#also complexity is often just a language's way of making it easier for native speakers to understand
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the next time someone calls english a "simple language" i'm bringing out the knives. this goes for any other language too actually. there's no such thing as a "simple" or "simplified" human language. if people speak it natively, it will be as complex and as simple as any other language. stop it with these made up hierarchies born of bitterness ffs
#wtf do they even mean by saying a language is simple?????#utter nonsense#ohhhhhh i'm maddddddd#stop it stop it stop it#plsssssssss#literally all complexity is a trade off#a language might be more 'complex' in one way but it then has to be 'simpler' in others#also complexity is often just a language's way of making it easier for native speakers to understand#ergo making it easier to parse meaning#so a truly 'simple' language (which cannot and does not exist naturally) would be incredibly hard to understand#aljdksjdkfljdks grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#linguistics#english#language
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This is going to be an obvious question to anyone who's familiar with the language, but how does one type in Chinese? All the languages I've studied have had alphabetic writing systems, so to me foreign language typing is just assigning different letters on the keyboard and hitting them in order the same as English.
I imagine there's some way of entering the elements of each glyph with a command that tells it where to place it? I tried googling and just got a bunch of articles about how autocorrect can suggest Chinese characters when a user types the words in pinyin, but this sounds like a laborious and clunky system for someone who reads and writes Chinese fluently, and it wouldn't nessecarily exist on all devices.
(same anon wondering about typing Chinese characters) I also figure that if converting from pinyin was the primary or only way to get digital Chinese characters, then a lot more online spaces would just use pinyin in the first place and save everyone the trouble. The people writing multichapter fanfics or chatting away on social media in Chinese definitely have a fluent way to type their language that probably doesn't involve converting the entire text from an unrelated writing system, but these articles just aren't telling me what it is.
Ahahaha. Anon... phonetic entry is so much easier than other methods.
No, nobody enters characters while typing by picking radicals and where to place them. There are ways to look up an unfamiliar character that use radicals. There are also apps that let you try to draw something by hand, then attempt to figure out what you drew. But, again, that's for unfamiliar things, not typing up a story.
Computers were developed by English speakers and others with alphabets. Phonetic entry would probably be easiest anyway, but with the early infrastructure geared towards it, it's definitely easier.
There was an interesting phenomenon in Japanese (I'm not sure about Chinese) where The Youth™ were using fewer and fewer complex or less common kanji in... I want to say the 80s or 90s. The usual suspects moaned about the death of literacy...
Then cell phone/computer typing came along. If you knew the word, you didn't have to remember every single detail of how to write it. And people responded by using hella kanji all over the place, including lots of much rarer characters that a person would often recognize on sight but not remember perfectly enough to write by hand with confidence.
English spelling is tricky, but just learning 26 letters and then using them in a way that makes sense to a native speaker of [whatever] isn't. People are going to know pinyin. It's not a hardship to use it.
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I wanted to make a very blunt post about hearing people using sign languages for speech loss episodes because I think a lot of people really need to hear this.
..... I really do not know what you guys are expecting to get out of sign language as an alternative to speech
let's start with some facts:
sign languages are their own distinct and separate languages from spoken language. ASL is not English with your hands, ISL is not Irish with your hands, and so on and so forth.
sign languages have their own unique vocabularies, grammar, and syntax
learning a sign language is exactly as hard as learning a spoken language. the idea that learning a sign language is easier is a myth. it is a second language and will be as difficult to learn as every other second language
sign languages rely on a complex system of facial expressions for grammatical reasons. facial expressions are not optional. [PT: facial expressions are not optional.] you will not be understood without facial expressions
from my understanding the majority of people who experience speech loss episodes lose their ability to speak because they are overwhelmed, overstimulated, upset, tired, or otherwise in a state that's upsetting or overwhelming. from my understanding, the majority of people who experience speech loss episodes are losing their ability to use language, they are not losing their ability to use their mouth.
if you are not losing speech in a way that exclusively affects your mouth then a sign language will not help you. full stop.
[PT: if you are not losing speech in a way that exclusively affects your mouth then a sign language will not help you. full stop.]
as I mentioned above a sign language is a second language for you* unless you have grown up signing you will be stuck translating your thoughts into a second language. if you're struggling to use language you will only struggle more to use a second language. it's like if you were monolingual English speaker and you lost speech and decided the solution would be to try speaking Spanish instead.
*okay, there are hearing people who learned sign as a first language**, but that is not the majority of you
**baby sign is not sign as a first language
I also feel like a lot of people seem to forget the experiences of Deaf autistic people when they're trying to figure out using sign language as an alternative to speech during speech loss episodes. Deaf people lose speech too. [PT: Deaf people lose speech too.] as it turns out the complexities of sign language can become too overwhelming and difficult when we are overwhelmed too, and sign language is often our native and/or primary language. if you are not someone using a sign language as your native and/or primary language then what makes you think you'll be able to communicate with it during a speech loss episode better than us?
you are going to find it very difficult to communicate in a second language when you're losing speech.
now for those of you whose speech loss episodes exclusively affect their mouth:
you are treading in dangerous waters. let's start with: sign languages are not AAC. Deaf people, who ultimately control the sign languages and were the people to create them, do not have a communication disorder. we are speakers of a non-dominant language. sign languages are more than just a communication tool for us, they are also endangered languages and cultural languages. they should be treated with respect in regards to those facts. if you treat sign languages as AAC (which therefore treats them as tools for your use as a hearing person) or outright call them AAC you are disrespecting the language and its cultural significance. if you would not call English "AAC for Americans" do not call sign languages AAC.
if you decide to use sign language to assist you during speech loss you should also be using your knowledge of sign language to protect and preserve this language. hearing people can be part of the Deaf world if they sign. you shouldn't shy away from communicating with Deaf people.
If you decide to use sign language to assist you during speech loss you have to [PT: have to] understand the culture behind the language and treat the language with respect to that culture. Deaf culture is a closed, minority culture. it is not free to take from and use as you please. us allowing you to use sign language is a gift, it is not something to take for granted. if you view sign languages as a tool for your use as a hearing person you are stealing.
but back to practicality, I'd encourage you to use AAC over a sign language. you don't tread the same dangerous waters by using AAC and it will also allow you to be understood by more people. most people do not know any sign language, and most people who do know sign language are unwilling to use it.
if you want to commit to learning a second language in its entirety and want to commit to doing so with respect I will not stop you but you should consider whether your motivations are yourself or whether your motivations align with and protect the Deaf community. your motivations should not be selfish.
[ID 1: a userbox saying "this user is deaf"
ID 2: a userbox saying "this user has autism"
ID 3: a userbox saying "this user communicates via sign language]
#sensory disability#actually autistic#ActuallyAutistic#speech loss#actually Deaf#ActuallyDeaf#neurodivergent#autism
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This is a post I think is absolutely Not Wrong but is also a pretty common laymans take about really complex issues made by linguists, educators and language planners around language teaching and style! These decisions often revolve around two issues:
Language is not neutral and strongly indexes region culture class and identity
ways to make language accessible and usable may involve decisions that are not linearly indexed to an Oppressive and Oppressed language form
What do I mean? I mean that “why does language software only teach one specific dialect” is as simple as BECAUSE IT IS MUCH MUCH EASIER FOR HUMAN BEINGS TO LEARN ONE SPECIFIC DIALECT. Why does it teach Standardized form? Because there is pretty much never just One country bumpkin form, and those separate “country bumpkin” forms are often not mutually intelligible to each other! Language teaching materials may well teach the queens English/ep instead of, say, rural Alabama English or rural Yorkshire English because the product is intended for audiences as wide as speakers in India, esl learners from Romania and living in the uk, and francophone elementary students in Canada. Does that mean that Rp is the only “right” English or that it’s better in some ways? No! It doesn’t even mean that the decision to teach rp is an inherently neutral one. It just means that questions of how to ensure usability and access are often infinitely more complex than people assume.
The problem with well meaning posts like this one is that they assume there IS “a vocabulary and speaking style of most native speakers,” which is almost never the case. The decision to choose a particular “standardized” form often decides this, implicitly, but so do reactionary responses like this one. Instead, the issue is that language planning must by nature choose A VERSION, and usually not all versions, and that those decisions are complex as hell and require careful thought - often there are some outright strange decisions, but there are also some that don’t have an “easy” or good answer, and being able to think critically about them is a central aspect of linguistic justice.
In ref to the specific examples, I almost never see resources for Americans focused on Castilian Spanish - which I should know as someone trying to learn Castilian because it’s closer for the dialect filipino intellectuals actually wrote in. (Why the fuck would someone want to learn [blank] dialect well cause they want to]zInstead you get a semi formalised Latin American accent (that sometimes tends towards upper class Mexico City but not in all ways). While there are significant problems with the lack of dialect specific materials for various accents of latam spanish, a lot of the reasons behind the choice of this form come from the fact that..: there is no one single latam spanish, and many of the speakers in the U.S. speak significantly different dialects of Spanish! To choose, say, the Spanish of Guadalajara leaves out speakers of the Spanish or El Salvador or Puerto Rico etc. nuance
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Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @theoldmixer !!!
How many works do you have on ao3? 10
What's your total ao3 word count? 26,197
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only The Beatles. In the past Boardwalk Empire. I also wrote some Good Omens fic that I never published way back in 2011
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Great and Powerful (Boardwalk Empire, Charlie/Meyer)
I Don't Care Too Much (The Beatles, John/Paul)
Was I So Unwise (The Beatles, John/Paul)
A Cup of Kindness (Boardwalk Empire, Margaret/Arnold)
All The Odds Are In My Favor (Boardwalk Empire, Margaret/Arnold)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! There might be a few times I forget to, especially on old fics, but I always try to. They genuinely make my day and keep me motivated, so I want to say thank you!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably I'm No Good at Aiming (Boardwalk Empire, Benny/Meyer) I was a lot more committed to pure angst writing in Boardwalk fandom because the show was so dark. Now that I'm into rpf I still love angst, but I always try to give them a happy ending. (I realize that my Boardwalk fic was also partly gangster rpf, but I guess I wasn't as attached to happy endings because gangsters? Or maybe I've just gone soft.)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably I Don't Care Too Much. It's a very sweet and hopeful ending.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet thankfully. Although when I get a comment from that one troll that pops up on Mclennon fic every so often, I'll know I've made it!
Do you write smut?
I didn't until I got into The Beatles and J/P! I used to be a little uncomfortable writing it, and usually just had a steamy makeout session or fade to black. But something about those two idiots just gave me the bug and now I plan on including smut in all my fic.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I never did, though I had an idea for an overly complex Star Wars/Boardwalk Empire AU back in the day.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I think it would be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
John Lennon/Paul McCartney. It's infected my brain and taken over my soul. And it's the only thing to get me back into writing after years AND to get me writing smut.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have some fun Good Omens ficlets that I never published because they are just dialogue. I just doubt I'll ever get around to them again.
What are your writing strengths?
I always find it way easier to write dialogue than anything else. Sometimes my very early drafts just look like scripts with no description added yet.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think it comes out okay, and I've gotten better at it, but I find writing descriptions and internal monologues difficult. I often get frustrated trying to get my characters from points A to B. I always get bored writing anything but action and dialogue. I used to think I would like to be a screenwriter for this reason.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wrote some lines in Yiddish for Boardwalk Empire fic, but I always ran them by my Yiddish-speaking friend to make sure they made sense. I also had a few French lines in I Don't Care Too Much, but they were mostly spoken by non-French speaking characters so I worried less about them. I don't think I'd try writing more than a few lines without a native speaker's input though.
First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens! I wrote some fluffy Aziraphale/Crowly ficlets but I never published them.
Favorite fic you've written?
I think probably Was I So Unwise. It holds a special place in my heart as my first fic in eight years. It's for last year's Beatles Secret Santa, which I associate with the first time I really joined the community of the Beatles fandom, and it's hurt/comfort, one of my favorite subgenres!
I'll tag @aquarianshift, @goatsandgangsters, @meyerlansky, and @muzaktomyears if you want to!
#thank you so much for the tag!#it was fun to go back and look at my fics from my past fandom#especially since I barely remember writing my most kudos'd fic!
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Master Arabic from Home with Riwaq Al Quran Academy
Learning a new language can be challenging, but with the right guidance and resources, it becomes an enriching experience. If you’re looking to learn Arabic from the comfort of your home, Riwaq Al Quran Academy offers a structured, flexible, and supportive way to do just that. In this guide, we’ll dive into how the academy works, what you can expect, and why it might be the perfect fit for your language-learning journey.
Learn Arabic Online with Riwaq Al Quran Academy: A Complete Guide
Riwaq Al Quran Academy specializes in teaching Arabic and Quranic studies through online courses designed for students of all levels. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone who wants to refine your skills, there are programs tailored to meet your needs. The courses cover everything from the basics of reading and writing to more advanced grammar and conversation skills.
Why Choose Riwaq Al Quran Academy?
One of the main advantages of studying with Riwaq Al Quran Academy is the flexibility it offers. Online learning means you can schedule classes around your own routine, making it ideal for those with busy lives. The academy also offers personalized one-on-one lessons, allowing teachers to focus on your specific strengths and areas for improvement.
Another reason learners choose this academy is the quality of the instructors. The teachers are highly qualified, often with years of experience in both Arabic language instruction and Quranic studies. This ensures that students not only learn proper language usage but also gain an understanding of the cultural and religious significance of Arabic.
What Courses Are Available?
Riwaq Al Quran Academy offers a variety of courses depending on your goals and current level of proficiency. Some of the most popular courses include:
Basic Arabic for Beginners: Aimed at those with little to no prior experience, focusing on reading, writing, and simple conversation.
Advanced Grammar and Writing: For learners looking to refine their understanding of sentence structure, verb conjugations, and complex writing.
Arabic Conversation Practice: Perfect for improving speaking and listening skills through interactive dialogue with native speakers.
Quranic Arabic: Focuses on the classical Arabic used in the Quran, which differs from modern spoken dialects.
Interactive Learning Environment
The academy’s approach emphasizes active participation. Rather than just listening to lectures, students engage in speaking, reading, and writing exercises throughout each session. This hands-on practice is essential for language retention and helps build confidence in using Arabic in everyday situations.
Additionally, students have access to a range of digital resources like recorded lessons, practice materials, and quizzes, which help reinforce what’s learned during live classes.
Affordable and Flexible Pricing
Riwaq Al Quran Academy offers a range of pricing plans that cater to different budgets. Whether you’re looking for an intensive course or a slower-paced program, there are options available without any long-term commitment. This makes it easier for students to learn at their own pace without financial pressure.
Is Riwaq Al Quran Academy Right for You?
If you’re serious about learning Arabic and prefer a structured yet flexible learning environment, this academy is definitely worth considering. With experienced instructors, a variety of courses, and the convenience of online learning, it’s a great resource for anyone looking to improve their language skills from anywhere in the world.
In short, Learn Arabic Online with Riwaq Al Quran Academy: A Complete Guide serves as an excellent starting point for anyone ready to embark on the journey of mastering Arabic. Whether your goal is to read the Quran, enhance your career prospects, or simply explore a new language, this academy provides the tools and support you need to succeed.
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Mastering English: Benefits of Joining a Language Program

In today’s globalized world, comprehending the English language can open doors to unimaginable growth options. It has become the most popular language around the globe. One of the best ways to learn English and enhance your language aptitudes is by joining an English Language Program. It provides a structure and material from professional teachers that makes the procedure easier. You can become fluent in no time, just after a few weeks. Today, we will explore the benefits of joining a language program and how it can help you master English.
Advantages of Enrolling in a Language Course
There are several edges to learning english by joining an English language Program, such as:
A Clear Learning Plan
This is one of the main benefits. You get a clear and organized learning plan. Self-learning is also effective, but you might get lost or unsure where to start. You get a step-by-step guide that helps you cover all the vital aspects needed to speak and understand English. You can understand grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening in a planned manner. This way, you will improve in all areas of the language, making your learning journey more effortless and effective.
Expert Teachers to Guide You
You get access to trained and experienced teachers. They know what students need to learn and can help you with any questions. You can understand complex topics in simple ways and avoid common mistakes. They will also give you feedback on how to improve and offer advice on how to practice better. Learning from them will increase your speed and help grasp concepts more quickly and effortlessly.
Building Confidence in Speaking
People often suppress their views and thoughts due to a lack of faith. For many non-native English speakers, the fear of making errors or being misunderstood restricts their participation in activities.
1.Language Practice: Regular exercise in a structured environment helps them become more comfortable using English in job settings.
2.Feedback and Improvement: Constructive reviews from experienced instructors allow learners to correct mistakes and purify their language skills.
3.Simulated Scenarios: Role-playing exercises and phoning of real-world business situations provide a safe space to practice and gain confidence before applying skills in actual work situations.
Cultural Understanding
English is widely used worldwide, and its application may vary from place to place. With English classes, you will learn the culture of English speaking countries. This artistic understanding will help you better understand how people communicate, use idioms, and express themselves. This helps in speaking and understanding more naturally. It can also make you more open to learning about different cultures and viewpoints.
Career Advancement and Opportunities
Enrolling in an English course for adults impacts career advancement and opens up new possibilities. Strong English skills usually make individuals more competitive in the job market. Whether seeking a promotion or new job prospects, they can enhance one's potential for career growth. Moreover, they facilitate better networking with international colleagues and clients, broadening professional connections and increasing career possibilities.
Personal Growth and Enjoyment
It has proven fantastic for individual development by improving critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and communication. It contributes to overall satisfaction and increases social and professional setting interactions, which are the fundamentals of career success. By developing new skills and knowledge, people engage in continuous personal and professional development, a fundamental aspect of career success and lifelong learning.
Cultural Competence and Global Perspective
It helps learners understand and navigate cultural differences in communication styles and business practices. This cultural awareness and global outlook are increasingly valuable in diverse and multicultural job environments, enabling professionals to work more effectively across different cultures and enhance their international business interactions. This way, you can make connections and bonds globally that might help you land a better job soon.
Flexible Learning Options
These programs are available in various formats, which makes it easier to pick according to your convenience. You can opt for evening classes or morning lessons, depending on your lifestyle. If you are busy, you can also choose online courses. This enables you to learn, no matter what the circumstances, without having unnecessary breaks.
An English Language Program can be your chance to explore growth opportunities from around the world. With regular classes, you will build confidence, get a better understanding, and improve your communication skills.
The EBETEC Language Academy is well-known in this field. With a reputation for providing guidance and curated study material that helps make the whole process much more manageable, they have trained students to be more confident while communicating with natives. Whether you are a beginner, familiar with the basics, or need to brush up your skills for business or employment purposes, they offer a variety of classes that suit your requirements.
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Role Of Grammar In English Speaking Course & Why It Matters?
Grammar plays a crucial role in effective communication, even in spoken English. While it is often assumed that speaking a language is all about fluency and confidence, a strong understanding of grammar enhances the clarity and coherence of what you say. Whether you're engaging in a casual conversation or giving a presentation, the way you use grammar can greatly impact how well others understand you and how confidently you express your ideas. Let’s explore the role of grammar in English Speaking Course In Malad and why it matters.

Grammar Provides Structure and Clarity: At its core, grammar provides the structure for building meaningful sentences. The rules of grammar guide how words should be arranged, ensuring that your message is coherent and easily understood. Without grammar, sentences can become jumbled, leading to confusion.
Grammar Helps You Express Yourself More Effectively: Using proper grammar enables you to express yourself more effectively and convey your thoughts in a structured way. It helps you be precise, making it easier for others to follow your ideas. Whether you’re sharing an opinion, describing an event, or explaining something complex, good grammar allows you to do so in a clear and organized manner.
Grammar Enhances Professional Communication: In formal settings, such as work, interviews, or presentations, grammar is especially important. Incorrect grammar can make you sound less professional and may even undermine your credibility. On the other hand, correct grammar shows that you are detail-oriented and capable of communicating clearly and effectively.
Grammar Helps in Understanding Others: Just as grammar aids in expressing yourself clearly, it also helps you understand others. When you are familiar with grammatical rules, you can better interpret what other people are saying, especially in more complex conversations. This allows you to engage in discussions, debates, and negotiations without misunderstanding important details.
Grammar Enables Flexibility in Communication: While spoken English is often more informal than written English, knowing grammar rules gives you the flexibility to switch between different registers. You can adjust your language depending on the situation, using simpler sentences in casual conversations or more sophisticated structures in formal speech.
Grammar Helps You Build Confidence: Knowing that you can speak correctly gives you the confidence to engage in conversations, even with native speakers. When you understand grammar rules, you won’t worry as much about making mistakes. This confidence is key to improving your spoken English over time.
For English Speaking Classes In Malad, you can connect with us.
About V2gether English Academy
It offers a wide range of courses related to English, so if you wish to upskill yourself, then you can enroll in the academy today.
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Top Benefits of Professional Academic Editing for Research Papers
Academic writing can be a daunting task for many researchers. Whether you're writing a dissertation, journal article, thesis, or any other research paper, the process involves much more than just presenting data or ideas. It's about presenting those ideas clearly, concisely, and professionally to ensure they are well understood and respected within the academic community. One of the most significant steps in this process is academic editing. Professional academic editing service provide a variety of benefits that can greatly enhance the quality of your research paper. Below, we will explore the top benefits of professional academic editing for research papers.
1. Improved Clarity and Readability
One of the most important aspects of academic writing is clarity. A research paper can be packed with groundbreaking ideas and valuable information, but if it's not presented in a clear and readable manner, it will not have the desired impact. Professional academic editors are trained to enhance the clarity of your writing. They can help:
Simplify complex sentences: Academic writing often contains long, complicated sentences that can be difficult for readers to understand. An editor can restructure sentences to ensure that your ideas are conveyed more clearly.
Improve flow and organization: An editor will ensure that the paper flows logically from one section to the next, making it easier for readers to follow your arguments.
Eliminate ambiguity: Sometimes, academic writing can be vague or unclear in certain sections. A professional editor will ensure that your points are sharp and unambiguous.
The result is a research paper that is easy to read and understand, even for individuals who may not be experts in the specific field of study.
2. Grammar and Syntax Corrections
Even the most skilled writers can make grammatical errors or struggle with proper syntax. These mistakes can significantly diminish the quality of an academic paper, especially when they detract from the seriousness of the research. Professional editors are skilled in spotting grammatical issues, including:
Punctuation errors: Comma splices, misuse of semicolons, and improper use of quotation marks can disrupt the flow of the paper.
Subject-verb agreement: Ensuring consistency in number and person is crucial for a professional tone.
Word choice: The editor will suggest more precise or formal words that align with academic writing norms.
Sentence structure: Editors correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences, improving overall readability.
By addressing these common issues, academic editors help ensure that your paper adheres to the highest grammatical standards, contributing to its professionalism.
3. Enhanced Academic Tone and Style
Academic writing requires a specific tone—formal, objective, and concise. However, maintaining this tone can be challenging, particularly for non-native English speakers or those unfamiliar with academic writing conventions. Editors are skilled at:
Maintaining formal tone: They ensure that your language remains professional, avoiding casual phrases or overly complex language.
Aligning with the style guide: Editors are familiar with various academic style guides, including APA, MLA, Chicago, and more. They will ensure that your paper adheres to the relevant style guide, maintaining consistency in formatting, referencing, and citations.
Strengthening the argument: Editors focus on the logical structure of your argument, ensuring that each section of the paper builds on the previous one.
Avoiding redundancy: Academic writing should be concise. Editors will remove repetitive phrases and ensure that each word serves a purpose.
The result is a research paper that not only meets academic standards but also communicates your research findings in the most effective way.
4. Proper Citation and Reference Formatting
One of the most crucial aspects of academic writing is the correct citation of sources. Failing to properly cite references can lead to accusations of plagiarism, and errors in referencing can detract from the credibility of your research. Editors are experts in citation styles and can:
Ensure proper citation: Whether you are using in-text citations or footnotes, editors ensure that all sources are appropriately cited according to the required style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
Check for consistency: Often, writers may apply citation rules inconsistently throughout the paper. Editors can catch these inconsistencies and ensure that all citations and references are uniformly formatted.
Verify references: A professional editor will double-check your references to ensure they are accurate, up to date, and correctly listed in the bibliography or reference section.
By correcting citation errors and ensuring consistency, an editor can help you avoid common pitfalls in academic writing and safeguard your paper’s credibility.
5. Increased Chances of Publication Acceptance
If your research paper is intended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, the quality of writing plays a crucial role in whether your paper is accepted or rejected. Journals often have strict guidelines, not only regarding the content of the paper but also its presentation. A well-written and professionally edited paper is much more likely to be accepted for publication because:
Professional presentation: A paper that is polished and free from grammatical errors reflects well on the author’s professionalism and attention to detail.
Improved chances of peer review success: Peer reviewers are more likely to recommend acceptance of a paper that is clearly written, logically structured, and easy to understand.
Adherence to journal guidelines: Editors are familiar with the specific formatting and submission requirements of academic journals. They ensure that your paper complies with these guidelines, increasing the likelihood of acceptance.
Ultimately, academic editing enhances the quality of your paper, making it more likely to meet the expectations of journals and editors.
6. Time-Saving
Writing and editing a research paper can be incredibly time-consuming. Many researchers, especially those working on tight deadlines, find it difficult to give their paper the attention it deserves. Professional editing services can help save valuable time by:
Taking the burden off your shoulders: With the assistance of a professional editor, you can focus on your research, leaving the language and formatting concerns to the expert.
Quick turnaround times: Professional editing services often offer fast turnaround times, allowing you to submit your paper without missing deadlines.
Streamlining revisions: Editors can streamline the revision process, ensuring that the paper is polished and ready for submission without unnecessary back-and-forth.
This time-saving benefit is especially crucial for researchers balancing multiple responsibilities or those working under tight deadlines.
7. Objective and Fresh Perspective
As the author of the paper, you are often too close to the material to see minor issues or gaps in logic. Professional editors offer an objective and fresh perspective on your work. They can:
Identify unclear sections: Editors can identify sections that may be confusing or unclear, even if they seem clear to the author.
Provide constructive feedback: Editors offer feedback on improving the argument or structure, helping you strengthen your paper before submission.
Catch overlooked errors: After working on a paper for weeks or months, it's easy to overlook small mistakes or inconsistencies. An editor brings a fresh set of eyes to spot these issues.
By providing objective feedback and a fresh perspective, editors help improve your research paper in ways you might not have thought of on your own.
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A Practical Guide to Learning Arabic on Your Own

Learning a new language can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and Arabic is no exception. It’s a language with a rich history, beautiful script, and diverse dialects. If you've ever wondered, "how can I learn Arabic by myself?", you’re not alone. Many people want to dive into the world of Arabic but feel unsure about how to start without formal classes. The good news is that with the right approach and resources, you can successfully teach yourself Arabic.
Start with the Basics: The Alphabet and Sounds
The first step to learning Arabic is to get familiar with its script. The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters, written from right to left, and each letter can take on different forms depending on its position in a word. This might seem a bit intimidating at first, but breaking down the alphabet into small chunks can make it easier to digest. Spend time listening to the pronunciation of each letter to get a feel for the sounds.
For this, you can use online tutorials, YouTube videos, or websites like Kalimah Center, which offers helpful guides for beginners. Their resources are designed to make learning the alphabet and basic pronunciation more approachable, even if you’re starting from scratch.
Build Vocabulary and Practice Daily
Once you're comfortable with the alphabet, the next step is to start building your vocabulary. Focus on everyday words and phrases that you can use in simple conversations. Think of words related to greetings, family, food, and daily activities. Flashcards are a useful tool for memorizing new words. You can make your own or use digital flashcard apps like Anki.
Another tip is to immerse yourself in Arabic as much as possible. Listen to Arabic songs, watch TV shows or YouTube videos, and try reading children's books or simple news articles. This helps you get used to the rhythm and structure of the language.
Use Online Platforms for Structured Learning
If you’re looking for more structured guidance, online courses can be incredibly helpful. For those asking, "how can I learn Arabic by myself?", websites like Kalimah Center provide a range of online courses tailored to different proficiency levels, from complete beginners to advanced learners. They offer lessons that focus on different aspects of the language, such as grammar, reading, and conversation skills, which can provide a more guided learning experience without needing to attend an in-person class.
Practice Speaking, Even If It’s Just to Yourself
Speaking is often one of the most challenging parts of learning Arabic, especially if you don’t have native speakers around you. But don’t let that discourage you. Try speaking out loud to yourself, narrating your day in Arabic, or even using language exchange apps to connect with native speakers. This helps you get over the initial shyness and build confidence in your speaking ability.
Recording yourself speaking can also be a good way to track your progress. Listen back to your recordings over time and notice how much you’ve improved. It’s a great way to stay motivated and see that your efforts are paying off.
Focus on Grammar Gradually
Arabic grammar can be complex, but you don’t have to master it all at once. Start with simple sentence structures and gradually introduce more rules as you progress. For instance, learning how to form basic sentences and how verbs change with different pronouns can go a long way in helping you communicate effectively.
The Kalimah Center offers resources and courses that make understanding grammar more accessible, breaking down tricky concepts into easy-to-follow lessons. This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and make steady progress.
Stay Consistent and Patient
Learning Arabic, like any language, takes time and consistency. Make a study schedule that fits into your daily routine, even if it’s just 20 minutes a day. Set small, achievable goals to keep yourself motivated, such as learning ten new words a week or finishing a chapter in your textbook.
Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. The important thing is to keep practicing and not give up. With time, you’ll find that the words come more naturally, and reading and listening become easier.
Final Thoughts
If you're wondering, "how can I learn Arabic by myself?", the answer lies in being proactive and patient with your learning journey. By starting with the basics, using helpful resources like Kalimah Center, and consistently practicing, you can make significant progress. While the path may have its challenges, the satisfaction of being able to read, write, and speak in Arabic is well worth the effort. Happy learning!
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Simple Steps for Kids to Learn Arabic

Teaching Arabic to children can feel like an exciting journey with many rewards. Introducing kids to this beautiful language early on helps them connect with rich cultures, improve cognitive skills, and communicate more widely. Arabic may seem complex, but with the right approach, it can be an enjoyable experience for kids. Here, we’ll go over helpful tips on how to learn Arabic for kids, making the process both engaging and effective.
1. Make Learning Fun with Games and Interactive Activities
Children learn best when they’re having fun. Incorporating games, songs, and interactive activities into Arabic lessons helps them stay engaged and motivated. For example, you can use flashcards to teach the Arabic alphabet and basic words, or turn learning into a memory game where they match words with pictures. Apps designed for kids, like educational games that cover Arabic vocabulary and phrases, are also great for reinforcing what they’ve learned in a fun way.
When kids enjoy their lessons, they’re more likely to stick with them, making progress almost without realizing it.
2. Storytime in Arabic
Storytelling is a classic way to help kids learn a new language, and it works wonders for Arabic, too. Reading simple Arabic stories to kids introduces them to vocabulary, sentence structure, and pronunciation. Look for storybooks designed for young learners, with large fonts and illustrations. Picture books make it easier for kids to understand the story, even if they’re just starting to learn the language.
To take things a step further, you can use audiobooks in Arabic or online story videos with subtitles. Listening to native Arabic speakers tell stories helps kids get used to the sounds of the language.
3. Regular Exposure to Spoken Arabic
Kids pick up languages quickly through exposure, so try to incorporate Arabic into their daily lives. Listen to Arabic music, watch cartoons, or even play some YouTube videos that teach basic Arabic phrases. Hearing the language frequently helps kids learn natural pronunciation and pick up on how sentences flow.
If you have friends or family who speak Arabic, let your child practice speaking with them. Kids often enjoy using new words in real conversations, and casual practice helps them become more comfortable with the language.
4. Try Learning Arabic with an Online Program
An online program can be an excellent tool for kids to learn Arabic. Platforms like Shaykhi.com offer structured lessons designed to help children learn Arabic, especially if they’re also interested in understanding Quranic Arabic. Shaykhi.com tailors lessons for young learners, using simple, easy-to-follow lessons and fun activities to keep kids motivated. Teachers on the platform guide kids with patience and skill, helping them understand not only the language but also the cultural and spiritual importance of Arabic.
By learning Arabic online, kids can enjoy the flexibility of studying at their own pace and in the comfort of home. The interactive lessons on Shaykhi.com are crafted to help children build a solid foundation in both conversational and Quranic Arabic.
5. Practice Writing in Arabic
Arabic writing may look different from what most kids are used to, but with a little practice, they’ll catch on quickly. Start by introducing them to the Arabic alphabet in a way that feels easy and approachable. A fun way to practice is by using sand, playdough, or whiteboards where kids can trace letters.
Once they’re comfortable with individual letters, encourage them to form basic words. Practicing writing helps solidify their understanding of the alphabet and allows them to see how letters change shape depending on their position in a word.
6. Use Arabic Songs and Rhymes
Music is a wonderful tool for language learning. Simple Arabic songs and rhymes introduce kids to everyday words and phrases in a way that’s easy to remember. You might even find that kids start singing along before they know what the words mean, which is a natural part of the learning process. Arabic nursery rhymes, counting songs, and alphabet songs are fun ways for kids to pick up vocabulary and pronunciation.
7. Learning Quranic Arabic
For families who want their children to learn Arabic to understand the Quran, finding the right resources is key. Teaching kids Quranic Arabic requires a gentle, patient approach, as they learn both the language and its deeper meanings. Websites like Shaykhi.com offer dedicated Quran learning programs for kids, where they can learn to read, recite, and understand Quranic verses.
Shaykhi.com focuses on teaching the basics of Quranic Arabic, helping children understand both the vocabulary and structure found in the Quran. Qualified teachers provide kids with the guidance they need to develop a meaningful relationship with the Quran, making learning both educational and spiritually fulfilling.
8. Consistency is Key
When it comes to learning any language, consistency is one of the most important factors. Try to set aside a little time each day for your child to practice Arabic, even if it’s just 10–15 minutes. It’s better to practice a little each day than to have long sessions only once a week. Regular practice keeps new words and concepts fresh in their minds and builds confidence over time.
9. Create a Supportive Learning Environment
Learning Arabic, especially as a second language, takes time and patience. Celebrate every small victory with your child—whether it’s mastering a new letter, saying a full sentence, or reading a short paragraph in Arabic. Positive reinforcement keeps kids motivated and helps them develop a positive attitude toward learning the language.
Consider setting up a learning corner at home with Arabic books, flashcards, or posters. This gives kids a special space for their Arabic lessons and helps remind them to practice regularly.
Final Thoughts
Teaching kids Arabic can be a rewarding experience that opens doors to new cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking. With engaging activities, consistent practice, and supportive resources like Shaykhi.com, learning Arabic can become an enjoyable adventure for kids. By integrating Arabic into your child’s daily routine, encouraging interaction, and keeping the experience lighthearted, they can make meaningful progress in understanding and speaking Arabic confidently.
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How long does it take to learn Korean?
Embarking on a journey to Learn Korean language can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It not only grants you access to a vibrant culture but also opens doors to exciting opportunities. In this article, we'll delve into the question that often lingers for aspiring Korean learners: "How long does it take to become fluent in Korean?" We'll also introduce you to Manjaree Academy, a valuable resource on your language-learning journey.
Is Korean Hard to Learn?
Korean is frequently associated with the complexity of East-Asian languages like Chinese and Japanese. However, it distinguishes itself by being notably easier to grasp. Unlike Chinese, Korean isn't a tonal language, meaning your pronunciation isn't tied to complex intonation patterns.
The Korean writing system, Hangul, might initially appear intricate, but it's designed for simplicity and can be mastered in as little as 20 minutes, making it an excellent foundation for pronunciation.
FSI Estimates for Reaching Korean Fluency
The United States Foreign Service Institute (FSI) categorizes Korean as a Category V language, one of the more challenging languages to learn. FSI estimates that achieving fluency in Korean would require approximately 2200 hours of study or an intensive commitment of 88 weeks. However, these estimates don't consider individual factors such as personal motivation, study methods, or your unique learning style.
How Different Is Korean From English?
For native English speakers, Korean represents a substantial departure from their mother tongue. However, this distinctiveness can be advantageous. The key to language acquisition often lies in comprehensible input, which involves considering context and progressively increasing the difficulty of your learning materials. This approach applies effectively to Korean.
The Role of Previous Language Learning Experience
If you've already learned another language, your experience can be a valuable asset in your Korean language journey. The strategies and techniques you've acquired can be applied to expedite your progress. Nevertheless, if your previous language is similar to Korean, exercise caution, as some confusion might arise.
How Are You Learning Korean?
Effective language learning encompasses four essential skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. While all these skills are important, prioritizing speaking is crucial for achieving fluency. Practical conversation skills are often the gateway to meaningful communication.
How Much Time Do You Have to Study Korean?
Regardless of a busy schedule, there are ways to incorporate Korean into your daily routines. Engaging in small activities such as listening to Korean podcasts or revisiting language lessons can accumulate over time and contribute significantly to your progress.
What’s Your Attitude and Motivation Toward Learning a Language?
Your motivation is a driving force in your language-learning journey. Whether you're studying Korean for language exams, travel, or personal interest, maintaining enthusiasm can substantially expedite your progress.
Can You Learn Korean in a Year?
Yes, it's absolutely possible to achieve proficiency in Korean within a year. However, the intensity of your study regimen can vary significantly. For instance, dedicating six hours a day for a year can yield remarkable results, while committing just one hour daily can lead to fluency in approximately 6.5 years. The key lies in adopting the right techniques and strategies to maximize your learning speed.
How to Learn Korean Faster with Manjaree Academy
For an efficient Korean language-learning journey, consider enrolling in Manjaree Academy, a trusted resource for language enthusiasts. Manjaree Academy offers a comprehensive curriculum and personalized learning experiences that cater to your specific needs and goals. With a team of experienced instructors, state-of-the-art learning materials, and a supportive community of learners, you can accelerate your path to Korean fluency.
Start Learning Korean Today with Manjaree Academy!
Embarking on your Korean language journey is an exciting endeavor. With the right resources, dedication, and support from institutions like Manjaree Academy, you can make remarkable progress and unlock the doors to Learn Korean language. Begin your journey today and discover the richness of the Korean language and culture.
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Breaking Language Barriers: German Learning Made Easy Online

In our interconnected world, the ability to communicate in different languages is more important than ever. Among the myriad of languages spoken across the globe, German holds a special place. It's not just the native language of over 90 million people in Germany, but it's also widely spoken in Austria, Switzerland, and other European countries. Learning German can open doors to cultural enrichment, travel opportunities, and career advancements. And now, with the power of online learning provided by Upgrade Infotech, breaking down the language barriers and mastering German has become easier and more convenient than ever.
The Challenge of Learning German:
German is known for its complex grammar, long compound words, and unique sentence structures. For English speakers or speakers of languages with Latin roots, learning German might seem like a daunting task. However, with the right approach, resources, and guidance, anyone can overcome these challenges and achieve proficiency in this rich and vibrant language.
The Power of Online Learning:
Online learning has revolutionized the way we acquire new skills and knowledge. Whether it's coding, cooking, or learning a new language, the internet has made it possible to access high-quality education from the comfort of our homes. When it comes to learning German, online platforms like Upgrade Infotech provide a comprehensive and effective way to grasp the intricacies of the language.
Flexibility and Convenience:
One of the major advantages of online German courses is the flexibility they offer. Traditional classroom settings might not fit into everyone's busy schedules. With online courses, learners can decide when and where to study. This convenience allows for a personalized learning experience, catering to individual preferences and learning styles.
Interactive Learning Experience:
Learning a language is not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules; it's about immersion and practice. Online German courses often incorporate interactive elements that mimic real-life situations. Through virtual conversations, quizzes, and exercises, learners can practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a dynamic and engaging manner.
Personalized Progress Tracking:
Upgrade Infotech's online German courses usually come with advanced learning management systems that enable learners to track their progress. This personalized tracking helps learners identify their strengths and areas that need improvement. With this data-driven approach, learners can focus on the aspects of the language that require more attention, ensuring a more efficient learning journey.
Expert Guidance:
Learning a language is always better when you have an expert guiding you. Online German courses often provide access to qualified instructors who can provide insights, correct mistakes, and answer questions. This personalized guidance enhances the learning experience and ensures that learners receive accurate information.
Cultural Context:
Language and culture are intertwined. When you learn a new language, you also gain insights into the culture, traditions, and history of the people who speak it. Online German courses provided by Upgrade Infotech don't just focus on grammar and vocabulary; they also delve into the cultural nuances that make the language unique. This holistic approach not only improves language proficiency but also fosters cultural understanding.
Community and Networking:
Learning with others who share the same goal can be motivating and enjoyable. Online language courses often provide opportunities to interact with fellow learners from around the world. This sense of community creates a supportive environment where learners can practice with each other, exchange experiences, and celebrate their progress together.
Breaking the Fear Barrier:
Many people are hesitant to learn a new language because they fear making mistakes or sounding awkward. Online learning can help break down this fear barrier. In the comfort of your own space, you can practice speaking without the fear of judgment. As you build confidence, you'll find that your communication skills in German naturally improve.
Real-Life Applications:
The ultimate goal of learning a language is to be able to use it in real-life situations. Upgrade Infotech's online German courses often emphasize practical language skills that can be immediately applied. Whether you're traveling, working, or simply engaging with German-speaking friends, you'll find yourself equipped to navigate conversations and interactions with ease.
Breaking language barriers and learning German has never been as accessible and convenient as it is today. With the power of online learning provided by Upgrade Infotech, individuals of all ages and backgrounds can embark on a journey of linguistic and cultural enrichment. The flexible nature of online courses, combined with interactive elements, expert guidance, and a focus on real-life applications, ensures that learners can master German effectively. So why wait? Start your German learning journey with Upgrade Infotech and unlock a world of opportunities, connections, and personal growth.
Original Sources: https://upgradeinfotech.blogspot.com/2023/09/breaking-language-barriers-german.html
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Cross-Cultural E-Commerce: Navigating Diversity in WooCommerce Development

Cross-Cultural E-Commerce: Navigating Diversity in WooCommerce Development
There is little question that e-commerce could be a growing industry. E-commerce sales are expected to surpass $5 trillion by 2021, and consumers are spending longer online every year. This growth has led to a rise in demand for cross-cultural e-commerce development. However, many businesses fail after they attempt to implement new strategies without taking into consideration the unique cultural differences that exist within their target markets. during this post we'll explore a number of the foremost important factors for developing an efficient cross-cultural e-commerce strategy so you'll succeed where others have failed before you!
Understanding Cross-Cultural E-Commerce
Cross-cultural e-commerce is a complex and nuanced topic. To understand how to navigate the cultural differences of your target audience, you first need to understand the culture of both yourself (and your team) and your customers. To sell successfully across cultures, it is important not only to grasp how those cultures differ but also why those differences exist within the first place. Let's take a glance at a number of these reasons: People have different needs based on where they live or grow up for example, if someone grew up with access to certain foods or types of clothing but then moved somewhere else where those items weren't available readily, that person might have different tastes than someone who grew up eating spicy food every day or wearing jeans all year round (unless he was raised in Arizona). Some people may be more open-minded than others; this could make them more likely to try new things from other countries like foreign cuisine or clothing styles if they've been exposed before through travel experiences with friends who did so regularly before moving abroad together after college graduation day!
Navigating Cultural Diversity in E-Commerce
In the context of e-commerce, cultural diversity means more than just language. It also encompasses the way people shop online and pay for goods. Understanding these differences is important because they can affect your ability to reach new customers or improve existing relationships with current ones. For example, if you know that someone from a certain country prefers paying in cash over credit cards, then it would be helpful to make this option available when they're checking out on your website or app (and vice versa).
Leveraging Technology for Adaptation
A good example of this is often the employment of technology. Technology will be wont to adapt to local cultures, understand your customers and their needs, and understand your competition and their strategies. One such tool is ReactJS (a JavaScript library) which allows developers to build reusable components that are easy to maintain. This makes it easier for you as a developer because you do not have to rewrite code again if it changes at all, which means less time spent updating things around your site or app every time someone makes an update!

Case Study: WooCommerce Development in Dubai
To illustrate, let's take a look at some of the most important considerations for WooCommerce development in Dubai. Language and Communication As we mentioned before, Arabic is spoken by over 300 million people around the world and is an official language in many countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt. However, there are significant differences between written Arabic (used in books) and spoken Arabic (spoken by native speakers). The former has been standardized since the 9th century while the latter varies widely depending on where you go; this makes it challenging for developers who aren't familiar with either variety to create websites that appeal to both audiences. Social Media Marketing Strategies Another challenge is social media marketing strategies because there are different expectations when it comes to advertising online and these expectations change depending on whether you're targeting Westerners or Arabs! For example: if you want your product featured in an Instagram post about healthy living products being sold online during Ramadan (a holy month), then promoting yourself through influencers may be necessary because some companies won't advertise during this time period due to religious reasons...
User Trust and Payment Systems
Trust is critical to e-commerce success. A user must feel confident that their information is safe and secure, and that their payment will be processed efficiently. Payment systems are a big part of this trust, but they can pose challenges for cross-cultural e-commerce. For example, some countries have different tax rates than others or have other regulations that must be taken into account when processing payments through WooCommerce or any other payment gateway. And this isn't just applicable to international sales it also applies if you're selling within your own country but targeting customers with different cultural backgrounds than yours! In order to mitigate these risks while maintaining trust among users from diverse countries and backgrounds (and ensuring compliance with local laws), it helps to start by choosing an appropriate payment gateway that offers support in multiple languages across multiple currencies (like Stripe).
Language and Communication
Language is a barrier to cross-cultural e-commerce. But it's not the only one. Language is often used as shorthand for communication, but it's important to remember that language is just one part of communication. And while some languages may be more difficult than others, there are many other factors at play in cross-cultural e-commerce than just the language barrier: culture, values and norms all play a role in how people communicate with each other around the world! This means knowing how these things differ from place to place can help us better understand our customers when we're designing sites or apps for them even if they don't share our native tongue!
Social Media and Marketing Strategies
Social media is a great way to reach new customers. You can use social media to market your product, engage with customers and even provide customer service. Social media also provides an opportunity for research and development, as well as feedback on how your product is performing in the marketplace. While this may seem like common sense advice, many businesses don't understand how valuable social media marketing can be when it comes to cross-cultural eCommerce. In fact, some companies believe that since their target audience isn't online yet (or doesn't spend much time on Facebook), they shouldn't invest their resources into building up an online presence until those demographics catch up with everyone else! But wait why would we want our potential customers?

Future Trends in Cross-Cultural E-Commerce
As you can see, cross-cultural e-commerce is a complex topic. But the future of this industry looks bright. In fact, here are some of the key trends that we expect to see in 2019 and beyond: Social media will continue to be an important channel for reaching consumers around the world with ads and influencer campaigns. Mobile commerce will continue its rapid growth as more people shop on their phones than ever before especially in developing markets where there are fewer computers or laptops available for purchase (or even electricity). E-commerce and the internet of things (IoT) will become increasingly intertwined; products like smart speakers are becoming more popular every day because they allow consumers easy access to information about products without having go online first! This means more sales opportunities across all types of channels including brick-and-mortar stores where people still prefer talking face-to-face with sales associates instead of buying things online just yet...but maybe someday soon? ;)
We hope this article has helped you understand the complexities of cross-cultural e-commerce and the strategies to navigate them. We also highlighted some of the most important global markets for WooCommerce development and how they differ from Western countries. The future is bright for WooCommerce, as more people around the world are adopting digital technologies in their daily lives. As a result, we can expect cross-cultural e-commerce to grow even more rapidly than before! Read the full article
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In Japanese at least (and I think the same should go for other languages written with Han characters), new characters are basically never coined for new words. Each Han character represents a specific morpheme (or a small set of morphemes), and new jargon is generally invented by combining these morphemes together just as in English, so new words can just be written by combining the appropriate characters.
My understanding is that in Chinese the character-to-morpheme correspondence is almost a bijection, so it's perfectly easy to figure out how to pronounce a new word once you see it written, or write a new word once you know its structure. The morpheme-to-syllable correspondence is not remotely bijective (there are a lot of homophones), so just hearing a word is not enough to know how to write it. My impression is that usually context is enough to disambiguate, although I have heard that if someone is e.g. giving a talk where they use particularly obscure terminology, they might write out each technical term on the blackboard as they use it to distinguish it from potential homophones.
The Japanese writing system is a little more complex in this regard than the Chinese one, since the character-to-morpheme correspondence is not bijective either. In compound words, a character generally represents a borrowed Chinese morpheme. This works in basically the same that classical compound do in English—borrowed Chinese morphemes are strung together, often in ways that would not be licit in Chinese, to derive neologisms and other new terminology. The catch is that these morphemes might have been borrowed from multiple Chinese dialects over multiple periods, so individual characters are sometimes overloaded. Usually it's not too bad. There are a few of these possible "readings" for each character, and upon seeing a word written you can make a, uh, Bayesian guess as to what the readings are. You know, background frequency of each reading, plus your familiarity with related terminology (which might clue you in that a less common reading is being used), etc. All in all my impression I think the process is pretty similar to figuring out the pronunciation of an English neologism.
The other thing about Japanese is that Han characters are also used to represent native Japanese roots in addition to Chinese borrowings. This gives a whole separate class of readings to most common characters. But these are usually easier to determine, since they typically involve some kind of okurigana (phonetic kana representing grammatical stuff) following the character. The okurigana generally disambiguates the reading.
For example, here's the Japanese word for "algebraic topology":
代数的位相幾何学 (daisuuteki isoukikagaku)
All the readings of these characters are standard, and my guess would be that any fluent Japanese speaker could read this right upon seeing it for the first time, even if they didn't know what algebraic topology was.
Its morphological structure is also pretty bare: 「代数」 means "algebra", and is presumably a word most people will be familiar with from grade school. 「的」 is a suffix which derives adjectives; it is fairly analogous to the corresponding English "-ic". So 「代数的」 is pretty literally "algebraic". And 「位相幾何学」 means "topology". 「位相」 is a noun meaning "phase", I guess, among other things. The two characters composing it are perfectly common, but of course you'd never be able to guess this meaning unless you already knew it. And 「幾何学」 means geometry, again a word I would expect people to be familiar with. So I guess topology is "phase geometry". I don't know why it's called this. Anyway the point is that the whole word breaks down easily into chunks, and in addition to being able to pronounce it, I think most speakers could look at it and determine the morphological structure, even if they didn't know the meaning of the individual terms.
I should say though that there definitely are cases where people just put some characters together and assign a basically random reading to them, but I think this is generally considered sort of silly, an affectation of artists and so on. Like those people who apparently named their kid 「英雄」, which means "hero" and would normally be pronounced eiyuu, but they decided that actually the reading was hiro, like... the English word "hero". But also the Japanese name "Hiro". Which is normally spelled, well, various ways but not like that. Kind of clever, though this is basically the Japanese equivalent of naming your kid "Qathrynn".
so like in english if you make up a jargon word (which you basically need to in many fields) often people dont know how to pronounce it because they only read it and didnt hear it, presumably you dont have this problem in more phonetic writing systems, but how does it work with non phonetic writing systems? do they just like. put furigana (or the equivalent) next to it? or stick two words together and have it be pronounced like one word after the other? how would you even type it if it was a new character...
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don't neglect any of the key skills
We all have our strengths and there will definitely be a skill that you find easier. It is really tempting to therefore do more of that skill because it is not as difficult or to only focus on your weaker skills. But you should try to develop all of them simultaneously because they will only enhance one another. Each of the skills will teach you vocab, structures and grammar that will be transferable.
read children's books
Reading is a great way to learn new vocabulary and challenge yourself. However, often in your enthusiasm in learning a language, you choose a book that is way too complex. In doing this, you’re not giving yourself the chance to develop good reading habits because if you are constantly stopping to look up new words you won't get into the flow of a native text. You also won’t be able to pick up words via context if most of the language is way above your head. Therefore, it is best to read children's books at first so you can develop your reading and language skills so that when you are at the level to begin reading books you actually want to read you can tackle them effectively and successfully.
strive to understand grammar
Regardless of the language, grammar is always tricky for non-native speakers. Even in your own language, grammar is often difficult and needs to be practised. Because we know this when learning a language, we often fall into the trap of just doing exercises and drills to simply memorise grammar. But this is incredibly unhelpful because in normal situations and conversations you won't know when to use it. Therefore, try to understand WHY the grammar works that way and how it impacts a sentence and the words within it.
use different sources
Read articles and check dictionaries - this method improves your vocabulary and learn how a word is used in a sentence. Listen to the radio or watch TV shows - it's best to listen to dialogues than songs, unless you want to learn to sing because this will help you get used to the rhythm of the language and how it normally sounds. Talk to anyone in any possible opportunity even if you are worried about sounding weird because speaking to natives if one of the best ways to learn and you get to communicate with new people! Using visual elements is also one of the best methods to learn new words, as they cause associations in our head, making it easier to remember permanently, not just learn by rote.
don't try to understand everything
When you learn a foreign language, it’s needless and virtually impossible to remember ALL the words - even native speakers don’t use them all. As you become more equated with the language you will quickly learn the most frequently used words. Verbs are often very useful to learn because you can't have a proper sentence if you don't have a verb. Furthermore, while for nouns it is relatively easy to describe or use synonyms, if you don't have verbs, it often stops you in your tracks. So google the most common verbs in your target language and spend some time getting familiar with them. Also, practice techniques for dealing with words you don't know by trying to figure out the meaning from context or examining the word's prefix, roots and suffix for clues to the meaning.
don't just learn common phrases
If you take a look at all language learning books, you will find many similar stock phrases. However, do you really use those phrases in your real life? Not really. And just learning these phrases limits you because you are just parroting rather than understanding. Therefore, it is important to learn the basic building blocks of sentences - the kind of words you will actually use - so that you can start to have a conversation at the very early stage of your learning journey.
Learn the following:
Question words/structure
Basic tenses (past, present, future)
Day and time
Frequently-used verbs
try to use the language in your everyday life
Have imaginary conversations in your head using the vocabulary you are learning. Narrate your day. On the way to work or school, in the car, whenever! It'll get you used to using the language for real, and you'll get familiar with the syntax. It will also help you practice finding a way to reword things if you don't know the word and find out what words you want to use often so that you can look them up.
don't just learn the language
When you learn a language, you also need to learn about the culture or you won't get very far. Language is rooted in culture and vice versa so you can't really learn one without the other. Take some time to get to know the culture, history and people of the country (or countries) that speak your target language. This is one of the great joys of language learning because it gives you a passport to another world of understanding.
#what language(s) do you speak?#did i include yours in the last slide?#also i included a really odd language in the last slide that i'm super interested to see if anyone spots#also btw these are some really basic fundamental tips to help you get started#how to study languages#myhoneststudyblr#studyblr#heycoral#bulletnotestudies#heypat#heycazz#heyharri#jeonchemstudy#studyvan#stuhde#serendistudy#sonderstudy#problematicprocrastinator#stillstudies#medustudies#gloomstudy#boldlystudy
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