#also he is wearing a vest because his father will have to kill him to make him wear a full on suit
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sl-newsie · 1 year ago
A Clean Slate (Balkan x OC)
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I also have a request. Balkan x OC. Idc what happens in it, I just need him!
Another sunny day. Too bad I have to spend it working indoors.
“God I hate this place,” Rita groans from across the shop. “I can’t wait to get outta here!”
“Calm down, mi querida!” Valentina assures her. “You may not like it here, but some of us had to work hard to get here!” 
My coworker goes on complaining while I zone out and scrub the counter. Rita’s always complaining because of her position in the Jet gang. Apparently the Jets are a big deal, but I’ve never personally met them because I just moved from Brooklyn. My father’s in the police force and he transferred to the West Side, which meant I had to wipe a clean slate and start over with making friends. Turns out the goils of the West Side ain’t so friendly and instead of being social I’ve decided on keeping a steady job during summer vacation. Doc’s is the perfect place because Valentina needs all the help she can get.
I hear the door bangs open and a man wearing jeans and a white tank top steps in.
“Ey, Rita! Ya done woirk’n yet? We’s got business in ‘Hattan to deal with!” 
“Alright, alright.” Rita follows the brute out, strangely looking more bored than before.
Time slips by, only providing us with a few customers, and before I know it it’s already 5:30.
“Time to clock out, Lottie.” Valentina walks out from the back room holding the keys. “Don’t worry about the clean up. Tony’s stopping by to mop. Buenas noches!”
“Good night, Valentina.” I grab my purse and head into the cool summer night. The sun hasn’t set yet and a gorgeous collage of orange and pink spreads across the sky. I clutch my purse close and begin the walk home-
“Hey! Runaway coin!”
The clinking sound of metal draws my attention to a silver-colored coin rolling down the sidewalk. It nearly reaches the sewer until I step on it with my blue heel.
“Much obliged, doll!” A man jogs up from behind and kneels down to look for his coin. “Um, where’d it go?”
“Oh, sorry.” I lift up my foot to reveal the gleaming coin. “Here it is.”
The man keeps his face down as he retrieves his possession. What I don’t expect is for him to lean down to kiss my foot.
“Excuse me?” I jerk away. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Now the man stands up and I can see him. He’s wearing an olive-green shirt with the sleeves rolled up under a blue vest, along with dark jeans and sneakers. At first I think he’s too bizarre to trust, however the thankful expression on his face makes me reconsider.
“Sorry, doll. ‘S just that this coin means everything to me. Guess I overreacted.” He holds out a hand and we both shake, causing my heart to respond by racing much too fast than I’d like it to.
“You ain’t from here, are ya? I’d remember you if you were.”
I shyly shake my head and fidget with my purse. “No, I just moved from Brooklyn.”
“Brooklyn, eh? Well then let me be gentlemanly enough to officially welcome you to the West Side!” He gives me a quick salut. “Name’s Balkan, from the Jets.”
My breath catches and I step away. “Jets? That’s the gang everyone talks about. I heard some people were almost killed in a fight last month.”
Balkan pockets his coin and holds up a steady hand, eyeing me with a calm demeanor.
“Yeah, there were a few close calls. But that was before the peace agreement. You got nothing to worry about.”
I want to believe him, but my father’s teachings are spinning through my head.
“My father’s a police officer. If you do anything to me, he will find you.”
There’s a noticeable spark in Balkan’s eyes, something that imitates fear. But it only lasts a split-second. He steps a few feet back and holds his hands out for me to see.
“I’m unarmed, I swear. I don’t want you to feel unsafe. What’s your name?”
He knows his law procedures. This is how dad says criminals are supposed to stand when they’re arrested. Has he ever been arrested? Calm down, Lottie. He asked a decent question. 
“I’m Lottie.” My voice shakes a little. “Nice to meet you, Balkan.”
Balkan nods respectfully. “That’s a pretty name. If you want you can call me Marcus. That’s my real name, Marcus Jackson.”
I’ll have dad run a background check on him later.
“Since you’re new, would you want me to show you around?”
Keep calm, relax. He’s just being friendly.
“Um, maybe some other time? During the day?”
It’s strange how Balkan isn’t getting annoyed by my paranoid behavior. He’s been nothing but respectful, which is something I don’t expect from a gang member.
“I get that. Is your home nearby? I wanna make sure you get there safely.”
I inch further away towards the direction of home. “I’d rather not have you know where I live, if you don’t mind. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
Taking a deep breath, I swiftly walk past the now-stuttering Jet.
“What’s it gonna take for you to trust me?”
I keep walking. “In Brooklyn I learned to trust nobody. People are disappointing, they will take what they want and spread lies when they’re through with you.”
Now Balkan is walking to keep up. “I’m sorry that happened, but not everyone is like that. It doesn’t have to be too serious. I’ll start.” He clears his throat. “Hello, my name is Marcus. I come from a broken family because my own father left when I was 5. I met the Jet leaders Tony and Riff a few years ago, and since then I've become one-a the Jets’ best fighters. I know that sounds whacky to you, but to me the Jets are my family.”
His sad background sounds like lots of the cases dad talks about at home. He says delinquents are unpredictable. But this is the first time I’ve heard the other side of the story.
I stop walking and look at Marcus with a different perspective. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that. We both have conflicted pasts, but that shouldn’t define the future. Would you, um, still be willing to walk me home?”
Dad’s going to kill me.
Marcus grins in delight and offers an arm. More gentleman than delinquent. “I’d luv to, Lottie.”
I take his arm and we resume walking. Another trait that surprises me is his smell. It’s mint. Like a fresh peppermint pattie.
“Why is your coin important to you?” Just keeping up the conversation.
“It was my old man’s. He gave it to me before he left, said a million-dollar fortune could be made out of a single coin.” Marcus shakes his head and laughs. “Some fortune now, huh?”
His unfaltering optimism is something to admire. “What is it you plan to do for a living after school?”
“Dunno, maybe something with mechanics. I’m pretty good with building things. Have you met Jackie yet?”
The name brings no familiarity. “No?”
“She works with me in the shop. Jackie’s Velma’s little sister.”
I grit my teeth. “I do know Velma. Her and Grazie are… interesting.”
Marcus chuckles. “Yeah, they can be a handful. Jackie ain't like that, though. She’s nice.”
I give him a questioning look. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you’re new here and I can tell you’s looking for friends. Am I right?”
Ok this guy’s growing on me. First he offers to take me home, now he’s taken interest in helping me fit in.
“Y-Yeah. I’m not too good at finding friends. Thank you.”
“No problem.” We turn the block and start walking down my street. “So what’s your plans for after school?”
I don’t wanna lie, but I feel that my planned career will make him feel embarrassed.
“Um, I’m looking into being a professor of anatomy.”
Marcus’ head swings to look at me with wild eyes. Here it comes. Go ahead, make fun of the weird, nerdy outcast newcomer-
“That’s amazing!”
I stare at him. “You’re not upset?”
Balkan repeatedly shakes his head, still smiling. “Why would I be? That’s a top-notch job! You must be one smart cookie, Lottie!”
I slowly realize that my brain isn’t going to get me mocked. “Thank you! Normally people hear that and think it’s crazy for a woman to be teaching at a university.” I bite my lip. “That’s- that’s actually part of the rumors I had back in Brooklyn. The girls used to say I was less feminine for wanting to take up a man’s job.”
Balkan stops walking and puts a hand on my shoulder. Earlier my instincts would’ve been to kick his crotch and run, but now I’m not afraid anymore.
“Those bitches don’t know what they’re saying. They’s jealous because you’s smarter than them, Lottie. Being smart don’t mean you’s less feminine. In fact, lots-a guys admire a goil with brains.” A smile grows on his face. “I know ‘cause I’m one-a them.”
Oh God. Steady, Lottie. But it’s no use. The walls I’ve built to keep people out are cracking. How has this man been able to make me feel special when he literally just met me?
“Who are you, Marcus Jackson?” I whisper. “You show up chasing a coin, a complete stranger. And now you treat me like an actual person.” My body reacts by giving him a soft hug, one that Marcus accepts gently.
“You’s a real nice goil, Lottie. Anyone should treat you like one.” I hear him sigh. “I’m probably gonna get killed for this.”  Before I can ask Marcus pulls away and looks down at me with soft eyes. “Lottie, would you maybe wanna go out with me sometime? It don’t have to be much, just- Maybe as friends?”
It’s a good thing Marcus is still holding me because if he wasn’t I’d be crumbling to the floor.
“You mean that? An actual date?” I can’t hide my excitement. “No one’s ever asked before. Are you sure?”
The Jet boy’s eyes widen. “Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes!”
Through my sudden happiness I feel tears beginning to form. “I’d luv to, Marcus. But first-” I give a small laugh. “You should probably meet my parents first.”
He doesn’t even flinch. “Absolutely!”
“Good! Because… This is me.” I point to the door of the small house we’re standing in front of.
“Nice place,” the Jet compliments.
“Thank you. Would you like to come in? Dad won’t be home for another hour but I can ask if you can stay for dinner.”
Marcus looks as if I’d just offered him a million dollars. “Um, yeah! I mean, if it’s alright with your folks- Am I dressed well enough?”
I can’t help but laugh at his adorable statement. “You’re fine, Marcus.” Taking his hand, I lead him to the front door and lead him deeper into my life.
“Mother! I’m home! I brought some company.”
“Hello, dear!” Mother comes bustling from the kitchen. When she sees Balkan she freezes and her eyes narrow. “Lottie, who is this man?” she asks in a stern voice.
I give Marcus’ hand a squeeze. “Mother, this is Marcus. He walked me home from work.”
The Jet sets himself in a respectful stance. “Good evening, ma’am. I just wanted to make sure your daughter got home safe. I meant no disrespect.”
“Could he stay for dinner?” I ask hopefully.
Mother stews over my words with a conflicted expression. “Could I talk with you for a moment? Your friend can wait outside.”
That’s not exactly a no. Balkan doesn’t seem to mind because he gives a nod and walks back out without question. Once he’s gone, mother rushes over to put her hands on my shoulders.
“Sweetie, I am so happy you are trying to socialize. But is that boy the kind of crowd you think is right to be around?”
My confidence doesn’t slip. “I didn’t trust him either, but Marcus is a good man even if he is part of the Jets. You know how hard I’ve had it trying to find friends, mom. Well, Marcus and I are both starting with a clean slate. He’s not like the criminals dad deals with.”
Mother lets out a deep sigh. “Your father may not be happy at first.”
“I know. But please at least let him stay for dinner? Give him a chance for you to warm up to him.”
I think my goose is cooked. My parents have always been strict, and someone like Balkan isn’t exactly the prime example of dinner company-
“Very well, he can stay.” Mother’s worried look changes to a smile. “We’ve raised you well enough to have good judgment. I’m sure this young man is quite catching enough for you to bring him home. You’re growing up so fast, Lottie!” She gives me one last squeeze. “Alright, let him in.”
Feeling full of giddy hope I rush back to the door and open it to find an anxious-looking Balkan.
“My mother passed her blessing for you to join us! Come right in.”
Marcus looks like I just hung the moon. “O-Ok!”
I show him to the dining room and we both help set the table. Mother keeps a watchful eye as she brings out dishes of chicken and potatoes, but relaxes after she starts to see Marcus isn’t a threat.
“We usually eat before dad gets home,” I explain as we sit down. “Sometimes he gets overbooked with paperwork and doesn’t want us waiting too long.” I lean in and whisper: “You’ve met my mom, now you just need to survive my dad.”
Balkan’s face freezes in a look of new-found terror, but mother just laughs.
“I’ll talk him into it,” she assures. “Your father may be the head of the house, but the mother is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.”
Marcus and I grab hands under the table, and for once in my life I’m glad we moved from Brooklyn. This new start is refreshing for both me and Marcus, one that I hope will lead to something special.
(Sneaked in a My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference!)
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guns-and-brimstone · 5 months ago
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(Art comissioned from Akarisa184 go check them out!)
[OC info]
Birthname: Garis Holt.
Nickname: Guss.
Rank: Private.
Profession pre-death: soldier, US marines.
Mortal Status: KIA.
Date of death: march 1st 1966.
Sexuality: Bi.
Race: Sinner.
Hobbies: drinking, guns, history, sketching and music (Mostly Rock and heavy metal)
Cloathing: Often wearing green camo themed cloathing. Such as vests. Leather jackets. Utility pants and military caps. He is only seen wearing his full military attire (helmet, gas mask, flack jacket and weapons) if he is on alert or expecting a fight.
Appearence: Guss has a very skeletal body. Along with Sharp teeth and pointy finger nails. His eyes are yellow and very reptilian in nature. His arms and legs are covered with so many scars and old wounds that they are beyond count. His cloathing covers them up most of the time However. Lastly, Guss is bald and has no facial hair. His skin is pale White.
Alternate demonic form: this is the form that guss takes on automatically if he gets extremely angry or enters a frenzy. He can also take it on willingly to perform better in hand to hand combat. His arms and legs elongated. Making him twice as tall as he used to be and giving him a very uncanny slender appearance. His fingers turn in to long boney talons, his teeth grow longer and sharper, and his eyes glow red with rage instead of their usual yellow color. Razor sharp spikes also grow out of his arms and back. Making him very hard and painful to grab a hold of. He calls this his 'Wrath Form' Guss usually hesitates to take on this form. Because it's a bit painful to take it on. And tends to somewhat ruin what he is currently wearing to cover up his arms and back.
Backstory: Born in the late 1930s, America. Garis Holt never had much family aside from his beloved sister, Annah Holt, Whom he was very close to. His mother died Giving birth to him. And he has never met his Father. Garis dropped out of college and ran off to Join the military at the age of 19. Much to his sister’s dismay. Joining up with the US military after going through a very rough training program, he was shipped off to serve in the Vietnam war, which he did Until he was killed in action 1966. Durring his time in the war, Garis and his unit experienced a lot of horrific things. And comitted horrible acts such as Executing SUSPECTED VC civilians and slaughtering prisoners of war. All of this eventually landed him in hell upon his death. His sin was Wrath, for the hate and rage he felt towards the enemy he was fighting durring the war. He has been in hell for a long time Now. And has learned to survive with a very nomadic lifestyle, and without a solid roof over his head. You have to, if you wanna make it through an extermination day.
Other info: Guss feels tremendous regret and gulit for his actions durring the war. He has never recived Any therapy for help, nor does he really wish to recive any. He also suffers from PTSD and night terrors. Which Can lead to a fight or flight frenzy at the worst of times.
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benzyonart · 1 month ago
Its my payday ocs vv Who they are below vv
Tldr: Robert has daddy issues and keeps getting kidnapped, Ludwig is royalty and a sociopath, Harvey is an ex cop who just wants to get paid.
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[December 20, 2024]
We got:
Robert "Austin" Steele - Monterra. He is the party boy with daddy issues. Growing up he never knew who is father was exactly. His mom told him about his dad but never how to find him. Big partially because she didn't know where he was either and didn't care to find out. See she left him when she found out she was pregnant and never told him. She didn't want to raise a son in the middle of a Mob war in Chicago. So she took him to New York. She owned a night club which obviously Robert was around often. It wasn't long until tales of his dad got a bit to his head and he wanted to be like him. So he started robbing small banks and jewelry stores. He eventually got picked up by a small time crime boss. This was around the time he got his pet crow.
He started moving bigger as a solo robber until he hit a score the same day but slightly earlier than the payday gang. They came in right as he had grabbed the last bag. Insert car case until robs tires get shot out on an abandoned bridge. [Police hadn't been notified of the bank robbery]. The car swerved and crashed against one of the posts. Robert a little out of it got drug from the car and questioned. Something to note about Robert is he ain't a snitch on nobody ever. He wouldn't even given them his name [this is a common theme with Robert]. Figuring they didn't have the time to question him right there for long enough they kidnap him [also a common theme]. What they didn't know is his pet crow followed them back to the safe house.
So mom pulls up rightly pissed and grabs one of the guys taking a smoke break outside, slams them against the wall and demands to know where her son is. Obviously they claim not to know them. By the time Dallas and a few others get outfit to figure out the commotion, she notes Robert's bird is sitting in the tree near here with a tracker. At this point the mom recognizes Dallas, Robert's unknowing father. She cuts a deal with him, she'll give all the information on what they are questioning Robert for, and she gets her son back alive. They hash out more details as they go along with the revelation of the father son thing. They aren't quite there yet, not properly. Robert ends up joining the payday gang.
Other notes on Robert: he rescued a crow that had anxious feather plucking. Because of this Murder [the crow] chest is bald. To keep him from getting cold he wears vests and sweaters. He is also trained to fly to and from people as well as survey an area because one of the vests has a spy camera in it. Robert is also a bit of a clubber but mainly at his moms night club. Legally he technically shouldn't be there as the drinking age is 21. He is often dancing even when bar tending. Of the 3 he is the baby of the group at 20 years old.
Ludwig "Prince" Hessler. [The royal family for this does not match the real life rulers of this country. I googled was European monarchs still have full control and this was one of the options] He is the youngest of his family and a prince of Lichtenstein. He has several siblings ahead of him for the thrown and he has no interest in politics [clearly cause he's in a bank robbing crew]. He is a sociopath however. He masks that very well when he is in political settings and among his family. He however has a strong blood lust, more so in the fight and not just serial killing. He met Robert when he broke into their car and tried to use them as a hostage in a getaway. clearly this didn't work but instead of turning him in Ludwig kidnapped him and help him hostage until he agreed to let him join his robbing crew. And Robert agreed
Other notes on Ludwig: when Ludwig is around the crew of criminals he doesn't hide his blood lust. He isn't going to attack them or anything but he makes it known he doesn't like stealth. He is normally teamed up with Robert and Harvey. He and Robert will get in petty arguments over anything and will start fighting with each other like violent siblings. Others often have to pull them apart. He prefers Melee fighting over guns. When forced he will use a shot gun. He has once tried to use his gun as a crowbar to open a stuck vault door, bending it almost in half. He is also the one who takes the wheel when they need someone to take it. He isn't one for road safety or taking it carefully. Of the 3 his age is in the middle at 27 years old.
Harvey "Copper" Burton. He was a detective who was investigating the payday gang during the early stages of payday 2. He would often question Hoxton during his jail sentence. He didn't get anything from Hoxton but the 2 were civil. Harvey would occasionally bring him something as a bribe and when it didn't work he would shrug and go about his day. He was taken off the case after the hoxton break out. [Mild cannon divergence of the break out] Harvey was there during the break out and had been the one to drag Hoxton to the side to start patching his leg saying "I don't get paid if you die." When threatened by Dallas and crew He gave up Hoxton with no real fuss. [Can't get paid when you're dead] and Hoxton vouched enough to say just leave him. [The alarms had already started going off by that point.
Fast forward, Robert had been kidnapped and tortured by a gang who Robert had stolen from before joining the payday gang. [They were unaware of his affiliation as Robert didn't even give them his name]. Harvey had then organized a raid against said gang and when they went through the base they found Robert and Harvey found his mask. [It's very similar theme to the other payday masks]. When they moved Robert to a hospital as he was only a victim far as they could tell, Harvey used a lead he never officially got to try before he was pulled from the case and called Bain to let him know one of his guys was here. The gang pulls up [Dallas, Chains, Wolf, Hoxton] as civs and Harvey is sitting in Robert's room. Harvey more or less gets snatched from there for 2 reasons. 1 he knows who they are, 2 he knows who tortured Robert. Something to note: when he was cut from investigating the payday gang, he didn't supply anymore information about it that wasn't already in his reports. He wasn't getting paid for it there fore he wasn't helping. This includes not telling anyone he called Bain and was expecting them to come. Anyways he's brought to the safe house and after getting promised to get paid he tells them what they want to know. For a while he was locked up in the safe house, then put on house arrest with one of them ankle bracelets, then joining the planning with a small cut, and finally joining the crew.
Other notes on harvey: his code name comes from his hair color and the fact he was a cop. He is more neutral and clinic. He is the heavy planner and stealth preferred member of the group. While he's not loyal, he is loyal to the highest paycheck. It just so happens no job or group has a high paycheck than this one. He doesn't take bribes either while being about the money. Taking a bribe would risk his job and there fore his money. Of the 3 he is the oldest at 35 years old.
Theme songs under more
Robert sound tracks
Ludwig sound tracks
Harvey sound tracks
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mr-1-2-3-4 · 18 days ago
Pixel facts-
Burn scar-
Pixel got his burn scar from the fire 141 left him to die in, he couldn’t find a way out and burning debris fell on him and trapped him. He already had vision problems having already lost 5% of his vision at a young age and then he lost 10% of it when the debris fell on him.
Mouth scar-
Pixel got this one from the fire as well, before the fire started Ghost stabbed him, it missed surprisingly but it hit his lip and stabbed his tongue and the inside of his mouth, causing him to lose most of his voice.
Leg scar-
Pixel got the scar from a training accident in JROTC he fell and cut himself on wood.
Tic Tac Toe scar-
When Pixel was captured by Konni unit, they decided to play Tic Tac Toe, after the first game their supervisor told them to stop for a bit.
Chest scar-
Pixel got this scar when his chest was shot open and Oak was shot in the eye on the day Oak died right in front of him.
Neck scar-
The art doesn’t show it because of the burn scar and it’s old, but Pixel’s fear of eating comes from when he was 8, he was making a sandwich when his mom came up behind him and hit him with a beer bottle, than unfortunately continued to beat the shit out of him, yelling at him saying “you need permission to eat, I can’t by alcohol if you’re eating all the damn food in the house” than continue to blame how it’s his fault that Pixel’s father’s plane went missing.
Bite marks-
Pixel bites himself if he’s stressed, upset, or irritated, the pain helps him forget why he’s upset.
Missing/broken finger nails-
Pixel had to get at least 2 nails removed after the fire, and when he bites his finger or if he punches a wall a bit too hard, sometimes he’ll break a nail.
Back tattoo-
Pixel got a tattoo in 141, that says “The Pawn Of The Game” it was damaged a bit after the fire unfortunately.
His hair-
The reason why Pixel’s hair looks like that is because his hair grows a bit unevenly, so he shaves down his sides and keeps his bangs. He used to have really fluffy hair that was kinda long that he used to put up.
His gear-
Pixel’s “Shadow Demon Gear” is a black thin hoodie with demon horns, dark gray overalls, boots that makes him 6ft, a black mask that has a stitched mouth designed in a way, his blue bandana, black sunglasses, his voice box, his gloves, and a tail depending on what hoodie he has on. He doesn’t wear a bulletproof vest, he doesn’t wear a helmet, or any shoulder or knee pads, he keeps his ammunition in his pockets, and knife, inhaler, smoke grenades, usually a lighter and a pack of misty cigarettes, in his belt. He also made everything he owns.
The Grim Reaper hates him-
Pixel just refuses to die, he's almost died so many times, either being the 7 attempts he’s made, falling off that oil rig, shot off a bridge, mind you he can’t swim, Buddy’s Death, he just refuses to die, there is no killing him.
His instruments-
Pixel owns a guitar that he plays in private mostly, he will only play it if the person is, 7-11, Graves, U-15, Moribund, and maybe Dawn & Kit, He also owns a violin that he’ll only play in private, the only person he’d played for was Oak.
His anger-
Pixel’s anger has died down a lot, he used to fight random shadows of they pissed him off and it wasn’t a rare thing to see him in a holding cell, he would put Shadows in the medbay after Oak’s death. If he does get angry he’ll punch his wall, or he’ll smoke or drink until he passes out.
Free time-
Pixel likes to play Minecraft surprisingly, he plays on his phone and buys himself Lego sets, he also likes reading about history, he’s a massive history nerd, you can ask him any question and he’ll just answer it like it’s a common one to know about, he also enjoys baking and cooking, he can’t taste many sweet things so he prefers baking for others, he’ll even bake stuff overnight so the shadows can have it in the morning, somethings being, banana bread, bagels, no-bake-cookies, etc.
7-11- pampanope
Dawn & Moribund- tw1nkee28
Kit- olibird
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mariswxt · 1 year ago
we could be more | dean winchester | 7
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
“Alright, jellybean, today’s important.” Dad loaded his gun, both of us in the woods. “Cause today, you’re learning one of the most important lessons I’ll ever teach you.” 
“Yeah?” I asked, also loading my gun.
“There’ll come a time when you’ll be the target of something.” He continued, looking down at me. “And that time may be the moment where it’s the first time that you can’t defend yourself. You could be bound and gagged in a chair in the middle of nowhere, or being tortured or even possessed by something. It’s how you get out of it that counts.” 
“How will I train for that?” 
“Easy.” He clapped me on the shoulders. “I’ll be attacking you. If I come into your sight, don’t hesitate. Shoot, because I’ll be wearing a bulletproof vest.” 
“A-Are you-“
”What do I always say?” 
“Hesitating is for losers.” We said at the same time, and we fist bumped. 
“And we’re winners.” I smirked. 
“Attagirl.” Dad grinned. He disappeared off, so I cocked my gun, holding it out. I heard a twig snap, so I wheeled around in that direction, but there was nothing. Then I whipped around, shooting and hitting Dad in the chest. He fake died, groaning stupidly. “Oh, it hurts! I think I’m dying! Jellybean, why did you shoot your own father…”
”You asked me to.” I giggled.
”I know. Still hurts like hell, though.” He got up and gave me a tenner. “That’s my daughter. If the guy’s asking for it, strike him.”
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”What’s up with you?” I fumed, staring right into Dean’s soul. “After the Weber incident, you haven’t had the respect to look me in the eye.” 
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.” Dean retorted, turning around. 
“Sorry, honey, but ya do. My house, my rules.” 
“My reasons, my rules!” 
“I want to know what this is. If you think my ear is your fault-“
”It is my damn fault, Ivonne!” He burst out, facing me again. 
I scoffed. “Guilt? That’s what’s keeping you from having some common, human decency?” 
“I couldn’t keep myself in check and that’s why you almost died!” 
“I almost died cause of frickin’ Weber, alright?!” 
“Who was controlling me-“ 
“I made that choice!” 
“I’m meant to protect you-“ 
“I made that choice, Dean!” I cried out, stepping forward. “I chose to point that gun at myself, not let you aim it at yourself.” 
“Because I CARE!” I yelled. “Pointing your gun at my chest or ramming a car with my own are both funny ways of showing it, but I care. Sammy cares about you. Ellen and Jo care about you. John cared. You’ve done so much for me, Dean. I’m not letting that go to waste.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “Damn it, Dean. I know you’re trying to protect me, but I’ve also been trained as hard as you have. A nick on the ear isn’t gonna kill me.”
”What if, one day, the nick moves a few inches, huh?” He ticked his jaw, looking at the graze on my right ear. “If it hits bang in the middle of your forehead next time?” 
“It won’t, I promise you.” 
“You can’t promise that.” His voice broke, sitting down on the sofa and burying his face in his hand. “You can’t- I’ve already lost Mom. And Dad. I’m not gonna let anybody kill Sammy, but you run into danger so often that if you die I might not be there to save you. Truth be told, my heart dropped out of my chest when you crashed the Corvette into the car Sammy was in. I knew you’d make sure the kid would be ok, but you wouldn’t be once you’d crashed the car. And there I was, tied up, not able to save you. And when Sammy pulled you out and you had cuts on you and you were bleeding, unconscious, I really, for a moment, thought you were dead.” He started crying, and I immediately walked up to him, letting him rest his forehead on my shirt as he sobbed quietly. 
“I really appreciate what you’re doing, Dean.” I whispered. “I probably wouldn’t be alive without you.” 
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“Where?” I asked as we pulled up at the roadhouse. 
“Los Angeles, California.” Dean replied as we got out of the car. 
“What’s in L.A?” Sam mused, all of us striding towards the roadhouse. 
“Girl’s been kidnapped by an evil cult.”
”Has the girl got a name, Dean?” I smirked. 
“Katie Holmes.”
Sam laughed. “That’s funny.” We stopped, hearing breaking glass and shouts. 
“On the other hand…“ Dean chuckled, “catfight.” We entered, seeing Jo and Ellen duking it out. 
“I am your mother, I don't have to be reasonable!” Ellen yelled. 
“You can’t keep me here!” Jo shouted back. 
”Oh, don’t count on that, sweetie.”
”What are you going to do, are you going to chain me up in the basement?” 
“You know what, you've had worse ideas than that recently. Hey, you don't wanna stay, don't stay. Go back to school.” 
“I don’t belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection.”
”Yeah, and getting yourself killed on some dusty back road, that's where you belong?!” Ellen saw us, and she looked mad. “Boys, Ivvy, bad time.”
”Yes, ma’am.” Sam nodded. 
Dean chuckled awkwardly. “We don’t usually drink before ten anyway-“
”No.” Jo refused. “I want to see what they think.” 
“Ivy, what do you say?” Ellen barked, making me look up. 
“Why me?” I squeaked. 
“Cause you know us best.” 
“Fine. Uh, my honest opinion? I think that Jo coming is a good idea.” 
“You don’t know us best.” 
“Look.” I took Ellen to the side. “I understand your point. But Jo is 25, you can’t keep her here forever. Besides, Anthony trained her for field work, why not let her do it? Just to be clear, I’m not to be blamed for any injuries.” 
“She’s my daughter, Ivonne.” 
“So the decision is ultimately yours. I’m giving you my opinion.” 
“I gotta admit. We hit the road for a lot less.” We heard Sam say. 
“Good. You like the case so much, you take it.”
”Mom!” Jo protested. 
“Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. And I won't lose you too. I just won't.”
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“I kind of feel bad, snaking Jo’s case.” Sam grimaced as we scanned the apartment for EMF. 
“Yeah, maybe she put together a good case.” Dean scoffed. “But do you see her working one of these? I didn’t think so.” 
“Let’s focus on the job.” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “I’m working with idiots.”
”Have you got anything?” 
Sam shook his head. “No. Not yet.” I found the light switch, which had a gooey black substance oozing from it. 
“Boys.” I touched it, rubbing it. “That’s ectoplasm.”
They came to see it, and Sam was instantly confused. Dean, however, “Well, Sam, Beanie, I think I know what we're dealing with here. It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.”
“What I don’t get is that you’d need to be an extremely angry ghost to produce this stuff.” I clicked my tongue. “I’ve seen it five times before, the first 8 years ago.”
”All right, let's find this badass before he snags any more girls.” We left, but heard voices and hid around a corner, but I smirked once I realised who it was. 
“It's so convenient.” Jo, you brilliant little-
“Yeah, it's a great building, fixed it up real nice. All the apartments come furnished, too.” The landlord replied, sounding quite pleased. 
“It is so spacious. You know, my friend told me I absolutely have to come check it out, and I have to admit, she was right. You did a really good job with this place.” 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean hissed, emerging from our hiding spot. Sam and I came out in turn. 
“There you are, honey.” Jo put her arm around Dean’s waist, looking up at him with puppy eyes. “This is my boyfriend Dean, his buddy Sam and my best friend and Sam’s girlfriend Ivonne.” I am? Sam and I shared a look, then Sam put his arm around my waist, kissing my temple to sell it. 
“Good to meetcha. Quite a gal you've got here.” The landlord smiled. 
“Yeah, she’s a pistol.” Dean gave a forced smile. Did he just smack her- 
“So, did you already check out that apartment? The one for rent.” Jo asked.
“Oh, yeah. Great flow.” 
“How’d you get in?” The landlord frowned. 
“It was open.” I replied smoothly.  “Now, Ed, um, when did the last tenant move out?” 
“Oh, about a month ago. Cut and run, too. Stick me for the rent.” 
“Well. Her loss, our gain!” Jo grinned cheerfully. “'Cause if Dean-o loves it, it's good enough for me.” 
“Oh, sweetie.” Dean grinned. Did he just smack her again on the- 
“We’ll take it.” Jo pulled out a wad of money, handing it to the landlord.
“I'll flip you for the sofa.” Jo challenged Dean as we walked into the apartment. 
“Does your mother even know you're here?” Dean scoffed. 
“I told her I’m going to Vegas.” 
“You think she’s gonna buy that?”
”I’m not an idiot. I made Ash lay a credit card trail all the way to the casinos.”
”You know, you shouldn't lie to your mom. Shouldn't be here either.” 
“Well, I am. So untwist your boxers and deal with it.” I smirked at Sam; Dean’s rarely talked to that way.
”Where'd you get all that money from, anyways?” Sam asked. 
“From working. At the roadhouse.” 
“Hunters don’t tip that well.” Dean scoffed. 
“But she does.” Jo nodded to me. 
“Hey, so that was all of the money from the times I tipped you?” I raised an eyebrow. 
“Every penny.” 
Dean got a call from Ellen, which he picked up. “Yeah. Oh, hi, Ellen.” He put his hand over the mic.  “I’m telling her.” The two had a muttered argument, until Dean put the phone back on his ear. “I haven’t seen her. Yeah, I’m sure. Absolutely.” Dean hung up the phone, and Jo smiled sweetly at him. Then I got the phone call. 
I put my phone to my ear. ‘Do you know where she is?’
”I’m doing fine, Ellen, thanks for asking.” 
‘Alright, I get it. Have you seen Jo?’ 
“I just saw you have this conversation with Dean. No, I haven’t.”
‘She says she’s gone to Vegas. I call shenanigans.’
“And you have every right to. But if I do happen to run into Jo, then I’m gonna bring her back as fast as I can, yeah?” 
‘You better.’ 
“Alright, bye.” I cut the call. “Crisis averted. For now.” 
“Thanks, Ivvy.” Jo smiled. 
“It’s ok. Sam, honey?” I turned to Sam, who looked up. 
“Yes, love?” He replied with a grin. 
“Why don’t we leave these two alone to their own devices. Maybe go on a date.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” We linked arms and left the other two  alone.
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We were walking through town, sightseeing while Jo and Dean sorted through their problems. 
“Ivy, I want to ask you something. It’s been on my mind for a while.” Sam started as we both ambled down the street. 
“Yeah?” I replied. 
“Do you ever miss your family?” I bit my lip in thought. “You’ve only talked about them once or twice.” 
“More than anything, Sam.” I smiled. “It doesn’t seem like it a lot of the time, but I’d give anything to bring them back. I was considering performing necromancy to bring them back before I lost my abilities. Or maybe making a deal with a demon and giving myself up to let them live. But no, all I can do is run.” 
“You’re doing the best you can.” He assured. “And I think the best option is running until we figure out what a ‘drop of love’ is.” 
“Yeah, I even melted some candy and put it on the rune to see if that would work.” 
“You did what?” 
“Everybody loves candy.” 
“I’ll help you find what it means.”
“Thanks, Sam.” 
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I was with Jo, looking through the case files. 
“So, no other possibilities?” I asked, looking up. 
“None. Worst death was a janitor slipping on a wet floor.” 
“Yeesh, sounds enough to cause a haunting.” I joked. “May I also add, ‘there you are, honey’?” 
“Can we change the subject?” Jo deflected, blushing. 
“Oh, no, we’re not. The way you look at him, geez, you might as well be dragging him to a secluded corner-“ 
“I did what I had to!” 
“You did what you wanted to.” I smirked. “I know the difference. And, to mask it, say that Sam and I are dating. He’s way taller than me and therefore looks older, but really? I’m a set four years older.” 
“You have to appreciate my quick thinking skills.” 
“Do I?” I raised an eyebrow. “You used the money which I gave you to buy an apartment. Which, may I add, is in a haunted building.” 
“I’ll pay you back!” 
“We’ll be 40 by then.” I scoffed. “Could’ve bought another safe house with that money.” 
“How many safe houses will you have?” 
“You can never be too sure.” I shrugged. “Plus, I own them, so I don’t have to worry about rent.” 
“I pay them the day before I get there.” I pulled out my computer, logging in. I clicked on one of Dad’s logs, tapping the table. 
“What’s that?” 
“I had some suspicions about if the key to getting rid of my seal was in one of Dad’s video logs. He could know something.” 
“Your dad?” 
“He’s always had an answer to almost every problem, a solution to every issue. If anyone will know what breaks the curse, it’s him.” 
“And if he doesn’t have the answer?” 
“I’ll live.” I shrugged. “Until the dreamwalker comes back. By then, if I don’t have my powers, I’m done for.” 
“You’ve fought it three times.” 
“But it gets stronger.” I retorted. “It possessed Dean when he was half-asleep, so it’s not long before it turns into full on demonic possession.”
”So then what?” 
“Kill it or be killed.” 
“Dean doesn’t think I can do this.” She sighed. “I’ve been trained and everything, but I think he’s being a chauvinist.” 
“What makes you think that?” 
“Well, the whole ‘sweetheart’, ‘you can’t do this’ jazz.” 
“Why d’you think I’m here, then?” I shrugged. 
“Because you’ve proven that you’re capable of doing the job. You’ve been hunting for 8 years, been trained for more and you’ve saved his butt many times.” 
“Exactly. Prove to him that you can do the job, then he’ll shut up. Or take you out to dinner.”
Dean woke up, groaning. Jo and I shared a look. 
“Morning, princess.” Jo smirked. Dean sat up, looking around with bleary eyes. 
“Where’s Sam?” He wheezed, running a hand through his hair. 
“Getting coffee.” I got up, holding a hand out. “C’mon, Sleeping Beauty. It looks like you need one.” He took it, letting me haul him up. 
“Ugh. My back. How'd you two sleep on that big, soft bed?” 
“We didn’t, Grandma, so you can ask Sam that.” I chuckled. “We’ve been going over everything.” I took out Carl, asking him to draw pictures of the building and areas around it from the past. Dean took out a Bowie knife, holding it out to Jo. 
“What’s this for?” Jo asked. 
“Work a hell of a lot better than that little pig-sticker you're twirling around.” She handed him his knife, and I exhaled, waiting. 
“William Anthony Harvelle.” 
“Sorry. My mistake.” He handed her knife back, sheathing the Bowie. 
“What do you.. what do you remember about your dad? I mean, what's the first thing that pops into your head?” 
“I was six or seven, and uh, he took me shooting for the first time. You know, bottles on a fence, that kind of thing. I bulls-eyed every one of 'em. He gave me this smile, like... I don't know.” 
“He must have been proud.” 
“What about your dad?” 
“I was still in pigtails when my dad died, but I remember him coming home from a hunt. He'd burst through that door like, like Steve McQueen or something. And he'd sweep me up in his arms, and I'd breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom, who was sour and pissed from the minute he left, she started smiling again. And we were... we were a family. You wanna know why I want to do the job? For him. It's my way of being close to him. Now tell me what's wrong with that.” 
“Ivvy?” I looked up from the laptop, glancing between the two of them. “What d’you remember of your dad?” 
“He was barely there when I turned 18, but yeah, a lot. There was a cabin in the woods that we’d visit every weekend. Here, I have a video that’ll probably give you an idea of him better than I can.” I opened up a video, turning the laptop around. “I’m not great at talking about Dad.” 
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My dad was sitting with me on the sofa. I was 14 at the time, and my mum walked in, recording everything with a giggle. 
“Shh, Audrey, don’t come closer.” Dad put his finger to his lips. 
“Why?” My mom chuckled, stepping closer. 
“She’s asleep.” The camera panned to me, a freckled young girl who was asleep with a book on supernatural creatures on my lap, open to the page of sirens. “She fell asleep when I was explaining siren lore.” 
“Who wouldn’t?” She laughed, “Should we get her to bed?” 
“No, that’s gonna wake her up, being the light sleeper she is.” Dad smiled down at me. “I think- I think I’m gonna stay with her. I’ve been workin’ her too hard, I think. Plus, I want to stay with my daughter. Are Carter, Quinn and Lily asleep?” 
“Like a rock.” 
“A’ight, then, you can nod off in peace.” A tear dropped down his face, and Mom sighed. 
“Mike, honey, what’s wrong?” 
“My jellybean’s growin’ up too fast.” He chuckled, smoothing down my hair. “I remember her first day at kindergarten, huggin’ my leg and tellin’ me that she wanted to stay home. Now she’s fourteen, and she can empty and load a gun faster than I could at her age.” Dad kissed my hair, tucking my blanket further over me. “She’s gonna be such a great woman when she grows up. God knows I’m gonna have to defend ‘er from the boys askin’ for her hand in marriage. I’ve even got my gun ready for her. Cause I know she’ll be ready way before she’s eighteen.” 
“Let’s start with the boy defending, shall we, honey?” 
“Sure, sweetheart.” Dad grinned, then kissed my hair again. “I’ll always be here by your side, jellybean. I promise.” 
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“That’s my dad in a nutshell.” I sighed, closing the video. 
“He seems like a great man.” Dean nodded. “You got raised right.” 
“Then again, I wish I knew him better. I knew him well enough, but not enough.” 
Sam burst through the door, carrying four coffees. “There are cops outside. Another girl disappeared.” 
“I’ll check it out.” Dean got up, thanking Sam and taking the coffee before walking out the door. 
We were studying the notes, while Carl was still drawing the landscape. 
“Teresa Ellis, Apartment 2F. Boyfriend reported her missing around dawn.” Dean announced, walking in. 
“And her apartment?” Jo asked. 
“Cracks all over the plaster, walls, ceiling. There was ectoplasm, too.” 
“Well, between that and that tuft of hair I'd say this sucker's coming from the walls.” Sam deduced, tapping his pen on the table. Carl slid the paper to me, tapping on it. I picked it up, frowning. 
“Yeah, but where is it coming from? The building’s history is clean.” 
“It is, I’ll give it that.” I clicked my tongue. “But we’re lookin’ in the wrong place.” I showed them the paper. “Got Carl to draw this up for me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Look at this.” I tapped it. 
“An empty field?” Sam frowned. 
“No, look at the building next to it. Windows… aren’t really windows.”
”They’re bars.” 
“This used to be next to a prison?” Dean realised. 
“Ivy, you genius.” Jo laughed. 
“Yep. And, doing a quick bit of research…” I sat down, typing. “Okay. Moyamensing prison. Built in 1835, torn down in 1963. And get this. They used to execute people by hanging them in the empty field next door.” 
“Now we need a list of those executed.” Sam breathed in relief. 
“Already on it.” I entered, then clicked my tongue. “157 people. We’re gonna have to narrow that list down. Hey, Carl?” Carl sprang up, flying over. “Narrow this list down, please and thank you.” Carl tapped the down arrow a few times, then wrote down a name on my hand, which I had offered to him. “Herman Webster Mudgett. Wasn’t that H. H. Holmes’s real name?” 
“You've gotta be kiddin' me.” Dean breathed. 
“I wish I was.” I chuckled cynically. “It’s true. Homes was executed at Moyamensing on May 7th, 1896.” 
“H. H. Holmes himself. Come on, I mean, what are the odds?” Sam scoffed. 
“Who is this guy?” Jo asked. 
“The term ‘mass murderer’.” I explained. “Holmes was convicted in the 1800s, widely considered to be the origin of the term ‘serial killer’. Before America even knew what a serial killer was.” 
“Yeah, he confessed to twenty seven murders, but some put the death toll at over a hundred.” Sam added. 
“And his victim flavour of choice? Pretty petite blondes.” Dean grimaced. “He, uh, he used chloroform to kill 'em. Which is what I smelled in the hallway last night. At his place, cops found human remains, bone fragments, and long locks of bloody blonde hair.” He turned to Jo. “Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em.” 
“Well, we just find the bones, salt 'em and burn 'em, right?” Jo gulped. 
“Well, it's not that easy. His body is buried in town, but it's encased in a couple tons of concrete.” Sam sighed. 
“What? Why?” 
“The story goes that he didn't want anybody mutilating his corpse. 'Cause, you know, that's what he used to do.” Dean explained. 
“You know somethin'?” I frowned, tapping the table. “We might have an even bigger problem than that.” 
“How does this get bigger?” Jo groaned. 
“Holmes built an apartment building in Chicago. He called it the Murder Castle. The whole place was a death factory, they had, uh, trap doors, acid vats, quick line pits... he built these secret chambers inside the walls. He'd lock his victims in, keep them alive for days. Some he'd suffocate, others he'd let starve to death.” 
“So Teresa could still be alive. She could be inside these walls.” 
“We need sledgehammers, crowbars. We've got to smash these walls, anywhere thick enough to hide a girl.” Dean frowned.
“And we need bait.” I bit my lip. “The obvious choice would be Jo-“ 
“No, we’re not doing that.” 
“Let me finish.” I raised an eyebrow. “But… I think I should, uh, bust out Miss Boston again. Sans the accent.” 
“No.” Dean refused. “No, I’m not putting you in danger either, Beanie.” 
“If something happens, what are you gonna do, huh?” I retorted. “If I can find a way in there or protect Jo if something happens just to keep Ellen from skinning you alive, isn’t that worth it? And, if you haven’t noticed, neither of you will pass for a pretty blonde woman. You have no other choice, cause there’s no way in hell you two are gonna send Jo alone.” 
“Ivonne, please-“ 
“I’m doing this… Dean.” I gave him a look, and he gave me one back. 
“Dean, I think she should do it.” Sam vouched. 
“Plus, I’m gonna feel a lot safer if I’m captured and she’s there with me.” Jo nodded to me. 
“F-Fine.” Dean agreed reluctantly. 
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That’s how I ended up inside the walls of a hotel, wearing a blonde wig, with these two dorks. 
“Alright, Sam, call me when you’re done with the southeast wall.” I sighed, then cut the call. “Sam's almost done with the first floor. Hasn't found jack squat either.” We stopped. “What is it?” 
“It’s too narrow. We can’t go any further.” Dean replied. 
“Ya sure?” I scoffed, slipping past him. Jo started shimmying past him, a lot slower.
“Ugh. Shoulda cleaned the pipes.”
”What?” Jo blinked. 
“I wish the pipes were cleaner.” 
“Shut up.” 
I peered in the gap, casting a smug look to them. “We can fit in there.” 
“No. You’re not going in alone.” Dean refused. 
“She’s not alone.” I assured. “If anything happens, give me the heat, not Jo. Call me when you’ve lost sight of us.” We went through the gap, and soon after I got a call from Dean. 
‘Where are you?’ 
“Northside wall.” I found an air duct, so Jo and I climbed down. “We’re climbing down an air duct.”
‘No, no, no, no, stay up here.’
“We have to find Teresa, don’t we? We’re fine, Dean.” 
‘Alright, I’m heading to you.’  We emerged in a similar space to before, and I looked around for a moment. Ectoplasm started oozing out through cracks in the walls, and my heart went cold.
”Oh, God.” Jo whispered. 
“Dean, you listen to me.” I urged. “There’s ectoplasm, he’s-“ A hand grabbed Jo, making her scream out as she was almost dragged away by a rotten hand. 
‘Beanie?! IVONNE?!’ 
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” I yelled, firing a shot, but it missed and Jo was subsequently knocked out and dragged away. I looked around, ready to fire another shot as I breathed heavily.
“It’s got Jo, and it’s coming for me-“ I was grabbed and dragged through the vent, dropping my phone as I slid through, ending up on the other side. Jo was already unconscious and in a small box for a cell. 
“So pretty.” Holmes chuckled, staring at me creepily. “So beautiful.”
”Suck it.” I spat back, kicking him.
“You’re a fighter.” He smirked. “You’ll be fun to play with.” He rebounded off the wall, coming towards me and grabbing my arms, forcing me into a chair and clamping me down, grabbing me by the neck. “But you’ve got to be punished first.” He took a knife, making a cut almost surgically on my cheek, so slow it was almost torture. He then slashed it straight through my shirt and catching my stomach, making a not-so-deep cut, but still enough to hurt. 
“You sick monster.” I growled. “When I get out of these cuffs, I will-“
”Do what?” He scoffed, setting up a drip machine. “Don’t worry, darling, this won’t hurt. It’s just going to… numb… the pain.” 
“What the hell are you doing to-“ I cried out when he stuck the drip needle into my arm, twisting the valve and making the clear liquid drip down and into my arm. “I will shoot your sorry little butt, you hear me?!” 
“I don’t think you will be in much state to do that after this, sweetheart.” He whispered, caressing my cheek and spreading the blood. He grabbed a whip and hit me hard on the back, but I only felt the impact and not the pain. My head snapped sideways, feeling another impact there, and then I felt this pressure trail down both of my arms. “I think I’ll take a lock of your hair.” He tugged on my hair, but looked horrified when the wig came off. 
“I forgot to mention.” I smirked weakly, “I’m not blonde.” 
“How DARE you!” I felt a harsh slap on my cheek again, but the only reaction I had was a small exhale as I tasted blood, seeing some drop down on my jeans. “You’re going to sleep now, little bird.” I saw him leave, and the scene around me started spinning and becoming more blurry than the last time it spun, my head hanging forward as I felt weighted down towards the ground. My limbs went limp, a weak sigh leaving my  mouth as I tried to keep my eyes open. 
“Jo?” I said the best I could, but it came out as a whisper before I blacked out.
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I opened my eyes, coughing out some blood and finding more bruises on me than when I was last awake. 
“Is your name Teresa?” I heard Jo ask.
”Yes.” A person replied meekly.
”This won't make you feel better, but I'm here to rescue you. So is my friend, Ivy, she’s here somewhere.”
”I ain’t gonna do jack squat, Jo.” I replied hoarsely, almost like I was talking with a voice that wasn’t mine. “He’s sedated me pretty good. I can’t move or feel any pain.”
”Oh god. He's out there, he's gonna kill us!” Teresa cried. 
“No, he won't. We're getting out. My friends are looking for us, they'll find us.” Jo assured.
”Shh, just be quiet!” I heard everything go silent, then I heard Jo scream just before Holmes returned with a chunk of blonde hair. 
“You may not be blonde,” He smirked, pulling my head back. “but you are pretty.”
”I’m flattered.” I spat, gritting my teeth. He sharply tugged, taking out a small bit of black hair. “I’ll be back.” He released the valve some more, making me lean my head back as I felt half-asleep, Jo’s next screams falling almost deaf on my ears, including a soft explosion noise. 
“You alright?” I heard Dean say, and I smiled extremely faintly, not feeling in control of any of my muscles. I couldn’t even feel them, if I was being honest. 
“Been better. Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back.” Jo replied. Thank god, she was safe.  
“Dean!” I heard Sam yell. “I found Ivy! Dear God.” I heard running, and saw four figures carved out in my blurry vision. 
“Beanie.” I heard Dean gasp. “BEANIE!” The drip in my arm was carefully pulled out, and my head was gently turned to face who I could make out to be Dean. He leaned his forehead on mine briefly, taking a look at me. “What’s that jackass done? Look at you- Sam, find a way to get these cuffs open.” 
“I fought him.” I whispered, coughing slightly. “I tried to fend him off, but-“
”Don’t you worry about that, we’re gonna get you to an ambulance.” Sam cracked the cuffs open, and Dean caught me as I fell forward, picking me up with one hand hooked under my knees and the other under my waist. 
“What did he do to her?” Teresa whispered. 
“She was trying to protect me.” Jo sobbed, covering her mouth with her hand.
”I’m sorry to do this right now, Jo, but…” Dean grimaced. “Remember when I said you being bait was a bad plan? Now it's kind of the only one we got.”
”I’m working a gun.” I groaned. 
“No, you’re not.”
”I am. I would tear him a new one, if I could.” 
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I was propped up by Sam, waiting with my gun ready. Jo was in the centre of the room, waiting. 
“Are you feeling better?” Sam whispered. 
“I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t.” I replied quietly. 
“I’m asking cause you’re a stubborn son of a gun.”
“Now!” Dean yelled, and we emerged from hiding as Jo dived out of the way, all of us shooting at bags of salt around the room, which spilled to form a perfect circle. Holmes started screaming gibberish, storming around the circle.
“Scream all you want, but there's no way you're stepping over that salt!” Jo shouted, and Dean picked me up again so we could leave and seal that cell.
”Take that, Holmes.” I spat. 
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The last I heard of Holmes was that he was trapped by cement. Poetic. 
However, Ellen had flown in and now we were all experiencing an uncomfortable ride home. My head was resting on Sam’s shoulder, and he stroked my side to stop my trembling. 
“Well, you really weren’t kidding about flying out, huh?” Dean joked, but Ellen was stone cold. “How about we listen to some music?” He flicked the radio on, but then Ellen reached in and flicked it off. “This is gonna be a long ride.”
When we got back to the roadhouse, I was able to walk with barely any assistance (that being a walking stick), but still needed a watchful eye. Dean tried to vouch with Ellen. “Ellen? This is my fault. Okay? I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo did good out there, I think her dad would be proud.”
“Don’t you dare say that. Not you. Now, I need a word with my daughter. Alone.” Ellen dragged Jo inside, slamming the door behind her. A bit later, Jo emerged, looking mad. Dean followed after her, but she seemed to brush him off until she turned around and told him something that took him aback. I ambled towards her, frowning as Dean left. 
“What’s going on, Jo?” I asked. “Joanne Beth Harvelle, I know you better than you probably know yourself. What happened?” 
“The hunt that my dad got killed on? He had a partner that screwed up. That was John Winchester.”
I sighed. “I’m so sorry, Jo.”
”Can I blame them? Tell me I can.”
”You can’t.” I clicked my tongue. “But you feel like you have to, but you can only do that for so long. Just keep in touch, yeah?”
”Of course. I can’t stay away from you for long.” She smiled, hugging me. “Stay safe. Recover.”
”You know I will.” 
“I know you’ll get up on another hunt quickly.”
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Dean brought me water, sitting down at my feet of my bed. “Are you feeling better?”
”Much better.” I smiled. 
“Listen, Beanie-“
”Don’t do the thing where you blame yourself.” I held up a hand, sighing. “I made the choice to put myself down there, whether I was useless against Holmes or not. I may have saved Jo from getting hurt more than a few locks of hair pulled from her head.” 
“It doesn’t make up for Sam finding you looking like you’ve been to hell and back.” 
I took his hand. “My dad told me that there’ll come a time when you’ll be the target of somethin’. It could also be the time where I can’t defend myself. I could be bound and gagged to a chair in the middle of nowhere, tortured or even possessed, it’s just how I get out of it that counts. I wasn’t scared in that chair. For Jo and Teresa, yes, but you and Sam were lookin’ for us. I didn’t feel the need to worry.” 
“Even when he was hurting you?” 
“No. Cause that drug made me numb to it. Trust me, it hurts like hell right now, but it was worth it. Hell of a story.” I joked. “Tortured by H. H. Holmes himself.” 
“It is a hell of a story.” Dean grinned, hugging me. 
“Hey - ouch - watch out on the lacerations.” 
“But they’re everywhere.” 
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ironwoman18 · 7 months ago
Rather Be - Part 15
Chapter 15: Halloween
Anya was at school and Becky walked to her “This friday will be halloween!!” she said excited to Anya “And my parents will organize a party for adults and children” she said proudly “you and your parents should go” 
“I will tell them” said Anya, a little unsure, her dad had been arriving late those days, because he had a lot of missions and her mom was also busy killing bad guys.
Becky looked happy with that answer and she handed her an invitation to the party “I hope to see you there” she said with a big smile.
Anya nodded and left to go to the bus that will take her home. She really wanted to go so she might use the mission as an excuse so her father couldn't say no. Her evil smile made some kids look at her scared but she didn't pay attention to them.
When she arrived there was already Loid “oh hey Anya” he opened the door. His face showed he was tired so she read his mind. 
“That mission was harder than expected and Nightfall was extra hard to deal with... I might ask the Handler to stop sending me on missions with her for a while”
The creepy woman again, which made Anya have a scared face “daddy, Becky gave Anya this” she handed him the invitation.
Loid read it and Anya didn't need to read his mind to know what he was thinking, he seemed please with the possibility of being closer to so many important people then she read his mind “This is perfect, I will ask the Handler to not give me any mission on Halloween night. Operation Strix will have an important side mission” then Loid said with a warm smile “sounds like fun. We should go”
Anya smiled and jumped up and down “yay!! Tomorrow I will tell Becky!!”
Loid laughed “we will go tomorrow to look for Halloween costumes for us” he said smiling big at his daughter.
Later Yor arrived and they told her about their plans for Friday night’s plans and Yor was also excited about the idea of that party.
The next day after classes, Yor and Loid asked to leave earlier and left to meet with Anya and buy Halloween costumes.
They visited a lot of stores. In the end Loid bought the vampire costume and so did Yor, Anya, on the other hand, bought a Bondman costume and neither Loid nor Yor could convince her to get a proper Halloween costume so they just decided to let her have it.
That night arrived and after Anya was done with her costume, Yor went to get ready. Loid was also done so he kept an eye on Anya so she didn't ruin her costume before the party.
Loid was wearing a black suit, white shirt and blood red tie, he had a red cape and fake fangs in his mouth. Yor applied some makeup on his face so he looked like one of those vampires in movies. 
An hour later Yor walked out of her room and Loid's jaw almost fell off at the sight of his wife. She was wearing a black long dress that hugged her curves perfectly, her hair was wrapped into a messy bun, her makeup was light but she definitely looked better as a vampire then Loid, she was wearing her normal high heels and she was also using the fake fangs, and her lips had red lipstick on.
“Mommy you look scary!!” Said Anya looking at her.
Yor laughs “that’s what Halloween is about dear Anya” she said with a smile then she looked at Loid and blushed, noticing his eyes on her “are we ready to leave?” He nodded and shook his head to recover the ability to speak.
“Y...yeah... Let's go” he stood up and walked towards her and offered her his arm to hold while he held Anya's hand and they walked out of the house. The car he rented arrived and they left for the Blackbell house.
Loid without noticing held Yor's hand as he played with her fingers gently. He didn't understand why he was nervous. Maybe because he will be surrounded by important members of the politics of Ostania, without a gun or a bulletproof vest on.
He only had his powerful memory and microphones he would place in key places so his boss could listen to everything.
Yor thought he was nervous because of the high profile people they were going to meet, she was happy that they won't recognize her, mostly because she never leave survivors to tell others about her. Of course there were legends of the Thorn Princess but no one knows how she looks.
Anya could read all those thoughts and was excited because her parents were amazing at their jobs.
They arrived and Loid made sure to place the microphones in place as he “help” the Blackbell servants with the final details before the big fish arrived. 
Which happened minutes later and the party started. The kids had special activities under the careful eyes of Martha and other bodyguards under Blackbell's orders.
The adults were talking, having drinks and some others dancing. Loid could noticing some eyes on Yor so he never left her side and held her hand tightly.
They met with Melinda Desmond “oh Melinda, did you came alone?” Asked Yor smiling.
“Yes... Donovan hates these kind of parties so it's up to me to come here with my boys” she said with a fake smile. Loid noticed she was tense at the mention of her husband.
“She hates him very much, but why?” Thought Loid looking at Yor talking to her about other topics and he saw how Melinda relaxed and smiled truthfully.
He decided to leave them and headed to make new “friends”. He was sure those men would tell him more information if he asked them the right questions.
Meanwhile Sylvia and her team were hearing the conversations at the WISE HQ and taking notes.
“This operation is giving us so much information thanks to Twilight” she said smiling.
They continued to work throughout the night while Loid made sure to also talk and dance with his wife so no one suspected him for asking too many questions.
Before the party was done all of them were sent to the garden for a fireworks show. Anya ran to them holding a small plastic pumpkin full with candies.
She held her father's legs asking for him to pick her up. Then he picked up and his other hand was wrapped around Yor.
They watched the show Loid found them more entertaining than the ones at the cruise ship. Maybe because they are together now and Yor was as excited as Anya and she looked adorable.
Before they left, Loid recovered the microphones and destroyed them so they couldn't connect anything to him.
Thirty minutes later they arrived home after the party. Anya was already asleep in Yor’s arms, so she went to lay her while Loid changed into his pajamas. Then he got out and drank water then he looked at Yor walking to him “Anya is in bed already, I will change now” she smiled and Loid nodded smiling back.
He looked at her as she walked in her bedroom. Loid couldn't deny it any longer, he liked how Yor looked in that dress and couldn't stop looking at her.
In fact he was developing strong feelings toward her, mostly possessiveness whenever a man looked at her, even if that man was her best friend.
She walked out already changed into her pajamas and she looked at him “did you have fun?” He nodded and handed her a glass of water.
“Yes, did you?”
“Yes, most definitely. It was fun” she said smiling “I still wonder why Melinda looks so sad when I mentioned her husband”
“Yes I wonder the same” he said thoughtfully “I suppose you aren't that close to her to ask her about it”
“I'm not...” She said looking down and held his hand “I know we aren't a real married couple but I could never imagine myself hating you like that”
He smiled and pulled her closer for a hug “if that ever happened... I will hate myself because I hurted you and that I failed as a husband and person” he said looking down at her and smiled and all the sudden, Yor kissed him.
It took him two seconds to understand what was happening and he decided to kiss her back, something that Yor internally was thankful for because she was worried he couldn't kiss her back.
It was her first kiss so it was awkward and full of inexperienced so after a while Loid took the lead making sure she learned how to do it. He was gentle and was intoxicated by her lips. 
Sadly the air became a major necessity for them so they broke apart slowly, Yor’s face was redder than a tomato “I... I'm sorry...” She whispered and tried to move away, however she couldn't move because he had his arms wrapped around her.
“I kissed you back so it wasn't something I didn't want” he said looking at her, his blue eyes seemed warm and without any hint of anger toward her “I think it's getting late. Maybe we should go to bed” she nodded hypnotized by his eyes.
He gave her a small kiss on her lips making her blush again then he, reluctantly, let her go.
She walked to her room turning to look at him, something inside her wanted to continue and he was feeling the same but he was sure that, if they continued, he might not be able to control himself.
He went to his bedroom right after her and with the sensation of her lips on his, he fell asleep.
Aaaaaaaand they kiss!!! I wanted the right moment for their first kiss but first I needed to build up their closeness. I hope you liked this one.
I might have an idea for them to have Christmas. 
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year ago
How to know which ghostface killer will be one to do the 'killer returns'
In Every Scream movie, the survivors and our chosen final girl have killed either one or both of the ghostface killer believing it be over until one of them pops up and tries to attack until they are killed by one of the survivors. This is called 'the killer comes back for one last kill' trope which happens a lot in the Scream movies. One of the things I notice is the fan's confusion on how can this killer be one to do that since the last time, we saw them. They look pretty much dead. However there appears to be a formula and hints to know which killer is going to be one to do the killer coming back for one last scare. This being-
1. How injured the killer is
2. How likely they are dead, the last time we see them
3. The motive itself
In Scream 1, Billy is one to does the killer coming back but is shot in the head by Sidney. While watching act 3, you can tell that Stu is wounded badly since at one part, he sit down, while Billy is destroying the pillows in the living room and appears to be angry at Sidney for ruining their plans. Stu does run and attack Sidney when she knocks Billy out. But because of how wounded he is, Sidney has the upper hand and kills him by pushing the TV on him which electrocuted and crushed his head.
After finding out that Randy had survived, Billy comes back and punches Randy. He tackles Sidney and tries to strangle but is shot once by Gale. Sidney, Gale and Randy are looking at billy's body. Randy tells them to be careful since this is usually the part where the killer comes back. Billy wakes up, but Sidney shoots him in the head. Like I said before Billy is less wounded than Stu and is only shot and stabbed in the shoulder. It make sense for Billy to be the killer to do this due to his motive. Billy has vengeance and blood-lust towards Sidney and her family since he blames Maureen for breaking up his family even though his father is also at fault. Because Billy along with Stu killed Maureen in 1995, than In 1996, started the woodsboro murders. It is shown that Billy wasn't going to stop unless somebody does.
In Scream 2, this one has a expect the unexpected. Which we believe that Mrs Loomis is going to be the killer to do the trope but It ends up being mickey where he jumps back which made Sidney and Gale to turn around shoot him multiple times until he fell back and die. While both Mrs Loomis and Mickey weren't injured badly with Mrs Loomis only shooting Mickey in the chest once. Meanwhile for Mrs Loomis. She is shot in the neck by Cotton Weary and looked pretty much dead. Mickey being the one to do the killer coming back is most likely his relation to his blood-lust.
In Scream 3, Roman Bridger is the only killer in the third movie. But during act 3 with his fight with Sidney. Roman more has the upper hand and is wearing a bullet proof vest. During the attack, Sidney stabs him twice with an ice pick in places where the skin is exposed but isn't completely dead. Roman's jealousy and hatred towards Sidney and the life she had that he believe he was robbed by is what kept him from dying.
In Scream 4, Charlie and Jill reveal themselves to be the killer and tell them their motive and plan. Jill ends up betraying Charlie whom is oblivious to the original plan. Charlie is stabbed in the heart by Jill. After Jill stabs Sidney until she was unconscious. Jill goes onto self-mutulates her so it makes it look like there's been an attack in order to make her look like the victim. While Jill does self-mutilate. She did it in a sense that she can heal in no time. Jill finds out that Sidney is still alive and goes to kill her. Jill get electrocuted by the defibrillator and should've been dead. It look like she wasn't in good state when trying to attack Sidney since it's possible that her brain was being fried so Sidney just had to shoot her to put Jill down for good.
Jill being one to do the trope make sense since she has more a vendetta against Sidney. Jill has jealousy towards Sidney comes from the fact that Sidney got this attention and fame. Which resulted Jill into being neglected and how she believed in order to get the attention that she believes deserve. She has to become a victim like her cousin.
In Scream 5, Amber is the one who does the killing coming back by running towards Gale, Sidney and Sam until she is shot in the head by Tara. While watching Act 3, Sidney and Gale team up to kill Amber while Sam goes on to kill Richie. Richie is stabbed 22 times by Sam while Amber is shot twice caused her to be pushed back into the stove where she lit on fire. I've seen fans confused on how amber could survive this. Amber is burnt badly but not in a way that she is 100% dead. There are burnt victims who survive house fires and among others. Amber's motive of coming back to kill the girls could more so her blood-lust like mickey's. Another one could be is that she was avenging Richie and wanted to finished the job that that they started.
In Scream VI, it's Ethan who does the trope. Ethan is stabbed in the mouth but he isn't shot in the head like Quinn was or stabbed multiple times like detective Bailey. Ethan has this adrenaline to kill and he is the most sadistic of them. Ethan coming back could be him avenging his family but also wanting to make his father proud of him. However, he killed by Kirby whom shoves a tv on head to crush him.
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
Sorry if this sounds weird, but I hope it makes sense: Day, Formal, Wardrobe for Imp Leo vs Pub Leo
I GOT CHU, I GOT CHU! I think, at least, so let me take a swing at this. I am. so sorry it's taking me 800 years to get through everything. This semester be kickin' my butt, but I have been sitting on so many Leo questions for so long. Come back into the light, my favorite little smuggling goblin child...
[character design oc asks]
DAY - What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
I think even in just casual wear, Leo felt a lot of pressure from particularly their parents growing up about what kind of image they were putting out as a family to the rest of Imperial society. That probably meant still a fair bit of neutral colors - gotta love those Imperial grays. And probably a lot more long sleeved shirts, partially because of the cold periods on Ziost, but also because it means Leo could fidget with the ends of his sleeves. Things were likely a bit more properly fitted in contrast to now that he's defected and running his own life (not... always well, but... running!), he definitely prefers things that are maybe a size too big. He wants to be comfortable. I could totally see him as a band tee kind of kid. Assorted graphical t-shirts for the win.
Also, not exactly a part of any of this set, but... I do imagine he was also a lot neater with how he wore his hair when still Imperial, at least around family. If only because Vivienne and their mother probably fussed over him almost obsessively before letting him out anywhere and he grew tired of hearing about it all the time. He's picked up the habit since defecting (unintentionally) of keeping a stock of hair ties around his wrist. Not actively because he needs to use three at a time, but because he habitually abandons them on any flat surface when he lets his hair down and then forgets about them, so he ends up collecting them as he finds them in an effort to try not to forget them again.
FORMAL - What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Leo would... actually cringe if you ever suggested him wear a suit ever again. As much as I'd love to see him in maybe a dark blue vest or something at least because it'd probably look very nice with his eyes, I think some kind of suit look tended to be the default to please the family. Or at least a sort of... business, fitted top and... honestly probably a bow tie. Can't see this man in the long neck tie to save my life. He probably knows how to do one, but blood of the Emperor would it kill his soul to wear one kdanflsadfnlsfd.
He has very little in formal wear these days. He's... glaringly lacked the need to since his defection and he's quite happy to keep it that way. You'd literally make him pout like a petulant teenager if you asked him to dress up. He hates it. (Because it is so buried in ties to the expectations his father had of him to live up to the family name and their standards and impressions of what he should do; a lot of it is from his father's expectations, but his mother and older sister contributed a fair bit, too.)
I'm so sorry to Dash that Leo still preens over Dash like... Leo could have bangs falling in his eyes while he's trying to perfectly part Dash's hair and just shrug off this glaring hypocrisy. Which is... something in there about Leo's perception of himself being not all that great (and thus having a bit of a hard time necessarily seeing whatever Dash might see in him as far as positive and admirable qualities) because the Family Disappointment syndrome, but that's.... a whole other thing to unpack dfkladsnfls.
WARDROBE - How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Listen. Leo probably has a selection of like five shirts that he loves to bits and, no, mending garments is not one of his little skills. He will wear things down and he'd also probably be the type to wear the same thing for several days straight because he got behind on laundry or just... because he was comfortable and not particularly seeing people. He still might honestly try even if neither of those things are exactly true. I don't think he... likes the idea of fashion shopping in general, given the connotations for him. And, again, for as much as he can preen about others, he's... not particularly always on top of his own appearances. He's... shit at taking his own advice, frankly. Including the bit that the way you dress yourself can affect how you think and feel about yourself. It's not necessarily about affording things, he just... has mixed feelings about the shopping bit. Sometimes it is liberating to add more one-size-too-large graphic prints to his collection by the handfuls and others the simple idea of having to replenish and update the wardrobe seems like the most insurmountable, horrible, terrible task you could ever ask him to do. How could you do this to him.
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dujour13 · 2 years ago
👫 for a scene with a parent Sia!
Thank you Chimera 🥰 This one feels like a mess but I'm posting it anyway because it's close to my heart. Teen Sia learning how to bard.
“I hate recitals,” moaned Dan. “They just sit there and clap like this.” She tapped her fingertips to her palm and put on a hilarious cross-eyed insipid face that made Siavash double up giggling.
Sia loved recitals, but he decided that wasn’t the thing to say to Dan, whose relationship with the violin was like an epic battle of archenemies. “Don’t be nervous,” he chided, leaning his shoulder into hers playfully. “It’ll be fine.”
“I can’t believe Ms Lightfoot let you get away with wearing that. Old Vrock Face must be in a good mood or something.”
The dress code was white shirt, black trousers. He wouldn’t be caught dead.
But whatever the reason, he’d take what he could get. A not-yelled-at day was a good day.
And better yet it wasn’t likely his father would manage to squeeze the recital into his schedule this evening between the gala rehearsal and Leila’s piano lessons. Thank Desna.
When it was his turn, he kept his eyes down as he took a seat on the stool in front of the school hall and tuned his guitar, butterflies tickling in his stomach because he knew he was going to kill it, but also because Doran Mirani might be there and the prospect filled him with a volatile, sparking alchemist’s mixture of excitement and dread.
Ms Lightfoot gave him a suspiciously bright nod from the wings. At last he dared to glance up at the small audience of parents on their folding chairs.
Oh no.
There he was. You couldn’t miss him. A soft multicolored hat angled to one side of his head, a purple scarf knotted at his throat and a brightly embroidered vest laced over his tunic. He gave his son an encouraging smile.
His fingers froze on the strings.
In the silence that followed, Ms Lightfoot bustled over with an ingratiating simper to adjust the height of his music stand and ruffle the pages of the sheet music.
Desperate he searched for an escape route in the wings. Dan was standing there fake-clapping and crossing her eyes. It did cheer him up. Biting his lip against a laugh he dipped his head to hide behind his hair.
Deep breath. He could do this.
The strings taut against his calloused fingertips seemed to say, It’ll be fine.
And as soon as he began to play it all fell away. Soft notes at first, barely brushing the strings, the lead-in an invitation like a pleasant half-formed thought, drawing them in, until he felt more than heard the hush that fell over the hall.
Their attention is what did it. The storm of butterflies in his stomach exploded. A rush of tingling warmth surged into his hands and poured out through them into the music and resonated with it so that the more he played the more rapt they became and the more rapt they became the more the music came alive.
On the edge of his vision Vrock Face was in the wings furiously making the cut-off-your-own-head gesture to stop him.
At the end of the song he didn’t wait for applause—which was not so insipid this time—to run for the wings and bury his burning face in Dan’s surprised shoulder.
“You used magic—how dare you—” Vrock Face was livid.
“I didn’t me-ean to!” Oh gods his voice broke.
“Sia, let’s go.” His father, already backstage and reaching for him. “My apologies. I would stay longer but the orchestra, you know.”
“Of course, of course, Mr Mirani, it’s an honor to have such a distinguished musician with us this evening…” Vrock Face stuttered.
Soon they were outside, taking the quayside route home, Siavash gripping his guitar case white-knuckled and striding in that angry teenage way that he hoped would discourage the Talk he had coming.
All his dad said was, “I think you need a new guitar teacher.”
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astra-galaxie · 1 year ago
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"No. A fit of rage would have been me strangling his fat neck!" -Maaike Archer
Biographical information
Full Name: Maaike Archer
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Incarcerated
Age: 80 (season 3)
Birth: 1936
Race: Human
Nationality: Dutch
Origin: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Los Angeles, California
Amsterdam, Netherlands (formerly)
Past profession(s): Flight Attendant
Jack Archer-Adams (grandson)
Milan Archer-Adams (son)
Giselle Archer-Adams (daughter-in-law)
Lance Archer (husband) (deceased)
Height: 5’3”
Age: 80 (season 3)
Weight: 129lbs
Eyes: brown
Blood: A+
Maaike Archer is an elderly woman who has become petite in her old age. Her short white hair is curly on the ends, and she has warm brown eyes. She wears comfortable black pants, a white blouse with long, flowing sleeves, a sky-blue vest with matching shoes and simple silver jewellery.
As per her suspect appearance in Call Me, Kill Me, it is known that Maaike knows electronics, has watched The Little Mermaid and has visited Galaxieland. In this suspect appearance, Maaike had a bruise on her neck.
Maaike was the killer in Call Me, Kill Me. She is also Jack's grandmother and the mother of Milan Archer-Adams.
She is a retired flight attendant who has always had a love for travelling the world and visiting other countries. She and Lance married young and later had Milan. Maaike always wanted a big family, but Lance put his foot down, claiming one kid was enough for him. But even if she didn’t have more kids, Maaike treasured Milan and was like a second mother to all his friends.
She was happy to be married to a man like Lance. While he could be cold and rough around the edges, he was a good detective and father. Or at least she thought he was… While she wouldn't find out about the full extent of his misdeeds until years later, it was hard to deal with his alcoholism and explosive outbursts.
But Maaike persevered even when she was convinced that she should divorce Lance. His drinking put a strain on their marriage, but Lance kept promising her that he would quit and that he could change. Maaike had her doubts, especially when he nearly drank himself to death and ended up in the hospital on the verge of liver failure. That was the shock Lance needed to finally quit his addiction, and Maaike was able to see a brighter, happier future ahead of them.
And that future entailed a trip to Niagara Falls, a place Maaike always wanted to visit. She had even managed to convince Milan and Giselle to join her and Lance on the trip. Her son and husband hadn’t gotten along since Milan was a teenager, but Maaike hoped they would be able to act civil on the trip at the very least. Everything seemed to be going well at first until one night when Maaike caught Milan trying to cover up a bruise beside his eye before dinner.
That night, Maaike learned the biggest secret her son and husband had been hiding for decades. Milan broke down and confessed to the abuse he endured from Lance when Maaike was away for work. Every hit, broken bone and time spent locked in a closet. He sobbed as he told her how Lance had hit him earlier that day just because Milan offered to try and fix his phone.
Maaike’s blood boiled as she comforted her son. But through her anger, she felt disappointment towards herself for not noticing the abuse her husband had been doing to their son. She couldn't believe that Milan had suffered in silence for so many years, but at least now she understood why he didn't want anything to do with his father.
And her anger was only heightened when she discovered what Lance truly thought about their grandson. It wasn't Jack’s fault that he had been conceived through such a horrible way, and that certainly was no reason for Lance to refuse to acknowledge the man as his grandson. To think all the times Lance had smiled and laughed with Jack while reminiscing about his days as a detective had been a lie. Lance hated the boy before he was even born, and Maaike refused to stay silent now that the truth had come to light.
Once Milan had cried himself to sleep, Maaike stormed down the hotel hallway to her and Lance’s room to confront her husband. But before she could enter, she overheard Lance talking to someone on his phone. While she usually wouldn’t listen in on his private conversations, she was long past caring about what he wanted. Listening to Lance’s side of the conversation, she learned about his plan to blackmail Jack into betraying his teammates to prove that Lance was useful and should be spared. She had no idea who Lance was planning to extort Jack too, but she wasn’t going to let Lance hurt her family anymore.
Maaike spent the night scheming how to take her husband out. She’d always been creative and planned to use her smarts to her advantage. Eventually, she decided to use the catalyst that led to her discovering Lance’s true self: his cell phone.
It was surprisingly easy for her to rig up an explosive battery but harder to swap the batteries in Lance’s phone. Just as she had made the switch, Lance walked in on her, yelling about how Maaike had been cheating on him. Maaike denied the accusations and tried to leave, but Lance grabbed her hard enough to leave a bruise on the side of her neck. The attack further fueled her desire to stop Lance from hurting anyone else, and once she managed to get Lance off of her, she escaped, leaving the explosive cell phone with him.
With the switch made, the only thing left was waiting until it was the perfect time to detonate the device. She chose to wait until Lance was alone at the 360 Restaurant before calling him, thus setting off the bomb without even needing to be in the same building as him. She felt terrible for the people who had to witness Lance’s murder, but her satisfaction of ridding the world of such a vile man overshadowed the guilt.
Even after being caught, Maaike didn’t regret what she had done. She may have failed to protect Milan when he was a child from his father’s abuse, but she wasn’t going to fail him and Jack anymore. Lance couldn’t hurt Milan, nor could he blackmail Jack into betraying the Bureau now that he was dead. She protected her family as a mother and grandmother should, and even if she must spend her remaining days behind bars, she will die happy. Her only hope is that she will be remembered with love from her family once her time on Earth is over, and she must move on to the afterlife.
Story Information
First appeared: Call Me, Kill Me
Her quote was picked by Issy5316(Wattpad)/Lizardkiller(Ao3)
I made her Dutch because of an image I found on Jack’s Criminal Case Wiki page. It was a quiz question asking what language Jack was fluent in. And while I couldn't decide which one was the right answer, it did help me come up with Maaike’s nationality!
Back when she was a flight attendant, she would always bring Milan a souvenir from wherever she travelled to
While not a pilot, she inspired Jack to get his pilot license by telling him about her travels and how fun it is to fly across the sky
Jack, Milan, and Giselle send her letters, pictures and care packages while she’s in prison and also visit Maaike regularly. She may have killed someone, but they still love their grandmother, mother, and mother-in-law, respectively
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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mutifandomlover · 2 years ago
Day 4:Write about your MCs personal style.
Vince Graham:Vince wears a white long-sleeved shirt with a light blue sweater vest. He also wears tacky pants with a black belt and silver buckle. Lastly, he has on black dress shoes. He doesn't wear any jewelry or anything in his hair, but he is sometimes seen with safety goggles and gloves in his garage when working on his inventions. He is a well organized person, and his outfit represents that. He's also a smart person, so his outfit also reflects his interest in books. Mainly books about machinery.
Shujin Ishikawa:Shujin wears a plain black kimono with green trim and a green belt around his waist. He also wears black sandals. He usually wears this because of his ultimate talent, which is the ultimate samurai. His family also has traditional japanese values. So he's used to wearing a kimono.
August Renning:August usually wears a white long-sleeved shirt with a red vest, black pants, and black dress shoes. He also wears black gloves on almost everywhere he goes. He dresses in a professional manner because he is influenced by his father to dress appropriately with his job, and since he's a pizzeria manager, he feels that he needs to look neat and tidy with his outfit. He also has some scars that he tries to hide and yes, they're some on his hands.
Lindsey Bolton:Lindsey is usually seen wearing a yellow shirt. A brown leather jacket with white fuzz at the ends of it. Blue jeans and purple sneakers. She also wears glasses that have a bifocal on both lenses. Her hair is also dyed yellow, blue, green, and purple. She even has a silver ring with an emerald gemstone. That's her birth month stone. Lindsey is a free spirit and believes in freedom for others. She doesn't like oppression or anything that takes away people's ideas. Her outfit reflects her outgoing personality. The four colors in her hair also represent her powers. Yellow and blue are her abilities involving sand and water, aka an oasis. Green represents her ability to summon and control certain spirits. Purple represents how she talks to the dead and brings the dead from the spirit world.
Zleopatra:As Pharaoh of Egypt, Zleopatra wears the traditional fashion in his country. A white robe with a light blue and gold belt around his waist. He also wears golden sandals and golden jewelry. He had an amulet that was the Eye of Horus. He wears black eyeliner around his eyes. White was a common color for royalty, and it was associated with the gods. He also has a coat of lion skin that he wears at parties to show off his wealth. He represents his kingdom and Horus, so his outfit reflects his dignity and grace.
Zaseem Abubakar:Zaseem wears a black and gold sleeved top, white baggy pants, and curly-toed black shoes. He also has gold and silver gauntlets, multiple colored amulet, black and gold shoulder pads, gold and silver earrings, and a gold and silver ring. He is King of the Djinns, and his outfit reflects his connection to light and dark, as well as the different elements that he controls.
Ophelia Brown:Ophelia wears a white long-sleeved shirt with a purple necklace, a long brown skirt, and black dress shoes. She dresses in a simple manner and is a follower of God. Later on in life, she still wears the same outfit but added a few things to it. She now has a purple witch hat with a black ribbon around it, a purple vest, and amethyst jewelry. She becomes a witch due to certain events that ended up getting her family killed, and she uses her magic to protect her friends and loved ones that remain.
Ventus:Ventus wears classic armor to defend himself with in battle. Helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots. When he's not on an adventure, he's wearing a blue tunic, pants, and brown shoes. He considers himself a hero, so he usually takes his armor with him and shows off his skills to others.
Geo Stelar:Geo has a small update on his outfit in my MMSF4 story. He still has his green visualizer, golden star-shaped pendent, red long-sleeved shirt with white shoulder markings, yellow detailing, and a closed collar. A large yellow band around his waist and a light blue belt with a silver buckle for his back pockets. Dark blue knee-length shorts and his red boots with white and black soles, as well as small yellow protrusions on his heels. Red fingerless gloves with yellow squares on their back. Now he has a blue and green jacket with SS on the back, which stands for Shooting Star, and a moonlight colored wristband around his right wrist. Geo's new outfit represents the change in his character after joining the Maverick Hunters and going on the codename Shooting Star. The wristband around his arm is something that he found that ends up helping him out a lot during his adventures when he returns as Mega Man X after not having the save the world for eight years.
Wright:Wright is an animatronic fox from the Fazbear franchise that never actually debuted in any of the locations throughout its history. She was more of a test runner for the other animatronics. Technology, endoskeletions, and even different animatronic suits were put on and in her to test them out and iron out any problems. She was mainly seen with a bowtie since it was planned for her to be in the band with Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. That day never came. However, as time went on, Wright became aware that she was a machine and began learning how to take care of herself after her creator died. She travels to lots of different places and usually finds something to take with her as a trinket. She ditched the bowtie and began wearing a yellow banana around her neck. She also wears sunglasses over her head. She also has a tacky shirt and a black sweater jacket and a tacky skirt. She doesn't wear any shoes because there aren't any that fit her, so she wraps her feet with these rolls of bandages that she found. She does the same with her hands. She started wearing clothes as a way to fit in with people and to be like her own person since she had no interest in being in Fazbear's after learning about what purpose she served to them.
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inky-snowdrop · 2 years ago
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 ->
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Chapter 2 ~ Cassie Cage
"I'll get it!" Johnny yelled as he jumped from the top of the landing to the front door. He wore a blue t-shirt with a black vest and hoodie. He had his tan pants on with his black belt and silver buckle. He also had biker gloves on, but his were black. He opened the door and there stood Sonya Blade. She was wearing her general's uniform and was wearing a squat hat. She looked very imposing, even though she was smaller then Cassie. Sonya crossed her arms and looked inside the door. "Hello? Earth to Sonya!" Johnny said as he waved a hand in front of Sonya's face.
Sonya looked at Johnny and asked, "Alright. Where's the food?"
Cassie could only hear snippets of her parent's conversation and it didn't sound good so before things got ugly, Cassie walked up behind Johnny and said, "Hey mom." Cassie peered around her father and saw Sonya staring at her. It made her feel like she did something wrong.
"Sergeant Cage," Sonya said as she stepped inside the mansion and towards Cassie. Cassie reached out to give her a hug, but Sonya held back. "Are you prepared to leave now?" Sonya asked with hands on her hips. Cassie stared at the ground and nodded yes. She HATED the feeling that her mother gave her. Like your not good enough to be here. Sonya nodded and turned on her heel back to the car that awaited them. Cassie sucked in a bunch of air to try and slow her heart rate.
Johnny must have noticed because he said, "Hey. Don't let your mother get you down. You'll always be one of the greats." Cassie looked at her father and smiled, the sinking feeling gone from her stomach. Cassie then marched out the front door, more confidence in her then any other time.
She choose to sit next to her mother in the front. Johnny sat in the back. "How are you doing in school?" Sonya asked as she started the car.
"I'm doing fine. I got A's in math and social studies and B's in science and E.L.A," Cassie replied cheerfully as she buckled her seat belt.
Sonya looked over at her daughter and asked with a smirk, "How was game day?"
"Well, other then the fact that the house smells like piss and was covered in a bunch of crappy food, it was all good," Cassie said sarcastically. Sonya chuckled.
"Hey! Way to throw me under the bus!" Johnny yelled from the backseat. He kicked Cassie's seat pretty hard.
"Hey! No roughhousing back there!" Sonya barked as they pulled out of the driveway onto the main road. Cassie laughed. 'Mom's back,' She thought with a smile.
The car stopped right in front of a warehouse. Cassie stared at it and got goosebumps on her arms.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Cassie asked as she popped her gum Johnny gave her. Sonya give her an are-you-serious look.
"I wasn't made a general for no reason," she grumbled as she stepped out of the car. The warehouse stung Cassie's nose with the bitter smell of oil and she nearly gagged. Sonya give her a look and walked over to the double wood doors and took out a key. The door opened with a lurge. Cassie cautious walked over to the door and peered inside.
"Okay mom. I've seen some pretty scary things in my 17 years of life, but this has got to be one of the worst," Cassie said as she took out one of her hand guns.
"Yeah Sonya. If you were going to kill me, why didn't you do it at the house?" Johnny said as he walked up behind Cassie, scaring the shit out of her.
"Raiden told me to meet him inside here for some sort of meeting. And believe me if I was going to kill you, you would already be dead," Sonya snapped as she stepped over the threshold. It took a couple of seconds for Cassie to fully understand what her mother just said.
"Raiden contacted you and you didn't tell us!" Johnny called as he followed Sonya into the gaping jaws of the old warehouse.
"Cassie, if you can't come into a old warehouse then you have no business being a sergeant," Sonya snarled when she saw Cassie was still outside. Anger inside Cassie boiled to the surface as she marched inside, with a haughty spring in her step. As soon as Cassie was next to her mother, a freak wind blew the giant doors shut. Cassie turned around quickly, clinking her guns into position. Sonya grabbed her arm and yanked her around.
"What the hell, mom!" Cassie shouted as she wrenched her arm away.
"It was only the wind," Sonya said coolly as she adjusted her arm bands.
Cassie nodded her head and shouted, "No. Why didn't you tell us that we were coming to see Raiden!?" Sonya breathed in deeply, rubbing her temples.
"Because, Raiden didn't want me to tell you. To make sure only the people who were supposed to come came."
Cassie rolled her eyes and snarled, "Wow. That excuse is a bunch of bullshit." Before Sonya could say anymore, the lightning struck. Cassie had to close her eyes to make sure she wasn't blinded. Then there was a feeling like she was falling. Out of pure confusion, she screamed. Then it stopped. She hit the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Something cold and wet was running down her back and gave her goosebumps.
"Need a hand?" a voice asked right in front of Cassie. Cassie looked up and gasped when she saw Jacquinn standing in front of her. She reached her hand out and Jacquinn yanked her to her feet with a good amount of force.
"Hey, Jacquinn," Cassie said slowly as she clutched her side in pain.
"So, how was the trip?" Jacquinn asked with a tease in her voice.
Cassie didn't hear her though. "We're back at the Sky Temple," Cassie whispered as she looked at the Jinsi Chamber's entrance. And at the Earthrealm greats entering it.
"Yeah. My dad told me that there's some sort of meeting," Jacquinn said as she steadied Cassie from stumbling.
"I've gotta find mom," Cassie mumbled as she pushed Jacquinn out of the way.
"Okay. Good catch up," Jacquinn called as Cassie descended into the heart of the Sky Temple, gripping her gun all the way down.
The Jinsi Chamber was alive with blue energy as Cassie stepped into the chamber. It smelled of fresh dirt and metal, like magik. The room was filled to the brim with heros, some so famous you'd have to be stupid not to know them. Cassie cautious made her way through the crowd, her fingers never leaving her gun. 'Some of these guys have a rep,' Cassie thought as she came to a halt next to the Jinsi Chamber's life force. 'Better safe then sorry.'
"Cassandra Cage," a voice said behind her. Quickly, Cassie clinked her gun into place and turned around to meet her attacker head on, but instead she found herself pointing a gun in Sub-Zero's face. He wore a blue vest with chinese symbols running down both sides. He wore no mask and Cassie could see a scar that ran down one eye to the other. Cassie froze as Sub-Zero placed a hand on the gun, freezing it solid. She dropped it from shock, smashing it into a million pieces as Sub-Zero said smoothly, "I do not wish to fight you, Cassandra. I wish only to tell you that you and selected others are to join Raiden outside for a conference. Make haste, for we will be starting soon, with or without you." With that said, Sub-Zero turned on his heel and walked away, leaving only a very confused Cassie. 'Okay then,' Cassie thought as she made her way back to the world outside. 'What could be a more ridiculous way for mom to yell 'Cassandra Cage! Get your ass up here now!''
The first thing that greeted Cassie as she emerged from the belly of the Sky Temple was a burning smell. "Somethings on fire," Cassie mumbled to herself as she stood next to the entrance of the Jinsi Chamber. Then she saw what it was. Far off, she could see that something or someone was on fire. Then it just disappeared. Cassie frowned and examined her buffed nails as she waited for her mother, hoping that she wouldn't be mad that she went off by herself. 'I'm a grown woman now,' Cassie yelled silently. 'I can do whatever I want!'
The burning smell was back and it was stronger then ever, roasting the inside of Cassie's nose. She hacked a little and was going to find a new spot if it hadn't been for the flames that engulfed her. The pain she felt now was nothing compared to anything she had ever felt before. She let a small cry and felt the feeling of falling again. Everywhere she looked there was fire. She tried to reach her metal rod on her back, but she burnt her fingers trying to grab it. Just as quickly as it came, the fire subsided and left a coughing, burnt Cassie in it's wake. Cassie could hear talking but couldn't make out the words. Her vision blurred and Cassie almost passed out, but she then felt something freezing cold on her neck. She jumped up and almost gave herself whiplash. Behind stood Sub-Zero, applying frost to one of her burns. She hissed in pain as the frost found a tender spot. She turned around quickly and slapped Sub-Zero's hand away.
"I'm fine," Cassie snapped as she patted out a bit of fire still on her arm.
"Cassandra Cage!" a voice called from behind her. Cassie made a face and turned around to see her mother barreling towards her. "Where the hell were you!" Sonya barked as she threw her arms around Cassie, pulling her in for a hug.
Cassie wrenched her way out Sonya's grasp and said, "I was still at the flipping Sky Temple! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
Sonya gave her a puzzled look and said slowly, "I texted you that I was going to the forest. Why didn't you respond?"
Cassie smiled slyly. "You should ask dad that question." Sonya sighed loudly and rubbed her temples.
"Well. We shouldn't be anymore late then you already are. Let's go. MOVE IT!" Sonya started walking back towards the trees she came from when Cassie shouted, "I'll be right there, mom!" Sonya turned around and said as she walked backwards, "Follow the line of trees to a rock. Press the keyhole!" Sonya turned back around and ran into the trees.
As Cassie watched her go, she asked Sub-Zero, "How'd you know I'd be here?" Sub-Zero looked at her with his crystal like eyes.
"I knew Scorpion would teleport you to this place. So I came to make sure the wounds did not harm you too much. I wished that savior of Earthrealm would not succumb to the flames of hell fire," Sub-Zero said slowly as he walked over to her.
Cassie thought for a moment and then said with a thumbs up, "Good answer."
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inkyminx · 8 months ago
~ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 ~
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Eyyyyyy another LMK OC-  now with a detailed description-  cause I have no life and I thought this would be cute, so don’t mind me.
Anyways meet Sun Wukong’s adopted daughter, Tao Ling.
In the beginning, Sun Wukong was unsure of what to do and often kept the baby with the little monkeys for a period for them to entertain her as he obviously had no clue how to take care of a kid let alone a newborn.
It wasn’t until the crying baby girl reached out for him after a bad dream that SWK ended up adopting the pink monkey and raising her as his own.
Like SWK and Macaque, Tao Ling is a mystic monkey that was born from a stone.
When she was born, she was found by SWK after he sensed something was up in the mountain, resulting in him finding her as a baby.
Because of her peachy fur and gold eyes, SWK named her Tao Ling, meaning “Peach” and “Spirit” as he adopted her after his Journey To The West.
When she was younger, she is often seen wearing Wukong’s old clothes from his youth during his Brotherhood days, at least before he makes her her own.
During her young adolescence, Tao Ling became immortal after accidentally eating the Peaches of Immortality— though she was caught by SWK and thought they were normal.
As she began to reach adulthood, SWK models her clothing (mostly her vest) to be somewhat similar to his when he was younger, but with some alterations and a double peach pattern on the back of her top.
And now some character relationships I wrote in the meantime.
~ She adores Wukong as her father and it shows that she took quite a lot after him as he raised her since she was a newborn.
She tends to act like her dad during battles as well and tends to have the same shameless mannerisms but also learns much quicker as SWK made sure she wouldn’t repeat his mistakes.
For example, when Mei was being overtaken by the Samadhi Fire and SWK revealed his plans, Tao Ling chewed him out and told him off, saying he was stupid to even consider taking such a threatening risk.
Not only harming him but may also greatly injure- if not kill Mei in the process.
Aside from that, the two have an incredible relationship as father and daughter, and are shown to be extremely close, especially when Wukong reminisces about his little girl growing up and wanting her to be better than he was in his youth.
He’s definitely the “bedtime story” and playful type of dad as Tao Ling often mentions how he used to climb trees while holding her tightly with his tail to make her laugh.
Of course he had a few scares during early fatherhood (never ask him about her first steps cause there was a cliff and fruit involved) and he did often have moments of thinking he was clearly not cut out to be a parent to a child who definitely needed his full attention.
But Tao Ling (especially in adulthood) made sure to be by his side and to always let him know he did enough for her and that he didn’t have to worry about her anymore, often joking that she’s immortal too so she can’t exactly die even if she wanted to.
To which SWK chuckles and understands— though his papa monkey instincts made sure they were present in a way of “your my kid, I’ll kill every God and demon there is if they harmed you.”
~ With Possessed SWK, MK had to literally push Tao Ling out of the way to get her to safety when he realized how froze up and horrified she was, witnessing her beloved dad being taken over and clearly struggling against LBD’s power.
Tao Ling is extremely prone to nightmares and Possessed Wukong took them over ever since the first fight with him. Thankfully MK was there to calm her down, though he didn’t miss the rare fear in her eyes— and the tears, which shocked him.
Thankfully, when LBD was defeated and everything had settled,
Tao Ling became more scared for her dad’s life, immediately running up to him and begging him not to leave anymore (though both injured from the battle, it was a tight hold) .
Let’s just say Wukong had to be by her side every time they went to bed to let her know he wasn’t gonna leave her and the gang, reminding him of her childhood comfort.
~ With MK— I mean the girl practically crushed the kid’s bones in a bear hug and openly called him “brother” when they first met when she realized he is her dad’s successor.
They too have an extremely close relationship a little after meeting and play off of each other quite well, often times with Sandy and Mei joking that they are twins.
They’re definitely a chaotic sibling duo that the gang can barely keep up with, even Mei (which says a lot) .
When it was revealed that MK too is a monkey-like being, Tao Ling secretly went after him and often tried to comfort the boy, showing a much softer side of her than she usually does around her brother.
There was a moment when Wukong had thought MK and Tao Ling were supposed to be twins due to similarities and their similar stones, but that’s obviously debunked by the fact that she is like a couple decades older than the Monkie Kid.
And just make sure you don’t remind Tao Ling of MK’s clones: She is pretty traumatized by PORTY and artsy MK, and often gets war flashbacks if she ever witnesses them in action.
~ As for her reaction to INK MK (or INKY) , much like with Possessed SWK, Tao Ling often has nightmares and always goes to find MK to make sure he’s okay— and often ends up with Pigsy finding the pink monkey sleeping on the floor next to his son’s bed.
While yes, she was scared for her brother’s safety and mental state, Tao Ling was more enraged and ready to defend MK whenever he was struggling with his monkey side trying to take over.
~ With Mei, Tao Ling treats her like a sister as they too also grow pretty close together and it only enhances after the Samadhi Fire events and the war against LBD.
Though much like siblings, they tend to “fight” like sisters and are both quite competitive, amusing the gang.
So much so that Tao Ling ended up making a motorcycle JUST to race Mei in competitive yet fun competition.
And Tao Ling is no stranger to taking pictures with Mei whenever they hung out alone or with MK: Whether at the arcade, on the streets and at a club, you’ll most likely see these troublemakers causing chaos.
~ For Pigsy, just like her brother and father,
Tao Ling tends to get on his nerves— and much like Tang— eats at his restaurant quite a lot after her intro— without paying in money.
Instead, she pays in lighthearted jokes and trinkets like a loose button she picked up and a tiny piece of shimmery leather, or a “But second daaaaaaad” .
Aside from that, Pigsy and Tao Ling have a good relationship as he begins to understand that much like her father, the monkey princess really is a good kid and takes a lot of interest in his chef skills, making him proud.
~ With Tang, well- they are “critic” buddies and Tao Ling does tend to tease the poor guy a lot— mostly about his “old-man exterior” which Tang fires back by calling her grandma as she is DECADES MAYBE EVEN CENTURIES older than he is.
They’re more of the bickering type of duo compared to the rest (minus Macaque) but when it comes to being food critics and freeloaders? You’ll never find a better team.
They have fun times.
~ As for Sandy? Tao Ling can’t go a day without enjoying some tea with her favorite gentle giant and you’ll probably often find her snuggling up to he and Mo, purring like crazy.
And in return, Sandy takes any chance to be huggable and affectionate with the pink monkey just to hear her purr and chirp. Much like Tang, Tao Ling and Sandy are also always seen drinking tea if spending time together.
Though Tao Ling’s monkey instincts take over and pick at Sandy’s beard for “ticks” like a normal monkey would to clean themselves.
~ With Red Son,
BOI does Tao Ling get a kick out of teasing him and being a menace to the guy.
And much like she does with Sandy, the monkey takes every opportunity to rub her cheek against his just to mess with him or make him crack a smile.
She even jokes about them being cousins as their fathers are sworn-brothers, always making the bull prince (or Spice Bull, as she calls him) pull a face and cuss her out, creating a very comical reaction.
It often ends with Tao Ling holding her stomach and on the floor laughing, and Mei and MK holding Red Son back from murdering her.
~ And finally Macaque, well…
Tao Ling hated the guy as she often remembers him going after Wukong or MK (who she’s extremely protective of) and she often gets in between to snarl at him.
Most times, MK would have to physically move her away from the fight so she wouldn’t get hurt from protecting he and the gang, as he knew just from her expression that she wasn’t gonna go down without getting one punch in.
To Macaque on the other hand, he was more confused and dumbfounded by the monkey princess’ appearance, shocked that SWK even HAD A KID he raised.
After that, he was conflicted, wondering what the guy was thinking,
And had even asked Tao Ling if she knew what her father did in the past (not just talking about his own story) - to which she says yes, revealing she knows JTTW’s events but not the falling out.
During the fight in S3, much like MK— SWK had to hold his daughter back from literally ending Macaque’s life (to which the dark monkey says to her that it wasn’t his first rodeo) ,
And forces his princess to stay put until he says so, worrying but acknowledging her father’s wishes.
But thankfully after the battle against LBD and the father-daughter duo reunite,
Tao Ling let’s Macaque in and even thanked him for helping her brother and aiding to save her father,
To which Macaque then makes jokes about going back to “being evil” and it ends up with Tao Ling getting up and purposely hitting him in the face with her tail.
After that though, they have a great relationship as they grow and finally get along, the two of them letting each other in and Macaque (much like with MK) watches over her if her dad isn’t available.
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marysittingathisfeet · 9 months ago
ichabod who?
An earlier post talked about the birth of Ichabod. Although Ichabod came from a priestly line, he was born in tragedy. His grandfather Eli was in the High Priest of Israel. In essence it's ruler. Ichabod's father Phinehas and his uncle Hophni were also priests but they were very corrupt and dishonored the sacrifices presented before God. Phinehas and Hophni were disobedient and decided to use the Arco guide us some kind of talisman in an effort to turn the tides of war in favor. As a result the 2 brothers were killed and the ark was taken into captivity by the Philistines. when Phinehas's wife, who is pregnant with Ichabod, hears the news that her father in-law and husband are dead and the Ark captures, she despairs and goes into labor. She died shortly after giving birth to her son, but not before naming him Ichabod- which means that God's glory has departed. The name is not an encouraging one. In a previous post I wrote that Ichabod is never heard from again after the record of his birth. this was incorrect. imagine little Ichabod- once almost a prince, but now an orphan- playing and his caretaker calls out- hey no glory come here. I ma sure he was teased mercilessly for his name. In 1 Samuel 14:3 we read among Saul's men was Ahijah the priest, who was wearing the ephod, the priestly vest. Ahijah was the son of Ichabod's brother Ahitub, son of Phinehas, son of Eli, the priest of the Lord who had served at Shiloh. Why did God mention Ichabod the second time? Why didn't the verse just say Ahijah, son of Ahitub, son of Phinehas, son of Eli? According to historians, this passage is about 50 years after Ichabod's birth. Why was Ichabod not the priest instead of his nephew? Was Ichabod dead? Had he been priest, but died early and the author of 1 Samuel knew that people would know who Ichabod was. Remember that 1 Samuel 3:13 because of Phinehas and Hophni's corrupt ways and Eli's not wanting to discipline his sons, Eli's descendants were basically cursed. All male descendants would die before reaching old age and be put in positions beneath prophets from other lineages. Was Ichabod's brother, Ahitub, the father of Ahijah, dead as well? (This prophecy is fulfilled when Saul slaughter's the priests in 1 Samuel 22.)Also fulfilled when Solomon had Abiathar, grandson of Eli (who some say was another name for Ahijah) deposed from being the priest of the Lord.
Ichabod had a rough start, but at some point he must have been famous enough that he is mentioned and the audience would know who he was. I don't think a premature birth would have been enough to make his name famous especially since it was 50 years later and Israel had been in decline those 50 years. The oral of this story, however, is that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom- Proverbs 9:10. If Phinehas, Hophni, and yes Eli had respected the Lord, they would have been obedient. They would have honored the positions. By being disobedient they not only brought destruction onto themselves, but also on all of their descendants.
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||Jest of the Dark Angel Part 4||Noir au
Hello dears, this is a request from a anon that wishes for a chapter added to this small short series jest of the dark angel. So I'm going to add a part 4 to this. This drabble series along with the Noir au belongs to my friend @demon-blood-youths so if you wish to read the other parts, you can check it out from the links below. :3
Jest of the dark angle part one
jest of the dark angle part two
jest of the dark angel part three
((Your reading part four right now))
||Warning for Drabble||
~Will have mentions of flashback in this drabble
~Dark themed is will be spoken and seen in this drabble
~Alcohol is present in this drabble
~Slight NSFW is present in this drabble
||Drabble Summary||
Ryunosuke has failed once more in taking out his target though after that, he has been given a break. He denies he needed it but Mori ordered him to. So, he's been resting up on his day off from killing but his mind is now riddled with that man's face. Meanwhile, Mori got some request to speak to Matt and his group about something. Now what could it be? Read to find out.
((Guests in this drabble))
Matt Knack along with his fraction the Lovely Horrors belong to my friend @lovelyxhorrors ((a side blog that is run and owned by @demon-blood-youths ))
Ryunosuke Akutagawa is from the anime series BSD (Bakugo stray dogs) a canon muse that I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble. It was written for fun so please understand. Thanks for that and hope you like.))
Mori was looking ahead from his head office, seeing that he had some guests visiting him today. Even with things going on in the city, it seems things were still going under some investigation. Of course, their was recent reports of hearing about clubs still being heavily guarded now after the first few being shot by someone. No one knows who but it was unsure to see who.
So, he decided to invite some people to speak with him. Which results into today. Someone pours some red wine for the two even if Matt declines it with Sid doing the same but Mori was not as evil but lets it go.
"So...your the one that called us? This is new. Was it due to my father? Or does he owe you? Money? Stole something from you?" Matt was quiet while sitting on a chair even if he was not used to these important meetings even when it deals with his father. Mori chuckled to hear this but held a hand up. He had some wine himself to swirl it in the wine glass.
"No no, your father is not involved with anything against me. To say, I'm the one that wishes to speak to you and your...team." He saw Matt's eye brow raised. "I've heard many stories about you and what you all do. Each one having a good reason to do what you do. So, you already know about my organization the Port Mafia correct."
"....Yes, we heard about it." Sid, the white haired woman speaks, pushing up her glasses while sitting by Matt who was looking at Mori. The others were in the same room as well but Mori also remains silent to still keep a smile on his face.
"Well, that's good to know because..I asked you to come here...to speak about working together with Port mafia."
This made Matt and Sid blink hearing this but was confused. Hold on; work together.
"Yes; shocking I know. I figure you been hearing things about my organization and what you might be hearing from other families to think we are the reason of some things happening. But rest assure, the port mafia is not involved with any of the recent shootings happening in clubs. We are trying to figure that out ourselves. But..we need to seek other sources of help to do that. Which explains right now." he said looking to them.
"....Do you have any information that will tell us more?" Matt asked as Mori smiled snapping his fingers. A young man came over but he was wearing a white button-up shirt under a dark red vest, a black choker, a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off his right hip and black low-arch shoes. He is almost always seen wearing black gloves. The two also spots that he wears around his shoulders like a cape. The undercoat is a light shade of red.
He walks over but he sets some folders over to Sid who blinks taking it from his hand to look at it while moving back to stand by his boss. As Sid opens the folder, she begins to read while looking at the information that was seen or read. The information about what was happening is there.
"As you can see. True, the head club owners have been trying to figure out who was attacking their clubs and workers, so far, we found out three families were trying to cause a war. Lucky for them, I had a few from my organization stop the shooting. We even got some witnesses that seen what is going on and on the female workers and male workers that is being kept watch." he said with eyes closed with Sid reading this but the other members were waiting for Matt to come back from this meeting.
"...I see. You have a lot of information here speaking about it." she said.
"We know how to get our information miss Sid. Rest assure, we have ways to do what we need to. After all, we are trying to keep things in peace in the city.." Mori said.
"So you know many of the clubs that's on stand by, guarded, abandoned, lost, etc?" Matt asked looking to Mori who smiled.
"Of course. Gin?" that's when another young woman walks over but Jason saw her.
The young woman named Gin has dark gray eyes and long black hair. As a mafioso, she keeps her hair in a spiked bun, leaving sections of shoulder-length hair down. Most of it falls to the right side of her face, whilst a strand falls over the middle. Jason saw she wears a gray, short-sleeved v-neck, black trousers, and black heels.
Over her shirt, she wears a long, flared black coat is seen dressed in an outfit comprising of a long black cloak with a hood and frayed trim. The right sleeve, tightened by a black band on her bicep, is long with an extended part with frayed trim, and the left sleeve appears torn off, exposing her arm. She wears reddish-grey gloves that extend a tad beyond her elbows. The right glove being complete whilst the left glove is fingerless.
In addition, she also wears a black choker with a white cross on it, and a white mask that covers her nose and mouth. She walks over to Sid to show another list but it was color coded. To be honest, Jason could tell she was way different than any other woman but he said nothing keeping quiet.
"Here." She said in a tone as Sid takes it and looks at the list. They had the full list of clubs in the city. Every single one was colored but it shows Mori speaks the truth.
"Well Sid?" Matt asked.
"He's right. The list here tells of all the clubs. Seems a few are in the green but others are either in the red because of the recent events going on." she said.
"Even the kidnappings?" Matt said.
"Oh yes, we know about them too. In fact, we got others trying to find more that was taken from their locations but we know with our best men at work." Mori smiled to the two.
"I see...but what is this deal your speaking about?"
"....I would ask if you would like to work together? I know your cleaning up everything for your father and to what he's done. His history is pretty well known in the town...and his so called dark debt. I'm not trying to be enemies here but I only wish to help the city and keep it safe from the threats that linger about." He opens his eyes to look at them.
"If you wish to think about it you may..I'm not usually this offering to just anyone you know...if you wish.." he said.
"....Hold on, how come your offering this to us? I mean, aren't you the ones that started this whole thing?" Matt said confused but Mori thinks to sigh.
"It's not us because my own organization and members are is being attacked as well by rival gangs. You may think we started this or tried to but rest assure, we are not the enemies here. Others might say we are but we aren't." Mori said then stood up. "I have my best men and followers doing their jobs to find out what they do in the city......even if we had others thinking your group were the ones that started it...seems not."
"So again, I would be happy if your organization works with mine. We can provide a lot of things for you if needed. Information, items, any useful things if your looking for someone. My team will help in any way possible." he said as Matt thinks about it but he was not expecting this only to sigh. He thought his father started something but it seems he didn't. However, he was still unsure about it.
"......Is something wrong?" Mori asked to see Matt open his eyes to look at him.
"I may need time to think about it. Even if you say all this, it's a lot to think about. If you were going to help....give us time to think about it if that's alright?" he said.
"I understand....you take all the time you need......but we will still offer help if you need it. Please come back if you need anything." Smiling, he saw Matt, Sid, and Jason stand up to leave the office to leave. He sees them leave but he was wondering what he'll say the next time.
"Sir? Do you think he believes us?" Gin asked.
"That's up to him.....besides, I'm sure even Ryu is thinking this is crazy but...seems we might have been wrong about this Matt person.." he said while smiling.
"Matt, do you think he speaks the truth? What do we do?" Sid asked following him outside to the night as Matt was thinking about it.
"I don't know..I guess we will see in the future. For now, I'll need time to think about it." he said walking off with the two back to their base for now. However, his mind was wondering of Ryunosuke. He hopes he was alright..where ever he was.
"Hey, does this mean if we need to.....are we going to accept his help?" Jason was asking this following the two back to their place. Even if Sid said nothing, she was wondering the same thing looking to Matt. They keep on walking but he was thinking about it.
"I don't know......like I said, I need time to think about it. Though, hearing all that, seems they were not involved with anything that old man of mine has done. So for now, I'll think about it." he keeps walking with hands in his pockets with the other two following him back.
As for Ryu, he was in his bed chambers but he was panting laying on his back while shaking. He just came in his hand after fingering himself. He couldn't believe this!!!
He just took a shower and here he was pleasuring himself trying to calm down from the heated thoughts of that young man. Matt. Damn it, he still tempts and tortures him in his wet dreams even if it makes him heated. He couldn't help it.
Ryunosuke slowly moves his arm from behind showing his fingers that was wet from trying to calm down. He felt so hot right now, almost growing restless without him. He only looks to the pillow panting softly that he grips the pillow. How can he do his mission if his mind won't let him?
'M..Matt...what have you done to me......I can't complete this mission if your haunting my dreams. Even from that, I can't..I can't.....no matter what I try, my head won't let me..' he closed his eyes while he was coated in some sweat. Even knowing his body was aroused right now, he tried to calm down while moaning softly in his room. Stroking himself while his fingers push back into him trying to feel good.
"Mfffmmm......" he had to bite down on the sheets but was shaking. 'Matt...Matt...Matt...f..fuck.....' it wasn't the same but it will have to do. Even through this night, the assassin was slowly losing himself.
But how long will he be able to stay focused? Or will he snap for him?
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yeonchi · 1 year ago
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 2: Sea Serpent Prince Shai
Original post
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Name: Shai
Occupation: Sea Serpent Prince
Race: Salacian
Gender: Male 
Date of birth: 17 March 1974 (age 33, Pisces ♓)
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Jungle Green
Skin colour: Tan
Height: 2.00m (1.80m)
Sea Serpent King Shanbin (father, name mine)
Sea Serpent Queen (mother)
Crystal (could possibly be his younger sister/half-sister or daughter)
Gristel (could possibly be his lover or stepmother)
Friends: Wagan, Ferrel, Maxwell, Dustin, Polvina, Tubarina, Ester, Jason and Jacob 
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Likes: sea serpents, drugs, rap music, smoking bongs, being king
Dislikes: people who make fun of him still being a prince at his age when Dustin is a king at his age, his father, the fact that his girlfriend could be/is his father’s lover
First appearance: his own drawing (12 August 2022)
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Skills: medium strength, immunity to sea serpent venom, calling sea serpents with a flute
Shai is the Sea Serpent Prince, being the son of the Sea Serpent King and the older brother/father of Princess Crystal. He is a 33-year-old man who is still a prince because his father plans to be king even in death; as a result, Shai resents him and wants to murder him, forcibly taking over the Sea Serpent Kingdom as king in the process. Many royals make fun of Shai for being a drug addict, though they are rather sympathetic to him for still being a prince at his age due to his father’s intentions.
Shai is a relaxed and somewhat sarcastic man with a neutral temperament that can sometimes become threatening and sadistic. Shai has a bad relationship with his father due to his resentment towards him. While he uses his sea serpents to threaten his rivals and enemies, he is not a bad person in general since he is good with people who treat him well.
Shai is a tall, thin man with tanned skin and stocky build. He has a thin face with black hair parted up and shaved on the sides. He has a moustache, a small beard and a gold earring on his right ear. He also wears a green snake turban that he wears as a crown (it covers all of his hair, making him look bald), a brown leather vest, black shorts with gold chains, brown sandals, bracelets on his wrists and gold rings on his hands.
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Crystal: Crystal and Shai have a good relationship. It is unknown whether Crystal is Shai’s younger half-sister or daughter, though they get along very well regardless.
Gristel: Gristel is Shai’s stepmother and/or lover. Gristel was an erotic dancer and Shanbin presumably turned her into his wife, but around the same time she met Shai as well and they secretly got engaged. Gristel had drunken and drug-fuelled relations with both of them on different occasions, so when she became pregnant with Crystal, she didn’t know who the father was (Shanbin was 63 when Crystal was born so it is possible that he could be her father). Gristel loves Shai more than she does Shanbin so she wishes that Shai would kill him so that they can be together as king and queen while raising Crystal together as their daughter.
Shanbin (Sea Serpent King): Shanbin and Shai have a bad relationship together. The Sea Serpent King was not very attentive to Shai as a child, which worsened their relationship as he got older. He is an old man who is into exotic dancers and is addicted to alcohol and drugs (in fact, he was the one who drove Shai to these vices). Traditionally, kings rule over their kingdom until they die, but due to their bad relationship in addition to him intending on becoming king for eternity, Shai wants to assassinate him and usurp his position as king.
Shai’s mother (Sea Serpent Queen): Shai’s mother loved her son very much and was the only one who took care of her son. She died when Shai was 21, beginning a downward spiral in his and Shanbin’s relationship that turned the both of them to prostitutes and drugs, much to each other’s hypocritical disgust.
Dustin: Dustin is a contrasting case to Shai; where Shai is still a prince at the age of 33, Dustin is already the king of his kingdom at the age of 7. Despite other people making fun of that fact, the two of them do get along well because Dustin is an orphan, joking with each other and annoying their rivals together. Although Shai likes to see Dustin as a nephew, Dustin doesn’t really see Shai as much of an uncle due to his vices.
Shai, being part of the Sea Serpent Royal Family, is immune to the deadly effects of sea serpent venom, though he sometimes drinks it as the neurotoxins give him a high. He can also summon sea serpents with a melody on his flute.
Shai has many vices including compulsively consuming drugs and alcohol, which his little sister/daughter doesn’t like and wants him to stop so he doesn’t die.
- Shai often presumes that his phallic symbol is as long as an anaconda 
- His family is based on an Arab family because of their clothing and customs.
- He is still a prince at the age of 33 where others his age are already kings, much to his chagrin
- He is physically similar to Ricky Rich (Swedish rapper) who sung the song Marli Marli.
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