kor-artificer · 2 months
Last Few Days
The Stone Saga kickstarter is coming to an end soon. I don't know what I was expecting when I launched the campaign, for it to fund in the first 8 hours, to being on its way to the 3rd stretchgoal and 250% funded is kinda mind blowing if I'm being honest. Hitting that stretchgoal and funding amount would be even more amazing. So if you haven't already I'd appreciate if you'd check it out!
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kor-artificer · 2 months
New Game Alert!
84XX BC is a new 24XX game. Probably the first 24XX game where you play as a Neanderthal! Grab it on Itch for $1.
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kor-artificer · 2 months
They’ve released not just digitized works of art, but also a great many art history texts and art books in general. Just this week, they announced an expansion of access to their digital archive, in that they’ve made nearly 88,000 images free to download on their Open Content database under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). That means “you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.”
88,000 new free images just dropped, to use however you like.
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kor-artificer · 3 months
Out now: NEONDERTHALS - the free prehistoric cyberpunk one-page RPG
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Neonderthals is my first attempt at a one-page TTRPG - players take on the role of Neanderthal cyberpunks, fighting against megacorporations in a prehistoric techno-metropolis.
Pick it up for free (or pay what you want) on my itch.io page here!
[Itch.io] - [DMs Guild] -[Twitter] - [Website]
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kor-artificer · 3 months
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The Edge of Survival is now out on Itch.io!
A solo journaling TTRPG about a spacewalk gone awry; and an ever thinning chance of survival.
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kor-artificer · 3 months
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'the farmer and the bog body' by Riwhi Kenny (takataapui)
this is a two player game about a tender conversation between the titular characters. players trade 7 questions back and forth, with each question asked leading down a different branching conversational path.
played with nothing more than this pdf, and a willingness to dive into each other's answers, the two players of this game will create an evocative and rich story, drawing together the past, present, and future of each character.
download 'the farmer and the bog body' now here, for only $3USD.
(all proceeds from any of my games go towards my top surgery fund)
this game is published as part of KiwiRPG week, find out more about Kēmu Whakatau O Aotearoa | KiwiRPG here.
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kor-artificer · 3 months
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In honour of disability pride month, we made a disability Pride Knight! Stay proud! ⚔️🌈
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kor-artificer · 3 months
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The Edge of Survival is now out on Itch.io!
A solo journaling TTRPG about a spacewalk gone awry; and an ever thinning chance of survival.
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kor-artificer · 3 months
Hi folks, it’s Mint.
I’m on a mini-vacation this week so I’m going to be releasing some recommendation posts for things that aren’t related to requests (easy to queue), and I’ll be back to doing regular rec posts when I get back!
THEME: TTRPGs For Palestine.
This is going to be a list of recommendations of games that you can get in the TTRPGs for Palestine Bundle. There’s plenty of games in the bundle that I’ve recommended before, so I’m going to try and focus on games I haven’t talked much about before. You can look at the bottom of this post for some of the greatest hits!
The bundle is on until June 29, so make sure to pick it up before it's too late!
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LORDSWORN, by Mareensmusings.
You rode to war at the call of your God, swore yourself to Their divinity as the drums of war beat from every corner of the Pantheon. Standing beside your divinity, Their purpose so clear and noble, you felt immortal. Beside your fellow Lordsworns, you felt your victory a certainty, battle but a trivial formality.
Now They lay dead before you, Their Godblood flowing into the dirt. Already the world lurches in distress, twisting at the loss of a God, one of many to die this day. Your Captain, too, lies broken, entrusting the survivors of your Company to the you. Of the thousands who rode out, you are all that remains of your Company.
Your God is dead. You only have each other now.
LORDSWORN is a GMless TTRPG for 1-4 players of tragic, fragile stories of desperate survival and comradery at the end of the world. In LORDSWORN each player takes on the role of three soldiers who swore themselves to a (now dead) God during the Cataclysm, an apocalyptical battle that saw all the Gods of the Pantheon go to war. With their God dead and the world churning and reeling from the death of the Pantheon, you and a handful of survivors must make the trek back to the only place that makes sense anymore – Home. 
LORDSWORN is a collaborative game that guides your group into the story of a company, of which each player will control 3 Lordsworns. Your characters can be chosen from a list, or drawn randomly using a deck of cards. You navigate the game over four stages: world-building, company creation, the journey home, and the epilogue. The game is designed to be tragic, even if your company makes it all the way home. The core rules are built off of Caltrop Core, which means that you will rely mostly on d4s anytime you have to roll dice, but unlike many other Caltrop Core games that I’ve seen, the system is less focused on chance and more focused on oracles. If you want a game of tragedy that focuses on the story rather than the characters, you might want to check out Lordsworn.
Lamplighter’s Festival, by ira prince.
The lamps have been there for as long as we can remember. The lamps have never been there, and only appear for tonight. The lamps are strange and new — we’re still getting used to them, making space for them in our lives. We know exactly what the lamps mean, and we’ve committed their history to heart. We’ve forgotten what the lamps mean, even if the gravity of it still hums and shimmers around them. We’re deciding what the lamps mean, weaving their purpose in more tightly every year, every season, every eclipse. Tonight, we light the lamps, and we tell our stories about them.
Lamplighter’s Festival is a map-drawing game about a nighttime festival, and the things it can illuminate about the place in which it’s celebrated. It can be played alone, or collaboratively if you like.
Lamplighter’s Festival uses the random placement of dice to draw out a location, at whatever scale you like. You use the pattern that ensues to create locations on the map called Lamp Locations, which you will elaborate on as you play. At the end of the game, you will have not only a festival, but details about the different elements that are required for it to happen properly, and possibly the cultural meanings behind the festival. If you want a game that helps you build a place and a culture around one specific event, this might be the game for you.
A Labyrinth Like Us, by z.w. garth.
The minotaur city of Ut sits in the center of an endless labyrinth. The labyrinth twists and turns, it folds and rearranges. And from its dark halls pour forth monsters, which tear and smash and destroy.
You are a minotaur in your district's Guard. You respond to the waves of beasts that wreck havoc and mayhem—repelling the danger and protecting the afflicted. You carry with you your hopes for Ut's future, and your fears for its present. Rally with your neighbors to protect one another. Carve a home in the labyrinth.
A Labyrinth Like Us is a 2-page roleplaying game in the OSR/sword dream tradition. It requires 3-5 players, including one Keeper, 2d20 and 2d6, and these rules. 
This game is reminiscent of, but not a direct replication of any specific myth. You play as minotaurs in a labyrinthine city, plagued by horrors that they can only face when working together. Your minotaurs use emotions to empower special abilities, which are mainly combat-focused.
The game is only two pages, with one page introducing you to the setting, character creation, and how to play, while the other provides roll tables and advice for the Games Master in order to make the labyrinth feel dangerous and dark. If you want a game that presents you with a challenge but doesn’t overwhelm you with rules, you might want to take a look at A Labyrinth Like Us.
HYPERMALL: Unlimited Violence, by Rat Bastard Games.
Do you hate your boss? Like, REALLY hate your boss? 
HYPERMALL: UNLIMITED VIOLENCE is a mission-based corpo murder TTRPG about assassinating the rich and famous. Enter the consumerist hellscape of THE HYPERMALL where death is cheap and life is cheaper. HM:UV is an unhinged gonzo meatpunk sci-fi dystopia buzzword game for financial geniuses. 
You're a CONTRACTOR for SLAUGHTR™ - The Assassination App - and your job is to Murder Your Target Without Dying. You're already in debt. You can't afford unnecessary Resurrections when rent is due, and you absolutely do not have health insurance. GET TO WORK. 
Become a mutated killing machine, a psychic murderer, or a cold blooded cyber criminal. Try your best to make ends meet. Die a lot. Kill cops. Get paid.
This is a game of cathartic violence, with random roll tables to help you build a unique character quickly, pulling from d66 backgrounds and meshing together rules from games like Troika and PbtA. Combat isn’t just physical in this game: you can also fight your opponents in the finacial and social spheres, allowing you to take down someone three different ways.
The really difficult part is figuring out how to kills someone permanently, since there’s a resurrection matrix inside the Hypermall that makes death kind of hard to stick. If you want to unleash your fury in increasingly creative ways, you might want to check out HYPERMALL: Unlimited Violence.
Heaven / Hell, by Joel Happyhill.
Hell, The Underworld, Hades, Yomi, no matter what you call it seems like everyone’s ended up here. No one has any memory of their life before, if such a thing even exists. But one thing rings true, none of you want to stick around.
Heaven / Hell, otherwise known as 2H, is a competitive 1 VS 1 tabletop game set in the underworld. It’s meant to recreate the systems and strategies created by traditional fighting video games, allowing you to mix and mach a number of recognizable fighting game archetypes and optional rules to play your dream fighter through the medium of pen and paper.
Heaven/Hell is more like a competitive board-game than it is a tabletop roleplaying game. Your characters will travel across a board as they do battle with each-other, with distance and positioning being crucial in developing a strategy.
One mechanic that seems to help emulate fighting games is the use of the Underdog Token, which is granted to your character whenever you take a Wound in a round of combat. This Token can be spent in the following round to reveal a new Technique or do something called Flash Parry for a second time. You use this ability to halt another player’s move in its tracks, culminating in a scene that you might see in a dramatic fight where two opponents are holding each-other off with their weapons, possibly snarling at each-other as their faces draw close.
If you want the tactical complexity of a board-game combined with the dramatic moments of high-action tv shows, you might want to check out Heaven / Hell.
Hexfall, by Titanomachy RPG.
Stratus Cay is a floating city in the Rift, a digital quantum dimension at the intersection of the smallest black hole in the multiverse and the concept of becoming. The city is made of countless islands, a hyperreal archipelago adrift in flashing interdimensional lights. An infinite smattering of lives, as varied and precious as the stars themselves.
You are a hyperpowered being who came into larger-than-life abilities because of a profound cataclysm. Heartbreak. Grief. The depths. Physical, emotional, multidimensional–something unlocked incredible power in you. People like you have many names across Stratus Cay, but the most common is “Diver,” a nickname derived from their affinity for falling through the Rift, either on dangerous jobs or just for fun. 
Divers’ abilities run the gamut of even the wildest imaginations, and their extreme power and durability makes many of them reckless thrillseekers. The pay is too good and the thrills too extraordinary to turn down the opportunity to go on a dive.
Hexfall takes the tried-and-true method of hexcrawling and turns it on its side, by making your travel vertical; you’re diving from the edge of a floating island and falling into the Rift, retrieving artifacts, harvesting resources, and enjoying the thrills of free-fall. Hexfall has combat, puzzles, and mysteries for you to solve, but it also gives you space to roleplay and get to know each-other’s characters, using a token system for actions like helping out your fellow divers, and signifying when you want to role-play a narratively significant moment between you and another person.
What really stands out in this game though, is the character playbooks. Do you have wings made out of swords? Do you carry the blessing of a giant? Have you embraced the fungal form of decay and rebirth? All of these are possibilities within various playbooks of Hexfall. If you want a game about thrill-seeking and finding meaning in a world that, as fantastical as it is, still demands you work out why you want to live, you might want to try out Hexfall.
Abominations, by Elliot Davis.
They tried to tell you to stop playing God.  You replied, “Who’s playing?” and spliced in another gene. 
What is an Abomination?
A living amalgamation of various forms of flesh, machinery, and whatever you can stick it together with. Some slimy, some hairy, some are covered in eyes. Others are a knot of tongues and fingers. An Abomination is whatever you can imagine it to be, tossed in a blender and put back together.
ABOMINATIONS is a tactile, GM-less TTRPG for 2-6 players. Using a set of letter tiles and some 10-sided dice, you will create one-of-a-kind monsters of your own design. Then take them into the ring for a fight to the last scraps.
This is a game that feels kind of like a biological version of Robot Wars. Instead of constructing robots and pitting them against each-other, you’re creating monstrous mutating piles of flesh and throwing them in the ring. Your characters are to an extent, somewhat pre-defined: each player chooses a vowel, which represents something of your character’s personality, as well as the secret mutation only they have access to. You play using Scrabble tiles, with each letter granting access to specific mutations, from Guns for Arms, to X-Ray Vision, to a Zipper Down the Middle!
If you want a goofy game of slapstick and body horror, I recommend Abominations.
Greatest Hits
Wanderhome, by Possum Creek Games.
FIST, by Claymore.
Apocalypse Frame, by Binary Star Games.
Bump in the Dark, by Jex J Thomas.
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kor-artificer · 4 months
fuck Reedpop, fuck Ziff Davis, and fuck Consolidation
I wrote this back in November of 2023 for Richard Williams' "What's Hot in Indie TTRPGs" roundup. And though things have moderately improved with the launch of Rascal News, I'm still so heartbroken about the state of games journalism.
Anyone paying attention to games journalism over the last five years could tell you the earth is salted. But it’s been especially hard to see two mainstream outlets for TTRPG news suffer from corporate greed here at the end of 2023. First is the layoff of Lin Codega from Gizmodo, part of a 23-person restructuring that also shuttered the iconic feminist site Jezebel. Codega had received an Ennie Award only a few months prior for their work covering the fiasco Wizards of the Coast invited upon itself when it tried to revise its Dungeons and Dragons “Open Gaming License” in an attempt to squeeze competitors out of the economy. My favorite of their recurring features was “The Gaming Shelf,” which regularly highlighted indie RPGs. It is so rare to see someone with relatively mainstream media access discuss what’s happening on itchio, and to lose this chance to get more eyes on small projects is an absolute travesty. Codega themself puts it best: "I deserved better than this and G/O Media will be poorer for letting me go." The second, which is at this time a travesty-in-progress, is the auctioning of ReedPop’s “Gamer Network” portfolio of websites, which includes Dicebreaker. This news arrived the morning I sat down to write about media consolidation, the week of Dicebreaker’s second Tabletop Awards. Few other sites command the audience and prestige of Dicebreaker, whose journalists regularly feature games by indie creators who otherwise are forced to market their games through increasingly-fractured social media sites. I truly hope the “Gamer Network” portfolio is purchased, and all staff affected keep their jobs, but I’m not optimistic.   My mom was a journalist. She retired over a decade ago, when GateHouse Media swallowed a dozen local newspapers right before filing for bankruptcy. I’m genuinely sorry to see that ten years on, media companies are callous as ever, happy to ruin the lives of hundreds of brilliant people for the sake of a few points on a spreadsheet. Indie games deserve mainstream coverage. And the people who cover them deserve so much better than what they’re getting. 
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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Visit worlds that once were and never will be (except in our imaginations) with Frederic Walker's well-researched solo TTRPGs Scribe and The Kingdom of Prester John - we have them in print at UKGE stall 1-592! You can also find Frederic's other games here: https://fredericwalker.itch.io
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kor-artificer · 4 months
We're entering the home stretch!!! 😱☄️
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The Edge of Survival — Play as an astronaut untethered from your ship in a solo journaling RPG of dire circumstances, of desperation and hope.
Check it out here before it ends: https://kickstarter.com/projects/stickyhunter/the-edge-of-survival-ttrpg
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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We're in the last 6 hours!!
The Edge of Survival is a solo journaling RPG of dire circumstances, of desperation and hope.
Check it out here
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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A reminder that this generator exists! Blind Date with a TTRPG is great for discovering new games, such as Monster Care Squad and Mappa Mundi.
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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We're in the last 48 hours!!
The Edge of Survival is a solo journaling RPG of dire circumstances, of desperation and hope.
Check it out here
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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If you would like to learn more about UK TIN, you can sign up to our excellent monthly newsletter at: uktin.substack.com
UK TIN can only continue our work through the generosity of our community, so please consider supporting us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/UKTabletopIndustryNetwork544
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kor-artificer · 4 months
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make your queer art and join the jam
My partner and I just fled Florida for basic human rights in December. 
Pride is every day for us. Our existence is rebellion.
The first Pride was a riot.
Let us celebrate.
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