#also Sukka
maiko is THE girlboss x malewife trope
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atla-suki · 1 year
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sulkybender · 6 months
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I need this but Zukka.
I am going to stare at it until I hallucinate Zukka.
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livslunar · 3 months
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some of my fav comic moments :>
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I’m like 99% sure that this has been done before but oh well :)
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luzho · 1 year
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based on this absolute iasip classic re-imagined as zukki by @empathetic-menace!! specifically interpreted as a book 1 interaction... which means those two fools had A Moment while still hating each other :P ...and my first Suki!!
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
What is your NUMBER ONE headcannon for each person in the Gaang (Katara, Zuko, Aang, Toph, Sokka, Suki [and Appa and Momo if you feel so inclined])
Katara: After the war, she goes back to the NWT to train with Yugoda and becomes a master healer as well as a master of the NWT fighting style. From there, she goes back to the Foggy Swamp Tribe and masters their bending style, too. With the help of Sokka, Zuko, and (in some headcanons) Hama, she also rediscovers SWT waterbending and not only masters it, but teaches it to the new benders in the SWT. By the time she leaves the SWT, there has been a school established where all bending styles are available for study. She's one of the few who actually has mastered them all, though.
Sokka: He is eager to return home after the war. He throws himself into infrastructure and policy revamps, and he almost singlehandedly staves off the soft colonization attempts of the NWT. Under his efforts, the SWT rebuilds and reestablishes parts of its culture that had been lost during the war. With the discovery of oil on SWT land, he is also instrumental in establishing eco minded extraction techniques, and in trade ties with the rest of the world (although he is very much helped by his sister's deep ties with the Fire Lord). It's a surprise to no one when he's chosen to lead the SWT after Hakoda retires.
Toph: She does not become a cop. Instead, she goes back home and takes over the Earth Rumble, taking it from an underground even to a world wide phenomenon. She eventually allows benders of other elements to join, and the Earth Rumble becomes pro bending. She does also establish a metal bending school. In the end, she is wealthier than her parents, but because she couldn't really care less about money, she keeps enough to live at the standard she wants, and gives the rest away to causes that interest her...like the guy who wanted to set the record for the biggest bao bun ever, and needed funding for an oven big enough to cook it. She also establishes a halfway house for runaway teens.
Zuko: During his tenure as Fire Lord, he establishes a robust social services program that includes subsidized healthcare, education, and housing for the lowest income families. Under his reign, the Fire Nation becomes home to some of the earliest pioneers of mental health. At his wife's advice, he also makes paid maternity leave standard across the nation, and includes several programs to help single parents stay afloat. Taking inspiration from the SWT, Zuko makes some changes to how his advisory staff is selected. Instead of choosing from among the nobility, Zuko has the different provinces elect a representative to speak on their behalf. A lot of the nobles hate this, blaming his wife's influence, but the people adore their monarchs and despite their best efforts, there's little the nobles can do except start campaigning in their home provinces. It's not a perfect system, but it does open the door for the Fire Nation to end the monarchy within a couple of generations.
Suki: She continues to lead the Kyoshi Warriors for a few years after the war. She also helps train troops around the world as they pivot from active war service to more local work. She helps establish something like the coast guards for several different countries. Eventually she retires from that to help her husband run the SWT. She and Sokka make a wonderful team as he handles the domestic policies and she handles foreign affairs. She often jokes with her sister in law, Fire Lady Katara that they ended up with the same job.
Aang: I'll go with my most optimistic headcanon for him. He's an okay Avatar. Not great. Not the worst. After the war, he tries to take part in rebuilding efforts around the world, but he finds his help isn't needed much. He turns his attention back to salvaging what's left of the Air Nomad legacy, and discovers that there are actually airbenders still around. A few of them are even interested in learning to live like the Air Nomads. Many of them aren't, though, and after learning how to actually use their powers, they go off and do their own thing. To Aang's shock and dismay, eating meat has no effect on the strength of their bending, He does learn to deal with it and enjoy his time with the air benders who embrace the Air Nomad culture. He does go on to have kids, and he still favors the benders over the nonbenders. Ultimately, his legacy as Avatar boils down to taking Ozai's bending, and that's it.
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earfgoddesss · 2 months
ATLA Ships: Choose a Reality
1.) Kataang, Sukka, Maiko, Tyzula
2.) Tyzula, Toko, Kataang, Yuekka
3.) Katoph, Zukaang, Sukka, Mailee
4.) Tokka, Kataang, Maiko, Tyzula
5.) Zukaang, Azutara, Tokka, Mailee
6.) Zukka, Kataang, Tyzula, Sukitoph
7.) Azulaang, Zukka, Katoph, Mailee
8.) Zutara, Taang, Yuekka, Maizula
9.) Maizula, Zukaang, Tokka, Sukitara
10.) Toko, Mailee, Teoaang, TyLokka
11.) Azukka, Zukaang, Katoph, TySuki
12.) Sukitoph, Zukka, Kataang, Maizula
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jana2071 · 6 months
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billsbae · 6 months
suki: how do you feel about children?
sokka: they're alright I guess. I mean, if I saw one I wouldn't throw a rock at it
suki: why would you throw a rock at a child?
sokka: I just said I wouldn't!
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as a hoh (hard of hearing) person who specifically is deaf in one of their ears i'm begging atla writers to include zukos disability more in fics
not even as a angst think just THINK think of the shenanigans!!!!!! he can't do much out of one side of his face.
no directional hearing it gets so goofy bc you think you know (BUT YA DONT)
zuko must say what all of the time, brother does not hear shit!
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hotcacaonoice · 7 months
Sokka: Suki is pregnant again what should we name the baby
Toph: Little Shit
Sokka: that has offensive words, they won’t let us
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atlabookshelf · 4 months
a primary characteristic of a good polycule is the ability to perform a professional-level heist at a moments notice.
This is why Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko would work really well as a polycule. In this essay I will-
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aquatint-101 · 17 days
Modern AU careers for the Gaang
Aang: elementary school teacher and stay-at-home dad when his kids are growing up. He makes for a splendid househusband for Katara when he doesn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Katara: lawyer who runs a legal clinic and an outspoken activist. She was studying for medicine, but she pulled an Elle Woods when Sokka told her she was too "girly" for Harvard Law. Zuko: kind of specific but he drops out of Wharton to become a firefighter, and I'm undecided on whether it's during his bachelor's or MBA. (He also totally did DECA as a high school student but never got past state level). Sokka: engineer who went to a huge college (MIT or Caltech) when nobody expected him to. He's either a civil engineer or an aeronautical engineer. Toph: blind martial artist is the most obvious one, but I raise you: concert pianist. The former is more in character but the latter just cracks me up because the best pianist I know is blind. Suki: Olympic-level athlete in a solo sport measured on performance. So she'd be into running, pole vault, javelin, something along those lines. I think running is the most likely. Sokka is her biggest fan. Bonus: Mai: goes to the same college as Zuko for cybersecurity/informatics, but drops out at the same time as him. She works a day job as a florist and does freelance work as a white collar hacker. Ty Lee: an actual circus performer in the Cirque du Soleil. All her sisters are either doctors, lawyers, or engineers. Azula: has a high position in whatever business Ozai is running and is poised to be his heir. Post-redemption starts one of the most bougie but affordable bakeries in the world.
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mesapies · 1 month
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atla-suki · 1 year
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recent sukkas (2022-2023)
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