#also 300 people unfollowed me
jadedrrose · 1 year
I don’t wanna come of as if I’m complaining, but I’ve noticed a huge decline in how well my works are doing. Is there something I changed that you guys don’t like? How could I do better if that’s the case? Any (kind!) advice is welcome
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scottstiles · 1 year
every day more convinced that tumblr is trying to stir up drama and cause further psychic damage to my soul by dropping mutuals like flies. this is about the 3rd time this year i’ve been unfollowed by accident, so if i anyone notices i’m not following anymore or i’m no longer a mutual please PLEASE tell me because it was NOT on purpose. i don’t do that out of the blue (and if i did you would probably know why anyway pretty quickly).
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heartshapedcas · 2 years
U know what ok yeah. I have to keep this blog I think, where else do I have easy access to a cas posting tag full of cas posting?
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
i honestly forget i was a yoi writer
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flappingpussylips · 5 months
i hate that i can't use this account anymore, idk what i need to do to make this website feel fun to use again. i had one fucking post skyrocket to 6k notes overnight from 200 and now everything is fucking ruined. i've had to block what feels like 300 people the past few weeks. and if we're not mutuals you're still on thin fuckin ice
i think i need to unfollow a lot of the radfems on here too because i'm frankly sick of seeing the same shit 100x a day. never any new arguments or something refreshing. rehashing the same shit over and over again and just using ur blog to complain about men and trans people instead of actually figuring out ways to uplift women. so fucking boring. also i've realized how much some of yall straight and bi radfems hate lesbians. took me long enough
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
okay so I have a lil confession to make…
I’ve been really lax lately when it comes to checking my followers to make sure you all have ages in your bios / somewhere on your page. to be perfectly honest with you all I gained an immense amount of followers over a very short time period and frankly I just couldn’t keep on top of it.
since I announced my sleepover a month ago I have somehow gained 10k followers in that short period of time. it’s literally unfathomable to me. and yes I’m almost certain a fair amount of them are bots and blank blogs but even so it’s completely wild. I’m not saying that to brag, bc like I said I’m sure most of them are bots anyway. I’m simply saying that to give some perspective on how I fell so far behind on keeping on top of my followers. idk how or why it happened but I was genuinely averaging gaining about 300-400 followers every single night. like there was just no possible way for me to stay on top of it. but, things seemed to have calmed down again now which is why I’m finally taking the opportunity to play catch up and block any of these blank and / or ageless blogs.
but that’s not an excuse, it is my responsibility to make sure my page is a safe and comfortable space both for me and for my followers, and for a me a big part of that is ensuring everyone is over 18.
therefore, over the next couple of days / weeks (however long it takes me to do it), I will be taking the time to go through all of my followers and block anyone who does not have their age somewhere clearly displayed for me to see or if I can see you’re a minor. this will also include any ‘blank blogs’.
I’m giving warning now that if you don’t want to be blocked then you need to display your age somewhere easily visible on you page for me to see.
I will be giving you all a week to get this done which is frankly a more than reasonable amount of time, but I’m giving the benefit of the doubt that not everyone will see this first post. I will making this post / giving a reminder every day for the next week to hopefully let as many people see this before I really grind down on my blocking spree.
I also just wanna apologise for my slacking in this respect, again it is my responsibility to keep on top of things like this. I do have ample warning on my page to begin with that I do not want minors following me so if you are a minor that has somehow slipped by and is following me then you are completely disrespecting my boundaries and you bet once I find you you will be blocked immediately. if you’re minor following me then I respectfully ask that you unfollow before I get to blocking you, but either way you’ll be getting off my page.
anyways yeah that’s it, just put your age in your bios please. it’s really not that hard. you’ve all been warned now.
(p.s. as I said I will making this same post / warning every day for the next week to make sure as many people see it as possible / give people plenty of opportunity to make the said change to their blogs, so if you’ve already seen this warning and don’t want to be ‘spammed’ for the next week then just block the tag #nightmare warning)
thank you all in advance <33
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of lists for “hey, if you’re here from Twitter, here’s what you need to know,” so here's a bit of my own advice.
You’ll learn the culture 100x faster if you follow a few hundred blogs, reblog from them without tacking on anything, and just read what shows up on your dash. Guidelines are great and all, but having to remember a checklist is hard. So, some simple step-by-step instructions:
Personalize your blog Get some picture besides the default as your icon. Doesn’t matter what it is, maybe a meme or something, it just can’t be a geometric shape with a few dots. Also worth noting, you technically CAN use a selfie for your icon, but people will give you weird looks. We more or less don’t do that here (99.99% of the blogs that do this are porn bots). If you can’t decide on an icon/header, etc, then at least put “New here, haven’t figured out the site yet” or something to that effect in your bio. We block blank blogs here, because they’re usually bots.
Pick a fandom and go on a following spree This is the easiest way to fill up your dashboard. Search whatever fandom you want, find artists in that fandom, and follow them. Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary, and your dashboard will be full of things you enjoy. If you’re like me and are constantly refreshing looking for new content at 4am, you’ll need to follow 1000+ blogs. If you’re more interested in searching things than having your dash bring you content, keep it around 100 to 300.
Reblog things without commentary Tumblr is a VERY different culture to Twitter, and if you’ve been on Twitter a long while, you’ll have habits around how you interact with people. The two generally do NOT mix well. I’m sure you’ve seen by now the posts like “reblogs are good, likes are worthless” or “don’t censor things in your tags” or “don’t tag like Twitter.” Genuinely, the best way to speedrun getting used to this place is to reblog things you like without adding onto them, and learning the culture by reading the posts on your dash. Once you’re confident that you know how we do things here, go ahead and sprinkle in some tag rambles or Tumblr memes, but that adjustment time is going to be different for everybody.
Scroll through your dash No, really. If you’re bored, take a tour through the recent posts of the people you’ve followed. You’ll find good artwork, cool stories, funny moments, and everything in between, but most importantly, you’ll start building those habits we regulars on Tumblr learned awhile ago, like which memes are a genuine response (Apollo’s dodgeball and red for color theory, currently) and how people tag things here.
Curate your dash Everyone’s pretty much been screaming it from the top of their lungs, but there is no algorithm here. The dash you have is the one you make from the people you follow. This means that you’re responsible for the company you keep. If you see a post you dislike, unfollow them. If someone’s going on a fandom spree that annoys you, unfollow. Point of view you don’t agree with? Unfollow. You can block for the same reasons, and block liberally. On top of this, you can filter out terms and tags in your settings. This is a link to it on desktop; scroll down and you’ll see an entire section titled “Content you see.” On mobile, you can find it by clicking the little person icon in the bottom right, then the settings wheel in the corner of your blog. From there it’s “General settings,” then scroll down a bit to “Content you see” and click it.
And that’s the easiest way to cozy up in this place.
If you’re worried about things not to do, everyone will give you a different list, but here are a few universal faux pas:
Sending hate Sending hate in the ask box is, unfortunately, something this site is known for, but doing so here tells everyone that can see it that you’re an obsessed child. If you do it on anon, you look even worse, even if you can technically “get away with it.” A mature Tumblr user doesn’t send hate no matter what; they block the user they dislike and move on. If you get hate, block them. Yes, even if they’re on anon. It blocks their IP address from sending you anything on anon, forcing them to use their real username if they actually want anything to get through.
Negative commentary Things along the lines of “I don’t even like this show, but-” are not compliments. They’re very discouraging to artists, and using them makes you look insensitive at best. If you want to convey “I don’t watch this show, but I like this art,” you can start it with “I don’t even go here, but-” instead. And if you want to criticize—don't. Genuinely, do not. It's the easiest way to get people not to like you here; if you don't have something nice to say about an art piece or fanfic, then just don't interact with it.
Censoring sensitive words The “content you see” feature on this site does its job and it does it well! If I, a Tumblr user, dislike the mention of “cleaning supplies,” I will block it. This means any post that contains “cleaning supplies” will be filtered from my dash. What this also means is that if you write it to get around this—for example, “clean*ng suppl*es,” “clea/ning sup/plies,” “cle@n!ng $uppl!es,” and so on, it will not be filtered, and I will have cleaning supplies on my dash despite my precautions. The only time you'll see someone doing this is if they don't want a specific user or term searched: squ/id-ink-per/sonal won't show up if I search my username, ze/lda won't show up in the "zelda" tag for that audience to see, etc. People on this site do not get terminated/shadowbanned for specific words. The closest we have ever gotten to that was when Apple tried to block sensitive content and made it so things like #girl wouldn’t show up on Apple devices. Which was a bug that was then fixed. Believe it or not, our moderation team is actually human, so if you’re terminated, it’s not because of some search-and-destroy program built into the site.
Now, before I go, here are some quality-of-life things to help you more easily use Tumblr’s features.
Only the first five tags on a post are indexed If I tag something #zelda, #loz, #fave mutuals, #ask bee, #worldbuilding, #you have no idea how long i spent on this, #i’m going to bed now then only the bolded tags are going to show up in the search results. Someone searching #i’m going to bed now won’t find my post, because it’s not in those first five tags.
You can change the color scheme of the site You’ll have to do it once on desktop and once on mobile, because the two platforms have different color schemes. On desktop, click the little person icon in the top right, then “Change Palette.” On mobile, tap the person in the bottom right, then settings wheel, “General settings,” “Color palette.” We have a lot more than dark and light mode!
You can insert links without interrupting your text Find whatever link you want to insert first, then highlight the word you want to turn into that link, press the “insert link” button, and paste it in. On desktop, it looks like a little infinity symbol. On mobile, it’s a little chain link icon. It lets you do cool things like this whenever you want.
Text can be colored! On mobile, it’s really, really easy to color text—just highlight what you want and the colors will pop up automatically. On desktop, it’s trickier to do, but we have a lot more options here: In the corner of your post, there’s a little settings wheel. Click that, then change “Rich Text” to “HTML.” Your page is going to look like weird code. This is normal. I recommend coloring text as the LAST thing you do because of this. Go here, type the text you want to color, and pick your colors out, then copy the HTML code at the bottom. Then go here, paste that in the box, and replace the “;” with nothing (I’m serious, nothing; not a blank space, just leave the “with this” box empty). Copy the semicolon-less code, go to the Tumblr post, and paste it in. It’s that easy! Fun fact, you can also do this in your desktop blog description, if you want; that little box is fully HTML-configurable.
And those are my starting tips! Have fun out there!
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smokedanced · 9 months
i'm shadowbanned. if i don't show up as following you, i have not unfollowed anyone in a long time, it's tumblr being a shit. i am still following you. i cannot open my IMs. all my asks are gone???
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like it still says. that i have 300+ asks (lol do not judge me). so i hope when this gets resolved they asks are still going to be there.
I GUESS i won't be posting until this resolves because a) i think it makes mutual checker make people believe i unfollowed them when i did not.
i also can't comment on posts. people can't send me asks.
i cry
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channeltuning · 2 months
GUYS I NEED HELP, as i unfollowed more than 300+ people today. i think i accidentally unfollowed my mutual…
from what i remember her blog theme is purple 🥲🥲
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If you people don't start reblogging art (and writing!!!) I'm gonna start biting you
Look at this shit
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These are the top 4 today, LESS THAN HALF of the people who liked it have reblogged. That first one especially makes me want to chew glass
Oh! But those are in the top today! So surely everyone will see them!? No?? A lot of people don't go into the tags! And also think how many more people would see them! You can only like something once! Even if every one of those only had 1 follower that's still roughly 300 more eyes on the work!!
But those are new, you say. Surely the older stuff isn't like this? Incorrect! Let's sort by top of the last year
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TRAVESTY *bops you all with a newspaper* that last one is one of my all time favorites (I'm going to list them in a reblog, because I know sometimes too many links kills a post) it's an amazing piece of art and look how little love it has
It has FOUR TIMES more likes than reblogs???? Think how many people could've seen this artist's amazing work!
Excuses I see:
It won't fit my blog: a) you can make multiple blogs! This is my side blog, I made it in October, tagged things appropriately (used the good omens tag for a bit, I've dropped it now since), and have gained a nice handful of followers! That wasn't the point but I'm glad you're all here (hai!)
b) it's your blog! Use it how you want to!! "Oh people will unfollow me!" this isn't the I have followers klout website. This is the have fun and hope you can make someone else's day fun in the process website. If it sparks joy, reblog it!
I don't wanna upset op with spam: that does not happen here. Artists, writers, and bloggers love seeing you. Go nuts
Reblogging is time consuming: you can quick reblog (on mobile hold down on the reblog button and swipe up to the blog you want, sorry idk how on computer but I know you can) reblogging is only time consuming if you want to comment or tag. If you're willing to leave a reply you should have time to reblog! (Commenting and replying both have their place, it's ok to reply only while still reblogging!!)
Tagging things intimidates me: people carry on entire conversations in the tags, people leave the wildest shit as tags, people have confusing tags to organize their blogs, people leave absolutely no tags at all! You do not have to tag things!!
I have my likes turned on so people can see: you look like a bot, stop that. Empty blogs get blocked! I'm begging some of you to please reblog something. No one goes straight to people's blogs to look exclusively at their stuff (....ok well some people do but most people just scroll their dash)
Likes are bookmarks! That's it! Or a way to interact with some random thing someone said about their day that you can tell they don't necessarily need reblogged. This isn't twitter, where (apparently?) reblogging something is kinda frowned upon. This isn't instagram where likes mean everything. This is Tumblr, and it survives on reblogs!
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sparkiekong · 4 months
Ugh!! Elita back on the smokes again!! Major yuck!! Major turn off. Somebody needs to tell her that. Also she needs to try harder to stop. Chosen one myass!! I bet Lyra and Cat are to blame somehow!
Hi there nonny. Sorry this is gonna be long winded...again.
TLDR: Yeah, it seems she's slipped off the wagon. Addiction is not an easy wagon ride! I'm afraid for some people it's much harder than others. The gang will have relapses and struggles just like anyone else who has addictive tendances. It's not going to stop entirely anytime soon, I'm afraid.
We depict a lot of these types things. Much of mine and @helenofsimblr's writing is taken from real world examples. history, mythology and we do copious amounts of research and add about 300% creativity. Smoking (even the underage smoking) is probably the LEAST worrisome topic in this story and much worse is to come. I hope you're ready nonny... the roller coaster has just started and it's not a smooth ride... It's also completely ok to unfollow for that reason alone if smoking is your line. I promise you that we are definitely going to go beyond that, so stay safe friend! It's quite ok to stop reading. I promise we won't be offended. This story is not everyone's cup of tea and that's ok.
If you're still interested in reading and it's just that I missed adding a trigger or you'd like an additional trigger, please let me know and I will add it. Especially if it's one that you like to use... At the end of the day we're all responsible for our own mental safety on the internet... I can only provide the trigger words to block. You have to do your part. Thanks for the ask friend. I hope you have a lovely and wonderful day.
Rest is under cut with a bit more examples of differences of KSU and IRL world and informational links on medical information on addiction:
There is a key thing to remember about this story and that is that the universe (lovingly called the KSU) is a kind of alternate universe to our own, some scientific developments happened at very different times to our own and smoking science has not yet caught up to ours. In some ways, it's got sort of a sixties feel and in others, it seems like future-vision. It can be a bit confusing, so I'll provide some examples!
A big example is that the KSU recently just discovered ultrasound tech that can be used to check on fetus health and that smoking is generally bad for one's health, but the KSU has been in space for quite a long time, is well established in space and have computers and cell phones... While the real world (the one you and I live in), ultrasound has been around for a long time and is quite advanced, the anti-smoking campaign has been going on for many years with decent success. However, we in IRL we have not until recently (maybe the last 10-15 years) been able to reliably get into space and back safely in various different countries. Admittingly, I don't track all space travel, just the ones that hit the trending list of my news app.
The rest of this is for people who are struggling to understand addiction and/or are suffering or watching someone suffer with it and are looking for understanding. Please! Talk with your family doctors or google your country of origin + addiction help and you can find the help that you or a friend or family member may need.
Here are a few links that explain a bit about addiction and why it's not always just as easy as "just don't do that" or "Stop".
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pb-dot · 1 month
Now how the hell did that happen huh? I mean I'm glad there's approximately 300 of you who enjoy my particular blend of queued dog posts and writerly shenanigans, or at least feel that this is a level of posting that isn't worth unfollowing me over.
I'll say this: I do like it here on Tumblr. It is a shambling mess of a website, but in a very "bless this mess," dysfunctional found family kind of way. It's not optimized seven ways to Sunday to extract my personal information, your personal brand is mostly irrelevant unless you're a gimmick account, and maybe most important of all, it makes it very plain and visible to you when your posts have reached people, in fact so much so that being more than "known by a select few"-famous actually sounds a bit miserable.
More social media should be like this I think, because frankly that's how humans are. We got our little groups, and groups connecting those groups, and once we start thinking about more than a few hundred people it gets all abstract and hard to process. After all, we're still doing math on simian hardware, and we're not particularly optimized for it.
Anyway, I think I can thank Tumblr for a lot of good times in the year or so I've been on it. While the impact on my writing productivity can probably be discussed, there's no denying Thereafter would not exist in its current form if it hadn't been for Writeblr. There's things I've learned, perspectives I have experienced vicariously, and a whole lot of good advice I have heeded to some degree or another that's absolutely made the writing and release process for this thing possible.
Also, I would be remiss if I didn't shill my work a little bit while I'm at it. Subscribe to Thereafter. Next week I'm releasing a chapter featuring a strong lady, and if I know Tumblr, I know y'all love Strong Ladies. I'm also posting some writing discussions on @the-writers-corner-inc with (some) regularity, so check that out if you want a chance to yak about your OCs and WIPs.
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ex0rin · 1 year
@febuwhump End Notes/ Masterlist
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So... this was my second year and, hell, guess who did it again??
28 days, 28 prompts, and slightly less words than last year but STILL somehow over 45k but the thing is... last year I hated my job, was on the verge of quitting AND was going out of my way to ignore it but not this time. This year I have a job that I LOVE and have taken on a bazillion additional responsibilities. I threw a party and did a speech for ONE THOUSAND people in the middle of the month, like WHAT? How did I still hit 45k??
I'm gonna tell you, so uh, sorry in advance if this gets lengthy - it's time for the yearly awards speech (you can see the last one here) 😅
Super mega shout-out to @5ummit and @sparklingbinjuice who built on every single prompt each day to give me something to run with, who sprinted with me pretty much daily, who fed me encouragement and fucking poked and prodded at me until I forced out some words when I was having hard nights trying to manage fandom and life and work. AGAIN, Wendy, your goddamn gorgeous galaxy brain saved me (and Abby, the smutty RP helped too 😏)
I also want to say thanks to AO3/ tumblr users: trinipedia (AO3) @winterbonesthings @justalostsoldier @possumwoodpie and @astralhux who basically commented on every single thing I wrote all month - you're all insane for that and I love you very much. AND everyone else who commented or kudos'd, even on only one, you made it easier for me to keep going and I appreciate it so goddamn much.
And just like, generally, to everyone: thanks for not unfollowing me while I was just posting text posts all month 😅
20/28 ended up being smut and I'm pretty pleased with that. Let's try for 28/28 next year 😘
Okay. OKAY. FEBUWHUMP 2023: HTP EDITION (or should I say winterbones edition 😅)
Day 1: Touchstarved (NSFW) Bucky/Rumlow, winterbones - 1410 words
NON-CON/RAPE, touchstarved, chains, choke collar, finger sucking, imprisonment, captivity, blow jobs, spitting in mouth, deepthroating, conditioning, hydratrashparty
Day 2: Flinching (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, stucky - 575 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, whump, bucky’s broken dick, unsatisfying sex, this is not nice to anyone
Day 3: Muzzled (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 2150 words
NON-CON/RAPE, gags, gag mask, blood and injury, anal sex, no lube, handjobs, finger sucking, hydra trash party
Day 4: Knife to the throat Steve/Bucky (implied) - 240 words
past abuse, panic, mild violence
Day 5: "That's gonna scar" Rumlow & the soldier - 300 words
blood, knife wound, stitches
Day 6: Secrets Revealed (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, Steve/Bucky (implied) - 2200 words
NON-CON/RAPE, past non-con/rape, rape on film, Bucky’s broken dick, anal sex, choking, spitting in mouth, begging, crying, Steve whump, coming on command, coming untouched, pet names, hydra trash party
Day 7: Made to Watch (NSFW) Hydra Agents/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 1040 words Second part coming on Day 10: difficulty breathing
NON-CON/RAPE, prostitution, filmed without consent, jealousy, possessiveness, anal sex, hydra trash party
Day 8: Panic (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 1300 words
NON-CON/RAPE, anal sex, coming early, panic, punishment, come eating
Day 9: Voice Loss (NSFW) Rollins/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (implied) - 1450
NON-CON/RAPE, wet and messy, blowjobs, deepthroating, pain, ripped vocal chords, loss of voice, pet names, panic, hydra trash party
Day 10: Difficulty Breathing (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 2045 words Second half to Day 7: forced to watch
NON-CON/RAPE, jealousy, anger, anal fingering, rough sex, conditioning, confusion, name calling, begging, choking, smothering, anal sex, kissing, hydra trash party
Day 11: Fever Rumlow/Bucky, Rollins - 1100 words
fever, body heat, light grinding
Day 12: "Can you hear me?" (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (very implied) - 810 words
stream of consciousness, dethawing process, confusion, finger sucking (light)
Day 13: Forced to hurt a loved one Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (past, implied) - 1590
past non-con/rape, past abuse, trauma, safe words, violence, choking, crying, begging
Day 14: Captivity (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (implied) - 1155 words Second chapter on Day19: “You deserve this.” 
past non-con/rape, past abuse, abuse, trauma, bad decisions, hydra trash party (incoming)
Day 15: ALT: Found Footage (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (past) - 1815 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, bucky’s broken dick, rape on film, masturbation, begging, guilt, blowjobs, deepthroating, betrayal, pet names, hydra trash party
Day 16: Semiconscious (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 1610 words a continuation of Day12: Can you hear me?
non-con/rape, wet and messy, finger sucking, anal fingering, anal sex, disorientation, confusion, semi-conscious, possessiveness, hydra trash party
Day 17: Silent Tears (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (past), Steve/Bucky (implied) - 1310 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, betrayal, crying, rape on film, masturbation, anal fingering, finger sucking, no lube, trauma, voyeurism, whump, hydra trash party 
Day 18: Can't Stay Awake (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2180 words
incredibly dubious consent, the soldier can’t consent, panic, panic attacks, anal sex, no lube, handjobs, the world’s most fucked up safety blanket 
Day 19: "You deserve this" (NSFW) Hydra Agent/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3690 words 
non-con/rape, improper use of a shock baton, dirty talk, anal sex, dehumanization, shame, guilt, anger, ~feelings~, jerking off, hydra trash party,
Day 20: Knife Wound (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, Rollins - 800 words
past non-con/rape, past-knifeplay, abuse, gaslighting, Rumlow is not a good person, Rollins is a sadist, blood, violence, hydra trash party
Day 21: Shackled (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 1110 words
non-con/rape, spider gag, prong collar, anal hook, overstimulation, wet & messy, bad bdsm practices, handjob, hydra trash party
Day 22: Can’t Scream (NSFW) Hydra Agents/Bucky - 630 words
non-con/rape, inappropriate use of a shock stick, anal sex, double penetration, violence, abuse, hydra trash party
Day 23: “You’ll have to go through me” (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3065 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, shower masturbation, betrayal, violence, whump
Day 24: Bloody Clothes (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2240 words
holy fuck this is so soft, weirdly consensual winterbones??, hurt/comfort, injury, blow jobs
Day 25 ALT: Caged Rumlow & Bucky - 1385 words
abuse, cages, shock batons, violence, starving, handfeeding
Day 26: Forced to Choose (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3635 words
Part Seven of ‘Til the End of the Line
past non-con/rape, past abuse, dialogue heavy, betrayal, breakup, unhealthy relationships, kissing, grinding, erectile dysfunction, Steve whump, Bucky’s broken dick, past hydra trash party, the end of the line
Day27: Survivor’s Guilt Rumlow/Bucky - 430 words
dreams, blood, buried alive, fucked up soulmates
Day28: “You’re safe now” (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2585 words Continued from Day20: Knife Wound
non-con/rape, past non-con/rape, (sing songs) the soldier can’t consent, past violence, hurt/comfort, conditioning, anal fingering (brief), anal sex, wet&messy, hydra trash party
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footytea · 13 days
i mean it’s not impossible that they talk every once in a while 😂 he still follows her after all. He only follows around 300 people as well so whoever’s on his feed will pop up quite a lot, I say this to emphasise that if he didn’t want her around he would simply unfollow her 🤷‍♀️
i didn't wanna say it because everything i say is taken seriously by some people and they'll start accusing me of saying trent and aisha are in a relationship, but i also feel like they still talk and maybe more than once in a while
(this is just an assumption)
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simulation-machine · 9 months
OMG I *finally* cleaned my following list up because my dashboard was a hot mess. I couldn't find any of the stories and simblrs love anymore and wasn't up-to-date on pretty much anything. Plus, I needed to tell myself that I could like and even reblog stuff without necessarily having to follow anybody about it. I'm still following 2.5x the number of people following me but I feel pretty okay about that.
Here's a cute picture of a baby Alpha Wren from 3.5 years ago that I edited just a smudge:
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Other stuff I did and plan to do for upkeep purposes below the cut!
One thing I had to do for the good of my mods folder was unfollow any non-mutual as well as incredibly prolific CC creators. Not because I don't love their stuff, but because there was a point where I was downloading like 25+ GB a month without even meaning to.
Over winter break I might take a hiatus from playing Sims to complete yet another purge and work on a nice Resources page that gives a list of all the CC I use. I'd still do WCIFs, mind, it would be more to give credit where credit is due.
Also, a navigation page! Especially if I start posting the non-legacy story I've been hinting about these past few days. I'm a couple short of 300 followers and at bare minimum I should make it easy for folks to catch up to the things I have!
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ppnuggie · 2 years
    300 follow event :: MATCH UPS
 thank you so much for 300 followers !! :D even if its not that many ,, its a lot to me !! i hope you all are enjoying my blog so far ,, even if its gotten sidetracked from being just a transformers x reader blog ,, and turned into more !! however ,, as a celebration for this ,, im doing match ups for my followers !!
 if you’re interested in the matchups ,, then by all means feel free to ask for one !! :) however ,, there are some rules to this ,, and please be sure to read them !! if you dont ,, and you dont follow the rules ,, i will not do your match up :| i made sure to put those in bold and colored lettering ,, since some people may overlook all this text ,, and then ill have handfuls of matchups to do that people didnt listen to the rules for.
the matchup you receive will have :: the character i match you with ,, small headcannons of your relationship w/ the character ,, and a small scenario. i have a format for it <3 so heres the template im using so you have an idea :)
  rules —
001 :: please be following me for this !! as this event is for my followers ,, not just anyone !! its alright if you follow me now and do it ,, but please don’t unfollow me afterwards just for the matchup. if you’re going to want to get the matchup and you follow me ,, the least you can do is at least look at some of my works.
002 :: be sure to specify what fandom you want a matchup for !! i do a few fandoms :: lost in space ,, transformers (tfa ,, tfp ,, g1 ,, bayverse ,, cyberverse ,, rescue bots ,, siege trilogy ,, beast wars) ,, brave police j decker ,, alien ,, predator
003 :: be specific in your match up !! you dont have to include your appearance if it makes you uncomfortable ,, however i need some info on your personality !! it helps a lot to know your personality !! feel free to include your likes and dislikes too ,, it also helps !!
004 :: i dont mind doing a match up for anyone ,, regardless of race ,, gender ,, sexuality ,, identity ,, religion ,, etc… i personally dont care what you identify as or what your race or religion is ,, it has nothing to do with me and i will not discriminate against you for any of those things. :) however ,, if theres a certain gender preference you want then just say so !!
005 :: please be patient ,, as i am busy with not only requests but also other match ups !! it would mean a lot if you could wait !! :)) please send your matchup in my dms or inbox !! whichever you’re comfortable with <33
006 :: please do not ,, and i will repeat ,, do not do this when you describe your personality — “im very depressed and lonely, i have no friends” — i swear on my life this is unrelated to matchups. ive had to deal with this sort of thing so much, its bothersome. please do not do this, and/or list a character(s) that you like most, because if you do this, im deleting your matchup right away. i mean it.
    template (optional) ::
personality ::
likes ::
dislikes ::
fandom ::
any sort of gender preference ::
    fandoms ::
- transformers — rescue bots ,, animated ,, prime ,, g1 ,, war for cybertom trilogy ,, cyberverse ,, robots in disguise 2015 ,, beast wars
- lost in space — only the robots (sar ,, robot ,, scarecrow)
- xenomorph — just a regulary drone xenomorph and/or queen xenomorph — maybe even a king xenomorph
- brave police j decker — just the handful of characters ,, the robots that is :: deckerd ,, shadowmaru ,, gunmax ,, power joe ,, power joe ,, dumpson
- predator — wolf ,, city hunter ,, scar ,, celtic ,, jungle hunter ,, ap ,, fugitive ,, feral ,, berserker ,, tracker ,, falconer
     link to the 100 follower event :: 🟪
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