#also another sleepy mood doodle
angrybatart · 2 months
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Wore himself out from doing science all day. Don't worry! Wes PROBABLY doesn't mind.
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anulithots · 2 months
A bunch of Lotff doodles that got buried or that I forgot to post
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forever unfinished
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You can tell which arts are before ANuli lost faer leaves. ANd I lost the fragments I tore off so... yea anywho Anuli has broken leaves on one side.
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"Draw your mood in this chart" Anuli gets sudden bursts of happiness and overall the constant guilt isn't treating faer well. Kamari refuses to acknowledge how bad being the High Protector is. And Ankh does know shit about feelings.
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Anuli's pondering, and has gotten very comfortable with the idea of trying to get faerself as upset as possible.
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They have a veryyy cozy backstory. Like full of fluff.
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At 3am
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They are bonding
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Names. (Kamari means moon.) Alsoo nooo I don't know how languages work here. Ankh just means 'eye' so like... IDK what to tell you.
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Ignore how Sitara's design looks a lot like Aisfa... I'm going to change Aisfa's design a bit.
Also these are subject to change... because this was the original idea for them
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Anywho so Sitara hangs around Anuli for another reason that I couldn't draw that well.
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The siblings. (There is a height difference... I just didn't draw that. ANuli's a lot smaller than most dryads... although no one knows faer age and everyone ages differently.)
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Kamari didn't think faerself one to hold grudges. Fae doesn't usually.
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sobbing and crying. The only expressions I know how to do.
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About the height difference of faries. Techincally if you go by trees then Ankh is a lot taller than Kamari... but techincally trees are terms for tree like things that are wildly different and at some point the fact that they are all bipedal makes no sense anyways. So... suspend your disbelief? I did at one point try to design bird-like and four-legged dryads and ended up drawing what was easiest for me. I went crazy trying to get everything scientifically accurate soooo theyyy'reee nooot. The tree society is accurate and that's about it.
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Ehhhh I'm not that good at drawing anything but floating heads (and I only know how to draw arms when they're bent). But here's Kamari!
(And so all sorts of dryads will have all sorts of different body types and proportions and suchh... so basically I'm giving myself lotsss of creative liberty here)
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Sitara and Anuli yeyey
The dearest, most wonderous people, otherwise known as the lotff tag list:
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos
@holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @osbob-the-existent
@awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg
@sleepy-vix @starryeyeddarlings @sea-dwelling-wizard
lmk if you'd like to be added or removed <3 🌿
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 month
Catch Up Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea!
<3 Favorite color - Purple/Lilac, Black, Cyan/Turquoise
<3 Last fun activity - I did some planning for the game I'm hoping to start developing (on my own) soon, I wrote around 1000 words for Scrapyard Boys during my last writing session, played with my cat (though he got a bit too focused and now my hand has several scratches LMAO), did some progress on my digital drawing of Valen from Scrapyard Boys and watched some fun youtube videos!
<3 Song (s) stuck in my head -
The Hearse Song - Rusty Cage
Thunder Bringer - EPIC The Musical
<3 Favorite food - Depends on my mood but anything with chicken and cheese is definitely up there on the list of favorites! Chicken Empanadas, Chicken Risotto with Blue Cheese, Chicken Quiche!
<3 Spicy/sweet/savory - Savory and Sweet! Spicy makes me feel sick (I used to love it but now my stomach is too sensitive)
<3 Last thing I googled - "Anatomically correct heart drawing reference" (I'm doing some gothic horror/fantasy doodles lol)
<3 Current obsession - Writing/drafting Supernova Initiative & Scrapyard Boys, plotting Grim City Chronicles, doing digital art + PLANNING MY OWN GAME AAAAAAAAAA
<3 Something you're looking forward to - Me & my friends' DnD night on Sunday - this campaign has been super cool so far and our characters (especially mine) are in SO MUCH TROUBLE I can't wait to find out how we'll get out of it lol. I'm also looking forward to finishing my Valen portrait and actually starting the development of my game.
Tagging: @sleepy-night-child @thecomfywriter, @wyked-ao3, @sarandipitywrites, @littleperilstories, @the-golden-comet
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falontia · 2 years
<<Part 1: here
Where'd our captain go?
[Summary: You get transported into another universe where mark and mack are there and they both have a huge crush on you]
(Pairings: Mark x reader, Mack x reader, Wliford x reader if u squint hard enough.)
{Setting: ISWM part 1, but with mack...and a special guest.}
The captain was nowhere to be seen today, which was weird because they've always been around the ship checking on minor problems that have happened. This immediately set off an alarm in the two head engineer's heads (ironic..) as they started looking for the captian together, having short lived fights along the way, only stopping because they didnt find the captain in the room.
The whole crew also thought about this, it was weird and unsettling as the halls were now quiet without the captain praising every accomplishment they made. Everyone was uncomfortable and just wanted the captian back.
"In some other universe..."
The captain looked around the decorated room with confusion. First their portable wormhole device doesn't work and now it sucks them into a wormhole in the middle of their comfortable sleep? The captain wasn't even surprised at the fact that wilford was the one who set up the room, yet they were angry at him. "Why did you do that?.." the Captain sleepily asked the energetic man-- who was quite the opposite of what the captain was right now. "Because! Our meeting is now!" Wilford said happily.
"But I thought it wasn-" The captain was about to make a point before they got cut off by a finger to the mouth and wilford quickly making shush noise. They gave in as they were still sleepy, sitting on the couch that seemingly just appeared there. "I did want to say. What's with...those two other people you've been with?," Wilford asked about Mark and Mack, well the captain thought he was asking about them and they were right.
"There's nothing special between us. We are friends." They stated with a serious tone, they were in a bad mood, they did just get sucked by a wormhole into a room which made them dizzy as hell.
Wilford laughed like one of those silly villian side-kicks and quickly pulled out a notebook. Ofcourse he took the captain's words for granted and quickly crossed out a doodle he made of both of the men, then he proceeded to put a heart next to a doodle of the captain and him.
A portal appeared the second he pulled his head up to look at you. Wilford took a knife out of his pocket that the Captain swore wasn't there before. Wilford went to stab the portal but the captain stopped him before he could. "Wilford I am very tired of both your shit and just generally so let me go home," captain groaned. Wilford just rolled his eyes playfully and booped the captain's nose. "You better visit!" Wilford stated. The captain nodded lazily and jumped into the wormhole.
Oh wilford was gonna miss the captain yes, but Mack and Mark were probably having a heart attack.
"In your universe...."
Oh Mark and Mack WERE having heart attacks. They convinced themselves their captain just went outside to check something (with the space suit on) but it has been 35 minutes and that is way too long for someone to be outside in space. Especially if it's the captain.
The captain got 'softly' thrown on the ground (if that even exists) of the air lock with their space suit on. Weird, they recalled being in the storage room sleeping peacefully. (Plot...) The captain excited the air lock their head engineers looking like hurt puppies. Mark immediately hugged their side while also asking why they were gone for so long, while Mack just stared at them longingly. The captain knew both of them had crushes on them yes, but they did want to mess with both of them for a bit. It wouldn't hurt much. They quickly grabbed Mack's arm, making him grab their shoulder and arm for support.
The captain repeatedly petted Mark on the head because...who wouldn't, making him all flustered but he still held dear on to his captian. Mack was even more red than Mark. He kept telling himself he had an image to uphold around the crew and colonists but the crew wasn't here anyways so who's to say how he should act?
As the touch-starves man he is, he leaned in to the captain's touch and all of his stress immediately went away. It was like peace after the storm.
And it was worth it.
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Waiting For You Part Six (Ford Pines x Reader) Home In Your Arms
She awoke before the dawn as usual. Under the blankets was warm. Although the boat was cold Ford’s body, which was firmly pressed against hers, provided plenty of heat. The gentle swaying of the boat would have made it easy to fall back asleep, but since the weather was supposed to be clear today, she decided to get up and watch the sunrise.
Gently slipping out of the covers, and out of Ford’s grasp, she quickly dresses into more layers before quietly stalking up on the deck. She could still hear the heavy breaths and snores coming from the cabin below. The deck was even colder than the cabin, and there was a layer of frost on the upper windows. She quickly made a cup of coffee then downed it, then leaned against the front railing, and waited for the sunrise as the clouds on the horizon turned pink.
She was lost in thought, so when someone wrapped their arms around her waist she jumped. The person behind her chuckled and she let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ford’s lips are right next to her ears, his stubble is scratchy on her skin.
She lets out a hum, then turns around in his arms to face him. “You could still be sleeping.”
He begins to plant gentle kisses to her cheek. “Couldn’t without you.”
She giggles and places a hand on his cheek, her thumb runs over his stubble.
“Why are you up so early?” He almost whines against her skin, still leaving soft kisses on the small amount of skin exposed on her cheeks and upper neck.
She let out a content sigh. “Weather is supposed to be clear. I wanted to watch the sunrise. Would you like to join me?”
He moves his head up and presses his forehead to hers. “I’d love to.”
She leans forward the inch she needs to so she can plant a kiss on Ford’s lips. It’s soft, but conveys so many feelings. Love, affection, the sense of being home.
Ford tries to lean forward for another kiss but she quickly turns around. He lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Sorry, but the sun rises this way.” She teases.
Ford’s hand is on the back of her neck, moving the hair away from it so he can press more kisses to her skin.
“You’re in a very touchy mood this morning.” She comments, leaning her back against his chest.
“Do you want me to stop?” He murmurs, lips still on her skin.
“No,” she quickly tells him. “Just an observation.”
He leaves a few more kisses on her skin before her hand wraps around his. “Ford, look.”
The sun had just peaked above the horizon, brilliant oranges and yellow began to fill the sky, casting warm rays of light on the small sleepy fishing village they had docked near. Soon the warm rays fell onto her face. “Isn't it beautiful?”
“Not more so than you.” Ford tightens his grip around her waist and rests his chin against the top of her head.
She’s glad Ford can’t see the blush on her face. Even after thirty plus years had passed, he could still make her blush. She was about to say something modest back to Ford until she heard a burp and scratching noises.
“Ugh, get a room.” Stanley had obviously joined them on deck.
“We have a room.” She rolls her eyes. “I think you forget we share sometimes. Your memory is slipping old man.” She teases without moving from Ford’s grip.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waves her comment away before heading inside the upper cabin to the coffee she had prepared.
There's a moment of peace, you might almost call it pure bliss. To spend the sunrise wrapped in your lover's arms, their warm breath leaving them in clouds of hot air, the boat gently rocking them as the morning tide rolled in.
“Everytime I wrap my arms around you, it feels like coming home all over again, to where I belong.” Ford whispers.
She turns to face him again and cups his face with both her hands, and kisses the tip of his nose. “When did you become so romantic?”
Ford leans into her touch. “I mean it.” He pauses for a second. “I don’t think I ever told you, but when I first came back and saw you, my first thought was that I had died and gone to heaven. Being with you again is everything I’ve ever wanted and more.”
“If you had died and gone to heaven then that would have meant Stan was in your heaven too.” She laughs.
“He’s still her now.” He grabs her hand to hold it still so he can tilt his head and kiss her thumb.
She laughs even louder this time, then wraps her arms around his neck to draw him into another kiss. “I love being in your arms. I love being your home, because you’re mine too.”
The boat rocks them gently as the morning sun warms their bodies. Their hearts are full of love for one another. “Let’s stay like this forever, and just let the world drift away.”
Ford is about the respond before Stan interrupts.
“Hey love birds! We gonna explore some anomalies today or what?” Stan barks from behind them.
Ford's eyebrows furrow and he goes to turn his head to snap at Stanley, but her hands catch his chin and turn his face back to her. She kisses him passionately three times and he’s breathless. She untangles herself from Ford and heads towards Stan.
“What’s on the agenda for today co-captain Stanley?” She smiles.
Ford is left standing there speechless and in a daze.
“Are you coming, co-captain Ford?”
Ford looks over at her. She squinting her eyes as the morning sun washes over her features, her cheeks pink from the cold. He has never been more in love with her.
“Coming, associate co-captain.”
---------- By the time the sun was high in the sky he three of them had docked the boat and climbed halfway up the mountain. The town folks had told them about strange flying creatures that lived near the top of the mountain.
The sun beat down on them, and they soon found themselves needing to take off some of the many layers of winter clothes they had dressed in for the day. About an hour into the hike Stan speaks up.
“Hey poindexter, how bout a break?” He huffs as he wipes sweat from his brow.
“We’re very close to where the creatures were reported being seen.” Ford is warm, sweat gleams on his brow, but his attitude is chipper and he’s not as nearly out of breath.
“Even the kid needs a break.” Stan motions towards her.
She rolls her eyes at Stan still calling her a kid. She’s also out of breath, almost as bad as Stan. The high altitude is getting to her, but she wouldn’t voice it.
Ford places a hand on her shoulder. “What do you think? Would you like to take a short rest.”
She smiles and nods. “Let’s take a short rest. We wouldn’t want Stan passing out on us.”
Stan grunts but doesn’t say anything. Glad to finally have a break from hiking. The three of them sit on the ground and drink their water. Ford is sitting as close as he can to her. She shivers as a cold breeze blows past them, feeling a little cold now that they have stopped moving. Ford wraps an arm around her shoulder, she looks up at him and smiles a wordless thank you.
After a few minutes they stand up and begin to get moving again. She groans as she stretches, and once they start moving again she is behind both the boys on the path.
“You alight? You’re normally faster than me.” Stan turns his head to talk to her while they move up the narrow mountain path.
“I’m fine, my legs are just a bit sore.” She tells him.
They continue their hike until they break through the tree line. They can see the horizon on the sea, and far below them is the small fishing village where they left the Stan O’ War II docked.
She’s stunned by the beautiful view and almost doesn’t realise Stan and Ford haven’t stopped walking like she had. She scurries to catch up to them, until she sees a bush near her shake. Looking over she sees a small head of a rat pop out.
“Aww.” She says softly to not scare the rodent away. “Hey little fella.” She coos.
The rat scurried back into the bush at the sound of her voice, much to her disappointment. She turns to catch up to the boys, After a few steps she hears a strange sound. Somewhere between a squeak and a squawk. Turning around she sees the rat has raised itself out of the bush with a pair of wings. This must be the creature they had been looking for!
“Fascinating!” She says to herself and pulls out her sketchbook and begins to jot down a quick doodle on the animal. The sun catches on her silvery pen and flashes a light up at the rat-like creature. It squawks loudly then dives towards her.
Further up the path Ford is mumbling to himself and Stan is tuning him out. Both of them freeze when they hear a shriek. They both stop dead in their tracks and whip around to see she is no longer behind either of them. The brothers share a second of a glance before booking it back down the trail.
It doesn’t take them long to get back to her. When she comes into sight they can see she's using one arm to shield her face, the other is holding her notebook and waving it aimlessly behind her, trying to hit the creature that’s attacking her hair.
Stan is the first to her, he pulls her to his chest with one arm and throws a left hook at the creature, sending it crashing into a tree. There's a moment of silence before Ford is pulling her into his arms. Stan makes his way over towards the tree.
“What happened? I thought you were right behind us?” Ford’s hands are on her face, tilting her head around and looking for any sign of injury. Her hands rest on his chest.
“Ford, I’m okay, promise. You were both further up the path when I noticed the creature. I thought if I called to you I’d scare it off. So I tried to get a quick sketch, and I must have scared it because it started attacking my hair.” She can’t help as a laugh escapes her.
“You could have been hurt.” Ford’s voice is soft as he scoulds her.
“But I wasn’t.” She teases.
“Please promise me you won’t go off on your own again? I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.” Ford told her seriously.
She stops smiling when she realises Ford is actually upset, not with her, but by the fact she could have been hurt. She takes his hands, which were still on her face, and holds them in hers. She leans up and gives him a soft, reassuring kiss.
“I promise.” She whispers.
“Check this out!” Stan shouts and holds the unconscious ratbird in between them by its feet.
She shrieks with surprise and jumps away from Ford. “Stanley that’s disgusting!”
“What!? I thought you like rodents!” He laughs, shaking the bird closer towards her as she takes another step back.
“I wouldn’t pick up a wild rat or bird with my hands, or let it that close to my face! Who knows where that thing has been!” She scolds him. “If it wakes up and bites you I’m not helping you.”
In the commotion Ford slipped on some protective gloves from his pack. “Hold it still please Stanley.” Stan complies and Ford gently stretches its wings open and begins to list off observations about it that she quickly sketches down. “It’s wingspan is too small to carry it far. That’s probably why it is native only to this island.” He lists other things off like teeth size and tail length.
Stan gently set the animal down. “Think that’s enough for today right?”
The other two agree and they begin their trek back down the mountain. She is in front of them now to set the pace, and so the boys can’t lose sight of her. When the path begins to get wider, Ford falls back a bit to walk besides Stan.
“Thank you for earlier.” Ford tells his brother.
Stan looks at him confused. “Didn’t do nothing.”
“You were able to get to her first and protect her from the rat bird.” Ford reminds him.
Stan waves it off. “Don’t mention it.” Stan wouldn’t admit to Ford how scared he was to see her get attacked like that, he’d rather not think about it.
When they make it back to the ship the sun is already touching the horizon. It was Ford’s night to cook and the other two went to rest in their beds. When the food was ready Ford headed below deck to find them both asleep. He wasn’t surprised Stan had nodded off. Almost anytime he wasn’t actively moving or engaged in an activity he would fall asleep. But his believed fiance would normally be reading a book or be annotating her notes.
He gently brushes some hair out of her face and she stirs. She smiles up at him and grabs his hand and brings it down to her lips to kiss his palm. His heart flutters at her sweet act.
“I fell asleep.” She murmurs, voice heavy with sleep.
“I noticed.” He leans down to kiss her. “Are you feeling alright?”
“I feel perfect now that you’re here.” She giggles and he frowns. She frowns too, but only to mock him. “I feel fine Stanford. I guess today was just too exciting is all.”
“Well, why don’t we have dinner then we can go right back to bed?” He suggested.
“You’re perfect. I love you” She smiles up at him, eyes half lidded.
“I love you too.”
They stare into each other's eye, and neither of them notice the loud snoring has stopped. There’s a loud groan announcing Stan has awoken.
“If you love him so much why don’t you marry him?” Stan teases, she rolls her eyes.
The next morning Ford is the first to wake up. His love is tucked close to his side, buried under the blankets. He turns on his side to draw her impossibly closer. She makes a noise at the movement but doesn't awaken.
The bed feels a little warmer than normal. Maybe the day will be warmer than the forecast had predicted Ford thinks. Ford lays there for a while, enjoying the silence and warmth for a while until she begins to stir.
He feels her stretch under his grasp and she looks up at him eyes still droopy from sleep.
“Good morning my dear. Would you like to join me for some coffee?” Ford murmurs into her hair.
She shakes her head no. “It’s too cold.” She tries to burrow closer to Ford to get any extra warmth.
“I’ll go turn the heater on upstairs, join me when you’re ready.” Ford moves the hair away from her forehead and kisses her there then freezes. He moves the back of his hand to her forehead, then his cheek to confirm his thought. “You’re burning up!”
“No, it’s cold.” She denies.
“You must have a fever. Do you feel alright? When did you start feeling sick?” Ford doesn’t bother keeping his voice down and clearly wakes up his brother.
Stan rolls his eyes at the commotion and makes his way to the upper deck.
Ford quickly stands. “I’m going to get dressed then go find a doctor in town. With a town this small there must be one to make house calls.”
“Ford, please, there’s no need for that.” She sniffs, still laying in the bed, pulling the covers closer around her.
“There really isn’t.” Stan grumbled, coming back down the stairs, a cup of water in one hand. The other was full of an assortment of pills. “Take these.” He gruffly shoved both the water and pills at her. She obeyed, sat up, and quickly tooked the unknown pills Stan had handed her. “Go back to sleep.” She layed down and closed her eyes, rolling over to face the wall away from the brothers.
“What did you give her?” Ford whispered, concerned.
Stan places a finger over his lips and motions towards the upper deck. They sit inside the cabin where Stan had turned on the space heater.
“She of course came prepared and packed herself cold medicine.” Stan slides the first aid box across the table so Ford can examine the medicine boxes of everything he had given her. “Almost every winter she gets a cold or two. Her legs start to hurt and she gets really tired. Should have seen it coming’ yesterday but was a little distracted by the birds. She must have noticed, but she never says anything. Thinks she can power through a fever.” Stan pauses a moment to laugh. “There was one time I caught her working on the portal shivering and sweating’ bucket. Practically had to drag her back to bed. The older we’ve gotten through, the less stubborn she’s gotten at admitting she’s actually sick.”
It finally dawns on Ford just how much Stanley had taken care of her while he was gone. Sure, she had told Ford directly that he had, but he thought she was just putting in a good word for her friend. Ford knows it to be true now. He remembers once in college she went to class with a fever just to be sent back to her dorm. If Stan hadn’t been here to make her rest when she was sick, she would have worked herself until she passed out or worse.
The cabin is silent for a moment.
“Thank you, Stan.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“No, Stanley, listen.” Ford looks at his brother and there are visible tears in his eyes. “She had told me before that you had taken care of her in my absence. I hadn’t thought much about it, since she's always been so strong and independent. I know she's also stubborn. If you hadn’t been there to make her rest… Thank you Stanley, truly, for taking care of her while I was gone.” Ford places his hand on his brother’s shoulder and gives it a firm squeeze. Stan returns the action, not commenting on the noticeable tears.
“She’d probably be happy to have you back downstairs to keep her warm.” Stan says, looking away from his brother. He doesn't want to see him cry, or he knows he will cry as well.
“I think you’re right.” Ford stands and goes to join her back in bed.
---------- Ford wasn’t exactly excited to go to the carnival on the boardwalk, but her and Stan conveyed it would be fun.
“It’ll be like the one back home! Remember when we tried to join the circus with our pet possum?” Stan laughed a deep belly laugh as they made their way past the ticket booth.
“You never told me you had a pet possum.” She's walking next to Ford, his hand is held tight in hers.
“But he told you about trying to join the circus?” Stan inquires.
“I’d argue he was more your pet than mine.” Ford argues.
They make their way around the attractions, eat some fair food, and play a few games. She has two stuffed animals they boys had won for her in her hands, and is filled with joy.
“You there, miss, would you like to know your future?” A voice calls to her, and she turns to see a fortune teller beckoning her towards their tent. The fortune teller's eyes are glassy and they don’t hold her gaze, they hold a long cane indicating they are blind. She feels an arm tighten around her shoulder.
“Fortune tellers aren’t to be trusted.” Ford tells her.
“It’s just for fun,” she comments. “There’s no way they could actually know my future.”
“I’ve traveled to different dimensions. I think almost anything is possible at this point.” Ford reminds her.
“I say we do it. I’d like to know when I get filthy rich.” Stan begins walking into the tent.
She tried to follow in after him but the fortune teller held up their hand. “Only one person inside the tent at a time please.”
So Ford and her wait outside the tent. It’s only a few minutes later when Stan exits with a huff. “You’re right, total scam, they don't know anything.”
The fortune teller exits the tent again and points over to her and Ford. “The six fingered one next.” Then enters the tent.
A chill runs up her spine. The teller was clearly blind, but to call Ford out like that. She shares a surprised look with Ford, who surprisingly goes into the tent after them.
Stan is clearly still mad about whatever he had been told, so she takes his hand. “I’m sure whatever they said it wasn’t true. Like you said, probably just a scam.”
Stan looks down at her warm smile and sighs. “You’re right kid. Just a scam. I should know.” They both share a laugh.
Ford exits the tent looking lost in thought.
“You’re next girly.” The teller holds open the flap for the tent and she makes her way in. The room looks bigger on the inside and there are two chairs on either side of a table with a fake looking crystal ball.
She sits and watches the fortune teller places their hands on the ball and thinks for a second before speaking. The ball lights up and smoke swirls around in it. “I would ask what you’d like to know about your future, but I already know what knowledge you seek. It weighs heavy on your heart. Knowing the truth might be even more of a burden. Would you still like to know?”
She thinks for a second. If the fortune teller was being honest and knew what she wanted to know, what she always thinks about, then she wants to know. “Will Ford and Stan die before me? I don’t think I could lose Ford again, and well, Stan is my best friend.”
The teller nods their head and hums. “As I suspected. Losing the ones you love is a heavy buren. Unfortunately you must bear the burden again, fortunately you only must bear it once.”
“Who?” Her voice quivers.
“As I said, losing someone you love is difficult, as you know. He cannot see his brother lost again. He will go first. You will be needed to comfort the six fingered one. This universe isn’t always fair, but it seems it will go easy on you, and you will not have to lose him again.” They remove their hand from the ball and the lights and smoke fade. “Now you know, you must live with this knowledge the rest of your life.”
She looks down at her hands and nods, then stands to exit the tent. She finds her boys standing exactly where she left them. Still looking lost in thought and a little angry. She pulls Ford into a hug and draws him from his thoughts.
“What did they tell you?” Ford asks, returning the hug.
She rests her chin on his chest to look up at him with a small smile. “That I’ll get to spend the rest of my life with you, and that’s all I want.”
“They really tell you that?” Stan grunts, clearly not happy with what he was told.
“No,” she confesses. “But they didn’t have to say that for me to know it, and-” She turns to look back at the tent and sees it's gone. She turns quickly to confirm what she sees if real. Then turns back to the twins, whose jaws are dropped.
The three share a look then agree to head back to the ship for the night.
Stan tosses and turns that night. He can’t seem to sleep. What the fortune teller had told his replays in the back of his mind and he’s still pissed about it. He throws off the sheets and puts on his coats and boots and heads to the upper deck. To his surprise, he wasn’t alone.
“Why are you up so late kid?” Stan slumps down onto the bench by her.
“I imagine for the same reason you can’t sleep.” She leans her head against her friend with her sigh.
There's a moment of silence between them. The only sound is the waves gently crashing on the nearby shore and the soft groan of the boat as it moves gently with the sea.
“What did they tell you?” They ask in unison. They both breath out a laugh.
“You first.” She says.
He thinks for a moment. “They told me I’m going to die before you and Ford. Ford, I get, he’s healthy and in shape.” She elbows him. “Not implying you ain’t! It’s just, I didn’t want to die before you is all. I’ve caused you enough suffering.”
She places her hand on his shoulder. “Stanley, don’t think like that. You haven’t caused me any suffering. You’re my best friend.”
He runs his hands down his face. “It’s my fault Ford got lost in the portal for thirty years, it’s my fault you didn’t get to start a family with him like you had planned to. It’s my fault you didn’t get to get married yet. It’s my fault that-”
“Stanley!” She shouts sternly at him and he turns to face her, surprised by the authority in her voice. She takes his hand in hers. “Stan you can’t think like that. You know I’ve forgiven you a long time ago with what happened with Ford. The rest of it… It doesn’t matter, because if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have him back. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have met the most amazing great niece and nephew ever. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be sailing the seas right now with the two people I care the most about in the world, discovering amazing anomalies like I’ve always wanted to.”
Stan’s face is turned from hers but he gives her hand that’s holding his a tight squeeze. There's another moment of silence. “What did they tell you?” His voice croaks, she wouldn’t mention how he reached his free hand up to wipe his tears.
“They told me about the same.” She confesses. “That you’ll die before me, but I’ll be here for Ford.”
Stan Turns back to look at her. “Do you…” Stan doesn’t really want to finish the thought. He doesn’t want to think about their mortality.
“I’ll go before Ford. They said it was the universe going easy on me.” She smiles up at Stan, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes.
He pulls her into a tight hug. “Should we tell Ford?” She sniffs as tears sting her eyes.
“No. He wouldn’t want to know.”
----------- “Do you hear that?” Stan asks.
Ford and her are both sitting at the table noses in a book in the upper cabin of the ship. She and Ford listen, share a glance with each other, then look back at Stan.
“No,” they chime in unison.
Stan is driving the boat towards their next destination where there had been reports of strange ocean tides. He smacks his ear with the hearing aid.
“I must be picking up radio waves again.” He grumbles.
An hour later the two bookworms are asleep as Stan still mans the wheel, this time he hears the sound again. His head feels hazy and his body feels warm. He turns the boat towards the sound and begins to follow it.
Ford and her are jostled awake as the ship hits a large wave. They’re both lifted for a second from their seats before landing back down with a thump.
“Stanley what the hell is happening?” Ford is the first to notice the situation. The weather around them is awful. Rain pounds onto the ship, the boat jumps as it passes over enormous waves, going faster than she's ever seen it go. Lighting and thunder crash outside. Stan should have seen the storm coming.
Speaking of Stan. He’s standing at the wheel of the ship, eyes glued forwards, he doesn’t even notice Ford yelling at him. Ford pushes Stan out of the way and he falls to the floor. Suddenly Stan sits up and looks around.
“Where the hell are we?” He asks, hand held to his head.
“We should be asking you that, seeing as you were the one driving the last two hours!” She barks before reaching under the chairs for their life vests. She tosses the boys theirs and secures her own, they quickly buckle theirs as well.
“I don’t, I don’t know what happened.” Stan looks lost for a second. “I can’t remember.”
Her heart hurts for her friend. She knows that must be scary for him but now isn’t the time for comfort. Ford begins to bark orders, she helps Stan to his feet.
They begin securing lines and sails, making sure all objects are secured down so they won’t cause the three of them harm.
Suddenly she hears a noise and freezes. Her head feels hazy and her body feels warm. It seems as if her body is moving on it’s own as she begins to walk towards the door and exits the cabin. A strong hand grabs her arm.
“What are you doing?” Ford screams over the rain. Stan had taken the wheel again.
Her eyes are glazed over and she tries to continue walking towards the railing. Ford begins to drag her back inside but she resits. She freezes and he stops trying to pull her. She turns and points.
Ford turns to see what she’s pointing at, and it’s the largest wave he’s seen in his whole life. He quickly wraps his body around her and tries to make it back into the cabin before the wave hits, but he’s not quick enough. The water envelops their bodies and they are thrown against the railing. The ship pops back up over the waves again and Ford looks into her eyes.
She's over the railing, dangling off the ship, her only tether is Ford’s hand.
“Don’t let go! I’ve got you!” He shouts desperately holding onto her and the ship.
Her body is like a rag doll as it’s slammed into the ship with the waves. She looks back up at Ford, eyes still glazed, and lets go of his hand, falling into the inky water below.
The second her body pops back up from water her head clears. Her life jacket inflated when she hit the water. The last thing she remembers was she was on the ship with the boys. A wave overtook her and she pushed back under the water. When she comes back up she realises she hears Ford screaming.
It’s dark and all Ford can see is the automatic light on her life vest getting further and further from them. He’s screaming for her, and for Stan to move the boat in her direction.
She tries to scream for him but is pushed under water again. When her head resurfaces she struggles for a breath before the same thing happens again. Coming back up this time she sees the ship be covered by a wave, then herself. This time when she comes back up she sees the light of the ship are gone. She feels something grab her foot, and is dragged under the water.
Ford feels warmth all around him. His eyes fluttered open and he squints as rays of sun blind his eyes. Waves softly lap and his boots and he quickly sit up as the events that just unfolded flood his mind. He looks around quickly hoping to see his love, or his brother.
Stan isn’t far from him and Ford hops to his feet to run from him. He falls to his knees and sees he’s breathing, Ford begins to shake his brother. “Stanley! Are you alright?”
Stan’s hand comes up to swat his brother away. “Five more minutes.” He mumbles.
Ford doesn't hesitate to slap him across the cheek.
Stan is quick to sit up. “What the hell was that for?”
“Do you not remember what just happened?” Ford barks.
Stan’s eyes grow wide in horror. “She went overboard… Didn’t she?”
Ford slumps forward and his hands cover his face. “I had her, she was in my hands and she… She let go.”
“She let go?” Stan echos in confusion.
“She had the same look in her eyes that you did when we found you steering the ship into the storm.” Ford breathing is quick and ragged, the panic of what’s happened starts to over take him. “I… Oh god, I-,”
“Shut your yap,” Stan commands. “You hear that?”
At first all Ford can hear is the gentle crashing of the waves onto the shore, then he hears it. The distant call of a voice. A very familiar feminine voice.
Ford’s eyes frantically scan the beach both ways looking for the source when he sees her. She must have spotted him at the same time because she begins to sprint towards him. Ford is quick to his feet and meets her halfway. Ford pulls her into a crushingly tight hug as tears fill both of their eyes.
“I thought I had lost you.” He cries into her hair. “I don’t know what I would do if I had.”
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” She sobs. “We’re safe now.” She whimpers against his chest.”
They stay there in each other’s embrace, until Stan slowly walks over to them.
“Glad you’re alright kid.” Stan smiles.
She grabs Stan and pulls him into the hug. He grumbles something but hugs both of them. After a moment they pull back. Ford’s hands are still clutching the back of her wet, sandy shirt. Ford and her look at each other and share a breathy laugh, and begin to wipe the tears away from their eyes.
“Now that we’ve had that lovely reunion, where are we and where’s the ship?” Stan frowns.
“Destroyed, I'd imagine.” Ford clears his throat.
“Actually…” She takes Ford’s hand and begins to lead them down the beach the way she had come. “When I had gone overboard, my mind cleared when I hit the water. I saw the ship get taken over by a wave and thought the worst. Something grabbed my foot and dragged me under, but…”
They round the corner on the beach and see Stan O’ War II, unharmed, anchored off shore. Ford and Stan both notice some splashing around the ship that wasn’t like normal waves. The brothers share a look.
“How is it not damaged?” Ford is in awe of the vessel's perfect condition.
“Turns out, we’ve had a guardian angel this whole trip we didn’t know about.” She smiles.
“Who?” Stan asks.
“Mable.” She laughs as theirs another splash in the water, this time closer to the shore.
The brothers both see the end of a tail then a few seconds later, a head pops up.
“Ford, you might remember what Mable had written in the journal about meeting her friend, Mermando. Turns out she still writes to him and told him about our trip and asked him and his people to look out for us.” She waves over at the head that had popped up signaling to him it was safe.
“It’s the least I can do to repay my friend. If it wasn’t for her then I might still be trapped in Gravity Falls.” Mermando smiles. He had swum over to them as far as he could without leaving the water.
“A real mermaid, huh?” Stan grunts.
“Fascinating.” Ford muses.
“He and a few others were able to pull us to safety after we were lured into the storm.” She tells them.
“Lured?” Ford repeats.
“Yes, unfortunately two of you had been affected by a siren’s song. They’re like merpeople, only they crave violence.” Mermando shakes his head.
“We really can’t thank you enough.” She sighs, giving Ford’s hand a squeeze. “And please, don’t mention this to Mable. I wouldn't want her to worry.”
“She will hear nothing of it. You have my word. Farwell Pines!” And with that, Mermando splashes under the water and is gone.
“Darn it, I should have asked him some questions while I had him here.” Ford brings a hand to his mouth in thought.
She playfully shoves him. “I say we should be happy that we’re alive.”
“You know what I say?” Stan asks and begins stripping his clothes. “I say we have a beach day! Been forever since we were in a warmer climate like this!” He splashes into the water in just his underwear, leaving the other two behind.
“What do you say, my love?” Ford pulls her to his chest.
She wraps her arms around his neck. “Having a nice calm day after almost drowning to death? I think we deserve it.” She plants a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away and begins striping down to her underwear. “Race you to the water.”
Ford doesn’t have to be asked twice before he follows suit removing his clothes.
After hours of relaxing on the beach and playing in the water like children, the sun had begun to set. Stan had made his way back to the boat leaving only her and Ford on the beach.
Ford is laying on his back, her head rests against his shoulder. His arms are tightly wrapped around her. Her fingers absentmindedly trace the knit pattern on his sweater.
“I can’t believe out of anywhere I could be in the world right now, I’m here with you.” She whispers.
He hums and she can feel his chest vibrate under her cheek. She turns her head to look at him. His eyes are closed but there's a smile on his face.
“Are you asleep?” She giggles.
He hummed a sound to tell her no.
She breathes out a laugh and sits up. “Let’s head back before the sun sets all the way.”
He opens his eyes half lidded and smiles at her. She takes his hand and helps him sit up. His hands move to her face to draw her in for a kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
---------- “Alright, there. I think that will work.” She places the tablet down on the table she and her boys are sat at.
“Are you sure you set it up right?” Ford asks.
She rolls her eyes. “I helped build an interdimensional portal. I think I can figure it out.”
“I just wanted to make sure. You remember what happened when you tried to set up our vhs to record Saturday Night Dead.” Ford reminds her.
“That was one time! It’s not my fault the vhs caught fire!” She huffs.
“Can you two stop arguing like an old married for a couple?” Stan groans.
Ford and her share a look and smile. Their attention is pulled away from each other when the tablet begins to make noise.
“Oh, it’s ringing!” She leans forward and presses the green answer button. “Hello? Kids, can you hear us?”
She's greeted with the sound of laughter. “You’re too close to the camera. Move back a little.” She moves back and the screen reveals Dipper and Mable.
“I told you I set it up just fine!” She pats Ford’s chest.
“Kids! It’s good to see you!” Stan greets.
“You guys look so cute in all your boat gear!” Mable squeals.
“Yeah you guys look really cool!” Dipper confirms.
“How has school been going!” Ford asks.
“Great! I got accepted into some senior level classes for next semester.” Dipper cheers.
Mable pushes dipper aside to hog the camera. “And I got a boyfriend!”
Dipper shoves Mabel back to get back in frame. “Yeah, and he’s actually not awful and kinda normal?”
“Congratulations to you both.” She smiles and leans her head against Ford’s shoulder.
They continue to talk and catch up for almost an hour.
“So we can come back to Gravity Falls next summer for sure?” Dipper inquires.
“Absolutely! I've been in contact with Fiddleford and he said we are more than welcome to stay with him in the old Northwest manor.” Ford confirms.
“Soos also said you’re welcome to sleep over at the shack whenever you want.” Stan chimes in.
“I can’t wait to see you two again! You’re really the best great niece and nephew ever.” She comments.
“You’re the best graunt ever!” Dipper and Mabel speak in unison, then begin to giggle and shove each other.
“See you two in a few months!” With that they end the call.
“A month and four weeks, four days, and six hours.” Ford says precisely.
“But who's counting?” She teases.
“And only a month, fours weeks, two days, and four hours until you become my wife.” Ford pulls her close, Stan rolls his eyes and leaves the upper cabin.
“Now that I am counting down to.” She plants a kiss to his cheek. “Mrs.Pines, I love how that sounds.”
“Well then, Mrs. Pines?” He kisses her forehead, then her cheek, then her lips. “Will you do the honor of being mine?”
“I already agreed to marry you, that’s why we’re getting married.” She laughs.
“I know, but I love hearing you say it. I still can’t believe you agreed to marry me.” He jokes. “Will you say it? Say you’ll be mine? Forever and always?”
Her finger came up to trace his jawline and lead his lips to hers. “Forever and always.”
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vargaslovinghours · 3 years
Third time’s the charm (1 | 2)
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Upside-down Edgar lol. I actually did draw him upside down, like that art exercise, I was surprised by how good he turned out! Floof
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Couple’a yellow Jakes!
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So for the end of Wish Fulfillment, I actually pictured their clothes in stages :0 At least once they were back to being represented physically rather than an emotional energy haha. Starting off as raw and exposed and reflecting Edgar’s physical state, and then as they calmed down gaining clothes but still not quite back up to full - I always think Scriabin looks very small without his coat and considering how vulnerable he was there, it just seemed to fit. By the time he pushed Edgar away, I saw him with his coat again. It wasn’t described that way but I thought it was interesting that my brain supplied it anyway lol
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Hug time. Scriabin’s hesitant, too bad it’s so hard to resist affection
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One of a few Scriabin temps of him holding his head, I’m glad I finally got to use this pose haha
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Another doodle off the heels of Omori. Black lightbulbs symbolize a repressed thought, hmm
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A bit of ominous posing, neither of them look particularly happy about it tho
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I forget which one I was rereading but it made me cry, so I’m gonna guess it was You Can’t Live Like This ♥ Ohp, wait, upon reviewing my notes, it was Parent-Teacher Night. There’s just so many to choose from!
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When Coco took over my brain for about a week lol, skeletons are a good look. Those scars probably wouldn’t be down to his bones, maybe they’re detailing? I also liked the idea of Edgar having rather modest accents, and of them having similar designs ♪
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I really liked the little split @happyfunballxd​ drew in Scriabin’s coat, little tails :D Super cute!
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Couple Scriabins from behind, I wanted something sleepy-looking that showed his shoulder but the first one was a bit stiff, much better with a proper action line. He’s really so pretty ♪
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I had a brief idea for a popular AU trope but I backtracked on it pretty quickly; I did still end up making a couple doodles that I thought were fun. Case in point, Scriabin feeding Edgar ice cream lol
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Antagonistic yarn accessorizing. It’s just tied in place but it’s hard to remove! He probably knots it into his hair so it won’t just slip out just to be mean lol
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Got into a bit of a steampunk mood and the return of the low ponytail. Goggles seem a bit redundant but they’re so fun! Plus I’ve drawn him in suspenders and a waistcoat, but not just a vest, he looks nice :D
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Always holding each other closely. I think I just wanted them touching each other’s faces, they turned out quite cute, quite soft
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I was watching some religion-and-mental-health type videos and the line “Self-loathing is a sin” came up and well. We’ve all seen those church marquees right lol
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Digital redraw of the first of this set since I like it so much ♪ The shading was what I wanted to focus on the most, I’m quite happy with his lapels and the creases at the upper edges of his sleeves but I do miss the detail the doodle version had in his hair ahh
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Chocolate! Tiny nibbles
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Very small doodle of Scriabin leaning over the couch to watch Edgar play something. I guess it’d be on a Gameboy, looks more like an SP here lol
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I thought of these for an April Fools Day comic where things are cute and fluffy and domestic, but I didn’t have the energy for it unfortunately :’) It wasn’t exactly how I wrote it down, so maybe I can rework it yet
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More!! Lol
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Scriabin bein’ nasty, repression’s a must-be-mean topic haha, there is a lot of it
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Just a little possessive, only a little bit. I really like the arm posing especially
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I ended up really liking this one, impatient Scriabin with his arms thrown everywhere plush haha
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I’ll be here all week
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I tend to draw Edgar’s sleeves folded against his arms rather than loose and free, so I gave it a go and thought it looked a little silly haha. I’m all for silly tho!
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He has never in his life had any amount of street smarts
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More YGOTAS lol
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I’ve drawn Scriabin carrying Edgar around bridal style a few times and the sizing was always off but I keep returning to it ‘cause symbolism and closeness. Exhausting work, carrying all that baggage!
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More carrying around, where’s Edgar’s head even if Scriabin’s still here? Wake up!
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Felt like revisiting one of my earlier facial hair styles, looks so strange now that I’ve moved away from it
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Original sketches for Carry you here, I’m happy with how both versions turned out but I am a little sad the cheek touch turned into more of a forehead touch in the digital version, I feel like this one’s just a bit sweeter. I wanted the glow to be a bit more obvious too but couldn’t quite figure out the shading
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And trying to figure out what hand expression I wanted, thumb touch was very important
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Oh-so-subtly mixing sweetness and dropping hints, not that Edgar will ever pick up on them
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He’s real happy they’re there in the first place lol
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No body to hug with :(
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I was doing some proportion practice and him sitting on the couch was funny at the time
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He has fallen, goodness gracious. So dramatic haha
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Spook poofs. How could you Edgar!
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Put a shirt on
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Scriabin taking apart Edgar’s “guiltless” self-image. “It was never yours to begin with,” reminding him of everything he’s done
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Pretty sure I was inspired by a cat video for this one lol. “I didn’t ask for this!” “Okay I’ll stop” “I didn’t ask for that either!”
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Something-something Edgar’s yarn is somewhat loose but Scriabin’s is tied to Edgar’s hand. I actually have a good several Vargas hand expressions but these are probably the most obvious
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S’fucken wimdy
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Cryingggg 🌸 Three apiece, gotta keep it fair haha. Although Edgar’s not crying for the first one, he’s not quite hit that overwhelm just yet, Scriabin’s not so lucky
That’s February through the end of May! Still so many ideas lol
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carcinized · 4 years
Analogince Headcannons
Because the Analogince tag is severely lacking in fluff. (Also, expect a bullet fic soon, cuz boy have I got ideas askskdkjjsjsns)
Note: This is a human au! :)
Virgil and Logan will debate conspiracy theories. They both love watching them, and Logan is extremely critical whereas Virgil just finds them outrageously funny. Sometimes Roman has to mediate when Logan gets really passionate.
Roman is extremely touch-starved, contrary to what you might expect. He’s not good at initiating touch for himself, only doing it to make the others feel better/for their pleasure, never his own. So when Virgil or Logan holds him close and presses soft kisses to his forehead, he absolutely melts.
Logan reads the others fairytales when they can’t sleep. Virgil will usually make fun of them in some way or another while Roman shushes him, adorably wrapped up in the classic stories. Logan finds both of their reactions extremely endearing.
Logan is the only one who can drive. Roman and Virgil usually fight over who gets to ride shotgun, so Logan had to create a turn-taking system. Every once in a while, though, they’ll sit together in the backseat and cuddle.
Despite Logan being the only one who drives, he usually lets the others pick the music, once again alternating each car ride. Whoever’s in the backseat gets to pick the music as a compromise for not getting to sit up front.
If one of them moves to the backseat, they’ll usually use Virgil’s earbuds and phone to alternate between their music tastes, though they both secretly like the other’s as well as their own. No Logan will check back in the mirror every once in a while and smile at his adorable boyfriends, who often just cuddle closer once they’ve got earbuds connecting them.
Roman writes and Logan edits his work, making it better without hurting Roman’s feelings, unlike previous editors Roman had worked with.
Roman and Logan often work late into the night, not realizing how late it is. Virgil will make sure they eat and drink water, then once it gets late either use his powers of being Cute™ (aka puppy eyes and begging, plus little kisses to distract them from what they’re doing) or being Annoying™ (aka drawing on their arms, whining, calling their names, draping himself over them, etc) to get them to come to bed.
Roman likes to sleep in the middle of the two of them. As I mentioned earlier, he’s touch-starved, and the others definitely notice. Logan will usually play with his hair to help him sleep, while Virgil just pulls Roman closer so he can cuddle into his chest.
Roman usually falls asleep first, after which Virgil and Logan will say goodnight to each other, maybe share a sleepy kiss, and go to sleep next to him. Roman knows they do this because he faked being asleep once and felt Logan press a kiss to his hair then wish Virgil sweet dreams. Virgil did the same to Logan and adjusted Roman to pull him closer. Roman just smiled happily. He never told them that he knew, though it wasn’t a secret, either.
Roman loves forehead kisses. Like, LOVES them. He wasn’t planning on telling the others because he wasn’t sure how, but his reaction when Logan kissed him there gave it away.
Logan was carrying him to bed after a long day. He set a half-asleep Roman down in the bed and crawled in next to him before pulling him close and pressing his lips to Roman’s forehead. He lingered there while Roman melted against him with a sigh.
“You like forehead kisses, huh?”
“Mm... Mm-hm.”
Roman assumed Logan had told Virgil because ever since then, they both went out of their way to kiss his forehead. Whether it was before bed, in the morning, or just a protective kiss before they went out into the world, they always did it, and it always made Roman extremely happy.
Roman loves PDA but rarely initiates it. Logan is indifferent to it but is happy to take Roman’s hand if it makes him happy. Virgil dislikes it but sometimes does it anyway because he knows Roman enjoys it.
Despite being stand-offish outside their apartment, Virgil is extremely clingy at home. He’s shy about strangers knowing who he loves, but has no problem straddling Roman or Logan’s legs at home when they’re innocently watching TV and kissing them breathless. Luckily, both Roman and Logan love it when he’s affection with them.
Each of them have a certain part of their body that being touched just makes them melt. For Roman, it’s his forehead, like I said. For Virgil, it’s his hair. And for Logan, though he’ll never admit that he enjoys physical touch, it’s his hands and arms.
Virgil likes to draw, and he’ll often doodle on Roman or Logan’s arms or legs, with or without a pen. If he’s got a pen, he’ll draw flowers or patterns or something like that. If he doesn’t, he’ll just trace his finger over their skin. Sometimes he writes things with his finger, too—often the words I love you. He sometimes doodles little hearts, as well, which the others will recognize, unlike the words he writes, which are just for him, and no one else—not even the person he’s writing them on.
Or so he thinks. Actually, Roman figured it out, and as soon as he realized, grinned a ridiculous smile. He didn’t say anything until Virgil left to go to the grocery store, after which he squealed happily. Logan came out of the bedroom, asking what was wrong, and Roman excitedly explained to him that he finally figured out what it was Virgil always wrote on them. Logan smiled when he found out, as well. Neither of them told Virgil that they knew, knowing he’d stop doing it if they did.
STARGAZING. These idiots could stargaze for hours. Logan will tell the others the story of how the stars were created scientifically with the Big Bang and whatnot every time. Roman will tell stories about the mythology of the constellations, or random star gods and goddesses. He’ll tell the story of the Egyptian goddess, Nut, the story of Orion and his bow, and Cassiopeia’s story. Virgil will just listen and watch the stars as the others talk. Sometimes he’ll make up his own constellations and let Roman create a story about them, with him and Logan sometimes piping in with little details.
Sometimes, Roman does a planetarium voice to make fun of the stuffy people who’re hired to work there. He’ll even play “planetarium music” from his phone to “set the mood,” as he calls it. Logan hates it—“Planetariums are wonderful scientific places of learning and disovery!”—but Virgil loves it—“Yeah, yeah, Specs. But they’re hella weird. Let Princey poke fun at ‘em.”
Roman is the king of flirting, but on one of the rare occasions when Logan or Virgil flirts back, he’s a flustered mess. He’ll walk up to one of them, wrap his arms around them, and dip them backwards so they’re nose-to-nose and just look at them. If they flirt back, for example, asking, “Like what you see, babe?” his eyes will widen in surprise and he’ll nearly drop them.
Okay, that’s it for now. You’re welcome to add onto it in the comments, but please keep it fluffy because there’s not enough Analogince fluff, okay?
Oh yeah, and seriously, expect a bullet fic.
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maybankiara · 4 years
pairing: JJ Maybank x Girlfriend!Reader
summary: JJ’s girlfriend tells him she loves him, and it’s the one thing he’s not ready to hear.
word count: 3k
warning: negative self-image on jj’s part; implications of anxiety issues and trauma from his upbringing
additional: this is basically 90% angst with some fluff thrown into the mix, it’s based on i love you  by billie eilish as if the song were from jj’s perspective, hence the fic is from jj’s perspective, too. it’s a part one out of two.
tag list
written for an anon
part two
JJ Maybank is a lonely boy. He is hurting more often than he isn’t, and most of it doesn’t even come in the shape of jabs that turn him into a canvas of red, purple, and yellow. It’s words, often, leaving his skin unscathed but his mind cut deeply, little by little.
  He wonders, sometimes, if some of what is said about him is true. He wonders if he truly is the person his father sees him to be – drunken thoughts are meant to be sober thoughts, and what’s that other than honest truth? The words might hurt, and JJ might be able to shove them underneath the rug in his chest, but sometimes it’s not his dad who says them.
  Sometimes it’s John B, when he makes a joke about JJ ending up like Luke. The Pogues laugh, because what they know of his father is only that he’s a criminal.
  They don’t know he makes JJ’s life a living hell. He doesn’t want them to; he doesn’t want their pity.
  It’s the times like these when he turns to the one person who looks at him like she sees him for who he’s trying to be, not who he is.
  ‘What?’ Y/N asks, grinning over her knee.
  ‘Nothing,’ mumbles JJ.
  ‘You’re staring.’
  Y/N rolls her eyes, going back to the textbook in her lap. She’s sitting in her chair, one of her knees pulled to her chest with an arm around it, and the other one resting on the seat with the textbook on top of it, her fingers flicking through its pages, or jotting thoughts into the notebook on her desk.
  She’s not used to compliments, at least not from JJ. He’s not a very vocal person when it comes to expressing his feelings in an honest, joke-free manner, and it was something they had to work through. Now, JJ makes a point of telling her what’s on his mind, even if it’s simply how he can’t take his eyes off of her, or how he can’t believe she’s with him.
  Most of the time, she thinks it’s a joke.
  Most of the time, JJ understands the trends of people having had enough of him, seeing whatever it is his father sees in him, and he’s just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  JJ is sprawled across her bed, keeping her company as she studies. He’s in his usual attire, cargo shorts and a sleeveless top, lying in his usual spot. Lately, since she started prepping for her exams, he’s been spending more time here. It’s quiet in a way his house isn’t – people fill nearly every corner of the small space with their trinkets, but it’s never imposing. It’s all smiles, warm beverages and snacks, Y/N’s mom checking up on the two of them, her dad inviting them for dinner.
  It’s quiet in a way where people who live together understand the others’ need to be alone.
  ‘JJ,’ he hears her voice, soft through the sleepiness. ‘You good?’
  He nods. ‘How’s studying going?’
  Y/N sighs pointedly, draping her arms over the back of her chair. ‘I’m done. I’m too tired to do any more today.’
  ‘How much have you done?’
  ‘Seven chapters, I think.’ She flicks through her notebook, and it brings warmth to his heart, because he knows her. ‘Seven, yeah.’
  ‘Then you can do one more.’
  ‘I’m tired,’ she complains.
  JJ props himself up on his elbows, shuffling backwards until he’s pressed against the headboard, grinning at his girlfriend. ‘Just start it. You’ll have less to do tomorrow.’
  She gives him a look that he’s seen enough times to know that she’s given in, because he’s right. Not only will she have less to do tomorrow, but she’s also not tired to the point where she can’t study anymore. If she were, she wouldn’t have gone through her notebook to check how much she’s done.
  ‘Fine. But I’m getting the cuddles.’
  JJ grins, wide and bright and honest. ‘Yes, ma’am.’
  Y/N goes back to studying and JJ goes back to thinking, under the pretence of being on social media. Her shoulders are hunched over the book again and the desk lamp isn’t providing her with enough light, but she’d rather hurt her eyesight than to replace that particular lamp.
  He knows everything about her. He knows how to tell when she’s too tired to study, what lamps she likes, how she likes her tea, how she breathes in each stage of falling asleep. He knows when they’re lying on the bed and her fingers trace the outline of his jaw, she’s falling in and out of sleep, happy to have him by her side. When her hands are on his chest, or his abs, and she’s doodling shapes on his skin, she wants more to just cuddle.
  He knows how to read her mood based on the way she flicks her hair. He knows how her day’s been based on the eagerness of the kiss she gives him.
  JJ Maybank is a perceptive boy, and he’s made it his mission to care for her to the best of his abilities.
  He watches her stretch, arms above her head as she gives him a slight smile. She tucks her hair behind her ears, as some of it has escaped the braid she’d put it in.
  Eventually, she’ll be good without him. He doesn’t know when it’s going to happen—when she’s going to realise that she’s better off without him—but he revels in the now.
  Fifteen minutes later, the textbook is closed with a thud. A groan follows right after. Y/N gets up from the chair and JJ has about a second’s notice before she throws herself onto the bed, nesting her head into his chest.
  ‘I’m done with this shit,’ she murmurs. He feels her voice against his skin even through the fabric; it’s enough to send shivers down his spine.
  ‘Then rest,’ he says. ‘We’ll go get some snacks afterwards, watch a movie.’
  Y/N nods, and he already feels her dozing off.
  JJ closes his eyes, wishing he could relax like she did. He takes one of her hands into his, rubbing soothing circles into her palm. His other hand is lost in her hair, massaging the scalp in slow, circular motions, the way he knows puts her to sleep with ease.
  The problem with moments like these is that they’re too perfect. It’s like film, for him, showing the memories of things he’s about to lose.
  this is what you can’t have, the quiet voice in the back of his mind says, the one that sounds like Luke Maybank. you could never earn something like this.
  It’s called borrowed time.
  She stirs against him, waking up. JJ pulls her closer into his chest and tries to forget the words his dad yelled at him this morning. He fixates on Y/N as if she’s the only thing that matters right now, and in a way, she is.
  JJ breathes heavily, but she doesn’t notice. Her lips move and she mutters something he doesn’t understand, and he doesn’t think about it. His hand leaves her hair and slips underneath the back of her shirt instead, tracing circles on her bare skin.
  He’ll hold her close as long as she lets him.
  Some time later, she stirs again. He sees her wake, slowly and in a daze. His face is the first thing her eyes search for; he sees the sleep still in them, the tiredness from studying. He places a kiss on her forehead, as soft as he can.
  ‘Morning, sleeping beauty,’ he says, even though it’s nearly midnight. ‘You ready to get some snacks?’
  She closes her eyes with a shake of head. Her fingers trail to his jaw and she’s tracing it again, fingers light as feathers. ‘I think I’d rather stay in bed.’
  ‘Want me to get them?’
  ‘I’m too tired,’ she says, and JJ can tell it’s the truth.
  He places a kiss to her hair. It’s not the end of the night just yet – he knows that because she’s always the first one to say they’re going to bed. Her parents are okay with him staying over because they know how they feel about one another, and they trust them to be responsible enough. A deeper side of him suspects it might be because they have a hunch of what’s waiting for him at home, but he doesn’t dwell on it.
  Moonlight is shining through the window, into the room. It’s soft and ethereal, just like every moment he’s with her.
  Her laptop is still playing some music, he notices, low in the background. It’s too quiet for him to be able to tell what it is, but the sensible notes are soothing enough.
  Y/N isn’t asleep. Her fingers are still beneath his chin and her heart is beating against his own, irregular. JJ wonders how many of these moments he’s got left.
  He takes hold of her hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it softly.
  She whispers his name as if it were a secret.
  He holds her fingers to his lips, brushing them with his eyes now closed.
  ‘I love you,’ she says, softly.
  JJ doesn’t move. Y/N doesn’t move either, and he somehow manages to register that she said those words half-asleep, and hasn’t probably even registered what she’s done.
  She falls asleep and he becomes wide awake. His lips are still brushing against her fingers, his hot breath fanning the knuckles. His eyes sting and he feels his nose is about to become runny, his heart is speeding up and body growing hot, but he doesn’t move.
  If he moves, the moment is over, and he has to deal with it.
  JJ doesn’t want to deal with it.
  He knows she didn’t mean it, because she couldn’t have – he’s not the person she sees him as. He’s not as kind, or as determined, or as self-sufficient; he’s not as ready to open up as she is. It’s been long time coming, the moment where he finally admits that she deserves better than a boy who can’t even admit to his girlfriend how shitty his life is.
  Now that it’s here, JJ knows that as soon as either of them moves, things will have change.
  This isn’t—
  fuck, he thinks, and that’s about the only coherent thought he can form.
  no, comes next, and it’s far more persistent than any other. It keeps repeating until it’s the only sound he can hear, and he lets go off Y/N’s hand. He pushes her off, gently enough for it not to be rude, but pointedly enough for it to be odd.
  She rubs her eyes, looking at him as if she’s just woken up.
  maybe she has, he thinks. maybe she doesn’t even know she said it.
  He swallows and it’s hard, and he presses his back against the headboard, both of his hands in his hair. Words escape him – he can’t think.
  Y/N’s now in front of him, with her hands steadying him on his knees. He looks through her, recalling every single thing about himself he’s never told her.
  how can she love someone she doesn’t even know?
  He clears his throat, swallowing the emotions threatening to overflow. ‘You— Why did you say that.’
  ‘Oh.’ Her voice is inaudible and it’s the shape of her lips telling JJ she said anything at all – her eyes fall to her lap and her face loses colour, all in once.
  The music has stopped playing. JJ wishes there was something else other than this deafening silence.
  i should say i’m sorry, crosses his mind, but he can’t bring himself to do it.
  am i sorry?
  ‘I’m sorry if it’s too soon,’ says Y/N, unable to meet his eyes. ‘I didn’t mean to—’
  ‘Yeah,’ he cuts her off. ‘You didn’t mean it.’
  ‘No, JJ—’
  ‘It’s alright.’
  Y/N’s lips part, but no sound comes out. She’s staring at him with his face unreadable – or maybe JJ is refusing to understand whatever she’s feeling. If he tells her she didn’t mean it, that she lied, that he doesn’t need to face what happened—
  ‘I meant it,’ she says.
  JJ shakes his head. His hands push hers off of his knees and his body stiffens when she flinches at the roughness of his action. He pushes himself halfway off the bed, not looking at her anymore.
  He can’t. Not with the look in her eyes – not after she flinched at what he’d done. Not after what he’d done.
  ‘You don’t love me,’ he tells her. ‘It’s a lie.’
  you and i are no different, son. look at her face – she’s afraid of you. you can’t blame it on me, too. this is all you.
  ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into you, JJ. I know I might’ve said it too soon, but this – this isn’t you.’
  Her fingers are on his shoulders, rubbing them, as they’ve done countless times before. JJ resists the instinct to lean his head to the side, let his cheek rest against the back of her hand, because this is over now.
  you are going to hurt her.
  His eyes flutter and tears threaten to fall, but he doesn’t let them. He shakes her hands off her shoulders. He wants to turn around, to look at her, to take her face in his hands and tell her everything’s going to be okay, but he’s not a liar.
  So he doesn’t.
  ‘You don’t love me,’ he repeats, instead. ‘You can’t.’
  ‘You have no idea who I am.’ His eyes are fixed on the window and the silver light shining through it – if he so much as moves his head an inch to her, he’ll fall apart. The words are coming through gritted teeth. ‘I’m not the kind person you see me as. I’m not that good. I’m my father’s son and that’s the one thing you refuse to see – and you can’t love me if you don’t see me for who I am.’
  JJ spins his head to face her, and it’s so fast that she flinches, again. He doesn’t look at her so much as he looks through her – his body is cold and head filled with the noise of his blood boiling.
  ‘The person you think you love doesn’t exist, Y/N. He never did. You can’t live in the fairytale.’
  A few moments pass in silence and it takes him a little too long to realise it isn’t a silence, at all. Y/N is breathing quietly, sniffling between every other breath or so. When he finally looks at her, she’s trembling; blood has left her face and she looks a little sick, a little faint. Her cheeks are glistening on the moonlight and the patches under her eyes red, even if her eyes are closed.
  She doesn’t say anything. Her soft cries are all that fills out the room, and JJ is starting to feel their weight on his own chest.
  ‘I’m—’ sorry, he thinks, but he doesn’t say it.
  i’m my father’s son, he recalls himself saying. Now, the words make his stomach twist in knots, and he understands why it felt wrong when she said it.
  ‘There’s shit about me you don’t know,’ he forces himself to say. His fingers are balled up in fists because if they weren’t, he’d reach out and hold her until she stopped crying. ‘Bad shit. Shit you wouldn’t want to deal with.’
  He expects her to say something, but she doesn’t.
  Y/N doesn’t hide her crying and somehow it hurts more than if she did. is this what i deserve?
  ‘I should go,’ he says.
  She nods, and it’s the first reaction she gives him. ‘I think so, too.’
  They don’t say goodbye. He picks up his things and it’s quiet; she doesn’t even so much as glance at him. Her cries are quiet but they’re persistent, and he can’t help but hate himself for doing this to her.
  JJ parts his lips and he feels the words on his tongue, but he thinks of her face when he pushed her away, and nothing comes out.
  His hand is on the doorknob when he hears her chuckle drily. It makes her sound almost broken, and he freezes in the spot.
  ‘You’re an idiot, JJ, if you think I’d be in love with someone I don’t know,’ she tells him. Her voice is hoarse and hurting, but strong, still. ‘I know about your dad. I know about your criminal record. You’re not as good at hiding shit as you think you are, you know.’
  A cold shiver runs through his body. His mind falls blank, too, and his hand falls from the doorknob. He wants to turn around, to look at her, but he can’t.
  It’ll break him.
  Even if there are tears already streaming down his face, it’ll shatter him.
  She chuckles again and his knees buckle as he leans his forehead against the wooden door. ‘I guess I’m the idiot, then,’ she says, ‘for choosing to see the best in the person I love.’
  JJ presses his fist against the wood until it starts to hurt. His teeth are clenched, but a sob still escapes him.
  ‘Y/N…’ he begins, but no words follow.
  i fucked up.
  He sighs. His hand grabs the doorknob again.
  but it’s for the best.
  ‘I think you’ve said enough,’ she tells him.
  JJ grits his teeth and pushes himself through the door, and then through the hallway, and then through the main door, until he’s out, in the fresh air, and he lets out a shaky sob as he holds his hand to his mouth, muffling it.
  His chest is hurting and his head is hurting and his cheeks are hurting and he feels the need to hit something, anything, because his hands feel like they’re on fire and he’s angry at the world and he’s just—
  He falls to the ground, holding his knees to his chest, with only the moon to shine some light. His eyes look up to the bright spot in the sky, feeling the heartbreak as if it were an itch across his whole body – her face flashes before his eyes, her smile, then her flinching away from him, then her tear-stained cheeks, and he can no longer hold himself together.
  what have i done?
  part two
tagging. @jjtheangel​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @thelocalpogue​ @jjmaybanky​ @sacredto​ @chasefreakinstokes​ ​ @shawnssongs​ ​ @drewstarkey​ ​ @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge​ ​ @outrbank ​ @yourlocalauthor ​ @justawilddreamerchild ​ @activist-af @mynamewontwork13 @sunwardsss @storiesbymads @koufaxx @drewstarkeyobx
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melissa-s23 · 4 years
Two birds in one stone
Summary: “Despite how many people thought Janus had the upper hand, Patton truly was the mastermind of them all. And he thanked the stars the moral side used it for good, like he did here, both directly comforting someone and making someone admit that maybe, just maybe, someone didn't hate you as much as you thought they did.”
Relationship: Familial Moxiety, ex-familial Anxceit.
Word: 1570
Author’s note: Not a lot happens in this oneshot of mine, but you know what? That shouldn’t be a requirement for writing. Sometimes you just want to write A soft double comfort fic and there’s nothing to do about it! Had the idea a while back and finally got to write it in-between non sensical doodles. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Janus woke up in the middle of the night. He wasn't sure why as no sound seemed to come out of his room and no one was here. Everything was calm and silent, and he didn't remember any nightmare, so it couldn't be the reason of it. Wait, no. By focusing a bit, he could hear a soft cry coming from downstairs, the living room. Oh, well.... someone was having a meltdown in the commons. He would check on whoever that was later on, he needed his sleep righy now-
- « Dad ! » Virgil's voice plead shakily from afar.
… Virgil.
Janus froze. Virgil. It was virgil- Virgil was crying. Virgil was crying and called for his dad....
His dad.
Him- Janus was his dad-
Virgil was calling Janus downstairs.
The deceitful side rose on his feet and hurried outside of his room. He rushed down the stairs so fast he almost tripped several times. He turned at the corner, he was almost there. As he turned he was met with a crying virgil.....
in Patton's arms.
Oh. Right. Patton. Patton was Virgil's father now. It was over. How could have he forgotten ? Their relationship was dead burried in the past. Now Patton was the one to comfort Virgil whenever he had a meltdown. Patton would be the one whispering kind words to him while tracing smooth circles on Virgil's back- back which was facing Janus right now. He cursed himself. Well, at least he didn't get to see Janus in his pathetic regretful self. He could just go back to his room and get off without dealing with any humiliation. That was already that.
… Guess he couldn't even have that. Patton lifted his head and met the hurt eyes of the scaly side. They both stared at each other surprised and Patton caught on what lead Janus here after a few seconds. Patton could blow up his cover or get even more protective of  Virgil. Janus turned torward the stairs to go back to not face any of those options but as on cue, Patton spoke.
- « Hey, Virgil ? »
- « Mhh ? » he mumbled
- « Did you have those 'bad mood moments' before ? »
- « ….yeah. »
- « Do you remember how you managed at the time ? »
Both Virgil and Janus froze. The yellow one turned his face to observe whatever Patton was doing. Silence felt the room for a few moments.
- « ...Deceit would help me. » Virgil admitted bluntly and ashamed. Janus had to force himself to mute the gasp in his throat. Virgil wasn't aware Janus was in the room yet, and he would do everything for it to stay that way.
Patton smiled sympathetically and continued.
- « Alright. What would he do then ? » he asked while brushing Virgil's hair softly.
« you're not forced to tell, but I think we could try to do similar things to cheer you up. »
- « ...He would... hold my hand. » Janus' eyes widened in shock. Virgil was openly talking about a moment he and Janus shared ? What was Patton's magic ?
« He would hold my hand, and.... he would speak with a calming voice. Sometimes, even if he tried to hide it, he sounded very worried.... but his voice always stayed calm. It was weird, I don't know how he could do that.. He would sometimes shapeshift into one of you as well and try to mimic you in a parodic way. » He let out a weak laugh, and Patton giggled a bit. He looked at Janus, who felt really unfortunate he couldn't cough his embarassement away.
« He wasn't mean though, don't worry. »
- « It's okay. It must be quite entertaining to watch. » he answered without looking away from Janus, and even dared give him a knowing look.
- « Heh, it was. He can be very funny when he wants to. » Janus could almost hear the smile on his face. He also realized it was fading away a second later.
« And then, if I still wouldn't stop crying... or shaking, or panicking or any of the stuff I'm so good at.... he... he would sing. »
Patton looked back at Virgil surprised. « Oh ? »
- « Yeah. He... he always had this lullaby and... no matter what, when he sings it, I would always calm down. » he clenged onto Patton's shirt and Janus and he both recalled the melody. It was as if it was playing in the room at this instant.
Virgil started humming the melody with his hoarse voice and Patton closed his eyes. It was an old song, Thomas probably forgot about it with time. It wasn't one his parents would sing to him, but he found it one day and the melody stuck with Janus. It was just so simple, and on a fine line between haunting and reassuring. Janus would make it fall into the latter any time he had to reassure Virgil.
« So close your eyes, on Hushabye mountain..
Wave goodbye to cares of the day
And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
Sail far away from Lullaby Bay »
As virgil tried to not make his voice crack while singing it, Janus couldn't help but mimic the words from his lips, failing to hide his nostalgic smile.
« Do you think I can try to sing it ? »
- « … You could... but it wouldn't be the same.... Only Deceit can put it like he does. »
Janus felt something inside of him bloom. His mind repeated those words he didn't know he needed to hear to badly.
- « I see.... you two really seem to have got along nicely before. »
- « Heh, that doesn't even begin to describe it. » he laughed, but it quickly died down. « … It's just.... So much happened... and …. He.... he did some nasty stuff.. I mean, I did too but like... » he sighed « We both messed it up. »
Patton stayed silent, but everyone in the room heard the underlying question.
« I wouldn't even know where to start. 'I'm sorry' isn't enough. Nice words aren't enough. A nice action ? What would that even be ? And it still wouldn't be nearly enough. How many nice things ? And despite everything I also want him to apologize for things- But... It just.... I tried to think of something, on how to …. 'make ammends' or something, or at least find a way to stop those memories from haunting me every freaking night.... I just can't. »
Patton watched and saw Janus step back. His hands were shaking and desperately holding his mouth, trying to keep himself silent. What ? Virgil, despite everything Janus did... wanted to make peace ? …. How, why, wh- ho-
« Virgil, you don't need to talk about it if you're not ready.... It's alright... »
- « No, it's alright... I... I don't want to hide things from you... that wouldn't be fair. Especially after you shared so much with us... with me... » Virgil hugged tightered. Patton returned.
They stayed like that for a few minutes and both parental sides were pretty sure Virgil fell asleep until he let go of Patton and broke the hug.
« Thank you a lot, Pop-tton. For... hearing me and helping me vent a little bit. I think I'll return to my room now. »
Oh crap oh crap oh crap. Janus had to go FAST-
- « What about a nice little glass of milk before? Those tend to make you more sleepy and you definitely need some rest, kiddo. »
- « Alright alright. But don't put on a movie and make me enjoy my night here instead of in my bed trying to fight insomnia ! »
- « Don't worry, I just need to grab something real quick upstairs. You can put on the blankets and pillow meanwhile, does that sound good to you ? »
- « Yeah, that sounds good. » Virgil rolled his eyes. Patton wasn't even trying to hide the fact he was luring virgil into movie night. But virgil didn't really want to oppose.
Patton nodded and got on the stairs and climbed it. He met the yellow side at the end of it, and simply put a hand on his shoulder.
- « Well, things aren't as hopeless as they seem, hm ? »
- « … Not like everything is solved. »
- « Of course not, but at least you didn't come down there for nothing. » He smiled and let go of Janus, heading toward his own room.
Janus watched as Patton dissapeared and let out a single laugh. Despite how many people thought Janus had the upper hand, Patton truly was the mastermind of them all. And he thanked the stars the moral side used it for good, like comforting people, both directly or by making someone else admit that maybe, just maybe, someone didn't hate you as much as you thought they did.
Janus returned to his room and, despite it being 2AM and knowing full well he wouldn't get any more sleep tonight, he felt the most rested in years.
There you go!! :D Lot of fluff and trying to make ammends! I really like this specific trope when a character is revealing stuff about another character that is listening from behind and another person is aware of their presence but also continues the conversation, talking to both people at the same time. (I told you, I like specific things) And I felt like doing it here.
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ashtheshortstack · 4 years
make them learn - ch 1
Rating: T Ship: Adrinette (sorta)  Chapter 1/3: broken frame 
Tags: Princess Justice AU, Akumatized Marinette, Bullying, One-Sided Reveal, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
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“You’re either with me, or you’re against me.” 
Lila’s words were clear and harsh, but Marinette battled akumas on a daily basis. It wasn’t something she couldn’t handle. She feared some things, but Lila Rossi definitely wasn’t one of them. Did the lying brat piss her off? Oh, big time. At first, it was jealousy revolving around Adrien, however, the blond seemed to figure out Lila’s lies all on his own. He didn’t need the constant proof. So, Marinette was comfortable that Adrien would never date someone like that. He wasn’t the type. 
“From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose all your friends and be all alone. And Adrien will soon be mine.” 
Marinette had to give her credit. The brat tried her best, that was for sure. Lila had successfully gotten her expelled, but suddenly just recanted all of her statements the next day and confirmed she made it all up. Blaming it on some stupid disease that didn’t exist, but whatever. It worked. She was thankful for that. Even though Lila’s change of heart clearly had something behind it, Marinette decided to not fret on it too much. It was clear the brat was still out to get her, but Marinette knew that taking the high road was obviously the best option. Adrien was right, there was no need to feed the troll. 
No way could she have predicted that Lila had something more sinister up her sleeve. Of course, she hadn’t assumed that the incident was the last she’d hear from Lila, but Marinette didn’t realize there could be something much, much worse. 
It had been a typical day for Marinette. There had been an akuma attack the previous evening, so she was a bit sleepy, but nothing she’d never pushed through before. She was Ladybug for a reason. She wouldn’t let a little lack of sleep ruin her day. Besides, Marinette looked forward to school. Seeing Adrien every day always uplifted her mood. He was such a kind soul, often lighting up the room more than she was sure he realized. Marinette knew he didn’t have a great homelife with his mother disappearing, assumed dead, and his father being an uptight, strict, recluse. It amazed her that he could be so positive every day. That he could be such a good person. Knowing what he went through just made her admire him even more. 
Despite how she tried to hide her fondness for him, it was difficult. Luckily, Adrien was the oblivious type and had no idea what feelings Marinette harbored for him. And she planned to keep it that way. No matter how much she wanted to be with him, she knew that Adrien loved another girl. She assumed that it was Kagami. They had gotten awfully close lately. And it hurt even more because she and Kagami had become friends. So, it wasn’t like she could hate her or be angry at her for liking the same boy as her. Even though Marinette liked him first , she digressed. Kagami would be good for him. They had so much in common… so it was okay. No matter how painful it was. No matter how much it made Marinette’s chest tighten with an ache. No matter how she desperately hoped that Adrien would see her the way she saw him… 
Taking her usual spot on the bench, Marinette sat with her knees pulled up to her chest as she doodled a few sketches into her sketchbook. However when Adrien arrived in the courtyard and made a bee-line for Nino, Marinette couldn’t help but follow him with her eyes. She could feel a soft small cross her lips when Nino swung an arm over the blond’s shoulder with Adrien grinning in return. It was wonderful to see him happy. She was glad he had a friend like Nino. 
“Hey, girl,” a familiar voice chimed. 
Startling at Alya’s sudden appearance, Marinette gave a tiny yelp. “Oh, hi.” 
“You had that dopey look on your face again. You could try to be a little less obvious, you know,” her best friend teased. 
Marinette laughed and tugged at a pigtail, “Sorry, I don’t mean to,” she glanced back to Adrien with her smile returning and shrugged. “Besides, he never notices anyway.” 
Scoffing, Alya shook her head. “Adrien does notice you. You know that, right?” 
“Well, yeah. But in a friend kind of way. He doesn’t see me the way… well I see him,” there was a sadness in her tone that she didn’t like. 
Marinette didn’t want to be disappointed that Adrien liked someone else. He was human. He was allowed to have his own crushes, right? But… she was also allowed to be human as well. And be sad she’d have to let him go. Maybe it was for the best? She had to focus on defeating Hawkmoth before she could even think about pursuing anything romantic. The world she lived in was dangerous, and she wouldn’t dare get Adrien dragged into it. If he got hurt… well, she wouldn’t know what she’d do. 
Alya bumping her gently. “You sound like you’re giving up.” 
“Not giving up,” she said with a shake of her head, “just respecting his choices. He’s such an amazing person, and I don’t want to get in the way of his happiness.” 
“Oh, Marinette, he’ll see it someday…” Alya fell silent as Marinette gave a non committal hum in response. “In the meantime, are you gonna take all those pictures of him down in your room?” she asked.
“No way, he’s easy on the eyes.” 
The two shared a laugh at that. Marinette returned to her drawing as Alya watched over her shoulder. Eventually, Alya flagged down her boyfriend. Nino, with Adrien in tow, came over to join the girls. Marinette was able to keep her cool when Adrien took a seat between her and Alya and watched her sketch. 
“That looks great, Marinette. Have you thought about entering my father’s next contest?” 
With a giggle, Marinette did her best to stop her heart from pounding. Stay cool, she reminded herself. “U-Uh, maybe. When is it?” 
Adrien smiled. “It’s in a few weeks, I think. I can check with Nathalie and get back with you?” 
“Yeah, sure,” she replied quickly. 
There was a beat before the blond spoke again. “You really are talented. I wish I could draw like you and Nathaniel.” 
“I’m sure you can draw just fine. Someone as amazing as you? I’m sure you're great at anything,” she blabbered out. 
He laughed at that. “Well, thanks. May I?” he asked, bobbing his head towards her sketchpad and holding his hand out for her pencil. 
“O-Of course,” she sputtered and instantly handed him her pencil and book. 
Marinette couldn’t help but watch him as he doodled in her sketchbook. His tongue poked out between his lips, wiggling slightly as he focused on his art. She noticed his brows pinch as her eyes wandered along his face down to his hands. Hands she’d held so many times and wished she could again and again. Granted, it was usually when Adrien was tugging her along to escape an akuma or that time he pulled her in to dance. 
Sucking in a breath, she looked away as she felt her face warm. Marinette silently prayed that he hadn’t noticed the vibrant flush that kissed her cheeks. When he finished, he held up the completed product. “Ta-da! What do you think?” 
In the middle of the page was a poorly drawn cat with a large body, stick legs, and a thick tail. There were dots for eyes and a squiggly cat mouth. Marinette couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of it, and Adrien quickly joined her. 
“Maybe, I need more practice. You should teach me sometime.” 
Marinette’s heart fluttered at the statement. “Yeah, maybe sometime. You may need quite a few lessons though,” she teased. 
Adrien smirked at her. “You gotta be kitten me, Marinette, I thought I was pretty good.” 
She couldn’t help but laugh at the horrible pun. There was a dull sense of familiarity that she shoved into the back of her mind. It was common to make puns. No need to overthink it. 
The bell chimed, echoing through the courtyard. Her friends all stood, ready to head to class. Adrien returned her sketchbook, smiling at her. “You coming?” 
“You guys go ahead, I need to pack up my things.” 
The blond tilted his head. “Need help?” 
“No, no. I got it,” she assured him with a smile. 
Adrien didn’t seem convinced, giving her a once over with a concerned pinch in his brows. But after a moment, gave a slight shrug and started up the stairs. 
Letting out a loud sigh, Marinette took a moment to gather her wits. She was proud she was slowly able to interact with Adrien despite how nervous she still felt around him. Her heart always pounded while her palms felt clammy. Wiping her hands on her pants, she corrected herself. Marinette glanced down at her sketchpad, glancing over the drawing. Adrien signed his name at the bottom with a smiley face next to it. She smiled, hugging it to her chest. Marinette would always cherish any moment she had with him. 
Standing, she gathered her things and headed up the stairs. Class went as usual. Lila was absent for the day, making Marinette relax a little knowing she wouldn’t have the brunette glaring at the back of her head for the day. 
 She took her notes, occasionally glanced down at Adrien (no one could blame her, really, he was so easy on the eyes), and drew tiny doodles on the corner of her paper. Marinette surprised herself with a little cat drawing that replicated the blond’s sketch from before. There was so much to learn about Adrien still. Did he really like cats? Maybe, he was a Chat Noir fan? 
Marinette was yanked from her musings when an akuma burst into the door of the classroom. Her classmates screamed and took cover beneath their desks as Madam Bustier shouted for the akuma to be gone. But the akuma locked eyes with her before smirking wickedly. 
“Ah, there you are Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I was hoping I’d find you here. I’m Crush Detector, and I’m here to expose your crush.” 
Her heart pounded with panic. “W-What?” 
Crush Detector gave a mused hum before prancing over to Adrien who stood at his desk with a gritted frown. “Don’t you want to know the truth , Adrien? We know how you feel about people who lie. I’m here to be honest… because we’re friends, aren’t we? ” 
Marinette watched as his expression changed. His eyes hardened. “Lila!” he hissed. 
Gaping, she looked at the akuma. “Lila?” Again!? How many times could this girl be akumatized intentionally? Was she working with Hawkmoth at this point? 
With a grin, Crush Detector turned her attention to the projector holding up a camera that was clearly the inflicted object. “Why don’t we all see the truth, hm?” 
Marinette watched in horror as the pictures of Adrien on the walls of her room flashed onto the screen, then Adrien’s schedule in detail, her desktop screen, then her. There was literal footage of her pieced together from before school. The entire conversation she and Alya had before class was played back in front of her, as well as her hugging the sketchpad after he’d doodled in it. 
Tears pricked her eyes, her heart dropping into her stomach. Her throat felt tight as her hands began to shake. She was utterly humiliated. It wasn’t a secret to her classmates how she felt about Adrien, but for him to see…
Kim laughed aloud. “You have his whole schedule on hand?” 
“I knew you liked him, but I didn’t realize you were a stalker, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe mused. 
Her bottom lip wobbled as more and more images of her cooing over the blond were shoved into her face. As booked towards the door, vaguely hearing Alya and Adrien call after her. 
Crush Detector blocked her exit. “Oh, running away from your feelings again , Marinette?” 
She saw red. Marinette shoved Lila’s akumatized form out of the way. She booked it to the bathroom. Knowing that the akuma would be after her any moment, she locked the door, knowing it’d at least delay the process of Lila entering. 
Taking deep breaths, Marinette held her head as she slid down the door. Sobs wracked her body as she buried her face into her knees. 
“Marinette…” Tikki’s voice murmured as she floated out of the purse. “I’m so sorry…” 
With a sniffle, she wiped her face. “We have to catch an akuma.” 
“Marinette, are you okay?” 
Her body felt numb. An emptiness swirled within her. There wasn’t time to care. Lila had done this to purposely humiliate her. And she wouldn’t let that witch get away with it. Marinette called on her transformation. 
She left the bathroom, seeing Adrien searching around the courtyard. He hadn’t noticed her, thankfully. 
Crush Detector laughed spitefully. “Oh, c’mon, Adrien! We know you don’t like her! Don’t pity her!” 
The glare Adrien shot her was bone chilling. “This was the last straw, Lila. I told you to leave Marinette alone.” 
“Oh, but… I’m not Lila anymore, am I?” she snickered as she sat on the railing. 
Ladybug’s fist clenched. Rage flowed through her veins. A heat took over her she’d never felt before. It boiled at her back, shooting up her spine. Her fingers trembled with anger, her teeth grit harshly together. 
“Shut up!” she screeched before wrapping the akuma in her yo-yo. Ladybug yanked her victim harshly, forcing Crush Detector off the high railing and down onto the concrete of the courtyard. The akuma shouted in pain as she met the ground forcefully. “That’s enough! That’s enough! ” 
Adrien was stunned by Ladybug’s appearance, jaw hung open. She didn’t blame him. Marinette had never felt so much pain… hurt… anger… bubble through her. She’d never hurt an akumatized person intentionally. But Lila deserved it. She deserved so much worse!  
Ladybug tightened her yo-yo. “Do you just love to hurt others!? Does it make you happy? What do you think will happen now, huh!? Do you really think Adrien will love you after this!?” 
“Adrien will be mine,” Lila hissed. 
She tightened the string. The akuma gasped for air. 
Adrien took action. He ran over, snatching the inflicted camera and smashing it on the ground. The akuma flew out, but Marinette didn’t budge. When she saw Lila deakumatize… when she saw her at her mercy… she kept her wound in the yo-yo. 
“You have so much hate in your heart. You’re a horrible person! You just love to humiliate others, and for what? It’s not going to make anyone like you. It won’t make Adrien like you. You’re just a coward! Too afraid to be yourself, so you lie to everyone and bring everyone else down to bring yourself up!” 
She gasped, glancing over at Adrien. His face was red. Had he been shouting at her the whole time? 
Quickly, she released Lila and snatched the akuma from the air. She waved off the butterfly silently. Adrien was staring at her with an emotion she couldn’t read. Lila was glaring at her with more fury than ever before. Swallowing, Ladybug gave Adrien a nod before whipping her yo-yo and fleeing quickly. 
Sobs wracked her body. Marinette hadn’t even made it to her bed. She wallowered on the floor, her face in her hands. Hot tears spilled onto her hands. Breathing was difficult through her cries, unable to catch necessary air. She vaguely felt Tikki’s pats of comfort on her head. 
“Marinette, you have to calm down… Hawkmoth will--” 
“I know , Tikki… I know. I-I need to--” she glanced down at her phone. There were many, many missed calls from both Alya and Adrien. Even one from Nino… which may have just been Alya calling from his phone. She couldn’t be sure. Her throat felt tight as she scrolled through her messages. 
There were texts from Lila. How’d she even gotten her number!? Who would’ve given it to her? 
  Hope you learned your lesson about crossing me. He’ll never love you. 
  Marinette didn’t dare open any more of them. She felt sick. Nauseated from the pain and anguish that stirred within her. There were texts from Adrien and Alya, both begging her to call them. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to speak to anyone. 
She trembled as she reached up to take her earrings from her lobes. Tikki gasped, looking at her chosen with worry. Marinette held the miraculous out in her palm, gazing at her kwami expectantly. “I need you to take these and find Chat Noir.” 
“Marinette, no--” 
“Tikki, please. I can’t let Hawkmoth get my miraculous. This is the only way to keep the earrings safe.” 
Tikki’s gaze was pleading. “B-But Marinette, you could lead him right to Master Fu.” 
Shaking her head, she took a breath. “I can tell you… the only person I’ll be after is Lila. She--She’s the reason for all of this. This is entirely her fault. A-And if I get akumatized and whatever I do… she deserves it.”
“Marinette, don’t talk like that.” 
“Go to Chat Noir.” 
It was a command. And Tikki knew it. The heartbroken expression on the kwami’s face was answer enough. She floated over, giving Marinette a kiss on the head. Watching her kwami phase through the window, she knew she’d done the right thing. She knew that the best option would be for Tikki to go to Chat. Chat had used the Ladybug miraculous before. If anyone could save her, it was her crime-fighting partner. 
When the black butterfly floated into her room, she wasn’t surprised to see it. The utter feeling of hopelessness that overwhelmed her was like fodder to Hawkmoth. It absorbed into her purse, and a voice echoed in her mind. 
“Princess Justice… your feelings have been exposed to the boy you love against your will…” 
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pandoraimperatrix · 4 years
I’ll Take Care Of You, If You Ask Me To
@pcgasuss asked me for jealous Dick. I’m not very good writing about jealousy, but I tried.  
Summary:  Dick should have known that Kory and Bruce talking was not the best news to him.
1,7K | DickKory | Fluff | Read on AO3
The echo of Kory’s laugh grabbed Dick’s attention in midsentence. She was all the way across the room, actually not in the room at all, but you could see her, and Bruce, talking through the glass.
“Hm?” He turned attention back to the boys slowly. Conner had his whole face frowned in confusion. It was hard to make Gar smile these days, but he had an amused glint in his eyes.
“Forget it, Con. He’s gone outer space now.”
Conner looked even more confused. Dick sighed and pretended he didn’t hear it.
“Anything else?” Dick asked dryly.
“Yeah, like you could even remember we were talking about.” Mocked Gar.
“Of course I remember.”
“What was it, then?”
“It was…” Kory laughed again, this time a little bit louder, Dick had to bite the insides of his cheeks to control the urge to just nap his head in her direction again.
“Exactly.” Said Gar very pleased with himself. “Come on Con, let’s play some videogames.”
“Only an hour, then bed. I want you both well rested tomorrow morning.”
“Sure, boss.”
“Goodnight, Dick.” Dick gave the boy a tight smile and nodded, Conner turned back to Gar. “Should we invite Hank and Rose?”
Gar answered something, but Dick didn’t listen as they walked away. He took a sip of his orange soda, wishing it was something stronger than sugar and watched them with the corner of his eyes. He couldn’t ignore the fact that both his surrogate father and his… Well, Kory wasn’t his to begin with, but they were both naturally flirty people. Kory was just too charming to her own good, no, scratch that, she was too charming for everyone’s around her own good. The charisma that Bruce so meticulously learned to perform, the same that he tried so hard to make Dick copy and never quite succeeded, Kory had it effortlessly. And Dick knew Bruce very well, there was no way he wouldn’t make any moves, even though the probabilities of him following through with them were quasi none. After all if Batman had something was work ethics. And yet… What was he saying that was so funny? A voice inside his head that sounded terrible like Donna was calling him a paranoid freak and explaining to him in painstaking detail how he had no claim for the feelings brewing in his chest. But it shut up in silent panic when he saw Kory touch Bruce’s arm. When Dick noticed he was already getting hit on the face by the cold wind as he reached the veranda.
“Hey.” Greeted Kory, the easy smile on her face not quite reaching her eyes.
“Nice of you to joying us, chum.”
“Chum?” Asked Kory in obvious delight. A little too much. She was not drinking orange soda.
Dick winced.
“Can you not call me that?”
“Why not?” Was that a little bit of genuine hurt that he was seeing on Bruce’s eyes?
“Because I’m not twelve anymore.”
“See what I was telling you, Miss Anders?”
Kory fell in a fit of giggles, and Bruce smiled fondly at her. Dick felt panic bubble inside him. He hated how Bruce would make him feel like a teenager ager just by being around.
“What? What is happening? What were you telling her?”
“About how adorable you were as a child.” Managed Kory holding on to Dick to keep straight. Her hand on his shoulder was cold. Dick frowned. It wasn’t like he spent hours and hours of what should have been sleep reliving every time she touched him but she never felt cold before, actually, she used to be almost feverish. “Nothing to feel ashamed of.”
“I can’t help but doubt it.”
“Don’t you trust me, Dick?” Asked Bruce prying Dick’s eyes from Kory’s.
“With my dignity? Not at all.”
“You hurt me, son.”
“What did you tell her, Bruce?”
“Oh, this and that.”
“Oh, cool off. It was nice to hear about baby Dick Grayson. Even though by the stories you didn’t change very much.”
“What do you mean?”
“Bruce here was telling me about how seriously you took yourself, and that, what was her name? Selena?”
“Selina.” Corrected both men together.
“Yes, Selina, she was the best at making you lose it and act like a kid.”
“That’s because she was infuriating.” But when he looked at Bruce his face was softer and when he asked had a note of hopefulness. “Heard from her lately?”
Bruce straightened himself slightly, an act that would pass unnoticed to anyone, but that brought a tiny smile to Dick’s lips. So that explained the whole easy mood of lately.
“Yes, actually.” He cleaned his throat. “She has been around. But we were talking about you…”
“Around? How much around? Is she okay?”
“She is, yes.”
“And you both…?”
“Come on, Bruce!”
Bruce just took a sip of his drink and pretended to look at something else far away. Kory just watched their back and forth like it was a very entertaining game.
“Did Jason meet her?”
Bruce sighed.
“Yes, they’ve met.”
“What? They didn’t get along?” Dick’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “They are so alike…”
“Maybe too much you could say.”
“Sorry to hear that, B.”
“It’s alright.”
Deciding to give Bruce a break, he turned back to the woman by his side.
“What else did he tell you, Kory?”
He tried to pretend he didn’t notice that her hand haven’t left his person, slipping from his shoulder to his arm, and that now she was making doodles with the tip of her fingers giving his tingles. Bruce also noticed, but besides making sure to let Dick know he did with an inquisitive look, he didn’t say anything about it.
“Well… He showed me picture too… of your first suit.”
“No…” His eyes widened in terror.
“The little short was so cute, Dick! And the booties. Adorable! I sent a picture to Rachel already.”
“You did not!”
“I did! My batteries died so I don’t know her reaction yet…” She pouted.
Horror spread over Dick’s face and he turned to his mentor.
“Why? Why do you have that with you?”
“To look at it, of course, since I so rarely get to actually see you these days. I carry it in my wallet.” Said Bruce proudly.
“You!” He pointed to Bruce. “And you Koriand’r, I thought you were my friend.”
“Such a drama queen.”
“I know.” Agreed Bruce, “and you believe he never even took acting lessons?”
“No. You two talking was a horrible idea.”
“Well, I thought it was loads of fun. But you, Dick Grayson. You have no such concept.” And to Dick’s complete shock she gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, Bruce. It was lovely to finally meet you.”
“Likewise, Miss Anders.”
“If I have to call you by your first name, you can just call me Kory too.”
“Very well. Goodnight, Kory.”
She just smiled before leaving, her hand lingering on Dick’s arm before she was completely gone.
“So…” Said Bruce when Kory was far-gone. “There is no chance you are coming back, then.”
“I can’t leave the Titans.”
“The Titans?” Bruce scoffed.  “Sure.”
“Why are you insinuating?”
“Me? Nothing. But well, I always thought that eventually you and Barbara would settle down, I can see now it will hardly happen.”
“Bruce… Me and Babs haven’t been a thing since high school.”
“I know… I know. But Kory is really a formidable woman. Take good care of her.”
“I’m not seeing Kory either, Bruce.”
“Whatever you say, chum. I’m also going to bed. Long trip back home tomorrow. Goodnight, son.”
“Bruce, I’m not-“
But the man completely ignored Dick, leaving him alone with his feelings and the cold air.
 Later, when Dick arrived at his room, he learnt that there was already someone occupying his bed.
“Kory? What are you doing here?”
She purred softly, he had to ask her about that one day. And opened one shiny green eye.
“Dick? Shit. I think I got rooms wrong.”
“Kory, are you okay?”
She sighed, trying to lift her body starting from her head, but no such luck.
“No… Not really. Can I… I mean. Just for sleep?”
He should say no. He really should say no and help her to her room.
“Yes. Sure.”
And she didn’t say anything else for so long he was sure she was asleep.
He washed himself and joined her in bed. As soon as he got under the covers, her static form gained movement and she turned to him, pushing her face against his chest. He felt a sense of familiarity and relief so strong, he wondered if it was like that when Hank took heroin.
“I’ve missed you.” He heard she whisper sleepy.
He leaned into her hair, letting himself inhale her scent.
“I miss you too.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“So many things…”
Dick kissed the crown of her head, his fingers getting used to the new texture of her hair. It was so silky now, he missed the fluffiness from before.
“Me too.” He sighed. “Rest, Kory.”
He was sure she was sleeping when he heard she giggle softly.
“What is it?”
“Your dad is hot.”
“Oh my god, Kory.”
She giggled again and looked up to him.
“You are hotter.”
And then she kissed him. He held her impossibly close, and her hand felt warmer when she cupped his face, not hot as it used to be. But her lips didn’t taste the same either, the taste was somehow stronger, more intoxicating, and as he bite them softly they were even more thicker than he remember or fantasied about, her tongue even more talented.  But he forced himself to breathe before the kiss consumed them both. Kory was acting so weird. He couldn’t. Not like that.
He pulled away avoiding her seeking lips and kissed her forehead.
“Go to sleep Kory, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
She sighed and got more comfortable against him.
Another fluffy piece. It’s my headcanon that the reason why Titans Bruce is like that is because he eloped with Selina and is living his best life lmao. Kory in this story is a bit OOC, I think she is so out of it because all her recent losses that she is trying so hard to feel anything else that’s why she is acting so weird. It was nice to write this one. I hope you enjoyed to read it too, and if you did, let me know.
Likes are awesome but if you want to support me please reblog <3
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afangirlwashere · 6 years
Risk pt.1 (Peter Parker x superhero!reader)
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Summary: (Y/N) starts attending the Midtown School of Science and Technology and her first day does not go so well. How does she deal with the aftermaths of Thanos?
A/N: Okay this is another attempt. The Bucky fanfic is kinda.. not.. doing.. well... But whatever! I had an idea so I put it into words! And it’s here! I just want you all to know that some things are changed a little. The timeline is a bit different! Here’s how: Peter, Ned and Michelle are still sophomores and this whole thing is kinda like - Homecoming happens - Thanos happens almost immediately. Just a little explanation for all of you.
Warnings: INFINITY WAR SPOILERS!!! a little sad (only at the beginning tho), and there’s like one part I’m a little insecure about but I think it’s fine  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
part 2  part 3  part 4
Midtown School of Science and Technology.  Does it sound nice? Not at all. Is it necessary? According to Mr. Stark, it is. (Y/N) just helped saving half of the population and a few days after she has to start attending a new high school. No pressure right? 
New York is amazing though.  Mr. Stark got her an apartment in Queens not too far from Peter’s. He had his reasons to do so. She doesn’t know that yet though. 
(Y/N)’s interaction with Peter was short. She barely knew him.  But she very clearly remembered the fear in his face when she found him in that weird nothingness of... white. Surrounded in this color it looked like the boy was in heaven. 
How uncertain he was if this girl was really even there. If she wasn’t another one of his hallucinations. He was so alone it tortured him almost making him go bonkers. 
She remembered how hesitantly Peter approached her but once he was sure she’s real he threw himself onto her hugging her hips as tight as possible like a little kid that lost his mom in the shop and finally found her.
He was kneeling and embracing her so tightly she almost couldn’t breathe. 
“Don’t leave me here alone, please! Please don’t leave! I don’t want to be alone anymore, please, please...” his cries and sobs seemed to echo in the nothingness. 
Seeing him so desperate and terrified broke (Y/N)’s heart into million pieces. 
Remembering how she kneeled to him and hugged him as tightly as possible filled her with a tiny bit of hope. She’ll get him out of this miserable place. He was still crushing her hips and crying. 
It was only a week since Thanos snapped his ugly purple fingers but it seemed as if time passed differently here. There was nothing to do which must have been eating him alive. 
After a few more minutes of this (Y/N) finally managed to calm Peter down a bit and make him cooperate.  Frying his brain wasn’t particularly the best experience but it was the only way she knew how to bring him back among the living, bring him back to his aunt and Mr. Stark. 
She only saw Peter’s aunt once and it wasn’t the best first encounter. They didn’t interact and (Y/N) was pretty sure the woman didn’t even know she was there.  Mr. Stark on the other hand... He told her about Peter. It hurt him but he still did it. And he was the reason number one when it came to deciding who she’ll try to bring back first.
Hearing him scream in agony was another war sound that’s going to hunt her in her dreams. 
He woke up lying flat on the ground and (Y/N) was leaning over him.
“Hi.” she smiled.
“Are you an angel?” he exhaled with amazement.
That was their whole interaction.  Since then they saw each other only on the battlefield. No time to chit-chat there, unfortunately. 
(Y/N) isn’t even sure if he’s going to be in school today.  She nervously fiddles with the massive ring on her hand which had the letter W on it. A very nice lady welcomes her at the secretariat and gives her some papers. 
The hardest thing to do is finding her locker. She looked for it every break that they got. She considered asking someone if they could help her but for some reason, everyone in the hall seemed so... distant and mean. Their looks were judging or maybe analyzing her.  She even found herself looking for the Parker kid. He would have helped her. 
In the end, she decides to look for her locker at lunch break. Not eating at the time she’s supposed to isn’t something to be happy about though.  The halls are completely empty only a few noises from the cafeteria or the squeaking of boot soles from the gym can be heard.
(Y/N) is going around and checking the numbers. This is the third time she walked around the whole school and still nothing. It’s like her locker disappeared.  She was about to try for the fourth time when a girl with darker skin came out of the cafeteria. Her hair is black and it neatly curls at the ends. She’s very pretty and looks like a nice person in general which is a pleasant change after today. 
But there’s something off about her. The moment she walked out of the cafeteria her expression changed. She looked upset. But she also looked like a senior so she must know this school like the palm of her hand. Well... here goes nothing!
“Hey! Um.. hi! I wanted to ask if you could help with-” the girl interrupts her.
“I’m sorry but I’m kind of in a rush.” she points to the exit but smiles politely. 
“Oh... Okay. I’m new here so I have no clue where to find....stuff.” (Y/N) laughs at herself, hoping the awkwardness will fade away a little. 
“Good luck.” the unknown senior smiles as politely as before. 
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around?” 
The unknown girl whispers “I don’t think so...” and leaves.
Okay... That was strange.
(Y/N) grips the paper with her lockers number tightly and finally decides to eat some lunch. 
Enough locker searching for today. She’ll try again tomorrow with more luck hopefully. 
There’s a girl sitting and leaning against the wall a few meters from the door to the cafeteria. Her hair is in a low ponytail just like (Y/N)’s.  Her lunch tray is next to her meanwhile she draws something in her sketchbook. 
(Y/N) completely understands how this girl feels. 
She gets her lunch just like everyone else. There’s not much left but a cheese sandwich and an apple should be enough. When her eyes land on a small orange juicebox her mood instantly improves. They had the same juice boxes at her old school. Seeing it here sends a painful nostalgy but at the same time, it fills her with happiness. 
When everything is on her lunch tray she heads out of the cafeteria.  There were a few eyes watching her “Where’s the new girl going?” kids from Flash's table start whispering. 
Flash looks around to find who are his friends talking about but he only gets to see her back. 
(Y/N) is relieved to find the girl in the same spot as before. The only difference is that her sketchbook is now closed lying next to her and she’s eating some pasta with vegetable sauce. 
(Y/N) sits next to the girl and puts the tray on her long legs. 
The girl sounds suspicious “Did Flash send you?” 
“Who?” (Y/N) frowns in confusion “No. No one sent me. I’m new here.” 
Her response is a subtle “Oh...”
They’re both silent for a minute. 
“I’m Michelle by the way. But my friends call me MJ.” she introduces herself.
“I’m (Y/N).”
“Are you new in New York? I haven’t seen any students transferring to our school in the middle of the school year.” Michelle asks.
Alright. We trained this. Just don’t panic. Be natural.
“It’s kind of a boarding school deal but... Not really. My parents live in L.A. they work in film. Not that they’re famous or anything they’re both cameramans. We don’t have much time for each other and their way of dealing with it is to send me away.” Lies, lies and more lies. 
Awkward and unclear. Perfect.
Michelle just nods. It looks like she believes her. 
“Is this your first day?”
“Did you have Mr. Conner?” Michelle squints her eyes at (Y/N).
She’s a little lost in all the names of the teachers “Is it the one with the billy-goat beard or the one that smells like eggs?” 
“The one with the beard. The egg smelling one is Mr. Cooper. He makes us call him Steve because his childhood superhero and role model was Captain America. He’s trying to relate to us and be cool but he’s just making a fool out of himself.” Michelle shrugs. 
“Yeah, I had Mr. Conner. He seemed like a great math teacher. His beard is attractive to every girl in my class except me.” (Y/N) gives a little rundown of her thought.
“Great. You passed the test. We can be friends.” MJ nods to herself. 
This brings a smile on (Y/N)’s face. Weird friendship test but as long as she passed it she didn’t mind.
“Hey what were you drawing in that sketchbook?” it’s her time to ask questions. 
MJ isn’t very keen about sharing something with her. 
“Oh come on I answered all your questions. Plus I’m immune to the beard-beauty of Mr. Conner!” she makes MJ laugh a little.
“I just doodle people I see around me,” she says as she hands her the sketchbook. 
There’s a lot of doodles of students and teachers.  Happy, sad, stressed, angry, laughing, sleepy, concentrated. All the emotions you could possibly have in school. They’re there. 
Some of her works are just quick sketches and some look very elaborate.  There are two faces that look familiar to her but she stays silent. She’s not supposed to know anyone from here right? Let’s not put any doubts in MJ’s head. 
There are two pages devoted to superheroes. There’s Mr. Cooper as Captain America in all sorts of different poses.  The other page is devoted to Spider-Man. There are some good drawings of him swinging on his webs but there’s also one where he has the mask pulled off. It reveals a very very very masculine man with sharp cheekbones and longish dirty blonde hair. (Y/N) almost chokes on the juice she’s sipping. She wants to laugh so bad.
Oh wow. So this is what they imagine him to look like. 
The last drawing is a girl with a piece of paper in her hand. She looks very focused on what’s written on it but also.. confused. 
“Is that me?” (Y/N) turns to her new friend.
MJ smirks on the sketch “Yeah I couldn’t help but notice that you’re walking around the school for the third time with that same expression.” she comments. 
“Wow... You really do have a talent.” 
It’s nice to hear some recognition for once “Thanks.” 
For the rest of the lunch break, they talk about different things. School, hobbies or memes.  MJ even gave her her juicebox. (Y/N) is excited that she found a friend she can spend lunch breaks with.
Day two and locker is still not found. 
This time (Y/N) didn’t walk through the whole school building three times but only once because she got so angry when locker B215 wasn’t next to B214 she made all of the trash from the small waste bins fly out.
Michelle sat on the same place as yesterday. She exchanged drawing for reading today. It seems that she’s really into this story.
(Y/N) stands before the cantine and looks at her options. She picks fish fingers and mashed potatoes. They don’t look appealing but they smell good which is hopefully a good sign.  To her delight, there are the same juice boxes as yesterday. 
With all her food and juicebox in place, she happily starts walking to the exit to go sit next to MJ. Before she can get to the doors some guy steps in her way. 
His clothes look starched and expensive. He’s definitely a nerd but the way he walks and holds his head high... A cocky, bigheaded, rich nerd. What a combination. This won’t end well.
“You’re (Y/N) right? You’re new here... I’m Flash Thompson.” he points a finger at her as he’s walking closer.
(Y/N) shifts her weight from foot to foot and waits for what’s going to happen.
“Look, you can sit at my table. You don’t have to be friends with losers that eat in the hallway. I can find a spot at my table for you. And maybe if you even ask nicely it can be right next to me.” Flash smirks.
All of a sudden (Y/N) isn’t as hungry as she thought. Her stomach is doing flips because of how disgusted she feels by that guy. Who the hell does he think he is to try and tell her where to sit?
“It’s fine. MJ gives me her juice boxes and draws me porn. I think I’m okay with her.” (Y/N) walks past him but Flash has the audacity to start speaking again and even catch her arm. 
“There was enough charity yesterday. A lot of people would give anything for the chance I’m giving you right now.” 
(Y/N) starts seeing red. She feels her powers slipping out of her control. Her blood is boiling.
Why does this Flash guy act like he’s giving her the opportunity of a lifetime? 
“Touch me one more time and I’ll break both your hands.” (Y/N) growls silently but pretty much everyone could hear because the cafeteria was drowning in silence. 
Everyone is watching them.
Out of nowhere, a familiar boy runs to them. 
It’s Peter Parker. 
“Woah woah guys let’s calm down before someone overthrows the water tank.” he makes unsubtle eye contact with the girl whos still surprised by his presence. 
“Bugger off Parker.” Flash wawes at him as if he was an annoying fly. 
(Y/N) finally turns around and walks out of the cafeteria not looking back. 
“What took you so long?” Michelle doesn’t look like she cares at all but there’s that something in her tone of voice which tells otherwise. 
“Some Flash guy was forcing me to sit at his privileged table,” she explains.
MJ starts to falsely choke which makes her new friend laugh.
The doors to the cafeteria open again. Both girls quickly redirect their attention to whoever wants to mock them again.
Peter’s standing there with another guy who’s shyly looking at the floor.
(Y/N) almost unnoticeably shakes her head to stop him. The further they stay away from each other the better. No one will even think they could have anything in common. The less attention the better. If someone reveals their superhero identities it’s over. 
Peter swiftly walks over to them and sits down right next to (Y/N). His friend follows. 
“What are you doing here?” (Y/N) asks as calmly as possible. 
“Well... I heard this is the place where losers eat. That’s exactly where we belong so we're here. And MJ is our friend too so if she sits in the hall we sit there too.” Peter announces with a proud smile waiting for Michelle's reaction.
She just shrugs “I don’t care do whatever you want.” 
Peter looks reconciled with his friend's behavior. 
“Oh by the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Peter Parker and that’s Ned Leeds.” he points at his friend who smiles a bit and nods but then continues to shyly look at the floor. 
“(Y/N)” she nods at them too .
Her and Peter exchange a look that says Well played.
They have to make it believable. 
“Miss Jones?” an unknown teacher walks around the corner “Kids why aren’t you sitting at a table in the cafeteria like the others?” he looks surprised. 
None of them answer until MJ takes it in her hands “Because we’re losers...” 
The teacher just stands there for a second and looks at them and they look back at him. He obviously doesn’t know how to respond to this. 
“Um.. Well.. Miss Jones can you come with me for a second I need to speak with you.” 
Michelle slowly gets up looking annoyed and disappears around the corner. 
The moment she’s gone Peter starts screaming in an undertone “What was that supposed to be?! What are you doing here?! Mr. Stark didn’t tell me about this and I thought you were going bac-”
“Woah woah can you calm down a bit? We still have company here.” (Y/N) looks directly at Peter’s friend who looks like he’s watching his favorite tv show and he’s on the edge to see what happens next. 
“What? Ned? He knows about everything.” 
“What?!!” (Y/N) shouts. 
“You don’t have to worry I won’t tell anyone. I’m like a locked vault.” Ned tries to reassure her. 
“Apart from that one time in gym class right...?” Peter frowns at his friend.
Ned looks ashamed. He backs off as if he wanted to disappear. 
“So he knows about everything that happened? He knows about me?” she asks.
“Yep. He knows everything.” Peter nods.
“Absolutely everything?” 
“Absolutely everything.” 
“Great.” (Y/N) rests against the wall again and closes her eyes to calm herself. 
Closing her eyes doesn’t really help because all she sees is that white nothingness with a terrified Peter in the middle. Talk about trauma. 
“You have to learn to control your powers my soda almost jumped out of the can.” Peter worries.
“You think it’s that easy? My powers aren’t controllable like yours. They’re like a ticking bomb!” she tries to explain.
“Why did Mr. Stark send you here then?”
(Y/N) lets out a sigh “He said I’ll have reasons to control it here. It’s supposed to be motivation. It’ll either work or end in a catastrophe.” she starts slurping her juice. 
Peter is nervously tapping his fingers on the food tray “Yeah that sounds like Mr. Stark.” 
He’s thinking how he could solve this situation. How to minimalize the risks?
Tag list: @royalestrellas
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woozibby · 7 years
Mr Detective; 2
- Mr Detective
- SVT X BTS AU ( X FEM Reader)
- Chapters will be posted every Monday
- Contains death, bad language, murder, kidnapping, bodily harm.
intro | 1 | 2 | 3 |
I was the first person in the office. The only person who seemed to be around was DK, and even though it was so early, it was like he had all the energy of the world.
I placed the tray of coffees I had brought onto Namjoon's desk and sat down in the chair next to it.
Pulling out my notebook, I flipped to the page that had little notes and doodles about how the place looked. Going back to writing notes, it wasn't long before the door opened and Wonwoo appeared.
"Morning" I smile, pointing to the coffees. "I brought you guys some coffee"
Wonwoo smiles, picking up the one with his name on. He took a sip and his smile beamed.
"My favourite! How did you know?" Giggling to myself, I shrug.
"Oh nothing, I just guessed" Actually, I asked DK when I left yesterday.
"That's awesome! Thanks (Y/N)!"
"That's okay"
Wonwoo went and sat down at his desk, placing some of his things on the table, and turning on his computer. I make a face to myself, trying to decide if I should ask him some questions before I can even move I hear a chuckle escape him.
"What do you want to ask?" I look at him, and he has one eyebrow raised and is sending me a smile.
"You have that look on your face"
"What look?"
"Like you want to ask questions" A smile and laugh awkwardly, nodding slightly.
"Yeah I do actually"
"Well," Wonwoo starts, patting on the chair next to his desk. "What do you want to ask?"
I smile wide, and quickly change seats, so I was now sitting next to Wonwoo. I flick to a clean page in my notebook and click my pen.
"So, how do you feel about working here?" I see Wonwoo make a face to himself, as he racks through his brain about how to answer.
"I love it, I love being there for people and helping" Wonwoo starts, "But I also love being able to put away the bad people and proving the innocent as innocent" I nod as he talks, noting down what he's saying, a small smile appearing on my lips.
"Are there any times you regret becoming a detective?" Wonwoo nods straight away.
"There are always times you think to yourself and you're like why this? Out of everything out there, why did you pick this? I get that sometimes, I get worried something will happen and I won't be able to the people I love most again" Wonwoo sighs, his face sinking into a frown. "Not being able to see the person I love ever again is what terrifies me the most in life"
"Who do you love?" I ask Wonwoo starts to smile again.
"My boyfriend" Wonwoo nods, and my smile widens.
"Tell me about him" I close my notebook, and place it on his desk so I could listen to his better and focus on him.
"He's 21, he wants to own a restaurant" He laughs, "We meet a few years ago through friends, and just instantly connected, we've been together for about a year"
"That's adorable!" I giggle, smiling like an idiot. Wonwoo laughs too, a pink blush on his cheeks.
"Are you with anyone?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"Me? No" I laugh. "I'm too awkward for that"
"Or you just haven't found the right person yet?" Wonwoo questions, and I shrug. "Or you're too focused on your studies"
"That too"
"Have you been in a relationship?" I nod, my smile dropping.
"Yeah, back when I started uni" I laugh, shaking my head.
"Something bad happened?"
"I feel like bad would be an understatement, but maybe that's just me overreacting"
"What happened?"
"We were together from about the end of high school, to around the end of the first year of uni, so just about over a year" I started, I started to fiddle with the ring on my finger, to keep me distracted- or occupied, whatever you wanted to phrase it. "And once uni started, I got focused on my work and I wasn't the party type either so I wouldn't go to parties, so we started to drift which wasn't surprising to be honest because we were totally two different people with two completely different sources of interest..." I blabbered on, making Wonwoo send me a look.
"You're babbling" I let out a sigh, nodding.
"I know"
"Well," Wonwoo said in a soft voice, "What happened"
"He started cheating on me, even with people I was closest with because to him, I wasn't being a good girlfriend and being giving enough so he had a 'valid reason' to cheat on me" I scoff, blinking rapidly. "So I decided to focus more on my studies, and to make sure I could do whatever I needed to let my dreams come true" I looked to Wonwoo, and he's frowning. I let out a breath, shook my head and forced a smile. "And now I'm here, I'm on my final year and I get to be on placement with a bunch of awesome detectives, and the other one" I laugh, and Wonwoo starts to smile.
"Well, first off, that guy sounds like an asshole and I'm sure you won't ever be a bad girlfriend, especially if you're so focused on your dream"
"Thank you"
"its okay" I let out another sigh, before looking at Wonwoo and changing my mood completely, so I didn't seem like I was feeling down.
"What do you thinks going to happen today?"
"To be honest, anything, I can't describe how unpredictable it is here"
"Is everything really that hectic here?" Wonwoo nods.
"Life of a detective and the station, you never know what's going to happen" Laughing, Wonwoo types in his password for his computer, and the screen turns into a photo of Wonwoo and his boyfriend smiling happily at the camera. "It's an adventure every day"
The room soon turns to silence, not a silence where it was awkward or uncomfortable, but a silence where it was nice, and it was understanding. I felt like I had grown a lot closer to Wonwoo even though I hadn't known him very long. I felt like I was going to grow close to everyone here in some way, even if they –he- didn't want to.
After a while, the other detectives started to arrive; first Namjoon, his hair seems to be still in a mess from waking up, but his best dress shirt and trousers were on, and his badge was again on his hip.
"Morning Namjoon"
"Morning (Y/N), Wonwoo," He noticed the coffee and looked between us. "Coffee?"
"(Y/N) brought them!" Wonwoo smiled, sipping again at his. "She even guessed our favourites"
Namjoon picked his up, sipped at it and hummed in gratefulness and sat down at his desk.
"Just what the doctor ordered so early in the morning, thank you (Y/N)" I smiled, as Namjoon met it.
"It's fine, it's the least I could do" I made a realisation that by the time, Namjoon had arrived, the coffees may have gotten colder. "Oh, sorry if they've gone a bit cold, I was here a bit early"
"It's okay (Y/N), they're still a perfect temperature"
"When do you think Yoongi and Seungcheol will get here?" I ask, and Namjoon shrugs.
"Yoongi should get here soon, whereas Seungcheol, he'll get here anytime between now and ten o'clock"
"Why does he get here so late?" I ask, generally intrigued.
"Oh, he just has some stuff to do before coming in, so it's okay" I nod and make a face to myself.
"I'm going to go get a drink for myself, but I'll be back soon"
"Okay, be careful" Wonwoo smiles, and I smile back.
"I will be, you guys want or need anything?"
"No, we're okay here" Namjoon replies. I nod and take my purse from out of my bag and head to the door.
"I'll be back soon"
I heard their replies and closed the door behind me. I make my way down the hallways and smile at DK once I get to the front desk.
"Hello Dokyeom" His smile is still beaming, and he's sitting with his laptop in front of him behind the desk.
"(Y/N)! Hello!"
"I'm going out to get a drink, do you want anything?" DK's smile somehow brightens even more and he nods.
"If you don't mind, can I have a drink please?"
"Yeah, that's fine, any certain thing you want?"
"Can I just have a soda please" I nod, and raise a thumbs up.
"Okay! I'll be back soon!"
"Be safe!"
Giggling to myself, I exit the building and raise an eyebrow when I see Seungcheol get out what seems to be his car, along with a boy who seemed a bit younger than myself. The way Seungcheol was smiling was something I had never seen before, he looked different to how he looked inside, how he looked as detective Choi Seungcheol. The boy smiled, before hugging Seungcheol and walked off to the direction of where the nearest school was located.
I take a breath, hiding my face, and changing my course quickly so Seungcheol were to not notice me. I look between my fingers and see him shaking his head slightly. Did he notice me? I had no idea, and I really didn't want to know, he already hated me enough, I sure didn't need him to have more reasons to.
Without looking back, I made my way to shop and bought what I needed to buy.
I bought a drink for me, a drink for DK, and I know Namjoon said they were fine, but I still bought them all little snacks and a drink for later so they wouldn't forget to eat when they were working so hard.
Paying for everything, and putting them in a bag, I headed back to the station, wondering if anything had happened in the time I was gone.
When I did arrive back, after giving DK his drink, the only other person to arrive while I was gone was Detective Sleepy, aka, Min Yoongi.
His coffee was on his desk, and his head on resting on his arms like usual.
"Hello, I'm back" I giggled, and both Namjoon and Wonwoo smiled.
I clicked my finger, and pointed to Yoongi and directed a question to the two other men.
"Sleeping?" All they did was a nod in reply. "I don't know why I asked" I laughed, and sat back down in the chair next to Wonwoo's desk. Placing the paper bag in my lap, I started to fish everything out.
"Now I know you guys said you didn't need anything, but I wanted to get something just in case you guys got too busy later" I placed four drinks, and four cartons of food onto the desk. "Now, I'm not sure what you guys liked so I picked a bunch of stuff and you can pick what you want to eat"
I heard Namjoon click his tongue, and come over and stand behind me, resting his hand on the back of the chair.
"Honestly, you spoil us" I laugh in response, and shake my head.
"It's okay honestly" I take my own drink from out of the bag and open it, taking a large gulp. "Now this will always be the best drink ever made," I say to myself, and Namjoon moves so he could see the can in my hand.
"Strawberry milk?"
"A gift given to us by the gods, the milk gods" Suddenly, a chuckle comes from Yoongi's corner of the room and we turn to see his head up off of his arms, and he's looking at us from above his computer screen.
"You're really something special you know that?" I laugh too.
"I know that, and thank you"
"Thank you for the coffee too, by the way, my favourite kind"
"I'm glad you like it" I smile at him, and he returns it.
"I love it" I continue to smile to myself, and Yoongi speaks up again. "I heard Wonwoo say you guessed our favourite types of coffee" I go to speak but get cut off before I can even start.
"She didn't guess, she asked DK about them last night" Seungcheol appears from the doorway, avoiding all eye contact with me, and sitting down at his desk.
"Did you really ask DK?" Namjoon asks, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I wanted to do something nice for you guys" I explain, shrugging slightly. "Sorry if you thought it was weird"
"It was weird" Seungcheol replies, his eyes focused on his computer.
"We didn't think it was weird," Namjoon says, sending a glare to Seungcheol, "Thank you for even considering getting us coffee in the morning" I smile sheepishly.
"It's okay"
The room soon turned to silence again, but not like last time, this time since Seungcheol was in the room it was different like there was an edge. I knew he didn't like me, like reporters, but this was just unnecessary, all I tried to do was be kind to them, and all he thought it was, was weird.
"Well we have a lot of work to do today," Namjoon says breaking the silence. "So let's get to it"
 I sent a glare to Seungcheol's desk, as I was standing next to Namjoon. I hear him chuckle, and he turns to me, a coffee cup in hand.
"Nothing going to help by just standing there and glaring"
"Maybe if I concentrate enough his head will explode," I say, keeping my gaze on Seungcheol's desk.
"This isn't Star Wars-..."
"Star Trek" Namjoon sighs.
"Whatever, either way, nothing will get better by just standing here and trying to make his head explode with your mind"
"When you said he was a handful you weren't lying"
"I did warn you"
"I don't know what I expected, I should have seen it coming" I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.
"He'll warm up to you eventually..." Namjoons sighs "...hopefully,"
"I don't think you could warm him up if you lit his ass on fire" Yoongi appears beside me.
"Then what can I do to actually make him acknowledge me?" I ask, not really aiming the question at anyone.
"Not be a reporter?" Yoongi suggests.
"I'm not a reporter!"
"Are you sure about that?" Seungcheol suddenly butts in, looking over to us from just above his computer screen. "You're here to learn to be a reporter and how to not give the truth, whatever gets the views" his face shows no emotions, I cross my arms over my chest, as I feel my blood start to boil.
"I am here on placement to learn about how people act in a workplace and how I can write about it"
"Basically the same thing," Seungcheol rolls his eyes, and sends me a glare. "but you want to be a reporter right?"
"Why are you so stubborn?!"
"I'm not stubborn, I just know the facts!" I scoff a laugh and return his glare.
"Oh, you know the facts?" I fake laughter. "Hilarious"
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Moving between three departments in two months because of bad behaviour towards reporters?" I continue to fake laughter, but my glare instantly snaps back. "You're so great at the facts and how to act towards people, just brilliant" I roll my eyes and speak sarcastically.
"How did you know about all that?!"
"I do what 'reporters'..." I finger quote the word reporters, "do best, research"
"You're unbelievable" Seungcheol shakes his head, as he clicks his tongue.
"Oh, I'm unbelievable?"
"You are!" Seungcheol yells, and I roll my eyes.
"Believe what you want"
Before Seungcheol can go to talk again, Namjoon cuts in. This is the first time I've ever heard him yell.
"Goddamn! That's enough!" His face looked completely different to how it normally looked, His bright and caring smile replaced with annoyance and rage. "I don't care if you guys don't like each other, you're working together end of story!"
"I never said I didn't like him!" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. "It pisses me off he treats me like I'm nothing"
Namjoon sends a look to Seungcheol, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Seungcheol..." Namjoon hisses and Seungcheol lets out a puff of annoyance.
"Fine, I'll work with you, but it doesn't mean I like you nor do I like that you're a reporter" Seungcheol mutters, keeping his eyes away from any of us.
"But-..." Namjoon cuts me off with a look, letting out a sigh, I nod. "Okay, that's fine"
"Let's all work nicely together because next time I won't be so nice about it" Namjoon glances between us, raising an eyebrow, almost like he was daring us to try and do or say something.
I just nod in response. I felt like my voice had disappeared, and that I couldn't utter a word.
"I have to go do something," Seungcheol told Namjoon, and he nodded quickly.
"Be back straight after"
"Okay" With that final word, Seungcheol left the room and disappeared for a while.
I didn't move for a moment or two, unsure of what to do or where to go. Namjoon sighed, placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me.
"I'm sorry if I frightened you" I shook my head, finally looking up at him.
"You didn't frighten me, I'll admit it was sudden, but it didn't frighten me"
"Okay" Namjoon nodded, moving his hand he pointed to Seungcheol's desk. "You should probably sit next to his desk, it'll get easier soon"
"I will"
"You just gotta power through it, he'll warm up to you eventually trust me" I look to Namjoon, and tilt my head slightly.
"How are you so sure he will?"
"Because I know what Seungcheol's like, yes he's a bit stubborn and hard-headed, but he'll come to his senses" Namjoon explains, he moved his arms out to his sides, showing the room. "It took him a while to get used to being here, but he warmed up to it, so he'll warm up to you as well"
A small smile appeared on my face, as I nod. Grateful to Namjoon, even though I hadn't known him long, he always knew what to say to cheer me up- maybe that was because of his role as a detective, to make grieving families happier again, to make them not as sad and to tell them everything was going to be okay.
"Okay, thank you Namjoon"
"Anytime (Y/N), anytime"
"Why are you doing this?" The tears collected in her eyes. She was struggling at the rope that bound her wrists to the chair. "Why me?" Her breath sharpened as he took a step from out of the darkness.
The smirk she has seen when she first woke up in the strange place, was still present on his face.
His knees clicked as he bent down in front of her. He let out a soft sigh, and brought up his hand, brushing his fingers through her hair, picking up some that had stuck to her forehead as she sat in fear.
"Because you'll be my next project"
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vernalagnia-blog · 7 years
[Fanfiction] Thank You
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Slightly Canon Divergence: Do Bong Soon x Ahn Min Hyuk
In this universe, Bong Soon doesn’t work at Ainsoft as game developer because I want to keep their cute relationship free of unprofessional boss-employee trope. And there is no crazy murder kidnapping sub-plot either. Just pure fluffy stuff.
Taking off the watch, Ahn Min Hyuk signs. He debates the idea of working out a sweat and then sleep like a log but decides to hold back until he completes the regression testing of the latest game. The last batch of added new features are going well but he wants to make sure that the established features don’t catch any bug as well.
They are only a week away from the launch of a new game and everyone is in frenzy. He made sure that the cafeteria is open 24/7 and convert two other board rooms into secured napping areas for female employees apart from the usual sleeping corner. But all the catering efforts can’t erase a harsh truth of the gaming industry: his staffs are slowly becoming walking cross-bred between panda and zombie.
So he told everyone to go home today and leave a small team who has not pulled all-nighter stay behind for emergency calls.
He also needs a break from all the office buzz.
Flipping out the cellphone, he is about to set alarm clock for 10:15pm, hoping to catch a short nap before seeing a new message from Bong Soon. His heart swelled at the flashing bright yellow icon but soon flops at the two-sentence message:
“I will stay with grandma for two more nights. I will call you when I get back.”
“Is everything alright? Should I come and pick you up?”
“I know it’s summer but keep warm, don’t sleep in your sleeve-less shirt”
“Send grandma my hello. I will come visit her next week”
Sleep tight Bong Bong!
<3 <3 <3
Looking at the three fluttering heart icons, Min Hyuk lets out another sign. He misses her, really really misses her. He wants to hear her calling him Minmin, wants to see her, hug her and kiss her. But seeing how the messages are unread, she probably deserts the phone somewhere. And he doesn’t want to interrupt her quality time with grandma either. She only gets to see her a few times a year. Not to mention, grandma is sick. Bong Soon could be sick too. And he feels anxious about the possibility.
Tossing the phone on the nearby table, he goes for a shower, hoping to get rid of the murky feeling.
The regression test doesn’t go well.
At 2am, strained eyes and dampened spirit, Min Hyuk decides on a kitchen break and makes a cup of tea.
It is in times like this that makes him want to call Bong Soon just to hear her voice. But it’s too late into the night. The messages remain unread and it makes him a little lonely.
She’s only been away for three days and he feels like three months have passed.
It’s crazy to think how fast they have gone from being just two complete strangers to a couple in matter of months. No, deletes that statement, they were not completely strangers. He has known her for years. He has kept her in his heart since that Sunday morning, building her an altar and worshiping her devotedly as one would to a savior. He has looked for her traces in any girl in pink but she remains elusive. Just when he resigned to the idea that she was just a creation of his panic mind, Bong Soon stormed in and upended his life.
Sipping tea in front of the closet’s painting, Min Hyuk thinks of wonder and traces the contour of the canvas girl’s hidden face, making a mental note of calling Bong Soon first thing in the morning.
That is when his fingers brush past something plastic. It’s transparent and were put in places which are not very noticeable at the first glance. On a closer look, there are many of them dotting the painting and uncannily resemble sticky notes.
Picking one up for a better look, Min Hyuk realize it’s Bong Soon’s writing. The one he’s holding reads: “Minmin, don’t stay up too late” decorated with a cute drawing of a stick figure snoring out a string of Z letters in descendent size. That one draws a chuckle out of him.
Another draws a big bowl of steaming rice in the middle with a single line “you promise three meals a day” with a pouty face to accentuate the mood. He actually laughs out loud reading the note and feels a bit guilty all at once. He didn’t remember what he had for the last meal or when that last meal happens to be honest. The last few days were hectic and without her around, food doesn’t seem to taste anything.
One note is a reminder of him taking a break whenever the stabbing scar aches. It’s followed by a smaller line saying “I’m sorry.” His smile fades at the line but his eyes are warm. He has an overwhelming urge to drive all the way to Busan to hold and tell her that’s his decision, for his selfish wish of keeping her out of danger, his and his alone. It’s not her fault. And hope to kiss away her misplaced guilt. Oh, how he wishes to kiss her now.
There are quite a few of them sticking here and there. Some are just silly doodles. Some are tips for relaxing neck and shoulder muscle or how to make home-made eye patch. He smiles, laughs and feels warm inside. The unfinished tea has grown cold but Min Hyuk doesn’t notice.
2pm. Shit. He overslept.
Checking the phone, he saw one message from Secretary Gong assuring that they have received his notes on the regression test results and the development team are working on the issues. They will let him know asap if anything happens. It came in at 9am so work seems to be fine.
Stretching arms, he debates whether he should go to the office at this point but rationalize his choice to stay home as a testament of his amazing leadership skill. If everything can go smoothly without him, doesn’t it show how well he has trained the staff?
Messages to Bong Soon were marked as read but there is no reply. But strangely it doesn’t bother him as much. Maybe he should take this day off to visit grandma, and Bong Soon. Her transparent notes are laid neatly on his bedside table. He took picture of all of them last night and now they will be with him all day wherever he is.
Feeling excited over the idea of getting to Busan, he strolled into the kitchen to get water and almost chokes when Bong Soon chirpily greets him:
-          Good afternoon sleepy head! I’m back!
Apparently Bong Soon is unfazed by his dramatic antic of dripping off water and goes on her monologue as usual:
-          Grandma is getting better so she told me to go home. “A measly cold won’t kill me,” yeah, right, as if it’s not the reason she wasn’t able to get out of bed for three days. But Dad’s cold remedy and Bong Gi’s prescription seem to be working so she is up and around this morning. Gyeong Shim said she would come over to look after her tonight so that’s why I come back. Mom made so much side dishes, I brought some for you. I bet you haven’t eaten any since forever so should we have ‘linner’?
-          Well, hello beautiful stranger, and I believe you mean ‘dinner’? 
A shocked but very awake Min Hyuk lightly teases the cheerful woman unpacking several little containers at his kitchen table
-          Well, dear sleepy stranger, I think ‘linner’ is the correct term. Remember ‘brunch’? What time do you think it is?
-          You haven’t had lunch?
-          Yeah, dad normally eats in shop, Bong Gi is at hospital as always, and mum is off to share the dishes with the neighborhood ladies. I don’t want to eat alone and plus…
Her voice trails off and she seems to be suddenly engrossed in knowing how many containers there are. Min Hyuk is dying to know what comes after her “plus” but they can come back to this “plus” after the meal, when she is well fed, less blushed and more comfortable. They have all the time of the world.
-          Give me two minutes to wash up. Come right back.
He winks at her and skips to the bathroom.
Their ‘linner’ goes on well. Bong Soon told him about grandma and he fills her in about the regression test. They argues a bit over whether it’s time to pull out the Korean flag chopstick and Bong Soon doesn’t look convinced when he said it’s actually an interior design highlight. But he doesn’t lie when he said it’s endearing to him.
They ends up spending the afternoon lounging and absentmindedly watching tv. Head on her lap, he told her of the upcoming launch of the new game. It never fails to excite Bong Soon.
-          Next week! Yay, I can’t wait to play it!
-          And I can’t wait to not worry about it
-          Aw, sleepy head, you will be worry-free soon, but I must admit, your workaholic self is sexier than your usual carefree CEO image.
He loves how her tease mixed with relaxing smile. In his signature move of pretending to be scandalized aka. hand-over-mouth, Min Hyuk signs exaggeratedly:
-          Well, so no future break for me then. Who knows courting would be this demanding?
Bong Soon’s light kiss on his forehead feels ticklish.
-          Don’t push yourself too hard. You have a one-week-of-working-per-month reputation to uphold
He chuckles lightly and leave a perk on her hand.
-          Thanks for the notes by the way. They are awesome!
She quickly realizes what he refers to and smiles shyly.
-          Oh that, so you found them
-          Though the hiding place is quite unique
-          Isn’t her me?
-          That’s why you leave them there?
-          I’m taking care of grandma so I can’t check the phone frequently. And I know you tend to…watch her…a lot…so I left the notes there just in case I can’t reply your messages right away.
-          Thank you
-          It’s nothing…do you like it?
-          I like you
-          Come on, you know what I mean
-          I like you
-          You’re messing with me
-          I love you
The last sentence seems to make her blush more than usual. His strong woman, his love, his friend, his everything blushes when he says he loves her. Min Hyuk feels ecstatic. Her accepting silence emboldens him.
-          I love you, love the fact that you appears in my life, love that I can protect you, and love that we are together, right now and forever
-          Now you’re just cheesy
Bong Soon laughs lovingly.
-          But what’s up with the stick figure? I don’t think I’m that skinny…or maybe I am. Time to get back to the weight bench. I have to tell you, I’m not a weight-lifting kind of guy, not really my style, I’m more treadmill type of guy, elegant and smooth…but you insist…
-          I missed you, for the past three days.
-          ...
-          I miss you a lot it’s ridiculous. I miss you. I love you.
He can feel her hand in his is getting warmer. Min Hyuk doesn’t look up but he knows she is blushing. They’re both ridiculous, in love, and deliriously happy. And he doesn’t want it any other way. Putting her hand over his wildly beating heart, he mutters softly:
-          Thank you, for loving me.
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scripturiently · 7 years
i needed a break from writing papers so i wrote some one shot about princess rover. i miss them and was in a huge mood to write something insanely fluffy. prompt is from @wlwprompts “person A is drunk and decides to randomly call that cute girl from biology class to tell her she’s pretty”
enjoy :)
Amberle Elessedil is insanely pretty. Eretria hates her.
‘Hates a strong word’ she can hear Wil say when she sits next to her in the bio lecture. It’s nine in the morning and she’d much rather be sleeping in. Amberle’s soft face makes it worthwhile, she supposes. They don’t really talk throughout that first day of lecture, mainly because Amberle is really absorbed into what the professor is saying and Eretria is on her phone the entire time.
They don’t continue to talk for the first week of lectures either. It isn’t until Eretria comes in late that second week that Amberle says something to her.
“Why do you come to lecture if you never pay attention?” It’s bitchy and pious sounding and Eretria just scoffs.
“Why do you care?” She retorts back and Amberle sends her a little glare that makes her heart jump a little. They stare one another down for a good minute before someone behind them coughs and Amberle’s back to her notes. Eretria pulls out a notebook and just doodles.
She does try to listen to the lecture a little better after that.
The first test comes after about three weeks of lectures. Eretria groans at the professor’s announcement that it’ll be the next class and Amberle just rolls her eyes at her. They leave together and that’s when Eretria decides that maybe the nerdy bio girl can help her study.
She may also just want an excuse to spend time with Amberle out of class. Not that she’ll admit anything. “Hey, princess,” she grabs at Amberle’s arm before they’re separated, “wait up.”
Amberle jerks her arm away and turns around, crossing her arms. “What?”
“Tutor me?” Eretria means for it to come off flirty, raising her eyebrows a little. She notices that Amberle is slightly taller than her and almost pouts. What the hell.
Amberle’s cheeks go pink but she scowls at the other girl. “Why?”
“Because you obviously enjoy this nerd shit and I can’t afford to not pass class.” Eretria shoulders her backpack.
“Well, maybe you should pay attention in lectures more often.” Amberle walks away without another word and Eretria’s never really been rejected before so she just stands there dumbfounded for a couple minutes.
She’s trying to study with Wil when Amberle Facebook messages her. They aren’t friends, but somehow Amberle has found Eretria online and has reached out to her. It makes Eretria grin like an idiot for a moment until she remembers their previous conversation.
She opens the messages regardless. Amberle’s sent her a photo of her notes with the caption I was a bitch earlier, I shouldn’t stop you from passing the class. Here.
Eretria immediately saves the photos and scrolls through them. Later that night she messages back I owe you one, princess.
Amberle friends her on Facebook an hour later.
Miraculously Eretria passes the test and Amberle’s the first to know but only because their results are handed out in lecture and Amberle’s nosy. They talk more after that and okay Eretria maybe starts paying attention and taking notes.
She comes in hungover during the fifth week of classes. Amberle actually physically makes a noise in disgust. “You could have at least showered, gods.”
“Fuck you, Elessedil.” Eretria’s not in the mood. She puts her hood up and tries to sleep. Amberle mutters you wish and Eretria’s kind of thankful she’s got her head buried in her arms.
She arrives hungover every Friday after that and soon Amberle just starts accepting it.
They get lunch together about six weeks in, on a Wednesday. It’s accidental really, Eretria’s just stumbled upon Amberle’s little safe spot on campus.
“Are you stalking me now?” Amberle jokes, putting down her fork. Eretria laughs, smiling.
“Nah. You’re the one stalking me, princess.” she sits across from her and Amberle doesn’t complain. Just warns Eretria not to start making her regret allowing her to hang out with her outside of class.
They exchange numbers at some point, especially since Amberle only responds to Facebook messages when she’s on her computer, which is rare. It makes setting up study sessions easier. Eretria hates and loves the study time together. For one, she’s around Amberle more. For another, she’s starting to realize she’s crushing hard on the nerdy bio girl and she knows she’s setting herself up to get hurt.
But she tells herself to let it be. At least she has some time with Amberle before the semester ends, the class ends, and they’re going their separate ways.
She learns that Amberle has shit taste in music. Mostly mainstream sad songs and hipster bullshit. She learns that Amberle wears a pomegranate smelling perfume and she suddenly can’t get enough of that smell. Amberle’s her year, she’s studying marketing and communications, with a minor in science. She makes Eretria laugh at the stupidest shit, even when Eretria doesn’t get it as well as she could because it’s a science joke. She lives with her grandfather, who is a professor here, she constantly drinks coffee and watches dumb romance comedies on her free time. She’s smart, drives a rather old looking mustang, and is really pretty.
Eretria’s so fucked.
Eretria’s about five shots of fireball and some good awful sweet rum when Wil dares her to call Amberle.
And of course Eretria does. Of fucking course. She’s used to getting drunk but that doesn’t mean the no self control while drunk ever gets better. She shoves her phone into Wil’s face and he starts laughing, leaning against the counter and scrolling through her contacts till he finds Amberle’s number *’really, you put emojis next to her name?’ ‘shut up Ohmsford’* and hands it back to her when he hits the dial button.
“Get some, ‘Tria.” Wil teases and Eretria grins wickedly back at him before stumbling out of the frat house to get some fresh air.
Amberle picks up on the third ring, voice sleepy. ”Hello?”
At first, Eretria chickens out. She freezes, realizing as she’s starting to sober up in the outside air that this is a stupid idea but then Amberle says her name in the sweetest voice, asking if she’s alright, and Eretria just says it. “You’re really pretty.”
She’s drunk, but she knows she’s not imagining the little gasp Amberle takes on the other end of the phone. She smirks. “You gonna do anything about that?”
Amerble’s silent for a while, contemplating. Then there’s the rustle of sheets and the click of a light being turned on. “Yeah, I am. Where are you?”
Damn, okay. “You serious, princess?”
“Oh don’t get too excited, I’m picking your drunk ass up so you don’t hurt yourself. Wil obviously can’t take care of you,” Amberle says quickly, voice a little breathless but laced with annoyance. Eretria sighs.
“You ruin all the fun.”
“You just hit on me.”
“Touche,” Eretria hums, sitting down in the grass. She can feel the headache coming on now, her mouth getting dry. “I’m at Pykon. You know that one, right?”
There’s the clattering of keys being picked up from a ceramic bowl. “I’ll be there in fifteen, just hang tight.” Amberle promises and Eretria feels a rush of relief.
“I owe you, princess.”
“You’re always owing me.” Well, that’s true.
“Yeah, shut up.” Neither hang up immediately, even as Amberle’s car is started up and the seatbelt notification dings. It’s quiet, the only sound of them breathing. Finally, “I’m hanging up now,” Eretria concedes.
“Hang tight,” Amberle repeats.
Eretria ignores the swell in her heart, the rush of heat to her cheeks. She just hangs up, jabbing the end call button faster than humanly possible.
Amberle is thirteen minutes, not fifteen. Eretria has long since gone back inside to retrieve her leather jacket and let Wil know she’s leaving. When he asks who with, she doesn’t give him the pleasure of knowing, just shrugs and winks at him before heading out. Amberle is on her phone, scrolling through her music playlist and switching songs as Eretria clambers inside the passenger seat. “Hey,” Eretria starts, nonchalant.
“Hi.” Amberle’s voice is soft, like the music reverberating through the car. She hands Eretria a plastic water bottle. “Drink.”
Eretria scrunches her nose up. “I’m fine, princess.”
“Your voice is scratchy and I’ve seen you hungover in class one too many times to know you can’t take care of yourself when you’re drinking,” Amberle retorts, uncapping the bottle and handing it over. Eretria takes it, letting their fingers slip against one another’s for a brief moment. “Are you hungry?” Amberle asks.
Eretria shrugs. “Not right now.”
Regardless, Amberle drives to the shitty burger joint on campus and orders two burgers and a shake to share. “It’s mostly for me though, since you’ve fucked up my sleeping schedule tonight anyways.”
Eretria feels bad for a moment. It is midterms. But it’s Friday night and when Amberle takes them to a little hill near the football stadium, she starts to feel a little less bad and maybe a little bit more hopeful.
They sit on the hill munching on the greasy burgers in silence. Amberle’s still playing that hipster crap that Eretria can’t stand until now. Amberle’s leaning back on her hands, humming and looking up at the sky.
Eretria’s sort of ditched the burger, eyes glued to Amberle. She’s wearing a soft gray Arborlon U sweater and leggings, sneakers long ditched to run her toes through the grass. Her brown hair is in a braid, leaving her neck more exposed than usual. Eretria selfishly thinks about marking her neck for a moment, but it leaves quickly. She blames the buzzed state she’s now in.
“Wil texted you,” Amberle hums when Eretria’s phone buzzes between them. Eretria grabs the phone and shoves it into her back pocket.
“He’s probably just asking if I’ve gotten laid yet,” she jokes but it doesn’t stop the lump forming in her throat. Amberle laughs.
“So did he dare you to prank call me?”
“Not really,” Eretria mutters, picking at the grass. Amberle turns her head, eyebrows furrowed. Eretria quickly elaborates. “It was more my idea. Like, ‘hey, how can I make nerd princess panic a little tonight?’ kinda thing.” She shrugs.
“Well, you certainly did that.” Amberle admits. She smiles adoringly at Eretria. “Have you sobered up?”
“Yeah,” Eretria’s been mostly sober since she called Amberle, “but I kind of just want to lay here for a while.”
Amberle nods, looking down at the football field. “Okay.”
It’s quiet and not uncomfortable and Eretria starts counting the stars to get her mind off how badly she wants to kiss Amberle right now. Amberle’s out of her league, Amberle’s too prim and proper for her, too smart. Eretria gets drunk every week while Amberle’s finding her career at the age of 22.
Amberle kisses her first and Eretria’s so shocked that she doesn’t kiss her back at first. Amberle’s quickly pulling away and Eretria’s mind is short circuiting. She just wants to kiss Amberle again right now.
So she does. She hurries forward before Amberle can get up from her spot and her right hand comes to rest against Amberle’s, the other cupping her jaw. Amberle tastes like chocolate shake and American cheese, the smell of pomegranates overwhelming Eretria’s senses. Amberle hums into the kiss, pushing her forehead closer, letting their fingers intertwine. It’s not hurried and as much as Eretria wants to push it, hungrier than ever, she doesn’t. She wants to savor the moment, wants to lock it away in her mind forever. It remains soft and sure and gentle and Eretria’s never really been into that until now. Until Amberle.
Amberle’s giggling, breathless, when Eretria finally pulls away. “Why do I taste cinnamon and… is that coconut?”
“Don’t ask,” Eretria mutters, smiling goofily. Amberle doesn’t, just pulls Eretria into her lap and kisses her under the stars until dawn.
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1-100 also 😘
Honestly I deserve this payback. This is gonna take forever to answer.
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
More cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I don’t know what winter is I live in Texas
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I use literally whatever I have in my hand at the time, paper clips, snickers wrappers. There’s no cute bookmarkes It’s all dog ears and trash.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
In large quantities and in many different ways. Coffee, black with some sort of flavor. If not that then just coffee and creamer, no sugar. Tea is usually chai or black just with milk.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
No! And No one should be! Smiles to me are the most attractive thing about people.
6: do you keep plants?
I’ve had a succulent for six months and I have not watered it nor cared for it and it’s still alive so…
7: do you name your plants?
I have another succulent that has five stems and my friend named them all after the scooby doo gang.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I don’t have feelings. But I have literally exhausted all artistic mediums.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
My favorite thing to do is belt out songs when I’m home alone or driving in a car so yeah.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Trick question I don’t sleep
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
I have too many. With my best friend sometimes we just scream old people names at each other in text.
Bff: KEITH!!!
And then with a couple other friends we have one where we yell the “Where are you” from Blink 182’s “I miss you”
12: what’s your favorite planet?
This one. Its really nice. lov the oxygen. having rings lik saturn here would be neato but its cool.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
I was planning to make brownies tonight and then I gave up half way through so I just ate brownie batter and it was great, college is great.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
It’d be one of those open industrial plans with lofts and spiral stair cases and wooden frames on the ceiling. Big windows
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
if two untreated metals in space touch they will bond permanently bc there is no oxygen to form an oxidized layer around the metal. Dont wear earings in the vaccum of space i guess. You’ll never be able to take the backings off
6: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
We had the cops called on us because on of my friends barked at my neighbors dog.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I have my notes on my phone and in it are about 807 entries ranging from random shit like a single word “zoo” with no context or explanation. Entire novels that I was writing and gave up on the last chapter, also conversations with no context between characters that I made up that have no names. Also, recipes for stupid things like Mac and cheese balls, ideas for artwork/stories/products. Essentially nothing is finished. I also have around 10 sketchbooks that have never been completed.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
All of them but the ones that are like brown and then transition to blueish greenish at the edges at trippy and cool.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I struggle with bags and purses. I always leave them places. This is why I am a very passionate advocate for womens clothing to have bigger pockets
22: are you a morning person?
If by morning do you mean when I wake up at 2pm? Because even then no. Don’t talk to me when I’ve woken up.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yeah it’s really nice.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
Not weird just a new house that hadn’t been bought yet.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
See I get a pair like that once a year and  I’ll wear the shit out of it then they get holes and I have to get rid of them.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
Mint. I hate the taste of bubble gum flavor bubble gum
28: sunrise or sunset?
If I’m awake to see a sunrise I am not a happy person that shits too early. Sunset all the way
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yeah. I’ve been absolutely freaking terrified.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I like cool socks and I enjoy wearing socks but also I cannot be bothered to actually find a pair to put on in the morning so I never wear socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Literally every fun story happens after 3 am, id be here all day. 
33: what’s your fave pastry?
I fucking love Pillsberry Crescent croissants. Like don’t give me legit croissants made in France, I won’t like it as much as pillsberry.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
It’s name is Chicky and it’s actually I think supposed to be a stuffed duck, but I was 2 so I called it Chicky. Fun fact, my mom and everyone would ask me if Chicky was a a boy or a girl because I would call it he and she interchangeably and usually just Chicky. And my response would always be. “It’s just Chicky” and then they would ask “but is it a boy or girl?” And my three year old self was just like “??? Are you not paying attention? It’s a Chicky” so yeah I was fighting gender normatively at a young age, I was a pretty woke 3 year old.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I’m hella picky about nice pens but I don’t care how they look just how they write.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
Of Monsters and Men
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
It’s not that I like keeping it messy but it will always always always be untidy.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
When people speak for me. Like when someone asks me a question and then someone else goes “Well Annaleise doesn’t want to-” or something along the lines of that. Like I’m right here and I can speak for myself thanks.
39: what color do you wear the most?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I gotta small silver rose necklace that I got for my 16th birthday. And I haven’t taken it off since. I used always love painting and drawing and making a doodling roses. And my mom picked up on it and gave me the necklace.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Always Harry Potter.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
I’m a slave to Starbucks but there’s a cute place on our campus called The Nook and it’s super hipster and they have huge chalk board walls for people to draw on which I love and of course they have great coffee.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Fourth of July a couple years ago with my cousins. My aunts house is on a lake and the sky is super clear and we could see satellites orbiting. First time I’ve ever seen satellites. Super cool.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Spring break when I finally got back home from college I took a heavy dose of Benadryl because of allergies and I woke up in my own bed feeling soft and sleepy and I had not responsibilities at the moment and it was great.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
Do people not?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
No puns are the worst. but what do you call a cat who bought a house? A hoMEOWner
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Coleslaw and coconut water
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
I used to be terrified of lava and tornadoes and while I can’t say I’ve ever seen lava I now go outside whenever there’s a tornado siren so see if I can spot the tornadoes. Now my biggest fear is failure. Isn’t that fun?
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I like the aesthetic of record players but I do not have the patience to actually go out and buy one, pull out a record, and put it on to listen to the music. 1) because I’m all about instant gratification bc I have like no self control so if I can play it in two seconds on my phone then why would I go through all the trouble of a record and 2) I rarely like all the songs from an album. My music taste is all over the place so even if I like a band I like maybe 3 of there songs and they’d be from different albums.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
I collected coke cans and bottles. Like any special/old/limited edition coke cans or bottles I would keep them. I have a whole shelf in my closet. I now collect mugs.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
My brother and Kid Cudi’s “Mr. Rager”
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
The funniest and most random to me has been the “Cask of Amontillado” meme. Also Bone apple tea and student athlete memes kill me idk why.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
I fuck with Heathers (but the musical) and I have seen beetlejuice but it’s been a while. Not seen the others tho.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
My mom.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
When I was younger I saw in a movie that trick where you put a chair against a door handle to block people from getting in so I used to do it whenever I got mad at my mom.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
I like when people get in a silly mood.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
I can’t not dramatically reenact the lyrics and I don’t trust people who don’t.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
In all groups of friends I’m usually the vodka aunt.
59: what’s your favorite myth?
The Trojan Horse has always been hilarious to me because sneaking a whole army into a city through a wooden horse they made sounds like something I would come up with. It’s ridiculous but it still worked.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
Yes, and not to be mainstream but Edgar Allen Poe is my bro and according to my grandma we’re related to him through his cousin. But in middle school I had a really awesome English teacher who was obsessed with him and I basically know “The Raven” “Tell Tale Heart” “The cask of Amontillado” and “Annabelle Lee” memorized because of her.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I once gave a kids bop CD wrapped in candy canes for a white elephant. At another white elephant I recieved fabric sleeves that had tattoo graphics on them but it didn’t match my skin color. It was great.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
TBH I don’t eat or drink until like 3 pm
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Nothing in my life is organized.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
Many people.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
It’d have a bunch of different kinds of flowers that don’t match.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
Super peaceful and chill.
68: what’s winter like where you live?
What is winter?
69: what are your favorite board games?
I loved Candyland as a kid.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
Chai and Black tea
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Yes I do need to jot everything down because I will forget. But do I? No.
73: what are some of your worst habits?
Touching bad skin on my face.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
A super brave and bad ass who also has deep feelings and really cares a lot. Super creative and really hilarious. hot shit. coolest person i know
75: tell us about your pets!
I have a Maltipoo named Poppy and I love her. She’s super sassy and really smart. And yells at me through howling when she wants to play, usually with a toy in her mouth so it sounds super muffled and anything but intimidating.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yeah actually I have a huge fucking project. I gotta make 3 vases for my Studio but instead I’m answering 100 questions. It’s my own fault tho. I started it.
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
Minions need to die
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
If anyone ever says “I was thinking about you the other day and-” it’s my favorite thing
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
White because it came with the house. I hate it.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
a cool pillow
82: are/were you good in school?
I tested well and was good at essays but I was bad about turning in shit. So yes and no.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
Fleet Foxes
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
In theory I love tattoos and in theory I really want one. Will I ever be able to decide on a design? We shall see. Also my mom told us that if any of us got tattooed she’s dissown us.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
I don’t like buy comic books but I’m obsessed with all things marvel and D.C. And so I’ll read online stuff.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
Idk what this is so i googled it and i still don’t have an opinion of it.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Forest Gump, The Princess Bride, Star Wars.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Impressionism, specifically Monet, specifically “The Magpie”
89: are you close to your parents?
I tell them a lot but I also have to withhold a lot. My mom is pretty, uhh strict, conservative and you could say narrow minded. My dad is a little more relaxed but he always goes along with whatever my mom says so I’m careful.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
I’ve literally only been once but I really loved Pittsburgh. I liked the industrial vibe. I liked how it felt like a small town and a big city at the same time.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
My family’s trying to go to Canada so I’m excited for that.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Drowns in cheese
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Ponytail, bun, in a hat, in a beanie, basically any way but down. I have a limited attention span and any time my hair gets in the way I go crazy.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
My sister! She’s thirteen! Its ridiculous yesterday she was 6!
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
Working my ass off to finish this project and then little party I’m throwing in my dorm. The party I can already tell is a bad idea. Still gonna happen tho. 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
I have not updated my phone nor computer in years (not really but it takes a fucking while)
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
ENTP, Taurus, Ravenclaw
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
A few years ago and yes I wish I lived somewhere where I could do it all the time.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Float on by Modest mouse is my life’s theme song
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
Future. It’d be awesome to skip four years of this brutal program and arrive with a degree and a job. Five Years in the past means i gotta go through highschool again. Fuck That shit.
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