#def not crying
kriseatsrocks · 1 year
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jadedrrose · 1 year
I don’t wanna come of as if I’m complaining, but I’ve noticed a huge decline in how well my works are doing. Is there something I changed that you guys don’t like? How could I do better if that’s the case? Any (kind!) advice is welcome
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beif0ngs · 11 months
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C'mon heart, beat loudly again! 💓
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whydoifeelthisquiet · 2 years
hi!! I love you and your blog, you’ve got nothing but positive vibes ❤️
THIS MADE MY DAY. I loooove youuuuu. Thank you so much 😭♥️
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cheetahf · 6 months
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Starlo fight in pacifist be like
Og image under cut + alt version
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pixlokita · 7 months
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Another trade/ collab this time a crossover between @cookieruma29 ‘s vengeful Evan AU and into the ballpit AU✨
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Bruce coming to the realization that his children are grown up.
Like this man is huge, he used to absolutely dwarf his little Robins, and could carry each of them in one arm at some point.
This man will hug one of his kids and realize they no longer fit under his arm anymore, that some of them are, and will become taller than him.
He'll probably reminisce how his children used to hide under his cape whenever they felt scared or just wanted to have fun, and Bruce realizes that they're all so grown that they can't really do that anymore and that they don't really need to rely on their dad to protect them now, and I bet he just tears up at that.
He'll just be sitting in his office, looking at all his children's photos from when they were younger and he'll feel so proud at how far they've come, but also a little devastated at how he can't just scoop his kids up and shield them from everything the world throws at them.
I bet when Bruce is especially in his feels, he'll just think about when he first got each of them and how small and cute they all were, how they all slowly began to see him as their father, how they used to crawl into his bed when they wanted his comfort :')
Bruce will just think about how they each brought joy back into his life and how he'd literally do anything to keep them safe cuz those are his babies.
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transjudas · 1 year
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Instead of “trust me!”, Frank screamed “you’ll never kill me!” at the second Melbourne, Australia show. (x)
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nobie · 2 months
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"Now we get to choose who we want want to be." "Like what?" "Whatever we want kid. Whatever we want."
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seldompathic · 6 months
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How irresponsible of him
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reminder as we approach the bg3 release.. you're going to see people who play differently than you, interact with your fave characters differently than you and have headcanons that do not overlap with yours. scroll and move on, complain with your friends but at the end of the day accept not all content is for you lol. don't harass people like an absolute goblin
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takethebodymarc · 1 month
im a fucking mess yall
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tricoloured-cat · 1 year
BSD Wan! Chapter 155
A Story when the ADA was Newly Founded
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ik i said no more amateur translations but... i had to HAHAHA
Fukuzawa Tries to Dad! Honestly this has the same energy as the omake with Kunikida and Higuchi being part of a forum to vent about their work life lol
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this whole 5 minutes is him throwing in the towel because he knows he's out of his depth here 😭
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lovetals · 10 months
slight warning about spoilers for the fontaine update, mainly just about neuvillette so like be warned ig—but anyways—
you know how ppl say dragons hoard treasure and shit and will gift them to the one they love as a way to ask them out? and and you know how it’s basically canon that neuvillette is the hydro dragon??
cause i just recently had a dream where neuvillette keeps dropping his trinkets into the tip jar at your work and you and your coworkers have no idea what the hell those things are
you find so many things; small charms, tiny gems, rings—literally anything precious-looking will show up in that jar by the end of your shift, yet none of you know what to do with them
meanwhile neuvillette is just rushing out of the cafe/restaurant/shop/whatever with shaky hands and a fast beating heart. his mind keeps racing with thoughts overlapping one another with various questions like “will you like it?”, “was he being too bold?”, etc.
it’s not until he runs into someone (like furina or a melusine) that they point out 2 major flaws in his plan: did you even know that he’s the one leaving them behind? and did you know that they were meant to be gifts for you?
just just someone plz say they understand where i’m getting at here my brain has become dumb
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vyeoh · 5 months
My hot take for today is that anyone who thinks be more chill is cringe hates fun and also missed the entire lesson of the musical
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