#also both of them: *started talking online because the other pissed them off*
plutosschild · 11 months
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I’ve been so busy prepping for Halloween that I forgot to do a Halloween drawing so I’ll do one and post it another time but here’s a doodle I did of @sugarlesswriting ‘s fic ‘Clementine’ instead of paying attention to my lecturer x
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
I'm sorry if this already been answered but I swear I couldn't find if... I'm curious how would enraged Ren(dacted) look like? Like we've seen him a little pissed off but that's pretty much it. How would he(both versions) react if mc did something REALLY unsavory? Or other people who are not potential murder targets (like completelly unrelated to mc, just pissed him off personally and are not worth making his hands dirty). Would he yell? Would he just suck it up? Retaliate somehow? Throw a punch? I know he wouldn't hurt our mc but still he seems like quite an irritable fella, even his Renren mask can't hide it lol Also how does he behave when eleminating targets? Like is he the *laughing maniacly* type of yandere or the ice cold and silent type? Would he have a long talk with the target telling them just how wrong they were? Play a little game maybe? Or would he just quickly do the deed and forget about it? Also...why the sledgehammer?? Looks cool and all but it's not the handiest murder weapon out there... Are there any lore reasons for it?
✦゜ANSWERED: cw: mentions of gore, torture, murder, and similar themes. Also not proofread because I'm on mobile and formatting is p a i n T_T
I've mentioned this a few times before, but [REDACTED] is an extremely patient guy. It'd take a lot to make them feel genuinely pissed off — but even then — they're eerily cold and apathetic, which might result in zero reaction out of them. Because they're so apathetic, there's nothing stopping [REDACTED] from just offing the person who's annoying them and continuing on with his day.
I think the only thing that'd elicit a genuine reaction out of them is if someone killed Angel. But obviously this is ignoring the fact that [REDACTED] will only respond emotionally to Angel and no one else. He would genuinely start tearing up if Angel cupped his cheek and told him that they truly loved him.)
[REDACTED] is also very unfazed when eliminating their targets. There's hardly any emotion shown on his face outside of an occasional smug or triumphant smirk — but most of the time — it's nothing more than an unsparing glean in their eyes. If [REDACTED] went through with their red room days, they would most likely play up an online persona to make themself seem more interesting to their viewers (all whilst he tortures his victims). So... I guess his behaviour is very dependent on what the situation is and what it calls for.
[REDACTED] is a genuinely apathetic person (if it doesn't involve Angel), though he'll put on a persona if it's necessary.
As for the sledgehammer; Ren is 6'5" (personally) and has a sleeper build. He's more than capable of swinging it around like it weighs nothing, using it as a barricade to lock his victims in a room, break their limbs and stop them from running, or just make himself look scarier just by dragging a bloodied weapon across the floor. [REDACTED] also frequents rage rooms, so he's accustomed to swinging around a sledgehammer than, say, a gun or knife.
I've also mentioned this before, but Ren can do more damage to someone with a phone or laptop than a sledgehammer!!
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Leviathan head cannons<3
Leviathan is a shut in, its just a known fact but when he is alone, he likes to remain in his demon form. He finds it more comfortable and he likes to have his tail out to act as a extra hand. When someone knocks on the door, he goes back to his normal form because he is insecure that someone might make fun of him for being in his demon form, scared of judgement from his other brothers due to them remaining in their usual forms most of the time
When he is hanging out with you in either yours or his room, he slips back into his demon form, showing you that he is comfortable around you and trusts you to not make fun of him. This also happens when he is exited to show you something or rambles on about a new anime to you, him accidently slipping into his demon form without him noticing as he continues to ramble on to you. If you point this out, he will turn beat red and hide his face, his tail wrapping around his legs in embarrassment
If you guys do start dating and get to the point where you two cuddle, he will 100% be flustered the entire time your holding him in your arms, his face buried in your chest. He will quietly ramble on about something or another while his tail wraps around your legs, his arm holding onto your side while your fingers massage his scalp. After getting used to cuddling you more, he will open up abit more and get more used to being close to you, speaking up more while nuzzling his face into your neck
If you come down to devildom as a artist / tattoo artist, he will absolutely pull a anime nose bleed and faint. He constantly asks you to draw his favourite characters, willing to pay you for your works while commissioning the most out of pocket drawings from self inserts to fandom cross overs. He will absolutely take you on those art dates where you go to a art cafe and you both can make art while you eat anime style foods. If he sees that your getting abit overwhelmed with his requests, he will back off abit and apologize to you with a anime date and some food
At first meeting him, he is cold and distant to you, distrusting of the new human from the world above. He doesn't try to get close to you out of social anxiety and fear of you making fun of his interests, that's why he's so pissed off at his family for calling him a otaku Infront of you. Once he makes the pact with you and actually gets to know you, he starts to realize your one of the only people beside his online friends that wont make fun of his interests and his hobbies so he tries to cling to that
In Levi's concept, they said that he would of been yandere so i took that idea and ran with it. He might not kidnap you or hurt you like that in any way, but he will definitely cling to you and try to manipulate you into staying with him. You both have school today? He pretends he's asleep while holding you in his tail, laying on top of you in a clingy cuddle position to make sure you stay with him today. One of his brothers is talking to you? He will randomly push him out of the way and start nerding out on you, smirking slightly when his brother gets annoyed and leaves, letting him have you all to himself
Leviathan has a reptile like tail so it might be abit gross but he does shed every now and then. He normally gets agitated and violent whenever this does happen, refusing to leave his bedroom and getting violent whenever someone tries to come in and coax him out. The brothers warned you the first time this happened to not go into his room but you didn't listen, walking in to see him full on snake hissing at you. Once he realized it was you, he completely melted and just held onto you, whining about how his tail is irritating and hurting him. Get comfy because this man will NOT be letting you go during this period, cuddling into you protectively while his tail restlessly moved and rubbed against stuff. If you offer to help him, he will absolutely take this as "you will help him every time he sheds" and just steal you away every single time when he feels something happen.
Feeding more into the reptile side of him, he despises the cold whenever he is in his demon form. Before you came down to devildom, he used to cuddle into his brothers for warmth or he used to steal as many blankets he could get his hands on and rest in his little fort. When you both started dating, he found out how warm humans were and how much he liked cuddling. He loves cuddling up with you under a blanket while resting in the general area, watching a cheesy rom com anime while the fire roars in the background
He misses his player two whenever you go back up to the human world but gets overjoyed whenever you return, knowing that you brought human world snacks, candy, movies, gacha games, and new animes. Be prepared to not see the sun for a few weeks because your living off of the snacks you brought down. He adores you for doing this for him, even shedding afew tears after seeing how much you actually care about him
He may be antisocial and non confrontational but he will defiantly go out into social settings for you, weather it be a convention, a restaurant, a cafe, a mall, a concert, anything. He loves being with his player two
"Stay with me, Mayonaka no doa o tataki" "you.. you will even sing for me?!"
I love our otaku boy, i leaned alot into him being clingy with you but overall, i enjoyed writing about him!
Who should i write about next?
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Making hot chocolate for Mikey, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Koko & Sanzu
Content warning: Let me know if there's anything, just fluff
It was routine at this point. Mikey rarely misses an opportunity to come to your place. Then the two of you would rot on the bed/couch and eat mostly unhealthy snacks while talking about nothing. And you would call it “quality bonding time”.
You can’t even tell for 100% sure whether it was a good thing to introduce your special hot chocolate to him or not. He loved it, but demanded it quite often. You even tried to teach him the recipe but he always managed to mess something up.
At this point, you just accepted your fate, but you made him go shopping for you in return. Even if you were somewhat aware that it was most likely someone else who did his job. 
He especially likes to drink it during evenings. His mood instantly improves thanks to it, it makes him sleepy and clingy as his brain turns into mush almost entirely. That being said, of course it’s one of the best ways to get him to calm down, even though it requires specific conditions to be met.
It’s a double-edged sword, though.
Imagine that during one of those peaceful times, his phone rings. And keeps ringing, and keeps ringing. And he’s pulled from his hazy, half-conscious state with immediate dark clouds surrounding his head. 
He picks it up only to hear about a sudden fight with a rival gang which suddenly occurred.
Those poor delinquents better pray because Mikey is fucking pissed.
Several gang members will have to pull him away from the enemy leader because he’s making sure they won’t be able to leave the hospital for at least a good month.
He comes back to you one to a few hours later, all covered in blood and with skin torn on his knuckles. He takes a shower and changes into pyjamas before laying back on the couch and demanding another hot chocolate as if nothing happened in the first place.
Your boyfriend hugs you from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder. His curious eyes remind you of those of a cat. His mouth soundlessly forms an “o” shape and he nods his head in understanding when you put some pieces of chocolate bar into the mug. 
You can’t resist the urge to put one into his spread lips and he doesn’t complain either. 
“So this is how you make it taste so good.”
“Yup, the chocolate melts and makes the flavour richer, although it also increases the amount of calories. I guess one is connected to the other.”
“I burn a lot of them either way so no worries.” He licked his lips off the remnants of the chocolate. “It smells like heaven.”
“I know right? This is why I choose this particular brand.”
He barely waited a moment for it to cool off before having a taste. Good thing you predicted it first and took countermeasures.
You made yourself comfortable on his bed, reaching for the newest volume of a manga the two of you were reading together.
“Don’t you dare start without me, y/n. It was so hard to avoid all of the spoilers online, it felt like walking on landmines!”
Purely out of spite, you lay on your belly and open the book which earns you screams of protests from your boyfriend. He wastes no time getting on top of you and trying to snatch it from your hands so you hold it just out of his reach. You then roll on your back and he falls softly on the bed right next to you before you both burst out in laughter and reach for your mugs.
You then sat cross-legged on his bed with the manga in your hands. He hugged you from behind and put his chin on your shoulder. Both of you began to read, sometimes laughing together, sometimes commenting or clearing out any doubts and recalling past volumes. All of this while drinking the delicious hot chocolate. Such moments with Chifuyu truly are precious <3
Since your boyfriend always insists on cooking meals for you, it’s only right for you to make the dessert. Seriously, you don’t even know why you let him do it for you. Each time you try to bring it up and try to convey that he doesn’t have to do that, you get knocked out with stuff like “I like to cook for you though”, “it’s much healthier and more affordable” and the one which always leaves you in a lost position: “You don’t like my cooking?”
Half-dead, you fall to the floor while coughing metaphorical blood as he hums a gentle melody and proceeds to head towards the kitchen to make some food. It was truly a battle lost the moment it began. So you gave up.
Making him hot chocolate was the least you could do for him. He didn’t even protest and let you have your fun the first time you decided to. 
That night, his little sisters were in their beds already. You were watching a somewhat boring movie together and you soon fell asleep on his lap. He glanced at you warmly and shook his head at the chocolate stains left on your mouth. He licked a tissue and began to rub your face like mothers do to their kids except gentler. Thankfully you didn’t wake up.
…Which reminded him that he had yet to drink his own. Sorry, love - he thought before raising the mug to his lips without expecting much. His eyes returned to the screen and then widened in shock upon the taste. Later that week, he tried making it himself, but it didn’t taste half as good as yours. That’s when he decided to get the recipe from you.
“Are you sure you want to stand here?”
“Yes love,” he replied seriously with his hands resting on the kitchen counter and his eyes following your movements like those of a hawk.
“Wouldn’t you rather sit over there? I’ll be done in-”
“No need, love,” he gently put his hands on your waist and placed a kiss on your arm.
You raised a brow, but shrugged before pouring some hot water over a mix made of chocolate and powdered cocoa. You then stirred well and took condensed milk out of the fridge. Poured some into the drink. Put it back. Then stirred again before adding the marshmallows.
Mitsuya was taking mental notes the whole time. 
“Wouldn’t you rather use boiled milk for it?” He finally asked.
“That’s too much of a hassle. Besides, there’s only some needed for it to taste good. Plus, milk or coffee cream from the fridge cools down the temperature. Thanks to that, it’s ready to drink almost immediately.”
You gave him his own mug and both of you headed towards your seats and settled into comfortable silence. He couldn’t wait to make it for his little sisters!
(Spoiler: they loved it)
“It feels like drinking liquid sugar,” he noticed and then proceeded to only eat the pink marshmallows.
You barely resisted the urge to kick him. The two of you were resting in his bed. He was sitting and you were laying on the opposite side which resulted in him being right next to your feet. 
“I’ll drink it for you then,” you stretched your hand in his direction, but then he moved away to get the cup out of your reach. 
You were perplexed, to say at least.
“I thought you didn't like it?”
“I never said that?”
You kicked his side which - aside from an irritated expression - did not affect him at all. So you tried again. This time, he grabbed and pulled your ankle towards his face and kissed it while looking you straight in the eyes and smiling. 
He grimaced. “Your feet stink.”
You sighed and sat up. If Sanzu had dog ears, they would perk up in surprise at that.
“Oh my, it seems that me and my stinky feet will have to leave then.” 
You barely managed to stand up and take a step towards the door before he hugged you by the hips and glued himself to you, making you unable to move without losing your balance.
“I was kidding! I love you and your stinky feet,” he nuzzled his face into your side. 
You tried to make another step forward but the weight he put on you made you lose your balance and fall onto his (luckily) carpeted floor. Concern flashed in his eyes before you smacked his head. And then you groaned when he almost laid on top of you, preventing you from leaving. 
“Am I dating a guy or a puppy?” You complained as he nuzzled his face into your neck. 
“If you’re into this, I wouldn’t mind wearing a collar with a leash.”
“Shut up or I might consider adding a muzzle.” You felt him grin into your skin. 
“Woof woof!”
If he was being honest, he’d much prefer you sitting next to him, maybe even cuddling. He tried to convince you that you can order take out, or he can take you to a cafe or a restaurant if you want to eat something nice. Damn, he even asked you to come back to him while the water was boiling but apparently it was more “complex” than just pouring hot water over powdered cocoa and stirring. 
He sighed, letting his head drop backwards in defeat. He’d much rather drink cold water and spend more time with you. Although, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling to have someone put effort for him just because. In fact, it caused a fuzzy feeling in his stomach.
Just as he was about to call for you, you appeared with two mugs of hot chocolate in your hands. He raised one brow at the white and pink, tiny marshmallows richly decorating the top. 
“You might want to drink it before eating the marshmallows. If you eat them first, it will look less tempting.” You sat next to him on the sofa and he wasted no time putting an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer.
“I see you have this all thought through,” he noticed, while placing a thank you kiss on your temple before taking his own mug into his hands. He noticed you staring at him intensely.
“Please don’t,” he groaned. 
Your gaze didn’t falter. Your breathing became quicker.
“Y/n…” He pleaded. 
Your lip began to tremble. 
“You’re better than that.”
“Choco for Koko.”
“For fuck’s sake-” You barely managed to dodge the pillow aimed at your head.
Your boyfriend shot you one last disappointed look before he took a sip.
And then another. And another.  Before he knew it, it was all gone and he was fishing out the half melted marshmallows from the bottom. 
It was a damn good hot chocolate.
He even contemplated asking for seconds, but it dawned on him that you would have to leave again to do that.
“Did you like it?” You asked while making yourself comfortable in his tight embrace.
“I sure did. Mind selling me the recipe? Just name the price.”
You couldn’t decide whether he was being serious or not so you said the first thing which came to your mind.
“I might want to exchange it. For an… engagement ring.”
Koko turned his face away, almost embarrassed with how wide he grinned. His eyes sparkled uncharacteristically.
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I really wish some Ron fans would take a step back and realize how Ron antis have successfully lured you into playing on their field via the neverending social media moral purity circlejerk, buying into their arguments in your efforts to debunk them.
Whenever I hear a Ron fan say something about how the author did him dirty in HBP and how HBP was written in some kind of weird effort to malign him while glorifying Hermione and everyone else, i want to flip a table. You know why? Because in making this argument you are buying into the idea that Ron was some kind of awful person in that book (or at least really looked like one) and the only way you can combat that notion is by saying, "uh, well, yes, but the author intentionally wrote him wrong because we all know Hermione is her self-insert so she had to level the playing field."
I read HBP before social media had become anything like it is today, and before I was involved in any way with fandom online. HBP did nothing to lessen my love for Ron -- absolutely nothing. It did nothing to lessen my love for Hermione. It made me love them more, individually and together. The fucking humanity and heartache evoked in those characters in that book -- via their imperfect and completely fucking human attitudes and actions -- is wonderful. These are two young people each convinced that they are not being seen by the person they want the most. And they're dealing with this on top of the stress of school and the impending war and just how much it fucking sucks to be 16 years old. (And the fact that they have "more important" problems, by the way, doesn't magically make people behave more maturely and rationally when it comes to "silly" personal issues. That's some other pure unrealistic nonsense I've heard.)
I'll bet when you read it, HBP did nothing to lessen your love for Ron either. It was only after you began entertaining and internalizing garbage on tumblr and twitter about how awful and "abusive" they were, because people like pretending they've never behaved similarly in their lives, and social media isn't known for fostering nuance.
I behaved at age 16 in ways I really wouldn't like to have held against me forever. In ways I wouldn't have liked -- or deserved -- to have held against me for even a month. Same at age 20. And 25. And sometimes even today. If you claim you haven't behaved in harmful ways rooted in your own hurt, I won't even engage with that. Because it's delusional.
Forget this "who was worse" trap. The great thing about Ron and Hermione is how evenly matched they are -- in force, in fury, in passion, in loyalty, in pigheadedness, in their desire to be loved and needed, in their deeply-embedded sense of right and wrong, and not least of all, in their ability to know exactly how to push each other's buttons when they're pissed off. They both have moments where they behave shitty in this book, but none of it is in a vacuum and none of it is without a catalyst. And that doesn't mean the action itself is okay, but it's a hell of a lot different from someone like, say, Malfoy, who is maliciously cruel without provocation, or Cormac "Her Lack of Interest Means Try Harder" McLaggen.
Sometimes in a relationship, you need to say you're sorry for causing hurt even if you didn't mean to do it, or even if you believe you were in the right or the hurt was started by the other person in the first place. Because that's part of having a loving, understanding, gracious relationship. It's also being willing to admit you've done something uncool without falling into a sense of despair that you're suddenly a bad person. And it's no different when you're talking about these two idiots. If someone points out Hermione behaved like x because she was upset when Ron did y, it doesn't mean we need to do mental gymnastics to prove that y was completely justified. Y might not have been justified. Or maybe it was. Either way, we can acknowledge Hermione was responding out of hurt, without it having to mean that Ron is the devil incarnate. And vice versa. We don't need to do the proverbial "oh you like pancakes so you must hate waffles" bullshit.
The first stop in combating Ron hate, should be for self-proclaimed Ron fans to stop trying to reason his bad moments into nonexistence. Stop giving the time of day to people who believe someone's dipshitted moments of indiscretion during a time of learning and growing somehow make him less worthy. You were never going to win an argument against that kind of mindset anyway.
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voxofthevoid · 4 months
Do people not understand that the shit writers/artists get in fandoms is cumulative?
Not that it's a fandom-specific issue, but that's the context I'm currently concerned with.
This has been on my mind for the last few weeks, thanks to some discussions I've seen on Reddit and a recent slew of negative experiences I've had myself, but the kicker was a comment I got yesterday that boiled down to how it's "irresponsible" of me to publicly put entitled commenters/bookmarkers on blast because others might see it fit to go harass them. A fair enough point, albeit one I have no sympathy for. It certainly doesn't help that the comment itself was holier-than-thou bullshit that started with how the commenter "empathized" with my frustration.
I crossed frustration months ago; I'm at nuclear fucking fury.
I have been writing for JJK since November 2022. I have been warding off entitlement and actual harassment since December 2022, which was when I started posting, and the frequency and variety of this garbage have notably increased since January of this year. It's been one and a half years of shit after shit after shit in this fandom alone.
Do you think this doesn't add up? Do you think my tolerance is infinite?
The vast majority of my readers are kind, warm, lovely, and supportive. I have a solid network of friends, within and outside fandom, who can talk me down from the worst of it. On top of this, I'm a spiteful dick whose reaction to negativity, whether weaponized or ignorant, is to write more of whatever pissed those whiny fuckers off. This is why I haven't packed up my toys and gone home.
And the spite and love are both still going strong, but there's also 18 months of steadily growing anger. The stuff I share on Tumblr is only the most egregious of the lot; you have no idea how much bullshit I silently delete or address quietly and civilly. Guest users, registered users, anon asks, direct messages—I have received some manner of shit from every one of these avenues on Ao3 and Tumblr.
I handle most of it quietly. Like hell am I willing to be told I should shut up and eat the rest of it too. Whether that's irresponsible or outright hostile, I do not care. Actions have consequences, online or offline.
I do not owe pity or grace to people who'd try to tear me down. I will not be taking the high road.
And if that stance is unpalatable to any of you, the block button is free.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
The bt fandom is absolutely having a melt down of scary proportions
They had and posted a 4 hour Oliver stark Lashing video meeting just absolutely saying the most disgusting and horrible things about him because of last night and for not liking Lou
They are going through all of the pages Ryan follows on Instagram and looking for any post they can say is problematic and saying Ryan personally thinks and believes it and is responsible for them just because he follows the page.
They have been dragging Kenny’s name over some Paris convention that removed Lou’s name from a poll after learning about the issues he’s caused. And dragging Ryan into it even though the entire convention had nothing to do with 911. It was about swat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Aisha is their next target at this rate.
I wish I could say I'm surprised by any of this but I'm not. I honestly think it's going to get worse with some of them once they realize B/T isn't going to be the big endgame ship they thought it was and even more so when they realize Buddie is happening.
I really think our fandom needs to try our best to distance ourselves from them. I'm talking about the more fanatical abusive people in their fandom. We really need to stop engaging with them. It just makes our fandom look bad and they're not worth the effort. They want to be pissed off because they saw Buck kiss a guy twice and think that meant they were soulmates let them but don't fall for the bait when they say something offensive online. I've been really guilty of that myself even making posts with their content trying to show how bad they've been but it's only been giving them attention so I'm trying to refocus on what matters.
I genuinely feel like this is going to be the season Buddie goes canon. I mean I don't know for certain 100% (I don't work for the show) but everything seems to be lining up that way. It's a really exciting time for our fandom and our ship and the show and we all should be focused on that and not some ship that won't even matter all that much soon.
Oh also about Ryan.
Putting this under the cut cause it got long.
The B*mmy's can say whatever the want about him but what happened was his ex fiance used the n word in some old tweets. When they were brought up and she was called out (after Ryan was on 911) he tried to defend her. But later issued multiple apologies :
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At the time Oliver and Aisha were clearly upset about this because both of them put out tweets and there's other stuff that was going on behind the scenes to indicate Ryan had a falling out with them. But he's clearly worked to repair the damage because since then he's been a guest at Aisha's wedding and has spent a lot of time with the cast outside of work.
As for him being anti-vaxx or Republican, as those are other things the B*mmy's try to claim about him, I'm not even sure where they get some of that from. I think one of it was because he shared something about Covid from Joe Rogan (during Covid) but a lot of people were scared and confused during that time and there was tons of misinformation going around. The idea that celebrities are immune to that just because they're rich and famous is just ignorant. Also show me where he's shared other vaccine and or health related misinformation because sharing one thing during a really confusing time doesn't make him an antivaxxer.
Also during Covid no one could film on the show without getting vaccinated (this is why Rockmond Dunbar was fired he refused). And since Ryan was a big part of s3 and s4 he clearly was vaccinated. If Ryan was as staunchly antivaxx as B*mmy's make him out to be he would have left the show before getting vaccinated. He's a more well known actor than Rockmond he could have found work elsewhere.
They try to use accounts he's following on insta as proof he's far right but I haven't seen any that are blatantly far right. We also don't know when he started following these accounts or who followed them. His ex could have used his account to follow people when they were still together. I'm also following a ton of accounts on my insta that I don't even remember or interact with anymore this could be the case for Ryan since to my knowledge they haven't found likes by him just that he's following.
One of the accounts in particular they're using as a gotcha for Ryan is this one:
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Ryan is following them but I haven't seen any posts of theirs he's liked. It looks like an account about home schooling and living off the land but they do have at least one transphobic post I've seen (about pronouns). Here's the thing though immediately when you look at the front page of their account they aren't marketing themselves as anti lgbtq. Ryan is not responsible for what they're posting. And given all of their other content he likely started following them for one reason and didn't know about their more transphobic views. It's also unrealistic to assume that a busy actor is on social media 24/7 monitoring every single thing that the accounts they follow are posting. If that was an obvious alt-right anti trans account I could understand but it's just not the gotcha B*mmy's are trying to make it out to be.
I'm not excusing that account or their transphobia btw. And I don't think anyone should be following them just that there is nuance to a conversation like this. B/T stans try to say Ryan following this account is the same as Lou having posted an obvious racist post about Nicki Minaj's skin color is the same thing. It's not.
It's pretty hypocritical of them to say we should excuse Lou's old insta posts but yet we're going to hate on Ryan for accounts he's following but isn't even interacting with.
And again I don't know where B/T stans are getting that Ryan is a Republican. He's repeatedly posted anti Trump stuff:
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This is from 2016 ☝️and it's because Trump has repeatedly talked about deporting Mexican people.
And like everyone has the right to see feel however they want about what Ryan said in the past (especially bipoc people). But knowing that Ryan is no longer with his ex who I think wasn't the best influence in his life. Seeing him take accountability for what he said and did. Seeing the cast forgive him. That's all enough for me to continue to be a fan of his.
B*mmy stans don't have to like him but they don't get to keep attacking him for stuff he's done in the past. Lou on the other hand has never apologized for his insta stuff even when called out about them. You'll also never get me to believe he was hacked when he responded with that spitting on blind children thing on twitter. Plus him minimizing T*mmy's racism and homophobia down to teasing.
If Ryan was still doing messed up stuff I'd call him out too and expect others to do the same. The problem with B/T stans is no matter what Lou does they'll defend him. It's part of why they attack Ryan. They want to get the attention off of Lou. But they can't sit there and say how dare you defend a racist and then defend every single thing Lou did even just this year.
Sorry this got so long anon. I've just been seeing people (one account in particular) attacking Ryan on twitter recently and I'm so over it. If you made it down this far I love you forever. ❤️
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adoremexxs · 1 year
You can have a story or a headcanon (From your AU, she is great)
Urogi × Extremely calm reader.
Don't know how to explain, they're like, like the sun and the moon. Underwater and cheerful Urogi and a calm, perhaps slow and sleepy reader.
thank you in advance! your blog is one of my favorites <3
AW, this means so much to me! So sweet!
also i’m sorry guys for not posting multiple times a day, my brain is fried and i’m extremely busy ☠️
Urogi with a calm S/O
warnings: none
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met him through Aizetsu
you and aizetsu are besties bc u both are extremely calm people and reserved
so whenever you came over to his house, you didn’t expect to see 4 loud and chaotic brothers
zohakuten was relatively quiet until sekido or urogi and karaku pissed him off
the first one to greet to you was urogi
immediately checking you out and trying to figure out who u were
asked if u were aizetsu’s lover
aizetsu said no so fast, he didn’t want to get harassed
urogi was happy on the other hand
“yay! that means they can be mine!”
sekido hit Urogi so hard for saying that
karaku tried to get into your pants a few times but you were like “no! bye!”
you started to befriend urogi and talk to him more, even starting to hang out
even though he is hyper 99.99999% of the time, you enjoy it
he can drive so he takes you everywhere, listening to “Eyes without a face” by Billy Idol
it’s very spiritual tbh
takes you to the beach
will take your instagram photos for you
he’s been trained
shows you his crystals that him and aizetsu collect
whenever you express that you collect crystals too, Urogi goes crazy and needs to absolutely see them which results in bringing him over
your room radiates your energy, sleepy and calm and Urogi realizes how much you are like Aizetsu!
which makes him even more clingy towards you
his energy can sometimes overwhelm you and when you snap at him, he gets so sad and leaves you alone
you feel bad but he’s happy within like 5 seconds
the day that he asks you out is on the beach, the sun is rising and you are watching it
he looks so nervous, you can clearly tell something is up
when you ask him what’s up with him
he pours all of his feelings out to you, expressing how he has liked you since the first day he met you and how he can’t get enough of you
obviously you accept it bc you aren’t dumb, like why would you reject HIM?! He’s so fine and cute and sweet
you are somehow able to deal with his energy most of the time, sometimes you can get overwhelmed but it’s not terrible
he gets REALLY clingy to you, he has to be touching you 24/7 or he has a freak out
whenever you saw the scar on his waist, you were extremely concerned because Urogi casually just said
“oh it’s from when my dad hit me with a beer bottle.”
he completely brushed it off?! like what?!
Urogi doesn’t mind talking about his childhood, he’s indifferent about it
it’s his way of coping with it, he acts like it wasn’t that serious, it’s just how he grew up
he ended up telling you about how he used to get bullied a bunch
and how he struggles with his self image sometimes, he gets really anxious sometimes and doesn’t eat for days but then he’ll end up eating a bunch later on
now it’s your job to get him back on track!
your calm energy relaxes him a bit
if he’s at your house, he is completely calm and sleeps on you
he’s heavy but you aren’t going to push him off
Urogi posts you a lot
he makes you known to everyone
you are referred to as “Urogi’s S/O”
random people will say hi to you in the hallways
urogi LOVES kissing you
everytime he sees you, he has to kiss you
he’s very passionate about it, he usually ends up out of breath
you almost die half the time, he cuts off half your air supply
Urogi is legit obsessed with you
he wants you to be equally as obsessed with him so he looks up love spells online
it works though
i mean he really didn’t need the love spell but man, you got equally obsessed as him
you are so calm that it terrifies him sometimes
if he did something bad, he’s scared that you’re mad
you’re not
Urogi doesn’t handle calm energy too well whenever he thinks they are angry
Urogi is a D2 overthinker when it comes to his S/O
Sekido is a D1 overthinker y’all
Urogi doesn’t think 90% of the time but the 10% goes to you
stresses over gifts and holidays and dates
it’s okay because you already take care of everything and take care of it for Urogi
everyone says you guys are the golden retriever and black cat duo
so that’s what you dressed up for halloween as
even though Urogi wanted to be a bird
tries to compare you to a bird
compliments 24/7
extremely loyal
he is in love with you and you take a lot of his firsts
154 notes · View notes
tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Online & Anonymous 15/16
Hangster. Explicit. Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
2005/2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2019 - REMIX (Jake's POV)
2019 – Jake’s POV
                He stares at his phone in surprise.
                Nick is in North Island.
                He was just in Germany and now he’s in North Island?
                What the fuck?
                He immediately turns his location off, doesn’t want Nick to make the same realization that he’s no longer in Japan, feels like he’s hiding suddenly but he doesn’t know if he’s ready to face the sudden reality that they’re both suddenly in the same time zone and same base. There are thousands of people here, but part of him wonders if Nick’s orders have changed as suddenly as his have. Summoned for whatever high-stakes thing the US military is needing fighter pilots for.
                The idea that Nick might also be a fighter pilot isn’t something he’s considered, but it’s actually a possibility, and he wonders if he should ask which base in Germany he was at, whether he’d tell Jake he’d been shipped off to another location at short notice. He’s been so fixated on not knowing Nick’s name, or sharing any pictures of their faces he realizes he’s suddenly terrified of it all. Suddenly all too real and Nick is here, in North Island and he wonders if he’s walked past him.
                He tries not to think about it too much as he looks around the Hard Deck, taking in every person in there and asks what he’d do if any of them turned out to be Nick. Then Phoenix is there, and he likes her, likes that she gives him a little bit of shit. His eyes zero in on the man behind her, the moustache catching his attention and he’s going to have to do some careful digging, wonders if Nick still has it. He hadn’t thought before that he might not, that he could easily shave it off. He’s ruminating over the idea when he hears Phoenix call out Bradshaw’s name and he’s obviously done something to piss her off because her first action is to shove a pool cue into his nuts. He winces in sympathy but doesn’t approach, a little pleased that she got him good.
                Then Bradshaw talks to him and their interaction is less than idea, he bristles at the flirty little tone that Bradshaw uses, annoyed that after all his talk about shelving whatever they might have had because Rooster was still hung up on his ex. He doesn’t think they do much for team camaraderie when they continue to snipe at each other and he moves away, tries to ignore his presence completely but then the music cuts off and he pulls a face in annoyance, glances over to the piano and of course Bradshaw’s the center of fucking attention.
                “God, you really can’t miss him when he wears those shirts huh? And then he goes and does that…”
                You won’t be able to miss me. Trust me.
                Bambi saying he started wearing these godawful Hawaiian shirts a couple of years ago. You can’t miss him.
                Jake shoves his pool stick into the holder and reaches for the bottle of beer and throws it back.
                Surely not.
                He does have a moustache.
                It’s can’t be him.
                If it is though?
                Fucking asshole.
                That’s his first thought. That Bradshaw has been stringing him along, laughing at Jake behind his back as he watched Jake fall in love with him.
                He wonders if anyone else knows.
…            …            …
                Then Bradshaw comes and apologizes and Jake waits.
                And waits.
                He even fucking asks if that’s all he’s apologizing for. If there is anything other than words said in anger that he needs to apologize for. Anything other than his flirty tone of voice. Leaves breadcrumbs the size of fucking loaves of bread and Bradshaw just doesn’t pick any of it up.
                Maybe Jake’s got it wrong?
                Maybe it is just a coincidence.
                That is a lot of coincidences.
                He doesn’t fucking know anymore.
…            …            …
                He goes back to his condo, loves that he has a space of his own, pictures drawn by his nieces on the fridge, photos in frames from Christmas with his sister and her family, his own gear spread around and it feels like he finally has a place to call home after years of being nomadic and calling Javy’s family home his own when he could.
                The next morning he realizes he really fucked up, throwing Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell out of the Hard Deck, although Maverick doesn’t do or say anything so he does find himself relaxing as the minutes tick by when it becomes obvious he’s not going to do or say anything other than catch his eye ever so briefly. He’s followed the man’s career almost obsessively, and now he’s going to hear from him personally. It’s exciting and thrilling, having the opportunity and he forgets all about the why until Maverick starts outlining the mission parameters and he purses his lips. This is a fucking huge ask.
                Then they’re heading out to get in the air and he doesn’t know what the hell is going on between Rooster and Maverick, but there’s a history there, anger, and he has no idea what it is but if it’s been going on a long time then… PeteF14. That had been Nick’s first username. He’s pretty sure he’s not been talking to Maverick this whole time, and Maverick doesn’t have a moustache. However Nick had been annoyed with himself for choosing a name of someone he… hated?
                Nick had said that, but as he watches he doesn’t think it’s hate. There’s too much feeling there, angry often burns out into indifference but Rooster is clearly angry at Maverick. Jake just has no fucking clue as to why.
…            …            …
                The photos in the break room are interesting and he hunts out Maverick’s graduating Top Gun class out of curiosity, wants to see if he’s changed very much but he does a double take when he spies fucking Bradley Bradshaw standing beside him. Except no… it’s not quite.
                Nick Bradshaw.
                Holy shit.
                He remembers making a quip about stupid double-barreled names when he’d picked NickNick. Bradley Bradshaw. BradBrad. NickNick.
                Is he stretching?
                Wanting it to be Bradshaw?
                Does he actually want it to be him?
                If it is him how the fuck has Bradshaw not figured it out? He knows Jake’s initials, his birth year, the fact that he’s from Texas and the fact that he’s in the Navy. Either Bradshaw is an idiot and not pieced it together, or he’s deliberately playing dumb to string Jake along. Bradshaw has never struck him as an idiot, he can’t believe he hasn’t figured it out, which only leaves the other option.
…            …            …
                He lets his humiliation and anger bubble, feeding into each other as he thinks about it. Wonders if Bradshaw has told others. He thinks back to the flirty way Bradshaw had greeted him when they’d first seen each other again at the Hard Deck, the way his eyes follow him and the fact that he seems to sway into Jake’s personal space without even seemingly being aware of it. Except Jake is pretty sure Bradshaw knows exactly what he’s doing and Jake hates him for it. He digs a little more and he feels a twisty sadness that Nick-Bradshaw had been telling the truth about his father dying when he’d been young. The fact that Maverick had been flying is starting to make other things falls into place.
                It’s definitely not his finest hour and he feels like an asshole, a little part of him still convinced that Bradshaw knows, except there had been no flicker of anything when they’d almost come to blows and he’s already beating himself up internally, doesn’t need Pheonix glaring at him and he realizes then, she’s been his beard and best friend and probably knows all about Jas…
                Fuck. He really needs to tell him, before someone else figures it out and tells him.
                He opens his phone and there are some messages waiting and his stomach sinks when he reads them, realizes that of course it’s him. And Jake has made his day worse.
>>I have had an awful fucking day.
>>Tell me something to cheer me up?
                He doesn’t answer.
                Doesn’t know how to.
…            …            …
                He gets the usual cup of coffee picture first thing the next morning and he stares at it before responding in kind. He doesn’t need to put any words. Not responding would be a bigger red flag and he needs to buy himself some time and figure out how the fuck he can somehow mend and build bridges and undo the harm he caused yesterday. As he sips his mug of coffee he thinks. Tries to piece it together, rationalize their behavior, both his and Maverick’s. He’s read the reports, knows Maverick was cleared, except he wonders how he’d feel if the man even partially responsible for his father’s death was walking around, alive. Of course, Jake doesn’t have a relationship with his father that he’ll ever be writing home about or holding up as an example of good parenting, but Bradshaw was pretty young when his dad died. Three if he remembers right?
                He’s trying to remember conversations a decade ago, can’t just message and ask because that will just tip Bradshaw off. He knows both his parents are both dead… his mom fifteen years ago from whenever Nick told him that and he can’t recall if that was nice, ten or eleven year ago. Which means he was still a young kid. Then there was a godfather…
                Who pulled his papers to the academy. He remembers that bit.
                Oh shit.
                There it is.
                The missing piece as to why Rooster and Maverick are at odds with one another.
                Holy shit.
                Maverick is Bradshaw’s godfather.
                Who pulled his papers.
                Double fuck.
                That’s why the anger is there.
                No wonder Bradshaw is so focused on Maverick’s presence and proving him wrong and if Jake isn’t mistaken his whole relationship with Jas is not even pinging on his radar right now, too worked up about being faced with Maverick after who knows how long of not seeing him. He hasn’t said anything as Nick though, other than his message last night about how he had an awful day.
                God he was such a dick.
                He’s pretty sure if he turned his location back on Bradshaw wouldn’t even be looking, too focused on whatever is happening with Maverick and the mission to worry about the location aspect on a fucking app.
                He really needs to figure out a way to tell him and to also apologize.
                This is going to suck.
…            …            …
                Just like that karma comes for him, Maverick has them on the beach and he has to watch Bradshaw-Rooster-Nick-Bradley run around in wet denim shorts looking all warm and happy. Jake knows he’s not now, that he’s putting on a good show, but no-one knows. Except maybe Phoenix, and he watches her just as much as he watches Bradley and sure enough she’s shooting him little concerned looks. Not just him then. She definitely catches him looking and he catches her, tells her that he wants an opportunity to legitimately apologize to Bradley. Not that he calls him Bradley to her, he says Rooster, but he can’t settle on what he should call him. She looks like she doesn’t believe or trust him, but he just accepts that because he’s going to have to prove himself to her as well. He can do that at least. Right now she’s much easier to talk to than Rooster is.
…            …            …
                He still hasn’t figured out a way to tell Bradshaw who he is when he finds himself sitting in the base hospital waiting for Javy to be given an all clear. He feels shaky at the near miss, and the realization that he or Bradley might not come back from this mission hits him and he wonders if maybe he should just not tell him. Maybe it will hurt less if they never voice what it is between them. He can’t bring himself to message him, too distracted by thinking about everything, Javy in particular filling his mind, along with Phoenix and Bob.
                He gets home, showers and changes into fresh underwear and t-shirt for sleeping in, brushes his teeth and checks his phone for messages and then just stares. Bradley’s uncle has died, and he wonders how the hell Bradshaw is managing to keep everything straight in his head. The mission, whatever the fuck his deal is with Maverick, his sick uncle, what happened today with his best friend… Fuck. All of that going on in his life and Jake’s wondering why he hasn’t figured out who he is and is throwing more shit at him.
>>I just… I don’t want to be alone right now.
>>I feel very alone.
>>I thought the other day was bad, but today has been so much worse.
                He doesn’t bother answering.
                This is his opening. His chance to begin to make things right.
…            …            …
                He didn’t bother with anything more than pulling on a pair pf sweat pants and grabbing his wallet and phone. As he drives he hears his phone chime with a notification and he pulls it up after he’s parked his car. Admiral Kazansky has passed away and Jake grimaces, because that’s going to shake things up a bit probably. Then he stops and sucks in a deep breath. It’s another fucking coincidence, Bradley saying his uncle had just died of cancer and now Jake finds out that Admiral Kazansky has died? He’d seen him in the photo along with Maverick and Bradshaw’s dad. Holy shit. Uncle Iceman. Wild.
                He stands in front of Bradshaw’s door and wishes he could see through it, know what he was stepping into. He’s increasingly confident now that with everything else Bradshaw is dealing with that he’s completely in the dark as to Jake’s online identity. The fact that he’s turning up when Bradshaw just admitted he didn’t want to be left alone? Jake would bet money that he just puts it down to coincidence or ignores it completely, no space in his brain to think about it right now. He pulls out his phone and types a quick message and then knocks on the door.
>>I don’t want you to be alone right now either.
                “Rooster,” Jake states, tries to sound gentle but is pretty sure he fails.
                “Uh. What are doing here?”
                Jake really wishes he had an answer, that he could just blurt it all out, except Bradshaw looks fucking awful, clearly raw and emotional and he knows he needs to go softly. He forces himself to think about Nick, how he’s open and vulnerable and not afraid of being that either when he’s talking to him.
                “I just… I know your dad flew with Admiral Kazansky. I... I thought that maybe you might know him more than just as the COMPACFLT and be... I thought you might want company.”
                He can see the confusion and internal struggle making a very external appearance on Bradshaw’s face. He reiterates and makes clear that he’s solely there for company, because he for sure is not doing anything more than hug Bradshaw until they’ve cleared the air between them properly. Which brings him to another thing.
                “Also I figured I should take a leaf out of your book and apologize. I’m sorry. About bringing up your dad. That was a dick move.”
                He could try and be more eloquent, and he would be, could be, if he were tapping it out on his phone. But he’s not used to saying things. Not yet. He’ll practice and get better at it, but until then he’ll just try his best. And he really wants to hug him, except asking to do that will be too weird, except maybe… he knows Bradshaw pretty well, is pretty sure he can maybe twist this to make it seem like it’s his idea and yep, works like a fucking charm.
                “Come on then, finish getting ready. Always waiting for you to catch up Bradshaw…”
                “Yeah yeah, give me a minute.”
                He watches as Bradshaw walks around slowly, as if he’s in a haze, and he guesses that he maybe is. He waits for him to slide into bed before turning off the lights and sliding into bed beside him. They’ve had plenty of sex together, but they’ve never slept together, never allowed themselves to be that unguarded around each other. He settles his arm over Bradley’s waist, resists the urge to run his hand through his curls, and lets himself enjoy holding him.
…            …            …
                He wakes early and spends a few moments just watching, looking. They’ve both shifted during the night, have ended up facing each other and Jake woke with his fingers grasping the fabric of Bradley’s t-shirt. Bradley looks less stressed in his sleep, although the little indented frown line between his eyebrow is still there and Jake runs a finger over it gently, wanting to smooth it away. It doesn’t work, Bradley’s face scrunches up and twists like he’s grumpy about the gesture of care and Jake has to bite back a little laugh of amusement before he pulls away slightly.
                He gets up, walks into the kitchen and sets the coffee maker going, reaches for two mugs and his fingers curl around the cool metal of the coffee mug he recognizes from basic and his heart stutters. There are little marks and dents, scratches in the paint and it’s the same mug featured in so many of daily morning pictures that Nick has sent him. Not the same one, but it’s been this one often enough that he recognizes it. He wraps his fingers around it, an idea forming in his mind… While he’s taking the picture his phone vibrates and he opens up the app.
>>I got unexpected company last night. Was good, but it wasn’t you.
                He blinks, looks up from his phone and the new message that Bradley-Nick has just sent and even with everything Jake’s done in the last twelve hours Nick-Bradley still has no clue. Jake thinks back to all their interactions, Bradshaw’s refusal to start anything when there were power imbalances, his honesty about not being emotionally available because he was in love with his partner. A person Jake had assumed he’d actually fucking met. Then there’s the fact that they are definitely sexually compatible. Other than that time when Nick had stood him up because he’d gone and slept with…
                Oh for fucks sake.
                He snorts out a laugh. Nick-Bradley stood Jake up so he could sleep with Jake, which is hilarious but also so fucking stupid. He’s actually in love with an idiot.
                “Hey, morning.”
                “Morning. How are you feeling?” Jake asks, and he’s never seen Bradley look soft like this, still a little sleepy and he wants to wrap his arms around him again take him back to bed.
                “Uh. Better. Thanks,” Bradley offers, tone stilted and he’s clearly more uncomfortable in the light of the day and feeling more rested, more shuttered than he was last night and Jake needs to tell him.
                “Here,” Jake says, sliding the coffee across to him. He’s kept the other mug for himself, has his creamer in it, even if he’s only just taken a couple of sips. His stomach does a swoop and dive as he watches Bradshaw take a quick picture, and he knows exactly what he’s doing, exactly who he’s going to send that photo to and he didn’t need the confirmation that Bradley really has zero idea that it’s Jake he’s sending it to.
                “What are you doing?” Jake asks, pretty sure he holds back the grin threatening to break free. He might love Nick-Bradley, but he loves him right back.
                “Um. Just taking a photo of my coffee,” Bradley states, looking up and Jake realizes in a moment of instant clarity that they will be amazing together. “Thanks by the way, for the coffee and for staying last night. I really needed the company.”
                “Yeah. Uh. Anytime. I’ve got to go. Glad you’re feeling better Bradshaw.”
                “Uh, yeah. Thanks… see you later…”
…            …            …
                He drives back to his apartment, unable to sit still and then sends his own coffee mug photo in reply, biting his lip in excited anticipation.
                Times passes and he starts to doubt everything again.
                After an hour there’s still no response and he wonders what’s taking him so long.
                Surely Bradshaw isn’t that oblivious. It was his own coffee mug in his own kitchen, Jake had even made sure to snap the other mug in the frame.
                He decides to go for a quick run, a little annoyed that everything else has been put on hold because of Admiral Kazansky’s passing. Needs to be distracted. Gets back home and there is still nothing and he showers, looks at the clothes he slept in last night, the ones that smell different now. He pulls them back on and tries to not feel too pathetic, doesn’t bother doing his hair or even shaving.
                Fuck it.
>>I’m in the Dagger Squad.
                He can’t get more obvious than that. It’s been nearly four hours since he left Rooster’s base housing, what is taking him so long?
                His phone rings and he jumps, answers it and it’s Javy. He does his best to ignore the disappointment churning in his gut.
                “Rooster wants your address… you mind if I give it to him?”
                “Fucking finally…”
                “What am I missing here?”
                “I’ll fill you in later. Give it to him. Please,” he tacks on, because now he’s nervous all over again.
                He finds himself pacing, again wondering exactly why it’s taken him so long and tries to not let the feeling of not being wanted bubble over into anger.
…            …            …
>>Answer the door Jas.
>>Give me one good reason.
>>I love you.
>>Now please answer the door.
                He opens the door and Bradshaw, no, Bradley, is there, dressed pretty formally, collared shirt and jeans, dress shoes like he’s been somewhere important and Jake blinks at him. Bradley is looking right back and he feels a little sick, suddenly worried that this is all just a cosmic joke. Except then they’re both saying whisper-soft greetings and Bradley is reaching for him, looks almost as scared as Jake is feeling. Then Bradley is thanking him and then asking if he can hug him, like Jake is somehow the one that needs all the comfort right now. He hugs back, lets himself give in to the feeling he had that morning of just wanting to fold Bradshaw in his arms and never let go.
                Then they’re shifting to lie together on the sofa, still talking and of course Bradshaw has questions and seems to want to hold Jake now, and he has no reason to say no. Other than he wants to hold him just as much. He explains all the things that led him to the realization of exactly who they were to each other. He’s still got questions himself, still perplexed as to how Bradley didn’t put it together when he had so many more of the puzzle pieces. He’ll leave it for another day, instead explaining how he figured it out. Their voices are soft, apologies easily whispered between them again and again and again.
                The information that Bradley had spent the morning with the Kazansky family is a little shocking, the fact that Bradley is family and he wasn’t ignoring Jake’s messages, or freaking out or disappointed that Jas was in fact Jake. Then he’s reading a letter written by Admiral Kazansky probably meant for Bradley’s eyes only, but for all Bradley might be conservative, once he’s made his mind up, he’s clearly all in, both feet first and all of his heart and soul. It makes Jake feel a lot less alone, doesn’t want to be alone and Bradley is crying and agreeing to stay there.
                It feels easy between them, and he guesses they’re both trying more than one-hundred-percent to make the other feel comfortable, to work at thinking about how much they do and don’t know about each other. Then they’re exchanging full legal names and sliding hands over warm skin. He gets impatient, wants to get to the destination quickly just so he can start the journey afresh and a little less keyed-up. Of course Bradley seems to want to go slow and he doesn’t hold back in letting his displeasure known. Then Bradley mentions body worship and Jake’s brain skips like a stone on a mirror-glass lake. Then Bradley’s murmuring I love you against his skin and Jake’s gone gone gone…
…            …            …
                The training is exhausting but every other waking moment he finds them doing domesticated things, making the most of every single moment together. He’s aware that they’ve effectively hidden themselves away from the others, but can’t find it in him to care. They go and buy sheets and new plates, let their fingers trail over bare skin whenever they’re at home, having plenty of sex. They’re not talking about the mission, don’t want to break the spell even though they both know they’re on borrowed time.
>>It’s not fair. We only just found each other.
>>You can talk to me you know.
>>This is easier. Is that okay?
>>Of course.
…            …            …
                He tries to get Bradley to talk to Maverick, but that man seems to be dealing with all sorts of other shit and he guesses when he’s older and he’s buried the majority of his friends he might also be something of a mess when he’s not completely focused on work. Fucked if he knows. Plus Bradley seems equally stubborn, not ready to talk to him and he guesses he’s still processing everything. That’s probably fair. He gets dragged along and introduced to all of Admiral Kazansky’s family, hears stories about Bradley growing up from people that clearly consider Bradley family. Then he introduces Bradley to his own family, small though it is.
                He has to share with Susie that Bradley happens to also be Nick, the guy he was writing to, the one she convinced him to give a second chance to. He’s on the phone when he says that, and the sudden arms around his waist, lips on his neck, telling him Bradley heard every single word. The bouquet of flowers and bottle of wine he brings for Susie also tell him that there’s no chance of Bradley taking what they have for granted anytime soon. Watching Bradley play with his nieces makes something clench inside him, wants to have some type of guarantee that they will both come back to more of this, even when he knows there are no guarantees in life, especially given what they’re about to go and do.
                They’re curled up in bed, their last time in a proper bed before they leave tomorrow and will not be in a bed again for a few nights. He tries not to think about how it might be their last night in a bed ever.
                “I’ve got to ask… you said you didn’t ever suspect it was me. Why? I feel like it was obvious.”
                “You said you hated Texas.”
                Jake snorts.
                “I do hate Texas.”
                “No. Well. Yes. But when I asked you in person you told me you love Texas and went back every chance you got.”
                “Weak,” Jake says, laughing against Bradley’s neck, because okay, he wasn’t going to admit to Rooster that he hates his home state. “What else?”
                “You said you had no family… but you talk to your sister. I heard you a few times and I thought Jas had no family…”
                He likes hearing Bradley say Jas, like a soft little prayer and he takes the opportunity to kiss him.
                “Okay. Yeah. That changed a little over the years. We kind of reconciled after my grandma passed away and my eldest niece started showing a personality and Susie realized that she didn’t want our parents backward views influencing her kids…”
                “I like your family.”
                “No, you like the family I’m letting you meet. We can just ignore the rest. Okay?”
                “Of course.”
…            …            …
                He is pretty sure he’s going to throw up. Bradley is going on the mission and he’s going to have to sit there and try and pretend everything is okay. He’s never thrown up while sitting in his cockpit, but when he hears that Dagger Two is hit he has to swallow down the bile that works its way up into his mouth. He refuses to move out of ready-position, and when he hears that Bradley’s ESAT is back online he’s flicking everything on, Hondo there and locking the canopy down and giving him the ready signal.
                He’s never been more ready in his life.
…            …            …
                He gets some very weird looks as he frog-marches Bradley to the sickbay, but he doesn’t care. They haven’t talked about this, about what they might want to tell their workmates. It was a future-them problem, a problem they desperately wanted to have but didn’t want to somehow jinx by mentioning it. Not until after. Now. They’re both, somehow, unbelievably, alive and Jake has no idea what their plan might be. What Bradley wants to tell everyone.
                “I thought you were taking me to sickbay?”
                “I am, but first I’m going to kiss you because I am so happy to see you alive. And I won’t yell at you, because I’m pretty sure you’ve got a concussion –”
                “And broken ribs,” Bradley murmurs, and Jake wonders if he’d have admitted that to him two weeks ago.
                “Jesus Rooster. I am so angry with you. How dare you risk yourself like that. You’re an idiot!”
                “Your idiot though. I hope?”
                “Yes you’re mine. Damn it. Come on, sickbay.”
                “Thought you were going to kiss me?”
                “I did, but then you mentioned broken ribs. And I’m thinking we’re going to have to get creative for a little bit while you mend… come on. You are so lucky you survived that, because otherwise I’d be reanimating your corpse just so I could kill you again,” Jake hisses quietly under his breath as they walk.
                “You know that emotional whiplash you talked about last week?”
                God, was it only last week?
                “Well after the last few hours I can relate. I have never gone from so sad to so happy to so terrified in such a short space of time.”
                “Shit Jake, I’m sorry…”
                “No. No. Don’t apologize. I wouldn’t pass up the highs to get rid of the lows, but the whole whiplash thing. Fuck it’s real.”
                Then Bradley’s fingers are in his hair, tugging him close into a kiss and he lets himself be held. They’re not even in the sickbay yet but he wants this confirmation just as much as Bradley.
                He hears a cough behind him and pulls back, blinks at Admiral Simpson and swallows nervously.
                “Sir,” Jake responds automatically, a little alarmed when Bradley sways and Admiral Simpson frowns in what he assumes is concern.
                “Is this a new development?”
                “Define new,” Bradley states, and Jake wants to shush him. “Sir.”
                “Hmm. Days or weeks? Hours?”
                “Are months and years not an option sir?”
                “Not for a new relationship, no.”
                “Oh. Makes sense sir. Then no? It’s not a new development? Sir?”
                “I believe he’s suffering from a concussion sir. Maybe some memory loss.”
                Cyclone looks unimpressed, but is probably, hopefully, coasting on the high that no-one under his command died today. Jake will save thinking about the people that did die another day. He gives them an order to stop procrastinating and go directly to sickbay and Jake nods. He doesn’t leave Bradley’s side, watches as he’s checked over and it is indeed confirmed that he has a concussion, broken ribs and a sprained ankle. He wants to say something, but he’s too grateful Bradley’s here and alive to really be too angry now.
                Warlock then brings in Maverick, and Bradley is hopped up on painkillers, grinning woozily and Jake knows that if Admiral Simpson hadn’t just caught them kissing in the corridor there’s no way they’d be keeping things under wraps now. Bradley has one of his hands in a death grip, keeps pulling it to his face to stare at it intently before kissing each knuckle and then letting it drop back into his lap where he then stares at Jake loopily. He knows he loves him because he finds it alarmingly endearing and sweet rather than cloying.
                “So, how long have you two been together then?” Maverick asks, eyes tracking their joined hands and the look on Bradley’s face which Jake can’t think of any way of describing other than besotted.
                “Couple of days,” Jake provides.
                “Over a decade,” Bradley says at the same time with a happy sigh and Jake lets out an amused laugh, rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
                “It's complicated,” Jake provides, because he’s not going to get in the middle of whatever their relationship is going to morph into, although he’s pretty sure their hug up on deck is definitely a more positive step forward.
                “Did you know? When you threw me out of the Hard Deck?”
                “Know what sir?”
                “Our history.”
                “I… didn’t know sir. Not that it was you. He’d told me his godfather had pulled his application, but never told me your name.”
                “Of course, he never told me his own name either,” Jake says, and he fails to mention that was all because of him, but he doesn’t care, because it’s all worked out. Maverick just nods, although he does look confused and Jake would put it down to his concussion except he’s trying to be deliberately confusing. Wants to leave that conversation for Bradley to have.
                He doesn’t want to leave him alone, it’s only when Phoenix appears and tells him he she’ll take it from there that he will go. He doesn’t have to do anything she wants or asks, but he’s intent on earning her favor, but he also wants her to know that he’s here for a damned good reason. Bradley trusts her implicitly, so he doesn’t hesitate in leaning forward and brushing his lips over Bradley’s, murmuring quietly that he’ll be back as soon as he’s showered and changed. He’s still in his flight suit and definitely needs to eat, feeling shaky with everything that has happened.
…            …            …
                He’s never had a shovel talk before.
                Probably because he’s never been in a relationship before.
                But Natasha Trace is a force to be reckoned with and she grills him with question after question, Bradley sleeping on the bed between them, each of them holding one of his hands. It’s a novel experience and he hopes he never has to have another one again. He asks her if Javy is going to give Bradley a similar shovel talk and has to laugh when she says they’re saving it up for when Bradley is better and will actually remember them giving it. When he asks about why she needs to give both of them a shovel talk she says her and Javy are definitely too old to put up with any more of their ridiculous pining relationship shenanigans. They have their own to be getting on with.
                “So I guess, it’s my turn to give you the talk then… Javy is my brother. He has had my back for as long as I’ve known him and I would die for him. So…”
                “Well Bagman, Javy loves you, and so does the lump between us. So I figure you must have some redeeming qualities.”
                Jake smirks then, because he’s still him. Of course she rolls her eyes and then he’s laughing silently and she’s grinning and shaking her head, but it’s softer and yeah, he thinks they’re going to be friends.
…            …            …
                They’re all given four weeks of leave and Jake hasn’t had so much time in one place before when he’s not been working. The fact that Bradley is not meant to be walking around is frustrating for him, but Jake tries to keep him distracted or busy as best he can. He loans his condo to Javy, so he and Phoenix can have some privacy as they figure out their own shit, which again gives him further brownie points with Phoenix. Adding to that she finds the photos of him with his nieces, the one with them all wearing mickey mouse ears and apparently she approves of all that, not that Jake had any part in the existence or parenting of his nieces. But he’ll take the win.
                Maverick turns up and after checking that it’s okay he leave Bradley and Maverick alone for a couple of hours. He saw that Maverick was also holding a letter and he isn’t surprised when he gets back and both men are sporting red-rimmed eyes but are stoically drinking beer and watching one of the playoff games. Then he’s driving Bradley out to an old fucking Navy hangar where Maverick has a fucking P-51 Mustang and he bullies him into sitting still rather than running all over the place like an excited puppy.
                Then his sister invites them all for dinner, including Maverick, Javy and Natasha. He lets it happen, lets his sister and her family meet his other family and it feels weird but good, like getting a piece of clothing back from the drycleaners when it’s initially a little un familiar but after a few wears it’s back to being comfortable and the favorite piece of clothing. Of for him, his favorite way to spend time. With his family.
…            …            …
                It’s not perfect though.
                He knew it was going to happen again, knew it would trigger his previous experience and god, he remembers Bradley coming and asking if he was alright afterwards, after admitting to Nick he was having nightmares. It’s sort of nice, knowing Bradley already knows all of it, but they’ve also talked about not assuming that they remember every little thing they’ve told each other. That nearly thirteen years of conversations back and forth are a lot to try and remember and recall.
                They’ve made promises, not airy-empty ones, but things that Jake feels like he can actually grip with both hands and ensure he doesn’t let go.
                A promise to try and not assume the worst.
                A promise to try and not assume that they know what the other is thinking or feeling.
                A promise to try and be open, honest and vulnerable. To write it down if needed.
                He knows Bradley has been talking with his therapist, that these are likely actions to hopefully stop him from his own self-declared self-sabotage. Jake knows him better now, is pretty sure they’re past that type of bullshit at least. What they are not past is the fact that as Bradley gets better, and Jake relaxes, they both have nightmares. Jake isn’t a stranger to them, wonders how things would be different if he’d allowed himself to be a little more open and vulnerable all those years ago rather than just letting it all happen now. He lets it go, can’t change things.
                “Shh. Shh… It’s okay Jake. It’s okay baby…”
                “Yeah. I’m here…”
                He feels torn, unsure whether to let Bradley hold him, to allow himself to cry, because he took a life. Again. And he’d do it again in a heartbeat, but it doesn’t stop the sickening guilt curdling in his stomach. He doesn’t know how Bradley can bear to look at him, to care about him when he’s killed people.
                “Jake…” Bradley’s says, and he sounds upset and Jake blinks, pulls back and wonders what he’s said now. “You aren’t a bad person because you had to kill someone.”
                “I just…”
                “It’s okay. I… you know I had to shoot down a helicopter right? Or they were going to shoot Mav. I get it.”
                “I feel…”
                “Yeah. It’s okay. Just let yourself feel. We can figure everything out later.”
…            …            …
                They delete Grindr but Snapchat stays. Bradley ends up bringing him coffee most mornings, he’s usually up before Jake. They end up sending each other a lot of messages and photos back and forth. The rest of the Dagger Squadron very quickly learn to not touch their phones if they don’t want to be scarred for life, especially if Jake and Bradley are not in the same room. It’s no guarantee though and there are plenty of complaints.
                “What can I say? We have a very healthy sex life.”
                “I don’t need to know that about you. Either of you.”
                “You sure?” Jake asks, eyebrows waggling suggestively and Bob rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh.
                “Ugh, I preferred it when you had no idea who you were talking to,” Phoenix mutters, but Jake knows she’s lying, because he’s overheard her telling Bradley how happy she is for him.
                The Dagger Squadron is kept together for a few months, their success quietly held up as an example of just what the US military can do. Then they’re split in two and he ends up with Phoenix and Bob, Halo and Omaha and Fritz. Bradley is with Javy, Payback and Fanboy, Yale and Harvard. It’s only for three weeks, half of them going to Fallon and the other half going to Corpus Christi. Jake isn’t stupid, can tell they’re splitting up the couples they know about just to see what will happen. Jokes on them though, they’ve talked about this, prepared for it, a little part of him is even excited. It’s only three weeks. They’ve been doing this for fucking years.
                That said, they’ve not really explored further some of the things that they definitely talked about online. And sure, Bradley’s been hurt, and then they’ve been figuring things out, Bradley’s been figuring out what kind of relationship he’s going to have with Maverick. It’s not like the sex has been anything but great, but there are fantasies which he’d been looking forward to exploring and he doesn’t know how to bring them up now but he’s already thinking that their three weeks apart might provide the perfect opportunity to raise a couple of things.
…            …            …
>>Little feeling of nostalgia right here.
>>We could just call each other. That technology exists you know.
>>Yeah. But you said you find this easier and I thought we could talk like we used to.
>>You mean absolutely filthily?
>>You liked that absolute filth.
>>I did.
>>I do.
>>Good to know.
>>You know what’s also good to know?
>>I put a present in your duffle.
>>Do I want to know? Is it safe to open?
>>You got your own bedroom, you’re fine.
                Jake licks his lips and gets up and goes and locks the door, doesn’t want to be interrupted and he hasn’t even had time to unpack. It’s a sleek black box, and when he take it out, it reminds him of a joystick, although it’s clearly not. Jake can read the label, prostate massager, and they other part would press up against his balls, pressing against his perinium and he chews his lip, skin prickling and breath already turning shallow.
>>I’m guessing I’m staying in for the rest of the night.
>>Why do I have the remote?
>>I can control it using an app.
>>That I’ve already installed on your phone.
>>And mine.
>>You got one as well?
>>Thought it was only fair you got a turn.
                Jake sucks in a breath, wonders if this is going to lead to the edging that Bradley has been working towards. Or the fact that he really wants Bradley to fuck him while he’s in his blues. Or put him on his knees and just fuck his face. Tie him down and ride him.
>>We don’t have to do this now. Just wanted to put it out there.
>>Also thought we could do a video call, because if we do use them I definitely want to see your face and hear your voice.
>>Are you jerking off already just thinking about it?
>>Damn. You caught me.
>>Send me a picture.
                A picture comes through, and Jake rolls his eyes. It’s a picture of a very boring and standard light fitting in a ceiling.
>>Don’t be a dick.
>>Send me a picture of you.
>>Or your dick.
>>Remind me what I’m missing out on.
>>You forgotten already?
>>You only saw it this morning.
>>You getting forgetful in your old age?
>>No, but I might get vindictive and not send you anything but picture of light fittings for three weeks if you don’t send me something pretty to look at.
                And then there’s a picture, a selfie of Bradley looking at the camera, eyes dark and mouth pursed with a half- smile, his cheeks looking a little flushed and he wonders if maybe Bradley has already moved on and has been playing with his own toy while they’ve talked. God he hopes so, doesn’t know if he’ll figure it out, but he’s willing to try, goes searching for the app and finds it. There’s a little green circle indicating that the toy is on and fully charged and he presses the first function. Then his phone is ringing and he scrambles to answer it.
                “Jesus, a little warning would have been nice…” Bradley says, his voice tight and Jake wonders how close he is.
                “Shouldn’t have started without me,” Jake says, and he runs a hand down the front of his pants, completely unsurprised to find himself already half-hard and heading for fully hard without conscious thought.
                “Make me come? Please?”
                Oh. Fuck.
                “Yeah. Yeah I can do that… touch yourself. You better be naked and lying in the middle of the bed, that’s what I’m imagining. I want to come home one day and find you like that. Waiting for me.”
                “That can definitely be arranged. God. I don’t know why I’m so hard.”
                “Because you’ve been waiting for me?”
                “Yeah, guess I have. Come on. Don’t make me wait any longer.”
                He puts the call on speaker so he can figure out the app, shucking off his own pants and lying down on his bed. Then he’s telling Bradley to touch himself again, listening to his breath catch and the moan he lets out and he realizes that the toy is still on and he presses the next mode, hears Bradley swear and he goes back to the original setting.
                “God I wish I could see you right now.”
                “Next time, we get the cameras set up. Fuck. This is… uh… intense.”
                “Yeah. Wanted to know what it felt like, so I knew what I would be doing to you. Holy shit… so good.”
                Jake works a hand on his own dick, the knowledge that Bradley was trying it out so he could make it good for Jake. Yeah. It still makes him feel warm and squirmy inside, remembering how he’d wanted Bradley’s attentions years ago, when he’d realized just how attentive he could be, both in bed and out. And now he has it and if he has any say in the matter he’s never letting go, he’s worked too hard to get here and he’s going to work just as hard to keep it.
                “Jake… are you…”
                “I got hard just listening to you, you sound so good…” Jake says, because he can hear Bradley panting, little low-pitched grunts which are making his own cock twitch in response. He presses the second setting again, hears Bradley start swearing again but he doesn’t change it back, instead he presses the third setting, because he assumes they just ramp up in intensity.
                “Want to… edge you… like this… for hours,” Bradley says, the words coming in little gasps and Jake knows that the though of doing this to Jake is another factor that will be getting him off. “Don’t want… first time… to be long… distance though. Fuck.”
                Bradley’s grunts are coming hard and fast and Jake works a hand on his own cock, shoves his underwear down his thighs and just strokes himself dry and fast, doesn’t care about the slight discomfit. God he can’t believe they haven’t even gone twenty-four hours before resorting to phone sex. Javy would mock him so hard if he ever found out.
                “Fuuucck. God. Holy shit… off. Off. Please turn it off. Fuck…”
                He scrambles and quickly presses the off button, and he’s sure his lips are going to look incredibly raw tomorrow with how much he’s been biting and chewing them. He focusses on his own pleasure, imagine Bradley lying boneless in the middle of a bed, loose limbed and looking fucked out. Then he’s coming himself, hot and wet and he’s groaning into the phone, Bradley’s name on his lips.
                They’re both quiet for a bit and he lets his breath return to normal, glad he’s got Bradley on speaker because his hands are both covered in come now and he’s still half-dressed. Fuck it. He’s going to have to wash the shirt anyway. He quickly gets up and washes his hands, gulps back a glass of water and then he picks up his phone and takes it off speaker.
                “You there?”
                “Yeah. I can’t move.”
                “Not going to be very useful to the people in Fallon if you can’t move.”
                “God I cannot wait to use that on you. Holy shit.”
                “Mmm. Something for me to look forward to. Definitely enjoyed my present. Thank you.”
                Bradley laughs, and Jake feels lighter at just the sound.
                “You are more than welcome. We have definitely still got it.”
                “Was there any ever doubt?” Jake asks.
                “No. No there wasn’t.”
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armpirate · 12 days
So... some thing happened, and I might need an opinion from a different perspective.
A few months ago I started talking to my ex again (we've been on an off since 2015, but it's been 2 years that I chose to settle some distance between us).
When we started talking in March, the both of us made clear we wanted to have a new beginning, with no lies, no misunderstandings, etc. (he told me he wasn't ready for a relationship, and I was fine with it, because it hadn't been long since he broke up with his ex -who he dated while he tried to get back to me the past three years, but that's a different story). I still talked to different people and went on dates, but every time I told him, he got mad and stopped talking to me for a few days. Every time he came back, he said it was because he liked me and it hurted him to know I was seeing other guys, but that he understood because we were nothing (we only hooked up every once in a while).
A month or so ago, he kept making sweet plans with me (like going on dates), while saying how he cared for me, how he liked me, and how jealous he got just thinking about me being with someone else. And that it pissed him off how he wasn't ready for a relationship and, by the time he was ready, I'd be the one who didn't want to be in one and who'd be in a relationship with someone else.
I really thought there was some future in this, so I thought of waiting for him (stop meeting other guys), and that the two of us decide whether to date or not when he was ready. So I told him I needed to have a serious conversation with him.
Guess what? He went 2 weeks mia. I could see he was online, but he was ignoring my texts, despite how worried I sounded in them (he was also on a road trip, so it worried me he had an accident or something).
When he came back, he said he ignored me because he wasn't ready to have that conversation, which resulted in me getting mad and telling him I had nothing to talk about with him any longer. He kept saying he didn't understand why I got mad, or why I called him selfish. So now I'm not sure if I'm the one in the wrong and I just overreacted.
I can't believe I'm back to this, with the same person, after 10 years. It feels like being 16 again (and not in the good sense)
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noctilucous-sunni · 2 years
more reversed sagau brainrot!! | a lot more under the cut
- when scara sorta just ✨materializes✨ in your apartment and you’re like excuse me wtf is happening, so u pinch yourself to see if its a dream and its not apparently so you must be going insane BECAUSE WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION WOULD THERE BE FOR ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS EXISTING IN YOUR APARTMENT
- i’d feel like in the sagau or reversed sagau he wouldn’t be too fond of the all-creator bc if thats the all-creator wouldn’t that mean that you’re the one responsible for his existence and his suffering?? but when he just sees you being so genuinely nice and caring and yet strong and doesn’t take his shit he kinda lets down the guard a little
- plus he literally has nowhere else to stay so when you threatened to kick him out he realized it was either live with you or out on the streets. and he kinda hated the streets, so he ended up trying to find your place all dirty and stuff from tripping in way too many godforsaken random holes in the ground. poor gremlin.
- he is just super bratty and still has that air of “i think im better than you” but it never works on you bc you dont take his shit and you make him do half of your chores when your pissed at him (and you make sure there are no complaints)
- he wouldn't call you your grace after a while and just uses your name, you however come up with a million nicknames for him and you think its funny that it annoys him on occasion
- you argue. A lot. like so much that your neighbour and the apartment below you complained several times and also kinda tried to make the landlord kick u out so you made scara apologize to them bc hes mainly the reason its so noisy
- he will actually follow you everywhere, sorta like a guard dog. everyone around you is pretty intimidated by him but they are even more scared of you when they see that you basically keep him in check
- he can’t fucking cook dear lord. you told him to stay in the fucking apartment bc you had an important meeting today and he couldnt come with you and he was like “i didnt want to come anyway” and you just said “fuck you” (affectionate) in return (note: wrote this before his signature dish came out and he’s actually a really good cook don’t judge me ahaha)
- but when you come back your apartment and kitchen especially is a mess. you forgot to teach him how to use online delivery. and hes just like chilling out watching tv with mild interest, acting like half of your apartment isnt covered in eggs and flour and who knows what else
“scara what the fuck happened here”
“the stupid stove of yours doesnt work and neither does that beeping machine”
“clean it up”
“well i guess we wont have any food today or tomorrow, until you clean. it. UP." *glare*
he then leaves it but by the next afternoon he's actually getting hungry and grumpy and eventually starts cleaning it up the next day when he can't take it anymore and you finally come home to a clean kitchen bc thank god, you didn't know how much longer you could live on your co-worker's lunches
- you're both just so stubborn. he's stubborn and so are you and that leaves the apartment just with a tense silence AND when someone sees u at that time they feel so uncomfortable bc the atmosphere is just so tense between the two of you since neither of you agree
- silent treatment happens a lot and its really fucking stupid bc you both wanna talk to each other after like a few days but neither of you want to be the first one to admit that
- omg you absolutely hate having guests now BECAUSE HOW ARE YOU MEANT TO EXPLAIN HIM??? also he has to have normal clothes now and he looked at all your clothing choices in disgust
- everyone thinks he's just a friend until they realize he actually lives with you and then they're like "oohhhh are you together??" and think that he's your boyfriend/partner. and honestly you dont even deny it bc there is no feasible way to explain who he really is (without sounding crazy) + you get your parents off your back abt getting a boyfriend bc they kept trying to make you go on blind dates and now you're free from that phew
- but some of your friends/co-workers are all like "really? this lil guy? and they often say this around him and it just annoys and offends him to no end. but also you're surprisingly defensive of him, like yes he's a bitchy emo gremlin but he's your bitchy emo gremlin
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Hey, me again! I was curious: What would your thoughts be on a Chloenette AU in which both Chloe and Marinette play video games as a way to vent stress, and end up starting to date online... while totally unaware who the other is IRL? Hey, the question mark is working this time! But yeah, I kinda picture Chloe as the type of person who SAYS she doesn't like video games because they are for "nerds," but actually has a bunch of really expensive gamer gear, and Marinette is a confirmed gamer in the show.
Oh god, this would be very hilarious and fluffy. At first Chloe really doesn't like videogames cause why would she spend her day staring at a damn screen when she can do other things? (Like staring at her phone screen while shopping lmao). But she changed her mind when Adrien started inviting her over to watch and boy, was he super ridiculous.
"Adrikins!" She cries out, snatching the controller from the boy, "You are an Agreste! You do not lose to anyone, especially commoners over a stupid game!"
She actually managed to win third place but being the competitive brat that she is, she was pissed and vowed to get first place. What started as merely watching and commenting became her and Adrien's 'training' to beat random people online.
She still insisted it was kept a secret though. She was a Bourgeois, utterly unacceptable!
I'm not good with videogames myself so I don't have a specific game in mind. But I'm thinking of some rpg or where there's roles and heroes and stuff and Chloe meets a player who's ticked her off.
Marinette was sleep deprived and just had to beat an annoying akuma and wanted to play in peace and relieve her stress when this very flashy and expensive looking player just...poked her. She poked her back. And it ended with them just running around and decided to go on one adventure. Just one, she was intrigued after all.
Chloe didn't mean to poke her. She accidentally pressed her controller and it poked this player that just gave her some sort of... something. And it poked her back! She got an invite and despite being confused about the whole thing, she accepts.
And that's where it all started.
They became friends after learning how compatible they are during missions. Chloe was still wary of people finding out about her interest in games so she kept some part of her life vague, especially her name. Marinette didn't mind, she was just happy to talk to her friend.
They open up, learn stuff about each other and one thing leads to another and bam, they're girlfriends!
This bleeds on to their personal life and since Chloe is mostly on cloud nine, she doesn't bully people like usual and everyone is surprised (and slightly worried that the apocalypse is near or there's a reality bending akuma). Everyone including Marinette.
Marinette is also ecstatic (she's told Alya and some others about her girlfriend and they were very happy for her) but she can't help but notice and be curious about her rival's sudden change of attitude. She wanted to ask but they're getting along more easily (by this, they don't try to go at each other's throat by just locking eyes) so...maybe as long as nothing major changes....
It's during the upcoming competition does certain major changes come. Marinette is with Max, Adrien and some other kid talking about signing up for the competition. Chloe overhears and being the girlfriend of an amazing gamer, she couldn't help but brag.
"Hmp, your skills are no match to my girlfriend's! She'll wipe the floor with your tears when she's done with you." Her girlfriend had mentioned last night she was thinking of signing up for their school's competition and Chloe found out it's different schools battling each other. She had been excited! Her girlfriend shared her excitement and planned to see each other and introduce themselves formally when the competition comes. Chloe wanted to support her girlfriend after all.
Max looks like he stopped working, Adrien is beaming and Marinette is shocked. Wait...
"Anything wrong with that, Dupain-Cheng?!"
"What? No, no! Oh god, no! I was just..shocked." so that explains the happy moods. Max still looked shocked. Then again, this was Chloe. It wasn't even the girlfriend part. It was the, uh, someone actually wanted to date Chloe? That wasn't Adrien or some famous celebrity? And Chloe wanted them too?
"Whatever, Dupain-Cheng. My girlfriend is one of the best and she's trying out for the competition and I'll be there to support her! I feel sorry for any of you who'd be up against her."
Chloe rolled her eyes and walked away from the shocked group, muttering how they're definitely going to lose.
"Marinette." Max finally speaks.
"There's a 89% chance you will experience sudden dizziness and faint, but didn't you just tell me you also had a gamer girlfriend who happened to be blonde and is coming to support you?"
Oh. Oh.
"She has ten seconds before she - oh wait, no, she's already fainted. Thank you for catching her, Adrien."
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pawmesan · 1 year
So yesterday I said I had ✨opinions✨ on the DLC and today I have come to the conclusion that as per usual, I will not chill until I dumped them somewhere lmao. It's mainly focused on what I've seen people say about Carmine and Kieran online, be it on tumblr or other websites.
Teal Mask Spoilers under the cut :3
I have no idea if I used the under the cut feature even right lmao I've kinda always just been a douche and ignored it when talking about spoilers as I've realised gfjdjrc
Ok anyway so. I think what personally bothered me the most is a lot of people saying "they just have a perfectly fine siblings relationship, nothing unhealthy to see here" and "Kieran is a coldass douchebag who view others as objects and only cares about strength". Both statements I strrroooongly disagree with.
First about his and Carmine's relationship, since it plays into the other thing. It seems that their parents aren't around, though it's unknown why. The grandparents are apparently pretty lackluster in taking over their job and because of that, it seems that Carmine has taken it on herself to take somewhat of guardian role for Kieran. Which is a role she's visibly overwhelmed by, which makes sense, because that's not a role you should have to take when you yourself are maybe like 17/18 lol. You can see that she absolutely does care for and wants the best for him, but at the same time she can't wrap her head around his actions and how he's feeling. So a lot of the things she does she does out of good intentions (for example telling the player for him that he's interested in them because she says he couldn't ever ask on his own, or the whole lying thing where she believes not telling him you guys met Ogrepon prevents him from feeling left out), without understanding that they have quite literally the opposite effect (Kieran feeling like he's unable to do anything on his own BECAUSE she does everything for him, and of course him feeling left out BECAUSE you and her keep meeting Ogrepon a secret). On top of that she clearly has issues keeping her own emotions down, so instead of reacting calmly she'd yell at him whenever he does or says something she doesn't like. And whether you want to see that certain one-liner as her implying she does also hit him when she's not "being nice" or not, she seems unaware of what effect these reactions have on her brother. I do think the implication might very well be on purpose, but it's just not as obviously stated as it could be because this is still a Pokémon game and we don't gotta be too in your face about child abuse in a game that like 8 year olds play lol.
Anyway, aside from him thinking he can't make decisions on his own and stuff, there's a lot of ways this treatment shows in Kieran. Notice how while Carmine is pretty open about showing her anger, he keeps trying to repress his own until later in the story where he's starting to be unable to do so? You can see that when you battle him the first couple times and he loses, the light in his eyes leaves briefly (yknow, the anime thing they both do where that shows them being angry/frustrated) before he grabs his head and just says aw man or something. And when she outs him on his crush or whatever on you, he also looks angry like that, but she immediately shuts him down like usual. I'm pretty sure that's a learned behaviour on his part, aka "when I get openly angry or sad my sis will yell at and/or hit me so I have to keep it down". That's why he always switches the topic, runs off or just goes quiet when he pisses her off or he thinks he pisses her or someone else off. It's optional dialogue so idk how many people have seen it, but Carmine confirms that at the festival, though she again misunderstands why he does it.
Have a high quality photo of what I mea-
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So yeah, in short, in regards to their relationship, I think it's clear that it's pretty dysfunctional. For some reason Carmine's stuck with taking a caretaker role she cannot possibly fill given her own issues and age. As a result, she takes it out on her little brother who in turn has to suffer the double bagage of lack of parents and dealing with his older sister's moods. And with next to no social contacts outside of her, he's stuck in that situation and he's got no one to help him learn how to deal with this in a healthier way (same with Carmine really). All he knows that if he was "stronger", he could deal with this better. Like that cool ogre from the folktale that does not care what people think of it and keeps fighting for its right to be respected regardless. Stronger being a very arbitrary word here, as the only specific goal he mentions (in the beginning) is able to stand up against his sister.
Now onto the whole "Kieran sees Ogrepon, the player, probably everyone but him, as an object" thing which... yeah no, he's not a sociopath kcngjtc
More precisely, the player character comes in as this cool person who has no trouble beating his sister in a battle. They don't seem to have all that much trouble socialising either. Good thing he doesn't know all the kewl stuff we did at Area Zero and all or he'd lose it completely. I think a big bonus is also that we're not from his town, so we don't have any bias against his ogre idol. So like, he's head over heels for us, he actually gets to hang out with us and warms up as we realise we're interested in his stories and all and wow. He's found an actual real friend omg. He might not be 100% aware of that, but that's all he really wanted. He wanted to befriend the ogre because it sounded like it would be someone to understand him. And now there's suddenly this super nice person who's taking that role.
But then suddenly, that person hangs out with his meanie sister and stops interacting with him almost entirely. I have a feeling that Carmine hanging out with people he'd want to befriend and them making fun of him is just a thing that happened before and that's why he jumps to that conclusion right away. Keep in mind, the reason Carmine came to us in the first place is literally to make fun of his lack of skills at the mini game lol.
So yeah, the reason Kieran is so massively pissed off is because he does view the player character as a human being, and one he really really liked and put up the courage to open up to, yet from his POV we shamelessly take advantage of that and leave him alone again to hang out with his sis instead. Would probably come off to him like you just pretended to be his friend because you had to and now you're hanging out with the cooler kids and giggle about how silly he looked when, idk, he asked to have a sandwich with you lol. Of course this is not what the player intended (or is meant to intend) and I too felt physical pain when the game gave me no option but to lie xD but I'm pretty sure you guys making up and giving each other another chance is what's gonna happen in Indigo Disk.
For Ogrepon, instead of as an object, I think he just keeps seeing the ogre from the story in her. You gotta remember that he never gets to properly interact with her, he doesn't even refer to her by her actual name like Carmine does once she learns it. He doesn't understand that, ironically just like him, what she really wants is just acceptance and a friend. He thinks that the reason she's distrusting of him is not because she has trust issues and needs to warm up first just like him, but because he isn't as strong as you are, the one she does trust much easier. He's so convinced that nothing in his life will change for the better until he's "stronger" that... presumably the Dokutaro thing somewhere during the mid point starts influencing him. Not like, straight up possession, but more it taking advantage of his instability and promising to give him the strength he wants if he does what it wants. Just like the dex entries of the loyal three says what happened to them. So Dokutaro moreso takes the role of some guy who's a really bad influence and convinces you to do things that will harm both you and others with some sneaky lil psychological tricks. Because I mean, self-sabotaging is something Kieran literally does around the time he presumably comes in contact with Dokutaro. He completely stops trying to talk to you, he boxes the furret he apparently raised from an egg, he doesn't come along to help beat the loyal three to get the masks. I wonder tbh, if Dokutaro was influencing him, if it didn't lead him away from helping with that on purpose, since it originally made the loyal three steal the masks in the first place. I guess that would also explain why he would have been fine with Ogrepon just going back to the cave so he could get the masks back later. And while there definitely is the whole jealousy aspect, I think it's also Dokutaro leading him into actions he wouldn't normally do to get the masks. Because if he gets the masks it'll give him what he wants or whatever. I think without the Dokutaro influence, honestly, he'd probably just have locked himself up in his room for the rest of the story after you lying and sobbed into his Furret pal's fur lmao.
Soo yeah, I think that's about it. They both have quite some issues and continue the trend of ScaVio characters that really need a therapist lol. I like Kieran especially though, he's really adorable despite having his own set of flaws of course. So I do hope the next part will take his (and Carmine's) story into a satisfying direction. And I better get to give him a hug because he needs one smh. Maybe Arven can make him some top tier candy apples. Oh oh yeah, noticed btw that he adds Dipplin to his team after he gave us a candy apple at the festival and told us there's a mon that looks like one? Pokémon likes to do storytelling via the team, so maybe the Dippling reminds him of our broship 😔😔
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bokettochild · 10 months
so I noticed that you seem to have never mentioned anything about what the bad guys do in your Opera House au so I thought maybe they are just critics that have big vendettas against the chain and are always looking for things to pick on when they go to their shows? Idk random thoughts you can ignore this if you like *yeets self out of window*
-Window anon
I'm going to say that Ganon at least is a business tycoon of a rival company to Flora's father, and while, on one hand, he is actively trying to topple their company for his own gain, there is also the fact that his little sister Riju is constantly undermining him? And he can't even confront her about it because she inevitably manages to distract him with something else (like talking about boys, he is a VERY protective older brother, no you are NOT dating another loser Hylian boy, young lady!). I would't say he's evil, I just think he's rich and has power and doesn't always use it to benefit the people who need it, so it's more that the media hates his guts.
Hmmmm.....basically, if you know anything about American Politics, he's a slightly less horrible version of Trump. Like, if Trump knew that respecting women was possible and good for your health. So yeah, the entirety of the young generation makes so many memes about this guy, and he kinda deserves it.
As for the rest!
Veran and Onyx are Ganon's trusted business partners overseas. They're technically under his mothers' supervision, but they also answer to him. They're not evil, even if they have made it their personal mission between the three of them to get the notorious street artist Sheik and his(her?) little sidekick arrested, mainly just because Sheik keeps leaving street art on their buildings specifically.(Lullaby and Ganon have beef. It's not even big beef, they're just both petty.)
Onyx and Veran also have beef with Legend, not for any good reason even, they just do. He's purposefully annoying whenever he and Lullaby have to be around the three of them, and Ganon genuinely will call off a meeting if he sees Lullaby's pet brat waiting for her.
Then we have Vaati. Vaati is....well, to put it short (pfft), Four's rival. Four is the Mr. Fix-It at the opera but he also dabbles and creates in his own time. Vaati and he met at an expo where Vaati's mentor, Ezlo, took a shine to Four and thus sparked jealousy from his then-student. They're never violent, just extremely aggressively trying to one up each other all the time.
That said, Vaati's actually pretty chill to anyone who's not Four! Although he does tend to flirt with Dot whenever he sees her. His little brother is the opposite: edgy and grouchy to everyone OTHER than Four, although whether that started as a way to piss off his big brother or because he genuinely enjoyed Four's company is yet to be determined. Vaati hates it though, so, either way, mission success!
Zant is just a online troll who likes bashing successful people and tends to target the opera mostly to spite Midna, because he knows her ex and her bestie both work there. The crew actually love reading his posts online though and enjoy laughing at him. He's basically harmless, and while Midna hates it, Twilight loves reading how Zant is going to bash him on any given day.
Yuga is a really shitty art professor at Hilda's art school who likes trying to manipulate her and who Legend and Ravio kinda think is hitting on her. They hate him, she just thinks he's "strange but talented". His art is very unique though, they can't deny it. Ledge signed up to take his class just to keep an eye on him, so Yuga kinda hates his guts now, but also he can't fail him, because Ledge is actually good, so he kinda hates his guts instead and tries to make life difficult for him instead.
As for Cia? She's a fangirl. She's one of the more loud and outspoken fans that Warriors has, and slightly insane? They think? He had to take out a restraining order on her, and she violates it routinely. They don't know what, precisely, was the final straw to make him file for the order, but there is a history of drama there that only newbies don't know not to ask about.
I will say that Octavio is a musician who goes out of his way to point out every flaw or fault the opera has. He could be a critic? Maybe? He's a well regarded musician at any rate and has made his opinions very public. He doesn't damage their reputation a lot, but sometimes he gets on the team's nerves.
Malludus is the ghost that Spirit says is haunting the mechanic shop. He has no proof, he's never seen it, but he swears that it's the reason stuff is always a mess there. Wind's one of the only people who believes him, but he also believes Ravio about the ghosts that the Lorulian says haunt the opera, so....
As for Ghirahim? I'm not sure..... I'm wracking my brain, but I got nothing. Suggestions.
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A classic one. Skeleton brothers are on vacation, but arriving at their hotel, the guy tell them there's one bed left for them to share even if they asked for two. Reaction?
Undertale Sans and Papyrus - Papyrus complains because clearly this is poor client service quality, but other than that, they resigned to this. That's not the first time they have to share a bed. It's the end of the day, Sans is tired. He doesn't give a shit about having only one bed, all he wants is to sleep. Thankfully Sans doesn't take that much place. Papyrus will still let a bad note to the hotel on Google.
Underswap Sans and Papyrus - Honey is dying inside. He knows Blue is terrible to sleep with. Well, Blue insists he doesn't want to sleep anyway, and you know what? Honey is against that usually but today, at Blue's greatest confusion, he's encouraging it. He tells Blue to go clubbing or something, anything for him to gain a few hours of sleep before his hyperactive brother fucked up his sleep schedule. Blue is happy to obey and only comes home at 7 am, as Honey is waking up, happy he got a good night of sleep.
Underfell Sans and Papyrus - As soon as the guy tells there's only one bed, Red slowly starts to back down as he knows what's coming. Karen Edge is coming, and he's MAD. Edge starts to scream at the receptionnist that his hotel is bullshit, that he should be ashame to propose a poor service like this, that this hotel is ugly anyway and that he wouldn't have sleep in here anyway, also that he's going to tell all his friends to never come in this place and that they just lost one client even if they're never come here before. Edge then stomps away, Red following him, flipping the bird on the way out to say he's supporting his brother. The only problem being that they now have no hotel anymore. Edge obviously didn't think this far. Red sighs and starts to search a new one online, pissed off his brother is talking first and thinking after.
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - They both look miserable. There's no way they both hold in one bed, especially since Willow needs space for his back and Oak is moving a lot in his sleep and is scared of hurting his brother accidentally. With sad puppy eyes, they cancel the room and decide to leave. The receptionnist feels bad and runs after them to find a solution. They won the biggest room of the hotel. Only once they're in the room Willow says his brother that, obviously, training him to do puppy eyes was going to be useful eventually.
Swapfell Sans and Papyrus - There's a long silence. Then suddenly the two brothers sprints towards the room. Nox jumps in the bed first, but then Rus jumps on him and they start to fight and scream to win the bed like the two alpha males they are. Half of the hotel is in front of their door, looking in disbelief as the two brothers are trying to claim the bed. Eventually, Rus gives up. But as soon Nox goes to take a shower, this is done. When he's coming back, Rus is in the bed, pretending to be deeply asleep, forcing Nox to sleep on the chair. In the morning, Rus wakes up in alarm as Nox throws a cold water bucket at his face.
Fellswap Gold Sans and Papyrus - Wine sighs and lets the bed to his little brother. Once they're both settled, he knocks to the room next to his, scares the poor couple sleeping there to death and then grabs the bed and drags it back to his room with no shame. The hotel employees come to ask him to give it back. Wine simply smiles carily and says that they're welcome to take it from him. They decide not to, for some reason. That's probably have nothing to do with the huge blaster he summoned behind himself.
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imzsuzsis-blog · 3 months
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I stood and watched the team, totally shocked, I didn't realize I had won the first training session.
"Did I win, guys?"
I was swallowing large ones, I really couldn't believe it, I thought my friend was going to win.
"Yes, it looks like you won, Lando."
I slowly sat back up there and shook my head.
"Honey are you okay?"
Loki looked at me, he was shocked, like me, he also said that if we make the top ten, we are good in this weather. It's just that I overshot the whole thing and won.
"Well, I think you should get dressed."
"Why, it's raining... Mother, how can we English people be so damned talking about the weather."
I pulled up the zipper, it was so cold outside, but we were all freezing inside, but unfortunately my cute belly was still visible and right on the projector.
"My belly sucks, it looks like gas."
I grimaced and got up because they called me to look at data.
,,Your baby is cute... As long as it rains, let's talk about other things, you are pure stress. Again.”
"Even though I was stressed all night, I didn't sleep a damn wink."
,, How much?"
"How would you solve it if you had twins... That is, would your boyfriend be pregnant with them? Suddenly they need two or more of everything, and we're even talking about moving."
"Moving? Where? What?"
Both Will and Jon looked at me confused.
"Lando, we know you're pregnant, but not twins, we're sorry. And also that it stimulated your brain in this way."
They hugged me while I cried because even the others didn't know about it.
"They will be girls, it will be difficult to choose a name. I know it should be special, but beautiful, unique, and the family will like it too."
I whispered to them and then with help I started to get dressed because they were really talking to me.
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He got out of the car and the heat of the earth pissed off his gloves along with his shoes. I have never seen my boyfriend so angry.
"Lando calm down. By doing this, you are also harming the girls, not just yourself."
I followed him and grabbed his shoulders from behind and started kissing his neck. It wandered down, I clasped it under my hands and started rocking it, it calmed down, we intertwined its wandering down too.
"You feel a kick."
"They are a little too cute."
We started to smile, he put his neck on my shoulder and started blinking sleepily.
"I can't bear to watch, I'd rather go on."
"Who was he? Just by looking at him, he looked disgusted."
"Just Lance don't mess with it."
He yawned and closed his eyes and almost fell asleep on my shoulder.
"Sleep now baby."
"I know, I know... But I have to give an interview soon, I don't feel like it and I'm tired."
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Mobile by mobile, I took photos of them again and, yes, put them online again.
"Fuck Oscar!!!"
A voice came from behind and I suddenly shuddered.
"Who the hell are you?"
I turned to my heart, crossed my two palms and calmed down. It was just Daniel, he has a stupid habit of making fun of others just like that.
"That wasn't funny."
"Well, it's not like you're uploading your teammate in an unmistakable situation on Insta again. Bullshit.”
"But, but this is not intentional on my part, believe me."
"How much do you suck????"
I started running so that Lando wouldn't find me, but he still found me because his imperfect, ex-teammate showed him where I was.
"You idiot animal... What do you think of yourself?"
I stuttered to him in horror.
"It's a good thing I put these up by accident."
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
I stroked his hair and saw that he was afraid. And also that they call me gay again and fat gay pageant and tell me to fuck them, hence this is a sport for skinny people, and heterosexuals are not for cocksuckers. I held my mouth and started sobbing because it didn't even go as far as a death threat.
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I saw that Lando was crying about something, then I went closer, showed him and hugged him.
"Once you survive, you will survive."
"Yes, this."
"But then it was written by horny guys and now by acne-prone teens."
I stroked his messy hair, I know he hates it, but now he's unhappy because of so many idiotic, jealous teenagers.
"Carlos, what happened?"
I don't see so many fucking bored teenagers.
"Fuck, my girlfriend sent me the whole thing, I'm going to fuck you!!!! Not only threats, but also bullying."
,,Hey... Hey George? Bullying?”
I read everything from the fat pig, the gay, to the whore, and these were only mild ones.
,,I said. Now I can only talk about fucking suicide, the only way out for me!!!!"
He ran away sobbing, we all went after him and didn't let him do that.
"Lando, that's crazy, many people like you even here in the field, many even look up to you, we won't let you do that."
He stood with his back to us and was shaking, but we couldn't understand a word he said because of his sobs, then he ran away.
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