#also I've never drawn her before sorry if I get it wrong
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lastoneout · 6 months ago
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my chronic pain gave me enough of a break to churn out a quick messy Trailer Trash Miku concept. Based her off the women I grew up around in the rural south and midwest <3
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comingdownwithme · 5 months ago
I love your creepypasta au and designs and lore. Do you have anything for Nina the killer, Jane the killer and clockwork?
Sure! Sorry for the late response! had school n' stuff, and I had to reread the old original stories of some of the creepypastas and catch up on any newer additions since this is (technically) my first run in the fandom.
Anyways! Here's my take on the girls! Hope these are alright! This was like- my first time reading Jane and Nina's and my 2nd time since I was 12 reading Clockwork's ekdjske
Nina the Killer
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Growing up with a love for horror, Nina Dagon was a young girl isolated from her fellow peers from a young age, with no one else but her brother and mother to confide in. As she grew, so did her love for the macabre, and that love soon grew into an avid interest in True crime. There, at a young, impressionable age where she's at her most isolated and vulnerable, was when she found the man who would change the course of her life, whether he knew or wanted to, or not.
Out of the Creepypastas I've drawn so far (as of Sept. 2024), she's the youngest adult at 25-ish! (Though this may be subject to change as with the actual ages of other characters ://)
Bilingual! Spanish is her first language, English is her second. She's not the best at it, but she's trying.
Grew up with unrestricted Internet access lmao. This... severely impacted her development and how she acted around people at a young age, and a small part of that influence is still present in her childish demeanor as an adult.
Found out about the death of Mr. And Mrs. Woods, alongside the murder of three other kids in the family's suburbian town following their deaths and the burning of their home, through true crime channels.
That is also how she found out about Jeff and related a little too much to his background (her blorbo from her shows).
Jeff's copycat killer, down to his iconic smile, (though hers is a lot thinner and cleaner than Jeff's). They say that imitation the highest form of flattery.
She gets a chainsaw. I think it looks cool :))
Learned exclusively through true crime. Though she's less graceful or experienced than Jeff, she still managed to keep the police off of her, especially when the first of her bullies had gone missing.
Follows Jeff's murders closely. Wherever he strikes, she strikes soon after.
Jane the Killer
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While the fires of his own grief and rage still burned bright, Jane E. Arkensaw was a woman that came home at the wrong time. Despite the risk of death as she stands before someone who's hands were stained with the blood of many- including her own parents- Jane fought with adrenaline and anger coursing through her veins like a drug.
The rest of the night was a blur. All Jane remembers as she looks up at the golden silhouette of her burning home amidst the dark backdrop of the evening was that disgusting, Glasgow smile and the fact that within the chaos, she had managed to hurt him.
Jane was scarred worse than Jeff was if comparing their burns. This was because amidst the fire, Jane stayed in a vain attempt to save her dying parents.
As she stands outside, injured, confused and alone as the weight of exhaustion slowly settles in, she wonders why exactly Jeffery "Jeff the Killer" Woods dragged her out of that house before she could die in that fire.
Jane's father used to be in the military, so she learned a thing or two from him in terms of holding one's own in a fight.
Stole the mask she now wears from a Halloween sale at some nearby store during October. A lot of the things she wears has also been either stolen or bought at cheap from thrift shops.
She a lesbian :))
Hasn't and will never kill anyone. Her main target is Jeff.
Despite that, due to her inexperience and Jeff's tendency to escape without a trace, she's sometimes caught in the scene of his crimes instead, leading her to be indirectly framed when she had first decided to hunt around for the white-hooded killer. She's gotten better now though.
Has a complex relationship with Jeff. Despite her seething hatred for him and his apparent distaste in turn, the killer had helped her escape the cops on several occassions, even feeding her during her earlier days.
Still, she won't and will never forgive him, and she dare not try to make sense of the mind of a literal serial killer.
She was an avid enjoyer of the occult and the supernatural before the incident. She still is now, though she's often busied with other priorities.
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Having been raised in a broken family and knowing nothing but pain for most of her life, Natalie Ouelette, even at a young age, felt as if both time and space were working against her, puppeteering her life to entertain whatever twisted Gods were watching over humanity. As the years went on, the line between pain and the mundane- even enjoyable- had began to blur, which is reflected in her art during her younger years which she had used to cope. After a series of continuously concerning events, leading to her hospitalisation at a mental institution, Natalie "Clockwork" Oulette escaped, leaving a trail of blood in her wake, including her so called "family".
Practically homeless (like most of my interpretation of the creepypastas are tbh) and had never changed out of the scrubs she had to wear during her stay at the mental institution.
The mutilation and replacement of her eye was a desperate attempt to regain some control of her life, and in the end, she felt like she had
Often confuses physical pain with other sensations.
Doesn't like being touched. Even with injuries where it would prove easier with someone's help, she'd much rather do it herself, leaving some injuries to heal for far longer and scar worse.
Her jacket was one of the few things she brought along with her after she had ransacked her family home.
Usually targets families, especially its older members. She then stays in the family home for a short moment before she moves on.
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sarahs-library · 1 year ago
hi! i hope your having a good day 😊 you said you were taking requests so i have one if you dont mind! could you do something were az and reader are interrupted after they accept the bond by someone, maybe elain and she's upset and it causes issues? thanks!
This is my first request so please be gentle with me if it isn't exactly what you were looking for. Also I'm sorry this sat in my inbox for so long, I wasn't sure exactly how to go about writing this one; I eventually decided on making it as dramatic as possible. 😅 So in true form, this is written mostly from our drama king Rhys' POV but there is some Reader POV fluff at the end. I wasn't sure where you stood with smut, so I've kept it relatively open to interpretation at the end.
Get Out!
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Maybe being so secretive about your relationship with Azriel wasn't the best idea after all.
Word count: 5,090
Rhys POV
Rhys adjusted his grip on the blade in his hand as it clashed with Cassian's, the keen of metal against metal filled the training room. Sweat burned his eyes as he heaved air into his lungs. Cassian's grin bordered on feral as they separated, circling each other. Rhys hadn't realised how long it had been since he'd trained properly, but he could feel it in the ache of his muscles.
"Fatherhood making you soft, Rhys?"
Rhys rolled his eyes, hoping that Cassian didn't notice he couldn't muster more of a response between gasped breaths and fending off his attacks. They'd been at it for hours. Cassian was right, in between High Lord duties and trying to spend every possible moment with his son, resolute on not missing a single milestone, Rhys had certainly neglected his training regime. And now his brother was making him pay for it.
A blade whistled dangerously close to his face. Rhys managed to bring his own up in time to stop the blow as the force of it reverberated down his arm. He ducked out of Cassian's reach, staying firmly on the defensive while his brother eyed him with mirth. Cassian made a show of surveying Rhys slowly as he began to advance again, eyes trailing down his body and settling for a moment on the tight muscles of his abdomen. He clucked his tongue in disapproval.
"Just because Feyre loves you, doesn't mean you can let yourself go so much." Rhys dodged as Cassian swung towards his side, levelling him with a strike of his own which was blocked with ease. Cassian smirked at him as their blades locked, Rhys bared his teeth in a snarl as he forced Cassian's blade back.
A gentle caress against the fortress of his mental shields stole his attention away from his brother for a moment. Cassian smacked the flat face of his sword against Rhys' thigh, a strike that would likely leave a nasty bruise. Rhys opened the antechamber in his mind, built like a house of worship over the foundations of his mating bond with Feyre. He managed to send a small, gentle caress in return before he was drawn back to avoiding Cassian's blade.
Rhys, where are you? There was an undercurrent of worry flowing down the bond to him. It took his attention immediately. He signalled to Cassian, lowering his blade and taking a deep breath.
Training with Cass at the House. What's wrong? He was already moving as he answered, racking the blunted practice sword and retrieving his shirt from where it had been tossed earlier in the session. Cassian mimicked his movements before heading to the pitcher of water to pour two glasses.
It's Elain, something's happened.
She's inconsolable. She says...that Y/N attacked her.  Surprise sparked in Rhys.
Are you sure? It didn't make any sense. You were so gentle. A junior healer under Madja's tutelage, brought in to assist with Feyre's pregnancy. You'd been visiting the River House regularly to do milestone checks on Nyx. During that time, both he and Feyre had struck up a friendship with you. He'd never seen you so much as raise your voice.
It's all she's said to us, Nesta is furious. Rhys' eyes drifted to where Cassian stood, gulping down his glass of water.
"We're needed at the River House."
Cassian raised a brow at the seriousness of the tone as he moved across the training room towards his brother.
"What happened?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure. But we should get back before Nesta goes on the warpath." Cassian considered for a moment before taking to the skies, seemingly spurred by whatever he felt down his mating bond. Rhys launched himself after his brother before sending a reassuring message to his own mate.
We're on our way.
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Elain sat nestled next to Feyre on the sofa. She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief as her sister rubbed soothing circles on her back. Nesta was pacing in front of the fireplace, the swish of her dress and hard clack of her heels against the hardwood felt too loud in the otherwise silent room. Rhys stood for a moment in the doorway, assessing the scene in front of him as Cassian passed him to join Nesta. She ignored him, continuing to pace.
Rhys approached his mate and Elain, settling himself on the arm of the sofa at Feyre's side. He casts an assessing gaze over the middle Archeron sister. Her other arm, the one not wiping at her face, was laid in her lap as Feyre held a compress of ice over the wrist.
Rhys let out a low sigh, running his hands through his hair as he worked through possible avenues of action. He reopened his mental connection with Feyre.
Has she said anything else? Feyre turned away from her sister where she sat staring into space.
No, Madja's on her way though. It's strange, she said she hasn't seen Y/N in days, she was supposed to be visiting her family in the Day Court. None of this makes any sense, why would Y/N do this?
Unease sat heavily in Rhys' stomach. Could something have happened to you on your travels? He thought of Braillyn and the manipulation the crown had afforded her over the minds of others. The Dread Trove was safe, was this a different horror Koschei was responsible for? Was he trying to target his family through you? It would make sense, you visited the River House regularly and both he and Feyre had left Nyx unattended in your care on more than one occasion.
He felt Madja's approach as she let herself in, inclining her head towards himself and Feyre where they sat. She settled herself on Elain's other side, reaching for her arm. Feyre moved her hand and the compress away, revealing a slight bruising and swelling on the skin underneath.
"We need to find her, she can't just attack Elain like this." Nesta's voice cut sharp as a blade across the room, Elain's tears starting fresh at her words. Madja lifted her gaze from where she was assessing Elain's wrist, tilting her hand in gentle exercises to assess the range of movement.
"Perhaps you can continue this discussion outside?" Rhys caught the pointed look the healer gave him. He nodded, standing and placing his hand on the small of Feyre's back as she did the same. Nesta watched them for a moment before stomping towards the door; disappearing into the foyer.
Feyre shot him a look, grey-blue eyes filled with worry as they moved to follow her out. Nesta continued to pace outside the room as they shut the door, the low sound of Madja's soothing voice travelling through the wood.
"We have to do something."
"Nesta, we shouldn't do anything rash." Feyre's voice was firm as she addressed her, switching smoothly from comforting sister to High Lady of the Night Court. "Not until we have more information."
"Well she," Nesta gestured towards the closed door and her distressed sister, "isn't saying anything. So I say we find Y/N and get her to tell us what happened."
Rhys was inclined to agree, but held some reservations as to what exactly Nesta deemed an appropriate method of finding out information when it pertained to the middle Archeron sister.
"Feyre's right, we shouldn't be hasty about this." He met Nesta's eyes, filled with burning silver fire. "You're too close to this," he continued. "Why don't you go back to the House, blow off some steam and we'll discuss this later when we know the full story." Cassian moved closer to Nesta's side, a comforting hand on her arm as she stared Rhys down. He watched as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then another. Rhys recognised the mind-stilling technique she favoured to keep her grounded.
Her eyes were still bright with anger when she opened them again, but she seemed calmer than she had been before. She gave a small nod. Cassian tucked her under an arm as they made their way to the front door.
"We'll send for you when we know something." Cassian nodded to Rhys over his shoulder but Nesta didn't turn back to look at either of them. The door closed with a thud behind them.
Feyre looked at where her sister and brother-in-law stood a moment before. She turned, making her way down the hall Rhys study.
"What do you think we should do?"
"I'll search the city for her, we could send a note? Ask her to meet us both?" Feyre nodded in agreement.
"We should make contact with Az." Rhys considered, reluctant to disturb his brother when he'd asked for a rare week off to visit his mother in Illyria. The request had been sudden and abrupt. Az had sent word close to midnight a few days prior. He hadn't written much, other than he needed some time away from his duties and that he'd reach out to Rhys later on in the week. He had been concerned at the out of character behaviour, apprehensive that something serious must have happened. Azriel had evaded requests for more information; saying that he'd brief Rhys on his return.
"When we know more," he paused with Feyre on the threshold of the study. "I don't want to call him back when it may turn out to be nothing serious."
Feyre hummed in agreement.
"I just...I don't understand, why would she do something like this? We gave her access to our son, Rhys. She didn't seem..." Feyre trailed off. Before she could continue the sound of a throat clearing came from the kitchen door. They turned in tandem, both sets of eyes fixed on the twins that appeared out of the shadows there.
"We...We think this may be our fault." Nuala's voice was quiet as she spoke for both of them, hands clasped together tightly as they stood before their High Lord and Lady.
"How could this possibly be your fault?" Feyre didn't hide the surprise in her tone. Their dark eyes were unreadable but Rhys didn't miss the glance they both gave towards the closed door where Elain still sat with Madja.
He opened the door to the office, gesturing in invitation to the twins to follow Feyre and him in.
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Rhys sat in the high-backed chair behind the desk, Feyre perched on his lap as they listened to Nuala and Cerridwen's tale.
"Azriel instructed us not to tell anyone where he was when he sent word. She saw us putting together a basket, asked us who it was for. We didn't see any harm in telling her we were making it for him," Cerridwen's face was grave as she spoke. "Elain wanted to help, so we baked the bread together. She went to the garden after that, and Nuala left to deliver it."
"I know she didn't follow," Nuala cut in, her voice shaking. "I would have noticed if she had."
"Perhaps she saw where you went in one of her visions?" Feyre supplied. She bestowed her a small comforting smile, Rhys could feel her sympathy for the twins through the bond. They cared about Elain; even without his daemati powers you could read the guilt they shared.
"But it was here? In Velaris?" Rhys asked. Nuala looked at her twin, a silent conversation happening between them, before she nodded her head. Rhys' stomach turned to lead. Azriel had lied to him about where he was. Rhys knew that Azriel had his secrets, maybe more than anyone else in the Inner Circle. But he'd never known him to be overtly dishonest, not with his family.
"What happened after that?" Feyre's voice was gentle as she pushed for more information.
None of this makes any sense.
I know. Feyre squeezed his hand, the one that she had clasped between both of her own beneath the desk, as she sent reassuring waves down the bond.
"We were both preparing lunch after that. We didn't see her again, until you did." Feyre had shown him the memory as he'd flown towards the house. Elain bursting through the front door, arm clutched to her chest and tears streaming down her face. She hadn't said anything as Nesta had taken her into her arms, demanding to know what had happened.
"Would it be possible that Elain met Y/N on the way to...where Azriel is?" Feyre addressed the question to the room but it was Cerridwen that answered her.
"I don't think so, my lady. It's...out of the way, you wouldn't stumble upon it by accident." Rhys didn't miss the look Nuala sent her, dark eyes on fire. Cerridwen sunk back into her chair, realising that perhaps she'd said too much. Rhys pressed though, he couldn't leave it.
"So that would mean that either Y/N followed Elain from the house on purpose or she was there? With Azriel?"He suspected it was the latter, and the twins certainly knew more about it than they were willing to share. They both looked down, pointedly avoiding Rhys' gaze.
"We promised, my lord."
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"We could do it together if you want?" Feyre's hand toyed at his neck, tracing the Illyrian tattoos etched into the skin. They'd dismissed Nuala and Cerridwen back to their duties while they discussed the next step to take. They had both agreed that reaching out to Azriel was the best course of action, to follow the lead of his potential involvement before they took any further steps concerning you.
Rhys was torn. He wanted Feyre to be involved, but it felt too personal. Azriel hadn't lied to her. But he had to him, his brother, his High Lord. Azriel, whom he had always trusted. Feyre would moderate his temper, if the need arose, but a dark volatile part of him didn't want that.
A quiet knock sounded on the door. Feyre called out for Madja to enter, already sensing her standing on the other side. Her smile was reassuring as she moved to stand in front of them at the desk.
"A nasty sprain, but no broken bones." Some of the tension seemed to leave Feyre's shoulders as she let out a relieved sigh. "I've recommended she rest it, keep it elevated," Madja continued, "it should be back to normal within a few days."
"Thank you Madja, we appreciate you coming out of you way." Feyre's tone was warm as she spoke to the elderly fae.
"It's my pleasure, my lady."
"Did Elain say anything to you? About what happened?"
Madja frowned, before shaking her head. "Nothing that made much sense. She mentioned a door and being pushed, she didn't say any more than that." Madja took a step closer to the desk, worrying the fabric of the apron she wore between her fingers.
"If I may..." She paused, waiting for further invitation to speak. Rhys gestured with a hand for her to continue.
"I've known Y/N since she was a girl," Madja's voice wavered as she spoke, in all the years Rhys had known her he'd never seen her close to tears before. "She wouldn't do something like this it's not in her nature," Madja paused before quickly adding, "not to discredit your sister, High Lady." Rhys watched Feyre as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she listened to the healer.
"This situation is highly unusual, Madja. We need to speak to the parties involved, gather more information." Rhys speech was clinical, playing High Lord rather than concerned brother-in-law.
"I'll take my leave then."
I should see to Elain. Feyre slipped off his lap with a parting brush of her lips against his cheek before following Madja out of the room. Rhys rested his elbows on the desk in front of him and lowered his head into his hands.
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After taking a few minutes to collect himself Rhys began using his power to comb through the city, brushing past the minds of his citizens as they went about their daily lives. It took longer than he thought, identifying the distinct signature of his brother, as recognisable to him as his own after 500 years. Cloistered on the outskirts of the city, the surrounding land reserved for farming crops with very few residences. He felt another presence there, one less familiar to him, yours.
Rhys brushed a talon against Azriel's mental shields, a teeming cluster of darkness not unlike the shadows he wielded, and waited. The tick of the clock as the seconds passed by had Rhys on edge, he was considering pushing again, this time more firmly, when the shadows created a small opening just big enough for him to slip through.
Rhys didn't bother with a greeting. His mental voice was harsh, more than he meant it to be, as it reverberated around the dark antechamber.
You have ten seconds to explain why you are not in Illyria, and why my mate is consoling her injured sister before I come and find you, and we have this conversation in person. Conversation was a very polite term to use for what would inevitably become a battle of wills, and potentially blades, between the High Lord and his Spymaster.
Don't you fucking dare, Rhys. Azriel's voice was ice. The hostile rage that bubbled underneath shook Rhys out of his own for a moment. It was like its own living thing, driven by base instincts to defend against a threat at all costs. The force of it almost pushed him out. Rhys bridled his own surprise and rage down.
Okay, Rhys' voice was soothing, carried on a night-kissed wind. I won't do that Az, but you need to talk to me.
The storm of Azriel's emotions seemed to calm a little, Rhys could feel the effort he was putting in, wrestling for control that was usually so militant. He waited for his brother to speak for a few moments before continuing.
Why don't you start with where you are, and why Nuala and Cerridwen are involved?
He thought that Azriel was going to hold fast in his reticence. Instead his voice, missing some of the frigid quality it had before, answered after a few beats.
I own a property on the outskirts of the city, I've been here since I sent word asking for leave. Azriel paused before continuing, Nuala and Cerridwen were just doing what I asked, they don't need to be a part of this. Rhys should have expected this. Azriel always knew how to toe the line between answering what was asked without giving any substantial information.
And what is it that you asked them to do for you? Because they wouldn't tell us, because of some promise they made to you.
They delivered some supplies to me.
Food and other basic necessities.
And is there a reason you couldn't retrieve these for yourself? Why you're sequestered away in some property we're unaware of with one of our healers? Rhys tried to press against the walls of Azriel's mind to see what else he could feel or sense but it yielded nothing. Are you injured Az? Worry bloomed. As out of character as it was for Azriel to lie to his family, if it was because he was injured and didn't want any of them to know, to worry, Rhys could rationalise that.
No. Rhys could feel Azriel's attention, drawn away to whatever was going in outside his mind, still only half maintaining their communication. Is Elain okay?
Are you talking to Y/N? I know she's there with you.
Azriel hesitated before answering. Yes.
Elain is saying that Y/N attacked her, is that true? Did you see what happened?
I did, but it was an accident Rhys. She didn't mean to.
She says she was pushed. I'm not sure how that can be considered an accident, Azriel. Rhys tried to keep a handle on his agitation, but this conversation was going nowhere quickly. Why don't you show me what happened, then we can put this whole thing to bed.
A tidal wave rose, angry and biting as it chased Rhys towards the gap in the barrier he entered from. Rhys retreated back from it, shocked by it's sudden appearance.
No. Azriel's snarled response rebounded around his head.
Fine, I'll take it up with Y/N if this is how you're going to act.
Wait, don't. The emotion receded as quickly as it came, leaving Rhys toeing the edge of the empty chamber. Leave her out of this Rhys, it's my fault.
Oh? She's assaulted a member of our Court, Azriel.
She's my mate, Rhys. Rhys thought for a moment that he hadn't heard him correctly. But it made sense, the instinctual frenzy of emotion that seemed eager to slip his brother's control. We didn't tell you in the beginning, we wanted to get to know each other without any added...pressure.
Az, this is wonderful news...unexpected but wonderful. But we wouldn't have pressured you, either of you, into anything.
I know, I just...I was being selfish, Rhys. And we were so caught up in each other. I said I'd talk to you when I got back, I was going to tell you then. Rhys didn't hide the happiness he felt, letting his brother feel it freely, It was a bit spur of the moment, deciding to accept the bond. That's why I asked Nuala and Cerridwen for help, they knew where we were.
I'm happy for you, Az. Rhys allowed himself to bask for a moment in the joy that he could feel from his brother as he spoke about you. A part of him wanted to leave then, to retreat from his brother's mind and leave him to enjoy this special, if volatile time, as a newly mated male. But there was still a piece of this puzzle missing. What happened with Elain?
It is my fault Rhys, I should have sensed her coming. But we were preoccupied. Azriel's discomfort put Rhys own teeth on edge as he continued. We were in the living room and Elain opened the door, Y/N panicked and slammed it with gust of wind.
We were...indisposed.
You're joking, Rhys barely managed to choke the words out as he tried to contain his laughter.
Its not funny, Rhysand. He could almost see his brother grinding his teeth in agitation. By the time we made ourselves decent, Elain had already left. I was going to come to the house to see if she was okay, but Y/N is really upset that she may have hurt her. Rhys understood what he didn't say, that he couldn't leave his mate like that.
Tell her it's just a sprain, nothing serious.
That's a relief. If we're done here- Rhy's didn't allow Azriel to finish, already taking his leave.
Rhys watched the sun set set over the Sidra as he ruminated on the strange events the day had taken, and how he was going to defuse the tension from this morning before Azriel returned, likely with Y/N in tow.
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Your POV
Steam curled into the air from the water of the bath. The heat soothed the ache in your muscles, ones that you didn't even know you had were making their displeasure known, as you adjusted your position to lean back against Azriel. His arm slipped around your middle, pulling you flush against his chest as scarred fingers traced circles over your midriff. You sighed in contentment as Azriel continued his ministrations, feeling his smile against the skin of you neck. He brushed the sensitive skin with a delicate kiss. Neither of you spoke as you sat there, enjoying the comfortable silence and basking in the feeling of the new golden thread that tied you together.
Azriel reached to the edge of the tub where the basket of toiletries lay, filled with your favourite scents curtesy of the shadow wraith twins, and grabbed a soft cloth and a bar of sweet smelling soap. You groaned as he began to gently massage the lather on the cloth into the skin of arms and shoulders, adjusting slightly to give him better access. You turned your head, resting it in the cradle of Azriel's shoulder, looking up at him through your lashes.
Over the few months that you'd known him, you'd come to admire his stoic beauty. Rich hazel eyes framed by thick lashes and dark brows. His sharp features and full lips that erupted butterflies in your stomach every time he gifted you with an alluring smile or tantalising smirk. As your relationship had progressed he'd become more open is displaying his emotions with you, less prone to cloaking himself in his shadows. But you'd never in that time seen such open contentment displayed on his features.
You watched as his eyes tracked the path his hand drew with the cloth against your body. You brought a hand out of the warm cocoon of the water to trace the map of markings across his shoulders, following the trail up his neck with tender kisses. Azriel's chest rumbled his approval. The flare of his wings sent ripples across the surface of the bath as you let a soft breath out against the delicate shell of his ear.
"It appears my little mate is rather insatiable." Azriel sighed, feigning exasperation as he moved the cloth lower, down off your shoulders to brush the top of your breasts.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." The hand on his shoulder reached to brush a single fingertip against the sensitive membrane of a wing as you smirked into his neck.
"Careful." Azriel growled, taking the circles he was tracing on your midriff dangerously lower. Even though the past few days had been filled with nothing but Azriel, the feel of his skin against yours, the taste of him on your tongue, there was a burning pit of desire that demanded more. You felt as though you could live a thousand more years and never tire of the feeling of him holding you in his arms. The thought of leaving the little bubble of bliss you'd created here was like a cold water shock. Thinking of the potential repercussions you'd face of what happened earlier left the sting of bile in the back of your mouth.
Azriel's hands stilled as he sensed the shift in your mood. You buried your face into his neck, closing your eyes and letting his scent calm your racing heart. Azriel abandoned the cloth to place his hand on the back of you head, carting his fingers through your hair. He made a low soothing noise.
"It's okay," he continued to massage his fingers against your scalp as he spoke. "It was an accident, no one is going to blame you."
"Elain will, she probably hates me." Your voice broke as you tried to hold back the guilt that had been plaguing you, such a start contrast to the joy and ravenous hunger.
"She'll understand. The others will too, Rhys actually found it very amusing."
"Oh cauldron boil me." You could imagine it now, the smirking good natured jibes from the high-lord and the likely even less subtle innuendos his general would deal out to you.
"Come on," the fingers dancing through your hair stopped. "Look at me." Part of you wanted to continue to hide as the anxiety and embarrassment coiled inside of you, but as Azriel moved to cup your cheek you lifted your face away to look at him. His eyes were soft as he took in your face, so close that you could see flecks of green and gold constellating around the iris. His thumb rubbed gently against you cheek.
"I just want to stay here for the rest of our lives." Azriel smiled gently and hummed his agreement, leaning forward to press his lips against the skin of your forehead.
"Unfortunately, I think we'll be missed." He considered for a moment before adding. "And I wouldn't put it past Cassian to break down the door and drag me back to civilised society." You loosed a small smile at his attempt to make light of the situation, but it still did nothing to quell the apprehension and doubts.
You'd so desperately wanted to make a good impression. It had all been planned out. After the week was done; once you and Azriel had returned to your normal lives, he would have announced the mating bond to his family. You'd planned to host a dinner, let them get to know you outside your capacity as a healer. Hoped to create the foundations for meaningful relationships. Instead, you'd ruined it before you'd even started, injuring the High Lady's sister and forcing Azriel to do damage control on your behalf.
"I'm just...I'm sorry Az, I know how important your family is to you. I can't believe I've screwed this up."
"They are important to me." He agreed, thumb stroking gently against your face. "But so are you. I've waited centuries to find you, and you're so much more than I dreamed you'd be." Tears welled in your eyes at his declaration. "I love you, and I know my family will love you too." You reached up to capture his lips in a delicate kiss, despite the gravity of the situation feeling his lips quirk into a smile against your own made your heart sing. You parted, and he began to trail kisses across your cheek.
"Rhys and Feyre already like you, they trust you with Nyx. Everyone else will fall victim to your charming smile and witty sense of humour, I'm sure." He murmured in your ear as he traced his nose against the soft skin of your neck.
"We'll face them together when the time comes." He whispered the promise into your skin as he paved a line of tender kisses to a particularly sensitive spot he'd discovered in the last few days, taking extra care to pay it the most attention.
You sighed and arched your back, allowing him greater access to your neck and chest. Azriel's affirmations had quelled the storm within you, leaving heat and hunger in the wake of his lips.
"But, we've got a few days before anyone is expecting us back. And I have plans for you." Azriel's voice turned husky at the end, the heady promise made your toes curl as you pressed yourself closer against him.
"Oh?" You breathed as his lips began to chart a course across your chest, skimming across the tops of your breasts. You felt more than heard as he hummed an affirmation against the delicate skin. "And what would those plans be?"
Azriel's wings flared as your hand found his hair, winding the strands between your fingers. He stopped lathing delicate kisses against your skin to look up at you through dark lashes, eyes light and mischievous. His grin was positively wicked, canines flashing in the light.
"Why don't I show you."
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berryz-writes · 9 months ago
Completely fine
Summary: You've been injured and Grayson is pisses, not at you but at himself for leaving you
Grayson Hawthorne x reader
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Was it my fault? Not entirely. I mean if Avery hadn't convinced me to come to their skiing resort I would never have injured my ankle and I would currently not be sat in the cosy living room waiting for my boyfriend to appear.
Avery stood pacing the room, looking out the floor to ceiling window every few minutes "I bet he's going to be so angry"
I shook my head trying to ease her nerves. He wouldn't be angry at her, he'd be angry at himself.
"He won't be, trust me."
She paused her constant walking and stopped in front of me, eyebrows drawn together in concern "Are you sure it doesn't hurt too much? I've heard elevating your leg helps with-"
"I'm completely fine. Also, isn't elevating your leg for a broken leg and not a twisted ankle?"
She sighed and sat down next to me, as much as her worry for me was cute it was slightly over bearing. I was fine. Mostly.
"Go and ski with Jamie, I'll be fine"
She looked outraged and what I had just said "I'm not leaving you here!"
I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on her arm "I am completely fine. It's not as if I was good at skiing anyways. Enjoy your time here, it's for you to destress"
She bit her lip and contemplated her options before finally standing up "Your sure?"
I nodded my head urging her to enjoy her time here. She cast me one more worried glance before heading outside to one of the ski slopes. As soon as she left it was as if Grayson had heard and had appeared out of nowhere.
"What happened?" His large strides ate up the space between the front door and where I was sat as he stood in front of me, concern and anger clear on his expression.
I shrugged and gave him a small smile "I kind of-fell. And twisted my ankle while falling"
His jaw clenched again, whether it was at my stupidity I didn't know. He came to sit next to me and lightly ran his hand over my ankle "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Gray. It's nothing too serious"
He stopped inspecting my injury and turned to face me "It is that serious. When I got a call from Avery saying you were hurt I was thinking of the worst possible scenarios and they all ended without you by my side"
He paused for a moment before adding quietly "Do you know how terrifying it is not knowing what's happened to the person you love?"
I wrapped my hand around his, hoping my warmth would soften his fear and to show him I was ok.
"I'm fine. I'm right here with you"
He looked at me for another moment as if making sure for himself if I was actually fine and then shifted himself, so his arm was around my waist.
"Are you sure? That your ok? We can get you to a hospital in under twenty minutes, or we could call someone here. I don't mind getting the helicopter-"
"Grayson. I. am. fine. Ok? Stop worrying"
He placed a kiss on my head "I can't. Not when your hurt" He whispered. My heart melted at the soft words and the realisation of how much he loved me.
"I promise if my ankle hurts at all I'll tell you"
We sat in silence but I could tell Grayson was still pissed at something.
I looked up at him and sure enough he was grinding his teeth together, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
"What's wrong? And don't say nothing"
I smiled because he had opened his mouth and was about to say what he usually did "Nothing".
"I wasn't there to protect you Y/n. That's what's wrong. I should have come with you. I'm sorry. Your in pain because of me"
"What? It's not your fault. I'm the one who went down the slope knowing full well I'm shit at skiing"
He pressed another kiss to my cheek "I'll teach you how to ski, sweetheart. Maybe then you won't injure yourself as much"
I rolled my eyes "Just because your the best at everything"
"I am. I'm also the best at falling in love with the most gorgeous people"
I blushed at the compliment and snuggled closer to his warmth.
"What was it you were saying before? Something about Christmas movies?"
I grinned at him and at how well he knew me.
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joelswritingmistress · 1 year ago
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 18
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Trigger Warning: Mention of S.A./ Violence
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
Early Terrible. That was the name of the swanky, bohemian restaurant Dr. Miller and I ended up at for dinner. When he pulled into the dirt parking lot, that was surrounded by low hanging trees, I was surprised.
“I have always wanted to check this place out,” I confessed, “I follow them on-”
“Instagram.” Dr. Miller finished my sentence. “I know. That's why I chose this place.”
I glanced over at him and just stared. “How do you know these things?”
“I'm sorry.” He stared directly at me, not rushing to get out of the car. Dr. Miller closed his eyes for a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know.. I know what I do is too much. It's probably wrong.” He opened his eyes and shook his head, “It is wrong. I shouldn't have been snooping on your social media before we started a relationship, or even now.”
I needed truths, and I knew now was a good time to get some information when Dr. Miller was voluntarily opening up. “Did you ever drive by my house? Before we really.. started all this?”
He looked me directly in the eye. “Yes.”
“More than once.”
“Yeah.” Dr. Miller swallowed hard. He looked like he was in the hot seat on trial. I had never seen him so outwardly vulnerable and easy to read.
His eyes continued to burn into mine. “I know the terrible people who are out there. I've seen it up close. And..” Dr. Miller shook his head. “I know this relationship is new, but with the murders on campus I've just taken it upon myself to look after you.. a little excessively.”
“Even before we were together.. if that's what we are?”
“I was immediately attracted to you,” Dr. Miller explained. “And almost right away into the semester the first woman was killed. No offense but I didn't think you'd be able to defend yourself if someone attacked you. So I just kind of.. looked after you from a distance.”
“That's a little-”
“Obsessive,” he finished and looked away. “I know. I just.. have experience with this kind of thing and I know, if I ever needed to, I could-”
“Experience with what kind of thing?”
Dr. Miller looked down toward the steering wheel and then back to me. “I have a story I'd like to tell you.. inside. It's a terrible fucking story, but it's something I want you to know. You'll probably want to run away afterwards, and I'll gladly drop you off back at your house with Tori if that's what you decide.”
“I'm not going to judge you.” I shook my head. “And if it makes you feel any better, I searched for almost an hour looking for information about you online.” I snickered. “I just couldn't find anything.” I added, “And I totally followed you from campus to the bar at the center of town. So I guess I'm just as weird.”
“I just feel very protective of you,” Dr. Miller told me.
I got goosebumps. We had only met that month and he already had this hold on me. It was a very willing hold, but it was so tense and so strong that I visibly shuddered. The connection was intense - and it was obsessively mutual.
“I want to listen to everything you have to tell me,” I explained, reaching for his hand, adding again, “I'm not going to judge you.”
His face remained serious. There was no crack of a smile. No hints of anything lighthearted or jovial. All of that disappeared when I asked him how he knew about my interest in Early Terrible.
Dr. Miller clicked open the door and I walked with him toward the restaurant. I purposely interlocked my fingers with his and he glanced over at me before looking down the rest of the way as we took the short walk inside.
The cozy, eccentric little restaurant was exactly like the pictures on their Instagram account had depicted. It was unique and dark, with leather couches and plants strung about in strategic places to create the motif they were going for. Behind a dimly lit bar with yellow flickering lanterns perched on the wall was a tree that appeared to be bursting through the wooden palettes where liquor bottles rested on shelves. 
There were chandeliers and odd shaped wooden tables, all seeming to be purposely spread apart so people could have their own private conversations.
A woman approached in a white dress with a see-through midriff and frayed sleeves with tassels. She smiled wide and adjusted a headband that matched her eccentric outfit.
“Two for tonight?” She asked.
“Please.” Dr. Miller nodded and adjusted his tie, putting a hand on my back as he encouraged me to lead the way to wherever the hostess was taking us.
We passed by other diners, who didn't so much as give a fleeting glance in our direction, before settling in at a table for two in a quiet corner of the establishment.
“The waitress will be right with you,” she informed us, handing over a set of menus before disappearing, seemingly, into the shadows.
I looked directly across at Dr. Miller and his face was pained. It looked like someone was literally stabbing him in the ribs. That's how uncomfortable he appeared. His vulnerability was freaking me out more than anything he’d revealed to me thus far.
The waitress came over and took our drink orders and then wandered off with a promise to return momentarily.
“There's been a little backstory that's kind of impacted my entire life,” Dr. Miller explained. “I haven't been completely successful with it and I've done some things I'm not particularly proud of in my lifetime.”
My hand topped his on the table, and I allowed him to continue without interruption.
“I told you I had an older sister,” he reminded me.
“Carol.” I half-smiled but let it quickly fade.
Dr. Miller finally managed a barely-there smirk. “That's right.”
The waitress returned with the set of beers we’d ordered and we decided quickly on a collection of tapas for dinner. When the waitress disappeared again, I returned my whole focus back to Dr. Miller, who took a long swig from his glass.
“I should've gotten something stronger.” He smacked his lips. “But I'm driving you, so I won't.” Dr. Miller’s thumb danced in circles over the top of mine.
“You don't have to tell me.”
“I want to.” His eyes lifted to meet mine and he swallowed hard. “Carol is six years older than me. She was a great big sister, still is.” Dr Miller smiled at the mention of her name but it quickly faded. “I, um.. when I was fourteen, she was twenty..” He scrunched his nose and I gripped his hand harder, “She was being attacked by a UPS man who had dropped off a package at our house.” He took a deep breath and looked back into my eyes, “I had been out playing ball with my friends and I just remembered her screaming for help. Our parents weren't home. It was the summer. They were at work, she was home from college. I was about to enter my freshman year of high school.”
“Oh, Joel..” I shook my head, naturally addressing him by his first name for the first time.
“I had a baseball bat in my hand and she was screaming for help.. crying a little bit.” Dr. Miller swallowed hard and I saw his eyes tear up as he spoke. “So, I hit him. And I hit him again.. and again.. and again.”
All I could do was listen. I didn't dare try to interrupt or idiotically tell him it was okay, or that I understood. I didn't. I couldn't imagine the trauma that lingered from everything Dr. Miller was explaining to me.
“He died from his injuries.” He wiped a stray tear that managed to escape the duct of his left eye. “We moved away not long after that. I went to a high school where no one knew me. My parents did the best they could for us. I had to sit on trial and answer questions. Lawyers tried to make it sound like I was some maniac.. but the jury found me not guilty of every charge they tried to bring me up on.”
I was speechless. I almost wished he’d saved it for behind closed doors so I could comfort him properly. What was I supposed to say? I had no words.
“I'm so sorry.” That was all that came to mind and it felt so lame. “I can't imagine what you must have gone through.” My second hand fell over the top of his.
“I'll never forget the details of that day. I think Carol was even scared of me for a while.  She’d never admit it and adamantly denies it now. But I don't blame her.” Dr. Miller looked off to the side, catching his breath and letting out a long, expressive exhale. “In time I think it brought us closer. And my parents did what they thought was right by moving us away from all the drama, and the looks and the constant questions. Some people thought I was crazy, others would pat me on the back and call me a hero. Both equally made me feel like shit for some reason. But as I got older, I realized that there was one less piece of shit on this earth because of what I did. He wouldn't be able to hurt someone else - and that helped me at least sleep at night.”
Dr. Miller scoffed and shook his head, almost appearing as if he was trying to convince himself of the next part. “I stopped him. He could still be out there today hurting other young women.” He took a sip from his beer and nearly finished it on a single guzzle.
“It's so unfair,” I finally said. “For you to have to go through that.. and at fourteen years old.” My mind couldn't even accurately comprehend what he had just told me.
“It's still better than what Carol had to go through.”
“I'm sorry.” My hand ran partially up his sleeve and back down. “I shouldn't have pried. You probably didn't want to rehash such a terrible memory.”
“You didn't pry,” Dr. Miller said, “I pried.. into your life. You just asked me why. And this is why. This is what I meant when I said I've seen this up close.”
“Have you talked to anyone about all of this?” I asked. “Professionally?”
He nodded. “It's helped. I just have very low tolerance for that sort of thing. And Alec Pryor was just another predator. He's no different than any of the others. I looked into you initially because of my interest, and then I went overboard when I thought you could be in some lunatic’s crosshairs.”
“You don't think this guy ever targeted me, specifically, do you?” The question suddenly popped into my mind.
“No, not particularly,” Dr. Miller added. “But I didn't want to take a chance.”
“Why me?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you choose me? Of everyone in your life. Of all the women you could try to protect from.. the world. Why me?”
Dr. Miller stared at me intently and then finally shook his head. “I don't really have an explanation. It's just been.. a feeling. I shouldn't have even pursued you, being a student in my class.”
“I'm twenty-seven,” I reminded him.
“It doesn't matter.” Dr. Miller shook his head, “Like I said, I've done some things that aren't right. I shouldn't have entertained this. I shouldn't have followed you. I shouldn't have done any of the things I've done since I've met you.”
I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the disappointment. For Dr. Miller to tell me it wasn't right for us to be together and that this was over. I didn't want him to have a sudden change of heart.
“But I can't stand being more than ten feet away from you,” he went on, making all of my instant anxiety subside. “And I’m praying that my story didn't scare you enough to make you want to run away. I know this sounds like a line and we haven't been together for long but I have never felt so organically connected to another woman in my life. And I've never told that story to anyone else.. not since I moved away in ninth grade.”
Why me? I still didn't know why Dr. Miller felt the way he did about me, or even why he trusted me so quickly; but I would never spill his secrets, and I would never outcast him or brand him as something terrible over what happened in his childhood. I also wasn't about to question what it was about me that drew him in. From my own perspective, I was just an average chick trying to figure out life. I had nothing over the top going for me, though I wasn't exactly unsuccessful either. I was average, at least in my eyes. Dr. Miller had this natural allure that pulled me in. I knew other students felt a fraction of that magnetism, too, and I could tell by Tori’s first expression when he walked through the door that she felt it. I didn't have that type of hold on people, and I knew it. So, I couldn't help but mentally beg the same question over and over. Why me?
“Why don't we get our meals to go?” I suggested. Immediately I could see a solemn expression plague his features and I was more specific about my intentions. “Not so I can go home. So we can go home.”
I rose to my feet and rounded the small, wooden table, positioning myself on Dr. Miller’s lap. I cradled his head against my chest and held him there.
“You've been taking care of me,” I reminded him. “Now, let me take care of you.”
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @jiminstinypinky
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tachiharastanacc · 3 months ago
I adore your headcanon that Tachi likes drawing because he likes pencils
Gin: What's wrong dude? You're moping.
Tachihara: Now that I'm blind my doodles will look like shit :(
Gin: Oh well its not like you've ever made em look good before anyway
Tachihara: WOWWWWW
It's mostly the pencil thing, but also
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1.) "I've never drawn something with paint"
implying he draws with Not Paint
2.) He absolutely has procreate on that iPad I'm sorry but it's true
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Bc the panels of Elise yapping to him (while he's wearing a bow JoJo siwa style) are so cute, I like to think that he'll be working and she just sits and is like we draw now >:)
And he's probably doing something important so he says no
And then she tattle tells to Mori and it cuts to him sitting on the floor doing crafts with her while Gin gets to go on cool action missions.
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cat-loves-music · 1 year ago
Hi Cat! I was wondering if I could request Mattheo Riddle x fem reader who gets migraines? And it would be her skipping class over getting a really bad one which is unusual and so he goes to check on her and he cuddles her, gives her head massages (and she has curly hair or it’s just not described as like easy to comb through so more of a scalp massage ig lol) and whatever else you want to add. Also they call each other like mi amor and cute stuff like that. If you don’t want to write this it’s totally fine! I love your work and hope you have a great day or night <3
Omg hi! So sorry this took so long. Finding motivation is a pain in the ass. 😅
I also am not really familiar with migraines, so I hope I do this justice. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings: migraines, fluff, House not specified, fem!reader, not proofread!, somewhat shitty writing, and if there are more plz let me know!
The sound of a switch and the sudden blinding light of my dorm room awakes me from my peaceful slumber.
"Come on, Y/n! You need to get up, you'll be late," my dormmate says before leaving.
I groan as I sit up in bed, my head throbbing with pain and the contents of my stomach swish around uncomfortably inside the organ. The lights reflecting off of the vibrant colors of the dorm room make my head spin so I begrudgingly stand up to turn the light back off.
"Not today," I whisper to myself as I chase my relief in the comfort of my own bed.
Mattheo's POV
"Hey Malfoy, have you seen Y/n today?" I asked him as we sat down in the Great Hall for lunch.
"Nah, mate. I would have thought you would have since you're the one dating her," he answers, shrugging.
I sigh as more of my friends come to the table.
"Have any of you guys seen Y/n by any chance?" I asked them.
"I didn't see her in class," Enzo replied, "she's almost never even late much less not show up."
"Yeah she wasn't in Defense or Charms," Pansy said, worry lacing her voice.
I get up from the table, my heart feeling like it's being squeezed. Something is wrong, I know it.
"I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go find her," I stated.
We bid our goodbyes before I head to her dorm. I arrive there and I knock on the door.
"Go away!" I hear her groan.
Twisting open the door knob, the lights are completely off and the curtains are drawn closed. Darkness envelopes the room, but I can still see Y/n's form buried underneath the covers.
"Mi amor," I whisper, "what's wrong?"
"I have a migraine," she speaks, her words slightly slurred.
I frown, "It must be a bad one because you never miss class, my love."
"Please stop yelling," she whines, "it hurts."
I walk over to beside her bed, take my shoes off and climb in next to her. Snaking my arms around her, I hold her close and she snuggles into my chest.
"Can I get a head massage please?" She requests, looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.
"Of course, princess," I said, my heart squeezing once more.
I hate that she's in pain, sometimes I wish I could take it away from her so she'll never have to feel it again. I'd bear the burden so she doesn't have to, but unfortunately I can't so the next best thing would be helping her with a massage. My hands find their way to her head as I work my fingers into her temples and scalp. Y/n sighs in contentment as I do so.
"Thank you, love," she says, "that feels so much better."
I provide a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm glad."
For the rest of the day, we stay in bed with our bodies entwined in each other's arms.
Hi! I hope you liked it, but it’s been a hot minute since I've written an imagine so I'm sorry if it sucks. I tried my best to make it decent since I don't personally get migraines, but if you want me to add something, let me know!
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dartlekey · 1 year ago
One scoop, two scoop, girl scoop, boy scoop
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written for @strangerthingsocweek | rated T | 1486 words cw implied sexual harrassment, misgendering, period-typical homophobia
When Steve returns from the back with a new tub of ice-cream, Robin tears her eyes away from the entrance of Scoops Ahoy to suggest, "You ready to shoot your shot again, Harrington? Or should I take this one?" 
Steve picks the empty container out of the display case without looking, slotting the new container in with ease as surveys the shop, then turns back to Robin with a confused squint. "There's no one here," he tells her, which Robin only doesn't roll her eyes at because he did just literally come out of the back. 
"Nah, over there, by the planter," she explains, nodding vaguely towards the walkway in front of Scoops. "She's walked past here, like, twice, slowly, and now she's just - staring at us. She's definitely coming in here, as soon as she works up the nerve. Though I'm not quite sure what she's so scared of."
Steve looks out at their potential customer. Then he looks back at Robin. "Buckley, that's a teenage boy."
Robin does roll her eyes this time, very pointedly, before turning away from Steve and back to a slim figure in men's jeans and an oversized polo, banged up sneakers and a light brown mullet much like Steve's, except this one fans wide instead of high. A round face with tired blue eyes, a paper note in a calloused hand. Looking at the other girl makes Robin giddy - she's never had the guts to dress so masculine, but she's always wanted to. Never thought she'd see someone like this in Hawkins. 
There's no way she can explain this to the King of the Heteros, but knowing for sure he'll get rejected again delivers its own kind of satisfaction. "No, she's not," Robin says derisively. "Look at the shirt. She works at A&D's, you know, the women's clothing store on the ground floor?" 
Steve frowns. "A teenage boy could be working at a women's clothing store. Don't be sexist."
If this were anyone but Steve Harrington, Robin would be impressed by their open-mindedness, but he's probably only saying that to be contrarian. Or get in her good books. Both kind of icky, really. "Work there, yeah - but not running the place. I've seen her lock up at night, open in the mornings. She instructs the other girls on how to dress the mannequins, which dressing racks to put in front of the windows. Face it, Steve, that's a woman - but, to be fair, from the way you've been striking out, you don't know much about women, do you?"
Steve looks so offended it takes everything in Robin not to burst out laughing. "Excuse you?", Steve says hotly, "I am very knowledgeable about women, and you know what? I'll prove it to you, once she's - oh, shit."
Apprently, she's finally decided to walk into Scoops, shoulders hunched and eyes sharp as she approaches the counter. Robin stares unashamedly, trying to commit everything about her appearance to memory - she's not attracted to A&D girl (unfortunate though that may be, because she's probably never getting another chance like this), but Robin is drawn to her all the same. Like recognizing like, and all that. 
Steve doesn't recognize shit, though. "Hey there, beautiful," he purrs, twirling his scoop in that way which would be impressive if Robin hadn't seen him fumble it twenty plus times while practicing, even smacking himself in the face once. "No need to be shy; if you're unsure of what to get I'll be happy to guide you to a more, uh… unconventional flavor. My name's -" 
"Steve Harrington," their customer interrupts, voice surprisingly soft, "I know. Though I was not aware your flavor included guys."
Oh, Jesus. Robin was wrong. Robin was super wrong, which is extremely disappointing but also sort of morbidly funny, because Steve immediately turns pale as a sheet. 
"Oh, I'm - oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -" 
A&D guy allows himself a small grin, half amused, half - resigned, almost. "Don't worry about it. I suppose you weren't technically wrong yet, I was just being a little mean."
Steve looks about as confused as Robin feels. "Yet? I'm - what? Are you a guy or not?" 
And A&D guy… shrugs. Actually shrugs, like he doesn't really know either, and doesn't particularly care. "In my experience, other people have a lot stronger opinions on that than I do, so I just let them decide. I only ask for consistency in return, because trading pronouns all the time gets messy fast. So, uh," he clears his throat, and fidgets with the note in his hand. "You assumed I was a woman, so to you, I am one. Might not want to flirt with me anymore, though, I'm pretty sure I'm not your type."
Steve blinks. Swallows, blinks again. Then, much to Robin's surprise, he says, "Fuck it. Okay, sure. What's one more tally on the board, right, Buckley? And what can I get for you…?" 
"Kicks," the - person in front of the counter says, shoulders relaxing marginally. "Kicks Maguire," which, alright, is a sick-ass name, and Robin can respect commitment to the bit when it's coming from such an obviously queer person. "And I have a list, it's, uh - each scoop in a separate cup, please, and that's uh, chocolate, chocolate again, strawberry, vanilla, caramel, and lemon."
"Wow, someone's hungry," Robin can't resist joking as she waves Kicks over to the register, and when Kicks laughs Steve fumbles his second chocolate scoop, dropping it back into the container with a curse. "No, this is for the entire team," Kicks explains, "my coworkers. They've been working hard, thought they deserved a treat."
Aw, that's sweet. Robin subtly skims a quarter off the total, then quips cheekily, "What, and none of them wanted to help you carry their prize back to home base?" 
Kicks' eyes flicker to Steve for just a second before returning to Robin, and his - her? No, his, Robin decides, his smile is still perfectly friendly as he forks over a few bills, but Robin is sharper than a lot of people give her credit for. "Nah, I just told them I could handle it."
"Handling it, huh," Robin muses, dropping the change in Kicks' outstretched hand. "Is that why you were messing with Steve, then? Punishment for making your girls uncomfortable?" 
Kicks' eyes widen visibly, and Steve freezes in his movement. "What? Hey, is that true?" 
Kicks shrugs uncomfortably. "Not everyone wants to be flirted with when they're just getting ice cream, Harrington," he says, voice carefully neutral, but Steve still looks like a kicked puppy. "I didn't mean to -" 
Then he frowns, shakes his head. "But I did. I did make those girls uncomfortable, even if I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry Kicks, I - they're probably not gonna want to see my face, but could you tell your girls my sincerest apologies?" 
Kicks looks kind of stumped, which Robin can relate to. "Yeah, I - I can do that. Yup. Sure. I'll just head out then, uh, Steve and -" 
"Robin," Robin fills in the blank, "Robin Buckley."
Kicks shoots her a quick, nervous grin. "Robin. You should come by the shop, sometimes. Even if we don't have a men's section."
His eyes dart back to Steve again, then away, and he grabs the tray with ice-cream they prepared for him. Steve frowns after him when he walks away, gaze lingering thoughtfully on the curve of his back. "He said that to you, right? That's weird. What would you be doing in the men's section?" 
Robin shoots him a tight-lipped smile. "I don't know, Harrington. Tell me, though, which part of the men's section do you get your lip gloss and hairspray from?" 
Steve turns an adorable shade of pink and huffs, "Yeah, yeah, point taken. Whatever."
He still keeps his eyes on Kicks' retreating form, and so does Robin. Kicks just makes for such an odd contradiction - he's so casual about his disregard for gendered expectations, self-assured and easy about it in a way that makes you agree with him, because why wouldn't you? And yet, at the same time, there's this caution about him, a smallness, like he wants nothing more than to disappear into the background. A hyperawareness of his surroundings that Robin knows from herself, the craving and the fear to be other inextricably linked. 
And yet he sticks to his guns, stubborn and open. Robin always thought to be publicly other you'd have to be loud and bold, someone like that Sinclair girl that keeps bugging her for free samples, or like  Munson from her drama class. She likes this quiet self-assuredness, though, this stubborn persistence in spite of the fear, not for a lack of it.  Maybe she will check out A&D's sometime. If only to find out how Kicks gets his hair to defy gravity like that, because like hell she's asking Steve.
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lucky-bucky-boy · 2 years ago
could you write something abt eddie munson meeting a new girl in town? it doesn't have to be smut ty!!!!!!!
tw: alcohol consumption, slight description of reader having tattoos
The murmur of the slightly run-down dive bar was nothing new to Eddie, the same customers, the same stale beer, the same old songs playing on the jukebox. To an extent, he enjoyed the familiarity and routine that the place offered.
Every Tuesday, after a grueling 8-hour shift at the auto shop a mile down the road, Eddie would stop in for a beer. He'd offer his conversation and flirtation to Ms. Caroline, the older lady who'd been working in the bar well before Eddie was even old enough to form a thought, which would usually end in him not paying for the bottle of semi-warm liquid. But not today.
Eddie was stopped dead in his tracks as he walked into a much more brightly lit bar, quickly noticing the smell of cleaning solutions and the fact that the curtains were drawn and the sunshine was beating in. Thunderstruck by AC/DC was coming from the jukebox and for a moment he thought he was in the wrong place - but the old, almost yellowed sound machine let him know that he wasn't.
"Come on in, we're still open! Just getting some things cleaned up and updated, hun!" A voice he didn't recognize carried from behind the bar causing his gaze to move to where the sound came from.
Eddie's throat immediately went dry but his feet were already moving to the bar, curiosity peaking about the new face. He found his normal seat, scanning to notice the small changes. The mirror behind the bottles was cleaned, some postcards and letters were stuck to the glass of it, and at the end of the bar laid some swatches of fabric and paint chips as well as multiple bottles of cleaner.
"What can I getcha?" The girl in front of him asked, a bright and warm smile on her face.
"I - uh-" Eddie cleared his throat, finally coming back to Earth, "The cheapest bottle of beer you've got."
"Oh! You must be Eddie then," the girl giggled and for a moment Eddie thought he could hear angels singing, "Ms. Caroline told me about you. Warned me about the best head of hair and smile in town. She also told me to tell you this one's on her." The girl slid the bottle of beer over to him.
Eddie quickly took a swig, noticing immediately the cool temperature of it. "Oh really?" he asked after swallowing down the yellow liquid, "Speaking of my favorite old lady, where's she at?"
"She's on a vacation. Went out to Indianapolis to visit her son and daughter-in-law for a week. When I got here a couple weeks back she told me she hadn't had a vacation in over 5 years, and ain't even seen her son in almost 2. Old owners wouldn't let her take a break."
Eddie was listening, or at least he was trying to, but he couldn't stop looking at the tattoos that adorned the skin he could see on the girl in front of him. He was curious more than anything, seeing the solid lines and intricate details of every piece of art she had littered across her skin. It took him more than a second to process what she had told him. "Old owners?"
"Yep," she popped the 'p', holding back a smirk as she watched Eddie. "Just spent my savings on this place so she's all mine."
At this point, Eddie was impressed and reeling. His eyes finally moved from her arms to look at her face, flushing a bright red when he noticed she was watching him as she continued to clean bottles of liquor. "Sorry, your tattoos look sick and I-"
"Not used to girls having tattoos or owning a bar?" She asked with a hint of laughter in her voice.
"Uh, yeah, to both of those." He chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head. He couldn't believe he was acting like he never talked to a girl before. He took another swig of his beer before continuing, "Not used to it, but definitely not complaining."
She giggled once more, "Good." She placed her rag and bottle down, moving to lean her elbows on the bar, head in her hands as she looked at Eddie. "I'm (Y/N), by the way. And I've got a bit of a proposition for you Eddie."
He cocked his eyebrows, looking at her from down the bottle as he finished his beer with a soft nod to continue.
"Well, your favorite old lady said you were a bit of a handyman. Aaand," she drew as the word, tone sounding as sweet as candy," as you can tell, I'm fixing some things up and trying to turn this place around. I could use some help, aespecially since I don't know many people here yet. Whatcha say? I'll let you continue with your free cheap beers and throw in a few hundred dollars for every job you finish for me."
Eddie chuckled softly himself, smiling a bit, "You had me at free beers, sweetheart."
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wordson · 4 days ago
You will Think
My favourite punctuation mark is the em dash. Now that that's out of the way, don't be bothered by how often it appears in this write-up — apparently, people now link it to AI. Haha.
This will not be lengthy. The other personalities in me have woken up — I can hear their murmurs over my voice.
I woke up today feeling sad and dreadful. I wanted to take a nap but ended up sleeping through the night. I was reading with my dad when I went to the chair to rest. I could've gone to my room, but I really wanted to read. AMdroid tried its best to wake me up, but annoyed and tired, I shut my phone off. Funny and stupid, isn't it?
I had to go to school to sort something out and had to go early. Still, I spent a little more time on my phone — just one more minute for one hour. It hit me then — I've been applying the five-minute rule to the wrong areas of my life.
I deleted Instagram and TikTok because they fried my brain and thinking abilities. I had fewer thoughts — or at least fewer original ones. Every thought I had felt like I was piggybacking on someone else's. They also made me read less. It wasn’t that I found anything particularly funny or interesting — except Nick and Cassie, obviously — but I just couldn't leave the apps.
I already have an addiction (compulsion?) I'm dealing with, so I knew I had to quit before it got too hard.
At some point, Pinterest gets boring. I don't blame it — it wasn’t structured for long-term use. It’s like the best friend you only meet up with when you're back home and have no other friends. It’s the third friend in the friend group.
I tried YouTube too.
I lied — sorry. This is long.
YouTube Shorts will never be Instagram or TikTok. YouTube videos, though? I love them. I watched so many amazing ones — animated, live-action, everything. I found myself drawn to short animated films. I don't know why, but I love animation. I connect with the characters more when they're animated — I feel them more deeply.
Back to today.
While using my phone for "one more minute," I came across Eli Eli's write-up. I don't remember if I was searching for something or just scrolling, but I was curious and decided to check it out.
Oh. My. God.
I don’t know why I never considered that being a writer could also mean being an academic writer. No, it wasn’t an academic article, but I was genuinely surprised at how well-written and thought-provoking her work was. My day hadn't started off great, but it truly began when I read her piece.
Suddenly, I started having big thoughts.
I read more — articles, academic write-ups, character analyses, nonfiction fiction essays — everything. And then I thought: "I can do this too."
Personally, I believe that to be a good writer, you must be vulnerable. You have to connect with your readers and show parts of yourself. This is why I'm not a good writer. I cannot be vulnerable.
Which, if you knew me in real life, would surprise you — because I talk a lot. However, what people don't understand is that the more someone talks, the more they have to hide. I don’t know this for sure, though. Don’t quote me.
Reading Eli’s work made me realize that I could also be a writer by writing academic articles. I could still be remembered in some way.
This thought is choppy — I can’t hear myself clearly.
Earlier today, when I went to the library, I told everyone I left because it was too quiet. While that was true, I also left because I tried answering some questions and got stuck. I knew I had to go home, review, and practice more.
I was sad. I'm a law student, for crying out loud. If I flunk this, I flunk everything. Really harmful thinking — but it’s there.
According to Cicero, "Law is the highest reason implanted in nature which commands what ought to be done and forbids the opposite." I foolishly assumed this aligned with the positivist school. Though, to give myself some credit, I did have doubts.
That got settled in the end.
The real problem was H.L.A. Hart’s definition.
He described law as "the combination of primary rules of obligation and secondary rules of recognition." I mistakenly thought the secondary rules of recognition meant that the law recognized people in authority or something like that.
I asked ChatGPT — and before you judge, remember that I school online, so I haven't really connected with any of my classmates. The response I got was totally different from what I had assumed. I felt stupid.
Then I remembered the dream I had last night — in it, I was told to do the hard, nitty-gritty, overzealous work: Read the books. Read the articles. Then read people’s thoughts and interpretations. So, I sought out Hart’s The Concept of Law. I read the chapters that mattered and moved on to related articles.
Now I understand. I no longer feel stupid.
What’s the point of all this? I really can’t tell you. However, this is me releasing it all.
This is the end. Was it long? I think so.
If you read to the end, thank you for reading my inconsequential — and hopefully relatable — ramblings.
Or maybe, hopefully not. You are smart. You are intelligent. And you will do great things.
Fingers crossed — if Eli Eli is reading this: I love what you wrote and can’t wait to read more.
You should definitely check out her write-up.
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brooklynisher · 10 months ago
Hey ! I think I've seen you mention details about how Boop and GG met (if I'm wrong I'm so sorry I'm . So tired) ,, could you maybe . Elaborate on that I miss them ....
Right, so I don't think I've ever explicitly stated it bc the lore is really stupid, but I did vaguely hint at it multiple times
You remember when I asked you to draw GG in the backrooms?
I'm being serious about that
I don't think you knew, but that request was a lot more self-indulgent than you probably thought it was ;D
I'll give you a little rundown on the lore. It's a little tragic, but not so much from her perspective. Maybe if she gains hyperintelligence it'll weigh down on her more, but not atm. I've been pulling together my thoughts on her so don't be surprised if this is a bit info dumpy ok?
Boopsy Doodle was built in 1923 by Peter Walter III. She was a prototype drawing bot. He worked on her for 2 years before leaving her to figure out the outside world on her own under supervision of course. Unfortunately, he looked away for just a second and she was gone. She was drawn by Delilah, the giraffe, not the wraith, but because her sense of depth perception wasn't quite developed yet, she fell to the bottom of the pit that contained Delilah. Peter and the Walter Workers scrambled to the bottom to search for her, hoping that they could at least retrieve her parts and repair her again, but she was nowhere to be seen. That's part of the reason why III doesn't have any kids. He felt really bad about losing Boop just before she could ever meet the other robots.
She fell into the backrooms and met GG. Don't ask me why GG's there she just is. But yeah. GG was just as egotistical, mischievous, obnoxious, and loud back then as she is now, but after a while, she realizes the Boopsy is the only real person she can talk to in there, so she puts a lot of her pride behind for Boop so that way if they are stuck there forever, GG doesn't have to be alone forever. Much less with someone she hates.
And I've never been a fan of the whole modernization of the backrooms where people added different levels and different monsters to make it "scarier". I think it's creepier at its core. But for the sake of lore, I'm going to incorporate the leveling thingy so that way GG and Boop's whole thing isn't just sitting in an empty room for god knows how long doing nothing. I wanna give them something to do.
So yeah, GG and Boopsy's backroom adventures. Eventually, they escape. It was by accident. They were getting quite used to level hopping in the backrooms so it came as a surprise to them when they finally escaped. But they were separated so that sucks. Still haven't decided what's been going on since they were separated from each other.
Also, thought I'd mention, I like to think of her personality as very similar to Frisk from Undertale. Basically non-existent through words, a little more noticeable through actions. I like to think that like Frisk, Boopsy has a very go-with-the-flow-like attitude. It doesn't matter what kind of world she gets stuck in. She'll go along with it and not question it at all no matter how strange it is. Which I suppose is more of a child-like approach to new situations more than anything else.
She'd make a great videogame silent protagonist whose personality is revealed through actions rather than words is what I'm saying.
But anyway
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coriander-candlesticks · 8 months ago
Introductions ✨✨
Hey! I'm Coriander. It's not what I go by in my other blogs on here but I want to keep things a bit more separate, at least at first. This is gonna be a long one (sorry) so I'm adding a cut.
I'm exploring Hellenic polytheism, and have only recently started, but it's something I've been considering, in a way, for over a year. I don't have a big, intense story that marks the beginning for me; I didn't necessarily feel a personal, spiritual connection to any of the deities from the time I was a young child in the way others describe, and I haven't had an intense experience that marked the beginning of my path.
I've always felt drawn to Greek mythology, though. I have a distinct memory of laying on my stomach on the floor of the school library in 3rd or 4th grade, reading a picture book about Hades and Persephone. It kept my attention the way others - even Egyptian mythology, another major interest - didn't. I, of course, had the classic queer kid experience of being super into the Percy Jackson series for a while, but my interest in it predated that. The specific deities I've been drawn to have changed somewhat as I've grown up, and they definitely shaped some of my interests. But delving into them again has helped me see connections that weren't explicitly connected to Greek mythology. I felt drawn to Athena growing up, for example, and my love of owls was definitely shaped by that. Even though that has settled into the background somewhat, that connection has persisted in things like my knitting and desires to dye yarn and learn how to weave (side note: I associate crochet more with Apollo, actually, despite it also being a fiber art). I felt connected to Artemis and Persephone as a kid, but that waned as I got older, discovered I was trans, and began my transition. I've felt connected to Hestia and her quiet hearth-keeping since I learned about her: I've always strived to make myself & my space safe and welcoming for others, and being told I succeeded in that is one of the best compliments I've received. But my interests in the morbid (ex Pompeii & the Paris catacombs), psychopomps, rocks & minerals, and keys weren't explicitly related to Hades. Some of the connections didn't click until I started to look into him more seriously about a year ago. I was an artist and had interests in writing, poetry, singing, and playing instruments long before it actually clicked that all of those fell into Apollo's domain, as I associated Athena far more with visual arts as a kid. I also didn't realize that he & Artemis cover diseases (another long-running interest) until very recently. The concept of xenia, too, was something I grew up with to some extent, even though no one called it that. My father modelled it to my siblings and I; I even learned about it within the context of ancient Greece at some point growing up and it stuck with me, despite not knowing the name.
I grew up Mormon, and was incredibly devout until college, when the pandemic forcibly separated me from that environment and I not only discovered that I was queer in several ways, but realized that the Church 1) wasn't safe to stay in and 2) wasn't actually true (which came later, when I started to get over my fear of reading "anti-Mormon literature"). During that period between those two realizations I got into tarot and using plants and crystals for their correspondences (two other interests growing up), as well as using rocks to ground myself. At that time, I considered myself a "liminal Mormon", and was reaching out to Heavenly Mother specifically via tarot. But as it set in that Mormonism specifically, and Christianity generally, wasn't for me, I got more and more interested in modern witchcraft separated from the belief system I was raised in.
It never quite felt right, though. The constant need for protections and doing something "the right way" lest things backfire and you invite the wrong thing into your home, or hurt yourself, or others, or or or, made my anxious & scrupulous brain go into overdrive. I wasn't even sure I believed in it spiritually, or if I was just interested in it from a mindfulness standpoint, and staring down the barrel of comically high piles of research without knowing where to start was exhausting. The concept of dual deities, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, put a bad taste in my mouth (which bled over into Persephone for a while because she and Hades are often used to symbolize those archetypes- sorry Persephone). But, not wanting to listen too much to my discomfort (since part of it may have been, and probably was, prior conditioning), I pushed ahead and actually completed one ritual that had all of the steps - cleansing, representations of the four elements and directions, etc. - and was very carefully designed to leave room for growth and change. It represented the start of my path. I still have the jar I made during the ritual, though I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it.
Around that time, I was considering whether or not to work with deities- specifically Hades, as that was who I felt the most drawn to at the time. The idea interested me, but I wasn't sure if it was from an academic or spiritual angle. I'd really only seen deity work from a modern witchcraft/neo-pagan perspective which, again, didn't sit right with me. On top of that, I wasn't quite ready to let go of Christianity even though I already functionally had, and was terrified of doing something "wrong" and getting, for lack of a better term, sent to (figurative) hell. I decided to do a simple "yes/no" tarot pull and got about the clearest "no" you can get: a reversed Ace of Swords. So I decided to let it rest and that, if I ever felt drawn to it again, I could re-approach the topic.
So, for over a year, I didn't touch it. Continuing with witchcraft after the ritual didn't feel right, either, so my altar collected dust while I tried to sort out my spirituality (or lack thereof). I settled on "I don't know and that's okay" and left it at that, trusting that when the time came, and I had more energy and mental space, that I would be able to start looking into things again.
I never truly stopped thinking about the idea of deity work/worship, though. It was always in the back of my mind. I figured it was because of the way I was raised and tried to sever my idea of spirituality from how I was conditioned while I worked through my religious trauma, got on anxiety medication, and learned more about myself and how I interacted with the world (including that I have both ADHD and autism, something that surprised no one).
Recently I talked with a witchy friend about my thoughts on divinity and what is or isn't out there (neither of us were sure but we both felt like there was something), and that conversation gave me the button I needed to start looking into paganism again. I realized at work a week or two later that I could just look up the different paths of paganism (a term I'd recently heard that hadn't clicked before then) and see if there was one that did fit. The first site I found not only had a clear, concise explanation for belief systems I hadn't knowingly come across before, but it touched on Hellenic polytheism and gave a recommendation for someone to watch to learn more about it. And unlike the sharp knot in my chest that warned me away from attending BYU, and going on a mission, and delving further into modern witchcraft as I'd been introduced to it, learning about Hellenic polytheism felt right. It was heavy and grounding and like home. Many of the issues I'd had with other neo-pagan systems - the constant vigilance & protections & concerns over trickster spirits, for example - simply didn't exist there, or were approached very differently. I still had a mental block about it, though, and realized it was because of that tarot pull a year prior. So I did another one, and got a clear "Yes, jump right in. We're waiting for you". And that's where I've been since which, granted, hasn't been for very long. I've felt especially connected to Apollo and Aphrodite recently, who I believe reached out in a different tarot pull recently - using the same card, actually - which is interesting because while I've appreciated different ways Aphrodite has been depicted, I haven't felt very connected to her in a way I realized was her until recently. It makes sense, though- I got into my first relationship around the same time I did that ritual, and not only are we still together a year later, but a trinket I used to ground myself during those first few months is also pretty directly associated with her. I'm planning on adding it to her altar/shrine area as soon as I find it (it's also still amongst the moving wreckage).
But anyway, hi! If you read this far thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so. If anyone has recommendations for books or other educational resources, or discord servers/other online forum-esque communities, please feel free to share. I've been enjoying looking through the tags and getting a feel for the community here, too; hopefully I'm here to stay.
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desultory-novice · 1 year ago
hello! i've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but i keep forgetting! i'll lead by saying that i'm sorry for being so annoying in your askbox about this stuff... i just really want to know your opinion!
i've been seeing a lot of "galacta knight is canonically dead" takes lately, and i was wondering what you thought about that? i've always been a little annoyed at the concept since star allies (and the star allies art books!) seems to make a big deal out of morpho knight being a fusion of gk and the butterfly, and while katfl seems to disprove this (?) it's also important to note that we never saw gk's soul leave morpho knight, only forgo's. i just feel like there's a lot more evidence for morpho knight to be a fusion than the other way around? i can't really talk to people about this bc it always makes me look like a fangirl that's upset her favorite is dead... :/ your killing game post kind of reminded me about that jajaj
Annoying? Noooo! Not in the slightest!
Oh boy. I mean, yes, I use "canon" myself but at the same time, I hear the phrase "canonically dead" paired with Galacta Knight and I can't help but laugh. (And sigh, because I really do think fandom can get caught up in policing people based on what's presumed(!!!) canon and that just seems like a big way to suck the fun out of things!)
But seriously, Galacta Knight is just one of the funniest characters to argue about this because before now, people were arguing he wasn't even canon at all! Can we just enjoy the character, people?! XD
That said, I did some looking through my copy of the SA art book and Galacta and Morpho's pause screen lore for this ask and...
The art book is pretty clear about Morpho Knight being a fusion of the butterfly and Galacta. That said, the pause lore also seems to imply that Morpho is their own thing, and that while they might be fused in this form, it's not to say that Morpho can only take that form because they absorbed Galacta/that it was borrowed from Gala.
Galacta definitely has an effect on Morpho, physically, as Morpho EX is explicitly stated to be a change brought on as Morpho finishes the process of absorbing Galacta's power and has learned to make it entirely their own. (Interesting how that turns them dark, not unlike the Aeon Hero unlocking his own "true" power and turning quite...malevolent looking.)
That Morpho needed Gala's power (in fact, Morpho is described as being "drawn  to" Gala so I don't think there's anything wrong with imagining fate plays a bit into their meeting) could be why Morpho becomes Morpho Knight to be but doesn't turn into, say , Forgo Knight after absorbing Fecto Forgo. (Although Fecto isn't a complete soul, missing Elfilin.) Morpho Knight probably couldn't have taken that same form in FL had they not fused with Gala but...
...because Gala wasn't shown leaving Morpho, does that suddenly mean Gala's dead? ...Personally, I don't think so. Especially if you are one of those "EX Modes are Non-Canon" people, in which case, we can take the pause screen text to mean that regular Morpho hasn't even "finished" absorbing Gala's soul! IE: It's still around.
But here's the real reason it's so odd to me to suggest that Gala is dead after their encounter with Morpho in Star Allies:
Galacta Knight is a character who pretty clearly has multiple selves from multiple timelines existing at any/many given points in the timeline! So the SA Gala was absorbed! What does that say for the other dozen Galactas flying around out there? There many be THOUSANDS of Crystal Prisons containing thousands of Galacta Knights floating through the mess that is Another Dimension! We saw that SA Gala getting absorbed had no effect on the Galacta Knight fight existing as per normal in RtDL DX.
Even if you wanted to go all River Song and say that getting absorbed by Morpho is Gala's end fate, that regardless of where we catch them in the timeline, that would be a fixed moment, we haven't seen Gala's beginning! (Even Aeon Hero would seem to represent something like Gala's "career highlight" phase.) It's simply too soon/we have too little evidence to say Galacta is "canonically dead."
It's just very silly to me to insist on/badger people about that. Which is why I tend to think that at least a portion of the people saying that are saying it as a joke. This humorous idea that "Man Galacta never even got to be canon (:Dess groaning in the background:) and the first time he does get to be canon, he dies! lolololol"
It's overplayed as a joke to me, but if that's the way they enjoy the series, I try to let them be and focus on the parts of the fandom/the discussions that are most meaningful and constructive to me!
(Lastly, I hope you don't feel like there's anything negative about being seriously concerned about the fate of your favorite or that it's anything to be ashamed about! Ask and talk away, please! I want note that if evidence ever came out that Marx was most likely dead, I would be rushing to complain about it/try to reassure myself that there was evidence to the contrary in every ask box that would listen! XD It's natural and very sane to get emotionally invested in the state of your fav in a series you're still currently invested in! Something something kill the part of you that cringes~)
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vilevileposting · 5 months ago
I'm reading homestuck for the first time (Weeks 5 and 6)
I keep forgetting to post these and I'm sorry!
I've been enjoying going around telling people homestuck is good actually. That's a role I never got to occupy in my young life as homestuck passed me by. So far zero people have believed me and I don't expect that to change.
I have now seen a picture of a troll! Foul little imp
I *am* left with my first little critique of homestuck: Act 3 felt like it was building to the End of Act 3 flash, like it was trying to outdo End of Act 2. Setting things up almost more for the payoff of the flash than for the sake of the story. I don't think a series of lore bombs is a very good way to structure a story, and I'm worried that's the structure the series is going to take. That said, it *is* fun in the moment, it's only in hindsight that I'm thinking this.
Our dealer and homestuck veteran Char has been writing discussion questions for our weekly book club meetings (sometimes), and I've decided to include those along with my answers.
Week 5
980: I bet If I could pause here I’d see something wacky
1000: Interesting that John changed his name *to* Ectobioloist from something else, especially after the prior reveal that ectobiology is a thing in this setting. ARGH I SHOULD HAVE FINISHED THE PAGE BEFORE WRITING THIS NOTE
1022: Tempted to go back and look… This is the kind of thing I’d miss.
1024: This exchange makes me feel like I’m right about both their parents, but I’m getting a little used to the rug pulled out from under me. I feel like I’m picking up on a kind of rule of threes. If I’m right about something, my attention’s drawn to it once, and then the second time it shows up is confirmation. But if I’m wrong, my attention is drawn to it, then my conclusion is hinted at more blatantly in a “it sure looks like that huh” kind of way, and finally the third time it appears is the rug pull. I can’t think of an example following this format right off the melon, I’m going off pure vibes sleep deprived and on a plane.
1026: There are two towers on that funny moon, and it’s notable to me that Rose’s real life house is based on them.
1033: I know those weary eyes!!!!
1039: I appreciate the harsh spike in Gun Realism
1043: Notable to me that the Peregrine Mendicant’s awesome sword is black in color, when you would expect the Light Guys to have white weapons. If indeed he is a Light Guy as Jade’s dream implied.
1046: I would like to apologize for my repeated misgendering of the Peregrine Mendicant. I did it on purpose out of malice. I’m a DEMON
1049: What does this MEAN
1051: Seems like Rose might have been onto something with her subconscious doodling theory, because it only just occurred to me that this takes place prior to basically every other event. Also what does this MEEEEAAAAAN
1062: Pressure cooker bomb reference
1064: Second coming of decoding foreshadowing. Very notable that they got a potted plant, which I seem to recall was one of the things in the jetpack!
1070: Bro EXECUTED Cal for NO REASON!!! THEN LEFT ON A HOVERBOARD!!! I’m telling you in terms of power scaling Dave’s brother is clearly unstoppable.
1093: This has *gotta* be them.
1096: Kamina glasses…….
1099: What is it with Dr. Hussie and ethnic weddings
1108: I was on board for a mayor and a mailwoman, but I am not here for a cop guy
1110: I feel better about a judge guy.
1133: I’m uncertain about Bec’s nature. For a hellbeast, he seems to also be quite cooperative.
1136: Seems like a paradox in the form of sending items to the past is allowed, but not taking items.
1149: Without a pause button I’m just utterly unequipped to handle this – I wrote BEFORE realizing that Nanna’s note is the same note we saw in John’s dad’s copy of Sassacre’s, except written in John’s copy and dropped into the void. This affects the timeline! And I’m really not sure how. I might need to rescind my earlier comment about Nanna being a willing participant in all this, which seems like it may no longer be true. Somehow this copy goes from the void to John’s dad’s safe, then back around again, presuming it’s the closed time loop it seems to be. No clue how that’s gonna come together.
1152: Is this one of the planets we saw? In the process of checking, I notice that there is a LUMINOUS PLANET with a SINGLE MOON, exactly like the one Jade dreamed about. Going by the art style, that indicates this luminous planet and the shadow planet are the sort of centers of light and dark we’re working with. Anyway, if this is one of the four planets then I think it’s the dark cloudy one, or possibly the not so dark (kinda bright actually) cloudy one. A thought that occurs to me now, days later, is that we have 2/4 kids accounted for in dreamland and the shadow planet also has a moon.
There were no discussion questions for Week 6.
Week 6: If Homestuck Book Club was mpreg our child would have a heartbeat.
1159: I think this is the guy in John’s house and I’m not checking.
1169: That’s a setting-specific captchalogue analogue!!! And it’s the same as Wandering Vagrant’s tattoo!!!!!!!!
1170: Hidden message vibes.
1171: Hidden message vibes intensify…
1177: Standing out to me how things get swapped. Clubs Deuce seems to have swapped here with Hearts Boxcars, and a moment ago, the Spade Key was swapped with the rules for blackjack and the war chest was swapped with the deck of cards. If Clubs and Hearts are paired somehow then that would leave Spades paired up with Diamonds, and the rules for blackjack don’t seem very diamondy. I don’t think that’s what’s going on.
1210: Damn I wish I knew how to play poker
1215: Purple planet with a moon…
1219: I saw that the doom wardrobe whatever it was called was the same as Jade’s, but now with John’s bathtub in play I notice all the inventory options are themed after the four kids.
1353: It finally happened
Q: Where do you think the midnight crew and their foes are from? Who does Spades Slick look suspiciously like, and what do we know of his origins?
A: Spades Slick looks exactly like the Warden guy, and for a moment, a lot like WV/PM. He showed up under almost identical circumstances to them too, wandering a destroyed world, and for some reason, making a city. Or present band of synonyms for Wandering Vagrant are uniquely insistent upon civics, with a mailwoman, a mayor, and a judge. It could be that after worlds are destroyed, these guys show up and make something. It’s unclear to me why, or how to categorize everything. The plot of Midnight Crew centers around a conflict of black vs green, not black and white. They did say darkness always wins, maybe there was some other force (time?) before light? We don’t really know where this interlude falls in the timeline, if it falls anywhere at all. For example, if Spades Slick becomes the Warden, or vice versa. Or the secret third option. If those bar codes are an analogue for captchalogue cards, then it stands to reason that that code can be used to replicate the thing it designates. They could just be clones.
Q: Did you understand... any? of the time fuckery?
A: I followed the thread but I could not retell the story if I tried.
Q: Who is the weird little grey fucker at the end of the intermission?
A: John Stuck
Q: What's Snowman's deal? Will she ever be killed?
She’s clearly an imp-thing turned traitor, but there’s so little to go off of. The o in her name wasn’t green at any point, and she’s not shown to have a power besides taking the world with her if she dies. So she’ll probably die. Former Mayor Hussie isn’t striking me as someone who flinches.
Q: Who of these characters, if any, do you think might reappear in Homestuck?
If nobody else, definitely Spades Slick and Snowman. Maybe Lord English, maybe the rest of the Crew.
3 notes · View notes
hazbinextgeneration · 1 year ago
Demon Bride Ch36 Demons Are Strange
Last Part Here:
First Part Here:
Next Part Here:
I'm adding some important info about the au.
*How many demons blood arts will Y/n have?
She'll have 4-
#1 Blood Demon Art Flora Bomb
By digging her nails into wood/branches, Yn will be able to inject the wood with blood and produce bombs she can use like grenades.
#2 Blood Demon Art Petal Poison
A scent that can given off either as a warning (Ex: Orange Lilies which means hate) or they give off a poisonous smell that is deadly to inhale to ANY demon or human alike. 
#3 Blood Demon Art Perfumed Slashes
Y/n deadliest and most efficient attack. Thanks to a mutation in her blood, Yn can turn her blood into a deadly poison that she can then infuse into her nails by clawing her body to cover her hands in blood. This poison is full of wysteria and can be smelt in the air.
#4 Blood Demon Art Foresight 
As for this ability,  Yushiros blood demon art allows him to see things no one else can example being Yahsba's arrows. Y/n has the same ability only slightly different as she can sense things others can't. Such as she was able to sense that Gyutaro would attack the vender and Kokushibo's different aura compared to everyone else. This blood demon art is more subtle and works at random.
(Warnings!!: Enmu IS his own warning, possibly some innuendos, and blood being drawn.)
"I'm sorry I kissed you without asking...That was wrong of me."
"Don't apologize. I thought the kiss was cute."
"O-Ok...I'm...also sorry for just dumping all of that on you. I understand if you don't want to see me again."
"I DO want to see you again. And I want Rui to be able to see you too. Don't apologize for being honest with me."
Akaza had taken nearly an hour to get himself together after that surprise kiss, and you took the long moment to process the shock of that being the second kiss someone gave YOU in one day. By now Akaza seemed better. Rui was cradled fast asleep in his arms and Akaza didn't give one complaint about cradling the eleven year old in his arms, in anything else he seemed content to hold onto him. Which lead to him just quietly staring at Rui for a bit...
"...He doesn't seem to hate me. I'm relieved to know that I guess," he mumbled.
You were confused at this. "Why would he hate you? He's literally calling you his father now."
"....He knows what I did to his actual father.''
You paused stunned for a moment.. before blinking. "What? How do you know that?"
"When we were traveling he awoke while you were asleep one night. He refused to sleep again unless I made up a story about something random I thought of....But he said something I haven't mentioned up til now." Rui mumbled in his sleep as Akaza shifted him to stand. "He said the reason why I was sent to the mountains was to free him...I never told him I went to his Clan's home, which meant he must've seen me there at one point and...knew what I've done." ....He silently stood up still looking at the sleeping child in his arms. "But he doesn't seem to hold that against me.."
"Probably for good reason." You also stood looking at the scene in front of you. It seemed almost domestic. "...I can't say what exactly his relationship was with his other family was, but he seemed to have a pretty bad relationship with both his parents. You doing what you did might've been the kindest thing anyone's ever done for him in his mind. ...That might be why he imprinted on you specifically out of everyone."
He scrunched his brows in thought considering what you said for a moment before sighing. "Still...I deprived not only him, but all those other children of that father. That being the case... I'll have no other choice but to fill that position for Rui." He nodded. "But he's not the only one.. I'll have to speak with..." He grimaced and nearly growled with his next words. "..Douma, about placing a positive male figure in those other children's lives. Not him mind you, but perhaps their mother could remarry or we could find a male they could imprint onto until they get older." He hummed again. "...I'll have to work on that while I temporary take over Kokushibo's work."
You again blinked. "You'd go though all the trouble of finding his brothers and sisters a father?"
"I'll figure something out. But I think in the meantime I'd better be going. Kokushibo was supposed to be looking into a string of recent murders, but I'll have to go instead." He looked around the darkened room. "Where is he sleeping?"
"Over there." You pointed to a connecting door to your room. "He has his own room through there."
Akaza nodded before turning  to the door and you watched as it slid open with him disappearing inside, a moment later Akaza returned with a sigh from his lips. "He's been put to sleep. It's late so it's no surprise he fell asleep."
You nodded. "Yeah. He's not the only one tired. I think I'll turn in too."
"I'd imagine....Y/n, listen. If..you really don't want me to court you, I'll respect your wishes and take back my gift. I'll no longer court you and I will respect whomever you choose to be with."
Your eyes widened... before you sighed. "I don't know what I want to do Akaza. I really like you and some of the others but It's too soon to make a decision. But if you want to court me..I guess everyone can until I make my final choice."
"REALLY?!..I mean-.." He coughed covering the excitement earlier.  "Yes. I will keep that in mind." You chuckled at his antics but stopped when a hand of his pulled your bangs back. "....Good night, Y/n. I'll try to see you again soon."
And he left you standing there blinking at the place he once stood.. Before you sighed a pink coming over your face and your hands ran over your face. You had too much on your mind. Right now what  you needed was a good night's sleep and that futon looked very inviting to your mind. Walking over, you nearly face planted into the soft blankets and allowed the deep cushions to encase your body eyes closing. You'd think about what to do this tomorrow for now you'd just sleep just take you away from all your problems. The darkness enveloped as your eyelids closed and the night took a hold of your senses.
"My Lady. Wake up, My Lady. You need to get up now."
You groaned out again from someone prodding your shoulder and opened your eyes up to not one but three fancily dressed up lady demons smiling down at you. ".....I already said I don't want servants." You grumbled turning to your side to show your back towards them all and throwing the blanket over your head. "And Im sleeping in right now. So don't bother me."
"But Lady Y/n, you have gifts from the nobles,"  one insisted pushing on your shoulder again making you groan and poke your eyes out.
"Your gifts, Your Ladyship," one of them smiled at you wider. "It's customary to gift things whenever a Kizuki gets engaged to make the new lady feel welcome, and you're the only one here."
More gift giving? Why? You were planning to leave here soon, you couldn't have all these things when you do go. Your exposed eyes crinkled up in slight annoyance. You couldn't even sleep in around here? What were things coming too? You barely blinked when one of those smiling faces shoved a bright blue box in your face.
"A gift from the lady Iko from the Watoshi family! They're responsible for the manufacturing of most beauty products we use! I'm sure she sent you something splendid!"
"....Open it and tell me what's inside."
Not surprising it was make up. You sat up groggily but quickly woke up when you saw the pile of boxes literally behind them. They were all smiles and giggles- Rui was digging through them and pulling out a couple. He pulled it open, looked at the insides, and made a face before harshly shoving it back in the pile at random only to grab another.
"Rui." Said child looked at you with a pink box in his hands. "What are you doing?'
He simply shook the pink box in his hands and looked at it. "I'm taking the ones I want. Most of these things are just kimonos that won't fit me." You watched as he opened the pink box and peered inside, only to reach inside and pull out a small wall mirror surrounded by a frame of gold. "....This one's going in my room."
You huffed a chuckle. "Be my guest. Take anything you want. It's only fair since you came here with me."
"Excuse me, Lady," One of the girls spoke with a concerned look. "Is that a good idea? These gifts are meant to be for you."
"And I said he can have what he wants. It's not like I can do a lot with a mirror." What were you going to do with it? Just stared at your reflection all day? If Rui wanted a few things he could have them. He deserved some things too after everything he's been through- "WHOA! HEY!" Your hand flew to your head and you snapped your eyes around to one of the ladies welding a brush in one hand who had touched your hair. "What are you doing?"
She blinked her three eyes at you. "Doing..your hair?" She asked unsure. "You have horrible bed head." 
"I can do that myself thank you," you spoke calmly holding up your hand, "Also I'd appreciate it if you asked me first before touching my head. I'm not keen on stranger's touching me without asking." You looked around the place and caught another woman holding up a kimono to you while a third held another box. "... Where's breakfast?"
"We must get you ready first, Your Ladyship," the one holding the kimono said holding the many, many layered kimono up to you insistently. "There's lots to do today."
"Like what?"
"There's the unwrapping of your gifts of course and more is coming in as we speak!" An arm tugged on yours as she tried to get you out of bed. 
"Then there's all the letters of gratitude you have to write back in thanks!" Another hand tugged on your hair again. "And you've been invited by seven families for tea. You need to sort out the dates you will meet them." You jerked your head back as two other hands shoved their way past the hair and tugged on your face. "There's also your introduction to high society and the tutors who'll be teaching you everything you need to know."
"Know?!" Your vision became fuzzy as you felt boxed in. "Know what?"
"How to carry yourself in high society of course. Your manners now are unbecoming of a lady of your caliber. It's obvious you've never had a proper tutor to teach you proper manners." "Or how to properly dress yourself." "Or have the correct manners and attitude to match your position. Don't worry. Miss Yoko will ensure your new self will be the envy of any man-" 
"Get OFF of me!!" 
The women all screamed as a blanket was suddenly thrown up into the air and on top of them. Taking the chance you scrambled in the panic out of the bed and crawled along the floor towards the sliding door.
"Mother? Ah!"
A box of expensive looking handkerchiefs fell from his hands as a stronger hand grabbed hold of his arm on instinct and flying he went dragged away by a running form dashing out the sliding door with a bang and into the hallway you fled.
You ignored their calls of coming back in favor of running down the fancily decorated hallways across the place passing by paintings and rugs and shining things that sparkled so much it nearly blinded you. You passed by other demons who carried objects or heavily scrubbed everything to keep it polished up. They all looked towards you but you ran right past and around them. 
"Mother! I haven't had breakfast yet!"
You weren't able to hear what he said as you sharply turned a corner and still ran past surprised faces that glanced at you. Exit. Exit. Exit. Screamed your mind as they ran and ran and ran.  Where was it?! Where was it?! Your head felt clouded and full of fog as your feet moved. You ran! Ran out of  that room. That situation. That...From those women. Along the shiny decor. Past surprised faces of perfectly fancy demons polishing everything and anything to keep it shining. Past paintings and rugs and things so shiny that they blinded your eyes as you ran Rui in tow. EXIT. EXIT. EXIT-
A giant sliding door stood there after another twist of a hallway and your feet bolted towards it. The giant door flew open and out across the docks two figures ran. Across the maze of docks illuminated by glowing blue water as you left it all behind as you ran. Koi fish darting away as you stepped. You were nearly there. Nearly towards the end of the docks-
You tripped.
On a board that was slightly higher than the others, just sticking out there enough to catch your foot on. Losing your balance and falling over. Your hand losing its grip on Rui. Purple eyes's fear illuminated by blue moonlight shining from the water. It's rippling surface allowing you to see just how deep your watery grave would be. Eyes snapped shut.
....But there was no splash?
You felt as if you suspended in mid air. Not a thing holding-...No. wait a second. There WAS a a grip on you. A hard grip was square in the middle of your back holding onto your kimono and dangling you from the side of the dock. What the?...You opened your eyes to gaze at the sparkling, rippling water's surface glowing back to you completely bewildered.
"I know I wanted you to fall for me, but I fear maybe you're over doing it, Begonia.~"
...You knew that voice. Your head turned up over your shoulder and met very familiar real colored eyes. 
"Now what could scare you so badly that you'd jump into the water?," Enmu cooed at you tilting his head. 
....You sighed. "Get me back on dry land and I'll tell you." Surprisingly he did. You were lifted up and back onto your own two feet. Before reaching around to shoo his hand away from your back which he chuckled at. "Thank you for helping me but what are you doing here?"
"In light of a new situation, I've been ordered to investigate an important scientific matter ordered by the Master himself ~," he purred with a wide smile at you. "So I'll be staying here until the matter is settled. Lord Muzan has been gracious enough to let me use his own laboratory.~"
"That's nice but why are you here? Are you here to see Hantengu as well?"
Enmu actually giggled giddily holding a cheek. "No silly.~ I'm staying at the Kizuki Dwell until my assignment is finished. I'm here to make arrangements for my room. But ..I admit there are other reasons as well."
"Oh?... What's that?"
"I need another sample of your blood."
"....Excuse me?" 
"There's been a recent development of your blood tests,'' he explained with a smile, "Apparently more and more people smell only a certain type of flower from you. I asked around and apparently Kokushibo links hydrangea to you. And Douma was under the impression that you stink of lotus blossoms when you first met. However they're not the only ones. I spoke to Hantengu's sons while they were imprisoned. All five of them think you smell like aster blooms."
"Really?" You weren't shocked by this point but it was surprising to you...Wait. Kokushibo DID mention Hydrangeas when you both spoke yesterday. "Why is this happening so much?"
"I think I have an idea but I just need a little bit more time to run a few more tests to be absolutely certain what I think is happening to you is in fact happening. You'll need to be a little more patient. But enough about me right now." He tilted his head looking your disheveled form up and down. "....You look a mess. Like you just survived being chased by an animal.~ What's happened to my dear Y/n-chan?~"
You opened your mouth to speak-
"MADAM Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU?!,"A distant woman's voice wailed.
Enmu blinked as something dove behind him, gripping onto his shoulders and he tilted his head amused at your form peeking over his shoulder and Rui tilted his body watching carefully. "Ah. I see the problem. Oh poor darling.~"  A hand cooed reaching up to pat your own hand sarcastically amused. ''Did the servants' over enthusiasm scare you?~"  
"They want to subject me to hell!," You hissed at him making him chuckle more. "It's NOT funny! I just told them I didn't want servants and I woke up to three women trying to dictate what I did! I wasn't even served breakfast first!" 
"Neither was I. I'm hungry, Mother."
"Rui as well!!" He chuckled again and you frowned stepping to the right to stand next to him and face his smile. "It's no laughing matter. Rui needs proper nutrition provided to him if I want him to remain healthy." You tilted your head. "Isn't that what you said he needed? He needed proper care especially food to safely take his medicine?"
This time Enmu did hum. "....You have a fair point. And it's strange that they would do that."
"Do what?"
"Not serve you dear son food. They're supposed to care for the both of you..not just you, and blatantly ignoring your requests your first night here.." he hummed deeply squinting his eyes. "Interesting."
"Is that bad?"
"It's certainly strange. Right now you rank higher than they are and yet they blatantly deny the boy despite his new position and the clear orders you gave them."
"Not only that! They're all going to try to change me!"
His eyes refocused from thinking and snapped back to you with a hum. "I beg pardon?"
"They're gonna try to brainwash me into some 'high class lady worthy of my position and caliber' because apparently I 'have bad manners that was obviously never taught to me correctly '." You scowled at him as he stared at you. "No one has Time for that!"
"LADY Y/N!!"
You dove back behind the demon as he stared at nothing in particular. My, my, my, my. Well this was certainly an interesting development. No food. No rules being followed. It sounds as if the situation was being entirely dictated by someone else who was ignoring Y/n. Did the Master not explicitly state what care the boy needed for his stay? Well..This wouldn't do. Not only that..They planned on messing with his Begonia's head? Changing her to fit a certain role? Hmm....That meant a change in herself. Which meant a change of personality. Which meant no more of that fiery passion that caused his nerves to stand on fire. The way she'd push him back three steps for every one he walked. After all when was there ever a woman who actually had the gull to throw him around when he was much more stronger than her? He loved the feeling- No. The THRILL of the unpredictability that is Y/n. Never knew when she'd throw him out a window or hide behind him. It was a fun experience he never had before. To change her into a walking copy of every other spoiled rich woman would deprive him of that joy....
The HELL if that was going to happen.
He gave a slight inhale reaching out to pat your hand again.  "Well that won't do at all. Let me see if I can get this fixed for you. Then we can see about those blood arrangements.~"
"Just keep your hands to yourself or I'll throw you into the water!"
He chuckled again despite the frown on her face. "Shall we then?"
You didn't move until he started walking forward with you staying right behind him using Enmu as a shield. Rui never took his eyes off Enmu, narrowing his eyes as he followed them back towards the entrance way to the fancy place. He could feel the grip tightening up on his shoulders as they neared, it seemed she was ready to bolt at the slightest hint of them cornering her... Adorable.~ He stepped along with a smile on his face and briefcase in one hand. The sounds of frantic footsteps and distant voices became closer and closer the closer they got. The woman staying right behind him even as the door was pushed further open revealing the tiny Kizuki demon there. It took a moment to really take in what they were all doing. A lot more demons had gathered about babbling to one another or walking around aimlessly trying to get something done as everyone else spoke. But soon one of the men stopped noticing Enmu standing in the doorway, face instantly paling in fear. The demon he was speaking too also stopped talking to turned confused but got the same expression as the first demon. Slowly but surely everyone started looking. Everyone stopped talking. The silence set in as everyone stopped moving to stare petrified at the figure in the doorway with a child still glaring daggers at his side and a woman peeking out behind him with a scowl. 
"Such wonderfully shocked faces.~ I did send a message ahead to expect me this morning, so you all shouldn't be so surprised to see me. Unless...Oh. is there something wrong here that I should know about?"  A few demons looked at each other uneasy and a few others started sweating. Interesting.~ "Mmm. I think Im a little hungry. Why doesn't someone bring enough food to my room to feed three people? After all, I have guests with me."
With that he started walking again. You didn't stop using him as a shield between you and everyone else. It was like when that Oiran parted the crowd in the entertainment district, the demons parted from the middle of the halls as he walked past them all with a hum.
"Just point out the direction of your room and we'll start from there, Dear."
"Start down that hall-" You pointed a hand. "-and then take two lefts." He started off in the direction you pointed and listened whenever you pointed out a different  direction for him to follow until you pointed not at a hall but a room. "There. That's my room there."
He turned his head and looked like he was going to ask you something-
"LADY Y/N!!"
Your head turned. Your eyes widened. "Oh hell no!!"
"HAH!!" Enmu squealed as two hands grabbed his sides and swung him Around to face the upcoming small group of ladies running down the hall towards you all. His face lighting up a pink as you essentially death hugged him from behind. ... before he gave a little shiver and smile over his shoulder. "Why Y/n.~ I never knew you were so forward, and with so many people ar-"
"Finish that sentence and I'll throw you into a train engine!," You growled behind him making him chuckle again. "ITS NOT FUNNY-!!"
"MY LADY!!," Yoko cried holding up the hem of her kimono in order to allow her to run faster. What was she doing here?! She stopped in front of you all with a look like her make up would start smudging any minute. "There you are. We were so worried when you just ran off like that! What ever got into you?"
"Ah. That's what I would like to know."
Everyone looked at Enmu who smiled wider. Everyone paled. Everyone immediately bowed. 
"L-Lord Enmu! You're here? With the Lady? AH!! I MEAN OF COURSE YOU ARE!!", Yoko panickedly corrected her earlier blunder that Enmu. Did. Not. Miss. Tilting his head at her. "Y-You both are engaged After all!! Why would you not be with your fiance?! W-We were not expecting you so soon."
"I have gotten that impression." His head tilted more. "Now I wonder just what you all could've done to make my begonia flee like she did."
She visibly went rigid. "....Us?"
"Of course. No sane person would bolt like she did unless she has a reason to or she had a nervous break down. As much fun as it would be to see her break down, I'm under the impression that there's someone overriding her choices here~," he sing singed with a creepily cheery attitude before humming a finger tapping his chin. "Now what on earth could've that been I wonder."
"There was strangers in my room when I SAID I didn't want strangers in there!," You hissed from behind him making him hum. "Not only that, but I had three people I didn't even know trying to touch my head and dress me!" It sent a shiver down your spine. "Not to mention the plan to brainwash me!!"
"Brainwashing. I'm actually very familiar with that concept! Even have some hands on experience.~" He proudly cooed with a hand on his chest. "But the thought of any of you doing that to the woman, who may I remind you I am attracted to by her original self.....Well that thought makes me very upset.~" His voice took a small twist that made you blink at him.
"N-No!! No!! We would never!! Honest, Lord," Yoko nearly squealed in his presence. "I-I merely set about t-to make sure t-t-that she would be prepared for her n-new position is all!"
"By completely ignoring what she asked? By going over her head and dictating what she should want based on your own standards? ....Going behind our backs to change our woman??"  No one spoke after that sentence making him hum louder and twist his head to the side with an audible crack of his neck. "What was it she told me? Soon to be taught the proper way to behave for a lady of her position or something close to that? Oh dear, oh dear. That won't do at all. The blatant disrespect and disregard is something I can't overlook here. It would be a shame if the others found out."
"W-We'll fix all the wrongs right away!! P-Please have mercy!! W-We only did what we thought was best-"
"No. Not 'we'. YOU. But luckily for my beloved Im here to fix it!!" His cheery smile and tone return as his head popped back up.  "And you lovely ladies have the chance to redeem yourselves! Now the first order of business is for me to just say...If anything of this magnitude happens again, I'll convince the Master to allow me some 'volunteers' for my new wysteria tonic." The air dipped in feeling that even sent a shiver down your spine.  "Now on the other hand, would one of you ladies be a sweetheart and bring all of us some food?" His tone shifted again back to happy go lucky. "If I recall, you all never even fed them first before shoving your ideals on her."
"That's not the only thing shoved onto me." He again hummed in question. "Look inside my room."
He paused for a moment before Enmu turned- ?! He blinked amused when two strong arms just grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him to walk backwards still forcing him to stay between you and them until you got to the door and motioned towards the door. He chuckled again, you scowled deeper, and he held up his hands before opening the door. .....Hmm. Now wasn't this interesting? A completely normal room except for the obvious mountain of boxes and gifts scattered everywhere. Oh my, oh my. It looks like there was already some spoiled people trying to get in good with his lady. The thought bubbled up a small but very primal anger in the back of his mind as he turned to face the half bowed ladies staring at him in fear.
"Now what have here? You should know better than to throw all of this on her her first night here. Don't you know what stress that would cause?"
"B-B-But Sir. T-The nobles always traditionally give gifts to a new Lady-"
"Then send them a thank you card on her behalf and tell them all that she's too overwhelmed to be bothered.~" He smiled wider. "If they have any problems with how we handle things then please tell them to feel free to talk to the Kizuki. In the meantime..." He pulled back the sleeve on his other wrist. "I am running behind on some appointments...Set up a room for me close to my fiance and bring us some food. I have some unfinished business to do. Come Begonia.~"
He motioned for you to follow him as he just walked into the room and not wanting to stay anywhere close to the demons who tried to essentially take over your life, you followed quickly followed by Rui. As soon as the door closed , you exhaled a huge sigh of relief allowing your body to relax against the closed door and breath. Gods these demons were crazy. CLICK!! You slowly looked back up and found Enmu with his back to you digging through his open briefcase he had set up on top of the mountain of boxes. He hummed happily to himself rummaging through it meanwhile Rui stood as still as a statue staring at him.  Guess Rui still had a bad impression of Enmu from the last time they've been alone with you, but Rui hadn't made any effort to tie him up again....Yet. 
"Alright! I found it!," He happily sang with an absolutely cheery voice turning back to you with a clean vile like he usually used to get your blood, a sharp nail already ready to poke your hand with once more. "Now hold still. This won't take but a moment.~"
You rose a brow starting to get tired of this process. "How many times do you HAVE to do this?! I'm starting to think it's hopeless."
"Actually this will be the last time I need it. I just need a present day sample to test and compare it to the older samples. Then I can actually confirm if my theory about your blood is correct."
"Mind sharing?"
He shook his head. "I don't want to spread false information in case I am wrong. If I am it'll just cause more trouble, but rest assured I will tell you once I confirm it. Now your hand please.~"
You deadpanned but sighed and held up your hand- "Ow!"
A sharp prick hit your finger and you found Enmu again pressing the vile against the small cut and blood dropped into the vile. You only watched as he got a decent few drops before he let you go and slapped the cork back on. Staring at the red lovingly with his teal eyes.
"So pretty.~ Your blood always fascinates me.~"
You rolled your eyes already used to his antics. "Nice to know you're taking this seriously." He turned to place the vile back in his bag. "Thank you by the way." He hummed pausing his movements to look back at you. Your hand gestured to the door. "Back there I mean. If you hadn't scared the heavens out of them, they might've tried forcing me into all those things. It honestly scared me for a moment."
He hummed with a blink before smiling again and continuing to put things away. "Well I was able to see your face in despair which excited me.~ So we can call ourselves even for now.~ Besides I can't have anyone going around trying to change my pretty ill tempered mistress can I?~" 
"You know the only reason I accepted that 'gift' was because I needed the medicine for Rui, right? I didn't want any engagements. No matter how cute your reactions are, I'm not accepting your love.'' Enmu had paused, his eyes widened at you. "...What?
"Y-You..Think I'm cute?" His genuine surprise slowly twitched into a spellbound love struck look before he giggled like a girl who had just gotten kissed by her crush, hands grabbing his cheeks stained a pink....shit. "Aaaawww.~ My Begonia's already in the denial part of the falling in love stage.~ It makes me so happy!~"
"Enmu, knock it off before I change my mind about throwing you in that water!"
"YES!!"  You jumped as he moved quicker than you thought possible and in one moment he was right in front of you clutching his chest. That same love struck look in his eyes staring at you. "Please throw me! Please punch me! Do please do anything as long as I feel your skin upon mine even for a moment.~"
...You blinked before reaching a hand to your temples. "Ah shit. You really do have it bad huh?''
"But of course.~ I love everything about you. That's why I don't want them to change you.~"
...You slowly looked back to him. "You like....me being myself? Well..No offense but I wasn't expecting that answer from you."
"Oh I might seem like that but it's true~," he continued to gush, "And you're the first for everything for me.~ My first time anyone let alone a lady threaten me. Push me around. Defend me. Trusts me enough despite my actions and personality.~ Even now you don't cower away or reject me outright.~ Even when you threaten me I can tell you have emotions aimed just for me behind it.~ Don't you see..Y/n. I love you." He gushed and you blinked when he grabbed your hand. "You excite me in ways I've never been given a chance to feel.~ Why would I want that absent from my li-..." He completely stopped eyes going wide and jaw dropping as that hand reached up to cup his cheek. "....life."
"Alright I get it you love struck fool." You said with a roll of your eyes. "I guess I owe you a little bit of gratitude for all you did for me, and still doing for me. And I can appreciate the honesty at least. But promise me one thing."
He shivered before leaning towards the touch he felt. Hands reaching up to gently hold the hand holding his cheek. "Name it.~"
"When you do get the results of my blood, I would like to know fully what you've done with it. I think I have a right to know that at least."
"Done.~" He then tilted his head sideways and you jumped when a soft pair of lips gently kissed the palm of your hand before the face nuzzled into it's warmth. "Trust me.~ Your blood's story is one I'm most thrilled to tell you.~"
You nodded. "G-Good." You cleared your throat nevermind the slight pink of your cheeks. "I e-expect you to keep your word."
"Do I get another kiss in thanks?~"
You rolled your eyes. "You and kisses. By the way you're acting it's like I gave you the first kiss of your Life-"
You blinked. "What?"
He chuckled again. "Did you think I was wrong when I said you were my first? Your kiss was my first heavenly experience with love.~ And I would not like it to be my last.~"
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turoce · 1 year ago
Seana's 2023 art highlights
(surprisingly, not a reupload this time!)
January: i drew nothing! we're off to a great start.
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February: i drew something! i love Champ even if i haven't drawn anything tf2 related since April. i think it was this piece where i decided to give Champ RED coloring. [link]
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also, this is the month i made my second Moldy plush.... i wasn't very happy with this one, though. [link]
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March: uhhhh. more of my tf2 ocs but i think those aren't that interesting. just go to my tf2 oc blog @brokenbrainstormbulb if you wanna see them honestly, i have an image limit to keep ffs. that said, this was around the time i got into TC2, so i drew a lot of that kind of stuff... i'm never drawing stuff for it ever again, sorry. [link]
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April: look at the cool thing i drew for a fellow tf2 robot fan! now, this is the point in time where i start drawing more because of a certain interest, so look forward to all the art that'll come up here.....
May: wow, this really was my first public piece of Papa Louie art, huh. i was so proud of it when i showed it off on tumblr the first time... i don't like it as much anymore. for one, the office wall color is wrong.... i still can't believe Papa Louie was what got me out of art block, but god, i'm glad it did. i don't think i've drawn this much before, and even though the community's tiny, i'm glad to give back as much as i can. anyways, i said something like "it's so funny that people think they're either super married or divorced as hell" on the same post. i still think that, and it's defos funny as hell, but i've grown a kind of appreciation towards the ship as well. like yeah, you go girls, we love that extra slow burn with so many road bumps on the way! [link]
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June: how the hell did i pump this out. this was also like a few days before i had to leave for the airport too... i don't know myself sometimes. i swear i still love Boigashipping! i just... i'm just busy with other ships okkkk [link]
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July: i didn't draw anything...? i was in Bali. and i was busy selling adopt designs to draw anything substantial, oopsie! actually, i DID draw the first part of WDB... it's uh, still the only part. i'm sorry!!!! i'm sorry!!!! i swear i have the whole thing outlined!!! can you just give me anons about the story instead so you won't have to wonder what comes next!! [link]
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August: TOSI fixation. it had not gone past it's conceptual stage, i must note. i do wish i would do something about it though. [link]
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September: the art trade i did with my friend! actually, i was a few weeks late with my part, so it was supposed to be finished by August. oops. i like the textures tbh. my Chuseok drawings.... i need to draw more characters in hanbok, hee hee. [link]
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October: (breaths in) ...this is the month i finally gave into the JoGotcha wantings. LOOK. ever since someone put the idea into my brain i couldn't get enough of it, and like,, nobody draws the ship anymore so i had to take matters into my own hands. this is the first ship i'm this obsessed with. i usually leave ship stuff to other people but this time that wasn't enough and i... i had to do SOMETHING, y'know? [link]
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Cringetober? who's that? haha;; i stopped feeling like doing the whole list after less than a week. impressive.
November: oh look, Plushy Power League. Quinn didn't win, but i do like the thing i drew as propaganda, so whateves. the first Papa Louie character i ever drew (minus Chuck and Taylor)... did i change how i draw her? uhh. maybe? i'm not too sure. [link]
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also look! the keychain drawing... i need to talk about my Gods and Monsters au again at some point. actually, since i last uploaded the image of my keychain, i revised it tons... it's kinda different now, and i defos think it looks better. this is actually the time i finally fixed the stupid display setting thing that was really messing up my coloring! [link 1] [link 2]
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December: ...oops! tablet broke. and i got my 3ds back so i just didn't draw that much even after exams were over. didn't stop me from drawing though, and in fact i think i made something pretty neat with my christmas art.... even if it did come one day late. [link]
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wow. that's a whole year of stuff... and that's defos a lot! i think i'm really happy with what i drew this year.... i don't know what was in my water the last few years but my art highlights felt really.... miserable? for some reason. i mean, yeah, i didn't do a lot of what i had planned (GOE ANIMATIC IM SORRY) but i can see that i've done just as much with my hands anyways, so like, who cares? plus, i always have next year... that's coming in 3 hours, oh god- so, maybe i won't be too hard on myself for not fulfilling my goals... like, i kinda glossed over it, but i did sell my designs for money, and that's like, really impressive! so many people around me buy and sell their art stuff already, so i guess i didn't really register it as something to be proud of... but doing that shit (making, and marketing) is hard!! so like, it's a wow moment for me!
anyways, i'm tired, i only came back home a few hours ago, and i need to get up again for church in a few hours.... mrphgdjd. lets stop being sentimental, and i'll see you people next year. that's a long way off! hope you don't miss me.
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