#also ''laughs in pixiv''
madokasoratsugu · 1 year
kyara/baku and hal/baku are such good ships....genuinely adore how their relationships are written. the series could have gone with either romance and itd have been amazing....its choosing your fate vs an ordained destiny.
both playing on an innate trust in each other, differing in the ruthless abandonment if the trust is broken but knowing they will return eventually; two people this similar cannot survive unless revolving around one another, vs chasing one person to the ends of the earth, even if they are no longer waiting for you; two people so different their worlds must revolve around the other or risk their own imploding. it’s the magnetism, the desire to continue choosing each other, even when forgotten, even when dying.
you must belong to/with me, because where else can you be? where else can i?
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aurivore · 11 months
bites him. ( from enkidu, if it's not obvious )
The King gives little by way of an initial reaction, if any at all. No, he’s used to this.
        Subduing wild beasts and putting them in their place.
“My, kuli. Has my absence encouraged your fangs to grow blunt?”
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    “Shall I remind you how a real lion uses its teeth?”
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katabay · 8 months
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“My dear Victor,” cried he, “what, for God’s sake, is the matter? Do not laugh in that manner. How ill you are! What is the cause of all this?”
“Do not ask me,” cried I, putting my hands before my eyes, for I thought I saw the dreaded spectre glide into the room; “he can tell. Oh, save me! Save me!” I imagined that the monster seized me; I struggled furiously and fell down in a fit.
Poor Clerval! What must have been his feelings? A meeting, which he anticipated with such joy, so strangely turned to bitterness. But I was not the witness of his grief, for I was lifeless and did not recover my senses for a long, long time.
This was the commencement of a nervous fever which confined me for several months. During all that time Henry was my only nurse. I afterwards learned that, knowing my father’s advanced age and unfitness for so long a journey, and how wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth, he spared them this grief by concealing the extent of my disorder. He knew that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than himself; and, firm in the hope he felt of my recovery, he did not doubt that, instead of doing harm, he performed the kindest action that he could towards them.
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley (CHAPTER 5)
ah, to be cared for! the unconditional depth and gentleness of it. also have you guys ever listen to the ost for the korean frankenstein musical. sometimes I think about how musical!victor uses his henry's (dupre in the musical, not clerval, but henry all the same) head for his creation. that's also an unconditional something!!
ngl I considered attempting a full bernie wrightson homage for this, but then I thought about how I like having fun and that would totally ruin my hands for the week and settled for drawing a bunch of lines until I got tired of drawing lines lmao
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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brother-emperors · 4 months
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lmao the rival dynasts are fighting and they're fucking it up for everyone else at a record pace
this tweet made me laugh, and I frequently make political comparisons between these specific groups of people, so now it's finally a comic
regarding the OctavianOctaviaAntony Uniteam Alliance
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Octavia Minor and the Transition from Republic to Empire, Katrina Moore
in the red panel, which is an obvious anachronistic soup of events happening all at once: we have on the left: messalla corvinus
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Alternative Memoirs: Tales from the ‘Other Side’ of the Civil War, Kathryn Welch
and then octavia (in despair & weaponizing that sacrosanctity to turn rome against antony), some kids (the two closest to antony are the twins, but tbh you can just kind of. pick whoever from the soccer team of kids antony had)
octavian and antony's back and forth is referencing suetonius augustus 68 and 69 (specifically: Antony also writes to Augustus [...] "What has made such a change in you? Because I lie with the queen? She is my wife. Am I just beginning this, or was it nine years ago? What then of you — do you lie only with Drusilla? Good luck to you if when you read this letter you have not been with Tertulla or Terentilla or Rufilla or Salvia Titisenia, or all of them. Does it matter where or with whom you take your pleasure?") and also the whole. thing. about antony's will. that sure was something.
the herod comment from kleopatra is referencing all of this
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Mark Antony: A Biography, Eleanor Huzar
AND FINALLY. the art in the inset panels are from The Roses of Heliogabalus, Lawrence Alma-Tadema
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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enden-k · 24 days
I've been following you since before you started Genshin, back when you were doing Fate/Grand Order art. I've stuck with your art as you've jumped from fandom to fandom, and I love your style so much... BOTH old and new style. But I think the fact that you are just so nonchalant about deleting anything old you ever make to the point of encouraging others to like your own content JUST so you can delete it is just too much for me. I've seen you encourage that at least twice now. That is actually discouraging for people when it comes to engaging with content. Someone liking a piece and engaging with it increases it's chances of deletion? I can't understand.
Yes, sure, it's your work. You do it for free. At the end of the day it's your choice what happens to it. But it pains me to see you delete anything old, even works of yours I enjoy. I'm considering unfollowing, as much as I want to see you continue on your art journey even when it jumps to fandoms unfamiliar, because I can't get attached to your work when I have no idea when it's going to disappear from the internet forever at any point.
??? im not encouraging people to like my old stuff so i can delete it, and people liking my stuff doesnt increase its chance of deletion. i tend to joke to hide the fact that it actually DOES make me a bit nervous but there is STILL plenty of my old things on tumblr, twitter and pixiv. most of the stuff i deleted were old ass replies to make navigation easier. and most of the art pieces i deleted are ones i either made while in very bad mental space or because i connect unpleasant memories of certain people with it (im not vagueing anyone here, we go separate ways)
i also sometimes just forget about things i meant to delete later or find pieces that make me feel uncomfortable/embarrassed and i have every right to delete those. im still insecure about my art and i get uncomfortable when people compliment me too much bc it still feels undeserving. it always was like this. sometimes its so bad i just want to delete my entire blog and never pick up a pen again. its not often anymore that i react like this but sometimes i get this violent reaction when i see "faulty" old art of mine i feel very embarrassed about. perfection is bs ofc etcetc but when it comes to my own things i get embarrassed when people see my faults or rlly bad art and i dont want anyone to make fun of me again, to laugh at me for making a mistake or being bad at something ever fucking again.
you want to see my old art? here you go. its still here. its all here.
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if you want to unfollow me, please, go ahead. people can do whatever they want and im not forcing anyone here to stay. do whatever feels right and comfortable to you, thats the most important thing.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 months
Considering the undeniable fact that Edelgard was written for men and not them, what do you think that says about her lesbian fans? Are they following the wrong character? Or better question, does she truly have a significant sapphic fandom to begin with?
This is a difficult question for me to answer directly, because I'm not a lesbian. I've gotten a variety of comments from queer women addressing issues related to this on my relevant videos, with the range of responses being overall mixed. Even those who can enjoy Edelgard as a bi option (and/or her other F/F prospects) are usually still aware of IS's blatant misogyny in the way they handle their female characters, and acknowledge that these conversations are useful to have.
I think Monica's writing in Hopes sums up very well just how little the writers of these games are thinking about lesbians when they craft these characters and situations. Monica's attraction to Edelgard is treated as one long joke at her own expense, one that Edelgard appears to humor at best but never really understands. It's especially galling because this is the same game that takes a remarkably sober approach to Shamir's attraction to women, both in general and to Catherine specifically. There's also the matter of the M/M subtext, which as ever exists in a blind spot of straight male writers. With Dimidue alone, we have a situation where men are saying stuff like "You are irreplaceable, cherished" and "I cannot know happiness without you by my side" and holding hands and each other's gazes for something like fifteen seconds in an animated cutscene...and still expect us to believe that that's only platonic devotion. (As far as lord + retainer ships go, hold up Monigard and Dimidue side-by-side, and it's very obvious that IS is laughing at the former and isn't aware that the latter could even have romantic dimensions.)
The majority of IS's sapphic material exists in a different, though comparable blind spot: that lesbians exist as profitable titillation for straight men, and are always subject to the male gaze and the potential interposition of a male proxy for the audience (the Avatar, usually) because women's attraction toward one another isn't something to be taken seriously. Out of the various examples of F/F subtext and text in the entirety of FE, I feel like I could claim Heather from Radiant Dawn as maybe the only instance where the writers were thinking of actual queer women - and even then Heather is still mostly mild comic relief.
(As far as "following the wrong character" goes re: the fandom faction wars, there's always been the consistent irony that Rhea is subject to much of the same open objectification, ex. her summer duo alt with F!Byleth, and even gets to be a same-sex S rank as well. Humorously, this parallel or its implications is pretty much never brought up whenever Rhea's getting roasted as the Worst Ever.)
It's difficult to tell exactly how much of Edelgard's fanbase is sapphic. Of course Tumblr and AO3 skew queer as a rule, but those are just two sites; there's also Twitter and Reddit and SF and GameFAQs and 4chan and art sites like Pixiv and DeviantArt. We also know for a fact that at least two of the most prominent and combative elements in the pro-Edelgard side of the fandom are straight/bi men producing F/F Edeleth fanwork...which I remark on only as a counter to the frequent accusation that Dimitri fans are all horny fujoshi. How that does or doesn't play into what you're asking is hard to say - although one of them tends to get rather pissed when anyone brings something like that up and may still be stalking my blog.
It'll be interesting to see what troll anons I get now.
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oxymorayuri · 8 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟿
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 »
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: 序川_ on pixiv
Story: The princess of Tanata
(Long Fic)
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters.
Spoiler: none
Warnings: none
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 2168
Text in italics emphasizes the reader’s thoughts
Bold and italic text emphasizes Law's thoughts *~*
Tagging: @slytherinambitious - @sassyyassi - @norasincubi
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You're on this strange ship again.
The 'Yellow Wonder' as you thought the other day. You look around curiously, the deck is quite simple but it is quite exciting to be on a ship.
Once upon a time, it was common on Tanata for people to sail on ships. You have read all the history books and writings about your own past.
The past of Tanata.
No matter what the written records say, there is not a single trace of ships on the island. The people of Tanata have not sailed for centuries…
"Princess?" - You flinch slightly and turn to look into the troop leader's eyes.
"Hey, don't scare me like that Ambrosios!" You put your hand on your chest.
" Sorry not sorry… but I have to tell you that there might be a problem…" - "Ahh man…" Annoyed, you put your hands on your hips.
Ambrosios does the same, but instead of an annoyed expression, he grins cheekily at you. When you notice how he copies you, you snort.
That cheeky guy.
You two have known each other since you were kids, he's Anatol's son and was raised to be a warrior. You've always trained together.
Your eyes roam over his upper body.
He is definitely not badly built, his armor is designed in such a way, that you can still see his impressive muscles.
"You know, princess, you don't have to stare, you are allowed to touch." He comes closer to you but you laugh and push his face away from you, kicking him lightly in the side.
"Come on. Tell me about the problem." He's always been like this and he's like this with everyone, but you know that he doesn't get into bed with everyone. You've always wondered why he never had a serious relationship.
"Not only is the ship stuck, it's also stuck in mud. It's much harder to get it out and we could end up damaging the ship." - "Do you have any ideas, my princess?" He leans down slightly towards you, his blond hair falling slightly in his face. He's quite the pretty boy, you have to admit.
But you just don't like blonde. You like the opposite.
Without intention, you glance over at Law.
Ambrosios follows your glance. You quickly look back at him, luckily he can't hear what you're thinking.
"I think, I have an idea… Someone has assured me that he could be of great help."
A smile appears on your face that Ambrosios has never seen before. It's a sort of cunning one.
With Law as your target, you make your way over to him. He was with a few soldiers and had his back turned to you. When the soldiers saw you, they interrupted the conversation and stood up straight.
Law didn't miss this behavior and turned around.
"Princess-ya." - "Princess.ya?" Ambrosios asks a little bewildered… and a little pissed off, because it seems so intimate… but you don't realize that anyway.
"Hey Law, do you have any ideas what we can do? Your ship is stuck in the mud and we can't lift it out of the river." - "I can deal with it, but there's one thing that needs to be done first."
Curiously, you watch as the soldiers heave a tree trunk onto the huge wagon where the ship should be placed.
Law said it was necessary and you are looking forward to what comes next.
"Okay, everything should work now." Law says casually as he claps his hands.
With a firm stance, he raises an arm and his low voice echoes a 'Room!
You've heard that before…
First you recognize a small swirl forming in his palm, which becomes a growing dome.
The dome surrounded you, the ship and the wagon that was positioned right next to the ship. He paused briefly and you hear him say 'Shambles'.
Suddenly the ship disappears from your sight and in the next moment you hear the loud creaking sound of Law's ship, which appears on the cart.
With your mouth open, you look in amazement at the Jolly Roger's broad grin as the log falls into the river.
Your gaze goes over to Law, who takes one step backwards.
"That was awesome Law!" - Law smiles at you, a little drained. You immediately recognize his irregular breathing and slight dark circles under his eyes.
"Are you all right?" you approach him worriedly. He quickly collects himself and tries to adopt a composed posture.
"Swapping such large object takes a lot of energy." You look at him sympathetically as Ambrosios steps to his side and places a hand on his shoulder. He is slightly taller and broader than Law.
"That was pretty useful, we'll take it from here." And walks past him to the wagon, where the other soldiers are getting ready.
Although Ambrosio might not look like it, if you can win him over, especially with strength, you'll have his respect.
"Pretty cool, I must say." - "Thanks, you could say I control the room" - "Sounds familiar…".
For a moment you both just smile at each other and it feels like time stands still. You definitely won't be the first to look away. You're enjoying the sensation waaaay too much.
"Aheem." comes from the side and you both look to Ambrosios who comes slightly between you to talk to you.
"We're ready then."
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After securing the ship at the city border, you say goodbye to the soldiers and make your way back to the palace.
Now it's just the two of you…
Even if you want to ask a thousand things, you remain silent. At first it was a bit awkward again, but as time went on you found it quite pleasant. You become very calm around Law.
"Hey Law, when we get back I could do something to make you feel good."
What on earth did this woman say?
A little surprised, he looks down at you and raises an eyebrow.
"A-Also, only if you want to, of course." - "What do you mean?" he looks down at you sceptically.
Only then you realize what you actually said and turn bright red!
"UHH I MEAN… of course I meant that I can heal you!" Ashamed, you bury your face in your hands.
Oh my God, why do you express yourself so incredibly silly, huh?
It is now impossible to look Law in the face and you go your way in silence. You are glad when you arrive at Hera's palace and a few pirates greet you.
"Captain!!!!!!" Bepo comes running towards you.
"How's the Polar Tang??" - "Fine, it's safe at the edge of town. I would say that you help the people with the repairs. After all, it's not a normal ship." The Mink saluted his captain and scurried off to gather a couple crew members.
Law looks down at you. You can feel his eyes on you and carefully look up at him.
"You said you could heal me?" you nod hastily at him.
"All right, I suggest we go to my room," he adds as he makes his way to the stairs.
Once in his room, you suddenly feel like a complete stranger. It's your home and yet you're still tense.
Law makes himself comfortable on the sofa and looks at you expectantly.
You stand a little lost in the room. The thought of what you're about to do suddenly makes you feel strange. You start to feel a little uneasy at the thought of healing Law.
You sit down next to Law with your upper body facing him.
"Ready?" you ask as you carefully reach for his hand. With your delicate hands, you hold Law's hand and bring it to your lips.
Your warm lips meet Law's cool skin. With your eyes closed, you try to concentrate on his exhaustion.
Even if Law doesn't show it, he is literally overwhelmed by the warm feeling running through him. It feels as if waves are flooding his body without him feeling drowned. He feels rather light and safe.
He has never felt so good. Now he understands why you said it like that.
He closes his eyes. It's not that he feels like he is intoxicated by the feeling… it's more that he feels calmer than ever before.
He opens his eyes slightly to look down at you. Your lips are still on his hand. His gaze wanders from your long eyelashes to your full lips.
Why did she have to kiss Luffy and me when it was just a simple touch with Penguin?
A little tired, you let go of Law's hand. You used quite a lot of power yesterday and although it was only a small effort, it's quite noticeable now.
Law, on the other hand, spreads his arms out on the backrest and leans his head back with closed eyes.
The way you're both sitting, with your upper body still facing him, it looks like he's putting an arm around you. Exhausted, you lean back against the sofa. You don't care that you're touching Law's arm, and Law doesn't seem to mind either as you enjoy a moment in silence.
"Princess-ya?" - "Mhmm?"
"When you healed Penguin on the ship, you only had to touch him but you kissed me and Luffy… why?" - "It depends on how bad the damage or injury is…." You take his hand in your small hands and let some of your power flow into him.
"Can you tell the difference?" - Law nods silently at you.
"I'm not sooo good at controlling people's time yet… or rather, I can't without skin contact. There were some devil fruit users who could do it without any contact but I guess I'm a bit too uncontrolled… as my grandfather always swears." You can't help grinning.
"I build a direct connection that way, otherwise I'd use up too much energy myself." - "Why don't you heal yourself?" - "I can't."
He lifts his head straight up to look at you. Tired, you look into his eyes.
"You can't?" - "Yep. I've tried but nothing happens when I touch myself. I know from the old writings and stories that there were devil fruit users who could do it, but I never learned." You say with a hint of bitterness.
Law studies your face. Your large e/c eyes gaze into his stormy gray.
"Do you want it?" - "Absolutely." your eyes sparkle with passion. "But grandfather won't let me. There was a terrible incident back then and I strained my powers so much that I unleashed a terrible force…" You hold on to your arms and gaze into the distance.
"Apparently I've released something that's never been seen before. A power so terrible that it almost killed me. Since then, my grandfather has forbidden me from using my powers like that…"
You can't control yourself and a tear flows down your cheek.
You don't know what happened back then. You only know that it must have been so terrible because you were in a coma for a year. When you woke up again, you realized that your grandfather had burned all the textbooks that could help you with your techniques. In general, there were some forbidden techniques, but none of the previous users had ever been able to do what you did.
With his thumb, Law wipes away your tear and smiles kindly at you. You return a weak smile and the black haired man leans back again. He looks up at the ceiling a little thoughtfully and closes his eyes.
"You know, I feel really good."
You're glad Law can't see your face. You notice his attempt to refer to your words from before and lean back with a grin. You close your eyes and wonder why you feel so good... Even though you've remembered so many bad things.
After all you've known Law for less than 48 hours, you have shed a tear in front of him. Even if it was just one…
Law's voice, calm manner and slight arrogance trigger feelings in you that you've only read about in books.
It feels strange… No, rather good.
After a while, you say your goodbyes to Law. You're quite sleepy and if you don't get up now, you'll fall asleep and that would create DRAMA.
You can imagine the headline on the newspaper 'HOLY PRINCESS WITH PIRATE!!!'
When you get to your room, you throw yourself into bed. Your face is buried in the pillow.
What exactly do you feel? Is it sheer curiosity? No.
With the question still unanswered, you fall deeply asleep.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
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It's almost 2 in the morning. I'm off to bed now. Nightie Babes!
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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13as07 · 7 months
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Object #6
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,453
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Characters: Kisame, Hidan, Deidara, Itachi
Kakuzu gets a turn being an NPC
Also, I made Deidara a soft baby in this but the poor kid was so young when he joined (same goes for Itachi) so I 100% believe he’d melt at any gentleness he received, so sorry not sorry
Kakuzu's unwanted watchful eyes scan the forest edge as I swim around the pond. Unlike last time, I get to enjoy the water instead of my attention being on the numbing pain that was shooting through my body. Now and again the old man grumbles about having to babysit me or how better he could spend his time.
Another grumble is cut off by a "Kakuzu?" ringing out in the empty and quiet space.
Both our heads turn towards the sound, being met with the green-tinted want-to-be shark. "Kisame!" I cheer, popping further out of the water so he can see me better. "You need to stop running into me like this."
"Hello, Guppy. Your swimsuit is... nice," he mutters before turning away from me. Kisame focuses on the older member, mutters about some jinchuuriki Nagato wants to talk to him about. That gets another grumble and an order to take over my babysitting from Kakuzu before he starts heading inside. "Guppy," Kisame mumbles again.
     "Hello!" I call back, sinking into the water again. I go back to enjoying the water, soaking in the chilliness of it as I float around.
The sound of shuffling catches my attention, making me glance back to the pond side. Kisame is slowly stripping, tugging his shirt and pants off, leaving him in his boxers. Like the last time I was home, Mr gills slips into the water, making ripples fill the pond. "Come here, Guppy."
     My movements are slow as I paddle over to the aquatic man. Once I'm within arm’s length, he shifts forward, wrapping me in his hold before he settles me on his back.
     Kisame swims around the pond as my hands cling to him. I enjoy the calmness of it, my chin resting on his shoulder as close to his neck as possible, the rest of me weighing on his back as he floats around. "Kisame?"
     "If I asked Pain to get koi fish for the pond, would you eat them?"
     I'm shaken a bit as he laughs at my questions, his sharp teeth shining as he chuckles. "No, I would not eat them. Your koi fish would be safe from me."
     He shifts his direction, hands wrapped around my legs as he walks around backward. My fingers tiptoe across his chest, enjoying the feeling of his pecs under my touch. "Kisame?"
     "You are very chatty today," he grumbles, tipping his head back to look at me.
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, laying my head back down as I toy with the skin of his shoulders, the chuck of it closest to the gills sliced into him.
     "I don't mind it. It was just an observation."
     I stay silent for a while, rolling my question over in my head. "What would happen if I touched your gills?" I whisper, tracing the skin again, being careful not to touch the slits that flutter with the water running over them.
     "Gills are a fragile organ. They get damaged easily, so if you touched them, they'd start bleeding," Kisame explains, changing direction again, floating forward like before.
     I back my hands away, settling them on his neck with the fear of accidentally hurting the mist shinobi.  My eyes still trail over his gills though, watching them flap. "How do they work?"
     "You don't know how gills work?" He teases, chuckling at me again.
     "I do! I just don't know how they work for you since you breathe normal air too."
     Another round of laughter fills the space, the pond water still sliding over us as Kisame carries me in circles. "I don't know how to explain it to you, Guppy. It just kind of happens. It's not something I think about."
     "That makes sense, I don't think I'd be able to explain how to breathe either."
     He hums in agreement, his grip on my legs being used to shift me to his torso. Kisame lets himself settle on the surface of the water, floating like a raft as he adjusts my placement. I'm settled on his waist, legs dangling in the water as he freely floats. His eyes flicker shut as he grips my knees, making sure I don't slip off of him. "You are quite the curious thing."
     "I just like to know how things work," I answer, propping my elbows on his chest before I settle my head in my hands. I watch his gills again as I continue to rest against his body. The gills on his face flap now and again when water splashes up and runs over them.
     "Let me think about how to explain it for a while. When I come to an answer I'll give it to you, alright?"
     "Alright," I mutter, laying my arms and head on his chest, letting my eyes flutter shut too.
     There’s banging on the bathroom door, interpreting my peaceful shower. What would have been my peaceful shower considering I just stepped into it. “Angel? My Angel? Open the door. Please open the door, my pretty gift from Jashin!” Hidan’s voice rings out, further ruining my peace. My ignorance of him only gets me more banging and screeches for me. As I hoped, continuing to ignore him gets me what I want. Silence and my peaceful atmosphere.
The sound of the door slamming against the wall and the shower curtain being tugged open fills the room. “It is not nice to ignore me, Angel,” Hidan says, eyes scanning my naked body as he stands on the other side of the open curtain. “You smell weird.”
“I just got out of the pond, Hidan, hence the shower,” I mutter, sliding the curtain back closed.
The cloth is snapped back open, causing the chilled air of the hideout to fight with the warm water of the shower. “I want to talk to you,” the sadist whines, eyes drinking me up again.
“And I would like to not smell like the pond anymore, so wait until I’m done.”
“Nope,” he answers, keeping a grip on the curtain as he settles on the ground. I watch him unhappily as he crosses his legs, taking up a permanent space on the bathroom floor.
“Get out,” I try ordering, already knowing it’s a pointless battle. I cling to the shower curtain too, trying to tug it back closed but it’s as pointless as our verbal fight.
“No, shut up and shower if that’s what you want to do. I’m going to sit here and talk to you,” Hidan grumbles, standing up long enough to undo the curtain. Once it’s off the rod, he throws it out the bathroom door, ending our physical battle. “I asked Jashin to bless you with safe travels,” he tells me, falling back to his spot on the tiles.
“In the name of Jashin,” I grumble, turning the heat of the water up in hopes it’ll counter the involuntary airflow.
“Don’t use our lord’s name in vain, Angel. You’re going to upset him.”
“Your lord,” I correct, shifting under the water to let it soak into my hair and skin.
“Our lord,” he continues, leaning against the edge of the tub. “Either way he granted my prayers so we should thank him when you’re done showering.”
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?” I ask, focusing on coating my hair with shampoo.
“Oh! You should wash my hair too!” Hidan cheers, abounding our previous conversation as he jumps to his feet. He leans into the shower, head dipped onto my shoulder as it’s coated in water. His hands rest on my waist, gripping my wet skin. “The water is hot.”
“Ya? Probably because you left the door open and took away the shower curtain,” I grumble, coating my fingers in shampoo before running it through his hair, working out whatever product he uses to keep it slicked back.
“I like it,” he purrs, pressing kisses into my shoulder.
“Go figure, weirdo,” I say, a soft laugh following the words as I focus on clearing the soap from his hair. I shift us forward, letting the water work the shampoo out of my hair too as my fingers focus on working conditioner through Hidan’s locks.
“As I was saying,” he starts, switching back to our previous conversation. “I prayed every day to Jashin hoping he’d bring you back safely to me. Usually, I wouldn’t waste my time praying for the safety of a mortal but you’re pretty dumb so I figured you could use the extra help.”
I hum along with Hidan’s backhanded speech, barely listening as I continue my handicapped shower. More empty words and the name ‘Jashin’ fall from him about a hundred more times before I reach for my towel. “That sounds wonderful, Hidan. Thank you for keeping up with my prayers for me,” I mutter, figuring the change of pace would be nice.
I get what I want, praises for my acceptance of Jashin spilling from the immortal instead of degrades for being an ‘unfaithful follower’. “I still think you should come to pray with me, even if it’s later than normal,” Hidan says, his hands clinging to my arms now that I’m running the towel through his hair.
“And I still think that’ll lead you into trouble with Pain,” I voice my thoughts, dipping the towel down to wipe up the water that has soaked through his robes, dampening his neck and shoulders. “You lack self-control, which will end with you hanging in a tree for a couple of hours again.”
He thinks over it for a while, brushing kisses against my shoulders again. “You are right. I’ll do your prayers again today, but as soon as your time limit is up we’re going to pray together.”
“Whatever you say, Hidan,” I mutter, wrapping the towel around me before climbing out of the shower. The religious nut follows me into Pain’s bedroom, still blabbering about his God. “Sounds good,” I continue to mumble, tuning him out once again.
“‘Do you ever wait for the longest day of the year,’” I read out loud, toying with Hidan’s drying hair as I read to him. It took some convincing but I managed to get him to lay down and shut up long enough to get some sort of peace. “‘And then miss it?’” I continue, wrapping a strand around my fingertips.
“There’s not a longest day of the year, they’re all the same length,” he mutters from my lap, trying to sit up again. “Your book is stupid.”
“It’s talking about daylight, dumbie,” a voice calls from the doorway, piquing both of our interests. Standing in the door frame is the equally hotheaded bomber, looking disgusted with Hidan’s unawareness.
“You’re one to talk, annoying little shit,” Hidan grumbles, rolling off of me before crawling out of the bed. “Later Angel, you enjoy your clay boy.”
“They’re bombs! I make bombs!” Deidara fights back, fluffing himself up as Hidan sneaks out of the room past him. “I make bombs,” he repeats, turning his attention towards me.
“I know, Baby,” I coo, patting the spot next to me in the bed.
Deidara does walk closer but doesn’t sit down like I signaled him to. Instead, he wraps me up in his arms, carrying me out of the room as he nuzzles against me. His head switches around, jumping from my shoulder to my neck to my chest until he starts the cycle again.
“Firecracker?” He mumbles into my chest, nuzzling me with his nose. I’m resting against the wall next to his door, his body presses into me to keep me in place as he fiddles with the door handle.
I hum a yes, toying with his ponytail. Deidara’s hands settle under my thighs again, keeping me pressed against him as I’m brought into his room. “I want to make another video.”
“Oh, Baby,” I coo, carefully undoing his hair. “You heard Pain at dinner, you have to wait - ”
“Not like that,” he grumbles, setting me on his bed before running his fingers through his newly loose hair. “I have a different video idea,” he mutters, leaving me to go searching for something, probably his video camera.
“What’s your idea?” I ask, leaning back in his blankets. My eyes trail after him, watching him shuffle through stuff in search of his camera.
“You like reading to all of us.”
“Not all of you, but a lot of you guys, yes,” I correct, letting my eyes flutter shut, soaking in the familiar clay scent of Deidara’s room. The clay smells weird but in a calming way.
“I mi… didn’t like not getting to hear you reading while you were gone,” he whispers, his voice seeming closer despite the quiet tune of it.
I flicker my eyes back open, being met by Deidara hovering over me, video camera, and a book in tow. He looks even more baby-faced with his hair down, cupping his cheeks. Maybe that’s why he’s my favorite, because of how easy it is to love on him, because of how gentle he is outside of his sexual explorations, because of how simple his requests for attention tend to be.
“So…” I ask, lifting my hand. He leans down, letting me cup his cheeks as my fingertips toy with the blonde strands of his hair. “Do you want to take a video of me reading to watch when we’re apart?”
“Bsh… no,” he answers, cheeks starting to turn a bright red. “That would be so childish and so not badass S-ranked rouge ninja of me… but if you want to do that I won’t stop you.” The last half is added on quickly like he didn’t breathe while pushing the words out.
“Explosion,” he whispers, eyes falling shut as he soaks in the feeling of my hand against his face.
“I would like to make a video of me reading to you.”
“That’s so lame, but I guess we can do that,” he mutters, reluctantly pulling away from my touch. Once again my eyes trail after him, watching as rests the book on the side table before he sets up the camera.
When the recorder is set up, Deidara is quickly back by my side, wrapping me up in his arms again. He settles himself behind me, wrapping around me like a blanket. I sort myself out, getting comfortable wrapped up in the terrorist’s limbs before I rest against his chest.
“What should I read, Baby?” I ask, continuing to keep my tune soft and airy. An arm is untangled from our knotted ball of body parts, quickly sliding back into place once the discarded book is placed on the bedsheets.
My fingertips slide over the smooth cover of the book, wrapping around it to tug it closer. I flip through the pages, looking for the table of contents before scanning the short stories, and finally picking one. “Once upon a time,” I start after flipping to the right page. “A rich man’s wife became sick, and when she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, ‘Dear child, remain pious and good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you’.”
Deidara’s arms tighten around me, trying to hug me closer as I read the fairy tale out loud. His head buries into my neck, continuing to nuzzle me as I read to him, making my voice permanent in the world. His small “thank you” is almost drowned out by my voice, but I still hear it, even if he didn’t mean me to.
“With this she closed her eyes and died,” I continue, leaning to read my head against his.
My throat aches and my eyes are heavy from reading to Deidara so long, making a nap sound good. With Nagato still not being home because… I don’t know why. I don’t know when he’ll be home or even if he’ll be home today.
With no promise of sleep anytime soon, I’ve settled on sneaking in a nap before Pain gets home. Which is why I’m slowly pushing Itachi’s bedroom door open. I scan the small neatly cleaned room, no sharingan user in sight.
I slither into the room, quickly weaseling my way into Itachi’s bedsheets. I curl up in his bed, burying my head in the pillows and balling myself up in the sheets.
By the time I’m finally drifting off to sleep, his bedroom door creeks open again. “Kitty?” Itachi’s smooth voice calls out.
“Tachi?” I call back, not bothering to move from my spot.
My call is answered by his arms wrapping around me, gently shimming me over in the sheets. “Hello, Kitten,” he hums out, his chest pressed into mine as he settles in my arms.
Once again, the mass murderer doesn’t live up to the things he’s done proven this time by Itachi always ending up being the small spoon. My fingertips knot into his hair, softly massaging his scalp as his body relaxes around my touch. Soft sounds bubble from the boy as I toy with his hair, the noises getting buried in my chest.
Kisses mix with the pleased mumbles, Itachi’s lips softly brushing against my chest and the front of my neck. His hands cling to me, hooked on my back as his slim fingertips dig into my spine. “Kitty, kitty, kitty,” he praises in his way, the nickname drawn out by the growing sleep in his voice.
“Itachi, Tachi, Tachi,” I coo back, returning his kisses to the top of his head. His hands dance over my back, skipping up my back before sliding back down. “What are you thinking about, Crow Boy?” I mumble, letting my fingers go still as I bury my head into his hair.
“You smell like cherry blossoms,” he whispers into my skin, ghosting his nose over my neck. His lips chase his nose, his mouth as set on remembering the feeling of my skin as it was before my trip. “And your voice seems strained. Would you like some water?”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to get up.”
My denial is ignored, Itachi pressing a few kisses harder against my throat before he wiggles out of my hold. He vanishes from the room, leaving me alone for a few minutes before returning with a glass of water.
The click of the glass being set down fills the room before gentle hands wrap around me, carefully sitting me upright. Itachi’s eyes are soft, scanning every body movement despite his sharingan being inactive. When he’s satisfied with my posture his eyes flicker away from me, grabbing at the glass again. It’s held to my lips, carefully tipped back as he hydrates me like I’m a baby bird. “Better?” He murmurs, pecking my lips.
“Better,” I mutter back against his lips.
Itachi pulls away from me, being apart long enough to curl up in my arms under the sheets again. This time his head settles over my heart, his ear being pressed against it to keep track of the gentle patter of the organ. A beat or two passes before his arms snake up, wrapping around my wrist before leading my hand back to his hair.
I silently laugh at the soft man, wrapping a couple of strands of hair around my fingers. I toy with Tachi, playing with his locks, massaging his scalp, and littering his head with kisses. “Are you asleep?” he mumbles against me, quickly following the question with a kiss.
“Not yet, Tach.”
“Am I making it hard for you to sleep?”
“No,” I hum, using my hold on his hair to tip his head backward. I litter his face with kisses, placing every other kiss on his lips. “Don’t worry so much,” I coo, landing a string of kisses on his lips before letting him settle back in place.
Itachi’s hands slide around to my back again, slipping under my shirt to feel my skin against the pads of his fingers. “I can leave so you can sleep.”
“Itachi,” I mutter a little harsher this time. “Just… be quiet. If I didn’t want to take a nap with you I would have left already.”
“Okay,” he husks out, hands tightening around me. I swear, I don’t know who’s needier - Itachi or Deidara. Though, if Tachi had his way I’m pretty sure he would have climbed into my skin by now. “Are you asleep yet?” He whispers, lips brushing against me again.
“Itachi, my dear,” I sigh, running my hands through his hair again. I guess I won’t be getting my nap until he falls asleep.
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peppercornpress · 2 years
Kimi no Tonari — by Butterfly Cafe (Mamu)… is a freakin’ Masterpiece.
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This is my NaruHina book report that NOBODY asked for. But... I can't help myself. Link to BOOK. I just can’t keep quiet about this one!!
The story takes place almost a decade after the fourth shinobi war where Naruto is in his late twenties and bemoaning single life. Naruto started to hang out around Team 8 several years before the start of the story… just coincidentally mingling with peers who are still single, and finds himself particularly drawn toward Hinata’s company. Except—This is an AU where Naruto flat-out dumps Hinata after the Pein-attack, and Hinata is haunted by his blunt words of rejection. To complicate matters, Naruto doesn’t remember ever rejecting her and is confused and frustrated whenever Hinata LOUDLY and REPEATEDLY friend-zones him.
Why I think this is a masterpiece:
A super simple premise that's executed perfectly. Best Friends to Lovers Trope (Idiots to lovers, more like). Mutual Pining.
Witty, snappy, and FUN dialogue. So many laugh-out-loud moments.
Artful use of flash-forwards gives the reader a peek into an upcoming scene that sets the tone for the chapter.
A slow-burn romance with WONDERFUL pacing!!!!
A really good fight!!!!! A well-earned, and well-overdue couples-fight!!! Naruto and Hinata spend way too much time together, so the big fight they have that changes their relationship in the middle of this story is EPIC. BRUTAL. INSANE. They both call each other out and say things that cut DEEP. And more importantly, the way they make up and talk things out felt really realistic. There are holes in their arguments, and they brush things under the rug a bit, highlighting how hard it is for friends to become lovers. It also sets them up for their last and final misunderstanding that ultimately leads to them finally talking things out and confessing toward each other. It makes their final scenes together so satisfying.
Hilarious OC characters that test the couple’s patience/relationship. (Hinata's goofy admirer? Naruto's bothersome fangirls? The flamboyant shopkeeper that sells sexy dresses? They're a riot! I loved them!!)
CHARACTER GROWTH!!! Rewarding character growth!!
TEAM 8 being FED UP with both Naruto and Hinata. Kiba was the real MVP of this story. Honestly, HE should be Hokage. HUMPH!!!
Throughout the story, Naruto keeps saying 'My place is by your side' to Hinata (Title of this book). In the beginning, it sounds platonic... especially since he says it to highlight what great friends they are. But the more Naruto says it, the more impactful and romantic it gets as their relationship changes over the course of the story.
The ending is beautiful. I know it must be really hard to end a slow-burn love story, but this one just sticks the landing.
Mamu's known for her other slow-burn BFFs-to-Lovers fic you can read on her Pixiv account for free, but this one is like... a more refined version of that story. The ending especially is what makes this fic shine~!!
Here’s Mamu’s PIXIV-available story that is similar to ‘Kimi no Tonari’… but it’s set right after Naruto get’s his prosthetic arm, so blank-period NaruHina. Bff to lovers.
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charbon-et-eau · 3 months
Hoenn boys brainrot is still going strong. I should have some new art to share next week. In the meantime, I was rambling about some headcanons on aethy and figured I'd share them here too.
If you're interested in my top/bottom and sexuality headcanons for Steven/Wallace/Brendan, they're below the cut. <3
When the Hoenn boys brainrot started, I quickly decided that Steven was 100% a top, whether he's with Brendan or Wallace. Seemed like the obvious conclusion to me. So it was very surprising when I started looking at fanart on pixiv and bottom Steven seemed to be much more common with all of his ships except Brendan.
I was wondering why this is. I've noticed that a lot of people like to make Steven their silly autistic babygirl and I guess that makes him a bottom by default? Idk. I think he's silly and autistic too, but I don't think that automatically translates to bottom. But another thing I've noticed is that many people make their fav character in a ship the bottom. One of the daimiku shippers on pixiv clearly adores Wallace and draws him a bit more than Steven, and they LOVE drawing Wallace getting absolutely destroyed. On the other hand, bottom Steven fans tend to focus on Steven more. I guess people prefer to see their favs getting wrecked instead of the other way around. Makes sense.
And I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons why a lot of people prefer bottom Steven. Everyone interprets and plays with characters differently. These are just some of the more common trends I've noticed.
As for my headcanons, Steven is a rich CEO's son who was most likely taught how to be in charge and probably didn't hear the word "no" very often, so being in control comes naturally to him. He canonically likes to play with people and see their reactions, and he can also be a bit arrogant (thinks he's "the best there is" and has a habit of taking on important tasks himself instead of asking for help). When he finds someone or something he likes, he can be VERY intense about it. All of these things translate well to being a top imo.
As for Wallace, he's a switch, but he prefers being a loud, dramatic, slutty bottom. This man is an overachiever - being hot, doing contests, being a gym leader and helping Steven keep his privilege in check. In the bedroom, he just wants to turn his brain off and let someone else be in control. However, he'll happily top Brendan when he's in the mood and Steven's busy.
Brendan is a bottom for now simply because he lacks experience. Wallace will teach him how to top eventually though. And then Brendan can be a switch.
Now for the sexuality headcanons.
Steven is one of the few male characters that I hc as 100% gay (I make most characters bi disasters like me). He has zero interest in women.
Before his dad realized that he was gay, he would set Steven up with random women that he met through work, telling Steven to take them home and show them his rock collection, *wink wink*. So Steven would invite them over, show them his rock collection, and then say good night and politely ask them to leave once it got late. Wallace almost died laughing when Steven told him about this. Everything eventually made sense when Steven invited Wallace over for the same reason, but they didn't actually look at the rocks until the next morning... after a very passionate night of sex.
Wallace is bi with a heavy preference for men, like 90% men, 10% women. He has a deep appreciation for the beauty and elegance of women, thinks they're all queens, and would happily have sex with one. But after a wild night at the club, he's probably taking a guy home.
Brendan is also bi with a slight preference for men, like 60-40. Due to his daddy issues and mommy kink, he tends to be more attracted to people who are older than him. He's slightly more aware of his attraction to men, especially after meeting Steven, until he starts spending time with Glacia. Brendan is a hot mess around Wallace since he is the most intoxicatingly gorgeous combination of masculine and feminine energy. It doesn't help that Wallace will mercilessly flirt with Brendan any chance he gets.
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pathfinderunlocked · 6 months
Girl in the Red Dress - CR9 Undead
Painful memories, you see…they're the funniest of them all…
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Artwork by Fennuo0V0 on Pixiv.
Many undead live out an existence of unending misery as their tragic deaths replay over and over. Not so for the girl in the red dress, who despite being a victim of murder by an overly excited culprit, seems to be extremely pleased spending her eternity inflicting the suffering on others that she felt herself. She turns her ballet of death and gore into a bright red party, and everyone is invited.
This creature was inspired by Sachiko Shinozaki, the main villain of Corpse Party.
See also the lower-level Young Girl in the Red Dress, a CR 6 monster.
Girl in the Red Dress - CR 9
Dancing barefoot on blood-slicked floors, the young girl in the tattered red dress laughs hauntingly.
XP 6,400 CE Medium undead Init +11 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13 Aura stench (DC 21, 5 rounds)
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 10 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge); +2 vs. good hp 114 (12d8+60) Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +10; +2 vs. good Defensive Abilities bloodspattered dress, channel resistance +4 Immune undead traits
Speed 30 ft., slide (see text) Melee scissors +16/+11 (1d3-1 plus 4d8 bleed plus blood skate) Special Attacks blood skate, terrifying laughter (60 ft.; DC 21)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +17)     Constant—protection from good
Str 8, Dex 24, Con —, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 21 Base Atk +9; CMB +8; CMD 26 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +19, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +13, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +21 Languages Common, Necril
Blood Skate (Ex) When the girl in the red dress damages an enemy with her scissors attack, the target immediately takes the listed bleed damage (typically 4d8), and the blood begins to swirl around the girl in the red dress's feet. Until the end of the girl in the red dress's next turn, any 5-ft. spaces she steps on and any adjacent spaces become slick with blood, acting as the grease spell (DC 21), except that girls in the red dresses are immune to this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Bloodspattered Dress (Su) Once per round, whenever a creature within 10 ft. of the girl in the red dress takes bleed damage, the girl in the red dress restores an equal amount of hit points and gains a +1 enhancement bonus to her armor bonus to AC, treating her dress as armor that grants no AC bonus and enhancing it with the blood. This bonus lasts for 10 minutes and stacks with itself, but not with other enhancement bonuses, to a maximum of +5.
Slide (Ex) The girl in the red dress can move without penalty across areas of grease, ice, and similar effects, and her movement speed is doubled on such areas. As her Blood Skate ability creates such areas adjacent to any space she steps, including in front of her, this typically doubles her movement speed when using Blood Skate.
Terrifying Laughter (Su) Once per minute, the girl in the red dress can unleash a terrifying laugh as a move action. The laughter lasts until the beginning of the girl in the red dress's next turn. All creatures within 60 feet of the girl in the red dress when she begins to laugh, as well as all creatures that end their turn within that radius, must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be terrified for 1 minute.
Terrified creatures drop their held items, are shaken, cannot willingly approach the girl in the red dress, and must use their move actions to flee from it. They can only use their voice to scream in terror, and thus cannot perform any action that has a verbal component. Effects that prevent or removed the panicked condition also prevent or remove the terrified condition.
The save is required only once per laugh. Those who succeed at their saving throws need not save against the same girl in the red dress's terrifying laughter for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting sonic fear emotion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
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can i get uhhhhhhh (pauses for 20 million years) familial/platonic fuuta kajiyama (milgram) + ena shinonome + akito shinonome (project sekai) (they are SIBLINGS. to ME.)
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Characters: Fuuta Kajiyama, Ena Shinonome & Akito Shinonome
Fandoms: MILGRAM | Colorful Stage: Project Sekai
Relationship: Familial
Submitted by Anonymous!
Damn, that's a long pause 😂 You good??
Back to the post, Akito is my absolute favourite in Project Sekai, so it's a nice surprise to see him here!! Not to mention that they look like they could be siblings!! Ena really missed out by not having ginger hair lol
Also, just from these pictures, I like to imagine Ena sends Fuuta pictures of their day to day life, and more often than not it's at Akito's expense, which makes Fuuta laugh XD
This was refreshing, thank you for sharing!
The amount of people I saw shipping Ena and Akito has scarred me though
Ena and Akito art drawn by htsakuto!!
Unfortunately, I found the image on zerochan and Pixiv won't load on my phone for me to try and find them. But if you manage to, show them some appreciation!!
(I'll see about looking for them on pc tomorrow)
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maiji · 7 months
Me elsewhere
I've been reducing my tumblr activity for a while, and the recent goings-on do not inspire me to reverse course.
For now I'm still around and keeping an eye on things, but for obvious reasons I have been extremely unmotivated to post any of my work here. I'm definitely very actively making stuff though! If you're interested in my art, comics, writing, poetry etc. you can find me at:
🌼 humangray.com: my own site! It will have links to where I am active. At present two of my most active online presences are Pillowfort and Mastodon.
🛌 Pillowfort: I've been here for a few years, and it's my favourite social media site to post stuff on right now. It's quiet and cozy, so don't expect the environment of a roaring corporate algorithm/monetize-the-users-and-interaction-driven platform, which is probably exactly why I like it so much. (People often compare it to ye old LiveJournal experience, and while it is its own thing in a different day and age, I do feel and get the comparison.) It's one of the few places where I find it relatively seamless to post individual images, comics, and long walls of text. I also greatly appreciate their mission, values and policies a lot. The more I live the more I want to be, and am trying to be, more mindful about the kind of world I want to support with my time and energy, so that is a big deal to me. (If you're interested in checking Pillowfort out and need an invite link, feel free to drop a message into my askbox! If I've got any invites at the time I'll send you one!)
🐘 Mastodon: I went to Mastodon when Twitter started going (majorly) sideways, mainly looking for a place to follow science and healthcare news in a digestible bits-and-bites kind of experience. I appreciate the concept of the decentralized approach and how proactive the administration can be on some instances to create a safe space for their users. Again, there's a coziness to it that I appreciate. I ended up really liking like the instance I'm on, and also really enjoying the interactions I've been able to have. Lots of interesting people and lots of interesting things cross my feed every day, and I've already fallen into the habit of spamming friends with links of things I see there. Which is like the grand tradition of social media!
Meanwhile, with regards to stuff on tumblr, I'm scratching my head a little on what to do with North Bound.
The way things are shaping up, I'm not likely to post new parts on tumblr at present, but if I post them elsewhere, I may still link to them from the masterpost.
What I'm not sure about is the linking back to tumblr posts for the older parts. While the existing art, comics, stories, are already available elsewhere, so much of the original commentary only exists here. They're not really essential to the work, I suppose, but I still get a laugh out of reading my notes sometimes.
Anyways, North Bound is still very much an active project at present, and if you're interested in it, follow me on Pillowfort (or Mastodon, but it'll probably be on PF first) for updates! And/or keep an eye on the non-tumblr links in the masterpost, mainly AO3 and Pixiv, where bulk updates will be collected.
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measlyfurball13 · 9 months
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A slideshow compilation of all the major characters I've ever created!
Photo credits:
First image of Blisk is from a personal IRL friend of mine, whom I commissioned back in, jeez, maybe 2016?
Images of Adrian and his power armor were done by the ridiculously talented @codylabs! The amount of detail he squeezed into this commission is just insane. He's no longer taking commissions at all but you all should definitely go follow him if you like what you see.
Watercolor image of A-35 was done by a lovely redditor a long time ago who has since deactivated their account. I will never forget their kindness.
Image of Adrian and Blisk laughing together is done by the incredible, the wonderful, the lovely @citrucee!! It's still one of my favorite commissions ever- Citrucee is such a specialist with color and expression and tackled my unusual character designs without fear. I'm unsure if he's currently taking commissions but if you like what you see you should definitely ask him!!! You should also follow him.
Images of Aliyah and Anancit are from some absolutely ancient doll maker on a website I have now forgotten and is not art that belongs to me.
Alphara is from a picrew and is not art that belongs to me.
Omegon is from a picrew and is not art that belongs to me.
Image of Father was done by the insanely incredible @vicarfriedrich!! The shading in this piece continues to boggle my mind to this day. This artist's stylized but realistic grasp of human anatomy is just incredible. This artist regularly takes commissions, but they take commissions through a strange website since they're Russian, so just a heads up. Definitely do get in contact with them though if you want something like this!
Image of Hayes is from a picrew and is not art that belongs to me.
The image used for Suna and Mindy's slide was one that I found on tumblr uncredited. Reverse image search shows the art to be from this artist on Pixiv!
Image for Tenumbra is from some costume website lmao
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taralen · 1 year
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘!
I am a fantasy artist and writer based in the USA. This blog is mostly for my art and for sharing others' art. Sometimes, I'll post writings, musings, or theories about a work of fiction that I think warrants some in-depth analysis. I don't have any separate blogs, as I don't see the point in making them. I struggle with a lot of mental health conditions, so I'm really unstable but congenial. Hope you don't mind! Trust me, I am no threat to the public at large! I love making others laugh and smile, so why not just laugh at me, with me? The subject of this blog is primarily art and writing. I do not repost memes if they have nothing to do with either of these two categories.
If you're looking for specific tags, please use this guide:
#my art - Use this tag to filter posts showing only stuff drawn by me
#my writing - Similar to the above but just for writing I've done.
#musings - Random thoughts, journal posts, or ramblings, aka actual "blog" posts.
#merch haul - Posts related to collectibles I've obtained that I want to share with others.
#not my art - Filter posts to only show art I've reblogged by other people.
You can find me in a few other locations, but I'm only going to list my active ones here.
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/taralen For most of my completed pieces. The only sketches you'll find here are for clients who commissioned sketchy pieces.
Myfigurecollection: https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/Taralen For my figure and hobby-related stuff (doujin, merch, etc.) I sometimes build my own figures (aka Garage Kits.) I've been collecting valuables since I was a kid, so you can consider me an experienced collector. Have questions to avoid getting scammed? I'm the one to poke!
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3540237 [[JP Only. Also 18+ but censored.]]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/taralen Uncensored 18+ options, Hi-res versions, process compilations, and original pieces (usually concept art) I don't upload publicly.
Discord: [[Private]] I love meeting new people, but I would rather speak to someone privately on here first before I share this. I'm extremely chatty, so be warned!
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/Taralen I'm the least active on here, but I might as well include it.
DNI IF YOU: Nothing offends me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) JK I am a very curious and open-minded person. If you have views that don't align with mine, we might not have the best conversation, but it can certainly be an enlightening or interesting one! What are my views? Well, we learn these things from each other through polite conversation. Exposing myself to different lifestyles and opinions is enriching. Who knows? Even a hateful individual might change their mind when speaking to someone with kindness and understanding. I'm open to being followed, messaged, etc., by just about anyone, even people who I vehemently disagree with, UNLESS: ❎ You've committed or condoned acts of animal, child, elderly, or disabled person abuse/assault. We don't need slimes like that anywhere. Anyone that harms real innocents is a piece of human scum, regardless of whether or not they fit the categories I listed. ❎ You're just trying to sell some sex service to me. Sorry, but I am not interested. ❎ Condone or committed acts of necrophilia on deceased humans or animals. Seriously, what the $%^& is wrong with you? ❎ You are a stalker. Kind of obvious, but I had one in the past, so don't act like I forgot. 8^)
If you have similar interests, feel free to message me or ask me questions. I am lonely, so it's nice to talk to new people now and then. If you think my ideas, "headcanons," or interpretations are stupid, then that's fine. I don't expect everyone to like them. It is what it is.
Any and all reblogs are appreciated. If you repost my stuff like, say, on Reddit, please give credit and link back to the source, whether it be here or somewhere else. I always like seeing my work shared.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
My only real concern about AI fics is that if the tags were also generated by AI, we'd get flooded with incoherently tagged garbage and the abuse team would have to go through and slap chose-not-to-warn on a bunch of barely comprehensible junk.
If they're uploaded by a human who adds suitable tags, I don't see any issue. People would either read them for a laugh or filter them out, the way we've always done with bad fic.
I could see some value in requiring AI fics to be tagged as such, the way Pixiv does with AI art, but banning them entirely sounds like too much effort for too little gain.
There are potential problems, but I think we should see what real problems they cause. Only then will we know what rules we need for sure to handle them.
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