#also anti-cringe culture stuff
carcinogeneticlst · 2 years
when i was little, i used to have a minecraft skin of karkat and my steam profile photo on the shared acct i had with my dad was also karkat, and apparently around the same time i got this silly goofy video on my youtube page thats a parody of this one fergie song, and i jammed out to that shit now knowing a single bit of context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWcb2pdgZTc
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tired-fandom-ndn · 6 months
Controversial opinion but we need to apply anti-cringe culture shit to "edgy" art too. Like songs/poems/art/etc are not bad just because they're angry or sad or otherwise emotional and they're not bad for dark and violent. So much "edgy" stuff is just explorations of dark topics and/or mentally ill people working through shit via art.
Cringe culture isn't just bad when it's applied to positive expressions of emotion, it's also bad when applied to the angry and sad shit too. Let people be angry and sad in their art. It's fine.
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fairydares · 6 months
loook i get why the idea of riding the "anti/pro" fandom disk horse makes people gag a little in their mouth and try to opt out entirely, but here's why i went from feeling exactly the same way to taking a firm profiction stance. I've been meaning to make this post for a while.
~10 years ago, I posted a fic for the first time and it got its own harassment campaign. The fic wasn't even sexual, and wasn't going to be (it remains incomplete). It was accurately rated T on fanfiction.net. Anyone in the Fairy Tail fandom will understand this: I literally got harassed for writing a "Lucy leaves the guild" fic💀.
After many nice comments, someone left a pretty nasty one. Hurt, I messaged them back. They acted super attacked that I'd responded (lmao) and after we argued, threatened to "rip my shitty story apart in the comments section" if I responded again. I told them "go ahead lol."
They went ahead.
Now know that it was a relatively small harassment campaign, but at the time, it was devastating. Right around then, I wound up in the hospital. After I got out, I went to excitedly check my fic, and found several reviews saying things I wouldn't repeat to my worst enemy. I was suicide-baited more than once, told "thank fuck you finally abandoned this shitty story, dumb cunt," stuff like that.
There were several accounts involved, and I can't say for sure, but I suspect at least a couple different people were involved, though probably at least half of it was one person.
All the other comments were screeching about how I hadn't updated, mostly. "NO UPDAAATEE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO MEEEE??!!!" was one that stood out after I'd been miserable in a hospital for an extended period of time.
Idk what people think is going on when FT fic authors write this trope, and frankly I don't give a fuck. Because while I was partly writing the story out of some young, cringe feminist rage, I also did genuinely have a real story I was compelled to tell. I was inspired by another, popular fic I loved which used the trope to talk about how trying to shoulder our burdens alone really just hurts both ourselves and everyone who cares about us.
My own story was ultimately going to have similar themes, with more focus on strength, what it means, and in what contexts earning and having it actually matters. In retrospect, no wonder I wound up in hot water, because at the time "Lucy vs. Strength vs. Misogyny" was the FT fandom's Designated Nonsensically Activist Debate™. But that's partly why i wanted to write about it; engaging with the fandom had gotten me thinking about it 🤷‍♂️
Not too long after that, FFNet oh-so-benevolently granted us the ability to delete comments from our own stories (they never took my reports seriously at all, afaik). I deleted all or most of the harassers' comments (may still be a one or two up, and i'm fairly sure there's a couple comments defending my fic from the harassment) without saving screenshots, which I really regret now. I was just so mortified and full of self-loathing about the whole thing that i wanted to forget it completely. Something that had brought me joy at a very lonely, vulnerable period of my life had turned so negative, and i couldn't even tell the people closest to me about it without being made fun of for writing anime fan fiction.
I didn't understand why this happened at the time, but--after a period of trying to forget/bid out of it all with a slight anti lean (a common approach I see people use, and one which I'm not proud of adopting)--I just had to figure out What the Fuck Even Happened There. And I'm telling you, after years of reflecting, wrestling with both sides, and educating myself, that this "status quo of harassment" culture which pervades fandom goes way deeper than you think and comes out of a way darker well than you probably realize. An astonishing amount of this is, quite literally, TERF shit and evangelical shit.
Trying to be in fandom and take a stance of, "Anti/Pro shit? Ew, I'm Not Touching that," is like swimming in a heavily polluted river and being like, "Poison? Cringe. Not me lol."
You might be lucky enough to be in a less-polluted part of the river (AKA a relatively non-toxic fandom, in which case good for you!)...but tbh this rhetoric and peer-signalling will still seep in.
I can't stress enough that pro-fiction, AKA "proship", is the normal, leftist-about-art-and-sex opinion. Pro-ship is against all the horrible things you're against; in fact, pro-ship isn't trivializing real trauma by equating it with fictional trauma, or trying to apply literal evangelical/radfem solutions--which are proven not to prevent or help. Profiction/proship is literally just saying, "Fiction is fiction, reality is reality, and the two don't have a 1:1 relationship. And historically, trying to censor just things we've decided are bad has done nothing but get LGBTQ+ and POCs censored. Therefore, depictions of illegal things shouldn't be censored." That's it. "Proshippers all ship problematic ships," is a brazen lie. Many of them share other fans' disgust for those ships, they just don't believe in censoring fic authors over it.
It is also taking a stand against harassment because--and I hope my own story has helped drive this home--as with all groups who adopt ingroup/outgroup thinking, antis are defined by their tactics, not actual stances on real, serious issues. What happened to me was absolutely a result of anti, "it's okay to 'bully out' anything I just don't like" mindset pervading fandom. In a way, this was the mindset's final form. They didn't even feel the need to cite a reason the trope was "bad" or "wrong"; it annoyed them, and they viewed their own feelings as a valid enough pathway for policing to go right ahead and do so.
In the interest of offering solutions instead of just bitching about problems, I might make a "how to know if you've bought into these types of views"-type post sometime. Also might come back to this and provide some sources/citation.
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tanadrin · 9 months
Imagine one day a new social trend starts spreading. It’s something unbelievably dumb. Not harmful per de, but truly silly to believe. Let’s say, I dunno, healing crystals start going mainstream. Everybody’s talking about their crystals. It becomes impolite to criticize people who believe in healing crystals. They become a big part of people’s personalities, and people on TV start talking about them, and one day years down the line politicians are debating funding for crystal-based medicine. And through it all you are sitting there going, what the fuck is happening. I thought we were all on the same page on this. You want to get along and be friendly and open minded but you cannot pretend to believe in healing crystals, this is nonsense, and when the topic comes up you refuse to lie about it. This eventually starts to have social consequences—they’re that popular!—but what can you do? You cannot pretend a lump of quartz can cure the flu or whatever. It’s just all so unbearably embarrassing.
I think what the centrist/liberal/center-left reactionary turn driven by culture war stuff feels like. And I think the key emotion is probably cringe. Not hate, not fear, though those emotions may reinforce the turn. I think in a lot of cases people who imagine themselves pretty open minded and flexible have as part of their worldview something they thought was bedrock social consensus—on the level of “healing crystals are silly woo”—so bedrock maybe that it didn’t even need to be a conceptual boundary they actually policed in their minds.
For instance, when she started her anti-trans turn, JK Rowling made a big show of not being really anti trans, just arguing that Some People Had Gone Too Far. She wasn’t a frothing religious reactionary, after all. And I believe that’s probably true! I think Rowling probably did have a mental model of sex and gender with a little bit of give in it—of the “we can humor the odd weirdo” type. But as the discussion of trans rights in the UK got more serious over her lifetime, trans people went from “the odd weirdo” to “a recognized minority,” and eventually this ran against a bedrock belief that on some level men are men and women are women and never the twain shall meet. To act otherwise was just too embarrassing. And she wasn’t going to embarrass herself in the name of political correctness.
Other people whose brains have been eaten by the anti-woke mind virus (as @eightyonekilograms calls it) have something going of the contrarian in them, who enjoys yelling “up yours, woke moralists!” or w/e. Im thinking of ppl like Glenn Greenwald here, or Dave Chapelle, people who seem not to feel alive except when people are mad at them. That’s a separate but interesting dynamic. And there are people like Graham Linehan who become totally unhinged through this process of auto-radicalization, moths drawn ever closer to a particular source of validation within their chosen reactionary subcommunity, until they are truly parodies of themselves. That is also an important dynamic, but it’s one that only takes hold after the initial turn has begun.
I think the role of that feeling of cringe, that refusal to entertain an idea because it is too embarrassing (even if it does actually have a decent body of research behind it, unlike crystals) is important to think about, because I am interested in how to get people over it. I know that feeling has affected my own thinking over my lifetime. I wasn’t raised particularly conservative, but I had to learn not to cringe at a lot of feminist thought before I could appreciate it and learn from it. I explicitly didn’t have that cringe when it came to gay people for whatever reason, so it never entered my mind that it might be a problem. I remember being surprised to learn when I was very young that some boys wanted to marry other boys, but my response was “huh. Go figure.” Because for whatever reason I had not picked up that this was something I was supposed to be grossed out by. A general doctrine of empathy, of trying to understand people on their own terms, can help forestall some of this stuff, but it’s not foolproof in either direction—I don’t want to believe crystals have healing powers if it becomes socially popular to do so, just because it is socially popular to do so! And if they do, I don’t want to not believe they do just because it is socially unpopular!
(Obviously the crystals thing is not a one to one metaphor for the trans thing, so don’t read too much into that. Maybe astrology would have been a better analogy. Also I’m not talking just about people whose reactionary turn is predicated on trans issues—I think this dynamic applies to everything from gay rights to the Tridentine Mass. But trans issues are a handy example bc, as the adage goes, somebody posts once about trans people and they never post anything normal again. I think the classic rapid-onset trans derangement syndrome is closely tied to the fact that gender norms are a really deep element of many people’s social-consensus-based worldview, and so challenged to that worldview are felt as really cringe.)
I’m curious if other people who grew more liberal in their thinking over time had a similar experience of having to overcome what was basically a feeling of embarrassment at certain ideas.
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the-afterparty-au · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Afterparty AU is briefly summarized as taking place in a party within the void, lasting forever after a genocide route that was never undone. After many months of nothing but wind, our first fallen human realized the world was not going to be reverted by the player, and they stayed true to their word of Erasure. Chara however, simply getting bored decides to play a game framed as a experiment & brings back all the monsters you failed to befriend in a Genocide route back for a encore. Allowing everyone to reside in the void, a space between files & between deltarune and UNDERTALE. The amount of monsters that are happy about this is uncertain, but all of them are certainly questioning literally everything that brought them here.  (Lightly Inspired by these fanworks so, Thanks to @garbagechocolate, @djsmell & @jazze-bee for accidentally inspiring me to make a whole AU)
By; Modphys (They/them) (Main Blog & Art Blog: @kates-cave & @ryzies-ralley)  Modtaton (He/they) (Main Blog + Art Blog: @spiltmilk34 & @spoiledcheese34 | Instagram ) Papymod (She/they) (Main Blog + Art Blog: @theartistthatcantraw & @fail3dexp3rim3nt) Also thanking this for the text boxes haha
#ModAlphys🍍 #ModMTT🦝 #ModPapy💀 - Content from specific Mods
#OutOfVoid - General out of character posts/Asks/Announcements Etc.
#PostsFortheVoid Reblogs of any Fanart or random posts I/we might reblog
#PostsOfTheVoid Extra Content asks lore etc. not relevant to the actual plot Or announcements
#TheAfterPartyAU In universe & Main Story posts
#AskAfterparty is any asks in character
#ModsQ&A, Any Asks directly for the mods + #ModsArt is any Art Directly from the mods (not counting story)
[📋*RULES 📋]
[*Current AU Status: Active]
- No SERIOUS NSFW media. Swearing and certain (Chara Frisk & Flowey are all children) jokes are allowed but actual sexually explicit content & HARD GORE is prohibited. Plus the mods are minors 
- Harassment towards me, Or anyone of Any group, will not be tolerated
- Repeat asks will probably be ignored, sorry.
- Please Be patient, This blog does not have a schedule & updates come out when they’re ready (aim for at least 2 weeks) 
- No Magic!Anon please, While this story is a bit aimless it’s still there, plus Keep Roleplaying limited maybe. Makes my life easier.
- Technically not a hard rule but If you’re asking & have an ask blog I recommend you add your @, Love seeing other AU/Blog’s Out there in the wild!! Doesn't matter the fandom either :D 
- Probably will close the ask box if it gets too full, might cap it at 20 0r 25.
* Have funnnnn. =)
[*⚠️ *WARNINGS ⚠️]
This AU is estimated to be 15+  
While I don't plan to include shipping, it might sneak its way in here, who knows.
Swearing in Asks Is allowed plus the mod swears. (Steer clear of slurs, even if you can reclaim them.)
Scarring, Blood, Death, themes of unreality trauma & gore is around, Everyone was brought back from the dead. Additional CW for mentions Genocide considering this au is after one. 
potential mentions (& possible depictions) of suicide & Self harm, Fratricide, Mind Control (Possible Manipulation), & Divorce.
While this aims to be (kind of) joke au, General CW for potential disturbing content is out there. 
Feel Free the DM With any warnings I missed & should include
*Chara - 💔 *Frisk - ♥️ *Flowey 🌻 *Toriel - 🔥 *Papyrus - 💀 *Mad Mewsy - 💢 *The Undying - 🦈 *Muffet - 🕷️ *Mettaton NEO -  👾 *Sans - 🦴 *Asgore - 🔱
Homophobes, Terfs, LGBTQIA+Phobic, Racists, Xenophobes, Pro shippers, Anti-Anti's, Misogynists', Cancel Culture & Cringe Culture, NSFW/18+Blogs, Abelists, Zoophiles, Anti Semitism, Hate speech, MAPS/Pedos, Discourse Blogs, Y’know the basic DNI criteria stuff  (Just don't be a dick man this feels dumb to make.)
[*LINKS – 📎]
Beginning - N/A
Arcs  - N/A
Character Sheets - N/A
Most Recent - N/A 
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olderthannetfic · 7 hours
I find it really sad when proshippers partake in "cringe culture" so to speak. you can't build your platform on anti-harassment and then make fun of people for being into something you deem stupid/trash/etc.
Like, I know in my mind that proshipping is more about anti-censorship and being pro "darker" stuff so to speak, and that it's not REALLY built on "we shouldn't make fun of people for reading/watching Stupid Stuff" but shouldn't the two be connected? I'd honestly argue that the latter argument is a stepping stool to the former?
Because how can you reblog "all ships are good ships" "ship and let ship" and then make fun of someone for being for an adult who still ships Steven Universe characters? How can you post "RPF is fine" but then make fun of that person on stan twitter who's a bit too into kpop rpf?
just makes me sad. The people who have made fun of me for the most for my MCU hyperfixation are my fellow proshippers. I've unfollowed people for posting book-tok screenshots that are clearly just mocking the OP for the fact that they read Colleen Hoover or whatever.
And I'm not talking about privately shittalking something, or just hating something in general; I'm not not even really talking about laughing at the *media/media creator itself* and criticizing it. I mean, I myself still laugh at the "read another book" Harry Potter meme (which, if i really need to add a disclaimer, i am DEFINITELY not talking about people who think it's weird and fucked up af that some people still like JKR as a person because. . .how can you at this point?). Moreso I mean people who claim to be SOOOO anti harassment and SOOOO pro-all-forms-of-art-even-'bad'-art (whether the art be bad in a moral way or in a creative way, whatever "art" "bad" "moral" and "creative" even MEAN because it changes with everyone.)
Obviously no one is going to like every single piece of art ever, and it's, imho, really human to be a "hater" to some degree! I just have a problem when someone genuinely makes fun of the FANS of something or thinks that someone is less intellectual just because the someone in general likes Disney/Twilight/Taylor Swift/Hamilton/whatever. No one gives af if you think a certain writing or acting style is cringe, but if you think the fans are cringe, that says more about you than it does about the fandom.
(also as a send off -- all the 'yous' i said here were general, def not directed at anyone on this blog. I'm just venting and this seems like the best place to do so where people will agree with my words.)
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kittyit · 2 days
One thing I don't like about trans critical spaces is how they are focused on trans women being unattractive and 'cringe.' this is just my personal experience, but I have been sexually victimized by multiple trans women, most of whom passed, many of whom were skinny and beautiful and most of which had high brow tastes and no interest in anime or other cringe topics. one of these TIMs was a serial sexual assailant and I think probably attracted to underage boys, and she was also beautiful and charismatic. Meanwhile, I also know multiple trans women who are good people and don't infringe on female spaces but who are conventionally "ugly", broad-shouldered, and have masculine interests. It also seems like the only thing TIMs criticize about each other publically is being "ugly", large, or fat.
my position has consistently been for about 15 years that mocking someone's appearance is not a feminist act. it simply isn't.
mocking appearance is essentially a cruel hobby, it's primate social aggression we're using our huge brains for. it's really fun, and that's why almost everyone does it. i sometimes do it too, in private, in intimate company, and it's enjoyable. i say this to clarify that despite my position, i don't set myself apart or above from women who do it. i do it too. and it's constant in basically every subculture online. julie bindel actually posted on her facebook recently troubled about this same thing. as you said, it's so common in queer/trans circles too, the long-forgotten 2013 values of tenderqueerism fallen to the wayside. stan culture, politics, just basically everything...i really can't stress enough that in my opinion, it is a hobby
mocking appearances is not feminist or activism. it quite often is anti-feminist. it's kindergarten stuff to not judge a book by its cover. it doesn't matter what a male person looks like - he is still male and all considerations that apply to male people apply to him. i don't need to think a male person has a hideous appearance to criticize him for any of the oppressive acts he's doing. focus on appearance (or other unrelated personal attacks) often takes the sting out of a criticism of someone's character, morals or actions and makes your argument easier to dismiss. and of course the now mocked & dismissed concept that when you rip into someone's appearance, you do friendly fire to anyone around who shares those features. but of course this doesn't matter to anyone because it's 1. so fun 2. we're so used to it 3. everyone is doing it 4. so who cares? (I do. However)
i also just can't really scrape up that much finger wagging anymore at women who do spend a huge amount of time blowing off steam mocking the insane parodies that trans women present as. it's basically evil imaginative play. it's just not activism and acting like it is, as you said, is really detrimental to radical feminism being understood as a feminist way of thought that deeply affects women's lives.
as for the rest of this, have you read pronouns are rohypnol? you do not have to call a serial rapist pedophile you knew she. there is no one here but us, he cannot hear you. i encourage you to free up processing power in your mind, especially if you've survived trans male violence. calling the men who harmed you he can be a turning point in reclaiming your own sense of reality, it was for me
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fictionfreedom · 1 month
One thing I’ll never understand how antis can be creatives. No offense but I can’t imagine being in an environment that’ll turn on me the moment I don’t act in the way the audience I cultivated approves of, or because of some minor “transgressions”, and especially because they can never agree on what is/isn’t allowed to be depicted in art, In my opinion this is so stifling that I wouldn’t want to be creative at all
As one of many people who were stuck around antishippers for a while, I'm beginning to believe it's why our brain has almost entirely shut off from most forms of creativity. Like, we can still make stuff!! But we can't actually write full proper fanfics anymore or make proper character sheets and stuff, and always get this dreadful feeling when trying to. Also, cringe culture, but antishippers also push that ideology around a lot so..
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kinffirmations · 3 months
Welcome to Kinffirmations! Feeling down about kin related stuff? You’ve come to the right place, my friend!
Kinffirmations is a blog dedicated to helping people in the alterhuman/otherkin community! Between us mods, we can provide you with some comfort and positivity, or maybe another form of request to help you explore your connection with your kintype! But that’s not all, we are also a very welcome place to other communities as well, and you can feel free to submit stuff related to them too!
Our list includes (but not limited to):
Alterhumans (fictionkins, otherkins, therians, etc.)
Age regressors
Pet regressors
People with comfort characters
And pretty much anything not on our DNI! (Our DNI is at the end of the post!) You can even be someone just looking for some life advice and we can try our best to help!
You can also just come here to share your stories, thoughts, or just chat with us through the asks! Wanna share a kin memory? Go right ahead! Just feel like infodumping to us? Go for it! Maybe you wanna talk about your fictional other? Hell yeah, we love all these things!
We can do stim/mood boards etc.! Just check what the mods offer before requesting, especially if you ask for a specific mod!
Our signoffs will be in the tags with our correlated emojis! (For example, this is being written by Mod Doe 💘!)
And now… Meet the Mods!
Mod Doe (💘)
Mod Pocket (☕️)
Mod Vanny (🐇)
All we ask is you to respect our boundaries and DNIs. Any hate will be ignored, deleted, and blocked, as we handle things maturely here and will not be giving haters the reactions they desire. This is a safe space and hate will not be on our blog!
DNI: Basic DNI (racist, homophobic, ableist, etc.), terfs, pedos/MAPs, zoos, proshippers/comshippers/darkshippers, strictly NSFW blogs, anti-kin, anti-age/pet regressor, if you sexualize agere/petre, anti-therian, anti-furry, pro-cringe culture (ie calling people who aren’t doing anything harmful but existing cringe), endogenic systems, xenosatanism (if you’re unsure what it is, it is in no way connected to satanism or religion in general, careful if you research it), you don’t respect people’s religions/beliefs, or you’re bigoted in general.
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stellaluna33 · 1 month
Tbh I don't think Rory is that much "not like the other girls" like yes she cares about school, reading and learning but aesthetically she is very basic and also listens to pretty basic music and keeps up with current pop culture references of the time. She also doesn't have any traditionally manly interests- doesn't care about cars or sports and isn't athletic at all, and wears makeup. Same goes for Lorelai I mean the girl carries three bags of makeup with her everywhere! Lorelai being accused of being "not like the other girls" is even weirder than when Rory gets accused of it (and I have seen it already). Do they get jealous of other girls when they are interested in the same guy as them? Absolutely, but that's human (even though Rory's tearing down of Shane made me cringe). If these basic girls that like current trends, pop music, makeup and romcoms, and wear dresses and makeup get accused of being "not like the other girls" then where is the hope for the rest of us lol
Yeah. Although I will say that the music Rory and even Lorelai listen to was NOT "basic" pop music at the time! Rory listened to a variety of things that most of the kids at my school hadn't heard of. "Basic" pop music in the early 2000s was boy bands like the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, and 98°, or female pop stars like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Rory was pretty emphatically not into that stuff! And that would have automatically made her "different." HOWEVER, the show also highlighted Rory's enthusiasm for other women artists, like PJ Harvey! (Remember that Tristin didn't know who PJ Harvey was? Yeah, that's because HE'S "basic." Hahaha! PJ Harvey was not played on the Top 40 pop radio stations!) Her locker was pasted with photos of women authors! Rory and Lorelai were definitely written to be a bit "different" (maybe this was more noticable at the time?) BUT they were also still written to be very typically "feminine" in a lot of ways.
I don't know, it's hard to tell what people MEAN by "not like other girls" sometimes. A lot of it depends on what you're contrasting "other girls" with. Is the emphasis on "girls" or "Other?" Frankly, I consider the idea that "girls" are only interested in certain things pretty insulting, haha! If Rory was "not like other girls," that shouldn't necessarily mean that the only alternative is "more like BOYS!". If people are looking for ideological perfection, they're not going to find it in a network TV show from 2000, haha, but Gilmore Girls definitely had a lightly alternative AND "Girl Power" flavor in the context of the time, and those things weren't seen as contradictory. Even Rory's criticism of Shane, while unfair and definitely motivated by jealousy, was NOT seen as "anti Feminist" AT THAT TIME. Possibly maybe "TOO" Feminist. Attitudes can change a lot in 20 years, haha! I don't know what to say. It's a complicated thing, haha.
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sout999 · 2 months
adhd talk
the third truly unsung project alongside my film and dissertation was the weird amount of targeted effort i had to put into Completing Anything Big As A Neurodivergent Person Whose Brain Is A Crazy Off The Rails Train Staffed and Patronised Entirely By Multiple Exact Copies Of The Squirrel From Ice Age
which is a description like 99/100 people reading this can relate to, but i think a sentiment i see less often and therefore feel kind of stupid and stubborn and lonesome about is "adhd is innate but is also exasperated by hectic lifestyle/modern instant gratification machines so if i fix my habits around those i can cure myself forever". which is silly and wrong but also i feel abit disconnected from adhd social media culture and cant cope just relating to it (which is all it seems to be sometimes) but learning to harness or tame it to do the things that are really important to me
i felt really cringe tbh having to look up youtube videos of HARVARD STUDENT REVEALS PRO STUDY TRICK and then narrowing it down to specifically adhd-focused study videos and keeping a planner and setting aside specific time to study studying and practising anti-academic meltdown journaling techniques and reading fucking atomic habits but i really didn't want to contribute to my abhorrent academic record following me all through undergrad. in fact i wish i had done this sooner but i was not self aware enough to consider the fact
probably the best change i made was severely cutting down or being mindful of social media time, i don't backread my tl anymore and have more moments of awareness when i find myself dumbly scrolling and realize i dont want to be doing this, and then wondering what i actually Do want to be doing. i keep a book nearby to read, and have also swapped a lot of social media time to sketching-off-pinterest time. reading about the psychology behind social media apps is also super interesting, although i always feel like a paranoid wacko conspiracy theorist talking about it. stuff like how negativity and judgemental behaviour is good for engagement (and therefore ad revenue), and how if all posts on your tl were interesting you wouldn't be as addicted to social media as you are, therefore microblogging employs a slot machine/gacha system where you "roll" for posts by logging on and hope to get a good one. it's a little full on but the more i think of it as a revolting and evil machine the more incentive i have to do something else with my time ^q^
a harder thing to do was, in the late stages of the project, the real crunch time month, avoid everything that could become a huge hyperfixation, and then eventually even minor distractions or fixations. because i know if i got super obsessed with something i'd just be up posting about it or drawing fanart. i had to bar myself from persona 3 remake and elden ring dlc and all these other shiny new releases, and the mobile games i was playing... i look forward to catching up on them now. i took up reading books a lot more because unfortunately thats just not as exciting. in the last month of film work i stopped listening to music on my computer so i wouldnt get drawing or animation ideas to distract me from film work. as of writing this i havent listened to music in like 40 days guys 😱 at the same time i am the kind of person who needs background noise to work, so i have:
watched novum's four hour hereditary video essay three times
watched novum's seven hour midsomar video essay three times
watched that one five hour bojack horseman retrospective twice
listened to audiobooks of the Britney Spears biography, Jennette McCurdy biography, three Playboy Bunny biographies (i was on some sort of lady bopgraphy kick i guess), and a few fiction books
rewatched all of bojack horseman
started on House MD and got a few seasons in before i finished the project, amazingly the perfect show to look away from bc of all the medical stuff, how many lumbar punctures do you need to show like seriously
honorable mention to the learned skill of communication and being honest and picking your battles and killing your darlings which is a larger part of managing mental illness than i cared to admit but one of the hardest ones because it involved confronting things and making big painful drastic changes and then having to tell the faculty about them. sometimes i'd be stuck on a piece of animation work for weeks/months, then go back and change the underlying idea to one i'm actually passionate about, and do the animation work in one day using newly found magical hyperfocus passion power. it's crazy! but being able to be confident about taking those steps rather than keeping on with what you're "supposed" to do went a long way.
i very much look forward to listening to a music and playing some video games properly now and being pulverized like a small victorian child from the sheer amount of fun i'm having. i'd say it was all worth it and a fun experiment in channeling the magical humours of passion and boredom and i hope it will help me with future projects too. i Am super burnt out though x__ x thanks for reading and for all your support up until now!
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randommothxd · 23 days
Thought I should make this
I'm so fucking stubborn to think this will go anywhere
I'm not cool nor interesting for this
Nobody will ever be this or even use the term
I'm delusional for ever even thinking about this and putting in research
Just to name this rainbowgore out of all things
And this could be a thing for all I know
and I'm just a extra and not original
But whatever
that's just me X3
What is rainbowgore ??
In my last post,I was talking about how my art is basically tramuacore decora
So I decided to make this a thing
Tramuacore:a type of aesthetic imagery that delves into the themes of abuse and tramua along with cute visuals to give the whole aesthetic a 'bittersweet tragedy' feel
Source: aesthetics wiki
Basically that but decora
Decora:decora is a playful and child-like style.it has less of a silhouette and is more focused on the use of accessories, motifs, and color schemes
Source: Japanese fashion wiki
With those combined,we get rainbowgore!!
Rainbowgore:an aesthetic with extreme decora-like themes.this includes:rainbows,childish stuff,glitter,anti cringe culture,and many more.but also including dark themes and tramuas used to cope (often s/h and su1c1d3)
Source:me @randommothxd
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(Typically furries being harmed and throwing up colors)
Similar styles:
And probably more that I just don't know of
That's it,bye :D
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scpsillyman · 4 months
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About Me:
Hello!!! I'm Lumineux, or Lumi, or Ambrosia, mod J, or whatever's on my name.
I'm genderfluid, pan and bi, Any pronouns will do.
I'm a fictive of Dr. Bright who just wants to post about myself, reblog about stuff and just generally chill. If you're cool with that, I am too!
I'm also fictionkin! Some of my kintypes are from scp so I might put them here too...
More info about me is in here.
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- Do not refer to me as Bright. - Please don't treat me differently due to source. - We're bodily an adult but don't be NSFW/suggestive in my asks, we aren't comfortable with that. - Don't talk to me about rewrites, I'm not comfortable with that too. - Don't tag my posts with any '963 variations' or 'shaw' or any rewrites, or use them to talk about them. - I don’t care about any source duplicates or sourcemates unless you apply to my DNI. - Don't repost my stuff into anti-Bright spaces. - This isn't a rp blog!
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Don't Interact:
- Bigots (Racist, Zionist, LGBTphobe, TERFs, etc.) - Exclusionists - MAPs - Radqueer/Transid - Ableist - Antikin - Pro/Comship - If you support TDM/AB or anyone here - If you support the erasure of my source (Me IDing as source and using my source doesn't mean support for AB, now buzz off.) - If you made/use a rewrite of my source and I don't know you - People against kins + fictives with problematic sources (you suck end of story.) - Drama-heavy - Pro cringe culture
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Tags & Credit:
- lumiposting: txt tag - the illuminating: source tag - lumis drabblez: writing tag - ambrosiart: (rarely used) art tag - mod j rants: rant/vent post (not as used)
pfp credit: balalaka banner credit: lepie_u
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strawberryraviegutz · 1 month
Being an Alastor fan is not for the weak cuz literally every other week we have ppl mischaracterizing/making fun of him and his fans wether it be from Hellaverse antis or Hellaverse FANS. Hell I’ve even seen other Alastor fans do it which makes no damn sense to me like why are you going after your own kind??
“Alastor is basically homelander for 14 year olds on tumblr lmao”
Of course right of the bat with cringe culture. Also…did you seriously compare a canonically mixed black man who grew up in the Jim Crow era of America to a white man who not only is supposed to be a critique of white male privilege but also was ENGAGED TO A NAZI ALONG WITH BEING A “DAD” TO A SON THAT WAS THE RESULT OF HOMELANDER RAPING A WOMAN???? You guys either haven’t watched the show/know nothing about Hazbin Hotel at all or are just make just making stuff up because wtf are yall even saying anymore??
But then again this is the same crowd who think that Alastor would be a rapist just like Valentino if he wasn’t ace(Im not on the ace spectrum but even I know that’s not how asexuality works-)
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lauras-happy-place · 2 months
Little personal vent
(Aka 1 year anniversary of getting help)
The internet is so triggering lately.
The olympics, toxic fandoms, anti feminists, cringe culture is back but stronger this time. It used to be for us, (ik it was never friendly) but now it really is ppl contra ppl. They don’t care that you’re a person in front of a screen too. They will hurt you over the smallest little things, such as a preferred character or idk-
I think maybe it’s me though. I’ve been working on myself quite some time now (today’s the 1 year anniversary of that), so maybe these things don’t just over go my head anymore.
I used to be indifferent about everything (I had clinical depression), and because of that I kinda miss being depressed? Is that normal? Now words do hurt me and I get upset over ppl not treating others well.
While I am out from the deep, that caused other problems to resurface. My depression was so numbing, it used to cover me from having panic attacks, anxiety and feeling so useless in this world. Now that I have goals again, it’s really demotivating, annoying even when I can’t reach them faster. Or when you get setbacks etc. Idk how to explain it. Like before, I didn’t even feel sad anymore. Just indifferent. But now, when something doesn’t happen the way I had it planned or something is in the way, I get sad and frustrated and stuff…
Anyway. Not sure how to deal with all that yet. But for now I’m just keeping at it I guess. I’ve no other plan. It’s just weird feeling all these different kind of emotions again. The nice ones are…nice, but this means I now also feel all the bad ones too.
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cute-emo-boi · 3 months
Idk if anyone would remember me but I used to run a decently large mogai/ queer centric discord server called Cringe Culture Reclaimed. I think I went by the name Crim or Crimson if that sparks anyone's memory.
I'm just making this post to come clean about my sudden disappearance (ik I shoulda made this post ages ago shhhhh) and update people on where I am now with queer stuff and stances and all that.
I started to grow tired of modding CCR and became less and less active since I felt kind of excluded from the community I had made, as my opinions were rapidly changing and I was becoming more and more proship, pro para and pro transid, and feeling forced to ban anyone who was a big 3 paraphile, proship or used any sort of transid label just to keep the community happy.
I'm not blaming anyone in particular, but once you have a big community, you can't just change your opinion on something and expect everyone to go along with it and support it without backlash.
But yeah to update ppl on where I'm at now with my identity and stances and all that, I just ID as queer as in weird to encompass all aspects of my identity. I've also come to the realisation that I'm profiction and a paraphile (anti contact), which I had suppressed since I had been surrounded by antis and felt I wasn't allowed to think for myself. The paraphile part may tie into my queer identity. And well, I just think if someone labels themselves queer, then they're queer. So simply being weird or having a strange non-normative identity can be queer. Including objectum, fictophilia and any other kind of attraction or paraphilia. Including feeling queer about your age, species or anything else. Basically I've become more radqueer aligned, however I am still critical of some aspects of the community. I have my reasons for my beliefs but I don't want to make this post longer than it already is or go off topic, but feel free to ask me abt them
I know this is gonna make some people mad, but I just wanted to be open about where I am now. Post is written poorly but I can't be assed proof reading it at 1:30am lol
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