#also acts like people who say anything different are stupid and ignorant and are just putting stuff out of their ass.
rainymeat · 5 months
thinking about that last post actually and maybe one day I'll sit down and write a personal essay about petscop. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about the themes and everything and thinking about it all makes me a little feral
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simpjaes · 6 months
JAKE... SLEEVELESS... IN THE POOL... pls write something i beg u
wc: 952 warnings: public fingering, ex boyfriend jake, he's kind of a dick [he didn't wanna be seen w u previously] [visual stimulation]
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Water vs. wet.
You thought they were the same thing. Really, you didn't think anyone would be able to tell the difference while floating around trying not to ogle your ex boyfriend from too long ago.
It's not even that you want to fuck him, it's just that it's...him. Seeing him brings back the memories of all the wild and sleepless nights, hungover mornings, and messy afternoons.
Sure, he's not exactly a green flag, but in the moment he doesn't look so red either. Not with the way his arms flex when he wades around with that stupid snide smile on his face, stealing glances at you just to see if you're looking at him.
The difference between this water and the difference between being wet is that...well. You're wet in more ways than one. Sure, there's cool droplets running down your shoulders, just like the ones dipping and sliding down the lines of Jake's muscles, but there's also the other wet.
You feel it between your legs. Thicker than water, slipping down your folds in these bikini bottoms in an embarrassing reminder of who it is that does this to you, warmer than the water. If anyone were to walk up behind you and cup their hands over your core, they'd know. But no one would do that.
Except, someone definitely would. You stay in the pool as long as Jake does, wading around and pretending you're not dripping. Anyone else in this water would be horrified, surely, but not Jake. Not you.
It was always fun to be messy, dirty, and unashamed of it. Behind closed doors of course.
By the time night begins to take hold and you're still wading around, across the pool from Jake and being caught in the act of staring far too many times in the past hour and half since you've dipped in, he appears to be fed up with gawking.
Fed up with putting on a show. Fed up with pretending he doesn't miss fucking around with you. The pool lights shine from under him as the sun fades, still enough light from above to give him a warm glow. His hair half dry, the ends of his strands dripping, his muscles protruding and smile glistening and wide. You can't just look away, your mind racing in the realization that he's coming up to you. Like so many times before, when it was normal and expected for him to come up to you. It feels familiar when it shouldn't, thrusting you into the mindset of the smart-girl persona you had during that first year of college. Perhaps you haven't grown as much as you thought you had, especially when he's just as bold as he's always been. He touches you before he says anything, wading around you until his chest is to your back and his arms wrap around your waist as if the two of you never broke up in the first place. "You're not very subtle about it." You can hear his smile against your ear when he says it, dropping his head to prop on your shoulder. "You miss me?" You nod to him, all while breathing out a small "no." The feeling of his arms, bigger than before, making you feel the same comfort and intense need to cling to him. "Always were so bad at communicating too." He chuckles against you, pulling you closer against him and intentionally pressing his hips up, lining his length up with your ass. He's wearing shorts, hell, he's wearing a shirt too, goddamn him. But ah, that. That's still the same delicious size. You remember how hard he'd get himself for you, letting you ride him til he's dizzy and drowsy like he had no power to stop you. He was always bold, but never this confident. You remain silent against him, trying to ignore the people all around the pool and wandering in and out of the house. These things are expected at a senior college party, but still, you and Jake never were too crazy out in the open like this. In fact, you and Jake were never even supposed to be seen as an item at all. "Oh, suddenly you're okay with being seen with me?" You bite back at him, your body still betraying you in the way you hold his arms against you like you used to do in bed when he'd cuddle you. "Mhm." He smiles, walking backwards in the water with you in his grasp, up until his back is against the pool wall. "I was still thinking like a high schooler back then, not sure why I ever broke up with you." Ouch, your heart. You'd managed you get over him months ago, still took far too long though. "And you still stare at me like you could punch me in the face." Jake laughs this time, shaking one arm from your grip to trail down, cupping his hand to the seat of your bikini bottoms. "We always fucked instead, remember?" You can only nod at his boastful reminders. All those times where he'd blow you off in the hallways that first year of college. He needed a new image after all, one that you weren't part of. But goddamn, his hands are the only ones that know how to work you, especially when he's gently slipping a finger under your bikini and sliding only slightly. "Always got so wet too, just like this." He laughs almost as if he's mocking you for being so turned on by him. "You still want me?" You shake your head, ultimately trying to pull from him now, but he slips his finger in quickly, moaning against your ear with a tighter grip. "C'mon," He encourages your deep inhale to release in any sort of sound. "I'm letting everyone see now, aren't I?"
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
hiii ! I saw that your requests were open :) could I request a scenario with scaramouche and xiao. Where their lover is a super cheerful person, but someone makes fun of them and they get super protective. p.s I really like your writings ^^
synopsis: how they defend you, their cheerful lover, after hearing other people talk bad about you
characters: scaramouche, xiao x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: fluff, a pinch of angst, hurt/comfort, insults, physical violence (not toward reader), swearing, insecurity, xiao may be a little ooc
notes: thank you so much for the request, anon! these are a little short, but i did enjoy writing this. i also tried my hardest to capture the reader as very cheerful, but it was a little difficult to do without it being overbearingly cheerful, so i hope it turned out okay. and i’m very happy you enjoy my writing, it means so much to me <3
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A trip around Sumeru City was not what Scaramouche had planned to do that day when he offered to spend time together — of course, he couldn’t admit that what he really wanted was to go on a proper date, but he settled for this nonetheless. As long as you’re happy, he thought.
All day you had been pulling him around to various little shops and sights around the city. Even though many of them had existed for many years, you felt as though they were hidden gems amongst all of Teyvat. And with both of you originally being from Inazuma, neither of you had really had the chance to experience all of Sumeru together.
Scaramouche didn’t mind it to be honest — you dragging him around, to be specific. As soon as he saw that stupid big smile on your face, any ounce of resentment for his inability to communicate what he wants drained from his body. Naturally, he still put on the mask of boredom, but with you being your excited self bouncing around the city, you hadn’t even noticed. So he dropped the act, and just let himself live for once.
Just before the sun was about to set and conclude the day’s fun, your hand quickly grabbed his as you dragged him over to a flower shop. When you had first arrived in Sumeru, the very first thing you ever took notice of was all the different plants and flowers. And ever since, you’ve tried to get flowers or other little plants whenever you can.
Scaramouche picked up his pace to match yours, although still dragging a bit behind, his hand held on tight to yours. But as soon as you arrived at the front of the shop, your hand moved to the flowers and away from him. Quietly, he moved to the side and watched as you admired the flowers.
“Wow, these are so beautiful! Did you grow them yourself?” you excitedly asked the man at the shop. There were an array of bright and colorful flowers in front of you, each one carefully tied among others to create stunning bouquets.
The man, who appeared to be the shop owner, furrowed his brows and gave you a light scoff, “Pfft, of course I did.”
To that, Scaramouche snapped his eyes over at the man who hadn’t seemed to pay him any mind. His arms crossed over one another as he eyed the man, not pleased with his attitude, but not saying anything just yet. As Nahida had taught him, he can’t just go around accusing everyone of having malicious intent. So for once, he would wait and see, maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was just having a bad day or something or didn’t mean to come across like that.
“Oh, Archons. Those vases are just as beautiful as the flowers. I saw some really pretty ones at another shop, but these are even better! You really have a good eye, sir!”
The man rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Meanwhile, Scaramouche sent him a subtle glare from the other side of you. The guy was giving him a bad feeling that he just couldn’t seem to shake.
After a few more minutes of you pointing and beaming at different bouquets and individual flowers of all different kinds, compliments pouring out of you left and right, the man finally snapped.
“Would you just shut up already? I’ve had it up to here with how much you talk. You are so annoying, I mean my god, I get it! I have nice flowers and I’m a talented gardner, just pick some and go!” he yelled out, flaring his arms around the air.
“Screw what Nahida said,” Scaramouche grumbled.
In a split second, you were behind your boyfriend and his arm was held tightly onto the shop owner’s, “Are you done? Cause let me tell you, you have to be a real piece of shit to yell at someone who’s just excited about flowers.”
“Let me go, damn it!” He tried yanking back his arm, desperately trying to pull Scaramouche’s off of him. If only he had known he was messing with an ex-harbinger and a being created by a God.
Scaramouche spoke in a dangerously low tone, “You don’t get to talk to them like that, you hear me? Do it again, and I’ll ruin your fucking life.”
The man backed up quickly, hitting the side of his shop and falling backward. A few people stopped to snicker at him, but Scaramouche paid no mind. His hand slipped into yours and he eagerly pulled you away from the chaos.
He gagged and wiped the hand that grabbed the man against his shirt as the two of you walked to a quiet area, “People like that disgust me.”
You nodded quietly and sat down on the bench he had brought you to. His eyes filled concern for a brief moment before he blinked it away. Sighing, his hand squeezed yours and he nervously gulped, unprepared for situations that involved any form of comfort, “Are you…are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you spoke softly, not quite meaning it, “Thanks for sticking up for me back there.”
Gently, he pulled you into him, “Don’t listen to people like that, you hear me? The only annoying one out of the two of you was that ugly piece of shit. So don’t go all sad on me, okay? I mean it.”
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“Hello, my love!” you loudly called out at The Inn, happily marching in to greet him on the upper floor. A few people on the deck below looked up quickly, startled by your bold introduction.
Xiao nodded at you, a small blush on his cheeks and small, “Hi.” Even after nearly a year of dating, you still managed to fluster him.
Your arm looped around his, pulling him closer to you. You sent him a bright smile and tilted your head toward his, “Are you ready for our lunch date?”
Xiao nodded and moved your hand off his arm and down to his hand where he softly clasped his fingers around your own.
When you arrived at Liyue Harbor, the two of you began walking to your favorite restaurant. It was really nice with all the outdoor seating that allowed the both of you to enjoy the fresh breeze from the ocean while you ate. It also allowed Xiao to be more comfortable instead of being cramped up inside some restaurant with a bunch of people he was unfamiliar with.
If Xiao was being honest, the restaurant itself still was not something he particularly enjoyed. Not because he disliked the service or the other people who ate there, but because he wasn’t a huge fan of their food being an adeptus and all. However, you raved about it all the time and got super happy whenever you got the chance to go, especially if it was with him. Xiao could never bring himself to say he didn’t enjoy it when it made you so happy.
“So, have you done anything super interesting lately?” you excitedly asked your boyfriend, eagerly awaiting his weekly stories.
“Not really. I went to the Chasm recently, but I was unable to find what I was seeking,” he answered and nodded at you, “What about you?”
“I went to this really cute tea shop the other day with Yun Jin! You know, my friend from the opera we saw last year? They had the cutest cups and the tea was so good. We should go together some day!”
Xiao smiled ever so slightly as you spoke, not even focused on the food on his plate, but instead entirely focused on you, “That sounds nice.”
You went back and forth for around thirty more minutes, updating each other on the week, laughing about silly jokes you heard from Hu Tao, and talking about some future plans. Xiao had barely touched his food, but you hadn’t noticed with how caught up with him you were.
Nor had you noticed the snickering behind you.
“Oh my god, is that the Yaksha?”
“I think it is!”
“Woah he’s kinda hot, what’s he doing with a person like that?”
“I know right!”
It was hard for Xiao not to hear them, and he really wished he hadn’t. Of course he wanted to defend his relationship, but he always hated how people seemed to stare at the two of you.
Polar opposites.
To be clear, you were not the one that made him feel insecure, but rather the thoughts in his head. Xiao already had such a hard time believing someone like you could even like someone like him. You were so happy and cheerful and brought the best out in him. Xiao didn’t feel like he deserved you at all, not when he is the way he is.
Insecurity and all, it didn’t stop him from glaring past your shoulder. The more they talked, the worse he heard about you. It was like all they could talk about was your personality and how much it seemed like you didn’t deserve him. How you “couldn’t seem to shut up,” or “wipe the smile off your face.” Or that you “probably had to pay him to date someone like you.”
Xiao was already seething, but what set him off the most was when one of them made a comment about wanting to physically hurt you to take your smile away.
“Xiao?” You shot up out of your seat when he suddenly teleported away from you. When you turned around, you found him at the table behind you.
His hands were grabbing a guy by his shirt collar, holding him up into the air until he began to choke, “Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
The guy rapidly nodded up and down. Meanwhile, the two girls at the same table were gawking at the scene in front of them until one of them began yelling for Xiao to put the guy down.
“Stop it! You’re hurting him!” She screamed out.
“You said you wanted to hurt my partner. I am only returning the favor,” he said calmly before slamming the guy to the floor and walking to the girls behind him, “leave before I do something worse.”
Your jaw dropped as you watched the scene play out in front of you. Within seconds, the three of them had scrambled away. Xiao walked back over calmly and sat down. You were still stood up in your seat, confused at what had just occurred, “What the hell was that!”
“They were not saying nice things about you.”
Your eyes widened. You were happy he had defended you, but concerned for the consequences that could follow, “You can’t just go beating up random people like that, you could get in trouble!”
“That does not concern me. Any one that says anything bad about you does not deserve to be in your presence.”
“Xiao…” your voice softened, unable to think of anything to say. You knew he was protective, but it was rare for you to see that side of him up close and in person.
His hand gestured to the table, “Now please sit. I would like to hear more about your week.”
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thelargefrye · 11 months
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GODS … mature one - shot | pt. one
pairing : emperor!san x princess!f!reader
genre : slight historical fiction, mature, dark, arranged marriage, second chance, slow burn, eventually smut
word count : 3.5k
warnings : language, blood / body gore, death / murder, hints of dismemberment, san is evil, name calling (stupid girl)
special birthday suffering tag : @sanjoongie please accept this as an early birthday present from your braincell
note : inspired by san's performance video that literally wrecked all of us. none of are safe from his power and this proved it. also this was getting a little too long so i decided to split it up into at least two parts
after your life is unrightfully taken from you, you take this second chance as a way to finally survive and make a difference for yourself. you were tired of being a prisoner and feeling unwanted.
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the dining hall was empty except for you and a few guards and servants. not another soul sitting at the long dining table despite it being able to sit twenty people easily, if not more.
it bothered you that you ate alone. every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner was by yourself. honestly, a lot of things bother you, but you were never allowed to say what was on your mind. it bothers you that you eat alone, that you have no one to talk to, that your family willingly gave you up to some demon emperor. what bothered you the most is that your "husband" never even gave you the time of day and that you were forced to listen to the maids whisper and gossip about you.
you saw the look of pity in their eyes.
you don't want their pity. you've never wanted anything but freedom for the last three years you've been trapped in this palace.
you were supposed to marry someone who loved you. have a big ceremony and live happily ever after. instead... instead you were taken away from your family by emperor san and forced to marry him. you were a pawn to him in order to gain control over your kingdom.
a prisoner forced to spend the rest of her life trapped in a loveless marriage and life.
you do your best to push down the negative thoughts as you eat. not wanting to get choked up on tears and cry. you didn't want anyone to see you cry.
especially not these gossiping maids.
"i heard the emperor went to the brothel last night."
"again! does him and the princess not spend nights together?"
"of course not. his highness isn't interested in the princess. their quarters are on completely different sides of the palace. i'm surprised he hasn't killed her, yet."
"i am too."
you try your best to ignore them.
when you've finished eating, you get up from the lonely dining table and exit the room. the maids have their eyes casted downward as you walk past them, acting as if they hadn't just been talking about you. your personal guard, mingi, follows you down the hall.
you remember when you first arrived at the palace, san introduced you to mingi and explained how he will be your personal guard.
"don't try anything stupid, mingi has orders to kill you on sight if you do," san's words still haunt you. mingi wasn't here to protect you, but to watch over you and make sure you never tried anything stupid.
when you return to your quarters, you take your usual seat by your window. the window that overlooks most of palace's entrance and the palace wall that keeps you trapped. too high to climb and too far to even try to attempt to make a run for it. like san purposely chose this room for you as a way to mock you. to let you know that you will always be a prisoner.
still, you can't help but wonder if one day you'll be able to be free and live happily.
however, that will only remain a dream until san crushes it as well like he done to all your other dreams.
"ow," you hiss out, finger immediately coming to your lips to try and stop the small prick of blood. you guess that's what you get for getting lost in your thoughts while attempting to work on your embroider.
you look down at the small cloth with the flower design slowly being sewn into it. embroidering was the only thing that kept you sane in this prison. you're waiting for the day san takes this away from you as well.
"princess, are you alright?" a voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you look up to see one of the other guards, yeosang, coming into your room.
"i'm fine. just pricked my finger," you say and he nodded his head.
"the emperor is here to see you," he says before stepping aside to let your husband enter your room. he walks in exuding so much power and authority and you hate it. you hate him for how much control he has. you're forbidden from entering the west wing – his quarters – of the palace, yet he's allowed to come in the east wing and even your room without having to ask. you hate it.
"girl," he begins, never has he addressed you by your name. always just 'girl' or 'stupid girl' when it comes to you, like you weren't of your name let alone your title. "pack your bag, i'm sending you back to your home kingdom for a week. you'll be leaving tomorrow morning."
his words take you by surprise. you'll be... returning home? after three years of being away from your family, you'll finally get to see them?
"r-really?" you ask, standing up and completely forgetting about your pricked finger.
"what are you deaf, girl. i'm not going to repeat myself," he says with an annoyed huff and turns to leave.
"wait!" he stops in his tracks at your voice, but he doesn't turn around to look at you. "why am i going? is everything alright?"
"when did you ask so many fucking questions? be grateful i'm sending you there in the first place," he doesn't say anything else before he takes his leave. the door to your bedroom slamming shut behind him and you immediately flinch at the sound.
"are you ready, princess?" yeosang's voice catches you off guard as you look up at the palace you had been trapped inside for three years. being in the front courtyard gives you a completely different set of emotions knowing that you will be away from this place. even if it is for a week.
you asked yeosang if san was going to come, but the guard completely avoided your question. you're not surprised he's not showing up, but it still hurts nonetheless.
then something else hits you.
"where's mingi?"
"he's had some last minute orders from the emperor," yeosang says, keeping his answer vague like always. "come, princess, we have a long trip ahead of us."
you don't say anything but instead silently climb into the carriage. once you're settled inside, the carriage begins to move and you can't help but look out the window watching as you leave the palace.
you couldn't help the smile that painted your lips knowing that you were finally getting to return to your family. you knew nothing could ruin this moment, not even your ruthless husband.
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yeosang let out an exhausted breath as he ran towards the palace. the guards standing at their post immediately recognized their fellow soldier, even with his beaten and bruised body.
"yeosang!" the handsome guard recognizes the deep voice from anywhere and he immediately falls into mingi's arms. collapsing from his injuries, no longer able to stand. then mingi realized something as he and some other guards helped his friend. "where's the princess?"
yeosang looked at mingi with tearful eyes before he shook his head and mingi felt something in stomach twist.
"where's the princess, yeosang?"
"i couldn't... i couldn't– bandits ambushed us... i tried, mingi, i really did, but they–
yeosang couldn't finish his words due to how choked up he was getting, but mingi understood what his friend was trying to say.
"where is she?"
"she's in the forest," yeosang answered and mingi immediately set out on his horse with his best friend and fellow guard, yunho. the two were deep into the forest before they finally came across the carriage you had left in.
the entire carriage was destroyed, the wheels broken off and the main part crashed into a large oak tree. bodies of the driver and some others were laying, scattered around and blood was everywhere.
"mingi..." yunho is attempting to be strong as he watches his friend make his way towards the carriage door. it too had been broken and destroyed and the two guards noted how all of your luggage was gone. "those bandits took everything."
mingi ignored his friend in favor of opening the carriage door. however, instead of being met with an empty carriage, he was greeted with something worse.
"fuck!" mingi has to pull himself away from the carriage. tripping over the tree roots as he bends over and vomits. the sight in the carriage burned into his eyes even as he blinks. yunho watches his friend with concern before he's watching him breakdown and sob. tears running down his cheeks and snot running down his nose and over his chin from how hard his was sobbing. mingi's throat burned from when he threw up.
yunho looked between mingi and the carriage before taking several steps towards the carriage. mingi's voice repeating "oh god, oh god, i'm so sorry. please forgive me" is like a broken record in the background. and then yunho reaches over and opens the door and the sight within makes his whole being shake in terror.
when they arrived back to the palace, mingi carried a bag with him as they reached the throne room. san was sitting on his throne with his usually bored expression; however, mingi and yunho entering caught his attention.
"what's wrong with you two?"
"your highness," yunho begins, voice shaking as he starts to talk. however, yunho doesn't know what to say. he's at a loss for words.
"well? what the fuck is wrong you both?" san asks again, standing up and walking towards the two guards. mingi doesn't say anything except hand the bag over to him. "what is this?"
"your highness, the princess's carriage was attacked by bandits. yeosang managed to make it back, but..." yunho says, finally finding his words. he continues after a moment and at the same time san opens the bag. "the princess did not make it. we brought back... what was left of her."
the image of your body laying in the carriage burns in yunho's mind. he had never seen something as horrific before during his time as a soldier and especially done to an innocent woman like you. you did nothing wrong, just someone trapped in a situation you had no control over.
san says nothing as he looks inside the bag, letting the contents settle into his mind before he's carelessly dropping the bag onto the ground in front of his feet.
"oh well."
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you can't help the scream that rips through your throat as you thrash around your bed. your covers flying everywhere before settling either back onto your bed or in the floor. your heart is beating rapidly in your ears and your eyes scan the room around you.
you couldn't help but let out another scream as your door is thrown open and in comes mingi with a concerned look.
"what's wrong, princess?" in any other moment you would have found his voice a comfort. but in this moment, you couldn't even find the proper words. the only thing leaving your lips were sobs as tears ran down your face.
it had felt so real, you thought as you curled yourself into a ball. you felt like you had actually died. alone in that forest as those bandits... no. you don't really want to think about it anymore.
"princess y/n?" mingi speaks again earning your attention as you look at him with tear-stained cheeks and glassy eyes.
"i... i had a nightmare," you said as you wiped away your tears. you hated yourself for crying in front of someone, mingi especially. "sorry."
"ah, its alright, princess. just gave me a scare is all," he says before he's bowing his head towards you and leaving.
when the door closed behind him, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. your hands instinctively come up to your neck, feeling a slight ache course through your body. you try to push back the feeling as your stood you and made your way to your ensuite bathroom to get ready.
you remember when you first arrived how you had at least three handmaids to help you get ready, only helping you because they were afraid of san. however, once they realized san didn't care about you, they stopped doing their duty and showing up. only one continued to be loyal to you, yeri.
but then three months ago you found out that yeri only remained by your side because she wanted to try and get close to san. she knew she was a pretty woman and san went after any pretty woman. after she got what she wanted she too–
"princess y/n, what are you doing running your own bath?" the familiar feminine voice snaps you out of your thoughts. standing up from the the edge of the tub, you're surprised to see yeri standing at you bathroom door.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, a little surprised to suddenly see her in your room.
"hm? what are you talking about princess? i'm your handmaiden, i'm suppose to be here," she answers and something feels unease as seeing her settles in your stomach. something wasn't right.
you vividly remember the night you found san pinning her to the wall and her words that were meant to bring you down. "wouldn't you rather someone who could properly please you, your highness? someone much prettier than your ugly and boring wife?" you remember who she tilted her head to the side in a flirting manner, even twirling her hair as the word left her mouth a stabbed your heart.
you remember how san only smirked at her before continuing to have his way with her. right there in hallway and in the east wing – "your" wing.
you had thought she was a friend, but when you heard those words you immediately knew she wasn't. you trusted her and she betrayed that trust. she didn't care. she was like everyone else.
"here, princess, let me finish–
"stop talking," you cut her off, voice as cold as you could make it. you couldn't stand looking at her. "is this some sick and twisted joke to you?" you ask, glaring at her. yeri's face is immediately covered in confusion and she opens her mouth to say something. "get out. i don't need you to do anything for me."
"but princes–
"i said get out!" you've never raised your voice, but the longer you looked at her the more you realized that she was able to easily get what you could never have. san's attention.
you could have sworn you seen yeri's fake persona fall for a split second from your new attitude before she's turning on her feet and rushing out of the room.
you let your anger subdue before you're turning back to the tub and quickly turning off the water before it begins to overflow into the floor. because honestly that was the last thing you need right now after just waking up.
you allow the warm water engulf you and you let out a sigh as you sink into the water. your hair placed carefully on top of your head as a way to keep it dry, knowing it was going to be a pain to do if you got it wet. the ache and soreness in your body was still there all around you. your neck, wrist, arms, stomach, and legs all had a type of ache to them that you never experienced before.
maybe you should visit the palace doctor later, you think before you let your eyes close. however, once you close your eyes you are immediately brought back to your nightmare. the screams of the driver and other servants ringing in your ears, the carriage door ripping open and those bandits standing there and their swords shining despite the darkness of the night.
you suddenly open your eyes again in order to make sure you were still in your bathroom. eyes darting around the room as if those bandits would also be here. its only after several minutes does your heart rate calm down before you can even will yourself to get out the tub.
the water had grown cold.
"princess, are you alright? do you need to see the doctor?" one the maids ask when she notice you keep repeatedly rubbing your wrists and neck.
"i... i think i just slept wrong," you say in an attempt to brush her concern off.
"alright, princess, but if it gets worse please let someone know," she says and you nod and thank her before she's going back to her place with the other maids in the dining room.
"i heard she dismissed yeri this morning, yelled at her and told her to get out," one of the maid's said in a hushed whisper.
"really? that's surprising considering how much the princess liked her."
"i say yeri deserved it because of how she has been trying to sleep with the emperor."
trying? as if she hadn't done it yet? how is that possible when she did sleep with san three months ago?
the unsettling feeling reappears as you continue to think about yeri and the nightmare. something just wasn't clicking.
"excuse me," you say and one of the maids immediately come over to you.
"yes, your highness? what's wrong?"
"what... what month is it?"
"august, your highness."
"a-august?" your shocked by her answer. it was august? that was three months ago. how is this possible?
"p-princess are you alright? you look ill," her voice sounds far away as you begin to lose focus on the things around you. everything becomes blurry and you're quick to stand up. chair scraping along the floor before tipping over and falling to the floor.
you begin to walk away, ignoring the maids calling after you and even some of the guards, but you ignore them all. this was just some sick joke from all of them. from yeri, to mingi, to the maids, to san. you were supposed to be in october and spending a week with your family. not in fucking august with people who hated you.
you don't have time to comprehend anything else before your falling to your knees and passing out in the middle of the hallway.
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after you had passed out, you had woke up in your bedroom with mingi, yeosang, and the palace doctor surrounding your bed along with a young maid.
the maid was the first to notice you awake and she immediately collapsed at your bedside with tears welling up in her eyes.
"oh, princess, i'm so glad that you're awake! we were all worried sick about you!" she said and your eyes moved from between her to the two guards and then the doctor.
"how do you feel, your highness?" the doctor asked and it took you a moment before you actually answered him.
"i'm fine," you answer despite how your body still aches, you force yourself to sit up. the young maid is quick to adjust your pillows for you as you do.
"you all can leave," you add on looking at the guards and doctor. mingi and yeosang as hesitant to follow your orders, but the doctor does so before giving you instructions to take it easy for the rest of the day. he also said that he would make sure your meals are delivered to your room and that he'll come back later.
when the three males leave, you are left alone with the maid. her doe eyes looking at you with concern as she keeps a watchful eye on you. that's when her name finally comes to you.
"yunjin..." you say trailing off as you remember that she was with you in the carriage. you remember watching as the bandits grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the carriage because she tried to protect you.
"yes, ma'am? do you need anything?" she asks, voice hopeful and waiting to help you. you remember she began working for you when hongjoong – san's advisor, had found out that you had no one helping you. you know he only assigned yunjin because he took pity on you like everyone else here.
however, yunjin followed you around and listened to every order you gave her. at first you were worried that she would be like yeri, only using you to see the emperor. as if you see him on the daily. but then you learned that yunjin was a devoted servant to you.
"is it... really august?" you asked her, still not able to wrap your head around everything.
"yes, princess."
what if... oh god, what if you did actually die that night? does this mean you are given a second chance? a second chance to survive and to make sure that you and yunjin and the other servants don't die.
but how were you going to do this?
and then you hear loud cheers and noises coming from outside and you have to force your body to crawl out of bed and over to the window. then you see him.
san walking through the gates and into the courtyard, a small army of followers around him. following him around like he was some god. then it clicked inside your brain.
if you were going to survive then you would have to gain his favor. deep down you know san was probably the one behind the "bandit" attack. so getting on his good side would get him to call off the bandit attack.
you were going to win over your ruthless husband.
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog
network : @cultofdionysusnet
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punkishtoxtricity · 2 months
a comprehensive list of problems with lily orchards pokemon video
there is a point to where my criticisms just repeats so they’ll get different down the post
generation 1
-she claims that blue is a friendly rival when the whole point of him is that he’s a dumb kid. he’s a cocky 11 year old who thinks he’s better than you and grows to realize it’s not all about strong pokemon
-complains about length of dungeons such as lavender tower and silph co but for some reason likes rock tunnel??
-complains about other youtubers strategies for gyms that are usually meant for nuzlockes and challenge runs when she’s playing casual
-acts like she is so much better than everyone else for her strategy when it’s been done to a more extreme degree before
-acts like having butterfree on her team is some feat of strength
generation 2
-thinks silver is the worse character ever and all around a jerk
-complains about the ai of the game beating her when in reality her team just kinda. sucks
-complains about having bad pokemon and then doesn’t catch the good ones that the game literally hands to you
-straight up does not do kanto. has me thinking she just didn’t wanna fight red
generation 3
-this is the start of her being very weird about gardevoir. she calls ralts her child and then throughout the video has art of her being romantic with it which is. eugh. apparently she has incest accusations so i’m not that suprised
-calling magma and aqua the best teams of the series because “they don’t impede on the story”
-complains about the legendaries
-complains about the water routes and proceeds to throw out ideas that don’t make sense for an ocean
generation 4
-this is the start of her hacking in ralts as her starter. it’s very funny because it’s legitimately obtainable in every game she plays besides gen 5
-complains about parts of the game being too hard when she’s using ralts. which dies if it gets touched by a slight breeze
-whines about there being too much dialogue and then genuinely does not understand the story. common theme around all the story driven pokemon games
-she’s VERY annoying about the rivals. like they’re there for a reason
-the start of her acting like her calm mind strategy is the best thing ever. calls other youtubers stupid once again for their cynthia strategies. she can’t choose between gardevoir being the most broken pokemon and blaming ralts sucking on the game(the whole video is a big contrarian fest)
gen 5
oh boy. there’s a lot
-complains about there being too much story in the game and calls the game a peta reply. which is funny because peta is an american company and pokemon is japanese. (also the peta criticism of pokemon didn’t come around until AFTER black and white)
-compares a character who is a victim of abuse and has been indoctrinated by what is basically a cult to a podcast alpha male incel. looking at the allegations against her this also makes sense as to why she doesn’t like him
-whines more about there being too much reading. at this point i started believing she was straight up illiterate
-whines about the amount of rival fights and how it’s “impeding exploration” i don’t think she wants to play an actual video game she just want a pet sim
-misunderstands the whole moral of the game, being that not everything is black and white
generation 6
-complains about not being able to get gardevoirs megastone before the post game, so obviously she hacks it in.
-goes on a tangent about shiny pokemon and how their community is stupid, misunderstanding that people just do it FOR FUN
-also complains about something she calls “damage inflation” with the opponents being able to 1 shot ralts. this is all actually because ralts has god awful defenses, which she ignores.
-loses to what is one of the easiest gyms in the entire series. not really anything wrong with this i just honestly think she sucks at the game(skill issue)
-says x and y are the best games because there’s not much dialogue
gen 7
-once again spends the whole hour complaining about the amount of talking and then doesn’t analyze what the characters are actually saying. still believe she can’t read
-compares gladion to a hitler youth which is??? he’s hawaiian and light skinned but he’s still just an abused kid trying to find his way in lofe(doubt she actually read his dialogue)
-complains about team skill being “an unfunny joke” when the whole point of the team is that guzma was an abused kid who took in those in need and just formed a group of thugs
-still complains about “damage inflation” instead of actually changing her strategy or stepping out of her comfort zone pokemon wise because ralts sucks against the water trial
-goes on a tangent about how lillie should have been the main character while still choosing to mash through her dialogue
generation 8
-whines about dexit and calls dynamax the worst mechanic when it is in fact loved by vgc players
-calls milo a twunk (she doesn’t know what that means)
-a lot of the same problems of the previous gens, can’t read and doesn’t understand the story
-she’s also weird about gardevoir in this one. i think she just REALLY wants to fuck it
generation 9
-whines about dialogue some more
-literally all of the complaints at this point are the same. she can’t form an actual opinion of it bc she can’t FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO WHAG THEYRE SAYING
-she’s a racist creep to japanese folk outside of the video so hmmm
-has apparently assaulted someone so i see why she has no sympathy for the characters that are victims of abuse
-the weirdest about the pokemon and the characters. compares them to nazis a bunch
-is unfunny
anyway thanks for reading all the way through. the vid made me loose 200 brain cells and i will never stop hating
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
What do you think about Shuro? And more specifically his relationship with Laios, and idk if you talk about ships but what are your thoughts on laishuro
I have this headcannon that Laios has some sort of unrequited crush on Shuro just because it's sorta funny
I ship pretty much everything. Like, as default I think everyone should kiss everyone 👍
If I'm honest I'm not much of a Shuro fan, he's a little boring to me and reactions to the chimera episode made me dislike him a bit lmao.
Ignoring the fandom I like him as a character and I LOVE his fight with Laios. Shuro's relationship to Laios is my favorite part of that character so laishuro pretty much saves him for me.
In universe Shuro is said to be quite the introvert even for people from his country. He's not the standard for someone from the eastern archipelago and it bothered me a bit when people used that to justify how he wasn't honest to Laios. I understand the idea that he comes from somewhere where reading social cues is not only expected but required but he's also someone who avoids confrontation and is quiet/shy in general.
Here's a bit from Maizuru's description from the adventurer's bible
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"People tend to describe Shuro as "drab" and "shy" (...)" so specifically HE IS the exact type of person who would cause the biggest misunderstanding with Laios, just compare him to how his retainers or even his father and brothers act.
It took them saying they used ancient magic on Falin/seeing chimera Falin for him to finally snap, everything else he decided to just take it cause he thought it was better to take it than to confront Laios directly.
So besides the cultural differences you have to take into consideration this was pretty much the perfect storm brewing for that confrontation, and it's as much who Shuro is as a person and who Laios is as person that caused it.
I also disagree that the fight was a "they're both in the wrong" situation. Don't get me wrong, Laios was VERY culturally insensitive to Shuro and even more insensitive to his feelings, but there was nothing he could have done differently with the information that was available to him.
Specifically I see this comic being used to justify how Laios was to blame too, making Shuro into the victim
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Like that's a major white guy move but he DIDN'T HEAR Shuro's name and Shuro never corrected him. I'd understand it if his reaction was "Your name is too complicated so I'll call you Shuro instead" that would be a major dick move, but Laios did not hear his name because Toshiro mumbled it, and for someone that forgot Kabru's name several times I imagine he made an effort to remember Shuro's.
Laios never met someone from the eastern archipelago before this, nobody ever explained to him he wasn't acting in an appropriate manner and most of all he thought they were friends. He trusted Shuro to set boundaries for him, he always respects boundaries that are set even when he doesn't fully understand them (Recalling the "I forgot about feelings.." when Chilchuck says it feels wrong to eat merman)
Instead of explaining ANYTHING to Laios, Shuro instead held it all in until it exploded all at once, he blamed Laios for not knowing something he couldn't know, and accused him of not being serious about saving his own sister.
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Just imagine how this must have felt for Laios, everyone is always underestimating how serious he is, everyone accuses him of being stupid, clueless, and now this guy is telling him he isn't serious about saving the person he loves the most in the world and wants to protect always. To me this wasn't a "they're both in the wrong" situation, Shuro is far more in the wrong than Laios. But that's just how I see it.
That all being said, they understood each other finally and made peace after that fight.
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And several times after this we see that Shuro really cares for Laios, and Laios still wants to be his friend. He even offered to save Laios if he fails (and he's sure he's gonna fail). So their relationship is dear to me, especially cause after this they finally have the foundation for a true mutual friendship <3
I think my dislike of Shuro comes from relating to him to be honest, it happens often that I see my own failures on a character and get angry at them for being angry at myself lmao. I also got a little annoyed cause I only saw people defending him, apparently those were made as a response to hate he had gotten? But since I never actually seen the hate it just felt annoying to see Shuro being white knighted.
Anyway I love the two of them together and I'm really happy they finally understood each other better. laishuro might be my favorite Laios ship, one sided crushes are great.
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pruneunfair · 2 months
The internalized sexism in remarried empress, (for an ask)
*this is going to be a long one so hold on tight*
It's no question that remarried empress is one of the most popular manhwas on webtoon and being so popular it holds a lot of influence, unfortunately, that influence promoted the internalized misogyny in not just the readers but in other works as well.
In the first chapter, Navier is presented as this baddass perfect woman, during her divorce trial she brings in a hot rebound who also happens to be another Emperor so she wont have to give up her life as empress, sounds pretty feminist right? Unfortunately that's only one of the few times we see anything related to feminism at all.
We are soon sent back a few months before the trial and right away, Naviers ladies in waiting are tearing another woman down and already believe this new woman is a threat to Navier because the Emperor Sovieshu is attracted to this newbie
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We are shown the basic concept of how the narrative wants us to view these two characters. Navier is perfect empress who is being wronged by her husband and this unnamed woman who's only crime so far was existing is a wench and a homewreaker, the ladies imply it as some sort of extreme act of disrespect for having to bathe what they believe to be a slave, proceeding with sucking up to the lead by saying they only wash their hands to bathe her as they don't even wash themselves and even when they admit this mystery woman to be beautiful they backtrack to making sure Navier is supported. You might think that this is just friends supporting friends but it goes beyond on that later on.
Later on we are introduced to this mystery woman, Rashta, a former slave found by Sovieshu in the woods who is immediately portrayed as rude, stupid, and a crybaby
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The reason she cries is because she was struck and referred to as "the slave" while she wasn't very polite it's clear Rashta isn't doing this on purpose, rather it is sheer ignorance and an unusually large optimism
now, a lot of people like to say that Rashta must've done something on purpose to get Laura imprisoned and that she knew what she was doing, therfore justifying the hatred for her existence. However, Laura hit Rashta for reaching out to Navier and calls her a wench in the process
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Some fans use the excuse that she smirked after Laura got sentenced to 3 days imprisonment and yes while that is excessive for Laura, Rashta was a slave only a few days ago and she's been mistreated by nobles her entire life plus I don't think she's smart enough to pull off Hannibal levels of planning like that, I personally think her smirk here is meant to be more of a "that's what she gets for treating me like that." Then a "hee hee my evil plan worked!"
the rest of the comic goes the same way, Rashta is continuously portrayed as a whore who ruined Naviers life by turning her husband against her, and she's written to be hated as a pick me who won't know her place. Rashtas pretty much every part of those "other girls" in those not like other girls templates. She's girly, loves the attention, emotional, dainty, overly sweet but secretly only has ulterior motives, and in the novel, she acts extremely childish even referring to herself in 3rd person, even when she makes good points it's all intended for the reader to laugh and jeer at her.
Shes practically designed to be the pick me archetype for baddass mary sue fans to despise and she sadly only gets worse as time goes on, not just in morals and personality but also in her writting
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And how is Navier perceived?
Shes endlessly perfect, everyone loves her including several different powerful men from all different countries. Even her cheating ass husband is given the cheapest redemption arc in the end just for being sorry that he cheated and realizing how much he wants her. All the characters your meant to view as good adore her and anyone who doesn't is written as the meanest bad guy on the planet worthy of death. While she isn't the worst character I've seen, the narrative tries so hard to make her more amazing that Navier looks worse as a result, such as not caring about slavery despite being described as kind and devoted to all her subjects. Ergi even says it straight to us that there will always be that invisible wall between her and the poor.
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The characters we're supposed to see as good are:
Heinrey: A king who planned on going to war with Naviers country and only stopped when he fell in love with her at first sight, who also tortures and threatens anyone who even so much as inconveniences or talks shit about her all while he puts up an innocent front to appear non threatening (wonder who that sounds like)
Kaufman: A grand Duke who drugs other people with love potions which are essentially date-rape drugs and gets away with it once another woman takes the blame
Kosair: Naviers brother who violates Rashtas autonomy by slipping abortion drugs in her food and it's never talked about again.
Lebetti: One of Rashtas slave owners who still continues to harass Rashta and views anyone lower than her with contempt including her own nephew and so on
And who are the characters we are supposed to hate?
Besides Rashta and Sovieshu, the only other characters so far are Krista, the former queen of the west and her father
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Ironically Krista is hated for the same reason readers supported Navier for: not wanting to replaced as queen, which isn't helped by Heinrey asserting that Navier is the one and only queen and anyone who objects will face serious consequences but they fix that by dumbing her down and blaming her for Kaufman drugging Heinrey. As for her dad, the old Duke. While he is the only man actively against Navier so far the only ways he has been punished is being told that Krista killed herself. (In the novel the old Duke does face serious consequences which involved him being murdered along with innocent people after his son attempted a hit on Navier)
But overall you get the message, most of the characters you are supposed to love are men and ladies with no personality, men who do atrocious shit yet we're supposed to look past it and conveniently the only man who is punished is an ugly bastard.
The ladies in waiting are the biggest contributors to the internalized misogyny, often they support it by insisting any new woman who shows up must be an evil whore, even Krista's ladies in waiting do this
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Not like it matters though anyway since Navier basically wins most of those girls over on her side and they're never seen again
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You see what I mean? Every other woman in this story has little to no character, they exist solely to push the FL up and punch down at any woman they don't like which usually consists of women that either dainty "other girls" or ironically women in a situation similar to Naviers and any woman who opposes Navier is affectly an idiot who gets girlbossed back into place. Meanwhile almost all of the men who commit absolutely horrible acts get away with it since they all essentially go awooga for Navier, with the only exception being less than conventionally attractive dudes like Krista's dad.
for fucks sake even Alan, one of Rashtas other masters who 🍇ed her, got her pregnant and participated in keeping her child away from her until she got successful is viewed as this sorrowful wittle baby who got taken advantage of by the evil Rashta and was "wrongfully" told to screw off by her. It took an episode where Alan was so unfathomably stupid to get readers to realize they shouldn't side with a rapist, and yes, while the narrative will try to push the idea that Rashta took advantage of him to raise her status and that she consented. News flash: a slave cannot consent to someone who owns them, it's like a student-teacher relationship.
Now the hypocrisy. Navier can do one thing and it's viewed as such a girlboss power move but when someone else like Rashta does something similar, it's embarrassing and pathetic. For example, Rashta is mocked by nobles mind you, for wearing an expensive and flashy wedding dress. Meanwhile Naviers wedding dress is literally weaved with thousand of gemstones
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Hey, it's their words not mine.
Or how Rashta was considered evil for stealing Naviers spot as empress (even though Rashta didn't even want to be empress at first and Sovieshu gave her the offer, it's not like she held a gun to his head) but when Krista shows distress over being replaced as queen, the comments basically tell Krista to suck it up because Navier deserves it more. Everytime a man does something wrong in this story, the characters and even the readers trace it back to somehow being a woman's fault.
Readers are even encouraged to laugh at Rashta for not being able to learn as fast and eventually having a breakdown from the stress (not to mention she's also pregnant here so those hormones must be going wild)
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yeah let's just blame a pregnant woman who wasn't educated in reading until a few months ago for not being able to be as smart or stoic as Navier and then crying from the stress.
finally, how this promotion of internalized misogyny affected other works. The Trashta nickname has become so popular that it is used everytime a woman who doesn't support the MC or even just inconveniences her is introduced, constantly the comments never shut up about the "new trashta." Even women who don't mean harm like Helena from kill the villainess was treated horribly because she's the "other woman" it erases any attempt at creativity in these stories and dumbs down any other woman who isn't constantly worshipping the FL as an evil bitch who needs to go.
Conclusion:The Remarried empress isn't the feminist power book with complex characters, maybe in season 1 but not anymore. Women who even think about being rude to Navier are punched down and killed if they don't change their mind while almost all the men are excused for their cruel actions because their hot guys with abs who only wanted to protect the one and only goddess Navier.
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leclerc-s · 8 months
track 001. shameless
─── ❝ distance, inches in between, i want you to give in. ❞ ───
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masterlist // next
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly and others
nataliaruiz my “best” friend gets to drive for ferrari next year! i think this calls for a celebration! (please get me sebastian vettel’s number or daniel ricciardo's, i'm not picky)
tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc we are best friends stop lying to people
nataliaruiz are we though? charles_leclerc and i’m not getting you sebastian’s number much less daniel's nataliaruiz oh come on! please! for me! charles_leclerc no way
user18 oh how i’ll adore having natalia around at the paddock with seb.
user25 why is she only making her presence known now that charles is driving for ferrari? was alfa romero not enough?
user18 she has a job asshole and they’ve been friends since they were kids. nataliaruiz if you’ll scroll further down my page you’ll find that i congratulated charles on his achievement in getting into formula 1. not that i need to give an explanation to a stranger.
pierregasly have you two started dating yet? asking for a friend (i’m the friend)
nataliaruiz fuck off you french fuck user84 so it's not just us who sees it user67 meaning we’re not crazy like we thought we were
danielricciardo hate to break it to you kid, but i have a girlfriend
nataliaruiz aw man. also, please never call me kid again, i'm not that young. i could totally date leo dicaprio pierregasly that's because you're under 25... nataliaruiz i wouldn't complain.
maxverstappen33 you're telling me i have to deal with dumb and dumber?
nataliaruiz you fucking love me verstappen admit it. maxverstappen33 i tolerate you at best on a good day.
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it started with alcohol, although stories like this always do. in hindsight you can't really blame charles for the choices he made when natalia looked the way she did. she was beautiful, he had known that his entire life. boys always told him he was lucky to have a best friend who looked like her. though it didn't always feel like luck when a boy broke her heart and he was left to console her. sometimes he wished she was less beautiful so her heart would get broken less.
after the announcement of charles’ move to ferrari for the 2019 season, natalia had decided a party night was in order, and charles was never one to say no to her. not even when they were little kids getting in trouble for whatever stupid stunt they decided to pull. it wasn't just that he had a crush on her until he was 14, but more so he didn't know how to say no to a pretty girl, especially one who was his best friend. even when she had moved to a different country to pursue her dreams of acting and modeling, they always found a way to speak. it also helped that she dropped everything the moment he needed her and vice versa.
had it cost them both relationships, yes, but neither of them truly cared. it was a weird dynamic to everyone, they acted like couple but they were friends, or so they insisted. and so they found themselves in the position they were in, naked in a bed, with a massive hangover. waking up together in a bed wasn't strange, they had done that before, but waking up naked was something new to them. natalia was the first to wake up, shooting up when she'd realized what had happened. she grabbed the pillow she had been using and smacked charles across the face, effectively waking up the sleeping boy.
charles shot up, "je suis réveillé. qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? qui est mort?" (i'm awake. what's wrong? who is dead?)
"english, charles, english. it’s too early for french," natalia sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"what's wrong?" natalia gestured to him, then her, and then their clothes on the room floor, "non."
"oui," she sarcastically said, "what do we do?"
"ignore it?" he questioned, "do you remember anything?"
"no," she muttered, "do you?"
charles shook his head, "i don't remember anything after pierre stood on a table."
"good, we forget this ever happened, things go back to normal."
charles nodded, "okay, do i close my eyes?"
"are you not going to put your clothes back on?"
"oh!" natalia realized, "yes, i am."
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pierre gasly added two people
pierre gasly they didn't leave to go fuck max!
max verstappen i'm just saying it could be a possibility. we've all been waiting years for them to start dating.
esteban ocon doesn't she have a boyfriend?
pierre gasly non, ils ont rompu, je pense (no, they broke up, i think)
mae jones translation? pierre gasly google translate it bitch mae jones you know what you french fuck baguette, joan of arc is still more famous than you AND SHE'S BEEN DEAD FOR CENTURIES!!
natalia ruiz is pierre talking shit again?
natalia ruiz no, it's just not fair right? max verstappen i hate you. natalia ruiz and yet i was still your first kiss charles leclerc WHAT?! mae jones excuse me?
daphne jones can you guys shut up? for once? i can't have a moment of peace in the studio because my phone keeps blowing up.
charles leclerc please don't.
esteban ocon are you two together?
natalia ruiz i slept over. we didn't fuck. pierre gasly yet.
pierre gasly also, i feel like we should circle back to the natalia was max's first kiss thing. how did that happen? when did that happen? where did it happen?
max verstappen as mae says, i plead the fifth
natalia ruiz we were 12, and it was a dare. momma didn't raise a bitch
natalia ruiz well, she didn't raise me but you guys get what i mean
daniel ricciardo ah, trauma dumping, a skill this friend group is excellent at, welcome to the club.
sebastian vettel max, behave.
carlos sainz this is why we call you dad seb. you act like one.
natalia ruiz oh my god. oh my god. oh my god.
charles leclerc i am now deaf in one ear. she has really strong lungs.
esteban ocon i figure we should let her knew lewis and fernando are also in this group chat. to get all of the screaming out at once.
charles leclerc well fuck you for that esteban. my ears are ringing.
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charles was fucked and apparently a good liar. he remembered everything from last night, from the first drink he had to the first kiss he shared with natalia. he was far from sober last night, but for some fucked up reason he remembered everything. charles didn't have the same luck as natalia, he just couldn't forget. and oh, how badly he wanted to forget, lorenzo had been right, falling for your best friend was never going to work out. it was times like these where he desperately wished his papa and jules were still around, they always knew what to say.
everyone around him always told him he was a shit liar, but hah! he had just proved them all wrong (take that pierre and george!) charles had effectively lied to his best friend right in her face and she hadn’t suspected a thing. apparently he had been thinking too hard because natalia sat next to him and he hadn’t noticed. charles wasn't even sure how they were functioning in the same space after what had occured between them this morning, rather late last night.
she sighed, trying to get his attention, charles turned to glance at her, saying nothing. natalia rolled her eyes and huffed, this time charles felt inclined to speak.
“what?” charles asked. she shrugged, “i don’t know, i feel weird.”
“do not tell me-” natalia’s eyes widened realizing what he was implying, “no charles! that’s not how it works. it’s been barely 24 hours or less!”
“i’m a man!” he shouted back, “i don’t know how that works!”
“oh my god,” natalia laughed. she sat back before turning her body to face charles, “kiss me.”
“quoi?” the monegasque questioned. she shrugged again, “i don’t know. maybe it’s because i know what we did and now i can’t seem to stop thinking about why on earth i would sleep with my best friend.”
“so… you want me to kiss you?”
“yes, maybe then i’ll remember why.”
“i’m not going to kiss you,” charles argued.
“what? why not?” natalia asked, “i’m a great kisser! i won’t bite, i swear!”
“you bit louis when we were 16,” charles reminded.
“because he was a horrible kisser and he liked garlic a bit too much.”
charles grimaced and opened his mouth to reply before natalia rolled her eyes him, grabbing him by the shirt of his collar and pulling in for a kiss. he reciprocated quickly, and after about a minute, natalia pulled away. charles stared at her, wondering what her next move would be.
she cocked her head to the side, “no, i still don’t get it.”
“get what?”
charles quickly realized what she meant and replied, “we were drunk?”
“i would’ve done it sober,” natalia dismissed.
charles was shocked, that was a new revelation to him, “you would?”
“of course,” she quickly replied, “i would kiss you sober because what if a crazy fan was trying to kiss you? or what if a crazy ex wanted to kiss me?”
“right,” charles dejectedly replied. he stood up, “i’m going to take a nap.”
natalia stood up after him, grabbing his hand as he walked away, “was it the kiss? je suis désolée (i’m sorry) i wasn’t thinking and-”
charles interrupted her, pulling her closer and kissing her, natalia reciprocated. charles pulled away, placing his hand on her hips, there was tension between them, “tell me to stop and i will. i would never-”
it was her turn to cut him off, “don’t, don’t stop.”
green eyes met brown, not an ounce of regret seemed to be held in either of them. natalia waited for him to kiss her again. would this potentially ruin their friendship? absolutely, but neither of them cared, not right now. not when they only needed one thing, and one thing only, each other.
“why?” charles whispered, not daring to break their bubble.
“why not?” she argued.
“but it could-”
“i don’t care,” natalia says, “i trust you and you’re my best friends. i’d rather it be you then someone else i met at a bar. someone i don’t care about.”
“it’s going to change everything,” charles argued back.
“you’re schedule is about to be even worse because you’re driving for ferrari next season, you won’t have time for a relationship. i don’t want a shitty one night stand with a stranger or a relationship right now. it’s a win win for us.”
charles opened his mouth to argue again, but natalia has had enough, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. she pulled away first, breathing heavily, “do you want me to stop?”
“merde,” charles whispered, “non,” he decided after he paused to think about it, “s'il te plaît, ne t'arrête pas.” (shit, no. please, don’t stop.)
“okay,” she whispered, pulling him in for another kiss, both of them proceeding to lose each other in between charles’ sheets, not an ounce of regret. years later, they’ll both realize they were fucking idiots in love who disguised it as a friends with benefits relationship.
they both lay breathless in his bed between the sheets, she lays her head on his chest, and he pulls her close. they should’ve known then, it was never just sex for either of them. it was never was just going to be just sex.
“just sex?” she asks him.
charles, despite a broken heart quickly realized it was better to have a small part of natalia, than no part of her, “just sex,” he whispered, “this doesn’t change anything does it?”
natalia looks up at him, doe eyes looking at him, “no,” she replied, holding up her left pinky, like when they were children, “best friends?”
“pour toujours,” charles answers, interlacing their pinkies. (forever)
the were truly fucked from the start. if only they had realized it from the moment their lips first touched, maybe things would've gone differently for them. but would it truly? they had always loved each other, one way or another, they would end up in a similar situation.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj @dan3avocado @melissayalene @nothanqks @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! y'all I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE SMUT! hence why i skipped that whole thing entirely. but yay, first part of this series is finally out! this story does begin in 2018, right after charles was announced to be driving for ferrari in the 2019 season and then jumps to 2019.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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restinslices · 4 months
I really liked your post for LKBS parents. Can I request more HC about them as parents?My main idea was what they would be like with a girl or boy who tends to behave quite badly, but you can do it however you want if you decide to answer this :3Thanks in advance. Your blog is very entertaining :D
Here you go bookie. Also I broke a thumb nail and my typing is so off now😔
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May the Elder Gods give him strength-
Bi-Han has such low patience and a kid that acts bad would drive him insane 
Especially if this child is the first born and therefore has to be the next Grandmaster? Oh boy 
Imma be real with y'all, I can see him whooping his kids-
Y'all know how people debate on whether or not whooping your kids is okay? I think he's on the pro whooping side. Not ABUSE tho. There's a line there 
“give me my belt” type shit. Very much a black mother-
If his kid wanna act up, then he's making life terrible 
He's pulling all the stops. They ass ain't going NOWHERE. 
Oh they wanna sneak out? Aight. He's boarding up the window. He's boarding up the front door. He might even take their own door off 
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 
He's already a strict dad, so acting out will really get him heated 
Kids are assholes but I think there's a difference between regular kid shit and making life way more difficult than it has to be 
The type of parent to make his child sit next to him for the whole day. He's not playing with them 
He's escorting them to school and escorting them back home 
They legit have no freedom until they're over this phase 
And cursing at him? Absolutely not. 
This man does not argue with children at all. The going back and forth shit ain't happening. If you wanna act like a toddler that needs to be watched, then he'll treat you as such 
“I don't wanna be out here anymore” the teenager next to him sulked with their arms crossed and their mouth in a deep frown. Wrinkles spread from their frown and their pulled down eyebrows. How they hadn't gotten a headache yet, he was unsure of. 
Bi-Han ignored them, so they repeated themselves louder. “I don't wanna be out here anymore! Did you hear me?!”. 
Bi-Han didn't spare a glance at them. He turned a page in his book and said in a dangerously calm voice, “control your emotions before I let mine loose. What you want is irrelevant now. If you don't want to sit, then stand”. The teenager huffed and slouched more in the seat. 
“Is there something you'd like to say?” he said in response to them mumbling something under their breath. They knew better than to repeat themselves, and stayed silent. 
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Not dealing with that shit at all 
Do I think he has more patience than Bi-Han? Yes 
Does that mean he'll deal with disrespect? Absolutely not 
It's not even the rebellious acts that bother him. He knows teens will be teens. It's the disrespecting him that pisses him off 
He's also not going back and forth with nobody 
Arguing isn't happening. At some point he's just finna start handing out groundings 
Since they have so much energy when they're doing all that extra shit, he has them train more 
Keeps them incredibly busy so they're too tired to do anything stupid 
Not entirely foolproof but it works 99% of the time
Has no problem taking away their door if they're always up to bullshit 
Lowkey I can see any of them pulling up to the school if his kid is acting up there too 
Will forbid them from seeing any of their bad acting friends 
He cannot wait until this phase is over. He is EXHAUSTED 
The teenager collided with the hard ground under them and winced. Their breath was knocked out their lungs and they glared at the older man that knocked their feet from under them. 
“Again” Kuai Liang said sternly and stepped back. The teenager stayed on the ground and crossed their arms over their chest in defiance. 
“So I can get knocked down again? No thanks! And you can't make me!”. Kuai Liang rolled his eyes. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at the teenager, that acted more like a toddler with each passing day. 
“You're right. I can't. Well if you won't do this, then I won't give you any of your privileges back-”
“No no” the older man walked towards their house with the teenager quickly jumping to their feet to catch up with him. “You can tell me all about what I can't make you do over dinner”
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He just wants to live life without hearing bullshit in his ears 
Tries to figure out what the problem is but when he finds out they're just being a brat to be a brat, he's at a loss for words 
He assumes that maybe he said or did something and the acting out was a result of that 
He didn't know they're just in an asshole phase 
He has hope that this phase will end soon, so he doesn't react immediately 
Once the week is up he's like “they're still going? Damn. Now I gotta be strict”
In one of the dialogues he said his mom was no nonsense and tough as nails so I can see him trying to embody her spirit and do what she would do 
It probably surprised his kid that he starts actually being strict with them and raising his voice
He's the most chill parent out the 3 so the strictness is a switch up they weren't expecting 
Groundings getting handed out like coupons 
They're losing any privileges they have 
He doesn't enjoy making life miserable for them but he can't NOT parent them 
Hoping the phase ends soon 
“What?!” The teen exclaimed. “You can't ground me!”. 
“Why not?”. The teen had no answer. They just stammered nonsensical sentences that Tomas didn't care to hear. He kept trying to be patient with them, but everyone has a limit, and he had reached his. 
“I keep trying to hear you out but you don't wanna talk-”
“We can talk now!”
“You're right! We can talk after you hand over all your electronics and anything else you've been hiding in your room! Now!”. 
By the end of the day Tomas cleared their room of anything that resembled fun. Needless to say, his kid was far from pleased. It was fine though. They'd look back on this time soon enough and be embarrassed by their actions. 
Or so he hoped. 
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handweavers · 1 year
of all the questions in the world "why are you trans" or "why are you gay" has to be one of the least interesting ones that exist but it's often the go-to question for conservatives when faced with the existence of lgbt people esp in conservative countries in my personal experience. and i've been trying to figure out why they ask that because it feels like such a stupid question on the surface like what do you mean 'why'??? but it occurred to me that the question really is "why did you choose to be open about this/make it my problem" and many try to answer by saying "i didn't choose i was born this way" which i personally find to be an unfulfilling answer, especially because that isn't really what the person is asking. they ask that question not necessarily because they can't fathom why people have such feelings but because they can't fathom why we would act on them, why we would be open about it, why we would do anything but keep those feelings very tiny and miserable within ourselves.
like i think most people regardless of their politics can understand to some extent the concept of gay attraction or gender euphoria, can recognize some aspect of that in their own experience, and if you come from a conservative country or culture you'll discover many people who have such feelings but have entirely stifled them, stamped them down, disregarded them, and it's clear those feelings still haunt them. people who will say "of course everyone has feelings for people of the same gender you just can't act on them" with a straight face or "everyone has wished they were a different gender but we cant do anything about it so oh well" not realizing how they sound and they're upset with you because you didn't ignore those thoughts or disregard them. they aren't exactly upset with you because you have those feelings, they're upset with you because you aren't ashamed of them, and whether that specific shame is a feeling that they relate to or the shame they're familiar with is of a different kind, if you're from a culture where social shame is so powerful and encompassing, the idea of someone not also being internally or externally crushed by that shame and taking their life into their own hands is upsetting. to see someone do that and not suffer consequences of doing so feels wrong to them.
like we have family members who remained stuck in marriages that made them miserable, in towns and villages that made them miserable, in jobs and lives that make them miserable, even if they had the material means to escape, but did not do so because of shame and some sense of duty, like that misery means something. perhaps those who did not have the material means to escape their misery, but you did, and what results is resentment and blame. and they look at you and it's not even necessarily that you're gay or trans or whatever that they hate you for, but because you escaped that shame, you were miserable and you decided you did not have to be and you did something for yourself, and just that act is often seen as selfish and upsetting within this cultural context.
esp in cultures where this kind of misery is seen as familial duty, so by forgoing such misery and the social expectations placed upon you you are simultaneously shirking your familial responsibility, in a society where familial and communal ties are everything. so when family members ask me "why are you trans" i just answer that i chose happiness and i am content with my choices, and the rest is something for them to work out.
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ironbabey · 4 months
Peter Parker x Reader
angst, maybe fluff?
Word Count: 1k
Inspired by the song July by Noah Cyrus
I've been holding my breath, I've been counting to ten, over something you said
“So uh, what do ya say? Wanna give it a shot?” Please say yes please say yes please say yes-
“I’m sorry, I really am, but I’m gonna have to say no.”
No. He said no.
It took you months to work up the courage to finally tell him how you felt, ironically you told yourself the worst he could say was no. Fuck, it hurt.
You were crushed. “Oh uh, that's okay. We can just stay friends.” It’s not okay, you don’t want to be friends. Well, you do. You also wanted-no, hoped- for something more.
He smiled, god you loved that smile. It never failed to make your heart skip a beat, even breaking it at the same time.  “Glad this won’t change our friendship. I care about you a lot.” He says, you can hear the pity in his voice.
He cared, just not in the way you wanted.
I've been holding back tears, while you're throwing back beers, I'm alone in bed
You were always told rejection hurt but you didn’t think it’d be this painful. Peter went out while you were sulking in your bed. There’s more fish in the sea, right? You shouldn’t have fallen for him, everyone told you not to, and yet here you are.
How could you be so stupid?
Of course he didn’t like you.
You were nothing compared to her.
You didn't have the perfect teeth, the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect...anything. You were just you.
You stupidly thought that it would be enough for him, she didn't even remember him, but you made new memories with him.
You know I, I'm afraid of change. Guess that's why we stay the same
You two were fighting now. It's your fault anyways. You lashed out on him just because he hadn’t reached out to you since that day. He's ignored your texts, calls, hell you even tried an email for the fun of it. He stilled ignored you.
The day you confessed really fucked things up.
You decided to be the bigger person and show up at his door. He would've known you were going over if he read your messages.
“I thought we agreed that wouldn’t change us. You said you wanted to be friends so why are you being such a dick?”
 “I’m being a dick? Oh, that’s real funny coming from you. I have a life full of other people, not just you. I don’t see why I have to be the one to do everything.”
You bit your lip and looked at the ground, embarrassed that you were acting childish, “No, you’re right. I’m sorry.”
So, tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Peter let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair, the soft hair you used to play with during the times you'd study together. “I think you should go. I can’t handle this—you—right now.”
You refused to cry in front of him. “Yeah, okay.” You grabbed your bag and slammed the door shut on your way out. You fucked everything up, didn’t you?
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
A week went by, and he finally texted you, asking you to go over and talk it out. In the end you were still his best friend, and he didn't want to lose you.
You picked up a photo that was in a beautiful golden frame on the coffee table, you knew who the woman was, Peter talked about her all the time, and it killed you. You thought he was over her.
 “What are you doing with that?” He grabbed the framed photo from your hands as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out, “It was just sitting here, she’s pretty. Really pretty.”
Peter smiled, “Yeah, she was. The greatest too.”
‘Cause you remind me everyday, I’m not enough but I still stay
You two sat in uncomfortable silence. He wanted to make up, wanted things to be normal again, but you had other plans. You wanted answers. “What does she have that I don’t? What’s so different?”
He groaned. “Please, don’t start this right now.”
You stood up from the couch, “No! I want to know why you’re after someone who moved on. Someone who doesn't even rem-“
“She was the only one there for me through all of it! She helped me from beginning to end! I ruined everything just to make sure she got into the school she worked so hard for!" His voice went soft, he couldn't hold back the tears that went streaming down his face. His brown eyes were hardly visible through them, "She was all I had. She was the only girl that ever looked my way and actually liked me.”
Then what am I?
I've done a lot of things wrong, Loving you being one. But I can't move on
“Then what am I?”, you repeated deep down you knew you were being a little selfish, but he had no right to say you didn't care, “I’ve been there for you. I’ve laughed with you, cried with you, I even fought with you and you’re still tossing me aside?”
“No! You listen to me! I’ve done nothing but love and care about you but clearly that’s not enough! Nothing is ever enough for you! I-I’m not enough.”
Peter stood to hug you. To tell you that you was more than enough. To tell you he was just afraid of being more than what you were now.
If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and baby, I'll go
You moved away from his attempted hug. How dare he cry when it was him who was hurting you? “N-No, you don’t get-get to cry.” you choked out through your own tears.
“I’m sorry please just understand.” He begged.
“Tell me to leave. Tell me you don't want to see me again and I’ll stop. I’ll leave you alone just like you want.” That’s not what he wanted, not at all. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if you left him too.
“That’s not-I want you to stay.”
You remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
“Okay. I’ll stay.”
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melminli · 4 months
𝗡𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟮
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pairing: jjk x fem. reader
summery - meeting new people can be nerve-wracking, but that's how you make new friends.
word count: 1.2k
content: x reader, pre canon au, genshin impact inspired themes, crack, fluff, (in the future: manga spoilers, angst, gojo satoru x reader...)
series masterlist | previous chapter! | next chapter!
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tokyo, august 21 2005
"i think i'll have the blueberry cheesecake..." you finally decide after thinking about it for a while and looking at the different options at the shop window.
satoru joined you. "yeah, me too."
you looked at him in annoyance in response. "are you stupid? pick something else. we can't both have the same thing." you pointed at something else in the window by tapping on the glass. "take the chocolate cake. i want to try it."
his mood worsened at your statement. "you always do this, and then you don't share yourself, so i always end up eating the things you actually want!" he threw the accusation at you being finally fed up with your behavior.
you laughed lightly and didn't take him seriously. "is that so?" you didn't elaborate further because you didn't really care, to be honest. it wasn't your fault that he always wanted to order the same thing you did. hasn't he ever heard of the rule that when you go out to eat somewhere, you have to pick different stuff?
you waited outside on a bench while he went in to buy the pastries, and you looked a little surprised when he came out a few minutes later with a box too big for just two cakes. "what did you buy?" you asked him a bit judgmentally. though, maybe the right question to ask was how much. you shouldn't have let him go in alone.
he just shrugged his shoulders. "the cakes and a few other things because we're going to meet some of my friends." he casually gave the reason while being very aware of the fact that this wasn't the original plan.
you shook your head. "no, we didn't talk about anything like that. i don't want to meet your friends." you said directly without hesitation. you had a relatively good day today, a good mood, and the weather was nice. you wouldn't ruin that by spending your precious time being awkward around other people.
satoru just rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. "i know you don't like talking to strangers, but you need to get out of your comfort zone a bit."
there was literally no reason why you had to do that. you didn't know why he made that his mission today. "i'm doing this with you already, isn't that enough?" you complained.
he sent you an offended look at that statement. "we've known each other for ages. that's definitely not the definition of strangers." he said a bit bitter. you always had to unintentionally break his heart like that.
you avoided his gaze. "i'll look up the definition right now if you keep bugging me." you said, being a little petty but also didn't want to risk exposing yourself in case he was right. you guys had been hanging out pretty often since you met two months ago, and he also texts you every day and spams your phone with dumb memes. "besides, i don't want to meet your stupid friends."
"they're not stupid. come on." he ignored your whining and went ahead. he knew you would follow him eventually since he was carrying your blueberry cheesecake. otherwise, he wouldn't have acted so confidently.
you considered following him for a while until you shouted. "wait for me!" you said and ran after him.
a while after that...
you ate your cake in silence and didn't pay much attention to the others. it was kind of relaxing to picnic outside, you thought. especially in the shady place under the trees. but even though you were a person who said what was on their mind most of the time, you were pretty quiet right now. well, you were kinda outnumbered here, so one could say that you felt a little intimidated, perhaps.
was it very obvious that you had grown up isolated and had never actually interacted with others around your age? you hoped not because even if you didn't like to admit it, satoru was the only person you would consider somewhat of a friend, and you certainly didn't want to put that on your resume.
"so, why aren't you a jujutsu sorcerer if you can see curses?" the girl next to you asked you in a casual tone.
you shrugged your shoulders and answered without looking her in the face. you were pretty nervous right now, you always wanted to be friends with a girl. "i don't know. why do you ask stupid questions when you can just shut up?"
satoru looked at you with disappointment. "hey, what did we talk about? stop being mean to others as a defense meschanism. you need to let others into you." he said the last sentence in a therapist voice while pointing both his hands to his heart. "this way, you just come across as a total asshole and no one will like you that way."
you just rolled your eyes and wondered why he always bothered you to hang out with him if you were such an ass. "that's what your mom did last night."
the other two friends laughed lightly at the trap that the gojo had set up for himself. he looked a bit betrayed at the two before he started saying something quick to somehow save his honor. "well, unlike you, i have a certain charm that appeals to older women. so i don't know. maybe i actually have a chance with your mom." he countered, emphasizing the last words extra hard.
it was a little painful to watch him try so hard. he just made things worse with that awkward statement. "my mom's dead, actually." she wasn't, but you loved the look on others' faces when you told them that after they made a your mom joke. you tried to stifle your laughter at satoru's expression, but you couldn't help but slightly contort your face.
it was a bit difficult not to be childish when you had lost your childhood to the hands of adults. it was something you would never get back and therefore would always stick with you.
the white-haired boy finally noticed what you did. "stop lying to make me look like a idiot! you really made me seem like a bad person!"
the three of you thought the same thing at what he said. he was worried about that? satoru's best friend couldn't help but add something as well. you think his name was suguru. "you don't need her help for that, i think you can do that all by yourself."
this led to the two continuing to bicker and exchange insults and threats with each other as they butted heads.
shoko ignored them and turned to you again. she didn't really mind your rudeness. you seemed like a good person with a tough shell. she asked you something because she wanted to make sure that she had heard you correctly before. "what did you say your last name was again?"
you looked at her and answered with a disinterested tone after reaching for a fruit roll. "raiden. why?"
she shook her head. "no reason." she looked up through the small gaps in the foliage, which let out pretty rays of sunlight. raiden means thunder and lightning, doesn't it?
to be continued...
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next chapter!
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batneko · 2 years
Fake dating, let's go 💪
There's some kind of big royal U.N. conference and Mario and Luigi have tagged along with Peach as "security" (really because it was going to be boring). Luigi runs into Prince Peasley, who he tried desperately to get the attention of last time they met, and realized afterward that maybe Peasley wasn't interested and ignored him on purpose. (This is not true, Peasley legitimately didn't realize Luigi was into him, people act like that around him all the time!) So in a misguided attempt to not look like a loser, Luigi says he's there as a guest's romantic partner. Peasley cheerfully says he hopes he sees the two of them at some of the social events later and moves on.
Meanwhile, Bowser is actually trying to play nice and get some other countries to trade with the Koopa Kingdom, which is hard not just because of their history of invasions but also because of his personal reputation. More than a few royals are reluctant to even talk to him because they know what happened with the last princess who was polite to him. When Bowser finds out that's part of the problem, he quickly says he's over all that. In fact, he's got a consort now!
What to do, what to do. 🤔
Later, Bowser practically trips over Luigi, and decides he's as good a target as any to take out his rage on. Despite already being miserable Luigi's not having any of that, and they agree to find a private room to have a proper fight in. Neither of them wants to get too hurt, so they're only disheveled and out of breath when they emerge.
Most people don't think twice about two conference guests coming out of a room, but Peasley happens to be in the hallway, takes one look and says, "I see! Good for you!"
Luigi is too stunned to say anything, but when Bowser asks what the hell that was, Luigi explains as quickly as he can and offers to go clear things up.
"No way! This is perfect!"
Bowser drags Luigi back into the room, explains his situation, and makes a mostly-decent proposal. All they have to do is make a couple appearances at those stupid social events on the conference schedule, Peasley will think Luigi traded up (Luigi: "Sure... Up...") and the stuck-up royals will think Bowser has a nice boring boyfriend, problems solved all around!
As much as Luigi doesn't want to do it, he wants to explain the truth to Peasley even less. He agrees.
(and tells Mario and Peach immediately, of course, who think it's hilarious)
So... that's that. He's kind of dating Bowser. The first social event is a cocktail party, where everybody's supposed to play nice and make light conversion. It's incredibly awkward, but Luigi can tell Bowser is making a serious effort to keep his temper in check, no matter how many people have snide comments about him or his "date." Mostly to keep from having to fight him again, Luigi talks to him and listens to his complaints and agrees that a lot of the other royals are being jerks. It's... kind of amazing what a difference it makes in Bowser's personality just to be heard.
The next day's social event is a showcase of regional food and drinks, which was entirely voluntary but most of the royals have turned into a passive-aggressive competition. Since the Koopa Kingdom couldn't be bothered to take part, all Bowser and Luigi have to do is walk around and eat free food. They have a pretty good time, all things considered, especially since Luigi has been to a lot of these countries in his adventures and can give informed opinions.
It goes on like that for the rest of the week. Every day, Bowser and Luigi are a little more surprised by each other, a little more comfortable in each other's presence. Bowser protects Luigi several times from getting stepped on or shoved aside, and Luigi starts getting snide right back at anyone who makes a remark about Bowser's manners.
Bowser mentions some of the trouble he's having and Luigi does his best to offer advice. Without thinking about it, Bowser brings Luigi along to his next meeting and he's such a balancing force that it goes better than any meeting Bowser has had all week.
Then it's the last day, and the last event, and after this they'll be done with each other. Back to normal. Back to the way things were before. This one's a concert and a fair number of royals are dancing with their partners or each other (it's a great opportunity to make matches, after all). Mario and Peach get up to dance, and a minute later Bowser gets up and leaves the room.
Luigi follows him.
They're outside in the garden, alone under the moonlight, and Luigi says he understands how Bowser feels. That he's not the only person who's ever had feelings for someone who loves someone else.
"That's not it," Bowser says.
"It's okay! I get it."
"I said that's not it."
And before Luigi can ask what it is then, Bowser picks him up by the collar and kisses him.
In the morning Luigi leaves with the Mushroom Kingdom delegation, as planned, and nobody notices that he didn't spend the night in his room. Nor does anybody ask where he's spending those days that he's not at home.
The next year, when he and Bowser announce their engagement, the guest list includes the royal families of half the kingdoms on the planet.
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makos-ribcage · 9 months
Make your heart feel a little better ㅡ ༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
[] - baizhu notices your sh scars
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𓇼gn!reader (wrote it with a fem in mind, but realized i didn't wrote anything pointing towards that, in case i did and didn't noticed, do let me know)
! - self harm scars mention, insecurities
this is going to be written on my own experiences and how i wish people would react, also how i feel when other people see them, yet i tried to make it as relatable as possible :)
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You were a mess, you were aware of it.
You grew up being a shy, introverted person. You went unnoticed most of the times. But as time passed and you grew up, you wanted to be something different, you really wanted to be like those extroverted people you saw, those who can talk freely to anyone, those people that could bring life to anyplace. And you really tried to become one of those people.
But you couldn't, for some reason something was always missing, and it would always make you wonder, "What, exactly, is wrong with me?". Yet you managed to keep your sympathetic made up personality to those who didn't noticed those awkward moments where you didn't knew what to say and said something weird instead, they either didn't noticed or didn't cared. Despite all of that, you were still trying. And as you grew up and talked with more people and made more mistakes that learnt from, you started being more and more convincing.
But sometimes, late at night, you would remember how your personality was made up, and you knew that if you started to act how you really were, you would go unnoticed again. Those late night moments when the little voices in your head calling you names were a little more loud than usual led to certain scars in both your arms. And as you kept growing up, new ones appeared.
You never cared to hide them, when they were few, you would say you got them at a battle, or a cat on the streets attacked you. Once they were enough for it to be suspicious, people were too afraid to ask, it was obvious that if they did asked it was going to be a really awkward conversation, so they would just ignore them. Somehow some people didn't even noticed they were there, you were friendly, smiley, happy and could talk to anyone, how could someone so joyful do such thing? Every now and then you would get someone who would ask why you did that to yourself, but you would just change the topic awkwardly.
As long as no one mentioned them, you would forget about them, remembering only on those nights where new ones would become present. But during the day, when you were putting your little act in front of people, convincing enough to even convince yourself that you were actually happy, you would forget about them, and even see them as something stupid you did when you were feeling "kinda" sad.
That morning you were helping Baizhu collect herbs for the pharmacy, you two met each other not too long and discovered you really like each others company.
The first time you talked with each other was when Qiqi put on a commission to the adventurer's guild to some made up fruit that she believed it existed and Baizhu played along with her to see how far she will get. Katherine asked you to go check if it was an actual serious commission and once you asked Baizhu about it he asked you to play along for a bit.
Some weeks passed and now you were keeping him company collecting herbs in a kinda dangerous zone, you were there to keep him company and help him in case he got in trouble.
At some point, he asked you to hand him his basket where he was putting all of those herbs that you didn't even knew the name of but was too scared to ask in case he would think you were stupid.
As you reached your hand, palm facing up, totally forgetting about those silly scars of yours, he paused his movements letting out a small "Oh" sound. Keeping a neutral expression, he didn't look surprised, annoyed, sad, pitiful or anything like that, just his usual face.
You cursed mentally, but didn't move, with time you realized people would only pay more attention to it if you desperately tried to hide it. You kept your hand in the same position, praying that he would react the way everyone does: absolutely not caring.
But your body froze when he took the basket away from you hand at the same time he grabbed your forearm to avoid that you moved it away from him.
He caressed the top of your arm gently, feeling the texture and relief of the scars. You wondered what the fuck was he doing before you remembered the fact that he is a doctor.
"I might have some medicine to help the scars fade... And these ones seem rather... Recent" he finally made a different expression, furrowing in annoyance for a second, and you couldn't help but to feel like a bother.
"There's no need, Doctor Baizhu, they're... Actually old and I don't think they can fade any more, also I don't want to be a bother to you." You said, quickly and stumbling into your words, something that happened to you when you're nervous and something that would giveaway to people that you were actually really awkward with words.
He pushed one of those scars that were slightly purple, and as the pain became present, you tensed your muscles. Baizhu, of course, noticed that.
He looked up to you, a calm small smile on his face as he finally let your arm go.
"You're going to keep me company on the way to the pharmacy, aren't you? I'll bandage them with some healing herbs once we are there, it will be just a second, you won't be a bother". He reassured you. You just nodded slightly, giving up on making him leave the topic and just hoping he will forget the entire deal once he does what he wants to.
Both of you walked together in silence, and you couldn't help but think that you completely ruined any form of relationship with him, totally convinced that from now on, any attempt to interact with him was going to be awkward. Telling yourself that if you were actually happy and extroverted this wouldn't even be happening to you.
"Oh... I forgot to pick violetgrass..." He looked at you, with his typical polite and friendly smile. "Can you keep me company to pick some, maybe... In 3 days?" He asked you, and as those silly thoughts that he hated you disappeared, you nodded, now with a small smile yourself. "Sure!" You said, genuinely happy.
Once you were in the Bubu Pharmacy, on one of the rooms for his patients and sitting at the end of the bed while he was on a chair in front of you, the awkward ambience slapped you in the face once again. Your back arched, your knees to your chest and the arm he was treating extended in front of you.
A small table was next to him, with everything he needed. Some herbs for the scars and a different bunch of others for the ones that were more fresh, so they wouldn't open up again. You really liked the pharmacy, it was quiet and people usually wasn't around there for too long, it had nice views and everyone that resided in it was rather quiet, except Changsheng who just had to made a statement every now and then.
The herbs gave a nice aroma that reminded you of him, you couldn't help but think that you were going to smell like him for a while, and as the warm light of a candle and a bit of sun filtering through one of the windows illuminated both of you, you felt like you wanted to cry. It has been a while since the last time someone cared for your scars in a normal manner instead of pitying you or demanding explanations or just assuming the worst and asking you why. At the end of the day, you didn't knew why either.
But he wasn't demanding anything neither asking any questions, he just genuinely wanted your arms to feel a little better. Make your heart feel a little better.
You switched arms as he finished the one he was working with. "If you ever do it again, come see me right away, alright?" He seemed to think about his words for a few seconds before smiling at you with a slight chuckle. "Actually, come see me before you do it. Let's talk it over instead". He said calmly, staring into your eyes, making you feel save. He definitely wasn't judging you or thinking that you were insane. He wanted to help.
Your shoulders relaxed, and you let your legs hang at the end of the bed as you stared into his eyes as well. "I will." You said finally, smiling at him.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Extremely stupid and contradictory question that I still want an answer to, but what is it that makes people want a dictatorship with progressive values?
For that matter, why is it that nearly all dictatorships are so fundamentally built on conservative/authoritarian ideals and values?
Why doesn't genuinely good values ever end up being the core value that gets enforced with ruthless brutality instead of people twisting themselves into knots to justify always sinking to the worst possible impulses built on hatred?
Is decency just fundamentally anathema to it?
This is one of those questions where you're actually asking several different things at once, and it will take a lot of work for me to explain and contextualize everything that you're looking for. However, I do think this is important to understand, so I'll give it a shot.
First, if I may point out, you've answered a bit of your own question when you ask "why don't genuinely good values ever end up being enforced with ruthless brutality?" I think it's fair to say that if your values were actually good or something that would broadly benefit the lives of most people, they would not need to be enforced with ruthless brutality. This is the case regardless of which ideology your totalitarian dictatorship is built on; i.e. conservative Christian fascism or left-wing old-school communism/People's Republics. Because a dictatorship, no matter which values it claims to use to justify itself, never exists to benefit people. A dictatorship exists to vest supreme power in one person or system and totally disenfranchise everyone else, and it is not, regardless of what some people on the internet in 2023 seem to think, a tool of social justice. Marginalized groups who have a hard time in a traditionally white/culturally Christian Western democracy will nonetheless have an orders of magnitude worse time under a dictatorship, as will everyone else. It is not something you should wish for under any circumstances, and also represents a naïve Western privilege where, having grown up with the unpleasant consequences of late-stage capitalism, people go for the fallacy that old-school communism must be better! Except it isn't, and when you totally blow over and ignore the objections of people who actually grew up under those regimes and warn you that they're not so great, you're just straight-up projecting and wishful thinking. It has nothing to do with reality or history or what anyone should aspire to.
The idea has existed in human society for thousands of years that if you can just get a "benevolent dictator" or "merciful autocrat," who can be trusted to rule with supreme power, do what's right for everyone, and get rid of the messy and flawed process of representative democracy that never seems to quite fix society's biggest problems. However: this doesn't work, it has never worked, there have been countless wars fought over this question, and it would certainly never, ever work in a setting as complex as the globalized twenty-first century. The Online Leftists who want Bernie Sanders, an old white man, to be their all-powerful dictator -- that is, uh, not the Social Justice Flex (tm) you think it is. And as noted, a dictator of any stripe is fundamentally anathema to actual progressivism or social justice, and anyone who loudly wants one (or thinks that the American president should act like one) is exposing both their profoundly immature understanding of the situation and a worrisome thirst for tyrannical despotism as long as it has "the right ideas." This has, again, caused countless wars and numberless deaths, because "the right ideas" will never be universal, universally agreed upon, or anything else, and if they're enforced with violence, you have -- again -- a dictatorship! It's not great!
In chaotic and uncertain times, people tend to want a "strong leader" who they can trust to just fix all their problems and relieve them from the burden of governance or worrying how things are going to work out. This was first articulated in modern Western political philosophy by Thomas Hobbes, who wrote his Leviathan in the mid-17th century during the English Civil War. Basically, his idea was that the people should democratically elect an absolute monarch/leader, who would then rule with an iron fist and retain supreme power, because they couldn't be trusted to govern themselves. (Hobbes is also where we get the pessimistic description of life being "nasty, brutish, and short.") Because things are bad right now, people likewise tend to want an absolute monarch of either right or left political persuasion, but these are both very bad options and should be equally resisted.
Democracy is flawed, imperfect, slow, cumbersome, and contradictory. It can be badly hijacked and corrupted (as we've seen in the last few years) by money, misinformation, bad-faith actors, and more. It is also still always, 100%, all-of-the-time preferable to a dictatorship. People still fall for the idea that having an absolute monarch who just "makes things happen" right away without the cumbersome apparatus of congresses or senates or supreme courts of judges would be "better," and totally ignore the massive and systemic disenfranchisement it would impose on everyone else. Especially in our current misogynist white-supremacist homophobic etc. system; the dictator WOULD be a rich white dude and let's not even pretend otherwise. Even if he made a play at being "progressive," it would not be true and it would not last. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc. etc. I do not want a dictatorship. I do not want to live in a dictatorship. I don't care what Good Intentions (tm) anyone has, because I think that anyone who wants to be a dictator or to live under a dictatorship has a very different idea of Good Intentions than I, or indeed most sane people, do. The end.
Yes, America is a deeply flawed country. Yes, it is built on systemic and ongoing racial and cultural white-settler-colonial genocide. However, where modern leftists struggle the most is the idea that two things can be true, because they're so deeply sunk into black-and-white, zero-sum thinking where if one thing is true, it rejects all the others. If we have a flawed democracy, the solution is to fix that democracy, not to just throw it out the window and cavil for an absolute monarch. You can be fiercely critical of America's imperialist actions, unnecessary wars, racist violence, and everything else while also realizing that if the first and oldest presidential democratic republic in existence was dismantled or turned into a fascist autocracy, it would be absolutely terrible for many, many countries around the world, and humankind in general. You do not have to subscribe to the nonsensical, navel-gazing tankie "logic" that America is the only country with (evil) agency ever, and everyone else in the world is just its helpless pawns. You do not have to subscribe to the idea that any work within the system, or accepting basic political realities, makes you a "bootlicking neoliberal shill" or whatever they're using to insult anyone who doesn't just live in their distorted bubble of self-righteous ignorance. You don't!
As I always say, the only people who really want a dictatorship are those who know that their ideas aren't popular enough to win a free and fair election, but think they "deserve" to be in power anyway, because etc. etc. My Ideas Are Better! (Spoiler alert: they are not.) This is the same whether it's the Republicans trying to outlaw elections or the Online Leftists who sanctimoniously refuse to engage with the civic process because it's "contaminating" for their Pure Ideas to make any compromise with reality. And yet those so-called progressives are utterly dependent on us Normie Liberals who actually vote against the rabid fascists, and are (just barely) holding the line. Because yes, in a liberal democracy, they do have the right to be sanctimonious, useless, toxic, holier-than-thou ideologues who sit on their asses and contribute nothing to the actual dirty process of change. But if the Normie Liberals haughtily refused to vote in the same way the Online Leftists do, the fascists WOULD be in complete control by now, and trust me, it would be grim.
To be frank, I think most, if not all, of what calls itself "Western leftism" has categorically and completely failed as a moral, political, or practical opposing force to right-wing fascism. Much of it is dependent on savagely backbiting even those people who already agree with you, refusing to take basic steps to enact change even incrementally (i.e. voting), and attacking the establishment liberal party, i.e. the Democrats in America, while vocally supporting foreign dictatorships as long as they're "anti-American" or ancestrally "socialist." We've seen the utter failure of Western leftists at developing a moral stance on Ukraine, a consistent opposition to Trump, or pretty much anything else that requires them to come down from their high horses and accept a more complex reality than their abstract purity tests or outright nonsensical clichés. And when you're attacking the Democrats nonstop and backing foreign dictatorships, that is, uh, pretty much the exact same thing that the fascist Republicans are doing. Which means both of these groups are profoundly and dangerously anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-intellectual, and anti-humanity. There's no way around it.
In short, so-called "progressives" want a dictatorship because they too have given up on democracy, don't believe that people at large are as "smart" as they are, and don't want actual praxis or the effort of making change within a flawed democracy. They subscribe instead to the magical thinking that an absolute monarch will instantly and benevolently fix everything, which has -- as noted -- been violently disproved over and over in human history, and they think that "leftism" consists of having the most "pure" views. They do not care about or actively deplore any idea of making compromises to put them into practice, they gain moral superiority by excluding more and more people to make a smaller and smaller in-group, they refuse to accept any information, history, or factual evidence that contradicts their beliefs, and they're just as angrily anti-intellectual as the worst Christian-fascist-nutjob-right-winger, because reality has a bad habit of being complicated and not fitting into neat boxes. And if you think, as I do, that it would be a very, very bad idea to trust these mean, vindictive, constantly-want-to-punish-everyone-who-is-not-exactly-like-them people with absolute power, then you'll have to move to the idea of accepting that for all its flaws, democracy is still the best and most just system we have yet invented for governing ourselves, and the idea is to fix ours, not get rid of it entirely. So yeah.
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raiynnah · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 589
Also: @pain-in-the-riri, @myriadparacosm, and @theoneandonlypjofanatic because all of you seemed interested in a kind of continuation of the first part (hope you don't mind!)
(Reading that isn't necessary to understand this one)
His legs burn with effort as he flees, turning the corner, the adrenaline rushing through him like wildfire. That thing is still behind him, he’s sure of it, though he hasn’t looked back to check. He doesn't know how long it's been. Minutes? Hours? Besides the desperate gasps for air tugging at his throat and the stomping of his boots on the street everything is as silent as a graveyard. He wonders if that’s a bad omen. What is that figure? He’s not quite convinced it’s human. And why is it after me?
Suddenly a familiar mechanical roar spits out from the corner. He flinches, fear freezing through his blood stream. At least I got to tell Moony I loved him. But then, as his eyes flicker over the motorcycle, he recognises it. And he recognises the person on top of it.
“Remus?!” His boyfriend flips the visor up but doesn’t revel in Sirius’ shock, instead gesturing rapidly with his hands.
“Get on.” Sirius, of course, does what Remus says, scrambling behind him and holding on to Remus’ waist with an unrelentingly tight grip. His hammering heartbeat slows down slightly as they speed away. The wind in his hair and the warm body in front of him instantly comfort him even when he knows the danger hasn’t passed.
Remus parks in front of a house and it’s only then that Sirius realises they aren’t at their shared apartment but at the Potter’s place.
“Why?” he asks, trailing off when Remus tugs him closer, pulling him to the front door.
“They’re on vacation, remember? I just don’t trust our security, you know we’ve been quite lax about it.” Remus fiddles with the key and wrenches open the door, shoving them both inside. When the door is locked again he embraces Sirius and inhales deeply. Sirius puts his arms around Remus, hugging him back just as ferociously. “Now, tell me what happened,” Remus orders as he pulls away.
“You don’t know?” Sirius asks, shocked. Remus tucks a strand of hair behind Sirius’ ear. Remus acted so in control of the situation that Sirius had almost believed that his boyfriend had become omniscient.
“I know something is wrong and I know that the warning letter you got shouldn’t have been ignored that easily. Now, talk to me as I double check that James and Lily locked all the windows.”
“It’s just…” Sirius sighs. “Regulus is dead, dead people can’t send letters.”
“I’m just glad you’re not dead, Sirius. It was stupid to let you act like that warning didn’t mean anything.”
“How’d you know where I was?”
“James is practically a worried mother, your location can be found on at least two different apps on my phone.” Remus looks back at him, frowning. “Go sit down, Padfoot, you need it. I doubt this is over.” Sirius huffs, making his way to the Potter’s expensive velvet couch.
“I think it’s my family,” Sirius says suddenly.
“If it is, they’re not getting away with it.” Remus sneers coldly at the curtains. “Do you know who was chasing you?”
“I’m not sure if it’s even human, Remus. It looked so evil, even from across the street.” Thoughts rush through his mind and he takes out his phone. Remus watches him, looking slightly bewildered as the phone rings.
“Hello?” says the voice on the other side, a voice he never thought he’d hear again.
“Hi, Regulus. Didn’t think you’d pick up, dead people rarely do,” Sirius remarks bitterly. What a strange day to still be alive.
Continue Reading this AU
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