#I also noticed people keep unfollowing me haha lol :(
jadedrrose · 1 year
I don’t wanna come of as if I’m complaining, but I’ve noticed a huge decline in how well my works are doing. Is there something I changed that you guys don’t like? How could I do better if that’s the case? Any (kind!) advice is welcome
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wikiangela · 1 month
Hi, I've been noticing you haven't posted Buddie lately, do you no longer ship them? This isn't meant as negative or hate at all! I know some people can send hateful asks and this isn't that at all. But buck and tommy aren't really my cup of tea and with everything going on I want to avoid blogs that no longer ship or support Buddie or are negative about them. I've unfollowed other people quietly but since I've looked up to you ever since I joined the fandom I just wanted to make sure. I don't want to risk unfollowing you only to find out that you still post and love Buddie (Again this isn't meant as hate, I'm really worried that it's seen as negative when I really don't mean any harm and just want to know. My mental healt is a mess so I'm avoiding all the drama and trying to keep what I see positive and normally just avoid posts tagged with bucktommy because I don't mind people liking something I don't like. And now I'm overexplaining and ranting because I'm scared of making people mad 😞 sorry 😅)
Hi! don't worry, it didnt come across as hate haha
I do still ship and love buddie and I always will, but i also ship bucktommy, and the buddie side of the fandom has been pissing me off lately so I haven't really been engaging with it bc im not having fun with it rn 🤷‍♀️ I am still writing buddie and eventually I will be back to posting them, but for now I'm taking a step back (plus, im so inspired for bucktommy lately lol)
thinking back on it and looking at my wips from the past few months, me stepping away from buddie has actually been a long time coming, even before bucktommy showed up so im so glad they did, but that's a whole other rant lol
I totally get not wanting drama, which is why I filtered the buddie tag and I'm staying in the bucktommy corner for now and also unfollowed quite a few people lol
I'll never be negative about buddie, because i do still love them (tho more as a fanon concept than actually wanting them in canon ngl) but I also love bucktommy and I'll be posting about them and writing about them too 💁‍♀️
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nikatyler · 3 years
random questions game
Tagged by @kbeesims. Thank you very much! I’m taking a break from studying rn, so let’s do this.
1. why did you choose your url?
Nika is actually one of the first things I’ve ever called myself as a kid and last year I decided to sort of “reclaim” this old nickname and start using it again in online places and I’m surprised by how right it feels.
As for Tyler, well. I think it’s obvious. In my head he’s the main character of this blog, the mascot, if you will. And also, and this is a bit embarrassing, but about a month or two ago I saw this post that was like “changing names shouldn’t be such a big deal, we expect trans people to do it if they’re uncomfortable with their birth name, but we should normalize EVERYONE changing their names if they’re not okay with it” (or something along these lines). And well, I like my name, but I thought, what if I didn’t like it, what would I pick instead. Immediately, this one popped up in my head. Yeah. I mean it makes sense to me, but it feels so dumb at the same time. So yeah. I guess if you called me Tyler, I would respond to it. I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that I would respond to it, but hey. It’s weird but it would work.
2. any sideblogs? name them and why you have them.
The only one that is still active is my cc finds blog @simmeronnie-cc (yes I need to rename it too, we’ll do that). I don’t really post on my sort-of-studyblr-but-more-like-a-rantblr sideblog or my simspiration blog anymore. Among other things, I rant on twitter again (@/nikatyler22 if anyone’s interested), and I need to bring back the simspo tag on this blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Almost five years. I refuse to believe that.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do. Well, I schedule my posts manually, I don’t queue them (because earlier this year I noticed it would eat at least one post a day, so I stopped using it), but still. I don’t know what I’d do without this function haha
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
There was this blog that did this really cool comic with very pretty characters. That’s what convinced me lol, even though my content has never been like theirs.
6. why did you choose your icon?
Because Tyler lol
7. why did you choose your header?
Because Tyler and Sharon and I want to have what they have dAMMIT
But I might change the picture for the one I posted yesterday, you know, the awkward one
8. whats your post with the most notes?
That would be the pride paints post I believe!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know, but a lot I think? At least in the simple sense of “I follow you and you follow me.” I never counted it. I’m not sure how many people would actually consider me their mutual or online friend or something like that. I hope someone would haha
10. how many followers do you have?
Over 2 000. What the heck. I mean, not many people are actually active and I think most of them don’t even lurk, but it’s still a pretty cool number
11. how many people do you follow?
I checked and it’s 183. I can’t realistically keep up with all of them but at the same time I’d feel bad for unfollowing any of them
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
My entire blog is a big shitpost tbh, and I wouldn’t have it any other way ✌✨
13. how often do you use tumblr a day?
I usually keep the tab open all day and just check it from time to time. I’m not counting
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Oooooh boy
Yes. I was dumb, okay? Very dumb.
15.  how do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
Those scared me when I was younger, I remember I couldn’t sleep when I was like 8 and saw one of those “repost this or you’ll die in 7 days” pictures. Now I’m okay with them, I just scroll past. Usually. Sometimes I still get nervous. Don’t post them, guys. You can really hurt people with anxiety and similar issues.
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
One that immediately comes to my mind is @berrysweetboutique. I can’t believe such a big simblr is following me and seeing my daily pixel clownery on their dash :D
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I don’t, but back in the day, I used to sort of put some simblrs on pedestals and then act in a way that I thought they would like, if that makes sense, and I was really insecure about what they would think, and if we started talking I was so worried I’d say or do something wrong and it was all in all not a great experience. I know it’s not a crush in the romantic sense, but it reminds me of how sometimes you’d go and try to impress a crush and change yourself so that they like you too. I guess they were sort of crushes in the sense of “oh wow this person is so amazing and perfect, I’m so little next to them, they could probably never love me the same way I love them”. Anyway, once you let go of that mentality and just start doing whatever, without trying to impress anyone...oh that freedom is sweet.
Sorry, went off topic here 😅
20. tags?
I’m just gonna tag whoever wants to do this, go make another cup of coffee and go back to my 19th century poetry 😄
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dreamlikeapsycho · 4 years
I saw the max facts (pun intended 😂) you did for that question a while ago. So I was wondering if maybe you could tell us some more facts about Max it doesn’t have to be anything too detailed but anything you know would be nice to know, pretty please 😊
I went on deep analysis mode this time to try and say all of Max's little nice and cute moments I know of.. Pls take notice, tho!! I'm not trying to flex or anything, I'm just a simple peasant girl on Maximilian's kingdom for a long time and it happens I have FBI blood in my veins 😭 so It's all gather on my brain and hard drive lol SO! I'm just answering this ask with a lot of thought and care so you can know more about Max and how he is even more awesome than you think!!! (And just in text form, cause Max doesn't need to be tagged on more personal stuff on IG (there’s too much illegal fishing at my tumblr pond already! 👏). It’s probably weird to know certain things, yes, but at least I'm respectful, I'll never bother him with this kind of stuff). Well, enjoy the bible below to end up knowing very little about him, still haha.. Just some more small facts.
- Max was at a barbecue just yesterday. It was someones birthday from the set of his new movie. He drank his beer, like usual, idk about the meat.. there was wurst and chicken.. I'm not sure if he's trying to be a vegetarian or not (after that thoughtful video he posted) 🤔.. maybe he didn't eat it, I don't know!!
- a little while before the start of this shooting, he was at the Baltic Sea filming for the series he's gonna be in (just one episode again! Don't get your hopes too high lol he's gonna be a security guard who disappears mysteriously, so....)
- He helped his friend renovate his house a few weeks ago!! How could I forget that on the first post.. Then, he had to go to Hesse for the movie shooting, and his friend had to call another friend to come help him lmao damn
I think I could describe some videos I have then... at least there's some cool and funny stuff. (Friends himself tagged in the past and cast friends)
- Max's dad went to the same uni as him. Also, he voiced a police officer on the phone in a short film Max wrote and directed all by himself (he didn't act on it, but he was also another police officer over the phone haha). Another thing, his dad made the official music for one of his plays.
- The falafel day.. his friend was taking a piss filming Max at the shop from afar and zooming in, saying "omg, guys! I found Noah from Dark! He's right there buying falafel" lmao, then, Max is just standing there looking all wonderful with his perfect hair and such, moving his hands, scratching his chin, ordering his food, and his friend talks some more, doing like a rough Max voice "yeah yeah, I'll have that one. Good, yeah". 😂
- the day he went to take a walk in nature. His friend asks him for a cigarette, he is denied, he goes to take it anyway, Max slams his cup of tea on the table and tries to take his cigarette back and it's all black and they're just laughing lmao (I love his laugh btw, so giggly!)
There was storys posted by Max himself.. so, maybe you saw it, but it's from before dark s3 came out.
- The pigeon storys. He filmed two pigeons chasing each other at the station, one always running from the other and he captioned "me trying to flirt" haha
- He screen recorded an ad for an app that deletes people from pictures and made some joke too, I can't remember exactly what he wrote, smt like "when you break up, but still wants to keep the picture" lol also, he unfollowed like 5 people that week after posting that... hm 👀
- he posted a video of him walking in the dark with really cold wind.. you can only see his hair flying around. Also, with a mask on, another chasing a cat in a big field, and that one drinking his coffee and eating his yogurt (you most likely saw it already)
- Ohh.. His friend was playing Max's drums the other day!!! Made a lot of jokes, it was obvious he was messing around in Max's room (maybe they live together, maybe he just waters the plants lol idk). Some of the jokes were "I've been playing this drums since 1921" and "the drums and me are a perfect pair, don't ever believe otherwise". I wonder what Max said to him.. he can't do anything about it, he's not in Berlin hahah. He has a little giraffe in his room, and other home decors (you can see it on his drumming video on his own IG)
- he likes to read on longer train rides.
- there's a video of him screaming inside a wardrobe after being jumped by a friend and one of him putting lipstick on with the song "I'm a sexy motherfucker" playing in the background hehe we was tagged, it was easy to find when there wasn't much tagged post.
- There's moments of ppl filming something/themselves and he just comes and photobombs it lol he is just like thiss 👏 showing his tongue and doing a funny face and such. One of those I saw it on the IG of a Das Boot cast member I actually already followed before.
- this group was such a blast. There's a few pictures, one of them he's in a dress, he has white stockings on til his thighs, heels and all haha lovely
- His improv-group.. he was almost in tears singing "I believe I can fly" with the group on their last day.. But he was happy! A mix of emotions. He loves everyone, he expresses his love a lot to people in general, he says it and adds heart emojis to make sure haha you can see his comments going on IG of his cast friends, especially from Das Boot (I followed a lot of the guys). So, about always commenting something funny on people's posts.. I didn't saved those, so I forgot most of it, but one I remember was that someone posted a video of a hailstorm and he was like "what are u doing, free ice!! Go grab them" hahaha
- Max has that Noah picture where he's peaking by a wall (you know that one Baran posted) printed and framed! 👏
- Things he’s pretty much always with: his backpack and his big headphones (it's always on his neck. At almost every picture, from every year, with different people etc. I was confused when he had normal headphones at his farm storys. Maybe he forgot them in Berlin 😭. Besides those, his rings, necklaces and bracelets (always, for years and years! Same ones, even). He uses frequently on premieres, as I saw it. Sometimes they also show up on his characters in his one-episode works!! Hahah is so nice when that happens. You can notice this on my screencaps.
- that pic of him that is everywhere now (with glasses, holding a bottle of champagne), I posted that months ago.. There's 2 more pics and 1 video. One pic, he is pretending the automatic lighter that's on the table is a Harry Potter wand (but I think I cropped the table, right.. I can't remember). This was actually posted by Max himself and he tagged his friend who took it. I went to see if they posted smt and there was a picture where he is literally biting the cork of that bottle off with his teeth Lmaoo, and one video.. he is talking on the phone trying to block the view with his feet.. this man!!
- he really doesn't care about buying too much unnecessary clothes and shoes and stuff. He is mindful of his things and the environment!! 
- there's a video of him on the set of Der Zauberlehrling, I need to recall where I got that from (maybe I could share this one. I'm not sure), he is messing with the broom and someone asks him "hey Max, what's that animal?" and points to the fluffy microphone. He says "it's a fucked up coala bear" (in english) 😂
Again.. I can't say names or anything, cause ppl are not mindful! Like.. I know I'm probably weird, but only for myself and my FBI office LOL I don't go over there and follow/reply to all these people’s posts and storys or take their videos and tag Max on them, this is just not.... nah. I'll always be respectful (yeah, some older stuff has gifs, cause he had like 10k followers, and 5 fans on tumblr lol But i never sent/tag him in anything personal directly.. that’s why i only posted on tumblr for the past year, in fact! I never thought things would be the way they are now a year later.. so, newer stuff it's not posted/gif nor ever will). I don't want him to be weirded out and like, disappear from IG!! I think about these things.. when people are being weird and stuff towards him. I don’t know how ppl don’t think about this when tagging him recklessly in random pictures and videos!!!
I wish he had more interviews, so we could know more proper stuff about him. (The few interviews he has are translated on my IG highlight. There's still an 8min interview missing there, cause I'm contemplating about being more of a bother to german speaking people, since I only have basic german..
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modestmuses-a · 4 years
the positive & negative :    mun & muse  /  fill out & repost .
MY MUSE IS :    canon  /  oc  /  au  /  slightly canon - divergent / fandomless / complicated 
i try to stay mostly close to ekko’s canon but i also have a fuckton of aus for him including some real self-indulgent bullshit that isn’t even on his verses page. if you want me to make a new au for ekko to fit him into a different skin line or something, i’ll probably do it tbh.
for better or worse. when “giants” first came out, i had more ekko smut on my dash than i ever cared to see.
i can tell you what i think of ekko’s strength, and i can tell you that... it isn’t much. he’s not the most adept fighter in the series, and most of the time, he wins fights by cheesing them with time travel. in my thread with @uncaged-bloodhunter​ ekko would be DEAD four times over by now if not for the zero drive.
however, i haven’t seen much fandom opinion about his strength? i’m going to go out on a limb and say most people probably don’t find him very strong bc? i don’t see a lot of people saying that but. who knows.
canon-wise, fandom-wise, and on this blog, ekko gets a lot of attention, which i’m not complaining about. he’s a fav.
he is important around zaun, but considering he won’t LEAVE that place, i doubt we’ll see him achieve much relevance in the bigger overarching conflicts in the league universe anytime soon.
if league did have a main character, i’m sure he would never meet them unless they were from piltover or zaun lol
around piltover/zaun, all the academics are trying to get him to sit down with them, but overall? nah. if he went anywhere other than piltover or zaun, they would have no fucking idea who he was.
pilties HATE him! click to find out why!
no, but in seriousness, around zaun, his reputation is quite good as one of the few decent souls in the city. but in piltover, he’s just another thuggish troublemaker on a spree of petty crimes, as if zaun doesn’t already have enough of those...
shrugs. i don’t actively think about adhering to canon with every thread i write, of course, but i do think i have a pretty good handle on his character so.
SELL YOUR MUSE !( try to list everything that makes your muse interesting to make them spicy for your mutuals ) 
he is a nice sweet boy who WILL adopt every single child and will go out of his way to help those in need. he also has plenty of spunk and a real get-up-and-go kind of personality, he’s not the kind of person who likes just “hanging around” so he’s a perfect companion for someone who likes to get out and adventure as long as you don’t go outside of piltover/zaun. he’s very loyal and will stick up for his friends, even when it would be more convenient to sell them out. and of course, he’s willing to call authority figures out on their bullshit and doesn’t sit back and passively watch injustices happen.
NOW THE OPPOSITE !(  list everything why your muse could not be so interesting . even if you may not agree. what does the fandom perhaps think ?  )
he’s got abandonment issues up to HERE, and because of that, he is c l i n g y. if he gets attached to you in any way, he will NOT let you go. he will NOT get over you. he will probably keep trying to worm his way back into your life for months or YEARS because he just doesn’t know how to deal with being left.
furthermore, he represses every negative emotion he has ever felt because he feels like his problems are trivial compared to other people’s so he bottles that shit right on up like cheap cough-syrup-tastin’ whiskey. he holds onto a LOT of resentment - at piltover, at the chembarons, at himself, at the world - and because he doesn’t allow himself to DO anything with said resentment, he’s a ticking time bomb (pun fully intended). i do have... timelines... where all that internalized hostility blows up in a really messy way. and by messy, i mean bloody.
around the time i first started getting into league, a bitch was going through it. we were pretty destitute and received an eviction notice, and i had to work my ass off to keep us from losing our apartment. it was a very depressing time for everyone involved. but then i found ekko, this boy who had even less than i did but made the most of it, who always found some way to make the day better. writing him became very cathartic for me because it allowed me to take something positive away from what was one of the worst years of my life.
punk rock music, haha! especially that of billy talent. their whole dead silence album is pretty ekko, but they have a lot of bangers that remind me of him scattered across all their albums. we deserved punk rock ekko and instead we got fucking true damage because riot didn’t wanna get political, i guess. smh.
some more personal questions for the mun . give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters , which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not .
i kind of only address headcanons as they come up. very occasionally i will drop a few for a new muse just so that people get a better feel for who they are before writing them but... yeah written headcanons are pretty few and far between here. it’s really not even worth me having a headcanon banner lmao
i would like to, but writing my replies here kind of sucks up most of my time!
too confident some might say, but those people would be silly fools
sometimes i get anxiety about stupid shit but i try and often fail to be secure
nope, i ain’t changing a thing. i’m the best ekko on this site, and you are free to disagree with that because everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, but my askbox is closed to those kinds of complaints. :)
yeah, sure, although i understand why people don’t send them because i often draw blanks on what to send without somebody reblogging a headcanon meme or something. if you just reblog “send my character questions on anon!” i’m probably not gonna do it bc i have no idea what kinds of questions would even be relevant or helpful for you.
nah, everyone can do what they want. i usually won’t follow people if i don’t agree with their headcanons, but i’m not about to get all up in somebody’s business about it.
again, wrong opinion, but you’re allowed to have it and you’re also allowed to SMASH that unfollow button.
who hates ekko of all people, first of all? but second of all, i don’t care. just don’t get in my dms about it ‘cause i’ll block you. i’m not really interested in somebody bashing one of my muses to my face.
shrugs. yeah, i guess. i usually leave other people’s grammatical errors alone as long as i can read their stuff.
yeah i think so. i try to be, anyway. i like to make ooc friendships bc i find it way more satisfying and easy to write with friends. although i sound a little bitchy in parts of this, it’s mostly jokes for exaggeration effects.
tagged by: @bikmui
tagging: @storiestotell (akutagawa), @bystcrdust, @dimensionaljumper (for eliza ‘cause i always send stuff for scribe lol)
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 years
~DMing the Wrong Person; Stray Kids Hyung Line~
Bang Chan
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So, Chan is a music producer and he has around 300k followers on Instagram
You honestly only followed him because he was good looking (yeah that’s a bit shallow but you actually bothered to listen to some of his beats and now you stan his music, too)
You’re just a chill fan of his, only have his post and story notifs on because you like to keep up but you’re not obsessive
Anyways so you found this really funny post with some screenshots of his recent live (which was at like midnight...and Chan was pretty tired...you love memes, you had to take advantage of him)
Chan’s insta is @prod_cb97 and you’re just scrolling through your contacts to ‘p’ to send to your friend, but it’s late and you accidentally click Chan’s name and send it before realizing your mistake
Of course you’re like ‘omg, I have to unsend that now’, but by the time you’ve exited over to it, it already says ‘seen’???
Cue: major freakout because what the heck is happening, why is he looking at your messages
911 is this a drill it’s 2 a.m. in the morning
He finally sends a message, ‘ik i’m a meme why do you guys bully me like this’
And you’re like; ‘jkdahfds I’M SO SORRY I’LL ESCORT MYSELF OUT’
But he’s all ‘noo, I was kidding’
Then he also adds; ‘those are high quality memes, I saved them’
Like, please, Chan, those memes were so ugly and you both knew it
You don’t know what else to say so you end up being all; ‘it’s two a.m., you should be sleeping !!  us fans want you to be well rested :)’ and it sounds so weird???  
You’re not that big of the fan...
It takes him a couple minutes, but he responds; ‘music doesn’t sleep :), but thank you for the concern!’
How is he so cute and cool at the same time...you’re a little bit starstruck because you’re follower account waves at 502 and his has a big ‘k’ on the end
You decide it’s time to get sleep, but then he sends you !! another !! message !!
‘Well...you know all about me, can I know a little bit about you?  Anyone who creates such wholesome memes is worth getting to know’
Hmm, it almost sounds like a pickup line, but you’re not crazy
(okay, maybe a little, because you respond back with probably a little too much information than he had wanted and/or expected)
‘hi, I’m y/n and I’m just a uni student who likes way too many groups and people, I’m an art major at my college...’
He probably didn’t need to know that, you should stop, definitely
He replies back with three laughing emojis
Laughing emojis????  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
You panic and say; ‘why are you laughing at me???!!!!’
‘oh...I’m sorry if that offended you, I just wasn’t expecting your present life story’.
Oh.  You feel bad now.  He was just being a nice person :(((.
‘No...I’m the one who is sorry.’
There is silence
It says ‘seen’ but he’s not typing?
Oh gosh you messed up for real this time
Ahhhhhh who let you be on Instagram at two a.m. again?????
Then, out of the darkness of that ‘seen’, there comes the sweetest words you’ve ever seen.
‘Tbh I actually was really touched at those memes because I sometimes really feel like I’m only appreciated for being handsome and not for my music...but you really made me feel like a real music person who even has memes made for them, and it made me happy  💗’
You’re over here in a puddle of tears because literally you feel like a fake fan since you don’t really keep up with him and you were so shallow in the beginning.
What comes out of your fingers is; ‘haha wow.  that’s so sad because honestly you’re amazing and I have mega respect for you for being so young and doing all this stuff, also living off two hours of sleep (don’t do that).  So my tbh is that you’re awesome and I’m not and like...2 a.m. feels???’
Someone stop you before you fully word vomit all over this conversation
Yet, he replies with a ‘:)’
After five minutes, the ‘typing’ icon pops up again, and he sends; ‘i hope we can talk more, y/n’
Uhhhh heck yeah you would love that, Chan would probably regret it when he learns you’re a mess all the time, but anyways!!!
‘me too’ you opt to say, and then; ‘but first, we should both sleep’
Chan likes your message; ‘we have an agreement’ he says, and then his online flag disappears, leaving you smiling at your phone.
Kim Woojin
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Woojin actually goes to the same college as you
You have a few mutual friends and at a meet up one day you all exchanged numbers and instagram handles
Though you unfollowed a lot of those people, you personally found Woojin very cute and he posted song covers with his guitar too! and as you know, you’re a big music fan :) so you kept on following him
And he kept following you! You guys even comment on each other’s posts sometimes and join lives, as well as say hello to each other on campus
So maybe you started having an interest in him...but who’s to say?
Anyways one day you’re just bored and looking through insta stories instead of working on that big assignment that requires way to much work
Woojin’s posted a clip of a coming up cover on his story and you’re all like ‘oh that’s super cool’
Yet you have no courage to tell him that, so you’re just swiping past again when you’re sweaty fingers are all like ‘oh we would rather slide up instead of go right’ and suddenly you’ve sent a 100 sticker to him?
You’ve done what now?
You’re blessing instagram for being able to unsend things, but he has, once again, already seen it
It’s just your luck, really
‘thx so much’ he replies after liking your story response
‘ahaha...np’ you say, then add tentatively, ‘you’re so good at music, like you’re voice is so beautiful??’
‘aww, thank you~’ he says, and you let out a breath because you think the crisis has been averted, but suddenly...
‘you’re actually so good yourself! I really love your art, you’re super talented!’
(you personally think you SUCK at art but like,,,if Woojin thinks you’re good you must be a little, right?)
‘thanks but I’m not that good’ you reply with a laughing emoji
He sends you angry emojis next! and you’re like ??? what did I do wrong??
You wait anxiously as he’s typing
‘y/n, believe me when I say you and you’re art is so breathtaking’
It’s so short but...so good...you’re heart...is fluttering
Unsure of what to say, you like his message and send some soft heart emojis, unable to convey the emotion you feel right now
He sends a heart emoji right back, along with a blushy face
(what does that mean???)
You send one more heart and then the conversation is over, but you have a feeling that maybe something new has started as well
Lee Minho
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Minho is a famous model under JYP entertainment, and his handle is @youknow_itsminho 
Firstly, you’re in love with his aesthetic, because every model picture he posts is like looking at an angel without wings.
Secondly, he always goes live all the time and it’s with his cats
People who respect and love their pets??? Yes.
Lives is how it happens, actually
You’re clicking around on Instagram, watching his live, and a notification from your friend comes in.  You click on it, but your phone shorts out suddenly.
When it turns back on, it opens back up to your messages, so you quickly type out a response ‘lol’ and hit send.
It sends...but, ummm...that was not the convo you were having with your friend.
In fact, it’s to someone you’ve never even had a convo with
You quickly check the handle and, omg, it’s Minho’s account djshjkad!
When you clicked on the notification, you’re finger must have accidentally hit his account name instead.
‘At least he’s live still, so he probably won’t notice and doesn’t bother to check...’ you thought to yourself, because you were sure many people tried to talk to him since he had almost one million followers.
So you go to sleep, turn off your phone and put it face down
But you forgot to turn off your ringer
At three in the morning it goes off right in your ear, really loudly
You’re already pissed at being awake and still half asleep, so when you see it’s an Instagram notification, you automatically assume it’s your friends and reply as you would to them without bothering to read the message.
Not your finest moment,...but please, you need your beauty sleep
With that, you roll over and go back to sleep
In the morning, you wake up and go check Instagram, like you do every morning
You check your pms, but the top one shocks you so much you have to blink several times to make sure you’re not dreaming.
Minho???  He saw your ‘lol’?
Ahh...as it turns out he saw much more than just ‘lol’.
Remind you to never respond to notifications at three a.m. x.x
Then-this dude- sends you a selfie he took from snapchat or whatever with the caption ‘woken up at three a.m. from my fans’
Yes???  That’s you???  You’re sorry???
‘I’m sorry about that but dang man, no need to be so salty...’; you send
Also, you realize as you’re looking through instagram, he posted the snapshots of your message to him on his story with all these laughing emojis...THIS BOY NOW YOU’RE MAD
I mean he crossed out the handle and profile picture but you know that’s you and, really, that’s what matters right now
So you dm him again; ‘hey did you really need to post that I DIDN’T THINK I WAS THAT FUNNY’
More laughing emojis
You’re about ready to snap, but he sends you another picture with ‘i’m sorry’ scrawled over his beautiful face
You can’t help but smile at that, especially when he adds ‘i’ll talk to you tomorrow?’
‘to clear up this misunderstanding of course :)’ he is quick to add
‘of course’; you say, smiling as you log off
Seo Changbin
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Changbin is your best friend’s scary older brother
He followed you first so you followed him back for courtesy’s sake
Plus you like to laugh at his bucket hat posts...
The bucket hat posts is how it all starts
He posts another one and you’re sending it to your friend to laugh about how he looks so soulless, but...ahah...their contacts are right next to each other and maybe you accidentally clicked his?
You’re really not sure how it happened, except the message is sent to Changbin and definitely not your friend
And wow, reading it back, that sounds so mean, especially considering you sent it to the person the message was about
He’s seen it
Oh...wow...you’re really screwed
You immediately try and send an apology that goes something along the lines of ‘I AM SO SO SORRY I SWEAR I DIDN’T MEAN FOR THAT TO COME OFF SO MEAN OR ANYTHING REALLY’
He sees it again
And leaves you like that for a whole hour
Where you just kind of turn your phone off and try and do something else but the anxiety keeps you checking your phone constantly
Finally he says ‘I’m used to people making fun of me and my hat, no big deal’
But that’s actually kind of sad, so you’re all like ‘:(((’
And he’s all ‘is this conversation done’
Which kind of slaps but like it’s all your fault anyways so whatever
You find some hug gif and send it to him, and then you get radio silence before he actually sends a ‘thanks’
Hmm...you can’t read sarcasm online...
‘are you being sarcastic?’ you ask
‘no, that made me smile’ he tells you and wow, you weren’t expecting him to be quite so touched by a random gif you found 
‘i’m glad!’ you send him, and he actually sends a smiley face?
(he uses emojis? in all your years you had never pegged Seo Changbin as the emoji sending type of person. surprises happen, you guess)
‘I really am very sorry though :(’ you send again because you’re REALLY sorry
‘you’re forgiven, so don’t sweat over it haha’ he tells you
You guess that’s that but you still feel really bad about the whole situation, like you never thought you were a mean person, but that was pretty mean of you
You don’t want to bother him by apologizing again
So you just say ‘ah okay, I won’t~I hope you have a good day’
And he’s like ‘you too’
You can’t tell if he’s just using etiquette or if he really means it, but you’ll take what you can get
(you also never make fun of him or anyone ever again, having learned your lesson)
(your friend also finds out about this exchange and mercilessly teases both of you)
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101itm · 6 years
Why I Think Social Media is Bad for Your Mental Health
I know what you’re thinking. You’re writing this on tumblr, a social media outlet. Haha, jokes on you, it’s the most non-social media outlet I know. But I share these on my finsta and you’re probably thinking “ummm hypocrite.” I mostly only go on to share these posts and check up on celebrities I like. (Although night tweeting is a bad habit of mine lol)
But man oh man it’s so bad for your mental health.
Like, I really think your self esteem has a lot to do with your mental state. I think people with high self esteem tend to be in a better state of mind than someone with a low self esteem. And social media makes people with low self esteem feel even worse.
I’ll give a personal example. I hate my body, I hate the way I look, I genuinely don’t like looking at myself which is obvious because I never post on my real instagram. Every once in a while I feel kinda pretty and I post a picture on snapchat, and then I hate it a few hours later. So going on social media and looking at beautiful people with beautiful bodies is hard. That’s not to say those people shouldn’t post those pictures—I think if you’re confident in your appearance you should post about it as much as you want and shouldn’t be judged for it. No, it’s a personal problem that people with low self esteem need to figure out how to fix. Do what they need to do to feel better about themselves and not let other people’s posts make them feel bad.
People wonder why I delete twitter and instagram for months at a time, but that’s just it. My solution to my problem is to delete social media so I can take time to fix what I don’t like about myself and get into a healthy mindset.
And of course I’m sure we’ve all heard the term “Instant Gratification” often used my middle aged people to demonize younger generations for using social media (sorry, irrelevant, but it pisses me off). Post notifications for social media cause Instant Gratification—it’s a real thing. Ever notice your heart beat harder when you get a notification that someone liked your picture? Yeah, that—something some researchers have compared to getting high. It gives you that much happiness. Seriously, that’s insane!
However the issue with that is that inevitably when you post something less people will like or reshare it. One post can get hundreds of likes and the next only ten. So you won’t get as much instant gratification on those lesser posts. And that is terrible for your self esteem. Especially if you’re already someone who’s not very confident, getting less likes on something makes you think people don’t like you. That’s not the case. Some people won’t see your post because they follow so many people. Some people just won’t like it, or will scroll past. That doesn’t mean everyone suddenly hates you.
So when I do have social media, I tend to turn off my notifications. It’s why if you have me on snapchat, facebook, or instagram and you try to reach out to me you will not hear back for days at a time. I think post notifications are stupid, and I don’t want to rely on social media to dictate how I feel every day.
Now I think some people will read this and get genuinely angry. People LOVE social media. I get it! I love twitter. I hate pretty much everything else recently, but I love twitter.
(Meme town truly)
Don’t get mad! I’m not saying that social media is bad. I think social media is a wonderful idea that we tend to use the wrong way. I think it’s great for checking up on your friends and family you haven’t spoken to in a while and it’s great for sharing your ideas and spreading awareness for things you care about. I just think that we rely too much on it. We let social media dictate how we feel, how our day is going to go. Not to mention people can and will use it to bully people (i.e. The post on twitter where someone posted something about pedophiles and how love is love). People use it to piss people off and they get off on that. So don’t give them the power. You don’t like what someone’s posting? Unfollow them. You don’t like what someone is saying to you? Block them. If that person takes personal offense then that is not your problem. Nobody should get offended that someone unfollowed them for having different views.
Do not let people and social media tell you how you should feel. You know yourself, don’t lose sight of who you are.
Also, to people with anxiety:
You don’t have to reshare something because “it’ll give you bad luck if you don’t” or “you’re a bad person if you don’t” people are trying to manipulate people like you (and me—people who are superstitious and anxious about how things will play out all the time). They want to use you for likes. You will not get good luck because you shared someone’s massive paycheck and that girl from the grudge will not come into your room in the middle of the night just because you didn’t share something. This is a major downfall of social media and people that try to manipulate and prey on people for likes and reshares are low lives who have nothing better to do.
It’s going to be okay! Social media has no effect on your real life unless you let it. Use social media in a way that’ll keep you healthy and happy.
P.S. Sorry for like the week and a half wait! I’m packing to move into my dorm this Sunday and I’ve been so incredibly stressed. I haven’t cried from the stress yet, but I might just get there. Wish me luck!
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paysdemerveillles · 4 years
is it really necessary?
wednesday, 23rd december 2020
so i started getting bad vibes from instagram in around march but because of the lockdown, i used my phone quite a lot. however, i limited my followers and archived a lot of my posts and it made me feel somewhat better. after that, i’ve been trying to spend less time on social media (especially instagram) since around june-july because it kinda gives me stress and doesn’t make me feel that good. it went pretty well especially in summer, but i started to use it more again in september-october... ha.
it’s a good tool to keep in touch with friends, especially during times like these. i also learn a lot of stuff about the world and different things through social media and i especially love youtube. however, like i said, instagram has been really bothering me a lot these days... i don’t really know how to explain it, but the fact that there are “followers” and that they all are people that you know is something that feels kind of weird at times. i follow my friends obviously, but i also follow casual acquaintances and people that i just happen to know through somebody else.
earlier this year and before that i used to compare my life a lot with those people and it made me feel really bad and self-conscious about myself and my life, but now (fortunately) i’ve gotten over that. i also muted some people’s stories and it made me feel better too. i don’t necessarily have anything against those people, but they just posted things that i don’t really want to see and i don’t even know them that well. see, this is the problem - i’m following a lot of people that i barely interact with just because i “know” them. i’m always interested in my friends’ posts and most of the times we have similar interests/humour so it makes their own posts and the posts that they share interesting to me, but that’s not really the case with most of the other people.
and when somebody that i know or used to know unfollows me, it makes me wonder if they don’t like me or if i posted too much/too little/if my posts weren’t interesting enough etc etc. i know that people have the right to unfollow me and honestly i want to unfollow so many people as well, but i’m also worried if they’ll think that i have something against them (even if i don’t - if i did, them thinking that wouldn’t bother me at all honestly lol) and then it would be kind of awkward if we ever see each other again in the future. i think we base our relationships too much on social media and that’s a big problem... for example, i’ve had ex-classmates and acquaintances from hobbies unfollow me almost immediately after graduation etc. and it just makes me wonder, why did they feel the need to follow me in the first place if they’re not even interested in what i post? (i should ask myself this question too (because i also follow a lot of people that i don’t necessarily associate anymore and it’s what made me write this post in the first place)... but i think i know the answer: we need to feel that we belong to a group and are “involved” with the people around us, even if we don’t really interact in reality)
so this is why i try to stay off instagram (even though i’ve been failing miserably for the past few months - though i don’t post nearly as much as before, i just look at others’ posts quietly and talk with my friends haha). at one point i really wanted to delete it (and i still kinda want to), but everyone uses it and i was thinking if i’ll miss out on things... also, if i met someone and they said that they didn’t have instagram, i’d probably be like “huh?” at first (although i admit that it’s my problem and i very much admire people who can stay off instagram and not feel bad/troubled about it) but then again accept it pretty quickly because having social media has become the norm and we unconsciously accept it as one, but i don’t necessarily agree with this norm either.
what i like about instagram is posting photos because i like to share my interests but like i said, not all of our acquaintances and people that we “know” share our interests. i’ve noticed that some posts get more likes than others (usually those posts related to your interests or feelings without showing your face get less likes), and i’m also “guilty” of consciously not pressing like on a post that doesn’t speak to me. which is normal, i guess. but i’ve also found myself debating on whether i should post a photo or not, because “oh my god, what if people don’t react to it?”
i remember being acquaintances with this one girl that i got to know in high school because she was in my class. one day, her sister (who is 1-2 years younger than us?) started following me on instagram and i casually mentioned it to her some days after that when we were talking about something related to it. then she suddenly told me, “oh, right, she told me about it and she said that it’s annoying that you never post any selfies/don’t have a lot of selfies (i don’t remember her exact words but something along these lines)” i remember being like, huh? why in the hell would it be necessary to post more selfies, it’s my account and i post whatever i want to. plus i had never even met or talked to her sister before or even after that. actually, she unfollowed me pretty recently and to be honest, i was so relieved. tbh i’m always kinda relieved when someone that i barely talk with unfollows me, i don’t know why haha.
and this is why i want to make an account solely for my interests and those people who have similar ones can follow it and i can post without worrying too much about whether people will like it or not. like, it would be my own space to share what i enjoy. if someone unfollows me, it wouldn’t bother me because i don’t even know them personally. i like to post sceneries and other photographs more than selfies, but it seems like selfies always get more likes on my personal account. if i had an account dedicated for photography, the people following it would also be interested in photography, naturally.
this post has gotten too long and i’m too lazy to proofread it so i’ll just leave it here ~ there’s much more that i would like to discuss but it would become too repetitive. anyway, stay off social media as much as possible kids and live well in reality:)
- yours truly, a
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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Also since I’m actually going to be around the majority of the day. I’m going through another round of Follow/Unfollow. Again, this isn’t me being mean. This is mean keeping the dash clean and keeping my follower count to people I’m actually going to do things with. Reasons I Might Unfollow: 1. Inactivity for more than 2 months w/o hiatus notice (I'd most likely follow again once you're back) 2. I've reached out to RP & you never responded (Totally your prerogative if you don't think our muses mesh well I understand) 3. We plotted a thing - I made a starter - you never responded so I reached out we plotted again and nothing ever happened. (Also totally okay again your choice lol) 4. The blog is archived Reasons I Might Not Follow Back: 1. You're a NON RP blog (I don't follow personal blogs, but as long as you follow the rules of this blog and don't reblog threads you're more than welcome to follow & ask Hayley things) 2. I can't really see a way for our muses to interact/ I know nothing about your fandom/character/muse. 3. If you are an OC without a Bio. I am totally OC & Multi-Muse friendly. But I will not follow if you don't have a bio because there's no way for me to know if our muses will work well and I know nothing about your muse lol Reasons I Will Follow: 1. Um cause I want to RP with you! Haha 2. If I follow you know this: I have read your rules (because I look for specific things when following people back or following people), I have checked out some of your threads to see if I think our writing will work together (this has nothing to do with format or pretty text I always match my partners style when I reply 'cause I'm versatile like that lol. Also this might be a reason I don't follow. I might be waiting for you to have threads so I can see if we'd mesh), and I've probably read your About/Bio if there is one. This god long AF...So Im going to stop writing and do something productive like the rest of drafts lol. But yes. Have this so no one is surprised. ♥
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jenny-opm · 7 years
Tagged by @nyam​! Thanks :D Seems like you may have been having trouble with tumblr making you unfollow people? I hope that gets fixed soon! o:
Onward! (cut for length)
1: Are you named after someone? Nope! I picked out my name (Jenny) when I was 10 and immigrated to the U.S., and to this day I am very pleased with the decision of the said ten-year-old c:
2: When was the last time you cried? I always answer this question the same way lol. Last time I cried was last time I had my period. Those hormones = 3=
3: Do you like your handwriting? I learned to live with it. Not too much of a pretty thing but it’s legible :d
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Um! No preference?
5: Do you have kids? Nope!
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Mm. I’m terrible with keeping in contact with people. And the other me will ALSO be this way. THEN AGAIN BOTH OF MEs WILL LOVE OPM.
I can only see good things happening to this friendship.
7: Do you use sarcasm? I used to when I was younger. Not so much anymore!
8: Do you still have your tonsils? I think so! I don’t remember losing them!
9: Would you bungee jump? Nooooo save me
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Frosted Flakes
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nah
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically? Noooo save meee Mentally? I think I have enough in me to get by. I am able to work under pressure, even if I’d be unhappy doing so.
13: What is your favorite ice cream? Ever, ever? Chocolate. But of course, all ice cream is good.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Uh, I’m not sure. Their hair? Eyes? Somewhere in the face area? 15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I’m gaining some weight due to inactive lifestyle :( It’s bothering me, and the fact that it’s bothering me is also bothering me :x
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black, barefeet.
17: What are you listening to right now? Love on Top, cover by Rachel Horter
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Probably something pink? That’s the feedback I’d get anyways, haha!
19: Favorite smell? (Slightly) sweet perfume.
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My dad.
21: Favorite sport to watch? None.
22: Hair color? Black.
23: Eye color? Dark brown
24: Do you wear contacts? Nope! Glasses for me!
25: Favorite food to eat? Anything someone else will cook for me! It’s so much work to cook for myself!
26: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy! Though I’m not too big of a movie person.
27: Last movie you watched? UM. I watched a movie in class? Does that count? (It was Babette’s Feast)
28: What color of shirt are you wearing? White.
29: Summer or winter? Winter!
30: Hugs or kisses? HUGS! GIVE ME ALL OF THEM!
31: What book are you currently reading? Do my textbooks count?
32: Who do you miss right now? A healthier me, lol
33: What is on your mouse pad? Some interdisciplinary info and stuff, it was a free mousepad I got at a conference.
34: What is the last TV program you watched? UM. I’d have to go back to my highschool years? I haven’t watched TV since then...
35: What is the best sound? The soft whine that escapes from Genos’ lips as Saitama pulls away from an affectionate kiss c:
What? That is the best sound = -=////
even if it’ll only exist in text form
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles?
I’m sure they’re both great!
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? To S.Korea!
38: Do you have a special talent? Not any I can think of at the moment!
39: Where were you born? S. Korea!
Tagging: @genos-idea, @sal-reblogs, @konorai, @rayadraws, @the-nysh
As always, do it if you feel like it! Thanks for reading!
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