#also an endless list of platonic ships
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I came across an old post the other day, about the nature of Jikooks relationship, this post was circa April 2018. The op said they thought Jikook had a special relationship (baring in mind this is after GCFT), but that they did not know if it was 'romantic' in nature. The post I was reading though, was about JM himself, and how he is a flirt. To summarise the view of the op - he is just that, a flirt, flirts with anyone, but this is not necessarily romantic either, just his nature, and the way he communicates/puts people at ease. To be fair, it kinda made sense what op was saying - ba I think we all know, JM loves to be loved, and loves to give love. Op then added on the end that bs of JM's endless 'flirting with everyone and anyone he encounters, it is hard to know when he might have a different interest in someone (I think they were truly referring to the members here, and ships).
However, what struck me reading it, is that, if that is the case, if that is how op/and others see JM, how is he ever meant to show romantic interest in someone? If he is only seen as an endless flirt, and reduced to that, how could someone differentiate between platonic/harmless" flirting and ‘romantic flirting'. It made me feel quite indignant about how JM himself might perceive that.
I say this also because if op decided that in their eyes jikook have a special relationship, but one which might not be romantic in nature. Because their own personal relationship is like that… typical lmao. But using jikooks bond as an example - how would one then decide whether it was indeed 'romantic?
So, if we think about jikook up until mid-2018 - and all the things they actually did up to, and during that time, that make their bond stand out - what more could anyone want? We're talking about, as I said above, post GCFT, post BV3 (filming at least, b I can't remember the dates), etc, etc.
And this got me to thinking what it would be like to actually date one of these boys. especially Jikook.
How in the world is one meant to think that JM is into you, if all he does is flirt with others? How would you feel special? How would you navigate a relationship with JM/JK, when they seem hell bent on dedicating time solely to each other. Would said person not feel left out, upset/angry? If I was with JM or JK in 2023 for example, and said bf decided to hop on a plane and fly 15 hours to go see his bft whom he had drifted from apparently, and film a show where they ended up in bed cosy and slapping ass, and then travelled again, and again, lastly to romantic and snowy Sapporo. I mean my bags would be packed sooner than you can say boo to a goose.
Or, hypothetically, even as a prospective future partner, even googling content like that would probably spike jealously in even the sanest person - because logically how would one ever feel comfortable letting them be around the other? What kind of sane person would put up with that? Where is the self respect! I mean that seriously.
Because to me, all these boys have ever done (esp in recent years) is single themselves out as something, and I would eat my own arm if that something is not 'romantic' in nature, because otherwise what is the point, truly. BTS are the biggest band in the wsrld, they do not need to do FS, they do not need to make up elaborate lies to sell themselves. Nothing about likeeks relationship actually sells with the fandom at large anyway, lets be honest, so there is no need for them to do what they do. Unless that is, they want to, and they cannot help it.
Objectively then, since ops post was mid 2018, 7 years has all but passed. We have had many, many ‘moments' that stand out, we all know them, I won't list them. Then we come to 2023, and we have the show, and the enlistment. I did wonder for a brief second what op might think about that, since they stopped posting in 2019, but then I thought, who cares, because honestly, to me, that sort of narrative is tired, and then some.
Jikook have singled themselves out as a duo to be reckoned with, in the charts and in life, and contrary to what those with views like op think, they have done that with purpose. Again, they didn't have to, they chose to, and to me that means something. I am not talking about how Hebi and JM have a really close relationship that the fandom acknowledges, or that vain are 'soul mates', or JK and Jin are close, or JK fell in love with Joon's thighs and has a man crush on him. This is different, markedly so.
But going back to JM and his 'flirty' personality, is it me or does JM do less of this in recent years? He was an extraordinary performer in LYS/SY era, he really did have an outgoing flirty persona on and off stage, but the JM of 2023 at least, did not ts me. He seemed shy, reserved, giggly sometimes, but also not always, by the latter half of 2023, more assure of himself. For example, he treated Sophia with upmost respect, he didn't flirt imo. His female dancers too, although solos go gah gal over their ‘interactions' (be they are hetro losers) he was literally just being professional. I call this maturity, and him coming into his own. Him letting some of that overriding need to be loved, or to be loud go, almost. If that makes sense?
This brings me to another thing the op said in a different post, but linked to the original, in that JM the flirt king' was simply that with JK at the start, just flirty and not in a romantic interest kind of way, and that JK (a baby gay), confronted JM about this eventually, said he likes him, and that JM replied with '1 don't like boys like that'. So not only did OP in their 'wisdom' confine JM to a flirt, but also a queer baiter of sorts? And that JK is happy with that because at least he gets JMs attention...I mean what the heck is that?!! The OP said it would not surprise them at all because JM flirts with anyone, that he is indeed straight. Well, I guess we do not know, but since said post, the portfolio was released, and I will leave that up to others interpretation. But I will say, to me JM has shown us part of who he is, and he is not a queer baiter like op suggests.
All this to say, that my overriding thoughts when reading opinions like that of op, or even recent ones of some of his solos, is that everyone pigeonholes JM into what they want him to be, maybe that is because he is an Idol, it's the job description, but he is so much more than that, much more human and much more nuanced. I mean what would such as op think a 'romantic' relationship looks like - the sheer love that excludes from these two, the way they look at so, the way JK sucked JMs ear in front of thousands, a romantic travel video with a love song bought for exclusive use, the sheer devotion you see from them, the domesticity, the companionship, they are the best of friends, the support they give, the laughter, the quiet moments, the commitment they showed when enlisting together, travelling together? What more could they do honestly?
As I said above, I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with either one of them, given how they are with each other... that would be a hell no from me.
Anon, this is a lot to unpack.
(I want to preface and for reference for future posts, that I am an INFJ, so I can be somewhat analytical but I function and communicate primarly with emotions and intuition, so I can only convey my feelings to you, and it is very unlikely I will bombard you with any type of facts, dates ect. Due to my spiritual journey many memories from the past are also erased as soon as they enter my mind, due to focusing mainly on the present moment. So I usually can't tell you "yes but this happened at that moment!", the only thing I can truly say is my feelings about a situation, and the perceptions I had/have of it because from the memories that's the only thing that truly stays with me. Just so you know this is a particular way of answering asks and it is not my intention to stay vague but this is how I usually communicate. I'm ok at conveying feelings but that's about it lol so bear with me)
Look, I kinda hate this "Jimin is a flirt" narrative going on, even back then.
You know why? Because people take a statement such as this, and you know what they do with it? They make a generalization out of it, they reduce Jimin to it, they try to label him, and put him in a tiny box, which IS NOT how real people function. Jimin is a real complex human.
Did Jimin flirt? Yes. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Did he always do it? No. But the most important thing is HOW he flirted with everyone in contrast to Jungkook.
Because this OP reducing him to an endless flirt who couldn't tell when he had romantic feelings, it is just a load of crap to me.
There always has been A HUGE difference in how he flirts with other people vs Jungkook, and you have to be a fool not to notice.
With other people it's playful, it's cute, it's harmless, it's just for fun, IT HAS NO WEIGHT.
But with Jungkook? Cheesh it's a different story entirely.
I will put it simply: with Jungkook, Jimin cares. It is not for fun. It can be playful, but there is a tension, there is a weight, their is a different level of emotion that comes out from Jimin. It's in the body language, it's in the voice, I don't even know how to explain this, you just see it on his face, and feel it. It shows. And I know it is stupidly vague and subjective.
But even back in the beginning, when Jimin had a crush on Jungkook and was bodly showing it. Your OP might say it was all for fun, he was teasing, which he was. But behind the laughters there were repeated actions and words, their was a fucking intent behind all of this, and you can't tell me this intent this OP could not feel it.
The intent, the crush, the desire, the love, however how innocent it was presented, was real. It was real. It was Jimin's true feelings.
The difference is that when Jimin flirts with Jungkook vs other members or anyone, there are always a depth of feelings behind that flirting. Which he doesn't show with anyone else. How can people not pick up on this?
With Jungkook there is more. It's not all fun&games, in truth it looks quite serious at times, like this has an affect&effect on a private level we know nothing about.
With other people Jimin doesn't care and he does what he does because he wants to. I've never seen this side of him being immature in any way, but more of him being his loving self. It was harmless after all.
(Except with Jungkook)
Because I need to remind that he has never done the things he did with Jungkook with ANY OTHER MEMBER or anyone for that matter! Once again this is not the same levels of flirtations!
Jimin has never been a queerbaiter, he hates fanservice, so the only logical explanation is that his feelings have been true from the start. Even if on stage he has a persona, he often shakes his head when other members do fanservice, he disapproves. Why? Because the moments he has with Jungkook, they are real, the other stuff are not.
The moments with Jungkook have nothing to do with his persona, it's specifically for jungkook & their relationship, it's playing in front of millions but it's not about us at all, it's their own private moment that we just happen to witness, because their relationship is an alive ongoing thing that doesn't stop and continues with every one of their interactions, whether on stage, backstage, in interviews, in reality shows. They are constantly living it and it is ever enfolding. They are not gonna suddenly stop just because we happen to see it.
That's why they also have been so open about it, in a way they don't have much of a choice.
Unfortunately I think over time, circumstances of fame hardened Jimin in a way, he is more private now, more closed-off.
In recent years I have very few memories of him flirting with anyone but Jungkook. He has been nothing but polite and professional and caring with everyone he meets.
So the "Jimin is an endless flirt" doesn't sit right with me at all. He CAN flirt he HAS flirted but not all the time and he did it especially with Jungkook more than everyone else since debut.
Isn't that good indication whom he has romantic feelings for? If that's not enough idk what people want.
I wish people would stop reducing the members to cartoon cliché unidimensional characters they made up in their heads because that's not how humans work. They are not "just this" or "just that", they are layered and changeable and ever evolving. Do you know how complex we are as beings? Anyway.
So no, even when Jimin flirted, I never ever saw him as "nothing but a flirt" in my mind. That's not true, and it doesn't feel right to think it. Because I don't know him intimately enough to pass any kind of judgement like this. One of my favorite saying is "To define is to limit" so I tend to not do this with other people. Because once you made a definitive statement like this it opens the door to any kind of shortcuts, easy and lazy pathways to try to comprehend someone. But people are not easy to understand, and most people don't even understand themselves that well. So please, can we not do that? It's not that simple.
I agree with you. I couldn't date any of them with the other in the picture (I mean I couldn't date any of them period lmao). But yeah how can any other bond compare to jikook's bond, anything else would pale in comparison, they have more than 10 years behind them, bonding life experiences they won't be able to find with anybody else, a connexion so deep and fluid and easy and loving, how can you compete with this?
Since they met I don't believe there has been anyone else serious.
Idk, am I crazy? Does this post makes any sense to you? Am I the only one understanding it this way?
Anyway anon thank you for sharing this reading of yours which was like?? Weird but ok
Feel free to send me your thoughts anytime I will gladly read them 💜 and answer when I can
Take care 🥰
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Happy Working Song | Brook & Reader
Part of the Thousand Sunny Slice-of-Life Series
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
Summary: It’s cleaning day onboard the Thousand Sunny, and Brook knows more than anyone that working is always more fun with a little bit of music. Word count: 1.1k Tags: one-shot, domestic bliss onboard the sunny, platonic straw hat pirates x reader, no use of y/n, GN but written with F!Reader in mind, i swear this was supposed to be pure fluff but it took a bit of an emotional turn at the end (sorry but brook's backstory lives rent-free in my head) Disclaimer: this fic contains excerpts of "Binks' Sake" taken verbatim from the Funimation dub
The Thousand Sunny sailed alone through the waters. No other ship, nor islands, were visible in any direction as far as the eyes could see.
The ship was far from lonely, though. Its inhabitants, while small in number, never failed to fill up the space with endless chatter and laughter.
Another constant onboard the Thousand Sunny was music.
From sweet serenades to jaunty sea shanties, the Straw Hats’ very own musician was never out of tunes to play or songs to sing. The melodies from Brook’s violin, or sometimes electric guitar, acted almost like a soundtrack for your day-to-day lives onboard the Sunny. Hence, it was not unusual that a lively tune was the first thing you heard when you opened your eyes this morning.
The violin’s song accompanied you as you brushed your teeth, washed your face, and changed out of your sleepwear. Your crewmates were just starting to stir from their sleep when you stepped out of the room. Brook immediately noticed you and shouted out his good morning, his bony fingers not once faltering in their dance upon the strings of the instrument.
You returned his greetings as you sat on one of the swings on the lawn deck. You closed your eyes, swaying slowly while enjoying the wind on your face and the sweet violin in your ears.
A News Coo’s arrival broke you out of your trance, and you put a coin in its little pouch in exchange for a newspaper. Your eyes had barely scanned the front page headline when Sanji poked his head out of the kitchen and announced that breakfast was ready.
Brook ended his performance with a flourish, and you clapped appreciatively as he took a curt bow.
He came by you and offered an arm, “Shall we go to breakfast?”
You nodded and linked your arm with his skeletal one – the feeling strange, but not unusual.
Breakfast at the Thousand Sunny was always full of life. You never get tired of discussing the morning paper with Robin and Jinbe while enjoying Sanji’s hearty offerings, or hearing the crew’s raucous laughter as Zoro desperately protects his plate of food from Luffy’s sneaky arms. Your captain’s huge appetite also meant that breakfast, or any meal really, was always a quick affair for the Straw Hats.
“Thanks for the meal, Sanji!” Luffy shouted as he moved to get up, but he was stopped by Nami’s palm on his head, forcing him to sit back down on his chair.
“Now, wait a minute, Luffy!” Nami scolded him, “Did you already forget what I told you yesterday?”
“No…” Luffy answered with a pout, his eyes wandering everywhere but to meet Nami’s.
“You suck at lying!” Nami sighed, “I told you we’ll be cleaning Sunny after breakfast.”
Cleaning day at the Thousand Sunny doesn’t come by as often as it should, on account of all the troubles that always seem to follow the crew whenever they go. But when the waters are calm with no pursuing ships in sight, the crew would dedicate an entire day to properly look after their home.
Once Nami finished listing off the crew’s chores, all of the Straw Hats rose from the table and got ready to work.
Sanji was tasked with deep cleaning the kitchen and the pantry, whilst Nami was in charge of the baths. Luffy was swinging around like a monkey high up upon the masts, wiping the sails clean from salt and grime, and disposing of any debris caught in the riggings. Jinbe had dived from the side of the ship and was working underwater to rid the ship’s hull of barnacles.
You and Brook, meanwhile, took up the job of swabbing the decks. Brook scrubbed the wooden deck with a brush, and you followed with a mop and a bucket of fresh water.
The sun slowly crept up higher into the sky as you worked, the heat becoming more intense by the hour. By noon, you were drenched in sweat and were beginning to feel the effects of your labor.
“Are you feeling quite alright?” Brook asked, “It is remarkably hot today, isn’t it?”
“I’m okay, thanks!” You told him, fanning your face with your hand in a desperate effort to find some relief from the heat, “Just need a little break, maybe.”
Brook handed you a small towel, which you took gratefully and used to wipe the sweat off your forehead. You draped the towel around your neck and leaned against the railing to take a breather. Brook (literally) rested his bones beside you.
“My old crew,” Brook began, breaking the silence. His voice was tinged with a forlornness you couldn’t even dare try to comprehend, “They used to whistle all the time while swabbing the decks. Laboon loved it — he used to jump and swim around, circling the ship as if dancing to the music.”
Brook then suggested, “Perhaps a jolly little tune would also lift our spirits?”
He paused dramatically, before following up with a cheerful voice, “Ah, but I’m a skeleton so I don’t have lips to whistle, yo ho ho ho!”
You chuckled, more out of amusement at his antics rather than actually finding the joke funny, then proposed, “How about a song to sing then?”
“That is a wonderful idea,” Brook said as he took his long-handled brush and held it before him like a stand microphone.
Brook took a deep breath and started his solo. The opening bars of his favorite song filled the air like a cool breeze amid the heat, “Yo ho ho ho~ Yo ho ho ho~”
He gestured for you to take part in the song, and you obeyed, shy and hesitant at first, but gradually gaining confidence after a few notes.
“Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Binks' brew! Sea wind blows, to where, who knows? The waves will be our guide!”
Your voices rang out in harmony, as you picked up your mop again and started moving it across the deck to the vibrant rhythm of the song.
Luffy was the first to notice your little duet. His loud voice echoed from the top of the mast, joining in to make a trio.
“O'er across the ocean's tide, rays of sunshine far and wide!”
Franky, who was mowing the grass of the Sunny’s central deck, turned the trio into a quartet, “Birds they sing, of cheerful things, in circles passing by!”
And so, one by one, the rest of Straw Hats picked up the song as they worked on their respective tasks. Colorful voices resonated from the crew’s various stations all over the Sunny, filling up the ship with the joyful melody.
It was slightly out of tune, slightly out of tempo, and obnoxiously loud – but Brook couldn’t ask for a better chorus.
a/n: man, i love brook. and i just really love the idea of him being surrounded by a loving crew and having someone sing along to his music again after all that time :')
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
#one piece#one piece fluff#one piece imagine#one piece x reader#one piece x you#straw hat pirates#straw hat pirates x reader#straw hat crew#brook#one piece brook#brook one piece#op brook#soul king brook#brook x reader#brook x you#soul king brook x reader#one piece strawhats#one piece fanfiction#op fanfic#one piece fanfic#chibinasuu fics
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mayhaps voice of the cheated for the ask game ?
(Go my king, go ape sh!t)
There’s a lot to like about this guy for me. Where to start…
I like how he’s the only voice that has the ability to unite the voices together towards a singular goal (aka Razor). The fact that he sees each of their assets as valuable and would hear them out despite it all is such an attractive trait for me. I also really really love how he ultimately just wants things to be fair and not have the cards stacked up against him. His anger is justified for me, since his appearance in his own starring route is where the Princess for some reason actually has a weapon when she really shouldn’t have. So of course he’s gonna be mad about it.
His anger is really relatable for me. Being placed in a situation where everything seems to be stacked against you does not seem fun at all, and I really get his feeling of how everything is going to end horribly despite him trying so gosh darn hard to get the victory that he desperately wants. But unfortunately, his sh!t luck doesn’t allow victory to be achieved. At least, not in a smooth sailing sort of way. He’s gonna get himself a few tears before that.
Also, I love how he swears like a sailor. He’s just like me fr.
(This is out of love for him I promise 👉👈)
Probably how he sometimes let that anger and his feeling of being cheated over consumes him and clouds his judgment. Like how he is in Cage. Unlike in Thorn where he is able to emphasise with the Princess and realise that she’s as much as a victim as he is, in Cage he’s just a hater all and all. It came from a justifiable place, of course, but y’know. It is a very human flaw though. So I don’t really blame him.
“This whole thing is a crook of shit!!!”
Same Cheated. Same.
Cheated and Contrarian is such a funny dynamic to me. Literally just funny jester man that does funny little shenanigans and the guy that gets constantly screwed over. They will say “fu@k the police” for completely different reasons, with Contrarian thinking it’s really fu@king funny while Cheated is just tired of their sh!t. Bonus if Oppy was added into the mix. Two guys with a hatred/dislike towards authority and the guy that would suck up to authority to secure himself in power. Cheated and Oppy at each other’s throats trying to out-trick the other and Contrarian is just there watching them like it’s some sort of thriller. Contrarian making fun of Oppy. They’re just so cartoonishly funny that they’re basically the trio(tm) that’s always there when sh!t gets down. The comedy potential is endless with these three.
He and Thorn would make for a good friendship too I think. Both as a ship thing or just a platonic thing. He would definitely get her, such as having your victory striped away just when you were about to get it within your reach. Thorn came from Witch, whose core is Soft Princess. So by stabbing her she would feel betrayed and so having her chance of freedom striped away from her by a blade that seem to drop out of nowhere (oh hey Sharp Princess—>Razor parallels). I’d like to think that they would hang out a lot.
This one may seem odd but, Cheated and Cold. Hear me out. They’re the only two that were able to kill the Princess successfully without her fighting back. But the difference lies in one of them being able to walk out, while the other doubted whether the Princess is dead or not. Both of them tried to fulfil their purpose in chapter one, one of them got the reward and ended up hating it, while the other was so close to getting their victory/reward just to have it striped away from them because they had doubted and listened to the doubts in their head. Their interactions in Wraith is golden, with Cheated bringing out Cold’s more spiteful side and Cold probably telling Cheated to still his thoughts and push on. They would be such haters. They would gossip to each other. Do you. Do you understand me.
Thanks to the fics written by @/writingdevil , I found myself really gravitate towards the pairing of Cheated and Broken.
Both were beaten down by the world, one responds with spite and have the desire to bite back while the other had learned to just take it in order to avoid more hurting. One would listen to what the others had to say and would seriously consider their opinions as something valuable while the other feels like they don’t deserve to be heard despite having the desire to be. Both are compassionate towards those that were beaten down by circumstances outside of their own control. And with that, they would find solace in each other.
(Also for my designs specifically their ship name would be PaperAngel. Just placed right atop the Christmas tree. Cheated probably folded that himself)
I have none for this 👀
This relates a bit to my own design for him, but I imagine that he picked up on making origami. At first it was just to fix his body, but he had later found out that he actually really liked doing that, so you can sometimes see him taking a piece of paper(or anything foldable) and just folding it mindlessly.
Call him sentimental, but he actually found himself relating to paper quite a bit. Most pieces of paper were thrown away immediately after a few scribbles or when their short-lived purpose was finished. Paper was cheated from something better, and was usually thrown away after a singular use. Despite how fragile paper is, their cuts are really painful and annoying, as if they’re biting back on the mistreatment they’ve received. He would keep every piece of abandoned paper he could get his hand on and turn them into something else. (This could be a fanfic idea but I’m no writer)
I also imagine that he’s good with all sorts of weaponry. He’s damn good with a blade, but he’s also good with a bat, a bow, a gun, a machine gun, nuclear weaponry… y’know, the usual stuff. He may be one of the shortest and doesn’t have all of his limbs but he’s not gonna let that stop him.
I honestly don’t think I have an unpopular opinion of him tbh. Well, considering how little content I’ve seen of him.
None for this column either 😭😭😭
I can’t think of one for now at least
(Ignore the elf cold concepts at the tippy top)
(I feel like I should feel bad for him here but knowing his whole existence is to be screwed over is so funny to me. Like. That’s his purpose. What is he gonna do about that. Bro was clinically diagnosed with bad luck you can’t really change that)
#slay the princess#black tabby games#stp#stp voices#slay the princess insight#stp voice of the cheated#voice of the cheated#stp cheated
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Hi there! Previous anon, prompt 21 from the one just titled “prompts list”
21 - “It’s pointless to count stars.” “It’s also pointless to count your freckles, but I know that you have 13 on the back of your hand.”
a/n: perfect!! i hope you enjoy <3 this is a long one so buckle up
for those of you who don’t know, this is the rest of the ask: “ Could you maybe do prompt 21 with Lockwood? Maybe where Lucy has just joined, and all of his attention is on her, and reader feels forgotten? And so she ends up like laying on the roof because she's upset and wants to be alone and he comes out and joins her? "
warnings: mild angst prompt: "It's pointless to count stars." "It's also pointless to count your freckles, but I know that you have 13 on the back of your hand." gn reader
It's nippy out tonight.
Despite it being early summer, there's a chill in the air that bites the bare skin of your arms and your face. The slates that make up the roof of 35 Portland Row seem to have soaked up every last vestigial of warmth from your bones without even warming up themselves.
Up above, the sky should be dark, but the lights of London cast it in an orangey glow that makes you miss your old home, miles and miles away from the city. London may have its benefits, but you miss seeing the night sky in all its glory. You miss the constellations and the endless black that stretches over the world, free of lights and noisy night cabs honking in the ghost-lamp-covered streets.
Heaving a sigh, you pull your legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them.
What has led to you sitting up on the roof of a three-storey house?
A multitude of things, you think. It could well be the fact that the case from the other night freaked you out; that ghost of a murdered grandmother out for vengeance on her - now - elderly grandkids that had ended with you hanging out of a smashed window, held on only by George's kit bag that was stuck in the frame until he and Lockwood were able to hoist you up. Maybe it was that other ghost you saw on the way home from Arif's a week ago - its peeling face had just appeared out of the ground and almost caught your leg. That one was creepy. Or perhaps, and most convincingly of all, it's the new hire.
If you're being completely honest, you had been entirely supportive of hiring a new agent. After three months of (legal) work with just Lockwood and George, and a year of living with them before that, you were in desperate need of some other company. Too many times have you been greeted when coming home from a case by George cleaning the house in nothing but a T-shirt that if he dared bend down would reveal more than you were willing to see. Too many times had the two boys been just that - boys - and had irritated the living daylights out of you. You were in dire need of some new friends.
You just hadn't realised that everything would change because of it.
Lucy Carlyle is great, really. As a roomie? Messy, but nothing you aren't used to. As a person? Lovely, albeit grumpy in the mornings and prone to becoming frustrated when she doesn't really need to be. In all honesty, there is nothing wrong with Lucy, and you're slowly becoming quite close.
It's Lockwood that's the problem.
Your relationship with Lockwood, as frustratingly platonic as it is, has been founded on years of friendship that you will cherish for the rest of your life. As soon as you were able, your parents packed up and shipped you off to London to work for the notorious Fittes agency, and they benefitted from your labour. Safe to say, it pissed you off. You met Lockwood during his apprenticeship with an independent agent and hit it off, meeting George a mere month later when you were teamed up together. It was your trio and your anger at the system that inspired the creation of Lockwood and Co. Perhaps not the most prestigious of agencies, but it was yours.
It took a lot of work establishing a business, and you had to pull a few strings and fake some tears in order to get all of the DEPRAC insurance you needed - Lockwood wasn't exactly in the good books of some of their employees - but you all managed and had your own special roles.
Lockwood, the leader, the face of it all. He's always been your anchor, the thing that kept the ship from sinking. Whenever you were on a hard case that had you frightened, it was Lockwood that gave you confidence with nothing but an easy grin and a light joke. His Talent of Sight is stronger than anyone else you have met.
George, the researcher. He finds everything that essentially keeps you alive on a case: the backstory, the house plans, the history of the site and the ghost. If not for his desire to know absolutely everything he possibly could, the cases you've completed would have been impossible. Plus, he's a great cook and figured out that Arif's offered home deliveries. Life changing.
Then there's you. You've always liked to think you were the glue that kept the team together. Whenever the boys had an argument, it was you that got them to buck up and fix their attitudes. But you're also the one to slink the company out of trouble. While DEPRAC has grown used to Lockwood's charming smiles, they can't deny the person who keeps him on track and their sweet talk.
It was the perfect trio. Everything was balanced, and you figured it would still be once a new agent was hired.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Shivering in the cold, you can hear the voices of your friends pouring out of the opened kitchen window. You're not entirely sure what they're talking about, but you can hear Lockwood's questions. His admiration for Lucy is palpable, clogging your throat.
He's allowed other friends, you know, but it's not that what bothers you. It's the way he looks at her: that sparkle in his eyes when she speaks; the soft quirk of his lips that implies a private smile in favour of his infamous grin; how his gaze follows the twists and curves of her words.
It's the way you look at him.
You'd be lying to say that you don't care for Lockwood more than a friend should. The way you feel for him is entirely different than you've felt for anyone. Almost as if he's an amplifier of your emotions, igniting them to impossible levels until it feels like you're burning endlessly. For years, you've buried the feelings deep, refusing to acknowledge them. But, now, it's proving to be increasingly hard when he's exhibiting the exact same feelings but for someone else.
In your daze, you didn't notice the voices in the kitchen fade away, so you jump when there's a voice below in your attic bedroom.
Lockwood. Your heart feels heavy.
You shuffle down slightly until you can wave your foot in front of the window. Seconds later, the glass pane swings open and Lockwood's head pokes out. His cheeks are already becoming rosy from the chill.
"What are you doing up here?" he asks. "We missed you at dinner."
Watching as he climbs out of the window and up onto the roof, you murmur, "Counting stars, I suppose."
He is quiet for a moment as he gets comfortable on the stone-cold slates. "It's pointless to count stars, you know. All the light pollution - can't even see them."
"It's also pointless to count your freckles," you say, leaning back on the roof and closing your eyes, "but I know that you have thirteen on the back of your hand."
A long pause. "So I do. Very perceptive."
You can feel his warmth when he lies down next to you, but you keep your eyes shut. Maybe if you do, you can pretend that his hand is close because he wants to hold yours; or that he's looking at you the same way you do him, with nothing but adoration and love and a little bit of humour. Anything is possible when your eyes are shut.
"So, what's the real reason for you being out here? You've not climbed up out here since that case in Camden when you had the misfortune of seeing George's bottom sticking out of a window."
Shivering at the memory, you say, "I guess I've not felt quite right lately."
"That I know. You turned down George's homemade sausage rolls. They're your favourite."
"They are." You clasp your hands over your stomach, fearing that they'll have a mind of their own and reach for Lockwood's. "I don't know."
A blatant lie, and you're sure he knows it because he shuffles an inch closer. His gaze burns on your cheek, but you don't look. It's easier not to. You're afraid you'll admit things that should stay hidden if you do.
"Is it because I kept you home from that case yesterday? I'm sorry - I just didn't think it was a good idea. I mean, you seemed quite ill -"
"It's not that," you say, but your voice is a mere whisper.
It's true. That isn't the bit that bothered you. It's the fact he took Lucy instead of you or even took both of you along. For god's sake, he even took George! It was just you being singled out.
"Then what is it? (name), I'm worried about you. You don't speak to me anymore."
The words are there, choking you. I love you too much to see you love someone else. It kills me to watch you forget about me.
He's like the stars in a way. You can't see the stars right now, but you know they're there, and the knowledge of that is painful because they're so close but so far. With Lockwood, it's similar. You know he's there, and you can physically see him, but he's so distant from you now. He's hidden by new lights that permeate your sky.
"It's Lucy, isn't it?"
Your heart is in your throat. "No."
There's a rustling of clothes as Lockwood sits up. "You don't have to lie to me."
Finally, you open your eyes, greeted by the orange haze of the London night sky. Lockwood's face is just in your vision, right at the edge, but the concern in his eyes is more than evident. There's a crease just between his brows, and the corners of his lips are turned down just so -
No. You need to stop looking for the little details. They'll be your downfall.
"I'm not lying," you insist. "I just - It's not easy to talk about."
"You've always been able to talk to me, (name). Why is this any different?"
"Please don't push me on this, Lockwood."
"It's affecting all of us, though. I don't know what to do with myself, for one, because you're not speaking to me as much. George looks lost without you chipping in for dinner. Which, speaking of, you've not eaten dinner for the past week. We're all concerned."
You don't mean to say anything, really, but everyone has a breaking point, and after weeks of bottling all your feelings up, you've reached yours.
"It's you."
Sitting up, you shrug. The cold air bites your skin. "Ever since Lucy joined us, you've been distant. Don't get me wrong, Lucy is great. I really like her. But... You're saying I don't speak to you much now, but you don't make the time for me. You're so obsessed with her and her Talent that you don't have time for me anymore. It's easier for me to just keep myself away from it."
"(name)..." Lockwood frowns, but his eyes stay right on yours. "I don't - I'm not obsessed with Lucy. I've plenty of time to spend with you."
"But you don't." The words weigh heavy on your shoulders, and it feels like your insides are being squished. "You keep me home from cases and take her instead. You barely acknowledge me anymore. More often than not, when I walk in a room you're either fawning over her or about to drag me into a big long spiel about how much you love having her as an agent and friend. You've lost interest in me."
Something sparks in his dark eyes - anger. "You're joking, right? You're my closest friend! I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
You drag a hand over your face, wishing all of your feelings could melt from your skin and soak into the roof. It's too much to deal with. You don't want this - arguing with Lockwood over feelings you're too scared to explain - but it's inevitable. Everything you've ever done has led to this moment.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore," you mumble.
But as you make to swing down through the open window, Lockwood's hand grasps yours. When you look at him, you can't help but analyse all of those little things - those downfalls of yours. The furrow of his brows, the crease in his nose, the little twitch in his cheek. The summer sun has brought out a few freckles on his face, barely visible in the light of the ghost lamps on the streets down below.
"Please, wait." The look in his eyes is enough to give you pause. "I'm not - I'm not obsessed with Lucy, I can assure you of that. Her Talent is interesting, yes, and that's what has me so distracted. But I haven't lost interest in you. I could never. That's like George losing interest in books and research."
Frowning, you grumble, "Thanks for comparing me to inanimate objects."
"No, no, that's not what I meant! But you get my point, right? I don't think George could live without those. And, so..."
He looks at you expectantly, with a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. But it clicks.
It's as if the sky above you has cleared and filled itself with millions of bright stars. The weight on your shoulders has suddenly lifted, and your heart, so heavy mere seconds ago, feels light and free and hopeful.
"If you're worried that I care for Lucy more than I do you, you're horribly wrong." A soft laugh passes his lips. "It's quite impossible. In fact, you're the only thing I think of most of the time. It's led to quite a few close calls."
"You're not pulling my leg, are you?"
"I think you'll find that I'm holding your hand right now." It's a bad joke, you know, because he laughs at it. "No, I'm not. I promised you years ago that I'd never lie to you, didn't I?"
He did. Just a few months after you first met. It was the crux of your feelings for him.
"You really care about me that much?"
There's that grin of his. "More. I love you that much."
And it feels like the whole sky has lit up in brilliant colours, dappled with gorgeous stars. Your elation is bordering on being suffocating, and you're sure you're gripping Lockwood's hand harder than necessary.
"I hope you feel the same, otherwise I'll be really mortified."
The smile that splits your face is one you have never donned before, and he looks wholly entranced by it.
"I do," you say. "More than should be healthy."
"Ah, well, we have a knack for the unhealthy."
#anthony lockwood x reader#lockwood x reader#lockwood and co x reader#lockwood and co fanfiction#lockwood and co#lockwood and co netflix#anthony lockwood#george karim#lucy carlyle#x reader#fanfiction#givemea-dam-break
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day 7 of shidding n farding about endhawks:
i mainly wanna shine a spotlight on the voice acting in mha. people extract romantic significance and ship things based on very different factors---eye contact, hand-holding, friendship, emotional intensity whether positive or negative, blushing, shared themes and how the narrative frames the characters--and the list goes on--and personally, i gotta say that voice acting definitely is one of those factors for me!
needless to say, the voice acting is part of what initially put endhawks on my radar at all. hawks's introduction very efficiently establishes him as collected and unflappable, but in the high-end fight that mask crumbles. (also pardon the void--crunchyroll blocked my screen recorder, so the media is purely in asmr-podcast-form ig) ((in both english and japanese!))
i mean, the raw dialogue was already doing a lot, but the voice acting enhanced it even further. in these couple of lines i had to reckon with the earnestness, the familiarity, the affection, the desperation to help, and wonder where all of that was coming from. from a doylist pov, obviously, none of that was supposed to sound romantic, but from a watsonian pov the possibilities were endless! funnily enough (and there are for sure plenty of folks who validly disagree), the tone of voice to me did not sound remotely filial--like idk i love members of my family but i don't sound like that when i talk about them, and it'd feel a lil weird if i did--but that judgment of mine is personal to me and based on a lot of vocal subtleties that can easily be read as platonic by someone else. i recognize that subjectivity applies extra hard to things like tone of voice and facial expressions (i've absolutely been on either side of seeing the shipping vibes or not seeing them at all), but i think that subjectivity is more of a feature than a bug! it's part of what makes things interesting!
so anyway, when hawks was introduced to endeavor at first i was like "haha what an odd couple, ig the flaming garbage man is bumping up against a colleague for a second so he'll get humbled and then that'll be it"--then hawks started really sayin and doin shit that had me like "oh. so it's like that then. sorry my mistake" lol.
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Tom Riddle for 4 & 8
4. fav fic w them in it
I am endlessly recommending slashmarks Voldemort because they write the absolute BEST version and it’s criminal that their fics don’t get more attention in Tom Riddle circles. I've recced these in my Voldemort rec lists, but reccing again - among the top favs are:
of all my demon spirits by slashmarks (Tom & Ginny, 1.7k, T)
Rec: Ginny writes to Tom after the events of CoS. Paints a detailed picture of Tom and Ginny's relationship, and it's a great character study of Tom in addition to Ginny.
But I think maybe you were lying when you said that I was boring and stupid after all. Do you remember when we talked about the last war and I didn’t understand how anybody could think muggles were animals, because even if I don’t really know any muggles we go into the village to get groceries and stuff all the time and Mrs. Hoof keeps sweets by the counter just to give them to kids like me? You teased me about being bought with candy, but then you said the Death Eaters had to decide muggles weren’t people in order to kill them, and that really most people do that all of the time, like with house elves and stuff. You said that it was because most people are hypocrites and can’t face their real choices, but I think maybe it’s something you do, too, Tom. Maybe I had to be a boring and stupid little girl because you were about to kill me.
endless nights took on my whole life by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, Voldemort & Rodolphus, Bellatrix & Rodolphus, Sirius & Bellatrix, 12.4k, M)
Rec: My absolute favorite Tom Riddle POV. A HILARIOUS Voldemort and Rodolphus dynamic in addition to a wonderful Bellamort.
"I'll introduce you tonight," said Riddle. "We're going to meet her at her grandmother's house - Vera Rosier, I mean. Go get changed, I assume you need to go and find the correct cuff links and cloak trim for meeting a single girl in the presence of her widowed grandmother on a weekend in September during a waning half moon, or something." "As my lord permits," said Lestrange, sure the fact that he was gritting his teeth was audible. He bowed his head, jerkily, and left the room. Bellatrix was a new experience for Tom, as something of a kindred spirit. Abraxas might be the closest thing Tom would admit to a brother, but he had no real patience for magical theory or interest in it beyond utilitarian concerns, and Reinhard was simply too nice a person, deep down, a condition even the Lestranges had never cured him of. Bellatrix, though, was capable of sharing everything for the first time: she could keep up with him intellectually, she was as fascinated by magic as him, and any squeamish bone had long ago been extracted. Best of all, she shared Tom Riddle's fervent loathing for every aspect of magical Britain's society and his desire to personally torture to death most of the Wizengamot, which Tom had always known better than to fully express even to Abraxas.
8. fav ship with them
Probably Bellamort, but shoutout to my rarest pair Lilymort, which I mostly ship platonically but also enjoy romantically. Riddledore would probably be my #1 if I could get past Dumbledore being too old for me to ship (sry for the ageism…)
#tom riddle#tom marvolo riddle#lord voldemort#voldemort#bellamort#ginny weasley#bellatrix black lestrange#bellatrix lestrange#bellatrix black#rodolphus lestrange#lily evans#lilymort#asks
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Fic Writer's Showcase Game
tagged by @drgrlfriend - thank you!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
First Fic:
Left Foot Forward (Marvel, Winterhawk, Omegaverse, E) - This was born of me reading first Bucky fics, then Clint fics, then running out of winterhawk fics and going 'I should write some so that other people make more for me to read. Maybe I'll do all the popular tropes.' I was terribly depressed at the time and spent most of my days watching the food network and doing nothing, so this actually saved me in a lot of ways.
Last Fic:
A Losing Game (OFMD, Rotating Ed/Stede/Izzy But NOT Steddyhands, Death Game/Modern AU, E) - I know a lot of people are scared of reading this one because they don't know the series it's inspired by and no matter how much I promise that it doesn't matter, it's still intimidating. But I think it's the bees knees. I need to finish the companion parts, they're some of the best things I've ever written.
One-Hit Fandom:
Bad Habits / Indisposed (Dying Light 2, Aiden/Barney, PWP, Both E) - Technically a two-hit fandom and I'm always tempted to write more, but this is a hilarious instance of a character in a video game being so annoying that I was like. I need that guy OBLITERATED (sexual.)
Favourite Fic In Biggest Ship:
BANG! (Marvel, Winterhawk, Suicide Squad AU, E) - I loved writing this fic. I'm in my element when writing violent, kind of wacky comedy action romances (see ALG above as well) and BANG! was a lot of my favourite things in one. Also a call back to a few villains I loved who aren't as prominent.
Fic I Wish Was Read More:
See above for A Losing Game. I was well aware that it wouldn't have a massive reception; it's inspired by a series that people probably haven't seen, it's 80k, it's not actually Steddyhands. But it's very good. I stand by it.
Fic Most Agonised Over:
under the heel of a devil (Marvel, Ameriwinterhawk, Western AU, E) - Westerns are NOT my thing. Arson set me this challenge and I was like "welp." And went to watch a few westerns so I had some semblance of an idea of what the hell I was meant to do. I think it came out alright in the end, but it drove me nuts.
Zero-Effort Fic:
An Endless Beating Heart (OFMD, Ed/Izzy & Jack/Stede, Zombie AU, E) - Okay this is technically a snippet collection in the same verse and is Very Disjointed, but I love it. It was so easy. Zombie stuff is so cruisy for me.
Pride And Joy Fic:
Off The Mortal Coil (Marvel, Winterhawk & Platonic Bucky/Kate, Zombie AU, E) - Over 160k words. 160k. I have not and will never achieve a fic this long again. It was a labour of love and I still love it dearly.
Tagging: If you haven't done this yet, do it now. You're tagged. Go. And tag me in the post.
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PLOTTING CHEAT SHEET, but ranked like they're characters in a game that you have to " beat ". choose your fighter, i guess. please click on the [ ♡ ] and i'll approach you for plotting.
GIANNA LOMBARDI. level : beginner. gianna is generally nice, maybe a slight judgmental if your fashion sense isn't aligned with hers or she just thinks it's ugly. she networks a lot, too, so it makes sense for muses to know her. especially the famous or famous adjacent ones. potential dynamic ideas include : your muse being her client, wlw ships that could be anything from friends to lovers / rivals to lovers, platonic friends, party friends, circumstantial friends.
MIGUEL ZAPATA. level : easy. friendly, chill, & an overall good time. who doesn't wanna hang out with a retired drug dealer & car enthusiast who still has all his connections? potential dynamic ideas include : he used to be your muse's plug, rival dealers or old dealer friends, friends he parties with, racers who were friends with his family members when they still lived in nyc, childhood friends, friends with benefits, exes.
BENNY JOVILLAR. level : intermediate. benny is overall friendly & good natured, but suspicious & untrusting due to his lines of work. i mean, you'd also be this way if you work around cops as your 9 - 5 then end the night perched with a sniper rifle & eyes on your victim. please note : your muse will never know he's a hitman unless it's something that has been extensively plotted. benny is entirely serious about keeping his & jo's identities a secret. probably the only thing he's serious about. potential dynamics include : friends from work ( those who work in law enforcement or law enforcement adjacent fields ), general friends he could've met at parties or clubs or the bars he frequents, lovers, exes, neighbors.
HEART BEAUMONT. level : intermediate. look, heart isn't difficult to befriend, but she's definitely judgmental and not the kind of person you'd want to befriend because frankly... she can be mean. thread ideas : your muse helping her with a PI case, or someone giving her gossip, going out for drinks with heart, telling heart stories because she loves that. dynamics : neighbors, friends, bffs, enemies, someone heart teaches how to play the violin in her down time. the possibilities are indeed endless! heart will love you more if you're judgmental and always have gossip or if you tell her stories.
JOSEPHINE " JO " GATLIN. level : hard. your muse can know jo as one of two identities : the matchmaker, or as jo gatlin, the bar owner and violinist. not both, unless plotted extensively. josephine keeps the list of people who know her criminal identity very small though she may meet some criminals in person, she wouldn't tell them her real name. with that being said, potential dynamics include : clients who often seek her resources, criminals who rely on her to make ends meet or for jobs in general, friends who run in similar circles if they're wealthy, business partners the matchmaker's server could partner with.
ANTONIO LA RUSSA. level : hard. sigh. antonio is a kind person, however he's not a people person. his work keeps him busy, and he tends to be a lone wolf, anyway. he has plenty of acquaintances and some real friends, but it's really a small circle. however, one of the dynamics can be that your muse and antonio are friends and see each other quite a bit or they're both in the business field and network a lot so they're always seeing each other at events.
SECRET MENU MUSES. these are the muses you might become familiar with if we have threads or talk about the muses ooc. by request only.
RUSTY BARING. level : easy. rusty is pretty easy-going and getting along with him isn't difficult. he likes bad jokes, drinking, smoking weed with his friends, and overall having a good time. rusty isn't really trusting, but he's easy to make shallow friends with, and he's fun. potential thread ideas include : meeting rusty at a party or the restaurant where he works, smoking sessions, him as a shoulder to cry on, etc. dynamic ideas : best friends, ride or dies, even high school friends from his hometown who visit glasgow. he's really all about the soft dynamics.
THEO DABNEY. level : easy. theo is our resident sweetheart. loves people. the embodiment of the chatty bartender trope who you can spill all your problems to. non-judgmental. possible threads : your muse meeting theo at a party or at the bar for the first time, smoking sessions with theo, hanging out with theo in general. dynamics : also one for soft dynamics, your muse can be a regular at the bar, theo and your muse can be really good friends ( bonus points if they're good friends with both theo and rusty ), sibling-figures, exes ( theo is bi so anything goes ), friends from when he was trying to be a comedian.
FRIDA DABNEY. level : easy. the daughter of olympia & theo. aspiring rnb singer who isn't aware of her parents being criminals. potential dynamics : musicians who are willing to show her the ropes, aunts or uncle figures who are friends with her parents, friends, lovers, exes.
CATARINA CASWELL. level : extreme. cat's rude and petty. she loves making fun of people in the name of humor, and judging people as well. coming from a rich family and being an influencer, she thinks everyone should know who she is. feel free to humble her. or, your muse and her can plot her sister's death. up to you.
#hi :)#♣️ ₊ ༄ ° ˖ interaction call. ⤻ bestie application.#won't be approaching people tonight but i will at some point this week
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tagged by: @dynamoprotocol [[ thank you 🖤 ]] tagging: @imprvdente @omniishambles @misstantabismuses @bossblitzy / @lankybirdy @vastayan--vigilante @halfghcst @hclluvahctel @treasurechcst & whoever wants to steal it !
[[ half of it is under the cut because it got long ^^" I guess it comes with being a multimuse with quite a few muses xD ]]
If we're talking canon x canon ships, I have a few, but not for all my muses, also because some of them are OCs. To mention some: Adrien/Cat Noir & Marinette/Ladybug, Mabel & Pacifica, Blitzo & Stolas, Millie & Moxxie.
For what concerns ships that I've developed through RPs, that list is much longer and I've built quiet a few of very meaningful dynamics that I love and cherish, just as a I love and cherish the RP partners I write them with:
@advnterccs / @thcpresidcnt / @mcltiples: Rin is that RP partner with whom I have a lot of ships (some on Tumblr, a lot others on Discord) and I love each one to bits (yes, I consider them all OTPs of mine). I suppose that our main ship here on the hellsite are the Ricks (who are self proclaimed soulmates and act obnoxiously about it, followed closely by Evl Rick & Weird Rick (whose relationship is messed up, twisted, unhealthy, unbalance and yet perfect for them), but they are hardly the only ones. We also have our Mortys (who are too cute to be legal omg), whatever it is that there is between our Evil Mortys (that's another twisted interesting relationship right there x3), her Evil Rick with one of my OCs (AR) who have this very playful fling (until it's not), and we've been plotting a dynamic between two of our OCs (Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick)...another weird one xD The funniest thing is that none of these ships developed as we were expecting and I'm really glad for it because they are even better like this! We also have not fully established ship ideas, for example Rick & Verosika being fuck buddies, or we're still deciding what to do with Adrien & Marinette. And of course, just as important, we have a good list of platonic ships! To mention a couple, our Summers are BFF and her Evil Rick is the best friend of one of my OCs (SR). Also there's that real freaking odd thing between my Evil Rick and hers, which I wouldn't know what to call.
@imprvdente / @hvbris: Chloé is one of my oldest RP and shipping partners and there hasn't been one time when we haven't come up with some, at times unexpected ships x3 We ended up with her demon OC Salomé and Bill being engaged in an arranged marriage, which was the last kind of plot I had expected to write for Bill xD But they are amazing and I love them! In her human verse, Salomé is also my Summer's girlfriend. Then we have her main OC Fish (in her main verse) being Rick's fuck buddy and ex-wife (yep, sonone ended up getting drunk married and it was hilarious), while in her teen verse she's Morty's classmate, close friend and secret crush x3 We some great platonic ships too, like the GIdeon twins & the Pines twins, or the Gideon twins & Bill (not a friendly bond as you can imagine xD). In the verse where FIsh has a thing with Rick, she's also Summer's mentor figure and she's friends with Morty. And there's more to come!
@dynamoprotocol: Where can I start to describe the pit of endless ask and past bliss that Rick and Clarissa are? It started off years before the series are a passionate but unhealthy romance that ended in a disastrous break-up, and is currently a bitter, painful relationship made of constant fighting and playing the guilt game. Locke and I have discussed possible plots that could lead them to reconcile (not necessarily getting back together) and I'm really looking forward to explore those! Just as I'm really excited about Clarissa's transition arc and Rick and Chance's rebuilt, healthier relationship. Not to mention that Clarissa / Chance exists in a variant of my and Rin's shared verse and she's dating her Rick x3 But our endgame is a poly relationship with the three of them! Also Clarissa is starting to befriend Morty and Summer too, and Chance's relationship with Morty is just beautiful.
@technodromes: Let me start saying that the developing ships I have with Saby were born kinda by chance, because she sent a meme in which I mentioned that Rick would fuck everyone of the Technodrome crew (aside from the manchildren ofc) and all of a sudden Rick was flirting / teasing / messing with all three her blorbs (Krang, Subprime, Bishop). For now, nothing is really officially established, but it's pretty obvious that they are (sometimes reluctant) friends who are attracted to each other...in some way xD In any case, all those relationships are hilarious, but I'm also waiting for the parts were they will not be -insert evil laughter- Also BIG shootout for Morty and Bishop's friendship because it's one of the most wholesome platonic ships I have on this blog! Also, I'm curious to see what will happen between Summer and Subprime xD
@moonspower: Virote & Rick are another very fun pair. Looking at them, you would expect them to get along because they are extremely different, and they do butt heads a lot. However, they also relish said differences, because they allow each other to experience a completely different lifestyle and view of the world. Not to mention that, under their personas, they are both flawed, traumatised individuals who struggle a lot with everything they have gone through. Rick at times resents how much more put together than him Vi looks and Vi is a little envious or Rick's apparent freedom, but the truth is that they are more similar than they realise. By now Virote is a family friend, and he has a good amical bond with Morty and Summer too.
@misstantabismuses: Jinx and Summer started as a crack ship, but it turned out that they work really well together, so Miss T and I decided to let them live their mutual (still unconfessed) crush on each other x3 Summer provides a somehow healthier, stabler point of view for Jinx, while Jinx pushes Summer to believe more in herself and not to fear her wilder side. I think that they make a really good pair. And speaking of being good for each other, Morty and Jinx are each other trauma support group. Their experiences are very different, but at the same time they can understand and relate to each other. They feel appreciated and accepted for what they are and I love how they have come to always have each other's back. It's a beautiful friendship / kinship right there.
There are a few others relationships I'm enjoying, but they are still at the early stages, so I still need to get a proper vibe out of them. But I'm looking forward to see where they will go too!
Honestly, most of my muses don't really consider age as a factor that can stop them from being attracted to someone else and, personally, I don't have an issues with large age gaps. As long as it makes sense for the character and as long as it's mutual and consensual, then age isn't really a deal breaker for me.
Of course, if it is for my ship partner, I do respect their boundaries and let them choose what gap is too large for their comfort. I just roll along with it.
The biggest, clearest example is the ships I have with my Ricks (also because they get engaged with aliens, non-organic beings, etc, so age becomes an extremely relative concept)...C-137 especially, since he's the muse who has more relationships than anyone else on this blog.
As I mentioned, among his main ships there are Clarissa [@dynamoprotocol] who is roughly 30 years younger than him, Virote [@moonspower] who is almost 40 years younger than him, Fish [@imprvdente] who is immortal and has been around for more or less 400 years. And then you have Saby's blorbs [@technodromes] who are like...5000 years old? And same goes (to quote a more recent sexual relationship he has acquired) with Petal [@petalsxfallen] who is even older than the Utrom trio.
So yeah, I think this proves that no age gap is too large for me, as long as what I said before about consent (for both muns and muses) is respected.
This kind of depends. I always tag threads that can't be considered PG-13 as "suggestive tw", to allow people who don't want to see the slightest hint of steam to curate their content. So, like, even just a make out session that isn't going to turn into an intercourse but that's written with some details, that gets tagged as "suggestive tw".
As for when "suggestive tw" turns into "nsft tw", I usually draw the line at when certain words start being used (mostly words to explicitly describe genitals) and when clothes start to come off in a sexy way (if that makes sense xD). At that point, not only the threads is labelled as "nsft tw", but it also gets shoved under "Read more". Or moved to Discord, if my writing partner prefers not writing this sort of content on Tumblr.
Yes, in the sense that I ship with chemistry. I have to feel a good connection both between the muses and between me and the other mun, otherwise it's really hard for me to get involved and attached to a ship. That considered, some basic but more or less regular OOC communication is strongly prefer, because it allows to keep the interest alive and the dynamic evolving. There's nothing worse than a relationship grown stale and static, if you ask me, because it gets boring very, very fast.
That said, some of my muses are pretty easy to engage in casual, strictly sexual relationships (even if, in that case too, there has to be sexual chemistry between them and the other muse), and I'm always happy to play long with that. Rick, AR, Stan and Blitzo are absolutely open to have fuck buddies and friends with benefits, not to mention short flings and one-night stands. On the non-sexual side, Morty and Mabel crush on people very easily, but on the other hand said feelings are usually also very superficial.
However, when it comes to actual, stable ships that involve feelings, then I tend to be selective because I need the chemistry and the communication I've mentioned before.
It's also worth to mention that some of my muses are almost unshippable, so building a ship with them is hard and requires a lot of discussing / plotting / commitment. I headcanon both Evil Morty and Jinx as ace and greyromantic, which means that they won't be attracted to others' looks and it takes a strong connection with the person for them to develop feelings for someone (and even when it happens, these feelings are going to be twisted and unhealthy and definitely not the sort of love normal people would feel, due to their traumatic pasts and upbringings). The only other muse (who's not my Evil Rick), my Evil Morty has connected so far is his timeline split counterpart [@thcpresidcnt] and it's very hard to tell what that relationship is about. Then there's Bill, whom not only I headcanon as aro-ace, but who is a dream entity with no real interest or understand for sex and romance. I'd say that he is unshippable if it wasn't for the "business marriage" turned into real partnership I'm building with him and @hvbris's Salomé. He eventually becomes pretty fond of her, but it's an attachment purely based on respect and intrigue, so nothing to do with love or sexual attraction.
All the other muses are more or less approachable, but the rule about chemistry still applies to them all, no exceptions.
I tend to be a picky shipper even outside RPing, so I tend to have few pairings for each media to which I'm extremely attached. Aside from the pairings that I've already mentioned in the answer to the first question, there's very few other ships I like / don't mind, even if they aren't ships I spend time and efforts on.
To make a little list:
I want Morty to get a boyfriend / show interest in a male-identifying individual at some point, because no one in that family is straight and it's very obvious, but he's the only one who still hasn't shown open attraction to anyone who's not female.
I'd also love for Summer to have a not-guy love interest, because she deserves someone who can treat her well and who can keep up with her. I've seen around some art of her and Jessica and I think that they are pretty good together and could make sense as a pairing.
In my own personal canon (which I usually don't apply to RPs unless previously discussed with my writing partner), AR and Rick have known each other for a while, do business together and are also fuck buddies (no romance involved, even if AR probably has a mug that says "C-137's #1 fan" xD), so I guess that counts as a ship I like...?
I sort of like the idea of Blizo & Verosika going through a "bitter exes to having hate sex to friends with benefits" kind of arc. They hurt each other badly, but it's also obvious that they still care for each other. I don't think they could function as a healthy couple, but with some (a lot of) work they could definitely become good friends.
Millie & Verosika could make an interesting pair too. I have a soft spot for badass queens couples, sue me xD
There's probably more that I can't think of right now and I'm always open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to come to me with ideas!
Tendentially yes. As I said, I need chemistry between both the muses and the muns to get involved in a ship, which means that I require at least some basic communication, or I end up losing interest very quickly.
This doesn't mean that it can't happen that our muses can't grow attracted to each other through interactions, even if the ship hasn't been discussed yet. Tbh, some of the most interesting pairings I ended up writing have built themselves on their own xD However, to "seal the deal", I do require that the other mun comes to talk to me about the ship...or that I go and talk to them about it. I'm more than willing to do the first step in that sense if the chemistry between the characters is good and I can see them working well!
This goes for requited feelings. If you want your muse to crush on / be attracted to mine, you can totally go for it, no need to come and ask me about it! Unless you want to. Unrequited crushes can be really fun to play out and so is making laughing at our muses x3
I love shipping and I make no secret of it. If I feel that two characters have chemistry and I like them together, then I do pursue the pairing. However, I wouldn't say that I'm strictly ship obsessed.
When I read / write fanfictions, I tend to focus on shippy ones, even if the ship isn't always the focus of the plot. I like having it in the story, but I'm also more attracted by stories that also explore other things or that have a more general context. And that's what I try to give when I write a long fic (for one-shots it's different, mostly because there's not enough space to explore too many themes).
With roleplay, it's more or less the same, with the exception that, more than being "ships driven", I tend to be dynamics drive, and that includes also non-romantic relationships. I like to build relationships, of every kind and sort, and to watch mine and my partner's muses walk along the road that takes them into becoming a stable part of each other's life.
It's honestly one of my favourite parts when it comes to RPing, and that's why, whenever the other person is open to it, I create a whole verse for us, so we can keep developing our muses' shared story through multiple interactions.
So, I'm a ships lover, but I also believe that there's a lot more than shipping when it comes to writing and roleplaying.
Fandom per fandom list? Looks like we're doing it x'D
Rick and Morty: Beth & Space Beth
Arcane: Vi & Caitlyn, Jayce & Viktor
Gravity Falls: Mabel & Pacifica
Helluva Boss: Millie & Moxxie, Blitzo & Stolas, Asmodeus & Fizzarolli
Miraculous: the love square (especially Adrien & Marinette, Cat Noir & Marinette), Alya & Nino, Rose & Juleka
There are other ships I like, but these are the main ones!
Come and talk to me. As simple (and complicated, because I know how nerve-wrecking it can be to approach someone, especially if you want to ask them to ship) as that. As I said, I'm selective when it comes to shipping, but I'm always open to new ideas!
This said, once again, your muse is welcome to be attracted / have a crush / falling in love with mine and act on it. Depending on the chemistry (between both muses and muns), this could either develop into something or remain one-sided. I personally like exploring unrequited love dynamics too, but I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea!
#[ ooc :: mun scotty on comm ]#[ ooc :: blog info ]#[ ooc :: about the mun ]#[ ooc :: dash games ]#[[ this took a while x'D ]]#[[ tbh I could have written more but I chose NOT to ramble ]]#[[ especially in the part about my ship partners >.> ]]#[[ the post was already getting WAY too long xD ]]
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Hello greetings! Thanks for follow me! May i ask why do you like junpei-nisan and ship him with izumi-ne? Sorry f9r my rude and bad english..
Hello! Don’t worry about your english because first of all it is not bad; second, I’m not english myself so, honestly, who cares🤫. What matters the most is to understand each other, right?
I’ve recently written a little post about why I love Junpei so much:
But I guess I could tell so much more about the reason why I love Junpei. That post isn’t exhaustive at all ahaha.
For example, I could tell you about how much I love his personality being so flawed and going through a development that does happen in the background, but it’s still so beautiful. From seeing him starting off as a selfish, rude kid wanting the world to rotate around him, to observing him finding his role in the group, taking step backwards because of their sake (very ehw, but I admit it was written well from his perspective, at least).
As far as concerns Junzumi, the reasons are so many even when it comes to them. I used to ship Takumi (Takuya x Izumi) in the past, but I had never watched Frontier tbh. When I started my watching, my immediate liking on Junpei soon laced itself with a growing interest in the pair. Going beyond the fact I have got a soft spot for pairings in which a boy is so devoted to his crush, loves her so endlessly and would do anything to make her happy, I could make a little list about the main points making me like Junzumi so much.
• The main reason why I love it is that they are both lonely kids and they get constantly paired up at the beginning of Frontier because of this characteristic of theirs. They just deal with it in different ways, indeed, opposite ways: Junpei searches for friends so desperately he even sells himself, becomes a people pleaser, exchanges friendship for material stuff; Izumi has got no friends because she doesn’t want them, she doesn’t want to be treated as a special kid, being put at the center of attention (whereas Junpei DOES want to be the star of situations XD). Both also cope with this situation of theirs in different ways, almost specular, with Junpei feeling a void inside himself but trying repressing it, lying to himself, and Izumi being perfectly aware of her condition but not wanting to go deeper and looking for its root. What really makes this point (and couple) so special to me is that in some profiles about Junpei it’s stated he felt drawn by Izumi at first sight because he could perceive she was as lonely as him.
And I…I am a lonely person too, I must admit. I’m an only child like them and somehow I do relate to their need to have someone around themselves.
• They are the most well-developed duo in the whole Frontier and have got ton of potential because of their personalities clashing, but always finding a way to get along. They are…The Mum and Dad of the group, this is a certainty, but they are also great partners when they collaborate. They started off with Izumi not standing him, Junpei not knowing how to even conversate with her in a normal way. Yet, they soon learn to appreciate each other, unconsciously learn they can grow up thanks to each other. Who’s the first (indeed, only) member of the group Izumi opens up to, has got the best heart-to-heart with? Junpei. Who is the one for whom Junpei goes beyond his limits, understanding how important for him is to protect those he cares for? Izumi. Let’s also add Junpei gets interested in italian thanks to her, but this is something I have to add because of my endless love for this aspect of Junpei’s.
• They can be both a platonic and romantic relationship and, in my personal opinion, in a couple it’s so important to balance the two sides.
• Their personalities help me come up with thousand of ideas for them and it does matter for a creative person like me, I assure you. Imagining them older and applying those explosive personalities of theirs in a boyfriend/girlfriend or ,even funnier, husband/wife context is just everything to me. Junpei is the loyal, extremely devoted, affectionate, sometimes also wise husband pleasing his wife in the most disparate ways he could. There’s nothing he cares more about than seeing her happy and making her believe she’s the most beautiful, -inside and outside-, woman on Earth. Izumi is the wife liking teasing her husband, being so strict at certain moments, taking the reins of any situation and holding the scepter of the household. Yet, at the same time, she’s the most lovely companion of life, making husband feel the most desiderable man on Earth.
EHM, yes, moments in which you are flooded by emotions. Waves of emotions.
• They are Wind x Thunder, parts of tempests. Their elements also have got a special bond in one of the V-Pets.
• Their Digimon are both bugs in their adult forms and, Jesus Christ, consider me stupid, but I ship Fairymon and Blitzmon so hard too (especially after Blitzmon is revealed to be a simp for her in the 2019 drama).
These are some reasons. SOME, though, because there are ton of others. I…I would be banned from Tumblr because of the excessive length. Anyway! I hope I was clear and answered your question in the way you wanted. If you wanted to know something else about these topics or share your opinions, you’re welcome to do it💕 (just like you’re welcome in my blog from now on).
Thank you for the ask and have a good day🎶!
#digimon frontier#junzumi#junpei shibayama#izumi orimoto#fairyblitz#blitzmon#fairymon#I poured all my love in this ask because these topics are so dear to me#so the hand took over my mind#write write write Zura#I ship them because I love them is not enough#💕💕💕💕
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Would you be open to sharing a list of all your F/Os 💕
Sure! The way I agonised over how to write this all day.😭
Okay so my main F/Os are (in NO particular order):
Arthur Fleck (Joker 2019; romantic)
Michael Langdon (AHS Apocalypse; romantic)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things; romantic) & his dad Uncle Wayne & Jim Hopper are parental F/Os.
(My 3 boys, all of whom deserved better & I wanna wrap up in a blanket and love on them so hard they forget how cruelly others treated them🥺comversely, I want Uncle Wayne & Hopper to be looking after me😭)
Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde and Mary Reilly (my parental F/Os)
Grim Reapers 444, 007 and 416 (K-Drama Black; first and last numbers are platonic and middle number is romantic)
There's also my casual F/Os (still F/Os but they're not constant like the above list, I just dip into them when I want them)
Liz Taylor & Tristan Duffy (poly because these two are practically married & I don't wanna separate them. Of the two, I lean to Liz more often because she's my wife) - AHS Hotel
L Lawliet (Death Note)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
Bo, Vincent and Lester Sinclair (I ship myself romantically with the three Sinclair brothers from House of Wax 2005. They share me lmfao).
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler - live action 2014).
Jerry Dandridge (Fright Night 1985)
J (TDK Ledger Joker)
Honourable mentions for characters who are not F/Os but are very important comfort characters and I carry them with me always as very wise ancient beings who wouldn't want anything to do with me as a mere human but here we are;
Doctors 9 - 12 (Doctor Who)
Jareth (Labyrinth)
Dream of the Endless (Sandman 2022)
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*Thinks about them*
#sorikai#skulmerayer#terraqua#leaisa#soriku#sokai#rikai#skulmera#skulayer#ephelayer#*sobs in a corner*#lil bit of#rokushi#also an endless list of platonic ships#destiny island trio#wayfinder trio#sea salt family#sea salt trio#wayfinder family#gimme all of them please#nekushikibeat#kingdom hearts#twewy#paopu trio
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Watching the Moss Grow: A Rundown

(he’s just a little guy)
Okay, because I got The ZoomiesTM last night, I ended up committing myself to creating ANOTHER original series, even though my other one’s not started either. Woe is me. This series, called “Watching the Moss Grow,” (credit to Jobey, who also helped me name the main lad,) will give me more creative freedom than “The Pasqueflower Line” in the sense that location, accuracy to history regarding engine classes, etc. are all immaterial. Everyone’s a freelance mutt of an engine, and the railway on which the engines live, the very anonymously named Joint Lines Committee, belongs to no specific part of England in particular.
Houseboat, you’re your own worst enemy, y’know that? Anyway, what’s WTMG about?
You’re so right.
WTMG revolves around the escapades of Moss, a soft, unassuming and impossibly small six-coupled goods engine, and his unusual little universe of my own creation. Set in a perpetual floating timeline of 1946-48, (because I don’t feel like explaining the JLC’s place in Nationalization, and the immediate postwar years of Britain are just so interesting to me,) Moss and all his friends and peers get on with the running of their line, with grit, resolve, and banter in spades.
Eh. Alright. Who are our characters?
Glad you asked, Me! Please note that this is a VERY incomplete list as more characters are created. Also, none of the engines belong to specific real life classes, so photo references of similar-looking engines will be provided. Forgive me for your having to fill in the gaps with your imagination where necessary, such as engines not having the same number of wheels!
Wheel Arrangement: 0-6-0
Livery: Forest Green/No Stripes/Brass Dome
A Similar Engine: [1]
Our eponymous main character!
Moss is a soft-spoken, chipper, and grubby little goods engine. Painted green and always in the background, he lives up to his name. He supposedly has an uncanny ability to appear out of nowhere, but really, it’s just engines realizing he’s been there the whole time. He revels in his status as a wallflower workhorse, and would give you the paint off his boiler. Moss is however a bit under-powered, which clashes with his chief flaw of being, to be frank, a pushover.
His usual duties when not biting off more than he can chew are short-haul goods and shunting.
Wheel Arrangement: 2-10-0+0-10-2
Livery: Black/White-Green-White Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
His name is misleading, for he’s the largest steam engine in all of Britain. (How the JLC got ownership of him is a company secret.)
Pup is an immensely powerful Garratt goods engine, and the line’s Big Cheese/Coolest Guy in Town. His main responsibility, pulling interminably long coal trains to London, often keeps him away from the others. When he is around, he's held in the highest regard by all for his endless charm and unflappable nature. If there’s a fight while he’s around, all it takes is a glare and some stern words out of him to force a peace.
He has taken a shine (a platonic one? who can tell) to Moss, who is thus OFF-LIMITS to bullying in Pup’s presence. He and Wally, more on her below, are also smokebox-over-wheels for one another, and the sparks that fly on the occasions they do cross paths could light a thousand fireboxes, (his poetic imagery, not mine.)
Wheel Arrangement: 0-6-0T
Livery: Dark Blue/Orange Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Florin is the Head Station Pilot at Eastport, the JLC’s biggest station. She runs a tight ship in “her” station, is the shunting equivalent of a chess champion, and has been at this her whole life apart from her recent mobilization by the War Department.
Now demobbed and back in her domain, Florin may come off as territorial and snappish, but really she’s just trying to keep a place in the one comfort zone she’s ever had. She thus has zero patience for Mutton, another of the shunters, who’s sluggish and carefree, and berates him accordingly.
Wheel Arrangement: 0-8-0T
Livery: Dark Blue/Orange Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Mutton is one of Florin’s many subordinate shunters at Eastport, and her least favorite by miles, not that he cares a fig for her or anything else.
Recently purchased from a sleepy brickworks, he has no experience with the urgency of passengers, timetables, or the social construct that some engines rank higher or lower than others. Mutton’s a live and let live sort of bloke with no malice in him, but the more he’s scolded, the less he’ll cooperate. Florin, for all her cleverness, seems not to grasp this.
Old Hiccups
Wheel Arrangement: 0-4-4T
Livery: Black/No Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Old Hiccups was once charged with running a hardly patronized passenger service on a backwater branchline. That has since closed, and he's found a new purpose as a semi-stationary boiler. He's never cleaned, can't move on his own, and sits around for weeks at a time heating carriages or powering machinery.
And he loves every minute of it, to the other engines' bafflement.
With his posh voice and prideful laziness, Old Hiccups strikes the image of a hedonist basking and being fed grapes. He without deviation addresses his colleagues as "dear" or "good fellow." He apparently gets a kick out of inconveniencing engines on other jobs to drop everything and tow him where his talents are required next.
Old Hiccups carries himself as if he has unlocked all the secrets to a peaceful life. The other engines think him mad.
Wally aka “Queen of the Belgians”
Wheel Arrangement: 4-8-2
Livery: Burgundy/White Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Wally, (officially named "Queen of the Belgians," but never referred to as such by anyone except her nameplates and company logbooks,) is one of the JLC's express passenger engines.
Don't let her spotless paint and status fool you, she's actually very humble and genuinely concerned about others’ wellbeing. This makes her a bit of an outcast among the other express engines at times, but Wally hardly bothers for their approval anyway. And in any case, they rarely scorn her for long, before falling over each other to get her attention the next moment.
Wally much prefers the company of “real” working engines such as Moss, Florin and “that dashing brute” Pup.
Mr. Clarence Ireton
The nimble, mousy, and empathic General Manager of the JLC, who is most certainly NOT an expy of Clement Attlee.
Ireton has a progressive, (or to non-railwayfolk’s point of view, eccentric,) managerial style that hinges on regularly interfacing with the workers (*gasp*) and engines both. He can’t be everywhere at once, but everywhere he can be, he tries to help out whoever “has the right of it” the best he can. Apart from his cringe-inducing love of wordplay and improvised limericks, he’s a very pleasant sort. His motto is “Fairness is the Order of the Day,” and it’s invoked ad nauseam.
#watching the moss grow#wtmg moss#wtmg pup#wtmg mr. ireton#wtmg old hiccups#wtmg wally#wtmg florin#wtmg mutton
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The one thing about Túrin and Beleg that I want to point out is that they’re the closest thing to a canon (as in, reciprocated affection on the page) M/M ship that we have in Tolkien. In their earliest appearances in Book of Lost Tales II and the Lays of Beleriand, Túrin kisses Beleg after he’s dead, and in the Lays they both kiss in front of all the Gaurwaith. Later versions are less explicit but no less loaded - Beleg says that if he stays with Túrin, love shall lead him, not wisdom, and Andróg gets jealous of the “tryst” Túrin and Beleg have in the woods (exact word used). I totally understand not being invested in the pairing, but I guess I want to point out that they’re a bit more physically and emotionally involved than your average close male friendship in the text.
Oh, for sure. When I first began reading HoME, this made quite an impression on me, because I didn't expect to ever see that in Tolkien. As a queer woman of East Asian descent, let's just say I've always been used to wrestling with issues of representation in Tolkien (which... isn't usually fun 😬), so when I began exploring the many versions of the Narn, it was quite mindblowing.
Later, of course, I went on to realize this is a much more complex issue than I'd known at the time - for instance, kissing didn't necessarily have romantic connotations in the medieval stories Tolkien was drawing inspiration from, but on the other hand, around this time period the word "friend" wasn't necessarily used in a platonic way, which Tolkien would also have known. It's Complicated™️.
But definitely, Turin and Beleg stand out among many relationships that Tolkien focuses on in its intensity. (Though I wouldn't say it's the only one.)
In the post you're referring to, I said I don't particularly ship them, but that also goes for a whole lot of canon het ships (which I'm not naming - as The Youth say, I won't yuck other people's yum.) Whether something is supported by canon doesn't really influence whether I actively seek and/or produce content for them, which is my definition of shipping. See also: my endless list of crackships.
#this is edging very close to discourse but i'm taking the ask in the good faith i think it was meant#and hoping i won't regret it#i'm not accusing you anon of trying to start drama#i just hope it won't start any despite both of our wishes because that's the internet
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Talking Ships: Silco/Jinx (Jilco)
Okay for the sake of this post, I’m just going to say Jilco to mean the storyline, the father/daughter-ly relationship and the ship, kind of all scrambled into one.
A sidenote on shipping: Am I surprised that there is shipping-shipping? In addition to “just appreciate the storyline as a creepy storyline” and “like them unironically and find them sweet as a platonic storyline”? Not really, it’s the internet, there is Rule 34, there is the fact that tumblr loves their skinny pale murder boyfriends, there has always been at least some unironic Joker/Harley shipping (no matter how clear the creators have made it that he cares nothing for her, that it is an unambigious depiction of a standard abusive relationhip and that Harley is happier with Ivy), and I know endless depth lurk in the “Dead Dove Do Not Eat” tag on A03 (cough, Harry Potter early years).
Joker/Harley type things, various “murder husbands” or Thornbirds in general have never been very high on my personal shipping lists when I look at my personal history, I just accept that it exists and move on.
Other Sidenote. i genuinely wonder if Vander had stuck around for Act 2 whether we would have gotten a lot of Vander shipping with various people, whether it’s Silco because imagined backstory (we know they were only metaphorical brothers, not literal brothers as per Jinx’s dialogue) or various top side characters he hadn’t interacted with in Act 1.
Anyway, I’ve talked quite a bit already on why I think their relationship so subtly disturbing feeling and also why I think those same characteristics might make the relationship feel really confusing so some people (TLDR: Silco and Jinx lack boundaries, whether physical, professional or emotional) and I have speculated what might in character/in universe drive these characters to accept this relationship and stay in it (for example, my head canon/theory is that Jinx felt like Vander preferred Vi)
Meta on:
On Vander’s parenting style versus Siclo’s parenting style
Reasons why people might mistake it for a good parental relationship
Helplessness/wanting to be useful
In my other ship talks I talked a bit about what I perceive to be the writing flaws in the storylines. With Jilco, I feel like the storyline benefits the most from a lot of vagueness. Like, it’s really hard to say that Silco’s actions are out of character or rushed when we don’t really know him well enough to 100% know is intentions.
So most criticisms to me move rather quickly into the philosphical realm. Should you portray a weird and skeepy relationship like this? Is Jinx/Powder a sensitive or insensitive portrayal of mental illness? If it really cheap to once again take the character who is arguing for social chance and revolution and cast him as the skeevy guy?
On a pure story POV, I guess my criticism would be that it feels a bit odd Act 1 it felt like things in the city were at a boiling point, like Silco wanted to strike right then and there, like if nobody turned themselves in, everything would explode. Except Vander gets killed/disappears, Vi does not get put in jail for the robbery, now do Mylo and Clagger on account of being dead and yet we jump 4-6 years into the future and it seems like no major clash happened. And Silco who seemed so eager in Act 1 is still in “slowly building up my strength and army” mode. I guess maybe we are supposed to take it that meeting Jinx and taking her in convinced him to take it a bit slower? Anyway, I thougth that that was a bit of a shift in focus.
And then there is Marcus abduction of Vi, just at the same moment which I felt was underexplained and just like really a bit too convenient.
Let’s Talk Silco
I think the core thing about him is that he sees himself in or projects himself into Jinx, that he tries to make his trauma hers. He has said some intersting things, like how he originally thought Vi was the more valuable daughter, but he came to see Jinx’s potential (again interesting parallel to Mel seeing potential in Jayce). I lean towards thinking that he is truthful about this, that he came to be really impressed with Jinx, whether it is her violence or her tech knowledge.
We know some factor is him seeing himself in her, Vander’s “betrayal” of him, versus Powder’s falling out with Vi. I wonder whether he saw potential in this too, he knows how deep his rage over that betrayal goes, so he thinks or hopes that with Jinx he feel forge somebody who knows the same hate and will hence fight just as fierecely against the topside. Or whether his “abandonment” has made him feel lonely and bonding with Jinx will fix that lonliness?
Another element I wondered about is whether there might also be some element of jealousy or revenge in regards to wander, that he is taking Vander’s daughter and doing a better job than Vander.
I talked about how Silco’s lack of boundaries with Jinx might seem nice or cool, but how they aren’t actually good parenting. But to me the core conflict of the Jilco relationship is clearly Vi. Whether Silco had something to do with it or not, he swooped in when Vi was not available and he is now trying to keep them apart.
Maybe there are Silco fans who have the stance that Vi is a jerk who hurt Powder so it’s a good thing that Silco is trying to keep them apart. But I just don’t think that that is the aim of the story. I think the story is that Vi loves Jinx and Jinx at the very least has powerful comlicated feelings about Vi (I would say she still loves Vi just as much and misses her, but admittedly there is that scene where she shoots the girl who looks like Vi in the back in the beginning of episode 4).
Bascially, my stance on it is, if Powder loves Vi, then Silco’s love for Powder is not credible if he is trying to screw with that relationship and working to keep them apart. At the worst this shows that he is possessive and does not care about Powder’s feelings, in the most charitable interpretation it means that he can’t see past his own hangups with Vander to realize that maybe Vi deserves to have a relationship with Powder.
Like the “nice guy” option would be that even if he dislikes Vi and is skeptical about her to let the sisters talk it out under supervision. You know give them the chance to fix their relationship in a way that hom and Vander were not able to. And of course have his parental love for Powder be tested via his willingness to give her up, should she want that.
Of course that is not where the story is going, and in the end a likely factor is also his plans for the topside, that by now Jinx is important to those plans and that Vi coming back is just messing up his timetable.
Another thing that has been thrown around is that Silco is letting Jinx’s mental health symptoms run wild and encourages her bad behavior. To which I yes, as in that is a factor in why they are an unhealthy relationship, but morally that’s where I’m giving him some minor leeway, because it’s unknown to what extent he understands that, either because the whole topic of mental health isn’t really developed in their fantasy universe, or because he has his own issues, or simply because his world view is so different and at the very least it’s consistent with his world view.
Let’s Talk Jinx
One scene that is really fascinating to me is the scene that birthed them. Powder launching herself at Silco and hugging them. Was it because she was that heart broken she was looking at anything? Did she mean to attack him and just in the middle of it lost her strength because of said heartbreak? Maybe as he was coming at her with a knife, surrounded by his goons, with Vi having abandoned her and not being there to defend her, maybe in a way her hug was her last line of self defense. She knows she can’t beat them phyiscally, so the last weapon her her arsenal is trying to use her cuteness?
Especially since we see her later of being capable of using her hugs as a way to manipulate people (when she hugs the bartender so she can place an explosive prank on his back). (there is this really lowkey disturbing line in Legends of Runeterra where Jinx gives advice to a street urchin in the street and says (as a way of giving advice on how to beg more successfully) "Stick your lip out and give 'em puppy eyes! Trust me.")
I’m generally wondering how exactly Jinx feels about Silco. I have theorized that she likes him because she felt Vander loved Vi more than her and now Silco loves her more than anybody else around.
I also think she is lonely and she seeks him out because he is the only one who gives her the time o’ day.
As I talked in some of the metas, he gives her a lot of responsibility (like injecting him), asks a lot of her (I need yout to finish the hex tech etc), which binds her to him and probably makes her feel indebted and responsible.
At the same time, I think Jinx also keeps part of her to herself. She has her lair with images of her past. We see Silco oversharing with Jinx and see her accepting it, but we don’t really see her sharing much on her side and him listening to and taking it in, beyond the outburst that brougth them together (of course Silco has an interest in talking down her connection with Vi and Vander, but even outside of that, do you think she ever talked him about Mylo and Clagger?). We have that scene in the water where she makes fun of him telling her the Vander story again rather than I don’t know, tearing up because she empathizes so much with him. (also see my comments about Jayce and Mel and how Jayce doesn’t really get emotional with empathy when Mel shares stuff with him about her family situation).
So basically I think Silco is projected himself full force into Jinx, but it’s not completely the same way on her side.
You know, my questions
1.) Do I think that they do/did they fuck?
2.) Do I think that they could be happy together?
Are actually kind of interesting here. Like with 1... I look at their scenes that I like to think that that’s not what they are indicating, even as they do indicate that they have an inappropriate level of closeness. And then there is the other part of my brain that says, okay, if we were being realistic here, if we just remotely applied real world standards: Jinx is a neurodivergent orphan minor who spends her time seemingly exclusively highly criminal and potentially at least slightly drug addicted adults.
It feels almost like a numbers game that Jinx likely was molested at some point. And if it wasn’t Silco, chances is that it would have been one of this goons (again the optimistic mind wants to pretend that even if something like that happened, well Jinx is a murder girl and would have fought back and even if she didn’t Silco would have gone after them/would never have let that happen/it wouldn’t happen because everybody is afraid either of her or of Silco... but there is a part of my brain that says that that is probably too optimistic).
Not question 2 is even more fascinating to me. First let me say that my answer to this is a firm no. To me the story of Silco and Jinx strikes me as the kind that is heading for Silco to die, likely in a way that might have a strong effect on Jinx, whether she kills himself or has to watch him die. But like with Jayce and Mel, let’s talk hypotheticals here. In a perfect world, whether everything goes well, there are no obstacles, could they have a last happy relationship?
This makes me mull what exactly a perfect world would look like. So what, Silco defeats the topside, becomes king of the city and installs Jinx in a palace as his perfect 100% free roaming princess daughter who can do anything she wants and never get in trouble? Would a happy ending for Silco be to achieve his goals, die in peace and hand his empire over to Jinx, so she can rule the city? Would it be his happy ending to die for her, in her arms as he assures her and she weeps over him?
They just lead such violent lives, I just have a hard time picturing that their story wouldn’t end in violence. Also their co-dependency seems to be kind of centered around struggle, or to be precise, Silco’s struggle versus the top side. It seems kind of questionable whether that struggle can ever be successful and even if it was, I expect that Jinx would be the kind of to run off and have adventures.
Which brings me to... Jinx. I have to say I struggle in general picturing what a happy end would look like for her. Like even if I completely throw out Silco and try to imagine her with various other League characters where you don’t have age difference or you don’t have the traumatic past, whether it’s fellow chaotic murder fans like her or loving idealists, I generally have a hard time picturing Jinx in anything more than having temporary nice romantic adventures (I will get back on that when I talk Jinx x Ekko).
Anyway, getting back to Jilco, let’s say Silco’s struggle gets resolved somehow, Jinx goes on adventures across the continent, an older, more grown up Jinx who had a chance to have her own experiences comes back and meets up with Silco again. Maybe he is in jail, maybe he is running the city, maybe he is still in his mob boss lair, maybe he has a little farm in the countryside somewhere, what would this older Jinx and him even talk about?
As I said in her section, to me I feel some hesitancy on Jinx’s side, like she doesn’t really see things 100% the way he does, but she stays because there is enough overlap, for now, I’m not sure I 100% buy her ever overcoming that. There is also the factor that even though I think Silco sees a lot of himself in her, he isn’t hyper or manic like her. He isn’t the guy who like jumps on a hoverboard and high fives her as they throw bombs together.
In short, even when ignoring all #problematic aspects, I just can’t picture it.
Final Grade: ??? B? (because it’s an interesting relationship to talk about? And it probably achieves what it sets out to do in being creepy and surprising? Or D because it’s not really shippy to me personally? Like I find it intriguing but I don’t get the fuzzy “awww, cute murder dad!” feels personally)
Disclaimer: these are my feelings as of the end of Act 2 of Arcane, my rating might go up or down drastically based on what happens in Act 3.
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Endless list of fictional crushes (6/∞) - Isaac ‘Zack’ Foster (Satsuriku no Tenshi/Angels of Death)
A bandaged anime/manga/video-game serial killer with a wonderful smile. A lost young man, who haven’t felt enough love in his life. The almost-killer of the heroine turned to be her only friend and salvation. He has the maniacal laughter, the edginess, the sass, and the scythe. And who doesn’t love a guy, who hides a lot of warmth behind his bitter mask?
My ships for him: with Rachel (both platonic and romantic; in canon it’s a multi-dimensional relationship with various aspects), maybe also a bit with Cathy (a sadistical torturer and her toughest victim).
#satsuriku no tenshi#isaac foster#zackray#endless list of fictional crushes#mój piękny panie raz zobaczony
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