#anders is a cutie fight me
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luckyjak · 9 months ago
Origins, baby! I waited in line at a physical store in order to get Dragon Age Origins on release day! (This is how you know I am old.)
Still Origins, although I love all three for different reasons
First playthrough is almost always a female human rogue. I'm planning a pirate type Lord of Fortune duelist for my first Rook.
My "canon" world state for the games are Female Human Mage who romanced Alistair and got dumped (Origins), Male Human Hawke who romanced Anders and then felt like he had to kill him (2), and Female Elf Rogue with, you know, *gestures to Solas* that. (Inquisition).
I don't know that I spend "hours" in character creation but I definitely spend some time making characters.
I have four planned. Female human rogue lord of fortune duelist. Female elf mage veil jumper. Qunari shadow dragon and a Grey Warden dwarf with melee sublasses of some sort.
It will probably never happen because it's too much of a variable, but I would *love* to see Alistair's son Kieran in DATV.
All of them? I love these factions and I can't wait to see how they shape up gameplay. If they have at least half the impact the origins did in Origins I may never stop playing.
I'm not sure yet. Emmerich is the first one to catch my eye but I may just like his mustache. Bellara is a cutie patootie. Davrin, Lucanis, and Neve all intrigue me but I need to "get to know" them first.
Probably won't happen, but I love the reactivity of our choices in Dragon Age. I want to see an older Lavellan trying to talk to Solas. I want to know if my Grey Warden is still around and kicking. Is Hawke still lost to the Fade/ect.
Too many unanswered questions/cliffhangers. I don't mind a cliffhanger now and again but it's been ten years since Inquisition. I don't want to live through that again.
Combat looks smooth as butter.
I want more than 2 friends with me in a party!!! D&D parties are usually minimum of 4--stick with your roots, dragon age!
I don't think it looks that cartoon-y.
Don't have any but I hope I get to fight god
Fanfiction! All that glorious fanfiction!
I started replaying Inquisition yesterday, but my friends are talking about playing Origins for the first time, so I may pause my Inquisition playthrough and go play Origins at the same time as them.
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard HYPE Q&A
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What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
Do you usually play as a warrior, mage, or rogue? Which class are you planning to try first this time around? Which subclass?
What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Do you typically use a preset character and name or spend hours in the character creator coming up with a custom one?
Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
What faction are you most excited to learn more about?
Which romance, if any, do you plan to pursue first?
Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?
What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're NOT a fan of?
Do you have any unpopular opinions about DAV so far?
What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
Are you interested in all the lore and speculation or do you focus more on the games and stories themselves?
Which aspect of fandom are you most looking forward to? (e.g. reading/writing fic, the bounty of gorgeous art, getting to know new people, etc.)
Are you planning to replay any of the previous games, watch Dragon Age: Absolution, or read any of the books/comics/short stories, or are there other games you want to play in the meantime?
Post a picture or gif that conveys your current level of excitement for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
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the-halo-of-my-memory · 4 years ago
Tell Me You Love Me Anyway (rough draft - tease)
A/n: This probably has a billion errors but I feel like posting it anyway. This is only a tiny bit of what I have in mind. I could use as much feedback as possible for this. 
---- [Act 1] ----
Maker, did Anders miss being drunk. 
Justice hasn’t let him sway under the influence since their union. He sees it as a waste of time and senses. 
But to lose one's senses was such a beautiful and intoxicated mess to be a part of. 
Can you stop speaking nonsense?
It’s not nonsense, it’s passion.
It is a waste of time. 
Anders chuckles, nearly spilling his useless drink in the process. 
“What’s so funny, mage?” 
It’s Fenris. He held a drink also, now flirting with drunkenness that will soon take him fully. 
The two have only met not too long ago through a mutual friend, one Garrett Hawke. Anders liked Hawke enough. He was a fellow mage and Fereldan refugee who suffered loss before reaching Kirkwall. He came to his clinic a month ago asking for maps to the Deep Roads. 
It sounded so ridiculous. People who went to the Deep Roads voluntarily must have a death wish. To want to walk in a place full of darkspawn and deepstalkers. A place with rocky terrain and putrid wet air. It was dark and in some places you could hardly see your own hand in front of your place. He could light a torch but it wasn’t worth accidentally burning someone. 
He never wants to go there again. Especially not without Pounce. 
Things changed though. For a favor, he asked for a favor himself. 
He did love him…….and to see him like that……...made tranquil…….
It broke more than just his heart, it shattered his entire being. 
Oh Karl…..
Back in the Circle, the two had agreed between kisses in a quiet nook away from prying eyes, that if either of them became tranquil, they would not want to live like that. There was no known cure. It was either be made a thoughtless pet of the Templars and the Chantry or death. 
It wasn’t actually a plan that would happen. He didn’t think this would be an actual choice that he would make. 
Oh maker, Karl…….
It has been a month since he had to kill him. He still feels the blood on his hands, the sound of his last breath, and how empty he felt when he fell upon the floor. 
He still yearns to get a letter from him…..anything from him. 
Despite everything, he had Hawke to thank. At least Karl has peace now. He can have the maps and himself for the expedition if needed. 
Though he resented it at the time, he was glad he went to have drinks with Hawke the night after. Hearing his and Aveline’s story of loss before reaching Kirkwall brought him back from the pain. 
Hawke had asked him to join him on another night like that.
“But you know, in much better spirits,” he said with a hand on the back of his neck. He swore he saw him turn a shade red underneath that smile and beard.
And here he is now. 
He sat at a table with Fenris, Isabela, Varric, and Merrill. The women were giggling and whispering, Merrill turning pink and covering her mouth while Isabella said something too low for him to decipher. The men were talking about one of Varric’s tales. 
“No, dwarf. I have never read any of your stories.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” 
“And why is that?” 
“Varric, I can’t read.” 
Well, that’s news…….
Wait, where’s Hawke? He was here just a second ago. 
Anders spots him at the bar. Talking with someone, a human woman. 
He’s never seen her before. She was short, maybe the same height as Merrill. She had deep warm mahogany skin, short dark curly hair, and wore a shirt opened at the neck and chest tucked into the tightest pair of trousers he’s ever seen. 
Sweet Andraste, what an arse!
They speak for a short moment before they each grab a drink and walk over to wear the rest of them sat. 
“Maker, Hawke!” Isabella yells, “How did you find this fine lady? Tell me, are you seeing anyone. Do you have a sister?” 
Hawke’s friend laughs loud and boisterous, covering her mouth half way before she sits herself down. 
“I’m not interested, I'm afraid. If I have a sister, I wouldn’t know. But I know some ladies who would love to give some company to a humorous and attractive lady such as yourself.” 
“You’ll have to tell me all about them, kitten.” 
She sat next to Anders and Hawke sat on the other side of her. 
Now closer to him, he gets a good look at her. 
Fine lady indeed. She had deep dark wide eyes like the night’s sky. Lips pursed as she took sips on her drink. Lots of skin covered down her naked neck and chest, teasing the swell of her breasts where her shirt is undone by the laces. She had small hands with gentle fingers tapping on the drink and the table. She wore no makeup and no jewelry.
Not that she needed them. 
“Friends!” Hawke stood up, hitting and shaking the table on the way. “I want you to meet my friend, Valentine. Val, these are my friends. This is Varric, and that’s Merrill and that’s-” He introduces everyone by name and they all exchange words and greetings. When Anders’ was introduced, he said “hello there.” She replies with only one word. 
I have no idea where I am. 
It’s green all over. The grass is green and long and being blown by the wind. And the sky is blue and cloudless.
It’s not cold. But it was cold? There were clouds and snow and cold. And now…..not anymore. 
I don’t understand. I was in the car with Jackson. Where is he? 
I remember something. When we were driving…...I saw lights. Like headlights and then…….
Am I dead? Is this a dream? Am I in a coma? I don’t understand at all. 
My suitcase is here. It has my stuff still in it. Didn’t expect that old vintage thing to hold up. My clothes are there, but it’s too warm for them. I’m wearing the only pair of shoes I brought. My notebook was also there, and I’m writing in it right now. 
I don’t know what to do. 
The next time he meets Hawke’s friend is when they get ready for the Deep Roads expedition. 
They were all together meeting with Bertrand in Hightown. He had to give credit to Hawke for making a colorful group of friends. He sees her near him, dressed in leather armor and carrying a long thin sword in a scabbard by her side. 
Her eyes catch his and she waves a hello to him. He waves back. 
Hawke and the dwarven brothers are discussing something when someone cries out. 
It was from a woman with tied back greying hair, running towards the group with a worrisome look in her exhausted eyes. 
“Excuse me, but I need to talk to my children”
Oh, that must be Hawke’s mother. He’s only heard nice things about her whenever Hawke opens up about his family. 
He sees him and Carver walk over to the lady and he’s too far to overhear. 
Some sort of disagreement starts and Carver is yelling and Hawke and their mother try to subdue him. There’s a lot of head shaking and hand waving. At last, Carver appears to accept whatever was that was said. Hawke walks away and his brother and mother stay where they stood. 
Hawke walks over to his groups of friends looking lost in thought. A moment passes and then with both hands he waves over the group to come over. 
“What happened?” Merrill asks. 
“Nothing,” Hawke sighs. “Mother just wanted Carver to stay. He…..eventually agreed.” 
“Now what?” Fenris crosses his arms, a knot between brows form. 
“We have to decide who I am bringing on this expedition.” Hawke sighs once more. He takes in a good look at his companions and bobs his head side to side as if he’s rolling die to choose who he’ll bring. 
“Alright! Besides Varric, I shall bring Anders and Valentine. Do you two agree?” 
Fuck no. 
“Of course, Hawke,” Anders instead says. It was inevitable. 
“Sure,” Valentine nods with a small smile upon her lips. 
“The rest of you can go about your business. We’ll be gone for a while in the meantime.” 
Some murmurs of “alright,” “be careful,” and “see you soon,” were heard before the others left their separate ways. 
Anders watches Hawke go back to the dwarven brothers, no doubt to wrap up a few things before they head out. 
“So you were a grey warden, correct?” It was Valentine. 
“Yes, I was.” She really was quite short. She was a whole head short of him, couldn’t look like she could put her head on his shoulder if she wanted. 
“That’s a lifelong joining, isn’t it? I imagine they’re not happy having you…..displaced.” 
That got a chuckle out of him. 
“Yes, you could say that.” 
“That’s too bad,” she kicks a pebble with the tip of her boot, her eyes looking into the sky and nowhere in particular. “I’m sure they’re doing fine without you. You have more important things like spelunking with us losers in demon infested caves.” 
That got him to laugh out loud. 
“Well when you put it like that, I’m even more grateful I left the wardens.” 
When she laughs, she laughs with her being. She bends forward with her arms wrapped around her abdomen as if she was a tree swaying in the wind. 
She’s kinda cute, isn’t she? 
I do not see what this has to do with the task at hand. 
Relax. It’s just an observation. 
I am in a country called Ferelden. I have never heard of this place before. Is that old English or whatever the fuck? I don’t know, my head hurts and I’m tired from all the travel. 
It took me days by foot, but I eventually reached a small village called Draycott. I asked around for a place to stay and work. And luckily I did. Their innkeeper/pub owner was looking for someone to help clean and keep order in their establishment. He seemed like enough of a nice guy to trust for now. Everything is ancient. There is no electricity or indoor plumbing. Everyone uses candles, gets water from the well, and shits in a pot. I’m afraid to ask why that is. 
I am currently writing in my journal in a room of my own by candle light in the late evening. I’m even using a quill and ink. It’s much harder than I thought. Hope I can read this later. 
This place is so much more strange than I first thought. 
This country and land is certainly beautiful. I believe it's either mid to late spring to early fall. Grass is long, the hills roll, mountains are tall, and the trees high. 
But then I noticed the plant and wildlife. I have never seen these herbs or flowers or whatever the hell they are. They look like something out of a story book. And the animals. I’ve seen wolves and bears from a distance. Luckily, I haven't bothered them enough to attack me. 
But then I noticed a crow. It had such a large beak with ruffled feathers and splashes of red? 
And spiders. The most gigantic ones I have ever seen. They look like the size of horses! What the fuck??
I must’ve been hallucinating. I should get some rest. The people here like to wake at daybreak. 
Farmers are insane. 
They have been in the deep roads for a few days. 
It’s as claustrophobic and dark and all things awful as Anders last remembers. 
He wished the warden commander was here. She must be so warm and cozy now being the queen of Ferelden. 
And Pounce. His little mews and purrs was what really kept him going. 
Well, that and screwing around with Nathaniel was also fun. He had the best expressions. 
The company he has now however wasn't too bad. They certainly made an entertaining crowd. 
“Garrett, if you had to choose, would you rather eat your shirt or your trousers?” 
The echoes of Hawke’s belly laugh lasts almost a minute as they trek along. He had to hold on to his staff to keep himself upright. It was quite contagious and made himself, Varric, and Valentine laugh along with him. 
“Maker Val, I knew I wouldn’t regret bringing you. I think I would eat my shirt. My shirt in particular today looks rather tasty.” 
“I swear no one wants to eat their pants, it’s always the shirt.” 
“Who the hell wants to eat their pants?” Varric raises a brow. 
“I don't know, but I’m waiting for someone to tell me.” 
Without daylight, it’s impossible to tell when it's dawn or near dusk. After crossing corridors and making quick work of darkspawn that lurked, they all agreed to make camp and rest. 
Spare food and drink are brought out, bringing out better spirits for the exhausted party. Bottles of wine and flasks of water. Wrapped packs of dried fruit, meat, and nuts. 
Words start spilling and conversations follow. 
It never ceases to amaze Anders how well Hawke carries himself in social situations. He held a poise like a noble yet spoke like a child raised by pirates. Held confidence in his chest and said things like “Anders, can you help me get my hand out of this jar?” 
 He was like an affectionate pet. 
“Val,” Hawke said. He sat next to Varric while Anders and Valentine sat opposite them. “Did you know that our friend Anders runs a clinic in Darktown?”
Valentine laughs.
“That’s very all of a sudden, Garrett. That would make you a healer, yes?” She looks at Anders now. 
“That’s right,” he smiles back for politeness. “I just try to help the sick as much as I can.” 
“That’s incredibly thoughtful of you. You must make decent coin as well.” 
“Oh, I don’t charge.” Valentine nearly spits out as she drinks from a water flask. 
“You don't?” Her eyes wide and brows raised. “That’s insane. How do you get by?” 
“I get by by getting by. Also being dragged around by Hawke helps.” 
“And you are incredibly welcomed!” Hawke laughs, so does Varric, Valentine, and Anders. 
The group would soon pack their things and move on. 
Life in the village is peaceful. I can’t complain.
Yeah sure, the food could be better and I have to shit in a pot but overall, I like it. 
Not shaving is a big plus for me.
I’ve made the mistake of asking too many questions. Some of the things I don't know are common knowledge, causing people to look at me weird. Someone even asked if I had brain damage. 
And then I realized having amnesia is a great excuse. Everyone now believes I have suffered such an injury. That’s my life now. 
The innkeeper offered me a position to keep his rooms cleaned and naturally, I accepted. He also asked me to watch and possibly teach his young daughter to read and write along with watching her.
She is the dearest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Her name is Wenona. She is nearly four years of age, has light brown hair that is always braided, has a freckled face, and wears homemade dresses. 
She is mute. I have never heard her talk or make any noise. Her father says she’s only shy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on the spectrum. She is nice nonetheless and gestures when she wants something like food. I speak to her with simple words but not any different than to the others i have spoken here in the village. She understands me just fine. 
We have so far spent days outdoors, picking herbs and flowers and laying in the grass and staring at the clouds. Indoors I help her learn how to write, have tea parties, and cook and bake . I read to her every night before bed and sometimes I sing to her. 
I’ve also realized that this girl has no friends. I’ve seen a few other children here, but they never go up to here to talk or play. I asked her myself and she nodded. I told her that she was my friend and the look in her eyes…..
Learning about the world through her is an amazing experience too. 
They have a religion here called Andrastanism. It sounds similar to Christianity, but instead of God, they have a maker and instead of a son, the maker has a bride named Andraste. I’ve read their biblical stories to Wenona. 
I still have so much to learn. 
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itsemmyb · 5 years ago
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quarantine has given me a lot of time to read fanfics so i decided to put together a list of some of my faves just to show some appreciation to the writers for providing us with entertainment in this trying time.
please note: * indicates smut
the witcher
in the garden of you bed, i bloom by @owillofthewisps * - soft, pure, little spoon geralt! it's so fluffy even the smut is adorable.
the black blade by @whitewolfandthefox - badass assassin falling for their target over time as they observe them? yes please!
paths by @witchernonsense - modern day geralt! there's so much love and care coming from geralt in this fic. i'm soft!
betrayed by @yewfandoms - i'm a slut for angst and this is the angstiest angst.
úlfur minn by @scarlettwitcher * - mutual pining! badass couples fighting together! geralt being an idiot! (angsty alternate ending)
kindness by @vivodinson * - we find out where geralt learned his amazing skills in bed from and it's the sweetest and fluffiest! hozier pairs wonderfully with this one.
beautiful and damned by @dreamwritesimagines - these two emotionally constipated assholes make me feel like knocking their heads together sometimes but god i can't get enough of them.
secrets are no fun by @thewitcheress2389 - fluff! angst! overprotective dad!jaskier! bless.
untitled drabble by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats - jaskier getting the pampering and love that he so deserves, adorable!
untitled drabble by @a-kind-of-merry-war - father's day fluff! we love our little dysfunctional family.
a silent love by @whitewolfandthefox - (this one is technically geraskefer) the angst, my eyes welled up reading this, pure heartache bandaged by fluff at the end.
steve rogers
no promises by @manawhaat (steve rogers x maria hill) - i never considered this ship before now but mana has given us idiots in love, pining and has shown us the way.
crown of thorns by @moonstruckbucky - in the beginning stages but i'm lovin it so far!
natasha romanoff
who's in control by @darling-little-doe * - ohhhhh the filth! dom!natasha, i need a cold shower!
tony stark
tony the idiot by @iwillbeinmynest - tony being a cute little shit, marriage proposals, i'm lov.
peter parker
far from you trilogy by @hey-marlie * - we got fluff, we got angst, we got smut, we got mutual pining, we got idiots in love. what more could you want?
stranger things
billy hargrove
head over heels by @withoutaplease * - fluff, angst, and eventual smut with our favourite asshole all written wonderfully!
steve harrington
never have i ever by @blueberrylemontea-fanfic * - steve learns how to give oral and surprise surprise, he's a gotdamn natural.
jim hopper
a way to a man's heart by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord - you know we got them daddy issues and hopper is a thicc king who deserves all the love!
ransom drysdale
the assistant by @trillian-anders * - listen, ransom drysdale is a dick wad, a straight up stink boi, absolute garbage man BUT this series almost made me change my opinion of him.
4 months by @princess-of-riviaa * - garbage boi's back at it again, makin us horny and being a piece of shit.
henry cavill
comfort me by @hlkwrites * - oof, i wish i had a henry to do this with after a long day of work.
nicked by @viking-raider - henry being an adorable little shit and stealing the reader's clothing when he leaves to shoot, cutest crap ever!
there's something on your shirt by @neganslucille1994 - short and sweet. domestic henry! kal being a cutie pie! all the fluff!
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smuganya · 4 years ago
What do you think of the supposed triangle between Guzman, Samu and the new girl? I dont want them fighting again :( and also please elite preserve my guznadia and carmuel
tbh i don't like guznadia or camuel so i'm not as bothered by it as most people are lol, but i am kind of annoyed that they're hurting samu and guzman's friendship over it. (though i hope we get more guzman/ander and omar/samu stuff as a result since i like those friendships more anyway). i do feel like the character ari, as well as carla, the actress who plays her, is getting a ton of totally unnecessary hate though, and that i'm super not cool with. she seems like a cutie, and i'm interested to see where things go with that plot, and to see the dynamics of the new characters, but it's not like top priority for me in terms of the plots that have been teased. i get kind of iffy vibes from the character based on her description and what we've seen of her thus far, so i'm not really rooting for her with either of them just yet, but we'll see where things go.
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enby-hawke · 5 years ago
Interview with Lucky Hawke
Tagging @factorykat and @munchyarbeyach for showing me and encouraging me to do this interview. It was a lot of fun. I’m going to go ahead and tag 
@leafo-supreme @gloomba331 @mahalzevran @alexiealducsdrawings @angryirene @glittering-peaches @ghostmage @dankou @zeesqueere @apostates-anonymous @pippii-punkstockings and I don’t know who else wants to do it. No pressure of course. 
NAME ➔ “Lucky,” he winks. “Surely, that’s not the name your parents gave you,” the interviewer says. Lucky frowns. “Rude? Do you go around insulting all your guests?” The interviewer chuckles. “Just was wondering...considering you’re-” “Alright, you do know how many times I’ve been arrested for punching people?” “Point taken.”
ARE YOU SINGLE ➔ He smiles brightly. “Happily married, twice over. And we all share a girlfriend.” The interviewer frowns. “That’s not possibly legal.” “And?” Hawke shrugs. “Andraste had two lovers, the Maker, and her husband. It’s not so weird.”
ARE YOU HAPPY ➔ Lucky sighs deeply and leans back. “Yeah, you know I think I am. Took a while to get there, but this life is all I have.” “You don’t believe in an afterlife?” the interviewer asks. Hawke smiles bitterly. “I didn’t say that.”
ARE YOU ANGRY ➔ Hawke shrugs, running his fingers through his curls. “I mean I guess you’ve seen the videos, but,” Hawke looks right into the interviewer's eyes. “Anger tells me what matters to me. I listen to it.” He smiles, though it’s a little strained. “It’s not always the enemy.”
ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED ➔ “Yeah, I’m sure they’re having a grand old time gossiping about us kids,” Lucky laughs brightly. “Mom and Dad would have never guessed what we’d get into. I’m sure Mother’s chatting the Maker’s ear off.”
The interviewer’s bright smile falls. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they passed.”
Hawke shrugs. “It’s just how it is.” NINE FACTS
BIRTHPLACE ➔ “Amaranthine, at the Squeez,” Lucky chuckles. The interviewer almost spits out his water. “The brothel?” Lucky laughs at the interviewer's face. “I’m not shitting you. It’s kind of a long story. Funny though.”
HAIR COLOR ➔ Dark brown
EYE COLOR ➔ Lucky chuckles. “Everyone always notices the eyes. Yeah, my left one’s brown and my right one’s blue.” The interviewer leans in. “They are rather unusual.” Lucky winks at the interviewer. “Makes me special.”
BIRTHDAY ➔ 7th of Drakonis, 9:08 Dragon
MOOD ➔ “Chipper,” Hawke grins.
GENDER ➔ “Well let’s see now,” Lucky takes out a coin and flips it. “Heads. Guess I’m a girl today.” “Ok maybe that was a weird question, but please answer seriously.” Hawke blinks putting his hands to his chest in mock shock. “I don’t understand. You don’t think I’m a pretty girl?”
SUMMER OR WINTER ➔ “Summer. Wait, winter. Wait….” Lucky scratches his head thinking deeply. “This is not supposed to be a serious question. Just whatever feels right.” “Summer’s for beaches and swimsuits but winter’s for cuddling by the fire and cute sweaters.” Lucky continues to seriously weigh his options as the interviewer tries to move on.
MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➔ “Ah, man, the morning’s only good if you’re already awake. So probably afternoon.” EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE
ARE YOU IN LOVE ➔ “Would be weird if I was married and not in-love,” Lucky chuckles.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ➔ “My parents did and I thought it was bullshit until I saw a guy rip out a slaver’s still-beating heart and stuff it into his mouth.” The interviewer is seriously disturbed. “That’s….interesting.” Hawke is now daydreaming.
WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP ➔ “He did. Then she did. I’m not...,” Hawke’s chuckle is strained and then he clears his throat. “It’s all good now, though. We’re good.” The interviewer wants to press on but something in the way Hawke suddenly glares makes him think better of it.
HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART ➔ “Unfortunately I’ve had too much practice with that.”
ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS ➔ Hawke chuckles. “You know it used to be this huge thing, and I hurt a lot of people not knowing what I want.” Hawke looks serious for once. “It’s not bad to take time to figure things out before you jump into something.”
HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➔ “Did Varric not drive me here?”
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER ➔ “No, when I was young, things were very different,” Hawke looks uncomfortable but quickly smiles. “Now, I just have admirers so if there are any secret ones they remain secret.”
HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➔ “Too many times to count,” Hawke chuckles. “Good thing is, now, I’m better at fixing it.” SIX CHOICES
LOVE OR LUST ➔ “Love hands down,” Hawke answers without hesitation. “I’m surprised,” the interviewer states. Hawke looks puzzled. “Why?” “I mean...you read the book, then read the articles.” Lucky laughs. “Ok, maybe I liberally love. I’m much tamer these days, I swear.” Lucky then gives an easier grin. “Unless you don’t want me to be.” The interviewer blushes and says they should move on.
LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➔ “This is biphobia. Stop making me choose,” Hawke teases. The interviewer politely laughs. “It’s only a question.” “Fine, I’ll mix them. Final answer.”
CATS OR DOGS ➔ Hawke chuckles. “Well, cats don’t like me much so I guess dogs.”
A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➔ “I think there are only a few people nowadays I call a friend. I used to have a lot of “friends” but,” Hawke laughs. “I’ve learned it’s better to focus on what’s already good and more good will come.”
WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➔ Hawke frowns again. “Biiiiiphobia.” “You really don’t have preferences?” “My preference is a good time.”
DAY OR NIGHT ➔ Hawke sighs, leaning back. “Night? I guess? Things just seem easier when the day is gone.” FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS
BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➔ “All the time. I got better at it when I was older.”
FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➔ Hawke laughs. “That’s random. But uh, yeah. Both” “That actually doesn’t surprise me.”
WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? Hawke smiles but there’s something different about this smile. Something much more bitter. “Yeah,” he simply replies. “Care to elaborate?” the interviewer raises an eyebrow. Lucky takes a sip of water. “No.”
WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➔ “Wow is this therapy now?” The interviewer is surprised by the quick reaction. “We can move on,” the interviewer clears his throat. “Yes,” Hawke’s eyes bore in a warning. “Let’s.” FOUR PREFERENCES
SMILE OR EYES ➔ “Wow back to the preferences?” Lucky chuckles but it’s lighter and more good-natured. The interviewer joins in. “How about what you like about each instead. We might get through these questions faster.”
Hawke puts his fingers to his lips thinking. “I love to make people laugh. A smile lets me know people are comfortable. I don’t...always know how to...but I can stare for hours at my wife’s eyes, at my husband’s eyes, at my girlfriend’s eyes. Paired with a smile meant for me,” Hawke half-smiles. “There’s nothing better.”
SHORTER OR TALLER ➔ “Well lots of people are taller than me, so it’s nice when I’m the tall one for once.”
INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➔ “You know I’ve met a lot of intelligent assholes and attractive assholes. I usually just want someone nice.”
HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➔ “I did the hook-up thing for a long time, and still every now and then, but there’s something to be said to have someone you know will stay by your side.” “Wait aren’t you married? You still hook-up?” “What my girlfriend and I compare hook-ups. And we’re all safe about it.” The interviewer stares blankly. Hawke shrugs. “It’s not that weird.”
DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➔ Hawke laughs. “We’re a family. Caring deeply means emotions run deeply. We have our fights but we’ve learned better ways to talk to each other as we got older.”
WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➔ Hawke sucks air through his teeth. “Messed up enough that my best friend is making royalties off of it.”
HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➔ “A few times,” Hawke nods. “Actually running away was how I found Boof.” “Wait, Boof?” “My mabari mutt,” Lucky takes out his phone to shows a selfie of him and a feathery golden mabari. “He’s a cutie, ain’t he?” “Why Boof?” Hawke looks puzzled again. “He named himself.” It’s the interviewers turn to get puzzled.
HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➔ “Not when I was younger. My dad was...protective.” FRIENDS
DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➔ “No, if I hate you, you’ll know it.”
DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➔ “I don’t call you a friend if you’re not my friend.”
WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➔ Hawke glares again. “Biiiiiipho-” “Ok, we’ll just move on.”
WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➔ Hawke looks up thinking. He then takes out his fingers and starts counting. “Well let’s see there’s Merrill, Fenris, Isabela, obviously Varric, Anders, Aveline, my brother, and si-...sitter.” “Sitter?” Hawke chuckles nervously. “Yeah, my girl’s sitter. I always end up talking her ear off.”
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thethirdamell · 5 years ago
I'm this close to selling my soul for more AO, but I would settle for more music that inspired it. Pretty please. No pressure, tho.
This is definitely not all of it but I spent a couple hours trying to sort out my playlists so here’s … some. None of them are hyperlinked because. I don’t have anything neat because half is on YouTube, half is on Spotify and none of it is neatly organized. I just really hope the read more works. Make Ready.
Fan Playlists
Amell / OghrenAfterlife - Ingrid MichaelsonCups - Anna KendrickI Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For CutieToast to Tomorrow - Blackmore’s NightFollow - Crystal FightsOne Last Drink - Enter the HaggisHeroes - AlessoOne Bourbon One Scotch One Beer - George Thorogood
Amell / Zevran (Amell’s Perspective)Ship To Wreck - Florence + The MachineDarkside - Alan WalkerAmellControl - HalseySticks and Stones - The PiercesIcarus - Bastille / Icarus - ChristonAll The King’s Horses - KarminaWhite Flag - Rose CousinsWarrior - Paradise FearsPlay With Fire - Sam TinneszBlack Magic - Digital DaggersShort Change Hero - The HeavyFar Too Young to Die - Panic! At the DiscoJokes About EyesEyes - Kaskade Look at Those Eyes - Alexz JohnsonOpen Your Eyes - Snow PatrolHawkeHey Brother - AviciiLuck - American AuthorsI’m So Sorry - Imagine DragonsGame - Smash MouthGuilty Filthy Soul - AwolnationRed Eyes - The War on DrugsAre You Ready - Distant CousinsWarrior - Paradise FearsSinners - Barns CourtneyFire - Barns CourtneyHome - American AuthorsChampion - Fall Out BoyLosing My Religion - R.E.M.Bartholomew - Silent ComedyBeliever - American AuthorsDavid - Noah GundersenAmen - HalestormSail Away Sweet Sister - QueenBusy Earning - JungleHero - Family of the YearThe Other Side - SireniaAndersLocking Up the Sun - Poets of the FallStill Frame - TraptRun Boy Run - WoodkidBattle Cry - Claire GuerresoAll on Fire - Cut OneMy Demons - StarsetBurn the House Down - AJRHopeless Opus - Imagine DragonsMelanie Martinez - SoapBe Okay - Ingrid Michaelson Whistle (While You Work It) - Katy Tiz Blackout - Breathe Carolina Make Them Hear You - NineFight Song - Rachel PlattenSentimental Scar - IrisJusticeGlitter and Gold - Barns CourtneyAnders / KarlNot Gonna Get Us - t.A.T.u.Yours Truly - Paradise FearsAnders / Amell (From Anders’ Perspective)Apple - Joe BrooksHold On - Chord OverstreetRun - Snow PatrolDreaming Wide Awake - Poets of the FallSay You’ll Haunt Me - Stone SourFlesh - Simon CurtisTrust You - Rob ThomasWorld Spins Madly On - The WeepiesCan’t Feel My Face - The WeekndDo I Wanna Know? - Artic MonkeysWon’t Let Go - InMeSay You’ll Haunt Me - Stone SourPlease Don’t Say You Love Me - Gabrielle AplinAnders / Amell (From Amell’s Perspective)Bad Romance - Jay SmithYellow - ColdplayYou Owe Me Nothing in Return - Alanis MorissetteFor Your Entertainment - Adam LambertCut Your Teeth - Kyla La GrangeDesire - Meg MyersAnders / Amell (Either Perspective / In General)Spectrum - ZedMagic - Mystery SkullsIrresistible - TemposharkBruises & Bitemarks - Good With Gernandes American Beauty / American Psycho - The Whole Album - Fallout BoySuper Psycho Love - Simon CurtisAnders / Hawke (From Anders’ Perspective)Sweet Nothing - Calvin HarrisHeavy In Your Arms - Florence + The MachineThe Peasant’s Promise - Blackmore’s NightBetween Wind and Water - HaelSave Me - GotyeWhen You Say Nothing At All - Ronan KeatingAddicted To You - AviciiAppetite - IrisRoses - Poets of the FallAnders / Hawke (From Hawke’s Perspective)Love You Madly - CakeHuman - Gabrielle AplinMy Obsession - Cinema BizarrePainkiller - Three Days GraceSpit It Out - IAMXDevil’s Backbone - The Civil WarsWith You - Dan Gautreau & Wolfgang BlackOn Your Side - Gabe DixonLast of the Real Ones - Fall Out BoyLift - Poets of the FallAnders / Hawke  (Either Perspective)How Do You Feel Today - Gabrielle AplinBattleships - DaughtryA Lot Like Love - The VoyagersIris - Goo Goo DollsHow Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harrris Beautiful Now - ZeddAnders / Justice (In General)Phantom & Justice - Old Man CanyonI Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab For Cutie War - Poets of the FallDark Doo Wop - MS MRJekyll and Hyde - Jonathan Thulin, Rapture RuckusHearts a Mess - GotyeKryptonite - 3 Doors DownTrip the Darkness - Lacuna CoilSuit - Boom! Bap! Pow! Sad Song - We the KingsEverlong - Foo FightersThree Wishes - The PiercesEmpire - Of Monsters and MenForever and Ever - Royal WoodBattle Scars - Paradise FearsRenegades - X AmbassadorsThe Wardens - AwakeningHeaven Knows - The Pretty RecklessThis Is Gonna Hurt - Sixx: A.M.DOA - Foo FightersWicked Ones - DorothyCitizen / Soldier - 3 Doors DownThe Other Side - PendulumCompassion / Anders (From Compassion’s Perspective)Count on Me - Bruno MarsVelanna / Nathaniel Sarcasm - Get ScaredObsessed - BoAFire and the Flood - Vance JoyOghrenProblematic - Get ScaredSigrunAlone Together - Fall Out BoyQuentinBones - MS MRMeredith / LeonieYou Should See Me in a Crown - Billie EilishKingdom Fall - Claire WyndhamLead on Losing Control - Corb Lund
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elonmuskisabitch · 7 years ago
dragon age 2 characters
varric - king
aveline - mom
isabela - queen
merrill - cutie
anders - my favorite character in the entire series and you can fight me on it
fenris - love
sebastian - :(
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sky-scribbles · 7 years ago
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Tanner Hawke’s playthrough of DA2 is done! I never did do a proper introductory post for him, so instead I’ll talk about some assorted thoughts I have about him and his story in the game, and throw in a bunch of my favourite screenshots.
Rambling about an aggressive pro-mage, Merrill-mancing rogue Hawke below the cut, plus my thoughts on several random things in the game.
(Ffs, my blog theme’s squishing my pretty screenshots again. I’ll see if I can sort that out soon.)
- I was a little worried about playing Red Hawke at first, but... I actually really enjoyed it? Where the red options got too aggressive, I’d switch briefly to green or purple, ‘cause Tanner’s a ‘lil jerk except he really isn’t at heart. He ended up about 80% red, 15% blue and 5% purple - and when speaking to his friends and loved ones, it was almost always blue and purple options. And even a lot of the red options were much more simply brutally honest rather than outright aggressive. I think I misjudged Red Hawke; I have rather a soft spot for them now. They come across, to me, as bitter, blunt, to-the-point and ready to fight, but not in the least dislikeable, as long as they’re not picking horrible options in the moral choices.
- This was my first time with Warden Bethany, and it was both heartbreaking and wonderful. The former because that first bitter letter she sent Tanner was just the saddest thing, and seeing her resentful of the Warden life and of the brother who loved her was just agony. But... she grew up so much. Circle Bethany is happier, but Warden Bethany is stronger, older, maybe even wiser, by the end. I ended up loving it far more than I expected.
(The family all looked really alike in this game too, which was amazing ‘cause my first Hawke looked like he was the milkman’s child.)
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Sorry Fenris I know not all of us have great bonds with our sisters
- And the Merrill romance was just. The cutest thing. Few things have made me happier than seeing my withdrawn and hot-tempered Red Hawke melt into a gentle puddle around his sweet little elf. 
I do wish there had been a bit more content to the romance - one flirt option in the entirety of act one and not a single one again until her personal quest halfway through act two? Not even an opening conversation in act 2? Really? If I remember rightly, Anders and Fenris both had multiple flirt options in their recruitment quests and post-recruitment convos, then more in their opening chats in act 2... and I really got the feeling of yes, these guys and my Hawkes were already forming an attraction soon after they met, and it’s been growing stronger these past years. With Merrill, I... didn’t get that so much. Which is absolutely not a knock on her character or her romance, both of which I loved! I’m just a sappy little thing who wants mooore.
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Look at these cuties tho
- It was pretty interesting playing a character who is 100% behind tearing down the Templars almost right from the get-go. I wasn’t sure how Tanner would feel about the mage rebellion at first, but things were decided with a single line from Cullen in act one: ‘I’ve heard interesting things about your sister, Hawke. I hope they’re not true.’ Cue the incredibly protective Tanner dragging his sister to the Deep Roads with him to keep her away from the Templars, only to lose her to the Wardens and have her resent him for it. So Tanner pretty much blames the Templars for everything that’s gone wrong in his relationship with his sister, and that’s not something he forgives easily. 
A big part of his character development was going from the Circle needs to be destroyed because the Templars did me a personal wrong to it needs to be destroyed because it’s the right thing to do. He alone of all my Hawkes so far didn’t really question Anders’s actions during the final stage of Justice, guessing that this was the first strike of the war against the Templars, and deciding that he was willing to be a part of that war.
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Yes, I did the first stage of The Last Straw with a three-mage party. It was awesome.
- Tanner and Fenris had such a great friendship. Two withdrawn, bitter but good-hearted blade-wielders who don’t hold back when it comes to avenging the wrongs done to them... It’s a match made in the Golden City. I headcanon that Tanner spent a lot of his time ‘round Fenris’s mansion, both of them drinking and complaining about pretty much everything.
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Battle buddies ftw.
Actually, Tanner had good friendships going with all the party - he was in the Rivalry zone with Aveline for some time, and I did consider pursuing that path with her, but in the end I just couldn’t do it; after some initial headbutting over their different methods, they came to respect each other immensely.
I think Varric and Anders drew for closeness with Tanner after Fenris - the former because he’s one of the only people who can get Tanner to open up and laugh, the latter because he made Tanner feel he could actually do something about the messed-up world that took his sister from him, rather than just venting his anger with mercenary work. Anders might not have the best handle on his own rage, but he sure was good at channelling Tanner’s into something productive.
Choosing my party was always a struggle; quite often it was ‘OK, which one of Varric, Fenris and Anders is being dragged along with Tanner, Merrill and Bethany this time?’ But I still had plenty of mix-and-matching, especially on personal quests, where I always tend to drag along the party members who get along with whoever’s quest I’m doing (Isabela tends to be a staple in personal quests, ‘cause she accepts everyone just as they are, bless her wonderful roguish heart.)
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- It was my first time doing the Legacy DLC, and I loved it. Having more time to interact with Hawke’s sibling is an automatic win, and it also gave some extra exposition on Corypheus’s powers and motivation that really make me wish I’d had this DLC before I played DAI for the first time. Everything just makes sense once you see Corypheus calling upon Dumat, and being answered with nothing. I can’t wait to do the DLC again when I replay Dalton and Bryony, my first two Hawkes. 
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All in all, I loved this playthrough to death. Rogue combat was amazing (Tanner was so overpowered by the end - Mark of Death plus Assassinate took out bosses with terrifying speed) and I’m very, very fond of Tanner, his tiny elf wife, and his bickering found family. This game still continues to own my heart - it’s so personal, so full of character, so focused on emotion.
What’s up next? I’m probably going back to SWTOR and Mass Effect for a bit, but when I return to Dragon Age... the Inquisitor in Tanner’s universe is gonna be a dwarven warrior named Tova Cadash who’ll romance Sera, but she’s going to be on hold for a bit. Mostly because I have a fierce desire to replay my first Warden and Hawke and... I’m not sure I can fight it.
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maripr · 7 years ago
So. Your favourite Dragon Age character(s) and ships! And why you like them (if you want). :D
Thank you! /o/This may be long… or not. Depending on my language skills at the moment (it’s 1AM here tho I don’t really wanna go to bed)Let me preface this by saying: I love everyone. There’s probably no companion I truly dislike, even if I have some problems with a few of them (like Alistair. Sorry, Alistair)Anyway, in no particular order:The entire cast of Dragon Age 2. I’m serious. This game grew immensely on me and, though I may still not call it my favorite of the saga (I would say Origins is), it certainly has my favorite story and characters. I don’t know wheter to include Hawke or not, cause they can be characterized however the player wants, but as an archetipe? I fucking love Hawke. Because they embody the tragic Hero of ancient Greece. They’re destined to fail, no matter what they do, because Fate it’s a force not even Gods can’t oppose.Ahem, sorry, my inner classicist geek is getting over me. But, all in all, DA2 has the plot of a greek tragedy.Anyway, back on characters, I would say I love Fenris the most, not only out of DA2 but out of the whole franchise. Something about his story resonated deeply with me and I love his possible recovery, it’s a powerful tale of a man, who was broken in all the ways possible, finding a new place in life and also people to connect with (my personal fav character development for him is him fighting alongside Hawke to defend mages, but I’m biased because the mage ending is my favorite).I repeat I really love everyone in this game, but I should also name Merrill and Anders. Merrill because I find her to be extremely strong despite what everyone (even the fandom, sometimes, thinks of her) and honestly, the fact that she keeps wanting the best for the people who actively antagonize her (Fenris, Anders, I’m looking at you guys) is the kind of ideal I aspire to, in terms of spirituality but also practical life (because grudges only make me feel like shit, lol).And, after some details about blood magic (which I’m an apologist of, because that thing saved my party numerous times in DAO, lmao) and Eluvians in Inquisition, I love the irony that… well, it’s actually debatable on who you ask, but I really think Merrill was right about everything, lol.So I wanna see her back in DA4, so she can see that Eluvians actually work and maybe flip off everyone who ever thought of her like an irresponsible child (she would never flip someone off, because she’s too much of a cutie for that).Now, Anders. Effing Anders. I actually despides him in Awakening, thinking he was only a watered down clone of Alistair, and I was neutral on him in DA2. But then he made the Chantry explode. An action I actually condemn.But that action and his whole reasoning behind it made me fall in love with him because… damn, what a fucking masterpiece of tragic (and he too may be considered tragic as Greek tragedy Tragic now that I think of it) character he is.I’m not keen on the “Anders did nothing wrong” interpretation a big part of the fandom has of him, and I even reblogs some critical meta on him from time to time. But I truly find him grandiose as a character, in a “God, what a beautiful failure of a human being he is” kind on way (no offense to his fans).I just wish his rival romance was better written, orz.Moving on the other games.From Origins, I love Zevran the most. Second fav in the saga. What resonated with him is similar to what made me fall for Fenris, I guess I’m big on Former Slave Discovers Freedom (you’ll also see this with my third fave).Zevran also has this thing of hiding his feelings under a smiley façade that... uugh i really love.From Origins, I also Love Leliana, but I actually think I love her more in Inquisition, because I adore her as the scarred spymaster.Loghain is also a big fav of mine. Guess I love assholes who really believe, in their own fucked up way, they’re doing the right thing (for the record, I dont’ condemn him on his decision of leaving the battle at Ostagar. I am, however, really not ok with him selling elves as slaves).And then there’s Sten, the original husbando. I was so disappotinted when I learned I could not romance him, lmao.From Inquisition, the two that get me the most are Iron Bull and Solas.Iron Bull, I would say, is the third out of my absolute favorites, but Solas at this point may come right after him.Iron Bull was actually the first thing I knew about Dragon Age, so I’ve always been fond of him, lol. Then playing and romancing him made me fall hard. You know, Former Slave, and also a big softie and very inteligent and with hidden depths. I’m so interested in his background as a spy. You usually imagine spies as being small people that don’t realy look interestin, and here’s a giant, bombastic man with a huge pair of horns and an eyepatch. I love it.Solas. Here’s another Tragic character, and another asshole who actually thinks he’s doing the right thing. Bonus points for fixing a huge mistake by making an even bigger mistake. You go, Solas.And also, I’m in love with the fact he’s basically Loki. Love the trickster archetype. Super interesting.Now, this actually got super long. And tumblr is being an idiot and won’t let me do a read more. Apologies to you guys’ dashes. I’ll try to be brief with the ships.So, before Dragon Age, I wasn’t big on OC/Canon characters ships, but DA being a fantasy dating sim, they are a big part of what I ship now. For each OC/Canon Character, I have headcanons that may not fit with the vision some other fan has of that particulas ship, and that’s super interesting to me, I love reading different interpretations. But my headcanons are for another post. Maybe.Anyway, my favorite ships with OCs areZevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Loghain/Warden (unromanceable characters never bothered me anyway), Anders/rival!Hawke (I actually found the actual rivalmance a bit underwhelming in terms of writing, so my headcanons about are different), Fenris/friend!Hawke (bonus if Hawke’s a mage, because, again, I’m biased), Merrill/Hawke, Isabela/Hawke, Sebastian/Male!Hawke (also completely based on headcanons), Iron Bull/Inquisitor (bonus if Adaar but also Cadash), Solas/Lavellan (because I’m cliché) and Dorian/Inquisitor.
For NPC/NPC ships my favorite at the moment is Merrill/Fenris and I’m so alone in this, lmao. Everyone out there shipping fenders, which I can’t see at all (no offense) and here I am in my small boat, thinking that Fenris and Merrill are actually somewhat similar and if the huge, HUGE, wall of bloodmagic being the highest on Fenris’ list of triggers for very obious and very reasonable reasons, somehow becomes less evident, Merrill is the one mage outside of mage!Hawke who Fenris could actually trust (y’know, Merrill never once called him a beast - like Anders did). I want to write all the tings but nobody to tell *sob*.Also, Fenris/Isabela. Also, Merrill/Isabela. Also Fenris/Isabela/Merrill. Also, the three of them are my actual “canon” polyship with my main Hawke.Sebastian/Anders I like because of the twisted, and badwrong potential. So is Meredith/Orsino.Cassandra/Varric is another favorite, because I adore how their relationship develops and they would be absolutely the cutest.Then there’s Morrigan/Alistais as sitcom enemies.And last but not least, Krem/Cole. With potential OT3 with Maryden. Phew, I think it’s all of them. Thanks again for asking.
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the-outquisitor · 8 years ago
everything but multiples of four who am i?? Ull never know
What a ~mystery~! I don’t know ANYONE who doesn’t like the number 4!
1. Templars or Mages? Srsly??? Mages
2. Mage, warrior, or rogue?I have one of each! Buuuuut rogue, tbh, it’s in my soul
3. Describe your favorite Inquisitor’s personality and backgroundAurora Trevelyan is the youngest child of Bann Trevelyan of Ostwick who, despite the expectations of her pious family to join the chantry, trained as a warrior. She is kind and forgiving, but firm and strong in her convictions and her faith. While she is gentle, she is reserved until she learns to trust you, and has a sad air about her.
5. Favorite romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition?Cullen ♡♡♡
6. Favorite romance in Dragon Age 2?Anders ♡♡♡
7. Favorite romance in Dragon Age: Origins?Alistair ♡♡♡ (I, uh…have a Type™)
9. Least favorite Dragon Age character and why?Loghain! Because he planned everything all along, including the enslavement of the elves in Denerim, the poisoning of Arl Eamon, abandoning King Cailan, destroying the Wardens, and allowing Howe to get away with the massacre of the Couslands. In fact, they say that ALL of the King’s advisors are mysteriously out of commission during the Battle of Ostagar, and I’m not convinced that he didn’t have to do with the Arl of Denerim’s death either. AND he gets a free pass. So fuck that and fuck him. :^)
10. Who do you think should become Divine? Leliana please, down with Circles
11. Should Cole become more human or more spirit like? I always make him human because he’s really really suffering when he sees that templar, and ultimately I think Varric is right about helping him through changing himself. Not that I think he couldn’t be happy being a spirit, it’s just that the whole “forgive someone killing you” thing is something I struggle with personally.
13. What was the fate of your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor?Warden: Queen with Alistair and a daughterHawke: Back in Kirkwall with Anders and a daughterInquisitor: Running templar sanctuary with Cullen with a son
14. Qunari, humans, elves, or dwarves?All of the above! Everyone’s great
(Started answering on my laptop at this point, so had to change the spacing)
15. Favorite location in Inquisition?
Wholesome answer? The Frostback Basin. Self indulgent answer? ...The Winter Palace
17. Which characters do you ship and why?
Josephine and Isabela because Isabela would TOTALLY go for seducing a prim and proper lady with a secret penchant for adventure and Josephine would TOTALLY go for making her work for it when Isabela can usually get what she wants pretty easily cause Josephine knows how to play the game. IMAGINE THE BATTLE OF WILLS. And then they can get married and go gay sailing forever.
Sera and Dagna because not only are they canon, but the MAYHEM. ALL OF THE BEES. And they’re cuties
Sigrun and Velanna cause I enjoy ships where one is grumpy and the other is a ball of sunshine and also because both of them deserve love and happiness. 
Maryden-centric polyamorous relationship between her, Cole, and Krem because I enjoy compromise.
And one that I just made up which is Carver and Nathaniel because they both have similar experiences with family and reputation and also because I don’t believe Carver is actually as broody as he’s made out to be and I feel like Nathaniel would appreciate his sarcastic sense of humor. (And also because Nathaniel and Anders def had a fling and how awkward would that make family reunions??? In other words, I live.)
18. Which pairings do you dislike and why?
Varric and Cassandra because WHY???? LIKE OKAY they were both able to move past their fight and their distrust of one another from the beginning, but I don’t see that blossoming into a relationship. I feel like they could be friends, but they do not solve problems or generally go about things the same way, and I can see that becoming an issue. Like Cass is way more strict with her morals and Varric couldn’t give a single fuck, and I feel like when your value systems are that different, there’s gonna be problems. I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. In your playthrough, who became the ruler of Ferelden?
Alistair, the right one
21. Which game, in your opinion, is the strongest entry to the series?
AaaaaAAAAHHH THEY’RE ALL GOOD FOR DIFFERENT REASONS. I play Inquisition the most because I’ve played Origins SO MANY TIMES and 2 isn’t as flexible with Hawke’s characterization. But I feel like Origins is the strongest because it establishes a consistent lore and has a good story structure. Also, absolutely nothing is in it or any of its DLCs that doesn’t add to the story, the lore, or the characters in some way.
22. Bethany or Carver?
I have...never played as a non-mage in 2...so I’ve never had Bethany :’(
23. Favorite DLC?
NooOOOO DON’T ASK ME THIS DAMMIT!!! Because Awakening is where I finally developed my Warden, Trespasser is, well, Trespasser, and The Descent is SO GOOD AAAAAHHHHH
I’m, uh...gonna answer this with that, so :P
25. Do you like the Warden, Hawke, or the Inquisitor the most?
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26. Did your Inquisitor forgive Solas?
LOL for which fucked up thing? Cause depending on the universe, the answer varies VASTLY. For giving the orb to Corypheus which fucked everything up? Sure, we all make mistakes. For keeping that, his identity, and the nature of the Anchor a secret from her the whole time so she could believe whatever she wanted and not know what was actually going to happen? Probs not. For breaking up with @ravenstag‘s Inquisitor? NEVER.
27. Least favorite quest in the series?
29. Describe the appearance and personality of your Warden character.
(All taken from her Charahub page cause I’m lazy)
Shoulder-length brown hair, usually kept in a high ponytail, Dark brown eyes, 5'7" with a slender build
She is mild-mannered and gentle, preferring to take the diplomatic route in a situation if possible. She is good at helping feuding parties find common ground and using logical arguments. She is also very detail-oriented and perceptive, taking in small but important pieces of information almost constantly.Although she knows how to hide her emotions behind a polite smile or a calm demeanor, when she is around her loved ones, she is happy-go-lucky and unrestrained in sharing her affections or making witty jokes. She is also very individualistic and tries to find the value in everyone's personal identity. As a result, she tends to be a good listener and/or a shoulder to cry on. She is very intuitive, sometimes asserting that she just knows what the right choice is. This can lead to her making reckless decisions which have gotten her into dangerous situations. Her penchant for recklessness also comes from a general thirst for excitement, a yearning for more than what was expected of her, and an intensified need to feel alive after experiencing trauma.Because she was taught that duty and loyalty always come first, she detests betrayal in all of its forms and if you betray her trust, which can be given in haste, she will not forgive you and will seek vengeance to one degree or another.
30. Did you side with Briala, Gaspard, or with Empress Celene?
I...may have reconciled Celene and Briala...because I didn’t know better...and because I have no reason to think Aurora would know any better...I kept it that way... Oops...
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amralimesoti · 8 years ago
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Musical Inspiration
In truth, Nathaniel soon came to realize that Amralime stubbed, bumped, and tripped into so many things all the time because he was an absolute airhead outside of battle or politics. It was like his mind just went to sleep or wandered away whenever he wasn't in danger - during a fight was a completely different story. Well, mostly. It was easy to tell in the beginning, that the battle mage was used to his men being able to take on hordes of enemies without much support, which Nathaniel might have been willing to take as a complement if it didn't end up with him surrounded by enemies and expected to just... Manage it. The elf had seemed almost entirely unphased when Oghren hit the ground, like he was used to the idiot running into the thick of it and getting knocked out, but when he noticed both him and Anders shortly follow suit, the look of panic on his face was almost priceless. The Howe imagined it would have been more funny if he hadn't been trying to hold close the gaping wound on his inner thigh. Admittedly, the sight that soon followed that catastrophe was one the rouge didn't think he would ever forget.
Once the Commander had understood the gravity of his error, he immediately sent out a stun on all the enemies. It was enough time for him to make a stone fist hurtle at Oghren's heavily armoured body and send it flying into Anders - crudely but successfully pushing the two out of harm's way. He then ran away from Nathaniel and, for a terrifying moment, the rouge thought the elf was about to abandon all of them. Instead, he got himself to the furthest corner of the enemies group and sent out a chain of electricity, just as they were starting to come back around. The beasts shrieked and moved in on him from all angles, leaving Nathaniel for dead on the ground and not even noticing the other two passed out Wardens off to the side of the battle. He watched on in horror, completely helpless, as the Commander took blows head on from multiple foes, all while he viciously slaughtered them around him with his staff and sword. Nathaniel suspected that it was only a combination of his healing magic, lyrium potions, and stun spells that saved their leader's life on that day. When the last enemy fell, Amralime was supporting himself on his staff and shaking knees. His clothes were covered with gaps where weapons had reached his flesh and blood trickled down his legs in steady streams and the rouge was absolutely convinced that the man was simply dead on his feet.
After a moment, where the world seemed far too quiet and Nathaniel was about ready to call out to the other man, those bright eyes seemed to reclear, as if he was just becoming aware that the fighting was now over. He looked up then, around, his eyes scanned over Anders and Oghren. Once he was satisfied with what he saw, he turned his gaze next to Nathaniel. The wound on his leg was still bleeding, he could feel the slow slick of warm fluid moving past his fingertips. It was making him light headed, but he was sure he would survive with some proper bandaging. The Commander seemed to be thinking the same thing, because his mouth went into a stubborn line and he visibly gathered up the strength he'd need to get over to him, stumbling across the bloodied floor and collapsing down to his knees before his injured comrade with a pained grunt. Close up, the elf looked even worse off then before, his skin almost proper black where the bruises were trying to steadily form, the slashes in his side and arm looking to need immediate care.
The mage ignored all of it. He opened up his pack and pulled out a very strong lyrium potion and some bandages. Drinking the contents from the bottle, he visually cringed and shivered before tossing the empty thing aside and moved his attention to the wound under Nathaniel's hand. "Let me see."
Admittedly, the Howe didn't expect to be so startled when he felt the Commanders small fingers nudge under his. The action was filled with gentleness, with care and consideration for any pain this could potentially cause him. There was barely any pain though, the nerves long since given out with shock and damage. Thus, his mind supplied, the hitch in his breath was entirely uncalled for as a soft palm brushed over the torn flesh of his sensitive inner thigh and the warm energy of a healing spell began to stitch the skin back together.
He didn't know why his throat suddenly felt so dry, but he had to swallow before he could bring it in himself to speak, finding his voice uneven as he did "You are gravely wounded as well, Commander."
Amralime looked up from his work to catch his rogue's eyes and, maybe it was mad of him to think so and he'd lost more blood than he'd thought but, he had never seen a man so tarnished by the heat of battle look so utterly... Lovely. The elf's hair was loose, unplanned strands falling around his face, the shimmering white of it was even brighter in the contrast of his dark ash skin. There was dirt on the bridge of his nose and above his brow and a few cuts and scrapes littered every part of his delicate face. A bruise was starting to form on the left side of his jaw and the skin had split on the right of his bottom lip. He was covered head to toe with both his and others blood and behind the coppery scent was that of the sweat that brought a small sheen to his complexion. His bright large eyes fluttered with surprise and Nathaniel had never really noticed how long his lashes were until now.
And then he smiled.
It was small, tired, but so very warm and sweet. His eyes had softened around the edges and looked even more dazzling with amusement and affection there to fill them. With his head tilting slightly to the side as he looked up at him, Nathaniel felt as if someone had taken every ounce of his breath away. "You're wounds come first, Nathaniel."
And some part of him was absolutely embarrassed that he wanted to hear his name on those lips again.
The song at the top makes me think of Nathaniel A LOT, especially in relations to Amralime, though much closer to the end of the game and in reference to after it ended.
There are pictures that prelude this one, but it's the first to be finished so w/e. As you can see, I've made my way to Awakening! This piece is also really inconsistent, panel to panel, because I edited all three photo's separately when I should have just done it at the same time. Alas, foolish me.
Anyway, this is depicting my very unexpected budding relations with one Nathaniel Howe. I mean, I liked the guy right away the moment he started snapping at me in his cell, he reminded me of Zevran. You know, admitting to wanting to kill me and all - it was heartwarming~ So, of course I conscripted him. I wasn't, however, expecting his rather sudden attitude change towards my Commander. I mean, I gave him a bow and we had some really nice little conversations (I absolutely abhore the dialog system in Awakening, by the way) and, out of nowhere he was all like 'Yes, of course, whatever you want, I'm here for you!' It was such a 180 I felt like Amral might have felt his head spin.
Anyway, back to the topic proper. Shortly after I gave Nate his bow (+14 approval) we got into a fight with a reasonably large amount of enemies. Of course, I didn't actually see it that way at the time, since I'd come straight out of Origins and was still on my high of battling the horde and archdemon. So, I'm all like 'Ah, this is nothing. We'll get through without breaking a sweat.' It didn't phase me when Oghren went down, he always was the first to KO since I could never rein the bastard in and heal him fast enough. However, when Anders and Nathaniel soon followed I was suddenly punched in the face with the realization that THESE ARE NOT MY BATTLE HARDENED FAMILY OH GOD NO. Needless to say, I freaked out a bit. Slightly due to the fact that Amral is just a battlemage and barely any enemies had been taken out before I was all alone.
Either way, I've always been the type to be in the center of combat (yes Oghren, I know I’m a hypocrite, but AT LEAST I NEVER DIE) taking most of the horde, so I managed to survive the encounter by the hair of my chin (ie. peachfuzz). Afterwards, Anders and Oghren only had minor injuries. Nathaniel, however, had a gaping wound. I'm heavy into the story aspects of a game, by the way, so my mind translated that as: throw some injury kits at the other two and hobble over to your injured bae and invoke some TLC despite almost being dead yourself. This was, of course, the moment I suspected Amral had earned quite the significant amount of respect from his new little archer - and probably a new found admirer because, I can't look at Nathaniel's dialog throughout the game and not think he seems reaaally fucking Bi. He just, reminds me so much of Zevran it makes me laugh. He's like the severe, grumpy, paranoid version of my lovely little assassin~♥ It was hard not to fall for the cutie.
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mikkeneko · 8 years ago
Character numbering meme
Tagged for this by @un-shit-yourself, among others. :P
Number your favorite characters from one fandom (in any order you want) 1-12. Fandom Choice: Dragon Age (all games)
 Iron Bull
If you wrote a fic about Four, what song would you use to inspire yourself? Vienna Teng, 'Harbor.' The singer is not Isabela herself, of course, but the song is definitely about Isabela. Presumably the singer would be Merrill whoever Isabela's lover of choice is for the fic.
One/Nine and Six/Ten. Which pairing is happier? ....Compassion/Justice versus Anders/Varric. Wow, that's a toughie. I suppose the safer answer is Anders/Varric since (at least pre-DAI) they have a strong and caring friendship, whereas I have no idea how spirits arrange these matters among themselves.
Have you ever read a fic about Seven/Twelve? I have not, actually, which is surprising given that they're both in the same place at the same time and potentially unattached, and sexually compatible! You would think SOMEONE would have given it a spin.
FMK, but with extra options (to finish off the remaining numbers). The choices are: Fuck, Marry, Kill, Adopt, Live With, and Fight. Choose from numbers One, Two, Three, Five, Eight, Eleven. Hmm.
Fuck - Zevran. He's a cutie, and he's got the skills.
Marry - Hawke, probably.
Kill - Morrigan.
Adopt - Cole, of course. All I ever wanted was happiness for my spirit son.
Live with - Dorian. He'd either be a fantastic housemate or the worst housemate ever. Pros: Impeccable interior decorating, always available to give a ride or pet-sit. Cons: Hogs the bathroom, probably leaves messy dishes in the sink.
Fight - Cassandra. I had a tough time deciding between Cass and Morri for Fight vs Kill, but I figure that Cassandra would be more likely to let me live after her inevitable victory, whereas Morrigan would probably kill me just for the impertinence.
Any favorite fic moments for Four? It's kind of gauche to choose from your own fic, isn't it? Oh, well, I'd have to say my favorite fic moment is the moment in An Avvar Love Story where Isabela fights Hawke for the honor of Anders' hand in marriage. More generally, any moment where Isabela's friendships with the others are emphasized and we get to see beyond her glittery surface persona.
What tags/warnings would be included in a One/Twelve fic? Good lord. It probably wouldn't actually require an 'underage' tag, even though it really feels like it should. Um... maybe 'first time,' 'sex mentor,' 'try anything once.' In fact, 'Try Anything Once' would probably be the fic title.
What would Eight say if they saw Six and Nine kissing? First of all, 'Halt, apostate!/Die, demon!' second of all 'How in the Maker's name is this even physically possible?' and depending on how the scene played out, 'You can't just leave it there! I have to know, do they manage to establish a respectful and harmonious co-piloting relationship in the end?'
Last Question! Make up a summary for a fic including Two, Three, and Eleven. Dorian, Zevran, and Morrigan. Hm. That's not a combination that lends itself to any easy ideas... Let's say...
"Intrigue is thick on the ground at the Winter Palace -- both political and magical. Someone is weaving a dark spell in the cellars below Halamshiral. Suspicions naturally fall both on the dark-haired Witch of the Wilds and the wicked Tevinter Magister. They must work together to find the true culprit and clear their name, all the while dodging the machinations of the Crow lurking in the shadows. But who has he been sent to assassinate -- and why?"
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the-halo-of-my-memory · 4 years ago
Top 5 Dragon Age mages? 🙏✨
Oh, that's a hard one! Why would you do this to me?? Lmao
5) Merrill - she's so cute and I want her to be my super cute gf but I don't approve of the blood magic. She's still a cutie tho. Would take her out to feed the ducks, have a picnic, and talk about her day.
4) Morrigan - vvvvvv
3) Dorian - vvvvvv
I love both Morrigan and Dorian for the same reason. They were standoffish and kinda assholes in the beginning, but these guys grew on me quick during their respective games. And they said I was their best friend and bitch, I believed them. I damn near cried when they told me. They're my best friends too and I love them so much. Also they look like fun to have brunch with lol. Could you imagine the chaos these two could make?
2) Anders - I am a slut for Anders. Everyone should know this gimme that magic dick. Though he is a dumbass with a temper and not easily forgiven for a certain thing he did, I still adore him. He is a spirit healer who runs a free clinic for the poor and will do anything for his friends. He loves cats and will fight for what's right. He's far from perfect but I love that magic kitty man
1) Wynne - she's my mom. I actively called her mom when during my first playthrough of DAO 😂 I also never properly played an RPG with healers so playing this game made me realized how important healers were (and I desperately needed her; I fucking sucked the first time around before I understood the mechanics lol; mom I need help!!). She is the sweetest, most loving person and I would do anything for her. Ily, Mama Wynne
Thanks for much for the ask. This was super fun! 💕
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heyscience · 8 years ago
OC “Most Likely To”
So @captain101 - thank you so much for suggesting this! I had a look at it and laughed SO HARD cos I was like, “y’know what? sexy Hawke would 100% do ALL of these things!”
For anyone who might be curious - @captain101 introduced me to the Dragon Age series by letting me play DA2 at her house. I named my Hawke “sexy” in an effort to make her laugh, and I hope it’s still working bcos I know I get a little giggle every time I think of Hawke introducing herself to people as “sexy Hawke”, and her companions saying, “please, just call her Hawke”.
So here goes! Out of all my OCs, sexy Hawke is:
1. most likely to clean up everybody’s crap without asking - sexy grew up in poverty, so she’s used to helping out around the house
2. most likely to get in a fight - sexy’s default state is “FIGHT ME!”
3. most likely to fall asleep literally anywhere - yup, especially when drunk
4. most likely to get a crap-ton of tattoos - she already has face tattoos and her girlfriend is a pirate, so sexy would ofc get a shitload of tatts
5. most likely to get a really crappy tattoo and immediately regret it - oh yeah, she’d get a tattoo that Anders suggests as a joke, but wouldn’t realise it was a joke, so next thing you know someone’s telling her she has the Orlesian word for “butts” scrawled across her arm. She only regrets it for like a day though, cos who don’t like butts?
6. most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse - sexy would not only survive, but totally fucking THRIVE in the zombie apocalypse. She’d tear through hordes of zombies and declare herself Queen of the post-apocalyptic wasteland
7. most likely to be two hours late to their own event - in my Viscount Election Modern AU that I will (hopefully, one day) write, sexy Hawke most definitely arrives at her own campaign launch two hours late
8. most likely to flirt to get what they want - sexy flirts with everyone all the time
9. most likely to laugh at a funeral - sexy cannot help but laugh at things she finds funny, even at the most inappropriate times
10. most likely to look really good in a kilt - sexy looks amazing in anything
11. most likely to steal free samples - she grew up in poverty, so stealing free samples is like a force of habit
12. most likely to take selfies at inappropriate times - you can bet sexy would take selfies with a dragon
13. most likely to ruin everything - she’s a human disaster, so yes
14. most likely to have a shotgun wedding - sexy will do anything Isabela asks her to, even if that thing was a drunken request for a shotgun wedding
15. most likely to laugh until they cry - sexy cannot help but laugh at things she finds funny, so if she finds something really funny she’ll laugh til she’s a bawling wreck
16. most likely to get into an argument with an animal - sexy loves her mabari “cutie war-dog” like a sister, but they’re constantly arguing over whether cutie’s allowed on the bed
17. most likely to use any and all excuses to take off articles of clothing - clothes just get in the way of a good time
18. most likely to prank call people - yup
19. most likely to binge-watch Netflix for absurd lengths of time - sexy will binge until she passes out, usually kid’s cartoons
20. most likely to sing better than expected - nobody was expecting that beautiful singing voice to spring from a person who’s usually shouting obscenities at people
21. most likely to get attacked by a bird - tbh, she was probably asking for it
22. most likely to sleepwalk/talk- yup, and Isabela would be putting that shit online
23. most likely to drop obscure references nobody understands - I don’t think anyone on earth has seen as many kid’s cartoons as sexy Hawke
24. most likely to go to a party just for the food - Orlesian parties are boring as shit but you can trust that the food will be incredible
25. most likely to make questionable fashion decisions - everything sexy wears is fashionably questionable. She probably wore the kilt on a whim
26. most likely to be talented in surprising ways - sexy’s singing becomes legend
27. most likely to listen to one song for four days in a row - Aveline: “Hawke, now is not the time for Uptown Funk”, sexy Hawke: “now is ALWAYS the time for Uptown Funk!”
28. most likely to eat cake for breakfast - “I’m rich, I do what I want.”
29. most likely to go bridge/cliff-jumping - “I’m rich, I do what I want.”
30. most likely to have had an embarrassing middle-school emo phase - “I wasn’t rich then, but still, I do what I want.”
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