#also drinking darkspawn blood...nice
cactusnymph · 6 months
Prompt 33, bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go, for dragon age? ❤️
"Ah, I miss our dear Wynne and her impressive bo—"
"Don't. Say it."
Alistair has no capacity for Zevran's jokes right now. Every single muscle in his body is hurting and his blood is humming with the awareness of at least a dozen Darkspawn in the area close by.
Zevran's ability to make light of situations is something that Alistair might be able to admire if Zevran wasn't also bleeding out of various wounds.
Having Wynne here would make all of this so much easier and way less dangerous.
"It would do you good to think of something nice in a dark situation like this, my dear Alistair", Zevran says and doesn't bat an eye when Alistair goes to wash one of the deep cuts between his ribs. Zevran's pain tolerance is a frightening thing to behold.
The sweat on his forehead and his unusually pale skin tells a different story, of course.
He wishes he didn't drink his last healing potion an hour ago. While Zevran's pain tolerance might be very impressive, Alistair knows that he's the one who can take the heaviest hits. He should have taken the brunt of this.
"Yet again you're not following my advice. You look as if you're thinking of funerals and Mabari excrements", Zevran says and manages a smirk.
"I'll start thinking about nice things once you stop bleeding out", Alistair mumbles, pressing a bandage on one of the wounds and tying it as tightly as possible to stop the bleeding. Then he moves onto the next.
Three Darkspawn down the tunnel behind them.
He hopes Nerian is safe. Usually Alistair wouldn't mind if Morrigan's head got ripped off by an ogre, but maybe not while they're already in such dire circumstances.
"Is that worry I detect, my friend?"
For some reason Alistair wishes that Zevran wouldn't keep calling him that.
"I don't want Nerian to look at me with a disapproving frown when I let you die", Alistair lies, rummaging around in his pack to see if he has any elfroot left to disinfect some of the nastier cuts on Zevran's thigh.
Since they headed into the Deep Roads Alistair didn't exactly have time to examine his feelings for—well. Neither Nerian nor Zevran. Instead of taking some quiet time to contemplate his attraction towards not one but two men, Alistair is zoned into the constant humming of the Darkspawn blood flowing through his veins.
He could really use a good night of sleep under the stars without nightmares of the Archdemon.
"Ah yes. Your fellow Grey Warden has a fierce aura of disapproval about him whenever something displeases him. I can see how that would strike fear into your heart", Zevran says and watches Alistair's every move as he does his best to clean the wound with water and elfroot.
Alistair glances up at Zevran's pale, sweaty face and swallows.
"So. I noticed you—uh. Stopped. With the. With the flirting", Alistair finally says. This is absolutely the worst time to address this, but Alistair could do with a little distraction from the horrors and maybe Zevran feels the same.
Zevran chuckles weakly and Alistair is concerned about the way his eyelids droop.
"I am nothing if not respectful", Zevran says, making Alistair snort. "And since I noticed that you fancy our dear leader I have graciously decided to take a step back."
Five Darkspawn fifteen meters ahead.
The air smells like dust and blood.
"You don't have to", he finally mumbles, his ears burning with shame and the blood rushing into their tips.
There's a beat of silence while Alistair starts bandaging Zevran's hand. He's very aware of every callus and the way they're almost holding hands like this, with Alistair cradling the bleeding palm in one hand while cleaning the wound with the other one.
This is ridiculous. He has to concentrate.
For a breathless moment Alistair is scared that Zevran went unconscious, but when he glances up he registers that Zevran studies his face, his expression unusually serious and below all the strain there's a hint of curiosity that makes Alistair's cheeks burn and his heart hammer in his rib cage.
"Well, aren't you full of surprises", Zevran says with a lopsided smile. Alistair fumbles with the final bandage as he tries to sort the Darkspawn awareness from the rushing of blood he feels while he feels Zevran's eyes on him.
He only realizes too late that the bandage is already done and he's still holding on to Zevran's hand. Alistair takes a deep breath before hastily letting go and turning away from Zevran to grab his shield.
"Stay there", he orders and in one fluid motion beheads a Darkspawn turning the corner.
No one is going to die today. Not on his watch.
feel free to send me one of these <3
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honestlyitsjustsam · 4 years
G5# vibes from you dude
Kaksksksksk tbh i do be sitting at the back to daydream about Jacob 😔
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thessalian · 3 years
Molly!Warden vs The Basement
Nathaniel: All right, fine, I am now a Warden. What would you have of me?
Molly!Warden: Really, a tour of the basement.
Nathaniel: ...wut.
Molly!Warden: Apparently the darkspawn came out of your basement. So we need to go have a look. I mean, that’s an infestation we could probably do without.
Nathaniel: It’s not as if we could get a cat to solve the problem...
Ser Pounce-a-Lot: Meow!
Anders: ...want!
Nathaniel: What did I just say?
Molly!Warden: You said we couldn’t get a cat specifically to chase darkspawn. You never said we couldn’t just get a cat in general.
Nathaniel: So this ... learning to cope. When does that kick in, exactly?
Molly!Warden: If I remember right, sometime around your first ogre kill.
Nathaniel: ...fuck.
Molly!Warden: So what’s down here, anyway?
Nathaniel: Some cells, some storage rooms, an old Avvar tomb--
Molly!Warden: You have an ancient tomb in your basement?
Nathaniel: We never throw anything away?
Molly!Warden: Well, I guess “waste not, want not” is a thing...
(In the basement...)
Nathaniel: So why were those people attacking us?
Molly!Warden: Dude, where were you during the Blight? You get exposed to darkspawn blood to any degree, you ... I mean, okay, you die eventually, but some of them don’t die right away and they get kinda strong and super-murdery.
Nathaniel: And this Joining makes us immune?
Molly!Warden: Oh. Sod. Um. Okay, warning I wish I’d had before I was like six months in. What you drank was darkspawn blood.
Anders, Nathaniel: ...WUT.
Oghren: Not surprised, somehow.
Molly!Warden: But it’s not just darkspawn blood! There’s some magic shit ... lyrium... alittlebitofarchdemonblood...
Anders, Nathaniel: WUT.
Oghren: Is that why it was so spicy?
Molly!Warden: Probably now shut up. So, that all gives you the stuff like being able to sense darkspawn and not dying all crazy and super-murdery straight away. Except ... that starts kind of wearing off in about thirty years and then you kind of have to go down to the Deep Roads to do your last act of service by killing as many darkspawn as possible and going down fighting instead of dying all raving and insane.
Anders: So ‘freedom’ comes with a deadline. Emphasis on ‘dead’.
Molly!Warden: It always does. And no, we couldn’t tell you before you drank it for the same reason we couldn’t tell you it could have killed you to drink it in the first place - because Big Deep Warden Secret, and I’d have had to kill you and I’d really rather not do that! It was hard enough watching Duncan kill Jory!
Nathaniel: So my grandfather probably went that way. The ... dying to the Joining, I mean.
Molly!Warden: Sorry. Happens to the good ones sometimes. Daveth was my kind of person and I miss him even now. And Mhairi was nice, if a little too easily scandalised. Anyway ... want a new bow?
Nathaniel: Well ... old bow. My grandfather’s.
Molly!Warden: Okay, why were you guys storing your grandfather’s bow in an ancient Avvar crypt, which you just happen to have in your basement and is also coincidentally full of undead? I mean, I get keeping weapons out of reach of children but that’s a bit excessive!
Nathaniel: As I believe we have established, my father was a freak.
Oghren: Did we tell you how close his bedroom was to the dungeons?
Nathaniel: No one ever wants to think about their parents getting intimate, Oghren.
Anders, Oghren, Molly!Warden: *staaaaaaaaaaare*
Molly!Warden: (writing) “Dear Alistair - thanks again for the Keep, and the town, and the lands. Just a few issues. Like, on top of the old Avvar crypt that spits undead at us every so often, there’s a massive path to the Deep Roads in the basement, which is where we’re getting our infestation of darkspawn. So I’m waiting for them to clear rubble so I can go murder some things and find a better way to seal that shit off. Also, you remember that thing during the Blight where everyone was wanting us to do them favours? Well, that. Again. Some more. So I did that. Left me with a fair bit of gold, and some grateful nobility ... which is good, because some woman came to me at this shindig we were having - yeah, I was at another shindig, you can stop laughing now - and told me that someone wanted to assassinate me. Which ... y’know, I admit I started laughing at that too; many have tried and they were all better than these overbred fuck-knuckles. Now I have to make big decisions for a whole bunch of people and it was easier doing that at bladepoint. But I guess that’s still on the table. Now I have to go into town to dig up a bunch of information about a missing Warden and some hole in the ground that might be spitting darkspawn and some mess about trade routes and any other mess the populace wants to fling at me. Wish you were here - and not only because we lost Mhairi and Oghren still refuses to use a damn shield. Oh, and apparently I might be able to get some information about the would-be assassins (no, not Nathaniel) from - wait for it - the Dark Wolf. Yeah, I know, I was confused too. I’ll let you know how that went when I next find time to write. Which, y’know, I should probably try to do regularly because with talking darkspawn and a casteless dwarf hobnobbing with human nobility, things are taking a turn for the weird and probably wouldn’t do to worry you. I’m new to this 'princess consort’ thing but I bet there’s something in the handbook about that. Love and other indoor sports, Molly.”
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5lazarus · 3 years
Masterlist of My Stories
My Writing
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, I post a snippet of what I'm currently working on.
On Mondays, I post the last lines of the stories I'm finishing up, as well as lessons learned from the previous week. I post this under the tag #last line monday and #lessons from the week.
On Wednesdays, I throw up a snippet of fanfiction. I post this under the tag #wip wednesday.
On Fridays, I write at least seven lines of my own stories, either poetry, essays, or fiction. I post this under the tag #seven line friday.
On Sundays, I post at least six lines of fanfic. I post this under the tag #six sentence sunday.
For more information about me, check out my About Me page. I don't answer personal questions unless I share an asklist, I don't take prompts unless I share a promptlist, and I don't keep anonymous asks on. I've also made two promptlists--one a writing challenge, the other a list of poetry prompts! Find my work archived and updated under hes5thlazarus on Archive of Our Own.
Below is a catalogue of my stories, broken down by fandom (Dragon Age, Harry Potter, Star Trek):
My Dragon Age Stories
There Is No Ithaca Three moments where Solas loses his home: Solas wrecks his revolution on the altar of Mythal. Solas returns from war to find Ghilan’nain incubating the Blight within their own home. Fen'Harel negotiates the end of the world with the Thaig of the Bastion of the Pure. Answers to various asks from brightoncemore's wonderful promptlist.
Ultramarine Sylaise attempts to trademark the color blue, initiating a civil war. Fen'Harel disapproves. Felassan, at this point, is just along for the ride. Highlights include: Andruil attempts to create biological weapons out of the conquered children of the stone and sell them to absolutely everyone, Mythal may or may not involve, Solas greatly disapproves, and everyone wants to kill Fen'Harel for disapproving. Also an explanation as to why Solas has to think before answering Sera on whether he has ever pissed magic by accident. Sorta a love story, sorta a comedy, sorta a story about political intrigue--but hey, Solas said Arlathan was even worse than Orlais! A big thank you to potatowitch and isomede for talking me through this and getting me to finish it--and for giving me the best ideas for it.
Overheard at the Hanged Man Thirty-one stories written in Nightmare-mode for Beyond the Veil's 2020 Artober Challenge, ranging through the entire series, from Arlathan before the Blight to the Chargers in Serault.
Alistair the Accidental Heretic Alistair gets bored during morning prayer and starts changing the words of the Chant as he sings. Mother Prudence and Knight-Commander Greagoir are less than pleased, and soon he finds himself tripping up over accidental heresy even within the kitchens of Kinloch Hold. It's not easy, being a half-elf templar with a conscience, because even having a sense of humor is heresy.
The Starkhaven Crier A portrait of two future apostates at ten-year-olds: Jowan and Surana are bored, get dragged to the Chantry for the good of their souls, and accidentally make the new girl from Starkhaven cry. Featuring Surana determined to be the one Dalish against letting the Maker come back, the self-hating mage in the Surana/Amell origin as the Starkhaven Crier, and the same Mother Prudence who sent Alistair to bed without supper. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Morrigan at the Crossroads Morrigan reaches her breaking point, confronted with the one person she cannot flee: her six-week-old son, who cannot be soothed back to sleep, struggling in the Crossroads. From a prompt musettta3 sent me.
Shartan's Riddle Surana talks Mahariel through writing Leliana, after Leliana leaves to work for the Divine. Shartan promised them a home, and Mahariel worries Leliana, devout as she is, cannot give it to her. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Winter in Amaranthine The Wardens' companions decide to leave, and Warden-Commander Arana Mahariel cannot find a reason good enough to tell them no. Meanwhile, letters between the Warden and Leliana get lost in translation, and Arana makes it worse. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Palimpsest Velanna and Sigrun fight some darkspawn, talk around the past, and write some letters. Written as a gift for hellbell, for the Sapphic Solstice 2021 Gift Exchange.
Phosphorescence A Despair demon in the Foundry district is clogging up the whole city with a miasma of misery. Justice runs into an old friend of his, during Anders' first few weeks in Kirkwall, and the three set to work. Heavy-handed allegory abounds, but, Justine opines, that’s the Dreamers’ fault. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Labyrinth "Anders made no attempt at escape during the years they were together." This story is meant to explore everything absolutely horrible about that statement. If the core part of Anders' identity is his refusal to submit to imprisonment, then perhaps listening to Karl was a violation of his sense of self. Things get better, and then things get worse.
Kirkwall Thunderstorm Family squabbling as the storm sets in, Hawke flees to face the thunderstorm head on, and laughs, because what's more to life than this, chasing a storm all the way down to the harbor? From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Debutante Leandra manages Hawke's debut ball, and surprises herself by having a lot of fun. From an OC ask I decided to turn into a prompt.
Dregs Anders baits Varric, or Varric baits Anders, both drunk at the Hanged Man. There's no resolution to an argument when they're both just angry, thinking about dead mages. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
The Scent of Pomegranates Merrill brings a pomegranate to the Hanged Man, to try and capture some of the way her clan celebrated the new year. Fenris is oddly moved. Written for the DA Den's 2020 Holiday Gift Exchange.
Anders in Autumn Anders and Fenris, over the course of one gorgeous autumn in Kirkwall, find common ground, a common goal, and even tenderness, as the city grows cool and vibrant in the changing of the year. Justice returns to the streets of Kirkwall, one way or another, and it is as transformative and loving as justice truly is. An answer to an Artober challenge from cozy-autumn-prompts
Warp & Weft Anders wakes Fenris up in the middle of the night talking, and then not wanting to talk, about weaving. What they remember and what they have forgot climb into the bed with them. A gift for potatowitch.
Landlocked Merrill goes looking for Isabela after a night of drinking at the Hanged Man, and finds her considering the sun rising over the horizon at the docks. They're landlocked and the salt's drained them both dry, but maybe it's not all been a waste. They're shipless, not shipwrecked. Part of a personal challenge to write more femslash, after realizing how little there is in Dragon Age fandom.
Love and Red Ink Varric tries his hand at a more literary Bildungsroman about his youth as a Kirkwall bohemian. Bianca tears it apart, editing for his own good. Sometimes love is in the margins, your almost ex-girlfriend telling you--I wasn't that pretty, when I was that young.
The Most Boring Sex Party in All Orlais Josephine and Leliana both admit the night they met ended with someone's smallclothes pinned to the Chanter's Board--but what happened right before? Josephine says, “I have played the Game before, and understand its cutthroat stakes. But I must admit, I never thought I would witness the opening salvo of a coup at the most boring sex party of all Orlais.”
Catabasis Kirkwall's in ashes and Hawke and their friends are on the run. Varric might have ended the story at the docks, but the conflict continues. The question persists: should they separate? And what brought them together in the first place? From a series of prompts ellie-effie and musetta3 sent me.
The Domestics Alistair runs into an older elven woman on the battlements, watching the children play in the Skyhold courtyard below. They get to talking: isn't it nice that the mages get to keep their children now? Then, in the course of the conversation, Alistair figures it out. Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.”
The Bane of Red Crossing In the astrarium cave in the Storm Coast with Inquisitor Lavellan, Cole, and Solas, Sera opens a chest and finds a beautiful bow, named the Bane of Red Crossing. But what is the Bane of Red Crossing? According to the codex: "Ser Yves de Chevac used this bow in the Exalted March against the Dales – specifically, in the liberation of Val Royeaux, where the chevalier famously struck down the elven forces' commander with a shot to the throat at two hundred feet." Lavellan is not pleased, but does not know how to communicate effectively with Sera. Cole and Solas make it worse. Sometimes there is no adequate resolution, when you are faced with the instrument of your great-grandparents' destruction. Sometimes there is nothing that disinterested compassion can say.
To the Victor the Spoils In the Skyhold gardens, in Adamant's wake, Solas meets Loghain. A character study of two trickster-kings, speaking a little too honestly. As Loghain himself says, "The past is always with us. It’s in our bones and our blood and we wear it on our skin. You can think otherwise, but you’ll never get far without it."
Dead Man Hiking Solas broods over what has been lost. Dorian interrupts, and Solas dangles hidden knowledge in front of him like a carrot. They both take the bait, because, as irritable and sad Solas can get, "he wants to give wisdom, not orders," and Dorian loves to learn. Written for Beyond the Veil's 2020 Satinalia Gift Exchange.
So Much Lore! So Much Information! Dorian has a wonderful conversation with the Skyhold Librarian about improvements to the library's filing system and the innovations coming out of Minrathous when Vivienne comes by and points out he's just talking to himself. He's been waxing rhapsodic about the Tevinter equivalent of the Dewey decimal system to a spirit--or maybe a demon. So clearly they must investigate.
Dirthara Ma! May You Learn After the Exalted Council, Solas stops for a drink and a sulk in a quiet tavern in Ostwick. He is convinced no one will ever recognize him with a full head of hair and a beard. Then the Inquisitor walks in. The first in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series.
White Nights A year after Trespasser, Lavellan takes a new lover to a quiet inn in Val Royeaux. She steps out to the balcony for a quick smoke under the stars, looks over to the balcony adjacent to hers--and who is there but the Dread Wolf himself, slightly disguised, with a glass of wine? Despite themselves they talk, and do not stop talking. “Entertain me,” Solas says. “What ending will Master Tethras write for us? Because I do not know how to leave this gracefully. Though I suppose any ending is better than the last one, when I left with your arm.” The second and most comprehensive in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Ligaments Briala has loaded her dice when playing the Game. Gaspard throws her in prison, but her message goes out to both the Dread Wolf, keen to better his reputation for catastrophe amongst the elves of Orlais, and the Dalish Inquisitor, who is still reeling from the loss of her arm. “We do not necessarily know he is the enemy,” Leliana says. “And it is exciting, no? To have that rush of danger and destruction between every kiss.” The third in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Out From Under the Dread Wolf's Eye Briala and Merrill try and steal an eluvian out from under the Dread Wolf's eye. It doesn't quite work, but that doesn't mean the day's a failure, not when there's dinner to be had and a connection to explore. Written as a gift for hellbell, for a prompt they gave for the Sapphic Solstice 2021 Gift Exchange, but not submitted to the collection.
The Domesticities Solas adjust to a new, gentle love that has gripped his heart and will not let him go: a Lavellan who heralds a world he did dream of, and learns how to survive grief and his own betrayal, learns how to surrender the high moral ground and focus on the domesticities. A series of Solas-POV ficlets from my story, Fen'Harel's Teeth, where Lavellan is a mother and leader in her own right, and barely keeping her head above the water of her own deep grief. Not in chronological order!
He Who Hunts Alone Solas will restore the Elvhen People as he knew them, even if this world must die. It is his only purpose as he understands it. But a magical accident leaves him in another world, where a version of himself has made a very different choice. Solas is forced to reckon with a desire he has never let himself explore. Inquisitor Tara Trevelyan, both his friend and adversary, is dragged with him, as they move from their world, to a world where Solas seems to have won it all, to another that seems both their worst nightmare. Inquisitor Tara Trevelyan: the rebel apostate mage, romanced Josephine Inquisitor Imladris Lavellan: the Dalish First, romanced Solas, featured in Fen'Harel's Teeth Inquisitor Brigid Trevelyan: the faithful Andrastian prophet, rogue and noble, Tara's sister, romanced Blackwall and then Cullen Written in tandem with my partner, batsy22-me, and likewise abandoned when we got bored of it.
Fen'Harel's Teeth First Lavellan, Imladris Ashallin, thought that her audience with the Divine against templars' harassment of Dalish mages would be a token protest, and that her people would use it to draw the city elves closer to the Vir Tanadahl. She didn't think her Keeper's calculations would catapult her to the top of the Chantry's leadership, manipulating the powers of Thedas to leave her people be. Meanwhile, Briala foments revolution in Halamshiral, using the eluvian network to sabotage the armies of Orlais. A new movement erupts in the Dales, and elves across Thedas look at this so-called "Herald of Andraste" and see Mythal's vallaslin. Fiona breaks the chains of mages across Thedas, and Fenris starts whispers of a new age in Tevinter--one where the slaves throw down their masters. A new age is coming, and all of Thedas look to Lavellan to usher it in. My baby, my never-ending story, my current work-in-progress.
My Harry Potter Stories
Harry Potter Daydreams Archiving my old Harry Potter headcanons from Tumblr onto AO3. These are not necessarily nice to the characters from canon, and focus what I find interesting--their flaws, and how that could create conflict in their lives.
General Snape Headcanons Archiving my old Harry Potter headcanons from Tumblr onto AO3.
Augury Gang Eileen's mother curses her, and she dies not too long after giving birth to Severus. Tobias, a millworker and a proud union man, does his best.
Snape in the City Instead of dying, Snape moves to New York. A Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy and Severus Snape/Regulus Black story.
An Incident at the Mill the millrat AU A series of vignettes on what could’ve happened if Tobias Snape had been badly injured in an accident at the mill, forcing Severus to drop out of Hogwarts before the Prank. Predominantly Lilycentric. Snily shippers, rejoice: most of the vignettes are from Lily’s point of view, featuring her as flawed, passionate, bullheaded, comfortable in her sexuality, quick to curse and quicker to laugh at herself–and with a complicated relationship to alcohol and the Wizarding World. A big thank you to eleniaz and deathdaydungeon for sparking the initial headcanons that became this series.
Saplings 1980 Albus asks Minerva to tend to the "tender new sapling" of a Potions Master. Minerva looks at the manic-triggered recovered Death Eater and thinks they're doomed for failure. Snape thinks she's right. A couple of friendship & mentorship & not-quite hurt/comfort ficlets, where Severus oozes despair and McGonagall fails, completely, utterly, to be of service. There are two pieces of fanart floating around Snapedom, one of Snape oozing, the other a comic eleniaz did years ago. Unfortunately I've lost the links.
Harry Potter and the Summer of the Stepfather In an alternate world where Neville Longbottom is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter's parents divorce relatively amicably. Eventually, Lily starts dating again, and Harry finds himself actually enjoying the summer Snape stays over.
Last Round at the Hog's Head Thirty-one ficlets written for the 2020 Snapetober challenge.
Your Body's a Revolution Eight stories written for the 2020 Trans Snape Week challenge.
July 1977 Snape stews in teenage melodrama, eating lunch at a cheap fish-and-chips shop in Upper Cokeworth, beset by memories of a wasted ex-girlfriend, who couldn't be Lily Evans--what Bertha Jorkins saw behind the greenhouses, and what came after. Revised from an earlier account, cross-posted from fanfiction.net.
Maleficari's Mutinous Munitions Sprout grew the wrong kind of mandrakes--mandragora, rather than English mandrakes, and no one knew that there actually was an infinitesimal difference--so Severus needs to save the day before Lockhart can. A little of Slytherin cunning, a willingness to embezzle, and a sense of spite wins the day. Prompted by masaotheheckindog.
Honeydukes Horror Remus Lupin genially humiliates Severus Snape as he attempts to order chocolates. Some schoolboy grudges never get better, and nothing Severus can say will let him seem the better man. Prompted by snapescapades.
Weavers Bored before the start of sixth year, Harry goes through Petunia's old family photo albums. He demands some answers, and Dumbledore sends Snape. "He finds a photo of her laughing with a boy who is not his father, who’s got his long black hair and a hand thrown up, too, covering his face. She’s about his age in this photo, or a bit older. Carefully he slides it out of the plastic. There’s writing on the back: 'Weavers, Sev & Lily, 1976. to Baba O’Riley and the rest of our lives!!' The writing is familiar, spidery, almost indecipherable, and he squints because it reminds him of someone, it’s strangely familiar, and then he drops the photo in shock. Because he knows: that’s Severus Snape."
They Call This Closure? Severus comes to consciousness into a dream of Potter reenacting his worst memory-and then Lily Evans comes tearing in at age sixteen, rather than as the more mature adult his subconscious normally designs her. They call this closure? Officially dead, officially incomplete: and I call this closure?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Mark Triple-cross! Mitarashi Anko of the Village Hidden in the Leaves joins Severus Snape as one of Dumbledore's agents, seeking to train the Boy-Who-Lived to understand his mental connection to Lord Voldemort. Snape thinks that they really didn't need to hire a goddamn technicolor ninja to fill the DADA position, but at least it's not one of Fudge's underlings taking charge--wait, he has to put up with her anyway? More seriously, Anko and Severus discover a connection between their cursed marks and the Potter boy's scar, Dumbledore expedites the plot, and Voldemort weaves an insidious plot, inspired by Lord Orochimaru, to take over the Resistance--from the inside. Incomplete and officially dead.
My Star Trek Stories
Raktajino Kira Nerys stews over the history of Terok Nor and the Occupation over a cup of raktajino, soon after she meets Marritza, and Garak just does not know when to leave a bleeding wound alone. Written as a gift for batsy22-me.
Open Mic at Quark's Thirty-one stories written for Trektober 2020, ranging from TOS, the movies, to Lower Decks and Discovery. Includes Keiko joining the Maquis, Spock introducing Amanda to Saavik, Mariner and crew getting lost on a road trip, and more!
Splash Quark takes a dip in a hot spring. Odo follows. It is not, Odo insists, sexy. Regardless, Quark is going to enjoy tormenting him with mutual nudity, since he was the one who interrupted his bath, after all. Prompted by saathiray.
Lore and the Prophets Lore thinks he can sneak off Deep Space Nine and get through the wormhole without anyone noticing. The Prophets have other ideas. Written for the Star Trek 2020 Gift Exchange, for electricsunrise.
Jambalaya Before Worf's wedding plans take over the station, Benjamin Sisko tries to find out what happened during the Founders' occupation of Deep Space Nine, and why Odo won't look him in the eye. Of course he investigates in the guise of inviting everyone to dinner.
Tear of the Prophets Was prompted by saathiray to write about Kira Nerys repatriating an artifact sacred to Bajor from Cardassia, and this is what we got! The Shakaar cell leads a procession after Cardassia returns the Orb of Contemplation to Bajor, to collective joy. Kai Opaka says, "So I say to you my people, the survivors of atrocity and keepers of the wormhole—the Prophets cried for you millennia before you were made. They sent their Tears from their temple as a safeguard as to what was to come. And now that it is safe, now that we have won—their Tears are for all." Featuring Latha having an Orb experience, explaining why he became a vedek.
Jane Austen Book Club Dukat reads Pride and Prejudice to help him understand human relations (and fuck the Sisko). He thinks he’s being Darcy but really, he’s just Mr. Collins…and evil. Garak lends him a copy of Jane Austen and a horrific cravat, and really, it's all downhill from there.
Miscellaneous Stories
Fireworks, a feminist deconstruction of Naruto Sarada takes one look at the Uchiha legacy and decides she wants no part of it. Sakura, who has built herself a life independent of the husband who abandoned them, tries to reckon with how her daughter cannot actually decide the path her life takes. And Hanabi is happy to offer advice and consolation, as Sakura tries to talk her best friends into letting Sarada be a civilian. A feminist deconstruction of Naruto, where everyone is taken seriously and treated with the same love Sakura offers to all her friends. No character-bashing, just contemplating what could have happened if, when Sasuke left Sakura and their baby the second time, Sakura decided to file for divorce rather than wait for him to come back. Of course they still love each other. Of course it's not simple.
Same Time Next Week?, a Babylon 5 fanfic Vir and Lennier meet for their usual drink. A pre-relationship, lightest of touches, beginning of it all story.
Sunrise, Parabellum, a Disco Elysium fanfic Early Wednesday morning, before Harry's woken up and before they've closed the water lock and headed to the fishing village, Kim Kitsuragi gets up and wants a cigarette. He has a cup of coffee instead and contemplates his partner's newfound sobriety. Sunrise, parabellum: he gets up and prepares for war.
Dragon Eyes, an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic On a diplomatic mission to the Fire Nation, Katara leaves the children with Aang to have tea with Zuko and Mai. But the two of them have something they want to talk about. They've lived enough of fathers neglecting one child for the other, and they have seen enough. Katara wishes they had propositioned her, rather than bring this up.
Cages, an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic Mai visits Azula. It is not easy.
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Reading Lessons
for @14daysdalovers, Fenris x Female Hawke, “blushing.” Rated T.
He wants something else to read. There’s only so much Brother Genitivi one can take before the diatribes gets rather dull. She can’t blame him and was about to suggest an adventure volume or something else equally inconspicuous, perhaps Hard in Hightown. However, he strolls to the bookshelves of his own accord and finds it. That. 
“What’s this?” he asks, the large volume in his ungloved hands
“Uh, nothing.”
He narrows his eyes, her tone indicating otherwise as he thumbs through the well-worn pages. “The Highlander? What’s a Highlander?” 
He sits across from her, the book still in his hand. Not too long ago Hawke stuck red papers in the book to note her favorite parts so she wouldn’t have to search for them. She praises his ability to decipher the title, but she doesn’t answer his question.
“What is it Hawke?” he asks again. 
She answers. “A Fereldan Highlander. You know, someone who lives in the highlands....”
“Why are there so many markers in this book?” 
He thumbs through it and she rises, snatching the book from his hands and pressing it close to her chest. “Hawke?” he asks. “Why are you blushing?” 
She turns away from him. “I’m not blushing!”
“Yes you are.” 
Despite their similar heights she can feel him loom over her. “It’s...just a book I like a lot,” she says,  glancing at the familiar cover. The author’s name, J. Lockhart is in gold print--bless them wherever they are. The illustration on it too is also a homey sight, one of a man clad in furs with his ginger hair long and sweeping as he holds a woman in a red dress. Arthur’s furs and Helena’s dress always ended up on their dining room table or in some nook in their home in Lothering, though Hawke couldn’t take it with her as the darkspawn swept through the town. In fact, when she finally had a bit of money from Athenril that didn’t go toward her debt, she indulged in a new copy, the one she had with her, the one she read late at night while ignoring Gamlen snoring in the other room. The one Fenris found.
He comes to face her as she presses the book closer to her chest. "Well,” he says with a hint of a smile. “Nothing makes you blush easily.”
She knows a few things that do. “Well...”
“It’s alright. We all have our vices.”
She will not call this a vice. Smut, she says, is a valid form of art. It is not a vice.
“Romance then,” Fenris says. ‘Fine. Not a vice.”
She peers at him, blinking. A smile is still plastered on his face. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“I thought you said this wasn’t a vice.” 
“It’s not. But Varric doesn’t like these books. Says they’re too much focus on the romance rather than--”
“There’s more? Well I suppose we should get started....”
They’ve made it this far, so they sit on the love seat and he opens the book to read. However, he doesn’t start from the beginning, much to Hawke’s chagrin. It’s really quite endearing how Helena meets Arthur Dayne the Highlander, but Fenris has decided to skip ahead to the first marker in the book. 
“He captured her lips in his...”he reads, brows furrowed in concentration. “...and Helena’s body...”
“Alighted,” Rhine says when he gets stuck. “It means come alive.”
“You didn’t even have to look. Do you have this memorized?” 
“No,” she lies, though her blushing tells a different tale, she’s sure. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
“Believe what you like. Read on.” 
“Perhaps we could skip ahead to something different--”
“I mean...perhaps it’ll give us some ideas.”
Her mouth drops. Once before did she mention it, them in his mansion, after he mentioned it first. You and I don’t always agree, but... He didn’t continue and yet she knew what laced in that but. She was careful not to press the matter, careful to let him come to her. 
And now...
“Perhaps we could read on.” she says, thinking maybe Arthur will give him ideas. “Page 200. That’s their first time.” 
“First time for what?” 
"Is that a serious question?” 
The book hides his smile. He begins well enough, but then he doesn’t continue and she can’t tell if he’s stumbled on a word or if he’s reading silently. She’s afraid she’ll have to pronounce growing erection for him when his eyes widen. Closing the book, he looks at her with a dull surprise.
She can guess why, covering her reddening cheeks. “Well?” 
He’s going to say it’s terrible and awful and make fun of her. Instead, he surprises her by saying, “you surprise me.” 
Noe. That is curious. “How?”
“You don’t seem the type to fawn over things like this sort of thing. Romance, you know. Or...” He picks up the book again, reading from it. “Eyes that glimmer with hope and love, for she loves him and he loves her...”
Inwardly, she swoons. He said that, in his voice like leather and honey. “A certain type has to like romances?” she asks, hoping she hides her ogling.
“Well, no,” he says, “but you called the Knight Captain a ‘sack of metal in a skirt,’ and you certainly drink a lot at the Hanged Man--”
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“You’re carrying on an act.” 
She sighs. She’s more than capable of knowing her own faults. She doesn’t need him to bring them up. “I’m supposed to be helping you tonight, Fenris,” she says. 
“You are. I’ve learned more about you tonight than I have in a while.” He stretches, and she notices how his leg is touching hers. “I like to learn about you. Did you know your nose gets red too when you blush? And just think. Some people don’t even know you do blush Hawke. You--”
She smirks, further pressing her leg to his. “I don’t like to always be called Hawke. Call me Rhine. At least when we’re alone. I have to keep up appearances.” 
“What does the Highlander call Helena? ‘Sweetling, isn’t it?” He flips through the book. “Ah. Yes. I’d think you’d want to be called that.”
“Well...” As she feels her cheeks warm in her palms again, she’s certain she’s blushed so much tonight that all the blood in her body has gone straight to her cheeks. “It would be nice.”
He says he’ll save it for another night, when she needs it most. He settles on “Rhine,” but it’s the sweetest thing she’s heard in a long while, right along with his bold reading of Ser Arthur Dayne and Helena’s first and second times, with limited help from Rhine at that. She’s proud of him, and she thinks he’s also proud of her. 
Finally, Fenris sets the book down on the loveseat, the tale inevitably too unbelievable for him. “No,” he says, “That’s is. There’s no way that she can conceivably--”
Rhine laughs. “Oh. I believe it.”
“Of course you would.” 
“With you...” She grins, inching closer, her hand on his thigh. “I could go for much longer.”
Now he’s the one that blushes.
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greenteabtch · 4 years
hello again friend! for any oc of your choosing bc i'm desperate to know about them all: rashvine, blood lotus, arbor blessing, and embrium if you would like to! (i'm thirsty for knowledge)
AHi!!!! It’s always great to hear from you Isa!
Alright I’m gonna answer for Solana because she hasn’t gotten a drawing recently and she’s a fun and angy gal haha
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Blood Lotus:
Total. Lightweight. I headcanon Solana as asian (spec korean), so she gets the entire asian glow going in less than one drink. I mean .07% alcohol content and she’s out. However, she’s also extremely competitive and stubborn, and she doesn’t care for Oghren being gross. The result? A drinking contest every time the group finds a tavern, ending with Solana drooling over Alistair’s shoulder as he takes her away before liver poisoning can set in. She first found this out at unofficial wine night at Kinloch hold, where some rogue mages would use Sweeny’s lack of... mind... to hold an optional study group on the Applications of Tonics and Thermoneuclaic Acid Reflux Performance in the Solutions of... ok are the templars bored now? Good, bring out the wine. The whole night Anders had to shovel bread down her throat and hold back her hair as she puked out the tower window. Nothing’s changed.
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 OKAY So hear me out. Solana absolutely can’t stand Jowan, but not in the way that she wants terrible things to happen to him. Just in the way that he annoys her like a little sibling. And of course, she did what she could to save him from tranquility, because you know what she hates way more than Jowan? The chantry, templars, and all of that good stuff that resulted in her getting snatched away from her parents and crammed in a prison for weird men in suits of armor to ogle her and prevent her from living the life she always dreamed of.
Embrium: Solana can’t recall many nice things people have done for her over the course of her life. It’s been a mess really. But one person she will ALWAYS be grateful to is Duncan. For taking a chance on the woman with an attitude, who definitely would’ve been made tranquil or worse, who made fun of him despite his ability to get her out of that prison tower. Who saw through that hard tough disgusting shell to the beating heart in the center of it all and made her a warden. She pours one out every time she thinks of him, because without him, she would be nothing.
Arbor Blessing:
Finally, T_T. Solana’s dream happy ending would be if she and Ali got to escape the spotlight of saving Ferelden, and continue their lives as grey wardens. They could command a fortress together, work together, live together, and eventually retire to some house in a city, where they’d raise cute ass kids and never think about bastard templars or stupid darkspawn again. All she wants to do is think about what to eat for dinner, wonder who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth, and take up painting or something. I don’t know. Normal people things. Normal lives, for normal people. Of course, you and I know that normal and grey warden don’t really go hand in hand.
Thank you for your ask Isa!! I kind of went wild with it but I hope you enjoy reading about the gal. Have a great night! <3
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Tell Me You Love Me Anyway (rough draft - tease)
A/n: This probably has a billion errors but I feel like posting it anyway. This is only a tiny bit of what I have in mind. I could use as much feedback as possible for this. 
---- [Act 1] ----
Maker, did Anders miss being drunk. 
Justice hasn’t let him sway under the influence since their union. He sees it as a waste of time and senses. 
But to lose one's senses was such a beautiful and intoxicated mess to be a part of. 
Can you stop speaking nonsense?
It’s not nonsense, it’s passion.
It is a waste of time. 
Anders chuckles, nearly spilling his useless drink in the process. 
“What’s so funny, mage?” 
It’s Fenris. He held a drink also, now flirting with drunkenness that will soon take him fully. 
The two have only met not too long ago through a mutual friend, one Garrett Hawke. Anders liked Hawke enough. He was a fellow mage and Fereldan refugee who suffered loss before reaching Kirkwall. He came to his clinic a month ago asking for maps to the Deep Roads. 
It sounded so ridiculous. People who went to the Deep Roads voluntarily must have a death wish. To want to walk in a place full of darkspawn and deepstalkers. A place with rocky terrain and putrid wet air. It was dark and in some places you could hardly see your own hand in front of your place. He could light a torch but it wasn’t worth accidentally burning someone. 
He never wants to go there again. Especially not without Pounce. 
Things changed though. For a favor, he asked for a favor himself. 
He did love him…….and to see him like that……...made tranquil…….
It broke more than just his heart, it shattered his entire being. 
Oh Karl…..
Back in the Circle, the two had agreed between kisses in a quiet nook away from prying eyes, that if either of them became tranquil, they would not want to live like that. There was no known cure. It was either be made a thoughtless pet of the Templars and the Chantry or death. 
It wasn’t actually a plan that would happen. He didn’t think this would be an actual choice that he would make. 
Oh maker, Karl…….
It has been a month since he had to kill him. He still feels the blood on his hands, the sound of his last breath, and how empty he felt when he fell upon the floor. 
He still yearns to get a letter from him…..anything from him. 
Despite everything, he had Hawke to thank. At least Karl has peace now. He can have the maps and himself for the expedition if needed. 
Though he resented it at the time, he was glad he went to have drinks with Hawke the night after. Hearing his and Aveline’s story of loss before reaching Kirkwall brought him back from the pain. 
Hawke had asked him to join him on another night like that.
“But you know, in much better spirits,” he said with a hand on the back of his neck. He swore he saw him turn a shade red underneath that smile and beard.
And here he is now. 
He sat at a table with Fenris, Isabela, Varric, and Merrill. The women were giggling and whispering, Merrill turning pink and covering her mouth while Isabella said something too low for him to decipher. The men were talking about one of Varric’s tales. 
“No, dwarf. I have never read any of your stories.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” 
“And why is that?” 
“Varric, I can’t read.” 
Well, that’s news…….
Wait, where’s Hawke? He was here just a second ago. 
Anders spots him at the bar. Talking with someone, a human woman. 
He’s never seen her before. She was short, maybe the same height as Merrill. She had deep warm mahogany skin, short dark curly hair, and wore a shirt opened at the neck and chest tucked into the tightest pair of trousers he’s ever seen. 
Sweet Andraste, what an arse!
They speak for a short moment before they each grab a drink and walk over to wear the rest of them sat. 
“Maker, Hawke!” Isabella yells, “How did you find this fine lady? Tell me, are you seeing anyone. Do you have a sister?” 
Hawke’s friend laughs loud and boisterous, covering her mouth half way before she sits herself down. 
“I’m not interested, I'm afraid. If I have a sister, I wouldn’t know. But I know some ladies who would love to give some company to a humorous and attractive lady such as yourself.” 
“You’ll have to tell me all about them, kitten.” 
She sat next to Anders and Hawke sat on the other side of her. 
Now closer to him, he gets a good look at her. 
Fine lady indeed. She had deep dark wide eyes like the night’s sky. Lips pursed as she took sips on her drink. Lots of skin covered down her naked neck and chest, teasing the swell of her breasts where her shirt is undone by the laces. She had small hands with gentle fingers tapping on the drink and the table. She wore no makeup and no jewelry.
Not that she needed them. 
“Friends!” Hawke stood up, hitting and shaking the table on the way. “I want you to meet my friend, Valentine. Val, these are my friends. This is Varric, and that’s Merrill and that’s-” He introduces everyone by name and they all exchange words and greetings. When Anders’ was introduced, he said “hello there.” She replies with only one word. 
I have no idea where I am. 
It’s green all over. The grass is green and long and being blown by the wind. And the sky is blue and cloudless.
It’s not cold. But it was cold? There were clouds and snow and cold. And now…..not anymore. 
I don’t understand. I was in the car with Jackson. Where is he? 
I remember something. When we were driving…...I saw lights. Like headlights and then…….
Am I dead? Is this a dream? Am I in a coma? I don’t understand at all. 
My suitcase is here. It has my stuff still in it. Didn’t expect that old vintage thing to hold up. My clothes are there, but it’s too warm for them. I’m wearing the only pair of shoes I brought. My notebook was also there, and I’m writing in it right now. 
I don’t know what to do. 
The next time he meets Hawke’s friend is when they get ready for the Deep Roads expedition. 
They were all together meeting with Bertrand in Hightown. He had to give credit to Hawke for making a colorful group of friends. He sees her near him, dressed in leather armor and carrying a long thin sword in a scabbard by her side. 
Her eyes catch his and she waves a hello to him. He waves back. 
Hawke and the dwarven brothers are discussing something when someone cries out. 
It was from a woman with tied back greying hair, running towards the group with a worrisome look in her exhausted eyes. 
“Excuse me, but I need to talk to my children”
Oh, that must be Hawke’s mother. He’s only heard nice things about her whenever Hawke opens up about his family. 
He sees him and Carver walk over to the lady and he’s too far to overhear. 
Some sort of disagreement starts and Carver is yelling and Hawke and their mother try to subdue him. There’s a lot of head shaking and hand waving. At last, Carver appears to accept whatever was that was said. Hawke walks away and his brother and mother stay where they stood. 
Hawke walks over to his groups of friends looking lost in thought. A moment passes and then with both hands he waves over the group to come over. 
“What happened?” Merrill asks. 
“Nothing,” Hawke sighs. “Mother just wanted Carver to stay. He…..eventually agreed.” 
“Now what?” Fenris crosses his arms, a knot between brows form. 
“We have to decide who I am bringing on this expedition.” Hawke sighs once more. He takes in a good look at his companions and bobs his head side to side as if he’s rolling die to choose who he’ll bring. 
“Alright! Besides Varric, I shall bring Anders and Valentine. Do you two agree?” 
Fuck no. 
“Of course, Hawke,” Anders instead says. It was inevitable. 
“Sure,” Valentine nods with a small smile upon her lips. 
“The rest of you can go about your business. We’ll be gone for a while in the meantime.” 
Some murmurs of “alright,” “be careful,” and “see you soon,” were heard before the others left their separate ways. 
Anders watches Hawke go back to the dwarven brothers, no doubt to wrap up a few things before they head out. 
“So you were a grey warden, correct?” It was Valentine. 
“Yes, I was.” She really was quite short. She was a whole head short of him, couldn’t look like she could put her head on his shoulder if she wanted. 
“That’s a lifelong joining, isn’t it? I imagine they’re not happy having you…..displaced.” 
That got a chuckle out of him. 
“Yes, you could say that.” 
“That’s too bad,” she kicks a pebble with the tip of her boot, her eyes looking into the sky and nowhere in particular. “I’m sure they’re doing fine without you. You have more important things like spelunking with us losers in demon infested caves.” 
That got him to laugh out loud. 
“Well when you put it like that, I’m even more grateful I left the wardens.” 
When she laughs, she laughs with her being. She bends forward with her arms wrapped around her abdomen as if she was a tree swaying in the wind. 
She’s kinda cute, isn’t she? 
I do not see what this has to do with the task at hand. 
Relax. It’s just an observation. 
I am in a country called Ferelden. I have never heard of this place before. Is that old English or whatever the fuck? I don’t know, my head hurts and I’m tired from all the travel. 
It took me days by foot, but I eventually reached a small village called Draycott. I asked around for a place to stay and work. And luckily I did. Their innkeeper/pub owner was looking for someone to help clean and keep order in their establishment. He seemed like enough of a nice guy to trust for now. Everything is ancient. There is no electricity or indoor plumbing. Everyone uses candles, gets water from the well, and shits in a pot. I’m afraid to ask why that is. 
I am currently writing in my journal in a room of my own by candle light in the late evening. I’m even using a quill and ink. It’s much harder than I thought. Hope I can read this later. 
This place is so much more strange than I first thought. 
This country and land is certainly beautiful. I believe it's either mid to late spring to early fall. Grass is long, the hills roll, mountains are tall, and the trees high. 
But then I noticed the plant and wildlife. I have never seen these herbs or flowers or whatever the hell they are. They look like something out of a story book. And the animals. I’ve seen wolves and bears from a distance. Luckily, I haven't bothered them enough to attack me. 
But then I noticed a crow. It had such a large beak with ruffled feathers and splashes of red? 
And spiders. The most gigantic ones I have ever seen. They look like the size of horses! What the fuck??
I must’ve been hallucinating. I should get some rest. The people here like to wake at daybreak. 
Farmers are insane. 
They have been in the deep roads for a few days. 
It’s as claustrophobic and dark and all things awful as Anders last remembers. 
He wished the warden commander was here. She must be so warm and cozy now being the queen of Ferelden. 
And Pounce. His little mews and purrs was what really kept him going. 
Well, that and screwing around with Nathaniel was also fun. He had the best expressions. 
The company he has now however wasn't too bad. They certainly made an entertaining crowd. 
“Garrett, if you had to choose, would you rather eat your shirt or your trousers?” 
The echoes of Hawke’s belly laugh lasts almost a minute as they trek along. He had to hold on to his staff to keep himself upright. It was quite contagious and made himself, Varric, and Valentine laugh along with him. 
“Maker Val, I knew I wouldn’t regret bringing you. I think I would eat my shirt. My shirt in particular today looks rather tasty.” 
“I swear no one wants to eat their pants, it’s always the shirt.” 
“Who the hell wants to eat their pants?” Varric raises a brow. 
“I don't know, but I’m waiting for someone to tell me.” 
Without daylight, it’s impossible to tell when it's dawn or near dusk. After crossing corridors and making quick work of darkspawn that lurked, they all agreed to make camp and rest. 
Spare food and drink are brought out, bringing out better spirits for the exhausted party. Bottles of wine and flasks of water. Wrapped packs of dried fruit, meat, and nuts. 
Words start spilling and conversations follow. 
It never ceases to amaze Anders how well Hawke carries himself in social situations. He held a poise like a noble yet spoke like a child raised by pirates. Held confidence in his chest and said things like “Anders, can you help me get my hand out of this jar?” 
 He was like an affectionate pet. 
“Val,” Hawke said. He sat next to Varric while Anders and Valentine sat opposite them. “Did you know that our friend Anders runs a clinic in Darktown?”
Valentine laughs.
“That’s very all of a sudden, Garrett. That would make you a healer, yes?” She looks at Anders now. 
“That’s right,” he smiles back for politeness. “I just try to help the sick as much as I can.” 
“That’s incredibly thoughtful of you. You must make decent coin as well.” 
“Oh, I don’t charge.” Valentine nearly spits out as she drinks from a water flask. 
“You don't?” Her eyes wide and brows raised. “That’s insane. How do you get by?” 
“I get by by getting by. Also being dragged around by Hawke helps.” 
“And you are incredibly welcomed!” Hawke laughs, so does Varric, Valentine, and Anders. 
The group would soon pack their things and move on. 
Life in the village is peaceful. I can’t complain.
Yeah sure, the food could be better and I have to shit in a pot but overall, I like it. 
Not shaving is a big plus for me.
I’ve made the mistake of asking too many questions. Some of the things I don't know are common knowledge, causing people to look at me weird. Someone even asked if I had brain damage. 
And then I realized having amnesia is a great excuse. Everyone now believes I have suffered such an injury. That’s my life now. 
The innkeeper offered me a position to keep his rooms cleaned and naturally, I accepted. He also asked me to watch and possibly teach his young daughter to read and write along with watching her.
She is the dearest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Her name is Wenona. She is nearly four years of age, has light brown hair that is always braided, has a freckled face, and wears homemade dresses. 
She is mute. I have never heard her talk or make any noise. Her father says she’s only shy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on the spectrum. She is nice nonetheless and gestures when she wants something like food. I speak to her with simple words but not any different than to the others i have spoken here in the village. She understands me just fine. 
We have so far spent days outdoors, picking herbs and flowers and laying in the grass and staring at the clouds. Indoors I help her learn how to write, have tea parties, and cook and bake . I read to her every night before bed and sometimes I sing to her. 
I’ve also realized that this girl has no friends. I’ve seen a few other children here, but they never go up to here to talk or play. I asked her myself and she nodded. I told her that she was my friend and the look in her eyes…..
Learning about the world through her is an amazing experience too. 
They have a religion here called Andrastanism. It sounds similar to Christianity, but instead of God, they have a maker and instead of a son, the maker has a bride named Andraste. I’ve read their biblical stories to Wenona. 
I still have so much to learn. 
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👀👀 dai romances finding out that the Inquisitor is a vampire...?
Dorian: Dorian first finds out after quite the harrowing battle. No one in the party had walked away unscathed. What truly worried Dorian was that the Inquisitor wouldn’t let any of the healers check his wounds. He just walked away from the battle and kept his nose and mouth covered. He had noticed plenty of odd behavior from the Inquisitor since he joined, even more since he and the Inquisitor started to spend more time together. Honestly? Dorian was just worried about the man. He’d seen the injury when the Inquisitor got it, stabbed right through by one of the Red Templars. Dorian doesn’t know why the Inquisitor won’t let any of the healers help him, but maybe his Amatus will at least let him take a look. When he gets to the Inquisitor’s room he hears things being tossed around and he immediately rushes in thinking that the Inquisitor is being attacked or robbed, or something. What he finds is the Inquisitor rummaging through his room, tossing things aside, clearly looking for something. He’s shirtless, and that’s when Dorian sees it. His side is completely fine, not even a scratch left. Healing magic would have made a scar, but the Inquisitor’s side looks like he wasn’t even touched in battle. Dorian and the Inquisitor look up at each other at the same time. Dorian sees the Inquisitor’s now black eyes and the long fangs in his mouth. For a moment his heart races. He’s heard tale of vampires, but he thought they were all fictional. Sure there were some in Tevinter who insisted Vampires were still out there... Maker it was breathtaking. In hindsight maybe Dorian should have been more scared, but all he could see was the dawning horror on his Amatus’s face having realized that Dorian knew what he truly was. Dorian steps towards him slowly. The Inquisitor makes his vampiric features recede and he looks away. Dorian hugs him from behind and sighs softly, “I’m... guessing you misplaced a vial of blood?” His voice is free of judgement. When the Inquisitor nods Dorian kisses his neck. “And I’m also going to assume you haven’t fed in a while, which was why you avoided the healers and us all day?” Another nod. “Well. I suppose, since we don’t want you losing control I can let you take some of mine.” He murmurs. “And don’t worry Amatus, the only thing this changes is that you’ll have to promise to be extra careful when leaving hickeys alright?” And there’s the smile Dorian’s been waiting for. Honestly with ancient Magisters turned Darkspawn and giant tears in the Fade? His Amatus being a vampire isn’t all that strange or terrifying. The Inquisitor has never hurt him, and so Dorian doesn’t fear that he will. He only worries that the Inquisitor isn’t taking proper care of himself. After battles Dorian distracts the other party members so that his amatus can collect blood from the fallen. He also starts asking questions, because he thought vampires would turn to dust in the sunlight. He’s fascinated by what the Inquisitor tells him.
Solas: Solas has known a few vampires in his time. Some are just as bloodthirsty as the tales say they are (but those vampires tend to have been just as bloodthirsty before they were turned), and most were just trying to adjust to their new life style. When Solas woke up he had been under the impression that vampires had all died out over the centuries. It was sad, but with how fearful humans were it wasn’t a surprise that they would have hunted the creatures down. So, when Solas starts to see evidence of a vampire in the midst of the Inquisition he’s quite surprised. It’s just small things, the apothecary starts running low on plants and herbs that Solas knows can be made into an effective salve to keep the sun from turning a vampire into ash. Some people begin to complain about little cuts that appeared out of nowhere. He would have investigated more but things began to grow increasingly stressful. It was on the journey to Skyhold that Solas began to suspect the Inquisitor might be the Vampire he had been noticing about. The longer they traveled the more anxious she seemed to become. She would start dawning more layers, though this could be explained by the cold air of the mountain, but she also looked a little gaunt. He could only assume that the blood she had stored was dwindling and that she was trying to ration it, if she was a vampire of course. It wouldn’t do anyone good if the Inquisitor went into a blood frenzy, so Solas prepared a vial of his own blood. He knew it would be potent enough to keep any vampire satiated for the rest of the journey, and he left it somewhere inconspicuous. A vampire would find it sure enough. Solas watched from a distance and when he saw that the Inquisitor was the one to pick it up it only confirmed his suspicions. His opinion of her didn’t change, in fact he was impressed that she was keeping it hidden so well. What Solas didn’t expect was to fall for the Inquisitor. She had such a brilliant mind, and she was so open to ideas about the Fade and spirits. Solas had been so blindsided that he fell in love before he could steel off his heart. One night they are together the Inquisitor seems more nervous than usual. When she finally speaks up she tells him that she’s a vampire and she starts to ramble but Solas just laughs gently and kisses her. “Ma Vhenan, I already knew.” His voice is soft as he cups her cheek. She looks shocked before replying, “You did? Why didn’t you say anything?” “It simply wasn’t my place, and clearly you were only taking what you needed. What you are doesn’t define you.”
Sera: Okay the only stories Sera knows about vampires is that they’re blood sucking demons who kill their victims by biting into their necks and drinking all the blood. Great for scary stories not for real life. She finds out because the Inquisitor tells her. They had just started getting serious and Sera was really excited, she really liked the Inquisitor. She really felt like she could trust her with everything and that Inky would always have her back. So when the Inquisitor told Sera that she was a vampire, Sera thought she was joking at first. That’s when the Inquisitor showed her the fangs and how her eyes went all creepy and black. Sera... did not handle it well at first. She kind of freaked out because 1. vampires were friggin real and that was really fucking scary and 2. Her inky was one of them? Inky left that night, she looked really sad and Sera felt really guilty. She hadn’t meant to make Inky feel bad, she was just... scared. It took Sera a few weeks to really accept it. Inky only hurt bad people, and she never bit anyone in Skyhold... there weren’t any bloodless bodies being discovered. And Sera was only feeling worse. Inky was giving her space, and the more Sera waited the more she wanted to hang out with Inky again. She really did love the Inquisitor, and as long as she wasn’t going to get all bitey and monstery Sera was pretty sure she could handle it. They talked about it together for a while and finally Sera hugged Inky close because, “I’m sorry... I acted like an ass... I just... i only heard about scary vampires, but... you’re not scary. Not really. You can be, but you’re also bloody amazing and you’re sweet, and you know how to make me feel... really nice and stuff. I’m sorry.” Sera is OK with the fact that Inky’s a vampire, as long as she isn’t hurting enemies and doesn’t drink blood around Sera it should be fine. Sera’s still a little nervous, but she trusts Inky.
Blackwall: Blackwall’s honestly just stumped. He finds out that the Inquisitor is a werewolf after she gets seriously hurt during a fight. He sends the others to go get a healer or something while he stays with the Inquisitor and tries to keep pressure on her wound. What stumps him is that the wound starts closing underneath his hands all on his own. He’s not a mage, and even so a spell wouldn’t work that fast or that clean. The Inquisitor tells him to grab the red vial from her pack and he does. The liquid inside looks suspiciously like blood and she quickly drinks it down. In a matter of seconds she begins to look better and within a few minutes she’s back to normal. Blackwall raised a brow and the Inquisitor sighed and quickly began to explain how she was a vampire, how she only took blood from the enemies they killed in battle, and how she hoped this wouldnt’ change anything about how Blackwall felt about her. Blackwall just gave her a smile and then kissed her, “Inquisitor after everything that’s happened you being a vampire is like the least crazy thing that’s happened alright? You still love me after finding out who I truly am, and honestly this doesn’t change how I feel.” He promises. As long as the blood is in a vial it doesn’t bother Blackwall. He does ask a few questions and while they travel he picks up herbs he knows that can be used to make the salve that will keep her safe from the sun. He also makes sure to remind her, in private of course, to pack enough blood vials if they’re going on a long journey. It’s actually the Inquisitor who’s so surprised that Blackwall’s taking the news so well. 
Iron Bull: He’s had a few run ins with vampires. Nasty creatures if they’ve gone feral from hunger. Honestly Bull’s not one to judge. He figures out that the Inquisitor is a vampire shortly after meeting them. The eyes, the teeth that just look a tad too sharp, on top of the way they always look so nervous when they’re traveling during the day are a dead give away to him. What he does do is keep his eye out for any strange deaths of Inquisition soldiers, but none come along. He knows the Inquisitor must be getting blood from somewhere, or else they would have gone feral by now and Maker that would fucking suck. But he’s pretty sure that’s not going to happen, so he drops the topic. He’s confident that the Inquisitor has their shit under control. The more he gets to know the Inquisitor the more he likes them. They guard themself a bit, only natural, but as the two grow closer Bull finds himself... he cares about them a great deal. The feeling is only solidified after they tell him its okay to save the Chargers. They trust him, they care about how he feels and what’s important to him, and honestly it feels amazing to have someone that close that cares for him like that. He wants to make them feel the same way. Every night they spend together he makes it special. He wants them to relax, to trust him, and afterwards when its just them curled close in bed he smiles. They both know a side of each other that no one else will get to see. It was the night when his Kadan gave him the dragon tooth necklace, they were curled up against Bull’s chest and he was playing with their hair and making sure they were resting when they told him they were a vampire. No wonder they had seemed so worked up all day, they were planning two huge things to admit to Bull. He kissed their neck gently and ran his hand down their side. “I know.” His voice was gentle and he chuckled when they asked how. “Ben Hasrath remember? Besides it wasn’t my place to ask about it Kadan. You weren’t hurting anyone and you still trusted me even knowing I was still working for the Qun. And before you ask, no it doesn’t change anything. You have my heart.” And he kisses them again before smirking a little, “One question, will biting me turn me into a vampire? No? Great.” It’s all about trust really, and Bull would trust his life with the Inquisitor. There’s only a few times that the Inquisitor gets gravely injured during battle, and Bull lets them drink from him. They’re always gentle and only take what they need. He feels a lot closer to them, and he’ll fight anyone that calls his Kadan a monster. 
Cassandra: She has heard of vampires before, yes. Cursed creatures forced to drink blood and dwell in the dark shadows just to survive. She knows they are not demons, but they are dangerous. Cassandra had always been confident that if she saw a vampire she would be able to tell right away. They would have large fangs, black eyes, and unable to step into the sunlight. Besides they were also quite rare, so she never even suspected that the Inquisitor was one. His odd behavior could simply be written off as someone who was squeamish around injuries which wasn’t uncommon at all. She finds out the Inquisitor is a vampire when he tells her. They had started to grow quite close. They weren’t dating yet, but Cassandra was really starting to open up to him, and he was making it very obvious that he wanted to be with her. She was nervous. He said they needed to talk and that never really sounded like it was going to be a positive thing. She frowned when she saw how nervous the Inquisitor looked. For a moment Cassandra thought she had done something that upset him, but then he started to talk. He explained what he was, how he felt she deserved to know before they got serious or anything, and that he’d understand if him being a vampire changed anything for Cassandra. She was stunned at first. This felt like a joke, she wanted to accuse him of making this a joke, or some prank, but the way he was looking at her. He clearly believed that what he was saying to be true. As if seeming to notice she was doubting his statement he showed her his fangs. Cassandra is not proud of how she handled the news. She walked away from him without a word. She needed time to think. The Seekers taught that vampires were monsters, no humanity in them, that they would kill because they enjoyed it and because they needed the blood. She began to go through the reports of every mission, looking for any odd deaths, of corpses drained of all of their blood, but she found none. No one seemed to have been turned either... Cassandra began to realize that she may have overreacted. She still needed to time to sort out her own feelings. It become obvious to her that the Seekers had lied once again, that the Inquisitor wasn’t actually a bloodthirsty killer. He couldn’t control what he was, and he wasn’t killing people and draining them. Eventually she decides that she still has feelings for the Inquisitor and she tells him as such (it’s awkward and she’s blushing because feelings are hard to express). Their relationship has a bit of a slow start, they both need to earn each other’s trust again, but once they do Cassandra feels so stupid for how she acted when he first told her. She makes sure he has enough blood vials, and she makes sure that he always has enough salve before leaving on journeys. She would hate if he turned into ash because he didn’t bring enough.
Cullen: One would think that Cullen would be quite nervous around the Inquisitor once he finds out she’s a vampire, but honestly? It was the opposite. The Inquisitor told him about what she was on a night where he was really struggling with beating his Lyrium addiction, and he had been embarrassed that anyone saw him so vulnerable, let alone the Inquisitor, but there was no judgement in her eyes. She closed the door to his office and began to help him pick up the shattered remains of his phial before sitting next to him. His hands were shaking, so she put hers on top of his. She told him what she was to show him he wasn’t alone. She too had something similar to his addiction, and how much of a struggle it could be sometimes, but that having those feelings didn’t make her weak, or any less of a person. He’s a little surprised at first, a little nervous for just a moment, but it ebbs away. She has done nothing but help people and do her best to save Thedas. Besides shes... she understands what hes going through... kind of. Knowing what she is early on actually helps them grow closer. Cullen opens up a little more and she comforts him and helps him stay strong on the days where it feels impossible to just get out of bed. When Cullen sees the Inquisitor start to get nervous because there are too many people in the room, too much temptation he pulls her out and makes an excuse so that they can be alone, so that she can have a chance to calm down. Sometimes he worries about her, that he’s going to lose her either because someone else found out and took things into their own hands, or because she runs out of her salve... when those worries fog his mind he finds her and murmurs to her so that they can retire to his room. He just needs to hold her close and assure himself that she’s okay, that she’s safe. Whenever she’s away on missions he’s nervous and jittery, but when she comes back safe and sound he relaxes almost immediately. He knows she doesn’t need sleep, but he does appreciate that she will spend the nights with him, just holding him close. It helps keep his nightmares at bay, and she assures him she likes to watch him sleep. 
Josephine: She was very surprised when the Inquisitor told her they were a vampire. For a moment she thought it was just another prank, but they were so nervous it couldn’t be. If she had had to suspect anyone of being a vampire she would have thought Dorian to be one, granted her only knowledge of vampires was based off what she had heard in stories. It is hard for her to wrap her head around it, but in the end she knows the Inquisitor. They haven’t attacked any allies, they haven’t drained anyone of all of their blood, and they are so kind to her. Josie keeps an open mind about it all really and she asks questions just in case. She wants to be prepared if word ever gets out because it would be absolutely awful if people wanted to kill her love just because of what they were. It takes a while for her to get used to it, but once she does it’s really not a big deal to her. Josie treats it like a condition. The Inquisitor just has rare dietary restrictions, a severe allergy to the sun, and doesn’t need sleep. 
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kibuto · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Prompt 17
Prompt: 17. There is just something about them/her/him Fanfiction: Dragon Age 2 Characters/Pairings: Carver Hawke and Bethany Hawke (Carver/Merrill, Bethany/Sebastian) Warnings: None
He found his sister pining - there was no other word to describe it. Bethany was sitting at a table in The Hanged Man, her index finger tracing designs on the rough wood with the slop-over from her mostly untouched tankard. Rolling his eyes, Carver sat down on the bench opposite her.
"You're not going all calf-eyed over that Chantry guy again, are you?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
Bethany looked up at him and frowned. "He has a name, you know. A perfectly nice, solid, entirely handsome, distressingly good-sounding in a Starkhaven accent name." Even though she'd gotten a little dreamy in the middle, her expression hardened again as if daring Carver to disagree.
"How can someone have a handsome name?" He dared. "You're being weird, Bethany."
"I'm not being weird. You're the one spouting off about mages whilst simultaneously unable to keep your eyes off one. Not that I can blame you; she's adorable." Carver might be acting a tit, but Bethany couldn't entirely fault his taste.
Carver squared his chin mulishly, ready to argue. But Bethany had knocked him off balance and the expression faltered. "There's just something about her. She's so sweet, so... innocent, really. I just want to protect her."
Bethany scoffed and picked up her tankard for a drink. "She's also a user of blood magic, you know. Don't forget that little detail."
"I haven't," Carver insisted. He had, actually. He knew that Merrill had resorted to blood magic on more than one occasion, and it didn't sit well in the pit of his stomach, but it was easy to forget whenever she turned one of her bright smiles his direction. She didn't act like the blood mages they'd seen other places.
Bethany pursed her lips as if to say something more, but took another drink instead and then offered it to Carver. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, does it? They'd never be interested in us. Just a pair of lonely Grey Wardens, off fighting darkspawn and other lovely things like that."
"At least we have each other," Carver agreed and downed the rest of the shared ale.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
2 and 11. :3
2.  A letter written by your OC’s family member
Dad Father,
Mother says I must call you Father, even though I told her you said to say Dad. Is that another word from your world? I like hearing about your world. You should come to Skyhold and and tell the Inquisitor.
The Inquisitor is very nice; I made friends with him, and we play chess and we play Archdemon and Warden when Mother isn’t looking to say I need to do my studies. Tash doesn’t like dragons much, so I get to be the Archdemon first every time! 
I miss you very much. Mother does too, but she tries to hide it. Are you coming back soon? Mother says I should not pester you. We also have adopted a cat. She is black all over. I wanted to wait until you got back to name her, but she needs a name NOW. Do you have any ideas?
(A drawing of a black kitten pawing at the viewer follows)
I wish you were here. Mother never makes me study when you’re around. I miss you too. And your hugs. I think Mother does too. She hugs me more when you aren’t here. I like it, but I like having you here too. Please be safe.
Your Son,
- From Kieran Walker to his father Morgan Walker while the latter checks in with Fereldan Warden-Commander Reyn Caron about the cure for the Taint after the events of “Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts” 
11. your OC’s description of their game’s events
“I would rap the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song if I was creative enough to come up with lyrics for it, but I’m not. I crash landed here in Thedas after finishing up my courses, which makes this basically the longest summer vacation in history. 
“To sum things up, I landed in a witch’s hut (said witch being my future mother-in-law, but more on that later) and let them know I was from another world, not Thedas, which went over better than you’d expect. We went around with two Wardens, Alistair and Aster, and slowly built up a rag-tag bunch of allies. We were trying to end the Blight by killing the Archdemon, but to do that, we needed allies, yadda yadda yadda. You know the story. We visited the Dalish, the Circle, Redcliffe, and we kicked ass at the Landsmeet.
“I had to make Alistair the King, which I still feel bad about, but sometimes we can’t do what we want, we do what we have to. And after that, Morrigan, who I had fallen head over heels in love with, told me about the Dark Ritual. Take it from me, ‘saving the world’ sex is just not as fun as other kinds. I had to drink a darkspawn’s blood - yes, it tastes terrible - and upon luckily surviving, I became a Grey Warden... but not, you know, officially. So now I help search for the cure, but anyway-
“I killed the Archdemon and ran off with Morrigan. So... that’s my story.”
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nekithamajere · 6 years
OC Interview Meme: Jace Surana
 I was tagged by: @space-vashoth
I tag: Whoever wants to do this
1. What is your name? Jace Surana
2. What is your real name?
Jacen Salvor. The Chantry changed my name to create a new lineage and make it harder for me to contact any existing family. I didn’t know this until recently though.
3. Do you know why you’re called that?
No. I don’t,
4. Are you single or taken? Oh sweet Maker am I taken. Leliana and I are married.
5. Do you have any abilities or powers? Well I am a mage, so yes. Mostly in elemental magic, though ice is where most of my finesse lay. Also area of effect spells. I’m what they call a ‘crafty bastard’.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
A Mary Sue? What is that? Is there something I’m not understanding?
7. What is your eye colour?
Unusual, though I suppose it could be because of my elven blood or my magic. A pale, pale blue...but with more *blue* to it. It’s hard to describe. 
8. How about hair colour?
Blood red, though I’m afraid it’s greying out already. People used to think I dyed it but no, it’s my natural colour.
9. Have you any family members?
I have Leliana. And a mother I know about now, I suppose. And my sisters, Ira and Kallian. I adopted Ira as my sister when we were children, and we adopted Kallian shortly after we Joined.
10. Oh? And how about pets?
Maker you have no idea. Right now I am host to a litter of kittens and a litter of Mabari pups. Thankfully all the kittens have homes, and pups have managed to chose people already.  I’m keeping one kitten. Her name is Max. She’s a brown tabby and she’s a little shit and I love her.
I also have my Mabari. Duncan. I haven’t used him for war yet. Mostly he serves as a service dog as well as a nursemaid to the pups and kittens. He’s the one who found the litters after all.
11. Oh that’s cool, tell me about something you don’t like.
You mean I need to narrow it down to just one thing? The Deep Roads are shit, darkspawn are shit, and nobility are shit. It’s just...eugh. Also spiders creep me out. And broodmothers....You know what, no, if I keep going we won’t move onto the next question.
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
Sweet Maker yet. I love caring for the animals Duncan and I have rescued. I love the fact I’m giving these animals a chance they wouldn’t otherwise have. It’s stressful but rewarding. 
I also love reading and collecting books. It’s comforting. 
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
14. Ever...killed anyone before?
15. What kind of animal are you?
Maker I don’t know. I’m not a shapeshifter like Ira. Um...if I had to pick an animal I’d like to be one of the little spoiled lapdogs in Orlais. I think I’d benefit from the pampering.
16. Name your worst habits.
Probably me not listening to people I guess? Or, I listen but I don’t give that impression. I tend to think I know what’s best, even when maybe I don’t. That’s another thing and it’s related.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Duncan...the person.I didn’t know him as long as I would have. Hmm...Right now I think I admire Marcus and Meraan the most. Maybe Muriel and Isabelle as well.
18. Gay, straight, bisexual?
Biromantic asexual, not that that’s any of your business.
19. Do you go to school?
No. I suppose you could call the Circle a school, so I’ve gone to one technically. 
20.  Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Technically I already have for both. I’ve married Leliana, and I’ve recently heard the child I had with Morrigan has survived. Part of me wants more children, but with the risk involved with Leliana and my jobs, as well as my poor health...I wouldn’t want to do that. If I even could have another biological child.
I think we would adopt, but again with our situation, I’d say no. I’m happy to keep rescuing animals honestly.
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
Probably. I mean I am a Hero of Ferelden.
22. What are you most afraid of?
...disappointing people who look up to me. Wasting away on a sickbed.
23. What do you usually wear?
Shirt and pants, then usually my Warden robes overtop. If it’s cold I wear more layers. It’s dependent on the chill.
24. Do you love someone?
Leliana, obviously.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
When I was a toddler? Probably? What kind of question is this?
26.Well it’s not over yet!
Obviously, otherwise I would have left by now. 
27. What class are you? (High, middle, or low class)
Uhmmmm....I think I’ve been part of all of them? In terms of sheer wealth I’m high class now, I think. I donate heavily, and I’m helping pay for a lot of things with the Inquisition.
28. How many friends do you have?
Too many to list them all.
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
I’m not often a huge fan of dessert pies, but I love savoury pies. I really like this steak pie they serve in Orzammar.
30. Favourite drink?
Hm...Tea, I think. Just a nice, Orlesian tea. Or cider. Apple cider is nice.
31. What’s your favourite place?
I like Valance. It’s where Leliana and I got married. There’s a lovely spot on the coast right near there that’s fantastic. 
32. Are you interested in someone?
33.  What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
Not answering this.
34.  Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
I’ve swam in both. Ocean was better.
35.  What’s your type?
Smart, kind, funny. I like stories too, which is convenient. 
36. Any fetishes?
Again, what kind of question is this? No next one.
37.  Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
Really? No. Next question.
38. Camping or indoors?
Indoors. With my books, and where it’s warm.
39. Do you want the interview to end?
If you’re going to keep asking me sexual questions, yes.
40. Now it’s over!
Oh good.
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thenugking · 6 years
Hi! For Amity's worldstate, please, 3, 9, 14, 17, 25
3.What would your Inquisitor generally think of your warden and your Hawke?
I haven’t played my Inquisitor for that worldstate yet but her concept is Nice Vashoth girl who makes good decisions and brings a lighter mood than Amity’s bullshit. She does Not like Amity at all, and finds the things she hears about her terrifying. I’m not sure about Griffon (the Warden in that world state yet). I suspect they’d get along and generally approve of each other.
9. Would your warden or Hawke have actually accepted the role of inquisitor if Cassandra had located them as she’d planned to? Would they have been a good leader for the Inquisition?
Griffon would absolutely not have agreed. Their whole story in Origins is about people attempting to force them into the role of Leader in a Social Setting and they’re incredibly uncomfortable with that, because it means a lot of trying to be cis and allistic and failing even apart from that, feel extremely unqualified and uncomfortable with leading the miserably while not being able to be themself either. They’re not going to go for that again, and Inquisition. They’re not Andrastian and while they support the mages, they feel like they’re too far removed from the situation to really try to bring a peace about here.
Amity would have jumped at the chance, with her number one goal being to become the most powerful person in the world. Her own personal army dedicated to stopping the mage war however she wants sounds great! She would have been a good leader in that she’s charismatic and skilled in leadership. But like, she would use the Inquisition to either enslave or genocide mages and conquer half of Thedas. Which is not so good.
14. If they’d been in each other’s places would they have made the same or different choices? And who would they have romanced, if anyone?
I don’t know about Vashoth yet except that yes she would very definitely have made different choices to Amity in DA2 because she is a decent person, and would possibly have romanced Merrill? Griffon is also a decent person and would have supported mages (and Anders and Justice) in everything and would probably have romanced Fenris or Isabela. They’re not really into any of the Inquisition romance options. Their main choices in Inquisition would be ally with the mages, recruit the Grey Wardens, have Briala rule Orlais, and find an elf to drink from the Well of Sorrows. They also wouldn’t kill any of the dragons because dragons are good and wonderful. I think they actually get the Pools of Sun turned into a wildlife sanctuary sometime before Inquisition. No hurting dragons there allowed.
It is really fun discussing Amity in other games though, so have a Lot of rambling about that. Apart from trying to take over Thedas, Amity as Inquisitor would go to the mages because she wants them, rather than the templars, under her control and would conscript them into the Inquisition. She’d recruit the Wardens to have them under her control too, and set up the alliance between Celene, Gaspard and Briala and try to use the blackmail information she had to control them all, while playing them off against each other. I’m not sure about the Well of Sorrows, if possible, she’d get someone she felt was harmless and who she could easily control to drink.
Regrettably, Amity is attracted to Solas and Dorian. She’s not interested in Blackwall at all until after the Reveal, when he sits in his cell full of self loathing and feeling very easy to manipulate and abuse, and then he’s really hot. Whatever “romance” she goes for will Not go well. Also, Amity would never see Cole because he takes one look at her and goes “NOPE”. He sticks around at the Inquisition and helps all the people she’s abusing see they still have worth and don’t deserve to be treated like this. And now I really love this idea and want to make a villain Inquisitor to do this with and I’m struggling to come up with a concept that’s as awful as Amity without just being Amity 2.0, oops.
Her decisions in Origins are harder because she can’t really see a reason to make many of the “bad” decisions. She’d save Redcliffe and be a Hero to them and then let Isolde sacrifice herself for Connor so she can tell Connor all about how his mum’s death and the shit that happened in Redcliffe was all his fault and make him hate himself. She’s swaying towards Harrowmont for Orzammar, because he’ll keep the casteless down and seems easier to manipulate, but she’d easily go for Bhelen instead if she thought that would make her look better, because she’s not intending to come back to Orzammar, so it doesn’t really matter what’s going on there. She also doesn’t see any reason to keep the Anvil of the Void, sure, it could make people suffer, but she doesn’t need to visit Orzammar to watch people suffer, so it’s better just to kill Branka to watch Oghren suffer right now, and be able to guilt him over his part in it.
I’m really not sure what she does with the werewolves and elves. Like, sure, she’s racist towards elves and would like to kill them but she also feels the same way about the werewolves. I think it comes down to whether she thinks she can’t justify genociding the Dalish enough to make her companions not realise she’s awful, or whether she’d rather hurt Zevran a lot. It could go either way. Amity wouldn’t desecrate the Urn because there’s no benefit to that. She’d kill Loghain because he could be dangerous and she wants to keep Alistair onside, and she’d make Alistair king, if possible with herself as queen.
She thinks Alistair and Zevran are both very good romance options (by which we mean very easy to abuse) but in the end I think she’d go with romancing Alistair, but fucking Zev because he did swear an oath to her. And then, presuming she treats Alistair the same way she treated Anders, things get Interesting, because there’s no way she’s going to let someone who belongs to Her fuck Morrigan. Which, in Amity’s opinion, means there are four ways the end of the game could go.
Alistair kills the Archdemon and dies. Amity loses both her favourite toy and her shot at being queen, while Alistair is remembered as a great hero.
Alistair kills the Archdemon but Riordan is wrong. Alistair survives and is held up as a great hero, surpassing Amity.
Amity kills the Archdemon and dies. This sucks for her, but she’ll be remembered as a great hero and if she guilts Alistair about it before she goes, he’ll hate himself for ages and potentially never get over her. So all in all it’s about as bad as option 2.
Amity kills the Archdemon but Riordan is wrong. She survives and gets everything.
So that’s how the actual worst person in the world would end up doing the Ultimate Sacrifice. It’s also how the Blight doesn’t actually end, because like the Darkspawn, Amity doesn’t have a soul.
17. If Origins and Inquisition had the 3 personalities (Diplomatic, Sarcastic, Aggressive) which would your warden and inquisitor have predominantly been? And what one did your Hawke have?
I suspect my Vashoth is going to be mostly diplomatic. Griffon would likely be a mix of diplomatic and direct-red. They’re not very aggressive but they don’t understand why they can’t just say what they mean. Amity was almost exclusively sarcastic; she’s just everyone’s good mate who tells shitty jokes and doesn’t take anything seriously, and not a total monster at all!!
25. What is/was their relationship with their family like?
I don’t know about my Vashoth yet. Amity gets along well with her family to make her life easier. She doesn’t give a shit about Leandra and Carver though, because there are very few people she actually gives a shit about at all. She’s delighted when Leandra gets kidnapped by a murderous blood mage because this gives her an excuse to be even grosser to mages, and wastes time looking for Leandra to raise the chance of her being dead by the time Amity got to her. She hates Bethany probably more than she hates anyone. Bethany got magic that gave her power Amity didn’t have, and their parents’ desire to protect their mage daughter dragged Amity back for years.
Griffon’s relationship with their family is not great. At the start of the game, they’re trying to be a good daughter but not even managing to be a daughter at all, and their parents aren’t willing to consider that their child isn’t allistic or cis. There’s a lot of stuff like having to wear fancy dresses that give Griffon dysphoria and unpleasant sensory stimulation, and then Griffon has a meltdown and their parents get disappointed in them for behaving like a child and embarrassing everyone.
Griffon loves their family though and is distraught about their deaths. They continue to try and be a Good Noble Girl to honour their family’s wishes, letting Eamon arrange for them to be married to Alistair (so that he can rule through Two easily manipulated politically un-savvy people) until the end of the game. At the end, they let themself free of what their parents and Eamon and everyone else wants, and go to rebuild the Wardens and marry Zevran. They’re very happy to discover Fergus survived, as well as relieved that he can now rule Highever instead of them, but let him know that they’re Griffon and they/them now, and if he can’t deal with that then they’re not going to get along anymore, sorry.
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paragonrobits · 6 years
Lady Adaar and her stabby elf friend Mahaenon have a talk about how weird it is that Solas actually goes by the elven word for Pride.
Also on Ao3 and FFnet!
Haven was a nice enough place to call home. Perhaps not for long, as had mused the inner circle of the fledgling Inquisition's agents; the eight of them, forming the very core of the reborn organization's most powerful and skilled agents, all clustering around the Herald of Andraste. When you were a qunari surrounded by, mostly, humans and ones that might have a ax to grind against anyone with horns and metallic-colored skin, you were grateful for company that was going to protect you from them.
Particularly when you were an apostate. The word meant little but, somehow, Herah Adaar suspected, the so-called authorities of the Chantry would find some way to accuse her of horrible crimes because she was qunari and a mage at the same time.
She quite liked the situation here. She enjoyed the company; the Trevelyan twins were good-natured company, much more down to earth than human nobility could honestly be expected to be, and they were from the Free Marches, same as her. Her husband was along for the ride - if 'husband' was really the same for a long-term breeding pair arranged by them, just for the sake of expanding their families, but they got along well enough and considered the other a great friend - and Kaaras was always a sucker for the notion of protecting the weak, and the small. The dwarven Cadash cousins were reckless rouges, but good ones; she liked them, and she trusted them with her life... if not her sovereigns. And the elves...
Dammit she was pretty sure she was mostly in love there. At least, she didn't want to see them or their clan hurt worse than they already had been.
Guess I'm a sucker for being a hero, too, Adaar thought, as she peacefully drank in the bar Sister Leliana had set up in Haven.
Sitting beside her, and somehow managing to make simple posture do the job of daring the world to try something just because he was Dalish surrounded by humans, Mahanon slugged his drink back, and if the extremely strong rum did more than make his throat tickle, there wasn't the slightest sign of it. A few dwarves - possibly ex-Carta, the Inquisition had been courting their ranks and a lot of them thought that honorary clan status granted by some very tricky political maneuvering through the Inquisition with Orzammar was worth the risk - muttered in astonishment, as did the humans in the tavern and even a couple of the Vashoth that were trickling into the ranks.
Adaar contemplated trying to best him in a drinking contest. She thought better of it; she was big for a qunari, the horned giants of Par Vollen, and elves were small and frailer than humans. He was nearly half her size, but he could just drink and drink without the slightest hint of inebriation. She wondered where he was putting it all. Thinking of how Sera could eat so much without gaining an ounce, Herah supposed that elves had to have a truly wicked metabolism.
Adaar glanced around hopefully. "Damn. Doesn't look like the others are coming around."
Mahanon shook his head, his facial tattoos so pale that they nearly shone against his dark skin. The tree design of Mythal and her chosen role wasn't too different from the vibrant vitaar war paint she wore, even now. "Nah. Doesn't look like it." He shrugged mildly. "Still. I suppose I wasn't really expecting them to."
"Where'd they get of too, then?"
He gave her a vaguely smug, knowing look. "And how do you know that I know, eh?"
Adaar chuckled. "Because you know where everyone is, all the time. Come on." She laid a heavy hand on the table; not her good hand either. She did her best to keep the hand that had been... marked, hidden from view. It still tingled, almost hurt now, and the flashes of green and raw magical energy tended to upset people. And the Mark was on her good hand. It was a bother.
He noticed her doing that, and his face fell as he saw her grunt with the effort of not showing the pain.
Mahanon liked messing with people, and he had a body count higher than the entire Valo-Kas company ('shems that deserved it', he reassured them with a wild grin, and since there were so many humans that deserved swords in the face, his new friends had nodded... including the Trevelyans, who had something of an inside view of the nastiness of human evil), but he didn't like seeing anyone get hurt, either. The two were probably connected; see a shem making someone miserable, kill the shem, end of hurting. He did not have a particularly fraught internal view.
So for once, he dropped the games and came straight out about it. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Should have told you the others couldn't show." He spoke at length, then. "The Cadash cousins are off some kind of reunion with the golem that helped stop the last Blight."
"Wait. The golem that was with the Hero of Ferelden!?"
"Yep. Same one!"
"The self-aware talking golem? The one that's kind of a jerk?"
"Yep, that one. Seems that this... Shale... is an ancestor of theirs. An old-time Cadash warrior, back when she was a dwarf." Mahanon proposed a theory. "My guess would be that... uh, might be trying to figure out how to make other golems self-aware too."
"Huh. That would be interesting. Imagine all the stuff they've have to talk about."
"I figure it'd mostly be dead boring. Golems mostly just toil and smash darkspawn. Might get repetitive." Mahanon changed the subject. "Now, the humans... honestly I'm not totally sure what they're doing. Not specifics. Way I understand it, Josie thought they'd make dab hands at talking with a delegation of Templars that used to serve at the Ostwick Circle. Something like that. Diplomatic garbage." He refrained from saying shem bullshit but you could, as it wear, hear what he wasn't saying. He had too much grudge with humans to just let go of it - too much pain, too much bad blood, too much suffering and things just getting worse and worse by human hands for thousands of years - but he liked the Trevelyans to be cruel.
"What about your sister?" Adaar asked. "I think I saw her earlier today."
"...Oh yeah. I bet you did." Mahanon growled. "Bet my clan-sister is off chatting with Solas," He gave a dismissive snort.
Adaar rumbled. "And Kaaras is off teaching Sera how to do proper stitching. He's found himself a good one to mother." She took a long drink. Something about Mahanon's tone was bothering her. "Solas... huh. You don't like him?"
"Mm. Complicated, Vashoth." Mahanon stared into his drink, like he was trying to see some kind of portent. "I want to like him. He makes it real easy to like him.. unless you get him talking shit about the Dalish." He sneered, but genteelly. "If I wanted to hear someone be a snob about my people, I'd waste my time with... well, honestly, anyone except you and the others. But its worse, coming from an elf."
Adaar nodded gloomily. "Like when a 'real' qunari says anything about Vashoth like me."
"Yeah. You get it." Mahanon shook his head.
"Listen," Adaar said. "I like Solas, but sometimes it's like listening to my grouchy grandpa complaining about the good old days. It's kind of depressing."
Mahanon grinned. He looked thoughtful. "Thought your family was too young generation to have grandparents."
"Okay, fine, fair enough, but there's an old dwarf that hangs out at the farm and complains to mama and papa and all my dozen littler siblings about how much he liked it when he still lived in Orzammar. He's like a grandpa. I guess." Adaar raised a hand. "One of these days I want to introduce Varric to him. Just for the snark."
"Please let me be there, I want to hear all the sarcasm." Mahanon chuckled. "...Solas. Solas. Even the name is weird. Who takes a name like that when you're trying not to creep out the shems?"
Adaar gave him a look. "Come again?"
"Solas." Mahanon grunted. "Come on, friend. I know you've been trying to learn my people's languages. His name doesn't sound weird to you?"
"No? Should it?"
"Huh. Must not have seen it, I suppose. Look." Mahanon gestured vaguely, a sign that he wasn't as together as he liked to pretend. "Solas, it... ah, it translates somewhat into a few words in the common tongue. Hard to convey it. Arrogance, overwhelming ambition... ah." He snapped his fingers, happy at working it out. "Pride is a good analogue. Solas basically means pride."
"Wait. Our elvish apostate - besides your sister, I mean - is literally named pride?"
"Yup." Mahanon gulped down another mugful of rum. "That doesn't seem strange to you?"
"I dunno. It's only a name." Adaar waved a hand with the slightly fussy, extremely precise movements of a mage still knew to the particulars of being a Knight-Enchanter. "Look at my folks. Named ourselves Adaar. I know Bull probably translated it to you as 'weapon', but it specifically refers to those giant things the followers of the Qun use. Big, loud, make a lot of fire? Those things." She grunted. "Doesn't mean much, does it now?"
"You're named after big things that shoot fire," Mahanon said slowly, giving her a wry grin. Adaar sniffed, aware that she was so big, even among the Qunari, that sitting down Mahanon did not even come up completely to her elbow. Standing upright, he wouldn't be much higher than her gut. "You're big. And you like the magic that makes things burny and explodey."
"I'm the exception that proves the rule?"
He laughed at that. "I'm just saying that, if that is his real name, that's very unusual for him to claim so." Mahanon looked thoughtful. "Granted. Shems don't speak my language well too often - Josie does her best, bless her - so he'd be justified in figuring no one would notice. But he still uses it around elves. Dalish and otherwise. You'd think if he was trying to be harmless, what with being an apostate surrounded by grumpy ex-templars with big shiny swords, he'd be trying to present himself less ominously."
Adaar sighed. "In my experience, a lot of humans refuse to take elves seriously at all. Sorry. They're little shitheads that way."
Mahanon nodded sagely. "I find that a couple swords in the face usually sets them straight. I mean. Typically they're dead but it gets the point across." he wiggled a finger. "So, if my sister wants to get her hands all over him, good for her. I like seeing her not get all gloomy and vengeful against the shems for once. But I'm just real suspicious of anyone that goes around calling themselves pride incarnate. It's weird."
Adaar took a drink. A Vashoth who cheerfully followed the religion of Andraste, even if her overall opinion of the Chantry was 'watch it burn with a big smile', she was hardly one to criticize being unusual by local standards. "I don't think anyone here is really normal. This Inquisition thing is weird."
"On that, my big horny friend, we are agreed."
"Please don't call me that in mixed company. It gives the wrong impression."
"Well. Now I feel obligated to do so in really mixed company, for maximum effect. You've gone and challenged me, falon!"
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Ilona Cousland (Tv Tropes)
100% Adoration Rating: Every single one of Ilona’s companions admires and become extremely loyal to her over the course of the story.
This is also the case with Ilona’s marriage to Alistair as the royal couple becomes extremely popular, in part because the people can see how very happily married they are.
The Ace: She evolves into this over the course of the story.
Affectionate Nickname: Being the youngest child, Ilona was frequently called “Pup” by her father during her childhood.
After starting a romantic relationship with her, Alistair starts calling Ilona his lady love, “my dear” and “my love”.
After Ilona helps him find his sword, Sten refers to her as “kadan,” meaning something akin to ‘close to the heart.’ 
Morrigan begins calling Ilona “my friend” partway through the story and even starts to think of her as a sister, For the Defrosting Ice Queen, this is a very big deal.
Arraigned Marriage: At the beginning of the story, Arl Howe tries to set one up between Ilona and his son Thomas. Ilona isn’t too fond of the idea as during her childhood Tomas picked on her a lot and gave her the impression that he didn’t like her.
Ass Kicking Equals Authority: After surviving the Blight, Ilona becomes Warden-Commander of all the Grey Wardens in Ferelden, which also effectively makes her the Arlessa of Amaranthine since Amaranthine was given to the Grey Wardens after the Blight.
She also becomes Queen of Fereldan after marrying Alistair, the illegitimate son of King Maric.
In Dragon Age II, Ilona has ruled Amaranthine for six years and was competent enough to quickly turn Arl Howe’s den of provincial aristocratic corruption into a powerful rival of Kirkwall itself, so apparently, Asskicking Equals Competent Authority.
Awesome Moment of Crowning: Ilona becomes Queen of Fereldan after marrying Alistair, the illegitimate son of King Maric.
Badass Bookworm: At the beginning of the story, Ilona mentions to Dairren that she spent a lot of time in her grandfather’s library.
Badass Family: Ilona’s family, the Couslands have served as a Big Good in Ferelden for centuries. Both of her parents fought Orlesian forces in the Ferelden Revolution (Bryce fought beside the King, while Eleanor led her father’s Armada), which was how they met. At the beginning of the story, Teyrn Bryce Cousland and Fergus Cousland, Ilona’s older brother, Jumped at the Call to fight alongside King Cailan against darkspawn forces in Ostagar. Retired Badass, Teyrna Eleanor Cousland is also still no slouch with her bow and arrows.
Badass Normal: Ilona was this before she went through the joining as she was able to essentially mows through a large crowd of Arl Howe’s personal soldiers in order to safely escort her mother through the family castle in the dark of night.
Bad Powers, Good People: Ilona falls under this to a minor degree after going through her joining and becoming an official member of the Grey Wardens. During the Joining Ritual, Warden recruits willing imbibe Darkspawn blood in order to take the Taint into themselves, granting them increased strength, stamina and complete immunity to the Blight spread by the Darkspawn as well as the ability to sense said Darkspawn. Sadly, this comes at the cost of only giving them roughly thirty years left to live, before they eventually succumb to its effects. The Joining Ritual can be considered a form of Blood Magic as it grants the Wardens the power of the Darkspawn taint by drinking the blood of Darkspawn.
Battle Couple: She and Alistair are considered this.
Because You Were Nice to Me: It is revealed that Ilona is one of the only real friends (if not the only one) that most of most of her companions have ever had. This is particularly true of Morrigan (who has never known anyone that she even liked before meeting Ilona), Zevran (whose closest friend is willing to kill him), and Shale (who has never before known a person who didn’t exploit it).
Benevolent Boss: Ilona treats all of her servants with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Even the elven ones.
Berserk Button: Arl Rendon Howe becomes this to Ilona after he kills her entire family, including her beloved five-year-old nephew.
Beware the Nice Ones: Ilona is the nicest and friendliest person in all of Thedas, but that doesn’t stop her from fighting anyone that’s stupid enough to try to harm her and/or her friends and family. 
Big Eater: It’s a Grey Warden thing, apparently.
Big Good: Ilona is considered this, especially since she is part of the Cousland family who have for centuries stood as the Big Good towards all of Ferelden. It’s worth noting that Highever is actually a Principality of Ferelden, being mostly independent and self-governed, and Ilona’s father, Teyrn Bryce Cousland, is old friends and on a First-Name Basis with all of the people who owe fealty to him. It’s mentioned that he was once offered the throne and turned it down since as an ardent royalist, he believed that it should fall to Cailan, the rightful heir. When the Darkspawn threat arose, Teyrn Cousland was prepared to march into battle with the King’s Army, alongside his son and eldest child, Fergus, in order to defend Ferelden. Unfortunately, most of the line was brutally murdered by their treacherous friend, Arl Howe; Fergus and Ilona are the only surviving members of the family.
Blessed with Suck/Cursed with Awesome: At the beginning of the story, Ilona is selected as a Grey Warden recruit — the highest honor to which anyone in Thedas could ever aspire! Yet any birthright or title she had is now forfeit. But she has yet to become a Grey Warden - first she had to drink darkspawn blood, which mostly often kill people right away. If it doesn’t, then the person is considered an official Grey Warden! A warrior who can sense the darkspawn and destroy archdemons at the low cost of obliterating their soul. Of course, Darkspawn can sense Grey Wardens just as easily as Grey Wardens can sense Darkspawn. Oh, and Grey Wardens have about thirty years to live until the taint starts turning them into a darkspawn, at which point the Grey Warden instruction troubleshooting manual tells them to go on a suicide run against the darkspawn hordes. Oh, and having children becomes more difficult, especially if the other parent is also a Grey Warden. Furthermore, Grey Wardens are constantly plagued by nightmares.
This is inverted as Ilona and Alistair agree to Morrigan’s suggestion to perform a dark ritual which involves Alistair impregnating Morrigan with a child that will bear the taint and contain the archdemon’s soul once it is slain therefore preventing either of the Wardens from dying. Ilona and Alistair are also crowned the King and Queen of Fereldan and have twins, a son named Duncan and a daughter named Eleanor.
Blue Blood: Being the youngest child of the noble Cousland family, she is considered this.
Boxed Crook: Ilona is one of the last known surviving members of her family, the rest of whom were massacred on trumped-up charges of treason, and there’s most certainly a bounty on her head if they ever went anywhere near her home region again. 
But I Can’t Be Pregnant!: This is Ilona’s reaction when she found out she was pregnant with twins because Grey Wardens have low fertility and therefore it’s considered impossible for them to have children, especially if both parents are Grey Wardens. 
But Now I Must Go: At some point in the decade between the end of the first two stories, Ilona leaves Thedas in pursuit of a mysterious mission which revealed in Dragon Age: Inquisition is about trying to find a cure for the taint.
Canine Companion: Ilona has a Mabari war hound named Brutus, who has been her pet since childhood.
The Chessmaster: At the Landsmeet, Ilona was able to manipulate every single lord but one into supporting her over Loghain, even without the heavy support of his daughter, Anora.
The Chooser of the One: It was left up to Ilona to decide who ends up on the throne of Fereldan and Orzammar.
The Chosen One: Averted, as Ilona was merely the Right Woman in the Wrong Place. Further averted with the Darkspawn Chronicles, which depicts a non-canonical Alternate History where Ilona died during her Joining and Alistair was forced to step up. It didn’t end well.
Clear My Name: Howe tries to convince the nobles of Fereldan that the reason why he slaughter Ilona’s family and usurp their lands was because they were converting with Orlesian spies. It’s eventually revealed that almost none of the nobles believed him anyway, so there was really nothing to clear.
Ilona and Alistair go through the entire story knowing that Loghain is doing his best to convince the entire country that the Grey Wardens were responsible for King Cailan’s death.
Commanding Coolness: Ilona becomes “Warden-Commander of Ferelden” in Awakening. She is also referred to as “Commander of the Grey” by some characters.
Cool Aunt: She is clearly seen as this by her nephew, Oren.
The Creon: Ilona’s entire family is this. Despite being the most powerful nobility in all of Ferelden beside the King, they have no desire for more power and are rumored to have turned down the crown.
Ilona is also considered this herself and only becomes Queen of Fereldan just so she can be with the man she loves.
Daddy’s Girl: Out of everyone in her family, Ilona is the closets with her father and greatly takes after him.
Death Seeker: Ilona isn’t afraid of possibly not surviving the joining or even death itself, mainly because if she died she would at least be able to be with her family again. The friends she makes throughout the story and falling in love with Alistair give her a new reason to live, however.
Determinator: Ilonas is forced to become this in order to unite Ferelden and defeat the Blight.
This is also the reason why Ilona doesn't appear in Dragon Age: Inquisition? She is looking for a way to cure the darkspawn taint. The tone of the letter she sends suggests she see the impossibility of this as a mere inconvenience.
The Dreaded: She becomes this to Loghain and particularly Arl Howe.
During “Unrest at the Alienage”, when Ilona and her companions run into a bunch of Tevinter slavers and tell them who she is:
          Guard: “Oh no! I’ve heard of you!”
In Awakening, many nobles fear Ilona’s retribution after Howe’s treachery against the Cousland Family. Is especially lampshaded by Lord Eddelbrek’s quick mention that he had nothing to do with Howe’s actions.
The Drifter: For the Grey Wardens, it’s practically their raison d'être.
The Dutiful Daughter: She is this at the beginning of the story.
Empowered Badass Normal: As a warrior, Ilona gains access to the slightly mystical Templar and reaver specializations, and more.  Avernus’ blood draughts also gives her upgraded abilities.
Even the Girls Want Her: Ilona is considered to be so beautiful that even a number of women of every race want her.
The Exile: Ilona is effectively this since returning to Highever would almost certainly be a death sentence while Howe is running the place.
A Mother to Her Men: Ilona spends almost as much time guiding her followers through their personal demons as she does fighting actual demons.
The Fettered: Ilona is considered this.
Folk Hero: Ilona becomes this after killing the archdemon and ending the fifth blight.
For Want of a Nail: Ilona surviving the Joining is a pretty crucial nail. If she hadn’t survived the Joining, Ferelden would have been lost to The Blight.
Friend to All Children: Ilona is the kind of person who loves children.  
She had a close, loving relationship with her five-year-old nephew and was heartbroken when she discovered that he had been slain during Howe’s attack on Castle Cousland.
While in Honneleath, she protects a little girl named Amalia from a demon that wants to possess her.
In Redcliffe, She saves Arl Eamon’s young son from being possessed by a demon.
Instead of feeling resentful towards Kieran and despite having never met him, Ilona loves and cares about the young boy and hopes that he is safe, despite knowing that he is the illegitimate son of her husband Alistair and her friend Morrigan.
Friend to All Living Things:  Ilona is also the kind of person who cares about animals and other living things.
While at Ostagar, she helps tend to some ill mabari hounds without accepting an award and frees a number of other mabari hounds from cages in the Tower of Ishal during the battle.
At a Dalish camp, Ilona resolves a life-threatening situation with one of the hallas by calming it down so the keeper of the hallas can try to figure out what’s causing it distress.
Girly Bruiser: Ilona is a female warrior who can beat the snot out of Darkspawn while armor and then turn around and fawn over cute shoes and hairstyles with Leliana.            
Good Is Not Soft: Ilona seems to excel at delivering Cruel Mercy to people.
A good example is with Nathaniel Howe in Awakening. He tried to break into Vigil’s Keep in order to kill Ilona for killing his father who massacred Ilona’s family. Instead of executing him and impressed that it took four grey wardens to restrain him, Ilona decided to recruit him into the Grey Wardens.
Also in Awakening, Ilona was required to pass sentence on a man who stole in order to feed his starving family. Instead of having him executed, she makes the man join the army.
Grey Wardens Have Good Sex: Ilona is considered an exceptional lover and becomes even more so after becoming a grey warden. Apparently, it’s a trait all Grey Wardens share, as people tell stories about their “legendary stamina”.
Happily Married: She and Alistair are this as the epilogue states that Alistair openly adores his wife, much to the delight of the rest of the kingdom.
Ilona’s parents were this as well as the beginning of the story depicts them as kindly people who love each other very much, and remain Together in Death to buy their daughter time to escape when the castle is attacked.
Ilona’s older brother Fergus and his wife Oriana are also this. Unfortunately, it didn’t end well as both his wife and son are killed at the beginning of the story. Luckily, he gets another chance at this after meeting Anora during Alistair’s coronation. 
The Heart: Ilona is this to her team of companions along with being the leader.
Hello, Nurse!:  Ilona is considered to be extremely beautiful. Almost everyone wants her and comments very admiringly on how beautiful she is, referring her as being drop-dead gorgeous.
The Hero: She is definitely this since she’s the main protagonist.
Hero with Bad Publicity: Played with. Despite Loghain’s claim that the Grey Wardens are responsible for the King’s death, the only people who really believe that, and subsequently antagonize Ilona and Alistair, are either Loghain’s men or mercenaries/desperate refugees with their eye on the bounty for the Wardens. Some people gossip in various settlements, but their opinion seems to fluctuate from moment to moment.
Subverted with Ilona’s family as Arl Howe attempted to tarnish the family’s name by claiming the Couslands were killed in a failed rebellion to seize the throne for Orlais. However, when Ilona spoke to the other nobles prior to the Landsmeet, it is made clear that almost no one actually believes him.
Hope Bringer: Ilona is seen as this by most of the populace of Fereldan.
By the time of Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dagna the Arcanist describes Ilona in such a way.
          Dagna: “It was a dark time. There was one light.”
Hypercompetent Sidekick: More or less ends up as this at the end with Alistair along with becoming his Queen. Alistair leads the kingdom and delivers the Rousing Speeches, while Ilona does this as well while also leading the armies.
In-Series Nickname: Nearly everyone refers to the Ilona as “the Warden.” It’s a logical enough nickname, but it comes off a little bit strange given that she isn't “THE” Warden as there are two, Alistair being the other one.  
Wynne implies that Ilona is also known as “the last of the Couslands.”
In Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Ilona is known as “the Hero of Ferelden”.
It’s All My Fault: Ilona blames herself for her parent's deaths after leaving them behind in order to escape the attack on her family’s castle with Duncan, believing that they would still be alive if she had stayed and defended them to death. During the “Urn of Sacred Ashes”, She undergoes the Gauntlet, where she confronts her feelings of guilt.
It’s Personal: Ilona vows revenge on Arl Howe for the brutal murder of her entire family. 
Lady and Knight: She’s still technically a Knight, but Alistair acts like the White Knight to her Bright Lady. 
Lady of War: Ilona fits this to a T.
She’s lightly scolded about this at the beginning of the story by her mother, who wants her to get married and believes being a warrior would prevent her from doing so. She later gets this lampshaded, albeit mockingly, by Arl Howe:
         Arl Howe: “Well, well. Bryce Cousland’s little spitfire. All grown up and still playing the man!”
Last of His Kind: While there are other Grey Wardens in the world, Ilona and Alistair are the only ones left in Ferelden, and thus the only ones close enough to end the Blight in a timely and decisive manner.
Ilona is also the last surviving member of the Cousland family. Almost. In fact, her brother is alive, but she doesn’t learn this until the ending and he ceases to be important to the plot after Ostagar. 
The Leader: She is the all four types leader of the group.
Like A God to Me: Over the course of the story, Ilona’s companions start to feel this way about her. Zevran calls her “an object worthy of worship.
In Awakening, Alistair fondly notes that “I married an indestructible goddess.”
Like Brother and Sister: Her relationship with Zevran is this.
Living Emotional Crutch: She is considered this towards her companions.
Living Legend: Ilona becomes one during the story, and the extent of her fame is seen as part of the landscape of Dragon Age II and Inquisition.
Loved I Not Hourned More: Wynne lampshades this, reminding Ilona that she will have to put her duty as a Grey Warden ahead of her romance with Alistair when it comes to saving the world.
Morrigan brings this up in a conversation with Alistair, pointing out that “fraternization” between two Grey Wardens could be problematic if they ever have to choose between saving Ferelden or saving each other.
By Awakening, even after becoming Queen, Ilona is back in the fray serving as Warden-Commander of Ferelden only six months later.
Magic Knight: Inverted after learning templar skills from Alistair.
She also learns the Spirit Warrior skills and Reaver Skills in Awakening.
Magnetic Hero: Comes off as this.
Meaningful Name: Ilona is an Hungarian variation of name Helen which means “beauty and light”. The “beauty” part fits her really well as she is seen by a number in Fereldan as being extremely beautiful looking. As for the light part, the people of Fereldan considered her a shining light in all the darkness during the dreadful time of the blight.  
Ilona’s last name is Cousland, which is derived from the Gaelic form of absolom, meaning “Peace.” The Couslands have been the Big Good of Ferelden since before Ferelden actually existed. Basically, her name means “The Beauty and Light of Peace”.
Mistaken for Gay: Gossips heard in Witch Hunt say that some believe that Ilona is bisexual and that she had a one night stand with Isabela at a brothel known as “The Pearl” during the blight, when in real life, Ilona was actually playing a friendly card game of “Wicked Grace” with her .
Modest Royalty: Ilona’s family the Couslands has shades of this. While they are the most powerful and respected noble family under the actual royal family, they still frequently talk to each other and allies informally. Ilona is also this as well as when she asks other Nobles to just use her given name in lieu of her title when they recognized her as being a Cousland. She still continues to this after becoming Queen.
Morality Pet: Becomes this to a few of her companions, especially Morrigan.
Mr. Exposition: In Witch Hunt, Ilona talks about her previous visits to various locations and explains important plot elements to Ariane and Finn. Justified as Finn and Ariane weren’t around in the main story to witness any of these things, while Brutus, who was there for most of them, naturally isn’t able to speak of them since he’s a dog.
My Significance Sense Is Tingling: The Joining allows all Grey Wardens to sense Darkspawn. Unfortunately, it works the other way around too.
        Ilona: "Warden-senses tingling"
Never Accepted in His Hometown: Ilona suffers this as a result of her home being seized by Arl Howe after he massacres her family.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Ilona is indirectly responsible for the Mage-Templar War, having recruited Anders and the Spirit of Justice in Awakening. This takes on a much darker tone after the events of Dragon Age II when Anders, who has become Justice’s new host, ends up blowing up the Kirkwall Chantry in order to force a confrontation between the Mages and the Templars, setting up the means for every Circle in Thedas to rise up in rebellion. It’s made worse by the fact that this was likely due to the Grey Wardens’ philosophy teaching him that Utopia Justifies the Means.
Noble Fugitive: Becomes this at the beginning of the story after escaping the attack on her family’s castle.
Occult Detective: While the darkspawn are their primary concern, the Wardens do train themselves to be able to deal with any threat.
Odd Friendship: Ilona is this with all of her companions, except for Alistair and Brutus. When your closest friends include a Qunari Warrior, a Stone Golem, the daughter of Flemeth, a member of the Antivan Crows, an elderly Mage kept alive by a Fade Spirit, a Femme Fatale Spy who had a Heel–Faith Turn, and a constantly drunk Dwarf, it’s worth considering the possibility that you are the odd person in this friendship.
The trait carries over to the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits recruited in the Awakening. This includes a Howe who tried to murder Ilona in order to avenge his father, an apostate mage on his seventh escape attempt from the Circle, a perky female Dwarf from the Legion of the Dead, a rather prickly Dalish First searching for her kidnapped sister, the corpse of a Grey Warden inhabited by a Spirit of Justice, and the return of the constantly drunk Dwarf.
Nathaniel Howe is a particularly Odd Friendship for Ilona, as he’s the son of the man who murdered Ilona’s entire family. Giving the Howes a chance to redeem themselves seems to be a Cousland trait. However, unlike his predecessors, Nathaniel’s actually a very deserving fellow and grows quite fond of the Warden-Commander, leading to arguably the least odd of the odd friendships.
In Golems of Amgarrak, the party includes a Dwarf Beastmaster who is searching for his brother and the secrets of Amgarrak, his brother who went mad from what he found there, and a salvaged Runic Golem.
In Witch Hunt, the party includes an impish Dalish warrior searching for an Ancient Tome stolen from her clan by Morrigan, and a bookish Circle Mage afraid of blood and dirt, as well as the return of Ilona's faithful dog, who’s finally finished repopulating Ferelden’s Mabari kennels.
In Awakening, Ilona mentions Zevran when Nathaniel asks her why she would recruit him into the Grey Wardens even though he tried to kill her to which she casually remarks "You’d be surprised how many of my closest friends have tried to kill me at some point.“
Old Hero, New Pals: In Awakening, Ilona trades in one Ragtag Bunch of Misfits for another, with Oghren only staying due to his lack of screentime in the story. It happens again in Witch Hunt as well.
Only Sane Employee: Given that the only other Warden in Ferelden is Alistair, Ilona frequently comes across as this.
One-Man Army: The tales of the First Blight say that every Grey Warden is able to fight ten or twenty darkspawn at once. Ilona is The Dreaded because of this.
Only Sane Woman: Besides Alistair and Wynne, Ilona is the most well-adjusted of the group in a traditional human sense; Leliana and Zevran are both assassins who tend to use sex to get to their targets and both were betrayed by people they trusted implicitly with all of the issues that implies, Oghren is an exaggeration of the stereotypical drunk dwarf who was kicked out of polite dwarven society for a large number of reasons, Sten is from a very alien culture and has a tendency to solve many problems with violence, Shale is a golem with decades worth of misanthropy built up whose stated favorite activity is smashing something’s head and watching the blood gush, and Morrigan is a brutally pragmatic survivalist with severe empathy issues.
Except Brutus. He has no issues at all. Because he is a dog.
Parental Abandonment: Inverted as both of Ilona’s parents are present at the beginning of the story; they are both likable, genuinely good people who clearly love their children and each other very much. Unfortunately, they are both brutally murdered at the beginning of the story.
Parental Favoritism: Ilona is considered to be her father’s favorite child; Surprisingly, her big brother Fergus doesn’t seem to be remotely distressed by this fact.
Pragmatic Hero: Ilona can be this sometimes.
A good example of this is the “Trial of Crows” questline. While Ilona still has a price on their head and the Antivan Crows never abandon a contract, by agreeing to carry out assassinations on disreputable individuals for them, she will have earned enough favour that if the Guildmaster after them calls for aid in performing the hit, the other cells will be less inclined to agree.
In Awakening, Ilona allies with the Architect. The epilogue reveals that while many of the other senior Grey Wardens question this decision, they do notice the mysterious drop in darkspawn activity all across the Deep Roads as a result.
Princess in Rags: Becomes this after her family is slaughtered and their lands and titles usurped by Arl Rendon Howe.
Protagonist Without a Past: Inverted. The beginning of the story shows a clearly-defined past, complete with friends and relatives that have their own part in the story.
Riches to Rags: Ilona is a former noblewoman who lost most of her family members and became exiled from her lands.  She goes to Rags to Riches after avenging her family, therefore reclaiming their lands and titles and becomes Queen of Fereldan by marrying Alistair.
Retired Badass: Between the main story and Awakening, though it’s only a Six Month Retirement.
Right Man in the Wrong Place: Ilona begins the story as a well-trained but (sort of) unimportant person, and rises to her station through skill and pure luck
Roaring Rampage of Rescue/Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Rescuing Anora from the Arl of Denerim’s estate is a big one of these for the Ilona, in no small part due to the one holding Anora captive being none other than Arl Rendon Howe, the bastard responsible for massacring the Cousland family.
Ilona and Alistair are on the receiving end of Roaring Rampage of Rescue after being captured and taken to Fort Drakon. Morrigan and Brutus are the ones who rescue them.
In Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, the Ilona undertakes another one at the behest of a nobleman whose daughter has been kidnapped.
Rookie Red Ranger: Becomes the leader of the Grey Wardens of Ferelden one day after joining. Granted, it’s just because Alistair, the only other surviving Warden doesn’t want the responsibility of leading, but still.
Royals Who Actually Do Something: As a scion of House Cousland, second-highest in precedence among the noble houses of Ferelden, Ilona is just one step under being a princess and becomes a straight example after becoming royalty by marrying Alistair.
Since Amaranthine and Vigils Keep are given to the Grey Wardens, Ilona is automatically declared Arlessa of Amaranthine as part of her role as Warden-Commander.
Seen It All: In Awakening, when Anders and Nathaniel bring up the strangeness factor of getting into fights with dragons, demons, and darkspawn on a semi-regular basis, Ilona, having been a Grey Warden for a year and a half has stopped being fazed by it at this point.  fighting Dragons, Demons and Darkspawn has become very much routine for her.
She Who Must Not Be Seen: Ilona’s actions had a very notable impact on Dragon Age II, and she gets brought up directly by Varric and Cassandra, and indirectly by Flemeth. She is also mentioned by Anders, Isabela, Bethany, Cullen, Nuncio, Bodahn Feddic, Zevran, Alistair, Leliana, Nathaniel Howe, a letter found in the Wounded Coast, an ex-werewolf, several Codex entries, and Hawke herself. Despite this, Ilona never shows up in the second story.
In Inquisition, Ilona is occasionally referenced and even writes a letter to Leliana, but never actually shows up in person. She is on a quest to cure the Wardens of the taint.
Six Month Retirement: Between the main story and Awakening.
Spare to the Throne: While Bryce doesn’t come out and say it, the reason why he leaves Ilona in charge of Castle Cousland is to leave an heir behind if the worst happens at the Battle of Ostagar. Both Bryce and Fergus plan to fight in the battle. This would also explain why Bryce is reluctant to have his daughter join the Wardens before Ostagar, but is willing to entertain the notion after he comes home.
Spoiled Sweet: Due to being her father’s favorite child, Ilona was spoiled during her childhood yet she retains a kind, compassionate, and understanding personality.
The Squadette: She is the only woman in the group of Grey Warden recruits who go through the joining. Alistair even lampshades it by wondering why there never were very many female Grey Wardens.
Tragic Keepsake: Ilona keeps her family’s sword and shield and prefers to use only those when fighting in a battle.
Tranquil Fury: This happens to be the case when Ilona finally faces off with Arl Howe.
Try To Fit THAT On A Business Card: “Her Royal Majesty, Queen Ilona Theirin, Queen-Consort of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Warden-Commander of the Order of the Grey Wardens, Heroine of Ferelden.”
The Unchosen One:  Went from a random person who survived because Duncan and Flemeth happened to be around at the right times to Hero of Ferelden in about a year.
Undying Loyalty: Ilona is this to all of her friends, especially since she comes from a family of ardent royalists, with Bryce Cousland being rumored to have turned down the throne when it was offered to him, in favor of the true heir to the throne. Their loyalty is such that the only time Bryce ever gets remotely angry is when Arl Howe insults their King. Historically, they’ve only ever turned on tyrants but fought to the death to defend their One True King and homeland.
Walking the Earth: The Grey Wardens go where they are most needed.
Warden Senses… Tingling: Says this at the start of combat.
Warrior, Mage, Rogue: Ilona is a warrior, having been trained by her father and older brother during most of her youth.  She was also taught archery skills by her mother.
Warrior Princess: Ilona’s father rules what the codex states is actually a principality within Ferelden, though the Couslands don’t refer to themselves by princely titles. And Ilona ends the story by becoming Queen of Fereldan by marrying Alistair while also becoming Warden-Commander of Ferelden, which also makes her Arlessa of Amaranthine since Amaranthine and Vigils Keep are given to the Grey Wardens.
Warrior Therapist: Being a warrior and giving a compassionate and listening ear to her companions make her this.
Weapon of Choice: Ilona is very skilled at fighting with a sword and shield.  She is very skilled in archery as well but prefers swords and shields over bows and arrows.  She also prefers using her family’s sword and shield over any other weapon when fighting in battle.
Well-Intentioned Extremist: Falls into this in Awakening after allying with the Architect at the end.
What’s Up, King Dude?: Inverted in Awakening. Ilona walks up to any old commoner in Amaranthine like she normally did before becoming royalty.  She prefers it this way.
The Wise Princess: Ilona definitely fits under this trope.
It’s said by the people of Highever that, although big brother Fergus is technically next in line to be Teyrn of Highever, many of them would be pleased to see Ilona in that role because of her popularity, intellect, and battle skill. This it is also noted that many of the nobles wanted Ilona’s father, Bryce Cousland, to be named king - suggesting that it may well be In the Blood.
World’s Best Warrior: Ilona definitely seems to be this even among the other protagonists in the series, though with very close competition from Hawke. She is often spoken of with reverence in Dragon Age II and Inquisition, and was the Inquisition's first choice for leader (again, just edging out Hawke).
You Can’t Go Home Again: Ilona never returns to Castle Cousland during the story after the beginning. 
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silverwhisp · 7 years
I love Dragon age and make it a point to play them once a year just like how I watch Lord Of The Rings once a year. This is Noct Je’taime.
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Dragon Age Name: Noct Je'taime Class: Templar Hunter (I.e Demon Hunter not Mage Hunter.) Age: 28 Looks: Has scar going from the top of his left hairline to his chin. Has Charcoal black hair that is short and messy but not curly. Has Obsidian colored eyes (Like Mikasa from Attack On Titan). Is relatively good looking. Has a nimble body like a Free Runner might have. Is about 5ft.11 in height. Has a slightly darker skin tone to Cullen since he is outside quite a bit. Outfit: A long coat not unlike the Novice Ursine Armor from The Witcher armored with thick dragon scale. Allows him to be nimble and slice without a weight holding him down. Colored with the Famous red and white that the Chantry's Templar's are known for. Has Templar symbol etched into his chest but after the Templar's started killing all mages regardless of guilt it has since been scratched out. In place of the normal plate helm he wears a hood similar to an assassin in the same color. Weapons: Dual Sided Daggers so he can cover more space in less time. They are made of Silverite since demons seem to hate it as much as darkspawn. Has almost woven like handles. Also carries many special bombs meant to hurt different types of demon to weaken them and make them easier to kill. Also has two bracers with hidden knifes in them. Those are only used when he has to dress formal like at parties or balls. Likes: Cookies, Spirits (Loves Cole to Death), Tall Women (Especially Quinari), The Work the Red Jennies have done, Mage freedom, The Maker, stealth, Philosophy, Psychology, and watching the sun rise and set respectively. Also secretly reads swords and shields and most of Varric's books. Dislikes: Demons, Racism, Slavery, The Rite of Tranquility, The Seekers (Excludes Cassandra), The Templars for killing all mages, Caviar, Alcohol, Small Spaces, Lying of Any kind, and most forms of cakes due to a case of food poisoning when he was young. Beliefs: Believes in The Maker but does not think he intervenes on anyone's behalf. The Divine's death is a prime example of that to him. Believes all gods exist as long as people believe in them. Believes mages should be free but have a separate school just for them so they can hone their skills. Like a boarding school where they attend for eight months then can go home and do whatever and after they graduate they can live their lives as they see fit and have Templars on duty to put out fires or calm badly casted spells or badly done experiments. Thinks Vivienne would be a perfect Headmaster for that school. Thinks the Rite of Tranquility should be abolished period. No if ands or buts. Dislikes Blood Magic but doesn't believe it's anymore evil than any other form of magic. He often brings up how nice Merrill is as an example of it not being inherently evil. Believes Solas when he explains spirts and demons are the same but demons are intentions gone wrong. Doesn't change how he feels when killing them but it makes him feel good when Solas informed him they may reform as they once were. Personality: Enjoys making people, especially children, smile or laugh. Is a big fan of making people cringe with bad puns. "What do you call an owl magician? WHOdinni!" Oddly enjoys discussing things like philosophy with Keran. Has massive respect for people who for go tradition and walk their own path as he had when the Templars separated from the ChantryLoves learning new things about other cultures he's never immersed himself in. Is best friends with Cole, Dagna, Harding, Krem, and Sera. He had adopted Sera and Cole sort of. Makes sure they are happy and well off. He even once asked Sera how the rest of the Red Jennies would feel if he joined after all this mess. She was ecstatic to say the least. Actually has met many of the old companions. Hates all alcoholic beverages for and I quote, "Why would I want to drink something that taste like sweat that was boiled in a pot with piss and old socks?" Has never had sex out of choice not some unspoken oath. When Bull pays a tavern wench to seduce him he usually says, "Unless you are only wishing to talk give Bull his money back because that shit ain't happening. And no it's not because you aren't attractive I just have no desire to do so." He always tells the truth. Once Vivenne asked how a certain dress looked on her and he warned her, "If I say what I think odds are you'll roast me." She assured him she wouldn't and he then said, "It makes you look like a walking child's painting." He was right about her wanting to roast him but it's a good thing he remembers how to negate magic. Despite not lying he's actually damn good at Diamond back and even beat Josephine a few times at the game. When he met Hawke he wanted to deck them but resisted to urge to deck Hawke because they had not known what Anders had planned and is actually relieved when he hears Hawke killed him. He hates The Seekers with an undying passion. His hate was only amplified after Cassandra let him read the book of secrets. He doesn't hate her and believes if anyone can make The Seekers into what they should be it's her. He even offers to help after she decides to rebuild them. Actually is a bit of a skilled sketch artist. Often makes amazingly detailed sketches of places and people. Vivienne once looked through his book at his request and she asked to keep the one he did of her and had him sign it and had it framed. He was ecstatic. Though his family were killed in the Blight he was able to let go of the rage. Has a portrait of them hanging in his room at Skyhold. Cassandra once caught him reading Swords and Shields and nearly squealed when she learned she had someone to talk to about it. They said if either speaks to anyone about this the other dies. Would be willing to die for those he loves and will not hesitate to kill whatever threatens them. Story: He was about 17 or 18 when the blight happened. He remembers it all. He hails from Redcliffe and actually was ecstatic to see Harding in The Inquisition. They spent the day just catching up with each other. He remembers the undead tearing through the village however. He remembers the screams, the blood, and the fear. He still has nightmares on Occasion because that's how his parents died. They died the first night they came to the village. It's what made him join the Chantry and almost Demand to become a Templar Hunter instead of a normal Templar. They nearly sent him to the Seekers but he said if they did they would never find him. Oddly they took that threat from the young man very seriously so began his training. It was beyond difficult but he did not give a shit about how hard it was. The day he took his oath was the anniversary of the blight ending in Fereldan. For the next 8 years he traveled all over the world short of Par Vollen and Tevinter doing his job. Killing demons, abominations, and on occasion serial killers. One faithful day he was hunting what Val Rouyex described as, "An abomination sent by the demons to kill everyone." This is the faithful case where he would meet the love of his life Saylice the Ben-Hasserath agent. As he was stalking his prey a tall Quinari woman stopped him and asked what he was doing. He told the truth and she offered that they should work together since he can negate magic and she knows its tactics. He agreed and overtime they became rather close and just before the case ended they kissed. They kept in contact in secret after that and he would always meet her or help her when she needed it. When he heard what Anders did he was livid. But not at the mages there. He knew Meredith was fucking crazy and even complained to the leader of the Templars about her behavior. He wanted Anders dead. But when the Templars left the Chantry to kill all mages regardless of involvement or guilt he destroyed the symbol that was on his armor and left the order. He wandered for a year till a giant hole opened in the sky. He raced to Haven and joined The Inquisition. It helped that Harding was there. They were good friends in Ferelden. He quickly became their go to Demon expert and he often collaborated with Solas to inform the Soldiers how to fight them effectively. After the events of Redcliffe Castle and Corypheus revealing himself and they went to Skyhold Saylice showed up. Bull recognized her and confirmed her story with the letters he received that she was indeed named Tal-Vashoth. He let her stay in his room and their relationship quickly grew from there. Bull actually found some comfort with him and her when he saved The Chargers.
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
I made this so long ago why am I only posting it now.
Anyway... I love the combat and ambient dialogue in Dragon Age, and I love the fact that your own character will shout things in the middle of battle or if you click on them. To some extent, the dialogue is suited to your character, especially in DA2 where it changes depending on what temperament your Hawke has, but I thought to myself... how about going one step further and writing some completely unique dialogue sets for my OCs?
I’m starting with Dalton and Bryony Hawke, because DA2 is the best game for dialogue-during-gameplay. Hopefully I’ll branch out into my other DA characters soon, plus some from other games. Feel free to request a character for me to do this for!
Dialogue sets are under the cut because this is loooong. Turns out there are a lot of gameplay dialogue options in DA2. If anyone else wants to do this, I can make a blank template.
(I apologise in advance for not including Sebastian in my Hawkes’ reactions to downed companions, I don’t have his DLC yet. Gotta amend that...)
(Diplomatic mage. A soft-hearted, shy disaster who’d much rather be at home with a book.)
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Entering battle: ‘Oh, no. Not again!’ | ‘Everyone, look out!’ | ‘Get behind me!’ | ‘Oh, Maker… come on, Dalton, you can do this.’ | ‘Right… time for some lightning.’ | ‘Something tells me they’re not going to talk about this.’ | ‘I am not alone!’
Engaging demons: ‘You keep away from my mage friends! … And from me too, I suppose.’ | ‘Have you ever thought of entering into a mutually beneficial contract with - no, no, clearly not.’ | ‘Your preying on our world is over!’
Engaging darkspawn: ‘This is for Bethany!’ | ‘I’ve grown since Lothering!’ | ‘You creatures won’t hurt the people I love again!’
Engaging a dragon: ‘Oh, dear Maker…’ | ‘All right. Slay the dragon, Dalton, you can do it!’ 
Engaging boss: ‘Look out! This one’s big and that’s never good news!’ | ‘I think this’ll be a tough one!’ | ‘This’ll be a challenge. We stand together!’
Combat ongoing: ‘Mind the fireballs!’ | ‘This is a fight right out of the tales!’ | ‘Get away from my friends!’ | ‘It doesn’t have to be this way, you know!’ | ‘Focus, Dalton, focus!’ | ‘Right, I think I’ve got this!’ | ‘For Kirkwall! That sounds dramatic, right?’ | ‘I’m a mage, you know, this really isn’t a good idea!’
New enemy wave: ‘Look out, everyone – there are more of them!’ | ‘Dear Maker, more! Just when I thought we were done!’ | ‘I hope everyone’s up to facing another round!’
Successful kill: ‘There! Done!’ | ‘Another one falls.’ | ‘I got one! Did you see that? I did it!’ | ‘One down. Whew.’| ‘Return to the Maker.’ | ‘I’m sorry, but you left me no choice.’
Unsuccessful attack: ‘Maker, why isn’t this working?’ | ‘No effect! Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic...’ | ‘Well, that, um, didn’t work.’ | ‘Right, that doesn’t hurt it! Not good!’ 
Out of range: ‘My spells are falling short!’ | ‘I’m going to need to get closer! Wish me luck!
Stealthed enemies: ‘Keep an eye on the shadows!’ | ‘Enemies in the darkness! Watch each other’s backs!’
Combat ended: ‘Is anyone hurt?’ | ‘I have a few healing spells, if anyone needs them…’ | ‘I can stop pretending to be the mighty warrior now. It really doesn’t come naturally to me.’ | ‘We made it! … Of course we did.’ | ‘We’re alive! I should have a bit more faith, shouldn’t I?’ | ‘Good work, everyone!’ | ‘… Who buries these people? The bodies always seem to vanish.’
Low health: ‘Is anyone free to heal me?’ | ‘I… I think this is it for me…’ | ‘Well, if I die, at least it’ll be dramatic!’ | ‘I’m losing blood, and that’s usually not a good thing!’
Low mana: ‘I can’t cast! Oh, this isn’t good!’ | ‘I’m losing focus here!’ | ‘Can’t concentrate…’
Injured: ‘I don’t suppose someone could patch me up?’ | ‘I need to treat this, or I’ll slow you all down.’ 
Revived: ‘Thank you. Thank you so much.’ | ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll be all right.’ | ‘Sorry to leave you in that alone, everyone.’ | ‘All right, Dalton. For future reference: duck.’ | ‘I’m not dead! That’s… that’s a good start!’ | ‘Bethany… seems you’ll have to wait for me a bit longer, little sister.’
Party member knocked down: - Carver : ‘No! Carver, hold on! I won’t let them take you!’ | ‘Don’t leave me, brother! Not like this!’ - Aveline: ‘Aveline?! Is she actually… Maker, we’re all doomed!’ - Varric: ‘Don’t die on us, Varric! We need you!’ - Anders: ‘Anders, no! You can’t die! Please!’ | (Romance active) ‘Anders! No – stay with me, love!’ - Merrill:  ‘Merrill! It’s all right, I’ve got you!’ | ‘Hold on, lethallan, I’ll help you!’ - Isabela: ‘We’ve lost Isabela! Someone cover her!’ - Fenris: ‘Fenris is down! Keep them away from him!’
Taking a potion: ‘I’ll study more healing later, I promise.’ | ‘No one else needs this, do they?’ | ‘Good thing I like the taste of elfroot!’
Stuck: ‘Um… I may need some help here, I can’t move!’ | ‘Is anyone free to give me a hand? I’m stuck!’
Offering help: ‘Perhaps you need the magic touch.’ | ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ | ‘I’ll have a stab at that, if you like.’
Disabling trap/opening lock: ‘There, all done!’ | ‘Oh! I didn’t think I’d be able to do that.’ | ‘Is there anything else I can help with?’
Failing to disable trap/open lock: ‘I can’t work magic, you know. Uh, I  mean, I can, but…’ | ‘Um… Varric? Isabela? Someone not me?’ | ‘I could… possibly melt it. But not finesse it.’ | ‘Sorry, I, um, don’t think I can.’
Given unsuitable weapon: ‘This is… pointy? Maybe give it to Fenris, he likes that sort of thing.’ | ‘I’m good with a staff and not much else, I’m afraid.’ | ‘If I try to wield that, I’ll just hit myself, I know it.’
Spoken to while idle: ‘Oh! Um… sorry, lost in thought.’ | ‘What? Oh, hello. Sorry, I was watching that spider. It’s making its web in a very interesting pattern…’ | ‘Have you heard the Dalish tale of Melana the Wise? I was just thinking that this reminds me of the part where she… sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?’ | ‘I hope this doesn’t last long. I was reading a good book before we set out.’ | ‘Do you need my help with something?’ | ‘Is something wrong? Are you hungry? I brought cake with me.’  | ‘Cheer up. I’m making scones when I get home, you’re welcome to them.’
Spoken to while idle in -
Hightown (Day): ‘Keep an eye out for pickpockets. I can’t help but admire their skill, but… losing purses is a bad idea.’
Hightown (Night): ‘Does anyone ever wonder where all these street gangs appear from? They just seem to drop from roofs. I wonder if we could learn to do that…’
Lowtown (Day): ‘Maybe I should drop in on Gamlen. He might be in a good mood for once, it’s always worth a try.’
Lowtown (Night): ‘Keep your eyes on the shadows. Night plus dingy alleyways equals people with knives, and that’s never good news.’
Elven Alienage: ‘I love how the elves decorate the Vhenadal. I wish we painted our houses like that.’
Docks (Day): ‘I’ve spent hours looking out over the sea here. Ferelden’s out there, across the water. I miss it.’
Docks (Night): ‘Look at the moonlight on the sea! It… dances. Light on water is one of the most beautiful things there is.’
Darktown (Day): ‘Keep an eye out for cats, everyone. Anders is still looking for one.’
Darktown (Night): ‘It’s dark here, isn’t it? I mean… yes. It’s called Darktown. As in, a town that’s dark. I should probably stop talking.’
The Hanged Man: ‘I think we’re breathing more alcohol than air right about now.’  
Viscount’s Keep: ‘Merrill says there are sparrows in the rafters here. Do you think this place should get a cat, or maybe a trained hawk? It wouldn’t do for there to be bird droppings falling on the nobles.’
Chantry: ‘This place looks strong, but sometimes it feels so… fragile. Or is that just me?’ | ‘Maker, if you’d listen to an apostate’s prayer… help us. Help the mages. We need you.’
Qunari Compound: ‘Look! Qunari! Actual Qunari! Incredible! All right, Dalton, don’t stare.’  | ‘I have to include a Qunari character in my next book. Their culture is fascinating.’
Wounded Coast: ‘Anyone want to try skimming stones with me? … Maybe later, I suppose.’
The Bone Pit: ‘They should rename this place. Call it… the Sunshine Pit. No, doesn’t work. Nothing with pit in it sounds nice.’
Dalish Camp: ‘The Dalish are fascinating. I’ve spent hours reading about their traditions, but it’s not the same as actually walking among them.’
Inside a cave: ‘Caves in the books always seem to contain treasure, or dragons. Or dragons guarding treasure. Once there was a dragon made of treasure. Ah, that was a brilliant book.’
Inside a ruin: ‘This place feels full of history. Of course, it’s probably also full of demons and undead, so let’s not stop to take notes.’
Inside a warehouse: ‘I’ve read all kinds of stories about people smuggling mysterious things in crates. It would be interesting to search them, but… I expect they’re all full of fish.’
(Sarcastic warrior. Uses sass as a coping mechanism for absolutely everything.)
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Entering battle: ‘Why, hello there, dead people!’ | ‘I have a friend you need to meet! She’s called my sword!’ | ‘Oh, look. More fools who want to commit suicide.’ | ‘Here we go!’ | ‘Damn it… did I leave the fire going?’ | ‘Shield, check. Sword, check. Recklessness, check. I’m ready!’
Engaging demons: ‘Go back to Fade, you don’t belong here!’ | ‘So you want to stay in our world? We charge for demon tourism, and you haven’t paid!’ | ‘Your illusions can’t stop a sword.’
Engaging darkspawn: ‘That’s for Carver, you sons of bitches!’ | ‘I’ll spill your Tainted blood!’ | ‘Remember Lothering, bastards?’
Engaging a dragon: ‘For want of a better word... shit.’ | ‘I call the head! I’m going to mount it over the fireplace.’ 
Engaging boss: ‘Ooh, look. A big one. Wonderful.’ | ‘There’s a tough one coming, get behind me!’ | ‘Look out! Seems this one’s large and in charge!’
Combat ongoing: ‘Maker take you!’ | ‘Watch out! Small blonde thunderbolt coming through!’ | ‘See this sword? It’s gonna take you down!’ | ‘And down you go!’ | ‘Ostagar couldn’t kill me, and neither will you!’ | ‘For Kirkwall! For my friends! And for the stiff drink I’m having when I get home!’
Taunting enemies: ‘Over here, melon head!’ | ‘I’ve known stick insects tougher than you!’ | ‘Bring it on!’ | ‘Come and get me!’ | ‘Face me, coward!’
New enemy wave: ‘More of them! Where do they all spring from?’ | ‘Aaaand, more of them. Honestly, no consideration for our poor sword-arms.’ | ‘More? I should have checked under the bushes.’ | ‘They brought friends! Wonderful, let’s have a party!
Successful kill: ‘The name’s Bryony Hawke! Got that? Because it’s the name of the one who killed you!’ | ‘Go to the Maker’s side, if he’ll take scum like you!’ | ‘Look at that move! Except you can’t, you’re dead.’  | ‘Thank you, thank you, I will be signing autographs at the Hawke household this evening.’
Unsuccessful attack: ‘Take that! Nope, not working. Take… something else!’ | ‘All right, new plan. Where’s Varric? He’s good at plans!’ | ‘My trusty sword, you have failed me! Bad sword!’ | ‘Not working, damn it! And that’s one of my favourite moves!’
Out of range: ‘My sword’s a beauty, but she only reaches so far!’ | ‘What do you want me to do, throw my shield at them?’ | ‘I can’t reach that far! Perhaps if we all formed a chain of people…’ | ‘From this distance, all I can do is throw lethal glares at them!’
Stealthed enemies: ‘Eyes on the darkness, we’ve got tricksy little backstabbers.’ | ‘They’re attacking from stealth. Not very sporting!’ | ‘They’re stealthy, these ones! You watch my back and I’ll watch yours!’
Combat ended: ‘We live another day. Thank you, Maker.’ | ‘Are you writing all this down, Varric?’ | ‘Right, this fight’s going into the scrapbook.’ | ‘Ugh, there’s blood in my hair.’ | ‘I shouldn’t bother polishing my armour, should I?’ | ‘Maker, watch over us always as you did in this battle. Also, send us alcohol. Lots.’
Low health: ‘I’m lightly dying over here!’ | ‘Look at all the pretty blood. Except it’s not pretty, and I’m dying!’ | ‘Not going to make it. I’ll take a few of them with me!’ | ‘Maker, help me!’
Low stamina: ‘Breathing is good, Bryony… breathing’s good…’ | ‘S’all… spinning…’ | ‘Out of breath. And out of fancy moves.’
Injured: ‘Anyone ever heard of health potions? Because I could really use one right about now.’ | ‘Soooo… you’re just going to stand there and let me suffer? Good to know!’ | ‘Oh, I’m fine. Don’t mind me. Just bleeding profusely. No big deal.’
Revived: ‘Ow! My… everything!’ | ‘Ugh, my spleen hurts.’ | ‘My life is flashing before my eyes, and there’s not enough time spent in taverns.’ | ‘If Varric tells people about this, I’m going to throw him into the harbour.’ | ‘I’m up! You can all stop panicking.’ | ‘I want a refund for this armour!’ | ‘Carver?’
Party member knocked down:
- Bethany: ‘No! Not my sister! Not my sister!’ | ‘Bethany! Hold on, I won’t let you down. I won’t!’ - Aveline: ‘Aveline’s been taken down! The fabric of reality will break apart any moment.’ - Varric: ‘Varric, I’ll buy you a drink if you get back up!’ - Anders: ‘Anders! Damn it, we’ve lost our healer!’ - Merrill:  ‘I’m coming, Merrill! Just hold on!’ - Isabela:  ‘No, Isabela! You bastards, you’re not taking her!’  | ‘Isabela! Oh, that is it, you do not hurt a girl’s best friend!’ - Fenris: ‘Don’t you dare, Fenris!’ | (romance active) ‘Fenris! No, I’m not losing you too! I’m here! I’m here!’
Taking a potion: ‘Bleeeech.’ | ‘Anders, where are you? Your potions taste disgusting!’ | ‘Drinking solves everything!’
Stuck: ‘Oh, sodding… I’m stuck!’ | ‘Aaaand I’m stuck. Very smooth, Bryony.’ | ‘I could do with a hand! Or some replacement feet. Feet that aren’t stuck.’
Disabling trap/opening lock: ‘And there we have it.’ | ‘I am a genius!’ | ‘Come on, you little… got it!’ 
Failing to disable trap/open lock: ‘Do you want me to just break it? That would be more up my street.’ | ‘Here are things I am not good at: patience, dancing and anything lock-related.’
Given unsuitable weapon: ‘And what exactly do you expect me to do with that? | ‘Why would you give me this... thing?’ 
Spoken to while idle: (hopelessly out of tune) ‘And there's Andraste's mabari, by the Holy Prophet's side. In the fight against Tevinter, that dog would never hide...’  | ‘We planning on standing around yammering all day? I’m not exactly complaining if we are.’  | ‘Ugh, my boots are wearing thin...’  | ‘Onwards, my loveable misfits!’ 
Spoken to while idle in -
Hightown (Day): ‘Good morning, Hightown! Make way for the ragged bunch of heroes who save your sorry behinds on a daily basis.’
Hightown (Night): ‘If you see something lurking in an alleyway, blink once for ‘cat’ and twice for ‘evil bandit with knives.’
Lowtown: (Day): ‘Ah, Lowtown. What a joyous place. What sarcasm I speak.’
Lowtown: (Night): 'And the Maker said, what could be worse than Lowtown? And, in sadistic glee, he realised - Lowtown at night! And it was so.’
Elven Alienage: ‘Perhaps the people of Kirkwall feel better about living in a shithole if they force these poor sods to live in a deeper shithole.’
Docks (Day): ‘Salt, fish, and incredibly sweaty workmen. Why didn’t I bring something to block my nose with?’
Docks: (Night): ‘I need to go back in time and tell the ancient Tevinter how incredibly disturbing their statues look.’
Darktown (Day): ‘Who names places in Kirkwall? ‘Oooh, this place is high, let’s call it Hightown! This place is dark, let’s call it Darktown! Had they not heard of imagination?’
Darktown (Night): ‘I’m going to count how many seconds it is before someone tries to mug us. Record is three hundred and twelve seconds. One, two, three...’
The Hanged Man: ‘Now this is more like it!’
Viscount’s Keep: ‘I feel underdressed. When did I last cut my hair?’
Chantry: ‘Hey, Maker. It’s me, Bryony. You’ve got my back, right? Yup, yup, good to know.’
Qunari Compound: (Act 1) ‘Damned beasts, sitting here, longing to tear us apart. Just like that monster back in Lothering. What are they waiting for?’  | (Act 2) ‘You know, I think I misjudged these people. Seems they don’t want to be here any more than we want them to be. I can’t say I blame them.’
Wounded Coast: ‘... or the aching cove ... the suffering shore... the profusely bleeding strand...’
The Bone Pit: ‘Ugh, this place is the pits. (Pause) Get it?’
Dalish Camp: ‘If the people of the Dales are the Dalish, why can’t humans call themselves the Townish? Cityish? It would be much more fun.’
Inside a cave: ‘I call dibs on any treasure we find!’
Inside a ruin: ‘Something moved! Just there! ... Ha, got you. Nothing moved. Or did it?’
Inside a warehouse: ‘Someone remind me why we’re here?’
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