#also can u tell i like tma lmao
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bajablastflavoredsaxreed · 1 year ago
hello i have Some Thoughts about the newest magp episode
spoilers under the cut 👁️
statement was good :). didn’t give me the same spooks as the others so far but horror is so personal there’s gonna be some that don’t sit with you
i will only give up the tma fear system if jonathan sims himself pries it from my cold dead hands so for this one i feel like it was a blend of like
spiral lonely flesh stranger (maybe some vast)
also girl. that is NOT how u write an essay lmao. she rly was like ☺️ i don’t have any research 😌 but (tells the most horrifying thing that has happened in her life) 😊 i think this will be valuable to study
another norris episode-nothing specifically “martin” abt this one for the theory that they put em in the puter
oh MAN they are not shying away from TMA in this one. gerard keay is a PAINTER who lives with his GRANDMA GERTRUDE ROBINSON whom he refers to as GG! Celia is on a PODCAST with someone named GEORGIE! speaking of celia-alternate realities? time travel? i’m picking up what they are putting down i believe
sam is so in love with celia it’s sickening. rusty quill and starkid rly know how to get me invested in straight ppl
also gwen and alice had BETTER kiss one of these days. like at first i wasn’t rly feeling it. but you can only hate someone so much before it’s just a passionate relationship (eg: batman and joker)
also noooo colin 😔 10£ say he’s trapped in his flat by worms (i love tma season one with all my heart)
also klaus is an anagram for ‘lukas’ and since gerry keay is living with gertrude in london im not taking ANY chances with this show. if peter lukas shows up not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the sole purpose of being able to skip all the parts where he is amentioned or alive
also i love the sound design in this - rly captures the feeling that we are listening to something we are not supposed to. like..security cameras and phones have replaced tape recorders and that makes it feel a lot scarier bc i do not have a tape recorder but i am surrounded by tech 24/7
so excited to see where this goes, especially w what we know from the arg
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 1 year ago
MAG10 - Vampire Killer
*turns around in the most ugliest coolest yellowest office chair like a Bond villain, petting a baguette-shaped cushion* so, you came here from MAG9 without expecting the whiplash. Don't worry, you are not alone lmao
Trevor Herbert is like a homeless Chuck Norris, a shaggy Terminator, a Van Helsing lite (the Hugh Jackman one, not the original). He looks in your head like the dog in The Lady and The Tramp but in human version.
And the very first thing this mf says when he writes his statement is "I've been procrastinating this shit for 50 years, but hey, I finally came to the Magnus Institute". So better late than never and all that jazz.
Quoooooooting timeeeee:
"I hear someone even made me a page on the Internet and it got a few thousand likes. I don’t know exactly what that means but it sounds nice." - Trevor Herbert, July 10th 2010
Aww, doesn't he sound nice? :D
"Obviously that’s not why I’m here, though, is it? No, I’m here because I have also dedicated my life to finding and killing vampires." - Also f*cking Trevor
Sorry u wHAT
" (...) but I do not have proof to give you except for the vampire teeth that I will leave with this statement." - Trevor "I brought you a souvenir" Herbert
" I killed my first vampire in 1959." - Trevor Herbert, THE LEGEND THE MAN THE MYTH
You wish you sound as badass xD
"I was hit by a stale, coppery smell that I did not recognise as old blood at the time, since I was barely 16 and did not have then the experience I have now." - Trevor, barely 16 but already a poet
I find upsetting how many statement givers were so young they didn't know they were smelling blood.
"The furniture and wallpaper had clearly not been changed in many decades, and a thick layer of dust covered everything." - Trevor, 16, also an offended interior designer
LOL the landlord when he tells you " I just painted everything, it's all new"
"I remember wondering whether Sylvia McDonald walked exactly the same route through the house always, as I saw other clear lines of passage in the rooms we passed through." - Trevor "WTF" Herbert
" It was 1968, I remember because that was the year United won the European Cup, (...)" - Trevor "Yes, I'm British, why u asking?" Herbert
"I do not know if you’ve ever felt your blood being sucked out of you, but I would not recommend it." - By Trevor, 0/5, no stars
"Regardless, there is substantial evidence to support the version of events told by Mr. Herbert in all aspects except the vampirism." - Jon Sims, April 13th 2016
He really said "I believe everything except the vampire bullshit" XD
"(...) It may be that they take Mr. Herbert’s statement far more seriously than I do." - Also Jon
He sees that a lot of government and law people takes this statement seriously and goes "hm how weird, why tho, it's all bullshit"
Small review:
The vampires in the tma universe are so freaking weird, disturbing of course, personally I can't really tell if they are scary tho, but I'm certain they are a mystery.
Gotta say, RIP Nigel, he seemed nice :(
I must admit Trevor is quite an interesting figure, he's intelligent and resourceful, can do much with almost nothing and put together every piece of information he has in a way he can reach a satisfactory conclusion. And then he just sticks with it. There are these monsters, which I know how to kill, and so I do it. Simple. Efficient. Practical as hell.
This is also the second time going clubbing has ended horribly for someone in tma, and honestly? Wtf
This guy just die in the break room, like, lmao. He really said "no time like the present, may as well reach supersaiyan state in that couch over ther", and he fucking did it
And then Jon ends everything by showing a lot of evidences while acting the sceptic part and it's so goddamn funny. He should be a comedian.
General overview:
Vibe: this one is so fucking wild, nice homeless grandpa ends up being the modern Van Helsing and "dies" in a couch at paranormal research institute. Iconic
Horror: there are cryptids in it, that's horror genre coded
Audio: pretty ASMR in general
Humour: hilarious Terminator Grandpa, feat.Jon being Jon
Score: 10/10
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handdrawnfantasma · 1 year ago
i got tagged by @monstrousmoonshine (ty!!) to self-rec 5 of my fave fics wot i have wrote so... here we go :')
1. "what if final fantasy x but with the magnus archives characters" aka the result of miri asking 'i had a mental image of jon doing the Sending and where's my jonmartin ffx au' aka clutching a map of dreams, the fic that has taken up the better part of the past 2 yrs and 8 months of my life. if you like tma and you also like fantasy epics like lord of the rings this is the fic for you. (i mean this very literally because the final word count pretty much equals that of LOTR lmao)!! Martin is swept away by a mysterious kaiju death monster into a stagnant future where things have gone Horribly Wrong and crosses paths with Jon who is a summoner tasked to go on a pilgrimage to somehow calm the aforementioned kaiju death monster. JRPG adventures, the world's saddest hiking trip, slowburn romance, found family and MANY revelations about why the world is the way it is ensue, also featuring the author wrestling with the concepts of sacrifice and responsibility and blame and where those all intersect with The Greater Good(tm) and how people's intent to do good or to atone for real or imagined wrongs can be manipulated by others and twisted to other purposes. there are only 6 updates to go until the fic is over so now is a good time to jump in and binge it. if u wanna [ eyes emoji ] honestly this is the first time i've even attempted to write something this long let alone FINISHED it and if i do say so myself i did a good job making sure that the plot made sense and that all the foreshadowing and callbacks/call forwards paid off. i also managed to fit SO MANY tma character cameos in there and some nice parallels to tma canon events as well as expanding on the FFX lore itself so like. im Very Proud of this one haha
2. the variant of soft hanahaki as envisioned by isa and myself and a few of our other friends back on plurk has lived in my brain rent-free for years and so of course i was going to inflict it on jon and martin. milk vetch is a short fic that takes place in the middle of TMA season 3, in a world where unspoken love (whether that be romantic, platonic, or otherwise) causes you to cough up (mostly harmless) flowers until you get over yourself and tell whoever it is that you love them. i had a LOT of fun with jon's POV in this one, his exhaustion and self-deprecation, and i also had a LOT of fun with the concept of the Beholding dropping a dictionary of flower symbolism into his head whenever he so much as looks at a hanahaki flower. it was also interesting to explore like... the psychology/reasoning behind NOT telling someone you love them even when the evidence is Right There, just going full magic realism with it all.
3. not to have never been is a fic taking place in the 13th doctor era sunless skies au that i've been building with kite for about a year and a half! 13 is a sky-captain, the fam are her officers, and this fic is about them getting caught in a weft of unravelling time and struggling to get Out without dying or losing themselves. i'm rly proud of this one because i managed to mix the episodic nature of a bottle episode of dr who (think 42 or Tsuranga) with the Sunless Skies ambience, and switching between 5 different 3rd-person limited POVs really let me play with allowing the voice of the character to permeate the narration which is a LOT of fun. i'm also proud of a couple of the cool things i managed to do with the structure here (having an Ice section followed by a Fire section and then a Dark section followed by a Light section) and some of the hints i laid down for the backstory of a few of the characters...
i actually only have 1 more of my fics to rec for this LMAO and it is still unfinished BUT in the spirit of the meme i'm gonna rec it anyway bc WIPs are still worth reading:
4. spydoc the locked tomb au, aka the result of me watching the power of the doctor last year and immediately losing my mind over the fact that dhawan!master basically reinvented lyctorhood. spydoc are a necro-cav pair from the Fifth House and this tragedy is going exactly where you think it is going (also featuring me straining the torvic affair thru a 13-shaped sieve and then re-straining it thru a tlt-shaped sieve, state-sanctioned codependency, and canon-typical memes, ruth!doctor and yaz are also going to feature when i get back to writing this thing). if you, too, are haunted by all the ways dhawan!master ends up emulating + recreating all of the worst excesses of gallifrey's founders despite the fact that he despises them so much and love trainwrecks as much as i do then u should read this and yell at me to finish it
tagging @birdybirdnerd bc i kno u write a lot BUT if anyone else wants to pick this meme up then pls do, we should all be more insufferable about our own work LMAO
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theetherealraphael · 2 years ago
1: just call me UnderSide.
2: he/they/it, but i dont mind others so long as u dont use she/her lmao. and also, trans nb demiboy
3: idk, acearo? not sure lmao.
4: england.
5: uhhhh... scp, tma, tsp, wtnv and tmc.
6: asbestos. it look like cotton candy.
7: absolutely not. bugs are fucking creepy.
8: one time i was in this forest thing, and it had a river, and some older kid asked me if i wanted to see something, tho i dont remember what. he tells me, just go upstream and ull see it. so off i go, and i dont find it. at some point im like, certain im lost, despite the fact i am decidedly not. anyway, eventually, a friend of mine and my mum find me, at the end of the river.
9: pencils. so tasty.
10: okay, so we go on holiday to this little house in scotland, right? and theres this field, right next to us. so, at one point, me and my siblings all go and sit on the wall between the house and a road, which separates us from this field. and in the field, there are rabbits. so the most beautiful thing ive ever seen is my little siblings lokking at rabbits as the sun goes down.
11: sat on a shelf. it fell down on top of my ankle, which was fun. in my defence, my siblings did it just fine.
12: idk, sry.
13: hmm. any scp song, specifically glenn leroi. and also cg5, and the mechanisms, and mother mother.
14: not my pfp, but my username is based off of my hyperfixations at the time, undertale and sandersides. my pfp is just an article on what crows can eat lol.
15: i wanted to be an accountant. i was a weird kid.
16: well im still a child, but rn i want to be a teacher and writer.
17: idk i dont remember.
18: nope lol.
19: pineapple on pizza, apparently.
come join the train idc who does this lol.
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Saw another post. I think I should invite y'all to one of our longstanding traditions. Answer the questions then tag 10 (or more) people. I'll go first.
Name? Frankie
Pronouns and gender? he/they/it, transmasc
Sexuality? Lesbian
Country? USA
Top 5 fandoms? Bungou Stray Dogs, Cosmere, All for the Game, Fundiesnark (not a series but I'm too deep in it to not consider it a fandom), .....the tornado fandom? (they're my special interest)
What is your Most forbidden snack? The preserved bones at the Atlanta Bodies Exhibition. They looked so crunchy...
Would you pet a bug? If it's big enough, it is pettable.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. I like to drive around rural areas and photograph old, sometimes abandoned locations in the dead of night. I have been literally chased out of towns by foot and by car on two separate occasions. The second time this happened, "See You Again" by Miley Cyrus came up on shuffle and that's the soundtrack my friend and I tore out of town to. Also every "guy" I've dated except for my most recent ex (who has big egg energy) is a lesbian now.
What does the color blue taste like? Creme brulee
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? The appalachian mountains of Tennessee in the middle of summer. There's kudzu everywhere. On the backroads, there were several old, dilapidated Baptist churches barely hanging to the side of the mountain. I wonder how many of them were still in use.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? Short version: my friend's house almost got broken into by this dude who'd been stalking us for months while we were home alone. Instead of calling the cops, we decided to confront him with a bow and arrow (me), a hatchet, and a baseball bat (him). The plan was that if it went badly, we would simply throw his corpse into one of the many lakes in the neighborhood and let the alligators eat his remains (this was Florida). Why? Because we were afraid of having our home-alone privileges revoked. Luckily for us all, the guy fucked off and we never saw him again.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? My ex thought that Jackalopes were real. Also, a nurse I was doing rotations with apparently thought that "Witness Protection" was for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Hyperfixation song? Young Enough + Bleach by Charly Bliss
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? Profile pic; I'm transmasc and I'm currently obsessed with TriStamp. Username; It was my fake internet name when I was like 13. I won't change it because I want my mutuals to recognize me, and because I do have a viral post associated with this name.
Dream career as a child? Doctor (funnily enough I'm now in nursing school)
Dream career as an adult? Professional Jester. Not a comedian. I just want to be some weird little guy who dresses silly and you can hire me to roast your boss at work parties.
Thoughts on cilantro? Delicious
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? I honestly can't remember? Probably... but in recent memory I've mainly banned people from places.
What is your cursed food combination? Pineapple on a hotdog with grilled onions. It Slaps.
Trans rights? TRANS RIGHTS
Tagging: @rocket-mankoi @mostlymarco @atleast8courics @jazzlike39 @gemsweater72 @limbobilbo @ameliaaltare @redcrane112 @theoneofwhomisblue @twinkenjoyer @theultimatecarp and anyone else who wants to jump on
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viciathief · 4 years ago
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eddie ingram i miss u so much,,,
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I’m curious to know if the start of tma episode 33 is things the audience have pointed out and this is how the podcast chose to address it or if it’s actually something related to the podcast sdfshdkfs
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cryptideye · 3 years ago
ok im normal now but MAN.   :/  . i hate that shit dude.
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jackalspine · 4 years ago
ayeee,, @koa-is-lying hey buddy, sorry for taking so long lmao.
Ok, a lot of these are already popular, and you’ve probably already read them, but they’re still good 🥺
DT: 53m
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u didn’t specify what things u wanted fics for, but I looked through ur blog and you reblogged a TMA post so,,
The Timeline of Theseus by Applea chapters: 16/?
^fucking Choice. My guy,, it’s a Jon kid fic, where he’s sent back in time to when he was a child but still has the apocalyptic Beholding powers and it’s just mmWAAh. Jon has ADHD and it’s written so well???? Like,, I was like,, oh dear,,, I am,, projecting,,,, I love it very much. It’s still updating so 👍👁👍👁
You also reblogged BNHA so
DT: 1h 20m
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Pied Piper by @blackholeca chapters: 53/?
ALWAYS MY GO TO for recommending vigilante!deku fics ✨💖👁🔪👁💖
The ✨angst✨ the ✨humor✨ the ✨izuku breaks his bones so many times✨ it’s all there.
Izuku doesn’t get OFA and it’s about to be everyone’s problem💖 celebrity-hero society is inherently fucked up, and our boy just wants to do the best he can.
Quality read 10/10 I love u
DT: 1h 40m
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Midoriya, Plus Three-Sixty-Five by skeleton_of_society chapters: 67/?
It won’t let me link it for some reason, but it’s on Ao3
Izuku is born a year earlier than cannon and is class 1-A ‘s only student due to shenanigans.
He’s a good boy. This fic updates FREQUENTLY,, like,, Suspiciously Fast. There are like 3 updates by the end of the week, it’s crazy. And for the quality of writing?????? Like??? UHHH???? It’s really good
DT: 42m
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The Roundabout Way of Fate by @itsmyartfam tfam chapters: 44/44 Completed!??? (tododeku)
I was just looking it up to check how many chapters there are AND GUESS SHE COMPLETED IT???
you could tell my brain started bonking out by now lmao, sorry he looks so sAD ::(
Healer!Izuku au!!! We love to see it!! Its got the angsty, it’s gots the pining, and the fluff!! Multitasking at its finest 💖👁✨
I didn’t get to finish the rest bc I am hungry. So I will get back to u with more later ::)
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queenlilith43 · 3 years ago
Another update because I HAVE THOUGHTS
MAG 24
- By who? - Americans. - Ah. (I‘M DYING)
- I want more Sasha content, she seems so cool
- also. dolls. clown dolls. W h y ?
- ah yes, daddy issues
- BURN. THE. DOLL. No fucking joke, burn that servant from hell
- THE JOSH DOLL?????? i‘m not liking this. no. no.
- Josh‘s jaw dropped (literally🤪)
- Elias gives me bad vibes. Idk why, but he just DOES
MAG 25
- I bet all my money on Nathalie joining a cult
- ha, knew it
MAG 26
- I hope Jonathan starts to give the statements more credibility and accept that these things happened. Like even Sasha said that she was scared to tell him because she knew he wouldn‘t believe her. I still ask myself wether there is a reason Jon kind of dismissed down some clues even though they were so obvious (the man found dead in a spider web). Especially in his field of supernatural work it seems like he doesn‘t believe in the supernatural, or that he only believes in the things he chooses to.
- Mmmmmh, more „flesh hives“
- Sasha is such a badass???? Like??? She‘s so??? Cool????? and literally the only person who‘d use a fire extinguisher in this situation????
- What is Elias even doing exactly? He‘s like never there (if you haven‘t noticed, I may not like Elias lmao)
Btw, what is ur favorite episode?
I like how you are tagging Elias as suspicious halfway into season one. He is their boss, so I can see why you don't like him. Keep all your suspicions of him the back of your mind. You'll need them later.
Throughout all of season one, Jon keeps dismissing the statements and trying to find logical explanations for everything. It's like his defense mechanism between him and the statements. The only ones he believes are ones with the Leitner books and Jane, because he has seen both of those and can't deny it. That's the best way I can explain but Jon himself says it better in episode 39.
I love Sasha too, you'll see more of her in the end of the season.
My favorite episodes of TMA (the entire thing) have to be MAG 159 (The Last) and MAG 160 (The Eye Opens) because of well everything connects and everything that has been burning for the last four seasons gets gasoline dumped on it. Out of season one, my favorite is MAG 34 (Anatomy Class)
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thoriffix · 4 years ago
Can you rec some media with canon queer characters 😌
ofc!! thisll by no means be an exhaustive list but idk what youre looking for specifically so ill break it into categories
my current favs!! if u follow me u know these already lol
the umbrella academy: netflix show abt dysfunctional superpowered siblings reuniting to stop the apocalypse. canon mlm character (pansexual according to his actor) w mlm romance, canon wlw character (lesbian according to someone on the show dont rmr who) w het romance in s1, wlw romance in s2 - this is one of my absolute fav shows at the minute in general its brilliant
the magnus archives: horror podcast abt the head archivist of an institute researching experiences w the supernatural. protagonist is canonically biromantic asexual, in a mlm relationship in s5, and there is another canon bisexual character, as well as (iirc) a canon wlw couple - yall know ive been so into tma lately its so so good, obviously if you dont like horror its not for you but if you do.. 👀
sanders sides: youtube series abt a gay dude working out his emotional problems via personified aspects of his personality. all the characters are gay cuz thas what thomas is baby! - i was hesitant abt putting this cuz thomas is a person not a character lol but if u haven't seen sasi i recommend it its like free therapy but theres songs sometimes
julie and the phantoms (netflix remake): musical show abt a teen girl rediscovering music after her mothers death w the help of three ghosts who were in a 90s band. canon gay character w a slow burn romance (not yet canon bfs but s2 lets go) - its very cheesy and the musical segments can drag on a bit but its p good overall
lucifer: detective show abt lucifer abandoning his rule of hell to buy a nightclub and beginning to solve murders w the lapd. lucifer is canonically bi/pan, as is his demon pal mazikeen, but queerness rly isnt a focus of the show its more casual rep - that being said its a good show overall, if a little predictable now n then (s1-3 on amazon prime, 4+5 on netflix)
kipo and the age of wonderbeasts: fantasy cartoon set in a future filled w mutant intelligent animals, kipo finds herself lost and has to get home w the help of her friends. canon gay character as one of the mains, canon nb side character - its a rly good cartoon! lots of fun, excellent soundtrack, and the main characters are all poc which is rly nice to see
the dragon prince: cartoon abt two princes and an elf assassin returning a dragon egg to its mother. canon mlm couple, several canon wlw characters, canon nb character - i havent seen the show myself but ive heard very good things abt it!
i am not okay with this: netflix show abt a teen girl discovering she has superpowers and hating it. protag is canon wlw (i THINK shes a lesbian but i havent watched it in a hot sec), developing wlw relationship - ianowt slaps! sad that s2 got cancelled but s1 is real good its a touch spooky and theres a bit of gore/blood so watch out lol
schitt's creek: sitcom abt a rich family who lose all their money and have to move into the motel of a town they bought as a joke. canon pansexual character and canon gay character w one of the sweetest mlm relationships - a rly good witty show w excellent character development for every character!
good omens: show abt a demon and an angel trying to stop the end of the world. every celestial character in it is nonbinary, + crowley and aziraphale have a nonexplicit (ie no on screen pda lol) romance - good omens is such a good queer show none of the characters care abt gender in the slightest lmao, plus the show in general is fantastic (the book is also very good)
the old guard: a group of immortals fight an organisation that wants to capitalise off their immortality. canon mlm couple - another one i havent seen yet (i will!) but apparently very good
it chapter 2: horror sequel to It, w the main characters returning to derry to defeat pennywise for good. canon gay character in unrequited love - i only say chapter 2 because his queerness isnt referenced at all in the first film, again its big horror and theres no gay romance just gay tragedy but its a good film
love, simon: romcom about a closeted gay teen falling in love w someone over emails. do i even need to state the rep? - honestly if u haven't seen love simon yet what are you even DOING its so good proper fluffy queer romcom, the book (simon vs the homosapiens agenda) is also really good!! so is the sequel (leah on the offbeat) where the protag is a bi girl + it focuses on a wlw romance
the way he looks: brazilian coming of age film abt a blind teen boy falling for the new kid at his school. canon mlm relationship - this doesnt seem to be on (british) netflix anymore so idk where youd find it with subtitles but i rmr liking it a lot!
night in the woods: 2d platformer abt a young woman (well. cat) dropping out of college and coming home to live w her parents + discovering spooky happenings in her hometown. canon mlm couple and i believe the protag is canonically bi? - i will recommend nitw to literally anyone who will listen its one of my all time favourite games, deals w a lot of mental health issues and its absolutely gorgeous w a brilliant soundtrack and rly good dialogue thats witty and serious and realistic (its on steam + switch for sure dk abt other platforms, abt 15 quid i think?)
tell me why: adventure game abt twins returning to their childhood home + findin Secrets. canon trans male character - i havent got around to buying + playing this yet but it looks really good! (its in three chapters + on steam, not sure on price)
other media!
the art of being normal: slice of life novel abt a young trans girl discovering herself. main characters are a trans man and a trans woman. - a good novel! trigger warning for transphobic actions including descriptions of a transphobic attack on the guy, and its certainly not without its faults otherwise, but i thought it was pretty good
the adventure zone: dungeons and dragons podcast by the mcelroy brothers. idk specifics but theres a lot of canon queer characters in it! - i havent listened to taz yet but i know a lot abt it, inc that its good and funny and has plenty of queer rep
theres several more i like that arent listed here but to keep this from getting just ridiculously long ill leave it there :] tried to get a range of genres and medias, hopefully theres something for you in there!
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nat-20s · 5 years ago
i woke up at 4:30 in the morning with this messy meta about the comparative horror styles of welcome to nightvale vs the magnus archives and how i like them both very much this is not a one is better than the other post because they’re DIFFERENT but also why, personally, nightvale has freaked me out more than TMA  (the magnus archives- im gonna use the abbreviation from now on and in scientific papers u gotta ESTABLISH the acronym and it’s actually kind of annoying bc they’ll establish it ONCE in the abstract and then never say what XJFEFJDOSM or whatever stands for again so if ur like wait WHAT was that again u gotta scroll all the way back up and it’s a whole thing but I digress)   and it has to do with WORLDBUILDING and FRAMING DEVICES and USE OF SECOND PERSON and only a little bit how if a character unironically says “innit” i automatically can’t take them seriously. Anyway it’s stuck in my head so you know I had to make it your problem. Also I’m putting this under a read more bc fjsdjlks holy shit this is gonna get LONG and RAMBLY and D E E P L Y nerdy 
Part A: whose universe is it anyway? Welcome to horror where the lore is made up and the logic doesnt matter
so I am not the first or last to compare (/maybe wanna crossover a little) the worlds of
wtnv (welcome to nightvale) and TMA and like for good reason bc in many ways they feel very similar but in TMA it’s like What the FUCK is going on with all of these horrors and nightmarish scenarios I am FREAKED out where as WTNV treats it’s horrors as typically mundane which
A: plays into why when WTNV is like “remember how we’re a horror :)” it’s like OH SHIT bc if Jon Archivist is scared you’re like well yeah it’s scary out there but if CECIL PALMER, general attitude of a peppy cheerleader when facing terrors beyond imagination, is scared, you KNOW shit is FUCKED
B: isn’t entirely accurate, because I don’t actually feel like they are set in the same world. here’s where things get sticky when it comes to realities and whatnot but I do wanna stress that yes I know WTNV and TMA are both works of fictions BUT I would personally say that
TMA is set in a parallel universe:  a reality that’s similar to our own but also distinctly separate from anything that we, the audience, can witness but never participate in
WTNV is set in a hidden universe: it is set in our (the listeners) own reality, and is done in such a way that it feels like if you looked hard enough for it or if you just had a bout of bad luck or if you happen to drive down a certain road in a long stretch of US desert (side note: if there’s any real life place nightvale would be set in it’s definitely new mexico have you ever been in new mexico it’s called land of ENCHANTMENT for a reason if I drove into new mexico and drove back out a few days later and like THIRTY YEARS had passed I’d be like yeah that tracks) that you could end up in the reality of nightvale. Who’s to say there’s not a faceless old woman secretly living in your house? Are you sure there’s nothing odd in your mirror? Who can ever be sure time is working correctly?
Which brings me to
Part B: You(yes, you!)’ve Been Framed!
Listen. I fucking love a good framing device. Every time a podcast is like “here’s why the events of the story are recorded in the world of the story” I go bonkers in yonkers that shit SLAPS. TMA and WTNV both do this, but (at least up to ep 176 of TMA, this whole fuckin essay could still be blown out the water) TMA’s framing device doesn’t account for an audience, where as WTNV’s the audience is a core component
the framing device of TMA is that these spooky stories are being recorded by an archivist in order to have an audio version of written statements. Cool! It tells the audience why these recordings exist, and why they’re episodic. Later in the story, the tapes begin to spontaneously show up because of Spooky Reasons that have yet to be Fully Revealed, but it still isn’t for an audience. When Jon Archivist records these tapes, they’re basically being recorded for a Void. Yes, the tapes are originally for a potential researcher to listen to, but that ain’t you chief. You are not part of the narrative (so far at least! Again, maybe the audience will be brought into the story when it’s revealed What’s Up with the spontaneous tapes, but so far nah), there’s no in universe explanation for why you personally are listening to these stories. You aren’t present in the story, in the framing device, so you are not a part of that world.
The framing device of WTNV is that you are tuning into the community radio of a small desert town, Nightvale, that you are a part of. After all, if you are tuning into something local, you’re strongly implied to be local. Thus, we have a framing device that explains both why it’s recorded AND why you’re listening. The audience is absolutely involved in the narrative rather than a simple spectator. Cecil Palmer is not recording into a Void, he’s talking to listeners of which you are a part of. (side note: this makes nightvale liveshows SUPER fun if u get an opportunity to go to one I HIGHLY recommend it bc while there’s not ‘audience participation’ in the classic sense of like magic or comedy acts the narrative IS constructed in a way that you feel less like a witness of a story and more of a participant like the one I went to most of us pulled our legs onto out chair bc oh SHIT maybe there IS an escaped librarian under your chair making a grab for your feet SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF IS FUN AS HELL YALL)
These framing devices are enforced and enhanced upon by who the “you” in a narrative is.
In TMA, when there’s a “you” being referred to, when there’s a listener, it’s usually an in universe character. When there’s lines like “i’m sorry, that’s not what you came here to listen to” it’s not referring to you personally, it’s talking to Jon Archivist or Gertrude Archivist or Insert Archival Assistant. When TMA does use a more general “you”, it’s still in universe rather than the external listening to audience. You can include yourself as part of that general you, but it’s not inherently built into the narrative. If you want to distance yourself, you can also do that. You are not automatically in this world, even if much of it feels repeatable and/or similar
WTNV sometimes uses you to refer to an in universe character, because conversations do happen, but in the episodes where it’s like LMAO THIS IS A HORROR, the “you” and general second person is actively both discussing a known character and the listener personally. One of the most recent episodes, ep 171 “Go to the Mirror?” is a BRILLIANT example of this, where Cecil is simultaneously discussing himself and his experiences AND you as well. There’s something he can only see in the mirror, something with such sharp claws, on his shoulders, but it’s also something you personally can only see in the mirror, something on your shoulder.  You are not exempt from the story, you can’t be exempt from the story, because you’ve always been a part of it. (Also side note go to the mirror is SO fuckign good it made my heart fuckin POUND the amount of times that despite knowing it was fiction I looked over my shoulder so many times. I know a shit ton of people listened to WTNV in like 2012/13 and dropped off and felt guilty and never caught up again but like. Catch up on nightvale it’s good for body and soul and also Cecilos just keep winning)
WAY too long; didn’t read: to me personally while I LOVE both TMA and WTNV, WTNV is scarier to be because TMA feels like a story that you’re bearing witness to (also thank god british people aren’t real and were made up for the Peppa Pig Cinematic Universe), WTNV feels not just like a story that you could be in but actively already are and that makes things SPOOKY
Also this isn’t related to the essay but shout out to whoever first decided that horror narrators should have nice even voices we really all be soothed by some grisly ass stories the amount of people that fall asleep to WTNV/TMA is WILD
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judesstfrancis · 4 years ago
31 👀👀 (also 34 and 35?) -🍊
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
anon I love u so much for this question thank u <3
the oc's I have most on my brain rn are from my original horror story that I'm working on!! the two main characters are mari guerra and carter bright, mari is an ace lesbian and carter is a bi trans woman and they were both really good friends at summer camp when they were younger. they kinda kept up for a while after they left but contact drifted off bc they're from different cities and it's easy to lose track of things growing up and going to high school and everything u know how it is. anyway after a few years of not talking they meet again when they start working for the same camp they met at (they also fall in love, they're both delighted to see each other again bc they mutually had feelings as young pre-teens they just didn't know how to express that)!!
jude hollis is mari's goth best friend that I came up with on a whim bc I think every horror lesbian needs a goth best friend. jude is nonbinary and pansexual/aromantic and uses she/he/they pronouns!! (mari and carter both use she/her.) jude was actually one of mari's favorite counselors at camp and even tho there's about 5 years between them they became pretty close pretty quickly. they also lived on the same street growing up!! so instead of tragically losing contact after camp ended like mari did with carter, they fell into a steady routine where jude acted kind of like an older sibling and drove mari to school/watched her while her parents were out/helped her with her homework and mari's house provided a nice welcoming refuge from jude's own when he needed it. they have been absolutely inseparable ever since.
a minor-ish character in the same universe who is also the love of my life is eddie robles, the camp caretaker and all around dad figure to everyone who has ever set foot on the camp grounds. everyone loves him and even tho jude was never a camper herself, she in particular is very close to him bc he helped them out while they were going through a lot of stuff with their parents back at home. if u do not have people who affirm your gender at home eddie WILL do it for u <3 eddie has a husband I know this much for sure I just haven't fully conceptualized this yet. I think his name is teodoro tho. maybe. this is just the basics of the more Present cast but if u wanna know more please do ask I love them so much
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
from the "tim survives the unknowing" tma au that currently lives in my notes app:
"I didn't forgive you, at the time, I meant that. But I don't like who I was, when I was like that. I know I don't--I'm not excusing you, you were a dick and I was more than justified, but...I miss you. I still don't know if I'm...over it, if I do forgive you, but I do know that I want to. I don't want to be like that anymore."
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I am like buzzing in my seat wanting to ramble about the haunting au that I'm currently in the process of updated esp [spoilers redacted] but I cannot bc. well [spoilers redacted] u know? anyway I suppose I can ramble about how much I love everyone who's commented on that story so far tho I've been working on it for so long and I never thought I'd get it to a point where it was Finished lmao but I did and everyone is so so nice about it!! they're so excited about what's going to happen and I know I say it every five seconds but I am OBSESSED with reading everyone's comments to see what their personal theories are. like people are picking up on so much and stitching it all together and I'm always like 👀👀 the rush I get from that is unmatched I love all of u so much
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 1 year ago
MAG11 - Dreamer, review and stuff
Diversity wins! The guy who dreamed about your death is gay!
I was hesitant to write this one because I didn't know where to start. Not because it isn't good, I love every single episode of The Magnus Archives, this whole exercise (reviews etc) brings up a few questions to me, what's the point of consuming horror media if I am not scared by it? Can I truly review it if I'm not scared?
And, in relation to MAG11, is death scary?
Well, personally I find the horror genre intriguing, and highly dramatic. It's a dark fantasy that you won't have the chance to experience in real life (or at least, I hope so xD). TMA plays with probability, rather than impossibility, even if there are some fantastic elements in the mix. Every episode is a promise, or a threat, horror and fear would find you anywhen and anywhere. Not even the Dreamer is safe from this promise.
Can I review the hell out it? Yep, yes I can. I can be objective, and I can analyze how well constructed everything is. Have you ever reached episode 200 and made a relisten? Do it, you won't regret it.
Death is scary, is the only certainty in life and at the same time, is paradoxically, uncertain. Everything ends, that much we know, and Antonio Blake doesn't seem to think there's nothing after.
I always think about this quote from Doctor Who when thinking about death, maybe it's useful for you
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(Transcript: Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor in The Return of Doctor Mysterio, "Things end. That's all. Everything ends and it's always sad. But everything begins again too and that's always happy. Be happy.)
And talking about quotes, let's comment some bits from the episode:
"I’d broken up with Graham, my boyfriend of six years (...)" - Antonio Blake, March 14th 2015
Yes, yes, weird thing to remark, but hear me out: Graham? Graham?? Is the same Graham as in Graham Folger????
"It was there, sleeping on my friend Anahita’s sofa, in the depths of my misery, that I first started to have the dreams." - Also Mr Blake
Woah, take a seat misery etc, I'm this dramatic too
"I found myself standing atop the very peak of Canary Wharf and overlooking the Barclays building where I had spent so many hateful hours. Behind me I could feel the pulsing beat of the light that stands atop that looming tower; it thrummed through me and I could see the glow pass across my skin like oil but, try as I might, I could not turn around to look at it." - I don't know why it's so appealing.
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I tried to recreate it with a screenshot from Google Earth and Photoshop, the result doesn't convince me but it's pretty close xD
"Lucid dreaming has never been a skill I’ve possessed, and I generally get swept along in the current of whatever runs though my sleeping consciousness." - I love it when horror characters get logical, like, uhm, this shouldn't be possible, sir, this is a Wendy's
"And by my estimation he had appeared about ten days before his death. I tell you this because I feel you have a right to know the sort of timescales that we’re dealing with here." - Antonio "may as well just roll with it" Blake
He is so chill about all of this, isn't he? Like, yeah, I have this weird ass powers, I figured out more or less how they work and hey, you're next
"I’m well aware that I don’t even know your name, and I have no responsibility to try and prevent whatever fate is coming for you." - Antonio "I'm doing it anyway because I'm that chill and cool" Blake
"At the very least, you should look into appointing a successor." - LMAO
" I have no idea if Gertrude got the chance to read this statement before she passed away, but if anyone comes in ranting about dreaming my death, then I very much want to hear about it." - Jon "anything is bs except Leitners and prophecies about my death" Sims, April 15th 2016
Sir, with all due respect, wtf
General overview:
Vibe: it's mysterious with a side of peace and quiet
Horror: spooky, just plain old good spooky
Audio: pretty ASMR in general
Humour: Jon, why are u like this
Score: 10/10
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grouchythefish · 5 years ago
okay, so uh, gonna admit I was expecting like, 15 people max to take that quiz and it’s now at nearly 1000. Sooo I made an faq to address some of the stuff ppl are leaving in the textbox:
Why did you make this?
I will do anything if one (1) person encourages me:
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Apparently I was wrong about the untakable thing.
Are you a horse girl?
this is one of the things where the more someone denies it the more ppl think it’s true so idk what I can even say here. I’m not a girl firstly. Also I don’t even really like horses and never have? I just grew up on a horse farm so I have a lot of funny stories. I didn’t like, choose this and as I’ve said in other posts it actually makes me deeply uncomfortable when people make this assumption because it is both inaccurate and misgendering so I would really prefer you didn’t.
will this turn me into a horse girl?
I do not have that kind of power. Only you can make you a horse girl.
Where can I find those overly specific spotify playlists?
here’s my spotify profile
That tma question caught me off guard because I'm in the middle of binging it right now/thinking about starting it:
that’s no coincidence, that’s the web at work, babe
Who the fuck is One One?
It’s a tongue twister/riddle from my childhood and goes like this:
One One was a racehorse Two Two was one too For every race that One One won Two Two won one too
yes, I took those 4 lines and extrapolated an entire personality type, die mad about it. (tbh much more thought went into the descriptions of the results than the actual results, half of them are from media I haven’t even read/seen)
[personal story/ fun fact/ joke/ meaningful confession]
I obviously can’t reply to all these individually for lots of reasons but if you put something like this in the box or the tags I did read it and it made me feel warm and fuzzy, thank you for sharing, I love you.
yeah, and another horse bit my mom’s finger off. Both were successfully reattached and you can barely tell tbh. If you really want the nitty gritty you can dm me but I’m not putting it here lmao.
Inquiries about Smooth Rapidash:
The “Smooth” is there for 2 reasons:
1 - To race a horse it has to be registered and it’s name needs to be unique within that registry
2 - When breeding horses it’s traditional to keep part of the name of the horse they were bred from in their name. tbh I don’t remember all the details of how that works but one of Smooth Rapidash’s parents would have had “Smooth” in their name.
If you want proof Smooth Rapidash existed you can google “Smooth Rapidash Standardbred” and find some records he is mentioned in.
You seem very similar to your parents
An internet quiz made as a joke is a poor way to make that assessment.
I’m trans do you have any name suggestions?
Personally I like these names: Ansel, Beau, Raelyn, Ashe, Kalen
but I bet you have something in the back of your mind you’re secretly hoping I’ll say. Go with that one.
This quiz is bad/stupid and I hate you/why is it all about you?
I think I made it very clear the kind of quiz this was going to be both in the description and the tumblr post. If you are feeling upset because the questions are exactly what I said they were going to be I don’t know what to tell you.
Today I learned all emojis show up as question marks on uquiz. Sorry I can’t see what you tried to send, I hope it was nice.
Tell Odin I love him:
Can we be friends?
probably idk
feel free to shoot me an ask if u wanna know more or have comments or whatever. These are just the qs that came up multiple times. 
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jonarchivistcansing · 5 years ago
So I have a magnus archives playlist
I’ve been making a long chronological Magnus Archives playlist for my own amusement (So This Is Basically The Magnus Archives) , but since season 5 is close and my college kicked everyone out i decided to Do Something Unnecessary. 
I have taken painstaking effort to not only properly organize this stupid thing with specific tma episodes, but also have documented the episodes as well as why I included the songs (under the cut). This is my Magnum Opus. I have officially pulled an all nighter to work on this. AND i’m making another playlist with songs that I wanted to keep tabs on in case I end up needing to use them as s5 comes out (here) Spoiler warning obviously
Please send me some songs if you follow the playlist and think they should be on there! 
TLDR - Grace for sale = season 1 finale; Bad Bad Things = season 2 finale; Greatest Show Unearthed = season 3 finale; Just Did a Bad Thing = Season 4 finale.
I bold the songs I added most recently. Honestly I recommend listening to the playlist first because its way fun and like referencing this if you really care about it. Please give me song suggestions or alterations! 
Song Name - MAG00 - PoV/Sung at/etc; Event. NA = Not Applicable
The Office Theme - NA
Turn The Lights Off - MAG 01
The whole “Dont go in there” theme is applicable to the danger of the Angler fish, which also parallels that first statement acting as a lure for Jon
Don’t Worry We’ll Be Watching You - NA
I didn’t want to comb through to find an episode where Jon says hes being watched. I might move this somewhere else because it’s really slow for the begining of the playlist. Maybe  where he went to America
Somebody’s Watching Me - NA
Same as above + memes
Bloody Nose - MAG 17 - PoV Jared Hopworth
the boneturner’s tale statement
Grace For Sale - MAG 39 - PoV Jane Prentiss; S1 Finale
I didn’t know this was part of a whole carnival themed album when I added it, but I felt that the themes of shedding your skin and worms were relevant enough. Still looking for a good song for the s1 finale tho :/
I Don’t Trust You Anymore - MAG 40/41 - PoV Jon
Immediately after the Worm Attack, Jon realizes he can’t trust anyone in the archives.
Losing My Mind - NA - PoV Jon
Jon makes a lot of mentions of his paranoia thruout this season and I feel it just fits best here
Little Pistols - NA - PoV Jon
Same as above, but its like Really Sad because this one paints the paranoia as much more self-destructive. 
Afraid - MAG 77 - Multi PoV/Sasha
Jon just realized the NotSasha replaced Sashsa. Could be from Sasha or NotSasha or even Jon realizing the implications a shapeshifting creature, just fkcn love the chorus for the whole NotSasha fiasco
Mr Capgras - MAG 78/79 - Sung by the NotThem
Jon’s a huge idiot and the NotThem is Out For Blood 
Bad Bad Things - MAG 80 - PoV Elias; S2 Finale
Bitch boy Murkd Leitner and Gertrude and he’s an asshole for it
Its not overly literal but i think some characters in the song could be interpreted as Leitner and Gertrude, with the POV Elias speaking to Jon. 
I’m Not Ok - MAG 81 - PoV Jon
Georgie pls....help this nasty man
The Cult of Dionysus - NA
Honestly this isn’t very specific at all there’s just a lot more cult activity in this season and this song lines up well with the next few
Rejoice - MAG 89 - PoV Jude Perry/Lightless Flame
this ep is jude’s statement and this is a Good cult song
Bust Your Kneecaps - MAG 67 - PoV Agnes Montague
Keeps with the theme better here than in order with s2. Statement of cafe boy who tried to romance Agnes that one time
Are Things Still Burning - MAG 67/89 - PoV Agnes Montague
You’ll get it.
I’m Gonna Win - MAG 101 - PoV Gertrude or Michael
Really connect this song with gertrude’s Bad Bitch energy and MAG 101 is the episode where we really get a scope of how morally gray she is
But the overall cocky tone of the song is real good for Michael
The Distortionist - MAG 101 - PoV Michael
this ep is Michael’s statement. 
Its kind of hard to tell because of the vocaloid, but the song's character seems to have been pushed and  manipulated into something like Michael. I can see the song shifting from Michael singing about how Gertrude created him into accepting it and them singing at Jon
Has wayyyyy too much Spiral imagery to not include
Seven Devils - MAG111 - PoV Gerard Kaey
this is the ep where Gerard properly explains the fears to Jon
Dirty Night Clowns - MAG 104 - PoV Tim Stoker?
sort of Tim about his brother
Blood End Credits - no MAG/MAG 119 - PoV Tim Stoker
god i miss tim. I don’t think it translates exactly to 119, but it’s more of the climax of his character arch. He’s literally given everything to the Institute and to Elias and now he has to fucking die? FUck.  
Greatest Show Unearthed - MAG 139 - PoV Nikola/The Circus
This one is literal lol. u can figure it out
My Time - MAG 120/121 - Sung about Jon
*Mable pines picture* “He’s resting”
Who Are You, Really? - MAG 121 - Sung at/for Jon
Jon has to decide whether to let himself die human or risk becoming a monster to protect the people he loves*
Cold Cold Man - MAG 124 - PoV Jon
This is the first time Jon and Martin have seen each other since he woke, and I think really the first time Jon has sought out Martin because he just...wanted to see him
Ruler of Everything - MAG 124 - PoV Martin
This is Martin’s side of the exchange he and Jon had. This is where he started pushing Jon away (Shot as wily one/only friend), and Peter is making him into the “ruler of everything” aka running the Institute, and just doing his best to go one day at a time until whatever Peter has planned gets done
Catabolic Seed - MAG 125 - PoV Melanie
Honestly, I just really wanted this song for melanie. The Magnus Institute is taking too much out of her, making her into a hollow, and she’s just trying to keep herself together with emotional duct tape
Body - MAG 131 Build Up - PoV Jon
I see this as the culmination of Jon’s survival guilt and desperation to make himself worthy of humanity again. Since he has a healing factor now, he has no sense of self-preservation and is willing to sacrifice his entire body to make himself worthy of humaity.
Skeleton Appreciation Day - MAG 131 - PoV Jared Hopworth
What Am I Becoming? - MAG 146/147 - PoV Jon
It hurts
in 146 Jon admited to Basira, Daisy, and Melanie confronted him about his live feedings. 147 Jon realises that he doesn’t want to stop feeding
Human - Mag 147/152 - For Jon
Couldn’t decide where this goes chronologically, but these in these two eps jon is seriously debating his humanity and disturbed that he even needs to do that 
Isle Unto Thyself - NA 
 this fits....somewhere in this season. I believe i see this as Jon singing about Martin’s isolation, but really its just applicable to their whole situation
Train Remastered - MAG 154 - PoV Jon
a fukn EASY one FINALLY. 
THis bitch is Jon asking Martin to blind himself with Jon so they can run away together. Their romantic arcs got me feeling all sorts of ways
No Eyed Girl - MAG 157
this is so literal lmao its just Melanie and Georgie
Not Human - MAG 158 - About Daisy
She’s spent so long serving the Hunt and trying to undo its power over her, and she really just Did That(tm) for her friends. We stan a werewolf queen
Monster - Many MAGs
honestly can fit Martin, Jon, Melanie and Daisy at different points, but i think its a good end to Daisy’s character arc currently
Ship In A Bottle - MAG 159 - About Martin and Peter
I like to see this as the climax of Martin’s Loneliness and his relationship with Peter as well as like the culmination of Peter’s deal with Elias and Martin’s Deal with Peter
It’s Alright - MAG 159 - To Jon and Martin
Jon Rescued Martin from the Lonely and is finally able to have a purpose and they are allowed to Be Okay
Honeybee - MAG 160 - PoV Jon
Great Vacation - Thematic transition
If Honeybee was the first 2 minutes of 160, then we know what’s coming next. The Scottish Cottage isn’t a vacation
Just Did A Bad Thing - MAG 160
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Its the end of the world as we know it - Season 5 trailer
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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dementedgnomicwizard · 5 years ago
i want to cosplay tma but i haven't done much of it before and yours are incredible, could you suggest amy characters thatd be pretty easy to pull off?
OK THIS GOT A LITTLE RAMBLY BE WARNED BUT IM Trying my best with this very limited information and delightfully open ended question
well the really excellent part about cosplaying from podcasts is that most of the time the characters don’t have one “canon” design and are completely open to interpretation, which gives you a ton of wiggle room because the decision can be based less on “which of these canon designs do i think id suit best” and more on “which one of these concepts do i think id have the most fun trying to design and execute?” (which is the line of thinking that led me to start working on my jane cosplay, actually!) personally when i cosplay from podcasts the main goal that i’m shooting for wrt the finished product is recognizability since i’ll freely admit that there’s almost nothing like the dopamine release/validation of someone recognizing ur cosplay at a con, especially if they ask for a pic. so my advice is probably generally gonna be oriented towards how to make whatever costume u pick recognizable in hopefully the simplest and clearest way possible.
with tma obviously the human (or mostly human lol) characters are gonna be the easiest to tackle, both because they’re easier to nail down design concepts for (since they’re not the personifications of abstract concepts lol) and also because in tma the monsters/more monstrous characters tend to get pretty detailed descriptions as opposed to the humans who get virtually none.
for me personally, if i was going to start putting together a cosplay of one of the archival staff Right Now starting with things i have in my closet/room, i’d probably either go for daisy or melanie for two reasons. the first is that both in terms of what i look like and what clothes + materials i have lying around, i am (or could use said materials to make myself be) aesthetically closest to looking like my headcanons for them (wow i hope that made sense this is a weird concept to try to figure out how to word when you HAVE slept and AREN’T high so i’m Really struggling)
the second reason is that those are the two i think i (again given what clothes and materials i have on hand) could most easily make myself recognizable as.
aaaand i guess where id go from there is to think about my designs/personal headcanons for these characters. i’ve been trying to sketch my headcanons lately so they’re a little more solid in my mind than they would usually be.
here are the essential components that make a recognizable daisy when i see her in my head:
-large jacket
-too-big clothing in general
-on that note, utilitarian/practical clothing
-occasionally i like to picture her wearing a shirt with a sign like one of those dog vests that says DONT PET I BITE
-i usually also picture her with some kind of facial scar or something, which as far as i can tell is pretty common in fanart as well
here are the essential components of melanie as she appears in my head:
-also short (tho not AS short, imo)
-mad as hell
-messy (in a cool way) eyeliner
-big jacket/hoodie/sweatshirt
-dark lipstick
-ripped jeans/shorts and tights
-ghost hunt uk and/or what the ghost merch
-knife motif somehow incorporated (melanie voice whats uo with this knife motif do you have something against kniiiiiiiives)
-depending which part of the show chronologically ur pulling insp from, sunglasses/an eye bandage/scars/white pupils/etc something like that you get the picture
SO then i go through those lists/review whatever little preliminary sketch ive just done and pull out a second, shorter list which is “things from the first list that i could feasibly make happen using materials that i have or can easily obtain”
so for daisy that would be
-large jacket: i have a way-too-big army jacket i thrifted a while back
-too-big + utilitarian clothing: i have a huge pair of cargo pants and a sweater that have been waiting for this moment
-boots: i got em
-scar/s: i have latex, tissue, and a makeup kit; i can make this happen quickly and easily
and for melanie we’d have
-mad as hell: i can certainly make some faces! draw my eyebrows in a little angrier maybe even!
-bangs: recent development but i have em!
-messy eyeliner: doable
-big jacket: got plenty
-dark lipstick: got plenty x2
-ripped jeans/shorts over tights: happily, this is an essential part of my wardrobe as well as melanie’s
-knife motif: there are certainly subtler and perhaps more elegant ways to go about this but if i wanted to get in cosplay and leave the house in the next like hour.... well.... i mean we do have just like, knives! DISCLAIMER while real knives can be fun and cool for photos don’t take real knives to conventions
anyway yeah so given that i would then basically... gather the pieces needed to check off each item on the list and then get ready and hope for the best lmao.
have fun and best of luck!! im also happy to try to answer more specific questions if u have any, especially practical/technical questions (how-tos, the easiest/cheapest ways to make certain things, shortcuts, etc)
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