#also also maybe they shouldve kissed too who knows
tummyhurts · 5 days
speaking of the bikeriders, every single scene austin is in he looks insane like INSANE insane but holy shit on my first watch when i first saw the cut to him immediately after kathy is almost assaulted, that slow pan up to his face, the music, the lighting, the way the camera stays on him for what felt like 5 hours in my head ohmy god that shit gave me butterflies and it affected me the exact same way when i saw it again and again like jesus christ austin butler you are perfect. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW FUCKING PRETTY HE LOOKS WHEN HE CRIES/TEARS UP WHAT????!?!,????????? the colour of his eyes omg. i can’t deal with him. i need months to recover from this and i Need him
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horrorwebs · 2 years
i left her house and party without telling her how i feel or attempting to make a move i feel like the stupidest motherfucker alive
#like. that was my chance. it was THE chance. why am i such a fucking coward#its not like i didnt want to but i couldnt find the way thwre was too many peoñle and i wanted it to be private#so we LEFT for WALK on her NEIGHBOURHOOD that was MY CHANCE. we went to the little park with the swings i REALLY WAS ABOUT TO SAY STH#WHEN ONE OF THE GUYS AT THE PARTY AND HER COUSIN ARRIVED B#TO PICK US UP BY CAR BC SHE HAD TO BLOW THE CANDLES#(<- the party was her birthday cellebration)#like really idk how i am a. so unlucky and b. such a pussy#i think i shouldve been a bit more drunk to have told her right away.but i Was working my way through it to tell her it was just hard yknow#im scared ill ruin things if she rejects me. and i feel like she wants to be with me sometimes and that she likes me.#but other times i feel like im just being insane and she will simply reject me#i think her cousin noticed i like her though. (i dont think this is too hard to notice anyway) maybe thatll help? idk.#half the world thinks we are together and i have to wonder why arent we?i like her n i think she likes me (or at least she has in the past)#so whats stopping us? the fact we r in a band together and want a future on that might be something. she has also told my friend she values#the friendship too much or sth like that (my friend doesnt remember very well) but that then means she does like me! but also shell reject#me possibly! or will she? who knows?!!#anyway i think it wouldnt be that bug of a problem anyway for the band if we are mature about it. even it it doesnt work and we decide its#better as friends in a future. i dont think anything she does or i do will be as bad as 'point of no return bad'.#i believe in us. and i feel like the sappiest mf alive too#but see if youve read this far i think you might understand why im such a coward and so scared of telling her i like her#but i was so close of just bljrting it out or kissing her. i did kiss a bit her neck.... sorry lol. but nothing too um .sexual? it was like#peck. but you ask and how did that happen? well see. we were sleeping together. like on top of each other hugging. my face was on her#collarbone. so i was like there. but i dont think she tought much of it sometimes we kiss each others cheeks or whatever and its just like#or maybe she did. there were pther people on the room anyway so ot was like . weird as well bc of that#idk ots just a very ambiguous zone in which i will die forever if i dont work up some courage#this posts always turn onto rants but i dont speak much about her with my friends unless they ask +im a bit drunk.it embarrasses me greatly#spikeposting#loveposting
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totheseok · 2 months
seunghan thoughts because I miss him
so we've all seen that video where they were playing the huge jenga
and when it fell he reached to kind of break its fall so that it wouldn't hurt shotaro
so I'm imagining that like
it's really common that he gets hurt a bit in the process of helping others and then brushes it off
imagine he comes home after filming that episode, maybe he's staying at your place for the night, and u see a small bruise, scratch or cut on his hand and ask about it
and he's probably just like "oh it's nothing the jenga tower fell and I got hurt a bit"
btw if you've ever had even the normal sized tumbling tower fall on your hand that shit HURTS ok the amount of times I've gotten bruises and cuts from them *shivers*
point is he tends to put other people before him
he's definitely the type of person to start picking up the larger pieces of a broken glass while waiting for someone to get a broom, just so no one else gets hurt
even if he gets hurt in the process
imagine his s/o, you, then taking care of him cus he always does it for others
side note I just KNOW he loves hand kisses
but he wants to take care of you :(
it's just a big adorable wholesome mess with both of you babying each other
he's also SO attentive
he'd definitely keep small things about you in mind
like maybe you mentioned a snack you liked growing up and this man goes out of his way to find it and mass purchase it (like an Asian dad)
or you mentioned a book that seemed interesting when u visited a bookshop while out with your friends
Trust he's bought every book in that series for you the next day
maybe u said u ran out of catfood
when he comes over the next day, he's got a bag of the catfood
and it's tye one you use cus he checked
10000% has a period tracker for you on his phone
stocks up on snacks, pads and heating pads a week beforehand in case it shows up early
definitely the type of person who doesn't want you to consume too many painkillers because of the side effects but he won't stop you when you need them
he definitely try to look for natural pain killer recipes (as someone with horrible cramps, boiling black seed in water and drinking the water while it's warm is a VERY effective pain killer)
he strikes me as the type to pay attention to what you don't like doing and tackles those things before you
like maybe you hate doing the dishes and so when sees dirty dishes he gets to cleaning them before you can even think about it so that you wont have to
he definitely listens to you rant about your favorite book or show
even if he hasnt watched or read it
he will always listen and he loves it
he'll listen to your theories about what will happen next
and listen to you rant about how the second lead shouldve been end game
he also knows all of the tea
like omg your friend's ex is texting her again
is it pineapple or orange?
its GRAPE?!?! no way
i could honestly go on about this for hours but i'll stop here for now
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bluelizze · 1 month
I DECIDED TO MAKE A POST ABOUT MY GENERINE REACTIONS TO ACCIDENTAL BF PT 4 (omg pls read this series it’s a gem by the wonderful @tenkover)
also i was just causally looping this edit while i was doing this
"You reach up and fix his crooked septum. He blushes. That damn thing."
SINCE WHEN DID TOMURA HAD A SEPTUM (ngl I actually looked up what it was bc idk what it was and I WAS SHOCKED MY JAW DROPPED)
“Why would I want to,” Tomura smiles and kisses the top of your head. He wants to absorb you… you can crawl into his ribcage any day and make yourself at home."
“The Izuku thing, for example, like, we started off as friends just getting to know each other and out of the blue he gets handsy. It felt like all the friendship building was just… fake– and it was. His entire personality changed when I told him I won't be with him. I've had that happen before. It makes me feel… so alone. Or just generally talking to men. If you're nice you are flirting and they feel entitled to your… well, body. It hurts. And if you aren't nice… you put yourself in danger. My dad taught me to always be polite– well, too much because…. I was nice to my stalker. It's dumb– I am. That's also why I always do what people want… it is the path of least resistance.”
also reader being real here bc I always feel like I have to put on a mask around certain people so I sometimes have identity crisis (that’s why I relate to furina and mafuyu A LOT)
“He's always late!” Himiko sighs. “I'd never let you wait, (Y/N)-chan! If Tomura ever lets you wait– just text me, kay?”
“Really? Voice changer? Cmon, man,” Tomura says and pinches his nose.
“Is it because… your friend who got a girlfriend?” He sobs.
OMG????? Does touya love reader?!?! (I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case)
“Y-Yes. Sorry. I… I wanted to ask if I can soft launch you on Instagram?”
“When I'm back… can we maybe go on a date? Get Boba and sit in the park?
BOBA DATE BOBA DATE BOBA DATE (I’m drinking one rn)
“Please just leave… go to your boyfriend.” You frown and a lump grows steadily in your throat. You look at the back of his head. His light hair looks badly tangled. “Touya… is that the problem?” “Yep.”
OH I AM RIGHT!!! (not but surprised but STILL THE REVEAL 😤😤😤)
Yes. Thank… you. Hey, one more thing… you're not a serial killer?” “When does it become serial?” “After 5?” “Oh no then we're good.”
“During semester break he showed up here and introduced himself as my boyfriend to my dad. I don’t know if you know how charming Izuku can be… my dad loved him. And… I had to play along because if my dad knew that I have a stalker he would never let me go back to uni. So… when he finally pissed off I tried to do damage control and told my dad that I was planning to break up with him– this is so stupid.”
IZUKU you mother fucker 🙃
He snorts. “Talk later… honey..?”
HE CALLS US HONEY 🥹🥹🥹 (I love nicknames like those)
Toshinori wraps his arms around you, almost smothering you with the intensity of his embrace. “Kid, you don’t ever need to justify coming home.”
“You love him,” Toshinori chuckles and wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before starting to chop up some tomatoes. “You should see how your eyes are sparkling right now.”
“You are Dabi!” You wave the phone.
“Holy shit. Now I get what you were saying– Tomura is the guy you have a crush on."
omg first spinner and now touya. everyone having a crush on tomura on this fic and honstly, that's valid
"Dude, I thought you were confessing TO ME!”
“No– did you just forget I am gay or what?! Be for real.”
Tenko doesn't remember and Tomura can't face the truth.
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literaphobe · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of gender swapped mlb stuff where either one or both of their genders are swapped. How do you think any of those variations would change the love square dynamic or the characters in general, if they would change it all?
GONNA TALK ABOUT WLW LOVE SQUARE. other variations will be elaborated on if u come back and ask my sweet anonie <3
adrienette: i feel like fem adrien would give marinette so many more demons. i could go more in depth about my visions but ifl it would be really funny to see alya try and convince marinette that girl adrien TOTALLY likes her like its SO obvious and marinette is like IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING ALYA SHES NICE TO EVERYONE!! plus we dont even know if adrien likes girls!! and adrien walks by only overhearing the last sentence and is like oh! i do like girls :) and then after marinette’s recovered from her heart attack the new meta becomes OKAY BUT WE DONT KNOW IF SHES ATTRACTED TO GIRLS. MAYBE SHE JUST THINKS GIRLS R REALLY FUCKING COOL!! the next day the papers announce that girl adrien is in love w ladybug
ladynoir: chat noir has got the biggest crush on ladybug like she is so seriously gay like if she didnt already know she was gay if she was the most repressed gay girlie in this gay girlie world she would know what she was with ONE look at ladybug. ladybug has no fucking idea chat noir is in love with her. she thinks they are best friends. no one understands this life other than Her. one time some sleazy guy hit on chat and ladybug beat the shit out of him. he just so happened to be akumatized but she was so pissed off and violent about it. the dating rumors and the media are the same about it. aka incredibly invasive and ladybug is just as pissed off that they think they are dating. she gets so aggressive about it to the point where chat noir asks her what she thinks about the lgbt+ community. and chat is like im sorry like im a wlw and if u dont like gay ppl thats okay i just– and then ladybug like kisses her and is like im gay too u idiot its just weird of the media to speculate so harshly and then chat is just like FROZEN and ladybug freaks out shes like IM SO SORRY I SHOULDNT HAVE LIKE I MEAN I SHOULDVE ASKED and chat is like NO ITS OK UVE KISSED ME BEFORE ANYWAY and ladybug is like THATS DIFFERENT I HAD NO CHOICE BUT HERE– and then chat kisses her to calm her down (and shut her up) and pretty much just even the scales in terms of initiated kisses. when news about girl adrien x ladybug breaks out ladybug is like ???!!!!!!!! and chat is like um do u hate that she likes u i mean the news probably waaaayyyy exaggerated what they interrogated out of her and like um so overstretched it probably haha what do u think of blonde models and um adrien i guess like do u hate her do u think shes cool do u think you could fall madly in love with her and spend all your days together
ladrien: ladybug saves girl adriens life and shes like oh thank you ladybug… ur so wonderful 😍 like so clearly into her but ladybug is dense af and also nervous af she doesnt even believe the rumors!! shes like ur welcome girl adrien haha um yeah so um i saw the news but dont worry!!!! i know how the news exaggerates all the time like they always call me and girl chat noir a couple even tho we are not!! and adrien is like oh so like… ud never date chat noir? and ladybug is like uh… we are… friends and partners. do you.. want me to date chat noir? So the news really got it all wrong and you dont like me at all? and adrien is like I DO LIKE YOU… UM WHO WOULDN’T LIKE YOU? <- she has no idea how to save this bc she wants to date ladybug but doesnt know which identity to chase her with best and she thinks ladybug might not like EITHER of her identities so shes like confused at shit but also she very easily gets her hopes up and shes like maybe i should tell her???
marichat: ifl the events of glaciator will always be so inevitable for marichat. like marinette will always look so inviting on that balcony of hers staring off wistfully into the evening air and chat noir will always feel drawn to it when ladybug is nowhere to be found… what would be fun about wlw marichat guys
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haruniki · 1 year
mb shouldve specified 😭 i meant for like kobeni & power,, and potienally reze ?? srry for the confusion </3
a/n: thank you for the clarification 😭😭😭 and thank you for requesting!! I'll just be doing Power and Kobeni as i have difficulty writing Reze🥹🥹 i hope you enjoy!! These are a little short so i do apologize
Clinging on to you
You know how Koalas cling on to tress
that's literally her
big spoon, the biggest big spoon ever
Power enjoys cuddling and when she wants to cuddle she makes you aware of it
"Hey Human! Your presence is required by me, now get over here!"
Doesn't wait, just drags you over to the closes seating and the wraps her limbs around you
Hopefully it's something comfortable because your probably not leaving for a while
Not to mention, let's also hope it's not in a public place as well
Power might bite you if you're not giving her most of your attention
So if you want to play a game or watch something, you might need to try to remember to give her a kiss or play with her hair a little every once in a while
Not really a big fan of cuddling
Kobeni likes cuddling while watching a movie or maybe at night a little
She has a slight problem with touch and gets nervous with sitting still too long (personal headcanons, not canon as far as ik lol)
Cuddling at night when you both go to sleep is fine with her because she does like waking up next to you
Will never cuddle in public, she isn't like a certain Fiend who likes showcase their affection in public during work hours
While in the sanctuary of your home, Kobeni will let you know if she's in the mood to cuddle
She's just kinda nudge you and ask
"Uh, if it's alright with you... do you maybe want to.. umm.. watch a movie and cuddle? "
Right away Kobeni🫡🫡🫡
Likes to lay kinda on top of you with her head pressed against your chest
Wears her hair down so you can play with it but she won't necessarily ask you to
Give her lots of attention and love because she deserves 🫶🫶
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saglaophonos · 11 months
how do you think the last ten minutes could have been better set up? because i have Ideas but i’m also a fool. a fool who did feel the pacing of season two was Off and would not at all have expected the kiss at the end had it not been spoiled for me.
i think the last ten minutes had two glaring set-up problems which were 1. it is way too easy to side with crowley in the break up and 2. aziraphale's decision to go back to heaven seems jarring. and sure, you can argue that you're meant to read them as both at fault, and that aziraphale's current character arc does align with his choice. and youd be right. but also if i had done it, it would've been better. 
1. too easy to side with crowley (crowley needs to be more at fault)
the scene where crowley goes to heaven and learns about the second coming should've happened in episode 3 while aziraphale was in edinburgh. and crowley shouldve spent the next couple of episodes weighing whether or not he should tell aziraphale about what he knows. this would've continued & escalated the conflict of episode one, as crowley knows that telling aziraphale would spur him into action, but crowley's priority is keeping them and their "peaceful existence" undisturbed.
then in episode 5, i would tweak the sequence that starts with nina calling out crowley. crowley's reaction reads as "oh no i'm in love with aziraphale!" and my tweak is it shouldve been "oh no i can't hide my love for aziraphale anymore. i can't avoid the situation coming to a head any longer". crowley is avoidant. avoids external conflicts (the second coming) & avoids internal conflict (feelings for aziraphale). the ep 5 sequence ends with crowley's same conversation with gabriel and he decides that in order to keep them safe, he has to keep aziraphale in the dark about both things.
having crowley make the choice to not communicate with aziraphale be what indirectly leads to aziraphale accepting the archangel position in heaven would be a more satisfying way to punish crowley for his avoidant tendencies, while also bringing into larger emphasis for the viewer that this is something crowley still needs to work out on a character level, but also for their relationship to progress. then, you don't need the fanfictiony "maggie and nina tell crowley to confess" scene, because the reason why crowley confesses becomes obvious within the breakup scene itself. crowley realizes he caused the situation they're in by avoiding the issue; his next strategy is to force them both to confront the issue directly.
2. aziraphale's decision feels really s1 (establish motivation earlier)
okay the aziraphale fix i'll be more brief about. first of all, say you go the above route. having crowley worry that aziraphale would try to prevent the second coming if he found out about it wouldve helped lay the groundwork of explaining aziraphale's choice. but i wouldve also done the following 
the fact that aziraphale really didn't care about maggie and nina getting together until he lied to heaven about it was such a missed opportunity. if aziraphale is insistent that he must and can fix heaven, that could've easily been mirrored though this plot. the aziraphale & maggie scene in episode 1 should've had aziraphale genuinely moved by maggie's plight - instead of brushing her off, he shouldve gotten invested on a personal level. maybe he just wants them to be happy, maybe its made more blatant that he sees the two as parallels for himself & crowley. idk. either way getting them together because of the miracle lie shouldve only been a secondary concern to him. it shouldve been personal. because the plot is all about how, no matter how much aziraphale would like to control the situation and manipulate it into going the way he thinks it ought to go, some things in life are simply beyond your control. but aziraphale can't see that, which would've more blatantly set up his motivation when he makes the choice to go back to heaven. aziraphale cannot reconcile with injustice; yet, in the same way you can't force two people to fall in love, you can't fix heaven.
and honestly? honestly you could tweak more. something you could really tweak for a better set up into episodes 5 & 6, but especially the last ten minutes, is 1941. anyway! can't wait for s3. hope they kiss!
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vampirewithclaws · 5 months
hello i am lorna and i habe been wayching lost for the first time w my bff ever rain. here are my ratings so far . will be updated.
ep 1- 7/10. loved shannon. loved sawyer. too much jack. hated charlie and his singing. “you all everybody! you all everybody!”
ep 2- 9/10 more sawyer i love him so much i actually am going crazy i dunno what else to say an this one
ep 3 - hurley is so funny and i love kate 10/10 no orher comments
ep 4 JOHN I LOVEEEE YOUUUU THIS IS FONNA KILL MEEEEE UGHHHHH 10/10. loved walt and sun. i love walt. hes so cute. ialso “the mighty huntress returns”. died a little. jack shut up btw. rose i love you . john badkstory killed me so so so much so harshly.
ep 5- “shouldve stayed down jack” yeah beat his ass i hate u jack. also i hate the way he swims why r u doing that. boones sideburns make me giggle why is he so. sun youre gorgeous and i love you. “are you a gemini?” claire youre amazing . “dogs can find pot and bombs so im sure they can find water”. way too much jack so far hes so uninteresting to me. i cant. jack pls stop running. also more suit guy! SUIT GUY IS ? JACKS DAD? wowzer. claire i love u. i love u claire. “hell, i’m an optimist” SAWYER I LOVE YOU SO MUCB I LOVE U SAWYER IM. “crazy people dont know theyre gettin crazy, they think theyre getting saner.” john ur so 💕💕 jacks dad is ? dead ? wow that was ssometjing. hi again sawyer. 9/10
ep 6- SUN!!!! SUNNNN!’!!!! charlie shut up. MICHEAL OH MY GOSH?? THATS?? IM??? “drugs. right” SHUT UP CHARLIE. SUNNNN SUN I LOVE YOU SUNNN. “whens your birthday?” odhsjdhsks 7/10
ep 7- already hate it. charlie i dont like u. SAWYER!!!!! sawyer snd kate are kind of … i like them maybe … jack and kate too thiugh cayse yk ANYWAYS charlie religious? i relate to him more everyday. “relax, choir boy” “i want my drugs back. i need em. im sick man, cant you see that?” hes so . hes so. okay i. yeah i get you charlie. yeah. sideburns is back! alrighty! SAWYER!!!!! sawyer and kate I LIKE THEM A LOT. A LOT. “oh, you’re feeling sorry for me.” “i dont feel sorry for you. i pity you.” “all you had to do was say please” SAWYER PDHSJRHWKDBAMBEMS. maybe not hating charlie so much. i love him actually hes so me. excrpt for his band. “you all everybody!” AGAIN!!! i cant be the only one who thinks shannon and boone are kind of weird to be siblings srry. “i want to stop feleing like this” CHSRLIEEEEE. “it was about the music, liam. you took that from me.” dude charlie is so. the way i hnderstand why he talks ab his band so much now! jesus chirst i LOVE U CHARLIE. “dude you rock!” charlie. NO CHARLIE. OHHH OKAY. im so happy for you. 1000000/10 i died
ep 8- SAWYER. SAWYERRRR. SAWYER! “thus my hat!” claireee 💕💕💕 “you wanna know what kinf of human being i am? read it. out loud. 😡” sawyer. cmon sawyer. sawyer ur the prettiest man ive ever seen. Sawyerrr. sawyer and kate kiss. wouldve been much better if it was under any other circumstances ever. sawyer. ur such a cunt i love u. the LETTER. CLAIRE AND CHARLIE!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!
ep 9 - sawyer 💕💕💕💕 SAYID ?! SAYID??? sayid. GOLF COURSE! SAYIDDDDD!!! SAYID I LOVE UUU ! SHANNONNN!! SAWYERR!’ MUSIC BOX! SAYID AND NADIA OH MY GOD. THE. THE. HIS. HE. IM. NDIDHEIRHSJDBSK I CANNOT. DANIELLE. IM. “i cant let you go. dont you understand? to have someone to talk to. to touch.” THIS IS PEAK “ive been holding on the past seven years to just a thought.” CHARLIE PLAYING GOLF!!! hes so great i love him. SAWYERRRR !!!!! SAWYER !! 10.3/10
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go-river-flows · 1 year
Welcome back to the Avatar Programme
Part 10 of 13
Summary: Things are ramping up to the war arc of the story, but before that, relationships are being defined.
Warning:A little bit of fluff(?), a little bit of angst(?), A little bit of tears falling(?)
A/N: We're going into the double digits now.
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A few weeks after my conversation with Tsu’tey. I had arrived back to Hell’s Gate. I had moved into another bigger room where I had more space to keep some books. I made another easy Dummies Guide to Na’vi for Lyle and anyone else who wanted one. Spending more time of my time with Lyle than my own colleagues. He even taught me how to samba and the flamenco which was quite interesting, also learning that I two left feet. Whenever we had free time, we would find a quiet space where we could cuddle in comfortable silence.
   When Jake completed his rites of passage to claim his ikran in the Hallelujah Mountains, Lyle had finished reading about every types of pandora flora. Even when were lying in bed together he would read reports to keep up with my research, though he had his duties to the Colonel and chores. I feel like something in him has changed, something even Colonel Quaritch didn't see coming. 
As Grace started forwarding me video footage of places on Pandora through the cams, I would look into it. And when the research came in for the Tree of Souls, I was intrigued, having never seen it as it is unrevealed to outsiders. Norm started talking to me again, Jake too. I think maybe, they were beginning to understand my relationship. Maybe they forgave me. 
“Oel ngati kameie,” Jake greeted. Lyle’s eyes widened, as did mine. 
I was having a late night video call with Jake in my bedroom when Lyle came in, greeting me with a kiss on my cheek. I think Jake had come to accept our relationship, especially since that night when I spilled my heart out. I hadn't forgiven them for that. But I didn't tell Lyle about it either, I didn't want to dump all my trauma on him. 
“Oel ngati kameie,” Lyle returned to Jake, perfect pronunciation and all. “It's good to see you man,” he gave a small smile. But I think I can forgive them now.
When Lyle went into the bathroom, Jake spoke again.
“I never really apologised to you that night. I kept thinking about it. I think Tommy would've wanted you to move on,” he gave a sympathetic smile.
“I should apologise to you too. We didn't really talk about it, I just kept it in. I shouldve pulled you aside and just talked, but you know me. Always quiet until I burst,” I smirked, admitting to my faults averting my eyes.
“I think that's what makes you strong,” I looked up at him in awe, “admitting to it. Even when you keep things bottled up. You don't want others to worry. I get it, I was like that too…before Pandora. Before…all this. I'm glad I met you, Tommy would be happy that we met,” he had a genuine smile on his face. He looked just like Tommy, I smiled back too. Finally peaceful and free from melancholy.
After that call, I was ready to be intimate with Lyle. He didn't want to pressure me for it before, but now I was ready. Though I don't want to get into details about it, he was gentle and passionate. His kisses were heated yet soothing. I hadn't realised how long I had went without being pleasured until that moment. And after, he was just as attentive, cleaning me off with a damp towelette before we cuddled. Rubbing small circles on my hip as he lay spooning me.
The next day at the canteen. As I sat with Lyle with Zdinarsk were sat together talking about Na’vi’s and their characteristics, mostly about the biology, by which I mean sexual organs which was a weird conversation, but only because Zdinarsk asked so I felt obliged to answer her questions. 
“We were asked to submit our DNA samples yesterday and also to record some weird crap, apparently it's for a future project…project…uh?–” Zdinarsk rambled, forgetting the name of the project.
“Project Pheonix,” Lyle took a bite of his bread, spitting it back out, “Damn stale bread.” 
A few days later I joined Grace at Hometree, as one of the witnesses to Jake becoming part of the Omatikaya Clan, becoming a Na’vi man. We stood a distance away watching the na’vi become one as they joined hands. Grace couldn't help but cry a little. We joined in their celebration as the festivities began. The drinks and dancing as music played in the background. Watching Jake drink with his brothers and sisters. 
“I missed this,” Grace mumbled, “Celebrations like this remind me of earth.” She nudged my knee with hers. “Why don't you try being one of the people too?” She leaned towards me.
“Me? Oh no, I couldn't,” I shook my head, my eyes finding Jake as Neytiri pulled him away from the crowd, “Oh. Where do you think they’re going?” I snickered as Grace followed my gaze lightly chuckling too. She gave me a look before shoving my knee, laughing out loud. “I'll go get him.”
As I sauntered after the two through the crowd, Tsu’tey grabbed my hand.
“Tsumuke, I see you. It's been a while again. Why not dance with me?” Tsu’tey walked with me.
“Oh no, I'm a terrible dancer. Plus, I've got to go after Jake…before he does something he’s not supposed to,” I started jogging, Tsu’tey following. Attempting to grab my tail playfully. I playfully pushed him to return to the party.
“I see you’re talking to Grace again. The last time you were here with her, you didn't speak,” the ever observant Tsu’tey said. I rolled my eyes.
“We fought, we made up. That's all that matters,” I pointedly my feet already moving.
“Good.” Was all I heard from him, I waved to him as I walked off into the treeline.
Passing the waterfall on the long flower covered trail, I smelt the air for Jake’s scent as I approached Utraya Mokri, the Tree of Voices, the glowing purple tendrils bright against the evening darkness. Getting closer we can see two figures in the distance. Ah there he is! My ears perked up as we moved closer trying to be silent. Hiding behind a tree, I peered through the tendrils just as Jake an neytiri were making Tsaheylu. Their queues connecting. My smile faltered as I realise what they are doing.
Shit! Uhhh. Ummmm, This is not good, I gasped silently. I should not have come here, how am I going to tell Tsu’tey? I quickly ran back to Hometree. Maybe I should tell Grace. Oh, but she’ll be disappointed again, especially after my outburst. Oh no. I stopped short before Hometree, pacing and scratching the back of my head as I was thinking. I was getting a bad feeling, a really bad feeling.
I called for Grace, pulling her away from the crowd.
“Okay, oaky. I'm coming. Now, what's wrong?” 
“Jake mated with Neytiri,” I said in a rush, but hushed tone, “Like actually bonded with with their queues. This is not good, I've got a bad feeling.”
“What did you say?” a voice said behind us. We turned to find Tsu’tey standing behind us. Our expressions saying all there is to say.
Chapter 11
@sleepilysworld   @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed  @wolfmoon8269  @howlerwolfmax   @lovekeeho   @ducks118   @dyingofcookies   @secretflowerobservation
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thesimulacrasimp · 5 months
So yeah, here we go again! I just watched 3rd n 4th eps of hazbin hotel so, again, my thoghts abt it. Idk if i really need to put spoilers warning anymore, but ig ill do it just in case. As with previous post there will be some screenshots.
So tbh i dont have much to say about 3rd ep. Overall it was a really cute ep where everyone kinda got along. Also we met alot of new overlords (that one giant wolf girl was cool as hell) n got a few bop songs. I really like all new voices we got here. Also Velvette was killin in this ep, like slay queen!! Also i didnt know this girl (idk her name srry) was Carmillas (idk if spelled the name correctly--) daughter, that really suprised me.
Ok 4th ep... I have alot to say about it. First of all when that Angels moive started i was like: WTH S GOIN ON WHAT????? Then i thoght that its Angels dream (or nightmare-) n that wolf guy was representation of Valentino. N then when its all started i was like: Oh. I get it.
Speaking about Val, when all that fire started n he opened his wings, that was FUCKING BEAUTIFUL N I REALLY DIDNT EXPECT HIM TO HAVE ACTUAL WINGS, I WAS LIKE: :O I FOR REAL ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST A FUR COAT--- ok n thats literally the only good i can say about Val by now.
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That one awful scene with Val n Angel was literally so scary... Ive never been in SA, ive never had such "experience" (and thank GOD for that), but i know that feeling of fear when you just in trap and you cant do anything, i know how that feels to be abused, when you just hiding in corner feeling so fucking scared that you gonna get beated up n yelled again, you KNOW that will happen and you just wait for it in terrify, you literally feel yourself like a little child who cant do anything, you want to share your problems to someone, just wanna cry to someone, but you cant and you need to pretend that everything is okay. I was so scared for Angel in that scene and i really felt it. And the way Angel tried to make Charlie leave before that all happened.. Yes, he definetly knew whats gonna happen n thats so scary...
Anyway OMG VOX HIIII!!!!!! :DDDD
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Yeah, yknow what really strange thing about all that? Is the fact that Val s obviously a horrible person consindering all the things he done to Angel, but he is still an ENJOYABLE CHARACTER. Like- ofc that awful abusive scene was not enjoyable at all, but for some reason i just cant hate him!! I TRY BUT I JUST CANT N THATS SO WEIRD. probably its because i know its not a real person, its just a character but still-
Also (someone pls count how many times i used this word-) i really didnt expect to see an ACTUAL SEX SCENES IN THE SONG. Ig i shouldve expect it n i kinda did, but i still didnt-
Also this little scene made me fucking cry, for real. But not the fact that Angel crying made me cry, but his line: "If i end up broken, I wont be his favourite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go.."
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I dont know why this exact line made me cry, but it did and i think this is awesome, because they really made me care for Angel, even tho, again, ive never experienced such feelings so i cant relate to that, but i still feel so bad for him.
Ok can we talk about that Husk was AN OVERLORD??? I WAS LIKE: WHAAAAATT????
And OF COURSE that one Husk n Angels song. You already know how i feel about it so im not even gonna talk bout it! SIKE‼️I WILL!!!!! THIS SONG IS SO FRICKIN CUTE, THE FACT THAT HUSK STARTED TO JOKINGLY (or maybe not jokingly-) SAYING THAT ANGEL IS A LOSER TO BRIGHT HIM UP IS ACTUALLY SO SMART! THEYRE BOTH SO CUTE TOGETHER SINGING AND HOLDING HANDS FOR A LITTLE TOO MUCH!!! AND THIS SONG IS MUSICALLY ALSO SO AMAZING, ITS LITERALLY MY STYLE OF SONGS, MAYBE MY NEW FAV SONG I CANT REALLY TELL RN! And the meaning of this song is really good too. Whatever is happening to you, unless youre not alone, everything is better!
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Andddd everything is ended quite good and wholesome! They came to the hotel, Charlie apoligized and everything is good!!
soooo yeah! Thats it i guess! Im pretty sure im gonna edit it if i remember something else i wanted to say, but thats it by now!
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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harukirai · 11 months
I love the game, i really do, but for me its around 8-9/10.
Warning- This is full of spoilers for FF16! So beware
Im gonna asterisk all my points cause i want it to be more organized. This is things i wish square would patch into the game, (15's way)
*first thing first, my roomate had a pretty solid point about the terrence dion goodbye scene. We care for dion, they showed us plenty of him, but terrence, not so much. (or their relationship beside that one kiss scene), but not about their pure bond- which i agree, for dion involvment in the ending, he should have more screentime, also with the involvement of the empire in the plot- it shouldve got the witcher 3 approach with the siri segments, show don't tell- i think there should have been a playable section in the bahamut vs odin, to get to know dion and his dynamics better. - that scene wouldve hit so much harder.and like my kiss argument my straight roomate agreed, that if terrence at least went back for a last kiss teary that'll pull the tear gear.
*joshua-oh god they let us play as him when he was a baby, why not just letting us playing as him when the player discover that he is alive, with jote and the undying, even for small section not wanting to reveal the cards too early. I think that should be a part of the game, the base game.
*jill- if it must be a dlc so be it, but at least add some cutscenes to when she talks about the iron kingdom, we as players would be so much more hyped to join her vengeance quest, she have the potential, you showed us the horrors bennedikta went throgh which is why at least i became to love her in the end, why not a main character like Jill, she have so much potential, if not making a palyable iron kingdom section (like before she reunited with clive maybe when she grew a bit)at least add the cutscenes square.
*for god sake make it possible to switch party members like you did in 15, L1+L2 is no combo anyway so patch that thing, it'll be so much more refreshing especially in the first half of the game when the quests are dry and the gameplay loop is repetitive.
*make the ambrosia quest mandatory, so many pple dont even know they can unlock the chocobo, or at least let the player know that the + green quest are important if they want to upgrade their gameplay. This isn't an mmo most single player players will look at that and thing that the + is an extra non important (had an irl talk with a friend who thought that)
*dlc- make it season pass only,one time pay and thats it. the game is 69.99 it shouldn't even need a dlc, but at least do a full on season pass in like 19.99 with like at least a cid dlc(dont yall wanna see his time with the empire, taking small mid otto gav and making the hideaway happen, also, i wanna know who from the boys have a spicy history with cid cause quinten suggested it and some other npcs as well), dion dlc(not only to get a look at the first official not hinted gay character's love life, no not for that-but i think we need a real look into the empire pre and post Annable. what we saw of his dad was tereible, i wanna know why dion is so atrached and looking highly of him, also like ive said in previous post i have to know dion pov on branded), jill dlc(cause bae need a redemption i fucking hate how square treat a strong female character once she's a love interest of the protag)
And a gav dlc, like something happens in the end that if you dont choose gav in the quest you wont know, but gav tells a bit about his past and i think especially since he is our main scout, dlc of him and byron maybe could be cool, after the kanvar event.
*enemies variety- im pissed theres no Cactaur hunt or tonberry. Like really really pissed. You kept the freaking flann but not the cactaur?!please for the love of fucking god patch them as a hunt or something.
*animation fixes- so many quests that had a higebuildup ended looking cheap. Fix that-asap, especially the quinten quest, it could have hit so much harder if the lipsync wasn't so cursed looking while the model was kinda static they had quest with proper cutscense like theo's, why not Quinten since its a freaking end of a huge chain quest. Also, in general fix the freaking lipsync that shit is cursed af.
In conclusion i know pple like shitting on 15 but i thino 16 will only bemefit from the 15 treatment, especially for the proce we as consumers payed.
This game doesnt feel finished, it feels rushed, i think 2 more years in the baking wouldve benefit it, but well its out, so why not patching it. I think it'll boost the sales cause now the game feel bare, and many things feel like placeholders. So i hope the team didnt pop the champagne yet.
I dont blame Yoshi p or the team, i think they did an amazing job, but i do blame square's higher ups tendency to announce and release a teiple A game too early, they need to understand that atech advances, it need and will take more time to develope a game. And if you want to take the money that you are asking for at least make sure that the dough isn't raw.
That's it Haruki's out.
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hiiii catmom! i didnt have time to answer during the day yesterday but now im gonna give you all of my freezy hugs!
'MY CAT WHEN HE GOT A MOUSE' the way his nose touched the mouse as if he kissed it TT sorry but it was so soft TT 'HE JUST SCARED IT TO DEATH AND PLAYED WITH IT' its kinds cute tbh TT but im so sorry for this mouse TT hes too spoiled, i dont think his predator ancestors would approve of it. im judging jinjin rn but we still love him
ooh im so sorry for your problem with onions. yeah youve mentioned it. 'she made me chop so many TINY FRICKIN ONIONS' maybe it was a trial? 'DAMN I STILL LOOK HOT' ahadh last time you said the same thing hshahd. just proving youre really hot. ig it was s break up with onion. youre too hot for it.
taho looks SO good!! its illegal. i want to try it! (tbh i want to try everything you told me about but this!) it kinda looks like cognac but also like caramel TT 'i think you will love it' i love it already TT ig im gonna search for the places that make taho here. tbh all of your food look so appealing? maybe its bc its really unusual for me and everything unusual and harmless make us interested. 'he always says im ‘the pretty grandchild’' i mean hes not wrong.
'you can be the lizard' yk it doesnt work like this??? TT am i not your muning anymore??
'its my sister’s birthday' ooh, congratulations! ik you wont give my congratulations to her but anyways. i also seen that you cant just congratulate smn bc it means you praise them for making efforts in doing smth? i dont understand TT like i jast want a person to know im happy for them and i wish them to be happy too? im not even sure if its really true?? but anyway im judging 😡😡 'we’re going to buy CAKE' congratulations!!! hope it was tasty. btw, my mom bakes cakes a lot (she even makes some orders!! im so proud) so we often have some cake at home.
'she actually started on the tonic then went up' ok it was veryvery interesting and educational!! but i didnt get this TT why is it?.. what is it?... is it bad?.. but before this everything was absolutely great! i feel like all my friends who got mental traumas in music school shouldve asked you. 'if this is still confusing let me just give you a kiss' ohh thanks lovie TT why they cant do it at schools? thanks for your explanation and the kiss!! i appreciate your efforts!! get my freezy kisses!! and yk what? i was in a kindergarten some time ago and draw some notes for them! so im a musician of a kind too!
'figure it out with the context' tbh its difficult to translate rus into eng sometimes. weve lots of figurative phrases and constructions. its not like other languages dont but im not talking abt them rn. i cringe sm when i hear or have to make a literal translation? it usually was in school bc we didnt have enough time to make up a beautiful literary translation.
'can i say that to elderly people and they wont slap me?' you can. i personally allow you to do so. yeah its not a formal word but its not bad. they use it sometimes themselves.
'also he likes russian culture cos ig its memey?' i dont know if i should be offended or be proud.... its like i can insult myself, my friend and my culture but im still protective. yeah it may be memey BUT your brother is stupid, tell him this. im sure he doesnt even pronounce blyat right. if anything, its ok, im not offended or smth. just kidding. 'he’s just drawn to stuff like that' ok its cute maybe. does he know atomic heart? do you know it?
'im sorry if you were offended by that' it ok, im not. its pretty hard to really offend me if you dont straight up tell me insults. its kinds cute that you think so. languages sound differently and its fine.
'i will listen to this song later' did you?...
'we should run away together' i think we should riot TT
'im glad my SUFFERING is funny' its not your suffering its your prick being defeated :)
'we can talk about the darkling' ben barnes is so super handsome i CANT. these LOSERS 40 yo british actors???? hate you you sexy men!!! 'we can also talk about daemon' his hair is so pretty!! im obsessed with idea of him only letting his s/o do his hair (including cutting it).
'im down to hear' im down to read :) imagine him trying to be a better person? but in his twisted ways, not really doing smth relevant but idk.. spending more time with the court? spending more time in the red keep? attending council meetings not once but twice a year? its ooc? maybe. but imagine one exact moment when it strikes. when he realises that hes brother is in danger, his homeland is drown in crimes and vissy indeed can die. and if he die, realm has no real protector, its gonna be the living hell. so he becomes more timid and quite bc inside hes tearing himself apart, hes got such a big conflict, he finally understands the tragedy and tries to not fall apart bc he needs to be strong. hes the dragon after all? but in the end of the day he comes back to his chambers and want to cry (and maybe he does in the embrace of his wife. maybe even him being able to change is on her behalf and the result of her influencing him for a long time). YAY i got carried away AGAIN so surprising. hope it was interesting at least.
'how do you feel about hearing scary stuff' as long as there are no jumpscares im more than eager to listen to your stories!
'maybe i dont either' yk what? numbers dont even exist. mathematics is fiction. scientists are delusional. height is a lie.
'i’ll listen to these when i get home from school' did you?... if youre ever interested, ive found a translation of Наружу изнутри (Outside From The Inside) and the others are not so popular( and im too lazy to translate( but the lyrics arent the main factor of my love! the music! is! absolutely! fantastic! so i really want to know your reaction.
omg love TT get showers (you do NOT waste water) and drink more water!! always my freezy kisses!! have a nice day/evening/night!! take care! love u<з
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us <3 HELLO. actually im the cat in the background HAHAHAH so sleepy HAHAHAHAHA i love sleeping
hiiii catmom! i didnt have time to answer during the day yesterday but now im gonna give you all of my freezy hugs!
<3 FREEZY HUGS thank you. it has been pretty cool the past few days. undoubtedly because of your hug hugs <3
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'MY CAT WHEN HE GOT A MOUSE' the way his nose touched the mouse as if he kissed it TT sorry but it was so soft TT
my cat did that too. i assure you, its not a kiss but a smell. LOL
'HE JUST SCARED IT TO DEATH AND PLAYED WITH IT' its kinds cute tbh TT but im so sorry for this mouse TT hes too spoiled, i dont think his predator ancestors would approve of it. im judging jinjin rn but we still love him
T_T yeah jinjin fr put him through so much T_T like he would let the mouse crawl up the wall in an attempt to get away, but then he would pounce the poor thing and knock the mouse to the floor T_T i think we let him do this for ??? an hour??? T_T he doesn't know how to kill mouse T_T he's such a house cat. even his papa yushi is like that T_T BUT YUSHI IS WORSE. LITERALLY BRUTALIZES WHATEVER HE HUNTS. grabs them with his teeth then YEEEEETS them back and forth T_T NEVER KILLS THEM just keeps them in constant fear. a true menace. T_T yushi's mom, meowmeow, was the BEST KILLER or hunter, she was swift and merciful. the moment she got a mouse, she'd kill it it by choking it then eat it. T_T i mourn the fact meowmeow never got to teach her babies how to hunt cos our neighbors gave her away T_T and thus yushi never got to teach/show jinjin how to do that either T_T anyway jinjin and yushi = menace; mochi (yushi's brother) normally did that with lizards T_T he'd always end up breaking the poor lizard's tail before it eventually dies T_T ALSFHASFAL:SFHASF brutal. i miss mochi, i almost cried again thinking about him
ooh im so sorry for your problem with onions. yeah youve mentioned it. 'she made me chop so many TINY FRICKIN ONIONS' maybe it was a trial? 'DAMN I STILL LOOK HOT' ahadh last time you said the same thing hshahd. just proving youre really hot. ig it was s break up with onion. youre too hot for it.
IT WASNT A TRIAL T_T HELPPPP AHHAHHAH it was because the tiny onions came from my aunt's farm and they had been in the refrigerator for like so long so she was like do them all and i CRIED. HAHHAAH its funny i said the same thing. <3 love that for me. unfortunately, i see onion everyday T_T we can never break up T_T
taho looks SO good!! its illegal. i want to try it! (tbh i want to try everything you told me about but this!) it kinda looks like cognac but also like caramel TT 'i think you will love it' i love it already TT ig im gonna search for the places that make taho here. tbh all of your food look so appealing? maybe its bc its really unusual for me and everything unusual and harmless make us interested. 'he always says im ‘the pretty grandchild’' i mean hes not wrong.
it does look like cognac and caramel. !!! I HOPE YOU FIND A PLACE THAT SELLS FILIPINO FOOD!!!! maybe im biased but i think ALL those food is amazing LOL I MEAN I SHARED THEM of course i love them HAHH. i understand what you mean about unusual but is kind of amusing to think these foods are super normal to me hHIHIHIH cultural perspective is weird lol. also yes i am the pretty grandchild (even tho my grandma gaslighted me as a child into thinking i was ugly T_T HELP)
'you can be the lizard' yk it doesnt work like this??? TT am i not your muning anymore??
'its my sister’s birthday' ooh, congratulations! ik you wont give my congratulations to her but anyways. i also seen that you cant just congratulate smn bc it means you praise them for making efforts in doing smth? i dont understand TT like i jast want a person to know im happy for them and i wish them to be happy too? im not even sure if its really true?? but anyway im judging 😡😡 'we’re going to buy CAKE' congratulations!!! hope it was tasty. btw, my mom bakes cakes a lot (she even makes some orders!! im so proud) so we often have some cake at home.
HEY!?! why wouldn't i give my congratulations to her 😡😭 ok maybe not right now she's in school. but i talk to her about you HAHAHHAH and she doesnt gaf T_T so /: yeah ig in english congratuations does mean that, praising someone for what they did. but i mean a birthday is a level up so CONGRATS! you made it this far <3 idk why youre judging again ? /: youre so judgy T_T
THE CAKE WAS SUPER TASTY but i did this thing again where i got more because i wanted more even though there was still some in my plate and then i suddenly became full halfway finishing my plate and then i was T_T forcing myself to finish cos i dont like wasting food. anyway i brought it up with me and ate it after a few minutes... then...i ... got some more T_T HAAHAHAH
OMG YOUR MOM MAKES CAKES i immediately though does she doe international shipping HAHAH but even if she did T_T im pretty sure that would be a bad idea cos her cake would be .... not cake anymore by the time it got here T_T HAHAHA
'she actually started on the tonic then went up' ok it was veryvery interesting and educational!! but i didnt get this TT why is it?.. what is it?... is it bad?.. but before this everything was absolutely great! i feel like all my friends who got mental traumas in music school shouldve asked you.
YOU HAVE FRIENDS WITH MUSIC TRAUMA HELPPPPPPP T_T also it's not bad! i just explained it to you because its VERY INTERESTING TO ME not because it's bad unexpected because before this there was no indication it was going to happen. im glad you think its great T_T i hope you understand somehow T_T i dont want to be telling you things and just confusing you T_T
'if this is still confusing let me just give you a kiss' ohh thanks lovie TT why they cant do it at schools? thanks for your explanation and the kiss!! i appreciate your efforts!! get my freezy kisses!! and yk what? i was in a kindergarten some time ago and draw some notes for them! so im a musician of a kind too!
YOU DREW NOTES IN KINDERGARTEN !!!!!!!!!!! WHHHATT I ONLY STARTED DRAWING NOTES IN LIKE HIGHSCHOOL T_T. i dont want to be kissed by my teachers... only a select few. i take all your freezy kisses and put them in my pocket for when i go to school later
'figure it out with the context' tbh its difficult to translate rus into eng sometimes. weve lots of figurative phrases and constructions. its not like other languages dont but im not talking abt them rn. i cringe sm when i hear or have to make a literal translation? it usually was in school bc we didnt have enough time to make up a beautiful literary translation.
omg same! we did that for highschool, like translating eng to fil and fil to eng and its like T_T so much gets lost in translation T_T. i actually saw this video of this man helping a cat down from a really high post and he was like давайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавай and i was like ??? so i was like ok i think i know what that means but then the english translation wasnt the one in my head so iwas just very confused but then i thought its probably a lose translation and i am better than this english translator because i know nuisances happen in translations HAHAHAHAHAHAH but idk what the translation was in the subs anymore HAHAHAHAH
'can i say that to elderly people and they wont slap me?' you can. i personally allow you to do so. yeah its not a formal word but its not bad. they use it sometimes themselves.
ok HAHAHA then ig that means its really not a bad word AHAAH
'also he likes russian culture cos ig its memey?' i dont know if i should be offended or be proud.... its like i can insult myself, my friend and my culture but im still protective. yeah it may be memey BUT your brother is stupid, tell him this. im sure he doesnt even pronounce blyat right. if anything, its ok, im not offended or smth. just kidding. 'he’s just drawn to stuff like that' ok its cute maybe. does he know atomic heart? do you know it?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH i dont think its an insult T_T but i mean if people made memes about my president/culture id feel really cringe about it BUT ALSO ITS FUCKING TRUE OUR PRESIDENT is CRINGE. i think memes are a great way to kind of ... critique society. we are all cringe. and we should all be better. also i;ll tell my brother about this later HAHAHAH
nvm i talked to him already
he knows atomic heart, and he says he thinks the plot of the game is interesting because its imaging a world where the soviets were competent enough to advance technologically in such a short period of time. also he says he wants to start a violent conversation with you HHAHAHH what do you feel about ukraine and the kidnapping of ukraninan children by the russian military and the wagner group, also on a less serious side how do you feel about TES3 morowind.
i just typed that how he told it to me. HGAHAHHAHAAH
he says the real reason why he's interested in russian culture is the disparity between the serfs and stuff ??? he's ranting rn incant type it all. he says its the novels. he wants me to remove some parts im not going to AHHAHAHAHAHA. he says you should have been burned my napoleon HAHAHAHAH. he wants to tell you so many stuff T_T (i think he wants to steal you from me i wont let him ur mine)
he says people normally go 'i will die for justice i will die for freedom' but russian says 'i will die' he finds that interesting.
he's saying a bunch of stuff about russian people. some guy ??? i didnt' catch it. 'everything in russia became rapidly modern after being free from the mongols all the way to modern russia, your problem is the oligarchy and the leaders of your country T_T dumb shits' HAHAHAHAHA
russians are hardworking but yall are brainwashed from tzars to princesses to putin. yall should apparently follow france and VIVA REVOLUTION lol. idk he's mentioning more people, Hadrian? idk some rando... from rome? and aurelian? ok. too much info. idk.
'russia is third rome? why dont you do the same things that made rome good'
he knows roadside picnic?
ukraine is older than russia but its older
just typing the things he's saying
final word: the white army should have won against the red army. HAHAHHAHAH
He wants me to ask you: what do you think based on what he's said, is he unhinged™?
'im sorry if you were offended by that' it ok, im not. its pretty hard to really offend me if you dont straight up tell me insults. its kinds cute that you think so. languages sound differently and its fine.
ok let me offend you then. i hate you :P SSKKSKS IM KIDDING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
'i will listen to this song later' did you?...
i have not T_T i forgot about it aslfhasfkahfas i'll LISTEN WHEN I GET COME FROM SCHOOL I PROMISE
'we should run away together' i think we should riot TT
T_T no. we should have a house in the woods and take care of strays
'im glad my SUFFERING is funny' its not your suffering its your prick being defeated :)
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHH ok then hahahah i still want to finish the kylo fic i have been writing for days so T_T
'we can talk about the darkling' ben barnes is so super handsome i CANT. these LOSERS 40 yo british actors???? hate you you sexy men!!! 'we can also talk about daemon' his hair is so pretty!! im obsessed with idea of him only letting his s/o do his hair (including cutting it).
'im down to hear' im down to read :) imagine him trying to be a better person? but in his twisted ways, not really doing smth relevant but idk.. spending more time with the court? spending more time in the red keep? attending council meetings not once but twice a year? its ooc? maybe. but imagine one exact moment when it strikes. when he realises that hes brother is in danger, his homeland is drown in crimes and vissy indeed can die. and if he die, realm has no real protector, its gonna be the living hell. so he becomes more timid and quite bc inside hes tearing himself apart, hes got such a big conflict, he finally understands the tragedy and tries to not fall apart bc he needs to be strong. hes the dragon after all? but in the end of the day he comes back to his chambers and want to cry (and maybe he does in the embrace of his wife. maybe even him being able to change is on her behalf and the result of her influencing him for a long time). YAY i got carried away AGAIN so surprising. hope it was interesting at least.
it is interesting. i like this idea <3 daemon is at his core a baby bro. idk if its out of character, i think daemon can be whatever you him to be. My brother said daemon is the worst ever in game of thrones and ???? I asked him if he even read it and he said he only knows outside stuff (hes dumb idc i love Daemon) but he agrees that Daemon is great cos of hiss actor. And i agree i love matty meow meow
'how do you feel about hearing scary stuff' as long as there are no jumpscares im more than eager to listen to your stories!
i'll tell you next letter i have to go home. i said i would go to school but i got lazy im just going to our old house to do laundry lol
'maybe i dont either' yk what? numbers dont even exist. mathematics is fiction. scientists are delusional. height is a lie.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH my brother read aloud this and i was like ??? what is he quoting this time and it was just you AHAHAHAHAHHAAH
'i’ll listen to these when i get home from school' did you?... if youre ever interested, ive found a translation of Наружу изнутри (Outside From The Inside) and the others are not so popular( and im too lazy to translate( but the lyrics arent the main factor of my love! the music! is! absolutely! fantastic! so i really want to know your reaction.
i'll listen to these later i promise
omg love TT get showers (you do NOT waste water) and drink more water!! always my freezy kisses!! have a nice day/evening/night!! take care! love u<з
OK HAHAHHAHAHAHH i will shower later. my brother said i should bathe/drink my own sweat DISGUSTING RAT.
i love you byeeee <3
i ate crinkles also i hope you like crinkles.
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tyunni · 3 years
when you're sick !! - tomorrow x together edition.
txt masterlist. library.
a/n: i'll probably make an enha version soon enough just needed to feed my moa followers ilya sm ☹️☹️ probably not my best work but <//3
warnings: feeling sick obviously, mentions of... having to yk... use the bathroom??? I SWEAR ITS NOT THAT WEIRD, not proofread, english isnt my first language. genre: fluff. fluff. fluff. angst if u squint and tilt ur head to the side.
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yeonjun (연준)
mom mode.
honestly, wants to scold you for being careless, but then again he knows that it's not the best idea, since you are sick and him being a whiny baby about it won't really help.
but you still know that he's lowkey higkey kinda upset with you.
how? because he literally sulks, pouts, sighs, and is just being extremely dramatic.
honestly your cold isn't that bad, you're literally feeling fine, except maybe some sniffles and coughs from time to time, and yeonjun is also aware of that.
honestly he's only mad because now you two can't cuddle or kiss or just have any sort of physical contact. damn he can't even hold your hand!!
and it's not like you're telling him to stay away from you, no. he's the one pushing you away. HE'S SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO OMG-
just stretches his long ass arm out & tells you to keep your respectful 1m distance from him, because he doesn't want to get sick !!! like fr he's very serious about this.
"whoA WHOA WHOA THERE, Y/N!!! don't come any closer."
he really doesn't want to risk getting sick, because he's an idol!!!! and has a lot of stuff to do!!! and a busy schedule !!!
but if you're hurt by his actions and whine about missing his touch, he'll instantly feel bad. apologizes profusely, because he never meant to make you sad :(
gives you all the love and affection you ask for, will even feed you soup with his own two hands to help you get better asap. but he still complains.
"y/n my hands are tireddddd slurp your soup fasterrrrr :/"
yeah... he still gets sick, though. and blames it all on you (rightfully so).
"hmph, this is your fault y/n!! explain all of this to my manager now." >:|
can't stay mad for too long tho bcuz you start being all lovey dovey & touchy with him. if you apologize he'll immediately melt into a puddle, like his gaze visibly softens. and you have to hold in your laughter bcuz it's literally so easy for you to get your way with him, he's too whipped.
doesn't let go of you for as long as his cold lasts, for karma of course.
"yeonjun, baby, my handsome boyfriend, the love of my life, let me go i need to pee-" "OH YOU NEED TO PEE HUH?!??! SHOULDVE THOUGHT ABT THAT BEFORE YOU GOT ME SICK. YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE."
eventually lets you go bcuz he's worried you're gonna have a little accident...
soobin (수빈)
very calm calm and understanding NOT.
he's mad and is not afraid to show it. angry soobin is one of my biggest fears..... yeah........... terrifying bruh-
the second he sees your text saying you got a fever he is on his way, dropping everything he was doing previously to come and visit you. basically barges into your room, visibly mad, swinging the door open, while you're just peacefully taking a nap.
but when he sees you get startled by the sudden noise, barely being able to lift your eyelids open to check who tf just broke into your house, his anger lowkey kinda perishes. :(
just sighs lovingly, breaking into a lopsided grin as he watches you physically jump out of your bed, struggling to keep your balance.
"its just me y/n, get back in bed!!"
tucks you in nicely, even if it's boiling outside, you have to stay warm (ノಠ益ಠ)
the first thing he does is he grabs a mask and wears it when he's around you. bcuz he's a responsible boy !! even if he himself gets sick he doesn't want to infect the other members.
the next thing he does is he caresses your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands, telling you to be more careful next time.
still a little angry though, but mostly at himself since he couldn't prevent this from happening to you.
(he also gets sick btw, but instead of complaining he just deals with it and faces the reality)
beomgyu (범규)
simultaneously the best and the worst person to have around when you're sick 😬
one second he's cooing at you, babying you and not letting you move a muscle. but the next thing you know he's forcing you out of bed because he's bored and wants to watch horror movies in the living room.
and he's too afraid of watching alone. like he has to have someone to sacrifice to the ghosts in case they end up visiting yk??
"y/n, come onnn, you can't be that sick :(" "gyu, you carried me to the bathroom like 5 minutes ago because you said i shouldn't waste my energy, are you serious??" "THATS NOT THE POINT?!?!!"
ends up carrying you to the couch and throwing himself on top of you, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck as you squirm away from him because:
1. his hair is tickling you. one more soft lock brushing against your skin and you'll start wheezing uncontrollably.
2. you're literally sick????? and he has a busy schedule, he can't afford being ill ;^
but he still won't budge, telling you he has the best immune system out there. reassuring you that he will, indeed, be just fine.
"believe me babe i haven't been ill since... the last time i've been ill. trust me on this one"
surprisingly, he somehow keeps his promise and doesn't get sick?? a man of his word ig? like he really shows no sign of being sick whatsoever.
runny nose? nope. sore throat? nope. fever? oh you mean that one song by enhypen??
anyways stan the owner of the best immune system stan beomgyu 😋🤞🏻
taehyun (태현)
he's probably the most mature about it, to be fair. he knows it can happen, we're all human beings after all.
instead of scolding you or being overly upset, he focuses more on you and how you're feeling both physically and mentally.
need medication?? he's on his way to the store. need food?? he's already in the kitchen making you soup. feeling grumpy and just want him to be by your side??? he puts on his mask and sits right there next to you to keep you company.
honestly best boyfriend award goes to: taehyun!!!
although he would prefer not to have any sort of physical contact with you at the moment, if you're extra pouty that you have a sore throat and can't talk without coughing, he'll put his own health aside and cuddle you if it makes you feel any better.
honestly thinks you're just so adorable. the way you scrunch up your nose when you sniffle, your eyes slightly brimming up with tears when medication tastes bitter, your hands clasped together, rubbing desperately to feel some sort of warmth even though the heater is set pretty high.
he feels bad for thinking you look so cute, but he can't help it !!
taehyun coos at you from time to time. checking your temperature and then replacing his palm that's softly pressed against your forehead with his lips, placing a gentle kiss.
so soft for you, you can't even imagine :((
he isn't even mad if he gets sick himself, but definitely expects you to look after him like he looked after you!! bcuz he deserves it!!!!! >:(
anyways as i was saying, best boyfriend.
huening kai (휴닝카이)
also one of the mature ones,,, but he's pretty awkward with it. mature but dramatic at the same time.
he really wants to get you to feel better soon and he's determined to buy you the correct meds !!!
probably blows up your phone, asking you if he's buying the right bottle. even sends you pics so u assure him that, yes, he is indeed buying the correct one. but he still somehow manages to buy the entire store because "he didn't want to get the wrong one"
really cute. like really really cute.
pouts when he doesn't see progress like 0.5 seconds after you drink your medicine. he's genuinely so worried. sometimes too worried so you end up having to calm him down.
but when you wake him up at midnight, teary eyed, telling him how you can't fall asleep because your nose is too stuffy and it bothers you, he tells you:
"see??? i wasn't too worried it is actually bad. smh 😐😐 how dare you tell me i'm overdramatic."
but then realizes he's being a bit of a butt, sooooo....
he really doesn't know what to do, just stays up with you doing whatever (usually just talking) until you're tired enough to fall sleep.
when he asks you a question and you don't answer he gets a tad bit worried, he really thinks you just passed out or something. but when he looks down at you in his arms, your cheek pressed against his chest, eyes closed and your soft snores matching the steady beating of his heart he relaxes.
probably gets ill too but its only because he can't keep his lips off yours even when you're sick ☹️
©tyunni please do not copy, translate or repost my work.
taglist: @gyuury @enhyphun @junityy @beomgyuanti @eternallyhyucks @sunghun @marknaeroni (fill this out or send in an ask to be on my permanent taglist.)
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yengyangyo · 3 years
berry | k.s.w
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pairings: kim sunwoo x female reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers
summary: you are in denial that you have a crush on your own friend, kim sunwoo until he made you confess your feelings.
word count: 1.9k
note: i wrote this on sunwoo's birthday. its quite late to post it cs i kept on postponing it sksksk but yea this was inspired by sunwoo's berry. enjoy reading! xo
you had sunwoo on your mind for days that you are lacking of sleep. it doesnt sit quite right for you to have this 'romantic' feelings for your bestfriend. meanwhile, sunwoo is not helping you to clear up your mind at all. he's just always there beside you no matter what.
he'd wait at the bus stop just to go to class together with you in the morning even when you're running late. lunch time together is a must unless one of you had other plans. both of you are just stuck together anywhere you go.
so for once, you thought it'd be a good plan to avoid him today. you woke up early that morning to get to class and you texted sunwoo that you had a discussion with your groupmates. this went on for a few days, you were making excuses everyday but sunwoo believed you.
until he couldnt take it anymore.
you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket and you saw sunwoo on the caller id. you were hesitating to pick it up until you felt someone grabbing your wrist from the back, turning you around.
"found ya!"
sunwoo appeared in front of you with the brightest smile. you couldn't help but to feel happy and welcomed by him that you started smiling unknowingly. you get back to your senses seconds later and avoided his eyes.
sunwoo knew something was wrong when he saw your expression fell. he glanced at your phone that kept ringing. he ended the call and your phone went off too.
"why arent you answering my calls? are you still busy?"
you couldnt stand seeing sunwoo looking all gloomy and upset. you felt bad for ignoring him so you tried making up excuses again.
"oh yea i was about to pick it up. sorry,"
sunwoo pouted and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. he's using his favourite perfume again today, you noticed. that scent happened to be your fav of him too. you felt weak and wanting to crawl into a hole or something.
"im craving chicken today. how about chicken and beer for dinner tonight?"
sunwoo turned his head at you, waiting for an answer. you looked up at him and his face was only inches away from you. you looked away, flustered. he had always been this way but only now you noticed how you felt about him which made it more awkward to be this close to him.
"i dont know, sunwoo. i'll have to check with my groupmates," you said, pretending to check your phone for your nonexistent messages.
"its friday come on. i havent hang out with you for days already," sunwoo whined and that made you laugh.
"alright but i get to choose where to eat,"
you chose the chicken restaurant near your neighbourhood where you both are regular customers there. the place was crowded with youngsters like the both of you, drunken with beer and chicken.
you were also getting tipsy from drinking. the first 30 minutes of the dinner went normal. asking how each other had been doing with the college life.
sunwoo sighed and rested his chin on his right palm. his eyes falters on you, searching for something. you looked away, feeling a bit burdened and transparent, because sunwoo knew you werent acting yourself these days.
"hey," he called you but you didnt answer and still avoiding the eye contact.
"hey look at me,"
you were startled at the warmth on both of your cheeks. sunwoo was cupping your cheeks to make you look at him straight in the eyes. you didnt know if this warmth was from his hand or from you blushing.
"what's wrong?" he asked. now his hand moved to yours, holding it tight. "you're avoiding me these days. do you think i didnt notice?"
silence fell between you two, just staring at each other. the guilt creeping up inside you and you didn't know where to start.
its the smallest gesture from him that create butterflies in your stomach.
that one time he opened the water bottle for you when he saw you struggling and saying that you're such a baby. his laughter filled the room when you frowned at the remark. you know how much he loves annoying you and in the end he always made you laugh too.
on rainy days, he'd always share the umbrella with you and keeping you close to him so you wouldnt get drenched. sometimes he'd gently rub your arm so you wouldn't get too cold.
sometimes he'd call you names like how boyfriend and girlfriend do, jokingly. though, you somewhat enjoyed it and played along. pretending to cringe but actually was flattered by him.
at this moment, your hand in his, eyes boring into each other, you just want to scream at him how much you love him.
you smiled in defeat and pulled back your hand.
"there were just so many thoughts going on my mind lately, sunwoo. im so sorry,"
he didn't question you any further and he nodded his head.
"whatever it is youre thinking, i just want you to know i'm always here for you,"
you smiled, this time sincerely at him.
"you always are sunwoo. i appreciate that,"
he smirked, "after all, i am the best that you got,"
you rolled your eyes and gave him your disgusted face.
"so are you gonna tell me what's bugging you?"
"i think i like someone. he's just always running round in my mind these days,"
you didnt know where the courage came from to blurt out that out of your mouth. sunwoo who was halfway shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth, stopped. he put it down and looked at you, doubting himself if he heard that right.
"i couldnt stop thinking about him. that pretty much explains that i like him right? or is it just my mind playing games with me?"
you swore you saw his face fell for a second but he went back to the usual sunwoo after that.
"does he know about your feelings?"
you shrugged, "nah. im still trying to find out what i really feel about him. should i tell him?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and chugged down his beer until its empty.
"yea why not," he answered simply. "he must be really lucky to have you,"
you laughed, "i havent done anything yet. there's a possibility that he'd reject me too anyway,"
its funny how you talk about this like its some stranger to sunwoo when you are talking about him. you felt light hearted a bit after letting that out.
"who'd reject you?" sunwoo said while playing with that piece of chicken, not looking at you anymore. "you're pretty and fun,"
you raised an eyebrow, wondering if you heard that right. he was still poking the chicken with his fork, eyes hazy and lips pouting.
"so you're not gonna tell me who is this guy you have a crush on?"
"you'll find out soon,"
sunwoo offered to walk you home though you kindly told him he didn't have to. he insisted and now you are walking beside him. he was suddenly quiet after the conversation you had with him.
"is that why you're avoiding me? because you have a crush on this guy?"
he asked, hands in his pockets, eyes looking forward. you looked at him, feeling a bit weirded out by his cold tone.
"no... okay maybe? i dont know. i just needed some time to myself,"
sunwoo fell quiet again for the rest of the walk home. when you reached the front gate of your house, you looked back at sunwoo. he looked like he was upset. you walked up to him and pat his side.
"hey thanks for walking me home. i'll tell you everything when i'm ready okay?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and you turned around to get out of that awkward moment.
"no i'll tell you everything right now okay? hear me out,"
you stopped in your tracks and facing him in confusion. he was pacing around, his hands are restless in his pockets.
"before you confess to him i guess i have to make a move on you first," sunwoo said, this time he raised his voice. "this is why people are saying we should always tell what we feel before we regret it and i dont want to regret it but i think im too late,"
you are worried at him. he looked like he was about to break down right in front of you. you wanted to comfort him but you didnt get what he's trying to say.
"sunwoo, i dont understand. what is it?"
sunwoo stopped pacing around and stopped directly in front of you. you swore you saw his eyes tearing up and you wanted to cry too. you thought, the alcohol has made both of you emotional.
"i like you,"
you both felt like the world is weighing down. it was as if the time has stopped for you two. you were staring at each other in disbelief.
"i know you like someone else and i shouldve told you sooner. i kept on putting back my feelings behind," sunwoo halted, gasping for air. "im too late now but i have to tell you this,"
"i dont care who he is. but i want you to know that you deserve of love. you kept on telling yourself you dont deserve anyone. you know how badly i want to tell you that im here? i want to love you," sunwoo was practically shouting at this point. he sighed, "shit im already am in love with you,"
at those words, your tears came streaming down like crazy. you've never seen him cry but tonight he looked beautiful even when he's crying. you lurched forward and wrapped your arms around him. he buried his face in your neck and you felt his warm tears on your skin.
"im sorry. i just wanted to let that out after keeping it for so long. this is the worst timing huh?" he murmured under his breath.
you shook your head and laughed. you let go of the hug first and cupped his face in your hands. teary eyes staring at each other.
"sunwoo its you,"
"i love you too,"
you closed the distance between the two of you, kissing him for the first time. that caught him off guard but then smiled in the kiss. it was sloppy but sunwoo is for sure leading you well at this. you both craved for this for a long time already. you were still crying of relief and touched by his confession.
"you should've told me before i start crying like an idiot," sunwoo looked down at you, smiling with his swollen eyes.
you laughed at him and you snuggled more into his embrace not wanting to let go too soon. you realized how much you miss him after those dreading days of ignoring him. he rested his chin on your head while gently patting you.
"im sorry ive been ignoring and denying my feelings for you,"
"its okay. thank god we actually like each other though," you both laughed at the same time and you havent felt this happy and giddy before.
"so i can actually call you my baby now?" sunwoo asked smirking at you playfully, knowing how much you hated it before.
"that's still cringy but sure, babe,"
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
🎉Congratulations lovely! 🎊
The tattooed phrase trope is absolute gold in soulmate AU fics.
Am also a sucker for rivals to lovers ^^
Maybe a fluffy little piece between Poe and the reader with the Reader's phrase being "Well show me what you've got then, flyboy?"
hellooo welcome to the chaos (since you're new here!)
I'll do my best, I hope you enjoy!
warnings: I think this is just fluff, with vague mentions canon typical drama
soulmate requests / follower celebration
There was something about those hanger hallways, something that made it feel like you had to walk fast.
Maybe it was the clean sharp lines, and the regular announcements, and the smooth lines of droids on their merry way.
Maybe it was the urgency of saving the universe from pompous 'rulers' who thought they had any idea what was best.
Or, maybe you just liked to move quickly.
It was in your blood - not because you were born into it, but because you had shed blood, with sweat and tears to get to where you were. And because the universe had half dictated it that way.
"I hardly think it matters. Not that I dont think good pilots help, but I dont save lives," you retorted to the rebel beside you, her steps in pace with yours. "Not like you."
"Become a medic then," Jane rolled her eyes. Your mouth opened, words still forming on your tongue, before your friend stopped dead, hands on her hips. The hallway was forked, little labels indicating youd half pulled her in the wrong direction.
"Hush," she said. "I dont care what excuse you have this time. We both know you don't have a option." Eyebrows raised, and you sighed, dodging another hurried rebel as they almost tripped on a little mouse droid.
On your arm for years now were the words So, you're a pilot?
Long nights you'd spent arguing about fate with your friends - you loved flying, you really did, but-
"It's such a glory job," you always protested.
"Main characters are pilots," she would reply, her sturdy shoulders shrugging. Her agreement didnt make you feel better. If you were lucky, someone else would add, "But you're not like that."
Because you weren't. You were just... you.
"I just want to help people." And no one would argue because that was true, too.
It hadnt come upon awhile, fate, and short lived careers, and how infuriating it was when people held nations lives in their hands because they loved the attention. You lived with it, and kept your mouth shut. because General Organa needed all the help she could get.
And you couldn't deny that you loved it, and it was easier to bear the stress of reality when you didnt think too hard. But -
"Why is this coming up again?" A rhetorical question, delivered with a smirk, and responded to with a childish face.
Jane was pulling you down the opposite hallway, towards the bay, and your stomach twisted, despite the friendly teasing. He was there, you'd told her before, so she knew the reason you'd been antsy, looking for something to blame.
Poe Dameron.
A hotshot pilot, maybe the best in the galaxy. An infuriatingly handsome, ridiculously charismatic, obnoxiously smart, stupidly kind rebel who had nearly blown up your favorite x-wing.
You couldnt decide if he deserved an award or a good solid slap to his cheek. The favored option switched each day, but nothing would come from either - you had never actually talked to him, always too afraid of... what youd be opening yourself up to.
Becaus even from far away you saw him, late at night repairing that dumb x-wing with his bubbly little bb unit, talking to the little thing like he really was sorry. Because you saw him hugging a new recruit, talking to them for what must have been hours after their first mission. Because his smile, the same one that had captured the hearts of almost everyone around, was full of thoughtfulness and earnestness and confidance.
And if you didnt tell yourself that he was selfish, flying for all the wrong reasons, and that you were going to show him? If you didnt protest that your attention was solely in seeking pilot humility?
Then, Maker help you, you were in love with him.
"Shut up," you said sternly, as your friend grinned, and the two of you approached the ship you'd spent all morning checking and rechecking. Her response blew away, drowned under the noise of chatter and intercom announcements and the chaos of the hanger.
A hard hug, a fistful of fabric, and shouts to stay safe, and both her and her teasing disappeared, and your turned the the hunk of metal above you.
"So, you're a pilot?" It was the words, but the voice that made you flinch. You'd heard him before, voice like dark caf in mornings, sweetened at the edges with golden honey.
No way he was talking to you.
"I mean, obviously you're a pilot." Why was he here? Wasn't his ship... oh. Next to yours.
"And a damn good one, I hear," he kept talking. Your words were sticking in your throat, alarm bells screaming to tell him off, to spit out your righteous lecture or tell him to mind his own business or something. You unintentionally ignored him, but he just... kept talking, content to let you work opposite of him.
"I... I've seen you around." For the first time, your gaze snapped into his, wondering at the nervousness of his tone. Regretting it instantly, you turned away. His eyes were like his voice, dark and warm and bad for you. Bad, bad, bad.
"You talk about how we do this for others."
Hand on the top rung of your ladder, you paused, this time looking at him deliberately. He really wanted to have this conversation? And... Maker it felt like you'd hit an asteroid. All those walls, sharp and sturdy like tempered metal, crumbling around you.
He shouldve looked smaller, hanging from his own ladder like he didn't have anywhere to be, but he didnt. Of course he didn't.
"I agree," he said, awkwardness replaced with a resolute phrase. Almost a promise.
And you grinned.
"Well," you held his gaze as he pulled himself up another rung, to be even with you. "Show me what you've got then, flyboy."
And he grinned back.
He disappeared from view for a moment as you pulled yourself into the cockpit, and your mind, which had gone blissfully silent, abruptly began to scream.
Something - something just happened - but it was time to go, and you had a mission, and the coms were switching on, and -
Looking over you saw him, his beautiful eyes as wide as yours felt.
And then you got the all-clear for take-off.
He had searched for you the moment you landed. You knew he did.
But you had landed a row away from where he did and hunkered down in the cockpit and tried to breathe and process the mission - a resounding success - and the terrifying thought that you had maybe just found your soulmate. And been one slightly-less-perfect maneuver away from losing him again.
He - he probably got swept away int he rush of celebrating crowds like he always did. Not that you noticed.
The phrase, on your arm, it was... it was common, right? Anyone could say it.
The whole mission you'd shoved it out of your mind, only focused on getting everyone out of there alive, and now that it was over...
You didnt know what to do. The hanger was quiet, void of cheering crowds and pilots alike, and you climbed out, hitting the ground with a thud.
Poe was waiting for you, looking almost shy as he buried his hands in his pockets. Sleeves rolled up, you saw words youd never noticed before... words you'd felt in your mouth mere hours ago.
"How'd I do?" He asked, his smile small, dark eyebrows bending in.
Like before, the chaos of your thoughts stilled, storm waves settling to a gentle tide. You walked towards him, wondering at the feeling.
"Not too bad," you said, trying your hand at a matching smile. It came easy, easier than you were prepared for.
"Yeah?" Was he always so tall?
"Didnt get anyone killed."
"Good point," his voice sounded rough, and... he was close.
"I think," Poe wet his lips, and you could almost feel it, he was so close. "I think my soulmate prefers it that way." He was right.
Hand on that broad chest, flight suit streaked with who knows what, you kissed him.
He kissed you.
Warm and sweet.
And slow.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @pbeatriz @saradika @zinzinina
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
DREAM HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY ON A PERFECTLY ENJOYABLE EVENING!! i knew this was coming but i still feel so betrayed- all things considered i did really enjoy this chapter a LOT like there was some bonding with the duke!! and hugh!! we should be mindful of that too!! and do i smell a possible match for lucie in one of cecily's sisters?? yes im once again ignoring the angst and trying to find the positive!!
Deep down inside, you wanted an explanation. You needed it, even though you had claimed you never wanted to see him again. It was so confusing that you could barely understand what you were supposed to think about this, but thankfully you had the best distraction. okay so perhaps reading this again right after spending a whole week analysing and writing an essay on how passion/emotions overrule reason in pride and prejudice is not the best idea considering all my brain is looking for is other possible references to it!! speaking of i'm positive i could go my whole academic career writing essays on your fanfics alone and never run out of topics to write about
“Oh the horror,” he said and entered the room, then smiled at you. “Lady Y/N.” unrealistic writing i would have positively swooned at this
“Right,” you said, snapping your fingers. “Because we’re courting. You should pretend to have missed me more, you know? For our courtship’s sake.” dream i'm telling you let cherie just date hugh we all love him and she deserves better than allard bc all the anti-pierre anons have influenced me and i no longer trust he's not going after her dowry he's probably the wickham of this story with his whole charming facade
You pouted. “I was almost hoping you’d pick a black tie so I could fix it.” look THIS is realistic writing because i too would have suggested anything to be able to be closer to him for a few moments
“I should go,” Hugh muttered. “I will be back to court you some more, Lady Y/N.” “I can hardly wait,” you played along as he grinned, then walked out of the room. LET CHERIE HAVE HUGH IM BEGGING YOU DREAM!! i love him
Or maybe your mother and everyone back at Paris were right; you were naïve. maybe your mother and everyone back at paris is a BITCH (kidding i would never say that about the wonderful late duchess but also damn she couldve been a bit nicer)
“Oh,” Lord Oakley said before stealing a look at you. “I was not aware that ladies were interested in politics, Lady Y/N.” oh this bitch is about to get murdered (glad to know i was right) i love the duke and cherie basically tag-teaming to murder people with their words it's a nice bonding activity for them
“Mademoiselle Y/N,” oh here's THIS bitch again 🙄🙄 maybe he should go back to france we have our dear hugh to make anthony jealous pierre should fuck off
“I could never miss it, I love opera,” he said as the Duke and Hugh came closer. oh i'm sure you do PIERRE. tbh i had hopes that the duke and hugh came closer to make sure pierre fucked off but alas i must wait
“May I?” he asked, offering you his arm and you smiled brightly, then placed your hand on his arm and followed the Duke and Cecily. THAT SHOULDVE BEEN HUGH!! fuck pierre for taking his place (i feel like i've been swearing a lot more than usual this ask and i'm 98% sure it's because pierre annoys me so much)
Eloise and Benedict had apparently decided to greet you and the whole family. awwww that's so nice of them look there's also nice bridgerton siblings!! we love that!!
You averted your gaze from her to look at Benedict who was frowning at something Pierre had said. benedict is me during this whole chapter
“Oh I guess I can tell you, you’re basically family. She’s with child again.” i KNEW it!! im the best guesser (yes it was obvious but i like praising myself for the bare minimum)
Anthony was kissing Miss Siena. you know i knew this was gonna happen but STILL!! dream you're breaking cherie's (and our) hearts 😭😭 i sincerely hope she gets to punch him sometime in the future
“I’m not leaving you like this, come on,” she said as Hugh stood up, no doubt to chaperone Cecily as you all walked out of the box into the hallway, then went downstairs. first of all yes!! we love cecily and elias being supportive af!! but also cherie my love hugh was going there bc of YOU (even if not intended it is the truth in my mind)
“Fresh air will help,” Hugh said softly, as if trying to console you and you wiped at your eyes. exactly hugh is being nice my beloved!! forget about anthony there's a dream man right here!!
“Anthony, don’t.” Benedict and Simon entered the hallway but he looked almost deaf to them, deaf to everyone but you and him as he took a step towards you. hey the whole cherie protection squad has arrived!! plus anthony!! this definitely cannot go wrong what are you talking about!! also i love these new snippets of protective simon is that something we're going to see more of in future chapters??
“What the fuck did you do?” Elias snapped as a sob escaped from you and in a second, chaos erupted through the hallway. Elias lunged at Anthony to punch him in the face, making Cecily and Hugh rush to him while Anthony pushed Elias back, still trying to get to you but Simon grabbed at Elias while Benedict pulled Anthony back. you know i simply would have let elias punch anthony. rip to like everyone there but im different
“Elias!” Simon said as he tried to lunge at Anthony again and Simon shoved him back right before Cecily got in between them, making Elias instantly take a step back so as not to hurt her. awww okay this is the absolute cutest we love several grown men not being able to stop an overprotective brother but his one and only love stopping him immediately
“This is not over, do you hear me?” Elias growled before he and Cecily made their way to you and he cupped your face. i sure hope it isn't over anthony still deserves that punch in his face idc who gives it to him
“I’m not waking up,” you managed to say through frozen lips, making Cecily and Elias exchange glances. “Why am I not waking up?” okay this is where i started crying wtf dream why must you hurt us like this 😭😭
“He doesn’t love me, Cece,” A sob climbed up your throat as you wiped at your eyes. “He doesn’t. I thought he did but…I’m unlovable I think.” DREAM I'M ONCE AGAIN ASKING YOU WHY OUR DEAR CHERIE HAS GONE THROUGH ENOUGH THIS IS MEAN
“Please don’t talk like that,” he said slowly. “Please. I couldn’t bear imagining it.” full-on sobbing at this point also reminds me what was the duke's reaction to all of this?? like what must HE be thinking??
“I just have something I need to do, but I will be back, alright? Try to get some sleep, for me?” i hope that's code for "i'm gonna go punch anthony rn brb"
“Love,” you managed to say, your voice a mere whisper. “I want love gone.” and just when i thought the pain had subdued for a bit you took one final fatal stab at my heart i KNEW something like this was going to happen but you've managed to write it in such a compelling, heart-wrenching way that it still manages to make me cry like a sad movie i've seen dozens of times before 😭😭
i'm not sure if i can truly thank you for this chapter considering you made me cry but i am very grateful for you once again sharing your wonderful talents with us no matter the emotions it has me feel!! i hope you have a wonderful day (see i'm not holding a grudge for the crying thing!!) and i can't wait for what tuesday will bring 😭😭
Omg aww Merel hi love! ❤
Oh there will be more of those convos with the Duke! ❤
Pride and Prejudice my beloved 😂
i'm positive i could go my whole academic career writing essays on your fanfics alone and never run out of topics to write about OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO CRY ALREADY- you’re so sweet loveeee! ❤😭
Cherie was probably still blind to anyone but Anthony at that point, even if she was angry at him 😂
dream i'm telling you let cherie just date hugh Well- I see where you’re coming from BUT dating was not exactly a thing back then darling, do you want them to end up getting married? 😂😂
Cherie loves dressing people up and Hugh was lucky to escape that 😂 She would spend an hour going through his wardrobe otherwise 😂
Oh yeah literally everyone called her naïve back there 💔
And the duke knew! He knew Cherie would murder him verbally and he was having so much fun😂
oh here's THIS bitch again Literally all of us whenever Pierre shows up 😂
Wait, do we think Hugh wanted to escort her to the box? ❤
benedict is me during this whole chapter LOLLL😂
But yesssss you guessed right! ❤
Cherie will be so heartbroken 💔
hugh is being nice my beloved!! forget about anthony there's a dream man right here!! Ooooh my God 😂
We’re actually going to see everyone being protective of Cherie ❤
He did end up punching him ONCE but he was going to keep going! ❤ Until Cecily got in between them ❤ That was enough to make him stop immediately ❤
Isn’t angst fun? 😈
Oooh the Duke’s reaction ❤ We will get it in the following chapters but like, there’s going to be a full convo between him and Cherie!
i hope that's code for "i'm gonna go punch anthony rn brb" He went to find Anthony! 😈
Aww honeeey this is so sweet of you!❤ Thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear that you liked it! ❤ I hope you will like Tuesday’s extra scene as well!❤
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