#also dearest asker
shanklin · 2 years
it seems like it's been a while since you've been on here but I just recently found this. Does the name Ford Shanklin mean anything to you? If you read this please respond I would really appreciate it
Hmm, nope.
[Wait lemme google]
I guess there's someone[s] on facebook and tiktok with that name.
Oohh and hey wanna buy some used cars in Shanklin, UK? 😅
Should i know someone with that name? Is there GF lore im unaware of? 🥺
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altruistic-meme · 7 months
The atla no war in ba sing se was a satire article
to call it a satire "article" is an overexaggeration as it is actually just a fake quote from a satire "news" twitter account, but yes
that said, not really sure why you came to me about this lmao
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
Hey! So I’m a fairly new ambulatory wheelchair user with EDS writing about a character who is also an ambulatory wheelchair user. I feel like I keep using the same words over and over to portray movement though (rolled, propelled, “pushed themself,” etc) so I would love to hear if you have any more ideas for alternatives! I’ll take as many as you’ve got!
Thank you!!!
Hello dearest asker!
This is the list that we have provided over time plus others:
Pulled (by a service animal etc)
Popped ("Popped up their wheels/chair" to get over a surface etc)
Tip/tipped (Tipped themselves over something etc)
Slid (In rainy or icy weather)
And a lot of many other verbs that would take me a long time to list! Consider what type of wheelchair the person has, as mention Here. And also how the person moves or places their hands can be another detail to include.
If the actual definition of the verb doesn't involve the specific actions of one or two lower extremities (ex. walk, run, stepped, trot, stride) then it's otherwise good to use! Other words like Moseyed, sauntered, paced, I think depends on the writer. A particularly mischievous character may saunter of a manner in their wheelchair. And a character who is nervous would pace—although possibly tiring—back and forth. And Moseyed, well, I just particularly like this word—but, a character could mosey on by in a certain fashion. Happy writing!
(last ask about verb terminology on wheelchairs per this post we made about it)
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Dearest ineffable mods
Thanks for your amazing work! Long time lurker, first time asker. This is my favorite library by far!
Do you have any recommendations of fics focussing on the staff of the Ritz? And how they view our favourite idiots throughout the years/dinner? Preferably not AU. I checked the outsider pov tag but didn't find any.
If you could recommend some, it'd make me immensely happy ❤️ thank you in advance!
Here are some outsider POV Ritz fics for you...
The Ritz's Biggest Ineffable Husbands Shipper by frogfaced (G)
The staff of the Ritz had created a name for the couple once, a long time ago, it had to have been at least twenty years or so ago by now. It stuck, whispered fervently when they appeared in the queue. “Did you hear?” A comment passed from one hostess to a waiter, whispered quietly almost like a secret kept close to her heart, almost like a prayer. “It’s them.” ----- Or, Aziraphale and Crowley have become something of a legend at the Ritz, and have become the basis for many of the employee's gambling problems.
The matter of the Definitely Not Husbands by plainrefillnotepad (G)
The waiters and waitresses who worked at the restaurant at The Ritz weren’t what you would call a tight-knit group. If there was one topic of conversation, however, which every staff member had at least heard of, it was the matter of the Definitely Not Husbands.
An Angel Dining at the Ritz by misslmf (T)
The staff at the London Ritz become quickly familiar with the regular customers that come into the establishment, especially if those regulars were polite and easy to remember in some way or another. A pair that stood out to every member of staff after a while were the two men that came in at least a few times a month, always seeming to have a reservation despite never ringing to book one. Which is why it was so unnerving when neither of them showed up for a month. *** Or, how the staff at the Ritz are also children of divorce since Aziraphale left Crowley
Table For Two by JM_Finnigan (G)
Thomas Kinsley has known the two regulars - the red-haired man and the blond one called Fell - for as long as he's worked at the Ritz, so he is caught quite off-guard when only one of them makes an appearance one night. The aftermath of Aziraphale's return to Heaven as told through a Ritz waiter's eyes.
Code Angel by orphan_account (G)
She didn’t fully understand this kind of miracle but she knew one thing for sure. When a Code Angel came to The Ritz, they should expect miracles to happen.
There Were Angels Dining At The Ritz by AstersLibrary (T)
The employees at the Ritz have their favourites. And they're no so subtle about them.
- Mod D
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do you think you could draw a blue diamond au comic with blue diamond and yellow pearl please ❤️
Dearest asker, I am delighted by your enthusiasm and very humbled/terrified by your request. I also need to know the following immediately:
How much time you think it takes to draw a comic
How many free hours in the day you think I have
Please post your reply to me as soon as possible. I await it with baited breath, and I trust it will illuminate some level of motive it took for your to pen me this missive so casually.
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nyaskitten · 1 year
Hey Raine, I haven't seen anyone ask this yet so I've decided to take up the role of asker myself: What Spirits would someone find in the Spirit Coves in ANS?
Oh, why, thank you for the everso kind and generous ask my dearest pal, Vi!!
Okay, so, when a dragon dies, they go to the Spirit Coves, in a spiritual form, so you'd find dragons like the Ultra Dragon there! You'd also find Djinns there because all Djinns come from the Spirit Coves.
You could also find elemental sprites, which r just the tiniest stinkers ever! Some spirits are bigger than others, some have more human forms, and others look like Biblically Accurate Angels.
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wolfgirlguts · 10 months
For Aife: rep, strut (...you do eat people, right?)
For Alina: looming, gnash
For Cecily: siren, slosh
Prin: Oh haha yeah I'm uh. Letting Aife see. And I'm sure she won't say anything to publicly embarrass me, right? Right okay.
Aife: Thank you, dear. Before I provide my answer, I must first express my gratitude to you, asker, for this opportunity to contribute to my dearest Prin's little corner of the internet. I'll endeavor to do so in a manner that's satisfying for everyone involved, mm?
Oh don't look at me like that, sweetie. I'm not about to humiliate you. Quite the opposite.
Now, I do eat people, yes, but it's more of an occasional hobby for me. I have nowhere near the experience or skill that Prin flaunts almost daily. I'm learning so much from her, though, and I believe she'd agree I'm a quick study!
Rep: My inner circle is aware of my recent dabbling, but I don't advertise beyond that. While I wouldn't be ashamed to have it become part of my image, and it would surely earn me more fans of a certain persuasion, I doubt I would be able to satisfy the expectations that would arise. While Prin would doubtless devour hordes of adoring fans, I'm only proficient enough to manage a single occupant at a time. Prin has teased me about wasting my potential. I must admit to becoming rather flustered when she tells me in detail what she could accomplish with four stomachs!
Strut: Now, you might think that what I've said above means I don't prioritize my stomach in my choice of clothing, and historically I haven't. But recently, Prin has made me aware of just how sexy a stomach can be, and so I've made a habit of showing it more, if only as a treat for her. Of course, that's a far cry from publicly displaying a bellyful of, ah, girlmeat? As Prin would say. No, that's a fashion choice I reserve for the bedroom. There really is nothing like adding a third to spice things up~
Prin: WOW PERFECT TIMING Alina and Cecily just sent their answers to me so I'm going to post them up and then Aife and I are going to go . . . talk. Yeah. Yeah. No. I'm gonna go suck her dry and fall asleep on her tummy. Yeah.
Alina: Sorry in advance if this gets cut short but if I don't get back to monitoring the extractor soon the experimental group could end up too burnt to be worth eating when the test is over. Then I'd only have the control, and they're so scrawny this time. Barely a snack.
Anyway, um.
Looming: That's the one about the size of people I like to eat, right? Small. Easy. Simple to contain, manipulate, overpower, and swallow. And specimens of the proper size are abundant thanks to my peculiar physiological quirk. By maintaining an unobstructed line of sight with another creature, I slowly diminish their size. The effect wears off but not for a few hours. That's more than enough time for my stomach to break them down into their useful components. I'm fully capable of stomaching a much larger meal, but I have neither the spare time nor energy to devote to processing them.
Gnash: I don't make a habit of chewing, either. While I'm not adversely affected by the sight or texture of a body so mutilated by mastication, I find it an inefficient means of acquiring nutrients. Why spend time splattering someone around my mouth when I could just gulp once? All those nutrients are so helpfully packaged neatly in their container, why make a mess of it? And deprive myself of the squirms? Also-
SHIT I smell burning got to go
Cecily: Heya Prin. Your followers have some questions for me, huh? Careful, I might steal them away from you~
Siren: Fuck. Yes. I'm so glad this is one of the ones I got asked. This is like my whole thing. So like the way I see it, predators and prey have been in an evolutionary arms race forever. We need each other and we make each other better by constantly trying to outdo each other, right? Cool, you're with me so far. Well, using tools is like the latest, biggest, baddest incarnation of that, and I'm just using the tools I've got.
For those of you unaware, let me fix that. I'm a streamer. And a ton of sluts tune in to watch me lower my subscriber count for the world to see. I go live, someone goes dead. I run a little lottery on my channel. If you throw me some money, you get access to some fun bonus content, the real spicy stuff, and you're entered to win! Every week, one lucky morsel gets picked to pad out my ass. Now, legally, I can't make anyone sign anything that actually binds them to following through. But would you really say no and disappoint everyone? You know how they feel. Just last week you were them. Just one of the adoring masses, begging for my attention in chat, waiting all week to be satisfied. You gonna deny them that? You either go out on top as a hero or you live to see them all turn on you.
Don't blame me. I didn't make the internet this way. A huntress either takes advantage of the tools in front of her or she starves. A girl's gotta eat, right?
Slosh: This is the digestion time one, yes? Well what do you know, I've got a bunch of those timed down to the second. See, some of that bonus content I mentioned includes some time-lapse digestion footage. Laying around for hours and hours in front of a camera might sound tedious, but what else am I gonna do? Besides, I spend most of that time sleeping. I could get you an exact average, but it's easier just to say about two days. You could see for yourself, of course. Bet you'd love to watch me churn some nerds into sludge. And hey, what are the odds that your name comes up this week? It's barely a risk. C'mon, it'll be fun~
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aquabuggy · 2 years
hello there wonderful person! i was wondering: would enhydro quartzesezses (whats the plural of quartz..?) technically be considered aqua..? 0:
Hello there dearest asker!
Wonderful question! I had totally forgotten such a natural phenomenon existed, and I’m delighted to be aware of it once more. Nature is so fantastically strange isn’t it? Also! I do believe the plural for a bunch of the same quartz is simply quartz, but many different ones would be quartzes. Just like the fish vs fishes usage! To the question at hand though-
Enhydros/Fluid Inclusions, are they Aqua?
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[ gif credit- KingOfQuartz on YouTube ]
Rating: Definitely Aqua
From all the examples I’ve seen of this, they hit all the marks! They’re sealed, filled with fluid, and there’s observable movement. The only case in which I wouldn’t accept one of these as Aqua is if you couldn’t really tell there was movement due to a lack of air bubble. This seems quite rare however, so I think I’ll take the majority here.
Very cool example of Aqua, and a natural one at that!
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
Hi! Are you still cool with like askers for your ask-request box thing? Ive been meaning to ask for awhile but then I’ve kept getting too shy. I have a very tragic case of Being Shy All The Time Forever you see, and I fear I shall never recover.
Also! Thoughts on Tsumugi dearest?? I saw you reblog that one poll and as a Certified Tsumugi Adorer I now I wish to know what you think!!
i am FOREVER cool with askers for story requests i am so down all the time. do not worry i wont ever yell at you
tsumugi is soooo. she is a cringefailure and thats why i like her. she is doing girlwrongs and engaging in girlwar tactics and dadgummit she is girlfailing but storywise i never know what to do with her. and i have a few characters that im like this with and its why i dont write komahina multichapters or even oneshots like. i love komahina as much as i like saiouma but saiouma intrigues me in a way no other ship does and this intrigue, this understanding......it allows me to write the most batshit insane horror fics the world could ever know. are these OTHER batshit insane horror fics currently out right now No but the point is that tsumugi doesnt do that with me. like i like her i liked seeing her do her thing and being a little evil in canon but i just. i dont know how i would Write her and this defines my relationship with her as it does with other characters whom i cannot write
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
to the anon infp with the enfj now-official-both-ways gf, we are SO happy for you!!!! and honestly my heart is so full and bursting rn for the both of you so sending you guys the most beautiful wishes <3
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revivebook · 3 years
yo but why is cheat/cheatself kinda a banger neo set 😳
KEKW if dream used neos i think he’d either be a zey/zem or a fuckin .. leo/leoself. perhaps even a little bit of a exe/exeself, on occasion
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
For the asker asks - #6 - the recurring idea of the hand-knit sweater in when I am dead, my dearest stuck with me. It carries the same sort of feeling as "For sale: baby shoes, never worn". Such quiet sadness.
Oh I had fun with that one. Because the issues with Danny's parents? It is a tragedy, it's sad and painful but it's a double edged comment because everything Vlad said was true but Valerie took it in a different, but understandable direction. Like Danny, there's two tragic realities lined up together like stitches on a sweater and that contrast was delightful to play with. Also outsider perspective and dramatic irony is the beeeest
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
This might be a bit of a weird question as I know this isn't a drawing blog, but do you happen to have any pointers for finding good reference photos for drawing cane users? I'm having trouble finding interesting/dynamic poses, and the vast majority of pose generator sites I've found don't even show people with mobility aids. Stock photo sites and google are also limited in their usefulness, mostly giving me very stiff poses. If you have any tips that would be great.
hello dearest asker!
I tried to be an artists once upon a time so let me direct you to some things that might help! Here is an excellent post written up by @deoidesign shows how motion and functionality with a cane works. Here is a post by @sparrowsocks on the cane design itself and the practicality of it. Here is another "How To" guide that is a bit more simple but covers how the hand changes with different handles.
Here is a reference of hands gripping cylindrical objects that I think might be a little helpful. Grabbing a cane or just moving it are all things that go into it too.
If you're going for more a historical setting, Here is a library of sources of historical walking sticks and canes. That source is more novelty canes and not for practicality for a mobility aid, but Here is another source for History and it has more practical canes.
Also things like old photo rolls when film was just becoming what we know today could be something helpful too.
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[Image Description: A black and white picture roll of two sets with twelve frames in each. The first roll is a side angle of a man holding a can and walking then taking a right turn and walking back. The second roll is a backside angle of the man walking with the cane and then taking a right turn and walking back.]
We can see for example in the first two frames how the opposite leg moves with the cane.
And of course we have more photos from the Victorian era of men with canes. Granted canes were used largely for fashion but a lot of people did use them for balance and such too. Also they're good references for poses while holding a cane.
Another thing I can recommend is just watching videos of someone using a cane. Look up disabled YouTubers or people who do physical therapy videos and they show largely how movement with a cane should look and more.
If you're looking for dynamic poses I would recommend looking up cosplayers or models who are disabled and use canes. But also looking up disabled actors that use canes or similar mobility aids and go through their filmography is another good way to see references. A lot of disabled people who are artists also post their own photos and videos for art references specifically too.
One last thing is how the character holds their body and what type of cane they need is gonna depend on how they are disabled. Working that out and doing more research is gonna change some things. But also even though there is a proper way to use a cane, some people use canes in different ways to suit their needs and comfort. The biggest example in media is House from House MD and while Hugh Laurie isn't disabled, he does a pretty accurate portrayal of someone using a cane in an alternative way. I personally (when I was getting fitted for one) would use my cane very much as House does, and other people have said much the same.
Hopefully this helps in some way and your fellow artists may be able to throw more help in the notes. Happy drawing!
~Mod Virus 🌸
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years
hi i’m the “if darlins at a club” asker !!! i was def thinking platonic just bc i LOVE the fic u just put up of gabe semi-adopting darlin ☹️💖 another idea for that one- imagine darlins getting bullied at school and david finds out !!! or darlin falling asleep on david’s shoulder ☺️
Dearest Anon, I am working on the second chapter to that exact fic and Darlin is indeed being bullied! I will also see about getting some shoulder sleeping action...
Seriously, love the feedback and suggestions. <3 Thank you so much!
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bokettochild · 2 years
Another curious asker, huh? Okay!
(I created him before discovering LU I swear!)
Kid is just a big nerd who ended up trying to save one person and got yoinked on a world saving hero journey, please help.
Boy loves puzzles and stories and would 100% spend a whole night staring at the stars if his eyes and Nona would let him. Or, you know, fate.
He grew up in a noble family, but was raised in one of the quieter parts of the kingdom as is custom, so his parents can focus on their social duties instead of distracting things like children. For this reason, the person nearest and dearest to him in the whole world is his grandmother, who not only feeds his obsession with puzzles and legends of old, but also is a total badass who taught him and his little brothers how to ride, shoot, hunt and fish, as well as fix their own clothes and find both good and bad plants in the wild.
He's got a bit of a speaking problem, and tends to slip into sign rather than speech when around people he doesn't know, or you know, just doesn't talk in their presence, but if he knows you and feels safe with you he could chatter on for hours about any old thing.
He is the eldest child, and takes it very seriously, doing his best to look out for and teach his little siblings everything that he can, or helping his Nona to raise them.
His speaking problem means he's not great at making friends in his hometown, but once his hero's journey starts, he just ends up randomly collecting various other weirdos who just...don't leave him alone and he get's attached.
He can be a bit short tempered and easily gets frustrated with himself and his inability to do things, which only worsens his impulsivity, but luckily something usually stops him before he does anything too stupid.
His favorite color is purple, he loves sweet foods and his favorite place in the world is a distant desert city that he accidentally befriended the queens of by breaking into their library.
While his hero's journey or whatever nonsense stopped him growing up with his siblings or even with his parents (Nona is also sadly out of the picture) he does have a set of three vagabonds who he ends up accidentally collecting, all of which have their own quirks, which for two of them means they go full on villain and for the other just means he's an eleven year old merman with an attitude problem. They're close knit regardless, and would literally do almost anything for each other.
So...yeah :)
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fizzy-popp · 3 years
Hello <333
So I’ll be starting a writing blog for FNF characters mostly, but depending on the character I might do something for someone else :3
Before I get to talking about this more I’m going to write down my boundaries and such
First and for most with FNF, I’m going to tell you all right now-
I really don’t know what happened with The creators of FNF and such, I heard it was pretty bad so lemme get this straight. For what ever they did I’m not going to leave this fandom, not because I support what ever bad thing they did- but because I honestly just love this game and mods that people have done. The good part of this fandom have done so many creative things and made this fandom blow up- I don’t want to get rid of that. I will say that while I don’t support the majority of this fandom, There is a small part that’s okay and respectful :))
Next up, I will not write NSFW for underage characters
While I’ll barely write NSFW at all and I’m definitely not going to do it for underage characters, if you ask me and it’s not anonymous then you will be blocked. And if it is anonymous I just won’t respond to your ask ://
Next up please don’t give me hate for my opinion and writings, this is my blog, my page and my writings. I will not bend my mind just because you don’t like it (unless it’s legitimately offensive and bad-)
I will do most kinds of asks and out trigger warnings if the head cannons and story’s might get triggering.
Now I’ll jot down the characters I’ll write for :3
Any FNF character from the mod (except for mommy and daddy dearest- it not that their bad I honestly just don’t know how to write for them 😀)
I’ll do cannon x reader and some cannon x cannon depending on the characters-
I’ll do most mods x reader- I don’t know some of then but I’ll try to research one for an asker ^^
Like I said I’ll do NSFW depending on the asks and characters, I’ll also do any kind of angst, fluff, comfort- basically any ask -^-
Okay well if there is anything else you guys would like to know about then please do ask! :D
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