#also again the whole 'other hobbies' thing
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justcruisingaroundrevived · 17 hours ago
You're My Coney Island Baby
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Summary: Julie headcanons
TW/CWs: None
A/N: Whipped up some headcanons + her relationships with the club. This is a quick thing I did cause I wanted to get it out there before I forgot lol
NAME: Julie (no one really knows her last name)
FAVORITE SHIT: Barbie, Bratz, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Teen magazines, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Keanu Reeves, Juicy Couture, Lisa Frank, Paris Hilton, Hillary Duff, Romcoms 
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Moved from Wall Street to Eltingville so her dad could take care of her sick grandma. If you let her, she’ll rant about how sucky it is “living in the forgotten borough” and wishes she was back at the penthouse
Very shy. Like, to the degree where she’ll take a dangerous path back home just to avoid her peers at school. 
A HUGE room. Stepping in makes you feel like you’re in a Disney Channel set; animal print bed sheets, shelves upon shelves of dolls she collected (from childhood to actual collector’s item), as long as a toy chest with stuff she still plays with. That’s not even getting into her closet or bookshelves
Speaking of shelves, they’re filled to the brim with those teen magazines. She follows them like the Bible itself. To her, they’re the only source in which she can learn how to be a “normal” teen (this often translates to awkward fashion choices)
Overweight, so shopping is done exclusively through Torrid or those older women stores (IE; Lane Bryant, Avenue). It embarrasses her that she has to shop there for her clothing, but she makes do. 
Often carries a Juicy Couture bag with her, containing an IPod, sketchbook, hand cream, pads, loose chapsticks, tickets she can’t let go of, and maybe a hair tie to put her hair in a loose ponytail. 
Undiagnosed autism. Her father, while a good man, just thinks she’s “different”. Sure, he’s concerned about why she collects dolls past the age of 10, but still buys them for her cause it’s all she really talks about. She also has tics that are considered “unnerving”, but she usually masks those in order to “fit in”
Dreams of working at Dark Horse. Will often spend her free time drawing comics and pin up poses to “develop her style” (it often just ends up being drawings of her crushes)
Surprisingly socially alright in school. She has her clique of friends (who like similar things to her) and is in mock trial. Other than that, she really sticks to the library or the art room.
Speaking of art (yet again), loves analog photography. It’s sort of a hobby of hers; she’ll take pictures using a camera she purchased, send it to Walgreens and get the final products. If she’s desperate/really proud, she’ll pay for a darkroom to develop prints. 
Overall a nice person, once you get past her extreme social awkwardness. 
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JERRY: They tolerate each other AT BEST. She absolutely hates fantasy/tabletop games, and gets both bored and confused with DnD. That’s a no go for Jerry, so they normally avoid each other. 
However, they do well as work partners (if you forced them to). Julie thinks he has potential to be a nice person, until he opens up his mouth, then she says “Oh yeah. That’s why I hate him.” At their worst, they’re not afraid of getting physical with each other (who wins these fights? Flip a coin).
JOSH: HATES HIM. Hates him with her whole being, and the feeling is mutual. She’s often mocked for being “Josh’s twin” due to their similar appearance (Overweight, curly hair, likes nerdy things, recluse) and it absolutely pisses each other off. For Josh, he hates that he’s being compared to a “Preppy Jabba the Hutt”. For Julie, it’s being compared to “An overweight monster you see in those Barbie movies”. 
If they see each other in the same room, they’ll have a “stand off” until one of them goes (usually Julie, as she hates confrontation). However, she’s more likely to win the physical altercation, as simply sitting on his chest and wailing him leaves him a crying mess (but he’s better at insults than her). Overall, put them in a “This is our get-along shirt” if you want to see a fight happening between them. 
PETE: Who? She just thinks he’s weird because of his love for guts and horror, and Pete doesn’t really pay attention to her. 
BILL: She actually met Bill at Joe’s Comic Book shop. She hates to admit this…she did find him cute…like, actually cute, until he opened up his mouth. 
Like Josh, they can't stand each other. They’re two sides of the same coin, and will butt heads over everything. Julie’s not afraid of humiliating herself if it means she wins the argument against Bill (goes double for Bill as well).
However, in the deepest corners of her mind, she has a terrible crush on Bill. That sketchbook is filled to the brim of drawings of Bill as Ken and her as Barbie, living in the dream house. She sometimes dreams about them being Trinity and Neo, John and Claire, Cady and Arron. It sickens her, but also leaves her feeling fuzzy and vulnerable, and that alone makes her want to crawl up and become a black hole. 
Bill doesn’t feel the same way (just don’t ask him who he dreams about in place of Tasha Yar…or Wonder Woman…or Emma Frost
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the-stove-is-divorced · 2 days ago
Sometimes you just gotta punch a wall ♡ Tho, there's something so silly about, like, yeah, just let them go ham. We'll be over here.
Delighted you see the vision because ever since SUF finished airing, heck, even midway through, it's all I could think about but just refused to write it myself, wanted it so bad. (#><) Also the way you describe it so perfect, she is absolutely stalking and I love her for it. Steven bailing her out of the police station would be everything to me. And yeah they're such a fun dynamic to play with, honestly, I kinda love Jasper would be severely allergic to him trying to help her, but post-SUF respects him somewhat? I think I'm too tired to articulate this anymore but I am chewing on the like a dog with a bone. I love them so fucking much.
Nolan "I would bring a whole ass tree instead of bouquet" determined to learn how to even use a camera just to spite this one fucker is truly beautiful. Nolan gains one hobby and it's spite driven. Mark tries to get more Dad/training time only to ordered to tackle some random vigilante or be on patrol to spot him. Mark is just "?????". Meanwhile, Debbie eagerly looks at the camera only to see it's just random, mostly blurry, images of some guy in a red-blue suit. The disbelief. I'd love to see that face she'd make, assuming Nolan was gonna immortalize their memories together. Like, "No, honey I have beef with some random chatty spider-themed vigilante and I will take pictures about it". Like okay, buddy, whatever you got going on I guess??? AND YES! Spidey would be so offended like OH, you trust HIM? It's mostly the mustache. JJ WOULD point out the mask-lessness as a trust thing LMAO. I love this.
The lack of villainous hierarchy is one of the things that will persistently drive me up the fucking wall, you are a super hero show, and you do not have a classic rogue gallery? A compelling rogue gallery that intentionally compares, contrasts the hero in an interesting light? Again, see: batman rogue gallery being iconic. It solves the problem of Mark's shaky morality ambiguity, and just fleshes him + new!Guardians if they fought those kind of battles together. It can truly flesh out the fucking world. What impact do heroes, and thus villains, have on society? Can we see Mark interacting with civilians? Earning their trust back, or even their hostility? I feel like Powerplex is such a fucking breath of fresh air 'cause they finally doing classic hero stuff, and there's a PERSONAL villain that can say something about Mark and the world. Like why didn't we do this from the GET GO????
I love Invincible because I'll be gnawing at the fucking walls for a scrap of goodness and then they'll finally throw me a bone like 5-6 episodes in like FINALLY. I WAS STARVED. CAN WE KEEP THIS GOING?
Also fr??? What is the world like and what the fuck does it mean to not work with the GDA? This is an ample opportunity to establish if vigilantes exist, to define what it fucking means to be a professional hero. Like, in bnha for example, there is a school for being a hero, there's a license, exams, agencies, there is a WORLD and LAW, but with Invincible I, again, do not know what is at stake if heroes do not work with the GDA anymore. Mark and Eve make a company, but did they USE TO get paid with the GDA? Like you said, is anybody without an apparently rich robot buddy that stole your blood and skin and face just screwed? AND YEAH THANK YOU. The Order JUST got introduced and I haven't heard shit about the Lizard League, not to mention we saw them and then Rock Guy basically told 'em to not get involved with the city, what the fuck??? Are we gonna see them again then or????? WHERE IS THE PERSONAL BEEF VILLAINS , other than Power plex, but WHAT ABOUT THE GUARDIANS???? Where's Immortal's nemesis, like???
OMFG THE ORDER'S EXES? She absolutely fits into the world domination group lmao. AND I'M CRYING, her pondering the ethics of outright using tips she got from exes to help Mark would be EVERYTHING TO MEEEEE. She's really like, no, I would want someone to bash Nolan's nose in, and just tells Mark whatever he needs. Honestly, fuck it, I'd love to see Debbie giving Mark tips too, I understand if she's not interested, it's boring to her, but there's something so funny to me about her being as dismissive w/ it with Nolan as with Mark in s1. Like, "oh, the president gets kidnapped plenty of times, do you honestly wanna go now? I'm ordering pizza :/ ". I know she's more concerned 'cause Mark keeps nearly fucking dying, but if they let him fucking win, that'd be a neat dynamic! It could also add/justify why Oliver doesn't take hero stuff seriously other than being a kid, it's because the whole house is dismissive to the danger!
Also, bonus side tangent I think you've seen the latest episodes but: the way they keep making Mark lose battles drives me up the fucking wall because at least when he lost in s1, it made fucking sense. He's inexperienced, being punched in the face with the REAL dangers! Plus, it drives me even crazier because, AGAIN, the peak Nolan vs Mark one-sided smack down, Mark got beat the fuck up but he won. He didn't give into Nolan's rhetoric, Nolan stopped, he realized he DID care. Nolan killed millions with ease but he lost. Mark had a point, and a heart, and I fucking love the "loser" and "winner" of the fight look like that. SO Y'ALL KNOW HOW TO MAKE MARK WIN A FIGHT WHILE STILL LOSING, in some important sense! Again with old man earthquake! Have Mark win the battle with monsters, but put trapped team mates at risk by being to aggressive or reckless and someone gets hurt.
Also again pertaining to the new episode, it drives me up the wall if they shuffled how they set up the season, we could've had a trained, more vicious Mark being violent towards MONSTERS/BEASTS, justifying Cecil's concerns! All the while Mark doesn't see it as murder because they can't talk/not people, THEN, have the whole dragon guy (looks like a beast, but is a person), and again, let Mark win that one! But have him realize later he killed a PERSON, not an entity or creature. Cecil could've avoided telling him until the Big Confrontation, if they pushed that back, and Mark could've had to wrestle with the idea he's killed two people, and one without even noticing/fully realizing. It adds to the drama, it shakes up his notion of murder. Let him have a breakdown even.
This show drives me insane. They had the pieces... they had then.. JUST PUT IT TOGETHER.
Anyways, back to Debbie. Truly let her be fucking selfish? Why should she feel so obligated to higher standards when Nolan went off the fucking fails and just avoided any consequences for the damages? He hurt her, again and again. He hurt their son. He ruined their life, and what? She has to be so honorable? So noble? Please. Her friends, if known the Guardians or any other potential casualties, fucking DIED. Also the "do you ever wonder if you could have stopped them, and do you ever feel a rush realizing you could have asked them to do something worse and they probably would have? just for you?" <- makes me go CRAZY. Like let her feel validated and SEEN??? Truly where is the villain exe/partner support group when she needs it??? I would have LOVED to seen her wrestling with that.
PLACATE DEBBIT OMG. Istg like honestly, GoG/GDA isn't your one fucking job to stop shit like this from happening and you DIDN'T? LET HER SAY THAT. Let her be mean or cruel or even ponder why no one else saw this coming? Let her sink into guilt only to think why should it be her responsibility to save the fucking world from her husband? Why didn't you guys step up? Also, again, her husband killed millions/thousands but didn't touch her, if I was a villain I am not even making eye contact.
Or, like if she's the reason Mark stood up against his Dad, I'd straight up threaten eroding Mark's moral compass. Like idk he listens to his mom. Again, with her being mean + never stop thinking of Oliver <3 = Like, straight up if Oliver has to be here, I'd love if she was uncomfortable or disliked him because of what he stood for, even if that wasn't in his control, let her do that!!! Like doesn't let him call her Mom. I also was again chanting for Teen Dad Mark, let Debbie not raise an affair child oh my god guys. CAN SHE LIVE????
Mark and Debbie could be guilt magnets in SUCH different ways but I am denied. Agony.
Also Debbie fully taking advantage of Cecil needed her alive + general recklessness would be incredible. Like straight up taken advantage she's built Mark's morality, and if she's gone, he's going to lose this fucking shit, and they're at risk for a Omni-Man Sequel. Let her be petty and smug omg. LET HER LIVEEEEEEE. Have her run head first or even casually stroll through a low villain crime spree so Cecil has to teleport her home. She just becomes a familiar face at the GDA. She likes their lounge. Sometimes she takes a comm and says hi to Mark or ask him to pick up something since he's near a restaurant in Spain she likes or something. Cecil fucking hates the fact agents greet her/inform her/treat her with similarity authority, like it'd be so fucking cool if villains, GDA staff, etc didn't mess with her???
And same? The s1 mystery had such a good fucking tone, even if it had faults, it had a coherency to it that s3 just doesn't??? Like can you stop checking off a list of Shit To Do and make a story again? Like think it through?
While I'm not too familiar with the DCU- your batfam meta posts are intiguing- so in transfering some of the broader strokes from them- I think you tackling a 'Mark isn't Nolan's biological son' fic would be fascinating. Sort of a step to the side of the 'what if Mark never got his powers' fic that sometimes pop up in the fandom
OOOOOO chewing on this currently, hm, the much a distinct flavor of exactly what you’re talking about, but the potential for more family drama depending on WHO knows. Does Mark know?? Is he waiting every day only to be crushed? Does he confused non-Debbie features with Nolan’s? I suppose I’m not the most enthusiastic about non-power AUs, but I think there’s something very fun to explore about Mark having to settle with, if he knows all his life, he will never have powers? I think the trajectory of his dreams will obviously shift, I can see him still having that distinct fatherly idolization, but perhaps embraces being useful to the GDA? Cecil’s number one intern—only intern—curtesy of nepotism, ha! There is something tickling me about Mark taking the Robin Route/Role for the Teen Team in terms of having no powers, just insane skills, BUT there’s something way more delicious about intern Mark when s1e01 happens and Mark tries snooping around to find out the truth about what happened to his Dad.
I wonder if, with Mark having a whole another father, if they’re more or less distant relationship, depending on WHEN Nolan entered Mark’s life? Like if Debbie met Nolan later for this, or just for fun, they dated once, separated (Mark being born during then), then they happened to stumble into each others lives again and Mark’s already been born, anywhere from tween to teenager so there’s a gap in how close they are. I feel like one important aspect of the whole Family Drama is how close they’re supposed to be, a functional, loving family turned upside down? So I wonder what more distance does. I wonder how Nolan copes when his family is entirely human and he can’t project onto Mark.
I love thinking about these, omg.
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syrupspinner · 10 days ago
ive been playing a lot of Marvel Rivals lately
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i can explain
so i know i prop myself up as like, The Indie Game Gal. that playing singleplayer indie stuff is like, my whole thing. well, i enjoyed overwatch when it first came out, for some reason. i stopped playing pretty quick when i realized i wasnt having fun, i was just making myself play more matches for the lootboxes. also the community was kinda shit. anyway, rivals seems like its got the fun factor without... as much baggage
so the first thing i noticed is the monetization. the thing that always keeps me away from live service games, especially free to play games, is that theyre almost always designed around tricking you into spending money on a game you hate. ive done this song and dance with cookie run before: "isnt it annoying that youre not really progressing that fast, and we're making you wait to play the game more, and theres too much locked content? well, you can stop playing this unfun game by giving us money!" has always been stupid to me. why would i give you money to make the game less unfun, when i can simply stop playing the unfun game for free? if you are designing a game to trick players into paying to skip frustrations, whats stopping them from just... not?
so thankfully, theres nothing here that impacts gameplay. if you turn textures off, the experience of a first-time f2p player will be identical to a whale. i dont play a lot of live service stuff so im not sure how standard of a practice this is, but... no, im not gonna praise something for the bare minimum.
thats not to say there isnt the stink of live service bullshit. theres still daily challenges and a battlepass, but you can buy some (but not most) battlepass items with purple currency you earn from these challenges, which can include the blue currency you use to buy shop items, and the yellow currency that you use to buy the luxury battlepass or convert to blue currency, but watch out because the purple currency expires when this battlepass is over. fuck this. fuck all of this. we all know the only reason theyre doing this is to obfuscate the cost of things and trick people into spending more money
so my advice is to literally completely ignore all of it. never open the store or battlepass menu. the literal only measurable effect this will have on your gameplay experience will be improvements. you wont be tricked into pouring more time into the game than you want to for some carrot-on-a-stick pittance of funny money. nobody cares about your sprays or your skins.
okay. now we may talk about the video game.
...its really fun. its got that sauce where all the characters are pretty easy to learn, but they have well-designed kits that let you get creative and play into their niche.
for example, my dps main is squirrel girl, a character rated 1/5 on difficulty. her abilities are jumping a lot higher, and throwing something that locks the opponent in place for a bit. she can also eat an acorn that lets her do both of those again. this is very simple, but theres still a lot you can do. because her projectiles are arced explosives, its great for hiding behind something and picking away at crowds. this means shes surprisingly good as a sniper, since her jump lets her both get in to high positions and get out of dodge in a panic. this also makes her a great flank character, since her high damage can let her take a lot of enemies out before they realize the damage isnt coming from the frontlines.
every character (except black widow, lmao) is like this, where they have really solid builds that let them excel at something specific while still allowing for player freedom. moon knight is another example, where his ankh gives him great utility as a sniper, a flanker, and just about any other word that means "taking the enemy by surprise" while also being great for frontline crowd control.
uh... thats kinda all you need, i think. the fundamentals of a hero shooter are its characters, and if you nail those then youre golden. the maps are all fine, the aesthetic is great, this game's base is great
it is also a multiplayer game. as a counsellor in training its basically mandatory for me to say that the brain "fully developing" is a myth so misguided i hesitate to even call it pop-psychology. that being said, i was a very stupid teenager for a lot of reasons, so im gonna say that my time playing overwatch (2016-2018 for those curious) doesnt count. i didnt really engage with the community, and my gameplay wouldve been the same if everyone but me was a bot. here im actually doing my best to interact with others
i got to gold-III on comp, and the difference between that and quick play is kinda staggering. im not gonna be the douchebag that says casual doesnt count, thatd be stupid, but if you have a good team comp vs a bad team comp its like a different game
why does nobody want to play tank? i think its because a lot of people dislike slow defensive play, but like, penni parker is really fun and strategic. i havent played the others but, uh. magneto looks cool i think?
anyway what im saying is i get why most quick play matches end up with me as the only tank, or as one of 2 healers while everyone else goes dps. those are the fun ones. i want to get better with stormand my first thought was to take her through some low-stakes quick play, but im not gonna be the 5th dps
but dude, when things line up and theres a balanced team that plays well together, it kicks ass. and that only really happens in comp, or if you get a ream of people together in discord
and honestly? the matchmaking is kinda fucked. in my climb to gold this season i had so many games that were an unfun wash in either direction. either our team dominated with no resistance or we couldnt get a word in edgewise, it was bizarrely eclectic
this leads into how im kinda surprised there werent a lot of ragers? back when i played overwatch, i tried playing mercy (the only good healer) literally once ever. when i tried i got singled out and told over the mic that i need to stop playing. i was terrified of playing support in rivals as a result, but not only is healer way easier than the medi-beam structure by just making your basic attacks heal AND do damage based on if they hit an enemy or a teammate (and everyone seems designed around healing the team), people just seem... nicer?
its not perfect, ive gotten people saying the our wolverine was trash and that our team sucks, but like 8/10 times its been pretty alright. but god DAMN people dont seem to understand that for a payload to move forward you should probably stand close to it, where are you guys going
final verdict. it is fun. my id is 1623948266 hit me up
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scottsupremacy · 1 month ago
she future on my starts till i slow
this one got me crying. shitting. throwing up
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deepseawave · 7 months ago
obsessed w the tags on ur last reblog
Omgg, thank you haha, it was a quality post so I just had to appreciate it in full force 😂❤️
Can‘t believe someone would actually enjoy my yapping :,D
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#guys help is it time for a rebranding?? am I just gonna post about f1 now??#I still can’t believe this has all started because bestie and I were watching Ted Lasso (because I’ve been obsessed with that show for a#while now too) and I paused the episode to talk about how I really like the way Jamie interacts with kids (I’m sorry people being good with#and nice to kids is one of my weaknesses I work with kids now and have been invested in treating kids well forever)#so me saying that apparently reminded her of max and she showed me a video of him with p and yeah it was very effective in making me like#him and then we left the episode on pause and she told me a lot about f1 and max specifically cause I was interested now lmao (funny thing#is that she also got roped into it by our other friends I swear it’s speeding lmao#she also compared him to Jamie from Ted lasso (if you know you know) and showed me some heart wrenching Taylor swift edits (i haven’t#emotionally recovered yet) and yeah that’s how I started consuming way too much f1 content on YouTube and got into this whole mess lmao#oh yeah our friends also made me and another friend make a Tier list for all the drivers based on vibes alone (cause I only knew a bit about#max at that time and the other one knew nothing really) which was very funny too#especially looking back at it (we did some of them so dirty lmao 😂)#I’ve also come to the conclusion that tumblr is still one of the least annoying platforms to engage with other people (still)#YouTube is full of hate comments about drivers and stuff it’s so annoying actually#not to mention Twitter but I don’t go there and probably never will 😂#I personally don’t enjoy fics and scenarios and shipping of real people cause it makes me a bit uncomfy (not judging people who do#you do you as long as it doesn’t negatively affect anyone#but yeah I’d much rather just scroll by those here than have to look away from all the mindless hate and which driver is better discussions#everywhere else like I’m not one to engage with stuff like that but it does upset me to some#degree so yeah tumblr making memes and being rather positive about their drivers (most of what I’ve seen here of course there are gonna be#annoying people everywhere) is much more tolerable and a lot more enjoyable for me#whoops this post got away from me again oh dear#I’ve had the idea for a meme stuck in my head for days now: Max verstappen but make it if you don’t love me at my *swearing on team radio#giving spicy replies and attitude to the media maxplaining and complaining going for risky overtakes* you don’t deserve me at my *precious#interactions with p talking about his cats being a goofball with other drivers and especially danny defending other drivers driving#beautifully in the rain* it’s a package deal you can’t just pick and choose and personally I don’t even get why people complain about some#of the other stuff I appreciate someone who’s passionate and honest and genuinely kind where it matters 🤷🏻‍♀️#I think I’ve seen someone else say that but the more people complain about and criticize max the more I feel the need to defend him#god forbid women have hobbies for real (can’t believe I’ve yapped so much I can’t put more tags 💀)#also shoutout to Oscar Piastri and Danny Ric (I was so happy Oscar won even tho McLaren where being very silly in a not so funny way)
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scream-mans-friend · 10 months ago
the past two years ive been both employed damn near close to full time and going through a dense degree program, but my office internship is now over and I am hunting for a full time gig which does fill some of my days, but i still have not had this much free time in a long while. so im finally circling some of my fic ideas/drabbles like a shark that smells blood in the water and im finally developing the plot so it has an actual story that i feel good about...
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desalvar · 5 months ago
ayo i'm not dead!
#sorry i haven't been on folks#and in saying that for the 3475982th time i'm also admitting i'm just trash with keeping on top of things currently#and have been for the past year or so#/factually/#older moots know this isn't new#other people warn mutuals for a half week break meanwhile i get overwhelmed one day and poof for half a month randomly#generally not a great way to do things..#and i'm sorry for leaving beloved folks in the dark too. i don't mean to. i'm just at my wit's end occasionally#granted 90% of it is real life stress threatening to manifest on here which can't be helped sometimes so the need to remove myself is fair#but in acknowledging that like a healing anxious adult or whatever i have to also recognize that this hobby used to unwind and calm me#so i'm in the process of wrestling with how to.. make it that again for myself? in a way that doesn't bug me#for example how to just be Around without feeling unproductive with threads and the like. be fine with Writing Slow TM (rp and dms alike)#+ other things i have to bare knuckle through#this isn't so heeheehoohoo craziest thing happened in real life like usual because hey i'm not unique in my experiences and this IS the-#-whole point of a hobby that involves community. that you could just chill with the gay people on your phone no matter what happens#so i think i'll be doing that.. somehow - in moderation and without too much pressure preferably#and sort of figure out how to be Here#and on my other two blogs hsdfjsk#/negative#? i guess?#i really came back w/ the full burnout jumpscare#but it really has been A Whole Year of this
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duskerot · 10 months ago
world's normalest guy spends $100 on nendoroid parts
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frostedturquoise · 20 days ago
In other news heres a flip the coin game: Is it a new fandom interest or did i think too hard about a funny pairing dynamic so it is kicking around in my brain for longer than expected (on top of spending over three weeks between being amused by the inclusion of historical mythology a kid i used to babysit was obsessed with combined with mentally lamenting over 'of COURSE they made him a blonde white guy, its anime why did i expect better') or wind up thinking about something else related to it a tiny bit too hard.
#Let me tell you my brain deciding to just randomly pick situations and crack ships during an nine hour ER visit accompanying a friend??#did not help.#I either officially have one foot in hell now.#Or my brain has been too tired to give a fuck about hyperfixations so its just been?#Its just been whatever the fuck my friends have been yammering on about.#The *checks notes* 'worst guy to find relatable' situation has done zero favours because the brain is all 'here. here is a guy you can writ#--easily. it will be fun. promise.' from time to time. (spoiler: its easy for Not Fun reasons)#While on the flip side the part of me that never quite let go of my childhood historical interests wants to flip a table.#Because i fucking hate how 'stuck up blonde white guy' fits the personality they chose.#Oh well. Take things as they go one step at a time because im too bored to care to choose to do something else with my time every other--#--tuesday night.#Honestly it would of been fine if it wasn't a old hyperfixation of a friend who started prattling on about one of the games.#Did NOT help lmao. Shit was so 'oh fuck this character is extra relatable now and i fucking hate it' to the point that??#I spent like one third of my fortnightly allocated psych couch time talking about it while mentally face down in a pool.#because of the embarrassment over making a joke and underestimating the shit my brother told his ex gf.#She was not supposed to get the jokes secondary hidden punchline.#I Talk#I mean i dont hate the series.#I cannot say i love it either.#But it has merits here and there.#It is entertaining at least even if it could very much Do Better(tm)#The sad part is i can see exactly why one of my cousins recced it like a decade ago#i felt too embarrassed to ask what the name was again because i had forgotten between my job and health issues and craft hobbies.#....but now i think it was perhaps a good thing it was put off instead of added to the 'watch with the crew' pile.#Because im quite sure one of my friends would of been obnoxious about it lmao.#Because it would of been like the whole 'why dont you hate him more? your mother is eerile like frieza' situation all over again.#Which for the record was incredibly awkward having to explain that despite the similarities they are different enough it doesn't annoy me.#Also my mother isn't a fictional character.#But maybe im just good at compartmentalising shit like that.
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meejijis · 5 months ago
ppl who goes against their "dni" and break their own rules by either invading other people's spaces or hate stalking the ppl they hate (which the said person they hate is literally everything they described in their dni list) will always make me so annoyed
#delete later#i stopped doing dnis and byf cuz i realized its fucking useless AND extremely stupid tbh. like i also find it extremely childish too#its like putting up a sign at a restaurant and going “people who supports and enjoys pineapple on pizza are not allowed here go away”#like i just now realized how stupid this whole thing is. it also feels like segregation ngl#also not all dnis and byfs work like a charm 100% of the time either cuz even if you list the triggers and things you hate ppl out there ar#going to be terrible about it and use your horrors against you and harm you. and its pretty fucked#but yeah on another note: ppl esp the young gen needs to start learning how to avoid something they hate and never look back on it ever#again. like i promise you if you focus on something you like you wont have to be fighting useless pointless battles cuz theyre a waste of#TIME AND ENERGY. please learn how to separate fiction and reality. not only that even if you try really hard on wanting to make things you#hate disappear as well as its supporters well im sorry to break it to you but things you hate will ALWAYS exist. shocking i know#just like how many ppl hate pinapple on pizza there also exists others that loves that kind of pizza alot and its never going away any time#soon. that applies for every other shit we hate just like how i hate the fucking great gatsby lol but it still continues to live on and#strive in highschool eng classes cuz again ppl likes that book lol and also it exists for ppl needing to learn higher reading comprehension#and levels and all that jazz and what not.#but yeah some ppl really needs to stop breaking their own boundaries and consuming things they hate. its really unhealthy#also stop hate stalking ppl you hate too. seriously. get a better hobby.
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draconym · 2 months ago
Since you all had so many kind things to say about my spouse on this post, I will provide you with ten Spouse Facts:
He has a pet rabbit that we found as a stray, which he has clicker trained to do various tricks. He also wrote the rabbit a theme song which he frequently sings to him (when he is not baby talking at him). The rabbit loves this.
He plays the guitar, piano, and dizi (Chinese transverse flute). When I got very sick a few months ago, he wrote a song for me and has sung it to me nearly every day since. He also wrote a (beautiful, heartbreaking) song for his mother who has dementia and whom he visits every day, because music is retained much longer than other kinds of memories.
He doesn't have a car. He is anti-car. He has two bicycles: a Raleigh Record Ace (with a custom paint job featuring a rabbit) and a Lightspeed. He has a lot of biking gear that makes him look like a Pokemon trainer.
He eats raw onions whole like they are apples.
He got serious about baking as a hobby a few years ago, when he was irritated by the imprecision of bread recipes for not stating the optimal temperature of warm water to proof yeast. He created a gas displacement chamber out of jars and aquarium tubing and ran a series of experiments to find out the answer himself. We ate a lot of bread that month.
He taught himself tablet weaving in an afternoon. He also knits, and one time he sewed himself an entire ballroom gown for a Halloween costume because they don't make ballroom gowns in his size.
He's conversational in Spanish, French, Japanese, and Mandarin.
He learned to beatbox in his college a cappella group. (I also beatboxed for my college a cappella group, but my parrot prefers his beatboxing over mine.)
The first time we met in-person was at a Humans vs. Zombies nerf gun LARP. I asked him out to dinner a few weeks later and at the end of the evening I said "let me know if you want to do this again" and before I even finished the sentence he said "I want to do this again."
The last time he ate eggs was about twenty years ago, when he ruined a batch of chocolate merengues and then tried to recombine them with the yolks, creating Chocolate Scrambled Eggs. Apparently it was terrible.
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mossy-thing · 7 days ago
So I have been adopted into a knitting circle I have never met?? I started knitting a few weeks ago (on my fifth sock now! Socks are fun.) and one of my friends told their mother about it. Their mother knits. Like a lot. And she also hoards, again, a lot. So, two weeks ago, my friend gave me a care package with a project bag, stitch markers and a pair of small ducks to stick on the needles so I don't lose any stitches.
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Needlessly said, I was absolutely overjoyed. I made sure my friend would tell their mother how happy I was about this (I mean look at those ducks. LOOK AT THEM), ran around screaming in a circle for about half an hour and expected the whole thing to be over.
I was wrong.
One more important thing: I have met this woman once, and so briefly that I don't remember what she looks like. I have no clue if she remembers what I look like. I don't even remember her name. Anyway, I guess my friend mentioned I was complaining about wool being expensive because I am broke as hell and that does not pair well with hyper fixating on an expensive new hobby. Now their mother listened to that, went to her knitting circle, and discussed me. With all these other old ladies. And they decided to go through their dragon hoards of yarn to decide what they needed and what not, and pooled together to gift it to me.
Whom they have never met before. Because they thought it would make me happy. AND I AM HAPPY. VERY HAPPY. (The only issue is that my friend refuses to give it to me until Tuesday afternoon so I actually study for my biology test which I guess is fair but also uuuggggghhhhhhhhh.)
More importantly, I am just so completely overwhelmed at the thought of these people hearing about me through a silent post game led by my incredibly cagey friend and just deciding to help. They have no clue who I am. They just thought it would make me happy. Holy shit. I need a moment. I am in awe.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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b-lossm · 4 months ago
After the first kiss
[arcane women hcs about your first kiss modern au! :P]
fem reader! [based on the faye webster song]
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•It was her turn to plan the your third date, and since you have a deep relationship with music she decided to take you to the biggest record shop within reach
•okay that was a lie she drove out an hour to make sure you'd enjoy the two story shop
• the whole time she takes sneaky pictures of you, paying off a trustful worker to take polaroid's of you two, holding albums over your faces [double fantasy by john Lennon and such]
•Yes the worker was very surprised when a very masculine girl paid her 20 dollars and basically subtly demanded her to take polaroid's of her and her girlfriend but you two are so cute and 20 dollars is 20 dollars.
•the kiss didn't happen in that picture though, it happened in a nice little hidden corner of the store where you could play whichever vinyl you choose
•you chose Charm by Clairo because you didn't wanna ruin the moment with a rant about the symbolism in IGOR
•While Terrapin played in the background she leans into your side on the beanbag, chuckling about how around her you seem much shyer then anyone else she sees you with
•It then just... happened, you looked away while giggling she clocked you and then she softly scooted her face in closer and when you looked back, she was two-three inches away from your face, looking at your lips
•She then silently checks in on you twice to make sure you are okay with this, then leans in and softly kisses you, tasting your cherry lip balm you put on, that mixed with your slightly sweet lip gloss
•Afterwards she giggles on how you shy away from her and then pulls you close, Juna is playing now
•You tell her this song reminds you of her, and she tells you that Second Nature reminds her of you
•Suprsingly you lean in this time
•on the way home you can see notifications popping up from her sister reading "seriously??? shes your wife now?? your deep in lmaooo"
Caitlyn Kiramman
•She takes you to an Botanical Garden, makes sure that she brings you comfortable shoes because she knows your cute little sandals wouldn't last the walk she's made dozens of times before to admire the work and life around her
•She smiles as you excitedly gush about how beautiful everything is and how everything is so in harmony with each other
•Like Vi she makes sure to take plenty pictures of you
•She makes sure to take time to talk about the life and flowers you see around you, sitting with you and holding an umbrella for you so you can sketch in peace
•As you draw she explains how her and her mother used to come here growing up, how her mother never seemed as tense as she was at home when they where here together, how she was even having...fun?? epically when her dad was around.
•she peers over your sketchbook and realize your orchid drawings remind her of something LMAOOOOOO
•When you two start walking again she makes sure that your not tired or anything, sneaking a bit of your favorite small gummies in so you can keep your energy up
•Once lunch rolls around she tells you she got special seating for you two in a gazebo near a pond, where her family used to sit
•as you two get to the gazebo she insists she sits next too you, her reasoning is that she doesn't want to have a table between you two when you could be closer
•as you finish up eating you ask her what her favorite part was so far and she starts to ramble on about how she really admired you and how you looked surounded by plants, all of them being just the right color that complmented you
•She also rambled on about how your passionate about your art hobby that you wouldn't let the fact that you where on a date stop you from doodling
•Contrary to popular belief you actually didn't shut her up with a kiss, she turned over because she couldn't face you while saying all these things and realized that you where looking down so that your happy tears didn't mess up your makeup
•She then dabbed your tears away and giggled about how she didn't care about how you looked, she only cared about you
•She then leaned in and checked in and made sure that it was okay to kiss you, and then you did.
•Afterwards on the drive home she requested that the driver took you two straight to her place
•she snuck you in
•she was just so happy and grateful for you that she wanted you to sleep over [no you didn't sleep together like that]
•her mom did eventually walk in and quietly scolded her about bringing you here in secret, but eventually left and gave up about getting her to wake you up
•secretly you where awake the whole time, smiling softly about how she was defending you
Mel Medarda
•To feed into her creative side that she dismissed too often, you took her to a small art studio that hosts date nights.
•Because of her status you did have to rent out the place, but you didn't mind because she insisted on paying for this mystery place
•You also didn't mind because renting out the place meant you two got to do both painting and sculpting yay
•When it comes time to paint Mel sits down beside you and starts to tell you stories of her childhood as she paints
•her piece is beautiful, its a scene of the Piltover docs during around midday when everybody is out and about
•its clear that you and her have creative differences but you think that's a good thing, that you could teach her that its okay for everything to not be perfect,
•You can also see that she can teach you too be more intentional with your design, how to think and put immense emotion into your work more often then you do now.
•when its time to sculpt she's a little lost, the clay wont exactly bend to her will
•you show her how to control its form and how to turn it from a lump of earth into something more beautiful then that
•You guys end up making cute little matching keychains of something that reminds you of each other
•when cleaning up in their sinks she opens up and tells you that she was always worried about embracing her creative side her mother ushered her to hide
•in the spur of the moment you lean in for a quick peck and insist that she should paint more often
•you become a blushing puddle when you realize what you did and she chuckles confidently and leans in for a real kiss
•afterwards you head to your house to enjoy some much needed romcoms after what happened
•jokingly you suggest going paintballing after watching 10 things I hate about you, and surprisingly she agrees
•You smile, realizing that after the fourth date she's finally starting to really loosen up around you
•Sevika takes you camping, she wanted to show off her strong suit, providing.
•She takes you to this campground away from the deserts and cityscape your used to, making sure that the Wifi is horrible so she can have you all to herself for a couple of days
•She makes sure to download your favorite playlists on her phone to make sure you still had your music though
•She also makes sure to cut and handle firewood because she knows how much you hate the feeling of raw bark and how your scared to get splinters
•Aside from worrying about animals getting into your things, Leaving your campsite is actually pretty nice
•The place she took you too has a creek running down it and she smiles as you gather small rocks and quartz pieces to take back to the campsite
•She teaches you how to skip rocks and does that thing where she holds your hand and shoulder while standing behind you to guide you
•While out on your little walk you see two deer, you make sure to be quiet as you approach but eventually they notice you and run away
•Since she's big and strong and intimidating, she automatically assumes its her fault but you reassure you that its just their natural instinct
•When you go back to your campsite Sevika teaches you how to make a spear out of a fallen tree branch you found [its extremely dull and wont hurt anyone though]
•at night you two cuddle near the fire, her big dramatic cloak keeping the two of you warm as she tells you stories of how she used to come out here after spending summers on her grandparents farm [farmer Sevika truther in the houseee]
•In her focus she talks about how she saw a pretty girl around her age here, she kind of looked like you, waaait
•yes it was infact you, you remember coming here and hating it because it was too cold
•You giggle and look away while mentioning how you two must be soulmates if you met all those years ago
•She then leans in for a kiss when you turn back and says that she doesn't joke about that kind of stuff
•Afterwards she looks away and lets out a huff, realizing, shit I'm down bad if I'm agreeing with this stupid shit
•You giggle at her obvious embarrassment and insist that its okay that you kissed
•That night she kissed all over your face because you where homesick, when asked about it she'll swear it never happened
•That night you realized that you didn't have too feel homesick around her anymore.
An: I hope you guys like this :P I hope I did Cait, Mel, and Sevika some justice because I never wrote for them before
I do plan on making these fics on their own :))
music i listened to while writing
Vi: Charm by Clairo [specifically Juna, Second Nature, Terrapin]
Cait: Blonde, Frank Ocean [specifically Ivy and Skyline To]
Mel: I THINK, Tyler, The Creator
Sevika: Kiss me, Sixpence non the richer
Song inspo for the title is: After The First Kiss, by Faye Webster
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lilietsblog · 13 days ago
the fandom infantilization of Siffrin upsets me. like yall thats a whole ass adult!!!! he lived on his own for like 10 years!!!! without a home or a community to call their own they survived and did well enough that their first meeting with the party was SAVING THEM from a Sadness!!! the entire party's impression of him was on a scale between "extremely suspicious stranger" and "cool and mysterious"!!!! their reaction in the first loop to odile bringing up the super potion incident was to bat their eyes cutely!!!! they start the touch therapy thing in the garden room on their own initiative becasue they're aware of their own mental health needs!!!! Siffrin is a chaotic gremlin ADULT who manages his own shit perfectly fine until he's put in a situation tailored to target his personal weaknesses with laser precision!!!!
like... yall. Siffrin looks after people around him. Siffrin has strong opinions on taking care of children. Siffrin is second oldest in the party after Odile and shares a unique understanding with her.
Siffrin. Is. An adult. An asexual, nonbinary, short adult who's managed to remain functional and autonomous despite serious neurological problems without any support network. The rest of the party thinks he's cool because he is. They have strong moralðical principles that they act on, rather than just personal duckling imprinting loyalty ("I love you personally because you're mine" comes up nowhere in his speech to Bonnie about why he would protect them at the cost of mutilation again - it's purely about Bonnie being a kid and adults having an obligation to protect them)
Like... there's this perfect storm of Siffrin being - explicitly asexual, implied on the aromantic spectrum, - mentally ill with brain damage (the memory shit) and also physically disabled (the eye), - nonbinary, - short and thin, - quiet with cutesy mannerisms, - specifically needing care and affirmations at the end of the story, that combines to people lumping them into the "cute baby to be taken care of" category, consciously or subconsciously to various degrees
but like
no it's actually pretty important that Siffrin is an adult who needs those things
mid to late twenties is an adult
mid to late twenties having lived on his own since mid to late teens is VERY MUCH an adult!!!!
give me Siffrin who drinks. give me Siffrin who gambles. give me Siffrin who used to engage in a variety of high risk hobbies/games/activities that they've scaled back on since joining because they identified Mirabelle and Isabeau as impressionable youngsters to be kept safe from bad ideas. give me Siffrin who is competent at a wide variety of random odd jobs because that's how they used to make a living. give me Siffrin who has a wide pool of mostly but not exclusively shallow medical knowledge and an unsettlingly deep expertise in first aid because he's had to take care of himself for a decade (and who picks up Healing Craft quickly&effectively compared to the years people usually need to study it due to this 'field experience'). give me Siffrin with multiple failed relationships in their past, some of which ended amicably due to the natural process of self-discovery and drifting apart, some of which ended because the other person was an asshole, and some of which ended because Siffrin himself was an inconsiderate jerk. give me Siffrin who used to be a much more unpleasant person, including on purpose, when they were younger. give me Siffrin who can in fact be trusted with sharp objects post-canon but avoids some of them of their own volition now because they're aware of self-harm urges being a bad thing to be avoided and are capable of managing that for themselves when outside of an active ongoing mental breakdown!!!
give me Siffrin who is better at flirting than Isa is!!! give me Siffrin who can talk Mirabelle through her hangups and anxiety attacks!!! give me Siffrin who engages with Odile as a peer when the rest of the party sees her a an elder!!!! give me Siffrin who is good with children from the position of an adult who has the patience and empathy to indulge them!!! ALL OF THESE IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE LITERALLY CANON FACTS ABOUT SIFFRIN!!!!!
sickfic about Siffrin is great!!! give me sickfic where at one point everyone else falls apart from fear and pressure and Siffrin, all while still having a fever and stumbling while walking, steps up and picks up the slack!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin helps Odile deal with the unsettling experience of her new research topic having antimemetic properties by sharing his own tricks for dealing with memory loss!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin keeps having to scale back their flirting with Isabeau because they keep stumbling on Isa being unable to articulate or even realize his boundaries and have to make a project of walking Isa through basics of healthy relationships!!!!
give me a fic where Siffrin teaches Mirabelle about the wider world outside Dormont and outside her sheltered bubble as a Housemaiden!!!
give me a fic where Bonnie increasingly relies on Siffrin as an adult to come to with problems, and Siffrin keeps having to develop new skills and areas of knowledge to effectively help!!!!
give me a fic where the party has no idea how to help Siffrin with a problem because Odile has never had a problem quite like this in her life and the rest of them just feel completely lost in the face of experience they have never had!!!!
(also, on a tangentially related personal preference aesthetic note, give me Siffrin with scars. give me Siffrin who overdid Healing Craft in the last loop so bad Mirabelle couldn't heal them cleanly and who is happy to have reminders that these events really happened and are over now and he's still in the same timeline. give me Siffrin with top surgery scars deliberately kept as an aesthetic affectation. give me Siffrin whose face did not heal cleanly from the loss of an eye. give me Siffrin whose body reflects their history and experiences)
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vrystalius · 6 months ago
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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