#also I HATE how the word queued is spelled
soul-controller · 1 year
Hey everyone, I hate to disappoint but I just wanted to share that there’s no way that the Halloween event can happen anymore this year.
My manager at my job initially promised me that I would be able to have a set schedule where I could have 4 days off a week so I could properly devote time to getting my writing done. Unfortunately, two people quit and my schedule for the next few weeks just came out and now I’m being forced to help cover their shifts until they hire new people (which will probably take a while since my job has a terrible reputation in town). Although I would have probably been able to find a way to make the event still happen given how excited I was about it, I’m still in the process of doing four relatively large story commissions so there’s no way that I can juggle both those and the Halloween event. Something had to give and obviously the event had to go as the commissions take priority.
To provide some context and be a bit vulnerable, things in my personal life have been a bit rough and hectic the past month or two, so I’m hoping things can eventually settle down soon enough. As previously mentioned my job is being a nuisance, but there’s other stuff going on like money issues on top of being in the process of getting a new doctor because my current one was refusing to take any of my concerns seriously. Beyond just him downplaying my anxiety and depression diagnoses when it comes to providing me effective medication, he also refused to try and help with the debilitating migraines I suffer through practically every other day.
Just to add a cherry on top of the shitty month that this has been, I just recently discovered that queuing on Tumblr has finally failed me. The story that was meant to come out this month never got posted and the concept of having to go through re-formatting everything and getting photos again was just too much of a depressing nuisance for me to deal with. Hell, I've been in such a stink recently that I didn't even do a celebration to celebrate the fact that my account had passed 4,000 followers! I guess doing it nearly three hundred followers later is a bit too late, but I suppose it's never too late to celebrate. I seriously appreciate all of the support I've received regardless of it was a like, a reblog, a follow, or a subscription to my Patreon. All of it means a lot to me... genuinely.
I suppose I just wanted to say that things feel a bit grim for me currently, but I remain hopeful that good days shall eventually come (especially since Halloween is my favorite time of year). To put a more positive spin on the increased hours at work, at least it means that I'll hopefully fix my money issues. Plus, I finally have a meeting with a new doctor this Thursday so I'm hoping I can get some results and find someone who actually cares and wants to help me.
In closing, I sincerely wanted to apologize again in case I disappointed anyone by canceling the Halloween event. Hopefully I can make it up to y’all though by releasing two stories here for October that I really enjoyed writing.
On top of that, I’m thinking I may give the concept of releasing long stories for purchase via Ko-Fi / itch.io a shot by having a trial run with a nearly 10k word Halloween-ish story involving misguided spells, twinkification, and age progression / weight gain between two best friends.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate all of your support and hopefully your understanding during this extremely trying time. 💙
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20 Questions For Fic Writers!
Thank you so much for the tag, @honeyteacakes!! I loved reading your responses. This was so much fun to do.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35! Some of them are locked to attempt to minimise AI scraping.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
44,236 holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m pretty deeply embedded in the Sandman-verse. But I’ve also written an AC Odyssey fic recently.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m skipping this one because I embedded so many links in this post and I don’t wanna do it anymore. 😂 And people can just filter by kudos on AO3 if they’re interested.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond EXTREMELY slowly, but I make every effort to reply to comments when I have the energy to spare. It means a lot to me when people take the time to tell me what they liked about my stories.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh. Good question. It’s either “pour the dirt into our bed” (Ranger’s Apprentice, referencing homophobia faced in a queerplatonic relationship) or “if you want voices in the dark, listen to mine” (Good Omens, after a temptation gone wrong.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a fair amount of tender stories, so there are a lot of possible answers to this one! Potentially it’s “our place in the sun” (Sandman, Lucienne/Calliope domestic fluff) which is all about coming to rest and settling into love. Another option is “throw down that spade and dig up the garden” (Good Omens, Ineffable Husbands) which is about…pretty much the same thing, now that I think about it. 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not. I genuinely can’t understand why people leave hate comments on fics. Sure, there’s a lot of things I take issue with in certain fandoms, but I bitch about that stuff strictly IN MY OWN SPACE, I absolutely do not barge into other people’s spaces to do it. I never will and you can hold me to that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I WANT TO. I’m working on it!! I actually have a smut prompt ask game queued up for next year, when I’ll have fewer writing obligations. As for what kind, I want to write so much femslash smut. There is devastatingly little in the Sandman fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
OHOHOHO. I have written a Los Simuladores/Good Omens crossover and it is genuinely one of my favorite stories that I’ve ever written. “every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire” is appropriately zany, hopefully sexy, and seasoned with a dash of angst to balance the flavors.
(Shout out to @jlemonster for writing such a glowing post about it, it makes me happy just remembering it.)
Another crossover I’m working on is Johanna Constantine/Mary Poppins. I PROMISE it will make sense when it’s written. …well, maybe. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! As part of Fandom Trumps Hate this year I had two fics of mine wonderfully translated into Spanish by @yourneighborhoodneighbor and it was an amazing experience.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don’t know if that would work with my writing habits, tbh. Maybe someday though, if the right idea and right person come along!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh GOD. Complicated question!! There are ships I’m currently enamored of, obviously, but who knows if they’ll stand the test of time? I know that Kaz/Inej (Six of Crows) and Irina/Jack (Alias) did something to my adolescent brain that may never be undone, but that’s the closest I can get to an answer to this question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’ve got a Good Omens Ineffable Wives AU inspired by Anne of Green Gables that is very dear to me, and has many aspects I’m extremely proud of, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. My interest in Good Omens has flagged of late and unfortunately I don’t know if I’ll complete many of my WIPs for that fandom!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have a good grasp on characters’ voices! Also, I think I write tactile and descriptive details well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have done it once!!! For the aforementioned Los Simus fic. It was so much fun, and a good challenge for me. The dialogue was in Spanish (with very valuable help from @thisisnotjuli) and I loved writing how the two characters spoke in somewhat differing dialects.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh, lord. Probably Harry Potter? By hand, in a notebook from the dollar store. I was probably about eight or nine.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
They’re my children. My babies. My beloved frogspawn. I can’t give a definite answer, but…two of the stories that I worried my lip over the most for dread of failing to do them justice, the ones I think I put the most heart and consideration and care into, are “it’s an old song (and we’re gonna sing it again)” (Sandman, Calliope & Dream + healing and rediscovery and intimacy and changed but no less important relationships) and “sister dear, bear me away” (Good Omens, a human AU about gender discovery).
No pressure tags: the usual suspects <3 @pyrocephalus-rubinus @fatcatgospel and Juli, as well as @zorawitch @azi-sings-calliope @cosmictapestry, and anyone else who reads this and wants to talk about their creations!!
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hello friend tis clyde i have returned from the depths of the grishaverse
sorry again for temporarily abandoning u hehe
oh friend u gotta sleep bro. sleep is good. more than six hours preferably. also food.
food good. frozen pasta... a little questionable but if it works it works. muffins are 👌
oh um that’s a lot simpler than it sounds... sigh math. oof, it seems that nobody really likes algebra. i just find it annoying really because it’s quite easy, but i think it will hopefully get harder and just be annoying because it’s a challenge
not that challenges are bad
history is nice when it’s not taught by a sucky teacher. my social studies teacher sucks, she’s so annoying like- the old principal (the one who hired her) was known for hiring the pretty teachers rather than the smart ones, which explains a lot about the ✨quality✨ of my education lol
omg that’s really unfortunate i’m sorry for that amigo oof. it’s so freaking heteronormative i was like so depressed for the rest of the day bc even when i complained to my dad (bc i wasn’t thinking obviously) he started making a bunch of slightly offensive gay jokes but i couldn’t say anything bc i’m still closeted and then i wad just really depressed for a while so yeah it’s bad
i’m sorry i’m just projecting my emotions onto you
dw u don’t hafta acknowledge it i’m just typing
ahahaha i wish. swords are a start. swords good. seducing good. now i just hafta be pretty enough for people to actually fall for it... hmm the challenge
floof is fun. floooooooof
ahahaha good luck amigo
thinking is overrated anyways
ahhhhhh it’s like the best experience tho bc the entire place was made to look like a castle and it was just so amazing and there was duelling and my like 8 year old self was screaming internally bc it was so awesome hehe
that sounds nice i say go for it. small stab, painful but not prison worthy and enough to install fear in your enemies
your excuse can be it’s what your inner caliban was telling you to do, and you were so in character you couldn’t stop it
cool. cellos are like so big tho. how do you transport a cello i’ve always wondered about that?
ahahaha indeed it is lol. yeah baggy clothes win. now i hafta figure out how to get a binder without coming out as whatever the fuck my gender is (bc idek at this point) to my parents lol
oooh yeah i would have my window open but my neighbours are always playing in the park like right across from my house and then the kids scream and it’s really annoying so that’s unfortunate
ooh cool. lol hyperfixtations are probably the reason i haven’t died of boredom so i’m all for those hehe
and for ur questionnnnn: what’s ur favourite disney movie and favourite disney character (not necessarily from that movie just in general)?
pay attention be a good student study hard and then use ur knowledge to take over the world
that’s my life advice for u
until next time friend :)
What’s up!! I’m glad you’re back!! I’ve been bingeing tv but it hasn’t been shadow and bones lol it’s been something else. (Called due south. I’m obsessive. Anyhow.)
I know when I’m doing this is a poor example (hint: it’s late) but I’ve been getting more sleep recently. Also eating food. We’re going to get bacon for breakfast this morning, which is exciting. :)))
Hey, I like my frozen pasta. It is what it is, and the chicken that comes with it is really good. Also I had a muffin for breakfast yesterday 😋
Algebra is pretty easy if you get the hang of it. I’m in algebra 2 and it’s not my hardest class by any means. It’s a little dull but that also depends on the teacher. Also I just have an aversion to numbers, so that doesn’t help.
Oh that isn’t fun at all, I’m sorry. (The word sorry has a Canadian accent in my brain cause of how much tv I’ve been watching.) I really like history, actually, although if one single more sentence in my history textbook is devoted to “socialism = dictatorship = genocide these words are synonymous” I’m going to kill a man. They are not synonymous and the only reason we’re being taught that they are is because of the reaganist red scare propaganda and it’s lasting impacts on American society and education. If you don’t know what I’m talking about don’t worry about it lol, my dad is a retired communist so I’m pretty knowledgeable about certain things.
Also before anyone points a gun with an American flag on it at my head, let the record show that *sigh* I am not a communist myself. I swear to god you *breathe* the word socialism in this country and seven people fight you in a parking lot.
Anyways lmao sorry friend
I’m also really sorry about your dad. It sucks that he’s doing that. The homophobia is intense and I’m sorry. If you do ever come out I’m here for you and will ride my ass up to Canada to bring you little pride flags and marshmallows, but you also don’t owe it to anyone but yourself. Also I love you. (/p)
I mean, I am also just typing so same boat friend :)
You have pretty energy, I’m sure u can manage seduction. Swords help, and so do long, swishy cloaks. And tall leather boots.
Omg yes the one I went to was just this big keep in the middle of NYC and I was like AAAAA it was so cool and it also smelled fantastic. I don’t remember what it smelled like, but it was good.
Brilliant! With the cameras rolling, in the heat of the moment, I’ll rise from the ground and stab him lightly, and then act as though I have no memory of what occurred. I was possessed by caliban. What are they going to do, arrest caliban? Lmaoooo god I want to hes so smUG and he gives nothing when you’re in a scene with him you could pour your soul into it and he’s not handing anything back and it’s agonizing,,,,
I put my cello in a big rolling cello case and I wheel it about. It fits in the trunk of my car, barely. When I had a soft case I carried it on my back and was just like two feet taller in door frames lol
You could have a friend order it for you? If you’re out to anyone? If not, there’s people that ship things “discreetly” like disguised as other things? I sound like a criminal don’t i but like. Also I can find u some websites if u want.
Ughhhh annoying loud kids are the worst. I have my window open right now and it’s raining and the sound is m a r v e l o u s. Not to mention the smell. Delicious. The world is nice.
Hyperfixations do be all we have in this god forsaken world huh. That and ✨friends✨
Oh hmmmm. I think I like Prince of Egypt most, there’s another but I’m not thinking of it right now,,,,, and then my favorite Disney character,,,,,,, I never watch movies but I was one of those trans guys who looked at mulan and went I Want That so I’mma say her lol
That’s very good life advice. My life advice is to do what makes your soul feel smooth. Interpret that as you will.
This has been a trip of a letter bro, hope you enjoy it :)))))
Until next time :)
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dancingkirby · 2 years
PROMPT: Reunion
TITLE: The Properties of Love and Hate
SHIP: Denyshipping (Amon x Edo x Ekou), Sacrificeshipping (Amon x Ekou)
SUMMARY: Amon looked amused at Ed’s continued silence.  “If you desire my wife so badly, I have a little proposal for you.  You can have her, on one condition…I get to claim you too.”
NOTES: This, like all of my submissions for this event, is a queued post since I will be on vacation during the actual Rarepair Week; I plan to post on Ao3 when I return home at the end of the month.  This is a slight AU where Amon and Ekou were both brought back, and is set about five years post-canon. Edo’s name is spelled as “Ed” in this since it’s set in America (I know.  It’s weird), and I’m using the fanon that he’s from England.  I chalk up any mistakes on my part to him being exposed to the slang of other countries over the years.  LOL  This fic is dedicated to @immicolia and her love of Edo’s bitchfaces. 
Rated for sexual content (I tried to make it relatively non-explicit, and there’s some fade-to-black), cursing, and alcohol use. 
In general, Ed Phoenix was happy with the direction his life was going.  Tonight, though, proved to be an exception.  Why had he ever agreed to go to this bloody stupid event?!  Part of it, he supposed, was boredom.  He and Ryo were taking one of their regular breaks from their relationship; things got so intense between them that they both agreed it was for the best to avoid emotional burnout.  Also, Emeralda had told him that it would come off as “strange” if he didn’t show up, especially since he was currently living in the Silicon Valley area for a stint in the American Pros.  Then again, she didn’t know what had happened in that cave in the other dimension, did she?  In any case, here he was, in the ballroom of this reception hall, at a gala celebrating both the IPO and app launch for the social-media website Cogito. 
Cogito–or “Geet,” as it was often affectionately known by its fanbase–billed itself as a site for “civilized academic debate,” (emphasis theirs) particularly when it came to thorny philosophical questions that didn’t have answers elsewhere.  Ed had no idea how it had managed to attract such a large and rabid fanbase…but somehow, it had.  Perhaps it was due to their viral advertisement campaigns, which made liberal use of the latest memes before they had a chance to get outdated.  Or maybe it was simply because lots of college students used it to cheat on their homework, despite this being decidedly against the Terms of Service.  Even Ed had to admit that he’d visited the site a couple of times; he did have several PhD’s by this point, after all, and he couldn’t play extreme sports or duel all the time. 
Currently, though, he was suffering through what seemed to him to be an excruciatingly long speech by the website’s founder…Amon Garam.  No wait, Ed kept forgetting, he was going by Amon Shaughnessy now.  Not that it mattered to him. 
“Five years ago, my wife and I had nothing…except for each other and an idea,” Amon was saying.  “But we had the grit and perseverance to make that idea a reality.  What started as a small website that I coded in the basement of my grandparents’ home has become something much more.  And we would like to thank our supporters for standing by us.  Also, thank you to my grandparents for taking us in when we needed it, and big thanks to Ekou, who has always given this project her whole-hearted support, spending countless hours debugging and offering suggestions.  And of course, she is the mastermind behind our famous advertisements.”
Ekou, who was standing on the podium at her husband’s side, beamed and gave the audience a little nod of acknowledgement.  Ed, on the other hand, was fighting the urge to make a “gag-me” gesture.  He doubted that things had ever been quite as dire as Amon said they’d been.  There were a lot of things missing from his version of events, not the least of which was that he had been adopted by a family of billionaires…until Goa Garam had kicked both him and Ekou out for revealing their “love” for each other.  What was more, he had heard that Ekou had later gotten access to her funds back due to the intercession of her dying mother.  Oh, and to top it all off, was Ed seriously the only person who remembered that Amon had tried to kill the woman who would become his wife?!  They’d both initially been thought to be permanently dead.  Then, much like Ryo, they had washed up on a beach…on Miyako Island, if he was remembering correctly.  That was in the early months of 2007.  Cogito had been launched in the summer of 2008…not quite four years ago.  They had certainly gotten back on their feet quickly for people who had had “nothing.”  And now, they lived in a sprawling mansion in Palo Alto with their three children, and hobnobbed with all the biggest names in tech.
In any case, Amon was finally done talking, people had clapped, and they had opened the floor to questions.  Ekou said, “First, here’s the answer to the question that everyone always has.  Yes, that is how my name is actually spelled, and no, I don’t know what my parents were thinking.”  A ripple of polite laughter rose from the crowd.  Ed had the idea that when she had said “thinking,” what she had really meant was “smoking.”  Over the past few years, she’d become famous in her own right from her popular fitness and lifestyle channel on YouTube on which Amon made periodic guest appearances.  Ed, always having an interest in fashion, noted that she was attired in a smart dark blue pencil skirt and matching blazer that was meant to complement her husband’s suit (which was gray, to match his eyes), and still had the same short haircut.
The questioners all had favorable opinions of both Cogito and the Shaughnessys–prescreened, obviously–and now it was time for the cocktail party, which would be followed by a late supper in the dining room for a select few guests.  Ed had turned out to be one of those few, rather unwillingly.  For now, he was just glad that he was old enough to legally drink in America, so he could dull the monotony a bit.  However, he knew he had to be careful about that, since he was a lightweight when it came to alcohol and was already feeling the effects after drinking only one cosmopolitan.  He had been on his way to grab some canapes to balance it out when he almost literally bumped into Ekou.  She had changed into a vintage-looking cocktail dress with a full skirt, and also appeared to have had a drink or two. 
“Hey!  Edo!” she said.  “Whoops, shoot, sorry, Ed.  I forgot that I was speaking English for a second there.”
“It’s quite all right.  I do the same thing sometimes myself,” he admitted.  It tended to be jarring whenever he moved to an English-speaking country after an extended stay in Japan, getting accustomed to his first name having two syllables and then hearing it pronounced with only one again.
Ekou, meanwhile, looked a bit surprised.  “Wow, you’re British?  Somehow, I guess I never picked up on the accent when you spoke Japanese.”  That was understandable, Ed thought, given that she had been rather preoccupied at the time. 
“I’m English,” he corrected automatically.  “Although I haven’t actually lived there since I was a child.  Well, anyway, it was great seeing you again…” –He broke off here and added “alive” under his breath– “but I wanted to go check out those shrimp…now see how Americanized I’ve become, I don’t say ‘prawns’ anymore…” He was starting to wish that Ryo was here with him, since he’d merely stand there and give everyone his best Hell Kaiser glare until they left him alone.  He just wanted to get out of here before he had to talk to…
“Ekou!  I see that you’ve found an old friend?”
Too fucking late.  Now, Ed had to make small talk with Amon Shaughnessy…and the years had not diminished his hatred of the man one bit. 
“Hello,” he muttered, affixing the man with what Ryo often referred to as his “bitchface.”  Amon, clearly having the time of his life, strode over and stuck out his hand.  Ed forced himself to shake it.
“Hello, Ed Phoenix.  Are you enjoying the party?” he asked mildly.  He was completely sober, or at least appeared that way.  Ed very much doubted that he was genuinely making harmless small talk, although he was unsure what the hidden agenda might be.  He’d have to stay on guard.
“I’ve been to worse,” he finally said.  Now would be the perfect chance to give this arsehole the punch in the face that he so richly deserved.  He felt his hands balling into fists…
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Amon told him silkily.  “The press is here, after all, and they would love to have a story to plaster all over the front pages tomorrow morning.  And that might ruin your career, don’t you think?”
Ed found himself hissing “Kisama!”  He couldn’t think of anything in English that could quite encapsulate what he was feeling; “You bastard!” seemed woefully inadequate.  To be perfectly honest with himself, though, having something to get this emotionally invested over was as thrilling, in its own way, as one of his skyboarding excursions.
Amon, far from being insulted, made no attempts to hide how much he was enjoying the banter.  “And you refuse to let bygones be bygones.  How sad.”
“You don’t have to be mad anymore, Ed,” Ekou chimed in, laying a hand on his forearm.  “Nor did you have to be to begin with.  It was my choice, and look!  Everything turned out fine.”  And she still didn’t pull her hand away.  Why did that simple touch feel so good, make all his thoughts muddled?
Meanwhile, Amon tilted his head consideringly.  He lowered his voice. “I have always been curious about something; perhaps you can enlighten me.  Why were you that protective of a woman whom you had only just met?  Could it be…that you were in love with her?”
This non-sequitur left Ed completely blindsided.  For several seconds, he stood there in stunned silence, wondering if he’d heard correctly.  Finally, he managed to spit out, “I don’t have to be in love with someone in order to get angry when they’re being treated like a human rubbish bin, thanks.”
“Yes, yes, you’re all about heroics and justice, aren’t you?” Amon sighed, switching to Japanese.  “Perhaps ‘love’ is too strong of a word.  You want her, then.”
Ed, normally the king of snappy comebacks, couldn’t think of anything he could say that wouldn’t serve to dig himself a deeper hole than the one he was currently in.  Because, well, it was true.  Since he’d been twelve, he’d considered himself to be exclusively attracted to men…until he’d met Ekou.  He hadn’t quite recognized it for what it was at the time, but then, after they’d all returned to their own world, he’d started having dreams about her.  Ryo hadn’t been at all concerned about this when Ed had finally confessed this to him, saying something along the lines of, “So you’re bi.  Congratulations.”  However, he himself was rather shaken to realize that something he’d always believed to be a fundamental truth about himself was inaccurate.  Ekou was unlike any other woman he’d ever met…and it didn’t help matters now that her hand was still on his arm. 
Amon looked amused at Ed’s continued silence.  “If you desire my wife so badly, I have a little proposal for you.  You can have her, on one condition…I get to claim you too.”
He took a step backwards.  He’d never known Amon swung that way until right now, much less felt like that about him in particular.  How long had this been the case?  Perhaps all the way back to their duel? 
“You are absolutely disgusting,” he whispered.  However, he’d hesitated just an instant too long before replying for it to be believable, and he knew it.  The whole twisted idea spoke to something deep inside him: the part of him that was never completely satisfied unless he was doing something dangerous.   And somehow, Amon seemed to have sensed this.
“It’s only disgusting if you choose to see it that way,” he replied.  “I expect that you know a little something of business after spending a decade in the Pro League.  Think of it as a mutually beneficial transaction. We won’t force you to do anything you don’t want, of course.”
“Doesn’t she get a say in any of this?” Ed retorted.
“Of course I do,” she assured him.  “In fact, it was my idea.  We have an open relationship, and I’d always thought that you were cute.  Then I saw your name on the potential invite list for this party, and I said to Amon, why don’t we invite him and see what happens?”  She giggled a bit, and her face was flushed, although Ed wasn’t sure how much of this was attributable to her amorous feelings and how much was due to alcohol consumption. 
So they’d planned all this from the start.  Why was he not surprised?  Somehow, knowing this excited him further still. 
It was at this moment that he saw a flash of light in the background.  Ekou finally removed her hand and hissed, “Amon.  Cameras.”
“We will continue these negotiations after supper, if you wish.  It was nice speaking with you, Mr. Phoenix,” he said, speaking English once again for the benefit of their audience.  The two of them walked away to greet more guests, perfectly in sync with one another and not at all acting like they’d just propositioned him for a threesome.  How did they do that?  A boy with wavy brown hair, who appeared to be about twelve, ran up to the pair and started a conversation with Amon.  Ed watched for a few more seconds before looking away.
At least now he could check out the shrimp.  Prawns.  Whatever.  Although he wasn’t certain that he had much appetite anymore.
The supper proved to be a drawn-out affair, lasting eight courses, with a different wine pairing for each.  Ed was both pleased with this because it delayed the inevitable awkward conversation, and annoyed because it meant he had more time to get wrapped up in his ruminative thoughts.  He picked at his food and tried not to look at the couple who was throwing the party, but his eyes kept wandering up the table against his will.  Ekou had changed her outfit yet again, this time into an emerald green evening gown, and she and Amon were absorbed in amiable conversation with the people seated nearest to them, who appeared to be mostly stuffy investor types.  Amon had a pad of paper at the ready, and he was taking copious notes.  He’d thought that they were both thoroughly occupied with their socializing…and then Ekou happened to look right at Ed during one of his furtive peeks.  She gave him a little smile and wave, until Amon said something which had everyone around them laughing.  Immediately, she turned all of her attention back to her husband. 
Now that he had gotten over the initial shock of the couple’s proposal, Ed continued to ponder exactly why he hadn’t been completely repulsed by it, as he knew he ought to be.  Why was his heart racing every time he thought about it, and not from fear?  Why had he felt the color rise in his cheeks when Ekou had smiled at him, or as he contemplated how the muscles of Amon’s powerful arms were evident through multiple layers of fabric?   He hated the guy, both for the agony he’d put Ekou through and the flippant attitude he’d had towards the whole thing.  That was not up for debate.  And yet here he was, getting increasingly vivid fantasies of the guy fucking him so hard that he wouldn’t be able to walk the next morning.  On the other end of the spectrum, there was Ekou herself, who could probably kick his ass if she felt like it, yet also had that aura of vulnerability about her even now.  And he wanted her too, for very different reasons.  He wasn’t certain there was a word for this sort of phenomenon.
He attempted to think of something, anything, that he could use as a reason to turn them down.  Fidelity wasn’t the issue here.  He and Ryo had decided long ago that they were allowed to have other relationships when on hiatus with theirs, the only two rules being, “always use protection,” and, “don’t do anything too stupid.”  The first one wouldn’t be an issue; he wasn’t so far-gone that he couldn’t insist on that.  However, he couldn’t be certain whether or not this would qualify as “too stupid.”  There was also the fact that he’d never had sex with anyone who wasn’t a cis man before…but that couldn’t be too different, could it?  Might even be easier in some ways.  Ugh, there he went again, actually considering this outrageous idea!  All of this wine must be going to his head.
Finally, dessert was over, and he guessed it must be close to midnight now.  People were starting to gradually leave the table and drift off toward the front entrance to arrange for their drivers to come pick them up, although they were in no big rush.  Amon and Ekou had been one of the first couples to leave; perhaps they had decided not to continue the discussion after all, and would allow him to go home and pretend like none of this had ever happened…?  Then, right as he was getting up, they came back into the room, and Amon beckoned at him.  No such luck.  He had to make up his mind, and do it fast.
He was fully aware that he didn’t have to follow them; it wasn’t like Amon was holding him at gunpoint or anything.  Yet he set off after them anyway.  Once they reached their destination, a dark corner of the now nearly-vacant ballroom, Amon turned to him and inquired, “Have you reached a decision yet?” 
Ed had, just in these past few seconds.  Nevertheless, he was still determined to not capitulate without some resistance, since that was all part of the game.  
“If you’re looking for some sort of formal relationship, I have neither the time nor the inclination for that,” he said tartly. 
Amon nodded.  “Good.  Neither do we.”
“It can be only this one thing, or more than once…or if you don’t want to do it at all, just say so and we’ll never mention it again,” Ekou chimed in.  But Ed did want it.  That was the problem.
“Right…” he began, rushing on before he had the chance to change his mind, “Then my decision is yes.”  There was no turning back now.
“Excellent,” Amon responded; to Ed’s slight disappointment, he didn’t make an accompanying finger steeple.  “Ekou and I will go out the front entrance, pose a bit for the cameras, and get our car.  You go out the side door, down that hall to the left...” –he pointed– “…and we will bring the car around as soon as we’re able.”
It turned out to be a while before they were able.  There must have been more cameras than anticipated, Ed thought, although he wouldn’t put it past Amon to dawdle simply to annoy him.  Nearly twenty minutes later, he was contemplating giving up and leaving, (even though that would be a hassle, since he’d already called his own driver and told him he wouldn’t be needing a ride home tonight), when he finally saw a black Mercedes turn the corner of the building and pull up next to him.  The back door opened automatically, and he took one last second to confirm with himself that he was really, really sure about this before climbing in. 
There were three back seats, and he noted with some relief that Ekou had chosen the one in the middle.  Thankfully, the interior was roomy enough that no one got squished.  Each seat had what seemed like a hundred different buttons to adjust various settings, although he opted not to use any of them.  Tinted windows and a partition between the back and front afforded them some privacy.  The radio was on, and was currently featuring some guy singing about dynamite.  (Having lived in Japan for most of the past three years, Ed wasn’t exactly in the loop about all the newest American pop hits.)
“Do you like our car?” Ekou asked.  “We got it last year, after Rachel was born.  Three kids, three back seats, you know?”  Indeed, Ed could see a few small toys strewn about.  It was strange, being reminded that these two were parents.  Ed himself had never wanted any children of his own; he found that his work at the orphanages more than fulfilled him. 
For a surprisingly long time, the three of them were able to maintain a civil conversation about their rules and expectations for this encounter.  Ed was okay with just about anything, really, with the exception of some of the more hardcore fetishes.  He was pleased to learn that they had already been planning on strict condom usage before he brought it up.  Eventually, this segued into a sort-of civil conversation about their experiences in Dark World.  Ed soon found it was easier to keep track of the time by the songs that played rather than continuously looking at his smartphone, and they talked all the way through Katy Perry and Gotye and Owl City and Bruno Mars and Flo Rida.  Tongues had been loosened by the alcohol, it seemed.  Even Amon was more verbose than usual, and Ed began to suspect that he was more inebriated than he was letting on. 
“You posed as a butler?” he snorted.  “How completely undignified.”  He said this last in a mocking tone.
Ed crossed his arms.  “Well, we can’t all have our own personal Exodiamobiles to wait on us hand and foot, can we, Your Majesty?”
“I still wish I could’ve seen that,” Ekou breathed.    
“No, you don’t.  Judai told me that he looked fucking ridiculous riding on it.  Was that your big plan, Amon?  To become king because all of your opponents died laughing at you?”
Amon looked away, staring out the window; could it be that he was pouting?  “Obviously, I didn’t think things through as well as I had previously assumed.”
“Is that code for ‘Yubel made me their bitch,’ by any chance?”
“Oh?  I seem to recall that I made you mine first.  Perhaps bitches in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”  As he turned his head back towards Ed, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips, Ed had to admit that he’d walked right into that one. 
“Save it for the bedroom, you two,” Ekou interjected.  “Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe that either of you walked twenty miles a day while battling morning sickness and having to keep an eye on Chronos.”  A new song started on the radio, and she suddenly perked up.  “Okay, okay, both of you shut up now.  Paparazzi is on.”
Ed instinctively jerked his head towards his own window, worried that photographers were tailing them.  Amon muttered, “No, she’s talking about the song.  It’s her favorite.” 
Indeed, she was listening to it with all of her attention, eyes shining with enigmatic emotion.  She sang along with the chorus, and proved to have a surprisingly good voice.  Ed could pretty quickly figure out why she liked this song so much, and wondered if Yubel was familiar with it.  For the last line, Ekou changed the words up a little, crooning, “Baby, you are famous, chased you down until you loved me…”  She trailed off, beaming up at Amon.  Ed sighed. 
“Oh, but we can’t leave Ed out!” she continued, perhaps misinterpreting the reason for his annoyance.  “My hero.”  She playfully batted her eyelashes at him.  Ed thought, why not?  He’d done some improv in Dark World, after all. 
“Yes, m’lady,” he replied, deliberately exaggerating his accent.  He took her hand and kissed it.  “I must defend thine honor, and save thee from yon evil dragon!”
“Oh?” Ekou purred, leaning as far towards him as her seatbelt would allow and giving him a face full of cleavage and perfume.  “And what if this lady likes both the knight and the dragon, Sir Ed?”  Ed decided that doing this sort of thing had been much easier when none of his blood supply had been diverted.  Before he had the chance to think anything else, she had grabbed him by the necktie and aggressively claimed his lips with hers. 
Ed had assumed that kissing was one thing that would always be about the same, no matter the gender of his partner.  However, he’d been unprepared for how extraordinarily soft Ekou’s lips and skin were.  Her hand released its grip on his tie, moving upwards to cup his cheek instead.  In contrast to her initial ardor, she gently brushed his lips with the very tip of her tongue, wordlessly seeking permission to deepen the kiss.  He granted it.  The way her tongue darted around inside his mouth, active yet never quite dominating, was incredible.  And Amon could have this every day if he wanted it; in fact, he had taken it for granted to the extent that he’d thought nothing of sacrificing her.  Lucky bastard. 
Speaking of which, he had been very quiet during all this.  Ed briefly opened his eyes and darted his gaze around Ekou’s head, and saw that he was watching them intently.  They made eye contact, and Amon’s appraising glance showed no insecurity whatsoever.  All too soon, the car turned into a residential area and slowed down, and Ekou broke the kiss. 
“This is our street,” she informed him.  Ed ran a hand through his hair, trying to collect his scattered thoughts. 
He couldn’t help but ask, “Didn’t you say something about ‘saving it for the bedroom?’”
“Consider it a preview, then,” she replied simply.  The car started up a driveway, which was very nearly as long as the street itself.  They paused briefly at a gate until a security guard opened it and waved them on, ultimately coming to a full stop right next to the house’s main entrance. 
“Perfect timing,” Ekou commented as both the engine and radio cut off.  “Call Me Maybe was starting and I’m really sick of it.”  The driver rolled the partition down to ask if they needed anything else, and she added, “No, thank you, Vicente.  You can go home.  Leave the car out here for now; we’ll move it to the garage tomorrow.” 
The mansion itself was typical for this area, from what Ed could discern in the dark as he got out of the car: white stucco exterior, tiled roof, and lots of arched doorways and windows.  He was pretty sure that this style was called Colonial Spanish Revival.  The Mercedes had parked in the middle of a roundabout at the end of the driveway, which had a fountain in the center of it, of all things.  There were palm trees planted everywhere, of course, and he could just make out a fenced area off to one side, which he was certain was where the pool was located.  All in all, it was much more space than a family of five needed…or could use, really.  He had always preferred flats himself. 
Perhaps getting a little annoyed that Ed was taking this long to inspect his surroundings, Amon laid a hand on his shoulder and guided him into the house.  Things were completely quiet in there; it seemed that the servants had all either retired for the night or gone to their own homes.  Only turning on enough lights to allow them to navigate, the pair led him up the stairs, a little way down a hall towards the back of the house, and…this was it.  He was actually in their bedroom.  When he had woken up this morning (or probably yesterday morning by now), he would never have guessed in a million years that this was where he’d pass his next night.
As soon as they were in the room, Amon flicked the overhead light on.  Ekou began stripping immediately after that, grumbling about how she hated long dresses.  And she didn’t stop with the dress, either.  Her back was turned to the men, but that expanse of almost startlingly pale skin was plenty for Ed to look at already.  He wondered how much sunscreen she went through to keep it looking that way in California.  Then she looked over her shoulder almost shyly, saw both of them staring at her, and turned around.  All of Ed’s further attempts at rational thought flew out the window.  She murmured an apology about her stretch marks, although in all honesty he hadn’t noticed them.  Not when there were two much more important things grabbing his attention. 
“Isn’t she exquisite?” Amon whispered in his ear, having snuck up behind him.  This time, he put both of his hands on Ed’s shoulders, and laughed low in his throat at his little jump. 
Ekou shifted around a bit, biting her lip.  “Uh…guyyys?  I don’t think I can wait for much longer.”
“Let me see,” Amon requested.  His wife, always compliant to all of his wishes, sat on the bed and spread her legs.  Almost primly, he remarked, “Yes, wet already, aren’t you?.”  Bending his face back down to the level of Ed’s ear (which was a considerable distance), he explained, “That means she’s ready.”
Ed rolled his eyes and said, “I could figure that much else by myself…” only to break off with a gasp as Amon’s lips trailed downward, first nibbling on his earlobe, then kissing his neck. 
“What do you think, Ed?  Should we give her a show?”  How clever of him to frame the question like that, to make it seem like this was solely for Ekou’s benefit. 
Ed finally ducked out from his grip and turned around to look at him head-on.  He’d recalled the redhead having unpleasant, almost rodent-like facial features, but that aspect didn’t seem nearly as prominent now.  It could be that he’d simply grown into his looks a bit…or maybe it was merely Ed’s “wine goggles” that were doing the talking.  No matter the reason, he shrugged in an attempt to appear as nonchalant as Amon, responding, “Yes, I suppose we should.”
In next to no time at all, Amon had tilted Ed’s face upwards and was kissing him.  Unlike his wife, there was nothing at all gentle or soft about his style, and he thought he’d probably have telltale bruises on his lips tomorrow morning.  But he didn’t care about that now, not when the other man’s hands were slipping ever further downwards and Ekou let out a little whimper in the background.  Then, suit jackets and ties were being flung every which way, and he found himself kneeling on the bed facing Ekou, who was breathlessly telling him how and where to touch her, and then Amon, who had stepped away for a few moments, had returned with the necessary supplies, and then he was behind Ed, pushing him downward towards the mattress, and this was about the time that he simply surrendered to the oblivion of pleasure.
The next morning, Ed woke up to find himself alone in the bed.  Through half-open eyes, he peered at the alarm clock.  Almost 11 AM; thank fuck that his schedule was light today and he didn’t have to be anywhere until that interview at 4 this afternoon.  His head ached and his mouth tasted horrible, but he felt oddly content as he recalled what he could of the events of last night. 
He'd ended up sandwiched between the two of them; there was so much body heat and sweat was dripping everywhere and all three of them were breathing heavily.  One pair of hands, large and powerful, were clamped onto his hips, while a second, more delicate pair wandered up and down his back, scratching at his skin with manicured fingernails, trying to find something, anything, to grab onto.  Amon’s rhythmic grunts mingled with Ekou’s squeals and whispers of how good this felt.  Being stimulated from both ends like this was overwhelming, just this side of too much.  He loved it. 
Things had gone more or less smoothly.  There’d been only one minor hitch: in the absence of the visual cues he was accustomed to, Ed had failed to notice after he’d finished that Ekou hadn’t come as well until she’d actually told him.  He’d hesitated, unsure what would be the best way to get her off, until Amon had intervened with a smug, “Allow me to demonstrate how it’s done.”  He’d proceeded to go down on his wife, bringing her to orgasm multiple times, while Ed watched. 
Oh well.  It had been a rather titillating educational experience, and at least he’d know what to do next time.  If there was a next time. 
He forced himself out of bed (and found that he could walk after all, even if he was a little sore), and headed into the bathroom.  There, he discovered that every hygienic implement he could possibly need had been laid out on the sink counter, and his clothes either neatly folded or hung up.   Did that mean the servants had been in here while he was still sleeping…and nude?  He decided that worse things had happened to him.  They’d probably all had to sign non-disclosure agreements anyway.
After he’d showered and done all that, he got re-dressed in his clothes from last night and headed off to find out where everyone was and see if he could get something to eat.  Eventually, his wanderings took him to a sunlit breakfast nook, where he finally his erstwhile bedmates.  They were both still in bathrobes, hand wrapped around mugs of coffee.  They didn’t notice Ed’s entrance, probably because they were busy looking at an assortment of computer printouts scattered across the tabletop. 
“What’s this one?  Have we used it in an advertisement before?” Amon asked, pointing at one of the images. 
“That’s called ‘Y U NO,’” Ekou told him, “And no, we haven’t used it yet.  A little strange, since it’s one of my favorites.  But it’s a couple years old already; do you think that’s too late?”
“Well, we could always ask Sid’s opinion if it comes to that.”
While the couple continued to puzzle over the Y U NO conundrum, a dark-haired toddler sat in a high chair nearby; Ed guessed that this must be the “Rachel” that Ekou had referred to last night.  A variety of diced foods had been placed on the high chair’s tray for her to pick and choose from.  In the next room over, he could hear a cartoon playing on TV and kids laughing.  It could have been a scene playing out in any one of millions of households across America, and showed no indication that the two adults had been having hot and nasty sex with him less than twelve hours ago. 
After a couple of minutes had gone by without anyone realizing he was there, Ed finally cleared his throat.  Both of their heads jerked up in surprise. 
“Good morning, Ed,” Amon said blandly.  “Coffee?”
“I prefer tea,” he replied.  He winced internally; he’d been intending to sound arrogant, but it had come out more petulant than anything else. 
Ekou nodded.  “We can do that too.  Hot tea or cold?  And did you want anything to eat?”
“Cold.  With dry toast and a poached egg.” 
She punched an intercom button near the table and relayed this order.  “That shouldn’t take too long to get here,” she said. 
While they were waiting, Ed took his opportunity to get one issue out of the way.
“Ekou, I’m...sorry about last night,” he ventured.  Typically, he was not the kind of person who offered many apologies, but this was Ekou.  At any rate, she didn’t seem bothered. 
“That’s all right,” she told him.  “It all worked out in the end.  Were you satisfied otherwise?”
“Yes,” Ed stated simply.  Very much so, in fact, although he wasn’t completely ready to admit that even to himself. 
“Then we will do it again, if you are so inclined,” Amon said.  He had finished looking at the memes, and picked up a copy of the Sunday New York Times that had been placed nearby.
As Ekou had anticipated, Ed’s breakfast arrived shortly thereafter.  They even had the brand of bottled tea that he liked.  Coincidence…or not?  He was about half finished with his food when the door to the TV room opened and a pajama-clad small child walked into the breakfast nook. 
“Mommy?  Who’s that?” he asked.  He didn’t look alarmed, only curious.  Perhaps he was used to this sort of thing; Ekou had mentioned an open relationship. 
“This is our friend, Mr. Phoenix,” she told the kid.  “Can you show your big-boy manners and say hi, Max?”
“Hi, Mr. Phoenix!” Max piped, offering a smile and a wave. 
Ed finished chewing the bite of toast in his mouth, then answered, “Hello, Max.  Nice to meet you.”
Max’s face lit up.  “Mommy!  He sounds like Obi-Wan Kenobi!”
She smiled at her son indulgently.  “That’s his accent.  He’s from England, just like Obi-Wan’s actor.”
“Isn’t Ewan McGregor Scottish?” Amon offered somewhat distractedly, face still buried in the newspaper.
“Hm.  Maybe.  But anyway…was there something you wanted, Max?”
“Yeah.  When are Anna and Sasha coming over?” Max bounced on his heels. 
Ekou’s eyes widened.  “That’s today?!”  She reached for an appointment book that was lying on the table and frantically flipped through it.  “Yes.  1:30. Thank you for reminding me, Max.  Now go get dressed, and tell Lior to do the same.  As a matter of fact, we all need to get out of our pajamas.”
“Mr. Phoenix isn’t in his pajamas!” Max pointed out, giggling. 
“That’s because Mr. Phoenix has his act together and we don’t,” Ekou commented drily.  “Now go.  Get a move on.”  Once Max had scurried out of the room, she added quietly, “Shit.  I’d totally forgotten.  I have to get going.  I haven’t even done my workout yet.”  Then she stood and vacated the room as well, taking Rachel with her, so Ed and Amon were alone here now. 
“You may leave, or you may stay,” Amon told him, setting the paper down.  “Whichever you prefer.”
“I should probably leave.  I have an interview later today to get ready for,” Ed answered.  His phone buzzed, and he reached for it and unlocked the screen.  It was a text from Emeralda, demanding to know where he was, along with several missed calls.  He typed out a quick reply, declining to answer her question but confirming that he was, in fact, alive.
“I’m in trouble now…” he muttered.  Before he left, though, he turned to the redhead and said, “Last night didn’t change anything between us, you know.  I still loathe every fiber of your being, and will punch you in the face one of these days.”
“But of course,” Amon answered, looking totally unperturbed.  “That’s what makes it interesting.”
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vivithefolle · 4 years
Vivs, I came across this from a "Ron's a jealous slacker" fan, please use your expertness to contradict this stupid statement. Y do ron stans refuse to accept that he just wanted attention without actually doing any hardwork! Didn't he just desire being a headboy & a quidditch captain? He would have achieved it if he would stop being a self piting, lazy person & actually study or practice to achieve his dreams! he doesn't deserve any sympathy we live in actual world where hardwork matters only.
The funniest thing about this is that they’re actually talking about Harry.
Harry actually never did put in effort to achieve things. Except this once when he mastered the Patronus at 13, we’ll give him that. But Quidditch? Oh he just hops on a broom and woah suddenly he’s flying so well he’s in the Quidditch team and gets a great broom and is totally the bestest and a total fucking Mary Sue! Fighting against Voldemort? Well thank god for Loveus Ex Machina that always saves your ass without ever making you lift a finger ever! And how he defeated Voldemort too? With a spell he learned in second year and he only won that fight because ~surprise~ Voldemort’s wand wasn’t okay with killing Harry for bullshit plot reasons. Amazing. Wonderful. Inspiring. Our hero, everyone, never actually worked for anything a day in his life, ever.
Meanwhile Ron? Actually worked hard to get on the Quidditch team, which was something he dreamed of. Actually moved his ass to learn to fight and didn’t have the luxury of ~lurrrrve~ to excuse him out of fights.  Ron actually did MORE than Harry ever did, but of course, protagonist-centred favouritism paired with mindless Harmonian propaganda won’t let you realize that because it’s just so much easier to imagine yourself as ~the special one :))~.
Ron is lazy you say.
Did he really believe he was better than Ron? No, said the small voice defiantly. Was that true? Harry wondered, anxiously probing his own feelings. I’m better at Quidditch, said the voice. But I’m not better at anything else. That was definitely true, Harry thought; he was no better than Ron in lessons. But what about outside lessons? What about those adventures he, Ron, and Hermione had had together since they had started at Hogwarts, often risking much worse than expulsion? Well, Ron and Hermione were with me most of the time, said the voice in Harry’s head. - Order of the Phoenix, chapter 9
Harry must be lazy too then.
Ah, but Harry’s word isn’t enough, since, after all, he does say himself that Hermione is like his sister, yet there’s a bunch of irreducible folks who insist on disregarding their hero’s agency whenever it is convenient for them. Therefore let’s go grab quotes that will settle the matter once and for all:
Ron had taken over responsibility for Buckbeak's appeal. When he wasn't doing his own work, he was poring over enormously thick volumes with names like The Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology and Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality. He was so absorbed, he even forgot to be horrible to Crookshanks. - Prisoner of Azkaban, chapter 15
Doing his own work AND working on something that won’t give him extra credit once Hermione finally swallowed her pride and apologized (for the first and last time in the books). But yeah totally lazy blah blah blah.
“But what have you got your broom for, you haven’t been flying, have you?” Harry asked. “I — well — well, okay, I’ll tell you, but don’t laugh, all right?” Ron said defensively, turning redder with every second. “I-I thought I’d try out for Gryffindor Keeper now I’ve got a decent broom. There. Go on. Laugh.” &#145;“I’m not laughing,” said Harry. Ron blinked. “It’s a brilliant idea! It’d be really cool if you got on the team! I’ve never seen you play Keeper, are you good?” “I’m not bad,” said Ron, who looked immensely relieved at Harry’s reaction. “Charlie, Fred, and George always made me Keep for them when they were training during the holidays.” “So you’ve been practicing tonight?” “Every evening since Tuesday... just on my own, though, I’ve been trying to bewitch Quaffles to fly at me, but it hasn’t been easy and I don’t know how much use it’ll be.” Ron looked nervous and anxious. “Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for the tryouts. They haven’t stopped taking the mickey out of me since I got made a prefect.” - Order of the Phoenix, chapter 13
……………. Well damn. Remember how hard Harry had to train to get the Seeker position?
Oh that’s right, I forgot: HE DIDN’T! Because Chosen One Boy-Who-Lived poor orphan protagonist blah blah.
Ron though? Ron WORKED to get his position. Ron practiced, Ron worked out a way to practice alone by enchanting stuff to fly to him. When did Harry do that? Ah yes, he didn’t, because he had Oliver coaching him so he never had to figure out how to train by himself.
Meanwhile Ron was reading two years of Charms notes with his fingers in his ears, his lips moving soundlessly; Seamus was lying flat on his back on the floor, reciting the definition of a Substantive Charm, while Dean checked it against The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5; and Parvati and Lavender, who were practicing basic loco-motion charms, were making their pencil cases race each other around the edge of the table. Dinner was a subdued affair that night. Harry and Ron did not talk much, but ate with gusto, having studied hard all day. Hermione, on the other hand, kept putting down her knife and fork and diving under the table for her bag, from which she would seize a book to check some fact or figure. Ron was just telling her that she ought to eat a decent meal or she would not sleep that night, when her fork slid from her limp fingers and landed with a loud tinkle on her plate. - Order of the Phoenix, chapter 31
Another one for “EW FOOD HOW DARE THESE TEENAGERS EAT, DISGUSTING”, and also oh, surprise, Ron actually worked. Incredible. Can you believe. Isn’t he supposed to be lazy. Woah. I totally and utterly did not expect this at all.
Of course I must bring up something else -
“How many hours d’you think you’re doing a day?” he demanded of Harry and Ron as they queued outside Herbology, a manic gleam in his eyes. “I dunno,” said Ron. “A few...” “More or less than eight?” “Less, I s’pose,” said Ron, looking slightly alarmed. “I’m doing eight,” said Ernie, puffing out his chest. “Eight or nine. &#145;I’m getting an hour in before breakfast every day. Eight’s my average. I can do ten on a good weekend day. I did nine and a half on Monday. Not so good on Tuesday — only seven and a quarter. Then on Wednesday —” - Order of the Phoenix, chapter 31
Okay first off - Ron estimates his study time to be “a few [hours]”. That’s more than I ever did for my own exams and wouldn’t you know it, I passed them.
As in “holy shit this guy is insane”.
To top it off, here’s also Harry’s reaction in case some people still care about their hero’s agency:
Harry was deeply thankful that Professor Sprout ushered them into greenhouse three at that point, forcing Ernie to abandon his recital.
Harry isn’t impressed. Harry isn’t awed. Harry isn’t filled with sudden godly inspiration to “ditch Ron and join a study group and become the smartestest in the school!!!”
No, Harry doesn’t care for studying and spending hours bending over a book. Harry would like to pass his exams and then never think about them again.
But the only thing Harry felt he was really good at was Quidditch. In the end, he chose the same new subjects as Ron, feeling that if he was lousy at them, at least he’d have someone friendly to help him. - Chamber of Secrets
Harry wouldn’t have expected Ron to help him had Ron never helped him before. So we can extrapolate that not only does Ron does his homework, but he will also take time and effort to help Harry out if need be.
But of course Harry doesn’t need or care for Ron totally absolutely of course yes. (Another one for the “Harry picks Ron over Hermione” guys!!! Canon is on our side, sorry not sorry!)
Also, let it be said:
we live in actual world where hardwork matters only
Look at Kim Kardashian, at Donald Trump, at basically any billionaire. Did they really do any hard work, or did they build their whole career out of exploitation, cheap scandals and their parents’ already-existing fortune?
In our world, Harry would be rich because Mummy and Daddy left him a trust fund, Hermione would have Mummy and Daddy’s money to help her get by until she can find some dead-end job she hates because the job market is shit, and poor Ron would be stuck in poverty because he was poor to begin with and getting out of poverty is much, much harder than getting rich.
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Love How You Hate Me - Sam x Reader
A/N: I know I said I was busy. And I am... I’m going to be at work when this posts. But, I got really into redoing it. And didn’t know if I’d have time after work. So...here we are! Part eight was queued up. As usual, feedback is always incredible. If you want tagged, please send an ask or message so I for sure see it. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Sexual Tension. Upcoming smut. 
Word Count: Roughly 3,700
“How's your shoulder?” Sam asked Dean when the oldest flinched lightly while climbing into the passenger seat.
“It's gonna need to be reset. Definitely dislocated.” He gritted out as he leaned his head back into the leather. Luckily, Dean didn't turn around. Your swollen lips, heated face, and lightly sin marked skin would have given you and Sam away in under two seconds.  “How you holdin' up?”
“I'll be good.” You answered as the Impala pulled out of the clearing, moving down the small dirt road to get back to the motel. Removing the wrappers from the gauze. “Might take a little while to heal, but -”
“You should have Cas check it out.” Dean didn't hesitate. Jumping into protector mode. Despite the fact that he was injured, himself.
“It'll heal just fine on its own.” You stated simply. Using a half empty bottle of whiskey that was in the vehicle to soak the material in your hand. “No need to bug, Cas.” You paused for a second as you pressed the material into the wound. Hissing at the burn. “You know...” Gritted teeth didn't stop the path you'd decided to take, “unless you just miss him.”
Dean knew where you were going, “Don't-”
“Destiel.” You cooed mockingly. Wince be damned. A deep, pained sigh left Dean.
“You're never going to let that go, are you?” He grumbled. Crossing his arms in disgust as he pouted.
“Never.” The promise was easy to get out. He'd told you about the incident at a small Michigan high school to cheer you up the night of your nightmare. It hadn't worked well then, but it helped in that moment.
“You told her about that?” Sam shook his head. Snickering all the while. “Dude, you should know better than to fuel her. Look what I get.”
“Uh, yeah. Right here.” You huffed out in the back as you started working on covering your cleaned wound. The last thing you needed was a random person seeing a gouge out of your neck. “Also, pretty sure this can be stitched.”
“Cas could-”
“Dean... No.” You insisted again. Taping the edges of the clean gauze to your skin. “Castiel can't be using all of his grace on me.” The hunter opened his mouth to argue, but you weren't having it. “Now, drop it. Cas has his own shit going on. If he wants to pop in and visit? Fine.” Dean's mouth slammed shut. Teeth grinding at your answer. “But, we're not forcing him to rush over and use up all his grace just because of a scratch.”
“That's a scratch?” Sam interjected. Looking up into the mirror as if you were insane.
“Compared to the victims? Yeah. It's a scratch.” He snorted at your answer. You mocked the sound, muttering about him needing to mind his own business. Dean's lips quirked lightly at the sound. Any worry he'd had started to die down.
“She's stubborn, Sammy.” The oldest brother stated easily, getting more comfortable in his seat. “No one can go out of their way for her.”
“Not true-”
“So, why can't I call Cas up for you, again?” You didn't have a good answer. Simply sputtered some more nonsense about not harassing the angel, and that was that. “See what I mean?” He looked over at his brother in fake exasperation. “God save whoever is stupid enough to fall in love with her.” Sam chuckled at that. Already shaking his head for whoever the poor bastard would be.
“You're just so funny.” You fake laughed before reaching forward to swat at the older brother's spiked hair. “Jack ass.” Dean cackled, proud of his ability to annoy you. The more Sam looked, the more he only saw the sibling relations between you and Dean. Thank God, the thought landed before he could stop it, otherwise Dean would've killed me for today. “Don't look back here,” Your warning broke through his daydreams. Typical blood splatter might've been unnoticeable on the black clothing. However, the leakage from your neck matted down the cotton. Too obvious to risk. “These clothes are wrecked. Gotta change.”
“In the car?” Sam's voice cracked as he thought of the skin he'd just gotten to feel being exposed. It took all his willpower not to turn his head.
“I'm sure you and Dean have both done far worse in this very car.” You huffed out, pulling off your shirt. The stretching of the muscles pulled a bit at the wound and medical tape along your skin, making you grit your teeth. “I know I have.”
“You lech.” Your best friend teased. Already knowing what you were talking about. You’d borrowed the Impala for a day back before moving in.
“Only for the right people.” You grunted out, searching for a spare in the back. As your head popped back up, you caught some movement from the corner of your eye. Deep brown and gold eyes were glancing to the rear view mirror far more often than needed. The gaze connected with your E/C in the mirror. Making you freeze. You didn't move away until your phone sounded. Breaking the spell effectively. “Bane? Hey, what's up?”
“Hey, Y/N...” The slow drawl of your name grabbed your attention. “We, uh...we have some news.”
“Don't you dare tell me she's in labor.” You stated seriously. Unable to stand the thought of not being there for the birth. Being there for your family.
That caught the guys' attention. Dean spun around, only to connect his face with your palm. You shoved his head back forward and away from your half naked torso. Sam turned back to the road. Deciding it was better to keep his head forward after he swerved Baby.
“Not yet. She's going in for a c-section.” Bane answered, his voice shaking lightly. Still in shock.“The baby is going to be here tomorrow afternoon.”
“Well, congratulations daddy. You get to see your baby girl tomorrow-”
“Boy!” Sam hollered loudly. Immediately, your face dropped into the bitchface he'd passed on to anyone in his vicinity. The familiar bickering made Bane chuckle.  
“We'll be there in time.” The confirmation seemed to help. A sigh of relief sounded over the speaker. It would entail some speeding. However, if a cop pulled you over? You had no problem knocking them out and bailing. Nothing was going to slow you down.
A timer went off. Telling you he was cooking before the big day, “You guys finish up the hunt?”
The change of subject was nothing more than a way to get his mind off of his nerves. You didn't protest. Giving Bane something else to focus on.
“Yeah, just wrapped it up.” You answered readily.
Another glance up showed the deepening hazel gaze back on you. Reminding you of the fact that the rise and fall of your breasts' slopes were visible to Sam. Your tongue darted out. The immature action only earned a hint of those dimples while Dean fiddled with his radio.
“Any injuries?”  Bane jumped straight to business.
“Nothing serious.” It was shrugged off. The action making you wince a bit. “Back to baby talk.”
“Meaning you were hit.” He sighed out. But, he'd been around long enough to know you weren't going there. “But fine, baby talk.” You smiled fondly at his response.
“Are you two getting excited?”  Maneuvering yourself into the large, green plaid flannel while holding the phone was tricky. But, you managed it.
“We've been excited.” Came the laugh. “But, yeah. I can't wait to hold him or her.” Your heart went all fuzzy at the easy statement.
“How's Alice holding up knowing she's about to be split in half with a scalpel?” You questioned seriously. Worry shining through bright and strong.
You saw Sam's brow's rise quickly in the mirror  at the statement while Dean turned back sharply, catching his shoulder in the process. A muttered curse left him at the sudden pain, before he could even realize you hadn't buttoned up the shirt you'd stolen.
“She's getting edgy.” He replied honestly. Lowering his voice so that his significant other couldn't hear the conversation. “She wants you there. Says she can't do it without you.”
“I said I'd be there, didn't I?”
“She wants you in the room.” That caught you off guard. You'd anticipated hours of sitting in the waiting room, bickering with Sam over the sex of the child. “She doesn't have a mom...you're the closest thing she has to a sister.”
“Give her a huge hug, and tell her I love her.” You finally got out, clearing the lump in your throat. “And that I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
You could hear the smile in his voice, “We love you, too.”
“I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I've gotta kick a couple of boys' asses into gear.” Another laugh sounded before he let you go. “You two hear that? We have to leave. ASAP.” The order was given without a second thought as you discarded your phone. Only moving to button up your shirt.
“Did he give a time?” Sam pressed on the gas a little harder. Not needing the prompting, after all.
“Some time afternoon. That's all I have.” You stated seriously. Pressing back down on the medical tape that was trying to pop up. “So, no after hunt party for us.”
All plans you'd been anticipating no longer mattered. There'd be no one night stand with the chauvinistic cowboy. No blacking out with booze. Instead, you leaned back in your seat. Brushing off a piece of lint that stuck to Sam's green shirt.
There'd been no sleep. Your eyes were heavy. The stitched up wound on your neck throbbed. And, yet? None of it bothered you as you sat on the couch.
“She's beautiful.” The infant in your arms yawned wide. Tired from the trauma of being born. Your finger stroked along the too soft cheek.
“Hey,” Sam's low voice broke the quiet as he walked in. Brother in tow. “Pink?” A tiny, yarn hat covered the baby's scalp. “It's a girl?”
“Ava Marie.” Alice spoke the name proudly from her bed. Softly smiling at the sight of you holding her child.
“Feel free to kiss my feet, and beg for my forgiveness.” You sniffed delicately. False offense in full form. “You completely discredited my intuition. Not for the first time.” Sam's eyes rolled in good nature. Not breaking the serenity in the small room.
“Let me see her,” Dean plopped beside you, peeking at the little girl's face. “She's got a lot of her mom in her.” He smiled lightly, reaching a finger out to the tiny hand that stretched out as a little squeak escaped tiny lips. A tiny piece of black escaped the confines of the hat. “Except that hair. That's all Bane.”
“How are you holding up?” Sam asked Alice, sitting down on the end of the bed. Checking in on the other main woman of the hour.
“Starting to get sore.” Her hand lightly ran over her stomach. Wincing a bit as she shifted. “But, it was worth it.” Bane kissed her forehead, and wrapped his fingers around her hand. Holding her in comfort.
“You're in for trouble, little miss.” You smiled down at the baby, letting your finger caress the silky skin again. Entranced by the tiny being. “You're going to grow up so loved, you won't know what to do with it all.” Forgetting about the other people in the room, you whispered gently. “Whenever you mess up? Someone will be right there to pick you up. Keep you safe...you just wait and see.” The oath was coupled with a tender kiss to the her little forehead. Earning a soft little sigh that melted your heart.
Sam turned his head your way. Letting himself absorb the words he'd caught. Realizing that you were promising everything that you'd grown up without. Security. Love. Loyalty.
Alice's eyes had watered up and welled over lightly at your words. Partially from the hormones, and from the sincerity in your voice. Not for the first time, he wondered what had all happened in your poor excuse of a childhood.
“Pass her up.” The younger Winchester slid over to the seat next to you. Making sure you didn't have a chance to think about what you'd said in front of everyone.
“No way. Get your own.” You moved closer to Dean. Trusting him to aid you in protecting the child from the ultimate prankster. Only to have her swiped into the older brother's arms. “What the hell? Traitor!”
“Get your own,” Came the repeated phrase. Your bottom lip slipped out, but it did no good. You'd been replaced for an eight pound little girl.“Heya, sweetheart.” His deep voice made her stir lightly in her sleep. “When are you going to let me see those eyes, huh?” The calloused hand of his bad arm stroked her cheek so gently it was criminal. Any grumbling had long been forgotten as you watched him interact with Ava.
You got to your feet, and moved over to sit next to Alice. Leaving the once gruff man to turn into pudding while his brother scooted closer. Your hand wrapped into hers in silent support. Not moving an inch, you let her head lean over to rest on your shoulder. Quiet exhaustion making itself known. Bane's arm snaked around, making contact with you and Alice. Holding his growing family together, again.
“Hey, beautiful.” You'd never heard such soft words leave Sam before that moment. “I'm you're Uncle Sam...” A low, shuddering breath left him when the baby's hand wrapped around one of his fingers. “You remember me?” All he got in return was a small grunt paired with lip smacking. But, it was more than enough.
His bright eyes met yours, and for the first time, he sent you a grin. An honest to god beam. Dimples curved into his cheeks. The brows bounced as his eyes lit up even more. You'd thought he was devastatingly handsome when angry, but in that moment? You got your first real glimpse at how it felt not to be despised by Sam Winchester.
Something that wouldn't last. Your face fell a bit at the reminder. You turned your eyes away from his. Cuddling more into Alice to chase away the feeling of being alone...
Before you knew it, Ava Marie was a month old. Smiling up at anyone who got too close. The happiest, gummiest child you'd ever seen. Each one stealing your heart all over again.
You'd moved in to help with the baby. Giving Alice time to heal. Taking care of the mundane chores so Bane could come home from work and immediately jump into the role of a doting father rather than maid.
Not only did it give you extra time with your goddaughter, but it also kept you away from Sam. Away from the tension that never seemed to leave since that damned kiss. It kept your sanity in tact. His visits were bad enough.
His eyes always let you know that he hadn't forgotten that foolish moment. That he still remembered seeing you afterwards. It didn't matter what you were doing, or how hard you'd avoided it, you still ended up catching the heat from his gaze. Every time, you were left squirming uncomfortably in your seat. Something that Sam seemed to enjoy far too much.
Dean wasn't clueless. Although he'd never even graduated high school, he was smart. More than you liked. Every look he caught, or hint of mischief on his brother's face? Led to nothing short of suspicion.
He hadn't seen you two around each other enough to put it together. Thankfully. But, the time would come where he would. And you dreaded it.
By the time you got home, they were long gone. Back to the lives of hunters. Not that you minded. In fact, the relief was incredible.
Sam's words had made you edgy, “We're not done.” You weren't prepared to handle the weight of them. Didn't know what it'd mean for life at the bunker.
You did it to yourself, you'd decided as you sprawled out on your bed for the first time since Ava had gone home. Unable to enjoy the give of your mattress, so lost in your own thoughts. You were the one who had instigated the sexual banter with your innuendos. You may not have given into it first, but you'd certainly been the one to not let him back out of the kiss.
And by doing so? You'd set yourself up. Not only for a long bought of sexually frustrated nights filled with images of the younger Winchester. But, he'd invaded your days. Your conscious mind swirled around it time and time again. It was maddening.
You sighed as you turned onto your stomach, letting your hand support your head. Trying to take your mind off of it wasn't working. But, the show Salem was twisted enough to assist. Just as it started working, your door crept open, and the moose himself walked in.
“I thought you two were gone?” You hated that he walked in without knocking, catching you off guard. Not nearly as clothed as you needed to be for the interaction. Only a green tank and matching pair of cheeksters covered you.
You felt more than a little exposed as you felt his gaze burning into your skin for the second time. But, you didn't let your eyes connect with his. They remained glued on the screen.
“Finished up early.” He replied, trying to focus more on your cool attitude than the bare skin that was exposed to him. It wasn't working so hot. Sam cleared his throat, turning the conversation to something a bit safer. “How's Alice?”
“Glowing with motherhood.” You didn't even glance at him. He'd be lying if he said his jaw didn't tick at the lack of response. “Where's Dean?”
“Left for a night out. Figured you'd still be over there until tomorrow, when Bane was off.” The bed dipped. Your body tensed as he made himself comfortable. Determined to make you notice him.
In your dreams, he would have pounced. Refusing to take even the slightest bit of disobedience. But, in real life? Sam was more subtle than that. His hand grazed the skin of your thigh as he got comfortable. No other contact with you. Just resting close enough to torture. To force you to be aware of just how close he was.
“What do you think you're doing?” Your voice was supposed to have a hard edge, but the effect was lost among the breath you released at the same time.
“This looks interesting. What is it?” He ignored your question. Another tiny, almost undetectable movement along your heightened skin made you shift. The touch just against your hip had you taking a deep breath. Reciting exorcisms in your head to block him out. “Well?” He didn't like being ignored. Another feather light touch was your punishment.
“Salem.” You huffed out, not so subtly pulling away. It didn't work. He simply followed. Getting more comfortable on your bed. Bastard.
“What's it about?” His voice was filled with husky undertones that made you shift lightly as you tried to ignore him.
The minute you looked into his eyes, you were a goner. You knew it. So, you resisted. Only, he grew more bold the more you didn't stop him. Ignored him. A bit more direct contact until his hand was resting just beneath your butt.
“Sam?” Your voice was unsteady, but hard enough to catch his attention a bit as you broke. “I don't want to play games...What are you doing?”
“Trying to get past the wall of ice you threw up.” His fingers pressed into your skin lightly. Causing a shiver to trace over your skin. “Is it working?”
“No.” You kept your voice as stern as you could, and he froze. Your eyes closed as you forced the words past your lips. “I'm all about no strings attached sex, Sam. Just not with you.”
“So, what the hell was that scene by the Impala?” Horny and confused was a dangerous combination. One you wanted to take advantage of. But, didn't dare.
“After hunt adrenaline rush.” You shrugged, still refusing to look at him. Using every bit of strength you possessed. “You started it, Sam...I just responded to the high.”
There was no doubt in either of your minds that you were lying. That's why you wouldn't meet his gaze. Why you refused to get too close.
“Got it,” He let his fingers tighten once more on your skin before getting up. Drawing a sharp in-drawn breath from you. “So, we go back to how things were? Act like it never happened?”
“Precisely.” The answer was too fast. Too breathy. A wry smile crossed Sam's face as he looked down at you. Noting the rigidness in your spine.
“If you insist.” His tone made your skin prickle. There was something in it that reminded you of just who you were dealing with. What all he had to get even for. “Night, Y/N.” Your name was a caress on his lips.
“Night, Samuel.” You retorted, as if your sass would be enough to protect you. The thrill of the challenge only increased the allure. And Sam was nothing if not willing to rise to it...
Part Nine
Tag: @burningmusicmachine​ @missmarrinette​ @sherlockedtash88​ @rathersuspiciousbumblebee​ @sasbb23​ @nothinbuttrouble2​ @baby-bunker-pie​ @neii3n​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​
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adelinestudiess · 6 years
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I have gotten quite a number of asks on how to start a studyblr, etc. Without further ado, let's dive into it.
Part 1: Introduction
What is a studyblr?
Study + Tumblr
Study blog where you can post everything related to studying ranging from notes to desk pictures
Some misconceptions you might have
Basically some things I observe in the studyblr community which are not true
You need to own certain stationery (i.e. those fancy stationery, eg. mildliners) or certain laptops (eg. Macbook) to own a studyblr
You need to have neat handwriting to own a studyblr
You need to have a white desk to take studyspo pictures
NO, you absolutely DO NOT need those things to own a studyblr
Why I should join the studyblr community?
It is a very friendly community which consists of people encouraging one another to study
Helps to keep you accountable on the tasks you need to do (eg. there is accomplishments posts ([x] you can make daily)
Helps to motivate you to study when you don’t want to but needs to (eg. aesthetically pleasing notes)
Part 2: Setting up a studyblr
To make studyblr as your main or secondary blog?
There are pros and cons for both whichever you decide
If you decide to make it as your main blog, you'll have to create another account
If you decide to make it as your secondary blog, you can't follow people from there, send an ask signing in to your studyblr account, can be confusing sometimes (i.e. you accidentally post/reblog your studyblr content onto your main blog) but stay logged into one account (easier on mobile) and can add other members in when you want to run a collaborative blog
More differences can be found here (x)
Choosing your username/url
First, choose something you like, can be a type of fruit or a subject (eg. peaches, milk tea) or just use your name
Then, include the words “study” or “studies” behind to indicate to others that you are a studyblr (eg. milkteastudies)
Or use any other words related to study (eg. focusing, etc)
If it is taken, you can try to add an additional (s) at the end of “studies” (eg. my username, adelinestudiess) or just change the spelling of a the word (eg. focusign instead of focusing)
Your username does not necessarily have to include any word related to studying
You can change your username at any point in time when you have thought of something better so don't stress yourself too much over it
Choosing your icons
There are studyblr icons which are made by others available but make sure to credit them accordingly! @nerdastically @somestudy @emmastudies @rhubarbstudies @sensiblestudy
Alternatively, you can also try to make your own icons using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator (free) Canva (free) and sketchpad
Choosing your theme
Choose one which is easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing to look at
Increase the font size to a legible size so its easier to others to view when they check your profile
Set up a navigation system, you can check mine out for example (x)
There are premade ones available on Tumblr. Some theme makers and theme sources are @theme-hunter @odeysseus @roxiesthemes @pohroro @sorrism @ciralism @acuite
After you have selected a theme, follow the instructions in the caption and DO NOT remove the credit to the original theme creators
Consider making an about page to allow people to get to know you better when they visit your blog (it can be part of the navigation system like how mine is)
Part 3: Kickstart your blog
Make an introductory post
Make an introductory post introducing yourself to the community, by including your name, some facts about you, eg. your age, mbti type and some hobbies of yours, goals, classes you take and studyblrs which inspire you to start this journey!
Purpose to tag the studyblrs that inspire you is to allow them to reblog your introductory posts to let their followers know of your presence in the community!
Some examples of such introductory posts can be found here (x)
Create original content aka how you gain followers
Start posting or scheduling your posts. The things you can post include masterposts, advice posts, notes, desk pictures
Masterposts are posts where you link a ton of advice posts on a popular topic (eg. the one I made for ace your exams here [x]). Advice posts are where you give advice to a topic (eg. how to deal with procrastination).
Take photos in natural lighting (they help to make your photos look a lot better without heavy editing)
Many people use vsco to edit their photos (here’s a simple guide to how I edit my photos [x])
Remember to tag your posts under popular hashtags such as #study #studyblr #studyspo
You can also tag your posts under your favourite studyblrs track tags, (eg. for me, it is #adelinestudiess) so that they can check out your account and reblog your post!
Here is a masterpost of active studyblrs and their track tags by @getshitdonetbh (x)
Some other tips
Use the queue option
Queue option allows the posts you queued to be posted at evenly spread out timings during the day. This allows you to stay active on Tumblr even when you are busy with school work, etc. You can queue up to 50 posts a day and queue up to 300 posts
Don’t get too obsessed over the number of followers
Number of followers does not determine quality of your posts or anything
It is rewarding to see how many people followed you but don’t let that be your main focus
There is no magic method to gaining followers, gaining followers is a long process, you’ll just gain along the way, while you continue doing something you love
Be respectful and friendly
This is pretty self explanatory. Everyone will like someone who is respectful and friendly towards them and this is also what keeps the studyblr community thriving! Don’t take your followers for granted, be grateful towards them. DO NOT send anonymous hate, even if that means no one knew that you sent it. The studyblr community is very welcoming and friendly and let’s make it stay that way.
You can also try to host some blogrates, (eg. like the 10k blogrates I hosted a while back [x]) blog awards or even giveaways (if you are able to afford) when you reach followers milestones to show your gratitude towards them!
Do not ask other people to do a shoutout for you or ask them to follow you
Do not try to include a link to your blog when you reblog other people's posts in an attempt to let other people can see your blog in the notes. It just reflects bad on you
Don’t be afraid 
I promise we won’t bite. Please don't be scared to tag me or any other studyblrs in your introductory posts and your original content. Feel free to also send me an ask to consult for advice or on anything you are unsure of! My ask box is always open to chat! (not for anon hate) 
Icon credits to @nerdastically
1K notes · View notes
theheartofpenelope · 5 years
Simple Things : Chapter twelve
Excerpt - “I demand an appeal,” he muttered as he turned a corner.  “You what?!” “Well, isn’t that what they do in your job?” Charlotte snapped her head back. Oh really? Trapped in a car. In traffic. No way for an escape. And he wants to plead his case. Fucking perfect. Tag list: @winterisakiller, @devikafernando, @scorpionchild81, @messy-insomniac-bookgirl, @smutsausage, @hiddlesbitch1 @noplacelikehome77 @wolfsmom1 @meh1217 @dina-bln @lilaeye39 @tinchentitri @fairlightswiftly @nonsensicalobsessions @wolfsmom1 @stmeiou @ink-and-starlight @givemecocoaa @profkmoriarty13 @nikkalia @massivelemon @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @argo-shila @emoietmoi @redfoxwritesstuff @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @raining-litter @theoneanna @coppercorn-and-cauldron @turniptitaness @shadyskit @memoriesat30 @antyc67 @just-the-hiddles @sheris532 @marggot4 Author’s Notes/Warnings: tags will follow later on Anyway thank you in advance for feedback - would love to know what you think…Also on AO3 through this link Masterlist available through here Bonus: click here for the pinterest moodboard (always updated)
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Chapter twelve Wednessday - A chance encounter in London 
1. See
Charlotte politely followed the HR consultant as he escorted her into the sleek elevator. He was a middle-aged man who oozed self-confidence, he knew very well what he wanted and what he was looking for. He’d been quite rigid and resolute all throughout the meeting. 
She had been a little surprised an HR manager was attending said lengthy meeting, but then again this wàs the Royal London Hospital and this might be a very strict protocol they had to live up to. Breaking it was no doubt sacrilegious in these parts of the country. 
The executive directors of the Royal London Hospital had very clearly outlined their ‘vision’ for the hospital to Charlotte, requesting her take on things and requesting a well-documented legal counsel. Truth-be-told Charlotte had expected she was called in for this kind of professional advice. However she was not expecting that her response would be met the way it was… 
As she politely but determinedly rejected some of their desiderata, some glances were exchanged on the other side of the table, a few nods and gestures went back and forth which Charlotte found utterly distracting. Where was their protocol now, she mused. 
But all became clear when the meeting somehow, very openly, turned into a job-offer towards her. A very generous offer was instantly extended to her; and a temporary assignment to work out a new policy on end-of-life decisions in the Royal London Hospital. The fucking Royal Hospital, her mind has yelled out, the state-of-the-art hospital, globally recognized as a leader in pre-hospital and trauma care. Home to London's Air Ambulance and one of the capital's leading trauma and emergency care centres and hyper-acute stroke centres. And they wanted her… 
Charlotte would be allowed to compile a multidisciplinary corps and an assistant would be appointed to her. The extent of the offer dizzied her, yet thrilled her at the same time. It was a dream come true. Well, more than that really… 
Things were moving fast for her now. At least that’s how it felt for her. She started with only a handful seminars, but was now well-booked for the rest of the summer, with the occasional interview here and there. And now there was this offer on the table she could not quite wrap her mind around yet. 
As she stepped into the elevator the HR manager kindly exchanged some more small talk with her. He seemed like an amiable man. With a smile he tapped the elevator buttons and started their descent down to the lobby. 
No, never in her wildest dreams had Charlotte expected her road to lead her where it had so far. And this at only 36 years of age. This was wild. This went beyond her imagination. And Charlotte half expected to be woken up by the shrill tone of her alarm clock. She discreetly pinched her nails into her arm - just in case - but this was no dream apparently. The shrill alarm clock didn't sound, but the elevator did chyme and a monotone female voice announced the occupants they had reached the fourth floor, then the second floor and so on. 
People trickled in and out the elevator and before she was good and well aware Charlotte had reached the ground floor. She smiled in agreement with the HR consultant as he thanked her for her time, which she countered with a thank you for having me. Ping-pong, as you go...
"And we'll be looking forward to hearing your decision," the HR consultant concluded their conversation, "and maybe I shouldn't say this, but we àre passionately hoping you'll be willing to work with us."
In her head Charlotte positively screamed fucking Royal London!, but in reality she smiled her best diplomatic smile. And while she shook his hand - firmly -, she politely answered she was absolutely honoured and would think the offer through.
Upon exiting the elevator on a pure adrenaline high, Charlotte inattentively bumped against a hurried nearby stranger who jogged out of an opposing elevator. Shaking the momentary lapse of concentration out of her head, she turned to the other party with a slightly surprised frown which swiftly morphed into a recognition, and then an awkward yet lukewarm smile. 
2. See closer 
3 days after Fringe. 3 nights after that night. 3 days and 3 nights without a single word. In either direction. 
Charlotte’s heart thudded loudly and nervously in her chest. She was however oblivious whether this nervous spell was a good or a bad thing. Should she crawl under a rock and make herself scarce after exchanging the necessary small talk or should she act unaffected, like he was? Or should she take a breath, straighten her shoulders and ask for an answer in the hopes it could heal that awful gnawing feeling the aftermath of Edinburgh had left her with... 
As she came round to a mute double (or was it triple?) take, she noted Tom seemed just as much out of his comfort zone as she was. And in a weird way it thrilled her. Karma. Suits him well. She could see him running his tongue over his lips before gently biting them shut. His hands fidgeted with the paperwork he held in his hand while he repeatedly re-adjusting his glasses. 
Charlotte’s heartbeat however dropped some when she detected the variety of papers Tom had now safely tucked under his arm. So much papers after a doctor’s appointment, and that did not look good. At all. He didn’t look hurt. Was he sick? He seemed nervous, sweaty. He was silent, not at all like the Tom she’d come to know….
Her gaze got caught on the documents, but this point she couldn’t care less about that. 
“Are - Are you alright?” Charlotte immediately questioned; she was worried. No point in denying this. 
Her wall of defence had slipped and Tom could hear the concern in her voice inkling through. A small little frown came across her features. Only instantly, but he noticed nonetheless. And he thankfully concluded that perhaps she wasn’t yet hating him with the fire of a thousand suns…
"Yeah, no, I erm,” he stuttered, “I just had the obligatory medical check-up for a next project. But you?"
He was astounded though, for a woman who was most definitely not an actress she slid back into her defensive pose oh-so easily. A tall blank wall arose, that gave way to nothing or nobody. He swore he had caught a glimmer of relief into her eyes before though, but all sympathy had fled from her now.  
“Good-good,” she replied with formal nod, “just - work.” 
Tom took notice of how curt she suddenly acted. How could he not. But to Charlotte it was simply her only means as she desperately did not want to feel a single thing. Not those stupid-ass fireflies, not the inexplicable angry hurt, not the stomach drop. None of it. She wanted nothing more than to be cool and step over all of this matter-of-factly. Her gut swirled with bottled up questions and insecurities, but she would have none of that. Water under the bridge. 
Get over it Daniëls. He sure has.
3. Believe 
Charlotte slid into the leather seats of his fancy car. A fresh cool bottle of water clasped in her hands. He’d paid for it despite her vehement veto. He wouldn’t listen though. And now she was here, in his car, because he offered to drive her to the St. Pancras Station. She’d refused, replying she was taking the underground so he really shouldn’t bother. It was noon. Traffic would be a mess, etc. However she ended up giving in to this request - albeit reluctantly - because he was right on one thing; they needed to talk. Privately if possible and the hospital lobby was just no place to do just that. 
But in spite of that, they did not exchange one word once inside the car. Tom pulled out of the underground parking with a silent ease. And emerging in the London streets and into the full sunlight, he reached out for his trusted sunglasses. Meanwhile the familiar scent of leather and some citrussy car perfume tempted Charlotte’s mind into a trip down memory lane, back to another night several weeks back in time. A night with equally nervous heart flutters, but for entirely different reasons. 
He queued down the main road, while desperately trying to sort his thoughts before settling on a  
“You’ve never answered me…” 
Charlotte remained at a loss for words for a couple of seconds before huffing a vexed “honestly?!” and shaking her head in disbelief. 
He could hear her as she exhaled loudly, seemingly trying to get her mind pulled back together again,
“With quite a delay I got your texts and,” a pause, “your voicemail.”
His eyes urged her on.
"You said - if memory serves me well, and it usually does - that you wished you'd said ‘goodbye’.” Charlotte paused, “forgive me but I thought that was how this worked for you."
"How what worked?"
"You didn't show up!!" She didn’t mean for her voice to go up in pitch and she furiously furrowed her brows to compensate for it, "I mean, it's all right, I was ….. naive I guess? Somewhere I knew I wouldn't see you again that night, but yet hoped for it. Against better judgement." 
"Wha, wh- why would you expect I wouldn't show up?"
Charlotte lifted her chin and rested her head against the headrest while releasing a cold and hollow laugh, which he didn’t particularly cared for, "To-om!"
But he remained silent, a bit dumbfounded and clueless for what to say next. A car behind them honked, frustrated Tom had failed to acknowledge the light turning green and was still at a halt. 
"You don't want to let anybody down, I understand," Charlotte muttered, "no need to..."
"Only I did," he interrupted, "I let you down, I let myself down. I’m just…”
“Just stop it,” Charlotte interjected as she shook her head in seeming defeat and looked at him wearily. 
“You know, I hate it how you are making all of this around you?”
“I’m sorry,” he blinked twice, “come again?”
"Like it’s all your hurt feelings in the scale here. It drives me mad….” she huffed, “You know, I think or at least I hope we've established in the past that I'm not really the type of girl that just goes crawling into bed with someone on a whim?” 
Charlotte gestured aggravatedly, “so excuse me if I'm a bit rough around the edges here, but I clearly heard you say ‘goodbye’ to me. So, what else would there be left for me to say? It didn't really feel like a message that allowed any type of answer…"
“So just,” she sighed, “let’s just call this for what this is or was. And move on?”
A pang went straight through his heart. He saw her turning away and looking through the window from the passenger seat at the building that passed her by. Good. He desperately needed a minute to himself to let her words sink in. He couldn’t quite grasp the fact that she would see him as this promiscuous playboy who just went sleeping around with whomever struck his fancy...  
“I demand an appeal,” he muttered as he turned a corner.  
“You what?!”
“Well, isn’t that what they do in your job?”
Charlotte snapped her head back. Oh really? 
Trapped in a car. In traffic. No way for an escape. And he wants to plead his case. Fucking perfect.
“You know,” he argued more determined now, “you keep saying, ‘let’s call it what it is’. And then you do just that. And proceed to you turn your back on me. And it’s settled?” he questioned.
“But what about me? Do I at least get the chance to call it what it was for me?” he pressed on, “I do feel like you owe it to me to let me explain..."
"Owe it to you?" she frowned with a huff, hovering clearly unsettled.  
"Yes, Charlotte,” he replied. Curt. To the point. 
“And if you truly feel the way you say you do - I promise, I will not push this matter further. However I will not let you silence me before I have spoken my part.”
"I wanted to see you that night. But the crowd, .... and then some fans walked up and then there was this critic," he sighed in utter frustration and banged the steering wheel in sheer annoyance, "I am an idiot! I know I am. And I should have been more firm. I went about it all wrong. And for that I will be forever angry with myself." 
“But,” he sighed, “I did want to see you and ... verify that the other night was not just a dream. I longed to see you. To hear you. To hold you and to kiss you goodnight. Not goodbye.” he shook his head in disbelief. 
“And if I said that wrong on your voicemail then I apologize for it. All of it. I was tired. Impatient.” 
He held her gaze, “I am not thàt type of man you seem to want to take me for, I am not the type to sleep around. You must believe me on this one. I might not have the best track-record with you so far; I admit,” he added a bitter laugh, “but this is true. I promise you that."
She kept silent. This seemed like a good sign… 
"But Charlotte, I called you and went straight to voicemail. To me, that was quite a clear message as well... No response is still a response, Charlotte,” he concluded. 
"Have you spoken your peace, Tom?"
He replied to her with a silent surprised nod. 
“Apparently,” she mumbled, “when you attach a cell-phone to a power bank it shuts off everything so it loads faster…”
“Of course,” he wrinkled his nose as he shrug his shoulders as if to convey her he did not see the point of this lesson, “that’s the way they work.”
Charlotte raised an eyebrow ironically, “well congrats to you but I didn’t know that.”
“What on earth?” 
“In Edinburgh, a colleague of mine lent one to me… my battery was running low and … I didn’t want to miss any….” She furrowed her brows and looked down at the drink in between her hands. “I didn’t have a watch. My cell is … my clock, my calendar. It erm - it automatically put me in flight mode. I didn’t realize. And I’m sorry about that.��
He looked back at her with sympathy and nodded, “ok.”
She nodded with a kindhearted smile, “so, appeal granted. It’s good we talked. But, you don’t want this."
"Ouch," he chuckled and clutched his heart. "Well that stung. For a minute there I thought he came to an understanding here?"
"Don't miss my point," Charlotte slanted her head and looked at him with sympathy.
"And don't you miss mine,” he interrupted her, “because even though you believe you speak the truth, you are wrong."
"Am I?" 
"So very wrong! Because, as it turns out, I do wànt this,” he gestured between them, “or at least a fair chance at this.”
But Charlotte only rolled her eyes and turned her gaze outwards again. 
“My god! I swear there are pitbulls that are less tenacious than you!”
Charlotte grunted and looked down at the bottle in between her hands, before a stupid grin fell from her lips. 
“I swear,” he shook his head, “so help me god.” 
“And now she’s laughing… You’re putting me through hell here darling...”
“I’ve missed not talking to you,” he finally dared to confess, “And I so desperately wanted to reach out to you, only I … don’t know where you live, I didn’t know where you’d be? So,” he lingered, “I sent flowers to your firm.” 
“Well congratulations to Luke,” Charlotte rolled her eyes.
“I tend to pick and send my own flowers, darling. I’m very precise about those things.”
She kept silent. Good. 
Tom stared at the steering wheel before him,“Gladiolus, for strength of character, honor and conviction. And they needed to be white; the color of perfection, safety, purity and faith. Writing the accompanying card was an outright hell though because the odds were your colleagues might get it before you did.”
“That was you?” Charlotte reminisced a WhatsApp from her office depicting a gorgeous bouquet and demanding what she had said or done to deserve the honour of such a wonderful bouquet. They couldn’t make out the card though. It only mentioned one word, but the meaning of it was lost on everyone.
Until now.
“Maktub,” Charlotte whispered, to which he nodded. 
‘Maktub.’ ‘It is written’. 
A deep belief about destiny Paulo Coelho writes about in ‘the Alchemist’ where he captured it in just one word. Maktub. Everything is destined and written. How when and where has already been planned and we shall not get anxious about it. Just little patience and it will just come with time provided and the efforts needed.
She glanced up in his eyes that convey nothing but a clear bluegreen sincerity. She wanted to ask him to say that again, for good understanding. But he gladly repeated it on his own accord. 
And there went her heart. In one thousand pieces, scattered all over the ground.
4. Achieve 
He officially declared traffic was an absolute mess. It was barely noon and within 20 minutes he had barely made any significant progress towards Saint Pancras Station. Worriedly he inquired with Charlotte when her train was departing and when she quietly confessed “16:03” he dropped his chin to his chest and bit his lip trying to suppress a laugh. 
“Can I propose lunch now?” he chuckled, to which she pleasantly nodded. That would be alright.
They agreed they would start over at lunch, wipe the slate clean. Talk. And reset.
Tom made a swift U-turn, sneaking into smaller streets. Homeward. He wanted to let out Bobby first, drop of his paperwork, leave his car. Charlotte wordlessly followed his path. 
The chocolate brown Cocker Spaniël happily greeted his master as Tom set foot into his house. Charlotte followed quietly, awkwardly. Bobby sniffed her legs both suspiciously and curiously. When she crouched down and offered him the palms of her hands, he studied and snuffed them gratefully, ultimately giving them a little lick before ignoring her completely and favouring Tom over her. 
Tom chuckled, “well, you’re accepted it seems.”
He clicked his tongue, guiding Bobby out into his backyard while Charlotte nervously waited around the living room. She wanted to go explore his bookshelf across the room. As she progressed down the room she admired the stupendously comfy-looking lounge chair and fought the urge to try it out herself. As she ran her fingertips over the fragments of paper that lay scattered around a reading table, her eyes fell upon an article with her name on it, post-its with scribblings on it. An email address, a phone number, some doodling, scratched out words. City names. As she picked up the interview curiously, a second one featuring her appeared underneath. Charlotte chuckled, had he really been trying to track her down?
A soft chuckle brought her back to reality. Tom stood against the door frame, smiling bashfully.
“Caught me red handed.”
But Charlotte could only look at him, rendered speechless. 
“Wasn’t lying,” he reminded her, “wanted you. Want you. If you’ll have me.”
It turned out to be the most difficult question anybody had ever asked her.
Do I want this - Do I want to invest in this, whatever it is, potentially discovering it would be only a waste of her time. 
Charlotte stood by her belief that notwithstanding their shared morals or values, their common interest or visions, they did remain so different on countless other things. Things that mattered just as much. And you did need some common ground to form a solid basis on which you can build your relationship. Without a solid base everything goes to waste. Hell, even with a solid base things could very well still go to waste. Her marriage was a perfect example of the latter.
On the other hand though... this was him. The man that slowly but surely had crawled under her skin. Attentive, interested, good hearted. And when she’d crumbled down in Germany he was there, while he didn’t really need to be there. Yet there he was, offering support when she had needed it most. He unknowingly found the smallest of cracks in the seemingly airtight seal around her heart and nestled himself inside. Gentleman-like, well dressed and with a good book. Ever patient. Trustworthy. Present. Shit.
Her stomach was in knots when she came to realise, that day, what her heart had known deep down a few days earlier; she could not walk away. Not from this man. But the future scared her nonetheless.
"But - we're as different as chalk and cheese,"
"Are we?"
She smiled, "we live out of our respective suitcases."
"For now," he corrected her.
"Yes, for now. But when I touch down after all this...."
"You'll still only be 2 hours away,"
"I dare you," he grinned, feeling he was winning this battle.
"Brexit," Charlotte tried.
"Honestly, Brexit? Of all excuses you come up with, Brexit?"
"I will gladly add some more pages to my passport. For you," he paused. “Come on darling, don’t hold back now,” he teased, “any objection you have, give it to me. I will gladly deny or overcome every single one.”
“To-om,” she slanted her head. He liked this ‘To-om’ better, when her voice was full of loving emotion again. 
“Either you go at it with passion, or not at all,” he added.
“Permission to engage the enemy sir?” he chuckled. 
Charlotte rewarded him with a lopsided smile. Momentarily banning all scary thoughts out of her head she gladly but carefully opted to open her heart and take the leap of faith. As petrifying as it felt. Her smile was all the persuasion Tom needed to walk the short distance between them. He stroked her dark brown tresses, admiring her soft feminine features and seeing if he’d remembered them correctly. 
She closed her eyes when he slid his hand into her hair and slowly he leant in for a soft kiss. And another one. And another. Sweet and innocent, little testaments of adoration and longing. She ran a hand up from the nape of his neck and through his curls. She’d missed this, that much was true already. And she allowed herself to revell in this sudden rush of enamourment. 
She felt his lips curve into a smile in between pecks. 
“‘m getting better at this,” he whispered
“Third time's a charm. No interruptions here, only Bobby.”
“Nu-uh,” Charlotte breathed, “you’re still buying me lunch Hiddleston.”
Later that afternoon Charlotte lovingly petted Bobby's head before making her leave. Tom had signed up for ComiCon in Vienna, which coincided with her seminar. Only two more days and they would be together again. After sharing a loving last kiss, Charlotte stepped outside into an unsure yet thrilling future.
Tom had asked her to call him when she'd arrived home, claiming he'd only worry until he'd heard from her. He was so easy to love. 
Two more days…. 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch. 25
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC with other parings mentioned throughout.
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Canon Typical things
Author’s Note: As a reminder, FA can be found on ffnet up to chapter 42. I am uploading chapters here on tumblr for convenience. I decided against tagging this until new chapters are posted. If you would like to be tagged please let me know! Chapters are queued and will be posted randomly. Chapter from here on out are not aligned with any episodes.  Enjoy
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"You're back."
"I'm back."
"And now she is in the house." Kol said with a slightly scared look. "If he happens to give you a tour of the house, just remember it is still a house filled with vampires." He shook his head and started for the stairs.
"Nice to see you too, Kol." Elizabeth said shaking her head with a smile.
"It is nice to see you Lizzy." He said looking over his shoulder before disappearing upstairs.
"Ignore him," Rebekah said with a smile as she walked over and gave Elizabeth a hug. "Now if you excuse me, I am going to take my niece and smother her in love."
Elizabeth laughed and watched as Rebekah picked up Hope and took off into another room with her. When she turned to look at Elijah, he had been standing right in front of her now. She smiled up at him. "I didn't think I'd get to visit you again."
He ran his hand through her hair as he smiled down at her. "Neither did I." He admitted. 
After she had left the first time, Elijah had believed that they wouldn't get another visit from Elizabeth or Hope. They had accidentally found their way into this dream world with no real explanation as to how they had been able to. He and Freya had sat in the garden afterwards racking their brains as to how it was even possible. They had expected to be the only ones allowed into this world. There was no idea of knowing if the next time Hope and Elizabeth had tried to enter, if it would work at all the thoughts of not being able to have visitors, there she was standing in front of him. Just as the first time, he didn't believe that she was standing there in front of him. But being able to feel her emotions was proof enough that she was in fact that they had found a way back into the dream world.
He pulled her into a hug and held onto her tightly. She gladly accepted the hug and she wanted to stay in his embrace for long as possible. There was no telling how long they would be here this time. For all they knew, Rebekah could be walking back with Hope to tell them she was calling out for Hayley. It would be two soon for both of them.
"Why don't we go sit in the kitchen and have some tea?" Freya said as she stood from her seat and started to head into the kitchen.
"In a moment." Elijah said and Elizabeth chuckled as his hold on her tightened. Elijah had no intentions of letting Elizabeth go just yet.
"I promise I'm not just going to disappear." Elizabeth said smiling up at him. "I believe the warning system is with your sister." While Elizabeth wouldn't have minded staying like this the whole time, but she wanted to spend time with him and his more favorable sibling.
Elijah laughed and shook his head slightly before leaning down and kissing her softly. A moment later he pulled away and released her from his hold. While he had just released her from his embrace, she already missed it. She had felt safe and like she hadn't made the mistakes she had made while they were all awake and living in the real world. Elijah lead her into the kitchen and pulled out a chair for her at the table before taking the seat next to her. Freya walked over and placed a few cups down before pouring the hot tea into them.
"Now, before my siblings had interrupted our conversation," Freya said giving Elijah a look before looking over at Elizabeth. "We were talking about Hope."
"Right." Elizabeth said as she watched Freya take a seat across from them.
"I still don't see why I am able to come here with Hope, but with Hayley, she cant." Elizabeth said as she looked between Freya and Elijah.
"I am still curious as to how they are able to get visit." Elijah said.
Freya nodded and looked at Elizabeth a smile. "We had tried coming up with several different explanations as to how you two had been able to get passed that spell."
"I'd like to know as well." Elizabeth said. "Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that we have been lucky enough to come and visit, I just thought it was supposed to be impossible."
"It was supposed to be." Elijah said before taking a drink from his cup.
"Hope is one of a kind." Freya said. "Maybe the spells work different with her?"
"There can be several explanations for this." Elizabeth said not knowing where they could even start on finding out why Hope had been able to break through Freya's spell."
Elizabeth watched as something clicked in Freya's mind. "Excuse me for a moment." She said before standing up and rushing out of the room.
An eyebrow raised on Elizabeth's face as she watched her leave before looking over at Elijah. He smiled at her and shrugged slightly.
"She is probably going to look for something in that room of hers." Elijah said.
"You make it sound as if her room is some wasteland." Elizabeth said with a chuckle.
"While my sister may be a witch, sometimes her room can be a bit stereotypical." He nodded.
"What about your room?" She asked. "Does it look exactly the same?"
"More or less." He said.
"Well that was before I decided to play interior designer and cleaned up the place." She said with a shake of her head.
"Was the place destroyed?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. It was then that Elizabeth realized she never did tell him that she had allowed the vampires to trash the place that night they had gone into their deep sleep.
"That night," She started, "I kind of allowed the vampires that were there to trash the place." She shrugged. "Technically, the compound was supposed to be condemned, but I pulled some strings and got it looking in the best shape it has ever been in."
He shook his head slightly. He would love to see what she had done to fix up the place. The compound had hardly change in his family's absence over the centuries except for the touches Marcel had added over time. But to hear that she had redone everything, it would be as if it was a new place entirely and he looked forward to seeing what touches she had added to it all.
"Besides redecorating, how is it out there?" He asked.
"I'm not going to lie to you," She said sighing. "It is a bit difficult out there. It feels like I have this weight on my shoulders and no matter what I do, nothing lifts it." She shook her head slightly. "I've been dealing with the city's problems as well as trying to fix all the wrongs I have done and find the cures. But around every corner that I turn, there seems to be something else that adds into the list and sets me back."
"I am sure this is just a momentary set back." He said trying to comfort her. "It will all work out like it is supposed to."
"Its almost been a year, Elijah. A year that you have been in this deep sleep. I thought I'd have the cures by now."
"What is the status on that?" He asked curiously.
"Freya's cure is close to being done. Lily has been more than generous when it comes to this." She sighed softly. "And I am still trying to figure out where to start on how to find your cure. There are endless possibilities of doing this, but choosing the right one is what makes it so much harder."
"Your afraid." There was something in the way she had sighed and the way there was the fear that had began to build through their bond. He hated that she was afraid of something. Even though she was now the feared one, he knew there were things out there that still had her afraid. It made him want to be out there with her instead of being in this dream world.
"I'm afraid of failing." She admitted. While she was afraid of a particular vision that had been playing through her mind lately, she wasn't going to tell him that though. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to find this cure and wake you up. I'm also afraid that I will mess up somehow and I wont get you back."
"You wont fail." He said placing his hand on her cheek. "I have faith in you." He kissed leaned in and kissed her forehead.
"You have to much faith in me." She said as she leaned into his hand and smiled up at him. He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm serious. I've screwed up big time and look where that has us."
"Imagine if it had been Marcel that still had the serum." Elijah pointed out. "It would probably be a whole lot worse."
"Or we would be in the same position just because of someone else." She shrugged.
"No matter how it would have played out, I'd like to think we are here for a reason." Elizabeth rose an eyebrow.
"Really?" She asked. "What reason is that?"
"To come out of this stronger." He said watching her. "This whole situation has brought my family a lot closer. While it may be that Niklaus is elsewhere, I am sure that when the cures are found and we are all reunited, we will be a stronger family."
Elizabeth smiled at him. Though it didn't reach the full smile that Elijah had been used to and he had noticed it right away. He opened his mouth to question why, but she simply shook her head. "That will be amazing to see, if I knew that it was soon." She said trying not to think of what the future held.
Elijah wanted to ease her mind in some way. "Maybe if you spoke to Jess?" He asked.
"I already know to much about the future." She said shaking her head. "Knowing more of the details isn't going to change anything." The closer she got to certain points in the visions, the more detailed they would be if Jess had showed her. While she would love a countdown for when she would find the cure for him, she did not wish to know when it would be that she would walk to the one place she knew was now inevitable.
It was then that Elijah knew what it was that Elizabeth was really afraid of. "You are afraid of that door."
She only nodded at first. "The longer I can stay away from it the better."
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened while you were there?" Elijah did want to know. He wanted to know why she was so afraid of a place that place. She only ever told him it was a place that had been the worse time in her existence.
"Maybe the next time I get the chance to visit." She said softly. She still wasn't ready to explain the horrible details of her past. "I promise." She made the promise not knowing when exactly when the next time would be. For all she knew it could be another two months before she was able to get back into the dream world. Elijah nodded taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Elizabeth smiled as she watched him do so. He smiled back at her and Elizabeth could see that he was thinking about something. "What is it?" She asked.
"I have to admit I miss being able to feel your emotions." He said as he ran his thumb over her knuckles. "I never thought I would be so used to it. In the last year, I have felt nothing except for when you arrive here."
"I just feel you sleeping." Elizabeth admitted. "I can feel that your body is asleep, but its not like before." She sighed softly. "Its like a heavier feeling, that I can feel that you are in this deep sleep, but I don't feel any of your emotions while you are in here."
"One of the many things I look forward to when this is all over is being able to feel your presence again." He said nodding.
"I'm looking forward to that as well." She said smiling at him.
"I think I got it." Freya said walking back into the kitchen with a grimoire. When Elizabeth seen it in Freya's hand, an eyebrow rose as she watched Freya sit across from them.
"You added copies of your grimoires into the spell?" Elizabeth asked.
Elijah laughed. "She couldn't resist."
"I can tell." Elizabeth said with a smile as she looked over to Freya. "Now what was it you've found."
"I think I've found the reason why you and Hope can get through the spell." She said as she looked down at the page. "I believe that since the spell required our blood to be linked and placed into this dream world, Hope having Mikaelson blood in her veins should give her the ability to come and go as she pleases."
"What is stopping her then?" Elizabeth asked. "She should be able to do it on her own or bring Hayley with her at least."
"I also made the spell so that no one else should be able to enter, especially witches." Freya said with a nod. "Which is why she cannot get here on her own."
"But that does not explain why when she is with Elizabeth, they both can enter." Elijah said looking at Freya.
"She's using Elizabeth as more of a loophole to the spell." Freya said.
"How?" Elizabeth asked confused.
"You were turned by Elijah's blood, Mikaelson blood. Which makes it a bit easier for you to enter. But the biggest thing that she is using is your bond with Elijah." Freya said with a nod. "If we weren't currently in a deep sleep as we are, you'd be able to enter his dreams. But since you cannot, you would need the help of magic to get here on your own. She's going through you to get the both of you here."
"She's a smart kid." Elizabeth said shaking her head slightly. "So blood is the key to this, isn't it?"
Freya nodded. "Pretty much." She said. "I have to give it to her, she already knows loopholes to centuries old spells."
"And she is also quite sleepy." Rebekah said walking into the kitchen with Hope in her arms.
They all looked over to see Hope was looking tired. Her lids were heavy and currently resting her head on Rebekah's shoulder.
"What do you think will happen when she actually falls asleep?" Elizabeth asked looking over at Freya.
Freya shrugged slightly. "I guess we will find out soon." Rebekah came and sat down at the table across from Elijah and Elizabeth as she kept Hope close to her. "But now that we know you two are able to visit, don't be a stranger, Liz."
"I'll try not to be." Elizabeth said with a smile before looking over at Elijah.
Elijah smiled at her and squeezed her hand tightly before they both turned their attention to Hope. They all had watched as young girl closed her eyes and looked completely comfortable in Rebekah's arms. It was a nice sight to see. A moment of peace and even though this was nowhere being close to the real thing, this whole time in the dream world had felt like a perfect visit. It was the piece of Heaven in the Hell that awaited for Elizabeth when she returned to the real world.
When Elizabeth opened her eyes in the real world, she looked down at Hope and seen that she was fast asleep on her shoulder. A smile played on Elizabeth's face as she kissed her forehead before looking over at Elijah. "Until next time." She said sighing before closing the lid to the coffin. She turned and walked back up the stairs. Elizabeth found Hayley sitting in the living room with a book and when she entered the room, Hayley looked up from it and seen the surprised look on her face.
"She fell asleep?" Hayley asked as she stood up.
Elizabeth smiled and nodded. "She had a little to much fun with her Aunt Bex."
Hayley raised an eyebrow before realization came over her. "You were able to go back."
"Yeah." Elizabeth said looking down at Hope. "Freya thinks she has the explanation as to why we are able to ."
"What would that be?" Hayley asked as she held out her arms to take Hope and Elizabeth handed her over. Hayley began walking toward's Hope's room and Elizabeth followed.
"When Freya did the spell, she connected them all by blood. Hope has the Mikaelson blood running through her veins. With her being a witch she should be able to see them as she pleases." Elizabeth started to explain.
"But when she tries on her own, she can't get there." Hayley said as she placed Hope into her bed.
"Which is where I come in." Elizabeth shrugged slightly. "I was turned by Elijah's blood and with our bond, I should easily be able to enter his mind, but with the spell up I cant do it on my own."
"But with both of you together, you can easily do it." Hayley said nodding as lead Elizabeth out of the room.
Elizabeth had only nodded as she followed her out. "Apparently, I am the loophole that Hope found to Freya's spell." Once they were back in the living room, they both sat on the couch. "If you could have seen her in there." Elizabeth said with a smile. "She was so excited to be there. And when Rebekah took her away to spend some time with her, she had this huge smile on her face."
Hayley smiled. "I suppose she'll always have a connection with Rebekah since she did raise her for the first year. How are they?"
"Having one long vacation." Elizabeth said with a small chuckle. "Freya put in a lake when she created that dream world."
"Seriously?" Hayley laughed. "It sounds perfect there."
"If you like spending every waking moment with your siblings." Elizabeth said shaking her head. "Freya says there are times she wishes there were others there with them."
"I bet." Hayley shook her head. "I cant imagine being there with no one else to talk to."
"But this whole thing is letting them sort out their differences and is making them whole as a family." Elizabeth said with a small smile.
"Maybe when they wake up, we wont see them at each other's throats." Elizabeth laughed at Hayley's words.
"Lets just hope they don't do something to really piss each other off after they wake. Or else it will be like nothing ever changed." Elizabeth smiled and rested her head back on the couch. "This is bringing us closer than I thought."
"It has." Hayley said with a nod.
Both women knew they had grown closer even though the visits were limited and spaced out as they were. At the beginning, they were pretty much against each other. While Elizabeth probably had earned the hate from Hayley in the beginning for what she had done, but now things were different. And if things kept going the way it had been, maybe when they got the cures and everyone was awake, they would be a close family. They would be able to handle whatever came after. They all would be stronger.
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Time Will Take Them Away (Chapter 16)
A/N: here we go! Almost guys! We’re in the home stretch! I hope you enjoy! (I’m so sorry guys! I thought i had this queued! My bad!) Chapter 17 coming at you Sunday!
Chapter 16
 Alex rushes home to pick up the first letter he wrote for Eliza, before rushing to her apartment. He knocks on the door incessantly. His heart is pounding against his chest. He smiles when he can hear her humming to herself as she opens the door.
When she opens it, her eyes widen as they settle on him, a gasp escaping her lips, before she slams the door shut.
“What are you doing here?” She exclaims, her back pressed against the door and her heart erratic.
“I came to tell you, I love you.” He says with confidence.
“Excuse me!?” She’s pushed into further shock at his confession.
“I know you’re not with that guy anymore, and I know you still have feelings for me.”
“I don’t have feelings for you and his name is André.” She says with wavering confidence, that she doesn’t even believe. “Also, my love life is none of your business.”
He sighs, leaning against the door frame. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy with her, but he would be damned if he didn’t try and no matter how long it took he would wait for her to be ready.
“I’m not giving up on you Betsey, I can’t.” He leans his forehead against the door, wishing he could see her as he made his confession. “You can tell me you hate me, curse me, throw me out, say all the awful things you can think of, and I’ll still love you.”
Her breath catches, and her hand goes to her chest as her heart begins to race. When all he hears is silence, he sighs before leaving her with one last thought.
“I’ll wait for you, as long as you need, however long it takes. I love you forever, my darling, Betsey, and when you’re ready I’ll be waiting.”
She hears foot steps walk away and waits a few minutes, before opening the door to be sure he was gone. She sees an envelope on the floor. Betsey written on the front, and when she turned it over it said : This is the first one I wrote for you, I hope you’re ready to know just how much I love you.
She holds the letter in her hands, her finger tracing his messy script. She could tell he tried his best to make it neat. She smiles, touched at the thought, before shaking her head. No, this was the same man who went after her when he was with her sister and cheated on said sister. She puts the letter on her coffee table and walks away.
It seems to call to her, pleading to be opened and read. She states at it for a few moments before picking it up again. She opens it and reads the first love letter she’s ever received and it was dated nearly five moths ago.
 My dearest, my darling, Betsey,
I cannot express the amount of regret and indignity I feel at my  foolish and selfish actions. By hurting Angelica, I have hurt you. By betraying her, I have betrayed you. By breaking her trust, I have broken yours. And the realization that weighs the heaviest on my heart and soul, is that by breaking her heart, I have broken yours as well. This is something I can never forgive myself for, nor do I expect forgiveness from either of you.
Though I know it maybe futile, I wanted to try and express how much I love you, the only way I truly know how. You, my sweet Betsey, are the light of my life. A beacon that helps guide me home. In fact, my darling love, you are my home. In all my life I have never felt more safe or at peace than the time I have spent with you. I love you like the rain, light and gentle, strong and loud, in sheets where you can barley see and in sprinkles that gives everything a beautiful sheen. Because, my only love, you blind me with the love and joy give to those around you, but you also make the world clear and beautiful.
You, my darling, my sweet, my dearest love, are magical to me. Sometimes I don’t believe you are real, but God sent an angel down in you and I have never felt so thankful. You make everything more beautiful and I hate that I made things so dark and gloom for you, that I caused you so much pain. It will be my greatest feat to bring some light into your life, if I’m ever lucky enough to have the chance. You have my heart.
Love, Alexander
Tears stream down her face as she finishes reading it. Her heart is heavy, but light all at once. His words have pierced her and she reads it over and over, not knowing how to feel or what to do. After reading it for millionth time, she places the letter back in the envelope and places it in her night stand drawer.
She decides to leave the letter and try not to think about. As much as his words touched her, he still hurt her sister in ways she never deserved and she wasn’t sure she could forgive him for that. With the letter put away and at the back of her mind, she goes on with her life.
She doesn’t get to forget for too long because the next day another letter is at her door step. The same messy script spelling out her name on the front. She places it on her desk before leaving for work.
The rest of the week, that’s how it went. She would wake up, get ready for the day and there it was, another letter. She would pick it up place it on the desk, and do whatever she needed to do. On the ninth day her curiosity got the best of her and she ripped open letter after letter. Each one beginning in some what the same fashion.
My dearest, Betsey,
My darling Betsey,
My sweet love,
My darling love,
Some would have parts about his day, usually something that reminded him of her or how he would hear her soft voice in his head when he was getting out of hand. And he would always tell her how much he loved her. Like a warm summer breeze, like the first snowfall, the feeling of waves washing over you. He compared the way he felt about her to everything wonderful he could think of. Each letter was more romantic than the last, touching her heart and breaking down the wall she had tried so hard to build.
Her heart is conflicted. She can feel herself falling all over again. She wants to run to him, hold him, feel his arms around her, she wanted to feel his lips on hers. She ached for him but, she couldn’t,  she wouldn’t do that to Angelica not without talking to her first. Maybe she could talk her out of it.
After contemplating and stressing over what to say and how to say it. A few days later, she goes to see her. Angie opens the door with a bright smile and open arms for her sister. They embrace. Angie gets them some coffee, and the settle in the living room.
Eliza stares into her coffee, for a few moments before looking up at her sister. Angie has a warm, encouraging smile on her face and it gives Eliza the confidence she needs to have this conversation.
“Alexander came to my apartment a little over a week ago,” she starts. “He told me,” she pauses, a bewildered expression on her face, “he told me that he loves me. He told me he wouldn’t give up on me, that I could hate him for the rest of my life, but it wouldn’t change how he felt.”
Angelica nods, waiting for her to sort through her own thoughts.
“But, the thing is dearest,” she takes a breath as tears form in her eyes, “I’m not sure if I do. He deserves for me to hate him and it makes me so mad at myself that I don’t. After what he’s done to you, he deserves the worst.”
She shakes her head, wiping at her tears.
“But,” she sighs, “I don’t. I don’t hate him, and I feel so utterly stupid and pathetic!” She throws her hands in the air emphasizing her exasperation with her own emotions. “And then he sends me all these love letters, one right after the other. Everyday! How in the hell am I supposed to stay mad at him, hate him, if he sends me these beautiful letters explaining exactly how he feels about me?! How in the hell do I stop myself from”-
She gasps her sobs overtaking her. She takes a few deep breaths before continuing.
“How do I stop myself from falling in love with him?” She looks at Angelica with sorrowful and conflicted eyes.
Angelica smiles sympathetically at her and embraces her in a hug.
“Its okay, dearest, I already know.” She kisses her head. “I know and it’s okay.”
“What do you mean?” Eliza pulls away to look at her sister with her brows furrowed in confusion.
“We talked about it and it seems, from several different sources, he’s really changed and loves you very much. I gave him my blessing already.”
“Because you love each other and I want you to be happy.”
Angie chuckles and looks at her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“But, what about you?”
“Betsey,” she chuckles again, “I’m with Church, I’m beyond happy, I don’t love Alex anymore, remember?” Eliza just stares at her stunned. “Its okay, Betsey, you can be with him, if he makes you happy, you have my blessing.”
“Yes, really. As long as your happy, I’m happy.”
Eliza pulls her sister into a tight embrace.
“Thank you, Dearest,” she whispers into Angies shoulder.
“Of course,” Angie pulls away, smiling, “he doesn’t deserve you, but maybe one day he will.”
She chuckles and nods at her sister.
“Maybe,” Eliza smiles.
“Well,” Angie looks at her expectantly. “What are you waiting for?”
Eliza looks at her confused.
“Go get him! Go, go!” Angie gives her a light shove.
She smiles brightly, kisses her cheek and runs out the door. Angelica smiles as she leans back into her couch. She laughs to herself, before turning toward the bedroom.
“You can come out now,” she yells out.
Church emerges from hiding with a smile in his face.
“When are you going to tell her we moved in together?” Church kisses her shoulder, as he sits next to her and pulls her into his lap.
“Soon,” she kisses him, sweetly. “When everything is settled,” she smiles.
“You’re quite the little match maker, huh?” He asks, tickling her side, lightly.
She giggles and snuggles into him.
“I am, they better thank me on their wedding day.”
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julietsoddeye · 6 years
Aikie’s The EℓyXiOn in Manila Experience (180428)
I will be posting my experience in bullets because I still feel dumb right now and I cannot construct proper sentences lol. And this post will be long, there’s more after the cut.
TW (lol): If you hate grammar and spelling lapses, don’t read this lmfao. I’m just writing what’s left of my soup-like brain. My memory is for shit right now, so I might edit this in the future.
BTW I didn’t take a lot of videos except for my IG stories. I just enjoyed the show because I know there are lots of people taking videos anyway ahhaha, literally my view is everyone’s phone askjdnksfnd. If not for my 5 inch platforms, I wouldn’t see shit. 
If you wanna see what I got, here is my instagram: @beautyinbattle (It’s on highlight, I think you can only watch it on mobile) the sequence is not in order because my data and internet at home is shitty lol. (What’s new, Philippines?)
@supplyallmysauces and I were up making our banner until 3:30 AM
I set my alarm at 6 AM, but I woke up at 5:30 (I guess I’m too excited lmfaooooo)
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My makeup that day!!!
We left the house by 9 and we got to the venue past 10 AM
We went around looking for the GA’s I won (Support Banners from JM and JD local fansites, Food Support from JM local fansite and a CBX Blooming Days album from a well known international fan)
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Just some of the things I got from fansites.
Chinese for lunch with my lovely friends
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We’re not yet complete here hahaha
After our lunch, we hangout in Chilli’s and ordered drinks. I was gonna ordered beer but I was too fucking sleepy so I just got a very sweet mango smoothie with extra syrup. I also ate a packet of brown sugar and sipped @supplyallmysauces‘ Cerveza Negra hahahahahaha.
@supplyallmysauces and I left before 3 PM to start lining for our section. The queuing was shit, as expected from Pulp Live World. We had the same experience with 2NE1′s AON in 2014. And when you complain to their co-owner she would just say “You enjoyed the show, right? Just smile” (her exact words to me when I vented my feelings out) lol
Got inside our area by 5:40 PM. Literally 20 Minutes before the show started!!! WTF
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Now starting here, I can’t seem to remember much... But here goes.
First thing I noticed was Chanyeol touching Jongin’s butt and then Jongin kicking him in the ass.
Then Chanyeol touching Sehun’s butt, Sehun kicking Chanyeol too. (Not sure if he kicked CY tho, my memory is hazy but something like that did happen)
Chanyeol, Jongin, and Sehun were really playful with each other.
Jongin and Kyungsoo look extra happy that night. They were all smiles.
EXO-Ls singing Sing For You, some members (especially Baekhyun) were letting us sing along. Kyungsoo looked so proud and happy when we literally sang the whole song.
Junmyeon, Jongin, and Baekhyun mentioned an incoming album. ASLJSKDKJD
Junmyeon looked so tired and disoriented most of the time in the beginning because he saw his sasaeng, Rion, among the crowd :(
Junmyeon mentioned and ‘promoted’ Blooming Days. KING OF CBX PROMOTION, AMIRIGHT??? SM ENTERTAINMENT WYD???
Chanyeol mentioned his last trip to Bohol and he got his Diving License there.
Sehun mentioned his last trip to Batangas too and how he enjoyed it. He recommended his members to go there.
Junmyeon said the weather is nice in the Philippines. And we’re all like “Uhm, no?” hahahaha. We hit 40 degree C 2 weeks ago, wtf!!! Whenever someone arrives we’re like “WELCOME TO HELL!”
The Koreans reactions when Junmyeon said they don’t wanna go back to Korea was so funny ahahaha. They were literally like 😨😨😨
The crowd screamed “Walang Uuwi” (Literally means “No one’s going back home”) And EXO were confused because the translator didn’t explain what it meant. Jongdae was like “Walang u-waeee?” it was so funny.
Baekhyun sang Baby Shark in Korean and then the crowd continued in English. Chanyeol and Jongin were dancing along with Baekhyun. Kyungsoo didn’t know what it was, so he asked Chanyeol what a ‘Baby Shark’ is lmfaoooo you’re so cute Kyungsoo!!!
Jongdae and Baekhyun were looking in our general area and I’m not sure if they saw mine and @supplyallmysauces‘ banner, but I feel like they did. It just didn’t register in their brain. They were probably really tired too :(
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@supplyallmysauces‘ Banner
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10초동앗 저를 봐주세용 (Look at me for 10 second please /the “용“ -yong/ with aegyo lmfao) and Junmyeon delivered!!! 
After the show, I cannot fucking walk anymore. My feet are literally dead by that time. So we stayed by the snack bar for a bit and reviewed the whole show dfkjdflk
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Me with @supplyallmysauces, @loeyeolty and our friends!!! I LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!
Oh and @supplyallmysauces caught two CHEN BALLS LMFAO
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Now... Let’s talk about my Jongdae side of the banner going viral...
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It all started with this picture. IDK who took it, but THANK YOU. LFMAO.
I saw @oh-beyond tagged me in a post while I was trying not to die. And it went downhill from there. People keep tagging me on Twitter and just LAKDJLADKJLDAKD
Tumblr Posts HERE, and HERE
Twitter Posts HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE
Facebook Post HERE
While my friends were lining up to order in CBTL, some girls were talking about my banner. THANK GOD I WASN’T THERE YET TO WITNESS THAT!!! I MIGHT DIE LMFAO.
I guess that’s about it. I will be editing this if there’s any more happenings I remember. lol. BYE.
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jawllines · 7 years
Y/N didn’t know what to do. It was prom, she’d been stood up by her date for Kristen McDale, her makeup was ruined with tears, and her breathing was all shaky and stuttered. She felt like dirt, so she did what she always does when she feels like dirt – she calls Harry. 
Harry was her neighbor – or, well, he used to be, but now he lives on campus in a college not so far off from where she lives. They’d been an unlikely pair of friends, just like every teen rom-com, only without the romantic tendencies. Harry was like a jock bodyguard at school when he was there, who got her tickets to parties as just a Sophomore, let her wear his Letterman jacket when she got cold, and carried her home when she was drunk and wobbly on her feet and away from the other gross Seniors trying to coax her into their bedrooms. 
Of course Y/N had always had a crush on him – he was all green eyes, soft hair, and sweet words, but he always had a girlfriend and Y/N was two years younger. So it never worked out…also like every teen rom-com. 
He encourages her to call when things get to be too much – he knows how she is, with overthinking, and getting to deep in her head. Spent plenty of nights letting her cry to him when everything felt like it was suffocating her. She just hopes that he wouldn’t be too busy with school (or worst: with a girl) to listen to her this time. 
“H-harry?” She hates how her voice quakes, “I – um, can you talk for a second?” 
“Oh no, Babe, why’re you sniffling? Isn’t prom tonight?”
Y/N sniffles, wiping underneath her eyes, “He – he stood me up.” She whimpers out, “I – he called and said he had a different date – the fucking prick! I got all ready and I spent money on my make up and hair and – and this dress! And he stood me up and I don’t know what to do, Harry, I wanna slash his tires but I also just want to cry and watch She’s All That.” 
She can hear the pout in his voice, “Y/N, I’m sorry, but no slashing tires – m’pretty sure college’s see misdemeanors.”
“What about keying his car?” 
Harry’s chuckle settles warm and low in her belly, familiar and comforting – like a hug from a cozy sweater. “Nuh -uh. Say, Pet, why don’t you come down and visit me for a spell? Got that dorm to meself, remember?”
“I won’t be a bother?” 
“Course not! Head on over right now, don’t bother changing though – wanna see you in the dress, yeah?” 
Y/N sniffles again, running the back of her hand beneath her nose, “Kay, see you.” 
“I’ll be waiting.” He promises. 
Just as he said, Y/N barely has time to knock after her “I’m here” text for the door to swing open and reveal him in all his, sweatpants slung low, and grey t-shirted glory. He’s definitely gotten his hair trimmed since she saw him last, and his biceps are bulging against his sleeves a bit more, and Y/N is then very suddenly aware of the makeup still staining and smudging her face.
“Oh, Button,” he pouts, his big hand wrapping around her shoulder and pulling her into a hug. 
Y/N can’t help but burrow her face into his chest, inhaling his citrus – foresty smell, letting it make her feel lightheaded “He’s a dick.” Her grumbles are muffled and soft.
“A right, prick he is. Lemme have a look at you.” He draws back, looking down at her dress and tutting his tongue, “You look so pretty tonight, Pet, he doesn’t know what he’s missing.” 
Snorting, Y/N furrows her brows at him, “I dunno’ if you realize this Harry, but I look like a coked out raccoon.” 
And in very Harry like fashion, he tuts his tongue once more, and shakes his head, reaching to cup her face with his big, warm hands. Letting his thumbs stroke over her tear stained, mascara smudged, cheeks, in slow steady movements, “Still beautiful.”
It’s because he does stuff like this, that makes her all mushy for him. How could she not be, when Harry is sweet and gentle and so nice to her…his looks were just an additional bonus, which was the craziest thing. No wonder he always had a girlfriend, honestly, even if she hates it she understands why. 
“Alright, I’ve got some clothes set out for you and She’s All That queued up. You’re spending the night, Poppet, I’ve already let your mother know.” He gives her a big grin and Y/N returns it just as, if not twice as wide. A sleepover with Harry is always a fun one, and she’s pretty certain he’s her best friend – or at least the only friend she has willing to give up their alone time and their night just so she didn’t have to be alone. 
So she takes herself into the bathroom with his clothes in hand, flopping them on the sink before working on taking the earrings she had out of her ears and avoiding looking at her face for a spell until she can take care of it. She’s lucky she keeps makeup wipes in her purse or she would just have to rock this post stood up for prom” look for the rest of the night. Once she’s wiped free of all mascara debris, she draws her hair back into a bun, before trying to start up on her dress. 
Her dress was one size too small so that everything held up, but it was incredibly hard to get on and out of. She also seemingly forgot her mother had to help her tug it up and over and zip her up, but she remembers this when she’s trying to reach for the zipper and things aren’t going as planned. So with a huff through her nose, she calls out for Harry, who comes moments later.
“Will you please unzip me?” She questions him, and Harry clears throat soundly before nodding, motioning for her to spin around. His fingers were warm, when they touch gently to her shoulder as he moves her hair out of the way, and he gets a grip on the zip before pulling it undone. Y/N hadn’t realized how low it actually went until she feels the warmth of Harry’s hands emanating off of him and upon the top half of her bum.
She expects him to be through after that, but two careful hands start pressing the two sides apart, his palms running smoothly over her back. “Ah,” he tuts his tongue, “Really doesn’t know what he’s missin’,” it’s off handed and takes Y/N by surprise but before she could question him on it, Harry disappears through the door.
Skin pebbled with goosebumps, Y/N finishes getting out of her dress and into one of Harry’s soft sweaters and a pair of sweatpants. Bottom lip bitten raw with thoughts of his hands on her skin as she finally ambles out to him, flopping down on the couch besides him with a puff. The movie set up on his TV and a bowl of popcorn on his lap that he shoves into her hands, “Okay, m’ready to fall in love with a young Freddie Prinze Jr. are you?” 
                                                .        .      .
Y/N peels her heavy eyelids open to the soft sound of a Pretty Little Liars rerun, the gentle whir of the ceiling fan, and a few quiet noises coming from the bathroom. Brows furrowed, she tries to rub the sleep away from her senses – she doesn’t even remember dozing out, but it’s clear that Harry had wrapped her up in his throw cover. Speaking of, where had Harry gone? His phone was still out here, and from where she sat what she could see was his bed was empty, and the bathroom door was left slightly ajar. 
Without much thought, she decides to investigate further. Thinks maybe Harry is just brushing his teeth and washing his face…or at least she hopes so, because if she’s been ditched for another girl for the second time tonight that would destroy her indefinitely. Especially since it’s Harry.
So she moves around the coffee table and towards the bathroom door, rubbing at her eyes and cursing herself for crying so much. A headache tickles at the edges of her brain, and she tells herself to ask Harry for the ibproufen as she begins pressing the door open but all though falters. She’s actually pretty sure her brain starts malfunctioning, as no words or noise come from her mouth, and her mouth falls agape like her jaw had unhinged. 
Hunched over the sink, with his eyes squeezed shut to the reflection of himself in the mirror, one hand from his extended arm holding onto the ceramic counter top, while the other is wrapped around his prick. His very hard, red tipped, thick, and all too delicious looking prick. Front teeth digging into his bottom lip, his brows clinched, there’s sweat beading at his hairline and causing small strands to curl. Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes…sure, she’d accidentally stumbled across her window when Harry had left his cracked open wide, but most of the time he had the decency of being beneath a blanket. 
But this…this Y/N has never encountered before. 
She’s planning on slinking back into the living room, so she can sit on the couch and pretend she’d been asleep this whole time, but a soft groan claws from deep in his chest, and his bitten strawberry swollen lips part around it. Spit slicked and puffy, pursed and all too much for Y/N’s poor little heart to handle. “Fuck,” he thumbs at the already slippery head, the fingers on the sink turning white from how hard he’s gripping it, “s'fucking tight.” 
 Y/N’s heart is bounding against her chest, a twist low in her stomach that sparks a dull ache, and she clenches around nothing. She’s never heard Harry speak like that before, and there was something about it that turned all her nerves into knots. 
 She needs to leave. She needs to turn around and go back to the couch because she’s invading his privacy and she shouldn’t know that he’s as hard as he is, and she shouldn’t know that there is precum splurting from the tip, and she really, really, really shouldn’t know that when Harry dips his thumb into the slit it makes his whole body quake in a shudder. 
But just as soon as she’s convinced to turn away and act as if she’d never seen any of it, he says it.“Y/N,” it’s so quiet, she nearly convinces herself she’s just hearing things, “Fucking, fuck, Y/N.” 
 She doesn’t mean to squeak. Doesn’t mean to give away her position with a terribly embarrassing noise, and doesn’t mean to make him pause in his movements. Blinking his eyes open slowly and raising his head, looking into the mirror at where Y/N stood wide eyed and stock still. When she catches a glance of herself in the mirror, she’s sure she looks like a boner killer all puffy faced from crying but when she dates a quick peek at his cock she sees him twitch in his hand.
 “Ah!” Y/N gasps, smacking her hands over her eyes, “I’m sorry! I was - I was just…needed some ibuprofen and I didn’t know where you were so I came but –”
 “But I was touching myself.” He fills in casually, and all too calmly, “Were you watchin’ me touch myself, Pet?” 
 Her cheeks feel hot, “I’m sorry, I can – if you want me to leave I can leave?” She offers, still with her eyes covered as she starts moving backwards, but she feels his ring clad fingers loop around her forearm to stop her.
 “S'not necessary,” he answers, giving her forearms a tug, trying to see her but she holds strong, “C'mon, you don’t have to hide from me.” 
 “I’m not hiding,” she murmurs, “Just– I didn’t think you wanted me to see your –” 
 “My cock?” He fills in once again and she nods sheepishly, “Darlin, I don’t mind if you see it or not. Besides, you’ve heard me go n’ say your name while I was tugging myself off, dunno why you’re the one acting all embarrassed.” He notes, “Now lemme see you.”
She puts up a fight for only a few moments after, until succumbing to Harry’s insistent hands and letting him pull them from her face. He keeps his hands on her arms as if to settle her, stroking them gently while they slowly relaxed from their tensed state. Once they’re back at her sides, he cradles her face in his palms for the second time that night only this time it feels much less sweet and much more filthy, “There she is,” he murmurs gently, “You look so pretty. You fell asleep on my lap and my thoughts got a little dirty – needed to take care of myself.” 
“Did I make you – is that –” The words keep faltering but Hary jumps in so she doesn’t have to make a stuttering fool of herself, still stroking her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.
“What do you think, Sweetheart?” He asks gently, and he’s close enough she can feel his minty breath on her skin, “Think you could just come here looking so cute, and sweet, and sad, and I wouldn’t get hard thinking about taking care of you? ‘Bout fucking you so hard that you forget about that stupid boy, n’all you can think of is my cock?” She shudders, heat pooling in a prickly wave to her lower belly. “Thought you could come here and I wouldn’t wanna pull your hips down into my lap and rub against you, darling? S’that what you thought?” 
She blinks, reaching out to grab at his shirt and fisting the material in her hands, “Harry,” she all but breathes, “I – I –” 
He takes her holding onto him as a good sign, she guesses, because he slides his hand down to her hip, gives her a squeeze and pulls her nearer to him. His nose brushes against her own in a sweet little puppy kiss that really contradicts the state they’re standing in. “’ave you ever given someone head, Baby?” He asks, slipping both hands beneath the hem of his shirt, his fingertips leaving goosebumps on her tummy in his wake. 
Y/N’s brows furrow as she tries to find her words, but he’s so close and his touch is becoming very, very distracting, especially as the tip of his index finger skims just beneath the swell of her breast, “Yes -- yes, I have um -- to the boy who was s’pposed to take me to prom t’night.” She doesn’t know why she tells him who. . .he didn’t ask for it, but Harry pouts his lips at her again, and she feels embarrassed once again, that she’d let the boy sweet talk her into giving him a blowie. Promised to take her to prom, and eat her out after too, the asshole. 
Though being here with Harry is much better, she thinks.
“Tha’s naughty, Pet.” He murmurs, “Knew you had a filthy mouth but didn’t know you were keen on using it.” The smile at his mouth says he’s teasing, small and subtle. 
“Harry --” she starts to whine because she hates being teased but he pretends not to here her and continues on unperturbed. 
“He didn’t deserve this hot little tongue on him though,” he pulls down on her lip, making it pout before she opens up for him, “Not a’ all.” 
Harry leans in then, sliding his tongue gracefully and slow against hers, pressing the whole front of his body into her own while his arms looped around her body and his hands slid down her back. Y/N hasn’t kissed a lot of people so she wasn’t well versed in the structure or movement of it, but Harry was slow, soft, and sweet and he mewls these little noises into her mouth every so often that only cater to the ache in her belly. She doesn’t understand why he’s making them until she realizes that his bare, hard cock is nudging up against her, and it makes her draw her mouth from him for a breath, feeling a bit lightheaded. 
“Can I lick you?” She says without thinking, eyes having flickered down to where he bobs heavily and it makes her mouth water -- the prick she’d been had been a decent size sure, but it wasn’t nearly as pretty as Harry’s. 
His lips are a bit swollen, slicked with spit, and a muted strawberry color as he questions her, “Lick me where?” 
Y/N knows and Harry knows that he good and well is aware of where she wants to. However this doesn’t stop her from bashfully murmuring, “Your cock. Can I please lick you?” 
Smiling, Harry nods but stops her before she can start sinking to her knees, “Tell me if you need’a stop, okay? N’don’t push yourself, Kitten, m’pretty big and I don’ want you choking on me. At least not yet.” 
Nodding, Y/N sinks to her knees and tries to quiet the storm roaring within her as she comes face to face with him. The drippy head taunting her as he pushes his shaft down with a couple of fingers, leveling it with her mouth. Y/N wastes no time in parting her lips around the tip, suckling carefully, just as she was taught to (Tyler may be an asshole, but he did go slow with her). It makes Harry moan out loudly, a noise similar to that of what he’d been making when she stumbled in on him. 
It spurs her onward, and she opens her mouth even more so over the head and tongues at the frenulum, peeking up to look at Harry who has his head thrown back, showing off the smooth expanse of his neck while both hands hold onto the sink counter tightly. “Ah, yes, yes, right there.” He encourages her, “Got such a pretty, warm lil’ mouth, doing so well.” 
Y/N buzzes with the compliments, taking him even farther into her mouth before giving an experimental bob, placing her hand at the base of him and giving a twist. His hips buck at that and he shoves deeper in her mouth, but controls himself quickly, moving to place a hand at her scalp, not pushing her but just as a gently presence “Sorry baby, you just feel so good. Take your time with me.” 
So she does. Y/N bobs her head slowly, sucking on him and listens to all the whimpers and whines that add to the wet dripping and soaking her panties. Her thighs are squeezing together the best they can, to get at least some pressure on her clit, but it does very little. She keeps her other hand at his thigh to keep herself from reaching down and rubbing like she wants to. 
It’s when she pulls back entirely, flattens her tongue and licks a stripe from the small dip of his balls to the smooth, shiny head that Harry’s fingers dig into her hair. “Fuck,” he cries out, looking down to her and his pupils are blown, puffy lips hanging open as she uses the tip of her tongue to really lick at the slit. Y/N can feel him throb in her hand, one that might mean he’s about to cum before he gives her a sharp tug back. “Stop, stop, stop, stop,” he repeats, and it’s only when she’s staring up at him that she realizes her jaw aches and she wonders if she’s done something wrong. 
Y/N guesses her face is easy to read as a book though, as Harry pets tenderly at her head, stroking the hair he’d mussed up down, “You weren’t doin’ anything wrong, Darling, I was just so close to cumming. Realized I wanted to nut off on your body rather than on your mouth.” His hand slowly skims down to her ear, caressing the lobe, “Just don’ know where yet.” 
She starts to stand, a little wobbly on her legs but Harry reaches out to hold her steady, “Easy there,” he titters, “Wanna hear what m’gonna do to you?” 
"Yes!” She answers a little to eagerly and it makes him chuckle warmly.
“First, m’gonna take all this off,” he begins, fingering at the collar of his shirt she’s wearing, his other hand squeezing on her hip like he’s proved to be so fond of doing, “Gonna take my time with you . . .get you so worked up that your dripping down your thighs, begging me to do something, anything at all,” Y/N feels dizzy with want, listening to his words thick with desire, “And instead of giving into your cute little whimpers, I’ll press your thighs together real tight, and slide my cock right in between. . .make you watch the head disappear and reappear while you wish and want it to be inside you. Dunno if I’ll even take you t’night, Pet, maybe I’ll just get you all flustered and hot before cuddling you to sleep.” He waits a beat, searching her face, “Are you ready for that?” 
Gulping, Y/N nods. 
This is much better than prom. 
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
I still have about 200 queued posts (bear with me... and sorry followers on mobile), but I want to quickly publish some of my post-binging thoughts before the new episode comes out. (Because I get overwhelmed by other people’s opinions and can’t remember what my own were unless I write them down. It’s easy to recall which parts I simply loved for what they are because other people did too and I can reblog their posts; it’s harder to not forget my own perspective outside of that.)
I didn’t actually expect to post these opinions because I don’t feel comfortable criticizing TAZ the way I tear apart big franchises like ME. But I did write it down, so what the hell. Let’s start with the biggest piece of negativity then. I can't name a favourite arc but I think the last place is Petals to the Metal. The racing sequence was spectacular enough that I didn't mind the pacing that much, but the final episode was really disappointing. A combination of not actually explicitly confirming the pairing in canon (I seriously expected that would be the culmination of the arc) AND Bury Your Gays (yes, I know Griffin dealt with the feedback gracefully, that doesn't fix the actual story though) AND some extreme railroading AND deus ex machina/Power of Love (at least the latter was retconnet as in not retroactive continuity but retroactive context). That actually put me off the show for some time. I think this moment encapsulates my problems with Hurley's writing pretty well. She really comes off as a Mary Sue written by a self-aware male writer who feels the need to put female characters on a pedestal -- certainly not the most objectionable phenomenon, but still makes my eyes roll. I feel the same about Carey and Killian in The Crystal Kingdom and the recurring remarks about "competent women". (I mean, I understand the gameplay reason for that, it's not that I'm asking for super detailed fights between NPCs, but I didn't like the way it sounded in the story.) Thankfully Carey got some development with Magnus, Killian had a good introduction before that glorification thing started cropping up, and their relationship's good obviously; plus, thankfully, Lucretia is completely free from this (she actually might be my fave NPC in terms of writing).
I think my least favourite part of The Suffering Game is the final past bosses battle? It's not just repetitive -- this repetition, needless in this case, devalues the other instances of our heroes facing the past. The first big one was Noelle (great: surprising, touching, important for the overall plot as we now know), then we had the three robots (I was pretty delighted to see Jenkins and Magic Brian again) even it was more about combat than meaningful facing of past mistakes, then the destruction of Phandolin was seen again in The Eleventh Hour, and only a bit later the setting of the first arc will be revisited once more. So even not counting this scene, it was starting to get a bit navel-gazey, and the complete lack of story relevance of that battle diluted things even more. It kind of sounded like running out of ideas -- I'd prefer any other challenge or just a repeat of the random monster generation. (Btw I totally expected to see the crab from Rockport Limited in that lineup. It's kind of special to me because back I went "Ah a floating crab, yeah feel you boys, I hate fighting Praetorians too, at least this thing doesn't shoot lase--" and then it started shooting fire, lol.)
Back to what I wanted to talk about: I have lots of thoughts/feelings about consequences re: the last episodes. The spoilers I've seen gave me so much anxiety! Like I've read that Magnus loses memory so I completely expected him to lose everything. So I spent a lot of time in complete dread, and when I read "Magnus forgets" in the summary my heart dropped, and then it wasn't that bad at all so I thought "that's it?" and felt relieved until the fucking clone tank. At which point I thought "No, this is it" especially because all of the players interpreted it that way. So I was very surprised and relieved that he kept everything, and that Griffin was so kind to him. But that kinda brought me to another problem -- that the new body undid Magnus's sacrifices. He didn't lose a finger or 10 years of life; the only loss was the identity of his nemesis which a) is a sad thing and he might be happier without it -- I would; and b) the boys promised to take care of that. Meanwhile, Taako and especially Merle have to live with their sacrifices. That's unfair. I was pretty thrilled when I realized the sacrifices were For Real, and was feeling real dread and anxiety about them (can't say if in a wholly good way) and I don't like devaluing that. Though of course I'm pretty jazzed that the character who is at the moment my favourite got treated so well. That scene was cathartic as hell! But back to the sacrifices: I'm intrigued by the problem of balance of hurting the character in a way that's good for narrative and/or game balance (yeah the intent of "let's nerf them a bit" was easy to see) but not compromising them as a piece of writing. I didn't give a shit about max health or dexterity penalties, but the story significant things about losing body parts and especially memories sounded brutal and cruel to me. I actually laughed when during one of the commercial breaks Griffin said something like "I hope this isn't causing you too much anxiety" because I was rushing through this arc because of that anxiety! But in the end, as it often happens, the half-misinterpreted spoilers made everything sound worse than it actually was. And I was very glad and relieved to hear Griffin specifically clarify that he's not going to take away important parts of a character.
But despite what I just said, when I started The Suffering Game arc I was actually amazed because it was second arc in a row built around my personal favorite tropes! I really appreciate Doctor Who-ish journey through genres (that doesn't take itself seriously but also has an epic underlying plot. All my fandoms are the same...) Murder on the Rockport Limited also counts in that category. So if I had to pick a favorite, they'd probably be among the candidates? Well I don't know how to count Reunion Tour for that. I really liked The Eleventh Hour, time travel/time loop stories are like my #1 fave. And it's a closed room mystery too (like Rockport Limited). That was the point where I started listening much faster because I needed to learn the truth. (Also, the Lunar Interlude before that arc, with the three separate stories, was freaking revolutionary and started a new level of character development for the show in general.) But I was kind of disappointed by the lack of a Holmes speech-type explanation of everything in the end. Because a big part of enjoyment was the expectation that it'll all click together beautifully in the end -- and some pieces still didn't fit. I'm still not sure if I missed something or that wasn't explained. Why was Isaak, like our heroes and unlike everyone else in the town, aware of the temporal loops and free to act? What was the interaction between Taako's spell and the code word -- did the spell have any effect other than almost drowning everyone, would "Junebug" have worked by itself? I had some more questions I thing, but right when I was going to pause/think/rest, everything was swept away by the freaking Red Robe Magnus cliffhanger, so I continued to run forward internally screaming "Explain! Explain!" like a Dalek, and then that was joined by the aforementioned Suffering Game anxiety. And that's the story how I marathoned the last part of the show three or more times faster than I planned to.
I really loved listening to TTAZZ, both of them, it was really good meta! I think I started to appreciate the show more after the first one. I can see where the fan criticism re: representation is coming from, but I myself also belong to the category of people who can never visualise their own (or anyone's, really) characters and therefore really love the freedom of interpretation. I'm also a bit sad about the commentary on racism in the new one, which, in addition to the comments about the Taco Quest in the first one, made me pretty sure that storyline/running joke is not coming back. I found it really funny back then in the beginning of the show -- more so because I, myself, have no freaking idea what tacos are actually like. I mean, we might have some mexican food places over here, but I've never been to one. And I intentionally didn't look it up after starting the show because it was funnier and kind of immersive this way lol. But they sound pretty committed to non-committance about the enthnicities, and raising the topic in canon again would force the issue, so I think they're just quietly abandoning it. Story-wise, I'd love to hear something like "Taako had invented a dish and named it after himself, but the voidfish baby ate the recipe so he couldn't recreate it until now" because I'm a sucker for justifying jokes and tying them into the main plot/emotional storyline. But in general I'd prefer any option that offends people the least. I was kind of surprised when Justin talked about abandoning Taako's early "dumb" characterisation, because I hadn't actually thought it was "officially" thrown away. I assumed Taako was just really bad at paying attention, and got better at managing that as a part of organic character development. I actually found that kind of relatable, plus "absent-minded professor/wizard" is a classic trope. Also TTAZZ made me wish even harder for the lost awesome adventure of Magnus and Kravitz in the astral plane. And it was already slightly souring my excitement about the totally awesome & touching scene we got instead.
I didn't really get the exposition about the planes in The Crystal Kingdom, and the long explanation in the latest two episodes require more attention than I gave them. Hope today's episode will make things clearer. Some things I hope to hear explained soon:
Why has Merle died more times than Magnus or Taako?
Also, looking forward to the promised explanation of how Gundren can be Merle's blood relative lol
Why was the Chalice so much more self-aware and civil than the other Relics? Is it related to the fact that its creator has some special connection to the (a?) voidfish?
Was Magnus a wizard before? Being a lich, creating a Grand Relic... If so, why doesn't he have magic now?
If Magnus is a lich, can he one day die and stay in the astral plane with Julia like an ordinary human, like he wanted? If not, that's a pretty big and tragic turn of events for him. (Granted, this might be more of a D&D mechanics question...)
(I actually just found a Reddit thread starting with the same question, discussing whether all 7 are really liches or not, so these two points might not be even valid haha)
(I also saw someone theorize that Lup invented the taco recipe -- and damn I really do want to see that now. Imagine trying to figure out something and later realize that it was created by your dead sister who named that thing after you.)
(I was confused about LichBarry’s reveal because I thought at the end of PTTM he was mind-controlling Captain Captain Bane to poison THB. Someone had the same question and another person answered that Barry’s spell was only to make Captain drink the poison, and the murder attempt was on him. I totally didn’t get that. Between this and my question about “Junebug”, either mind-control spells are not very clearly explained in this show, I suck at understanding them, or both.)
(Shit, this list has transformed from future episodes wishlist into reactions to Reddit lol)
Since I was talking about Taako and Lup, here’s another passing thought: remember how Taako immediately wanted to be Like Them when he saw the lich duo? You know, the elven brother and sister?!
Not related to anything, but I just realized I can wear jeans as a stealth fandom reference and it's delightful :D
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haywire4 · 5 years
uk election thoughts from a dude in the states
not bothering to capitalize any of this, it’s just stuff that i’m typing as i go and i’m only going back to make sure i spelled most of the words right and shit before queuing up a post
i honestly didn’t expect a labour majority, i figured things were going to be stalled about as they were, but that was a pretty hard shift
seriously, i thought that jets loss to the ravens was going to be the biggest loss i saw tonight
the brexit split really created a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation, didn’t it? jezza tries to whip support for it, he probably loses the substantial portions of the electorate worried about the very real damage that could happen to public services and the very fake loss of EU membership prestige.
trying to go for the second referendum, though, that probably alienated a lot of people deeply concerned about the very real issues EU membership causes for countries with names that don’t rhyme with bermany, and assorted jackasses that spend most of their hours concerned with national pride above all else
a lot of people whose jobs rely on calling themselves smart, they’re already taking the chance to tut-tut those who didn’t want labour to be tory-lite, who believe things better than the status quo are possible, would like to try and use this as incontrovertible evidence that leftism is unelectable. please ignore that the wet blanket centrist lib dems have less than 20 seats total and most only got enough votes to successfully split the vote in many areas.
i mean it about the vote splitting thing, i’ve always mocked the people that talk about how dubya “had integrity and honor” while simultaneously cursing the name of ralph nader twenty years on, but the difference between nader and the british lib dems is that those jackasses had quite a visible dent in a lot of demos that probably would have gone labour, same with the brexit party, while nader’s support was built out of people that otherwise would have likely abstained from voting.
with that in mind, sometimes america’s lack of viable third parties seems like more of a blessing than a curse. it’s easy to get hammered by a couple hundred jo swinsons and similar empty suits, less so by the gary johnsons and howard schultzes of the world thinking they’re the next ross perot. would still rather have that ranked choice setup they use down in australia tho.
when contrasted with a prime minister that has written some profoundly antisemetic fiction and his party’s erection of a monument to an MP who virulently hated jews and based her support of hitler off of it, there was sort of a dark humor to the charge that the labour party was uniquely antisemetic. there didn’t seem to be much to it, just the usual protests from people who see palestinians as sub-human but won’t say it, and people who can only view jews as being innately tied to a nationality other than their own. turns out that scaring rich people who own or inhabit high level positions at media companies can get you some really interesting wall-to-wall coverage.
and yes, i did notice that widely circulated list of “suspected labour antisemites“ that was sourced from a group with aryan in the name
that’s a fun preview of what’ll happen if sanders really starts to get traction over here, by the way. you might say, “surely they wouldn’t try to paint a jewish man who lost much of his family in the holocaust as an antisemite, especially compared to a president that’s straight up signing executive orders to declare jews as their own separate nationality“ but the federalist is already dipping their toes into such matters, and many right wing talking points seem to percolate from well funded places like that these days.
also, the people that want to say that a guy who straight up got arrested for protesting during the sixties american civil rights movement doesn’t care about the black community as biden or tiny pete will eat that shit up, and comcast and GE owned outlets ain’t gonna be above saying it in more hushed tones.
apparently corbyn is stepping down as labour leader. it’s been lost to time (or i’m too dumb to remember who said it), but i remember someone saying like, “if it had been sanders taking that kind of devastating loss in 2016, i would honestly have to re-evaluate my politics, figure out i should be playing a role in all of this, if i’m still in touch.“ after three years of various clinton-worlders on doggedly insisting that they are still the only ones that understand how to win elections, corbyn having the guts to step down and say “i might not be the right person to be the face of this movement at this time“ is a refreshing, if sobering example of humility.
big feather in your cap if you’re one to talk about the limits of electoralism, you shouldn’t treat it as an “i told you so” moment, but i guess you did there. hope you have a good backup plan, there might be a good time for it soon
there was a little bit of talk from non-mainstream sources about how american trade deals were going to encourage heavy privatization of the NHS, most of which seemed to be covered up by the insistence of covering the “possibility” (as in bullshit idea) that a story about a hospital hobbled by tory/right wing labour budget cuts running out of beds and forcing patients onto the floor was made up by the parents of a patient. a lot of people asking what copays and deductibles are over in the isles today, even if it’s not going to happen overnight.
sometimes i think a little too much about the possibility of a populace that’s a combination of too beaten down and distracted to worry about the public good and creeping austerity, and times like this really remind you of the necessity of extensive public organizing in your community
another blessing in disguise, i hear a lot about how americans don’t watch the news, but looking at how a lot of corporate news sources twist themselves in knots to look impartial while trying to convince well-meaning individuals that what they’re seeing in front of them in regards to the right wing isn’t real, maybe that’s not such a bad thing. is someone getting their info from NUMTOT or random facebook pages dedicated to cropping and watermarking stolen videos really worse then getting it from ABC or FOX? prolly not tbh
in reality, whatever remains of the uk and eu in 2160 is probably still going to be kicking the can on brexit, basically just turning it into some arcane ceremony whose purpose has been long forgotten. fun!
irish reunification and scottish independence talks sound like they’re going to get real fun now, but i’ll admit i don’t know a lot about that stuff except for the dup essentially wanting the troubles 2.0 in exchange for a coalition with the tories and the last scottish thing getting rejected based on promises of staying in the EU
australia is not the UK but now is a better time than ever to say that fairy bread might be the worst food i’ve ever heard of, anyway peace out, never forget that time that david cameron fucked a dead pig to get into whatever the brit version of skull and bones is
0 notes
xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch 22
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC with other parings mentioned throughout.
Word Count: 3.8K
Warnings: Canon Typical things
Author’s Note: As a reminder, FA can be found on ffnet up to chapter 42. I am uploading chapters here on tumblr for convenience. I decided against tagging this until new chapters are posted. If you would like to be tagged please let me know! Chapters are queued and will be posted randomly. Chapter from here on out are not aligned with any episodes.  Enjoy
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"How are you even here?" Elijah asked placing his hand on Elizabeth's cheek. He still couldn't believe that she was somehow standing in front of him.
"I don't know." Elizabeth said shaking her head slightly. "One moment I was at Hayley's and I was holding Hope and looking at you and the next thing I know, I was here." Elizabeth herself could't believe that she was here at all. She thought she would have never been able to see him until they had found the cures for all of them. She just hoped that this wasn't all a dream. She didn't want to wake up and find out that she hadn't been here at all. She looked up at him and ran her hand through his hair. "I don't know how I managed to go the last six months without seeing you."
Elijah chuckled. "You managed five centuries without seeing me, six months is nothing."
"Those five centuries weren't because I made it so I couldn't see you." She said with a shake of her head. "I didn't even know if it was going to work or not."
"But it did." He said reassuring her that her plan did work. "And now you'll just have to find the cures we need." She nodded and smiled a little.
"Hayley has already found the cure for Rebekah." Elijah raised an eyebrow. Before he could even ask how, Elizabeth stopped him and explained. "You do remember that I do know some of Aya's dirty little secrets right? I knew where it was and when I told Hayley to find herself a home for herself and Hope, she did and soon after she didn't hesitate to go get it."
"What have you manage to do in that time beside torment yourself?" He asked.
"I haven't been tormenting myself." She watched as Elijah gave her a look and she sighed. "Okay I have been. But what do you expect me to do, not hate myself for what I have done?"
"The only thing I expect is for you not to torment yourself on the past." He said kissing her forehead.
"Easier said than done." She said smiling up at him. "But I'll try."
"Good." He said smiling at her. "Now, what have you been up to?" He wanted to know everything he had missed in the six months. Her missed having her close by and while they weren't sure how long she would be there, he wanted to know as much as he could.
"Many things actually." She said with a shrug. "I've redecorated the compound, I've also been attempting to slowly bring everyone together in the Quarter."
Elijah raised an eyebrow. "You're trying to bring peace to the city?" He had tried that once. It hadn't ended so well and he wasn't sure how it had been going for her.
"I said I was attempting to." She said with a chuckle. "I've already had some resistance from some of the vampires, but I think I took care of that easily."
"How?" When he asked, Elizabeth was sure she really wanted to tell him.
"By simply putting some fear into them." She said shrugging slightly. "And maybe by killing a few of them." She tried mumbling the last part but seeing Elijah shaking his head, she knew he heard every word.
"Elizabeth," He said sighing. "I don't think that killing them is really going to bring them to believe they can live in peace in the city with the others."
"I didn't say I was killing them without reason." She said crossing her arms. "If they go after any of the wolves, witches or locals I have every reason to."
"And have they?"
Elizabeth nodded. "When I invited the vampires that reside within New Orleans for a meeting, there were a few that didn't want to abide by the new rules I was enforcing and it lead them to almost kill a witch. I followed through with the punishment just as I said I would."
It was Elijah's turn to nod. He was impressed that she had been doing what she had been. It made him feel a little better about him being in this deep sleep. "And Niklaus?"
"He's safe." She said placing her hand on his shoulder. "There are several spells keeping him safe."
"I take it Jess is still helping you?" Elijah asked.
"Yes." Elizabeth nodded. "She wanted to help. Without it, I don't know where I would be keeping him."
"Does that help also mean showing you visions of your future?" Elijah wanted to know if she had learned anything new since he had his visit with Jess.
"I haven't been to that door if that is what you are trying to ask." She said with a smile hoping to hide the fact that she indeed did know more about her future than she wished to know. She wanted to avoid it as much as possible and she wasn't going to bring any of it up. She didn't want to tell him that at some point in the future she would be making the trip to that door.
"What happened in there?" He asked. He had never gotten the full details of what had been behind that door besides it being something from her past. Elizabeth shook her head. She wasn't ready to tell him about what happened. Especially if her future showed she would be returning to it.
"That's a conversation for when you wake." She said with a smile. Elijah wanted to get her to tell him, but he wasn't going to push her to do so. She would tell him when she was ready.
Elizabeth heard someone call her name and she looked around. It caused Elijah to raise an eyebrow at her. "What is it?" He asked.
"I just heard my name." She said looking confused. She had heard it as if the person was standing right next to her.
"No one called out to you." Elijah said looking a bit worried. He hadn't heard anyone call out to her. He wasn't sure if she was hearing something from with in the dream world or if she was hearing it from the real world.
"I just heard it again." She said looking around. Before Elijah could say anything, Freya walked over to them with Hope.
"I believe Hayley is trying to get you two back." Freya said looking at Elizabeth. "Hope started saying 'Momma' before she looked around and then wanted to come to you."Elizabeth wasn't at all ready to go back and she wasn't even sure if they would just easily go back without any problems. Hope held her arms out for Elizabeth. Elizabeth took her and looked at Elijah giving him a smile.
"What if we can't get back?" She asked. She had hoped that they wouldn't be able to.
"What do you mean what if you cant get back?" Hayley asked. Elizabeth looked around and sighed. She was back in the basement with Hayley standing there looking worried at both her and Hope. "I came down to check on you two and you both looked like you fell asleep standing."
Elizabeth shook her head and placed Hope down on the ground. "We were with them, Hayley."
Hayley raised her eyebrow. "You were with them?" She asked needed more clarification.
"I don't know how but one moment we were standing looking at Elijah and the next we were in their dream world." Elizabeth shook her head and looked back at Elijah. She wanted so desperately to go back into that dream world and spend more time with him. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to him. Now she had no clue when the next time it would be that she would get to talk to him again.
"How are they?" Hayley asked as she watched Elizabeth.
"I wouldn't say they are completely happy there, but they are okay." Elizabeth said as she ran her hand along Elijah's cheek. "They were excited to see us. Hope ran to Freya and Rebekah." She looked over at Hayley for a moment. "It was like Hope knew where we were and that there was another witch present."
Hayley looked down at Hope who had walked over to her and stood by her with a grin on her face. "Do you think she's the one able to get you two there?"
"I don't know." Elizabeth said shaking her head. Elizabeth didn't understand how any of it worked. "With Freya's spell we shouldn't have been able to visit them like that." She looked down at Elijah and closed her eyes trying to enter his mind. She wanted to see if maybe there was something wrong with Freya's spell, but at the same time she wanted to go back and see Elijah. When nothing happened, she sighed.
"Nothing?" Hayley asked.
Elizabeth shook her head. "No, Freya's spell is still up. So I'm thinking Hope over there is the key to this."
Hayley picked up Hope and walked over to where Elizabeth was standing. "Can you take mommy to see Aunt Bekah?" She asked Hope as she placed her hand on Elijah's hand. Hope had given Hayley an excited nod. Elizabeth had stepped back and watched as Hope had closed her eyes as well as Hayley. But a few moments later, Hope opened her eyes and looked upset.
"Try again." Elizabeth said with a small smile and she watched Hope close her eyes again. Another moment passed and Hope opened her eyes and pouted. "I don't think it's Hope doing it." She said looking at Hayley. Hayley sighed and looked at Hope.
"It's okay, baby girl." She said kissing Hope's cheek. "Maybe visiting time is over for the day."
Elizabeth hoped that this hadn't been the only time they would be able to visit them. She watched as Hayley carried Hope upstairs before she looked over at Elijah. Before closing the lid to his coffin, she leaned down and kissed his forehead. After the lid was closed she placed her hand on top of the lid. The next time she would probably get to see him was when he woke up. The thought alone saddened her.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Hayley asked the moment Elizabeth made it to the main floor and closed the door behind her.
"As much as I would love to, I need to get Freya's blood to Lily." Elizabeth said giving Hayley a small smile.
"I think Lily can wait a little, don't you?" Hayley asked as she handed Elizabeth a plate. Elizabeth nodded. She knew one night wasn't going to make a real difference. Having dinner with the closest people she had to family seemed like a better way to spend a night than spending it driving and delivering the blood to Lily.
Come morning, Elizabeth said her goodbyes to Hayley and Hope and made her way back to New Orleans. The visit had given her more than she had expected to get when she had made her way over there. Hope had seemed upset that Elizabeth was leaving, but Elizabeth had promised her she would be back to visit sometime soon. Even though Elizabeth wasn't sure when her next visit would be, she would try to make it out there so they had someone visiting.
Elizabeth had barely entered the compound when her phone started ringing. Pulling it out of her pocket, she answered it.
"What is it?" She asked into the phone.
I know you just got back, but there is a problem down at St. Anne's. Elizabeth knew it was one of the vampires that she had trusted to keep an eye on the city while she was gone.
"What is the problem?" She asked as she turned back towards the exit and made her way out of the compound.
A human was almost killed.
Elizabeth shook her head. "I'll be there in a minute." She said before hanging up and making her way over there. When she arrived and walked in, she had seen everyone that was there standing around someone. "What the hell is going on?" Elizabeth asked as looked around. Josh looked up and caught sight of Elizabeth and rushed over to her.
"A human came in looking for answers." He said as they walked back over to the crowd. "We had never seen her before and we tried offering our help. But there must have been something about her that made it hard to resist."
"What is that supposed to mean?" She pushed through the crowed and found a young girl in the middle of it all being held by Vincent. The young girl had been unconscious with a bite mark on her neck. "Who did this?" None of the vampires had said nothing. Their heads hung as they avoided eye contact with her. She looked to Vincent who looked up at her with worry in his eyes.
"It was Aurora." Vincent said and it caused Elizabeth to raise her eyebrow.
"How is that even possible?" She asked looking at Vincent in disbelief. "You were supposed to have sealed her in some crypt."
"That's the thing Liz." He said shaking his head. "I had. I had sealed her in and even bricked her in just as Klaus had before. But she is out roaming around the streets of New Orleans again. And she not only tried taking a human's life, this girl is also a witch." Elizabeth sighed and shook her head.
"Is she alive?" Elizabeth asked looking at the girl.
"Barely." Vincent said looking down at the girl. "Without help from a vampire, she might die with in minutes."
Elizabeth took a step towards Vincent and then stopped. She was going to help the girl out by giving her blood, but Elizabeth had no idea what would happen if she had. "Josh." She said looking over her shoulder at him. "Heal her please." Josh didn't hesitate to go over to the girl and bite into his wrist. Once the girl had consumed enough blood to heal her, Josh pulled his wrist away and stepped away from her. "Let's get her to the compound." Elizabeth said looking over at the girl.
"I think that is the least safe place for her." Vincent said shaking his head. "Vampires can enter the compound."
"Not when you have a room sealed off with several spells." Elizabeth said nodding at a vampire named Marcus to take the girl to the compound.
"How is that going to be safe when even with a spell sealed her, Aurora still managed to get out?" Vincent asked standing and taking a step to Elizabeth.
"Not when you need my blood to enter that room." Was all Elizabeth said as she looked at Vincent.
"How did you get a witch to agree to that?" He asked looking at her curiously. Elizabeth just smirked and turned away.
"I cant be giving away all my secrets, Vincent." She said as she walked out of the church. It wasn't much of secret. Jess had been the one to do a spell for her. She just wanted to give Vincent a hard time.
Hours later, Elizabeth had been sitting by the girl's side as she slept on the couch inside the room Klaus was in. Elizabeth wasn't sure she would have been able to bring the girl in without having Jess coming back out and redoing the spell. But to Her surprise, she had been able to walk into the room with girl without any problems. It had made Elizabeth curious about who this girl was.
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Elizabeth said as she watched the girl sit up and look around the room.
"Where am I?" She asked before her eyes widened and her hand went to her neck.
"You're healed. No marks or anything." Elizabeth said watching her reaction.
"How long have I been out?" She asked.
"A few hours." Elizabeth said with a shrug.
"Then how have I healed so quickly?" Elizabeth sighed and gave her a small smile.
"Lets start with the simple stuff first." She said trying to find a way to tell a witch who didn't seem to know much about vampires. "My name is Eliz-"
"Elizabeth." The girl said. "I know who you are."
Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. "How do you know who I am?"
"That is kind of a long story." The girl said running a hand through her hair.
"Believe me when I say I have nothing but time to hear this story of yours." Elizabeth said with a smile. "What is your name?"
"Veronica." She said looking at Elizabeth.
"Well Veronica, what is this story of yours?" Elizabeth asked.
"I came here to look for answers." She started. "I used to live in the city when I was a few months old. My parents had moved us out of the city and when ever I asked about family or anything like that, they made it seem like we didn't have any." Veronica shook her head. "I honestly thought I was a normal person, but after I turned eighteen, I started seeing these visions of meeting people I've never seen before or seeing things happening before it actually happens. When I came here it was like constant Deja vu. That is how I know who you are."
"While you know my name, do you know who exactly am I?" Elizabeth asked. She wanted to know what Veronica thought she was or who she was.
"I know you aren't human." Veronica said in all seriousness. "But I know not to be afraid of you."
"Why is that?" Elizabeth wanted to know why this girl wasn't afraid of her. If she could put fear into the others, how was she not afraid?
Veronica shrugged her shoulders. "I just know." Well that wasn't helpful for Elizabeth. But if Veronica wasn't afraid of her, it would make things a lot easier on making sure she was safe.
"What family of yours is out here?" Elizabeth asked curiously.
"The family I did have out here are mostly dead now." Veronica shrugged. "I barely found out about them when I arrived here."
"Even though they are gone, you can learn a lot about the dead." Elizabeth said trying to make the situation a little bit better.
"I'm still learning about myself." Veronica shook her head. "Up until two days ago, I didn't know I was even a witch."
"Isn't that the point of your visit here though? To know more about who you are. I think starting with the dead is a perfect place to start." Elizabeth said shrugging.
Veronica thought about it for a moment. She thought back to what she had learned the last few days that she had been in New Orleans. Elizabeth did have a point. Her family was here even if they had died. "You are right." She said giving Elizabeth a smile. "My family must have had some importance if one of my cousins was a regent at one point."
Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. "Who is your family?" A thought had crossed her mind and Elizabeth was pretty sure of the answer to her question. She just wanted to make sure.
"The Claires." Veronica said. She watched as a few different expressions crossed Elizabeth's face. "My mom was a Claire before she married my father."
After a moment, Elizabeth sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "No wonder you aren't afraid of me."
Veronica looked at Elizabeth confused. "What do you mean?"
"You're family, Veronica." Elizabeth said with a smile. "Was Davina your cousin?"
"Yes." Veronica had been curious as to how she was related to Elizabeth. "Who are you to me?"
"I am a lot older than I look, Veronica." She said trying to make this a little easier on telling her. "Lets put several greats in front of grandma."
Veronica rose an eyebrow. "How old are you?"
Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. "You aren't supposed to ask an older woman how old she is." She said jokingly. Veronica went to apologize, but Elizabeth stopped her. "I'm almost 900 years old."
"Well Grandma," Veronica said with a smirk on her lips. "What is going to happen now that I'm here?"
Elizabeth shook her head and smiled. "For now, keep you safe. No going anywhere for the next twenty four hours."
"Oh come on, I haven't seen all of the city yet." She whined slightly.
"Shouldn't have called me grandma." Elizabeth said with a grin. She was definitely going to have to watch out for this one. She had Josh's blood in her system. She had no clue where Aurora was or if she would be back. But the woman must have known something about Veronica if she wanted her dead. If that was the case, Elizabeth was going to do everything she could to make sure that no harm came to Veronica.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch. 31
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC with other parings mentioned throughout.
Word Count: 7.4K
Warnings: Canon Typical things
Author’s Note: As a reminder, FA can be found on ffnet up to chapter 42. I am uploading chapters here on tumblr for convenience. I decided against tagging this until new chapters are posted. If you would like to be tagged please let me know! Chapters are queued and will be posted randomly. Enjoy
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Elizabeth didn't stay on the phone with Malakai as long as she had wanted to. There was a lot she needed to catch Malakai up on and doing it over the phone just didn't sit right with her. She promised him that when he returned she would explain everything that happened while he had been gone. Of course she knew he wouldn't remember that she compelled him, but once he got back should give him back the memory of that night that she tries to forget about. It was going to be tough to relive it all, but she had to do it. After she ended the phone call, she sent a quick text to Veronica before falling asleep quickly.
While sleep had come quickly, it didn't feel like she had been asleep for long when she felt someone climbing into the bed with her. She opened one eye to see Hope trying to be as quiet as she possibly could as she made her way over to Elizabeth. From what Elizabeth could tell, it was still early morning and she knew that Hope wouldn't be able to wait until later to get Elizabeth up to go down tot he basement.
Shutting her eye, she stayed still waiting to see what it was that Hope was going to do exactly. Hope had moved as close as she could to Elizabeth without stepping right next to her. A smile formed on the child's lips as she looked down at Elizabeth for a moment before jumping on her back. Elizabeth groaned before she began to laugh.
"Wake up!" Hope said with a grin on her face as she climbed off of Elizabeth and on to the bed.
"I'm up now." Elizabeth said sitting up. "You attacked me in my sleep." She gave a slight pout.
"Mom said I could." Hope's smile widened into a grin.
"Did she now?" Elizabeth began to reach out for Hope but the girl rolled away from Elizabeth. "I am going to get you." She said as she got up off the bed.
Hope's half scream, half laugh had filed Elizabeth's ears as she had grabbed a hold of Hope and tossed her into the middle of the bed.
"Again!" Hope said as she lifted herself back up and ran to Elizabeth. Elizabeth tossed her back on to the bed repeatedly for a few minutes. On the last toss, Hope laid in the middle of the bed breathing hard from laughing so much. "Can we go so see them now?" She asked as she slowly sat up.
"Yeah, we can go now." She said picking Hope off the bed and putting her down on the floor. She watched as Hope ran out of the room and ran her hand through her hair before quickly changing.
Walking out of the room she saw Hope already standing by the basement door, waiting excitedly. Elizabeth smiled at her as she walked over and unlocked the door before taking Hope's hand. They started down the stairs with Hope leading the way. It made Elizabeth laugh with how fast Hope was trying to get down the stairs. It also made Elizabeth realize that Hope had missed her family and wanted nothing more than to visit them.
Walking over to the first casket that was in front of them, Elizabeth lifted the lid. For the last few times that she had been here, she knew that when she lifted that lid she would find Elijah there sleeping. To see Elijah like he was, it always caused Elizabeth's heart to ache a bit. Because of her, he was here and she would always feel guilty for it until they were cured and awake. Things could have been so much different if she had just stayed away.
"Liz." Hope said tugging on Elizabeth's shirt breaking her away from her thoughts.
"Sorry." Elizabeth said as she picked up Hope. "Ready?" She asked as she reached for Elijah's hand.
"Ready!" Hope said excitedly.
Just like the last two times, Elizabeth and Hope found themselves in the grassy field. There was a slight breeze that passed and it had caused both of them to smile. Even though this had only been their third time there, it all seemed so familiar and it felt like another home to them. While it was the siblings only way of survival, to Elizabeth it was an escape from the real world. It was her way of being able to forget what was awaiting for her when she returned. She wasn't sure what it meant to Hope. She thought it was possible just for to be a way to visit the family she couldn't see on a daily basis. But either way, it was the chance to get to see the faces they had both longed to see.
No longer worrying about where Hope was going, she allowed Hope to run free in the field as they made their way towards the house. It brought a smile to Elizabeth's face as she watched Hope run straight for the house. To see that she was excited to be there made it all the more better that they were able to do this. To see that joy in Hope, Elizabeth was glad that Hope had been able to find this loophole in the spell. With out it, Elizabeth wasn't exactly sure if she would ever see that moment of pure joy coming from this little girl. She'd have to store this specific moment for later to show Hayley how happy her daughter was.
Just as before, Freya stepped out on the porch and waited for Elizabeth and Hope to make their way up the steps. Hope's excitement only grew when she saw Freya and she ran towards her.
"Welcome back." Freya said with a smile at both of them as she leaned down to kiss hope on the cheek.
"Aunt Freya!" Hope said with a huge grin on her face. "I missed you."
"I missed you as well." Freya said with her smile turning into a grin. "My goodness you have grown so much." She looked over at Elizabeth for a moment giving her a smile. "Why don't we go inside and see the others?"
"Yes!" Hope said running past Freya to the door and going inside.
"Someone is excited." Freya said chuckling.
"She's been impatiently waiting for a visit." Elizabeth said with a nod. "Part of it would be my fault."
"How so?" Freya asked as she began making her way towards the door.
"It has been a long few weeks. We would have been here yesterday, but I figured we'd wait until today." Elizabeth said with a slight now.
"Everything alright out there?" Freya asked worried.
"For now, all is quiet as it should be." Elizabeth said with smile before they walked into the house.
"and then she took us out for ice cream and we got to have the place all to ourselves." Freya and Elizabeth had just caught the end of Hope's story about her day yesterday. Hope had been sitting on the couch with the others sitting or standing around her.
"It sounds like you three had a lot of fun." Rebekah said with smile.
"We did." Elizabeth said with a nod. "Not to mention the fun we had this morning."
"Oh yeah!" Hope said with a smile. "I woke up Liz by attacking her." Hope sounded proud about that.
"I didn't see it coming." Elizabeth said with a chuckle.
"She probably cheated." Kol said looking over at Elizabeth with a smirk.
"I promised the girl I wouldn't cheat during my visits." Elizabeth said shaking her head with a smile.
"Were you cheating before?" Elijah asked with a smile.
"I may have ran a bit faster than I should have. She called it cheating." Elizabeth said with a shrug as if it was nothing. She definitely wasn't going to mention that she knew Hope was going to jump on her that morning.
"Sounds like cheating to me." Rebekah said as she pulled Hope closer to her and smothered her in love. Everyone had a smile on their face as they heard Hope laughing and trying to get away from Rebekah's smothering.
Once the laughter had stopped, Kol had been the first one out of the room. But before he left, Elizabeth had caught the look he had given her. The look itself had said everything that Kol had probably wanted to say to her. Elizabeth was sure that whatever it was that was on his mind was all negative towards Elizabeth. While everyone else's eyes were on Hope, Elizabeth took a moment to try and collect her thoughts and try not to give any hints that it actually bothered her.
Even though Elizabeth had tired to hide it, Elijah could tell that something had changed in Elizabeth at that moment. He may have not been sure of what it was that may have crossed her mind, but the bond told him that something was in fact off about Elizabeth. He looked over at her just in time to see a smile return to her face before it grew even more when she caught him looking at her.
"I figured you would have been here yesterday." Elijah said to Elizabeth as they stood on the porch watching Hope, Rebekah and Kol play hide and seek in the garden. Elizabeth had promised him that she'd be there in a week when she had managed to pull him into her head.
"I was finishing up a few last minute things." Elizabeth said looking over at Elijah. "And then I decided Hope needed some kind of interaction besides her mom."
"Everything taken care of in the Quarter?" He asked looking over at her.
"Definitely." She said with a nod. "It is quiet for once."
"What about Aurora?" He asked wanting to make sure that things hadn't taken a turn for the worst as they had seemed to be in Elizabeth's dream.
"Dead." She said with a smirk on her face. The smirk had caused Elijah to smile and shake his head for a moment. He should have known that Elizabeth would have done as she said she would. It was still a shock to him that Elizabeth had been able to pull him into her dream.
"And Veronica?" Elijah asked curious to know if she had been safe. A sigh passed her lips and Elijah became worried. He would hate to hear that she had lost another family member because of the enemies they had made.
"She's..." Elizabeth didn't know how to exactly explain Veronica exactly. "breathing."
"I hear a 'but' coming." Elijah said with a raised eyebrow. If Veronica had been breathing and fine he knew Elizabeth would have been happy about it. But what he felt coming from Elizabeth was mixed emotions about it.
"She's been turned." She said with a small nod before looking back to watch Hope tackle Kol to the ground. It was still difficult for Elizabeth to believe that Veronica was now a vampire. Hell she wasn't just a vampire, she was whatever you'd call Elizabeth.
"And her sire?" He asked curiously.
"Me." She said before looking back at him. "She died with my blood in her system."
Elijah's eyes had widen for a moment in shock. "Is she any different?" He was curious to know what differences or similarities the girl may have to Elizabeth. While it amazed him that there was now a line that could possibly grow of this new type of vampire, he was also worried about the possibility of their being a whole sireline becoming a weapon towards the Originals.
Elizabeth laughed. "Different?" She smiled and sighed. "She's got the downside of everything the serum had given me. The eyes, the fangs, the venom and the strength." She shook her head. "And then she's got a touch of Veronica in it all."
"How so?" He asked watching her, glad to see there was a smile on her face as she talked about Veronica.
"She can siphon magic." She said with her smile growing a bit more. "Even though she was turned into the monster that I am, she managed to hold on to the part of her that was everything to her since coming to New Orleans. She can still do magic until her heart is content."
"Elizabeth, you are not a monster." He said shaking his head and taking a step closer to her, taking her hand in his.
"Says the man that is currently in a dream world because I bit him." She said watching him. "You may not think of me as a monster, but I know your brother believes that I am a monster."
"I doubt Niklaus would continue to think that if you are doing everything you can to protect us as well as get the cures for us." Elijah said trying to reassure her that she wasn't the monster she claimed to be.
"I wasn't talking about Klaus." She said shaking her head. She turned her head towards the garden watching as Kol counted and Hope and Rebekah went and hid in the hedges. "I'm talking about Kol."
"Kol?" His eyebrow raised as he looked over at his brother. "Why do you believe that?"
"You didn't see it, Elijah. But it makes so much sense now." She said sighing. "He's never in the same room as me for long. I see the hate in his eyes before he leaves the room. I don't blame him, Elijah. I felt the same way towards him for centuries."
"You hadn't forgiven him for what he had done. " He said with a nod. "That is understandable."
"And he hasn't forgiven me for what I have done, either." She said before looking around. "He has every right to. If it wasn't for me, all of you wouldn't be here."
"We don't know that." He said shaking his head. "We could have very well be here because of Marcel."
Elizabeth couldn't argue with that. They all had seen the prophecy when it had been in Marcel's favor. Things could have been very much the same with Elizabeth on the outside unsure of what to do about anything. But it didn't change the situation they were in. They were still in the dream world and it was because of Elizabeth. It was still hard to see past that for Elizabeth.
"Give him some time." Elijah said bringing Elizabeth's hand up to his lips and kissing it. "He'll come around."
"Ill give him, oh lets say, eight hundred years before he forgives me." Her words caused both of them to laugh for a moment. It had been nice to Elizabeth for her to just laugh for a moment in time. In all honesty, Elizabeth wished things were always the way it was in the dream world. There wasn't anything to really worry about. Of course that was just her opinion. For those that were temporarily residents, they felt a bit differently. "It seems so peaceful here." She said looking out passed the garden.
"It has its perks." Elijah said with a nod. "I prefer the world outside of this spell."
"Want to trade?" Elizabeth said with a small smile. "I think I could use a good nap."
Elijah shook his head smiling at her. "I believe I would have a harder time dealing with this if you were the one inside this spell."
"Oh please, I am sure you would have had me up quicker than I have been able to get things fixed." To Elizabeth that had felt like the truth. Even though she was now what she was, she was still a younger Vampire than most of those that she encountered. Elijah would have easily found everything he needed.
"Lets not find out." He said running his hand through her hair. "I'd hate for there to be something that would make us go through this again."
She sighed watching him. "You know there will be at some point." She wished it wasn't true but it had been there, clear as day, and both of them had seen it.
"We don't know when that is supposed to happen, Elizabeth." Elijah didn't like that they both knew what Jess had seen. He shouldn't have shown Elizabeth the visions that Jess had shown him of her. He hated that she was afraid of a small glimpse of the future.
"But it will happen." She shook her head slightly. "It could be weeks, years, hell it could even be tomorrow for all I know." Elizabeth knew it wasn't that close though. With what visions she allowed Jess to show her, there were things she had to do first and none of them had happened yet. But she couldn't tell him about the other visions Jess had shown her the night everything fell apart. She knew that if she did, it would leave Elijah a worried mess in this dream world. She'd hate for him to be stressed and worried even more than he already was. "I just don't want us to think that after all of this is over that we'll be home free."
Elijah understood what she meant. While he would prefer that particular vision wouldn't happen for several lifetimes, he knew that any point and time things could go the way Jess had seen them. He would ask if Jess's visions ever changed but he already knew the answer to that one. The visions he had seen had happened days after Jess had shown him. They didn't change. The last thing that was waiting for her was that damn door.
"At least tell me what is awaiting you behind that door." He said wanting to know what had her scared. She had been putting it off and he wanted to know this time before she left. "That way when the time comes, while I hope it doesn't, I know what it is that we will have to face."
She placed her hand on his cheek before sighing softly. "Let's take a walk." She said giving him a small smile. "I'd hate for Hope to over hear anything and there be a possibility of having nightmares."
He placed his hand on top of hers before pulling her hand away and held on to it. Nodding, he lead her away from the garden where Hope's laughter could be heard towards the lake that Freya added. While they walked towards it, they didn't say anything. Elizabeth was trying to get her thoughts in order and Elijah could tell she was. The look on her face had told him that she wasn't sure where to start. He brought their joined hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand. She smiled over at him and it seemed to help her with the slight anxious feeling she had from needing to relive the memories she was about to tell him.
"I'd say it was about thirty years ago was when I met Jess." She started. Elijah's eyebrow raised slightly wondering what that had to do with Whitmore. "She was the coven's most protected asset at the time. She was also the most abused asset. I had simply wished to ask her a question about the spell Aya had done." It was at that moment Elijah knew this was the beginning of her story. "She had been afraid that I was just another vampire that wanted to use her power to gain something. I had to prove that it was never my intention. "The both of them continued to walk up and along the lake's dock. "She hadn't been in tune with me yet to see that I wasn't going to use or hurt her. But she knew nothing of what could help me get our bond back. I was about to leave her when I had seen how her coven was treating her. That was when I asked her if she wanted to leave her coven. I had never seen someone agree so quickly before." Elizabeth laughed and shook her head.
"We had managed to live free from her coven for ten years before her brother had found us." Elizabeth stopped for a minute to collect her thoughts. She wanted to find the right words to explain Alex. Elijah knew who he was now, it was just actually a matter of explaining what happened in their past. "First he had showed no reason for us to worry that he would try and take Jess back to their coven. And over a span of a few weeks, I had grown to care for him. And one night was filled with such excitement. It had been a mix of romance, danger, adventure. And yet, it was everything that should have told me to run. But I didn't." She sighed softly. "I had allowed several walls down at that point. And he found things out about me that I had wished I never told him. The next day, he left claiming that he was going to get his things and live on the run with us. We believed him. A few days later, it all went wrong. I absolutely never expected for my freedom to be diminished in just a single moment of opening a door for him."
Elizabeth was almost reliving those emotions again and Elijah could feel them as well. It also brought on his own feelings of anger. Elijah was sure that if he had known the full story, he would have gladly been the one to kill Alex. But Elizabeth had done that on her own and he can still see the image clear as day of Elizabeth ripping his head clean off and showing it to the other vampires that he had lead straight to them. The memory alone would have made him smile but in this moment, he couldn't.
"I was shot with vervain until I went down." Elizabeth continued and Elijah squeezed her hand slightly. She gave him a small smile. "And when I finally went down, I woke up in a cell. I was weak. Along with being injected with vervain, a majority of my blood was drained from my body. It had made it feel a whole lot worse. Being as old as I was, I should have been stronger. But the humans had really found a way to bring down an old vampire." She shook her head at the memory. "The first day I was there, the cell I was in had a kind of a sprinkler system that would spray vervain water out every hour. No matter where I went in that cell to try and get away from it, I couldn't. You can't ever get used to the feeling or the smell of your skin burning. I had never hated a human so much after being there for just one day." The memory itself had caused Elizabeth's eyes to water. She had also showed Elijah a few memories of it. "I wanted to kill Alex and who ever it was that he handed me to. I just wanted to be free from that place and have my revenge on them."
Elijah was going to stop Elizabeth and tell her she no longer needed to continue the story. He hated to hear about the pain and to see it through her memories had made it worse. But part of him still wanted her to continue so he would know who all was responsible for it. He wanted to know if they had in fact been killed by her hands. If not, the moment he awoke from this deep sleep, he would surely be the one to end their lives. If he could do that, it may just prevent what her future held.
"It was foolish of me to think that this was as bad as it was going to get." She continued. "When they dragged me from my cell, they would take me to this room and strap me down to a table. From there it was all up to the doctor's decision on what it was we were there for. That day he just happened to want to study how the sun had affected us. " The images that flashed through her mind at that simple thought, she couldn't bring herself to even say the words that came with the torment. She shook her head trying to get rid of the images but it didn't seem to work. This time she didn't show him the memories. She couldn't bring herself to. She didn't want him to see the torment she had gone through. "It was a continuous thing. Day in and day out the torment continued and it never seemed to end. I thought I was going to die in that place. But he kept us alive for it to continue."
"Eventually it went from the damage of the sun to how quickly our bodies could heal. Organs were pulled from my body just for them to see it being regenerated by my blood." She could hear her own screams ringing in her ears as she thought about it looked up at the sky for a moment. "I eventually got a break from it. I was moved from what I am assuming was Whitmore to one of the Doctor's, Jax, private home. I could barely remember being moved. I was still so weak and at that point, sleep was a way to pass the time. I had gone from one cell to another that was in a basement." She shook her head slightly.
"That was where I found out I was Jax's personal experiment. He would tear me apart and write down all the results in this notebook. He'd take vials of my blood, throw me in the cell and leave for hours, sometimes days. And during those days, I'd try to escape. But with how weak I was, it would make things so much worse. He only gave me enough blood to not desecrate. The hunger I felt was unbearable and all I wanted to do was rip into something. But that is hard to do from the inside of a cell." The thought of that blood lust had actually caused the veins under Elizabeth's eyes to make an appearance.
"Elizabeth, Stop." Elijah said the moment he seen it.
"I'm sorry." She said turning away from him trying to get herself under control. While the actual chances of her hurting Elijah there were pretty slim, she hated the idea of him seeing her that way.
"You don't need to continue this." He said worried about her. He didn't want her to be thinking about the blood lust to just leave from there and give into it outside of the dream world.
"I'm okay." She said turning back to him once she knew she had herself under control. "You'd think after dealing with this for almost 900 years I'd have better control over the whole blood lust thing."
"None of us have it under control." Elijah said with a nod as he watched her.
"Some have it under control more than others." She said as she took a step closer to him. "But I promise I am okay." She nodded hoping that he would believe her.
And he did. To him she seemed to be as calm as she was before she had began her the tale of her past. He could even see it in her eyes, and feel it through the bond, that she had herself together for the time being.
"I understand if you don't wish to continue." He said
"I can still tell you." She said with a small smile. "There are still things you probably should know." The words had caused Elijah's eyebrow to raise.
"Then please do continue." While he did want to know everything, he just hoped that she wouldn't get lost in it all like she just had.
"Getting out had seemed like a long shot, but I managed to do it though." She said before taking a deep breath. "I was locked away for a total of ten years. Over those years I learned a schedule of his. When he was gone for days I would try as much as I could to break free. As creepy as it is, they had annual parties that they would go to just to show off their projects. I had gone to a few of them before. But that year, he didn't take me. I figured that would be my chance to get out. I had acted weaker than what I was hoping that he would leave the cell door open. Unfortunately he didn't. But when he did leave, he forgot to leave the basement door locked as he usually did. I must of heard her heart beating before I even heard the door open. I could tell she was afraid just by the slow steps she had taken down the stairs. She must have been about ten years old. But in that moment, I hadn't cared. I was thirsty and I wanted nothing more than to get out of there.
"At first she wouldn't come near me. She stood there shocked and shaken at what she had just found. I had told her that everything would be okay if she helped me. And she did. She let me out of that cell thinking she was saving me from her dad. That was her mistake though. The moment that cell door was opened, I had her in my arms and my teeth in her neck." A small chill passed through Elizabeth at the thought of taking a child's life. She knew it had been her only way of surviving but it had still bothered her from time to time. "I had figured Jax would have done something else to keep his daughter safe but he hadn't. There was no vervain in her system to stop me from feeding. I drank until she was empty. I locked her body in the cell before making my way up the stairs just so when he found her there he have to struggle to get the cell open just to reach her. I found his wife looking for their daughter. She was panicked and was about to look downstairs when she saw me.
"She knew though. She knew exactly what I was the moment I walked up to her. She fought for a bit until I had enough and dug in. Part of me had just wanted to kill her and go, but the need for blood was stronger." She shook her head slightly. "After I left the house I looked near and far for that man. He must have gone into hiding because he never even showed up to his own family's funeral." She sighed knowing that he was out there still. "To this day, I never found him."
Knowing that had given Elijah some hope that once he was out of this dream world he'd find this man and kill him slowly for putting Elizabeth through it all. He knew it would make both of them feel better about knowing that he was dead. And to Elijah it would add to the hope that if he killed Jax that for whatever reason Elizabeth needed to go to Whitmore it would be for a completely different reason.
"After not being able to find Jax, I moved on to look for Alex. But that had been way to easy. It was like he wanted me to find him or he some how found out that I had escaped and was coming for him. I just didn't know that he had already drank a vial of my blood that he had gotten from Jax. I remember him begging me not to kill him but I hadn't listened. The only thought in my head was I wanted to see his heart in my hands. And I did just that. It was months after I had killed him that he found me again. That had both scared me and amazed me at the same time. But after the shock of it, I almost killed him again, but left him with a warning instead. I told him that if he were to ever cross my path again, I would kill him on the spot without thinking twice. I had just gotten myself back to how I wanted to be without the blood lust controlling me. If I killed him, I knew that I would feel some kind of thrill in it and would seek more. But instead I let him go. The next time I saw him was the night I killed Marcel."
"But you didn't kill him." Elijah noted.
"Jess had asked me not to." She said with a shrug. "I had my hand wrapped around his heart that night about ready to pull it from his chest when Jess came and said he had been there to help. I should have just killed him all those years ago. Things could have gone so differently."
"None of it is your fault." Elijah said shaking his head. "We were already dealing with the prophecy. Nothing was going to change if this was where we were meant to be."
She scoffed. "If this is where we were meant to be at in this moment, the universe is very cruel."
Elijah laughed shaking his head before a thought crossed his mind. "If things had played differently where you weren't what you are and my family and I were no longer here, where would you be?" Call it curiosity for Elijah. He was still trying to know every detail of Elizabeth's mind.
Elizabeth looked down at the water for a moment. She knew exactly where she would be. "A completely different country. " She admitted. "I would have left New Orleans and never looked back. You would think that after all this time of being around death, I would have been used to it. But whenever it comes to anyone I care about, death is harder and I can't seem to accept that they are gone."
After hearing those words, realization had hit him. "Your human was the reason you were in Paris, wasn't it." She only nodded her answer. "Do you ever go back to that diner?" He asked. "I'm sure you two had memories there." Even though Elijah wanted to know, he now hated the thought that Elizabeth was ever with anyone else.
"No." She said shaking her head softly. "I never go back to those places. I like to keep my distance."
"Why?" He asked curiously.
"They are just reminders that I will live through many centuries outliving loved ones while I cannot do anything about it." She shrugged slightly. "While life is supposed to go on even though I have killed many and many of those I loved have died, I just cant seem to go back to those places. Even if it has been centuries or even just years that things have happened. I can't even step with in a hundred mile radius of it."
Elijah looked down for a moment before looking back at Elizabeth. "Would you have left after Davina's death?"
"I wanted to." She said with a nod. "I really did. Sitting there in those few minutes before Malakai showed up to Marcel's loft, I was thinking about leaving. I figured I would tell you that I was going to need some kind of space for a bit. That the time I needed to forgive you was better spent away from New Orleans." She shrugged slightly. "But things changed and while I learned about Marcel's plan, part of me wanted to eagerly accept to just turn it off and not feel anything."
"You must have known that there would have been a chance with your emotions off that you wouldn't want to help us." Elijah had thought about if from time to time wondering why Elizabeth still stuck around to help them instead of not caring like any other vampire did when they had their emotions off. But then again that had been towards when she was about to flip her switch back on.
Elizabeth chuckled slightly. "When I left the loft that night, it was to find Jess. I had so many thoughts running through my head after I turned off my emotions. One of them being that I needed to get to Jess for her ability to keep me on track. I had promised myself before I turned it off that I would help stop Marcel. Humanity or not, that man needed to be stopped." She shook her head slightly thinking back to those few days. "I was selfish during my time with my humanity off, Elijah." She admitted. Elijah could feel the guilt that she was starting to feel. It was hard to miss it with how Elizabeth was filled with guilt thinking back to those few days. "I wanted that damn serum for myself just to have and to feel the power it would give me."
Those words had shocked Elijah. While part of him knew she would take the serum, he never it was just because she had wanted it for herself. He always thought it was a plan to hopefully counteract the prophecy. He shook his head slightly. "That wasn't you, Elizabeth. Without our humanity we are just the creatures we are."
"And the creature I was with out my mine wanted the serum for herself that she burned Vincent's only spell to extract it." If she hadn't burned the spell, Elizabeth would have had the serum extracted from herself the moment her humanity had been back on and had it destroyed. "She was the one that somehow managed to convince Jess that it was the right thing to stop her heart long enough for the serum to work. She did everything opposite of what I wanted."
Elijah knew that anyone without their humanity would do things they wouldn't normally do with their emotions back on. Elizabeth wasn't an exception to that. She was prone to having her darker side take over and do as she pleased. To be honest, Elijah hated that side of her. He had been so used to seeing the compassionate side of her throughout her life. He didn't want to believe that she really wanted to be what she was now.
"What had been your plan for everything?" He asked curious to hear what it was that she really wanted to do.
"My plan had been to show Marcel that I did flip the switch for a few days, to show him that I was only thinking about myself, which I was. Then, extract the serum and leave it with you and turn my emotions back on. And to be honest, after that I was going to leave town. But, that all changed the moment I held the damn thing in my hand. Jess knew exactly what was going to happen and she did nothing to dissuade me from the new plans I was making."
"She knew the whole time, didn't she?" He asked already knowing the answer. "She knew from the moment you walked up to her door that we would be here."
"She knows more now." She said with a shrug.
"Do you ever ask to see the new visions?" He asked wanting to know if she knew more about her future than what she was telling him.
"No." She said shaking her head. "Beside what I have already seen, I don't want to know anything else. It is better to be left in the dark about certain things."
"You are absolutely right about that." He said with a nod. Seeing the visions from the prophecy as well as the visions Jess had seen about Elizabeth had made things difficult. They were now worrying about a future that would take time to get to. But even then it was going to be leaving them always wondering if things would happen that day, if not what would it happen tomorrow.
While Elizabeth knew what the future held, she didn't know how long it would be to get there. She never asked for the details. She knew that if she knew the time frame of when things would happen it would drive her crazy looking for what she needed to do just to be done with it all. It was why she stopped asking to see the visions. Every time she did, details became clearer and it made her feel crazy waiting for things to happen.
"I honestly just want to live in the present for a while." She said with a small smile. "Worrying what is or isn't supposed to happen is just too stressful."
"Then we wont discuss what is to come anymore." He said taking a step closer to her. "You can take it day by day and I'll go visit by visit."
Elizabeth laughed. "So you'll be living vicariously though me then?"
"That would be the plan, for now." He said smiling at her. "Until we both can take it day by day."
"I like that plan." She said smiling back at him. A thought crossed her mind and smirked grew on her lips.
"What did you just think about?" Elijah asked knowing the look on her face.
"Visit by visit right?" She asked trying not to let him into her thoughts. "To say that you've done something in this dream world besides sit around and worry?"
"Right." He said with a raised eyebrow. He wasn't sure exactly what was on her mind or what she had planned.
"How about a swim?" She asked as she took a few steps towards him before pushing him off the dock. The look on his face as he fell in had caused her to laugh for a moment before she jumped in herself.
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