#also found out i have six houses in aquarius.
burningflash · 1 year
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Welcome to my birth chart. Becoming increasingly disillusioned with astrology as time goes by, but it is no less fun to play around with. Don’t think I could ever be a true denier of the stars.    
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Sorry I've been M.I.A. I've been processing a lot of grief and have had a lot of unexpected life changes (unrelated to grief).
Soooo, to cheer myself up here's some random astro observations.
Random Astrology Observations
These are based on my experiences, and not every one of these will apply to someone else with the same placements. This is just my own observations!
Note: If I use the word Karma, I mean the concept that you get back what you give to others. I want to be respectful about using the term and wanted to make sure I'm distinguishing it separately from the religious meaning of the word. I haven't found a great alternative for it even after searching extensively, so if anyone knows one please let me know! I know it's been westernized and I hate that. ☹️
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⚡️ Anyone with 3rd House placements will likely encounter issues with their siblings at some point or another. They could live in their siblings shadows, been tasked to take care of them, or just never got a long with them altogether. This can play out in a hundred different ways, though.
⚡️ We talk a lot about repercussions for messing with a person who has Saturn in the 4th/8th/12th House. But Saturn in the 2nd? I almost feel like it's worse.
I know a person with Saturn in the 2nd who was being mistreated by an authority figure. The person mistreating her was getting a degree in higher education. By the time the two parted ways, the person mistreating her had her entire reputation completely obliterated, rendering her higher degree completely useless in her career field as a result. And the person with Saturn in the 2nd told nobody about the individual's behavior.
Saturn won't just come for their finances, they'll come for anything of value. Six months later, that individual was divorced, selling her home, and was pushed out of the organization she worked in. It was genuinely shocking lol
⚡️ As a person works through their Lilith sign, their appearance can change. Not just physically, but their overall vibe. They'll feel like a different person. And it's because they've owned their inner power.
⚡️ Scorpio Placements are so powerful, but they often stand in their own way. They can manifest basically anything, but their self deprecating tendencies can hold them back from attaining it.
⚡️ If the Universe pairs a Capricorn Rising and a Scorpio Rising to hold a person accountable for their shitty behavior, you know whoever that person is really messed up. Both of these rising signs hold heavy karma, one from Saturn and one from Pluto. It's actually quite a beautiful sight to behold if the person is deserving. I've seen this on many occasions and when both are through, there's nothing left standing.
Both individuals also always figure out about halfway through the divine intervention that they play a far greater role than they realize and it's a lesson for the two individuals to step into their own power as well.
When we try to be the 'better' person, sometimes we're denying the person who wronged us the accountability they deserve.
⚡️ In a synastry chart, aspects to Lilith, South Node, Chiron, and Juno can indicate potential soul contracts if you know where to look. (If you're soulmates/twin flames/karmic partners/etc). Of course there are other indicators as well.
⚡️ Sagittarius placements are seen as hopeful and positive, but a lot of the times, they're full of doom and gloom. They avoid their problems by doing whatever they want. Many of them never planned out a long-term future because they never saw themselves reaching that point of their lives, rendering them in a disaster they have to clean up and build themselves back from the bottom up. Which they do successfully. They never really lose hope, but they avoid responsibility until they can't anymore.
⚡️ Aquarius/11th House Placements fight a life long battle of trying to be themselves and not fit the mold their parents laid out for them. They only find true happiness when they realize their life path isn't for everyone and it relies on the fact that they must be who they really are.
⚡️ Aries Placements get a lot of hate, but if they react from a healthy place, they make some of the best advocates I've ever seen. I think it's because they have an endless supply of energy and healthy anger to tap into to make sure everything is getting addressed correctly.
⚡️ Leo Placements cannot escape attention. It follows them. They are usually forced to reconcile with it and learn to work through the uncomfortable feeling associated with it.
⚡️ If you have a planet that's in the same sign as your Chiron (or conjunct), prepare for that area of your life to be a complete dumpster fire until you find a healthy way to work through the Chiron wounds.
⚡️ If you tell a Scorpio something they don't want to hear, they'll just change the subject. Then they'll come back to you in 6 months and tell you that you were right, but they'll never outright say the words "you were right."
⚡️ I'm pairing Libra, Pisces, and Cancer together to work through their people pleasing phase, because once they do, they can flip a switch and cut someone off without a second thought. That's when they unlock their inner power and begin to set healthy boundaries.
⚡️ Taurus Risings have a lot of great qualities to them (and I do love them), but I've seen a lot of praise for Taurus Risings who also have Scorpio placements. While I can see the benefits, every Taurus Rising with Scorpio Placements that I've ever met (and I've oddly met a few) have created their own personal prison in their minds when it comes to trusting others and opening up. They won't crack. They are lock and key. They can express they want to be vulnerable, but they often don't know how. (Again, this is just my oddly specific experience lol) They also struggle with finding safety in materialism, while also feeling empty because they crave more spiritual interactions.
⚡️ Gemini and Sag placements always feel chronically misunderstood. I've also never met a single Gemini/Sag that wasn't diagnosed with ADHD or was a burnt out gifted kid. A couple of my friends that tried to prove me wrong came to me about 2 years later with a diagnosis in their 30s. 😂 (again, just my experience)
⚡️ Virgo North Node - How's that career in healthcare going? 😂 Jk, not everyone with a Virgo North Node is in healthcare, but it's a lot of you. lol
⚡️ Capricorns are some of the most anxious people I've ever met. They just hide it really well. It most likely stems from whatever they went through in childhood.
⚡️ Virgo placements often carry this stereotype that they're uptight and anxious (with a lot of control issues). As a person that used to work in the mental health field, every Virgo I ever met did have anxiety, but it wasn't 😢anxiety😢. It was ✨anxiety ✨. They are some of the funniest people I've ever interacted with. And they did have the stereotypical Virgo traits, but there was a layer of sarcasm to it. They're hands down some of my favorite people. A lot of them are oddly cat people too, which is weird, because I see a lot of people associate Virgos with dogs. (though it's really both since virgo rules small pets)
⚡️ Ever Sag had a horse phase. I don't make the rules. 😂
⚡️ Cancer placements likely struggled with bullying in childhood. I swear it's because other kids can sniff out their sensitive nature and try to exploit them. They always end up surprised when Cancer placements stand up for themselves, though. I would never want to cross a Cancer placement because they'll find the time and patience to extract revenge. People forget about their cold side.
⚡️ Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, and Scorpio Rising are the ultimate big three combo. And weirdly, I know a lot of people with these placements. They trigger others without trying. They just exist and people literally hate them. They have a strong sense of justice and they're very methodical and practical. It's excellent.
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Welcome back to another special edition of my astrological chart readings… Today we have Seonghwa.
✦ Disclaimer I do not know him personally, no harm intended, others may interpret differently. I’ve been studying astrology for six years, and I take this seriously and try my best. Feel free to ask any questions you have! This is not a full chart reading, just a couple of interesting things for his birthday.
✦ Sun, Mercury Rx, Mars, Saturn conjunction, Sun conjunct Midheaven in Aries (Tenth House) Quick rundown, when I found out that if you swap the characters in his given name (성화 seong-hwa to become 화성 hwa-seong) and it means Mars, well… Aries is ruled by Mars. They’re inherently connected in astrology as they have the same energy. And he has four planets and his Midheaven all in Aries, which is crazy! Things that seem fated.
Back to the actual analysis. Stelliums, or three or more planets in one sign, are common occurrences. He has two stelliums, one in Aries (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn) and one in Aquarius (Venus, Uranus, Neptune).
There is an overall need to be noticed—he wants to be recognized for whatever he achieves, and he will achieve things because he’s determined enough to and has the iron-clad will to get him through any trials he will come across. Despite this need to be noticed, the Aries Sun thriving in the spotlight, he has a penchant for being sensitive to how others perceive him, thanks to Saturn being here as well. What others say about him matters. He wants to conform, yet he wants to rebel. It will take a while for him to come out of his shell, but when he does, it’s wonderful.
That Mars-Saturn conjunction is the most interesting because it’s the most powerful, the domicile Mars overpowering the exiled Saturn. Someone who is simultaneously afraid of conflict yet constantly testing his will in extreme situations. Impulse vs steadfastness. There are many ways this can be interpreted, though for brevity I will say that part of him will always need to let his individuality out, his need for independence, and there’s a battle against authority going on inside of him at all times.
Mars-Saturn sesquiquadrate Pluto, the patience and depth is astounding… Endurance, survival, in it for the long run. When he devotes himself, he devotes everything he has. He’s all in. He doesn’t know how to do things halfway.
Mercury-Mars conjunction, a quick thinker, though with Mercury in retrograde, it may come out unplanned or not as it should be taken. A little witty, a little silly… Bored easily.
Sun sextile Uranus makes him open to being a little quirky and odd, more willing to associate himself with people who don’t fit in, and that Venus placement emphasizes this, too.
✦ Moon in Cancer (Twelfth House) This is his chart ruler, an overpowering presence in his chart. Moon rules over what is secure, emotions and the presence in the home. Whatever is in 12H bleeds into the collective consciousness—your feelings are his feelings, and he isn’t sure where yours end and his begin. Extremely sensitive to whatever and whoever is around him. There needs to be a…refined aspect to this though. He doesn’t like to deal with anything too unpleasant if he doesn’t have to. It’s good that he has the Aries and Aquarius to offset this, the doers of the zodiac, otherwise he could get too stuck in his own head and avoid confrontation altogether in order to keep the peace. I suppose one could also associate this placement with someone who lives in a chaotic home, many unplanned things happening all at once, though it could also mean someone who wants to maintain a perfect home, perhaps in spite of the chaos. Since Moon and Cancer both are associated with the mother, this could also mean an idealization (12H) of all motherly or homely things.
✦ Venus in Aquarius (Eighth House) I sort of covered this when I did Hongjoong’s chart reading a month ago, but it’s likely that Seonghwa runs very hot and cold with people, very either/or. Venus doesn’t naturally like to be here. He has a lot of walls… Once you’re in his circle, you’re in it permanently—unless you betray him somehow, which would be the ultimate offense. Very protective over others. Uranus in 7H emphasizes the hot-cold of his personality, though he has 7H of one-on-one relationships in Capricorn and 11H of friendships in Taurus, so whatever friendships and relationships he does have are long term. He probably likes to give gifts of some kind to others, an exchange of sorts. “I do this for you, you do this for me.”
✦ Final thoughts Seonghwa is a very passionate and devoted person. He simultaneously wears his heart on his sleeve but keeps his cards close to his chest… Everything must surface eventually though.
I don’t talk about parents because I do not wish to speculate, but I do feel like he’s very similar to his mother in a lot of ways due to all of the planets in tenth house and his Ascendant being in Cancer.
Thank you for reading! You can check out my other chart readings on my blog or on Twitter.
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m00nt4r0t · 2 years
✮ messages for each sign! ✮
♓︎ pisces
[nine of cups + the magician] — you are soon going to feel very content and grateful for what you have (possessions, income, relationships, friendships, family, you get it.) you may be in the energy to splurge and indulge in what makes you feel happy. you are filled with love and you’re basking in the energy of abundance. this could be because a wish of yours came true, or you just feel very blessed! it’s important not to stay too comfortable, though. there’s more progress to be made and you know this; allow this moment of happiness to inspire you to take action towards your dreams and goals! your manifestation skills are through the roof! you could’ve manifested what you have, with or without you knowing. random message: sky by playboyi carti
♒︎ aquarius
[the tower + eight of pentacles] — i feel like something you found out or learned surprised you and caused a drastic change in you, but in a great way! you are going to be learning new things and practicing more often. you’re developing a new skill, this could be a new job, hobby, language, religion, higher education, learning how to take care of a pet, etc etc. you have opportunities you can choose from, and you may feel very optimistic about them. just remember that you will need to put in work and dedication if you pursue these opportunities!
♑︎ capricorn
[the hermit + temperance reversed] — you may currently feel the need to keep your energy to yourself and withdraw from others. this is a good time to self-reflect, get to know yourself better, express yourself without judgement, and not focus too much on the outside world. try not to isolate yourself too much, though. too much of anything isn’t good for us, and you may grow to feel lonely if you hide yourself away for too long.
♐︎ sagittarius
[ace of cups + the sun] — a new love opportunity is going to present itself to you! love can come from friends, family, animals, children, and, of course, a relationship! also, your creative endeavors are going to be extremely successful and you will feel very positive during this time! you have a lot of energy you can put to use towards your aspirations and it will be greatly beneficial.
♏︎ scorpio
[eight of pentacles + the sun] — something that you’ve mastered or are currently learning is going to bring you a lot of success and energy! you could resonate with sagittarius and aquarius’ messages! also, if you want to start something over, im seeing that it will be okay for you to do so as long and you keep at it and remain consistent/repetitive.
♎︎ libra
[ace of cups + six of wands] — i feel like you’re very confident at this time and you’ve learned (or are still learning) how to truly love yourself. you may receive some sort of public recognition and/or success! attention is going to be on you, libra! so make sure you look good whenever you leave the house, if you want, of course!
♍︎ virgo
[queen of swords reversed + knight of pentacles] — you guys need to let loose and have some fun! you’re focusing too much on your routines and what you need done. it’s perfectly fine to be responsible, but please allow yourself to relax! you could be coming off as a bit irritable and annoyed to those around you, virgo. you probably already know this. but if you aren’t sure why you’re acting like this, it’s because you’re too caught up in your work. it’s okay to have fun!
♌︎ leo
[page of pentacles reversed + four of swords] — hi, leo! how are you doing? if you currently feel stagnant or like you’re making little to no progress, take a break! it’s okay to not make consistent progress, it doesn’t mean you’re making no progress at all. progress isn’t always linear! please take some time for yourself and love yourself even when you’re resting! remember that humans are made to sleep for a reason, resting is perfectly okay. you could resonate with the virgo message.
♋︎ cancer
[the fool reversed + three of cups reversed] — you may have been a bit reckless recently, cancer. you may be hanging around people who like to jump into things without thinking too much about consequences. now is a good time to be thoughtful of your actions and maybe spend some time alone. if you know you shouldn’t be doing something, i suggest not doing it.
♊︎ gemini
[six of pentacles reversed + five of wands] — if you owe someone but you haven’t paid them back, gemini, this could cause some sort of conflict, so beware of that. this situation could be reversed as well. but i’m seeing that if you’re giving to someone but never receive, it’s best that you retreat your energy and stop giving. this could go for energy, love, communication, money, anything. very one-sided energy.
♉︎ taurus
[temperance reversed + five of pentacles reversed] — you may be excessively doing something, taurus. if you’re saving a lot of money, this is helping you to recover from financial loss. but if you’re spending a lot, then obviously you’re losing a lot. it’s best to do things in balance so you have enough now and enough for later.
♈︎ aries
[five of wands + three of swords reversed] — someone you’ve had a disagreement with feels very down about themselves for it. this could be you feeling down about a conflict you’ve had, as well. take it as it resonates. i encourage you to forgive yourself for whatever mistakes you’ve made and take this as an opportunity to grow and better yourself. you may think it’s the end of world, but trust that the sun will keep rising and the moon will continue its cycle. there’s always room for growth and love!
thank you for reading and interacting! <3
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rctributions · 1 year
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[ chase sui wonders, demi woman, she/they ] - was that juniper ridley liào i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the twenty six year old who has been in nightrest for her entire life and works as a mechanic at mike's auto service has a reputation of being dauntless, but also irascible. they reside in fog gate & people in town usually associate them with the scent of coffee and tobacco clinging to every piece of clothing you own, a bloodied grin spitting out teeth that may or may not be their own, and running and running and running and never looking back; not even once.  let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ james, 24, they/them, est, n/a ]
full name: juniper ridley liào.
birthday: april 9th, 1997.
astrology: aries sun, taurus moon, aquarius ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: you're a germ by wolf alice.
current mood: annoyed 😑
current location: [[[cannot be found]]]
last tweet: guess im in my fucking lindsay lohan era FUCK the NRPD #freelohan #freebritney.
the liao children are born in quick succession of one another; not more than a year apart, their parents just a couple of rabbits. if their parents were truly in love or just perpetually horny and stuck with each other, juniper wouldn't know.
PARENTAL DEATH; their mother died while giving birth to juniper, marking her as the last liao child and a blurred stain in their lives since. if her grandparents were either still alive, or still talking to her father - they would've said she's cursed. and maybe juniper is.
ALCOHOLISM, CHILD NEGLECT; the death strikes their father hard - still unsure if it's about love or a matter of oh fuck i have too many kids - and it's a bit of a shameless situation. the oldest kid takes up the role of parent as their father turns to the bottle - though it mostly consists of him passing out in his recliner chair in front of the tv, beer bottle just about slipping from his grasp to meet the others on the floor. he's never taken out his anger on juniper, or any of the kids - but he's profoundly absent from their lives since.
the liaos live in a spattering of mobile homes at the very tip of fog gate, where the sea breeze corrodes the metal and there's a fine view of the literal shipwreck on the beach from their kitchen window. it's cramped, and grimy - but they make do. it's home, after all.
juniper grows up angry - for good reasons and for no reasons, just angry - shorter, so she's closer to hell. so she has less room to fit all her emotion.
DEATH MENTION; maybe it's because she's the youngest, but has none of the benefits of being the youngest. they don't really get along with their siblings - some of them blaming her for their mother's passing; blaming them just for being born.
well, whatever - juniper doesn't need them. they don't need anyone. she grows up being the kid playing alone on the playground - threatening to bite those who came too close. the kid to push others off swings, to topple over another just to reach the top of the jungle gym. they'll make their own goddamn sandwiches. walk herself to school.
gets into fights a lot as a kid - almost faces expulsion more than once. they always manage to reel it in, just long enough to keep getting away with it. it's not like they have anywhere else to go.
RUNAWAY / NEGLECT; she never goes home until it's way past dark - when every light in every house has gone out, and there's the looming feeling of someone watching you on her back. it's almost comforting - the complete silence, the unease. contemplates running away - and does, when she's nine. but when she comes back, because of course she does - she loves and hates her family so much that it hurts, it physically hurts - they don't even notice.
LITERALLY JUST A LIST OF CRIMES; high school isn't any better - by the time they're fourteen they're already building up a criminal record of petty crime. mostly vandalism, some minor theft - trespassing - underaged drinking, underaged pot smoking. is once picked up in a cop car while having the shrooms trip of her life, having tried to climb the only water tower in town.
it's whatever though - juniper can do what she wants, nobody is there to stop them. eventually, every officer knows her by name.
they eventually just drop out of high school in their senior year - would've been earlier, but they really liked the free breakfast and lunch provided, but they've gotten a job, now - a little bit of spare cash, and they've never really liked school.
juniper hits the cycle of have job, go to job, get bored of job, miss several shifts and is eventually fired and/or quits. do a petty crime, get picked up - pay a fine, or do a few hours of community service.
IMPRISONMENT :( she does end up spending a few weeks in jail for a very minor assault but swears up n down that the other person started and still sticks to that to this day.
eventually juniper gets at mike's auto service - and mike's, well, mike - but they oddly get along. like he believes in her - in a potential that nobody else sees. it's the only comfort she has. no matter how hard she fucks up - he just won't let up on her. she's grateful for that, probably.
on the side she's turned to doing fun little cons and well, distributing minor drugs - her current running scam is claiming to be a psychic, with tarot cards and all.
for a while, things are calm - juniper moves out of the trailer because another minute alone with her siblings and she'll end up the next town killer, and instead moves into an apartment in fog gate that's so cramped it's like living in a frat house. technically, there's only two people on the lease - but realistically, there's about eight people living there. not including juniper.
DRUGS; a while ago, juniper was arrested for drug distribution - and this time, they resorted to an ankle monitor. she's only a few weeks away from getting it removed after a good few months of suffering. she's even been on her best behavior since then!
EDIT - totally forgot this was a plot point in her life but juniper is indeed not her father's child. her mother had an affair around the time she would've uh, conceived with her father so nobody knew. and since her mother died, that secret died with her as well. to this day everyone thinks that juniper's full blooded related to her sisters but she's not<3
her family's weird about their names. juniper's only ever addressed as juniper ridley at home, like a constant scolding waiting to happen. she's fine with that - prefers ridley over juniper, and sometimes allows even a nickname of rids. and never a nickname of june, or juni.
grew up the problem child. every teacher knew to look out for her, a reputation preceding her. the liaos are already infamous around town for one reason or another, but juniper takes the cake.
has bitten countless others as a child. nobody would be surprised if they were still biting people.
honestly? was the childhood bully. had to compensate for their unstable home life<;/3
like oddly defensive? feels like everything is going to be a verbal attack on her - and is quick to anger, quick to get into a fight. a bit mean with her words, but sometimes she makes an attempt to not be. they're just moody&lt;3
you know how eden is blunt but nice about it? juniper manages to point out your one flaw you try your hardest not to think about and convince yourself that nobody else notices. just on a whim, without thought.
speaks without thinking often - is critical of others but loves to be a hypocrite.
does not have an intuition against danger. is fearless and doesn't think twice about committing an act. or committing to the bit. probably why she gets in so much shit.
it's almost like a game to her - something to pass the time. like there's no consequences behind their actions even though its proven time n time again that there very much is.
surprisingly perceptive about others - notices the little details, probably because she's used to being tense and on guard. doesn't use this for good, though.
cares way more than she lets on, but would rather die than reveal any bit of vulnerability or weakness. there's someone in the inside that's soft, just not someone that they know. is a little sad! mourning the life they never got to have.
will easily take a bribe. whether it's free food, drink, or actual money. or jewelry. or a free tattoo. really as long as it's free, juniper will consider doing you a favor or will be more inclined towards you. is very partial to shiny objects, like a crow.
the vast majority of their clothes are hand-me-downs that they've worn since like. middle school. some items r thrifted n juniper does take up the one (1) hobby of jewelry-making, besides crimes.
honestly loves doing tarot and just making up shit. just wants to ruin someone's day by telling them a great horror will meet them.
also loves being a mechanic, much more than she thought she would. knows everything to know about them, and will probably throw a wrench at you if you suggest she's not capable of handling a car just 'cos she's got tits. that's fucked and she'll tell you so.
honestly is mike's ride or die. he's old as balls but that's her grandfather figure right there. she would kill for that man and literally only him.
its hard for her to build long term friendships bc they have a habit of self-sabotaging. clearly. they believe they don't rly deserve anything good because that's the hand life dealt them. so if someone is too kind to her, she'll retreat into her shell of aggression.
has never been in a relationship because of it - she just won't allow herself to be. has had crushes but she deeply represses them. virginal icon because she's never slept with anyone, either - most other things except that. it just feels too vulnerable, too personal.
even being flirted with makes juniper like. partially confused, partially angry, and partially flustered.
i do have to mention the ankle monitor again bc its funny to me<3 she has it for like at least two more weeks so she hasn't been able to drink, or smoke, or anything fun because her patrol officer's going to come for her neck.
sooo many enemies. people she's fought, whether verbally or physically. i will say she's better at throwing a fist than spewing some shit. those who just know to stay away from her family. who've been wronged maybe not by her, but by another member of the family.
yeah generally just people who know the reputation the liaos have and either stay away or, surprise! don't! because maybe it fascinates them.
people juniper is just. constantly trying to scam. give her the name of ur childhood pet and ur mom's maiden name. let them read you the wrong tarot cards.
maybe! friends! im sure there's some people who can tolerate juniper, even if she acts like she's lived with wolves her entire life&lt;3
ex-friends! people she's shoved away and started ignoring or being excessively mean to because she doesn't know how to let people get close.
old crushes, new crushes - things that juniper would never act on, but can allow herself to fantasize about on occasion all while avoiding eye contact because now she can't stop thinking about it.
like even jst a flirtationship that gets her all flustered. someone she's made out with once while drunk and now avoids them at all costs because it's embarrassing.
people she bullied as a child </3 i cant believe juniper would push ur muse off the top of the playset. actually. i can. and im sorry.
roommates. there's so many of them and the apartment is so small. it's like almost comical, like a clown car. and neighbors who keep knocking on their door and complaining.
her siblings god please. or people who know her siblings / like them better than juniper, or even like juniper better than them.
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
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The pictures above are not mine I don’t know who the original creator or creators are but I found the pictures on Pinterest!
❤️ Having a Pisces moon can represent having a mother who was put on a lot of drugs/medicines when giving birth to you.🤰🏽
❤️ Having a lot of Taurus influence in your chart can represent being a tactile leaner. And in case y’all don’t know a tactile learner is someone who learns best by actually doing or attempting to whatever their trying to learn. For example let’s say a tactile learner is tryin to learn how to tie their shoes. The best way for that person to learn would be to physically act out the steps rather than just watch or listening to the directions on how to tie their shoes.👟🎀
❤️ Having the aspect Jupiter square Saturn or sun can represent having a father with different morals, values or beliefs than you.👨‍👧
❤️ Having the aspect Jupiter trine Uranus can represent having a more democratic,liberal, leftist, or progressive beliefs.
❤️ Having the ascendent trine pluto aspect can represent looking at things that are taboo, creepy, or dark in a more positive way than others. For example having this aspect can make you interested in astrology, tarot, murder mysteries, spirits, or something along the lines of that stuff. I’ve noticed that people with this aspect tend to be LGBTQ+ as well.🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽👭🏽👬🏽🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💕
❤️ I’ve noticed that people with Aquarius in their big six prefer more circular glass rather than square ones.👓
❤️ I’ve noticed that people with their Chiron in the 12 house could’ve been shamed for their religion/spiritual beliefs or they could just be insecure about their religion/ spiritual beliefs. This placement can also be an indicator of having religious/spiritual beliefs that aren’t really common in your community.⛪️
❤️ I’ve noticed that people with Pluto in the 10th house might have a reputation that they don’t really like. Or they have a reputation of being someone that they actually aren’t. Like, these people might have a reputation for being innocent when they are actually the opposite.👹😂 Basically, these people either don’t like the way their seem or they are seen as something that they are not.👀
❤️ I’ve noticed that people with both an air sun and a water Mercury make some of the fakest friends. Like, these are the type of people that will pretend to be super close to you when they actually don’t really consider you that close of a friend.
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support.✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨💕💕💕💕
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isabella-111 · 2 years
Heyo, could you ship me with someone? If you don’t mind ofc. :)
- I am about 5‘7 ft and have brown eyes and brown hair that reach a bit below my collarbones with bangs and I wear glasses. I am currently obsessed with typology, astrology and Greek mythology. I am an Intj, most likely a child of Hades or Athena (I tend a bit more to hades though) and I am an Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon and Gemini Rising with an Aries, Aquarius and Pisces Stellium. I am also a Ravenclaw with tons of Slytherin traits considering Slytherin is my second house. I love reading and I also really love the Percy Jackson and Maze Runner series and the maurauders era. I am multilingual but only fluent in two languages German and English (Russian is my mother tongue and I am learning French and Spanish in school.) I really like dark academia and also want to dress that way but I am quite chubby so clothes usually don’t look very good on me. That’s why I only wear black clothes. I overthink a lot and don’t understand my personality really well. Dancing is my passion and I started doing it when I was about six years old. I love Kpop because it got my into dancing after I stopped doing it for a while. Besides Kpop I also really love The Neighborhood, Chase Atlantic, Mother Mother and MARINA. I’ am genderqueer and use any pronouns and I am unlabeled.
I hope it isn’t too long and you understand everything. c:
A/n : you seem so dope also im sure you clothes fit you great don’t let insecurities hold back also same i live greek mythology personally i think im the child of hades and Persephone or im a random kid that Athena found and was like “this ones mine now” anyways hope you like it :)
I ship you with regulus
( sorry it so short, i hope you like it :)
- regulus would slow dance with you everywhere and anywhere whether its in the garden at Hogwarts, in the common room , in your dorm , in the astronomy tower, in the library at his house i mean anywhere this man will just grab your hand and start dancing
- you would to show reggie your music and he would immediately fall in live with all your favorite artists especially the neighborhood and MARINA
- reggie would buy you books and bring you to his house so you can see all the books on typology , greek mythology and astrology
-regulus would love stargazing with you
You guys would point at the stars and talk about them for hours till one of you guys fell asleep ( it was probably you ) then he would probably teleport you guys to your dorm with a little note that says
Good morning love , you fell asleep and I didn’t want to get a cold so thats why you ended up hear dont worry yesterday wasn’t a dream just had to bring you back so you wouldn’t get sick anyways have a amazing day at school darling love youu - love reggie
- you and regulus could talk about greek mythology for hours
- he would love going to the lake and just sitting there and reading with you
- you and reggie going in walks in the forest >>>
- he would absolutely write you little notes during class i imagine them like this
Hey darling , i just wanted to tell you that you look handsome and cant wait till we can hang out later love you ways - regulus
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What are your thoughts on the cursed child?
To be honest, I can’t say I know enough to really have any thoughts.
As is probably evident from my metas, @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta , for me to consider myself an expert enough to talk on anything at length I must see the source material.
Or, at the very least, be insanely familiar with it though even then I’d likely give a lot of disclaimers.
I’ve never seen Cursed Child, never read the script, and really know very little about it. As in, I only know the very general outlines of the plot but even that I’m hazy on as I’ve had no interest in finding out.
So, to me, hearing about Cursed Child is a lot like unintentionally playing a game in which I have to guess if the internet is pulling my leg or JKR actually wrote that.
In no short order:
Voldemort and Bellatrix have a canonical love child IN BOOK SIX WHEN BELLATRIX IS EMACIATED AND VOLDEMORT IS IN GOD KNOWS WHAT BODY WITH GOD KNOWS WHAT REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS who is somehow born between Bellatrix’s release and her untimely death at the hands of Molly Weasley. In secret, no less.
Said love child’s name is Delphi (alright, I can roll with that), she has blue hair (weirder but those Black genes yo), has inherited the power of ominous flying from dear departed daddy (... okay), and has latched onto the idea of resurrected Dear Departed Daddy despite growing up in the Post Voldemort era where no one, not even former Death Eaters like Draco, want that shit back (I have no idea how Delphi is presumably brought up so you tell me audience)
Harry turns out to be the world’s shittiest father (I believe that)
Hermione does Harry’s job for him (I also believe that)
Harry has a chronic fear of pigeons (... that’s new)
Albus Severus Potter is a disappointment to his father per being sorted into Slytherin (I believe that)
Albus is best friends with Scorpio Malfoy (sure, why not)
Albus and Scorpio somehow interfere with a Terminator style plot line in which Tom Riddle’s secret love child plans to destroy baby Harry Potter before he can and save the day (what?)
The trolley cart woman is an eldritch being from another dimension (and at this point, you know what, why the hell not? Sure JKR, let’s go there)
What I will say is that JKR fell into the classic trap: she thought she could casually use time travel as a plot device.
Time travel is never a casual plot device.
Once you introduce time travel into your universe, the whole place goes kablooey, because it will be used and it will be abused. Time travel isn’t Chekov’s Gun, it’s Chekov’s Motherfucking Cannon. And JKR did it in the worst manner.
The time turners are introduced when Hermione gets one so she can take more classes like a lunatic. This implies that time machines are fairly easy to get ahold of (or Hermione was an unwitting muggleborn guinea pig for the Department of Mysteries and McGonagall was too stupid to figure this out). Regardless, Hermione alone abuses these devices, and then responsibly turns it back in (a very good thing as god knows what Harry would do with access to that).
However, JKR now has a problem, she has time machines in her universe and she has the Death Eaters who would be very tempted to do something very very stupid.
She takes care of this by blowing up the Department of Mysteries and oh, would you look at that, someone destroyed all the time turners. Gee, too bad, we can never use those as a plot device again. MOVING ON.
So, for her to bring time travel back again, bring it back at a fundamentally more powerful level than Hermione ever had access too, it beggars the question of why Tom Riddle didn’t do this in the first place? Well, not him, Tom is too smart. Why didn’t Bellatrix do this in the first place?
I’m sure there’s some in-play bullshit reason of why Delphi Riddle and Delphi Riddle alone can pull this off. Maybe Jupiter is aligned with Mars and it’s the Age of Aquarius, or Delphi’s that stupidly powerful, or we found some ancient Atlantean treasure that somehow Delphi then stole. I’m sure there’s something, but the point is that you just can’t do that.
Once you introduce time travel, especially time travel on this sort of level, all bets are off.
Bellatrix is going back in time to save the Dark Lord, Harry’s going back in time to save his family, the Potter Household October 31st, 1981, would have a crowd outside it the size of Woodstock. 
Then of course the universe explodes as we know Tom Riddle entered that house alone.
Soon, giant mutant penguins are roaming the streets and eating buildings, no one knows how they got there, the timeline before they appeared has been erased from reality. When someone tries to get rid of the penguins they’re joined by giant mutant hamsters and no one still knows how they got there. Voldemort doesn’t even exist in this universe, he was written out five timelines ago.
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eleonorahq · 3 years
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(  natasha liu bordizzo  ,  cisfemale  ,  she/her  ,  winona  ryder )  have  you  turned  on  your  tv  lately  ?  all  they  ever  talk  about  now  is  ELEONORA  SONG .  apparently  the ACTRESS  is  the  biggest  thing  in  hollywood  right  now  ,  which  is  crazy  because  they’re  only TWENTY-FOUR years  old .  i  hope  they  don’t  let  it  get  to  their  head  ,  but  you  know  what  they  say  about an  AQUARIUS  .  my  cousin  met  them  once  ,  and  she  said  they  reminded  her  of dried mug stains on faded wood, sitting on a roof in the middle of the night with your face tilted towards the moon, soft singing and small smiles filling the silence .  in  an  interview  they  said  that  their  dream  is  to WIN AN OSCAR AND ENJOY THE ART  ,  but  i  guess  only  time  will  tell  if  they  end  up  being  a  flop  or  not  .
Hello! I am May, and everybody is free to slide into my dms to PLOT, but if you wanna have your dms slid into... don’t hesitate to like 👍🏼 
Name: Eleonora Spinelli Nicknames: Nellie, Ellie, Lenore Skills: Acting, singing, painting, poetry Age: Twenty-four Occupation: Actress Hometown: White Plains, New York Inspired by: Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows), Matilda Wormwood (Matilda), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series), Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things), Rachel Elizabeth Dare (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), The Baker’s Wife (Into the Woods), Cinderella (Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella),  honestly this isn’t complete so disregard this part if you’d like
She was born in White Plains, New York to a mother who didn’t want her, and a father who didn’t have the time for her. He was a business man, she was a woman who would rather spend her time in bed with the mailman than be a parent. Eleonora had always been a perceptive child, and she understood early on how life with her family worked.
Ellie was quiet and unassuming as a child, with small, quiet smiles and a calm demeanor that made people praise her and overlook her. She spent her time reading, and painting, and listening to music. She was always a hard worker, and as she grew older she wasn’t sure that she could afford to not be a hard worker— she wasn’t sure if “acting out” would be worth any of the trouble.
Her 5th grade music teacher said she had a pretty voice, and in 6th grade, her father took their family to see Sunday in the Park with George.
She fell in love with acting. She fell in love with the craft, and the complexity and all its moving parts, and she adored the strength and mental fortitude it takes to become all these people, and tell all their stories. She did the middle school plays, she took theatre class at school, she did it all. Her father paid for it all, because it was a good way to get her out of the house.
She went to auditions as an upperclassman in high school, going from open casting calls to having an agent, and her career took off quickly. She went for kooky characters, finding pieces of herself in them all while also finding all the ways she’s different from them all.
She’s quiet and elusive to the media, but she’s charming and her voice rarely wavers. She knows that to make it far, she has to be ready to dig her heels sometimes. She loves the work, and she loves the art, and she wants to do it all, and try everything.
She loves her friends, loves the people she’s found doing this. She’s carefree, some days, and she loves spending those days with people who love her too. Fuck her parents— this world may not be perfect, but she’s carving a space for herself, and she’s going to fill it as lovingly as she can.
— She’s very much an actress who loves acting. Her first touch of theatre and acting was stuff like Sunday in the Park with George and West Side Story and A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, and she fell in love with the art of becoming someone else, and telling someone else’s story
— She’s a hard worker, and loves to make friends with the people she works with. She’s a little shy, but acting is all about exposing vunerabilities, and that is easier done when you get along with the people you’re working with
— She paints and writes poetry in her spare time, because her apartment has a pretty view that begs to be immortalized
— She often acts as a mediator in arguments, if she’s not completely staying away from the situation. 
— She is quite calm and level-headed and reticent at first glance, but sometimes that is the way she hides her anxiousness and nerves.
— She’s not reall an up-and-comer anymore, but she’s still on the rise, career-wise! 
— She is a music lover. She loves all kinds of music, and you’re just as likely to catch her bopping her head to the Bee Gees as you are to see her bopping to David Bowie.
— Just in general, she’s the girl who’s a little quiet, and firm in her beliefs and what she wants to do. She has a voice, she just chooses to use it sparingly, so that when she does, it is more impactful.
— She loves a good beach, and loves a good empty road. She loves having fun, just as she loves working.
— Her stage name is Eleonora Song, because that’s her mother’s maiden name.
Give me friends. Give me past coworkers turned friends. Give me a slowburn love, a full friendship that slowly becomes something different. Give me people she met at parties that she just bonded with. Give me first loves, maybe that one person she’ll return to some day, when she’s older and wiser. Give me people she’s taken under her a wing, people she’s become protective over. Give me people she respects. Give me relationship dynamics with someone that she has a tumultuous history with, where there is loyalty even if they don’t always get along. Give me everything.
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This is just a ton of basic info I compiled. Some you may find from other people, if I used some of your information, let me know and I’ll edit the post for credit!
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Zodiac signs- environments that planets occupy which affect how they express themselves.
Six components that go into the zodiac signs
1. Element- air, fire, earth, water.
2. Modalities- cardinal, fixed, mutable.
3. Image- figure or symbol associated with the sign. (The constellation! Aries is a ram, they act ram like. Taurus is the bull, they act more bull like.)
4. Sign expression- how they carry, talk or express themselves. Feral( Leo and last half of Sagittarius) bestial (Aires and first half of Sagittarius) humane (Gemini, Virgo, libra, Aquarius) domestic (Capricorn and taurus) mute ( cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
5. Polarity- masculine or feminine. Active of passive. Yin or yang. Masculine (passive) - fire and air signs. Feminine (active)- earth and water signs.
6. Planetary ruler- the planet that is said to rule the signs. (Mars rules Aries, Taurus is Venus)
Planetary rulers
SIGNS DO NOT RULE THINGS. PLANETS RULE SIGNS. The qualities of these planets are more influential when planets are positioned Therin. Being ruled by a planet means the planets energy has a powerful influence on personalities.
Mars ♂- Aries and Scorpio. Masculine. Action and progression. Go forth and conquer. Firey and intense.
Venus ♀- Taurus and libra. Feminine and fluid. Refinement and grace. Love for beauty, finer things. The senses.
Mercury ☿- Gemini and Virgo. Good communicators. Communication planet. If your sign falls here, you are a good communicator.
Sun ☉- (Leo) your ego. How you carry yourself.
Moon ☾ - cancer
Jupiter ♃- Sagittarius and Pisces
Saturn ♄- Capricorn and Aquarius
I am a (sun sign) with the soul of a (moon sign) wearing the mask of a (rising)
☀️Sun sign- (represents your mother) most commonly associated with astrology. (The one you already know) deepest part of you! What season the sun was in when you were born. Essence of who you are. Most important. Doesn’t represent your emotions, or how you love. You may not feel like you relate to this. But you have other more dominant signs in your birth chart. A big part of you, but definitely not all of you.
⬆️Rising- (the sign that was rising over the horizon at your time of birth) what people first meet. This would be how people view you at a party. What you seem like on the surface.
🌙Moon- (represents your father) emotional side. Where the moon was placed during your time of birth. How you process your emotions.
Mercury- usually the same as sun. Planet of communication. Whatever sign this is is indicative of how you communicate with others.
Venus- how you love or build relationships. Beauty and material items. Whatever signs you have here dictates these aspects of your life. Don’t use sun for compatibility, use Venus!
Mars- anger, aggression and motivation.
Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune are generational planets. Which means they take years to move out of signs. You probably have the same signs in these houses as your friends. This means these planets aren’t so much about the sign but the houses they are in.
Jupiter placement- where you will see the most good luck and expansion in your life.
Saturn placement- restrictions. Luck with finances and inheritance.
Uranus- uniqueness and differences. Weirdness and quirkiness. Where in your life you will see the most uniqueness.
Neptune- blurriness, fogginess, confusion.
Pluto- placement of this house will deforming what areas of your life are most intense. Might even be obsessed with the power struggle associated with that house.
The 12 houses
Whatever sign/ planet you have in each house determines your issues and prosperity’s in each area of your life.
1. Appearance, outward personality. The House of the Ascendant, it’s on the left side of your chart. The sign, or signs, in this House as well as the planets tell you about the self and your appearance. Leadership, new initiatives, fresh starts and beginnings are also covered by this house. (Ruled by Aries)
2. Money, possessions, values and skills. This house is related to your material environment, like taste, smells, sound, touch, sight but it also rules income, money, and self-esteem. (Ruled by Taurus)
3. Mental activity, learning, siblings, communication. The third house rules all forms of communication - talking, thinking, social medias. It’s also related to siblings, your neighborhood, libraries, schools, teachers and community affairs. (Ruled by Gemini)
4. Home, parents, roots, inner security. This house sits at the bottom of the chart and is known to be the House of the Foundations, because it rules your home, privacy, parents and your relationship with them (especially with your mother), children and your predisposition to have some. (Ruled by Cancer)
5. Romance, children, fun, creativity. The fifth house governs self-expression, drama, creativity, color, attention, romance, fun and play. You can find great insight about your love life in this house! (Ruled by Leo)
6. Work, health, service and self improvement. Taking a look at this house you will know more about your personal organization, schedules, routines, fitness, diet and exercise. Here you will also discover if you will be selfless, a friend that fights for their loved ones. (Ruled by Virgo)
7. Marriage and partnerships. The seventh house is the sector of relationships and other people. It governs all partnerships, both business and personal, and relationship-associated matters, like contracts, marriage, and business deals. (Ruled by Libra)
8. Sex, death, letting go, regenerations, other people’s money and sharing. This house is found on the right, and is probably the most mysterious as it rules birth, death, sex, transformation, energies, and bonding at the deepest level. Let’s remember that the 8th sign, Scorpio, is ruled by both Mars and Pluto so of course this house is as intriguing as the sign is. The eighth house also rules other people’s property and money. (Ruled by Scorpio)
9. Higher education, philosophy, publishing, religion, travel and law.  The ninth house is related to the higher mind, expansion, international and long-distance travel, foreign languages, inspiration, optimism, universities and higher education, luck, risk, adventure, gambling, religion, philosophy, morals and ethics. EDs are also pointed out here. (Ruled by Sagittarius)
10. Career, status, reputation, vocational purpose, power. The House of Midheaven, the tenth house is at the top of the chart and it covers traditions, public image, fame, honors, achievements, boundaries, discipline, authority and fathers, as Saturn represents The Father. It also shows which would be the best career path for you. (Ruled by Capricorn)
11. Friends, groups, goals, aspirations. The eleventh house rules friendships, society, technology, video and electronic media, networking, social justice, rebellion, and humanitarian causes. It also rules originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, invention, astronomy, science and futuristic views. (Ruled by Aquarius)
12. Solitude, institutions, self sabotage and transcendence. The chart ends with the twelfth house, which (obviously) rules endings. This house covers the final stages of a project, the afterlife, old age, and surrender. It’s also associated with separation from society, institutions, hospitals, jails and secret enemies. However, it rules imagination, creativity and arts in general, and the subconscious mind. (Ruled by Pisces).
Not all houses will be rules by planets. They can be empty, this is okay!
Cardinal | Fixed| Mutable
These derive from the seasons. Cardinal signs begin seasons, pass them on to the fixed signs which maintain the season, mutable signs are a mix of both seasons. (Aries begins spring, when the sun moves into Taurus its “spring at its peak”. And when sun moves into Gemini spring mixes with summer.)
🧨Cardinal- (Aries, cancer, libra, Capricorn)
Starting things. Self motivated. Ambitious, driven. But these signs don’t always follow through and finish. Historically referred to as “moveable” Forward moving. They don’t always finish, they’re always looking for the next thing. They’ll jump from focus to focus without following through. Easily led to new things. Initiator but not the leader.
Aries is a fire sign, so it expresses cardinal qualities in a fiery way. Cancer is cardinal but is a water sign, so this shows in emotions. (Moody) libra is cardinal but is an air sign, so cardinal is exhibited in social connections. Capricorn is cardinal but also earth, so this is seen in their practical grounded matters.
🏔Fixed- (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Stands ones ground. Consolidate.
Slower, stubborn, rigid. Set in their ways. Loyal, dependable. Always do their job. Not wild cards. Taurus is earth, so fixity is seen as stubborn, likes its comfort zone. In the tangible realm. Leo’s fixed nature comes through the fire element . This is where you see leadership qualities, and “look at me” qualities. Seen as a beacon. Also in a territorial nature. Scorpios fixed nature comes through water. This is where the stereotype of secretiveness. They like to contain and keep emotions behind a wall. They like to hold onto their emotions. Aquarius’ fixed sign comes through air. They love to exist in the idea realm, but once they find an idea they maintain it in a fixed way.
🧶Mutable- (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
Adaptable and flexible. Can fill whatever need is there. Can be seen as flaky. Gemini is air so mutability is seen in exchange of ideas and communication. Virgo expressed mutable characteristics through the earth element. So it is seen in much more tangible and practice ways. They can reorganize and restructure well. Sagittarius expresses mutability through fire. Adaptability and flexibility of mutable, and energy and passion through fire. They are often known to be down for anything, pick up and head out the door. Pisces shows mutability though water. So it is typically shown in emotions or feelings. This can lead to Pisces being viewed as “wishy washy” or not knowing what they’re feeling. They try to adapt to everyone else’s feelings (mutability) but because of the constant movement of water they don’t really know what they’re feeling on their own.
The 4 qualities
Heat | coldness | moisture | dryness |
These qualities come together in pairs to produce the elements.
Heat + dryness= 🔥
Coldness + moisture= 💦
Coldness + dryness= 🍃
Heat + moisture= 🌬
☄️Heat: active and expansive. Energizing, outward, movement, extroverted. When you heat things, molecules literally move faster.
❄️Coldness:passive and condensing. Inward, contemplated, introverted. Slowness, stillness, reflective. When water gets cold, it freezes into ice.
🌊Moisture: connecting, bringing things together. Flexibility. Wet sand can be clumped together. Moisture brings grains of sand together to be one pile. Community sense. Big big connection. Compassion. Understanding. Empathy, sensitivity. Sees the likeness.
🏜Dryness: everything moisture is not. Spermatic and resistant. Dryness wants to separate things. Categorizing, distinctive. Sees the differences. Organization and orderliness .
The elements
🍃earth - Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Grounded, down to earth, stubborn, slow to change. Practical, stable,materialistic.
(Dry) practical, resistant, socially isolated, reserved, homebodies. Structured, rule based. Separative, rigid and resistant.
(Coldness) slow paced, methodical, restraint. Passive. Introverted. Reflective.
Dry+coldness= calmness and stubborn. What earth signs are most well known for.
💦water cancer Scorpio Pisces .
Sensitive, emotional, moody.
(Coldness) introversion, passivity,
quiet, keeps to themselves. Water takes shape of whatever container it’s in. IE the coldness, settling. Connective. Can take sand and make it mud because of its connective qualities.
(Moisture) seeking to connect, feeling based connection. Flexible. Feeling. Understanding.
Coldness + moisture = emotional, empathetic and sensitive. What water signs are most well known for.
🌬air Gemini libra Aquarius
Communicative, sociable, idealistic
(Moisture) connection, brings things together. Always moving and touching everything. Connective
(Heat) active, explorative, seeking experience.
Moisture + heat = social qualities. What air signs are most well known for.
🔥 fire - Aires Leo Sag.
Energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive
(Heat) Passionate, driven, energized, extroverted.
(Dry) separative and resistant.
heat+ dryness= driven and competitive. Fire signs are most known for
The signs
1. Aries (RAM, 🔥March 21- april 19) Cardinal(spark!)♈️ 0-7 babies: very chill, have a great aura. Seem perfect. Hard to get close to. One you get to know them, can’t rationalize or control them. Sometimes are rational unless very angry. Attract a lot of people. Tend to shear if not satisfied. Don’t mess with them! Very bad at concealing feelings. Masculine energy. If they get riled up they can cool down. Don’t hold grudges. Go go go. Come into a room like Kool aide man. Sparks light quick and go out fast. Will set your house on fire if mad. Vital, aggressive, confident, outgoing.
2. Taurus 🍃(garden)( fixed April 20- may 20)♉️ preteens 7-14: brings stability. Lifelong friends. Loyal, no second guessing there motives or intentions. Helpful. Can be lazy. Finds the easy way to do something, but get it done! Can’t see their faults or when they’re wrong. Like the finer things in life. Pleasure! Very sensual. Kind. Don’t get angry often but when pissed off it gets bad. Feminine. Workaholics. Chamomile tea. Very calming. Not the sharpest. Stubborn but soft. Bond with a great one they’ll have your back.
3. Gemini 🌬(mutable, May 21-June 20) ♊️teenagers 14-21:open minded, very cool. Can be loners. Low key. Can be attention seeking. Very fake and two faced. Quick temper. Several personalities. Love able. Goofy. More to meets the eye. Not ditzy even though they come off that way. Talk a lot of game. Social butterfly. Dicey emotional security. Don’t know where to direct it. Great friends bad lovers.obsessed with how people view them. (Kanye west, trump.)
4. Cancer ♋️ 💦 cardinal(spark! June 21-July22)21-28, young adults: emotional and sappy. Can be snobby, think they’re better than u. Insecure. Often put up a front. Manipulative! Moody! Hard to get out of the house. Sort of introverted but not shy. Home bodies. When they’re out they’re a good time if things go their way. Talkative and friendly. Hard to feel awkward with them. Can be very I touch with feelings or manipulative. Moody. Take anger out on other people. They can fake cry! Can be a cute crab or mean crab.
5. Leo ♌️ 🔥( fixed, July 23- August 22): literally they are the sun. They’re fixed obviously. annoying. Thinks the world revolves around them. Very attention seeking. Outgoing, shallow. Some depth. Very smart. Super motivated and driven. Get shit done. Don’t mess with their drive. Great work ethic. Entertaining, life of the party. Great story tellers. A lot of friends. Don’t often build real connections. Want people to like them. SO MANY FRIENDS. Popular but not many genuine friends. Make sure they’re not forgettable. Literally love beings Leo’s. Great in bed.take you to a party and then leave you to be the center of attention.
6. Virgo ♍️ 🍃 (mutable,(clay) August 23- September 22) : cool, overanalyzes.over thinking. Fun, funny, life of the party. Creative. More to meets the eye. Attractive, charming, flirty! Come off as hollow but have a lot of depth. Very smart. Don’t miss a thing. Always know your next move. They watch! Scatterbrained. Sneaky! Open minded, take interests in your ingests. Everything has to be done a certain way. Kinda controlling. Can let themselves be the clay. Don’t cross them. Virgin in denial. Peoples people.
7. Libra ♎️ 🌬 cardinal( spark!) September 23-October22) : open minded, spiritual, chill. Nothing bothers or worry’s them. Very relaxed. Funny, good humor. Avoid conflict, rarely have drama. Very open. If they cheat they’ll tell you. Easy flowing convos. Great conversationalists. Enjoy intellectual. Can be cold. Steel hand in the velvet glove. Act like they know when they don’t. People pleasing. Power bottom. Can see all the gray. Playful whimsical energy.
8. Scorpio ♏️ 💦 (fixed. Fixed water= Ice. October 23- November 21) : trouble lmao! Eye contact. Bad ass aura. They cannot be messed with. Don’t do it. Fun, overly loving. Can be suffocating. Talkative. Build walls. Hard to break them down sometimes. Can be magnetic. Mysterious. Intellectual brooding. Sexy kind. Very black and white. Hardest people the change. Hate you or love you. Great in bed. Sensitive, and emotional. Sensitive but weaponize it.wouldn’t stab you in the back but would stab you in the front. Make their opinions known.
9. Sagittarius ♐️ 🔥 (mutable (changing fire, plasma. Space dust?November 22- December 21) : possessive, super chill. Jealousy!!! Crazy! Stick up for you! Defend you. Low key sad. Come across as bubbly and happy. Messed up in the head. Good at deceiving. Good at coming across a certain way. Desire to be liked. Expect things but don’t vocalize them. Usually resent things on the inside. Can control temper but once it pops off it POPS OFF. Will do anything for you if they love you enough. VERY FUNNY. Open minded. Will talk about whatever whenever. Impulsive. Often too much. Adventurous. Move partners, jobs etc. keep it moving. Don’t give a shit. There is no limit. Dance on moonlight. Everyone loves a good sag. Shit space glitter. Impatient.
10. Capricorn ♑️ December 22-January19. 🍃 cardinal(spark) mountain : hard worker, good savers. Aggressive but nice. Good at getting what they want. Seem like they want the best for you but won’t go out of their way. Friendly and mature. Can be awkward. Can have good convos. Can be silly. When in love they’re totally different. Good lovers. Very corny and cheesy. They don’t open up easily. Stubborn. Late bloomers.intense focus. Pessimistic. Wants to be so many different things. Sadness. Dark humor.
11. Aquarius ♒️ 🌬 (fixed, January 20- February 18) : over thinker. Like virgos. Weird. Emotionally distant. Heartless. Don’t know what they want. Great friends. Quirky. CREATIVE. Intuitive. Can’t lie to them brutally honest, blunt, tell it how it is. Voice opinions often. Selfish. Hypocritical. Attractive. Introverted extroverts. Strive for paradise. Uprising. Idea of change. See things from a bigger perspective. Not into mainstream things. Think they know you better than you know yourself. VERY MANIPULATIVE. Alien wearing a human mask? Awkward but controlling.
12. Pisces ♓️ 💦 mutable (ocean) February 19- March 20) : emotional. Caring and considerate. 2 sided. Manipulative but sweet. Really funny. Everyone loves a Pisces. Loves me personalities. Intuitive. Very open minded. Can’t help but fall in love. Don’t want to see you fail. When in a bad place they can become the devil. They hate you but they love you. Always come crawling back. At deaths door. All the zodiacs compiled. “You’re not listening to me” savior complexes. Mindfuck. Wisdom. No surface level conversations. Complexities lead to complications. Hard to deal with a moody one.
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
America’s Sweetheart 5
hi there beautiful people !!
Read previous chapter here <-
The press finds out about Reader and Spencer’s relationship, and Reader opens up to Spencer. Cliffhanger at the end 👀
Angst + fluff !!
I had to turn my phone on silent. 
Person after person was calling me, asking questions, giving their opinion. My face was splashed over every magazine, tabloid, and news article I could find. 
Spencer had called me four times, never getting an answer. 
YFN YLN has a new man!
YFN YLN has risen to fame in the last few years, but that’s not all she’s seemed to accomplish. 
The american sweetheart has been spotted multiple times walking the streets of Washington DC with, not only a man, but a federal agent. After one of our sources found them at a coffee shop, the mystery man threatened to arrest our source and to leave YFN be. 
We have identified the mystery man as none other than SSA Dr. Spencer Reid, a federal agent in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit. Not only is Reid a handsome fellow, he’s a smart cookie as well. With three PhDs and a couple of BAs tucked under his belt, the good doctor has chosen to settle down with our very own YFN YLN. 
How did these lovebirds meet? Did the deaths of YFN’s parents affect the relationship? When will they be planning the wedding?
All questions to be answered. Tune in to our next weeks....
The pictures of Spencer and I were fine. We’re smiling, laughing. Nothing to suggest any gossip, drama, or otherwise. 
But that’s what’s going to happen. People all around the world will be watching, analyzing, waiting for what happens next. 
The knock at my door made me roll my eyes, the clever tune telling me it was Spencer. He must’ve come straight to my house after his case. 
“YFN, I know you’re in there! We need to talk about this-” I opened the door, revealing my disheveled appearance. Spencer stopped, concern filling his eyes. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” I said, quietly, letting him in the door. His old converse thudded against my wood floors, and I followed behind him at a safe distance. 
“Okay, what’s wrong? The press would eventually figure it out, that’s what you always said,” Spencer said impatiently, spinning around to face me. 
“I know! I’ve just never been in a relationship that’s so... public.” I crossed my arms over my chest, pushing past Spencer into my kitchen. “I’m just preparing for the blowback of rumors, gossip, drama. That’ll come too, you know.”
“So? What does that matter?” Spencer asked, pulling gently on my arm. I faced him again, and I could see his next question in his eyes. “You also haven’t told me about your parents...”
“You haven’t told me about your parents!” I shot back, my defenses coming up. 
Spencer didn’t miss a beat. “My mom has schizophrenia and my dad left when I was eleven. Those are my parents. Now you need to tell me about yours. I want to hear it from you over a tabloid or a reporter.”
I sniffled, pulling away from Spencer gently. I sat over on the couch, and he didn’t hesitant to follow. Spencer sat next to me quietly, like if he makes no noise I won’t notice he’s still there. 
“At the Academy awards a few years ago, I was nominated for best actress. It was my first nomination for anything, and I was still super young and fitting into the business. The newbie, you might say.” Spencer nodded, understanding. 
“I didn’t win, and I didn’t expect to win so I wasn’t super sad about it. But my dad took my ‘loss’ as a personal vendetta. He was cursing at me quietly for the rest of the night. At the parties after the Oscars, my dad got really drunk and wandered into a busy street. My mom followed him, trying to get him out of harms way when...” I swallowed, silent tears streaming down my face. 
“An eighteen wheeler going forty miles an hour hit both of them at two o’clock in the morning outside of a bar. The paparazzi were the first people on the scene, quickly figuring out the victims were the parents of a young Hollywood actress that lost the win at the Oscars. I found out about what happened from a reporter, who showed me pictures of the accident.”
Spencer was speechless. “YFN, I... that’s horrible...”
I gave a bitter laugh, looking over at him next to me. “My award winning role, the one that made my name... was a woman named Meg. She’s left on her own in the world, desperate to make something of herself. People asked me, ‘YFN, how did you act out that kind of pain?’ and I could never tell them that... while filming, it didn’t even feel like an act half the time. It was just me.”
Spencer didn’t say anything. Instead, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. I breathed in the scent of him, smells of soap and new books. “Thank you for telling me,” he mumbled into my hair. 
“If I had won that Oscar, my parents would still-”
Spencer pulled away, looking me in the eyes. “Do not ever feel guilty. There was no way of knowing how that night would end up. It is not your fault.”
I nodded, exhaustion overtaking me and tears falling quietly down my face. We’d been together for six months, and Spencer had never seen me cry before. 
He just sat with me, rubbing my shoulders while I picked myself together. After a moment, he glanced towards my kitchen. “Do you have any ice cream?”
I gave a small chuckle, looking over into his coffee brown eyes. “Is that even a question?" __
Three weeks since my breakthrough with Spencer. Three weeks of running from paps, stealing kisses inside secluded coffee shops, and competitions of who can make the funnier faces in far off cameras. As if by a miracle, not one case tore Spencer away from me for three weeks. 
Until that three weeks ended. 
“When do you think you’ll be back?” I said, trotting up the front steps to my house. The phone balanced precariously between my cheek and shoulder, my hands full of audition scripts.
Washington DC nightlife twinkled in the street, making me smile. The world had gotten brighter since I had met Spencer. 
“I’m not sure, this case is complicated,” Spencer huffed, sounding exhausted. “Four days, maybe? I’m sorry, we had plans for the dinner-”
“Spencer,” I interrupted. “Do not apologize for doing your job. I think I can survive for a few days on my own. Maybe I’ll even rehearse without you distracting me!”
I could hear Spencer’s smile through the phone. “It’ll be torture for you though. You love my distractions.”
“Goodnight, Spencer,” I said in a sing song voice, opening the front door to my house. 
He chuckled. “Goodnight, YFN.”
The house was quiet when I walked in, too quiet. An eerie feeling settled on my shoulders. “Hello?” I called, feeling stupid. Even if there was someone there to murder me, what makes me think they would answer?
A thought of the notes crossed my mind. Those creepy photos of me on the street, torn up articles about Spencer, and a dozen roses to add a romantic touch. 
But I hadn’t gotten a single creepy note in months, since before I met Spencer’s team. The creeper had probably moved on to another lucky girl. 
As I threw my keys and scripts on the counter, I never even saw the arms circling tightly around my shoulders. Just the rancid smell of cigarettes and alcohol. 
Read next part here <-
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cryincandy · 3 years
Tumblr media
“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. ”
Name? “Benji Bong at your service!”
Age? “Oh, age is just a silly little number. I’m twenty six of those numbers.”
Birthday & Zodiac? “February 2nd, Aquarius!”
Favorite item of clothing? “Gosh, there’s so many! Do I really have to choose? I have these big pink heart shaped sunglasses that are so cool. But I also have a neon striped jumper and huge clunky yellow shoes that make me look like a clown, but I love that. I have some adorable bowties. Oh, and how could I ever forget my pink elephant onesie? Nope, I can’t choose. No sir, no ma’am. Can’t do it, won’t do it! You can’t make me!”
Drink you’d order at a bar? “I would ask them to surprise me with some sort of fruity mixed drink. Or maybe a Lemon Drop.”
Best physical attribute/worst physical attribute? “Are you trying to say I’m ugly? The nerve. I like my smile, I like my dimples. I like my hair, especially on the curliest days! I like my height. I don’t know what my worst attribute would be. Every little thing makes a person special.”
Favorite room in your house? “The living room! That’s where everyone hangs out, so it’s the best.”
Biggest vice? “Sugar. I love me some sugar.”
Biggest goal? “I think it’d be great to make it to the big screen one day. Imagine me taking a stroll down the red carpet! I’d blow everyone out of the water with my outfits! Watch out, Lady Gaga!”
Closest family member and why? “Ooh, that’s a tough one. I’d say my mama wins by just a hair, because she used to tuck me in every night and give me a little forehead kiss. Sorry dad.”
Who would you call in an emergency? “It would depend on the emergency, but probably Riley. They’re the most reliable person I know.”
Who is against you? “No one! Unless... you’re trying to tell me something? Blink twice if there’s something I need to know.”
Have you committed any crimes? Were you caught? “Absolutely not! I would never! Oh-- no, wait, I take that back! I accidentally stole a chocolate bar when I was four. I didn’t mean to, I swear! We went back and I paid for it. So, that’s technically still a no, right?”
If you found a wallet, what would you do with it? “I’d check for the ID and try to get in contact with the owner! If I couldn’t, I’d turn it into the police station.”
Biggest pet peeve? “When my friends don’t believe in themselves. They’re amazing! I wish they could see that!”
Biggest weakness? “My heart, probably. It’s gonna get me in trouble one of these days, but I can’t help but listen to it!”
Greatest strength? “Also my heart!”
Most vivid childhood memory? “I have quite a few, I loved my childhood. One doesn’t stand out more than the rest. I think my first memory was finger painting! I think I was supposed to be making flowers, but they were just colorful blobs. I don’t know how old I was, but I couldn’t talk yet.”
Your personal philosophy? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Biggest misconception about you? “That I’m happy all the time. I’m not happy all the time.”
Biggest accomplishment? “Making such wonderful friends, moving to New York, coming back home --- and I will have many more accomplishments in the future!”
Biggest regret? “Every decision I’ve ever made, every choice, has made me the person I am today. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for that. I can’t regret anything.”
Are you in love? Do you believe in love? “I am in love with life! Absolutely!”
Biggest secret? “One time I took a scarf from the theater home. No one asked and I never brought it back. It was just so flashy, I had to have it! It feels so much better to get that off of my chest, whew.”
Biggest wish? “I wish that everyone could just be happy, just be themselves and not worry about what everyone else thinks or feels.”
What do you hate most about yourself? “I don’t hate anything about myself, thank you very much!”
Biggest fear? “Being forgotten.”
What is your Hogwarts House? “Hufflepuff!”
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality? “ENFP.”
What tv troupe best fits you? “Nice Guy.”
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Some Girl ... Part 4
Word Count: 2.34k
Warnings: None.
// * // * //
Charlotte and Shawn were sitting together on the couch, in the wonderfully cool house, taking a break from a heat which had only gotten worse since that afternoon. Shawn’s feet were up on the ottoman and Charlotte was curled up beside him, tablet in hand.
She had taken charge of the music, purposely avoiding any of Shawn’s songs, which almost always found their way into her playlists.
“You have amazing taste in music,” Shawn complimented.
“She really does,” Josh said, having overheard Shawn, plopping down beside them on the incredibly comfortable, over-stuffed sectional. “She sends me playlists all the time and they’re always amazing. Ask her to make you a playlist. You won’t be disappointed.”
“Charlotte, darling, will you make me a playlist?” he asked her, with a lazy smile.
The way he said her name, followed by ‘darling’, set her heart fluttering. “Of course I will,” she smiled back.
Josh looked over to where Annie was entertaining a giggling Sebastian. “He looks like you,” he casually said to Shawn. “He has your mouth, and the cleft in his chin is yours. He has Charlie’s eyes and nose though.”
“Thank God. I always thought my nose was too big.”
Charlotte smirked to herself. Shawn was a better actor than she expected him to be. He had played the part of ‘Peter’, and Sebastian’s dad, amazingly well all evening.
“I like your nose,” she said to Shawn, giving it a little tweak.
“I like your eyes,” he smiled, meeting them with his own. “You have beautiful eyes.”
Josh teased them by making a puking sound. “I’m going to grab another beer,” he said as he stood. “Can I get you guys anything?” he asked.
“I’ll take one,” Shawn answered.
“I’m good for now,” Charlotte added. “Thanks Josh.”
She laid her head on Shawn’s shoulder without realizing it. He didn’t mind. He liked that she felt comfortable enough with him to do so.
He followed her gaze to her baby boy.
“I couldn’t find a sitter...
“Well, that’s not entirely true,” she confessed. “I probably could have found a sitter if I had tried,” she chucked. “Elisa and Jack, or Mason, usually babysit for me. It’s hard to find someone I can trust as much as them. It’s a good thing they don’t mind, even on nights like this. They love having him around.”
“He’s such a good baby,” Shawn commented. “And so happy.”
“I got lucky. This is almost always him. Bash loves people, loves the attention, loves the busyness, but you’ll know when he’s had enough. He’ll be ready for bed before the hour is up.”
// * // * //
Shawn found Charlotte in the kitchen. He had been in the basement playing darts with Doug and Rob. Sebastian was in his arms, squirming and starting to whine. “He’s had enough. The second he saw me, he cried and nearly jumped into my arms.”
“I saw it coming,” she tittered. “I’ve already warmed a bottle. He might not be ready to eat and sleep quite yet; he usually likes a little one-on-one quiet time to wind down first.”
Charlotte went to take him from Shawn, but Shawn asked, suddenly unsure, “Could I maybe take him up and get him settled? I could use a little quiet, too.”
She didn’t hesitate. “Of course.” She handed him the bottle. “Up the stairs, first door on the left.”
Half an hour later, Charlotte was standing in the doorway to hers and Sebastian’s bedroom, leaning against the doorframe, quietly watching.
Shawn had gotten Sebastian into his pajamas and the bottle on the side table next to the rocker was empty. Sebastian was nearly asleep on Shawn’s chest.
In that moment, it was all too easy to imagine that Shawn really was Sebastian’s dad. She almost cried with the precious perfectness of it.
The young man who, only a few hours earlier, had said he hadn’t had much of a reason to sing lately, was singing softly to her son.
She wanted so badly to acknowledge it, but even more, she didn’t want to startle him into stopping.
When he finished his lullaby, he looked at Charlotte with a tint of pink, unrelated to having been in the sun, creeping from his cheeks down his neck. He knew she had been there for a while, watching and listening.
Shawn lowered his lips to Sebastian’s little head. “He smells so good.”
She smiled tenderly. “His baby scent is amazing.”
“It’s more than that. He has his own scent, but he also smells like you.”
It felt good to hear those small compliments. Shawn had spouted little affirmations like that all evening, whether he had realized it or not. But she noticed.
She finally entered and crossed the room. She stroked Sebastian’s head and said, “I’m sorry I left you alone for as long as I did.”
“I didn’t mind,” he smiled, genuinely.
Shawn helped her carefully transition a sleeping Sebastian from his chest to her arms. After a few snuggles and kisses, she laid Sebastian in his crib. He hadn’t stirred once. They stood side by side, watching over him for a few moments.
“He’s a good sleeper,” she said quietly. “He’ll be out for about five, six hours before he wakes up hungry again. I’ll give him another bottle, but then he’ll go back to sleep.”
“It’s nice of your aunt and uncle to have a room for you and Bash.”
“This was my room when I lived here. My aunt helped me redecorate after I told her I was pregnant. She said we’d always have a home here if we ever needed it.” She smiled fondly with the memory.
“When did you live here?” Shawn asked. “And why? If you don’t mind my asking. The way you introduced Elisa, Jack, and Mason had me wondering... What happened to your parents?”
“I lost my parents when I was fourteen, the summer before high school started.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry, Charlotte.” He gently stroked her back.
“Elisa, Jack, and Mason took me in what feels like a lifetime ago now.”
“Are you an only child?”
“I have an older brother, Jonah...
“I don’t talk with him very often and I see him even less.”
Shawn could tell there was a story there, but it was one that could wait for another time. “Come on,” he said. He took her hand and started to pull her from the room. “Let’s go have another drink and see if there are any leftovers.”
// * // * //
Shawn and Charlotte were sitting on the edge of the pool, close enough for their thighs to touch and their arms to brush, their feet dangling in the water.
Mason, Doug, Rob, and Josh were at the other side of the pool on floaties. They looked like large children, which Charlotte supposed they were. Immaturity aside, her cousins were her best friends. She had always gotten along better with the boys than the girls.
While Valerie was off with Abigail and Morgan, doing very girlie things, Charlotte was wreaking havoc on the neighborhood with Josh, Doug, and Rob, with Mason on their tails.
Beth and Lyle had gone home to relieve their babysitter. Zak and Tori had shown up after all, much to everyone’s surprise, but they only stayed for a couple of drinks and a quick bite before they were off again, taking Annie with them.
Elisa and Jack, and Will and Diana had moved inside to play cribbage.
Charlotte was quiet enough for long enough that Shawn bumped his shoulder against hers to pull her from her thoughts. “What are you thinking?”
“Have I done anything to make you uncomfortable in any way tonight? Tangibly?” She met his eyes. He was remarkably close.
“What? Of course not, why would you ask that?”
She dropped her eyes and watched the back patio lights ripple across the water. “I’m a very... instinctual person. I crave physical touch. I love to touch; I love to be touched. I’m affectionate just to be affectionate. It’s intrinsic to who I am.” She looked at him again. “It’s how I show someone I care about them. Elisa always says I’m a Cancer who was mistakenly born under the sign of Aquarius,” she smiled softly. “I’m not often bothered with those I know and care about in my personal space, and sometimes I forget other people don’t always feel the same way. I want to make sure I haven’t crossed any lines.
“Well, aside from that one kiss earlier.
“I’m sorry about that.”
“I’m not,” he smiled. “I kissed you back, didn’t I?”
“You did,” she blushed. “And it was a very nice kiss, in case you were wondering,” she smirked. “I can only imagine how you kiss when there’s love behind it... Not that I’m imagining kissing you again... Okay, you need to stop me from saying anything more.”
“Do I have to kiss you again?” he teased.
“Shut up,” she giggled.
He laughed.
Without warning, she pushed him into the pool. He broke the surface and swam back to her, still laughing. He pulled himself up and onto the ledge, anchoring himself by the underside of his arms. Everything below his shoulders was still in the water.
She absentmindedly ran her fingers through his wet hair, pushing it out of his eyes and off his forehead. “I know you’re not looking for a relationship, after what you’ve recently been through, and I don’t want you to worry that I am, because I’m not. I mean, I’m open to it if the right person comes along, but I’m not actively looking. I like to think we’re friends now, and everyone can use another friend, right? And who’s to say it can’t be the kind of friend they don’t have to have strict boundaries with?”
The little lines between his eyes were adorable, but they also said he didn’t know exactly where she was going with this.
She groaned. “That didn’t come out the way I meant it to. I’m usually better at organizing my thoughts.”
“You were doing fine a moment ago.” He dropped a little kiss on her knee. “Try again. Uncomplicate it. I promise it will be okay.”
“If you ever want or need to be hugged or kissed, I’m here,” she said simply. “I want you to feel comfortable coming to me if all you need is a little affection. No games, no strings.”
“So, are we talking...friends with benefits?” he smirked.
Surprisingly, she hadn’t been thinking that, but now she was. Damn him. She tried to push him into the water again but he pulled her in instead. She surfaced and splashed him. “You suck!”
He was laughing harder than he had all day and she couldn’t help but laugh as well. Their gaiety was infectious. Josh flipped Doug, Doug pulled Rob in by his ankle, and Mason laughed so hard he tipped himself over.
Charlotte and Shawn dragged themselves out of the water before they drowned.
// * // * //
Mason took Shawn upstairs to the room he also still had at his parents’ house. “We’re close enough to the same size. I have dry shorts you can borrow.”
He tossed a pair of blue basketball shorts at Shawn, as well as a new package of Calvin Klein’s. “You can have a pair of those, too. Mom always tucks a pack of new underwear in my top drawer. As embarrassing as it may be, - nineteen and my mom still buys me underwear, - I kind of appreciate it,” he laughed.
“I kind of appreciate it right now, too,” Shawn chuckled. “Thanks, man.”
“No problem... We’re going to start a poker game. You in?”
“Cool. Washroom is just outside the door, to the right. Fresh towels are in the linen closet. I’ll meet you downstairs with a whiskey tonic.”
// * // * //
Shawn knocked quietly on Charlotte’s bedroom door. She eased it open a moment later.
She had changed into a pair of small, black, boy shorts and a pink, body-hugging, lace-trimmed camisole. You would never know she had just had a baby six months earlier. His eyes raked over her form and she did nothing to stop him. She had also noticed him appreciating her figure in her bikini when she had met the boys at the pool. She liked the way he looked at her.
Her hair was long and loose, wavy, and still a little bit wet.
When his eyes finally settled on hers again, she said, “Come on in.”
He threw himself onto his back on Charlotte’s bed, folded his hands on his stomach, and sighed.
She crawled onto the mattress and sat cross-legged beside him. “What’s up?”
“I really like your family.”
They spoke softly so as not to wake Sebastian.
“Me too,” she smiled.
“The more I get to know them, the more I like them, and the more I like them, the worse I feel about lying to them.”
She twirled locks of his damp hair around her fingers.
“I want them to know my name is Shawn and not Peter. I want them to know who I really am. I want them to know that even though Bash is my new best friend, he’s not actually my son. I want them to know that even though we only met six hours ago, his mom is amazing and that they should be so proud of her.”
Charlotte leaned over and kissed his forehead.
“I want them to know that welcoming me into their home tonight has been exactly what I needed to help pull me out of a bad place.”
“If you want to tell them, we can tell them. The sooner they’re told the truth, the easier it will be.”
“I don’t want the night to end quite yet.”
“You’re afraid it will?”
“I don’t know.”
“They already think you’re wonderful. I really don’t think that’s going to change. They’ll understand.”
// * // * //
Part 5
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trulydevicus · 3 years
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❝ yeah i’m great with everybody else’s problems. it’s my own i’m a basket case with. ❞
( haley lu richardson, she/her, 26, one tree hill ) – i think i saw HALEY JAMES SCOTT in town today. they seemed like they DID NOT already know about havenfall, was it this new magic that brought HER here or have they been around? from what i know SHE IS a bit OVERPROTECTIVE, but can also be INTELLIGENT. do you think they remember HAVING HER DAUGHTER? i know that they are AN ENGLISH TEACHER AT HAVEN SECONDARY & A MUSICIAN in town now. well, i guess we’ll find out when we see them at the winter’s park ampitheatre!
name: haley bob james scott
nickname(s): hales, tutor girl, haley james, tutor mom
age: twenty-six
birthdate / zodiac: february 1 / aquarius 
gender / pronouns: female / she & her
occupation: english teacher at havenfall secondary & musician
fandom: one tree hill
family members: lydia & jimmy james ( parents, deceased ), 6 siblings ( 3 sisters, 3 brothers ) / nathan scott ( husband ), james lucas scott ( son ), & lydia bob scott ( daughter )
sexual orientation: heterosexual
more information: here 
and the story goes...
haley bob is the youngest of seven kids, born to parents who were rather lackadaisical in their parenting philosophy. her house was always loud, and even as a young child haley craved the quiet escapes which is how she’d found her best friend ( an only child ) lucas scott.
haley was always the studious one, the quiet one, the one no one had to worry about. in fact, she was the innocent one–not naive, but simply, the one who didn’t get into trouble and didn’t know much more than what was right in front of her own face because she didn’t go looking for anything else.
her older siblings (3 unnamed brothers, and sisters vivian, quinn, & taylor) were always there. her parents, as she got older, often left to go on trips to visit her siblings in colleges or who had moved out to make lives of their own leaving haley on her own.
then, somehow, in school things changed. the worlds were reversing, and suddenly haley and her best friend lucas, who were nobodies, had become somebodies.
haley fell in love for the first time–and even got married right then, at the age of sixteen. life seemed to continue to take a turn when, within that next year haley james wasn’t just a small town girl on the east coast, but haley james the girl on the road opening for singers who she admired ( and, reluctantly, chris keller ).
while there were always bumps along the way, haley had faith that everything would work out.
when she and nathan hit a rough patch during their first year of marriage, as she went out to do her music, haley knew that they would find their way back to each other despite it all.
they went on to renew their vows, have a child, and so much more.
haley had always been a sensitive soul and when her mother told her she was dying and then did die she didn’t know how to handle it all.
she thought she was going to lose it, as her mother tried to tell her that she was the glue to hold the family together. but she knew it was her mom. and haley went through a deep bought of depression -- she’d struggled off and on for years but this was probably the worst it had been ever and she didn’t know how things could get better after everything. 
eventually things did get better. she started getting help and things got better with her family and she was back on track with music and everything, and even found out she was pregnant with a second child--a daughter who she named after her mother. 
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astral-lucy · 3 years
Good tidings~ :) could I get a first impression of my big six? My chart always seems to give me mixed opinions, I feel I'm air dominant, and my sun/moon/rising are in a grand trine. Does that count for something? So sorry you have to answer all that 😅🌷 thank you!
Scorpio Sun
Aquarius Moon
Libra Mercury
Scorpio Venus
Sagittarius Mars
Gemini Rising
hi babe!
all air dominant charts usually give mixed opinions or disperse energy. to me, you have a more introverted energy, more honest than many air signs.
i think you're quite friendly and adaptable, judging only by that gemini rising plus aqua moon. you're touched by stories of others easily even though you never show it, and you're super super curious. do people say you change your appearance/aesthetic often? tbh, only your face can change without you knowing, your expressions can make you look like different people.
you're a friendly person and you can be or seem detached from your feelings, to the point people say you're heartless, which is never true, but specially since you have a scorpio venus. i feel like, with that 9h moon, routines may stress you out, and you probably change a lot the way in which you view the world; think of it as going with the flow. your views of the world may be formed from emotions.
scorpio suns dictate a feel of being the black sheep or the odd one out on your family/house. maybe you don’t have a close relationship with your dad, or you don’t feel that connected to them in general. you simply may not feel you're anything like your family, and you can actually be a found-family kind of person.
the sun being in your sixth house with that rising shows you're super hardworking, you might have dreams and goals since you were little that you want to accomplish.
also, 6h venus shows someone that works for themselves, wants to improve and it's health oriented. scorpio venus is really independent, specially because it's hard for them to let others in, but it shows you feel so deep and intense emotions it's exhausting.
mars on the 7h talks about someone who attracts people easily, wanting to be wanted, to be with someone just for the sake of having someone. on sagittarius it also talks about being ambitious, but not capricorn money-hungry, but more like you want to gain as much experiences as you can.
hope this was what you wanted!
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hunterartemisanime · 4 years
KnB commentary : Why Kuroko and Kagami make such a compelling Duo (The Astrological Angle)
In my previous post I made a brief discussion about how the KnB characters don’t fit in their Zodiac stereotypes and how they fit in quiet well with traditional Eastern (Vedic) astrological views. Here I need to discuss why Kuroko and Kagami are the “Light and the Shadow” of the series and how it is seen through their Astrological signs (Sun Sign)
Kuroko is born under the Second Aquarius constellation of Shatavisha (the constellation of 100 Physicians) Ruled by the North Node of the Moon and Kagami is born under the first constellation of Leo, that of Magha (the blessed one) Ruled by the South node of the moon. These two are very special signs under very special constellations. The nodes are shadow planet and that’s how the Vedic Mythology explains how these were created (trust it’s important)
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Story time:
Okay... so eons back, in the ages of God: Indra, King of Gods and Master of Thunder pissed off a sage real bad. That sage cursed the gods to be bereft of “Shree” or “Fortune”--the entire universe fell into complete chaos because there was poverty, famine, weakness, petulance everywhere. So the gods and the demons gathered (for the first and final time) to churn up the oceans to bring the Goddess of Fortune or “Shree” (popularly known Laxmi) back.
The churning was done with the help of a great serpent and a mountain named Mainak, and the Demons pulled the snake from one side and the Gods from the other end. Long story short, a lot of things came out, including the Shree, and the Elixir of immortality. all the things were divided between the Gods and Demons by Vishnu the God of Sustenance and husband of Shree, but when it came to the Elixir, none of the groups wanted to share it with the other. So Vishnu meditated that both will get equal share, but he knew if Demons got it, they will destroy the universe with their dark powers. So he tricked the Demons into thinking that they were getting the elixirs, while the Gods drank it for real.
One of the Demon, Rahu, figuered the scam out and joined the God’s team in disguise; and who found him out: Surya (the Sun) and Soma (the Moon). whilst the demon was having the elixir and it reached only to his throat, Vishnu beheaded him with his Discus. The Head became Rahu: The North node of the Moon and the Headless body became Ketu: the South node of the Moon. Because the state were brought by two luminary bodies, they are still trying to kick their asses whenever these shadow planets conjunct with Sun and Moon in birth chart.
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Kagami, the Ultimate light to Kuroko
In Astrology, Ketu or the South node represents hidden talents, detachments, things that gets stored as Karma and gets result later: be it good or bad. The Rahu or the North Node on the other hand signifies illusions, phantoms, big ideas, out of the box thinking, excessive desire, passion and immense gains. Rahu is the head, who is full of ideas but needs a vessel to fulfill his desires in the earthly life. Kuroko, from the very beginning had this very impossible standard to conquer his old schoolmates, The Generation of Miracles, who were vastly out of his league as basketball players: he is this “phantom” that is looking for a conduit because he cannot be alone as an individual to shine.
Kagami on the other hand is this prodigious player with his immense power and skill which comes naturally to him without even “trying too hard”: this is Ketu talking. Ketu sometimes gives people (especially in fire signs) the hidden talents or skills that they can do without trying too hard, and they think it’s natural. But Ketu being Ketu also creates detachment through it with other people who think that it is unfair when he gets to be so good, while they are barely scratching the surface. He is a power stored up and he practically has no direction other than “being no 1”--he has no clue how he will do it until Kuroko comes in picture.
In Kagami-Kuroko dynamics, Kuroko is definitely the brain of their  duo: he is the one who puts sense in Kagami, puts stratagies in him in early stages, and Kagami is the body: with his talent he utilities Kuroko’s potential to the fullest. Incidentally, Kuroko’s birth constellation is ruled by the “Head” North node, and Kagami’s the “body” South node.
In the Zodiac wheel, the First Six Signs are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo and on their opposites, respectively sit Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. It can be seen clearly that right to the opposite of Leo: “the House of Sun” sits Aquarius: “The House of Saturn”--polar opposites. One represents heat, passion, extravagance (sun) the other conservation, coldness and calculation (saturn)--they were meant to counterbalance each other: Kagami getting cooled off while Kuroko getting the warmth.
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Why Aomine-Kuroko/ Akashi-Kuroko Didn’t become the thing
Both Aomine and Akashi are sun influenced: Aomine is born under the second Sun ruled constellation Uttar Phalguni (the younger red one) and Akashi is born under the final sun ruled constellation, Uttar Ashada (the undefead one). Sun born people are filled with energy and they radiate plenty of it. And because of the radiance, the Nodes influenced or Rahu and Ketu influenced people love to be around them, to bask into their light and warmth. While the Sun energy benefits the Node, (Kuroko, who is Rahu influenced), it makes the Sun energy either drained or combust: either they flare up too much with energy, or they just get exhausted. Even in Horoscope, whenever Rahu sits with Sun in the same house, it eclipses the Sun: it comes from the Vedic Myth that because Sun and Moon found out Rahu’s mischief, Rahu tries to swallow them up from time to time and Solar and Lunar eclipse occurs (please don’t @ me every culture has their own Mythic take on these things)
Aomine broke out into depression after he started playing with Kuroko as a duo. I am not saying it is Kuroko’s fault, but here some of Kuroko’s draining Nodal energy comes in play. Daiki became very good, almost combust with energy and suddenly he fell into this void of space. This is what Rahu does: it gives sudden gains and takes it all away.
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Akashi on the other hand is complicated to understand from the first. I had my doubts, like why would he come to scout Kuroko all the way from his ranks and teach him the phantom passing technique? Then I understood something else when I started to do this thing: Akashi, born under the Last Sun Rule Constellation had already reached the maturity of the Sun energy--which means the Sun was wise enough to keep the draining nodal energy at bay. The budding rising sun is represented by the Krittika Constellation under which Hyuuga is born (Taurus), then comes the Youthful and vigorous midday sun Uttar Phalguni,Daiki’s birth constellation (Virgo) and then comes the Old and mature afternoon sun Uttar Ashada, Akashi’s constellation (Sagittarius) represent the Three Sun energies in Zodiac Constellations, and Akashi amongst them represent the light of the sun with it’s imposing and without the harshness. Perhaps it’s his stars that convinced him to give Kuroko a position that will maximize their “gains” (a domain Rahu represents, along with 11th House of Zodiac: Aquarius) through passes. But he would not be working with him 1-on-1 because the gains must be distributed wisely
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Tags: @sidd-hit-my-butt-ham​ @yanderebakugo @kurokonbscenarios​ @kurokonobasket​ @kurokonoboisket​ @art-zites​ @idinaxye @sp-chernobyl​ @strawbe3ryshortcake​ @reservethemoon​ @rilnen​ @a-shy-potato​ @thirsthourdemon​ @animebxxch @edagawasatoru​ @akawaiishi-blog​ @reinyrei​ @chloe-noir​ @theswahn @ahobaka-trash​ @jeilliane
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