#also another thing is that i just don’t like zelda (character) LOL she’s very nothing to me
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evanatsuhi · 2 years ago
i cannot believe they pulled an axl with zelda but instead of it being interesting it just ended up pissing me off
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 2 years ago
3 thing ask:
2, 6, 11, 33, 34, 37
Three movies you have rewatched many times
1. Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron. I went through a phase when I was nine/ten where I’d rewatch this movie multiple times a week for… like a year 😅
2. Bolt. Underrated movie!! This was another one I looped when I was younger, and I tried writing a fanfic about it when I was eleven maybe but gave up after one page or something lol
3. The Good Dinosaur. Yet another one I looped when I was younger :) I saw this one in theaters too!!
I went through a major animation phase when I was 9-13. All these + How To Train Your Dragon were pretty much all I watched aksgaksgaksg
I still have all my animash edits saved :) Perhaps I will share them someday…
Three characters that inspire you
Ooh man, hmm…
1. Tommy (DSMP). This answer seems silly at first, but I’m always touched by how much and how hard he tries. He tries so hard to be good, and to help people, and to never give up on people, and it’s amazing. It’s rare that I find characters who are so, for lack of better words, good. He’s just a really good kid.
He also loves most everything he touches, and he loves hard. He loves so hard that it’s impossible to not see it, to not feel it, to not be changed by it, and that’s freaking powerful.
(I’m really having to Think about this question, because while I like a bunch of characters, I’m not often inspired by those characters)
If I had to describe Zelda in one word, I’d choose “selfless”. So, so selfless. It’s crazy.
The things she does for her kingdom and for Link and for the things she cares about is near-unmatched; she’ll do hard things for the good of others, and I mean really hard things. Heartbreaking, painful, scary things that I honestly probably wouldn’t do.
I think she’s really neat :) And I think I could learn a lot about being selfless from her.
3. Goshhhh I’m kinda drawing a blank here ummm
*spongebob time-passing-screen-thing with the french guy*
Okay so I literally hopped off tumblr for the night and came back to this question twelve hours later lol and I still cannot think of a character :’0
Three books that you would recommend everyone to read
1. The One And Only Ivan :D This is one of four stories that has ever made me tear up, and the only story that has ever made me cry. It’s just… ough. It’s beautiful and unique and it’s amazing it’s amazing it’s amazing I CANNOT tell you enough how amazing this book is oh my gosh-
2. What Beauty There Is by Cory Anderson. I read this one very recently, I think in December, and… wow. Absolutely stunning. Just… wow. It’s haunting—that’s probably the best word for it—and beautiful and deep and dark and tragic. It’s the sort of book that made me feel a bit heavier while I was reading.
(Also one of the four stories that has made me tear up sooooo)
There is a bit (not a lot at all) of swearing, and one scene that bordered the lines between PG-13 and something above PG-13; it was like… I don’t know, it’s kinda confusing. It was sort of sexual but nothing really ended up happening. It was more like an implication or a suggestion.
But other than those things, the book was fantastic and I highly highly recommend!!
It’s one of the coolest and best stories I have ever hekkin read and it’s so sad and so amazing and so well-formatted and so interesting and so OUGHHHH
I need to reread this again 😭
There’s like, one swear word maybe? Two? Hardly any, really. But there’s definitely some disturbing scenes that would make a lot of people uncomfortable, so I’d advise caution.
But yesssssss this story is so good I’m gonna scream 😭
Three scented candles that you love the most
Gonna be perfectly honest here, I don’t like candles all that much. I just… eh. I don’t see the point. Not my thing.
So instead of doing scented candles, I’ll just list three of my favorite scents in general 😅
1. Vanilla :)
2. Certain flowersss maybe?? Some of them smell nice? Like vanilla but with honey and sort of like yogurt now that I think about it.
But a lot of flowers don’t smell like anything to me, so meh.
3. Uhhh
(This question is making me realize that my sense of smell is either not very strong or I just don’t… care that much about it lol because this is hardddd)
3. Like. Food. Good food. Yyyyyes.
Three people in history that inspire you the most
This is making me remember that I really do like history, and I like learning about history/people in history, but it is MISERABLE trying to find history books that aren’t hard to read or incredibly boring. So unfortunately I don’t know as much history as I would like :(
And I do like a bunch of people in history, but like the character question, I’m not often inspired by them.
Three languages you would love to learn
1. ASL!! I’ve been wanting to learn this one for years but haven’t been able to figure out how :’0 I would really like to take a class, but they’re surprisingly difficult to find.
2. Dutch! I think it’s super satisfying to listen to and I think it’d be fun :D
3. FRENCH!!! I technically know a little bit of French, but definitely not enough to say that I truly speak it.
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aheathen-conceivably · 3 years ago
10, 20, 28 for the ask game! Sending lots of love, too
xo, Noe
Hi, Noe! 🫶🏼
10. How would you describe the way you play The Sims?
I feel like I have two modes: building mode and storytelling mode. Building mode is pretty straight forward and a little more laid back. I usually work from house plans or just general inspiration pics. Sometimes I use these houses for gameplay but usually I just upload them and take pics of them. For my stories, I often download a house and then heavily edit it rather than build it from scratch. I’m not sure why I do this since I do like building so much 🤷🏻‍♀️
The second I’m calling storytelling mode vs gameplay mode because I play the game around my own stories vs letting the gameplay dictate the narrative. I guess part of this is due to the gameplay of TS4 but I also just think it’s personal style, as I love writing this story so much. But in between story shoots I do actually like to play the everyday lives of the families and kind of let them do their own thing.
20. What is your least favorite sim age?
Oof. This one is tough, especially because TS4 really has some weak ones. I use a lot of mods to flesh out the age groups, like the preteen mod has vastly improved my opinion of teenagers and detailed school mods make children a bit more fun.
It’s going to have to be toddlers, just because of the way I play. I age up my babies as soon as they’re born and size them down so my sims are toddlers for a long time. So usually at the middle of the age span their skills are maxed out and they have nothing left to do. Really, it’s because there’s nothing for them to do as babies. If part of the toddler experience was more akin to a very, very young child then this would change completely. So I guess the answer is really babies but well… they aren’t even really a sim age.
28. How do you choose your sim’s traits, aspirations, and/or career?
Whew. This is a long one lol
It totally depends on what/how I’m playing. Like I mentioned in another answer I was playing NSB2 before the Darlingtons so that dictated all of that. But even still, I have never been good with randomization in this game, try as I might, so I usually either pick things out or follow some sort of challenge rules.
For the Darlingtons, all of these answers are really driven by the story that I’ve written for the sims. As a rule I’ve set for myself, each Darlington child must inherit one trait for a parent (or in Rosella’s case, from a grandparent). This creates some sort of continuity between generations but also makes me kind of rework that trait and imagine what it would be like in a different sim. So for instance (mild spoilers here maybe?) Virginia inherited the good trait from Florence, but will have vastly different other traits. Zelda inherited the music lover trait from Oliver but she too will have a very different character from her father.
Careers and aspirations are chosen after the traits, as I feel like traits have the biggest influence in how I write the story. As I go forward in writing, I’ll incorporate what is available in game career wise into their lives to flesh out the narrative. I also try to switch up my sims careers in their lives as it feels more realistic and it changes with their story. Plus, I use a career overhaul mod to make it a bit more difficult for them, because overall TS4 can be a bit too easy.
Aspirations are kinda meh. I’ll pick one that most aligns with what I think the sim would want but I don’t feel like TS4 aspirations are really lifetime goals? So usually I don’t put too much import on them. I also use lumpinou’s talents and weaknesses mod, which I do let randomize to give the sims a bit more depth.
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c-aureus · 4 years ago
How I think Hyrule would respond to Zelda's return, after the end of BotW.
Wall of text incoming.
TL;DR: I think they'd be very cruel.
Please remember that these are all only my interpretations and opinions, and should be treated as such.
A while ago, I made a post saying that I do not believe that Zelda or Link should be in any way 'happy' after the end of BotW. Imo, they've both lost too much for that, and I worry that the sequel will not give this grief or loss the focus it deserves.
Now, I plan to expand on that, by explaining my interpretation for how i believe Hyrule would respond to her after her return, which would only further compound their misery.
Now, I'd like to preface this by saying that I actually like BotW Zelda as a character a lot, and that I'm very sympathetic to her.
However... well.
The consequences of her failure are simply too big to ignore imo.
Firstly, as a general overview: Zelda was the ONLY person capable of stopping Ganon. Without her Divine sealing power, there was simply no way for Hyrule to survive Ganon's assault, no matter the preparations, or skill of the warriors. The best example of this is the Champions and Divine Beasts. They were all the best of the absolute best, and yet none of them were able to survive Ganon's assault, simply because they were not Divinely favoured to succeed, the way that Link and Zelda were. Even despite their incredible skill, prowess and dedication. There are other examples too, notably the fall of Hyrule's military outposts, and the annihilation of central Hyrule's civilisation and infrastructure.
To put it simply, with Zelda's power, they won. Without it, all of the preparations were for naught, and everyone would die. Zelda herself even says as much in a cutscene in AoC.
(Also, as a side note, in all of those levels in AoC where you relieve the Akkala Fortress, Great Plateau, and Hateno fort, remember that in BotW, they all fell, and the soldiers would have been slaughtered.)
So, in light of that...
The fact that Zelda only unlocked her power after it was already too late means that I don't believe that the shattered remnants of Hyrule's civilisation would be kind or sympathetic to her.
Link and Zelda were literally born by divine influence to protect Hyrule from Ganon. And, well...
Again, my point comes down to the fact that Zelda only unlocked her power after it was too late for the Champions, Link, and thousands of other Hyruleans who had either already been killed, or who would later die in the aftermath.
Now, again, I'm HIGHLY sympathetic to Zelda here. Indeed, she had lived her entire life with this Sword of Damocles hanging over her.
However. The sword fell.
And, crucially, Zelda avoided it, whilst it went on to kill literally thousands of others. They all died for Zelda's failure, whilst she herself survived.
Furthermore, those 'lucky' ones who did survive had to live in BotW Hyrule, which, if I'm being honest, is an absolute wasteland. So, so much was lost in the Calamity, the land was overrun by monsters, and even the tiny remaining pockets of civilisation suffer. I could go on for hours about how infrastructure, agriculture and trade were all annihilated, but I'll try to refrain for brevity's sake.
The long and short of it is that Hyrule is fucked.
I think my worry about this comes from BotW's post credit scene where Zelda tells Link that she thinks that if everyone works together, they can rebuild, and make Hyrule better than it was before.
And, this line really annoyed me. Because, quite simply, Hyrule has simply lost too much to rebuild. Infrastructure, agriculture, trade, population... Hyrule would be reeling for generations after Link and Zelda's death. To expect any kind of quick recovery is just... foolish beyond words.
(Another side note: I'm extremely grateful to AoC showing just how developed Hyrule is pre-Calamity. It helps give scale and scope to the devastation in BotW even more.)
So, Zelda's naive optimism here annoyed me. However, far more than that, there is another issue that this overlooks:
Namely, I cannot fathom why anyone in Hyrule would want to follow her, or would accept her as their sovereign.
Now, this is going to get extremely cruel to Zelda, and that saddens me, because I like her. This is just what I think the realistic response would be to her, given the circumstances, because people are cruel and like easy targets of blame. There are many examples of this kind of blaming behaviour in history, if anyone wants to look, lol. So apologies in advance:
BotW tells us through the memories that Zelda's reputation is AWFUL Pre-Calamity. Rhoam says that the people call her 'Heir to a Kingdom of Nothing' etc.
Now, perhaps poor parenting aside, this gives more context. Do you really believe that the 'lucky' few survivors of Central Hyrule would be kind, given that Zelda fulfilled their terrible expectations in the WORST possible manner?
No. I believe that that generation, which already disliked her, would spend the rest of their lives cursing her failure, and the death and destruction that came as a consequence. And, they would pass that down to their children and grandchildren.
This comes to another point: Zelda is (for the most part) out of living memory. The only thing Hyrule knows of her is her failure to prevent the land from being devastated. Furthermore, the 4 tribes of Hyrule might even have a decent cause to blame her for the deaths of the Champions.
(Cause and effect are tricky, but well... people are irrational. Maybe if Zelda had unlocked her power straight away, the Champions still would have died. However, perhaps they could have held on long enough for Link and Zelda to force Ganon to recall his Blights to protect himself, as he does in BotW if you attack him without liberating the Divine Beasts. Who is to say? The point is, people get hung up on these kind of 'what ifs', as I am doing right now, lol.)
I'd like to make a special mention of the Zora here, who not only have Zelda (and all of her failures and inadequacies) in living memory, but are also xenophobic towards Hylians.
We see how they blame Link in BotW, after all. I think that they would feel similarly to Zelda, who is 'technically' more deserving of blame.
From a Zora-centric perspective, Zelda may as well have stolen Mipha from them, to make her take the fall for Zelda's failures. She literally set Mipha up to die, she sacrificed Mipha on the altar of her own survival, etc.
To elaborate: Princess Zelda personally requested Mipha, the beloved Crown Princess of the Zora, to become Champion. Despite Dorephan's hesitance, he allows it. Then, Zelda fails her, and Mipha dies in the Calamity that Zelda failed to prevent, but also that Zelda manages to survive.
Like... as harsh, cruel, and unfair as this is to poor Zelda... do you think that the Domain, which is STILL mourning Mipha a century later, would just... wave that away?
Now... how much Zelda is truly to blame for the Calamity is another matter, one that I will explore in a post hopefully shorter than this one. Suffice to say, I have many opinions, and some of the conclusions are perhaps unkind to her, which only further justifies my interpretations of Hyrule's blame, and Zelda's guilt and grief.
The point is that... Hyrule would see an easy target to dump their grief on. And I I don't believe they would just let it go.
Furthermore, Zelda has no political influence anymore. She can't force anyone to listen to her, or obey her commands, since all of that was destroyed in the Calamity. Moreover, with Zelda's reputation being that of colossal failure, I doubt that anyone in Hyrule would wish to submit to her, to give her the chance to fuck everything up again.
God. I feel really horrible typing all of this out, lol. And yet, I genuinely believe that this would be the reaction to her. So, if in the sequel, everything is being rebuilt and everyone is totally happy with Zelda, well...
I'm gonna be very upset. Because, in my opinion, if all of Hyrule just forgave Zelda's failures, and ignored their disastrous consequences, that would be extremely unrealistic.
As much as this headcanon hurts, and would hurt me to see, I'd be very vindicated by it, lol.
If anyone has any opinions, feel free to let me know.
Just please keep everything civil lol. This is only a random person on the internet's opinion.
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know-the-way · 4 years ago
Hi, writing to you because you have such a clear head and have been so very good at untangling my messy responses to Caos.
My question is whether it is wrong to feel thrown under a bus as a Spellwood fan when Miranda Otto comes out in a live to say she doesn't only ship MS but thought from the start they should be endgame, and a reason for part 5? She also said something about relationships once established being uninteresting in dramatic terms. And it was implied the reason for other relationships was that MS should not happen too early.
I personally don't think MS makes any sense but support all fans to love all the ships. I completely disagree about the dramatic potential of established relationships. It's what happens next that intrigues me personally.
So obviously it's her privilege and her love for MS has been no secret. It may even be a way to promote part 5 but if that's true about her ideas about Zelda and MS from the start I feel truly manipulated and it's not a good feeling, especially when I consider how dishonest certain emissions made in some paid-for video messages (really Q and A about Caos) feel to me in hindsight.
Hindsight is 20/20 and I already learned from you my not seeing the bi potential of Zelda in part 1 was because it wasn't part of my life experience and expectations. And it's quite clear the whole keeping actors and characters apart in terms of fandom is even more important than I already thought. Lessons learnt I guess. After all I'm generally completely fine with my ships being alternate universe. But damn, Zelda and Faustus were so good and interesting together, it feels such a shame their relationship was apparently discard material from the start for at least one of their actors. Whose wishes may well have influenced the character's arc.
And since my love of Spellwood was somehow part of a personal grieving process it wasn't great to lose them as canon, too. But that's nothing anyone could have predicted while creating of course.
I suppose my question is whether it's stupid to feel so stupid. And for feeling manipulated, and not liking it.
And whether we, who love Spellwood fictions and art or create them, need to be influenced by the creators' intentions if we also really respect them as creators. But have other choices and preferences. Especially when actors come out so strongly in favour of one version. It's their embodiments that made us ship these characters after all...
I'd love to hear your take on this.
*slow exhale* I’ve gotten several questions about this over night and let me just start by saying - I can’t speak for Miranda, I can only try and discern her intentions from the things I have observed in the past.
That being said, I did not take her saying she and Michelle were “endgame” as a “fuck you” to all other ships. Tbh, I’m not entirely convinced - and I don’t mean this as an insult in any way - that Miranda fully understands what endgame means in the fandom world. Because, to us, it means “character a and character b are soul mates and should end up together forever.” But I got the impression, from the way Miranda used the word, that she perhaps thinks it’s just the relationship that happens last lol (“I thought we’d have another season and that would be our endgame thing!”).
Could you read this as Miranda giving fuck all about the other ships in favor of MS? Sure, I guess. But I rather think, given how generous and kind she’s been to fans of every ship, that she just wanted everyone to have a little bit of something on the show. MS is the only main ship yet to have any romantic moments of substance after four seasons, and I think Miranda - knowing how large that part of her fan base is - wanted to change that. To give them something, because it means something to them, just like any other person’s ship means something to them. It appears she thought part 5 was going to be that opportunity, and anticipated that being the last season, so MS would be endgame because it very literally happened at the end.
I could be interpreting it all wrong, of course. But this is the same woman who declared “all ships still sea-worthy” in the middle of shooting part 4, the same woman who posts cheeky teasing photos on instagram for every ship (Zarie, Spellwood, and MS), and the same woman who I believe, given past interactions - if asked about Spellwood or Zarie directly the way she was MS - would have equally positive things to say about them. Because she’s a lovely, considerate person who wants everyone to enjoy themselves and be happy.
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embyrinitalics · 4 years ago
Calamiversary: Link’s POV I
So keep in mind when I wrote these scenes that Calamitous was still written in third, so flipping to first felt super edgy. 😂 I did read recently that using first with very flawed/troubled characters is more interesting, and I think that’s evident in these. Like, it’s way more interesting than listening to Zelda in the main fic lol.
Also, I wrote these before all the big revisions, so the scenes probably won’t line up in the dialogue the way they used to. STILL, these exercises helped me get to know Link better as a character, and hopefully you’ll get a kick out of them too (in all their unedited glory 🤦🏻‍♀️)!
There’s a lot of these scenes so I’m breaking it up into two posts. Below the cut is about 1.9k words worth. OK BAI.
I breathe deep of familiar air as I reform from the smoke and light pouring out of the fissure. It’s cold and sweet, carried down into the valley from distant plateaus. My blood pounds hotter at the recognition of it, and I steel myself to ignore the allure it holds. I know death will be my only release now.
My heightened senses register four incoming attacks with a thrill, and I regain my focus, choking out the desire to crush them with my bare hands. I rebuff their assaults one at a time, reining my power with some effort. Part of me revels in how easily I cast them aside, how breakable they are—the part of me that I must never feed, but that’s too dangerous to ignore entirely.
Then I see her: power ebbing off her in waves, her body emitting pulses of brilliant light. I want to bask in the splendor of her, so different and yet so familiar. I crush that longing, letting the monster in me react in case I’m not strong enough to do it alone. In an instant I’m facing her, holding her at bay with a power she was never meant to overcome. I can taste her fear as she registers my resistance, heady and intoxicating.
I reach for the source of her light and smother it.
  Applean Woods
I take her to Applean, knowing the others won’t be able to follow for some time, and wait for her to regain her strength. She’s spattered in firelight, her expression placid, and she looks so much like the Zelda I knew—too much like her. I know she isn’t the same woman, but I feel the same draw, the same devotion to her. I know I have to protect her no matter the cost to myself. It almost makes the thought of what’s coming bearable.
I stroke her cheek without thinking, and she surges to life, sending power and light flailing in all directions. The monster in me roars in response, so powerfully I nearly falter. I force myself to tame it first, afraid of what I might do to her if I don’t. She’s strong, but she’s also scared and disoriented. Overpowering her isn’t difficult.
“Don’t do that again,” I growl after I have her pinned to my chest. I can feel her pulse, rapid and bright, rushing beneath her skin, appealing to my two halves for two different reasons. I deny us both, dropping her to her hands and knees and moving to reignite the fire she put out.
“What do you want with me?” she demands, and she reminds me again of a woman who’s been dead for 10,000 years. “I won’t cooperate.”
Definitely too much like her.
“I’ll accomplish what I set out to do alone, if I must,” I insist, but I know the odds of plunging the Sword into my own chest and managing to contain and outlive the Calamity on my own are marginal at best. “Though it would be easier with a second set of hands.”
She’s confused, of course. She obviously has no idea what I am. In a way, that makes it easier; in a way, that makes it harder.
“I don’t—”
“Is the Sword in the Great Hyrule Forest?” I interrupt, suddenly in a hurry to get this over with.
“The Sword,” I repeat, trying not to think of everything finding it will mean for me. “The Blade of Evil’s Bane. Does it still rest in the Lost Woods?”
“You wish to destroy it,” she accuses me quietly. Silly girl.
“I don’t know that such a thing is even possible,” I wonder aloud, intrigued by the idea. But that’s beside the point. It has to be in the Woods, because the hero’s spirit could hardly be reborn if it’s still alive in me. “It has no wielder.”
“No. You didn’t leave us a choice.”
I smirk in spite of myself. She’s right about that, more than she knows. “I suppose not.”
“You still haven’t answered me. I demand to know why you’ve brought me here.”
So, so much like her.
“You’re hardly in a position to be making demands, Your Highness,” I point out, and her cheeks flush a bit, betraying that streak of temper I know too well. I leave my seat by the fire and crouch near her, appealing to her love of her kingdom. It’s stronger in her than her love for anything else, as I am painfully aware. “If you do as I say, you will destroy me. With any luck, the pall of the Calamity will never fall over Hyrule again. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
She considers my proposal fleetingly, and even though I know the reply is coming, that it’s deserved, that it’s better this way, it still hurts to hear it out loud. “I can’t trust you.”
“I’m not asking for your trust,” I scoff. How could I ever ask for her trust, when I don’t trust myself? When a single lapse on her part or mine could cost us everything, including her own life? No. Trust is out of the question. “Only your obedience.”
That accursed stubbornness of hers rears its pretty little head, her lip turning down just a bit. “If I don’t trust you—”
I can’t allow her to even suggest that I can earn it, for either of our sakes. I reach out, brushing her soft lips, the smooth line of her jaw, the swell of her cheekbone, knowing what my touch, harboring the evil of the Calamity, must be doing to her. I’ve felt it myself once, countless lifetimes ago, as the Calamity entered my body. I know I feel like that now, because she feels so unnaturally warm on my sensitive fingertips, so full of life and light it nearly burns.
“Does this feel like the touch of someone you can trust?” I ask rhetorically, and I feel her tremble under my hands. “That icy, numbing sensation of evil, trapped in this skin, grating on your nerves and pulling the warmth from your body and putting knots in your stomach, that urge to recoil that you can’t quite obey—that is the warning from the gods.” I can taste her fear growing, tantalizing and seductive, as I sweep the pad of my thumb along her full bottom lip, and I know I’m doing the right thing. She needs to fear me, as I fear myself. “You cannot trust me.”
  The Lost Woods
I could feel the mist, uninhibited, stroking the skin at the nape of my neck, and I bristled. The hallucinations would be quick on its heels. She had already been feeling the effects; a small gasp or a sudden change in her pace betrayed the way the woods were starting to torment her. But it was going to get much worse, and there was nothing I could do to protect either of us.
I’d already seen her—a ghost of who she once was, untouchable, ethereal, drifting through the trees like a specter. She’d been alight in moonglow, wraithlike, hauntingly graceful. But not now. Now she was fleshly, a healthy flush of color in her cheeks, looking so real. So vulnerable. Her eyes met mine, and I saw the recognition in them. Then they widened with fear, and she was pulled away into a distant darkness before she could make a sound.
I closed my eyes, trying to still my galloping heart. I turned slowly to check on Zelda—the real Zelda, the one who was alive right now—but the mist had separated us, and I cursed under my breath.
I heard a scream, and I closed my eyes again reflexively, fear coiling in my throat. I swallowed, trying to wet it. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to look, to be plagued by whatever vision the woods had in store for me. I wanted to pray, I wanted to ask the Goddesses to spare me this. But they wouldn’t listen to a prayer from the Calamity.
I couldn’t just stand there with my eyes closed and hope that Zelda would stumble across me. She would lose herself here without me to guide her. So I opened my eyes.
Another scream tore out of her, and I recoiled from the grisly scene, blood and adrenaline pounding through me. The worst part was the way the monster in me reacted—that submerged, suppressed part of me that was enticed by it, that wanted to look closer. That smiled.
It was me. I was crouched over her, animalistic, tearing at the gaping wound I’d opened across her torso with my teeth, too numerous and sharpened to a hundred razor-sharp points.
I was eating her alive.
She screamed again as I ripped into her, her body lurching as I wrenched at the cavity. And she just wouldn’t die. Her clothes were drenched in so much crimson and torn to shreds, and her face was contorted in anguish and terror. I tore into her again and again, her broken figure jerking and lifting as I pulled at her.
My conflicted nature came to the fore. Part of me was in agony. Part of me was laughing. Like a dam, distressed and buckling under the weight of rising floodwaters, something in me broke open.
With a snarl, I let my power pour out of me, giving it free rein in a way that I was too fearful to before. In that moment I didn’t care if the woods burst into flames, or if I drowned Hyrule with my hate. I just reacted.
I was just lost.
The mist barreled away from me in a great dome, letting the sunlight in. The vision was gone. I could breathe. In the clarity that followed I felt for Zelda’s presence and sent my power cascading towards her, opening a canyon through the fog. She spotted me as the sunlight washed over her, and she ran towards me, her expression full of relief. She’s so stupid. So am I.
She fisted her hands in my tunic, catching her breath as the mist encircled us again. I wanted to pull her into my arms. I wanted to hold her close and protect her from this place. I wanted to tell her everything I’ve seen and everything I am and beg her to take pity on me and put an end to this because I just couldn’t go on anymore—Goddesses, I couldn’t do this anymore.
But I was barely in control. My power was still flying through my veins, threatening to burst out of me at any moment and do incomprehensible damage. My heart was still pounding. I cautiously put my hands on her shoulders, hoping the contact would calm me a little. It did; her warmth under my hands grounded me, helping me shunt reality into the forefront of my mind and block the visions out.
“I don’t have as much courage as I thought,” she whispered.
She had no idea what she was saying. She was so, so brave, so young but so capable, standing on the brink of her power with all the potential in the world. She was beautiful and wonderful, and she was going to be an amazing queen someday. She embodied everything I loved about my Zelda.
I almost told her. I was almost that weak. But then I swallowed it and told her the truth instead.
“Neither do I.”
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years ago
RULES:  repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Zelda
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? She’s average height, which is 5′3″ however in the world of LOZ where most characters are sizes of trees... she’s probably considered on the short side. In fact, she’s actually shorter than almost all of the cast in SS save for a few characters. Especially since she’s around the same height as manlet king Link. As Hylia in her past life, when in her form that mortals can comprehend, because looking at a god is similar to staring into five suns, she was a seven foot goddess. Even bigger in goddess form but by mortal eyes it just looks like a great ball of light haha! 
▸ are they okay with their height? It’d be nice if she could be just a few inches taller in order to get books from the highest shelves. And maybe knock a few taller folk’s pegs down... aside from that, she’s fine with it!! Though the short jokes can get irksome. 
▸ what’s their hair like? Very soft, super thick and an over abundance of it. It may seem short in that low pony tail she sports but it actually falls to her waist in terms of length. She takes good care of it and tends to style it in mostly low ponytail or other hair styles that keeps it out of her face. Side note: It is a-ok to play with her hair so long as you don’t mess around too much with it. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? A normal amount of time is spent on it! Gotta take good care of those goldie locks of hers! 
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? Of course! To an extent! First impressions are important and all. She likes looking cute as a button if she can help it, thanks! Honestly though she likes to look and feel cute more for herself rather than others. Nothing wrong with loving to wear pink and other pastel colors and simple jewelry that goes with your outfit and junk!! 
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? Hmm. Yes and no! Not nearly enough to completely change herself for others in order to appear better or anything, Zelda is very much an open book and what you see is what you get with this girl. She’s not going to try hard to make you like her or anything. But well, she has that natural charm going for her so :’) 
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? Both? Both! She loves the outdoors but staying inside to read or to sew/knit something is also nice to her!  ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine ▸ forest or beach? Forest ▸ precious metals or gems? Metals ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers ▸ personality or appearance?  Personality  ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? AH hm, both seem very extreme options haha. Either way she doesn’t mind both settings.  ▸ order or anarchy? Order ▸ painful truths or white lies? TEAM PAINFUL TRUTHS AFTER ALL THAT’S HAPPENED IN SS HWEOH, she’ll try to make the delivery gentle as possible but well the truth hurts.  ▸ science or magic? Magic ▸ peace or conflict? Peace! ▸ night or day? Day, she’s out like a light once the sun’s down lol  ▸ dusk or dawn? The dawn!!  ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth, she’s been spoiled by the mild weather in Skyloft so experiencing super cold and bitter winter for the first time was like 8D to D8 in a matter of five seconds. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? Few close friends ▸ reading or playing a game? Both! She’s a bit of a bookworm for sure (I mean all those books in her room) however she also likes to have fun too! 
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? COMBINING WORRYWART TENDENCIES WITH BUSYBODY HABITS IS NEVER A GOOD COMBO BECAUSE GIRL WILL TAKE MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS AND WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY EXCUSES WHATSOEVER IF SHE FEELS SOMEONE’S SLACKING ON SOMETHING. She tends to rush into things if she comes to her own conclusions and will sometimes press forward without thinking much on it. When she steps in like this it’s mostly done from a good place and she only does this with nothing but good intentions. She’s responsible to a fault, putting everything and everyone above her own needs first and foremost. And the girl could learn to be a bit more selfish. 
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? :’)))))) It wasn’t enough recalling her past life. But gosh, as Zelda? Impa. Without a shadow of a doubt, she still misses Impa and still regrets not being able to say something as simple as thank you before Impa passes on. Of course, there was more that she’d wanted to say but thank you sums up all of her feelings neatly with a pretty bow and all. Zelda is pretty straightforward with revealing her inner thoughts and this increases tenfold once Impa passes on. 
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Any time spent with Link and in the skies. She also loved spending time traveling around with Impa because of how much wisdom Impa had given her throughout the journey as well as being an amazing friend.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? You’d think she’d be used to the idea considering her past life as Hylia but if she can help, Zelda will never ever kill. 
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Tragic. WAIT I’M REALIZING THAT THIS SOUNDS SO DRAMATIC BUT WAIT HOLD ON LET ME EXPLAIN. I’ve mentioned time and time again that Zelda is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s very expressive and very in tune with her emotions, having no issue with showing whatever thoughts she has out in the open. So with that in mind, she has no issue with expressing what doesn’t exactly make her happy. Once she breaks down it’s mostly when things are finally over. Whether for better or worse, that’s when she just lets loose and lets the water work go. No crying until the very end and all that... honestly... this question needs more context though hweoh. 
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? EHHH well, yes and no. She believes in giving chances to everyone, benefit of the doubt and all that jazz. And she likes to believe in the best in others, as such she does like to extend trust to them too. But to trust another with her own literal life is a bit much for her ;v; 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? EVEN MORE DISGUSTINGLY CUTE GOD I can guarantee that any couple with Zel is going to be the new grossly in love couple that’s all lovey dovey aka very cute hours. You’re dating Miss. 💝💘💕🎀🎀uwu girl🍬🌸🌸🌷🍭🌺 herself. You more or less signed up for this. That said, it all ties into with what was said above in that she has no issues with expressing herself as such she will openly display her affection once that whole shy period goes out the window after the Confession™ happens. She loves spending time with S/O the most, doing just about anything! Zelda has lots of love to give and she’ll spoil her S/O with it. I’m sorry for any future grossly cute content u-u 
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miximax-hell · 5 years ago
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...This should have been published the 10th of January. I queued it ages ago (back when my last post was published), but Tumblr farted and decided not to post it. Which is just fantastic. It’s not the first time it decides to screw up the queue, but it’s the first time it happens to me on this blog. So annoying. This means it’s coming a few days late, but I hope you all still had a fantastic EnYaga Day!
As I prepared for True EnYaga Day back in October, I found again this old doodle of mine--the base for what would later become the final design of EnYaga. I thought it might be fun to share it and use it as an excuse to talk about this subject AGAIN, and... that was good enough for me, really.
You guys know me and there’s probably very little reason to do so, but I have never really talked about the reasons behind this miximax, have I? Well, if there is a day to indulge in that, it’s EnYaga Day, so let’s get to it!
As usual, more under the cut.
Despite Tumblr’s betrayal, this does have a perk: I get to revise this post before it’s published, which is great, because I’m happy to report that things are better now than when I first wrote it. In the original version, I mentioned that my life at the time was a little... paused, so there wasn’t really a lot to say. Among the only news worth sharing, I sent an oil painting to a friend a couple of months ago and it arrived very fast and completely safe, so that was great! It was a Professor Layton-themed painting, but now that I don’t have it at home anymore, I’m tempted to make another one... (If I do, chances are more FudoLay content will arrive here swiftly after lol) Other than that, I’d just started my classes again, but I was still desperately looking for a job. At least, classes made me feel like I wasn’t completely wasting every single day, so I was more cheerful than I was during summer. (Funny, because my group of friends at uni used to say that they could only smile during summer, but I was pretty miserable during those months. ww;)
Thankfully, though, I can say I now have a job! And it’s great!! ...The conditions aren’t so great, but at least I’m back to work as a game designer. I’m learning so much and I feel very motivated to work, even if it’s technically a collaboration and I will only get money once the game is published--in other words, when the game starts bringing money our way. This is far from ideal, but I honestly had no other options and I’m having a blast working on this, so I hope something cool will come out of it! For now, I would ask you to keep your eyes on Eskema Games and maybe check out the company’s latest game, Delta Squad? I had absolutely NOTHING to do with that game because it was released way before I joined, but supporting it supports the company I work for, which always comes in handy! It also underperformed, so it could use all the love you guys can give it.
Also, let me quickly point something out: about a year ago, an anon asked me if i was going to include Danganronpa characters in this project. The question is here, in case anyone needs a reminder: https://miximax-hell.tumblr.com/post/181991994534/hey-there-since-youre-doing-miximaxs-with-game Well, I FINALLY got my hands on the DR Trilogy for PS4, so I’ll be looking into that and seeing what I can find! If that anon is still around, I hope I can make them happy.
But let’s cut to the chase already!
As I always make sure to clarify, yes, I do massively ship Endou and Yagami. But there’s thankfully much more to EnYaga (the miximax--if I need to talk about the ship again, I’ll just call it Endou x Yagami) than just “yeah, I ship them.” In order to understand the reasons behind this combination, though, we must venture into two very different subjects: what reasons there are to choose Yagami to begin with, and the life story of yours truly. I swear both are important to get the full picture, but I’ll keep the latter as brief and free of unnecessary information as possible, even if it’s definitely the longest and most complex part. So, without any further ado, let’s see what makes this miximax valid within the logic of this project.
A big chunk of what makes EnYaga work was explained exactly three years ago, here: https://miximax-hell.tumblr.com/post/131215636268/when-the-king-enters-the-room-the-world-stops-and
The tl;dr would be that Endou plays as a goalkeeper, but also as a libero! Being such radically different positions, it’s to be expected that he would need two different miximaxes, because it would be rather difficult to find an aura that improves his field skills (shooting power, speed, etc.) and his goalkeeping abilities at the same time. Thankfully, Yagami gives him the exact abilities a good libero needs to be able to excel--especially when that libero has the pressure of being part of most of the strong hissatsus the team can pull off. So, for more info on EnYaga’s powers, please check the link above. (And note that, of course, this miximax only marginally improves Endou’s goalkeeping capabilities.)
I have also talked in length about the relationship between Endou and Yagami, but here’s a very brief summary. During the in-game events of IE2, Endou gave Yagami hope when all she wanted was to die to atone for her sins, thus saving her life in the process. In return, she wanted to give him the strength to fight when he needed it most as a way to repay his kindness towards her.
Yagami’s innate abilities and the bond they share are the more logical reasons behind this miximax. There is, however, one extra reason to include this miximax in the project.
There have always been three main rules here when it comes to choosing auras:
1. Only characters that come from universes predominantly inhabited by humans (or very human-like creatures, like Zelda’s Hylians).
2. Only one character from every franchise, unless they are Level-5 franchises. In that case, I may use up to two per franchise. Examples of this are Danball Senki/Little Battlers eXperience (with Toramaru and Megane) and Professor Layton (with Fudou and Shishido).
3. One aura coming from every single (and proper) Inazuma Eleven game on the market. Those being Inazuma Eleven, IE2: Fire, IE2: Blizzard, IE3: Spark, IE3: Bomber, IE3: Ogre, IEGO: Light, IEGO: Dark, IEGO Chrono Stone: Raimei, IEGO Chrono Stone: Neppu, IEGO Galaxy: Supernova, IEGo Galaxy: Big Bang, Inazuma Eleven Strikers, IE Strikers 2012 XTreme, and IEGO Strikers 2013. I’m not counting Everyday, SD nor unreleased titles. So far, I have 7 out of 15.
From the beginning, I have wanted Endou to have nothing but Inazuma Eleven-only miximaxes. I mean, he’s the main character and all!
Needless to say, Yagami is part of the Inazuma Eleven miximaxes--in fact, she takes the IE2 Blizzard spot, if anyone is curious about that very specific detail. She is obviously a very predominant character in that game, having a relevant impact during the final match against The Genesis and even (spoiler alert for a 10 years old game) by injuring Kazemaru earlier, because he didn’t just leave like he did in the anime--Yagami sent him to the hospital when he started matching The Genesis’s power. Since she’s a main character in that game, and considering that many of the other important characters introduced in it become part of the teams that make up this project (such as Hiroto, Midorikawa and maaaybe Saginuma), Yagami was the perfect candidate. She was also arguably the strongest among the remaining main characters of IE2, and the only midfielder. Not to mention the bond she shares with Endou, which only rounds it all up even more.
So, as a brief summary, Yagami is an Inazuma Eleven character (which is exactly what I wanted for Endou) and a very strong player, she provides Endou with everything he would need to be a good libero (incredible speed, great shooting strength, being a midfielder and the stamina that inherently comes with it, powerful hissatsus, and so on), she shares a canonical bond with Endou, the contrast between their personalities is super interesting to explore, and there are reasons why even she would want him to take her power. He can hardly have it better! It makes a lot of sense, and it’s all heavily based on canon, so I don’t need to explain much in that regard. That’s always convenient.
But there is another side to all of this. My side.
I first started working on miximaxes with the idea of only making 4 or 5. I simply meant to give extra love to some of my favourite characters to make myself and a few friends happy. This never became a full-fledged project until my good friend Heather, who used to be on Tumblr under the username @ishidoshuuji, said she wanted to be able to reblog the Seitei x Yuuichi miximax I had drawn for her. In other words, this: https://miximax-hell.tumblr.com/post/129863262149/well-it-was-about-time-i-started-using-this-blog
Before that, miximax-hell used to be a private blog: one of those you can only check out if you have the password. I never thought ANY stranger would be interested in it, so why expose myself like that? It would only make me feel bad. I could have never imagined over a hundred people would follow me here, and even less so considering that only about 10 of my friends follow this blog. So I have to thank Heather because, even if 100 isn’t a big number at all here on Tumblr, I still appreciate each and every person who stops by and it’s helped me meet some incredibly lovely people.
Back to the subject, though. This story is directly linked to MamoDai’s. The important part of it was that EnYaga’s design isn’t mine, and so isn’t MamoDai: the former is completely not mine (even if, as the sketch above suggests, the concept was first doodled by me), while the latter was only partially mine. The thing, though, is that the same person made EnYaga and “collaborated” on the creation of MamoDai, which meant I let them into this very personal solo project twice. If you want to check out the full story, though, you can read it here: https://miximax-hell.tumblr.com/post/142160652319/you-should-have-seen-this-one-coming-come-on
As I was saying, miximax-hell is a solo project. It’s something for me to enjoy, for me to think about, for me to develop, for me to improve at designing character, and for me to decide on. I set the rules and I come up with suitable matches--or what I think are suitable matches, that is. ww I’m definitely open to suggestions if anyone is willing to share their thoughts with me, and fanart is always, always, ALWAYS welcome, of course, but I don’t borrow other people’s ideas nor designs. Not because those designs and ideas aren’t fantastic, nor because I’m not allowed to, but because the point of this blog is to have fun and improve my skills. If I don’t do it myself, it’s kind of pointless, so I prefer a bad design made by me over a great design by someone else. Also, if people were to check all of these things out, I wanted it to be because of my work, not because someone super well-known was part of it and people were desperate to get more content from them.
When I first came up with this project, though, someone very close to me wanted to be part of it. Not because they found it interesting per se, but simply because it was mine. I had previously declined an offer to join one of their projects because I lacked the necessary skill, so they wanted to join mine instead. And don’t get me wrong--I appreciate the interest even now! But, again, it beat the point and I had to refuse. Looking back, I’m very glad I didn’t give in, but I felt awful back then and this person must have felt really bad too.
That’s why I made that exception and suggested, “Hey, why don’t we create a miximax together?” That’s how MamoDai was born. But while the interest in working on MamoDai seemed... scarce, this person came up with and gave me something out of their own accord: the EnYaga miximax design I still use to this day.
Now, here’s the thing: EnYaga was a proper gift that person made for me, and I always honour gifts. If it had been a random doodle, like I have received others in the past, it would have ended there. But when someone puts true effort and time into making something especifically FOR ME, regardless of what happens between us later, I still treasure it forever. And this gift came from a person who, apparently, really wanted to be part of this project when I first came up with it, which, honestly, put me in a tight spot. The least I could do was accept this design, which I loved almost as much as I loved them, and incorporate it to my lineup.
EnYaga was going to happen regardless, because I was working on it myself, but this person beat me to it (with such incredible quality, too, which I would never be able to hold a candle to) and, after what I made them go through with my continuous rejections, I had to honour them somehow. It was my way of saying, “I can’t let you do this for me, but I deeply appreciate the thought.”
This person is now out of my life, though. This means that, honestly, I could just get rid of the design. They would never know, and I would be happier with something of my own even if it sucked in comparison. They would never feel offended either--not like they would even if they knew, because it’s obvious they don’t care about me anymore. It would be easy and 100% painless for all parties involved.
But EnYaga is a token of the bond we once shared and I treasure that, even though I don’t want anything to do with that person anymore. It portrays the fun and happy times, not the sad and bitter ending. Happiness is always something worth remembering, isn’t it? And maybe, just maybe, thanks to the wonderful people I’m close to and my eternal love towards Endou x Yagami, I might one day be able to completely forgive the bad and focus on the good, so I can smile when I look at EnYaga and think of this person. I look forward to a day when there isn’t an ounce of bitterness left in my heart (although I am one revengeful and spiteful piece of poo, so it might never happen). And for that possibility alone, it might be worth it to keep making this one exception and let this miximax be someone else’s. Especially now that I have DoYaga to call my own.
So that’s it, folks: not only do Endou and Yagami make for a sick combination in theory, but it’s also a miximax with deep sentimental value for me in so many different ways. So even if it had been someone else’s idea and the two characters were a terrible match in all senses, chances are I would have still kept it. Thank goodness it wasn’t the case. ww
And all because I didn’t finish the design fast enough on my own. May that be the lesson to learn from this: hurry the heck up, self.
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singing-robot · 6 years ago
in my personal experience the most common reaction to talking about undertale irl or showing people fanart of it is “oh i loved this game!!!” seriously don’t worry about it! it may have a bad rep on the internet but generally everyone who i’ve met who’s a fan has been lovely
That’s very comforting!!! And I’m sure that if people are selling fan art of it, they like it, too. I’ll try and keep that in mind if I see other artists again. After all, a game about being nice is sure to produce nice fans, yeah? I think I only saw one or two artists with Undertale stuff, though, but that might’ve also been due to actual comic fans, and also the SU finale had aired like a week or two beforehand, so there was a lot of that. Oh and two anime groups. And a Legend of Zelda family! Maybe I’ll see more Undertale stuff at the next one and meet new people then! 
Uhhh this got long and kind of personal and off-topic, but I spent all this time writing it, so for my general experience of sharing Undertale with people, look under the cut. 
 I think the one thing that’s really gotten to me is that, when I first got into it, I didn’t know Undertale was a big thing. I didn’t know about the memes, or the sexual obsessions, or the general reputation it got for such. I had never heard MEGALOVANIA, and I don’t think I so much as walked into a Gamestop and saw a trailer for it. So the reactions I received upon excitedly sharing this Cool New Interest were, 
> “Dude, that’s cringe.” (cue me explaining that I really like the music and colors while turning to a new note page to hide my Undertale doodles. ha. ha ha.) 
> “yeah I love that game/character” (can’t remember which) after I shared some of the funnier stuff from Handplates, which I discovered and binged in less than a week before I knew anything about Undertale. so uhhh rip me for sending pieces of a gruesomely angsty fancomic to my closest friends and talking about it. 
> I think one of my friends didn’t like the game for one reason or another, but they put up listening to me because I really liked it. I could be wrong bc I have no face-reading skills, but I stopped talking about it with them until I was actually playing it earlier this year. So. Yeah. 
> there was that one time I was playing Fallen Down alone in the band room and one (1) percussionist asked what I was playing and I said “haha yeah it’s from this game I found-” “I know what Undertale is, but WHICH SONG” and I felt bad because I don’t want to be the “you probably haven’t heard of it-” type of person bUT I HADN’T HEARD OF IT AT ALL FROM ANYONE 
> actually did several independent things in band (I played in the dressing room/bathroom), so when I got bored with the stuff the director gave me, I’d pull up PDFs on my laptop and play them. I want great at it and the majority of songs are out of my range/clef, but I remember at least one kid coming in and saying “you’re gonna have a bad time” bc I was practicing MEGALOVANIA, lol
> oh my god I let someone borrow my notes once in English and it had a relatively large drawing of Papyrus at the bottom of the page and he never mentioned it so idk 
> my brother expressed -45 interest in it at first, but then a few weeks later he said he likes Bonetrousle. Minimum talk about it, but the other night he did ask if I was about to fight Sans when I was in the Judgement Hall (which is impressive because he judged it entirely by sound; he didn’t see where I was, he just heard Sans talking and was correct about where I was in the game).
> We’ve also had at least two arguments about how to pronounce “Bonetrousle,” called in a third party to decide for us, except she pronounced it a completely different way. We haven’t argued about it since.
> one time I was drawing Hollow Knight and this kid who sat near me asked if it was Undertale again and I was like????? No???? And he said oh sorry I saw you drawing Undertale before and wondered if it was the same AND YOU KNOW WHAT? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, JARED. 
> took a picture of an airbrush tee stand, my brother asked if it was for the sans shirt (it was), and I panicked and said it was for pikachu. I don’t know why I lied but I don’t like that I did. I planned to discreetly take a picture of all the sans shirts to make a joke about the names on them, but stopped after the one. I don’t know why.
This is going a little off topic from first discovery, yikes. Anyway! I’ve come this far and it’s my post on my blog! 
I’m fairly shy about sharing my interests, which is why I run side blogs instead of having everything on my main, or I say “oh it’s from some game” and describe it as normally as possible and get to the point. Unless close friends want to know more about it! When I talk about something I like, I won’t stop talking about it until I’ve exhausted or distracted myself, or until I am stopped by someone else. So I either have to put a cap on it before I talk or I will run nonstop, you know? Not my greatest quality. 
Anyways uhhh if you’ve read this far then congrats! Don’t let this bring you down, it’s all in the past. But I did suffer some embarrassment at these memories so I have to post them bc this can’t all be for nothing. I’ve been a little scattered lately so uhhh sorry if this was a trip to read. Nice to write so much, though. 
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nycttophilic-a · 6 years ago
Lia Michaelis~
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=BASIC INFO= FULL NAME: Jezilia Michaelis NICKNAME(S)/ALIAS(ES): Jez (by her dad), Jezilia (by everyone in the Port Mafia), Lia (by her mom). Lia is NOT her nickname—yet—, but your muse can definitely give her that name. She starts all threads by only going by Jezilia. PRONUNCIATION(S): Jez-ee-lee-a AGE: 23, verse dependent GENDER: Female SPECIES: Human (ability user)  BIRTH DATE: October 31st SEXUALITY: Panromantic demisexual =PERSONALITY= PERSONALITY: Dark, dreary, mysterious, twisted, brilliant, cold EMBODYING QUALITY/IDEA: A really dark and mysterious introverted woman.  LIKES: Being alone, music, reading, writing music, sweets, darkness DISLIKES: People, crowds, bright lights, the outdoors, obnoxious people, the Port Mafia FEARS: Crowds, losing her loved ones WEAKNESSES: She has very little empathy, and expresses little to no emotion. It’s hard for her to show love to the people she cares about. She often struggles to convey her feelings to them, so she just doesn’t do anything about them and suffers in silence. Also has severe anxiety in crowds. STRENGTHS: determined, strong willed, musically talented SPECIAL/SIGNIFICANT BELONGINGS: She has a crystal necklace around her neck that belonged to her mother. She is always wearing it, but it’s not often seen. =PHYSICAL AND HEALTH INFO= HEIGHT: 5′10 WEIGHT: 122 lbs BODY TYPE: Tall and very slender as well as precise over every movement she makes. JEWELRY: Black earrings, a black choker, dark jewelry like that. Her mother’s necklace PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: Normal ear piercings, her left ear has a couple other piercings  SCARS/DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Her hair is raven black but her bangs are white as snow, so that’s an easy way to find her in a crowd. Body has scars from extensive training.  =RELATIONSHIP INFO= RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse dependent PARENTS: Kira Black (mother, supposedly deceased); William Michaelis (father, deceased) SIBLING(S): None (ability, Demona, is like a sister to her) – BEST FRIEND(S): Demona FRIENDS: N/A ACQUAINTANCES: N/A ASSISTANTS: her squad, the Shadow Demons GUARDS: N/A ALLIES: The Port Mafia PETS/SPECIAL ANIMALS: – ENEMIES: The ADA, the Guild, the Rats, the DoA (verse dependent) MAIN ENEMY(IES): ADA, Mori, her father MOST HATED: Her father, herself =STORY INFO= STORIES THAT THIS CHARACTER APPEARS IN: Bungou Stray Dogs STATUS: Alive BACKSTORY: Lia’s parents grew up together and lived on the streets together in London. Her father was secretly an executive in the Port Mafia, but her mom didn’t know this. One day, he left for work and never came back. Kira was pregnant with their child, which she didn’t realize before. She was sixteen. When Lia was 3, she and her mother were attacked in their apartment. The details are still unknown, and it’s believed that her mother died (which is what Lia believes as well). Her father, unaware that he had a child before hand, came and collected her. From then on he trained her under him in the Port Mafia. The training was brutal and what no child should go through, but he really did love her and want the best for her. He thought what he was doing was for the best. Lia hated what he did to her but had very mixed feelings about her father. When she was fifteen, she finally snapped and shot him in the chest, killing him. She thought that if she killed him she would be free from the mafia life, but she was sorely mistaken. Mori (who had just became the new boss at this point) allowed her to live despite the fact that she killed an executive, which is treason in the PM. This is because of how strong her ability is. Even though he allowed her to live, she’s still a prisoner without anyone realizing it. She’s more trapped than she ever was now, but her shackles are invisible. No one knows what happened to her father, and it’s said an enemy organization killed him. Mori wants to keep Lia’s little “slip up” a secret because if the PM ever learned that he allowed the murderer of an executive to live, they would want him dethroned. And we can’t have that.  – PLACE OF BIRTH: London, the United Kingdom PAST LIVING QUARTERS: London. CURRENT AND FUTURE HOMES: Yokohama. – NATIVE LANGUAGE(S): English  LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Japanese, French, a tiny bit of Russian (only from being exposed to it), some German, Japanese sign language  =TALENTS/OCCUPATION/EDUCATION= OCCUPATION/JOB: Mafioso—squad leader  BOSS: Mori TALENTS: Stealth, experience in combat, her ability.  YEARS OF EDUCATION: No formal education, taught some things by William.  LEVEL OF EDUCATION: N/A =COMBAT= SKILLS/TECHNIQUES: Prefers long range attacks. Has excellent agility and is pretty strong. Relies heavily on her ability, but is good at hand to hand anyway. Just in case. SPECIAL POWERS: Her ability, “Demon’s Embrace”. This allows Lia to manipulate and control shadows. She can use these shadows to do pretty much anything, like attack, hide her, transport her/other things and/or people, sense the area around her, give her night vison, and almost anything else. She can make the shadows solidify so that she can attack people and make tendrils that impale her victims, so in this sense her ability is similar to Akutagawa’s. HOWEVER, one major downfall to her ability is that she cannot make shadows. This means she’s basically ability-less during the day and in any sunlight, so she does most of her work at night. During the day the most she can do is create throwing knives from the shadows of her hood hat disappear in a matter of seconds. Her ability is the strongest at midnight with no moonlight.  WEAPON(S) OF CHOICE: Her ability. If she can’t use her ability, she often will just use a gun that’s hidden under her coat. Will use her own two fists if necessary.  STRENGTHS: Agile, fast, excellent at long range attacks at night, is basically undefeatable when in complete darkness, high pain tolerance  WEAKNESSES: Can’t use her ability in light and also become physically weaker and drained in light, especially daylight.  =VERSES= ~hσld чσur вrєαth αnd cσunt thє dαчѕ; wє‘rє grαduαtíng ѕσσn~ [High School Verse]—Lia, a human now, is quiet and dark and often can be found listening to music and not paying attention to class or those around her. She secretly works every day to provide for her adoptive sister and mother, since Kira is a single mom trying to become a doctor.
~ѕσund σf mч hєαrt; thє вєαt gσєѕ σn αnd σn~ [Band Verse]—Another Verse where Lia is human. In this one, she’s a quiet (erm, silent) electric guitar player who secretly has a few hundredsongs up her leather sleeves.
~í’m α crєαturє whσ‘ѕ up tσ nσ gσσd; í‘ll lσvє чσu líkє α vαmpírє wσuld~ [Vampire Verse]—This verse is very simple and the same for all of the muses that have it: the character is a vampire. This verse is very flexible, so if you have ideas please let me know so we can incorporate it into the thread!! But it’s nothing major, I just love vampires lol
~wє clαím thє lαnd αnd thєn thє hσrízσn; αnd σntσ thє wσrld íf wє ѕσ dєѕírє~ [BSD-Decay of Angels! Verse]—This is a side verse to Lia’s BSD verse. Here, Lia met Osamu Dazai in the Port Mafia and fell in love with him, only to have him leave her. At first, she believes him to be dead because that’s the easiest to believe. But when she learns he’s alive, she’s furious and destroyed to know that he would leave her in darkness after showing her this beautiful light. So, when a certain Russian approaches her and asks her if she wanted an escape from her dark and lonely life, who was she to say no? Thus, she joined the Decay of Angels...
~gσd dαmn ríght; чσu ѕhσuld вє ѕcαrєd σf mє~ [Tokyo Ghoul Verse]—In this verse, Lia is a half ghoul from birth. Kira was a human (died in childbirth) and Sebastian was a ghoul (whereabouts unknown). Lia is an incredibly strong ghoul, since she’s a one eyed ghoul, but no one would be able to tell. She lives her life as a human like Eto does, hiding her ghoulish nature. She’s also a member of the CGG, and an excellent one at that.
~íf í tσld чσu whαt í wαѕ wσuld чσu turn чσur вαck σn mє?~ [Monster! Verse]—An AU where the world is humans/monster hunters vs. monsters. Here, Lia is a wisp. She was created by the demon that protected a certain forest in order to lure humans in for him to devour. She isn’t alive and never was, so she doesn’t understand emotions and being alive. But she’s willing to learn. More information can be found here.
~í cαn вє hαppч wíth чσu; вut í cαn‘t вє hαppч íf í‘m dєαd~ [Simulation Verse]—Do you want to ship your muse with one of my four girls? Then this is the verse for you!! That is, if you’re prepared for some REALLY messed up shit and triggers like suicide, abuse, murder, blood, and many others. This verse is not at all for the faint of heart, and it’s best if you don’t really know what you’re in for. If you want to learn a bit more about this verse, you can find it here.
~tαkє mє thrσugh thє níght; fαll íntσ thє dαrk ѕídє~ [Villain! Verse]—A verse for My Hero Academia. Lia is just a normal human in this verse, and not related to Kira in any way. She works for the government as an investigator and uses her quirk—Hood: if she pulls her hood over her head she goes invisible—to investigate villains. However, she’s actually a villain in secret. She works for Anne and Leic at the Underworld (villain organization) to get info on other villains. She is loyal to them, not the government.
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miscellaneousfurbies · 7 years ago
Previous years: 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 It is again time for the annual roundup! It feels this was not a particularly good animanga year in terms of amount of series consumed, but when it comes to enthusiasm Attack on Titan has single handedly offered more excitement than anything else in the past... I dunno, 3 or 4 years. Attack on Titan
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Finally ended up giving this a proper chance, mostly by accident, and I'm still in that hole. I'd say that a sizeable amount of my appreciation for this manga comes from how it stands out from all the other action shounen I've read in terms of how it deals with common shounen characters, themes and tropes, but as of late I've learnt to appreciate more how it stands on its own as well. Also as upset as I am that I'm so late to the party at least catching up to happened at a relatively good spot, since I found it was easier for me to get into the new arc without the main cast when I just had gotten some 50 chapters worth of material with my favourites. And with the new developments the wait was definitely worth it, even if I'm as thirsty as everyone else for the rest of the main cast's new designs.
Awards given: Best manga, Best boy (Eren), Best OP that I didn't actually see (didn't watch the anime outside listening to some music), Best friendship (Eren and Historia), Best mentor (Levi)
Made in Abyss
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Heard this got a lot of praise so I decided to check it out too, knowing only that it's supposedly pretty grim. At first it seemed like just a "plucky kids go on an adventure" kind of show, even if the darker elements were always there (like how the main characters embarked on their journey fully aware that they won't be coming back). The upper layers of the titular Abyss felt pretty easy for their rumoured danger level, but when things finally went south they did so spectacularly. Very bad things happen to children in this show! Overall I really liked the Abyss as a location, the characters were great and especially the female characters were way above average (as in, pretty much got treated equally with the dudes). 
Awards given: Best anime, Best OP I actually saw
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
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This one I watched just because it looked cute. Which it was I guess, KyoAni's animation is always a pleasure to watch, but I got little else out of it. Kanna teeters between actually cute and manipulative-and-kinda-disgusting.
Awards given: Best cute animation, Best side boy (Fafnir)
Spirit Circle
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Finally bothered to get into another manga from one of my favourite authors, and it was definitely worth it. The story revolving around the two protagonists reincarnating in different periods and often ending up killing one another was definitely something more unique than usual, the plot was well thought out, and the character work was just as great as I had learned to expect from the author (plus the female characters don't suck). On top of it all there is the strange calm and positive atmosphere despite sometimes grim subject matter that Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer also had. The art still isn't that amazing and sometimes the space-time talk gets way over my head but otherwise an excellent read.
Awards given: Best girl (Kouko (and iterations)), Best laughs, Best romance
One Piece
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Not sure if it's because of the quality of the manga itself or because Attack on Titan dethroned One Piece from the top spot, but my interest in OP has waned a little in the past year. I haven't been able to get into Sanji's family drama, and the stuff with Big Mom has raised some good expectations but so far hasn't quite managed to live up to them. However my interest has only decreased in relation to the series itself, and compared to everything else I've consumed OP still stands tall, and Best Bunny Carrot even got to do something so I'm good I guess?
Awards given: Best side girl (Carrot)
The magical girl corner:
Doki Doki! Precure
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I thought this was from last year but apparently no. So here it is, my least favourite magical girl series of all time! Might also be the least favourite anime in general (judgement pending)! Those interested can find a long rant here, but the tl;dr is that the show revolves around glorifying the main character who has no flaws, has no character development since she's amazing from the start, gets all the other characters' personal storylines be about her too, gets the story to bend so that she's always right in the end, and so on. Ugh! Though I must say that at least that in a way the series was interesting in how blindly and confidently it assumes everyone in the audience has the default assumption that the main character is the most amazing thing to ever grace this earth with her presence.
Awards given: Worst anime, Worst girl (Mana), Worst “romance"(whatever it is when everyone proclaims their 'love' for Mana), Worst friendship (Mana being the center of everyone's universe)
Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
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Tried watching an ongoing Precure series this time, and while I'm still some episodes behind it could be a lot worse. Overall a really lackluster season and suffers from the same problems as the other Precure seasons I've seen: generic, unambitious, noncommittal, repetitive... There's very little going on with the plot, and while I do like some of the characters it's hard to care when the show is so adamant at doing nothing interesting with them. However it's still the best out of the Precure seasons I've seen so far properly, which probably says more about the other two's (HapiCha and DokiDoki) quality. And I do have to commend KiraKira for sticking to the sweets theme; at least it's clearly about something.
I've also watched some Go! Princess Precure which blows the other three Precure I've seen out of the water, but I haven't made very far. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it next year.
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: Washio Sumi chapter / Hero chapter
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Why is it always the dark magical girl shows that try anything new and interesting!? I find that the new YuYuYu stuff has had some really clunky and awkward direction, stock characters, limited animation and ham-fisted drama, but I still appreciate what it's doing with its plot. Also gotta love the veteran magical girl's reaction to the new magic system which allows them to trade defence barriers for +1000% power: "lol back in my day we didn't have any shields in the first place!"
Awards given: Best magical girl outfits
Also finished Flip Flappers (final verdict: cool premise and looks interesting, execution a little uneven but still worth watching), Punchline (an uneven but still interesting little thing with great character designs), Uta Kata (a slow moving dark magical girl show with some nice ideas, good outfit designs, poor animation and awkward fanservice) and Pop in Q (mostly forgettable upbeat magical girl thing; though it did manage to hold interest for its short length).
Awards given: Biggest WTF (Uta Kata's poorly implemented fanservice), Best character designs (Punchline)
I also watched the second season of Hibike Euphonium, but I can't remember if it was at the end of 2016 but either way I don't have a lot to say about it.
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
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Good old Animal Crossing in mobile form, there's not much else to it and there's very little to do, but I'm a sucker for collecting and the leisurely and friendly atmosphere is worth it. Seeing Tom Nook ask for real money this time was definitely the highlight even if I'd never pay for a mobile game myself.
Awards given: Biggest Time-Waster (but I still keep playing it)
I've also kept playing Pokemon Go but there's not a lot to say about it, like can you add some new gameplay stuff to it please? Also did not get Ultra Sun/Moon. I didn't care too much for Alola and most of the new content seems to be about the Ultra stuff which is unlikable to me by default; I've never been into the legendary/mythical/ultra/save the world from apocalypse aspect of the games, like just let me train my pets to become the very best like no on ever was.
Not a lot of negative awards this year it seems. The bad stuff I read was just forgettable instead of bad in a funny way or so bad it's fun to hate it.
Plans for 2018:
Finally watch the Attack on Titan anime to catch up with the rest of the fandom and prepare for my favourite arc getting adapted
Finish with the mostly disappointing Digimon Adventure Tri.
Watch the newest Precure as it airs, finish Go! Princess and at least one of the earlier seasons
More magical girls! Maybe finally check out Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card arc, finish Matoi the Sacred Slayer (which has been on my list since 2016...), Pretear, series where the magical girl is a side character (Concrete Revoutio, Samurai Flamenco, re:Creators, Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?)
Finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion (been working on it since 2005) and finish Gurren Lagann
Finish reading Neuro
Read Sengoku Youko, NaruTaru and Rozen Maiden
maybe get a Switch and the new Zelda and Mario games for it
Maybe I'll get to at least a fourth of these...?
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p1-fanfiction-blog · 7 years ago
Break The Ice
Characters: AJ Styles x Kenny Omega
Summary: After being single for a long period of time, AJ finally decides to listen to his friend’s advice and gives the dating scene a try. He just wasn’t expecting the first time to be in a place like this. Or with the same sex, for that matter.
Warnings: m/m sex, and um.. not really anything to be warned about. Maybe just a whole lotta smut, language, and bad writing. This is also kind of an A/U fic, meaning no wrestling related stuff will be involved. Also stating the obvious that if you don’t like slash pairings.. look away!!
The bright city lights were certainly a sight to behold, and it’s something he would never get sick of. He loved this city, and he’s only been here for a couple of weeks. The food, the culture, and especially the gaming shops and arcades– are what he found most enjoyable during his stay. He relaxed himself onto the bed shortly after returning from having dinner with his friends, gazing out the large hotel window that overlooked the beautiful Tokyo, Japan. It was truly mesmerizing, and yet…
AJ Styles was already bored.
For the first time since his arrival he’d already got sick of the usual routine. He was usually a homebody, more of a private person if you will, and yet for some reason he wanted to get out and do some more exploring. A lot of ideas popped into his head but he didn’t feel like doing any of it alone. He sent Karl a text and asked if he was up for a few rounds.
AJ: Lets go find a pub or somewhere to hang out and talk. I’m bored.
Karl: Sorry, Hoot. I’m hanging with the wife atm. Did you ask Luke?
AJ: No reply from him. You guys suck.
Karl: What did I tell you before? Make a damn Tinder and find someone. It’s about time your grumpy ass did.
AJ rolled his eyes and sighed. He’d only heard of Tinder because of his dumb friend and he thought the idea of it was stupid. To him the site seemed like it was made for desperate people with no self esteem. But Karl might be right. Maybe he needed to hit up the dating scene even if it wasn’t anything serious (which was the last thing he wanted as he was married for almost 20 years prior). It’s not that he was afraid of it because he was always a confident type of man, it just that he’s never had the time for it. So now that he’s utterly bored and all of his work was finished he kind of had no idea how to go about it at this day and age. And after sitting around and giving it some thought after a few minutes, he decided what the hell. Why not? He was STILL bored as shit and wanted some form of entertainment even nothing came of it in the end.
He installed the app and in under a minute it was ready to go. He didn’t have many recent photos of himself from his Facebook (he never logged on much) so he decided to take a quick ‘selfie’ of himself. At first he snapped the usual and decided that one was dull. Next he snapped a photo of himself standing in the mirror, but then deleted it as he wasn’t happy with that one either and thought it looked too weird. He repeated this about ten times before he was finally satisfied with the picture he took, then wanted to laugh at himself after as he probably looked ridiculous doing it.
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,” AJ mused at himself, and continued to fill out the rest of his profile. There were only a few options, such as which photo you’d like use as your main feature, adding your personal interests, a “pick-up line” to which he added, “Just seeing where this takes me”.. pretty straight forward and easy stuff. And last but most important.. what sex he was interested in.
Now this is something he really had to think about for a minute. He was always into both genders, and before he got married to a woman he had his fair share of “experimenting” in high school but never really went all the way– and he sure as hell wouldn’t let it be known back then either (given as it wasn’t accepted as easily, and him playing on the football team being a contributing factor). But as he thought about it a little more, he was definitely willing to be open to it again. Because really, there was no big deal to it. So with one final tap to his profile, he set his preferences to Female and Male. Maybe he will find more friends this way if dating doesn’t go the way he wanted it to. And getting to know more people was something AJ wouldn’t actually mind either since Karl and Luke were being asses right now.
Thirty minutes rolled by and so far there wasn’t any success. He had about eighteen potential matches and none of them spoke English. And when he did come across someone who was Caucasian, she was from France and couldn’t speak it very well either. AJ was about to give up until someone else caught his eye.
Kenny. 31 years old. Canada, is what was in the description. They also had some matching interests, and many of them at that. Although much younger he wasn’t bad looking either. Curly blonde hair, blue eyes, cute smile– hell, he was even wearing a lime green shirt with the Legend Of Zelda written across it. A little geeky looking but that didn’t matter. AJ didn’t hesitate to swipe right on the profile and soon after was done with it as he wasn’t gonna attempt to find anyone else again. He tossed his phone onto the bed beside as he opened up a bottle of water and took a quick swig from it. And only seconds after his phone dinged and he opened up his notifications to see who it was.
Its a Match!
AJ’s interest in this was now more at peak. He wasn’t expecting a match so quickly but then again he wasn’t complaining either. Soon after messages were being exchanged and AJ’s night was about to get more interesting.
AJ: How it’s going tonight?
K: Hey! Not too bad. Just getting ready actually. How are you?
AJ: Bored as hell! And getting ready huh? Big plans tonight?
K: Nothing too special. I’m going to a little bar I like to frequent on the weekends. It’s not everyday I come across a cute guy from America on here!
AJ couldn’t help but chuckle at that. It certainly was different to get a compliment like that from another man, but nonetheless he still really appreciated it. That made him feel good.
AJ: I could say the same. So far tonight I’ve had no luck on this thing lol! I’ll let you finish what you’re doing.
K: If you’re still bored within the hour, why don’t you come join me? I’ll be at The 505 and it’s only a few blocks down from where I stay so it won’t be hard to find.
He stared at Kenny’s reply for a minute before coming to a final decision. He’s never done this before in his life. And he was now contemplating on whether he should meet a complete stranger or not. But it was in a public setting and the night wasn’t growing any younger. He thought to himself to hell with it and decided why not. According to the app Kenny was less than 2 miles away from him so it’s not like he was about to get lost or kidnapped for that matter.
AJ: I’ll be there.
And with that the date was on. He received a response only seconds after, a single smiley emoticon and AJ was starting to get excited for this. He wondered what he should wear and suddenly felt like he was 17 again. Trying on different outfits and he wasn’t sure what would be appropriate for a bar. He was very limited on clothing and dressed mostly for comfort or working out, but he finally did decide on a blue mid-sleeved plaided shirt, a pair of jeans, and as usual included the sterling silver necklace he always loved to wear. Before taking one last glance in the mirror as he was happy with the way he looked, so he undressed again and headed for the shower.
11:00pm rolled around as AJ arrived to his destination. He took in his surroundings and noticed that where he was wasn’t just “some little bar” but it almost seemed like a nightclub. The lineup to get in wasn’t too bad, so it wasn’t a very long wait before he got inside the building. It was dark and the only source of lighting came from the stairway that headed into the basement. There was a man at the bottom who scanned his I.D. and he didn’t complain one bit at that, paid for the small cover charge, and he was allowed through the doorway.
Yeah, this was definitely NOT just a bar. It was a nightclub. And a gay one at that. The place was also pretty huge and wondered how he would find anybody here. AJ pulled out his phone and saw that he had a message waiting from Kenny, and said that if he was there he would have table 14 reserved for them. “Where the hell would that be?” He muttered to himself as he began to take in his surroundings. This place was pretty wild. Pink florescent lights filled the entire dance floor, the music was sort of a mix between J-pop and House, and both the waitresses and waiters all wore the same white lingerie with bunny ears on top of their heads. Luckily one of them who spoke English came along to assist AJ in finding his table, which was empty when he got there so he ordered a drink and waited for his date to arrive. The club slowly began to fill up with more patrons as he tapped along the glittery tabletop nervously. He really hasn’t done this in years. And he also felt ridiculous being there as he was very underdressed compared to most of the people here.
He messaged Kenny one more time to let him know that he just got to his table. As soon as he sent the text he looked up and noticed that a younger man was watching him from the bar. Smiling at AJ, he began to strut toward him with a drink in his hand. The man was wearing dark sunglasses, a black pair of leather pants, a long leather coat, a pair of matching gloves, and no shirt underneath. This dude was certainly a show-off, but he was also great looking. So AJ wasn’t complaining. He really was a sight to behold.
“Good evening,” he greeted AJ as he took his sunglasses off he instantly recognized who he was and realized this man who had been checking him out was Kenny from Tinder. He did not look anything like his pictures. In fact, his hair was much longer, and different colours of black and silver apposed to the short, curly blonde hair he tried to keep a look out for. He was also very tanned in person. And also quite fit, at that. “You like what you see, big guy?” Kenny teased as he took a slow sip of his drink. AJ smiled and leaned back into the soft cushions of the private booth, not knowing that he was staring at his date. “You look very different from your photos. I almost didn’t know who you were at first,” he replied. Kenny chuckled as he placed his drink in front of him. “I’m never on much and I forgot to update my pics. So I guess tonight is your lucky night.” This cocky bastard. AJ smiled back and leaned forward as the same waitress who helped him earlier placed shots of two Lemon Drops, two Sour Jacks, and two bottles of Sapporo in front of them. AJ quirked a brow at this. That was a lot to start off with for a first date. “What? I can’t do these shots all by myself,” Kenny winked, sliding one of the yellow-tinted shots towards AJ when the another waitress came back to take Kenny’s empty cup. He clinked the glasses together. “To a fun night, with a fun guy.” Kenny took his shot like a pro and licked his lips. AJ took his shot, enjoying the lemonade, sour flavour.
Kenny thanked her in Japanese and AJ continued on with the conversation, he had a feeling that this night was about to get interesting. “Actually, you look better than the pictures. I was pretty certain I was gonna ditch the other guy and go for you instead,” he mused. Kenny bit his lip in response and held his right hand out toward AJ. “I’ll be sure to let him know. I’m Kenny. And I must say that you’re also quite the looker in person,” he winked as he introduced himself again, biting his straw in the process. What a little fucking tease. They both took their second shots and soon after noticed Kenny might have been checking him out again. AJ’s heart began to race. It felt like it was his very first date all over again, and despite his nerves this little get together so far was very enjoyable.
The night went on and Kenny was everything AJ had hoped for him to be. The conversations started out as small talk, and as the drinks began to kick in the outright flirting returned as the main interest again. “So please, please explain to me as to why you’re single again?” Kenny asked, taking a sip of his Long Island. “I don’t get it. You’re sexy, you love video games, I mean you know more about them than most guys I’ve known my whole life. I can’t even count how many nergasms you’ve already given me tonight.” AJ smirked at the statement and laughed. It’s been a good while since someone has told him he was sexy. “Just a loner type of guy, I guess,” he shrugged.
Kenny smirked back. “So you got the whole intimidating, mysterious look going on for you. It must scare off people off.”
The waitress was back with two more shots and seemed to have been apologizing for interrupting the two men. Kenny spoke in Japanese once more and gave her a friendly wave-off. Something about him speaking another language was a huge turn-on. And AJ wondered if he was a long-term resident. “Am I intimidating?” he asked Kenny as he smiled dangerously.
“Nope,” Kenny replied, chewing on the end of his straw again. God damn it, AJ’s mind was going places that he hadn’t intended to when they only met a couple of hours ago. Especially if Kenny was acting innocent about having a supposed unconscious oral fixation.
“You hear me, AJ?”
“Huh?” AJ replied snapping out of his daze.
Kenny slid the shot glass over to AJ as they clinked them together. “To a fun morning, with a fun guy.” AJ took the shot with Kenny as he listened to him giggle, his body growing hot at the implications of his statement. He was definitely getting laid tonight and AJ didn’t mind at all.
AJ couldn’t help but stare at his date’s abs (again) at this point when he wasn’t looking, and every so often would find himself trailing down to Kenny’s groin. He really wasn’t looking for sex on the first date at first but the temptations grew stronger as the alcohol was starting to kick in– and at a faster pace. His eyes slowly trailed back up to his face as Kenny leaned in closer. “Don’t worry, I’ve been looking too,” Kenny whispered as he tucked a few strands of AJ’s hair behind his ear, the warmth of his breath against his lobe instantly sending shivers down his spine. AJ swallowed nervously and tipped his head back, exposing more of his neck allowing Kenny more access if he wanted to. “Yeah?” He replied.
“Mm-hmm..” Kenny answered, using one of his gloved hands to rub AJ’s inner thigh as he used his teeth to lightly graze across the sensitive flesh behind the earlobe. He gave AJ a few light kisses there as well just to tease him even further. His hardening member was now starting to strain against the tightness of his jeans as he slowly thrust hips up to feel more Kenny’s hand. “Let’s say we get out of here and continue this at my place?” There wasn’t even any questioning of Kenny’s suggestion. They left their money for the drinks on the table and were both soon leaving to his flat in a cab.
Leas than 10 minutes later Kenny was shoving AJ into the corner in the backseat of the cab, his tongue down his throat as he climbed up and settled himself on top of AJ’s lap. He was now grinding into him as if tonight was the last time he would ever fuck.
To be fair, AJ was feeling the same way.
AJ gripped at Kenny’s hips, his fingers running back to his ass and squeezing hard. Kenny whined and AJ made a mental note to be sure he would make his date make that noise at least a thousand times tonight.
Not too long after the cab stopped and they were now at their destination. They quickly fixed themselves up and Kenny paid the driver, both not caring about the odd looks they were receiving from the old man all the way there. “Come on,” Kenny grabbed AJ’s hand as they helped each other out of the vehicle. They continued their heavy make-out session in the elevator. Tongues where fighting for dominance and hands were grabbing everywhere. And before they both knew it Kenny had the unlocked the door to his flat, slamming the it open and tugging AJ in, pushing him towards the bedroom. He held in a yell of surprise when he felt his back falling into the bedsheets, and an impatient Kenny already halfway up his hips, grinding into him, his soft mouth giving AJ’s neck kisses and nipping at it with his teeth.
“F-Fuck, Kenny..”
“Mm, yeah.. there’s gonna be a lot of that I’m afraid,” he replied as he ground into AJ, his eyes looking playful and eager.
AJ watched as Kenny sat up and slowly peeled off the shiny jacket and gloves, revealing more of his well-toned body. He reached up and ran his finger tips down from Kenny’s chest before trailing down and teasing his abs, then settled at resting his hands on his hips as he dug his fingernails deep into them– making Kenny breathe inward sharply as AJ thrust back up into him much harder than they were doing. “Two can play that game, and just warning you right now that you ain’t winning it.” Kenny moaned again as he rocked his hips down again in response. “Top or bottom?” AJ asked.
“Both,” Kenny replied.
AJ grinned, working at Kenny’s pants buttons but not getting very far. They were tight, black leather pants which screamed all sorts of sexiness. But of course a damn tease like him would wear them. “Take them off,” he practically snarled. Kenny chuckled and hopped off of AJ, slowly peeling his legs out as if this were his own personal striptease.
And that was it. No underwear. Nothing was worn underneath.
“You have to go commando in these pants, obviously,” Kenny winked. AJ was now painfully hard.
“Yes, I worked hard for my god-like body… But let’s not stare all day, what are you waiting for?” Kenny asked, his hands on his hips as he nodded his head at AJ’s clothed crotch.
“You’re such a dork,” AJ replied as he sat up, he unbuttoned his flannel shirt as he tossed it aside. It landed on the lampshade. “I always wanted to do that.” He continued stripping out of his jeans easily as he pulled his boxers down at the same time.
“And you’re such a nerd,” Kenny responded. “A fucking gorgeous one, might I add.”
There was a moment where it was now Kenny who couldn’t help but stare. His eyes taking over AJ’s body and AJ almost had a moment of self-consciousness, his brain hurdling him back to high school when the guys in the locker room would check him out after football practice.
He wasn’t ever a slut, but he had his fair share with women before he got married. As for men, the furthest he’s ever went with that was kissing and a lot of touching, but never all the way. But either way. He never wanted to fool around with someone on the first date. This time it was different, and he’s not afraid to let it happen. His clouded judgement had thrown all of his pride he had carried before out the window.
“One last thing,” Kenny suggested. He leaned over toward the dresser and a light glowed on his face. He wondered what the heck he was doing wasting time with when AJ realized that it was an iPod. He set it up on the dock, the speakers picking up on the music. Change by The Deftones began to fill out the room. “I love this song,” Kenny grinned, crawling over AJ and attacking his mouth for the 10th time that night.
AJ didn’t think he’d ever get used to how voracious Kenny was, how aggressive. It was intriguing and amazing and absolutely sexy to have someone all over him for once. And AJ couldn’t help it. He started grinding up into the sexual heat, Kenny’s mouth falling open as their naked erections rubbed hard against each other. He grabbed a handful of Kenny’s hair and bit the side of his neck, the nip of affection that had Kenny gasping and grabbing at AJ’s shoulder blades.
“Umf– AJ– FUCK ME,” Kenny demanded, he legs wrapping around AJ’s waist and pulling him in tight, causing a friction so sweet that AJ was afraid he was gonna cream before even going inside.
“Fuck Kenny.”
“Mmhm,” he pursed. Thrusting his hips and rocking in all the right ways to drive AJ absolutely out of his mind.
“Turn around,” Kenny demanded.
“Turn around, AJ, I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t get this part out of the way first. So turn the fuck around.” He wasn’t sure what Kenny meant by telling him to turn around, unless he meant…?
Before AJ could say anything, Kenny jumped off of him and pulled both of his arms forward. Forcing AJ to land on his hands and knees and this began to frighten him. Hadn’t they already made it clear that he was NOT going to bottom tonight? “Wait a minute, Ken- I don’t do this.”
“Shut up,” Kenny barked. Before AJ could protest any further Kenny crawled underneath AJ’s legs and laid down on his back, taking him by surprise by shoving his cock deep into Kenny’s mouth. “O-Ooh, god damn it,” AJ moaned as Kenny hummed in approval, making him jerk down into the hot, wet heat as he almost struggled to balance himself up. At the angle they were in Kenny was allowing AJ to fuck his throat at full force. The gagging noises that were coming out from the man below him was like music to his ears, and after a few minutes of this AJ was almost real close to cumming.
Kenny seemed to sense this as he popped AJ’s dick out of his mouth. “Lay down,” he commanded. AJ managed to breathe out a chuckle as he did what he was told. “You sure are a bossy one. I’m gonna have to teach you some manners one day.”
“Its gonna take a lot of that to try and tame me, babe,” Kenny groaned as he pushed AJ down onto his back, straddling him as he reached over to the dresser again to grab a small bottle of lube. AJ watched in awe as Kenny poured some over his fingertips and began fingering himself, then applying a generous amount onto AJ’s length soon after. God, he was so perfect right now.
“Wait, Kenny, I gotta let you know.. I ain’t never done this–”
AJ’s mouth fell open into an O before he could continue. Kenny was already sitting down onto AJ’s length, slowly but soon after it finally gave way when he moved his hips at a slighter angle. They were both breathing hard, and AJ tried not to give into temptation to pound his tight ass right then and there as he didn’t want to hurt him. Kenny began to rock his hips the rest of the way down, letting out a whimper as he tried to adjust to AJ’s size.
“Fuuuuuuck,” AJ moaned, his fingers were now digging into Kenny’s hip bones. The euphoric feeling of him around his cock was SO much different than sex with a woman. And daresay he may even enjoy it better this way. Kenny was so fucking tight. And at this point he was almost wishing that he didn’t receive the amazing blowjob prior to this. He didn’t wanna cum just yet. He had to stay still, he had to stay still, he had to stay still…
“Okay, okay, go ahead,” Kenny urged, and so AJ did. He gently thrust his hips upwards, testing the waters. Kenny grunted, was that negative or positive?
“Oh my god, AJ. Just fuck me already,” Kenny ordered, kissing AJ again as they began to move their hips together.
“Shit,” AJ growled as he finally found a rhythm. He pushed himself up, chest to chest with Kenny as they thrust against each other, his hands digging into AJ’s hair and tugging and damn did it ever feel good. “Look at you, acting like a little whore all night and now that you finally took me home.. I’ll be damned if you try tell me what to do.”
Kenny was practically chanting as AJ was now repeatedly stabbing up at his prostate. He could also tell that Kenny enjoyed the dirty talk just as much as he did with the way his body responded. He was definitely the most vocal lover AJ has ever encountered, and he took it with pride that he had him under control with just the use of his cock. He absolutely loved it.
“Are you ready for your first lesson, slut?” AJ darkly whispered into Kenny’s ear.
He wasted no time in connecting his hand hard onto Kenny’s ass, causing a whimper to escape from his lips. It wasn’t good enough. A second swat came in and this time it was much harder. Then AJ did it again, and again, and again… each time more harder then before until he had Kenny crying out more for him. All the while still pounding away at his ass and leaving love bites all across his chest.
Kenny was a complete fucking mess and AJ loved every second of it.
He tried to pull Kenny closer, but it was impossible as they were already as close as two people could be without becoming one. He growled low in his chest as Kenny announced he was about to come, and just in time too as AJ was teetering on the edge as well.
“Fucking hell!” Kenny screamed. His whole body was jerking as he came between them, no contact to his cock whatsoever. He never thought of it before but to AJ it was now one of the hottest things he’s ever witnessed. He hissed at the contracting muscles milking him and he couldn’t hold it anymore. Not with Kenny looking and sounding like this. AJ groaned, cupping Kenny’s ass as he thrust hard as he could just a couple more times before exploding up into Kenny’s body.
They groaned in relief as if they had been dying of thirst as they both just sat there. Holding each other and not moving, their heads resting on one another’s shoulder. They were both sticky and a mess but neither of them cared. “Nnnn,” Kenny hummed. “You came inside of me.”
“Jesus Christ,” AJ murmured, kissing the other man along his neck and along the jawline. “We just met, I punished the shit outta you, and that’s all you gotta say?”
“Does this mean we gotta use handcuffs next time?” Kenny purred, his arms still wrapped around AJ’s neck as he nuzzled their noses together. “Don’t tempt me,” AJ replied. “I just might make your future lessons more harsh than tonight.”
Oh shit, this kid was gonna be the death of him.
Kenny started to shift, ready to detangle himself, but AJ just kept him in his place. God damn, he was strong.
“No! Just a while longer. I kinda like this feeling,” AJ said sleepily, seeming unbothered by the sticky cum on their abdomens that was now feeling gross and cold to Kenny. And there’s also the fact that the soreness was starting to kick in. “I feel like a fucking cum rag. Let me go,” Kenny laughed as he was finally released out of AJ’s grip. He slowly rolled off of him so they can lay next to each other. Maybe in a bit they can finally muster enough strength get themselves up and help clean each other off.
He most definitely would have to thank Karl for this one. Finally an idea of his that actually wasn’t stupid.
If you made it this far, congrats! It’s the end!! *throws rainbow streamers in your face* Okay, I only proofread this one time so there might be some mistakes. And I know this took forever to post but there it is. Sorry if it seems long, or even too short for some tastes. And as usual.. like or reblog if you enjoyed reading it. Comment if you didn’t. Any and all criticism is welcome here. :) ps. for some stupid reason I couldn’t tag anyone AGAIN! Believe it or not I write and publish all my stories through mobile, so that’s another reason why this takes so long lmaooooo! I apologize if I’ve left a lot of you out. Again, I hate the mobile app. Someone buy me a laptop for my birthday. 
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reinbowcat96 · 7 years ago
Fanfic Ask Game: D (Fly Away), F, I, L, M, N, Q, S, and T.
D: Fly Away actually does have quite a bit associated with it, but it’s been ongoing for so long I can only tell you the ones I remember, whoops. I know the Wind Waker end credits medley has always been a MAJOR source of inspiration for Fly Away. I can listen to it and envision perfectly the events of the story going along with it. The title itself actually comes from... was it an ending? Or an opening? Whatever the case, Eureka 7 has a song associated with it called Fly Away, and I had an association with the sound of it to this story. That’s all I can really remember now at the moment, unfortunately. ^^;
F: “We need to talk.” She said irritably.“So talk.” He replied just as irritably.“I can’t marry you.”“If you don’t you can be sure that Hyrule won’t be as prosperous as it is now.”“See? That’s why I can’t marry you – this is not how healthy relationships work!”He forked an eyebrow as he smirked. “It almost sounds like you want a relationship.”“And maybe I do!” She snapped, ignoring her reddening face. “Maybe I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re not as horrible as I initially thought and I might consider – might – that having some sort of relationship with you isn’t so hideous a prospect!”While Vaati’s expression seemed relatively unchanged, his thought process couldn’t be guessed by Zelda. He simply stayed in that unreadable state for a few moments before finally saying, “Won’t your beau in green have an issue with that?”“He’s not my beau!” The princess practically shouted. “Aside from being my best friend, he’s my cousin! That would be gross! Of course, that also means I really don’t want you killing him either!”I’m not formatting that properly, lol. Sorry. I have complicated feelings on Reversal as whole. On the one hand it was fun to write, on the other practically zero effort was put into it and it remains one of my most popular stories and that kinda pisses me off. But man oh man, did I love writing them backsass each other all the time. And that’s literally it, I just liked the backsass. XD
I: Blinda. BlindZelda. I love it. And it doesn’t exist. -sad trombone- ASIDE FROM THAT, I really actually enjoy twisted hatemances, like people who are obviously not good for each other at all and maybe some dubcon but uh... That’s just my guilty pleasure. I also really like fluff for certain pairings. Whoda thunk it? And something else I love that I never see anywhere: CLOSE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS. sjkhvhsjbdshj love them
L: Ehehehehe... Hardly ever. If at all. I write it, and that’s it. Generally, nothing plotwise ever changes, so no heavy revisions. Things like corrections in grammar and whatnot also usually don’t get fixed until later, but Im trying to be better about it these days. All in all, nothing really ever gets revised, and I’ll go over a chapter about maybe once or twice before posting it.
M: Blinda fic taking place post Botw in which Zelda, moving on after realizing Link does not share her romantic feelings, now has to deal with more than just the remnants of monster tribes in Hyrule, due to human on human crime going on. She eventually meets the leader of the bandit group, one Blind, upon which the two decide some teamwork is in order - because Blind has what Zelda doesn’t: A functioning and united society. They butt heads a lot due to differing ideologies, and then something else pops up and they gotta teamowork more to take it down - stuff like that. A friendship that grows to mutual affection, type of thing. Another premise is some more botw shenanigans, this time featuring my version of Link, who is a robot that knows only how to murder, struggling how to tell Paya and/or Sidon he has feelings for them. the only way he knows how to show affection to them is by presenting them with the heads of their enemies.
N: I would never want anyone else to finish my stories. They’d get them wrong. :
Q: I don’t feel any which way about them? I’ve never really been in a true collaboration, but I get the feeling I’d be very hard to work with. I don’t really like compromise in how I characterize certain characters. >>;
S: Tsunderes, hate to love, slow burns... Im sure there are more but i can’t think of any off the top of my head.
T: Get high school AUs out of my fucking face. In fact, get all AUs out of my face unless they somehow actually do relate to the elements of the original source material, cause otherwise you have no excuse not to be writing an original story. :
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angstylittlecatboy · 6 years ago
memories of my sprite comic nobody read
I'm not sure if I believe in the whole angel numbers thing anymore but I think they want me to reintroduce my sprite comic (saw 111 while thinking about it.) I just feel like talking about it, idk. I know nobody cares.
Barring a few standout strips I don't think Purrnout the Edgy Cat (covering my bases here, but the comic predates me meeting FP by two years, “edgy” refers to how stuff like Linkin Park and Shadow the Hedgehog is referred to as edgy) was a good comic, most of it's gags fall flat, the backgrounds and walking sprites were mostly ugly (if my more detail-oriented brother was downstairs he'd insist I do better,) and I could never get a story arc off the ground, but I only made it to kill the bore (in the description it said "updates whenever boredom strikes") and I had fun making it.
The idea was to be a sprite comic (believe me, I’d draw the comic if I were any good at drawing, but I learned my lesson from having DeviantArt) that was something of an affectionate parody of early 2000s sprite comics while avoiding a lot of the common complaints about them, also throwing in some punk/goth/emo culture. Specifically, all of it's characters were original, only one was a recolor (and his name was Recolor the Hedgehog, he was the deuteragonist and straight man, I planned to make him the only character who can't do cool superpower stuff for irony,) I didn't use backgrounds from Google Images, it didn't directly take place in the universe of something else (my idea was that it took place in a nonsense universe where every work of fiction is somehow canon, though I wanted to be pretty strict about seeing concepts and objects but never characters from other works, but other than showing Recolor losing rings, nothing ever came of it,) I tried not to mainly use reference or shock humor, and I tried to use a consistent sprite style for the characters and backgrounds (I confess to ripping effects.) I don't think it ever achieved parody of 00s sprite comics, I wanted to eventually make some stuff like DBZ-style sprite battles and teen melodrama, but I ended up making a gag-a-day strip mostly utilizing cringe comedy. At least, all the good or least bad strips are cringe comedy. I tried teen melodrama but it was mostly big lipped aligator moments that went nowhere, especially both aborted story arcs (though the latter was going to be less teen melodrama and more band melodrama.) If I reupload the comic, the arc comics won’t be reuploaded with the rest as I consider them non-canon since neither got past two strips and the first attempt would have honestly ruined the comic if it finished. I guess there were two continuous strips where Purrnout commited tax fraud (I think this predated the Yoshi meme) but I don’t see that as a story arc. Actually the first three comics were sorta a story arc but they mostly just introduced the main two, explained why Purrnout is living in an apartment (I think I needed to explain this as I intended it as a Chekrov’s Gun for a later story arc,) and made some obscure Green Day references. Maybe the arc comics could get re-added at a different place on the timeline if I felt like completing the arcs. A huge problem is that I didn’t make an outline for them tbh.
The style I settled on for the backgrounds and sprites was that of the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The panels were in either that system’s resolution or one close to it (they were tiny.) I ignored palette limitations, but so did most sprite comics.
I must admit that the title character is a self-insert fantasy to some extent, he was admittedly, like 16-year-old me but cooler. Well, not really cooler since the comic revolves around him being a loser, but he was an emancipated minor and a good punk/alt rock guitarist, both tying into my fantasies at the time, and he was a lonely emo teenager trying to not be mainstream. If I brought the comic back, I’d continue to write Purrnout as 16YO me and not as 18YO me. I’m still a loser, but my spiritual beliefs, dedication to kindness, and inconsistent attitudes towards life WOULD NOT mesh with the character. Purrnout cannot have reverence to things that control the world or talk about peace and love, he needs to be angry at the world and be a bit of a deliberately insensitive asshole to the people he doesn’t like. Sort of a much less extreme version of an incel (I identified as such at the time.) Wouldn’t call him a Mary Sue, though it’s not really my call to make since I’m the author and this is the only creative work of mine that can kinda be considered “completed” that I’m still fond of in a way. Maybe I’ll cringe someday, but not today.
There’s not much to say about Recolor the Hedgehog, he’s very much a pretty normal guy other than having nerdy interests and Purrnout as a best friend. He more or less exists to be a straight man. He was a composite of my brother and an ex-friend.
I might as well mention the comic’s other non-antagonist character since I’ve already talked about both Purrnout and Recolor. Love the Golden Retriever, a rich, smart, pretty normie girl with a Pollyanna viewpoint, a wish to heal people like Purrnout, and a crush on Recolor. She was based on a variety of girls who tried to become my friend out of pity and were nice enough but we didn’t connect. Purrnout finds her annoying, while she considers Purrnout a friend. I also introduced another one, but she was part of the first aborted attempt at an arc. 
A third main character was planned as well, but she was supposed to be introduced in a story arc that I planned but never even tried to start. She wouldn’t make it into the comic if I start it up again, at least not without heavy modification, as I eventually met someone who was very similar to the character I had in mind. So similar that adding them now would look creepy.
The comic’s most common antagonist was a cat named Muffin. He was basically Chad Thundercock, probably the most shallow character in a comic that wasn’t long enough to get deep. I also introduced another character intended as an antagonist in an admittedly-hamfisted way named Felicity the Once-Golden Retriever, Love’s best friend who used to be a highly optimistic normie with a promising modelling career before Muffin cheated on her, and then became an angsty anti-society rebel who thinks cutting her hair and dying her fur darker makes her ugly. She hated Purrnout because she felt that Purrnout hadn’t suffered like she had and is moping for no reason, which annoys her. I think I was trying to do a straw feminist character minus the actual feminism, but don’t quote me on that. I had a third antagonist that I wanted to introduce, my favorite antagonist made for the comic actually, and he already cameoed, but I never ended up writing him. Maybe if I had my PC through Summer/Fall 2018 I would’ve made more (the last one was Spring 2018.)
But anyway, it doesn’t really matter. My brother was the only person who really read Purrnout, but I do remember him getting a chuckle out of it. I posted it on Tumblr (now deleted) and I got one follower, who was likely a bot. I never posted a link to it on my main Tumblr, partially because I wanted to see it gain an organic audience first (it didn’t lol) and partially because I was scared of it being seen as cringe. You may have come across it if you browsed the “sprite comic” tag on here. I know Tumblr is a bad place to host webcomics (at least if it’s the only place you’re hosting the webcomic) but it’s free, I was familiar with it, and I wasn’t making any plans to profit off of or take the comic seriously (it ran Summer 2016 - Spring 2018 and only had twenty strips.)
I’m still hesitant to bring back the comic because I honestly want to use the universe (most of it, obviously modifications would need to be made) for a video game idea I have, though that would be 10+ years in the future if I ever have credibility as a game developer since I couldn’t see myself doing that one without a team (”3D hack n’ slash platformer” is a lot harder than “2D JRPG.”) Hell, I originally made the sprite for a Zelda II clone I wanted to make with Purrnout using side mounted guns (because Shadow the Edgehog,) but for some reason, be it laziness (not wanting to re-learn Game Maker) or wanting to use the character for something more character driven, I ended up making a sprite comic instead. Another route I could do is redesigning and renaming Recolor, and removing all sprites ripped from other games, but I’m extremely hesitant to mess with Recolor’s design since his worried face is a running gag and if I did continue I’d still want to eventually make jokes that don’t work without him being a Sonic recolor.
Also, it wasn’t a furry webcomic, at least not entirely. “pet sized” (cats, dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.) characters would stand on fours while characters of much smaller or much larger stature (cows, hedgehogs,) than that would be anthropomorphic.
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thegeminisage · 8 years ago
zeldablogging! i actually quit playing hours ago but i didn’t have time to post it until now
firstly my bro came over and let me use all his amiibos and i got epona and some SWEET gear, but it's like, a random chance to get one of the three piece fo each one, so he has to COME BACK so can get everything
i got one of link's iconic hats haha im Sad
also i went to the wasteland tower and i can see the divine beast from there!! i think with the flying island bird thing i've now seen them all
altho if that ship thing really is the beast and i can see if from that far away...holy Fuck. they are so Big
my brother wanted me to go north to the woods at the top of the map to get the master sword, but im just not Ready yet. i wanna see more plot. he also told me that there was no special quest for it which like :/ weak?? im disappointed tbh
the interactive map shows a stable along the road so i guess i will start there!
i'm a little intimidated by the big desert tbh
god everything here is so tall and vast...i'm pretty sure bits of this are from one of the cool parts of the trailer
omg there's a talus on this hill
dont feel like fighting it now tho lol
omg four dudes lost in the gerudo region...now THIS sounds familiar
ahaha :')
actually, i think i'm gonna go ahead and head to gerudo town first before exploring everywhere...which is the opposite of what i SAID i wanted to do after death mountain but this desert is big and vast and it'll be easier to keep track of what i've done, and tbh i'm afraid of running into the divine beast while i explore LMAO
plus: i wanna see plot!
i like that horses follow the roads, i can kinda see the sights and scope it out a little before Deep Exploration
wait can i not
oh god can i not ride my horse out here....?
oh jesus
ohhh my god what a long walk.......haha i've become spoiled
oh well here we go
lol i put on the link hat and got like. overwhelmed, emotionall.y too much. so much. to see him in green rn. altho lowkey disappointed he hasn't been in green for most of the game thats just His Color
omg it gets Cold in the desert at night!!
i bet in the daytime it gets hot hahaha
ooh i got a gerudo shield and scimitar from this lizalfos! nice!
why......doesn't my map work rn
what the fuck??
i opened it and?? static??
please tell me it's the divine beast and not an area thing i can't LIVE without my map
wow the air got all green and windy here when i walked towards a shrine...dnw dnw 
see this is why i worried about exploring but it's Right There if igured it'd be no trouble
thats what i get for thinkin
omg a SAND SEAL?? they are so weird lookin haha and it scared me for a sec moving thru the gloom like that. thought it was a monster
it strikes me with no minimap i can't fast travel and everything looks just the same out here...what if i get lost?
oh there's the shrine thank god
omg my map works inside the shrine ;w;
tbh i dont feel like doing it rn i'd fast travel out of this green shit if that didn't mean having to start the whole walk over
i guess i can just fast travel to the shrine itself at least now i know the direction i need to walk to get out
yep and here goes the temp climbing. jesus
luckily i prepped for this when i stop to cook i like to make a bit of everything and i knew i was coming somewhere hot, so
LMFAO out of sheer curiosity i took all my armor off and that worked too.
ohhh amn this no-map green-sand no-visibility thing is WIGGING ME OUT dude i pray it's a divine beast thing bc i can't explore like this AND i couldn't really see the whole beast bc of the sand. so. fingers crossed
please let me find the road please let me find the road please let me find the road
put all my armor back on bc i spotted an enemy and thats super weird even without special food the sun isn't killing me anymore...maybe it's a noontimeish thing? but no, it was sunrise before and 10am now.......mysterious. i don't like it. i do not like the desert. i Do Not like the desert.
oh my god and there it is...what even IS that jesus christ
it's so big im scared and crying
and the lightning!!! it's so powerful!!!!
like, my brother said the dungeons were too easy but the FEEL of these things...they truly are fucking divine
oh thank fuck i see fire. help me please
thank GOD
and i'm at gerudo town i think!! somehow
but i missed the oasis and i know there was a memory there painter dude told me ):
wait, no...this IS the oasis! yes!!!!!! i made it to the road in the perfect spot!!!!!!
wait they;re saying here "voe" aren't allowed in gerdo town...oh my god are they being serious rn
but frankly i can't blame them. tbh if i had a society of all females i wouldn't let any men in either.
there's. so many pretty women in here. they're so tall. i'm so gay
omg there's a rito and a goron here!
oooh the highlands tower sandstorm apparently dies down for a few hours every day!! good to know x_x
god if it IS a regional thing im totally fucked.
oop the temp kicked up again once i left the oasis
WAIT i almost forgot the memory jesus christ!
ok ok
zelda was running from the yiga clan and link stepped in and saved her at the last second AND THE MAIN THEME PLAYED A LITTLE
altho i kinda hate this helpless damsel zelda stuff...i guess it's mostly par for the course, tho - very few games have had her able to fight and even the ones that did got her captured at the very end
there's a rock outcropping here and i can SEE the sandstorms, jesus
i hope they're less frequent after i free the beast
maybe the one near the shrine/tower broke up for a sec and that's why the temp kicked up? everyone says it does once a day...but my map didn't change lol so idk
lol got to tell a gerudo she was my dream girl
haha so they travel and leave to find husbands and have kids? she mentioned "training"... great potential for trans characters here but alas that's WAY beyond nintendo rn
i like that they speak another language, it makes the world feel bigger and more real (and they even teach you some!!)
omg you can RIDE the sand seals?!
i...need a shield...to sand seal SURF
that sounds. like the coolest thing ive ever heard in my whole life
apparently there's a guy who slips in every night that i could follow!! i wish i could just sneak in myself, tho
all right nothing doing so i loked it up and APPARENTLY YOU HAVE TO CROSSDRESS LOL i love it
like i've seen that outfit in guides and i thought it looked a bit nonfunctional
altho i hope this plotline doesn't make crossdressers the butt of a joke!!
aw you can tell the person on the rock "you're a man" but im gonna pretend she's trans and not be a jerk
ok, i absolutely gotta dye these pink
yes i am fast traveling this instant to dye these
i know this game is probably being gross about this but frankly i love the idea of agender link
and these are my favorite clothes i wanna wear them and ride my pink horse all the time
aaah and now i am pink!! tbh i'd love to sneak in now but i have a stream to get ready for ))):
maybe i will just look around really quick i still have a few minutes
im usually a little late starting anyways lol
ooh the music in the day here is rly cool!
why did they let him in! i thought there were no girl gorons
lmao even he doesn't know......omg
omg an OLD gerudo too finally!!!
gaaaah i wanna look around more but my time is up for tonight!!
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