#also by doing the dishes but that feels less relevant
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hotshotsxyz · 5 months ago
this town is only gonna eat you
(buddie) (s8 spec) (1.1k) already wrote some buck-gets-hit-by-a-car spec, so how about some buck-gets-shot? kept thinking about "take eddie [to the laker's game] and die" and uh... here we are. cw: mass shooting/ gun violence (described vaguely), somewhat graphic description of a bullet wound, blood edit: now featuring a companion piece
Buck is smiling when it happens. Grinning at Eddie like he hung the fucking moon as he points out what must be the hundredth interesting play he’s seen on the court tonight. Buck’s smiling.
Eddie registers the screams before the gunfire. He smells the metallic scent of spent shell casings before he sees the shooter. He tackles Buck to the ground before he realizes he’s already hurt.
Buck was smiling, but now his face is inches from Eddie’s and his eyes are wide with pain and panic.
“Eds,” he says, and it’s barely above a whisper but it’s still too loud.
Eddie shakes his head, a tiny, sharp movement. Buck takes a shaky breath and presses his lips together. He understands. Eddie hates that he understands. Thank God he understands.
There’s something warm and wet slowly spreading between them, and it takes Eddie several wasted seconds to realize it’s blood. He’s almost completely certain it isn’t his, which—
God, that’s so much worse than if it was.
One of Eddie’s hands is still cradling Buck’s head, an instinctive act of protection before they hit the ground. With the other, Eddie slowly begins feeling his way around Buck’s abdomen. His fingers brush against torn fabric and he feels nauseous.
I’m sorry, he mouths before pressing down hard.
Buck gasps in pain. A muscle in his jaw ticks with the effort it must take him to keep from screaming.
“You’re doing so good,” Eddie breathes into Buck’s ear. “I’ve got you; I promise.”
The bullet caught him somewhere along the fifth intercostal space on the right side of his chest. Eddie doesn’t have a way to feel for an exit wound, not without letting up pressure on what he knows is there.
At best, the bullet glanced off a rib and tore through nothing but skin and muscle. At worst…
At worst, Buck is dying beneath him and there’s not a damn thing Eddie can do, not until the shooter is dead or gone. All Eddie can do is pray. Pray and hope like hell that God has forgiven him for his incomplete confession.
Another spray of gunfire echoes through the arena. It’s nearly impossible to identify where it’s coming from, but Eddie’s got a vague idea based on the direction people seem to be running in.
Buck takes a ragged, watery breath.
For the first time in his life, Eddie hopes he’s crying. He draws back, just far enough to look Buck in his eyes. His eyes, which are clouded over in pain but free from tears.
Fuck, fucking goddamn it.
Eddie presses his cheek against Buck’s.
“Slow, steady breaths, okay?” he whispers. “You have to breathe through it, even if it feels like you can’t.”
The tiniest whimper escapes Buck’s chest.
“You have to, Buck, I can’t—” Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shuddering breath. “I just need you to hold on,” he begs.
A single shot rings out, and nearby, something falls to the ground with a dull thump.
“Suspect is down!” someone shouts. “We’re clear for EMS.”
Eddie carefully extricates his hand from behind Buck’s head. “Hear that? We’re so close, Buck.” He brushes a thumb across his cheekbone, then sits up and raises his hand in the air. “Over here!” he shouts. “I’ve got a penetrating chest wound that needs to be on the first ambo out of here!”
Buck’s eyelashes flutter as he fights to stay conscious.
“Come on, eyes on me,” Eddie says.
With his free hand and his teeth, he tears a strip of fabric from his shirt to wad up and press into Buck’s wound.  The skin there is ragged and torn, almost certainly an exit wound. Eddie curses.
“I need EMS now!” Eddie roars, not tearing his eyes away from Buck for even a second.
“I’m coming to you!” someone calls back.
Buck’s eyes slip shut.
“No!” Eddie commands, rubbing his knuckles across Buck’s sternum. “You’re staying right here with me, you got it?”
Buck groans weakly. His eyes flick back open.
“That’s perfect, you’re perfect,” Eddie babbles. “Just keep—c’mon, Buck, just keep fighting. I need—you have to be okay.”
Buck’s lips part. “Hurt,” he breathes.
“I know,” Eddie says desperately, “I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
A pained sound falls from Buck’s lips. He lifts one of his hands just high enough to ghost his fingers along the ruined hem of Eddie’s shirt.
Behind him, Eddie hears a gurney roll to a stop.
Eddie turns and find a young woman, no more than twenty years old, wearing a polo that declares her part of a private ambulance service. He doubts she’d weigh even a hundred pounds soaking wet.
“Alright,” he says, turning back to Buck. “I’m going to get you onto that gurney. Let me do all the work, okay?”
Buck’s eyes widen. He makes a strangled sound. “Hurt,” he coughs out again, fingers scrambling uselessly against the concrete floor of the arena.
“They’re gonna give you the good stuff at the hospital,” Eddie reassures. He lets go of Buck’s wound and pulls him into a seated position, then rolls him awkwardly onto his back. “I got you,” he says as he stands.
Eddie staggers beneath Buck’s weight but manages to get him down three rows worth of steps and onto the gurney without the young EMT’s help.
“We’re staged just outside the north entrance,” she says as she begins to push Buck toward a set of doors.
Eddie nods sharply. “He’s got a perforating chest wound, probable pulmonary laceration, and a history of pulmonary embolism. Allergic to naproxen,” he rattles off as he pushes the gurney alongside her.
“Um, okay, that’s—are you a doctor or something?” she asks.
“Firefighter,” Eddie corrects. “We both are.”
The closer they get to the exit, the harder Eddie has to work to keep pace with the EMT. He must be coming down hard as the adrenaline fades. A few spots cloud the corners of his visions. He blinks them away.
The doors to the outside fling open, revealing two paramedics from the 136.
“Diaz, is that you?” one of them asks.
The best Eddie can do is nod.
“Shit, and that’s—”
Eddie’s ears start to ring.
“Diaz, were you shot?”
No, he tries to say. One of the paramedics grabs him under the shoulders, and the other pushes his t-shirt up until—
He has been shot.
The paramedic in front of him is saying something, but Eddie can’t quite understand it. Over his shoulder, the EMT looks blurry and horrified.
The spots in his vision return with a vengeance, and in his last few moments of lucidity, it occurs to Eddie that the bullet in his abdomen is probably the same one that ripped through Buck’s chest.
Then, the world fades to black, and Eddie thinks nothing at all.  
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darkangel11122 · 2 months ago
Imagine you are a fairly well-respected pirate, with a passion for cooking. Then you get stranded on a rock in the middle of nowhere. Which is fine really you didn’t enter this career path without expecting to meet your end in blue water. Though you had hoped to go out in a more…well starving to death wasn’t on the list, it is ironic though as you enjoyed cooking, and if life had been a lot kinder or your wanderlust a bit less you probably would have stuck with that. Then again you had given your propensity to look for new spices and things when raiding an island. You’re pulled from your lamenting your likely demise by a small boy. Who you just now noticed is here with you, and leaves you wondering how you didn’t notice him earlier.
Well, you have a kid now, and starving to death isn’t an option anymore cause you can’t let an innocent kid, who obviously up to this point hasn’t had the best life, to begin with, die what feels at the moment to be a painful death. 
Long story short ya eat your leg, well your calf really but that’s basically your leg, and no your not gonna stop saying leg, falls off the tounge easier. 
You and your kid, yes you’ve known him for… you're not really sure at this point so it’s not relevant. He’s your kid, the seas gave him to you, No takebacks. Anyway, you both get rescued, the kid looked freaked when they asked who was with you. Don’t hesitate to say “my kid” to your rescuers, the kid won’t stop clinging to your good leg anyway so might as well keep him. Life’s already weird as it is might as well roll with it. 
The kid is kinda an asshole, do you regret keeping him? No. Is he a little shit who seems to enjoy vexing you? Yes. Do you still love him? Eh yeah, he keeps making stink faces at you while you’re trying to concentrate on your lobster bisk you might change your mind. Going from seasoned bachelor to single dad is a bit of a challenge but the kid loves cooking about as much as you do so he might as well be yours. Not like his birth family wanted him anyway if how slidish he was and how he flinched at loud sounds for a while is anything to go by. You also do your best not to think about why he’s not too fond, and by not too fond you mean dam terrified, of dark spaces with no windows, like basements or bulkhead or hold. Needless to say your glad your kid acts like an asshole and feels safe enough to talk back and argue. 
Given your experience on the rock, you got your son on, and you stopped saying ‘had’ because people started looking at you Funny, and Patty started making jokes about you having another one when you put on a little weight. Anyway, you open a restaurant, catering to All who come in civilian, marine. Pirate or anything in between. This doesn’t mean you don’t have troublemakers come in, so you and your staff are more than capable of fighting to protect the place. Something you make sure all that work there can do, including your son, especially your son. 
Something you're glad for when a group of kids around his age come in after you’d been telling him for years to go off and have some fun, meet a girl or guy, make a name for yourself, find the all-blue, something. Anyway, you make the ringleader of this little rag-tag group wash dishes after he runs up a huge bill. Of course, he makes an impression on your son, gets him out of his shell and after one of your regulars, the regular being a gothic bird with a buster sword, fights the green-haired one and almost bleeds out on your deck, the kid leaves with them. Good for him, your sea kid is finally leaving the nest. 
Next thing you know that regular adopted the kid he almost killed and wants to speak with you more… you don’t know why at first. Then you see the news, what your son sees in that idiot you have no idea. Swordsmen make awful partners, maybe awful is harsh, but aggravating sounds more like what you’re going for. Now you could say that no one is good enough for your kid which is true, he couldn’t have picked the one with the large appetite or his older brother the shirtless one, or the blonde? Apparently not. 
After many, a bottle of wine and jeering from your staff, mostly about how parents always have trouble with their kid's first real partner. Then they say something about how he always had a bleeding heart so a swordsman with no sense of direction isn’t the worst he could do. However, that doesn’t stop you from glaring at the goth regular. This seems to get him to bemoan a bit to one of the bartenders that he’s at least trying to make sure he's not adopted son, he says not adopted son which you found strange but he’s a strange guy anyway, doesn’t fuck this. Then something about getting him to bathe more is like getting a rum drinker to switch to vodka, and that getting him a sense of direction is a lost cause. At least the guy knows what’s at stake if his kid hurts your kid. 
Your son never calls enough, so when he does you are thrown for a huge fucken loop, he almost got married, he’s a sperm donor and his asshole brothers threatened you and your staff as well as his friends, he’s actually a prince. The last two you kinda knew, you do read the news and well that dead prince and your son look really similar, he sounds a little sad when you say we kinda figured he had an awful family. Some heart-to-heart stuff is said and neither of you will admit to crying. Then comes the question you asked mostly to know if you needed to kill a swordsman and ban for life another one. “How’d the mosshead take it? Sure he would have been upset you running off to marry someone who's not him. I’ll come out there and deal with him myself if you need me to eggplant. Might be old but I know how to use a kitchen knife and butcher an animal.” 
Theirs a record scratch in his head you can hear it through the phone, he then flounders and splutters before going right into dental. Saying something about the swordsman doesn’t care and would never want to marry him. 
To say you were seeing red was an understatement, you were about ready to hang the call, get your best knives, and head right to where they were and teach the idiot a lesson for thinking your son wasn’t worthy of a ring. You also were gonna have to call that regular and cancel his reservation for next week. The warpath and ranting, you said most of that out loud apparently, is stopped by his assertion that he and the adopted son of a regular aren’t nor ever have been together. 
“What?” That is all you can really say as your anger deflated like a calmed-down puffer fish. 
“We have never been together, I can’t stand the shite swordsman you know that! Are you losing your mind, shite old man?” “ 
“You bitch about him all the time sure but you do the same about me and I you. Figured it was like your love language or something.” 
“ Thats different.”
“Is it though?” 
That starts your explanation on why you, and just about every-fucken’-one thinks the two of them are together. He gives vehement and rather eloquently rebuttals until he can. It's all the ones of how the son of a regular looks at him and seems to search for him when he’s out of his eye line when fighting side by side, or how he does the same thing. Those ones he just gets all senile, and told to drop because he’s wrong. 
When your son starts calling every day you begin to think you would like to go back wishing he would call a bit more, the key word being a bit. Especially given the calls are just to make more denials of his now very obvious feelings for the adopted son of a regular. All comes to a head one night when you pick up the phone after a long dinner shift with a fight that should have been on pay-per-view. Finally snapping at your son to get his head out of his ass as if he didn’t actually care about the son of a regular he wouldn’t be calling every day for two months with reasons he hates him.
Par for the course with you and your son the yelling gives way to a heartfelt conversation and maybe a little crying on your son's part, soft-hearting boy that he is, and the truth finally comes out. 
Truth is he’s head over heels for the kid and doesn’t know what do to with himself. Flirting doesn’t seem to work and with what happened recently, the almost-married thing, he’s sure he lost whatever chance he had. You offer to kill the kid again, mostly as a joke, which makes your kid laugh a bit. You suggest talking and say worst comes to worst you can ban his father from coming in anymore. 
Calms your kid down and the Daly calls stop, thank the seas. At least you would than them if he ever called again, once maybe twice a month is all you're asking. Nope, you seem to either get them fucken Daly or maybe he’ll call at some point, hopefully before he’s actually engaged or has a kid but at this point you’re not sure.
When you started commiserating with the regular you're not completely sure but at least he knows kinda what you're dealing with, life’s weird just gotta roll with it at this point. 
Here's some more, since people seemed to like the first one. I got to thinking, saw some cute kid Sanji and Zeff content, and wrote another, might write more might not.
Hope you all enjoy this one too.
for those wondering zeff was saying “sea had a kid, took him with me.” Or “was trapped on a rock, had a kid appear, took him with me.”
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golazhamam · 14 days ago
We have a cleaning schedule in my flat
-> Find the German original below <3
It's the third day in a row with skies without sun and light without value, so I woke up with an existential crisis. Fortunately, I still had a bouquet from my birthday and could devote myself to it’s care. If I refresh this bouquet - I thought to myself - then I am expressing love, and if I express love, spring will come a little quicker. Recognising care as an expression of love can help with daily chores. It helps to get up to mop, unclog the toilet, wash the dishes. Or to freshen up a bouquet (although this is a comparatively pleasant activity). It helps to enjoy cleaning the dull flat, because it may be dull, but it is home. This is proven by the hours of dedicated labour invested. Conversely, you can train your mind to show more affection for everyday objects - since you clean them, repair them and clear a space for them, you have to like them too. If you are successful with this circular self-conditioning, you should theoretically find yourself in a room that is bursting with beloved material.
The room and its contents express that you are capable of love. If one assumes that the change in one's own view of one's environment (from apathetic to loving) in turn influences the view of oneself, since one can only cultivate one form of looking at the same time, one is therefore also worthy of love. 
This concept balances artfully enough between nonsense and interesting thought process that I usually believe it myself and have thusly now written it here. Between the first lines of this text and the ones I'm writing now, however, a whole week has passed, and it's my turn to clean again.
The shame that this task washes into my cells! Is it not an expression of respect to let things take their course? To subject sticky human fingers to a cleansing in the fountain of humility before sticking them into other things affairs? Isn't dust part of the order? Isn't a stain as precious as a rainbow? Is waste worth so much less than the production it once represented? Waste stinks and dust makes me sneeze, and then there is the pressure of the cleaning schedule and I have to clean. If you clean regularly, you don't have to do it so hard, it's like maintaining a relationship. Which brings us back to care as an expression of affection, with which I have drawn a nice bow and we can all enjoy together what the author is capable of. Now you, dear readers, are going to cry foul: The text began with the bad weather! You're not closing a circle, at most you're drawing a loop!
I would then reply: Calm down. No geometric shape should be given so much emotional effort. And secondly, the bad weather was only the first sentence, the circle begins with the bouquet of flowers. It was given to me as a gift, it blooms in front of me, I care for it. It is a clear reminder that I am capable of loving and able to be loved.
P.S.: If you really don't feel like cleaning, naming objects with proper names has a similar effect. You would also be in formidable company, as the personalisation of objects - mostly objects relevant to the continuation of one's own health - is a venerable tradition. Just think of all the ships with names like Windrose, Wellengang or Doris. Or the pretty houses, those with enough character to provoke a name. Of course, you could also ponder Excalibur or Joyeuse if you're in the mood for a battle.
I have reason to suspect that the tradition of giving objects names and thus identity is related to the idea that a soul needs a name and that, conversely, a name gives soul. With a ship that saves you from waves or a sword that protects you from Englishmen, it is understandable to attribute abilities and affection to the object. But I'm just thinking about it, I don't have any actual clues and I'm not really in the mood to look for them.
Greetings & a kiss
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) / modified by me
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 3 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge - DAY 24
Happy Christmas, to all those who celebrate!
Hoping everyone gets nice gifts and shares a good night with their loved ones. My family and I will be eating a Bacalhau no Forno (classic cod dish), as per Lisbon tradition, and I hope to get, at least, one album tonight, it'd make me very happy.
What Storyline/Trope Do You Enjoy and Wish to See More of?
Easy one.
You Make Me Want to Be Better
I think we see a lot of You Make Me a Better Person, where one of the characters is trying to actively change the other. But I think that's not such a good trope. Love, after all, is not about forcing anyone to do anything but about finding a safe place where you can fall back to in your road to being better. So, I think, having someone not only be that home but also the kickstarter to that road is really interesting and so much better.
They loved you as you were. You were the one who realized their love was so precious they should give it to someone better, so you're searching to be that person.
Here are some examples to illustrate:
SandRay (Only Friends)
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Ray is depressed and an alcoholic and he acts arrogantly and selfishly to compensate. But when he accepts Sand's love, he accepts, at much cost, what comes with it: the realization that, yes, he is kinda broken, but even ppl like him are worthy of love and of a place in the world. And that he should fight for his future. Be someone better. So he goes to therapy and he tries rehab and he tries to be a good boyfriend. Is he perfect? Absolutely not. Do I think his road won't be bumpy? Hell no! But you don't have to succeed at first or even at all to be a better person. The effort is enough. And I appreciate that.
WenZhou (Word of Honor)
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You might look at them and think I'm just talking about Kexing but I'm not. Sure the murderer to family father plotline is HYPER relevant to this conversation but we can't forget how much Zishu was also not fucking great with his assassination cult shit. This is a classic sodium chloride ship. Alone they have done terrible things. Together they've been a wonder to society, learning from the other the best there is in him and that, perhaps, sometimes, only truly they are able to see.
JackJoke (Jack&Joker)
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Similar to WenZhou but without all the war crimes. This time is just normal time crimes dksjkdjskdjsd. I think we're quick to say Jack profoundly changed Joke just by being a good selfless person, which is absolutely true, but also we need to understand how Joke's vulnerability made Jack more open as well; how Joke's faith made Jack more faithful; how Joke's trust made Jack more trusting. Undeniably, they bring out the best in each other.
TongrakMahasamut (Love Sea)
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Back to the beginning, this is 100% about Tongrak and how closed off, selfish, distrusting and arrogant he was and how loving Mahasamut and finally seeing the value in that love, made him a softer, calmer and more altruistic person. And none of this was because Mahasamut demanded anything bc that was the last thing he ever thought of doing, he gave Tongrak nothing but space and opinions. This was bc Tongrak came to this conclusion himself. And that's beautiful.
HONOURABLE MENTION: Poly, Ace and Aro Relationships
I just feel like we deserve companies and directors less afraid of being "offputting" or weirding out the fetishizers that lurk around. Queer people will never fit into the narrow-mindedness of the people who see us as objects for their own gains or non-human so why bother? Give us a whole series on characters like Plakao from Wandee Goodday, give us 3WBF (without Andrew Tate listeners), break a love triangle by making it a throuple, tell us more queer-platonic stories, make a plot where one of the protagonists doesn't succeed with their incessant bothering bc the other person just doesn't do romance, give us stories where there's 7 ppl, all romantically involved some way and they're all cool with it, DON'T BE AFRAID!!!
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bagalois · 2 months ago
100 days of productivity - 6/100
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jan 22, 2025.
✔ went to class ✔ washed my dishes ✔ meal prepped! ✔ put away groceries ✔ troubleshooted an issue with my fridge to my landlord
(more under the cut - warning for very long and kind of negative)
today's the first day of classes (where i'm a student)! i'm taking combinatorics, group theory, and algebraic topology.
the profs for algtop and group theory were... okay, i guess. i dont doubt they are very knowledgeable about their field, and the lecture content was all fine and good, but the presentation i fear was not so good. my algtop professor waffled on about inconsequential things that only made sense to him for probably half of the entire lecture (random jokes and pedantic clarifications that depend entirely on your specialty that, frankly, while i understand their place, the slight difference in convention between algebraists and geometers doesn't mean very much to me as somebody who is not that familiar with either field). and the group theory prof, he spoke too quietly and the entire class could barely read his handwriting.
also, i fear that i've come down with a cold or a fever, so even though i got a lot done, i felt pretty bad all day. i felt okay this morning but i still wore a mask. another grad student asked me why i was wearing one, and i told them i was worried i got exposed to some sickness, since i was feeling under the weather.
i was started to overheat and get overstimulated just from my combo prof's voice .-. and she was the only good lecturer i had today! straightforward, concise, and had briefly humorous moments that didn't detract from the rest of the lecture.
overall i've been feeling less than great, but getting as much as i have done today makes me feel better. posting, cleaning, cooking - all these things help ground me in some semblance of reality.
(begin cw: us politics)
it's probably because i'm sick, but i can't deny that trump's inauguration -- specifically how a lot of people are panicking about it -- is weighing on me. i really hate how little i know about anything. palestine-israel was what got me to seriously think about politics for the first time. of course i remember what i learned in high school history class, and as an ethnically han chinese person i paid attention to BLM and stop asian hate, but i didn't really think critically. my history classes didn't seem relevant when i was taking them, but of course they're relevant; the history is the context for what i'm living now.
eventually i was going to grow up and fend for myself and the people i care about in this country. i never realized that somehow. i have been so naive and ignorant.
it seems that everybody else has long understood what has been going on, with everything. but now my friends are panicking and i don't know what i'm supposed to worry about or not. when news articles and social media become untrustworthy, you need to rely on yourself - your own knowledge and critical thinking. unfortunately, i forgot to do that growing up...
(acknowledgement and disclaimer) i'm in a better position than most. the fact that i'm just worried about being informed is nothing compared to the others currently losing/have lost their homes, jobs, reproductive care access, their dignity (transgender inmates being forced to detransition), etc. so i don't mean to say all this to mean i'm genuinely panicking about living in trump's america. i just have a fever and i'm more stressed than i should be about the weight of my privilege and resulting responsibility if i want to call myself an ally/leftist/whatever.
(/end cw)
in any case.... i like to finish these things on a positive note so i'll keep writing.
i have to teach tomorrow morning at 8:30am :/ last time i barely spent any time reviewing/teaching summation notation to the class. i just showed them the anatomy of the notation and did one example, but for some it's their first time seeing that, so i should be spending more time on it.
after teaching, well, i wanted to sit in on riemannian geometry but if i still feel shitty tomorrow then i might just go home... i have textbook chapters to read and review so that'll keep me occupied while im not at school.
i'm taking a couple mg of melatonin as i'm writing this sentence. i need to rest. bye~
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astercontrol · 11 days ago
A fairly well known phenomenon in linguistics is that even when a language or dialect is known for having a tendency for something in particular, it also has tendencies towards the opposite in other areas.
Example: English speakers think of Spanish as unusually gender-obsessed, because it has many gender-specific things that aren't gender-specific in English. All nouns are either masculine or feminine, and many adjectives can't be used without specifying the gender of whoever or whatever they describe.
But at the same time, Spanish also sometimes goes genderless for things that are gender-specific in English. For instance the dative pronoun "le," which can mean "him" or "her," and the possessive pronoun "su," meaning either "his" or "her," as well as "their," "its," or "your." And the fact that most sentences can be said with the subject pronoun totally omitted, letting context provide any needed clues to who is being talked about and what their gender may be.
Similarly, dialects that tend to add some extra sounds will also omit other sounds. Jokes tend to simplify and stereotype, of course, but there's a certain joke about Southern US dialects that actually happens to showcase that duality. It refers to an Alabaman who pronounces the state name "Ay-a-la-bay-a-ma," and knows only one single-syllable word, "Yerp" --which is a pronunciation of "Europe."
Linguists caution against making quick, sweeping statements about a language or dialect... partly because of this sort of thing.
See, our perceptions about another language are based on what we find strange and different in comparison to our own language. And, if we actually give it enough thought before making that sweeping judgement, we'll notice that these differences usually don't all go the same direction.
I think this is also true of culture.
I come from Minnesota, a region that's notorious for concealing emotions, talking behind others' backs, and expecting people to guess things from subtle cues. But I've seen people do those things in all the other places I've lived, too.
And not even necessarily to different degrees. I mean, it's hard to measure and quantify a thing like "passive-aggressiveness" or "subtle hints," so I hesitate to say one culture has MORE tendency towards those things than another.
To me it feels clearer that they happen differently. And often in ways that seem to me like more of a minefield than my home culture.
For example, when I lived in Pennsylvania it felt to me like a double standard for empathy and theory of mind. I felt that people expected others to read their minds at least as much as Minnesotans did-- but, at the same time, made less of their own effort to theorize the mental state of others.
(Of course, this may have been an effect of my being an outsider and not recognizing people's attempts to understand. Or, maybe, just being a difficult person for them to understand.)
Sometimes the difference is that the hints and subtleties happen in different contexts, just like the gendered words in Spanish and the extra syllables in Alabaman. And other times the difference is that one person's "stating outright" is another person's "subtly hinting."
If I say "the dishes haven't been done yet," there are people who'll take that as a overly confrontational demand, and others who'll interpret it as a neutral statement of fact that may or may not be relevant to them. Even "Could you do the dishes?" feels like tricky subtleness to some of the most literal-minded, since it doesn't overtly communicate "I want you to do them"-- and anything that communicated that with total clarity would feel like downright verbal abuse to some of the most sensitive.
Those examples, of course, are ones that usually come up between people of different neurotypes. I used them to illustrate the concept because they're so marked. Differences between cultures and regions tend to be less obvious and harder to describe... but they happen in much the same way, with similar effects.
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pruning-the-minds-garden · 9 months ago
State of the Meunion
Heya. Lets have a conversation and catch up, shall we?
Anyway, I have been gone - to varying degrees and extents - for a while. I don't know whether that is going to change, at least not in a stable and long-term way, but I have a moment for this so I might as well use it.
This space started as a place to host my writings on hypnokink safety and community building. I don't know that most of that is as relevant as it once was, given that the community has fractured and gone to ground (mostly, I think, to Discord and other chat-based services) again in the time since I first put things up here. Back in 2016ish when I was first here (under a different, but similarly named, account), that was a big deal. I think it still needs to be a big deal as every day I see new people who seem to be interested in hypnokink but also are on the fringes of safe/healthy/sustainable practices, and so maybe could benefit from learning about them. But, also, I can't know that with certainty. Maybe this is a good point for an aside on that, so lets do that.
I always wonder when I see something #freeuseslut or #1ckyd4ddy or #goodgirl or whatever, if that is something that a person genuinely is going for or if they are kinking on the fantasy of it. Especially when I see a younger person - bear in mind I'm 40, so "younger" is to me like <25 y/o but especially <21 - posting about that it makes me wonder whether they think that is a healthy relationship style, whether they are posting that because that's what they think people want from them and they put their value as a person into being that fantasy... because that is not sustainable, not in most cases, and will cause injury in a good number of them. But, it's not my place to make people's lifestyle choices for them, so if they want to do things like that then they can. I just want them to make those decisions with a full, conscious awareness of the ramifications of those choices as they make them. Or, if they aren't really doing that, if it is just a game or an act... then that's a whole different ballgame. After all, I kink on mind control but that doesn't mean I want to take total control of someone's mind and make them into my unwilling hypnoslave. Sounds hot, sometimes, but is actually just rape and no that's not okay. Writing stories about it or whatever is all well and good, but I know that if I do anything like that it will be with the full, conscious, aware, informed consent of my partner (which does not diminish the hotness, btw). I wonder if something similar is happening there, if they are displaying the things that they think people want to see, showing sides of themselves carefully curated for their intended audience... but are really just doing the laundry or the dishes rather than masturbating furiously to all the dick pics they are undoubtedly receiving.
Yeah so I guess that's that aside. Back to the main point.
Right now I am doing... okay. Good some days, less good on others. Not really sustainably active, unfortunately. I will get active for a bit and then other things get in the way - health, life, etc - and I will drop off. I feel bad for the people that leaves on the hook, but I can't really control when that happens so there you go. That begs the question of what is going to happen with this space, though.
So, what's my plan here? Honestly I don't have one, but I can call out some goals and intentions and see how things go.
Given that I have so much trouble maintaining consistent activity, I'd like to get back to writing. That way, I can write when I can write, schedule (or queue) posts to go out, and that can be the extent of my activity. I'd like to do original art for said posts so you have something to look at beyond a wall of text, but honestly my choices there are limited (like, AI - which, yeah, I know the problems there - or stock photos of spirals and such) so I don't know if that will happen. I also want to write more on safety topics, but I feel like at this point that has been talked to death and so I might as well just write stories that weave those things in. Teaching through storytelling is a tried and true method anyway, so I might as well feature that. I also want to loop in all the other aesthetics and kinks and stuff that interests me, because - shocker I know - mind control isn't all I kink on.
Anyway, this has mostly been a vehicle for me to ramble on and ponder what I'm going to do. Since I'm done doing that, in the words of Overly Sarcastic Productions... "so... yeah."
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crystalelemental · 2 years ago
Pokemon Team Characterization - Geeta
Earlier today, a Reddit post for Pokemon Masters asked about who the most popular of the less popular champions was.  The general results are inconsequential, if depressing to me personally.  What this particular story is about is a comment that mentioned Alder feels like he was designed to be weaker, with one of the reasons cited being he uses “off-meta” Pokemon.  Which is wild, because that’s the same reason people big up Blue.  Blue’s Pidgeot, a Pokemon which has always been bottom meta (barring its mega giving it short-lived half-relevance), is considered a prime example of his characterization as someone who really does care about his Pokemon, because he keeps what was his first capture all the way through the League, indicating some sentimentality.  Which is correct!  That’s how it should be.  Look at the team, and get a sense of what that character is about from how they construct their battle lineup.  But this never really comes up beyond Blue’s sentimentality, characters like Cyrus and Volo having friendship-evolving Pokemon to indicate the good in them, or claiming Red is the best because he “doesn’t need legends to win like other protagonist.”  Which feels like a very limited way to approach things.
But also it’s been like 20 years and no one’s really dug into teams to craft a sense of personality before that I’ve seen.  And if no one else is doing it, I guess it’s time to do it myself.  So I’m starting with the last winner of that poll, and the generally acknowledge least popular champion: Geeta.  I did a general analysis of her team before, so consider this a sort of spiritual successor.
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Here is Geeta’s team, as listed on Bulbapedia.  The top left is her lead, the bottom right her ace that comes out last.  I’ll break this down talking about what I interpret for the lead, for the ace, and any general impressions from other Pokemon added in.
The Lead Geeta’s Espathra is one of my favorite leads.  I think this is exceptionally clever, if relegated to a game that makes it too easy to be over-prepared.
Opportunistic copies your buffs.  If you try to set up on her, she will copy those same boosts.  As a very fast threat, Espathra is difficult to outpace, which can make boosting a tempting choice, only to run into how badly you’ve played yourself.  Lumina Crash, as a sharp debuffing of special defense, doubled down on this.  Trying to accept playing defensively will run into the issue of Espathra breaking you down really fast.  Quick Attack handles finishing a job against Sturdy or something that barely survived, and Reflect as team support to block physical attackers, which are much harder for Espathra to handle.  While Dark-types are generally more resistant, Dazzling Gleam is the best bet to respond to them as well.
A lead like this shows that Geeta is someone who can get inside of the opponent’s head, and consider their possible actions.  From second 1, she’s set up immediate countermeasures to most methods of setup, both offensive and defensive.  She takes immediate, decisive action, while considering most possible angles of attack.  She is someone who’s thorough and deliberate, and takes advantage of an opponent who can’t respond quickly.
General Team (Avalugg, Gogoat, Kingambit) The remainder of Geeta’s team is largely bulky offense.  Nothing is particularly fast, but much of it is geared toward bulk.  Of note, however, is that very little emphasizes recovery.  Despite Avalugg having Recover as an option, Geeta opts instead for raw offense, choosing moves like Body Press and Avalanche, which utilize Avalugg’s strengths and weaknesses to full effect, dishing out better damage from physical defense and from going second respectively.  Gogoat is the exception to this, with Horn Leech and Bulk Up.  Notably, this is Geeta’s only form of setup sweeping.  I think of further note is that Gogoat’s coverage moves are...odd.  I know it gets Ground-type moves.  That would be infinitely more valuable as coverage, yet she opts for Psychic and Fairy, which ultimately do very little for Gogoat’s performance.  And of course, there’s Kingambit, which every likes to point out, should probably be last in her team to make the most of its ability.
Gogoat being her second suggests to me that, when her immediate plan fails, Geeta’s the kind to step back and operate with more deliberation.  She’ll take things slow and get the measure of a situation, trying to buy time to properly assess the next move.  It may also indicate a sort of overconfidence; she didn’t think she’d need to come up with a backup plan.  The lack of sensible coverage implies she’s not necessarily quick on her mental feet, and requires that time to make more sound judgments.  Considering the next three, I think she generally gets there.  She’s able to take stock of what’s present, and emphasize strengths while covering weaknesses.  She gets a generally full picture, but her approach is still fairly...brute force.  She wants a quick resolution; something that’s do or die.  She’s not someone who backs down, stalls for time, or gets defensive.  She’ll push ahead regardless.  She’ll take an early minute to come up with a Plan B, but she’ll always keep going.  If from there it’s a loss, then you take that loss and wait for another chance.
Her Ace Glimmora as the ace is widely considered a bad move, given that its Toxic Debris does nothing for her that late in the game.  Its coverage moves are very sensible, but again, it’s raw power with no real embellishment.  This being her Tera Pokemon, it shifts to Rock, a type notorious for being good offensively, but atrocious defensively.  It’s also an exceptionally rare Pokemon in Paldea proper, with significant ties to the crater.
The emphasis on offense is, again, just her MO.  She plays a bit more aggressively.  The decision to go against Poison, a much more defensive typing, suggests a sort of unwillingness to back down.  Geeta is someone who always pushes forward.  But at the same time, the insistence that it be her ace, her last Pokemon to bring in, suggests that, although she can leverage strengths and weaknesses as seen through Avalugg, there are certain values or structures she’s unwilling to compromise.  Some things just have to be done a certain way; there’s a certain rigidity to her thinking that can be seen as highly inflexible.  But it’s important to her, and she’ll hold to it come hell or high water.  As for the crater connection...
Where The Team Is Found All of her Pokemon correspond to specific areas in Paldea.  Gogoat early in the east, Espathra early in the west, Avalugg at the mountain, Veluza at the lake, Kingambit in the north, and Glimmora in the crater.  The wide-spread focus on where they’re found implies a general appreciation for her region; a sort of love for all it has to offer.  But of interesting note is...they’re all common.
Skiddo and Flittle are super common.  Veluza’s really common at the lake, even if less so than Tatsugiri (which I wish she had but oh well).  Kingambit itself is hard to acquire, but Pawniard are like the most common thing in the bamboo forest.  Bergmite are not hard to find.  And within the crater, Glimmet and Glimmora are exceptionally common.  The fact that, barring Glimmora’s surface presence being non-existent, all of her team is common?  It suggests an appreciation for the mundane and every-day.  In contrast to a champion like Cynthia, whose team is largely comprised of the hardest stuff in the region to find, Geeta champions what’s most easily found.  Not even necessarily the glamorous or marketable every-day.  She doesn’t have an Arboliva, which is both common and a sort of mascot evolutionary line for much of the region.  Just...regular old common stuff you’d find anywhere, and wouldn’t be exceptionally celebrated.
Geeta is someone who takes joy in the simple things.  While she’s someone in a position of significant power, who is very driven to perform well in her career, the things she enjoys most are the little things, like seeing the students of the academic learn and grow as trainers.  In a way, it’s that emphasis of “everyone starts somewhere, and can grow into something exceptional.”  Kingambit is a decent example; that thing is hard to get to evolve because it takes some dedication and know-how.  The base form may be common, but putting in the effort to build something exceptional is how Geeta operates.  She’ll take anything at what it is, and make it shine.
But I think there’s also a connection to the whole treasure theme of the game, in Glimmora.  Going into the crater is a rarity.  It’s not something anyone gets to do, and it’s a very unique experience.  One that she apparently cherishes, given that Glimmora is her ace; the one she insists on using last as her most precious partner, despite how little tactical sense it makes.  It’s a sentimentality she carries with her, and a reminder of a cherished memory.
Summation Geeta’s team suggests someone who is able to carefully consider all possible outcomes, and produce a countermeasure to address as many obstacles as possible right away.  She’s someone who, when a plan goes wrong, falls back and tries to take a slow, measured approach before responding, but often falls back to more direct approaches.  She’s able to conceptualize strengths and weaknesses, including her own given the implied understanding of her need to step back after an initial setback, and operates well with them in mind.  But at the same time, there are things she won’t compromise on, even if it’s directly to her detriment.  She enjoys the things that are mundane and ordinary, but cherishes unique experiences more than anything, and may be rather sentimental at times, letting emotionality override her generally logical and structured nature.
If anyone has a different read on her, I’d love to hear it.  I actually really like Geeta, in spite of her being fairly bland in the base game, so it always bums me out to remember she’s unpopular.  Hearing from others that like her would be a nice change of pace.
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phantombanquet · 2 years ago
【4gamer】 Ensemble Stars!! In the 16th episode of 「CAFE CINNAMON Niki's Kitchen」, Crazy:B head to “Honey Workshop” (Post-recording Interview Portion ONLY)
translation by: phantombanquet
Post-recording Interview
Youhei Azakami as Rinne Amagi
Tomohiro Yamaguchi as Niki Shiina
Jun Kasama as HiMERU
Tasuku Kaito as Kohaku Oukawa
4gamer: Thank you for your hard work during the long day location shooting today!
Everyone: Thank you for your hard work!
4gamer: It's almost time for the location bus to leave, so I'll try not to make this interview too long.
Tomohiro Yamaguchi (hereafter referred to as Yamaguchi): We don't necessarily have to finish it!? (Laughs)
4gamer: Thank you! Then, could you give us a few words about today's event?
Yamaguchi: Well, I'm tired (Laughs). But the reason I say “tired” is because the four of us (from Crazy:B) have tons of fun when we're all together, and we've also been talking sooo much since this morning. We're all close friends, so we enjoyed talking to each other during the shooting. I feel that the script was even less relevant than before, or rather, it was because I was able to shoot on a location with the people I trust, so it was a lot of fun, and made me feel pleasantly exhausted.
Youhei Azakami (hereafter referred to as Azakami): When all four of us gather together, I just get spoiled by everyone, and I really love these members who accept that (part of me). Also, today's shooting location made me think: “Bees are really cute”. And to think that every single one of these bees is making honey like that, it made me realize how precious they are. Today was a day that made me love bees, honey, and Crazy:B even more. Thank you so much!
4gamer: By the way, Azakami-san, what is the name of the dish you made today.....?
Azakami: We~ll..... Earth. Cycle. And...
Yamaguchi: Wasn't “Earth” the last? The first is “Life”.
Azakami: Life. Cycle. Earth......Brilliance.
Jun Kasama (hereafter referred to as Kasama): I have a feeling that's not it.....?
Yamaguchi: Anything is fine! (Laughs)
4gamer: I understand. Then, Kasama-san, please give us your comments as well.
Kasama: Alright. So, the last would be Tasuku Kaito-kun.
Azakami/Yamaguchi: Summarize it properly, okay?
Tasuku Kaito (hereafter referred to as Kaito): Yeahhhh.... (Laughs)
Kasama: As Tomo-kun (Tomohiro Yamaguchi) mentioned earlier, I was happy that us four Crazy:B members could have fun yet still make interesting entertainment, without having to say “I have to say this,” or “I have to do this,” for something. I felt that there was an atmosphere that could only be created by these four members, and I really felt that I could rely on them.
I also went to see the beehive again, but without protective clothing this time, after the recording was over. I'm sure everyone else has noticed, but bees have a similar lifestyle to humans; they work hard around noon, but when the evening hits, I feel like they all go: “Thank you for your hard work today...”
4gamer: So it's something like that!
Kasama: In this way, I felt that we humans, who are also living beings, should be thankful for the graces we receive that are like in the form of honey. It was a location that gave me new feelings towards bees and honey, and also made me feel the fun of Crazy:B, which uses them (bees and honey) as their motif.
Yamaguchi: That was a good comment.....
Azakami: And then?
Kasama: And then...?
Kaito: I'm under a lot of pressure for the next comment (Laughs). (Being asked by the members: “So, how was it?”, “What did you think about today?”) Why am I being pestered so much today!
Everyone: (Laughs)
Kaito: But, all I can say is: “It was really fun”. It was a location shooting that made me feel once again the dependability and reassuring nature of the other three, and also the greatness in each and one of us. It's not often for all four of us to gather together like this, but I think it was a valuable day for us to be able to experience various things with bees, which are the motif is this unit, at a bee farm. Seeing the bees made me feel even closer to life.
Unlike when coming alone, I was able to enjoy the experience together with these older brothers, and I think I also was able to find new discoveries. I hope to engrave this experience in my mind, and have fun while making this unit even more exciting.
Yamaguchi: I'm the only one who didn't talk about “life”.....
Azakami: Are you saying you don't care about it that much?
Yamaguchi: I'm just living on the edge! (Laughs)
4gamer: This year, there will be a cast live performance (「Ensemble Stars!! Cast Live Starry Symphony -the first light-」 to be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023, and Sunday, October 1, 2023), so maybe there will be more opportunities for you four to get together again.
Kasama: Certainly.
Azakami: This was a very good early opportunity for the future!
Yamaguchi: Teamwork, and also bonding with the bees... (Laughs)
Azakami: Just being together (with you guys) for one day already makes me super duper tired.
Kasama: You (are the boke)!
Azakami: You're tired of being the tsukkomi, aren't you? (translator's note at the end)
Kasama: No, of course, I mean it in a good way? (Laughs)
Yamaguchi: But the good thing about Crazy:B is that when you say something silly, someone will make a comeback. Rather than sharing roles with everyone, it's more “Crazy:B-style” that we all enjoy ourselves on the spot, but it also makes me feel tired.... (Laughs) But that makes it twice as fun!
4gamer: By the way, is this the first time that the four of you have been together for such a long time?
Kaito: No, maybe not?
Azakami: If there's a performance (live concert, event, etc.), we're all together the whole day.
Yamaguchi: That's why it really doesn't feel like “it's been a long time” since whenever we meet, we immediately feel at ease with each other, we chat, and afterwards, we go home, and then we see each other again..... It goes something like that. I think that we, Crazy:B, have the kind of feeling like friends who feel at home/comfortable whenever we see each other.
4gamer: Indeed, and I think that the viewers could strongly feel this in this recording. Well then, that concludes our interview for today.....
Yamaguchi: Eh, are we finished already? I haven't talked about “life” yet...
Everyone: (Laughs)
4gamer: I look forward to your future activities! Thank you for today!
Link to original interview
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translation note:
※ Boke and Tsukkomi are the roles in a Manzai, which is the traditional style of Japanese comedy (basically similar to stand-up comedy); Boke is the funny man while Tsukkomi is the straight/serious man. Here, Azakami was referencing how Kasama usually takes up the Tsukkomi role, and how they switched roles for today (Azakami usually does the Boke role).
(You may have heard/read this from mostly Trickstar stories since they reference it a lot, but several other Enstars [and any media in general] characters like to reference this!)
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foxgloveinspace · 2 years ago
My 'simple' Sleep Token Theory:
I couldn't make this less then 7 points, oh my gosh. Maybe I can condense it down at some other point, But I Got To Do The Dishes. All this being said, I still like my old theory, and will talk about it if anyone wants to, I just think this is more.... likely of a theory lmao.
1). Each song is it's own isolated story that has themes and connections to each other. There are four types of sleep token songs: songs about sex, isolation, worship, and insomnia. All songs are Vessel's POV, and either something he wants to tell us or something Sleep/sleep wants to tell us.
2). Vessel straight up told us that each song is a token to Sleep, and that Sleep heightens emotions, so while something could be a simple emotion, for the song it is a Very Big Deal, so it can create a feedback loop and be a bigger worship moment for Sleep.
3). I think, after thinking about since I posted it, that my 'shit post' wasn't that much of a shit post, and that Vessel, behind the mask, is a person who suffers from insomnia, and that Sleep really does = sleep. Everything about Sleep the deity can be literal sleep deprivation symptoms. So while story Sleep is a god, their inspiration is just straight up Lack of Sleep.
4). I think the music videos are just vibes, not plot relevant, so the idea that Vessel has powers isnt really canon to me. They could also be visual representations of Nightmares Vessel has had in the past.
5). I think that if we are going off of Sleep = sleep, even in the story, then we have a slight Cult of the Lamb moment going on here, and Sleep Token has never been about collecting followers for sleep, but followers for Vessel (which at the end of the day, we are. We are Vessels followers, cause this is his persona and story and there is No Sleep. We are just this guys band cult while he sings about sex, and loneliness, and isolation, and worship kink).
6). I don't think Sleep is evil?? Like a lot of people, myself included, hear these vibes in the music and forget that it's a Heightened emotion, and that because of that yeah it can seem like maybe Sleep is not good. Yeah, they probably argue, or when Vessel is suffering from insomnia (both irl and in the story) it probably feels like Sleep has abandoned him. But why would the whole point of the band be 'Worship Sleep' outside of the music if that was the case? Wouldn't the vibes be different outside of those situations? So i think while Sleep and Vessel have a weird relationship, like an insomniac and the human suffering from it, I think that ultimately they can't be without each other.
7). I do not, never have, still don't, think Vessel will 'die' at the end of TMBTE. As stated above, Vessel dying makes no since to the narrative, even if Sleep is a god, why would they kill the person they have chosen to spread their message? Or even 'take over' the person? Sleep seems to love Vessel in their own, so this idea just makes no sense to me. 'Why did Vessel's mask change if he isn't a new Vessel?' why would you limit yourself to one mask if that's the only way people knew you?? It's an outfit change to match the changing of the vibes of the new album.
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starlitangels · 8 months ago
Why I'm 'The' Avior Fan
for @plaqying's little Awards event!
I have quite a few reasons
The first is that he's been my favorite character since I first heard his playlist and made myself obnoxious on this blog about that fact
Basically, the brainrot took hold and I was one of the ones who was constantly thinking about his story and proposing potential theories for where his plotline was going
I listened to his playlist so many times, trying to pick out any tiny little obscure details for lore and hints and clues, and I made a lot of posts about it
Another big reason I could be considered "the" Avior fan is that I have had people tag me in Avior fan art that others had done with captions like "Star, I think you'll want to see this" (I did). My reputation for being That One Person who was Unbelievably Down Bad/Obsessed had spread enough that people would see Avior and one of their thoughts when they reblogged it was to tag me because they knew I'd go wild over it (I did)
Does crying my eyes out for the entire 45 minute Truth audio count as a reason? Because my investment was so deep and my heartbreak was so much that I literally couldn't stop? Thank the heavens I was home alone at the time my husband would have been so confused lol
I don't know if I've written the most Avior fanfiction out there but I definitely wrote a lot and quite a few of them got a lot of response about being pretty good, so I'll take that
I also wrote some heartbreakingly angsty Avior headcanons that got me (affectionately) yelled at iirc
Also, I started learning how to draw again after a... multi-year hiatus because I specifically wanted to draw pieces of Avior and Starlight's story #Dedication
My profile picture has almost always been some variation of my version of Starlight
You could literally ask anyone who are regulars in my notes "Which Redacted voiced character do you associate with Star" and I guarantee most of them would say Avior maybe Elliott if they found me during that one specific era last spring but that's beside the point
A very kind soul on my birthday one year drew a doodle of Avior giving me a cupcake. Said kind soul didn't even have to ask who would make me the happiest to receive a cupcake from
I am, literally, like, The Avior Person to a lot of people around here and you can ask around and they would probably tell you that immediately
Lastly, my energy for keeping up with Redacted kinda faded in this last little while it will be back, I guarantee you but even when I was starting to feel myself pulling away a little, I will still drop everything and run to grab my headphones when Avior gets his rare uploads
Oh did I say lastly? Too bad I'm still going I literally have done more fan art for Avior than any other character in the history of me learning how to draw. I also consistently tag posts about him with "Sarcastic Demon my beloved" because, again, he is my beloved XD
This one specific character just kinda grabbed me and refused to let go and there were many days of washing dishes filled with me relistening to Sovereign State over and over and over again
Also Erik dropped Other Side by Anberlin as "a song with Avior vibes" and it immediately got added to like three playlists of mine because it slapped and also broke my heart but that was right before the Truth audio and it still breaks my heart but this is slightly less relevant
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november 2022, purple carrot meal reviews:
penne with pesto and broccolini:
eating straight up roasted broccolini (or any of the brassica oleracea cultivars) not mixed into a larger dish will never be exciting to me, very "well I guess I'll eat these vegetables before I have the good-tasting part," but at least it wasn't just straight up broccoli.
The pesto is fucking delicious. It's made with sage rather than basil, and you put some spinach in there too (which might be typical for pesto but I've never made pesto before.) Taking a bite and discovering that some of it has snuck up into the hollow penne tubes is a wonderful little surprise treat every time.
The pasta was gluten free, I guess, which isn't relevant to me, but also wasn't something I would have noticed if it hadn't been labelled as such, so good job there.
It made me use the food processor, which means I had to clean the food processor, which I don't appreciate from a meal kit. I thought these were supposed to be fast and easy!
Still, extremely tasty, less work than I expected, and I felt very nourished. There's a reason I made this one first. 4/5
"thanksgiving sandwiches"
I don't think there's any way to spend 40 minutes making a sandwich and feel good about it. These are ciabatta rolls on which you put an array of ingredients that will dirty half a dozen dishes in your kitchen. Bowls, a saucepan, a roasting pan, a whisk, the gang's all here. The main "meat" of the sandwich is roasted brussels sprouts, which is not exciting and also incredibly impractical. Putting large solid orbs in your sandwich means the process of eating the sandwich is centered on the effort to prevent those orbs from falling out and rolling away. They had the audacity to expect me to also dip the sandwiches into a gravy mixture, which would be an insane thing to do with any sandwich, but even moreso with one as precarious as this.
The other main ingredient is broccoli slaw, which would stay in the sandwich well enough if the bread were allowed to embrace it, however these huge brussels orbs prevent this, so actually this is a brussels sprout sandwich with a side of broccoli slaw that starts out inside the sandwich.
If you are very very careful, you still can't prevent the entire brussels sprout from ejecting itself from the sandwich and into your mouth the instant you bite, and now you your job is trying to make it through this enormous brussels sprout before you can take another bite of the parts of the food that taste good. My jaw hurts. Possibly I should have roasted the brussels sprouts for longer, but shoving gigantic brussels sprouts into a sandwich was a mistake from the start.
utter foolishness. 2/5
Also unless I'm missing something, both of the above recipes straight up lied about including garlic among the provided ingredients. Luckily I had garlic on hand, but that could have been very annoying.
[note from the present: there was a third meal in that kit that I intended to do a silly little review for too but then I never got around to making it. ty to Fen for sending me the free mealkit tho, I was eating really badly around that time and it was really good to eat some stuff that was actually good & nutritious]
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finitevoid · 3 months ago
-peruvian (yherefore i am east asian) (the joke is that peru has a lot of chinese/japanese people and influence in the general culture because of 19th century migration. Look up any peruvian dish you will see we practically ripped it off of china or japan its kind of insane. arroz chaufa. tiradito) (this wouldve landed better if i left it at the first parenthesis but i need to explain it aorry. Like if i just left it there you wouldve thought i was being absurdist and not making an intentional reference to perus demographics)
-doesnt mask
-allistic about food
-not alt
-single mom
-animal enjoyer in a little mroe of an autistic way
-i thunk i like true crime more than you. Not exactly true crime but like, plane crash videos
-i thjnk my speech patterns are more abnormal but you are more eloquent. Like on the spot you could do a better gundham impression while i would stutter. Does having more speech autism mean i am closer to gundham? but its also a bit of an esl issue on my end which makes me sonia.?
-autistic about food
-unsingle mom
-animal enjoyer but you draw the line at insects. Would sonia do that? Probably not
-normal attitude towards true crime. On a spectrum from sonia to families of murdered loved ones who were put on true crime podcasts you are somewhere in the middle :) we all are .:??1(1?
I feel like my earnest and genuine love of gore and torture in written form is part of the true crime aspect to this discussion but I don’t know where to put it. Like I’m really normal about real life dead people but I can read someone getting like a stabwound fucked on a regular tuesday . Sorry that I’m insane Imcoming out of the closet
also I wanna point out that while you’re a volcel people have like a fascination with you socially. People seek you out in weird ways like they find you charismatic but not in a normal way like they treat you like a court jester or a cool looking bug or something. which I think is relevant and don’t think I share this
sonia would like bugs bc she’s more of a weird girl than me
It’s true that I stutter a lot less than you and while gundham does talk Weird he also talks in a weirdly form words which I feel like I do too. I have to explain the meaning of words to my friends sometimes .
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aung-khant-kyaw · 6 months ago
Is Blogging Still Relevant in the Age of TikToks and Instagram?
With apps like TikTok and Instagram dominating the social media landscape, you may wonder if classic content creation methods, such as blogging, are still relevant today. TikTok's quick attention-span-destroying short videos and Instagram's different trending posts and reels and stories have undoubtedly captured people's attention, but does this imply blogging is dead? Spoiler-alert!! It is not. While our information consumption habits have changed, blogging remains a relevant and important tool in today's digital environment. Let us dive into the subject.
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The Rise of Short-Form Content: TikTok and Instagram
TikTok and Instagram have become popular platforms for people, particularly young people like me, seeking quick, entertaining content. TikTok's algorithm and model of super-short videos, most of which are less than a minute, have refined the skill of keeping people's attention for short periods of time. Instagram, on the other hand, has its own model of photos, Stories, and Reels, which are comparable to TikTok's short movies, to keep its users browsing, liking, and swiping their way through unlimited content.
But here's the thing: these platforms were designed for something that I would call quick gratification. You get the enjoyment or, God forbid, information you need, but it is usually brief. You scroll, like, and move on. You'll most likely forget about the quick enjoyment or "information" you viewed in a day or two. While these apps are great for grabbing your attention for a brief period of time, they are not always ideal for in-depth exploration or explaining something in detail. This is where blogging shines.
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Blogging: A Space for Depth and Thought
Blogging allows creators to go in depth, something TikTok and Instagram do not. Whether you're writing about personal experiences, breaking down a hard topic, or providing a step-by-step tutorial, blogs enable long-form material that adds actual value in ways that short TikTok videos and reels cannot. For example, a chef may post a short video about her dish on TikTok, but on her blog, she can break down each step of the recipe - why she prepared it that way, what other ingredients can be substituted for the original ingredients, and even share the ingredient list in detail for others to follow.
Blogs also enable control and creativity. Creators can create their own designs for their sites, upload songs, movies, and photos at the same time, and create posts without being limited by the app's algorithm and format, such as word count. You want to write 1000 words explaining why getting up early and walking around helped you feel so much better about yourself? You can do this on your blog. You may try it on TikTok, and I guarantee you'll lose your audience within approximately 15 seconds.
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The Secret Weapon of Blogging
Blogs have a significant edge over TikTok and Instagram in terms of search engine visibility, such as Google. TikTok and Instagram postings may go popular for a day or two, but a well-written, SEO-optimized(Search engine optimization) blog post can generate visitor traffic for years. People can search the internet for answers to their questions, and blog postings frequently show in the top results.
Consider this: if you want an in-depth recipe or a lengthy product review, will you go to TikTok and rely on the algorithm to provide it? Probably not. Most people still use Google, and they are more inclined to click on a blog website that provides a full explanation or guidance.
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Blogging with Social Media
The good news is that it is not a competition. This should not be a competition. Blogging and social media can work together. Many content providers now use TikTok and Instagram to market their blog pages. They will share a short video or photo on social media, followed by a link to their blog with the complete article.
A travel influencer, for example, may publish a short video of their trip on Instagram but direct readers to their blog for a comprehensive tour, including ideas for where to visit, eat, and explore. This combination provides artists with the best of both worlds: quick engagement on social media and deeper connection via blog content.
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The Longevity of Blogs
Another reason blogging remains relevant? Longevity. Content on TikTok or Instagram typically has a relatively limited lifespan. A post may go viral for a few days, but it is quickly forgotten unless it is part of a larger trend. In contrast, blogs STAY. A useful or engaging content can generate traffic months or even years after it is first published, especially if it ranks high in search engines.
This is especially vital for individuals and businesses who want to establish a long-term presence online. Blogs are like digital real estate that you have complete control over, as opposed to social media sites where algorithms change and audience reach can decline overnight. Furthermore, you can always update blog entries to keep them fresh and relevant, extending their lifespan even further.
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Monetization and Community Building
Blogging also offers a unique way to interact with an audience. While TikTok and Instagram are great for building a following, blogs allow creators to cultivate a more involved audience. Blog comment sections typically offer more civilized discussions, and many bloggers use email newsletters to stay in touch with their readers.
In terms of monetization, blogs provide more control. Ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and even selling their own products or services directly on their websites are all ways for creators to earn money. This kind of control is more difficult to attain on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where monetization is mainly based on brand relationships or platform-specific features such as Instagram's shopping or TikTok's creator fund.
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Blogging in 2024 and Beyond
While blogging may not be as visually appealing as TikTok dances or Instagram Stories, it is far from obsolete. In reality, it is adapting to fit into today's digital landscape. Newer platforms, such as Substack and Medium, have modernized the blogging experience by allowing writers to monetise their content via subscriptions while maintaining a focus on long-form writing.
Furthermore, many successful bloggers use short-form content on their blogs. They'll include TikTok videos, Instagram postings, or YouTube snippets in their articles, giving their readers a variety of media while maintaining the depth and information that blogs are known for.
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Conclusion: Blogging Isn’t Going Anywhere
Looking at how current internet is dominated by TikTok and Instagram, blogging may appear outdated. However, it remains relevant—and, in many ways, thrives. Blogging offers depth, Search Engine benefits, and a long-term platform for authors looking to share more than simply short content. While TikTok and Instagram are fantastic for gaining attention and creating a following, blogs allow creators to establish authority, foster community, and deliver content that lasts much longer than a viral video.
Is blogging still relevant in the era of TikTok and Instagram? Absolutely. It's more than just relevant; it's adapting, growing, and demonstrating that long-form material still has a place in the digital age.
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Lemonade Design. (2024) Why Blogging in 2024 is More Important Than Ever. Available at: https://lemonadedesign.co/why-blogging-in-2024-is-more-important-than-ever/ (Accessed: 23 September 2024).
Your Marketing People. (2024) Why Blogs are Important for SEO. Available at: https://yourmarketingpeople.com/blog/why-blogs-are-important-for-seo/ (Accessed: 23 September 2024).
HubSpot. (2024) Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide. Available at: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-media-marketing/ (Accessed: 23 September 2024).
ProBlogger. (2024) How to Make Money Blogging. Available at: https://problogger.com/make-money-blogging/ (Accessed: 23 September 2024).
Manson Space. (2024) Why Blogging Still Matters. Available at: https://manson.space/blog/why-blogging-still-matters/ (Accessed: 24 September 2024).
Siapera, E. (2012) Understanding New Media. London: Sage Publications.
Rettberg, J. W. (2014) Blogging. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Goodwin, D. (2024) What is SEO? Search Engine Land. Available at: https://searchengineland.com/guide/what-is-seo (Accessed: 24 September 2024).
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crazypersonmentality · 7 months ago
Enhance your Bathroom with Efficient Vanity and Counter Organizers
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An orderly bathroom provides a pleasant feeling and also adds functionality and operational efficiency. Among the necessities for order, one must remember to mention bathroom vanity organizers, bathroom counter organizers, and other related bathroom organizers. They help maintain tidiness in the area and also make it easier to undertake activities in a day. rous Hardware provides various kinds of organizers that will fit your needs and enhance your bathroom experience.
Reasons Bathroom Organizers Are Important
Bathroom organizers may be considered an insignificant accessory, but they can have a notable influence on the effectiveness and appearance of your space. Here's why they're great to have:
Utilization of Space
Most bathrooms are small, which means that every space available should be used well. Organizers help utilize this space fully and go a step further in storing and retrieving your everyday essentials.
Vertical Storage: Most organizers readily take advantage of vertical storage spaces, hence cutting off the counters and making the relevant items easy to reach.
Drawer Dividers: They are a must in vanity drawers, as they help separate items and locate unrealized messes neatly.
Improved Effectiveness
An uncluttered look at the bathroom, to say nothing of the functions of the room, also makes a bathroom more efficient. With an order, every other thing has its designated area, meaning less time to look for things and more time to carry out the activities that you intended to do.
Quick Access: Organizers minimize the hunt for essential objects, which makes getting ready faster.
Reduced Clutter: Thanks to the use of containers for everything, you do not have to endure the anger of seeing an overflowing hygienist or beauty siren– display.
Enhancing Appearance
A neat bath area is more appealing. By organizing your items using nice-looking and functional organizers, you can improve the look of the bathroom.
Streamlined Look: Organizational tools help maintain a high standard of order in the wash space's decor.
Decorative Options: Many organizational systems are also attractive due to their design.
Types of Bathroom Organizers
There is no single type of organizer that can solve all your problems since the room design is different. There are several common types:
Bathroom Vanity Organizers
Vanity organizers are critical as they assist in organizing cosmetics and beauty products. Bathroom vanity organizers are available in different types to cater to various needs.
Tray Organizers: Trays are excellent for storing items such as mascara, eyeliners, jewelry, and other small items that would otherwise litter the basin. They could be used on the top of a table or inside a drawer.
Drawer Inserts: To keep your drawer neat, use strips in the dividers to compartmentalize things. These can be movable or fixed, as your needs dictate.
Stackable bins: Stackable bins are ideal for a cosmopolitan look, where multiple items have to be concealed in ill-designed drawers which lack sufficient storage space.
Bathroom Counter Organizers
If countless odds and ends are invading the plain and free space of your bathroom countertop, this is where the bathroom counter organizer comes in. Such organizers are made in a wide range of shapes and sizes to fit various items.
Caddy Organizers: Caddies offer a great deal of versatility because they can contain many types of materials, from bathroom items to cleaning items. Most often, they include compartments to facilitate sorting.
Lazy Susans: A revolving dish makes it convenient for users since there is hardly any need to move away from the item to be used, even with a number of similar items on the counter. Thus, it is useful when space is constrained.
Tiered Trays: These function differently from the standard lowering of trays by providing additional surfaces with more than one level. This allows for the neat arranging of articles considering height, hence curbing the wasting of space.
General Bathroom Organizers
Apart from the ones dealing with vanity and counter organization, other organizational tools for the bathroom are helpful.
Shower Caddies: Placing items in hanging caddies prevents them from being thrown around the shower area, as the important things to shower with will not be scattered all over the shell.
Over-the-Door Organizers: As the name suggests, these organizers are placed on top of a door without taking up any floor space in the bathroom.
Under-Sink Organizers: Cleaning accessories and plenty of other items would be secured under the sink, making the area that is otherwise thought to be wasted very useful.
How to Choose the Right Organizer
Picking the right bathroom organizer requires consideration of your space, style, and storage requirements. Find below some guidelines that would help you make the right choice:
Assess Your Space
First, take an overview of the dimensions and configuration of your bathroom—Mark all the places that require storage and the things that need to be stored.
Counter Space: When the countertop looks messy, it is better to have any counter organizers such as trays or caddies.
For docent insertion in drawer space organization, one may consider incorporating encasements or dividers to some items.
Consider Your Style
Every won disdainful fy is canned for use in awfully ugly homes. It is important to get organizers that match the color of the bathroom.
Material: The materials range from plastic and metallic to wooden or glass, making the whole process very enjoyable. Choose a material that is in line with the rest of the bathroom's look and colors.
Design: Do you want organizers with modern, sleek lines, traditional baroque style, or a combination of the two?
Evaluate Functionality
Functionality is one of the most important aspects to consider when choosing organizers. Their purpose should be clear, and functionality means comfortable execution of their work.
Accessibility: Pick organizers that do not limit your users in terms of items to be accessed. Trays and caddies must make it possible to reach anything easily.
Capacity: Even if the items you are going to place inside the container organizer are too many, the organizer will still accommodate all the items very well.
One argument in favor of a good bathroom is that it will have a good organizational system in place. By selecting the correct bathroom vanity organizers, bathroom counter organizers, and general bathroom organizers, it is possible to overhaul how the area looks and how useful it is. Luckily, rous Hardware provides a variety of stylish and practical organizers that are of high quality and will help in achieving the desired results.
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nrfarm · 9 months ago
Elevate Your Snacking Game: Best Quality Raisins in India to buy in  2024.
Raisins are a popular kitchen component that is often referred to as "little pearls of sun." Choosing the best quality raisins in India can be difficult with so many alternatives available. However, N.R. Farms are the only place to look! With great pleasure, we present to you exquisite sweets fresh from nature: delicately sun-dried and full of taste.
Our Trip from Farm to Table: What Identifies N.R. Farms
Our tale begins in the sun-kissed vineyards, where we handpick only the ripest, juiciest grapes to provide the basis for the best quality raisins in India to buy. Unlike many commercial raisins, ours do not include any preservatives or additives. Our exceptional items demonstrate our belief in allowing nature to work its magic.
Revealing Sun-Drying's Secret:
An ancient method still at the core of our operations at N.R. Farms are sun drying. Our grapes are carefully spread out to dry perfectly naturally beneath the hot Indian sun. This process intensifies the grape's flavor profile in addition to bringing out more sweetness.The last result? The best quality raisins in India to buy come oozing with unparalleled organic sweetness.
N.R. Farm raisins are a powerhouse of nourishment. They have relevance for the following reasons:
Natural Energy Boost: Loaded with natural sugars and fiber, our raisins offer a quick and healthy way to combat fatigue.
Antioxidant Rich: Packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, promoting overall well-being.
Fiber for Digestion: The high fiber content aids digestion and provides a lasting feeling of fullness.
Essential Vitamins and Minerals: With iron, potassium, and calcium, our raisins contribute to a balanced diet.
N.R. Farms Raisins' Versatility: A Delicious Journey Awaits
Indeed, a few of N.R. Farms' best black raisins in India are pure joy. But did you know that they are also a tasty change, ready to take your food to new heights?
Baking Bonanza: N.R. Farm's raisins give a burst of natural sweetness and a deliciously chewy texture that elevates any baked goods from traditional cookies and muffins to rich cakes and exquisite bread.
Trail Mix Takeoff: Use N.R. Farms raisins in your own trail mix to fuel your travels! Mix them with your preferred nuts, seeds, and other dried fruits for a filling and nutritious on-the-go snack that will give you loads of energy.
Salad Surprise: Adding chopped N.R. Farms raisins to your salads gives them a delicious surprise. Every bite is elevated by the surprising chewiness and hint of sweetness that combine to create an explosion of flavor and texture.
Savory Symphony: Don't be scared to use your imagination! Raisins from N.R. Farms can give savory meals an unexpectedly rich taste boost. Try them in curries for a deliciously subtle sweetness that goes well with the spices.
Granola Glory: Make your granola to start the day correctly! N.R. Farms raisins provide the perfect amount of sweetness and chewy texture to your morning fuel, making each bowl a delightful and nourishing treat.
Discover N.R. Farms: India's Best Raisins
We at N.R. Farms are dedicated to providing you with the best black raisins in India. We employ traditional sun-drying techniques because we believe in the power of sunshine to produce naturally sweet and fragrant raisins.We promise that every best quality raisins in india you eat is both ethical and delicious because of our commitment to sustainable agricultural methods and responsible sourcing. 
Are You Ready to Discover a Flavorful World?
To get N.R. Farm raisins, go to our website or visit a nearby store right now! Take a delicious trip and discover how these versatile gems may improve any dish. Choose the best and experience the N.R. Farm difference! Do not settle for anything less!
Visit: https://www.nrfarmproduct.com/best-quality-black-raisins-india.php
Contact: +91 8007986969
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