cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
These are never long enough
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that the parent, who remains unidentified for privacy reasons, submitted their challenge on Dec. 11 along with an eight-page list of passages from the Bible that they found to be offensive and worth reviewing.
“Incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide,” the parent wrote in their request. “You’ll no doubt find that the Bible, under Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227, has ‘no serious values for minors’ because it’s pornographic by our new definition.”
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
Stop demonizing wolves.
Like seriously. Wolves we see in movies and media… Not how wolves behave. At all.
1. A lone wolf is cool, strong and, something to strive to be. FALSE.
Lone wolves have either lost, left or been pushed out of a pack. They are likely starving, lonely and/or looking for a new family or mate. Wolves are highly social and need companionship. They don’t want to be alone.
2. An alpha wolf is the biggest, baddest wolf in the pack who fights for their position. FALSE.
There are TWO Alpha wolves in a pack. They are mom and dad, the oldest and usually the smartest cause they have experienced the most. They are usually more timid and less likely to put themselves in danger because they are the only wolves in the pack that breed. If they die, the rest of the family will likely loose their way and eventually break apart.
Biggest wolves are usually the ‘betas’ who are children of the alphas (cause most everyone in the pack are puppies from mom and dad) and are generally more likely to investigate.
3. Wolves are brave and will hunt down intruders to there territory. FALSE.
Wolves are HUGE scaredy cats. They are naturally neophobic after about 6months to a year. Something new and different shows up in there territory, they are likely to avoid or keep their distance. They are NOT going to attack unless food or puppies are involved. They are great at communicating and you will know you need to back off long before you are in danger. This also means that no, that ‘wolf dog’ is not going to be a loyal and protective pet.
4. Wolves adopt. This is true.
Wolves are puppy crazy. Like they love puppies (for the most part) and its very common for packs to adopt puppies into their family. No issues with breeding cause, only mom and dad are allowed to do that. this is a way that puppies breed in captivity have been introduced to the wild, by being left near known nursing females and the pack will often come find them and bring them home. You want to known how much they love puppies? Wolves will give up their own meals to make sure puppies get fed first. Wolves can gorge themselves on up to 20lb of food and have been seen regurgitating for puppies and pregnant mothers.
Please stop demonizing wolves.
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Like look at these idiots. I love them so much. Stand up too fast and you scary. That thing that touched the ground, its mine now. They want your shirt and you say no so they growl, tickle their tongue and they are just like WHY!? Trust a growling wolf way more than a dog any day. (All these guys live at a sanctuary for captive born and rescued wolves)
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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My Last Few Works (3 of 8) - kalmahul
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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Daily Mirror, England, February 18, 1930 Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
Content warning, this talks about a certain topic I'd rather not talk about but this is important.
Please be safe and make sure others are as well.
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
According to my social medias, today is Gull Appreciation Day.
When did you start liking gulls, and why do you like them?
Vaughan: You can trace it back to a specific moment. In 2013 I was looking through the main Australian bird books by Pizzey and Knight. In Australia we have only three species of gull—the ordinary-looking silver gull, the large-billed Pacific Gull, and the Kelp gull which you get over in America sometimes. But looking at the laughing gull, this absolutely beautiful bird with the black hood and white eye ring—there’s nothing like that in Australia. All of our gulls are white-headed. The color combination really resonated with me. From there on I became addicted to gulls.
I like them so much partially because they’re a real challenge. My other key passion in birding is the shorebirds. [Ed note: these are another group of birds famous for being hard to tell apart.] There’s something about these kinds of birds where they tend to get overlooked a bit. You have to check every single one of them. It really keeps you occupied. On top of that, I love the color scheme of gulls. There’s just something about that very basic black, white, and gray. It’s done with just the right proportion of color.
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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Strawberry Shortcake Cake
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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Peter Ferguson (Canadian, 1968) - Pastoral (n.d.)
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Please take a moment today to remember all the lives lost in the Holocaust, and all the lives permanently scarred.
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
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January 2, 2023 - Two fascists set themselves on fire trying to burn down a Servicio de Inmigracion building in Bakersfield, California.
The business helps immigrants work with the immigration process and pay their income taxes. The fire didn’t spread and was quickly put out by the fire department. [video]
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
love the trope where an authoritative side character pointedly pretends not to help the hero they’re not supposed to be helping by saying shit like “well I can’t just let you wander around up to the THIRD FLOOR where you could just FIND THE THING YOU NEED in the FIRST ROOM ON THE LEFT. And under no circumstances should you USE THE KEY FROM UNDER THE MAT. I wish I could help you, but I CAN’T. Now excuse me, I need to take this phone call for the next 37 minutes EXACTLY.”
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cuddlesnmonsters · 2 years
Dragons. You agree, reblog
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