#also don’t know if you meant domestic as in sk
solarwynd · 6 months
can i just say i'm so proud of how much support jimin gets from the US. such a hard market to crack and although he hasn't fully cracked it he is damn close with absolutely no promotion there❤️ domestic charts next❤️
Me too especially with me being a US pjm cause it’s even more nice to see. He’s genuinely really liked here and the day he gets good promo in the states, he’d really be a force.
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district2001 · 4 years
The Ring that bounds us together
PAIRING: SVT (Mainly Wonwoo) x 14th Member (female)
GENRE: Domestic SVT?
WORDS: 1.5k
Summary: Wonwoo lost his SVT ring and Y/N decides to be a useful maknae, for once
A/N: Took me a while but I’m back. Thought lockdon was the best time to start writing again. But this time about SVT, cos i have become a massive carat since i left. Please also lemme know if u hv any requests. Xx
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Ok. So one thing Y/N hated was a mess. Sure she could handle a spill here and there, some clothes on the designated chair, and even could tolerate 2 day old food still on the kitchen bench. But what she couldn’t stand was not seeing the floor of her living room.
The culprit. The one and only Jeon Wonwoo. The only person who chooses to sleep in the living room so that their dorm could have a gaming café set up in his room. Questionable? Very. But Coups and him made it work, so no one ever complained about having a bed in the middle of their shared living space.
Until today, where Y/N had come from her daily coffee run to find Wonwoo, shirtless with a towel around his waist, flinging clothes out of his cupboard, throwing his somewhat folded clothes into a sea of mess.
“What?” Wonwoo didn’t even bother giving Y/N any eye contact as he continued emptying his closet like his life depended on it.
“What are you doing?”
Wonwoo didn’t even bother replying this time, instead moving over to the neighbouring cupboard to ransack it instead.
Grabbing the hair tie from her left arm, Y/N quickly placed her hair in a high pony-tail. “Mingyu Oppa won’t be very happy to come back and see this mess. Remember last time with Seokmin Oppa didn’t pack up the pillows after making that fort?”
Nothing. No Response.
Y/N shook her head, something was indeed troubling her friend. So much so, that he wasn’t giving the maknae the time of day.
If Wonwoo wasn’t going to reply to her and show her respect, she would do the same thing back. Passively of course. She wasn’t evil.
“Wonwoo-ya, do you want some help, doing whatever you’re doing?” Y/N would be OFFENDED if she didn’t get a response, but she knew better than to constantly try to get attention when it clearly wouldn’t be given. Although she was very curious to figure out the cause of this weird cleaning phase.
Luckily for her, not showing respect to her elders always guaranteed in her being called out for it. And today was no different.
“Firstly, it’s Oppa. I’m older than you. Here in SK we show respect to our elders. So add that suffix to my name.”
Y/N dramatically rolled her eyes, something which was clearly Jeonghan’s influence. Nevertheless, she sighed, signalling with her hands for Wonwoo to answer her question.
“I went to have a shower, then realised I didn’t have my ring on,” looking at Y/N from the corner of his eyes, through his glasses.
Y/N clearly didn’t see the issue. “Just tell our designers you lost the ring. Problem solved.”
Clicking her heels together, she started walking towards her room. Shouting “Clean up the mess before Mingyu sees. He’ll be more mad then our team.”
She chuckled before adding, “and he’s cooking us dinner so don’t make him mad. I’m looking forward to taco Tuesday.”
“I lost our team ring.” Wonwoo aggressively whispered.
Y/N stopped right before entering her room.
Lost the SVT ring. The one just given a couple months ago. Had she expected this from the members, not really. Had she expected it from Wonwoo, definitely not. Mingyu and Jun, possibly. Maybe. She still didn’t know how they had managed to keep there’s this entire time.
Y/n quickly walked back towards the mountain of clothes, just narrowly avoiding stepping on a leather jacket with metal spikes.
“What do you mean you lost it?”
“I don’t know. I went to go shower, and I realised it wasn’t there.”
“When’s the last time you realised it was on your finger? Did you hear a clanging sound anytime during the day? Did you post a picture today? Could it have been on your finger when you did?”
Y/N started bombarding Wonwoo with questions, something she had learned from watching far too many episodes of Criminal Minds.
Although the case this time didn’t have to do with a murder, but instead a very valuable ring.
“Umm no idea. Am I meant to? Uhhh… what was the last one?”
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Have you asked the others?,” Y/N asked, despite knowing the answer.
“NO!” No member would admit to losing the ring, or years of jokes would be brought upon them.
She was sure that Wonwoo wouldn’t have told her, if he wasn’t in such a frazzled state.
Plus, she too had misplaced her ring for a day, opting to wear gloves so that none of her band-mates would catch her. Luckily, she found it between her bedsheets.
“Ok. Ok. Hmmmm. I’ll recheck the lounge, you go to the bathroom or wherever you’ve been in this apartment.”
Wonwoo trudged off, silently obeying the younger one.
The duo spent a good 2 hrs ransacking their dorm, trying to find the missing ring.
“Bro this is harder than finding a needle in a haystack… bro we should make a new saying,” Y/N groaned, falling back onto Wonwoo’s bed.
Wonwoo flopped beside her.
“You’re gonna get absolutely roasted by everyone. And I make no promises that I won’t join in”
“They won’t find out I lost it.”
“And how’s that? I might be an annoying maknae and tell them” Y/N smiled smugly.
“Well, for starters I could tell them that you’ve secretly been eating chips despite being diet buddies with Jeonghan”
“Pshhh. That’s nothing. Jihoon Oppa legit joined me last night. We ate his secret stash of snakes”
“Fine. I’ll tell them that you lost your ring aswell.”
“No I didn’t”
“Yes you did.”
“When did I? Have you noticed me not wear the ring? Don’t li-?”
“Firstly, you rattle on when you’re nervous.’ Y/N shut her mouth, before she could make her mistake more obvious, allowing Wonwoo to keep talking.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing gloves to practise. And ONLY on your left hand.”
“W-Wh-What?” Y/N Stuttered. Not sure if admitting her mistake or continuing to lie would be her best option.
She chose the former. “I’ll keep quiet about you, and you keep quiet about me.”
Wonwoo grabbed his gloves from the mountain of clothes, and quickly slipped them on his hands.
“Look’s like we got ourselves a deal.”
The mood quickly sombered up when Wonwoo did a deep sigh and asked.
“What actually happens if I’ve lost my ring?”
“You get a new one?”
“No. But like…”
He trailed off to collect this thoughts.
“Would I get in trouble?”
“I mean Pledis might be a bit pissed off cos they need to spend money on another ring. But I’m sure they’ll do it without a doubt. It’s our brand.”
“No not pledis. I don’t give a flying shit about them. I meant the others.”
“Who the members.” Wonwoo nods his head in confirmation.
Y/N leans her head against the crook of his neck, “You’ll get bagged for it. But they won’t take it too seriously.”
“But the rings a symbol of our friendship and trust.” Trust Wonwoo to go all literature on her.
“Exactly. A symbol.”
Wonwoo looked at Y/N, clearly not understanding the connection.
Y/N smiled, finally outsmarting the group’s so-called genius.
“It’s a symbol. Not the real thing. Think of the Jjapaguri in ‘Parasite.’ It’s a mix of aspects of poor and rich, but even if it wasn’t included, the characters would be struggling to act rich.” Y/n finished proudly.
“If you’re going to talk nonsense, at least talk to someone who believes you. Like Chan. He believes the chicken comes before the egg. Idiot.”
Y/N jumped up. “Well, if I’m such an idiot, you can deal with this ring situation all by yourself.”
“Wait no.” Wonwoo quickly sat up on his bed. “You’re a genius. Brilliant. Smartest member.”
He tilted his head, “Happy?”
“Very” Y/N replied.
“Can you make some ramen when I chuck my clothes back in the drawers?”
“Fine. We can fill their stomachs up so they don’t ask too many questions?” Y/N held out her hand and dragged Wonwoo up.
20 minutes later, a living room where the floor was visible and 10 portions of msg-filled ramen was placed on the table, to greet their 5 other roommates.
Soon the door banged open, and numerous sweaty man-childs came tumbling in.
“Wonwoo you absolute idiot. We’re never gonna forget this” Seokmin said happily.
Hoshi stepped out behind him, proudly holding up his pinky.
“Soonyoung, don’t you have your own dorm to-”
Wonwoo squinted. On the Performance leaders left pinky were 2 silver rings.
Wonwoo would only sheepishly smile, while pointing behind him.
“Hey, I cleaned the living room.”
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cuddlesnmonsters · 3 years
Hello and welcome. This blog was made purely for your enjoyment and mine as well. I will post prompts, imagines, and stories every now and then. If you want something or someone specific like a yandere character from a certain franchise or my own OCs then you must simply message me. None of the more "darker" content is meant to be taken seriously. If you believe someone is stalking you or you are in an abusive relationship please call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE(7233). No minors allowed. I will try to write for specific shows or fandoms but since I don't have access to Netflix or anything like that please be patient. If you want a certain character please send me a brief summary of them and I will do what I can to make something fun. 
Some Rules. Please read.
Adult characters only. No exceptions. No minors.
Things I will write for this blog: certain kinks/ fetishes such as knifeplay, blood, bondage, kidnapping, biting, whips, electronics (machines, wands), BDSM, manipulation (hypnosis, drugging etc.), dominance, waxplay, and few others might get added later on.
Things I will NOT write: Scat, piss, inflation, that alpha/omega stuff, Incest, pedophilia, or egging. I will not write certain creatures/people/deities if they have a cultural significance to a certain culture. Things like sk*nwalkers, native american spirits or spirit animals. No g*lems since they are significant to Jewish folklore. If you do request a certain creature/god/demon I WILL be doing research so don’t act slick. Also, in place of spirit animals, I will using a fantasy alternative called arcane spirits. Typical elementals that resemble humanoid people/animals. Think atronachs from skyrim or any other elemental from a fantasy game. Generic ghost’s/Phantoms are okay.
Any trigger I write will be tagged but if there is anything specific you want to tag please let me know. I don’t wanna upset people so please message me.
If you don’t like this blog or any of it’s content....well I’m sorry? I know some good nature blogs you can follow.
Fluff, platonic stuff is greatly encouraged! Also, if you wanna share drawings and/or writing prompts please do! I will also do non-yandere stuff on here as well. The name of this blog might change...maybe.
And finally the most important rule of all...have fun!!
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violetsmoak · 5 years
Appetence [10/?]
AO3 Link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/20251420/chapters/47997634
Blanket Disclaimer
Summary: Red Robin is investigating the disappearance of a friend and stumbles into a spot of supernatural trouble. He doesn’t expect to be saved by Jason Todd, miraculously alive five years after his death and now with the inexplicable ability to commune with the dead. Meanwhile, when Jason returned to Gotham he meant to maintain a low profile and not get involved with Bat business. That was before he found out how hot his Replacement is.
Rating: PG-13 (rating may change later)
JayTimBingo Prompts This Chapter: N/A
First Chapter
Tim swerves into the Cave, skidding into the parking area with a little less finesse than usual. He’s got a shivering Batgirl bracketed between his arms on the bike, not having wanted to risk her falling off the back of it while they drove. He’s got a nasty case of frostbite on his shoulder himself, courtesy of a cold grenade in the wrong place and the wrong time.
He was helping Batgirl and Signal with the clean-up after Freeze’s latest temper tantrum and accidentally triggered the blast. Steph shoved him out of the way, taking the full brunt, and it was only due a quick reaction time and a few well-placed portable heating disks that she hadn’t been flash frozen.
She might not have any major lingering damage—she was well enough to request going to the Cave because of Alfred’s tendency to make homemade soup whenever any of them have a less than stellar encounter with Freeze—but Tim’s anxious to get her warmed up as soon as possible.
Also, he needs to treat his own injury.
“If-f I get a cold I’m k-killing Freeze,” Steph mumbles as Tim helps her off the bike and walks her toward the medical bay. “There’s nothing w-worse than a summer cold.”
“Says the woman who survived being used as a human pincushion.”
“It’s a d-different kind of misery.”
There are several heating blankets already plugged in and ready, and Steph is already peeling herself out of her uniform with shaking hands. Tim does the same, tossing aside tunic and body armor to rummage in a drawer for the special heating plasters; they warm an affected area gradually, making them perfect for frostbite.
“Geez, Tim, you been sk-skipping meals again?” Steph reproaches, frowning at him in his shirtless state. “Seeing a lot more rib than usual.”
“You’d do well to take a page out of his book, Brown,” Damian’s voice snarks from the doorway, loitering in all his scowling twelve-year-old glory. “I’m surprised your suit doesn’t split down the back when you move.”
“Shut up, Damian.”
“No, Tim, I got th-this,” Steph pipes up and then shoots the youngest Robin a steely smile. “I’ve g-got Martha Kent’s email. Wonder what she’ll have to s-s-say when she hears about Dami fat-shaming people.”
“You! You are not in contact with her!”
Damian isn’t exactly prone to flushing considering his complexion, but whenever he gets upset or embarrassed, red creeps across his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. That, and the minute raising us his eyebrows suggests he’s more rattled by the threat than he pretends.
“I might be,” Steph allows. “You really wanna t-take that chance?”
Damian scowls at that, fists clenched, and then seems to decide not to risk it. It’s like watching the air be let out of a balloon.
Tim whistles.
“How is it a Kansas housewife has managed something not even two versions of Batman and the League of Assassins could?” he asks, somewhat awed.
“Pie and mom-guilt, I think,” Steph suggests.
“Hilarious,” Damian deadpans, facing Tim and doing his best to ignore Steph. “If you’re finished casting aspersions on my upbringing, perhaps you can make yourself useful.”
Tim raises an eyebrow at him.
“Father was distracted tonight,” the kid continues. “He won’t explain and Richard’s not here to do…whatever it is he does that makes him somewhat normal again.”
Tim blinks, having not expected that. “What exactly do you think I can do about that?”
“It’s no secret you and Father are experiencing “issues”,” Damian says and uses honest-to-goodness air quotes. “Perhaps seeing you will irritate him into letting something slip.”
“I highly d-doubt Bruce is that upset that he’ll unclench long enough to tell T-Tim anything,” Steph sniggers.
“Perhaps not, but once Drake strikes out I can ask Father after a requisite amount of time has passed and under less fraught circumstances than directly after a fight. He’ll be more likely to confide in me.”
“Right,” Tim drawls. “Because that has a snowball’s chance in hell of working. Pass. How do you even come up with these ideas, anyway?”
“It’s a simple enough ruse, Drake. Jon says it is called “tag-teaming”.”
Again, with the air quotes; clearly Damian’s latest visit to the Kent farm came with another dose of ‘how-to-be-a-real-boy’ lessons.
“And if you think Bruce is gonna fall for that and magically open up about something he doesn’t want to talk about, you haven’t been paying attention the past few years.”
“That’s not what this is,” Steph says, squinting at Damian like she’s trying to read his mind or something. “You’re worried.”
“I am no such thing!”
“You’ve gotta be since you’re asking Tim for a team-up.”
“I am not!”
“Good, because I’m not interested,” Tim says. “Whatever Bruce is brooding about will come out. It always does. Try prying it out of him beforehand and he’ll get cagey and mean about it.”
I know what that feels like, and I wouldn’t even wish it on you, demon-brat.
“Fine, don’t do anything,” Damian growls. “I should have known you would be too pig-headed and cowardly to approach Father while you’re in this pointless...detente.” He turns on his heel. “You’re as useless as I’ve always thought. Good to know it’s been confirmed.”
He stalks away.
Tim sighs and stares at the ceiling. “I guess on a scale of one to stabbed-in-the-chest, that went okay?”
“You two seriously need to deal with your drama,” Steph sighs, shifting beneath her blanket. “And you should go figure out what prompted all that. He really is worried. And hurt, now that you shot him down.”
“His entire existence has been dedicated to shooting me down,” Tim points out. “Literally sometimes.”
“Don’t exaggerate. Not his entire existence.”
“You know what I mean.”
“He’s a kid, Tim. One with a shitty childhood, a massive inferiority complex and who’s about to enter the super-fun world of puberty. And he came to you. Not me, or Dick—”
“Dick’s in New York.”
“Dick’s a phone call away and if Damian really wanted to go get him, he’d have stolen a car and gone to him. But he came to you. Probably because he knows as well as any of us that you’re the most Bruce-like and can talk to Mr. McBroody when he’s at his most pod-person level of weird.”
“Funny, I didn’t hear any of that beyond the constant insults.”
“He’s just jealous.”
“And that gives him a free pass?”
But his question sounds whiny even to him, and he sighs as Steph crosses her arms at him.
“When did you start becoming so wise and all-knowing?” Tim grumbles.
“Search me. I guess I just woke up one day and bam! All the secrets of the universe were just waiting for me to share them with the unwashed masses. Like you. You reek, by the way.”
“Right, because you smell like a rose.”
“Thanks!” Steph chirps unrepentantly.
“I think you are getting a cold,” Tim grumbles and starts out of the med bay. “The snot’s clearly going to your head and cutting off brain flow along with your sense of smell. I should go see if Alfred’s got anything to fix that.”
“Hot chocolate please!” she calls after him. “And don’t skimp on the mini marshmallows!”
“You know the way to the kitchen.”
But he’s already climbing the stairs and heading for the main computer dock. Tim was responsible for a different sector of the city, but it took longer than normal to get the all-clear. Maybe Bruce is distracted—if so, it would have to be something pretty serious.
Maybe Selina’s back in town…
“My god…!” he hears Alfred say as Tim reaches the top of the stone staircase. 
Bruce is seated, Alfred behind him and holding on to the back of the chair so tight the knuckles on his hands have turned white.
“Are you…are you quite sure, Master Bruce?” he asks, the question faint.
“I’m sure,” Bruce replies. “I was sure at the cemetery.” Tim’s ears perk up at that. “And these results…they just confirm it. He’s alive. Somehow…somehow, Jason’s alive.”
Tim freezes in mid-step.
Well…so much for me having to tell them…
He’s relieved.
He thinks.
The situation with Jason has been on his mind the whole week, and he’s never had a harder time keeping a secret than he did trying to stick to his promise to Jason. It’s been a constant struggle between his loyalty to Bruce—remembering how shattered he was in the weeks and months following Jason’s death—and his respect for Jason, a potential ally, friend and maybe one day family.
(He’s been doing his best to shut down the ‘inappropriate childhood crush’ angle during his mental justifications.)
Usually, Tim is good at separating his emotions from making hard decisions, but this time it’s…well. He blames it on still being in a state of shock that Jason is alive and that he has been alive all this time.
And he didn’t come back for some reason, and even now doesn’t want to have anything to do with the Family.
So why come back to Gotham at all, then?
“…looked him in the eyes,” Bruce is saying, in the same tone he uses to profile criminals. That’s troubling. “He’s as determined as ever. I’m not sure if there’s a broader reason for his return—for his…his avoidance. But I have a good idea. It will need confirmation; someone will have to keep an eye on him—”
“Master Bruce,” Alfred interrupts, tone breathless and almost indignant. “This is not some criminal mastermind or domestic terrorist. This is your—”
“I’m aware,” Bruce interrupts. “But there’s too much unaccounted for. He had a lot to say and still didn’t give anything away.” He rubs at his chin in thought. “He knew things, Alfred. Information on events he wasn’t present for—that were not shared in the media.”
Tim goes still, suddenly beset with a sense of foreboding.
“He’s communicating with someone,” Bruce goes on in manic calculation. “Someone knew he was alive. He said…'replacement’.”
Well, frack.
Tim begins to take a step back and nearly knocks into Damian, who’s crept up behind him with his usual maddening silence.
“Watch it, Drake!”
Damian’s voice echoes and Tim winces, head whipping around to glare at the boy.
Double frack.
There are moments—few and far between the actual assassination attempts and sabotage—where Damian displays all the bad timing that only younger siblings seem to possess. This is definitely one of those moments.
When he looks back, Bruce is already on his feet and stalking over, cape whipping behind him and expression like a thundercloud.
Damian, for his part, doesn’t seem to realize what he just did as he watches his father in surprise. This is echoed by Steph, who has followed him over, no longer wrapped in the blanket but wearing one of the generic sweatshirts that they keep stored in the recovery area.
Conveniently, they’re both blocking Tim’s nearest means of escape.
And now Bruce is towering over the three of them, eyes flicking briefly across each face, before zeroing in on Tim, who tenses.
“You,” he determines. “You knew.”
Annoyance pricks at Tim. There are two other people beside him, why does Bruce automatically think it’s him.
“Knew what?” Damian demands.
“Not now, Damian.”
“If Drake has committed some monumental blunder, I should—”
“Oh my god,” Steph gasps, her eyes roving past everyone to stare at the computer screen. The DNA comparison is still bright and clear, and in the background the picture of a young Jason Todd is unmistakable. “Is that…?”
“Jason Todd,” Damian reads stiffly, clearly recognizing the name. He scans the relevant information, including the date of the most recent DNA sample. “Todd is alive?”
“So it would seem,” Alfred confirms faintly.
“You’ve been feeding him information,” Bruce accuses Tim, and it’s almost a hiss. “You’re the replacement he mentioned.”
“Technically he had three,” Tim points out if only to try to stall.
“Aside from the fact you’re the only one here who doesn’t look surprised, he referred to a male.” Something passes over his expression, almost a grimace as if he’d rather not think of something, before he continues. “And if it were Damian, he would have informed me immediately.” He takes a step forward, the stony and emotionless countenance of Batman firmly in place. Tim half expects those thick gauntleted arms to grab him and hoist him in the air like so many an unlucky criminal. “You knew Jason was alive. And you didn’t say anything.”
“No,” Tim says, at last, deciding he might as well own it. “I didn’t.”
The sound is primal and broken, somewhere between a hiss and a growl. Tim is aware of the gazes upon him—Bruce’s anger, Alfred’s hurt, Steph’s confusion and Damian looking torn between satisfaction at Tim’s discomfort and agitation at his father’s obvious agitation.
“There were a few factors,” Tim admits. “First of all—”
“Factors?” Bruce barks. “This isn’t an experiment, Tim! This is my—this is Jason—!”
“And he asked me not to say anything!” Tim shoots back. “I figured after everything he’s been through, the least he deserved is someone listening to him.”
Trapped in an asylum and forgotten about? He deserves more than that…
“You never met him! There’s no way you could have been sure it was him, and even so—”
“I didn’t know him?!” Tim challenges. “There are a couple hundred pictures I took that say different! Or have you forgotten how I even got involved in all this?” He sweeps his hand around the cave. “I saw him enough at events when my parents were alive to recognize him, and even if I hadn’t, how many times did you make me go over his file when I started? Foster care records and psychological profile and autopsy reports! Since you needed me to be extra aware of what could happen to me if I screwed up as a Robin? And you might never talk about him around me, but Dick always did. Alfred too, sometimes.”
“That still doesn’t excuse your lack of discretion! You were foolish to interact with him—to make that decision without consulting with me, not least of all compromising the mission by sharing information that could expose everyone—”
“What exactly would I be compromising?” Tim shoots back. “Anyone who could impersonate Jason that well, who could talk about the things we did would already know where all the skeletons are buried. I doubt there’s much I could say that he didn’t already know, and you…you didn’t see him, okay?”
Tim’s defensiveness falters a little here, remembering how tense Jason had been throughout their whole encounter. He was thrown-off, uncomfortable, angry…and he was also trying his best not to let on how curious he was about how the family was doing.
But Bruce only bristles. “You still should have told me the minute you suspected—”
“Told you what?! ‘Hey, so, guess what, I ran into Jason last night. Yeah, that Jason, your son that got killed by the J—”
The name gets stuck in his throat, like his esophagus is closing, causing a crack he knows no one misses. Bruce winces and Steph’s confusion becomes worried. He needs to take an extra breath before he can force himself to keep talking.
“Killed by an explosion’,” he finishes. “We both know you wouldn’t have believed me if I told you he was alive and in Gotham.”
“No, we don’t.”
“Don’t kid yourself, Bruce. We both know exactly how it would have played out. I’d tell you what happened, you would tell me how impossible it is. You’d say stuff like you’d know if anyone had disturbed his gravesite, or that I’m stressed out or paranoid or under the influence of Ivy or Crane. Or you’d accuse me of making an inappropriate joke, and then we wouldn’t be talking again for a while.”
For a moment, Bruce looks hurt and a little guilty—probably because he knows it’s true.
“You would never lie about something like that,” he says at last. “If you believed Jason had returned, I would have trusted you enough to look into it.”
“And how was I supposed to know that? It’s not like you and I have exactly been all about great communication and understand since Captain Boomerang and Mr. Freeze.”
“I’ve been…giving you time.”
“Funny how giving me time looks a lot like avoiding me.”
“Master Timothy, that is quite enough,” Alfred interrupts at last.
All of his defensiveness toward Bruce vanishes in the guilt he feels for contributing to that look on Alfred’s face.
“I didn’t stay quiet to hurt anyone,” he tries to assure the old man. “And I was going to tell you all. But Jason asked for a week. For breathing room, I guess. I was going to tell you today—yesterday, really, if Freeze hadn’t shown up.”
“So you say,” Damian needles.
Tim ignores him. “I’d say it’s a coincidence that you found out tonight some other way, but considering what Jason’s into these days, maybe not.”
Bruce blinks in realization. “You know he’s a medium.”
“Yes, I know he’s a—wait.” Tim stops abruptly. “He’s what?” He knew Jason was working with the occult, sure, but this? “That part I missed.”
“He sees dead people?” Steph asks. “That kind of medium? Because I loved that show.”
Suddenly the reasons for Jason being sent to Arkham make so much more sense. Waking from his coma and suddenly be surrounded by ghosts? If he spoke to or acknowledged them, no wonder the staff thought he was hearing voices.
“Wait, how did you find out?” Tim asks, frowning. “You were talking about a cemetery before—that’s not exactly your jurisdiction.”
“Gordon put me on a case involving grave desecrations,” Bruce grunts. “That’s where I ran into Jason.”
“Literally or figuratively?”
Bruce is silent.
Tim groans. “Please tell me you didn’t attack him.”
More silence and Tim massages the bridge of his nose tiredly.
As if he wasn’t gun-shy about reconnecting with the Family before, now he’s probably going to leave for another five years…
“You’re taking this surprisingly well,” Steph says to Damian in a conversational tone.
“In case you’re forgetting, Brown, I’ve been dead and resurrected, so it’s not exactly a novelty.”
“Master Damian,” Alfred reprimands quietly.
No one likes to talk about that year.
“I just meant you’re not great at sharing, and now you’ve got another brother showing up—”
“Tt. We are not brothers. Any relation on paper ceased when he died.”
“Damian.” Bruce’s voice is sharp as a whip, and his eyes flash in warning. “I don’t ever want to hear that again.”
It’s not the most chastising he’s ever been, but Damian’s jaw snaps shut, and he swallows heavily.
Tim shouldn’t be bothered by the interchange, but he’s still hit by a pang of hurt and irritation. A dark, twisting little voice whispers at him, letting a longtime anxiety flicker back to the surface.
Of course, Bruce steps in and calls out Damian’s behavior when it’s Jason. Is it because Jason was his son longer? Or because Bruce chose Jason? Like he chose Dick and Cassandra. He’s even started choosing Duke now.
He never chose Tim. Not really. Tim just showed up and inserted himself into things.
Damian just showed up too, but he’s got that whole blood connection that he’s so proud of. Tim’s not—
Tim is like Steph. An outsider.
Maybe it’s why they connected to well back then—because they were the two that Bruce tried to stop from joining the life. Grudging allies, never quite family.
“I’m going to go,” Tim murmurs, turning and heading for his bike. “Wouldn’t want to get in the middle of a family meeting.”
“You should probably call Dick,” he goes on. “He should find out about Jason from you this time.”
“Tim, stop—”
“I have therapy in three hours,” Tim cuts him off, “so I need at least some sleep.”
There’s no response then, not that Tim expected anything. His therapy sessions are sacrosanct; even Batman won’t interrupt Tim’s continued attendance. Tim’s always hated that, feeling as if he’s being overprotected, but right now, all he feels is a sense of relief.
To Be Continued 
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❤️️ = I love this story! 😳 = this was hot! 💐 = thank you for sharing this 🍵 = tea spilled 🍬 = so sweet and fluffy! 🚔 = you’re under arrest! the writing’s too good! 😲 = I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTER 😢 = you got me right in the feels
Reblogging is also majorly appreciated!
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grapesodatozier · 5 years
You are going to need to write some Elstan nsfw headcanons at somr point...
you’re damn right I do lmao
as I’ve previously mentioned, they’re workout buddies, so they’re both super strong and flexible
they’re That Couple™️
like stan can fr pick el up and fuck her against a wall
(she can fuck him against a wall too, and she has)
(men get pegged, what can I say)
stan is canonically freaky in bed and also great at what he does (those may not have been SK’s exact words but I firmly believe it’s what he meant) so you know he and el try all sorts of fun positions
their stamina is also wild, they eat their kale and get their recommended 8.5 hours of sleep and y’all, it pays off
(okay i lied el hates vegetables but she eats them bc stan gets worried about nutrient deficiencies or something)
(but that’s for another post)
it’s not a rare occasion for them to be going at it for hours and hours
sometimes they skip the gym and sex is their workout that day
post workout sex is also great, bc they’re those assholes who somehow look good after they work out, like they’re glowing and glistening
their stretching easily transitions into slow, deep lovemaking
they make love most nights before bed honestly, then they shower together and snuggle up with some books or watch an episode of a show together or something
it’s all very sweet and domestic 💕
aaand now its time to get kinky lol
but first: au establishments
okay so I’m picturing an au where el doesn’t have powers and was never in a lab or anything, terry raised her w some help from becky
in this au I think el is also a big over achiever, always has been, and a big teachers pet
she loves being told she’s good at things (hello praise!kink)
and I like to think of stan as a super giving, caring dom
so he’s always telling her how good she is for him, how well she sucks his cock, how beautiful she looks when she rides him
and of course stan treats her like the fucking queen she is
he takes his time eating her out, knowing exactly how to drive her crazy, how to make her whine or moan or beg or scream, how to make her come for like two minutes straight (i don’t actually know if that’s physically possible but shh let’s just roll with it lol) 
he loveees bouncing her in his lap, loves holding her down and thrusting up into her wet little pussy while sucking on her tits
her tits are super sensitive, so they both have a lot of fun with that
it gets her pulling on his curls and grinding down onto his cock so quickly, it makes her so wet
when el doms they go all out
like stan’s favorite thing as a sub is being on his knees with his hands tied behind his back and head in his pillow while el pegs him and spanks him with a crop (the fenty one bc they love rihanna lol)
he also loves when el ties his hands above his head and gags him when she rides him
stan buys her the nicest lingerie, all black lace and satin
they both love it so much
el loves getting dressed for a formal event in front of stan bc she can see in his deep green eyes all the plans he’s making to take off her dress and lingerie later that night
basically they’re both super hot and they know it and their sex life is thriving lol
thanks for the ask!! 💕
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
IT (1986)
What is it about? The Losers Club, a group of 7 kids that in different ways are outsiders among the other children in the little town of Derry must come back 27 years after defeating their worst fears embodied in a evil alien entity that has preyed on this small Maine town and its recidents since the dawn of time. Thoughts: - I have read this book a gazillion times and it’s my favorite Stephen King book of all time (though that may change once I finish this challenge, but only time will tell) everytime I read through its pages is like reuniting with an old dear friend, because most of the characters (read: the Losers Club) are just that for me, I read this book for the first time when I was 15 after growing up with the 90’s miniseries, and I loved it, that feeling hasn’t changed with the years and well I want to elaborate a bit on what I love about this book. - Derry’s history: One of the reasons this book is so damn big is that it delves on the history of this little town called Derry, of course this is to help the reader understand just for how long and how big is IT’s influence on the town, but I just found it so fascinating, I’ve always loved history, and this book just reaaaally fullfiled my needs in that aspect, the town’s history is full of gruesome events but it’s very intresting and through all the same. -Loser’s Club: I love this kids, we are introduced to them little by little through different POV’s and god, I just really like the diversity and complexity in them: a kid with a stutter, an asthmatic that is really a kid heavily manipulated by his overprotective mother, an overweight, a jewish with OCD, a girl victim of physical/emotional parental abuse, the class clown that most likely has ADHD, the only black boy in town… And what I love the most is that they are NOT defined by that, sure,that is how the world sees them but they are so much more than that and together they find their true identities: Stuttering Bill be comes the Leader, Asthmatic Eddie becomes the Compass, Fat Ben becomes the Constructor, Jewish Stan becomes the Logic, Poor Beverly becomes the Shooter, Trashmouth Richie becomes the Weapon (his voces physically hurt IT), Black Mike becomes the Historian. As well as the belonging and friendship they had never had before, their relationship is strong and beautiful, as a reader you will most often find some of yourself in them and even if you don’t you love them all the same for their flaws and virtues. -IT: I read somewhere that a story is only as great as its villian and in IT’s case that I think is only fitting, thus my love for is evil entity, because IT is really a big represantation of violence not necessarily(The Bradley Gang Shooting was afterall motivated by the Derry townsfolk rightgeousness) but mostly evil, IT transforms into awfull gruesome monsters yet his most terrifying act is the influence it helds on the people inhabiting Derry, on taking the violent nature of some people (Derry’s White Decency League, Eddie Corcoran stepfather’s, Alvin Marsh, Butch and Henry Bowers…) and exploit it for its own gain, IT is scary for it’s power, for the fact that one can really comprehend it’s magitude, and when we finally get to get inside it’s head we find something more akin to a beast, hungry and vengeful, he had turned lazy because he already had in Derry a comfortable feeding place and now wants to kill the Loser’s Club because for the first time in its long existance IT feels fear! and how wonderful is that? a group of scared isolated kids find strenght in each other to rid their Town and follow kids of this entity, even if they are afraid themselves, and they succeed in frightening a creature that literally feeds of fear. -The portrayal of the timelines and gruesome subjects: The 1950 are not usted only for aesthetics or praised as the “good old times” King shows a very gritty reality showcasing the racism (very prominent in Mike’s storyline), sexism, homophobia, domestic violence, anti-semitism,and it goes further yet showing that 27 years later these things haven’t changed and IT uses them for it’s benefit. The book doesn’t shy away from any of these things and often it is very hard to read through them but as well I think is important to read them to gain concience,they are not presented as good or romantiziced in any from or way, nor should they ever be (dude the anti-semitism in Patricia Uris’s POV is something that will open your eyes in many ways if you are not jewish, and the Black Spot story will horrify you but also help you understand it was not only the South of USA and the KKK that spread hate and horror for PoC people) this things are meant to horrify you thus I feel it would be a disservice not to read them (though I can understand if anyone simply can’t). -The bittersweet ending: Really heart breaking that after reuniting with the people they could really be themselves with the Loser’s Club are meant to not remember each other ( SPOILERS AHEAD DO NOT READ IF YOU DON’T WANNA SPOIL PART OF THE ENDING OF THE BOOK: as a side note and I do not mean this as hate to the ship or anything but a real doubt I have can anyone explain to me why is everyone saying/asuming Ben and Beverly did end up together?, I mean going by the 90’s miniseries sure, but in the book Mike only says she is going to Nebraska with Ben and then back to Chicago with Kay and that he thinks they are/will be having sex, but also later we find that even if they are in the same Town Mike and Bill have begun to forget each other and it’s heavily implied the same will happen with them all? and that is a very Stephen King thing to do I mean most of the book couples I’ve read from him have similar bittersweet endings so… Pls someone explain) I just always about cry about the End and you know the THING that happens with two of the losers. But also I am a ho for this kind of bittersweet stuff so of course I love it. -Richie and Beverly’s friendship: Listen I LIVE for them, of course I just about adore every Loser’s friendship (Bill/Eddie, Richie/Stan, Richie/Eddie, Richie/Bill, Mike/Ben, Stan/Bev duuuude everyone is amazing) but this two just about make me crazy about them, tbh I kinda lowkey ship them in a platonic kinda way, and I was endlessly frustrated by the lack of scenes between them in the 90’s miniseries after I read the book cuz booooy, the yo-yo scene is so goddamned amazing, Richie being the first POV in which Bev is mentioned and he reminds her through the lyric of a song, his Humphrey Bogart voice he does when speaking with her, how much he respects her, also Miss Sca'lett!!!, not to mention that sweet ass scene they have in the book “22/11/63” where Bev is teaching Richie how to swing for a school talent show, ahhhh Imma stop right there cuz I am fangirling waaaay to much and probably y'all think I am wierd for liking such an unpopular thing. -There is just one thing I always felt was completely unecessary to add and was gross to read (you already know what I am talking about and if not I’m not gonna spoil you/gross you out), I have read of course why SK did it but I still think he should have looked for another way to make the Losers enter adulthood : / Movie/TV Adaptations: There are 2: The ABC’s 1990 miniseries “IT” and the 2017 movie by Andy Muschietti “IT (chapter 1)” of course it has been already confirmed there is going to be another movie for the Second part but I will not to go too much into it now. 1990: The opinions on this one are very polarized, some love it with a passion, some hate it… I actually love it, and by that I do not mean is a perfect adaptation, but it was such an integral part of my childhood and family life that it would be impossible for me to hate it, and I feel most people are terribly unfair with it, because it is not a Bad adaptation like let’s say Kubrick’s Shining (yaa I’m going there) it had a lot of limitations in budget and technology and still managed to capture some of the best parts of the book (the Loser’s friendship mainly, it was beautiful) of course it wasn’t gorey or violent but in it’s time it was scary as hell, which beings me to Tim Curry’s performance as Pennywise that became so iconic people automatically recognize the clown’s design, for fuck’s sake Pennywise became one of the most iconic monsters of that time and terrorized an entire generation of kids and adults alike, of course it has it’s faults (the adult’s part wasn’t great, tho the scene with Bev in Mrs. Kersh house was great, and the ending was bound to be confusing af to people that didn’t read the book) but overall it was a good atempt and it already has a place in pop culture and the hearts of many horror fans. 2017: Oh boy I was really looking forward to this one since they anounced it was going to be a thing (ahhh remember the time Will Poulter and Cary Fukunaga were our only hope?) and just had the chance to see it today, because a lot of awful things happened in my country (I am mexican btw) and yeah, so I left the theater with a very pleasant sensation IT 2017 is a great movie and I LOVED it, the acting was GREAT everyone did amazing, Georgie’s death scene was simply amazing and so sad, the projector scene was wow, lots of winks to book readers like the turtle and Eddie Corcoran’s missing pamphlet, Bev’s bathroom scene, the rock fight!!!,Eddie changing Loser to Lover is iconic, some of Richie’s one-liners were amazing, Pennywise dance pfffftt, Ben was adorable with his crush and love of New Kids on the Block, the Losers,“they’re Gazebos they’re bullshit!” iconic, mainly I feel it captured the general feeling of the book however that does not mean I didn’t had some issues with it as well, first thing that bothered me a LOT is the treatment to Mike Hanlon, excuse the fuck out of me but no, they took his thing (history of Derry) and gave it to Ben (also Ben not constructing things like ??? Could have been a perfect chance to have him build lego stuff but k) where is my beautiful spring loving child?? I just couldn’t find any single trait on his character apart from the wierd sheep thing and his parents, which takes me to another issue why is every adult on Derry so shitty? Like yeah there was a lot of shady awful stuff in the book but there were also ok people namely Mrs. Starret (the librarian, that is so unnecesarily creppy? Wierd? In the movie), Richie’s parents (his dad is hillarious), Mike’s parents they are the best tbh, Mr Keene (ok this one is a sarcastic asshole but he did try to help Eddie instead of letting him keep on believing he was sick to keep selling stuff, and also was never a wierd pervert), Mr. Nell (dude I would have killed to hear Richie doing the Irish Cop voice), the Tracker Brothers (boy Eddie looking longingly at the baseball diamond would have been 10/10, my boy loved sports)… thing is the Losers did love Derry and some parts of their childhood in it and that’s were the nostalgia hits on part two, Stan well I loved they delved more onto his jewishness (a thing not much touched in the book because Stan’s family is not very strictly religious) but was very side lined as well ( in my opinion that part about Richie being scared shitless and Bill punches him would have fit Stan better, also almost all of the Losers got closure (Bev rebelled against her father, Ben kissed Beverly and she got to find out he was the one who wrote the haiku, Bill got to talk with Georgie kind of?, Mike stepped up against Henry, Eddie confronted his mother,Richie let go of his fear to kill the fucking clown…) yet Stan doesn’t I just think it would have been nice to have him iniciate the pact as he did on the book and also his bird book????, the slut shaming and over sexualization of Beverly (I won’t even go into how much it broke my heart to see/hear Richie saying all that stuff about her like no, he respected her a lot thx) just why change the white trash problem to a slut shaming thing???(also while his dad did not beat her in this movie he was so much more GROSS than in the 90’s) I am however not bothered by the ‘Kiss of Life’ trope nor do I think she was reduced to a damsel in distress if anything she was the bravest of them all, also some things not really bothered me but made me wonder what will happen in Chapter 2 namely wft is gonna happen with Henry is he alive?? Same for Bev’s dad what happened there? Is he alive? Is he dead? Though of course we will get answers in chapter 2 I was just like wow how is this gonna pan out. Basically an amazing movie I was not disappointed at all and I would love to watch it again but as an adaptation I think I would still love to see a longish miniseries covering more of Derry’s history and the kid’s personalities/misadventures (of course I do not want THAT scene to be in any adaptation ever) but generally covering more book stuff. but hey all this is just my humble opinion and I admit I adore the book, though I am not closed off to changes just those things kinda made me go hmmmmmm…. Quotes: Stan: “Every- thing’s a lot tougher when it’s for real. That’s when you choke. When it’s for real.” “He wanted to tell them that those dead boys who had lurched and shambled their way down the spiral staircase had done something worse than frighten him: they had offended him.” Bill: “If fiction and politics ever really do become interchangeable, I’m going to kill myself, because I won’t know what else to do. You see, politics always change. Stories never do” “Silver flew and Stuttering Bill Denbrough flew with him; their gantry-like shadow fled behind them. They raced down Up-Mile Hill together; the playing cards roared. Bill’s feet found the pedals again and he began to pump, wanting to go even faster, wanting to reach some hypothetical speed — not of sound but of memory — and crash through the pain barrier.” Richie:“Now he had to go back to being himself, and that was hard — it got harder to do that every year. It was easier to be brave when you were someone else.” “He knew a great deal of the Bible already, and he knew the Bible believed in all sorts of weird stuff. According to the Bible, God Himself was at least one-third Ghost, and that was just the beginning. You could tell the Bible believed in demons, because Jesus threw a bunch of them out of this guy. Real chuckalicious ones, too. When Jesus asked the guy who had them what his name was, the demons answered and told Him to go join the Foreign Legion. Or something like that” (#make chuckalicious happen 2k17) Ben: “Maybe that’s why God made us kids first and built us close to the ground, because He knows you got to fall down a lot and bleed a lot before you learn that one simple lesson. You pay for what you get, you own what you pay for … and sooner or later whatever you own comes back home to you.” “A child blind from birth doesn’t even know he’s blind until someone tells him. Even then he has only the most academic idea of what blindness is; only the formerly sighted have a real grip on the thing. Ben Hanscom had no sense of being lonely because he had never been anything but. If the condition had been new, or more localized, he might have understood, but loneliness both encompassed his life and overreached it. It simply was.” Eddie: “Sometimes home is where the heart is, Eddie thought randomly, I believe that. Old Bobby Frost said home’s the place where, when you go there they have to take you in. Unfortunately, it’s also the place where, once you’re in there, they don’t ever want to let you out.” “Maybe, he thought, there aren’t any such things as good friends or bad friends - maybe there are just friends, people who stand by you when you’re hurt and who help you feel not so lonely. Maybe they’re always worth being scared for, and hoping for, and living for. Maybe worth dying for too, if that’s what has to be. No good friends. No bad friends. Only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.” Mike: “Haunted, haunting, haunt.Often visited by ghosts or spirits, as in the pipes under the sink; to appear or recur often, as every twenty-five, twenty-six, or twenty-seven years; a feeding place for animals, as in the cases of George Denbrough, Adrian Mellon, Betty Ripsom, the Albrecht girl, the Johnson boy.A feeding place for animals. Yes, that’s the one that haunts me.” “But Mike enjoyed most of the places in Derry his father sent or took him to, and by the time Mike was ten Will had succeeded in conveying his own interest in the layers of Derry’s history to his son. Sometimes, as when he had been trailing his fingers over the slightly pebbled surface of the stand in which the Memorial Park birdbath was set, or when he had squatted down to look more closely at the trolley tracks which grooved Mont Street in the Old Cape, he would be struck by a profound sense of time … time as something real, as something that had unseen weight” Bev: “oh shapes of men, sometimes seen as day closed down, sometimes seen across Watertower Square in the noonlight of a clear windy autumn day, shapes of men, rules of men, desires of men: or Tom, so like her father when he took off his shirt and stood slightly slumped in front of the bathroom mirror to shave. Shapes of men.” ‘Is it because I’m a girl?’[…] she exploded.‘Well, fuck you!’ She whirled around to look at the others, and they flinched from her gaze,so hot it was nearly radioactive. 'Fuck all of you if you think the same thing!’ She turned back to Bill and began to talk fast, rapping him with words. 'This is something more than some diddlyshit kid’s game like tag or guns or hide-and-go-seek, and you know it, Bill. We’re supposed to do this. That’s part of it. And you’re not going to cut me out just because I’m a girl.“ Adding this one cuz I love how stupidly cute it is and cuz that Richie is such a charmer XD (wot-wot?) ”[…]'Oh dear, am I being asked out on a date?’ For a moment Richie was uncharacteristically flustered. He actually felt a blush rising in his cheeks. He had made the offer in a perfectly natural way, just as he had made it to Ben … except hadn’t he said something to Ben about owesies? Yes. But he hadn’t said anything about owesies to Beverly. Richie suddenly felt a bit weird. He had dropped his eyes, retreating from her amused glance, and realized now that her skirt had ridden up a bit when she shifted forward to drop the ice-cream cone in the litter barrel, and he could see her knees. He raised his eyes but that was no help; now he was looking at the beginning swells of her bosoms. Richie, as he usually did in such moments of confusion, took refuge in absurdity. 'Yes! A date!’ he screamed, throwing himself on his knees before her and holding his clasped hands up. 'Please come! Please come! I shall ruddy kill meself if you say no, ay-wot? Wot-wot?’ 'Oh, Richie, you’re such a fuzzbrain,’ she said, giggling again … but weren’t her cheeks also a trifle flushed? If so, it made her look prettier than ever. 'Get up before you get arrested.’“
Next Book: “The Eyes of the Dragon”
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