things that I can see without a microscope.” He says, and you raise your eyebrows.
“What, like the viruses you’re studying in med school? Can you see those without a microscope? Are you superhuman?” He laughs at your response, shaking his head. 
“No, but I don’t want to do primary care. I want to work with bones, orthopedics.” He says, and you nod approvingly.
“Well, that sounds like fun.” You say, and he laughs again, shrugging.
“Being a third-year med student is so fun, I never sleep anymore, all I do is study and drink coffee.” He says, and you nod in solidarity, biting your lip.
“I know the feeling, I spend way too many hours in the lab, trying, and failing, to get ahead in my classes.” You look down at your coffee, fiddling with the paper cup holder.
“At least now you’re not keeping me up until all hours of the night.” You feign hurt at his comment, putting your hand to your chest.
“Hey, you could have gone to sleep, I very rarely asked for your help.” He laughs, and you let out a soft chuckle.
“I know, but it was fun staying up with you. Made me feel less alone.” He looks down at his cup now, before looking up to meet your eyes.
“It was nice.” It’s silent for a moment before you clear your throat. “Would you like to take a walk around campus? I can show you my favorite spots.” 
He nods and stands up, and you both head for the exit, coffees in hand. He opens the door for you, smiling at you as you speak. He knew then that he loved you. He didn’t know in what capacity, yet, but he loved you.
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