#also gustholomule is canon
stringbeanscloset · 1 year
gus is trans and noone can tell me otherwise.
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his outfit is literally the trans flag.
also remember that episode where gus suddenly had gone through puberty? what if he like started his transition there and the "witch puberty" was how willow and he joked about it?
and thirdly i just really want to have a trans character in toh and hunter just doesn't make sense to me cause he's a grimwalker.
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strawbbz · 9 months
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BEEN TOO LONG SINCE LAST DOODLE DUMP here's some shitposts hehehehe
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bookiedoodles · 1 year
Thoughts on Gustholomule? And how if Gus and Mattholomule started dating he'd probably get a not all that threatening "Don't hurt Gus" talk from Hunter when in reality Willow is the one who'd come after him
I love Gustholomule, but not cause I think it’s really cute or anything. Gustholomule is just REALLY FUNNY to me. Like… idk how to explain it but it seems almost more “real” to me? It’s not some super cute story with them falling in love and everything is all magical. Like they’re just two dudes that mess around and talk shit to each other and find out that they may like each other more than just friends and they’re like “ah shit, it had to be that jerk???” And that’s HILARIOUS to me.
Matty ABSOLUTELY falls first, and it makes him want to eat dirt. When Gus realizes, he just laughs. Not in a cute “hehe omg a crush ❤️” way oh my GOD no. He laughs because GOD his taste is SO AWFUL that it’s funny.
Hunter LOVES Gus. That is his little brother and he would twist the world upside down and backwards for that kid. So when he finds out that Gus has feelings (??? He thinks he has feelings but all Gus does is talk shit about this kid and Hunter could NEVER even THINK to do something so often to Willow) for Matty, he knows that a talk needs to happen. And after the two actually end up together, Hunter makes sure to pull the other kid aside. It starts off very chill and nice, with a “I’m happy for you two and I hope everything between you goes well” but suddenly it ends with an “I swear to god if you ever even THINK about hurting his feelings I will not hesitate to send Willow your way” and that alone strikes so much fear into Matt’s soul.
Anyways they get married and the wedding ends with the two of them creating a whole food fight with the wedding cake.
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sometimes when i say i “ship” something i mean im invested in these characters relationship and how their personalities will compliment/clash to make each other better/worse and im obsessed with the way their storylines intertwine with each other. and other times when i say i “ship” something i mean i find the idea of these characters dating hilarious and i dont care about their dynamic beyond a few memes. like an actual ship vs a crackship.
but sometimes i see a ship and think “oh thats funny” but then i find out people actually ship it and have written 80k words of meta on why the ship is Good, Actually. but when i read it i am overwhelmed by the They Would Not Fucking Say That-ness of it all. and in recognizing how They Would Not Fucking Say That i am forced to think about the ship and its dynamic in detail to decide what They Would Fucking Say. and by the end i can’t even crackship it anymore. because once you think about it too hard the ship stops being funny it just starts being bad
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catboy-joyfriend · 1 year
can i hear abt fankids....
I made Lumity twins :D i felt too basic naming one of them Azura so I went with Hecate instead, and Manuela in honor of Luz’s dad Manny ,, They’re sillies idk what to say abt them tho i havent drawn them yet waaa,,,
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tsubasaclones · 1 year
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this is so fucking funny
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stanlunter · 7 months
What you favourite toh ship says about you
No judgement, just my opinion based on how shippers act and how I would feel if I were them. Pls let me know if I have forgotten something!
Lumity - you're glad you finaly got canon healthy wlw couple in a kid show and became obsessed with it. Also you like highschool romance trope and probably is taken.
Boschlow - you miss s1 Lumity potential and hate the way it was done in s2. Also you want Boscha to be your gf.
Boschamity - you miss s1 Amity and hate the way she was was done in s2. You believe deep inside Boscha is a good person, who has the same trauma as Amity and she could become better too if there was anyone for her. It's very likely that you're a bitch and used to have bitch friends who left you for some reason, but I can't judge you for it, cause I ship it too.
Willuz - you think Amity's arc was rushed. You feel bad for Willow, cause she was "separated" from Luz and Amity in s2 and think she became an ooc in s2 and miss Willow from s1.
Lunter - you think Lumity and Huntlow were written bad. "Highschool romance" is never your otp. You prefer classic (in any way). You're probably on aro spec or believe in soulmates. You and your crush always tease each other. You're good at keeping secrets.
Goldric - it started as a joke, but you don't think it's a joke anymore. When Huntlow appeared you realized you went too far to change anything. Also you just want to have more mlm couples in media.
Huntmira - it started as a respond to goldric shippers, but then you realized it actually has a great potential and their dynamic would be amazing.
Gunter - I haven't seen you, but I really hope you just want all good things for both of them and also think Gus is criminally overlooked.
Raeda - you're bigger than ship wars. Love between teens is overrated and love between adults is underrated. You love suffering and wanna be both Raine and Eda.
Gustholomule - you think it's extremely unfair that Gus doesn't have a partner.
Skasha - you love Boscha and want all the best for her, but you're fine with her being an antagonist and Amity being happy with Luz.
Skamity - for some reason you dislike Lumity, but want Amity to be a good guy and want her to be in healthy and equal relationship with someone who's like Luz. You probably don't really like Amity, but still want good things for her.
Odalador - you want Blight family to be actually good, happy and health family and I can't blame you for it. Also you wanna know more about Alador, Darius and Odalia's friendship in the past. You also think deep inside Odalia isn't as bad or at least want her to have at least some good traits.
Dalador - you really hate Odalia and want Alador and kids to be happy, but not with her. You also think Odalia was a third wheel in their friendship and, again, you hate her in all possible ways
Odarius - Im not sure if you're exist, but if you do, you just find them both hot and want them to fuck. If you also ship them with Alador as a poly ship, then you want them not only to fuck, but also to have some romantic stuff together. But if you're a straight girl, then you're probably just wanna Odalia in this ship.
Daraine - you think Darius as bi and you probably ship Daraeda too. Also you think Darius is underrated.
Amillow - Willow is your favourite character and you hate the way she doesn’t get enought screen time. You also think Amity's redemtion arc was rushed. You probably also had a close friend, who left you and you still miss them and wanna bring them back even tho they hurted you. You also probably still believe in aroace lesbian Willow.
Veenter - you don't exist, but you wanna rewrite toh cuz you see too much of wasted potential in it. Also you have a lot of headcanons about Vee and want her to have an actual role.
Huntlow - you enjoy Amity's redemtion arc and Willow's development. And Hunter is your favourite chatacter. You probably don't have a partner, but very want to.
Guslow - you believe that friends are always more important than a partner. You truly believe in friends-to-lovers and probably don't really believe in m/f friendship.
Amiter - you really love Wittebane and Blight lores and hate how they were revealed. Also you love forbidden love trope.
Veesha - you want everyone to have a partner. You probably also used to ship Tom x Janna and just love "Mysterious demon x a Human who like mystery and demons" trope and want Masha to be inckuded in a Hexsquad. Also you wanna know more about Masha and adore Moringmark's comics.
Veelow - you don't like Huntlow and think Willow should get a gf instead. You also can see this fragile simality between Willow and Vee, but can't explain it.
Bris - you love Bria and wish she ever appeared again
Brisha - you love both Boscha and Bria and think antagonists are more interesting than protagonists
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
i cannot stress enough how well TOH handles ships, and it's also the funnist thing ever. like, here are the canon/semi-canon ones:
Lumity - a love story about two girls discovering their identities and finding love where both of them thought that it wasn't possible.
Raeda - a tragic, bittersweet but lovely tale about letting someone go and loving someone at their best but also their worst.
Huntlow - an uplifting, warm story about two people with disabilities lifting each other up, inspiring and supporting each other through tough times.
Gustholomule - 12 year olds being 12 year olds
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we, as a society, should be focusing more on the fact that “Mattholomule” is not, in fact, is Matt’s first name.
his full actual name, written down, is “Matt(?) Tholomule.”
and THAT. is crazier than anything else that happened in this new episode
(also the gustholomule FEAST we had. the banter, slipping back into their friendship as if they’ve been there the entire time, BEAUTIFUL)
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sparklepool101 · 9 days
I'm participating in @ficsforgaza!
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For information on how to participate as either a writer or reader please go here! The TL;DR, for every dollar you donate to a vetted fundraiser or charity, I will write 100 words for a request of your choosing! Here are their FAQs as well.
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How it works: Send me an ask either off anon or a dm here or on my twitter with proof (screenshot) of your donation along with your request. You can ask that you be kept anonymous, but I need to know who you are for verification purposes. Don't reuse screenshots. That's scummy and there is a system set up to check for this sort of thing, so make sure to remove sensitive information!
As stated above, I'm using the standard $1/100 words. I'll be capping my fics off at 2,000 words/$20 per donation, but remember, even the smallest donation helps <3
I also reserve the right to go over the word count per donated amount because sometimes the creative juices just start flowing.
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sponsor a wip: OPEN
Donate however much you want towards me finishing one of these fics! I'll even give you a shout out in the notes of the final product if you'd like.
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Untitled - OMORI Post-canon, Hero character study
After the confession, Hero has to take an afternoon to process what it all means. Luckily he has his brother at his side.
Estimated wc: 2,000
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Kissed on a Dare* - The Owl House Post-canon, Gustholomule centric
Gus and Mattholomule both attend a "house party" at Luz's invite along with some other friends. Things are going well until someone brings up a game of spin the bottle.
Estimated wc: 5,000
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Untitled - Gravity Falls Post-canon, Dipper Pines centric
Adjusting to California after Gravitys Falls isn't easy, especially not in middle school. Follows Dipper on his first day back at school and the trouble that it brings.
Estimated wc: 5,500
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Untitled - Demon Slayer Modern AU, Muichiro Tokito centric.
Muichiro awakens in the hospital with no memory besides his name. There, a kind women explains that he will be under the care of her family until he recovers. Follows Muichiro meeting the cast in a school environment, struggling to regain his memories, and the final revelation as to what happened (as well as a few plot twists along the way!)
Estimated wc: 15,000*
Donated wc: 0/15,000
Written wc 0/0
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Donations for Requests: OPEN
FicsforGaza is focusing on video game and animanga fandoms so those will be the ones listed here. However, anything on my carrd or any fandoms already written for on my Ao3 are fair game for requests.
Fandoms: Alien Stage, The Promised Neverland, Word's Bubble Up Like Soda Pop, Zombieland Saga, Demon Slayer, ERASED, Project Sekai, OMORI, Imaginary Friend Asylum, Doki Doki Literature Club, Danganronpa.
DNI/What I will not write: Anything NSFW, incest, pedophilia, noncon/rape, anything hateful, eating disorders, and self-harm.
I reserve the right to update this list at anytime.
I will write heavy angst, but anything above crosses a line for me personally.
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the-owl-house-takes · 10 months
i can talk about how RECENTLY, in a panel, they were asked “how would they react if Luz died?” and they gave amity, willow, HUNTER more detailed answers than GUS. they said, “gus and everyone else would be sad” or some shit.
i can talk about how they literally never talk about him, OR his v/a! and when they do its bs (above). i hope its clear that they got BOSCHA and KIKIMORAS V/As, aka two characters nobody actually gives a flying shit about (the actors are rlly nice though no shit on them), on an interview, but not gus?? really??
i can talk about how, even with the episodes being FOCUSED ON HIM, he gets overshadowed by other characters. whether purposefully or not (who am i kidding, its always on purpose lmao). like in labyrinth runners, he gets overshadowed by hunter and amity, and in through the looking glass graveyard, they put a FUCKING lumity kiss.
i can talk about how in WAD, when luz was in her dream, all of the characters had outfits that correlated to how luz “came into their life and changed it” or whatever, but gus is wearing is GROM SUIT, why? because the show IGNORES HIM THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME, and he never gets a ‘big moment’ with luz unlike everyone else!
i can talk about how it takes until the LAST MINUTES of THE LAST EPISODE for him to get a new haircut, and the fact they couldnt even animate his hair right in the beginning anyways. not like they cared to!
i can talk about how it feels like he was literally just thrown in there for black representation, and they dont do shit anyway!!!! hes the only ‘main’ black character (excusing darius and ig willow who is blasian but. on average, nobody would really know that abt her anyway)
i can talk about how all the canon ships are poc x white, yet gustholomule, poc x poc, literally gets ignored too. like how did fucking aladarius and huntlow get a chance?? i know gm is really just an opinion (and probably always will be) but they had so much chemistry compared to the other two. cmon, the fuck? everyone else gets a partner but not him? and if hes every confirmed to be aroace, itll just be another stab in the gut. Im aroace myself, and lillith was already ENOUGH bad representation!! if he was aroace, it would literally just be one excuse to why they ignored him and his chance on having a potential partner. not to mention they completely glaze over his short lived crush on bria.
sorry the rant was so long, i could go into more depth but i wont and theres defo a lot i missed but whatever. but i guess my take really is THE CREW FUCKING SUCKS ASS AND GUS DESERVES BETTER!!!!! (also mb if anything is written weird im tired raah)
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
What your favorite The Owl House ship says about you. (inspired by EldenaDoubleca5t)
(the following does not imply that the author ships everything mentioned here. Please keep that in mind and take your complaints elsewhere. Thank you and good night.)
Lumity: You think that for every tough, mean character, there must always be a beautiful, wholesome ray of sunshine for them to turn into a blushing mess for.
Huntlow: Same as Lumity, but you are heterosexual and you want good things for Hunter. And really, who wouldn't?
Raeda: You are four things. You're just here for some non-binary representation, you love seeing middle-aged people acting adorable, you simp for Eda, and you want good things for Eda & Raine. And really, who wouldn't?
Vinira/Jerdric: You're always a sucker for characters who deserve more screentime.
Boschlow: You ship Bakugo with Midoriya, only you preferred Bakugo when he told Izuku to go kill himself.
Aladarius: You want to fuck both dads and father figures.
Odalador: You're willing to look past Odalia being a horrible person because she has big hips, and you're just here for some MEN GETTING PEGGED!
Lunter: Your ideal relationship dynamic is enemies to lovers.
Amiter: You don't care about Amity canonically being a lesbian. You are a Zutara fan till you draw your dying breath.
Gustholomule: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just guys beings dudes. Bros being friends.
Camileda: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of Luz basically having two moms.
Lumiter: You can't decide between Lumity and Lunter, but then you realized that Luz is bisexual.
Amillow: Your ideal relationship dynamic is friends to enemies to friends again to lovers.
Veesha: You’re always a sucker for characters who shared a few scenes together yet seem ripe for loads of fanart and fanfiction.
Hootlith: Your ideal date is wacky hi-jinx in which hilarity ensues.
Brischa: You took one look at these two mean girls and thought they’d be perfect for each other.
Belos x Anyone: ...............Don’t.
Standa: You've been excited for The Owl House since the SDCC teasers and took the implications that Stan and Eda were married in Vegas for a bit as cold, hard fact.
Lilithford: You ship Stan with Eda and didn't want Lilith & Ford to be left out.
Luzanne: You are also a fan of Amphibia.
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strawbbz · 1 year
After late night scrolling through your gusthomule stuff, I dreamt the last episode leaked and gusthomule became canon.
But it was an "fake" fake out, they leaned in for a kiss only to shake hands. However, they then pulled in each other closer by the joined hands and kissed.
There was also something about churros, I can't remember it was a dream.
You heard it here, folks! Gustholomule becomes canon, and they eat churros after. God bless Latinos
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hiccuppps · 1 year
max's gustholomule fic recs!
sharing some of my favs i've read so far to help spread the gustholomule agenda!!!!!!!!!! also these live in my brain forever...
4:02 AM by kindofsortofmaybe : GOD. if by some chance you haven't read this already what are you doing. THEYRE SO FUJCING STUPID OH MY GODDDD <3333333 the vibes are incredible can you tell im a night owl? lots of gus pining :)
Gardenias by disco_girl : WAD timeskip! THIS IS MY CANON. first kiss and relationship discussion :)
One More Ride by WoorEnergy : *slaps screen* THIS. first kiss? late night drives? STEVE? sign me TF UP!!!!!!! how many times have i read this? yes.
dozy by rt5626 : sick fic <3 they're so cute i hope they explode.
i would've followed [you] all the way to the graveyard by emsprovisions : first kiss fic!!!!! they're so silly!!! absolutely lives inside my brain.
tfw boys have shoulders by killyhawk : post-canon. title says it all. read this NOW i laughed so hard.
A Little Bit of Sunshine by multishipperofmanyfandoms : takes place during FTF. i've read this so many times i love it so much.
we grew up so well by kairoskeeper : matt and amity friendship!!!! definitely fed my brainrot. gustholomule sprinkles. the "WHO EVEN LIKES GIRLS?" lives in my brain.
Heart Covered in Honey by This_Is_My_Guest_Name : very soft!!!
Eyes On You by killyhawk : OOO KILLY THIS LORE! i live for anything exploring gus's illusion magic + bonus established gustholomule and good bf matt <3
let's give 'em something to talk about by killyhawk : killy with another banger. THE gustholomule writer ever. idiots <3 i hope they explode <3
Palisman Playdate by AssignedK9 : short and sweet!! i love this one sm (garth my beloved). focusses more on their friendship with the ship sprinkled in but their interactions are so perfect.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 6 months
(If you're just trying to find some cute ship art for like lumity or huntlow and you find this I'm sorry I just want this to get some recognition cause I'm new to the Tumblr community 😭😭)
Hello there and welcome to me rating different TOH ships!
It'll be in a format like a iceberg chart, the more well known ships at the top and more unknown and obscure ships in the middle and below
Also know this is my opinion and I have given reasons why I don't like and ship the ones I'm going to list, don't get mad at me cause I don't ship whatever the fuck you like
And with that let's go!
The surface
1. Lumity 9/10
Actually a really good ship, I don't know why people keep on saying it's a toxic/unhealthy ship, the only reasons they say is that they lie to each other,Amity somehow "hurts" Luz and never gives her a proper apology...? Im sorry but it's fucking stupid, there's other reasons but I don't remember them, I gave it a 9/10 because it's okay, nothing astonishing or amazing, just good wlw rep and that's all that matters
2. Huntlow 100000/10
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP OMG!!!! I wish it could have gotten confirmed or more hints throughout the show (I personally think it would have been a cool idea that after kings tide Hunter and Willow started dating and it would be shown in TTT) it's just a really cute ship to me and I love everything about it >_<!!!
3. Raeda 10/10
It's a really cool ship, but I was confused on the whole is Eda bisexual or pansexual thing cause she's confirmed bisexual but Raines non binary...and now supposedly bisexual people can be attracted to non binary people??? It's just hella confusing to me, but that's a topic on it's own for a different time, I really like how they developed and definitely TTBK was and is one of my favorite episodes
4. Veesha 8/10
It's actually canon that Vee has a crush on Masha and thats all I need to know...GAHHH IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIP!! Really cool thing how Dana is adding some much non binary characters in the show (NOT including the collector cause he's demiboy NOT non binary, there's a huge ass difference) wish there could have been some development/hints in the WAD, sadly not, but that doesn't mean it won't be confirmed!
5. Gustholomule 8/10
By far one of my ships but sadly not on the top 3,yet again, needed more hints, especially in s2a cause Gus and Matty had more screen time and interactions together,and I love how the fandom just agreed Matty was gay, and not to mention the friendship with Matty and Amity
6. Belpaw 10000/10
this is a joke ship between Belos and springtrap/William Afton from fnaf but it's absolutely fucking hilarious to me and I love it
Now, time to go under the surface, here are some ships that some people know/ship but not much people do, and the further I go we'll get to the more...problematic ships, yet again, don't get mad at me for my opinions
1. Lunter -100/10
Please block this account immediately if you ship lunter I CANNOT STAND THIS SHIP!!! Sure, they had some pretty decent chemistry and interactions with each other, but it just won't work! There's no use in shipping a character with a canon love interest/already dating someone and just choosing to ignore it and ship them anyway, PLUS FOR THOSE SHIPPERS WHO ACTUALLY GOT FUCKING MAD CAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME CANON I'M ACTUALLY SHITTING BRICKS ON HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT WAS 💀💀💀💀 plus Willows a canon love interest to Hunter, Zeno, HUNTERS VA, literally changed his name to Hunter noceda, and no it's not wlw erasure, but if you acknowledge the fact that lumity is canon, if you acknowledge the fact Dana put her hardwork and effort trying to get a same sex couple in a kid's show which literally got it CANCELLED, and still ship it, disrespectfully shut the fuck up, lunter would be canon if FUCKING NETFLIX MADE TOH 😭😭😭
2. Huntric/Huntmira -100000/10
I. Hate. This. Ship. I put them together cause I didn't want to make seperate sections for it, now you're gonna read me rant on how much I fucking despise this ship, number one, EDRIC IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE, no interactions (only one with Edric but none with Emira) the mfs literally degraded him in labyrinth runners, no chemistry whatsoever, its overall just not worth your time, and I'm not a toxic huntlow stan, no I won't force the ship on you, however I will block you because I don't want that shit on my feed, same goes for lunter and the other ships I'm gonna mention
3. Luz x Willow, Amity, or all of them together 5/10
Ngl, it's not that bad of a ship, actually really cute, but I couldn't see it happening in the show given that lumity is already canon, plus we should normalize healthy friendships between two girls, not everyone needs to be shipped and the toh community has a huge fucking problem with that, plus this also goes for Amity x Willow as well
4. Camila x Eda (i dunno the official ship name 😭😭😭) 5/10
It's mid, I SAID IT I SAID IT!!! *hides in bed* I'm sorry the ship is mid, raeda is canon already and they didn't have any dialogue, interactions,chemistry together only other than people want Camila to date/marry someone,and the only part when they actually meet is in WAD and that one picture of Eda showing Camila the Apple blood, other than that it's meh, eh, mid
5. Boscha x literally anyone -1000/10
Disrespectfully shut the fuck up if you ship boschlow, boschmity, or boschluz, THESE ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC SHIPS AND YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN WATCHED WING IT LIKE WITCHES OR THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF TOH, YOU MUST HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY, Boscha is literally their bully, IT'S NOT THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY YOU WANT POOKIE, the only one that isn't as severe is boschmity, that one, unlike the other ships isn't as bad cause boscha genuinely likes Amity and if you watched FTF you'd know why, plus boscha must had have the fattest crush on Amity, but the only boscha ship good is Boschbria (Boscha x Bria)
6. Veenter 10-/10
No...why must I have come to this...NOOO!!! okay, first off, ima just put this in the most direct, black and white, simple way, it fucking sucks, no interactions that support the ship, no chemistry, like I said, I'm a raging Huntlow stan, this ship is unacceptable, plus I like found...a potential r34 comic of them BUT WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT HAHAH....oh fucking god...
The pit, here lays all the problematic ships, also uhm TW maybe??? I am gonna use words like p3dph1l1a, @buse, Child @buse,and pr0sh1p alot, so if it makes you uncomfy just a warning, and with that, lets go...
1. Camphip -infinity/10
I HAVE A RAGING HATE FOR THIS SHIP OH MY FUCKING TITAN, okay, I know Camila is an adult and belos is...well he's an old fucking geezer,but the age gap gives me the ick, but let's just start, it's @busive, Camila literally said she wanted to beat him up in the beginning of FTF, AND I DUNNO, DO YOU THINK A 400+ GENOCIDAL EMPEROR WHO @BUSED 50+ GRIMWALKERS WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BE KIDS (and by kids they'd be at least 11/12-16, still pretty younge though)MANIPULATED MILLIONS OF WITCHES AND DEMONS, AND KILLED HIS BROTHER IS A GOOD HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? disrespectfully shut the fuck up, given the fact of think Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all Camila's children (or at least that's what I headcanon) DO YOU THINK THEY'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT THEIR MOTHER IS DATING THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THEM SO MUCH FUCKING PAIN AND ABUSE????ESPECIALLY HUNTER, BELOS FUCKING SAID HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUNTER IN HOLLOW MIND, CLOUDS ABOVE THE HORIZON,AND IN THANKS TO THEM, HE LITERALLY TRIED TO K1LL HIM, THIS SHIP WOULD ONLY BE FINE IF IT WAS IN A GOOD BELOS AU, THE ONLY WAY, I will immediately block you if you ship Belos x Camila, I hate it HATE IT AND I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS
2. Amity x Gus or Hunter -infinity/10
You're lesbianphobic, go fuck yourself if you ship Amity with any male characters
3. Empgold/Huntlos -infinity/10
It's pr0ship, p3d0philia, and @buse, Hunter is 16 and Belos is 400+ years old, you can't ship a character with someone's who dead so it wouldn't matter if you ship them after the time skip when Hunters 20, Belos @bused Hunter, the scar on his cheek and the whole fucking possession scene in TTT might give you a hint, Belos never cared for Hunter and only saw him as a tool, he tried to k1ll him in Hollow Mind, and in Thanks to them, if you ship them, I am blocking you, and I say this proudly
4. Guster -infinity/10
I. Hate. This. Ship, AND FUCK YOU GUSTER BUBBLE BATH YOU FUCKING MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE (please don't question what the guster bubble bath is, DO NOT SEARCH IT UP IT IS AN R34 COMIC...unless you wanna get traumatized, but it's cool baby girl) I hate this ship, there's plenty of interactions, but they give off a more sibling energy,and that's a reason why I don't ship it, I see them as siblings, I get they could somehow date cause of cosmic frontier but it's more of a similarity than a romantic aspect just like with Amity and Luz with the good witch Azura,its also uhm *COUGH COUGH* p3d0philia if you ship their time skip versions (Hunter is 20 and Gus is 16), the reason why I put it so low is because I feel like it's not as well know but not as obscure (plus I did this all rushed so I had no fucking time)
And ladies, bros, non binary folks, that's the end! You've endured all my criticism so take a damn break, you deserve it
And special credits to ships I didn't include!
Luz x Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Hunter x Sasha (Amphibia)
Gus x Willow
Gus x Bria
Luz x Marco (svtfoe)
Gus x Vee
Luz x viney
Edric x Emira
Eda x Belos
Eda x Darius
Amity x Marcy (amphibia)
Belos x Luz
The Collector x King, any member of the hexsquad
Amity x Odalia
Eda x Dana
Darius x Raine
Belos x Kikimora
Kikimora x Puss in boots (oh god yes that's exists)
Lilith x Belos/Hooty/Steve/Eda!!!
I hope someone at least read this cause I made this in a damn hurry!!!
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mxadrian779 · 2 months
Random TOH comments/thoughts:
You know, technically Gustholomule has more canon chemistry than Huntlow.
I don't dislike or oppose Huntlow. I just feel like I'm not sure where to put it. I do really admire Hunter and would not mind it if he stayed single for a bit or were shipped with Gus.
I've been involved with shipping since the early days of ATLA, and usually I love headcanoning and designing family and kids and everything happy, but I don't for Raeda. I'm perfectly content with them not having kids of their own, even if they were younger.
Raeda is also the first ship I'm extremely territorial over LMAO I can handle the characters in my ships being positioned with others instead, but I feel personally attacked when Raine or Eda is shipped with someone different.
Also, I don't know why I don't like Lumity more.
I'm approaching my third or fourth watch of the series, and each time, I gain a greater appreciation of Darius. But one thing remains from the first time: did he have a crush on Raine and that's why they're the only one to get a special nickname?
I'd really have loved to see some of the more distant characters get some Human Realm time. I wanna see Raine, Eda, Darius, and some of the others take a walk on the human side.
I don't like Boscha, but I think she has potential to be more than the token Mean Girl.
I would love to see Camila and Gwendolyn meet and bond over their love of animals. If Camila could choose a track, it might be beastkeeping.
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