#also guy wood???? love him dearly already
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clowningcrows · 2 months ago
waking up to a new smosh dread video truly is making me feel like being alive may actually be worth it today
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infiniteimaginings · 10 months ago
Omg your amazing at writing Anthony bridgerton angst. Pls write more😫😫😫💋
You caused this? (Anthony Bridgerton x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You are complaining to your dearest friend Anthony about your lack of luck through the seasons but he is terribly silent. His silence brings answers that you never expected from him. Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: Angst Word Count: 3.4k A/N: Thank youuu!! Here's more for you my love! (Also for the new thing below this, tagging, you guys can be asked to be tagged in any sort of fics lol!) Tagging: @etherynn
A stunning afternoon shone on the walking paths families decided to take for eloquent bonding times. Children were laughing, mothers were sending their daughters off to promenade with one another, and the men were keeping watchful eyes out. It was a perfect day for the courting season to bloom in its full beauty and potential.
It was lively around the grassy green parks where people conversated with each other, it was a lovely day.
Two of the people taking advantage of the wondrous day to promenade together were you and Anthony Bridgerton, the most inseparable friends in all of London. The two of you had been great friends ever since you were children, you had been there for him through the easy and the rough patches, and he had done the same for you. Neither of you questioned your roles in the other's life, you just fit together.
Anthony loved you dearly, you knew that. He treated you like his own sibling, sometimes you appreciated it, other times you had to give him a good wack for him to stop scaring the poor guests at parties you attended.
There was no need for that during this moment, no. There were only warm smiles, sweet treats, pleasant conversation, and why was that? It was because it was only the two of you, no one to interrupt, or drag you away.
Anthony walked with you along the path, holding his hand out when he reached the stony steps to the dock. You raised a brow and rolled your eyes, taking his hand with a playfully distasteful look on your face, causing him to chuckle ever so slightly.
You walked down the wooden planks of the dock, noticing how there were no boats out. “I wonder why there are no boats out when it’s such a beautiful day.” You hummed aloud, not really expecting any response to your comment.
Anthony looked around and shrugged, hands behind his back, “Would you care to go out on the water?”
“Oh, heavens no!” You answered a little loudly, a sheepish smile finding itself onto your face as you turned to face him. “I was simply expressing my passing curiosity.”
The Bridgerton shook his head and stood quietly, admiring how the waves rocked with one another. He thought of the water like a ball, each drop with its own partner to create a beautiful array of movement within the water, to create a somehow roaring image of tranquility.
You, on the other hand, adjusted your clothing and sat upon the wooden planks, smoothing out the fabric as you did so. You carefully took off your shoes and set them to the side.
“What are you doing?”
The sudden comment caused you to look up with fluttering eyes, “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Anthony walked a bit to you, looking down, “It looks as if you’re on the brink of putting your feet into the water.”
"A remarkable observation indeed," You responded sarcastically, a playful glint in your eyes. “I shall have to inform your mother that we have discovered you possess the brilliance of a prodigy.” You spoke, removing the last of any clothing surrounding your feet to enter the cold water. Once you made contact, you left out a soft sigh, your hands falling to the wood behind you, leaving you in a relaxed position.
Anthony sucked his teeth at your remark, but no one could mistake his mischievous grin for anything other than delight. “Let us not raise her expectations.” He mumbled to you with a shake of his head, kneeling to take off his own shoes, “She’s already enthusiastic enough about Daphne.”
You hummed, tilting your head over to him, squinting your eyes due to the bright sun. “Pray tell, how is the new Duchess of Hastings?”
The man rolled his neck a bit and sat next to you, dipping his feet into the water. His body blocked the sunlight so you had no need to squint as you gazed upon him, his eyes falling to yours. 
He let out a huff with a toothy smile, “She’s gone away with Simon.” Anthony informed you, looking out to the water now. He adjusted the collars of his wrist as he took a deep breath, “She swore she’d write letters so…”
“You’re looking forward to them, do not deny it.” You told him, scrunching your nose as you bumped your shoulder with his.
He chuckled and nodded, “Indeed, I eagerly await her thought filled letters.” He told you before biting the inside of his cheek, his eyes still looking forward, but they were further than ever. “I never imagined I’d miss her presence so much,” He confessed, blinking rapidly, “her ceaseless ramblings about finding her soulmate are over now.” He whispered, clearing his throat, adjusting himself once more, “My little sister is now gone, and I won’t be able to protect her anymore.” His voice with loss, his fingers clasped together as if he was grasping for something.
You placed your head on his shoulder, “She’s still your sister Anthony, she will visit.” You reminded him, placing one of your hands on his thigh. 
You felt the man take a sharp inhale of breath before letting it go slowly, “I know…” He nodded against you, placing his head over yours.
There was a moment of silence, the two of you kicking your feet in the water, enjoying the cool splashing against the warmth the sun brought.
You moved your head, looking to the families across the way, “Besides, there are plenty of others for you to protect, people still rely on you.” You reassured him with a supportive smile, remembering his other siblings, specifically his three younger sisters.
Anthony was not thinking the same as you though, he took his hand and placed it over yours, which hadn’t moved from his thigh. “Right, like you.” He smiled, rubbing his thumb along the edge of your hand.
You looked to your lap, laughing a bit, “I require little protection.” You muttered out, playing with a small string on your clothing.
Your friend furrowed his brows and scoffed, “There are dogs out there.”
“I mean, because no one approaches me anymore.” You spoke suddenly, looking at the water solemnly, lips in a frown. 
Anthony's smile dropped, and he turned his head to you, “Pardon?”
You scratched your head with a breathy laugh, “No one wishes to marry me.” You said, tone in a light song, but you knew it wasn’t a light hearted moment. It was a harsh truth you never wanted to face, but you had no choice as the season continued on.
The Bridgerton shook his head though, turning himself to you, his leg propped onto the wood, only one foot in the water. “That is not true, many do.” He assured you, but you shook your head in response.
You turned your body to him, feet still in the water, “Then why has no one called for me in weeks?” You asked, shoulders dropping in defeat. “Why has no one proposed?” You asked another unanswerable question as you looked back to the water.
Anthony felt an uncomfortable feeling bubble up in his stomach as you spoke. His blood grew cold, his heart beat faster than ever, his throat felt dry as if all the saliva in his mouth suddenly disappeared. He was suddenly aware of everything around him, all the sounds, the feeling of the wood on his calf, the water rushing around his foot, how hot the sun was.
You didn’t notice his sudden silence, you didn’t notice his expression, you were lost in your own mind. “I just feel as if I’ll never find someone.” You muttered, looking out to the empty body of water, “It’s as if I’m being avoided, and everyone knows to do so.” You continued, feeling pricks from the wood in your fingers. “I wish I knew why I was being avoided, because I swear,” You sighed, “I would change what they don’t like about me.” 
Anthony stayed silent but his eyes were filled with a deep sadness, his lips parted slightly, his hands clenching. He could feel his nails embedding themselves into his palms, leaving crescent shaped marks, his palms now red. 
You looked back over to him, wiping your eyes that began to water, “I didn’t mean to ramble on…” You trailed off as you caught sight of his expression. “What is it?” You asked, concerned as he had never looked at you so…upset before.
He shook his head, snapping himself out of his thoughts, “Nothing.”
“Anthony, what is it?”
The tone of your voice was heartbreaking to him, you were really worried about him after telling him your concerns. He slowly turned his head to you, almost reluctantly, and looked into your eyes that shine with sunlight. He could see the reflection of the clouds in your eyes, and it made him feel worse than he already did. When he looked into your eyes, he knew he could not lie to you. So he took a shaky breath and whispered out the words, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” You answered immediately, confused by the sudden change in mood. You wished you had not spoken, perhaps if you kept quiet the two of you would be laughing and splashing each other. 
There was silence. 
“Anthony, for what?” You persisted, searching his expression for answers.
“I’m so sorry…” He continued to shake his head, gulping down his own breaths as if the world would run out of oxygen just for him. As if he was being tortured and couldn’t breath on his own. His grip on your hand was tighter than it had been, “I was just… I’m so sorry…”
His panic conveyed through his action, through his expression, through his words. You just couldn't understand why he was so anxious, why he was so scared. 
Until you realized, he didn’t seem scared over whatever he did, he seemed scared for how you would respond. His eyes kept snapping to you before looking down, he continued to clasp onto your hand, he closed his eyes as if he was silently praying for a better outcome.
Your brows knitted together and your lips pursed, “Sorry?” You repeated his apology, trying to think of what he was so apologetic about.
Suddenly, all of the memories flashed through your mind, quick as ever. The balls, the sitting rooms, the lack of dresses you needed to buy… it was because Anthony had never left your side. You thought he was being supportive, letting you know who would be better than the other for your bright future, but no. He wasn’t helping weed out those who weren’t good for you, he was clearing the field completely, so there was nothing left. No weeds, nor even blossoming flowers that you would’ve loved to pick.
Until there was no one left.
You blinked rapidly as you thought about this, finally making eye contact, “You didn’t.” You breathed out quietly.
You were met with silence and Anthony's sorrowful gaze, already begging for forgiveness.
You tried to remove your hand from his grip, but he wouldn't let up. Once you finally pulled yourself away, you stood quickly, not caring for the water dripping to your clothing from your quick movements. 
Your feet were wet, causing a dark spot to form onto the wooden dock. “Anthony, how could you?” You asked, exasperated, hands going to your face as you began to pace. 
Anthony scrambled up himself, trying to grasp your hands, but you continuously pulled away, making him face your back. “I just wanted to protect you!”
His words caused you to seethe, protect you? How was he protecting you? 
You turned to him, feet stomping once you were face to face with him, “You’re not protecting me!” You yelled, your volume caused him to fall back a bit, unused to your yells. “You’re labeling me as a…” You paused, taking a few small breaths, “bad contender.” You mumbled, clutching your chest, feeling your eyes begin to sting. You began to shake your head as you backed away, “At this rate I will not be married.” 
“What is the fault in that?”
“What is-?” You laughed, honestly not believing that this situation was happening. Your hands were up to your head, clutching at your ears, pinching, praying that this wasn’t really happening.
Anthony Bridgerton, the man of the Bridgerton home, the man who almost forced Daphne to marry a man who wanted nothing good for her. Anthony Bridgerton who was to duel a man for his sisters honor. Anthony Bridgerton, the man who took the responsibilities of his father for his family, because he knew how important it was for women to be married in this world.
You stood straight, face contorted in anger, “You are well aware, as I am, that our society revolves around marriage.” You spoke slowly, “My family wishes for me to be married or I will be a disgrace.” You reminded him, tilting your head, mouth opened in another sense of disbelief. “How is it that you now fail to comprehend such a thing?”
Anthony nodded with your words, but it seemed as if he wasn’t hearing you at all, he was being so frustrating. “I merely believe that you should pursue your own desires.”
“You did not consult me on what I desire!” You yelled, drawing the attention of passersby. You looked down, frown on your face as Anthony waved them off with a smile. You looked back to him with a harsh, cold glare, “You acted according to your own desires, but for what purpose?” 
He ran a hand through his hair before unbuttoning his vest and taking it off. Anthony felt like he was suffocating, and nothing was helping him breathe properly at the moment. “It’s because I hold deep regards for your well-being.”
You scoffed, “No one who truly cares about the other would do that.”
You stopped him, holding up your finger, “No, you would never do this to Daphne.” You told him, causing him to fall silent. You could hear the harsh gulp he took as you continued. “You endeavored to secure a match for her, so why must you subject me to this treatment?…” You trailed off, turning away once again before turning right back to him, “You repelled every potential partner.”
Anthony didn’t make eye contact, he just mumbled out, “I have my reasons.”
“Please, list them.” You ordered, trying to meet his gaze, “For it appears that you do not wish the best for me.” 
That sentence brought him out of his thoughts, that sentence made him realize how you didn’t realize the true intentions of his actions. “I care deeply for you!” He spoke a bit loudly, “It is inexplicable, I can not put into words my concern for your future.” He continued to speak, and you were quiet, waiting for any valid reason, because you wanted to forgive him, you did. “I truly believe that none among the ton is truly suitable for you.”
You blinked at him, “No one of the…” You just stared at him, “You…what?”
“Please understand.”
Oh, you understood just fine. You crossed your arms with a raised brow, “No one but you, I assume?”
His eyes widened and he shook his head quickly, “That is not what I mean.” He spoke, breaths quickening as his thoughts swirled through his mind.
“So you harbor no romantic sentiments towards me?”
“If that is what I implied, I apologize.” 
You nodded, poking your cheek with your tongue, “Then why do all this?”
You were met with no response, so you continued, walking forward, poking his chest with your finger. “If you do not love me,” You began, “also being you do not wish to court me,” you clarified, tilting your head with a blank expression, “then your actions are malicious.”
Anthony shook his head, cupping your hand in his, “They are not, they are in good health.” He tried to convince you, but you wouldn’t budge. 
You pulled your hand from his grasp, “Is the idea of courting me so revolting to you that you must scare off all contenders with your jealousy,” You backed away, hands up, “and leave me as a spinster for the entire court to laugh at?”
“It was not my intention.” Is that all he could say, it was not his intention? 
“Then what was your intention?”
He sputtered and babbled out a response, but it was stutters of the beginning of sentences he would never finish. The only thing his pieces of words could convince you of, was that he had no idea why he would do such a thing. 
“Was it your intention to prompt me to recognize deeper emotions for you?” You asked him, and he continued to knock his brain for some sort of response that he couldn’t give you. “Well?”
The Bridgerton man put his head down, hands over his face before they went to the back of his neck, “I thought,” He spoke, dropping his hands to his sides, “if we spent more time together as if we were courting-”
“But we are not.” You interrupted with an obvious stare, “You are not courting me, you do not wish to court me Anthony.”
He nodded and clapped, eyes wide with promise as he strode towards you in a sudden burst of excitement. “But perhaps, if we acted as such, we could discover the wisdom in such an action.” He spoke, nodding along with his own words, “It is smart, surely, you see it through my perspective!”
You chuckled because, what else were you supposed to do at the sudden idiocy that escapes a man's mouth? “Anthony, this is not business.”
“I understand that,” He told you confidently, “but, consider the mutual benefits it could offer us.”
You chuckled once more, taking a step back with a shocked smile, “I don’t care if marrying you would take the trouble from my family for thousands of generations, Anthony.” You explained, waving your hands in a large ‘no’ motion. “I would never marry you!” You told him harshly, the words engraved in the air as a promise.
Anthony's eyes dimmed, his breath pausing as his shoulders began to droop, “Why not?”
“For the same reason you will not court me.” You answered, rolling your eyes a bit.
He didn’t understand so he stared at you expectantly, “Which is?”
You couldn’t believe he wasn’t aware of why he wasn’t courting you, why your marriage would never work. Since he couldn’t understand such a simple answer, you stepped forward, staring him into his eyes. His brown eyes looked at you, searching for answers.
You shook your head lightly, “ Anthony, I feel nothing when I look at you.”
Time has stopped completely for Anthony Bridgerton. You spoke the words so easily. He felt everything move so slowly, to the point he didn’t even realize that he stopped breathing. He didn’t stop staring at you until you waved your hand in his face to capture his attention. 
“Is that why you think I won’t court you?” He whispered to you, face falling.
You scoffed, again, at how he wasn’t understanding the conversation. “Wake up, Mr. Bridgerton!” You yelled, the first time you’ve ever used the title. “You just tried to propose a business deal with me, knowing that I have a better chance with any man over you.” You explained, hands falling to your sides as you paced across the doc, the man standing still, facing the same direction he was before you moved. “Yet, you still sabotaged any chance for me this season, and I will end up alone due to your selfish actions!” You spoke angrily, nostrils flaring once you finally looked at him again.
His eyes were the only thing that followed you, “I..I don’t…. I wasn’t thinking of-”
“You’re right!” You told him, clapping at his realization. “You were not thinking, which is exactly why you ruined everything for me!” You yelled, voice feeling strained due to the emotions you were currently feeling. “You ruin everything because you do not think.”
Anthony wiped his coming tears, opening his mouth for another apology.
You stopped him immediately, “I am utterly sick of every apology that leaves your mouth, because you do not mean it.” You spoke, not letting him speak any further.
You walked to the steps that separated the dock from the walking paths, “Goodbye Mr. Bridgerton.” were your final words before you left Anthony near the water.
He couldn’t say anything else, his gaze was trapped on the wooden flooring of the dock. What had he done? Why does he feel his heart squeezing every time he takes a deep breath in? Why was everything spinning?
More importantly, why did he do something so stupid, and push you away?
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charlidos · 4 days ago
The Fellowship tattoo
Here's another famed story from the set of The Lord of the Rings: the one about how the mythical Fellowship loved each other so dearly they all got a tattoo. And like with all LotR lore, they can't quite agree how it actually happened. Whose idea was it, really?
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Elijah Wood:
That was an idea that we had early on, but a few of the fellowship members were reluctant to do it at first because they felt like, “What if this isn’t a good thing? We don’t know enough about how the production’s gonna go now to determine whether getting a tattoo is a great decision.” So we took a wait-and-see attitude. During the last month of filming, we brought the idea up again and everyone chimed and said, “This is something that we need to do.” We actually had one of the guys from Weta design various scripts in elvish. He gave us pages and pages of ways to write the number ‘9.’ We finally decided on one. And then we all went to this one guy in Wellington, kind of an older guy, who has this parlor. He opened on a Sunday for us. And the fellowship entered and we stood by each other as we all got branded. I have mine just below the waist. We were all holding each other's hands, it hurt so much.
Orlando Bloom:
I think it was my idea, i dont know [laughs]. I already had a tattoo on my belly. I thought of the tattoo to celebrate our friendship, the time we spent together in New Zealand. Viggo called a tattoo parlour and asked if it was possible to do nine tattoos at the same time, on a Sunday. The man refused. The next day, Viggo went to the tattoo parlour wearing Aragorn's clothes, with his sword in one hand. So, he explained that we were making the movie Lord of the Rings. The man opened his tattoo parlour just for us. All the nine got the tattoo done, a nine in elvish. Even Sir Ian McKellen got one… We don't want to show it if we don't have to, we rather like to keep it amongst the nine of us in a way, it's our own personal thing. It was designed by Alan Lee.
Viggo Mortensen:
We all got the same one - the word "nine" in Elvish - because that's what we are, nine. I visited the tattooist a couple times, showed him the drawing and stuff. I didn't say anything about Ian McKellen or whoever may be coming in. He just did it. We did all meet one morning and it was an interesting event, and I enjoyed it. Half a day. Actually everyone showed up. I suppose we didn't need to add another scar to commemorate the real scars we already had. But it was a way of saying thank you to each other, I suppose, and reaffirming the bond that we had developed, and probably always will have to one degree or another, as actors who played these roles.
Dominic Monaghan:
It was a guy called Roger at Roger's Tattoo Parlor in Wellington. He didn't open on Sunday, but we only had a day off on a Sunday. After we all came together and committed to this idea, I think Viggo rang him. He told him, "We know you don't open on a Sunday, we'll make it worth your while." We all turned up there, I think at 11:00, and it was a real party atmosphere. We were all taking photos and writing in diaries. It was one of my favorite days in New Zealand, I think. We first talked about getting rings but then we decided to get tattoos - all together. Then we had a party and took pictures of each other.
Billy Boyd:
It was Dom's idea, but once we got to the tattoo parlor, there was a lot of "Where are we going to have it? Of course, we got the tattoos about a week before we finished shooting, and I wasn't really thinking ahead...so we still had a week to spend with these prosthetic feet! And I had the tattoo and so did Sean. They had to glue the feet on - quite painful.
Sean Astin:
To this day, Elijah insists it was his idea. Given half a chance, though, Orlando will also take credit (or responsibility, or blame). And while Viggo has never sought any recognition for his role in the episode, I'm pretty sure he was a major player. Regardless of it's origin, I do know that the seed was planted shortly after we arrived in New Zealand, and took root in the months that followed. Every so often, someone (usually Elijah) would bring it up, and someone else would second the notion. Then we'd all forget about it. In the final week of principal photography, however, as it finally began to dawn on us that the adventure was really going to come to an end and we'd all be going home, the discussion began anew - this time with an almost religious fervour.
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Brett Beattie:
I remember Elijah Wood actually approached me first and invited me. And to tell you the truth, my biggest concern at the time was John Rhys-Davies. I knew that this wasn’t supposed to be for me to be asked to get this tattoo. So I said I had to think about it. But Beattie relented when Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom asked him again the following day. So, on a Sunday afternoon, Beattie, Mortensen, Bloom, Wood, Astin, Ian McKellen, Billy Boyd, and Dominic Monaghan headed to a tattoo parlor in Wellington to get elvish numerals engraved on their bodies. It was an honor for Beattie.
John Rhys-Davies: 
Those drunken little hobbits. ... The little bastards got drunk and came to me and said, "We're all going to have a tattoo of the Elvish word for nine. Nine in the Fellowship, and we're all going to have this tattoo." So I did what any self-respecting actor would do when faced with a stunt that might very well imperil his life. I sent my stunt double to have it. Seems fair to me, doesn't it? I'm not going to be tattooed by some drunken Maori. ... Not me. I'm a coward.
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I took Sean Bean down to a tattoo parlor in New York about a month and a half ago, because he was not in New Zealand when we got ours. So we got his done downtown. There were nine of us, nine tattoos.
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Sean Bean:
We all got together one night near the end of the shoot. We'd had a few drinks and decided we needed to get something to celebrate this, something so that the experience would live for ever in our memories. I was the last to get it. [Orlando Bloom] dragged me to get it done in New York recently. I think everyone thought I'd chicken out but I've completed the circle now. I'd never have got another one if it hadn't been for a really special reason like this. And let's face it, it's not often you make a film and want to go and get a tattoo to remember it by.
Bonus (from Harry Knowles):
When I saw the design, I will not break the trust and reveal what it is… but folks… After I saw it, I went to an area and just teared up. That is how much these folks believe in what they have done. When I asked if Sean was going to get his, Viggo and Orlando shared a look… a smile…. And yes.
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quillpenartistz · 3 months ago
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・❥・ Headcanon time ・❥・
╰┈➤ Here’s only a few headcanons I’ve made throughout my whole ego phase [my life basically]. Some that I have are already pretty popular amongst the community, so that must mean I’m doing something right!!!
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・❥・ Wilford Headcanons
•⌇⌦ Can shift fragments of reality intentionally and unintentionally [he can’t necessarily manipulate all of reality itself. But he is aware of his existence and its purpose - he knows he is a character meant to play in a story and he simply goes along with it, all while manipulating and shifting the story in some ways.] His reality shifting power is similar to Wanda’s [marvel] reality manipulating powers in a way, though watered down. He can sneeze confetti, take out balloons out of thin air, spawn bubbles in his hands, teleport, and defy the laws of physics.
•⌇⌦ With his reality shifting abilities, he can turn into AU [alternate universe] versions of himself. Maybe there’s a universe where he’s a cartoon? Chibi? Horror eldritch creature? He can turn into those versions of himself in the physical world whenever he wants! The laws of those universes will then apply to the world he is in [such as onomatopoeia words appearing in physical text midair.]
•⌇⌦ He is easily distracted and can never sit still. He always tries to actively distract himself from the darker parts of his mind.
•⌇⌦ His body ‘desaturates’ similar to pinkie pie from my little pony whenever he is in a ‘dull mood’ or when someone drives him to the point of being sad.
•⌇⌦ He loves stickers a lot, he can never stop collecting them. Mischievously, he also likes to splash glitter onto anything he deems necessary [to torture people to clean it up, but he claims that it’s just to ‘liven things up’ a bit.]
•⌇⌦ Too much creamer in coffee kind of guy [“Can I have coffee with my vanilla creamer please?”]
•⌇⌦ Constantly eats and smells like fruit candies.
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・❥・ Dark Headcanons
•⌇⌦ More monster than human. [Yes, Dark is all the mansion, Celine, and Damien in one walking corpse. However, overtime, as Damien fell into the role of the villain, he may have embraced it a bit much. He still cares about his sister very dearly… so much so that he made sure she’s in a permanent sleep. Celine, even in her sleep, knows about this, and parts of herself influences Damien - thus influencing Dark as a whole. He is completely merciless, sadistic, manipulative, and couldn’t care less about the consequences of his actions as long as it benefits himself and his plan. Besides, he is immensely powerful, so if he is met with his consequences, he simply destroys them.
•⌇⌦ He is also very aware he is nothing more than a character, but, he knows he’s much more than this. Because he knows he’s a character, you often see him staring at the fourth wall but never necessarily addressing it [unlike Wilford.]
•⌇⌦ Can read minds and telepathically speak to people, conceal his presence, move through shadows, mimic voices, shift shadows and blend into them, and can turn himself into a Raven. Ravens hold a lot of symbolism, but for Dark specifically, The Raven means ‘Death, bad omen, bringer of chaos, transformation & metamorphosis, and the duality of existence’. He often stalks, observes, and travels within this form of himself.
•⌇⌦ Camera’s, no matter what kind, CANNOT pick up him as a whole. Whenever a picture is taken, a video, or anything of that sort is taken of him, he will always appear as a sporadic blur of blue, red, and black. He can never be caught on any footage.
•⌇⌦ Whenever he is present in a room, depending on his mood, the ringing sound that emits from him can completely shatter ANY kind of surface. Glass, wood, stone, etc. His surroundings also turn a bit desaturated/monotone whenever he’s around.
•⌇⌦ EXTREMELY tall, eerily tall, to the point it is very obviously inhuman.
•⌇⌦ Can take form of people’s fears and/or desires [used for manipulation tactics.]
•⌇⌦ Loves being praised for any reason. In fact, he could get distracted by it… likely because he’s slightly egotistical.
•⌇⌦ His body, to the touch, is always ice cold. Just being around him gives off cold chills and makes rooms colder.
•⌇⌦ Neck twitches constantly.
•⌇⌦ He’s highly patient.
•⌇⌦ Smells like smoke and old candles.
•⌇⌦ He is constantly tired, yet he never sleeps.
•⌇⌦ He can be referred to as Damien only by Wilford as he knows it’s a comfort for Wilford rather than anything else.
•⌇⌦ Dark wisps, like smoke, often emits from his hair and leaves a feint trail wherever he walks.
・❥・ Bonus Short-Story ・❥・
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A fuchsia haired man sat on a weathered wooden bench, the crisp autumn air swirling around him, carrying with it the scent of fallen leaves and the hint of change. The trees stood tall and dark, their skeletal branches reaching out like gnarled fingers against the dark sky. Beneath the rolling clouds of black was a light shower of cold rain, paired with occasional deep bellows of thunder. Wilford, unbothered by the weather, wore a bright yellow coat that bore a striking contrast to the muted colors of the dark day, yet he felt oddly muted himself, as if the world around him had absorbed all the vibrancy he once possessed just moments ago. He stared at the trees, his curled mustache twitching as he was lost in thought. The shadows cast by the branches danced around him, triggering a flood of memories that flickered in his mind like fading autumn light. This time of year always made him contemplative how everything seemed to prepare for a long slumber, how decay and beauty coexisted in a delicate balance. Just as a gust of wind dragged him out of his thoughts and rippled up his spine, a dark figure swooped down from the sky. It landed gracefully next to him, perching on the back of the bench; its form a sleek raven whose feathers shimmered black as the void. The raven’s eyes glowed with an otherworldly stygian energy, deep pools of darkness that could drag anything into them.
Wilford turned to the raven, raising an eyebrow. “Well, aren’t you a striking little creature?” he quipped, a grin tugging at his lips. “What brings you to my little corner of the world? Here to steal my bread?” The raven tilted its head, regarding him with an unsettling calm, remaining silent but observant. Fragments of its being would fall out of place and come back together, as if reality itself fought against the creatures existence. Wilford leaned back against the bench, hearing it creak from his weight while his expression shifted. “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the roles we play, the expectations we uphold… it’s exhausting.” He glanced at the raven, as if seeking validation. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m still just a part of the show. One of the many characters in this unending, chaotic play. Am I the hero, the jester, or maybe even the villain? It’s hard to tell when the lines blur! As if I would use any scripted lines… but you know what I mean.” The raven hopped a bit closer, its gaze cold. Wilford felt a familiar chill run through him from the stare. “And then there’s the bigger picture. All those choices we make, the paths we tread. Are they truly ours? Or are we really just puppets on strings, guided by forces beyond our understanding? It’s like we’re all just fragments of a larger story, one even I can never understand, lost in a labyrinth of our own making.”
The raven remained silent, but its intensity seemed to deepen, as if it understood. Wilford sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I guess what I’m really trying to say is… I’m not sure where I fit into all of this. Sometimes I want to scream, to break free from agonizing expectation. But then I think—what if in doing so, I lose everything that makes me… me? Do I even have the power to break this? If I do, what would happen?” He would ask, hoping for an answer. With a rustle of feathers, the raven leaned in slightly, almost as if offering comfort. “You will never know until you try, William. Every great discovery begins with a leap of faith.” The raven spoke without its beak moving an inch. The raven studied the man in the yellow coat for a moment longer, and then, with a powerful flap, it took to the air, soaring high above the trees. As it ascended, Wilford felt an odd sense of clarity settle over him. He smiled softly to himself, the weight of the world feeling a little lighter as he returned his gaze to the autumn trees. In the depths of uncertainty, there was hope. A chance to steer his path towards an unforeseeable future. And it was all only a leap of faith away.
・❥Thank you for reading! If you wish to see more, request some ideas. What are you curious about the most?❥・
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alackofghosts · 10 months ago
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got tagged by tumblr user @fourteenthz (loved reading about thesa, by the way <3)! thank you very much!
— B A S I C S
name: lil guy i'm very shy, don't worry about it
nicknames: none based on his name, as it's quite short already, but will also respond to a fond and/or slightly exasperated "hero"
age: 33 as of 6.55
nameday: 27th sun of the 4th umbral moon
race: rava viera
gender: cis man
orientation: gay
profession: adventurer
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T
hair: black, naturally wavy, very thick and soft
eyes: dark brown
skin: warm brown, freckles easily, especially his face
tattoos: none
scars: burn scar on his left shoulder from his fight with ifrit, another burn on his right thigh from nidhogg. a few other scrapes here and there. notable lack of any significant scarring from shb and beyond, because that's how i see astrologian healing working - he feels particularly strange about not having a scar from his fight with zenos in endwalker
— F A M I L Y
parents: he has not been back to his home village, for obvious reasons, so doesn't know - but assumes - his mother is still alive and well; never met his biological dad. but because he showed signs of. however the viera would call/conceptualise the inner beast, one of the women called in a favour with a wood warder who was also a warrior, to take him under his wing to train. said wood warder, however, was wholly at a loss what to do with a child, having never taken in a ward before and decided to seek out an old friend, who had since left the forest. ...long story short, he ends up being raised by an all-viera dalmascan resistance cell, who end up packing up and leaving with him in tow after almost being rooted out by garlean forces. he views most of them as Parental Figures and loves them dearly, even if some of them have scattered into the winds after he left to become an adventurer
siblings: he isn't aware of any biological siblings, but the village took a very communal approach to raising kids, so at the time he definitely felt like the other kids were his siblings, regardless of any blood relations. one of the men in the resistance cell was a 'mere' 30 or so years older than him, so he also counts more as a sibling than anything else in his eyes
grandparents: he has definitely met his maternal grandmother, but as with his mother, he's not been back home and doesn't know if she is still alive (but in all likelihood: yes)
in laws and other: THE TWINS. putting an exact name to what alisaie and alphinaud mean to him would honestly not be Good or Close Enough, but they are absolutely like family to him and a reason to keep on going. he also has a very sibling-like relationship with lyse, who is always ready and willing to match his energy, tag along for workouts and tease the hell out of him
pets: he befriends an amaro hatchling at the crystarium during shadowbringers and during a later visit, her handler notes that she's been looking glum without him around. he loves animals, but his living situation has been far too chaotic after becoming an adventurer to accommodate an animal (that isn't his chocobo, who, at least, is much easier to house) and hasn't felt particularly inclined to change that. but after endwalker, he finds himself actually wanting to change that and has the time to do it... so, with a little bit of help from feo ul, he has a little amaro friend with him now
— S K I L L S
abilities: war + drk + pld and all that that entails. skilled and formidable fighter, good at navigating/strategising through a fight on the fly, quick study (as far as fighting is concerned, anyway)
hobbies: working out (especially running and swimming), hiking, he's been learning to enjoy fishing after endwalker
— T R A I T S
most positive traits: protective, caring, insatiable lust for life
most negative traits: too willing to let other people do the talking for him, impulsive, stubborn
— L I K E S
colours: warm red, gold, the bright green of sunlight filtering through leaves
smells: fresh earth, cinnamon, a meadow in early summer, the savoury smell of the stew one of his dads used to make
textures: soft grass under bare feet, tree bark, skin on skin, the scratch of ardbert's beard
drinks: water, pineapple juice, lemonade
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
smokes: no
drinks: only socially, and even then it's fairly rare. he did drink a little more often as a baby adventurer, mostly because he simply had more opportunities to do so: mingling was useful and it wasn't uncommon to have a rowdy bar night to celebrate a job well done. he is a bit of a lightweight and tends to withdraw when tipsy/drunk, so he actually has more fun when sober
drugs: also no (unless we're counting medicine for this. he won't be refusing painkillers if he's in pain etc.)
mount issuance: his beloved chocobo, who he dotes on very much, especially because it was something of a dream to have when he was just a baby adventurer - he could not have afforded to buy or maintain one at the time
been arrested: he's got in trouble for those rowdy bar nights - he's not the type to start a fight, but if someone were to pick a fight with him or his friends, by gods, he will be finishing it. no serious jail time, more like being hauled off with everyone else involved to sober up until morning, though
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 7 months ago
MAC. OH MY GOD. HEAD IN HANDS. HOLY SHIT. ashe is in college (normal college i think??) VYCNENT IS IN SUPERHERO COLLEGE!!!! wiwi fucking around in the woods..... dakota also in college i think??? idk that wasn't super clear 2 me but i think he's there IDK I WAS JUST SO EXCITED FOR ALL OF THEM TO BE LIKE. EXISTING IN THE SAME PLACE!!!! ashe oughhh ashe i missed u ashe <3 i like to think he still has the trickster's wings. thats canon 2 me idc. oh my godd they're doing like. relatively normal shit!!!!!! aaaa!!!! oh i need 2 write a fic about them in college. i got 2. i MUST. even just a oneshot idc i wanna do it!!!
THE IRL MARIOKART AGAIN!!!! LE FROG!!! WILLIAM'S FUNERAL!!!! THE SILLIES ARE BACK!!!!!!!! SHENANIGANS!!!! oh that was so good. that was SO GOOD!!!!! oh im going 2 cry. i didn't cry and then it got to dakota with his aunt and i teared up a lil and then it had william falling off the cliff and landin gin the dirt and just. holding the soil in his hands and feeling it and i actually cried a lil. man. also CANTRIP IS NOT IN THE SPIRIT WORLD!!! WHERE IS SHE!!! DOES THIS MEAN SHE'S ALIVE OR IS SHE A GHOST I DON'T KNOWWWW GOD I WANT 2 KNOW. I WANT 2!!!! and atlas being killed. an X being carved into him. XAVIER VILLAIN ARC????? 👀👀👀👀 PERHAPS??? god i hope so. i would love to see him as a villain. i rly like xavier actually and i think he deserves to go a little apeshit <3 SO EXCITED FOR WHATEVER THE FUCK IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH MAL!!! GUY WAS ALREADY FUCKED UP AND NOW HE'S EVEN MORE UNHINGED!!!!! i like mal a lot. he fucking sucks. terrible horrible awful little man. i love him so much he's such a cool fucking character i want to throw him out a window <3 idiot shit bastard man!!!!!! and william asking vyncent if he would come to ghim funeral. bro was like THIS CLOSE 2 asking him out. i am telling u. and btw william's fucking "vyncent did you realize anything while i was gone?" right ebfore vyncent just passes tf out in ep39 was so fucking. yeah. that's ghostknife!!!!!!! it always almost happens and then it fucking doesn't!!! i love that for them i hope they're ten times as gay and awkward in s3 <3
GOD. that was so good. finales always fuck me up dude. im so fucking emotional. i feel like my entire being is vibrating like a lightning rod or some shit. ALSO u gotta send me more trivia abt the episodes!!! i think the last one u sent me was for episode 15 of s2. GOD PLS SEND ME GREYSCALE AND DEADWOOD TRIVIA!!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!! I WANT 2 KNOW WHAT THE HELL CHARLIE WAS THINKING DURING GREYSCALE. WHAT WERE UR THOUGHTS KING!!! TELL ME MR SLMCL!!!!!!!!
man. im gonna listen 2 bitb next but i feel like i gotta take a few days first yk??? i gotta let that shit sink in. i hope ur havin a good time reading worm <3 i wil start worm soon!! i just wanna get thru jrwi first bc if i try to get into more than one thing at a time that i know will inhabit my entire brain i feel like my brain is melting. too many blorbo thoughts i gotta stick to one thing first. anyway yeah that was. fucking wild <3 ty for getting me into jrwi i regret nothing
HIIIIIIIIIII WHISKEY. SORRY I LET THIS SIT IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG I LOVE YOU.AUGH. PRIME DEFENDERS MY LOVE. every day i think about yakko showing up in cosplay . that made me so happy. ashe winters i love you so dearly. i have so many thoughts about post s2 ashe. if ashe isnt in s3 im going to fucking riot.
when i tell you that fucking part with the cliff made me UGLY CRY . like full on. "and you stay there" lives in my head forever.
EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT A POSSIBLE XAVIER VILLAIN ARC. LIKE. THATS GOTTA BE HIM RIGHT. THAT CANT NOT BE HIM. i wonder if allen is with him. fuck. AND WHERES CANTRIP. GOD. i miss her :( i think she deserves to go full vengeful spirit on williams ass and haunt him like a fucking poltergeist. god forbid women do anything.
dude finales fuck me up so bad too. god. 39 hurts me just a little bit more than 40 but 40 is still SOOOO insanely good to me. 40 was like the breath of fresh air we needed. i dont think 40 hit me as hard as a finale because i know we're getting a 3rd season so its not OVER yet. but something about it just made it feel so much more impactful than a regular season finale. god. i miss them so much.
IM SO GLAD YOU GOT INTO JRWI !!!!!!! ITS BEEN SO FUN SEEING YOU GUYS REACT TO EVERYTHING!!!!!! jrwi has been like. HUGE main hyperfix for me since like. last october. so im having sooooo much fun forever. hehehehe. me when my beloved mutuals and i are all into the same piece of media again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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milogreer · 10 months ago
For that thing you just reblogged (I'm sooo good explaining myself), Lasko? ^^
hi morgan! 👋🏼 ty for letting me talk about lasko again hehe ↳ send me a character!
My first impression: so … i almost didn’t get into the DAMN arc when i should have chronologically 🫣 when i saw that there was gonna be new characters i was so reluctant to get into them bc i just wanted the ones i already knew. but he had me hooked in his first audio cause the way he went “shit- i mean damn- DARN. ah fuck” made me laugh 💘
My impression now: LASKO 🥰��� my number two guy!! he’s made me so genuinely rabid sometimes that i don’t even know how i’ve survived it. i really really love how his character has developed & still is developing now with his coworker. i miss him so dearly, i hope he comes back soon despite the pack weddings on the horizon
A favorite thing: i always think it’s so funny when he swears and then tries to correct himself even outside of work settings. babes it’s okay!! you can say fuck! this is a safe space beloved swear all you want bc i swear like a fuckin sailor
Least favorite thing: not least favorite in an “i don’t like this” way but in a “this makes me so so sad” way: oh man. the ways he puts himself down, like. when he says “i don’t know if you should have to see the ‘nothing special’ side of me yet” ??? oh my god. there was a similar line in the FL/gavin/lasko BA that made me hurt so much i had to pause and walk away for a minute ☹️
Favorite line/scene: “being with you, how i feel when i’m with you, how i feel right now… it’s proof that new isn’t scary. i don’t have to be scared of something just because it’s unfamiliar.” …. i actually haven’t ever relistened to the first time audio bc it did psychic damage to me LOL but i had to find the exact quote... this audio and the “slowing down” audio i feel gave him a lot of depth beyond “nervous sub who gets freaky sometimes” and i love it for him!!
Favorite interaction that character has with another: listen listen listen okay. i love gavin/lasko as much as the next person. i eat up every single interaction like it’s the most expensive dessert on the menu. HOWEVER. lasko inviting huxley to join his dnd campaign when they're first reconnecting makes me so happy 🥺💕
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: milo ummm hmm…. tbh i always love when lasko and damien get like Real Interactions. i think they should have more one on ones that aren’t about DAMN or damien worrying that he’s freaking lasko out/lasko being nervous about damien’s intensity
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of them: i have forgotten every single other character i’ve ever met 🫣 i think i'm gonna take this option out for the other asks i got unless someone rly hits me lskjdgsd
A headcanon: i know it’s popular fanon already but i really do love when he is tall and bespectacled. mwah. also i think he likes vocaloid. it’s just a feeling i have
A song: against the kitchen floor by will wood !!!! i’ve posted it before but it’s always the first one i think of for lasko
An unpopular opinion: we need less twinky baby-faced white boy laskos. being submissive doesn't automatically make you a skinny twink!! giving him fat, facial hair, wrinkles, etc will not kill him i promise
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mirthlxss · 2 years ago
Hello my dear, I was so sad when this blog went a little AWOL due to the gross anons, miss mam you can't leave me hanging like that... seeing you slowly coming back made me SOY excited, I hope you find the time/strength to get back to Off To the Races... In the mean time, could I please request some general Price content? I love how you depict him, do you have any general headcanons for the big guy > :£
Sincerely, your Tumblr stalker... Haha, just joking!
You’re lucky I have a few of these knocking about, here are some random Captain Price headcanons. I’mma be zesty in saying they align with the John we know in Off to the Races. 
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Captain Price understands and appreciates the humble goodness of simplistic food. The man will stand in the safe house kitchen and harp on about how a well-timed egg with lashings of pepper and salt is practically gourmet when done to perfection. As much as this is true, he is also the sauce king. How can the two exist simultaneously? When it's his own cooking: hearty, jejune in a very English stew type of way. But at base? God, he hates the canteen food, only the right balance between various sauces can smother the tin taste of inadequately drained brine tuna. Has an extensive collection of bbq and hot sauces. Won’t share them. 
Thought that if he hadn’t gone into the army that he would’ve become a carpenter of some degree, appreciates the intricacies of woodwork and likes to let his fingers draw over the ridges of a well-carved decor. Would love to take a few classes in his spare time though he’s never committed to it, always finding one excuse or another. That doesn’t stop him from buying certain wooden trinkets, favouring darker wood, he has an ornate hand-carved box to keep his cigars. Often gazes thoughtfully upon it as he smokes in the office. 
His father had cancer when he was quite young, he felt extremely guilty leaving for the army at sixteen but he knew he’d be more use put to work than he’d be causing trouble around the town. John had a lot of pent-up emotion and no positive place to put it, aggravated at life and the lot he was given. It stressed his parents to no end, mostly his mother. Between his sisters, father and himself, she was strung out and tearing at the seams. Sometimes he questions whether he did it for himself or his family, he often concludes it was for both. He was given leave in his early twenties to go say his goodbyes at the hospice, doesn’t think he’s ever really recovered from that moment. It seems like every death he’s experienced after that felt innately personal, he carries each one and hasn’t figured out how to put any of them down to rest fully in his mind. 
Loves his mother dearly, more than his sister though he’d never admit that. Sends her postcards when he can, doesn’t talk much to his siblings but remembers to buy them somewhat last-minute gifts at Christmas, mostly pre-wrapped toiletry sets he’s grabbed a the pharmacy whilst he’s stopped along the motorway home. Doesn’t go to family gatherings as much as he should, with each bit of war that stains his consciousness he feels more and more detached from his former self, like a ghost in the room with his family as he watches them with their children and wrinkles slowly forming from smiling over the years. 
Soap has tried, and failed miserably, to set John up with blind dates. He outright refuses, or somehow, already knows who he’d be going with and then refuses. Somehow always finds some overthought, finicky excuse, convinced he is destined to be a little lonely. He’s had partners before and has dated around but as the years pass by he’s given less and less thought to actually pursuing anyone, more time given to ruminating on the life he could’ve had. One somewhat like his siblings, smile lines, Christmas and cheeky children. 
Is hilarious at team 141’s karaoke nights when they all get too drunk and stumble back to the shared common room. Gaz bought a second-hand karaoke machine from a charity shop and they’ve had endless fun with it. Price likes Nickleback, won’t hear anything else about it. Is surprisingly good at singing How you remind me, has the rasp for it. Also surprised the boys with his rendition of Poker Face, particularly in response to catching Soap training to it. Won’t admit that he sang it, claims they were all drunk and delirious, which is completely true but that doesn’t explain the video.  
Thank you for the support, I am slowly coming round to another chapter, just gathering the mental agility needed to volt over the potential of new anons ;)
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obsoleteozymandias · 10 months ago
I’ve seen this a few times while perusing the Stardew tag and thought it seemed fun! As such, I’m looking for a Stardew Valley match-up, if you will; I’ve no preference for the gender of the match up (bisexual nation RISE UP!!!)
I go by He/Him pronouns. I’m a chubby/stocky man who often jokes about being the “tallest man on earth” (complete lie) (But maybe I am telling the truth… you’ll never know). I am autistic and I suffer from and am medicated for depression and anxiety. Other illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, also run in my family, but I had never been professionally diagnosed with them. I have a debilitating phobia of dolls and some mannequins and puppets, to the point of nausea. I have chronic migraines.
I’m EXTREMELY heat intolerant, often times getting horribly ill when I do overheat. I take measures to make sure my room is always cool, and I even have some cool packs I rely on in the summer months.
According to MBTI (is that the right order for the abbreviation?) I’m an INFP. My big three astrological alignments are Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Taurus rising; however, my friends who are FAR more into astrology than I am say I seem more like an Aries sun (which is interesting, since I was born a week early— I would have actually been an Aries if I had been born on my actual due date).
I have only a few hobbies as of right now (video games, listening to music, and writing), but I have an abundance of new hobbies I would love to (and plan on!) getting into in the future (a couple include crocheting/knitting, building my own PC, and working/building with wood). I have a lot of struggles with reading, to a degree that makes me feel insecure a lot of the time; I worry it negatively effects my ability and love of writing, and it admittedly can feel a bit alienating at times when people I’m close with talk about the joy they get from reading.
I’m a BIG collector, to the point I don’t really consider it a hobby as much as I do a general part of my life; primarily, I collect stuffed animals! I sleep with a Snoopy Build a Bear every night, and get anxious when I don’t have him in my arms at night. I also usually bring a stuffed animal with me whenever I go out, since it helps me combat anxiety, and I just like holding something in my arms. I also enjoy collecting animal figurines, select Funko figurines (not limited to just Pops, and also only of media I already enjoy), as they don’t trigger my phobia in ways some figures do. I’m an out of box collector, and none of my stuffed is in “mint” condition— I collect for myself, first and foremost, and for the future generation second; everything is well loved, and will continue to be loved.
I’ve become a big “write that down” type of person as I’ve gotten older. I strive to be the guy people come to for notes for a video game they play, or perhaps for recipes that I wrote down even though I’d never make it myself since I’m a very picky eater.
As a kid, and even now, I dreamed of being an oceanographer; I love the ocean dearly, and I always will. I grew up playing the Endless Ocean games on Wii (side note: very excited for Luminous to come out!!!), which was the source of all my love and interest in the ocean. I love learning things I didn’t know about the ocean before, and love sharing my knowledge even more. I may not be able to drive a car, but I’d love to one day be able to have a boating license!
I’m a big animal guy!!! I grew up surrounded by animals all my life, and I’m a firm believer that a home isn’t a home without having an animal around that you can take care of, whether it be a dog, cat, turtle, or otherwise.
I have a moderate fear of going down stairs, as I can’t do it correctly (going down them one step at a time, body often veering off to the side and pressed up against the banister; no, I have no idea why I do this) and have fallen down them quite a few times. Luckily, I’ve never been seriously injured.
Cars also moderately scare me. I don’t like the idea of being in a fast moving box. This often causes embarrassing social blunders, because I reach up for the car handle when I get anxious. I promise it’s not because you’re bad at driving, driver!!!
I can make near-perfect imitations of select animal noises; I’m partial to my quacking noise, as it’s become something of a vocal stim for me. I can also bark and “purr”.
I hate lenticular lining (the thing that makes those images on bookmarks move or seem 3D)— the feeling and the sound it makes when you scratch it makes me feel sick!
I’m often described as an “old soul” by people in my life who are far more spiritual than I am. I don’t exactly know what that means, if I’m honest, but I know it’s a compliment and it makes me feel nice and warm inside when I am describes as such.
I’m allergic to cherries.
My biggest goal in life is to be the fun, supportive uncle/cousin if any of my friends or family ever have kids. I don’t foresee myself ever wanting kids, but I know that any children that would be introduced into my life would be loved and cherished by me. I’d love to sit and watch cartoons with them, or play games. I’d love to introduce them to the shows that I personally grew up watching, because I don’t find it fair for those shows to go overlooked and forgotten. They may already know Josh, but I want them to know Steve and Joe too. (And NO Cocomelon!!! That’d be my only rule).
Thanks for the surplus of info (/gen), it really helps me when writing. I ALWAYS prefer excess info to lack thereof. 
== Stardew Valley ==>
I match you up with…
Emily is exactly the kind of person who you’d want to know. She’s an oddball and may be a bit hard to understand at times, but she’s honest about herself and her hobbies, and will never judge you for yours. 
She won’t judge your fears either! I headcanon that while she is accepting of most everything, she has a few strange ones of her own. She’s open to exploring and expanding both of your horizons together, whether that means overcoming fears or just letting them be. 
She admires your unique tastes and personality first and foremost. She knows it can be difficult to connect with others who judge your tastes and likes, so she’s especially drawn to you and your energy. 
She also loves your love for animals and the ocean. I can imagine you two going on boat rides for dates, looking at the ridges and bumps on the ocean floor. 
Then, you go to Ginger Island and look at the local fauna and watch the sunset as the parrots fly across the sunset. She’s never been more content in her life. 
If ever you wanted to propose, that would be the time. 
And of course, she’d say yes. She’s never had someone understand her and connect with her like you do, and she can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with you. 
I imagine she’d join you on your fun supportive uncle idea. When your siblings or Haley have kids, the two of you spend tons of time running around with them on the farm or teaching them about animals.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years ago
Helloooo Ducky! May I please make an order for a small espresso with no ice? I'd love some sea salt and caster sugar with that! The names on the order are Bakugou and another of your choice! Thank you very much good fellow😍/p
Oh bestie I’m gonna RIP YOUR HEART OUT 😭😭😭
Ohhhhh my lord it’s sad as fuck
This one is gonna be a long one!!
POV: ducky doesn’t know shit about chess.
Cross-posted to AO3
CW BELOW THE CUT: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. DO NOT READ IF THIS IS A SENSITIVE TOPIC FOR YOU!! There is also presence of blood and illness symptoms.
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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Izuku took a few deep breaths in preparation. Why was he so scared? Bakugo is his best friend. Wait. That’s it. Bakugo is his best friend. His best friend of ten years, who he cherished dearly, who he would do anything for.
Bakugo is his best friend. He may not act like it, but he’s always be willing to help!
The green-haired boy sighed as his hand came up to rap at the blonde’s dorm room door. “Hey, Kacchan? It’s me.”
Low grumblings were heard from the other side of the door, and it opened shortly after. “What is it, nerd?”
“I need a favor.”
The explosive boy sighed harshly. “Come on in.”
Just like he had done many times in the past, Izuku smiled as he took a seat on Bakugo’s bed. “So I need your help with this. All-Might said that I haven’t been myself lately, and I can’t deny what he’s saying.”
The One-For-All user sucked in an anxious breath as he handed his best friend a piece of paper. The blonde took it in confusion and scanned over the contents of the page.
“He told me to set twenty goals for myself. Some things that I’ve always wanted to do, things that always make me happy, things I haven’t done in a while. I was hoping that you would help me complete them.”
Bakugo’s gaze lingered on the final item on the list, but he nonetheless couldn’t help the gentle, upward quirk of his lips. “Sure thing, let’s get to work.”
The two boys set off to complete the list. The first thing they decided to do was learn how to play chess. Izuku had never picked up on how to properly play, so they consulted Sero.
“It’s actually pretty easy. These tiny pieces here…” the brown-haired male chimed, toying the tiny pawn between his thumb and forefinger, “are called the pawns. You have lots of these little guys, but they can’t do much movement.”
The explosive hero-in-training picked up rather quickly, but it took Izuku a bit to catch on.
Bakugo was uncharacteristically quiet and peaceful, explaining each piece in a gentle-toned voice. “This one here is called the rook. It’s like the Hawks of chess pieces, only the queen is stronger.”
“Number Five: learn to play chess.”
Izuku listened intently, but couldn’t help the tears that sprang to his eyes suddenly. He hastily gasped and brought his arms up to wipe his leaking eyes.
“This one here is called the- Deku?” Bakugo furrowed his brows, “What’s on your mind?”
“Mm! N-Nothing. Sorry, I don’t know where that came from.” The green-haired boy chirped in reply as he sniffled a little bit, “I think I’m just really glad that I’m feeling better.”
“Well, good. I can’t beat you if you aren’t at your best.” The blonde replied with a menacing grin.
“Yep! I’ll feel better soon, and then we can race to be number one!” The boy chimed, re-engrossing himself in the chess game.
The day went by without a hitch, with each item easily being crossed off. As the tasks were complete, Izuku’s mood did seem to be improving, but it also seemed to be dropping at the same time.
They were down to the last three items on the list. The first task to tackle was meeting Izuku’s hero. He had already met All-Might, so he opted to meet the hero that saved him and his best friend just a mere year ago.
Kamui Woods.
The two young heroes found a meet and greet that was being held at a nearby bookstore. It would mean standing in line for quite a while, but the two were training heroes, it was nothing that they couldn’t handle.
The two were near the front of the line when Izuku suddenly started coughing harshly. The greenette fell to his knees, clutching his chest as he wheezed for a decent breath.
Bakugo gasped and immediately knelt down. “Deku? What the hell is wrong? Are you okay?”
“N-Nothing! I just need a hug. That’s all, just a hug please.” Tears once again flowed into the choking boy’s eyes, “Please, Kacchan. Just give me a hug, please, please, please.”
The explosive hero obliged without hesitation, wrapping his arms around the One-For-All user. The green-haired boy clawed desperately at his best friend’s back to hug him tightly, coughing painfully into his hand shortly after.
Kamui Woods looked up from his table to see the crumbling heroes. He recognized them instantly: they’re Aizawa’s boys. He rushed to their sides, holding his phone up to his ear to call the aforementioned teacher.
“Eraser, it’s me- Yes I’m fine, it’s one of your kids- Yes, one of yours- I’m taking him to the hospital- yes, him- I’m not sure of his name, he has green hair- Midoriya?” The hero looked at the panicking blonde, who nodded quickly, “Yes, that’s his name- Yes, please bring All-Might- see you soon.”
“Deku? Are you still with me? Hey!” Bakugo yelped, shaking the boy in his arms.
“I’m fine just… just please don’t let go… just hold onto me a little while longer…” the One-For-All user slurred sleepily. Within the next moment, he was out cold on Bakugo’s shoulder.
“Number Twenty: Get a big hug from Kacchan.”
“We need to go. Come with me.” The pro hero demanded, taking off toward the hospital.
Three pro heroes and two training heroes sat cramped in the tiny hospital room. There was an uncomfortable silence between them, tension thick enough to cut.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on here, problem child?” Aizawa’s voice was stern, his gaze deadly.
“Number Nineteen: See Mister Aizawa again.”
“I’m not sure. I was just in line to meet Kamui Woods and-“ the boy stopped dead in his tracks, noticing that his hero was in his room, “Oh! Um… hi, sir. Im Izuku, a big fan of yours.”
The hero smiled, “it’s great to meet you, Izuku. You gave me and your friend quite a scare back there.”
“Number Eighteen: Meet my hero.”
“Right, yeah… sorry about that, everyone.”
“Stupid Deku, nearly gave me a freaking heart attack.” Bakugo grumbled, standing up to flick the greenette’s forehead, “You must really love being in this damn hospital, huh?”
Izuku chuckled. “I guess so. Hey, on the bright side, we completed the list!”
Bakugo smiled as he turned to All-Might. “I guess this list idea of yours wasn’t so bad after all. We actually had a lot of fun.”
“What do you mean?” All-Might’s brows were furrowed, “I never-“
“Kacchan.” Izuku called, “Come here. I need another favor.”
Before he could question the older man, the blonde turned his attention to a smiling Deku, who was holding up his thumb.
“Do what I do.” The boy bit the skin on this thumb, drawing a tad bit of blood. He held his thumb up in the air. “Just trust me.”
Bakugo mirrored the action, and stood confused as his friend pushed their bleeding thumbs together.
“Katsuki Bakugo… You are strong enough to inherit my quirk. My power is called One-For-All, and I am passing it down to continue with you. Use it responsibly for the greater good.”
“What are you-” The explosive blonde jumped back as the power began to course through his veins.
“Young Midoriya!-“
The greenette began to grow paler and colder by the second, feeling the absence of power hit harder than expected. “Kacchan…” the boy trailed off with a sleepy smile, “It’s going to be okay.”
All-Might turned away from the scene, not being able to bear the sight of his most beloved pupil suffering. Aizawa rested a hand on his coworker’s shoulder to show his solidarity.
“Why did you do that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Bakugo cried. “I don’t understand- what are you hiding from me?!”
“Kacchan… I’m dying.”
There it was. The cat had been let out of the bag, and all Izuku could do was wait to see his lifelong best friend’s reaction.
“What…? No you’re not.” The blonde shook his head as his features grew angry, “Stop lying, this shit isn’t funny.”
“Do you remember when I told you about how if I overused my quirk too much…” the boy trailed off. “I’ve over-exerted myself… There’s nothing I can do about it, it’s too late to go back… I’m going to die today, I‘ve had a feeling since this morning.”
“But we made sure that you were being more careful! This can’t be happening…” Bakugo couldn’t begin to process the news. “D-Dammit, Deku. Why? Why didn’t you tell anyone? Tell me?” The blonde asked in exasperation, gripping one of the handles on the side of the bed.
“All-Might is the only one who understands. I didn’t want to scare you or make you try to find a cure. I made sure to pass on my quirk to someone important to me. I’m not scared of dying anymore, I’ve come to terms with it.”
“You knew?” Bakugo hissed, whipping his body around to lunge at the ex hero. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. “After all this time, and you two kept another secret from me? What the hell?!”
Kamui Woods stopped the boy before he could attack his teacher. “Stop. Now is not the time to hold grudges. Go be with your friend, he needs you.”
The explosive blonde retreated to the bed where his best friend took his hands. “I won’t really be leaving, you know that. All of the spirits of the past wielders will come to you.”
“Izuku!” The blonde yelled, voice breaking. “Don’t talk like that! If you knew you were going to die, why would you have us do that stupid list?! It doesn’t make any-”
“Kacchan… “Izuku sighed, dropping Bakugo’s hands, “that was my bucket list.”
Bakugo staggered backwards, breath catching in his throat. The tears he had been trying so desperately to hide came rolling down his cheeks, pattering onto the floor below. He stood dumbfounded, not daring to move or breathe. He stuttered out a few words, his voice exiting his lips in a cracking whisper.
“A-Are you damn serious…? Y-You mean to- to tell me T-that we just spent the entire day-“
“Kacchan…” Izuku’s face fell into a sympathetic look. He patted his lap as a beckon to his childhood friend. He held the boy in his arms to try and comfort him.
“This can’t be real…” Bakugo whimpered.
“You’re going to be a great hero, Kacchan. It’s going to be hard at first, but you’re super strong. Don’t work yourself too hard… please. More importantly, don’t ever give up. I promise I’ll be back by your side very soon.” The green-haired boy murmured as he carded his fingers through his friend’s hair.
The explosive blonde was uncharacteristically quiet, albeit his constant sniffling. The three pro heroes quietly chatted amongst themselves, leaving the room just quiet enough for only Bakugo hear one more uttered gratitude.
“Thank you, Katsuki.”
The explosive hero gasped, shooting upward. “No, no, no, no, no- Izuku! This isn’t- this isn’t goodbye! Please!”
“Take care of him for me… okay?” Izuku’s voice was mousy and strained.
The monitor flatlined.
Bakugo screamed.
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occult-roommates · 2 years ago
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Countdown until the full moon
Tonight's the night, as soon as the sunset will be over, the entire Marron family will turn into their beast form, whether they like or not. Their body was already starting to change, there's nothing they can do about it, unless they can figure out how to change the phase of the moon. This also meant that now, they have to prepare.
Lupe: Please, we need to have the chalet to ourselves for tonight. You can always sleep at the beach house with Rudi's friends. They're lovely folks and their beach house is pretty big. Tamara: Absolutely not, I am not letting an entire pack of feral werewolves destroy my entire house, sorry. Yamuna: Yeah, can't you guys just run around in the wood until the morning or something? Lupe: No, it's too unsafe. We need to be contained somewhere. Tamara: When I first met you years and years ago, you were in full control of your beast form, and you never bothered teaching your own kids how to. What happened? Lupe: You know what happened.
Yeah, everyone kinda know, it all started when Lupe's accidentally clawed her now dearly departed husband. It's not what killed him, he died three years later, and famously in a plane crash, but the guilt of injuring him never went away...Still, she never really admitted it, so while everyone knows, nobody can't be sure either.
Meanwhile, upstairs, the concerns were of...much more trivial means.
Ulrike: This is awful! I look so ugly and so gross and I have this huge pimple on my chin but I can't wear makeup cause my color vision is gone and I'm super super hairy and I can't shave cause it will just grow back within minute I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!! Sandalio: Riquitita, Riquitita, calm down please, my hearing is cranked up to eleven...
Then, outside, Conan was playing like any other kids. Maybe it's him only being 12, but he did not understand why older people around him were treating being a werewolf like this horrible curse. Personally, he's at peace with it, he has always been, which helps me keep control of his beast form. Then again, at his young age, having barely hit puberty yet, he hasn't unleashed its full force.
Eventually, the night began to fall, and just like every month, Rudi ran away in the nearest wood to hide. Then, they squat down and stared at the moon, waiting. Soon, the transformation will begin.
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pureangels22 · 2 months ago
Old Fanfic: Overdose (CH. WIP)
a/n: Overdose is an old Kingdom Hearts fanfic I tried to write when I was younger. I would like to continue it, but it's going to stay in my folder for now. I do apologize if the plot does not make sense, and if the characters are a bit OOC (out-of-character). Also! This was written back when Kingdom Hearts 2 first came out, so please keep that in mind when reading as well. Hope you guys enjoy! 🤍
Summary: What do you do when the person you fall in love with is the one you have to hurt in order to be free? Namine is faced with this situation when Diz tells her to go find Roxas and help him awaken the memories deep inside him in order to wake up Sora. But what she didn't expect was to fall in love with him. Will Namine be able to keep Roxas safe or will she betray him?
The night was calm as the wind swirled through the trees. Without knowing where they were going, they knew what their fate was. Sadly, their fate ended up next to a huge mansion deep within the woods. For you see, inside that mansion was a certain girl who would take her life over a person she loved so dearly.
Inside, down in the basement, was a man who was looking at a computer screen. His eyes glued to the bright light as a file started to load before him. It was almost done loading when the door to the room suddenly opened. A man dressed in black with red spiked hair came stomping in, but the other didn't seem to notice. He was more interested in the file than his lousy partner.
Noticing the computer, the redhead walked over to see what was going on. When he got close enough, the screen changed as a picture popped up. It was a boy with dirty blond hair and sapphire blue eyes. He was sitting on what appeared to be a clock tower, and he was wearing the same black coat as the redhead.
The man grinned. "Number XIII, Roxas; the Keyblade's Chosen One."
"Yes, so it would seem. Is our plan set, Axel?" the other asked with a hint of knowing the answer already.
"Yep, she's on her way now, but mind telling me why you want Roxas dealt with?" he asked not liking the idea of being left out on stuff.
"So the Key Bearer can awake. Without Sora the worlds will fall one by one into oblivions darkness."
Axel stayed quiet for a while. With the thought of Sora waking up, wouldn't that mean Roxas would disappear? His best friend gone and never to return to their world. There had to be another way for his friend to live, right? No. There wasn't another way. Even if there was Diz wouldn't allow it for every Nobody belonged in darkness.
"What if she fails?" Axel threatened as he glared at the back of Diz's head wishing fire would explode out of it.
Diz chuckled to himself as he turned around in his chair. "Fail? Fail is not a word she can do without me above her. As long as Namine captures her goal. We needn't worry about what befalls Roxas."
It wasn't long before morning came that the plan was in action. Passed the woods was a town called Twilight Town where the girl was. Her long blonde hair flowed with the morning wind as she set out for a certain person.
She searched around the whole town but with no luck found what she was looking for. With a sigh, she leaned against a brick wall and slumped her shoulders in dismay. "What am I thinking? I can't find him in this town. I don't even know where he lives or what he looks like."
She sighed again but to only jump when she heard a sudden thud next to her. The blonde turned her head to only see a boy lying on the ground. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, walking towards him.
There was no reply for it seemed the boy was unconscious. Curious, the girl bent down and admired the boy's features. His spiky dirty blond hair glowed as the sun hit his soft warm skin. His eyes were closed so she couldn't see what color they were, except something inside her made her think of a deep ocean; like the color of someone else's eyes, she once knew or met.
Suddenly, the boy's eyes shot open while a groan followed. Shocked by the sudden outcome, the girl quickly backed away from him so he could have some space.
"Ugh, Namine, what's happening to me?" he mumbled as he sat up with his hand clutching his head.
"Who are you?" the girl asked, shocked that the strange boy knew her name even when they never met before.
"Huh," the other spoke confused until he saw the blonde-haired girl knelt down before him. With a gasp, he sat up straight as a small blush appeared on his face.
Namine knew the emotion he was feeling, embarrassment. She was curious about the emotion, but that didn't quite change her mind about the boy knowing her name. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" she asked again.
"I-I don't know how I know your name. I just do for some weird reason." He said a bit confused himself.
"Hmm... well can you tell me your name?" Namine asked, thoughtfully.
"Roxas," he said with a smile.
Roxas, she thought, surprised by the answer. Roxas was the name of the boy she was looking for. The one who was connected to Sora. This boy before her was the one who she had to help and hurt in the process of knowing the truth.
Namine quickly shook her head as the thoughts of her mission ran through her head without permission. She didn't want to hurt the boy, but knew that if she didn't listen to Diz, she'd be punished to go back to her Somebody's body and live within them forever, while Sora sleeps forever in an unending dream.
"Hey, are you okay?" Roxas's voice echoed through her head. She looked up to see him looking at her with worried eyes. The feeling was so unnatural that she wished she could feel the emotions he felt.
With a smile, she nodded her head as she stood up. "Yeah, sorry to worry you."
"Don't worry about it." He says, getting up as well. "So, are you new in town? I don't think I've ever seen you before in Twilight Town."
"Oh, uh, yea, I'm new here. I was actually looking around town when I bumped into you. Would you mind showing me around, Roxas?" she asked, hopefully.
"Sure," Roxas said as he took her hand and lead the way as their journey began...
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the-owl-tree · 19 days ago
Wait for funsies, some quick trivia on Wolf's group:
Hare(sprint) (Any pronouns)
Only survivor of their parent's first litter, older sister to their second litter where two kits survived.
Took on a maternal role for them while her mother recovered from their tumultuous birth and was then pressured into staying as a permaqueen.
Did not want to cause drama and just sort of accepted it, was miserable the entire time. Loves his little sisters dearly, but being cooped up helping raise kittens was not the life she wanted.
Her, Wolfpaw, and Silverpaw are thick as thieves during their apprenticeship. They'd often sneak out to go sliding on the icy lake nearby or using wood to sled down hills.
Silver(lake) (He/Him)
Kind of unsettling to talk to at first, he's got these uncanny vibes and a weird cadence when he speaks. But once you get past that, he's chill, just kind of shy.
Has aquaphobia due to an incident during their apprenticehood where the ice of the lake cracked and he fell in. It took him a long, long time to recover and both Wolfpaw and Harepaw were (and still are) guilty that it happened.
Nicknamed 'Ghost' by the others because he's a very stealthy kitty, nearly impossible to hear coming.
Strongest relationship is with Hare, they settle down as a couple once they leave TempestClan with Wolf.
Skua(dive) (She/He)
Similar to Sheepfall, he was a young loner who he and his travel group were invited to stay with TempestClan and weren't allowed to leave.
Some of his group managed to escape, but his parents opted to stay and integrate than risk the danger of escaping. As a young cat at the time, he didn't want to be separated from them and stayed.
He becomes pissed about it, an angry troublemaker who picked fights and purposefully tried to set off his mentor. I think his and Blizzardpaw's bonding moment is when he tries to attack Blizzardpaw during battle training with his claws out and Blizzardpaw thrashes him with ease, pinning him and whispering something like hey buddy is this tough guy act helping you out yet or what.
Him and Blizzard briefly date but break it off amicably, they're still close friends. Skua runs hot while Blizzard is a lot more mellow than he seems.
Hound(foot) (He/Him)
The son of a CoyoteClan cat named Grasswhistle and a TempestClan cat named Whitebelly, he was initially born in CoyoteClan before being brought to TempestClan.
His only relative there is his uncle, Prickletail, a devout TempestClan Warrior who tried to beat the teachings into Houndpaw.
As such, Houndpaw initially didn't really have any friends, neither Blizzardpaw or Skuapaw wanting to be around such an abrasive cat. Skua probably catches on when he sees the way Prickletail talks to Houndpaw and then how Houndpaw imitates him.
Eventually Houndpaw settles down and actually makes friends with the other two apprentices and becomes more independent from his uncle when he becomes a warrior.
Blizzard(strike) (He/Him)
The bastard son of Lynxstrike and another cat named Beetlecrouch, Lynxstrike already had been betrothed to a cat when Beetlecrouch was pregnant and so, to protection his reputation, spun a lie that the father was a cat executed for conspiring to kill the Tempeststar. Not only did this destroy Beetlecrouch's social standing, Blizzardkit was born a social outcast before he took his first breath.
He's a quiet cat, hard to read. He'd been quick to learn to school his emotions, make sure that he didn't egg on his abusers (though they quickly stop picking on him when he gets much much bigger than him). He was initially alone in the apprentice den, before being joined by Houndpaw and Skuapaw, whom he eventually hit it off with.
Beetlecrouch tells him the truth on her death bed. She also requests his suffix to spite Lynxstrike, a permanent way to remind him of what happened. She dies with her kit curled up around her.
He and Wolf don't really get to know each other until later on after rescuing her and leaving TempestClan. They make close friends and eventually get closer as they work more and more together. He's her right-hand cat in the rebellion, enforcing her orders and making sure no one causes trouble.
Everything seems to be connected to this Wolf. Who are they?
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Wolfchase (She/Her) was a former warrior of TempestClan, born to Stoutsnarl and Oatwhisker, she had a tumultuous upbringing after Oatwhisker fled TempestClan and was raised by her abusive father. She was a closeted trans she-cat, something that was further wielded against her during her upbringing in the nursery. She eventually began to find her path when she was apprenticed to Threadfur (They/Them), an older cat who had once secretly been part of an old insurgent group that the Saints had managed to dismantle.
Wolfpaw grew up in an interesting time for TempestClan, who were experiencing a rare "apprentice boom". She made easy friends with a lot of the apprentices around her, including those her age - Harepaw and Silverpaw - as well as those were older and taking on their Warrior names - Blizzardstrike, Skuadive, and Houndfoot. Managing to form a close clique with them, helping her withstand the isolation she faced from the wider Clan and her own father. Things really changed when she managed to gain her Warrior name and met Sheepfall, the two hitting it off when Sheepfall was not so nicely not given permission to leave. While Sheepfall was bitter and anger, Wolfchase had gained a new passion with the guidance from her mentor and she had managed to give Sheepfall something she thought she had lost forever: hope.
Sheepfall's arrangement to Cariboucall was heart-breaking to Wolfchase, and she pushed to begin conspiring her own revolution with the help of her friends. They made their attack during a meeting...and were subdued after a tense fight, with Wolfchase being captured after being identified as their ring leader.
I like the idea that during this she pretends to "turn" on her friends, trying to make it seem like she'd manipulated them. she singles out sheepfall especially to try and protect her, making herself look like the bad guy to pull some sympathy for sheepy.
Stripped of her name and her rank, she is referred to as just Wolf, marking her as a rogue, as lesser. Imprisoned and awaiting execution, the cats who had followed her got together and made a plan. Big ol' public execution in the abandoned Church, she's roughed up a bit before the Saint clamps down on her throat. Messy on the details here, but Blizzardstrike is the one who managed to knock the Saint off with Wolf's group of rebels managing to race out of the camp and escape with her...except for Sheepfall.
All of Wolf's followers take on similar names. If she's a rogue, then they're rogues with her. It's a sign of rejecting TempestClan altogether, a way to bond them. They travel a long ways away, struggling with the weather until they find a cave they settle down in. Wolf and Sheepfall eventually meet up again, with Sheepfall staying in the Clan as a spy, something Wolf initially protests before eventually having to agree.
While initially small, her rebellion grows in size as more and more cats begin to defect and she's able to provide more stable security and guidance to them...before eventually, they make their attack.
Other fun Wolf trivia:
Wolf is infectiously dramatic and compelling in her ability to inspire, she is someone who can keep her audience locked on her during her speeches.
She has a soft spot for kittens, absolutely loves playing kit sitter for the cats who come to her rebellion with their litters.
Mentioned before but she's polyam! She's in a relationship with Silver, Hare, Blizzard, and Sheepfall.
Her relationship with each of them vary, Silver and Hare are together while Blizzard and Sheepfall are only in a relationship with her.
Blizzard and Sheepfall kill her dad during the first attack, out of view. Sheepfall isolates him and Blizzard takes the fucker out for good. She doesn't find out they did that until further along.
Wants to get to know all of Sheepfall's kits but by the end of it...one's dead, one's run off, and one is banished from the Clan. She and Stormrunner do hit it off, though it's more of a mentor/apprentice thing (which Wolf is cool with).
I think it's hard for her to reconcile that same warmness for Blightspirit when he approaches them. He was responsible for quite a bit of damage and even though he's Sheepfall's son, the damage is done.
She doesn't take on a -star suffix when TempestClan is destroyed. Not sure what I want to rename them to, but definitely something that isn't a Clan. She wants to scrub that entirely.
I figure her first appearance as a leader of a new Clan immediately sends the other Clans into Hostile Panic Mode, which has to carefully navigate. Hits it off with Dawnstar and Sandstar and manages to impress Swiftstar with how she navigates gathering politics.
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ravio-rants · 1 year ago
my characters! this got pretty dang long so i put it under a read more lol
Raide! Genderfluid, any pronouns
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Raide is a Twili, which is a species from twilight princess, but ive changed em up a bit to be more interesting in my opinion.
Raide is 17, and is a passionate artist with a lot of skills. she can sew, she can draw, he can paint, he can play violin and cello and flute, they can write, they can just do a lot.
they were born to two royal guards, and he loves his mothers deeply, even if she isnt following in their footsteps. she is currently dating her boyfriend, Calen, and loves him very very dearly.
Calen! Trans Man, He/Him.
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Calen, despite sharing almost every physical trait of one, is not a twili. he is actually a living doll, built by his mother and father after they were unable to have kids. his father spent years crafting him out of strong wood, before casting a spell to give him life. he is, for all intents and purposes, a regular twili, the only difference being the type of ears he has, and the fact that he has to take special elixirs to keep himself functioning.
Calen is also 17, and is a travelling merchant. he gathers supplies and travels the half-light kingdoms in order to sell his goods, which range from potions, to dyes, to fabrics and tools. he always comes back home though, in favor of restocking his wares and seeing his family.
The Twins, Kalt and Vang! Kalt, Nonbinary, He/They. Vang, Trans Woman, She/Her.
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The twins are 16, and are the prince and princess of one of the Half-Light kingdoms. which one? uhhh get back to me on that lmao. these two arent quite as fleshed out as the other two because the other two were recycled OC's that i already loved, so they tend to get more attention from me...
Kalt doesnt really have anything special going on. hes just a little guy who cares about his friends.
Vang however, was born with the ability to see small glimpses of the past or present. she doesnt control them, and she doesnt really like them either, but theres nothing she can do about it. she was born a few minutes before Kalt and she will absolutely make fun of him for it.
Both of them are friends with Calen and Raide.
okay, now for not legend of zelda OC's!
Hobic. Trans Man, He/Him.
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this is hobic. hes entirely based on a stupid joke my family makes. instead of saying homophobic we sometimes say Home Of Hobic, which led to the joke that Hobic is a gay wizard with a Homophobic Home. The home of hobic is homophobic. get it. yeah. theres not much to him yet but he exists. he's probably in his mid 20's.
Trance! gender? whos that? any pronouns
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trance is just. a lynx without eyes. why? i thought it would be cool. i was correct btw. Trance is basically just a mascot type deal at this point but you can still ask about it.
Zeverin! He/Him, usually..
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this is zeverin, or zev for short. hes a changeling rouge from my first dnd campaign. he's a little stupid but he has the spirit. the owl mask on his head is a special item he got on his journey, specifically because he was the only character without dark vision, which the goggles help with. he can and will attempt to persuade and or seduce his way out of situations if he can, just because he thinks its funny. he also can and will stab people.
he tried to steal soap from a store once. just for fun. he got caught though, and then kicked out, and then almost killed for it before his teammate used her incredible charm to get the shopowner to calm the fuck down.
this drawing shows him as he prefers to look, but he can change his appearance whenever. his "true" form is completely void of color, a blank slate, as it is for all changelings.
time for more fandom ones!
Falling Stars on Cloudy Nights, or Stars for short (FSoCN) any pronouns work!
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Stars is an iterator OC from the game rainworld. again, not really fleshed out much, but shes an iterator with an interest in art and the sky. she is the sibling iterator to my actual siblings iterator oc, but thats not my job to talk about lol. Stars is just kind of here, but again, feel free to ask about him, maybe itll help give him some personality!
Glowstick!! He/Him
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Glowstick is a.. scavenger.. slugcat... thing.. from rainworld! He was made up when i messed with spearmasters colors and the dress my slugcat mod and accidentally gave spearmaster Bright Green spears. His title is The Chemist, based on the fact that he has weird chemicals in his tail that allow him to make glowing spears whenever.
he has good relationships with the scavengers and his iterator, stars. he is a little bloodthirsty, and will sometimes go out for cycles at a time just to go hunt lizards or vultures, but he always comes home.
Squid Jr! he/him
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this is Squid Jr. he was made because i messed around with the beastmaster mod and ended up making a monk slugpup, which we promptly named "squad jr" after his family, The Squad, who is really just a hoard of playable Monk slugcats that i summon when me and my sibling feel like messing around and or i die in the game and want to be funny by helping using The Squad.
Squid Jr was renamed after one of my mutuals was saddened by the fact he was not, in fact, named Squid Jr.
Squid Jr is my son boy boy son and i love him so so much. look at his little face-
next up is another set of fandom oc's!
my sonic oc group! Media the Raven, They/He/She. Marble the Manta Ray, She/Her. and Moss the Lynx, He/They.
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these guys are pretty new so they dont have much going on at all, other than the fact that media is the oldest, and marble is the youngest, and all three are video game nerds. they also either share a house/apartment or they just go to each others houses all the time. undetermined.
thats all folks! i hope you enjoyed reading this pretty brief description of each of my guys. feel free to ask me about any of them at any time. ill post more about them eventually as i flesh them out, but for now this is about all you need to know i think.
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snowshinobi · 4 years ago
Me, in 2 days, pulling out my 1911 copy of Hamlet in Terminal C: I have to be the most pretentious person at this airport
#memes#yes i sure did buy an old copy of Hamlet that's copyrighted 1911#it has that wet-wood smell of old book. i love it dearly#the introduction penned by the editor is pompous as hell but also kinda interesting#I'm in it for Horatio and Ophelia tbh. aka Hamlet's polycule#but yeah the friend who's loyal abd the friend who wants to be (if only her dumbass dad stooped making her and Hamlet's relationship weird)#are highkey faves of mine#Hammy is a fave too but that goes without saying. everyone likes Ham#right? who can hate Hamlet (the guy)#he's a young adult going through some shit. ofc he makes bad decisions while thinking he's the smartest man alive#like yes he absolutely overthinks everything (except wjen he doesn't) and he's deeply flawed. he's endearing. i love him#Hammy my beloved#that introduction makes a cool point about Laertes as a son in comparison to Ham as a son tho. like#Laertes immediately avenges his dad's death. Ham hems and haws about just how to avenge his dad.#he has the perfect chance and bails bc it isn't perfect#that's how the introduction puts it. personally i agree with Ham's reasons for bailing.#still a neat observation tho. i usually think of Horatio as the calm mom friend to Ham's emotional chaos but who says#you can't have multiple character foils right? Laertes can come too#i look forward to rereading this play. it's been a minute. chewing on some fun thoughts already#also i graduated woooooooo that was A TIME#had some sensory overload during the presentation of degrees bc the students behind me kept screaming#every time they heard a name they recognized. I'm not mad about it tho i mean graduation is a celebration#i just learned very quickly that it's not a good place for me to be#so i fuckin dipped halfway through and lay on some grass in the shade outside the stadium where graduation was happening#and clapped and listened along from a distance. and y'know what?? that was really sweet. i liked getting to pace around campus one last time#really love my school. really grateful for every opportunity it offered me (even the ones i turned down or regretted immediately after.#bc you always learn something.)#snowswords
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adonis-koo · 3 years ago
wicked • 8
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 11k
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Note: ahhhh!!! im so excited chapter 8 is finally here!! let me know how you guys feel about it and thank you so much for reading! 
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“We’re doing everything we can but...I’m sorry, it’s just too soon to say she’ll be okay.” 
All Jungkook saw was red. He was so livid he couldn’t even speak, Taehyung had looked beyond apologetic and in disbelief himself earlier that day before he had re-entered your room once more. 
Jungkook’s duties had been abandoned and whatever previous anger and resentment he had towards you was quickly replaced by a new anger of how unbelievably reckless you could be! Did you not understand who you were? What you meant to this country? Jungkook leaned against the wall trying to calm himself as he rubbed his forehead. 
True not everyone had been the most kind to you but to go against his orders and put your own life in danger...had he not realized you had disobeyed him you would’ve…! Just the thought had his jaw clenched, when you woke up you were certainly going to have hell to pay from him…
If you woke up. 
That’s what Taehyung had said. Jungkook’s anger dulled as his head thudded against the wall, closing his tired eyes. If you woke up. 
He sighed as his body sank back against the wood, it had been nearly two hours but they still wouldn’t let him into the room yet to see you. After he had gotten you to the castle all of the Seers had shooed him from the room saying he was being too hot headed and he hadn’t been allowed back in ever since. 
The only other person in the hallway was the other person you knew dearly. Wheein was standing against the other wall, her eyes not leaving the floor and he knew she was deeply disturbed at the news of the princess. 
A sharp inhale from her drew his eyes to her figure that now trembled before she ushered softly, “I’m so sorry your Highness, if I had gotten to her in time…” 
Jungkook didn’t speak for a moment before he relented, a puff escaping his nose as he shook his head with a mutter, “It isn’t your fault Jung, she’s stubborn and bullheaded, I should’ve taken her back myself.” 
Wheein’s lips twisted into a sorrowful frown as she sighed, lowering his head out of apology and respect as she spoke, “I’m sorry if this is out of line your Highness but...I firmly believe the Princess truly wanted to help…” Wheein paused for a moment before her voice softened, “...If you gave her a chance, you’d see it. She’s just as kind as they say, if not even more so.” 
Jungkook said nothing in return, his eyes cast out over the window at the end of the hallway, he didn’t need to give you a chance to see who you were, flecks of your true personality had already shone on their own, even if they were in bits and pieces. 
And that’s what made Jungkook even more angry, angry at himself. It was easier to hate you when you didn’t care what anyone here thought of you, when you disregarded him and his nation, when you said horrible, cruel words out of your own misery. 
But you had grown past those days and Jungkook felt stuck. How could he move past it when he was made to sit and watch what he wanted as a future pass him by? But it was getting harder and harder to resent you with each passing day, and this situation was no different. 
Why couldn’t you just go back to the castle? Why couldn’t you be a prideful, vain Princess who would never dare dirty herself for a peasant? Why couldn’t you be indignant and not care because after all, Penumbra wasn’t your home. 
Jungkook had so many questions and yet his head was only filled with more and more. 
Such as, despite Penumbra not being your home, and despite how you had been treated by the court, by him, you still plunged yourself into a life threatening situation to help his people. 
Jungkook’s mind was restless for most the night until the doors opened, the Seers filing out one by one as the High Seer bowed to Jungkook causing him to stand straighter, his eyes brooding as ever but nobody could mistake the way his expression shifted subtly as they snapped in worry towards the door. 
“She’ll be okay.” 
Jungkook’s shoulders visibly slumped as he groaned softly in relief as he rubbed his face, the High Seer continued on, “You may stay with her now, I will have Taehyung return first thing in the morning to tend to her wounds, let us know if anything changes during the night.” 
Jungkook nodded as his gaze lowered in respect, “...Thank you.” They all bowed once more, Taehyung’s eyes lingering on him in silent apology once more before he passed the man by. 
“Get some sleep Jung.” Jungkook’s eyes flickered over to Wheein who had paused from her hurried steps towards the room. Her lips parting in objection weakly but Jungkook could see how tired she was much like himself, “I know you’re concerned,” He pushed himself off the wall, “But it’s late and you have duties to attend tomorrow, I’ll stay with her.” 
Wheein’s lips crumpled as she sighed, perhaps knowing he was right as she gave a small curtsey, “Very well m’lord. Please…” Wheein paused as her eyes lingered tenderly on the door, “Take care of her.” 
Jungkook said nothing as she left and it was now only himself in the hallway, Jungkook paused in front of the door somewhat hesitantly. Your words still prominent in his head ‘I’d rather you just stay away from me until you’re ready to move forward’ Jungkook’s eyes had suddenly found your body, sunken into the bed where you laid down unconscious.
Anger once again simmered beneath his skin as he trudged into the room, shutting the door behind him as he muttered, “You’re so selfish for a selfless person.” He ungratefully yanked out a chair from the small round table beside your bed as he sat down, his glare scathing as he stared down at your stupid pretty face.
“It’s barely been two weeks since that stupid argument and here I am,” Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his eyes still cut as they went from your face to your neck, trailing your collarbones before down to your hands which had been wrapped thoroughly in bandages.
Jungkook inhaled sharply as he looked away, “I should’ve took you back myself,” Flecks of regret could be heard in his tone as he set his forearms on his knee’s his head bowed down as he sighed, “...I know we’ve had our differences but I never said I wanted you dead or that I still wanted to marry her, that I didn’t want to get along with you…” 
Jungkook sighed as he finally scooted his chair a little closer to your bed, resting his arms on the soft duvet as he laid his head against his arms, staring at those thick lashes that gently brushed along your cheeks, “How am I supposed to hate you when you’ve already given so much of yourself away to prove your dedication to learning our way of life?” It was mumbled and tired and Jungkook’s eyes were failing to stay open. 
The question more to himself than you, after all, he was the one that had made an oath to himself to hate you for the rest of his days. Jungkook could see and acknowledge he said a lot of hurtful and bitter things in his own hate. 
But that never meant he wanted to see you get hurt…
He could only hope you would wake up soon.
Those were his last thoughts as he slowly drifted to sleep. 
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The first thing you felt was a dull ache in your head and the second was the dry, burnt twinge in your mouth that tasted of ash, it had you wheezing immediately as your eyes slowly opened to the blurry world around you, at first you saw two of everything as your eyes slowly closed into darkness once more.
Voices sounded muffled at first but became more clear as your eyes opened to a more clear vision once more, you attempted to resituate yourself briefly but a sharp throb of pain flooded the palms of your hand at even the slightest attempt to wiggle your fingers. 
The tips of your fingers throbbing in a horrid aching pain that caused a whimper to escape you.
“Don’t hurt yourself anymore.” It was a stern voice that called out to you, but it’s touch the very opposite- tenderly holding your wrist as it set it back against your stomach. Finally your eyes fluttered open one last time to the sight of your ceiling greeting you and the person staring down at you was none other than your own husband.
Jungkook’s eyes looked more tired then you remembered and his hair looked disheveled as it hadn’t been properly brushed in a few days. He said nothing for a long moment as he stared down at you, attempting to speak was almost useless. 
Your throat hurt like hell. It ached and burned and the sound of this Jungkook had leaned away from you only for a cup to meet your lips, “Drink.” It wasn’t a suggestion. 
Your eyes closed at the liquid relief met on your tongue as you took a few gulps, the immediate pain of your throat had vanished as you sighed in relief, slumping back down against the pillow. 
You felt so tired, as if your entire body had exhausted all of it’s energy and it would surely never return, turning your head you got a decent look at Jungkook’s figure, he was not only tired and disheveled looking but his clothes were ruffled and his jacket had hung from his chair as if he had been sitting a long while, “Jungkook…” You finally mumbled out, your eyes searching his but you just couldn’t get anything else out. 
Jungkook puffed a breath from his nose, leaning back against the bed as he shook his head, “...I told myself I was gonna give you hell when you woke up.” His calloused fingertips brushed along your cheek making your eyes tiredly shut, had his voice always been so soft and dulcet? 
“But now I’m just thankful you’re awake. Rest, the others will be here soon.” 
And so you did, your mind slipping soundly back into unconsciousness at the feeling of his fingers tenderly trail down your jawline. 
The next time you woke up, light had streamed through the room and Jungkook was no longer by your side, Wheein was the first at your side among many people in your room, her eyes looked relieved as she spoke, “Oh m’lady! I’m so happy you’re awake!” She ushered as you groaned slightly, “Oh, here, let me help you sit up. I’m sure you’re tired of laying down.” 
With the help of Wheein and many pillows, you were propped to sit up, but even the slightest attempt to use your hands had you yelping out catching everyone’s attention in the room. 
Managing to sit up right you now had a good look at the thick cloth bandages that covered your hands that trembled as you looked down at them, “What….I...what happened?” You were almost too frightened to speak as your lips trembled, looking up at Wheein at a loss of words. 
“That’s what we had hoped you’d be able to tell us,” It was the familiar voice of Taehyung who spoke, he was towards the back of the room by your vanity, rather with many tools, currently holding a mortar and pestle. 
Your lips twisted into a lost frown as you desperately looked around towards Wheein before towards the Seers and then you met his gaze, Jungkook had been quietly talking to a lower Seer by the doors of the room who had been watching you silently. 
“...I…” You felt at a loss of words and no amount of description could accurately describe how much shame suddenly coiled into your entire being as your gaze lowered, “...I’m sorry...I don’t remember much…”
“I know I helped some people and...I think I lifted something…?” Your lips began to tremble as you stared down at your hands, the gravity of the situation hitting you and it felt as though a lump had formed in your throat as you looked back up to Jungkook. 
His expression didn’t look pleasant at all, his jaw clenched at your words as you mumbled, “All I really remember after entering the fire was...ash and smoke and…” 
You close your eyes, unable to even finish your sentence at the jarring memory that entered your mind, sharply inhaling you tried to calm yourself, the image would be forever seared into your head. It was like a true horror watching chunks of flesh dangling from your hand, blood covering your fingertips.
That was the only thing you could remember, everything else felt as if a thick cloud of fog hung over those memories, just the realization made tears sting your eyes as you mumbled, “Everything is just...blank aside from that.” 
Jungkook made a noise of what you could only assume was frustration, running a hand through his hair as he looked even more angry then before, excusing himself from the room as he obviously didn’t want to be around you any longer. Or he just simply couldn’t stand too. 
Taehyung sat down on the side of your bed, placing a wooden tray in your lap causing you to jump at the sharp sting in your right thigh, “Sorry Princess, you have a pretty severe burn on your right thigh and a more mild one on your left.” 
His words nearly fell on deaf ears though as you stared at the closed door of your room, Taehyung offered a comforting smile, “...He’s upset,” He spoke softly, grabbing the basin off your nightstand as he began to pour water in.
“...I can tell.” You mumbled, trying to swallow that lump which only formed harder and harder in your throat, “I….” The words felt like they were stuck in your throat as you forced them out barely above a whisper, “I was only trying to help…” 
The longer you were awake the more shame began to cast over you at how stupid you were to try and help when all you did was clearly make things worse, and on top of that you couldn’t even remember what had happened, not really. You had some fuzzy moments of when you had first followed behind the man. But everything just melded together into your head in one pile of ash. 
“You misunderstand his emotions Princess,” Taehyung frowned softly as he held up your wrists tenderly, “I can’t speak for the Prince but I can tell you this, you’ve been unconscious for two days and he didn’t leave that chair once the entire time, all of his duties were cast aside, his meetings and trainings were put on hold. He wouldn’t even so much as leave the hall when we were first tending to you. The Prince is upset because he was worried you wouldn’t make it.” 
You couldn’t find the words to speak as you sucked in a harsh breath of air, shaking your head silently as Taehyung finally offered you a smile, “I think...and don’t tell him this but...I think Jungkook has become rather fond of you, in his own way...And I think he didn’t realize it until you were in danger. Now...you may want to look away…” 
Taehyung carefully unwrapped your hands and you’d be lying if you said the fresh air didn’t feel good but the sight was just as Taehyung said. 
You could feel a knot forming in your throat at the sight in front of you, your eyes stinging with tears at just the sight.
Your hands you had prided yourself on for so many years, the same hands that had helped heal many during the war when there wasn’t enough healers during your younger years, the ones which helped replant the flora in the meadow when a fire had broke loose, the very same hands which you painted in celebration for the festival of flowers….
Almost all the skin had been burned off the palms of your hands and the skin around the wound was charred and grotesque, blisters had begun to form and the skin of your fingers were peeling and painfully blistered.
 “I’m so stupid.” You couldn’t even stop the tears if you had tried, conviction and regret buried in your stomach as you softly wept, squeezing your eyes shut as warm tears trickled down your cheeks in mourning. 
“Ah- it’s going to feel better once your put it in,” Taehyung spoke gently as you he grabbed your wrists once more, wincing you cried as he delicately placed them in the water, at first it stung before it began to sooth the blistering heat the still continued to ooze from them.
“I just wanted to help.” You whimpered softly as you shut your eyes, trying to not let yourself choke up on your gentle sobs as you shook your head. You could tell by the looks of everyone in the room that they didn’t get it.
They probably assumed you were crying due to your vanity being marred but they didn’t understand how holy your hands were supposed to be to you. And you ruined them. It felt hard to breathe at just the thought that they’d forever be marred with the acts of your own stupidity. 
Your shoulders bounced a little as you closed your eyes, another tear rolling down your cheek as you closed your eyes, trying to relax against the soothing cool water that absorbed the heat from the monstrous sight of your wounds.
 “It very well may be that you did help Princess, please don’t be so hard on yourself, we’re still gathering information on what happened and who was able to make it out and who didn’t,” Taehyung frowned and it seemed he might’ve been the only one who had an idea as to why you were so upset, “For now let's focus on getting you healed. This is moon water that’s been blessed by the High Seer, so it’ll help speed up the process but there’s only so much we can do I’m afraid.”
Taehyung sighed as he folded his hands together, “I won’t sit here and lie to you Princess...These burns are...bad.” He lowered his gaze in apology, “They’ll heal as all things do in time but they’ll most likely scar due to the amount of skin you lost.” 
Tears began trickling down your face once more at his words, they’d scar…? Surely no one would love you now, you were weighed down by too many things once again. Your entire livelihood was based around your hands, just as many mundane things in life as the more sacred ones. 
How could you hand out bread to the children and read stories now? How would you even be able to eat or do something as simple as open a door? You closed your eyes as you silently wept once more. 
You had felt many things as you adjusted to your life in Penumbra, but this was the first time you had felt truly defeated. 
“I need to make the salve for your wounds, it’ll create a protective barrier to keep an infection from starting or spreading and it should help the skin rebuild faster. Leave your hands in the moon water for now, okay? We’ll do this every morning and every evening. And I’ll need to change your bandages three times a day as well.” 
You could only nodded as you sniffled in acceptance as you mumbled a small ‘thank you’ to him. 
Wheein’s lips quivered and she could no longer stand seeing you in such a state- for your own sadness was hers as well as she collapsed at your bedside, “My lady I can’t apologize enough... If I had just been more diligent then this surely wouldn’t have happened.” 
With watery eyes you shook your head as you lowered your gaze, “This is nobody’s fault but my own Wheein, I would’ve done something stupid regardless of your influence. It’s how I’ve always been.” You mumbled bitterly, what could have possibly been worth this outcome…?
“I’m sorry m’lady,” Wheein frowned sadly, wishing she could do something more to help you, folding her hands as she lowered her head, “Here, i’ll fetch you breakfast, I’m sure you're hungry.” She stood up, giving a small courtesy before exiting the room where Jungkook had reentered. 
“How does it look today?” Jungkook straightened up as he asked Taehyung, his eyes flickering from him to your hands soaking. 
“Just as bad,” Taehyung wrinkled his nose as he mixed ingredients in his mortar and mashed with his pestle, “Go, take a look.” He then whispered something to Jungkook you couldn't make out but it made Jungkook raise his brows before looking at you once more, except this time noticing the defeated tear streaks on your cheeks. 
Something about having those piercing blue eyes on you made you well up, stubbornly looking at the tray of water feeling somewhat indignant otherwise you’d surely burst into tears once more. 
Jungkook clacked his tongue as he walked over before sitting back down in his chair with a sigh, “Let me look.” 
“They look just as ugly as the last time you saw them.” You sniffled as you swished your hands in the water a little away from him. You bolded up more, not wanting to look at him in such a pitiful state. In any other time in your life you had something going for you. 
You could stand up and speak your mind, you could quite literally walk away from a situation you did not like and now you could do nothing. You couldn’t even so much as defend yourself with a push if you needed too. Everything, even breathing to an extent hurt and exhibited too much energy for you to do it for very long. 
“Don’t be so theatrical,” Jungkook lightly chided you as you made a noise of disagreement, refusing to look at him still as he spoke, “They aren’t ugly, they’re healing. Now stop being so stubborn and let me see.” 
You had noted the slight defensiveness in Jungkook’s tone- not at you but at the way you had referred to yourself. He reached over, grabbing your wrists with a surprisingly tender touch as he pulled them close, standing up so he could get a better view as he turned them over in the water making it ripple gently. 
You only briefly saw them before you closed your eyes. Just the brief sight was enough to cause tears to gloss in your eyes again as you squeezed them, making new tears roll down your cheeks. This was so embarrassing. 
You knew Jungkook was right, you didn’t need to be like this, but you couldn’t help but feel so exposed- vulnerable, especially to him which everyone including you both knew- you didn’t have what most would describe as a good relationship.
Jungkook after a moment of inspection turned them back over to have the backs of your hands face up before sitting back down, “They aren’t nearly as red as before and the swelling has gone down,” He poked his cheek with his tongue as his eyes landed on your face once more, your shoulders slightly bobbing as you tried to not cry aloud.
“...You’re so pitiful.” Jungkook’s previously hard expression slowly melted as he sighed softly, you couldn’t see his face but it was fairly obvious in Taehyung’s opinion that he felt bad for you. 
Pulling the handkerchief out of his back pocket he leaned in.
You jolted a little, instinctively pulling away from him until you realized what he was doing. If Jungkook had any sort of embarrassment of his own he certainly knew how to keep it hidden as he began to wipe the tears from your face.
In fact, you weren’t even sure Jungkook thought anything of this at all as he began to lightly chide you once more, “Be thankful there isn’t an infection, healing takes time but they aren’t permanently damaged.” 
“That we know of for now.” Taehyung replied as he grinded down the herbs in his mortar.
That they knew off!? 
You couldn’t even help the choked sob that escaped your lips, your shoulders crumpling as you once again tried to hold it together. Taehyung immediately looked sheepishly anywhere but at Jungkook’s icy eyes that shot up with an unappreciative glare. 
Was it possible that you wouldn’t be able to use your hands even after they healed!?
Jungkook immediately scooted closer looking only slightly awkward which made Taehyung try to hold in a snort. 
Jungkook sighed, somewhat reluctant on what to do besides dabbing your tears once more. He was never good with words and even worse when it came to women when they needed some form of comfort. It was even worse when they needed both. 
Instead Jungkook settled for what he’d say to anyone, “Your hands will be fine. The Seers will make sure of it…” Jungkook’s gaze became cold as he glared at Taehyung who had caused this, “Right?” His eyes were nearly as cold as the tundra in winter. 
Taehyung coughed a little, ducking a little as if that would ward off the man’s underlying threat as he hurriedly chirped a confirmation, “Right!” 
The door opened once more along with the wafting smell of food that had your stomach immediately growling, Wheein came in with a smile as she set the tray down beside you as your lips quivered once more, she even made sure to get you a blueberry scone but...You couldn’t even eat it yourself...
Your lips quivered as your trail of tears started once more. 
Jungkook inhaled sharply as he tried to keep himself patient, dear god he had never seen a woman cry this much in his life, “Hush,” He said sternly, wiping your tears once more before setting his handkerchief down, sighing as his expression melted a little, “All these tears won’t fix the state you’re in.” 
Wheein stared at him as he met her gaze briefly and it was like they were having a conversation all on their own where Wheein gave him the most exasperated look before coughing as she curtseyed and went over to assist Taehyung. 
Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek as he sighed, closing his eyes briefly as he relented, “But I suppose it can’t be helped…” 
Jungkook shook his head reluctantly before he picked up the knife and forth, cutting into the blueberry scone before holding it up, “Open.” He commanded quietly, watching your lips quiver as you stared down at the tray of water, this was so humiliating! “I know you’re hungry and I’ve watched you inhale nearly five of these scones daily Y/n. Eat.” 
You let your lips part a little and Jungkook took a mile out of your inch as he pushed the metal into your mouth which was met with the tart burst of blueberry as you slowly chewed the pastry. “That was one time.” You mumbled with a sniffle, your lips quivering into a pout as you spoke, “And I’ll have you know it was only three blueberry, the other two were apple.” 
Jungkook couldn’t even catch himself before he let a breathy laugh escape his lips as he shook his head at the sight of the pouty puppy like expression on your face as you looked at him, who appeared somewhat amused, “That’s not an excuse for eating nearly the whole platter.” 
He spooned you another bite, his brows pressed together a little in concentration as he continued to feed you. 
“Not everything needs to be excused. I didn’t say a word when you haven’t spoken to me in two weeks and yet now you’re feeding me a scone.” You replied with a sulking pout, staring back down at the tray of water, knowing that this was probably not something you should talk about right now, let alone in front of Wheein and Taehyung who definitely heard that and were definitely acting like they were ghosts at the moment. 
You had thought maybe you had overstepped a line but Jungkook hardly even looked bother has he replied right back, “Well if you hadn’t gone and done something stupid I wouldn’t be having to feed you,” He spoke matter of fact before he resumed your next bite of food, chewing you raised your brows at him as he continued, “And I’ll remind you that I was only doing what you told me to do.” 
“Well I’m alive, you don’t have to pretend to be nice anymore.” You sighed in exhaustion as you leaned back against the pillow causing a chuckle from Jungkook.  
“Is it so hard to believe I’m looking out for your wellbeing?” Jungkook asked, and it sounded like a sincere question as he scoffed a little, “I may not be thrilled with you, but I don’t want you dead. I don’t know how many times I have to say that. Besides, since when do I need an excuse for looking after my wife who dumbly decided to go against my orders and nearly get herself burned alive?” 
His voice came off a little stronger this time showing his now seriousness as you clacked your tongue while mumbling once more, “...I told you I’m not one of your soldiers. And when did you ever tell me that? Because I just assumed you probably did want me dead.” You curved a brow at him. 
“Well that’s your own presumption. I told you when you decided to go drink at a tavern without an escort,” Jungkook replied with your same tone, “And I had to carry you up six flights of stairs or else you’d surely kill yourself because you were so drunk.” You felt your cheek throb with warmth in embarrassment at the memory as you looked away from him indignantly. 
“I hope next time you listen to me,” Jungkook continued to speak despite your silence in hope he’d just shut up, but of course, he knew he was in the perfect position to speak freely without any chance of you getting away now, “Maybe you wouldn’t have to deal with me like you are now.” 
You glared at him with a sulky expression, “You truly are wicked.” He pushed another piece of scone into your mouth and for the first time, you had seen from him something you never had. 
A smile, an innocent smile that showed off what you realized looked like cute bunny teeth that was the literal opposite of what anyone considered wicked. 
He reached out to squish your cheeks causing your expression to get even sulkier, “Y’know princess, you should try to smile a little more, it suits you better then this new sulky expression you keep sporting,” 
Was...was he teasing you!? “You look like a sad pathetic puppy right now.” 
You tried to lean away from him as you whined, “Just because I’m unable to hit you now doesn’t give you the right to just annoy me! Let alone touch me!” Your cheeks were still squished though and your glare had returned causing him to laugh once more. 
“Who would’ve thought when stranded you're just a feisty little puppy.” Jungkook taunted, a challenging twinkle in his eyes and a wicked smirk curling on his lips to match as he gave your cheeks one last squeeze before letting go as you requested. 
“That’s not funny!” You puffed indignantly however Jungkook had managed to push a large piece of scone in your mouth this time causing another echo laughter from him at the look on your face as you began to chew ungrateful for his help now.
 “Are you finished with that so I can go back to bed and be left alone.” You complained to Taehyung who stood up, still mashing as he spoke, “Yes I’ve been done for about five minutes but I didn’t want to interrupt.” 
This now had both you and Jungkook looking away from one another and you swore you caught a laugh from Wheein who walked over with Taehyung to the other side of the bed so they could move freely. 
“It’s going to hurt once your hands are removed from the water and it’s going to sting at first with the balm okay?” Taehyung prepped you as Wheein grabbed both sides of the tray, sucking in a breath of air you gave a small nod while in preparation. 
Lifting your hands out of the water you closed your eyes, deciding that you didn’t want to watch any of this, you could feel the tray lifted off your lap before another pair of hands guided your arms to lower back against the cloth with your palms facing up. 
After a second of drying you winced at the inflamed feeling burning back into your palms as you whined in discomfort, fingers tenderly ran against your neck in comfort causing you to immediately lean against the hand in comfort before you felt the balm applied. It was alright at first but then the stinging immediately kicked in causing a loud yelp from you, “Ah fuck!” You yelped, squeezing your eyes even tighter shut as you growled, “You said it was only going to sting!” 
“If I said it was going to hurt you would’ve cried again and no offense but I don’t want my head on a platter tonight Your Highness.” Taehyung replied as he continued putting the balm on the other head, your eyes however were already welling with tears in pain, “This is killing off anything bad that could’ve entered the wounds, it’s painful but necessary. We can start wrapping now so it’ll begin to soothe once we get the burns dressed.” 
You whined in pain as you felt the resume of fingers running against your neck once more in reassurance and a thumb rubbing tenderly just below the start of your jaw as Taehyung began dressing your hands loosely and carefully wrapped your fingers, “Alright, finished!” 
Wheein and Taehyung backed off of you as you collapsed back in bed as you sighed, opening your eyes as you felt relieved to see your wounds were dressed once more, “I’ll have Wheein tend to your wounds on your lower body unless…” He coughed a little, making you frown as you tilted your head, “If you’d prefer his Highness do it then.” 
“No!” You immediately barked out causing Jungkook to snort, “No I do not.”
“You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before, princess.” Jungkook said, making you snort in return, why did this man act as if he even wanted to see your body when you knew for a fact he didn’t. 
“Then you won’t feel like you haven’t missed out.” You replied back sorely, making Jungkook hold up his hands in surrender as he stood up.
“Someone’s feeling prickly today.” He commented, making you glare at his broad back as he grabbed his coat, “I have business to catch up on, I’ll be back later.” 
“The nerve.” You puffed as you rolled your eyes, something he hasn’t already seen before…! How dare that man even simplify your body to nothing more than just an object! 
Taehyung chuckled as he gave a bow, “I’ll leave you and Wheein to it, it won’t be nearly as painful with your lesser burns, that being said somebody will be here to assist and keep you company throughout your days while you are unable to help yourself. I will be back later as well, Your Highness.” 
With that he departed as well, closing his door on the way out. 
Wheein had pulled the covers off your bed as you winced a little frowning at the sight as she pulled the nightgown all the way up to your hips as you groaned, “...he’s lying isn’t he?” This burn wasn’t nearly as horrific as yours hands but it was still pretty bad. 
Wheein offered a sympathetic smile, “It can’t be as painful as what you just experienced so that’s better m’lady?” 
You leaned back as you closed your eyes once more, letting her begin to apply the balm as you winced, “Can you do that thing again…? Please…? You mumbled, feeling a little childish at the silly request but you loved physical touch, it was a love language you had always shared with your mother. 
“Do what?” Wheein asked as she continued to carefully spread it over the large burn that covered most of your thigh. 
“Rub my neck…” You sighed intending to cover your face with your hands only to realize that was no longer possible only making you try and look away from her as much as possible. 
Wheein was silent for a while before it became mildly uncomfortable causing you no other choice than to look at her as she stared at you. 
Her mouth was quirked in a weird way as if she was trying to fight off both a laugh and a smile, “My lady, that was your husband who did that.”
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The day hadn’t been too terrible, besides the occasional check in with Wheein you mainly slept throughout the whole day until it became dark out, the worst part of your day only included having the balm Taehyung made reapplied with each time he changed your dressing but admittedly it did make quite the difference compared to before. 
Outside of that you mainly slept not only out of tiredness but out of a futile attempt to block out the guilt the nearly ate you alive at how you let your own hands get to the state they were in. You had nobody to blame but yourself. To say you were upset...was an understatement, and thus, you chose to sleep as it wasn’t as if you could do anything to let out your own frustration. 
Taehyung and Wheein made no comments the entire time your hands bathed in the cool water, if you closed your eyes and pretended you hadn’t ruined them it could even be considered soothing. 
 As if sensing your inner distress neither said anything outside bidding their goodnights before they left for the night and of course Wheein had told you to just call for her if you needed anything at all during the night. 
Watching the door shut you finally crumpled against your pillows as you sighed, letting your head relax against the headboard. You had specifically told them you’d manage to lay yourself down with any help and though Wheein looked doubtful she had figured it wasn’t worth a fight.
Looking down at the wrapped wounds you scoffed, feeling the lingering knot in your throat come back as you shook your head. 
How could you be so careless? 
Words couldn’t even describe how you felt with yourself, so many things ran through your mind in anxiety as you sucked in a harsh breath, the only thing you could think however- was that it was a good thing you were already married. 
Just the thought made a somewhat bitter laugh escape you at the realization. Out of all the things you could think of- that was the first. Your smile slowly melted off your face into a more dim one as you sighed. It was the truth though, nobody would want damaged goods. That’s all you were after all- something to be sold off just like you were during your wedding.
It was as if the very person who lingered on your mind could sense your thoughts, much to your surprise your door was opened to reveal him. Jungkook was true to his word. When he hadn’t come around by afternoon you had just assumed he was too busy and assumed when he said he’d be back; that he was just lying. 
Clearly he wasn’t. 
He was in his nightwear, loose pants and the white button shirt that cut low on his chest that parted free of any confinement, “Well don’t look at me like that.” He snorted but you couldn’t help the way your nose wrinkled at the sight of him. 
“You couldn’t make the time to visit during the day? I’m getting ready to sleep.” Your hands rested in your lap as you curled a little away from his figure that sat in the chair that was still placed at your bedside. 
“I was busy.” Jungkook replied, his gaze neutral as he spoke, “And while I know you love sleeping your days away we need to discuss Seohyun and the duel.” 
Something in your mouth immediately soured at the mention of her. He couldn’t come here sooner to talk about this? Your jaw clenched a little as you looked away from him, “This couldn’t wait for the morning?” 
The sharpness in your words didn’t surpass Jungkook as his brows furrowed, not making that look on his face any less firm, if anything it only made him look somewhat defensive, “No it couldn’t. In case you forgot there’s less than a week left before you were supposed to fight her and you can’t in this state.” 
“Well then what’s there to discuss?” You finally sighed as you looked back at Jungkook, your patience wearing thin and you were tired, and you really didn’t give a damn about Seohyun right now, she was the last thing on your mind and while yes some of your worries were about her and what to do, Jungkook was right about one thing, “If it’s mutually agreed I’m useless now, what is there to discuss other then we have to call off the duel? If this was your only reason to visit me then you can go.” 
Jungkook’s expression didn’t change- in fact you’d even say he looked somewhat offended beneath that cold veneer he put on, “Don’t pretend like you’d want my company outside this, and you aren’t useless-” 
“I am!” You snapped out cutting him off, the abrupt sharpness in your voice had stopped him right in his tracks as you gritted your teeth in anger, “I can’t even feed myself right now! So don’t lie to me about that in some attempt to make me feel better!” 
There was an undeniable quiver in your lips as your shoulders crumpled in defeat, tears glossing your eyes as you mumbled,  “...I’m so tired of fighting Jungkook. If this is all we’re going to do, please just...go. I asked you before to not talk to me when you were sorting through your feelings and-” 
You let out a yelp at fingers digging into your chin, yanking your face to look up at him, Jungkook was now leaned over, those icy blue eyes drilling into yours as he spoke quietly, “This has nothing to do with her. Obviously I need to make this very clear to you Y/n, so don’t make me repeat myself,” Jungkook’s expression didn’t change as he continued, “I’m here because I chose to be here. Because I wanted to see you, Seohyun’s duel was only the first thing I wanted to discuss. I figured it was already clear to you what my decision was given you’re still here alive.” 
Jungkook stared at you for a long second, waiting for your reply but it didn’t come, your eyes only shut with more tears as he tucked his tongue into his cheek, finally sighing as he let go of your chin, sitting back down in his chair. 
There was a long awkward pause as you continued to sniffle and Jungkook couldn’t bare to sit in the silence any longer as he let out a long sigh, finally relenting as his expression melted into something more along hesitancy as he spoke, “...You said you wanted to set aside our differences to understand one another…” 
He scratched his neck as he spoke, now refusing to look directly at you, “...I’m not a man good with words, and I’m certainly not good with women and their feelings on top of it, but...I thought a lot about what you said and what you’ve done.” Jungkook’s eyes finally flickered back to you again as you sniffled, rubbing the back of hand to wipe your tears, “...I’m well aware that I’ve been unfair and cruel in the past, putting you under expectations you don’t know how to uphold or even know where to begin learning.” 
“What I’m trying to say is,” Jungkook sighed briefly, “...I’m sorry,” He scratched his cheek, his eyes now averted once more, “I know I come across callous but I try to be considerate, and while I haven’t shown it to you per say, I’m more inclined to trying now then I was when we first married.” 
“For someone who says he isn't good with words you talk a lot.” You sniffled with a mumble as you sat back against your pillows, trying your best to pretend as if all of his words weren’t flustering you even further. 
“It’s to make up for the fact that I’m not.” Jungkook snorted briefly, “Crying women put me on edge. So I’ll keep talking until you stop.” 
This earned a small but brief smile from you as you sniffled once more shaking your head as the expression slowly melted off your face, your eyes somberly looking at him as you sighed wistfully, “I’m not...I’m not crying because of you Jungkook...I’m just angry, at myself, at the world. At everything...How much do you know about Eunoia?” 
It was a soft spoken question as you peered at him somewhat shy, Jungkook looked as if he hadn’t expected the question as he cocked his head a little, a frowning setting on his face as he shrugged a little, “Not much, we don’t accept any imported goods from other countries, so our information is very limited on other nations unless it is relevant to civil affairs.” 
You managed to wiggle yourself closer to the edge of the bed as you sighed, trying to figure out where to start as you lowered your gaze a little, “...In Eunoia, we’re reverent to the Earth for springing forth life from it’s force. Everything has a soul, a story to tell. Every tree and flower, the butterflies and rabbits, down to each person which walks in our land. They say it's because our ancestors- the Dryads were birthed from the roots of the tallest oaks and that’s why we’re so connected with nature.” 
Jungkook sat quietly, listening to you intently but you felt a little nervous, he wasn’t the most expressive person. 
“So how do we tend to nature? How do we water it’s grass and feed it’s dirt? With our hands.” You held up your own, offering a weak smile as you gestured Jungkook, he looked a little confused before he somewhat cautiously held out his hand to you. 
You set it against your lap as you offered a small smile, tracing his pinky with the faintest of touch in an attempt to not disturb the dull ache your burns had continued, “The number 5 in my nation, is said to bring good luck, it’s because we have five fingers. The pinky represents innocence and oaths.” 
His hand was big, much bigger than your own and in fact, you were positive he could’ve crushed your own hand at any given moment if he so desired, but Jungkook now looked curious, leaned in forward a little as his eyes kept on his own hand as you continued to trace against it, “The ring finger represents love and compassion as well as vows to be kept. And the middle finger represents righteous anger and courage.” 
Your lips briefly pulled into a smile as you recalled your earliest memories, your own mother tracing your hand as she had explained the belief of 5 to you as a child, “The index finger represents moving forward and luck. And your thumb represents strength and endurance.” 
You paused as your lips began to coil into a frown as your fingers tenderly touched against the palm of his hand which was calloused thoroughly and rough, “But the palm of one’s hand is the most important and sacred of all, it’s what allows you to use all five to gift to others. For how can you promise another without it’s stead? To hold another's hand without it’s grip? To fight without it’s honor? To push your obstacles aside without it’s help? To hold without dropping?” 
Your face was now somber as you lowered your gaze, almost shamefully, “Hands are the giver of life to Eunoian’s, they’re so special; because how can we continue our traditions and livelihoods without them? How do we help those in need if we cannot help ourselves? How do we prune away the rot in the plants, dig in the soil, give life to what once gave life to us without them?” 
Your eyes were closed as you felt the warm wet tears slide down your cheeks in mourning as you tried to steady your voice, “So you understand, yes? What it means to me that I destroyed them…It’s utterly shameful in Eunoia to have hands scarred like this, especially intentionally...” 
Jungkook sighed softly, his eyes had become soft at your state and he hadn’t realized just what you were feeling internally until this moment, “You haven’t destroyed your hands,” He tutted somewhat exasperatedly, he grabbed your wrists as he held them up making you look at him, “Did Taehyung say you destroyed your hands?” 
“Well no-”
“That you’d never be able to use them after this?” 
“That you will forever be seen as useless.” 
Jungkook’s gaze was steely- but it was different this time, his expression was intimidating, it was...almost reassuring though to someone who had never met him- they might not be able to tell the differences, “You told me how Eunoia see’s this. So let me tell you what Penumbrian’s see it as,” Jungkook’s grip tightened a little on your wrist as he spoke, “Much like swordsmanship is revered here, scars are an inevitable fate for all of us.” 
“It’s accepted as a process of learning the way of the blade, and especially to us who have fought in the wars. So when you are scarred, it’s not seen as something disgusting by us,” Jungkook’s gaze didn’t falter, “It’s seen as a celebration, a story. A moment of honor which you earned by sacrificing a small part of yourself. Glory comes in all shapes and sizes in scars,” Jungkook finally sighed as his grip softened a little on your wrist, “I’m sure....our ways are very different from yours...but you’re a Penumbrian Princess now, I won’t tell you what to let go of and what to keep, but just remember that we will never judge you for this. Not my people nor me.” 
Your lips quivered a little as your eyes rested on your hands, trying to not let your eyes gloss as you mumbled, “...I don’t regret what I did, I would never turn away someone who needed help...I just wish I had thought about what that might cause…” 
Jungkook sighed as he finally leaned back in his chair as he spoke solemnly, “I know.” He was far different from the love you had once known in Seokjin, by far, Jungkook was a world apart from him. But two little words somehow made the world of difference for you. 
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The next few days had went by slowly and they were filled with monotony aside from occasional visits from Taehyung to check on your hands and Wheein checking in on you to make sure you were okay. 
And of course, your husband. He had made an appearance to see you at least once a day but he had admitted to you yesterday that he had fallen behind on work and was having to make up for it as of- whilst briefly mentioning his father who wasn’t happy about it. But he hadn’t lingered on the subject long enough for you to ask any questions. 
If there was one thing you were considered- resilient would be what you’d say. There was little to nothing you could do on your own but with enough boredom you eventually found a way to read. 
Your hands were burned severely and your fingers oozed with blisters which Taehyung had regretfully informed you would take another couple of days at least to go away, but the one part of your hands which weren’t burned were the sides. 
This was important information because this was how you managed to get a book into your lap, your eyes curiously drifting over each sentence before you turned the page with the side of your thumb. It wasn’t easy by any means but it wasn’t like you didn’t have all day. 
Speaking of- it was mid day and eventually Taehyung would return to soak your hands one last time before wrapping them for the night. You sighed as you glanced out of your window, lips quirking as sadness sunk into your chest. 
It was a bright sunny day and you couldn’t even go outside to enjoy it. 
You technically could but you had so many burns Taehyung had been worried the sun’s rays might make them worse and you truly weren’t in much walking condition, even more so if you couldn’t do anything about it. 
Shaking your head warily you decided to focus on your book once more, it wasn’t the most thrilling topic but it was definitely interesting to read how Penumbra rose to the wealth they had between their limited goods they exported- which made them extremely increased in value do to the quality craft. Not only this but smithing and metal work itself was also included in this as well. 
“You’re going to hunch permanently if you read like that.” 
You jolted, your book fell out of your lap as you scrambled in effort to catch it before letting out a frustrated whine at the sight of it hitting the ground. You looked up ungratefully at Jungkook’s figure that leaned against the doorway, “You could’ve knocked!” You whined out as you kicked your feet in frustration, “Now I can’t pick it up!” 
“You shouldn’t have even tried using your hands to begin with. In case you needed to be reminded; your hands are still extremely fragile,” Jungkook chastised lightly as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him before leaning down to pick up the book, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked at the title, “Penumbra’s claim to wealth…?” His eyes furrowed as if somewhat confused as he glanced at you. 
You had nothing to be embarrassed about, after all you had much to learn about Penumbra but for some reason, being confronted with Jungkook on the subject still made you squirm, even if you were getting on better with him these last few days then you had the three months you had been married. 
Your face immediately burned in embarrassment and had it not been for your hands you would’ve snatched the book from him, “...I’m trying to understand how Penumbra’s wealth came to be and what they use to keep the wealth in their kingdom.” You mumbled before deciding to redirect the conversation, not wanting to be questioned on this, “What did Seohyun say…? About the duel?” 
You weren’t thrilled about mentioning her in conversation but Jungkook had told you yesterday that due to the state you were in he would go in your stead to talk to Seohyun about the duel and see if he could postpone it. When you first declined his offer Jungkook was relentless and continued on to mentioned it would be better he do it instead of you and finally after some debate you had gave your blessing though you still didn’t like the idea. 
You didn’t want to be seen in the eyes of Seohyun as hiding behind your husband. You could easily face her on your own, though you were dully aware Seohyun probably wasn’t above taking advantage of you while injured. Maybe Jungkook knew this as well and that was why he was so determined.
Jungkook ignored your attempt to lead the conversation elsewhere, his eyes continued to inspect the book as he opened it, “Well for one Penumbra’s wealth isn’t just from our exported goods- Not exactly, we couldn’t rely on that solely since we don’t send much wear out. Our main wealth comes from the mountain and miners who mine the material that create our goods, we had a plot of gold that was struck there back in 12EX and that skyrocketed our overall wealth. It was back after the great war of 11EX when our original kingdom of Seoul was destroyed and Penumbra was brought forth after it.” 
He closed the book as you sighed, your lips jutting into a pout at not being able to distract him as you had hoped, he puffed a breath of air, a ghost of smile tugging on his lips before it dropped, “Seohyun refused to change the deadline at first but after some persuasion she’s given another two month for you to prepare. Once you heal you will return to training with me.” 
“That was surprisingly easy…?” You furrowed your brows as you hummed, leaning back against the pillows as you silently looked at Jungkook in question. 
Jungkook didn’t say anything at first before he eventually shrugged, “I’d just be grateful that she agreed if I were you. She’s not exactly the giving type.” 
This made you puff a breath as you set your hands in your lap, “Oh I can tell.” You replied with a snort. 
In the beginning of your marriage you had just assumed Jungkook had committed infidelity a handful of times- not with any proof- it was simply what you felt would be in his nature at the time. But the longer you have gotten to know him, the more the idea began to bother you. Especially when Seohyun had made herself known to you. And even more so when it was brought to your attention their relationship was not just one in lust- but in love.
How could you possibly compete with something like that?
“Jungkook,” You hadn’t even meant to call his name but Jungkook’s attention was now on you as he sat down in the chair at your bedside.
Your words felt stuck in your throat at the realization that this was a horrible idea, but you were genuinely curious, the more you thought about Seohyun and Jungkook as a couple, the less sense it made to you. 
His brows lifted a little in acknowledgement as you somewhat hesitantly asked, “...May I ask...what made you attracted to Seohyun…? I just…” Your brows pinched as you pressed your lips together, “I mean this in the most inoffensive way possible, but I genuinely have a hard time imagining you both together.” 
Jungkook was silent for a long moment and it seemed as if he had been took off guard at your question. Perhaps he had just assumed you’d never ask something like this before. Regardless he wasn’t glaring at you so that had to be a good sign. 
Instead Jungkook only looked out the window which was bright with rays of sun, his expression remained the same and he pondered your words for a moment before he spoke, “...I loved her, in the way that I found comfort in somebody I could relate to. We had similar childhoods, the same friend group, we attended the same parties and events. She was the fire that melted my ice-” 
He huffed a breath of air- as if he didn’t personally feel this way- as he set his forearms on his knees, “-or at least that’s what many told me. I admired many things about her, her fiery personality was one of them. She was always hot headed growing up,” He rolled his eyes as if memories swam in his mind, “But what I enjoyed- and grew to love the most was her determination to speak up even in situations it was frowned upon. She never let somebody silence her when she felt convicted to say something.” 
“Are you saying you never spoke up in those situations?” You pulled one of the many pillows on your bed against you as you hugged in close, setting your chin on it as you tried to imagine him in his former years. 
You had a hard time envisioning Jungkook being someone quiet in a situation when he didn’t agree but then again, the more you had gotten to know Jungkook personally, he wasn’t necessarily someone who was highly opinionated. Even so, Jungkook still held a very strong presence even in his silence. 
Jungkook pressed his lips together before chuckling lowly as if what you said humored him, “Not per say,” He replied his voice oddly soft as his gaze kept on the window, “But I was often told as a child to not misspeak in a situation I didn’t have permission to do so or the knowledge required to fully understand. It’s different now that I’ve grown into my role, I’ve lived through wars and lead men, I’ve watched my fellow men die in battle and managed to turn the tides in our darkest hours. I gained much experience since then- and I know Seohyun would’ve stayed by my side had they let her go to war with me. But even without all of that, it’s never stopped her from voicing her opinion.”
You found a tiny smile forming on your lips as you spoke, “And that's very nice- but you didn’t answer my question.” 
Jungkook huffed a little, as if brought back to reality, though cool blue eyes that never ceased to stand out to you met your own as he shook his head, “You saw me as a child once, what do you make of that? The first time we truly met.” 
You had to do a double take as you raised your brows in somewhat surprise, “...You remember that? At Yule?” 
You’d be lying to say you weren’t shocked Jungkook remembered that Yule when you both were children, the same memory you had hated when you first wedded Jungkook was now brought back to your mind, the memory of him as a little boy, he had been shorter then you by a few inches back then and he was a small thing truly.
Those eyes of his however were just as unwelcoming back then as they were now though truthfully, still. You do remember the way he had been hiding behind his uncle's legs.
“Well,” Jungkook drew a breath as he finally leaned back in his chair, “Truthfully you were the only one who didn’t seem afraid of me. You kept trying to get me to dance.” 
You tilted your head in surprise, “You remember more than I do...All I remember was you continually running away from me.” 
“I wasn’t allowed to play with other children during my youth,” Jungkook ushered softly, “Yule was the first time I had been in such a social setting before- I was considerably shy as a child, but even more so when I had been put in that event...Not to mention I thought you…” Jungkook suddenly paused his words, his gaze snapping to you as you frowned. 
It was silent for a long moment and finally he sighed, shaking his head, looking somewhat brooding though you didn’t understand.
“Are you okay? Your ears look red…?” 
Jungkook’s hands instantly covered his ears briefly as if to hide them as he replied with a somewhat gritted tone, “I’m fine.” 
You let out a brief laugh as you raised your brows in amusement. What…? Was this a peak of his own shyness coming out? You didn’t press him because it looked somewhat amusing but rather you decided to save him from it as you asked softly, “You said you weren’t allowed to play other children...why was that?” 
Jungkook dropped his hands as he frowned a little, “My father always said it was a distraction and that, I would one day be king and I needed to study and train, it wasn’t until I was older that I was allowed more free time, it was just a few years before I begun my training in the academy for war.”
“But you had to have gotten lonely…” You frowned, “You were a child…” 
Jungkook shrugged a little, as if unsure of what to say at the sight of your softened eyes, he looked a bit awkward as he spoke, “I was a shy boy growing up, I preferred my own company over others- I still do if I’m honest. And I did have the other boys that trained alongside me growing up. Such as Jimin and even Hoseok, I wasn’t close to them then, but we grew up together and that in itself has made them irreplaceable to me.” 
You smiled tenderly at his words which made Jungkook’s gaze sharpen a little, “Don’t ever tell them I said that. Their ego knows no bounds and I’d rather die than puff it any further for them.” 
Amusement was written on your face as you nodded, “Your secret is safe with me. Now are you just going to hold that or are you going to at least do me the favor of reading to me?” 
“I’m not a teacher,” Jungkook snorted but nevertheless opened the book, “How have you even managed to read all of this on your own? Better yet, how much do you know?” 
Pressing your cheek into the pillow you shrugged as you yawned, “Well I keep a journal for my studies to help me remember, but Namjoon has been helping me in the great library. He’s quite knowledgeable and a wonderful teacher too.” 
You felt confused as you watched Jungkook’s expression shift and his body straighten a little as he mumbled, “Namjoon…?” He looked a little childish in his words as he spoke up, “You could’ve just asked me to help you if you truly wanted to know about Penumbra.” 
“You just told me you aren’t a teacher!” You cried out in exasperation, “How was I supposed to know you wanted to help me? In fact,” You waved your hand as you straightened up, “I’m positive you didn’t want to help me. I mean I appreciate it but you truly are sending me mixed signals here.”
Jungkook tucked his tongue into his cheek as he replied, “Well that's your fault for assuming, if you came to me genuinely curious and maybe added a please in, I would’ve been fine teaching you. Or at the very least answering any questions you had.”
You clacked your tongue in disbelief before you rolled your eyes exasperatedly, “You and your need for my mannerism is quite humorous,” A mischievous thought pulled over you as you spoke nonchalantly, “And I’m not asking though, I’m quite happy with Namjoon, he has a very beautiful way of explaining.” 
You bursted with giggles at the way Jungkook tried to fight the sour expression on his face as you laughed, “But who am I to decline you? I’d be more than happy to have you teach me whenever you have a chance.” 
“Good,” Jungkook replied, looking a little awkward and unsure of how to reply as he cleared his throat, “I want to make sure you’re learning everything correctly with no misinformation.” 
You gestured towards the book in his hand as you hid your smile against the pillow, “Then start reading, I’m waiting.” You hugged your pillow close as Jungkook sighed, looking almost hesitant, as if he didn’t enjoy speaking allowed before he cleared his throat,  as he opened the book where your page marker was at and began to read aloud. 
Funny enough, his voice was quite soothing to listen to when he spoke just a hair louder than his usual quiet tone, it was strong and smooth and he’d occasionally pause in his sentence to explain in further detail whatever the book was talking about. 
You were perched up, eagerly listening to his explanations and detail and time had passed quickly without either of you realizing it, too busy enjoying the conversation the other had to offer. 
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